Account [of] Robert Dixon and Stephen Jett, 1786 / [audited by] John Wereat

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Dr The State of Georgia
In Account with Robert Dixon & Stephen Jett Contra Cr.


31st Decr. [December] To our Salaries as Commissioners to the Chehaw & Chikasaw Nation the Settlements of Holston Nolechucky & Wataga for four months, at three dollars per diem each -- -- £16 [unclear text: 8 ] .0.0

178 [document damaged: 6 ]

1st Septr. [September] By a Draft on the treasury £35.0.0
Do. [Ditto] &c. [et cetera] 35.0.0

10 Novr. [November] Do. Do. [Ditto Ditto] 15.0.0
Do. [Ditto] Do. [Ditto] 15.0.0
£100.0 0
Bal. [Balance] Due 68.0.0

E. [Errors] Excepted

[Signed] Thos. [Thomas] P. Carnes Attorney in fact for Dixon & Jett --

Examin'd [Examined]

[Signed] John Wereat Auditor

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a/c [account] Robert Dixon & Stephen Jett

