Directory of the city of Macon and county gazeteer of Bibb County, for 1884


FOR 1884.
by the
No. S2 South Broad Street, Atlanta, Ga.,
Tyler, Tex.; Gainesville, Marietta, Griffin, Barnesrille, Rome, Cartersville, Columbus, Macon, Ga.; Birmingham, Ala.; Greenville, S. C.; Charlotte and Wilmington, N. C.; and others South and West.


Atlanta, Geoegia ; .

. .

" It- bwfoon, Book clnd Job Printer, 32 s'. Broad Streets, i . '

1 8 8 4.

In presenting our patrons with the City Directory for 1884

we desire to state that special pains have been taken to make

a work reliable and thoroughly representative of the City s

enterprise, progress, etc. That there are some errors, we do

not doubt, as it is absolutely impossible to avoid them in a

work of this kind; but it is a source of pride to know that

they are few in number and of small import, and do not de

tract in the least from the value of the book. As to how the

present work compares with former Directories of the City, is

left with the public. The present volume contains 5,097 white and 3,703 colored

names, making a total of 8,800. The directory for 1873 con

tained 4,845 white and colored names, giving an increase since

that date of 3,955. To get at the population, our figures are
multiplied by 3, which gives the City a population of 26,400.

This, we will state, is a low estimate, many other cities using

o%, and 4 as their multiple. Atlanta, for instance, uses 4 and

New York 2%. This large increase is due to two causes--actual growth of

the City, and the thorough system of canvass for names, every

effort being made to get every name. In conclusion, we desire to thank our patrons for the encour

agement which the ennterprise has received at their hands,

and will state that it is our intention to make the City Direc

tory of Macon a permanent institution, and will publish it

regularly hereafter.




Macon, Ga., 1884.



*%-F0R 99 CENTS !-

"Warranted, to Too ITew and. 3Praet oo4 ;

Toilet Sets, 3 pieces, Vases, all colors, Ink Stands, Iva Stands, Smokers' Sets, Clocks, China Cups, Bowl and Pitcher, Large Oiled Chromo, Lamps, 7 in. Shade, Glass Sets, Mirror, 14x24, Albums, Ladiee' Neck Chains, Ladies' Sets, Rings and Lockets, Watch Chains, Cuff Buttons & Studs, Plated Spoons,

PiatedlKnlves, " Forks, " Castors, " Mugs, " Butter Dishes, " Sugar Bowls, Cake Baskets,
Accordeons, Violins, Banjos and Harps, Valises, Trunks, Companions, Stand Work Baskets, Lunch Baskets, Shopping Baskets, Market Baskets, Children's Chairs, Clothes Hampers, Brackets,

Wall Pocket*. Hat Racks, Book Shelves, Picture Frames, Umbrellas, Bird Cages, Wagons, Hammocks, Ladies' Lap Boards, Rocking Chairs, Spy Glasses, Opera Glasses, Pianos, Tool Chests, Rocking Horses, Wheelbarrows, Plate Mirrors, Meerschaum Pipes, Dolls.

This is only a very small portion of the Goods kept at the 99 Cent Store. Call and examine. Orders by mail, when ac companied by cash, will receive prompt attention.
CURTIS & BELL, Proprietors,
122 Second Street, MACON, GA.


Office and Dispensary, No. 3i Whitehall Street, Up

Stairs in Centennial Building, near White

hall Street Railroad Crossing.




THIRTY YEARS in successful treatment of all Chronic
Diseases, in either sex, and various complicated old standing diseases upon which others have failed, guaranteeing a cure
in curable cases. Cures Syphilis in all its stages, Blood, Skin
and Lung Diseases. Catarrh in all its forms, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Dicers,
Cancers, Stomach, Liver and Bowel Affections, Piles and Fis tula. Kidney, and all Affections of the Drinary Organs, Womb Diseases, and all Diseases peculiar to Females. Also, Opium and Morphia Habit, Drunkenness, etc.
All with safe and pleasant remedies, and without Mercury,
Poisonous or Nauseous Doses. At the patients' homes, anywhere, (he furnishes Medical
Advice, Medicine, etc., through mail or express), if desired, or, if the case requires it, takes patients under his personal supervision in Atlanta.
Mail to him a full history and statement of your affliction,
symptoms, etc., and postage for his reply and his terms, etc., or come to Atlanta and consult him in person.




Johnson Miss Emily A., res W. G. Johnson Johnson J. W., elk So Express Co., bds J. B. Dense Johnson N. B., of N. B. Johnson & Bro., bar and bil
liards, res Boundary st, bet Third and Fourth Johnston W. B., Prest Cotton States Life Ins Co.,
res 2 Georgia ave Kessler Prof. J., musician, res 93 Spring st Lavender L., wks Collins Mfg Co., res sandy bottoms Mack Alfred, of Mack Bros., dry goods, res Mrs. Jacob
King Mack Simon, of Mask Bros.,`dry goods, res Mrs. Jacob
King Martin J. E., drummer J. C. Van Syckel, bds Brown's
Hotel Matthews A. F., moulder M. <fc W. Shops, res 60
Elm st McGregor James, salesman M. Nuesbaum & Co., bds
Brown's Hotel Moore S. C., salesman Tinsley, Bros. & Co., bds A. J.
Orr Primitive Baptist Church, Windsor Hill Read Kirsch & Nelson, dealers in lumber, on page 7
instead of Kirsch & Lewis. See page 333 Rockwell MissBarah, res Miss Julia Craft Smith Eugene, elk E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R., res 62
Elm st Solomon's Brick Yard, se limits, 2 miles Speight Miss Georgia, res C. T. Ward Walters Miss Melinda, res Mrs. S. J. Walters Walters Mrs. S. J., wid, res 28 Madison st White Miss Mamie, res J. S. Schofield Wood C. M., 1st lieut police, res 52 Ross st



PILES, PRURITUS, or` Itching Piles"




M To tli ALfTiioted. Y MISSION IS TO CURE THE AFFLICTED. My practice is of a special character. The diseases I treat and cure are such as the general practice have iailed to cure, except by cruel and barbar us methods The medical profession of the world, as a rule, cannot cure piles except with the knife or ligature, and even then the disease is more than apt to return.
I have perfected a system of treatment for this disease--Piles-- that never fails. So certain am I of this that 1 offer a reward of a thousand dollars for a case of Piles that 1 canno cure. The treatment is simple and almost painless, when compared with the old method, and is assure as that you are living.
I offer you my services at very reasonable rates for the treatment and cure of Piles .Fistula, Fissure in Ano, Polypus Recti and Rectal Ulcer, the last of which, though a fearful malady, from which thou sands of our people suffer and die, is, as a mystery, hidden to nearly all physicians to an extent inexcusable in this age. Isay boldly that any physician, be he who he may, if as wise as Solomon, and douots the existence of Rectal Ulcers, as a now very common and life-destroy ing malady, and who, after reading this paper, sneers at its contents in regard thereto, or makes light of this malady when he can see the monster, but will not, is not tru-i to his profession, to his pairons and to his race. A moral coward, groping his way In the dark, not will ing to come like a man, in the power of his might, and show me my error, or confess his entire ignorance of what lean show him to be true. I am always ready to do this for the good of suffering humanity and to make wiser physicians.

A. Few Testimonials.

Atlanta, Ga., August 26,1878.--Dr. F. F. Taber, Atlanta, Ga.--Dear

Sir: It affords me pleasure to bear testimony to your skill in treating

hemorrhoids. I have been a sufferer tor twenty-two years from this

disease,-nd for sixteen years of that time have had ao relief except

that derived from the use of cold water, till you took my case in hand.

To-day, thanks to your skill, I am entirely cured, and my general

health is better than it has been for years. I shall never cease to (eel

grateful to you, or to use my influence with those who may be suffer

ing in a similar manner. Very sincerely and gratefully yours,


General Agent Singer Sewing Machine Cc., Atlanta, Ga,

Augusta, Ga., October 16, 1882.--l am happy to be able to tell to

all sufferers Irom piles, that I have been soundly cured under the

treatment of Dr. F. F. Taber, of Atlanta, after forty years of intense

suffering and great expense. Dr. Taber will be in Augusta soon, for

the express purpose of treating piles, and I twill cheerfully recommend

the Doctor s skill in the treatment of all rectal disease. Respectfully,


Sleeping Car Conductor 0. C. & A. R.R. formerly of Ga. R.R. Car Shops.

1 guarantee the cure of Piles. I will return every dollar paid me

for treating Plies if I fail to cure you. Consultation free. Bring a

friend with yon to see your case if you fear that I may deceive you.

To laities we will say that you need not fear exposure--there is

none. Why suffer, when you can be made well and happy ? Many do

come and rejoice in cure, lor all are human.

I can say no more than I have said Choose what you please.

Come and be cured--stay away and suffer until death. But remember

this: Your moral duty Is to seek health, and be a joy in your home;

not a sad, helpless invalid. Duty demands this of you. Act, aud

act wisely.

Address with stamp.

F. F. TABER, 31.1), S2 Decatur St., Atlanta, (Ja.


Business Directory. 313 Important Points. 30

Churches, white. 43 Land Owners of Bibb Co... 345

Churches', colored. 44 Libraries. 42

City Court. 25 License and Specific Taxes 22

City Officers. 20 Military, white. 37

Colleges. 41 Military, colored. 39

Congressional Districts...9 to 12 Militia Dist. lines. 32

Council Meeting. 25 Names, white. 45

Courts, Judicial and Coun

Names, colored. 215

ty Officers. 19 Postoffice. 17

Elections. 26 Public Schools. 40

Errata. 6 Societies, white. 32

Federal Courts and Officers 17 Societies, colored. 85

Fire Dep't. 36 State Government. 9

General Assembly.13 to 17 Street Directory.26 to 30


Acuff F. M. Anderson R. J. & Co.

2 23

Hertz J. H.back paster Hines R. IC. 20

Artope T. B. 2 Holmes J P. & W. R. u

Barfield S. B. 5 Ilyus Dr. E. B.10

Bauman G.back: cover JemisonSamH. 14

Billups & Hardeman. Binswanger's Beer Bot. Estab

9 Jones Dr. W. L.back cover Kirsch & Nelson. 333

lishment.card inset Birch J. H. 5

Lawton's Bank. Long J. F.

10 9

Blackshear T. B.back'cover

Blair Alexander.first cover

Branson Oliver. 11

Bryant Champ..18

Bucher Mrs. K. 7

Burke J. W. & Co.


Burr Geo. W.!!. 13

Butts A. G. 10

Macon Commercial College, top of reading pages
Macon Savings Bank...back paster McKay Wm. 20 Mt. DeSales Academy.. 21 National Hotel. 15 Newman & Thorner....!!!.!!!! 7 Obear Geo. S.6

Butts Armand lines Camp & Anderson. 1 Cariing & Brown.card inset

Parmelee S. S.


Park Dr. title

Peschke Ernest. 6

Carnes & Stroemer.back cover

Carroll Dr. W. F. 18

Chase Geo. W..card inset

Cotton States Life Ins. Co. 15

Curtis & title

Daly Jno. M....back cover

DeLoach, A. A. 16

Deming Mrs. A. R.. '


Dunn H. P.14

Dunwody & Schiedeman.. 5

Edgerton House.


Erminger H. B.u

Evening News.


Perkins W.!.!..!...!! 14

Perryman C.. 14

Phillips, I..!!!!!!!!!!!' 323

Physioe W. B.back cover

Pollock M B. 28

Poole I. H..first cover

Reichert F. 22

Roberts & Windham.back cover

Ross John P. 22

Ruhl E. J.9 and back paster

Salter Dr. M. T.


Sargeant E. M. & Co.12

Schoneman F. A.1

Fairbanks C. F..339 and 341 Farquhar A. B. & Co. 17 Ford W. W. & G. J. 26 Ga. Music House.24 and 8

Setley & Green.


Southern Hotel.15

Southern Copj ing Co.26

Strayer Dr, R. F.


Gate City Sewing Machine Ex

Stroberg C. J.44

change.first paster

Gibson Dr. W. C.


Glaser Mrs. A.!!....!!!!!!!!. 22

Good wyn & Small.card insert

Griffin News.


Guerry Homer. ' is

Gustin & Hall.5

Hardeman Jno. L..'...,!!!!!!!! 18

Subers Dr. J. J.


Telegraph and Messenger..!!!. 3

Thomas N. L.10 and 26

Washington H. V.


Wilcox Frank outside'end

Wood Thomas.


Woodruff D. B.first cover Wright Dr. D. S. o

Hendrix & Willingham,, lines Wylie W. A...first cover

Battle Rev. A. J., prest Mercer University, res Tatnall square
Bibb Loan and Building Association, Geo. W. Burr, Sec and Treas
Blue H. A., city elk, bds Brown's Hotel Brown Magruder, res F. L. Brown Brown W. W,, postmaster, res Wharf st, bet Sec
ond and Academy Butler Rufus, carpenter, res nr Warren's Chapel, E.
Macon Cannon John, foreman S. W. R. R-, res nr Collins
Mfg Co Catholic Knights of America, F. J. M. Daly, Prest.;
Hugh McKervey, Secy Corbett W. P., delivery elk postoffice, res W. W.
Brown Crockett O. H., res E. Crockett Davis Miss Annie, res 93 Spring st Durden Miss Susie, res Fort Hill, E. Macon Ellis Mrs. M. E., groceries, New Houston road Foy Robert, boiler mkr Scofield's foundry, bds W. T.
King Goodson Miss Lizzie, res Mrs. Mary Goodson Goodson Mrs. Mary, wid, res 56 Elm st Goodson Miss Mary, res Mrs. Mary Goodson Goodson Noel, foreman E. T., V. & Ga. R. R, res Mrs.
Mary Goodson Hodges J. O., elk Collins Mfg Co., res 80 Pine st Houser E. J., of Houser Bros., com merchants, res
Fort Valley, Ga Jarrett Robert, tinner J. C, Van Syckel, res Windsor



State Government of Georgia.
Governor--Henry D. McDaniel. Attorney-General-- Clifford Anderson. Comptroller-General--W. A. Wright. Secretary of State--N. C. Barnett. Treasurer--Daniel N. Speer. School Commissioner--Gustavus J. Orr. Librarian--Frank L. Haralson. Commissioner Agriculture--John T. Henderson. Keeper Penitentiary--John W. Nelms.





Chatham. 44,955

Effingham... 5,979



Emanuel... 9,750

Bulloch. 8,053

Bryan. 4.925

Tatnall. 6,985


McIntosh. 6,241

Glynn. 6,497

Wayne. 5,980

Appling. 5,275



Camden. 6,183



Ware. 4,159

Clinch. 4,138

Echols.'. 2,553

Baker. 7,305 Berrien. 6.619 Brooks. 11,727 Calhoun. 7,024

.-- ....

mmi i WILLINGHAM Burols-TuppuEs






Clay... 6,650

Colquitt. 2,527

Decatur . 19,071

Dougherty. 12,622

Early. 7,605

Lowndes. 11,049

Miller. 3,720

Mitchell. 9 392

Quitman. 4,392

Randolph. 13,341

Terrell. 10,451

Thomas. 20,598

Worth. 5,892


Coffee. 5,070



Dooly. 12,413



Telfair. 4,828

Montgomery. 5,381

Laurens. 10,051

Pulaski. 14,058



Houston. 23,251

Macon. 11,675



Schley. 5,302



Stewart. 13.998

Lee. 10,567


Taylor.. 8,597 Talbot. 14 117

Marion... 8,598



Muscogee...s. 19,324 Harris.. 15,758 Heard. 8 769

Troup. 20,565




Coweta. Carroll.

Clayton.. DeKalb... Fayette. Fulton. Henry. Newton.. Rockdale. Spalding. Walton. Campbell. Douglass.

Crawford. U pson. Pike. Monroe. Twiggs.*.. Wilkinson. Jones.
Baldwin. Butts. ' Jasper....

Bartow. Catoosa. Chattooga. Dade. Cobb. Floyd. Gordon..
Whitfield. Murray. Polk. Paulding..
Haralson. Walker....



PopuUition. .... 10.109 .... 16,901
8,028 14,497 8.605 46,126 14 193 13,619 6.838 12,585 15,622 9,979 6,934
27146 8.656 12.400 15.849 18,808 8,918 12.061 11,613 12,998 8311 17.849
18,690 4,793
10 021
4 701 20,746 24,418 11 167 11,899 8,268 17,952 10,887 5,974 11,055

COAL! ARMAND L. BUTTS. Office 115 Third Street.


Putnam. Greene. Morgan. Oconee. Clarke. Oglethrope. Wilkes. Elbert.
Madison.... Hart. Franklin.

.... 14,539
.... 17.547 .... 14.034 ... . 6,349 .... 11702 .... 15 400 ... 15,985
.... 12.957 .... 7,978 .... 9,094 ... 11,453



7 337

Cherokee. 14,345

Dawson. 6,837



Forsyth. 10,559

Gilmer. 8,386

Gwinnett. 19,531

Hall. 15,299 Hahersham... 8,718 Jackson. 16,298 Lumpkin. 6,519 Milton. 6,261 Pickens. 6 790 Rabun.. 4 634 Towns. 3,261 Union. 6 431 White. 5,341


Johnson. 4,800



Banks. 27,128

Glasscock. 3,577



Richmond. 34 665





Washington. 21,964

Warren . 10 885

Taliaferro. 7,034

James S. Boynton, President Griffin. Wm A. Harris, Secretary, Isabella. 1st. District--P. W. Meldrim, Savannah. 2d District--H. C. Parker, Johnston Station. 3d District--S. R. Harris, Jesup. 4th District--James Thompson, Traders' Hall. 5th District--W A. McDonald, Waycross. 6th District--J. D. Knight, Milltown. 7th District--B. J. Norman, Moultrie. 8th District--E. B. Bush, Colquitt. 9th District--Dr. O. H. Paul, Leary. 10th District--James Rouse, Warwick. 11th District--J. G. Parks, Dawson. 12th District--J. P. Walker. Weston. 13th District--J. G. Frederick, Marshallville. 14th District--L. M. Lamar, Hawkinsville. 15th District--T. D. Wilcox, Downing's Mill. 16th District--C. S. Guyton, Dublin. 37th District--T. W. Oliver, Sylvania. 18th District--J. H. Polhill, Louisville. 19th District--A.. S. Morgan, Warrenton. 20th District--F. G. DuBignon, Milledgeville. 21st District--D. W. Hughes, Jeffersonville. 22d District--G. W. Gustin, Macon. 23d District--R D. Smith, Knoxville. 24th District--Thomas De Wolf, Box Spring. 25th District--T. J. Neal, Waverlv House. 26th District--J. S Boynton, Griffin. 27th District--L. F. Livingston, Covington. 28th District--C. George, Madison. 29th District--W. D. Tutt, Thomason. 30th District--Phil. W. Davis, Elberton. . 3lgt District--R. D. You, Avalon
32d District--W. H McAfee, Dahlonega.
33d District--W. I. Pike, Jefferson. 34th District--T. M. Peeples, Lawrenceville. 35th District--S. B. Hoyt, Atlanta. 36th District--George J. Martin, Greenville. 37th District--L. P. Mandeville Carrollton. 38th District--N. N. Beall, Dallas. 39th District--R. A. Eakes, Cumming. 40th District--J. W. Foster, Hiawasse.



41st District--T. F. Greer, Ellijay.

42d District--T. FI. Baker, Cartersville. 43d District--T. R. Jones, Dalton

44th District--M. A. B. Tatum, Trenton.

Louis F. Girrard, Speaker, Columbus. Mark A. Hardin, Clerk. Appling--J. Isham Carter. Baker--W. W Dews. Baldwin--Dr. Mark Johnson. Banks--T. B. Griffin. Bartow--A. M. Fite, C. M. Jones. Berrien--Thomas Paulk. Bibb--W. A. Lofton, C. T. Bartlett, N. E. Harris. Brooks--D. W. Rountree. Brvan--R. F. C Smith. Bulloch--Joseph Wilson. Burke--E A. Perkins, P. D, Cox, Jesse Wimberly. Butts--F. L Walthal. Calhoun--T. P. Greer. Camden--A Wilson (c). Campbell--John J. Camp. Carroll John J. Carroll, John Bonner. Catoosa--W. H. Payne. Charlton--P. M. Co'ursen.
Chatham--Robt. Falligant, J. J. McDonough, Geo. S. Owens.
Chattahoochee--J. E. D. Shipp, Chattooga--J. W. Maddox. Cherokee--W. A. Teasley. Clarke--R. B. Russell. Clay--Robert Thompson. Clayton--R E. Morrow. Clinch--J. L. Sweat.
Cobb--F A. Irwin, J. Y. Alexander. Coffee--Dennis Paulk. Columbia--A. J. Avery. Colquitt--John Tuck er. Coweta-L. R. Ray, W. T. Stallings. Crawford--M. M. Ray. Dade--W. W Jackoway. Dawson--J M. Bishop.
Decatur--Ben E. Russell, J. A, Wilder. DeKalb H. C. Jones, O. Winningham.

Dodge--J. F., DeLacy. Doolyr--L. W. Mobley. Dougherty--Henry McIntosh. Douglas--J. S. James. Early--B. C. Chancy. Echols--D. R. A. Johnson. Effingham --E. E. Foy. Elbert--J. B. Jones. Emanuel--M. Dawson. Fannin--J. A. Alsabrooks. Fayette--J. W. Graham. Floyd -- W. G. Foster, W. W. Brooks, Seaborn
Wright. Forsyth--A. J, Julian. Franklin--O. O. Osborn. Fulton--F. P. Rice, E F. Hoge, W. H. Hulsey. Gilmer--J. C Withrow. Glascock--W. R.,Logue, Sr. Glynn--J E Dart. Gordon--W. R. Rankin. Greene--J. B. Parks, W. R. Wilson. Gwinnett --R. E Mitchell, J. T. McElvany. Habersham --T. S. Davis. Hall--J. E. Redwine, W. H Deaton. Hancock--J. T. Jordan, J. W. Moore. Haralson--J. M McBride. Harris--Wr. S. Wisdom, T. F. Brewster. Hart--A. McCurry. Heard--Thomas W. Awbry. Henry--Charles T. Zachary. Houston--Monroe Gordon, J. M. Gray. Irwin--Jacob Young. Jackson--J. B. Silman, J. B. Hudson. Jasper--J. C. Key. Jefferson--F: A. Sinquefield, James Stapleton. Johnson--M H. Mason. Jones--G. W. F. McKay. Laurens--J; B. Wolfe. Lee--Frank Johnson (c). Liberty--Jesse Brewer. Lincoln--J. W. Barksdale. Lowndes--C. R. Pendleton.



Lumpkin--E. H. Beck. Macon--J. M. DuPree.
Madison--Young A. Daniel. Marion-.-- Short.
McDuffie--Thomas E. Watson. McIntosh--H. Wilson (c).
Meriwether--T. A. Atkinson, J. D. Sutton. Miller--J S. Bush. Milton --T L Lewis. Mitchell--W M Spence.
Monroe--W. H. Head, G. G. Flynt. Montgomery--John McRae. Morgan--Augustus Studdard. Murray--Cicero Howell. Muscogee--L F. Garrard, W. A. Little. Newton--L. L. Middlebrooks. Oconee--F. P. Griffith.
Oglethorpe--C. M Witcher, J. M. McWhorter. Paulding--H C Rich.
Pickens--F. C. Tate. Pierce--W. F. Sweat,
Pike--John Beauchamp, J. F. Redding. Polk--R. W. Everett. Pulaski--S. W. Brown.
Putnam--R. C. Humber, H. A. Jenkins. Quitman--J. J Crumbly. Rabun R. C Cannon.
Randolph--R. F. Crittenden.
Richmond--W. F, Gary, C. A. Robbe, M. V. Calvin. Rockdale--W. L. Peck. Schley--J. D. Murray.
Scriven--R. A Brinson. Spalding--N B, Drewry. Stewart--R F. Watts.
Sumter--H. N. Hawks, W. A. Wilson. Talbot--J. W. Robbins. Taliaferro--B. F. Moore. Tatnall--J B. Glisson. Taylor--J. J. McCants. Telfair--Thomas Eason. Terrell--R. F. Simmons.
Thomas--A. Patton, N. R. Spengler. Towns--John Burch.
Troup--T. C. Crenshaw, W. B. Whatley. Twiggs--J. E. Jones.

DIXIE WORKS. Manufacturers of
_Foot of Cherry Street._



Union--V. M Waldrook.

Upson--B G. McKinney.

Walker--J T. Wood.

Walton--H. A. Carithers, T. J. Robertson.

Ware--Warren Lott.

Warren--C. E McGregor.

Washington--C. R Pringle, H. G. Wright.

Wayne--John G. Rich.

Webster--J. B Hudson. White--S J Kimsey. Whitfield-C. E. Broyles. Wilkes--M. P. Reese, B. F. Barksdale.
Wilkinson--M G Smith. Worth--W. J Ford.

Federal Courts, Officers, etc.

Northern District--6th Judicial Circuit Court con

venes in Atlanta second Monday in March and September. Don A. Pardee, Judge, New Orleans;
Emory Speer, District Attorney. District Court convenes in Atlanta first Monday
in March and September. H. K. McCay, Judge, At

lanta; Emory Speer, District Attorney. Southern District--Eastern Division of the South
ern Judicial Circuit Court convenes in Savannah second Monday in April, and Thursday after first Monday in November Don A. Pardee, Judge, New Orleans; S. A. Darnell, District Attorney.
District Court convenes in Savannah second Tuesday in February, May, August and November.

.Judge ; S. A. Darnell, District Attor

ney. R. D. Locke, Marshal, Macon. Western Division of the Southern District (both
courts) convenes in Macon first Monday in May and

October. Officers same as Eastern Division. Deputy Collector Internal Revenue--W. H. Mc

Whorter, Maeon. Guager--E. F, Clark. Macon. Commissioners--W. W. Brown, John R. Harkins,

E. F. Best.

Macon Post Office.

PostmRster--W. W. Brown. Ass't Postmaster--W. A. Campbell.



Mail Clerk--L. A. Dance General Delivery Clerk and Sup't of carriers--W. P. Corbett. Ass't Mail Clerk--C. L. Yigal.
Paper Clerk--H P. Brimberry.
Carriers--No. 1, J. H. Bickers (c); No. 2, Geo. T. Smith (c); No 3, J. W. May (c) ; No. 4, C. W. Hoilv (c); No. 5, Cass Rozar (c) ; No. 6, M. U. Clark (c).
Porter--Sid Johnson, (c).

8 a. m. to 6 p m ; 7:45 p. m. to 8:15 p.'m. Sunday's, 9 a. m. to 10:30 a. m.
Money Order Department, 8 a. m. to 3 p. m. Not open Sundays.
Railway Service.
Over Central R. R. (Savannah Division) double daily.
Over Central R. R. (Atlanta Division) double daily.
Over Southwestern R. R. (Macon & Montgomery) double daily.
Over Southwestern R. R. (Muscogee Division) Maeon & Opelika, double daily.
Over Georgia R. R. (Macon Division^ Camak & Macon, daily.
Over E. T., Ya. & Ga. R. ,R. (Atlanta Division) daily.
To Clinton, Jones Co., daily; arrives 12 m., leaves 1 p. m.
To Warrior, Bibb Co., semi weekly; leaves Wed nesdays and Saturdays, 6 a. m. and returns 7 p. m.
To Jefferson ville, Twiggs Co., daily; arrives 3 p. m. (except Sunday) leaves 9 am.
Postal Regulations.
Direct your letters to a post office, and if to a city, add the street and number or post-office box.
First Class rates of postage--Letters and all other written matter, whether sealed or unsealed or fasten ed in any manner so that it cannot be examined 2 cts. per half ounce, and each fraction thereof. Postal cards are unmailable with any printed or written matter on the address side, except the superscription.

riA A T f armAND L. BUTTS.


i \ 1 J Office 115 Third Street.



Second Class--Only for publishers and news agents.
Third Class--Printed matter, in unsealed wrappers only (notched envelopes pay letter rates), one cent for each ounce or fraction thereof. This includes books, circulars, chromos, engravings, hand bills, lithographs, magazines, music, newspapers, pam phlets, proof sheets, and manuscript accompanying reproductions by the electric pen or any process ex cept writing and copying press. Limit, four pounds, except one hook, which may weigh more, must be fully prepaid. Matter of this class cannot be re turned or forwarded without additional postage.
Permissible Writing--The name and address of sender, written on inside or outside of package, or marks calling attention to some special passage
Reforwarding--Letters and postal cards forwarded from one office to another on written request.
It is always safest to have packages weighed at post-office, as the postage must be fully prepaid on all except first-class matter.

Courts, Judicial and County Officers*

[Court Rooms, Atlanta] Chief Justice--James Jackson. Associates -- Samuel Hall, Macon; Mark A. Blandford, Columbus. First term convenes second Monday in February; second, first Monday in September.

[Court House, corner Second and Mulberry streets]
Circuit composed of the counties of Bibb, Craw ford and Houston. Court for Bibb county convenesfourth Monday in April and October.
Thos. J. Simmons Judge Macon. John L. Hardeman. Solicitor General, Macon. -Fitzgibbons, Reporter.

Clerk--Albert B. Ross. Deputy Clerk--J. W. Blount. Sheriff--G. S. Westcott.



Ordinary--John A. McManus. Tax Collector--C. B. Massenburg. Tax Receiver--R. J. Anderson. Surveyor--J. C. Wheeler. Coroner--Wm. Hodnett. Commissioners--Geo S. Obear, Ch'm., John In galls, J. B. Giles, J. J. Amazon, W R. Phillips. W G. Smith, Clerk of Board and Ex-officio County Teasurer. Board meets first Tuesday in each month.
City Officers, Etc.
[City Hail, corner Cotton avenue, First and Poplar streets.]


Mayor--Felix Corput..... $1,200

Mayor pro tem.~F. S. Johnson. .

Treasurer--O F. Adams. 1,500

Clerk-H. A. Blue.


Recorder--R W. Patterson. 800

City Attorney--S. H. Jemison. 800

City Engineer--J. C. Wheeler.Fees and 300

City Physician--Dr J. E. Blackshear. 700

Magazine Keeper--R. M. Smith.Fees and 75

Sexton--J. J. Clay. 900

Pump Contractor--H. S. Holder. 750

Bridge Keeper--Paul Henry . 300

Park Keeper--Pat Gallagher. 900

Janitor--Thomas Lumpkin (c). 300

Assessors--W. E. Flanders, J. C. Wheeler, R.

W. Cubbedge, each. 200

Street Overseer--James B. Denton..

First Ward--W. A. Davis, Patrick Peyton, J. G. McCrary.
Second Ward--J. D. Hudgins, A. Proudfit, J. C, Yansyckel
Third Ward--F. S. Johnson, M. T. Johnson, W. R Cox.
Fourth Ward--M. G. Schwed, S. B. Price, H. Horn.
Members receive three dollars for attendance each meeting.
Finance--Hudgins, Price, Schwed, F. S. Johnson,

I'OfiTKAl'TORSand BUILDUPS. Foot of('herry St.



K. T. Johnson. Alderman Cox is to act in lieu of N. T. Johnson during his absence from the city.
Records and accounts -- Vansyckel, Hudgins.
Proudfit. Puolic property--F S. Johnson, Cox Davis. Streets--Davis. F. S. Johnson. Proudfit. Street encroachments--Price Horne, McCrary. Cemeteries--Horne. Price, F. S. Johnson. Market--Proudfit Payton, Schwed. Gaslight--Cox, VanSyckel, McCrary. Hospital and charity--McCrary, Horne, Van
syckel Printing--Payton. Hudgins, Davis. Pumps--N T. Johnson, Cox, Proudfit. Water supply--Hudgins Davis, Peyton. Police--F. S. Johnson, Price, Horne.

President--Dr. J. E. Blackshear, $500. San. Inspector--W. S Stephens, $600. Members--1st Ward, G C. Conner, J. H. Pellew ; 2d Ward, J. G Deitz, J. A. McManus; 3d Ward, R B. Hall, Wm. Taylor; 4th Ward, G A. Dure, Alex Reynolds. Receive $25 per annum each.

Chief--Charles M. Wiley, $1,400. 1st Lieut.--C. M Wood, $900. 2d Lieut.--W A. Wylie, $900. Privates--L. M. Avant, W. W. Baugbn, Thomas Blake, Thos. Brown, W. G. Daniels, D. R. Fennell, H. C. Fennell, J B. Golden, Charles Goodroe, W. W. Henderson, Richard Kanady, E. S. Kimbrew, Charles Moseley, Frank Moseley, Patrick Murphy, J. C. James, W. S Ray Patrick McCafferty. F. P. Yeager, Frank Phillips, Dan Thomas, J. S Martin, (c), Gus Thomas, (c). Receive $7b0 per annum each, and furnish their own uniforms. Impounding Officers--W. S Shirah, Bennett Jones, Watchmen, Barracks (City Prison, rear City Hall). James A. Simpson, J. P. Chapman. Receive $55 per month.

License and Specific Taxes for 1884.

mWohiople!sailee dgryrog0c,'des. ries. $1m0o0 n0o0
Wholesale hats.////;;; ;;;;;;;;;; ^ gg

Retail dry goods, groceries, provisions.

50 00



Wholesale hoots and shoes.


Wholesale and retail hardware. 75 na

lolesale and retail tobacco and cigars. 40 00

Wholesale and retail harness.

nn oo

Carriage repository.

. aa

Wholesale drugs.. .V. .V.V.;;;; ,2 "

House f irmshing goods, wholesale and retail. General mdse, retail. . . .

40 Tr


Shop keepers.. !' * lI! 111 " " 5 gg

Allspheorpsoknesepcearrsrying less than $500 deemed

Furniture, wholesale and retail.

40 00

Retail drugs.nj

Commercial fertilizers.... ,. 95 pn

One horse delivery wagons (except country

miu wagons).

J 15 00

One horse passenger hacks..

15 00

Two-horse passenger hacks.

on aa

Two-horse dray. . 30 00

N hacks allowed to charge over 50 cts. per passenger to any part of the city.

Hucksters, pedlers of any kind (except farm

ers bringing own produce). 25 00 il wagon or dray used in pedling, huckster-

ing drawn by more than one animal. 15 00 JN 0 tax on private vehicles.

Agents selling books, maps, pictures, tax fix ed by Mayor and Council.

Private boarding houses taking transient cus-




Oyster or lunch...

Those not charging over 25 cents per meal classed as lunch houses.

Beer saloon.

Retail bottled beer, not to be drank on prem-

18es-. .....

"" ca nn
25 00
65 00

COAL* armandl. BUTTS.


Office 113 Third St.



"Wholesale beer.$ 25 00

Pin pool tables, each. 50 00

Billard tables, each. 15 00

Ten-pin alleys, each.

15 00

Shooting gallery.

15 00

Stallion or jack. 10 00

Barber shop.

io 00

Blacksmith shop. 5 00

Tannery. 15 00

Meat dealers (fresh) (except farmers). 25 00

Auctioneers. 50 00

Cotton compress. 30 00

Express companies.

200 00

Telegraph companies. 500 00

Telephone companies. 100 00

Cotton factors and warehousemen. 50 00

Cotton factors and warehousemen selling

farming supplies. 50 00

General merchandise, selling liquors in quan

tities of not less than 1 quart or more than

H gallons.

30 00

Liquors in quantities of not less than 4J gal

lons considered wholesale. 150 00

Whisky and malt liquors drank on premises

considered bar-room. 100 00

Druggists selling whisky on prescription.... 30 00


10 00

Gas fitters. 15 00

Water companies. 100 00

Sewing machines. 25 00

Trunk manufactories. ]5 00

Candy manufactories.'. 25 00

Tinware manufacturers. 5 00

Coal dealers.

25 00

Wood dealers. 15 00

Foundries. 50 00

Corn or flour mill. 50 00

Sash and blind factory. 25 00

Lumber dealers..

15 00

Soda water manufacturers. 15 00

Bottling establishments. 15 00



Cotton gin agency.$ 30 00

Real estate agents.... 50 00

Livery stables.75 00

Sale or feed without livery.

40 00

Livery keepers running hacks shall pay regu

lar assessments for each hack.

Wagon yard or sale lot keeper. 15 00 Horse or mule traders. 10 00
Banks (except National). 100 00 Bank agency. 75 00
Brokers, insurance, pawnbrokers, note shavers whether an office or not. 100 00
Daily News and job printing. 50 00 Weekly News and job pringiing. 30 00 Job printing. 25 00
Book bindery. 20 00

Bakery.! " 10 00 Skating rink. 10 00 Carriage repair. 50 00
Dancing teacher. 15 00
Dye house..... 15 00 Has Works.. 200 00 Electric Light Co. 50 00 Ice factory. 30 00 Junk shop..... 75 00

Marble yard. Steam laundry. Undertakers.. Shirt factory.. Knitting factory. Furniture factory. Ttiose shipping or handling goods, bonds, etc. Brokers soliciting trade outside, having an
office in city, deemed wholesale dealers. This does not include dealers in commercial fertilizers.

10 00
10 00
25 00
10 00
5 00
10 00
25 00

Wholesale oils. Insurance Co.'s of any kind here or doing
business through an agent. Bill poster,..
Dogs (including badge).

50 00
40 00
5 00
2 00

Circus performances. 150 00

Circus street parades. 100 00

Theatrical or other performances for profit,

each performance.

5 00


Street drummers. $100 00

Cotton factories (except one on east side river) 50 00

Architects, surveyors and civil engineers.... 10 00


jq qq

Peddlers (other than producers) of poultry,

butter, eggs, vegetables, fruits, etc..' 15 00

Tailors shoemakers, jewelers (other than mer

chants) carpenters (other than contractors),

doing business for themselves. 5 00

House and sign painters. 10 00

Harness manufacturers.

15 00

Cigar manufacturers.'' ' | '' jq qq

Picture frame manufacturers or furniture re

pairers. io 00

Gun or locksmiths. 10 00

Land agents.qq

Steamship agents. 10 00

Ice cream saloons...''' ' ' 10 00

Mattress manufacturers...'' ' ' g qq

Icecream handcarts... ' 25 00

Railroad ticket offices (except regular offices

for sale over their own lim-s). 10 OO'

News butchers running outside, claiming this

city as headquarters. 10 00

Cotton buyers.

5 00

Cotton buyers and shippers. 10 00

Males between ages of 21 and 45 (except firemenl pay $3 street tax.
One and one-quarter per cent, on gross receipts of every insurance company represented by local or itinerant agents.
Itinerant traders subject to Mayor and Council. One and one-fourth per cent, on every $100 of the fair market of real property. One and one-fourth per cent, on all personal prop6rty t
One and one fourth per cent, on banking capital. Brokerage, insurance, stocks etc.

City Court

Convenes at City Hall every morning.

Council Meets Tuesday evenings.



MACOIT A First-class
COMMERCIAL Business School COLLEGE, Equal to any North or South.
Send for Circulars, free.
MACON, GA. W. McKAY, - Principaf.
For Mayor and 12 Aldermen every two years, seoond Saturday in December.
First Ward--Bounded by Second and Cherry streets, including East Macon to limits.
Second Ward--Bounded by Second and Cherry streets to se and sw limits.
Third Ward--Second to Cherry, Cherry to First treets, First street to Washington ave to limits, and sne and nw limits.
Fourth Ward--Troup to Cherry, Cherry to First streets. First to Washington avenue to limits, and nw and sw limits.
Centre of street dividing line. Vote in each Ward.
Streets Running East and West.
Same building, taken as central point corner Second and Mulberry sts.
Notes.-- Streets parallel with Ocmulgee river run in a northeasterly direction.
Stieets from the river out run in a southwesterly direction.
For convenience the streets will be designated as running to main points of compass.
Lamar, Troup Congress, McIntosh, Elbert, Ham mond are continuations of First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth sts; but as they are most generally known by the latter, they are often so designated.
Arch, sixth s of postoffice, from Third to Orange st. Ash, tenth s of court house, from Division st to city limits.

DIXIE WORKS, Ma^uf'clurers of
_Foot of Cherry Street.
Bay, from Grier to intersection of Congress and .Hawthorne st.
Bond, from intersection of Cowles to College st. Boundary, (limits) twelfth s court house, from Di vision to limits. Cherry, first s of court house, from Seventh to Georgia ave. Chestnut, from intersection of Johnson and Sparks to Adams st. Columbus, from intersection of Spring and Oak sts nw to Macon & Western railroad. Cotton avenue, from intersection Second and Mul berry sts sw to limits. Cowles, from S ring to intersection of Bond, bet "Walnut st and Georgia ave. Elm,eleventh s court house from Division to limits. Georgia avenue intersects Mulberry st at Spring, running west to Vineville. Hawthorn, eighth s of court house from city com mons sw to intersection of sw range and Hazel st. Hazel, ninth s of court house from Division to Sparks st. High, from alley bet Spring and New to Orange, bet Cotton and Washington avenues. Jefi^rson, from intersection of Georgia ave and Madison st w to limits. Johnson, from intersection College st and Cotton ave nw to intersection of Sparks. Macon and Western freight depot (C. R. R ), cor Sixth and Pine sts. Magnolia, from Spring to Orange, bet Washington and Georgia avenues. Maple, from intersection of Jackson and Ogle thorpe to Ross st. Mulberry, by county court house, from Fifth, inter secting Georgia ave at Spring st. . Oak, fifth s of court house, from Fifth to intersec tion of Columbus st. Oglethorpe, seventh s court house, sw to limits. Pine, fourth from court house, from Seventh to Orange st.
Plum, third s of court house, from Seventh to Spring st.



Poplar, second from court house, from Seventh to intersection of Washington ave.
Rose, bet wharf and river, from First to cemetery reservation;
Short, from intersection of Columbus and Ross to Johnson si.
Southwest Range, from Fifth to Jackson, bet Ogle thorpe and Hawthorne sts.
Turpin, e from Division st to limits. Tupelo, from Grier to intersection of Hammond and Hawthorne sts. Wall, from Second to Third, bet Cherry and Mul berry sts.
Walnut, first n of court house, running from Sev enth to Orange st.
Washington Ave, from intersection of Spring and Poplar nw to corporate limits.
Wharf, second n court house, from Seventh run ning parallel with Ocmulgee river to First, thence to Orange.

Streets Running North and South.

Adams, w Tatnall Square, from Macon & Western railroad to Boundary st.
Bass, from intersection of Maple and Calhoun to Columbus st.
Calhoun, third w of Lamar, from Maple to Bound ary st.
College, first w of Orange, from Rose Hill Cemetery to Cotton ave.
Congress, continuation of Third to Boundary st. Division, second e Hammand (limits), Hawthorne to Boundary st. Earl, fourth w Orange, from Washington to Cotton ave Elbert, continuation of Fifth, from Oglethorpe to Boundary st. Filth, third e court house, from river to Oglethorpe and sw range. First, first w of court house, from river to Ogle thorpe and sw range. Fourth, second e of court house, from river to Ogle thorpe and sw range. Franklin, first w of Spring, from Wharf to Walnut-

00ALT armandl. BUTTS.

W Wm

Office 113 Third St.



Gilmer, first e Hammond, from Hawthorne to Boundary st.

Grier, second e Division, from city common to Tur pin st.

Hammond, continuation of Sixth, from Hawthorne to Boundary st.

Harris, first e of Division from city common to Turpin street.

Hill, first e of Orange street from Wharf to Walnut street.

Houston road, continuation of McIntosh or Fourth street.

Jackson, second w Lamar from Ogletherpe to Boundary streets.

Johnston, fifth w Lamar from Ash to Boundary



Lamar, continuation of First from Ogletherpe to Boundary street.

Madison, second w Orange from Bose Hill Cemetory to Cotton avenue.

McIntosh, continuation of Fourth to Boundary



Monroe, third w Orange, from limits to Cotton avenue.

New, second w of court house, from Rose to Orange streets.

Orange, from intersection of Wharf and Jones and

Cemetery reservation to a point on Ogletherpe and sw range between First and Second street.

Progress, from Forsyth, between Madison and Mon roe to C. R. R.

Ross, fourth w Lamar, from intersection of Colum bus and Short to Boundary streets.

Second, from river by court house to Ogletherpe street and sw range.

Seventh, filth e court house (limits) from river to Hawthorneis,reet.

Sixth, fourth e of courthouse, from river to Haw thorne street.

Sparks, from Chestnut e and s sides of Tatnall Square to Adams st.



Spring, third w of court house, from river to
Orange st. Tatnall, first w of Johnston and Sparks, from Elm
to Boundary and Chestnut to Oglethorpe sts
Telfair, first w Lamar, from Hazel to Boundary st. Third, first e of court house, from river to Ogle
thorpe and sw range. Troup, continuation of second to Boundary st.

Streets in East Macon,
Bay, first parallel with Ocmulgee river. Fifth or Main, being a continuation of Fifth after crossing river. Milledgeville road, continuation of Fifth or Main.

Streets in Unionville or Southwest Limits*


Columbus road,





Napier's road,



Rose st ave.

Important Points--Locations.
Academy Square, between Walnut and Wharf, and First and Second street.
Blind Asylum, Orange opp. Hight street. Bridges--Public Bridge, crossing to East Macon,, end of w Fifth street; C. R. R. bridge, n end Sixth
street. Bridge Row--that part of Fifth from Walnut to
Public Bridge. Chickamauga Square, Orange and High streets. City Hall, intersection Poplar and First streets and
Cotton avenue. City Barracks (prison) rear City Hall. City Hospital, nw of Collinsville, opp Stingonville. City Common, bounded by Seventh, Central City
Park and Georgia R. R. City Common, foot Hawthorne and n end of Grier
street. Cemetery Reservation, bounded by Walnut and
Spring street, Ocmulgee river and Rose Hill Ceme
tery. Central City Park, bounded by Seventh street,.
Ocmulgee river and City Common,

Central R. R., from nw enter city at a point near Cotton avenue, making a detour to the sou'h, touch ing Boundary at. Jackson and Calhoun, thence l,Y" outside limits end Hammond street, thence between Fifth and Sixth across river at Sixth.
Central R R freight depot, foot Mulberry st. Collinsville suburb (known mostly as Vineville) lies bet Ocmulgee river and Vineville, nw limits. County court house, cor Mulberry and Second sts. County jail, Fourth st, bet Poplar and Cherry sts. E T., Va. & Ga. R. R. enters the city from nw,
running bet Wharf st and Ocmulgee river.. Depot, cor Fourth and Wharf sts.

East Macon, situated across Ocmulgee river, ne from court house, reached by bridge, foot of Fifth st.
Freight depot Georgia Railroad, bet Plum, Poplar, Sixth and Seventh sts.
Georgia Railroad crosses river at a point near Cen tral City Park, entering city at Seventh and Poplar sts, thence into Sixth and Union Depot.

Macon and Brunswick Division of E. T., Va. & Ga. jR. R comes to "Y" in se portion, making a detour e and connecting with division from nw.
Macon Library, cor Second and Mulberry sts. (Strangers welcome.)
Macon and Western shops, cor Seventh and Pine sts.

Macon Armory, Telfair and Jackson, Ash and Elm sts.
Mercer University, bet Adams, Elm and Ash sts. Northwestern common, adjoining Rose Hill Ceme tery and nw limits. Old Court House Square, foot of Mulberry st. Old Cemetery, Poplar, Cherry, Sixth and Sev enth sts.
Postoffice, County Court House, cor Second and Mulberry sts.

Rose Hill Cemetery and Ocmulgee River Cemetery reservation, directly intersected by College st.

Southeast Limits, suburb adjoining Boundary, in

tersected .by First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth,

Sixth and Division sts.




Southwestern Railroad (T). R. R.) enters se limits at Y near Hammond st to Union Depot.
Stinsonville, nw of Vineville branch, opp Collins ville.

Tatnall Square, bet Sparks, Adams, Ash and Ogle thorpe sts.

Troup Hill, situated in se limits.
Union Passenger Depot, cor Fourth and Plum sts. United States Court Room, over Exchange Bank, Cherry st, bet Third and Fourth.

Unionville, or sw limits, suburb at sw cor city limits.

Vineville, suburb nw limits, reached by Cotton, Georgia and Washington aves.
Water Works Rtservoirs, Chickamauga Square and southern limits.

Wesleyan Female College, College street, between Washington and Georgia anvenue.
Windsor Hill, situated se limits.

Militia District Lines in City
Commencing middle of Fourth street at river, run ning up Fourth to Cherry, up Cherry to First, up First to Cotton avenue, up Cotton avenue to the foot of the old Macon & Western de^ot, turning to left over hill between Dr. Hammond and Mt. DtSales Academy, extending on a line with Columbus street to limits. All north 564 dis*rict, W. A Poe, Justice; all south 716 district, E. C. Granniss, Justice.
Knights of Pythias---Central City Lodge, No. 3, meets Wednesday evenings, at Odd Fellows' Hall, corner Mulberry street and Cotton avenue. A.Gibion, C. C.; Dr. W. R Winchester, K- of R. and S. En dowment rank connected.
I, 0. 0. F.--Franklin Lodge No. 2, meets Thurs day evenings at Odd Fellows'Hall, corner Mulberry street and Cotton avenue. S. H. Singleton, N. G.; C. J. Stroberg, Rec. Sec'y.
United Brothers--Lodge No. 5, meets at. Odd Fellows' Hall, corner Mulberry street and Cotton avenue, Tuesday evenings. James Boone, N. G.; F. E. Saunders, Sec'y.
Germania Lodge, No. 59, meets Thursday evenings



A First-class
COMMERCIAL Business School COLLEGE, Equal to any North or South,
Send for Circulars, free.
MACON, GA. W. McKAY, - Principal.
at Odd Fellows Hall, cor Mulberry st and Cotton ave. F. A. Schoneman, N. G.; P. Koch Sec'y.
Encampment.--Macon Union, No. 2, meets second and fourth Monday evenings at Odd Fellows Hall, cor Mulberry st and Cotton ave. C. J. Stroberg, C. P; F. A. Schoneman, Scribe.
Officers of the Grand Encampment--Samuel Levy, M. W Grand Patriarch, Augusta; John F. Howard, M. E. Grand High Priest, Barnesville; H G. Hutchi son, R W. Grand Senior Warden, Atlanta; George G. Wilson, R. W. Grand Junior Warden, Savannah; John G Deitz. R W. Grand Scribe, Macon ; William G. Gramling, R. W. Grand Treasurer, Atlanta; C. A. Robbe, R W. Grand Rep. Sovereign Grand Lodge, Augusta; R L. Pierce, W. Grand Marshal. Augusta; George H. Merrifield, W. Grand Sentinel, Brunswick ; Charles D Russell, W. Grand Messenger, Savannah.
Grand Officers--Henry Beusse, M W. Grand Mas ter, Athens; Emmett A. Heard, R W. Deputy Grand Master, Griffin; George H. Stone, R. W. Grand Warden, Savannah; John G Deitz, R. W. Grand Secretary, Macon; John S Tyson, R. W. Grand Treasurer, Atlanta ; John B. Goodwin, R. W. Grand Representative, Atlanta; Adolph Brandt. R. W. Grand Representative, Augusta; James A. Bradford, W. Grand Chaplain, Columbus; R. L Pierce, W. Grand Marshal, Augusta; Will. J. Winn, W. Grand Conductor, Marietta ; J. H. Mealor, W Grand Guar dian, Athens ; William Kinyon, W. Grand Herald, Atlanta.
Masonic Macon Lodge, No. 5, meets second and fourth Monday evenings at Masonic Lodge rooms, intersection of Cotton ave and Second st. Dr. J. E. Blackshear, W. M.; Geo. A. Dure Sec'y.
Constantine Chapter, No. 4. meets first and third Monday evenings, at Macon Lodge rooms, intersection



of Mulberry st and Cotton ave. Joseph E. Wells H P.; Thos. L. Massen^urg, Sec'y

St. Omar Commandery No. 2, K. T., meets first and third Tuesday evenings, at Macon Lodge room, inter section of Mulberry st and Cotton ave. Sir Knieht R- B. Hall, E. C.; O. F Adams, Rec.

Zerbal Lodge of Perfection, meets second and fourth lbursday evenings at Macon Lodge rooms, in tersection Mulberry st and Cotton ave. Roland B. Hall, V. M; G. D Mozo, Sec'y.

Royal Arcanum.--Anchor Council, No. 145, meets second and fourth Mondav evenings at Associated. Hall (over gas office). R. E. Steele, Reg; E. H. Link, Sec'y.

Knights of Honor.--Emmet Lodge, No. 250, meets first and third Friday evenings at Associated Hall (over gas office). Geo. W. Wright, Die.: E. H. Link, Sec'y.

Knights of Golden Rule --Castle Macon, No. 34,, meets second and fourth Friday evenings in Odd Fellows Hall, cor Mulberry st and Cotton ave. John W. Ellis, Com.; 0. F. Adams, Sec'y.

Home Guardian--Meet Wednesday evenings at office of City Treasurer. S. S. Dunlap, Pres.; O. F. Adams, Sec'y.

American Legion of Honor--Bibb Council No. 173 meet second and fourth Tuesday evenings, corner Second and Wall streets. J. A. Damour, Com.; D. SWrigh*-, Sec'y.

Ancient Order of United Workmen--Magnolia Lodge No 3, meet at Associated Hall (over gas office) first and third Thursday evenings. F. A. Schoneman, M. W. ; M. J. Baer Rec.

Kesher Shel Barzel--Central City Lodge No. 189, meet first and third Sundays at Odd Fellows' Hall, corner Mulberry street and Cotton avenue. Valentine Kahn, Pres.; M. Abrams, Sec'y.

I. O. B. B--Malachi Lodge No. 46, meet at Odd Fellows' Hall, corner Mulberry street and Cotton avenue, second and fourth Sundays. L. Newman, Pres ; S Blouenstein, Sec'y.
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers--Simp son Division No. 210, meet first and third Sundavs, over passenger depot. Geo. A. Fox, C. E.: J. *T. Balch, Sec'y.


COAL! ARMAND L. BUTTS. Office 115 Third Street;



The Ath^neum, social and literary, (male and

female) meet Friday eveniegs at homes of members.

Dr. A. J Battle, Pres. ; H. V Washington. Sec y.

The Macon Club (male) social. W. H, Boss,

Pres.; Washington Dessau, Sec'y. Rooms, corner

Mulberry and Second streets.

Centenary Alliance--(Social) meet second Fri

day evening in each month, at the Mulberry Street

Methodist Church. Isaac Hardeman, Pres.; Campbell

T. King, Sec'y.

wiM ntaecro, nmoMnethdliycailn

Society meets summer. Dr.

semi-monthly in C. H. Hall, Pres.;

Dr. Howard J. Williams, Sec'y.

Colored Societies.
Masons--Corinthian Lodge No. 20, meet first and third Wednesday evenings, corner Mulberry and Fourth streets. J. F. Long, W. M.; C. E. Moore Sec'y.
Phoenix Lodge No. 13, meet first and last Tuesday evenings at 87 Cotton ave. J. W. Brooks, W. M.; Thos. Screen, Sec'y.
Grand United Order Odd Fellows--Abishalom Lodge No. 2072 meet Monday evenings at 79^ Cotton ave. C. A. Wallace, N. G ; R. M. Logan, Sec'y.
St Mitchell Lodge No. 1632 meet Thursday nights at 19^ Cotton ave, Jack Davis, N. G.; H. T. Hudson, Sec'y.
Devoted Brothers and Sisters, meet first and sec ond Tuesday evenings at G. U. O. O. F. Hall, 79J Cotton ave. Thos. Hill, Pres.; Jeff Williams, Sec'y.
Knights of Wise Men.--Thails Lodge, No. 35 meets Monday evenings, cor Poplar st and Cotton ave. Willis Eppes, E. A.; I. G. Mangum, Scribe.
Union Laboring Brethren, meets second Monday evenings. Harrison Jones, Pres.
United Brothers, meet first Monday evenings, cor Cotton ave and New st. Isaac Graham, Pres.; Sam. Hammond, Sec'y.
United Sisters, meet-Cotton ave. Mark Curry, Pres.; Savannah Blackshear, Sec'y.



Fire Department.

Chief Engineer--L. M. Jones. First Assistant Engineer--John Dunwody. Second Assistant Engineer--W. C. Sheftall. Secretary--D. D. Craig. Treasurer--E.P. Strong.

Protection Steam Fire and Hose Co., No 1.
(Headquarters, intersection of Poplar and Third
Foreman--J. A. Dunwody. Assistant Foreman George W. Stratton. Foreman Hose--M B. Baker Assistant Foreman Hose--W\ E. Dunwody. Secretary and Treasurer--W. W. Wriglev. ' Engineer--A. W. Gibson.
Ocmdlgee Fire Co., No. 2.
(Headquarters, intersection First st and Cotton ave.)
President--C. Machold. Foreman-L. Vannucki. Assistant Foreman--H. Behr. Secretary--F. A. Schoneman. Treasurer--V. Kahn. Director Hose--F. Scheideman. Pipemen--George Schmidt, F. King.

Young America Hose Co., No. 3.
(Headquarters, Third and Mulberry st3.) Foreman --Anthony Vannucki. Assistant Foreman--W. Brady. Secretary--John Flynn. Treasurer--J. H. Bremmer. Surgeon--Dr. J. L Johnson. Hose Director--Thos Bates. Pipeman--P. H. Stephens. Ass't Pipeman--W. H. Jones.

Mechanics Steam Fire and Hose Co. No. 4.
(Headquarters intersection of Arch and Ogle iihorpe sts.)
President--A. McKenna. Foreman--J. L. Kennedy. Ass't Foreman--Henry Faulk.

Hendrix & willingham-hie wojp, n PLANING MILL I LUMBER YARU



Secretary--C. J. Bratton. Treasurer--Geo. Schall. First Engineer--Henry Daniels. Ass't Engineer--F. M. Jenkins. Director of Hose--John Richardson. Ass't Director of Hose--James Keene. Pipemen--Will Wesley, Rob't Cherry.
Defiance Hose Co. No. 5.
(Headquarters Poplar and First sts.) Foreman--Geo. C. Price. Ass't Foreman--A. H. Stephens. Sec'y and Treas--J. O. Hodges.

East Macon Steam Fike and Hose Co. No. 6.
(Headquarters E Macon.) Foreman--A. Subers. Ass't Foreman--Geo. Lumpkin. Sec'y and Treas--A. F. Jones.
Hook and Ladder Co. No
(Headquarters Poplar and Second sts.) Foreman--John G. Dietz. Ass't Foreman--Wm. L. Johnson. Secretary--C. W. Newton. Treasurer--D. V. Reaves.

Lieutenant Col. Commanding--Charles M. Wiley, Macon.
Major--N. M. Hodgkins, Macon. Adjutam--E. D. Huguenin, Macon. Sergeant Major--F. C. E heridge, Macon. Commissary--I H. Allams, Eatonton. Quartermaster--W. S. Payne, Milledgeville. Chaplain--Rev J. 0. A, Clark, Macon. Surgeon-
[Company A.]
Captain--W W. Carnes. 1st Lieut.--G. C Conner. 2d Lieut.--J. E. Wells, jr.

_ director y.
1st Sergeant--Robb Sims. 2d Sergeant-- B. Subers. 3d Sergeant--E. L. Brown. 4th Sergeant---A R. Freeman. 5th Sergeant-A A Subers. Quartermaster Sergeant--A. W. Butts Secretary--Clifford L. Anderson.
Treasurer--W. W. Wrigley.
Chaplain--Rev. Chas Lane. Surgeon--Dr. W. F. Carroll.
Capfain--J. L. Hardeman. 1st Lieut.--W. N Arnold. 2d Lieut.--D. G. Smith. 1st Sergeant--C. B. Smith. 2d Sergeant--T. H. Bonnet. 3d Sergeant--W. A. Taylor. 4th Sergeant--1_ 5th Sergeant--C. A. Kendall. Surgeon--D*\ N, G Gewinner. Chaplain--Rev. E Z. F. Golden.
Captain--George W Findlay 1st Lieutenant--H. C. Villipigue. 2d Lieutenant--C. C. Sims, jr. 1st Sergeant--A. L Dasher. 2d Sergeant--John M. Horton, od Sergeant--George P. Dure. 4th Sergeant--John C. Flynn. 5th Sergeant--W. A. Taylor, 1st Corporal--J H Kent. 2d Corporal--J. B. Pound. 3d Corporal--c. H. Meara. 4th Corporal--R. E. Reid. Secretary and treasurer--T. E. Artope Quartermaster Sergeant--J. F. Minton. Surgeon--R F. S'rayer. Chaplain--J. R. Winchester.
Captain--G. W. Caraker. 1st Lieut.--J J Wooten. 2d Lieut.--J. Beall. Jun 2d--J. A. Brok.

rjA A T f ARMAND L. BUTTS. \ / /\ I J \ Office 115 Third Street.



Captain--J. S Turner. 1st Lieut--B T. Adams. 2d Lieut--Frank P. Gray. Junior 2d--George W. Adams.
Captain--J. Clarence Simmons. No report received in time.
Colored Companies. (Not connected with white companies.)

Captain--F. Pearson. First Lieut.--Augustus Dickey. Second Lieut.--Vincent Douglas. Second Jun.--J. L. Bennett. First Sergeant --S A. Lockhart. Second Sergeant--S Elliott. Third Sergeant--Ned Strong. Fourth Sergeant - John Winters.
Filth Sergeant--Frank Juhan.
First Corporal -James Cotton. Second Corporal--Nob Lewis. Third Cor oral--H sea Lockhart. Fourth Corporal--R. H. Hart. Secretary--S. A. Loekhart. Treasurer--James Holt. Quartermaster--Nath. Waters.

Captain --S. Mosely. First Lieut --N. McWhorter. Second Lieut.--A Thweet. Third Lieut.--J. We^'b First Sergeant--T Williams. Second Sergeant--O. Lewis. Third Sergeant--B Robinson. Fourth Sergeant--S. Johnson. Fifth Sergeant-- H. Spaldwin. Sixth Sergeant--H. Morris. Quartermaster--E. Seifert.

SHUZ & WHUISUU Bupi'liimh
First Corporal--G. Henry. Second Corporal--T. Williams. Third Corporal -- E Robinson. Fourth Corporal--B. Robinson. Secretary--E. F. Neal.

Board of Education and Orphanage for Macon and Bibb County.--L. N. Whittle, President; T. G. Holt Vice President; James T. Nisbet, Secretary; J. w! Burke, Treasurer; B. M. Zettler, Superintendent. Ofhce, Mulberry Street School.
Merabers-J. W. Burke, R. W. Cubbedge, T. C Dempsey, J. J. Gresham, T. G. Holt, J. H Hertz
dar*P;f ,T-Nisbet> Virgil Powers, Robert A Nisbet, L.' -N. Whittle, Emory Winship (one vacancy)-
John A McManus, Ordinary; Felix Corput, Mayor; 1. J. Simmons, Judge Superior Court, ex-officio mem bers.


Finance--Winship, Hertz and R. A. Nisbet

Teachers and Text Books--J. T. Nisbet, Cubbedge

and Burke.


Property and School Districts--Gresham, R. A. Nisbet and Dempsey.

Cotton Avenue School--Boys' department, C. B. Chapman, A.M , Principal; Miss Pearl Stephens, as sistant. Girls' department, Miss E. H. Merrill, Prin cipal ; Miss S. E. Gustin, assistant. ,,0range Street School-Miss C I. Smith, Principal; AW C Lr.Eddings, Miss Mary Hunton, Miss Kate Gilbert, Miss Maggie McEvoy, Mrs. E. R. Lightfoot, assistants.
Second Street School --Miss O L. Andrews, Princi pal; Miss Jessie Lane, Miss Pauline Wannack, Miss Mary Hodgkins, Miss Katie McKay, Miss Annie Burghard, Miss Hattie Polhill, Mrs. L. E. Nagle, as sistants.
Mulberry Street School--Miss L. E. Thomas. Prin cipal; Mrs. P. F. Manson, Mrs. A. A. Davis, Miss M.



Foot of Cherry Street.



S. Grier, Miss M. U. Darragh, Miss Cynthia Horton




Street School--Sr. M. Ignatius, Principal-

br. M. Vincent, Sr. M. Augustine, assistants.

South Macon Colored School.--Mrs. M. Baber

Prin.; Miss S. H. Hall, assistants.

North Macon Colored School.--H. J. T. Hudson

Prin^ Mrs. Sarah Brooks, Mrs. H. J. T. Hudson, Miss

Ada Bonner, Mrs. Nellie Peppers, Miss Willie Bryant,


J '

Whites--Planter's Academy, J. C. Parrott, Prin.; Tharpe Academy, W. J. Heard, Prin.; Sardis Academy, C T. Amason, Prin; Mount Pleasant School, Joseph Fielder, Prin.; Hamlin School, D. M. Mathews, Prin.; Chambliss School; Heath School, Pv. A. Ryder
rin.; iloffit.School, J. R. Drake, Prin.; Camp-ground School, H. C. Brown, Prin.; Midway School, S. R. England, Prin.; Bailey-Lake School, Miss Mamie Taylor, Prin.; Swift Creek School; New Castle School; Vineville School, Mrs. A. Griffin, Prin.; East Macon School, Miss Lizzie Griswold, Prin -

? T WhuHoCwha0rdli, JPLPrin> .;BGonilde>s PSrcinho-olH, oEl.toCn. PSechaorcoel,' Prm., Miss Susie Hodgkins, assistants.
Colored.--Siloam Unionville School, E. F. Mims Prm.; Bethel Unionville School, Sarah J. Thomas! Prin.; Bast Macon School, Mary T. Clay, Prin.; Union Church School Sarah E. Howard, Prin.; Stinsonville School, J A. Brooks, Prin.; Antioch School, B. A Carwms, Prin.; Swift Creek School, J. P. Benton, 1 rin.; Ocmulgee School, D. B. Cornelius, Prin.; White Sprmg School, A. A. Merriwether, Prin.; Mt. Hope School, F. A. Hunter, Prin.; Holly Grove School, S. J. Searcy, Prin.; Howard Chapel School, A. Mathis, Prin ; Pleasant Grove School, Edlar Warren, Prin. Goodwm School, Andrew Solomon, Prin.; Mt. Zion

Bond PHnM` HamS' Prin,; Lisboro School, Penelope

Georgia Academy for the blind (white and colored).


-_ *** u Office 113 Tliircl St.



wm: WhitAtlAVP^e6'fc;.^- D- Williams, Sec'y; D. D. H xliigiHi aanndd WWa]sVhP'i.PngrtflonnciapvaeL. Orange Street, between

0LLE<!E- W' McKa-V' Pri"ciPaIMt. DeSales Academy (Catholic, females), Mother streets"8118' Directoress> corner Columbus and Orange

Pio-Nono College (Catholic, boys). Rev, L. Bazin,

Pres't, west limits Vineville.


Wesleyan Female College, Rev. Wm. C. Bass, D.D.,

Irest; College street, Washington and Georgia o v chugs.

Archibald J. Battle, L.CLo.Dlle.,SPereosf't.liberal arts, Rev. Theological Department, Rev. James G. Ryals, D. D.
Tatnalfsquare Hn` CPfforcl Anderson> Chairman ;
Mercer High School, A. I. Branham, Principal; es Spring, between Oak and Pine streets.
Private and Benevolent Schools* Alexander Free School, limited to 100 students,, founded by Elam Alexander. Prof. Charles Lane, Principal, corner Pine and Second streets. J..R. Branham, 137 Orange st. Miss Collier, 27 Lamar st.
colored schools. Lewis High School, W. A. Hodge, Principal, cor New and Pine sts. Ariadna Sellers, 21 Spring st.

JlTiLE. Church. Emma Ha"' PrinciPaI' Ste"-


Public Library and Historical Society of Macon

(strangers free and welcome), rooms cor Mulberry

and Second sts. Charlie Herbst, fechall. Assistant Librarian.





Lewis High School Library (colored), in charge of

the American Missionary Society cor Pine and New sts.




Hendrix & Willingham, dixie worko CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS, Toot ofCherry St. ^






Christ Church, Rev. J. R. Winchester, rector and

superintendent Sunday school. Societies: The Guild Ladies Sewing Society. South side Walnut, bet Sec ond and Third sts.

St. Barnabas Chapel, Third, bet Bay and Hazel sts. St. John s Chapel.

t Paul's Church, Rev. C. J. Wingate, rector, cor Johnson and Forsyth sts.

Societies--Ladies' Aid Society, Appleton Church

Home (orphans), m charge of Sister Margaret IS

Johnson st.

6 '

Beth Israel Congregation, S. Saenger, pastor, cor Second and Poplar sts.

St. Joseph's Church, Rev. J. F. Colbert, pastor; aRned7-WJVa:lAnu- tMsctsC. arthy, ass't. Fourth st, bet MulberrJy


Presbyterian Church, Rev. A. G. B. Dettre, Sunday school sup't. Auxiliary Society. Cor Mulberry

W. Clisby, pastor;. Societies: Ladies' and First sts.


r, First- Baptist Church Rev. E. W. Warren, pastor; C B. Ellis, Sunday-school sup't. Building in course of construction. Societies : Ladies' Missionary Soci ety' Ladies' Sewing Circle and Dorcas Society, Young Men s Worldng Brotherhood. Site of new building cor Washington ave and Poplar st.
South Macon Baptist Church, Rev. E. Z. F Golden pastor. Societies: Woman's Working Club. Cor third and Hawthorne.
Warren Chapel, East Macon.

Mulberry st M. E. Church South, Rev. J. O. A Cook, pastor; Richard F. Burden, Sunday-school


I Office 115 Third Street.


sup't. Societies : Women's Missionary Society. Cor

Mulberry and First sts.

Grace Chapel, Rev. J. W. Simmons, pastor, 33 Oak st.

Jones Chapel, Rev. W. C. Davis, pastor.

i First Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev. J. 0. A.

Clark, pastor; Henry L. Jewett, Sunday-school sup't.

Cor. Oak and First sts. Societies: Ladies' Mite So

ciety, Women's Missionary Societ}'-.

East Macon Methodist Church, Rev. P. H. Crunp-

ler, pastor.


Congregational Methodist Church, Rev. James A. Davis, pastor ; corner Jackson and Elm streets.
Y ineville Methodist Church (used as union). Hopewell Church, in old armory, corner Jackson and Elm streets.

A. M. E. Church, Rev. R. A. Hall, pastor. Societies, Stars of Bethlehem, Good Samaritans, Daughters of Good, Sisters of Charity, The Benevolent Societv. Corner Spring and Cotton ave.
Wesleyan Church, Jefferson street, YTineville. Bethel Church, Unionville. M. E. Church (incomplete), 23 Washington ave.

First Congregational Church, Rev. Stanley E. Lathrop, pastor. Societies, Mead Temperance So ciety, corner New and Pine streets.


First Baptist Church, Rev. Henry Williams, pas tor ; Cotton avenue, Spring and Plum streets.

Fulton Baptist Church, Rev. Henry Turner, pas

tor ; 229 Third street.


Friendship Baptist Church, Rev. Eli Smith, pastor-

corner Hazel and First streets.

Unionville Baptist Church, Rev. Jolly Thomas pastor.

Siloam Baptist Church, Unionville,

Finking and Embroidering!
91 Oak Street.
Dealer in-

94 Cherry St., Macon, Ga.

Felix C. Camp.

Clifford L. Anderson.


Attorneys * at*Law,

PRACTICE IN ALL STATE COURTS. llOi Second St., Corner of Wall, MACON, GA.





T. B. ARTOPE, Prop'r,
178, ISO and 182 Second Street, - MACON, GA.
Manufacture the Following Articles:
Monuments and Headstones in (Blue and White Marble, (Red and Gray Granite and Tennessee Variegated Marble, Slabs of Granite and Marble , Vases, Urns, etc., Limestone En= closures jor Cemetery Lots, Stone Hearths, Ar= tificial Stone Vases, Flower (Pots, Carriage Steps and bordering for Graves, Wrought Iron (Railing, Tileing and building work generally.
ttTWrite for IDoesis;nis.


Manufacturer of

Special Attention Given to Repairing.

UNTo. OO Poplar Street,








Published by the Telegraph and Messenger Publishing Go.,




H. C. HANSON, Manager.

The Telegraph and Messenger, during the past three years, has increased its subscription lists more than 300 per cent._, and is now beyond doubt the most influential journal

published in the State. It is always clean, bright, able and

agressive. Its arragements for getting news from all quarters by mail and wire are unsurpassed.

On the first day of January, 1884, the daily was enlarged trom four to eight pages, printed from new and beautiful type, and Col. P. IV. Alexander, an able and experienced journalist was added to its already strong editorial staff.

ii ADVERTISERS will find no medium in the South which will render more service in proportion to the rates charged than the Telegraph and Messenger. Below will be found a few extracts from the many press notices of the paper which

were published between the first and fifteenth days of January



- '



Journal:--The Macon Telegraph and Messenger com-


New Vear with a new and much Improved form and

dress, and is brighter and stronger than ever. Col. P. W. Alexander

experienced journalist, becomes the managing editor while Col. Lamar and all the former'editors retain thllr connections with the paper. As heretolore, this able journal will continue In the

South f the indeI>cndcnt- fearless arid influential papers of the

Hawkinsville News:--``The Telegraph and Messenger i ti,o equal of any paper In the South in point of ability and enterprise "



Herald:-" The Telegraph has become one

trebled^tsc'ireiilatioii'withm the past two years'."* plosPorin&, having

traine^co^is^f^riters than theVmiEGtSui05111 n"' haSt ofa^tler

Kastman Times:-" Altogether the paper is equalled bv none." nalismp"Sbr0 Herald:~"The Telegraph will lead Soiitlisrn jour'
leadmIdaiUedsVof1?he'^uth.--0Sel'VeS the place U has won among the West Point Express:--" This paper is one of the best in the South.'.

Edgerton House,
Opposite Passenger Depot, E. E. BROWN & SON, Ppop'rs,
Macon, Georgia.
Rates, $2.oo Per

[tuBlisljcrs, JJ|coIiscffers. Stationers,
niiRti, inuonnu and binders,
Foreign and Domestic Stationery


L'J ***WMJ ***

L ..**!

No. 146 Second St., Music Store No. 7 Cotton Avenue,


Mrs. T. M. Setlev.

Miss M. J. Greene.


No. 108 Mulberry St., Nearly Opposite Lanier House,
Macon, - Georgia.

Liberal Terms to Country Buyers

9(E Mulberry St., Macon, Ga.
2>2 Cotton Avenne,
All kinds Bread, Cakes, Pies, Rolls. Wedding Cakes a Specialty. Supplies for Picnics, Balls and Excursions at spe cial rates.
25 Cotton Avenue, MACON, GEORGIA. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired. Cash paid for Old Gold and Silver. Advances Made on Valuables of Every Description. All transactions strictly confidential.


No. 114 Second Street,




Wholesale and Retail Dealers iin
Woodware, Lamps, Etc.,
Daniel M. Subers, Manager.
110 Cherry Street, MACON, GA.

Practical Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician.

The Celebrated A. H. POTTER WATCH, the Finest in the World, Price $400. Barometers, Thermometers, Micro scopes, etc. Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry Repaired and. Warranted.
No. 102 Second St, MACON, GA.

66 Main St., East Macon, Ga.
90 Cherry Street, DVEA.COM, GJr^V. SEWMA1V & TIIOR1VER, Prop'rs,









87i Cotton Avenue, MACON, - GEORGIA.





Then why not have a happy home, for musical instruments can be had on such favorable terms that a man of ordinary means can own a Piano or Organ of the same sweet tone or durability as that of a millionaire?
E. D. IRVINE, Manager, MACON. GA.
! Offers every advantage to those who wish to purchase a Piano or Organ. The best makes, such as the Chickering Piano and Mason & Hamlin Organ, arc sold on small monthly payments and at a lower price than some of the cheap grades of instru ments which are palmed otf on the public as first-class. JP^TDon't Buy a Piano or Organ of a Make yon know knowthing of, although the agent will tell you it is the best in the world. He wants to sell the instrument; BUT VOU WANT TO BUY A GOOD ONE; so buy one which time has i tested, and shown to be good in every particular. The Chick ering Piano and Mason & Hamlin Organ have been tested and not found wanting in Durability, Tone, Beauty of Finish. In addition to these makes, we carry--
The Brilliant Tone MATHUSHEK. The Silver Tone LUDDEN & BATES. The Sweet Tone ARION--The Best Piano in the World for the Money. The PACKARD ORGAN--an Organ with a Wonderfully Rich Round Tone. The BAY STATE ORGAN--a Little Gem of an Organ for a Small Price.
All guaranteed for six years, and placed on trial with you before purchase. Call and see our Stock, which is one of the largest in the South.
102 Mulberry St., MACON, GA.

Macon Directory.


To find a name know how it is spelled. Half numbers mean upstairs. Errata, changes and removals will be found in first pages. Colored department follows white.



..boards ns.north side


.clerks es..east side


.resides ss.....south side


.widow ave..avenue


....laborer st.



....between r. r.railroad


..west side E. Macon.East Macon

ABBOTT W. W., elk S. T. Coleman & Co., bds 13 New st Abel & Bro., meats, 130 Cherry st Abel & Guernsey, planing mill, foot Mulberry st Abel C. E., of Abel & Guernsey, lumber, res Colum
bus st, bet Ash and Hazel Abel Miss Carrie, res S. T. Abel Abel Miss Ella, res Henry Abel Abel F. T., of Abel & Bro., meats, res cor Ross and
Ash sts ABEL HENRY, meats, res Tatnall square Abel J. H., butcher Abel & Bro., res 155 Hazel st Abel Miss Josephine, res Henry Abel Abel Miss Julia, res Henry Abel Abel Lewey, res Henry Abel Abel Milo, wks Collins Mfg Co., res Henry Abel Abel Moses, bkkpr D J. Baer, res 92 Plum st Abel S. T., res cor Ross aad Ash sts



White Department.
Abel Wm., of Abel & Bro., meats, res cor Ash and Ross sts
Abraham Miss Bella D., res cor Poplar and First sts Abraham Miss Celia D., res cor Poplar and First sts Abraham David, dray line, res cor Poplar and First
sts Abraham Moses M., res cor Poplar and First sts Abraham Moses, bkkpr D. J. Baer, res 92 Plum st ACADEMY OF MUSIC, H. Horne, manager, (seats
1,500), Mulberry, near Second st Acree A. J., res Boundary st nr Fourth ACUFF F. M., carriage maker, res 237 Second st Adair John, groceries, res 95 Hawthorne st ADAIR J. Ai, groceries and bar, r Hazel nr Bibb
Mnfg Co Adams A. B. & Son, warehouse, 93 Poplar st Adams A. B., of A. B. Adams & Son, res 143 Orange
st Adams D. E., elk S. Weichselbaum, 29 s Poplar st
E. Macon Adams D. H., bkkpr D. Flanders & Son, res E. Macon Adams Edward, fireman S. W. R, R., bds 235 Sec
ond st
Adams Edward, elk S. Weichselbaum, bds D. H.
Adams Adams H. D., of Rodgers & Adams, wholesale gro
ceries. res 39 College st Adams John L., of A. B- Adams & Son, warehouse,
res A B. Adams Adams Miss Julia, res Horace D. Adams Adams Miss Julia, res D. H. Adams Adams Miss Laura, res A. B. Adams Adams Miss Lillie, res A. B. Adams Adams Miss Mattie, res O F. Adams ADAMS 0. F., city treasurer, res 67 Orange st Adams O. M., elk D, Flanders & Son, res E. Macon Adams R. T., drummer S. T. Coleman & Co., res A. B.
Adams Adams W. S-, elk Rogers & Winn, res A. B. Adams Adams W. H., elk Wachtel & Bro., res E. Macon Adams W. G., elk Jaques & Johnson, res A. B. Adams Adams Walter F., dray line, res 67 Orange st Adamson S. T., wks M. & W. shops, res Troup Hill Adamson A. Y., gen'l mdse, r 28 Johnson st



White Department.
Adkins H. G., elk Nat Hughes, bds same Adkins Julius, res Flanders st, E. Macon Aids Miss Mary, wks E. Macon cotton factory res
21 Fifth st

Aids Mrs. Celia, wid, res 21 Fifth st Aids James, chair bottomer, res 21 Fifth st Ainsworth Mrs C., wid, res 78 Oak st
Akridge Miss Lula, seamstress, res Mrs. Susan Green Akridge N. C., watchman, res 111 Fourth st Alden Miss Annie E., res Mrs. A. V. Boon Aldrich Harry, candy maker, Rogers & Wim, bds
Mrs. Anderson

ALEXANDER P4 W., editor in chief "Telegraph and Messenger," bds Brown House

Alexander Free School, cor Pine and Second. Prof. Charles Lane, principal
ALLEN A. A., foreman ``Telegraph and Messenger," bds Stubblefield House

Allen Geo. W., bkkpr ``Telegraph and Messenger," bds Stubblefield House.

Allen John, wks Bernd Bros., res Mrs. C. Greggs Allen J. P., compositor "Telegraph and Messenger,"
bds Stubblefield House

Allen J. W., car inspector.'C. R. R,, res 58 Hazel st Alley Aaron, fireman S. W. R. R., res S. H. Alley Alley Jefferson, res S. H Alley
Alley John, carpenter, res 118 Oglethorpe st Alley Miss Mary, res S. H. Alley Alley S. H., Tatnall Square

Allmeyer Samuel, salesman, S. Waxelbaum & Sos, res 73 Pine st

Almonds Mrs Anise, res Mrs. M Hooker -A-EPHONSUS MOTHER, directoress Mt. DeSales
Academy, res same

American Legion of Honor, J. A. Damour, com, D. S. Wright, sec'y

Amerson E. B., wks Bibb Mfg Co., res 80 Haw thorne st

Amerson John, ass't foreman Bibb Mfg Co., res 145 Hazel st

Amerson Mrs. L. A., wid, res 23 Arch st



White Department.

Amerson Miss Lizzie, res John Amerson

Amerson T. W., wks Bibb Mfg Co., res 80 Haw

thorne st Amerson William, res John Amerson

Ancient Order United Workmen, F. A. Scboneman,

M. W., M. J. Baer, rec Anderson B. F.. fireman Ga. R. R., res 47 Oak st ANDERSON CLIFFORD, attorney general, of Lanier

& Anderson, lawyers, res 96 Orange st ANDERSON CLIFFORD L., of Camp & Anderson,

lawyers, res 96 Orange st

Anderson Chas. Fraser, tailor J. L. Shea, bds


Anderson Coley, res R. J. Anderson Anderson Edward, wks Bibb Mfg Co., res John Defer

Anderson Mrs. E. A., res 175 Third st Anderson E P., elk Johnson & Lane

Anderson Geo., city manager Singer Mfg Co., bds 50

Fourth st Anderson J. H,, elk Flanders Bros., res 74 Spring st

Anderson John R., res W. F. Anderson

Anderson Miss Lizzie, res W. F. Anderson

Anderson Louis, res Clifford Anderson

ANDERSON R. J, & CO*, sewing machines, 13 Cot

ton ave ANDERSON R. J., of R. J. Anderson & Co., sewing

machines, res Tatnall square Anderson Robert, wks Bibb Mfg Co., res John Deper

Anderson Miss Rosa, res Mrs. E. L Anderson

Anderson S. F., elk Johnson & Lane, res ws Spring,

bet Oak and Pine sts Anderson Miss Sallie, res Clifford Anderson

Anderson T. J., foreman S. S. papers J. W. Burke &

Co., res J. H. Goodyear Anderson W. F., steam brick mfgr, res opp church,

Yineville Andrews G. A., blacksmith F. M. Acuff, res 96 New st

Andrews Miss Lizzie, res Mrs. M. Andrews

Andrews Mrs. Martha, res 95 Hawthorne st

Andrews Miss O. L., Prin. Second St. High School,

bds Mrs. Ann R. Freeman Andrews W. H., mechanic, res Ash, bet Ross and

Calhoun sts Angelo Mother, res Mt. De Sales Academy

\ J\ / r\ I A Office 115 Third Street.



White Department.

Ansell Thomas, elk W. T. Shinholser, res 7 High at

Anthony Miss Bessie, Ids 144 Orange st

Anthony Mrs. C. A., wid, bds 144 Orange st

Anthony Edward, vineyard, res Unionville

Appleton Church Home (Episcopal), 13 Johnson st

Aquin Sister, teacher public schools, res Mt. De Sales


Ard Miss Jennie, res James Cash

Arden Frank, locomotive eng, bds Mrs. R. P. Griffin

Arden Thomas, locomotive eng C. R. R., bds Mrs. R. P.



Arden Wiley, locomotive eng, C. R. R., bds National


Argo W R., eng E. T., Ya. & Ga. R. R., bds 316 Third st

ARMSTRONG B. D., manager Singer Mnfg Co., bds

Corbett House

Armstrong Charles, So Ex Co , bds 167 Second st

Armstrong Mrs. General J., res 64 College st

Armstrong Miss Lizzie, res Mrs. J. Armstrong

Arnold Jno. N,, portrait painter, J. A. Pugh, bds

Edgerton House

Arnold W. N., bkkpr J. E. Ellis, res E. Macon

Arnett M. A., tailor, J. L. Shea, res Boundary st, bet

Third and Fourth

Arnott Dink, res 82 Oglethorpe st

Arnott Miss Leona, wks Bibb Mnfg Co, res Mrs. M.


Arnott Miss Martha, res 94 Oglethorpe st

Arnott Mrs. M., wid, res 94 Oglethorpe st

Artope Miss Lela, res T. B. Artope

Artope Mrs. Susan, wid, res s limits

Artope Miss Susan, res Mrs. Susan Artope

ARTOPE T. B., marble works, iron fences, res 201

First st

ARTOPE T. E , bkkpr T. B. Artope, res same

Artope W H., collector R. J. Anderson & Co., res Tat-

nall Square.

