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Executive Department, Alabama, Claiborne
May 29th. 1826.
I have given due and attentive consideration to your favor of the
3d [3rd] of April last, on the subject of effecting a canal communication between the Waters of the Tennessee, and the Waters of the Savanna or the Chatahoochie -- The authorities of Alabama are anxious to employ the earliest means which they can judiciously command, to extend the navigation of the States, by the improvement of the Natural Channels, and by giving to those Channels the greatest possible range of beneficial effect, through the means of Artificial connections -- No definite Plans, however, have been devised, as yet, for the accomplishment of these important and favorite objects -- I am not authorised [authorized] to make any definite communication to your Excellency on the subject of your letter, but will take great pleasure in submitting it to the early consideration of the General Assembly at their next
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Session -- I feel assured that the Authorities of the State of Alabama, will not be reluctant to grant to the State of Georgia, any convenience which may not conflict with their own ultimate design, or affect important interest of their community -- Under other circumstances than these, they will contemplate with liberal pleasure, the exertions for Sister States to promote the prosperity of its Citizens, and add to the connection and resources of the Country. I permitted myself to delay an answer to your communication until the issue of the Treaty concluded at the Indian Springs, which was daily expected, should be made Known -- I was induced to do this; that I might have the pleasure of imparting more fully to your Excellency, my own private views, beyond which I could not go, of the leading objects of navigation, which this State, in all probability, would be inclined eventually to accomplish -- The result of the deliberation on the Indian Treaty is now ascertained, and it is not too much to Say, that almost every conjecture has been disappointed, not only as to the result itself, but the means employed and the principles involved in the determination --
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I did think with your Excellency, that most probably, the Treaty of the Indian Springs, was "irrevocable," and certainly irrevocable to the extent to which it has been revoked, in consequence of the rights of other Parties which had arisen under it, and which they had not consented to relinquish. But I will not permit myself, at present, to cater upon this subject -- The State of Alabama has had in constant contemplation, the uniting of the Waters of the Tennessee, with the Waters which flow through the State into the Gulf of Mexico -- It is believed that Nation has furnished more than usual facilities to effect this purpose. It will be cherished with great solicitude, and I know not whether the unexpected determination on the Treaty, will oppose any obstacles to its accomplishment, so soon as the State may have made the necessary preparations I am not aware of the comparative difficulties to be encountered in connecting the Waters of the Tennessee with the Waters of the Savannah, the Chatahoocie, and the Alabama, or Tombukbee -- This is still to be ascertained, in a great measure, by the proper Branch of practical Science -- This state has wished to obtain some understanding with the
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Government of the United States, concerning an examination of the best practicable route for a Canal connecting the Waters of the Tennessee, with the Coosa, or other waters of this State, and a Canal around the Muscle Shoals. Nothing efficient has yet been done, nor is it known at what time the [deleted text: [illegible text] ] Corps of Engineers may be able to attend to it, even should the determination be finally made to engage a competent portion of them in that Service -- This State and the State of Tennessee have also had introductory communications on the same subject -- The whole [unclear text: ground ] involving important interests of three adjacent States, remains yet to be explored with the eye of practical Science, and the judgement of comprehensive & discriminating policy -- I can scarcely doubt, that the State of Alabama would cheerfully join with the States for Georgia and Tennessee, in making a full and accurate examination of all the means by which our common and respective interests, in the improved navigation of that portion of the Country, might be greatly, and perhaps equally promoted -- The more comprehensive the examination, the more would it promise of common utility -- More Canals than One might be required
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to embrace the interests of all, and to render a comprehensive system complete and efficient -- The comparative difficulties and advantages could be made the object of correct estimation, and much expenditure with little corresponding profits, as sometimes happens in the best designs, when Zeal is permitted to go in advance of careful investigation, would thus be avoided -- I hope the examination which your Board of Public Works has ordered to be made, will be very useful to yourselves and others, excite similar investigations in this section of the Union, and add a valuable item to the [unclear text: mess ] of information on the subject of internal improvement -- It would afford me the highest pleasure to be instrumental in a concert of measures by which the joint interests of Alabama and Georgia would be promoted -- Your Excellency will receive my thanks for the evidence which your letter affords of a corresponding disposition, and for the delicate attention you are pleased to manifest towards the future condition, and views of this State. -- Your Excellency understands that I have not, at present, the means or the instructions to cooperate in the examination which is about
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to be made. A more comprehensive enquiry, upon some future occasion might prove highly interesting to all Parties, and [added text: perhaps ] not be adverse, but perfectly consentaneous with the Special object which now engages you. I should be glad to communicate with your Excellency on these important subjects, as any [added text: thing ] may occur out of which a separate or a common interest may arise, and not to avoid even minute suggestions and details, as every circumstance commands some attention which has a bearing upon the internal trade and resources of the Country -- Wishing your Excellency much health, prosperity and usefulness --
I have the honor to be with sentiments of the highest respect and consideration Your Excellencys most obt. hbe. servt. [obedient humble servant]
[Signed] John Murphy. His Excellency George M Troup Governor of Georgia Milledgeville.
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Governor of Alabama
29th May 1826.
[deleted text: Boundary ] [added text: Internal Imp [Improvement] ]