Scrapbook, Georgia Power Better Home Town Contest Entry, Smyrna, Georgia, 1953.

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_ ____.MRS. LEWIS E AND.E_RS~O.,._N,._.,_ __ _ _ _GENERAL CHAIRMAN










N S . :sB y ),m11 ~
OlV\AN'S C.~
Smyrna . ..
The Jonquil City of the South

Smyrna .
The Jonquil City of the South
Typical springtime scene in the garden l' of Mrs. Parker R ice on King .and Church Streets in Smyrna. Such gardens,c~rpeted in jonquils, and the profusion of the.. yellow flowers that grow everywhere throughout Smyrna, have gained for the little city the title, "Jonquil City of the South." The flowers are at their best from very early spring into late April. Mrs. R ice's garden, in which there are from 12 to 15 varieties, is shown as it looked in early Ma,rch.


Mrs. Lewis E Anderson, Chairman

"Better Home Town Committee"


1 Mrs. C.Y. Hamrick, Jr., President Smyrna Woman's Club


Top row: Mayor Guye N. Duncan, Broughton May,

Sherwood Pierce, Hubert Colquitt, J.C. Hardy, G.C.Green

Front row: Mrs. G.C.Green, Mrs. Marjorie Collins,

.Mrs. Lewie E. Anderson, Mrs. E.R. Donald~on,


Mrs. C.M. HamricJ, Jr., Mra. Helen Baldwin.




' \



S '1 Y R N A
"The Jonquil City of the Southn
Any citizen of Smyrna, "The Jonquil City of the South~' in atte'l1pting to summarize tm city's phenominal growth for the past
year will be inclined to boasting for haven't we been awed by it
ourselves? But who, after perusing this book, will blame if we preen as a peacock before his mate? 10 Smyrnans are human but we have tried to keep our pride in line with honesty in presenting to you the real facts of our city today.
Because we have built 180 residences, a number of business houses, ar.d because our population has increased by 3500 since
< -~
last October, we would not have you think we are a mushroom town. Smyrna has been here a lori..g time though its name has changed three times. First it ~.-1as Varner 's Station. Then wii h the coming of the railroad in 1842 it became :.uff's Siding. Jut tre nrvne that has stuck was borrowed fr':>r-:. the ethodists who in the late 1830 's established a 100-acre camp ground 7Jhich they narrs d Smyrna for one of the Apostle .:'aul's Asiatic churches mentioned in the Book of Revelations.
Our first settlers by the covered waP-on route with only the InQian trails for roads in the early 1800's. They built woolen &nd grist mills, tanneries and lumber plants m1d the center of the community that became Smyrna was three miles out the Concord Road at the site of the old covered brid~e. But following the destruction of the Civil 'ar the center of the community r.,oved to
tm railroad and tre first school building a century old is still
in use as the ..a.::on ic Hall.

ITThe Jonquil City of the Sou th"

Any citizen of Smyrna, ITThe Jonquil City of the South~' in at-

tempting to summarize tre city's phenominal growth for the past

year will be inclined to boasting for haven't we been awed by it

ourselves? But who, after perusing this book , wi 11 blame if we

preen as a peacock be fore his mate? We Smyrnans are human but we

, have tried to keep our pride in line with honesty in presenting

to you the real facts of our city today.

Because we have built 180 residences , a number of business

houses , and because our population has increased by 3500 since last October, we vrnuld not have you think we are a <m-. -ushroom' town .

Smyrna has been here a long time though its name has changed three

times. Fir st it was Varner I s Stat ion. Then with the coming of

the railroad in 1842 it beca,me Luff's Siding . But the name that

has stuck was borrowed fro1c,. the 1:ethodists who in the late 1830 's


established a 100-acre camp ground which they narre d Smyrna for

one of the Apostle Paul ' s Asiatic churches mentioned in the Book

of Revelations.

Our first settlers came by the covered wagon route with only

the Indian trails for roads in the early 1800 1 s. They built wool-

en and grist mills, tanneries and lumber plants and the center of

the community that became Smyrna was three miles out the Concord

~ oad at the site of the old covered bridge. But following the

destruction of the Civil "Tar the center of the community moved to
tre railroad and. the first school building a century old is still

in use as the Jrason ic Hall.

The brush arbor of the Smyrna Camp Ground stood about the site

of the D. C. Landers residence, at Church and Concord roads. Though

established by the Hethodists, the camp grounds in those days became

the social as we 11 as the religious center and was shared alike by

al 1 denominations. Like their Pilgrim fathers, these pioneer re si-

dents first thought was to set up a place to worship God and th

give thanks for deliverance from other hazzards than the hostile

Indian. They came from the north to escape the rigors of the cold

winters, and from the south to escape the mosquitoes which carried

the deadly malarial fevers.

The fir st church tvas built by the Methodists of logs daubed

with mud. It vlas burned by Sherman's torch happy army .on Hovem-

be r 12, 1864. This church, according to history, had a low gallery

for slaves. In turn came the Baptists and the Presbyterians often

holding ser vie es in one common meetine place until each could build

a house of worship. Today there are six 'Nl1ite and two Hegro church-

es. They are three Baptists, one each Presbyterian, TJethodist and

Assembly of God. The Negro churches are Baptist and 1~ethodist.

Smyrna is now the second 1.8 rgest city in Cobb County, and, sit-

uated as it is between J1arietta, the county seat with a population

of 25,000, and Georgia's capital city, Atlanta, with a population

of a half million, is accessible from three of the busiest traf-

fic arteries in the state as well as by railroad and bus. Its

1100 feet above sea.level continues to give it one of the finest

of year round climates.

Two and a half miles from the Georgia Division of Lockheed

Aircraft Corporation, on Highway 41, which currently employs

people, andDobbins Air Force Base, Smyrna is preeminent-
ly a city of homes.




~------llliiia----~-----------------1 The Aircraft Plant wrtlch is the largest in the world under one

roof is turning out the A and H bomb-carrying B-47 jet bomber and

is presently tooling for the new C-130-A jet cargo plane which

promises to revolutionize freight transportation.

The city derived its title, "The Jonquil City of the South~'

from a chance remark to a local club woman, who, while attend-

ing a meeting in Toronto, Canada, was asked by a delegate, "What

is that little city north of Atlanta that has so many bea.utiful

yellow flowers?" These blooms may still be seen in proftisi on in

the spring, but rrany have been destroyed in the grading for ex-

pansion. The title has been given official recognition and today

a number of businesses here use it, and the Bank of Smyrna shmvs

the pretty flowers on its checks, letterheads and other documents.

Smyrna has no large industries but a number of small ones in-

cluding a cheese factory, large dairy, three lumber plants, two

cabinet ~anufacturing plants, and much chicken and egg production.

Included in the business district is a bank, three drug stores,

three heating and plumbing businesses, several electrical appli-

ance and TV deaiers, a refrigeration store with service, two

super markets, two flower and gift shops, four beauty emporiums.

There are several gas stations with service a.nd accessories,

an auto accessory and allied merchandise, a five and ten, three

restaurants, picture theater, two self-service laundries, two

cleaning establishments, two taxi companies, several realty and

insurance agencies, a bakery, two department stores, a dress shop,

a weekly newspaper and several contracting companies.
, rI
Smyrna's schools and churches are the source of great pride

in the community and are being pressed to the limit to keep pace

with the growth. Each of tm churches have built additions or

! i

have bluep:bints for new construction. There are three elementary

.. ____



and one of the new consolidated high schools. This latter, built last year to accomodate 450 students is now completing an addition of eight class rooms with two rest rooms and a boiler room. One of the new elementary schools was out grown before it was completed and three additional rooms are now nearing completion to take care of the overflow.
All the new school buildings, both Negro and white, are of the most modern fireproof construction and are fitted out with the most modern facilities for present day education. The high school is prepared to teach manual and fine arts having its own band and direc tor, science, commerce, with a fine library, lunch room, and athletic program and lighted field with concrete stadium, and an up to date homemaking de:i,rtment. Those additions by the churches are quite as modern.
Among the city's busy_civic organizations are the Chamber of Commerce, the American Legion and Auxiliary housed in a handsome home to which has just been completed a $30,000 annex doubling its capacity; Helm's Lodge P. & A. M. and Eastern Star also having their own home with plans for expansion; a Parent-Teacher Association in each school; a Pre-school Parents Asso., which promotes one of the city's two kindergartens; the Woman's Club and the Junior Woman's Club who have owned their own home for a number of years and also houses the 3,000 volumn library; the Lions and Kiwanis and Smyrna :Men's Clubs; the W. C. T. U., and five active garden clubs, Bo;i and Girl Scout troops and an Explorer Post sponsored by civic organizations and each owning a scout hut. There is a Comr.1unity Choral Club and a Little Theater Group whm contribute top entertainment.

The city, incorporated in 1872 operates under the city charter

form of government with a mayor and five-rrsn council. The present

administration is committed to a city manager form of government and zoning the city for the selection of councilmen. The cityI has

paved streets vl'hich are well marked, an adequate water system and

postal deli very service. A bond election is set for November to

raise 5~279,000 for a recreation park with a modern swimming pool,

club house and bath houses, and a sewage disposal plant which will be

t he city's third.

Smyrna has a small Negro population whose corrJnunity, Davenport

Town, lies just outside the city limits. A splendid. new elementary

school opened its doors last year. There are plans for using the

old school building for a community center. Their streets are

paved, they have water and gas and a new development adjoining the

school grounds has added thirty new residences this year.


~uby Hargis Giles

Municipal Development Committee


G. N. DUNCAN Mayor
H. L. McENTYRE Mayor Pro Tem

"THE BETTER HOME TOWN CONTEST" (Report for period inclusive October 1, 1952, through October 1, 19530
MONI.CIPAE COMMITTEE Hrs. Helen Baldwin, Chairman Mayor Guy Duncan



G. N. DUNCAN Mayor
H. L. McENTYRE Mayor Pro Tem

FOR "THE BETTER HOME TOWN CONTEST" (Report for period inclusive October 1., 1952., through October 1., 19530
HUNI.cIPAD COMMITTEE Mrs. Helen Baldwin., Chairman Mayor Guy Duncan


IMPROVEMENTS SINCE OCTOBER 11 1952. 1. Renovated ci -cy hall and purcb.a sed new
fumishings for same. 2. A number of city streets have been paved and
sidewalks improved. Only five streets inside the city limits are unpaved.

"'V ---

G. N. DUNCAN Mayor

H. L. McENTYRE Mayor Pro Tem







3. City limits have been extended to take in newly developed communities some of which are: Belmont Hills, Bennett Division, Evelyn Manor Section.

4. Street lights have been extended.

5. Newly completed Cobb County Water System now supplies Smyrna area greatly increasing efficiency of water system.

6. All streets have been named am street signs erected.

7 o Postal service improved by house to house delivery.

{All houses and business establishments are now numbered)

80 New fire truck and modern garbage truck making an adequate garbage pick-up system.

9. New addition to the "disposal plant.

10. Town has adequate electric, gas, and telephone service for all old and new residents.

CONS0LI,ATI0N (Home improvements during current period)
139 new homes 43 homes remodeled 11 new bathrooms 150 sewage cut-ins
(Plans are be:h g completed for a completely new disposal plant.



I 1" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "Th J,
G. N. DUNCAN Mayor

1. An active local Red Cross working group.
2. Local Conmunity Cm st committee.
3. Polio Drive netted$- - - - - -
4. Participated in the Cancer Drive.

H. L. McENTYRE Mayor Pro Tem

5. Wel:fare work is carried on by local organizations.



1. Lions Club

2,. Kiwanis Club

3. Men's Club

4. Chamber of' Co11111erce

5. Schoo 1 Booster's Club

6. American Legion

7. Masonic Order
s. F.astern Star

1. Senior Womans Club 2. Junior Womans, Club, 3. Jonquil Garden Club 4. Belmont Hills Garden Clbo 5. Spring Hill Garden Clubo 6. Pine Tree Garden Club 7. Pine Crest Club. (Garden)
s. American Legion Auxiliary
9. Parent-Teacher Organization 10. Community Choral Club.

Smyrna City Council Votes To Issue '

$100,000 Water Revenue Certificates

I Members of city council at a named to see that Christm:i.-s !' hit-
I" meeting Monday night agreed to ing . r::, the Jonquil City is started
the issuaru:e of $100,000 in water soo, a<: possible. The city owns

and sewer-revenue cert.ificates. the strings of lights which will

Monies derived from the sale of be sitrung from one end of the

the ce,tificaltes will be used to town to the other.

pay outstanding bi-lls the city owes
and ro continue the extension of

Cvty aorney Ha.rold WillingHa!m was authorized to draw up

thP water and sewer systems.

a bill to be presented at the Jan-

Several Smyrna citizens appear- ua;:-y session of the General As-

ed before the city council pro- sembly which will define the city

testing ithe recent ordinance pass- limHs of Smyrna as they now ex-

ed by council which requires a- ist.

oartmcnt 1houses and dwellings where apartmn-~ts are located to be billed as indivi-duial units for V."Dter- and san~tary service.

Expansion of ,the town has extended tlhe city limits in several directions.

Minimum wate, bill charge is Mayor J. M. "Hoot" Gibson, pre-

I 53.00 for the first 3,000 gallons sided at the meeting. Mayor-elect
of water used by a customer and Guye Dunc-an was present.

25 cents for each 1,00_0 gallons
I Severn! apartment buildings in
t Smyrna have been getting water


for all occupants of the building by paying only one minimum bill

each month plus the cost of the

addttionial water used at the low


Members of ,council heard

lengthy discussions by several

parties affected by the change,

but felt the new ordinance

equalized the burden of paying

for water consumed by $my.mans

r-athers than that it ~hifted ~i.e

burden to any one person, or group

of persons.
-Cound-!man H:irry Mitchell was

Duncan Installed As Smyrna Mayor;

CouncirStudies Budget, Hires Employes

Th first co,:mcil meeting of the beer in Smyrna is legal, the ,pastor

year 1953 in the Jonquil City was deplored the harm that is done

highlighted by the installation of consumers of the bevera,ge and

a new mayor and two councilmen, their families. Council makes beer

re-election of city employees and easily obtainable in Smyrna by

raising of salaries of same in sev-1 issuing licenses for its sale the

eral instances.

Rev. Mr. Chambless said.

Guye N. ~uncan, newly.elected I He suggested that the first remayor, was mstalled by Pearce sponsibiliity of council is to "push

Matthews in an appropriate cere- the beer stores out of the commun-

mony as were John S. Collar and ity."

' H. L. McEntyre, new councilmen. J. M. "Hoot" Gibson, retiring
mayor of Smyrna, after four years

Amendment Proposed A proposed amendment to the

service', preceding the regular bus- city ordinance governing the oper-

iness of council exptessed his ap- ation of pol table, or tables, and

preciation at having had the op- the sale or handling of beer with-

portunity of serving the citizens of in the City limits of Smyrna was

Smyrna as mayor of the town. 'He presented to members of council

stated that he would -cooperate in by Councilman Mayes Hamby for

every way possible with the new consideration.

administration to keep the Jonquil The amendment read:

City prOlgressive.

"Ef,fective Feb. 1, 1953, Beer li-

Councilman Mayes Hamby also censes and Licenses for the oper-

voiced an eX)pression of apprecia- ation of pool table, or tables, shali

tion to retiring Councilmen Carl be issued only to person or per-

Terrell and Eugene Rice, for their sons, clubs, or organizations com-

services as councilmen and to plying wi<th the folowing regula-

I Gibson as presiding officer over tions.

the town's governing body.

"Eff .

. .

Council got off to a o-ood start

echve Feb. 1, 1953, Bmldmg,

centering their efforts o;; hiring of or any part of building in which

employees and establishing salar-, pool table, 0~ tables are operated, ies Members were ,presented cop- a nd or beer is handled, or offered is ~f the proposed 1953 budget a~ for sale, must be at !east 40 feet

et up by Mayor Duncatt. The pro- (~O) from any public street, or posed budget allows $23 , sidewalk.' 560.00 for operations during the Adoption of the proposed

year, also includes $26,440.00 for amendment by council would aupayment of salaries. Further con- tomatically disqualify the two

sideration will be given the bud- present holders of beer ,li-censes in

get by members of council before Smyrna from 'having 1Jheir liceh-

it is adopted.

ces renewed as both businesses are

Clerk Elected

located in the business area of the

Elected as City Clerk was Mrs. town.

A. J. Hackney, of Smyrna. Mrs. Committees for 1953 named

Sam Theodocian, retiring city were: Finance-Mayes Hamby,

clcrlk, did not seek reelection.

chairman; H. L. McEntyre and

All members of the police force I Glenn Yarbrough; Streets and

were reelected. Chief J. C. Hardy ISidewalks- John Collar, chair-

was given a raise in pay as was man, Harry Mitchell and Mayes
c. B. :!\fay. Patrolman Gann will Hamby; Water and Sewage-

remain on nig,ht duty.

Glenn Yarbroogh, chairman. Har-

Mayor Duncan ordered police ry Mitchell and John Collier; Pub.

to crack down on drunken driving lie Health and Safety-H. <L., Mc-

' and law violators in the Jonquil Entyre, chairman, Harry Mitchell

City and recommended that an es- and John Collier; License---Harry

tablished system of fines be set up Mitchell, chairman, H. L. McEn-

for offenders convicted of break- tyre and Mayes Hamby; Chairman

ing the laws.

of Electrical Board--Jdhn Collier;

Other employees elected at the Chairman Plumbing Board -

Monday night meeting were RIObt. Mayes Hamby; !Chairman PJan-

H. Taylor, building inspector: W ning and Zoning Board-Glenn

L. Westbrook, plumbing inspector; Yarbrough.

J. M. Atha, electrical inspector

M. P. McCollum, superintendent of

the water department; Mr. Peck,

superintendent of streets, disposal

plant and sanitary foreman.

Harold Willingham, Marietta at-

torney, was elected attorney with

a retaining fee of $25 a month to

be paid for his services.

Councilman McEntyre was elec

ed Mayor Pro Tern.

Council agreed to waiver the .

minimum water bill of $1.50 for

servicemen who were away from

home and whose homes in Smyrna

were not occupied.

Beer Protests

Appearing be.fore council to tn-1

fluence the group to deny beer 1.-

censes to applicants for same

when they apply for new licenses

the first of February was the Rev.

York Chambless, pastor of S!Ilyrna

First Baptist Church. The Rev. Mr.

Chambless was a,ccompanied by a

group of Smyrna and Cobb County


Granting that tlo.le licensing o

Smyrna Council

Dur1can Installed

Okays lighting

Mayor Of Smyrna

Of WhiteWay

M cEntyre Named Mayor Pro Tern ;

S~tYRNA, Dec. 11 - Smyrna's

\\"hitc \Va) will take dn added glamour for the ho1iday season as

Pol ice Awarded Salary Increase

the maYor and council authorized the strii1ging of the colored lights again this year.

(:m-c '\. Bv BOB HUDSON Duncan. lll'\\" mayor of the Cit\' of 51m m;1. \\";1s installed

The work of putting t)1cm up

'.\Inn<la, mglit at a rnccti11g of Cit) Council. :\ttornn 1'1crce \lalthc\\"~

is under way and they will be turn-

admini~tcrcd the oath to Duncan and t\\"0 11c1\ councilmen, II. L. \ le

ed on next week. - From the interest being manic fcstcd in the Jonquil Garden Club's outdoor lighting contest there \\ill undoubtcdh be much
lighting of p~ivatc ho:11cs tl_1is ye~r. The Arncncan Lcg10n \\"Ill agam
display Ol'd Saint Nick and his
team o_f rci_ndccr with R~dolph with !us shmv red nose m the lead. As last }:car, 1t will be seen streaking across the top of the Legion Home, on Pinc Street, between Dunn and Concord.
It is a ,show for the kiddies 'and thev should not miss seeing it. The Legion also uses lighted trees and entrance decor that is quite effec-
l It will be remembered that the Smyrna Men's Club last year sponsored the street lighting by raising the funds necessary for the project. It is one in which the city takes pride in that it has been a coopcrati\e measure with the club, the city and the merchants tak-
ing part.

E:1t\'rc ;tnd John S. Collier.

1,irst official statement of the I !er Rc\"enue S3,061.95: Srnkmg

new mayor cited i\lrs. Sam fhco- F~md $, 575.08: .Pa\i~1g Fund,

docio11. attending her final meeting S ,56.-f0: Co!,1s!_r11c!10n hmd, Bank

of citv council for her four \"Cars of Smyrna $.c,, 16. )0: Constrnctwn

of ..IO\al and' efficient service a, Fund; Co_bb. Excl,1angc Bank, $50,

clerk to the cit\' of S1mrna." 881.91: Smkmg hmcl N? 1, Cobb

IIoldO\-cr Coi.111cilmc11 C. l\I. Exchange Bank, 1st National !Jank Hamby. Glen Yarbrough and Har- ~1:d _Ban of ~111y~na, $_6,17,.11;

ry l\litche11 \\"Crc present, as \\"Crc .:.>,mkmg hmd No.-, (l~>l) Cobb

new members ~IcLnt\Te and Col- Lxch:mgc Bank. $2,789.)8.

lier and outgoing C0tincilmcn En- After conSIClermg se\-cr,11' appli-

gcnc Rice and C. C. Terrell. cations for the post of city clerk,

Following reading of the min- J\Irs. A. J. Ilackncy \\"as appointed,

utes of last meeting, a statement the choice of an ;1ssistant hcmg

of the city's present tinancial stand- deferred until further- re\"iew of ,1p-

ing \\as read by out-going mayor plications.

J. :\1. "_lloot' Gibson.

Present chief of police, J. C.

Headed "Bank Balances, Deccm- Hardy and his staff of patrolmen

bcr 31, 1952," the prepared.state- \\"ere re-appointed and a salary in

ment showed: General Fund, '-:case, from $250 to $280 per '

Bank of Smyrna, '.i,I0,731.32; \Va- month for the chief, with a fur- ,

ther hoist to $ 300 per month in

six months slated if the city's fi-

nancial situation warrants.

Patrolmen were granted an in-

crease from, $225 .to S250 per

month, and hiring of an additional

And each of these organi7A1tions

officer tabled for the present.

and the Chamber of Commerce

E. I.. l\IcFntne, Smnna baker.

, take~ pleasure in inviting all citi-

\\as unanimous]) named mayor pro

zens of the county to visit the city


An estiinate of city expenditures

and revenues for the year 19 'i 3

was submitted in hudget form by ,

the new mayor, and ,vas offered

for "careful consideration \Yith a


Yicw to future action on suggc5tcd budget policy and expenditures."
l\ larnr Duncan denied himself a raise in salarv from his present

$ 30 monthly stipend as mavor. 1

Smyrna To Study

Committees for the year' were ! announced, first-named in each group acting as chairman:


Parking Problems

hnance - C. :1'.la,cs Ilamb, II. I.. :1'.lcl ntyrc-, Glenn Ya~brough,

City Council Sets Public Meeting

To .Let Citizens Express Opinions

Sl\IYR"'\J"A, Feb. 2-f - Like other expanding small towns, Smyrna

has run into a parking problem. A controversy has risen about the

I ---


best rcmcdv. One side tavors park- meters ha\"C affected Marietta's
I ing meters and the other a free parking problem. The meeting will .
down-town parking lot. A public be held in the Council's expanded

meeting in the Citv Council chan\bers, and is scheduled .to start

chambers has been set -f to let citizens cxprc3s

for March their views




'1-11 -










on the matter.

.. \\'c want to do what the ma-

joritv wishes," Mayor Guye Dun-

can said. "The Council and I fa\-

or parking nictcrs, but many of

the merchants arc opposed to

Streets and Sidewalks - John Collier, llarry l\litchell, lla111by.
\Vater and Sewage -Yarbrough, l\litchcll. Collier.
Parb and Buildings - '.\Iitchell, \IcEntyre, Collier.
Public Ilealth and Safct1 -
I J\IcEntyrc, i\Iitchcll. Collier. Liccme - l\.litchell, J\Ic1':11!YrL, IIambv.
Chairman Electrical Board Collier.
Chairman Plumbing Board lfambv.
Chairman Pl.mning and Zoning Board - Yarbrough.
Police -,II. L. McEntyrc. liar
ry \Iitchcll, John Collier, G. l\

them." Merchants' Petition
A petition signed by 18 Snwrna merchants was presented to Duncan recently. The merchants asked the Council not to install ]Thrk-
ing meters. "\Ve haYe found that a free
d0\n1-town parking lot would be


____ .........,,

City Anticipates $77,500.00 Revenue;

prohibitively_ exr;,nsivc_ to build," Duncan said. Parkmg meters would pay for themselves and

Finances Are InExcellent Shape

would cleminatc a lot of all-day r parking on downtown streets."
A preliminary sun-cy in Smy~na has rc,calcd that some 70 parkmg meters can be installed in the down-town area, the l\lavor said. '
Fear Trade Loss ;t\Iany Smyrna merchants fear
that parking meters would cause
shoppers to. shift to the Bcln_10~t IIills shoppmg center \\ hen 1t 1s completed, the mayor explained.
"111c only reason the shoppers would do that is if they failed to find parking space downtown," Duncan said. Parking meters would make it more likclv that they
would find a place to p;irk." . 111c \fovor said he was trymg
to get a \C1rictta official to attc_nd .
the meeting to explain how par_11~g

The Jonquil City finished t h e year aproximately $56,000. Fund~

year 1952 financially "in the blue.'' totaling approximately $21,000 are

Monies deposited in local and expected to be on hand at the close

Cdl:>b County banks reveal that the of the year provided the budget

City of Smyrna has a cash bal- is followed and no emergencies de-

ance of over $60,000.

velop that will cause unex,pected

Bank balance on the General outlay of fund.s

Fund shows an amount of $3,061.95

deposited to the water and sewage

account; $4;575.08 in the Sinking

Fund and $356.40 in the Paving

Fund, totaling $10,731.32.

Two accounts deposited to the

credilt of the Construction Fund

show balances of $2,316.30 and

$50,881.9>1. In the water and sew-

a:ge Sinking Fund accounts are

balances of $6,175.11 in Sinking

ing Fund No. 2. Monies in the ,

sin'king funds are slated to the re- ,

tirement of water and sewer cer- f


' Estimated income for the year ,

1953 accor,ding to a report given

by Mayor Guye IN. Duncan at

council meeting Monday night to-

tals $77;500.00. Of the amount ad-

valorem taxes account for $3,800;

Business Licenses, $1.000; Beer

Tax, $6,500; Police Fines, $4,000;

MiscellaneO'lls Revenue, $2,000;

Sanitary Tax, $13,000; Meter De-

partment, $2,000; Water Depart-

ment, $2,000 and Construction

F1und, $2,000.

Salaries totaling appmximately

$29,000 will be paid employees! during the year. General expenses

are estimated at $29,616 making

total anticipated expenses for the .

Smyrna Property Has Tax Value Over $3,000,000, Assessors Report

Smy rna Tax Assessor Charles D1~ ussed load limit of disposal

Dobbs repored to Mayor Guye N. p' t

Dunc<tn " nd members of city Aire,id to furn ish two loads ot

council l\londav night that prop- gr.1: or driveway at Presby-

1 t


1,1 tl,e Jonquil t r 11 r n-a1 ~\!.

" , 1 \ ill exceed three Author ZE.1 purchase of tires for

m1 ..'1 dol111rs.

city t ruck.

Dobbs reoorted that tr e amount Di=;e;L.ssed sewerage extension.

exceeded 1~ t year's tax digest by Di~ 1 ed purch ase of new tap-

aproximately half a million dol- ing machine.

lars a nd was due to the fact that Authorized purchase of soft

over 500 new homes are being ball bases, home plate and pitch-

evaluated for taxation for the er, box for Brinkley Park.

111 'l

ncu? mt. veatluhaistioyle'ard.oes


include, _ _Ad..J:.,_o__,_.1r_ned_. _ _ _ _ _ _~ - - ~

.iutomobiles whit n are kvied on eparately, but was placed on
property, ~toe k and fixtures,
Dobbs said. Rate of taxation for the year
has not been set by council. Mayor and council faced by the
existing water shortage in the Jonquil City consofod themselves that the best '.'lay to bea t the shortage is to conserve the short supply and patiently wait until J uly 4, when Cobb's new water system is supposed to be in operation. Council agreed that citizens would have adequate water if they limited its use to necessities. Watering of lawns will have to stop, they agreed.
In other business of council, the group:
Agreed to purchase 12 new trash receptacles for the City of Smyrna and 12 containers to be used in the present receptacles.
Heard a report from City Attorney Harold Wilingham on parking ordinance.
Discussed regulation of plans and development of real estate in Smyrna.

r Jonquil Cit)' Orders
New Fi re Truck
A new fire truck has been or-
dered for the' J onquil City, H. L.1 :\1cEntyre, chairma n of the Safety and Police committee announced to day.
The truck will cost appro ximately $7,500 -and will pump 500 gallons of water a minute, Mr. McEntyre said
Arrival of the truck will be with in six months. T-he old Army sur-
l plus fire truck will be sold when
the new truck arrives but the city wi:ll keep the small Ford fire truck
Organization of a regular fire
department with fiTe personnel on duty at ,all times is expected to be completed in 54 A regular filre de::iartment will bring about a substantial reduction in Smyrna fire rates.

. -
Mayor A~ks Wards For Jonquil City
Hopes To Enlarge City Council;
May Hire City Manager After Jan. l
By PRISCILLA ARNOLD S\IYRNA, June 24-111is city will have ward representation before the next election iii November if l\Iayor Guye N. Duncan and hi: council have their way.

!Sm yrna Council
Sets Open House
At 'New' City Hall
S\IYRNA, April 5-Remodeling and redecorating of Citv Hall l1as been completed and l\Iayor Guvc N. Duncan invites the citizens to attend Council meeting Monday e\'ening to sec the immovemcnts that have been effected.
The entire building has been completely renovated, walls repainted in soft shatles of ~rev and blue and new tiling laid, \'enetian blinds hung in the front office. The Police Department has been moved into the former council chamber with a door opening on Bank Street, while the fonner storage room at the rear has been turned into a much larger council chamber.
"The change affords much greater space for each department of the city's expanding business and the public will fi nd it can transact business there with a much greater degree of satisfaction and comfort," said l\Iavor Duncan.

Local Police Car Is Radio Equipped

"Calling Car 44" will be the signal for action for Smyrna po- lice following installation this week of a radio in the police car . that wil !enable citizens to reach officers in the car.

Citizens this week will be supplied with small cards that bear
I the phone and car number of the
. Smyrna Police. In calling the

number, citizens needing servic-i es of the police (or fire depart-
ment) are asked to call the num- . ber only in case of emergency.

Information given via tele-

phone to be relayed to the police

care by county police must be ac-

curate. Name and address of the













lice service or fire protection is

needed and if possible a brief re-

sume eof . the nature of the call,

"Mad Dog, wreck, hit-and-run

driver, drunk and disorderly con-

Ilduct." Any information that might be of service in helping officers to give better and speedier

l s~rvice will be of help.


Smyrna Counc11

Ilo attend all Council meetings. Also completed is the city 's free

Mapp.Ing Plans For parking lot, designed to hold - 5 cars. i\lortorists arc urged to use the lot until it is filled, before

City Recorder

, ~ on the street. The city's cle:m-up week h::is

J been extended to ~fa} 11 <lur

S'.\!YRNA l\fov i _ Pbns for to b.1tl wcatlicr. Ongm;1l_ly pb~ -
. . ' '<l - Tl ncd for :\fa\ 4, th e proicct will k,'1. lat10n to prO\'l C _:i City ..:C resemble i\larictta's C 1Can-up, corder to conduct Lc,1:mgs on mm- Paint-Up, Fix-Up \\'eek.

or law ,iolations ha,,~ been approved bv the Cit\' Council, i\fa~or Sonit. 127 nc\\ enamel street Guye Duncan airnounccd today. signs h;i,c been ordered for Smyr-
na's streets, and \\'ill be mounted "This is the toughest job I on steel posts "hen they arri,c. have," he cxp1ainccl. "I don't mind Streets named in' the recently
being marnr. except for this week- passed pa,ing ordinance. Ailclcrson
ly chore. ;, ,c hope_to get a scpa- Circle. l_ lick'.iry IT ill Drive. Stevens

rate rccor<ler :ind fix a kc sy~tcm and. Sr.mtl.i Strcds. arc q:pcctcd to

II for his salan ...

he completed by the cn<l of i\ Li~





. been

c ,

Duncan s;1id.

largcd. ap<l rcdccoratc-.d, so it now T:hc Counsil also has appro, cl '

. scats ,O porS?ilS! Duncan an- c_Josm~ the City Ifall at noon c\'ery
nounccd. I le mntcd the public Saturoay.

"\Ve haven't talked to City At- 1 torncy Harold \Villingham about it yet," Duncan said today, "but we
also wai1t to increase the number of councilmen from five to seven -one each from six wards and one councilman-at-large.''

The move to enlarge the council will hme to pass the State Legis laturc before it can go into effect
Duncan said division of the cit) mto wards will probably be brought up at the next council meeting July 6.

Exp1ams ~1tuahon " \ Ve want to set up wards so that each section of the city will have equal representation on the
I council," Duncan explained. "As
it is now, three of the five conn
cilmcn ]iYe within a stones 'throw of each other. 1\.faycs Hamby and Glenn Yarbrough li,c right next

door to each other."


To case Jonquil City finances,

the council has abolished the job

of city superintendent and released

nine other city employees.

Duncan said the council hopes

to be able by Jan. 1 to hire a city

manager who would supervise ad-

ministration of all the city depart-

ments and eliminate the necessity

for the mayor and council to carry

on administrative work in addition

to their legislative tasks.

'' \ Ve would want an experienc-

ed engineer capaplc of running the ,

city," he explained. "\Ve think 1

the right man could save the tax-

payers money."

In addition to releasing City '

Superintendent Iloward l\kCollum

effective July 1. the council has

also abolished the job of H omer

Prather, assistant in the water

works department.

Six Ncgw laborers employed in

; tht: construction department had

already been laid off and one help

er in the sanitary department.

Taxes will begin coming in to re-

plenish the depicted city coffer~

- as soon as the tax digest is com-

pleted and a hearing held on con.

trm-crsial assessments June 27,

D uncan said.

He stated that he anticipates 1

no nsc m cify taxes, but the tax

rate will he set with regard to the

tax dig~est~. --~~---~-- -

$12,500 In Paving
Here This Summer
From Bond Issue
The City of Smyrna h as had $1 2,500 worth of paving this sum-
?1er with the county doing the
Job, Commissioner J ohn Heck announced today.
u: P at Mell !Road from S. 41 to
South Cobb Drive has been paved at a oost of $5,500 and King Spring Road -from Concord Road have been paved at a cost totaling $7,000 he said.
Heck e:x;plained that next year the paving program, backed b; the recent $1,000,000 road bond issue will get in full swing. He added that "we didn't get started this year until mid-July and in spite of the late start, $57,000 worth df paving has been done throughout the country."
1 He stated that by the end of next Spring he hoped to have some paving completed in every district in the county.
<Smyrna District was allotted $65,000 of the bond funds for road improvements.
iNeaflby Vinings will benefit in the amount of $25,000 for paving that will be done in that district within the next two years.
The county h as the most modern equipment ,available with whioh to do the extensive paving j.ob, Heck said. The county owns a new 4,000 gallon mobile asphalt tank which provides three fillings for the new asphalt distributor.
He said that a big saving would be made in the paving program due to the fact that many of the Cobb County roads have already been repaired and shaped up with the idea of eventually paving them, ,and added that the paving could lbe more quickly done and money saved, when the roads were already prepared for paving.

Civic Group, ,Smyrna.Council Meet
ToPlan Recreational Expansion

S\1YRNA - A represcntati\'C ey who \\'a_; not arnibblc for this

-onp of citize:ns were irnited to meeting.

.,t \\'ilh the i\larnr and Council -\fter helpful discussion those

it a call mecting i\-londin c,emng present expressed themselves as .ill

to consider some long range plan accord with the conndl's thin!..

mng looking to\\ard a bond ii u ing in pto\'iding \\'idct fa::ilitic,

for cxDanding the city's recreation- for its citizens and each was asked

al facilities and possibly a city hall to lake the discu. sions hack to

for housing the offices, fire de- th.cir -tcspcrtin: groups an~ lie pr~-

partment, library and chamber of patccl to rtport their ideas and


JuggC'iitions at another meeting set

Among the organizations repre- b, -:\Ia11or Duncan for \ V cdnes

sented were the American Legion, cb1 e1ening. ::Apt. 9, in the coun-

the Lions, the Kiwanis and the cil chambc1,

:\Icn's Club. Open discussions

brought out many interesting


facts relative lo the city's needs,

the properties mailahlc for such

expansion and considcrJtion of ,

what is -being done for the schools

and through othc, media which

would lie in with he cih\ needs

and plans.

Cottncilm,,n Jlarry 1\fitchcll. 0 hairman of the hnilc!itt, ancl
_:rounds committee of e;~>uncil. ,1pcnecl the discussions ll\ clistrib
uting a sheet of facts ancl fignrcs cornpilecl at his request -h, Robert Taylor: local architcc_t, gi1i11g somL prcl11nman research mto the build i11g of a s,,imming pool, a hall park and a cit1 hall. I Tc used the 1x1pcr as a talking point hrinoin v out in detail his thinking m1 '"thZ proposed plan.
\ Ir. \litelicll said that he could not ~i,-~ the figures on the boud111g h1111t of the cit\ as it would h;nc to come from the cit, att6rn

0 11 PE RAT JON DlRT11


Tired of cries of "No Parking," weary of the policeman's plea. "Move On" merchants,and .citizens of Smyrna this wee!{, will combine their efforts to fsecure dirt to fill in a two-tenths acre plot in the Smyrna business area that will provide FREE, CONVENIENT parking within walking distance of the post office, stores,
and businesses.

The "hole is located on -Kirig street adjoining a lot cornering King and Spring street.. Smyrna merchants and citizens hope the parking l~t will replace the abyss.
Spearheaded by Smyrha Mens club, under the direction of pres-

ident A. M. Aiken, plans Will be

formulated at an executive board

meeting of the club for formal

presentation to members a.t their

February meeting.

Smyrna Mayor Guye Duncan :

and members of council have al-1 ready had the matter of providi,;ig a parking area under considera tion. Councilman H. L. McEntyre, chairman of the public Health and Safety com1nittee stated that his group will assist with the development of the pMtk'- : ing project. Mayor DW1can has ' pledged cooperation of city help and dump trucks when needed'.

The lot is owned by the City of Smyrna. Contractors, or builders having surplus dirt are call Mr. Aiken, or Mr. McEntyre. ,

Hundreds of tons of dirt will be needed before.the lot can be rolled and paved, but merchants are determined that shoppers shall have a place to park, therefore OPERATION DIRT is underway..

Smyrna's new parki_ng lot '."il be developed as .mpidly as poss1~le and will lbe paved as soon as filling of the lot can be completed.
It will require approximately 90 days foT <the di.rt to settle that is to be dul'Tl\Ped into the hole where the
lot will be located. Contractors and builders wh<
have surplus dirt are asked to gi:7E it to. the City of Smyrna for use lll
developing -the-lo-t. - - ~~- -~-=--~---~j

Parking Area Under
Construction On
Atlanta Street
The .City of Smyrna has been granted the privilege of developing the strip of land running parallel to Atlanta street and owned by Greyhound Bus Company as a parking area. The announcement was made this week by Mayor Guye N. Duncan, who reported that the company has given the City of Smyrna authority to put the stri_p to use as a parking sone.
The land formerly formed the roadbed for the street car line that ran between Atlanta and Marietta via Smyrna.
Work on the area has already been started and bulldozers are
now leveling the Iproperty
to its being graveled.

Smyrna's free parking lot will be ready for use by Saturday, Last minute touches w ere being given to the lot Wednesday by the county.
Some 60 to 70 cars can be park-
oo on the lot.
Citizens who drive their cars to Smyrna and have been leaving t hem on the street, are asked to park in the new lot.
The lot can be enlarged to ac:comodate several hunderd cars.

City Hall Renovation

Is Now Completed

I Redecorating and enlargement
of Smyrna City Hall was com-

pleted this week with a spanking

new room now being available

for members of City Council to

convene in.


The new council chamber was

remodeled from the rear portion

of the City- Hall which was for-

merIy used for storage of tools.

Interior of the building has

been painted a light blue with

white trim and new ceiling lights

have been installed. Citizens will

note the installation of Venetian

blinds in the building.

Council will hold its first meet-

ing in the new surroundings Mon-

day night at 7:30 o'clock. Citizens

are extended an invitation by the

governing group to attend the

meeting if they wish and inspect

the redecorated City Hall.


. ~CON

Work On Streets
Un~erway Here
Smyrna streets this week are being marked with new street
I markers. Thirty-four double:sign
markers and 31 singles will .be used to designate names of Jonquil City streets, T. J. Peck, street superintendent announced. today. . :
The markers are attractive enameled signs atop metal posts. They replace cement markers erected several years members of Smyrna's Men's club who adopted the marking of city streets
Ias a club project. Following a two year wait,
t Smith street and Hickory Hill
i streets have also been paved this 1 week. Paving of Anderson Circle and Stephens Street is now under-
\ ~----

C~ty Council Proposes $279,000 Bond Issue

For Park, Swimming Pool and DispoSal Plant

Smyrnans 0 ote On _165,' 00 ark

Council To Set Bond Election Date

For Proposed 22-Acre City Park

federal Agents

~ Get TWO Here S\'IYR \, Oct. 1 - In a bond suspended in_ .a filter tank.
election to finance a P'?JJOscd \\ atcr ,vii: enter the . pool 1 .
For AutOTheft 1 ?165,000 city park, Smvrna c,tizcns through 30 jct inlets, .Jrmidin"
Ill late l\o\'(:111\Jcr will vote 011 a complele CO\'Cragc of t lC ,pool

I 22-acrc recreation center rccom- 1 area and will be withdrawn

mended by the Council.

thro~1gh t\\'o anti-vortex drains.

The announcement was made .\cco,ding to plans, the filter sys- One Cobb Countv man and a

today by Councilman Jlarry l~Iit- tcm \\ ill cause a complete turn- New Yorker, arrested in .1\Iarictta

ehcll, chairman of the Building over of the pool water e\'cry right rcccntlv, arc on their wav to a fed-

and Crotinds Committee for the hours.

era! detention cell in Atlanta on

city of Smy;m1. The of Ro- Silt and other particles 011 the charges of transporti1ig a stolen bcrt II. 1aylor and ~0,111 \V. pool floor will ,be removed by a auto across state lines. Frc~man, Smyrna arc-hitccts al'd, portbale vacuum cleaner. Includ- Robert I I. Roberts, 49, Cobb cngmecrs, and Charles M. G-avc:,, ed in' the water treatment equip- County; and \Villiam II. \Villiams,

.l\.t.lar1ta engmccr, have ~ccn -:ow-

m1ss1ond. hy the council to P!C



.a' cl1d1


catcd on Church Street. . .

mcnt will be a chlorinator, to !)rotcct against bactc ia.
Pro1Josed IJla11s IJro\idc for a marbleized finish w 1icl1 will ncvcr require painttng. :~1:arkers for

27, New York City, \l'Crc arrested

earl) this week by '.\1,irietta police.



ership of the car they were driving.

Date of the bond clcch_on will the swimming lanes will be glazed Detroit, :\Iichigan reported the

~fl b
. c



;-.,1 d ' on


J t

s counc1 mcc -





auto was stokn there on August float 15. Federal officers wc~c notified

mg. Citizens w1 1 vo 'c, pro~ably lines actachccl to guide swim1rn:rs and have taken charge of the case,

b; early cmg of


the fmant h rougJ1

during c l u d c d

1.s1w1 itmI1mc ipnIagn

meets, s for

arc inthe pool

I I locTahipeoveisce sbariodk.e





walls. Illumination will be pro- Bell Center soft-drink stand on the

Plans for the proposed recrca- viclcd by four 400-watt underwa- ball field \Vcclnesclay night. Police tion. center include swimming and ter lights.

wadm_g pools, . bathhouse, com-

d1"oining the swimming ,pool reported some 10 cases of. drinks

mumt,: center, so_f tb~11 and 'base- will he a 20' x 30' wading pool, miAssninng Ofrloi,mcr,the20s0ta6nd.Lake Park

b,all diamonds, p1c111c area, mul- enclosed by a fence with one gate. Dri\'c, reported her billfold stolen

t1pl~-usc paved area,, playground Fresh \Yater - supplied once or from the Teen-Age Canteen \Ved-

cqmpmcnt and parkmg area. . twice daily - will not be run ncsclay afternoon. Besides the mon-

A 20-foot concrete . walk_ will through a filter syst.em.

cy and important papers in the bill-

s~mound the pool, w~ic~, w1_ll 1bc Bathhouse plans include a struc- fold, the thief also got the' young

4?. 1 -~haped., Top of the T will be , ture of masonry construction with lady's glasses, police reports said. x 120, and., the lo~ver ,part, or glazed tile interior walls, ,brick Owen \Vcstbrook, 38, 478

dl\'lng area, 30 x 35 . The pool exterior and ceramic unglazed tile \ Vilshirc Avenue, was charged with

t w'?JiCll1


tJ1th~ ret?e,P.

feet part




,c !P

pmg to 4 6 Ill the m1dcllc. I-he

floors. In the community center build-
ing will be a combimtion lounuc-


aurrnedset r ,mthcle y

cilanmfflaugeinncu~e: ,

ci Y

dI ivin1g7 wf ell idn the lower end will 1abb~', g.ame room, ' cIubi:oom"' s, Pw1i:t0hpctr\t\yo \ci.tcyclnpcosh~claeymea1Ltcr a tangle

JC'I\l - l cct ~~f)1.

1 I res~rooms. -st?ragc, small library,

JC argc \\,1 area arounc t 1c offcc and kitchen !\ large 60-

OIfficers sa"id they we1re called

11 pool will prO\idc for gre-1ter s-ifctv

mcl 'm. g





. wit

b' e


tot 1e scene uv a report t1at a mnn had run his car in the ditch. \ Vhcn

ac 111ac1ec11 ath0leticlC fiCeClUd e willrbe.stet i17





t c cl

t o


the diing ,area, \\ill be one three-

meter and one one-meter board.

I Pprlcot1cJhosedmJoad.yeorunt



\\'ith. .rntcr-t-c,alin".", .r.ncl clcaninO"''

r ' ethqruci1pgmhen~t.di\,:\toamtcir!c\\fIlilltebr,e

forced inclu_d-

up wcs t o f tlIC One b,1scball clia

cc,, nano,

11 m Id"mg. h~o soft-

I k\1\111c' fdsetbObrnooktfi,1chme

recploJrt.edl lyt dbrew. ba aOn ,J,lcf to! e su ':

a~b.rca.-s,I1.Ia1f\.~"\1c111'1c1nscl)1Caunc1l~c1lgd1Jgtr.mac.1d1tCl1sJoCtrdplnId1:mgh.bsl.teTauc~l11\\:c-. .. Also liuhtcd will be the picnic





c\\crc,s,tab1:col ok


the I

police 1

car, offiofficers

aru;, wJJch includes plans for , . l,n\r\o,ute to _t JC J<ll' .

l _mg_\_Ion c_l _\\'l_lC_\'"_Ot_md filter umts t_ablcs, be,nc_hcs a, nc1 g!1.111s. D rm. k sa,1n1dc kickeestdbroouotk a breeacramgleass \i1n0ltchnet

mg wntcr \t'!ll be provided for the police car. He was taken to Kcn-

spot, also.


ncstonc to be treated for a laccr-

Pla\gronnd cqmpment. cast of atd leg before h::ing jailed, police

the center \\ill be a chmbmg g}m, reported .

mcrr) ,go-round, wave swmg,

slides, swing set, sec-saw and hor-

izontal ladders. The paved area

will be constructed of concrete,

100' x 110', and enclosed with
I a chnin link fence. Plans call for
a design suitable to skating. clancing, paddle tennis, shuffle board, basketball, tennis and other sport;-

---- Sewers Also Set For Old Section; ~ Tax Increase Would Be Three Mills

New Homes_Add
Half-Million J0
ISmyrna Taxes .
I The-addition of some 500 new htimcs duri11g the. past year has shot the value of S1.nyrna's taxable property cl\-cr the S3,000,000 ~nark, Charles Dobbs, tax acccssor, rc\calccl today. In a report to ~favor Guye l\. Duncan, Dobbs said the new e\'aluation exceed last year's bv some $500,000. l'hcsc figures do not include autos, wh1ch arc lc\'icd separately. The rate of taxation has not been set as vet, Mayor Duncan t<..Tcalccl. Along \\"ith the e~tra ta~ablc propertv, Smyrna faces 'the problem of supplving water to these new ho111cs at the critical summer shbrtagc time. "The Council. has _agreed to campaign \'i~orously for water conscnation," Duncan reported. "\Ve Smyrnans must stop watering lawns m\cl other non-essential mes until tlu.: new ,city-county system is con"!plctcd. artd in opcratio11. \\ e expect this by Juh l." _ Other Cound} acti\'itics iuclucle: (l) Agreed to hny 12 new l:rash receptacles and 12 eontain~rs for the present receptacles. (2) Discn,,cd m.;ulations of real e~tatc cle\clopment i11 Smyrna: . (3} Discussed load limit of ovcrburclcncd disposal plant. (-1) Authorized purchase of tires : for cih truck. .
(5) Agreed to gravel cl'riveway of
' Prcshvtcrian manse. ((1) Authorized purchase of soft-
halt equipment for Brinkley 'Pjlrk.

The question of a general bond I added until a new disposal pl;;.nt

issue of $279,00 for the construe- , is assured.

tion of a new Smyrna Park and If approved by the voters, the







md. ispaposparloxpi.lmanatteclyouoldn

be completed e year.

d1sposal plant will be presented Mitchell hopes the swimming

to the voters of the City of Smyrna I pool and park can be ready for

sometime in November, it was an use next summer, if accepted by

nounced today by Councilmen the voters.

Harry Mitchell and Glen Yar- The park was planned by Robert


j H. Taylor and John W. Freeman,

The proposed park, to be loca!ed )Architects and E?gineers of Smyrnear the west city limits fronting na, with the assistance of Cha~les
I Church Street, would include a M. Graves, Park and recreation
swimming pool, wading pool, bath Engineer of the City of Atlanta. house community center, softball The park would cover an c1rea
and 'baseball diamonds, picnic of 22 acres, 12 acres from the area multi-use paved area, play- Mulkey property and 10 from the grou'nd equipment, and parkiJ:g 1 Cheney Woods section. The city area at a total cost of approxi- (Continued on Page 2)

mately $165,000.

1 ----

The sewage disposal plant, to cost approximately $114,000, plus
$22,000 for an outfall line, .and an additional 15% for contmgencies, would have a capacity of approximately 300,000 gallons and would make possible the continued growth of the dty.. The sewage plan would be only partially fin-

Sm,rna Council
Sets Daytime Meet
For City-Wide ;Tou~

anced by the general bond issuethe rest to be paid for through the issuance of revenue certificates.
The bonds will necessitate a 3-mill tax increase. For the average small home owner with a $3,000 assessment, the annual increase would amount to $9.00.
The two projects will be voted on separately. The date of the bond election will be set at the City Council meeting Monday. Presumably it will be held sometime in the lattei; part of Novem-
ber. The over-all sewage expansion
program also includes plans for sewage for an additional 60 to l_OO units in the old section of the city not now served in the South Atlanta, Stephens, King, Mars.ton and , Hawthorn Streets section. Yarbrough estimated this projtct would probably be completed at a cost of some $50,000, the funds to come from revenue certificates.
The city this past week stopped offering sewage service to any new houses, not previously committed. Ylarbrough said previous committments already will fill to over capacity the present sewage dispcsal system, and none can be

Si\lYRNA, .April l 1 -:-- Bus)

cit'" councilmen were m!lk111g plan\

to<lav for a daytime mcctin" ~o ',

they can tour thccity to spot ;ircas

nceclim; impro,cmcnt am'i rc11ai1'~.

l\foyor Guye Dunc_an s1icL . /
Streets that need, rcpa1rnt,; or

paYing will be the m.1in <\bjcct

of Council attention t~nring the

nnprcccclcntcd daylight lmeetlng. ..

A traffic sun"C\' is ,uncicn\',1' to

find out where additio;1al t~ffic

~igrnils arc needed in the t\)\\ n.

~1fai1s also call for more 'street


, ,

A discussion of di\'iding- the ci~

into Yoting \\ards has been put
. off bcc.ll\Se Councilman John Col-
-.lii.;r" cannot attend council meetings

,bcc;ausc of illness. Such a cli,isiou

was pan of Collier's election cam

),aign p\1tform.


Other business transacted bv the \ ;

.council includes:

Purchisc of 36 chairs .for th~

s 1 council rnom. Autlmization




stallah01 of traffic ligh on At-

lanta Street.


. Inim,diate installation 1of traff

signs rrdcrcd.

. ~. ,

Pnrclasc of pO\\'Cr l\\\nmow

for Cih authori,.ccl.

. ,, A rc111est that Cib Clerk :\Ir

rT{den 3,ilclwin, quality 'to rcgisJ:c

Sniyrn:1 citizens for connt):' dee.

tions \\ Jich would eliminate qcccs-
sitv of Sm,rna citizcn"s gomg 'to

\ tiricta: to rcgist<ir.

:Work On Streets

Underway Here

Smyrna streets thi-s week are I
being marked with new street '
markers. Thirty-four double-sign 1 markers and 31 &ingles will be us-

ed to designate names of Jonquil City streets, T. J. Peck, street sup-

erintendent announced today.

The markers are attractive

enameled signs atop metal posts. They replace cement markers , erected several years ago by mem-

I I bers of Smyrna's Men's club who :

adopted the marking of city streets

as a club project.


Following a two year wait,

1 Smith street and Hickory Hill

Istreets have aloo been paved this


week. Paving and Stephens

i>f Anderson Street is now

Circle under-

1; 1

/ way.
' - - - -- -------

Smyrna Pl~ns
for Six Wards,
New Councilman
SMYRNA, July 15-A special City Council committee meeting i1Crc Tuesday night laid the groundwork for dividing this city into wards.
Milo Smith, City-County Planning Engineer for ~Iarietta and Cobb County, met with the committee, under the chairmanship of
ICouncilman John Collier. The group worked out a plan whereby Smyrna would be divided
lmto six wards. A councilman would
come from each ward, with one councilman from the city at large.
The original circle of the city, under the plan discussed Tue,day night, would .be split into four segments. Two subdivisions annexed to the city would make up the fifth and si.:th wards.
Officials said last night's meetmg was a planning meeting only, and that details must be worked out before the system can be put into effect.
.. --------~-----~=



Five Million _Dollar Shopping Center To Be Started At Belmont Hills Soon

$50,000 In Construction Underway Jn Smyrna's Business District Now

Trading Center

Initial work on Belmont Hills see a five million dollar ,business

sudivbision five million dollar Icenter located lin the subdivision.

shopping center




I13,0.P0r8ovciasrisonm. wtihlle


to park area.

I the middle of August when the 45 1 Stephens and Wilkinson, of At-
acre tract will be graded Bill W~rd lanta, are architects for the build-

Approximately $50,000. is being 'pany located on Spring street will
spent now in the Jonquil City _py '1 occupy a new building along
merchants and. businessmen who about early summer. The com-
are . either ~emodeling, or redec- pany has purchased the pi:operfy
orating their businesses. In addi- adjoining the present . location.
tion a new two-story office build- and presently is tearing down a

Set In Smyrna
Constructon To Regin In August In Sprawling Belmont Hills Area
A giant, $5,000,000 shopping center will be starte in August to add new vigor to Smyrna's rapid residential growth.--
Built bv the Belmont Hills Cor- poration, ' the center will attract customers from all over the county, Bill \Vard, company president, predicted.
"In five years, I believe this center will be the busiest place in .

I president of the Belmont Hills ings.

Company, announced today.

Ward stated that he already had

The first unit of stores to be inquiries from several national

built at the shopping center will concerns as well as local busines-

consist of 20 or 25 stores, varying ses seeking locati,ons in the new

in size, but with similar fronts. shopping center. Arpplkants in,.

Store dseigns will vary, howeve::, elude two drug sto~es, four grocery

with some fronts built of Georgia stores, two hardware, one bakery,

marble and some -of pink marble. two department stores, itiwo util-

A few of the stores will have base- ity companies two ladies ready-

ments and a mezzanine floor with to-wear, trhe~ shoe stores, two .

!most ' of the building being one laundrys, two launderettes, one

floor structures.

dry cleaner, one jeweler, bowling

The buildings will be located alley, barber shop, ,beauty shop

j 320 feet back from the Atlanta three five-and-tens.


highway and 320 feet back from Two national concerns and one

\Cherokee Road Completion of the chain S1tore are interested in lo-

entire shoppi~g center project, eating in the proposed shopping

which wiil be built in units, will ,center, Ward said.

i~g housing _26 offices is slated house loca_ted the~. The building

for construction.

will be either bnck, or perma-

1 stone, according to Tom Sanders

John Bradfield, owner ot Brad- and Ed Herren owners of the

field company, today ~nnoun:es .-business.


plans for a modern bnck office Remodeling of a house on

!structure to be located on Atla~ta Spring street to be the new headstreet adjoi_nin~ the new b1:1ildmg_ quarters of Smyrna Plumbing

I he ~ecently bu11t to house-_h1s own and Heating company is now in

bus1_ness and the Jonqml Auto- progress. The building will be

m~_hc_ Laundry.

bricked .. and will have a modern

The new .building will feature glass display windows. J. M.

all modern conveniences and will "Hoot" Gibson, owner, stated to-

' have 6000 square. feet of floor .day -that a complete line of na-

1I space. Bradfield ~aid that the o:f- tionally advertised appliances fices wou~d be availab_le for rent- will be sold when the company

I. al followmg completion of the moves to its new location.

building this spring.


. Reed Realty Co:, will have a

, Smyrna Builders Supply com- "new look" within the next few


l weeks. The structure is also be~

'I.tng- "bricked in" and the building remodeled- Occupying the building

with Bill Reed is the Sanford-

Cobb County," \Vard declared. ,

Reed corn,truction Co.

"We intend to provide plenty of

Interior 'of Red' Dot Super Mar-

parking space and a variety of
stores. This will allow customers
to do all their shopping from one parking space."
I Plans for the center include parking space for 3,008 automobiles, he said. Over a five-year period, the center will take shape hv units. Some 70,000 square feet of ground floor space is planned in the August building program. Department Store \Ve arc currently negotiating with a national chain department sture," President vVard said. "If the deal goes through, they will

Smyrna Council Okays City Hall
Repair, Meters I

Greenridge SubdiYision
Ope11s Today in Smyrna

ket is being painted baby-blue.
I Lynch Service Station, owned
by H. G. Lynch is now being
painted. Davis Department store is pro-
viding more selling space by adding additional shelves.
The new building being constructed by George Howard on Bank street is how completed and is being stocked for an early opening. Formal opening will be early in February, Mr. Howard
said. Even the City Hall is slated for
a face-lifting.

need 40,000 feet of space. That will increase our first building plans considerably"
The center will provide a chain

SMYRNA, f<cb. ,-City Council took action to remodel city hall and apprO\cd installation of park-

Kennesaw Land Insurance Marietta dial phones. company announces the opening A neighborhood shopping cen-
ter is proposed at the cornet of today of their new Grccnridgc South Cobb Drive and Concotd

gro-(.ry store, a five and ten, hard-

ing meters as principal business at

Estates subGivision, south cif Pat Road. There will be two new

wa,L, utility company, bowling al-

ley laundry, laundrette, dry clean-

ers, auto parts, shoe store, dress

shop and possibly the department

stcrc, \Vard said.

''Our company is building. this

. center because we believe in the

' future of Cobb County," \Yard

stated. " \Ve have let the areas

around Atlanta get all the indus-
trial and business gravy while we i

caught the overflow. If we can provide the homes, shopping facilities,

se t

roads and utilities, the industry

will come in. \Ve are doing our bit toward this goal. \Ve hope oth- <

er far-seeing businessmen will do


Unified Look

To keep the shopping center on

its monthly meeting Monday night.

The bid of John Bradfield was

accepted at a figure of $1,812.50,

this sum to cover cost of adding

a room for the council's meetings,

with more space for the seating of

the attending public.

Also in the schedule was provis-

ion for transfer of the present tiny

police section to the room hereto-

fore used as the council-room.

It was definitely decided to in-

stall parking meters in the city

and work on installation will com-

mence following a thorough study

of meter locations, erection costs,

and planning of the city in con-

junction with the f.inn selected to

erect the meters.



Other pertinent busmess dispos-

Mell Road, just off the Access schools nearby and additional

Highway inside the city of recreational areas arc being



William McNeal, owner of the McNeal said the development

, company, said the sub-division of the section was a tremendous

lhas over 200 lots and is a planned undertaking and that it would
and restricted area of better type not have been fully realized or homes, which arc predominantly successful withot the work of

six-room brick residences.

the City of Smyrna and the co-

A furnished demonstration ordinating efforts of Cobb coun-

homc will be open to the public ty. In this respect, McNeal feels

every afternoon starting today that Glenn R. Yarbrough, chair-

and home seekers will be permit- man -0f the Smyrna Planning

ted to select, in advance, the and zoning Commission, and

plan and lot that they Gcsire. Thomas L. Grist., Smyrna engi-

Th;rc arc many unusual and neer, along with Uobb County

extra features such as an auto- commissioner John A. Heck, de-

matic dishwasher with ll: garbage serve, in p~rticular, highest

disposal unit. Utilities will in- praise for their conscientious cf-

,-- -F-ri-day-, -A-u-g-u:s-t-1'.1"4,~1=953::--
Work Will Begin , On 117 New Units

a unified basis,, the architect has drawn plans that call for similar

ed of, raises the present flat-fee permit of one dollar to a mini-

elude sewer, public water, natural forts toward a more perfect degas, Georgia power, paved streets velopment for Smyrna and Cobb

Within Two Weeks

fronts on all buildings. They will be: built of Georgia :md pink mar-
bk. Most will be one-story structures, but the larger stores will have mezzanines and basements.
"Our market survey showed a potential of 1,500 customers within one mile and more than 60,000 within five miles," \Yard explained. "If we ,make it convenient for them to shop here, we can't fail."

mum of two dollars and a graduat-

ed fee scale, this ruling to take cf.

feet February 15.

"Stop" signs were ordc(cd for

use at many street intersections

I and dead-end stretches of roadways.
and , the final okay on purchase of st.rcet name-plates tabled until the

Street Committee studies various

types and prices of markers.

aud ctri-e,n an::l Atlant;i.-Smyrna- County.

!Construction will begin within

two weeks on another new house-

ing project for th~ Smyrna area, it

was announc'ed this week by W

A. WRrd, Jr.


The ,project, to be known as

Cobb Heigh.ts, wtill include 117

' small, low-cost unit,.

The project will be located just

Space in the shopping center will be rented under 10 year leas-

outside the Smyrna city limits on South Cobb Drive immedfately

es, \Vard said. Percentage deals

south of Powder Springs Ro'l.d.

are being worked out, so the build-

The rhouses will be mostly four

ers will share in the future of the center, \Vard pointed out.
Good Market "Besides the 250 liomes in Bel,, mont Hills, there are several hous-
, ing developments between Smyrna an_d Marietta, plus a rapidly developmg Negro sub-division in East Smyrna," \Vard said. "This
, provides a good market to- start ; with, and we expect more in the \ future."
; Executives from several New
'. York co~panies are due in Smyi:; na early m July to look over the , shopping center site. \Vard said
he hopes to close several deals in the next few weeks. , "If the businessmen in Cobb t County would get together and go : after the industries that are mov. ing southward, we'd soon have a : bigger an_d wealt~ier county," the center-bmldcr said. "Someone is
slipping when they let Atlanta get all the industry."
N e~d Industry L9ckheed 1s here to stay, Ward predicted, but Cobb needs more ' industries to meet the competition of Atlanta.
"Atlanta is bursting at the scams now, and 1 believe the trend will be toward Cobb," he said. "If we do a little selling, and provide the , necessary utilities, industry will : swam_p us. \V1th a diversified in: dustnal set-up, we won't have to wo}ry about the future."
' The Smyrna shopping center is : the first one its size to be built in
Cobb. The recent purchase of : county land at the Four-Lane and
Roswell Street intersection led to : reports of a giant shopping center
but no further announcement~ have been made on it.



Construction Gets Underway Here

On New Belmont Shopping Center;

First Section To Cost $1,000,000

I Work was underway this week plans to complete by December.
on the new million-dollar shop- He ,prefers to open the whole

ping center at Belmloot Hills. W. first section together, however,

A. (Bill) Ward reported he hopes samtime in March.

to compete the first section of the
huge project by M1rch 31. The ftirst section is a 20 to 25
store building which will house a super grocery store, department

The center will be m!Odern with 20-foot

all untrawalkways

entirely covered by permanent

ccoonvveerinnigencteo. insure weather-free

store, drug store, variety store,

ladies' ready-to-1Wear and shoe Ward expects the elaborateness

store among others.

and convenience of t<he ohopping

The elaborate projecrt is thought center ,to draw trade from many

to be the first of its kind in the miles around as well as locally. South, and Mr. War<l stfl'tes he be- Meanwhile, he reports a two-

lieves there is absolutely no limi,t house-a-weck schedule on the

to its possibilities. He has 45 acres set aside for the project.

continued expansion of Belmont Hills. The project at ,present numbers 223 uniits, and eventually is

'National chain stores must make planned fur 550 ~ingle units and

U<P the bulk of the shQIPpi-ng cen- two apartment houses.

ter. Ward has agreementc frf)m

, everal such large comJpanies, but

could not release -their names for

pub1icatlon at present.

The first section alone will cost ,approximately $1,000,000 and

house 20 ot 25 stores. It will have

a tdtal of 90,000 square feet of

floor space and offers parking

space for 1,000 cars. The full project has 3,008 parking spaces.

The first store will be for a

. grocery super s.tore which Ward

fJune Building In Jonquil City Totals Sl 21.300

SMYRNA, July 14 - .Construc-

1 tion here continues upward as the

, city issued permits approximating

: $121,3000 in the month of June.

l The largest construction projects

now underway arc the Belmont

School. the Presbyterian Church

annex, the sanctuary of the . Mt.

Zion Baptist Nerrro chorch, in

Davenport town, tgc addition ?f a

lunch room and othct alterations

to the Smyrna Elementary School,

and the $25,000 addition to the

American Legion Home.

Records in the citY office show

the following permits issued: to


James L. Moore, 310 Spring Street. residence, $4800; Kennesaw Land

Company for nh1c residences at

$5,000 each in area of Pat Mell

Road; George Howard, 124 Bank

Street, addition to store, $175;

\Villiam Recd, addition to resi-

dence 284 Bank Street, $1,000;

John \Vaits, 516 Frances Drive,

garage, $90.

To E. H. :\.loon, addition to

theater, 12 5 Sunset Avenue, $200;

Bennette Realty Company, 10 re-

sidences at $6,000 each, $60,000;

B. J. Gann, 185 Sharon Circle, ga-

rage, $400; J. C. \Vine Service Sta-

tion, corner Concord and Atlan-

ta Streets, $2,500; L. R. Williams,

279 Church Street, porch, $300;
George \V. l\Iaddox, 140 Sunset

Avenue, porch, $35; Elementary

School alterations, Cobb Board of

Education, King and Recd Streets

$3,000; Community Center, 4 39

Cherokee Road, \V. F. Carter,

and Jlour-and-a-half room uni.ts

for sale to low-income families. i

Down payment will be only $250 i

and monthly payments less than ,

l $42.50, W,ard said.


The total cost of the 117-unit ,

project is estimated by Ward at :

$600,000, each hJouse costing from ,

$5,'500 to $6,000.

Financing of the project was i.

week and

to be completed this construction to begin as

i ~

Isoon thereafter as possible.

The project will be the first ma-

jor new white housing develop- ,

rnent here in several moniths, fol- '

Lowing a sliglht slow-down after ;

the original boom came the

openin'g of Lockheed Aircraft

Plant over two years ago.

Smyrna's other two newe,t pro-

jects were Dowling Rea1'ty Com-

pa:ny's all-'brick development and

J. M. Gibson's Rose Garden Hills

llo'r Negroes. Fi1st sectlons of both

these ,projects are already com-

1pleted and being sold. Virtually

every project In the area plans

~forfiher development~ however


Smyrna To Get. Mail Delivery

Service To Begin When Boxes

Placed, Houses Are Numbered


SMYRNA, Sept. 21 - City mail delivery service for 3myrna has been approved by the Post Office Department,

Postmaster Zelan Wills said today.

I Service is expected to begin J
as soon as proI1er receptacles ,
are installed at home. Smyrna homes now have no mailboxes.

Postmaster Wills urged all
~ail delivery. patrons to begin
at once to notify correspondents. magazines and newspapers of
the full address including street number ..

Citizens also were urged to

post numbers on their houses

to aid the ,postmen in Smyrna's

rapidly growing cufumunity.

toThree carriers will be requir
ed service the present popula-

tion, Wills said.

The .effective . delivery date

hinges upon when above require-

ments are met by citizens. Pro-

per mailboxes must be install-

ed before the Post Offi~e Depart-

ment can be notified that re-

qu.irements are met

Anyone who is uncertain of a

house number can look to the

waterbill for the correct num-


A survey to determine Smyr-

na's eligibility for city delivery

w~s made early this year. The,

letter notifying the local post

office of the delivery service was

an answer to a recent letter

requesting more boxes and en-

larged facilities or the city de-


'Get Mail Boxes Up

.Postmaster Here Asks

Equipment and cases to be used1

in the daily mail delivery service

will arrive within the next 60

days, Postmaster Z. T. Wills an-

nounced today.

Postmaster Wills urged citizens

to get their mailboxes up in order

1that there be no dtlay in the

I.' starting of home delivery service

in the Jonquil City.

,.. _.. -


Put Up Those Mail Boxes, Smyrna Deli,very Starts Soon

S~IYRNA - Feb. 4 - Postmaster Zclan '\\'ills announces

that Smyrna's postal dcli,c1-y will start ~1onday, February 16.

The service as set up will make one deli,cry per clay both in

the business and residential district and one parcel post delivery

daily ..The scnicc 1vill extend beyond city limits at many points, but

,, ill not interfere with those sections no\\' scn-cd by rural clcli,cry.

The service \\'ill include Belmont Hills and a large part of the

Bennett Homes subdivision. 111c Postmaster reiterates that no house can he scr,cd which

docs not ha,c a mail box or door slot. Also that there \\'ill be no

more two cent drop letters. All fir~t class mail will require three

cents. 1

Temporary carriers appointed arc Harold Gann, Charlie Brooks

and James Lac~- They may become pcrmancnt upon completion

of the required examinations. As to the hour of delivery in the various sections of the city

the Postmaster stated the carriers would leave the Post Office at

9:30 a. Ill.


Mail Delivery In Smyrna To Start February 16 for Those With Boxes

S:\IYR~i\ - Feh. -f - Postmaster Zehn \\'ills announces

that Smyrna\ postal dclin:r) \\ill start \Jonda\, February 16.

The scrYice as set up ,,ill make one deli, cry per dav both in

the business and residential district and one parcel post dcli,-cry

daily. The sLwicc will extend beyond city limits at {uany points, but

\Yill not interfere ,,ith those sections nm, sen-eel hv rural dcli,crv.

The sefficc ,,ill include Belmont IIills and a large part of ti1c

Bennett Ilomcs suhcliYision. The Postmaster reiterates that no house can he served \\'hich

docs not ha,c a mail box or door slot. ,\!so that th ere 11ill he no

more hrn n:nt drop letters. ,\11 first cla~s mail ,,ill require three


Temporary rnrriers appointed arc llarold Gann, Charlie Brooks

and James Lacy. They may become permanent upon completion

of the required examinations. ,\s to the hour of clcli,u, in the various sections of the citv

the Postmaster stated the car;iers would leave the Post Office ;t

1).30 a. Ill .


r P. 0. Prepares For
City Mail Delivery
Postoffice equipment needed to nitiate City Delivery in the Jonquil City h,as been instaHed and Postal officia~s have been notified that "we are ready for city postal delivery," Z. T. Wills, postmaster, .:mnounced today. . Postmaster Wills reported that there are still some citizens who haye not complied with postoffice regulations to number their homes a nd install boxes for the maH. He added that mail would not be deEvered to homes where requirements have not been met and sug. gested that lagging citizens get busy and get ready for city delivery,
Wills also requested that citizens notify their friends jand corres- , pondents of <their house numbers ' and names of streets they live on in order that deli-very of the mail ' may be speeded u,p.
Citizens will be notified when c arrier service wi1l begin, Wills said.