Ashley J. A. elk 10 ct store, res 75 Cotton ave

Askew L. P., elk empire store, res 21 Forsyth st

Athseneum Club The, A. J. Battle, Pres't, H. V. Wash

ington, Sec'y



White Department.
Atkins Mrs. U. C., res Mrs. A. W. Clinkscales Atkinson William, trimmer Collins Mfg Co Atmeyer Samuel, res M Flatau
Attaway Mrs S , wid, res James Dense Audine Alphonse, res Mrs. S. M. Audine Audine Mrs. Sallie, wid, res E T. Dumas Audine Mrs. S. M , wid, res 42 Elm st
Audine Miss Ophelia, res Mrs. S. M. Audine Audouin Mrs. S., wid, res 197 Second st Augustine Sister, music teacher Mt. DeSales, res
same Aultman Miss Lula, res John A. McManus Austin Miss Flora, teacher Lewis high schoel, res 88'
Pine st Avant Miss Annie, res L. M. Avant Avant Charles, wks S. W. R. R., res new^Houston
road Avant Edward, wks Bernd Bros., res in alley befr
Third, Troup, Elm and Boundary sts Avant Miss Etta, wks Rogers & Winn Avant G. H., bds L. M. Avant Avant L. M., policeman, res 313 Third st
Avant Mrs M. E , res W. H. Andrews Avern P. B , miller, res 288 Third st Averell Philip, miller Ga. mills, res 288 Third st Ayres Mrs. Asher, wid, res 59 Walnut st Ayres Asher Jr., res 59 Walnut st Ayres Miss Kate A., res 59 Walnut st Ayres Miss Mamie, res 59 Walnut st
BABER Mrs. Mary, wid, teacher, Second st public

school, res J. W. Blackshear. BACON A. 0., of Bacon & Rutherford, lawyers, res
100 College st Bacon Miss Mary Lou, res A. 0. Bacon Badger J. B., express messenger, res 24 Magnolia st Baer D J., dry goods and clothing, res 79^ Cherry st Baer M. J., accountant, S. Waxelbaum & Son, res 43
Georgia ave Baer Sam, elk D. J. Baer, res 75 Plum st Bagby J. M., res Windsor Hill Bagby Thomas, res 145 First st
Bailey Asa, res S. P. Bailey Bailey Mrs, Eliza Ann, wid, res 21 Pine st



A First-class
COMMERCIAL Business School COLLEGE, Equal to any North or South.
Send tor Circulars, free.
MACON, CA. W, McKAY, - Principal.
White Department.
Bailey John, res Mrs. Mary Bailey Bailey Mrs. J. A , dressmaker, res 314 Fourth st Bailey J. F., groceries, res 314 Fourth st Bailey J. B., carpenter, res 383 Fourth st Bailey J. T., salesman Johnson & Harris, res Mr*.
T A. Harris Bailey Mrs. Mary, wid, res 319 Fourth st Bailey Miss Mary, res Mrs. Mary Bailey Bailey Mrs. S. E., wid res J. G." Harris Bailey S. P., res 2 Short st Bailey Thomas, elk Johnson & Harris, bds 173
Poplar st Bailey Thomas, painter, res opp M. E. Church Baird C. H., compositor Telegraph and Messenger,
bds Southern Hotel. Baker Charles, wks Bibb Mfg Co., bds 345 Fourth st Baker Mrs. Fannie, wid, dressmaker Mrs F. McCrary Baker M B., of Smith, Culver & Co., hardware, res
45 Third st Balch Miss Lola May, res J. T. Balch Balch J. T., locomotive engineer, res 274 Second st Baldwin Mis6 Alice, res Mrs. Laura Baldwin Baldwin J O., carpenter, res 33 Hazel st Baldwin Mrs. Laura, wid, res 277 Fourth st Baldwin W. P., elk "Winship & Callaway, res 163
Cherry st Baldy E. V., student, bds J. S. Schofield Bales Miss Addie res 132 Hazel st Bales J N., res 136 Hazel st Balkom C. C., planter, res e limits, E. Macon Ball H. T., brickmason, res 58 Oglethorpe st Ball Oscar, elk I. Herman & Co., res 58 Oglethorpe st Ballard Edward, watchman E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R.,
res 35 Hazel st Ballinger John, res T. A. Ballinger

White Department.
Ballinger T. A , contractor, res 29 Ross st Banks Mrs. M. R.. wid, bds 137 Mulberry st Banks Ralph, drummer Carhart & Curd, bds Brown
House Bannon Mrs. J. C., res Virgil Powers Barata D.t musician, res 11 Arch st Barata Miss Laura, res D. Barata Barber C. W., train hand C. R. R., res 44 Plum st Barber L. J., train hand C. R R., res 44 Plum st Barber Mrs. M. C., wid, reB 44 Plum st Barber Miss R. C., res Mrs. M. C. Barber Barden Mrs. B. M., wid, res 73 New st Barden Miss Effie, student, res Mrs. B. M. Barden Barfield Louis, res Cotton st, E. Macon Barfield Mrs. J. F., wid. res 9 High st Barfield Louis, wks Thos. Powers, res E. Macon BARFIELD DR. SAMUEL B., dentist 9(H Mul
berry st Barker Mrs. C. P., wid, res 64 Walnut st Barker George M., elk George Barker, res 11 Mag
nolia st BARKER GEORGE R., groceries, res 11 Magnolia st Barker Miss L. H , res G. R Barker Barlow Frank, res M. T Barlow Barlow Miss Laura, res M. T. Barlow Barlow M. T., wks Bibb Mfg Co., res First st E.
Macon Barlow William, res M. T. Barlow Barnes Joseph, furniture, res cor Mulberry and
Spring sts Barnes Mrs. Rebecca, wid, res L. M. Irvin Barnes W. J., elk J. W. Rice & Co., res 12 Pine st Barnes W. T., locomotive eng, res 235 Third st Barnille Patrick, res 22 Clinton road, E. Macon Barnett A., res 37 Walnut st Barnett D., drummer A. W. Turner Barnhart Louis C., res W. G. Hoge Barnhart Robert, groceries, res 52 Forsyth st Barnhart William, res E. Macon Barnefield Herman, res 9 Arch st Barracks (city prison), near City Hall Barracks William, res 174 Sixth st Barrington Jeannette, res 8 Washington are Barron R. H., manager M. J. Hatcher & Co., res



White Department.
Bartlett G. T. & C. L , lawyers, 84 Mulberry st Bartlett C. G., res cor Sparks and Ash sts Bartlett C. L., of G. T. <fc C. L. Bartlett, lawyers, res
cor Sparks and Ash sts Bartlett G T., of G. T. & C. L. Bartlett, lawyers, res
cor Sparks and Ash sts Bartlett J. D., carpenter, res J. C. Horton Bartlett Miss Mary, res Mrs. A. V. Boon Bartlett W. H , wks Bibb Mfg Co., res 86 Oglethorpe st Bartrum P. T., contractor and builder, res 44J Cotton
ave Bass Mrs. Sallie, wid, res 10 Bay st, E Macon
BASS KEY. w ILLIAM C., Pres't Wesleyan Female
College, res same Bass William, folder and newsboy Telegraph and
Messenger Bassett Miss Mollie, res J. J. Harris Baskvill William, moulder M. & W. shops, res 302
Third st Bates Miss M. L., res Mrs. J. H. Curd Bates T. J., elk W. C. Sheftall, res E. Macon Bateman J. M., drummer Johnson & Harris, res
Butler, Ga BATTLE DR. A. J., Pres't Mercer University Battle C. G, elk J H Hertz res Vineville Battle Thomas, peddler, bds 52 Mulberry st Baughn W. W., policeman, res 48 Cherry st B*UMAN F., photographer, 203 Third st BAUMAN GUSTAVE, photographer, res 203 Third st Baxter Tracy, lawyer, res 70 Orange st Baynard Mrs. M. S.. res B. L. Willingham Bazemore Dan., conductor E. T., Ya. & Ga. R. R., bds
National Hotel Bazemore R. H., student, bds 11 Bass st Bazin Rev. L., Pres't Pio Nono College, res same Beabers C. T, eng M. & W. R. R., res 297 Third et Beard Mrs Johanna, wid, res Columbus road Bearden Wm. M., elk W. A. Juhan & Co., res 70
^Vftlnut gt Beale C. H., cond'r E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R., res 161

Beal J. K., cond'r E. T., Ya. & Ga. R. R., bds Edgerton House.
Beall Jessee K., drummer Smith, Culver & Co., res 124 Cherry st



White Department.
Bedingfield J. A., bartender J. D. Hudgins, bds Stub blefield House
Bedingfield James, bds 137 Mulberry st Bedingfield Mrs. M. H , res 222 Third st Beeland Charles, wks Guernsey & Abel, res D. W..

Beeland D. W., wks C R. R. shops, res s Academy, bet Walnut and Wharf st
Beeland Geo. T., engraver and jeweler, J. P. Stevens & Co., res 36 New st
Beeland Samuel, res nr Gordon st E. Macon BEELAND WILLIAM, elk Hendricks & Willing
ham, res Academy Square Beggs George, groceries, res cor Plum and Second sts Beggs George, jr , elk George Beggs, res same Beggs W. J., elk George Beggs, res same Behr H. J., elk C. Machold, res Elm, bet Ross and
Calhoun sts.

Behr Joseph, hostler E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R. shops, res Henry Behr
Behr Mrs. Louise, wid, res 163 Fifth st Behr Mrs. Theresa, wid, res Henry Behr Bell George, shoemaker, res 103 Fourth st Bell H. S., res N. M. Hodgkins BELL T. A., of Curtis & Bell, 99 cent store, res Col
lege st

Bell W. M., elk W. A. Juhan & Co., res cor Walnut and Second sts
Bellew Miss Annie C., res J. H. Bellew Bellew Harry, elk, res J. H. Bellew Bellew J. H.. pattern maker C. R. R., res 45 Second st Bellflower James, wks E. T. Va. & Ga. shops, res
Windsor Hill Belvin J. P., res 125 Walnut st Benner G. H., elk J. H. Benner, res same Benner J H., fruits, confections, bar and rest., res
104 Mulberry st Bennefield Miss Lizzie, res foot of Wharf st Benningfield & Son, groceries, Houston road Benningfield Allen, of Allen Benningfield & Son,
groceries, res Houston road Benningfield Mrs., wid, res 22 Fifth st, E. Macon Bennett Miss Annie, res F. A. Bollinger Bennett Charles F., compositor J. W. Burke & Co., res
96 Pine st

A First-class
COMMERCIAL Business School COLLEGE, Equal to any North or South.
Send for Circulars, free.
MACON, GA. W. McKAY, - Principal.
White Department.
Bennett Miss Georgia, res T. A. Bollinger Bennett T. H , carpenter, res Troup Hill Bennett T. W., locomotive eng S. W. R. R., res
Spring st, bet Oak and Pine sts Bennett William J., elk J. W. Rice & Co., bds 104 Or
ange st Benton Mrs. Ann, wid, res Alfred Jessup Benton Miss Juliet, res Alfred Jessup Benson Miss Gertrude, res 145 First st Benson Mrs C. E., wid, res 145 First st Benson Frank C , elk W. A. Doody, res 145 First st Benson H. B , elk J. W. Rice & Co., res 145 First st Benson R. A., S. W. R. R. R. M. S., res Clinton road,
E. Macon Berg 8. & Bro., gen mdse, res 119 Third st Berg B , drummer Schwed & Gibian Berg P. M., of S. Berg & Bro., gen mdse, res 238 Sec
ond st Berg S-, of S. Berg & Bro., gen mdse, res 232 Second st Berker John, blacksmith, res 6 miles Columbus road Bernd Bros., mfrs harness and saddles, 100, 102 and
104 Third st Bernd Adolph, of Bernd Bros , mfrs harness and sad
dles, res cor Spring and High sts Bernd Gustave, of Bernd Bros., saddles and harness
res 226 First st Bernd Miss Jessie, res Gustave Bernd Bernd Mrs: Carrie, wid, res G. J. Stein Berry Mrs. M. E., wid, res 113 Oglethorpe st Berry Mrs. M. M., wid, res J. G. Freeny Berry Mrs. Mattie, wid, dressmaker Mrs. C. F. Daniel Berry Michael, fireman M. & W. R. R., bds 345
Fourth st Berry W , res 352 Fourth st Berry W. L., cabinet maker C. R. R, shops, bds Wil-
bourn House



White Department.
Beruff Anthony, elk, res 54 Oak st Beruff Mrs. K., wid, res 54 Oak st Beruff Miss Katie, res Mrs. K. Beruff Beruff Miss Lula, res Mrs. K. Beruff Best E. F., lawyer, res 20 High st
Beth Israel Congregation, S. Saenger, pastor, cor becond and Poplar sts
Bibb Loan and Building Association, George W. Burr sec'y and treas

^ ^H. Comer, pres't, Savannah; W. I. Lang, supt; J. F. Hanson, sec'y and treas, and general agent, Macon. Factories, Oglethorpe and New sts, Main st, E. Macon Bickley Samuel, res J. P. Lowe
BIGAL CLIFTON elk P. 0., bds Corbett House Binkley Thomas, elk Johnson & Davis, bds 197 First

BilMngs T. E., book compositor, J. W. Burke & Co.,

res 197 First st


^ HARDEMAN, lawyers, 106J Cherry st J. of Billups & Hardeman, lawyer, res 15 Georgia ave BINSWANGER A., beer bottler etc, res 11 Cotton ave

BINSWANGER MRS. A., millinery, res 11 Cotton ave

Binswanger H. & J., gen'l mdse, 58 Mulberry st

Bmswanger H., of H. & J. Binswanger, gen'l mdse res -- Cotton ave

Binswanger J., of H. & J. Binswanger, gen'l mdse, res -- Cotton ave

Binswanger G., elk Mrs. E. H, Dottenheim, res same

Birch William B., elk J. W. Burke & Co., res 13 Magnolia st

Birch George S., fr't elk So. Express Co., res 13 Mag

nolia st


Birch J. N., money elk So. Express Co., res 13 Mag

nolia st


Birch Mrs. J. N., res 13 Magnolia st

BIRCH J. H., pawnbroker, res 25 Cotton ave

Bircher Louis, elk Lamar, Rankin & Lamar, res


Birdsong Mrs. M., wid, res George Wimberly

Birge Philip, clothing, res 238 Second st






White Department.
Bishop -, liveryman, bds 35 Pine st Bishop T. J., conductor S. W. R. R., res 244 Fourth st Bittick J. Emmett, res Mrs O. E. Bittick
Bittick Mrs. O. E., res 72 Washington ave Bivins Miss Sarah, res 42 Third st Bivins Mrs. F. C., wid, res 83 Pine st Black John, carpenter, res rear 28 Johnson st Black Mrs. J. E., wid, res A. B. Ross Black R. C., res 130 Hazel st Black T. J , drummer S. T. Coleman & Co., bds Edger-
ton House Blackshear Charles C., res Mrs. M. G. Blackshear Blackshear Mrs. C. M., dressmaker, res 31 College st BLACKSHEAR DR. J. EMMET, physician, res 152
Cotton ave Blackshear J. H., res Dr. J. Emmet Blackshear
Blackshear J. W., U. S. storekeeper and gauger, re& 98 Walnut st
Blackshear Miss M. A., res Dr. J. Emmet Blackshear Blackshear Mrs. M. C., wid, res 66 Washington ave Blackshear P. B., res J. W. Blackshear Blackburn Mrs. Aurelia, res Mrs. A. E. Williford BLAIR ALEXANDER, architect, res 40 Spring st Blair Alex., Jr., res Alexander Blair Blair Miss Bessie, res Alexander Blair Blair Frank, wks Bibb Mfg Co., res Hydraulic st, E.
Macon Blair William, res James Morton Blake Miss Evelyn, res Daniel Howard Blake Miss Ella, res G. J, Blake Blake G. J., brick mfr, res 80 Oak st Blake Miss Mary, res G. J. Blake Blake Thomas, policeman, bds National Hotel Blakely Miss Lou, wks E. Macon mills, bds Mrs Lou
Noles Blankenship Abner, carpenter, res 133 Hazel st BLOCK A., bkkpr Turpin & Ogden, mgr Ralston
Hall, res 194 First st Block Isaac, elk W. A. Doody, res cor Plum and
First st. Block Joseph, res 194 First st



T>1 .

White Department.

.Block Morrow, salesman M. Nussbaum, res cor First

and Plum sts

Block Nicholas, res Joseph Block

Blood worth Mrs. E., wid, res in alley bet Third, Troup Elm and Boundary sts

Blount David E., res 115 Walnut st

Blount Hon. J. H , M. C.. res 40 Johnson st

Blount Joseph, student, bds 53 College st Blount William, res nw limits

Blouenstein S., elk Jacob Harris, bds Ullman <fc Putzel

B ue Mrs. W. F., wid, res 3 Magnolia st

BOARDMAN A. E., supt Macon Gas Light and Water Co., res 42 Orange st

BOAKDMA^NrisJs. EMlo.,dpirae'sreMs aJc-oMn -GBasoaLridgmhatnand Water Co., res 113 Firsr, st

Boatwright Miss Jennie, res S. Boatwright

Boatwright James, fireman Ga.|R. R., bds 240 Third st Boatwright Miss Mollie, res Mrs S. A. Boatwright Boatwright Mrs. S. A. res 49 Fifth st

Boatwright Miss Theodosia, res Mrs. S. A. Boatwright Boifeuillet Mrs. A , wid, res 41 Hazel st


wid> res bkkpr

141 Madison st R. F. Lawton's


res 147 Madison st

Boifeuillet George H., salesman C. Burke & Son, re* 41 Hazel st

Boifeuillet Miss Jennie, res Mrs. A. Boifeuillet Boifeuillet John T., res 119 Magnolia st

Boifeuillet Miss Mamie, res Mrs Annie Boifeuillet -bollen Charles, upholsterer Thomas Wood

Boler Watt, train hand, S. W R. R., bds 240 Third st Boler Malke.r, train hand, S. W. R R., bds 240 Third at Boler W. G., wks S. W. R R, bds 240 Third st

Bone Charles, elk T. A. Adair, bds Guills, Fourth st Bone Miss Emma, elk Rogers & Winn, bds Mrs. Sher

BONE WILLIAM H., of Stevens & Bone, wholesale ^ grocers, res 17 Magnolia st

Bond Joseph N., elk Thomas Wood, res -- Mulberry st

B- Chapman, res 47 Fourth st Bond W. H., canvasser Singer Mnfg Co Bonn Miss Lizzie, res Mrs. Sallie Bonn



White Department.
Bonn Mrs. Sallie, wid, res 164 Mulberry st
Bonner Emmet, elk city weigher, res Mrs. W. P. Bonner
Bonner Miss Fannie, res R. W. Bonner Bonner Miss May, res R. W. Bonner Bonner R. W, city weigher, res 22 Magnolia st Bonner P. W., elk C. R R., res R. W. Bonner Bonner Mrs. W. P., res 74 Spring st Booker Mrs. Emma, wid, res 25 Arch st Booker John R., elk Schofield Iron Wks, res 39
Hazel st Boon Mrs. A. V., wid, res 120 Poplar st Boon Miss M. J., res Mrs Mary Boon Boon Mrs Mary, wid, res 23 Clinton road, E. Macon Boone Miss Annie, res J. W Allen Boone Ed., wks Macon Knitting Factory Boone James, foreman S. W. R. R. shops, res 215 Sec
ond st
Boone Miss Sallie, res James Boone Booth Mrs Sallie, res Mrs. Fannie Taylor Bostick J. E., gen mdse, res Forsyth road, Vineville Boswell J. F B., carpenter, res 28 Johnson st
Bostwick Rufus, fireman C. R. R., bds 38 Oglethorpe st Boutwell G. C ,engineer, res Sandy Bottoms Boutwell James, wks Carling & Brown, res opp War
ren Chapel, E. Macon
Boutwell James, carpenter, res Hydraulic st, E. Macon Bowden James, groceries, res 71 Cotton ave
Bowden William, ex messenger C. R R., res Cotton ave, nr Orange
Bowdre Julian, student, bds 137 Mulberry st Bowen Miss Alice, res D. E. Blount Bowen Miss Emma, elk. bds 44 Plum st Bowen-, painter, bds W. N. Guill
Bowers John, wks E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R., res 9 Collins alley, E. Macon
Bowers Mittie, bds Mad. Anna Wright Bowers Mrs Phoebe, wid, res Collins alley, E. Macon Bowles Miss Belle O. B , res J. D Bowles
Bowles J. D., So. Ex. Messenger E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R., res 2 Bass st
Bowles Louis A., elk E. P. Strong, res J. D. Bowles
Bowman John, butcher Abel & Bro.,bds cor. Ash and Bass sts



White Department.
Boyd Mrs. S. P., res O. T. Holmes

Boyd William, news butcher Macon News Co., bds J. T. Bishop
Boykin Miss Laura, res Rev. S. Boykin BOYKIN RET. 8., editor Kind Words, res 119 Wal
nut st

Boynton Miss M. L., res Sydney Boynton Boynton S. H., drummer, res 118 Madison st Boynton Miss Pearlie, res Sydney Boynton Bracken James, res P. J. Bracken
Bracken J. W., locomotive engineer S. W. R. R res 170 New st
Bracken Miss Lula, res P. J. Bracken Bracken P. J., locomotive eng, res 146 Elm st Bracken Wesley, res P. J. Bracken Brady Mrs.-res 111 Fourth st Brady Miss-res 111 Fourth st Brady Mrs. Mary, wid, res 44 Cherry st Brady James, dairyman, res 14 Fifth st
Brady W. V., compositor "Telegraph and Messen ger," res 44 Cherry st
Bradley J. B., carpenter, res Elm st nr M. &. W. R. R.

Bradford Miss A. L., res 53 Walnut st Bradford Mrs. J. J., res 53 Walnut st
Bradstreet's Commercial Agency, represented by Jno. P. Ross until July 15th, 1884, after J. W. Nisbet, 106 Cherry st.
Braidsford R. W-, canvasser Singer Mnfg Co
Branham Prof. A. I., principal Mercer University, res Holt st bet Orange and Maple
Branham T. R. Jr., elk empire store, res T. R. Bran ham
Branham T. R., teacher, res 137 Orange st Branham R. L., baggage master E. T., Va. & Ga. R-
R, res T. R. Branham
Branan J. L., boarding, res 165 Second st Branan Joseph, student, res J. L. Branan BRANSON OLIVER, portrait painter, res 71 Wal
nut st

Brannon R. A., bkkpr Bibb Mfg Co., res 50 Haw thorne st
Brantley Benjamin, yard master E. T., Va. & Ga, R, R., res 272 Fourth st



A First-class
COMMERCIAL Business School COLLEGE, Equal to any North or South.
Send for Circulars, free.
MACON, CA. W. McKAV, - Principal.
White Department.
Brantley E. F., salesman C. H. Rogers & Co., res Vineville
Brantley F. F., pharmacist Rankin, Massenburg <fe Co., bds Cbas. Taylor
Brantley J. A., elk G B. Dettre, res Vineville Brantley Dr. J. J., prof modern languages, res 38
Johnson st Brantley John Jr., res J J. Brantley Brantley J. M., foreman Dixie Wks, res 60 Pine st Brantley J R., fireman E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R., res
Troup Hill Brantley Thomas S., elk W. A. Juhan & Co., res J. J.
Brantley Brantley T. W., elk Newman & Thorner, res 214
Second st Brasswell C. A., engr E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R., res Troup
near Boundary st Bratton Charles, res Mrs. M. Woodall Brazer Mrs. P., wid, res Windsor Hill Brenner J. H., foreman Wesleyan Advocate, res 159"
Mulberry st Brenner Miss M. Lilian, res J. H. Brenner BREWING ASSOCIATION, A. Binswanger, agt, 67
Cherry st Bridges Charles, elk Henry Tarver, bds same Briggs R. V., lawyer, res Elm st near M. & W. R. R Bright E. S., locomotive engr M. & W. R. Pi., res
Troup Hill Bright George, bkkpr George S. Jones, bds C. R.
Hatcher Bright G L , gen mdse, res 45 Hazel st Bright Miss Sarah, res Mrs. M. Phillips Brillion Isaac, harnessmaker, res 119 Fourth st BRIMBERRY HARRY F., distributing elk P. O.,
bds 90 Pine st 5



Wiute .Department.
Brind -, tel opr, bds 137 Mulberry st
Brinn R. H., foreman J. W. Burke & Co., res 298 Troup st
Brittingham W. H., train hand, bds T. J. Bishop Bronson E. E., student, res H. W. Bronson Bronson H. W., claim agt C. R. R, res 241 Second st
Bronson Sydney, ass't claim agt C. R. R., res H. W. Bronson
Brooks Miss Cornelia, sewing, res 42 Cherry st Brooks Mrs. Elizabeth, res 10 Collins st, E Macon
Brooks Mrs. Elizabeth, wid, sewing res 42 Cherry st Brooks George, res Mrs. Elizabeth Brooks
Brooks J. P.. wks Bibb Mfg Co., res 101 Hawthorne st Brooks Miss Lizzie, res J. P. Brooks Brooks Miss Lucy, seamstress, res 11 Wharf st Brooks Miss Mary M., res J. P. Brooks Brooks Miss May, sewing, res 42 Cherry st Brooks O A., train hand S. W. R. R., res S T. Abel Brooks Oliver, res Elm st, bet Troup and Third Brooks Mrs. Sarah, wid, tailoress, res 138 Hazel st Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, Geo. A. Fox,
C E.; J. T. Black, See'y
Brown Miss Addie, sewing, res 31 Pine st Brown A. L , elk empire store, res Troup Hill Brown A. S , elk Cromeline & Co., res 89 Plum st Brown Burr, sewing machines and railroad tickets,
res nr Methodist Church, Vineville
BROWN E. E. & SON, prop's Edgerton House, 177 and 179 Fourth st
BROWN E. E., of E E. Brown & Son, prop's Edger ton House, 177 and 179 Fourth st
Brown Ed. L.. bkkpr Rosenfeld & Lilienthal, res 89
Plum st Brown Miss Ellen, res 96 Oglethorpe st Brown Mrs. Eliza, wid, res Windsor Hill
BROWN FILMORE, of E. E. Brown & Son, prop's Ed^er on House, 177 and 179 Fourth st
Browm Mrs. Fred., wid, res 2J miles Columbus road Brown F. L., res Boundary sc bet Troup and Third

BROWN GEORGE C., prop Brown's Hotel, 191 Fourth st
Browm Miss Georgia M., res Mrs. W. F. Brown
BROWN'S HOTEL, George C. Brown, prop, 191 Fourth st



White Department.
BROWN H* R., of Carling & Brown, plumbers and tinners, res cor Walnut and Third sts
BROWN'S HOTEL BAR and billiards, George C. Brown, prop
Brown Ida, bds Mad Anna Wright
Brown J, A., locomotive eng C. R. R., bds N. L. Wil liams
Brown Mrs. J. B., res Burr Brown
Brown Jacob, wks Bibb Mnfg Co, res First st E. Macon Brown J. H , feeder J. W. Burke, res 170 New st Brown J. J., student, res J. M. Brown Brown J M., of H. G. Davis & Co., groceries, res
Boundary st, w limits Brown John, res 96 Oglethorpe st Brown Lee, book compositor J. W. Burke & Co Brown Miss Lizzie, res 96 Oglethorpe st Brown Miss Lillian, res J. M Brown Brown Loring, wrapping elk Empire store, res A. L.
Brown Miss Maggie, res Mrs. W. F. Brown Brown Miss Mattie, res 96 Oglethorpe st Brown Moses res Tatnall square, near M. & W. R. R Brown Mrs. M., wid, res Cotton st, E. Macon Brown N. M., roofing paint, bds 165 Second st Brown P. W., engr E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R., res 68
Elm st
Brown Pansy, bds Mad Pearl Flemming Brown R A., time kpr Bibb Mfg Co., res 50 Haw
thorne st Brown Robert, res 96 Oglethorpe st Brown Robert D., asst elk Lanier House Brown R H., cotton buyer, res 184 Poplar st Brown S. M., elk C. R. R. frt depot, res 246 Third st Brown Mrs. Sarah, res 89 Plum st
Brown Thomas, tailor, res Mulberry st, near Lanier House
Brown T. H., policeman, res J. M. Brown Brown Willie, wks Macon knitting factory BROWN MRS. WILLIAM F., boarding, res 109 Pop
lar st

BROWN W* W., postmaster, see errata, page next index



White Department.
Bruhl F. E., watchmaker Walter T. Johnston, res

Mulberry at Brunner George, butcher, res 56 Calhoun st
Brunner Miss Julia, res 56 Calhoun st BRUNNER NORMAN I., drugs, res 55 Calhoun st Brunner V., collector, res 56 Calhoun st
Brush Electric Light Co., R. D. Tricky, supt
Bruskey John, driver J. B. Williams & Co., res 82

New st Bryan Mrs. F. V., boarding, 255 Fourth st
Bryant Mrs. M F., bds 51 Walnut st Bryant W. J., carpenter, res s limits Brydie Mrs J. J., wid, res N. E. Harris BUCHER MRS. K A/S E, wid, groceries, res 66 Main
st, E. Macon Buckaloo Mrs. Sarah, wid, res William Harris Buckner Miss Jennie, dressmaker, res 127 Poplar st
Buchanan Miss M. A., res Ben. C. Smith Buffington J. W., eng C. R. R., res Windsor Hill
Buker Ollie, bds Mad. Kate Butler Bulkley Miss Annie, elk Mrs, L. Reese, res Edward

Bulklev Bulkley Edward, res 177 Second st Bullard Belle, housekpr Mad Kate Butler Bunch George, elk Jaques & Johnson, res 201 Third st Bunkley Thomas, elk Davis & Johnson, bds 197

First st Burden Miss Ida, res W. H. Burden BURDEN R. F., of S. T. Coleman & Co., wholesale
dry goods, res 13 High st Burdick E. L., ag't, groceries, res 101 Plum st Burdick George P., elk Hardeman & Gibson, res Geo.

Burdick Burdick George, elk A. B. Small & Co., res 32 Mag

nolia st Burdick W. H., bkkpr Exchange Bank, res 101

Plum st Burghard Miss Anna, teacher, Second st school, res

Mrs. M, C. Burghard


Burghard Miss Clara, res Mrs. M. C. Burghard?

Burghard Henry, elk I Herman &Co., res 61 Orange st

Burghard Louis H., elk J. W. Rice & Co., res 61

Orange st

Burghard Julius, locomotive eng, E. T., Va. & Ga. R.

R., res 61 Orange st

t j\ f r\ I a Office 115 Third Street.



White Department.
Burghard Mrs. M C., wid, res 61 Orange st Burghard Miss Mamie, student, res 61 Orange st Burgen A. J., teacher mechanics Lewis High School,
res 172 New st Burgess Mrs. Rebecca, wid, res Mrs. Susan Artope Burke B. F, flagman E. T., Ya. & Ga. R. R., res
James A. Burke Burke C. & Son, sash, doors, paints, oils etc, 118
Third st Burke C., of C. Burke & Son, sash, doors, paints, oils
etc, res 113 Walnut st BURKE J. W. & CO., booksellers, publishers, bind
ers, Wesleyan Advocate, etc, 146 Third st, and 7
Cotton ave BURKE RET. J. W., of J. W. Burke & Co., pub
lishers, booksellers, binders, Wesleyan Christian Advocate, etc, res 12 Georgia avenue Burke James A.,cond'r E. T., Ya. & Ga. R. R., res cor Troup and Elm sts Burke T. C., of C Burke & Son, sash, doors, paints,
etc, res C. Burke Burket Joe Brown, student, res 79 Fourth st Burket J. U , farmer, res 79 Fourth st Burket Linton, elk S. Berg res 79 Fourth st Burket- Miss Mollie, res 79 Fourth st Burket Thomas, elk Rodgers & Adams, res 79
Fourth st Burkner Mrs. Margaret, wid, res 13 Wharf st Burns James, bartender, res 53 Fifth st, E. Macon Burns Thomas, elk, res James Burns Burns T. L., fireman S. W R. R., res 159 Hazel st Burnett Charles res W. D. Carlos Burne't E. S., elk Wachtel & Bro, res Tatnall square Burnett George T., wks R. C. Wilders Sons, res Troup
Hill Burnett J. C. C., bkkpr Thomas & Wood, res 25
Ro8S st Burnett J. E,, wks E. Crockett & Son, res J. C. C.
Burnett Burnett John R., mgr sewing machine dept Burr
Brown, res 159 Hazel st

White Department.
Burney Arthur, elk Lamar, Rankin & Lamar, res Mrs. Jane Burney
Burney Miss Fannie, res Mrs Jane Burney Burney Mrs. Jane, wid, res 120 Madison st Burney Robert E , bkkpr Capital Bank of Macon, res
126 Madison st Burney T. J., traveling solicitor Telegraph and Mes
senger, res 131 Wharf st Burpee A. L., painter F. M. Acuff, res 94 Elm st BURR GEORGE W., crockery, res cor Bond and
Orange sts Burrus Frank, artist, bds 73 New st Burton C. M., oik County Court, res 13 Bond st Burton Norman M., wks W. TJ. Tel. Co., res C. M.
Burton Burton R. F., elk Empire Store, res C2 Orange st Burwell A., drummer Singleton, Hunt & Co., bds
Edgerton House Burwell B. R., res 55 Walnut st .JBurwell D. R., drummer A. W. Turner & Co., res --
Walnut st Burwell W. A., elk Singleton, Hunt & Co., res Spar
ta, Ga Bush G. W., bar, res Forsyth, Ga Bush J. S, res Hydraulic st, E. Macon Bussey Edward, locomotive eng S. W. R. R., res 238
First st Butler James, collector Fox's warehouse, bds W. T.
King Butler Mad. Kate, res Cherry st Butler Henry, wks Bibb Mfg Co., res Hydraulic str
E. Macon Butler Henry, Jr., res Henry Butler Butler Louis, carpenter, res Windsor Hill Butler Miss Martha, res Henry Butler Butler Miss Missouri, res Henry Butler Butler Mrs. R. A., wid, res Mrs. E. J. Johnston Butler Thomas, res 123 Walnut st Butner Miss Jennie, res Mrs. M. Butner Butner Mrs. M. E., proprietress Corbet House, res
same Butner Miss Nellie, res Mrs. M. E. Butner Butner T. M., feed and sale stable, res 174 Poplar st BUTTS A. G., Ga. Land Agency, res 97 Orange st



A First-class
COMMERCIAL Business School COLLEGE, Equal to any North or South.
Send for Circulars, free.
MACON, CA. W. McKAY, - Principal.
White Department.
BUTTS A. L., coal, res 97 Orange st BUTTS A. W., elk W. A E P. Taylor, res A. G. Butts Butts Miss Carrie E , res A. G. Butts BUTTERXCKS PATTERNS, Mrs. C. F. Daniels, agt,
11 Cotton ave
UjAB 4 NISS J. W., of Cobb, Rees A Co , fire, life and U' accident ins, cashier Exchange Bank, res 109 Or
ange st Cady Miss Mary C., res Mrs. Theodore Green Cain Mrs. Anna wid, res Mrs M. 0. Wood Cain Joseph, carpenter, res First st, E Macon Cain Thomas, wks opera house, res cor Fourth st and
M. A W. R. R Caldwell C. A , elk W. A. Juhan & Co., bds 57 New st Caldwell Charles, res Mrs. E. J. Caldwell Caldwell Mrs. E J., wid, res 297 Troup st Caldwell Miss Mattie J , res Mrs E. J Caldwell Caldwell Sidney, res Mrs. E. J. Caldwell Calasanctus Mother, teacher public schools, res Mt.
DeSales Academy Calhoun J. V., wks C. R. R. shops, res 302 Fourth st Calhoun Mrs. Jennie, wid, res Windsor Hill Caihoun O. A , carpenter, res 386 Fourth st Calaway H. B., groceries, res Columbus road Callawav Miss Annie, res C B. Callaway Callaway Mrs. Annie, wid, res J. M Brown Callaway C. B., farmer, res near Pio Nono College,
Yineville CALLAWAY J. T., of Winship & Callaway, cloth
ing, etc, res 71 Spring st Callaway J. T. -Jr., res 71 New st Callaway William, res J. T. Callaway Callahan Miss Kate, res 65 Cherry st Callaghan Thomas, groceries and bar, res 106 Third st Cameron Duncan, gas fitter Carling & Brown



White Department.
CAMP & ANDERSON, lawyers, 112| Second st CAMP FELIX, of Camp & Anderson, lawyers, res
73 New st Campbell A. J., elk W. A. Doody, res John Camp
bell Campbell A. F. G., carpenter, res 47 Oak st Campbell Charles E., of Campbell & Jones, cotton
factory, Mulberry st Campbell --, bds 46 Plum st Campbell Donald, plumber Carling & Brown Campbell James H., wholesale liquors, res Charles E.
Campbell Campbell John, gas fitter, res cor Mulberry and
Fifth sts
Campbell & Jones, cotton factors, 100 Poplar st Campbell Joseoh, elk W. A. Doody, res John Camp
Campbell R. 0., elk James H. Campbell, bds 178 Pop137* fit
CAMPBELL W. A., ass't P. M., res 236 Third st Cankersley Miss Abbie, res Thomas Cankersley Cankersley Thomas, eng S. W. R. R., res Windsor
CANNING CIIAS., of J. W. Burke & Co., res 170 Mulberry st
Canning Miss Lizzie, res Charles Canning CANNON J. W., teller Macon Savings Bank, res E.
Macon Cannon W. F., wholesale groceries, res 213 First st Canto Mrs. Matilda, wid, wks F. Reichert, res nr
CAPITAL BANK OF MACON, cap, $200,000. Henry L. Jewett, pres't, N. M. Hodgkins, cashier, 150 Second st
Cardwell C. C., plumber Macon Gas Light & Water Co., res 46 Plum st
Cargile Miss Julia, res Mrs A. L. Rhodes Cargile Wm. S., res Mrs. A. L. Rhodes Carhart & Curd, hardware, 69 Cherry st Carhart E H., of Carhart & Curd, hardware, bds La
nier House
Carhart Wm., elk E. H. Carhart & Co., bds 150 Mul berry st
CARLING & BROWN, plumbers and tinners, 126 and 128 First st, 35 Cotton aye

<>NTK ACTORS and Bnil.D^'KS, Foot ofCherry



White Department.
CARLING T. J., of Carling & Brown, plumbers and tinners, res 114 Orange st
Carlos Miss Annie F , res W. P. Carlos Carlos W P., res s limits Carlton Mad. Pearl, res 24 Plum st Carman Miss Emma, res T. J. Lane Carmichael John, wks Collins Mfg Co., res 315
Third st Carmichael Mrs M., wid, res 8 Collins alley, E. Macon
CARNES & STROEMER, insurance and brokerage, 115 l hird st
CARNES W. W., of Carnes & Stroemer, ins and brokers, res 33 New st
Carnes Charles, student, res W. W. Carnes Carr Miss Fannie, res Geo. S. Jones Carr George, drummer Ludden & Bates, res Windsor
Hill Carr R. J., salesman Geo S. Jones, bds same Carroll Miss Annie, res Alexander Reynolds Carroll E. B. mechanic, res Windsor Hill CCAarRroRllOLMLissDRFa. nWni.e,Fr.e,spEhysBi.ciCanar,rroelsl 56J Main st,
E. Macon Carrington --, bds 98 Fourth st Carstarphen T. J. & Co., groceries and produce com
mission, 152 Second st Carstarphen T. J., of T. J. Carstarphen & Co., grocer
ies and produce commission, res 152 Second st Carstarphen W. S.,of T. J. Carstarphen & Co,, gro
ceries and commission, res 152 Second st Cart hey Richard, res New Houstoh road Carter B., bar, res 205 Fourth st Carter Henry wks Guernsey's shop, res 272 Fourth st
Carter Mrs. M. A., wid, res 20 Fifth st E. Macon Carter Mrs. M. P., wid, res 16 Fifth st E. Macon Carter W. F., tel opr E. T., Ya & Ga. R. R., res 88
Elm st
CARTER MRS. J. D., wid, of Carver & Johnson, gro ceries, bds 180 Poplar st
Carwick Joseph tailor. S. Greenberg, res cor New
and Walnut sts



White Department.
Carey E. G., elk Josephson & Skalowski, bds Corbet House

CASE GEORGE W., marble and granite wks, res 26 Chestnut st
Case William, wks G. W. Case, res same Cash E. E , U. S. deputy marshal, bds National Hotel Cash James, wks Bibb Mnfg Co., res First stE. Macon Castellaw Miss N. E., res W. H. Castellaw Castellaw W. H., boarding, res 38 Oglethorpe st
CASSIDY ED., boarding, cor Fifth st and old Court Hous Square
CASSIDY OWEN, bar, res cor Fifth and old Court House square
Cassidy Pat peddler, bds Ed Cassidy Catherine Sister, res Mt. DeSales Academy Causey Alexander, res Cotton st, E. Macon Causey Edward L., wks Central furniture house, res
rear 20 Tatnall st
Causey Henry, wks Findlay's iron works, res 132 Hazel st
Causey Miss Isora, res rear 20 Tatnall st Causey James, res Windsor Hill Causey Leon, wks Macon knitting factory Causey Mrs. S. E., wid, res rear 20 Tatnall st Causey Will, wks Macon knitting factory Cavenaugh M., blacksmith, res 385 Fourth st Cawley Mrs. Bridget, wid, res sandy bottoms Cawley Miss Biddie A., saleslady P. McGrath, res
sandy bottoms
Cawley B F , foreman C. R R., res Windsor Hill Cawley F. L., of Hunt & Cawley, drpgs, res 374
Fourth st
Cawley Miss Julia, les B. F. Cawley Cawley Miss Lizzie G., milliner Mrs. Glazer, res
sandy bottoms
Cawley Miss Maggie, elk Hunt, Rankin & Lamar, res sandy bottoms
Cecillia Sister, res Mt. DeSales Academy Central Railroad and Banking Co. of Ga
CEN * RAL GEORGIA BANK (State depository), J. E. Jones, pres, T. O. Ohestney, cashier, 111 Third st
Centenary Alliance (social), Isaac Hardeman, pres, Campbell T. King, sec'y
Chalmers Zach, res New Houston road


COAL! ARMAND L. BUTTS. Offi^ 115 Third Street.



White Department.

Chambers Oscar, elk D J. Bner, bds National Hotel


178 Second st

Chambliss J. E., elk Johnson & Carver, bds B. M.


Chambliss S. E., elk E. M. Sargent & Co., res 190

First st

Chapman C. B., bds 144 Orange st

Chapman George, piano tuner, res 24 Fifth st

Chapman A. J., wks C K. R. shops, res 11 Maple st

Chapman J. P., watchman City Hall, re* 151 Hazel st

Chapman J. R. A , res J. P. Chapman

Chapman Mrs. M , wid, res H H. Summerlin

Chapman W. B., restaurant and bar, res 47 Fourth st

Chappell A. E , drummer Jaques & Johnson, bds

Brown's Hotel

Chappell C. T., cashier Empire Store

Charbonel A., mfr hair goods, res 104 Second st

Charlton Will, locomotive eng C. R. R., bds National



Charpiot I. A., wks C. R. R. shops, bds Wilbourn


Chasteen J. H., carpenter, res 34 Oglethorpe st

Chasteen James, carpenter, res R. A. Benson

Chasteen Mrs. Mary, wid, res 34 Oglethorpe st

Chavers Moses, painter, res 27 Spring st

Chavers Miss Tallulah, res Moses Chavers

Chavers William, res Moses Cnavers

Cheatham Miss Charlie, bds T A. Cheatham

Cheatham Miss Fannie, res T. A. Cheatham

Cheatham Sydney, compositor J. W. Burke, res T. A.


Cheatham T. A., elk Lamar, Rankin & Lamar, res 201

Second st

Cheatham William, piano tuner and repairer, res

New Houston road

Cherry A H., elk frt depot C. R. R., res 133 Poplar st

Cherry E." B., pressman Georpe F. Wing, res 33

Fourth st

Cherry E. D,, baggage agt Union depot, res 133

Poplar st

I 'V



White Department.
Cherry Mrs. Edna, wid, res Robert Cherry Cherry Miss Eannie R , res 133 Cherry st Cherry Miss Flora, res H. J Cherry Cherry H. J., dray line, res 97 Oak st Cherry J. E., groceries, res Savannah
Cherry J. S., of Cherry & Son, dray line, res H. J. Cherry
Cherry Mrs. Job, wid, res 33 Fourth st
Cherry Lemuel, wood passer C. R. R., bds 28 Oak st Cherry Robert, res 319 Third st Cherry & Son, dray line, 97 Oak st Cherry W. A., mgr J. E. Cherry, res Yineville Cherry Wilbur, printer, res 33 Fourth st Cherry William, wks Dixie wks, res 319 Third st Cherry W. H., fireman C. R. R., res 82 Oak st
CHESS CARLEY CO. THE oils and naval stoves, B. F. Stone, ag't. 144 Second st
CHESAPEAKE GLANO CO., John R. West, gen'l ag't, 157 Second st
Chestney Miss Estella, res T. 0. Chestney
CHESTNEY T. 0., cashier Central Georgia Bank, res 52 First st
Chester J. W., bkkpr Ga. Mill, bds Lanier House Cheves Henry, carpenter, res 276 Second st Cheves Henry, carpenter, res Gorden st E. Macon Cheves Robert, carpenter, res Henry Cheves Cheves Roswell, res Henry Cheves Cheves Miss Pinkie, res Henry Cheves Cheves Miss Willie, res Henry Cheves Chichester H. L , elk C. R. R. office, res 1 Short st Chichester Louis, salesman Tinsley Bro's & Co Chichester W. H., elk H. Horne, res 1 Short st Chichester W. B., elk Henry Horne, res H. L. Chi
Childers Charles, wks Rogers & Winn, res E. Macon Chipley J. T., machinist, res Windsor Hill Chipley Mrs. N. A, wid, boarding, res 274 Fourth st Christ's Episcopal Church, R. J. Winchester, rector,
ss Walnut bet Second and Third sts Christian John, wks Bibb Mnfg Co, bds Henry Price Christian J. M. W , res 60 Oak st Christian T. J., elk C. R. R., res nr Warren Chapel,
E. Macon
Christian-, res Windsor Hill






White Department.
Christopher Horace, elk Hicks, Heard & Co., res 207
First st Christopher Mrs J. W., res 207 First st Churchill Miss Annie, wks Rogers & Winn, res E.
Macon Churchill Mrs A. E . wid, res Cotton st, E. Macon
Churchill Miss Eliza, res Mrs. Harriet Church Churchill Mrs Francis, wid, res 16 Fifth st, E. Macon Churchill Mrs. Harriet, wid, res Hydraulic st, E.
Macon Churchill John, wks Bibb Mfg Co., res Mrs. Har
riet Churchill Churchill Miss Rebecca, res Mrs. Harriet Churchill Churchill Robert, wks Bibb Mfg Co., res Mrs. A. E.
Churchill City Hall, intersection Poplar and First sts and
Cotton ave Clancy Johnson, student, res M. J. Clancy Clancy M. J., bkkpr, res 26 Magnolia st Clancy R. lb, elk J. W. Burke & Co., res M. J,
Clancy Clary T. B., locomotive eng C. R. R., bds 40 Wal
nut st Clark A. D., messenger So. Ex. Co., res W S Clark Clark A. F., brickmason, res Mrs. D. F. Clark Clark Mrs. D. F., res 214 Second st
Clark E. A., baggage master S. W. R. R., res Mrs. D. F. 'Clark
Clark Edward, U. S. gauger, res 227 Second st Clark Henry, res E. L. Burdick Clark Miss Hettie F., res J. O. A. Clark, D. D Clark Irene, bds Mad Zella Ivey
Clark Miss Jennie M., res W. S. Clark Clark Rev. J. O. A., D. D., pastor First St. M. E.
Church, res 237 First st Clark M. G., gardner, res New Houston road Clark Mrs. Mark D., wid, res nw limits Clark Miss V. E., res 137 Madison st Clark W. S., cotton buyer, res 77 Oak st Clarke John, train hand, res Mrs T. Eady Clarke Mrs. H. F., res D. M. Gugel

COAU armandl. butts.
W W Office 113 Third St.
White Department.
Claxton J. K., ass't bkkpr W. A. Doody, bds 159 Poplar st
CLAL J. J., undertaker, res 41 Spring st Clay Miss Iranowna, res J. J. Clay Clay Lamar, res J J. Clay Clayton Mrs. A. B., wid, res N, B. Corbin Clayton Mrs. E. H., wid, res 101 Orange st Clayton Miss Mary, res Mrs. E H Clayton CLAYTON T. A., messenger So. Ex. Co. Atlanta
Div. E T , Va. A Ga R. R., bds National Hotel Clements Thomas, wks E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R., res
J. W. Ellis Clisby Rev. A. W., pastor PresbyteriaD Church, res
110 First st Clisby Miss Etta, res Joseph Clisby Clisby Frank, res Joseph Clisby Clisby Mrs Julia, res W T. Hollingsworth Clisby Joseph, res Forsyth road, Vineville Clisby Miss Josie, res Joseph Clisby Clinkseales Mrs A W. wid, res 134 Orange st C. NIKIAS' BEER, A Binswanger, agt, 67 Cherry st Coates Ed. H., bkkpr Wolff Bros, k Co., bds 104 Col
lege st Coates Geo. W., elk Empire Store, bds 104 College st Coates John T., elk Emoire Store, bds 104 College st COBB J. B., of Cobb, Rees & Co., gen ins, special
agts Western, of Toronto, and Crescent, of N. O., res 25 Bond st COBB J. J., of Cobb, Rees & Co., fire, life and acci dent ins, teller Exchange Bank, res 25 Bond st COBB, REES & CO., fire, life and accident ins, 144 Second st Cobb Miss Millie, res J B. Cobb Coffey Daniel, Empire Store, bds Corbet House Coffey J. T., elk Empire Store, bds Corbet House Cohen Eddie, res J. H Hertz Cohen Mortimer, res J. H. Hertz Cohen E., elk, res 95 Fourth st Cohen L , elk M. Nussbaum & Co , res 95 Fourth st Coker W. H., elk S. S. Dunlap, bds Wilbourn House

DIX'E WORKS, Manufacturers of
Foot of Cherry Street._



White Department.
Colbert Rev. J. F., pastor St Joseph (Catholic) Church, res cor Fourth and Walnut sts
Colder G. H. elk Dunwody Bros., res 179 Poplar st Cole B. T., eng S. W. R. R., bds 191 First st Coles W. H , conductor C. R. R., bds 98 Fourth st Coleman Miss Birtie, res S. T. Coleman Coleman Bessie, bds Mad Zella Ivey Coleman John, res Second st, E Macon COLEMAN & NEWSOM, warehouse, cot com, gro
ceries, 57, 59, 61. 63 Poplar st COLEMAN ROBERT, of Coleman & Newsom, ware
house, cot com. groceries res 67 College st
COLEMAN S. T. & CO.s wholesale dry goods, 146 and 148 Third st
COLEMAN S. T., of S. T. Coleman & Co., wholesale and retail dry goods, res Bond Hill
Collins George, res John Collins Coley Wm., teacher Ga. Academy for the Blind (col),
res same Colard Frank, elk Guernsey, bds 180 First st Colard Samuel, wks Electric Light Co., bds 180
First st Colard William, plumbur Carling & Brown Collier Miss Ada, res William Collier Collier Miss Annie, res William Collier Collier Miss Carrie, res William Collier Collier Charles F., bkkpr George Barker, res 11
Magnolia st Collier Frank, plumber J. M. Daly
Collier George H.r elk Dunwody Bros., res 169 Pop lar st
Collier Miss Lillie, res William Collier Collier William, machinist, res cor Ash and La
mar sts
Collier W. H., elk Elihu S. McLean, res cor Ash and Lamar sts
Collins Miss Annie, res Bay st, E. Macon Collins A. J., condr E. T., Va. & Ga. R R., res cor
Troup and Boundary sts Collins Appleton P., lumber, res 74 Washington ave
Collins Mrs. Eliza, wid, res Ben C. Smith



White Department.
Collins Jairus, bkkpr S. D. Coleman & Co., res 159 Poplar st
Collins John, res cor Johnson and Elm sts Collins Mrs. Mary, wid, res s limits Collins Mrs. M T., wid, tailoress Louis Lowenthal,
res -- Fourth st
Collins Mrs Melissa, wid. sewing, res 40 Poplar st COLLINS MFG CO., cor Boundary and Sixth sts COLLINS 11. S., supt Collins Mfg Co., res 174
Cherry st
COLLINS STEPHEN, res 172 Cherry st Collins Thomas, res in alley bet Elm st and M. &
W. R. R
COLLINS W. W., pres Collins Mfg Co., res 172 Cherry st
Colvillo A., fruits, res 91 Mulberry st Combs W. F., proof reader J. W. Burke & Co., res
s limits
Combs William, groceries, res New Houston road Conklin Miss Ella, res Mrs. J. C. Conklin Conklin Mrs. J. C., wid, res 342 Fourth st Conn C. G., asst bkkpr W. A. Juhan & Co., res
Isaac Hardeman
Conner Bros., ins and mdse brokers, 107 Cherry st Conner C.., insurance, res 57 Walnut st Conner David B., elk Machold, res Mrs. L. A. Conner Conner Fred G-, elk C. R. R., res Mrs. L. A. Conner Conner Frank H , of Conner Bros., ins, res cor Sec
ond and Walnut sts Connor G. C., fire ins, res 57 Walnut st Conrad James, mechanic, bds ISO First st Conner Mrs L. A., wid, res 69 Walnut st Conner Miss Leila, res Mrs. L. A. Conner Conner Miss Louisa, res Mrs. L A. Conner Conner Thomas U., ins ag't and brokerage, res 123
College st
Congregational Methodist Church, Rev. James A. Davis, pastor; cor Jackson and Elm sts
Constantine Chapter No. 4, (masonic) Joseph E. Wells, H. P,, Thos. L. Massenburg, sec'y
Cook Miss Annie, res Peter Cook Cook Charles E., res Rev. J. O. A. Cook Cook D. R., of J. L. Cook & Co., prop's Ga. Mills,
res 101 Orange st



White Department.
Cook tL. C., res 28 Columbus st Cook J. L. & Co., prop's Ga. Mills Cwk J. L., of J. L. Cook & Co., prop's Ga. Mills
res lb Ga ave
Cook Rev. J. O A , rastor Mulberry St. M E Cnurch, res 147 Mulberry st
Cook Miss Miry, res Peter Cook Cook Miss Minnie B, res R^v. J. 0. A. Cook Coik Miss Minnie, res 18 Fifth st Cook Otto, wks Bernd Bros., res Peter Cook Cook Peter, carpenter C. R. C. shops, res 66 Hour
roe st

Coo,kk W. C, c!ikns Jfblduses17&9 PJoohpnlasrons,t res 15 Lamar st

Coo er Miss Addie L,, res Mrs. J. B. Cooper Cooper C; W., elk Empire St< re

Cooper Edward, wks Reynolds' Iron Wks, res 41 Hawthorne st

Cooper Edward, fireman M. & W. R. R.. res 351

lyurth st


Cooper EM , elk J. W. Burke & Co/s branch store,

res 134 Orange st



Cooper Fannie, res alley bet Fourth, Fifth, Oak and Pine sfs

Cooper Mrs. J B,, wid, dressmaker, res 302 Fourth st Cooper John, elk C. R. R., bds 178 Poplar st


fruits, dressmaker, res 105

Corbett E C., of Hollis & Corbett, feed stables, res cor Poplar and New sts

Housp> boarding, 174 Poplar st

CORBETT W. P., delivery elk P. O. (See errata) Goroin N., elk Jaques & Johnson, res nr Pio Nono
College. Vineville

Cordell Wra, carpenter, res Windsor Hill

Core Mrs. Mat'ie, sewing, res 106J Third st

Corkery Miss Maggie, res J. M. Johnston Cornell Geo. P., elk Jaqims & Johnson Cornell Mrs. Sarah, res W. H. Cornell

C(|rneH Wm. H. pharmacist John Ingalls, res 153

IN 6 W St





White Department.
Cnrput Felix & Co , fruits, ice, fish, etc, 86 Cherry st CORPUT FELIX, major of city, of Felix Corput
& Co., fruits, fish, ice etc, res 1 High st
Corput MissJessie, student, res Felix Cnrput Corput Miss Stella, s udent, res Felix Corput Costello T., Prof. Pio Nono College, res same
COTTON STATES LIFE INS CO., of Macon, Wm. B Johnston, pres t, George S. Obear, sec'j ; 109 Mulberry st
Cotton Avenue Public School, C. B. Chapman, A. M., principal
Cotton-, tel opr, bds 137 Mulberry st Cotton Mrs. L. C.. res Mrs. M. C. Blackshear Couch B. W., wks Bibb Mnfg Co., res First st E.
Macon Couch John, res B. W. Couch Couch Thomas, res B W. Couch County Court House, cor Second and Mulberry sts County Jail, Four h, bet Poplar and Cherry sts Courtney M. P., locomotive eng C. R. R , res 40 Wal
nut st Couse Miss Ellen, res A. G. Maumenee Coward George, switchmann E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R.,
bds 277 Fourth st Coward Joseph, switchman E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R.,
bds 277 Fourth st Cowser Miss Elizabeth, wks Bibb Mnfg Co, bds W.
J. Cowser Cowser Mrs. Sarah, res R. A. House Cowser Miss fcarah, wks Bibb Mfg Co., res W. J.
Cowser Cowser W. J , wks Bibb Mfg Co., res 28 Oglethorpe st oCox C T. salesman W. R. Cox bds Uliman & Putzel
'Cox F. A., bar, res 330 Fourth st Cox Fred H., elk W. R. Cox, res same
Cox Robert, res R. V. Cox Cox R. V., drummer Talbot & Sons, res 47 Ross st Cox W R., whol whisky, res 24 Ga are Coxe Miss Mary, dressmaker, res 59 Cherry st Craft Mrs. Julia, wid, dressmaker, res over G. B.
Dettre Craig C arles, res 73 Plum st Craig D. D., patternmaker Findlay Iron Wks, res
Jackson st, bet Elm and Ash sts



A First-class
COMMERCIAL Business School COLLEGE, Equal to any North or South.
Send for Circulars, free.
MACON, GA. VV. McKAV, - Principal.

n uilv department.
Craig Hardy, res D D. Craig

Craig James, student, res D. D. Craig

Craig Robert, wks Findlay Iron Wks, res D. D. Crai* Craig Robert, blacksmith, res Windsor Hill

Cramer F A., carpenter, bds 38 Oglethorpe st

Crawford Miss Anna, wks Bibb Mfg Co., res W H




Crawford G. W., res Windsor Hill

Crawford Miss Mary, wks Bibb Mfg Co., res W H Crawford

Crawford Miss Martha, wks Bibb Mfg Co., res. W
H. Crawford

Crawford P F , res Adams st, near Mercer University

^thorpie / H'' WkS Bibb Mfg COm reS 82 S1^ Craven G. W. machinist, res J. A. Rohr Craven Mrs M . wid, res J. H. Rohr Cress well Mrs. Elizabeth, wid, res First st, E. Macon Cresswell Miss Liddie, res Mrs. Elizabeth Cresswell ^ThircTst Edward> wks Collins Mg Co., res 286
Crmmins Mrs Ellen, wid, res 286 Third st CrCenresnhsahwawMrs. Elizabeth, seamstress, res Mrs. E.
E.' wi(1- 92 Hawthorne st
mSsOO FoiR fUnd,!rS aDd maoM"ist"-
'SS B. TMke" & Sn' fmmders and CRi OI uCmKEstT 0. H., of E. Crockett & Son, res 109 Cromeline & Co., wholesale cigars, 98 Mulberry st

CrbrS Hoirreline & Co" cig"rs and Cronan Wm., groceries, res 352 Fourth st Cronan Wm., elk Wm. Cronan, res same

White Department.
Cronan J. W., elk M. & W. depot, res New Houston road
Croone Miss Francis, wks Bibb Mfg Co., res Mrs. M. Croone
Croone Mrs. M., wid, res 82 Oglethorpe st Croone Miss Melissa, tvks Bibb Mfg Co., res Mrs. M..
Croone Croone Stephen, tinner John Vansyckel & Co Crosby Mrs. C. A., res 49 Oak st Crosby Mrs. E. A., wid, res 119 Fourth st Crosland J E., planter res 4 Bass st Crosland J E , jr., res J. E. Crosland Crosslee William, wks Collins Mnfg Co, res Troup
Hill Crowley J. H , fireman S. W. R. R.,res 268 Third st Crumes Burwel , res nr Cotton st E. Macon Crumes Miss Mattie, wks Bibb Mnfg Co, res Mrs.
Mary Crumes Crumes Mrs. Mary, wid, res Hydraulic st E. Macon Crumley Miss Annie, res Miss M. K. Tindall Crumple Rev. P. A., minister, res Hydraulic st E.
Macon CRIT1CHFIELD J. F., cotton buyer, res 11 High st CRUTCH FIELD W. A. cotton broker, res 17 High st Cubbedge, C. H., salesman George S. Obear, res 45.
College st Cubbedge Miss Fannie, student, res R. W. Cubbedge Cubbedge R. W., stocks, bonds etc, res 45 Orange st Cubbedge R. W. Jr., ass't cuiter J. L. Shea res 45
Orange st Culbreth Miss Anna, res Dr. J. G. Ryals Culberson A. A., bkkpr Hanson, res 170 Cherry st Culberson Miss Ophelia, res A. A Culberson Culver L. E., of Smith, Culver & Co., hardware, res-
lz4 Third st Culver J. L., of Smith, Culver & Co., hardware, res
Culverton, Hancock county, Ga Cullen A A., of Felix Corput & Co., fruits, ice, fish,,
etc, res 78 Oak st Cullen Miss Carrie, res Mrs. Hannah Cullen Cullen Frank B., compositor Eveng News, res Mil-
ledgeville Cullen F. W., day elk Brown's Hotel Cullen Mrs. Harriet, res 78 Oak st

alDEIX k WILLISSHAM builders5 "supplies


White Department.
Cullen Miss Marie, res Mrs Hannah Cullen

Cuilens F. B., compositor Telegraph and Messenger,

res 98 Fourth st

8 '

Cullens Fran k. compositor Telegraph and Messenger,

res 98 Fourth st


Culli-C P- compositor Telegraph and Messenger, res 98 Fourth st

Cumming Mrs. S. A., wid, res 131 Walnut st

Cunningham Fred, hus mgr J. D. Hudgins, bds Brown's Hotel

Cunningham R P., bkkpr Coleman & Newsom, bds Brown's Hotel

Cunningham William, compositor Telegraph and Messenger, res 77^ Cotton ave

Cunningham W. H., elk J. W. Burke & Co. res s limits

Curd E S , student, res Mrs. J H. Curd Curd Mrs. J. H., wid, res 158 Mulberry st

Curd Mrs. S E,, wid, res 150 Mulberry st Curry D. B., drummer Johnson & Harris Currv J. H, wks C. Pv. R, res Giles' ille

CURTIS & BELL, 99-cent store, 122 Second st
CUR I IS H. (*., ot Curtis & Bell, 99 cent store, res Chattanooga

Curtis W. H. D., locomotive eng C. R R, bds Na tional Hotel

Curtii Wm., bds Corbett House

Cush John, mechanic, res Joseph Harrison Cutter H. G., lime agt, res 96 Poplar st Cutter H. G . res 59 Walnut st

Cutter M. H., contractor, res nr M. E. Church, E. Macon

TjACEY' MISS JULIA, dressmaker, res 62 Mulberry st
Daly Mrs. C A ., wid, res 44 Cherry st Daly John E., elk O'Hara & Bro., res 44 Cherry st Daly Mrs D., res George Beggs Dalv F. J M , lawyer, bds National Hotel DALY JAMES M., plumber and gas fitter, res 116
Walnut st



White Department.
Daly Miss M. A., res Matthew Daly Daly Matthew, groceries, res 37 Johnson st Daly Michael, genl mdse, res Windsor Hill Daly Patrick, res New Houston road Damour Mrs. Ann, wid, res 39 Fourth st Damour C. E., res 39 Fourth st Damour Dr J. A., res Windsor Hill DANA 0. N., Sup't printing dep't J. W. Burke & Co.,
res vvs Spring bet Oak and Pine sts Dane T. J , elk Ft. A. Gordon, res 58 Main st E.Macon Danforth J. R. B., entry elk N. Nussbaum, bds S. H.
Daniel Miss Ella, res W. G. Daniel Daniel W. B , of W. M. Hitt & Co., cotton buyers, res
198 Cherry st Daniel W. G., policeman, res 123 First st DANIELS C. F., photographer, res 9 Cotton ave DANIELS MRs. C. F.. ag't Butterick's patterns,
dressmaker, res 11 Cotton ave Daniels Emmet, bkkpr Cotton States Ins. Co, res
Progress st nr Forsyth st Daniels Mrs F. E., wid, res Emmet Daniels Daniels Henry, wks C. R. R. shops, res 262 Fourth st Daniels Miss Sallie, res Mrs. M. E. Ellis Danenburg Joseph, res 224 Second st Darby Cicero, carpenter, res 5 Short st Darby Eli, res Cicero Darby Darragh Miss M., res Mrs. Johanna Darragh Darragh Mrs. Johanna, wid, res cor Walnut and
New sts
Dasher A. L., baggage master S. W. R. R., res G. S. Dasher
Dasher George S., conductor S. W. R. R., res 123 Orange st
Daus D., Brown's Hotel cigar and news stand, bds same
Davis Mrs. A. A., wid, res 82 First st Davis A. J., of Davis & Hagood, meat market, res
Vineville Davis Miss Ada M., res Mrs. A. A Davis Davis Anderson, shoemaker, res 96 Oglethorpe st Davis Miss Belle, res 33 Fourth st Davis Charles A., bkkpr A. B Small, bds 13 New et Davis Miss Cynthia, res Mrs. Louisa Davis

A I I armand l. butts.
wUMLi I Offi115 Tbhiird 8trept.
White Department.
Davis Miss Ella, res Thomas Barley Davis E M. drummer Rogers & Winn, res Vineville Davis Miss Emma J., saleslady 10-cent store, res cor
Third and Boundary sts Davis Miss Ella, seamstress, rps 31 First st Davis F, D, master E T., Va. & Ga. R. R.,
bds 197 First st
5DVAV^IrSJrGn. lE' l.i,n'mcglkr- TeleDphHolyn>erpERxCcohtatnnges,t,bEd.sMSatucobn blefield House
Davis George, tel op, bds 137 Mulberry st Davis G M., livery, feed and sale, res cor Fourth and
Wharf sts Davis H G. & Co., groceries, junc of Washington and
Ga aves
Davis H. G., of H. G. Davis & Co., groceries, res Columhus road
DAVIS H. B., of Davis & Johnson, coal, res Tatnall square
Davis H. L , baggage master E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R., res Mrs. A. A. Davis
Davis & Hagood, meat market, junc Washington and Ga aves
D i VIS & JOHNSON, Tioal, foot Mulberry st DAVIS J. A., of Stewart, Davis & Co., groceries, ret
Johnson st, near Boundary st Davis J. F , elk Mathew Daley, res E. Macon Davis Joseph, wks Bibb Mfg Co., res Hydraulic st
E. Macon Davis J. O., elk C R. R., res 32 Clinton road, E. Macon Davis J. P., blacksmith, res cor Troup and Bound
ary sts Davis J. S., eng C. R. R,, res 226 Fourth st Davis Miss K. K. res J. A. Davis Davis Lee, res 73 First st Davis Miss Lorena, res Mrs. Louisa Davis Davis Miss Mary, res 94 Oglethorpe st Davis Miss Mary, res Anderson Davis Davis Miss Martha, res Anderson Davis Davis Miss M. L., res 20 New st Davis Miss M. B., res John Marks



White Department.
Davis Mrs. M. M., wid, res 217 First st Davis Mrs. Nancy, res Second st, E Macon Davis Miss Narcissa, res Mrs. Louisa Davis Davis Miss S dlie res Mrs. Louisa Davis
DAYIS TURBINE WATER WHEEL, Davis, Stewart & Co , 197 Fourth st
Davis Thomas, res S cond st, E. Macon Davis W. A., bkkpr J. S. Stewart, res 46 Walnut st Davis William, res Second st E. Macon Davis W. F.. wksS. W. R. R., res 30('Troup st Davidson Miss Bettie. res S S. Davidson Davidson James, bds 320 Fourth st Davidson S S., groceries, res 27 Fifth st Davidson T. J., res 386 Fourth st Davidson William B , machinist, bds 42 Elm st Dean Mad. Daisy, res 106 Fifth st Deason W. A , meat market, res nr Warren Chapel E.
DeBord George, car inspector, res 228 Second st DeBorH John A , machinist E. T , Va. & Ga. R. R.,
res 267| Second st Deberutf a., elk W. A. Juhan & Co Deck Casper, res 62 Hazel st Deck Fred, tinner, res Casper Deck 'Deck Miss Mamie, res Casper Deck Defer John, wks Bibb Mnfg Co, res Hydraulic st E.
Macon Defeur William, bartender G. W. Bush Defiance Hose Co. No. 5, Poplar and First sts DeH 4YEN W. \Y., of J. W. Burke & Co, res 12
Magnolia, st
DeHyons Miss Mamie, bds 64 Sixth st LEIlZ JuHN 1)., binder J. W. Burke & Co., res
232 Second st
DEITZ JOHN 0., of J. W. Burke & Co., res 232 Second st
Deitz Miss M. E., res John G. Deitz .Deitz W. C., elk S. T. Coleman & Co., res 232 Sec
ond st
DEMING MRS. A. R., stamping, braiding, pink ing and embroidery, res 91 Oak st
Deming John, carpenter, res 202 Second st Dealing Miss Lizzie, res Mrs. A R. Demiog
Deming Walter, office boy J. W. Lockett, res 91 Oak st



A First-class
COMMERCIAL Business School COLLEGE, Equal io any North or South.
Send tor Circulars, free.
MACON, GA. fw. McKAY, - Principal.
White Department.
DEMOREST'S PATTERNS, Singer Mnfg Co., agt's, 110 Second st
Dempsey Miss Annie, res Mrs. E. Wilkinson Dennis P. E , architect, bds 111 Pine st Denny Mrs L L., wid, res Mrs. S E Curd DeNeri Sister, res Mt. DeSales Acalemy Denson John B., res Mrs. M. E. Denson DENSON MRS. M. E., groceries, res 305 Troup st Dense Walter B., bkkpr M. Greenberg, res 103
Arch st Dense James, cond'r S. W. R. R., res 224 Third st Denton James B., st overseer, res 16 Clinton road, E.
Macon Derry Prof. Joseph B., prof Wesleyan Female Col,
res 90 Pine st DESSAU WASHINGTON, lawyer, res 15 Forsyth
road, Vineville Dettre G. B, groceries, res 10 Ga. ave Deverough James, wks M. & W. shops, res Windsor
Hill Dewberry A. J., yardmaster M. & W. R. R., res 302
Third st Dewberry C A , conductor S W R R., res 318 Third st Dewberry Miss Eliza, res Mrs. F. Whitlock Dewberry Mrs. Susan, wid, res C. A. Dewberry Dewberry ^\m. A., yardmaster S W. R. R , res Troup
Hill Diamond Ollie, bds Mad. Zelia Ivey Dickens C. V., supt billiard room Brown's Hotel, bds
same Dickens Mrs. E., wid res Hydraulic st, E. Macon Dickens Miss M. A., wks Bibb Mfg Co., res Mrs. E.
Dickens Dickens Fred, res Mrs. E. Dickens Dickerson Alice, bds Mid. Jennie Clark Dickerson Mrs. F. C., res 41 Cherry st



White Department.
Dickinson --, baggage master E. T., Va. k Ga. R. R., bds 85 Plum st
Dickinson Walter J., C. R. R. car inspector, res 302 Troup st
Dickson Benjamin, wks Bibb Mfg Co., bds Mrs. Re becca Knight
Dickson Mrs Francis, wid,res cor Bass and Maple sts DICKSON H. H., of Interstate Directory Co., 32 S.
Broad st, Atlanta Dickson Mrs L. E., wid res 8 Madison st Dickson William, res Mrs. L. E. Dickson Dickson W J., salesman S. Waxelbaum & Son, res
2J8 Third st
Dillon George, foreman blacksmith shop Collins Mfg Co., res Troup Hill
Dingier M ss E., res 59 Fifth st Dingier Mrs. Hannah, wid, res 59 Fifth st Dinkier Jacob, confections and bakery, res 71 Mul
berry st
Dinkier Louis, baker Jacob Dinkier, res same Divine Miss Beulah, res M. J. Divine Divine M. J., printer J. W. Burke k Co., res 100
Plum st Divine Virgil, res M. J. Divine Dodd F. J., res Boundary st, s limits Dodd Henrv, res 7 Maple st Dodd Mrs. P. L., wid, res S. J. Setley Dodge Mrs. I. C., wid, res J. D. Bowles Doherty Mrs. S. E , wid res W. C. Hamilton Doherty V. H , eng S W R. R., res W. C. Hamilton Dolores Sister, music teacher Mt. DeSales Academy,
res same Domingos J. W., wks George W. Burr, res Troup Hill Dominick J. N., horse dealer, 77 and 79 Third st Donald Robert, bds Corbett House Donahue J. T., bkkpr S. T. Coleman & Co., res 171
Fifth st
Donahue James, machinist, res 160 Fifth st Donahue Michael, drummer, Schwed & Gibian, res
171 Fifth st Donald Mrs Sarah, sewing, res 40 Poplar st Do1 ahue Jameg J.. loiomotive eng E. T., Va. k Ga.
R. R., bds 171 Elbert st Donahue Timothy, drummer Siesel & Stern, res 171
Fifth st

Hendrix & Willingham, dixi? work oNmc'loRsand BUILD-Kn. FoototTherrYtii.O



White Department.
Donnor J., fireman i>ds National Hotel Donnan J. H., elk D J Baer, bds 63 Oak st DooHy J C.; elk W. A. Doody, bds Brown's Hotel DOODY W. A., clothing and dry goods, bds Brown's
Dorsett John G., elk W. C. Turpin & Co., res Geo. B. Turpin
Dorsett J. R., meat market, res rear 39 Hazel st Dorsett M. E., drummer L. Cohen & Co, res 60
Hazel st
Dottenheim E. N., elk M. Nussbaum & Co., res 284 Fourth st
Dougherty Charles, elk W. A. Doody Dougherty F. A., conductor S. W. R. R., res 40 Ogle
thorpe st
Dougherty George, cash boy W. A. Doody, bds Mrs. E. C. Freeman
Dougherty Miss Iola. res 129 Madison st Dougherty Mrs. M E.. wid, res 129 Madison st Douglass Miss Catherine, seamstress, res 33 Wal
nut st
Douglass John, blacksmith helper Collins Mfg Co Douglass Joseph, elk F. Reichert res 13 Wharf st Douglass R. G , res Cotton st, E. Macon Dowsing C W., elk W. A. Doody, bds 197 First st Doyle Mrs. Annie, wid. res Windsor Hill D'Oyley H. B., salesman S. S. Dunlap, res 66 New st Doyle Mrs. M. E.. groceries, res 27 New st Drake C S., elk I Herman & Co , res 60 Orange st Drake .Mrs. E. L , wid, res C. S Drake Drake Frank, res cor Third and Boundary sts Drane Mrs. H. M., bds 129 Madison st Drane Miss Katie, bds 129 Madison st DREW T. C., day elk National Hotel Drew Wm , fireman E. T., Va & Ga. R. R , bds 320
Fourth st
Dreyfus Charles, Lanier House cigar and news stand, res 29 Pine st
Driggars Miss Carrie, res Daniel T Driggars Driggars Daniel T., contractor, res 173 New st Driggars Jackson, wks Macon News Co., res D. T..



White Department.
Driscoll Mrs. H. C., wid, res Seborn Jones
Driver W. D, cabinet maker Payne & Willingham, res 13 Bass fjt
Dudley Zach, res Fort Hill, E. Macon Duffy Walter, bkkpr Singer Mnfg Co, bds Corbett
Duke Thomas, elk W. H. Jones, res Fort Hawkins, E. Macon
Dulaney William N., groceries and bar, res 147 Mulberry st
Dumas E. T., res 38 Calhoun st Dunbar D. C, tinner Carling & Brown Duncan A. T, drummer Schwed & Gibian Duncan Mrs. Mary, wid, res J. I. Nelson Dunlap Miss Clara, res S. S. Dunlap Dunlap Miss Ilah. res S. S. Dunlap Dunlap Miss Lillian, res S. S Dunlap Dunlap S. S., hardware, res 112 Plum st Dunnigan Miss Annie, res William N. Dulanev DUNWODY BROS., groceries and candy mfrs, 40
Cotton ave
DUNWODY BROS. & SCHIEDEMAN, bakers, 41 Cotton ave
DUNWODY J. A., of Dunwody Bros, groceries, etc.,
res 153 Cherry st
DUN v\ ODY J. M , of Dunwody Bros., groceries, etc., res 153 Cherry st
Dunwodv J. M., drummer S. T. Coleman & Co., res Dr. William E. Dunwody
DUNWODY W. E. JR., of Dunwody Bros., groceries, etc , res 153 Cherry st
Dunwody Dr. William E., physician, res 153 Cher ry st
Dunn J. W., planter, res Elm st, near M. & W. R. It Durden Charles, bds J. M. Johnson Durden Miss Busie (see errata) Dure Miss Anna E . res George A, Dure Dure George A., bkkpr Schwed & Gibian, res 81
Pine st
Dure G P., elk A B. Farquhar A Co., res 81 Pine st Dure George R , drummer, res George A. Dure Dure Miss N'la, res George A. Dure Durrett D M., res Fort Hill E. Macon Dyce Miss Fanny wks E. Macon Cotton Mills, res 21
Fifth st

H n endrix & willinsham-s xie worn




White Department.
E ADY MRS JULIA, wid, res 379 Fourth st

EAGLE SHIRT FACTORY, J. H. Hertz, prop, cor Second and Cherry sts
Earp Mrs. Georgia, wid, res Fort Hill, E. Macon Earp James, res Mrs. Georgia Earp Earp Miss Miss Sallie, res Mrs Georgia Earp Earp Warren, office boy Thomas Willingham, res
E. Macon Early John, hoarding, res Fort Hill, E. Macon E ist Macon Methodist Church, Rev. P. H Crumpler,
pastor East Macon Steam Fire Co. No. 6, E. Macon Eason A. J., elk Harris & Johnson, bds National
Hotel Eckman Mrs. Fannie, wid, sewing, res 101 Fifth st Edings Mrs. C. L., teacher Orange St. School, res
W. W. Lraan EDGER!ON HOUSE, E E. Brown & Son, prop's,
177 and 179 Fourth st Edmondson Miss Anna res 28 Fifth st Edmunds E. T., wks C. R. R. shops, res Windsor
Hill Edwards Eugene, bartender Ullmann & Putzel, 61
and 63 Cherry st Edwards Mrs E G,, wid, res 125 Orange st EDWARDS HARRY S., editor -Telegraph and
Messenger.'' res A J. Lane Edwards J. M. Jr., elk W. A. Juhan & Co., bds A. F.
Jones Edwards J. W., elk J. W. Burke & Co Edwards J. W., elk W. A. Juhan & Co , bds A. F.
Jones Edwards Prentiss, elk Jaques & Johnson, res E. G.
Ed wards Edwards S. B , elk E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R., bds Edger-
ton House. Edwards Miss Susie, res Mrs. E G. Edwards Edwards Wm., bkkpr J. W. Burke & Co., res 23 For
syth st Edwards W. P., correspondent Jaques & Johnson, res
125 Orange st


COAL ARMANDL. B1ITTS. " USB7 0fQ flocpo > U nS r: T rnil_i{i- rd St.




Edwards -- tborpe st

White Department,
train hand C R. R, bds 38 Ogle-

Egan Michael J., prof English Pio Nono College, res
Sfl VCl G

Eggleston , R. M S., bds 137 Mulberry st

Eisner rrank, shoemaker, res s limits

Elder Miss Annie L.. res W. M. Elder

Elder M R., supt Stewart Bros., bds cor Mulberry and

hourih sts


SJter ;w,wk* Ptewart'8 stable, bds 78 Fourth st !)' er,,f c^k c R. R office, res 210 Third st rti1fee MrhrsoTMCa8E,-'wei.nds, rwes- W13 ORr-anRg,ersets Mrs. C. E. Elfe Elfe Miss Hattie, res Mrs. C. E Elfe

Elfe Wrn wks S. W R. R. shops, res Mrs. C. E. Elfe Elkin Abram, res Maurice Elkin
>lkin Maurice, drv goods res 46 Pine st
Elkin Mortimer, elk K. Elkin, res 46 Pine st bills Miss Blanche, res J E. Ellis
ELLIS C. B., of W. A, Juhan & Co., dry goods, etc., res 157 Cherry st
Ellis Miss Erama, res J. W. Ellis Ellis G W., dk W. A. Juhan & Co., bds 199 First st itllis Hayne. cotton buyer, res 19 Bond st
Ellis Miss Ida, student, res J. E. Ellis Ellis J. B., carpenter, res 151 Elm st
ELLIS J. E., planing mill and contractor, res 6 bhort st
Ellis J. R., dk W. A Juhan & Co., res 157 New st RJ}|8 J W.t wks M. & W sho s, res Troup Hill Ellis Mrs. M. E., wid, gen mdse, res New Houston
road Ellis Mrs. M. J, res Theo. W. Ellis Ellis Theo. W., drugs, res Boundary st, near Mercer
Elns W. L, capitalist res Mrs. S E. Curd E1^W. W , cond E. T,, Va. & Ga. R R., res Troup

Eilison D. M., fireman M. & W. R. R., res Windsor Hill
Elliott George W., brickmason, res J. H. Elliott

D'X'E WORKS, Manufacturers of
_Foot of Cherry Street _



White Department.
Elliott Horry, fireman C. R. R.. bds 197 First st Elliott James H briekmason, res Tatnall square Elliott Miss Katie V., res J. H Elliott Ellio t Mis- M. .J., res J. H. Hliott Elliott --, fireman C. R. R., bds National Hotel Ellison Mrs. Ann, wid, wks Bibb Mfg Co., res 98 Ogle
thorpe st Ellison Mrs. Carrie, res 25 Arch st Ellison Miss Mollie, wks Bibb Mnfg Co, res Mrs. A.
M Ellison Ell wood Arthur, elk Theo Wood, res -- Second st Emerson George, wks Bibb Mnfg Co, res Mrs. M.
Scbrimi shire Emmel C. K., cotton broker, bds Lanier House Emmel Mrs. F., res L. N. Whittle Emmel Miss D P . res L N. Whittle Emmel L. S. res L. N. Whittle
EMPIRE STORE, S. T. Coleman & Co., dry goods, gen'l mdse 117, 119, 121. 123, 125 Cherry st, 125 Second st, 30 Cotton Ave
Encampment I O. 0. F , Macon Union No. 2, C. J. Stroi erg, C. P,. F. A Schoneman scribe
Engides W. G, groceries, res 294 Fourth st Engel Asher, elk J. H. Hertz, res same Engledow Mrs. Mary, wid, res Edward Wing English Rev. Francis M , Piof of arithmetic and
bookkeeping Pio Nono College, res same English, Huguenin & Co, cotton factors and com
press, 91 and 96 Poplar st English J B , of English, Huguetrin & Co., cotton
factors and compress, res nr Pio Nono College, Vineville English Mamie, bds Mad. A. A Searcy
English M. F., prefect of discipline, Pio Nono College, res same
Englisn William fruits, res 18 Fifth st English -, railroader, res 33 Walnut st Knnis James, res Joseph Cain Ennis Mrs. Mary, wid, res Joseph Cain
ERMINGER H. R., candy mfr, res Progress, nr For syth st



White Department.
Erricson Miss Kate, milliner W. 4. Juhan & Co Erwin L. M., route agt's elk So. Ex. Co, res 41
Third st Esslinger Rudolph, foreman Bibb Mfg Co., bds 6
Washington ave Estes Elliot, of Estes & Wilson, real estate and com
brokers, res 111 Oranare st E<tes J. L, collector W. A. Juhan & Co., bds 173
Poplar st Estes & Wilson, real estate and commercial brokers,
144 Second st Etheridge Cato, elk Johnson & Lane, res F. S. John

Etheridge Miss Faith, wks Macon Knitting Factory, res Shelby Etheridge
Etheridge F. C., bkkpr Johnson & Lane, res 56 Col lege st
Etheridge Miss Harriet, res Shelby Etheridge Etheridge John, carpenter, res Willis Parks
Etheridge L. M., groceries, res Forsyth and.Bound ary sts
Etheridge Madison, wks C. R. R., res Troup Hill Etheridge Morgan, res Hydraulic st, E. Macon Etheridge Mrs. Nancy, res Morgan Etheridge Etheridge Shelby, carpenter, res sandy bottoms Etheridge Miss Willa, res F. S Johnson Etheridge Will, wks Macon Knitting Factory Evans Mrs T. E., wid. res 258 Fourth st Evans Jerry, fireman C. R R., bds Mrs. M. 0. Wood Evans Rev. J. E., D. D., presiding elder, Augusta dis
trict, res cor Academy and Wharf sts Evans James, co ton weigher Coleman & Newsom,
bds 173, 175 Poplar st Evans Jean, machinist, bds 180 First st Evans J. M., elk S. Levy, bds Wilburn House Evans J. W , carpenter, res Windsor Hill Evans Miss Mary L , res Oliver F. Evans Evans Ned, res Bay st, E Macon Evans Oliver F., bricklayer, res s limits Evans R. B., groceries, bds 88 Plum st Evans R. W., cashier W. A. Juhan & Co., res Tatnall

EVENING NEWS. J. B. Pound & Bro., proprs, 2 Wall st

_advertising DEPARTMENT.


J. A. Billups.

Isaac Hardeman.

4tavMj m

106 Olierry- Street,




1 r


Telephone TV<>, 140. Macon, Ga.
Repairs, Cleans, and Makes Clothes to Order.
Terms StrictlylCash.^
Fourth Street, near Mulberry, - MACON, GA.
O CtJIjXST A KT n A. XT H I <S T .
PHYSICIAN and Operating Surgeon for Deafness, Blindness, and all Deformities and Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose, has just arrived and will be permanently located in Macon, Ga. Prompt and careful attention given to all pa tients. The most modern instruments and appliances used, and treatment based upon the recent advances in medical science. Special attention given to the examination of weak eyes, and.the proper glasses prescribed when needed.
Office 35 Cotton Avenue, Residence 174 Poplar St. ""



Georgia Land Agency,
Sell City Property, Cotton Plantations, Factory Sites, Mineral Lands, Yellow Pine Timber and Turpentine Lands.
Publisher Georgia Map.

Office over Willingham's Warehouse, Second St.

Residence 169 Poplar Street.

I 8 to 10 A..M.

Offic e Horns : - 9

-1 ' _lr

Tin and Iron Roofing, Guttering, Etc.,
New Houston Road, Gilesvi !e,

R. F. Lawton, Proprietor.

I,. P. Hii.i.yek, Cashier.



lit* Second Street

utc os, <;r.oast;i t

A General Banking Business in all its departments At tended to with Care and Promptness.
New York Correspondent, Chemical National Bank.

Collections made on all accessible points with dispatch at lowest rates. Farm loans negotiated.





