[Extract from a] letter, 1831 June 23, Hightower Mission, [Cherokee Nation] to Mr. [Samuel] Worcester

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Letter of Miss Fuller, teacher at Hightower, To Mr. Worcester, detailing the circumstances of the visit of the Georgia guard to that station, & the second arrest of Mr. Thompson, June 22: dated June 23, 1831

Rev. and Dear Sir --
It falls to my lot to communicate to you notice of Mr. Thompson's second arrest, together with the circumstances which led to it, so far as they have come under my observation.
Last evening, about 6 O'clock, Col. Nelson called on me, inquired for Mr. Thompson, and also respecting my situation, and made a single remark respecting the loneliness of it. Mr. Thompson was absent -- of course I told him so. He then told me that as he found me here situated as I am, he should not occupy this house the next night, but with much assurance added, "We shall occupy it tomorrow night," He further said, "You can go or stay as you please. If you stay you shall be protected" My reply was, " I must stay," "Very well," said he, and again repeated his promise of protection. He then remarked that they considered it their privilege to occupy these abandoned places; spoke of being somewhat troubled for forage for his horses, and intimated that what was growing on these places belonged to them; -- that nothing of last year's growth would

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be required, but only the present; "for," said he, "we consider them as intrusions upon our state." -- However much I might have felt disposed to remonstrate, I had not sufficient command of my feelings to permit me to do it.
Supposing that it must be so, if Mr. Thompson did not return before the appointed time, and not being certain that he would, I asked Col. Nelson what part of the house he should occupy, "One room will be sufficient for us, there are only ten of us," was his answer. Providentially, however, Mr. Thompson arrived about an hour after Col. Nelson's call. He felt it his plain duty, not passively to yield the possession of his house into Col. Nelson's hands, and accordingly dispatched a messenger to him, early this morning, with a letter, of which the following is a copy.

Hightower Mission,
June 23. 1831
Col. Charles H. Nelson,
Sir, --
I have been informed that you design to occupy the mission-house this evening, with a detachment of the Georgia guard. In regard to this subject, we can only say, that we have not the accommodations desirable to entertain yourself and company, and for this, and other reasons, you will excuse me in saying, that if your design is effected, it will be without my consent.
Permit me to add, that if an interview with me on this or any other subject is desired, it may be obtained at this place, at any time during the course

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of this day.

I am, sir, very respectfully, Your obedient servant,
[Signed] John Thompson
Both Mr. Thompson and myself expected that it would result in his arrest; and therefore we were prepared to see armed men, which we did, and to hear one of them say, "You may consider yourself a prisoner, Sir." Mr. Thompson was all ready, and did not detain them five minutes They told him he would have no use for his horse, so, of course, he walked. They spent the day at Major Dawson's about two miles distant. The company are to leave for head quarters tomorrow.
Since Mr. Thompson is a prisoner, I suppose I may stay here without molestation as heretofore. Do you think, Sir, that it is improper for me to stay as I do? I know that in common cases it would not be proper, but I trust that in the present instance it is right. I am desirous to stay, for I think that as soon as it is known that the people have left the house, some base intruder, if not the Georgia guard, will take possession of it. As yet I have no fears which would prevent my staying, though thus unprotected. My heavenly Protector is ever near for my defence. I trust that whatever may come, I may not be greatly moved.