Water System Dedicated Saturday; To Be Used On_Small Scale This Week

Cobb County's new ~ate~ sys- ~ad been, citizens can, by being ~em will possibly get its mltial cautious with the present supply, use the latter part of this week, I wash their cars and use the waier Jack Davis, Superintendent of really necessary.

nCooubnbc'sed Wtoadtaer Department an- Full use . of th e _syste m w1-11 "be


started around the middle of July

Davis stated that a check on the he added


storage tank atop Blacktop Moun-

tain showed that the tank had ,

several leaks that had to be repair- .

ed before the tank could be used.

He said that the plant could be

operated on a small scale by using the low service"pump which would provide citizens with an .addition-
I al two million gallons of water a
day. Marietta residents would get first chance at the water, he said.
as Davis stated that while the wa-!
ter situation was not as tight ii

County Water Office 1 Enlarges Quarters
In addition to the JP courthouse on Spriug street whe::-e the county water pffice is located is being extended 15 feet toward the street to provide space for equipment used by. the water depart-
fmernt, Jiack Dav,is, superintendent, announced today.

Davis exp~ained that heretofore water bills to customers- serviced by his office were addressed in Manetta a.t the courthouse. In the futuTe they will be addressed in Smyrna and an addresogriaph machine will be lociarted in the new porition of the structure.

-County water rates ,are $2.50 for tlhe first 2,000 gallons and 40 cents for each ,additional 1,000 gallons, Davis said. He explained that the rate which is a li.ttle higher than Smyrna citizens pay, is due to the , fact thiat wa,ter used by >the . county has to be pumped longer distances than that used by Smyrna residents.


IWayland Park Houses
Are All Now Occupied
I All 70 houses comprising the subdivision Wayland Park have
j been sold, Miss Juliet Dowling,
I owner of Dowling Realty Com-
pany announced tod'ay, The subdivision is one of the
new areas that 'have been develt oped on property that has been
taken into the city as part of its e~pansion progTam.
The two and three bedroom brick homes facing on Wayland
Park, Wayland Court and Powder Springs St,reet are all occupied by newcomers to the town who are interested in the improvement of their homes and in civic affairs
. - - - of Smyrna, Miss Dowlinig ,said.

ISmyrna Library To ~et
Repairs, Improvements
Members of the library bda.rd are planning imp:-ovements at the Smyrna library incluidng repairs ~o tihe floor, s~reens roof anrl lights.
The improvements were recommended by the board following a meeting last _week at the library
M~bers of the board are J. o.
Hargis, chai:rman; representing
Smyrna's Men's club; Mrs. G. c.
?reen and Mrs. Agnes Faucett, 1s treasurer from the City at large, Mayes Hamby, represent' .n!J . the city ,council .and M.,-s. ~avid Oano, secretacy, represen-tmg the Woman's clu'b.
A report was made at the meeting by M:rs. G. B. Williams that children's books were on order ffor the v.acati.on reading clu'~ that start June 15 and run through
Augus! 15. .She also reported that, th e hib:rary has approximately 4,000 volumes and that new books loaned. out by the Smyrna library are being ordered regula:rly.
More than 3,000 books were last year, she said.
Regular meetings of rthe library board wi'll be lhekl quarterly thli next meetinlg stated to be' the , firs,t Tuesday in July.







. ...
~--.- ... !"' ;- ,f ' <' I. .-






. ,


. -------

---- ------



.. \

Beautification Committee





,.-:1.J--na-,---_____.,._ ,___...,


- , t r'.


I~ .



. ~ "

rt E P O R T



I ,.,




There are five active garden clubs. All sponsor

planting of jonquil bulbs, and'three, the Pine Tree,

the Springhill and the Jonquil clubs have as their

projects the beautification of Campbell High School

grounds .

The Jonquil Club sponsors an animal outside Christ-

mas Home Lighting contest.

The City promotes Clean-up and Paint-up week, and

cleans the vacant lots. 9CJ/ of hoire s ha v,e shrubs
and flowers; 85 %are landscaped. Two cemeteries


are kept by the Cemetery Corporation and tm City

Other gar den clubs not listed ab ave are the P ine-

hurst and Belmont Hills Clubs both situated in new

developmcn ts and taking the beautification of same

as their projects.

Three centrally located gas stations have clean

rest rooms. There are no slum are as.

Parent Teacher Associations wo rki ng to beautify

elementary school crounds.

Mrs. E.R. Donaldson,
Committee Chairman

" I



-- -


Thar's Gold In Them Smyrna Fields, As Jonquils, Western Dust Come Forth

Ily Rub Giles

H~ was well versed in his

We had no idea it was time subject and. gave the men an for Smyrna to stntt throwing its interesting discourse cojcerning

gold around, but when we drove their denomination. The church

out thl3 afternoon, tMrc they has grown in the U. S. to 40,000

were- the jonquils -bursting churches, wrth 25.000 ministers

forth in all their glory.

and the alrgest denomination in

Shortly before, we h::i.d gotten the world, he told them.

so anxious about the queer phe- This Men's club can reaily

Santa Rides Roof At Smyrna Legion Post

nomenon that seemed to en- sing_ They are filling the choir

shroud the city that we callt;!d loft at each Sunday night ser-

the weather bureau to see whnt vice of the church, and, sing-

sort of gold-colored mist we ularly enough, also filling the

were entertaining.

pews as well. It is truly an in-

He assured us that no storm spiration to all to see men take

was in sight and that the pec- their place in the work of the

uliar color of the atmosphere church.

was only dust.

Smyrna is having lots of visi

'-'Dust," -we queried., 'Why the tors from neighboring cities to

ground is too wet for dust," we see if all they read is true about

informed him smartly.

our expahsion and home build

"That ls Texas dust, lady, er ing. It's really true. It's almost

possibly Oklahoma dust," he unbelievable.

smartly informed us right back. And some of the neatest homes

He must have been right for to be found anywhere.

when a breeze started it soon They spring up seemingly

was gone.

overnight in every section of

Santa Claus and his eigtit tiny

reindeer ride the roof of Smyrna

Legion Home.

Following a custom of several

years standing, Smyrna Legion-

naires this year jhave decorated the Legion Home with colorful Crhistmas lights and Santa waits patiently in his sleigh until Christmas Eve night when he can . leave his post on the rooftop and pay his annual visit to the kids. miisiQ echos through

the night from the Legion Home

as carols and Christmas songs are


~ -1

Anyway, we may not have gold the city and its environs. From

Christmas decorations have

in the atmosphere, but we really our living room window we have

been put up in the Jonquil City

c\o have gold all over them thar watched the building of 11 l ills in Smyrna when the jon- houses on out own Lee street
quils come. Of course Mrs. Par- and out the newly opened Quarh'r Rice has such a field of them les street with others yet to be

and the spirit of Christmas prevails.

G JI<~l' FROl\l SMYRNA - As a special gift to the Citv of Marietta, Cobb's. "Jonquil City," Smyrna: scuds a bouquet of fresh 19 53 jonquils.

ing the p roceedings with interest arc the ladies of'
Clerk Austin's office. Left to right, Martha l\lcLcmorc, ~ Irs. Francis Green, l\liss Lewis, l\ frs.

adjoining her house that they built. make quite a showing now, Lee ~treet has been opened though she says they will not up from Pretty Branch south
be at their best for possibly 10 and a whole new sub-division

City Clerk '5'om Austin accepts the flowers for l\farictta from Miss Ann Lewis, Campbell High cheerleader cl1o~e to dclfrer Smyrna's gift. \Vatch

YYonne Smith, l\lrs. Joyce Benson, Clerk Austin,. l\Irs. G ladf Poss and l\lrs. Emma Dawson.
(l\lcaders Photo)

days yet.

is being laid out there. The

Our newcomers will really woods along Pretty Branch ithave a surprise to drive about self is full of the new and lovely

the city in the next few days houses of attractive and livable

and learn why it is called "the design. Collier drive is build-

'Jonquil City."

ing solid to the highway, and

And speaking of flowers, Rev- so it goes in every direction.

Mrs. Fowler Cops Sweepstakes

erend John H. Knight, pastor If you haven't seen it you of Smyrna Presbyterian church, can't possibly believe it. We found a lovely basket of flowers are bursting out at the seams, in the church Sunday morning and. if we don't get some of

InPine Tree Club flower Show

from Mi;s. T. P. Holleman's circle marketing the first anniversary of the Knight's coming to Smyrn a, and "in appreciation of our work together," the card read.
Other lovely baskets of flowers graced the New Western Auto store at its opening Monday, and we overheard that they were going to be loaned to the Parent 1Teacher Association for their meeting at the Metliodist Church Tuesday night when Atlanta's Juvenile Court Judge W. W. Woolfolk will be the featured speaker.

our children in the Campbell High School soon, our school is likely .to throw up its hands.


thumbers and both their specimens

SMYRNA-In the old fasluon- and arrangements spoke well for

eel setting of large spacious, rooms the progress they have made. The

furnished in antique walnut and officers of the clubs arc Mrs. !\lark

pine mellowed by age, the Pinc Johnson, president, Mrs. M. f.

Tree Garden Club held its second Stomps, v-pres., l\hs. J. Hal \ Val

flower show Saturday afternoon, lace, 2nd v-pres., l\,lrs. I. E. Mc-

with the theme "Autumn."

Leod, 3rd v-pres., Miss Gertrud

It was the home of the A. J. Allgood, rec. sec., Mrs. Lewis A

Coppcngcrs on South Atlanta fowler, treas., and l\lrs. Leonard'

street and Mrs. Lewis A. Fowler G. Moore, cor. sec.

was the sweepstakes winner. Mrs. The flower show committee wa

Albert L. Steinkamp won the tri- Mrs. I. E. M cC loud, Mrs. Leon

color in the horticulture division ard G. M oore, M rs. Frank D

and Mrs. Leonard L. Moore the Stratton and M rs. M . J. Stomps.

tri-color in arrangem.ents.

In the horticulture specimens,

Another visiting speaker to

Each guest was presented with Mrs. Steinka mp took the blue rib-

our city this week was the Rev.

a program done in brown with pine bon on a blue African violet. She

J ohn Lecroy, Cobb's astute

boughs and cones on the cover. It also exhibi ted a purple and a pink

clerk of the court, who addt'essed

carried besides the schedule, judg- violet. Mrs. Coppenger took the

t he Methodist Men's Club ~on-

ing points, and itpnizcd divisions red ribbon with a gorgeous shaded

day evening speaking on John

-arrangements and horticulture~, peach dahlia . ,M rs: Fowlc.r took the

Wesley and the founding of the

the roster of officers and the flower wh ite ribbon .

Methodist church.

show committee.

T h ere were th ree classes in D i-

1\Irs. J. \V. Thompson ai1d vision I: Lhi1ig room, d ini ng room

l\1rs. J. P. \ Vood Jr., were the and front and. back bedrooms. l\ lrs

judges. The guests included the L. G. Moore took the blue ribbon

members and their friends of the as well as the tri-color for that di-

Marietta Daily Journal - Monday, January 12, 1953 3

Pinc Tree Club, the Jonquil Club, vision with her saucy little coffee the Springhill, Belmont Hills, Oak- table arrangement of yellow-bronze

Springhill Garden I for each. 1110~c p, cscn t ,,ere \ fcsdames

dale, and Pinehurst Garden Clubs. daisy mums in a china cigarct box


on a base with the ash trays and

Punch and sandwiches were the lid, on which was a lovely

To Stress -Flower

~[cCran,_ lJorncc \[ulkcy, C. C. Crccn, C.. \\ . Hern-en, J:ugcnc;

Growing l_nl953

Duncai1, Paul Lovcjov, Ch:ules \ fe-
ICran' and Lex Jollcv, and \ Iiss \larv Lou \lcGr\1,rn."


'I he next mcctl'lg 11 ill be 1Yith

, S\fYR'\A - _The Springhill \frs. Charb :\IcCra1T.

served throughou t the afternoon hand-painted miniature scene lying

on the spacious front porch from by.

a table covered with cutwork cloth,

Framed By Mirror

the punch bowl gar1anded in gol- The red ribbon wen t to Miss

denrod, gold marigolds and ager- Gertrude Allgood for a gorgeous

atum. Coinpotes held mints and 111antlc arrangement of pastel yel-

nuts. ,Delicious elate nut bread ,low glads, glitter marigolds and py- t

C,irdcn Club held its Januarv meeting Thurscla) \\ith ,\lrs. F. 13 ..\Ic Crary, on S. Atlanta: Road.
'l here 1\"ay a general clistuss10n

from the big home bakery of the rancantha in a round brass bowl on

hostess was among the dainty edi- an ebony base set in front of a

bles enjoyed.

gold-framed mirror. Mrs. Fowler

It was the second show for this caii1c third.

on the spring 1rnrk _i. nthc garden

garden-minded group of green In the dining room the blue rib-

and the club agreed to put more

bon went to Miss Allgood fo r a

stress on l10rticulturc in the nc\\

desk arrangement of a century old

n'.tr rathe 'han on arranocmcnt

prcssca glass ink bottle wi th the

and to ha,c a clpb 'sho\\' of spc:i-

silver top open and filled wi th the

11cns at c1-crv meeting.

cbintiest of pink tinted susanqua-

Keen mtcrL + was ccntdccl in the ,\11-, \mcnean a\\'Jrd 11inncrs for 19;, reccnth- announced. The1 . 1_1 ere the l~oyal Carpet ah-ssum, a flat sprcadmg tqJc of rich dolct
purple. ancl the Comanche J?Ctunia ,carlct red and rated 1-c1--v ngor11us 1hcse new fk>11cr 1,irictics 11-crc sclt ctcd fro!~] dozcm of llC\\' pros-
pects tested u1 the All-American trials conducted under actual aro11 ng concLtions throughout" tht
,otmtn-. Seeds for RoY,11 c,,r,,d
mcl Cc ianche shonkl he mailable 'ro.1 Y ir f niritc seed house or lu,. r, it ,, -1s said.
Tl \ll-Arncri :an rose .sclectious 11-crc Chrysler Imperial, } dark red
hvbricl tea rose, and \ la Perkins a light coral-pink florabunda ro~e. \lcmbers 11ho tried the 1952 \]l. .\m_crican ;.elections reported on their success or failure aucl rcaso1 s


c,f the camellia family. The second
place went to Mrs. J. IIal \Vallacc
whose all-green arrangement of fruit on a free-form board was indeed interesting. It was made of green tomatoes, green pear, green gourds and a honeydew melon cntwincd with the. gourd vine and leaves. Mrs. Man: Johnson was third .
In the front bedroom Mrs. Fowler received the blue ribbon for her white pottery container filled with rpd, cream and pink snapdragons and small burgandy dahlias. Mrs. I. E. McClond was sec ond with an old Bavarian oblong dish_ filled with dusty miller, polk
bcmcs, cosmos, ageratum and cclosia, in hurg1mdy . shades. \,[rs. IIal \VaUace was third place win-
ner. Pink Glads
In the rear bedroom the hostcs,,

l\Irs. Coppenger, took top place ~.1ina gold pitcher made !Jy M rs with an arrangement of pink tinted

\V. E. Patterson.

glads, susanqua Cleopatra, pink

Another interesting arrangement begonias and rain lillics in a pink

and setting was made by the hos- glass fluted bowl. Second place
tess for an antique marble-top table went to Mrs. ,l\1. J. Stomps for red

in the living room in front ?f _t~e cclosia and red roses in a blue

lovely reproduction of the V1rg1111a ,calloped hob-nail bowl. l\Jrs

Belle. It was in a fan-shaped holder hank Straton took the white rib-

,}nd m,tde of rabbit tobacco, red bon.

roses and ageratum with a back- There, were some lovely arran,c-

ground of canna leaves.. .

. mcnts not in competition that htar

Also there was an mterestm_g m :ntion. One was gold and vcllo1,


horn-of-plenty arrangement of fr mt marigolds, blue ,l.1gcratum and ,

on the dining table.

r:kcs of a blue wild flower in ,


... Education Committee
(Report for period inclusive October 1,1952 tbrO} October 1, 1953.)
EDUCATION COMMITTEE Mr. Jasper M. Gr.i.ffin, Chairman Campbell High Mr. M.No Batchelor Belmont Hills Elementary Mro Paul Crump Smyrna Elementary School Mr. Milton Lewis Green. Acres Elementary School
Renita Phillips Smyrna Colored School

(Report for perioa inclusive October 1,1952 tbret&b October 1, 1953.)
Mr. Jasper M. Gri.f'fin, Chairman Campbell High Mr. M.No Batchelor Belmont Hills Elementary Mr. Paul Crump... Smyrna Elementary School Mr. Milton Lewis Green. Acres Elementary School Renita Phillips Smyrna Colored School


Jasper Mo Griffin, Principal

Number of teachers (exclusive of principal) 31

Total Enrollment Oct. 1, 1953


Class rooms 27 now in use, with 8 new clas sroo m under construction to be in use within the next two months.

Library... Modern equipment with work room and containing approximately 3,000 books of which 500 were added at the beginning of this school year.

Lunchroom.. Provides lunches for- around 700 students and staff members. umbers eat:ing in lunch room indicate the quality and attractiveness of
lunches served.

Latest electric kitchen and refrigeration equipment has been installea to take care of the large number eating.

One supervisor and seven workers make up the lunch room staffo

This lunch room is made aTailabl.e to any civic groupso It serves as a communiv center for meetings of community interest.

Approximately two evening dinner meetings are held here weekly.


lo Two new movie projectors, and a public address system install ed.

2. New cyclorama for auditorium stage purchased by P.T.Ao at a cost of tS50o00.
a. A new piano furnished by the county.

4. Conmercial department enlarged with 19 classes being devoted to commercial work. This is an increase of 10 classes over last year's program. This program was brought about as a result f a community needs survey.

Full time guidance program under certified guidance director.


5. School Paper Schoo 1 paper is published by the high schoo 1 journalism ciass and is distri ruted free to all Campbell High students, to all Cobb County schools, and the last issue was nailed to all high schools, grammar schools., county schoo 1 superintendents and visiting teachers in the state of Georgia. (approximately 2500).
Copy of the above mentioned issue is attached as a copy of' thi. s report.
6. School BandAmerican Legion, Lions Club and local citizens cmtributed approximately $6,000 for the buying of 57 new uniforms and some new instruments.
Campbell band is available f'or eomnunity parades or programs.
Campbell High band member, Jerry Bramblett, placed first in his class in the band. He also placed first in the Class-A schools as pianoist.

7o Athletics A new football stadium completed with seats for 3000, well lighted for night games constructed since last year. Approximate cost $20,000.

New uniforms for varsity football team, new uniforms f'or basket ball teams.

Schoo1 has a full time physical education program


and equipment and instructors to carry out same.

s. School grounds Since October 11 1952, school grounds have been
graded and some shrubbery planted. Garden clubs

l j

are now beautifying parts of the campus.

Very active organization with 200 paid members
after only one meeting, with their main projects (1) Folding screen between caf'eteria and kitchen,
approximate cost $400. (2) Studentrecreation program, square dances and socials,two each month,
for Campbell High studentso

Campbell High P.T.A. hostesses to the 14th District Council of Parent and Teachers for 1953.

I . I




Mr. Paul Crump, Principal

Number of teachers 24

Enrollment 720

Classrooms 23.


IMPROVEMENTS: New cafeteria, Completely redecorated,

new fire escapes added.

Mr. M. N. Batchelor, Principal Number of teachers 19 Enrollment 617 Classrooms 19 IMPROVEMENTS: Completely new school, new building, and equipment. Occupied first on Sept. 8, 1953.

Mr. Milton Lewis, Principal Number of teachers 16 Enrollment 555 Classrooms. 16
IJIPROVEMENTS: Completely new school, new building and equipment. Occupied first on Sept. 8, 1953.


Each or the above elementary schools have a -
glee club, music program in the school, band, and physical education. All schools above have
school libraries and modern cafeterias.

SMYRNA COLORED SCHOOL (Elementary) Miss Renita Phillips, Principal Number of teachers . 6 Enrollment . 170 Classrooms 7 School has library and cafeteria. Music program in the school.


~ s
Ig lJ:t ~ f:1

408 407

406 405


403 401



~ 123















215 213 211 209

212 210



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206 203

. . JUJ
, 301












109 107 105


103 TOT

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i Phone 5-4979


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SMYRl~A .E.LErv ~ TArlY s_;Ht.,uL

vhilaren, teachers auu patrons of the Smyrna Elementary
School are very proud of the improvements which have been made here with in the past six or eight months.

Our builaings have been completely rennovzted; new wiring
and fixtures have been installed in many rooms, there -by improvir!g our lighting; the walls have been attractively refinished; bulletin boards, cabinets and tables have been adaect, all of which help to make uur rooms attractive and give adaed incentive for aoing a good job.

The staff is made up of twenty-three adequately prepared,
hard-worAing, conscientious teachers , plus a most efficient principal, and three well-qualified special instructors in music, band anu dancing. These people are very much interested in st:ein6 that Sm} rna boys and girls receive the most thorough instructi un anu tra.i.ninl oi' which they are capable.


The old cafeteria has been torn away, and a new 0ne has been built in the basement of the former hi~h sc r1ool bui.J,..ding.

'l'nis is much more comfortable ana convenient, and when the

car.opy is placect over the new cement wa.Lh.way between the two

builaings, oboay wil~ need to gt:: t wet during the .rainy

weatner which probably lies ahead.

The school library has been aecentralized, anct in its

stead, each ruom is builaing.its own library with the books on

hana as a ncleus. New books will be auaed from year to year,

as we~l as maps, globes, clna other desired equipment.


.11. school Safety Patrol has been organized with two teachersponsers . About twenty-fiv~ boys from the .si.x:th. 1and seventh grades are serving as patrolmen around the builaings and grounds,
on the busses, and at various post s throughout th~ city. Only those boys who have proved dependable, both in scholarship and citizenship, are eligible for auty .

Plans are being formulatea for further improvements. vii th the help of the P. 'I'. A. , ana other ci vie organizations we hope in the near future to acquire other equipment which is badly neeaed .
,.. ,


.tIDAY, DECEMBER 12' 1952

Lt. Gov. Marvin Griffin To Make

Principal De~icatory Address

O ne of Georgia's most modern :md complete cduca.tional plan ts-

O rlllc Campbell High School-will be formally dedicated Sunda v a fternoon, nea r Smyrna.

Lt. Gov. Marvin Griffin, the~ principal speaker, will head a host of dignitaries and prominent educators to participate in dedication of the $400,000 building.

The ceremony will get underway at 2:30 with a dedicatory prayer by the Rev. York Chambless, pastor of the First Baptist Church in Smyrna.
Lt. Gov. Griffin will be introduced by Supt. Paul Sprayberry. After his talk, the btiild~. ing wlll be presented to Jasper M. Griffin, principal of the school.

Frank Baker, president of the Student Council, will express the gratitude of the students, and the audience will participate in a responsive service of dedication.

In addition to the Cobb Coun-. ty Board of Education and the Campbell High Board of Trustees, elementary school principals, PT4 officers and construction representatives will be stage guests. Special guests will include Mrs. Marvin Griffin, Mrs. W. P. Sprayberry, John Heck, Mrs. J. M. Griffin, Harold Saxon, Mrs. M. D. Howell, and Claude Purcell.

Campbell Hgh, a consolidation

of Smyrna and Fitzhugh Lee;

was completed this year at a


c ost of over $400,000.


Some 600 students . from the

Fitzhugh Lee and Smyrna dis-

tricts attend the school. It is

onstructed on a 20-acre tract


pf land about a mile south of S myrna on Old 41 Highway.

Modern in every architectural

detail and design the bullding is

complete with 16 classrooms,

cafeteria, gymnasium-aud~tor-




Three courses of study are of-

fered students attending the

school. They are (1) college pre-

paratory, (2) commercial, anti (3) general.

'- ~- --~----......__ _ _

Principal Griffin said that fine

arts and commercial depart-

men ts offer the finest instruc-

tion available and a physical

education program is carried out

for all students.

The faculty consist s of 26 qualifiect teachers.

The school was named after the late Orme Campbell, founder of the Campbell Coal Com.pany and a former civic and /
religious leader in the area. I

Smyrnans Donate. $3,500 To Campbell 1 For Seats, Lights

Smyrnans have given $\500 to
Campbell High School, tagging the money for location of scats at the athletic field and installation of lights.
On:r 100 citizens looked on as
the announcement was made recently at a dinner at the school. Guests were not charged for the meal, which was prepared by m others and students who are members of the Campbell High band.
Meanwhile, improvements at the school arc mounting, according to Principal J~sper Griffi n, who an-
nounced that $300 worth of shrub-
bery has been set out by the P.-T.A. A walkway to the school gynmasium was recen tly paved . .
\ \'ith an eye toward a September opening, work continues on th e new classroom, in anticipation of increased enrollment.
George Kreeger, chairman of arrangements, stated that work on the light installations can be start cd as soon as more money is availt able. Anvone who wishes to contri. butc to the field improvements may do so by mailing a check to the Orme Campbell High School Athletic Fund or by sending contributions to Jasper Griffin or Kreeger.

Marvin Griffin To Speak Sunday At Campbell High Dedication Program

Marvin Griffin, Lieutenant Gov- first classes moved in in Febru.

ernor of the State of Georgia will ary 1952 although all work neces-

be speaker at Campbell Hig? ~ed- sary on the structure had not been

icaHon services Sunday, Principal completed. S tudents of the eighth J asper Griffin announced today. gra~ composed the first classes.

The services will be held at 2:30 In September 1952 the school p. m. in the school auditorium. was officially opened with all of

A n umber of state dignitaries the classes 8th through 12th in

and educa tional leaders will at- full attendance.

_w!ll tend the program, Mr. Griflfin said. Built at an app roximate cost of

Keys to the new building

$300,000 the school is one of the

.be [Presented t o Princip al Gn:fm most modern eaucational plants in

by ~obb County Superintendent the state. It w as one of several

W. iP. Sprayherry.

schools being constructed through -

Construction of the new school out th~county with fund s.provided

plant was started in 1951 and the by citizens of Cobb when they

voted for a $1,500,000 b ond issue

on November 15, 1950.

The site of the school consisting of some 29.66 acres was chosen by t he school board of trustees consisting of E. B. Wa tkins, N. J . Eubanks,R. L. Wood, J ames 0 . Walker, Ed F itzgerald, R. E . F ult on, J. W. Nash, George K reeger, E. C. Bramblett and John F. Colston.
The fa culty is composed of a grou~ of 'College gradu ates experienced in the field of teaching chil dren.
Modern gymnasium facilities, lunchroom, audio- visual ,room and laboratories are available to the students.
The school boasts one of the best bands in the county. It will
1rform Sunday under the direction of Ken Stanton, director

1 $400,000 High School Dedicated Sunday

The new $400,000 Campbell High t School was dedicated at appropri, ate services Sunday afternoon
I with Marvin Griffin, Lieutenant
rI Governor of the State of Georgia, principal speaker.

I Gri.ffin, in a sim ile, compared soil erosion with h uman erosion

and stressed that the two were'

similar. Soil erosion must be. pre-

vented if the human r ace survives

Griffin said. He stated that a fo ur-

inch top soil was necessary to pro-

vide foo d for the preserva tion of ,

the race.


Erosion can als~ take mdividuals accordmg to

pla~e .in Gr1.ffin.

J r

He emph asized the point t)1at re-

ligion and education were two vi-

tal factors in preventing human

t erosion.

The speaker and his wife were introduced by County Superintendent W. P. Sprayberry as were other visiting dignitaries.
The dedicatory prayer was given by the Rev. York Ch ambless, pastor of the Smyrna First Baptist Church.
Following Griffin's t alk, the building was ipresented to P rincipal J asper Griffin.
Frank Baker, president of the student counci'l, expressed the gratitude of the students and the a udience partidpated in ,a responsive service of dedication.
Special guests included in additi on to those already named, Mt"S W. P . Sprayberry, John !Heck Mrs. M. D. Howell, Harold Saxon and Claude Purcell, the Cobb
County Board of 'Education, 1he Campbell High Board of Trustees, elementary school principals, PTiA officers and representatives of construction mopanies participating in the construction of the new building.
The school was named after the late Orme Campbell, founder of the Campbell Coal Company and a former civic and religious leader m the community.

Citizens Contribute $3,500 To,vard Seats, Lights At Campbell School

Jonquil City citizens at a din fin said. $300 worth of shrubbery

net,;Friday night at Campbell High has been set out by the PTA. Elm

school contributed $3,500 for location of seats af the athletic field

and Maple trees are being planted

and tnstallation of lights. George on the school grounds and a walk-

Kreeger, chairman of arrange- way to the school gymnasium was

mep.ts announced today.

paved this week.

The dinner attended by over 100 The annual Cobb County sum-

people was prepared by mothers mer school is in session at Camp-

of students who are members of bell with an enrollment totaling

the Campbell High School band. 30. Students are enrolled from

It was served at no charge to ah Cobb County schools and one


student comes from Martha Berry

Kreeger was enthusiastic over school, Mr. Griffin said. Students

the results attained at the "free are allowed to take one new sub-

feed" Friday night and explained ject at the summer school, or to

that with just a little more money, make up two.

work could be started on light in- Work on the new classroom adstallations right away. He added dition continues with hopes that it that citizens who wanted to con- will be ready for September tribute to the field improvements, Classes. An increased enrollment but who were not present at the is anticipated at the school and dinner meeting, could ma'i.l a additional teachers have already check to the Orme Campbell High been obtained to teach. School Athletic Fund, or make

contributions to Campbell High

school Principal Jasper Griffin, or

to him.

In'iprovements continue to be Stadium Fund Drive

--made at the school, Principal Grif-

Slated At Campbell
Friday night a t 7:30 p. m. at

Smyrna Schools

Ca';}~b_ell High School,' a drive will be m1hated to raise funds to com-

pl~te the stadium.

Expanded, Repaired

l Only men have been invited to
at_tend the dinner meeting which

S:\IYR"\JA, June 15 - Seven ilew rooms are being ;iddcd to

will be held in the school cafeteria "for free."

Campbell High School to take care

of an anticipated 200 extra stu-

dents next foll. Jasper Griffin, prin-j ci)lal, announced today.

Built at ,1 cost of $60,000, the

new annex will be a part of the

present structure.


On the south side of Sn1Yrna~ the new Belmont I Iills Scho.ol is

lhalfwav toward completion, \\ . P.

Sprayberry, county school sup,ri n_-

tcndcnt, said. The school wa~ ck-

signed to relieve the alrcady-o\'er-

crowded SmYma grammar school

George Kreeger, general chair- , man of a committee on arrange-
me~t_s for the project stated that) additional lights and seats for the stadi~m will be discussed at the meetmg.
_Estimated cost of improvements
will to~al approximately $20,000, Kreeger said.
Already the playing field has
e?been topsoiled, graded and seedbut there are no lights for 111ght games.

t The old elementary building is ,
being pmtly remoclclcd to provide

Kreeg_er added that the project for the entire Campbell _ar ea .

a new cafctcn:1 and to furnish more

1x1ce for an expected record cn-

wllmcnt in September.

.., . _.


New Annex Under

Construction At Cam pbell High

Construction of a new classroom building is underway at
Campbell High and should b~ completed in time for Septembe1
classes. w. P. Sprayberry, Coun .
ty Superintendent, nrmounccd tc -

day. The building, a seven room a1_t-
nex to the present structure will provide class room spac~ for a~proximately 200 students. _It is being built at an approximate cost of $60,000. Restrooms are also being included in the annex.

Jasper Griffin, principal of .Campbell High stated today that anticipated increased enrollment at Campbell would possibly total 150 or more students next year.
The new school being built 1t Delmont Hills is hnlfw..1y _c..,mpleted, :Mr. Svrayberry said. It will hctve lG e1a~srooms ano possibly 19. The Belmont Hills school is expected to alleviate the crowded condition that existed last year at Smyrna Grammar school.

A new cafeteria is being locat~d at the Smyrna Grammar school m the basement rooms of the former high school building. The rooms formerly located in the basement are being entirely remodele? and a modern cafeteria will be m operation by school opening.

Improvements in the grammar school property were del~yed during the closing weeks of scnool due to the noise worrying teachers and students; but all improvements and repairs wil be mad during the summer Sprayberry said. The school property will be put in tip-top shape before students return to their classes, he


Smy~~a School Gets Face-Lifting; fire Escapes And Kitchen Added


'ncss is hot to result from children

Parents of Smnna's clemcntarv getting. wet in rainy weather. And

hool pupils must ha\'C gone awa~ when the now unused barrack

frum the P.-T. A.'s open house rooms haYc been torn awa\ there

Tuc'sdav cYcning with a great sense will still be need for land.scaping

of relief at seein g the fine new steel and sodding the grounds which arc

fire escape. that were added dur- now rocky and dusty and a destroy

ing the summer to the old two- cd of high priced shoes .

storv building. Especially would A rcallv fine beginning has been

that he tru e of those who had chil- made ancl C\er\'one concerned is

dren on the top floor.

happy abot1t it: \Ve feel s~uc tl_1~t

The new escapes arc part of the with the present coopcrah\'C spmt

reconditioning program for the between school, parents, and offi-

,chool that was long O\'erduc. cials that the good work will pro-

!'here are wide open-out doors ceed without interruption and the

lead ing from the halls onto th ese education and welfare of our chil-

t\YO new fire escapes replacing the dren will be the first concern of

old climb-ot1t-the-window make- all.


Another impro\cmcnt - prob-

ably :is grea t as the fire escapes

and one which is not seen bv visit-

ors - is that of having maclc the

boiler-room as near fire-proof as it

1s possible to do so in an_ old build-


The next greatest impro\eme1\t.1

was the addition of an np-to-d:itc

kitchen to the first floor of the

former high school buil<Jing with a large room there turned into a

nice lunch room for the children

replacing the flimsy sheet iron structure that offered such a fire

hazard situated as it was between
the buildings. It has been Jorn

Summe RoundUP f
fSorheSdmyIerdnaAPpurpll,,29I C U

This year, in connection with

the summer round-up program,

the newly-formed kindergarten,

sponsored by the Pre-School

~r?up, will register children de-

S ~s~m~~n~g.

to attend at the time and date

same given

SMYRNA, April 22 - Th

Regi~tration fee of $5 must

mer scho l

e sum- be paid on registration date

by the PaorernotuTned-uph, spoAnsor_ed ac er ssoc1a-
tion, will be held at the School


fee will tt

talk ~~m1 ee

be $10 a .
will be

month: gla_d_ to

auditorium next Tuesda A il

w . any parent desmng

29, at 1230 p. m.

Y, pr ginafrotcrmn ation about the kinder-

The primary purpose of this

meet~ng is. to have each child

entering the first grade this fall

examined by both physican and

dentist, and to see that he or

she has been immunized against

communicable diseases.

The committee urges every

mother having a pre-school age

child entering school this fall

who has not had this physical

examination to take advantage

of this opportunity ror the child's

health sake.

Smyrna School Patrol
Completes Good Year
Activities of the Smyrna School Patrol ~11 end today. Fortunately not a smgle member of the patrol
was hurt during the past year ot
Students who have served the full year as members of the patrol, ar_e Sammy Wood, Jimmy Hia:t, Billy Addison, Larry Cobb, Billy McClure, Happie Peters, A:1le~--~onn, Pat Leonard, Donald Lummus, Kenny Eaton and Bobby Ray Murdock.
They have served faithfully from September '5t through May '53.


All rooms have been completelv

redecorated in soft shades of biegc

add buffs with seagrccn woodwork

throughout. :Most of the black-

boards arc the new green shade

now and other fluorescent lights

have been added until all rooms arc

well lighted. Some new types of

desks were added until now all are

of the modem design. The stair-

ways have been boxed in, making

for both better utilization of the

hall space and eliminating another fire h.tzatd.


Rest rooms have been painted

. ...,9!""-t,;,,


over and asphalt tile laid on the floors. No new ones were added,



however, and i11 the main building there are only. two, one for boys

.~ ...

and 01k for girls, b'btli oii the first

floor. There is vet no teachers'

lounge, clinic, or rest room in the


A very grea t improvement has

been made in the floors. The old,

rough, oiled floors have been sand-

ed down, bringing out the real

beauty of old heart pine, and re-

finished, tnaking for one ' of the

showiest of the impro\'ements next
to the paint job. How long these

\\'ill hold tip under 827 pairs of

little fcc~j is not difficult to imag-

ine, but t icy look nice now.
It is always pleasing to have our

public buildings show up well, es-

pecially those used daily by our

children, but when a building be-

comes as depleted as this one it

will take more thaii one overhaul-

ing to bring it up to standard for

accepted sanitation.

Daily Maintenance

As in the case of the woman

who bought new anidrons for her

fireplace only to find th ey made

PTA Asks For Repairs, Improvements everything else look so shabby that
she had to refurbish the entire
home. H is wonderful to have


. (Contmued

. fiom


1 )

The committee suggested that an additional full-time j,arutor be l~k~d at ~e ~chool to help k_eie,p

come so far in one short summer

the b asement of ihe okl building 1t m repair and that a part-itime

At Grammar School Followin~ Tour and Smvrna knows how tb be
grateful for small favors...!
I wisc-but it is hofed that ou'r
school officials wil realize that
school buildings, like homes, have to be maintained daily. And while

Following a tour of the Smyrna equipment was modern and well Grammar Schoo 1 Wednesday carod for. night .iby a committee from the Mr. Crump stated. that reparrs PI'A, suggestions were made for had not been made to the lunch-

efficient janitor aiid maid service several emergency renovations as room due to the fact that a ne-w comes high, it is still a- necessity in well as major repairs, Mrs Julius lunchroom was slated f~r- the

tis to-1 a building used hard as a school. Davis, ?TIA'1,resident, reported school next year. Members of the

Bus service at the school has day.

committee recommended that lth.e

been improved and airahgcments
now under way will ii1ake it even better, but there is great heed of a covered walkway between the mail> building and the lunchroom if siel

Th:e committee, composed of 12 wi~dows be screened fur the re-
PI'A memlbers and prominent /mamder of the school tetim even
Smyrna citizens accom'!)alnied ,the Ithough the building might not be
sichool principal, Paul Crump, on Iused next year and ~at the rOO/ian inspection trip throug,h the 'be patched where 1s wou}dn t

Iformer high
I cafeteria and

school building, the the old grammar




. certain

school buildinig.

conditions in the old grammar

The building which formerly Ischool ~uilding w~re _deplor~'ble
Ihoused 'hig'h school students was and while renovation lS po.ssib~e

fou,nd to be in good repair with a_s a temporai::y ~easure, demoli-


ti f

, . excep on o a

fe ,w

reno va-

hon tion

of of

:athenelbswmlsdcmhgooal n'),dvi.1c1o nbset r ut hee-

be removed as it constituted a fire hazard.

The committee found that the

school has four fire extinguishers

in the grammar school building

Iand two in the new building

!There ,are two wooden fire es-

capes leading from the roof of the

grammar school [building which

may be raeched by climbing to

the rood' of the build'ing. A recom-

mendation ,was made that a tumu-


steel fire escape safety of childr'en

be provided and faculty.

The ,group also petitioned for

stairs to be located from the sec-

ond story to the fire escape on the

;roof as small children would be

unable to -get to the escape as it

is now !Placed. They also . sug-

gested that a guard grille be

placed on the roof to keep child-

maid be employed to take care of the bathrooms and assist where neede<'l.. They recommended that tile floors and walls be instal\ed in the bathrooms in order d:o make them more easily deaned.
Mr. Crump was thanked by the members of the committee who made the tour for his cooperation in assistill'g the PI'A to make the Smyrna Grammar School a more tenantable educational plant.
Members of :the committee who toured the school were K. R. Manning, IM:r. and Mrs. B. C. Castellaw, Mr and Mrs. R. E. GriUith Mrs. George Kreeg~. Mr. and Mrs R. L . Ruff, Mrs. Charles L Little, Iv,Irs. C. A. Rumsey, Hubert Colquitt, Mrs. W. L. Black Mr. Ralph Cob!b,and Mr. Aiken Members of the committee who were not present are Mayor Guye

to- ' i. ~ - tioz_is that neede<: t_o b~ done. E~- most agreeable way

ron from slipping off the roof in N. Duncan, Max PaTnell, Raymond

I tenor of the bmkl:i~g ~s badly m isti faults of. 11.,ew8

case they had to use the escaipes. Reed, ,and Mrs. Murray Sonner-

.;f . need of a ooat of paint. The base-

A . .Ai~~'fui

The PTA last week voted to berg.

ment rooms are flooded, every committtee .~ltf4Mll'!lil..Mre a

I time i~ rains and members of the "firetrap."' 'flte~lif~


purchase $400 worth of play- County Supreintendent will be ground equi-oment for 1!he gram- mvited to meet ,vith the commit-

'oomnuttiee recommended that several upsui\rsl ~~J'ffltton

steJ?S ,be doI_1e t~ perm~nently al-


some 1111pur, ,


1mar school Following the inspecttion tour. the committee agreed

tee next week to consult about plans of improvement at the

~eviate t81e situation which has e~- are rotten...and the bannister 'on !that a motion would be made to school.

~ted sever~ years. Need of addi- the steps leading to the second \use the .funds allocated for play-

t1onal heat li.n the baseme,nt rooms floor is insecure. Window lights ground equipment towards mak-

was also recommended.

are out in several rooms. The ing the needed repairs at the

Inspection of the rest rooms in commi~ noticed in a storage school

,.... the building showed rthem to be rootp. used for books that a drop

Playground space at the school

Uclean and soap dispensers con- cord held no light bulb, leaving and the yard is limited already as

lf taini,ng soap was placed in the the way for a small child to have a play area.

l rooms l-ast week. Paper towels, a serious accident.

furnished by the IPTA were also The oommittee authorized Mr.

on hand. Members will seek to Crump to hiire a man immediately

have the county school board fur- to install window panes, put new

nish the towels as well as the screens in the cafeteria, fix the


so~p which they have prov~ded. bannisters. and put all_ . drinking

The cafeteria 'building is in de- 1fountams m good cond1t1on.

plorable state. The building ha s 1' The group also recommended

no window panes 'and openin,;. that trash ~nd material stored in

' are covered by plastic covering

(Contmued on page 8)

.,., ...l,.,; ...'h .,, ,.:t "


~ ---


Belmont ...

(Continued from page 1)

Belmont Parents To See

principal's office. M. N. Batc~elor, the principal of Belmont t 1111~
School, has a modem business ~f-

SChool's Modern Facilities

fi cc fitted up with the latest 111

business equipment.


The older children enter their

ebss rooms from a central hall but

the tim tots rooms on the other

wing open out _on to the por_tic_o


Cobb driYc, \\ith pa\cd walks lead- ing equipment meets the highest , which of course 1s roofed and 1t I\

\\ hen the parents of the Bel- ing off throu(Th the woods on two standard attainable.

here th at one is want to tarry and

mont School r;,o to Parent Teacher sides where t11e children may walk 111c building is two long wings where the modern Gold1locks

meeting Tuesday evening, at 7:30 to school without goinfi on a street. joined together at one end by ti1c ,vould certainh- be loathe to lcmc.

o'clock, they may feel as Goldilocks ,

'All In One

auditorium and lunchroom. The It is here that the child finds him

felt in tl1e house of the three bears. The fireproof building is all tm front is quite attrncti\c opening self in a world of his own with fur-

There will be a few big chairs for one floor boiler room and all. There with wide glass doors from a v.ide nishings fitted to his size and age.

the adult:, there will be middle size arc nineteen class rooms, a combi- cement walk while across the front If he desires to be excused there

desks and chairs and tables, and nation auditorium and cafeteria . is a cement portico v.ith opening for the first graders there will be that will scat five to six hundred left next the wall for the planting

1s a toilet just his height,_ one_ for hov, and one for i;irls o cnmg rn;ht

still mailer desks and lavatories, people when thro,rn together, of shrubs and flowers. 'lbc building

drinking fountains, yes, and even there being tall sliding doors be- ii of red brick and concrete block

tic toilets to fit the age group.

tween. In the auditorium is a nice construction the block ha,ing been

Belmont Hills school is one of big stage complete with modern tinted to make the.10\cly and color-

the really modern schools in the color lighting effects both in foot ful interiors for the halls and rooms.

tatc, according to the contractor, lights and o\crhcad lights.

Principal's Office

Charlie Thomas. It seems to have At the cafeteria end arc tables The principal's office is the first

c\crything to make the education and benches and a kitchen that room on the rii:;ht as one enters the

of the child both comfortable and \\ ould plc~sc the most discriminat- building, the Doak room, the fa.r-

pleasant. First it is situated on top ing housewife with red tile floors nace room 'just across the hall, au-

of rolling hi'lls with a wonderful and colorful ceramic tile walls that dio visual s"t1pply room, and teach-

viC\\ of Belmont Hills subdivision, can be washed with a hose. rn1e crs lounge and dinic next to the

. only a stone's throw rain South ranges, refrigeration and di~hwash-

(Conttnucd on page 5-A)


- ,.,__.,,.,._...... ~ ~%\ _1_--- n_1.:f.":d--_

fi '~"t~+,:,x.~ ,.:...


. .." 'j! -~--~


CHILD SIZED LAVATORIES, TOILETS IN EVERY ROOl\1 lklmont Complete In ~very Detail - Photos By Homer l\Icadcrs




'r1111u11m1(ifUL .

EACH ROOl\I HAS ITS OWN SPECIAL LIBRARY First Grade Teacher, l\liss Frances Curry, Arranges Books

PRlNClPAL 1\1. N. BATCHELOR Runs School lu l\lodemly-Equippcd Office


Belmont School

Nears Completion

On Access Highway iust south

of Cherokee Road in the Belmont

Hills vicinity of Smyrna, one of

Cobb County's finest and most

modern 'elementary school build-

ings is being rushed to completion.

. W. P. Sprayberry, Cobb super

mtendent of schools, has announc-

ed that the building will be readv

for the fall semester in Septcm'.



The ultra-modern building is <:onstructed of brick and concrete ,block, containing nineteen rooms; -other rooms and lunchrooms are attractively being finished in glazed tile.

Belmont School
Area Outlined
The attendance area for the Belmont Hills School is announced today by County School Superintendent W. R Sprayberry.
Children who arc eligible to attend the new Belmont School are those who reside within the area. Pat Mell Road on the north is the dividing line betveen the Green Acres and Belmor. t Hilh Schools. Across the railroad at Pat Mell and Atlanta Road, the line extends northward to gove,rnment property.
On the east, the line f llowsthe property line of the gt vernment installation to Davis n1ad. This .road forms the boundary between the Smyrna and Belmnnt Hills schools on this side. Powder Springs Street from Smyrna proper to Concord Road separates the Srriyrna and Belmont Hills schools on the South. A loop starting at Powder Springs Street and Concord Road to the intersection of Concord Road and Church Road and back to the South Cobb Drive by way of Powder Springs Road is also induded in the Belmor,t Hills area.
Transportation to Belmont Hills is provided for the eleraentarY children living in the vicinity of the C. B. Norton Place, the Clay Piace and Fortner's store.


1, Marietta Daily Jouh1al _ Sunday, March 15, 1953-5B pcnsc the mill. it 1s no_nc o, one or

-- ---



S c GRCOUm1Pt1yCzrOenMnaMsJESNEDoSlem, mRmEeC1nOtMtteaMerEyNDInSSsCphe0c0tIs

- \ the ,, omen workmg m the cafc-
I I tcria. (all of whom lmc health cards).
tt~~ 1 ~1\~C~: ertain11~c~o1nl'1d:i~t1iof~m:~~~wl e:r;~et~:f1otu~n~d;

p:uagraph. With a





building was fonud to be in a satis-

S\IYR:--., \ - \ tc. appomtcd b,

citizens commit-on tile rcsolption passed at the last \Ir Julius \\' l P'l_A meeting to rcnm,1tc and r<;-

factor, condition. The rest room facilities. though not as numerous as we would like to ha,c, were

D.l\is to i1J\'cstigatc conditions at pair th.: scho~l. so as to make 1t clean. ~Ir. Crump explained that.

Snnrn:1 Elc:mcntan School. met safe for the cluldrcn.

since classrooms tollowcd a schcd-

\ \ , ,h1csd,1, eH:ning in Princip,11 V1ul Crump's office.
Thosc attcndino \\'CIC ~Ir.
C ump. :\!rs. Julius~\'. DaYiS, l\lro, R:ilph Cohb, l\1rs. \\. L. Black,
\l rs. C. \. Rumsey, l\lr aud l\lrs.

Inspection Tour


1'1~. Crump conducted an m-

spcet10n tour through the old

bui_ldi!1Js, new building_ and c~fc-

!cna. _I he teachers, pupils and 1a!1-

1tor _did n~t know of th~ commi_t-

nlc for using them, there i ,er) little congestion and present facilities arc adequate.
In December, the PTA voted to buy paper towels, soap and soap

13. C. CJ tcllaw, \Ir and i\lrs. R. tee mspccho~,.so c,crythmg was m dispensers for all rest rooms. The

I L. Ruff. :\Ir and \!rs. R E. Grif-
fith. A. \I. Aiken and K. R. l\1anning. l\Ir. Aiken \\as elected chairman, and \!rs R .E. Griffeth namt:d secretary.
The committee stated that its purpose in functioning was to act

normal cond1t10n.
The catctcria was clean. The pots. pans, sink. etc., were sparkling. The milk containers were thoronghh- ii1spcctcd and found to be satisfactory. The committee was told that children no longer dis-

county has recently installed the. di'spc11scrs and is paving for both the soap and dispensers. The PTA is furnishing the towels. \ Ve ha,c found paper towels to he an cxpcnsi,c item. Two towels a day per child until school is out will cost

mendations of the committee, and can be taken care of at a minimum

Land Is Donated For Smyrna's New

The old building was disco\'crcd cost.

to ha\'c many hazards for th e chil- l\1r. Crump told us that plans I.

dren. The only wa, to correct all h,n-c been made to build a nc" the faulty conditions would be a cafeteria and to rcnorntc the old new school. The committee has building this sun1mcr. n1c com,ct it sights 011 one for the not- mittee, therefore, is going to ask
too-distant future, but for the pres- \V. P. Sprayberry tci attend the ;

mt_ is conccrncd with rectihing the ondilions that daih- jeopardize the

next committee meeting and in l\ form ns what is incl11d~d in the ,

safct, of the children.

count, plans for rcn01ation. n1c. '

Tf1c tour of inspection 0\-cr, the committee wiH then act aq:orcling-

group returned to l\lr. Crump's of- lv. to insure that the ren'uvations

fice and organized and put into ,ind aclditions thcv deem 11cccssar.

writing our ideals. suggestions and for the safety, health and happiness demands. These ,vcrc, divided into of the children 'will be in corporat-1 two groups: immediate improve- eel into the county plans. , ments and permanent impro\'c-

mcnts. I lire Extra Man

The committee authorized l\ Ir

Grammar Building

Crump to hire an extra man to do minor repair jobs such a~ put \

new screens in cafeteria windows, {

Donation of a six-acre parcel

replace broken window panes

of land for Smyrna's new $250,000 .grammar .school .building . has been made by a Marietta and Atlanta businessman, Coun- ,
ty School supt. Paul Sprayberry j

said today.



The donor is w. A. Ward.


The property is located on the

Access Highway between Powder springs and Cherokee Streets.
Meantime, Sprayberry said today that bids will be accepted within the next 30 days for construction of the 16-room school, which is being built with federal funds anc.: is a part of the cou,nty's multi-million dollaT school expansion and consolidation pro-

- - - gram.



throughout buildings, put all drink

ing fountains rcmo,c from

in working condition. basements all trash


and materials creating a potential

fire hazard, and sccurelv fasten ,111

stair\\'av banisters; that steps he

built iusidc and outside of build-

ing under the hrn window fire exits

on the second floor of the old

building so as to make the win-

dows casih- accessible for the chil-

dren: also, that a guard rail be

placed on th ccdge of the roof to

prevent children from slipping un-

der present fence; that escape tubes

be secured for the old building

with the thought in mind they

could be transferred to the rcno-

\'a tcd building.

l\lr. Crump suggested that we

try to secure part-time maid ser-

vice to take charge of cleaning the

girls' rest rooms and keeping all

drinking fountains scoured and

cleaned. The yards arc to be covered with

granite dust in an effort to keep the

ard drier and the dust down.

, :Minimum Cost These arc the. immediate rct'dffi-

, ________________________ _ _ _ _ _lliiiii___,_..~-
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. r






' P.-T.A. Organized
At Belmont Hills
Elementary School
S\ IYRNA - i\lorc than thrcch1111drcd parents :md fri ends of the Belmont llills, icinit\' attended the Pl.\ Org,rnizational ~lccting. hcl<l Tucsd,I\ e,Tni11g, October 13 in the new school auditorium. \!rs. Park er '\orton, President of the Jesse Coleman PTA Co11ncil presided a chairman of the meeting.
Grcdin~s \\Crc addressed to the
, group b\' l rincipal i\furpln; N. Bat 'I
chclor. l\ Ir. Roy Teasley of the Cohb Count} School_ System ad dressed the group bncfly on the unportance of :rn acti,c Parent Teachers Association. l\lrs. C. A. Ru1mc, accompanied bv l\Irs. Jas per Griffin at the piano rendered the meal number 'Bless 'I his House.' She also lead th e group in sinaing cod Bless America .' Girl Se;uts from Troop .l\o. 4-4 and
BrO\rnics from Troop No. 45 prc-
cntcd the color guard.
Elected to lead this initial PTA \'Car for the Belmont Hills School
were: Mrs. C. F. Stanford, Prcsi
dent; Mrs. Ralph K. Landes President; l\ !rs. John C . Cord 111, Secretary and l\lrs. Earl Cobb, Treasure;. l\Jr. Batchelor introduced the school faculty to the group. The attendance mvard was won by \liss l\fildrcd Johnston's third
Refreshments were ~crvcd by Mrs. Grace Evans, cafeteria super ":,or and her committee.

- ...... .> i-
-- ... ".\ :)-
. ....., ~ .. t-\ ..... .;~. ..

Batchelor To Head
New Bel111ont I/ills
Gra.11i111ar School

Iv con tructcd Belmont Hills
School, located on South Cobb
Driw, jnst south of Cherokee Rd
will hod registration for its pupils on \Vcdnesday, Sept. 2, from b
a.m. until 1 p.m. Rcgu1ar class scs sions wi11 begin Tuesday, Sept. 8.
The 19-room brick building wilt
have an enrollment of possibly up-
ward of 500 students. according
to the new principal, Murphy
Batchelor pf Belmont HiUs. The
cafeteria is weU equipped, with
every new convenience a,ailablc for
school lunchrooms. l\[r. Batchelor
is well pleased with the fine lav-out of the cnhrc building which will
fall under his qualified leadership. Mr. Batchelor, a native of Ala
bama, hails from Halc,,illc. He
ha attended the U11i\'crsity of
Alabama, Florence State College, ai ,cl also Peabody College, 1 rash
vi'lc, Tenn. He has been an cd
ucational leader for a number of
years, having scTYcd as a school
principal for .nine years.

Members of the school faculh

will be: l\Iiss Betty Jo Bates, :\lrs.

Hazel Cobb, Mrs. Sibly Craw-

fo1 d, Miss Frances Curry, ;\1 rs.

- ...

Louise Elder, :\frs. Rose l\larie Dodd, Mr. T. L. Gray, :\liss Annie

Rntn Hawkins, 1\liss Mildred John-

ston, Mrs. Ralph Lewis, Miss Ruth

Rich, Miss Bobbie Rush and Mrs.

- _1......

Sue \Vofford. Placement of se,eral otl,cr teachers is to be made in the

ne 1r future.

l\us. Jasper M. Griffin will in-

struct the pupils in music. Mrs.
J. \V. Evans will supenisc the


]11rrhroom .


Belmont Sc,,hool
Area Outlined
The attendance area for the Belmont Hills School is announced today by County School Superin-
I tendent W. R Sprayberry. Children who are eligible to at'tend the new Belmont School are those who reside within the area. Pat Mell Road on the north is the dividing line between the Green Acres and Belmont Hills Schools Across the railroad at Pat Mell and Atlanta Road, .the line extends northward to government property.
On the east, the line follows the property line of the government installation to Davis road. This .road forms the boundary between the Smyrna and Belmont Hills schools on this side. Powder Springs Street from Smyrna proper to Concord Road separates the ( Smyrna and Belmont Hills schools on the South. A loop starting at Powder Springs Street and Concord Road to the intersection of Concord Road -and Church Road and back to the South Cobb Drive by way of Powder Springs Road is also included in the Belmont Hills area.
Transportation to Belmont Hills is provided for the elementary children living in the vicinity of the C. B, Norton Place, the Clay Place and Fortner's store.



- . 1,









:5 Sunset Valley 5




:l!~ .


.: A Modern Day :

;: Nursesy For Your :








: Balanced Diet


Large Fe,nced Play.


Supervised Play


: INSURED.. . :


Open 6:30 a m to 6:00 p m

Located At


114 Powder Springs IROad

Phone 5-9746

: For Additional :

ATES-In commencement cxtreises enlivened by student skits, Smyrna Pre-School Kindergarten youngsters graduated in the second annual services of the school rece11tly. Above, chifdren portray "Three Little Kittens \Vho Lost Their Mittens." Kathleen Abbott, dressed as "Mother Cat," was aided by Lynn Lovejoy, Judy Daniell and Linda Flynn as the three kittens. Other students formed a chorus to back up the action. Below, youngsters, who will enter the first' grade)n September, pose with their kindergarten teachers.

: Info,motion :


Mrs. McGee Heads
[Pre-School P. T. A.



Pre-School Parents A nommatmg committee "1s appointed by the president, l\ trs.

In ~n:iyrna Hear

Fred Fitch, as follows: i\lrs. \V. P. Lovejoy, Mrs. Charles Brackett, and Mrs. John Balkam.

Paul trump Speak 'lJ1c summer round-up, which will be held in April with the regular school round-up, was cliscuss-

S:\lYRNA _ The Smyrna Pre- eel. Mrs, B_rackc_~t and _l\lrs. II_u

School Parents association held its bcrt _Colquitt will be 111 cl!arge

f'cbruan- meeting Tucsdav c\cning A dnve for n~w members w1ll be
at the f10mc of :\frs. C, L Little, inac!G_ at ~h~_hmc of t_hc r?tmcl-up .

on Collier Drive, with l\Irs. John T\\ cnt:v members \\ ere m attcn-

B,1lk:111y as co-hostess.


Paul Crump, principal of the

Smyrna Elementary schoql. was

the speaker. lie talked on '\Vhat
s expected of a child on enter-

mg school."

New officers of Smyrna preschool PTA were installed ,Mon-
day night at I meeting of the
organization held at the Legion annex. They are: Mrs. M. A. Mcgee, president; Mrs. John BalkL.
eny, vice-president; Mrs. ,"'Bob Austin, secretary; Mrs. Jim Gentry, treasurer; and Mrs. C. L. Little, program chairman.
Mrs. Fred Fitch, retiring president, ,.-as in charge of installation
services. Hostesses were Mrs. Austin and
Mrs. Sam Harper. New Members were welcomed
by Mrs. McGee. Graduation exercises witl be
held for the children Friday night at the Legion Annex.

Mrs. Evelyn Lovejoy was nam-

ed publicity chairman.

Pictured front row, left to right, are Freddy Fitch, Harry Harper, Tommy Brackett, \Vayne Johnston, Patricia l\1cCollum, Linda Bacon, Kathleen Abbctt, Ronny Barton and \Yayne Austin; second row, Jo Carol Reynolds, Janet Gentry, Sherre Clarv, David l\lcGee, Johnny Barrett, Melda Pressley, Skipper Miller, Dickie Hobbs and George Jae.german; third row, Mrs. Harry Hamby, Lynn Lovejoy, Judy Daniell, Fred Harris, \Vayne
Colquitt, Peggy \Villis, Doug Hulsey, Bill Justus,
Peggy Aun Dockins, Linda Flynn and l\lrs. Lewis Willis.
Mrs. McGee Named Pre-School Head
Officers for Smyrna Pre-School PTA have been elected for 1953'54 and include Mrs. M. A. McGee, President; Mrs. John Balkeny, Vice-President; Mrs. James Gentry treasurer; and Mrs. Robert Austin, secretary.
Mrs. Charles Brackett and Mrs. Pressley were elected to the Board of Directors.
Mrs. , Fred Fitch is retiring president.


Mrs. M. A. McGee

ncx. Dnc to the limited space, each '
chrd is limited to two visitors. The

Installed To Head

children will wear their mortar bm1rd caps ~ncl Principal Paul Crump will prcsmt thm diplomas.

Pre-School Parents . Children who hil\'c completed Frc(l kmdcrgartcn arc t felda Prcsslev Connie Brackett, Bill Justus,

Sl\1YR:N"A - l\Irs. Bob Austin I-farrjs, \\'aync Colquitt, \Vavnc

,1d l\Irs. Sam Harper were hostess- Austm, DaYicl McGee, frccfdic

c at the 1\la meeting of the Pre- Fitch, Johnn)"'Barrctt, George Jaeg-

s~hool Parents Association \Ion- crman. Skipper :-..filler, Ham Ilarp-

ua\ C\'rning, at the Legion Annex, er, Ronnie Barton, Peggi Ann

1 1 Concord Rmcl.

Dockms, Do11g. II11lscr, Dickie Hobbs, \\ ayne Johnson, Janet

\lrs. Fr~cl Pitch. the ~ctiring Ccntry, Kathleen Abbott, Lvnn

prcs1clcnt, mstallccl the new offi- Loicjoy. Judy Daniel. Linda Fl):nn,

c ,. who arc \1rs. l\I. A. ~JcGce Sh('rrc Clan-, Pcagy \Vill is, Lmda

prcs\clcnt; l\Irs. Jolin 13albny, ,ic~ Bacon, Patrici,1 l\.1cCollum and Joe

;)rC<1dcnt: Mrs. Bob Austin, secrc- Carrol Rcrnolds.

'''.uY; \frs. James Gc1ftry, treasurer; - - ~ - -

r . l\frs. C. L. Little, program

< uamnan. ,\Irs. l\I.. ~ ,0 e welcomed the nC\\
rnoth~rs ?f the kindcrg:irten to the

,,r~amzabO(l. She ~lso appointed

her committee chJmncn for the UC',\' \Tar.

Tiie graduation exercises for

kindergarten children vill be held

Frida\ m irnin~ ,;t 10 at the An-


Duncan Addresses

Pre-School Group

SmHna JI favor Gmc N. Dun -
can \\'as gncst. speaker at the first meeting of Smnna l're--School Association as it convened at the home of i\ !rs. C. I.. Little ;\ [ondav



l\ fa\'Or Duncan gave an interest-

ing outline of the plans for Smyr-

na's proposed rccrcat)on center and

swimming pool. Ile emphasized

that such facilities will help direct our young people's energies into

constrncti\c, rather than dcstmc-

ti,c. _channels.

,.,...cntativc plans were made for

a -;_;cnnv Fair" to be held October 2-f at the AnwrClrl Legion. The af fair will cater r,:uticularly to chil-

dren from _pre-school ag.::: through

the third grade.

The -next meeting will be held October 26 at thr horn<' of \fr
Jame~ Gentry, 202 North Atlanta
Road. All mothers of pre-school
and kinclcrgartcn-uge children arc

il1\'itecl to 1ttencl.

To Open Tuesday
S:\IYRNA - The Smyrna Kindergarten, sponsored by the PreSchool Parents Association, will open its doors for the fall season Tuesda}', Scptc1nbcr 8, at 9 a.m.
It is the third season for the Kmdergartcn and the localion is the same-in the American Legion Annex, o,n Concord ' Road.
i\Irs., Margaret \Villis, of .Marietta, will be back in her role as teacher, and she will have as her assistant this year i\frs. Doris Quarks, local first grade teacher: :\1rs. Quarles is a graduate of LaGrangl
College. 'I11e quota of 32 children has
been enrolled. The only opportunity for fate entrants or newcomers would be to place their children on the waiting list from which replacement will be made in case of a vacancy. Anyone so desiring may call ~Irs. James Gentry.

Sn1all Fry
While You're Debating Children k\re Waiting
To 'I1ry
Small Fry Nursery
Monday, March 16
Located 1 1-2 mile south of Smyrna traffic light off old N 41 highway on Carson drive.
~' Transportation
i Open to all children of walking age. Healthy' Country Atmos-
phere *Large Playground, Shady
,and cool. *Competent Supervision
Phone 5-5267
;.! formation concern-
1I. ing opening
Kinderg-a -0ts
.Vi'sit'Grant ark
SMYRNA - A happy event of Friday was the picnic ~nd b uting of the Parent's Associatio1r Kinclergratcn childreri t.o - Grant Park to _visit the. zoo arid study the animals they had read about first hand.
Accompanyirrg the , 35 children
were Mesdames G. Lewis \Villis and J. E. Quarles, teachers, and ' l\Iesdames Artl1ti.r Bacoi1; R.' B.' . ~cardcn, V. A. DaJ:S.!!P.OI1 Sam Davis, C. M. Garland,. Jr., J. l . Gentry, Howard Martin, \V. G Mellon, C. R. Orr, T. \V. Ovbey,
I . , \V. ~- Reed and C. M. watson.


You Are Cordially Invited To Attend


Located on Concord Road


from 1 to 6 p. m .

Owned and Operated By MRS. RUTH C. ouNTON

Campbell P.-T.A. To Meet Monday Night; Faculty Re-ception To Follow Program

~ Opportunities for Cultural. ::.
Growth and Dc"clopmcnt," i\lr brl Beach, guest spe.iker, .i\farch.
"Kind of Communitv we want for our children," Mrs. Fred Van
.Landingham, guest speaker, and

Campbell PTAExecutive Board Buys Own Dinners, School GetsUrn

The first meeting of the Camp- tion, .i\liss Gena Gwin: Room Rep- the _Community Chorus under di

bell I ligh School PTA ,, ill f>c held rcscntati,cs, :\!rs. Edgar Logan; rcct!on of i\1rs. \Valtcr Abbott ,

in the high school gmrnasium Publicit\', ;\[rs. I Iomcr Griffin; April.

::\londay night at 8 o'clock.

Scrapbook and Historian, i\lrs. B. ~rnluation of the year's wo~k,"

Charter members and faculty arc L \\ alkcr; Parliamcntari:m, :\!rs. hy President i\lrs. ~eorgc l\11l~s,

to be spcfril guests tf the c,rnmg Rus. ell Hosch.

installation of new officers and dm

Appro'\imatclv sc,cn itUndrcd tam-


ncr for all PTA members, l\1ay.

il_ic_s hmc been in\'itcd. ,, ith pro-1 Program planned for the entire The PTA's budget is planned to

, 1s10ns made to talc care of the year includes the following lll,iin include buying a folding screen to

\'Oungcr ch1ldrc11. A rcccptwn, hon- events: "The Kind of Honc "c be placed between the kitch_en and

orlllg the facult,. will follow the want for our Children., in Gctobcr dining areas in the cafeteria and,


very pressing need for a coffee

There was more to the Camp- urn for the school's cafeteria if

bell High's PTA executive board they were to serve dinners for

meeting Tuesday than might ap- the civic clubs. Then up came

pear on the surface. The story is some of those bright money-

that the gals came up with $6.20 making minds to propose that

balance in the treasury and a they hold the executive board


meeting on Tuesday and let the

members buy their dinners.

That is just what they did with

~egular program and business meet- with ,;nest speakers; "Physical mstcad of the customary equipment



Growth and Ucvelopment for our for the school, the organization

Jasper Gr!ffm, pri1!cipal ?f Camp Children," !)r?gram under directio11 pfamto take a large portion of their bell I11gh School will be m char_&e of Coach Dmc Howell, Noveiiibcr budget for recreation in the form

of the program on "The Kind uf "Religious Influences in the Lives of planned evening entertainment
School \\'c \\'ant l'or Our Chil- of our children; The Rev. John I for the high school students.


Knight, guest speaker and Camp- Three citizens of the community

an attendance of 31 they easily got together the $30 necessary for the urn. The luncheon was held at Willie Mae Bramblett's out-doo:: grill and a good time was hac. by all. Doyal Norton and Frank !faker, Campbell students,

.i\lr,. George \tiles is president bell Glee _Club, under di,rcction of

for the vcar, with \1r . Elder Bram- \Ir. \V1lham Blatt, music director

blctt, \'ice pre idcnt; "Ir-. \V. C. of Campbell, furnishing music for
i\litchcll, sccrdary; i\lrs \V. J. the occas1011, December.

Blackbum, treasurer

"Relationship between Parent,

C mmittccs arc Budget and Fi- 1 cacher and Child." Round Table

nancc, \!rs. Howard llambv; IIos- Discussion sponsored bv Campbell

pita1ity, i\lrs. Jottic Brown; Pro- Student Council under sponsorship
gram .. ,:\I rs. J. 1i\l G'1b,son; .',Iem- of ,',1 rs. Ru,scII II oscI1, January.

bcrsh1p, i\lrs. Jake Nash; Study "Founder's Day Program." i\1iss

Group, i\lrs. Gkn Brown; Rccrca- Peggy \ Vntson's Speech Class of

Campbell in charge February.

ga\C their time for the constructi011 of a new paper house placed beside the gym. A representative of PTA is in the receiving line every Tue~
dav morning fr~mi 7:30 to 9:3u hoping school students and patrons
will bring ne\\spapcrs and magazincs (tied separately) to be sold t0\n1rd raising the budget.

Campbell P.-T.A.
To Install Tonight
The Campbell PT:\ will hold its fi11al ml'cting of tiil' , c,1r thi~ c1-cning at S o"clock at the school auditorium.
In addition to the installation of officers an crnluation of the past year's acti,itics and phtm for nl''\t ,car will he made. .\ Ir,. George .\I ilcs \\ill he in stalled as prc,;idcnt; \ Irs. Gil\ Lackc,, \"icc-prcsidc11t; .\lrs. \\ C. \litchcll, sccrcb1rY: ;111d .\Ir, \V. J. Blackburn. treasurer.

were ,there to represent their school in the planning a.'ld thought they really learned a lot bf PTA. The regular meeting of that body will be held Thursday evening, at 8 o'clock.
Th e re is a Jot of stirring around among the school folk in the entire section. Campbell High, being new, is in need of many things and their PTA, faculty, Booster's Club and student pody is scurrying around to supply thes~ needs. The poor old elementary school PTA is striving to repair the drinking fountain worn with age and much use, to get the tinny old piano tuned to 1952, the walls of the old flimsy barracks painted or otherwise

IMrs. George Miles

lPTA director, brought a welcome from the State Congress.

l I Is First President . h PTA Campbell H19

Following the business session a
social was enjoyed with refresh- j
ments being served by members of

Mrs. George Miles was named1.,------

pPrTeAsidaetntthoef m~~11t:i1apl bmelleeHt_miggh oscfhtohoel the temporary hospitality com. -

organization recently at t h\e mittee, Mrs. Parker Norton, chair-

Jess Coleman PTACouncil To Sponsor Civil Defense Class, Instruction Schoof s

.made a wee bit more attractive to the children who see no prospect of getting out of them with children coming in faster than places ore being prepared for them. To aid in these m uch n eeded projects they are putting on a Hallowe'en Carnjval as is also the Pre-school Parent As sociation whose carnival will be

new Campbell High school audi- man.


The president slated an execu-1

Other officers named were Mrs. tive meeting to make decisions ::-e-

Guy Lackey, vice president; Mrs.

--""'-'-_ _ _ _ _ _ __

W. C. Mitchell, secretary and Mrs. - -

W. J. :Jll,ackburn, treasurer.

garding future meetings of the

Brief talks were given by Principal Jasper Griffin and County S ch o o 1 Superintendent Paul Sprayberry who praised the work
done by the PTA and reviewed

PTA. The meeting was


b ~

over 200 parents and -fnends 0

the organization, 150 of whom be-

came charter members.

progress made by Cobb County

schools. Mrs. Tom Day, 14th District


Campbell P.-T.A. .


To Install Tonight ,

Lt. C. H. Campbell

The Campbell PT.~ will hol~ its final mcetmg of tnc YC,lf tills
c,ening at 8 o"clock at the school

Jnspcr Griffin, principal of Campbell, first \'ice president; Mrs.