Second Street,



J. P. & W. R. HOLMES,

102 Mulberry Street,
Manufacturer of
140 Second Street,
Practical Ooppersmith, Sac Fitter acd Pimbor,
Roofing and Guttering, Sewer Pipes,
Macon, Georgia.





Free Upon Application:
Trade Price List,
January I Oth.
J ILL February 1st.
Bulb and Plant Catalogue,
October 1st.




China, Crockery,!


Lamps, Cutlery!


House Furnishing Goods

138 Second St., Macon, Ga.

m, JL JL


Specialty Venereal.

Having Permanently Located in Macon, Offers his Services to Those Suffering from
HXTo Cure !-Wo Fay!
My treatment for Syphilis contains no Mercury, is pleas ant to take, and in every case I guarantee a perfect cure.
Lost Manhood Fully Restored. Terms Ga sit. Address in confidence, with stamp
DR. J. J. SUBERS, No. 168i Fourth St,, Macop, 6a.



Attorney at Law

88/2 Mulloerry St., MA.C01V, &A.
Practice in all the Courts, State and Federal, at Macon, and in the Supreme Court at Atlanta.
c. perryman"

87 Cotton Ave., MACON, GA. JS@"Gri"ve Me a Call.

Work strictly first-class, and promptly done.
Clean Towels, First-Class Workmen.
GtXVE 3VT3H A. TillAIj !
Cherry St:, near Cotton Avenue, MACON, GA.



WILE? JOHEt & CO., tilt if Birin How, Antrim, Frop'ri,
Rates, $2.00 Per Day.
Special terms to commercial travelers and those staying j some time.
16 Fourth St., MACOI, G.4.

Wm B. JOHNSTON, President, J. W. BORKE, Vice-President. G. S. OBEAR, Secretary.
Deposited with State for-Security of Policy Holders $100,000 00
| Assets........ 455,052 89 Surplus for Policy Holders. 158,324 00 Policies issued upon all approved plans. Monthly, quar-
| terly, or semi-annual payments received. Rates the lowest insuring safety. Prompt, Reliable Home Company. Appli-
I cations for insurance can be made to Home Office, or through Agent. Local Agents Wanted. Liber commission allowed. Send for Circulars, to which prompt reply will be given.
GEO. S, OBEAR, Secretary,
Southern Hotel,
Entrance between JVo. 56 and 58 Poplar St.,
Near Passenger Depot, - MACON, GA.
WILEY JONES & CO., Prop'rs.
Hoard per day $1.00; Single Meal or Lodging 25 cts. PORTERS AT ALL TRAINS, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED.


!ly Turbine Wbetel is the best in the world. W hy ? Because it is Simple, Durable, Effective and Economical, and I sell it at half the price of other good wheels. You take no risk : 1 wairant every wheel and take no mmiey until purchaser i satisfied. Note carefully that on receipt of a

I des.-iipiioii of your power and machinery to be used, 1 will make an offer to furnish wheel or wheels and machinery needed and send an experienced millwright to \ ut the machinery m operation, and collect for the same when my guarantee is fulfilled and not before. Heretofore the expense oi

impiovmg water power has been so great as to deter many from the undertaking. My prices being less than one-half those of any other good wheel places it in reach of all, and with my unquestionable guarantee no man now owning water-power can afford 10 miss this golden opportunity to improve

| tue same. Write me and I will mail you Catalogue giving full particulars.


Dealer in All Kinds ot Mill Machinery and Mill Furnishing Goods at Rock Bottom Prices.

39 & 41 West Alabama St., ATLANTA, GA.


r NOTE.--To give an idea of the power and cheapness of my wheel, I have compiled the
following table which contains as follows: The first horizontal line denotes the size of So *2

wheels. The bottom horizontal line contains the price of size wheel above it in first line. The


left hand perpendicular column contains head of water from 5 to 15 feet, and the num

bers opposite these figures indicate the horse-power of each wheel in umns. This table is guaranteed to be accurate in every particular.


respective col

(koc v ft 03 r--I y <





Size of Wheel 9 In. 12 In. 15 In. 18 In. 21 In. 24 In. 27 In. 30 In . 33 In. 80 In. 42In. 48In.
10.9 14.6 22.7

60 In. 40.6

P3 O (V

S o 72 In


58.5 TJ O7i R

14.4 19.6 29.9 43.0

18.1 23 2 3"

G7 3

22.0 30.9 46.1 82.2

76.9 97.3 118.4

>aSorCs --a2>^

28.9 37.5 54 9 98.1 141.4

31,0 44.8 04.4 115.1 1G4.6

35.7 52.5 74.2 132.6 189 8

4. *.7 (>".9 84.G 151 0 216-2

45.8 70. L 9.4 171.1 244 0
51.4 80.1 lOG.i 190.4 272 6

57.9 89.8 118.2 207.5 302.3


$80 $90 i $100 $110 $125 $140 ! $165 $210 $265 $400 $550

gjg gj



A First-class
COiMEBOIAL Business School COLLEGE, Equal to any North or South.
Send for Circulars, free.
MACON, GA. W. McKAY, - Principal.
White Department.
Everett Charles, train hand C. R. R., bds T. J. Bishop
Everett Mrs. S. E., wid, res Norman I Brunner
Everett S. A. C., bkkpr Mix & Kirtland, res Vine-
vine Evers Miss Mary F.. res William Evers Evers Walter, res William Evers Evers William W., wrapping elk Empire store, res
William Evers Evers William res Cotton st, E. Macon EXCHANGE BANK, George B. Turpin, pres, Joseph
W. Cabaniss, cashier, 67 Cherry st
FAIRCLOTH THOMAS, glazier C. Burke & Son, res Windsor Hill
Farmer Christian, locomotive eng S. W. R. R., res 41 Oglethorpe st
Farmer D. C., fireman S. W. R. R., bds 235 Second st Farmer Eber, shop boy Goodwyn & Small, res John
Farmer J. A., fruits, oysters, etc, res 129 Poplar st Farmer John, res 202 First st Farmer Theophilus, res John Farmer Farnell William, res Alexander Blair Farrar Benjamin, farmer, res 152 Mulberry st Farrar John, elk George Rogers Sons, res 54 Col
lege st
Farriss Robert, locomotive eng, C. R. R, res 336 Fourth st
FARQUHAR A. B. & CO., hardware and machinery, 141 Third st
FARQUHAR A. B., of A. B. Farquhar & Co., hard ware, etc, res York, Pa
Falkner R., tinware, res 112 Third st Fannin Joseph, res John P. Fort Fannin Miss M. F., res Miss E. A. Walker

i ;|
i Ml



White Department.
Faughner John, wks John Daly, res Mrs. Mary Agnes Faughner
Faughner Mrs. Mary Agnes, res old Court House
Square Faulk Henry, wks C. R. R. shops, res 262 Fourth st Faulk Mrs. Sallie, res 92 Hawthorne st Favor Asa, fireman E. T., Va. & Ga., R. R., bds 277
Second st Favor Mrs. Edna, wid, res Asa Favor Fechner Charles, foreman Collins Mfg Co, res 322
Third st Felton & Baxter, lawyers, 100| Cherry st Felton Giles, res s limits Felton James, res s limits Felton W. H. Jr., of Felton & Baxter, lawyers, bds
150 Mulberry st Fenelon James, res Mrs. J. E. Fenelon Fenelon Mrs. J. E., wid, res AVindsor Hill Fenelon Miss Theresa, saleslady Dunwody Bros &
Seheideman, res nr reservoir FENNELL II. C. , gen mdse and bar, policeman, res
Clinton st, E. Macon Fennell J. M. student, bds H. C. Fennell Ferguson Dr. E. G., physician, res 110| Second st Ferguson -, elk E. T., Ya. & Ga R R., bds 173-
175 Poplar st Fields Mrs. Mattie, wid, res J. P. Davis Fielder C. W , elk C. R. R depot, bds 197 First st Fifer Miss Maggie, res 52 Mulberry st Fifer Wm., machinist, res 52 Mulberry st Findlay A. P., asst bkkpr Johnson & Harris, bds 159
Poplar st. Findlav C. S. & G. W., cotton gins and furniture,
44 46, 48, 50 and 52 Oglethorpe st Findlay 0 S., of C. S- & G. W. Findlay, furniture
and cotton gins,'res 133 Madison st Findlay C. D., Findlay Iron Wks, res Tatnall square Findlay Cuyler. res C. D. Findlay Findlay Miss Eugenia, res John Findlay Findlav Miss Estelle, res Robert Findlay Findlay G. W., of C. S. & G. W. Findlay, bds 159
Poplar st Findlay Iron AV ks, C. D. Findlay, propr, 44, 46, 48,
50 and 52 Oglethorpe st

A T I ^-Rmaud l. butts
y UAL I Office 115 Third Street!



White Department.

^mdljty John painter, res 313 Third st

Findlay Miss Minnie, res C. D Findlay

berry^f' R' WkS Flndla^ Iron Wk*> res 173 Mul Findlay Richard, res C. D. Findlay

FAshastK E'' C0llect0r L C- Plant & Son, res -

FibedrayysRObert' Findlay'S Iron Wks, res 173 Mul-
riATterito TeIegraph and Messen^
Finger Miss Louise, res William Finger nger William, upholsterer, res Windsor Hill
F.nneyRoben L, elk Hander, Bro^e" sTjohn-


^ Binswang:er

S-BstTMWarren- pas,or'co

m^nnvA! BANK OF MACON, I. C. Plan

ppilu1s8'*$2299,0o0o0nc cor CherrayshanledTSceacPointdalst$s100,000, sui

F p oU5-srb'Hev-J' -AClark-
Fire Underwriters Association of Macon, W. W

Fl iltzzgSeradldniT )r. vE , p7 hyE sic-iRane,esr'esse1c4y'G1a44avSe econdst Fitzgerald M,, groceries, res 110 third st Fitzgerald Miss O., res 14 Ga ave Fitzgerald Philip, res 240 Fourth st r itzgibbon R J., stenographer, bds 180 Poplar st Fitzpatrick H T., dk W. A. Juhan & Co P
houn It B" l0Cmotive euS C- R R; res 50 Cal
Fianders Bro^ wholesale grocers and cotton com, co Poplar and Fourth sts

F1ftla!'ori ^ & Sn' g6n mdS6' 54 and 56 Main st- E


Mkemnde" * Sn' g6n mdse' res 5!

F`t"on rroadJ,aK Ma.,,nng &

^ res 24 Cli"




White Department.
Flanders J. J., mgr Flanders Bros., res cor Second and Walnut sts
Flanders J. J., res W. E. Flanders Flanders J. P., of Flanders Bros, groceries and cotton
com, res 43 Orange st Flanders Mrs. L., wid, res 48 Fifth st, E. Macon Flanders R. H., of Flanders Bros, groceries and cotton
com, bds Brown's Hotel Flanders Mrs. Susan, wid, res James E. Flanders Flanders William, res Mrs. Laura Flanders Flanders W. E., of Flanders Bros, groceries and cot
ton com res cor Second and Walnut sts Flannigan John, res Windsor Hill Flatau & Co, whisky, 85 Cherry st Flatau J., of Flatau & Co., whisky, res 73 Pine st Flatau Isaac, bkkpr Bernd Bros., res 73 Pine st Flatau M., mgr Flatau & Co., res 73 Pine st Flatau M, Jr., res M. Flatau Fleetwood 0. G., wks E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R., res
Third st, near Boundary Fleming Rosa, bds Mad Pearl Carlton Fletcher Miss Effie. res 98 Fourth st Fletcher W. H., grist mills Bibb and Putnam Co., res
98 Fourth st Fletcher Mrs. W H., boarding, res 98 Fourth st Flint House, Miss Ann Gregory, prop, boarding, 180
First st Flint John, elk Schwed & Gibian, bds 81 Fourth st Flood James, res nr Gordon st, E. Macon Florence, Mrs. L. M., res nr S. M Persons Flours John, eng C. R. R , res 384 Fourth st Flours William, res John Flours Flournoy Robert, yardmaster, E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R.,
bds 33 Fourth st Flowers C. H., tinner John Vansyckel & Co., res Co
lumbus road Flowers Jonah, res New Houston road Flowers W. L., tinner Carling & Brown, res Colum
bus road Flowers William, res New Houston road Floyd Rifles, J. L Hardeman, captain Flynn Miss Biddie, res 37 Fifth st Flynn Miss Ella, dressmaking, res 37 Fifth st Flvnn John C., salesman Schwed <fc Gibian, res --
Fourth st

Aim* KKHwTt!

White Department.
Flynn Mrs. Mary, wid res 37 Fifth sfc

Flynn Miss Sallie, res 37 Fifth st

Fold J M., So. Ex. messenger, bds National Hotel

Foley John, gardner, res nr Cotton st, E. Macon

Foley Mathew, tinner, bds 52 Mulberry st

Foos T. J., baker, res 33 Walnut st

Ford John D., carpenter, res 82 Fourth st

FORD Gh J., of W. W. & G. J. Ford, dentists, res 32

Chestnut st, cor Adams

1 M

Ford Miss Lula, fancy goods, universal patterns, bds J. P. Lowe
Ford Mrs. R. W., wid, res 93 Orange st


Ford Miss T. M., res Dr. G J. Ford

FORD W. W. & Gr. J., dentists, 148| Second st

FORD W. WM of W. W. A G. J. Ford, dentists, res

32 Chestnut st

Ford West, loom repairer, res 82 Fourth st

Forrester Charles, machinist Talbott & Sons

Forrester C. W., apprentice Geo. F. Wing,

Troup st

Forrester Magruder, office toy Hill & Harris, res 301

Troup st

Forsyth Mrs. L A., wid, res 311 Troup st

Forsyth Miss M. L., res Mrs L. A. Forsyth

FORT JOHN P., of E. M. Sargent & Co., seed grow

ers, res -- Poplar st

Fort John P., lawyer, res cor New and Poplar sts

Foster Miss Genie, bds Sydney Boynton

Foster W. B., eng E. T., Va & Ga. R. R , res 44 Elm st

Foster Wm., co jailer, res 146 Fourth st

Foster W. H. & Co., groceries and whisky, 199

Fourth st

Foster W. H., of W. H. Foster & Co., groceries and

whisky, res 6 Washington ave

Fountain E. N., carpenter, res Ash st, ws M. &

W. R. R

Fountain J. M., student, res E. N. Fountain

Fountain Mrs. Sallie, wid, dressmaking, res 30

Fifth st

Fourth Street Public School, Sister Ignatius, Prin

Foward Fred , lab, res alley bet Fourth, Fifth, Mul

berry and Cherry sts


White Department.

Fowler Miss Julia, wks Bibb Mfg Co., res 7 Collins alley, E. Macon

Fowler Mrs. Lotta, wid, res 7 Collins alley, E. Macon

F-.wler Miss Peggie, res 7 Collins alley, E. Macon

Fowler S G., groceries, res 365 Fourth st

Fox George A., eng S. W. R. R , res 40 Fifth st, E. Macon

Fox Miss Lizzie, res George A Fox

Fox Miss Mattie, res George A. Fox

Franke J. E. J., groceries, res cor Boundary and Forsyth sts

Franke Miss Minnie, res J. E. J. Franke

Franke Wm. cashier I. Herman & Co., res Vineville

Franklin Mrs. Annie, wid, dressmaking, res 30

Fifth st


Franklin Lodge, No. 2 (I. O. 0. F.), S. H. Singleton,

N. G.; C. J. Stroberg, Sec'y

Frazier Miss Annie, res U. M. Frazier

Frazier James, wks Bibb Mfg Co., res Hydraulic st, E Macon

Frazier John M., locomotive eng S. W. R. R., bds 34

Oglethorpe st

Frazier Newton, wks Bibb Mfg Co, res Hydraulic st,

E. Macon

Frazier Oliver, res U. M. Frazier

Frazier U. M., wks Bibb Mfg Co, res Hydraulic st, E..


Free Miss Fannie B., res Mrs. S. E. Free

Free Mrs. S. E.; wid, Cotton st, E. Macon

Fred John D., jail contractor, res 105 Orange st

Freeman Mrs Ann R., boarding, res 199 Second st

Freeman Azel R., bkkpr J. W. Rice & Co , res cor Oak

and New sts

Freeman A. P.. carpenter, res 387 Fourth st

Freeman Mrs. Belle, res Windsor Hill

Freeman Miss Claude, res M S. Freeman

Freeman C. H , planter, res Troup Hill

Freeman C. W.. elk, res Windsor Hill

Freeman Miss Carrie W., res C. H. Freeman

Freeman Miss Della S , res Matt R. Freeman

Freeman D. W., auction and commission, res 202 Sec

ond st

Freeman E. J., carriage repairs, res 85 Second st

Freeman E. W., student, res Matt R. Freeman



White Department.
Freeman E. W., elk Hertz, res T. W. Freeman Freeman Frank, res 54 Walnut st Freeman F, 0.,resT. VY. Freeman Freeman G. S., res B. F. Cawley Freeman Miss Hattie C , res Matt R. Freeman Freeman John, meehanic, res sandy bottoms Freeman J. H., carpenter, res 387 Fourth st Freeman Miss Kittie, res M. S. Freeman
FREEMAN MATT R., magistrate collector, etc, res 84 Oak st
Freeman M S.. res 69 Oak st Freeman Mrs. Pope, wid, res 173 Fifth st
Freeman Sydney G., jeweler J, P. Stevens, bds 90 Pine st
Freeman T. H., elk Wolf Bros., res T. W. Freeman Freeman Miss T. M., res T. W. Freeman Freeman T. W., auction and commission, res 203
Second st
Frend J., tailor S. Greenberg, res 212 Third st Frend W. W., tel opr W. U. Co Freeny J. G , eng S. W. R. R., res 1 Arch st Freeny Miss Laura, wks Rogers & Winn Freeney Mrs. Laura, wid, res Windsor Hill Frey Jacob, elk Mix & Kirtland, res 133 Walnut st Fried Joseph, bkkpr W. A. Doody, res 104 Plum st Fried Jacob, of M. Nussbaum & Co., wholesale dry
goods, etc, res 104 Plum st Frink J. B., wks E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R., res Houston
road Friend J M., elk W. A. Doody, res 242 Second st Frinde Miss Jane, res Joseph Frinde Frinde J. M, elk W. A. Doody, res 242 Second st Frinde Joseph, tailor, res 212 Third st Frinde Miss Sarah, res Joseph Frinde Folghum J E., contractor, res Windsor Hill Fulghum S. F , contractor, res Windsor Hill Fullilove Mrs C., wid, bds 88 Plum st Fullilove John, student, bds 88 Plum st Fullbright D., locomotive eng, bds 175 Third st Fullen Mrs. L. A., wid, res 45 Cherry st Fuller Frank, baker Rogers & Winn, bds Mrs. An



White Department.
Fuller Grant P.. res Mrs. Li. E Fuller
FULLER MRS. R. E., physician, res 204 First st Furlong Mrs. M. A., wid, dressmaker Mrs. F. Mc
Crary, res cor Plum st and Cotton are Fuss Geerge, fireman C. R. R , bds 235 Second st Fuss Lee, fireman C. R. R., bds 42 Calhoun st
GAGLIARDI CHARLES, fruits, res 35 Oak st Gamble Charles J., student, res F. A. Dougherty Gans N. A., cigar mfr, res 42 Pine st Gansheimer Lawrence, res 97 Cotton ave Gansheimer Mrs. M , wid. groceries, res 97 Cotton ave GANTT G. W., salesman Chesapeake Guano Co.,
res E. Macon Gantt Miss Sallie, res G. W. Gantt Gardner Arthur T., elk Mack Bros., res Charles Gard
ner GARDNER 0. M., of Interstate Directory Co , 32 g
Broad st, Atlanta, Ga Gardner Miss Carrie M., res Charles Gardner Gardner Charles, pattern maker, Sohofield Iron Wks,
res 315 Troup st Gardner Miss Liela T., res Charles Gardner GARDINER JOHN, messenger Atlanta Div., Cen
tral R. R., bds National Hotel Garerty Miss Mary, bds P. McCafierty Garfield C. H., elk Jaques & Johnson, res PI. S.
Garfield Garfield H. S., marshal union depot, res 153 Hazel st Garfield John H., wks C. R. R. shops, res H. S.
Garfield Garfield Miss Lucy, res H. S. Garfield Garfield Walter L., res H. S. Garfield Garner A., manager Union Depot Restaurant, res 68
Oak st Garner Oscar, fireman E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R., bds
277 Fourth st Gartrell F. B., furniture, res cor Madison and Forsyth st Gartrell --, carpenter, bds A. L. Short Gates H. I., elk Flatau & Co., res 87 Plum st Gates Miss Helen, student, res Seth Gates Gates Iverson, wks Flatau, res Seth Gates Gates Seth, res 87 Plum st Gates T. A., blacksmith C. R. R., res New Houston



A First-class
COMMERCIAL Business School COLLEGE, Equal to any North or South.
Send for Circulars, free.
MACON, GA. W.McKAV, - Principal.
White Department.
Gates Thomas Jr., res Troup Hill Gaughan Mrs. M., res 15 Filth st Gaughau Miss-, res Mrs M Gaughan Gelstons W. P., wks M. A W. shops, res New Hous*
ton road Gentry R L., drummer, res 91 Walnut st George Eugene, printer J. W. Burke & Co., bds 79
Fourth st GEO. SANDLER BEER, A. Binswanger, agt, 67
Cherry st George Wm , bds 86 Oglethorpe st Georgia Academy for the Blind (white and col), D. D.
Williams, A M., Prin, Orange st, bet High st and Washington ave GEORGIA HOME INSURANCE CO., Carnes & Stroemer, agts, 115 Third st GEORGIA MUSIC HOUSE, E. D. Irvine, mgr, 102 Mulberry st Georgia Mills, J. L. Cook & Co., proprs, flour and meal, cor Fifth and Hazel sts GEORGIA PUBLISHING HOUSE, E. D. Irvine & Bro.. proprs, 2 Wall st GERMAN EMPIRE BREWERY, A. Binswanger, agt, 67 Chem st GERMANIA FIRE INSURANCE C0M Carnes A Stroemer, agts, 115 Third st Germania Lodge, No. 59 I. 0. 0. F., F. A. Schoneman, N G.; P. Koch, Sec'y GEWINNER DR. N. G., physician, res 295 Third st Giannone Joseph, barber, res 42 Plum st Giannone Joseph, jr., res Joseph Giannone Giannone Miss Rosa, res Joseph Giannone GIBI4N ALBERT, of Schwed A Gibian, wholesale grocers, res 74 Plum st Gibson A. F., bkkpr Sparks' warehouse, res 200 Sec ond st



White Department.
Gibson A. W., of Hardeman & Gibson, cotton ware house, res -- Spring st
Gibson A. W., machinist C. R. R. shops, res 231 Sec ond st
Gibson H. E., machinist C. R. R. shops, res 231 Sec ond st
Gibson L. W.. carpenter, res Windsor Hill Gibson Mrs. M A., wid, res 231 Second st Gibson Miss M. C., res Mrs. M. \. Gibson Gibson W A , res Mrs M A. Gibson
Gibson Dr. Wm. C, physician, bds Corbett House Gifford George T., boiler maker Farquhar & Co., res
271 Fourth st Giles Andrew, res Gilesville Giles Miss Amanda, res 46 Plum st Giles John G., res Gilesvihe Gill Miss Annie, res W. T. Harbaum Gilmore J. M., wks compress, bds 38 Oglethorpe st Gillespie D. E., condr E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R., bds 197
First st
Gilliam Miss Mary, seamstress, res 11 Wharf st Gillon E. H., M. M. E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R., res 309
Troup st
Gillon Miss Mamie, res Mrs. Ella Truesdell Girard Mrs. J. A., boarding, res 41 Pine st Girard Mrs Mary, wid, res 197 Fifth st GLASER MRS. A., wid, millinery, res 5 Cotton ave Glaser Edward, elk W. A. Doody, res 5 Cotton ave Glass Miss Lula, res Dr. J. E. Evans Glass Mrs M. A., res Dr. J. E. Evans Glenn Nellie, bds Mad Zelia Ivey Gloss Jacob, wks C. R. R , bds Mrs. J. G. Pace Glover Henry, R. M. S. S. W. R. R., bds 137 Mul
berry st
Glover Miss Mary, dressmaker Mrs. C. F. Daniels Glover Miss Sallie, saleslady Mrs. C. F. Daniels Godsby Miss Moilie, res Patrick Murphy Goelz Mrs. John, res 62 Oak st Goelz Miss Kate, res Mrs. John Goelz Goelz Miss Maggie, res Mrs John Goelz Golden Miss Effie, res T. M Golden Golden Rev. E. Z. F., pastor South Macon Baptist
church, res 161 New st Golden Thomas, student, res T. M. Golden

Hendrix & Willingham--dixie works, n



White Department.
Golden T. M , carpenter, res 9 Maple st Goldberg David, salesman S. Waxelbaum & Son, res
105 Walnut st

Goldberg Jacob, elk B. Skalowski & Bro., res 61 Cherry st

Goldberg M., tailor J. L. Shea, bds -- Barnett st Goldberg Samuel, elk S. Waxelbaum & Son, res 105
Walnut st

Goldman L., fruits, confections, cigars, res 34 Sec ond st

Goldsmith David, drummer, res 69 Plum st Goldsmith Miss Rosa, student High School, res D.
Goldsmith Goodall Miss Jessie, res W. P. Goodall
Goodall John, bkkpr Singleton, Hunt & Co., res W. P. Goodall
Goodall Miss Rosa, res W. P. Goodall Goodall Miss Sallie, res W. P. Goodall Goodall W. P., broker, res 9 Orange st

GOODROE CHARLES, policeman, res 261 Third st Goodioe Miss Ella, wks Bibb Mfg Co, res 90 Ogle
thorpe st
Goodroe Mrs. Mary, wid, wks Bibb Mfg Co, res 90 Oglethorpe st
Goolsby Miss Carrie, res Isaac T King Goolsby Frank, locomotive eng C. R. R., bds Na
tional Hotel Goosby Georgia, res 20 Wharf st

Goodson Miss Lizzie, dressmaker Mrs. C. F. Daniels Goode Mrs. C. C., wid, res S F. Fulghum
Goode O. H., carpenter, res S. F. Fulghum Goodwyn Miss Bessie, res J. W. Goodwyn Goodwyn Miss Jennie, res Dr. J. V/. Goodwyn
GOODWYN J. W., of Goodwyn & Small, drugs, res 198 First st

GOODWYN & SMALL, drugs, 139 Third st GOODWYN T. G., elk J. W. Goodwyn, res same Goodyear B. S., carpenter C. R. R. shops, res 27
Ross st

Gondvaar G. A., wks C. R. R. shops, res Mrs. R. C, Wilder


Wwr^kHn Office 115 Tlhiird St.
White Department.
Goodyear J. H., machinist, res es Troup st nr reser voir
Goodyear Miss M. E., res J. C. C. Burnett Goodyear W. A., wks C. R. R shops, res 28 Ross st GORDON R. A., gen'l mdse and bar, res 58 Main st,
E Macon Gorman Andrew, groceries, res sandy bottoms Gorman 0., elk J. W. Rice & Co., res Brewery st nw
limits Gough Miss Elizabeth, res John Farmer Grace Chapel, Rev. J. W. Simmons, pastor, 33 Oak st Grace L. W., groceries, res 316J Fourth st Grace Mrs. T. B., wid, res 21 Lamar st Grace W. F., wholesale cigars and tobacco, res 36
New st Graham Dennis, res Windsor Hill Graham Mrs. J. A., wid, res Mrs. J. G. Pace Graham Michael, coupler C. R. R., bds 345 Fourth st Granberry R. E.. news butcher, bds T. J. Bishop Granger York, carpenter, res near cor Bass and Ma
ple sts GRANNISS E. C., justice of the peace, res 68 Oak st Graves Edward, res near M. E. Church, E. Macon Graves John, res Dr. L. S. Graves Graves Dr. L S., physician, res 244 Second st Graves Mrs. Mary, wid, res Mrs. E. Crenshaw Graves Miss Mollie, res Dr. L S. Graves Graves Thomas, res Dr. L. S. Graves Gray Charles, boarding, 240 Third st Gray Edward, wks Collins Mfg Co., res 29 Ogle
thorpe st Gray Eugene S., student, res Charles Gray Gray E T , res Columbus road Gray Hattie, bds Mad A A. SearcyGray James, greaser E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R., res 29
Oglethorpe st Gray J M., oarpenter, res 226 Fourth st Gray Miss Lillie G., student res Charles Gray Gray Miss M. C , res J. M. Gray Greaves Frank, bkkpr C. B. & B. E. Willingham, res
150 Mulberry st

White Department.
Green Mrs. E. T., res John Hertz Green George, elk Empire Store, res 73 Pine st GREEN JAMES, seev and treas Collins Mfg Co., res
cor Progress ard Forsyth sts Green Dr. James E., res Mrs S V. Green Green Miss Josephine, res John Hertz Green J. A., fireman C. R. R., bds 210 Third st Green J. A , elk W. A Juhan & Co Green Lafayette, elk M. Fitzgerald, res same Green Mrs. Mary, wid, res W. H. McKay Green R. L , switchman S. W. R. R., res 391 Fourth st Green Mrs. Sallie, wid, res H C. Kinchen Green T. G , elk I. Herman & Co., bds Mrs. --Barden Green Thaddeus, elk M. Nussbaum & Co., bds 73 New st Green Mrs. Theodore, wid, res Forsyth road, Vineville Green W J., res Mrs. Theodore Green GREENE MISS M. J., of Setley & Greene, millin
ers, 75 Pine st Greenaway Harry, wks Bibb Mfg Co. res John Early Greggs Henry, bartender Brown's Hotel bar, bds
same Gregory Miss A. M., boarding, res 180 First st Gregory Miss Ella, res Miss A. M. Gregory Greenberg Maurice, merchant tailor, res 104 Ash st Greenberg S., merchant tailor, cor Ash and Telfair sts Greenwood A., dry goods, res 321 Fourth st Greenwood Julius, groceries, bar and billiards, res 374
Fourth st Greenwood Leopold, elk Julius Greenwood, res same Greenwood L., groceries, bar and billiards, res 328
Fourth st Greer J. F., drummer Jaques & Johnson, bds Brown's
Hotel Greer Mrs. Susan, wid, seamstress, res Old Court
House Square Gresham Hudson, elk H. C. Fennell, res same Gresham J. J, lawyer, res 69 College st Gresham J. B., lawyer, res 69 College st Grierson Miss Rosa res W. A. Grierson Grierson W. A., bkkpr C. R. R office, res 157 New st GRIER CLARK, of Hatcher A Grier, wood, res 7
Magnolia ave



White Department.
Grier Miss M. S., teacher Mulberry St Public School,

bds Corbett House

Griffin Mrs. A. M., wid, res Mrs. F. C. Bivins

Griffin Emily, res Mrs. Sarah Griffin


Griffin B. L., So. Ex. messenger, bds National Hotel

Griffin J. F., res R G. Kent

Griffin Mrs. M. A., tvid res Thomas Hardeman

Griffin Mrs. R. P., boarding, res 224 Fourth st

Griffin Mrs. Sarah, wid, res Gilbert Taylor

Griggs Mrs. Cele-ite, wid, res Windsor Hill

Griggs H. M., bartender, res 236 Second st

Griggs N T., elk T. J. Ware, res same

Grimes J. M., res Mrs. M. A. Grimes

Grimes Mrs M. A., wid, res 92 Elm st

Grimes Miss N. J. res Mrs. M. A Grimes

Griswold D P., wks A. B. Farquhar & Co., res Ash, bet

Ross and Calhoun sts

Griswold E. P , elk A. B. Farquhar & Co

Griswold Harry, stenographer, bds 199 Second st

Grissom J. L., harnessmaker, res 138 Hazel st

Griswold Miss Lizzie, teacher public school, res W.

R. Phillips

Gross Wm, foreman Schofield Iron Wks, res 280 Sec

ond st

Grubbs J. E., So Ex. messenger, bds National Hotel GUERNSEY CHARLES T., res Thomson Guernsey GUERNSEY THOMSON, hardware and planing mill,
res 151 Mulberry st
GUERRY HOMER, lawyer, res 146 Mulberry st Guerry J. W , mechanic, res 140 Hazel st Guerry Miss Juliet, res Mrs. Tabitha Guerry Guerry Mrs. Tabitha, wid, res 109 Walnut st Guerry Miss Verlina, res Mrs. Tabitha Guerry Guerry W. M., conductor S. W. R. R., res Mrs. Tabitha
Guill W. N., carpenter, res 241 Fourth st Gugel D. M., master machinist C. R. R. shops, res
207 Second st
Gugel D. M, jr., elk S. W. R. R., res D. M. Gugel Gugel L. C , timekpr C. R. R shops, res D. M. Gugel Gugel Miss R. D.. student, res D. M. Gugel Gugel Wm., res 59 Pine st Guilin George W., blacksmith Harrison Cole, res 65
Mulberry st




White Department.
Gamm Miss Antoinette, res 25 Arch st Gunn U M. planter, res 30 Forsyth road, Vineville GUSTIN & HALL, lawyers, 3^ Cotton ave GUSTIN G. W., of Gus in & Hall, lawyers, res Vine-
ville Gustin Miss Sophia, res George Gustin GUTTENBERGER PROF. F. A., elk Ga. Music
House, res cor College and Bond sts

GUTTENBERGER'S THE TRE ORCHESTRA, A. Guttenberger, mgr, 102 Mulberry st


Guthrie Ed., compositor Telegraph and Messenger

TTAAS MRS E. F., wid, res 128 New st
A-*- Hackney Robert, carpenter C. R. R. shops, res
Mrs. H. C. Lawrence
Hagerson Miss Mary Jane, wks Macon Knitting Fac tory
Hagood N. C., of Davis & Hagood, meat market, res Vineville
Hagan William, groceries, res Cotton st, E. Macon Haines George, res nr Baptist Church, E Macon Haines Joseph, U. S Marshal res 158 New st Haines Walter, res Joseph Haines Haithcote W. A., bartender J. W. John's, bds Brilliant
Saloon Halfield T., cabinet maker Payne <fc Willingham,
res Windsor Hill Hall Miss Aurie, res Dr. G H. Hall Hall Miss Blanche, res R. B. Hall Hall C. A., bkkpr, bds 6/, Walnut st Hall Dr. C. H , physician, res 113 College st Hall C H. Jr., student, res Dr C H. Hall Hall James B , bkkpr Macon Gas Light and Water Co,
res 57 New st
HALL JOSEPH Jft, of Gustin <fc Hall, lawyers, res Vineville
Hall Jesse, baggage master S. W. R. R., bds 240 Third st
Hall Miss Julia, res J. H Hall Hall Dr. Kenan, physician, res 113 College st Hall Miss Nellie, res 39 Cherry st



White Department.
HALL ROLAND JL, drugs, res 2 Magnolia st Hall Mrs. S. B., wid, boarding, res 57 New st Hall Samuel, associate Justice Supreme Court, res
Yineville Hall Miss S. H., res Mrs. L. E. Nagle Halsey H. F., elk W. F. Grace, bds 199 Second st Halsey L. M , elk C. R R, bds 199 Second st Hambrick Mrs. Lydia, wid, res S. W. Smith Hambrick Mrs. Sarah, wid, res 24 Fifth st Hames Mrs. M. E., wid, res J. M. Tatum Hamlin William, silver plater Collins Mfg Co

Hamilton Miss E. S , res Mrs. M. M. Hamilton Hamilton Mrs. Lou. wid, res Mrs. Mary Harkins

Hamilton Mad. Nellie, res 111 Fifth st Hamilton Solomon, elk Jacob Russell, res -- Sec

ond st Hamilton W. C., baggage master S. W. R. R., res opp

Collins Mfg Co Hammond Andrew, painter C. li. R. shops, bds 277

Fourth st Hammond Dr. D. W., physician, res 1 Bass st Hammond George, wks Collins Mfg Co., res J. G.

Holmes Hammond & Moore Drs., physicians, 101 Second st Hammond Otto, painter, bds 42 Elm st Hanney W. M., elk A. L. Butts, res 121 Madison st

Hancock John, bds 226 Third st Hanlon Mrs C. J., wid, res 83 Oak st Hanlon T. J., painter C. R. R. shops, bds Wilbourn

House Hanson Miss Annie, res J. T. Hanson HANSON H. C., bus mgr Telegraph and Messenger
Pub. Co., res 200 Cherry st HANSON J. T., agt Bibb Mfg Co., res 8 Ga ave , Hanson W F., res J. T. Hanson Hanse Edward, wks C. R. R. shops, res L A. Hanse HANSE L. A., mailing elk P. 0., res 52 Oak &t Hanse Miss Pauline, res L. A. Hanse Hanse Mrs. --, wid, res 58 Fourth st Hann J. D., patent agt, bds A. L. Short Happoldt Mrs. A., wid, res W. M. Herritage Hapholdt Charles, res Second st, E Macon Happ Hiram, clothing, res 225 Fourth st Happ M., elk Lyman PI. Happ, res same



3x<E-<^.002Sr A First-class
COMMERCIAL Business School COLLEGE, Equal lo any North or South.
Send for Circulars, free.
MACON, GA. W. McKAY, - Principal.
White Department.
Happ Lyman EL, dry goods, etc., res cor Pine and Fourth sts
Harbaum W. T., res cor Plum and Third sts Hardeman Miss Bertie, res Ieaac Hardeman Hardeman & Gibson, cotton warehouse, 142 and 144
Fourth st
HARDEMAN ISAAC, of Billups & Hardeman, law yers, res 39 Forsyth st, Vineville
Hardeman Miss Jessie, res Thomas Hardeman HARDEM AN JOHN Li, Solicitor-General, res Vine-
villle, nr Pio Nono College Hardeman Miss M. L., res J. M. G. Medlock Hardeman Hon. Thomas, Congressman at large, of
Hardeman & Gibson, cotton warehouse, res Vine ville Hardeman Wm, res T. H. Johnson Harden C. A., harnessmaker, res 19 Wharf st Hargrove Miss Dora, res N. T. Johnson Harkness A., tel opr W. U. Tel. Co Harkins Mrs. Mary, wid, res cor Johnson and Bound ary sts Harman A. K., elk J. E. Ellis, res 13 Madison st Harman & Blackshear, groceries, 233 Fourth st Harman Mrs. F. J, wid, res 13 Madison st Harman H. A., elk J. D. Hudgins, res 15 Madison it Harmann H. A., bartender A. Vannucki, res nr Cem etery Hill Harman J. B., wks Singer Mfg Co., res 13 Madison st Harman P. S., of Harman & Blackshear, groceries, res -- Third st Harman R. L, baggage master C. R. R, res 13 Madi son st
Harned S. B., cashier Jaques & Johnson, res 4 Cherry st
Harper A. T,, elk Flanders Bros., res 6 Washing ton ave 8



White Department.
Harper Miss Fannie, res Mrs. M. Woodall Harper Joseph, carpenter, res Windsor Hill Harper Miss Mary, sewing, res 23 Wharf st Harper Preston, wks A. B. Farquhar & Co., bds 161
Fifth st Harper Wm,, watchman Collins Mfg Co Harper W. V., special agt N. Y. Lite Ins. Co., res 8
Johnson st Harrell J E., wks Bibb Mfg Co , res 23 Arch st Plarrell Miss Lizzie, res Mrs M E Ellis Harrell Mrs. S. A., wid, res Rufus Smith Harris Alexander, elk J. W. Burke & Co., res 9
Bond st Harris Alex. E, salesman S. Waxelbaum & Son, res
216 Second st Harris Miss Bella, student Wesleyan Female College,
res Jacob Harris Harris Benjamin, res 86 Oglethorpe st Harris Charles, bkkpr Central Furniture Store, res
103 Ash st Harris Miss Clara, res C. J. Harris Harris C J., truck farmer, res Columbus road Harris Davis, elk Peter Harris, res same Harris E. B., salesman S. T. Coleman & Co , res Tat-
nall Square Harris Mrs. Edna, wid, res 9 Bond st Harris Miss Ella, res Mrs. Edna Harris Plarris Miss Ella, res Peter Harris Harris Elliott, elk S. S. Parmelee, res C. J. Harris Harris Frank, res Peter Harris Harris George, wks Macon Knitting Factory Harris Miss Georgia, res 41 Oglethorpe st Harris George T., of Johnson & Harris, wholesale
groceries, bds Lanier House Harris Howell, student, res C. J. Harris Harris Iverson L., elk S. S. Parmelee, res cor Cherry

and New sts Harris J. A.., mailing el'k J. W. Burke & Co Harris Jacob Sr., res Jacob Harris Harris Jacob, shoes, res 216 Second st Harris John E., drummer Smith, Culver & Co Harris J. G., elk Nathan, res sandy bottoms Harris Miss Jimmie, res Mrs. T A. Harris Harris J. J., cond r E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R, res Wind

sor Hill

Cherry St.


White Department.

Harris J. L., elk S. S. Parmelee, res 160 Cherry st

Harris J. W., R M. S., res C. J. Harris

Harris Mrs. -, res Louis Neioman

Harris Miss Laura, res 41 Oglethorpe st

Harris Lewis elk S. W. R R. office, res 41 Oglethorpe st Harris Miss Lulu, res J. J. Harris

Harris Mrs M A., wid, res 41 Oglethorpe st

Harris Mrs. Mary, wid. res 5 Collins ave, E. Macon

Harris Napoleon, res Mrs. Edna Harris

HARRIS N. E., of Hill & Harris, lawyers, res 31 Georgia ave

Harris Miss Nettie, res Peter Harris

Harris Peter, brick mfr, res 62 Oglethorpe st

Harris R. A., condr E. T., Ya. & Ga. R. R., res 178
Poplar st
Harris Robert, elk J. W. Burke & Co. (branch house),
res 180 First st

Harris S. E , elk S. S. Parmelee, res Columbus road

Harris Samuel, sec boss E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R., res Windsor Hill

Harris S. J., res J. J. Harris

Harris Mrs. T A , wid, boarding, res 178 Poplar st

Harris Thomas F., bkkpr George W. Burr, bds Mrs. Gregory

Harris Thomas, elk George AY. Burr, bds 180 First st

Harris William, wks Findlay Iron Wks, res Houston road

Harris William, wks Bibb Mfg Co., res 5 Collins alley, E. Macon

Harris W. J., groceries, res Columbus road

Harrington A H., printer J. W. Burke & Co

Harrington Mrs. Carrie, wid, res Boundary st, s limits

Harrington Mrs. G. F., wid, res Clinton road, E. Macon

Harrington John, res Windsor Hill

Harrison Mrs. Ann, boarding, res 34 Pine st

Harrison J. H., wks C. R. R. shops, res Mrs. Ann Harrison

Harrison Joseph, res M. & W. R. R., bet Third and Fourth sts

White Department.
Harrison & Martin, groceries and bar, Cotton at, E.
Harrison Miss Mary E., res Mrs. Ann Harrison
Harrison R. L., of Harrison & Martin, groceries and
bar, res Twiggs county
HARTFOHD FIRE INS. CO., Carnes & Stroemer
Hart A. R., foreman C. R. R , bds Brady Smith Hart Henry, carpenter, res 38 Walnut st
Hartz John, groceries, res cor Cotton ave and Or ange st
Hartz John, res 75 Pine st
Harvy Miss Annie, student, res James Harvy Harvey Henry J., supt compress, res New Houston
Harvey James, hack line, res junc Spring and Pine sts and Cot on ave
Harvey Miss M. E , res James Havey
Harvey Mrs. M. T., groceries, res junc Spring and Pine sts and Cotton ave
Harvey Miss Sarah, res 101 Hawthorne st Harvey W. B , res James Harvey Haskin J. R , res 58 Fourth st Haskins Mrs. A. J., wid, res Houston road Hatcher Eugene, res C. R. Hatcher Hatcher George, res C. R, Hatcher
Hatcher C. R., farmer, resH99 First st Hatcher George, wrapping elk Empire Store
HATCHER & GRIER, wood, foot Mulberry st
Hatcher Miss Lula, res C. R. Hatcher Hatcher M. J. & Co., carriages, wagons, farm ma
chinery, etc., cor Fourth and Poplar sts Hatcher M. J , machinery, etc., res 22 Georgia ave
HATCHER M. J., of Hatcher & Grier, wood, res
Mulberry st
Hatfield Tobias, carpenter, res Windsor Hill Hatton W. C., machinist, res Gilesville Haubold W. E., trimmer Collins Mfg Co
Hautman Floyd, train hand S. W. R. R., bds 240 Third st
Havens Mrs. L. M., wid. res 27 Oak st
HAYNES ALEX., elk H. G. Davis & Co., res Colum
bus road
HAYS C. C., of Hays & Mansfield, planing mill, res 300 Third st



Office 115 Third Street.



White Department.
Haynes J. S., bkkpr H. G. Davis <fc Co., res Colum bus road
Hay L. B., flagman E. T., Va. k Ga. R. R., res 75 Ash st
Hayes Miss Lizzie, res Mrs. Sallie Brown HAYS & MANSFIELD, planing mill, cor Poplar
and Seventh sts Hazlehurst Francis W., res Wm, Hazlehurst HAZLEHURST WILLIAM, mgr Walton, Whann k
Co., res Tatnall square Head-, elk Empire Store, bds 173-175 Poplar st Head J. D., bartender N. B. Johnson & Bro., bds J. H.
Wilson Head R S., elk Empire Store

HEADQUARTERS ATLANTA CONSTITUTION, National Hotel, Wales Wynton, correspondent
Heard J. F , of Hicks, Heard & Co, groceries, live stock and bar, res Columbus road
Heard J. P., of Hicks, Heard & Co., groceries, live stock, bar, res Columbus road
Hearn Miss Elizabeth, res J. E. Russell Hearn Mrs. Mary A. E., res 47 Fourth st Heath A. S., locomotive eng C. R. R., bds National
Hotel Heath Henry T., compositor, res Mrs. M. Heath Heath Mrs M., wid, res 55 Pine st Heath O. P., monuments, res cor Fourth and Plumst* Heath W. W., prop National Hotel bar, bds National
Hecht Julius, elk M. Nussbaum &Co., res87 Spring st Hecht Louis, salesman M. Nussbaum k Co., res 87
Spring st
Hecht Miss Minnie, res Philip Hecht Hecht Miss Nettie, res Philip Hecht Hecht Philip, res 87 Spring st Hecht Robert, salesman M. Nussbaum k Co., res 87
Spring st
Hecht Siegfried, elk M. Nussbaum & Co., res 87 Spring st
Hecht Solie, cash boy I. Herman k Co., res 87 Spring st




White Department.
Heckle 0 S , machinist bds J. W. Wyche Heeger Henry, watchmaker Ernest Peschke, res over
First National Bank Heinzer Casper, pastry cook Brown's Hotel Helfrick John, candy maker Rogers & Winn, bds 28
Oak st Heller E. D., res Sigmund Siesel Heller E T., shoes, res 201 First st Hembry H. V., res 43 Pine st Henderson-, barber, wks Mrs. Abram, res Hiram
Hendprson Miss Katie, res Frank Jackson HENDERSON T. H., ag't So. Ex. Co., res 54 First st Henderson Wm,, policeman, res 182 Third st
HENDERSON W. W., policeman, res 97 Maple st Hendricks Augustus, res Windsor Hill Hendricks Mrs. Armindia, res Mrs. Mary Hendricks Hendricks Mrs. Mary, wid, res 13 Bass st Hendricks MissM., dressmaker Mrs. C F. Daniels HENDRIX T* C., of Hendrix & Willingham, plan
ing mill, res 56 New st Henry B. F., tailor S. Greenberg, res-- Rutledge st Henry Frank, draftsman D. B. Woodruff, res 85
Pine st Henry F. L., brickmason, res 85 Pine st Henry F. L. Jr., wood engraver, res F. L Henry Henry G. L , brickmason, res 217 First st Henry John B., time keeper E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R.,
res Mrs. M. E. Denson Henry Miss L. E., res F. L. Henry Henry Miss Mamie, res R L. Henry Henrv Paul, city bridge keeper, res w end bridge HENRY R. L., meat market, res 190 First st HENRY W. L., meat market, res 32 Spring st Henry William, folder and newsboy Telegraph and
Messenger, res 74 Poplar st Henry William, elk Juhan & Co., res cor Bass and
Maple sts Henry W. T,, bkkpr S. T. Coleman & Co., res cor
Bass and Maple sts HERBS I' CHARLIE, librarian Public L'brary and
Historical Society of Macon, bds Stubblefield House Herman J. A Co, dry goods, 140 and 142 Third st Herman Isaac, of M. Nussbaum & Co., wholesale dry
goods, etc, res 154 Cherry st

DIXIE WORKS. Manufacturers of

Foot of Cherry Street.



White Department.
Herron Jerry, eng College Hill Pump Water Works, res 27 Washington ave
Herritage William W., wks M. & W. R. R., res Wind sor Hill
Herring James, fireman M. & W. R. R., res Gilesville Herring James, res 88 Hawthorne st Herring Julia, res 88 Hawthorne st Herring Mrs. M. A., wid, res 88 Hawthorne st Herring Miss Sallie, res 88 Hawthorne st Herringdon J P., locomotive eng, M. & W. R. R., res
Windsor Hill Herrington Miss Alic&, res 42 Calhoun st Herrington Miss Augusta, res H. Herrington Herrington Frank, wood passer C. R. R., res 42 Cal
houn st Herrington H., machinist, res 42 Calhoun st Herrington H., gun and locksmith, res 42 Calhoun st Herrington Herbert, gun and locksmith, res Bond st,
bet College and Orange sts Herrington John, wks Bibb Mfg Co., res Collins
alley, E. Macon Herrington L. B.. of R. J. Anderson & Co., sewing
machines, res 44 Calhoun st Herrington O. L., machinist C. R. R., res 42 Cal

houn st Herrington Miss Virginia, res 42 Calhoun st Hertwig Florence, shoemaker, res cor Elm st and

M. & W R. R. Hertwig Herman, salesman Schwed & Gibian, res
48 Fourth st Hertwig Miss Lou, res Florence Hertwig Hertz Jacob, res J. Baer HERTZ J. H., clothing, furnishing, Eagle Shirt
Factory, res cor Cherrv and New sts HERVEY FR*NI A., mgr Lanier House Herzog Mrs. Caroline, wid, res Troup Hill Herzog J. M., fireman E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R., res Mrs.

C. Herzog Hert Miss Bessie, res J. R. Burnett Hesberg Charles 0., tailor J. L. Shea, res 167 Sec

ond st



White Department.
Heater Eddie, fireman C. R. R., bds National Hotel Hibner H. F., drummer, res 39 Fourth st Hickey Mias Helen, res James Dorrough Hickey Timothy, machinist E. T., Ya. & Ga. R. R
res Windsor Hill
Hickman Mrs. Sarah, wid, res 11 Bay st E. Macon Hickman S. J., eng Rogers & WinD, res Hydraulic st,
E Macon
Hicks, Heard & Co., groceries, live stock and bar, cor Fourth and Plum sts
Hicks J. R., of Hicks, Heard & Co., groceries, live stock and bar, res Columbus road
Higgins W. L., groceries and bar, res Milledgeville road, E. Macon
Hightower Mrs. Fannie, res Mrs. E. Bloodworth Hightower Gallant, groceries, res Windsor Hill Hightower Isaac, res New Houston road Hightower James, res Windsor Hill Hightower J. H., carpenter, res 18 Clinton road, E.
Macon Hill Banks, res 117 College st Hill Classa, bds 101 Fifth st Hill D. W., elk Stevens & Bone, res 63 Adams st Hill Fanny, bds Mad. Zella Ivey HILL & HARRIS, lawyers, 102^ Second st Hill Miss Inez, res Mrs. S. M. Hill Hill Miss Inez, student, bds George C Price Hill J. B., elk Jaques & Johnson, res 63 Adams st Hill J. C., elk Carhart & Curd Hill J. S., shipping elk Johnson & Harris, res Tat-
nall square Hill Miss Katie, res E. F. Best
HILL L. S., photographer C. B. Blackshear, res E. Macon
Hill L. S., res Mrs. S. M. Hill Hill Mrs. M. J., wid, res 117 College st Hill Miss S. E., res 89 Pine st Hill Mrs. S. M., wid, res 33 old Forsyth road, Vin*-
vi lie
HILL WALTER B., of Hill & Harris, lawyers, res 13i Orange st
Hill W. J , meat market, res New Houston road Hilliard S. M., res 232 Third st Hilliard W. C., machinist, res 223 Third st




A First-class
COMMERCIAL Business School COLLEGE, Equal to any North or South.
Send for Circulars, free.
MACON, CA. W. McKAY, - Principal.
White Department.
HILLYER L. P., cashier Lawton's Bank, bds Mrs. D. M. Barden
Hilsman G. S., drummer W. F. Grace, bds Lanier House
Hines Miss Emily, student, res R. K. Hines Hines Miss Hannah, student, res R. K. Hines Hines J. W.. mechanic, res 97 Walnut st HINE8 R. K., lawyer, res 23 High st Hines Miss Sarah, res R. K. Hines Hinson James, res Hydraulic st, E. Macon Hinton J. W., D. D., res 212 First st Hirschman G., drummer Rosenfeld & Lilienthal, bds
Ullmann & Putzel Hirsch Jacob, of Hirsch & Marks, wholesale paper,
paper bags and junk, res 43 Ga. ave Hirsch & Marks, wholesale paper, paper bags and
junk 178 Third st Hitt N. M. & Co., cotton buyers, 1424 Second st Hitt W. M., cotton buyer, res junction Cherry, Spring
and Magnolia sts Hodge W. A., principal Lewis High School, res 88
Pine st Hodges Mrs. E. H., wid. res 80 Pine st Hodges E. W., locomotive eng M. & W. R. R.,res Mrs.
E. H. Hodges Hodges J. O., shipping elk Collins Mfg Co, res --
Pine st Hodges Miss Mattie, res Mrs. E. H. Hodges Hodges Oliver, res Mrs. E. H. Hodges Hodgkins Miss Julia, res T. B. Artope Hodgkins Miss Mary, res Mrs. Susan Artope HODGKINS N. M., cashier Capital Bank of Macon,
res 76 Washington ave Hodgkins Miss Susie, res Mrs. Susan Artope HODNETT WILLIAM, coroner, res sandy bo(toms Hoffman Julius, tailor J. L. Shea, bds 88 Plum st



White Department.
Hogan Miss Mary, res 63 Plum st Hogan Thomas, bds Mrs. Ann Harrison Hoge Miss Annie, res 3 High st
Hoge C. C., master train service C. R. R., res 110 Plum st
Hoge Gordon, druggist L. W. Hunt & Co., res 3 High st
Hoge James, ticket agt city office C. R. R. and Ga. R R., res 110 Plum st
Hoge J. T., ticket agt Union Depot, res 110 Plum st Hoge John H., pharmacist John Ingalls, res 3
High st Hoge Miss Julia, res 3 High st Hoge N. S., of L. W. Hunt & Co., drugs, res 3 High st HOGE SOLOMON, druggist L. W. Hunt & Co., res 3
High st Hoge W. G., brick mfr, res 5 Maple st Holder Bros., variety store, res 39 Cotton ave Holder Mrs. H F., wid, res Troup Hill Holder H. S., groceries, res 98 Cotton ave Holder H. S., of Holder Bros., variety store, res --
Cotton ave Holder J. F., of Holder Bros., variety store, res 117
Cotton ave HOLMAN & Me AN DREW, sale stables, res 30
Plum st HOLMAN H. 0., of Holman & McAndrew, sale stable,
res cor Third and Pine sts
HOLMES J. P. & W. R., dentists, 102* Mulberry st HOLMES DR. J. P., of J. P. & W. R. Holmes, den
tists, res Vineville Holmes Miss Carrie, res C, E. Holmes Holmes Miss Carrie E., res Mrs. C. E Wilford Holmes C. E , elk W. L. Henry, res Vineville Holmes C. T., cotton buyer, res 68 New st Holmes George, res 124 Walnut st Holmes John C., elk Jaques & Johnson, res Mrs. C.
E. Wilford Holmes J. G., res cor First and Walnut sts Holmes J. P, wks E. T., Va. & Ga. K. R., res J. G..
Holmes Holmes Miss L. H., res Mrs C. E. Wilford Holmes Miss Piercie, res William Holmes Holmes R. G., elk T. Guerusey, res 124 Walnut st





White Department.
HOLMES DR. W. R., of J. P. & W. R. Holmes, den tists, res J. W. Burke
Holmes W. B., res J. G. Holmes Holmes Win., painter, res 31 Spring st Holmes Wm., res 21 Ross st Holmes Miss Victoria, res C E. Wilford Holston Mrs. M , wid, res P C. Sawyer Holt Miss Addie, res Felix Corput Holt A. T., planter, res Forsyth road, Vineville Holt Charles, wks Bibb Mfg Co., res A. T. Holt Holt Flewellyn, wks Bibb Mfg Co, res A. T. Holt Holt Miss Florine, res T G. Holt Holt Miss Hennie, res T. L. Holt Holt Miss Ida, res nr church, Vineville Holt Miss India, res T. L. Holt Holt Mrs. J. D., wid, res P. S. Holt Holt J T., elk Carnes & S roemer, res Vineville Holt Miss Louise, rt-s T. L. Holt Holt P. L., capitalist, res P S. Holt Holt P S., planter, res 129 Orange st Holt Tap, So. Ex. messenger, bds National Hotel HoL T. A., delivery elk So. Ex. Co., res Vineville Holt T. Or, Judge County Court, res 21 Georgia ave Holt T. L., bkkpr, res Forsyth road, Vineville Holt W. C., messenger W. U. Tel. Co., res Forsyth road DOLT DR. WM. F., physician, res 68 Main st, Vine
ville Holt W. F., conductor S. W, R. R., res T. L. Holt Holt Mrs. W. S., wid, res 44 Orange st Hoi Dr. Wm. S., res nr church, Vineville Holt W. T,, wks So. Ex Co. res T. L. Holt Holtzclaw B. C., cotton shipper, res 212 First st Holland D. D., res P. F Crawford Holland G., wks Rogers & Winn Holland Miss L. M., saleslady Singer Mfg Co, res 227
Second st Holland Mrs. L., wid, res 227 Second st Hollifield J. L., compositor Telegraph and Messenger,
res Academy st, bet Wharf and Walnut sts Hollis & Corbett, feed and sale stables, corner Fourth
and Poplar sts



White Department.
Hollis Jerry, of Hollis & Corbett, feed stables, re* Houston road, 3 miles from city
Hollis B. T., wks C. R. R shops, res Troup Hill Holliman Mrs. Ann, res D. L Holliman Holliman D. L., printer J. W. Burke & Co., res Giles-
Hollingsworth Miss Annie, res W. J. Hollingsworth Hollingsworth E R., elk Hays & Mansfield, res cor
Pine and First sts Hollingsworth Leonidas, lumber, res 210 First st Hollingsworth Miss Leonia, res W. T Hollingsworth Hollingsworth Mrs. M., wid, res 210 First st Hollingsworth W. T., cotton broker, res cor Oak and
First st
Home Guardian, S. S. Dunlap, pres't, 0. F. Adams, sec'y
Hood E. C., student, bds 142 Orange st Hook and Ladder Co. No. 1, Poplar and Second sts Hooker Mrs. M., wid, res M. & W. R. R., bet Elm and
Boundary sts
Hooks Miss Ella, wks Bibb Mfg Co, res J. D. Todd Hooks Miss Jeannette, bds Mrs. Rebecca Knight Hooks John, res Hydraulic st, E. Macon Hooks Miss Margaret, res John Hooks Hopkins Miss Sabina, res H. M. Hopkins Hopkins W. A., painter, bds 38 Oglethorpe st Hopp Jacob, woodworkman F. M. Acuff, res 94 Elm st Hooper William, wks C. R. R. shops, res 96 Elm st Horne Mrs. Catherine, wid, res D. W. Whittle Horne Charles, wks M. & W. R R., res Windsor Hill Horne Miss Cynthia, res D. D. Horne Horne D. D., carpenter S. W. R R., res 47 First st Horne Mrs. Edna, wid, res E. S. Sinclair Horne Miss Ella, res D. D. Horne HORNE H., real estate, life, fire and accident ins, re*
223 Second st Horne J. C., mechanic, res 35 Hawthorne st Horne J. M., elk Boardman's ice house, res D. D
Horne Horne Mrs. M., wid, res W. F. Horne Horne W. F., eng M. & W. R. R., res New Houston
Horne Bud, res 3J miles, Columbus road Horton Miss Annie J., res Sanford Horton

White Department.
Horton J C., candy maker, res 2J3 Third st Horton John M., elk Macon ice depot, res 47 Third st Horton Miss Mary, res Sanford Horton Horton Sanford, carpenter, res 293 Troup st
Hosiser E. J., bds 167 Second st Hospital and Pest House, nw limits House Miss Carrie, res 103 Hawthorne st House Miss Mattie, wks Bibb Mfg Co., res 93 Haw
thorne st House Mrs. R. A., wid, res 93 Hawthorne st Houser Bros., cotton and commission, 142| Fourth st Houser F. C., of Houser Bros., cotton and commission,
res Fort Valley Houser E. J., of Houser Bros., cotton and commission,
resHoward Daniel, tinware, res nr M. E. Church, E^
Macon Howard Miss Josephine, res J. H. Newman Howard Mrs. Kate, res Mrs. Mary Joiner Howard Mrs. N. L, wid, res J. H. Newman Howard Smith, Lawton's Bank, bds 150 Mulberry st
Howard T. A., elk A. W. Turner & Co , bds Edgerton
House Howard Walter, elk F. G. Gartrell, res Edward Grave# Howard W. C., elk F. B. Gartrell, res E. Macon Howard W. Y., canvasser Singer Mfg Co.
HOWES D. L., of Macon Knitting Factory, res Adams
st, nr Tatnall square Howell Miss Fannie, res Mrs. E. H. Howell Howell Mrs E. H., wid, res 44 Oak st Howell Henry, res Mrs E. H. Howell Howell Miss Lena, res Mrs E. H. Howell Howell Starling, wks Bibb Mfg Co, res 84 Ogle
thorpe st Hoyt F. K., car builder, res 320 Third st Hoyt Herbert, res F. K. Hoyt Hubbard J. C., wks G. B. Pettit, res Windsor Hill Hubbard J. J., res New Houston road Hubbard J W., harness maker J. S. Parmelee, re#
Second st, nr reservoir Hubbard Mrs. L. C., res J. J. Hubbard



* -- Office 1X3 Third. St.




White Department.

Hudgins G-. W., res Houston road

Hudgins J D , wholesale whisky, res 176 Third st

Hudgins William, res G. W. Hudgins

Hudgins Mrs. Will, wbs Macou Knitting Factory

Hudson B. F., roadmaster S. W. R. R., bds 197 First st

Hudson Mrs. E. J., wid, res Second st, E. Macon

Hudson James, res Mrs. E. J. Hudson

Hudson T. J., elk C. R. R,, bds 197 First st

Hudson Miss Maggie, res Mrs. E. J. Hudson

Hudson Mrs. R B., wid, res 298 Third st

Hudson Woodson, res Mrs R B Hudson

Huff Miss Daisy res W A. Huff

Huff James, wks Bibb Mfg Co, res Mrs. Mary Huff

Huff Miss Katie, wks Bibb Mfg Co, res Mrs. Mary



Huff Mrs. Mary, wid, res 98 Oglethorpe st

Huff Reuben, res Mrs Mary Huff

Huff Smithie, wks Bibb Mfg Co, res Mrs. Mary



Hufl W. A., prop Markham House, Atlanta, res w

limits of Vineville

Huff Walter, res W. A. Huff

Huff William, res M . A. Huff

Huff William, wks Guernsey, res Mrs. Mary Huff

Hughes Arthur, res 295 Third st

Hughes Henry, wks S. W. R. R. shops," res 389 Fourth st

Hughes H. D., mgr Dixie Stables, res 68 Cherry st

Hughes N at, whisky, cigars, etc

Hughes Oscar, res 295 Thiid st

Hughes Mrs. Roxey, res T. J. Burney

Hughes Christian, gunsmith, bds 81 Fourth st

Huguenin E. D., of English, Huguenin & Co., cotton

factors and compress, res 7 Jefferson st

Humphries Miss Ida, res Dr. L. L Jones

Hunley Mrs. N., wid, res Windsor Hill

Hunley William, carpenter, res Troup Hill

Bunnicutt Mrs. Mary, wid, res 37 Hawthorne st

Hunnicutt Miss Mary, wks Macon Knitting Factory

Hunnicutt Miss Tabi'tha, res W. S. Hunnicutt





White Department.
Hunnicutt W. S., groceries, res 246 First st Hunt & Cawley, drugs, 374 Fourth st Hunt C. G., elk Singleton, Hunt & Co., res T. J.
H unt Hunt Cotton Planter, N. T. Johnson, propr Hunt Claude S. G., elk Singleton, Hunt & Co., res T.
J. Hunt HUNT L. W., of L. W. Hunt & Co., drugs, bds T. J.
Hunt HUNT L. W. & CO., drugs, cor Second and Mul
berry sts Hunt Miss Lucy, res Joel Callaway Hunt Mrs. Mary, wid, res Joel Callaway Hunt Miss Mary Lou, student, res T. J. Hunt Hunt Miss Sarah, res C. B. Ellis Hunt Miss Stella, res T. J. Hunt HUNT T. J., of Singleton, Hunt & Co., shoes, res 5
High st Hunter W. T., train hand S. W. R. R., res W. C.
Hamilton Hunton Miss Mamie, res T. C. Hendricks Hurley John res cor Calhoun and Oglethorpe sts Hurt Mrs. Mary, res 18 Fifth st Hussey Miss Annie, res Luke Hussey Hussey John, compositor Telegraph and Messenger,
res Luke Hussey Hussey Luke, shoemaker, res 34 Oak st Hussey William, fireman S. W. R. R., res Luke
Hussey Hu chings Miss Ann, boarding, res 380 Poplar st Hutchings Miss Alice, res Mrs. Cornelia Hutchings Hutchings Miss Annie, res Mrs. Cornelia Hutchings Hutchings Mrs. Cornelia, wid, res 18 Magnolia st Hutchins Mrs. Emily, wid, res Mrs Mary Joiner Hutchinson A. J., fireman C. R. R., res cor M. & W.
R. R. and Fourth st Hutchinson F. M., locomotive eng C. R. R., res cor
Fifth and Oglethorpe sts Hutnance Guy, apprentice J M Daly Hutnance Leon, elk J. W. Rice & Co Huthnance Thomas, farmer, res 103 Walnut st




Office with Col. L. N. Whittle, No: 2 Cotton Avenue, Macon, Ga.
Collections made in all surrounding Business Points, and proceeds immediately remitted.
Commissions charged in accordance with labor performed.
_<Attention Given to Real Estate.2^_








5634 Main Street,


Court House, Macon, Ga.
7 Will attend to all civil business entrusted to him in
Macon Circuit.



Dr. Salter's Eye Lotion.
M^Speciai. Terms to the Trade.

Without leavingO Consx tipation, Ix rrnitw attv edu Liver, -LJL \ Cl , eCtW c..,

ress M. T. SALTER, M.D. Atlanta, Ga.

Dr. M. T. SALTER may be consulted on all


That require skill in treatment. He especially desires to treat

all that have failed to be cured by other physicians.


to Dr. Salter a plain statement of vour disease, and

he wull give you a candid opinion as to curabilitv, etc. En close stamp if reply is expected.

Dr. Salter treats all forms of


Treats all diseases on purely rational principles, m ithout asons; uses no Mercury, Arsenic or mercurial preparations latever.
Address him at Atlanta, Ga., Cor. Broad and Walton Sts.

Attorney at Law,
Officej 84 Mulberry St., MACOSN, GA.
Special attention to Collections of non-residents, Practice in all the Courts.
^cc-Minkint. feperf general jgenfj
Will attend to the Investigation of Public and Private Ac counts, Receiverships, Assignments, Settlements of Part nership Affairs, the Management of Trust Estates, and General Confidential Business.
Will Visit Parties and Places within Reasonable Distance
Office--Second Street, MACON, GA. P. 0. Box 422.
Children's Carriages, Whips, Trunks, Leather and Shoe Findings.
Corner Cherry and Second Streets, MACOX, GA.
A T T O R IV E Y A. T L A. W,
MA.COIV, <3-E303FS.<3tIAl. Will Practice regularly ill Bibb and adjacent Counties. Special Attention given to the Collection of large Claims in any part of the State, and to cases in the United States Circuit and Bankrupt Courts of Georgia. References furnished in any part of the United States, if desired. Parties wishing information as to Taxes, etc., or wishing Timber Lands Bought, Sold or Examined as to Trespassers, will be promptly servedHaving resided in Albany, Ga., twenty-four years, as Senior of Hines & Hobbs, unusual lacllities can bo afforded in Southern and South-western Georgia. Fees guaranteed to be satisfactory; and should no special agree ment be made, are about rates usual before the war.



Ht. DeSales Academy



T De SALES is delightfully situated on an eminence commanding an extensive view
. of the city, and only twenty minutes' ride from Pio Nono College, so that parents placing their daughters at the Mount and having sons at the College, will have the
advantage of visiting both without additional trav eling expenses. The surrounding country is noted for its beauty and healthfulness, and the spacious re creation grounds atford facilities for healthful amuse ments at all times.
The building is constructed and furnished with every accessory and appointment for comfort, con venience and safety. It is thoroughly ventiilated, lighted by gas, and each story is supplied with ex cellent water, bath rooms, etc.
The Scholastic Year is divided into two sessions. The first session commences on the 13th of Septem ber, the second on the 31 of February, and termi nates on the last Tuesday in June.
For terms, etc., address



No 5 Cotton Avenue, next to Mix & Kirtland's,
The* Largest tand * Finest+MILLINERY * HOUSE dip * Macon,
And Deader in
Special Line of


Office with Messrs. Billups & Hardeman, 156J Cherry St,
SVIacon, - Georgia. . Prompt Attention given to all Business. Collections es pecially Solicited and Vigorously Pushed. Remittances made always without delay. Will Practice in Bibb and Counties Contiguous.

Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry

Repaired at Shortest Notice and Warranted.

84, Mullberry Sit.,






Dealer in All Kinds

Upholstering1 Goods, Furniture,

Wood Coffins, Cases, Caskets,



04 an<l 06 Mulberry Street.

- Macon, Ga.

Call and see F. Reichert's Victoria Mosquito Net Frames, Patented Nov. 28th, 1882. The best thing out. F. Reichert, Patentee, 94 and 96 Mulberry Street, Macon, Ga.




Dealers ix All Kinds of


_on Easy Terms,







Then why not have a happy home, for musical instruments can be had on such favorable terms that a man of ordinary means can own a Piano or Organ of the same sweet tone or durability as that of a millionaire?
E. D IRVINE, Manager, MACON. GA.
I Offers every advantage to those who wish to purchase a Piano or Organ. The best makes, such as the Chickening Piano and Mason & Hamlin Organ, arc sold on small monthly payments and at a lower price than some of the cheap grades of instru ments which are palmed off on the public as first-class. Pi^l)on't Hay a Piano or Organ of a Make you know l O'hing of, although the agent will tell you it is the best in the world. He wants to sell the instrument; BUT YOU WANT TO BUY V GOOD ONE; so buy one which time has tested, and shown to be good in every particular. The Chickering Piano and Mason & Hamlin Organ have been tested and not found wanting in Durability, Tone, Beauty of Finish. In addition to these makes, Ave carry--
The Brilliant Tone MATHUSHEK The Silver Tone LUDDEN & BATES. The Sweet Tone ARION--The Best Piano in the World for the Money. The PACKARD ORGAN--an Organ with a Wonderfully Rich Round Tone. The BAY STATE ORGAN--a Little Gem of an Organ for a Small Price.
All guaranteed for six years, and placed on trial with you before purchase. Call and see our Stock, Avhich is one of the largest in the South.
102 Hiiib.iry St., MACON, C4A.



Ifcv'E.A.COZtT A First-class
COMMERCIAL Business School COLLEGE, Equal io any North or South.
Send for Circulars, free.
MACON, GA. W. McKAY, - Principal

White Department.

Ives Miss Leona, res 82 Oglethorpe st

Ives Miss Nancy, res 82 Oglethorpe st

Ivey Mrs. Jane, wid, dressmaker, res 86 Oglethorpe st

Ivey Mad. Zella, res 98 Fifth st


TACKSON MISS ANN, res Windsor Hill O Jackson E. H., asst bkkpr Empire Store, bds W.
Jackson Edward, bkkpr Empire Store, bds 104 Col lege st
Jackson John, res Windsor Hill Jackson Katie, res 100 Fifth st Jackson Mrs. Polly, wid, res Windsor Hill Jackson W. C., fireman M. & W. R. R., bds Mrs M
O. Wood
Jacobs Miss Georgia, res 86 Oglethorpe st Jacobs Mrs. Ila, res 86 Oglethorpe st Jacobs Lena, bds Mad. Georgia Stevens Jacoby S. L., groceries, res 50 Ga. ave Jackson Frank, wks M. & XV. R. R. shops, res Gilesville Jacobson Isadore, salesman Wolff Bros. & Co Jarrell Miss Ella, res John Jarrell
JageU John, wks M. & W. R. R. shops, res Troup

Jarrett Robert, tinner John Vansyckel & Co, res_ Second st

James George, salesman S. Waxelbaum & Son, res Reservoir Place

James J. C, policeman, res 100 Ash st

Jaques & Johnson, wholesale groceries, cor Cherry

and Fourth sts


Jaques R. W., res S. R. Jaques

Jaques S. R., of Jaques & Johnson, wholesale gro cers, res cor Orange and High sts

Jeffers Joseph, fireman S. W. R. R., res 46 Elm st

Jeffers Mrs. Mary E., boarding, res 28 Oak st 9



White Department.
Jeffers Miss S. A., teacher Lewis High School, res 88 Pine st
JEMISON SAMUEL H., lawyer, (city attorney), bds Brown House
Jenkins Mrs. E M , wid, res New Houston road Jenkins Frank, wks M. & W. R. R, shops, res 351
Fourth st
Jenkins Miss Lettie, res Mrs E. M. Jenkins Jenkins W. E., groceries, res Windsor Hill Jessup Alfred, of A. B. Farquhar & Co., hardware,
res 61 Walnut st
Jeter Frank, bkkpr Jaques & Johnson, res Forsyth road, Vineville
Jeter T. S-, conductor S, W. R R.. res 209 Second st Jett -, elk Bernd Bros., bds 167 Second st Jewett Mrs. A. S, wid, res 39 Georgia ave Jewett George B., fire and life ins, res 75 Oak st
JEWETT HENRY L., Prest Capital Bank of Macon, res 74 Oak st
Jobson C. A , bkkpr C. R. R., bds 210 Third st
Jobson C. F., wks C. R. R. shops, bds 197 Third st Jobson F. M., res 210 Third st Jobson Miss Lillie, res W. B. Jobson Jobson W. B., upholsterer, res 47 Monroe st John Mrs. M., res 42 Oak st Johns J. W., bar and billiards, res 123 Monroe st Johns Richard, baggage master E. T., Ya. & Ga. R,
R.. res 48 Oak st JOHNSON & CARVER, groceries, 128 Cherry st Johnson Clark, elk Johnson & Carver, bds Miss Ann
Hutchins Johnson Charles, elk Johnson & Carver, bds 180
Poplar st Johnson Miss Carrie, student, res H. T Johnson Johnson Mrs C., wid, res R F. Reynolds Johnson Edgar, student, res H. T. Johnson Johnson F. B., supt stables So Ex. Co., bds Wilburn
House Johnson Fannie B , res W. L. Johnson Johnson F. S., of Johnson & Lane, hardware, res 56
College st Johnson & Harris, wholesale groceries, cor Third and
Cherry sts
Johnson H. D., drummer Jacques & Johnson, res T. H, Johnson



v l

arswand l. butts.
Office 115 Third Strept.


White Department.
Johnson H. T., of Johnson & Harris, wholesale gro ceries, res 76 Oak st

JOHNSON I. H., of Davis & Johnson, coal, res 218 Firsr st

Johnson Isaac, driver, res 13 Columbus road Johnson J D , of N. B Johnson & Bro., bar and bil
liards, res 137 Third st
Johnson J. H., elk English, Huguenin & Co., res T. H. Johnson

Johnson J. W., salesman, S S. Dunlap, res 65 New st Johnson J. W , call elk So. Ex. Co., res -- Oak st Johnson J. W., elk M. B. Johnson, res same Johnson Jack, salesman English, Huguenin & Co,
res 142 College st

Johnson J. M , of English, Huguenin & Co., cotton factors, res Washington ave
Johnson Mrs. J. L , bds 137 Mulberry st Johnson Miss Julia, res W. L. Johnson Johnson J. M., res Hydraulic st, E. Macon Johnson & Lane, hardware, 107 and 109 Third st Johnson Lenson, res Mrs. H. F. Holder Johnson L. D., wks E. T., Va, <fc Ga. R. R., res Giles-
Johnson Miss Mamie, bds 180 Poplar st Johnson M. B.. groceries and bar, res 64 Elm st Johnson N. N , carpenter, res 47 Walnut st
Johnson N. B & Bro, bar and billiards, 137 Third st Johnson N. B., of N. B. Johnson & Bro, bar and bil
liards, res -- Fourth st

Johnson N. T . of Jaques & Johnson, wholesale gro ceries, res 151 Cherry st
Johnson Mrs Olive, res John Alley
Johnson P E., messenger Exchange Bank, res 142 College st
Johnson MissR C,, res F. H. Johnson Johnson Mrs. Susan, wid, res T. H. Johnson Johnson Mrs. Susan, res 5 Collins alley, E Macon Johnson S. B., conductor S. W. R R bds 240 Third st Johnson T. H., drummer, res 142 Orange st Johnson Thomas, watchman R. C. Wilder's Sons res
Elm st, nr M. & W. R. R



White Department.
Johnson Mrs. V., wid, res 210 First st Johnson W. B., res 2 Georgia ave Johnson W. G., groceries, res 61 Monroe st Johnson W. L., salesman Johnson & Harris, res 234
First st Johnson W. M, salesman D. Proctor, res 95 Oak st
JOHNSON NV31., of Johnson & Carver, grocers, bds
180 Poplar st Johnson C. A., fireman M. & W. R. R., res Windsor
Hill Johnson Willie, apprentice H. Herrington, res E,
Macon JOHNSON W. W.f of Johnson & Carver, grocers, bds
Miss Ann Hutchins Johnston B. A , carpenter, res s limits Johnston Mrs. E. J., wid, res 153 Mulberry st Johnston Edward, res 170 Third st Johnston Miss Fannie C., res Mrs. E. J. Johnston Johnston Miss Iola, res Dr. L L. Johnston Johnston J. M, com mer, res 11 Georgia ave Johnston Dr. L. L., physician, res cor Troup and
Boundary sts Johnston Miss Mary, res W. B. Johnston Johnston Miss Mamie, res J. M Johnston JOHNSTON WM. B., Pres't Cotton States Life Ins.
Co., res -- Mulberry st Johnston W. A., blacksmith, res B A.. Johnston Johnston Walter T., jewelry, res 40 Orange st Joiner C. A., fireman C. R. R., res 264 Third st Joiner G. W., hostler C. R R- shops, res 233 Third st Joiner Lewellyn, res Mrs. Mary Joiner Joiner Mrs. Mary, wid, res Hydraulic st, E. Macon Jones Miss A. A., res H. H. Jones Jones A. B., elk Campbell & Jones, res 117 Walnut st Jones Albert, bkkpr Estes & Wilson, res 139 Cherry st Jones A. F., elk W. F. Cannon, res Gordon st, E.
Macon Jones Bennett, policeman, res 272 Fourth st Jones B. L., elk W. H. Jones, res same Jones Mrs. C , wid, res John Carmichael Jones Charles, res Flanders st, E Macon. Jones Chapel (methodist) Rev. W. C. Davis, pastor Jones C. L., of W. L. Jones & Son, drugs, res W. L..

White Department.
Jones D. B , of Campbell & Jones, warehouse, res 169 Cherry st
Jones D. B. Jr., elk George S. Jones, res D. B. Jones Jones Mrs. Elizabeth, wid, wksBibb Mfg Co, res 73
Hawthorne st Jones Miss Eva, res J. E. Jones Jones Miss Florence, res J. E. Jones Jones Miss Florence, res A. W. Mitchell
JONES GEORGE S, wholesale groceries, res 21
Bond st Jones H H , editor Southern World, res C. D. Winn Jones James, res Mrs. C. E. Kelley Jones James Madison, res 36 College st Jones Jeptha, train hand, S. W. R. R., bds 240
Third st
JONES J. E., pres't Central Ga. Bank and S. W. R. R.,
res 23 Georgia ave, cor College st Jones Mrs. J., wid, res John R. Lee Jones John, res 27 Collins ave, E. Macon Jones John S., wks E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R., res H. H.
I A'
Jones Jones Mrs. Julia, wid, res 40 Ross st Jones Mrs. J. L., wid, res 64 Walnut st Jones Miss Kate, res Mrs. Julia Jones Jones Kirby, Wheeler & Wilson Mfg Co, res 177 Pop
lar st Jones Miss Laura, res W. H. Jones Jones Lee B., elk Empire store, bds 180 Poplar st Jones L. M., elk W. F. Cannon, res same Jones Lewis Monroe, elk W. F. Cannon & Co., res 36
College st Jones Miss Lizzie, res Mrs. C. E. Kelley Jones Miss Mary S., res D B. Jones Jones Miss Mollie, sewing, res cor Fourth and
Cherry sts Jones Miss Martha, res Mrs. C. E. Kelley Jones Mrs. Martha, res Mrs Phoebe Bowers Jones Miss Mattie, res W. H Jones Jones Matthew, carpenter, res Windsor Hill Jones Malcolm D , student, res W. C. Jones Jones Mayfield, res rear P. S. Holt



White Department.
Jones N. D., collector, res 68 Oak st Jones Miss Nannie, res J. E. Jones
Jones P. W., carpenter, res Ash, bet Ross and Cal houn sts
Jones Robert, train hand S. W. R. R., bds 240 Third st Jones R. D., carpenter S. W. R. R. shops, res 330
Fourth st
Jones Miss Sallie, res Bennett Jones Jones Mrs. Sarah, wid, res J. E. Jones Jones Miss Sallie, res Mrs Julia Jones Jones Mrs. Sallie, wid, res E. S. Sinclair Jones Mrs. S J., wid, res 10 Georgia ave Jones S D , bkkpr Charles fi. Solomon, res Vineville Jones Seaborn, wks John Lines, res 160 Hazel st Jones Thomas, wks F. \V. Wippler, res Mrs. C. E..
Jones Thomas, res nr Cotton st, E. Macon Jones Thomas H., tailor J. L. Shea, res Vineville Jones T. J., elk F. W. Wippler, res Troup Hill Jones T. L., merchant, bds 62 Walnut st Jones T. S , mdse broker, res sw cor Third and Wal
nut sts
Jones V. H., elk Roland B. Hall, bds same Jones W. F., cutter R. L. Henry
Jones W. C., bkkpr George Beggs, res 45 Monroe st JONES W. H., groceries, res Cotton st, E. Mocon JONES W. L. & 80N, drugs, 197 Fourth st JONES DR. W. L., physician, of W. L. Jones & Son,
drugs, res Houston road Jones W. L., student, res W. R. Jones Jones W. R., eng E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R., res 382
Fourth st
JONES WILEY & CO., props National and Southern Hotel
JONES WILEY, of Wiley Jones & Co., props South ern and National Hotels, res 56| Poplar st
Jones William, bailiff, res Windsor Hill Jones William, butcher, res 58 Oglethorpe st Jones Wright, train hand S. W. R. R., bds 240
Third st
Jones-, carpenter, res W. R. Stoner Jones-, bds 46 Plum st Jordan Miss Augusta, res Rev. J. W. Jordan Jordan Charles, res Mrs. Emily Hutchins

8 j | Office 115 Third Street.
White Department.
Jordan Mrs. Fannie, wid, res Edith Wilson Jordan Fred, watchman C. R. R., res Fort Hill, E.
Macon Jordan G. W., barber J. Giannone Jordan Henry, wks C R. R- shop, res 313 Third st Jordan Homer, cash boy Newman & Thorner, res 313
Congress st Jordan James J., harness maker S. S. Parmelee, res nr
reservoir Jordan James R., wks S S. Parmelee, res Rev. J. W.
Jordan Jordan Jesse, res Henry Jordan Jordan Rev. J. W., minister, res Troup Hill Jordan J. W., fireman M. & W. R. R., res Jackson st,
nr Elm Jordan Lee, res 63 College st Jordan Miss Lula, wks Bibb Mfg Co, res Mrs. Emily
Hutchins Jordan M. L., elk Nenard & Pigman, res 6 Washing
ton ave Jordan R. C., bds 144 Orange st Jordan Miss Rosa, res J. W. Jordan Jordan Thomas, wks E. Macon Cotton Factory res 98
Fourth st Jordan Urban, train hand S. W. R. R., res J. W. Jor
dan Jo-ey B. F , drummer, bds 199 Second st Josey Mrs. Clara, wid, res W. L. Johnson Joseph Sam, clothing, res 37 Walnut Josephson H. S., ol Josephson & Skalowski, gen
mdse, res 92 Cherry st Josephson S., gen mdse, res 37 Walnut st Josephson & SkUowski. gen mdse, res 83 Cherry st Juhan C. J., elk W. A. Juhan & Co., bds Miss Ann
Hutchins Judge T. A., foreman Ellis Factory, res n limits, E.
Macon JUHAN W. A. & CO., dry goods and gen mdse, 22
24, 26 and 28 Cotton ave, and 113, 115, 117 and 119
Second st JUHAN W. A., of W. A. Juhan & Co., dry goods, etc,
bds Miss Ann Hutchins

White Department.
Juhan W. J., elk W. A. Juhan, bds Miss Ana Hutchins
TTAHN LEE, res V. Kahn Kahn Miss Sallie, res V. Kahn
Kahn V.. gen mdse, res 111 Cotton ave Kanady Miss D. A., res 36 Cherry st Kanady Mrs. E , wid, res 36 Cherry st Kanady Miss L M., res 36 Cherrv st Kanady Richard, policeman, hds Ed. Cassidy Kane John, boss card room E. Macon Factory, bds
46 Pine st Kays Mrs Margaret, wid, res Mrs. Mary Kating Kea n Mrs E. M., res A. L. Shell man KEATING I). A., bkkpr J. J. Clay, res cor Madison
and Jefferson sts Keating James, groceries, res Mrs. Mary Keating Keating Mrs Mary res 147 Madison st Keating Miss Lizzie, res Mrs. Mary Keating Keel James, bkkpr, res J. C. Keel Keel J. C., contractor, res 79 Oak st Keel Miss Mollie, res J. C. Keel Keel J. M., elk Turpin & Ogden, res 79 Oak st Keen J. M, printer E. D. Irvine & Bro., bds 38 Ogle
thorpe st Keen Miss T. H., res W. H. Wylly Keen R. C., drummer Schwed & Gibian, res 81
Fourth st
Keily Arthur F., machinist S. W. R. R. shops, bds 197 First st
Keith George, elk Juhan & Co., res cor Short and Johnson sts
Kelley Mrs. C. E., wid, res Trouo Hill Kelly J. L. B., res nr Cotton st, E. Macon Kelly-.compositor Telegraph and Messenger, bds
44 Pine st Kent Mrs. Effie, wid, res 92 Oglethorpe st Kent Miss Henrietta, res S J. Kent Kent J. H., elk W. R. Kent, res same Kent Miss L. V., res W. R. Kent Kent Mattie, res 100 Fifth st Kent R. G., res cor M. & W R. R. and Elm st Kent S. J., groceries, res 128 Oglethorpe st Kent W. R., saddles and harness, res 70 Oak st



MiicoiNr A First-class
COMMERCIAL Business School COLLEGE, Equal to any North or South.
Send for Circulars, free.
MACON, GA. W. McKAY, - Principal.
White Department.
Kenebrew T. J., elk Jacob Russell Kendall C. A., conductor C. R. R.. res 230 Third st Kendrick Miss A. M., res George A. Dure Kennedy Miss Annie, res J. L. Kennedy Kennedy A. W., drummer S. S Dunlap, bds Mrs. M.
E. Ryan Kennedy J. A., groceries, res 379 Fourth st Kennedy J. L , propr Lanier House bar, res 30 Oak st Kennedy Mrs. Louise, wid, res 40 New st Kerr Wm., salesman S. T. Coleman & Co., bds Brown
House Kesher Shel Barzel, Valentine Kohn, pres't; M.
Abrams, sec'y Keys Mad Maggie, res 64 Sixth st Kilburn W. R., compositor Telegraph and Messen
ger, res 77 Fourth st Kilfoile James, bar, res 48 Cotton ave Kilgore Mrs. Mamie, res Benjamin Carroll Killins Miss Katie, res W. R. Cox Kimbrough Edward, policeman, res 46 Calhoun st Kimball Henry, baker Mrs. D. Kreutz, res 77J Cot
ton ave Kimball Miss Mary, res 96 Elm st Kimball Mrs. Mattie, res 44 Johnson st Kimball Robert, elk frt office C. R. R., res 96 Elm st Kimball Thomas J., res 96 Elm st Kinchen H. C., res 94 Maple st Kinohen H. J res 215 Third st KIND WORDS, Baptist Sunday school paper, Rev.
S. Boykin, editor, J. W. Burke & Co., pubs King Miss Anna, res 81 Fourth st King Mrs. B. C., wid, res William Collier King E. J., elk W. A. Juhan &Co., bds 153 Mulberry st King F. P., butcher, res 151 First st King Isaac T , res Ash bet Ross and Calhoun sts King Miss Jane, res T. J. Lane



White Department.

