Letter, 1788 Oct. 10, Greene County, [Georgia to] Geo[rge] Handley, [Governor of Georgia] / Colo[ne]l H[enry] Karr

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Greene County
10th October 1788
Honrd [Honored] Sir
The Indians are weekly Steeling [Stealing] Horses From the Fronteers [Frontiers] of this County they have taken upward of 20 Head Since the
15th Septr [September] Last -- without an Imediate [Immediate] assistance I am well Convinct [Convinced] that the Cheif [Chief] or Whole of the fronteer [frontier] settlements will breake [break] & Leave their Cropps [Crops] to the mercy of the Savages. I Have applyd [applied] to -- B Genl [Brigadier General] Clark for assistance, In guards -- Who informs Me -- he has Wrote Your Honr [Honor], -- several Relations of the same Nature from the parts, & Has Had No answer, I Have in Clos'd [enclosed] you a Letter to me [unclear text: deracted [directed] ] from Capt. D. [Captain Davis] Grisham, Which Will Inform you of the Avacuation [Evacuation] of Carmikles Fort & farther beg Your Honr [Honor] to Allow us Releif [Relief] as much as may be Conve't [Convenient] --

And am With Sinceer [Sincere] Respects Your Honrs [Honor's] Most Obt [Obedient] & Very Hbe Servt [Humble Servant]
[Signed] H. [Henry] Karr Collo. [Colonel]
Gn. [Greene] County
The Honrable [Honorable]
Geo. [George] Handley

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H. [Henry] Car

10 Nr [November] 88

The Honr'able [Honorable] Geo. [George] Handley --
Honr'd [Honored] by Mr [illegible text]