Cai.npbcll Iligh,.School welcomed George Hardin, Fitzhugh Lee, sec-

visitors and 17 school rcprcscnta- ond vice president; Mrs. Jay Smith,

tivcs at the first meeting of the Jess Coleman P. T. A. Council, secretary; Mrs. \V. II. Ferguson,

1wnchsidcahy.convened at Campbell \ Vcd-

Fitzhugh Lee, treasurer. Mrs. M. L. Ruff, Campbell,

I Local units making up the conn- hospitality; Mrs. R. ~I. _l]ttcrburg,
j cil arc Fitzhugh Lee, Smyrna, Fitzhugh Lee, publications; a?d

Grcrn Acres and Campbell High. ~Irs. Jottic Brown, Campbell, pub-

Guests from Smyrna and Groen licitv.
Acres pre-school grfups and i\lr. I)uring a round-table discussion,
Lewis, principal o Green Acres, the council decided to conduct a

were welcomed by l\Irs. Parker course in parliamentary procedure

Norton, council president. 1\rs. and ci,il defense, in addition to a

Norton who was named first school of instruction for n_ew

prcsidc{1t of the organization when schools forming P. T. A. groups.

it was initiated last year:, was re- The council adjourned for lunch

named to the position for the com- in the Campbell cafeteria.

ing term.


Next meeting _will be held the

Other officers and committee last \Vednesday m November at

chairmen arc Mrs. George Miles,. Green Acres School.


in the afternoon.

And speaking of scurrying

around to get things done, h ave

you put those house numbers on

and, a mail box up at your

house? If not you may be keep-

ing Smyrna from getting mail

delivery because we understand

they will send inspectors in a





reasonable time to check. and see if these requirments have been met and if so the mail de-
livery wi!J be started at once. If not, th en we wait for the delinquents and another inspection. And don't look at me. My numbers are up and so is my mail
box, i;oodie. r'irl straining my
ears to hear that' postman's
- whistle and the tooter the sweet-

To Speak at PT A

auclitorimn. In addition to the inst.1llation of
, officers an crnluation of the past

S'.\IYRN \ - Lt. Charles II. Cam pbell of the Atlanta Ground O bscf\"Cr Corps of Ci,il Defense will he the speaker at the meeting \ londay cYcning of the Smyrna Elemen tary School Parent Teacher Association, at 7:-+5, at the school

\'car\ ,1ctivitics ;md plans for nC'\t
,-ear will be mack. \ Irs. George ~ !iles will be installed as prcsilknt; .\ lrs. Gu~
"Ir, Lackey, \'ice-president; .\ Irs. \ \'
C. \l itchcll. secretary; and \ \ ". J. Blackbur11, treasurer.

aud itorium . 1.t. Campbell will explain the


1\'0rk of air obscr,ation and the b, Pnthc l'\cws which touches on

grou nd obseffcr corps, tell ,,hat nir obscr,ation and should pro,-r

has been done and what needs of mtcrcst to c,cn ciYilian adult.

to he done in this field. and hm, The meeting is open to ;ill in

to ickntifr aircraft from the tcrcstcd pcrsom as ,Yell as to par-

ground . I le "ill sho" a film made ents of the schoors children.

Smyrna, Austell
To Get Repairs
Asked By PTA's
Snl\ ma and Austell schools \\'Crc closer to getting some repairs this week. after PTA groups in both school drafted recommendations for the County School Board.
\\ orkmcn arc alreadv at work m the Smnna school, and Austell Sch ,o} ,,as promised action as soon .1s possible .
"Our main efforts latch hayc )C 11 turned tO)I arc! building nc\\ schooh to rclic,c our o,crcro\\dccl tlassroom \\'. Paul Spraybcr,\.. count\ s 1,1101 superintendent, suid. "'Rcpam arc made to old schools on a set schedule, with the mc)~t needed comi11g fir~t. Ju ordc, , to make 011r dollars do the most, our maiMcnancc ere,, must ncccs sari]\' be small. It !ohm bikes then~ lorn;cr to get ,1round to C\U\' job that is c1llcd for.."._ _ _ _ _ _ _

Rm 1, ulton, chamnan of the \

Smnna school board, made a re-

port recently to the school PTA.

in ,, hich he said the county school

board had promised all 11cccss,m

repairs at the school as soon as feas-


Painting of the rooms in the

building formerly occupied by the

high school lias already hcgun. Lo-

cal school board members plan a

tour of the school soon to make a

list of needed repairs and improve-

ments for presentation to tne coun-

ty school board.

Enrollment at the Smnna school
now stands at L 170. the largest

grammar school enrollment in the

county. Suggestions hmc been

made for a nc,,- wing to increase

the school cap,1cit,, but critics of

this plan say the school grounds arc

too small. A new grammar school

m the Belmont Ilills area is expect-

ed to take a large amount of the

enrollment fro 111 the Sm\'m,1


'"\\'c arc doin~ C\'cn-thing possi-

hk to impro\'c tllc schools and a

fost as we know how," Spraybern

said. "Bv September we hope to .

h.l\c most of the nccessan repairs

111.1clc in all schools. Our school

children shoulcl he housed in first

tla rnnchtion by then."

ITA TO l\lEET S:\1YRNA - A panel discus s1011 of teachers on "The impor
tant role of schools in educating children for home and famih- }iy
ing will be featured at the 'Fitzhugh Lee PTA meeting Tncsd,n c1cning, at 730 in the school gym.
A special feature of entertainment will be the playing of the school band under direction of Don:tld EYcrctt.

!Reed And Shepherd
On PT A Program
SMYRNA-Attorney Raym ond Reed and Mrs. New Shepherd I will be the speakers on t he program of the Elementary School Teacher association meeting Monday evening, November 3, in the school auditorium.
Attorney Reed will speak on the proposed amendments to the state constitution to be voted on the following day, and Mrs. Shepherd will take for her
j subject. "What is best for the
child in school." Mrs. Shepherd is county supervisor of schools.

Smyrna Schools 1
Expanded, Repaired
SMYRNA, June l 5 - Seven
new rooms are being added to Campbell High School to take care of an anticipated 200 extra stu dents next .fa11, Jasper Griffin, prin cipal, announced today.
Built at a cost of $60,000, the ' new annex will be a part of the
present structure. On the south side of Smvrna,
the new Belmont Hills Sch<iol i, halfway toward completion, \\. P Sprayberry, county school snpcrin tcndcnt, said. The school was de signed to relieve the alrcady-overCr<>wdcd Smyrna grammar school.
The old elementary building 1 hcing partly remodeled to provick a new cafeteria and to furnish mon. space for an expected record wllmcnt in September.

Smyrna School

Probe Meeting

Slated Tonight.

l S::\IYRNA - A PTA-sponsored

invcstic7ation of the elementary '

school; of Smyrna ,,ill _get under-

way tonigl~t a_t a mcct~1g ~t the

school auditorium at 7:,0 o clock. I

A special imcstigating commit,;

tee ,\as appointed in accordancl:

with a resolution unaminouslv ap-

proYcd at a recent meeting of the

PTA calling for a check of the

school in regard to the safety and \

health of the children.


I ::\fTanhneincgo,mnm. Citt.eCe acsotnclsliast,s\,

of K. R. \Ir. and


:i\lrs. R. K Griffin. ::\!rs. G_corgc

Kreeger, Ra_yrnond Recd, i\lr. and

'.\!rs. LcFcllc Ruff, .\lrs. Charles

L. Littk, :\1rs. ::\lurrav Sonenberg. .

::\frs. C. 1.\. Rumsey, \layor Guye

Duncan, Hubert Colquitt, and \.

.\I. Aiken.

RcprcsentatiYcs from the ci,ic

organizations and the Chamber of

Commerce arc c'\pcctcd to attend

the open meeting.




. ..




~ ~
\ (













~ -.'-r ------- 4 ....~ - - - - n#:r./lllfJf/'W/II NEW NEGRO SCHOOL i,

. .
I ,
t I





. .......




~( -



( '



New Negro Units
Open In Smyrna
G&R Comtruction Companv, Inc., of 12 3 Bank Street in Sm);rna , announced today the opening of a new subdi,ision for Negroes in Smvrna.
Up to no11, 25,houses hayc been built, located onc mile cast of Smnna, bctwcen Spring and Ros,1-ell Streets, facing the new grammar and hi~h- schools. The houses incorporate Federal Land Planning, and h,l\"c been built under FHA.
Lots have been landscaped, streets p;ned. and houses have been 1 insulated a n cl \\'eatherstrippc<l. There is a choice of hrn and three bedroom house~ .

Business and Industry committee-

______________ ...._,




.. ',,..,. lllll'Uflllll





During the past year Smyrna has grown, as the saying is, "by leaps and bounds. 11 In addition to its phenomenal growth in population, figures for which are shown elsewhere in this volume, Smyrna and the area immediately adjoining it has witnessed the following important business developments and improvements:
New business establishments and professional- offices as listed below were opened and commenced operations during the year:
Slaughter Insurance & Realty Company John W. Balkany (Juvenile furniture rnanl,lfacturer) Georgia '.Power Company Rose's Fashion Shop F'ormby' s Garage Reynolds & Farrar (Druggists) N. E. Stewart Supermarket (Grocery) Jackson's Fruit Store Landers Service Station (Standard Oil Co. products) Anchor Service Station Belmont Superservice Station Wootton, Pressley & Bailey (Insurance agency) Belmont Insurance Company Convention Specialty Company (Printing and convention
badges, etc.) Dickson Service Station Sani-Garb Company (Patented garbage disposal installations)

During the past year Smyrna has grown, as the saying is, 11by leaps and bounds." In addition to its phenomenal growth in population, figures for which are shown elsewhere in this volume, Smyrna and the area immediately adjoining it has witnessed the following important business developments and improvements:
New business establishments and professionaJ. offices as listed below were opened and commenced operations during the year:
Slaughter Insurance & Realty Company John W. Balkany (Juvenile furniture man.facturer) Georgia Power Company Rose's Fashion Shop Formby' s Garage Reynolds & Farrar (Druggists) N. E. Stewart Supermarket (Grocery) Jackson's Fruit Store Landers Service Station (Standard Oil Co. products) Anchor Service Station Belmont Superservice Station Wootton, Pressley & Bailey (Insurance agency) Belmont Insurance Company Convention Specialty Company (Printine and convention
badges, etc.) Dickson Service Station Sani-Garb Company (Patented garbage disposal installations)

-2Howard Hardware Company T. V. Hendrix Trading Post Hanghum & Davidson Studio (Photographers) Collier Insurance Company enlarged and succeeded
by Collier-Willits Insurance & State Finance Company Padgett Specialty Furniture Manufacturing Company Stewart Insurance Company reorganized under new management Several chfilldren's nurseries
Chiropractor's office opened by Dr. Stanford Troupe Physician's office opened by Dr. Robert }fainer
New buildings were erected and extensive renovating and remodeling of many of Snzyi."!la's business establishments was accomplished during the year, the following being among those who inaugurated such new building and improvements:
Smyrna Taxi Service Smyrna Plumbing & Heating Company Smyrna Builders' Supply Company Reed Realty Company Howard Hardware Company Sam I s Cleaners N. E. Stewart Supermarket Reynolds & Farrar (Druggists) Belmont Superservice Station Anchor Service Station

-3}!anghum & Davidson Studio Landers Service Station Davis Department Store Red Dot Supermarket ,, Dickson Service Station Fowler's Beauty Salon Earl Cobb Aiken Building (Office building entirely remodeled and air-
conditioned and badly needed ten-foot sidewalk installed) Rose's Fashion Shop Horace G. Poss Building (Two business establishments under one roof) Office building at 126 Bank Street Varner' s Grill Smyrna Bakery Wait's Barber Shop Jonquil Theater (Building air-conditioned for greater comfort) Smyrna Cafe (Improvements under new management) Bradfield Building (Construction not yet complete) Padgett Specialty Furniture Manufacturing Company T. V. Hendrix Trading Post Fouts Service Station Wayne's Five & Ten Cent Store

There was organized during the year the Kiwanis Club of Smyrna, which has been quite successful in adding constantly to its membership.
The Smyrna Georgia Chamber of Commerce, Inc., has constantly and consistently cooperated with the citizens and business interests of the cormnunity in their efforts to improve local conditions, and in every way possible has given its enthusiastic support to the merchants and others, all of whom take a very keen interest in advancing living standards and increasing trade opportunities in the Smyrna area .
The Chamber, as one of its many operations, has an active Industrial Development Committee which is conducting an intensive campaign aimed at attracting additional industrial establishments to the area, with a view of increasing the number of local payrolls and providing nearby employment opportunities for young people reaching employment ages.
Another activity of the Chamber, which newcomers say they very nmch appreciate, is the sending to them, shortly after their arrival, of welcoming letters and questionnaires (copies herewith), soliciting information and suggestions as to how, in their opinions, the Chamber, the city, and the citizens 'and business people of the Smyrna area may be of greater assistance.
More and more, t oo , the Smyrna Chamber of Commerce, is being besieged with an ever increasing number of requests for information and assistance which it strives earnestly to satisfy.


. -


-. -




Population 61000


Population 80,000

- - - CHURCHES No. 6

Percentage of population church members __6_o ________ %
' ~

Denominations: ~ethodist, Baptist, Presbyterian &

of God

CLIMATE Altitude 1100 ft. Rainfall 6o "/yr. Prevailing wind _ W_:e_s__t___ _ _ _ __
July mean max. temperature _8_0~_0 January mean min. temperature ___h_..4....._____0


$3.50 to $7 .00 uer sq. ft.



hard common brick (modular) $27 .50 per M

bricklayers $~2....._25__ _ _ per hr

structural tile, scored

$90.C0 per M

carpenters $ 2. 00

per hr

#2 common dressed boards $80.00 peerr M bd.ft. electricians $ 2.6g

per hr

2500 lb.ready-mix concrete $11.SO p cu.yd. laborers

$ .90

per hr

EDUCATION Ne. white public schools._3_ _ Enroll. 2 1000 Negro l Enroll. 365 No. parochial schools Uone Enroll..____ Vocational. Y'"' ." Enroll. _ _ __

Name co 11eg e (s) & enro 11.,.,,a=-----=6-'---=-l:s.2~m~.u=..e,,,_.s__________________

Comment re accredited rating of schools, pupils per teacher, etc. _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Accredited - 32 oupils per te~cher
* ELECTRIC PO!lER Sur-plier _...;G...:e...:o~.r..C:...-i.s.a~P~01.ty~er......_C::..10"'r,..,.n,!l,..a.e._y _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ No. & voltage of transmission lines in city _2~3~00~--~-=b~1_4~4~~-- - - - - - - - - -
FIRE PROTECTION No. firemen __1_2_ __ No. paid _ _..;;;l;;.___ No. volunteers 11 Pd .

No. fire stations _l_ _ _ _ Comment re equipment _2;:a.._I~='u=Jn~n=b=r~s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Comment re city's fire insurance rating(s) ~4~7u~C~o~m~-e=:~Re='5~:-__________ Source: fire underwriter

FUELS Delivered cost, run-of-mine coal, from Tennessee fields$ _9~.00~---- per ton

Source: railroad, cofil dealer

Alabama " $ 9.00

per ton

Kentucky " $ 9,OO

per ton

* Natural gas supplier Atlanta Gas Light Co. Size local pipeline(s) _10.,.__ inches

Comment re fuel oil sources-rates, butane, propane _______________

Fuel Oil 13 - Dutaine 17

GOVERNMENT Comment re type, etc. City & County govt. i;...1yor and council

County Com.~issioner

HEALTH No. hospitals " arietta No. hospital beds ....,.l.5c..:O,._____ No. doctors __4________



Comment re public health services __C~o~u~n~ t y " ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

HOUSING ' Dwelling units-City 1800 County _ _ __ In public housing projects 16 units

Comment re avc1 i la bili ty _ _ _ _ _.J.All,d;..,x..:.:C!"...lJ:t:w.e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

- OVER -


CITY m.rnmA

Population 6, 000


Population 80,000


--.- - - - - - - - - Percentage of population church members 6o


Denominations: 'ethodist, Baptist , Presbyterian & Cf(~ ofUod

CLIMATE Altitude 1100 ft. Rainfall 6o "/yr. Prevailing wind .....;W.;.e;:;.;s;:;.~ t - - - - - July mean max. temperature _8;;..0___0 January mean min. temperature _alaili=-_ _ _ _ _0

CONSTRUCTICN CCSTS Comment: --~e~3~~5~0_t~o::-..:z$~7~~00~~~e~r:......-=s~q.;:;.~f~t~~~-----~~ ~ - - - - - -

hard common brick (modular) $27

per M

HOURLY RATES FOR: bricklayers $~2_._2.._5_ _ _ per hr

structural tile, scored #2 common dressed boards

$90.CO per M

carpenters $ 2 . 00

$80.00 per M bd. ft. electricians $ 2.65

per hr per hr

2500 lb.ready-mix concrete $11.SO per cu.yd. laborers

$ .90

per hr

- - - EDUCATION Ne. white public schools, 3

Enroll. 2 1 000 Negro 1 Enroll. 365

No. parochial schools None Enroll.____ Vocational __y_.~~-,~~- - Enroll. _ _ __


Name college ( s) & enro 11. A~.t::lt~. a.:an~t~:a:....;

Comment re accredited rating of schools, pupils per teacher, etc. _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Accredited - 32 nupils per teacher
* ELECTRIC PONE R Sur;plier _...iG-.seoi.lo,l,l,r""'r;""i.5tlaP~Jtl.o:;::._:-e:..r .._;C~'o"--o...n.~awn.y,i::._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

No. & voltag e of transmission lines in city_2~3~00~_-_1~h~1~44~~~ - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - FIRE PROTECTION No. firemen 12

No. paid _ _1_ __ No. volunteers 11 Pd ,

- - - - - No. fire stations 1

Comment re equipment -~2~1~:'UI!l=n~b~r~s'-----------

Comment re city's fire insurance rating(s) ~4~Zui:....:C~o~m~:...L::::_.:_:Rc~:-s = . . - - - - - - - - - - Source: fire underwriter

FUELS Delivered cost, run-of-mine coal, from Tennessee fields$ _9~.o_o ____ per ton

Source: railroad, cofil dealer


" $ 9,00

per ton

Kentucky " $ 9.00

per ton

* Natural gas supplier Atlanta Gas Light Co . Size local pipeline(s) _10,..__ inches

Comment re fuel oil sources-rates, butane, propane _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Ii'uel Oil 1) - Ilutaine 17

GOVERNMENT Comment re type, etc . City & County govt.- 1.cayor and council

County Commissioner

HEALTH No. hospitals -arietta No. hospital beds....,l=-~'"'O,._____ No. doctors _...;4;;>_____



Comment re public health services -~C~o~u~n~t~y___________________

HOUSING. Dwelling uni ts-City 1800 County _ _ __ In public housing projects 16 units
Comment re availability - - - - - ~A~d~e~g~u~~~t~e__________________

- OVER -

INDUSTRY No. existing plants _ _3_ _ No. male employees 120

No. women 225

List leading industries according to size -~K~'1~t~c~h=e~n:....C.;.;:h.::a:::i=r-~&~R~e~s~t~a~u=ran_t~ E_g~~_i~om~c-:n--t----:--










Source: GSES

Supervisury &








Avg. high school grads per year White boys --2Q_ Girls _12.... Col. boys _ _Girls__

Comment re labor supply _ _ _ _A_d_e_qu;..n;.;.t;;.e;;~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Industrial workers in unions: ( )non (X)small proportion ( )about half ( )majority

NATURAL RESOURCES Commenf re nearby raw materials _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


County police _ 1_5__ __

RECREATION No. parks _l_ Playgrounds __1_ Golt course(s) _ _ _ Swimming pools_

RETAILING No. stores __l... Service establishments 10 Annual Retail Sales$ 10 ~ 111on

SEWERAGE ( )Storm Sewers ( X)Sani tary Sewers ( X)Disposal Plant ( )Discharged Raw

*TAXES % of 1952 value assessed on industrial property by local appraisors JO to 35 %

Total City tax rate 1949: $ 12

1950: $ 11 19:>l: $ 10 1952 : $ Jo m:D J s

Total County" " 1949: $ h.90 1950: $ h.20 1951: $ 5,10 1952: $ 5.13 oer JOO

TRANSPORTATION Airlines ____A_t~ln_n~t~a_________ Total flights daily __J~9~6,.___

City & Suburban bus company( s) ----=Y~e:..::s:....._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

No. &.route# of state-federal highways ....:U.::.S!::::..:...h_l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Name motor freight lines ----"'""'-----------------------
Name railroads _ _ _ _ _ _ _._.:l:W.:::....&:=....:S::;~t ~.~I",-..;-;;;....,L!,I:...:e.;.f...11.1i.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

No. freight trains daily 22 ___;=.._ _ __ No. passenger trains daily 6 no st.or~

WAGE RATES List representative rates in major occupations as paid by local plants:

Job _ _ _ _ _ $



hr. Job


hr. Job



hr. Job------ $---hr. Job-----$---- hr.

Wage ranges: laborers $--..!.2_(lo $ ~ r . semi-skilled $..L.1Q to $..Llli;hr. skilled 1..l..&.20 to

$ 2,7mr.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- Comment re incentives, other wage practices


Raw water Filtered


r-n. i-l1-i

-on_ _ _ _


gal/day Temperature _ _,.____0
gal/day Temperature 6n

Describe existing well(s) depth, flow, temp., & underground supply conditions ____

* Statewide rates in file.




The Chamber's latest list of newcomers shows that during the thirty day period from

August 16 to September 15, 1953, a total of approximately 102 families moved into

"':he Srrryrna area and settled t-Jithin the city limits, and that during the same period

23 fa.mi.lies moved into the Smyrna area just beyond the city limits. In other .words,

a total of approximately 125 new families came to make their homes with us during

tr.a ~hirty day period mentioned. That mec.ns that Smyrna I s popuJ.ation to-day is ap-
pr0x:i..mately 450 greater than it was a month ago, figured on the basis of the nation-

~1 average of 3.6 perJons to a family. Corresponding figures for the past twelve

;-,10nths have been as f ollows:

Numbers of newcomers to Smyrna and the Smyrna area:

October 1952 Fovember 1952 December 1952 January 1953

Inside city limits
216 295 180

Beyond city limits
36 25

Monthly totals
274 331 205 263

February 1953




March 1953




April 1953




May 19.53




June 1953




July 1953




August 1953




September 1953



Population increase 2,60)


450 3,477

during past twelve


Growth from October

1, 1951, to Sep-

tember, 1952, (on

basis of incom-

plete figures)




Smyrna's population

(1950 census)

Curr8nt totals (on

basis of incom-

plete figures )

6: 041



NCTE: No figure$ are showing population growth from the time of taking the

JS.50 c 811s11s to Septambe:r 30, 1951. Figures for Hay, 1952, are not available due to,ru ~t,:i 0n of records by fir3 in the Earietta Courthouse. Figures shown for the

ve1:.:..C'd :f.'r):'.11 Octob,::r l., 1951, to January Jl, 1952, are probably below actual totals,

a~ a co~pletely adequate system for acquiring the information was not in effect at



\ I

List Of Newc~.,:.~n

Singleton, 132 Sanford Rd.; Rob- er-t H. Springer, 491 Manor Dr.;

Locating Recently

(R. B. Swinks, 483 Bank St.; Jos\ eph Tulkoff, 609 San Fernando

I In Smyrna Area

Pl.; Horace Underhill, 539 Beverly Hills Dr.; Mary L. Wheeler, 481

1ihe following list of newcomers I wlho recently have located within .

Rfd]ge kms,

Crest Dr.; Mrs.. G. ~- Wil619 Glendale Circle, Frank


I! the





. 1s







Cherokee t f



ished in cooperation with M

The folowmg l!s o newcomers

I . . .

r. who have located outside the

Howard/ McCollum of the City Smyrna city . limits is furnished

Wa,ter Works Department:

through .the cooperation of Messrs.

P.i.ul Aaron, Roswell St., Rt 2; Jack Davis and R. G. Lewis, Sr., Joseph N. Allen, 574 Burbank and Miss Norma G. Morris, of the Circle; E. I. Bacon, 470 Bank St.; Cobb County Water Works Sys-

J. A. Barnes, 527 Manor Dr.; H. tern. E. Barrett, 522 Ridge Csest Dr.; Mrs. Rob't T. Bennett, Gen Del, Ople Barron, 554 Beverly Hills Smyrna; C. B. Broyles, Main St., Dr.; W. W. Beal, 573 Burbank Rt. 3; Chas. A. Cables, Burt AdOircOe; Virigil L. Bennett, 631 Bev- ams Rd., Vinings; J. T. Driggors, , erly .Hi11ls Drive; Hancey V. Blair, , Anderson Dr., Rt. 1; H. G. Elrod,

Jr., 532 Valley Dr.; A, V. Bolton,] Atlanta Rd., Rt. 3; J. E. Hill, Moz-

123 Sanford Rd.; G. F. Bostick, ley Dr., Rt. 3; Raymond Isley,

491 Valley Dr.

Oakdale Court, Rt. 1; D. N. Med-

Maoon Brannon, 509 Pine Hurst, lin, Main St., Rt. l; Drive; M. J. Clary, 723 San Fern- R. D. Moore, Harold Ave., Rt. ando Dr.; A. V. Cochran, 149 Fos- ' 3; C. E. M:Orris, Oll!kda~e Court, 1 ter St.; Sam'l F. Cochran, 522 Val- Rt. 1; L. M. Payne, S. Atlanta Rd., ley Dr.; D. S. Coffey, 577 Glen- Rt 1; James Reed, Pierce Av~., ' dale Circle; J. 0. Conn, 283 Walk- PO Box 536; C. C. Reeves, Davis er St.; Capt; L. F. Cronemiiller, Dr., Gen Del; L. W. Roper, Log 675 San Fernando Rd.; N. A. Cabin Dr., Rt. l; Wil'l Waters,
Crunk, 513 Ridge Crest Dr.; H. R. Cooper Lake Dr., Rt. 2; Robert Daugherty, 557 Cherokee Rd.; R. Wilbur, Ale~ander St., Rt. 3.

H. Dobb~ 476 Bank St.; E. N. Donald, 328 Ridge Crest Rd.; John J. Edwards, 286 Spring St.; George H. Fullerton, 612 Beverly Hills Dr.; Mrs. G. K. Gersham, 287 Hickory Hill Dr.; Wm. A. Hall, 368 Ridge Crest Rd.; W. D. HathcO'ck, 329 Dunn~ St.; C. W. Hendrix, 135 Sanford /Rd.; G. W. HiJ)ps, 482 Bank St.; G. W. Johnson,. 483 Manor Dr.; John Lanier, 684 San Fernand.o Dr.; Mrs. Myrtle Littlejohn, 135 Quarles Ave.;

Frank McDaniel, 353 Powder Springs St.; Hugh iL. McDaniel!, 105 Jonquil Subdivision, Rt. 2; T. L. McPherson, 624 San Fernando Pl.; W. G. Milam, 459 Cherokee Rd.; C. I. Miller, 529 Glendale Cirole; Allen C. Moody, 103 Jonquil Subdivision, Rt. 2; Mrs. Bessie Moore, 639 Beverly Hills Dr.; J. Moran, 514 Valley Dr.;

Mrs. Mary Murdock, 118 Walker Court; Fred Nelson, 504 Valley Dr.; Mrs. W. H. Owens, Jr., 503 Roswell St.; B. R. Palmer, 274 Concord Rd,; Joe Pierce, 503 Glencfale Circle; R. H. Pinson, 477 Bank St.; W. L. Posey, 171 Hawthorne; John A. Price, 581 McLindin Ave.; T. 0. Prickett, 319 01urch St.; L. D. Reid, 141 Sanford Rd.; Ronald Roberts, 225 Marston St.; H. F. Simmons, 120 Sanford Rd.; H. J .

More Newcomers Are
Re ported For '6myrna
The following list of newcomers who have recently located within the city limits of Smyrna is furnished through the co-operation of Mr. Howard P. McCollum of the City Water Works Department:
J. G. Alexander Jr., L. Aultman, Adair Austin, W. D. Avera, Gilber~ C. Ball, Billy H. Barrett, Donald J. Baynes, Robert E. Bissinnar, Dave Brautigan, J. H. Brock, W. L. Brogdon, Dougie F. Brown, W. B.
ICharter, Robert L. Coffey. J. S. Cooper, W. P. Earnest, Jack
I E. Edwards, Donald Effrain, C. M.
Elrod, G. F. Faulkner, David E. Freeborn, J. A. Gibson, Robt. M. Graves, Kimmy Guthrie, Claude A. Hawk.
Lawrence Hoadley, A. w. Holland,
Paul Holsen, H. E. Hopson, L. H. Hyde, Geo. W. Johnson, Robt. M. Johnson, M. L. Jones, Herbert E. Jost, James B. Lewis, J. F. Mintz, Clarence W. Morgan, I. E. Morrison, L. E. Moss. J. Theodora O'Neal,
L. F. Palmer, W. H. Ravan, Oocha
Sanders, Arthur Scoggins, Sunset Valley Ranch, Geo. H. Taylo~ R. E. Taylor, Melvin Thurmon, Clifford Tucker, W. A. Wagenbreth, L. M. Whittington, Grady W. Wilson, George E. Wooster.
Joseph Anderson, B. R. Bailey, Fred E. Barrett, Charles . E. Carden, 0. T. hambers, A. H."Coleman C. 0. Connor, V. H. Cook, Jr. Mrs. Dorothy English, Albert C. Hon-
son. R. J. Howard, Edward G. Hud-
son, D. R. Jackson, C. W. Lovett,
James D..lVJ;arler, Wilbur Monroe,
W. H. Norsworthy, H. K. Pharr, w. H. Sosebee, Dewey L. White.

73 New Families ~ove Into Smyrna

Population of the Jonquil City

continues to increase with new-

comers daily moving into ne~ homes in the recently developed


1, Maker, Frank J, 556 Ven-

tura Place; 2, Barnwell, J. C., Cor Twin Oaks and Lee Sts; 3, Beard, W. T., 659 Cherokee

Road; 4, Bigham, W. B., 216 Bank St.; 5, Bryant, Charles, 565 Ventura Place; 6, Buckhana, J. M., Ppwder Springs St.; 7, Byrd, Ernest 590 Burbank Circle So.;
I 8, C;stle, Floyd, 528 Manor Drive;
9, Childs, J. B., 110 Jonquil Dr.,
Rt. 2; 10, Christianson, Eugene L ., 730 Kennesaw Way; 11, Coker, W. C., Mrs., 498 Manor Drive; 12,

Collins William E., 315 Roswell St.; 13'. Edwards, Verniece, Mrs.

543 Cherokee Road; 14, Eminger,
L . ' w., 563. Burbank circle So,;

15, Floyd, K. M., 472 Pinehurst .

Drive; 16, Goodwin, R. S., Mrs., 323 Roswell St.; 17, Huggins, J. D., 501 Pinehurst Drive; 18, Keck, Imogene, 309 Hickory Hill Drive; 19, McDowell, Earl, 574 Beverly Hills Dr.; 20, McGee, Hollen, 144

Sharon Circle.

21, Mills, Hampton M., 515 Ven-

tura Place; 22, Poer, Clyde, 631 Beverly Hills Drive; 23, Preslar, H. D., 554 Glendale Circle; 24,

Price, J. T., Lee St.; 25, Quinlan,

.John, :;46 Burban~ Circle South;

26, Seaver, W. L., 563 Beverly Hills Drive; 27, Skelton, C. T.,

177 Sanford Road; 28, S~th,

Avery, 565 Cherokee Road; 29,

Smith, A. W., Rt. 2, Smyrna Drive; 30, Smith, Clifford, 480

Pinedale Drive; 31, Smith, Cort-

.land V., 540 V~ntura Road; 32, Snider, R. H., 481 Cherokee Road;

33, Statham, Gilbert, 669 Cherokee Rd; 34, Thacker, J. C., 482

Pinehurst Drive; 35, Thompson, C. W., 542 Pasadena Place; 36,

Tipton, R. L., 331 Bank St.; 37, Waldrup, J. K., 642 Cherokee

Road 38, Westerhold, Charles, 561 Ventura Place; 39, Whitehair, D. Q., 617 Beverly Hills Dr.; 40,

Whittington, L. M., 558 Burbank Cir., So.; '4;1, Williamson, Fred L.,

604 Ventura Road. The following list of newcom-

ers is furnished through the cooperation of Messrs. Jack Davis,

R. G. Lewis, Sr., and Miss Nor-

ma G. Morris, of the Cobb Coun-

I ty Water Works office:


1> Adams, G. F., c-o Bill Ad~

ams, Smyrna; 2, Akins, H. E., '

Pierce Av., Rt. 3; 3, Banta, Perry I

M, 210 Harold Av., Rt. 3; 4, t.

Burns, Edward A., Peachtree ,

Cir., Rt. 2; 5, Carpenter, Jas. G., Elizal;>eth Av. Rt. 3; 6, Carter, J. C., Mrs., Atlanta Rd., Smyrna; 7, Crisp, James W ., 702 Austell Rd., Marietta; 8, Dickerson, H. W., Oakdale Court, Rt. l; 9, Garner,

Hugh, Hawthorne Av., Rt. 2; 10, Gordon, M. J., Jane Lyle Rd., Rt. l; 11, Greene, Rob't F, Taylor

Dr., Rt. 3; 12, Holbrook, R. 0.,

Beech Haven Trail Rt. 2; 13, Hubner, Frank R., Oakdale Rd., Rt.

16; 1; 15, McCollum, Flora, Mrs., Gen

Del., Smyrna;


Fred E., Mell Court, Rt. 3.

I 17 McNeal, W. C., 212 Gober!
Av., RL 3; 18, Moore, George H.,

Gen. Del., Smyrna; 19, Mulkey,

G. T., C~r Lake Rd., Rt. 2; 20, Nix, H. M., Westwood Rd., Rt. 2; 21, Reed, Jas. A., Gober Av.,

PO Box 536; 22, Richards, C. H., I Gen. Del., Smyrna; 23, Roper,

Clyde, Roswell Rd., Rt. 2; 24, Seay, W. A:, Eubanks Rd., Rt. l;

25, Shirley, N. R., Mozley Drive, Rt. 3; 26 Sosebee, Ralph, Gen.

Del., Smyrna; 27, SmJth, R. D.,.

Atlanta Rd., Rt. 1; 28, Terry, J.
I 0., Davis Rd., PO Box 164 29
Underwood, C. L., Rt. 3; 30, 'vin: ' cent, Minnio, Mrs., Harold Av.,

Rt. 3; 31, White, G. R .. Sr., Rt. 1,

Smyrna; 32, Winkleman, F. K.,

Wells Drive, Rt. 3.


New Service Station, Photo Studio

Will Open In Smyrna This Week-End

Mangum and Davidson


Anchor Service Station

The Mangum and Davidson Stu- J. C. Wine, 546 Dell Ava., Smy-

dios will receive the public for the rna, is the owner of the new An-

I first time Saturday morning with chor Service Station located in the
a special price offer on their triangle of Atlanta Street and quality portraits. The owners are Concord Road in Smyrna. Ralph

F. L. Mangum and John Davidson, Martin, 431 Pinetree Dr., is the

both professional photc,graphers manager.

of several year3 experience.

The station has been open for

The business will for the pres- business since last Friday, but the ent be open only on Saturdays official grand opening will be this

from 9 a. m. to 6 P, m, and Mon- Friday and Saturday. The station
day evenings from 6 p. m. to 10 is one of six Anchor stations in p, m, They will accept appoint- the Atlanta area. ments for both commercial and A special contest offering $100
studio photography at any time, in cash, 50 gallons of gasoline, and


25 gallons of gasoline is a feature

Not a "coupon''. studio, Mang1;1m of the opening. The station is al-

,,nd ID~vidson will offer qu.allty so reducing the price of its i:aso-

work m all photograp?! field_s. , line to 23 and nine-tenths cen.ts

They are already off1C1al pho- per gallon (regular) and 25 and

tographers for the S~yrna H;er- nine-tenths cents per gallon (pre-

ald, the Smyrna Amer~can Legion, mimum) for the opening.

Roswell Street Baptist Church, Their normal business will fea-
nd a surety insurance company. ture a 3 per gallon saving on Mangum, who resides with his i:as. wife and son, William, 10, at 190 .:rnford Road, Smyrna have prev-

iously managed and operated stu- j diso in Little Roc-k, Ark., Jackson, Miss., Memphis, Tenn., and Dallas and Marietta, Ga. He is a graduate of the Woodward School of Photography.
Davidson graduated from the U. S. Navy School of Photography, specializing in aerial pho_tos, and has been previously associated with Minor Studios in East Point The Studio of Van Buren

Coley' in Atlanta, and is at present

an industrial photographer for

Lockheed Aircraft Corp.

He lives at 668 Wooddale Dr., Smyrna, with his wife and children, Dale 3, and Toni, 8 months.
Davidson holds two coveted certificates of merit from the National Photographic Association, having had two photographs hung in the national salon of that group, the largest in America. Mangum holds one certificate of merit for the same accomplishment.


..',. . ..< \

A s
, / ,I



' -

I .

PI CTURED ABOVE ARE Mr. F. L. Mangum and l\lr John Davidson who last week opened the new Mangum ~nd Davidson studio in Smyrna. The new photo studio is open each Saturday from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. and each Monday evening from ,7 p. m. t-o 10 p. m.

Howard Hardware [

To Open February 13 I Announcement is ma,de today

of the opening of, Howafd's Hard-

ware store on Friday, February 13


new street.

store is located on Owned and operated

by George Howard who has had

many years experience in the busi-

ness, the store will feature a complete line of plumbing supplies,

Pittsburgh paints, fishing equipment and nationally advertised

hardware items.

Associated in business with Mr.

IHoward will be his wiife and brother, Paul Howard.

--==========~- -.::::================~--- -

______ .




--=-- - -

New Store ls Host At Open House

To Receive Residents Of Smyrna


Sl\lYRNA - Lo ca I residents makers. turned out in large numbers l\1on- It is at the new store that rcsi

day afternoon for the open house dents of the Smnna area win be

at which the Ccorgia Po\\Tf Com- able to buy any 11ccdcd appliances,

pany was. host at the opening of sign for meter scnicc as wen as

their new store on North Atlanta have their appliancp scrYiccd or


repaired and to pay their light bills.

Door prizes for adults and chil- All company business for the area

dren, ]O\cly floral arrangemt\)ts win be conducted from this store

sent by Smyrna merchants and according to J. B. Browder, At-

\,ell-wishers, and refreshments of lanta clivisipn sales supcrYisor, who

' punch and cookies scned by their was also present for the opening.

' two home economists, l\Iargic Through the store \\in also he

Steel and Barbara Terrell made of handled the usual free engineering

' the occasion a real party.

service for commercial and indus

Rccci\ing Jor the company \Ycrc trial lighting or industrial power

the local staff, H. E. Johnson, engineering.

manager, l\<Iary l\foon, and sales- Other area ofifeials present for man, Tom ]\ lason, who saw that the occasion were George I I. Brod-

all comers registered for the big nax, vice president and Atlanta di-

prize to be drawn for in the CYCn Yision manager, II. G. l\1oorc, ope-

ing. An were shown OYcr the at- rating manager, Atlanta division,

tractive new quarters finished in and S. L. l\IcKinncy, division audi-

soft green wans and beige tile tor.

flooring, and gin:n ri1c chance to Toy Recd won the .top prize;, a

sec the newest appliances and gad- ]\fix ~faster, ~lrs. James B. Rhodes
gets dear to the hearts of an home, the coffee maker, ~!rs. Edward

Fridell an alarm clock, while hrn

,v kitchen clocks were a\\,mlecl to Cc

cilc Akins and C


. r
Smyrna Builder's Supply Will Greet Public In New Building Satut~day

Finishing touches are being giv- and display racks are nile green. ]

en Smyrna Builder's Supply new In addition to the spacious sales

building on Spring Street prior to

room, there are two business offices, a store room and a bath-

an Open House to be held Satur- room.

day afternoon to which the pub- The officers are ceiled with

lic has been invited.

Wel-tex and also feature the uni-

Partners in the business, Ed versal Window units, but a differ-

Herren and Travis Sanders, citizens of Sm~rna and County to visit them and see

want Cobb what

ent type from the front Heating is ;provid ed by units.

windows. wall gas

a varied supply of builder's materials are available at their con-

Visitors to Smyrna Builder's Supply Company on Saturday will


be given an oportunity to see what
a beautiful structure has been I

The new structure is built adja- built of the same materials the

cent to the building formerly oc- firm sells.

cupied by the company when it

first opened for business in the

Jonquil City approximately two

years ago.

It's attractive exterior is constructed of California redwood, with the doorway faced with Gaelic stone. Circular steps lead to the entrance. Windows are modern Universal Weatherseal Panel window units.

Color scheme of the interior of the building is gray and nile green with the front wall of the sales :::-oom ppaered with an eyeappealing wallpaper featuring green leaves on a background of !:/rick-red interspersed with gray.

Counters are of natural wood

-----~ f

1New Fashion Shop

Opens On.Fridav.,

Announcement is made today of the opening Friday of Rose's !
Fashion Shop located at 103 Atlanta Street, Smyrna.

The business is owned anct operated by Mrs. Rose Schreibman.

A complete line of fashionable
Iwomen's coats, dresses and snts will be carried at the new fashion shop as well as accessories, Jingene and costume jewelry.

Ladies' skirts, blouses and sport , wear will be featured as well as children's coats and dresses.

The shop will be strictly for the !

girls, Mrs. Schreibman said.

At one time having been em- ' ployed in a specialty shop in New York, and: having also been affiliated with Franklin Simon's, Mrs. Schreibman is adept at selecting fashionable wearing apparel. She comes to the Jonquil City following eight years affiliation with Peskin and Company in Winder.

Special values have been offered for opening day of the fashion shop and refreshments will be served everyone who visits the store.
The business is home-owned and operated!, Mrs. Schreibman pointed out as she and her hus-
band live on Sharon Circle in ~myrna. Mr. Schreibman (Louis) 1s employed at Lockheed.



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Dr. Robert Mainor
Opens Office Today
S~lYRNA-Dr. Robert l\Iainor
orcncd an office for the practice o medicine here today at 1-+5 \ \r'cst Spring Street, in the Aiken
j Building, which has been com-
pletely remodeled to his need. Dr. l\Iainor was releasd from ac-
tiYe duty with the Army in July having been on surgical scr\'icc with the U. S. Army Hospital at Ft. Benning, Ga., at that time. He sencd in the infantry in the European Theater in \Vorld \ Var II, . haYing been twice wounded in action.
He is a native of l\lacon, where he was graduated from Lanier High School, and spent t\\o years at Georgia Tech studying electrical engineering. He received his Bachler of Science degree at the Uni1'-crsity of Georgia and his Doctor of J\Icdicinc at the l\Icdical College of Gforgia, at Augusta, in 1951.
He interned at l\Iadigan General Hospital, Tacoma, \Vash., while m Army duty.

l--... lI _.


- -- - - - - -
Aiken Will Remodel Office Building Here
Improvements totaling $6,000 are in the offing on a buildin.g owned 'by M. A. Aiken, local real. tor, on Spring Street.
Aiken staited today rtha,t .plans call f.or a brick front for the building and complete interior and exterior modernization. Air
fconditioning will also be featured,
he said. ll'he buildinig is already occu-
pied by Aiken, Otis and Company and ia Cor,p of Electrical Engineers. Office space is availa,ble for two additionaI tenants, Aiken said.
R. R. Manning Plumbing Company, wtho have occupied part of the building, is moving to 224 A'tlanta Street, he added.

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~"::L,f.- i .-- ,,.P'

Smyrna grows so fast it_ is d_if-
ficult to keep up, bt(t t~1erc 1s a 1?_1lc of red brick and bu1lch(1g mate~1,1ls being assembled opp<?s1tc _the I o_st Office on \Vest Spnng Street, i'n which' I am quite interested. Hor-
ace Poss is just about to put u? a building there and we have heard that a prominent Atlanta rcst~ur~mtcur has his eye on _the bu1ldrng with designs on puttmg a branch of his place out here. No contract with anyone yet, says ;\lr. Poss,
but he docs not deny the rumor.


1fldeome ta tJwe

Goodyear Tires, Batteries and Accessories I I FREE GIFTS FOR EVERYONE
Corsages for the Ladies ! Bubble Gum, Lollypops, Balloons and Banks for the Kiddies-!
Cokes and Refreshments for Everyone !


Drawing Saturday, October 24th - 3:00 P. M.

Come by and Register Any Time for These Prizes


1-Set (4) Goodyear Passenger-Car Tires 1-G. E. Automatic Toaster

1-G. E. Clock Radio 1-G. E. Electric Steam Iron

1-G. E. Mixer

5-Free Wash Jobs

1-Arvin Electric Coffee Maker

5-Free Lubrication Jobs

Complete O~e-Stop Service


FRED ROBERTS, Owner Corner N. Atlanta and Cherokee Roads - Smyrna

Phone 5-9173

Chiropractor To Open
New Office In Smyrna
Dr. Stanford Troup, chiroprac~ or, of Fitzgerald, will open an office in Smyrna as soon as renovations can be made to the building he will occupy.
Dr. Troup has leased the building on Atlanta street formerly occupied by Southern Bell Telephone company.
He attended Davenport college in Iowa and is a veteran of WWII, having served four years in the European theatre.
He is married and will move to Smyrna as soon as he finds a residence.

) New Specialty S1,op

Opened. In SmyrnQ

R. L:'' c'i1eek, of Smytna, . an-

nounces the op'ening of a printing
and specialty shop this week. ]

The business,is located on Main

I street, one block east of the rail-
Iroad and may be arriv:~4~ ..\l.t by
I driving do,.yn,,the 0 old 41.:.highway
: to. Mozley stop and turning to ~he

! east.


, Mr. . Cheek will carry a co~

; plete line of novelties for con-

ventions, club meetings, anij


fCollier Ins. Agency
~erges With Willetts
The merger of the Collier Insur~nce Agency and the Willits' In,surance Agency, of Marietta, to form the Collier-Willits Insurance Company, was announced today.
The two companie,s have served their respective communities for
Iover two years. "More efficient
service was given as the reason for the merger.
The State Finance Company has announced the establishment of a branch office at 126 Bank Street, Smyrna.

r 1 New Service Station I Opened By Landers

An announcement is ma'de today

of the opening of Landers Service

Station on Atlanta Street at the

location recently vacated by Smyr- !

na Motor Company.


The station will continue to fe::t-

ture Standard products, tires, \

tubes and accessories. 1


E. C. Landers, owner, has been

operating a service station on the

highway above <Marietta until he

took over the local station several

weeks ago. He has been living in

Smy-;na for over 20 years.

:! Mrs. Slaughter Opens Insurance Agency

Announcement is made today of the opneing of the Slaughter nI-

surance Agency at 132 N. Atl~ta

Street in the building with Smyr-

na Refrigeration Company.

The agency will be operated by

Mrs. Caroline U. Slaughte-; who

has been associated with the Stew-

art Insurance Agency for the past

seven years.

MTS. Slaughter will handle all

type.s of insurance at the new

agency including life, casualty,

auwmobile, bonds, etc. Having

had over 15 years service in the

insurance field, she is well qual-

ified to advise customers on the

type insurance they need.

Formal openingof the agency is

1slated _foT No~~mber l.


._______. _


New Industry Sta rted
This Week In Smyrna
Smyrna's newest industry gets underway this week with the production in the Jonquil City of Sani-Garb concrete refuse bins by a company headed by Mrs. Ruth Carter Vannerman, president; Mrs. Earle Carter Smith, ex- ecutive vice president and John Bradfield, secretary-treasurer and general mana<ger.
The new business will be housed in a three story building now under construction- on a , lot adjoining Bradfield Elct'ric Company on Atlanta Street.
Production of the new SaniGarb refuse bins is underway, Mrs. Vanneman said today. They are the finest automatic above ground garbage and refuse bins made, she said. They have been praised as the finest scientific achievement in sanitation enginee~ing.
The 500 pound steel re-iniorced concrete receptacles automatically assure freedom from odors (due to the exclusive "thermio Action control), insect pests, animals etc.
There are no springs, pulleys, ropes or wei!gh ts to become rusty or out of order for Sani~arbs are really automatic. When the door to
Ione is opened, out comes the rug-
ged, heavy gauge 20"'.a gallon container with tight-fitting lid, waist high for the convenience of the user. When the door is released, the Sani-Gary closes - automatically, and stays closed, thanks to Sani-Garb's exclusive locking de/ vice.
I Health Departments of many communities have recommended the Sani-Garb as a definite means of combatting polio.
Sani-Garbs may be secured in single or multiple units.

Hew Smyrna .Plant Makes Baby Guard

Last year, after his kids 'were c,adly- burned iJy- a: floor furnace, John W. Balkany, of 499 McLinden Avenue in Smyrna, set out to remedy. the situation.. He ha<;l heard from others whose kids were badly 'scarred.
Balkany, a graduate engineer, designed a floor furnace guard, and recently left Lockheed to start manufacturing the product, along with baby gates. At present he employes three men in a small Smyrna factory building. H~ plans-Ito increase operations and move to a bigger build- , ing soon. At that tlm~ he will . also make cribs, play pens, and training chairs.

I Paul Brown and Wister Sharp
announce the formal opening of ' Belmont Realty and Insurance
Company in Smyrna. The firm

will handle listings of homes,

farms, lots apd apartments in ;

any location in Cobb County. ,



New Insurance Firm
Is Opened In Smyrna
Announcement is made this week of the opening of Wootton, Pressley & Bailey Insurance i:_ompany at offices ~.ocated at 161 North Atlanta Street in Smyrna.
James Pressley, ,Marietta High School football coach, James Bailey, Marietta High School guidance director, .and , Mrs. Jane McEnty:re are membe!s of the firm.
Mrs. McIntyre is a graduate of Wesleyan College, Macon, and moved to Smyrna several months ago following her marriage to Mr.
Y: McIntyre. She is the daughter of
J. Wootton, Smyrna realator.
Pressley has served as instructor of men's physical education and head football coach at Marietta since his return from the armed forces in 1946. He is also a lieiJ.tenant colonel in the National Guard Specialists corps, assigned to selective service.
Bailey moved to Marietta in 1951 to take on the teaching post at Marietta High. Both will retain : their school affiliations.


\ Be;mont ;nsur~nce Co.r Opened By Mr. Sharp

Announcement is made today of

the opening of Belmont Realty and

Insurance Company located on

Cherokee :Road in the Belmont

Hills subdivision. An office will
also be }ocated in the Terminal I

Building wtih the Lockheed

Heigh'ts Inc. office.


Mr. Wister Shar,p, who was for-

merly affiliated with Sharp-Boyl- ,

ston Company in Atlanta for 20

years will have charge of the new


Insurance of all kinds will be


In addi.tion a real estate busi- ,

ness will be ca-;ried on with

homes, acreage, lo'ts, farms and

rental property featured.

Listing on houses for ,sale and ,

businesses are wanted by(the new .

company Mr. Sha-;p said,,





Smyrnans and Cobb Countians

tod:iy invited to visit Sam's

Cleaners located on Atlanta street

in Smyrna and see the modern

cleaning facilities now available

at the plant.


The new owners, Mr. and Mrs.

Bill Pitts, of Clinton, S. C. have

had the business completely re-

modeled and redecorated. !'{ew counters have been install-

ed and modern lighting fixtures

I add an attractive note to the in-

terior. Already equipped to do "every

day" cleaning in a superior man-

ner Sam's Cleaners can also do a

ne~-look job on raincoats and

rainwear. Operating on a cash and carry

basis the customer can save almost

20 p~r cent on cleaning left with

Sam's Cleaners. One Day service is available

cleaning back in a hurry.


for customers who need their

cleaning back in a hurry. "Press-

ing-while-you-wait" is another

onvenient service available at

S a m '~s: __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<"



MT. ZION BAPTIST CHURCH, Church Members 75, Sunday School

Enrolment 50. Cost of new church $5,000.00. Pastor, Rev. Wallace

Davenport. Rev. Davenport has been pastor of this church continuously

for fifty years. This is the second church that he has built and

pastored in this community - known as "Davenport Town."

METHODIST KING'S CHAPELt Church Members 25, Sunday School

Enrolment 25. Pastor, Rev. 1. c. Curtis, Blairsville, Ga. Chairman

of the Board of Stewards, Mrs. Hattie King. The church has added a rest

room to the church at a cost of $600.00, a fan costing $25.00, and the

interior of the building has been redecorated this year. PARENT-TEACHER ORGANIZATION, The P.T.A. in the new school

ha~ thirty members and Mrs. M. Mitchell is president. They are

installing furniture for a Teachers Lounge in the school building and

have paid for a portion of the lunch room equipment. HOU3INGa Rose Garden Hills, the new housing project, has
twenty-five completed units and six additional units under construction,

at a cost of $7,700.00 to $9,200.00 each.

Advertising and Publicity Committee



-P-U--B-L --I-C-I-T --Y- ------ ltPORT


Mrs. Ruby Hargis Gil s S,:yrna Social ditcr Marietta Journal

Mrs. MarJorie Collins Correspondmt for Smyrn Herald

Mrs. Willi Griffin. Sponsor for School Pnp r.
Lor, l Papers carrying Smyrna Publicity: Smyrna Herald Marietta Journal Cobb County Tims






Atl nta Constitution

Atlanta Journ l

Pa~.ther Track of Ca pbell High School .

dio stations w. F.o.m,, w. s.n., and w.G. s.T .





Religious Welfare Committee



All-Day Services
roDedicate Church
S~IYRNA, Julv 19-Smyrna Assembly of God Church is dedicat-
ing its renovated building on Haw- \
thornc Street in all-day services to- , day.
A guest minist~r will speak at the 11 a. m. worship service which will be followed by dinne; on the grounds. Members will bring basket lunches for the occasion. The Rev. Ralph Byrd of Atlanta's Faith Memorial Church will deliver the dedicatory sermon at 2 p. m. 'Renovation of the interior includes new pews and a new pulpit. The Rev. Arnold Ford is pastor.

Assembly of God ToDedicate Church

Sl\IYRNA, Juuly 16-In all-dav

services Sunday, Smyrna Asscmbl~

of G od Church will dedicate it's

renovated building on Hawthorne

Ave nue .


A guest minister will speak at the I-I a.m . worship service,. which will be. followed by " dinn er on the grounds." l\Jembcrs and friends arc

asked to bring basket lunches for the occasion. ~ The Rev. Ralph Byrd, of Atlanta ~aith Memorial Church, will deliver the dedicatory sermon at 2

p.m. Renovation to the interior in-

cl_udes new p.,.;.-s and a new pul-

The Rev. Arnold Ford is pastor

of Sm v r n a Assemblv of Goe;/.._

Assembly of God
Ch~rch To Hold Senices On Sunday

I lllitial church services in the
Jonquil City lby the Smyrna As-
sembly of God will be held Sun-

day at the clrnrch on Hawthorne

avenue. Serv'ices will be con-

ducted by 1Jhe Rev. Arnold Ford,

church pastor

Sunday school services win be-

gin at 9:45 a. m. and Morning

services ,at 11 a. m. Evening

services will be held at 7:45 The. dhurch ihas ten charter
memlbers according to ,a reporl

fom the secretary, Mrs. Fred C.

Henry. For the past year, or,ganization
of the Smyrna church has been stimclated by Cottage prayer



Members have already paid for

the ohuroh they recenUy purchased, wihich is ,a brick edifice loca'ted on Hawthorne avenue

near the New Smyrna cemetery,

The 'building is now being remoled. lA. new roof lhas alr,eady

been put -n the . building and

new windows installed

Members and f,riends of the1 church are extended a corclliial invitation by the Rev. Mr Ford

to attend all services.

Jlfirst ~ nptis t <llqurrq
~mgrm1, O.ifo1rgi11
Rev. York jh3.~bless Durin~ t'1e past twelve M.0'1ths, the First Bantist Church of m;r1a, Georgia has Made renarkable progress . This is the brief story o~ that progre,,s . (1) .t'rogress has bePn 'larle i,1 the i.rrprove, 1e'lts O'l the bm.lrii,gs of t11e church . The church's pastori'.lrl., w' ich is locaten on 212 Co'lcord Rodd, was
P,rt:' renovated to make it as a+,tractive as )Cssible. The a 1ex, locatei nPar the s<i...'1ct1J.ary was greatly i .Jroved b.r the 1 s Brutherhood.
l t':! ,z:,r p1.1t rlowi a new floor, repai 1 t.E'rl the walls a:-i1 woodwork . AoproxiMa tely
tr,o hu1r1.rer1. "'3.11-1.ours of labor 1f re co~tributed. by thes 0 ::ien to the church in
inprovi,g the .ar,ex. Various i'" >rove e'1 ts were nade i.'1 the i:: a"lctuary buildi'lg. 'Tew lights were i--.1talle-,. 1 alls, ceili'lgs a rl floors W8re beautifiei .
r>'lilrling >rovir1s office suace "or thE' P'lstor an'l S8cretary, fo,1r nursery rooms, a sp~cial co'lfE'r<>'1ce ro,om, library a'1"1_ r.i.u,:,ic room, aSE:9mbly a'1d class r00"1S for eieht .:'..Ll'iay E'cli.ool '18Jart"lents .
iJ 1e of the 1::.ique Yea t1r()s of t:1e 'church is an ul tra-mo1ern so,md syst,:m. I\. neal~er is locatei in of tr.e cla1,s roo s, i-:i the hills, a'ld i::1 thE' sane t.1ary bm.lrl_i'lg: Music anrl "1C'~sage are S,f'lchronizei in a' 1 of the
(2) Prot:,--ress has been made stewar~ship of the ch11rch .

----- -



A PROr,,R--:;;:srvs C' :1 A P.rl,()GPK,SIVE co. '!~rJI TY
By Rev. York Cl1'l.mbless

During the 0ast twelve mo7.ths, the First Baotist Church of Jm]l'1a,

Georgia has mare remarkable pro6ress . This is the brief story of that progress .

(1) Progre~ s has been '"' i" the :''1ts Or! the blJiB:'...ngs of
the church.

The church I s .:>a::-, tori '..l!'l, w'1ich is located on 212 Concord Road, was

01rtiallf. renovaterl to make it as a ~,tractive as _)cssible. The a 1ex b'.li.l i -

_i1g locaterl 1ear the sa11ct1J.aFy was greatly i n'Jruverl by the .en's Br0therhood.
ThE" 1\.r. p1.1t rloW'1 a new floo r, reoai'1kd the walls a:id woodwork . Aoprori.mately

t,ro ~ l.'drerl man- ' of labor u::re co 1tributed by tn~se rien to the chwch in

i.nprovi'1g the _ar1 1ex . Various i..orove"'l.e"lts were !'lade i 1 trie &a"lch1ary o lild-

i~~. uew 1: gts w~r e iristallerl. ::alls , ceili' anrl floors w"re bea1J.tifi rJ. .

A "1.ew er1ucat~onal b'.li.l iirig was co., )leted at a total cost of or.e

l-i.1r1rlrprl thirty thousa'1rl. rlollars . Tre beautiful rew b'.li.l"i'1g is morlern i'1 r1e-
t'!.il, aTJ.rJ. ;irovirlE's sp1.ce f,..,r t',e rPligio11s trai 1ing of over Soo perso:is . The

b11ilrling ,,rovi' 0s o.f:ice f'.)a.ce for ttle p,:i,stor a-1rl secretary, J.our nursery

rooms , a sp2c:' co"'I ~f>r "nce, library a'1rl. m1.1sic room, asf.,mbly a~d cla3s

.r-oors for eit=_.'1t ::i .:rrln,r Sct0ol rlepart'llE:"1.ts .

0 1 e of t :1e 1rLq1.1e Yea t ..res o.fthe ~church is a"1. ultra-mo,..ern sc"md

::-yst0m. A f''1eaker i, loc3.ted i'1 e&.c of the cla,--;s rooms, i~ the L-111s, anrl

i".1 the sanctu:i.r.r builrlin.g~ 111.lsic anrl '1e:.:iage :4re synchronized in all of the

biil--1i', 3.,y1 over t'1e loud speakers to t he co ~1.....~ty.

(2) Proc;rec;s has be?'1 n1.rle stewarrls'1ip of the church.

the numbe:f/O"f. <t"di tio'1s anrl i 11 the (

A total of 194 persons uni ten with the church durbg the year. A

breakriown of this fig1-1re shows that 80 were received into the church by bap-

tism ani 114 bf letter. This brings the prese'1t membership of the church to


Total gifts received through the ch1.1rch for all causes was ~49,010.00,

with over five tho 1.1sa11d r1ollars of this amount going to missions . The b1.1dget

was overscriber1 by SO)"l.e j4000 .

The record for the church's organizations shows a Sunday School en-
rolme11 t of 1185; Training Union enrolment of 237; a lvrm enrolme11t of 164; a

BrotherhoorJ enrolme11t of 58.

The total value of the church's property increased from $150,000 to


"'212,000 . (3) Progress was "lade by improving the ch1.1rch grounds .

A new parki'1g lot was constructed, which incl1.1ded the excavation of

the lot, the laying of sewers, and the covering of the large lot with gravel.

The lawns were covereri with rich soil anr'l winter grass was planter! . The

grounds were also landscaped d1.1ring the year .

(L.) Progress was made i:1 the purchase of m'...1sical instru._TTJe'1ts .

A total of five pianos were p1.1rchaserl anr1 placen in 1Jse in the new

buil0iYJ.g . The other pianos alreany in 1.1se were reconr'li tioned ann retunerJ .

A total of 150 new song books were purchasen for use by the various

organizations ann in the worship SPrvices .


(5) Proo;ress was aie in the youth program.

A yo1.1th fellowship was helrJ throu6hout the Jear. A ,Jrogram inclu0ing

spiritual ani social activities was co11stantly fostered for the training of

the corrrrrmni ty 1 s youth .


(6) Progress was made in the organizations of new dep3.rtments and

classes .


In the S1-1'1day School, seven new departments were organized, viii th sixteen new classes .
(7) Progress was 'riade in the purchase of '1ew eq1.rl.p:nent. ,I A total of 700 new folrling chairs were purchased . Seven new wood cabinets and three steel cabinets were bought r!uring the year . Twenty new speakers' stands a'1d nine new tables were also purcl-iasec1 .
In the nursery sixteen new baby be-is ann mattresses were purchaserl, alo'1g viii th a 11ew electric refrigerator, fo 1.ll' bottle W"r,1ers, fo1.1r germicidal lamps, anr:1 three electric fans . New toys were also bo1.1ght for the nursery.
E11.1ipment for 1_1se in the b'.lilrlings a'1rl on the gro1-1nrls include: one new floor polishing machine, 011e rew wheelbarrow, shovel, a1d other srnall accessories .
New eq11iprnent for the 1-astor I s Sturly and secretary's office were bo1-1ght by the church.
Along with its phJsical 6rowth, the church 11as activiely enr1eavored to meet the spiritual '1eeds of the people of the con.n1u..11.i ty who come 1.L'1r1er its influence.




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I '




. "r'' ;

_____{~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ ~

Baptists To Complete

.study and the secretary's office, two rest rooms, a choir, library,

New Building Soon and lounge room.

The first floor of the new Mr. George Sewell, superinten- building will provide 9 rooms for dent of construction at First Bap- the Beginner, Primary, and Young

tist Church, Smyrna, announced People's departments. It will ~c-

this week that the new education- comodate more than one hundred

al building by April 1,

would 1953.



seventy persons. On this floor will be located the church kit- 11 chen, dining room, and other rest

The completed building will rooms.

. I

provide class rooms for more than A special feature of the bmld-

five hundred persons, and will ing will be a sound system

cost approximately $105,000. The through which special announce-

l building is fireproof and modern ments can be made simultan-

in detail.

eously in all departments of the j

I A break-down of the three- church.

story building reveals these in- The educational building was

teresting facts. The third floor begun during the ministry of Rev.

provides space for twenty four Charles Drake. The present pas-

class rooms and three assembly tor is Rev. York Chambless.

rooms for Junior and Intermed- The building committee is com-

iate departments. This floor will posed of Messr.s. E. E. Brannon,

accomodate some 240 pupils.

chairman, Reed McCollum, W. F.

The second floor is composed Waldron, A. H. Carson, and J.

of ten class rooms, with a space D. Henderson.

. .

capacity of one hundred persons. Plans for the bmldmg were

I I On this floor will be located a drawn by Boswell and Nash of I

three room nursery plus a nur- Marietta.


sery kitchen, rest r~om, reception Future plans include the co..

room and storage room. It will struction of a new and larger

also provide space for the pastor's church auditorium.



"1th colorful tm s and ston 'books \\ith necessary tirnlcs, cabi1iets and'
Smyrna Baptists Display $100,000 Iopen shchcs for clisplav purposes. t\ kitchen co,mplctc with rcfrigcrn . tor, bottle \\armer, sin k, etc. and a
Educational Plant At Open House, rest room.

Pastor's Study


I Gena G1\in, secretary; J. \V.1Kc!- Each department has as man~

Si\!YRNA - Sundav a me- lcy, prcsidq1t of the Brotherhood; as six class rooms with furnishings .

morablc cla\ in the histon of the i\lrs. \\'. , E. Patterson, president accorcli11g to size and age.:. 'ti1erc
s First Baptist Church. It ,,as the \'I oniall ?-:Iissionary Union; m1d is ,I complctel: furnished pastor

day they imited their friends and \V,irrci1 Jkckb director Trnin- study adjoining the m,1i11 office

neighbors to inspect their nc\\' eel- ing Union.

from 11hich the sccretan works and

uc.ttional plant just completed at The sa nctuary and each depart- ,\ here the audio ,isu,il set-up 1s

a cost of approximateh, SI 00,000. , mcnt throughout the three stor: ;::-cpt. G. \V . \\'ilson, a member Sc,cral hundred interested i)Cr- building 1yas bedecked for the oc- of the 3rd Anm at Ft. ~ fcPhcrson,

sons registered in hYo registers, one I casion with beautiful floll'crs, man : and the cngincC'r of this modern

for members and one for ,isitors. arrangements sent by churches, ci- feature, was on hand there to ex-

to be kcj)t in the church as per- yic orgamzations and friends, oth- plain the workings of the system.

mancnt records.

crs grown in the gardens of the




G. C. Grt:cn, senior. deacon of church members and cut and m-- I-le cxplamcd that it was copied

--~,h the church, was in charge of the ranged

the greatest of care after the. system ns~d 111 ~c~10oh.

I open house a11cl mis abh assisted to fit the 11ccd of each place.. 1 ro1!1 th_is poml there 1I as

l bl' the board of deacons, the heads There \\'CIC the daintiest of tiny 1nus'.c. gom~ outmc: ~I.Jc !?lant, b_ut

of all clcp,utmcnts of the church fl01vcr ;Jrrangcmcnts in the nursery diff~ 1.CI:t '.~cords 11 c~c bemg usccl.

a11d their assistants.

rooms and reel, white ancl blue ar- foi i\ the nmscn department

Greeting the l'isitors in the sane- rnngcmcnts carrying out the colors -:-r~c?rcls . that 1rn_nl_d nlcasc. thr_

tuaiv, besides .\Ir. Green 11crc 0. of the junior department there. l~n1.1,lcS t p,ltron th~re. The si stem

L. l'inson, chairman of the board:

Soft J\1usic

IS a two way ,1ffa1r and. one ma:

Phagan Durham, Sundav School The entire building was filled open a switch and ! 1110 11 tor_ a clc-

fl~~ ,\\ l supcrintc11dcnt \\' T i~ tl l
,1ssistant ~upcrintcn~lcnt, ,11{d ~\

ll'ith the sweetest soft music: wi th partmcnt before biyakmg JII. In alter ,\bhott_. church organist. ?t~c_r 11~rd_s th~rc _wi_ll lbJc. no br_ca ~


I playing in the sanctuary a's the m,,, 111 I\ 11:n pr,1: er 1s cmg m,1c1c.
gl csts progressed into the cdu~a-1 Close by is a fcccDti011 room fur-

tional ln1ikL\1g. It 11'as coming nishcd b,:, i\Irs. \\-. E. Patt~rson

Smyrna Bapt.ists Expand Facilities,
Plan Additional Worship Service

SMYRNA, July 16-To better rnents at night, thus saving labor director; \V. E. Abbott, organist;

accomodate the increasing popula- costs. Price of the materials used and Milton Mitchell, custodian.

' tion of the city, Smyrna First Bap- will be around $300.

Cooler, Too' .

I tist Church is planning two wor-


The Rev. Mr. Chambless in

explaining the advantages o{ an

! ship services each Sundav morn-

Included in the renovations ate additional worship service, said,

ing, expanding its facilities and the redecorating of the living room ,"The earlier service will hold a

adding a new worker to its staff.
Beginning August 2, worship scr\ices' will be heJd at 8: 3.0 and 11

of tire pastotium and improvements on the church parking lot, where gravcl is being added, sewers laid

special appeal for many Smyrna people in several ways."
Among the conveniences, he list-

a.m. Sunday School will' conti1rne
1 at the regular hour, 9:45.

and some of the property excavated
at a cost of $800.

ed that the early morning service "will provide a service for those

The church's vote to start the Employed recently to serve as who plan to take a trip later dur-

' earlier service was influenced by a 1 report from the Smyrna Chamber

the church's nursery director was
MFs. Mae Cannon, 165 Love

ing the morning." Also it will be held in a cooler part of the day and

' of Commerce that the city's popula- Street, who will direct the four nur- will be more informal. The Rev.

' tion is increasing at an a\'erage
monthly rate of 250 persons. At

series at all worship services and at special times. Tbc nurseries, all_

Mr. Chambless noted that men could feel perfectly at home with -

present, the population is 2'11 esti- newly-equipped, boast germicidal out their coats. "Sport shirts will

mated 6,000.

lamps to kill the germs in the air. even be in vogue," he added.

Carrying out ~n extensive pro- The addition of Mrs. Cannon A further advantage was pointed

gram of renovation _and improve- brings the total to six persons on out for housewives, w h o could

mcnt, the men of the church arc the church staff. Others include come to the early service, remain

placing, new fl?o~ing in the the Rev.. York Chambless, pastor;
church s annex b~1l<lmg. ~olunteer !Mrs. E. E. Arrington, church sec-
workers arc makmg the improve- rctary; Mrs. W. E. Abbott, choir

for Sunday School, and go home to have a hot lunch ready for their
farnilies ~y lZ noon.