King J. C., drummer James H. Campbell, bds Lanier


King Mrs. J. H., wid, meats, res 151 First st

King Miss Jul a, res 151 First st

King Miss Laura, res 151 First st

King Miss M A., res 3 Magnolia st

King Miss Mat'ie, dressmaker Mrs. F. McCrary

King Miss M. L., res 277 Second st

King W R., elk D J. Bear, res 44 Plum st

King W. T . carpenter, res 223 Third st

Kingman R H., scalesman Campbell & Jones, res Jones county

Kirby Mrs K., wid, res W. H. McKay

Kirk Daniel H., carpenter and contractor, res 98 Fourth st

Kirker John, woodworker Collins Mfg Co

Kirker William J., wks Collins Mfg Co, res 278 Sec ond st

KIRTLAND E., of Mix & Kitland, shoes, res 58 Spring st

Kirtland Miss Sarah, res E. Ivirtland

KIRSCH JOHN, of Kirsch & Nelson, lumber, res Bond st

KIRSCH & NELSON, lumber, cor Pine and Fifth sts Kline Miss Belle, seamstress, res 9 New st Kline T. A., res T. D. Kline
Kline T. D., supt S. W R. R., res 203 First st Knapp A. C., genl agt R R,, bds 159 Poplar st Knight Miss Alice, wks E. Macon Cotton Mills, res
foot Wharf st
Knight Mrs. Emma, bds 46 PI um st Knights Golden Rule, Castle Macon No. 34, John W.
Eliis, com, O. F Adams, secy Knight Herbert, wks C. R. R. shops, bds 20 Tatnall st Knights Honor, Gwinnett Lodge No. 250, George W.
Wright, die, E. H. Link, secy
Knight James A., master car builder C. R, R. shops, bds 20 Tatnall st
Knight John, bds 46 Plurn st Knight Miss Lula, res Hydraulic st, E Macon Knights of Pythias. Central City Lodge No 3, A. Gi^bian, C. C., Dr. W R. Winchester, K. of R and S Knight Mrs. Rebecca, wid, res Hydraulic st, E.Macon. Knight W. B., res 267 Third st"

White Department.
Krobloch W. C., steward Brown's Hotel Knott Benjamin, fireman E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R.,
bds 28 Oak st Knowles J. E , express messenger E. T., Va. & Ga.
R. R., bds 219 Third st Knowles J. H., compositor Telegraph and Messenger,
res 219 Third st Knowles Mrs. M. A., res 29 Third st Kreutz Henry, baker, res 77^ Cotton ave Kranz ----, elk J. H. Hertz, bds Corbett House Kugel Charles, tailor J. L.Shea, res 47 Plum st
LACKEY JOHN, res Windsor Hill Lackey Thomas, res Windsor Hill
Laffateau P. H., machinist Talbott & Sons, bds 180 First st
LAGERQUI8T O.F., groceries, res cor Cherry st and Cotton ave
Lake Frank, entry elk S. T. Coleman & Co., bds 15S( Poplar st
Lamb Mrs. T. A., wid, res J. A. Davis Lamb Thomas, wks Macon Knitting Factory Lamar Miss Alberta, res H. J. Lamar LAMAR A. R., ed Telegraph and Messenger, res 45
Plum st
Lamar Belle, bds Mad. A. A. Searcy LAMAR H. J. Jr., of Lamar, Rankin & Lamar,
.drugs, res Vineville LAMAR H. J., of Lamar, Rankin & Lamar, drugs,
res nr Pio Nono College Vineville Lamar Miss Hattie, res 55 Plum st LAMAR HENRY, elk Lamar, Rankin & Lamar, res
H J. Lamar Lamar Miss Iola, res Mrs. M E. Lamar LAMAR J. T., elk Lamar, Rankin & Lamar, res
Forsyth road, Vineville Lamar Mrs. M. E., wid, res Forsyth road, Vineville Lamar Mrs. M. L., wid, res 25 High st Lamar Miss M. L., res Mrs. M. L. Lamar Lamar Miss Pauline, res Mrs. M. E. Lamar LAMAN, RANKIN & LAMAR, wholesale and retail
drugs, 102 Cherry st



White Department.
LAMAR WALTER D., elk Lamar, Rankin & Lamar,
res H. J. Lamar

Lamon Miss Maggie, elk Curtis & Bell, res 215 Third st
Lancaster Miss Lizzie, wks Rogers & Winn Land Miss Carrie, wks Bibb Mfg Co, res 92 Ogle
thorpe st Land Miss Georgia, wks Bibb Mfg Co, res 92 Ogle
thorpe st Land Newton, mattress maker, res New Houston road Land Miss R. V., res E. A. Schaefer

Land James, car inspector E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R., res 54 Hazel st

Landers Lovett, wks Bibb Mfg Co, res Collins alley, E. Macon
Landsberg Miss Lola, res M. Nussbaum

Landsberg William, of M Nussbaum & Co., wholesale dry goods, etc, res 77 Plum st
Lane A. J., of Johnson & Co, hardware, res 139 Col lege st
Lane Archie, loom fixer Bibb Mfg Co, bds Mrs. M. Schrimpshire

Lane Prof. Charles, prin. Alexander Free School, res 208 Pine st
Lane Miss Emma, res w limits, E. Macon Lane H. M. watchmaker, res 211 Fourth st Lane Jeff M , res A. J. Lane Lane Miss Jessie, res T. J. Lane Lane Joel, res T. J. Lane Lane John, wks Findlay Iron Wks, res Windsor Hill Lane Joseph, res 128 New st Lane Miss Rena, res nr limits, E. Macon Lane T. J., res 51 Calhoun st Langford Miss Harriet, res J. R. Langford Langford J. R., res Troup Hill

Langston C. W , train hand S W. R. R,, res 46 Elm st Langston Rev. Joseph, minister, res Troup Hill Lanham John, res Second st, E. Macon Laney Mrs. E., res W, B. Knight

Lanier Adolphus, fireman C. R. R., bds 376 Fourth st LANIER & ANDERSON, lawyers, 122J Second st Lanier Daniel, res D. D. Horne
LANIER HOUSE, F. A. Hervey, mgr, 91 and 93 Mul
berry st



White Department.

Lanier J. R , carpenter, res Windsor Hill
LANIER ROBERT S., of Lanier & Anderson, law

yers, res Vineville Lanier ffm, mechanic, C. R. R. shops, res 267 Sec

ond st Lannin Mrs. S. C., wid, res D E. Sullivan Leary Miss Luna, wks Macon Knitting Factory
Leary Miss Mattie, wks Macon Knitting Factory
LATHROP REY. STANLEY E., pastor Congrega
tional Church, editor "Helping Hand," res 172

New st Lathrop W. H., locomotive eng, res Forsyth st, nr

Madison Lavery John D., shoemaker H. McKervey Lawhon Miss Alice, authoress "Irene Douglass," bds

180 First st Lawler Mrs. A., res M. Cavenaugh
Lawrence F. M., school teacher, res 203 Fifth st
Lawrence G. D., res F. M. Lawrence
Lawrence Mrs. H C-, res 58 Pine st
Lawrence James, bkkpr, res 42 Third st
LAWTON'S (R. F.) BANK, 116 Second st LAWTON R. F.,of Lawton's Bank, res 142 Orange st Layton Mrs. Elizabeth, res 18 Fifth st
Layton J. L., locomotive eng Wadley's R. R., Rogers,
Ga., res 18 Filth st
Lazarus Arthur, elk S. Berg & Bro., res Second st

Lazarus M., elk Jacob Harris, bds same

Leary James E., res Thomas Leary Leary Miss Lona R., res Thomas Leary

Leary Thomas, res Windsor Hill Leak W. C., route ag't S. W. R. R., bds 137 Mulberry st Ledbetter F., prop skating rink, bds Mrs Williams

Lee James M., harness maker S. S. Parmelee, bds cor

Fourth and Pine sts Lee John R., eng Georgia R. R., res Troup st nr reser

voir Legg Miss Josephine, res Mrs. M. O Wood
Leman W. W., res Boundary st, sw limits

agt, 94 Cherry st

COA LJ armand l.butts. ^0er m H99H B P Of ff i frlce n 11.H5! mT -Bl, iji_ rc. l St.



White Department.
Leo Sister, teacher Mt. D> Sales Academy, res same Leonard E. C ., elk Singleton, Hunt & Co, bds W. R.

Leonard George R., drummer Singer Mfg Co , bds Edgerton House

Leonard J. B., wks Bibb Mfg Co, res es Troup nr

Elm sts


Leonard J. S , wks Bibb Mfg Co, res 97 Hawthorne st Lester Marshall, res U M. Gunn Lester Rev. Robert r^s 74 Spring st
Lewis Miss Ella, res Llydraulic st, E. Macon Lewis Fred., locomotive eng S. W. R. R., res 230
J hird st

Lewis Henry, pressman J. W. Burke & Co., res Mrs. M. A. Lewis

Le wis J. O , sec master E. T., Va. & Ga, R. R., res Mrs. M. A. Lewis

Lewis Joel, painter, res Fort Hill. E. Macon Lewis John, res Mrs Laura Lewis Lewis Mrs. Julia wid, dressmaker Mrs F. McCrarv
res 25^ Cotton ave

Lewis Mrs. Laura, wid, res Hydraulic st, E. Macon Xiewis Miss Lula, res Mrs. M A. Lewis Lewis Mrs. M. A., wid. res Boundary st, nr Troup Lewis Mollie, res 102 Fifth st '

LEWIS SIDNEY, editor Telegraph and Messenger, res Academy square
Lewis W., carpenter, res 22 Ross st Lewis Vtilliam, painter, res Joel Lewis
LeVar James, elk J, W Burke & Co., res Mrs. Mar garet LeVar

LeVar Mrs. Margaret, wid, res Cotton st, E. Macon Levy Simeon, dry goods, res 69 Fourth st ^bby Charles, elk W L. Higgins, res E Macon Libby Frank, blacksmith Collins Mfg Co., bds 38
Oglethorpe st

Lightfoot Mrs Ellen R., teacher Orange St Public School, res Mrs. W. A Ross
Lightfoot Ira, carpenter, res Mrs. R. Lightfoot Lightfooe Mrs R., wid. res Mrs R LioRtfoot Lightfoot R. M., elk W. A. Juhan &"Co., bds F. A.


Foot of Cherry St.







White Department.
Lightfoot Mrs, S. S., wid, res A. F. Jones Liguari Sister, music teacher Mt. DeSales Academy Lingould John, watchman E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R., res
14- Fifth st, E. Macon Lilps Daniel N., plumber C. J. Stroberg, res Flanders
alley, E. Macon Lilienthal L., wholesale hats, res A. Gibian Lines Miss Daisy, res Mrs. J. A. Lines Lines Mrs. J. A., wid, teacher, res 200 Second st Lines John, blacksmith shop, res near reservoir Link Miss Bertha, res E H. Link Link E. H., agt Iverson, Blakeman, Taylor & Co., res
106 Plum st Link Luther, res E. H. Link Lipman P, drummer N. A Gans, res 42 Pine st Lipford Mrs. --, wid, res 2 Johnson st Lipford C. H., elk John Yansyckel k Co., res 132
Madison st Lloyd Mrs. Kate, wid, res 119 Fourth st Lloyd Sydney, compositor Telegraph and Messenger,
bds 79 Fourth st Lloyd S. O., compositor Telegraph and Messenger,
res 77 Fourih st Locke Col. R. D., U. S. Marshal, bds 173 and 175
Poplar st Lockett Miss Fannie, res J. W. Lockett Loekett J. W., broker, res 20 Ga. ave Lofton W A., lawyer, res Houston road Logan Alexander S., elk S. T. Coleman k Co., res
Mrs. Pauline Logan Logan Mrs. G., wid, res George Gustin LOGAN JOHN T., bkkpr J. H. Hertz, res Mrs. Pau
line Logan
Logan Mrs Pauline, wid, res junc New and Old For syth road, Vineville
Logan Miss Pauline A., student, res Mrs. Pauline Logan

LOG *N WILLIAM R., mail elk P. O., bds 90 Pine st Loh Edward, shipping elk Sehwed & Gibian, res 32
Mulberry st Loh Miss Emma, res 32 Mulberry st



White Department.
Loh F. W., salesman S. T. Coleman & Co., res 32 Mulberry st
Loh Henry, drummer S. T. Coleman & Co., res 32 Mulberry st
Loh J L., gunsmith C. Huhn, res 32 Mulberry st Loh M , res 32 Mulberry st Loh Miss Mamie, les 32 Mulberry st Loh Miss Mattie, res 32 Mulberry st
Loliace Henry, watchman Bibb Mfg Co., bds Iverson Thompson
Long Charles, elk A. A. Subers, res Main st, E_ Macon
Long C. E , bkkpr James D. Proctor, res 98 Oak st Long Edward, gardener, res near Unionville Long F. M , res 98 Oak st Long Miss Johanna, res J. T. Long Long J. S., res Clinton road, E. Macon Long J. T , gardener, res Windsor Hill Long Miss Mary, res J. T. Long Long Miss M. E., res Fifth st, E. Macon Long Mrs. Rebecca, wid, res J. T. Long
LONGHURST L. II., photographer C. B. Blackshear, bds Stubblefield House
Lorance Miss Lena, sewing, res 31 Pine st Love Will, locomotive eng E. T., Ya. & Ga. R. R., bds
National Hotel Lowe D H., elk U. L Williams, res 235 Second st LOWE J. P., mgr Wheeler & Wilson Mfg Co., res
54 Washington ave Lowe Mrs. S D, wid, boarding, res 235 Second st Lowe W. D , locomotive eng E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R.,
bds National Ho el Lowry James E., foreman Collins Carriage Factory,
res Mrs. M. Heath Lowry T. S., elk J. W. Rice & Co., res Tatnall
Square Lowenthal Miss Anna, saleslady Mrs. A. Glaser, res
27 Arch st Lowenthal Charles, res Marcus Lowenthal Lowenthal Miss Gussie, wks Miss Cox, res Mrs. Mary
Lowenthal Levi, cigarmaker Peyser & Solomon, res 27 Arch st
Lowenthal Louis, tailor and dyer, res Wall st, rear Presbyterian Church




MACOiT A First-class
COMMERCIAL Business School COLLEGE, Equal to any North or South.
Send tor Circulars, free.
MACON, GA. W. McKAY, - Principal.
White Department.
Lowenthal Marcus, city watchman, res 66 Elm st Lowenthal Mrs. Mary, seamstress, res 27 Arch st
Lucas Daniel, supt Hollis k Corbett's stables
Lucas D. W., res O. J. Lucas Lucas 0 J., blacksmith, res Windsor Hill Lucas H. A., elk E, T., Va. & Ga. R. R., bds 180 Pop
lar st Lucey John, book compositor J. W. Burke Co., res 180
First st Luddy Mrs -, wid. housekpr Rev. J. F. Colbert Ludwig Jacob, res 93 Walnut st Ludwig Wm., E. T., Va. &.Ga. R. R., res Jacob Lud
wig Ludwig Miss Victorine, res Jacob Ludwig Luguire Henry, wks Bibb Mfg Co., bds 84 Ogle
thorpe st
publishers Lumsden B. D., drummer Talbott & Sons, res 35
Ross st Lumsden Reid, res B. D. Lumsden Lumsden Miss S., res Thomas Hardeman Lumpkin Mrs. A. V., wid, res Cotton st, E. Macon Lumpkin Robert, elk S. T. Coleman & Co., res Mrs.
A. V. Lumpkin Lumpkin George, groceries, res Mrs. A. V. Lumpkin Lundy Linton, elk H. B. Erminger Lyon Miss C. G., student, res R. F. Lyon
LYON & GRESHAM, lawyers, 108 Mulberry st
Lyon G. R., elk Lyon & Gresham, res 99 Pine st Lyon G R., elk Jaques & Johnson, res R. F. Lyon Lyon John, carriages, res s limits Lyon J. W., student, res R. F. Lyon Lyon L. L., elk Jaques A Johnson, res 99 Pine st
LYON R. F., of Lyon A Gresham, lawyers, res 99
Pine st 10



White Department.
Lyon W. J., student, res R, F. Lyon Lyons John, pawnbroker, res 113 Cotton ave

At AAS JULIUS, elk W. A. Doody, bds First st
Mabry Samuel, carpenter, bds W. T. King Macaboy Mrs. Martha, wid res Second st, E. Macon Macaboy Miss M. J., res Mrs. Martha Macaboy Machold Christian, groceries, res 81 Fourth st Mack S., of Mack Bros., dry goods, res -- First st Mack Bros., dry goods, res 114 Second st Mack A., of Mack Bros., dry goods, res -- First st Macon Chamber of Commerce, Wm. H. Ross, pres't;
Henry E. Rees, sec'y; 113 Third st Macon Club The, W. H. Ross, pres't; Washington
Dessau, sec'y; rooms cor Mulberry and Second sts, opp court house
MACON COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, W. McKay, prin, 126^ Second st

Does not include any Play House, nor the use of Tags, Swatches, or Plash Currency.
Common sense and experience tells us that Actual Busi ness cannot be taught by artificial means.
Are the only Reliable Training for Actual Business Life.

MACON GAS LIGHT AND WATER CO., office 106 Mulberry st; J M. Boardman, pres't; A. E. Boardman, sec'y and treas
Macon Ice Co., depot cor Fifth st and railroad tracks, factory Waterville; A. E. Boardman, propr
Macon Knitting Co, Howes & Smith, proprs, Haw thorne st, nr Bibb Mfg Co
Macon Lodge, F. A. M., Dr. J. E. Blackshear, W. M. ; George A. Dure, sec'y
Macon Medical Society, Dr. C. H. Hall, pres't; Dr. Howard J Williams, sec'y
MACON SAYINGS BANK, J. M. Boardman, pres't; H. Powell, cashier; capital, $50,000; 110 Mul berry st
Macon Soda Water Wks, E. H. Stuart & Co,, 235 Fourth st
Macon Volunteers, W. W. Carnes, captain

il 1 WUAL

I l

ARMAND l. butts. Office 115 Third Street.


White Department.
Magdalen Sister, res Mt. DeSales Academy Magruder A. L C , res 120 Bay st Mahreholtz August, tailor J. L. Shea Makemson Miss Sadie, res 94 Elm st Malaehi Lodge No 46, I. O. B. B., L. Newman, pres,
S. Blouenstein, secy Malloy Mrs. Mary, res 371 Fourth st Malloy Michael, bds Mrs. Mary Bailey Mallory Miss Annie May, res Alfred Jessup Mallory Frank, bkkpr A. B. Farquhar & Co., bds 73
New st
Mallory Joseph, supt E. T., Ya. & Ga. R. R,, Bruns wick div bds 173 and 175 Poplar st
Mallory Mrs. L. E., wid, milliner W. A. Juhan & Co., res Alfred Jessup
Mangham Miss Fannie G.. res Mrs. Ida Mangham Mangham Mrs. Ida, wid, res 63 New' st Mangham Miss M. E,, res Mrs. Ida Mangham Mann Miss Lottie, res H W. Bronson Manson Mrs J. W., res 77 Second st Manson Hobart, res 77 Second st Mansfield Mis3 Minnie, res 34 Fifth st MANSFIELD Wi H., of Sargeant & Mansfield, seed
growers, res 34 Fifth st Mao T. T, tailor, res 43 Cherry st Maranultz --, tailor Shea, bds 167 Second st Marcus Miss Cecelia, res Mrs. Jennie Marcus Marcus Mrs. Jennie, wid, res 70 Walnut st Marcus Mas, cigar maker A. W. Turner, res 79
Walnut st
Marcus Max, elk I. Herman & Co., res intersection Walnut and First sts
Mariero C. A., fruits, res 183 Fourth st Margaret Sister, res Appleton Church Home Marks Henry, of Hirsch & Marks, wholesale paper,
paper bags and junk, res 125 First st Marks John, res 125 First st Marks Moses, elk Nussbaum & Co, res 86 Fourth st Marshall Mrs 0 , wid, res M. J. Divine Marshall Mrs. --, res 111 Fourth st
Martin A. S., fireman C. R. R., bds Mrs. M. 0. Wood



White Department.

Martin A. T., of Harrison & Martin, groceries and bar, res Twiggs county
Martin Charles C., res Charles Canning Martin Eli, wks Bibb Mfg Co, bds 93 Hawthorne st Martin Miss Emma, res James Martin Martin Henry, res James Martin Martin James, res Hydraulic st, E. Macon Martin J. E., drummer John Vansyckel & Co., res --
Third st Martin John, res James Martin Martin Mrs. Kate J., res Charles Canning Martin Miss Kate, sewing, res 31 Pine st Martin Leandre, res Seaborn Martin Martin Seaborn, res Hydraulic st, E. Macon Marx P., of Cromeline & Co., wholesale cigars, res-
98| Mulberry st Mason D. M., lab, res 28 Fifth st Mason James, wks Bibb Mfg Co, res 84 Oglethorpe st Mason Miss M. E., res nr St. Paul's Episcopal Church Mason Mrs. M. J., wid, res Mrs. M. E. Mason
Mason William Jr., drummer Lamar, Rankin k
Lamar, bds Lanier House Massey Mrs. N. D., res A. A. Subers Massenburg Miss Annie, res Thomas Massenburg Massenburg E. B., tax collector Bibb county, res
146 Cotton ave Massenburg Rebel, res Thomas Massenburg Massenburg Miss Rosa, res Thomas Massenburg MASSENBURG T. L., of Rankin, Massenburg & Co.,
drugs, res 146 Cotton ave Massenburg William, bkkpr, res 222 Third st Massengale Mrs. Ann, res A. M. Scarborough Massengale James, res Clinton road, E. Macon Matern F. C., bds 180 First st Mash J. J., elk Joseph, bds Wilbourn House Masterson C., res 60 Walnut st Matthews A. G., eng E. T., Ya. & Ga. R. R., res
end Third st Matthews A. M., harness maker Bernd Bros., res 33
Pine st Matthews Allen, collector C. R. R., res 26 Arch st Matthews C. A. Jr., elk H. Horne, res w cor Fifth
and Oak sts Matthews Daniel, eng S. W. R. R., res 40 Elm st

Hendrix & willingham-dme mm w% cChweryrysStt.. PLANING MILL 1I LUMBER YYAARR1 &J



White Department.
Matthews Miss Fannie, res Mrs. M. A. Matthews Matthews J. B, wks M. k W. R. R. shops, res
Windsor Hill Matthews James T., wks Talbott & Sons, res cor
Fifth and Oak sts Matthews John, res 266 Third st Matthews Miss Julia, res A. F. Matthews Matthews Miss Laura, res Mrs. M. A. Matthews Matthews Louis, fireman E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R., res
John Lanham Matthews Mrs. M. A., wid, res Boundary st, bet Troup
and Third Matthews Mrs. M. A., wid, res 40 Elm st Matthews Mrs. M. A., wid, res 26 Arch st Matthews Miss Marian, res W. J Matthews Matthews Miss M. L., res Mrs. M. A. Matthew's Matthews Richard, res 22 Bay st, E. Macon Matthews W. B., bds Southern Hotel Matthews W. J., wks C. R. R. shops, res cor Madison
and Fourth sts Mau Theodore John, tailor J. L. Shea, res 43 Cherry st Maumenee A. G. & Co., jewelry, 180 Fourth st Maumenee A. G., of A. G. Maumenee & Co., jewelers,
res 180 Fourth st Maxwell Louis J., tel opr W. U. Tel. Co., bds 88
Plum st May James, wks Schofield's foundry, res 217 Third st May Julius, drummer, res Charles Refeld Mayer Nathan, cigarmaker Peyser & Solomon, res 33
Walnut st McAfee A. Howell, locomotive eng C. R. R., res 82
Oak st McAfee IV. J., groceries, res 300 Second st McAllister C. B., bds Edgerton House McAlpin H M., locomotive eng M. & W. R. R., res
276 Second st McAlpin Mrs. Mary, wid, res Fort Hill, E. Macon McAlpin Miss Margaret, res Mrs Mary McAlpin McAlpin Wm , res e limits, E. Macon
McANDREW W. E., of Holman & McAndrew, sale stables, res 17 Bond st



White Department.
McAphee W. J., meat market, res 300 Troup st
McArdle Charles, wks C. R. R., res Mrs J. McArdle McArdle Mrs. Josephine, wid, res 375 Fourth st McArdle Miss Lena, res Mrs. J. McArdle McCaffertv P., policeman, res 45 Oak st
McCarty W. P., bds Edgerton House McCarthey Stewart, res nw of limits, E. Macon McCarthev Rev. W. A., ass't pastor, res cor Wal
nut and Fourth sts McCaw James, res 60 Washington ave McCaw James, blacksmith C. R. R., bds 255 Fourth st McCaw J. F., drummer Stewart & Bone, bds Mrs.
Bryant McCaw Mrs. M. L., res GO Washington ave McCaw Wallace, res 60 Washington ave McCay W., R C. Wilders' Sons, res Troup Hill
McColskey James, carpenter, bds W. J. King McClarty Minnie, housekeeper Mad Pearl Fleming McCloud Miss Angus, bds 144 Orange st McCloud N. A., carpenter, res 17 Ross st McCrae F. T., salesman George S. Jones, bds Mrs. T.
H. Harris McCrae D. H., salesman Tinsley Bros. & Co McCrary DeWitt, drugs, res Dr. J. G. McCrary McCrary Mrs. F., wid, dressmaker, res 124 Walnut st McCrary Dr. J. G., physician, res 2S Clinton road, E.
Macon McCrary Robert elk George Lumpkin, res Dr. J. G.
McCrary McCrary Miss Rosa, res Dr. J. G. McCrary McCreary James L., elk Cornelius Sullivan, res near
Tatnall square MeOutcheon George, eng S. W. R. R., bds 197 First st McDeermond Miss F. T., res G. T. McDeermond McDeermond G. T., carpenter, res Windsor Hill McDeermond John R., res G. T. McDeermond McDonald Miss Fannie, res Alex Thomas McDonald Mrs. L., wid, wks Bibb Mfg Co, bds 90
Hawthorne st McDonald Niel, bds Gilbert Taylor McDonald Miss Sallie, wks Bibb Mfg Co, res Mrs. --
McDonald McDonald P. H., tailor S. Greenberg, res 150 Mulber
ry st

nn a T I abmand l. butts.
I A Office 115 Third Street.




White Department.
McDonnough Patrick, tailor, bds 52 Mulberry st McEvoy Mrs. J. M., wid, res 44 College st McEvoy Miss Maggie, res Mrs. J. M. McEvoy McEvoy Miss Mary, res 66 Main st, E. Macon McEvoy Robert P., elk J. W. Burke & Co., res Mrs. J.
M. McEvoy McElroy J. W., elk John Vansycle & Co., res 167
First st McGallagher Mrs. --, wid, res nr 21 Fifth st McGee C. C. B., machinist, bds Mrs. J. G. Pace McGee Mrs. Eliza, wid, bds Mrs. J. G. Pace McGee Frank wks C. R. R. shops, res Mrs. J. Pace McGee William, boiler maker C. R, R. shops, bds Mrs.
J. G. Pace McGehee J. H., compositor Telegraph and Messenger,
res 232 First st McGintv Mrs Mary, cigar maker Peyser & Solomon,
res 50 Hawthorne st McGintv Patrick, wks Reynolds' Iron Wks, res 50
Hawthorne st McGolrick J. G., locomotive eng C. R. R., res 78
Pine st McGolrick Miss M. W., res J. G. McGolrick McGrath Patrick, bakery and confectionery, res 110
Third st McGregor James A. W., salesman M. Nussbaum <fc
Co., res -- Mulberry st McGuire J. W., foreman A. W. Turner, res 167 Sec
ond st McHatton Dr. H., physician, bds 70 Walnut st McHenry Mrs. M A. E., boarding, res 52 Mulberry st McHenry Peter, gunsmith, res 52 Mulberry st Melntosh Miss Lottie, res 239 Second st McIntyre Miss A., res P. McCafferty McKay Miss Annie, res Rev. William McKay McKay Miss Esther, res Rev. William McKay McKay Harry, elk Empire Store, res Rev. William
McKay McKay John, office boy John R. West, res 111 Wal
nut st McKay Miss Katie, res Rev. William McKay




"White Department.
McKay Miss Mary, res Rev. William McKay

McKay Robert L., pressman J. W. Burke & Co., res

Robert McKay
McKAY PROF. W., principal Macon Commercial

College and accountant, res 111 Walnut st

McKay William, res Troup Hill

` McKay William, elk E. P. Strong, res Rev. William

McKay W. H., condr E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R , res c#r

Third and Elm sts

McKay W. L, student, bds 0. P. Finney

McKeller Miss Fletcher, res Mrs. M. C. Smith

McKENNA A., groceries, res 259 Fourth st ^

McKenny Miss Josephine, res Mrs. S. S. McKenny

McKenny Robert L., mail elk Telegraph and Mes

senger, res Mrs. S. S. McKenny

McKenney M. F., res Elm and Boundary sts

McKennev Mrs. S. S., wid, res 76 Orange st

McKenzie Mrs. M. C., wid, dressmaker Mrs. Wyche,

res 74-^ Poplar st McKerry H , shoemaker, res 59 Oglethorpe st

McKerry Ii Jr., elk, res H. McKerry

McKervey Hugh, shoemaker, res 59 Oglethorpe st

McKervey --, elk John Ingalls, res 59 Oglethorpe st

McKevitt Miss Maggie, supt millinery dept New

man & Thorner, res Mrs M. E. Doyle

McKevitt Robert, res 27 New st

McKinney Cale, night watchman C. R. R., res 87

Hawthorne st

McKinney Miss Lizzie, res Cale McKinney

McKinney Mrs. Hattie, wid, wks E. Macon Cotton

Factory, bds foot Wharf st

McKinney Miss Victoria, wks Macon Knitting Fac

tory, res Cale McKinney

McKinnon John, eng C. R R., bds 197 First st

McLain J. C., fireman S. W. R. R., bds 197 First st

McLaren E. H., planter, res Forsyth road, Vineville

McLean Mrs. Bridget, wid, res New Houston road

McLean Elisha S., groceries, res 154 New st

McLean Miss Hattie, res Hugh McLean

McLean Hugh, res 156 New st

McLean Miss Katie, saleslady Newman & Thorner,

res Windsor Hill

McLean Miss Mamie, elk F. A. Schoneman, res same


emuinmu: !




White Department.
McLean -, fireman S. W. R. R., bds National Hotel
McLendon J. F., res Mrs. 0. E. Bettick McMahon G. A., locomotive eng, res 104 Oglethorpe st McMahon James J., bartender Brown's Hotel bar, bds

McManus Clifford, res John A. McManus McManus Miss Della, res John A. McManus McManus John A., Ordinary Bibb co, res 44 Pine st McManus Leonard, bkkpr Payne & Willingham, res
cor Academy and Walnut sts McMillan J. A., groceries and bar, res cor Fourth and
Boundary sts McMillan J. 0.. elk, res 82 Monroe st McMurray James, elk W. C. Sheftall, res 19 Fifth st McMurray Mrs. Mary, wid, res 19 Fifth st McMurray Miss Mary, res 19 Fifth st McNabb L. D., fireman C. Jtt. R., bds 255 Fourth st McNally Rev. Henry J., Prof. Theology and Greek
Pio Nono College, res same McNeal James, bds Henry Price McNeal W. A., salesman S. S. Dunlap, res 66 New st McPherson Miss Emma, res Mrs. M C. Smith McPherson Wm., elk S. T. Coleman & Co., bds 180
Poplar st McRae Duncan, elk Tinsley Bros. & Co., bds io
New st McRae Farquhar, elk George S. Jones, bds 178 Pop
lar st McReady Mrs. G. A., wid, res P. W. Sisson McSwain Miss Mehala, wks BibbMfgCo, res 71 Haw
thorne st McVeagh J. T., pressman Telegraph and Messenger,
bds 255 Fourth st McWhorter Mrs. H. L., wid, res Gordon st E. Macon McWhorter Miss T. V., res Mrs. H. L. McWhorter McWhorter 0. L., eng C. R. R., res Mrs. H. L. Mc-
Whortor MeWHORTER W. H., Dep. Int. Rev. Coll., bde Wil-
bourn House Meara C. H., res Mrs. H. E. Meara



White Department.
Meara Mrs. H. E., wid, res Forsyth road, Vineville Meara Miss Jennie, res Mrs. H E. Meara Means J. F , res nr Cotton st, E. Macon Mechanics Steam Fire and Hose Co. No. 4, Arch and
Oglethorpe sts Medlock J M. G., sup't boarding dep't Mercer Uni
versity, res same Medlock Miss Lula, res J. M. G. Medlock Meek Miss F. E,, res W. F. Meek Meek W. F., wks Bibb Mfg Co, res 15 Clinton road, E.
Macon Megrath Charles, res N. A. Megrath Megrath N A., wholesale groceries and liquors, res
Troup Hill Megrath W. A. res N A. Megrath Meister Robert, wks R. C. Wilders' Sons, res Troup

Meldrom Robert, locomotive eng, bds Mrs. R. P. Griffin
Melvin John, wks Bibb Mfg Co, res 20 Fifth st, E. Macon
Mell David, gardner, res nr Unionville Mell Mrs. T. J., wid, res C. W. Newton Menard Mrs C. E., wid, res 6 Washington ave JIENARD Y. A., drugs, res 121 Walnut st MERCER UNIVERSITY, Rev. Archibald, J. Battle,
pres't, Tatnall square Merkel Louis, baker and confectioner, res 96ij Cherry st Merrell L. J , foreman paint shop Collins Mfg Co Merritt Miss Mamie, res A. R. Tinsley Mershon E B., drummer A. B. Farquhar & Co., res
254 Third st Methvin James, elk, bds 79 Fourth st Meyer A., groceries, res 129 Cotton ave Meyer Julius, bkkpr Hanson, bds 73 New st Meyers Charles, carpenter, res New Houston road Meyers James, carpenter, res W. A. Meyers Meyers Mrs. Mary, wid, res 317 Third st Meyers Miss Sarah, resW. A. Meyers Meyers W. A., carpenter, res Gordon st, E. Macon Meyers William, carpenter, res W. A. Meyers Michael Benjamin, hack driver, res 32 Pine st Michael Miss Estella, elk Lamar, Rankin & Lamar,
res 32 Pine st



White Department.
Michael Miss Theresa, res Benj Michael Mickles --, bds 173 and 175 Poplar st Micklejohn Frank, wks Crockets Foundry, bds 277
Fourth st Middlebrooks Columbus, bds John Early Middlebrooks Miss Jessie, student, res George B.
Turpin Middlebrooks Monroe, bds John Early Middlebrooks R H., bds John Early
MIGRATH DR. J. W., physician, propr Electro Medical Hydropathic Institute, res 88 Second st
Miles Mrs. Matilda, seamstress, res rear 40 Poplar st Mills Miss Ella, res Freeman Mills Mills Freeman, elk R. A. Gordon, res 58 Main st, E.
Macon Mills Jesse, wks Bibb Mfg Co., res Gilbert Taylor Mills Mrs. Mary, Avid, res Freeman Mills Miller Miss Alice, res R. F Miller Miller C. T., carpenter, res 35 Pine st Miller E. T., condr Ga. R. R., bds Edgerton House Miller Henry, carpenter, res 134 Hazel st Miller J. F., bkkpr Exchange Bank, res 303 Troup sfc Miller Miss Katie, elk Lamar, Rankin & Lamar, res
-- Pine st Miller Miss Leah, res R. F. Miller Miller Miss Lillie, res R. F. Miller Miller Miss Mattie, saleslady Mrs. B. S. Cape, res
same Miller Miss Munice, res R. F. Miller Miller R. F , variety stand, res 30 Magnolia st Miller S. T.. elk A. McKenna, res 35 Pine st Millirons Mrs. C. D., groceries, res 239 Third st Millirons Miss Kate, res Mrs. C D. Millirons Millirons John, res 128 Plazel st Milner Thomas W., elk J W. Rice & Co Minchew Mrs. Sarah A., wid, dressmaker, res 58i
Mulberry st Minor Mrs. Ann, wid, res 59 Fifth st Minton J. B., res J M. Minton Minton J. F., bkkpr Exchange Bank, res J. M.
Minton Minton J. M., res 303 Second st
Mitchell Edward, bkkpr E. H. Carhart & Co., bds 159
Poplar st



White Department.

Mitchell Miss Gertrude, res C. P. Toney Mitchell J. A., eng Mitchell Bros.' brick yard, res 388
Fourth st Mitchell Mrs. L. B., res 74 Poplar st Mitchell Robert, res J. A Mitchell Mitchell Thomas J., wks A. B. Farquhar & Co., res
381 Fourth st Mitchell A W., eng S. W. R. R., res 48 Elm st JlIX ALBERT, of Mix & Kirtland, shoes, res 63
Walnut st Mix Miss Annie T., res Albert Mix Mix Harry C., elk Mix & Kirtland, res Albert Mix Mix H. C., elk Mix & Kirtlaud, res 63 Walnut st MIX & KIRTLAND, shoes, 3 Cotton ave and 132
Third st

Mohk Solomon, res V. Kahn Monfee David, cigarmaker A. W. Turner, res 275
Second st Monfee Mrs. Lizzie, cigarmaker Peyser & Solomon,
res 275 Second st Moore A. B., drummer S. S. Dunlap, res over A. L.
Platt Moore A. L, conductor M. & W. R. R., res Windsor

Moore C. B., elk W. T. Shinholser, res cor Fourth and Oglethorpe sts
Moore C. H., elk I. Hermann & Co., bds 180 First st Moore Frank, lumber, res 212 First st Moore Frankie, bds Mad. Zella Ivey Moore James, policeman, res Jackson st, bet Elm and
Ash Moore J. McD., res Dr. K. P. Moore Moore J. T., bkkpr Hardeman & Gibson, resMOORE DR. K. P., of Hammond & Moore, physicians,
res 148 Mulberry st Moore Mrs. Mary, wid, res A. L. Moore Moore M., painter, res Flanders st, E. Macoon Moore N. B., compositor Evening News, res 175
Third st

Moore R. H., of Smith, Culver & Co., hardware, res
Culverton, Hancock county, Ga
Moore S. C., salesman Tinsley Bros. & Co., bds-
Magnolia st

Moore Walter, lumber, bds Edgerton House

Hendrix & willingham, dixie worko CONTRACTORS and BUILD KR8. Foot ofCherry
White Department.
Moore W. C., mechanic Findlay Iron Works, res 289 Third st
Moore W. H., elk frt dept C. R. R., bds 197 First st Moore W. T., tailor, res 214 Fourth st Moore-, wks C. R. R., bds W. T. King Morelin Miss Emma, res Mrs. Mary Morelin Morelin James, res Mrs. Mary Morelin Morelin Mrs. Mary, wid, res Second st., E. Macon Morgan Mrs. E B., res 43 Pine s.t Morgan Geo. W., elk W. A. Doody, res 219 First st Morgan H. C., locomotive eng C. R. R., bds National
Hotel Morgan Miss M. R., res Mrs. W. T. Morgan Morgan Mrs Sarah, res 153 New st Morgan T. W., res Mrs. W. T. Morgan Morgan William, wks Collins Mfg Co., bds 42 Elm st Morgan W. T., druggist T. W. Ellis, res Mrs. W. T.
Morgan Morgan Mrs. W. T., res 207 First st Morgan Willie T., elk Tbeo. W. Ellis, res 207 First st Morman H. A., res Mrs. T. J. Morman Morman Miss Salonia/, res Mrs. H. A. Morman Morman Mrs. T. J., wid, res 18 New st Morris Esau, res M. J. Morris Morris Miss Emma, res T. A Morris Morris Farley, fireman C. R. R., bds 28 Oak st Morris Mrs. G. A., wid, res Mrs. L. E. Nagle Morris Josephine, housekeeper Mad. Zella Ivey Morris M. J., liquors and groceries, res 226 Third st Morris Obadiah, locomotive eng C. E. R., bds 28
Oak st Morris Miss Rachel, res M. J. Morris Morris T. A., locomotive eng, res 258 Fourth st Morris William, brickmason, res 58^ Mulberry st Morrison J. P. & Bro., groceries, 278 Fourth st Morrison J. P., of J. P. Morrison & Bro., groceries, res
E. Macon Morrison J. P., watchman S. W. R. R., res nw limits,
E. Macon Morrison W. S., of J. P. Morrison & Bro., groceries,
res E. Macon

COAL? ARMANDL. BUTTS. wn mm m Office 115 Tliird St.
White Department.
Mosely C. W., policeman, res T. M. Mosely Mosely Frank, policeman, res Ash, bet Ross and
Calhoun sts Mosely T. M , res cor Oglethorpe and Calhoun sts Moses Charles, res 55 Cherry st Moses Miss Clementine, res 55 Cherry st Moses Isaac, elk Skalowski, res 55 Cherry st Moses J. J., salesman M. Nussbaum & Co., bds
Brown House Moses M., cigar maker N. A. Gans, res 55 Cherry st Moss Coss, cond'r Ga. R. R., bds National Hotel Moss J. A., boss spinning room, Bibb Mfg Co, re3
240 First st Moss Miss Louisa, res J. A. Moss Moss Mrs. M. E., res C. S. Drake Motes William, shoemaker H. Schall & Bro., res 48
Forsyth st Mott Brough, painter Collins Mfg Co., bds 376
Fourth st MOUND VIEW DAIRY, Davis & Hatcher, proprs,
E Macon Mozo Mrs Eliza, res J W Wall 3IT. DeSALES ACADEMY, Mother Alphonsus, di
rectress, cor Columbus and Orange sts Mulberry St. M. E. Church, South, Rev. J. O. A.
Cook, pastor, cor First and Mulberry sts Mulberry St. Public School, Miss L. E. Thomas, prin Mulholland Robert, wks Gas Wks, bds 52 Mulberry st Mulligan Miss E. M., res Mrs. M E. Mulligan Mulligan Mrs. M. E., wid, res 15 Mapie st Munroe Nathan C., drummer, res 136 Orange st Munsch A., carpenter, res 9 New st Munsch Albert, wks Ellis' shop, res Fort Hill, E.
Macon Munsch Charles, res A. Munsch Munson Alfred, locomotive eng, M. & W. R. R., bds
345 Fourth st Murdock Mrs. Ann, res 57 New st Murphy Mrs. Caroline, wid, res Second st, E. Macon. Murphy John, blacksmith helper C. R. R. shops,
res 35 Fifth st

Sparkling- with Social Gossip
Will be the Mature, Character and Intent of
Published by J. B. POUND & BRO.. 6o Cherry Street, Macon, Ga.
A. t 4z O'clock.
10 Cents Per Week!
Advertising- Rates Very Liberal.


T3a.ily and Weakly.
Official Paper of Spalding County and the City of Griffin, and the Best Advertising Medium in Middle Georgia.
The Griffin Daily News is the only daily within an average radius of fifty miles, and is the cheapest morning daily in the South, giving all the news for }> per year.
The Griffin Weekly News is an eight-page, 48-column paper, with a large circulation in Spalding and surrounding counties, and is the largest paper in the South for One Dollar a year, with a Premium to every subscriber,_
N. t THOMAS' BLACK PBABL FAINT "For Tin, Shingle, Iron and Copper Roofs, Iron Fencing, Smoke-Stacks, etc. This Paint is Warranted to be Fire and Water-Proof, unaffected by
heat or cold, and will not crack or blister.
L.eaky Roofs Made Water-Tight, or IVo Charge. Ti. THOlVtAS, Macon, Gra.
Agents Wanted in Every Town and County in the South. TAO you desire an agency ? Send for terms to agents. If you cannot
take an agency, but have pictures of your own vou desire copied, and there are no agents of ours in your vicinity, write for retail prices, and send pictures direct to us (either by mail or express,) and they will receive our best/attention. Address SOUTHERN COPYING CO.
No. 9 Marietta street, Atlanta, Ga.

DIXIt WORKS. Manufacturers of

SASH, DOORS & BLINDS Foot of Cherry Streets



White Department.
Murphy Martin, brick mason, res 96 Fourth st Murphy Patrick, policeman, res 70 Ash st Murphy S. H., res Gilesville

Murray Robert, elk George Beggs, bds same

Murnil J. L wks Collins Mfg Co., bds 320 Fourth st Myers Miss Jennie, res R. L Henry

Myrick W. IC., elk Southern Hotel, res same

MISS JULIA, wks Macon Knitting Fac-

Nagle Mrs. L. E., wid, res 63 Oglethorpe st vill1" ^rS' E'' Wid' reS near Pio Nono College, Vine-
Napier Miss Fannie, res Mrs. F C. Napier Napier Mrs. F. C., wid, res 44 College st Napier Henry, res s limits, Vineville Napier John, bds 144 Orange st Napier Mrs L . wid, res s limits, Vineville Napier Thomas, bds 144 Orange st
tmTi?xT^lex.a,^' carPenter. res 48 Cherry st ^TIONAL HOTEL, Wiley Jones & Co., proprs, 169

Navel Mrs. Francis, wid, res Windsor Hill

Neal Henry, elk W. L. Henry, res 103 Third st

hieal Mrs M A., wid, res A. D. Riddle Neal J. P., res F. M Long

Neil Peter, elk A Daus

Nelligan D. M., bkkpr Empire Store, res Tatnall square

Nelligan Miss Maggie, res Mrs. Mary Nelligan

Nelligan Mrs Mary, wid, res 46 Johnson st

Nelson Andrew, wks Guernsey & Abel, res J J



Nelson Mrs. A E., wid, boarding, res 50 Walnut st

Fourth st* A'' k Josephson & Skalowski, res 50

Nelson Mrs Amanda, wid, res 33 Fourth st

NFounrth'sf' '0ld 11088,1 dk S- Ex> Co' res 33

lk B* Skalowski & Bl0-> TM 50



White Department.
Nelson James A., cotton buyer, res John A.. Nelson Nelson J. B, drummer, res Flanders st, E. Macon Nelson John A., cotton buyer, res Hydraulic st, E.



Nelson J. H., cllc Josephson A fekalowski, bds 'A'

Walnut st


,, ,

Nelson J. I., eng E. T., Va. A Ga. R. R., res Cot

ton st, E. Macon Nelson J. M., res Cotton st, E. Macon

Nelson Miss S. N., res J. B. Nelson Nelson Walter, groceries, res 186 Third st Nelson W. T., elk R. L. Henry, res cor Third and

Plum sts Nesbitt John, cigar maker Peyser A Soiomon, res

Mrs. Mary McGinty Nesbit J. S., elk E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R., bds Edger-

ton House Nesbit J. W., lawyer, bds 180 Poplar st Newell John, wks M. A W. shops, res V\ indsor Hill Newman J. H., Prof, music Wesleyan Female Col

lege, res 124 Madison st NEWMAN, L., of Newman & Thorner, dry goods.
millinery, res 85 Plum st

NEWMAN & THORNER, dry goods and millinery, 99

Cherry st


NEWSOM AUGUTUS Ik, of Coleman A Newsom,

warehouse, cotton com, grocers, res 43 College st

Nevils Charles, painter, res 24 Fifth st Nevils John, painter, res 24 Fifth st

Nevils Mrs. Nancy, res 24 Fifth st Nevins Thomas, meat market, bds Alex. Owens Newton C. W., binder J, W. Burke & Co., res 5 9

Oak st Newton John, res Jackson st, nr Elm NEW YORK UNDERWRITERS' AGENCY, Carnes

A Stroemer, agts Nichols J. W., carpenter, res Gilesville Nipper A. C., wks E. T.? Va. & Ga. R. R. shops, les il

Maple st Nipper John, wks Crockett's Iron Wks, res 92 Ogle

thorpe St

,, ^

^ 1

Nipper Samuel, wks Bibb Mfg Co., res 92 Ogle

thorpe st No. 4 Fire Company Brass Band



A First-class
COMMERCIAL Business School Equal io any North or South. COLLEGE, Send for Circulars, free.
MACON, GA. W. McKAY, - Principal.
White Department.
Noland 0., tailor S. Greenberg Roles Miss Lou, sewing, res foot of Wharf st Noltee C. W., carpenter, res Windsor Hill Noone Mrs. A., tvid, groceries and bar, res 75 Fourth st Noane John J., salesman Waxelbaum & Sons, res 75
Fourth st Noone Miss Mamie, res 75 Fourth st Norman Mrs. J. S., wid, res R. H. Norman Norman J. S-, groceries and liquors, res 330 Fourth st Norman K. H., groceries- and liquors, res near Old
Armory Norris & Co., groceries and bar, Cotton st, E. Macon Norris Jerry, of Norris & Co., groceries and bar, res
Cotton st, E, Macon Norris J. F., wks C. R. R. shops, res 132 Hazel st Norris James R., locomotive eng E. T., Va. & Ga. R.
R., res 75 Ash st Norris Mrs S. A., wid, res 75 Ash st Norsworthy Mrs R., wid, res Mrs. Sallie Thompson NORTH BRITISH MERCANTILE INS. CO., of
London and Edinburg, I. C. Plant & Son, agts, cor Cherry and Second sts NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO., Carnes & Stroemer, agts, 115 Third st North H M , cotton shipper, res 8 Johnson st North Miss L. C., res Dr. G. E. Sussdorf Nottingham Miss Ida H., res F. A. Guttenberger Nottingham J. J., res Forsyth road, Vineville Nottingham R. V., pharmacist W. L. Jones & Son, res 197 Fourth st Nowells Elias, wks Bibb Mfg Co, bds 74 Hawthorne st Nowells Miss Octavia, res James Scott Nussbaum M. & Co., wholesale dry goods, cor Cherry and Third sts Nussbaum M., of M Nussbaum A Co., wholesale dry goods, etc, res 77 Plum st



White Department.

Nutting Miss Mattie, res J O. Wynn

Nye Fanny, bds Mad. Nellie Hamilton
ORE A?? GEORGE 8., sec'y Cotton States Life In

surance Co, res 45 College st

Obear George S., drummer, bds 179 Poplar st Obear Miss Hermoine M , res George S. Obear

Obear William G., elk George S. Obear, res 45 Col

lege st

O'Brian Rev. George S., A. M., prefect of schools,

Pio Nono College, res same O'Brian: J. J , wks So. Ex. Co , bds 180 First st

O'Brian Mrs. M , groceries, res 340 Fourth st

Ocmulgee Fire Co. No. 2 First st and Cotton ave O'Connell E O., groceries and bar, res 64 Mulberry st

O'Connell Miss Katie M., res 64 Mulberry st O'Connor Mrs. E , wid, res Miss M. E Long

O Connor Henry H., res 135 Madison st

O'Connor Jerry, bailiff, res Holt st, bet Orange and

Maple sts O'Connor Miss Katie, elk J. H. Benner O'Connor Thomas, res w limits, E. Macon Odom C W., elk L Greenwood res 313 Third st

Odom G S., switchman C. R. R., res 49 Oak st Odom Mrs. Susan, wid, res N. L Thomas

O'Donnell Mrs. --, res Troup Hill
O'Gorman C. L., of J. W. Rice & Co., dry goods, etc, res Vineville
OGDEN J. MONROE, of Turpin & Ogden, real estate,
itis, fertilizers, res 18 Georgia ave

Ogden Miss S. J., res J. M. Ogden
O'Hara Miss Jennie, res Patrick O'Hara
O'Hara John, groceries, bds Patrick O'Hara
O'Hara M. & Bro , groceries and liquors, 313 Fourth st O'Mara Michael, of M. O'Hara & Bro., groceries and

liquors res L. A. Hanse O'Hara Miss Mary, res Patrick O'Hara

O'Hara Patrick, res 44 Hawthorne st
O'Hara Thomas, of M O'Hara & Bro., groceries and

liquors, res 44 Hawthorne st O'Hanlan Miss Mamie, res Clinton road, E. Macon

O'Hanlan Terrance, res Clinton road, E. Macon
Ohlmann B., gen'l mdse, res 116 New st

^Ohlmann J., elk B. Ohlmann, res same

A T CA'f\ I armaot) l. butts.
VUAJU i Office 115 Third Street.



White Department.
Oldman B , dry goods, res 116 New st Oliver Frank, res 226 Second st

Oliver H. C, salesman John Vansyckel & Co., res 167 Magnolia st
Oliver Osie, res 226 Second st Oliver Mrs. --, res 226 Second st

Oppenheim S., elk S. Jospphson, res 59 Cherry st O Pry W. H., drummer Flanders Bros., bds Southern

Orange Street Public School, Miss C. I. Smith, prin



Orme J. A., res Mrs. J. H. Curd

Orr A, J., bkkpr E. H. Carhart& Co., res 167 Cherry st Orr Robert C., elk N. T. Brunnen, bds 274 Fourth st Osterman Oscar, cigarmaker N. A. Gans, res 52 Wal
nut st

Otto Miss Annie, res J. H. Otto

Otto C. E , elk John Vansyckel & Co., res 139 New st Otto J. H., jeweler, res 139 New st Otto J. H , Jr , wks Bernd Bros., res J. H. Otto Outler Mrs. J. A., wid res 77 Ash st Outler N. S., fireman M. & W. R. R., res Mrs. J. A.

Outz Miss Armecia, wks Bibb Mfg Co, res 90 Ogle

thorpe st

Outz Mrs. Mary, res 90 Oglethorpe st Outz Miss Mary, wks Bibb Mfg Co, res Mrs. Mary

Owens A. J., res Boundary st, bet Troup and Third sts
Owens A. J , switchman C. R. R., res sandy bottoms Owens Charles, wks Bibb Mfg Co, res Cotton st, E.

Owens Logan, foreman East Macon Cotton Factory, res 98 Fourth st
Owens Miss Rachel, res Mrs. Emily Hutchins

T)ARADISE MRS. AMANDA, res 94 Oglethorpe st Pace Mrs. J. G . wid, res 56 Pine st
Page Henry, res 233 Second st
Pair Henry, locomotive eng E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R., res 341 Fourth st



White Department.

Palethorpe H. L., conductor E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R.,

res 52 Walnut st Palmer Mrs F. M., res 9 High st Palmer John, drummer S. T. Coleman & Co, bds 189

Poplar st Palmer Joseph W., student, res Mrs. F. M. Palmer

Palmer Martin D., roadmaster E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R.

bds 137 Mulberry st

Papy J. B., meats, res 94 Pine st Papy M. B., elk J B. Papy, res 94 Pine st

Papy Robert L., res 94 Pine st Papy T. J., elk T. J. Papy, res 94 Pine st Parks John, wks Bibb Mf'g Co., res 25 Arch st

Parks Robert, res Second st, E. Macon

Parks R. E., res 44 Orange st Parks Willis, fireman C. R. R., res sandy bottoms Parks Z. J., compositor Telegraph and Messenger,

res 314 Oglethorpe st Parker Mrs. Nancy, wid, res Mrs. Mattie Willis

PARKER T. C., mgr J- W. Burke & Co.'s branch

store, res 90 Pine st Parker W. J., elk H G. Davis & Co., res 66 Ash st

Parker W. T., elk W. IT. Wood, res 82 Oak st

Parmelee James, painter, bds 41 Pine st PARMELEE S. S., carriages, wagons, harness, etc..,

res 3 Bass st Parrott A. F., cotton buyer, bds 173-175 Poplar st

Parrott Charles, photographer J. A. Pugh

Parsons Mrs. H. L., wid, res B. H. Smith

Paschal H. L., res 35 Hawthorne st Paschal Mrs. S , wid, res 35 Hawthorne st

Pate John, bds J. M. Johnson Pate Miss Martha, bds J. M. Johnson

Patterson Dr R. M., res 49 College st Patterson R. W., lawyer, res cor Madison and For

syth sts


Patterson Thomas, machinist Schofields foundry.

bds W. T. King Paul Mrs. Mary, res Wm. Jones

Paul B. F., res Windsor Hill Payne Miss Emily, res George Payne PAYNE GEORGE F., druggist and chemist, res 39

New st Payne Thomas, carpenter, res Windsor Hill

D'XIE WORKS, Manufacturers of SASH,DOORS & BLINDS _Foot of Cherry Street



White Department.
PAINE & WILLINGHAM, furniture and carpets, 116 and 118 Cherry st
PAYNE W. S., of Payne & Willingham, furniture and carpets, res 38 Orange st
Payton Miss Ida, res 62 Mulberry st Payton J. R, bkkpr, res 62 Mulberry st Payton Miss Katie, res 62 Mulberry st Payton P., groceries and bar, foreman boiler shops
C. R. R., res 62 Mulberry st Payton Mrs. -, res 111 Fourth st Peacock C. T., wks M. & W. R. R. shops, res Bound
ary st, bet Third and Fourth Peacock S. B., res Windsor Hill Pearce C. F.. city collector Singer Mfg Co., bds Mrs.
Mrs. - Nelson Pearce James, wks Bibb Mfg Co., res Hydraulic st,
E. Macon Pearson C. D., elk W. A. Juhan & Co., bds 42 Third st Pearson J. W., elk freight depot C. R. R., res 87
Oak st
Pearson W. H., wks G. B. Pettit, res Third st, nr reservoir
Peevy Charles, elk freight depot C. R. R., bds Geo. S Riley
Peevy Joseph, res Windsor Hill Peevy J. J., tinner Carling & Brown, res 32 Ogle
thorpe st
PEGRAM S. S., mgr Talbott & Sons, res 19 High st Penney Mrs. L. R., wid, res E W. Pridgeon Perkins John W, machinist, bds 376 Fourth st Perkins W. S-, conductor Ga. R. R., bds Edgerton
Permenter James, elk Thomas Callaghan, res 235 Second st
Permenter Miss Mary, res Henry Page Permenter Robert, carpenter, res 235 Second st Perry R. E., county collector Singer Mfg Co Persons Miss Annie L., res Mrs. S. M Persons Person J. S., mgr branch W. U. Tel. Co. Brown
House, bds same Person L. E., pedler, res 111 Fourth st




White Department.
Persons Mrs. S. M., wid, res 7 Magnolia st Persons T W., elk D. V. Reaves & Co., bds 66 New st
PESCHKE ERNEVT, jeweler, res 88 Mulberry st Pettit G. B., contractor and builder, also lumber Petty Miss Ada S., res J. F. Petty Petty J. F., carpenter, bds J. D. Wadsworth
Petty S D., harness maker Bernd Bros., res Holt st, bet Orange and Maple sts
Petty W. B., meat market, res Columbus road Peyser & Solomon, cigar mfrs, 164 Fourth st Peyser Miss Gussie, res M. Peyser Peyser Miss Matilda, res M. Peyser
Peyser Marcus, of Peyser & Solomon, cigar mfrs, re* 339 Fourth st
Peyton J. B , res Windsor Hill
Peyton John, boiler maker, bds 50 Fourth st Pfenning Charles, jeweler C. H. Solomon, res ws
Academy, bet Walnut and Wharf sts
Phelps J. A., baggage master S. W. R, R., bds T. J. Bishop
Phillips Miss Amanda, res Mrs. E. Phillips Phillips Mrs. E., wid, res 7 Maple st Phillips J. P., locomotive eng S. W. R. R., res 56
Ash st Phillips Jessie, res Mrs. M. Phillips Phillips Mrs. M , res 84 Oglethorpe st Phillips W. R., planter, res cor Clinton and Gordon
sts, E. Macon
Phillips William, wks Bernd Bros., res Mrs. E,, Phillips
Phillips Miss V. M., boarding, res 46 Plum st
PHYSIOL W. B., tailor, res 57 Oak st Pierce Miss Amanda, res Mrs. M. Pierce Pierce Charles, collector S Mfg Co , bds 50 Fourth st Piprce Eugene, wks Collins Mfg Co., res Mrs. M.
Pierce Pierce Luther, res Mrs. M. W^oodall Pierce Mrs. M., wid, res 197 Fifth st Pierce Miss Sarah, res Mrs. M. Pierce Pierce Thomas, street overseer, res 21 Wharf st Pierson S H., elk W. A. Doody, res cor Tnird and
Wharf sts Pigman Mrs. Mary T., wid, res 6 Washington ave Pigman W. A., elk Lamar, Rankin & Lamar, res 6
Washington ave


COAL I ARRflANDJL. BUTTS. Office 115 Third Street,



White Department.

'u]lmn^&r Putzel^ JSepllMn * SkaloBski, bde Pinkney Charles, elk, bds 44 Plum st

ttnaT Hotd' ndr E' T" V"' 4 Ga' R RPinbkaneyrt,o(njraJ. C., drummer Talbott & Sons, res Al
PViZZleCOU0ge' ReV- L Bazin' Pres' * >

PiE.T8 S3 Hazef at Watl:llman E- T - V- * <!* B. B'> asst cashier First National Bank, res

Pand IefonCd ftsS0N'

""d inS' COr 0hCTrJ'

I>n'TI1' C'' PreS PirSt National Bank, res 43

P Newk R ` 0!" E * ' Plant & Sen, bankers, res 42

Plant Mrs. S. M., wid, res 78 First st P ant Miss res Mrs. S. M. Plant

Platt A*?'eS,foy;>1, * Son- groceries, res /V. L Platt

near Colie/e

SU' gr00eries> * Bowyth at,

Platt Miss Lula, res A. L. Platt Platt Miss R. F., res A. L. Platt

^ ton <ave>n' grCeries' intersection First st and Cot-

Platt Miss S. E., res A. L. Platt

tonkroad' R'

M` & W` shop8' res New Hous'

Pp"unkeU iBS Mlry' 'Ske Bibb Mfg C ' res Susan

P OglketLpeSBst S"8an' WkS Bibb

- -

Sni/u" gi8,trate office' 108i Cherry st Pni m * lawyeL res Mrs. 8. V. Green
8nWa8h,,ngton' Wld' bds Corbett House 1 E.Sp OrPfffn W'' loco,lloth'e enS c- B- R-, bds lira.

Pres 130MNewL.Tra' areSSmakerMiss




White Dep irtment.

Pol hill Mrs, E. N., wid res 94 Spring st Polhill Freeman, res Mrs. E W. Polhill Polhill H. L , elk Lamar, Rankin & Lamar, res Mrs.

E. N. Polhill

V1. , .


Polhill Miss'Hattie, teacher public school, res Mrs. E.

N. Polhill


Polhill Dr. John G- res Forsyth road, \ meville

Polhill J. E ,clk W. D. Lamar k Co., res J. G. Polhill

Polhill L. N., elk Lamar, Rankin & Lamar, res 94

Pol hi U Miss S. M., res Dr. John G. Polhill Polhill T. E, bkkpr Guernsey & Abel, res 17/ lop-

j (j | jih v
Poole Miss Bettie, wks Macon Knitting Factory

Poole Miss Bessie, res J. H. Poole Poole Clarence, painter, res 73 First st Poole F. 0., painter I. H. Poole, res same

Poole H. J., res J. L. Vining

Poole Miss Ida, res I. H. Poole


POOLE I. H.f house and sign painter, res 7o hirst st

Poole Isaac, farmer, res 73 First st Poole I. W., gas fitter J. H. Poole, res same

Poole J. H , plumber, res 73 First st
Poole J. J., stereotyper J. W. Burke k Co

Poole J. W., res Windsor Hill Poole S. B., painter I H. Poole, res same

Pope II. A., res H. B Davis
Pope Louis, tinner Carling k Brown
Pope W. H., drummer George T. Rogers tons, rea

Butler, Ga

, ,

Popper Stephen, drummer S. Waxelbaum & >-on, bus

Brown's Hotel


Porter Mrs, Annie E., wid, res 208 Third st

Porter J F , locomotive eng E. T., Va. & Ga. R. K.,

res 46 Hazel st Posey Miss Nane.y, res W. U. Posey Posey W. U., wks Bibb Mfg Co., res 30 Filth st, E.

Macon Postoffice, cor Second and Mulberry sts
Potter Miss Annie, res W. A. Porter

Potter E. G., elk E. T,, Va. & Ga. R. R , res Tatnall

square Potter Mrs. L. E., wid, res Joseph Harper

Potter Miss S., res W. H. Potter



OfBcejj.5 Third Sit.




White Department.

Potter W. H., editor Wesleyan Christian Advocate, res Tatnall square

Pound Mrs. B. L,, wid, res 98 Fourth st

POUND EUGENE, of Pound Bros., pubs Evening News, res 96 Fourth st

POUND J. D. & BRO., pubs Evening News, 2

Wall st



POUND JEROME B., of Pound Bros., pubs Evening News, res 96 Fourth st
Pound J. L., compositor Telegraph and Messenger, res 98 Fourth st
Pound Mrs. M. F., wid, res 55 Fourth st Pound Miss Mattie D., res 96 Fourth st
POWELL A. JL, broker, bds 137 Mulberry st Powell Benjamin, butcher, res 61 Plum st Powell Benjamin, res Benjamin Powell Powell Miss Ella, res Benjamin Powell Powell Miss Henrietta, res Benjamin Powell
POWELL H. T., cashier Macon Savings Bank, res 33 Second st
Powell J. C., elk J. L. Shea, res 36 Spring st Powell J. W., cuttei J. L. Shea, res 36 Spring st Powell Mrs. M. J., wid, res 34 Clinton road, E. Macon Powell Miss M. J., res Mrs. M. J. Powell
Powell Oscar, baggage master E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R., bds 88 Plum st
Powell Mrs. T. C., dressmaker, res 146 Hazel st Powers Andrew J., apprentice J. Al. Daly, res Har
rison Powers
Powers Miss Annie E., res Virgil Powers Powers G. T., meat market, res D. M. Durrett Powers Harrison, carpenter, res cor Elm and Rose sts Powers J. C , painter, res Harrison Powers Powers T. C., carpenter, res Harrison Powers Powers Thomas, butcher, res E. Macon Powers Virgil, com So. Railway and Steamship Asso
ciation, res 17 High st Pratt Mrs Lou, res J. D. Wadsworth
Presbyterian Church, Rev. A. W. Clisby, pastor, cor Mulberry and First sts
Freer Williapa, bds 142 Orange st



White Department.
Preston Jones, machinist, res Thomas Quinn Price Alphonse, res Mrs E. Price Price Daniel, driver W. H. Mansfield, res 15 Wharf st Price Mrs. E., wid, res Boundary st, near Mercer Uni
Price Goode, elk Lamar, Rankin & Lamar, res Dr. J. R. Price
Price George C., of E. Price's Sons, groceries, res Or ange st, near Cotton ave
Price Henry, shoemaker, res Hydraulic st, E. Macon Price Dr. J. R., res 127 College st Price John, wks C. R. R. office, res Boundary st, near
Troup st
Price Julian, drummer A. B. Farquhar & Co., res 127 College st
Price Miss Mattie, res John Price Price Roland, elk Jessup & Smith, res Dr. J. R. Price Price Rowe, shipping elk A. B. Farquhar & Co., res
127 College st
Price's Sons E., wholesale groceries, 120 and 122 Cherry st
Price S. B., of E. Price's Sons, wholesale groceries, res 109 Pine st
Price W. F, of E. Price's Sons, wholesale groceries, res 164 Cherry st
Pridgeon E. W., res Hydraulic st, E. Macon Pridgeon E. W. Jr., wks Findlay Iron Wks, res E.
W. Pridgeon Pringle Augustus, res nw limits. E. Macon Proctor James D., wholesale whisky and groceries, res
167 New st
Protection Steam Fire and Hose Co. No. 1, cor Poplar and Third sts
PROUDFIT ALEXANDER, lawyer, bds Brown's Hotel
Public Library and Historical Society of Macon,. Charlie Herbst, librarian, Louis C. Schall, asst, cor Mulberry and Second st
Pucket. Mrs. Mary, wid, res J. G. Holmes Pugh J. A., photographer, bds Lanier House Punkett Will, wks Macon Knitting Factory PIJTZEL M. (4., of Ullman & Putzel, rest, bar and
billiards, res 61 and 68 Cherry st

Q White Department. UARTERMAN MRS S H., wid, res foot Wharf st
Quinker A. B., cigar and news stand Edgerton House, bds same Quinker Mrs. Ella, wid, res Troup Hill Quinley Miss Jane, res cor Poplar st and Cotton aye Quinn Edward, res Thomas Quinn Quinn John, packer W. & E. P. Taylor Quinn Thomas, res 110 Oglethorpe st
QUEEN INSURANCE CO. of England, Carnes &
Stroemer ag'ts, 115 Third st
RADCLIFF DANIEL, res John RadclifF
Radcliff Mrs E., wid, res 77 Fifth st, E. Macon RadclifF John, wks M. & W. shops, res Windsor Hill RadclifF W. H.. canvasser Singer Mfg Co Radford Mrs. Ellen, res nw limits Radford Jack cond'r S. W. R R., res 342 Fourth st Ragsdale J. E., compositor Telegraph and Messenger,
res Academy Square Raiford Mrs. Jennie S., Mrs John Goelz Raiford Miss Lela, res Mrs. John Goelz Raley A. W. & J. S., gen'l mdse and bar, 3J miles
Columbus road Raley A. W , of A. W & J. S. Raley, gen mdse and
bar, res 3J miles Columbus road
Raley J S , of A. W. & J. S. Raley, gen mdse and bar,
res 3J miles Columbus road Raley F I. M., apprentice, resides 21 Pine st
RALSTON HALL, A. Block, mgr, seats 900, cor
Third and Cherry sts Ramsey-machinist, bds 376 Fourth st Randall Miss Mollie, res A. H. McAfee Randall W. C , eng S. W. R R , res 301 Third
Rainey J. M., eng M. & W. R. R., res 295 Third st
Rainey William, res Fort Hill E Macon Rainey Mrs. W. D, wid, res 51 Walnut st
RANKIN, J. W., of Lamar, Rankin & Lamar, res
Atlanta Raoul G. T., elk C. R R office, bds 180 First st Rarey Joseph L,, tailor J L Shea, res 76 Poplar st Rau E. G., fireman S. W. R. R., res 56 Walnut st



White Department.
Rau J. B., job printer Geo. F Wing, res 56 Walnut st Rau Mrs. S. B., wid, res 56 Walnut st Rau Miss L. W., res 56 Walnut st Rawhorn Charles, painter, res 18 New st Rawhorn Miss Carrie, res Mrs Fannie Rawhorn Rawhorn David, painter, res 18 New st Rawhorn Mrs. Fannie, wid, res 18 New st Ray B. H., salesman Coleman & Newsom, res 66
New st
Ray J. H., eng C. R. R., res 43 Oak st Ray J. H., salesman Coleman & Newsom, res 66
New st Ray Miss Lena, res M. S. Ray Ray Mrs. M. G , res 66 New st Ray M. S., policeman, res M. S. Ray .Ray Walter, student, res J. H. Ray Radcliff E. F,, wks Bibb Mfg Co., res W. H. Radcliff Radcliff W. H., wks Singer Mfg Co., res 95 Haw
thorne st

Read Edward, elk W. A. Juban & Co., bds 173 and 175 Poplar st
Reade Nellie, bds Mad. Zella Ivey Reaves D. V. & Co , groceries, res 160 Second st Reaves D. V., of D. V. Reaves & Co., res 83 Oak st Reddy Arzoda, res R. J. Reddy Reddy Miss Estelle, res R. J. Reddy Reddy George, res Clinton road, E. Macon Reddy Miss Lillie, res George Reddy Reddy R. J., farmer, res Hydraulic st, nr M. E.
Church, E Macon Redding C. H., res First st Redding Miss Hattie, res J. T. Redding Redding Bassett, wks Macon Knitting Factory Redding J. T., res 197 First st Redding Dr. J. PI, physician, res T. W. Bennett Redding Miss Lula, res J. T. Redding Redding Miss Mattie, res J. T. Redding Redding Miss Mary M., res Charles E. Campbell Redding Miss Sallie, res J. T. Redding Redding Miss Virginia Lee, res Charles E. Campbell Redding W. A., drummer, res Emory Winship
REFELD CHARLES, jeweler, res 105 Walnut Redlich 0-<car, elk F. A. Schoneman, res same Redmond Miss B. C., res M. Redmond

Hendrix & willingham-hie woeks, n *1 PLANING MILL 1 LUMBER YARU



White Department.
Redmond Michael, wks Gas and Water Works Co, res 48 Johnson st
Redmond Michael, Jr., elk J. W. Rice & Co., res Michael Redmond
Reed D. W., res 18 Fifth st Reed Mrs. E. P., res 80 First st Reed John A., elk Walter T. Johnston, res E. Macon Reed Mrs. M. A., wid, res G. A. Fox Reed R E , elk W. A. Juhan & Co., bds Mrs. E. J.
Williams REFS HENRY E., of Cobb, Rees & Co., fire, life and
accident ins, res 130 Madison st Rees Frederick, elk J. P. Stevens, res 35 Walnut st Rees Mrs. E. S., wid, millinery, res 177 Second st Rees Mrs Wilhelmina, res 35 Walnut st Reese Anderson, ass't proof reader J. W. Burke & Co.,
res 78 Washington ave Reese Miss Flewellyn, res A. W. Reese Reese William, wks M. & W. shops, res n limits, E.
Macon Reeves Charles, train hand S. W. R. R., res 302
Third st Reeves E. L., wks Hays' shop, res Mrs. S. A. Reeves Reeves John B., cond'r S. W. R. R., res Mrs. S. A.
Reeves Reeves Mrs. S. A., wid, res 55 Hazel st Reichert Miss Annie, res F. Reichert Reichert Chas.. fvks F. Reichert, res same REICHERT FREDERICH, furniture, res 29 Old
Forsyth road, Vineville Reichert Miss Gertrude, res F Reichert Reichert Wm., wks F. Reichert, res same Reid James, bricklayer, res Windsor Hill Reid Jacob, brickmason, res Windsor Hill Reid W. F., brickmason, res Windsor Hill REYNOLDS ALEXANDER, propr Reynolds Iron
Wks, res 216 First st Reynolds A. Jr., bkkpr Reynold's Iron Wks, res 14&
Oak st Reynolds Mis Beulah, res Alexander Reynolds Reynolds Fannie, res 102 Fifth st



White Department.
Reynolds Mrs Francis, wid. res Nfiw Hous'on road Reynolds H. C., elk E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R., res R. F.
Reynolds Reynolds Iron Wks, A. Reynolds, propr, cor Fifth
and Hawthorne st

REYNOLDS J. A*, bkkpr Hendrix <fc Willingham, bds 39 Orange st
Reynolds J G., frt elk E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R., res R.
F. Reynolds
Reynolds J. M.( coll E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R., res R. F. Reynolds
Reynolds Mrs L., wid, res 33 Washington ave Reynolds Lizzie, bds Mad. Kate Butler Reynolds Miss Mary, wks Rogers & Winn Reynolds Miss Mary, res Alexander Reynolds Reynolds Miss Mattie, wks Rogers & Winn Reynolds Miss M L., res Mrs L. Reynolds
Reynolds Robert, foreman Reynolds Iron Works, res 96 Oak st
Reynolds R. F., frt ag't E. T., Va. & Ga., R. R., res 39
Orange st
Reynolds Miss Viola, res Mrs. L. Reynolds
Reynolds Wilke, cashier Newman & Thorner
Rhodes Mrs. A. L, wid, r s Progress nr Forsyth sts Rhodes L. B., hd elk S W. R R., res 245 Second st Rhodes L. B. Jr., wks C. R. R. shoos, res L. B Rhodes Riee A. H, shipping elk W. F. Cannon, res 215
Third st
Rice J. R , bkkpr Campbell & Jones, res 215 First st Rice J. W. & Co, dry goods and carpets 113, and 115
Second st, 18 and 20 Cotton ave Rice J. W, of J. W. Rice & Co., dry goods etc., res
New York
Rice Miss Minnie Fay, res J W. Rice Rice R. J., elk Bernard Walker res same Rice Trevor, eng C. R. R , bds 197 First st Richards Alex, fireman E. T., V. & Ga R. R., bds 41
Pine st

Richards Charles H., fireman S. W. R. R , res W. W. Riehards

RICHARDS ED. A., with Interstate Directory Co. 32 Broad st Atlanta
Richards E. R., bkkpr W. F. Cannon, res 128 Madi son st

White Department.
Richards E. L., elk W. A. Julian & Co Richards Fred A., day elk Brown's Hotel Richards H. L., wks Bibb IV! f g Co, res 73 Oglethorpe st Richards Johh E., night elk Brown's Hotel Richards Lamar, elk Juban & Co., bds 178 Poplar st Richards Robert, eng, res Windsor Hill Richards Robert Jr., res Robert Richards Richards T. C., res H. L. Richards Richards W. W., eng S. W, R. R., res Fort Hill, E.
Macon Richardson John, painter, res R. L. Green Richardson Sallie, res 102 Fifth st Richardson W. A., eng E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R., res
John Flowers Richardson William, harness maker, bds 255 Fourth st Richmond John, tailor J. L. Shea, bds Jacob Russel Ricks B. P., wks S. W. R. R. shops, res nw limits, E.
Macon Ricks George, wks J. W. Burke & Co., res L. C. Ricks Ricks Miss Ida, res L C. Ricks Ricks L. C., tinner, res Gilesville Riddle A D., blacksmith, res Windsor Hill Rideout John, elk W. C. Turpin & Co., res 67 Wal
nut st Ridenhour W. S , elk C. R. R. office, bds W. M. Elder Riddick J. T., locomotive eng E. T., Ya. & Ga. R. R.,
res 284 Third st Riddick Miss Lizzie D., res J. R. Riddick Ries F. C., watchmaker J. T. Stevens & Co., res 35
Walnut st Riley George S., elk Hicks, Heard & Co., res 182 Sec
ond st Riley Miss Lizzie, res E L. Burdick Riley W. G., elk Nat Hughes, bds same Riley -, bds 46 Plum st RingMiss Emma, res Mrs. L. E. Dickson Ring George, wks Bernd Bros , res Mrs. L. E Dickson Ripley Lorenzo, bkkpr Rogers & Winn, res 52 Col
lege st Rittenberry Miss Elizabeth, res Mrs. M. Rittenberry Rittenberry Miss Francis, res Mrs. M. Rittenberry

Dlltlx TORY. _



Pllittenberry George, re

M. Rittenberry

Rittenberry James, re.

st, bet Troup and Third

Rittenberry Miss Kate, res Mrs. Mary Rittenberry

Rittenberry Mrs M , wid, res Mrs. M. A. Wormaek

Rittenberry Mrs. Mary, wid, res cor M. & W. R. R.

and Fourth st

Rittenberry W. H., painter, res 12 New Houston


Rittenberry W. T., painter, res 8 Collins alley, E.


Rittenberg West, foreman Hendrix & Willingham,

res 282^ Second st

Rivers Lena, bds Mad A. A. Searcy

Roach John, res M. Redmond

Roberts Miss Anna Lou, res Charles P. Roberts

Roberts C. L., elk Newman & Thorner, res 71 Ogle

thorpe st

Roberts Charles P., res 15 High st

Roberts Clarence, elk William Roberts

Roberts Ella, bds Mad Anna Wright

Roberts Miss Florence 8., res Charles P. Roberts

Roberts G B , res 176 Cotton ave

ROBERTS, H. M., of Roberts & Windham, painters,

contractors, etc , bds Edgerton House

Roberts James, elk W. C. Turpin & Co., res 71 Ogle

thorpe st

Roberts Miss Johanna, wks Bibb Mfg Co., res M. J.


Roberts J. R., condr S. W. R. R , res 344 Fourth st

Roberts Mrs M J., wid. res Hydraulic st, E. Macon

Roberts Mrs L. J., res Charles P. Roberts

Roberts Mrs. S. J., wid, res 179 Poplar st

Roberts Wesley, cigar mkr N. A. Gans, res 52 Wal

nut st

ROBERTS & WINDHAM, painters, contractors and

builders, 130 Cherry st

Roberts William, res 71 Oglethorpe st

Robertson Mrs. Elizabeth, wid, res John Collins

Robertson Mrs. Nancy, wid, res Second st, E. Macon

Robertson Rev. W. J., pastor Jones Chapel, res Troup


Robbins A. C., stone cutter, res Fort Hill, E. Macon

Robbins L. J., drummer Rogers & Winn, bds Edger

ton House

A First-class
COMMERCIAL Business School COLLEGE, Equal to any North or South.
Send for Circulars, free.
MACON, GA. W. McKAY, - Principal.
White Department.
Robbins Miss Lula, res A. C. Robbins Robinson Mrs. Amanda, res 128 New st Robinson Mrs. Lucretia, wid, res Windsor Hill Robinson Lee, wks Bibb Mfg Co., res Mrs. M. Rob
inson Robinson John M., res Windsor Hill Robinson Mrs. M., wid, res 97 Hawthorne st Robinson Miss Mary, wks Bibb Mfg Co., res Mrs. M.
Robinson Robinson Miss Viola, res Windsor Hill ROCKHILL R. H., lumber, res Academy, bet Wal
nut and Wharf sts Rockhill Harvey, res R. H. Rockhill Rockwell H. M., elk Empire Store, ses 104 College st Rockwell H. L., elk Empire Store Rodgers & Adams, wholesale groceries, 120 Third st Rodgers D. R., cotton buyer, res 163 Poplar st Rodgers Ferdinand, drummer J. L. Cook & Co., res
Mrs. E. H. Clayton Rodgers J. S., of Rodgers & Adams, groceries, res D.
R. Rogers Rodgers, J. T., bkkpr M. Nussbaum & Co., res D. R.
Rodgers Rodgers Miss Mary F., res D. R. Rodgers Rodgers W. M., elk Rodgers & Adams Rodgers Miss Viola C., res D. R. Rodgers Rodgers Z. T., packer S. T. Coleman & Co., res Hous
ton road Rogers Asthur, gunsmith, bds 50 Fourth st Rogers A. M., bkkpr Walton, Whann & Co., res 163
Poplar st Rogers A. T., gunsmith G. W. Stratton, res -- Fourth st Rogers Miss Bessie, res W. R. Rogers Rogers Miss Bettie res J. A. Rogers Rogers C. A., elk N. L. Rogers, bds 230 Second st



White Department.
Rogers C. H. & Co., wholesale groceries, 88 and 100 Cherry st
Rogers C. H., of C. H. Rogers <fc Co., groceries, res nr Pio Nono College, Vineville
Rogers Frank, loom fixer Bibb Mfg Co., bds Mrs. M. Schrimpshire
ROGERS GEORGE T., of Rogers & Winn, candy and cracker mfrs, res cor Spring and Cherry sts
ROGERS GEORGE P., of Rogers & Winn, candy and cracker mfrs, res cor Spring and Cherry sts
Roger's Sons, Geo. T., wholesale grocers, 66 and 68 Cherry st
Rogers Miss Ida, res C. H. Rogers Rogers John A., wks J. W. Burke & Co., res J. C.
Rogers J. A., bkkpr R. C. Wilder's Sons, res 232 First st
Rogers J. A., elk, res s limits Rogers J. C., elk S. T. Coleman & Co., res Gilesville Rogers Miss Julia C., res W. R. Rogers Rogers J. F., of George T. Rogers' Sons, wholesale
groceries, res cor Washington ave and College st ROGERS J. Si, asst city editor Telegraph and Mes
senger, bds Lanier House Rogers L. D., Dixie stables, res 46 Cotton ave Rogers Mrs. Lou, wid, res nr Warren Chapel, E.
Macon Rogers Miss Mattie, res M. R. Rogers Rogers M. R., res 193 Firgt st ROGERS M. R., meats, res 230 Second st Rogers R M., of George T. Rogers' Sons, groceries,
res 54 College st Rogers Robert E., binder J. W. Burke & Co., res E.
Macon Rogers Miss Malverine, res George T. Rogers Rogers W. R., of George T. Rogers' Sons, wholesale
groceries, res 65 College st
ROGERS & WINN, candy and cracker mfrs, 76, 78 and 80 Poplar st
Rogers Miss Zeta, res C. H, Rogers Rohr J. A., res Troup Hill Roland Miss Ella, res G. Roland Roland G., wks Bibb Mfg Co., res Elm st, bet Troup
and Third sts


"Foot of
Cherry St.







