Spoilation [sic claim] of Susan Mosley, 1841 Feb. 9, Washington County, Arkansas

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An Inventory of property Taken away from Susan Mosley a Native of the Cherokee Nation East of the Mississippi -- by the whites viz Nine hundred head of horses one Negro Woman fifty five head of cattle one yoke of oxen one wagon one hundred and twenty five head of hogs nine head of goats two rifle guns one mans saddle and seventy five acres of corn Standing in the field In all amounting to two thousand three hundred and forty [unclear text: one ] dollars [deleted text: ]
The above property priced as follows
One negro woman at
fifty five head of cattle at
nine head of horses at
one yoke of oxen and wagon at
125 head of hogs at
nine head of goats at
two rifle guns at
one mans sadle [saddle] at
Seventy five acres of corn in the field at
The above property was taken in
July 1829

State of Arkansas County of Washington
This day personally appeared befor [before] me the under signed [undersigned] an acting Justice of the peace in and for said County Susan Mosley and John Pinder and made both in due form of law that the [deleted text: above ]

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facts set fourth [forth] in the foregoing Inventory and account are just and true agreeable to the Silling [Selling] prices of Such property in the cherokee Nation East of the Mississippi and that said property were actially [actually] and forcably [forcibly] taken from her the said Susan Mosly in
July in the year one thousand Eight hundred and twenty nine
Sworn to and Subscribed before me this
9th day of February 1841
[Signed] Jon [Jonathan] Newman JP
[Signed] Susan Mosly her X mark
[Signed] John Pinder his X mark

State of Arkansas County of Washington
This day personally appeared before me the undersigned an acting Justice of the peace in and for said county George W. Freeman and after being duly sworn deposeth and saith that he lived in the cherokee Nation East of the Mississippi in
July 1829 about fourteen miles from Susan Mosley and that he frequently heard of the whites being at her house and of their taking her property off and that they finely [finally] strip her of all her property that she was a woman in good circumstance previous to that time and further this deponent saith not
Sworn to and subscribed before me the
9th of February 1841
[Signed] Jon [Jonathan] Newman JP
[Signed] G.W. Freeman

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State of Arkansas County of Washington
These are to certify that Jonathan Newman, whose name is subscribed to the answered and foregoing instruments of writing is an acting Justice of the Peace within and for said County of Washington duly commissioned and sworn, that her signature is genuine, and that to all acts done by him in that capacity, full faith and credit are due, and ought to be given, as well in courts of Justice as thereout.
In testimony whereof I have here unto set my hand as Clerk of the Circuit Court within and for said County and affixed the seal of said court at my office in Fayetteville this
fifteenth day of February AD 1841

[Signed] B.H. Pierson Clerk

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Claim No. 2050
Susan Mosely for Spoilations [Spoliations] from
1829 to