Chambless Honored
By Smyrna Baptists
St-.iYRNA - The congregation of the First Baptist Church paid trib1:tc to its pastor. the Re,. York.
Cliamhlcss, Sunday, his third annivcrsan as pastor of the church.
Dr.' G. C. Green, a life dcar:on of the church, read letters of con- 1 gratulations and oraisc from l'ar-
ions leaders of the Noonday BaJ;Jtist Association and a letter from the Re,. \\'. II. Bar~ctt, Atlan.t1. 11ho baptised and crdainccl ,.Rev.
I Chambless. Dr. Green c1tccl. as c1idcncc of progress during Re,.. Chai!lblcss pa~tmatc the foll01~111g: Suncla) School enrollment 111crcasc from
...,07 in 19-+9 to 1,025 in 19 5 2;
Training Union enrollment in-
crease from 190 in 19-+9 to z.+9 in 1952; \\'~IO cnrollmcnt increase from 18-f in 19-+9 to 228 in 19'i2;
organi,.ation of a ~kn's Brother,

through the openings of the audio in alumi11um and leather furniture .
I som!d system ll'h1ch has an open ~frs. Patterson's contribution is in m !Jc I mg c1-cry clcp'.1rtmcnt to used honor of her husband, \Villiam

for either music or makmg a11 Patterson; daughter, i\laric

nonnccmcnts from the church of ,md son, Charles.

ticc. Shonk] the sa nctuary bcl:omc

too small for the congrcgat10ns On this same floor, which is on

the1 nia\ be seated in the large as- ,1 lc,cl with the sanctuary, is the

scn1hly ioom and still hear the scr- choir or music room with cabinets

l'ice through the sound system. :for rohcs, cabinets tor music, a

As the visitors nwvcd on through new piano and chairs for members.

the huilcling they were greeted "-, It was interesting to note the auxi

directed b, other members of the liary heating for this and other

board of deacons: Recd ~ lcCol- nccclcd rooms 1\hcn it 11onlcl not

lum, J. D. Henderso n. George be nccessarv to heat the entire

\\'ood, E. E. Brannon, J. \\'. Kd- p lant.

lcY, \V. F. \\'aldron, Ra: moml i\iulkcy, George llardagc, Ro: \\'ooocl, A. 11. Carson, and other department heads ancl the church secre tan, i\ f rs. Emmett Arrington.
1 he sturch and sp,1cions brick
stone structtirc lws prmidcd for each need of this actilc church for
the prcscn t. Visitors were cspqiall: impress-
ed b, the ')t01 ision made for th e
c.hurch's litrlc folk of nursery ages. In this dcDartrncnt 11crc three rooms for ~hrcc ages. The tiny tob or infants ll'ill tincl - like the.. three bears - a bccl for each, or almost. 1 'hcrc ,He 16. to be cx,1ct, and a play pc1i:
Included in this department arc.. hrn other rooms 11ith chairs and table: to fit the ages and set up

I rom this floor the 1isitors II ere
1111itcd to the large assembly ro01i1
011 the first floor w11crc \lrs. Les
lie Canrn and a cmps ,of workers I
scncd delicious punch and cook ic~ trom a table with tll'in bowh 1 w, ...:h 11crc cmbccldecl in pansic,.
The rnri-colorcd napkins ll'Crc embossed 11ith ''Smyrna I mt Baprnt Church" in gold. 11crc abo om
sa11 the spacious kitchen \1ith it,
h1 in electric stm-cs and ckcp-1\ash ing sinks.
The building committee for tl11, splcnclicl project. were E. L. Brn11
non, elrnirman: l\l. H. C11i11, \ 11. Carson and others. G, E. Sc,,
ell. of Villa Rica, ll'as the c,mstrue lion superintcnclcnt.
Onl1 one thing happened to

keep the occasion from being a

perfect success and that 11as the ill

ncss of the pastor, York Cha1:1

blc. ,. 1\ho is recuperating ,1t tht

I , 10111c: of his parents i1, South Geor-

hood II ith a mcm bcr~hip of ) 3: 120 baptisms and 2-+8 members ac-

cepted h\ lcttc.;r.

Smyrna Baptists Expand Facilit ies, Plan Additional Worship Service

SMYRNA, July 16-To better mcnts at night, thus saving labor director; \V. E. Abbott, organist;

accomodate the increasing popula- costs. Price of the materials used and Milton i\Jitchell, custodian.

tion of the city, Smyrna First Bap- will be around $300.

Cooler, Too'

tist C h urch is planning two wor-


The Rev. l\lr. Chambless, in

ship services each Sunday morn- Included in the renovations arc explaining the advantages of an

ing, expanding its facilities and the redecorating of the living room additional worship service, said,

adding a new worker to its staff. of the pastorium and improvements "The earlier service will hold a

Beginning August 2, worship ser\ ices. will be held at 8:30 and 11

on the church parking, lot, where gravel is being, added, sewers laid

special appeal for many people in several ways."


a.m. sunday School wilf continue and some of the property excavated Among the conveniences, he list-

at the regular hour, 9:45,

at a cost of $800.

ed that the early morning service

The church's vote to start the Employed recently to serve as "will provide a service for those

earlier service was influenced by a the church's nursery director was who plan to take a trip later dur-

report from the Sniyrna Chamber Mrs. Mac Cannon, 165 Love ing the morning." Also it will be

of Commerce that the city's popula- Street, ,vho will direct the four nur- held in a cooler part of the day an<l

tion is increasing at an average series at all worship services and at will be more informal. The Rev.

monthly rate of 250 persons. At special times. The nurseries, all Mr. Chambless noted that men

present, the population is .an csti- ncwlY'equippcd, boast germicidal could feel perfectly at home with-

mated 6,000.

lamps to kill the germs in the air. out thcjuwats. "Sport shirts will

Carrying out an extensive pro- The addition of Mrs. Cannon e,en be in vogue,'' he added.

gram of renovation and improve- brings the total to six persons on A further advantage was pointed

ment, the men of the church are the church staff: others include out for housewives, who could

I _q 1placing, new fl?o~ing in the
church s annex butldmg. Volunteer

the Rev.. York ~'1Jllcss, pastor;
Mrs. E. E. Amu~..;;. hurch sec-

come. to the early service, remain .for Sunday School, and go home to

workers arc making the improve- retary; Mrs. \V. E 1



have a hot lunch ready families by 12 noon,




L-', (

Remodeling Complete At Baptist Annex

Remodeling of Smyrna Fir- t

Baptist Church annex' has been

completed, a group of church

membens having done the work,

the Rev. York Chambless, pastor,

,:mnounced today.

The men put down a new floor,

repainted the walls and wood-


Approximately 200 man hours

of work were contributed by the

m en who were Roy Wo od, super-

viso; ; J: B. Ables, J. A. Bailey,

J. J. Cook, Charles Cook, Luke

Boring, J. W. K11Y, George Wood ,

Kermit Clonts, W. P. Waldron,

George Hardage, E. IE. Bra nnon,

Milton Williams, Reed Mccol lum,

Jack Smith, Otis White, Ralph

Martin Buddy Scoggins, Bill

,NOlble, 'Raymond Martin and Pha-

...gan Durham.

A _ _ _ __

\. S<1m Waldron Will Be
Ordained A Baptist
Minister On Sunday
In a special service of ordination the First Baptist church of Smyrna will set apart Mr. Samuel M. Waldron to the gospel ministry Sunday, June 14, at 8:00 p. m.
The Rev. Howard McDowell,
Iassociate pastor of Fair Oa~s Baptist church is slated to give tJ.te charge to the church, lwi-th the
Rev. E. B. Awtry bringing the charge to the candidate. The Rev D. C. Bivins, pastor of the Greenacre Bapfo;t churck will o~fer t~e ordaining pliay.". Tha service_ ":7111 be under the general superv1s1on of the pastor, the Rev. York C:hambless. A. beautiful Bible will be presented by the church to the newly ordl\ined mini&ter.
Mr. Waldr;n has been called to the pastorate of the Mitchell B~pti1,t Church, Mitch.ell, Georgia. The hiinister has already assumed his 'duties as pastor, and ~ill preach in revival services there, beginn'ing on June 21,
At the present time, he is a stu'"ient at Mercer University, Maccon. Upon the completion of his. Mercer degree, he will enter the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky for graduate stud~es.
The young minister is the ~on of :Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Waldron of
-- -~--
j 343 Concord Road, Smyrna.
The public ~ cordially invited
to attend this inspiring service of j

Smyrna Fi rst Baptist Church Parking Lot Soon Ready For Use
Construction of a new parking lot at Smyrna First Baptist Church s unde_!: way and will be ready for use soon.
Services for the development of the lot were mostly contributed with A- L. Sksion, donating h i; grading fee of $75 to the ch~1r<:h for his son, Gary. M. H. Gwrn and the >Rev. E. B. Awtry helped_ n clearing the lot and assisted n grading; E. P. Logan la!"dscaped the area and H. F. Corney als, ssisted in the project.

IBaptist Church

Has Record Year;

Enrollment 1,144


First Baptist Church of Smyrna,

Ii~ i1.5 an nual report t o the Noonday Baptist Associati?n, shO\~S a

, record year in all of its activities.

i The church during the past 12

months received 80 persons upon a

profession of faith in ChrisJ. It

received 114 by letter, makmg a

total of 194 1;1cw members. The

present membership of the church

is 1144.


Total gifts received through the church for all causes was $49,010, with over $5,000 of this amount going for missions. The budget was oversubscribed by over $4,000. The

Howard McDowell
Ordained Sunday

At fair Oaks Rites number of tithers increased from
100 to 247 during the church year. The reco rd o f the church's or-

ganizations shows a Sunday school

enrollment of 1185; a Training Un-

lloll'ard \ lcDmYcll. a 2:;.year

ion enrollment of 237; a WMU enrollment of 164; a Brotherhood en-

oLI Smyrnan ,,-ho co111pti,cs gospel

rollment of 58:

so ~ . "as orclainccl to the mini.,-

The total value of the church's

property increased from $150,000

to $212,000.


tn Snn hn ,1ftc:-noon at F,1ir O,1h B:1phst C:)nch.
The ,oung n1i11istcr_ ,011 of \I;

During the year, a new educa-1 tional building was completed; an adequate parking lot was constructed; a sound system was installed in the buildings.
Two fine young men were set apart to .the work of the ministry.

me! _\ !is. Joe \IcDcl\\'ell, has had one . !l;1g ,JCccplcd hy Broaclman Press, "I \\'ant .\h Lifr to Count fo - C'o,r ,,ill appear in the 11c:d cclihr,1 of the h,mna1.
\' "Do.1 ell, life-long; rcsiclen t of '->11l\ na, ;, 1\ ell-kn mm for his 11111 ,1, ,11 ah,;:,,. \ graduate of .~mn

Mr. Samuel M. Waldron was or- 11;1 ]]i gh S:.hool, he attended col-

dained to the ministry and is ser- 1c-c to. ll1rcc .incl a half ,cars at

ving as the pastor of the Mitchell t11 ~tlanb1 Di1isio11, U1ii,crsity

Baptist Church, Mitchell, Ga. Mr of Gco,gJa.

Wffson McEntyre was licensed for

!'id c:1llcd to the Fair Oaks

the ministry, and is attending Tru- B:1pti:,t Ciil)reh in October. _l 9 5l_,

e tt-McConnell Junior College, in he \ern:c! a, part-tnnc music cl1-

Cleveland, Ga.

rc ~tor. :;;112c December, 19,2. he

Persons who are hard of hear- lus bc..:n employed ,1s assm iate

ing will be delighted to learn that Smyrna First Baptist Church has

s1ex1n,tcosr., :n \\hich c,1pacity he still

ins talled acoustiphohes in the sanc-

Befort the en] 11;1tiu11 sen 1cc


the H>U,!J S1111 rn,m dchn:rcd a

The acoustiphones are available scrmc'in n1~ 110;_,. J'irm a Founda

for use by anyone who has diffi- tion. ,,

culty in hearing during all wor-

\ \ . F. Carne,. chairman ~ clc,1

f sh ip servic~:_______

c m at Fair O:iks Baptist C~urch.

prcsenh.:d ! 1c candidate fo~ orch

111tio,1- \J D01n:ll .1r.1s tx,1mmccl b, tk R,1. K. B. Robertson. p~~ tr',, of , Slrnch Gro1e Baptist



_ :;A

'] he Rei. J. F. Bc:ner_ Sr., \ IIl- ~

ford Baptist Church. clcl11-crccl the

ordin:1ti:m prayer. followed by a

2!1argc iu the c:111chcL1tc b) !ht

Rei. York Chamblc.,s, pa~tor of S1mrn1 Fust B:1pti.,t Ctrnrch.
,\ cha1;;;c to the church ,wa~ p~~ :ntccl b:, the Rel'. Jmho1. C. _S~ :,:a1~. :"\1;u11iln ,11sociation,il falc. ,rnrkt::. The , Re,. C1;:1rlcs \ le
\ lill,:n, \\ oocbtock H ;l_,P t 1' t C:h1rrc:i1. presented the Biilk.

. ..






The Smyrna Hethodist Church first came into being in 1838

with the establishmerit of the Smyrna Camp Ground, which, ac-

cording to history, became one of the best known in the state.

Camp grcunds in those days were the center of both social and


religious life and was used by all denominations though set up by the trethodists.
The Smyrna Camp Ground was situated in the Concord - Church

l '

street area the arbor being on the site of the D. C. Landers residence. The grounds cor.1prised about 100 acres which were




given by pioneer residents Asbury Hargrove, Pinkney Randall, Hardy Pace and !:artin Ruff ,



The first church building was erected of logs chinked with

mud near the site of th... e 1!asonic Hall with a seating capacity
of more than a .lmndred with a low gallery for slaves whose

names appeared on the hhurch register as John Doe, property

of J-:r. Blank Doe . The slaves followed the whites to the com-

. ,

munion table, the history relates


The church and the academy next door (Masonic Hall) were

used during 1861 as Brown 's Officers Training Ca.r.1p and later

as a hospital by both Confederate~and N~rthern troops. It

vjas burned by Sherman's army on Uovembe r 12, 1864. The me m-

bers then set up another brush arbor on the camp ground which

they used until the late 1860's when a more pretentious frame

building was erected near Atlanta Qtreet. This building has

been moved to face on Atlanta street and is being used today

for apart men ts.

The Smyrna !1ethodist Church first came into being in 1838 with the establishment of the Smyrna Camp Ground, which, according to history, became one of the best known in the state. Camp grcunds in those days were the center of both social and religious life and was used by all denominations though set up by the Uethodists.
The Smyrna Camp Ground was situated in the Concord - Church street area the arbor being on the site of the D. C. Landers residence. The grounds cor.i.prised about 100 acres which were givGn by pioneer residents Asbury Hargrove, Pinkney Randall, Hardy Pace and r"artin Ruff .
The first church building was erected of logs chinked with mud near the site of the l'iasonic Hall with a seating capacity of more than a hundred with a low gallery for slaves whose names appeared on the hhurch register as John Doe, property of r . Blank Doe. The slaves followed the whites to the communion table, the history relates.
The church and the academy next door (Irasonic Hall} were used during 1861 as Brown's Officers Training Car.ip and later as a hospital by both Confederate~and N~rthern troops. It vias burned by Sherman's army on Uovembe r 12, 1864. The me mbers then set up another brush arbor on the camp ground which they used until the late 1860's when a more pretentious frame building was erected near Atlanta ~trc-et. This building has been moved to face on Atlanta street and is being used today for apartments.

A bell was purchased for that building from the First Methodist Church of Atlanta for $150 and is still in use in the present brick structure at the corner of Church and Atlanta Streets. The pre sent building, though started in 1911, was not dedicated
until 1920 with Dr. :&,ranklin n. Parker , of Emory University,
preaching the dedicatory sermon. The present brick parsonage was built in 1923. In 1940 a new educational annex was added and in 1948 the Pearce Matthews Chapel was built to house the 1Jen 's Bible Class .
An outstanding feature of the church is its stained glass windows given as memorials to loved one passed to their reward. Of special beauty is the front window depicting Christ with the
lost lamb which is lighted nightly by an automatic clock and
which has caused the church to be called 11 The Church iii th the Lighted Window ~
An electric organ was bought by the women of the church. The entire sane tuary has been newly decorated and a new rug laid. During the past rummer a cooling system was added by the use of attic fan and ventilators. The building has been redecorated as has also the parsonage. During the year the church has bought a large lot on part of which is a duplex house. The vacant lot has been cherted and used as a parking lot. Plans are under way for building a church school plant in the near future.
The present educational annex is used continuously for public meetings, dinners , Scout meetings and ci vie get-toge the rs as well as for a projection room for the church's handsome new movie machine. A new silver service was given the church the

past year in memoriam by several families each piece being engraved with that information.
A youth worker and choir director was employed this year tre former also acting as part-time church secretary. There is a nursery for small children for the morning worship service with a paid attendant. The church has grown until it now enrolls 700 members and is fast becoming a city church.

Smyrna Methodists Report

Incoming Officers, Stewards

Sl\ lYRNA - The Re\'. J. \\'. Cecil I-hlralson, l\lartm L. Ruff.

0. :\lcKibbcn preached and held \\'.. L. Sca,u, B. T. Cagle. Cecil the fourth quarterly conference ::z:\crly, Tate \\'right, Dadd F

\Vcdncsday C\'ening at the Smyrna Freeborn. E. C. Cranmer. l\Irs. C l\lctho~ist Church, and brought a L. Groce was re-elected comm un-

messnge from the Bishop urging ion steward and the entire board

the churches of this area . to set of _trustees were re-elected.

up programs to enlist the nc\\' The following list of stc,,ard

members no,, being reccin'd into were k-elcctcd, showi ng the ) car

the church in the work of the I thcv will rotate off:


i95f - Paul Crump, J. Kin g

Good reports departments of

were mac)c in nH?St work, mth an 111-


Dmis, Ruby

l\_lrs. Giles,

Pat Ed\\';ucls Sr., A. B. \\'arc.


crease of Hf new mcn'ibcrs show- 1955 - F. Eugene E\',ms. Sam
ing a net gain of 97. The total Ewing, J. Fred Pmm :-~, Dr. I .:!\\ is

membership at present is 66-t.

A. Ray, R. L. RuL. =:had,.,. .'.

Freel Br0\n1, chairman of the R umsey.

board, announced that\\'. Ji. Blatt

~ .

had been secured as choir director 1956 - Henry Ko111gsmark Jr.

to succeed the .Re,. John l\ lillsaps Jo!~n P. ::-.ratthcws, \\. G. 1\lcllon,

I who has graduated from Emory i \\ 1lbur __ D. l\ lonroc, James Press-

and returned to his l\Iississippi ley. Qumtcn L. Steppe:


Conference for assignment. Ile al- . 1957 - L, ~- Stromgan, \V1l-

so reported the board plans to cm- ham P. Lmc,1oy, J. L. Darby,

ploy a combination youth worker J~mcs A. \\'.ml and Don Ctinand church secretary for the new1nmgham..

,-car. Pearce l\lattl1c,,s was dcctcd

delega te to the Annual Conference to be hclcJ -.111 Atlanta beginning

June 22, "'!th Henry Konigsmark
Jr., as altc~nate.
R . L: Rn-ff ,,as re-elected clrnrch

sc hool .;fopcri,1kndcnt; Fred

Pounds, re-elected treasurer; and

:\hs. C. L'.'";Crocc, rt-elected com

111union ste1n1rd. ,

"\c,, stewards named for rotat-

ing off thc)ioard in .1957 \\ere ' I .
A. ~arr, D~/J. \ [. Collins Jr.. ~I.
V. Steen, \ fo. \ V. 0. Reese, \l rs .

1Uve Evangelism Challenges,

Matthews Tells Sntyrna Methodists

I S~ ~YRN.-\ _: P ierce :K latthews, Conferc1;c~ that s'i1bscribcs to the

prommcnt layman, outlined th c, effort.

l Heads Smyr na Gu 11 d plans for the Southeastern Juris- -
d_ictional United E\'angclistic l\Iission of t h c l\ lcthochst Church Tuesday c,-cning at the Fchrn,m meeting of th o Sn,:,rna i\lcthodist _S\fYR'\, \ - 'lh, \la, 111cctin0

official board in the :1\1:-:tthcws ot the \\ cshan '>cnce Cuilcl \\a"'


held at tht lH ,111c of \ Irs . Sam

''Am church without a li,c crnn- Da, is. 011 Du11n Street. ,,it!t \ Ii ,

gclistic program," he said, "will I rnccs Skcltu11 1s co- lwstt s

he out of step ,,ith the l\lcthoclist \ l_rs. J.iucs Pn sk, ".1s m
C h urch. I consider it ,01ie bf the clia:'iL uf _the prora111 111d thl fol
fi nest_plans to h:hc hccn hand_ccl h,'.' '. ig ofticc~, '.'_crl_ ckctc,I f11r f IC
down h\' th e General Conferc1icc 1 " confcicmc H,11: 1'1 s1clc11l

It isa diallcngc to thcJocnl church \l. ss_lr:1ncs Skcltou7V-Prcs .. \I r

dh:rni an d in 110 ph1cc could Jt 0C as \ \

I J C]O\ Rel ~Cl., \Jr

tim ch- as in this -:irca ~\'ith its in- \!; eke, \\ alkcr l' ro111ot1011 Sc

flux of 1inchurchcd \JCOpk." . \l rs_ ( ( Bn-:lll; Treas., \I r,

. '1

_. .

\Lmon 11 nn Co-orcl1'111t,1r \11

I-IC: .CXJJ .abmc.d t..hat fn ~tbc. effort i .nest )011cs. '

of ut11ted chc\'mg; qmlg, pray-

_ __ C -

- - - - ~- - . . :

ing, witnessing and \,yqrsh it? "<! II

.the p:lrt of th~ churcl1 w1lJ begtn

now, bu t Oil April l 7-'1o a week

will be sci: apart' whc1t there will

~c \'isiting ministers fro1i1 ,the Hols-

to n Confcrcncc (C,hatta11Qoga -arcj)

preaching and J1r,ilding \,1r.1ous types

of scr\'iccs in C\'Cl}' chhrch in the

S,ny rna Church Plans Expansion; Buys Property

Sl\lYRNA - Th c Snwrna

Methodist Church has purch:1scd

froni B. L. \Valkcr a large lot on

Church Street across from the rear

of the church property si tuated at

the corner of Church and Atlanta

streets, according to Ernest Jones,

chairman of the church's Board of
Trustees. The lot has a 160 foot front on
Church Street and runs back ap-
proximately 330 feet. There is a two unit house of 12 rooms and
two baths on part of the lot, the
first part of which was built a century ago by J. E . Moore. It has had
Imany additions and o,Yncrs since that date and was for a long whik the home of th c late Pierce 1 "Judge" Bowie, a large land owner
and planter of the countv. Since
that time it has been tl1c home of A. L. Oslins and .II. B. Mit

chcll Sr. The church \\'ill me the pro
pcrty in its expansion program, but docs not plan to build 011 it in the ,cry near future. Plans arc being drmrn for expansion in the Church School in connection to the pre-
sent plant. Dr. J. I L Allison is the present
pastor and the boJrd of trustee arc Ernest Jones, Paul LoYcjov , IIcnry Konigsmark, Sr., Dr.

Ray, D. J. Ray, R oy Fowler and

James Pressley.

Tl!c church membership is ap

proxunatcly 600 and is growing at

th<: rate of ahout ten per month.

It 1s the only Methodist church in

the Smyrna area.



1John Matthews

Named President

;, Qf Smyrna Group

SMYRNA - Stanley ivbitak-

cr, southern district manager

for Umted Press Association.

spoke to Methodist Men 's Club /

Monday evening in an interest-

ini account of his recent trn- J

vcls in Europe and England. 1

~ Whit









group I

of newspaper me,1 visiting Eu -r

rope for first hand information

regarding the economic, politi-

cal, health and other condi-

tions there, and of special in-

terest w~s the reaction of this /

news wnter to the contrast of

t~e iron curtain satellite coun-

nes. Expressive of the whole was

the sham front encountered in

the Russian sector of Berlin. To

trav;l .further revealed the real

conmt1cn of squalor and poverty


John Matthews was elected pre~ident of the club in a short busmess session to succeed T. J. Peck. Henry Konigsmark, Jr.. was , made vice president, J. P., Cranshaw, secretary, and T. J. Peck, treasurer.
. It was voted to change ,the tnne of the meetings of the _club to the third Monday night mstead of the first as there were so many conflicting meet!ngs in which Methodists wete mtr,rested. A meeting will be
.;1eld th_is third Monday, Octobe1:
. .o. It will not be a dinner meet-

Smyrna M ethodist Church, an offspring of the old camp meeting ground around which the

town grew up.


Smyrna Methodists
Set Annual Budget,
Employ Secretary
Paul Crump, principal of Smyr-
na Elementary school, has been named chairman of the official , board of the Methodist church to .succeed F. T. Brown who served two consecutfive terms. Brown is retired from the board this year by the rotation system.
L. G. Stronigan was elected vice chairman and Don Cunningham secretary. Fred Pounds resigned,, a~ treasurer due to the fad that he plans to move from Smyrna in the Fall. The nomlinating committee
was asked to fill the vacancy re-
porting to the next meeting' and also to nominate a charge layleader. Eugene Evans was appoilnt- j _rd to the nominating committee to replace J . T. Peck, who rotated off the board on July I.
John P. Matthews presided in
l1 the absence of Mr. Brown and the board adopted a budget for the year of approximately $15 560 ! which is an increase of al~ost
$2,000 over last year.
A goal of $5,000 was set for the building fund to be raised during the year, wmch fund will not be used for any either purpose than church building.
The addition in the budget was made to cover the salary of a combination church secretary and youth worker. Miss Sallie Howell ~ has assumed these dut'ies.
O~her items in the budget were contmued as of last year with the exception ()f some small changes made by the Annual Conference.
The meeting was opened with prayer by Dr. J. H. Allison and closed with a prayer by . Trustee
rnest Jones.


Smyrna Methodists Report Incoming Officers, Stewards

S\IYR'\'A - The Re\. J. \\. Cecil Haralson, .;\Iartm L Ruff 0. \lc~ibbcn preached and held \\. L. Scm-cr, B. T. Cagle, Cecil

the fourth quartcrlv conference .~n:rly, 1 ate \\'right, Da,id l<.. \\'cdncsday evening at the Smnna J, recborn, E. C. Cranmer. .;\Jrs. C.

\lcthodist Church, and brought a L. Groce ,,as re-elected commun

message from the Bishop urging ion stnvard and the entire board

the churches of this area to . set of trustees },\ere re-elected.

up programs 1to enlist the new The follm,ing list of .stc\\ards members now being received into ,vcre re-elected, showinu the vcar

the church in 'the work of the they will rotate off: "'

Kingd om.

1~5-+ - Paul Crump, J. King

Good reports were made in most Davis, \ frs. Pat Edwards Sr., .;\Jrs.

departments of work, \\'ith an in- Ruby Giles, J\. B. \\'arc.
crease of H-l- new members show- 1_955 - y. Eugene Ernns, Sam

< ing a net gain of 97. '1he total Ewmg, J. heel Pom1 .~. Dr. J -:i~is

membership at present is 66-f.

A. Ra!, R. L. Ruf., =:hark,.

Fred Bro\\ n, chairman of the Rumsey. board, an nounced that \V. F. Blatt

had been secured as -choir director 1956 - Henry Kon igsmark Jr.,
to succeed the .Re,. John Millsaps John P. l\Iatthc\\s, \V. C. :Mellon,

\\ho has. graduated froui Emorv \Vilbur D , l\lonroc, James Press- '

and returned to. his Mississiprii lcy. Quintcn L. Steppe.

Conference fot assignment. He al- . 19)7 - L. G. Strpnigan, \Vil-
so reported the board plans to em- ham P. 'Lovejoy, J. I . Darbv,

ph?) a coml;iination \outh worker James A. \\ 'aid arrd Don Cun-

and church secretary for. the new ningham,



Pearce Matthews was elected

delegate to tJ1 c Annual Conferen ce

to be held 'ji1 Atlanfo btgi11nin a

June 22, \,:ith Ik11ry Konigsmark

Jr., as altc(lli1tc,


R. L. Ruff ,~;)s re-elected chmch

sc h o o I . &u pcri1itcndent; Fr1xl

Pounds; rc-i:)cctcd treasurer; and.

l\lrs._ C. L. Groce, re-elected: com-

mumon steward.

New stewards named fcir rofat-

mg off the ,l5oard in 19 57 \,ere T .

A. l,arr. Dr. J. ;\f. Collins Jr. ,\J,

I. ~- Steen, Mrs. \V ~O. Reese, ~irs.

Paul Crump-Heads Methodist Board At Smyrna Church

SMYRNA-Paul Crump, princi-

pal of the Elementary School, was

elected chairman of the Official

Board of the Methodist Church

Tuesday evening at a call meeting.

He succcds F. 1'. Brown, who scrv-

eel two consecutive terms, being
ltired from the board this year



Ithe rotation system.

L. G. Stronigan was elected vice chairman and Don Cunningham, secretary. Fred Pounds Jr., resigned as treasurer, stating that he would move his residence from Smyrna in the fall. The nominating com-
mittee was instructed to fill the vacancy, reporting to the next meeting and also to nominate a charge lay-leader. Eu,2ene Evans ;-as appointed to foe nominating .committee to replace J. T. Peck, who rotated off the board July l.
John P. l\fatthcws presided in the absence of Mr. Brown and the board adopted a budgef fot the year approximating $15,560 which is an increase of almost $2,000 above that of last year.

A goal ot !j,J,UUU was s::!: for a building fund to be raised during the year, which fund wi'1l not be used for any other purpose than
a Church School building.
- T-he addition to tht budget was

Stewards Named;
Methodists Reach
Expansion Goal
S;\IYRNA - Five new stewards rcccntlv elected l)\' the Ouartcrh Conference were introclucccl at the l\larch meting of the Official Board of the l\ lcthodist Church Tuesday evening. They arc D. \V . Cunningham, Leslie G. Stronigan, \Villiam P. Lo,cjoy, J. L. Darby
and James \\'aid. In introducing the men th cpas-
tor, Dr. J. II . Aii1son, said they were among the newcomers to the citv and for the most part lived in 'the new residential subdivisions.
Dr. Allison reported the church had met its quota of S567 .00 in the Expansion Fund drive Sunday, , i\Iarch 1.
A motion to appoint a permanent committee to h::i\c oversight of the nursery for young children at the Sunday morning services wi th authority to employ a perma-
nent head \\~ls passed and the com- 1 mittcc named as follows: i\lrs. P. l\I. Edwards, ;\!rs. C. C. Kerr, King Davis and LaFcllc Ruff.
-The chairman, F. T. Brown, reminded the stewards that we had little more than a quarter to go in the church vcar and asked that they c01itact c,ery ddinquent member and urge their attendance upon the Ilolv \Veck services look-
ing to a full attendance at the
Evangelistic !vlission to be held
April_ 19-26.


Mesdames Ruff, Brawner, Miss Brown CircleChairmen of Smyrna WSCS

Methodists Name

Group Committees

S;\IYRNA __: The following hnvc been_ elected to chairmanships of comrmttccs for the United Evangelistic l\fission of the l\Icthodist ~h_urch to be held in April: ,. Pubhe1ty, Henry Konigsmark, Jr.; F ma nee, A. l\ I. Aiken; Visitation J: P. Cranshaw; Spiritu,al Prcpara'. hon, Pe:1rcc Matthews and l\liss Darrinda Martin; Entertainment,
:\7,l\1rs. Ernest Jones Spfritual Life l~. Lovejoy and L~slie G'. Stromgan; Youth, R. LaFcllc Ruff Entertainment of l\linistcrs, .t\Irs'. R. C. Loudermilk .
The committees arc holding regular. meetings with all heads reportm~ on \\cclncsclay C\'enings f<?llowmg the regular mid-week scrncc.

At the \Vcdnesuav evening t'

meeting men 'who travel over the

state rcportc;d that cvcrvwherc th cv

~aw the bumper stickers ad,crtis-

ing the . Ernngclistic i\fission and at ~an: plac~s where they were


callmg on busmcss :men they were

fou11ct to be attcndmg one kind or

another for the 'l\fission. "\Vc arc

a part of a great statc-w1clc effort "

tl1ey -concluded.


SMYRNA - Annual reports of puolica!ions, , i\1rs. R. F _. Pope; 1 Icla Lee ~3rown. . _

1 eel \\'ith Constitution Editor Ralph

accomplishments highlisihtcd the l\Ionday meeting of the \Voman's

promotion, ;\!rs. A. \I. Aiken . Christian social relations and lo-

The circle nouncccl as

focllhoa\\ir..m: eln\Irsw. erce.


\I cG'1J]'5

t lk a


ti ie

., ,-




p m-

Society of Christian Smice of the Methodist Church held in the

eal chur~h acti~itics, \1rs. R. _C. Loudenn!lk; missionary educat1011

DaYis, :\!rs. Jirncst [ones, .i\lrs. :\I.
L. Ruff :mcl :\!rs. A. J. Carlton.

grnm twns

of ,1s

.'1ss1sta11ce to b,;ckw:ircl n:im,rng1-:a tccl by fonncr Pre-


Peare~ l\fatthews chapel, which ,ms and scrncc, i\ !rs. C. T. Osburn; 1\ lrs..Brmrner brought an infor- sidcnt I him I ruman.

especially attracti,c with reel glads stt~dnct work, l\lrs. c:, 13. Yancy; ))lflthe program from _the subject, .i\lrs. Ruff explained th e clutie,

and blue iris.

cluldren, l\lrs. Sam _I hcodocwn; . \\ .~ Cannot !,,m-e \\'1thout Shar- of s (..:ci,il membership comrnittc.:c

1\frs. C . T. Osburn ga,c the rcpor_t of the nominating co11111,;ttec,

status of women._ 1'_hss lcla Bro,vn, suppl) \I ork, ,\ lrs.

Lcc, Ro,

n~g. _Othe,rs takmg part \\'ere l\lc~-
dames C. I . Osburn. C. 13. Dans

to function in 195-+ and thought f it timch- for our fast growing com 1

"'.lueh w~s incomplete, as foll~ws: Fowler. _

. and '\l1s~ Tela Lee Brown.. . nnmih.' She also urged the making

nee president, l\trs. J. 13. !,mks; Another committee was_ appomt' . l\ lis . .i\l. L. Ruff gaYc an mspir of a scrapbook for the IIC\I' , en

treasurer, l\1rs. Blanche Brawner eel to com1~lctc the roster as fo]. mg rq)ort of the annual conference and told of the splendid arrm of
spi~itual life _cha irman, l\ Irs. J. 1-I'. lows: l\ !rs. l\'I. L. Ruff, chairman, t~ wl! ich she \,as the clclcgate, the these sh01rn at tht: confercncc.

Allison; chairman l_i tcraturc and l\lrs. Blanche Brawner and ;\liss h!ghhgl~ts . bcmg ~hat l\lrs. Lon- \Irs. Brmrncr, the treasurer rc-

gmo, d1stnct president, had been ported $469.-f-2 sent the confcr~ncc
clcrntcd to, ,a conference. position trc,1surcr from the Socich. tht

\\'Ith l\lrs. I om Hayes bemg elect- Guild and the children's depart

eel to succeed her.

mcnt. Through other channels the

She gave the district pkdge ':ur junior children had sent Sl, for

the ~car as S31,2 H. The next special foreign work and the pn

rncctmg of the conference wi11 be rnarics Sl 3. 50 to \liss Annie \ lac

in Daltc?lL Of the niam splendid \\ hitc, in Africa. $307.32 mis j

~ikers she was especially impress- spent for local work.




Methodist Class

building program paramount. Those present were M~sdames

P. M. Edwards, Amos Pierson, G.

Mee'ts In Smyrna

F. Nodine, Blanche Brawner, Brooke Lowry, A. M. Aiken, S. N.

with Mrs. Jones

Edmonds, C. T. Osburn, J. B.
Parks, R. C. Loudcrmilk,'Sam Thc-
odocian, J.P. Johnston, Guye Dun-

can, Mazie Nelson, \1/. L. Severs,


The Lovejoy Class

Louise Pounds, C. C: Kerr, Charles Gusfatson, King Davis, B. H. Han-

of the Methodist Church held its son, Enrcst Jones and Miss Ida Lee

" June meeting Tuesday evening at Brown.

the home of Mrs. Ernest Jones, on

King Street, with Mrs. Louise

Pounds and Mrs. C. C. Kerr as co-

1smyma Methodists
Announce Schedule
For United Mission
S~!YRNA, April 12 - In prcv:iration .for tl-:-e cominu United Frnngclistic ]\fission to b'c observed by Gcbrgia l\lcthocli~t April J9. 26, the Smyrna 1'1ethodi,t Chu~h announces the following schedule


for the week:

The newly elected officers were
presiding, Mrs. Guye Duncan, president; Mrs. J. B. Parks, vice president, Mrs. \V. L. Seavers, secretary and Mrs. George F. Nodine, treasurer. Teachers are Miss Ida 'Lee Brown and Mrs. S, N. Edmonds, assistant.
The group leaders are Mrs. C . C. Kerr, Mrs. King Davis, Mrs. Louise Pounds, and Mrs. R. C. Loudermilk: Mrs. Charles F. Dobbs is chairman of cards and flowers.
Plans were made for the new conference )'ear with the ch urch's

Pra\'cr meetings will be held on T11csdm c,cning at 8 P. l\f. in the home of ~fr. arid l\frs. B. II. H anson, 30~ Lo,c S,trcet, and on Fri-
s. l dar e,cning with Mr. and l\lrs. l
Henry Konigomark, Jr., at 309 Atlanta Street.
On \Vednesday evening the regular pravc!' sen-ice will be held in 1 the sanctuarv of the church at ' w]1ich tim e the entire membership will come together with the pastor,
Dr. J. l I. Allison, leading.
On Saturday c,-cning at 8 o'clock
!he youth of th e church will join 111 the youth rallv to be held at the ~ larictta First Church when Rev.

II. Olin Troy, of Chattanooga, will

be the speaker.

Silver Communion Service D_edicated ToFormer Smyrna Methodist Members

TI1c.,,.Rcv. Charles_ \\'. ,Dre, of
Vorrest A,cnue M ethodist Church.
of Ch:ittanooga, is expected to li;;,;;



SMYRNA-The Smyrna Meth- sent the memor;ai.s which will be Those former members who

l\Iemorial . Covers

odist Church Sunday at 11 a. m . received by Mr. Fred T. Brown, have been memorialized and the The two covers were given by .

will hold a service of dedication chairman of the official board. donors are as follows: The trays Misses Ann and Nancy Konigs- ,

for the new silver communion

Special Music '

-Mr. R .. R.. Manning, Sr., bY mark to honor the memory of ,

service recently given to the There will be special music members of his family; Mr. and their father, Mr. Reed Konigs- :

church as memorials to a num- by the eboir under direction of Mrs. Gregory B. Brown by their .mark, and the Men's Bible Class .

ber of former members who have John Mlllsaps, director, and Miss daughter, Miss Ida Lee Brown; to honor the memory of a for-

pass~d from this life.

Pauline Crawford will pres1de at Mrs. Irene Hill Skelton by E. E. mer pastor, Rev. John R. Jones. .

Dr. J, H. Allison, pastor of the the organ. The choir will sing Skelton, Miss Frances Skelton The two bread plates by the

church, will conduct the service "What Child is This," a tradi- and Mrs. Sam Davis; Mr. Chester Dan Gill Adult Bible Class to which wlll be followed by the tional hymn, and Miss Clara Sue B. Austin by-his wife and family; h on or the memory of one of their sacrament of the Lord's Supper. McVey, visiting soioist will sing Mr. John Samuel Matthews by first teachers, the late Mr. A. B.

Mr. Pearce Mathews will pre- the well known "Jesu Bambino" his brother Pearce Matthews. S. Lowry.


Smyrna Methodist Boar.d Adopts $13,000 Budget

SMYRNA-The official board

of the Smyrna Methodist Church j

met in monthly session Tuesday _,

! evening in the Pearce Matthews '

chapel and adopted the budge:;

for the year approximating $13,- '


There was little change in the

. budget from last year except

an increase in World Service as

voted by in June.





Three committees were ap- pqinted by the chairman, Ferd '
T. Brown, as follows: Buildinf?i , and grounds: Sam Ewing, Henry
Konigsmark, Jr., and King Davis.

Reception at the church ser-' vices: J.P. Cranshaw, T. J. Peck, J. Fred Pounds and Grady V. Kelly.

The chairman, the financial secretary, the treasurer Rnd Mrs. P. M. Edwards were asked to form a committee to work with the stewards in keeping them ' informed monthly on the financial status of their lists.
The stewards re'ceived their ,working lists for the year and were asked to come prepared to ' report .on them at each meeting of the board.
Rev. J. H. Allison was present and gave a word of greeting and thanks to the church for their .
...reception here.

.Smyrna tvtethodists Vote To Sponsor
Shrine Dinner


The Lovejoy

Memorial Class of the Metho-

dist Church met on Tuesday

evening, in the educational

building, for its September

b1:1siness and social meeting

with Mrs. King Davis, Mr,~

Guve Duncan, Mrs. G. F. Nodin~

and .Mrs. W. W. Sapp as hostess-


The class voted to sponsor the Kennesaw Mountain Shrine Clu_b's November 10 dinner to 1 . ~romote their project of provid- ' mg adequate tables for the church dining room.
Mrs. P. M. Edwards and Mr.s. A. M. Aiken tied for first place in the group count.

After the business session conducted by the president, Mrs. Guye Duncan, the guests were 1 put through their paces with s_ome interesting games. Mrs. Jack Pearson won the trophy for successfully completing the shoe box race. Mrs. Ernest Jones scored high for her charade as a street sweeper.

Tho2e present were Mesdames Duncan, Davis, Nodine, Sapp, Jones, Pearson, Edwards, Aiken, Lum Henderson, Brooke Lowry, Charles Dobbs, Blanche Brawner, Hargis Giles, R. C. Loudermilk,J. B. Parks, and C. C. Ker!'.


Live Evangelism Challenges C_hurch,

Matthews Tells Smyrna Methodists

S\IYRNA - Pierce i\latthcws,1 Conference that subscribes to the

prominent lavman, outlinci:l t .h c effort.

plan s for the Southeastern Juris-

Supports Missions"'

diational United E\'angclistic l\Iis0 The Board adopted a resolution

sion of th c l\lcthodist Church pledging whok:hcartcd support in

. Tuesday evening at the February the Mission committees to be set

. meeting of the Sn,:;rna !\ fcthodist up at the meeting of the Quar-

official board in the l\ latthcws tcrh- Conference \ Vcdncsdav c,c-


:i;ng, February 18, at 8 o'clcick.

"Am church without a Ji,c c,,m- Dr. J. H. Allison outlined plans
gclistic program," he said, "\\ill for spcci,_11 s~n-ices with guest pas-

J. '': be out of step ~-ith the: i\kthodist tqrs . h~gmnmg .on Palm Sunday

Church. I consider it ppc of the :';.~nipg wl~q1 Re\'.

0. ?\lc-

finest plans .to .ha\'C bc~I! .handed K1bbe1,i., chstqct SU])t., will speak.

dmrn by the: Gci1era_l ,Qonfcrence, Oh; I_.ucsday C)Tmng _Rcv:. Dcln~a 0
It is a challenge tothc local ,church L.)lagood, supt. Rom~ ,-.chst., \\'Ill and in no pince C(ii\lcf' ft be, as _speak; .,ycc)ncsdar c,qm~g, Re,.

timely .as in this ai-q, witJi,jts in- Re)nb.crt, .$1sso11, ~f ,Pm,icl ._IJ1.l_ls

flux of u~1chnrchcdpcople. . _, .1\1,S'.thochst Olrnrch, .Thurs~l.ay \\ ill

. .


J d _exp amc.

t}i,tL m

i' j _tic

cffo r_t :

be .the .oh 1fa111ion, ,aPd

antC'1f' Holy Corn,>11 F rida,..cycning.

?f tm(tcd l_)c)1e,::111g, ,, car_1!1g,_ ,prai- Re\. \V/ \1. Bari'ich supt. East

mg, w1tncssmg mid "orship1rnig (!P Atla11ta dis 1'1r t ,viii l;e tl!e speak-

the part of the chutch ,will begm ', .

' ,.

now . but 011 April 17-26':.a, wcc.k rr..

will' be set apait1 when' .thci-c will The ,fo!Jo),ing. p1cmber.s .. of the

be Yisiting mi1.1istcrs. fr.0_1.~ th.c I~Jol.s-..6.ffic\,1f., \vc1;c:/n,.1_m.d, 01~ . a .. ton C~nfcrcnce .(q1atJ,iil~oga tu;ea) . rclatIOnJ. s~mm2t\ce by ' tl~c chair-

ptcachmg ;md hctldmg\nnou~typ(;s. man, F., .I ., J:.:-o,:1n: J. I.'. Cran-.

of scr\'iccs in ctuy 'chi.1rch m the shaw, Henry .Korlrg~mar~, Jr., Er-

'"'~- i1est Jone~; l\frs. ,H,1rgi's Giles and

1l\Irs; P: l\L Edwa1tls.

The! p.;stor 'a;1ilq1;1~ccd 2'07 sub-
scribers to the \Vc*yan Christian Advocate.and J..-,P. Cr,,mshfnv spoke on behalf of the Christian 1\clvocatc in \Ybich is. cathcd the. news of \\;oriel l\Icthodism>

T11c pastor will speak on "The Tragedy . of," Pions Softness:"


Bishop Moore
To Talk Sunday
At Smyrna
S:\IYR?\A, Dec. 26- Bishop
Arthur J. :\foorc will be the guest
preacher at 11 o'clock senices at the First Methodist Church here Sunday.
Th e prominent Methodist lead, er is president of the l\fcthodist
C ollege of Bishopf and head of its mission hoard. I le has receiltly re- ;
,, turned from a trip to Europe and will have much first hand
!tion on what is happening in the ChrisitJan world in the cold .war with Communism.
Dr. J. II. Allison, pastor of the church, said that he had hoped to hme Bishop :\'loore for a series of C\'angclistic services in Sn1yrna, but cl uc to 11 umcrous other cngagemen ts :Moore was able to speak in Smyrna only on Sunday.
Dr. Allison extended a special . imitation to the public to attend the service .
1\ s a commun ity sen-ice, Bishop \ loorc's scnnon will be recorded and broadcast over \\1FO.\I at 6:30 p. m.
Special music for the Sunday sen-ice will be under the direction of \\ 'illiam F . Blatt in the absence of the m usic director, John ~Jill- s~ps,_ \\'ho is \'acationing in l\lississ1pp1.

WSCS Divisions
Hold Name:Drawing
For New Personnel
SMYRNA - As is customary with each conference year, the circles of the Woman's Society of Christian .Service of the Methodist Church 1has drawn names for the new circle petsortnel for the year.
Mrs. Charles F. Do1 bbs was reelected president of the Society.
Fannie Crawford Circle: Mrs. Ernest Jones, chairman, Mrs. Paul Gresham, vice chairman. Mem-
bers: Mesdames J. B. Parks, R.
C. Loudermilk, Ida Darcby, C. H. \Vhittington, King Davis, Pierce Dobbs; Lewis Ray, Estelle Rav,
J. H. Allison, G. T. Osburn, B. H. Valentine, J. G. :Morris Jr.,
and R.' R. iMarining.
Blanche .Rice Circle, Mrs. M. L.
Ruff, chairman; Mesdames Ma-
mie -B. Payne, L. L. Groover,, J. J. Hill, G . .E. Wooster, T. J. Peck,
R. L. , Ruff, Rex Ruff, Blanche 'Bra,vl'ler, Parker 0M. Rice, Claude Ray, Roy Fowler; A. 1~1. Aiken and Misses Darrinda Martin and Ida Lee 'Bro.wn. ,
Amy Davis Circle, Mrs. C. B. Davis, chairman,. Mesdames J. C. , Dunton. G. \V. Farrar, C. L. Groce, Hargis Giles, Clayton Ham,by, IL H. Hanson, G: M:' Kelly, Paul Lovejoy, Picr~e !'Matthews,
co-chairman, F. B. McGrnry, R.
L. Pope, Louella Simmcrlein, W, E. Shipp, and C. B. Yancy.
;Morning Circle, ,Mrs. A. J. -Cai'lton, chairman, Mesdames J. E. Anderson, Lewis'Anderson, J. L.
Anderson, J. P. Cranshaw; W. R, Mountcastle, T. 0. Prickett, \Vat- .1 son Petty and W. O. Reese.: , j Night Circle who arc yet to . elect their chairman: . 1Mcsdames Bob Arrington, George Nodine, Charles .Gustafson, Guye Duncan, Amos Pearson, Sain Theodocian, W. L. Seaver and Hubbard.

2--,-Marietta Daily Journal - W ednesday, D ec. 17, 1952

Religious Drama Given By Women At W.S.C.S. Meet

Smyrna Methodist Choir Presents Annual Christmas Carol Service
Sl\lYRN A - T h c Methodist coilars and the entire picture 1s

S\IYR:\'A - :\ dramatiza tion ,

" llavc Thine Own \Vav," was

presen ted at the meeting '.\Ionday

aftcrnon at the Pearce \latthcws

Chanel of the \Voman 's Society

of ~- .;an Sen-ice.

The skit brough t out the need

for and chowed -the wav of evan-

gelization in the locai church.

Those taking part were \ksdamcs

Rex Ruff. J. B. Parks, \1. L. and

LaFcllc Ruff, l largis Giles and

C. T. Osburn. FollO\ving the pfay

\ [rs. \I. L. Ruff conducted the

de\'(Jtio ns .


i\Irs .. \I. L. Ruff \\"as elected
clek:cra te, mid \!rs. J. B. Parks,

alter~atc, t othc district confer-

ence to be held at St. \larks

Church in Atlanta April 28-30.

,\ nom inating committee was

elec ted including \!rs. C , T. Os-

hnr11. \ lr s; I .aFcllc Ruff a'nd :\lrs.

B. l I. fl-mson.

:\lrs. ;} L. Ruff. spiritual life

chairn1,m; renortcd 25 present at

thc Good Frict1Y Lenten service

held Friclav morning at the .c1rnp-



Choir presented its ann ual Carol one that will not soon be forgot

Sen-ice Sunday evening in a beau- ten. tiful setting of siher and bl u c The entire program from the

Christmas decoration .

processional, "i\n,~els, fron_1, t_ h c

, Jn a complete change from oth- Realms of Clan, to the Joy to

er vcars the chancel and choir loft the \Vprld'' recessional with organ

were hanked with sil\'cr cedar and and piano accori1panimcnt. played

pine trees wh ile across f:hc white hv l\'liss Pauline Crawford and

draped front of the cholf w c r c l\'Irs. Paul Crump, was one of un-

boughs of n\agnolia lem'CS enamel- usual beauty and feeli ng \Yhile U1c

ed a cobalt blue the same shade closing numbers or candle hght

as the lighted tapers in oxidized carols, "O, Holy Night," sung by

cathedral candelabra with se,cn I\lrs. Gennie Vee Haralson, and a

branches each . Th c candelabra new arrangerncn~ of '_'S i I c n t

were in graduated heights forming Night," sung ))Y can_dlc hght only,

th ree rows from front to back, and held the audience 111 rap t adora-

the standards embellished with the tion.

blue b oughs .

The soloists, M rs, H aralson,

The members of the choir wore Miss Marie Manning, \,liss Laura

their black choir robes with white Ilclcn Jones, I\Iiss Mcnell Stcw'.ut, soprnno.s, ai1d I\_lrs. Bill Scoggms,

contralto, were m good voice and

it was of special interest that_some

of these voung \'Oiccs were smgmg

publicly -for the first or ~ccond

time having just started thcir mu-

sic careers in the music department

of Campbell H igh School, under

direction of Bill Blatt, head of the

\frs. G. T. Osburn, study leader. rc1)ortcd having . rccci\cd the certificate of recognition 011 the recent 'jurisclictienal class studyi'ng
.\frica . The 1Ji'Csident \!rs. Charles
Doh hs. ,;nnom~cc~I the nc\\"\VSCS nmk books hod coi11c and were rc:1dv for distribution and sale. T he-hook carries a roster of the
socictv :m cl its officers and is made up of the personal rccip~s of the member, manv of w1luch haYc been handed down through generations. Thcv were recommended cspccialh- as gifts to he sent

fine arts department there.

Joh n l\ Iillsaps, l~mory senior,

has directed the organization fo r

the past two years. Pat E ~lwards,

Jr., student of the UmYers1ty Sys

tern in Atlan ta, was. the capable

reader of the Natal Day story, and

Dr. J. H. Allison, pastor, made the

achcnt prayer.

The decorating committee came

in for high praise for the beautiful

setting and lighting effect s.. .

. The members of the cholf smg-
ing Suilday were, sopranos: ~ks,- ,


G e n nie


H aralson,

11 ,

E. Payne, and M isses M errell Ste-

out of town: They sell for $1 each.

wart Laura Helen Jones, M arga- I

rct ~nd Jeanette Hanson, M arie

Manning, and Patsy Brinkley. C on-

traltos: l\[csdamcs Louise Pounds,

Guye Duncan, P. M. Edwa!dj,

, \Villimn Scoggins, \Vallacc Arnng-

ton and Miss Frances Skelton .

Tenor and basses, T ate \Vright,

\Villiam F. Blatt, F. E. Payne and

Smyrna Methodists Name Lafelle Ruff

t\.. J3. \ Varc.

Chairman Of '53 Education .Commission

SMYRNA - The Commission i\1iss Frances Skelton was elected

on Edncation of the lVlcthodist tQ serve. as suporintende11t of the-

Church held its first meeting of the Youth Di,ision for the remainder

church year Ma_ndav. evening: in of the yc;ir p1ding in October. .

the Pearce Matthews Chapel:

~Irs. Ji,mmy Quarles, supcnn-

Thc meeting was opened by the tcnclcnt of the Children's Division,
pasta,, Dr. J, H. Allison, who pre- asked api;roval of ,seven ,vorkers to

sided until a chairman ancl other attend the \Vorkcr's Conference at

officers were elected. Lafellc Ruff, Camp Glisson. ,Approval \\'as given

general superintendent of the and th e group v9ted to defray their

Church School was elected chair- entire expense from tho, treasury.


Miss Sallie Howell, youth work-

Other officers elected were Mrs. er, reported on th eretrcat plairncd

M. L. Ruff, vice chairman and J'v1rs. for August, stating they had plans

Ruby Giles, secretary.

for separating the intermediate and

Fred Pound, the treasurer, gave senior grouJJS at that time.. l'vlrs.

the report which showed ~ b_alance

Quarles was iristrudcd by the group to secure. a \\'orkcr .or workers for

from last year of $692.S~ m the the Junior grollp for an cvcnii1a scs-

treasury.. After a ~encral chscuss10n sion


heon how this surplus money would used it was voted to transfer '

Proper Literature

$2 50 to the liuilding fund. set aside The Chairman favored the . reg-

, $2 50 to be used for attic tans or ular workers conferences as set out

other method of cooling for 1 Church School building and

the th~

in the Discipline znci each division-
al ~uperintcndcnt was ~skcd to. sec

church sanctuary if the fund woul foat ca(h teacher h;id 2.:1d was using


the proper literature of her age

Stair Coverings



Guards were decided upon for Mrs. Gentry expiained how that

the up stairs rooms used by .smaller the used literature had been turn-

children, and a committee compos- ed mcr to other Methodist Church- ,

ed of Glenn Yarbrough, Paul es who could use it and .sJJecific

Crump and Mrs. James Centrr plans were made with T. J. Peck

wcro appointed to buy and install in charge of getting this literature

some form of stair co,-cring to keep back and in the proper channels to

down noise in the building,

be used again.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - Tl1C meeting was dismissed with

praver bv Dr. Altison.

Those present were LaFcllc Ruff,

Glenn Yarprough, J. Freel Pounds,

lV!rs . B. T. Cagle. Mrs. Blanrl1c

Brawner, Mis. J. E~ Quarles, Miss


Ida Lee Brown, Mrs. M. L. Ruff, Mrs. Charles Gustafson, Paul

Crump, Mrs. Rubv Giles. Mrs.
Smyrna Men's Cf ub I Sam Theodocian, 'Miss Frances Skelton, Mrs, James Gentry and

Miss Sallie Howell.
Hears J. H. Hawkins

SMYRNA - Associate Justice

J . H. Hawkins, of Marietta, ad-

dressed the Methodist Men's

Club Monday evening, at the

church fellowship center, follow-

"ing a dinner meeting.

Justice Hawkins spoke' inform-

ally on helpful Christian living

using illustrations to show that

while some things a Christian President John Matthews ap,

might do would not necessarily pointed a committee to look into

hurt him, if there was a chance the matter of changing the date

it might influence another to of the meeting from the night

wrong conduct or attitude it now in use uuc to some conflict-

should be left alone.

ing church meetings.

Kentucky Minister Speaks On Missions

S:\IYRNA - Dr. Lester \IcGcc, of t'hc Kentucky Conference
and direc tor for the Georgia ~lcthodist Evangelistic l\ fission ,\pril 19
i'~ 2 5, prc,'.chcd at the Snnclav CYC-
mng semcc of the l\kthod1st C hurch h ere bringing a message tha t was both intcresti:ig :rn<l st irring in its impac t:
After recanting many P,f the new
discoveries of science heretofore untold he said it is his belief that man has eaten of the fruit of the tree of knowledge before he has 'partaken of the fruit of the tree of life, and called upon l\Icthodist in this forthcoh1ing evangelistic mission to go out and seek to persuade every man and woman not alrcadv com-mittcd to accc::,t Jesus Chris't
and trv His \Va v of life. . . Mission Plan's
Dr. l\IcCcc was not only a forceful speaker, but ably outlined for the loc,tl church , the plans for the I\Iission as outlined by the Church. I laving participated in many of these missions in other states he ,,as able to gi,c fa cts ancl figures.
Ile said that 33,000 persons have been brought to Christ in the Ohio Mission alone.
Ile went into detail regarding the plan for publicizing the I\Iission in the Conference stating that there would. be an eight-page. edi[ tion to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution on April 12 preceding the opening of the mission which would qrrv news, plans and advertising for the event.
Minister Exchange

He explained that focrc would

be an exchange of ministers betwcl

en the Tennessee and N, Ceo~gia

Conference for that \\eek. there be-

Iing eight states and the Republic of Cuba taking part. IIe also explained that no minister would rccei\ c a11y money on this ex~hange

of pulpits. The -Church \\'III pa)

their expenses from a loose offer-

ing to be t,1kcn at each scnicc, but

no stress, l1c said will be vut on

the offerings.

~Jisscs Laura Helen Jones and

:\Iarian Sap p rendered a beautiful

fl ute duct preceding the sermon .

They were accompanied by l\[rs.

Paul C rump at the piano.




&myrun Jrrnhytrrintt O!qurrq


October I4, 1953.
During the past y e ar, s vYRNA PPESBYT:t<.:RIAN CHURCH has added a new Sunday Scho ol Building to its educational plant, thus doubling the number of those whom it is able to care for ~n the \Ork of vhristian Education. The old
Sunday School building has also been remodelled, and three new classes for children have been org anized. We are now able to take care of 200 in our Sunday School.
New equrnpment has been purchased for the new building, consisting of 200 metal chairs, new tables, and considerable nursery furniture and ftrnishings.
The grounds of the Church have been improved, with terraces built up, and grass seed sown for winter lawns.
During the past year, over fifty new members have been added to the Church's roll, either by Confession of Faith, Reaffirmation of Faith or by Transfer of Letter. The Church now has over twice the membership (260 members) that it had in I95I. It is estimated, th~t ~tits present rate of growth, SMYRNA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH will have 500 members by I955.


Presbyterians Ready To Build New Sunday School Building
Smyrna Presbyterian church) now has $11,195 in its building
fund for the construction of a new I
Sunday school building, the Rev. John H. Knight announced today.
Construction will start on the building as soqn as Mr. Sewell, construction superintendent of the job being done at Smyrna First Baptist com,pletes his1 work at the Baptist church.
Presbyterians contributed to the building fund $2,171.60 on Easter Sunday..
Presbyterians observed Family night Wednesday with Circle No. 5 in charge. The General meeting of the Women of the Church was held Tuesday night.
Presbyterians Set April 1-for
S\IYRNA, Feb. 17 - The Prcsbvtcrian Church here \\ ill break ground on April 1 for a new Sundav School Bui1ding "to accomodatc the crowds \\ hich hm c been O\-crflowing the present education al annex," according to the announcement of the pastor, Re, John II. Knight.
G. E. SC\\cll, of Villa Rica. has
heen seemed as sup;:;rintcndcnt of construction. SC\\cll is presently employed in building the annex to the Smyrna First Bapfot Church, and will assume charge of the Presbyterian work just as soon as the BajJtist job is completed.
The plans for the Presbyterian building were drawn by Robert II. Taylor, Smyrna architect, and deacon of. the church. Richard Nash, architect of i\larictta, and a former mcmlkr of Smyrna Presbyterian Church has acted as adnsor.
'l11c nc\\ building will take up the remaining land owned by the Prcsb\"tcrians and bordering on Church Street. The building will double the' capacit\' of the present Sunchl\ School ,m11cx.
On Sunday morning the Board of Deacons announCccl that a Spclial Easter Offering. the goal o \\ hich is $2,000, will he received,
Easter Day. This will be for if
nm Sunda, School Building. The Building Committee is com-
posed of the follo\\ing persons: chairman; John C. Dabney; T. Pey-
ton Ilollcnrnn, hcd R. \lcRac, J.
\ lax Pa\10\sky, and i\ lrs. Eugene I'. Rice.
\lca1rnhilc the pastor \Yill begin 011 Suncla\" night at 7:30 a new sc rics of sermons dn Gideon, one of the Old Testament worthies who ",Is greatly used of God.
The series which comprise ten ,ermcms in number, will trace the life of this man of God during that
otth clifficnlt time in earh 1Icbrc\, his-
tory kno\\ n as the 'Period Juclges.' They \\ill emphasize t \\Ork that can be done hv a ma anv generation who \\ill tur '#> life o,cr to be u eel of God. ~

Smyrnans Break Ground Sunday For $25,000 Presbyterian Annex


S\1YRNA - Officials and members of tl1c Prcsb\'teri:m Church
gathered on the grounds of the
Church Sunday afternoon in a
ground-brc:1king ceremony conduct-
ed br the !)astor, the Re\'. John II.

Actual work began \[;,,1Jav

morning on the annex to their pres-

ent Sunday School b..1ilding and on

alterations to. the present structure

to better meet the needs of this

growing congregation.


The new building, at an estimat!

ed cost of $25,000, .will be connect-

ed to the present l;milding by an en-

closed \\~1lk-wav, and will consist of
an assembly loom which will seat
0\"Cf 200 and .\\;ill be used for pray

er meeting; family night. suppers

and otlier ,church functions; two

new class rooms with folding doors

opening off.-the larger room, a large

nursery equipped with rest . room

and gamG storage.

The nc\\. structure will add 2424


,;. ""'


;k.,~~-.ii..J;~.;, ;~~~~tt~~~,.,:

sq. ft.


Alteration to the present cdnca- Fred l\lcRcic, T. P. Holleman, Mrs. Eugene Rice, Chairman John Dabner, J. ~fax Pavlovsky, the Rev.

tional b1ii)ding will pro,idc four
extra class rooms.
The members of the building committee of this progressive
church arc John D:ihncv, chairman; Fred l\IcRac, T. P. Holleman, l\[rs. Eugene Rice, J. l\fax Pav1cl\"sky, the

John II. Knight, Robert .H. Taylor.

' Davis, Dr. D. C. Landers, Jake \V. rEugenc A. R_ice; FredMcRae, Rob-
Nash, cbk of session; Ray E. Fu!- ert H. Taylor, John C. Dabney, ,J.

fon, W. Meh-in Ilollcnian and II Carroll and H. B. ?,-Iitchdl

Talmadge \ \l.illiamson.


Rev. John H. K11ight and Robert Scn-ing as deacons are J. 11ax

II. Tavlor.

Pavlovsky, chairman; \\Tilton B.

Church Elders are Grover \V. Carson, treasure~; Robert Baugh, 1



Building New

$25,000 Structure

As a means of providing room
ffor expansion, Smyrna Presby-
( terians are constructing a new
$25,000 annex to their present
structure and are planning to
alte:. the I present educational
building to pro-:ide four ~ new classrooms.

Work has already been started on the new structure which will provide an additional 2424 square feet of space.

The new building will be connected to the present building by an enclosed walkway and will consist of an assembly room that
will seat over 200 and will be used for prayer meetings, church suppers, and other church activities; two new classrooms with folding doors opening off the larger room, a large nursery equipped with folding doors opening_ off the larger room, a large nursery equipped with rest i;:oom and game storage.

Smyrna Presbyterians began the improvement of their church properties in 1949 when the Rev. Akin Taylor was pastor. .a'he wooden church was enclosed with bricks and the church interior and facade remodeled at that time. Grounds of the church were also landscaped.

Since the arrival of the Rev. John H. Knight in February 1950, continued improvements have been made at the church.
Completion of the new building and alterations of the old will allow room for increased membership of the Sunday school departments and of the church.

Members of the church build-

ing commitee who have spear-

headed improvements at the

church include John Dabney,

chairman; Fred McRae, T. P.


Holleman, Mrs. Max Pavlovsky,

Eugene Rice, J. the Rev. Joh!)

H. Knight and the Rev. Robert

H. Taylor.

Church Elders are Grover W. Davis, Dr. D. C. Landers, Jake
W Nash, clerk of session; Ray E. Fulton, W. Melvin Holleman and Talmadge Williamson.

Serving as deacons are: J. Max Pavlovsky, chairman; Wilton B. Carson, treasurer; Robert Baugh, Eugene Rice, Fred McRae, Robert H. Taylor, John C. Dabney, J. H. Carroll and H. B. Mitchell.

Church To Honor
Scouts On Sunday
S:\IYRNA-Rc\. John II. Knight has announced the Prcsbvterian Church \Yill be hosts Sui1day morning at 11 o'clock, to Scout i\lastcr Sherwood Pierce and his Boy Scout Troop. The pastor's sermon subject will be "How to Be a Good Scout.'
The \\'omen of the Church will hold an intensi\'e Bible stud" on ~ l~mda,y and 1:uesday C\cnings at , :,0 o clock with \11ss Jane Van cl~ Vredc in charge. The subject mll be "The Iloly Spirit.''


Rev. Knight Named
Presbytery Head
The Re,. J. H. Knight, p,1stor
of Smvrna Presbyterian Church, \\as clcetccl moderator of the Cher okcc Prcsb,tcry Tuesday at its fall meeting held at First Presbyterian Church in Rome.
The Cherokee Presbytery comprises 28 churches from the Chatta!10ochee Ri,-cr to the Tennessee. line.
The Re\. Fred L. Bremer, pastor of \fichYay Prch, tcri:m Church, is stated clerk of the Prcslwtcn-, and the Re\. Da,id Boozer, of Parhirn Presbyterian Church, was named permanent clerk to succeccj the Re\. Sidncv R idgell, \\ho is resign im; from Acworth and l\lars Ilill churches to accept a South Carolina pastorate.

Christmas Services At Presbyterian Church
Sunday, December 2 1
At th~ 11 o'clock service Sunday
1:1orning at Smyrna Presbyterian
church ,the Rev. John iH. Knight,
minister, will preach on the subject, "Is Christmas Real?" The Presbyterian Church choir, under the direction of Mrs. Walter Gresh will si,ng Christmas music. J.Vrxs. John C. Brown will preside at the organ.
There will be no service Sunday night at the Presbyterian Church, as the Presbyterian choir is sing-
at ing at the Union Musical Service
to be held 8 o'clock at the Campibell High School Auditorium. All are invited to attend this Union Service.

Presbyterians Present
Christmas Play
"Christmas Is For Rememberj ing," an interesting Christmas
play, was presented Sunday night
at Smyrna. Presbyterian church
under the direction of Mrs. Car1
Pritchard Sr. Anne Banks recited
a / poem, "Joy Gift Reminder." Mrs. W. A. McAdams sang "The Aged Ministers' Prayer." The Presbyterian Church choir, under the direction of Mrs. Walter Gresh, sang Christmas carols with IMiss Mary Knight as accompanist.
The cast of characters for the play was as follows:
Rev. John Bradford, Mr. F. J. Benzing; Mrs. Bradford, Mrs. John C. Moss; Jane, Jeanie Pavlovsky, Henry, Jack Wilson; George, Jimmie Moss; Mary, the Mother lof Our Lord, Mrs. Fred McRae; Joseph, Fred MdR,ae; Angel Gabriel, C. W. Moss; Prophets, T. P. Holleman, Bob ,Baugh; Shepherds, Ray Fulton, J. W. Nash, Jule Davis; Wise Men, Carl Pritchard, Jr., John C. Dabney, David Crowson; Angels, Patricia Young, Jackie Landers.
In charge of properties was T. P.
Hcllleman and Fred McRae.

. ..

SPRING . STREET ' BAPTIST CHURCH Smyrna Baptists occupied their new $48,000 building Easter Sunday, when the Rev. A. C. 11\farshall, pastor, delivered the scm~on. The brick shi1chirc, located mi the same lot where the old
chu~ci~ .stood, has lO Sundav School rooms. Scrv-

ing on the Board of Dc:;cons arc Paul" Cochran, chainnan; Robert Tolbert, Hoyt Langston, Pierce Gilliam, Orville Hicks, Virgil Barnett, Leonard Barnett, Ad.i:ian Cochran, l\farvin Owens, \V. G. Hayes and How~rd Barfield.

Second Baptist Marks
Its 10th Anniversary
By Burning Mortqa~e
Smyrna Second Baptist Church Sunday celebrated its 10th anniversary by burning the mortgage on the church building.
Members observed hte occasion with special homecoming se.-vices and a basket dinner.
The services were attended by approximately 200 members and visitors. Highlighting the program was the ordination of three aeacons: James Cuspid, Ernest Wooten and S. 0. Vaughn. The Rev. C. R. Lawler, pastor of the church, was in charge of the ordination Tites.
The Rev. Roy Lawler, pastor of the church at the time of its founding- in 1942, preached the 11 o'clock service.

Marietta Daily Journal - Thursday, Oct. 15, 1953 - 3A

Smyrna Churches Grow With City; New Group Organizes,Buys Building

S\IYRNA-Srnvrna's churches just rcdecobtcd its sanctuary and

arc keeping p,1cc with the gro\\th paiutccl the stucco building on the of the community by expanding outside, bought new pc\\'s, a new tlieir facilities and one ne\\' piano and arc having plans drawn cliureh eongregatwn, the Assembly to begin ,rnrk in the near future

of God, has purchased a building on a Sunclav School annex. The

and organized a new church on membership is near the 300 mark.

I Lrnthorn Street.

The pastor i, Re,. C. R. Lawler

Aside from the new additions at and the superintc11clcnt of the Sun-

the First Bautist and the Presby- chn School, James Cupstid.

terian, and the pnrcl1asc of a large residence and lot to be used for

Re\'. Ralph Ford is pastor of the

parkiw, bv the l\lcthoclist churches, the Spring Street Baptist, haYc

new Assembly of God Church. ',J his congregation bought the brick

built a modern new brick sanctuary in front of the old ,mod structure ,,hich has been turned into Sun-

building formerly used by the i\lt. 7.ion 13apti:.t Church on Hawthorn Street, and have spent considerable

day School rooms and repainted. 'J lie Rev. A. C. ;\ lar,h:111 is pastor

money 011 rcnO\ :1tio11, red~coration, pews, pulni~. etc.

of the church of 263 membns and The church held its first service

Doyal Galloway is Sunday School in Juh- \\'ith the dcdicatorv sermon


being preached bv Rev. Ralph

New Pews

Bncl, of Atbnta, fol1011i11g a basket

New J)C\\'S h,wc replaced the old dinner. T. E. Colbert is Sunday

ones and a piano has been bought, School Superintendent.

with an OYcrnll expense approxi-

mating $48,000. The church plam

to bcP-in work around the first of

' vcar on brick rcnccring the Sun

cla1 School building in keeping ,vith

the nc.v sanctuarv.

The Second Baptist Church ,has

Smyrna Churches Match City Growth


Icl:1y School building in keeping ~,ith

Si\lY~NA-Sm,-r!1a's churches the new sanctuary.

arc kcepmg pace_ with the gro,~th . The Second Baptist Church ha~

of _the co_n!i!rnmty by cxpanchng 1ust rcdccoratccl its sanctuary and

thcIT fac1htics and one new painted the stucco building on th~

church congrcga t10n, the Assembly outside, bought new pews, a nc\,

of God, h~s purchased a building piano ,!nd arc l~aving plans drawn

and org,!mzcd a new church on to begm work 111 the near future

Ha"t.horn Street.

on a Sunday- School annex. 111(

Aside from the new additions at membership is near the 300 mark

the_ Virst Bautist and the Presby The pastor is Rev. C. R. Lawler

tcr!an, and the purchase of a large and the superintendent of the Sun

rcs1d_cncc and lot to ~c used for clav School. James Cupstid:

parkm" by the i\Icthodtst churches, Rev. Ralph fiord is p,istor of the

th<; Spring Street Baptists hayc new Assembly of Goel Church

~uilt a lo,cly new brick sanctuary This congrcgat10n bought. the brick

m ~rant of the old wood_ struc~urc bt!ildmg f?rmcrlv used bv the ~It

which has been turned mto Sun- J:1011 Baptist Church on Ila,,thorn

clay School rooms and repainted. Street, and ha,c spent considerable

111c Rev. A. C. i\larshall 1s pastor money on rcnO\ation redecoration

of the church of 263 members and pe,\s.' pul";~_ etc. '

Do\'al Gallo\\'ay is Sunday School The church held its first sen ice


in Juh with the dedicatory sermon

New Pews

being' frt.ached by Rev. Ralph

New pc,,s _ha\-c replaced the old 13:-rd, o Atlanta, following a basket

OI!cs and a piano has been bought, dmncr. T. E. Colbert is Sunda,

\nth_ an ocnall expense approxi- School Snpcrintcnclcnt. 1'he dc-

matm g $-f8,000. The church plans nomination is a new one in Smvr-

to hc0 in wor~ around _the first of na and is rccci, ing a w,nm wclcmi1 t1 - year on bnck vcnccnng the Sun- m church circles.