W hite Department.
Rooks A. J., stone cutter, res 136 Hazel st Rooney John, R M. service Macon & Camak, res 61
Oglethorpe st Roosevelt J. P., cotton buyer, res Alfred Jessup Rose Mrs. M. A., wid, res Mrs. M. E. Jeffers Rose J W., painter, res 28 Oak st Rosee Thomas, res Windsor Hill Rosenblatt S. H , res 37| Cotton ave Rosenblatt Madame, dressmaking, res 37J Cotton ave Rosendale Ruby, bds Mad. Pearl Fleming Rosenfeld & Lilienthal, wholesale hats, 158 Third at Rosenfeld George, of Rosenfeld & Lilienthal, whole
sale hats, bds Brown's Hotel Ross A. B., Clk Superior Court, res 9 Short st Ross Mrs. B. F. wid, res Tatnall square Ross E A., of Saulsbury & Ross, fruits and produce
com, res 145 College st Ross Miss Emma, bds Mrs. B. F. Ross Ross Miss Ella C., bds W. G. Hoge Ross Floyd, bkkpr Exchange Bank, bds Lanier
House Ross John P., lawyer, res 161 New st Ross Miss Kate, res Mrs. B. F. Ross Ross Miss Mattie, res Mrs. B. F. Ros3 Ross Miss Mattie, res J. L Hardeman Ross Mrs. W. A., res 145 College st Ross W. H., cotton buyer, res 47 Orange st Ross W. T., bkkpr S. YVaxelbaum <fc Son, res 131
Madison st
Rosser J. M.. ex messenger S. W. R. R., res 3 Short st Rossiter J. W., So. Ex. messenger S. W. R. R., bds
National Hotel Rountree J. M., elk W. A. Juhan & Co Rowe John M., pharmacist George F. Payne, bds
Miss Sarah Bivins Royal Arcanium Anchor Council, No. 145, R. E.
Steele, reg; E H. Link, sec'y
ROYAL INSURANCE CO. OF ENGLAND, Carnes & Stroemer, agts, 115 Third st
Royal Isaac, bkkpr Houser Bros., bds 240 Third st
Royal Miss Josephine, elk Empire Store, bds 167 Second st



White Department.
Royal W. W., painter, res sandy bottoms Ruan Mrs. A. M., res J. G. Ruan Ruan Miss Annie, res J. G. Ruan Ruan Miss Eliza, res J. G. Ruan Ruan J. G., cotton buyer, res 108 New st Rudenfeld Mrs. Emily, res 80 Hawthorne st RUHL E. J., wood and ice, res cor Fourth and Mul
berry sts Rumsey Benjamin, carriage mkr, res Windsor Hill Rusenholt Matilda, svt J. B. Williams Rushing Jno. W., elk M. Elkin, res cor Third and
Pine sts. Russak Mrs. Hannah, res William Wolff Russell Miss Annie, res Jacob Russell Russell B. S., elk Walter Nelson, res 223 Fourth st Russell Jacob, groceries, res 103 Cotton ave Russell J. E., carpenter, res 25 Chestnut st Russell William, prescription elk Lamar, Rankin &
Lamar, bds 199 Second st Rusk J. W., locomotive eng E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R.,
res 347 Fourth st
RUTHERFORD JOHN 0., of Bacon & Rutherford, lawyers, bds Lanier House
Ruthrauff Mrs. L. H., res 60 Plum st Ryan Mrs. M. E., res 184 Walnut st Ryals Mrs. Emma, wid, res Bay st, E. Macon Ryals Mrs. Francis, wid, res Thomas Wright Ryals Dr. J. G., prof, theology Mercer University,,
res Tatnall Square Ryals T. E., student, res J. G. Ryals Ryals W. L., elk Bay st, E. Macon Rye Mrs. Julia, res Troup Hill Rye John, carpenter, res 343 Fourth st
S 178 Second st AENGER REY. J., Rabbie Beth Israel, res 58
Washington ave Sailors Mrs. Lula, wid, res O. F. Adams Saiter Mrs. Ann, dressmaker James Tudor Sanders Everett, elk W. H. Wood, res J. W. Sanders Sanders Frank E., elk Barnhart, res old Forsyth
road, Vineville Sanders James, wks Bibb Mfg Co, res 36 Oglethorpe st

CQAIf ARMAND L BUTTS. mm a omeo X15 Ttiircl st.


White Department.

Sanders J. W., res Gilesville Sanders Miss M. A., res J. W. Sanders Sanders William, res Columbus road^ Sanderlin G. B , meat market, res Windsor Hill

Sanderlin G. B., brick mason, res sandy bottoms Sanderlin John, brick mason, res G. B. Sanderlin

Sanford Mrs. A. N., wid, res Mrs. Ella Quinker Sanford E. R., elk W. A. Doody, res Windsor Hill Sanford S. P., professor mathematics Mercer Uni

versity, res 16 John st Sapp Miss Dollie, res Mrs. Vicey Sapp Sapp Miss Judith, res Mrs. Vicey Sapp

Sapp Miss Jennie, res Mrs. Vicey Sapp Sapp Mrs Vicey, wid, res Fort Hill, E. Macon
SARGENT E. M. & CO., seed growers, cor Second and

Poplar sts SARGEN I' E. M., of E. M. Sargent & Co., seed grow

ers, res Columbus road Sarah Sister, res Appleton Church Home

Saulsbury Miss A. J., res J. L. Saulsbury

Saulsbury Mrs. E., res 161 Mulberry st Saulsbury J. L., of Saulsbury & Ross, grocers, res 1

Washington ave Saulsbury John, elk E. H. Carhart & Co., res J. L.

Saulsbury Saulsbury Miss J. L , res J. L. Saulsbury Saulsbury Miss S. E , res J. L Saulsbury Saulsbury & Ross, produce com, fruits, fish, etc., 5J

Cotton ave Saulsbury Bobert l>e, res 1 Washington ave

Saulsbury R. S., res Mrs. E. Saulsbury

Savage Miss Luvenia, res 7 New st Sawyer Miss Blanche, res P. C. Sawyer

Sawyer Mrs. E., res 103 Hawthorne st Sawyer Miss Gr. A., wks Bibb Mfg Co., res Mrs. E.



Sawyer Irvin, wks C R. R shops, res P. C. Sawyer

Sawyer Miss Louise,- wks Bibb Mfg Co., res Mrs. E.



Sawyer Miss Mary, wks Bibb Mfg Co., res Mrs. E.




White Department.
Sawyer P. C., res Hydraulic st, E. Macon lawyer Miss Sarah, wks Bibb Mfg Co., res Mrs E

Sawyer William, wks Dixie Wks, res Mrs. E. Sawyer

Scanlon Dennis, wks E. T,, Ya. & Ga. R. R. shops,

Scanlon Miss Nellie, res Thomas Scanlon

Scanlon Thomas, watchman E. T., Va & Ga E E

( res 353 Fourth st

'* '

Scanlon T. W., telephone inspector, res 314 Fourth st
Scarborough A. M., printer J. W. Burks & Co., res 74
ASn st

Scarborough Mrs. A. L., wid, res Mrs. S. M. Hill Scarborough Miss Flora L., res A. M Scarborough Scarborough Mrs. G. W., wid, res J. W. Nichols Schadewell Godfry X., prof mathematics, classics and
CTerman Pio Nono College, res same
Schafer E. A., eng S. W. E. R., res Gordon st, E. Macon

Schafer Mrs Margaret, wid, res William Schafer Schafer William, res Clinton road
SCHALL H. & BRO., shoes, 89 Cherry st

65 Monroe st

H. Schall & Bro., shoes, re* '

aENRl, of H. Schall A Bro., shoes, res 65 Monroe st

Schall Louis, elk Leroy, res 56 Oak st Schall Mrs. M., res 56 Oak st

Schatzman William, wks Collins Mfg Co., res 236 Second st

Schall. Louis, apprentice Collins Mfg Co.
Schelling John, shoemaker, res E. Macon
Schelling John J., res John Schelling
SCHEIDEMAN FRANK, of Dunwody Bros. & Scheid-
ernan, bakers, res 41 Cotton ave

Schlesinger Gus, elk M. Nussbaum & Co bds L Herman

Schlinzen Fred, foreman C. R. R. shops, res 64 Monroe st

Schlinzen Miss Lena, res Fred Schlinzen Schlinzen Miss Lou, res Fred Schlinzen Schmidt Geo. cabinet maker Thos. Wood Schmidt Henry, barber, bds M. Lah
Schofield A. D., of Schofield's Iron Wks, res 38. Spring st

Hendrix & Willingham, dixie workq CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS, Foot ofCherry St. W



White Department.
Schofield A. D., Schofield Iron Wks, res 41 New st Schofield Edward, of Schofield Iron Wks, res 122 Madi
son st Schofield John F., res J. S. Schofield Schofield J. R.,of Schofield Iron Wks, res 156 Cherry st Schofield J. S. k Sons, founders and machinists, 85
" and 87 Fifth st Schofield J. S., of Schofield Iron Wks, res 55 Forsyth
road, Vineville Schoneman A F., res F. A. Schoneman SCHONEMAN F. A., fancy goods, agt Lem p's West
ern Brewery, res 94J Cherry st Schrimpshire J. H., fireman M. & W. It. R.; res 92
Oglethorpe st Schrimpshire J. W., wks Bibb Mfg Co., res J. H.
Schrimpshire Schrimpshire Mrs, M , wid, res alley bet Hawthorne,.
New, Oglethorpe and Lamar sts Scbuneman Albert, tailor J. L. Shea, res 81 Fourth st SCHWED & GIBIAN, wholesale groceries, 70 and
72 Cherry st SCHWED M. G., of Schwed k Gibian. res 74 Plum st Scott Dexter, res Mrs. M. Woodall Scott James, wks Bibb Mfg Co., res 74 Hawthorne st Scott Mrs. Lucy, wid, res 9-1 Oglethorpe st Seott Miss Missouri, wks Bibb Mfg Co,, res 94 Ogle-

Scott Miss Polly, wks Bibb Mfg Co., res 94 Ogle

thorpe st Scoville Walter, eng S. W. R. R., bds 167 Second st

Scruggs Miss Anna, seamstress, res Mrs. Susan Greer

Stephens A. W., painter Collins Mfg Co

Seabrrook T. J., of T. J. k W. M. Seabrook, groceries

and bar, res IJnionville



Seabrook T. J. & W. M , groceries and bar, Unionville

Seabrook W. M.. of T. J. & W. M. Seabrook, groceries

and bar, res Unionville

Searcy Mad. A. A., res 108 Fifth st

Seay F. M , painter, res 116 Oglethorpe st

Seay Frank, compositor Telegraph and Messenger,

res F. M. Seay

White Department.
Seav George, painter, res F. M. Seay Seay Henry, harnessmaker, res F. M Seay Seay George W., painter, res W. F. Seay '

Se55 Rassist COmpositor Telegraph and Messenger, res

Seaman Mrs L. A., wid, res 20 Tatnall st Second Georgia Battalion, Liet. Col. Chas. M. Wilev

oSeilCff 'ATndjrerwee,trSeschJT. Ww. Self L' Andrews> principal

Self J. C., carpenter, res sandy bottoms Self J. W , carpenter, res s limits

Self F. W., carpenter, res s limits

Silard Mrs. Lela, res John R. West

Snellgrove James, shoemaker, res Cotton st, E. Macon

bnellerove Henry, wks Bibb Mfg Co, res James Snell grove

Semmes Rew Aiex. J., M. D. A. M , Vice Pres't and areas Pio JNono College, res same

Sessions Airs. E. S., wid, res Ash st and M. & W. R. R

Sessions Miss Maggie, res R. V. Sessions

Sessions Miss Malsa, tailoress Champ Bryant, res

Ash st and C. R. R

y '

Sessions Miss Mollie, res Mrs. E. S. Sessions

Sessions R. V. wks Bibb Alfg Co, res 76 Hawthorne st Setley Miss Eleanor E., res S. J. Setley

milline,T- 108 Mulberry st SE1 LEY MRS. i. M., of Setley & Greene, milliners
res Vxneville
Setley Samuel J., moulder Schofield Iron Works, res 24 old Forsyth road, Vineville
Setzer George W., bartender J. B. Williams & Co., res Port st
Sewell Miss Carrie, res T. L. Sewell Sewell T. L., machinist, res 72 Ash st Seymour J. N., elk J. E. Bostick, bds D. R. Bostick Seymour Mrs. R. M., wid, res 68 Adams st Shackleford A. B., livery, feed and sale stable, bds
Southern Hotel
Shannon L. D., elk J. W. Rice & Co., bds 173 and 175 Poplar st
Sharp Miss C. M., res W. S. Hunnicutt Shaw Miss Emma, wks Macon Knitting Factory Shaw Mrs J. C., res S. M. Subers SHEA J. L., merchant tailor, bds Brown House

f1A A T f DEMAND L. BUTTS. IjyA 1 i I Office 115 Third Street.
White Department.
Shea Mrs. Mary, wid, res Starling Howell Sheehan D. G., elk Empire Store, res cor Orange and
Walnut sts SHEFTALL W. C., groceries, bar and rest, re3 E.
Macon Shellman A. L., condr S. W. R. R., res Progress st,
near Forsyth Shell Louis, wks Collins Mfg Co , res 282 Third st Shell William, tinner, res 282 Third st Shelverton Miss Mellie, res B. F. Cawley Shelverton W. E., of L. W. Hunt & Co., drugs, res 199
Second st Shelverton W. L., elk Hunt & Cawley, res 374
Fourth st Sheppard Mad. Ella, res 104 Fifth st Sheppard L. W., drummer S. T. Coleman & Co., bds
Brown's Hotel Sheridan George, fireman C. R. R., res 238 First st Sheridan H. S., fireman C. R. R., res 215 Third st Sheridan Mrs. M. A., res 215 Third st Sheridan Robert E., bkkpr C. Burke & Son, res God
frey District Sheridan R. S., locomotive eng C. R. R., res 238
First st Sheridan T. F., elk W. A. Doody, res Collinsville Sherrill W. L , bkkpr Cobh, Rees & Co., res 87 Oak st Sherlock J. C., elk J. B. Williams A Co., bds Mrs.
McHenry Sherlock J. W., res 70J Poplar st Slaerre Miss Mathilde, servt A. 0. Bacon Sherwood David, elk, bds 44 Plum st Sherwood G. W., locomotive eng E. T., Ya. & Ga. R.
R , res Mrs. C. E. Elfe Sherwood Miss Lilian, res Mrs. M. J. Sherwood Sherwood Mrs. M. J., wid, res 218 Second st Sherwood Miss Mattie, res Mrs. M. J. Sherwood Shilling John, candy maker Rogers & Winn, res -- Shines George, train hand S. VV. R. R., bds T. J.
Shines John A , carpenter, res 41 First st
Shinholser Mrs. A. R., wid, res Rev. S. S. Sweet



White Department.
Shinholser J. H., dray line, res cor Walnut and New sts
Shinholser Joseph, foreman M. & W. It. R., res Wind sor Hill
Shinholser Thomas, elk Hicks, Heard & Co., res 21 Lamar st
SHINHOLSER WILBUR T., groceries, res 7 High st Shirah James, res 149 Hazel st Shirah Mrs S., wid, res James Shirah Shirah William, policeman, res 272 Fourth st Shivers Miss M. E,, res Mrs. M. A. Matthews Shivers Warren, hostler M. & W. R. R., res sandy
bottoms Short A. H., boarding, res 214 Fourth st Short A. L., canvasser Singer Mfg Co. Short Miss Hellen, dressmkr Mrs. F. McCrary Sibley Mrs. E. S., wid, bds 238 Third st. Sichel Edward, elk, res 284 Fourth st Siering Louis, baker Louis Merkel Siesel Jacob, of Wolff Bros. & Co., wholesale drygoods,
bds National hotel Siesel Jacob, res Sigmund Siesel SIESEL & STERN, wholesale liquors, 68 Poplar stSIESEL SIGMUND, of Siesel & Stern, wholesale liq
uors, res 200 First st Sifley Mrs. A., wid, housekeeper Brown's hotel Simms C. C. Jr., res Charles C. Sims Sims C. C. Jr., elk W. A. Juhan & Co., res 90 Plum st Sims G. W , printer J. W. Burke & Co., res s limits Sims Miss Nellie, res C. C. Sims Sims Roff, elk Mix & Kirtland, res 90 Plum st Sims Robert, res Charles C. Sims Simmons A. G., elk Singleton, Hunt & Co., res 160
Cherry st Simmons Miss Elizabeth, wid, res in alley bet First,
Second, Oak and Arch sts Simmons Miss Jennie, res Edward Avant Simmons J. F., res Gilesville Simmons J. S., switchman S. W, R. R., res sandy
bottoms Simmons Miss Jennie, wks Rogers & Winn Simmons Rev. J. W., city missionary, res 33 Georgia
ave Simmons Miss Lura, res J. W. Simmons

DIXIE WORKS, Manufacturers of

Foot of Cherry Street.



White Department.

Simmons Mrs. M., wid, res J. T. Porter

Simmons Jacob, overseer Bibb Mfg Co, res 147 Hazel st

Simmons J. M., res Jacob Simmons

Simpson Miss Amelia E., res Mrs. Jane Simpson Simpson Mrs. Jane, wid, res New Houston road Simpson Miss Minnie, res 59 Walnut st

Sinclair E. S., painter, res Elm, bet Ross and Cal houn sts

SINGLETON, HUNT & CO., shoes, hats, etc, 102 Cherry st

Singleton J. W., elk Singleton, Hunt & Co., res W. R. Singleton

SINGLETON RUSSELL, of Singleton, Hunt & Co., shoes, etc res 168 Cherry st

SINGLETON S. H., of Singleton, Hunt & Co., hats, shoes, etc, res 178 Poplar st

SINGLETON W. C., of Singleton, Hunt & Co., shoes and hats, res 175 Mulberry st

SINGLETON W. R., of Singleton, Hunt & Co., hats shoes, etc, res -- Magnolia st

Singleton Miss Ida, res Russell Singleton

SINGER MFG CO., B. D. Armstrong, manager, 110Second st

Sisson P. W., eng C. R. R., res 249 Fourth st

Skalowski B., of B. Skalowski & Bro., dry goods, re* 95 Cherry st

Skalowski B. & Bro, dry goods, 119 Third st

SKAOWLSKI RENJA MIN, Central Furniture Store, res 240 Third st

Skalowski B., of Josephson & Skalowski, gen'l mdse, res 92 Cherry st

Skalowski Morris, of Skalowski & Bro., dry goods, res 95 Cherry st `

Skalowski Miss Rosa, elk Josephsen & Skalowski, res 92 Cherry st

Skinner J. D., compositor Telegraph and Messenger, res 271 Fourth st

Skinner J. G., cond'r S. W. R. R., bds 274 Fourth st Skipper Charles P., res Rev. John Skipper

Skipper Miss Emma D., res Rev. John Skipper



White Department.
Skipper Rev. John, res s limits Sloan W. D., eng S. W. R. R., res 125 Boundary st Slocum Miss Emma, dressmaker Mrs. C. T. Daniels Slocum J. S., elk Rogers & Winn, res Vineville Slappy James, stationary eng Telegraph and Mes
senger, res 26 Wharf st
Small A. B., wholesale groceries, res 14 Johnson st Small A. H., elk A. B. Small & Co., bds 73 New st Small Mrs. Ella, wid, bds 180 Poplar st Small Miss Estelle, res A. B. Small Small Mrs. M., wid, res A. B. Small Smalling Robert, contractor, res Windsor Hill Smallwood Mrs. Ella, sewing, res foot Wharf st Smallwood Henry, elk W. C. Sheftall Smallwood John, train hand C. R. R., res 24 Fifth st Smith Miss Anna, res Mrs. J. E. Smith Smith Amos F., contractor and builder, bds Edger-
ton House Smith A. J., watchman Bibb Mfg Co., res Cotton st,
E. Macon Smith Ben. C , of Tinsley Bros. & Co., groceries, res
164 Mulberry st Smith B. H., wks Crockett's foundry, res 248 First st SMITH B. Wt, city editor Telegraph and Messenger,
res 211 Third st Smith C. C., switchman S. W. R. R., res Windsor Hill Smith Charles, blacksmith E. T., Ya. & Ga. R. R,
bds Willis Wilder Smith Miss Clara, prin Second St. School, res Mrs.
J. E. Smith Smith, Culver & Co., hardware, 122 and 124 Third st Smith C. B., printer J. W. Burke & Co., res 170 New st Smith C. M., elk- J. W. Burke & Co., res J. H. Smith SMITH (l. W., Jr., of Macon Knitting Factory, bds
150 Mulberry st
SMITH DAVIS, day elk Edgerton House Smith Donald, res Mrs. Mark D. Clark Smith D. G., pressman J. W. Burke & Co., bds 170
New st . Smith Mrs. E. J., wid, res E. T Smith Smith Miss Emma 0., res G. G Smith Smith Miss Emma, res E. P. Smith Smith E. P., constable, res 23 Tatnall st Smith Ed. S., bkkpr G. B.'Dettre, res 95 Spring st

yUA L I Office 115 Third Street.


White Department.

Smith Emmet T., propr Union and E. T., Va. & Ga.

Depot restaurants, res 300 Troup st

Smith George A., of Smith, Culver k Co., hardware,

res 15 Bond st

Smith Mrs. G. A., wid, res George A. Smith

Smith George, res Windsor Hill

Smith George, cabinet maker T. Woods, bds 271

Fourth st

Smith G. G., yardmaster S. W. R. R., res 46 Oak st

Smith George L , elk Corput & Co., res Mrs. M, C.


Smith Rev. George D., Sunday School Secty North

Georgia Conference, res opp Pio Nono College,


Smith George H., elk Felix Corput & Co., res 252

First st


Smith Henry, tailor W. B. Physioc, res 138 Hazel st

Smith H. M., elk R. F. Lawton's Bank, res cor Walnut

and New st

Smith H. T., cond'r S. W. R. R., res 30 Hawthorne st

Smith I. L., elk B. F. Finney, res E Macon

Smith James, bkkpr J. S. Schofield & Sons, res nr Oak

Ridge Cemetery

Smith James, locomotive eng C. R. R., bds Mrs. R. P.


Smith James, res Mrs. Mark D. Clark

SMITH JAMES H., foreman book dept, J. W. Burke

& Co., res 103 Pine st

Smith J. B., saloon, res Cotton st, E. Macon

Smith J. W., wks M. & W. shops, res Garden st, E.


Smith Joel, locomotive eng, Ga. R. R., bds 240 Third st

Smith John, groceries, res cor Jackson and Ash sts

Smith Mrs. Julia E., res 40 old Forsyth road, Vine


Smith Miss Julia, res Mrs. J. E. Smith

Smith Miss Laura, res nw limits

Smith Miss Lula, dressmaker, res 101 Fifth st

Smith Mrs. M. C., res 252 First st

Smith Manuel, fireman M. & W. R. R., res 22 Clinton

road, E. Macon



a femi,t!n


White Department.
Mane, res 21 Pine st

Smith Miss Mary, res Mrs. Sallie Smith Smith Mrs. M. A., wid, res Dr. J. G. McCrary Smith Mrs. Margaret, res Walter Urquhart

Smith Mrs. Nancy, wid, res Hydraulic st,,E. Macon Smith Miss Nora, wks Macon Knitting Factory

Smith Peyton R., elk Empire Store, res R. B. Hall Smith Redding, bds 142 Orange st ETM,rRAFvJen,Cen^ Store, res 75 Cotton ave
K. H., of A. B. Farquhar & Co., hardware, res 41 Orange St

Smith R. M., bkkpr E. Price's Sons, res Academy

Smith Robert, bkkpr E. Price's Sons, res ws Academy,

bet Walnut and Wharf sts


Smith Robert W., cashier W. L. Henry, res 103 Pine st

Smith R. W., bkkpr, res J. H. Smith

Smith R. W., condr S. W. R. R., res 238 Third st Smith R. T., res 40 Johnson st

Smith Rufus, eng E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R., res Bound ary st, bet Troup and Third sts
Smith Miss Ruth, res Mrs. J. E. Smith Smith Mrs. Sallie, wid, res Mrs M Schall Smith Mrs. S. A., wid, res W. M. Worsley Smith Mrs. S. A., wid, res T. L. Burns Smith Miss S. A., res J. W. Bracken
Smith J. S. H., elk 0. F. Lagerquist, bds same

Smith Sidney, entry elk S. Waxelbaum & Son, bds Edgerton House

Smith S. P., wks Reynolds Iron Wks, res J. H. Smith

Smith Mrs. T., wid, res Windsor Hill

Smith Terrell, baggage master S. W. R. R., res Mrs. J. E. Smith

Smith Walter P., elk 10 cent store, res 103 Pine st Smith William A., wks Bibb Mfg Co., res Mrs. J. S.

SMITH W. G., elk Board Co. Com'rs and ex-of. Co Treas, res 89 Walnut st

Smith W. H., painter, res Troup Hill

Sneed-, furniture, bds Wei bourn House Snellgrove G. W., carpenter, res 203 Fifth st

Snellgrove Miss Melissa, res Charles Snellgrove Snyder Mrs. G. T., res 68 Orange st




White Department.
SOLOMON CHAS. H., jeweler, bds Lanier House Solomon N. M., of S- T. Coleman & Co., wholesale dry
goods, bds Lanier House Solomon Mrs. Peter, wid, res Forsyth road, Vineville Solomon Peter, Jr., elk W. G. Solomon, res Vineville Solomon Peter, broker, res Mrs. Peter Solomon Solomon Samuel, res 43 Oglethorpe st Solomon S. W., of Sparks & Solomon, 6team brick
mfrs, res Mrs. Peter Solomon Solomon S., of Peyser & Solomon, cigar mfrs, res --
Oak st

Solomon W. G-, stock, bond and produce broker, res 276 Cotton ave
Soullard Mrs. C. A., wid, res 29 Pine st Somers Mrs. Lina, wid dressmaker Mrs. C. F. Daniels Sorrel M., shipper W. M. Hitt & Co., bds *Edgerton
House Southern Cadets, G. W. Findlay, captain
SOUTHERN EXPRESS CO., T. W. Henderson, ag't, 180 Fourth st

SOUTHERN HOTEL, Wiley Jones & Co., props, 54 Poplar st
South Macon Baptist Church, Rev. E. Z. F. Galden, pastor, cor Third and Hawthorne sts
SOUTHERN MUSICAL JOURNAL, monthly, E. D. Irvine & Bro , publ and props
Southwestern Railroad, J. E Jones, pres't: office, llli Third st
Spain Mrs. F. D., res 111 Pine st
Spain W. B,, elk M. Nussbaum & Co , res -- Cotton ave Sparks Miss Hattie J., res 0. G Sparks Sparks O. G., res 86 Washington ave Sparks O. G., scalesman W. B. Sparks, res 86 Wash
ington ave
Sparks W. B., warehouse and commission, res 0. G. Sparks
Spates Miss Femia, servt Mrs. Louise Kennedy Spatoia Bennie, musician, res 100| Mulberry st Spatola Mrs. Fanny, cigarmaker A. W. Turner, res
100J Mulberry st
Spencer Dell, cigarmaker A. W. Turner, bds 12 Pine st


Spikes Mad. Rebecca, res 108 Fifth st

Spikes Isaac, res Bay st, E. Macon

Spotts E. V., bcis 73 New st

Sprinz E.. elk D. J. Baer, res 28 Arch

Spring Miss Edwina, res E. Spring

Spring Farbush, elk M. Nussbaum & Co., res E. Spring

Spring J , groeries, bds 46 Plum st

Spruhan Mrs. Eliza, wid, res 6 Collins alley E



Spruhan Miss Margaret, res Mrs. Eliza Spruhan

Spruhan Miss Sarah, res Mrs. Eliza Spruhan

Stacy James, bds 159 Poplar st

Stahle D. M., wks A. B. Farquhar & Co., res Holt bet Orange and Maple sts

Stahle J. S., book compositor J. W. Burke & Co

Stahle Small, printer J. W. Burke & Co., bds 180' First st

Stallings Tucker, prescription elk W. L. Hunt & Co bds 199 Second st

Stanley Dr. B F., physician, res 35 Johnson st

Stanley Miss Edda Lee, res Dr. B. F. Stanley

Stanley Miss Eva B., res Dr. B. F. Stanley

Stanislaus Mother, res Mt. DeSales Academy

Stapleton Mrs. E., wid, res 96 Oglethorpe st

Stapleton George, res 96 Oglethorpe st

Stapleton Lawson, elk Singleton, Hunt & Co., bds National Hotel

Starley James, wks Bibb Mfg Co., res Hydraulic st, E. Macon

Starley Miss Fannie, wks Bibb Mfg Co., res James Starley

St. Clair Birdie, bds Mad. Georgia Stevens

Steed R E., bkkpr S. S. Dunlap, res 10 Magnolia st

Steele E. H., confectioner, res M. R. Rogers

Stein G. J., farmer, res 282 Third st

' Stein H., dry goods, res 75 Second st

Stephans Alfred, painter Collins Mfg Co., res 28

Monroe st

Stephans Miss E. E., res William Stephans

Stephans Miss M. E., res William Stephans

Stephans Philip, fireman C. R. R., res Wm. Stephang

Stephans William, groceries and health officer, res 28

Monroe st



A First-class
COMMERCIAL Business School COLLEGE, Equal to any North or South.
Send for Circulars, free.
MACON, GA. W. McKAY, - Principal.
White Department.
Stephens Alex. H., res Mrs. E. J. Stephens Stephens Mrs. E. J., wid, res 16 Magnolia st Stephens E. T., tel opr W. U. Tel. Co Stephens Miss Georgia, res Mrs E. J. Stephens Sterks Mrs.-, wid, res 133 Walnut st STERN H., of Siesel & Stern, wholesale liquors, bus
Brown House Stern Moses, elk B. Skalowski & Bro., res Milner Sternberg Alfred L., elk Rosenfeld & Lilienthal, res
-- Plum st STEYENS & BONE, wholesale groceries, 144 Third st Stevens Miss Edna, res W. A. Wylie Stevens Miss Ella, bds 180 Poplar st Stevens Miss Ella C., res W. M. Stevens Stevens Mad. Georgia, res 110 Fifth st Stevens Dr. J. P., physician, bds Edgerton House STEYENS J. P. & CO., jewelers, 108 Second st STEYENS J. P., of J. P. Stevens & Co., jewelers, res
STEYENS WM., of Stevens & Bone, wholesale gro- ceries, res Sparta, Ga
Stevens W. M., roadmaster C. R. R., res 225 Second st Stevenson Bertha, bds Mad. Nellie Hamilton Stewart A. J., elk Lamar, Rankin & Lamar, res Vine-
ville Stewart Bros., livery, feed and sale stables, cor Third
and Mulberry sts Stewart C. A., elk R. H. Norman, bds 234 Third st Stewart, Davis & Co., groceries, 197 Fourth st Stewart F. M., cotton weigher J. S. Stewart, res same Stewart F. M., of Stewart Bros., livery, res Clinton, Ga Stewart G. A., elk L. M. Elledge, res same Stewart H. J., elk AV. C. Timberlake, bds 167 Sec
ond st Stewart J. A., of Stewart Bros., livery, bds Lanier
House 13



White Department.

S`Saif Squa0r?leWart' D"ielS & C"


q Wnrt t' p' Cfa,n warabuse> res Lanier House

& 22 TatnaH'sf S

' Davis & Ca> groceries, res

St22 TatJall sfcf SteWart> Davis & Co > groceries, res

Stewart John W., res Windsor LLill Stewart Penn, elk W. A. Juhan & Co

S Rpv 6W Aat Jlurch' Rev J F. Colbert pastor,

^ and Walnut"s 7'

FUrth' be` MulbOTry

StPourth'stM'' drUmmer RodSers & Adams, res 79

StpB. RHaalnl, CE.omC.m; 0a.ndFe.rAy dKamnsig, hRtesc Templar No. 2, R.

Miss Annie Lou, res F. H. Stone

Sl? B. F., agt Chess Carley Co., res Academy,

bet Walnut and Wharf sts


Stone C. 0., elk Walker & Whitehead, res 87 Oak st ,-Hone Harry L., bds J. G. Holmes

Stone Mies Sallie, res F. H. Stone

Stone F. H collector C. R. R., res 87 Oak st

qtoner W. R., carpenter, res Elm st, bet Ross and Caihoun sts

Stowe L., bkkpr Talbott & Sons, res 19 High st

St. Iauls Episcopal Church, Rev. C. J. Wingate, rector, cor Johnson and Forsyth sts

Ilote? W'' gUn and locksmith> bds Brown's
Stratton C. C., brick mfr, res M. R. Rogers Strayer Miss Annie, student, res Mrs. M. A. Grimes strayer George, mldr Schofield Iron Wks, res New
Houston road

S1HouJER 'DRi E*' physician' bds Stubblefield

StSecoLd7stH'' locomotive C. R. R. shops, res 231

Stripland D R., elk W. T. Womack, res same
Stickland Miss Emma, res J. H. Strickland Strickland J. H., baggage master E. T., Ya. & Ga. R ( R., res Elm st, nr M. & W. R. R

First st

JHwid> res J- H' Strickland plumber aad gasfitter, res 199




White Department.
Stroberg Charles, res Fred Stroberg Stroberg Exe, stock boy Collins Mfg Co Stroberg Fred, gasfitter, res 20 Clinton road, E.
Macon Stroberg J. F., plumber J. C. Stroberg, res E. Macon Stroberg Miss J. G., res C. J. Stroberg Stroberg R. G., elk C. J. Stroberg, res same Stroberg Miss Maggie T., res C. J. Stroberg Strohecker H. F., lawyer, res 56 Spring st Strohecker Mrs. S. A , wid, res 56 Spring st STROEMER H. R., of Carnes & Stroemer, ins and
brokers, res 3 Bond st Strong E. P., shoes, res 62 Walnut st Stuart C. A., elk R. H. Norman, res 234 Third st Stuart E. H., of E. H. Stuart & Co., soda water mfrs,
res 245 Fourth st Stuart Fred., machinist, bds 234 Third st Stuart Frederick, res E. H. Stuart Stuart Miss Gracie, res E. H. Stuart Stubbs C. L., drummer Vansyckel, res Mrs. R. B.
Stubbs Stubbs Mrs. R. B., res 145 Orange st Stubbs R. W., lawyer, res Mrs. R. B. Stubbs Sturgis Mrs. S. L., wid, bds 167 Second st Subers A. A., gen mdse, res Garden st, E. Macon Subers A. B., bkkpr George S. Obear, res 210 Sec
ond st
Subers Dr. S. S., physician, res Cotton st, E. Macon Subers Miss Eloise, res S. M. Subers SUBERS DR. J. J., physician, res Cutter's Hill, E.
Macon Subers M., elk freight office C. R. R., bds 180 First st SUBERS S. M., mgr George S. Obear, res 210 Sec
ond st
Suiter Fritz, fireman C. R. R., bds National Hotel Sullivan Miss Annie, res Cornelius Sullivan Sullivan Charles, wks M- & W. R. R. shops, res Gar
den st, E. Macon Sullivan Charles, wagoner, res Troup Hill Sullivan Cornelius, groceries and liquors, res Forsyth
road, Yineville



wmte Department.

QUirivaU S' E- carpenter, res 31 Columbus road Su hvan Mrs. D. H., groceries, res 21 Washington ave Sullivan James, contractor, res 46 Plum st B

Sst s"printer w< Burke & Co-' bds wr
Summers Mrs.. Pauline, res Mrs. Mary Hendricks Summerlin Miss Fannie, res W. L. Henry
TMrrMacou- H1 WkS Bibb Mfg C- Hydraulic? Sussdorf Dr. G. E., res 8 Johnson st Sutton Miss Callie May, res Mrs. S. E. Sutton
SU8t80pi^st' t0Wr trimmer' Electric Light Co., res
Sutton J. W., res Mrs. S. E. Sutton Sutton Miss L. J., res Mrs. S. E. Sutton Sutton Mrs. S. E., wid, res 88 Plum Supple Wm. C., tailor, res 128 New st Supple James, tailor, res 128 New st Supple W. C., res 128 New st Swanson Adolphus, meat market, res Houston road Swanson Miss Lee, res Mrs. M. Swanson Swanson Mrs. M., wid, res 116 Oglethorpe st Sweeney Mrs. -res Windsor Hill P Sweet Rev. S. S., res cor Academy and Walnut sts Swipes Miss Ella, res D. M. Ellison Swindlehurst John, res Mrs. A. Boifeuillet

rpALBIRD C. G., wks S. W. R. R. shops, res W. H Lathrop
Palbird Miss Florence G,, res W. H. Lathrop
throp J' B'' WkS S' W' R' sboPs> res W. H. La-

talbort.o1'*A^oOnNsS,ide'nrgi"nwes,'Hsaw- Laatnhd,rogprist mills,
T/nV S`iS P^ram' "SL 65> 67 and 69 Poplar st
Tantely0' Wl" M' * W' R' R- r8s J- =.
laylor Hiss Aa lic'e,Wrekss BCehranrdlesBrToasy> lroers Grilesville Taylor Miss Alice, res Mrs. L. Taylor

Tl;ro'rWkS A' R Far<IUhar & Co" Mma4^r Miss Carrie, res William Taylor
teTME TMtA"1ES' f W- * E-R Ta^lor> f"rnitur^

W W m in Office 115 Third St.


White Department.

Taylor Charles, bds 144 Orange st

Taylor Mrs. E. K., res H. L. Taylor

Taylor Mrs. Fannie, wid, res 161 Fifth st

Taylor George, res Mrs. Fannie Taylor

Taylor Gilbert, res First st, E. Macon

Taylor H. C., baggage master E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R.

depot, res 33 Ross st

Taylor H. L., res ws Academy, bet Walnut and

Wharf sts

Tarver Henry, fruits, res cor Fourth and Poplar sts

Taylor Henry M., student, res H. C. Taylor

Taylor Miss Ida, res Charles Taylor

Taylor John, wks A. B. Farquhar & Co., res Mrs.

Fannie Taylor

Taylor John, fireman C. R. R., res Mrs L. Taylor

Taylor Mrs. Laura, wid, res 201 Fifth st

Taylor Miss Lillie, res H. C. Taylor

Taylor Miss Lizzie, res Mrs. L. Taylor

TAYLOR MALLORY H., of L. W. Hunt <fc Co.,

drugs, res 95 Spring st

Taylor Nesbitt, res 313 Troup st

Taylor Thomas L , canvasser Wheeler & Wilson Mfg

Co., res 126 Oglethorpe st

TAYLOR W. & E. P., furniture and carpets, 27 and

29 Cotton ave

TAYLOR W., of W. k E. P. Taylor, furniture and

carpets, res 79 Second st

Taylor W. A., elk Jno. Van Syckel, res cor Walnut

and First sts

Tennille, Mrs. A. P.. wid. boarding, res 144 Orange st


Mulberry st


TELEGRAPH & MESSENGER, the daily and weekly

Telegraph and Messenger Pub. Co., cor Mulberry

and Second sts

Teel W. H., carpenter, res Windsor Hill

Tharpe C. A., planter, res 7 Bass st

Tharpe Fred, carpenter, res Columbus road

THE LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE INS. CO., I. C. Plant & Son, agts, cor Cherry and Second sts



vv mte .Department.

bottoms^ W" grCeries and meat


Thomas Alex farmer, res Bay st, E. Macon ihomas Daniel, po icemen, res 29 Columbus road 1 nomas Geo., machine worker Collins Mfg Co

Macon ^ Y'' k J` W' Rie & Ca' reS Clinton st, E.

T tcon MrS` M' A'' seamstress S- Greenberg, res E.
THOMAS N. L., contractor of tinware, also roof paint res New Houston road, Gilesville
thomas Mrs. Rose, wid, res John R. Lee I homas Solomon, res Fort Hill, E. Macon ihomas S. Ga. R. R,, res 47 Oak st

Church E MaeS * W' 'hoI,S' res r BaPtist
ThES Vl.Wl CnfonvfflePS' "* 2 Wfth st
T MTMconW` W-> apprendce C- Huhn res Fort Hill E.

TMaconU MrS' A` M" wid' reS near Cotton st> E
Thompson Mrs Annie, wid, res nr Cotton st, E. Macon Thompson G. H., groceries, res 49 Ga., ave Thompson Holly, res New Houston road Thompson Joseph, res Oliver Brooks Thompson Iverson, res Hydraulic st.. E. Macon Thompson Mrs. M., wid, res O. W. Thompson Thompson Dr. M. S., physician, res 47 Arch st
OakPstU ` W'' bkkpr Rodgers & Adams, res 58

TbnmPSOn & H,'agr,.ceries and bar, res sandy bottoms


gEooM dsaacnodn g

New^? C S'' Clk Central Furniture Store, res 168

Thornton J. R elk Southern Hotel, res same
iRt, rreiesnlibSexNTebwen'sJtocomotive eng E. T, Ya. & Ga. R.. Thornton W. H., broker, bds 73 New st

TlarSan J' L'' dk W' R' CX' bds 173 and 175 Pop` Thurman J. B , salesman W. R. Cox, res 74 Spring st





White Department.
Tillinghast Dr. Charles, physician, bds 173 and 175 Poplar st
TILLMAN H. F., of J. W. Burke & Co., (branch store) music and art goods, res 165 Cherry st
Tillson D. E., stenographer, res 17 Cotton ave Timberlake J. H., entry elk J. C. Coleman & Co.,
res T. T. Redding Timberlake Miss May, res W. C. Timberlake Timberlake AV. C., livery, feed and sale stable, res 207
First st Timm Julius, tailor J. L. Shea, res 43 Cherry st Timmons Joel, res Morgan Etheridge Timmons Joseph, res Joseph Harper Tindall Harry C., bkkpr J. H. Campbell, res 127
Orange st Tindall Miss L. M , seamstress, res Cole, bet Orange-
and Maple st Tiner J. AV., canvasser Wheeler & Wilson Mfg Co.,
res -- Oglethorpe st Tinker W. H., feeder J. AV. Burke & Co., res Windsor
Hill Tinsley A R., of Tinsley Bros. & Co., wholesale gro
ceries, res 113 Orange st Tinsley Bros. & Co., wholesale groceries, 147 Third st Tinsley Miss Mary, res A. R. Tinsley Tinsley T. D , of Tinsley Bros. & Co., wholesale gro
ceries, res 131 College st Tipp Albert, res S. Weichselbaum Tison H. M., carpenter, res Troup Hill Tissereau Louis, locomotive eng, res 56 Hazel st Turbirville T. J., res J. G. Pace Todd Mrs. Annie, wid, res Mrs. Annie Boifeuillet Todd Miss Aurelia, res John Todd Todd Miss Carrie, res John Todd Todd Miss Ellen, res John Todd Todd J. D., res 99 Hawthorne st Todd John J., elk Binswanger, res 60 Pine st Todd P. D., elk H. & J. Binswanger, res 60 Pine st Toland J. AV., bartender Watts & Jones, bds Southern
Toliver William, lab, res 208 Fifth st



m t ,r.

W n nhirte Department,.


Toole6 AXlV A' R-' r-6S G- E- Walker

TOO! p 'r t Toole P r

r^e Ves 234 Second st fertil^ers, 36 Cotton aye

TOOT F Tftiiv1!?8 1 ^es Oglethorpe st

rX S P- f C' J- &

Tool., fertilisers,

tw., *iJ^5?gS5f 2" * Toole

M St? K' IE '

\reS Dn Tld'-reS C-


J' Toole Tole

Tomuice S A Jft wa' rf u169 New

New at ' ' Lp


& Co., bds 13

Towhai t^John^cutter6 House

18 High st ' 44er^z bds Edgerton

Townsend Hiss Grace N. res Mrs r trn

wj ra;cyl>H[Dis.A, gnrnoicee'r-ieressaDn-d "liqTu^ ors res
1 racy Hattie, res 70 oXe'st 263 Second st

Trawioh I. J bds 238 Third st
firem" E- T- * & Ga. R. R.t

88 PI""* Troutman Miss Josie, res Mrs. E. Napier

TArroovy T1 hhnomMasrsWD..T, ambidihsea'bwroikd-erresreMa hrSqP E.` 1N>aaPpiieerr

liLlfA^rs3Ella> res 290 Th'ird " ge
Truman M as EmllfP^' K3 12f 0IethOTP* st

Truman Mrs. S.

tS7S$Sk"ZM '*"* *

SupiuensetnT WSTkncCEooleimemanan&TNNeOTw' s"on,1r4es9r9i6raMta-

TrSel'' hStler E T- V"- * G- B. B,, res 35 Tucker E. A., res Windsor Hill

"Srtfr^au'dlLTstr ^ b`l


riA A T I ARMAKD L. BUTTS. yy V^fXlL lil Office 115 Third Street.



White Department.
Turner A. W., mfr cigars, res 148 Mulberry st Turner John, eng Ice Factory, bds 42 Elm st Turner T. Morgan, elk W. U. Tel. Co., res 120 Wal
nut st TURNER W. H., mgr W. U. Tel. Co., res 128 Wal
nut st Turpin Frank M., res George B. Turpin TURPIN GEORGE B., pres Exchange Bank, of Tur
pin A Ogden, ins, real estate, fertilizers, res 223 Second st Turpin George R., res George B. Turpin TURPIN H. C., sewing machines, res 13 Forsyth road, Vineville TURPIN & OGDEN, ins, real estate and fertilizers, 118 Third st Turpin W. C. & Co., groceries, 288 Fourth st Turpin W. C., of W. C. Turpin & Co., groceries, res George B. Turpin Turpin Mrs. W. C., of W. C. Turpin & Co., groceries, res W. C. Turpin Tyfe Miss Mary, res W. B. Jobson Tyler R., wks Singer Mfg Co., bds Corbett House

UNIVERSAL PATTERNS, Miss Lula A. Ford, 17 Cotton ave United Brothers No. 5,1. 0. 0. F., James Boone, N. G,,
F. E. Sanders, secy Underwood Mrs. S. S., res 111 Fourth st ULLMANN A., of Ullmann & Putzel, rest, bar and
billiards, res 61 and 63 Cherry st ULLMANN & PUTZEL, rest, bar and billiards, 61
and 63 Cherry st Union Ticket Office, Central lines and Ga. roads, J.
T. Hoge, agt, Union Depot Urquhart Walter, eng C. R. R., res Flanders st, E.
Macon Urquhart Walter, res Walter Urquhart Ussery Albert J., job printer E. D. Irvine <fe Bro., res
82 Fourth st





>> iiiLB department.


Vo] Valentino Daniel, wood worker, Collins Mfe Co

Valentino Miss Fenny, res 41 Walnut st


Valentino Janies, res T. Valentino

ffisihKbTeeIrNagtisJ,HreNst Ca"ndfbJa-r,B'reWs i4I1liaWmasln*uCt os.t, fruits' Valentino J. D., trimmer Collins Mfg Co
Valentmo T, carriages, res New Houston road

TcSy st'

8 rdS> reS r Wharf

u0Uten3' H?smith' res 59 Hazel st Van HTM"enI8S ^ T,lePh" Exchange, res E.

Van Houten Miss Sallie, res 59 Hazel st

Ha?elUstn W ter' ffice b0y R' W- Cubbege, res 59

Vann Miss Fannie, res 90 Oglethorpe st Vann Mrs. Jane, wid, res 90 Oglethorpe st

vlnihD;har"e88 maker' res 29 Columbus road Vannucki A., saloon, res over No. 3 engine house Vannucki Lewis, bar, res 85^ Mulberry st

Thfr'ffst1 Jhn & C'' hUSe ^urilishing5 116

V bdsSffrselsJOEhno^f * Van ***& C-

Vgt resn23() TMrdTSitr TeIegraph and MesseI1-

VenfblenMralFr' bricklal7er- bds

Anna Harrison

VVeennaabhlipe Jf Hw,,Er'e' sST MrsG.T^E.S,^VeeSncaobrleElm and Lamar sts

V enable Miss M. E, res Mrs. E. Venable

Villaa-d Miss Jennie, res Nathan C. Munroe

lllepique Harry C., drummer, res Mrs. J. Armstrong

V llepique Mrs. M., wid, res Mrs. J. Armstrong


^ Academy teacher public schools> res Mt. DeSales

Viuing Alfred fireman S. W. R. R,, res J. L. Vinine

Vining Miss Etruda, res J. L. Vining


Hazel st L" locomotive enS S. W. R. R., res 44

Vining Marion, fireman S. W. R. R., res J. I, Vinine

Vining Miss Sarah, res J. L. Vinine


Vinmg W. M , res J. L. Vining

Virgin Fred, res Mrs. J. S. Virgin

DIXIE WORKS, Manufacturers of SASH,DOORS & BLINDS _Foot of Cherry Street._

White Department.
Virgin J. A., elk Wachtel & Bro., res J. S. Virgin Virgin Mrs. J. S., wid, res 14 Forsyth road, Vineville Virgin W. H., elk Central Ga. Bank, res 36 Forsyth
road, Vineville VIRGINIA HOME INSURANCE CO., Carnes &
Stroemer, ag'ts, 115 Third st Visscher Mrs. L. A., boarding, res 167 Second st Vogelsburger William, candy maker, res 74J Poplar st
WACHTEL & BRO*, clothing and furnishing, 91

Cherry st

WACHTEL CHAS., of Wachtel & Bro., clothing and

furnishing, res 93 Second st

WACHTEL DAVID, of Wachtel & Bro., clothing and

furnishing, res 40 Fourth st

WACHTEL EMANUEL, of Wachtel & Bro., whisky,

res cor Plum and Second sts

Wade B., groceries, res 52 Pine st

Wadsworth Miss E. A., res J. D. Wadsworth

Wadsworth J. D., butcher, res 11 Bass st

Wadsworth Miss J. N., res J. D. Wadsworth

Wadsworth Miss S. W., res J. D. Wadsworth

Wages Leroy, wks C. R. R., res sandy bottoms

Wages Miss S. A., res Leroy Wages

Waggenstein Miss Josie, res Robert Waggenstein

Waggenstein Lewis, res Robert Waggenstein

Waggenstein Miss Nettie, res Robert Waggenstein

Waggenstein Robert, bakery, res 310 Fourth st

Wagley Miss Lee F., bds 197 First st

Wagnon Harry, baggage master, bds T. J. Bishop

Wagnon Richard, student, res 50 Ash st

Wagnon Wiley, eng, res 376 Fourth st

Wagon G. R., locomotive eng C. R. R , res 50 Ash st

Walker Miss Alice, wks Bibb Mfg Co., res Mrs. Ellen


Walker A. M., planter, res Cotton st, E. Macon

Walker Mrs. A. P., wid, res 144 Orange st

Walker Bernard, fresh meats, res 248 Fourth st

Walker Charles A., elk M. Nussbaum & Co., bds 111

Pine st

Walker Miss Carrie, res G. E. Walker



200 nr ,,

_. _

directory. White Department^

- Con^st0' Walker &



groceries, re,

* WTWrdftdWard' mUlder E' Cro<*a" * Son, re, 226 wt!ter niS|.E- A'.rei< 20 Johnson st ' aidFourth',IT WiIb"rn Honso> 00r Korn

WSge e?" drUmmer H' Bere * Co., re, U9 'Xlar ,t " bk,PrJhn V" Syckel & Co., res 1S9

W6a5lkWatatn,f' SaleS"an H' R^ & Co., res



WalkeJ (B SJaryJ,wiKd' rTM73 Hawthorne st

Wa ke J'whS] ^ by W' A-Juha`i & Co,

Wall J

hew'tfroCenes' 106 Cherry st

WFai^rsMt ta bl[ikPtrrmBerCSsreAi> BinswangerS, tres 47

waner 'L res Boundary st, s limits

WatIta m" E' 7*' resIr8- Annia Boifeuill.t

wWSalllthhJallll John, elk Saul,berryC&oluE^o,bssu,Srdreo,?CdMoluaCmhbuIds

wIltoN,"wHlNi, "coV;7ysioe' -
wfltZeivrUrM m?nger' 167 Second stZ<!rS' 'Vllilam Oak "tSS Ma"le' flder E' D' :TMn<> & Bro, res 49

wSd MiTM EeV9 E7-y`h rad' Wineville


Wvvaarrda Pr ` aH g4r5ocCehri-eesrr,yresst33 Fifth st

Ward well J. C, bds National Hotel

ire W., res 134 Oglethorpe st

Maple sts mght lk S` Ex Co'' res cor Cowles and

1VSgeiettoJriegrrri88and n^0IS' res * * and



Office 115 Third Street.


White Department.
Wormack Josie. bds Mad. Zella Ivey Wormack Mrs. M. A., wid, res Clinton road, E. Macon Warner G. W., wks Bibb Mfg Co., res Cotton st, E.
Macon Warnke A. F., bkkpr English, Huguenin & Co., bd^
175 Poplar st Warren Gallic, bds Mad. Kate Butler Warren Chapel (Baptist), E. Macon Warren Ed., wks Macon Knitting Factory Warren Dr. E. W., pastor First Baptist Church, res
5 High st Warren J. E., pattern maker M, & W. shops, res 288
Third st Warren John R., res 106 Oglethorpe st Warren Mrs. Susan, wid, res 78 Hawthorne st Warren William, bill poster, res 80 Hawthorne st Warrick John, condr M. & W. R. R., bds 376 Fourth st Warrick William, condr M. & W. R. R., bds 376
Fourth st Wash A. S., baggage master S. W. R. R., bds T. J.
Bishop WASHINGTON H. Y., lawyer, res 120 College st Washington J. H., res Mrs. M. A. Washington Washington Mrs. L. H., res Mrs. M. A. Washington Washington Mrs. M, A., wid, res 120 College st Wasner Miss Francis, res John Wasner Wasner G. D., blacksmith, res nr Warren Chapel, E.
Macon Wasner John, res opp Warren Chapel, E. Macon Wasner Miss Lula, res John Wasner AVasner Miss Sarah, res John AVasner AVasner Sydney, candy maker Rogers & Winn, res
John Wasner Wasner William L., res John Wasner Wasson Sydney, candy maker, res E. Macon AYatts Isaac, fireman S. W. R. R., res 31 Clinton road,
E. Macon AVatts & Jones, proprs Southern Hotel Bar, 54 Pop
lar st Watts Wade, of Watts & Jones, Southern Hotel Bar,
res Monroe county




White Department.
Waters Dora, bds Mad. Kate Butler

res*292UTroVIt l0Cm`ive eng 51 * W-


E' T- Va' * Ga' *op..

Waterhouse Mrs. S, wid, res T. L. Sewell

WWaatteerrhhoouussee TT.h Ww.,"'o(f-'"Ww."Ht?.4'F!o6 setnegr> &resC3o3 pGTM rocesrties

and whisky, res - Pine st

' eocenes

'' Poplar rt0gustus> cotton buyer, bds 173 and 175

WroTthAsUtgUS`U8' WkS E' T > Va' & Ga' R' K-. TM 272 Watson Mrs. F. A, wid. res 29 Arch st
Watson Henrrgw lWkS J- ?nlSe & Co" r6s 20 Arch t Arch st 7 L'' machmist Farquhar & Co., res 29

Watson r?n'"?g M' &<,W0R- B- res Omits

Watson MTM'1 Ta"u ' S' ?,,unlaP' res 66 Ne'e st

wft! atson

mThuomSaasr,athe\leWphldo> nrees i2n7s2peFcotourr,thresst29



Crth st0""8' E' T" Va & Ga- R- . 272

WHawth,,rt?St',S' machinist' r" cor Fourth and Waunack Miss Amelia, res Augustus Waunack

WaxXbaum 'MJfi'sPsaA?Jdiel?l?in' er,e8 AuS. uWstauxseWlbaauumnack Waxelbaum David, res S. Waxelbaum

Waxelbaum Joseph, of Waxelbaum & Son, wholesale

dry goods, res S. Waxelbaum


laTxlbaum ^\aa Josephine, res S. Waxelbaum

Waxelbaum Solomon, of M axelbaum & Son whole

sale dry goods, res 154 Muiberrv st

' 1

Wl56 TMrd st & Sn' wholesale`drT goods, 154 and

WWeebobb"JT. JAAa.C,wb'ki s6 nCgonl'linWs `MKfgEC>o.b, dres^G7ilFeisrvsitllset

weKKteT\T Mro E>' wid' res 9 High st

wV\ eeKbKb fWr.rS\AS' cEo->ndwuicdt>obrdCs. WR.. RM.., Ebdldse2r10 Third st

Weed Joseph, bds Dr. J. R. price


M^coJhma8' candJmaker Rogers & Winn, res E.







White Department.
Weekley L. E., bds 42 Elm st Weisz Prof. Joseph, organist St. Joseph's Catholic
Church, res 103 Walnut st Weintz Ed., locomotive eng, bds Mrs. R. P. Griffin Weichselbaum Miss Josie, res S. Weichselbaum Weichselbaum Samuel, liquors, res 189 First st Weitzel -, master train service E. T., Ya. & Ga.
R. R., bds 173 and 175 Poplar st Welch J. M., carpenter, res 283 Fourth st Weld T. D., Dep U. S. Marshal, res 9 New st Wells Miss Clara, res 80 Second st Wells G. B., soda water mfr, res Cole, bet Orange and
Maple sts Wells J. E., sr., elk Carhart & Co., res 80 Second st Wells J. E., jr., jeweler Solomon, res 21 High st Wells Miss Laura, res Horace D. Adams Wells Theodore, elk S. W. R R., res 55 Walnut st Welsh J. F., bkkpr and collector Wheeler & Wilson
Mfg Co., bds Flynt House Werbin David, elk Josephson & Skalowski, bds Ull-
W H. Potter, D.D., editor; Rev. J. W. Burke, asst editor; J. W. Burke & Co., pubs, 146 Second st WESLEYAN FEMALE COLLEGE, Rev. William C. Bass, D.D., Pres't, College st, Georgia and Wash
ington aves Wesley Mrs Mary, wid, dressmaker, res 127 Poplar st Wesley Wm., wksBernd Bros., res 78 Hawthorne st West Mrs. E. E., wid, res C. M. Burton West J. A., night, watchman E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R.,
res Windsor Hill WEST JOHN R., agt Chesapeake Guano Co., res 92
Pine st West Miss Lizzie, wks Rogers & Winn West Mrs. Sarah, wid, res Cotton st, E. Macon Westcott Miss Carrie, res H. P. Westcott WESTCOTT G. S., sheriff Bibb co, res 39 Calhoun st Westcott H. P., harnessmaker, res 194 Second st WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO., offices Mul
berry st, bet Second and Third, and Brown's Hotel

204 WunrTrm ^

White Department.


WpfntstJMP`h 3

&1'C- RPt`L 2S

Wheeler MiAs Varen^wks^Bibb^f


Nancy Wheeled

Blbb Mfg 0o* res Mrs.

Wheeler Z^'ba^and bilYTM*7' bdS - McGrath

White C clk;'bdasr62

*" 48 Pine t

Wh-f6 T\rS' wllZa' Wld> bds J- O. Davis mile MTM I.T WM White Frederick elk P T? p Mulberryst
J- -DaTM

White Michael ^'*A' Doody' bds Mrs. C. A. Hall Whit! m h J' painfcer> res 94 Plum st

Wh t! p ,,

cfDtractor' res Windsor Hill

Wh^6 ^!SS' student> res Mrs. F. R. White

W Whhiitte! tT' FW'^lnjr'mTdLk GGeoo^rg' e^Wv.SB/u6r8r,WreisndSs. oMr aHcoilnl House " Ummer St6Vens & Bone> bd Edgerton

WhitUe^' MHveryfclk EmPire S`ore

mS wr,TiT 7 V:7Tz 1

sandy bottoms

' ' a< & Ga- K R-> re*

Se d- M-, res L. N. Whittle

Wh UtV" lawyer- re 5 Jefferson st W Whh?ittntl0eCyk^ Mrrss.-E Ruatnhn, iree>sreWs.3H45. WFoouordth st

WhitehL Wm'clk Pw Bi* `JV88 47 Plum st

lege st

W- RlCe & Ca> re3 104 Col-

"fdNewV Walk6r& Wbi"->- ~ cor

Wr"T Wh ""8gdAonelia- WkS Bibb Mf* Co- res rMf'G', "A rcs 94 Oglethorpe st
thorn" s? h' 8 Blbb Mfg . res 99 Hw-
WhHehuTTPPTM; rel99 Hawthorne st AcadTTst ' 6pUty 8her,S; res cor WhaH and

White Department.
Wikle Miss Susan, res W. S. D. Wikle Wikle W. S. D. pressman Telegraph and Messenger
res Academy st, bet Walnut and Wharf sts Wilbur J. G., bds Corbett House Wilbourn Mrs. M. M., wid. res 7 High st Wilburn Charles, entry elk C. R. R res Mrs. F J
Wilburn Edward, elk Empire Store, res Mrs F J Wilburn
Wilburn Mrs. F. J,,wid, res cor Walnut and Spring sts Wilburn J. D, bkkpr J. W. Burke & Co., res 70 Wal
nut st
MILBURN J. G., of -J. W. Burke & Co., res cor Wal nut and Second sts
Wilburn Miss Mattie, res Mrs. F. J. Wilburn Wilbourn House, G. E. Walker, prop; cor Plum and Wilbourn Miss Ida, res Mrs. M. M. Wilbourn
Fourth sts
WILCOX F. N., architect, res 112 Orange st
240 ThJiorhdnsTt ,> fireman E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R., bds
WTlderB. F., Sr., carpenter R. C. Wilder's Sons, res Windsor Hill
Wilder B. F., res Windsor Hill "Wilder B. F., cond'r E, T., Va. & Ga. R R., res Mrs
R. C. Wilder Wilder B. F., res Columbus road
WILDER C. C., of R. C. Wilder's Sons planing mill, res 70 Pine st
Wilder Miss Ella, res Willis Wilder Wilder J. C , tinner, res Troup Hill W ILDER J. H. JL, of R C. Wilder's Sons planing
mill (contractor), res Troup Hill Wilder J. J., bkkpr C. H. Rogers, bds Edgerton House Wilder Joseph M., blacksmith shop, bds C. A. Smith Wilder Joseph, blacksmith E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R.
res Willis Wilder Wilder Jerry, res Columbus road Wilder J. T., res Windsor Hill Wilder Oliver, elk E. H. Steele, res Columbus road WILDER'S R. C SONS, planing mill, builders and
contractors, 200 Third st "Wilder Mrs. R. C., wid, res Troup Hill, nr reservoir



White Department.


C. Wilder's Sons, res Troup



WILDER W. A., of R. C. Wilder's Sons, planing

mill (also contractors), res Troup Hill

Wilder \V. E., res Columbus road

Wilder Willi3, res 349 Fourth st

Whey Mrs. A. G-., wid, res Mrs. R. W. Ford

WILEY Ci M., Chief Police, res 53 College st

Wiley Sydney R., student, res C. M. Wiley

Wilkes T. J, eng Electric Light Co., bds 88 Plum st

Williford Mrs. A. E., wid, res 320 Fourth st

Wilford Mrs. C. E., wid, res Madison st, bet Forsyth

st ana Washington ave

Wilkerson B. H., wks Bibb Mfg Co., res Boundary,

nr Johnson st

Wilkerson Mrs. Mattie M., res Windsor Hill

Wilkerson Richard, res New Houston road

Wilkerson Miss Sallie, wks Macon Knitting Factory

Wilson Andrew, peddler, res sandv bottoms Wilson Miss Carrie, res Mrs. Edith Wilson Wilson Miss Cornelia, res 82 Fourth st Wilson Mrs. Edith, wid, res Hydraulic st, E. Macon Wilson J. H., bartender J. D. Hudgins, bds 36 Sec-
ond st

Wilson J J., elk J. W. Rice & Co

Wilson J. I., res Cotton st, E. Macon

Wilson James, cabinet maker W. & E. P. Taylor

Wilson Joel, wks J. W. Rice, res 82 Fourth st

Wilson Miss Julia, res Miss M. E. Long

Wilson Mrs. Mary, wks E. Macon Cotton Factory, res

__ 24 Fifth st



Wilson Mrs. Martha S., res 82 Fourth st

Wilson Patrick, mechanic, bds 46 Plum st

Wilson Mrs. R. A., wid, res 36 First st

Wilson R. A,, res 36 Second st


sfes & Wilson, real estate, res 3

Magnolia st

Wilson Samuel, res Mrs. Edith Wilson

Wilson William, architect, bds 17 High st

Wilt R. W., machinist, res 81 Oak st

Willett Hugh M., bkkpr First Nat. Bank, res Prof. J. E. Willett

Willett H. M., collector First Nat. Bank, res 173 Ogle thorpe st

White Department.
Willett Prof. J. E., prof Mercer University, res Tatnall square
Willett Miss Laura M., res Prof. J. E. Willett Williamson Alex, tinner Jno. Van Syckel & Co Williamson Charles, bds 6 Washington ave Williamson Mrs. WT. W., wid, res 139 Madison st Willingham B. E., of C. B. & B. E. Willingham,
warehouse and cot com, res cor Orange and Bond st AVillingham B. L., of C. B. & B. E. Willingham, cot
ton factors, res cor Bond and Orange sts Willingham C. B,, of B. E. & C. B. Willingham, ware
house and cot com, res 4 Orange st AVillingham C. B. & B. E., warehouse and cot com,
145, 147 and 149 Second st
WILLINGHAM E. J., of Payne & AVillingham, fur niture and carpets, res 37 Orange st
AVillingham Ned, of Payne & Willingham, furniture, res 37 Orange st
AVILLINGHAM 0. PM of Hendrix & AATllingham, planing mill, res 72 Spring st
AVillingham Paul, res B. L. Willingham AArillingham Thomas, lawyer, res 107 Orange st AVillis Frank, eng C. R. R, bds 197 First st WILLIS J. B., blacksmith C. R. R,, res 197 First st WALLIS J. AV., foreman C. R. R. blacksmith shop,
bds 197 First st AVillis Mrs. Martha, wid, tailoress AV. B. Phvsioc, res
-- Third st AVillis Mrs. Mattie, res Gilesville AVillis Miss Laura, wks Macon knitting factory Wilkinson Mrs. E., wid, res 135 College st AVilkinson Mrs. Martha S., wid, tailoress Louis Law-
enthal, res nr Jones Chapel, Houston road Williams A. F. asst bkkpr I. C. Plant & Son, res
Luther Williams Williams Alice, res 100 Fifth st Williams Benjamin, res 93 Hawthorne st AVilliams Mrs. Betsy, res 83 Fiftn st AVilliams Miss Bettie, wks Bibb Mfg Co., res Benia
min Williams
Williams Clarence, locomotive eng, res 42 Third st AVilliams Clarence, elk J. W. Rice & Co., res 42
Third st
AVilliams Erasmus, locomotive eng, res 42 Third st



White Department.
Williams Mrs. Emily, wid, res Mrs. A. E. Porter WILLIAMS MRS. E. J., boarding, res 173 and 175
Poplar st

Williams F. M., watchman M. & W. shops, res 42 Cherry st
Williams J. A., eng E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R., bds 376 Fourth st

WILLIAMS J. R. & CO., produce, fruits, fish, bar, rest, beer agts, 171 and 173 Fourth st
Williams J. B,, shipping elk Rodgers & Adams, res -- Madison st

WILLIAMS J. B., of J. B. Williams Co., fish, rest, bar, fruits, beer agts, res 82 New st
Williams John D., drummer Lamar, Rankin & La mar, bds -- Walnut st
W ILLIAMS J. H., of J. P. Stevens & Co., jewelers, res 16 High st
Williams L. E., res W. D. Williams Williams Luther, I. C. Plant & Sons, res 86 Wal
nut st
Williams Mrs M., wid, res James Mason Williams Miss Mary, sewing, res 83 Fifth st WTilliams N. L., gen mdse, res 54 Oglethorpe st Williams Miss Nannie, wks Bibb Mfg Co., res Ben
jamin Williams Williams Robert, cash boy D. J. Baer, res E. Macon WILLIAMS REUBEN, groceries, res New Houston
road, Gilesville Williams Reuben, res Windsor Hill Williams Miss Sallie, wks Bibb Mfg Co., res Benja
min 'Williams Williams Miss Sallie, res J. H. Williams Williams Tye, res Mrs. E. J. Williams Williams Miss Yictorine, res 42 Third st Williams W. D. W., elk J. W. Burke & Co., res Blind
Williams W. D., principal Ga. Academy for the Blind, res same
Williams W. E., res Mrs. E. J. Williams Williams Miss Willie, res Benjamin Williams Wimberly Miss Carrie, res 126 Hazel st Wimberly Mrs. E., wid, res 126 Hazel st Wimberly George, packer W. & E. P. Taylor, res Fort
Hill, E. Macon



White Department.

Wimberly James, fireman S. W. R. R,, res nr Cotton st, E. Macon

Winchester Rev. J. R., rector Christ's Church, res 67 Walnut st

WINCHESTER DR. W. R., physician, res 136 Mad son st

WINDHAM W. Wf, of Roberts & Windham, painters, contractors, etc, res 33 Walnut st
Windon Mrs. Mary L., wid, res Augustus Wood Windom Miss Rosa, sewing, res 47 Cherry st Windom William, blacksmith, res 47 Cherry st Windom Wesley, res Troup Hill Wineberg Conrad, elk, res John Wineberg
Wineberg James C., elk George F. Payne, res 355 Fourth st

Wineberg John, blacksmith C. R. R. shoos, res 373 Fourth st

Wing C. T., bkkpr George T. Rogers' Sons, res 153 Mulberry st

Wing Edward, farmer, res Troup Hill

WING GEORGE E., job printing, res 62J Cherry st Wingate Rev. C. J., rector St. Paul's Episcopal
Church, res 121 Madison st

WINN C. D., of Rogers & Winn, candy and cracker mfrs, res Vineville

Winn Rev. D. W., ass't rector Christ Church, bds 42 Third st

Winn Miss E. A., res Miss E. A. Walker Winn Mrs. T. E , wid, res Thomas Cankersley Winthrip John, bartender Samuel Weichselbaum, res
Third st

Winter Thomas, helper S. W. R. R. shops, res sandy bottoms

Winters Thomas, locomotive eng S. W. R. R., res 36 Oglethorpe st

WINSHIP & CALLAWAY, clothing and furnishing, 126 Second st

WINSHIP EMORY, of Winship A Callaway, cloth ing, res 62 College st
Winship Isaac, res 109 Orange st
Winship N. A., drummer, res 6 Johnson st Wippler F. W., groceries, res 36 Johnson st Wippler Miss Julia, res F. W. Wippler Wippler Miss Melton, res F. W. Wippler



nvi-^coiNr A First-class
COMMERCIAL Business School Equal to any North orSouth. COLLEGE, Send for Circulars, free. MACON, GA. W. McKAY, Principal.

White Department.
Wise Isaac, drummer, bds 89 Plum st Wise Jack, carpenter, res Gilesville Wisham Mrs. Lula, res 95 Hawthorne st Witkowski Albert, salesman S. Waxelbaum & Son,
res 95 Second st
Witkowski David, salesman S. Waxelbaum & Son, res 95 Second st
Witkowski David, res 75 Second st Witkowski Elias, res 150 Cotton ave Witkowski Gus, salesman S. Waxelbaum & Co, res
196 First st Witkowski Miss Rosa, res Gus Witkowski Wolff Bros. & Co., wholesale dry goods, 136, 138, 140
Fourth st
Wolff Ed, of Wolff Bros. & Co., wholesale dry goods, res 173 Second st
Wolff F. A., res nw limits, nr old brewery Wolff Herman, elk M- Nussbaum & Co., res Sig
mund Siesel Wolff Jacob, bkkpr Siesel & Stern, res S. Siesel Wolff Jacob, res Sigmund Siesel Wolff Miss Minnie, res F. A. Wolff Wolff William, of Wolff Bros. & Co., wholesale dry
goods, res 76 Plum Womack W. T., groceries and whisky, res Clinton st,
E. Macon Wood Augustus, res cor Hazel and Sixth Sts Wood Miss Annie, res Mrs. E. A. Wood Wood Arthur L., elk Thomas Wood, res 57 First st Wood Adolphus, elk W. A. Juhan & Co., res sandy
bottoms Wood Miss Annie Willie, res R. H. Wood
WOOD C. M., 1st Lieut, police, see errata Wood Charles, res Windsor Hill Wood Miss Carrie, res Mrs. E. A. Wood
Wood Miss Callie, wid, res Mrs. E. Bloodworth




White Department.
Wood Mrs. E. A., wid, res Cotton st, E. Macon Wood Miss Eliza, res J. W. Jordan Wood George, wks M. & W. shops, xes 282 Second st Wood George, res sandy bottoms Wood Mrs. M. O., wid, res 376 Fourth st Wood Hamilton S., wks M. & W. shops, res 120 Ogle
thorpe st Wood H. M., frt elk So. Ex. Co., res E. Macon Wood Henry, res Mrs. E. F. Wood Wood James, carpenter C. Burke & Son, res Houston
road Wood John, res W. H. Wood Wood John Jr., wks W. H. Wood, res same Wood L. L., butcher, res 130 Hazel st Wood Mrs.- Martha, wid, res 120 Oglethorpe st Wood Miss M. E., res Willis Wood Wood N. H , bartender J. W. Johns, bds Brilliant
Saloon Wood P. H., of W. M. Hitt & Co., cotton buyers, res
20 Magnolia st Wood J^. H., cotton buyer, res 20 Magnolia st Wood Mrs. R. G., res 130 Hazel st Wood Thomas E., wks M. & W. shops, res 10 New
Houston road WOOD THOMAS, furniture and carpets, res 169 Mul
berry st
Wood W. H., butcher, res 122 Oglethorpe st
Wood Willis, contractor, res New Houston road Woodall Miss Katie, res Mrs. S. E. Woodall Woodall Mrs. Mary, res in alley bet Hawthorne,
Oglethorpe, New and Second sts Woodall Miss Nancy, wks Bibb Mfg Co, res Mrs.
M. Woodall Woodall Mrs. S. E , res 93 Oak st W'oodruff Charles, fireman M. & W. R. R., bds 240
Third st Woodruff Charles N., florist, res D. B. Woodruff WOODRUFF D. B, architect, res 30 Old Forsyth
road, Vineville WOODRUFF fl. Lj, architect D. B. Woodruff, res

f^#i! A I
Us# J"% lg

9 m

Office 115 Third Street.


White Department.
Woodruff Miss M. L., res D. B. Woodruff Woodruff Robert, fireman C. R. R., res 373 Fourth st Woodson Miss Rosa, res H. B. Erminger WOODSON ALF. R., elk Lanier House Woodson Ed., tel opr E. T., Ya. & Ga. R. R., bds 33
Fourth st

Woodson Wm. H., elk E. P. Strong, bds 3 High st Woodward George, compositor Telegraph and Mes
senger, bds 44 Plum st

Woodward Jesse, cash boy W. A. Doody, res 27 Oak st Wootten C. T., student Mercer University, bds 18
High st

Wooten Mrs. E. J., res 27 Oak st Wooten H. W., elk M. Nussbaum & Co., bds Stubble
field House

Woolridge R. K., of Wiley, Jones & Co., Southern Ho tel, res 564 Poplar st
Wool folk S C , res William Reese Worsham E. C., mechanic, res Gilesville Worsham Eugene, res Columbus road Worsham 'Dr. J. H. D., physician, res Columbus road Worsham James, res E. C. Worsham Worsham L. S , drummer A. B. Small, bds 73 New st Worsham Miss Laura, res Mrs. R. M. Seymour Worsham Miss Virginia, dressmaker Mrs. F. McCrary Worsham W. T., carpenter, res Windsor Hill Worsley Miss Anna, saleslady Mrs. E. S. Rees, res
Tatnall square Worsley Henry, wks S. W. R. R., res James Worsley Worsley Miss Ida, res James Worsley Worsley James, carpenter, res 31 Ross st Worsley Miss M. R., res James Worsley Worsley W. M., conductor S. W. R. R., res 112 Ogle
thorpe st
Wright Mad. Anna, res 103 Fifth st Wright A. R., student, res D. H. Howe Wright Brantley, blacksmith John Lewis, res alley
bet First, Second, Arch and Oglethorpe sts V7right Charles S., salesman M. Nussbaum & Co., bds
Lanier House

DIXIE WORKS, Manufacturers of


SASH,DOORS & BLINDS Foot of Cherry Street._



White Department,

Wright D. S., dentist, res Cole st, bet Orange and

Maple Wright Miss Fitzallen, res Dr, R. H. Wright

Wright George, wks Bibb Mfg Co., res I. Hightower

Wright George W., elk Stevens & Bone, res 14- Mag

nolia st Wright H. N., elk Empire Store, bds 148 Mulberry st

Wright Honor, elk Empire Store, bds 167 Second st

Wright Jesse, painter, res Fort Hill, E. Macon

Wright Miss Mehala, res J. E. Harrell

Wright Dr. P. H., physician, res 35 Georgia ave

Wright R. H., ticket ag't E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R., bds

Brown House Wright Thomas, wks S. W. R. R., res Gilesville

Wrigley B. H., bkkpr Johnson & Harris, res Troup

Hill Wrigley J. F., wks Rogers & Winn, res B. H. Wrigley

Wrigley James, elk Rogers & Winn

Wrigley Miss Lucy, res W. W. Wrigley

Wrigley Miss Violet, res B. H. Wrigley

WRIGLEY W. W., cashier First National Bank, res

35 Second st Wrigley W. M., office boy Telegraph and Messenger,

res nr Mercer University

Wyche E. J., res 51 Walnut st

Wyche Mrs. Harriett, wid, res 54 Walnut st

Wvche J. W., manager Mansfield dray line, res 30

Pine st


WYLIE W. A., Second Lieut, police, res 197 First st

Wyly William H., lawyer, res 98 Maple st

WANTON WALES, correspondent Atlanta Constitu

tion, bds National Hotel

Wynn J. 0., res nw cor Bond and Orange sts

Wynn Mrs. M. A., wid, res 22 Fifth st

Wynn Thomas J., locomotive eng S. W. R. R., res 22

Fifth st Wynn R. S., drummer, res 94 Maple st

Il / r\ I i | Office 115 Third Street.

-^ ^0TM, Offlco 113 Third Sit.


White Department.
"Y^-EGER F. P., policeman, res 257 Third st

Yaeger F. P. Jr., wks Findlay's Iron Wks, res r. P. Yaeger
Yaeger Miss Mamie, res F. P. Yaeger Yaeger Willis, wks Macon Knitting Factory 1 ann Samuel, carpenter, res Mrs. Mary Born

ooSodTP^inless sGt ertrude> teacher Lewis High School, res

Yeomans Mrs. E. J., wid, res Elm st, bet Troup and

Third sts


Yeomans S. S., harness maker S. S. Parmelee, res Elm, bet Second and Third sts
Yeomans Miss S. A., res Mrs. E. J. Yeomans loung America Hose Co. No. 3, Third and Mul
berry sts

Young Mrs. M. E., wid, res 297 Troup st
oung Edward, train hand S. W. R. R., res 36 Ross st Young George, wks Eagle News Co., res Mrs. M. E.

Young Miss Julia, res Mrs. M. E. Young Youngblood T. K., carpenter, res Windsor Hill

^EALY MRS. HATTIE A., wid, res 45 College st
Zeigler Mrs. Melinda, res 86 Spring st Zeigler Miss Octavia, res Mrs. Melinda Zeigler Zeller Edward, cigar maker A. W. Turner, bds 12
Pine st Zenker Charles, chef Brown's Hotel Zerbal Lodge Perfection, Roland B. Hall, V. M.: G.
D. Mozo, secy
Zettler B. M., supt Public Schools, res 5 Bond st

Macon Directory.


To find a name know how it is spelled. Half numbers mean upstairs. Errata, changes and removals will be found in first pages..



boards ns.

north side-


.clerks es,

..east side


.resides ss..

south side


.widow ave


lab. bet.

...laborer st... ...between r,. rr . .


.west side E. 1Macon

.East Macon


BISHALUM LODGE No. 2072 G. U. O. 0. F., C. A.
Wallace, N. G., R. M. Logan, sec'y Abrams Sam, waiter Brown House, res Wm. Burley Adams Alex, res 13 Ross st Adams Alfred, lab, res rear 104 Fifth st Adams Amanda, servtMrs. S. J. Jones Adams Anna, wash'n, res in alley bet Fourth, Fifth,
Hawthorne and Bay sts Adams Calvin, res 16 Maple st Adams Chloe, res Lethie Adams Adams Enoch, drayman, res 38 Hawthorne st Adams George, wks Bernard Walker, res in alley bet
Third, Fourth, Oak and Pine st Adams Jacob, res 81 Monroe st Adams Lizzie, res 150 Hazel st Adams Lucretia, wash'n, res rear 104 Fifth st Adams Simon, res 20 Calhoun st Adams Viney, res Wm. Lanier Adkins Alex, wks ice house, res 93 Wharf st
Albert Prince, res s limits



Colored Department.

Alexander Celeste, servt, W. J. Dickson

Alexander Charlie, res Chestnut st, Vinevillo Alexander Henry, barber, W. B. Clark

Alexander Mary, res in alley bet New, Sprint, Wal

nut and Wharf sts


Alexander Thomas, hack driver, res Melvina Franklin Alford Lula, res Susan Alford Alford Susan, res rear 274 Fourth st Allen Addie, res 59 Madison st

Allen Aggie, servt Joseph Barnes Allen Ben, res rear 34 Oak st

Allen Edmund, lab, res Elm st, nr M. & W. R. R. Allen Elizabeth, groceries, res 45 Jones st Allen John, res 35 Columbus road

Allen Joseph, shoemkr, res 158J Hazel st Allen Julia, wash'n, res 25 Oglethorpe st Allen Kit, lab, res 17 Pine st Allen Mary, res rear 19 Walnut st

Allen Moses, res Chestnut st., Yineville Allen Nelson, carpenter, res 45 Jones st Allen Reuben, res Troup Hill Allen Sellers, servt, C. H. Rogers Allen Susan, servt T. L. Holt

Allen Wesley, res 33 Collins alley, E. Macon

A. M. E. Church, Rev. R, A. Hall, pastor, cor Spring st and Cotton ave

Amos George, res 113 Wharf st Amos Thomas, res 124 Wharf st

Anderson Bird, servt W. R. Winchester Andrews Carter, res Flanders st, E. Macon Anderson Cuffey, res alley bet Sixth and Elm, --

Anderson James, lab, res rear 213 Third st Anderson Jane, servt Dr. W. R. Winchester Anderson John, painter, res 31 Hawthorne st Anderson Joseph, servt A. J. Lane Anderson Julia, servt Mrs. Mary Kating Anderson Lummie, servt V. Kahn Andrews & Bro., groceries, Main st, E. Macon Andrews Albert, wks Collins Mfg Co., res George

Andrews Alice, res Dave Andrews Andrews Clifford, res T. J. Bishop

Andrews Dave, hack driver, res WolfPs tenement, Oglethorpe st



Colored Department.
Andrews George, wks TV. C. Turpin & Co., res Dave
Andrews Andrews George, carriagesmith, res 96 Spring st Andrews Henry, hack driver, res alley bet Fourth,
Fifth, Bay and Hazel sts Andrews Lewis, res Dave Andrews Andrews Louis, of Andrews & Bro., groceries, res
Main st, E. Macon Andrews Powell, of Andrews & Bro., groceries, res
Vineville Andrews Sol., elk Andrews & Bro., res E. Macon Andrews Susan, wash'n, res 269 Second st Andrews Thomas, res Chestnut st, Vineville Ansley Ed. W., barber shop, res 191 Third st Anthony Mary, servt, res 32 Monroe st Anthony Betsy, res Walter Young Appier Peter, res 15 Walnut st Appling David, res w limits, E. Macon Appling Fanny, cook M. Loh Appling Peter, porter M. Nussbaum & Co
Archie Julia, res 78 Monroe st Armstrong Anna, res 40 Monroe st Armstrong Ella, res alley bet New, Spring, Walnut
and Wharf sts Armstrong George, res City Hall alley Armstrong George, school teacher, res 129 New st Armstrong Bichard, res end Hazel st Arnold Daniel, lab, res 14 Bay st, E. Macon Ashley Charlotte, res in alley bet New, Spring,.
Wharf and Walnut sts Ashley Mary, res rear 183 Fifth st Ashley Winnie, res Reuben Gibson Askew Mary, res sandy bottoms Attaway Doctor, servt Mrs. E. Napier Audley Maria, res rear TV. P. Goodall
Audley Sarah, servt A. G. Simmons Aultman Kit, res M. & W. R. R. and Fourth st Austin Green, barber, res 23 New st Austin Nathan, porter W. L. Henry Austin Sarah, servt Jacob Harris Averett Isaac, res 14 Spring st
Axom Cherry, res 30 New st


Colored Department,

"DAILEY ANDERSON, res s limits, Vineville

. Bailey Ary, res rear 183 Fifth st Bailey Cornelia, res Sarah Croft Bailey Dicey, res sandy bottoms

Bailey Elisha, servt F. A. Guttenberger Bailey Epsey, res sandy bottoms

Bailey Frank, cook Brown's Hotel, res rear 137 Mul berry st

Bailey Hattie, res James Bailey Bailey Henry, servt C. H. Hall

Bailey Hen ry, brick mason, res Columbus road, bet Hazel and Oglethorpe sts

BaBey James, lab, res in alley bet New, Spring, Oak

and Pme sts


James, train hand E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R,, res lo7 1 lith st

Bailey Jacob, servt M. J. Hatcher Bailey John, lab, res 6 College st Bailey John, res Houston road Bailey Katie, servt H. B. Erminger Bailey Lettie, res Harrison Cooper Bailey Lizzie, res 187 Fifth st Bailey Nellie, res 73 Monroe st Bailey Otto, servt Mrs. Mattie Willis Bailey Sallie, servt, res 11 Washington ave Bailey Sarah, servt M. S. Freeman Bailey Scott, res rear Dr. McCrary
Bailey Sophia, servt Mrs, S. L. Whitehead Bailey Webster, drayman W. C. Mansfield Bailey Wm,, res 4 Hazel st Bailey Wm., res 3 Hazel st

Baker Alzeda, wash'n, res 25 Oglethorpe st Baker Collins, res nw limits
Baker Georgia, res City Hall alley
Baker Jacob, res 21 Jefferson st
Baker John, drayman Johnson & Harris, res Geor
gia ave

Baker Laura, servt M. R. Rogers Baker Martha Ann, res Meredith Owens Baker Mary Jane, res Meredith Owens

Baker Peter, porter Talbott & Sons, res 67 Madison at Baldwin Catherine, servt Mrs. A. E. Porter Baldwin Emma, res Flanders st, E. Macon
Baldwin Isaiah, porter A. McKenna, res Fourth st



Colored Department.
Baldwin Jerry, lab, res 303 Fourth st Baldwin Martha, res Emma Knight Baldwin Richard, res Flanders st, E. Macon Ball Harriet, servt W. R. Cox Ball Julia, res Woodleff st Ball Louisa, res 21 Jefferson st Ballard John, res 164 Sixth st Ballard Wm., res 11 Spring st Banks Adeline, servt W. B. Flock Banks Ellen, wash'n, res alley bet Fourth, Fifth, Ha
zel and Ash sts Banks Emma, res 105 Fifth st
Banks George, res Old Forsyth road, Vineville Banks Mary, servt U. M. Gunn Banks Mary, servt Miss Sarah Bivins
Banks Mattie, res George Armstrong Banks Millie, servt John P. Fort Banks Osborne, porter D. V, Reaves & Co Banks Rosa, res 3 Hazel st Banyard [Buck, lab, res Boundary st, M. & W. R. R Banyard William, res 45 Chestnut st Barden Elias, wks Shinholser, res 112 Bay st Barden Walter, bricklayer, res in alley bet Walnut,
Wharf and Franklin sts Barfield Louisa, servt T. J. Hunt Barker Robert, groceries, res Unionville Barkley Emma, servt Mrs. M. J. Sherwood Barkley Omley, bar tender J. L. Kennedy, res in alley
bet Oglethorpe, Oak, Fourth and Fifth Barksdale Julia, res 41 Georgia ave Barnes Alonzo, res 61 Madison st Barnes Delia, servt A. F. Jones Barnes Elias, res nr Georgia Mills Barnes Emma, servt, res J. H. Wheeler Barnes Eda, res Boundary st, bet Oglethorpe and
Hazel sts Barnes Edmund, carpenter, res 77 Walnut st Barnes George, wks W. C. Turpin & Co., res nr Geor
gia mills Barnes James, lab, res cor Oak and Spring sts Barnes Monroe, porter National hotel Barnes Penelope, res 100 Wharf st Barnes Solomon, res 14 Calhoun st
Barnett Sylla, servt Mrs. L. A. Connor



Colored Department.
Barnhart .James, res w limits, E. Macon Barron James, res Jefferson st, Vineville Bartley Chas., res 31 Walnut st Bartley Tamar, res 31 Fifth st Bartlett Amanda, res John Edmundson Bartlett George, lab, res 7 Lower Maple st Bartlett Louise, res George Bartlett Barton Alice, servt George Payne Barton David, porter Walter Nelson Bass Melinda, res 76 Monroe st Bass Rev. Robert, minister, res 10 Spring st Bass Sarah, res old Forsyth road, Vineville Bateman Richard, butcher R. L. Henry, res Vineville Bateman Thomas, res Windsor Hill Battaile Epsey, servt A. L. Platt Baltaile James, res 39 Monroe st Battaile Wesley, gardener, res 31 Monroe st Bates Julia, res rear 52 Oak st Battle John, res Boundary st, w limits Battle Josephine, servt Miss Nellie Hamilton Battle William, res Boundary st, w limits Baylan Henry, servt L. Goldsmith Beall Catherine, servt Dr. J. Emmet Blackshear Beard Sukey, cook, res 38 Cherry st Barfield-, res Ella Armstrong
Beasley Tom, wks bridge gang C. R R., res alley bet Fourth, Fifth, Cherry and Poplar sts
Beatty Ellen, res Fannie Kilpatrick Beck Juda, res 31 Walnut st Beland Lettie, servt Mrs. L. A. Visscher Belcher Arnold, shoemkr, res 11 Washington ave Bell Augustus, wks M. & W. Shops, res Forsyth st,
nr Monroe Bell E , wks Hatcher & Grier
Bell Edward, wks Schofield Iron Wks, res 72 Mon roe st
Bell Edward, res 57 Monroe st Bell Emma, res John Holliman Bell Fannie, res in alley bet Monroe, Forsyth, Wash
ington and limits Bell George, groceries, res 103 Fourth st Bell George, sampler Charles T. Holmes, res Fourth
st, near Mulberry
Bell Hannah, res Harriet Cunnigan



Colored Department.

Bell Harriet, res 102 Wharf st

Bell Harry, wks C. R. R. shops, res 259 Third st Bell Jefferson, res 200 Sixth st

Bell John, res 56 Sixth st

Bell Julia, servt I. Herman

Bell Katie, servt P. B. Gartrell

Benton Lizzie, res Forsyth road, Vineville

Bell Luther, servt Wesleyan Female College Bell Maggie, res 15 Ross st

Bell Oliver, res 28 Hawthorne st

Bell Orin, wks Ice Factory, res Ash st, bet Fifth and Sixth

Bell Rosa, servt I. Herman

Bell Silas, res 12 Ash St

Belton Anthony, res 90 Wharf st

Benger Joseph, blacksmith, res near Gas Wks

Benjamin James, res Willis Benjamin

Benjamin Polly, res Wolff's Tenement, Oglethorpe st

Benjamin Willis, lab, res Wolffs Tenement, Ogle

thorpe st


Bennett Joseph, drayman, res 97 Hazel st

Bennett Mary, wash'n, res 79 Walnut st

Bennett Reuben, res 2 Maple st

Bentley Charlotte, servt M. S. Freeman

Bentley Frank, lab, res 29 Washington ave

Bentley John, res cor Johnson and Boundarv sts

Bentley Louisa, servt Ben. C. Smith

Benton Mose, res rear 15 Monroe st

Benyers James, blacksmith, res 8 Mulberry st

Bergie Hattie, res 24 Hawthorne st

Berg Wm, porter J. W. Johns

Berney Lee, res rear C. H. Beale

Berry Hampton, res end Hazel st

Berry Nathan, res end Oglethorpe st

Berry Roxy, res end Hazel st

Berry Walton, res Old Forsyth road, Vineville

Bessley Wm., barber W. Perkins

Bessly Emily, res Boundary st, w limits

Bessly Laura, alley bet Second, Third, Plum and Pine sts

Bessly Peter, cotton sampler J. G. Ryan, res rear 192 Forsyth st

Bevel Charles, waiter Lanier House

Bibb County Blues, S. Mosely, captain.



Colored Department.
Biggs Matilda, wash'n, res 91 Hazel st Bigley John, mail carrier, res 18 College st Billings George, res 145 Orange st Billinger Edmund, waiter Ullman & Putzel, res 258
Second st Billingsley Dallas, porter W. F. Cannon, res E.
Macon Billingsley James, res 29 Elm st Billingsley Joshua, res w limits, E. Macon Billingsley Susan, res rear Dr. McCrary Billups Amelia, res 197 Third st Birch Evans, driver, res Vineville Birch True, wood sawyer, res cor Mulberry and
Fifth sts Bird Millie, res Robert Bird Bird Harriet, res 41 Ash st Bird Randall, wks F. A. Schoneman, res Vineville Bird Robert, res s limits, near Mercer University Birdsong Matilda, res Hill st
Birdsong Willis, res Troup Hill Birdsong Virginia, servt John R. West Bishop Julia, servt R. M. Rogers Bishop Melinda, res 83 Madison st Bivens Emma, servt R. K. Hines Bivins Wade, servt Mrs. Ann Damore Blackshear Allen, res 18 Bay st, E. Macon Blackshear Annie, res 21 Monroe st Blackshear Boyd, res 18 Bay st, E. Macon Blackshear Louis, bartender Perkins & Perkins, res
Collinsville Blackshear Louis, res Woodleff st Black Mary, res sandy bottoms Blackshear Monroe, bricklayer, res rear 79 Walnut st Blackshear S-, groceries, res 259 Third st Blair John, lab, res alley bet Third, Fourth, Oak
and Pine sts Bloodworth Martha, servt A. Nix Bloom Hester, res B. F. Cowley Bloom Nancy, res Samuel Bloom Bloom Perry, lab, res alley bet Second, Hazel and
Hawthorne sts Bloom Samuel, res Boundary st, w limits Blount Ganzy, drayman S. S. Dunlap Blount Jennie, servt T. C. Hendricks



Colored Department.
Blount Louis, servt A. G. Simmons Blount Louisa, res 30 Collins st, E. Macon Blount Lucy, res rear 38 Cherry st Blount Margaret, res 14 Spring st Blount Maria, res 8 Washington ave Blount Mary, servt Mrs. A. Binswanger Boaster Joseph, res 220 Sixth st Boland Flora, res 29 Fifth st

Boll Jake, porter Johnson & Harris, res Woodward st Booker Amanda, servt W. W. Wrigley Booker Nora, servt W. E. Flanders

Boone Nancy, res Jefferson Gibson Boone Eliza, cook, res rear 106 Fifth st Boose Alla, wash'n, res 17 Wharf st Booth George, waiter Lanier House Booth Zack, scullion Lanier House Bond Cleveland, res 100 Wharf st Bond Josephine, res 100 Wharf st Bonn Stephen, res Gabe Israel

Bonner Frank, res Boundary st, nr M. & W. R. R Bonner Robert, res 11 New st
Bonner Solomon, porter W. & E. P. Taylor Bostick Carrie, servt Isaac Thomas Bostick D. P., res Albert Wilson Bostick Elmira, res 1 Orange st

Bostick Frank, wks F. B. Gartrell, res Pleasant Hill Bostick Julius, res rear 44 College st Bostick Major, res rear 116 Bay st Bostick Napier, res 1 Orange st Boswell Melinda, servt W. F. Price Bowden Chester, lab, res rear 40 Hazel st Bowden Della, wash'n, res 57 Plum st Bowden Daniel, servt Rev. G. G. Smith Bowden Elias, porter. W. T. Shinholser Bowden Frank, res 1 Wharf st

Bowden John, wks Bibb Mfg Co., res rear 4 Ross st Bowden Roe, wks A. Binswanger, res Unionville
Bowden Thomas, wks Union Depot, res 99 Hazel at Bowen Maria, servt H.-C. Tindall
Bowers H. J., waiter Ullman & Putzel

Bowers Sallie, res 31 Collins alley, E. Macon Bowman A., shoemaker, rea Vinerille
Bowman Cornelius, servt Wesleyan Female College Bowman Ezekiel, res Flanders st, E. Macon



Colored Department.
Brown Hampton, res 48 Forsyth st Brown Harriet, wash'n, res 240 Fourth st Brown Harrison, res 39 Forsyth st Brown Henry, res 185 Sixth st Brown Henry, lab, res 161- Sixth st
Brown Henry, res Tatnall st, nr M. & W. R. R Brown Huldah, servt S. Waxelbaum Brown Isaac, res 232 Sixth st

Brown J. A., clothing Chestnut st






Brown Jack, hostler L. D. Rogers, res 143 Third st Brown Jack, liveryman Hollis & Corbett Brown James, res w limits, E. Macon Brown James, res 33 Columbus road Brown Jerry, lab, res rear 214 Second st Brown John, servt A. 0. Bacon
Brown John, cabinet mkr F. Reichert Brown John, driver A L. Butts

Brown Joseph, greaser C. R. R., res 165 Fifth st

Brown Josephine, servt R. W. Cubbedge

Brown Lewis, res Windsor Hill

Brown Lurenia, servt 0. W. Thomas

Brown Mary Jane, servt A. 0. Bacon

Brown Martha, res Martha Hogan

Brown Mattie, res Harriet Clark

Brown Peter, porter M. Nussbaum & Co

Brown Peter, wks frt depot C. R. R., res Wolff's tene ment, Oglethorpe st

Brown Petty, servt Simon Levy

Brown Polly, ree Pollv Benjamin

Brown Rachel, cook W. A. Wylie

Brown Richard, res s limits, nr Mercer University

Brown Saluda, servt N. M. Hodgkins

Brown Sallie, servt Louis Lowenthal

Brown Sallie, servt Mrs. Manard, res 29 Washing

ton ave


Brown Sandy, res 178 Sixth st

Brown Susan, res 78 Monroe st

Brown William, res cor Forsyth st and Monroe

Brown Thomas, servt W. F. Cannon

Bruce Alva, cook National hotel

Bruce Annie, res rear 145 Orange st

Bruce Henry, res rear 20 High st

Brunson Emma, res 7 Washington ave



Colored Department.

Brunson John, servt L. N. Whittle

Brunson Jack, lab, res 15 Calhoun st

Bruce Lula, servt G. J. Black


Bruce Martha, res Green 0. Bannon

Bryan Charles, res cor Bay and Sixth sts

Bryan Edmund, res rear Granville Burke

Bryan Peggy, res rear 219 Third st

Bryan Rachel, servt, res rear 219 Third st

Bryan Sallie, res Thomas McCombs

Brvan Rena, wash'n, res rear 219 Third st

Bryan William, wks A. B. Artope, res Murray's alley

Bryant Abe, porter Smith, Culver & Co., res E. Macon

Bryant Armstead, res 24 Orangs st

Bryant Benjamin, res George Herfderson
BRYANT CHAMP, tailor, res 15 Washington ave

Bryant Dave, res cor Bay and Sixth sts

Bryant George, tailor, res Champ Bryant

Bryant George, res 45 Forsyth st

Bryant Jennie, res 35 First st

Bryant Jesse, wks E. T., Ya. & Ga. R. R., res 40

Ash st

Bryant Lucy, res George Armstrong

Bryant Mary, res 209 Second st

Bryant Mary, teacher, res Champ Bryant

Bryant -Martin, drayman Smith, Culver & Co

Bryant Nancy, servt Arthur L, Wood
Bryant Ned, train hand E. T., Va. & Ga. R. It., res

269 Second st

Bryant Thomas, servt James Harvey

Bryant Thomas, res Cotton st, E. Macon

Bryant W. M , furniture, res 317 Fourth st

Brjant Willie, teacher N. Macon Public School, col,

res Champ Bryant

Bryant William, lab, res in alley bet Third, Fourth,

Oak and Pine sts

Buckhalter Elijah, res cor Ross st and Columbus


Buckhalter Ida, res Elijah Buckhalter

Buchanan Leroy, groceries and bar, res 2^ miles Co

lumbus road

Bugg Austin, res Nancy Bugg

Bugg Joseph, res Cotton st, E. Macon

Bugg Nancy, wash'n, res 141 Fifth st

Bugg William, res Nancy Bugg



Colored Department.

^IliH ^ ^ ' S^0emaker J- Jordan, res Pleasant

Bunkleff Joseph, res 105 Fifth st Burdell Luther, waiter Brown's Hotel Burgay Martha, servt Gustave Bernd
Burke Cassa, wash'n, res in alley bet Cotton ave, and First, Second and Poplar sts
Burke Granville, lab, res cor Wharf and Franklin sts Burke James, shoemaker Mix & Kirtland, res 33 Jef
ferson st
Burke Leila, res Granville Burke Burke Lancy, groceries, res 33 Jefferson st Burke Starling, porter Hetty Deane, res same Burkett Albert, servt Luther Williams Burkett Augustus, servt S. M. Subers Burkett Oliver, servt Luther Williams
Burkett Susan, res in alley bet New, Spring, Walnut and Wharf sts
Burley Hilliard, res Chestnut st, Vineville Burley William, waiter Brown House, res in alley
bet Second, Third, Oak and Pine sts Burrus Mary, res 40 Poplar st
Burrus Martin, res in alley bet Third, Fourth and Elm sts, and M, & W. R. R
Burrus Thomas, wks So. Ex. Co, res Wolff's Tene ment, Oglethorpe st
Bush Mary, res Houston road
Burt Lawrence, servt Mrs. J. N. Birch Burton Andrew, carpenter, res 55 Monroe st Butler Amy, wash'n, res 10 New st Butler Bailey, res 9 Spring st Butler Charles, res 21 College st Butler Charlotte, nurse, David Wachter Butler Ella, servt W. B. Hill
Butler Fannie, seamstress, res 31 Fifth st Butler Hattie, res Charles Butler Butler Hardy, res Henrv Williams
Butler Henry, porter J. W. Burke & Co, branch
B^,ler ,Isaa,c' carpenter, res in alley bet Second, Third, Oak and Arch sts
Butts Charlotte, res 196 Third st Butts David, res 87 Wharf st Butts Jjou, res 47 Georgia ave



Colored Department.

Butts Marcellus, wks J. W. Burke & Co., res Lou

Butts Butts W. G., elk C. H. Thompson, res 85 Cotton ave Butts William, stableman, res in alley bet Third,
Fourth, Walnut and Mulberry sts Byers Doctor, wks Rogers & Winn Byers Enoch, res 41 Chestnut st Byers Lela, servt S. E. Lathrop

piESAR JULIUS, dishwasher Lanier House
'J Cain Henry, shop boy E. W. Ansley Cain Daucey, res in alley bet Fourth, Fifth, Elm and
Ash sts Calhoun Ephraim, porter Charles T. Holmes, res 146
Hazel st Calhoun Henry, hack driver, res rear 303 Fourth st Calhoun Henry, section C. R. R., res in alley bet
Fourth, Fifth, Cherry and Poplar sts Calhoun Solomon, res 33 Hawthorne st Call Willis, res in alley bet Third, Fourth, Plum and
Pine sts Callahan Newton, drayman C. H. Rogers & Co Callaway Gadsden, servt J. H. Williams Callaway Louise, res rear 219 Third st Callaway Lucinda, servt F. S. Jordan Callihan Newton, res New st, bet Wharf and the
river Cameron Ella, res 12 Bay st, E. Macon Campbell Albert, res rear 33 Hawthorne st, Campbell Anna, res 14 Bay st, E. Macon Campbell Caroline, servt H. P. Westcott Campbell Frank, res Chestnut st, Vineville Campbell Geoffrey, res Sarah Campbell Campbell Harriet, servt 0. G. Sparks Campbell Jerry, res end Oglethorpe st Campbell Laura, servt O. G- Sparks Campbell Lou, res Sarah Campbell Campbell Lucinda, servt W. H. Burden Campbell Martha, res e limits, E. Macon Campbell Mary, servt Hugh McLean Campbell Rev. W., res Hill st, E. Macon Campbell Sarah, wash'n, res in alley bet First, New,
Oak and Arch sts Campbell Susan, cook Miss Sarah Bivins



Colored Department.
Canard William, res rear 25 Orange st Cannon Ella, servt Mrs. A. E. Porter

Cannon Margaret, servt Mrs. A. E. Porter Cantrell Maria, res Manam Mason Capers Riley, res 77 Monroe st

Caracker Frank, servt W. A. Huff

Carey Dick, lab, res Flanders st, E. Macon Carey Sallie, res 13 Orange st

Cargill James, res cor Oglethorpe and Sixth sts Carhart Charles, res 90 Wharf st

Carleton Mary, res Walton Carleton

Carleton Walton, wks Brown House, res in alley bet Third, Fourth, Oak and Pine sts
Carman Robert, res end Elm st

Carroll Albert, res in alley bet Second, Third, Oak and Arch sts

Carroll Benjamin, wks Collins Mfg Co., res Sixth st

Hardy' carrier Telegraph and Messenger, res 27 Monroe st

Carroll Peter, lab. res 17 Maple st
Carroll Robert, porter Johnson & Carver, res nw limits

Carson H., wks Rogers & Winn

Carswell Mary, cook John A. McManus

Carter A. L., battery inspector Telephone Exchange Carter Bartow, servt Mrs. L. A. Visscher Carter Cornelius, res Houston road Carter George, bell boy Brown House

Carter George, res <5 Walnut st

Cawrter Gus, porter W. U. Tel. office, res alley bet

fourth, Fifth, Walnut and Wharf sts

Carter Harriet, servt Mrs. Peter Solomon

Carter Jack, wks Rogers & Winn

Carter James, res nr Georgia Mills

Cartei- Jerry, fruits, res nr cor'Oak and Third sts Carter Lena, res 39 Chestnut st

Carter Missouri, res 37 Chestnut st

Carter Morris, lab, res 39 Chestnut st

Carter Nathan, servant I. R. Branhan

Carter Robert, wks F. M. Acuff, res 29 Jefferson st

Carter Carter

Robert, wheelwright, res Sarah, res 311 Fourth st




Carter Thomas, driver Thomas Wood

Caruthers Martha, res Charles Walker



Colored Department.

Cato Ebdy, res 2 Oglethorpe st Cato Julia, servt Mad. Maggie Keys Cato Thomas, carpenter, res 5 Jones st Cavenis George, res 126 Cotton ave Chamberlin Jenkins, lab, res 12 Columbus road Chambliss Clark, servt W. M. Elder Channel Randall, barber, res 81 Fifth st Chapman-, hack driver, res rear Mrs. M. L. Lamar Chapman Harriet, sewing, res cor Cherry and
Fourth sts Chapman James, porter Payne & Willingham Chapman Jane, wash'n, res rear 38 Cherry st Chapman John, lab, res alley bet Monroe and Fourth
sts and Washington ave, nr limits Chapman R. C., res 120 Wharf st Chappell A., wks Rogers <fe Winn Chappell Peter, res rear 79 Walnut st Chappell Sarah, res Rachel Love Chappell Solomon, res 87 Wharf st Chase Charles, res Flanders st, E. Macon Cheely Cornelius, res 13 Collins alley, E. Macon Cheney Mary, res George Andrews Chester Gincy, servt A. J. Lane
Childs Henry, wks C. S. & G. W. Findlay, res 86
Hawthorne sts Childs Rosa, wash'n, res rear 38 Cherry st Childs Susan, wash'n, res 42 Hazel st Childs Wm., lab, res alley bet Second, Third, Bay

and Hazel Chip Daniel, blacksmith, res Windsor Hill Choate Thomas, wks Wilbourn House Clark Betsey, res Clinton road Clark Emma, chambermaid Mrs. J. L. Jones Clark George, servt J. M. G. Medlock Clark Green, wks A. B. Artope, bds Pine, bet Third

and Fourth sts Clark Harriet, res Wolff's tenement, Oglethorpe st Clark Jefferson, servt Norman J. Brunner
Clark Mad. Jennie, res 28 Plum st Clark Julia, servt T. S. Jeter Clark Lazarus, res alley bet Madison, Monroe and
Jfifferso n st)S
Clark Robert, trucker C. B. k B. E. Willingham
Clark Reuben, bartender P. S. Hanson, res rear 46

Pine st



Colored Department,


Clark Sallie, servt W. T. Kink

Clark Susan, seamstress, res 45 Pine st

Clark W. B., barber, res -- Walnut st

Clark n-rtn 2Klrei res Lundar.y st, sw limits

w fred' res Chestnut st, Vineville

andVW* iveKaReybet

Foth and Eta 8t,

Clay Henry, waiter Edgerton House, res Vineville

CClaayJ MM.ZTT.% , tSeaerc!hterM, 'reFsi^F.taDu>isrreoso1m5 Arch st
Clayton Daniel, servt J. E. Jones

Ash sts 7' ^ 31167 b6t Fourfch' Fifth> Elm

Clayton Katie, servt J. B. Cobb

Clayton Louise, res Claiborne Clayton

Clayton Selina, servt Thomas Willingham Clayton Wm., res 6 Spring st

Clayton W. H, elk C. H. Hutchings C ay ton Viola, res Claiborne Clayton

Clemons Emma, servt Joseph Barnes, res 2 Maple st

Clemons George, res 102 Wharf st


Clisby Thomas, res 49 Forsyth st

C owers Daniel, res Boundary st, w limits Clowers Georgia Ann, res Wm. Duncan Clowers Martha, res 30 New st

"o!lS"oak'ataPtaPre8S' re" alle7 bet Third-
Cobb Lucinda, res 5 Hazel st Cochran Dinah, res rear 52 Walnut st Cochran Piano, res 37 Monroe st Cody Peter, res sandy bottoms
rwh7 ?^hafd' res M- * W. E. R., nr Fourth st Colbert Boston, servt J. J. Clay
CConlibwerft J?oasreoplihn, el>ab?e, rrvets> 8^eRs oNssicsotdemus Williams Cole Hester, servt W. W. Wrigley Cole Martha, cook Wilbourn House Cole Mary, res 118 Cotton ave Cole Mary, res w limits, E. Macon Coley Adam, res Elijah Buckhalter Co ey Allen, plumber, res Carrie Johnson Coleman Amanda, res 194 Fifth st Coleman Eliza, res 6 Spring st Coleman Emma, wash'n, res 216 Fourth st



Colored Department.
Coleman Frank, porter D. Flanders & Son Coleman George, res 27 Hawthorne st Coleman Henry, res Clinton road, E. Macon Coleman Jack, res Clinton road, E. Macon Coleman Irene, servt E. A. Isaacs Coleman Isabella, wash'n, res Walnut, nr Fifth st Coleman Lucinda, res rear J. G. McGolrick; Coleman M., waiter Ullman & Putzel Coleman Moses, lab, res 6 Magnolia st Collier Henry, res 6 Walnut st Collier Jane, wash'n, res rear 112 Fourth st Collins Azoline, wash'n, res Old Court House square Collins Cora, servt C. M. Wiley Collins Delia, servt, res cor Fifth and Walnut sts. Collins Della, wash'n, res alley bet Cotton ave, First,
Second and Poplar sts Collins Eliza, servt Charles Craig Collins Emma, res James Williams
Collins James, driver Davis & Johnson
Collins Julia, servt Charles Dreyfus Collins Lottie, cook 38 Cherry st Collins Louis, res nr A. M. E. Church, E. Macon Collins Mingo, res Garden st, E. Macon Collins Nicey, res 58 Sixth st Collins Rachel, res Nicey Collins Collins Scipio, res 4 Mulberry st Collins Seaborn, res cor Cherry st and C. R. R Collins Stephen, res Troup Hill Collins T. C., blacksmith, res 67 Monroe st Color Laney, res alley bet Third, Fourth, Oak and
Pine sts Colton Sylla, servt M. P. Courtney Combs Foster, res alley bet Forsyth st, Washington
ave and Monroe st Comer Bettie, servt J. W. Burke Comer James, servt Dr. J. P. Holmes. Comer Mack, res Chestnut st, Yineville Comer Willis, servt S. R. Jaques Cook Ella, cook Southern Hotel Cook Addie, sewing, res 83 Fifth st Cook Ellen, servt Mrs. E. Wilkinson Cook Harrison, lineman W. & U. T. Co Cook Henry, res William Hermit Cook Lizzie, servt W. B. Johnston




Tir n

Colored Department. ' " ' *-'

ck Martha, cook Mrs. A. Moore

Cook Mary, servt M. Nuesbaum

at/Hawtho?teresV" aUey bet Pourth. TM>, Bay

Coons Sepp, wks section C. R. R res 77


Cooper Ann, wash'n, res 38 Cherry 7 F fth *

cCToroJpnelrl pCe1}l?iaa,' rreessJCohhnarlCothteapSmimanmons Cooper Fannie, servt C. D. Winn

offlce' ~

Cooper Sg;

~ ^ at

Cooper James, eng R. 0. Wilder's Sons, res Troup

Xy bLe0ttcondCTh^drdp& ,C^*'oon, res in

Cooper Stephee0,,,faCeS


Cooper Thomas, res 58 Sixth st

Connor Enoch, res 59 Walnut st

Connor Frank, lab, res 276 Third st

Connor Hilliard, res 18 Collins alley E Macon

cZ? I880uri> res Reese Johnson ' Copeland Henry, res rear 8 Walnut st

B "sSyN' 20 (Ma80"'J- * ^ng, W. M, Cornelius Mark, res cor Walnut and Triffu Corum Emily, ^ rear 26 Ch,nUt 8t th StS Cotton James, res 19 Forsyth st Cobbs Jane, res nw limits
CofJnn Jt^' reS 8 limit8' Vineville nut stJUlm' S6rVt J` J' Nottingham, res 11 Wal-
Cotton Louisa, servt M. J. Morris County Fiora, res Mrs. Susan Thompson Count Lumley, res Boundary st, wYimTs Covington Mary, res 91 Spring st
CCrraffft/pCuh6a'rl?ehsa,mrebseern^drvHtazWel. sAt . Wylie Craft James, porter W. L. Henry



Colored Department.

Craig Margaret, res rear 79 Walnut st Crane George, lab, res Sydney Lawrence Crawford & Cooper, saloon, 90 Cotton ave Grawford John, of Crawford & Cooper, res 96 New st Crawford Mary, servt E. D. Huguenin Crawford Millie, res in alley bet Madison, Monroe
and Jefferson sts Cray Andrew, porter Johnson & Lane, res 22 Wash
ington ave Cray Dinah, res Andrew Cray Croft Sarah, res 25 Forsyth road, Yineville Cross Charlie, res 63 Madison st Crump Susan, servt E. A. Isaacs Crutchfield Rosa, wash'n, res 15 College st Culver John, lab, res in alley bet Fourth, Fifth, Ha
zel and Ash sts Cummings Jones, servt Louis Newman Cummings Jordan, lab, res in alley bet Third, Fourth,
Bay and Hazel sts Cunningham Edward, porter Burr Brown, res Vine-
ville Cunnigan Harriet, res in alley bet Monroe and For
syth sts, Washington ave and limits Cunnigam Joseph, servt R. F. Lyon Cunard Maria, res in alley bet Ash, Elm and Sixth sts Cunningham Sarah, res Clinton road, E. Macon Curry Elijah, res in alley bet Madison, Monroe and
Jefferson sts Curry Lizzie, servt M. Nussbaum, res 13 lower Ma
ple st Curry Mark, res 76 Monroe st Curtis Neptune, porter C. Burke & Son, res Cotton st,
E. Macon Curtis Samuel, lab, res 90 Hazel st Curtis Wm., waiter Lanier House Cuthbert Ethie, res 28 New st Cuthbert James, porter Mix <fc Kirtland, res 28 New st Cuthbert James, porter L. W. Whittle
DAGO MOLLIE, res 193 Third st

Dallas John, servt E. D. Schofield Dallas John, waiter J. W. Johns Daniel Jonas, res alley bet Second, Third, Hazel and
Ash sts



Colored Department.
-Dame Mitchell, porter R. B. Evans Daniels A Ana, res rear Wathan C. Monroe Daniels Clarke, res 39 Monroe st Daniels Ellen, res 15 Arch st

Sf"jl8`' res

Siltb> Cherry and limits

Dean porter L- Kennedy; res Hetty

Daniels Henrietta, res 67 Madison st Daniels Jefferson, res 200 Sixth st
Daniels John, res rear Mrs. Mary Haskins Daniels Garrett, lab, res 85 Wharf st
aniels John, lab, res Maggie Johnson


res oUey bet Fir61' Seco"d- fop-

David Freeman, waiter J. W. Johns

Davis Arnold, res rear 8 Oglethorpe et Davis Charles, lab, res 102 Fourth st

Davis Charlotte, res rear 38 Hazel st Davis Edward, servt C. A. Hall

Davis Ella, res 31 First st

Davis Emma, servt S. T. Abel

Davis Fannie, wash'n Brown House, res 139 Fifth st

DDaavvGis ^Greeoergmea, rl?a' bw, krses Wreaarrre1n04JoFhifntsh, srtes 25 Oak st Davis George, res Clark st

Davis Harriet, res 7 Mulberry st

Davis Harriet, res 7 Lower Maple st

Davis Hattie, chambermaid Mad. Anna Sweet

Hitefenry' WkS WaUS & Jnes' bds Southern
Davis Henry, carpenter, res 158 Hazel st is!!!}! ?eTTr^ b,richmason res Boundary st, w limits Davis & Holt, barbers, 144 Second st Davis Jerry, res Wolff's tenements, Oglethorpe st Davis Joe, of Davis & Holt, barbers Davis John, res e limits, E. Macon Davis Lucien, servt H. F. Strohecker Davis Lurenia, wash'n, res 31 Oak st
DahFonunrrHth10,U^B'ay^and HazMelfgsCts' reS ia alle^ bet Third, Davis Maria, res Troup Hill Davis Mattie, wash'n, res 38 Cherry st Davis Matilda, servt Mad. Kate Butler Davis Mollie, res Charlotte Davis



colored Department.

Davis Nancy, servt Miss Lena Lawrence

Davis Paul, lab, res 22 Fifth st, E. Macon

Davis Price, porter F. W. Wippler

DarveisSi1?2o3e^OglethorpPeassttor Mt- 0live Baptist Church,'

Davis Richard, lab, res rear 102 Fourth st

Davis Robert, wks Ga. Mills, res Caroline Jordan Dozier Rose, servt R. E. Steed

Davis Sarah, wash'n, res Nellie Watkins Davis Sarah, wash'n, res rear 59 Cherry st
Davis Spencer, carpenter, res 23 Jefferson st Davis Susan, servt C. H. Rogers Davis Sylla, servt, res 47 Pine st

av?s Rilkes, res cor Clarke and Monroe sts Davis \\ uliam, lab, res Henry Srbith

Da-Bwasyonst Briggs, harness mkr Bernd Bros., res 115

Dawson Charles, porter Lamar, Rankin & Lamar Dawson Lucinda, chambermaid Brown's hotel Dawson Mary, servt Rob't Findlay

Day Alex, hackman, res Monroe st nr Forsyth Day Eliza, res 75 Madison st

Day J, L., groceries, res cor Cotton ave and Spring st

Day Joseph, res rear 95 Orange st


Day Mary, res nr A. M. E. Church, E. Macon

Day Nice, servt W. H. Mansfield

DaAyrcWh isltliam, wks Findlays Iron Wks, res rear 29

Dayton Laura, servt William W. Baughn Dean Charlotte, res Flanders st, E. Macon Dean Colonel, servt Henry H. O'Connor

Dean Colonel, porter Elisha S. McLean, res nr Vineville depot

Dean Essick, res Columbus road, bet Hazel and Ogle

thorpe sts


Dean Lizzie, res Jefferson st, Vineville Dean Mary, servt Stephen Collins

Dean Mary, res Wolff's tenement, Oglethorpe st

M. & W. R. R alley bet Third> Fourth, Elm and

Dean Melton, res 200 Sixth st

Dean Richard, porter Edgerton House

Dean Richard, wks Brown House, res 14 Calhoun st

Dean Minnie, ser-vt Charles Gray





Colored Department.
Deane Hetty, boarding, res 26 Plum st Deane Hurley, res rear 108 Fifth st

Dennis Elias,Dr''esClHfeoCu`sttPonerirTomadan, res 87 Cotton ave Dennis Henry, servt Mrs. W. F. Brown Denson Jack, res Cotton st, E. Macon
Denton Mary, wash'n, res rear 104 Fifth si Denton Perry, student, res 197 Third st

andlUiSits0ShUa' ^ ^ alley bet Sixth' Cherr7

DeJTeVfn feWJnilliratmhse,rSseacyd Sisters> Thomas Hill, rpres't,

Dickey George, res s ilmits, Vineville

Dickey Augustus, res 20 Spring st

Dewberry Rip, porter James D. Proctor

Dickson Ann, res 31 First st

Dickson Ann, res Richard Brown

Dickson Beauregard, res 85 Walnut st

Dickson Berry, brickmason, res alley bet Third

Fourth, Mulberry and Cherry sts

Dickson German, res in alley bet Third, Fourth, Bay and Hazel sts

Dickson Henry, lab, Carling & Brown

Dickson Julia, res in alley bet Fourth, Fifth, Bay

and Hazel sts


' J

Dickson Lou, servt Philip Hecht

Dickson Samuel, porter Singleton, Hunt & Co., res do Monroe st

Dickerson Dean, cook Mrs. Asher Ayres

Dickerson James, xes Mad. Jennie Clark

Dickerson Samuel, porter Singleton, Hunt & Co.,

res 35 Monroe st '


isroom Carrie, res 100 Wharf st

is room F., groceries, res 23 Spring st

ixon Alex, lab, res Brewery st

Dixon Charles, servt W. J. Clancey

ixon Frank, washroom Brown's hotel

Dixon Harriet, res Alex Dixon

Dixon Higby, res Bay st, near Sixth

Dixon Mary Ellen, res 71 Monroe st

Dodson Eliza, servt W. L. Joh nson

Dodson Maria, servt Rev. J. P. Winchester

Dogwood Belle, res 14 Maple st

Dogwood John, res 14 Maple st



Colored Department.

Dogwood Susan, servt H. C. Tindall

Donaldson Hester, servt James Welch

Dorsey Ellen, servt W. R. Phillips

Dorsey Mary, rest res rear cor Fourth and Poplar sts

Doty Andrew, hostler Stewart Bros, res near Brewery

Douglass James, groceries, res 63 Monroe st


^ Hk"1- leth"Pe>

Douglass Thornton, res 31 Monroe st Douglass Ida, res Ella Jones

Douglas Louis, blacksmith, res e limits, Vineville Dowdy Mary, seamstress, res 185 Third st Dowell Bud, res 19 Forsyth st

Drake Ann, res Rufus Butler

^Dryer^03' Prter L` Greenwood, res Lancaster


E' T<' Va' & Ga` R> R> res

COaChman Mrs- J- L-

TM< 69

Dukes Charles H., head waiter Southern Hotel

Lukes Jyeaf"feerss>own,krseZs-NDe. lWsohneeLlaewr, sroens 38 Hawthorne st Dukes John, res Brewery st Dukes Phoebe, nurse Southern Hotel Dukes Sarah, servt Ben C, Smith

Dukes William, waiter Southern Hotel Dumas Henderson, res 118 Cotton ave Dunaway Anise, servt Mrs. R. W. Ford Dunbar William, dishwasher J. W. Johns

'SipeScoonnrd|Haenidur;PiPoWp,lkasrJs-tsRanPdaPCy>otrteosnianvaelley bet First,
Duncan Rev. William, minister, res Madison st, near Oak Ridge Cemetery
Dunn John, driver T.Bagley
DUNN H. P., of Central City Dye House, res Vineville
Dunlap Jasper, carpenter, res rear 197 Fifth st Dunmar Ellen, res 28 New st Dun woody Robert, lab, res 31 Oak st Durden Melissa, res rear 111 Fifth st Durden William, res rear 111 Fifth st Durham Abner, servt C. C. Hayes Durham Anna, servt Benj. Michael Durham Bostick^ res 86 Hawthorne st



colored Department.
Durham Esther, wash'n, res foot Wharf st Durham Leary, res cor Elm and M. & W R R Duvall Mollie, servt Dr. E. W. Warren ' '

EA ELIAS' dish washer J. B. Williams & Co -c^nes Abraham, bartender W. W. Heath
Bans Casa, wash'n, res old court house square ^toiitonHenry, wks Jaques & Johnson, res Wind-

EJeffersJonh"tsreS *" a*ley be` Madison- Monroe and

Edmundson John, res in alley bet Madison, Munroe and Jefferson sts

Edmundsen Maggie, servt Mrs. C. E. Wilford

Edwards Arnold, res e limits, E. Macon

Edwards Fannie, res 239 Second st

Edwards Joseph, res Chestnut st, Vineville

Edwards John, delivery W. A. Juhan & Co., res 12

Columbus st


Edwards Lee, porter, res Peter Jones

Edwards Ned, res 232 Sixth st

Edwards Peter, res rear 63 Oglethorpe

Edwards Priscilla, servt William Stephens

Edwaras Rayburn, res 26 Fifth st, E. Macon

Edwards Sylva, cook, res rear 38 Cherry st

Edridge Samuel, res w limits, E. Macon

5!uer! Singleton, sejwt Wesleyan Female College Elbert Turner, porter Bacon & Rutherford

Eley Amanda, servt Ga. Academy for the Blind

Eley Elias, waiter, res 7 Orange st

Elleby Carrie, servt R. L. Henry

Elleby Clarinda, nurse, res Hannah Jeffries

Elleby Francis, wash'n, res Hannah Jeffries

Elleby Sarah, cook, res Hannah Jeffries

Ellington Allen, shoemkr Willis Epps, res Vineville

Ellington Clarissa, res 0. Sanders

Elliott Amy, res w limits, E. Macon

Ells Mary, servt William J, Bearden

Ellis Ann, cook, res 38 Cherry st

Ellis Julia, servt D. R. Rodgers

Ellison Eliza, res rear 17 Magnolia st

Emerson Forest, berry st





, 7

res /




English Alex, res 1 Hazel st



Colored Department.
Enoch Charles, res s limits

Ephraim Jane, res Flanders st, E. Macon

Ephraim Oliver, res Flanders st, E. Macon

Epps Freemen, shoemaker Willis Epps, res Poplar, bet Fourth and Fifth sts

EPPS WILLIS, shoemaker, res cor Pine and New sts Epping Sarah, servt Alfred Jessup

Evans A. A., carpenter, res Madison, Monroe and Jef ferson sts

Evans Cherry, wash'n, res old Court House Square Evans Frank, waiter, res 81 Monroe st

Evans John, lab, res old Court House Square Evans Jack, res w limits, E. Macon

Evans Samuel, res nr A. M. E. Church, E. Macon Everett Anick, res Ridley Stevens

Everett William, dish washer Brown's hotel Evidge Sanders, res 11 Orange st

T^AGIN BETSEY, servt Mrs. E. P. Reed
Fagin Frank, wks Schwed & Gibian, res 48 Fourth st
Fambers Lucia, servt C. T. Beobers Fambrough Cassar, porter Flanders Bros Fambro Charles, barber R. H. Hart Fambro Henry, bartender Ullman & Putzell Fambro Tip, shoemaker Hugh McKerrey Fambry Gilbert, cook, res Wolff's tenement, Ogle
thorpe st Fammon Millie, servt Isaac Hardeman Farrer Samuel, res in alley bet Madison, Monroe and
Jefferson sts Felder Carrie, cook, res 93 Pine st Felder John, shoemaker, res 93 Pine st Felder John, lab, res 17 Hazel st Felton John, carpenter, res in alley bet Third,
Fourth, Plum and Pine sts Femble Harriet, servt Mrs. Ann R. Freeman Ficklen Mingo, servt E. Kirtland Finsley Benjamin, lab, res 183 Fifth st Fields Fannie, servt F. L. Henry Fields Francis, res Fannie Kilpatrick Fields L. C., painter, res alley bet Spring st and
Cotton ave
Fields Warren, carpenter, res 23 Jefferson st




r indlay Lucius, New st









Findlay Mollie, res 9 Walnut st

Finney Benjamin, res nr Collins Mfg Co

lirst Baptist Church, Rev. Henry Williams msfm-

Cotton ave, Spring and Plum Z

'P '

"ro^pIS1TM"1 Ch"rCh' ReV' Sta"^ B- L-

F"lfa FSma'IeS S"ey b3t WaIm,t- Wllarf and frank-

Fisher Martha, res 4 Oglethorpe st hisher Sylvia, servt Virgil Powers Fitzpatrick Nettie, servt T. L. Holt ' Flat*gpgatETMllekn,Rsoesrav> treWs .22S.FCiflathrkst, E, Macon 4 lagg Henrietta, servt Mrs. E. A. Wood llagg John, servt Mrs. E. A. Wood J iagg Lula, servt M. Fitzgerald Flagg Noah, servt Clifford Anderson Flagg Wm, res 226 Sixth st

Flanders ---, shoemaker, res Bailey Butler

Fleming Mary, res Garden st, E. Macon

Fleming Wm wks Gas Wks, res 83 Wharf st

Flewellyn Arlena, res 35 Chestnut st

Flewellyn Eliza, res Tatnall st, nr M. & W. R. R

Jlewellyn Lizzie, wash'n, res Wolff's tenement, Ogle-

torpe st


Flewellyn Lucy, res 97 Hazel st Flewellyn Nancy, servt Mrs. S. B. Hall
Moyd John, lab, res alley bet Madison, Monre and J efferson sts
Ford Annie, res 90 Wharf st
Ford Caroline, servt J. W. Wheeler Ford Charles, lab, res Ellen Shelly Ford Clark, res Hydraulic st, E. Macon

uiV cattle tender, res rear 18 Fifth st 4ord Moyd, shoemaker John Schelling, res 151 New st Foi4 Jerry> lab, res 15 lower Maple st
Forcj Je' wks B. D. Rogers, res 18 Fifth st lord Marcellus, wks L. D Rogers, res rear 18 Fifth st lord Nannie, servt Mrs. W. S. Holt Fork Ben., lab., res 38 Walnut st
Fort Solomon, bartender B. Carter Fort Stephen, porter Brown's Hotel




Colored Department.
Foster Jane, wash'n, res 4 Magnolia st Foster Mary, servt George L. Dasher Fote Stephen, res 111 Wharf st Fountelrov Isaac, servt Mt. DeSales Academy Franks A. M., porter M. J. Hatcher & Co., res Vine-
ville Frank Harriet, res 14 Collins alley, E. Macon Frank Sallie, res sandy, bottoms Franklin Adeline, servt A. G. Butts Franklin Eliza, servt 0. N. Dana Franklin Ellen, res end Oglethorpe st Franklin Melvina, res in alley bet Second, Third,
Oak and Arch sts Franklin Melinda, servt C. R. Hatcher Franklin Sarah, res rear 46 Calhoun st Franklin Stephen, drayman, res basement 29 Wash
ington ave Frazier Augustus, res Sixth and Boundary sts Frazier Joseph, res New Houston road Frazier Prophet, res nr Georgia mills Frazier Razor, res Randall Young Frederick Adeline, res rear 183 Fifth st Frederick Bettie, res Matilda Frederick Frederick Fred, res 122 Wharf st Frederick John, res 2 Hazel st Frederick Matilda, res in alley bet Jones, College and
Madison sts
Freeman Benjamin, shop boy, E. Mansley, res Che ney Freeny
Freeman Nancy, res 33 Oglethorpe st Freeman Ursula, res s limits, nr Mercer University Freeny Caroline, cook Mad. Daisy Dean Freeny John, hack driver, res 274 Third st Friday Chanie, cook A. McKenna, res in alley bet
Third, Fourth, Oak and Arch sts Friendship Baptist Church, Rev. Eli Smith, pastor Fuller Benjamin, res George Henderson Fulton Baptist Church, Rev. Henry Turner, pastor,
229 Third st Furcrom J. M., groceries, res Brewery st Furcrom James, wks Turpin & Ogden Furcrom Rosa, res J. M, Furcrom




Colored Department.
H.AINES BETSEY, res s limits, Vineville

Gainy Riclmni, wks Central Furniture Store res 1 hird st

Gallaway Rena, servt Mrs. E. H. Hodges

Gallaway Robert, servt W. M. Johnson

Gallimore Floyd, wks J. B. Papy, res Tybee

Galmore Anna, res end Hazel st

Ganer Henry, barber R. H. Hart, res w limits

Gans S. P., barber Brown's Hotel, res 29 Washing

ton ave


Gans Sallie, res 57 Plum st

Gary. Emma, servt Flint House

Gaskins Joseph,.lab, res 32 Monroe st







Gaston Belle, res rear C. Burke

Gaston James, res Belle Gaston

Gaston Joseph, res Belle Gaston

Gastow Jane, servt Wesleyan Female College

Gates Wright, res Hannah Lawrence

George Jane, res in alley bet New, Spring, Oak and l ine sts

George Maria, res Clinton road, E. Macon

George Sallie, res Jane George

German Catherine, res 10 Bay st

Gibson Freeman, porter S. Waxelbaum & Son, res

Pleasant Hill


Gibson James, res sandy bottoms

Gibson Jefferson, res in alley bet Ash, Elm and Sixth sts

Gibson Lela, servt W. M. Carnes

Gi4]r0tHuaLze?lisslt train hand E- T`> Va- & Ga' R- R , res

Gibson Louis, res Samuel Gibson

Gibson Oscar, Wks Bibb Mfg Co., res 86 Hawthorne st Gibson 1 atience, res Houston road

Gibson Reuben, res in alley bet Spring, Orange, Wal

nut and Wharf sts


6 '

Gibson Samuel, groceries and bar, res Unionville

Gibson Simeon R., porter Rosenfeld & Lilienthal Gibson Sophia, servt D. Goldsmith

Gideon-, painter Collins Mfg Co

Giddings Georgia, servt J. M. Walker

Gilbert Angeline, servt J. L. Vining, res 42 Hazel st



Colored Department.
Gilmore Maria, res rear 37 Walnut st Gilbert Nellie, cook, res in alley bet Third, Fourth,
Oak and Pine sts Gilbert. Ralph, res 202 Sixth st Gilbert Virginia, res 43 First st Giles Henry, res 95 Pine st Gill Carter, fruits, res 12 Spring st Gillam Daniel, res 232 Sixth st Gillen Melinda, cook Mrs. E. A. Nelson Gilmore Anna, cook Southern Hotel Gilmore Charles, lab, res in alley bet Third, Fourth
and Elm sts and M. & . W. R. R Gilmore Katie servt John R. West Gilmore Levi, res 9 Orange st Gilmore Kate, servt Miss Anna Franklin Givens Cicero, lab, res 187 Fifth st Givens Fachorial, res Chestnut st, Vineville Glenn Clarissa, res old Forsyth road, Vineville Glenn Emma, res Garrett Daniels Glenn George, servt J. D. Proctor Glenn Lou, wash'n, res 38 Poplar st Glenn Viola, servt S. E. Lathrop Glover Charles, porter, E. M. Sargent & Co Glover Coley, res 226 Sixth st Glover Robert, res 232 Sixth st Glover Susan, res nr Georgia Mills Glover Walter, res Wm. Glover Glover William, res Cotton st, E. Macon Glover Willis, res w limits, E. Macon Goddy Archie, res Clinton road, E. Macon GofF Finnie, wash'n, res in alley bet Fourth, Fifth,
Hazel and Ash sts
Goins Thomas, brickmason, res in alley bet wharf and the river
Golden Henry, servt H. T. Powell Golden Jerry res 261 Third st Golden Susan, servt H. T. Powell Golding Henry, porter Macon Savings Bank, res rear
33 Second st
Goode Alex, dish washer Ullmann & Putzell Goode George, wks Rogers & Winn Goode Sylla, wash'n, res alley bet Third, Fourth,
Cherry and Poplar st
Goode Time, res 165 New st


Colored Department.

Oak stalentine' drayman Johnson & Harris, res--

Godman David, servt Ga. Academy for the Blind Goodrum Laura, servt Dr. E. Fitzgerald Goodson Dennis, res 61 Elm st
Goodwin G,, waiter Ullman & Putzell Goodwin Jerry, porter B. J. Jordan, res Vineville Goodwin Johanna, res 47 Forsyth st Goodwin Martha, servt J. M. Ogden Goodwyn Priscilla, servt Thomas Wood

GPlnm ^tnst01nette' servt' res alley bet Fourth and

Gordon Celia, res 10 Mulberry st

Gordon Eugene, res 129 New st

Gordon Henry, drayman, res 91 Pine st

Gordon Lizzie, cook Ed. Cassidy

Gordon Lydia, cook, res 31 Walnut st


Gordon Melvina, res Clinton road, E. Macon Gordon Sophia, servt Mrs. E. H. Clayton

GNewnstW' A" harneS8maker W. B. Kent, res 130

Gosley John, res 35 Chestnut st Gosprey Susan, servt Maurice Elkin Graber Anna, servt D. M, Gugel
Graber Marks, carpenter, res rear 35 Pine st Gragg Henry, carpenter, res 92 Bay -st

Fourth'IndVn'm ST ^ *' K- 163 ^ bet Graham Clark, drayman Stevens & Bone Graham Edward, porter Elihu S. McLean Grahan Elbert, porter John D. Hudgins Graham Isaac, porter Stevens & Bone Graham Isabella, wash'n, res Maggie Johnson
oanhd,a, nP2,oJpolsaerpahninde,Pwluamsh'snt,s res alley bet First. Sec Graham Lizzie, servt George Jewett

7ongearndYCaIShoauna"t7 ^ HaZd' Granger Lucy, servt J. C. C. Burnett Grannis Emma, servt Brown's Hotel, res cor Mul
berry and Fifth sts
Grant Francis, res Old Forsyth road, Vineville Grant Louis, waiter National Hotel Grant Rev. John, minister, res 73 Madison st



Colored Department.
Graybill Ann, servt Miss Ann Hogan Green Charles, res Windsor Hill Green Dennis, res w limits, E. Macon Green Ellen, res 29 Washington ave Green Francis, servt Mrs. S. J. Jones Green Henrietta, res College st, E. Macon Green Henrietta, wash'n, res in alley het Third,
Fourth, Walnut and Mulberry sts Green James, painter, res 70 Monroe st Green Jeannette, servt R. A. Ware Green John, lab, res in alley bet Second, Third, Plum
and Pine sts Green Maria, res rear 94 Spring st Green Martha, servt Mrs. S. E. Sutton Green Nera, porter Cotton States Life Ins. Co., res 109
Wharf st Green Susie, knitter, res cor Mulberry and Fifth sts Green William, servt J. J. Nottingham Greer Elizabeth, res 17 Lower Maple st Greer Gilbert, lab, res 15 Lower Maple st Greer Jane, wash'n, res rear 47 Cherry st Greer William, lab, res 17 Lower Maple st Gregory Lucy, res rear 90 Pine st Griffin Alonzo, res Elbert Daniels Griffin Clara, res Sallie Smith Griffin Eli, res'Boundary st, nr M. & W. R. R Griffin Harriet, res Isaac Mack Griffin Henly, porter W. M. Hitt & Co., res 26 Haw
thorne st Griffin Henrietta, servt Lanier House, res 17 Wharf st Griffin Hiram, porter Dunwody Bros Griffin Lucy, servt Mrs. R. E. Fuller, res 29 Washing
ton ave Griffin Marietta, wash'n, res 17 Wharf st Griffin Marshall, res 13 Walnut st Griffin Sarah, servt S. T. Coleman Griffin Susan, res 85 Walnut st Giswood Aaron, res in alley bet First, Second, Poplar
and Pine sts Griggs Mill, res 72 Monroe st Griggs Maurice, servt Y. A. Menard Gross Frank, waiter Brown's hotel Gross Hillion, blacksmith, res rear 26 Fifth st
Gulling George, res 65 Madison st




Colored Department.

" ' --

Gulling Solomon, porter c< Burke & g

(xullin Susan, res 67 Madison st

Gwinn Prince, servt Dr. William E. Dunwody

MADDOX JOHX, res rear 26 Chestnut st

. r,ef065dHa`eia"'

Carlin * BroTM.

Haines Alex, wks Hirsch & Marks, res Madison st Hale Henry, res Cotton st, E. Macok
Hall Adeline, ies 94 Wharf st

Hall Alex, wks M. & W. R. R. shops, res 303 Fourth st

Hall Anna, wash'n, res 202 Fifth st


Hall Anna, res Green Williams

HouMas'q"ar0ekSmith he`per' res near 0M Court
Hall Berry, res New Houston road Ha l Carver, res Gordon st, E. Macon
^r67, r6S i,T 0SlethorPe and Sixth sts HHaall1l} xEmlla, s' ewrvaft hDT^.n\M^.eSStSayhdlne,eyresLaRw. rAencHeall
Hail Emma, res R. A. Hall Hall General Lee, wks J. B. Papy

HaXlT' reS iD a"e7 b6t Second' Third-


Hall George, res Elsie Johnson

Hail Josephine, cook, res 364 Cherry st Hall Lizzie, res Ollie Pounds

Hall Lottie, servt J. T. Boifeuillet Hall Louis, res sandy bottoms Hall Lucy, servt J. H. Ray



PP M- & W. R. R

Hall ^a,t1t.hew* blacksmith, res 79 Madison st Hall Nellie, res John Lewis

Hall Oliver, wagon repairs, res E. Macon

Hamilton --, carpenter, res 165 New st

Hamilton Cornelia, wash'n, res 16 Spring st

Hamilton Joe, porter Tinsley Bros. & Co, res Clark st Hamilton Lizzie, res 73 First st

Hamilton Martha, res 47 Georgia ave

Hamilton Mary, servt R. W. Smith

Hammock John, res rear 246 Second st

Hammond Mary, res 16 Columbus road

Hammock Robert, res 143 Fifth st

Hammond Glasgow, driver George Beggs

Colored Department.
Hammond Henry, res 40 Madison st Hammond Laura, res Edmund Allen Hammond Samuel, porter Rankin, Massenberg & Co Hampton Lucinda, servt T. N. Connor Hampton Wade, res rear 200 Sixth st Hance Mary, cook Levi Stevenson, res Murray's alley Hancock Joseph, wks Campbell & Jones, res rear D.
B. Jones Hannis William, porter S. S. Parmelee, res end Col
lege st Hardeman Ann, cook, res rear 19 Fifth st Hardeman Dallas, servt J. P. Schofield Hardeman Ed, blacksmith, res Cutters Hill, E. Macon Hardeman Edward, lab, res Randall Young Hardeman Green, lab, res 37 Monroe st Hardeman James, wks Binswanger, res 16 Calhoun st Hardeman Julia, res Wharf st, bet New and First Harden Doc, lab, res in alley bet Third, Fourth, Bay
and Hazel sts Hardison Joseph,'porter A. B. Small, res Chestnut st
Yineville Hardwick Alex, servt H. L. Chichester Hardwick Anderson, servt J. E. Ellis Hardwick Minerva, servt Matthew Daly Hardwick Minerva, servt H. L Chichester Hargrove Charles, servt J. M. Johnston Hargrove Prirffce, res w limits, E. Macon Harkless George, lab, res cor Fifth and Walnut sts- , Harmon James, res foot Monroe st Harmon Mary, res 185 Third st Harmon P. S., bar and billiards, res 105 Third st Harper Fannie, servt Mrs. F. V. Bryan Harrell Augustus, res 23 Chestnut st Harrey Margaret, servt James Dense Harris Alice, wash'n res 59 Plum st Harris Bell, porter S. S. Parmelee, res 2 College st Harris Champ, candy maker Erminger, res 232
Sixth st Harris Charity, servt Arthur Boardman Harris Eda, res 9 Adams st Harris Ellen, nurse, res rear 38 Cherry st Harris Emily, res in alley bet Second, Hazel and
Hawthorne sts Harris Emma, res 13 Lower Maple st



"arris ESmmmmaa,' rwesasTi'hno.mreass rHeaarrr2i9s Poplar st

Harris Ephraim, driver, res 36 Poplar st

Harris Francis, wash'n, res in alley bet Fourth, Fifth

Cherry and Mulberry sts



Green wks M. & W. shops, res 110 Bay st

Harris Hampton, candy maker [H. B. Erminger

Hams Henry, res 255 Third st

Harris Henry, res cor Bay and Sixth sts

Harris Isaac, porter John Van Svckel & Co Harris Isaac, res Flanders st, E. Macon

Oak and Pine'sto8 ^ aUey bet I'ourth' Piftt.
Harris James, res 25 Collins ave, E. Macon Harris Jerry, waiter Lanier House Harris Laura, res Harry Upshire Harris Lizzie, servt N, T. Johnson Harris Louisa, servt T. D. Kline

. ThMMOak' ahndkAdrchesrisreS " aUey bet Second' Harris Mary, servt T. D. Kline Harris Millie, servt Mrs. Ann Harrison Harris Mollie, wash'n, res Wolff row
Arch ?t ^ Prter JaqU6S & Johnson, res 15



fS iS;rbeU.tCl^rheRrryHstHenry' 168 Vi-ville Harris Spencer, res 148J Hazel st Harris Thomas, res 124 Wharf st Harrison James, res Mariam Mason Harrison Robert, servt J. L. Kennedy
HlimRsChle' WkS Br0Wn'S hotel* res Boundary st, w
HRrtyard' harneSS mkr W- R- Kent, res nr S. W. R. Hart John, servt Mrs. S. E. Curd Hart Mary, res 8 Monroe st Hart Robert, barber shop, res Samuel King Hartwell George, res 27 College st
amTPirmstsrt> ^ " alley bet Third> Fourth' 0ak Harvey A., shoemkr, res 274 Third st




Colored Department.
Harvey Jack, res end Hazel st Harvey John, res Cotton st, E. Macon Harvey Lela, wash'n, res 55 Firth st, E Macon Harvey Lula, wash'n, res nr Catholic Church Harvey Missouri, servt F. J. Hunt Harvey Sabie, res 187 Sixth st Harvey Sarah, servt S. R. -Jaques Harvey West, porter W. C. Sheftall Harvey Wylie, res 108 Wharf st Haslen Irvin, wks C. R. R. yard, res 80 Poplar st Hatcher Amanda, res Josephine Graham Hatley Aaron, res s limits Hawkins Addie, servt D. H. Howe Hawkins Easter, servt H. L. Jewett Hawkins Gus, res Chestnut st, Vineville Harvey Harrison, porter S. Waxelbaum & Son Hawthorne Henrietta, res in alley bet New, Spring,
Oak and Pine sts Hawkins Millie, res Cyrus Leonard Hayes Manuel, res Jefferson st, Vineville Hayes Rosa, res in alley bet Second, Third, Plum
and Pine sts Haynes Alex, res nw limits Haynes Jesse, res 1 Hazel st Haynes Melinda, cook W. B. Chapman Haywood Emma, chambermaid Brown's hotel Haywood Mary, res rear 10 Spring st Haywood Maria, res in alley bet New, Spring, Oak
and Pine sts
Hazlewood Wallace, elk J. L. Day, res Alley bet Spring, New, Pine and Oak
Heard Gus, porter J. B. Williams & Co Heath Lucy, res W. H. Lathrop Heath Nancy, servt Mrs. R. A. Irwin Heath R. A., barber R. H. Hart, res 52 Mulberry st Hecter Clara, servt, res old court house square Hector Henry, res 67 Madison st
Hegwood Friday, res in alley bet Spring, Orange, Walnut and Wharf sts
Henderson Albert, res 1 Mulberry st
Henderson Arthur, barber, res Boundary st Henderson Arthur, res Brewery st Henderson Delia, res 3 Mulberry st Henderson Elias, res Troup Hill



Colored Department.
Henderson Frank, servt James Harvey

Hw w?

waiter National hotel, res in alley

bet Walnut, Wharf and Franklin sts


.Henderson George res in alley bet Cherry, Sixth,

Mulberry and limits



Henderson Hardeman, lather, res Pleasant Hill

Henderson Harriet, res in alley bet Second, Third,

Hazel and Ash sts



Henderson James, wks W. C. Timberlake, res Vine-

Henderson John, res Eda Barnes Henderson Nancy, fruits, res 112 Fourth st
HMi:ssrG0reenteWard' Shemkr Francis Eisner, res rear
Henry George porter Jaques & Johnson, res 13 Co lumbus road
Herron John, res foot Jackson st, nr M. & W R R Herron Mary, res John Herron

HiimitsWilliamj res in alley bet Sixth) Cherryand Hesler Oscar, porter National hotel Hicks Adam, lab, res Troup Hill Hicks Austin, res Brewery st

^Hill k>an^e^ wks

Wilder's Sons, res Troup

Hicks Frank, res end Hazel st Hicks Harry, wks R. C. Wilder's Sons, res Troup Hill Hicks James, res 12 Bay st, E. Macon Hicks Tama, res in alley bet Fourth, Fifth, Elm and
Ash sts
Hicks Warren, lab, res in alley bet Fourth, Fifth. Cherry and Mulberry sts
Hightower Kate, servt Mrs. J. N. Birch Hill Albert, servt, res cor Washington ave and
Spring st Hill Alberta, servt W. A. Crutchfield Hill Alice, servt H. T. Johnson Hill Allen, ress limits, Vineville Hill Allen, res 9 Orange st
seamstress, res in alley bet Fourth, Fifth, Mulberry and Walnut sts Hill Benjamin, res rear E. Witkowski

mS-inl Christopherw, epl1a^ intere,r>reresscroerarM5o4nrCoaelhaonndn Fsotr syth sts



Colored Department.
Hill Emma, servt E. R. Richards

Hill Georgia, res Gilbert Tambry

Hill Henry, blacksmith shop, res 59 Fifth st E



Hill Hester, servt H. T. Johnson

Hill Jeannette, servt Charles Wachtel Hill Jennie, servt F. H. Stone

Hill John, res near A. M. E. Church, E. Macon Hill Jupa, servt, res Walnut st

Hill Louisa, res rear 79 Walnut st Hill Louisa, res 45 Pine st

Hill Maria, servt W. R. Rent

Hill Martha, wash'n, res Brewery st

Hill Meade, barber Frank Willis, res William Burley Hill Meredith, res 11 Adams st

Hill Priscilla, servt Ga. Academy for the Blind

Hill Sarah, wks Brown House, res in alley bet Sec ond, Third, Plum and Pine sts

Hill Thomas, sampler and checker C. B. & B. E. Wil lingham, res Pleasant Hill

Hilliard Aggie, res 102 Wharf st

Hilliard Dicey, res Madison st, near Oak Ridge Cem


Hilliard Maria, servt Mrs. M. A. Rnowles

Hines Fannie, servt William Daniels Hines Ellen, res 6 Walnut st

Hines Emma, res Clark st

Hinton Henry, res 87 Walnut st

Hines Mary, servt J. W. Hines

Hinton Thomas, wks J. B. Papy, res cor Mulberry and First sts

Hobies Frank, waiter W. B. Chapman

Hodge Lee, barber, res rear 18 Fifth st

Hodge Robert, res Wolff's Tenement, Oglethorpe sfc Hodo James, lab, res 29 Fifth st

Hodo Martha, wash'n, res 29 Fifth st Hodo Riley, res 29 Fifth st

Hogan Alex., waiter Lanier House

Hogan Fannie, res 123 Fifth st

Hogan Madison, porter James H. Campbell

Hogan Martha, res Wolffs tenement, Oglethorpe st Hogan Matthew, res 24 Jefferson st

Hogan Nathan, wks G. W. Case, res cor Cherry and Sixth sts




Colored Department.
Holland Henry, res w limits, E. Macon Holland -James, elk Butler Williams Hollland Mack, res Jack Reed Hollis Kittie, servt A. P. Collins

Holliday Anthony, wks Electric Light Co., res 199 Third st

Holliday John, shop boy J. Giannone Holliman Clarissa, res Wm. Holliman
Holliman Eliza, servt Geo. A. Dure, res Troup Hill Holliman John, res alley bet Fourth, Elm, Fifth and
Ash sts

Holliman Joseph, res nr Georgia Mills Holliman Moses, res Troup Hill Holliman Wm., res alley bet Third, Fourth, Elm and
Boundary sts

Hollingshead Monroe, res 4 Oglethorpe st Hollingsworth Andy, res nw limits
Hollingsworth George, res rear 47 Cherry st Hollingsworth Josephine, cook, res rear 47 Cherry st Holloway Charles, waiter Edgerton House Holloway Julia, wash'n, res 23 Monroe st Holloway Lula, servt C. A. Hall

Holloway Peter, wks Abel & Bro., res Collinsville Hollum Mack, cook Edgerton House Holly C. H , mail carrier, res Mary Holly Holly Mary, res Cotton st, E. Macon Holmes Albert, res rear 164 Sixth st
Holmes Benjamin, restaurant, res front compress Holmes Benjamin, res rear 41 Hazel st Holmes Emanuel, dish washer Brown's Hotel Holmes Henrietta, res Henry Douglass
Holmes Henrietta, res alley bet Third, Fourth, Plum and Pine sts

Holmes James, restaurant, res front compress Holmes Jane, servt D. L. Walker Holmes Julia, res rear 4 Ross st
Holmes Isabella, res Boundary st, n limits Holmes Lena, wash'n, res 36 Cherry st Holmes Penny, res Flanders st, E. Macon Holmes Phyllis, res 76 Monroe st
Holmes Thomas, porter George T. Rogers' Sons Holmes Wm., lab, res alley bet Fourth, Fifth, Oak
and Pine sts
Holson Green, res 81 Monroe st



Colored Department.

Holt Albert, waiter, res rear 101 Plum st Holt Betsy, cook Wm. Foster

Holt Ella, res alley bet New, Spring, Wharf and Walnut sts

Holt Isaiah, res New Houston road

Holt James, porter A. P. & W. A. Holmes, res Col linsville

Holt James, res Boundary st, nr M. & W. R. R Holt Lizzie, res 139 Fifth st

Holt Lucretia, res rear 79 Walnut st Holt Lula, res Isaiah Holt

Holt Oliver, barber J. Giannone

Holt Martha, res 47 Forsyth st

Holt Mary, res 26 Chestnut st

Holt Monday, driver So. Ex. Co., res 8 Walnut st

Holt Pulaski, groceries, res 101 Wharf st

Holt P. 0., groceries, res 101 Wharf st

Holt Tarpley, of Davis & Holt, barbers, res Monroe st, nr Forsyth

Home Harriet, restaurant, res Old Court House square

Hooker Jerry, hostler L. D. Rogers, res 143 Third st

Hooks J. A., wks R. C. Wilder's Sons, res Vineville Hooks Minerva, servt D. H. Adams

Hooper Arthur, wks A. B. Shackleford, res 118 Bay st Home Amanda, res Windsor Hill

Home Philip, lab, res 4 Ross st

Home Thomas, res Clark st

Horton Adeline, res 164 Sixth st

Horton F. M., porter E. Price's Sons, res rear J. M. Boardman

Horton Thomas, wks W. C. Timberlake, res Vine ville

Hosdon Maggie, res 184 First st

Hose George, porter bar and billiards Brown's Hotel Hoskins Henry, servt W. R. Rogers

Hoskins John, train hand S. W. R. R, res 111 Wharf st

Hoskins Julia, servt W. R. Rogers

House Mary, res nr compress

House John, shoemaker, res 39 Hawthorne st

Houston Sam., waiter Lanier House

Howard Adeline, restaurant, res 121 Fifth st

Howard Alfred, porter W. T. Shinholser, res nw limits



Colored Department.
Howard Andrew, office boy Edgerton House Howard Cheney, servt Mrs. R. G. Tracy Howard George, waiter Brown's Hotel, res 57 Jones st Howard Hagar, servt Mrs. M. E. Dougherty Howard Jennie, servt A. 0. Bacon
Howard Jefferson, waiter Brown's Hotel, res 59 Jones st
Howard Laura, wash'n, res 42 Hazel st Howard Lucinda, servt Benj. Skalowski Howard Matthew, res 185 Sixth st
Howard Nellie, res alley bet Madison, Monroe and Jefferson sts
Howard Sarah, servt C. T. Holmes Howard Warren, res 240 Sixth st
Howell John, lab, res cor M. & W. R. R. and Jackson st
Hubbard Ben., res 309 Fourth st Hubbard Lurenia, servt J. H. Wheeler Hubert Jack, res George Thomas Hubert John, porter Roland B. Hall Hubert Taylor, lab, res 148 Hazel st Huckaby Mary, servt C. W. Newton
Huckleberry -, res alley bet Poplar, Cherry, Third and Fourth sts
Hudson Clarinda, wash'n, res 31 Walnut st Hudson Matilda, res Sarah Smith Huff Ella, servt J. G. Deitz Huff Nettie, servt W. P. Baldwin Hughes George, porter Flanders Bros
Hughes Harriet, barber, res alley bet Fourth and Plum sts
Hughes Hettie, servt H. A. Crutchfield Hughes Jennie, servt George S. Jones Humphreys Alex., res Windsor Hill Humphries Edward, plasterer, res 12 Mulberry st Humphreys Laura, res alley bet Monroe, Madison
and Jefferson sts Hunt Frank, res Cotton st, E. Macon Hunt Hattie, wash'n, res 19 Wharf st Hunt Henry, lab, res rear 17 Wharf st Hunt Lizzie, servt Wesleyan Female College Hunt Lucinda, servt Wesleyan Female College Hunt Mack, res nr Cotton st, E. Macon Hunter Albert, res Woodleff st




Colored Department.
Hunter Ella, res Eda Monroe Hunter Lucy, res Eda Monroe Hunter Minnie, servt Mrs. D. F. Clark Hunter Roxy, servt R. F. Miller Hurt Georgia, cook, res rear 43 Cherry st Hurt Gus, cook, res rear 43 Cherry st Hutchings C. H., groceries and bar, res cor Spring
and Wharf sts Hutchings Melinda, res 15 Spring st
IHutchins Sarah, wash'n, res 24 Wharf st DLET CLARA, res 57 Monroe st
Ingalls Wylie, lab, res nw limits, nr Ga. Academy for the Blind Ingram Lucy, wash'n, res 24 Wharf st Ingram Wash, res cor Walnut and Fifth sts Irvin Anna, seamstress, res rear Catholic Church Irvin Dan., servt Charles Dreyfus Irvin Daniel, mail driver, res rear Catholic Church Irvin Ella, res Boundary st, w limits Irvin Green, lab, res 94 Hawthorne st Irvine Henry, servt J. H. Bremer Irvine Henry, hostler G. M. Davis Irwin Joseph, blacksmith Collins Mfg Co Irwin Mary, servt, res rear Catholic Church Irwin Robert, errand boy, res rear Catholic Church Israel Gabe, res Boundary st, nr Hazel Isham Jane, res Tatnall Square Ivey Maggie, servt J. T. Boifeuillet

TACKSON -, res 41 Georgia ave
** Jackson -, drayman, res Wesley Stuart Jackson A., res Franklin st, bet Walnut and Wharf sts Jackson Albert, res 13 Lamar st Jackson Alice, res Nelson Long Jackson Allen, porter John Ingalls, res Walnut, bet
New and Spring sts Jackson Allen, res in alley bet New, Spring, Wharf
and Walnut sts Jaokson Annie, res rear 54 Washington ave Jackson Annie, res 33 First st Jackson Babe, res Windsor Hill Jackson Benjamin,brickmason, res 18 Spring st Jackson Carrie, servt Mrs. F. A. Harris


Colored Department.
Jackson Cato, res rear 28 Johnson st

Jackson Charles, res w limits, E. Macon Jackson Charlie, lab, res 152 Hazel st Jackson Clayton, res 18 Orange st
Jackson Dorcas, servt Bernard Walker Jackson Easter, res 6 Walnut st
Jackson Eliza, servt J. W. Bracken Jackson Ella, servt W. F. Cannon

Jackson Esther, wash'n, res 86 Fourth st Jackson Fannie, res rear 36 Hazel st

Jackson Flouorny, porter Charles H. Solomon, res Spring st

Jackson Frank, servt J. H. Shinholser

Jackson George, resin alley bet Fourth, Fifth, Elm

and Ash sts



Jackson George, res 196 Telfair st

Jackson Hampton, res rear 194 Fifth st
Jackson Harry, cook Brilliant, res 25 Spring st aackson Hattie, servt Mrs. E. J. Stephens Jackson Henry, res 21 Collins alley, E. Macon Jackson Henry, hack driver, res 97 Hazel st Jacason Isam, res 200 Sixth st
Jackson James, res Tatnall Square Jackson Jennie, res Nancy Jackson Jackson John, res w limits, E. Macon
Jackson John, well digger, res 143 Fifth st JaGkson John, lab, res 24 Hawthorne st jackson Joseph, res John Sharp

Jackson L. C., of Strong & Jackson, groceries, res 81 Cotton ave

Jackson Laura, servt W. A. Huff Jackson Lucy, res 28 New st

Jackson Lucy, wash'n, res rear 57 Plum st Jackson Mack, servt J. W. Burke
Jackson Maggie, res J. D. Peters Jackson Mary, servt M. Flatau

Jackson Mary, wash'n, res 67 Fourth st

Jackson Marshall, res Old Forsyth road, Vineville Jackson Mellie, res Jefferson st, Vineville Jackson Nancy, res in alley bet Walnut, Wharf and
Franklin sts

Jackson Oliver, servt T. J. Ware

Jackson Peter, brickmason, res 57 Fourth st Jackson Richard, lab, res 4 Ross st



Colored Department.

Jackson Rickard, porter George T. Payne, res 55

Madison st

Jackson Robert, lab, res rear V. A. Menard

Jackson Robert, waiter National Hotel

Jackson Samuel, res in alley bet Oglethorpe, Oak,

Fourth and Fifth sts

Jackson Samuel, lab, res 28 Hawthorne st

Jackson Sarah, servt Mrs. Pauline Logan

Jackson Thomas, lab, res 26 Fifth st, E. Macon

Jackson Thomas, res in alley bet Third, Fourth, Elm

and M. & W. R. R

Jackson Willis, lab, res 58 Plum st

Jacobs Harry, cook J. W. Johns

Jacobs William, driver, res Sydney Lawrence

Jacob Sarah Jane, res 35 First st

James Henry, porter W. H. Foster & Co, res Vine-


James Henry, res William Brow'n

James Henry, res 6 Walnut st

James Isaac, res nw limits

James Malachi, porter Samuel Wiechselbaum, res


James Melvina, servt E. Crockett

James Thomas, res Cotton st, E. Macon

Jarrat Julia, res 179 Third st

Jason Aquilla, res 37 Forsyth st

Jason Emma, res 77 Monroe st

Jason Lucinda, servt S. P. Sanford

Jason James, cook J. W. Johns

Jefferson James, lab, res 18 Calhoun st

Jefferson Wm., res 6 Oglethorpe st


Jeffries Clarinda, cook, res Hannah Jeffries

Jeffries Plarriet, res alley bet Second, Third, Plum

and Pine sts

Jemison Richard, porter D. S. Wright

Jenkins Alice, cook, res 219 Fourth st

Jenkins Ann, res Harvey Upshire

Jenkins Daniel, porter E. L. Burdick, agt, res nr

Tatnall square

Jenkins David, shoemaker, res 16 Calhoun st

Jenkins Fannie, res Tatnall square

Jenkins George, res alley bet First, Second, Oak and

Pine sts

Jenkins James, res 13 Arch st



Colored Department.
Jenkins Jane, res Wharf st, bet New and First Jenkins Jesse, porter S. Waxelbaum & Son, res Pleas
ant Hill

Jenkins Jordan, lab, res rear 318 Fourth st Jenkins Julia, servt W. W. Collins
Jenkins Matilda, servt George S. Obear Jenkins Wm., res 87 Walnut st

Jennings Frank, waiter Brown's Hotel, res rear 214 Second st

Jerome Ella, res Francis Jerome Jerry Alfred, servt Mrs. S. E. Curd Jerry Jemima, servt Mrs. S. E. Curd Jeter Alice, servt Mrs. S. E. Curd Jeter David, res rear 22 Fifth st
Jeter Rose, wash'n, res rear 145 First st Jeter Sarah, wash'n, res rear 51 Walnut st Jimerson Albert, lab, res 148 Hazel st Jimerson James, res res 145 Orange st Jimerson Nelson, res nr Georgia Mills Jimerson Richard, res rear 103 Walnut st
-Jimerson Spencer, blacksmith F. M. Acuff res Vineville

John Martha, servt L. J. Barber

Jodd B. J., shoemaker, res 29 Monroe st

Joiner Frank, res w limits, E. Macon

Joiner Manuel, lab, res 87 Hazel st

Johnson Abbie, servt J. P. Belvin

Johnson Adam, drayman, res alley bet New, Soring

Oak and Pine sts



Johnson Amy, res rear Mrs. Fannie Taylor

Johnson Anna, cook, res cor Fifth and'Walnut

Johnson Benjamin, res Boundary st, sw limits

Johnson Cage, section E. T., V. & G. R. R., res 15

Wharf st

Johnson Charles, wks C. R. R., res 326 Fourth st Johnson Charlotte, res Flander st, E. Macon Johnson Cheny, servt J. W. Furcrom Johnson Caroline, res 10 Mulberry st
Johnson Caroline, cook Goin Woolfolk, res 217 Fourth st

Johnson Carrie, res Calhoun bet Hazel and Ogle thorpe sts

Johnson Carrie, res 16 Columbus road Johnson Daniel, painter, res 204 Fifth st



Colored Department.
Johnson David, res rear W. P. Goodall Johnson Elbert, lab, res rear 22 Tatnall st
Johnson Ellen, servt Mrs. Asher Ayres Johnson Ellen, servt S. R. Jaques Johnson Emanuel, st sprinkler, res alley bet Fourth,
Fifth, Wharf and Walnut sts Johnson Emily, servt Charles P. Roberts Johnson Emma, wash'n, res 38 Poplar st Johnson Emma, res 103 Fourth st Johnson Elsie, servt D. M. Gugel Johnson Elsie, wash'n, res in alley bet Second and
Third, Plum and Pine sts Johnson Frank, res John Edmundson Johnson George, res Wesley Nichols Johnson Hannah, res Franklin st, bet Walnut and
Wharf sts Johnson Hattie, servt T. 0. Chestney Johnson Henry, servt Mrs. M. E. Lanier Johnson Henry, res in alley bet Third, Fourth, Elm
and M. <fe W. R. R. Johnson Henry, lab, res 26 "Washington ave Johnson Henry, harness mkr, Bernd Bros., res 81
Madison st Johnson Henry, bartender, res 90 Cotton ave Johnson Irwin, res Wolffs tenement, Oglethorpe st Johnson J. H., res Willis Magruder Johnson Jones, plasterer, res 7 Adams st Johnson James, servt W. H. Ross Johnson Joseph, res rear 38 Hazel st Johnson Joseph, lab, res 67 Hawthorne st Johnson Joseph, res 9 Mulberry st Johnson L. M., mail agt S. W. R. R., res 265 Fourth st Johnson Larry, drayman, res 129 Oglethorpe st Johnson Lizzie, servt T. W. Bennett Johnson Lizzie, servt A. I. Branham Johnson Lou, res cor Elm st and M. & W. R. R Johnson Lucy, res cor Cherry and Sixth st Johnson M., servt Mrs. F. C. Dickerson Johnson Maggie, wash'n, res in alley bet Fourth,
Fifth, Oak and Pine sts Johnson Maria, servt Dr. J. R. Price Johnson Maria, servt Mrs. M. E. Lamar Johnson Maria, servt A. Barnett Johnson Martha, res Flanders st, E. Macon




Colored Department.

Johnson Mary, res Hattie Johnson

Johnson Mary, res cor Boundary and Sixth sts

JJoohhnnssnoDn MMaarryy Lraonue, 'sSewerivntgM, rress` M36` CMh- eHrraymsitlton Johnson Martin whitewashes res 85 Madison st Johnson Mi es barber, res 27 Oglethorpe st Johnson Milo, lab, res rear 42 Cherry st \

t""ne"rdnSinalley bet

Johnson Nathan, res w limits, E. Macon

Johnson Nancy, servt, res cor Mulberry and Fifth sts Johnaon Ned, res Wesley Nichols Johnson Oscar, servt T. J. Holt

Johnson Patsey, servt George S. Riley

Johnson Peter, res end Oglethorpe st

'_ohnson Phyllis, res cor Oglethorpe and Sixth sts Johnson Pleasant, servt G. B. Johnson Johnson Rachel, res Woodleff st Johnson Rebecca, servt W. H. Mansfield Johnson Reese, lab, res 40 Ash st

Johnson Robert, res Hannah Lawrence

ASSS fit'

M-& W-R-E

lh8"ho5etemak6r',H' ScaaU & BTM> * Johnson Reuben, painter, res rear 23 Fifth st Johnson Reuben, res 24 Fifth st, E. Macon Johnson Sallie, res Lemuel McRae ohnson Sarah, res cor Spring and Oak sts Johnson Simon, res 4 Magnolia st Johnson Sophia, servt L. P. Askew Johnson Squire, res 29 Washington ave Johnson Spencer, servt W. T. Hollingsworth Johnson Susan, servt Herman Banefield, res 9 Arch st
Kne^fs11^11' r<3S ln ally bet New> SPring, Oak and
Johnson Sydnejq servt A. B. Jones


^ bet Madison> Mnr0e and

Johnson W. G., groceries and bar, jes 61 Monroe st

JJoohhnnssoonn W weebiliSetye,rilaWbK,ksreUs n2i7o8nTDheiprodt'stbds Hettyy Deane-
Johnson William, servt G. S. Westcott Johnson William, res 200 Sixth st



Colored Department.
Johnson William, res w limits, E. Macon Johnson AVilliam, servt W. T. Hollingsworth Johnson Willis, res Samuel Gibson Jiohnson Wylie, wks E, T., Va. & Ga. R. R., res 16
Hazel st Johnson Tabitha, servt Ned Willingham Johnson Thomas, wks M. & W. R. R., res 96 Bay st Johnson Thomas, res Jefferson st, Vineville Jonas Felix, res 14 Spring st Jones Alex, wks W. C. Timberlake, res Spring st Jones Anna, cook, res in alley bet Fourth, Fifth,
WTalnut and Wharf sts Jones Arthur, servt J. AY. Hines
Jones Benjamin, barber S. H. Sanders, res Unionville Jones Britton, res 307 Fourth st Jones Caroline, res in alley bet Pine, Plum, First and
New sts Jones Charles, wks yard C. R. R., res 81 Fifth st Johnson Eliza, servt F. M. Long Jones Ella, wash'n, res 97 Pine st Jones Emma, servt Cornelius Lepford Jones Emma, res near Compress Jones Fanny, wash'n, res 31 Walnut st Jones Francis, servt T. S. Jeter Jones Francis, servt Mrs. M. E. Dougherty Jones George, blacksmith, res in alley bet Fourth,
Fifth, AVharf and AValnut sts Jones George, carpenter, res 239 Second st Jones Hamilton, porter AY. C. Sbeftall, res Vineville Jones Harry, porter George S. Jones Jones Harrison, blacksmith, res Pleasant Hill Jones Henry, res Jefferson st, Vineville Jones Ida, servt W. J. Totten Jones Jack, drayman, res 49 Fourth st Jones Jack, wks Georgia Mills, res 16 Hazel st Jones James, servt W. J. Totten Jones Jane, servt, res in alley bet Fourth, Fifth,.
AVharf and Walnut sts Jones Jane, res AVindsor Hill Jones Jefferson, res George Barnes Jones John, hack driver, res 274 Third st Jones John, servt J. P. Flanders Jones John, res 6 Hazel st
Jones Julia, res Caroline Jones



Colored Department.
Jones Laura, res 42 Hazel st

Jones Lethia, servt Mrs. R. B. Stubbs Jones Lou, servt J. L. Branan

Jones Lucy, res Ella Holt


Jones Margaret, res cor Oak and Sprint sts Jones Maria, res rear 8 Walnut st

Jones Mary Ann, res rear 79 Walnut st

Jones Martha, res e limits, Yineville

Jones Mattie, res alley bet Third, Second. Oak and Arch sts

Jones Missouri, wash'n, res Gus Woodward Jones Mollie, servt W. H. Jones

Jones Nathan, porter R. F. Lawton's Bank

Jones Peter, res M. & W. R. R. and Fourth st

Jones Priscilla, res 34 Monroe st

Jones Robert, porter Johnson & Harris, res Cherry st

Jones Shepherd, drayman Payne & Willingham Jones Simon, servt )r. McCrary

Jones Stephen, res s limits, Vineville

Jones Rev. T. J., minister, res alley bet Sixth, Elm

and limits


Jones Thomas, res Harvey Upshire

Jones Wm., res Jefferson st, Vineville

Jones Wm., res nr Vineville depot Jones Wm., res Troup Hill

Jones Mm., servt Mad. Pearl Fleming

Jones Wm., drayman, res rear 48 Fourth st

Jones Wm., drayman Tinsley Bros & Co

Jones Wm lab, res alley bet Third, Fourth, Cherry

and Poplar sts


Jones Wm., porter Schwed & Gibian

Jordan B. L., shoemaker B. J. Jordan, res Vineville Jordan Benjamin, res 29 Monroe st

Jordam Caroline, res alley bet First, Second, Arch and Oglethorpe sts

Jordan Causey, restaurant, res 88 Cotton ave Jordan Floyd, drayman, res Windsor Hill

Jordan George, res alley bet Second, Hazel and Haw thorne sts

Jordan Hubbard, lab, res 88 Cotton ave

Jordan Henry, wks R. L. Henry, res alley bet Third, Fourth, Bay and Hazel sts

Jordan Jacob, drayman, res 43 Ash st

Jordan Jane, res alley bet Third, Fourth, Oak and Pine sts



Colored Department.
Jordan Kate, servt Charles Lane Jordan Lee, res 18 Calhoun st Jordan Lucinda, servt Mrs. E. Bice Jordan Matilda, servt J. H. Birch Jordan Nancy, res s limits Jordan Sarah, servt George Beggs Jordan William, driver M. Fitzgerald Joseph David, res 76 Monroe st
KAEGLER PHILIP, res in alley bet Windsor,

Monroe and Jefferson sts Kellam Pete, carpenter, res alley bet Fourth, Fifth,
Cherry and Mulberry sts Kelley Dave, wks section C. R. R., res alley bet
Fourth, Fifth, Cherry and Poplar sts Kelsey Richmond servt Mrs. Pauline Logan Kelsey Andrew, res Richmond Kelsey Kendrick Addie, servt Rev. J. 0. A. Clark Kendrick Alfred, res 37 Jones st Kendrick Jane, res 8 Walnut st Kendrick Malley, servt A. J. Lane Kendrick Richard, lab, res Brewery st Kendrick Susie, res Brewery st Kent Julia, servt A. T. Holt Kenney Missouri, res 133 Wharf st Keyser Maria, wash'n, res 37 Monroe st Kilpatrick Fannie, res in alley bet Pine and Plum
sts, Cotton ave and New st Kimball Arrano, res 22 Washington ave Kimball Sydney, res 24 Washington ave
King -," res 8 Magnolia st King & Wilder, saloon, 94 Cotton ave King Dicey, servt John A. DeBord King George, lab, res Wolff's tenement, Oglethorpe st King Green, or King & Wilder, saloon, res Pleas
ant. Hill King Griffin, wks Central Furniture Store, res 255
Third st King Laura, servt Mrs. C. E. Elfe King Lucy, servt T. H. Johnson King Lula, res Missouri King King Manuel, servt I. C. Plant King Mary, servt J. J. Gresham King Missouri, restaurant, res 25 Oak st




vCvoilmorceud Djjeejpjaanrtmmeennlt.