.,, .
Recreation Committee




.T E


,., ;-J,'~r-

R 1~ P O R T 0 F
R E C R ~ A T I O N C O I.I H I

T 'T E E


City owne~ recreation park for baseball, tennis, model airplane flying, and other outdoor sports -lighted for night games. Used by schools fo r supervised play. American Legion has publicly used grills and picnic areas adjoining the park . The school auditorium-gy~asiums, and American Legion Hall available for approved public meetings.

There is an air-conditioned movie the at er . A com~ :mmity library of 3,000 volumns is jointiy supported by the Tten's Club, the TToman 's Club,. the County Scho ol Board and the City. It is tied in with su mmer rec reation prograr.i for reading and story hours . Used by all children of the Smyrna District.

A Little Theater group and a Cor.muni ty Chorus pro-


vide top entertainment for the city.

A bond election is scheduled for early Uover:iber to

build a recreation park with modern swimming and. wading

pool and a recreation hall.

. ,

*"' *************

Mra. W.o. Bowman,

Committee Chairman

,. It

\ ,,











Student Council

Mrs. Russell Hosch


Press Club C 11 11 Club

Z.ars. Griffin, Mrs. Roland


Miss :Harre11

Mr. Howell, Mts. Farrar


F. H. A.

Mrs. Chastain, Miss English

Home Ee (21.})



Miss Gray



Mr. Alford


Jr e Red Cross

Mr. Cannon, Mrs . Jay


High School Science Mr. Cain


Hobby Club

Mrs Hardage, Mr. Giles


All club meetings are to be held twice monthly.,. The above clubs will meet on the

following dates :

October 19, 1953 December 14, 1953

February 22,1954 April 5, 1954

November 2

January 11, 1954

March 1, 1954

Aprill9, 1954

November . 16

January 25, 1954

March 15, 1954

May 3,1954

November 30

February 8, 1954,

March 29, 1954

May 17, 1954

Audio. Visual Tri-Hi-Y Hi-Y
Clover Club
Commercial Club Dramatics Beta Club Fire Warden 8th Science

Miss Jackson


Mrs. Camp, Miss Padgett, Miss Gray 113

Mr . Pennington


Mrs, Hylton


Miss Harrell, Mrs. Roland, M. Griffin 210

Mrs. Sheppard


Miss Gwin


Mr. Giles


Miss I.arson


(M .Aiken -115(M,Smith

All clubs listed in group above vn.11 meet on the following dates:

October 26; 1953 January 4,1954

March 8, 1954

April 26, 1954

November 9,

January 18; 1954

March 22,


November 23

February 1,

Atdl 5

May 24,

December 7

February 15

Ajlil 12

le All activities are scheduled for Monday meetings only, 2, Clubs will meet on dates indicated directly under the name of the club. 1. On Mondays only, the 5th period will end at 12:15 and meetings will be held from
12:25 until 1:19.
4. Students not participating in club activities will report to designated study halls
in the Library and Room 203.
5o Activity period on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday -will be devoted to intramural sports
6. Chapel will be held on Friday at activity period, 7, Detention hall will not be held on Mon~ay or Friday,




8 :15 - 9 :10


TTh!E 12:15 - 12:25 Recess


9':10 - 9 :20


12:25 .. 1:19


9:~0 - 10: 15


1:19 - 2:19


10 :15 - 11 :10


2:19 - J:19


11:10 - 12:15

* * **** * *********~********** * ****** * ** * *******

.. .

Civic Group, Smyma.CQuncil Meet
To Plan Recreational Expansion

S\1 YRN \ - A representative cy who \1.,:; not an1ila-hle .for this
mup of citizens were inl'itt-<cl to mtetmg.

"t with the 11al'Or and Council After helpful discussion those .it a call meeting :t-.1o11dav e,en'in" present exprcs,ed ~heinseh-cs :is in

lo consid~,r some long range plan~ accord with the council's thin!..,

nmg looking toward a bond issue ing m prol'iding wider fa.::ilitic-s for cx_o_a1;1ding the cit)''s recreation- for its citizens and each was asked

fl fociliti~s and possibly a city hall to take the d~scussions rbaek to

~r ho11s1n& the ofkcs. fite de:" th~ir respective gronps ancl he pr.~p,utmcnt. hbrnry nnd chamber of p;ircd ~o rtp<_>it thci.r ideas and


. .

.,ugg~tions at another meeting set

Among the orgamzat10ns rcpre- by \Iayor Du11can for \Vedncs~


the the

~'.ncn~an Legion, K1wa111s afid the

d~r c1ening, ~~pt. 9, in the coun- 11 c iambcr.

\ fen , Club. Open discussions

brought _out many interesting facts rclatne to the eitv's needs the pr~pertics al'ailablc for snel;

expans10n ~ind considemtion of what 1s ,being done for the schools

and througl1 other media ,i'11ich

would tic in with 'h~ citl's needs

!illCI plans.

(!ouncilm:;n Ilarry (\Iitchell. ~hamnan of the huilc!ir,.,. and
_;rounds committee of <:~Hmcil ,ip_cnecl the discussions b1 clistrib~
u tmg. a shect of facts an~I figures .
~-ompiled at his request by Robert Ja~jor: local architect, gi,ing some ; prehnunary research into the build-

------ MOST VALUABLE PLAYER - At Campbell
High School's first annual Alumni Dance, Saturday nigl\t Fred Herren, (left) was awarded a trophy as the most l'aluablc player of 1952 in the

Panthers linet\p. Presenting the trophy is Richard" Howard ('52), president of the CHS Alumni Association, Herren is the son of Mr. and l\lrs. F. P. Herren, Dixie Avenue, Smyrna.

mg of a s11immincr poof, a hall park and a citr ha!i. lie used the
pape~ as a talking point hrinuin" ont m detail his thinking 011 "th~ proposed plan.

"UN DAY PROGRAl\1" The group presented Joan Goodson who gave "What is United Nations' Day?" Shelba

\Jr._ \litchcll said that iw .coulcl
!10t ~11~ the figures on 'the bond-
mg hm1t of the city as it would
ha1e to come from the cifr a.ttorn.-

Fouts who answered the question "What are the P urposes of the' United Nations?" LaNelle Harris told the group "When the United Nations was formed" and Glen-

nis Argo "How it was orga11ized."

First Annual Dance of Campbell High School Alumni Association Saturday Highlight of Holiday Se~son

Yvonne Allen gave the duties of the "Secretariat" and gave 11;1formation about "The Security Council." Sylvia Isley was Mistress of Ceremonies. Others tak-

The first annual dance of Camp- catur, '52. mth ~Iilton \Vhite, recorded ~ - some of the best in

bell High School Alumni Associa~ Smvrna BS '51. !\Iiss \\'cnzcl \\'Ore the business.


tion 11,h held Saturdav night in a ballerina-length partv frock of Members voted this first re

the cafeteria of the 11e11 I Iigh champagne moire, jacketed top, union a' liappy success, and qc-

Sehool. with president Richard corsage of pink ,carnations.

clarc they look for\\'ard to the sec-

Howard (CIIS 19 52) emceeing. Also dancing happily were i\.Iqry ond annual event with pleasure ....

and 1'-p i\fartha Barnett, '52, greets Ann l\fcCleskey a11d Jam cs

ing guests of the nc11 organization, Thomas, both juniors. Miss l\Ic-

which 1\'as founded sc,cral months Cleskcy wore a go1rn of white net,

ing part in the affair were: Ken-
neth Williams, Richard Stancil and Shirley Sentell.

ago to giyc Campbell ~raduatcs a accessories of pearls, red carnation

home club with scho.ol and com- corsage, holiday gift of young i\1r.

mu!11'ty interests of their own.

Thomas; Veep Martha Barnett

An interesting high spot of the with Billy Akins, Smyrna H. 'S

night's program was the awarding 1948. l\fos Barnett, first v. p. of

of the "Most Valuable Phwer, the organir.ation, was regally lovely 19 52" trophv to halfback Fred in a gown of light green net, forest

IIcrrcn: No. 4 on the Campbell green velvet bodice, pearl car-rings
Panthers football team. Herren. and choker, salmon camellias for
who also 1Jlal's on the yarsity bas- a corsage, a remembrance from 1\1r. kctball tc,m1, was lauded by alum- Akins.

nus Howard as "a player who rep- Other celebrants were 1\-liss Cynrcsents the best that can be asked of thia Clark of Bass High, J\.lisscs

good team player." Fred is the Virginia Norton, Lila Lewis, Liz

son of i\Ir. and Mrs. F. P. Herren," Diggs, I\lary lslev, Betty Sue Flee-

Dixie Al'cnue, Smvma.

man, BarbJra Jean Benson, \\'ini-

as Couples dancing in the candle- fred Tinsley, Barbara Adams, Bett}
lighted room set up a huge pine, Dickson, Betty l\Iosely, Shirlev boxer, \\-ere Lioncal Howard and \.k:Collum, Joyce Shubert, Betty Shirley Sentell, i\liss Sentell lovelv Hightower, LaNclle Harris, Betty

in a pale green strapless modd. Jone,, Peggy Spradley, Lavinia pearl choker and ear-lings; sopho- Chastain, Beverly Crawford, Mary

more Mary ,Jo Clark, in a kclly Ann Ilarris, Glenda Teasley, and green taffeta gown, wearing a cor- Noel Abbott, who entertained the sage of yellow rosebud~, a cotnpli- group with a song.

ment of escort Charles Ilamby; Young gentlemen were messrs .

junior Mary Ann Slaughter, re- Ed Cash, Kichard l\kCloud, Ste11 splendcnt in an aqua ballerina- art Ahearn, Travis \lcDanicl, Otto length creation with lace top of Jone~. U. S. N., Grady l\foore,

comet blue, orci1id corsage, gift of \\'alter Cranford, Joe l\'kTyrc,
escort Jack Shugart, U. S. N., on Dan Adams, 0. B. Garrison, Dan

leave for the holidays.

Horsley, Jimmie Lee Nickelson,

Others were: '52 graduate \Vy- \Valter Broom, Bobbie Brewer, Joe

lcnc Leonard and Garv Sisson. Miss Hardison, Lamar Tedder, Carlton

Leonard was wearing a ballerina Harris, Frank \ \'aldron. Herbie

wine-hued gown with black moire Eubanks, and Gene Atkins.

top, red rose corsage, presented by Principal Jasper N. Grif~in. was a her escort; Joan Landers, 4-ycar special guest of the Associat10u as player on the Smyrna basketball , were three mothers of students,

,v. team. with escort Benny Sentell. l\lcsdamcs l\.fartha Leonard, Gcor-
\fiss Landers wore white net over ge B. Howard, aud Ed Tinsley pink, with white lace top, rhine- Decorations were bv member\

stone accessories, white carnation of the alumni club, refreshments :usage. \1iss Barbara \ \, cnzcl, De- of cake and sherbet, and music-

ALUMNI DANCE-Celcbrd'ting their first an- Betty Hightower and Jimmy Lee Nickelsoa; and'

nual alumni dance, Campbell High School sru- .Marv Ann Slaughter and Jack Shugart, USN,

dcnts "trip the light fantastic" at the affair Sat- hon{e on Christmas leave. (Photo by Joe McTyre)

urday night. 111e two couples, left to right, are:

Camp~ell Students
To Stage Mystery,
Music Show friday , S:t-.lYRNA - Th c Dra1i1atic
Club and the l\lusic Club of Cmnpbell High School ll'ill present a joint program of mmic and nl\'stcrv Frid:11 c\cning, at 8 in the school auditorium.
The l\lu,ic Club, under direction nf \ \ ' illiani- Blatt, ll'ill present an operetta entitled '[)01m in the Valle,." The main characters an.: James Phi\lips, Jimm~ Cook, Alhnnc Adair .md Jcrn Lynn Harold.
The Dramatic Club, under the direction of l\Iiss Rebecca Bo,,- ? man, \\'ill present a spinc-tin~ling one act mystery entitled, "Ghost Fann.'' Gharactcrs 11ill include Noel Abbott, Chan l\Ionk, Pete Bo\\'man. Jimnw Lee Nicholson, Bevcrh Crawforcl. Jo Anne Goodson, \\onnc i\fo'rris and Sudie Forman.
Ths,: pd-forrnancc is open to the . puhlir 1Vith tickets at 50 cents for adults and 25 cents for children. Tickets arc now on sale bl' members of both clubs and the proceeds to be used to defray expenses of the cl11hs in their work.
This performance will present the best talent in the school and ,i,ill be keenly antirjpatcd by those who hal'c followcd1hc work of fine, arts department of Campbell High through the year.
ENJOY ATLANTA SYMPHONY Mr. BI a t t, with sixty music
pupils, attended the first Atlanta Symphony Concert last Thursday afternoon. The. group traveled by chartered bus to ~he Municipal Auditorium, arriving early which gave the pupils an ' ,oppqrtunity to mingle _with music lovers from all the local At- , lanta Area High Schools.
The program was opened by the playing of "Carnlval Overture " by Antonia nverak, then "All~g:ro con Gracioss" f _r om Symphony No. 6 by Tschaikowsky,, "Air for the G Stri~g" by , Johlann Sebastian Bach, Waltz for strings" by Tschaikows~y, and a violin solo by a Grady High school student.
Completing the program was the "Oklahoma" Selection by Richa'rci Rodgers. Mr. Henry Sopkins, as a special treat, led th~ ; orche~tra in "Syncopat~d Clock ...,.i.eroy Anderson. This number
. r"4tived-)L loud ovation from the ,
student group.


Campbell P~incipal Jasper Griffjn Gives Dr. W. C. l\1itchell The Poop

' .

(Joe McTyre Photo)

Campbell ~..

(Continued from page 2-C)
Blackburn. TACKLES - Bobby Leonard,
John Myers, Charles Pritchett, Marvin Brown.
GUARDS - Jimmy Ansley, (Captain), Arnold Hamby, Clark Davis, Dave Bennett, \Villis Conn.
CENTERS - "Mutt" Davis,
Sonny Hamby. BLOCKING BACKS - ten
Chastain. TAILBACKS - Fred Herren
Jimmy \Vatson. FVLLBACKS - Douglas Jones,
Gerald Eaton: WINGBACKS - Leon Mc-
Crary, "Shaky" B~own.

SCHEDULE September +-Avondale-Herc
September. 1J-.Canton-There September 18-0pen-
Septcmbcr 25-Stone Mt.-Here October 2 -Milton- There October 9 -Douglas Co.-Here October 16 -Rockmart- There October 23 -Stevens Co.-Here October 30_:South Cobb-Here No\'ember 6 -Ellijav- There
Nov. l} ;-Summerville- There

S~pt. J6 -Douglasville- Here
Sept. 2-+ ..:....Canton- There
Sept. 30 -South Cobb- Herc
October 8 -Canton- Herc
October 15 -Marietta- There
Oct. 21 -Douglasville- There
Oct. 28 -South Cobb- There
Nov. 5 -:Marietta- Here

COACH HOWELL DEMONSTRATES PUNT TECHNIQUE Student Lynn Chastain ,vatches Bal1 Zoom Off Foot (Joe McTyre Photo)

Citizens Contribute $3,500 Toward Seats, Lights At Campbell School

Jonquil city citizens at a din fin said. $300 worth of shrubbery ner Friday night at Campbell High has been set out by the PTA. Elm

school contributed $3,500 for loca- and Maple trees are being planted

tion of seats at the athletic field on the school grounds and a walk-

and installation of lights. George way td the school gymnasium was

Kreeger, chairman of arrange- paved this week.

ments announced today.

The annual Cobb County sum-

The dinner attended by over 100 people. was prepared by mothers of students who are members of the Campbell High School band. It was served at no charge to
Kreeger was enthusiastic over the results attained at the "free feed" Friday night and explained that with just a little more money, work could be started on ligbt installations right away. He added that citizens who wanted to con-

mer school is in session at Camp-
bell with an' enrollment totaling 30. Students are enrolled. from all Cobb County schools and one student comes from Martha Berry school, Mr. Griffin said. Students are allowed to take one new subject at the summer school, or to
make up two.
Work on the new classroom addition continues with hopes that it will be ready for September

tribute to the field improvements, Classes. An increased enro~nt but who were not present at the is anticipated at the school and

dinner meeting, could ma'il a additional teachers have already

check to the Orme Campbell High been obtained to teach.

School Athletic Fund, or make

contributions to Campbell High

school Principal Jasper Griffin, or

to him. Improvements continue to be

made at the school, Principal,Grif-

F~iday, June 12, 1953

Athletic Field Plans

;Will Be Discussed At

Stadium .Fand Drive
Slated At Campbell

F.'i'day night at 7:30 p. m. at

Campbell High School, a drive will be initiated to raise funds to complete the stadium.

Only men have been invited to attend the dinner meeting which will be held in the school cafeteria "for free."

George Kreeger, general chairman of a committee on arrangements for the project stated that additional lights and seats for the

stadium will be discussed at the meeting.

Estimated cost of improvements

will total approximately $20,000,

Kreeger said.

. Already the playing field has

been topsoiled, graded and seed-

ed but there . are no lights for

night games.

Kreeger added that the project

for the entire Campbell area.


Fre. e Dinner Friday George Kreeger, general chair- 1 man of the committee on arrange-

ments announces that plans for the completion of Campbell High

School Athletic Field will be discussed at a free dinner in the

Campbell High School cafefteria beginning at 7:30 Friday night,

June 19.


All men who are interested are

cordially invited to attend. Diners

are invited to come early and see

what progress has been made to- 1 ward the completion of. the field.

Ont order that plenty of food

may be prepared, any man who

has not already indicated his in-

tention to attend, should contact General Chairman Kreeger, or a

member of the attendance com-

mittee, who are listed as follows: Hubert Colquitt, Chairman
Jimmy Quarles, Hubert Eubank~, Bob Austin, Paul Brown, Guye

Duncan, Jasper Griffin, A. H. Carson, J. M. "Hoot" Gibson.

Ca~pbell High Panthers Will Open 2nd Grid Season On September '4

'Dhe Campbell Higih !Panthers squad this season with 17 seniors next week start their second year playing on the varsity team. of football with promises of be- Standout Panther backs are Len ing top team on the playing fifld. Chastain, Fred Herren and DougPtractice started a month a,go. las Jones, Coach Howell said.

Coach "Dixie" Howell stated to- Outstanding linemen include

I day that with the experience the James Thoman and John Myers.
team gained in their initial per- Coa-ch Howell is counting on a formances last year, he expected newcomer to the team, Jimm;y

his boys to lead tlre field once Watson, to be hi's 'b'ird in the

competitive action starts.

hiand." Watson is a ninth grader

The Panthers have a 21 man and already an outstanding play-

er, Howell said.

Lineup of the varsity ,team fol-


Ends: Jacik: Sentell, James

Thomas, J. B. Westbrook, Billy

Livingston; Tackles: John Myers,

Marvin Brown, Charles Pritchett, Bob/by Leonard; Guards: Jimmy

.A!nsley (Captain), Clavk Davis,

Arnold Hamby, Willis Conn and

David Bennett; Centers: Mutt Da-

vis, Sonny Hamby; Backs: Fred

Herren, Ray Brown, Douglas

Jones, Jimmy .Watson, Leon Mc-

crary, Sammy Mitohell and Lyn


The B team is being coached

by Coach Bob ,Alford. The team

started play Monday with 35 boys

out. Coach Howell is counting on

thi-s years' B team furnishing a

good nucleus f.or the 1954-55 team when the 17 senior players will

have left the school for greener
j fields.


CAMPBELL BANQUET -. Juniors and Seniors of Campbell High School celeb.ratcd the approaching school year's end Friday night with the traditional Junior-Senior Banquet. Scenes at the

; affair, where Dr. 0. J. ,vi Ison \\':JS the m::iin speaker, inclmkcl: (1) Senior Class officers: Louise H enry, seerefary; \ lrs. Russell Hosch, advisor; Patrice Gorton, vice president; ancl Bill Il1ibalek ,

president. (2) Two cntc waitresses clispla} the .. Red Sails 111 The Snnsct" theme of the evening. r\nn Digger and Shirk, S<.:ntell; (3) Jnnior Class Officers; Freel Herren, vice-president; Evangeline

Fitzgern\d, treasurer; \lary ,\ml \1cClc~ky, secretary; and Smnrny

\ [itchcll, president.

\Photos hy Joe \k'!'yre ;

Nautical Theme Used At First Campbell Junior-Senior Fete

Juniors Dressed Like Sailors;


Da nce Held In Ship's Ballroom


S:\fYRi A, :\fay 10 _:_ IIe,n-e Ilo, Ship Ah~y! It was a nautical

feat wh~n the good st11p Campbell with 'er red sa1h in the sunset put

mto pqrt here to take abo:ird the 23 members of the senior class fa.

j culty, board 1~1cmbcrs and their wivcs and friends Friday cvenin; for

a season of .nmth and merriment.


Junior8 To Fete 23 Seni,or8
At Ca,npbell School Friday


be, I'm told).

. SMYJ_lNA - Campbell High But the known program 1s about

School !S all agog with plans for as follows: Dr. \ \'. C. i\fitchcll

the annual Junior-Senior banquet will sen-c as Master of Ceremonies,

to be held Friday c,cning, in the and G. C. Green will gi,c the in-

school cafeteria \\'hen the Junior vocat10n.

Class will :honor their senior bro- Sammy l\litchcll, presid~nt of

thers an~ sisters in what is prob- the junior class, will gi,c the wel-

ably the smallest senior to lca,,c the school



come to the seniors, and Bill Hubalck, president of the senior class

:1 The size of the class. 2 3 in will, make the response.

number, is due to the change in

he real . meat of the eYcning

the set-up of 1Z grades in th<.: ele- will come 111 the address lw Dr.

mentary school. The size of the 0. J. \\'ilson. the well-kno,{n di-

class will in no wise hinder the rec~or o_f the Off Camp,~ Center,

Juniors from going all the wa, to U111vcrs1t~'. ~f Georgia, in 1-farictta,

!11akc of it one of the \'Cf\' best wh?sc tran~mg and professional cx-

m the school's historv.

pencncc m education will un-

Of cours~, as usu:11, the theme doubtedly gi,c the youthful wag-

of the cvcnmg, the decor and the onecrs ~ star tl!at may require jct

~tunts arc _hush-hush lest thc Scn- propuls10n to hitch to. ..

JOr$' get msc and there l\'Ould be }dusic will be by the bor's quar-

no surprise clement. (There will !cttc and the iirl's sexte"ttc, but

Just what they plan to sing is also . Jmuted till Fridav.

The boy_s grot1p is composed of

Allyn Adair, Douglas Jones, Jack

~.cnny_ Sentell, and Fred Herren.

I he guls arc Shirlcv Foster Sarah

Page Camp. Ethcf Recd. 'Janice

Hardage, Nancy Duke and Lila Lewis.

After . the banquet the partici-

pants will trek. th~ colonnade 1x1s-

~agc t~ the aud1tonu111 where <lanc-

mg W)ll be enjoyed to the music

of the.: Octaves.

At an unannounced himr the

class S]l9nsors, Miss Eunice Pad-

gett, J\trs. Leslie Camp and R. L

Ashe together with the Grade l\fo-

tltcrs "ill cntc.itain at a breakfast m the c,1fctcna for' the scniors and

the 86 members. of the junior

cfass. Herc they mil probably sing

Hom~ Sweet IIomc and go home.

Campbell Juniors ShushBanquet Plans;

To Fete 23 Seniors Friday At School


Iwhose training and profcssion,11 c,

S~ [l'Ri ',\ - Campbell l Iigh pcric11ce i11 education will un

School is all agog "ith phlns for doubtcdly gi1-c th<.: youthful_ "ag

the annual Junior-Senior banquct oncers a stnr that may r<:q111rc Jct

to be held Frida, c,,cning. in the, propubion to hitch to.

school cafeteria "hen the Junio r ~lusic "ill bc by thc. ho1's quar

Class 11 ill honor their senior lm tcttc and lhc girl\ sntette. hut

thers and sisters in what is prob just what the, plan to sing is also

ablt the smallest senior class c,cr muted till Frida1.

to iea, c the school.

']he hciys group is composed c1f

J 'he size of the l,ass, 2:; 111 ,\llyn Adair, l;oLtglas Jones. Jae number. is clue to the change in Bcnm Sentell: ,111d Frc.:d Tlcrrcn. the set-up of J2 grnclcs in the.: <.:Jc- The girls arc Shirley Foster, Sarah

m<.:nbm school. The size of the Page Camp. Ethel Recd. Janice:

cl~ss 1,;ill in no wise hinder till I larchigc, Nancy Duk<.: ,mcl Lila Juniors from going all the "a) to Lc11is.

make of it 011c of the yen best After the banquet thc partic1-

in the school's histoi,.

pant\ "ill trek the colonnadc pas-

Of course, as usu~!. the thcmc ,agl: to the am\itorium I\ here chmc

of fi1c evening, the decor and the ing "ill be cnjm-cd to the music

stunts ,ire hush-h ush. lest thc Scn of the Oct,nc~.

1ors get wise a1id there "cJi.ilcl he ,\t 111 unannounced hour th l

110 surprise clement. {There 1yi\l la~s snomors. \ Iiss l.uni<: Pad

he. I'm told).

gctt ?11rs. Lesli Camp and R. I

But the known program is about Ashe together mth thc.' Crndc :\Io-

ns follows: Dr. \V. C. ;\litchell thcrs "ill entertain at a hrcakfo,t

,vill scn-c as ;\ laster of Cercmonic~. 111 the cafeteria for the seniors aml

and...Q....C C..rcen will gi\'C the in- the.: 86 members of the jnniOi


chiss. Ikrc thc1 will probably sin.:

Samm, ;\ [itchcll. president of [Jome S11 cct Tiomc ,llld go home.

th<: junior ehiss. will give th e wcl

come to the seniors. and Hill Ilu

h,1lck, president of th e senior cla~,

11ill make the re,ponsc.:.

The real meat of the c,cnm.
will come in the address h1 n(

0. J. \ \'ilson, the "-cll-k1101~11 di

rector of the Off Campus Center,

Uni,-crsit1 of Gcorgi,1. in \LHir-tt'

fl:;; ,".J, I ~ ; ..-~ \I
Campbell Second
In Literary Meet;
SouthCobb Fourth
Campbell Iligh placed second m the, Region 3-A Literal") meet held at Reinhardt . College Saturdm. South Cobb finished fourth and Sprayberry placed eighth in a field of 10 schools participating.
Canton took first place in the meet and LaFavcttc third.
The three firs'ts which Camp.bel1 "on were: Jerry Bramblett, piano, Louise Henry, girls solo, and the senior class in spelling. South Cobb took top honors in girls t~:ping and Sprayberry placed first in _the boys and girls essays.
The first place winners will compete in the state meet' to he hdd in Macon Auril 25. Camnbcll rr-
rciYcd 8 points, South Cobb 32 and Sprayberry 16.
Campbell \\on second place in boys solo, quartet, and oneact play, and fourth in declamation, bovs cssav and home economics. Soutli Cobb took second honors in home economics, boYs
typing and piano, third place 111
boys_ essay mid fourt\1_ place in rcadmg. Sprayberry returned with two_ fourth meal solo and boys t\pmg.

, Campbell High To Participate
In Literary Meet

Campbell IIigh studen ts will

co111pctc in the Region ,-1\ liter

arv meet to be held at Reinhardt

Collei;e in \Valcska on April .10-

l J.

I ollm\ini::_ :::~ t11i; e\-cnts and en

tr:mt~: Rcadmg. Latlra llclcn Jones,

l\pinr.;. Don Bis!Jop and Janice

I farda~c: 1wmcmakinr.;, Shirley Jios

tcr; pianc, Jerry Bramblett; \ocal

rnlo. J.ouisc Ilcnry; boys meal so

lo, Jack Sentell: bo\s quartet, Fred

Ilcrrcn. Dour.; Jones, All yne Adair,

and Jack Sentell: shorthand, Joanne

Vinson and \Vilma Turner; decla

mation. Fred Ilerren; bovs essa\

Chan ;\ lonk; girls cssa,. Shirley




';!-4. tvfl,.' ~ - 1'
TO VIEW INAUGURAL RITES Campb:::11 HiE;h becomes more
appreciative each day of the many contributions of the civic minded business people of the communit:, Another outstanding example of this will be enjoyed by the entire facultv a!1d ._,student bodv next Tuesday when they have the op portunity to view by way of tclc vision the Presidential Inauguration. This i~ made possible through the courtcsv of the Recd Appliance Store in Snwrna. The \\lorld Historv class and Audio Visual Educatioi1 Club will sponsor this program.
Friday, October 9, 1953

Above are the Campbell High Cheerleaders in their newly acquired uniforms. Photo By Mangum and Davidson.

Dollinc Thompson, assistant
a count\' home demonstration agent.
gave SC\Vipg demonstration at the recent meeting of the Campbell
Senior 4-H Club.
The group opened the meeting
by repeating the 4-H pledge, fol-
lowed. by songs. Assistant county agent Ernest
l \Vester talked to 1the boys about
their projects for the year. Next meeting will be held Feb-
ruary 12 .


Band members. Jcrrv Bramblett,

and t\11\'nc Adair and Choral mem

b<.:r . Louise llcnrv. Jeri LYnn Har-

rell. \ faric \ Iannin~. Sue i\I ulli1}_:ix. ,

\nna K. Addison lwangchnc \ 1t_z-

g 1ld. Shirlcv ScnteH,_ James 11111-

lips, Pete Bowman, J1111nff Cook,

Carlton I Iams. l rank Godfrc:,,
I '\ocl Ahhott, J~rrv Black, accom-
pamcd l'l\' \lr. \\'m. Blatt, Dmct~r

participated in the a!rnual :'.\lus1c

lcstiYal held in Athens last Satnr-

chl\. 'I ,IS t. he

he ~,onp cnjo\'cd the snO\\ \(ayeled th_rough ,Atlanta


1,mcl had ,1 most cn10Yahlc da) 111 Athens

Campbell Students To Participate In Literary Meet

Campbell High students will

participate in the Regional Liter-

ary events which will be held at

Reinhart college, Waleska, on Ap-

ril 10 and 11, Principal Ja~er

Griffin announced today.

Students competing include:

Barbara Gentry and Laura H.

Jones-Reading; Janis Hardage

and Don Bishop-Typing; Shirley

Foster and Laura Helen Jones-

Home Economics; Jerry Bramb-

lett and Noel Abbott, piano; Lou-

ise Henry and Noel Abbott-Vocal

-Solo (girls); Jack Sentell and Fred

!ferren-Vocal Solo (boys); Lou-

ise Henry, Anne K. Addison and

Virginia Norton, Girls' Trio; Fred

Herren, Douglas Jones Allyn

Adair and Jack Seqtell-boy's

quartet; Alternates for Quartet:

'Frank Baker, Dan Hornsby and

Roy Finch.

Jo Ann Vinson and Wilma

Turner-Shorthand; Fred Herren

and Frank Baker-Declamation

Chan Monk and Lee Brand, Boy'~

Essay; Shirley .Sentel and Betty

Jones-Girls' Essay.

/"i Legion Has Helped
jCampbell High Band
With Two Gifts
Some time ago, the Smyrna American Legion, Post No. 160, took as one of their projects raising funds to be used in purchasing band instruments. This project was successful and the Legion presented the school with a check in the amount of $2,100. Band instruments were bought immediately. The Legion watched very closely the .progress of the band and noted tl'-eir support had been ' proven to be more than worthwhile and that the band was doing , a fine job.
i Realizing the very fine support
which can be given a school, in : 1 athletics, in patriotic meetings, in
parades and just in everyday . school life, by the band of the school, the Legion made the big announcement at a :recent meeting . that the school could now purchase band uniforms.
I Commander Max Parnell informed Mr. Griffin, principal of the Campbell High School, that the Smyrna American Legion Post
No. 160 would underwrite the purchase of these uniforms up ot
I$3,000.00. We hope this fine organ- . ization will be one of the first
to see Campbell High School band
Iperform -in- full regalia.-- - - -



CamphLll I I,r.;h School boa.,b

Bess ~riffin's ~ecital

the largest grat1Lt,1ting class, \\itn 23 ,c111ors to participate in com-

Reveals Talent Array

mencement exercises 11rida,, \lay 29 at t:dO p. 111. at the sct10ol .1d1torinm. ,\n ,ill-student program \Yill fcatnre ta1ks bv 1,otnsc IJcnry J r,,nk Baker and Bill I Inh;1ld..
'!'Ile class \\ill sing a specia1 chorns J lie l;od \\ hu Ga,e Us Lite. (,:nc Us I.ibc.-h . \,itl1 words b,
J '10111as Jerrcrs6n. Jinm1\ \\ hitl \\ill otter "'I his lloly 1tour," b\
'Jc, ins. Shirkv ~ id1oh ,, ill cleli\-cr thl
111\oc:1ho11 for the pro~ram: thcnK ot w11ic,1 \\ill he [ he Challenge of Cl1angc.'' Diplo111as \\ill IK
,11\ .trcled by Count) School Super-
mtcuclent Pan1 Spra\bcrry. The Baccalanrc,\te sermon \1as
kli,erccl Sunday at b. p. m. bv the Re,. Panl L. Van Gorder, pa,tor
01 Colonial Hills R1rtist .Cht1rc:h \l]anta, Eighth grnde girls' c11orm s,mg Bo rt 11 i a t1 s k \. s \'esper 11 \~ 111 n " \ !cndels~olm \ I,jft
Thine l \C ' and Rubcnstcin's \'01, c of F1hclmn ... ,\ ,olo. The
l loh City,'' 11as offered by \lrs.


Campbell panH1cr-cttcs arc

,catccl ,1lona with \IcEachcrn girls

m the county tournament \\hich is

1\'nmber One and h\o ratmg.

Canpbcll girls ha Ye lost_ onl\' one

oamc in the count1 ha\.mg dcfcat
~d all sd1001s including \ larictta

he lo,. being to \ lcFachcrn.

',hnlc\ V:1wtcr is "high pointer"

1\ith :Z,2 points for the season and

\fal\' Ann \lcCleskcv close with

221 -points stacked up.

Campbc11 bqys with six wins and

cir.;ht lossc:, arc showing impro\C

ment so says Coach Boh Ash. Thcv mctt Spr:1,l1crry -High Fridav '\ight \lilton next Tuesday, ~ortl

C1ayton Thursday, and Douglas-

, i11c next l riclay Douglas,illc and

\ 1ilton g<1mcs \Yill he plavcd m

Campbell Gym. .


Jack Sertell \\'1th 180 pomts is

high point man for campbcll.


The Driver -Education under

leadership of :Mr. Robert Alford is making progress. 171csc students

arc actually driYing c\cry day now.

These future "safe d1frcrs" are Bar bara Gentry, Mary Ann Slaughter, Barbara Turner, Sudy Forman,

Daphna Dui1can, Ally11e Adair, D.

Grev, Carlton Harris, Jane Fowler,

Hugh Kemp, Albert Cartee, Frank

I Baker, Bc\crly Crawford, and Frank



PAPER DRIVE Campbell PTA is still stm-ing

"Tis Springtime and May Day"

was the theme of the first act of

the dance recital presented by students of Mrs. Bess Griffin Monday

night at CaII1\)bell High School.

A colorful May Pole highlight-

ed the first action with children dancing in native costumes around

the pole. Hawaii, Bavaria, Swe-

den, Holland, Scotland and other

countries were represented by the


Malinda Jolley, student at the

Cooey Schdol of Dance, opene!'.l the first scene with a ballet number,

"Welcome Sweet Springtime," It

was followed by "Come to the Festival" by Mary Ellen Mosley, Lind;r

Cagle and Barbara Lesley. Kathy

Hardage was cute in "A Pretty

Day, A Pretty Girl." Gail Col-

quit, Jane Daniel, Patsy Sim-

mons, Libby Payne and Betty

Gail Griffin appeared in a novel-

ty tap.




\\ Jtlr .\bbotl.

toward meeting the ooal set lw the

The Hawaiian hulas, Mary Mar-

Ji \ oc;;tion \\ as deli, ecd b th<.:
R<.:,. J. II. ,\1lison, pastor of Snm-


Budget and Finan;c Comn1ittcc and report good progress. However.

garet Griffin and Susan Griffin were followed by a southern tango

n,1 \lcthoJist CJ-\urch. The Re\. 11.

Recreation committee \\' i th

there is $till a long wav to go. Ev-

number, danced by Dianna Chand-

F. K~nncdv, locust Gro\c Baptist

Coach llm,cll a chairman \\ ,1s in

ery_ T,'ucsda)'. morning is "Paper

ler. Other first act numbers in-

Ch rch p:1,_tor, pr.onouncccl the

charge of the PTA program at

Dnvc mornn:E; ~t Campbell High

cluded, A Grand Holiday, Nursery


Campbell last Thursd.n night. Bob

~nd C\ery family 111 our communit,

Rhythm, Blues-ing Along, Dainty

Patillo ca111c out from Atlanta and

1s- _urged to tic up your. papers and

Miss, Truly Fairs and the Dance

called square dancing. A large

hnng them. to tlic gvm where a P-

of the May Flowers. The Magic

group of nare11ts and students attended the inccting ,l'.1d particip.itcd in the fun.

~ - - - - TA1)1mcaesme hscc~nclisywouaritipi1a"ap'efrosr. th em .

of May, You Beautiful Doll, Cuddly -Tappers. "Tis Spring Members of the May Festival" was a

colorful tune sung by the group

' Athletic Field Lights and St~dium \
To Be Ready For First Grid Game

Work has been started on the in- athorities wish to extend their

I stallation of lights and the erection . sincere appreciation to all those
olf seats at the new Campbell High who participated in the program

school athletic field and school of- \ in any way, Mr. Kreeger said.
I fidals have been assured that They wanted especially to recog-
both jobs will be completed in nize the wonderful contribution

I time for the opening game with made by Com.missioner John Heck .
Avondale High on September 4. , and his staff, statingg that .it

The announcement was made would have been impossible to

today by George Kreeger, general have achieved their ~oa~ witho.ut j chairman of the Booster club the help of the comm1ss10ner and
- -==-1 which spearheaded the drive to se- that_ they w_ere deeply indebted
cure funds to develop the athletic_ to hun and his staff.

field. Half the cost of the two pro-'.

jects was raised through the sale

of tickets and contributions from

the citizens of Smyrna school dis-

trict, Kreeger said. He added that

the balance needed of $7,000 had

been borrowed from the Bank of

Smyrna on very liberal terms.

He stated that there are several:

hundred doll'ars in pledges stm

outstanding and requested that"
everyone. who had promised a:

contribution and had not paid it

to do so as the money is needed to

pay the contractors.

The playing field will be lighted

by eighty 1500 1watt flood lamps of

the latest design, and according to

Westinghouse engineers, will be

one of the best in the state. In addi,

tion to these, there will be other

flood Hghts lighting the future

parking areas, the stands and en-



The seats are of concrete and

steel construction and are desined

for comfort, allowing ample seat-

ing spa'Ce and leg room. There

will be three sections, nine rows

high, runnin between the 20 yard.

lines. The ceirter section between

the 40 -yard lines is being sold on

season ticket, reserved seat plan.

and there are only 100 5eats left

in this section. Season tickets for

these are now on sale at $10.oO

each. Anyone desiring one, or more

of these choice seats should mail

their check to Mr. Jasper Griffin,

or contact a member of the com-,

mittee at once, as they are being

sold on "first come, first served"

basis. The committee and local school

Coach Bino Barriera demonstrates to Jack Sentell and Fred Herren.



Campbell Working Out Daily

[For Sept. 4 Opening Contest
. #'
Avondale To Invade Smyrna
T ~ Lau!l,ch Pan,thers' Season

Education First, Then Athletics,
Bossoms Te~s Campbell Players



\ \' hat a game! It was Smvn1a Ile prnisc<l the six Tech bO\ Lions ,;eisus Campbell High 1-\m- who made All American, but said

thers-:-and one of the finest 60 the three \,ho made .Academic All-

u~inutcs- of football the spectator~ American last year were- the stand-

hope to see.

outs. Ile spoke of the fine scholas-

The .occasion was the Lions li'on- tic and personal records of the three

oring the Panthers Thursdav eve- Snwrna boys now playing for Tech

ning at a banquet and presenting and stated that 60 per cent of their

them \\'ith football jackets with the '.ootball scholarship students were

co,ctccl letter "C" emblazoned on m the upper half of their classes.

the front.

"Just -as Babe Ruth and Lon

.J,resiclcnt II ubcrt Colquitt call- Geri(; \n;re idols of my boyish

ed the signals for the' Lioris and clrc;1ms. just so you .ire some oth

prcs~1itccl the special guests in- er bO\s idol," he told them. Ile

cludmg Assistant Coach Bob Bos- paid high tribute to the Lions Club

sons, of Tech.

in pr01iding the uniforms and fine

Coach Dixie IIm,-cll took over equipment for the Campbell team

111 the second quarter and intro- as well as their support and encour-

duccd Bossont Speaking from the agemcnt through the vear. '
theme, ' 'Education First'',-ath- Following hh talk coach How-

Jctics__.iftcr, he told the boys that ell sparked the third quarter b,

the most important thing about pa,ing tribute to the squad and

their nthlctic career in school is to assistants, Lorry, C:1in, line coach

pul' education first and strive for and Ken Brooker, backfield coadi'.

Acatlc1i1ic All-Amcrica11, nor just Ile then .called each n1ember of the

, team to the front, ga\c a brief sketch of his "ork and the positions plavcd with a verbal pat on the back, shook his hand and presented him \\;itl1 "the Lions Club jacket.
The four seniors who arc hid<liri g adieu to Campbell football arc Allyn Adair, Dan Horslev, Frank
Lace\' and Bill IIubclak. Those recciYing 'jackets were Allvnc Adair. Jimnw Ansley, IIam Barnett. Da\c Bennett. Rav Brown, ]\ fanin Brown. Len Chastain, Lamar Gol bert. Jimmy Cook, \\Tillis Conn . Clark Dads; 7\Iutt Davis, Arnold IIamby, Sonny Ilambv, Fred Herren, Dan llorslcv, Douglas Jones, Frnnk Laccv and ' Bobbv Leonard.
Leon i\lcCrarv, John :\h-crs, Charles Pritchct't, Jack Sentell. Jam es Thomas, J. B. \\'estbrook, James \\'orlcv, Sam :\litchcll . \Vavne Bramble, Bill IInbelak, Kenneth \Villiams, manager, Clyde Bovles, assistant manager.
Jimmy Ansley, '53 captain. thanked the Lions Club on behalf of th e team saying "Don't be .surprised at our caJling you "Papa." \Vc'rc proud to be adopted bv such a fine group of people. Our debt to you is great."
T ime was called in the fourth quarter and mmics shmrn highlighting the outstanding plays of the 19 52 Georgia Tech football season.
The banquet was under direction of i\Irs. Elder Bramblett and ,1 corps of ~1ssistants wi th cheer 1


' .

. ~




Panther is shown tackling a Douglasville. back in the \\ ednesdav

night game. Gene Raburn, (46) C~mpbell, is shown mshing in. '

(Toe 1\1cTyre Photo)

MAP GAME STRATECY - Campbell High Coach Dixie Howell gives a few pointers to Panther Captain Jimmy Ansley, (right) and quarterback Lynn Chastain (left). The ,Panthers, with 17 returnjng lettermen, open the .1953

season against the .highly-touted Avondale Blue Devils at the new Campbell High field Friday night at 8 o'clock. Avondale .was the runner up in Region 2-A last year losing only to College Park and tieing Clarkston. (Meaders Photo).

' Cob~ County Times - Thursday, August 20 , 1953-1B

COACH L. N. CAIN POINTS OUT PROPER STANCE Captain Jimmy Ansley, a guard, and Charles Pritchett, tackle, watch.

THE NAME'S THE SAME Sports writers and . radio announcers. covering the Campbell High Panthers' games this season will doubtless be confused by names of players-at least three pair of them, who have the same names. Sho,vn above are the grceri-clad Panthers who have the sai11e name. Kneeling are Clark Davis (2?) and

Mutt Da~is (10) .. Standing, left to right, are:

Ray Brown (1) and Marvin Brown (24) and Ar-

no_ld Hamby (21) and Sonny Hambv. (14). 'The

Davises, Browns, and Hambys expect to sec

much action in the Avondale game at Camp-

bell Fridav night.

(Meaders Photo)


-~.... --~--------,,,,

Campbell Thumps

Stone Mtn., 46-0




_/ :: .

:i )


in new green-and-white uniforms on their new grid-

irou, the Campbell High Panthers open the football

SC'.!SO!! against Arnudale at Campbell tomorrow night.

Lt~-t to ri::,,_p.t, fast row: John Myers, ~OU Mc.Ct.try,

Fred, Scores 3 Times;

Brown Logan Shows Up Well

By ROBERT, cox

... :. ... rii1:: .YAi,i:isrici/' ...... .

fi'.or the second time this season, Campbell

rain letic

tfuierlndedin'tCoama psbeaellO'sf'


1' fl

31. \'o.l

clay ni.ght,
tI!CrS S,l OSl

I,cfi.:d_. t,l,tt']tIhTeO.Ugv}eIrsa

I .







and g:iincd 'a 46-'0 decision from , 115

s. Mourrtai

Fir~\ Dow~s,




Rua\unj! Passing


-18 43

P.asee. AttempJed


Pas:les COmptt>ted


Pa~ses !ntercept'ed


Yards Penalize,;!


out-n1arlfle.d~tor~e .~l~Un_tain. ,


.The Panther ,offenme'. show1 . : ...... ,. -:..

which swung\into: motion the first - on the line;

time they gained,p.osscssion.of .the S!atistienlly, it '?:ts all Campbell.

ball, ,lidd the spothgh t all evenmg.. 'T1iev. edged the Pirates by 11 to 4

Jimmy \Vatson, Douglas Jones, Charles Pritchett, Len Chastain, and :Marvin Brown. Second row, Ken \Vil-
Iiams, manager, J. B. \Vcstbrook, David Bennett,

'Cmiil, and Jimmy Ansley.. Third row, Coach Dixie Howell,'\Clark Davis, Sam Mitchell, Fred Herren, Jack Sentell, Sonny Hamby, Mutt Davis, Bobby Leonard, it ,vas inst a warm-up fot their in first downs, and 'gained 334

contest ?f next week ,~ith 1\Iiltoh;' yards on the grourtd, as -~~ainst a,

the Region ,+B ehamp10n.

-, . minus lS for the lo,~ers. lune and

. Dcfc1_1sively .for'.the . \\)nners, tl.1~-- ;igairPJ>en;llties bcs<?t tl1e panthqs.

first string hue .tn~ned _111 a credit- The, were taxed 11 ~. y~rds as

al_JlC perfoi-inai1te: ,;r~c work , of. against one ~ive )'afd dcla\; of t~1c

Arnold Hamby, James Thomas, R!!y llrown, \VilEs

manager Jerry Crow, Lorry Caiu, line coach, and Bi!!o

Barrt.ira, backfield coach.

(Me.:ul,ers Photo)

1 aeklc , Cl.Jarl~s . Pr:~chctt, E;n~ , game pcnaalty for Stone_ Monn tam.

James 1 homas ~md. C.uard \V1lhs


Conn. was notSc)vor~):y; . . . ... .c..orer.,s.

The loss was the third of the year for t11c 1,,eg1.on 4B p1rates,

Offensive,wisc, . , Fred Herren, they have yet to win. For Camp-

crossed the six Camp-. bell, it was their second win. They
heU scores; ''B" "team i)m,er-man are undefeated, but have been tied

Brown Logan waded. over with. bv Avondale. .

two, and Leon 1\'IcCrary and Len The dampi1ess of the night fail-

CampbeH To Play first Gria Till' At Chickamauga On Friday Evening

Chastain scorerl/ine each.

ed to diminish the spirit~ of an-

. Especially pleasing, to the Pan- other big Campbell turnout.

ther , coaches was the fine work of Stone .Mountain won the toss at

Lo~an, whowas playing in his fi~st: midfi.eJ<l, and they elected to re-

varsity game. He sc,ored on gallops rei,'e: "Two plays 1ost seven vatds

of 60 and 88 ;vards_;_the fost with for the Pirates,--so tl_!ey kicked to

a Pirate pas's lie "intercepted in the Fred Herren, who retumec,I to

Campbell High; Coach Dixie Howell claims that his black hair is rapidly turning gray and. the chunky mentor

opening momeJJts ' of the third per CaTTipbelrs 35. . . iod, the other-- on a play from . The Panthers led with the T scrimrnagc \vhich began at Camp- formation, and youngster Jimmy

says that he has a goo.d explanation for it.

hell's 12; ,

\Vatson passed his big test with ,

Howell is faced with the Her- se lots of action will be: Dan

Co-C,:aptains Jerry Brownlee and flying colors, as he went to the

culean task of taki,hg 45 green Horsley, Ray Brown and Dave

Richard Ford, and tackles Doug quarterback position and directed

boys-some Qf whom have never Bennett at ends; Lamar Col-

Leach and Glen Butler came the. Campbell club to its first TD '

hud a football in their hands-- bert, John Myers, and Bobby

through with good pe~formanees. in five plays.

and making a football team out Leonard at tackles: Mutt Davis,

of them.

Jackson Sentell, and Jimmy

"We play Gordon Lee in Ansley at guards; Billy Hubalel<

Chickamauga Friday night and and Sonny Hamby at center.

actually we have no idea of Horsley is one of the better

what to expect," he said.

men on the team. He is not only

Daily Drills

a good pa,ss receiver but an out.:.

Howell shook I his head in a standing block~r.

hopeless sort of way as his fel-


low-coaches Lorry Cain and Brown, a 135-pound freshman,

Ken Brooker p.ut the white-and- 1has been sho.wing a. lat of spark

green clad Panthers through and looking good.

workouts earlier this week.

Howell, former .coach at Car-

"We're behind two weeks," rollton, said that Campbell had

Howell moaned, "and we still only two home games scheduled.

don't have a definite starting The Panthers will 'play Canton
line-up. We keep shifting our on Nov. 13 and Milton High, of

boys around hoping for a right Alpharetta,' on October 2. The

.::ombination, but one day one Campbell home games will be

boy will show up better than played at Northcutt Stadium ln

another at a certain position Marietta.

and we have to shift again."

The Panthers will meet Stone

The Campbell coach did Mountain there on the 26th.

~ Junior Panthers
Defeilt ~.Canton;
Pl~yer Injured
Campbell)'. Junipr P:,mthcrs \von t_heir second game of the year Tht)rsday afternoon defeating the Canton Baby. Greenics 23-q; but
the. g::m1e. cost, them the services of
flankn1an , Bi1! Pitts ~ ,Pittssuffercd a slight braincons
cussfon in the second quarter'when
he made a ,spectacular tackle. He
was c;mied to the Canton Hospital
wh~ie he w~s' reported i11_,good con-
dition. He returned to$myrna from the hosfJital Friday morning.

Cha~tain paddled over \Vifo the_ opening marker on the hand-off from 33 yards out after Sammy l\Iitchell had . set,, Campbell into
scoring position with runs of 9 and J-2 vards which Jed them into Pi-
rate' territory. Doug Jones bucked
over the ' first of his foti.r extra points and Campbell led by 7-0.
A .recovered fumble Jed to the
Panthers' second TD the next time
they got their hands on the ball. Fred I}erren's depth charge from
nine yards away made itJ 3-0, then Jones paddled into the end zone .for the PAT, for it was 14-0.
Herren h1ade' it 20-0 with a z()
yard jaunt in the second period,
and Jones' two yarder sent it to 21-0. Herren turned the tricl, aga111, from 19 yards. distant this
time, arid it was 27-0 at intermis-

praise the Panthers for the spirit and hustle they've shown. "Some of our boys have no con-

Boward Gunn was the "big gun" for the Smyrnans driving hard arid
consi~tentlv plaving '~outstamlincr

Logan intercepted a .Pirate pass at'his -0w9 40, galloped down the d.elines for 60 yards and paydirt (

ception of what a football game i0 like. and I figure that it'll

ball. Brown \ Logan also ., received much praise for J1is play,. .

take two games before they fi:-.d out," he said.
SpHt 1T
Running from the split T arid

Tt\e Junior Panthers; who de-

feated Douglasvillc'last week 20,7,

play South 9obb's B team -- n~Xt


the single .wing, the Campbell

High backfield includes: Fred.

Herren, 165-pound junior at quarterback; Marvin Brown ut


fullback; Len Chastain; Douglas

Jones, J. B. Westbrook, and :

Frank Lacey in the halfback

spots. Herren,. Jones and Brown

are all good runners.

On the line and expecting to

CAMPBELL HIGH GRIDDERS - (1) Opening in the backfield for Campbell Hill Friday"-'
night in Chickamauga will be Fred Herren
(with ball) and '(left-to right, /'.:P W.t:$tb.rook,"
Dougias Jones and Len Cha$tain;-.ef2) Linemen
'------ to see 11ction are (~neeling,'"'t~"?f' r.): Guard

Jackson Sentell, Center Billy Hubalek and
Guarcl Jimmy Ansley. Back row, I. to r.: End i'
Dan Horsley, Tackle John l\'lyers, Tackle La-
l mar Colbert and End Dave Bennett. (Homer !\'leaders P-h-o-to_)_._

Campbell Panthers
Rout.Milton Cagers;
Sprayberry L~ses
Campbell High's Panthers end cd their regular season play in a whirlwind fashion Friday night, scuttling Nlilton High in both the girls and boys contests. i In the girl's game, the regulars had a picnic, pushing the score
to 55-13 at the three-quarter mark
when the cubs took over for the final period. The game ended in in. a 62-22 ,ictory for the Pantherettcs.
The boYs held a decisive lead from the opening. The subs took over in the final quarter and boosted the score to a 68'-47 count.
Sprayberry was not quite as fortunate as Campbell in their battle against an out-of-the-county team The Cartersville bovs ,rnn 50 to 43, while the Spra}hcrry girls dro1~ped a close 38-16 preliminarv.

PANTHER SCORING THREAf.::.;.Senior Fred. Herren, one.~ the offenshe st;ars of; Ca}'.llpbe]J's l'(~tbalI -Panthers, seernin'.gly + stan~s a good charice of c~ntinuing<)1is present scoring pace; _barring injuries. If he does continue at th erate i1e has shown '.in the. Panthers' last two showings-;-when he h<1s scored se,:en in fwo
contests-he '\\ill undoubtedly be a contender for top coting hon-
ors in Region 3A. Herren is shown 'above ":ith _CapipbeH . head mentor Dixie Howell.

Vacation School
roBegin June 5

At First Baptist

The annual Vacation Bible

School of the First Baptist Church,

Smyrna Friday,

is scheduled to begin on June 5 and continue for a


two weeks' period. Registration

Day will be held on June 5, begin-

ning at 9 A. M., with a large pa-

rade covering the city scheduled

as one of the morning's activities.

The faculty consists of the fol-

lowing persons:

P rincipal, Mrs. Z. T. Wills; Asso-

ciate Principal, Mrs. J. W. Kelley;

Secretary, Mrs. Phagan Durham;

Associate Secretary, Miss Gena

Gwinn; Music Director, Mrs. W. E.

Aboott; Pianist, Mrs. E. E. Ar-


Nursery department workers:

Mesdames F . E. Evans, W. T. Rut-

ledge, W. A. Jones, Albert Con-

ley, J . B. Ables, H. P . Ellison, C.

W. Jones, C. J . Coker, Furman

Moseley, J. M. Hamby, S. P . Lind-

ley, Polly Rhoden.

Beginner Department Worke1'f:

Mesdames P . P. Tomlin, W. L .

Hartsfield, Sam Harper, Catherine

Short, M . A. McGee, Blake Skel-

ton, A. Q. McLean, W . W. Nally,

J. M. Dockins, H. L. Chandler.

Primary Department Workers :

Mesdames Mayes Hamby, J . L.

Rutledge, J . A. Bailey, H. L. Dison, '

J. J. Cook, Wilbur Wilson, W. C .

Crowley, Merle Trimble, Betty

Graham, H. P. Hobbs, Jane Poss,

Sherrill Wills, W. F. Waldroq,

Frank McDaniel, J r., Annie Stone,

Miss Lois Turner and Jimmy Cook.

Junior Department Workers:

Mesdames F. C. Mitchell, Ralph

Landes, T. E. Cobb, Betty Johnson,

J. C. Austin, L. H. Hill, Lillian

Parker, Elbert Jones, Joe White,

Olin Cantrell, G. ';, Green, Frank
McDaniel, Helen Mc.Phail, W. F.

Frazier, Jr., Hollis Hurst, A. M.

P oston.

Intermediate Department Work-

ers: Mesdames,..F. M. Ross, York

Chambless, W. A. Noble, Elaine

Rolfe, Larry Cain, E. L . iRankin,

and V. M. Holcombe.

Sessions will be held daily froli1

9 until 12 noon.


P rovision has been mad1.s I:'

the largest enrollment in.,/ -

tory of .the church.


Youth Program Slated
I The spotlight of attention is focused at the Smyrna First Baptist

church on Youth at the 8 p. m.

w,orship servi~e 5th.



July 1

The service will feature the Rev. Stanford Lewis as , the preacher

and Mr. Donald Folsom as the

song leader. The Reverend Mr. Lewis was
recently graduated from Truett-

McConnell Junior College, Cleveland, Georgia. He will enroll as a student at Mercer University, Macon this fall. Mr. Lewis is a native

ot Jacksonville, Florida and Mr. Lewis is from Atlant~.
These young men will preach and sing in the Youth Revival, sponsored by fifty churches of the

Noonday Baptist Association, beginning on Monday, July 6, at
I 8:00 p. m. in the Roswell Street
IBaptist church: Marietta. t The youth of the Smyrna church
Iwill have complete charge of this
service. They will render special
music, usher, and read the .Script-

ures. Following the service, all youth
from 13 through 16 years of age will meet in the church's educational building for a period of wholesome recreation; while youth from 17 through 24 will meet in the church'i; pastorium for a per- :
l 'io~ of ~~n, fellowship, ~?d food .



MosfSmyrna Students Have Worked

During Summer To Defray College Cost


\\'Orkcd as a case aid in one of At

S~1 YRNA - \\' ith the adycn t hmt:1\ Red rcather :igcncics. the

of ScptcJ11bcr Smyrna you th is be- Familv Scn'icc Socict,, m~kin~ oinnino its trek to the sc,cral and studies, reading records, etc., m air

~a rving colleges and univc_rsit!CS. gCllC\' which docs m~rriagc, conn Soinc will be going for their first scling, aids the crnohonalk upset

year, others retu rning for fhc sec- and problem children.

ond thi rd and four th years. One
"m' he aoing fo r her fif th year to

Jt "as through ncction that she

this \\'as


f ..,

l 1

tc S-f50.00 scholarship on which shL

do graduate stuc y on . 1cr rn:is _r~ c]id her first car toward hc"r mas-

dco'crchca.rlottc Theodocian who was tcrs. \Vhcn s 1c finishes at 1'u1am

gradua ted last year from \ V~sleYan she "ill return to the agcncv for

1wilY lemc the 16th to enter l ubnc .permanent work.

Univcrsitv' s School of Social \ \'ork. l\lost of Smyrna's bovs and girls

. For the past h\'O slllnmcrs Char-


f 1

\o tte has woi:kcd to further her have \\'orkcd all or part o t 1c sum

stuck in social scic11ce

mer to further their education and

A~corclin~ to Charlotte she "ill to lighten the c,cr incr~a~ing hnr

he usm" her eighth scholarship. den of expense to their pa~cnt

She h:-is h,Ionc m:nw things inelud- Each of them would make a~ mtcr-

in~ ,rniting fa bles at \ Vcsleyan to cstino storr. In CharlPttc s ' asc

fnrthcr h er cducat1ofi. Last . su1~1- 'thcr;arc t,,o othclrl mcmAters_of the


familv now _in co cgc. ~ mcom-

mcr she joined a group "or 1.1g Ill hletc list of those \\'ho \\'Ill go ~r

a munitions plant m H artford. a, c ahead, matriculated in thelf

Conn ., to get first ha nd knowl~clgc

of labor and management rela tions . ~c\'cral college choices arc:

Th is


Clrnr1ot tc


To GSC\ V ,l'ill Jcv. Sa\1ic Howell.

gl.o.1..,1.G(loleCndlma .sTtci.a.ans-

7\ laf\' Jane "Sunn y" Johnson, Joan

Landers, Lois Turner.

More Cohb Youths

Georgia Tech: Sam llcnslc\', D an
Thcodocian, Buddv J ones. (i,ahle Rav. Tom \ Vilson of Flo\'Cl 1-rank Baker l\ l ilton \ Vhite,; T h omas Phillips, G,lfy Sisson. C harles
S\\'citzcr, l\hlrk Cobb.

Enr9II In Colleges
SMYRNA - Fifteen more South :'Cobb County youths have enrolled in colleges throughout the state.
Na mes and schools are a<; fol-
lows : Eugene Atkins, Southern Col-
lege of Pharmacy; Henry B ar :den, Georgia Tech; Buddy Cooper, Emory- at-Oxford ; Carol R ay Henry, Southern Tech ; Ciril Mayo Holcomb, . Trult. Mc Conell College, Clevland ; Lioneal Howard, Emory-at-Oxford.
Shirlev McCollum, HarrisonlDraughan . Business Colleg!:; Marvin Thomas Phillips, Georgia State Colege for Women ; Bet ty Lee Dickson, Betty Ann D r iv e r, Piedmont Hospit::.l School of Nursing; Willard Brown Exley, Southern Tech ; Richard Howard, University of Georgia, Atlanta Division; and P atsy Smith, Crawford Long
Hos p i t a l. All a r e graduat es of Campbell
High School.

Uni,crsitv of Georgia: Kav Boyles. Allyne Adair, Charlotte l_)ison, Vida Il awcs, Uni1. of Georgia. At- lanta Di,ision; Pat Echrnrd~, C. B. "Sonm" Il::nnll\', Beth Bntton.
Emory: Bill' Padoish, Pat Young. Johnny Cobb. E mory at
Oxford: L1oncal Il o\\'::nd.

, forth Georgia: l\1itchcll Bacon,

Parker Lowry, Richard Durham .

j l\lcrccr:
\ \ aldron.

Gladys Padgett, Trnitt-l\lcConncll:

Sam \\ 11-


son l\lcEntyrc.

Belmont: Bnddv Cooper. Uni\'. . of F lorida: Blld 'theodocian. Bob
I Jones: Jimmy \\'hi,tc. Southern Col-
lege of Pharmacy': Bill and Gene

I Cra\\'ford \ V. Long Hospital School of Nursing: Anne Clayto~1. G\I A: Dick Steen. Johnn\' Anstm will return to \ Vcst111inistcr Scho9ls and Jcrrv Bramble tt will attend
Ilcnr\' Grad, Il igh .

Jerry Bramblett, the publicity 1 chairman for Campbell School band, announces the officers of thsi year's band as follows:
President, Fowler Ma:::-tin; vice president, AUyne Adair ; secretary treasurer, Laura Helen Jones; librarian, Shirley Foster. assistant librarian, Lila Lewis; equipment chai-;,rnan Larry Hazelrigs; assistant equipment chairman, Jimmy Watson; publicity chairman, Jerry IBramblett.
The band was measured for uniforms last Monday and hopes to receive them in the latter part of October.
The oand wil play at the football game Thursday night, October 2 between Campbell and Milton at Northcutt Stadium in Marietta. This will be the band's fi:-st performance of the season.

ls~yr~~ st~de~t on~ 1
N.G.C. Football Team
Richard Duriham, son of Mr. and
Mrs. H. D. Durham, of 263 Powder
Springs Street, 1s play,ing on the Company D football team at North Georgia College th is fall. Cadet Durham, a sophomore this year at Noiith Georgia, is a g,raduate of Smyrna High School.
Campus football at North Georgia College is one of the major fall activities and since tlhe student or-
gartlza.tion falls into a military _pattern, the Coma,pny is the logi-
cal group from which the teams a,e selected to participate. Through this type org0nization and m ethod of player selection more than one-fourth of 'the entire male student body is able to play. A "Campus Conference" schedule is played whioh provides the student body with 13 games for their e ntentainmen t.
Under the direction of the Physical Education Department person. nel the are coached by seniors of that department who a::!' assisted by a cadet athletic officer f.rom each company The players are provided with the very best of 'equipment and every precaution within the rules of the game is
taken to keep .injuries to a m'in-

Smyrna Children Are Solons' Pages; 'Doctor's Day' Suggested March 30


use a little appreciation along the

It was the -second vca r for the hard road they travel? Let's don't

Rhodes quartettc - Carol, Jim, forget him on l\larch 30.

Gay and Etta, -to sen~ their state as pages in the legislature and And while the red carnation is thcv ha'd a wonderful time meet- taking ~arc of the doctor - let's ing a lot of the s,amc VIP (.\'cry talk about orchids. I wonder ho\\' important people ) a,nd s_omc nc~v many o,chid growers ,,c might ones and they won t mmd a bit have m the county of Cobb. And if th~y get another invitation whcJl since so many women and a few the next session convenes. They men went nuts over the hobbv arc the children of the James B. of raising African violets, why Rhodes on \ Vhitfield Street and docs not someone start the craze their -apes range _frdm 9 to H years. of raising__orchids'
As flower raising of any kind,

Alrcad, newspapers are editor- whether for business or pleasure,
1alizing 611 the appropriateness of requires a good .ba~k, that lets us
celebrating Doctor's _Day 01~ ~larch out. But when a fnend sends m a 30. The idea which ongmatcd beautifully illustrated program-cat-

with a -doctor's wife i11 \Vindcr, aloo of -the Ninth Annual Inter-

bids fair to become a nat10nal national Orch'id Show presented


as ~father's Poppy Days,

and also


by the South Florida Orchid Socict, at ~liami in February, we

ginatcd by a Georgia woman , h~vc got plenty of inspiration and urge

bcccmc .

to put do\\'n a ten spot on a plant

The red carnation has been sug- and let nature tikc its course.

gestcd as the flower of _the day \Ve ha\'C ne\'cr known there were

and what a nice gesture 1t woul~ so manv types, sizes and colors

be for e,cryonc who feels that l~is of orchicls some of which do not

doctor is oi1e of his official, family at all re,;emble those we pay five

to remember him on -~.farch 30 or ten dollars to wear. They arc

by sending him at least a b9utto~- as daintv and f,~athery a-s our co-

mere of a red carnation. \\ hen it lumbinc or bird of paradise flow- ;

happens that he may liave save~ er and others that resemble some '

your life along the way or contn- what our thistle flower. The book

buted largely to your comfot. and says they arc dead easy to rais_chappincss you might send h.1m a require less water tha n Afncan

carnation for each year he has been violets, plenty of air and a kitchen

in life.

. .. shelf is good as a hot house.

T he members of the Cobb Coun- There is a cute .storv of the gal

tv Auxiliarv to the \ -lcdical So- \\'ho paid. ten bucks for :m orchid

cicty h,l\'C followed the vracticc prant at the show, took the gaff

and noted at first the man's face from her husband who turned out

to be almost as red as the carna- to be the \\'Orst bitten by the o~

tion from sheer modesty, but, d~id bug and _bra~gcd to all this

sa\ the girls, the last time they friends '"hen his wife cut two per-

had rcco\'ercd their composure feet cattle\as'.ftotn her, ten-dollar

and began to look for the remind- investm~nt in a few weeks. They

, er. \ Vh o said doctors couldn't say this thing of having to wait

- -.-

.. seven \'Cars for a blo01h is plain

: baloney unless of course you wish

to start fro1ri seed. I recall spending some happ)

Ihours at the orchid garden in Orlando, Fla.,. listening to the old Swede there tell how to grow or ' chids even from seed. If we ha,c

3 ~myrna Vouths _

any successful growers in the. county, please: let me know.

Named 'To Ai=ten<f

Boys State In July



Three Campbell High School

students ha\c been se\e~.ted by

S'mvrna Legion Post 160.t<:> attend

the annual Georgia Boys S.tatc

\\'hich will be held at Georgia Tech

in Ju\ v. Jack Sentell,




and Fred Herren. Jr. " i ll represent

Smyrna 'tinder the spomors hip of

Post 160. Sinmltancous with Bo\'S

Sta te, the Girls State " ill be held

in 1lacon. Two girls from Camp- .

bdl " ill be sen t nnclcr the sponsor-

ship of the PTA and th e Legion

.:\nxili:m .

In oicler t o :o to Bo,s State.
th e students 11~1~t be l 4. ~rn ior<

nq t yea r an,l in the- upper third
of th e -;,lass sc;holas tica lly, aho,c

a,crngc leadership ability, of hii:h

moral character and hon e~t and dc-

pcn tfa hlc .

And we might add that Smyrna is expcriencin~ a perfect spring for its flora. Right now the jon quilS', fo:sythia, red flO\YCring ouincc :~ncl \\'hite spireas arc at their best. There has been no cold to kill them back and C\'Cn the tulip trees arc haYing their best season in years. Remember hO\V last vear ai1d Year before we saw the red quince encased in ice? 111c next mass blooming will be the thrift 1\'hich also grows profuscl~ here. And from the way the new reside nts of the Pretty Bra nch area arc planting az.1lcas in their wooded grounds, Smyrna will add a
new _pl:rnt to its annual show.
Expects Band "Among The Best"

Cadet Sam Hensley
Completes Course
Cadet Sam Hensley, son of Mrs. Paul Hensley, of 413 Roswell St. is one of 80 cadets who completed the six week officer training program at the ROTC Summer Camp at Fort Belvoir on Friday. Hensley is a junior at Georgia Tech and one of its .star football players.
During his tour at the en~eer center, he has received training designed to develop his leadership ability through the regular assign ment of command responsibility and to scholhim in the fundamentals of the Army Corps of Engin-
~ Having completed this training and upon completion of his formal education, he wil be eligible for commission as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army Reserve.

Approximately 70 students expressed a desire to play in the Campbell High School band during the pre-school enrollment activities. Most of these students
have played band instruments b. .e. fore. Others want tb learn.
Mr. Ken Stanton, director, says that he anticipates one of the
fbest high school bands in this
section to develop at Campbell.
One of the requirements for success of this years' band pro- , gram will be attractive unifo:,ms and some additional equipment. Uniforms, including majorettes' will cost about $3,000. Tqis bud- I
fget will requtre some very strong,
I civic promotion, but the result ,
will be a band clad in colorful re-1
Igalia proudly representing Camp. bell High and the su~rounding community. Band will be on the schedule the same as any other subject
1, (Continued on Page 1, Section 2)

Grid. Plans Told
Smyrna Kiwanians

Coach Howell Outlines Details

Of Athletic Field Development

SMXRN_1V - Campbc~~ ~Iig~1 t~n; September 18 is an open date;

Athletic Director D . l\I. D1x1c \ Sept. 28, Stone Mountain at Smvr

Howell outlined to Kiwanians here na; Oct. 2, Milton :\t Alpharetta;

plans for the development of the Oct. 9, Douglasville at Smyrna

football field and pointed prospects Oct. 30, South Cobb at Smyrna'.

of the coming gri~ season.

N_,ov. 6, Ellijay at Ellijay; and Nov'.

At a recent m cctmg of the club 1,, Snmmcrv11lc at SummcrYillc.

Coach Howell said the field was The Kiwani~ Club will meet

now in process of haying drains in Thursday at 6 :30 o'clock at Chris'

stalled for turning the water and Dining Room on South Atlanta

keeping it dry at .all times. The Road.

next step will be to topsoil and g<;t grass planted. The lighting of tile field will be the next proicct

BINO BARREIRA Named llowHl's Aide

and the pouring of concrete. bleach ers on one side with 'possibly tem-


porary bleachers on" the other.
He anticipated it wiH cost approximately $6,000 for the lighting and that the overall expense will run to something like $ 10,000. The cos1 is being met by various civic organizations and individuals who have supported the school fr om the beginning. They also h ope to put a metal fence around the field .
There is also need, he told the Kiwanians, for more equipment for the team if they were to get ahead m football . He also outlined plans for organizing two midget teams from Smyrna and Fitzhugh Lee schools and there is need for coaching staffs and assistants to \\ ork
\\,ith these tean\s.
Freel Herren, who received a trophy for coaching ~taffs and assistants to work with these teams .
1Frcd H erren, who' received a trophy for the outstandirrg player last n.:ar at Campbell, also spoke to the club briefly stating what football had meant to him and what he thought it would mean to the school in the training of
character and fair play. Coach Howell gmc the club his
completed schedule for the fall as

Campbell To Meet \
Sot.1th Cobb MondalJ

The 3-A season will end l\lof1cliy
afternoon when Campbell plays host to South Cobb on the Fitzhugh Lee diamond. The game was prcYioush- scheduled for Friday, but "as postponed because of the
sta te track meet in ~ !aeon. The ga me will begin at 3:30 p.

.. In the fina1 game at Larry Bell

Friday, the Spravbcrry team lost

to Rockm art 4-2 . The Spraybcr

rians fini shed in the southern half

cellar. The Canton Grcenics. tm -

,,ill dcfcatcd during the season, won

the championshi and


the winner of the northern divi-

sion next week.

Gr1dster Hamed
Campbell Coa~h
Bino Barreira, All-Southern gridstcr from George \\'ashington Uni,ersity, -has accepted a position as assistant coach at Campbell IIigh
School. In announcing the appointment,
head Coach Dixie Bowell said "we' re fortunate in getting Barreira and he should be a big help in producing a better squad next sea
sci n . " .
A nati\c of Hudson, Mass., Barreira liad two years in football and two in baseball and was captain of both squads this year.
lie received a bachelor of science degree. in physical education and biological sciences. He was listed in \Vho's \Vho in American Colleges. He is a, mcrnber -of ODK, national honorary leadership rater nity and SAE social fraternity.
Barreira is a veteran of \Vorld \Var II. Ile is married but has no ehidren.

follows : There will he fiyc games

at Smyrna 'and five awav. Camp-

bell will meet Avondale September

4, for the opener on the home

!icld when they hope to pack 'cm

m. September 11 , Canton at Can-

C0bb 1\1\usicians: sci -\

For State Festival . Ij One h gh s<+oo] b in. <','c ~le~ club hHl small ensembles and sc\
rd , ' 1~, <111d 1 d \ ct n us1c. ,1s f on Cobb County will participate
Ill the 1 1. \t 1 c .\ h ,c l cstn al to be held in ~,Iillcdgcville beginning

I 1l CS( '



_r_l I

_C _ ')

_ ,10_,l_l c'_\_ca_l _c


~titounmwcniltlalbaengdin barlnndcsjdnaclvginwgittho gine-t

Campbell Wins Seven 'Sup~riors' At Festival

Seven "superior ratin gs \Vue . \ \'illiam Blatt, <lircc-tor of mu

11 011 by C am pbell li igh students sic :it C1111pbc,ll, said that the fol

lll the rncal and nia110 division l;nrmg \\"011" th~ high rnting: the

of the Seven th Di~trict ,1usic 8th Gra_de g1rh chorus. high

es' tSi\al Saturday held in 'Trion .

school mixed chorus, Eleanor Padgctt, sopra no soloist. Louise lien -

. npcrior" is th e highest rating r: alto solois t, ~en\ Bramblett _and

. ncn and stud ents \\'ho \\'in the' 1 1ocl Abbott, piano soloists. Brnm-

ating arc clig~blc to compete in blc~t ,a,ncl L_\bbo_t also won a "sti-
2th+c25staitne if\cIisltltcrndlgctvoilblce. held M arch fe\::blc. ratmg m a two~piano en-

Campbell ;;-; South Cobb n ers to play

b; Friday Night a~ ~l~rkdale next
promises to a c oo_er 31. This

teams nearl go game with

South Cobb ~s evenl~ matched.
i: than Campbell wtohn more game.s
Cam.ifbell promises year, but

added attraction at ~hrave an

The band wm

s game.

full regalia T~~ad: at half in

first parad~ in th 'Ylll be their


eir new uni-

undcrwa\ on \ \'cdnc,cLn.

Campbell I I igh School, which

\VOil \C\ en "'sujJcrior" ratings in the

d\tnct fc5ti,a in rrion, will ha\'C
nine ~7 ~tuclcnts partic;pating. '

f I '1c gicc clu J will perform Tues
Ia,. Soioist, from Campbell in l 1dc F,kanor Padgett and Louise

lk1m. Jerry Bramblett and Noel

\ ',bt t \\ ill nlav incli\'Jdual and

l \Vo-piano scle'ctions.

The. Robert L. Osborne hand

1,l he the 01,h Cobb band to play

1 the \tatc fcstirnl. Thcv me

s l,cc1t'kc1 to perform on Thurs-

d,n I \\c s1Hall cnscrnhlcs, a clarinet

nd ,1 s,1xofJ10nc q u,irtct. from \ Lmct11 Tl ig 1 \Yill particinatc The
cl.irmct q11<1 t(t 1s composed of

\l,,rnard Young, Dc111w Edwards,

Cr,1 cc Churchill, ;111cl Bc,Lrlv llills- ,

n:11,. In ti, ~axophonc quartet ire f
Jc. me Golchv,1 ,er, Jovcc 1 cbcan.

l '"11,l\' Ecl,nmls, and ;\faynard


oung. I ndn 1-1 nal



perform 1

rc'mlL \lmnard Young cLuinct,

ncl 'I l <,1 I ho11,1s. trombone, ,, 1 \LI 1c tta, \'an I Inchon, ,\c- , 1rh, cornet, Bobb, \lcCo,, Os-

o r, ,aritonc horn, and Jerry

Br ,1, :ct, C Pnphcll, fluh. H.; rh1 1 I lcPclc, ,on. \ brietta, is

red m the baton h,irli11g di,1-

Athletic Field Lights and Stadium To Be Ready For First Grid Game

Work has been started on the in- authorities wish -to extend their
stallation of lights and the erection sincere appreciation to all those of seats at the new Campbell High \ ;"ho participated in the progr~m school athletic field and school of- \ m any way, Mr. Kreeger said.
I fidals have been assured that They wanted especially to recog
both jobs will be completed in nize the wonderful contribution time for the opening game with made by Commissioner John Heck Avondale High on September 4. , and his staff, statingg that it \
Th nnouncement was made would have been impossible to
toda; b~ George Kreeger, general have achieved ' their 11:oa~ without I
chairman of the Booster club the help of the comm1ss1~ner and
which spearheaded the drive to se- that_ they w_ere deeply indebted cure funds to develop the athletic to him and his staff.__ __

field. Half the cost of the two pro jects was raised through the sale of tickets and contributions from the citizens of Smyrna school district, Kreeger said. He added that the balance needed of $7,000 had been borrowed from the Bank of Smyrna on very liberal terms.
He stated that there are several hundred dollars in pledges still outstanding and requested that everyone who had promised a contribution and had not paid it to do so as the money is needed to
pay the contractors. The playing field will be lighted
iby eighty 1500 ,watt flood lamps of the latest design, and accordin_g to1 Westinghouse engineers, will be one of the best in the state. In addi tion to these, there will be other flood lights lighting the future parking areas, the stands and en-
trance. The seats are of concrete and
steel construction and are desined for comfort, allowing ample seating space and leg room. Tihere will be three sections, nine rows high, runnin between the 20 yard lines. The ceJ:1ter section between the 40 yard lines is being sold on season ticket, reserved seat plan. and there are only 100 ,seats left in this section. Season tickets for these are now on sale at $10.00 each. Anyone desiring one, or more of these choice seats should mail their check to Mr. Jasper Griffin, or contact a member of the colllmittee at once, as they are being sold on "first come, first served"
basis. The committee and local school 1

Brown Hurls , Campbell Nin_~ To 5-1 Victory

South Cobb and Campbell fin -

ished the 3-A season \Vcdncsday .

afternoon ''even-Stephen." Th c

Panthers of Coach Bob Ash dO\vn-
I cd their Cobb neighbors 5-1. In
their first tilt, the South Cobb

tcari1 won. Rigbthander Marvin Brown rack-

ed up his sixth win of the season

in holding the Eagles to three hits. !

Outside a fluke bunt in the third.

the Eagles ,verc hitless until the

sixth inning, when Blanchard and

' Hiltoh singled. Impressi\e in his

yictory, Brown struck out , sc\'en



1 "Big Ed" I\lcFarland started on

, the mound for South Cobb, but

he weakene'd in the fourth to al-

low four hits and three runs. Lvnn

Griffin came in and held "the

Camppells to one hit. The Panthers finished the region

1 schedule with a 6-4 record .. They . lost to Canton twice, and to Rock-

mart and South Cobb. In all games
plaved, Campbell had a 9.+ count.

Game summ;iry : Campbell ~ ___ 0 Hl 310 0-5 5 2

South Cobb __ 000 001 0-1 3 2

:C.a.m,p_be_ll H_ig_h N-e-w-s-I\

Cobb County principals met
this week at Campbell High for tteir regular monthly dinner meeting. Jasper M . r-~;fri,.., i<;

tests and games kept them

busy. Mrs. C. P. Dorris and

Mrs. Charles Dobbs, grade mo-

thers for the group assisted with I

the refreshments.


'president; Jasper M. Griffin is vice president and C. .H.. l"-!015, secretary. Most principals were present. Paul Sprayberry, county school superinte;ident met with them. A delicious turkey dinner was serv~d by the lunch
rdom ,staff.

Miss Ann Vaughn and Miss : Martha Crooks, home making
teachers of Campbell High, as \ sisted by the advanhd studeilts entertained the members of the 1 faculty election day at a tea. I The decora:tions were colorful .


with floral and ivy arrange- .

Frank Ladey, center 01 the ments.

Camobell team was the out-

standing player of the Week. Campbell High Band, together

Even though Campbell lost to with the Smyrna American Le-

South Cobb, there was some out- gion Post No. 160, put on a color-

standing playing by our team,. ful half-time show Friday night ;

Frank was responsible for keep at Clarkdale when the Campbell

ing the play going and he did Panthers met the South Cobb :

his job well. Frank transferred Eagles. Clad in their new uni-

to Campbell High school last forms of gray, .the band march-

vear from Henry Grady in At- ed onto the field playing "Wave

t lanta. He is the son of Mr . and the Flag" and formed a "160"
Mrs . W. F. Lacey , of 217 Gil ~laying a salute to the Legion

bert Street, Smyrna.

who gave the band money to ~

buy the uniforms. It was the


majorettes' first performance

Miss Gena Gwin's 10th grade . and the band formed a heart

home room entertained them- in their honor playing "Let Me

selves at a hamburger supper on Call You Sweetheart."

Thursday night. Music, con- 1 Next the band saluteq South '
- - -- - - - - - , Cobb forming- an "S" enclosed by a large "C" playing South

Cobb's Pep March. Other novel- ty numbers were given but one most appreciated by the Campbell group was "The Campbells
-----~- are Coming.' ---------


:Director Of 'Shooting Stars' Spent


Twelve Years In South Africa


started schools gave the blacks

If w~. like Pollyanna, )ust look I the right to vote' and_ various ot~-

- Smyrna's Little Theatre To Stage
Comedy At 'Jonquil' In September

for it, there is always something er reforms before his death. Pato be glad about in spite of com- rad~xi-::ally_; Smuts was "."lligned

SMYRNA - Smyrna's Little

munis,s, corruption or Adlai's against Wmstor, Churchill dur-1


w~ lHc Boer War and fought

Theater really has "The \Vhole Town Talking" since their meet-





l n




Georg1.a.,. with him in both World Wars.

Willis, who lived 12 years in I~ was he who_ formed the

South Africa, we are glad that Un10n of s_out1: Africa, represen: .

we will never enter our kitchen ed S. Af~1ca m Lloyd Georges

to find baboons raiding our re- W"."r. Cabme~ an~ _favored _the friger;ttor. or, if we should run Bi:it1sh m his pohcies as Prime over a Cobb county snak just M1mstei'. There have been many for the fun of it, we wou~ not wars an..! they are fought over,

find him coming up .through the verbaliy, every dav.

rlocrboard to attack us.

Great Trek

l,oves South Africa

The Great Trek of which

But, m spite of such unexpect- KiJ,,llng wrote much ii, ,1is poems,

ed occurrences, Georgia Willis LOok place in 1836 when the

loves South Africa and thought Boers from Cape Colony on the

ing W edncsday evening in t h c

Council Chamber when they tried

out for parts for the above named

comedy, which they propose . to

stage about. the middle of Septem-



Theatricals are not new to Smy-

na, but this group has decided to

organize th~mselvcs into a sort of

theater guild to keep aliYe the

spark all through the year and

while indulging their own hobby

give a lot .of pleasure to others at

the same time.

The officers of the Little 111ea

Smyrnan Promotes Theatrical Guild

. S:\IYR A, l\h!Y 3 - Organiza

hon of a th catncal guild amon"

Smrmans is being started bv l\lrs~

A. A. I Icinlcin.

it great sport to sit with her back south migrated northward R(ld

ter are, president, Mrs. Arthur

Local amateur productions an,

against a mountain while she founded orange River Colony,

Heinlein, vice president, Mrs. E. L. the goal_ of_ the_ proposed group,

cooled her toes in the waters that The Boers were defeated in

abruet anemithixetrurAe tloafntbiocthor Pacific, 1900 and nine years later this be-

l She liked the perfe~t climate, came a part of the Union. Diamond's were C!iscovered in the ctiocoaleadndbywtahremebdreebzyesthoofseAonftatrhce- Orange River district in 1867 and


gold in the Transvaal in 1884,

equa or making it perfect for each incident bringing an influx

Hoepner, secretary, Miss Pa t Young, a11d treasurer, Arthur Heinlein. Bill Noble is finance chairman. Lois Brushwood will direct the play.
The characters practicing the p_arts at '\Vedncsday's meeting were

\Irs. Ikmlcm said. Interested per-
sons can contact her at 535 l\lcLrndon or phone 5 -t%2.

sunning in the day and sleeping of settlers.

under blankets at night.


There are no wooden .houses Malan, the present Prime

Jimmy Spears, reading the role of
Smyrna Minstrel the husband; his wife, Marie Fore-
man; daughter, Frances Hocpner

there and no central beating Minister, is a typical Nazi and
systems. The houses are built 01 would like to get the British out stone and stucco with red tile of S. Africa. The Indian un-

To Be Re-Staged a~d Tommy Phillips as her boy
fncnd. Parts will be assigned later. In the minor roles a r e Ann

roofs with only electric heaters 1touchables who have come there

necessary, The very poor class seeking a be!ter life are _unw~l-

hves 1,1 mu<.: huts with thatched come, accordmg to G eorgia Wil-

roofs, called rond.ovals.

lis, but many of them hav~ ?e-

And though Georgia Willis come wealthy, Of ~he 11 m1lhon

lives on the Oyster Bay side of people m the Un_10n, nine are

Long Isiand, New Yo.c, and went black and two white,

to Africa with her husband who

Everything Bilingual

was an engineer for Philco, she When asked what language

now says, "I wanna go back." they spoke, she said everything

She ;s, in the interim, in Smyr- was bilingual. Imagine all the

na, directing the home talent street signs being set up in two

show, "Shooling Stars," for the languages, English and Afri-

Junior Woman's Club which will kaans. A sign which says "No

be a sort of curtain raiser for !"'arking" on .one side will read

the new Campbell High audi- "Geen Stanplek" on the ,other.

ormm Thursctay and Friday, But the American women find


'life easier' for them in South

Emory, Bill Noble, Bob Thomp-

son, Kathy Heinlein, Erlene Noble

and Maggie Appenzeller. June

Place will be the unsung heroine-

the prompter.

Tentative plans call for staging

at the Jonquil Theater.


i\Irs. Heinlein, th c president,

says the organization is new and

great)y in need of personnel . es-

peci_al~y male. So if any men ~vish

to 10111 such an organization for

their own pleasure they will make

glad the officers.

Mrs. Heinlein says of the play

"lt's a tried and true comedv ro{

icking and breezy and we'r~' sure

the public will like it."

Dne to a fulty public address svstem the Smyrna Lions Club
minstrel "hich played to a pack ccl_-l10nse Friday 1~i~ht at Campbell High School will be prcscnkd again on Saturday, i\fay 2.
All persons \\ho attended the p~rformancc Fri_clay \\"ere given ticket stubs and mil be achmttcd free to the show this week. Rc~ular tickets may be purchased from am
member of the Lions Club or shidcnt at Campbell.
Proceeds from the minstrel will go to help light the athletic field .

Interesting Director , Africa than here as there are

There are about 30 members of

I haven't seen the reheaarsals plenty of servants.

the Little 111eater at present.

yet, so can't speak for the show, Georgia Willis roana p1enty to

but if it proves as interesting as do, however. She conducted her

its director, it would be tragic to own radio program for six years

miss it.

writing her own copy. It was a

Georgia Willis is an artist of sort of magazine or variety type

no meanability for oils, a mem- with a Sunt'.ay evening antho-

1 ber of the South Africa Society logy or Negro work in dialect

of Artists, and South Africa, she tl!....;; proveu quitt popular - our

says is un artists paradise.

dialect being entirely different

While there she lived on the nom theirs.

1sid~ of Table Top Mountain, so called because of its flat top. 1 w;::,n tnaL I m,gut describe its charming beauty with the ,seasons as she described it to me. And she said to enter the harbor

She took _part in other dramatic programs and has plans ' for return:ng to some form of radio work with the State Department, possibly the Voice of America.

at dawn, while the lights of. the

Unanimously Elected

city of 250,000 are on gives the When wor~d War II came, she

appearar~ce of a mammoth sta- was unanimously elected by the

LUe of a woman with jewels in 2,000 l,me'ricans in Capetown to

her lap.

manage the American Club for

tional Park in the Transvaal to sec them in natural habitat.
There are rest nouses for tourists to spend the night with high walls around them in which are opening through which one maY watch tl~em come to water holes .

The mountains there arc un- Allied ~ervicemen with a -volun- Baboons, she says, live in cpl-

like our own in that they are teer ;,taff 'or fifty-five persons. onies and often very close to peo-

barren and craggy. There is acer- Amer 1 c an social life there ple's homes. Not too long ago the

a,;1 cHmatic p~1t nomenon when was always interestlilg with the babs made a raid on the com-

the winter rains fall when Table English custom of a social cup of munity and one woman found

Christmas Cantata 1-
Set December 21 1 At Campbell High
SMYRNA - Music will truly fill the city during the 1952 holiday season put on by the churches, -the schools, and at ! private parties, but the one eyent being anttcip:;1tect by all will be the presentation of the
Christmas cantata, "The Birth- \ place of Christmas," by Noel , Beson and arranged by Smyrna's own Elizabeth Abbott.
The cantata will be sung by the combined choirs of the First Baptist, the Locust Grove Baptist, the Presbyterian anct. the I Methodi~-t. Churches and will be directed by Elizabeth Abbott'. The accompan.ists will be Mrs. ' Paul crump and Walter E. Ab-

Top Mountain has a haze that is tea quite popula r.

one unloading her refrigerator.

exactly like a cloth thrown over She ~ays that when you say Georgia Willis gets a hearty


Africa, everyone's minds seems l~u~h tt!l_ling of Arthur <?odfr~y

Born Artists

to turn to animals though one is g1v111g this news out on his rad10

The Nationals, who are de- seldom seen: There are plenty of program and_ sayi~ "l c.~n just cendant:; of the Hugenots and them, especially leopards, but bear that wife saymg_, He1;ry,

Helland Dutch are born artists, one must drive to Kruger Na- Jget back to bed and qmt makmg

and flock to the exhibits and con- _____

a fool of yourself."

sider it a great honor to get

even one small picture hung in the National Gallery. There are also the Cape-Malays who operate the flower concessions
along the streets. "They are a nice lot," she said,

7 3
Smyrna Author
Visiting New York

"even though they still trade cattle for their wives." It is these women and those who coii1e

To Release Book

from India who still cover their
lower f:c<.ce with the sari. Jan Christian Smuts was one
of if n:Jt the greatest man the country has ever produced. He

New York City is playing host to a Smyrna author \I ho wa5 guest of honor this week at the official rclc.1se of his book " Relax and

bott. The new Campbell High audi-
torium will be the setting of the event and the date, Sunday e_vP.ning, December 21, at 8 o'clock
in the evening. This ambitious presentation
had its inception in the Smyrna community Chorus which is made up of the members of the several church choir members in the city and gives promise of becoming an annual occasion.
There will be approximately 60 voices half' of which will be children from the junior choirs of the First Baptist and the Presbyterian Churches. Included in the program will be choruses by ' the children alone and those in which they will take part with the adults. Of these probably the most outstanding will be Christmas carols of Other

Kenncch, well-known around At

Lands with descant.

lanta for his classes on how tc

There will be men's and wo-

.,lccp. is a retired 1 'my warrant of

men's choruses and Kay Rum-

ficcr. During \\"oriel \Var II hl

sey and Gennie Vee Valen~ine

taught admirals to relax after bat

Haralson will be the soloists.

tic, and airmen to catnap between

A quartet will be composed of


Kay Rumsey, Joyce Chastain,

The book 5l,c~sc:, t:JC ps,-chol<

Melvin Holleman, and Charles

gic:..1 aspects of mental tcnscncs5

McMillan. A male trio will be

and how to cure them, plus Ken

composed of Melvin H6lleman

ncch's ideas garnered from his 30-

Hugh Papworth and Bob Chas-

vcars experience in. physical cul turc.
Ilugh Piirk, Atlanta 1\.cwspapcr~

tain. The cantata closes with the
"Psalm of Thanksgiving," by

colunmist, is 1nc11tioncd in the de
dications of the book. Kcnn cd\''s 1\-cck in ~cw York
has .been rilled with radio and TV .1ppcarances. The 57-~ car-old Smyr nan has been intcrYic\1-cd b, \ lar,
\ largarct J\ leBride. Louise i>cm-crs
Jimmy P0\1crs and olher.

Lewandowski. Those promoting the presen-
tation extend a cordial invitation to everyone to attend and join with them in giving spir,itual meaning to the glad sea-

l Jc and his wife mmcd to Gobh

three years ago, after harried years

of tounng the wiirld. \lrs. Kenned~

is a n;1tl\'c Gcorgi:111 troni Dublii1

where she \\<lS the former \Ii ,

\laxic Bost\1ick.

Kennedy's formula for rch\ing

:mcl li\ing is ,er~ simple. he sa\

It has hut a frn mks to folhm

and ,ou'll find them all 111 hi

ne\1 hook

Smyrnans Pitcti 'Early American Party By lantern And lamp light


Hanson. At a given signal the\

SMYRNA - Harking back to must open two suitcases, put on

early America for props and decor, all garments contained therein,

the Lovejoy Class of the Metho then take cases to other end of

dist Church on Tuesday evening room and undress putting all cloth

pulled off its annual shindig, which has become as unpredictable as the

ing items them up.

back in cases It was almost

a a


Red's foreign policy and as shock Edwards 'two-way stretch proved

!ng as \.Yashington's Gridiron the most elastic and she won the



After having sponsored a three

Cornbread, Buttermilk

rin~ circus and a Parisian Cafe The real surprise of the even-

party in succeeding years, the girls ing came when the bell was sound-

last night whooped things up with eel and guests were invited to the
:m Early American party and fash- kitchen for refreshments. After

ion revue which, in everyday par- all were seated at the long, per

lance, might be referred to as a fectly barren top table, they were

tacky party.

served, hot from the stove,

The assembly room of -the cdu- squares o.f hot brown corn bread

cation building was transformed in- and their gfasses were filled with

to an all-purpose room where the buttermilk poured from jugs "cold

family carried on such homey from the springhbuse," witli

chores as ironing, churning, sew- chunks of yellow putter floating on

ing, spinning, bathing, dressing, top. etc., with emphasis on the et cc \.Yhile guests crummed their


bread iri' the milk Gladys Collins

. . . . Br .Lantern Light

minded the flies from the table

The room was lighted with old- with a fringed newspaper brush

fashioned oil lanterns and oil lamps fastened to a cane.

with the oil can hard by for re- A grand march followed rcfresh-

plenishment - if the party lasted ments and Frances Seavers was

long enough.. The center table awarded the prize for the most ri

covered with a red cloth, held th~ diculous costume, which was as

mammoth family Bible, family al- colorful as Joseph's coat. It con

bum and stericopticon set and sisted of a red figured dress, tin)

pictures. Another table on which black straw hat tied on with char-

was placed the water bucket with trcusc tulle, -one red and .011c black

dipper was covered with a hancl shoe, a bi.ick sock on one leg and

crocheted cloth falling almost to a bewrinkled nylon on the other.

ftic floor.

A large cerise bow tucked the

On the corner washstand was skirt at one side and the below.t)1c

the -d1ina bowl and pitcher with k11ee garter/ceped. She wore much

accompanying jar for waste paper, jewelry an much make-up with

and roller towel. Strings of green beauty patch. She received an old

and red peppers, wax and 'green fashioned garment to "better aid

beans hung from the rafters while in confining her curves."

the ironing table, covered with a Ida Lee Brown, teacher of this

patchwork quilt, displayed two flat- live class, headed the judging team,

i1ons on trivets awaiting use.

which was hard put to make its de-

By the window was the split cisions. Others receiving honorable

sewing basket filled with bits of mention were Katherine Ruff in

material and patterns which must a veritable gypsie costume with

have dated back to the I920's. The elongated poney tail hair--do;

flax and spinning wheels were only Gladys Collins in a short: yellow

in the mind's eye.

creat.ion minus waistline with be-

Hanging from the pillars wire ruffled pantlettes falling to her an-

such household necessities as a kles. She wore black hose, white

feather duster, a fowling piece and shoes and a cloche hat that co\'cr-

a guitar on which Troubadou~ Su- ed her hair.

die Osburn strummed a few tunes.

The Costumes

During the evening hostesses, Blanche Dobbs wore a truly old-

. Blanche Dobbs, Sudie Osburn and fashioned grey "mother hubbard"

Gladys Collins, passed ,!.10p corn, wi th split bonnet. Curtis Hanson

peanuts and bubble gum in wood- was a "flapper" in red skirt, yellow-

en bread trays. The corn \\as pass shirtwaist, reel sailor hat on back

ed to music and one could onlv of head and a red bag.

cat when the music stooocd and Judith Lowry was a dignified fi---

lcft her holding the trai - A prize gurc in a light blue slinky model

was offered for the largest bubble with wide- shadow lace bertha and d a

blown from the gum, but there a large white picture hat. Blanche dot~

were no takers.

Brawner wore one of those minus Jwcrs


There was a dressing marathon waistline dresses of pink gcorgcttc ' She

between EYa Edwards and Curtis \ery short and heavily embossed )ging

1\lazic Nelson and Louise

Pounds joined up in a girl and boy

team with l\lazie in slacks and

blue shirt with navy hat jauntil)

trimmed with two turkey feathers .

Louise was a demure figure in I\fa.

zic's loYely white lingerie dress

with high lace collar and a large

..p.. icture hat.

Book, "Relax and Live," Wins Smyrna Author National Acclaim In New York.

A Smyrnan, Joseph Kennedy, one to Atlanta Journal Columnist,

who lives on Hill Street, Rt. 1, has Hugh Park, who wrote a column

written a book.

about Mr. Kennedy's relaxi!Ai

This week he is in New York classes at the Atlanta YMCA.

receiving the plaudits of the multi- Life magazine carried pictures

tudes who appreciate literary ac- of Mr. Kennedy's snoozing busi-

complishments and are rewarding nessmen and club women students

the author with the compliments and a newsreel company photo-

If he deserves.

graphed them.

The book, "Relax and Live" was Mr. Kennedy's week in New

released Wednesday.

York has been filled with radio,

Kennedy, the man who awoke TV and personal appearances.

: n;tional interest with his Atlanta Monday he was on the Mary Mar-

classes on how to sleep has writ- garet McBride show on ABC;

ten a book on the subject.

Tuesday, with Barbara Welles, on

"Chief" Kennedy, a retired Na- the local WOR station in New

vy chief warrent officer, said the York; Wednesday with Margaret

book gives his formula for fight- Arlen over CBS-TV; Thursday on

I inf city fidgets and other Twenti- the "Listen to Louise" program

eth Century tensions.

on which he was interviewed by

The book is a compilation of cur- Louise Powers. An appearance

'rent psychological know]eli:lge with Jimmy Power was also O'.l,

about relaxation, plll6 Mr. Ken- hi!:' agenda for personal appear-1

nedy's own ideas gathered from ances via radio TV and audiences.

more than 30 years experience in Mr. Kennedy is 57 yeai;s old and \

physical culture.

looks a sparking 10 years young-

During World War II, the author er. He and his wife moved to Cobb

taught admirals how to relax af- County three yea rs ago following

ter a battle, and airmen how to take catnaps between dog fights.

a life that took them practically all over the world. They came to

His background includes work their home on rural Hill street

l with the athletic department at
the Naval Academy, fleet surgery

from the City of Mrs. Kennedy

New is a

York. Georgian,

experience and teaching in sever- having been born in Dublin, the

I al gymnastic establishments.

former Miss Maxie Bostrick.

According to Mr. Kennedy, "Relaxing is easy. You just have to

She stated if her hubby had a hobby, it was definitely

know a few simple rules for let- "health." Health and physical I

ting go."

conditioning is his one main inter-\

Dedications in his book include est, she. said.

Softie Off Field, Sam Hensley's

A Real Meanie in Football Suit

e :
Georgia Tech's Samuel Penland Hensley ~riginally won the nickname of "Good Sam" because of_ his cheery, almost Santa Claus-like mien off the football field.
But h~ ~ turned o~t to be. a1 pass-receiving touch as well, it

rather v1c1ous type m mole~kms will be difficult to turn up a bet-

and his coaches tell you he 1s no

. ..

1 0 n g e r j us titer all-around end m D1x1e.

"Good Sam"- The 20. year. old, six foot

he is the very1 Smyrnan was raking In stares

beS t .

Frli1ay as the Jackets plowed


through practice

their fifth dayI of fall with scrlmmag ng con,

safest bet for l tinuing unabated.

stardom at Tech "You can describe Hensley In

this new season three words-physique, attitude,

for the simple ability " said Tonto Coleman,

reason that he who ~hares end-coaching with

m a d e t h e Sam Lyle. "He's pretty near the


smoothest tran- perfect all - around end right





\ w,, no

Sam Hensley, former MHS AllState gridder, has been named on

Hensley ,_vas all-Southeastern Lyle calls Hensle? the lead n;ani the Associated Press's All South-

Conference on detense last fa11. in a sharp flank gi;-oup that lists


C f

df .

J Then when limited
arriv~d he accepted

substitution the offense-

senior Bill Sennett Jimmy Durham and

and juniors: Frank Webl


a ts rbs


eteamr .nGHeonns_rereyn~ae~~eenes~s?oer

too challenge with zest and ster behind Hensley on the lef uBn elaben eodrgiEa _ec s uTghar

stepped o\lt as a brut al .blocker. and Henry Hair: s~n Now that he has acquired the ior Cecil Trainer and Jumo

ow - o u .n Smyrdn~n _is

aH20n_~gemaere_horIsd. 'b195e_


Bu dd Y

J on~s


to P





poun Jumor. ens ey as selected on several other

een an-

- - - -- - - - - - - - - - tother termma _____ star teams.

IHensley Is Picked

:As "AIi-American"

By True Magazine

Smyrnans Kick Off
Stadium Fund Drive
With Free Dinner
.A group of Smyrna men Friday will la.unch a fund drive to comp]ete Campbell High School's sta.dmm at a free dinner in the school cafeteria at 7'. 30 p. m.
George Kreeger, general chairman of a committee on arrangemcnb ~or the project, said plam for add11_1g hgl!ts and ~eats to the playing held will be discussed at the dinner.
!n All 1~~n the Campbell Hi[;h
area are ml'ltcd to attend the dmncr, he said.
Estimated cost of improvements on the stadium is. $20,000.
"The playing field alrcadv has been graded, topsoiled and seeded," Kreeger explained, "but there .a're no scats yet and no lights for night games. \Ve want to make thi~ a community' project for the entire ~ampbdl area," he added.
. Men mtcrestcd in attending the dmncr should .notify Kreeger or one of the following men: Hubcrt Colquitt, Jimmy Quarles, Hubert Eubanks, Bob Austin, Paul Brown, Guye Duncan, Jasper Griffin, A.
II. Carson or J. :M. "Hoot" Gib-

C~arlotte ,TheodocionShares Room

With American Chinese At Wesleyan



B average and the dean's list for

\Vhilc Sm}'ma has been paying the last two rears wh,ch is good in

deser\'ed attention to male students anybody's college, much less \Ves-

in recent weeks it is only fitting lyan.


that some of her spendid girl students could also be mentfoned.

Charlotte roomed with an American Chinese girl the entire time she

For instance there is Charlotte wa~ a~ \\'cslyan-Lillian Gong, of

Theodoci:m, sist'.!r of "Dangerou5 M1am1. She recalls that while the

Dan," ar he is called at Tech, who family had no religious affiliation

completed her work for an A. B. Lillian took the course in religion

degree at \Ves1yan about two and was very interested in it. She

weeks ago. (She will get her dip- was also a conscientious student

loma in June.). She is al~cad_y lined and turned in a good record of

up to work \'nth the Family Ser- scholarship.


vice Society, of Atlanta, continuing Her most interesting experience,

her social work studies there until Charlotte sars, was last summer next September when she will go when she jomcd a project of Stu-

to Tulane University to do gradu- dents in Industry going to Hart-

ate work on her Masters.

ford Conn., where they studied the

It will be rcnncbcred that Char- subject first hand working in fac-

lotte was rnledictor-ian of her class tories and living in dormitories
at Smyrna High in 1949 for which where they studied and held con-


she rccci\cd the financial stipend ferences at night. 111cy learned inst that goes with it. She was also how boring and uninteresting life

awarded a larger scholarship from can be to those who "file burs off

the National Methodist Youth trigger pins" eight h?urs every day.

scholarship fund.

It was an enhghtenmg experience

Charlotte says she got off to a that will aid Charlotte in under-

bad start at \Vcslyan academically, standing the problems of those

but wha.tever happened she wound with "horn she works. And the best

up her three and half years with a of luck, Charlotte.

Sam Hensley, co-captain of Georgia Tech's gridiron Yellow ; Jackets from Smyrna, has been : chosen as a pre-season All-American by True Magazine in its annu;,I football prediction edition.
George Bratoski, sensational passed from the University of Georgia, also was picked.
Hensley is one of three Smyrnans on the undefeated Tech team which placed among the top three teams nationally last year and is expected to win similar honors this year. The other two are End Buddy Jones and Guard Dan Thodo. cian.
Hensley was a defensive end
Iunder last year's two platoon system, and out-scrapped other Tech . ends last spring for a starting po-
sition in the single-team system b)'. which the colleges must play this fall. The feat necessitated his learning the skills of a blockingpass receiving offensive end in the short spring practice.
Known as an excellent blocking
fullback ft Marietta High( vmere
he was also captain), Hensley took to the conversion naturally, and Coach Bobby Dodd predicted an
II excellent season for him this year.
. Sam is the son of Mrs. Paul Hensley and the late Paul Hensley
jand resides with his mother on Roswell Street,

Pressley Attending

;Camp Stewart Meet

James Pre~~lcy left Snndav for

. Camp Stewart, Ga., for a two-

! \\-eeks series of conferences relative

, to the \lational Selective Sc;f\icc

Act. General Hcrshcv will be pres-

ent for the conferences.

:\side from being football coach

at :\larietta High, Pressley is a lieu-

tenant colonel in the 'ational

Guard Staff Specialists Corps, as-

~igned to SekctiYe Scnicc.

- Pressley received his master's de-

gree in education from Emory Uni-

versity last week. :\frs: Pressley and

the childrc, \kltla and \Luy .

Live, will stay at Savannah Beach :

for the next two weeks.


'Jr. Baseball Teems

Organized Saturday

Junior baseball teams, the "Flying Tigers" and the "Red Rams" were organized Saturday.

Wednesday night they played'

heir first game at Brinkley park.

A game between the "Red Rams"

and a team captained by Leroy

Davis is slated Saturday at Brink-

ley Park.


I Organization of additional new!
teams may be made by calling

Jimmy Hiatt, phone 5-4047.

:James L. Anderson
Receives Commissio~
MITCHELL AFB, N. Y. (AFPS) James ,L. Anderson, son of MTs. James L. Anderson of Smyrna, Ga. has been commi'SISioned a Second Lieutenant, Artillery after completing 22 weeks of training at the 'Antiaircraft ,Artillery Officer Candida,te School 1at it.his post. He was a member of 'the 11th class to be graduated from the school.
Lt. Anderson was assigned to the OfficeT Candidate s,chool in September, 1952. Since that time he has studied tactics, gunnery, electronics and such subjects as army administration, military law, military sanitaition and first aid, and others to fit h1mself as a junior officer in the United States Army.
Smyrna Lions Give School Equipment
S'.\IYRNA, June 15 - The Smyrna Lions Club has donated some $200 worth of drums ,md baud stands to the clcmcntarv school band. 'r'he club also cm{tributed $120 worth of shrubbery for the grounds around Campbell High School.
A sum of $1,500 raised by the club at a recent minstrel show will be use1 as an athletic fund to purchase lights for the Campbell High ~thlctic field and scats for the stadrnm.
Softball League Plays
Monday, May 18
The Smyrna Softb' all L eague will begin play Monday night, May 18, at Brinkley Park. The league will consist of 4 local teams: Legion Post 160, First Methodist Church, Nelms Lodge and First Baptist Church. Opening night will find First Baptist vs. Legion, Tuesday night, May 19, Masons vs. Methodists.

. SM'~ R~A MARINE A~R RESERVISTS attending Operation Read y" at famous Cherry Poin t Marin e

Air Stahon include, left to rig1!,t, T-Sgt. Willie R. Owenby, Cpl. Jack Dangar, Pfc. Richard Davis, Pfc. R.

B. Davis:Pfc. Donal_d C. Pattillo, Pfc. F rancis M. Ketterson, Cpl. Carol R. H ENRY, Cpl. Frank C Bak

Pfc. Wilham A. Adair. See story on page 3.



Smyrna Team Wh ~ps Scottdale 8 To 2

The Smyrna Baseball team defeated Scottdale 8 to 2, Saturday afternoon behind the fine hurling of H omer Brooks. Kent Roberts, P at Edwards, Tom Tucker and Pete Wood led the smyrna attack, while Brooks' timely single drove in two of the runs. Mize, with 2 for 3 led the Scottdale hitting. Al Cogbill, former Decatur

High star was on the mound forl
Scottdale and took the loss. This
victory brought the Smyrna rec-
ord to 3 wins and 3 losses for the 'I

The team has shown much im-

provement in l'fie past three

games. Smyrna will play Simmons

Company at Larry Bell Park Sat-

urday afternoon. Game time is

3:30 P. M.


Jr. Baseball Teams
Organized Saturday
Junior baseball teams, the "Flying Tigers" and the "Red Rams" were organized Saturday.
Wednesday night they played their first game at Brinkley park. A game between the "Red Rams" and a team captained by Leroy Davis is slated Saturday at Brinkley Park.
Organization of additional new
fteams may be made by calling Jimmy Hiatt, phone 5-40_4_7._ __

\Smyrna Marines
Play Major Part
In U~ S. Maneuver
Marine Corps Air Stati,
Cherry Point, North Carolina, fl
gust 19, 1953-Smyrna citize may point with pride to th city's contribution to "Operat Ready", the Marine Air Rese summer maneuvers now in pn ress here at Oherry Point, largest Marine Corps Air Stat in the nation and .one of the la est in the world. !Eight Smyr Marine Air Reservists are on du with theiT squadrons from the A lanta Naval Air Station-Mari! Fighter Squadron 351 and Mari1 Ground Control Intercept, Squadron 15.
T,he members of CMF atten, ing the maneuvers are Capta William H. Miller of Route ,Private First class Donald C. P tillo, North Log Cabin Drive ; , Private First Class Lewis C. H i ris Jr., of 260 Whitfield StrE Captain Miller, recently selec1 for promotion to the rank of N. jor,. has been as.signed to the , Training Program with intens
ground school instruction a
flight time in the Panther :a
rl Shooting Star jets. .A veteran 1,400 hours in the famous invt ? ed gull winged Corsair figt 1

JERRY BRAMBLETT AT NEW PIANO 15-year-old Musician Also P lays Clarinet, Flute
(Joe l\IcTyre P hoto)

Smyrl)a's Boy Musician Chalks Up M ore Honors


Slll\r11:1 's ho\- musician cxtraordinan . Jcm, Brmnbktt, like Ole

A Thinkino

Real to

Tsraol'Cupert 1111 c

tl1 c

\Ian RiYcr, he jcs' \c~ps rolling alo11g piling up nc11 laurels for him- Brambletts''took off "'ith out break-

1 self and his school, haYi11g brought home t\10 suiJcr!or, ratings from the fast, thinking to cat on. th~ way.

recent Statc,i'\ rus1.c Fcsti1a] m 1i\1 1'11cdgc\'l')]c


Alas, Jcr,_'-1' exp. ekrienced Inds Ifirmsteaatn-



Ole- .Man




ultra modest, he don't say 11othin'

n _istru ment





c1th~r o~ the others m_ Jerry s af-

. ~J\;

co~f;rd~sekic~' inl\lVccshsh,ce;nawntahse

y arri,vs Jmstlcd



11 but he must know somcthin' cause fcct10n rs left to be _s_ecn. .

1 he Jes kec1Js roll_ing along. Jcrf\ , will be 15 in June and he has bcen

Io,Jcc_smtolJpra1_amy,bl-aent~t lton. n,ccs,

music . IIc aAny1~1icrc,


Cl p





i\n\sTtaIstm?n11,csassa1n.sct1a11pt1acyosu. n



was eight.

at the tune Jerry won the +I I

I claBn.enicnt~ m~acl-lsot-hea -flduct\e'O, thcce co1cfc1.ctlhede ' btaelsetnttI1a1.nti? C.aabroroultltoJcnr,1;'ssaidta, I_e"nTt h_1-es-

to rnn flute aJs

l11s \Yell





rtlh"nant e haenc]1stu snoe augnasmelfwiseh I1wmicthcaiIt).-

~Iusic Fcsti,al wi~h the result t_hat eel on him ~o play somcwhe_rc an?

off to the intirirnuy ,ind to bed. t moontl1thcre s-s,at1adge,,JaitciiJlJ1co'cwl'o1clkk-



as Sin, .

,diitc as th e lea' st

his shirt. in-terfere

T'c'"i11ttu1in11) e11a1J.r-5_cnmepa'l'w,,t-o'ainl,dg,,h..1aitlsni dm'a o"tthshueeiJreGrtiholera'et'

1JC mi


g. l l ot

.COU . (
~t )~~~


" B


poi is

nt all

that _hoy

hm es



e o

f h

om 11s 1

e u

w su


tw one

o .


fhuesl_cpcJ.e"ntcrtam and he has nc:, er re-

,-aonfc1thae gArctlaat.ntaatlilCcrtiacckef,irns ,acnsdpcGc1caolhr.-

Piano 'First Love'

Began ,At Severi

gia Tech in all ~hcif sports: I !c

Not that Jerry has an y idea of At his ripe old age he ha s played kriows the sta1_1dmg ?f tI1c b1g-

clcscrting his beloved piano. It was before the 4-II Congress banquet kaguc _players and is 111 lm glor)

his first ]ol'c, but I understand in sc,sion in Atlnnta, the South when he and a hunch of boys take

that at the moment he is banking eastern Duroc C ongress, for civic off for Ponce ch Leon to root for

his allo\\ancc for the purchase of clubs, and before a music class at the Crackers. They ride the bus

1 piccolo in which deal he is be- the Georgia State College for \Vo- to Korth A\'cnuc, hut walk the

ing aided ,md abetted by one Ken men in ~Iillcdgcvillc.

rest of the ,my in order to save

Stanton, director of his Campbell I le has been playing in at least some of the fare to buy peanuts,

High band. \Vhcthcr this newest ' two recitals a vcar since h e started popcorn and pop after they ar-

taking piano just before h e "as ri,-c.

sc\'cn. Ile has only had two teach-

Sports Fan . .

crs, the first, Anna l\lac Farmer Terry likes tennis. and 1s. <l~mg

'. Nimick, of Atlanta, and he is no\, alli-ight \it go)f. ':l11~h , he 1s iust

studving with the second, Michael learning. He 1s s~1ll m the age (!f
i'\-IcDowcll, head of the music de- being plagued mth ~races ?n 111s

partmcnt at Agnes Scott College, teeth an his \'Oicc 1s gcttmg so


masculine that one is always sure

It is interesting to contrast Im it is his dad when he answers the

first recital numbers at eight \\ith phone.


those of his last recital or th e \Vith his playing m the l\1anct

Jerry Bra mblett Will
Pfoy With Symphony
Moving up to higher realms, Jerry Bramblett, Smyrna teen-age musician, has been selected to _appear as a guest soloist at the Annual Youth Concert of the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra next >ear.
Artists are selected by the Atla nta Symphony after being auditioned first by a select committee and then they are judged by Conductor Henry Sopkin.

numbers he played in the recent ta Community Orchestra, (flute),

\lusic Festival. "~ Iv Kiel ch Car,' the Campbell Iligh Band, (flute),

bv Adler, and "A Spring Dm , ' and his accompanying the Glee
l>) Bragdon, were his offerings 111 Club, (pianq), for both rehc~r~als hi~ first recital in 1945. li e pluycd and public appearances, J)-{il~tic111g

i'\fozart's Concerto D-l\fajor and piano and fltuc and novi p1cc0Io,

Bach's H111tasic, C-i\Iinor in his c is kcJ_)t as busy as a hen with

last recital in December 1952.

one chick.

! \Vhatc,cr Jerry Bramblett ma) . It is most fortunate th<1t the
do in the world , of music, he is a bov has understanding parents. It

good competitor. Ile has learn ed is OK by them for Jerry to go as

that old adage of th e stage that far as he wishes with his music

the sho" 111ust go "on.

- ' -for the familv, (the E. C. Bramb,

Th e !~st _l\Iusic Fcsti\al . brought lctts and little sister Anne) enjoy

ont an mc1dcnt that pro,cs that. it almost as much as docs Jerry,

Jcrrys' parents were taking J,im i and his lovely ncw ,Stcinway Grand

Jerry auditioned before both on down in the car. Ile was. to ac- piano from his patents ~s, a~cor~-

succeediing Saturdays. He receiv- company the Campbell Glee Club \ ing to Jerry, the best thmg 111 l11s

ed notice Thursday that he had at 11 o'clock in the morning, and rcpcrtouc.

1 been .named for the high honor.
Selections are made a year in ad-

he wa s to play at 4 in the aftcr---~-=----~-- --,-----'-- noon.

vance and Jerry will perform dur-

ing the. high school concert March

20, 1054.

Jerry is a freshman at Camp-1 bell High School where he is a
member of the school band. A pro-
ti7i~nt pianist he has been entertammg at community affairs for i;everal years.

Another Honor For Jerry
Symphony Picks
Jerry Bramblett
Guest Soloist
S~ I\RN\ , i'\Iay .:-f. - )c_m Bramblett. young <;=a1_11pbcl\ 1I1gh Sciiool freshman p1aiwt, ,nil perform as gues t ~oloist in the animal Youth Concert of the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra next \'Car.
_\rfots arc selected b, the Atlanta Symphony after auditi~ning first before a select comn11ttcc. Then, they arc judged by conductor Jlcnr\' Sopkin.
Jun auditionccl. bd~rc both
Ikr>roups on snccccdmg Saturdays. rccci,-cd notice 'lhursdav t\1at he li:;is been named for the: ]ugh honor. T!tc selections arc made a ,car fo ach-an cc and thL young artist "ill pc..1-fon;, during the high school concert \larch 20, 19,-f.
In spite of the fact th,1t Jcm is vo1111s; and onl) a frcsh1rn~11 in high ~chool~ official. picked lmn for soloist position. Selections "'ere made on merit .addi1~g ,_m?thcr to the talented piamst s long hst of [ honors
Four Cobb Students Ra te 11Su perio r11 At State Festival
Cobb county students warked _away with four "superior" ratings in the Georgia State Music Festival held at :Milledgeville last week.
Jerry Bramblett, Campbell High student, took top rating in Piano and was also judged "superior" in the flute competition.

Smyrna Captures First Three Places
In 4. HTalent Show

A talented trio from Smyrna

Thursday night walked off with

t nn h0nors in the county's an-

n11a l 4-H talent show.

n; 0 pl 0 in,,. the g-ifted

,,. ,".ft 'i~n nf fine mrn,;c that h:is

, 11 i,:,.,, rn~nv previou,; honors,
J r n,.,,,.,, blatt was thP rhoice

0" thp _indies for first place for

t' 0 ~econd straight year. The c1P.ver voung- pianist has a fin-

"Se 1hat is unusual for one

hi :>/!e.

Second place prizP. was award-

Pl +o Beverl"y Cobb, who de-

li.,.li' Pd thfl ss~embly with her

n'llishel and well-co'ltumed arro-

1-:,tr act. Miss Cobb has im-,

r, ""V"d t"'" presentation irnd

tirni"!! of her act so well t-hat

i' ;s t 0 ldno- on the "finish" of

" .,,.'l.-e'l~ional nerformance.

'J'h;r,1 ~lace winner was Mis<;

~ ,.,, R1tler. who san!l "Can't

Hrh-, T.oirino- 'rhat Man" in her

ll''" 0 1 "'""d form.

ThP three winners will have

" '1 P <'k'o;,,n :it Caml) Wau-

fP"':l . with all Pxr:iensP.s naid

~ ,." .r:.,.~t. n1ar-P. winner's trip to

the Carrollton district meet als11

will be expense-paid.

Others in the top ten of the

" -"r' ~nr; ~~ were Patsv Can

trell Betty McConnell and Shir-

)Pv Monre, of McEach<>rn .Jan-

P.n~ f'::immons, of Fit7-Hug-h

T ,.,,, : Evclvn Ineram and Shirley

s~evens, ~f Blackwells; Harold

1" """" "" T{ <'l"n0snw; .T ov Hood, of Robert L. Osborne: JPrry Giv-

ens, of B1a<'kweJ1s; Max D11r-

ham and Gene Croft, of Ac


-By Bob Hud on

Campbell Students
On Radio Program
"Teen Talk" program over station WFOM on Saturday morning will feature a group of Campbell stud ents, Miss Alice Bliss, program directo~ at the station announced today.
Jimmy Lee Nicholson, assistant editor of the Campbell Hi'gh paper, "Panther Tracks" will be in charge of the students who appeair on the progl'lam.

Auxiliary S"tages Community Sing
S\IYRNA-Thc Lc~ion Auxi- I with the singing of gospel songs.
han met in regular session l\lon- r l\Jrs. Jasper Gri~fin ga,c a piano da) cYcning. "'- the Legion Horne, ~olo ?nd accompa1?1ed the cornmunwith the Ca~roll famih- entertaining 1ty S!llgmg.
I'i,-c new mcmhers were an
no11nccd one of which, \ Ir . franccs I ranciskato, is a gold star mother. The others were Mesdames Fred Fitch, Audre\ Gable and her mother, ~lrs. Gable, and B. C. Castellaw.

Campbell Wins ~even 'Superiors' A.t Festival

ScYcn ..superior" rntings "ere \\' illiam Blatt, director of 11111-

" on by Campbell Iligh students sic at Campbell, said that the fol-

in of

the the

yocal and piano divisio11 Sc,cnth Di strict l\lusic

lml"ing won the high rating: the 8th Grade girls cl,orns, high school mixed chorus, Flcanor Pad-

Fcstirnl Saturday held in Trion. gett, soprano solcist, Louise I len-

"Superior" is the high es t rating J"\' , alto soloist. Jcrr~ Bramblett and

gi,-cn and students who \\in the "-ocl Abbott, piano soloists. Bram

rating arc eligible to compete in blctt and Abbot also 11 on a '"su -

the state fcstil'al to be held l\Iarch perior" rating in a t1Yo-piano en

2-t-25 in \Jilledgc,ille.

scm hie.

Lllen Pope, Jame '\ ash, \ fi-ke

IBrinklev, Barham Ann Black Su

Spring Festival Of Music To Be Held May 18, 19, 28 At School Auditorium san D,inicl, Sharon Stone, Carol

. .


S'.\IYRNA - Due to the brge

number of pupils taking part, the

Spring FcsbYal of \1usic of the Flcmcnt.m School \\ill be held

on three .'different daYs, l\ londa\'
and. TucsdaY, :\ I.I\' 18. 19. ancl
l'hursda,, i\'la," '28 at. the school

auditoritim, according to \ !rs. Paul Crump, piano teacher and music


kett, :..liss "Willie 1'lae Cmcn, Smith, Jud, Shakclford, Eddie Ja \lyrticc Ellis, Lind,1 Fcrrcall, 'I ri- net Jones, .\1111 \\ aggner. Brenda
na {locpncr. Sandra Cox, Grace \'arncr. 1'laric Cash, Lane Kelle, Knight. Peggy Sue lla111mont1ec. Jan Kelle,, Paula Robinson, Elaml Jane \ \'illiams, Gail Castclhrn, ;\ la- Black, Jud, \ \ ootcn, Dian,1 Dot~
dcllc \ \'alton, Ka~ Carter. Pres J Roseman '\alh. Susan Young, ton Greeson. Susan Abbott, \like Beck, .1\liller. Jackie Brown, Caro \ \'illiams,,Jocl Edmondson, ShirlcY lyn Reece, Genie i\ [itchell, 'I om llammctt. Eleanor Blatt, :'.\'adinc Beals, Larry 'King, Iris Cochnn.
Carter, i\lary Hagle~ Payne, i\ lary \ Fannie Ilamb,. Jerry Btihannon,

Jerry CloYcr, Beck:- Lee Jo; n C.ol-
lms, ,\like Harcbgc. Ch.irb Jones Bilh Tl iatt, i\farjoric \ \cD:micl, Sue \,irbrungh, L11crctii1 \ [omoc.
\larjiannc :-.lillcr, Bunnie Belsky.
Barrie Landers, Barbara t\nn Cnn.
l,lcanor Garnet, Jnclic \lerritt.
Carol, n S<:llars, Joseph \ filler, \lac
Cochran. Pats, Cole, Alice Gihson. Lin Daugherty, Alice Jane
Bnctl ,, Jim Cordon, Billy Criffrn.

Fuller, I.inda Kell<.:\', Patricia Rav
G\ven Jenni,n, gs. Gtraklme Flfo.
Jnd1 Smith, Jncl, :\[cP11u,ou,
Eunice C.0\\,111. \lar, Lllcn \l,ht
le~'-, K11i lit, l'ils) \le \t\1111,
\ lalincla Jolie). Bai lx1ra Cnrnug ham, S, hia Cordill. C1rk11e Coor
er. Li1icla C1glc, Jucl, Il.trris, D1
:me \ lcCo\ln111, Annette Eubanks, Patncia na,enport, Janice C11

! The piano recitals \\ill be giYcn Jane Collins, i\[rs. Florence 1'lc- i\eal (a!rn. , , , , , ,
on the first hrn nights, but the~ Kinncv Lan, l\ filler Bech i\liller IN l ERl\IJ i,DL\ 11<.S GLI.E

l'lizabeth Fraser, ,\nn Irish, Ch roll, Joyce Abbott, Billy I lill, Don ms Carne:,. Jinnrn C 1stlc. JL1Jil \rri11gto11, \\ 11111ic Byers, \lila l.011

will be rncicd bv ,oca1 soios, mid Chris ro111lii1, Libl/ I Ioldcn, Don:


\\ 1llia111s.

l'tirm:r, Barbara ,Smitl1, George

instrumental ducts. An cnkmhlc ald Ltimmns, l~ccb Lee, 1\ lary Lam \ lillcr, Ranch llo\dcn

13ro11n. Jame~ lleight. Jean John

I of girls "ill present yocal m\1sic Sue \\ affor5I, Ins ~ochnn, Bc,-cr- J3ucld~ \\ alclrou, \like Ca1m:ro11
on the s~cond night. Fifty cr~ht ly C_obb, Karen htrgcr,on, Jnd) Nanc, Ciro] Cooper. Edith Cols

l"PPF R LLEl\IE~n'Al{Y

,on. Gloria Scarhronglr. Tomm_

Jucly \lart1n,, Lilliam Sewell, Jo ITightO\vcr. 1\ngcla Iluggins. J.:a,

piano pupils will be heard on fhc I lams.

ton, \l;irsha l 1rr. Shen\ Robin 011 L, 1111 Smallc1. Vi1i,m Butler. Car ,\lcxancler. \ !.m Sue S1\ afforcl. I);,

hrn nights. 1

Bett~ Griffin. Sandra Rumsc~, :'.\'orman Prem mer. ~acline C.,irer olm Biddy, "Jane Po~cy, Diannah ,id Cobton, K'arcn. h1rgcrson.

- On Thursday night the 150 'pu- Tommie \Iac Conn; C11u1doh11 l:tta \\\lie Rhodes, Connie Lou Candler, ,\[an ,\1111 Ot\\'cll. :\l;m
pils from the primar~, intermediate :-.lartin, Earl t\rro,," ood, Charlotte Turner. 'Flenc Cobb. Fr<111ces B,

and upper elementary grades com- Ann Price, Vera :-. Lie Little, Ca- crs, '\ancy Shakclford, flea nor

posing the Glee Clubs will pre- rol Jean Daniel, Gayle Colquitt, Blatt, Linda \\"illiams Peg~ L<

s~nt a yaried pr_ogran~ of Yocal mu- I!crhy Adams. _Lucy ~ones, Hett) cault. Delores Price, Lamar Bald-

1 s1c. ;\lrs. Crump \\'Ill chrect and h1yc Jcmcs, Lmc\a lcrrcll, Juch win. 13illic Jo Cox, \\ men Da,,

\ \\1ltcr Abbott, pianist, \\'ill ac- - - - - -



All programs will begin at 8 p m. and the parents, rclati\'C.:s and friends of the pupils and school-
arc imitcd to attend. PIANO i"v:i'l L::i

Cenc. 'l1;cckcr, Patsy l)aycnport
Charles Ball, l\fary Jo :-.fartin, Eu nice Cowan, Sally Langley, Bar ric Landers. Eddie Janet Jones, Patsy Sanders, Benny Goss, Gwen \ larchman, Edith Colston; Man Ki1ight, Shclbie Carter,.. Gerald
Burnts, Linda Thcd:cr, Shirk, \ \ igington, Jane Posey, Jane Cla, Kav :'dills, Fav Blantoi1, Kav Alcx;mdct, B'rcnchi Elder, Elaii1c Due-

Smyrna~ Ga.






WCTU. To Feature Yqung People, Song Fest At Meeting

Mr. tiil liam

Sl\1 YR1 rA - The meeting of fest.

there will be a five minute digest



, The program is as follows: from the state paper by Miss Shel-

tIic Sm?na \VCTU _to nc held Theme: ''Building for total absti- ba McDowell. The LTL's organiza-

Director. . . . .

~Iondav 111 the Educat1on Building 1 ncncc throue:h the family." l\'Iiss of the First Baptist Church will fca- Frances , Valdron Will give the call

tion will sing "\\'in them one hr one." Miss Noel Abbott w!II give

turc the voung members and a sonp to worship. Song, "A Smile (To a reading, "Everybody Docs It,''

Glee Club



- - - tune Auld Lar:g Sync). Song, \Ve after which the YCT's and the

would be builc!;ug."

LTL's will sing, "\Vc'll take a

J,immy Cook will present the inspirational fe2.tnrc "Tomorrows

healthful drink," to Farmer in the Dell.




Trees," using h,1lm 113 and -ivLttt. Miss Erline Haws \\ill give a re-

Mr,. Ken Stanton -,Director . .

7:1-, followcct by "Blcst Be the port of the second annual YTC



cncampmc11t after "hich Miss

After a short bhsincss session Haws and Jimmy Cook will sing

the YTC alma mater as a duct. The hostesses will be Mesdames
J. T. Cahoon, l\L L. Davenport, Pat Edwards, Hcrber,t ,vallacc and
Beatrice Stegall. Visitors and non-mcbcrs arc cor

\ Friday~ May 22~ 1953 _ 8:15 P.M. l I Campbell .H.igb 1'..udi torium .

diallv invited to attend.

\ \

<I!: ,.., .JJ:
,, ~-~";~



~~(ti.::,,f; ''-~.

"';,~-.~._.,. ~
--~ '


t, ,: ~


-., :-.~~~f~:~i~~:t~~2:~~~~--


. - ..

Campbell High School Glee Club under direction of Mr. llm. Blatt.

.1Smyrnal ibrary

Let 3,000 Books

During Past Year

St-.IYRNA - J\lore than 3 000

rnlumes were loaned bv the S~wr-

~rn Library during the 1car, accord-.

mg to a report to the Librarv

Committee by the librarian, l\lrs.

G. B. '_Villiams, l\ Ionda) c,cning.

l\fcctmg at the libran the com-

mittee made plans for some needed

repairs to the floor, the lights,

screens and roof. The committee

planned to hold regular quarterly

mcetm~ the next to he the first

Tuesday 111 July.

i\Irs. \Villiams report further

stated that children's books \\'ere

on order for_ the ,acation reading

for clubs bcgmnmg June 15 and run-
n}ng t\\'O months to August 15.

I he library now has approximately

-f,000 vollll)Jes ~11d new books arc

being ordered continuouslv.

The members of the Board arc

J. 0. Hargis, \:hairman, wl:)o repre-

sents the Smyrna i\lcn's Club, l\Irs.

G. C. Crce1_1 and l\lrs. Agnes Fau-

cett, \\'ho 1s treasurer, from the

city at large, Mayes Ilambv re

presenting the cifv council'' and

\lrs: Dmid Cano, s~crctary, 'rciJrC




s, .




Smyrna~ Ga.




Hr. li i l liam Blatt
Director .. Glee Club

\ , ~ --\ ;-~~ if r\:v_7)

Mr,_ Ken Stanton -,Di~ector . .
' Band.

Friday,. May 22,. 1953. \

8 : 15 P .M \


Campbe 11 ~ Auditorium)_
,I ,


. ,

' \ \ \


.. ......

~ .



1. King Cotten March ~ousa

campbeil High Band

2. Onward; ye .People : ; Sibelius A Hymn to 'nusic , Chopin-.i.Ungwald'

The Voice of Freedom~ ~ .~: . :.: ilubinstein-Cai'lliet

.. _.Campbell H. s. Glee :club


..toyal Gorge., .,vverture Little

: :aand

4. Three Negro dpirituals:

veep .Hiver

There is a Balm in Gilea d
Set Down, Jervant

Glee Club
5. daluta lion March. Seitz

tz.. Band
6. ,Jhile . .ie 're Young Vilder-Pa li

Sevtember_ Song iJeill

._ ,

rou' 11 ,11.ever Jalk ,..long Rodgers., a r r ~ir/aring

. Glee Club.,..

. .- . ;


. .

7. Blue Tango . .;, .: iu1<t er.-son

B~cl . . .~: ',

::, .,

1~uartet : \ -,; . J,!~ ,,:.,.,,


Street. ur"'eh}J1s Hedley


The .liullddg ., .


i,ry ;' Bo'nes,i

: -. - , . :. ', 1,ouglas Jones. : Allyne ;.,uair, ;

ru1tA. l1rankBaker

. :.: :

., '

Selec~~ons tJ:0111 . tJ~laho~a ~ i-lodgers ,,,

0 hut ~ be2.utiful uornin 1

The._ ;;,ur~~ey with the }l,ringe on Top

.r'eople ,i:l.11 , day ,,e 're in. Love

0 Kl a h o m a . !

. .


The Battle ,hymn of the tlepublic steffe, \faring a rr.

. . ~a~e .flu\>

; ,

10. ..... Tribute to :Romoerg hcLean

; ~tan~Mar~ng. dong_. ..,

.-:iJtfse.rJ,._ Jong . .. . . .
.LJ~ep in my Heart ' -r

Your L~1u and. h.y Land _, -----

One ;1.lone

Golden i>ays

doftly., a s in a horning Sunrise

v11e Kiss

Stoughhea-rted Men
Banc and Glee Club

,-..cco:-npani sts: Jerry Brmnblett., Noel ! ott
Glee Club Soloists: Louise Heriry ., Eleanor
Padgett., Virginia Norton,
1..1 lyn e Adair

Campbell High Scllool Band:

: . t"

,\.aror1; ,J,~:;dward .

Martin, Billy

i.1.tlair, . ./dlyne

Martin, Fo1-Tler

;..aa.11s, ! Bf~rbara
.ti.very I Egene.

Milie s ,. F:r:-3.nkie Miles, Rod~1ey

Babb, Lar.ry

McDaniel, Latrelle

Bi sh , Df).nny ,i.

Mosely, Betty, Jerry

Norton., Lucille

Bro l-fl, , _Freddie

Norton., Virginia

Bry :mt, ,;.:,o 1i.n.n

Padgett., Eleanor.

Bur;r~ s ,. , Bdtly

Pears.0,1, C. W.

.. J

Cox, , Jan.

Philli:os ., Red ..

Crawley~ -' Gnry

FhilliRS, .James

Crow:e:, Ronald Leaton,, Terry

Pierce, Jack ....
Phillips, J er-ry

Daugherty, ;,.!m

Pope, Robert .

Dol)b~, Eleanor

Rodg0rs, Clennon

Duckett,: Elaine .

3anders, Charles

Godfrey, Frank

Sapp, Marian

Gr:i,.essman, P~tsy

Sapp, . Wade

Harr,:j.~, Carlton

S,11it.h, Jimmy.


Hazel:rigs, L<.:'..rry

Tatu.:H, "'ane . ,.

J. ef'f'are s, Richard Jen,'.ings; Joe
J<>n~s, Laur;i ~1:l~~en

Thompson, Darryl
Walt on,. :E!fge_n,~..
Watson,. J1tp.lJ'..Y,#~

Jone~, ,:l:bncy .

Weldon, Bill

Keen, i D~,rpyl. .

!/right, Harr-iett

Lackey, Bobby .

Cobb, Norma Jean

Lewis, Lila

Barnes, Sylvia

Litt le, \layne

Farr, Gwendolyn

Loudermilk, Bobby



:m. and )liS. BOBBY CHASTAIN

USHERS: One frorn each church participating.
GRATEFUL APPRECIATION from the combined Choirs to the SMYRNA FLORAL AND GIFT SHOP for their generous contribution of decorations for this occasion~
* The choirs of Locust Grove Ba?tist, the P~thodist,
the PresbytGrian, and First Baptist Churches are supplementing the Sm:vrna Community Choral Club tonight in this cantata., The Smyrna Choral Club is an o'.rganiza:~ion not yet one year old, cor!lposeci of residents of Smyrna who enjoy singing, and who ~eet every Tuesday, at 7:30 P.H., at the ?irst Baptist ChurGh, to seriously work on the best of religious and secular music. 'Ihe group has sung for many Church ~r.d corr.munity programs i.~ the past year. Membership is ~en to all who are interested and applicaticn may be made to the Club President, Mrs. Charles Rumsey The Choral Club will be glad to present a musical program for any civic or religious group in the corning year.

Sleep in heav- en - ..,

TI:'Y Ovist the Sav-lour is

Je - sus,Lord, at


~ ; the S.v-lour Is born.


~ t _ l _ { ~ i ~=-- i ~ ~- ~ ~ Ovist the S.v- lour as bom,


Three Choirs Plan Christmas Cantata At Campbell High'
S1'1YRNA -~ Tills vcar, mstcad of producing Christmas music in . their own rcspccti,e churches, the clioirs of three Smnna churches will unite in giving a beautiful Clrristmas cantata, entitled "The Birthplace of Christmas," b,. Noel Benson. Cooperating in this ,cnturc in practical Christian unih arc the I.. lcthodist choir, directed by John \Jillsaps; the rrcsbvtcrian choir directed bv ~lrs. \V,1lter Gresh; ;md the Baptist choir of which I..lrs. ,vaitcr Abbott is director.
Mrs. Abbott \\ill direct the can- tat; It :will close; with -an imprcssi,l rcndcrmg of the 1 >vth J?salm b, the Rus:;ia11 composer, Londffsb:.
- at The ca-ntata will be presented
Campbell High School aud1tormm on Sundav night, December 21. at 8 p. m. All arc imitccl to be pre sent.
Choral Club Meets
The Smyrna Community Choral Club, held their first meeting and elected officers: Mrs. Cecil Haral~on, president; Mrs. Horace Mull key, program chairman, Mrs. Wal ter Abbott treasurer. The date of the next meeting is October 6, 7:30 to 9 p. m. at the Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Abbott, the director, urges that anyone who is interest-
--~-- -~--' t!d to please come.

Piano and voicestudents of Mr. Blatt, music director of Campbell were presented to a large grol.Jjff ,
I of parents and friends recently in 1
a recital. The program was as follows:
Voice Number-The Lord's Pray- 1 er . . Melotte by Louise Henry. Barcarolle--Offenbach ... Jeri Lynn Harrell. Minuet a L'Antique--Paderewski by Gretchen Nodine. Vilia (from "The Merry Widow") -Lehar ... by Patty Baldwin. Soldier's March . . . . . . Schumann \ Mexican Hat Dance-Thompsoi. by Robebrt Ray, Two Guitars - Thompson, by Sandra Ray. The Chariot Race--Perry. The Breakers-Aaron, by Shelley McConnell. Andante Cantabile from 5th Symphony-Tschackowsky. Evening Star-Wagner, by Jean Teasley. Voice--Let My Song Fill Your Heart, (Solo) Jerri Lynn Harrell. Piano-Mazurka
Little Girl Rocking Her Doll Dance of the Dryads-Rebikov Laura Helen Jones. Prelude in C Minor-by Rachmaninoff~erry Black. Pizzicato Polka-by StraussJoyce Lusk. Voice--Vienna, My City of Dreams By Sieczinsky-Marie Manning. Piano-Fledeman's Waltz-Strauss Castellow. LotiJ.-~ Land - Scott - Marie Mam'iing. Juba Dance-Dett-Patty Balwin,
Berlin. White Christmas - Berlin-Frances Williams. Voice-0, Holy Night-Adams1 Eleanor Padgett. :Piano Duett-,-Marche MilitaireSchubert~erry Bramblett, William Blatt.

Voices Blena in Pleasant Harmony At Campbell High Christmas Concert


Jo Clark, and Ann Diggs, and Ge. u

, Sl\IYRNA - One of the beaut- Bambino sung by soprano, Jeri

iful events of the pre-holiday sea- Lynn Harrell, were all \\'ell done.

son was the presentation of a If one could single out any part

Christmas concert by the' Camp- of the program that. stood out from

bell High School glee club under the other, it was the last group of

direction of "'illiam F. Blatt, head old world and other no,-cltv ar-

of the music department, accom- rangcmcnts and it was in "these

panicd by Jerry .Bramblett, pianist, that the boys shom1 as an integral

on Friday evening, in the school part of the \\hole. The March of


the Three Kings, ~'he Carol of the

, Vhatcvcr training the group of Bells and The 1\1-chc Da,s of

122 rniccs has had prior to the Christmas gaye the boys their best

opening of Campbell lligh in Sep- opportunity and would ha,c been

temhcr, one could not ha,c anti- a fitting climax to the program

cipatcd such coordination of voices had not Freel " 'aring's arrqngc-

1 and parts and such beauty of shad- mcnt of "Twas the Night Be-

ing and harmony as was shown by fore Christmas" been so bcautifnlh

this chorus Friday evening.

sung. As we listened 11c thougl1t

There was no evidence pf tcn- how pleased J<'rcd would hm-c bccn

: sion in the singers. 111ey ,1pi,, 1red had he been present.
I relaxed and enjoying every min- Ju~t before the program closed
utc of the lovch pcrforniancc of a light nmelty was mtroduced

the classics of christmas music \\'hen Noel Abbott, dressed as a

r1;11g1ng from Jcsu, Jo~ of \!en's small girl ,am front t_ecth... came Bach, The NatiYity, fnlm the wmgs to,, smg All 1

for narrator and chorus - the n,1r- \\ant for Christmas.

rator being the Jmcly Sudy Fonnai1 . Elsewhc~c we ~aid it was a bean

-including nine of the well- tiful occas10n. 1 hat goes for the

I I kno\\'n carols, a group of English c,c ;is well as for the car and carols, ending with Fred \ Varing's should he. told. Jlayc ~:ou c,-cr arrangement of "'.I\rns the Night seen anythmg more beautiful than

Before Christmas."

a hundred 10\-cly young faces and

far. In the Nati,it, group Louise forms in a perfect rainbow of pas-
. tlcnrv's lovclv so rnno mice took tel formals - the girls <Jut the solo in~ 'ti1e 1A,-a :l'\faria, and numbered th c boys - not 111 the

Sue l\lullinax, sopnmo, and Ann qnaliD of their ,oices . And "l per-

, Diggs, contralto, did the duct, 0 feet keeping l\Ir. Blatt \\ ore a

Holy Night. Louise Ilcnry, Anna white tux. The Christmas decor

(\cldison and Noel Abbott triocd of the stage was prcttv and ap-

in Through the. Dark the Dream- propriatc, bu_t it fell far short of

ers Came, and ,vintcr "'ondcr' the beauty of the stage personnel.

h111cl and_Louisc IJcnry sol\K'cl in The concert was a tribute\ to

I "'ondcr as I \ \'andcr, m a;-. a th c studcnts as well as to Ir.

rangcmcnt bv Niles.