^-ing Nathan, res Houston road

Ning Patsey, res Irwin Johnson

King Randall, chairmkr, res 59 Monroe st j^-ing Reuben, res foot Monroe st

lung Sallie cook Mrs. Martha S. Wilson King Samuel, res 15 Magnolia st

King William, second cook Lanier House

Kitchens Warren, wks Schofield Iron Wks res Tat

nail st, nr M. & W R R

' eS Iat'

3 Wyiie, servt J. G. McGolrick Kittrell Emma, res 35 First st

Kittrell Louis, pressman Geo. F. Wing Kittrell L. A., porter Geo. F. Wing Kittrell Lethie, res 35 First st Knapper Annie, res 37 First st

ho? nri %rbj' 8]!itchman S. W. R. R., res in alley

knb;Ih?" e hwPe' 0ak- Fourth and Fifth sts

Knights of Wise Men, Willis Epps, E A I G

,, Mangum, scribe



Trn-gt? TM lla' wa8h'Q. res 49 Pine st

a?d !im""a' reS iU aUey b6t Sixth and herry sts Knight Jonas, res William Hermit
Kri BrWn KKn?mottt TThhofm18a' s, lab, res 28 HHaowutsheo> rrneea 1s9t 7 Third 3fc
Knowles Caesar, yardman Lanier House

IjA^7?6YMrNonTroDeAsVt IS> barber Mrs. H. D. Smith, res
Lafitte Samuel, res 95 Pine st Lamar Frank, res 116 Bay st Lamar John, res rear 77 Fourth st Lamar Ned, lab, res 164 Sixth st Lamar Robert, wks C. R. R. shops, res 259 Third st
FO&, PiZtd SS'.F " al1^ bst TM,,i, Lance Simeon, lab, res 31 Oak st Lane Cary, barber, res 24 Wharf st Lane Rev. David, res 99 Madison st
Wharf'stT iD a`% b6t New' SPri"S. Walnut and Lane Rosa, servt L. B. Rhodes
TLane TTChhPomi0a' sb, abu aartnedndpeoro,l>rersea1^1199NTewh^sdt st



Colored Department.
Laney Dick, res Brewery st Lanier Moses, porter Jaques & Johnson, res Forsyth st Lanier William, res cor Walnut and Fifth sts Lasayer Dan, wks E. Crockett & Son, res 31 Haw
thorne st Lasayer Henry, res 49 Forsyth st Lasayer Louis, res 2 Oglethorpe st Lattimore Benjamin, sexton Christ Church, res in
alley bet Walnut, Wharf and Franklin sts Laws Araminta, servt Emory Winship
Lawrence Hannah, res Wolff's Tenement, Ogle thorpe st
Lawrence Sydney, lab, res in alley bet Third, Fourth Oak and Pine sts
Lawson Mary, waitress E. T., Va. & Ga. Pass. Depot, res 26 Wharf st
Layfield Gus, res Isaac Butler Layton Angeline, wash'n, res 17 Lower Maple st Layfield Augustus, res 278 Third st Layton Corinne, res 17 Lower Maple st Layton Lizzie, servt W. LI. Virgin Layton Narcissa, servt Isaac Hardeman Leary Eden, res Houston road Lee Alex, waiter Edgerton House Lee Cato, res 9 Walnut st Lee Elizabeth, servt M. S. Bay Lee George, carrier Telegraph & Messenger Leggins Gertrude, res foot Wtiarf st Lemon Willie, porter Jas Kilfoile, res Collins Hill Leonard Cyrus, wks Findlay Iron Wks, res M olff's
tenement, Oglethorpe st Leonard Nora, res Cyrus Leonard Lester Amanda, servt Herman Hertwig Lester Caroline, servt Mrs. M. Hollingsworth Lester Enoch, driver W. L. Kogers Lester Rev. Henry, minister, res Flanders st, E.
Lester Horace, res 98 Wharf st Lester Joseph res sandy bottoms Lester Simon, res 98 Wharf st Lester Susan, servt Mrs. Ann R. Freeman Lewis A., wks Rogers & Winn
Lewis Albert, mail handler, res cor Mulberry and Fifth sts



Colored Department.
Lewis Amanda, servt Mrs. W. A. Ross Lewis Ann, servt G. J. Stein
Lewis Benjamin, lab, res rear 88 Hazel st Lewis Dan, wks section C. R. R., res 79 Fifth st Lewis Edward, hostler Stewart Bros., res 318 Fourth st Lewis Ella, servt David Wachter Lewis Essex, shoemkr, res 31 Fifth st Lewis Fannie, servt G. R. Barker Lewis Forest, res Mary Lewis
Lewis George, drayman George S. Jones Lewis George, barber Willis Braswell Lewis Harriet, servt J. 0. Davis Lewis Hattie, servt Horace D. Adams Lewis Henry, wks F. M. Acuff, res Vineville Lewis Henry, servt J. M. Boardman Lewis Hester, res Julia Allen

in charge American Neff10stsar^ Society (4,000 volumes), cor Pine and

Lewis Howard, asst cook Brown's Hotel

Lewis Jack, res 27 Oglethorpe st

Lewis John, res rear 164 Sixth st

Lewis Laura wash'n, res in alley bet Fourth, Fifth

Walnut and Wharf sts



LwW1aSli nHutZzaiV nd W ^h'arrfesstsin alley bet Fourth,* Fifth,' Lewis Loran, res 26 New st
Lewis Matt, waiter Lanier House

VTw^imiG1, WkS M' & W- R- R`> res Boundary

Lewis Georgia, lab, res 31 Oglethorpe st Lewis Mary, res 27 Oglethorpe st Lewis Martha, servt David Wachter Lewis Mary Jane, res Tap Holt Lewis Minnie, servt John Hartz Lewis Nancy, servt Mrs. K. Beruff Lewis Oliver, porter C. H. Rogers & Co Lewis Peter, res 67 Mulberry st
Lewis Richard, porter W. R. Cox, res Vineville Lewis Robert wks Reynolds' Iron Wks res cor Tat-
nall st and M. & W. R. R

Lewis Washington, res alley bet Spring, Orange,.

Walnut and Wharf sts

6 '

Lewis William, waiter Brown's Hotel



Colored Department.

Lewis Win, waiter Brown's Hotel, res 18 College st

Lewis Wm, candy mkr Rogers & Winn

Leydon Ed., porter Thomas Wood

Lias James, res Cotton st, E. Macon

Life Moses, servt Alfred Jessup

Lincoln Guards, F. Pearson, captain

Lincoln Mary, res Hannah Johnson

Lindsay Kizzie, res 38 Jones st

Lines Charles, carpenter, res Littlejohn Amy, res Harriet

158* Hazel Davis


Livingstone Martha, res nr compress

Lockett Alice, res Jacob Lockett

Lockett Jacob, carpenter, res Brewery st

Lockett Sarah, servt Edward Bulkley

Lockett Washington, res 11 Maple st

Lr oc,k.ett Wl!liam> res 8 Lmits, Vineville

Lockhart Lockhart

Alice, restaurant, res 319 Fourth Avena, res Thomas Burrus


Lockhart Morris, hostler G. M. Davis

Lockhart Sandy, res Washington Lewis

Logan Adair, res 246 Sixth st

Logan Flora, res 242 Sixth st

Logan Mary, servt L. N. Whittle

Logan Martin, driver Walker & Whitehead

Logan Monroe, porter Walker & Whitehead, res 25

Monroe st


Long Annie, res Jefferson Long

Longstreet James, res end Hazel st

Longstreet Jeannie, servt W. G. Hoge

Long J. T,, tailor, res 102 Wharf st

Long Jefferson, res 102 Wharf st

Long Jefferson, Jr., res Jefferson Long

Long Joseph, carpenter, res nw limits

Long Mary, res Jefferson Long

Long Nelson, res in alley and Plum sts


Third, Fourth, Pine

Long Sallie, servt F. M. Lono1

L sgW.Yr * bet'ThW- Fo"rth and EIm
Long Richard, servt C. A. Tharpe Lord James, res 24 Collins alley, E. Macon Love Rachel, res 10 Oglethorpe st Lovi George, painter, res 169 New st Lowe Ann, res 65 Hawthorne st



Colored Department.
Lowe Charles, waiter J. H. Benner Lowe Doroas,|res 24 Hawthorne st Lowe Early, res 226 Sixth st Lowe Frank, farmer, res 95 Fourth st Lowe George, shoemaker, res Vineville Lowe Hammock, wksR. C. Wilders' Sons Lowe Holland, drayman George T. Rogers' Sons Lowe Jane, wash'n, res 31 Walnut st Lowe Joseph, servt J. M. Johnston Lowe Lizzie, res rear 153 Mulberry st Lowe Martha, cook E. Cahn Lowe Randall, res Boundary st, bet Hazel and Ash Lowe Richard, res cor Boundary and Sixth sts Lowe Rosa, servt H. W. Bronson Lowe Starling, res Clinton road, E. Macon Lowe Tillman, res 100 Wharf st Lowe William, waiter Brown's Hotel Lucas Ambrose, drayman, res in alley bet Second,
Third, Oak and Arch sts Lucas Caroline, res s limits, Vineville Lucas Cornelia, wash'n, res 332 Fourth st Lucas Gabriel, res old Forsyth road, Vineville Lucas Henry, res Mary Lucas Lucas Isham, res in alley bet Madison, Monroe and
Jefferson sts Lucas James, cook J. H. Benner
Lucas John, porter Payne & Willingham, res Vine
ville Lucas Julius, servt Isaac's Cafe Lucas Mary, res Forsyth road, Vineville Lucas Moses, res 45 Forsyth st Lucas Moses, res Mary Lucas Lucas Scott, res in alley bet Third, Fourth, Bay and
Hazel sts Lucas William, servt C. G- Bartlett Lumpkin Caroline, servt W. B. Chapman Lumpkin Daniel, waiter J. B. Williams & C Lumford Louisiana, res Margaret Pittman Lumpkin Mitchel, res Clinton road, E. Macon Lumpkin T. A., porter City Hall, res in alley bet
First, Second, Arch and Oak st Lunday Cora, servt Charles Canning Lustin Charles, waiter Union Depot Restaurant Lynch Thomas, res rear 349 Fourth st Lyons Henry, lab, res 141 Fifth st



Colored Department.
"jlTAOK BETSEY, res.232 Sixth st

^ Mack Emily, servt Joseph Danenburg Mack Isaac, lab, res foot Jackson st, nr M. & W. R. R Mack Isaac, gas fitter Carling & Brown Mack Samuel, wks E. T., Ya. & Ga. R. R., res 318
Fourth st
Mack Wallace, res 87 Hazel st Mackey Adeline, servt Mrs. S. B. Hall Maddox Lee, drayman James H. Campbell Maddox Pompey, res 125 Madison st Maddox Robert, wks Isaac's Cafe Maddox Wilson, res 23 Monroe st Madison Ben, res Flanders st, E. Macon Madison Henry, carpenter, res 259 Third st Madison Julia, res Ben Madison Magruder Willis, res Boundary st, bet Oglethorpe
and Hazel sts
Malone Laura, servt M. Fitzgerald Mallory Emily, res J. D. Peters Mallory Mittie, res J. D. Peters Mallory Philip, waiter, res 15 College st Mangum Anna, cook, res 17 Pine st Mangum Cornelia, res 17 Pine st Mann Angeline, res 57 Plum st Mann Alice, nurse William Foster Mansfield-, painter, res in alley bet First, New,
Oak and Arch sts

Mansfield Melissa, chambermaid Southern Hotel Marant Stephen, lab, res 38 Monroe st Marcus Richard, porter Coleman & Newsom
Marlow John W., route ag't Rome & Macon, res 5 Orange st

Marrow Henry, res 2 Lamar st Marshall Adeline, servt Philip Birge Marshall Charles, groceries, res Yineville Marshall Henry res WordlefF st Marshall Jerry, servt res rear 90 Mulberry st Marvis George, res 30 Monroe st Martin J. S., policeman, res Chestnut st Martin James, servt E. II. Link Martin Joseph, gas fitter Carling & Brown Martin Louis, wks Timberlake's stables, res in alley
bet Third, Fourth, Oak and Pine sts Martin Mehala res 7 Mulberry st



Colored Department.

Mason Mary Ann, res Mariam Mason Mason Mariam, res in alley bet Third, Fourth, Oak

and Arch sts Massy Francis, res 77 Walnut st Massey Jack, res w limits, E. Macon Massey Lumpkin, driver R. C. Wilders' Sons, res C.

C. Wilder Massingale Henry, lab, res 28 Hawthorne st Massingale Susan, res Cotton st, E. Macon Matthews Albert, lab, res rear 42 Cherry st Matthews Amos, sexton Presbyterian Church, res 98

Walnut st Matthews Augustus, res in alley bet Monroe st, w
limits, Washington and Forsyth sts Matthews Burwell, servt Miss M. L. Davis Matthews Clark, waiter Brown's hotel Matthews Fred, res w limits, E. Macon Matthews Jackson, drayman John Van Syckal & Cc Matthews Jack, chair bottomer, res in alley bet New,
Spring, Oak and Pine sts Matthews Jackson, carpenter, res 151 New st

Matthews Jane, servt Mrs. A. G. Ray Matthews Jennie, res cor Jones and Madison sts Matthews John, wks So. Ex. Co., res in alley bet
Third, Fourth, Oak and Pine sts Matthews Julia, nurse, res rear 42 Cherry st Matthews Julia, servt R. B. Hall Matthews Julia, res 3 Mulberry st Matthews Lee, res 18 Maple st Matthews Mary, servt W- H. Bone Matthews Rosa, servt Cale McKinney Matthews Walter, lab, res 7 Spring st Matthews Woodson, servt E. F. Best May Benjamin, res s limits, Vineville May J. W., letter carrier, res 9 Lower Maple st May Susan, servt Mrs. Louise Kennedy Mayo George, res 116 Bay st Mayo Peter, res 77 Monroe st Mays Annie, servt Sigmund Siesel Mays Sim, painter W. B. Clark Maxey Alex, painter, res in alley bet Fourth, Fifth,
Walnut and Wharf sts McAfee Lizzie, servt W. T. King McArthur Albert, res in alley bet Madison, Monroe
and Jefferson sts



Colored Department.
McArthur Anthony, res 87 Walnut st McArthur Ary, res Margaret McArthur

McArthur Benjamin, res Clinton road, E. Macon McArthur Margaret, res rear 65 Hazel st McArthur Spencer, res 91 Hazel st McArthur Susan, domestic, res John Green
McBride Archie, res in alley bet Fourth, Fifth, Hazel and Ash sts

McBride Burrell, carpenter, res 19 Calhoun st McBride Ed, lab, res 101 Madison st

McBride George, wks John Lines, res in alley bet Second and Third sts

McBride George, servt Mrs. W. S. Holt McBride Perry, res w limits, E. Macon

McBride Thomas, res 57 Orange st McCantz J. H., barber W. B McCantz, res cor Third ' and Plum sts

McCarter Anthony, wks G. B. Petleb, res 87 Walnut st McCarthy D. V., elk Butler Williams, res E. Macon McCarthey George, wks Schofield Iron Wks, res in
alley near Fourth and Plum sts McCarthey Sylvia, res Elias Ely McCarthey Walter, lab, res George McCarthey McCay Ella, wash'n, res Dave Andrews McCloud William, res sandy bottoms McCollum Anna, res nw limits McCollum Hampton, res nw limits McCollum Matt, res nw limits McCombs Annie, res 75 Madison st McCombs Emily, res rear 39 Johnson st McCombs Nora, domestic, res rear James Tudor McCombs Samuel, bartender Z. B. Wheeler, res 91
Spring st

McCombs S. E., elk W. G. Johnson, res 61 Monroe st McCombs Thomas, res Wharf st, bet New and First McConnell Lucy, wash'n, res 32 Columbus road McCoy Samuel, lab, res rear 34- Hazel st McCrary Joseph, res Hill st, E. Macon McCrary William, res nw limits McDonald Peter, res Spring st McDonald Sarah, wash'n, res 31 Oak st McDonald William, res Peter McDonald McFarland Rilla,'fes Samuel Baer

McGaney Charity, wash'n, res rear 29 Poplar st



Colored Department.
McGee Amorous, res Frank McGee McGee Anna, servt Mrs. S. L. Whitehead
McGee Frank, res Boundary st, bet Oglethorpe and Hazel
McGee Julia, wash'n, res rear 111 Fourth st McGlobern Bettie, servt C. A. Hall McGregor Bartow, waiter National Hotel McGregor Lizzie, res William McGregor McGregor John, carpenter, res 29 Hawthorne st McGregor William, wks M. & W. Shops, res 16
Hazel st McHudon Doc., candy mkr, res in alley bet Fourth
and Plum sts McIntosh Melindo, res 165 New st McIntosh Simon, well digger, res 8 Washington ave McKay Adella, servt S. S. Dunlap McKay Moses, res in alley bet Ash, Elm, and
Sixth sts McKenzie Matilda, servt E. H. McLaren McKenzie Wash, servt E. H. McLaren McKinney August, res 6 Bay st, E. Macon McLendon Lizzie, res New Houston road McLean Mary, res 15 Lower Maple st McManus Charles, porter Carhart & Curd McRae Lemuel, lab, res in alley bet Third, Fourth,
Plum and Pine sts
McRae Simon, lab, res Dancy Wright McWhorter Albert, wks E. T., V. & Ga. R. R, res
Frank McWhorter
McWhorter Frank, res in alley bet Hazel, Oglethorpe, Calhoun and Jackson sts
McWhorter Ha, drayman Schwed & Gibian
McWhorter Harriet, res Troup Hill McWorter Lizzie, res 26 Jefferson st McWhorter Ned, porter T. Guernsey, res rear same McWhorter Ned, res Frank McWhorter McWhorter Raleigh, hackman, res Fort Hill, E.
Macon McWhorter Wm, wks Bibb Mfg Co., res Hydraulic
st, E. Macon Meadows Benjamin, hostler Stewart Bros Meadows James, tailor J. L. Shea, res 20 Fifth st Meadows James, groceries, res 21 Fifth st
Meadows Thomas, res alley bet Washington aye, Monroe st and limits



Colored Department.

Means Wm., res nw limits

M. E. Church, 28 Washington ave Melton Eliza, res rear 153 Mulberry st' Melton Henry, res Seaborn Collins
Meredith Isam, carpenter, res alleyjbet Hazel, Jackson, Oglethorpe and Calhoun sts
Meriwether John, res Flanders st, E. Macon Meyers Amanda, servt E. Kirtland Meyers Moses, res A. A. Evans Michael Jack, res 27 Elm st Michael Nancy, wash'n, res 88 Cherry st Middlebrooks Ada, servt H. C. Taylor Middlebrooks Ella, res Lemuel McRae Middlebrooks Thomas, res s limits Middleton Peter, lab, res 11 lower Maple st Meffling Harriet, wash'n, res 8 Washington ave Mikes Jerry, barber Arthur Henderson, res 107
Fourth st
Miller Andrew, res alley bet Madison, Monroe and Jefferson sts
Miller Elbert, res cor Walnut and Fifth sts Miller James, res cor Elm st and M. & W. R. R Miller James, res Wharf st, bet New and First Miller Katie, groceries, res 47 Forsyth st Miller Lizzie, res 139 Fifth st Miller Melton, wks Brown's Hotel, res 51 Forsyth st Miller Millie, wash'n, res 26 Fifth st Miller Moses, res nw limits Miller Peter, res Fourth st and M. & W. R. R Miller Richard, res 47 Forsvth st Mitchell Trustee, trucker Hardeman & Gibson Mills Fannie, res rear 90 Pine st Mills Henry, res alley bet Second, Hazel and Haw
thorne sts
Mills Jacob, res Clinton road, E. Macon Mills Leroy, res s limits, Vineville Milner Charles, mattress mkr Payne & Willingham Milner Fannie, servt Mrs. T. A. Harris Milner Lizzie, res nr compress Milner Thomas, servt W. B. Hill
Milt Henry, yardman Ullmann & Putzell Mims Harriet, res 208 Fifth st
Mims Henry, res Gorden st, E. Macon Mims Jane, servt R. F. Burton

Colored Department.
Mims John, res 5 Hazel st Mims Joseph, res 183 Sixth st Mims Laura, res rear 160 Cherry st Mims Lula, servt H. C. Hanson Mims Mollie, res Henry Mims Mims Rose, res Flanders st, E. Macen Mingea James, res 14 Bay st, E. Macon Mingea Thomas, cooper, res 90 Hazel st Minor Daphnie, servt, res 156^ Hazel st Minor Thomas, porter N. A. McGrath, res 158 Hazel st Mirack Alfred, wks Electric Light Co., res 56 Plum st Mitchell Alfred, lab, res cor Fifth and Walnut st Mitchell Allen, porter H G. Daus & Co., res 13 Maple st Mitchell Ann, servt Mrs. M. E. Doyle Mitchell Anna, wash'n, res alley bet Third, Fourth,
Mulberry and Cherry sts. Mitchell Benjamin, servt E, D. Huguenin Mitchell Cary Ann, kid glove and lace cleaner, res
foot Monroe st Mitchell Charlotte, servt David Flanders Mitchell D. 0., wks Brown House, res in alley bet
Third, Fourth, Plum and Pine sts Mitchell Dinah, res cor Forsyth and Monroe st Mitchell Easter, servt David Flanders Mitch all Emma, wash'n, res alley bet Third, Fourth,
Mulberry and Cherry sts Mitchell E. T., elk W. G. Johnson, res 61 Monroe st Mitchell Fannie, res 11 Maple st Mitchell Hattie, res Cary Ann Mitchell Mitchell Judge, stripper A. W. Turner, res cor First
ahd Walnut sts Mitchell Louis, porter Jaques & Johnson Mitchell Martha, wash'n, res alley bet Cherry, Mul-
bery, Third and Fourth sts Mitchell Sarah, res 127 Cotton ave Mobley Allen, res rear 214 Second st Mobley Charity, res rear 214 Second st Mobley John, res Tatnall square Moland Patsy, wash'n, res in alley bet Second, Third,
Plum and Pine sts Moland Rosa, res Henrietta Hawthorne Moland Owen, res in alley bet New, First, Oak and
Pine sts Monroe Alex, res 23 Walnut st



Colored Department.
Monroe Eda, res 11 Maple st Montang George, painter, res 6 Maple st Montgomery Carrolton, res 200 Sixth st Moody Eda, res 7 Washington ave Moody Edith, servt Mrs. W. T. Morgan Moore Amos, res 13 Orange st Moore Bostick, servt W. T. Parker Moore Clarissa, res 35 Calhoun st Moore Edward, res 24 Spring sc Moore Eliza, servt John Blair Moore Emma, wash'n, res 27 Oglethorpe Moore George, brickmason, res 131 New st Moore Grest, res 185 Fifth st Moore James, barber, Davis & Holt, res 35 Colum
bus st Moore Jane, res in alley bet Madison, Monroe and
Jefferson sts Moore Janet, res rear 90 Pine sts Moore Keziah, cook Mrs. Merkel, res 151 New st Moore Maria, servt F. A. Dougherty Moore Primus, res in alley bet New, Spring, Wharf
and Walnut sts Moore Sallie, wash'n, res cor Fifth and Walnut sts Moore Sarah, wash'n, res rear George A. Dure Moore Seldon, lab, res 115 Bay st Moore Willis, res Chestnut st, Vineville Monroe Rose, wash'n, res 27 Walnut st Morgan Amanda, res 75 Monroe st Morgan Pinkney, res rear 161 Mulberry st Morehom Gordon, res 47 Jones st Morehom Harriet, servt George S. Obear Morehom Rena, res 29 Collins alley, E. Macon Morehom Wiley, res Harriet Cunnigan Moreland Jane, cook C. Connor Moreland Rosa, wash'n, res alley bet Fourth, Fifth,
Cherry and Mulberry sts Morris Alex., lab, res rear Granville Burke Morris Ann, res 232 Sixth st Moore Bozwell, wks E. T., Ya. & Ga. R. R., res 187
Third st Moore Carrie, servt Joseph Danenburg Morris Betsey, res Brewery st Morris Csesar, plasterer, res 25 Forsyth st Morris Delia, res 8 Washington ave



Colored Department.
Morris Florence, res 43 First st Morris George, res Betsey Morris
Morris Howard, porter Cromeline & Co., res 98 Mul berry st
Morris Jackson, res Betsey Morris Morris James, servt Thomas Callahan Morris Josiah, third cook Lanier House Morris Lucius, servt J. T. Redding Morris Lethie, servt James Daly Morris Major, res 17 Calhoun st Morris Martha, servt W. B. Johnston Moore Minnie, res 15 lower Maple st Morris Nellie, chambermaid Mad. Pearl Fleming Morris Richard, res alley bet Third, Fourth, Bay and
Hazel sts
Moses Hattie, res 7 Monroe st Moses Josephine, res Miss Pleasant Mosely Spencer, hack driver, res 8 Washington ave Mose Albert, res 218 Sixth st
Moss Emeline, wash'n, res rear 39 Cherry st Moss Josephine, servt W. B. Physioc Mott Jennie, res 40 Poplar st Moultrie Louisa, servt Mrs. M. L. McCaw Mound John, porter Thomas Wood Mullin Fannie, servt W. B. Hill Mullin Thomas, res rear 146 Hazel st Mungen Charlotte, servt Mrs. Av Demere Munson Annie, servt James Boone Murphy Alfred, res s limits, nr Mercer University Murphy Ida, servt Edward Wolf Murray Richard, res Second st, E. Macon Murrell Alfred, hack driver, res 198 Telfair st Murrell Mitchell, res 38 Hawthorne st Myrick Alfred, wks Electric Light Co, res 56 Plum st

"YTASH DANIEL, cook J. B. Williams & Co
' Nash Febbie, res 12 Ross st Nash George, res s limits, Vineville Napier Robert, lab, res Oglethorpe st, near M. & W.
R. R
Neal Lee, hackman, res 41 Forsyth st Neal Washington, painter, res 6 Maple st Neal Washington, restaurant, res 6 Maple st Nedd Fannie, res William Jordan



Colored Department.
Neil Eatonton, painter, res 33 Monroe st Nelson Eda, servt, res 49 Fourth st Nelson Eve, cook G. M. Davis Nelson Jane, servt C. S. Findlay Nelson Judah, servt, res alley bet Cotton ave and
First, Second and Poplar sts Nelson Lawson, res in alley bet Spring st and Cot
ton ave Nelson Lucinda, servt Walter Nelson Nelson Queen, servt G. M. Davis Nelson Rosetta, res 11 Adams st Nelson Thomas, stableman T. M. Butner Nero James, servt Mrs. Peter Solomon Nesbitt Adeline, res 81 Wharf st Nesbitt James, wks section C. R. R., res in alley bet
Fourth, Fifth, Poplar and Cherry sts Nesbitt William, lab, res 20 Bay st, E. Macon Newsom Henry, servt C. H. Rogers Newsom Joseph, res 12 Ash st Newsom Maria, res w limits, E. Macon Nichols Albert, lab, res 0. Nichols Nichols Obadiah, res in alley bet New, Spring, Oak
and Pine sts Nichols Wesley, res end Oglethorpe st Nixon Alex, porter R. J. Anderson & Co., res Pleas
ant Hill Nixon Ann, cook John Valentino Nixon Daniel, porter A. V. Toole, res Vineville Nixon David, barber, res 217 Fourth st Nixon Elsie, res 32 Fifth st Nixon Gilbert, res end Hazel st Nixon James, lab, res 3 Cherry st Nixon Jane, servt Rev. S. Boykin Nixon John, porter G. B. Dettre, res Vineville Nixon Laura, res 32 Fifth st Nixon R. K., drayman S. T. Coleman & Co Nixon William, res 9 Washington ave Norris David, driver A. L. Butts Norris Frank, wks W. B. Johnston, res Clark st
Norris Lizzie, res rear 27 Madison st North Macon Colored Public School, H. J. T. Hud
son, principal Northern Simon, servt A. B. Small Norton Donas, bartender, res in alley bet Third,
Fourth, Oak and Pine sts



Colored Department.
Norwood Louisa, servt Norman I. Brunner Norwood Mary, servt R. H. Norman

ALIVE VIRGINIA, servt I. C. Plant
V O'-Bannor Green, lab, res in alley bet Second, Third, Oak and Pine sts
O'Connor Aaron, waiter Brown's hotel Oliver Ella, res Francis Oliver Oliver Emma, res Barbara Jenkins Oliver Francis, wash'n, res 260 Second st Oliver Henry, barber, res 99 Hazel st Oliver Ida, res Barbara Jenkins Oliver Mattie, res Barbara Jenkins O'Neal Jane, wash'n, res in alley bet Third, Fourth
Bay and Hazel sts
O'Neal Raleigh, drayman Flanders Bros O'Neal Roderick, res Jefferson st, Vineville O'Neal Thomas, res Chestnut st, Vineville Osborne Keith, restaurant, res w end Fourth st Owens Anderson, butcher, res in alley bet New
Spring, Wharf and Walnut sts Owens Harrison, carpenter, res 150 Hazel st Owens John, res 91 Wharf st
Owens Martha, wash'n, res old Forsyth road, Vineville
Owens Meredith, res rear 316 Fourth st Owens Samuel, servt Emory Winship Overtreet Richard, porter So. Ex. Co., res 335
Fourth st

T)ACE RIIODA, res rear 30 Fifth st
Pace Thomas, res 93 Madison st Page Edward, office hoy Edgerton House Page Marcus, lab, res sandy bottoms Page Mary, res 196 Third st
Pall Augusta, cook, res in alley bet Second, Third, Plum and Pine sts
Palmer E. E., res 48 Forsyth st Palmer Ella, res rear 25 Orange st Palmer George, driver R. L. Henry, res E. Macon Parks Henry, servt J. D. Bowles Parks Harriet, res 19 Forsyth st Parks Jordan, shoemkr, res 125 Monroe st Parks Josephine, res 93 Pine st



Colored Department.

Parks Joseph Watt, barber, E. W. Ansley

Parks Major, res 270 Third st

Parks Sandy, res 115 Bay st

Parker Caroline, res s limits

Parker Dave, servt Mrs. Theodore Green

Parker Geoigia, servt Rev. S. Boykin

Parker John, servt A. F. G. Campbell

Parker Joseph, barber, res 191 Third st

Parker Mollie, res nr Compress Parker William, wks J. S. Stewart, res 45 Ash st

Parker Wilson, hostler L. D. Rogers, res alley bet

Cotton ave, First, Second and Poplar sts

Paul Lula, servt S. S. Dunlap

Paul Millie, res rear 27 Arch

Paul Pet, res rear 27 Arch st Parris John, carrier Telegraph and Messenger

Parrum Eliza, res in alley bet Madison, Munroe and

Jefferson sts

Parrum Sarah, res Eliza Parrum

Parsons Amelia, servt Mrs. A. P. Tennille

Parsons Joseph, hostler G. W. Davis

Parsons Louisa, servt Mrs. A. P. Tennille

Parsons Norma, servt Matt R. Freeman

Paschal Lafayette, res 218 Sixth st

Patrick Frank, hackman, res 4 Lamar st Patrick Julia, res in alley bet Third, Fourth, Bay

and Hazel sts Patrick Morgan, baker Rogers & Winn

Patton Huldah, res foot Madison st

PattQn Samuel, wks S. W. R. R. shops, res 31 Clinton,

st, E. Macon

Patterson Clara, res rear 36 Hazel st

Patterson John, servt Felix Corput

Patterson Lula, servt George W. Burr

Payne Alex, lab, res 36 Monroe st

Peaburmy Isaac, res rear Lee Crockett

Peaks Beamon, res Houston road


Pearce Lucy, res in alley bet Second, Third, Plunn

and Pine sts Pearson Aaron, res 202 Sixth st

Pearson Rufus, porter Southern Hotel Peck John, blacksmith, res Old Court House square

Peck Julius, barber, res 38 Walnut st

Peck Lizzie, res Josephine Graham



Colored Department.

Peck Nancy, cook, res 38 Walnut at

Peck Rufus, servt, res 38 Walnut st

Pepper Fannie, res 7 Spring st

Pepper James, res 26 New st

Pepper Julia, res 26 New st

Pepper Lizzie, servt A. Nix

Pepper Nancy, res 7 Spring st

Pepper Nellie, res Jefferson st, Vineville

Pepper Richard, res Jefferson st, Vineville

Perkins & Perkins, bar, 58 Mulberry st

Perkins Ellis, res 6 Oglethorpe st

Persons Lula, servt Charles P. Roberts

Perkins Martha, res 1 Cherry st

Perkins Nazarine, servt John A. McManus

Perkins P. M., of Perkins & Perkins, bar, res 58 Mulberry st

PERKINS W., barber, res 3 Calhoun st

Perkins W. G., of Perkins & Perkins, bar, res 58 Mulberry st

Perry Charles, hostler G. M. Davis

Perry Henry, lab, res 91 Pine st

Perry Lucius, res Henry Perry

PERRYMAN C., bar and billiards, res 8 Forsyth st




Peters Anthony, res nr A. M. E. Church, E. Macon Peters Emily, res 31 Fifth st Peters Jacob, lab, res 110 Bay st
Peters J. D., sleeping car porter, res 205 Third st Peters Lettie, res 45 Chestnut st Peters Mary, servt J. W. Cabannis Peters Wm., res rear Mrs. M. C. Burghard Piatt Harry, carpenter, res 10 Spring st Pickens Charles, servt Wm. Reese Pickens John, carpenter, res 10 Maple st Picket Mary, res Jefferson st, Vineville Pickens Matt, res 335 Fourth st
Pickens Millie, wash'n, res alley bet Fourth, Fifth Cherry and Mulberry sts
Pickett Thomas, lab, res 31 Fifth st Pickens Toney, lab, bds Rosa Moreland Pinkston Ella, servt G. B. Wells
Pierce Ira, eng E. Macon Factory, res Carrie Johnson Pie Mary, wash'n, res 47 Pine st


Colored Department.

Pippins Anna, servt W. A. Schoneman, res sw com

mons Pitts Anna, servt S. F. Anderson

Pitts George, lab, res 29 Fifth st

Pitts Green, porter George W. Burr Pitts Jerry, wks Reynolds' Iron Wks, res Wharf st,

nr Orange

Pitts Julia, res Doc Brown Pitts Mansfield, res cor Johnson and Boundary sts

Pitts Walnut, train hand S. W. R. R., res alley bet

Madison, Monroe and Jefferson sts Pittman Margaret, res alley bet Cotton ave, Pine

and New sts Pittman Peter, res rear 164 Sixth st

Phelps Alice, servt Mrs. J. H. Curd

Phelps Anna, lab, res alley bet New, First, Oak and

Arch sts


Phenix John, wheelwright, res 12 Collins alley, E.

Macon Phenix Nelson, porter Samuel B. Barfield, res E.

Macon Phillips Anna, res Tatnall square

Phillips Anthony, lab, res Forsyth st, nr Monroe

Phillips Charity, servt Jerry O'Connor

Phillips Frank, policeman, res 133 Oglethorpe st

Phillips Jack, res George Wilder

Phillips Jemima, res Mattie Phillips^

Phillips John, candymkr H. B. Erminger

Phillips M., mattress mkr F. Reichert, res E. Macon

Phillips Marbold, res Hydraulic st, E. Macon

Phillips Martha, res Clinton road, E. Macon

Phillips Mattie, res alley bet Sixth and Elm sts and

limits Philson Wm, porter Brown's Hotel, res 22 Spring st

Phinizee Emily, res 83 Madison st

Phinizee Savannah, servt A. Gibian

Phoenix Lodge, No. 13, Masons, J. W. Brooks, W. M.;

Thomas Screen, sec'y

Pleasant Mice, res Sixth, nr Oglethorpe st

Plenty Peter, wks M. & W. R R-, res 98 Bay st

Pley Frank, res 185 Sixth st

Plumber Benjamin, res 15 Elm st

Polk James it., drayman, res 95 Hazel st

Pollard Alex., res 129 New st



Colored Department.
POLLOCK M. M., watchmkr, res Unionville Ponder Abraham, Jab, res 112 Bay st Poole Celia, servt E. Sprinz

Poole George, carpenter, res 89 Hazel st Pope Ella, servt Wesleyan Female College Pope Jefferson, res Jefferson st, nr Vineville Pope Lucy, cook Mad. Pearl Fleming Pope Nancy, servt R. H. Wood Pope Simon, res 1 Wharf st

Porter Dollie, wash'n, res alley bet Fourth, Fifth and' Cherry sts

Porter Jay, lab, res 326 Fourth st

Postell Albert, driver at Valdosta, res 40 Poplar st Powers Gus, servt W. H. Ross
Powers Irvin, res rear 163 Fifth st Powers Mary, res Harry Jacobs
Powers Solomon, painter, res 58 Plum st Powell Caleb, res 2 Hazel st

Cowell Randall, lab, res alley bet Third, Fourth, Walnut and Mulberry sts
Pounds Etta, res John Matthews

Pounds Ollis, res in alley bet Walnut, Wharf and Franklin sts

Prater Dorintha, wash'n, res 47 Pine st Prater Lucinda, res Warren Prater Prater Major, res rear 37 Walnut st Prater Warren, res 318 Fourth st

Preston Patsy, wash'n, res in alley bet Third, Fourth Cherry and Poplar sts

Preston Ransom, wks C. R. R., res 123 Fifth st Preston William, bell boy Brown's Hotel Price Aggie, servt J. W. Williams
Price Charles, porter Mrs. M. Gansheimer
Price Joseph, wks C. R. R. frt depot, res 15 Wharf st 4 rice Lucian, drayman Rogers & Adams Price Mary, servt C. J. Stroberg Price Missouri, servt W. J. Dickson
Price Wallace, section E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R., res 15 Wharf st

Primrose George, lab, res in alley bet New, Spring,

Oak and Pine sts


Prince Andrew, res 74 Monroe st Prince Ann, servt Mrs. M, J. Sherwood Prince Charles, servt Mrs. M. J. Sherwood



Colored Department.

Prior Susan, servt George Andrews

Pritchard Calvin, carpenter, res 91 Madison st

Pritchard Carrie, servt R. F. Lawton Pritchard Hannah, servt S. P. Bailey

Pritchard Laura, res 23 New st

Prudence Ed, H., hd waiter Brown House, res 185 Third st

Pry Richmond, res 71 Monroe st

Purifoy Henry, res 97 Hazel st

Purse Alex, lab, res 231 Third st

Pye Julia, res S. C. Gans
QUARTERMAN JACK, res 189 Fifth st

Quince Emily, servt G. B. Roberts Quince Ezra, wks R. C. Wilder's Sons, res James

Quince Quince James, servt G. B. Roberts

Quince James, wks R. C. Wilder's Sons, res nr Tat-

Rnail Square AIFORD WASHINGTON, res cor M. k W. R. R.

and Elm st Raley Louvina, wash'n, res rear 29 Poplar st

Ralston George, wood passer S. W. R. R., res 96 Bay st Ralston Hester, servt A. Greenwood

Ralston Sallie, res 27 Elm st Rand William, bell boy Brown's Hotel

Randall Albert, res 146^ Hazel st

Randall Anderson, waiter Southern Hotel Randall Charles, wks A. B. Artope, res First st
Randall Sherman, porter W. W. & G. J. Ford, res

Vineville Randolph James, res Peter Chappell

Ransom D. R., farmer, res 239 Second st
Rarefield Sylvanus, porter M. Nussbaum k Co

Raspberry Anthony, porter George Barker

Raspberry Walter, lab, res 76 Monroe st

Rawls Jane, servt M. J. Hatcher

Rawls Silas, res sandy bottoms

Ray Anna, wash'n, res 21 Monroe st

Rayburn Gilbert, shoemaker, res 346^ Fourth *t

Ray Hattie, res 21 Monroe st

Ray Henrietta, res 27 Oglethorpe st

Ray Nancy, res 26 Jefferson st


; x



Colored Department.
Ravfield Mary, res 19 Washington ave Rebrow Leslie, res 14 Ash st

Redding Ananias, wks M. & W. shops, res cor Sixth and Bay sts
Redding Milas, porter J. H. Benner Reed Coswell, carpenter, res 39 Jones st

WharafCstsreS alleJ bet NeW' Spring' Walnu^ and

Reed Reuben, res 113 Bay st

Reed Walter, res Coswell Reed

Reese Elijah, drayman, res Fourth st and M. & W.
K. K.

Reese Ellen, res Sophia Thomas

Reese Howard, servt William Reese Reese Rosa, servt Stephen Collins

Reeves Albert, porter E. 334 Fourth st


Va. & Ga. R. R., res

Reeves Jefferson, porter E. T., Va 334 Fourth st

& Ga. R. R., res

Reeves Mary, servt R. V. Brigg3 Reeves Richard, lab, res 8 Ross st

Reeves Spencer, servt, res 21 Fifth st Regan Mollie, servt W. H. Cornell

Reynolds Lou, wash'n, res basement 50 Fourth st ^ mi barb Jake, wTks So. Express Co

Richard Adeline, res Boundary st, nr Oglethorpe st Richards Alice, res 118 Cotton ave

Richards Charles, lab, res in alley bet Third, Fourth. W alnut and Mulberry sts

Richards Dinah, res rear 164 Sixth st Richards Green, res 31 Elm st

Richards Judge, servt Southern Hotel

Richards Sylvia, servt George B. Turpin

Richardson Edward, servt Robert Coleman Ricfiardson Fannie, servt William Edwards Richardson Mattie, servt C. B. Wheeler Richardson Patsey, res 41 Chestnut st

Richardson Scott, res 6 Oglethorpe st

Richardson Victoria, servt Mrs; M. J. Sherwood Riley Adeline, vvash'n, res rear 26 Fifth st Rially Ann, servt John Blair

Ridley Anna, servt C. A. Flail

Ridley Cornelius, drayman John D. Hudgins Riley Delia, res 85 Walnut st



Colored Department.
Ridley Jane, res 118 Cotton ave

Ridley William, bartender Louis Vannucki, res 123 Madison st

Riley James, waiter W. B. Chapman

Ringwood Anthony, wks S. W. R. R. shops, res 329 Fourth st

Ringwood George, res in alley bet Fourth, Fifth, Bay and Hazel sts

Rivers Glascow, lab, res 156 Hazel st Rivers Henry, bar, res 116 Fourth st

Rivers Shade, brakeman Ga. R. R., res in alley bet Fourth and Plum sts
Roach Rachel, res 8 Walnut st

Roberts Ann, wash'n, res 179 Third st Roberts Berry, servt R. T. Lawton Roberts Booker, Tes Jerry Campbell

Roberts Charles, waiter Union Depot Restaurant Roberts David, stripper A. W. Turner, res 49 Haw
thorne st

Robertson Ella, servt N. A. Gans
Roberts Hattie, res Albert Carroll Roberts Sonnie, servt M. L. Rogers Roberts Sylla, wash'n, res rear 105 Fifth st Robertson Alfred, res s limits, Vinevilie Robertson B., res rear 111 Fifth st Robertson Cheney, servt Mrs. J. H. Curd
Robertson Henry, res Jefferson st, Vinevilie Robertson Henry, blacksmith, res Columbus road Robertson Hampton, asst cook Brown's Hotel Robertson James, servt Mrs. S. L. Whitehead Robertson Jane, res rear 47 Cherry st Robertson Jesse, servt A. J. Newsom Robertson Lillie, res rear 111 Fifth st

Robertson Mary, res cor Oglethorpe and Sixth sts Robertson Mollie, res 123 Madison st Robertson Oliver, wks Hatcher & Grier Robertson Phoebe, servt Jacob Fried

Robertson Sarah, res cor Cherry and Sixth sts Robertson Sarah, cook Mrs. Kate Bucher Robertson Thomas, servt Dr. J. R. Price Robertson Thomas, servt W. F. Grace

Robertson William, porter A. B. Allen & Son

Robertson Wesley, cigar maker N. A. Gans, res rear 52 Walnut st



Colored Department.
Robinson Albert, blacksmith Collins Mfg Co Robinson Beverly, porter National Hotel Robinson Charles, res Owen Moland Robinson Carrie, servt Mrs. L. A. Visscher Robinson Ed, drayman Collins Mfg Co Robinson Jesse, wks M. & W. shops, res 41 Ash st
Robinson Joshua, office boy C. J. Toole, res same Robinson Julia, servt T. B. Artope Robinson Mollie, res 57 Madison st Robinson Washington, lab, res 239 Second st Rockwell Henrietta, res 103 Madison st Rogers-, res 95 Madison st Rogers Abe, res rear 29 Arch st Rogers Gus, hack driver, res 102 Fourth st Rogers Hattie, wash'n, res rear 105 Fifth st Rogers J. A., barber Willis Braswell
Rogers James, barber, res in alley bet Wharf, Walnut and Orange sts
Rogers Lucretia, res 10 Mulberry st Rogers Mary, res 86 Wharf st
Rogers Mary, res Boundary st, w limits Rogers Margaret, servt M. L. Rogers Rogers Melissa, servt Clifford Anderson Rogers Moses, res 81 Monroe st Rogers Rebecca, wash'n, res rear Peter Harris Rogers Richard, shoemaker, res Maggie Johnson Rogers Sawney, driver M. L. Rogers, res rear 230
Second st
Rollin Alex., res George Armstrong
Rollins Anderson, res George Hall Rollins George, res Cotton st, E. Macon Rooks Joseph, res 67 Madison st Rosa Cass, mail carrier, bds 31 First st Rose Amanda, res Aaron Griswold Rose Anna, servt R. H. Brown Rose Cora, cook Mad. Jennie Clark Rose Mary, servt Mallory H. Taylor
Rossier Isaac, res nr Collins Mfg Co Rossier Lettie, res Lizzie Flewellyn Ross Benjamin, lab, res Robert Lewis Ross Frank, res alley bet Monroe and Forsyth sts,
Washington ave and limits Ross James, res rear 79 Walnut st Ross John, scullion Brown's Hotel



Colored Department.

Ross Judge, res sandy bottoms Ross _ Willis, waiter Ullmann & Putzel Roundtree Adam, res Troup Hill Rouse Jonas, lab E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R., res cor

Fourth st and M. & W. R. R Rouse Richard, lab, res Ash st, bet Fifth and Sixth

Rowles Isaac, farmer, res 32 Madison st Royal Emma, servt Mrs. J. G. Pace Royal Willie Ann, res 37 Forsyth st Rucker Gabriel, res w limits, E. Macon Ruff Richard, barber, res 22 Spring st Rufus Henry, res Cherry, nr Sixth st Runnells Mehala, servt Mrs. L. A. Seaman Russell Abe, res Clinton road, E. Macon Russell Georgia Ann, cook W. T. Womack Russell George, servt A. W. Reese Russell Henry, wks J. W. Burke & Co., res Brewery st Russell Orlando, office boy Conner Bros., res nr Brew

ery st Russell Polly, res 73 Madison st Rutledge Fred., painter, res 22 Collin3 alley, E. Macon

Rutledge Hannah, res Troup Hill Rutherford Manuel, res 42 Hazel st Rutherford Rebecca, wash'n, res 38 Cherry st
Ryan Charlotte, res rear 231 Third st Ryals Emeline, servt J. T. Riddick
Ryan Emma, servt Hayne Ellis Ryan Minerva, res Maria Wilson
SMITH AGNES, res 74 Sixth st

Smith Albert, res alley bet Hazel, Calhoun, Ogle

thorpe and Jackson sts Smith Amanda, servt A. Gibian Smith Amy, nurse, res J. C. Valentine Smith Anna, servt E. W. Waterhouse Smith Calhoun, res cor Elm st and M. & W. R. R Smith Calvin, res rear P. S. Holt Smith Celia, res 269 Second st Smith Charles, waiter Edgerton House Smith Charlotte, servt W. M. Hitt Smith Clayborne, res sandy bottoms Smith David, res 29 Monroe st Smith Dennis, porter Flatau & Co Smith Eliza, servt Mrs S. B. Hall



Colored Department.
Smith Eliza, wash'n, res in alley bet Oglethorpe, Oak, Fourth and Fifth sts
Smith Eliza, res Charlotte Ashley Smith Rev. Elias, res Mary Dean Smith Ellen, servt C. J. Toole Smith Rev. Ellis, res 33 Monroe st Smith Elmira, servt H. E. Rees Smith Emeline, res Samuel Smith Smith Emma, cook, res \7 Pine st Smith Emma, wash'n, res 105 Wharf st Smith F. J., elk Harmon & Blackshear, res nw limits Smith Fannie, res rear 167 Second st Smith Flora, res 39 Monroe st
Smith Frank, mechanic, res 36 Hazel st
Smith G. G., groceries and woodyard, res 21 Mon roe st

Smith George, mail carrier, res 17 Washington ave Gmith George, blacksmith, res in alley bet Second,
Hazel and Hawthorne sts Smith George, lab, res 12 Maple st Smith George, res Sixth st, nr Bay Smith Green, res Elbert Daniels
Smith Griggs, res Jefferson st, Vineville
Smith Henry, lab, res in alley bet Third, Fourth, Hazel and Arch sts
Smith Hettie, wash'n, res 197 Third st Smith Horace, servt N. B. Corben Smith James, res Troup Hill
Smith Jane,, servt Mrs. S. E. Sutton Smith Jennie, res Cherry st, nr Sixth st
Smith John, Schatzman& Acuff, res Vineville Smith John, scrap boy Lanier House Smith John, res nr Collins Mfg Co
Smith Joe, wksR. C. Wilder's Sons, res Troup Hill

b^ manitdJ l ThoisredPhs-tsres in alley bet Poplar, Pine, Second

Smith Joseph, billiard tender Ullmann & Putzel Smith Joe, woodwork, res Second st, E. Macon Smith L. H.,^waiter Ullmann & Putzel Smith Leah, res nr compress Smith Leana, res Roxy Smith Smith Lizzie, res Houston road Smith Lou, servt Jacob Harris Smith Louisa, res 25 Monroe st



Colored Department.

Smith Lucy, res Nero Smith

Smith Martha, res Albert Smith

Smith Mary, wash'n, res in alley bet Fourth, Fifth, Cherry and Mulberry sts

Smith Mary, res Albert Smith

Smith Maria, res 37 First st

Smith Marion, res old Forsyth road, Vineville Smith Mollie, res George Smith Smith Nancy, res Houston road

Smith Neil, servt Mrs. S. J. Roberts Smith Nero, res 88 Wharf st Smith Nettie, res Sarah Hill

Smith Patsey, res 13 Walnut st Smith Prince res nr Vineville depot

Smith Rachel, wash'n, res alley bet Fourth, Fifth, Cherry and Mulberry sts

Smith Robert, lab, res alley bet Second, Third, Hazel and Ash sts

Smith Robert, hd waiter Ullmann & Putzel, res 61 Cherry st

Smith Roxy, res Josephine Graham

Smith Seaborn, hostler G. M. Davis Smith Sallie, servt L. D. Rogers

Smith Sallie, res Cotton st, E. Macon

Smith Samuel, res 57 Fifth st, E. Macon

-Smith Sarah, res in alley bet Sixth and Cherry sts and limits

Smith Sydney, lab, res 6 Mulberry st Smith Thomas, res 18 Hazel st

Smith Washington, hostler Stewart Bros., res Cot ton ave

Smith Wesley, res rear Mrs. Carrie Harrington Smith Wesley, porter W. H. Wood, res s limits Smith West, servt S. A. C. Everett

Smith William, res Chestnut st, Vineville Smylie William, res rear L. M. Johnson Snodgrass Charles, waiter Lanier House

Solomon Ann, cook, res old Court House square Solomon Ida, servt J. G. McGolrick

Solomon Lou, res 23 New st

Solomon Maggie, servt J. G. Deitz Solomon Sarah, res Isaiah Holt

Solomon Pharoah, res near Collins Mfg Co Solomon Troup, res 335 Fourth st



Colored Department.

Saunders Wash, wks section C. R. R., res 77 Fifth st South Macon Colored Public School, Mrs. M. Baber,

Solomon William, res Wharf st, bet New and First sts
Spain Rosa, res Wolff's Tenement, Oglethorpe st
Spalding Henry, wks E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R,, res Ellen

Sparks Fred, janitor Court House, res 49 Jones st Sparks Henry, servt Mrs. Asher Ayres Sparks Sophia, servt E. A. Isaacs

Speer Andrew, cook Edgerton House Spear Anthony, cook, res in alley bet Monroe, For
syth, Washington aye and limits Spear Lucinda, servt Mrs. T. A. Harris Spear Maria servt Emory Winship

Spear William, hostler A. B. Shackleford, res 199 Third st

Spencer Mary J., res Moses Slocom Spinks Willis, res nw limits Spirer Jerry, servt H. P. Westcott Spirey Andrew, res Chestnut st, Vineville Spirey Seaborn, wks Lanier House, res
houn st Stable Tena, res Clark st

12 Cal

Stafford Jackson, servt Washington Dessau Stanford Amanda, servt Mrs. M. A. Gibson Stanford Charles, res Troup Hill Stanford Henry, wks M. & W. shops, res cor Hazel
and Jackson sts

Stanley Dennis, res 7 Lower Maple st Stanton Anna, cook, Mrs. J. L. Jones Stapleton Hannah, servt Wesleyan Female College Starr Benjamin, wks S. W. R. R., res 333 Fourth st Steele Carrie, servt J. P. Flanders Steele Israel, res 33 First st

Stephens-, res in alley bet Third, Fourth, Cherry and Poplar sts
Stephens Dinah, res in alley bet Third, Fourth Cherry and Poplar sts
Stephens Ridley, wash'n, res Columbus road,, bet Hazel and Oglethope sts
Sterks John, res Henry Rufus

Stevens Augusta, cook Southern Hotel Stevens Harriet, cook, res in alley bet Third, Fourth,
Oak and Pine sts



Colored Department.
Stevens Henry, res Chetnut et, Vineville Stevens Henry, lab, res 69 Hawthorne st StevenB John, porter Coleman & Newsom Stevens Squire, gardener, res foot of College st Stevens Sterie, res Harriet Stevens Stevens Patsey, servt Thomas Callaghan Stevens Price, porter Schwed <fc Gibian Stevenson Levi, restaurant, res 221 Fourth st Stevenson Lizzie, student, res 197 Third st Stevenson Nancy, res 197 Third st Stevenson Rosa, res 197 Third st Stevenson William, res 200 Fifth st Stewart Dennis, lab, res in alley bet Spring, Orange,
Walnut and Wharf sts Stewart Elijah, res w limits, E. Macon Stewart Hester, servt F. H. Stone Stewart Jane, cook A. G. Butts Stewart Harry, servt H. C. Turpin Stewart John, servt Isaac Hardeman Stewart Kate, res Flanders st, E. Macon Stewart Louise, res in alley bet New, Spring, Oak
and Pine sts Stewart Maria, servt William E. Whitehead Stewart William, res Dennis Stewart Stiles N. W., porter C. B. Blackshear Stillwell Hattie, res in alley bet Sixth, Cherry and
limits St. Michell Lodge No. 1632, Jack Davis, N. G.; H. T.
Hudson, sec'y Stokes Mary, res s limits Stone Fannie, servt James Harvey Stone Thomas, res 22 Columbus road Street George, brickmason, res rear 79 Wralnut st Strong Henry, waiter J. B. Williams <& Co Strong Jones, waiter Lanier House Stout Lucy, servt, res cor Mulberry and Fifth sts. Strong Ned, of Strong & Jackson, groceries, res Vine

ville Stubbs Austin, carpenter, res cor Mulberry and
Fifth sts Stubbs George, res end Hazel st Stubbs Alex., res Houston road Stubbs John, res alley bet Madison, Monroe and Jef
ferson sts



^Sttnuhbbhs! ^AJle11x38.,13r'esshroeeamr k4r2' rOepakCshterry at, nr Cotton are Stubbs Maria, servt Mrs. T. B. Grace Stubbs Tempest, cook, res John Matthews Stuart Dennis, res City Hall alley Stuart Lou, servt C. C. Sims Stuart Mary, res Stephen Stuart Stuart Salhe, servt Mrs M. M. Davis Stuart Sarah, Bcrvt J. Goodwyn
Stuart Stephen, well digger, res 258 Second st

Columbus roa<1'bet Hazel
Sailors Abbie, res 71 Monroe st Sailors Emily, res 71 Monroe st Salem Ringgold, res Ollie Pounds Saltmarsh Green, res 10 Spring st Samidge Archie, res Cotton st, E. Macon banders Aaron, res Isaac Sanders
Sanders Bud, barber A. McKenna, res 132 Poplar at Sanders Jacob, res 35 Monroe st Sanders Jane, servt C. A. Tharpe
Sanders O mail agt S. W. R. R,, res 273 Fourth st banders Rebecca A., res Anna Adams Banders Samuel, res s limits
Sanders S. H., barber shop, res Washington ave

zel st ISaaC'

Findlay Iroa Wks, res 131 Ha-

Sanford John, servt C. M. Wiley Sanford Wm, res Cotton st. E. Macon Saucy Camilla, servt Mrs. M. E. Ryan Savage John, barber, res W. M. Savage Savage Mamie, res 105 Fifth st
Savage. Wm., barber J. Giannone, res 27 Jefferson st Savior -, res 176 Fifth st
Scrutcheon Abbie, res rear 57 Plum st Scott Ann, res Albert Carroll Scott Dinah, cook, res 179 Third st Scott Ella, wash'n, res 49 Fourth st Scott George, res nr Collins Mfg Co Scott Guy, cook J. B. Williams Sc Co
Scott Guy Thomas, wks Kennesaw House, res Wolff's tenement, Oglethorpe st
Scott Isaac, lab, res in alley bet Wharf st and the river



Colored Department.

Scott Lewie, res Isaac Scott Scott Louis, res Nancy Burke Scott Wallace, res Isaac Scott Screen Dililah, wash'n, res in alley bet Plum and
Fourth sts Schenck George, res 126 Wharf st Screen Julia, servt T. R. Barketh Screen Mary, cook Charles Wachtell Searcy Albert, res end Hazel st Searcy Allen, sleeping car porter, res 216 Fourth at Searcy Ben, lab, res 216 Fourth st Searcy Jane, servt J. T. Lamar Searcy Lou, wash'n, res 216 Fourth st Searcy Louisa, wash'n, res 216 Fourth st Searcy Lucinda, servt J. T. Lamar Searcy Rebecca, wash'n, res 216 Fourth st Searcy Thomas, res Sixth st, nr Bay st Seabrooks Eda, servt Albert Smith Seaborn Edward, res rear 95 Orange st Seabrook Joseph, elk Thomas Quinn Seabrooks Sam, portor W. B. Sparks Sellers Andrew, res Brewery st Sellers Charlie, res Chestnut st, Vineville Sellers Thomas, res E. Woodleff Skinner Emma, res 130 New st Skinner Leah, res 130 New st Sharp William, lab, res 24 Fifth at, E. Macon Shaw Ann, wash'n, res in alley bet, Third, Fourth,
Oak and Pine sts Shaw Randolph, res 218 Sixth st Shelly Ellen, res in alley bet Second, Third, Oak and
Pine sts Shelton Jerry, res 200 Sixth st Sherman Reuben, res 39 Forsyth st Sherman Susan, res 12 Ross st Shephard Adeline, 206 Fifth st Shephard Luke, res Sixth st, nr Bay st Shephard Rebecca, res 86 Hazel st Shephard Sarah, res 206 Fifth st Shinholser Henry, hostler Stewart Bros., res Vin'e-
ville Shinholser Sarah, res 24 Hawthorne st Shorter Jesse, wks So. Ex. Co, res 38 Jones st Silas George, butcher W. L. Henry, res rear Emmet



Colored Department

Siloam Baptist Church, Unionville Sims-, lab, res 38 Monroe st Sims Amelia, servt B. A. Brannon Sims Caroline, servt Mrs. W. F. Brown Sims Lucy, res Houston road Sims Pierce, servt Mrs. W. F. Brown Simmons A. D., wagon repairs, res Unionville Simmons Charlotte, res in alley bet Second, Third,
Oak and Arch sts

Simmons Charlotte, res 37 Monroe st Simmons Daniel, res 4 Hazel st Simmons John, res Flanders st, E. Macon Simmons Lizzie, wash'n, res 6 Magnolia st Simmons Mary, res 79 Monroe st Simmons Rhodes, res 31 First st Simmons Rose, servt D. L. Walker Simmons Ruffian, lab, res sandy bottoms
Simmons William, porter Sehwed & Gibian, res 79
Monroe st
Simons Malvina, servt T. L. Holt Simpson Willis, res Chestnut st, Yineville Sinclair Dennis, lab, res 88 Hazel st Sinclair Joseph, res cor Elm st and M. & W. R. R Singleton Emma, servt Wesleyan Female College Singleton Henry, drayman, res cor Ross and Maple sts Singleton Hudson, drayman Rogers & Winn, res cor
College and Wharf sts Singleton Hudson, lab, res 47 Jones st Singleton Lucy, servt H. J. Lamar Singleton Sarah, wash'n, res in alley bet Third,
Fourth, Poplar and Cherry sts Sinton Carrie, servt R. H. Plant Sinton Griffin, bartender S. Lane, res Robert Plant Sinton John, res 26 New st
Sinton J. R., bartender J. L. Kennedy, res 26 New st Slappy Anna, servt S. F. Anderson Slappy Antoinette, res rear 185 Fifth st Slappey James, feeder Telegraph and Messenger Slappey William, res Windsor Hill Slaughter Alfred, waiter Brown's Hotel, res 7
Spring st
Slaughter Lou, res 90 Wharf st Slaughter Solomon, porter B. Carter Slater Tobias, waiter Corbett House



Colored Department.
Slocomb Moses, res Wolff's Tenement, Oglethorpe st Small Ella, res 1 Mulberry st Small James, baker Rogers & Winn Smallwood Laura, res in alley bet New, Spring, Wal
nut and Wharf sts Smart Ransom, porter W. A. Doody, res Vineville Sutton Albert, wks R. C. Wilders Sons, res 262 Sec
ond st Sutton Cubert, lab, res Fannie Cooper . Sutton Edward, res Jefferson st, Vineville Sutton Eugene, wash'n, res 19 Wharf st Sutton George, res Vineville Sutton Gus, res Ed Coachman Sutton Harriet, servt J. H. Shinholser Sweety Jane, servt J. P. Philips. Swain Melissa, servt Peter Harris Swayne Wesley, porter Dunwody Bros
TALBOTT WILLIAM H., blacksmith Harrison

Cole's, res 75 Walnut st Taldon Elvira, res end Hazel st Talton Montgomery, carpenter, res rear 163 Fifth st Tanner William, hack driver, res Perry Bloom Tarver William, res Elm st and M. & W. R. R Tatum Alex, groceries, res 90 Hazel st Tatum E. J., wks James D. DouglaBS, res Hazel st,
nr Second st Tatman Chany, res William Gordon Taylor -, switchman C. R. R., res in alley bet
First, New, Oak and Arch sts Taylor Anderson, res Henrietta Taylor Taylor Alex, lab, res old Court House Square Taylor Ann, servt R. H. Smith Taylor Celia, wash'n, res 34 Poplar st Taylor Daniel, lab, res Henry Taylor Taylor David, lab, res alley bet Fourth, Fifth, Wal
nut and W harf sts Taylor Ellen, wash'n, res in alley bet Plum and
Fourth sts Taylor James, res 56 Sixth st Taylor Joseph, porter O. F. Lagerquist, res Henry
Taylor Taylor Henry, lab, res in alley bet Third, Fourth,.
Oak and Pine sts



Colored Department.
Taylor Henrietta, res 239 Second st 1 aylor Louis, res 37 Chestnut st Taylor Mary, res 239 Second st
Taylor Martha, res 239 Second st Taylor Nancy, servt D. B. Reeves

Taylor Samuel, wks W. B. Johnson, res 13 Monroe st Taylor Samuel, res City Hall alley
Taylor Samuel, cook Union Depot Restaurant Taylor Sarah, servt P. Lipman
Taylor Sophia, servt, res Henry Taylor Taylor Victoria, servt Mrs. Mary Keating Taylor William, cook Southern Hotel Tazwell Amanda, res Joseph Sinclair
ierrell A G., barber Giannone, res E. Macon Therrell Harry, res Albert Wilson Therrell Rebecca, servt F. W. WiDnler Tharpe Ellen, res Boundary st PP Tharpe Henry, porter Johnson & Carver lharpe Jarrett, res Windsor Hill Tharpe Jones, res Windsor Hill
Thomas-, blacksmith Collins Mfg Co

Thomas Aaron, res in ailey bet Sixth, Cherry and

Mulberry sts and limits


Thomasson Abbie, cook, res rear 105 Fifth st

ihomas Abe, porter Rogers & Winn

Thomas Austin, res 32 Collins alley, E. Macon

l bomas Amanda, wash'n, res rear 86 Fourth st

lhompson Amy, servt J. H. Freeman

1 homas Ann, res 201 Fifth st

Thomas Aseline, servt Mrs. F. J. Wilburn

1 homas Carrie, res rear 200 Fifth st

T PSestslara' r6S alleJ bet Second' Third> Plum and

Thomas Cora, res 95 Hazel st

Thomas Daniel, lab/res nr compress

Tnomas Daniel, res M. & W. R. R. and Elm st

Thomas Early, eng Collins Mfg Co

Ihomas Ed., wks Hatcher & Grier

Thomas Emma, servt Mrs. J. L. Jones

Ihomas Francis, wash'n, res alley bet Third, Fourth,

Cherry and Mulberry sts

. '


Thomas Fred., res Mehala Thomas *

srjn^M.T'w8^ ** ThW' FUrth a"d EIm



Colored Department.

Thomas Gus, policeman, res Jackson, bet Ash and Hazel sts

Thomas Henry, wks Goodwyn & Small, res 38 Ha zel st

Thomas Henry, res 103 Wharf st

Thomas Henry, res 8 Bay st, E. Macon

Thomas Henry, servt, res alley bet Third, Fourth, Mulberry and Cherry sts

Thomas Henrietta, chambermaid Edgerton House Thomas J. L., wagon repairer, res Unionville Thomas Jackson, porter Thomas Wood Thomas John, res 103 Wharf st

Thomas Joseph, shoemkr, res 332 Fourth st

Thomas Julia, servt Edward Schofield

Thomas Larry, hostler Stewart Bros., res s limits

Thomas Lathers, res w limits, E. Macon

Thomas Laura, wash'n, res rear 86 Fourth st Thomas Lottie, servt, res 37 Walnut st Thomas M. C., servt J. J. Gresham

Thomas Mark, res alley bet New, Spring, Wharf and Walnut sts

Thomas Mehala, res Jackson, nr Elm st Thomas Millie, res 7 Spring st

Thomas Nelson, res Aaron Thomas

Thomas' Noah, lab, res 196 Third st

Thomas Peter, servt Mrs. M. M. Wilbourn Thomas Polly, res 25 Elm st

Thomas Robert, switchman E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R., res 47 Ash st

Thomas Robert, res nr Vineville depot

Thomas Sallie, wash'n, res cor Cherry and Fourth sts Thomas Sanford, res 99 Wharf st

Thomas Sarah, res 8 Monroe st

Thomas Sophia, res Gilesville Thomas Turner, res 6 Walnut st

Thomas William, res in alley bet Elm, Ash and Sixth sts

Thomas William, lab, res rear 47 Plum st

Thomason Thomas, lab, res rear 105 Fifth st Thompson Eliza, res 187 Sixth st

Thompson Kate, carpet mkr Thomas Wood

Thompson Samson, res New Houston road

Thornton Laura, res H. Harrington

Thorntsn Lee, blacksmith, res Cotton st, E. Macon




Colored Department.
Thorp Mack, porter N. B. Johnson & Co
Thrash Nettie, wash'n, res rear 39 Cherry st Three Charles, hostler G. M. Davis Thurman Susan, servt Mrs. M. G. Ray
Thurman Washington, res 15 Monroe st Thweatt Arthur, res Jefferson st, Vineville Thweatt Frank, servt 0. G. Sparks
Thweatt Louisa, servt Corbett House, res in alley bet New, Spring, Oak and Pine sts
Thweatt Nancy, res 10 New st
Ticknor Henry, res Jefferson st, Vineville Tilley Lafayette, bell boy Brown's Hotel Tiliinghast David, res 70 Monroe st
Tillinghast Ellen, res Jefferson st, Vineville Tilman Robt., dray driver, res 26 Fifth st Tillson William, porter Brown's Hotel Timmons Corrilla, wash'n, res 79 Fifth st Tindall Armstead, servt Mrs. T. A. Harris Tinsley Rhoda, servt J. H. Bellew Tippins Julia, servt Geo. Schall
Tippins Marshall, porter G. B. Dettre, res rear 10 Georgia ave
Tippins Nancy, servt Ga. Academy for the Blind Tison Polly, res e limits, E. Macon Tison Samuel, res nr A. M. E. Church, E. Macon Tolbert John, res rear 39 Johnson st Toles Ellen, servt R. W. Bonner Toles Rosa, res rear 32 New st Thornton Laura, res H. Harrington Toliver Amanda, res 208 Fifth st Toliver Henrietta, res 53 Monroe st Toliver Joshua, train hand E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R., res
Archie McBride Toliver Nancy E., res 53 Monroe st Tompkins Gracie, res Kit Tompkins Tompkins Kit, carpenter, res rear 104 Ash st Tooke Minerva, res John Bowden Toomer Dub, res 21 College st Toomer Lucy, servt J. E. Crosland Towns George, lab, res 123 Fifth st Towns Julia, res Scott Lucas Towns Peter, lab, res 202 Fifth st
Tracy Emma, res Lucy Daucy Tracy Phoebe, res 193 Third st



Colored Department.
Travis J.W., drayman E. Price's Sons, res Pleasant Hill Tripp Charles, lab, res 25 Spring st Tripp Jesse, waiter J. H. Benner Tripp Joseph, carpenter, res 151 New st Troutman Eliza, servt Dr. G. E. Sussdorf Troutman Emily, res in alley bet Cotton ave, First,
Second and Poplar sts Tuff Robert, cattle tender, res Macon Reserve Tucker Emily, res Jeff Howard Tucker Rose, res 76 Monroe st N Turk Eliza, res 47 Forsyth st Turner Annie Lee, servt Mrs. F. V. Bryan Turner Charles, wks J. B. Papy, res Tybee Turner David, res 166 Sixth st Turner Ella, res 6 Walnut st Turner Ellen, res 200 Sixth st Turner Emma, res rear Mrs. M. L. Lamar Turner H., pastryman Lanier House Turner Henry, res 240 Sixth st Turner J. J., head waiter Lanier House Turner Joseph, lab, res 195 Third st Turner Mary, servt S. Weichselbaum Turner Sam, res Lucy Pearce
Turner Rev. Thomas, pastor Fulton Baptist Church res 270 %Third st
Twine Henry, porter Gft. Music House, res Collinsville Tye Eliza, servt Louis Newman Tyson Louis, first cook Lanier House

TJNDERWOOD ALBERT, blacksmith, res cor New

^ and Wharf sts


H. J. Lamar Graham, pres't;



mond, sec'y

United Sisters, Mark Curry, pres't; Savannah Blackshear, sec'y

Union Laboring Brethren, Harrison Jones, pres't

Unionville Bap. Church, Rev. Jolly Williams, pastor

Upshire Harvey, lab, res in alley bet Second, Third Oak and Pine

TTARNER ROSETTA, servt Mrs. C. F. Daniels
Vaughn Evans, pastor Oilfield Baptist Church res country 20

Colored Department.
Vincent Charles, trucker C. B. & B. E. Willingham Vesey Isabella, res 8 Walnut st Vincent Nancy, res Mary Whittle
WADE ALICE, servt G. B. Pettit Wade John, res 196 Third st Wade Lizzie, servt E. A. Bright
Wade Patsey, res Old Forsyth road, Vineville Waldron Lou, res 25 Elm st Waldrow Patience, res 19 Pine st Waldrow Rhoda, lab, res 19 Pine st Walker Andrew, servt A. T. Holt Walker Ann, res 232 Sixth st Walker Carrie, res Ellis Smith
Walker Charity, servt Thomas Waterhouse, res same Walker Charles, res Vineville Branch, nr Monroe st Walker Dinah, res 39 Monroe st Walker Frank, drayman Dixie Works, res rear 149
First st Walker Henry, porter Jane Holmes Walker Henrietta, res Jackson st, nr M. & W. R. R Walker Jake, res Mariam Mason Walker James, brickmason, res 41 Jones st Walker John, servt Mrs. S. L. Whitehead Walker Mary Jane, res William Walker , Walker Mehala, res rear 79 Walnut st Walker Nathan, bartender, res 98 Bay st Walker Russell, lab, res 13 Arch st Wallace Augustus, res 11 College st Wallace Charles, shoemaker B. J. Jordan Wallace George, res 20 Orange st Wallace George, route agt E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R., res
in alley bet Wharf, River, Spring and Orange sts Wallace H. M., porter Collins Mfg Co Wallace Hattie, res rear E. Wiskowski Wallace Henry, porter J. J. Clay Wallace James, wks J. B. Papy, res in alley bet First,
Second and Poplar sts, and Cotton ave Wallace Mattie, res 81 Wharf st Wallace Meranda, res w limits, E. Macon Wallace Rachel, servt C. R. Hatcher Wallace Samuel, wks So. Ex. Co., res 121 Fifth st Waller Addie, res 6 Walnut st Waller Frank, porter George S. Obear, res cor Jeffer
son and Monroe sts




Colored Department.
Walley Laura, servt J. C. Powell Walters Jerry, res 70 Monroe st Walton Matilda, nurse, servt Mrs. Ella Small Wand James, barber E. W. Ansley Ward Joseph, lab, res 113 Bay st Ward Lou, wash'n, res 113 Bay st Ward Samuel, res Chestnut st, Vineville Wardlow Angeline, servt Mrs. S. E. Curd Ware Anna, res Josephine Graham Ware Annie, res Taron Griswold Warmack Harriet, res Old Forsth road, Vineville Warmack Sophia, res s limits, Vineville Warman Jackson, sexton First St. M. E. Church, res
30 Arch st Warren Alfred, res Charles Walker WTarren Fannie, res 67 Madison st Warren Martha, res 196 Third st Warren Robert, lab, res 55 Jones st Warren Ruth, servt Mrs. G. T. Snyder Washington Annie, res 179 Third st Washington Dinah, servt R. H. Plant Washington Frank, painter Collins Mfg Co
Washington George, porter R. H. Norman, res 8 Ma
ple st

Washington George, servt Fred. Schlinzen Washington George, porter Matthew Daly Washington George, res Clinton road, E. Macon Washington Gus, porter H. & J. Binswanger Washington Louisa, res cor Mulberry and Fifth sts Washington Robert, wks Bibb Mfg Co., res 276
Third st Washington Samuel, res Boundary st, sw limits Washington Samuel, porter Coleman & Newsom Washington Warren, res 26 Fifth st, E. Macon Washington Wm., drayman Johnson & Harris, res
Madison st Walker Sylla, res rear 219 Third Third st Waters Eliza, res 77 Madison st Waters Emma, wash'n, res Keziah Waters Waters Keziah, wash'n, res alley bet Second, Hazel
and Hawthorne sts Waters Nat, trucker Hardeman & Gibson Watkins Dinah, res 4 Ross st
Watkins Nellie, res alley bet Second, Third, Ash and Arch sts




Colored Department.

Watson Mingo, porter S. S. Dunlap,' res rear same

Watts Charles, res sandy bottoms

Watts Moses, porter A. B. Farquhar & Co., res 39

First st

Watts Sallie, res Clinton road

Waver Marcella, res alley bet College st and limits

Waymond Jeannette, res Brewery st

Weathers -, res 93 Madison st

Weathers Mary, res foot Madison st

Weaver Eldridge, drayman, res 53 Jones st

Weaver Jane, res 14 Spring st

Webb Lula, res Tatnall square

Webster James, porter union depot restaurant

Weeks Mary, res Willis Call

Welch Amos, res Vineville

WTells Edgar, res George Andrews

Wesleyan Church, Vineville

West Belle, servt I. C. Plant

West Elizabeth, res w limits, E. Macon

West Lou, servt, res 65 Hawthorne st

West Martha, res 86 Wharf st

West Preston, driver George B. Turpin, res Vineville

West Rosa, servt Mrs. M. J. Hill

West Sterling, barber S. H. Sanders, res Vineville

West William, servt B. W. Cubbedge

Westmoreland Fannie, cook E. O. O'Connell

Weston Anna, cook, res alley bet Franklin, Fifth,

Cherry and Mulberry sts

Wheeler John, res Aaron Thomas

Whidby James, shop boy R. M. Hart

Whistnaut Julia, servt Samuel Baer

White Adam, res in alley bet Third, Fourth, Oak and

Arch sts

White Ann, res J. W. May

White Anna, res 77 Walnut st

White Benjamin, drayman A. B. Farquhar & Co.,

res rear 79 Walnut st

White Cary, waiter W. B. Chapman

White Eda, res Maria Hazewood

White Ephraim, drayman A. B. Small

White Isaac, servt Mrs. J. G. Pace

White John, shoemkr, res 118 Cotton ave

White Lucinda, res rear 26 Fifth st, E. Macon

White Maria, servt Robert Coleman

White Milus, cook Edgerton House



Colored Department.
White Prince, porter J. L. Shea, res bet Walnut and
Wharf sts White Sallie, servt Elliott Estes White Sarah, wash'n, res basement 50 Fourth st White Sophronia res Mary Alexander White Squire, res Chestnut st, Yineville White Starling, whitewashes res basement 50
Fourth st White Thomas, servt J. E. Wells, Sr White Tucker, res Jefferson st branch and Yineville White Volia, carrier Telegraph and Messenger, res
28 Jefferson st White Willis, res end Oglethorpe st White William, yardman Brown's hotel White Winnie, servt Mrs. L. A. Seaman Whitehead Adam, porter J. A. Pugh, res in alley bet
Third, Fourth, Cherry and Mulberry sts Whitehead May, wks C. J. Stroberg, res 98 Hazel st Whitfield Frank, porter G. B. Dettre, res rear 27
Madison st Whitfield Harralson, painter, res 179 Third st Whitfield Maria; wash'n, res James Nesbitt Whitfield Richard, res 29 Elm st Whitfield Walter, barber Willis Braswell Whitsett Sarah, servt Georgia Academy fort he Blind Whittle Alfred, re3 old Forsyth road, Vineville Whittle Edward, servt Mrs. Peter Solomon Whittle Mary, wash'n, res in alley bet Third, Fourth,
Oak and Pine sts Whitus Cornelius, lab, res rear 28 Fifth st Wilburn Alfred, fruits, res Clinton road, E. Macon Wilbourn Amanda, res Hill st, E. Macon Wilburn Larry, porter Lane & Johnson Wilburn Laura, res w limits E. Macon Wilburn Thornton, res w limits, E. Macon Wiggins Burrell,'asst sampler C. B. & B. E. Willing
ham, res 122 Wharf st Wiggins Elvira, servt C. D. Findlay Wiggins Lenzie, servt George B. Turpin Wiggins Martha, res cor Fourth st and M. & W. R. R Wiggins Richard, res 185 Fifth st Wiggins Tobias, res 14 Ash st Wilder Doc, waiter Ullmann & Putzel Wilder George, drayman, res M. & W. R. R., bet Ha
zel and Oglethorpe sts



Colored Department.
Wilder Joseph, bartender, res in alley bet Third, Fourth, Bay and Hazel gts
Wilder L. C., of King & Wilder, saloon, res Unionville Wilder Sarah, res 12 Bay st Wilder Sophia, res 28 Collins alley, E. Macon Wilder Stepney, waiter J, W. Johns
Wilder William, res in alley bet Jones, College, Madison and limits
Wiley Henry, wks E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R., res 8 Ha zel st
Wiley Laura, servt U. L. Williams Wilkes Burwell, res rear 213 Third st Wilkins Carrie, servt J. O. Wynn Wilkins Henry, res Flanders st, E. Macon Wllkerson Celia, res 194 Fifth st
Wilkerson Elbert, res M. & W. R. R. and Fourth st Wilkerson Hilliard, res Windsor Hill Wilkerson Thomas, lab, res rear 200 Fifth st Wilkinson Jennie, res M. & W. R. R. and Fourth st Willett Peter, res in alley bet Madison, Monroe and
Jefferson sts Willis Elizabeth, servt J. H. Bellew Willis F. W., barber, res 92 Cotton ave Willis Henry, servt Wesleyan Female College Willis John, res Gabe Israel Willis Jordan, servt J. H. Bellew Willis Letitia, res rear 164 Sixth st Willis Mehala, res Jerry Baldwin Williams Abram, pressman, res 26 Wharf st Williams Albert, bartender, res 11 Lower Maple st Williams Amanda, res 127 Cotton ave Williams Amanda, wash'n, res in alley bet Third,
Fourth, Cherry and Poplar sts Williams Amanda, servt L. M. Irvin Williams Ann, wash'n, res Lucy Daucy Williams Ann, servt C. Connor Williams Annie, res Nicodemus Williams Williams Asah, lab, res 18 Orange st Williams Benjamin, res 16 Calhoun st Williams Braz, porter English, Huguenin & Co., res
Williams Butler, rest, res E. Macon Williams Carrie, res Chestnut st, Vineville Williams Caroline, res George Thomas Williams Catherine, res rear 202 Fifth st



Colored Department.

Williams Celia, servt Mrs. E. J. Williams

Williams Charlotte, res in alley bet Madison, Mon

roe and Jefferson sts

Williams Clarissa, res Mehala Thomas

Williams Clower, res 10 Ash st Williams Dinah, servt John Wimbry

Williams Ella, servt Sydney Boynton

Williams Ellen, res Francis Oliver

Williams Elsie, servt J. M. W. Christmas

Williams Emily, wash'n, res 11 Lower Maple st

Williams Emma, servt P. S. Holt

Williams Ephraim, res w limits, E. Macon

Williams Ephraim, lab, res 118 Bay st

Williams Fannie, servt W. F. Cannon

Williams Fannie, servt P. S. Holt Williams Fred, whitewasher, res in alley bet Second.

Hazel and Hawthorne sts

Williams Gabe, drayman George T. Rogers' Sons, res 13 Arch st

Williams George, switchman M. & W. R. R., res in

alley bet Second, Third, Oak and Arch sts

Williams George, stableman T. M. Butner Williams Georgia, servt 66 Sixth st

Williams Green, res in alley bet Second, Third, Ha

zel and Hawthorne sts

Williams Hagar, res 197 Third st

Williams Hampton, wks C. R. R., res Patsy Moland

Williams Hannah, res e limits, E. Macon

Williams Harry, furniture repairer, res 130 Cot

ton ave

Williams Harry, lab, res in alley bet Third, Fourth,

Cherry and Poplar sts

Williams Harriet, cook, res 6 Maple st

Williams Henry, res 150J Hazel st

Williams Rev. Henry, pastor First Baptist Church,

res 101 Madison st

Williams Henry, servt William Stephans

Williams Henry, res 2 Lamar st

Williams Ida, servt John Ingalls
Williams Ike, cook Ullmann & Putzel

Williams Isam, lab Collins Mfg Co., res cor Sixth and. Boundary sts

Williams lsam, res rear 145 Orange st Williams Jack, lab, res 331 Fourth st

Williams Jacob, lab, res 101 Madison st


Colored Department.