Blatt and : entire schoql facult\

'f'hc Birthday of a King by ten- ancl to Jci Bramblett. the rnnth

or Fred l lcrrcn, S,\cct Little Jesus fnl piani. ho accompanied all by soprano. Eleanor Padgett, th c chora' itork. :\Ir. Blatt accom

----~-~ Star of the Ea1st l,y a duo, Mary pai,1icd for the solos, ducts and trios.

Christmas Services At
Presbyterian Church
Sunday, December 2 1
At the 11 o'clock service Sunda:y
morning at Smyrna Presbyterian
j Churoh ,the Rev. John H. Knight,
minister, will preach on the su;b. ject, "Is Christmas Real?" The Presbyterian Church choir, under the direction of Mrs. Walter Gresh will sing Christmas music. Mrs. John C. Brown will preside at the organ.
There will be no service Sunday night at the Presbyterian Church, as the Presbyterian choir is singing at the Union Musical Service to be held at 8 o'clock at the Campbell High School Auditorium. All are invited to attend this Union Servke.

Members Celebrate Anniversary

Of Smyrna CommunIity Choral Club . S\1YR~,\ - Ccle!Hati1Jg the tata in the high sch~ol grrn.

fmt ann_11t'rsar) of tuc Sm\Tna The club is on ib noit

. Community Choral Club, mcm public appearance progra1n for bcrs gathered at the hom~ ,of .\Ir. l'.'.1stcr to be gi,cn in conjunchrn

and _\!rs. \\ alter Gresl~, I ucsda~ with the music department of

c,cnmg_. ~or_ a cmcrccl ch,!_1 suppc~. C1mpbcll Jligh.

l~~n_11111~c111g m-cr thcu fmt years \Jrs. Charles Rtm1sc, \las elected

actmt'.cs .1t .was recalled that ~he prcsi~knt of th~ grotl'I! it the first

club had its mccpt10n Ill the Clmst- n_1cct111g and still hoicls that pcm

n_rns for ~II pr~gram "mcr, racl10 sta- hon. ;\frs. \ \'alter Abbott is the

hon \\ FO.\I m 19, I. Soon after director and \\'alter Abbott the

the new rear a group of eight met accompanist.


at the home of :\Ir. and \Jrs. \\ al- The club ha,, come to he rccoa

tcr Abbott, o_n Park Dri,c ,to effect nizcd as one of the nicest a,,cts c~f

a nc,~' or1;an1zat10n and dr;rn up a the city's expansion and those \\ho

c~mst1tut10n and by-la11s. An_ imita- ha,c heard and cnj'med their cf

hon \,cnt out t~ '.11! who hkcd to forts "ish for them mam h,lp]>1

smg a,1d "ere w1llmg to meet reg- returns and manr, mam 111orc

ularly for practice, and \,ho li,ccl birthcla,~.

in ,t}ic Smyrna area to ioin.

Tho:~~ present for the cekbra-

. I he membership has trc)Jlc~ tion "ere :\Jr. and .\lrs. Gresh, \Ir. s111~c th_at date and the same mn- and .\!rs Rumsc,, \fr. and \Ir

tat10_a 1s open to a1:". _,Y!~o can \bbott, \ [r. and .\Jrs Pan] hock,

quahfr. The club has 1111tiat1011 fee \Ir. and \[rs. Charles \Jc\lilian

am! small monthh- dues 11hi,h arc \Ir. and \!rs.\\.!. Blatt, \Ir. anci

mcc) to purchase the 111nsic.

\lrs. Gene Jlall, .\Ir. 111cl \lrs

I ' Smee _the) \\'CrC org,~!izcd the Hugh P,1p11orth, .\fr. ,rnt~'\lr,. Jot group _has sung for local 1 l A meet- tic Brown, \Ir. and .\lr,. \lc!Yin

mgs, m sc,-cral churches, for the Holleman, \Ir. and \lrs. R()bcrt

open au concrcts in 1Lnictta, for Landers, Re,. and \ lrs. John I I.

the b,1~c<'!aurcatc addrcs~ :it Camp Knight, \Ir. and .\!rs. Iloracc \lul-

bcll IJ1gh school, for ci,ic or~;m1- kn, \Ir. and \!rs. I lcrbcrt Rudell,

:zations an~ at Clmstmas the gronp \Ir. and \!rs. l3ohb, Chastain. aud

together ,nth members of the sc, \Ir:,. Oclcllc- llamh, and \!rs. Ccci1

era! church choirs 1;a1-c a IO\ ch can- Ilaralson.



USHERS: One .from each church participating.
GRATEFUL APPRECIATION from the combined Choirs to the SMYRNA FLORAL AND GIFT SHOP for their generous contribution cf decorations for this occasion;.
* The choirs of Locust Grove Ba?tist, the ~ethodist,
the PresbY,t8rian, a,~d First Baptist Churches are s~pplementing the Sm;vrna Community Choral Club tonigrtt in this cantata. The Smyrna Choral Club is an ol:ganization not yet one year old, corr.posed of residents of Smyrna who. enjoy singing, and who J'lleet
every Tuesday; at 7:30 P.H., at the First Baptist
Church, t o seriously work on the best of religlous and secular music. 1be group has sung f'or many Church 3.r:d corr.". !lunity programs i."1 t he past year. Membership is ~en to all who are interested and applicaticn may be made to the Club President, Mrs. Charles Rumsey The Choral Club will be glad to present a musical program for any civic or religious group in the corning year.

uH.LI\T.!I XB X'INOu 6

Arranged l?r AB~'IT






ms. CRUMP, al'd m. AB{IDTT


French Carol

. cmmINED CHOIBS- ... ,. .


12th Century




Pastor, . Metoodist Church




Pastor, Locust Grove Baptist Church



~ "'SILENT NIGHT" Grw,er


ms. CHARLES llUMSEY, SQioist, & ADULT CHom

. . :






Polish Carol





NOSN3:S: 'I:il:ON AH
&&S\IWJ.SIHH:) .ID :!1:::>V-'J,:-!H-tl-.Ilt-l -:ll-J-=ll,,:. a=====-....;


English Carol I






Pastor~ First Baptist Church



Pastor, Presbyterian Church



Pastor, Second .B3otist. Church






1.3. ttLEA.D ON, 0"

Polish Carol
ADULT cnom




16. "PSALM 150"







Pastor, Spring Street Baotist Church




m.s. c:run-w, and M:.1..ABBOTI'









French Carol 12th Century



Pastor, MErt,hodist Church

LUKE 2:l-20.


Pastor, Locust Grove Baptist Church






ms. CHARLES Rill1SEY, Soloist, & ADULT CHOIR





Polish Carol










Pastor, First Baptist Church




Pastor~ Presbyterian Church



Pastor, Second B9otist Church







Polis~1 {;a!"ol

lJ. 11LEAD ON, (? STAR"



16. 11PSALM 15011




Pastor, Spring Street B~otist Church







Organizations Participating:
hembers of the choirs of the fo,lloiving churches:
First Baptist Chur_ch, Smyrna, Ga. First Methodist Church, dmyrna, Ga. Locust Grove .Baptist Church, Smyrna, Ga. Smyrna ...-resbyterian Church
The Youth Choirs of:
The 1',irst llaptist Church Smyrna ~resbyterian Church Campbell High 3chool Glee Club

Sunday March 29., 1953
3:00 P. M.

Campbell High 3chool SmYirns, Georgia

. ,

The Churches of Smyrna and the Campbell High School Glee Club, under the direction of Mrs. Walter Abbott and Mr. William F. Blatt.
Accompanists: Mr.- \/alter Abbott and Jerry Bramblett

Smyrna Churches To Join In Service On Palm Sunday
S\IYRNA, \larch 18 - A unmn musical sen 1cc, featuring E:1, tcr and Passion music, will be held on Suncla\, i\htrch 29, at the
Campbell Higlr School gym at 3
p. m. All churche. in Smyrna and \"icinity will participate.
The choirs of the churches, to gcthcr "ith the Smnna Choral Club and the Smyrna .Iligh School choral group will sing. The mu sic will follow the theme of the trial, sufferings. death and rcsur rcction of Christ.
Directing the combined groups m singing \Yill be \!rs. \\'alter Abhott, leader of the Smvrna Choral Club and Prof. \Villiam F. Bhitt, teacher of music at Campbell. \\\11 tcr Abbott "ill. be piimo accom pm1ist. Smyrna ministers also \\'ill t.1k part on the _program.
.Pahn Sunday
Union Service
Set Ii~S1nyrna
S\IYR:'\A, \larch 19 - A union musical scf\'icc, featuring Easter and Pass10n music, will be held . on Sunday, 1Iarch 29, at the Campbell High School gym at 3 p. m. All churches in Smyrna and ,icinity will participate.
The choirs of the churches, to gcther \\'ith the Smnna Chornl
Club and the Smyrna High School choral group will sing. The music will follow the theme of the trial, sufferings, death and resnrrcction of Christ.
Directing the combined groups m singing wil1 be Mr,s. \Valtcr Abbott, leader of the Smnna Choral Club and Prof. \\ dfoim F. Blatt tcachcr{Jf music at Campbell. \\'alter Abbott \\'ill be piano aecom panist. Smyrna .ministers also will take part on the program .

1:-ATU RED SOLOI~T - Concert M aster P aul Lovejoy, and

l\Irs. Betty Ben nett will be presented in special solo numbers at

the concert of the Marietta Community Orchestra ton ight at Brum-

by Center.


(Loudennilk Studio Photo).

Concert Slated




Marietta Community Orchestra
At To Appear In frogram 8: 15

By MARK WAITS One of t~e musical highlig hts of t he season will be
I present?, t onight at Brumby Center when the Marietta
Commumty or chestra will appear in concert. T.hc program will begin at 8 :15 o'clock
Makill g its first appearance sl~ce last J une, ~onight's concert v1Jl m a rk the first anniversar y
.;he coininunit. orchestra.

i Marietta Daily Journal_- \\'.'edne~~ay, April 1, 1953-3

Praise Heaped Cn Joint Performance 'Of Campbell High, Smyrna Church Choirs


Th( Glee ClnlJ then sang a 17th

1 Si\lYRNA - ll ighlighting the crntnr\' anthem, ye \ \'ateliers and Lcntc_n and Easter_ scascin \\as t~1c I e IJoh- Ones." Bach's Passion beautiful concert g1Ycn ~unclay art- Chor:llc, ancl "There is a Balm in.

'I crnoon at Campl)cl) Iligh school Gilead." spiritual. \Yith \l iss Lonisc
g11n,_ katurmg the S1mTrn) church JlcrnT :is soloist. Then fo llo\\'cd the

a11_cl rnuth cho~rs and the Campbell lo\eh: and dramatic. "The Song of

Il1g\1 Glee Club, under the ch- Easter," hv Ring\rnlcl, with RcL

rcc_t1'!n ot _\ lrs. \ \ alter i\libott and john II. Kuight narrating. T he

\ Vtlham .I< Blatt.

,lwuts of "Crucify Him"' led the

'J his 11as the. second communit) audience to a high pitch of e1110-

program sponsored by tile jon,, ,;0 n chom ancl the first' in 1\ hich the, lw1-c collaborated \1ith the Glee

V iolin Joins ln

Club 1Yhich prmcd ,T highlv picas

'Jhe combined church and Youth

mg combination.

choirs then sang Fame's ..The

\ Von Superior Rating

Palms," ,md "Jodnl. Jodnl \\e

I I1\clorc '[ hcc." hy Bccthmen, \l'ith It did not require a finished mu- !'.ml Lo,"Cjo1 joining the accomsician to note the im1np1cm'cnt pnnimcnt on the \iolin. The con-

shmrn b1 the Glee Club since its gregation again stood to join in the

Christm,is program at which time singing of "Christ the Lorcl is

thcv had tr,tinccl under \fr. J31att Risen TodaI'," after \l'hich the

for three months. It 11':IS these same Glee Club s;rng fcclingh "I lcrc

8th grnclu;s ll'ho ,1ou a superior rat-
ing with their Glee Cltib at the
State :\f usic l1 cstilal.
T hree Smnna ministers assisted in the progr:1m, Dr.. J. I I. ,\ llis011. RC\. John I I. Kniuht and Re\'. York Cham bless. \ \"alter Abbott

\c t A\\'hilc," from St. :\ latthc11s Passic\n b, Bach. 'I he combined choirs cli111axcd the lo,"Clv offering \\ith the jovful, "Bless the Lord, () :\[y Soul." by Gcsskr, and R ~\.
Knight pronounced the bcncd1c- .,

accomp:micd ou the piano for the

choirs and the joint choruses and bon.

fern Bramblett, who \\as a1\,1rclccl The large audience ga\'(. test i-

superior rati11gs for both piano and flute in the recent fcstil'al. aecom
p:rnicd the Glee Club. Program Opener
'I he; program 1Yas, opened \Yith the hrn groups singing join th, ''Let \II the ~aticms Praise the Lord. b, Lcisring, followed hy the choirs ,md congregation singing the lmnn. "1'ai1;cst Lord Jesus." Dr. Al-

mom to the txt U1at the com1111111.ih is becoming mo;"C and more
to appreciate the splendid 1\ork of these leaders in the music field ,rnd no clouht b\ the time the operetta "Dmrn in t'hc \'allc, ,'' bY the Glee Club is ready for j)lcscntation in \ Ia1, the SRO sign ma, be clispla\

lison m;1dc the imoc.ltion follo\\'incr

the scripture reading from the trial

Jf Jesus before Pilate.


'I he combined choirs then sang

\II in an .\pril fa-cning ......

md "God so Lm"CCl the \ \'oriel."

ln Stainer, and ' t 'he IJoh Citl',' 0
h1 .\ clams. after II hiel1 :\ rr. Ch;1m-

hless co11tinnccl the scriptural ston

lcadirnr 111J to "th, crnc.ifixion

Band, Glee Club
To Give Concert
Campbell High School band under the direction of Ken Stanton and the Campbell High School Glee Club will present a joint Spring Concert Friday night at Cam;pbell High School auditorium.
Curtain call will be at 8:15 p. Admission will be 60c for adu and 30 cents for children.
Glee Club soloists will be Loui. , Henr:y, Eleanor Padgett, Virgin Norton and Jack Benny Sentell.
Jerr y 'Bramblel and Nowel Abbott will .be accompanists.


Organizations Participating:
:Hember.s of the choirs of the f'o,llo\dng churches:
First Baptist Chur,ch, Smyrna, Ga. .First Methodist Church, .;;myrna, Ga. Locust Grove .Baptist Church, Smyrna, Ga. Smyrna .L-resbyterian Church
The Youth Choirs of:
The ll"'irst Baptist Church Smyrna L"'resbyterian Church Campbell High School Glee Club

Sunday March 29, 1953
3:00 P. M

. !

Campbell High 3chool Smlrns, Georgia

J :


Presented by
The Churches of Smyrna and the Campb~ll High School Glee Club, under the direction of Mrs. Walter Abbott and Mr. William F. Blatt.
Accompanists: Mr.- ,falter Abbott and Jerry Bramblett

11aqdure0 pu-e sJ1oq0 qoJnqn pau1qwoJ

'"l.. .,L..._, '--' c,,_J t::"-'.......-"1: ' L! ""1-..u:,..-----n:

~ ttaqdw-eo pu-e s~.q:.)q:)' t{OJttl{J pau1=qwo3




"lJO 0U'l. 0S1:'8..I SU0-['.).'8


Here Yet A.Jhile (Frc.n. St. Mdtte.Js P.:a.ssion by Bach)

Let All t~e Nations Praise the Lord

, :


Combined Church Choirs and Campbell

..High School ,Glee: Club .

HYMN: Fairest Lord Jesus Choirs and


Bless the Lord, O My Soul (Gessler) Combined Church Choirs and Campbell Glee Club
Be~ediction: The Rev. John Knight, Smyrna Presbyterian Church

Invocation and .. ~cripture Re~_ding: . Rev.. H.E. 1:(ehnedy, LocU:st Grove I3a'j>tist

All in .an Apri1' Evening..


God so Loved The. World (Stainer)

The Holy City (Adam)

Combined Church Choirs

Scripture Reading and Prayer:

The . Rev. York Chambless> ' First





h '



Ye iiatchers and Ye H_oly onJ~ {17th Ce~tu~y



Passion Chorale (Bacn)

There 1s a Balm in,1 Giiead (Spiritual)

Soloist: tfj.._ss : Henry)

The Song or Easter (Ringwald) (Narrator:

-- The Rev~ J,ohn Knight)









Hig.h.. _


Glee .Taub


.. The Palms (Faure)



.::royfJiJ., JoyfiiJ:.we _A,dore .Thee: (,Beethoven)

Violin Mr. -f>a:ul ~9v.ejoy) , . --.-.:: .,:-~ -~

Combined Youth and church biio~~s ~- .. . .., &~:-

' HYMN: Christ, the Lord Is Risen Today Combined Choruses and 'Congregation
.. ; ' .

l .Fa-irest Lord Jesus, Ruler of all Nature ' O:Thou of God and Man the Son '. Thee will I cherish, Thee will I honor, O my soul's glory, joy, and Crown ,
2.Fair are the. meadows, Fairer still the woodlands Robed in the blooming garb of spring, Jesus is fairer, Jesus is pure~~ Who makes the woef'ul heart to sing.,.
3.Pair is the sunshine, Fairer still the moon~ight, And all the 'twinkling; starry host. Jesus shines brighter, Jesus shines purer, Than all the angels heaven can bo~sto
L. Christ the Lord is rise~ today, Hallelujah Our triumphant holy day, hallelujah.. Who did once upon the crosst hallelujah Suf'f'er to redeem our loss, hallelujah
2.Hymns or praise then let us sing, hallelujah Unto Christ, our heavenly King,Hallelujah
~ Who endured the cross and grave, Hallelujah ~..: Sinners to redeem and save, Hallalujah 3.Now be God the Father praised, Hallelujah
With the Son, from Death upraised, hallalujah And the Spirit ever blessed, Hallelujah One true God, by all <mnt'essed, Hallalujah

t .:

l :

. .. .


raise Loru .,.:,



Combined Churcb ,ch,.-.,ir:s and Campbell : ,. . . ..liigh S ....hool Gle.e Club

HYMN: Faire sf Lo~d Jesus .Choirs _i;)nd

Con, :Cega tion


Invocation and Scrit ture Reading:

R~Y.. -HoE,;o Kennedy 7 Locust Grove Baptist

.. . ,'.,\ :.. .


Chw. :r,h

\ ~-~'--!" i l. .i:n an __l\pril Eveni1 ~ o o..

L,1 so Loved The Worlu (Stainer)
.,.r 11 ie - Holy; City (Adam)

Combined. Church t,h'1irs

~riptur,e Reading and I ,~ayer:

The Rev~- York Chamb.1 ess, First

Baptist Church, Smyrna o

e 1latchers and Ye Holy , Ones (17th Centu!l'y


~' :,-;,assion Chorale {Bach)

. ,


'lb.e r g is a \Balm in Gilead ( bpiri tua-i) ,

' ,oloist : Miss Louise Henry)

: ..-

The ~ong, of Easter {Ringwald) (Narrator: The Revo John Knight)

L.:1mpbell _'High School- Glee Club


. .

The Palm {Faure)

--....- ~- loy:ful.,, Joyful we Ador,e _Thee (Be~thov~n)

- --- ~--- Vi..e-1.;i.~ Mr. Paul Lovejoy)_ . - . :,

-~ Combined, ,Youth and - Church~Chofrs

HYMN: Christ, the-Lord Is Risen Today Combined Cbpru,s~s .~np.7~pongregation

D.l.t:n:;::s l>U~ .LJUJ.

uC. 1h









Bt1eriiction: The Rev. John Knight, Smyrna Presbyterian Church

loFairest Lord Jesus; Ruler of all Nature

J Thou of God and Man the Son
Thee will I cherish, Thee will I honorJ

0 my soul i s glory, joy, an~ Crown .

2 o Fair are the meadows >' Fairer still the woodlands

,lobed in the blooming garb of spring ,;,

' ~ I .'

J esus is fairer 9 Jesus is pure1 .
~1ho makes the- woeful heart to '..l., 1;,,air is the sunshine ,. ._Faire r stil l _tll~ mo,i:mlight ,

\.nd a:11 the twinkling ~. starry host,Q : r,i . . ..;

."esus shines br.ightef'li;. Je st.s .shi.n e.:S, p~re r.r

ih~n all the angels heaven can b~asto

: .1 ;

I ;,




Ji.,Chr:i r;t the Lord is risen tod;;; I{alle luja~ ,.:,i

Our trii:J:nphant :holy day I halleluja~ !

Who did one~ upon the cross;, hallelujah

Su:ffer to redeem our loss, halleluJah

2.Hymns of praise then let us sing, hallelujah

Unto Christ, our heavenly King,Hallelujah

Who endured the cross and grave, Hallelujah

Sinners to redeem and save, Hallalujah

3.Now be God the Father praised, Hallelujah

With the Son, from Death upraised, hallalujah

And the Spirit ever blessed, Hallelujah

One true God, by all ODnfessed, Hallalujah

.i ;

Health and Sanitation Committee

SWEETHEART OF SMYRNA MARCH OF DIMES - Twoyear-old Chris Cash, who is recovering from polio, helps kick off the :March of Dimes campaign in Smyrna when, she and John Hodgson (right), chainnan of' the Smyrna voting district campaign committee, pay an official call on His Honor, :Mayor Guye_N. Duncan, of Smyrna. Hodgson is a Lockheed employee who volunteered to help in the campaign to help raise funds for fighting infantile paralysis. l\ilore money was spent in caring for Cobb County polio patients in 1952 than was raised in the countv-widc campaign. Cobb had few new cases, but polio care continues and carries over from
year to year.
A Big Help To Bunny And Chris Polio Ma~ch[ Is Real To Many ;

By RUBY GILES If anyone is inclined to think the i\larcli of Dimes or the l\loth-

crs March as just another drive for 1oncy, the:,' would do well to talk

with just one family who has had c experience and shock of being

told that tbcir child has polio.


Like cancer it is a hideous and painful clisc,1sc.

The two arc not comparable and Bill Bclskv and Alfred Cash? Bill much has hccn learned about both Belsky is :i lieutenant in the arlny.

the best part of which is that they Ile was returning, from a stint in

arc both :::urablc. But polio is a Korea when little Btinny ,vas stricktrcachcrous crippler. It is leaving en on the ship returning to the U.

thousands of crippled childrcu to S. A. grow into adulthood with a hancli- They had ~avings and like any

cap, gr~at or sn!all.

other p,ucPts they thought they


Until_ the disease can he c~n- could figot this t!1!ng ont and pay

~ qucrcd 1t 1s the duty-of every cih- thcH own way. I hey were lrnwc

zcn to contribute so~ncthing tow- and courageous in that belief, but !

arcl that effort. In Smvrna, John they had not reckoned with polio.

1;_ llodgson is in charge of the i\Iarch, Soon their savings were wiped out and being a parent, he is putting and they had to appeal to the

his all into bringing the cause to Foundation. the attention of everyone, and he "The Foundation is the great-

is counting 011 the hd of every est thing in the world to us " sav
individual in the Smyrna area to the Bclsky's. '.'\Ve will work dav jpin the :'I- larch-in any ,,ay he can. and night if need to be to put this

. Able Assistan~s

thing over so that some other par-

JIc 1s bcmg ~bly assisted hv Bea cnt might have the same help we Bc!skv, \\ho WIil, head the i\ loth- have hada,nd_ will con,tinuc to have

crs i\ larch. and 1, ranees Cash, both unJ:11 Bumhv 1s cured. ' of whose little girls, and 3 arc Frances Cash s,ws a sore throat

familiar figures in the city because in her brood sends her into a chill.

of their polio han_cliGlJJS- . . She said th,cy were so shocked by Bunny Belsky 1s nmc and goes the doctors mrnounccmcnt that

to school daily in her wheel chair. thcv had not c,cn thonaht of

She is rcgnlar at Sunclav school and money or where it would.., come

as cheerful and bright as a new clol- from:Tlw ' a,1so out to pav.

lar. And those ,vho remember when but whcr: l:1c shoes had to he

she first came to li,c in Smnna changed sv often, thcv h:;1d to he
will .recall that one c)rnbhv hand two of a separate make ,111cl s'izc, the r
\\as fast to the chalf arm-she braces had to be changed as often. '

\ c<!ukl not l'Se it. ~ow, she talks "\\'ell," s:1:l.shc, "when \\'C got a ,nth her hands hut her legs arc l~ttcr th:un1c '., the mail fro_m the 1.

I I still u~cless even for hr;~ccs,-,,

~mmcla~10;, otfrrmg ,\is then help \

Chn~tlll,) Cash, - Cns .. for 1t ,,as hkc ,.1 miracle .

short, 1s tnrcc. She was stnckcn


,,hen she ,,as one year old and

she is able to walk hv using one brace on her leg. 1t will he wars

before Bunny ,,ill be able t<J nm

arnupd again, though the doctors

at \Vann Springs sav ti1at in ten

vcars sh c will be wcl1.
\ Anny l\lan
\'hy arc these women puttin'

Iall their time into the success of the clril'C, ,1s well as their husbands,

Jonquil City Gives

$1,689.77 To Drive [

l Final reports in the Cobb Coun- l ty March of Dime~ show that the f i jonquil City co.ntrib.uted $1,600 to j 'the fund. Total ainount collected
- in Cobb County was $16,921.16 according to an announcement
lmade by Mrs J. M. Foster chair-

. man of the Cobb County drive.

John Hodgson was chairman of

the drive in Smyrna. Paul Crump directed collection activities at

- - - - - - -- -- - - - - \

Smyrna elementary school $301.00 was contributed.



CD Program For Women ,

direc~or in Smyrna, presided at the mcetmg.
Officers to seIYc with Mrs. Carolton arc;

Set In Smyrna

Mrs. E. R. Donaldson, assistant first aid coordinator; tfrs. S. \V.
Leonard, assistant supply officer;
l'drs. E. E. Hueskc, assistant office

Civil defense in the Smyrna area manager; Mrs. Julius \V. Davis

got a shot in the arm \Vcdncsday training officer; Mrs. E. L. I-lalp:

morning when a program for wo- ncr, com1hunications officer; Mrs.

men was organized at Campbell R. E. Ruff, assistant director; Mrs.

High School.

I: E. Anderson, assistant supply of-

Mrs. frcnc Berkey Gaslce dcp- fleer; Mrs. Frank Lacey, first aid ,

uty_ ~i~cct_or in charge of wo~can's coordinator; Mrs. Lewis E. Ander- :

achv1hcs m tiie Atlanta area, point- son, supply officer; and Mrs. G. '

cd out, the _1mportance of a Civil \V. Cranford, assistant office man-

Defense program, particular1y in ager.. Others assisting were: Mrs.


Robert Baugh, Mrs. R. E. Fulton

H'. ' 1Smyrna would be in a prime Mrs. J. P. Cranshaw, Mrs.

target area in the event of an atom- Konigsmark, Mrs. T. 0. Prickett

ic at!ac~," she warned, e:,:plaining Mrs. Beatrice Lowe, and Mrs. J'.

that 1t 1s doubly important that an T. Calhoun.

effective . Civil Defen~e program _Training classes and meetings !

be orgamzed and earned out. ,v1ll be held at the First Methodist ,

. ~1rs. Gaslcc also spoke on the Church on February 18, 23, 25, .
,anons phases of the CD pro-' 27 and March 4. Detailed organiza-


tion will be discussed at these

Mrs. A. J. C:rrlton, women's CD meetings.

________ _ _ ..... :,
Smyrn9 W.C.T .U. _n:y.rna_:,,_Ga_.:,,_Thursday, February 5,

S1nyrna Starts

Smyrnans Donate

To Meet Monday

At Baptist Church $1,000 To Polio Approximatly $1,000 has been

CD P rogram
For Wome11

\ contributed by Smyrnans to i;he March of Dimes, Mrs. Beatrice

SMYRNA . 1l1e Smyrna

Ci\'il ~kfcnsc in the Smyrna area

Belsky, chairman of the Mothers' \V.C.T.U. will meet Monday aft- got a shot in the arm \Vedncsda)

March said today.

ernoon at the new hour, 2 p.m., morning when a program for wo-

Mrs. Belsy stated that $900 was in the educational building of the men was organized at Campbell

l received through the March on
Thursday night and that the
figure will probably be close to $950.00 when final reports are in.

First Baptist church.
Mrs. W. B- Mapp will give the
call to worshi pand make the prayer.
The slogan of the month; "Speak

High School. lVIrs. Irene Berkey Gaslec, dcp
uty director i11 charge of womcan s acti\'itics in the Atlanta area, point-

The Smyrna polio drive was to the children of Israel that they

given a boost by Smyrna Scouts go forward," from Exodus 14:15.

who "worked" the Bennett Homes subdivision and secured $25.26.
I The Scouts participated in t~e
March of Dimes as a part of their community service counting to- ,
I ward their 2nd class Scout badge. Mr-s. Ed Maner is leader and

Theme: "Advance with total ab-
stinence in education." Song: "America the Beautiful." Mrs. D. B. Garrison will give
the devotional message 'from the subject, "Sccdtime and Harvest,"
from Acts 17:1-9. Song: "This is my Father's

: e~ out the _importance of a CiYil Defense program, particularly in
Smvrna. "Smyrna would be in a prime:'
target area in the c,ent of an atom' ic attack," she warned, c~plaining
that it is doubly importanf that an effective Civil Defense program be organized and carried out. ,, Mrs. Gaslee also ~poke on the

Mrs. A. B. Morton, assistant:Other mothers assisting the troop were


f various phases of the CD pro

There will be a short business gram.

Mesdames E. L. Hoepner, Marvin session presided 0v'Cr- by Mrs. E. C.

Mrs. A. J. Carlton, women's CD

r.:anders ancr James Wright. Only $102.00 was raised in

Bird, the president.


Mrs. C. \V. Turner will give the

director in Smyrna, presided at the



Smyrna in 1952 through the number one in a series on "Practi-

Officers to serve with t-.lrs. Car-

Mother's March.

cal Parliamentary law for Practial

Approximately $10,000 has been People," entitled "If I were an of-

raised throughout the county, Mrs. ficer," followed by a discussion of

.J. M. Foster, county director the constitution and by-laws.

states. The goal for Cobb is $25,000. Mrs. Foster stated that it will be necessary to continue the
I drive. through February in order
Ib_:~.:<::._ _.___ .------ \ to raise add.itional funds that will

Mrs. Beatrice Ste'gall will give
chapter one of the study, "The
American \Vay." Mrs. Bird has announced that
white ,flowers tied .with white rib,bon will be displayed in the churches on Sunday_ honorincr the

birthday of Frances E. \Villiard, the

great temperance leader.

olton arc: Mrs. E. R. Donaldson, assistant
first' aid coordinator; !\Irs. S. \V. Leonard, assistant supply officer; Mrs. E. E. Ilueske, assistant office
manager; Mrs.. Julius \v. Davis, trnining officer; i\ lrs. E. L. llalp
ner, communications officer; l\frs. R. 'E. Ruff, assistant director; l\lrs.
' J: E. Anderson, assistant supply ofh~cr; i\ Irs. Frank Lacey, first ai<l coordinator; i\irs . .Lewis E. Ander-
son, sup.ply officer; and t-.lrs. G.
\V. Cranford, assistant office man-

ager.. Others assisting were: i\ frs .

.Robert Baugh, i\lrs. R.- E. Fulton,
Mrs. J. P. Cranshaw, Mrs. II.

Konig;;mark, i\lts. T. 0. Prickett,

,i\lrs. Beatrice Lm,c, and l\lrs. J.

T. Calhoun.

2-Marietta Daily Journal - Tuesday, July 28, 1953

Training classes and meetings


. .


1 will be held at the First l\fcthodist
Church on February 18, 23, 25,
27,and i\Iarch -t. Detailed organiza-

17 Women End Home Nursing Study;

.tion will be discussed at these ~g_s. ~

Another Course Stated .Duringfall

Bv THELMA H. LANDES BI(LMONT HILLS-1\lrs._ Brill of MarieHa :,c,s bee,1 ~~-:.c Red Cros~ Home Nurs'ng In~tructor in Bel mont IIi11s for the past two weeks .
Classes fo1,e been held at the home of t-.1rs. Donald \V. Bycrs,of Glendale Circ1e with good success
Attending the twelve hour Arthur Ax, Mrs. Paul J. Bro~vn, Mrs.
Dorothy Crow :Mrs. Craig Sh::trp,
Mrs. D. \V. B{crs, Mrs. El:a Gros ch, Mrs. Joe l-Iillhousc, _t-.hss l\far garct l\lcMillan, ~lrs. Ahce Brm~'.1, Mrs. Katie 'r-.IcM11lan, l\lrs. B. M_1lJcr, Mrs . Virgin_ia Beals, Mr~. Vic ki Richards, Miss Guclda Mnn?z, :Mrs John Oninlan, Mrs. Cathannc Fruth. and~lrs. Grace \Vilson, al1
of Belmont Hills. Due to the fine reception of the
Home :Nursing C~nrsc _ another class of instruction 1s bcmg planned to be held in the early fall.


Men interesbed in ()rganizing a

OD Unit in Smyirna are asked to

conta,ct '-iV. H. Adair, or H. L. Mc-


Men are needed to train as war-

dens, auxiliary firemen :and po-

licemen an\l other officers of ci- j.

vilian defense.


If as many as 35 desire to form I

a unit, instruction is a OD course J

will be furnished by ''<Pu ;:>" Phil-

lips, CD leader in Atlanta and reg-

ulall' classes wil be n eld.

1 Smyrna Red Cross Drive Nets $577
Sl\IYRNA - Mrs. Claude Hamrick Jr., chairman for the 19 53 Reel Cross membership campaign. announces that $577.-t0 has been turned in to date bY the solicitors with others yet to report.
l\I_rs. Ifa1pric~ esti)natcs that p . proxnnatcly S6,0 mil he secured though she is sure there arc mam
Iwho haYe not been contacted. Anyone w~10 has not been seen and who wishes to renew their membership to the Reel Cross is a~kcd to call Mrs. Hamrick. .. Smyrna's quota in the campaign JS S1,000.



Transportation Committee

THA S1 0 1 TATl Et 'O RT

..\ "' - ,.

1. State and Fed ral llignway No. 41
2. Four-Lane High way. 3. Access Iligh Way.

nus SEllVI CE. (Adeq m te)
1. Greyhound
2. TNilway
3. Local Bus Service.
Three lines erve s,nyrna
1. N.c & st. t.

22 Freight trains daily

6 Passenger trains

Municipal Airport of Atlnnta located 20 miles fro1

Smyma with li6 i'l1ghts a day.


Dobbins Air t aso (Military)




R E P O R 'T




Men's Cl~:tb,'s Club, Junior's Club, Chamber of Commerce, Lions and l(iwanis Clubs, American Le g ion and Legion Auxiliary, Hasons and Bastern Star, and five Garden Clubs.

L---;.___________________________ _____ _ _ _ _"-'--~~.

l ,______,___


. I




T-HE- -SM-Y-R-N-A-H-E-RA-L-D -- -------- -- - - - - ------
Smyrna Legion Slates $25,000 Addition

To Legion Home Located On Pine Street

Smyrna Legionnaires at a mleet- 1 Brinkley Park on J uly 4. Plans ing Tuesday night approved the call for a "louder" and more col-

construction of a $25,000 addition orf111 "lisplay than has heretofore to the Legion Home, Jimmy c.,een Presented, Quarles saip-

Quarles, publicity chairman an-1 nounced today. Construction will start immediately, the contract having been awarded to Sidney Clotfelter, contracter, of Marietta.

The new structnre will double the usable space of the Legion Home with the exception of the kitchen and restrooms. The 30' x 60' addition will be placed at the South side of the present home.
Additional parking space will be provided and a driveway will encircle the home.

Legion Auxiliary Fetes Patients At Veterans Hospital

l Completion of the addition will
give Smyrna Legionnaires one of

The annual party antl program given for patients at the Vet-

the most modern and com>plete 1 homes in the state.

erans Hospital No. 48 in , Atlanta by Smyrna Legion auxiliary was

Speaker at II'uesday night's meeting was J B. Warren, State

presented last Wednesday night at the hospital auditorium.

Legion commander. He compli-
mented the locai post on the work
they were doing and stated that
with the exception of two other
Georgia Posts he would put the j,
I Smyrna Legion up against any I
other similar organ ization in the United States.
Legionnaire Warren was intro- , duced by R. H . Holah an, a Smyrna
I Legionnaire and Seventh District t

The seating capacity was fill~d . with veterans and their friends who heard an interesting and entertaining musical program rendered by Campbell High School Glee Club under the direction of William Blatt. Duets, trios, quartets and choruses were presented.
Patients were also entertained by members of Mrs. Jasper Griffin's dancing class who performed several tap dancing numbers.

Present at the meeting also was George Osborne, Jr. State Commander.

Named to the nominating com-

mittee to recommend a slate of

officers for 1953-54, were Legion-

naires Quarles, chairman; Arthur ,

Bacon, J. C. Austin, Spurheon

Ware and Roland Williams. Of-

ficers will be el~cted at the J une



Quarles reported that fireworks 1
have been ordered for the annual 1 Legion fireworks celebration at

Miss Pat Young gave two in-
terpretations in ballet. Following the program, refresh-
ments were served to veterans and members of their families present.
Members of the auxiliary at-
tending th~ party were Mrs. H. 0. Swain, president; Mrs. Ernest Jones, Mrs. Zelan Wills, Mrs. Russell Hosch and Miss Martha Quarles.
Others in the group included, Miss Nelle Ruff, Mrs. Rhodes, Mrs

Day. Mr. Jasper Griffin and J im-

mie Quarles, legionnaires, were


also in attendance.

The Legion Auxiliary ex-

: presses appreciation to each one

who participated in the program.

JLegion Auxiliary


Slates New Project

Members of Smyrna Legion Au xiliary are planning 11 door-todoor sale -starting June 1, of a commodity that w ill put n ew "light" in Smyrna _h omes and busi n e s s es.
Conducting a "lig:ht~up - for spring" sale t he ladies will s ell hous ewiv es iand storekeepers son:ieth ing that will keep them out of
the dark. Anyone interested in just what
the l adies are planning to sell is requested t o. con tact ,a ny membe r
of the Auxilia,ry.

Smyrna Legion
Wins In Tourney;
Locals Rained Out
The Sn;yrna Lcgionnair,s. who i advanced in the winners' bracket in the Seventh District elimination tournament Friday night by defeating Lafayette 9--f, meet Carters- vil1c at 6 o'clock :Monday. The Marietta Bombers whose opening round with the Lindale No. 1 team has been delayed twice by rain,
were to play at 8 o'clock Saturday
night. Smyrna J1ur1cr Johnny Blanton
went all the way and was never in serious trouble. He ha <la shutout un.til the eighth inning when Lafavcttc got their four runs on four, Smyrna errors and two hits .
Douglas Jones, Sonny l\[itchell and Gene Atkins led the Smyrnans' hitting, each getting three safeties.
Score by innings: Smvrna _201 103 ' 20-9 II 7 Lafavcttc 000 000 0-+--+ 7 4 Loser of tonight's :t\larictta-Lindalc contest will meet J)alton in a loser's bracket game l\.londav at 1 p.m. Lindale's No. 2 team meets the Cartersville-Smyrna wi nner at
8 p.m.

'1smyrna Women
!Pick Miss Quarles
1Auxiliary Prexy
S\ IYR'\'A-\Iis, \I. rtha Quar ks \\ as elected president o~ 1hL ~lll\Tn a Am erican L cgi n1 :\uxilian at th e \l qncl a~ 1;1cct 1 f: .
Other ofi cers clcd c,1 were \ l Rh oda Blan ton, first. Yicc pr( 1 dent; :\l rs. 13th H.11 11 ctt. <ml ,ice presiclcn t; \r rs. l :cs,cl ,\rrinl! ton. corresponding sccrdar1; \ Irs Daisi Bae r. recording sccrctar) \l rs." \I an \\ ills, trt:asnre r; :111 d \hs. N c1;i C ano, chaplain. \t r, -\lice ;\ litchcll and \ frs. \ lac l Li, ncs 11-c:1-c m:1d cscrgca nts-at-ann,
'l'hc~c officers \1'111 i)e il' st,il kcl 1t the Jnl y meetin g.
'l he main husinc,s of th e 111cct mg after election 11.h the p omo tion of th e lig ht bulb s;1lc nm, ht llH_; sponsorccl h1 tlic ,\11 '\ihar) I'hn ask all 11 l10 :He i11 need of li mtsl holcl light lml bs of anl' 1/C
'. Bob Austin Elected
Post Commander

1Of Smyrna Legion
S\ IYR0.A Bob Austin has been elected new commander of the Legion Post i\o . 160. Harold DaYis was made 1ice-commandcr in charge of membership.
Other new officers included vice c~mmandcrs Henry \ Vynn, Fred Fitch, llcnry \\'estbrook, Robnd \ \'illiams, Raymond Recd, Ernest Jones, R . C . Cmdord, Bob Lo gan . llarlcy :\!orris and R. Il. llul ahan.
Named on the exccutil"e comrnittcc 1\ erc L. R. \\ "illiams. \Lirmn :\IcGrcc. R. F. Ilolahan, Spurgeon \\ arc and Ji111my Quarles.
Election night \\as attended by 13 3 of the post's - SO members, a record attendance.
A report \\".ls made on the construction progress of a $25,000 ad dition to th e Legion Home . Complctition is expected in 60 da,, with impro1c1ne11ts to include more p:1rki11g spac<., and a ci~cular ' dme around th e home.




A LETTER FROJ\'I CAPTURED SON l\lr. a ucl Mrs. Quillian Petty Re-read James' Second l\Iessage
-Bob Fowler l'hoto.





Spend 32 Nights Listening To Prisoner-Exchange Broadcasts.

(Homer l\1cadcrs Photo)


Smyrna Parents Receive Letter
from Son, Prisoner Of. Reds


\ J ames H . P etty, RA 14342589,

SMYRNA, Oct. 8 _ A bright P OW Camp No. 1, Nor th Korea.

ray of hope broke over the Quil- . James P etty ~pe nt tw? years

lian Petty home on King Springs m t he n a vy ctu_r m g _Wor ld W3:r

Road Monday when a letter II , m~st of which ti m e was m

came from James, the son who Cuban wa ters. He r e-enlisted_af-

.has been a prisoner of war in ter Korea in. the army expenen-

Korea for two years.

cing his first combat duty

This is the second letter the there.


Pettys have received from him He had. two broth er s m the

since tp.e notice came f rom the army cturmg that w~r one of

war department revealing he whom was taken prisone r by

was missing in action on No- the Germans. _The _other _was

vember 30, 1950.

~vou~ded three ti~nes m the fi ght-

The letter, written in J ames' mg m North Africa and through

own hand, is longer. more na- France and German y. . ..

tural, and inforn,;; the family [ B_o_th are ~t hom~s ,,.adJ01_i.111!g

that he can receive letters from their parents on Km" Spnn"s

all of them now instcacl of the Road.

one per mo n tH as in the past. '


The first Jetter was short,

sounded unnatural and written

to his mother only. Most of it

was telling her of "how well"

he was being treated by t he Red


The letter r<~eeivcd Monday

was add ressed to Dad and Mom

as usual, asked' a bou t all the

members of the family, spoke

of how large the children must

have grown.

Ile asked especially of two of

his .Smyrna buddies with whom

he hat! played baseball before

the war ~ i\lvin i\11,,tih and

Spurgeon Ware. He told his par-

culs he was in good llealth aml

would be home soon. I-ic Is cager to have all write

him giving his address as Sgt ,

_SmyrnaPrisoner of War Is Reported Safe; Petty Family, Friends Rejoice

"I'm on the right side of the prayers of his parents, but liter-

Bamboo Curtain. There's nothing ally the whole of the Smyrna com-

wrong with me that one of your munity which had waited 31 dis-

good meals won't cure," read the couraging nights as the roll[ of the

long-awaited telegram received repatriated' soldiers were related

by Mrs. Quillan Morris Sunday. by radio and television.

The word 9limaxed nearly three The wonderful news came to

years of anxiety, worry, and heart the Pettys at 11:15 p. m . Friday in

ache for the family of S/lc James a telephone call from the Atlanta

. Petty, a hero of the Korean War Constitution. Since then the Pettys

! held until virtually the last minute have had literally hundreds o'!

: of tI;ie prisoner exchange by the telephone calls and visitors.

Chinese Reds.


The young Smyrnan's safety was the answer to not only the

Pettys Listen For 3 2nd Night For News Of Prisoner-Son


j prisoners walked 200 miles in _fiv,

An elderly Cobb couple will be hov.ering ayer their radio tonight ~ay~ to get back to the Arm:n can

for t he 32nd straight night, wainting anxiously for news of their son Imes.


m prisoner exchange in Korea.

Sons All Gone

l\ Ir. and Mrs. Quillan Petty, King Springs Road, Smnna, have "\\'e hardly knew wha t it was to

grown used to waiting during the past month. Each nigh( they have have a son during the last war,"

listened, desperately hoping to hear the magic name, "James Petty, ~ Ir. Pett, mu1,cd. " \ Va tson was a

Smyrna, Georgia, U . S. ,\ nny."

pthriesno,nearn,d JJ<.1B-m.c,s owuarsolidnestthbeoyN, awvays

\Vith only 275 Americans re- enth Division was cut-off by Com- in the invasion of North Africa and

-ported still to be exchanged from m unist forces in a drive towa'rd got wounded.

nearly 4,000 prev10usJy held captive, the Pettys havent' given up

the Yalu River. lt was more than fo ur months later before the Pcttys


Now, each

sitdhecoftwtol1eiorldfaetsht ers'sonIsto

1I\'C use.

hope t hat James will be among knew t heir son was a pnsoncr.

'I']1c J80-acre farm the IJcttvs use<l

those exchanged during the last " \ Ve have reecl\cd just nine let- to ,rnrk ha: shrunk to 20 acres. Th e

t wo d ays.

ters from him during all this e]cIer })ctty couId gct 110 l1-.'.lt> ,,,J1ilc

" \~le arc praying that he ,,ill be in the group they release tonight,"

time, J\Ir. l\.'tty, a retired farmer, said. " B e said he \\as well and all

his bo,s were \Vorld \Var II,


d u r in g most of

\frs." Petty said, clutching the right in each one of them, but we his land.

. .,

Bible her son gave her before he can 't help worrying."

"All I ask is that James comes

went overseas. " It's been nearly This is the second such trial for through all right and comes hack

three years now, and I'm nearly tlK Pcttys. !'heir son, \ Vatson, 31 , ~o \Ye can all be together aga in,''

crazy wi th all t his waiting,"

was a prisoner of the Germans for Pettv said . "IJ is older sister has

Nearly 3 Years

more than six months. 'Ile was ca1? nearly dri1u1 herself crazy worrying

1 James was captured in Tavern- tured <luring the Battle of the about him. Those two were ,erv
ber qf 1950, just a few months af-. Bulge, and later freed bv Russian . close, the baby and the ol<le~t." .

tcr the conflict started. Ilis Sev- I soldiers. \ \'atson and his fdlow . The Petty's oldest daugh ter is

\I rs. Jasper Johnson of Fair Oaks. She has been with her pa rents dur-

ing their nightly vigil bv the radio. " \ \'c"vc listened to every news

broadcast since the c:--cha ngc start-
ed," ~I rs. Pettv explained. " \ Ve sit up every night until the bst broadc~st i~, o,cr. \\ 'e"ll do it again tomght.

Letters SaYcd

T he faded letters from Jame,, l>carim; the Communist peacc-<lm e

s,mbol. arL trcastpcd in a ,crapl>ook

filled ,,ith momeutocs of his Navy md ,\rmy davs.

"Those lcftcrs <lmd sav much,''

\ Ir. Pett, said . " You can't tell ,Y11cther he \\'asn t allowed to write dllYthing much, or whether

they made him \\Tile tliat he wa~

~ ._



, '-

0. K. I sure ,\'ould like to know."

). oung Pettv is the onh ,Cobb

I I j There was a bit of irony in the The oldest Petty brother, J . B. capture a nd rele_ase of th~ 27-yea_r ~ ho is now :S,5, fo ~ ht in the A tf.old Smyrnan. Eight years ago his nca-to-Italy campaign d'u.ring
brother, Watson, captured by the during World War II. The three Germans in the World War II heroes have one sister, Mrs. Jasp-
IB_attle of the Bulge, was saved by er Johnson of Fair Oaks. t he Russian Reds who later en- James, who served with the 7th couraged the war that resulted :in Infantry in the Korean Battles,

scn iccman lis ted as still a prisoner

of the Communists. Carol .Vonne

. 'cwbcm , Ac,rnrth. wns freed carh-

in the exchange.

News Available

"All the newspapers. radio and

1V stations ha,e been a,Yfulh- nicL

to ns,'' Pe tt y said grntcfully. "The,

always tried to get the htcst nc11

his brother's capture by Chinese was already a hero before his cap-


ture by the Reds. He had received

The long wait for news about -two battlefield promotions I rtoo:

James, then, was not new for the meritorious service. He was given

Pettys. Watson had been missing another increase in rank while !m-

in action for two months before prisoned.

his parents received a short note He was captured on November

from him from a German .prison 30, 1950, and his parents received

camp. He was a prisoner for a to- no word from him until March 26,

tal of six months.

1951.- That came in the form of a

____..<Continued On Page 3)

abou t t he prisoner exchange when . c,cr we called. \\ c certainly ap , preciate jt, too.''
\ \ 11ilc :-. trs. Pcttr pnttcrecl
around t1ic room she has carcfulh kept in th e sa111c condition her prisoner-son left it, Pcttv proudly dis played an a~1 tra~ full. of cigarette
lll1tts. James ~mokeci them the d:t, he left home.
' \\ c :ire all prett\' sad right now,'' Pett\ ~aid. '' If Jame freed tonight. you come hack tomorro,, mcl mu 'II find u. the happiest ]lJ~o1 pie on c:irth_.''



Speed Welcome Plan
A.s Petty Nears States

Smyrnans speeded up plan s for Ai.merican Legion 'Post' \nll gi\C

a giant " elcome for returning P\V him lifetime membership in that .

Sgt. Ja1ocs Petty today when word organizatipn. Some $200 ,,orth of

ca me that he is c:-.pectcd to land new clothes arc waiting, and a 19 53

in San Francisco on \\'cdn csday. Series 210 Chevrolet will be his to

After so111c 30-months as a pris- <lri\'c away. Any :remai11ing dona-

oner of tbc Reds, Petty was freed tions will be turned over to Petty

on the next-to-the last night of the in cash, officials of the celebration

prisoner exchange. :\nxious friend s said.

Jud his parents waited 33 nights \Vo1lh1g on the " \\'elcome

for the good news.

James Petty" project are members

A,rniting'"thc youthful Smyman of the Sm\'rna Legion Post, Smyr'

when he arrives home will be a na i\.lcn's Club, Lions and Masons,

dav all his own. The entire city Kiwanis Club, Smyrna Jm1ior and

will turn out for a parade ' ai1d Senior \Voman's Clubs and the


City of Smyrna government. Bob .

Donations arc pouring in for gifts Austin, commander of the Legion

for the ex-pri:,oner of ""ar. 'fhL. po:,t, i, in cl1Jr&c of arran6erm:nts.



Com. mun~ ity Is Prepared


Pettvs Rewarded On 32nd Night Of Listening


. (Meaders Photo)

For Petty's W. elcome;
Will Be Given New Car
Sgt./lc James Petty arrived in gifts, are invited to join in th<> San Francisco aboard the USS I welcome:

Smyr a, cwor h Pia Big lcomes

Hawze sometime Wednesday, ac- The Smyrna American ~gion

cording to an announcement by Post is in close contact with a Lethe Defense ,Department, and gion Post in San Francisco which Smyrna is ready with a fitting will keep them informed on Petwelcome home for the Korean War ty's arrival and assist in his wel, hero who spent two and a half come on the Coast.


ed Ws

- - -------

James' new car is a two-tense-~


ries Chevrolet with numerous "ex-

Sergeant Petty arrived at the tras." It was purehased at Ander-

Atlanta airport at.noon Thursday; son Motor Company in Marietta,

.. Parents End 32-Day Vigil As

The welcome home ceremonies in and the committee has expressed his honor will be held at 4 p. m. its thanks to that - company for at the Legion Home Sonday after- their most generous discimnt on

.Sgt. James Petty Freed Today


________ the price.

Big celebrations arc i1J store for hrn Cobb Soldiers released_ from

years as a prisoner of the Chinese Communists.
The veteran will receive a new Ohevrolet as a tribute from the citizens of Smyrna and a certifi-

The home-coming will be Petty's first return to Smyrna in ov-
er three years. He was one , of the first fo enter the Korean War campaign and had already received two battlefield promotions for out-

cate for a $200 wardrobe from the Smyrna American Legion, Among

standing service before his capture in November, 1950.

other gifts will also be a lifetime mernbership in the Legion.

He was listed as missing in action by the Army until his par-

Short ceremonies for the presentation of the gifts and a parade

ents received word that he was a prisoner through a letter received

are tentatively scheduled for Sunday afternoon at 3:30 at the Legion

by another PW's family in Minpesota. One other letter from James,

Post home. The date depends upon
the time of the soldier's arrival home.

himself, was the only communication between the soldier and his family through the entire period

The welcome committee prefers of his imorisonment.

that Petty have the first day or

so at home with his family and

friends before the ceremonies.

Should his arrival come as late

as Sunday, the ceremonies prob-

ably will be postponed until Mon-

day or Tuesday, probably arqund

6 p. m.


The committee will 1end trans-

JAMES PETTY Repatriated Friday

Commun t pnson c.unps, as c1t1zrn~ m S 1vrna , nd Ac\\ orth anx111usly a,,. 1it their return home

\c1rnrth expect: Sgt. Carol Von -"cwbcrrv h1 Septc111bcr 13 \\hen
\l ayor V. s'. Golden will proclann
"Von Ncwbeiry Dav." The Sunchn, cclcbntion is n JCCtc<l fo gather ncarh cvcrvone in \cworth, ~layor Colden foicl.
Sparked by the local post of the American Legion, Smnna is looJ... in(T forward to the return of S0 t.
Ja~1cs Iictty, released Fri~la\ nig11t in one of the last pnsoncr ex-
changes. :\o elate has been set vet, since no one knows when Petty \\ ill be rctu,nccl home.
Donations arc being solicited by the Acworth VF\\" to purchase a valuable gift for returning soldier .'\cwbe1 r . ;\ committee headed bv I :. layor Golclcn is ,officially backing the move, while VF\V mcmbei;s arc doing the ''leg ,v_ork." Paul Sprayberry, 11 V. Robmson, Paul Hilley arid Robert Kcincl are al_]

' '

,portation to the airport for Petty

working on the '-:ewberry Dav proJ-

and his family, and he will be carried through Smyrna, but no further ceremonies are planned at

ec~. Thc City of Acworth is proud to ,velcornc back Von '\1ewbcrrv,"

VON NEWBERRY Photo !\fade On Release

that time. Mayor Guye Duncan will proclaim the day of the ceremonies as "James Petty Day," and merchants are prepared to hang out banners reading "Welcome Home James" on store fronts and automobiles.
The entire community, which
~ contrib.uted liberally to the hero's

rSgt. Petty Gre~ted~-1
By Smyrna Parade

:\favor Golden sa;d. "\\e want ma.~ that day a c1.ty-w1'de day
'' ~-.......-~~-~-

to o f


1w"'"i'l.1l ,hbe

S . h1e1]l\dTlliJn


~ctt co1- 111un-tt10n with'

the declication service for the Le-

giou 's $50.00q annex. Bob Austm,

coum1,mdcr, Jimmy Quarks. Spu

~con \\'arc, Douglas \Vcstbrooks
r. L. Dunn and llarolcl Gann ml

1rnrki11g on the project.

'I\c been here 31 ,cars and hai

never ,cell snch good COllllllUllit_v

spirit S has been displavcd on tlm


P,v ~etuming Smyrna

Sgt: James Petty was m~t at noon _to-

.d":; .at the Atlanta Municipal Airport by a weleommg delegation

o! of celebrating Smyrnans.



After nearly three years as a prison_er the Reds, Petty will re-

project," ,\nstin s,11cl. The City of Smyrna and oll
civic on;,mi/ati~n ,,ill aid tl1t: l
gion m th<.: pro1cct. ,\ elate ,, . !
set as soon as the Pett~ s arc notified

ceive a royal welcome Sunday. A rccpt10n 1s plannd at the Smyrna

when their youngest son i, co111111.;

American Legion home.


A motorcade brought Petty back to Smyrna, where he was

Petty, captmcJ m An,cn!bu,

met by the Campbell High School Band. Accompanying him were

IrJ 50, \\"JS rclea5ed late last mght.

his parents, l\lr. and l\lrs. J. B. Petty, who sa~ up _more than 30

I:-h arenb bad bcrn ~1ltmg up

nights during the prisoner exchange before heanng !us nam~ _called. Culminating a fund-raising drive by ~earlv every c1v1c club
and organization in Smyrna the Snndav reception will see Petty receive a shower of gifts..A h~ Ghenolet automobile, a complete new wardrobe and other gifts will be given' him.

each ni;,hl smce th<- c ,chan;:e st,ut eel, hoping C\'ery n enu .; lo he Ir
thJt James had, bee1 freed ... ''Oh Lord, Im so IJJpp\! ;\Ir
Petty e,d1imed. "bn, wght. for the bst ; 1, I've been so cl1sappo111t-

Petty arrhed in San Francisco ,vcdnesdav and immediately took

ecl \\hen his name 1,asn't called.

a plane for Atlanta. H e was captured in November of 1950 when

Sometime I though I couldn't h,c

his company was cut off. during a push toward the Yalu Riv~r.

through another Hight."



L. to R. - Vonne Newberry, Bob Austin and Petty

, .

(Photo by Joe McTyre)



- f,...1 ~=-==- 1-,ugan cmeee

Smyrna 5-h-ow e' rs

. --

Smyrna Legion Commander Bob

1 Austin presented .Petty the keys to

his car and ::\fayor Guye Duncan


. _

wdcomed him on behalf of the

Pe,tty w, .'

.1th _


,~-f .

ts -

Citv. Spurgeon \Varc presented the.Legion membership, the watch,
aLnodga. nclostehrvinegd acseretimficceaete,anadndthaBnokbs 1 the citizens for Pettv. He also in-


traduced Petty and his family.

SMYRNA, Sept. 28-Citizcns of Smyrna, spear-headed by this . _Other ci\'ic_ grou_ps !n Smyrna ,

town's live-wire Legion post, rolled out the welcome carp~t Sunday for a 1om~d the Leg10nna1res m the_celc-





f 1J ,
grate l1 a111es



t 11-e

f on~1er

. p~1sone.r

brat10n. l of the

:Martha Legion

Quarles, president Auxiliary, was in


of \\';Ir with gifts.

charoc of refreshments, which were

T he Legionnaires coupled the '(2)_.!A $2DO gift certificate from sentd from four tables and consist-

Pcttv Dav celebration with an op~n Johnnv \Valker's.

ed ,of coffee and punch.

house for their new $30,000 annex, . (3)..:.An cxpensi\'e wrist \V~tch. Besides touririg' the UC\\' annex,

invting the se\'eral hundred persons !4):-A life membersl~ip to the \'isitors were imitcd to look over

attending to inspect the building. Smvma Legion Post. '

the - new S1,500 Scout hut, the ;

The 57 5-mcmbcr post gavlv dee: . 'His family. had carefully . k'cpt lighted tennis courts ' and the nc,v '

orated its beautiful builclfog, nest- papers .\\ith plans of the celebration '. stands and newly-lighted softball

led on a ] ;-acre setting of pines, from him. Another surprise was. the field,' just across the street from the

for the big dav. The Campbell appearance of Acworth's Vonne Legion Post, all of which the Le-

l_Iigh bai~cl, whi_ch the---Lcgio~ opt- '\'cwpcrry; who was a pr!soncr. of gion helped finance. TI1c Lcgi?n

fitted with umfonns and 'lnstru- war m the same camp wit~ Petty also sponsors the Commumty

mC11ts, provided music for -the Cele- for se\cral mor\ths. Pettv was cap- Chest dri\'C and outfitted the Fitz-



tured on November 30, 1950, when hu 0 h Lee Grammar school band.

, 13ig Banner

the Chi_nesc Reds drove J<!Ms the i Club ?ffi~ers bcsicle_s Conu_nand-

A big banner across the front of Yalu River to push U. N. troops , ers Austm mclude v1ce-pres1dents

the buildini:; proclaimed: .iPost 160 into the sea. The. 27-year-olcl PO\V Fred Fitzh, Henry \Vvnn, Harold ,

and Your Buddies \Velco1nc YouJ spent 22 months in the Navy clur- Davis and Adjutant Henry \Vcst-


ing \Vorld \Var II and re-enlisted brooks.


And a bicr wecomc it was

in July, .1949, to make the service. '


T11c l~on;ree, plagued b~; J{eavy a career. He still intends to do this .

colcl, \vas left absolutc1y speechless

T.' .._ __ _

bv the presents, wh ich included:

(l)-A 19 53 Chevrolet.


Sgt. 1/c James Petty and the hundreds o~ his friends and neighbo:s who joined to honor him on his retnrn home from a Korean prisoner of war camp are pictured above at ceremonies at the Smyrna American Legion home Sunday.
(Photo by Mangum & Davidson Studios)

The huge rock mantels were 1

Smyrna- Auxiliary

aclomed \\'ith arrangements of salmon gladioli, white .chrysanthe-

Sponsors Reception for Returned POW

mums, and fe\crfew, arranged by .Mrs. R. F. Ilolahan.
I Guests \\'CTC taken on a -tour Of
the Horne and were nlc'ascd with the noted change oh the first floor where the main ball room has been


SMYRNA - The American Legion Auxiliat\ sponsored the reception for the Legion at its hpmecomino; for PO\\. James Petty and '
open house for showing the addition and impro,ement:;, on the Legion Home S;1ndav afternoon.
After the ceremonies and presentation of gifts to Sgt. PcttY. i\fos Martoo Quarles, president of fhc Auxiliarv and her corps of assistants. sei1cd the large crowd punch and cotfcc with cookies from four tables laid \\'ith white cloths and decorated with white candles, and greenery.

dot-1blcd. in size with a nice small j

stage r~ccsscd in one side, ma'king ,

t:'" 111cc st7ragc rooms on each

I side.


The downstairs ;:idclition inclnclcs

a 30x50 foot club room, two storage

rooms and offices for the Coi'n-

ma nder and -Adjutant, Finance Of-

ficer, and two additional rest rooms,

one- for .men .and one for women.

Those ,members serving at the

four tables \vcre Mesdames Foster

Rolf, Ernest Jones, Lee Blanton,

Fred \Vhite; Freel Fitch,' David

Cano, W. C. Gable, W. D. Gable

and Zelan \Vills.



I . I



Looking on are Mayor Guye Duncan and Bob Logan

(Photo by Mangum-Da\idson Studio)


first Publication Begun By Smyrna Men's Club

Men's Club To Hear Lockh_eed Pilot


talk we plan to hold a "Town for our problems to be pr_cscnt.

The Smnna Men's Club l1as inaugurated a monthly publication
for keeping its members informed
on what's cooking in the organization. Volume 1, No. - arrived through the mail today. \Ve arc
grateful for the courtesy. It will

Meeting" <liscussio11 in which all
who desire to do so will be given
an opportunity to express them-
selves on any subject having to do with tl!.e. community's welfare. If our county or city oficials arc not running thing!'.- to suit you, if
vou do not think our schoo1s arc

For instance if the problem 1s carloads of rock that has been dumped on your main thoroughfare, learn who the culprit was and if state or county highway departments invite them to be present to an~wcr the question of_ how and when it might be remedied.

be remembered that this is Smyrna's oldest men's club - I hclic\c
they arc antedated by the Smyrna
SociaJ Club on the distaff side.

U!J to standard or functioning as
efficiently as you think they should, if you don't think our merchants arc "on their toes" in their

If it is the matter of our leak-
ing elementary school and barracks
rooms, or the palsied_ condition d
the hole-in-the-wall lunch room

The mimeographed sheet begins efforts to supply your needs and at said school, then invite the coun-

its opening announcement with this: "For the first time in the world's history the Smyrna Men's
Club is putting out a monthly publication dedicated to the idea of keeping the Club's members posted on matters of interest. And this issue c'onstitutes the baby as t looks at birth." Etc., etc.
The second item is the roster of officers for the year: A. 1I. Aiken, prcxy; B. L. \Valkcr and G. C. Green, vice prcxies; A. C. Shepherd, scc.-treas.

furnish you with the sort of service
vou would like t,, have - in short, 1f you have any problem at all that you would like to haYe solved through the l\'len's Club cooperative assistance, come to the meeting on Februa1y 8, and "get it off your chest" in a friendly atmosphere where you will be made to feel welcome and at home."
Sounds like a fine idea. I do not know how the Men's Club proposes to solve the problems presented. I'm wondering if on differ-

tv school superintendent, the count,, and local boards of education ii1 to advise local residents on what their public senants propose to do about said problem~. If it is a matter of whose business it is to fill up tnc holes and sod the grounds in front of Campbell High School (or the mud lake in the back) invite all who should be concerned, or hire a Sherlock Holmes to find out whose job it is, and get something done about that.
This Town l\Iecting strikes us


Then comes the top items on ent nights it might not be wise to as a fine thing and lm1g ma, it

the sheet: The Next Regular mcctmg. The speaker to be Dan Haugh-







ton, general manager Lockheed Air-

craft Corp., (Georgia Division).

FELLo,v CITIZENS - Members of the Smyr-
ua Men's Club, G~~..J.l;~ V. G. Blakney, ,v.
0. Bowman Jr., chat with 0. J. Haughton, general

manager of Lockheed's Marietta plant. Haughton was featured speaker at a Monday night meeting.

Lockheed Veep Lauds

S'\IYRI\'A-The Smyrna J\Jcn's Clnb will hold its ;\larch mcetmg ;\fonclav with supper at 7 p. m. at
.Campb~ll)Iigh Cafcteri; Rcscnation for supper at' $1.2) per plate mav be made. with the secretary, A. C. Chcphcrd. at the Chamber o'f Commerce, or \\'ith Mrs. A. J.
Car-loon. ", .
At 8 o'dock there will be an
open; meeting at which time tl?c Bov Scouts of the Snwrna area will take o,cr for an interesting ~ro~ram. A. 13. :\lartin, chief test pilot tor tthc Lockheed Corp., will ~e introduced by I hmev A.. Chnsten, also of Lockheed and chair-
m~n of the organization and ex.
p:.msibn committee of the Bo) Scouts for the Atlanta area.
r\ccording to the Club's sccre tan this meeting ,1ill he in the nature of a reunion of all present ;me! former Smyrna Scou.ts. and all friends. of the Scouts arc invited

Place, Asscmblv Room Smvrna';\kthodist Church at 8 p. m., Februan 9: "\Vhcther a member of the club or not, you arc invited to come and join with us i-n giving l\Ir. Haughton a genuine and totfsing "\vckomc," says the "baby.
'l11e Club meets on that even-
ing at 7 o'clock for its supper meet-
ing for whicl1111cmhcrs must make reservation sc,eral days in advance.
The last item was to the writer the most interesting. .It is headed
, "Town Meeting" discussion. It
reads: "Following Mr. Haughton's

Smyrna Men's C_lub
To HearDr. Herod
! Dr. N. S. Hcroc1, Rottc1~,,-oocl
Creek, will be the guest spi1tker at
tonight's meeting .of the. ::imyrna :'\lcn's Club in the annex ot the First ;\lcthodist Church.
Dinner will be sen-eel at 7: l S b~ the ladies of the church, and the program will begin immediately aftenvard.
Or. Herod is noted for his w01k with the rnrious community impro,ement clnbs of Cobb Co~mh'. He is a former professor of science
------- at Georgia Tech.

Smyrn_a During Visit

Gross Says Town Was What He

Pict~red Southern Town To Be

The Yicc president of Lockheed Aircraft Corporation told mem-

bers of the Srnvma Business Men's Club Mondav night that their city

w,1s to him \\h,;t he had, always thought a Southc~n city should he like.

Courtlandt Gross, on a short vis- made that warm statement when, it to the Marietta Plant from his he was introduced a~ a guest at. home office in Burbank, Calif., the Smyrna Men'.s club n;gular

meeting. Vice President Gross made the
visit with Dan J. Haughton, general manager of the plant here, who


was ,Jcaturcd speaker at the 1-mcet~



" \Vhcn I first came to this sec-

tion about two ,cars ago," Gross

said, "I s'aw Atianta first and it didn't look like I had always

.tlwught. ,1,...Southccrn 4city J1nuld
look. I had been out to look at

SM;Y RN~ MEN ' s qLt1B }JiON'.pux

r the aircraft' factoi-v at l\Iarictta and drove back bv ,vav of Smvr'n'a. "The streets, thc trees and the

Vol. l .. No. l

Published at Smyrna, Ga., by A. c. Shepherc!

January 1953


houses here arc what I',c ahrnys pictur~d a sm.ill Southern to\\n to be. I've been wanting to meet you people of Smyrna ever since !,drove


through here t\\o years ago. G c n er a I l\janager Haughton, B-47 IN l\1INIATURE - ,v. 1\1. Reed, Smyrna, and Court

For the first time in the world s history the Smyrna. (Ga.) Men s club is puf;ting
out; a monthly publication dedicatec. to the idea or keeping the Club a ma,Illbere post-
ed on matters of interest. And this issue oonst:ttufies the baby as it looks at birth. We hope you will find it both interesting anc! helpful.
Officers of the Club tor 1953 as elected December 9, 19.5'2, and installed January 13, 1953, are as follows: President - A. M. Aiken (office phone 5-4446 - residence phone 5-4503). F'irst Vice Prosic!ont (Membership Campaign Director) - B. L. Walker (office phone 8..J.$28 - rosic.enca phone 5.. 4773). Second Vice Presic.ent (Program Di-
rector) - G. C. Groen (phone 5-4722), Secrete.ry-Trensurer - A. c. Sheph&rc -- (offioe
phone 5-5956 - residence phone 5-4298).

The Club's next rogular 'inaiting will be hold dnnMondny, Fobruary 9, 1953, at 8 P. M.,
in the Annex to the Smyrna Methodist Church, Daniel J. Haughton, General Manager of tho Lockheod Aircra~ Corporation (GoorgiaDivision), has graciously consontod to be our guost speaker, which gives aesW"ance or an evening of int orest ing and profit-

speaking on Lockheed's place in the comnnmitv, said that the Georgia Division's payroll for the past
t\rn vcars has amounted to about

land Gross, vice president of the Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, Burbanks, Calif., examine scale model of B-47 jct bomber being constructed at Lockheed's Marietta plant.

$71 "million and that the weekly [

payroll now amounts to approxi-

mately $1 million. "\Ve want to share our work

B. C. Yates Speaks

with other businessmen," Haugh- , ton said.

At Mens Club Meet

t "But I don't want businessmen

B. C. Yates, Superintendent of

of the area to jump right into a

the Kennesaw Mountain National

l business of. supplying us without

Battlefield Park, gave an interest-

> some thought. The aircraft busi-

ing talk to a representative group

ness is al\\'ays a calculated risk.

of the Smyrna Men's Club Mon-

Th is means some fluctuation. \\"c

day evening, June 8, in the Meth-

have contracts running through

odist Church Annex.