Williams James, res Jerry Campbell

Williams James, farmer, res 156 Hazel st

Williams James, res Boundary st, near Johnson

Williams Jefferson, lab, res 2 College st

Williams Jerry, res M. & W. R. R. and Fourth st

Williams John, res rear 78 First st

Williams Joseph, butcher R. L. Henry, res Macon


Williams L. H., shoemkr, res in alley bet First, New,

Hawthorne and Hazel sts

Williams Laura, servt J. W. Pearson

Williams Leanna, servt E. Machold

Williams Lydia, res rear 50 Ash st

Williams Lou, res 81 Oglethorpe st

Williams Louis, servt Dr. P. H. Wright

Williams Louis, principal Ga. Academy for the

Blind, colored, res same

Williams Lucinda, wash'n, res rear 119 Fourth st

Williams Mack, res 165 Fifth st

Williams Mack, lab, res in alley bet Second, Third,

Bay and Hazel sts

WTilliams Maria, res Chestnut st, Vineville

Williams Maria, sexton Grace Chapel, res 31 Oak st

Williams Maria, res rear 10 Spring st

Williams Mty*y, res 24 College st

Williams Mary, res William Walker

Williams Mary, servt P. J. Bracken

Williams Martha, serv-t J. M. Ogden

Williams Martin, lab, res 36 Poplar st

Williams Matilda, wash'n, res rear 106 Fifth st

Williams Matt, res 25 Forsyth st

Williams Matthew, res'cor Walnut and Fifth sts

Williams Miles, driver Waxelbaum & Son, res 199

Third st

Williams Willie, res Jack Harris

Williams Missouri, servt Robert Waggenstine

Williams Morris, carpenter, res 33 Hawthorne st

Williams Nancy, wash'n, res 33 Oglethorpe st

Williams Nancy, servt Colored Ga. Academy for the



Williams Nathan, porter S. W. R. R., res Cicero Wilson
Williams Nicey, gervt Mrs. S. B. Hall Williams Nicodemus, porter T. J. Ware, res Colum
bus road, bet Maple and Hazel sts



Colored Department.

Williams Penny, servt Mrs. W. H. Fletcher Williams Phyllis, servt Mrs. L. A. Connor Williams Richard, wks Rogers & Winn, res 33 Haw

thorne st Williams Rose, res City Hall alley Williams Rosa, res 24 College st Williams Sallie, servt, res Hannah Jeffries Williams Sam, drayman Geo. T. Rogers' Sons Williams Sandy, porter Jaques & -Johnson, res 17

Monroe st

Williams Sarah, servt T. J. Holt

Williams Seraphine, servt John Ingalls

Williams Solomon, res Clinton st, E. Macon

Williams T. W., porter L. W. Hunt & Co.

Williams Thomas, office boy Edgerton House

Williams Toney, lab, res in alley bet Madison, Mon

roe and Jefferson sts

Williams Turner, res 8 Washington ave

Williams Walker, res Jane Moore

Williams Wash, res 74 Monroe st

Williams Wesley, porter, res 24 Wharf st

Williams Wesley, porter Louis Vannucki res 76

Wharf st

Williams William, res nr Collins Mfg Co

Williams William, lab, res in alley bet Third, Fourth,

Plum and Pine sts

Williams William, stone cutter, res in alley bet Mad

ison, Monroe and Jefferson sts

Williams William, servt S. Waxelbaum

Williamson Louisa, res Margaret Williamson

Williamson Margaret, wash'n, res 25 Orange st

Williamson Marion, porter Saulsbury & Ross

Williamson Peter, res Arnold Davis

Willings Mary, servt J. H. Newman

Wilson Albert, porter Rogers & Adams, res New

Houston road

Wilson Albert, res in alley bet Madison, Monroe and

Jefferson sts

Wilson Amelia, res 53 Monroe st

Wilson Amy, res 122 Wharf st

Wilson Archie, res Albert Wilson

Wilson Arthur, brickmason, res Samuel Wilson

Wilson Cicero, barber, res in alley bet Third, Fourth,

Bay and Hazel sts




Colored Department.

Wilson Ellen, res 57 Orange st

Wilson Elias, res Albert Wilson

Wilson Elizabeth, res 100 Wharf st
Wilson George, waiter Ullmann & Putzel
Wilson Golden, res Albert Wilson

Wilson Henry, waiter W. B. Chapman, res New Houston road

AVilson J. R., painter, res 4 College st

Wilson Jane, res 335 Fourth st

AVilson Laura res 63 Monroe st

AVilson Lee, res Mary AVilson

AVilson Maria, wash'n, res 102 Bay st

AVilson Maria, res in alley bet Madison, Monroe and Jefferson sts

AVilson Mary, servt T. H. Henderson

AVilson Mary, groceries, res 4 College st

AVilson Martha, res in alley bet Third, Fourth, Oak and Arch sts

AVilson Milton, servt S. S. Dunlap

AVilson Nannie, res Maria Wilson

AVilson Nannie, wash'n, res 216 Fourth st

AArilson Nettie, servt D. AA^itkowski

AVilson Ogneda, chambermaid Brown's Hotel

AVilson Oca via, res Maria AATlson

AA ilson Pleasant, wks So. Ex. Co., res 4 Monroe st

AVilson Rena, wash'n, res rear 106 Fifth st

AVilson Sallie, wash'n, res alley bet Fourth, Fifth, Cherry and Mulberry sts

AVilson road,

nSeaamr uMe.l,&poWrt.eRr .

Capital R

Bank, res


Wilson Stark, res 4 Mulberry st

Wilson Susan, res in alley bet Third, Fourth, Oak and Arch sts

AVilson AVilliam, porter Geo. T. Rogers' Sons

AVimbler Andrew, lab, res 118 Bay st

Wimbler Isaac, wks Findlay Iron AArks, res 256 Sec ond st

AVimberly Robert, res 9 Mulberry st

AArimbich Lee, porter Southern Hotel

AVimbler AVm., wks Findlay Iron Wks, res 86 Haw thorne st

AVimbush Lizzie, servt C. A. Hall

Wimbush Louisa, servt H. A. Crutchfield

AA^imbush Rebecca, pervt Mrs. F. D. Spain



Colored Department.
Winn Anna, wash'n, res rear 44 Cherry st Winn Bristow, res alley bet Third, Fourth, Bay and
Hazel sts Winters Henry, lab, res M. & W. R. R. and Fourth st Winn Henry, carpenter, res 5 Orange st Winn Julia, servt Mrs. E. A. Anderson Winn Julia, wash'n, res 269 Second st Winn Lucretia, res 15 Ross st Winn Wm., porter George Beggs Winthrop Ella, servt B. H. Wrigley
Winthrop John, wks Waxelbaum & Son, res Phoebe Tracy
Wisby Thomas, res Jefferson st, Vineville Wise Joseph, wks George T. Rogers' Sons, res 187
Fifth st Wood Anna, wks Corbett House, res rear 89 Pine st Wood Anna, res 12 Calhoun st Wood Clannie, servt Mrs. R. B. Stubbs Wood Ella, res 9 lower Maple st Wood Emma, res 12 Calhoun st Wood Melinda, res 12 Calhoun st Woods Melinda, wash'n, res 256 Second st Wood Nellie, servt C. B. Ellis Woodall Alice, waiter Wilbourn House Woodall John, res Moses Slocomb Woodleff E., farmer, res 17 Spring st Woodward Gus, porter Wilbourn House, res Wolff's
tenement, Oglethorpe st Woodward Henry, res Troup Hill Woodson Lou, servt William Davis Woodson Ed., store boy 99 Cent Store Woolfolk Goin, drayman Johnson & Lane, res 2
Walnut st Woolfolk Goin, rest, res 2 Walnut st
Woolfolk Green, porter D. D. Tracy, res 88 Hazel st Woolfolk Louisa, res 9 Adams st
Worthen Benjamin, porter F. W. Wippler, res Ross st, Tharpe Row
Worthy Doctor, res nw limits Worthy Julius, res w limits, E. Macon Wrenn Joseph, res Flanders st, E. Macon Wrenn Louisa, res 3 Mulberry st Wright Caroline, servt Hiram Happ
Wright Daucy, lab, res in alley bet Second, Third, Ash and Hazel sts



Colored Department
Wright Elijah, servt Dr. K. P. Moore Wright Emma, servt Rev. R. H. Csumpler Wright Hulda, res 107 Wharf st Wright Martha, res Jane Moore Wright Maria, res Flanders st, E. Macon Wright Nelson, lab, res cor Fourth st and M. &
W. R. R Wright Russell, servt Gustave Wright Wright Sophia, servt Alexander Reynolds Wright Thomas, lab, res Madison st, nr Oak Ridge
Wright W. B., wks John Lines, res Short st

Y^ADEN FRANK, servt W. M. Hitt
Yopp Peggy, servt W. A. Greerson York Annie, seamstress, res 31 Hawthorne st York Maria, res 37 Forsyth st Young Bettis, wash'n, res 34 Poplar st
Young Charlotte, wash'n, res alley bet Second, Hazel and Hawthorne sts
Young Daniel, drayman, res 38 Hawthorne st Young Fannie, res 34 Monroe st Young Frank, servt W. W. Carnes Young George, res w limits, E. Macon Young Henrietta, res nr Ga. Mills Young K. M., barber Willis Braswell Young Mamie, res Charlotte Young Young Mattie, res 20 Calhoun st Young Melinda, servt Ga. Academy for the Blind Young Randall, res Hydraulic st, E. Macon Young Randall, res rear 31 Clinton road, E. Macon Young Rhina, res Flanders st, E. Macon Young Robert, porter W. C. Sheftall, res E. Macon Young Walter, carpenter, res alley bet New, Spring,
Oak and Pine sts Young Wylie, carpenter, res 5 College st Youngblood Robert, waiter Southern Hotel

ZEIGLER WILLIAM, res rear 26 Chestnut st



Alphabetically Arranged and Classified.

Note--Pages referred to are advertisements on col ored sheets.
Accountants. W. McKay, (also Macon Commercial College), 1264
Second st. See page 20


ot Music, H. Horne, mgr; seats 1,500. Mulberry, near Second st

Guttenberger's Theatre Orchestra, F. A. Guttenberger, mgr; 102 Mulberry st
No. 4 Fire Company Brass Band

Balston Hall, A. Block, mgr; seats 900. Cor Cherrv

and Third st


Skating Rink, F. Ledbetter, propr; cor Poplar and First sts

Architects. Alexander Blair, 100 Cherry st. See first cover Frank N. Wilcox, cor Cherry st and Cotton are. See
upper outside end of book D* B. Woodruff, 113^ Third st. See first cover

Art Goods. J. W. Burke & Co., (also musical mdse), branch
house 7 Cotton ave. See page 4

Auction and Commission, D. W. Freeman, 103 Cherry st

Jacob Dinkier (also confections), 71 Mulberrv st Dunwody Bros. Hi Scheideman, 41 Cotton a've See
page 5

Hendrix & Willingham, dixie wqrkq CONTRACTORS and BUILDEE8, foot of Cherry iSt.Q
Mrs. A. IjLreutz (also confections), cor Poplar at and Cotton ave
Patrick McGrath, 110 Third st Louis Merkel (also confections), 96 Cherry st Robert Wagenstein (also confections), 312 Fourth st
Capital Bank of Macon, Henry L. Jewett, Pres't; N. M. Hodgkins, Cashier; capital, $500,000; 150 Sec ond st
Central Georgia Bank (State depository), J. E. Jones, Pres't; T. O. Chestney, Cashier; 111 Third st
Exchange Bank, Geo. B, Turpin, Pres't; Joseph W. Cabaniss, Cashier ; capital, $150,000 ; surplus, $20,000; 67 Cherry st
First National Bank, I. C. Plant, Pres't; W. W. Wrigley, Cashier ; capital, $100,000 ; surplus, $29,000 ; cor Second and Cherry sts
R. F. Lawton, 116 Second st. See page 10 Macon Savings Bank, J. M. Boardman, Pres't; H. T.
Powell, Cashier; capital, $50,000; 110 Mulberry st. See back paster I. C. Plant & Son, (also insurance), cor Cherry and
Second st
E. W. Ansley (c), 169 Fourth st Green Austin (c), 63 Cherry st Willis Braswell (c), 121 Third st W. B. Clark (c), 79 Cotton ave Davis & Holt (c), 144 Second st J. Giannone, 175 Fourth st R. H. Hart (c), 52 Mulberry st Arthur Henderson (c), 107 Fourth st A. McKenna (also groceries and whisky), 259 and 261
Fourth st David Nixon (c), 315 Fourth st W. Perkins, (c), Cherry st, nr Cotton ave. See page 14 Richard Ruff (c), 21 Fifth st S. H. Sanders (c), 107 Cotton ave Mrs. H. D. Smith, 235 Fourth st F. W. Wells, 92 Cotton ave

COAL? ARMANDL. BUTTS. Office 11S Third St.
Beer Agents.
A. Binswanger, bottler and wholesale dealer in First Actien Brewing Co., Pilsen, Bohemia German Empire Brewery, (Kiser beer), Bremen Geo. Sandler, Culmbach, Bavaria Brewing Association, Tivoli, Berlin, Germany C. Niklas, Erlangen, Bavaria 67 Cherry st. See card inset
F. A. Sehoneman, (also fancy goods), Lemps Western Brewery, 94 Cherry st. See page 1
J. B. Williams & Co., (also produce, bar, rest, fruits, fish, 171 and 173 Fourth st
Bill Posters. Burr Brown, also sewing machines, news transfer,
etc, 100 Mulberry st
Blacksmiths. John Birkner, Columbus road T. C. Collins (c), Wall st Hilliard Grow fc), 346 Fourth st Mat Hall (c), 97 Poplar st ,Ed. Hardeman (c), 74 Main st, E. Macon Henry Hill (c), Main st, E. Macon Harrison Jones (c), rear 116 Fourth st C. Masterson, 80 Third st Isaac Peaburry (c), 119 Cotton ave J. H. Books (c), 97 Poplar st Robert Underwood, (c), alley bet Cherry, Mulberry,
Third and Fourth sts Asa Williams (c), Poplar st, bet Fourth and Fifth sts
Board of Trade. Macon Chamber of Commerce, office 113 Third st;
Wm. Henry Ross, Pres't, Henry E. Rees, Sec'y
Boarding. L. J. Barber, 44 Pine st Mrs. B. M. Barden, 173 and 175 New st J. L. Brannan, 165 Second st Mrs. Wm. F. Brown, 159 Poplar st Mrs. F. V. Bryan, 225 Fourth st Mrs. M. E. Butner, 174 Poplar st



E. J. Byche, 51 Walnut st
Ed. Cassidy, cor Fifth st and old Court House Square W. H. Castellaw, 38 Oglethorpe st Mrs. S. E. Curd, 150 Mulberry st Hetty Dean (c), 26 Plum st Mrs. W. H. Fletcher, 98 Fourth st Mrs. Ann R. Freeman, 199 Second st Mrs. J. A. Girard, 41 Pine st Charles Gray, 240 Third st
Miss A. M. Gregory (Flint House), 180 First st Mrs. Mary Griffin, 28 Oak st Mrs. R. P. Griffin, 224 Fourth st Mrs. T. A. Harris, 178 Poplar st Mrs. Ann Harrison, 34 Pine st Miss Ann Hutchings, 180 Poplar st Mrs. S. D. Lowe, 235 Second st Mrs. M. A. E. McHenry, 52 Mulberry st Mrs. S. M. Moore, 148 Mulberry st Mrs. E. A. Nelson, 50 Fourth st Miss V. M. Phillips, 46 Plum st A. L. Short, 214 Fourth st
Stubblefield House, Mrs. S. L. YVhitehirst, pro prietress, 137 Mulberry st
Mrs. A. P. Tennille, 144 Orange st Mrs. L. A. Visscher, 169 Second st Mrs. E. J. Williams, 173 and 175 Poplar st Mrs. A. E. Williford, 320 Fourth st
Wilbourn House, cor Plum and Fourth sts M. A. Wylie, 197 First st. See first page

Boiler Makers.
A. B. Farquhar & Co. (also hardware, machinery, etc.), 141 Third st. See page 17
Books, Etc. J. W. Burke & Co. (also printers, binders, etc.), J. W.
Burke, prest, Charles Canning, secy and treas; 146 Second st, branch 7 Cotton ave. See page 4

Brick Yards. Peter Harris, e limits
Brokers. (Merchandise.) Carnes & Stroemer, 115 Third st. T. U. Conner & Co., 107 Cherry st

See back cover



n^-A-coasr A First-class
COMMERCIAL Business School COLLEGE, Equal to any North or South.
Send for Circulars, free.
MACON, GA. W. McKAY, - Principal.

Estes & Wilson (also real estate), 14-1 Third st T. S. Jones, 84 Mulberry st W. J. Thornton, 113^ Third st Thomas W. Troy, 144 Second st W- J- Solomon (also stocks and bonds), 118 Second st H. C. Villepigue, 150 Second st
Stocks and Bonds.

i ' uuojvciuj X Utl VUC1 L y o u
A. H. Powell (also real estate, Mica Mines), 84 Mul berry st
W. G. Solomon (also mdse broker), 118 Second st
Broom Factory. Blind Asylum Broom Factory, operated by inmates
Butchers. Abel & Bro., 130 Cherry st Henry Abel, intersection First st and Cotton aye G. W. Bruner, 60 Mulberry st J. B. Dorsett, sandy bottoms It. L. Henry, 165 Fourth st W. L. Henry, 103 Third st Mrs. J. H. King, 151 First st Thomas Nevins, cor Boundary and Fourth sts J. B. Papy, 77 Cotton ave Wm. Petty, 105 Cotton ave B. T. Powell, 76 Mulberry st Thomas Powers, Clinton st, E. Macon Mi L. Rogers, 136 Second st G. B. Sanderlin, 329 Fourth st Wm. Stephans (also groceries), 28 Monroe st J. W. Thigpen, Houston road Bernard Walker, 256 Fourth st Lake Wood, 132 Oglethorpe st W. H. Wood, 155 Fourth st

California Wines. Geo. R. Barker (also groceries), 44 Cotton ave
Candy Manufacturers. Dunwody Bros., (also groceries), 40 Cotton ave H. B. Erminger, 140 Second st. See page 11 Rogers & Winn (also' crackers), 76, 78 and 80 Pop
lar st
E. H. Steele (also confectioner), 38 Cotton ave
Carriages, Wagons, Etc. F. M. Acuff, 90 Poplar st. See page 2 Collins Mfg Co., repository 156 and 158 Second st,
factory cor Boundary and Sixth sts; W. W. Col lins, pres't; James Green, sec'y' and treas; R. S. Collins, supt M. J. Hatcher & Co., cor Fourth and Poplar sts John Lines, 86 Poplar st
S. S. Parmelee (also harness), cor Second and Cherry
sts. See page 20 ,
Carriage and Wagon.Repairers.
Oliver Hail (c), 74 Main st, E. Macon John Phenix (c), Wall st A. D. Simmons (c), rear 116 Fourth st Joe Smith (c), Main st, E. Macon J. L. Thomas (c), 97 Poplar st
J. W. Rice & Co. (also dry goods), 113 and 115 Second st, 18 and 20 Cotton ave
Beni. Skalowski (also furniture), 60 and 62 Poplar st W. & E. P. Taylor (also furniture), 27 and 29 Cot
ton ave
Thomas Wood (also furniture), 105 Mulberry st. See
page 17
Payne & Willingham (also furniture), 116 and 118
Cherry st
Cattle and Live Stock.
W. A. Cherry, 25 Cotton ave Hicks, Heard & Co. (also groceries and bar), cor
Fourth and Plum sis
Chair Bottomers.
James Aids, 21 Fifth st Jack Matthews, in alley bet New, Spring, Oak and
Pine sts


Foot of Cherry St.








George F. Payne (also drugs), 1 Cotton ave

China and Crockery.
George W. Burr, 138 Second st. See page 13

Clothing, Etc.

D. J. Baer (also dry goods), 79 and 81 Cherry st
W. A. Doody (also dry goods and furnishing), 134
Third st
J. H. Hertz (also furnishing), Eagle Shirt Factory,
112 Cherry st. See back paster H. H. Hopp (also dry goods), 209 Fourth st B. Ohlmann, 185 Fourth st H. Stein (also dry goods), 76 Mulberry st
Wachtell & Bro. (also furnishing), 91 Cherry st Winship & Callaway (also furnishing, 126 Second st

A. L. Butts, 115 Third st. See lines Davis & Johnson, foot Mulberry st

Georgia Academy for the Blind, D. D. Williams, A.
M., principal; Orange st, bet High st and Wash
ington ave
3Iacon Commercial College, W. McKay, principal
126^ Second st. See top pages
Mercer University, Rev. Archibald, J. Battle, Bres t
Tatnall Square
Mt. DeSales Academy (female), Mother Alphonsus,
directoress; cor Columbus and Orange sts. See
page 21 Pio Nono (Catholic--boys), Rev. L. Bazin, Pres't; w
limits, Vineville
Wesleyan Female College, Rev. William C. Bass, D,
D., Pres't; College st, Washington and Georgia
Commercial Agencies.

Bradstreet's Commercial Agency, John P. Ross, rep resentative until July 15, 1884; after, J. W. Nesbit. 106J Cherry st

inn AT I aemai\td l. butts

vUAL l Office 115 Third Street.



Contractors and Builders. P. 1. Bartrum, 44 Cotton ave
j. E. Ellis (also planing mill), foot of Wharf st
ixuernsey & Abel (also planing mill), cor Sixth and Cherry sis

Hays & Mansfield (also planing mill), cor Poplar and Seventh sts

Hendrix & Willingham (also planing mill, sash doors, etc.), toot Cherry st
D. Howard, 162 Second st
G. B Pettit, 118 First st

Hoberg & Windham (also painters), 130 Cherry st
v Ar\h?Ic1k3111,1 (also ]umber), foot Walnut st
C. W ilders Sons (also planing mill), 200 Third st

Cotton Mills.
Bibb Manufacturing Co.-Mills Oglethorpe, Haw thorne, feecond and New sts, and Main st, E Maeon. H. M Comer, prest, Savannah ; W. T. Long,

Macon ' *' ^ianson' sec^ anc^ treas and gen agt,

Cotton Planters. A. B. i arquhar & Co. (also machinery, hardware
boiler makers etc.), 141 Third st. See page 17 '

Collin, M?g c"n ' N- T- Johnson' prep; reW Ky

Cotton Gins.

Brown Cotton Gin, A. B. Farquhar & Co., agts, 141

Third st. See page 17


Cotton Buyers. BE. Crutchfield, 169| Second st W. A. Crutchfield, 169^ Second st C. K. Emmel, 159J Second st
W. M. Hitt & Co., 142J Second st

W- m1.1^Hrro]ilPliHngoslrwaeoSr't1ho,v1c6r 9WJ SiHecionngdhasmt 's warehouse H. M. North, shipper, 159| Second st
Palmer, 160J Second st
w E-Parrott, over Willingham's warehouse t UURoss' merchant, 113 Third st J. G. Ruan, 162^ Second st



uvE-A-Oonsr A First-class
COMMERCIAL Business School COLLEGE, Equal to any North orSouth.
Send for Circulars, free.
MACON, GA. W. McKAY, . Principal.
Cotton Compress. English, Huguenin & Co. (also cotton factors), 94 and
96 Poplar st Coppersmiths.
C. J. Stroberg, (also plumber), 2i Cotton ave. See page 11 Cracker Manufacturers.
Rogers & Winn, (also candy), 76, 78 and 80 Poplar st
Dairies. James Brady, 14 Fifth st W. H. Mansfield, Fifth nr Walnut st Mound Yiew Dairy, Davis & Hatcher, proprs, E.
Macon; city office Davis & Johnson, Old Court House square
Dentists. Samuel B. Barfield, 904 Mulberry st. See page 5 W. W. & 0. J. Ford, 148|- Second st. See page 26 J, P. & W. B. Holmes, 1024 Mulberry st. See page 11 C. J. Toole, 1024 Second st D. S. Wright, 114 Second st. See page 6
Dray Line. Walter F. Adams, 67 Orange st Cherry & Son, 97 Oak st W. H. Mansfield, cor Fifth and Poplar sts J. H. Shinholser, cor Walnut & New sts
Dressmaking1. Mrs. J. A. Bailey, 314 Fourth st Mrs. C. M. Blackshear, 31 College st Miss Jennie Buckner, 127 Poplar st Mrs. B. S. Cope (also fruits), 105 Third st Miss Mary L. Coxe, 59 Cherry st Miss Julia Craft, over G. B. Dettre Mrs. F. McCrary, 25^ Cotton ave Mrs. C. F. Daniels (also Butteriek's patterns), 11
Cotton ave



Mrs. T. C. Powell, 146 Hazel st Madame Rosenblatt, 37^ Cotton ave Miss Emily P. Truman, 149 First st Mrs. Sarah A. Winchew, 58J Mulberry st

Norman I. Brunner, cor Fourth and Arch sts Theo. W. Ellis, cor Cherry st and Cotton ave Goodwyn & Small, 139 Third st. See card inset Roland Bi Hall, 126 Cherry st
JL. W. Hunt & Co., 128 Second, cor Cherry st and 99 Cotton ave
Hunt & Cawley, 374 Fourth st John Ingalls, cor Fourth and Poplar sts w. L. Jones & Son, 197 Fourth st
Lamar, Rankin & Lamar (wholesale), 104 Cherry st W. D. Lamar & Co., Vineville T. A. Menard, 210 Second st FeM itt McCrary, 70 Main st, E. Macon Geo. F. Payne (also chemist), 1 Cotton ave Rankin, Massenburg & Co., 82 Mulberry st

Dry Goods--Wholesale.
S. T. Coleman & Co. (also retail), 146 and 148 Third st
M. Nussbaum & Co , cor Cherry and Third sts S. Waxelbaum & Son, 154 and 156 Third st Wolff Bros. & Co., 136, 138 and 140 Fourth st

Dry Goods--Retail.
3). J. Baer (also clothing;), 79 and 81 Cherry st S. T. Coleman & Co. (also wholesale), 117, 119, 121,
123 and 125 Cherry st, 30 Cotton ave W. A. Doody (also clothing), cor Cherry and
Third sts Mrs. E. H. Dottenheim, 284 Fourth st M. Elkin, 135 Third st A. Greenwood, 321 Fourth st I. Herman & Co., 140 and'142 Third st H. H. Hopp (also clothing), 209 Fourth st W. A. Julian & Co. (also millinery), 22, 24, 26 and
28 Cotton ave, 113, 115, 117 and 119 Second st S. Levy, 163 Fourth st Mack Bros., 114 Second st
Newman & Thorner (also millinery), 99 Cherry st. See page 7

DIXIE WORKS, Manufacturers of
SASH, DOORS & BLINDS _Foot of Cherry Street._
B. Ohlmann (also clothing), 185 Fourth st J. W. Rice & Co. (also carpets) 113 and 115 Sec
ond st, 18 and 20 Cotton ave
B. Skalowski & Bro., 117 Third st
H. Stein (also clothing), 76 Mulberry st
Dye Houses.
Dyeiag, Curling anti Repairing of Fnlhn i Spsd&lty
No. 13 N. Broad St, bet Marietta and Walton Sts., Atlanta, 6a.
NOTICE.--Jobbers and Milliners can have their old stock of feathers dyed and restored equal to new, in the latest colors and fashion. Great care taken and satisfaction guaranteed.
H. Pi Dunn (also cleaner and renovater), cor First
and Cherry sts. See page 14 Louis Lowenthal (also tailor), Wall st, nr Presby
terian Church
Electric Light Co-
Brush Electric Light Co., R. D. Trickey, Supt.;
office, J. H. Campbell, Cherry st, bet Third and Fourth sts
Express Companies. Southern Express Co., 180 Fourth st, J. T. Hen
derson, Manager
C. J. & J, F. Toole, 36 Cotton ave Turpin & Ogden (also insurance and real estate) 113
Third st
Walton, Whann & Co., William Hazlehurst, mgr.,
157 Second st
John R. West, gen'l ag't Chesapeake Guano Co.,
157 Second st



Flour Mills.

QMK,a' *L-Cook & 6o ' prope S Fifth ^Macon ('griSt')' H` B` -Davis> ProP; C. R. R., E.

-r, r ^^ndrics, Machine Shops, Etc. JE. Croehett & Sons, 296, 298 and 300 Fourth st
j* Farquhar & Co. (hardware, boilers, cotton
1 planters, gins etcO, Mi Third st. See page 17
^Oglethorpe ^ D` P"d1^' P"*. * 52

Be/nd0lHawth"orJl0etksS' A' ReynIds' pr0I,r' cor Fiflh ?: S5Lbfieid & Sons' 85 and 87 Fifth st

Poplartt80118' S` S` Pegram' mSr> 65> 67 and 69


Felix Corput (also ice, fish, etc.), 86 Cherry st

baulsbury & Ross (also produce, fish, etc"), 59 Cot

ton ave


Fruits & Confections--Retail. Collins Baker, 87 Cherry st
J. H. Bennner (also saloon and rest), 104 Mulberry st Jerry Carter (c), Old Court House square A. Colvilla, opp 58 Poplar st Mrs. B S. Cope (also dressmaking), 105 Third st Jacob Dinkier (also bakery), 71 Mulberry st J. A. Farmer (also fish, etc.), 167 Fourth st

square^ A Faughuer (also rest)> 0Id Court House
Ciirter Gill (c), cor Fourth and Cherry sts L. Goldman, cor Mulberry and Second sts 1. Henry (c), cor Fourth and Poplar sts Nancy Henderson (c), 112 Fourth st Mrs. A. Kreutz (also baker), cor Poplar st and Cot
ton ave C. A. Mariero, 183 Fourth st Louis Merkel (also bakery), 96 Cherry at
5' u !ele (al6 candy mfr), 38 Cotton ave
a ?rr1t W.aSenstein (also baker), 312 Fourth st Alfred Wilburn (c), 115 Third st

Furniture. W. M. Bryant (c), 317 Fourth st C. H. & G. W. Findlay, mfrs, 44 and 52 Oglethorpe st

Office 115 Third Street.
T. B. Gartrell, 116 New st
Payne & Willingham (also carpets), 116 and 118
Cherry st
F. Reichert (also undertaker), 94 and 96 Mulberry st.
See page 22
Benj. Skalowski, 60 and 62 Poplar st W. & E. P. Taylor (also carpets and undertakers),
27 and 29 Cotton ave
Thomas Wood (also carpets and undertaker), 105
Mulberry st. See page 17
Furnishing Goods.
W. A. Doody (also clothing and dry goods), 134
Third st
J. H. Hertz (also clothing, Eagle Shirt Factory), cor
Cherry and Second ats. See last paster
Wachtell & Bro., (also clothing), 91 Cherry st Winship & Callaway (also clothing), 126 Second st
Galvanized Cornice.
Carling & Brown (also plumbers, gas and steam
fitters), 35 Cotton ave and 126 and 128 First st. See card inset
Gas and Water Companies.
Macon Gas Light and Water Co., J. M. Boardman,
pres't; A. E. Boardman, supt, sec'y and treas ; 106 Mulberry st
General Merchandise.
A. Y. Adamson, 28 Johnson st S. Berg, 119 Third st H. & J. Binswanger, 58 Mulberry st J. E. Bostick, Vineville G. L. Bright, 338 Fourth st
H. C. Fennell (also whisky), Clinton road, E. Macon
B. F. Finney (also whisky), Clinton st, E. Macon D. Flanders & Son, 54 and 56 Main st, E. Macon
R. A. Gordon (also bar and billiards), 58 Main st, E,
Julius Greenwood (also whisky), 327 Fourth st W. H. Jones, 68 Main st, E. Macon Josephson & Skalowski, 83 and 92 Cherry st



S. Josephson, 87 Cherry st V. Kahn, 111 Cotton ave Mrs. Mary Rating, 107 Madison st Geo. Lumpkin, 70 Main st, E. Macon M. Peyser, 339 Fourth st

A. W. & J. S. Raley (also whisky), Columbus road Jacob Russell, 103 Cotton ave
A. A. Subers, 62 Main st, E. Macon

Mrs. Mary Waggenstein, 12 Munroe st U. L. Williams (also liquors), 54 Oglethorpe st

W. F. Cannon, 114 Third st
T. J. Carstarphen & Co., 150 and 152 Second st
Jacques & Johnson, cor Cherry and Fourth sts Johnson & Harris, cor Third and Cherry sts
Geo. S. Jones, cor Cotton ave and Cherry st
E. Price's Sons, 120 and 122 Cherry st
James D. Proctor, (also whisky), 138 Third st
Rodgers & Adams, 120 Third`st
Geo. T. Rogers' Sons, 66 and 68 Cherry st
C. H. Rogers & Co., 98 and 100 Cherrv st
SSchwed & Gibian, 70 and 72 Cherry st
A. B. Small, 143 Third st
Stevens & Bone, 144 Third st
Tinsley, Bro. & Co., 147 Third st

Andrews & Bro. (c), Main st, E. Macon J. F. Bailey, 314 Fourth st
George R. Barker (also California wines), 44 Cot
ton ave
Robert Barnhart, Forsyth and Boundary sts Lizzie Benton, Forsyth road, Vineville George Bell (c), 103 Fourth st
George Beggs, 124 Cherry st Mrs. It, Buclier, 66 Main st, E. Macon. See page 7
Nancy Burke, (c), 33 Jefferson st E. L. Bnrdick, 66 Poplar st H. B. Calloway, Columbus road
Mrs. George W. Case, 26 Chestnut st J. E. Cherry, 25 Cotton ave
Coleman & Newsom (also cotton com), 57, 59, 61 and
63 Poplar st
Henry Cooper (c), 323 Fourth st

Matthew Daly, 95 Cherry st S. S. Davidson, 25' Fifth st J. L. Day (c), 83 Cotton ave Mrs. M. E. Denson, 305 Troup st G. B. Dettre, intersectiou Cotton ave and First st F. Disroom, 23 Spring st James D. Douglass, 83 Cotton ave Mrs. M. E. Doyle, 11 New st Dnnwody Bros., (also candy mfrs), 40 Cotton ave L. M. Etheridge, Forsyth and Boundary sts R. B. Evans, 46 Cotton ave J. M. Furcrom (c), Brewery st Mrs. M. Gansheimer, 97 Cotton ave Andrew Garner, Houston road L. W. Grace, 316 Fourth st Harmon & Blackshear, 233 Fourth st Harrison & Martin, Cotton st, E. Macon J. O'Hara, cor Fourth and Bay sts W. G. Harris, Columbus road John Hartz, cor Cotton ave and Orange st Mrs. M. T. .Harvey, cor Spring, Pine and Poplar sts Gallant Hightower, Windsor Hill H, S. Holden, 98 Cotton ave J. F. Holden, 119 Cotton ave P. O. Holt (c), 50 Mulberry st H. M. Hopkins, New Houston road Nat Hughes (also cigars and tobacco), cor Mulberry
and Old Court House square Wm. S. Hunnicutt, 246 First st W. G. Ingalls, 294 McIntosh st J. S. L, Jacoby, 50 Georgia ave Johnson & Carver, 128 Cherry st W. E. Judkins, Windsor Hill
James Keating, alley bet Madison, Monroe and Jeff erson sts
J. A. Kennedy, 377 Fourth st S. J. Kent, 128 Oglethorpe st 0. F. Lagerquist, cor Cotton ave and Cherry st Mrs. Mary Malloy, 381 Fourth st Chas. Marshall (c), Vineville W. J. McAfee, 320 Fourth st Elihu S. McLean, 42 Cotton ave A. Meyer, 121 Cotton ave Kate Miller (c), 47 Forsyth st Mrs. C. D. Millirons, 239 Third st



J. P. Morrison & Bro., 278 Fourth st Mrs. M. O'Brian, 340 Fourth st Norris & Co., Cotton st, E. Macon M. Owens (c), 316 Fourth st

Platt & Son, intersection Cotton ave and First st Ben Plumber, 15 Elm st James Ponder, 96 Cotton ave James Quinn, 110 Oglethorpe st D. V. Reaves & Co., 160 Second st
G. G. Smith (also wood), 21 Monroe st John Smith, cor Ash and Jackson sts J. Spring, 194 Third st

Stewart, Davis & Co., 197 Fourth st Strong & Jackson (c), 81 Cotton ave Mrs. D. H. Sullivan, 21 Washington ave
J. W. Thigpen (also meats), sandy bottoms A. V. Toole, 36 Cotton ave
Mrs. Ella Truesdall. 290 Third st N. C. Turpin, 288 Fourth st

Mrs. E. Venable, cor Elm and Lamar sts B. Wade, 52 Pine st

Walker & Whitehead, 106 Cherry st P. H. Ward, 33 Fifth st Mary Wilson (c), 4 College st

Reuben Williams, New Houston road, Gilesville

Groceries and Whisky--Eetail. J. A. Adair, East Hazel st Thomas Callaghan, 106 Third st Cornelius Sullivan, Forsyth road, Vineville William Cronan, 354 Fourth st
H. G. Davis & Conjunction Georgia and Washington
W. N. Dulaney, 115 Cotton ave Finney B. H,, Clinton road, E. Macon M. Fitzgerald, 108 Third st W. H. Foster & Co., 199 Fourth st J. E. J. Franke, cor Boundary and Forsyth st Samuel Gibson (c), Unionville L. Greenwood (also billiards)i 322 Fourth st Hicks, Heard & Co., (also live stock)* cor Fourth and*
Plum sts

A I f ARMAND l. butts.
UUnL I Office 115 Third Street,



W. L. Higgins, 60 Main st C. H. Hutchings (c), 81 Cotton ave M. B. Johnson, 378 Fourth st W. G. Johnson, 63 Cotton ave , C. Machold, 78 Third st
A. McKenna (also barber shop), 209 and 261 Fourth stJ. A. McMillan, cor Boundary and Fourth sts James Meadows (c), 21 Fifth st N. A. Megrath, 56 Poplar st
M. I. Morris, cor Oak and Third sts /
Walter Nelson, cor Pine and Fourth sts Mrs. A. N.oone, 66 Mulberry st J. S. Norman, 330 Fourth st
R- H. Norman, 290 and 292 McIntosh st E. O. O'Connell, 64 Mulberry st M. O'Hara & Bro., 315 Fourth st P. Payton, 62 Mulberry st
W L. J.C.&SWlie.fMta.llS(eaalsbororoeksst,auUrnainotn),vcilolreFifth and Wharf
sts and 23 Fifth st
w. T. Sliinliolser, cor Fourth and Plum sts Wm. Stephans, 28 Monroe st C. H. Thompson (c), 85 Cotton ave P. H. Thompson, sandy bottoms I). D. Tracy, 263 Second st
T- J. Ware (also ice), 133 Oglethorpe st, cor Colum bus road
F. W. Wippler, 213 Fourth st W. T. Womack, Clinton st, E. Macon

Gunsmiths and Sporting Goods, Etc.

H. Herrington, 82 Second st C. Hughn, 89 Mulberry st Peter McHenry, 52 Mulberry st G. W. Stratton, 62 Cherry st


Burr Brown (also sewing 100 Mulberry st





James Harvey, intersection Spring and Pine sts and

Cotton ave




Hair Goods. A. Charbonel, 104 Second st

Hardware. E. H. Carhart & Co., 69 Cherry st S. S. Dunlap, 150 and 152 Third st
A. B. Farquhar & Co. (also mfrs of machinery, agl impts, etc.), 141 Third st. See page 17
T. Guernsey (also builders' materials), 151 Secand st
Johnson & Lane, 107 and 109 Third st Smith, Culver & Co., 122 and 124 Third sts

Harness, Saddles, Etc. Bernd Bros., mfrs, 100, 102 and 104 Third st W. R. Kent, 64 Poplar st
S. S. Parmelee (also wagons, carriags, etc.), cor Sec ond and Cherry sts. See page 20


Rosen field & Lilienthal, wholesale, 158 Third st

Singleton, Hunt & Co., retail (also shoes), 102 Cher ry st


Brown's Hotel, George P. Brown, prop., 191 Fourth st

Edgerton House, E. E. Brown & Son, props., 177 and 179 Fourth st. See page 4

Lanier House, F. A. Hervy, mgr., 91 and 93 Mul

berry st


National Hotel, Wiley Jones & Co., props., 169 Fourth st. See page 15

Southern Hotel, Wiley Jones & Co., props., 56J Pop lar st. See page 15

House Furnishing.
George S. Obear, 110 Cherry st. .See page 6
John C. Van Syckel & Co., 116 Third st

Felix Corput A Co., dealer (also fruits, fish, etc.), 86 Cherry st
Macon Ice Co,, A. E. Boardman, prop., cor Fifth st and R. R. tracks
E. J- Buhl (also wood), telephone No. 149. See pages 9 and back paster
J. T. Ware (also groceries and whisky), 133 Ogle thorpe st, cor Columbus road

COAL? ARMANDL. BUTTS. -- Office 115 Third St.




J. M. Boardman, 106 Mulberry st Carues & Stroemer (also brokers), 115 Third st. See
back cover Cobb, Rees & Co., 144 Second st Conner Bros., 107 Cherry st C. C. Conner, 106 Mulberry st Cotton States Life Insurance Company of Macon,
Wm. B. Johnston, Pres't, George S. Obear, Sec'v; capital, $500,000, 109 Mulberry st. See page 15 Fire Underwriters Association of Macon, W. W. Carnes, Pres't, Henry E. Rees, Sec'y. All agencies connected, 144 Second st Georgia Home Insurance Co., Carnes & Stroemer, 115 Third st
Germania Fire Insurance Co., New York, Carnes k Stroemer, agts, 115 Third st
W. V. Harper, special agt New York Life Ins. Co., 144 Second st
Hartford Fire Insurance Co., Carnes & Stroemer, agts, 115 Third st
H. Horne (also real estate), 118 Second st Insurance Co. of North America, Carnes & Stroemer,
agts, 115 Third st
Insurance Co. of North America, (Marine), Carnes & Stroemer, agts, 115 Third st
Geo. B. Jewett, 150 Second st
New York Underwriters Agency, Carnes & Stroemer, agts, 115 Third st
North British and Mercantile Insurance Co. of Lon don and Edinburg, I. C. Plant & Son, agts, cor Sec ond and Cherry sts
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co., Carnes & Stroemer, agts, 115 Third st
I. C. Plant & Son (also bankers), cor Cherrry and Second ts
Queen Insurance Co., of England, Carnes & Stroemer, agts, 115 Third st
Royal Insurance Co., of England, Carnes & Stroemer, agts, 115 Third st
The Liverpool and London aud Globe Insurance Co., I. C. Plant & Son, agts, cor Cherry and Second sts



^lThird^t^^611 ^80 rea4 es*'a4e an(i fertilizers), 113.

Yirginia Home Insurance agts, 115 Third st





Iron Fences. !:, w- Case (also marble, etc.) See card inset than,p,on Iron Fence Co., T. B. Artope, agt, 178 and.
180 Second st. See page 2

Jewelry and Watchmakers,
Walter T. Johnston, 108 Uherry st H. M. Lane, 211 Fourth st A. G. Maumenee & Co., 180 Fourth st J. H. Otto, 103 Cherry st
Ernest Peschke, 102 Second st. See page 6 54 Mulberry st. See page 22
Ui. Reteld, (also optician), 104 Second st inas. H. Solomon, 124 Second st J. P. Stevens & Co., 108 Second st

Knitting Factories

Macon Knitting Co*, Howes & Smith, proprs, Haw

thorne st, rear Bibb Mfg Co



Bacon & Rutherford, 82$ Mulberry st

G. T. & C. L. Bartlett, 84$ Mulberry st

E. F. Best, over Exchange Bank

Billups & Hardeman, 1064 Cherry st. See page 9

R. V. Briggs, 100$ Cherry st


F. M. JT.&TD,Aa?lyd,er1^10?$'oS1e1c2o^ndSescto,ld 8t- see Page 1

Washington Dessau, 82$ Mulberry st Felton & Baxter, 100$ Cherry st

Jno. P. Fort, 100$ Mulberry st

John J. Gresham, 1$ Cotton ave

Homer Guerry, 1$ Cotton ave. See page 18

Gustm & Hall, 3$ Cotton ave. See page 5

'tx-n ^' Hardeman, Court House square. See page 18

Hill & Harris, 102$ Second st

P g

Iti K. Hines, 155 Second st. See page 20

^See ?agieMiSn ('Clty attorney)' Lanier & Anderson, 112$ Second st W. A. Lofton, 100$ Cherry st

Mulberry st..



Lyon & Gresham, 108J Mulberry st
J. W. Nisbet, 108| Cherry st
R. W. Patterson, cor Mulberry and Second sts
W. A. Poe (also justice of the peace), 106^ Cherry st Alexander Proudfit, 113 Third st John P. Roes, 106J Cherry st. See page 22
John Rutherford, 82-J Mulberry st
R. W. Stubbs, 137-^ Third st
Henry F. Strohecker, 3^ Cotton ave
H. Y. Washington, 84 Mulberry st. See page 20
L. N. W hittle, 1^ Cotton ave
Thomas Willingham, 82J Mulberry st
W. H. Wyly, 84^ Second st

Lime and Cement.
H. G. Cutter, 96 Poplar st

Livery, Feed and Sale Stables.
T. M. Butner, 196 and 198 Fourth st G. M. Davis, 77 and 79 Third st Hollis <fc Corbett, cor Poplar and Fourth sts
Holman & McAndrew, 30 Plum st
Jj. D. Rogers, 143 First st
A. B. Shackelford, 202 Third st Stewart Bros., cor Third and Mulberry sts W. C. Timberlake, 92 and 94 Poplar st
Lumber. Kirseh & Nelson, cor Pine and Fifth sts


R. H. Roekliill (also contractor), foot Walnut st Marble, Granite, Etc.
T. B. Artope (also iron railing, etc), 178 and 180 Sec
ond st. See page 2


George W. Case (also iron fences), 50 Plum st. See card inset
0. P. Heath, agt white bronze monuments, 151 Sec ond st
Rygate Granite Works, T. B. Artope, agt, 178 and 180 Second st. See page 2

Mica Mines. A. H. Powell (also real estate, stocks and bonds), 84
Mulberry st
Millinery. Mrs, A. JBinswanger, 11 Cotton ave Mrs. A. Glaser, 5 Cotton ave. See page 22 Vs. A. Julian & Co. (also dry goods), 22, 24, 26 and 28
Cotton ave and 113, 115, 117 and 119 Second st >ewman & Thorner (also dry goods), 99 Cherry st.
See page 7 Mrs. E. S. Rees, 9 Cotton ave Setley & Greene, 108 Mulberry st. See page 4 Miss E. A. Ward, 37 Cotton ave

Musical Merchandise. J. W. Burke & Co., branch store (also art goods).
7 Cotton ave. See page 4 Georgia Music House, E. D. Irvine, mgr, 102 Mul
berry st. See pages 8 and 24

Newspapers and Periodicals.

Evening News (daily), J. B. Pound & Bro., eds and proprs, 60 Cherry st. See page 25

Griffin News See page 26

Headquarters Atlanta Constitution, Wales Wynton, correspondent, National Hotel

Helping Hand (religious, monthly), Stanley E. Win-

throp, editor, 172 New st

Kind Words (Baptist Sunday school paper, weekly,

semi-monthly and monthly), Rev. S. Boykin, editor; J. W. Burke & Co., pubs

Southern Musical Journal (monthly), E. I). Irvine & Bro., pubs and proprs, 2 Wall st

The Telegraph and Messenger (daily and weekly),

lelegraph and Messenger Pub. Co., pubs, cor Mul berry and Second sts

Wesleyan Christian Advocate (organ M. E. Church

_ in ^a^and Fla0, Rev. W. H. Potter, D.D., editor

Rev. J. W. Burke, ass't editor: J. W. Burke & Co.,

pubs, 146 Second st




News Stands.
Burr Brown (also sewing machines, etc), 100 Mul berry st
A. Daus (also cigars), Brown's Hotel Charles Dreyfus (also cigars), Lanier House A. B. Quinker (also cigars), Edgerton House

Notaries, Commissioners of Deeds, Convey' ances, Etc.
Matt. R. Freeman, basement Telegraph and Messen ger building

Oils and Naval Stores.

Cliess Carley & Co., B. F. Stone, agt, 144 Second st

Opium Cure-
Dr. W. L. Jones (also drugs), 197 Fourth st. See back cover Opticians.
Ch. Refeltl (also jewelry), 104 Second st

Oysters, Fish, Etc.
Felix Corput <t Co (also fruits), 86 Cherry st J. A. Farmer, 167 Fourth st Saulsbury & Ross (also fruits and produce), 59 Cot
ton ave J. B. Williams & Co. (also produce, restaurant, bar
and beer agts), 171 and 173 Fourth st
Roberts & Windham (also contractors), 130 Cherry st. See hack cover
I. H. Poole, 57 Ch erry st. See first cover

Paper and Paper Bags. Hirsch & Marks, 178 Third st George F. Wing (job printing, etc), 64 Cherry st

Pattern Agencies.

Butterick's Patterns, Mrs. C. F. Daniels, agt, 11 Cotton ave
Demorest's Patterns, Singer Mfg Co., agts, 110 Sec ond st
Universal Patterns, Miss Lula A. Ford, agt, 1' Cot
ton ave

armard l. butts.
i_Office 115 Third Street.
Pawnbrokers. t* iE" E'rch, 25 Cotton ave. See page 5 John Lyons, 113 Cotton ave

G. Bauman, 203 Third st. See back cover T. 11. Blackshear, 13* Cotton ave. See back cover C. I . Daniels, 9$ Cotton ave J. A. Pugh cor Second and Mulberry sts

^0pJgeei26COPyilIg C-' 9 Marietta st> Atlanta. See



' H


i. 18

Blacksliear, 126$ Cherry st Carroll, 56$ Main st, E MM;acon.



^ Dunwody, 153 Cherry st

Dr E. G. berguson, 110$ Second st

w AT F,1 Jerald. 126$ Second st Mrs. iU 1L E. Fuller, 204 First st


Ge winner, 306 Fourth st

iL D . C. Gibson, 35$ Cotton ave. Dr. C. H. Hall, 153 Second st

See page 9

Dr. Ken nan Hall, 153 Second st

Drs Haiiimond & Moore, 110$ Second st


Holt, 126$ Second st

paaeio1^yUS' Ver WillinSham's warehouse. See

Dr. L L Johnson, 210 Fourth st

D1)1r*.*Aa . L. C. Magru2d9e7r, See back cover xj McCrary, 70 Main st, E. Macon
Dr w ^Hatton cor Cherry st and Cotton ave

Dri MVTTSa:3^pat St' A""la> next titl9

.U TUrkiS" balh8)' ChTM5r> 9L7>7,^vens' ^4$ Mulberry st I,1; ? T Strayer, 37$ Cotton ave. See page 7
1,SeeVageS13berS' (chronic disea8es)> 168$ Fourth st. Dr. J. E. Sussdorf



MACOK A First-class
COMMERCIAL Business School COLLEGE, Equal to any North or South.
Send for Circulars, free.
MACON, GA. W. McKAY, - Principal.

Dr. W. J. Toole, 234 Second st Dr. H. J. Williams, 150J Second st Dr. W. K Winchester, 160| Second st Dr. P, H. Wright, 106 Cherry st
Planing Mills.
J. E. Ellis (also contractor), foot of Wharf st -Guernsey & Abel (also contractors), cor Sixth and
Cherry sfc Hays & Mansfield (also contractors), cor Poplar and
Seventh sts Hendrix & Willingham (also contractors, sash,
doors), foot of Cherry st. See lines B. C. Wilders' Sons (also builders and contractors),
200 Third st
Plumbers. Gas and Steam Fitters. Carling & Brown (also tinners, galvanized cornice
work), 126 and 128 Cotton ave. See card inset J. M; Daly, 107 Mulberry st. See back cover C. J. Stroberg (also coppersmith), 21 Cotton ave.
See page 11
Portrait Painters.
Oliver Branson, 142| Second st. See page 11
Publishers and Printers.
J. W. Burke & Co. (also booksellers, binders, sta tioners), J. W. Burke, Pres't, Chas. Canning, Sec'y and Treas, 146 Second st
Georgia Publishing House, E. D. Irvine & Bro., 2 Wall st
Interstate Directory Co., C. M. Gardner, H. H. Dickson, pubs, Macon and other directories south and west. Principal office, 32 Broad st, Atlanta, Ga
Geo. F. Wing (also paper bags), 64 Cherry st

... .


pu,m and
Fourth and Wharf stS ,,a,,'o^ulU8ri"r`ed at COr C MtorralqRailroadv of Georgia, W. F. Shellman, Traffic
gi, Savannah; G. A. Whitehead, Gen Pass Aet

DeVotC1`y`iCtet fflCe'S4


East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia, A. Pone Gen

and IAttlaanntatgh, offic/*ena0nkd?d-e/pao';t,*FoAu'rth and W^ harf PstsA ,

Georgia Railroad, E. R. Dorsey, Gen Frt


Union ifepot ; ^

ffice' 84 MulberiT st, and

Macon and Florida Air-Line, soon to be built

GeogrgTaery ^ Eufaula' leased b7 Central R. R. of

SOGeoigeiSatern Kail'vay' leased b7 Central R. R. 0f Real Estate
page 10^' Ga` Land Agenc^ 86 Second st. See

FAssttelVss kA wUnil!snogne/(atlsl8ornSdt?s0ekbZ'robkoenrds)s,)>141547SeSceocnodndstst

H. Horne (a so ins), 118 Second st


m'> Uowell (also stocks and bonds), 84 Mulberry st Tin pm & Ogden (also ins, fertilizers), 113 Third st

Restaurants. berr^T1' ^ fruits> confections, bar), 104 Mul-

W. B. Chapman (also bar), 88 Cherry st
M?syA?^' nefr cor Fourth and Poplar sts A square^ FaUghner (also fruits)> old Court House

Jane Holmes (c), 215 Fourth st
AfL dalriilneet 3HoWwear<dc)(;c),ld10C3oFurotuHrtohusste square E. Isaacs Cafe, 90 Mulberry st
K'!/eith` J&fobOns?b; oIarnlseo(sca)l,o1o1n6 aFnodubrtihllisatrds), 123 Third st Alice Lockhart, 319 Fourth st Washington Neal (c), 56 Mulberry st
Reeves (c), 21 Fifth st

Wharf sts (aiS groceries and bar)> cor Fifth and

Foot of Cherry Street._
Levi Stevenson (c), 221 Fourth et Ellmann & Putzel (also bar and billiards), 61 and 63
Cherry st Union and E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R. Depots, E. T. Smith,
propr J. R. Williams & Co. (also produce, beer agts, bar,
etc.), 171 and 173 Fourth st Butler Williams (c) Goin Woodfolk, 219 Fourth st
Ribbon, Rubber Stamps, Etc.
E-A-L, rr .a. hue ie3
Manufactory & Engraving Works,
Roofing Paints.
U. M. Brown, 151 Second st N. L. Thomas (also tin roofer). See page 26
Sash, Doors, Etc.
C. Burke & Son, 118 Third st T. Guernsey, 151 Second st Hendrix & Willingham (also planing mill, con
tractors, etc.), foot of Cherry st. See lines
Seed Dealers.
E. M. Sargent & Co., cor Second and Poplar sts. See page 12
Seed Growers.
Sargent & Mansfield, dealers, 159 Second st
Sewing Machines.
R. J. Anderson & Co., dealers, 13 Cotton ave. See page 23
Burr Brown (also news, transfer, etc), -- Mulberry st The Gate City Sewing Machine Exchange, 85 Deca
tur st, Atlanta. See first paster



The 8inger Manufacturing Co., B. D. Armstro^

At?anta Sennd ,8t' G G- Lambert, 42 Marietta st'

ployment6111 agt' Gd meU can alwaJs find em-

Wm^gerr.I,ei1j7AC1oJttrfioIsn01a1veManufacturing Co., J. P. Lowe,'

Sewer Pipes.

`rCvodt?totln0la)veer.g CSaelesopsatgeeam11 and Sas

21 Cotton

Shirt Factories.
Eagle Shirt Factory, J. H. Hertz, prop, cor Second
and Cherry sts. See back paster

Shoe Dealers.
Jacob Harris, 101 Cherry st
He.ller, ag't, 201 Fourth st
rTuu Mirtland, 3 Cotton ave and 132 Third st H. Shall & Dro , 89 Cherry st Smgleton, Hunt & Co. (also hats), 102 Cherry st
-C. 1. Strong, 126 Second st

A. Bowman (c), 105 Fifth st

Arches400 (C)' aIlej bet First' New' 0ak and
James Brooks (c), 191 Third st Francis Eisner, 13 Cotton ave
Willis Epps (c), 99 Poplar st
John Felder, 114 Fourth st Reuben Gibson (c). Wall st A. Harry (c), 274 Third st
John Houston (c), 39 Hawthorne st David Jenkins (c), 137 Hazel st B. J. Jordan (c), 61 Cotton ave Essex Lewis (c), 31 Fifth st George Lowe (c), 150 Cotton ave Hugh McKervey, Ralston Hall Jordan Parks, 125 Cotton ave John Schelling, 103 Cherry st
CherrP sfc> nr Cotton ave dfi? White (c), 118 Cotton ave L. H. williams (c), 31 Hawthorne st
,, ,, Soda Water Works.

MFo0urthst Wat6r Factory> E- H- Stuart & Co., 235

Stamping and Embroidering.
A. R. Deining, 91 Oak st. See page 1
Stereotype Foundry, J. W. Burke & Co. (also printers, binders, booksellers,
etc.), 146 Second st
Stencils, Seals, Etc.
'tenci l{'taVspP 1 <5=0. []
C. F. Fairbanks, 57 Broad Atlanta G*.

Thomas Brown, 84 Second st
Champ Bryant (c), 126J Second st. See page 18
S. Greenberg (merchant), 106 Second st
J. F. Long (c), 105 Fourth st. See page 9
Louis Lowenthal (also dye house), Wall st, near Pres byterian Church
W. T. Moore, 214 Second st
W. B. Physioc, 1004 Mulberry st. See back cover J. L. Shea (merchant), 120 Second st
James Supple, 13 Cotton ave William C. Supple, 13 Cotton ave
Telegraph Companies.
Western Union Telegraph Co., W. H. Turner, mgr,.
86 Mulberry st
Telephone Exchange. Telephone Exchange, G. E. Davis, mgr, 88J Mul
berry st
Tin Workers. Carling & Brown (also gas and steam fitters), 126 amL
128 First st; 35 Cotton ave. See card inset R. Falkner, 112 Third st Daniel Howard, cor Second and Poplar sts John H. Poole, 57 Cherry st
N. L. Thomas. See page 10



IMT-^CO^T A First-ciass
COMMERCIAL Business School COLLEGE, Equal lo any North or South.
Send for Circulars, free MACON, GA. W. McKAY, - Principal.

- --~

w noiesaie

W. R. Cox (also whisky), 136 Third st

Cromeline & Co., 98 Mulberry st

W. P. Grace, 90 Cherry st

ao\dHLt7&"sky)cor Mulberry8t >*
W. J. Totten, 56 Poplar st

Manufacturers Cigars

N. A. Gang, 181 Fourth st


Solomon, 164 Fourth st

W. turner (also wholesale tobacco), 142 Second st

a n Tobacco and Cigars--Retail.
A. Daus, Brown's Hotel
Charles Dreyfus (also news stand), Lanier House A. B. Quinker (also news stand), Edgerton House

Turkish Baths.
Hi. J. W. Migratli, 82 Second st

J- J. Clay, 87 Mulberry st

F's^e page^80 furniture)' 94 and 96 Mulberry st.

^ton aFeP` Tayl0r (also furniture), 27 and 29 Cot-

TSee pagJiy1 (als furniture' etc). 105 Mulberry st.
Variety Stores.

C"`it Utb6"' "CeUt S`0re' 122 SeMmd st- See
Hlder Bros., 39 Cotton ave R. F. Miller, 89 Cherry st
See pageDimaD (alS beer agt' etc)> 94 Cherry st. R. F. Smith, 10-Cent Store, 75 Cotton ave




Warehouses and Cotton Commission.
A. B. Adams & Son, 93 Poplar st Campbell & Jones, 100 Poplar st Coleman & Newsom also groceries), 57, 59, 61 and 63
Poplar st English & Huguenin (also compress), 91 and 9G Pop
lar st Flanders Bros , cor Poplar and Fourth sts Hardeman & Gibson, 142 and 144 Fourth st Houser Bros., 142^ Fourth st John A. Nelson, 72 Main st, E. Macon W. B. Sparks, 65 Third st J. S. Stewart, 65 and 67 Mulberry st C. B. & B. E. Willingham, 145, 147 and 149 Sec
ond st
Water Wheels.

James A. Davis' Turbine Water Wheel, Davis, Stewart & Co., 197 Fourth st. See first paster
A. A. DeLoach, see page 16
Hatcher & Grier, foot Mulberry st E. J. Ruhl (also ice), telephone No. 149. See page
9 and back paster G. G. Smith (also groceries), 21 Monroe st

James H. Campbell, 65 Cherry st W. R. Cox (also tobacco), 136 Third st Flatau & Co., 85 Cherry st J. D. Hudgins, cor Third and Poplar sts James D. Proctor (also groceries), 138 Third st Siesel & Stern, 68 Poplar st


J. H. Benner (also fruits and confections) 104 Mul
berry st G. W. Bush, 209 Fourth st B. Carter (c), 205 Fourth st Owen Cassidy, cor Fifth and Old Court House square



W. B. Chapman (also rest), 88 CW


F. A. Coe, 320 Fourth st

Crawford & Cooper (c), 90 Cotton ave


80 gen md8e)' Clinton st, E. Macon

j h-

(also gen mdse), Clinton st, E. Macon

James Kilfoile, 48 Cotton ave

King & Wilder (c), 94 Cotton ave S. Lane (c), 203 Fourth st

Perkins <fc Perkins (c), 58 Mulberry st A. W. & J. S. Raley, Columbus road

Henry Rivers (c), 116 Fourth st

r A. pclioneman, beer (also agt Lemp's beer fancv

goods, etc.), 94 Cherry st. See page 1

' 3

* larhstn HteI Bar' WattS & Jones' ProPrs> 54 Pop-

Samn JwT ft!30 ge? jndse)' 54 Oglethorpe st

1 B WhTeut l8bpSa(rait0 dea'er)' 93 Che^ 8t
T. J. Ware (also groceries and ice), 133 Oglethorpe st.

Whisky (Retail) and Billiards.

Brown's Hotel Bar, George C. Brown, propr

Ldgerton House Bar

v ^

B. A. Gordon (also gen mdse), 58 Main st, E. Macon

L. Greenwood (also groceries), 322 Fourth st R. S. Harmon (c), 207 Fourth st

r 5; Hudgins, Wall st, nr Second st

a^mTh'wst"80' b*Sement Edert" F. B. Johnson & Bro., 137 Third st J. L. Kennedy, Lanier House National Hotel Bar, W. W. Heath, prop 0 Perryman (c), 87 Cotton ave. See page 14 I Uni aim & Putzel (also rest), 61 and 63 Cherry st A. Vannucki (ten pins), Johnson's Lane ^ Louis Vannucki, 85 Mulberry st


Land Owners of Bibb County.
Including all owning 5 acres and over.
Amason J. W., 20 a, $1,000 Anthony E. R., 37 a, $2,600 Bailey J. E., estate, 981 a, $7,850 Bagby Thomas, 876 a, $4,800 Booms Mrs. J. H., 133 a, $700 Beddingfied Allen, 243 a, $3,500 Beddingfield Wm,, 10 a, $1,000 Beggs& Miln, 50 a, $1,200 Brown Mr. E., 28 a, $930 Calhoun, est. of E. M,, 100 a, $2,000 Clark John.F., 70 a, $700 Cordell W. H., 4 a, $1,000 Daly Michael, 32 a, $2,350 Daly Patrick, 3 a, $1,000 Davis John P., 121 a, $1,750 Ellis John W., 6 a, $2,000 Flowers C. H., 16 a, $2,630 Freeman C. H., 8 a, $2,000 Giles John B., 878 a, $8,300 Greenhow George, 172 a, $2,500 Harris C. J., 1140 a, $7,520 Harris W. G., 150 a, $1,050 Herring J. W., 400 a, $1,400 Hollis Jerre, 198 a, $5,400 Jenkins W. C., 8 a, $1,500 Johnson Chas., 160 a, $1,200 Johnson Mr. Sol R., 1J9 a, $1,200 Kruchen H. H., 50 a, $150 Kimbrew T. M., 100 a, $300 Kitchings C. H., 180 a, $540 Langston J. M,, 150 a, $440 Lofton W. A., 45 a, $2,000 Long Ed, 21 a, $1,200 Mathews D. M., 10 a, $500 McCrary John, 6 a, $700



Milne David, 25 a, $2,500 Nisbet Robert A., 1,800 a, $12,000 Petty W. B., 104 a, $1,100 Peacock S. B., 100 a, $600 Railey S. P., 202 a, $800 Railey J. L., 142 a, $12,000
Raymond George J., 202 a, $600 Riddle A. C., 49 a, $1,000 Rice J. R., 100 a, $600 Roberts Luke, 62 a, $500
Rutherford Mrs. John, 250 a, $7,500 Smith Arch J., 279 a, $1,400 Smith George, 297 a, $3,350 Sheridan C., 5 a, $700 Thompson A. E., 150 a, $3,000 Virgin C. S., 200 a, $3,000 Walker G. E., 44 a, $500 Wiley J. B, 187 a, $2,500 Wise Johnson, 130 a, $3,000 Woodson D. S., 88 a, $620 Worsham J. H. D,, 300 a, $2,500 Wrigley B. H., 61 a, $1,525

Admr est. J. L. Gilbert, 302J a, $1,210 Amerson J. J., agt, 50 a, $350 Amerson Joe J., 200 a, $1,200 Ashberry Mrs. B,, 10 a, $400 Berkner John A., 213 a, $1,975 Brown Henry J., 210 a, $1,050 Buckner Lemuel, 11 a, $50 Buckner Mrs. Mary, 10 a, $100 Burnett Benj. G., 50 a, $600 Burnett George W., 150 a, $7,500 Carr Dempsey J., 256 a, $1,590 Carr Dempsey J., agt wife, 82 a, $520 Clay David J., 350 a, $2,000 Crawford D. M., 112J a, $670 Dickson William N.. 300 a, $1,500 Edwards Ellison, 1,521 a, $9,100 Edwards R. L., 50 a, $350 Edwards Zack T., 181 a, $1,300 Elliott Charles R., 134 a, $1,075 Elliott Mrs. Elizabeth, 50 a, $250
Erwin F. M,, ex, est, Dudsqp Irwin, J12 a, $70Q



Erwin F. M., guard'n N. D. Rainey, 97 a, $600

Erwin F. M., 360 a, $2,110 Evans E. E., 44 a, $250

Foster Thomas C., 208 a, 1,250

Gates Seth H., 202J a, $1,200

Gilbert 0. P., 200 a, $600

Gilbert R. R., 350 A, $1,500

Gilbert Benj. P., 400 a, $2,500

Gilbert Benj. P., admr est. R. M. Gilbert, 8 a, $800

Gilbert Benj. P., agt $8,000




nieces, 1,410


Gilbert R. M., 209| a, $1 800

Glass William, 104 a, $700

Griggs N. B., 50 a, $300

Hancock John S., 10 a, $50

Hancock Mrs. Jane, 100 a, $500

Hart John W., 827 a, $4,500

Heath Wm. W., 90 a, $900

Heath Wm. W., admr, 750 a, $4,000

Howard Wm., 259| a, $1,500

Hughes W. L., agt, 60 a, $300

Hughes E. L., 60 a, $300

Hughes Elbert L., by W. L. Hughes, 100 a, $600

Johnston Melton, 150 a, $750

Knight Elizabeth, 50 a, $250

Knight J. T., agt Mrs. Francis Knight, 150 a, $750

McManus M. H., agt children, 31 a, $310

McManus A. M. & E. C., 30 a, $300

McPherson Narcis, 40 a, $200

McPherson Emma, 50 a, $250

McPherson J. T. D., 88 a, $300

McPherson Vina, 91J a, $350

McPherson F. H., 90 a, $300

McSwain J. W., 95 a, $570

Nowell Wm. B.. 153 a, $1,500

Parker W. J., 200 a, $1,600

Rainey John B. D., 196 a, $900

Rainey J. B. D., for mother, 202| a, $500

Rainey Reuben A., 216 a, $1,100

Richardson A. J., 78 a, $300

Roquemore James, 50 a, $250

Searcy D. B., & J. T., 20 a, $3,100

Smith W. H., 250 a, $1,300

Smith W. H., ag't, 96 a, $900

Strayer Edlah, 25 a, $125



Summerlin J. E., ag't, 150 a, $1,000 Tucker Daniel, 37 a, $200 Tucker George, 47 a, $250 Walker Mrs, Mary, 45 a, $200 Wilder J, J., 164J a, $8,200
Woolfolk Thomas G., 75 a, $750
Woolfolk Richard F., 890 a, $7,100

Bazemore Mrs. Sarah L., 146 a, $900 Berkner Henry J., 317 a, $4,500 Bowman Robert E., ag't, 1385 a, $6,925 Bucher Louis, 77 a, $500
Carr J. M. & E. E. Evans, admr. est. Evans, 6644 a, $5,645
Carstarphen T. J., 730 a, $3,650
Carstarphen J. H., ag't, James J, Townsden, guardian. 75 a, $450
Garstarphen J. H., ag't, A. S. Carstarphen, 440 a, $2,650
Cason W. H., 301 a, $2,350 Coughton Mrs, E. H., 608 a, $4,000 Crawford John T,, ag't, 60 a, $300 Edwards O. D., for Mrs. E. J. Edwards, 100 a, $900 Fleckenstine John, 24 a, $300 Foster Abner R., 202| a, $1,300 Foster A. G., 202 a, $1,200 Head N. B , 80 a, $400 Holt Lee, ag't, 382 a, $1,700 Howard Benj. F., 700 a, $5,600 Howard H. L., 70 a, $400
Howard B. F. Jr., ag't, and wife, 100 a, $1,000 Howard Ellis W., 475 a, $2,500 Hunter A. F., 218 a, $1,300 Johnson Wm, 130 a, $1,000 Johnson Sarah E., est, 175 a, $1,400 Johnson James K, 496 a, $3,450 Johnson W. D. H., 50 a, $300 Johnson S. A. & L. M., 230 a, $1,200 Johnson M., 154 a, $800 Jones H. H., 411 a, $4,800 Knight John D., 53 a, $500 Little Andrew J., 146 a, $900 Lockett Mrs. A. E. (A. M. L.), 570 a, $4,000 Lumsden J. E., agt Powers children, 202| a, $2,G0



Lundy Wm., 600 a, $3,600
McElroy Charles K., 43 a, $430 McElroy Wm. J., 100 a, $1,100 Merrett E. C., 60 a, $800
Myrick James W., 850 a, $4,250 Nisbet James T., 635 a, $5,080 Ousley N. B., 100 a, $600
Ousley R. F., 1,000 a, $6,000 Ousley T. D., jr., 120 a, $720 Ousley T. D., 240 a, $1,440 Seymour H. L., 30 a, $100 Sherwood W. E., 6 a, $300 Steed E. A., 202J a, $1,500
Thomas Robert O., agt Mrs. S. M. Thomas, 83 a, $500 Tucker J. W. & R. T., 192 a, $1,500 Tucker Thomas W., 130 a, $1,300 Tucker John W., 20 a, $150
Tucker Grime, 100 a, $600 Tucker Sterling, 75 a, $450 Welstacker Frank, 50 a, $300
Windso T. P., agt Susan Walton, 190 a, $950 Winbush John S., 200 a, $1,600

Adamson A. Y., 35 a, $1,000 Anderson W. F., 35 a, $7,000 Andrews Joe B., 63 a, $315 Andrews William A., 266 a, $1,500 Andrews John R., 325 a, $1,500 Arnold W. N., agt, 1,350 a, $2,000 Asbel R. A., 15 a, $30 Bailey S. P., 120 a, $1,230 Balkam L. C., 38 a, $2,000 Benson R. E., 245 a, $1,200 Birdsong M., 133 a, $1,300 Birdsong Mrs. Martha, 50 a, $150 Birdson S. J., 55 a, $430 Blue & Proudfit, 160 a, $450 Bond Mrs. C. H., 13 a, $1,800 Bond Joe H,, 105 a, $500 Brantley W. S., 90 a, $5,000 Brown James, 7 a, $70 Burkett W. J., 867 a, $4,335 Callaway C. B., 33 a, $4,000 Callaway H. B., 133 a, $700



Cherry W. A., agt, 121 a, $2,900

Clayton Mrs. A. B., 70 a, 4,600

Clesley Joseph, 12 a, $600

Cook North J., 25 a, $1$5

Corbin N. B., 150 a, $1,000

Cutter H. M., 9 a, $17,200

Davidson W. D., 107 a, $2,000

Davis John N., 200 a, $1,000

Davis G. M., 500 a, $3,500

Day Francis, 50 a, $200

Day S. M., 25 a, $125

Dessau Washington, agt, 2 a, $5,000 Donnar W. H., 1324 a, $650

Dukes John T., 4 a, $800

Durdan H. J., 100 a, $500

Ernest A. M., 480 a, $4,500

Enghet I. B., 225 a, $7,000

Farmer Thomas, 101 a, $700

Flanders David, 202| a, $500

Fletcher W. H., 172 a, $3,500

Griffin M., 140 a, $740

Gunn U. M., 997 a, $9,500

Gustin G. W,, agt, 724 a, $7,700

Hardeman Isaac, 135 a, $1,500

Hardeman J. L., agt, 21 a, $9,000

Henson Tilman, 70 a, $280

Hicks J. R., 10 a, $3,000

Holmes J. P. & W. R., 8 a, $5,000

Holt W. S., agt, 1,413 a, $16,500

Hudgins J. C., 8 a, $400

Huff W. A., trustee, 50 a, $7,500

Johnson J. W., 300 a, $2,400

Jones W. H., 336 a, $3,400

Kitchings M. W., 211 a, $833

Lamar Mrs. M. E., 835 a, $10,400 Lamar H. J., 1,870 a, $15,350

Lamar Mrs. C. A., 4 a, $4,000

Lane & Evans, 1,846 a, $14,768

Lowe W. S., 1,400 a, $8,800

Lowe J. Y., 750 a, $5,250

Lumpkin George, 29 a, $1,600

Massey Mrs. E., 850 a, $11,900

Massey M. M., 71 a, $1,460

Massey Mrs. N. D., 51 a, $1,200

Massey O. E., 80 a, $700

McAlpin M. A., 10 a, $300 McGough J. C., 169 a $500 McLaran E. H., 202| a, $7,000 Melrose A., 100 a, $3,000 Napur H. V., 780 a, $1,800 Nelson John A., 1,701 a, $8,400 Nelson S. N., 10 a, $2,000 O'Donnell Mrs. B., 5 a, $1,500 O'Gorman C. L., 50 a, $1,600 O'Neal John, 1155 a, $4,550 O'Neal Obediah, 45 a, $225 O'Neal Henry, 105 a, $2,000 Parker W. W., 207| a, $3,100 Perry B. J., 80 a, $300 Phillips E. E., 8 a, $4,000 Phillips W. R., 146 a, $3,500 Poole, Wm. J., 205 a, $1,648 Pruph A. C., 16 a, $600 Ray B. T,, 1,320 a, $8,000 Riggins J. W., 450 a, $2 500 Riley Mrs. M., 58 a, $1,000 Roberts W. C., 167 a, $2,500 Rogers C. H., 16 a, $11,800 Rogers Mr. M. A., 5 a, $500 Rogers Thomas, 109 a, $800 Russ Mr. M. S., 261 a, $3,400 Sanders Francis, 70 a, $700 Schofield John S., trustee, value bond $9,200 Small A. E , 723 a, $4,520 Smith George D., 10 a, $1,200 Smith James Nat, 20 a, $2,000 Smith J. M., 40 a, $120 Smith A. J., 30 a, $90 Solomon Steve M., for Sparks & Solomon, 10 a, Solomon Peter, 39 a, $5,700 Surde M. G., 8 a, $3,500 Stroup A. A., 122 a, 600 Sullivan Con, 11| a, $3,850 Sweeney Pat, 140 a, $1,000 Thorp George W., 715 a, 3,575 Thrape John D., 700 a, $3,800 Virgin William H., 116f a, $6,565 Virgin Samuel S,, 117 a, $540 Ward Charles T., 13 a, $4,000 Watts Mrs, Jane, 105 a, $400
..... ;r.c.



Watts Isaac, 85 a, $850

Watts Mrs. E., 14 a, $75

Watts Henry, 10 a, $100

Wilder Joseph, 66 a, $350

Williams J. W., 55 a, $1,000

Winn Cooper D,, agt, value $6,000

Woolfolk T. J., 50 a, $1,000

Woolfolk J. H., 37 a, $1,000

Woolfolk S. C., 9 a, $200

Yeartv Mrs. M., 182 a, $500


Aldrich Clarence, 50 a, $300 Allen William F., 174 a, $1,500 Allen Mrs. Mary, 120 a, $150 Allen J. W., 100 a, $100 Avant W. S., agt, 181 a, $1,005 Avant J. R., 100 a, $1,200 Barfield F. M., 100 a, $500 Barfield G. W., 200 a, $1,200 Barfield J. T., 200 a, $550 Barfield Richard, 1,113 a, $3,000 Barns James, 286 a, $800 Barton F. H., 270 a, $1,250 Brice Robert and Luther, 38 a, $200 Brice William, 28 a, $300 Birdsong I). G., 240 a, $1,500 Bond G. P., 79 a, $790 Bartlett J. A., 75 a, $300 Brown Mrs. J. E., 100 a, $600 Brown H. C., 52 a, $300 Brown Mrs. C. E., 202 a, $1,400 Busby Mrs. Georgia, 166 a, $850 Calhoun L. B., est, 300 a, $3,000 Calhoun J. W., 790 a, $2,000 Carlos J. E., agt, 510 a, $3,600 Carr Mrs. C., 202 a, $800 Cherry George F., 264 a, $2,400 Cherry Mrs. F. D., admrx, 1,212 a, $3,700 Cherry J. G., 98 a, $490 Cherry W. A., admr, 260 a, $2,340 Cherry W. A., 5 a, $40 Clarke H. H., 125 a, $1,700 Clarke J. A., 233 a, $1,250 Cowart R. A., 110 a, $1,100

Cowart N. D., 100 a, $1,000 Cowart L. B., 120 a. $1 000 Cowart J. J., agt, 300 a, $2,000 Cowart J. J., 110 a, $1,010 Cowart B. F , 10C a, $1,000 Cowart G. F., agt, 44 a, $500 Cowart G. F.. 122 a, $600 C'nurchweil John, 300 a, $800 Davis J. H., 40 a, $160 Davis J. A., 40 a, $160 Davis Julia A., 45 a, $120 Davis E. V , 55 a, $350 Drawhorn B. F., agt, 100 a, $100
Durden H L., 80 a, $480 Durden J. J , 270 a, $1,800 Durden W. J., 300 a, $1,800 Dyer M. A R., 202 a, $1,600 Feilder J. W., est. agt. 50 a, $300 Feilder John, 150 a, $750 Fielder J. W., 100 a, $600 Ford Isam, 100 a, $200 Ford Joe, agt. 127 a, $600 Follendore Mrs. Emily, 607 a, $900 Follendore Mary, 100 a, $200 Flynn J. C., 129 a, $2,000 Grace J. T., 50 a, $800 Hardy W C., 102 a, $750 Hardy T. W., 605 a, $4,470 Harper A. M., 50 a, $200 Harper Aaron M , agt, 200 a, $400 Hartly John, 50 a, $350 Hartly Mrs. S., 27 a, $S00 Heath William M., 48 a, $100
Heard J. F., 150 a, $450 Holmes James, agt, 415 a, $4,000 Holmes James, 415 a, $4 000 Holmes W. F., 134 a, $2,000 Holt T. G., 212 a, $1,200 Hunnicut W. S . 68 a, $200 Hunnicut William, 48 a, $100 Hunnicut Tom, 298 a, $600 Hunnicut T. C., 156 a, $475 Johnson Mrs. L. S,, 300 a, $1,850 Johnson J. C., 110 a, $2,400 Johnson R. A., agt, 80 a, $800



Johnson R A., agt, 150 a, $1,350 Johnson R. A., 120 a, $1,200 Johnson M. T., 202 a, $1,300 Jones Mrs, M , 101 a, $500 Kash J. J., 122 a, $500
Kilpatrick C. W., 75 a, $500 Lancaster J. F., 70. a, $500 Lancaster Mrs. M. S., Ill a, $500 ^Lancaster Mrs. J., 6 a, $35 Lee William, 150 a, $300 Lee Thomas, 100 a, $600
Matthews Mary, 100 a, $200 Matthews W , agt, 175 a, $875 McArthur. D. P., 405 a, $2,000 Mclncher M. F , agt, 840 a, $4,000 McKenny C. ex. est., 53 a, $400
McSwain Mrs. S. A., 40 a, $120 Moffitt A., 425 a. $2,500 Parker Henry, 202| a. $100 Petty J. C., 50 a, $100 Peyton J. E., 50 a, $100 Pierce C. E., 4 a, $100 Reed G. M, 486 a, $1,500
Riley Henry, A., est. H. L. Riley, 75 a, $475 Rope Milton, 100 a, $500
Ryder Wm., guard., 900 a, $3,000 Ryder Wm., 267 a, $2,000 Sanders J. H., est., 300 a $800 Sherfield Sarah, 50 a, $150
Sherwood G. 0., 40 a, $500 Shinholser J. W., 45 a, $450
Shinholser W. J., 20 a, $400 Shinholser J , 100 a, $900
Skipper J. W , 772 a, $2,500 Stephens Miles A. A M. G., 211^ a, $1,300 Stokes W. A., 240 a, $1 000 Stokes Simon, 189 a, $700 Stubbs P. W.,agt. 773 a, $7,000 Stubbs P. W., 240 a, $4,500 Stubbs Ellen M., 780 a, $3 400 Stubbs J. W., 302 a, $2,100
Tankersley Chas., 50 a, $400 Tinsley J. J., ex. est. agt, 956 a, $8,600 Thomas Augusta A. C., 40 a, $120 Thomas Dempsey, agt sisters, 100 a, $200

Thomas Soggy, 383 a, $1,315 Thomas Nelson, 101J a, $600 Thomas Calvin, 242 a, $325 Tucker Moses, 87 a. $200 Vinson D. B., 300 a, $7,200 Vinson B. F., 374 a, $2,500 Willis Joseph, 265 a, $2,385 Waldren Mrs Lucinda, 212J a, $500 Whitesides J. H., 185 a, $2,400' Willis J. B., 666 a, $7,600
WARRIOR. Bonner B. F. C , 377| a, $1,800 Burket Robert, 511 a, $3,000 Burgay Wm. L , 800 a, $4,800 Chapion B. J., agt, 340 a. $2,200 Davis George W., agt, 187 a, $1,200 Davis George.W., 101 a, $1 000 Davis A. J., 260 a, $1,600 Dickson J. M., 150 a, $900 Drawhorn Mrs. Mary, 136 a, $500 Evans Lucius G., trustee, 490 a, $2,900 Green James F., 50 a, $300 Hall Wm. G., 440 a, $1,700 Hamlin C. H , 227 a, $1,200 Hamlin James, 100 a, $600 Hamlin J. F., agt, 66 a, $400 Hamlin J. F., agt, 100 a, $600 Hamlin J. C., 340^ a, $1,700 Hamlin J. F., agt, 66 a. $490 Hamlin Louis, 150 a, $1,000 Hamlin Richard, 250 a, $1,250 Hart Royer, 300 a, $1,800 Hart Nacissa, 150 a, $900 Heard J. N., agt, 100 a, $700 Herrington W. P., 100 a, $500 Hodge George W., 100 a, $400 Holly Wm. F., 315 a $1,800 Hunnicut W. C., agt., 122 a, $650 Jennings Ira, 200 a, $100 Jennings Ira, agt, 338 a, $1,700 Jones G. R., 12 a, $100 Jones Jas. J., 164 a, $800 Jones Mrs. L. A., 125 a, $600 Jones Mrs. B. O., 150 a, $600

Lamar L., agt, sister, 172 a, $1,032 . Lamar L., 107 a, $642 Lamar L , agt, L. & J., 160 a, $960 Lamar L., agt,' 201 a $1,205 Long Wm,, 700 a, $2 800 Long Wm. & H., 400 a, $1,600 Marshall H. D., 151 a. $900 McCollen John, 150 a, $900 McCollen Pat H., 117 a, $700 McElmurry M. H.f 110 a, $1,500 McElmurry W. T , 360 a, $2,100 Montcraf H. H., 50 a, $300 Mosely W. J., 163 a, $1,800 Mosely W. J., agt, 250 a, $1,250 Motes James, 101 a, $400 Newberry Wyley J., 510 a, $2,500 Newberry Ben. P., 150 a, $6 750 Newberry O. M. and est. J. H Newberry, 226 a, $1,675 Newsom Morgan G., 400 a, $2,400 Parker J. B., 1,022 a, 6 000 Pender Josiah, agt Nancy Bartlett, 75 a, $300 Petty J. C., agt for Mrs. S. M., 191 a, $1,200 Railey Tom W., agt, 126 a, $900 Richardson C. H., 300 a, $1,500 Sandford R. J. & E. B., 158 a, $1,200 Sanders Mrs.. J. C., admrx A. P. Sanders, 86 a, $500 Sanders Mrs. J. Cl, 304 a, $1,800 Sharp A. B., est. Atlanta, 240 a, $500 Smith John, 305 a, $2,135 Stokes John, agt, and John Hordey, 150 a, $200 Stokes John, 1,095 a, $2,950 Strippling Ben, 110 a, $500 Taylor Josh, 102 a, $500 Tidwell Mrs. Nancy, 200 a, $600 Tidwell George W , 181 a, $1,400 Tidwell Reuben, 35 a, $165 Toole James. 125 a, $700 Van Vaulkenberg C. W., 15 a, $3,000 Wardsworth C M , agt, 75 a, $375 Williams Reuben, 325 a, $1,800 Williams A. J., agt, 181 a, $2,000 Yates Geo. W., Jr., 250 a, $1,600 Yates James E., 133 a, $800 Yates Geo. W., 188 a, $1,100 Young J. M., 791 a, $3,150