\Smyrna Men's Club 1955 now and we are hoping in
fiscal 1954 to get additional orders

Many interesting details relating to the history of Cobb County

To'Hear Dr'. Knight for the Marietta plant." "This is a highly competitiYc business and our permanency here

and the Smyrna and Vinings areas were touched upon by Mr. Yates, who recounted also a number of

clcpcnds on how economically \\c
build airpla1ks now," Haughton
said. "\Ve think our team can <lo it. And by our team, I mean our
c1!1pl<;J)'CCS, the con~munity and ,!he 1 .Air Iorcc all workmg together. ,

SMYRNA-An address by Dr. John H. Knight, pastor of Smyrna Presbyterian Church, will highlight the meeting of Smyrna Men's Club Monday night at the Methodist Church Annex.
Dr. Knight will discuss "What will Russia Do Next?"
The business session and speaker's address will be preceded by a

humorous happenings of local interest that took place during the War Between The States.
Approximately twenty-five per cent of the thousands who visit the Battlefield Park every year, come from areas outside of Georgia, Mr. Yates stated, many of them coming from as far away as Europe and the Far East.

ablo onjoyment. Whothor a membor of the Club or not, you aro invited to como and join with us in giving Mr. Hai..r;hton a genuine and a rousing welcome.
...... 00000---

supper served by tht women of the
:\Ictho<list Church. Anyone inter-
ested in attending the dinner, at 51.2 5 a plate, should contact J. L. . Rutledge, phone 5-5792, for reser- vations,

Smyrna Monday


MAet nA,snnCulaubILHaeda1ress





go'i~~lll;~:1~ Ill ~/~~ a run down on the
chan"CS in Cobb's "0\'erning hoch-
I froni"fcc sYStcm to ~~alan-, of coni-

~b:~~~~t'~tJ~l~~;CB~idfi~I~ \\'ho is in l'!orid,1 recuperating trom injuries rccci\cd in a fall.

hi1iing the tax rcr<;i1-cr ~rid taY rol-. DL J. TI. Alliso.n made the in-

lcctor into one office of Tax Com-1 rncat10n and Judge John Dorscv,

missioner. Also of the ju~-cnilr cotp1t\ ordinary, installed the nc11'


.. .

, court and the ncwh- constituted officers of the club as follo1Ys: A.

the worl~. Bc~mmng _\\'Ith the _re-, Cirrnt C~urt of "hich he was ).f.. Aiken, president, B. L. \\'alk-

S).l);RN.\, Jan. 13-Addressing cent wes1dcnhal dect_iou "in wh1~h, kctcd jmlnc stating that it h,1s er, first de::: president, G. C. Green,

the \lcn's Club at its annual ladies 60 mi)hrn1. \'O~ers-thc largest m all been occ~sionccl by the eount\'s scc011cl Yicc president, and A. C.

ui(Tht banquet ;\Ionday eycning, at .the n:!t!O:l s lnstory-had ,sp?k~n, l~phenominal grO\\'th in population Shepherd, secretary-treasurer. '

th~ Cainpbcll Iligh Cafeteria, he po!llted. t>ut th,1t "Ink Liscn- 'and of traffic brought about l)\' the 1 hose sG'atccl at t~~eakcr s ta-

Judge James 'I'. _~Ia! m i:ng of Cobb's hO\\Cr rcc-1,'~d 1-12 clcct?ral rntcs reacti,ation of the Lockheed Plant .

nc\\' Judicial Ciremt Cou_rt, g,1,~ a detailed and comprehcmn c re, 1cw of the uational, statc and countl uorcnuncnts-cxecuti\'c, lcgis.latin. "aud judicw ry from .t11~ I> res1'clrnt

to Stennson s 89 that m poular rntc thev .,to~d IT_ a1HJ 9.
R:mkmg Senators . Ile recalled Georgia's ha\ 11tg the two. r'.11'1"m~ sen at01.s. III pom t . of

I and the building of the Allatoona hlc \\ere hesidc Judge :incl \frs 1


:.\litchell Emcee

\ !annin~. Judge Dorsey and ). [r.

J b,


, C-'.

1: rGn nr en. e1~0

\\ is a'nd


\llison, t:1c incoming officers. t11c l past pr(s1cIcnb of ti1c r Inh- ~ T ~\\

<lowu to thc local 1ustiees of the sc1'.1onh~~cna.to_'. ~corgc }'.?vmg J\ Iulkc,, locai-iiltorncy, 1cspondcd

I IKaIclee explained




the longcs, sen 'Russell 'rnking

t1hccirda. n.dlie

Senator touch-

elected, in each

l u.g 1I1ig1i t e d _branch fron.1

~pe. \r\s'eoanIat1hItiocsf

cc l


C_ene~a1 L. ucm. .s

C. l:1.,





er fa,~~itc son. ~f \I:m:tt~! "ho

infornnhon and statistics.

had been chosen a close .ich 1sor to

Desc'ribing C<?b11 C ounty as St11 tiic nC\\'. prcs'.c .len t .IT c _agic~'~1 ~~-1'ti-~


ti didan


.a ~lirtccshs.ell

Jud"C ;\Im


was master

of ceremonies. Kw Rumsey. ac

. .d 'c'AomLp.imttliec B


. \ of

\' Ir

el1a.,n dl,''"l,t

tt an


sano '" ,I-,

'\.1sh. J. 0. llar;;is, Rnt

ledge, C_ C Grc::1~, and' out-of

tmrn gnes h 7laiofci \ \ illingham

Ben Smith. ,md Dr. Garland. Ra,



. .,

in JJOlJulatwn m the state, and Georgia as I ?_t11 m _t.]ic na t'1011 Iic

those \\!10 s.11d that m_ his cab1 I . I!~ t appo?n t me'n ts pr<:s1_cle'n. t-e.lect 1 o,roo,ucJJ


() the

ns1\m.,g, intoi1eonf

led the familiar]'

moncl Rcccl Ilnbc1t Col,:uitt, It, l'ulton. :\ \rs. C laucle ITamnrk. -

iicl our OJJ\JOrtumti'cs




:.'.rcatcst .,

\\Crc the nation 1n



put on,"s,cme7s)s


"~'ongs .


,, 1 1,,a,m011 <l \ltilke, ,mcl Re\'. York Chambless. ,

Chairmen,For The Year

. Publicitv. Dr. /. l\1. Colhm, A.

\ ~Zfi f~d

1 tc1\in~



Named By Smyrna Men

Sl\fYRNA - President .A: l\L quitt and frank ;\fc\lillan.

E;,.:plorer Scouts Exceuti\e Com-
mittee: w. 0. Bowman, Jr., Dr
Charles :'--1. Garland, Jr., Dr. Joe
;\I. Coll,ins, G. C. ~ ; ! and J

Aiken, of the Smyrna :'\l~n s Clu.b has announced the following chair-

Reception and Fello\\ship James Y. \ Vootton, Sam J. Ewing

).1. Dam. At a recent

. mcetmg of

t1ic ~1u1J

men for the ensuing year
;\lernber~hip: B. L. \\'alker, J.
O. Hargis. J.E. Quarles, Raymond Recd and J ohn A. Nolau.
Ne\\' projects: V. C. Blakeney,
liubert Colquitt, J. \\'. N::ish and C- A. Rumsey.
s. Public Health and Sanitation:
Dr. H. Colquitt. Dr. \V. C.

Dr. C. M. Garland, Jr.,. l\Iayc' ~Jayor Gt;YC; N Duncan v01;e.~

\\'.ird and Iluberf Colqmtt

lus apprcciat10n of the coopcra.I\C

Visitino: A. ;\[. Poston. E. TI spirit shown by the people of

O;l\is, JoTm L. Rutledge, the ~c, Smyrna toward th.e cffor~s 0~ the .

John II. Knight. the Rev. ):ork ma;or a1~d council to get \\Orth-

Chambless and Dr. J. II. Alhson while thmg,s done for the _com

Finance: E H. Daris, R. \\'. munity and stat~d that eonS1Clcr

Landers C. J. Carson, John L. tion is being g1,cn to pl~ns foi

IIodgso{1. and James Y. \\'ootton. the erection of a modern_ ci~y ha!.

;\{itchell, Dr. Charles i\l. Gfr Constitution and I3y-la\\,: Ray- and foe, department huildmg m

land, Jr.. and Dr~ Charl~s B. Blam. mond Reed, Raymond A. :'\lulk~y, the n ~ f'uc.

. .

Program and Entcrtamment: G J. \\. Kash. Judge J. 11. ILrn.k1,1s The club voted to invite Ex-

e. Green, Dr. \\' . C. ;\fitchcl;. and John ).fatthews.

plprer Post 156 to be &uest of th;

Leslie ~I. Camp, Hubert Co.- Special Attendance John1 L. club at it next mcetmg, .\farei
Rutledge, James Prcssle\', J- 0. 9.


~-- l ,

Smyrna Lions Have Annual Broom and Mat Sale Slated


divided the town in half with

SMYRNA-"He'll be a friend Spring and Bank Streets the

of mine, don't slam the door dividing line. The south side

in his face," is the slogan un- will be captained by John col-

der which the Smy'rna Lions lier with four teams while the

Club is 3ending out teams in north side teams will be under

its annual broom and mat sale direction of E. H. Davis. With

beginning Wednesday and con- Lions pitted against Lions this

tinuing through Saturday. is to be the sale of all sales

Elder Bramblett is the gen- for the losing side will have

teral chairman for the sale to entertain the winners at a

which will be by personal con- luncheon - the "Matters"

1tact in the Fuller Brush mode against the "Broomers."

of going from door to door. As an accommodation to the

: That is the reason for the housewives, or househusbands

, slogan, and the Lions ~re ask- as the case may be, the brooms

ing Smyrnans t~ stay a:t home and mats will be sold by some

on the above specified even- merchants down town, and if

ings from 5 to '9 p. m. They you can't stay home on those

explain that by your coopera- evenings, or if you live out of

tion you will give aid to two the city and want to lend your

important causes - that of aid to these causes, you may

helping the blind people who be able to make your purchase

make the brooms and floor from these merchants. The

mats, and the Lions fund for items will be plainly marked.

buying gas and oil for the car In connection with their aid

used for driving lessons at the to the blind the Lions carry on

high school.

a definite aid to local blind

The Lions are known for or partially blind persons by

their helpfulness and the having eyes examined or pur-

broom and mat sale is their chasing glasses where sight

pet benevolence. They have may be improved.


Lions Roam The Streets Of Smyrna Seeking Help

For Their Favorite Project - Georgia Lighthouse

Smyrna Lions today are roam- has provided sight-saving opera- President's home club, Druid Hills

ing th.e streets of the Jonquil City. tions and consultations for 838 Lions Club in Atlanta, which will

tThese Jungle Kings didn't escape needy Georgians, most of them not be eligibie to win. from a zoo, however, and their youngsters under the age of 16, Lighthouse officials work close-

mission is humanitarian rather or adults over the age of 65.

ly with the various welfare and

than predatory.

"This is a humanitarian project civic agencies of the state in

Involved are six members of the financed by the Lions Clubs of the tr~r;king down and checking needy

club: Dr. Hubert Colquitt, J. D. state, voluntary contributions from cases and providing treatment, in-

Daniel. E. H. D~vis, Dr. Joe Col- noft-member individuals and pri- eluding surgery in most cases, for

lins, Dr. C. M. -Garland and Dr. W. vate industry," said Hubert Col- the youngsters and oldsters whose

C. Mitchell.

quitt, president of the Smyrna economic status prohibits private

Donations of $1 each are being by the local Lions for the Georgia Lighthouse for the Blind, with each contributor receiving a

Lions i'n announcing the start of

t he 1953 ticket sale campaign. "The

records Show 10,000 Georgian

t s

hat no




o y

f the blind

consultations and operations. Next to the generosity of Geor-
gians, Mr. Rankin credits the suecess of the Lighthouse perform-

ticket to the fourth annual North- would have some vision today if ance to the "doctors, hospitals,

ISouth baseba11 game to b e p layed at Ponce de Leon Park in At-'eLnigdhet--

and optical people who give so freely of their time and services.

lanta June 12

house' has saved sight for some "There are some 146 doctors who 700 already in two years: the dol- perform eye surgery free of

, P.;1rticipants in this annual dia- lars yve receive in this year's all- charge; hospitals offer facilities at

mon'ci classic will be high school star bas~ball game ticket sales mm imum pnces, and the optical

senior ball players from all parts drive wiii save this precious fac- companies provide glasses and ar-

of Georgia who will be chosen on
the basis of their performance YI
this year's regular school compe-

ulty for hundreds of others." The primary goal of the local

t1ricia1 eyes at cost or, m



thout Wylear's


some base

tition and who will be feted by drive is to raise funds for the ba11 s game netted - more than-

their hometown Lions Clubs and "Lighthouse'; a secondary incen-

. h

tive is the state-wide competition $1l,OOO. The Lions ope to surpass

the state organization for sev;ral

$15,000 this year. They make it

days in the capitol city next for the President's Trop~y which clear in offering tickets for sale ;

j month

is to be prGesented Lby RLaignhktihnouosef that re1a t'ive1y f ew of the "buy- .

Proceeds from the game will go President, eorge .

'. er~ will be able to attend t~e

directly to the Lighthouse for the Atlanta to the Georgia club selling game; "BUT THEY CAN'T FIND

Blind, a Lions-sponsored institu- the most tickets per member. The I A BETTER PLACE TO DONATE

I tion that in the past two years big cup is being. donated by the 1A BUCK."


. -Lions Club Here
Sponsoring Drive
To Attend Church
March has been designated ''Go To Church Month" by Smyrna Lions who will sponsor a move to double church attendance during the month. Regular church members along with visitors will be encouraged to visit the church of their choice,. Lion Hubert Colquitt announced today.
On April 24 the club will sponsor a Minstrel show at Campbell High school auditorium, featur111g club members and local talent. Funds derived from the project will go towards lighting the athletic field. Mr. and Mrs. Abbott will direct the show.
Members were entertained at the regular meeting Thursday by students of Mr. William Blatt, Campbell High school, who presented the selections they will give at the Spring Music Festival.

Benefit Minstrel pnsc act. Special musical enter \ tainment, including a Dixieland

Scheduled Friday

'band and blackfaee quartets, will be presented.
In conncx:tion with the minstrol,

By Smyrna Lions

the students will take part in a parade this afternoon. Tickets are

aYailablc from anv member of the

Smyrna Lions Club, enthusiastic supporte:s of Campbell H i ~ h

Lions Club or the Czrnpbcll High student body.

School's athletic program, will stage

a benefit minstrel at the school

gymnasium Friday night to add to

the $2,000 they hme already gi\'cn

for athletics.

Proceeds of :::1e show '\,ill go

to\\'ard the lighting of the foot-

ball and athletic field, a project

11'11ich will cost 01-cr an estimated


The sho\\', cntitkd ".\ linstrcl

Parade." is under the direction of

\fr. and \lrs. " 'alter Abbott. and

tells the complete storv of the

mi11strcl in the United St;ites.

Jaspc:r Griffm'. principal of

C:1111phcll lligh, will be the intcr-

locutcr. Others partici1x1ting arc

l Jcs,c Jlcnderson Jr.. HC1 Jones
Hnd<l" Scoggins, Ra1 mon<l \ lnlkc,. Otis \\'hitc. Dr. \V. C . .\litchell,

Elder I3ramhlctt, James Speir. :\.

\1. Poston. Dallas Gi1thric, Tohn
Collier, Tack Colston. J. D. Dan-

icl, Jo.: \Vhitc, Leslie Camp. Lu-
Ither .\lartiu, and Charles ::\ 1c\lullcn.

Lain,u Tedder "ill present a sur-

- - -------------.

Lions Club Ra ised

$1,600 For School

The Smyrna Lions Club, long

before the completion of the pres-

ent building, could fo:resee the,

need for many things that would

not be included in the state and

county financing of the school.

They made plans to raise funds to

be earmarked for athletic funds,

and recently presented Mr. Jas-1

per Griffin, principal of Camp-

bell High School with a check in

the amount of $1,642.83.

This fine organization has con-

tinuously wo:rked with the schools

in this and other nearby commun-

ities in providing eye treatment

and glasses for children in need

of either,


Smyrna Lions frepare For Minstrel

To Be Presented Here On April 24

Smyrna Lions daily are practic- strel Show in the High Brown

ing their repetoire for. the minstrel Cafe, featuring Sachmo (Ken)

show they will stage April 24 at Stanton. and his Campbell Smash-

Campbell High School.

ers. PartJcipating will be Stanton,

Dress rehearsals are now in or- Bob Ousley, Roy Dawn, Jerry

der and the show promises laughs Bramblett, Walter Abbott and


Beverly McCoy.

Act 1 will be centered on the A quartet "Filandering Four" '

theme of the first minstrel show will sing. Members are Joe White,

presented in Virginia in 1843. Act Otis White, Buddy Scoggins and

II will reveal a minstrel show as Charlis McMillan.

staged in Smyrna, Ga.

Frank McMillan will appear as

Taking part in the acts will be "Moonglow Mac;" Lamar Te-9,der Bones, played by Jesse M. Hend- as "General Nuisance;" Walter Aberson; Tambo, Bev. Jones; Inter- bott will be accompanist. locuter, Jasper Griffin, Dan Em- The Minstrel is being directed met and Hugh Papworth; Elder by Mr. and Mrs. Walter Abbott.

Bramblett. Dr. W. C. Mitchell, James Speir, A. M. Poston, Ray-' mond Mulkey and Otis White, commentators; Hugh Colquitt, J. D. Daniell, Hugh Papworth and Adrian Cochran, chorus.

J Lio~s Meet Tonight At Campbell. High

The Afterpiece, "The Story of Andy and Mandy" will be related by Andy-John Collier; Alexander Ulysses Washington- Dalls Guthrie; Hannah Johnson-Jack Colston; Amanda BuckingnamJ. D. Daniel; 'Pullem Inn-Buddy Scoggins and L'il Mose-Joe White
, Act IV will be a Modern Min-

Regular meeting of Smyrna Lions will be held tonight at Campbell High School with the Rev. J. J. Sneed, pastor of Hapeville Methodist church, slated as speaker.
Following the Rev. Mr. Sneed's talk he will give a brief magician sh.ow.
The night will be observed as 'Father and Son" night with all ,age boys accompanying their dads to the meeting.

Officers Elected
By Smyrna Lions
Sanley McCall was named presdent ol the Smyrna Lions Club
Thursday at the regular dinner
meeting held at Campbell High
school cafeteria.
Other officers named were: George Kreeger, 1st vice-president; Dr. Joe Collins, 2nd vicepresident; Harold Davis, 3rd vicepresident; W. B. Barrett, Lion Tamer and Bi,li Reed, Tail Twi:ter.
John Collier, Hubert Colquitt a ,d Jasper 3rifim were named to the board of directors.
Officers will be instalied at a Ladies' Night meeting slated for .June 16 at which meeting, B. C Yates, director of Kennesaw National Park will be speaker.
Dr. W. C. Mitchell is program chairman.
A report on the state convention at Macon May 31-June 2, was given by Lion McCalla. A musical prngram was presented by William Blatz.

ISmyrna Lions Donate - l

Drums, Band Stands

To Elementary Band r



Smyrna Elementary school band

has received drums and band !

stands to the tune of $200 from

Smyrna Lions, president Hubert

Colquitt announced today.

The amount was contributed by the local club to aid the grammar school band.

The club has also contributedj aproximately $120 worth of shrub-
bery for the beautification of the grounds at Campbell High School

Monies totaling $1500 raised at' the recent Minstrel Show sponsor-. ed by the club will go to the athletic fund at Campbell to purchase
lights for the athhletic field and to build seats at the stadium.

'Smyrna Lions Will
Honor Grid Team
Plans are being completed by Smyrna Lions club for a dinner to be 1given February 5 honoring Campbell High School football players, Elder Bramblett, cluh secretary announced today.
Approximately 35 players will receive letters and school jackets at the event, Mr. Bramblett said.
The past year was the first year
that the school has been in oper-1 ation and the team is the fir;;t to be organized at the school.' ~
Initial plans for the sports din- / ner were made at the regular [ meeting of the Lions club last 1 Thursday. Speaker will be Coach\ Bclb '.Bossom, of the Ga. Tech i coaching staff.
Initiated at the meeting were six new members incluc.iing John Hodgson, Ray Swartz, J. T. Brown W.''B. Barrett, Howard Hamby, Jr.'. , and A. M. Poston.
Lion Everette Livingston, form. er Lions State 1District Governor, of Marietta, was in charge of the services. He was assisted by Lions J. F. Shaw, Ted Renshaw and Henry Dunphey, all of Marietta.
The club is now contemplating the production of' a Minstrel Show at an early date to raise funds for lighting the athletic field at the High School. Date of the show will , be announced, Mr. Bramblett said.
Host for the regular dinner meeting was. the "Blue Team" headed by' E. H. Davis, who lost in a membership drive to the "Red Team" of -which George Kreeger was chairman.

'NeW Era LoomS For State,'
Chamber Members Told

S\I YR;'\ \, 1\pril H -Cobh C oun tia ns got a fi rst-hand account of progress which has hecn made in

progressive Georgia 1 Joncla) night from the president .of the Georgia
Cli,n1 hcr of Commerce. ~pc~1king at a joint 1necting of. "As I \\itncss the upsurge in
the Smnna :- Jen , Clnh and the civic interest and th e enthu sia sm

G con;ia.
IJ e called att enti on to the fact
that in 1880, 81 per cent of the
co tton textile industry \,as in N ew
E ngland and only 5 per cent in the

Ccbh County Chamber of Com - \\"ith which tl;ic Georgia khdcrs cv- South . ''Th e fi gures arc now in re

111crec, S11Hthc Gambrell. Atla n ta l"I'\ ,,h ere arc rallying t o the State \ersc, and th e South ha s 80 per

atturm:, m1c\, state Chamber prc:q. Chamber' s, call fo r a unifi ed ad- cent. New England and it~ gm-cr-

said '\1 e arc ,i t th e th reshold of a 1,m cc, it sec111s to m e we h aYc h a\e nors arc seekin g to fight the Civil

great nc\, cm for. tnc \bi te. Let ns just opened a new ch apter in Geor- \Var over again through misappli-

rcclcdicafc omsc]ycs t o ,cT\'icc in gia's civic pro.gress- ,:_ c arc passin g ca tion of the \ Valsh-H ealv Act and

~ccping I ith the best tradi tions." on t o new ,1stas, nc,, op portum- o tlicr p uni tive compctifo c hur-

Held At C ampbell School

ties and n ew duties 111 t h e eco- dles."

Tho state Chamb<.:r official ,,as
introclneccl h\' Luther llames Jr., president of th .. Cobb Chamber. G. C. Green \Cf\ eel as master of

no m ie life of th e state. Gambrell told the Cobb Coun-
tians that the State Chamber is
push ing its program fo r ad va11ce-

"Eyen state and community is !milt in , th e im age pf the people who li,c in it. "It is changed, im-
pro1-cd , and lra1is fo rmcd bv the

ceremonies at the mcctin~ held in tl c C mphell Ifo;h School lunch-

mcnt in agri culture, indnst ry, tour-
ism an d cmmnnnity civics. " It is

magic of th e vision of its leaders. T hcv and the people working with

room. Ga mbrell pointed out that' "c1

h eartenin g that a state left in ash es hv Sh cn n;m at the clost of the

them c..1 11 make it what they \\ant it to he," G ambrell concluded .

en state ;i nd com mtrn ilI is huilt in th e im age of th e people who fac in it. It is clrnngecl. im pro1cd a nd tr;msfo rmcd hy th e m agic of th e ' 1ision of its leaders . Thcv an d th e people working wi th tl 1cm can
make it wh at the y wan t it lo b e.

C ivil \ Var has regain ed its courage,

has lifted it s face , and is n ow out-

perfonnmg m ost of the states of

th e nntion in ;111 lines of worthv

en dea,or."


Cities Progress

In all field s Gambrell cited t he

O th ers mak in g .short t alks at the
mcct i11g \\ere 1\rnctt .:,J. :\ikcn.
presi d ent o f th e Smyrna ;\Ien's C lub, Dr. \V. C. .:,litchell, presi-
de nt of th e Smyn1 ;t Chamber of
Com merce, B: C. Yates, J. J. Dan-
iell and i\. C. Sheph erd.


,. L.~------......a===------~-------

The Chamber of Commerce Predicts

Another Prosperous Year For Smyrna

"Bj g thin gs ahead in 1953 for busi ness area a nd giving rise to a
S m yrna an d South Cobb Count y" situation that , in all pr obability,

are antlcipated by the Smyrna will result eventually in taking

C hamber of Commerce according over for !busincs9 ,purposes prop -

to its executive secretary, A. C. erty not presently housing ;


cantile establishm,mts.

The 'Population of the Smyrna The Smyrna Chamber of Com-

a rea, Shepher_d says, is growing at meoce, Shepherd states, is working

a rate of 3,000 people a year, ap- on plan s to bring additional in-

p roximately 250 newcomers hav- dustries into the Smyrna and

ing taken up their residence here South Cobb area, and leaders in

e ach month for several months the local business community, he

past. These figures, Shephe.rd, p oint s out. are giving much time

s tates, are not guesses predicated on wishful thinking, but represent the actual situation as revealed by:
official records made available to
the Chamber of Commerce: And a ll sigiiM indicate, Shepherd says
that this tremendously rapid growtll-,1ts li\{ely to continue fo

Smyrna Chamber

::srtc::t~:r;~e;o;e;he ~itua~i
tion, Shepherd points out that to meet no more than the ordin~~
(:d; day to day requirements of a
. ,l mun)ty develqping at such a ph
nominal rate, it is necessary th local m~rchants keep more and a gre.ater variety of goods in stock and ,renew stocks at more . fo~ quent intervals.
Larger stocks and expanded facilitis, Shepherd emphasizes, ':will necessarily require more space, re'. sulting in a spreading out ~tit~

Names New Officers

S~1YRNA-Thrce n ew office~s

ancl four Jl C\v dirccturs h a, e taken

over positions with th e Smyrna

Chamber of C om ercc.

\V. H. C olquitt is the 11cw presi-

dent, with A. ::\I. Poston Yice presi-
dent and J. D. Da11icl t reasurer. A.

C. Shepherd will rem ain cxecuti1t:

Arthur C rmve Jr., Don G avan . A. l'vL P oston ::mcl J. D . D a niel

have b een na med to replace ~li- .

rectors Joh n Bradficlcl. E. H . D avis,
y. C. Paterson \V. 1L R ecd,

,, t1os(.; krrns expired . ,


!1Smyrna Chamber Sets
August 17 1For1 Annual Dinner M.eet '
August 17 has been designated as the date for the second annual dinner meeting of the Smyrna
1 Chambcr . of Commerce, W. C.
Shepherd, executive secretar ary.nounced today.
The dinner meetihg.-will be held at the Orme CampbelfHjgh School auditorium with a prominent speaker slated to appear on tr,e program.
Four directors will be elect~d at
the meeting w:li!ch -Will convene at
7:15 p. m. They1',vill replace directors whose term_s''expirc, namely John Bradfield,:~-'.ll:~vis, W. G. Patterson and .w~1JI;tl:ee,1f .
Chaml:ier IP.e~rs ,have been
mailed an officla.4 b'aU9.t. listing
eight nominee~lfn o;aW..ih\;they may vote for .drector.s by secret ballot 'if "hey,-re""Unable to attend the meeting. Ballots must
be returned bf August .13 at 3
p. m.
Tickets for the dinner will be $2.00 each and may be obtained by calling the Chamber of Cominerc~ t '>-5956.

Smyrna Chamber
.Sets ~inner Meet
Si\1YRNA, July 28 - SVlyrna Chamber oE Commerce has sched-
uled its sccpnd annu~l dinner 1!1ccting at which four directors w11l be
elc~tcd, Aug. 17 in the qrmc
Campbell High Scho<?l cafctcna. A program, including,,~- spc~ch
by a "promincrit person . 1s be11_1g planned, an_d m_cmbcrs will be ~1ven an oppo~umty to get acquamt-
cd with each other. . . At the ypccting, w~1ch will ?fen
at 7:15 p. m., four dHcctors w1l be
elected to replace four whose terms
expire Julv 3l. They arc.John Bradfield, E. H . Davis, \V. C . Patterson
and \V. i\L Recd. Chamber m embers have _been
mailed an official ballot hstmg eight nominees, so that they may \'Ole if thcv cannot be present at the meeting . Ballots must reach the Chambcr secretary not later than
3 p. 111. Aug. 13. Tickets for the dinner, ~2 each,
mav be obtained by callmg the
Chauiber of Commerce, 5-5956.

~cond Annual Dinner Meeting
m!f..~__fil;.QE.Qll CHAMB!B
OF c mn1IBRCE, INC, Orme Campbell High School Building
7:15 P, M. Thursday I August 13, 19,5'3



Dr. W C Mitchell

Vice President

Wm. H. Colquitt


E. H. Davis


A. C. SHepherd

(X indieat ea t hoeo whose terms
expire this year)

John F. Bradfield (X)
Wm. H. Colquitt Joaoph D. Daniol
E. H. Davie ( X)
G. C, Green R, B. Lc,gan
H. L. McEntyre :Or, W. C. k i~o hell W. C. PetJ.; ~Non (.m W, M. ttel3d (,<)
John W. Ro c'.ge:-s B. L. W5.lkc,r

RECEPTION COUMITTEE J. M. ( "Hoat ") Gibson Jamos Y. Wootton Vhn. Hubert Colquitt



Mast or of Ce>ror.:.on ~.os

G. Ca Gr:-:-ion

---------------- --,---- --- --~------ --- -

Spec ial Music

Mr s. ?n l.L. Crump


Dr. J. H. Alliscn



Proaidont 's Wolooming and Introductory


Dr J W. C. Mittholl

Brio! Business Sosaion - - Pro9idod ovor
by Dr. W. C Mitchell Proa idont

a) Socond Annual Roport A. C. Shophord '

b) Eloct ion of Diroct ors


Int rod uct ion of Spoo.kor

G. c. Greon

Address by Hor, orc.blo Ge orge B. Hanil":on

Anno unc omont "f Ro fl ult s of El oct ion
Ad1 o urnmont
NarE: Immodiot aly following adjournmant, all Directors aro requostod to assomblo fort he purpoi:10 of e1oct g officers fort he onsu:in6 yoar and t!-le transact ion of necessary b"US Liesa.

-Hamilton To Speak~

w1~f TC.hhSUapmresdbaakeyrerniaogtfhtth.Ce-toaCmnenrucael

school cafeteriaa


Treasurer Geor;ge :e H b~ State

J H arniJ.ton has b

am1Iton .

speaker in the een a frequent

~!ways gives an ?niuil City and

interesting talk. in rmative -and




l\ Smyrna Kiwanis C}ub will ob-\
serve. " Charter !Night" a t a special
festive Ladies' night occasion December 18, at Chris' on Atlanta
I road, A. H. Carson olub president
announced today. Speaker ~vill be KM< Sutlive of
Savannah, who is Governor of the
Distri'Ct of Georgia Kiwanis Inter-



Awarding of the charter will

be made by Mr. Sutlive.

l Dignitaries who will attend the _ banquet meeting include several past .governors of the organization

who -have been invited to attend .

Presiding over the meeting will

be Jimmy Colquitt o'f l\liari~tta, \

who is president of the Manetta

\ Kiwanis dub.



, The recently organized Smyrn_a

<;,l.ub was sponsored by bhe M~n-

etta Kiwanis c~ub an~ Norths1de

Kiwanis club in Atlanta. Wives of club members and
wives of invited guests have been

invited to the Charter Night meet-




Smyrna Kiwanis
1Q Be Chartered
By District Head.
Kirk Sutlivc, Savannah, Georgia ~i.strict .G~vempr of the Ki\\ams Jnkmational, will present the charter to th~ rccentlv-organized Kiwanis Chib in S~ivrna Timrsday, December 18.
Some 200 members their wives and guests from tl:c 11th
ex-{ and 1st Kiwanis Districts are
pccted to be present for the occasion.
Jimmy Colquitt, prcsjdcnt of
the Marietta Club, will be mas-
ter of ceremonies. Joe \Vrnble~
s~y, ac_cordionist, and a group of
K1wmuans from the Northside C~ub, will fumisli special entertammcnt.
.The charter night banquet WIil be held at Chris' Dining
R??m, ~outh of S1mma on Old
Highway 41 at 7:30.o'clock.

( Smyrna Kiwanians
To Hear Consul
Si\lYRNA. April 28 - Scotch b orn John C. Thompson, British Consul in Atlanta, will be th e speaker at the Tlnnstla: C\"Cning dinner meeting of the Kiwanis Club, at Chris' Dining Room, on South Atlanta Road .
Dinner will be scrncl at 6:30 o'clock, according to A. I I. Carson,
president . This is one in a series of out-
, of-town speakers being hrou1.:ht here by the Kiwani:m s. Virlrn
J'vloorc, Jr., hming been the spc,1k-
cr at the meet two ,yceks ago. \Ir. \ [oar~ sp~kc on .. Being a Good American.
_l\lr. Thompson's ~11hjcct has not been announced but it \1 ill be of t1_111cly interest.

Smyrna Kiwanis

To Meet Thursday

Cobb Count , club _ Sm rn Ys .newest civic

meet Thurfcta a K~wanis - Will

f o'clock at Camy night at 7:30
cafeteria to bell Hig-h School

Plans for th .uribcr complete


cir charter night

A. H. Carson 1

elected president ast Weck was

Which is being- SPO of the unit,

rictta and Norths' nsorcd by Ma-

wanis Clubs.

ide Atlanta Ki-


State Treasurer

Speaks On Youth

At Cof CMeet

Ge~xge B. Hamilton, Georgia'

state treasurer; at the second an

nual meeting of Smyrna. Cham-

ber of Commerc;e Thur.sday night_

encouraged citizens,M, the Jonquil

City to ~include the developmen

of good moral characteristics'" in

its boys and girls as well as en-

courage the promotion bf new con-

. struction in the town.


Hamilton explain~d that the

gJreatest sermons were not

prea<!hed by preachers, but were,

exemplified in the lives o~ wor-

thy men and women. He added

that. the problems of state would

not be solved until the problems

in the home were corrected.

A comprehensive report uf" the

activities of the Sbyrna Chamber of Commerce for the past year given by A. C. Shepherd, s~c .

retary of the o.i;ganizati-on. Re ex'
p lained that. one of .the roost oc
tive interests bf the CharnbeF wa. the furnishing of iniformatibn
about the City of Smyrna tp ,en-
quirers d esiring same. "' !He reported that the Ch'ambe"~-

had. pr~ared a;d distributed 1 ljoqklet giving detailed informa-

tion concerning .Smyrna and South

Cobb County.

,Dr. C. C. Green was master of

ceremon ies and Dr. W. C. Mitchell, Chamb er pre,ident, presided. over
the business session in which Arthur -Crowe, Jr., Don Gavan,
A. M. Poston and James f.
Sanders ;were electe'd to liill t:\ie
vacancies of members whose termr expired this year. They were

John Bradfield, E. H., Davis, W.

C. P atterson and W. M. Reed.

Other officers pre Hu~ert Colquitt, vice president; E. H. Davis,

treasurer, and A. C. Shepherd,

I executive secretary!


Other members of the board ,of


directors are J . D. Daniel, G. c.
Green, !R. 1: Logan, H. L. McEn

tyre, John W. Rodgers and B. L Walker.

Members of the recepiton com~

1nittee included J. M. "Hoot" Gi-b-

On, J. Y. W-ootton and Hubert


. The dinner was _prepared by the Band Parents Club of Campbell ~High. A color scheme of white and
'"tl.myellow was used, being carried out the. flowers and the progrum" ~ Special guests included ~amil-
ton and his wife, of Atlanta; Mr '

and Mrs. J. J. Daniell and Mr.

and Mrs. B. C. Yates, Marietta

Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Griffin Mr

and Mrs. Paul Crump, Ji~ Dom~

berg, Lee Rogers. and Bill Ki"


- --

. ~

Smyrna Growing By 250 Persons Monthly-C. ofC.

, " Big things ahead in 1953 for
Smyrna and south Cobb Countv'' m : anticipated by the Smn11a
C hamber of <;ommcrcc, according
t_o its cxccuhn: sccrctarv, A. C.
S h e p h e rd .

T he po;:>ulation of t he Smvrna

area,. Shepherd ~ays, is prescntlv
growmg at a rate of around 3 000 people a yrar, approximatclv '2 50
!1c,_vcomcrs having taken up' their ~ "\s1de1\CC here each month for scvcral months past.

T hese figures, Shepherd states,

1"a r1~s_ hnfuo lt

mere. guesses th,nkmg, but

predicted on represent the

,1ctual ~itunt ion as revealed by offi-
cial records made ,1"ailablc fo th<.:

Chamber of Commcrc<.:. And all

signs indicate, Shepherd says, that

tlus tremendously rapid growth is

likely to continue for sen:ral

months to come.

As bc:1ri11g further 011 the situ-

,1tion, Shepherd points ou t th:1t to

meet no more t han the ordinary

clay-to-day requiremen ts of a eoni

m uni ty developing at such a phc-

nomeda! rate, it 1s neccssan t hat

local merchants keep more and a

greater variety of goods in stock

and renew stod.s at more frequent intcrrnk

!-,'.irger, ,tocks and expanded fa-

~1htics, Shepherd empha~izes, will

ily requi re more space, re

1 a spreading cut of the

rea and giYing rise to a 11at, in all probability,

1cntnally in over

purposes property not

siug merca11ti)q <. tab-



Vol 2 ,. No . 9

SMY RG AC OC BULLEI' I P Iasuee by Smyrgacoc Secretary, A. C, Shepherd

April 1953



Applications for Chamber mombership from the followin;; outstanding businese firms

have been received anc: approved by the Directors:

Smyrna Automatic Laundry

Albert M. Dobbins Funeral Home

Hut uaJ. Loan & Insurance co.

Foute Service st at ion

Manly Construct ion Co.

Kenn~oaw Land & Ineuranoe Co,

Reynoles & Farrar

T. L. Dickson Market

Every one of the firms mentioned is ably staffec, adequately equipped and thorough-

ly qual ifiec alons sales anc service 1 ines to render our members ancl the general

public the sort of satisfaction they would naturally expect to receive in r.ealinr;

with any outstanc!ingly reliable firms enga.get! in tho businesses liste~. Let's re-

ciprocate their support of our organiiat ion by giving them every valuable assist-

ance that we can, keeping in mine our Chamber's slogan: "WHENEVER WE CAN, LEI''S


--- ooOoo---

APPRECIATION DAY HERCHA.l\!TS -- DE ON YOUR GUARD! The followin;; excerpte are quot?c. from a "Precautionary Bulletin" issuec Earr. h
26, 1953, by the Na.t 'ional Trades :nay Association, which sold some of our merchr.nts
on the Appreciation Day ice-a in the sprinr, of 1952: There is a. firm reported as now operating in your stat~, the outward appear-
ance of whose program closely resembles our own. The imitation is as close a'.3
co pyright and trade-riark laws will permit. nut, because of such laws, analysis
will show the absence of most of our best features. We do not know tho :r.amri o-" t'.Je Po-n alled company, but its program is reportec. to be callee'. some sort. of ' HARV::::;S'r.; L'..C? 1Golc!en Harvest,' which is one of ours.
"All the men aasociatec with t his activity, as far as we arl e ~o a sc9r~ tehl, have previously been trainee by and associated with our company at one ~tn:e or another in the past, but I for reasons which to us seemec ;,; ooc a nc. suffic~.ent, flra no longer connected, directly or indirectly with National Trades Day Assoc:ia-
t ion, any of its Trace Extension Programs nor any of its official personnel.
"We entertain not the slightest fear of CLEAN and ETHICAL competition. We hcva little knowledge of the details of their operation but, be their program ~oo c. or ba~., we want it to be known for what it :i.s ant! not confuseG with us - even t ho,.igh some of ow materials may st ill be in the sales-kite of their represent a~ iv3a, We want no credit for what they do nor hlame !or what they may promise to
C. o u
---00000-- -
WJ.N'T'ED -- Two or three route men to sell coffee anr. other fooc proc!ucts. $:1-5 guar-
~nt. J ec'. weekly wag e, plus commission. Average earnings of man presently omployod ~60 to 1)80 weekly. If interested, call Socrotary for particulars.

~:}:PLCYMENT WANTED by 21 year old eischargoe Earine who nas har. two years expari-
nr.c o i>'l. exterior and interior painting - can c.o bo:rth brush and spray paintin~ on
J:..t 11er inside or outsic.e jobs . Phone Secretary (5-5956) i! you near. help of this J ox-'j or know of som~ one who does.

":'he following excerpts from a recent latter from D. J. Haur,hton, Vice President and
J e,naro.1 Eanaf;er of the Georgia Division of tho Lockheer. Aircraft Corporation, aro qcfliOd as pointing the way to industrial opportunities in the south Cobb County a:-ea which, if taken advantage of, coulc'. lead to more work for more workors anc! tho

I 1' - ---~----~==-=-----..' -~_..!..-----------================-=:..-:~

Smyrna.~OW'On The Map-
Orders Being Taken At C. of C.


inqmnes for a map which .would

S~IYRNA' - }..laps of the City ssthroewets. tJ1c new subdiYisions and

of Sthnna now arc availaWe and The map is quite complcte in

fmay be purch::ised at tl,e office of
t I1 Cl!3 I1:J ber Of Commcrcc, _on

tI1at it is indexed as to st reets and-
s!tows the land lots which ate num

\\ est. Spnng_ S~rcc~. It is the fir5t bcrcd, and should prove a gre;.1t!

time 111 the eil) s lustory that maps Ihelp not -onlv to real estate dcal-

li:n-c been ma1:ablc.


. crs but to prospccti\'C bu:crs showJ

I . The _lmmclung of this nro1cct ing whether their lot lies insidd
1s 111ectmg a long felt 11ccd here or outside the citv limits.

according to the la~g~ number of The 'citv limits 'arc accuratck de

fined ancf the proposed new -sub

diYisions arc a lso shown with ,thci

Smyrna's Newcomers
I Are Well Employed;
' Give Church Choices
According to a recent poll taken by the Smyrna Chamber of Commerce, out of 61 r eplies, there w as only one n ew citizen . who did not have a job.
Thirty- five hold jobs with Lockheed; four with the Air F orce, 22 are employed by other
firmS' and one is unemployed.
Twelve of the newcom er s JUOV- J
ed to Smyrna from Marietta, : while 9 left Atlanta to m ake the Jonquil City their home. One good
citizen moved all the way from Japan to settle in Smyrna. The others came from 23 different towns.
Twenty-five of the new homeowners are Baptists; 16 will attend services at the Met hodist church. Other churches repre- sented are Catho1ic, 1; Chu rch of

proposed streets.

'J'he data for the maj) was tom-

piled by Glenn R. Yar 1rongh, Jr_.,
diairman of the Pln-nning Board.! and "J 'homas L. Grist, registered surveyor, and " "JS drawn b} Rob-i

'Meet Y:our Neig-~i

crt II . Ta~ !or, local architect. J
A. C . Shepherd, exccnti\'C of the Chaml>cr of Cormtieree,

Night slated lh SnlYrn~

states that he is already . filling

orders for the maps for Atlanta

dcpartincnt stores, dairies, and oth

er merchandising concerns who

make dcli,crics here. !\Ir. Shepherd will haYc the

maps at the C. of C. office where they will sell for S I , plus tax.

There is also a larger map available

which migh t proYc helpful in the

matter _of. Civll J?cfensc or by per

sons w1sh111g to mcludc additional


. A pcr~ual of the map shows the c1ty has ] 11 streets to date and

as is trnc of most cities. one must

l S1mnH1 Ki,1ai~ians, in an effort 11,mts those man> hundreds of_ pco

to better acqnamt newcomers to ple \d10 ha'"': moved mto the Sm, r

the mca, 1\ill s?onwr an informal na ar('a ,nthm recent weeks t< kcl

'\\lcct Your 1\;eio-hbor" night Campbell High Scl100I.Fn~lav at


at home, to g\:t, be!t~r arq11a111tcd
,1ith tl_1eir fc!low c1tlzcn~, a1_1d t?,

p. m. in the school i:-~ktcna, Prcs1- rcal!y like _their new surro1111cl~}1gs,

clq1t /1.. IL Carson said todav.'

Carson said.


Rcfreshmcnt.v "ill he scned at "This "ill be a splcncl1<l opP,or

the affair, which/ is held fo r me11 ttJnit\ to meet the city and schotil

onh. Tf1e Snn;rh,i Kiwap1s club bffodals of the Slllyrn,l urea. "ho

hopes to prov{cle 01:iport~nit} for ha\'e been invited to attend t)11~
eitize1JS to mce~ cit\ and schoo_l c.,f j gct-toacthcr an~l med rn:nw fi!1C

fici,1ls at {l1c 111(om1al gathcrmgs. pcopk thev might n~t <_>then, ISl

"The k.1nm1s tlnb of Smyrna know (or a long time,' 11<! stile~

read carefully or there will be con

fusion. There arc no duplications

but there are such streets as Piuc

Christ, 2; Congregational, 2; Epis-

Pinecrest, l~inchurst and Pinedale'.\

copal, 1; "Gospel Hall," 1; Holi-

and there 1s Dunn and Duntonlf

ness, 1; Interdenominational, 1;

Gober A,cnue and Gober Tcrrace'j

Lutheran, 1; Presbyterian 5; and

Ilarolcl Avenue and Harold Lane'

Protestant, 4.

:;:mfor9 Road and Sanford Place

All new citizens evidenced de-

.sires to affiliate with local civic




Vol. 2 ... No. 9

Iaauec! by Smyrgacoc Secretary, A. C. Shepherd

April 1953


DIREX::TORS APPROVE ADDITIONAL t!EMPERSHIPS Applications for Chamber membership from the following outstanding business firms
have been receive~ anc. approved by the Directors:

Smyrna Att omat ic Laundry

Albert M. Dobbins Funeral Home

Hutual Loan & Insurance Co.

Fout.a Service stat ion

Me.nly Construct ion Co.

Kenn~aaw Lane & Ins uraneo Co.

Reynolds & Farrar

T. L. Dickson Market

Every one of the firms ment ionec! is ably staffec!, adequately equipped anc! thorough-

ly qual if iec. alon g sales and service 1 inee to renc!er our members and the general

public the sort _of eat is fact ion they would naturally expect to race ive in r,ealinh

with any outstandingly reliable firms engaged in tho businesses listed. Let's re-

ciprocate their support of our organiiation hy g iving them every valuahle assist-

ance that we can, keeping in mine. our Chamber's slogan: "WHENEVER WE CAN, tEI''S



The f ollowini:; excerpt e are quot ?c. from a "Precautionary Bullet in" issued Earr.h 26, 1953, by the Nat 'ional lraces Day Association, which sold some of our merchnntA on the Appreciation Day ir.ea in the sprin [; of 1952:
'There is a firm reported as now operating in your stat';3, the outward appear-
an ce of whose program closely resembles our own. The irnitat ion is ns close a'3
co:71 right anc trade-mark laws will permit. nut, because of such luws, analysis
will show the absence of most of our best features. We do not know the ~a.mrJ of t'ie Po-0allec! company, but its program is reportec to be callee some sort. of 'HARV:JS'T.;
t.~S 1.Golc.en Harvest,' which is one of ours,
"All the men associated with this activity, as far as we are arle ~o a.seer~ t e h-1, have previously been trainee, by anc. associated with our company at. one -~tmo
or another in the past, but I for reasons which to us seemec Good and suffid.ent, f!Ia no longer connected, directly or indirectly with National Trades Day Associa-
tion, any of its Trace Extension Programs nor any of its official personnel.
"We entertain not the slightest fear of CLEAN anc ETHICAL competition. We
hcve little knowledge of the details of their operation but, be their program i::;oof..
or ba~, we want it to be known for what it 5.s and not confuser:', with us - evon some of Olilr materials may still be in the sales-kits of their representa-
7, ivos. We want no credit for what they do nor blame for what they may promise to

WJ,.i"J'i:'ED -- Two or three route men to sell coffee anc'. other fooc procucts. $~5 guar-
r-nt Jec'. weekly wage pl us commission. Average earnings of man presently employed )60 to ~) 80 weekly. If interestoc., call Socrotary for particulars.

1!l:PLCYMENT WANTED by 21 year old dischargoc! r~arine who nas har. two years experi/')1'.c o i"l exterior anc! interior painting - can co bdit h brush and spray painting on J ::..t110r inside or ottsice jobs . Phone Secretary (5-5956) it you neef. help of this Jor-'J or know of some one who c!oos.
LOCKHEED POINTS THE WAY ri:' he following excerpts from a rocent letter from D. J. Haur,hton Vice President anc
J E"na:rnJ. Eanaf;or of the Georgia Division o:r tho Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, are
qci"cod as pointing the way to industrial opportunities in the south Cobb County a:'ea which, if taken ac.vanta~e of, coulc leac to more work !or more workors and tho

-~- -.::---

ruil.c!inG or additional. payrolls, two things we very much nooc at this atai,::o or our
community growth: "Doar Mr. Shopherd:
'"four lotter of Fobruary 16 asked us to incicato somo of tho typoe of businoss wo woulc liko to soo established. in tho commun1ty if it dovolops lo.tor that wo m~ht
havo work we would profor to purchase rnthor than perform in our own pla.rtt. "Wo would l iko to soo sott horn industries oxpand to an extent that thoy gradu-
ally oquip themsolvos with both men and machines to succossfully supply the aviat,ion incustry from a quality stancpoint 1n an officiant and profit ar.lo mamer. This, of course, would have to he a very grac!ual transition, but could bo accoupliston by tho southorn shops' combining ion manufacture along with their comme1f!ia). bits hoes in such a wo.y that t hoy can moat c ommorc ial demands and yst not bo too dope11 .!en~ ,:,;,on tho aviat,ion industry. By such a combination, aviation requirornont~ wc,vlt: g.r--r1w1l1~,
onoompase t hoir shops and give them an opportunity to train key pe0plo to tho hi.rh
s'tandards and quality of work roquired within the aviation industr'j. "Thero is neod for a gonoral aircraft machine shop and a woll-ro ur1dor. a i.rc:-a~
pl!'Bt ic shop. Wo do not bolievo that at the prosent t imo wo coul.:! koep e::.th0r oho:;;, bury to ful.l capacity 1 but it sooms to us that thoy coulc. draw r,o~ only f:i:'O'll c-oi;JI"!G,..._ c ml unr.ortakings, ru-1-, also saok work from other aircraft compnr. ieo j.1 t'.-lo Tox.w, o::1a:1orr.'.l nnd Kansao aroa or in tho East.
"A.1othor Pl'Oblom 5.s tho r~reat c!istance from tho ostabl~.shod manufectiro ..s of 'lircirft. oo"'lpO".'lor.;';s. Honn o~ the largo manufacturers of inctr'JI!le::i"Gs, clo:~tr nioa go..r, an .:~ h~cr::rnlic 11scembli0ei hns branch plants :in this area. xx. xx x 1,0 ~' r>~... i;~d yo1, !'St:dst us in this problem by po:btfoi::; ou: to t:iee J c:imran iee 1,h3 \--ain pdm:;tillitics cf the South nnc the acvan~ages thnt 'th13:, v.J,.t'!..t f;a~.1. 1:1'; e.,.tt,lr,g up sl..o:?1.1 w-thln -~ho aroa."

Tho nox'; rr.,ot :ing o:: tho SMYRNA MEN s C:.UD will be hold in tho .Annox o:: t:10 Fir9t

Moth:lr'i.rt Chi.r~l-.,r!uy <>"G11'1...r.g, May 11: 1953, The opoaror will 'hu Dr. i~ S H,.,r-o..i.,

ono o~ Johb Comt:.' ' E' 01.!birtan-ling citizons. A3 a community loa .!er, ti.'". Ho::-oc. ha.:i h:ict

much 'to c.o wit:1 t :10 Jucc'lOS of mnnJ cf tho prorrossive, pl"Ogl~f.lma coric:u~tec ry tho

twonty-l)ne lll'p1~vaM.c;nt clubs oo?'mi fog in va~ious px"ii s of Cobh Co 1.1r1ty. Dr. Herod

was !or::ierl;v a rro:'.'es::ior of Sc ior.ce at 11Goorhio. Toch" and has had wit.o and var ioc

expo1io11cos in 60 Iilan~ differ.on+, fiolc!s thnt ho is ominontly q'.lalified to c.i~cu"ls

authoritf'tboly almost any subjoct ono mi.c;ht men-tion. Dr. Herod's ability, cou~loc with maf;no~ic and inspiring personality, his enthusiastic outlook up"n life, a.11d

his lon~ and i.1ter0si; ~.r.g rocord of lnuc.a'ble accomplishlnonts in many different fiolc!s,

all combine to :',ns~iro a real troo.t for th~so who E',ttonc! tho moating on May 11.

Dr. Herod's talk will be prococec! by tho uaual c!innor, to bo servec by tilo ladios

of tho chw-~h to Hem's Cl1.1b r.iomhor'3 and thoir gu'.lsts, tho only requiremont fer got-
,.n ting in C'n tho oi:mcr ( from a chnrgo of 'Jl.25 a plc:tt.o) being that you notify
ono of tho nc.t lot or .,.,ban a day or two ndvnnco, in o:;;-co:.r that auoqueto

p:!'"ovifii'Jn may i,1" mrco t'o~ all who plan to at-tend: Mrc. A. J. Carlton (ph,no 5-506),

G. C. G~ee~ (phcne 5-~722), A. M. Aiken (pho~o 5-4446), or A. C. Shepherd (phone

5-5956). Th0 c}.nnrr will cormr.~nco nt 7:15 P. M. Buoinoss moati."lg anc! speaking program sta~s

ut 8. Den 1-:. miss t:r.-i r~inner OR tho moating, nnd con't forgot to lot us know b ad-

vnnc') t 1' you will bo 0::1 hand for tho ovoning repast.


SUPPLEMENT NO. ll.8 (To accompany SMYRGACOC BULLETIN for April 1953)

'I:1e followinf~ list of newcomers who have recently locater. within the c!ty limitG cf Smyrna is furnished through the cooperation of Mr. Howard P. McCollun t;f the Ci~v Nat er Works Department:

1 Alexancer, JG, Jr, 472 Pinehurst Dr 27 Hoadley, Lawrence, 587 Ventura Roac

2 Aultman, L, 510 Pinehurst Dr
3 Aust in, Adair, Church st

28 Holland, AW, 568 Glencale Circle
29 Holsen, Paul, 585 Beverly Hill3 Dr

4 Avera, W D, 492 Valley Drive
5 Ball, Gil'!;ort C, 626 Glendale Cir

30 31

Hopson, Hyde, L

H H;


Conc ld Sp

ord rin~

Road Road

6 Barrett, Billy H, 490 Pineda.lo

32 Johnson, Geo W, 172 Walker st

7 Baynes, Donald J, 544 Glondalo Cir

33 Johnson, Robt M, 604 Beverly H~ls D::-

8 Biasinnar, Robt E, 628 Beverly Hills Dr 34 Jones, M L, 123 Walker Court

9 Bruut ignn, Do.vo, 643 Ventura Rd

35 Jost, Herbert E, 406 Co?1co':'"r, Rd

10 Brock, J H', 152 King st

36 Lowis, Jamee D, 629 Che:..okoo R~

11 Broggon, W L, 499 Pinedale

37 Minti, J F, 198 Gra-3.y Sc

12 Brown, Douglo F, 521 Glondalo Cir

38 Morgan, Clarence WP 6tO C-lor:dale ::1r

l ~ Cha.rt er, W B, 722 San Fernando Dr

39 Morrison, I E, 595 Vnn'::. l..tra'Rci

lt1,. Coffey, Robert L, 715 San Fernando Dr 40 Moss, L E, 644 Dovo:c-J.y HilleDr

15 Coopor, J s, Concord Rd, Rt 2

41 Oneal, J Thoor.orn, 543 Ventura

16 Ec1rnoet, WP, 668 Charokeo Re

42 Palmer, L F, 557 Ve".ltura Rr.

l '/ Edv;ards, Jack E, 209 Sharon Circlo
18 Effrain, Donald, 635 Ventura Re
19 Ell'od, CM, 198 Hawthorne
2Cl Fnulknor, G F, 505 Pinodale

43 Ra van, W H;; 334 Dank S~
44 Sanders, Oocha, 631 Bovorly Hi::.1s Dr
45 Scor,r,ins, Arthur, 588 Ventura Re.
46 Sunset Valley Ranch, 114 PNdcr Bpr.;c st

21 Fl1 ooborn, Davii E, 543 Chorokeo Rd

47 Taylor, Goo H, 723 Ko~nosaw Way

22 Girso:.1, J A, 583 Glendale Ci~clo

48 Tayler, RE, 194 Sh~rcn Circle

23 Gruves,. itobt M, 620 Beverly Hfills Dr 2t1. GuLh'rio, Kimmy, 244 Pinocrest Ci:-cle

49 Thurmon, Molvin, 714 Clrl Sprin;;: Rd
50 Tucker, Clifford, 203 Elizabeth st

25 H:iwk, Claude A, 515 Burbank Circle

,5'1 Wagonbreth, W A, 525 Vo:.1t urn Rd

26 ----------------------------------

52 Whitt ingi; on, L M, 553 Burbank Cir So

53 Wilson, Grady W, .5'63 Ventura noac.

54 Wooster, George E, 138 Quarles Ave

Tho following list of newcomers is f'urnishod throu~h tho cooperation of Mossrs. Jack Davis, R. G. Lewia, Sr., anc. Miss Norma G. Morris, of tho Cobb County Water Wor:le'$,., Off ioo:

1 Anr.erson, Joseph, Hawt homo Ave

11 Howard, R J, Pnt Moll Re, Rt 3

2 Du:iloy, BR, Wostwood Circlo, Rt l

12 Hudson, Edwarn C, Walls Dr, Rt 3

3 Barrot,t, Frod E1 Ch:-ysler Av, Rt 3

13 Jackson, D R, Wolle Circlo, Rt 3

4 Ca1den, Charlos E, Wells Circle, Rt 3 14 Lovott, C W, Atlanta Rr'I,, Rt 1

.5 Chambors, OT, Walls Cir, Gon Dol

15 Marlor, James D, 203 He~fo'!"d Pl, Rt 3

6 Col.otian, A H, Lois st, Rt 2

16 Mom..oo, Wilbur, Church Rr:, Rt 1

'l Connor, C o, Wells Cir, Rt 3

17 Norsworihy, W H, Atlar:ta Rr1, Rt 3

8 Coa>k, V H, Jr, June Iqlo Re, Gon Dol 18' Phnrr, H K, Conc ,Jrd Ilc, Rt ,3

9 English, Dorothy, Mrs, Eubanks Rr-1., Rt 119 5oseboo, WH, J\t:.nrtun R-:, Rt 1

10 H:mson, All'rerli C, Main st, PO Dox 898 20 White, Dowey L, ?erk Ci!-cl9~ Rt 1



i Marietta Daily ~a~~
Woman's ClniAVill
B~ck City Entry

W. P. Pa'ris Speaks
To Smyrna Women

Mrs. Bail '.Speaks To Woman s Club
Mrs. E. M. Bailey was speaker at the 28t anniversary meeting

iWoman's Club IHonors Teachers

In Town Contest

SMYRNA __ \ V. P. Pa;:s, of the Georoia P0\1er Companv 5 Better Hon~c Town's Department,

of Sm!yrna Women's Club last week at the clubhouse.
Highlights or a recent world tour

1At ~~ernoon Tea

I Smyrl')a _Woman's Club will sponsor the Georgia Pow~r Con:ipany's Champion Home Town m
the Jonquil City, Mrs. C. M. Ham- . rick, club president, reported fo- ' , day.

was the guest speaker at the mcct-

ino Tuesday afternoon of the

Woman's Club. Mr. Pam ~lso showed tIJC J1m, "Ccor0.1,",., the Em-

pirc State."


Mrs R. E. Dunn, chairman or

Tallul~h Falls School, brought facts

made by Mrs. Bailey were brought ]
to club; members by the speaker._ She ..discussed the strides made
by the' Women of the Philippines and Japan since they were .1tiven the right to vote.
She stated that she thought that

SMYRNA-Markin g the week's social calendar was the tea given -Tu:.;sday afternoon, by the
Smyr na Woman's Club, honoring th e teaching staff of the Smyrna Elementary, The Fitzhugh Lee Elementary and the Camp-

Plans to sponsor the contest

on the scho(\], this bcmg the

peace would come when the peo-

bell High s.chools.

were made at the regular club ; meeting Tuesday, Mrs. Hamrick I said.
Chairmen will be named to direct acti/vities in the contest and record progress.

month devoted to the school. The hostesses for the afternoon
lwere Mrs. A. J. Coppenger, and Mrs. Robert Baugh.

ples of the world understood each other and when the underprivileged of the world can share the betfer t f,, gs of life.

The Ciub House was especially

a ttractive for the occasion with

arrangements of zinnias contri-

buted from the garden of F. M.

Collier, Sr., red er fall flowers:

dahlias The tea

and table




Plans were also mc!de at Tuesday's meeting for a banquet to. be held February 6 at Smyrna Legion

:Home Town Contest Backed By Women Of Smyrna Cfub

centere,l by an arra ngement of I r ed and whit e roses in a silver container, while silver candle-

Home honoring three Smyrna bo:i:s

/ SMYRNA-The Smyrna \ Vo- r-

sticks held white tapers. The t ea

who have played on the Geogna

man 's C lub officers and members

and coffee services were placed

Tech footba ll team during th e paSt

are attending many meetings and

at each end.


holding gct-togethers in connection

Pouring during tile hours of 4

Hostesses were Mrs. E .. C. Bird, :. :.vrrs. C. L. Deal, Mrs. A. L: Ben-
nett and Mrs. B. II. iHanson.

with the Better H ome Town contest which they are sponso,ing.

to 6 o'clock were -Mesdames W.
w: I E. Patterson , Mrs . w. L. Black,
Jr., Mrs. c. Mi t chell an d Mrs.

Robert Baugh.

Mrs. Claude Hamrick, club

presiden t was the official hostess

Mrs.Chester Martin

a nd Mrs. Baugh w:_i.s . gen er~l chairm :-1n of the occasion.
Registration was in .charge of

Leads Women's Cfuo

Mrs. F. T. Brown and Mrs. Raiford Monk. o thers assisting in

'Smyrna Workshop

ser ving wer e Mrs.. G . C. Qreen ,
Mrs. .R. E. I)unn, Mrs. J. W. Nash,
Mrs. James F. G en t ry a nd Mrs.

Allan Morton.


S;\IYRNA - :Mrs. Chester l\fartin, president of the Georgia Federation of \Vomcn's Clubs conducted n workshop for the Smyrna
Club \\'cdncsdav :1t the club house discussing the ,vork of the federa-

' More than hundred guests call~d dnring the hour~ set.
At a ' short busnes~ sesson of the cluo held prior to the tea it
[ wa s vot~cl to keep the club house open a ;>:1d to serve coffee during .

tion \\'ith special emphasis on the

th e vot ing hours on Novem~er 4

10 departments now being stressed in the state.

Under the National Federation

theme, ''171c preservation of our

American Heritage," and Georgia's

theme "Today's Task - Ton1or-

row's 'Need," Mrs. Martin took

the ten departments and their sev-

eral divisions as thcv could be. pro. motccf by the loc:ai club.

The ten departments named arc.

American Home, Americanism,
Communications, (which embraces

audio-, isual. education), Conserva-

tion, Education, Fine Arts. fntcr-
national Affairs, National Defense,
Public Affairs and , V clfare.

Abox luncheon brought b) the

mcmhcn, was enjoyed at noon from

a table centered by a lo,cly ar-

rangement. of flowers in a French

potterv container brought by l\lrs.

.\fartin for the occasion.


A called meeting of lhc execu-

tive board was held after the workshop cliseussions.

Smyrna Women
Plan Xmas Bazaar
On December 9
SMYRNA - The salute to the flag led by th e intermediate Girl Scout troop under leadersh ip of Mrs. Ed Maney and decorations of U. S. flags highlighted the November 11 meeting of the Smyrna Woman's Club, at the club house.
The hostesses for the afternoon were Mesdames W. E. Patterson, W. A. Quarles, A. H. Carson and David Cano.
Planning for the annual Christmas bazaar and turkey dinner to be held at the club house Dece,mber 9 marked the business session over which the president, Mrs. Claude Hamrick, presided. She will announce the committees and chairmen in a few days.
An honoredvisitor of the afternoon was Cobb county's well k n own a'nct beloved club worker, Mrs. E. M. Bailey, of Acworth.
Other visitors were Mrs. w. R.
Mountcastle, former Smyrnan now of Talladega, Ala., and Mrs. James Pressley.
A delightful social hour was spent with Mrs. Patterson and Mrs. Quarles pouring coffee. Delicious party sandwiches and confections completed the collection.

Americanism' Woman's Club Theme

Marietta Daily Journal-Fri,

As Smyrnans Prepare For Celebration the club voted to buy a new die-/

tionary for the library and heard al
s;,~YR!''A - 1 'he I-.franing of Mrs. G. e, Green, chairman of rweialldibneg voof ttehde-orenviisuedObcyt-olabwesr.which

Arncric.an1s111 w,JS the suh1e~t of the/ tJ1e Americanism divi.s ion of the' Mrs. Claude Hamrick Jr., the

progr_mn of. the \Vomau s Club mcctmg T ucsday ,1ftcrnoon, at the

club, was in bringing out


Presiden t, announced that :\fr. \V. , P. Parrish, of the Georgia Power's

club house.

America had its birth 011 the prin- Better Home Town Contest would

cip,1] of freedom.


be in the city to make ;icturcs

IWoman's Club Picnic
Slated August 11th

Mrs.. David C,1110 Jed the pledge Thursday ,rncl would be a t th e club to_ the flag, explaining the proper house -at 1:30 o'clock. T he club is

etiquette to he used and the man- sponsoring the, contes t loc-.:i lly.

ncr in which the flag shou ld be dis- The club also voted to sponsor a


second Girl Scout Troop.

The annual picnic of Smyrna / Woman's Club will be held Aug~st 11 at 12.30 p . m. at the club- 1 house, Mrs. Claude Hamrick, president, announced today .
Members are urged to attend / and to bring a covered dish.
F ollowing lunch, a shod business sesion will be held, Mrs. R. F . Holahan is chairman of the event.
Smyrna Woman's Club Sets Party
'SMYRNA - Invitatitms ha,c been issued by the J unior \ Voman's Club to their anuual C hristmas paTty to wh ich the husba nds and dates arc in\'i tccl to be held Friday evening, December 19, at the American Legion Horne, on Pinc Street. .
Each member will bring a gift for an underprivileged child and there will be a program of en tertai nment satisfying to all tastes, and a door prize for some lucky guest.

IA mMerri~c. anH's CSre. edM, u_dlkisee~y1sgsainvge eatchhe pomt. Mrs. Joe Pruitt discussed the

Rwc~1Ee11McDrhsuo.nsRtne.asisfeosrdfoMr othnek aafntedrnMorosn.

/ responsibility of th:<: citizen to his , country.


1 ."vlrs. \.Y. E. Patterson, }ho is in

charge of the !ocal club's pa-rticipa-
1tiou in the restoration of Independ-

ence Hall in Philadelphia, called

lthe "Cradic of Liberty," told of the plan and called upon the rncmb_ers to set aside a penny a week
m eo1~junction wilh the plaii of

the General Federation for rcstor-

ing the historic s1uinc:


/ The Fcderatiou's plan for it,

American ism . project and cclcbra-

r ... 1

~ion of its
... ,.,"'' J,.l..,.,..

166th year of the sign-

uti,..,._ 4 ...... : ...



l,r,, frl

September 13-20,. which h as been
,c.:, ,_1:;1ae ov pruc:1am,Jnun ur vover- 1

nor: Talmadge and by Smvrnas

I \1avor, Guvc Duncan


Among other item; of interest i''s Club
Sponsors Red Cross
Funds for the Red Oross Drive are being solicited in the Jonquil City with the Smyrna Woman's Club spearheadimg the project.
Committees have been named by Mrs. C. M. Hamrick, club president, to contact every home 'in
l Smy,rna for contributions.
Mrs. David Cano was named to obtain donations from Smyrna merchants. She Illas requested that merchants bring donations to her when possible in order to speed up collections.

Smyrnains wlio work in Atlanta

and contribute lt-0 the drive through

Smyrna Won1en.

the firm for which they wurk, are requested to give the foformation to the party soliciting funds fuart

Set Birthday Mee_t

they are residents of Cobb county. In that manner, the county will
receive a part of the monies con-

tributed by residents who work in

S~IYRNA - The Smyrna \\'o Atlanta and other locales.

man's Cl~h will celebrate its 2~th

,mni,crsaf\ at the i\lay mcctmg

l'ucscla\' ,iftcmoon, at 3 p. 111.'at

S:\IYR:'\ \, The Jumor \\ c ,111n , Club 11 ill meet 'ft:c,cb_ C'. ,Jing, .:it 8 o'clock, ,it thc hvm<'
,f \In . CJrl Edge. :~J t: lber'

the club house with the Exccutirc Boznd scf\ing as ho,tcsscs. ?-. [rs. E. l\ I. 13ailcy, of 1\cworth. and prominent club ,,oman of C:cor
lgia, ,,ill speak ~n her recent \\ oriel Co-opcrahon 1 our. l\lrs. C. C. Green. the cl11h's
first president, '."ill be- in clpr:gc

Club Women Hear 'State President
Members of Smyrna Woman's Club on Wednesday held a Workshop at the clubhouse with Mrs. Chester Martin, State president of

;tre-e:. \ fii lJ attend,.mer' 1, de ir J.

of arraugcmet1ts. 111 _'_1h1ch other 1~1tercsti11g ,mcl liistonc features \\'Ill be a part. All past pres1dc!1ts and
former members arc cspcc1alh in\ itcd to be gue,ts of the club for

Georgia Federation of Women's clubs in charge,
Lunch was served at the noon h0ur to members and guest~.

~his occasio11, according ~o .i.\Irs

.Jaude Hamrick Jr., prc~1dcnt.

Smyrna Women
Hear Lt. Campbell J At Recent Meeting

SHYRN A - Lt. .Charles IL Campbell , of the U. S. Air Force

Filter C enter, Atlanta, 11as guest

speaker .at the Tuesday meeting

apf th e " 'oman's Club and showed film on the \\'Ork of th e Crouncl

Ohsener Corps of Civil Defense.

Th e speaker emphasized that the

Ground Corps had hrcn se t " U ,ill

around Sm yrna which is still un-

organized and of the ncccsstt) ut
getting a working system set up

lhcrc: He was introd~J_c~d by l\ lrs.
Lc\\'ls .Anderson, Cm! D,fcnse

chai rma n for th e club .

i\frs. R. R. Manning, Sr., 11,1s

named house ch,1irma11, and .i.\ lr.s.

. \\ . E. Patterson, grounds eh:1ir-

m;1n, for the club, and mone1 ,,ill

be appropriated hy the c:lub fo r

] needed imprmcmcn ts.

lt was \'Otcd to b m an A meri-

can fl.lg fur the Girl Scout Troop

No. 12, which is sponsored by the



l\-lrs. Stc1e Lonclcau ,was in tro-

d uced as a new 111cm her and l\ Irs.

Eugene Rice 1\':JS a \'isitor.

. V alentin e colors were emplo~cd

in the decor with red flowering

qu ince and reel candles, and Va-
jkn tines an d candY hearts graced th e cherry pic-wh11]pcd crea m re-

fres hmen t pla te.

Th e hostesses. were Mesdames

C. C. Green, Leslie Cam p, II. S.

J\ lul kcv 1 Lewis An derso n a n cl

Claude Tlamrick, Jr.


Won-1ens' Clubs Set
"Get Vote'' Drive
SM YRNA - The Smyrna Woman's Club and the Junior Woman's Club are sponsoring an intensive drive to "Get Out the Vote" for the November 4 election.
Eight million women in the federated clubs of the U. S. are working to insure the ~:r:-eatest
number of registered voters exercising their American privilege of electing the leaders in our government on that date.
Every member of both clubs are contacting ten or more people urging them to vote and of fering transportation to the polls if desired. Any one desiring this service is invited to call 5-4012.
The Club House will be open all day with baby sitter service which will enl}ble- mothers with small children to go to tl:e yiolls. They will serve coffee all day and there will be sandwiches and other edibles for sale lth~re.

'Understanding Will Bring Peace,'
Mrs. Bailey Tells Smyrna Women

Popularity Contest
Set At Smyrna For-Coming Show

-New Slate Officers
Installed In May
By Woman's Club
SMYRNA - Installation o.f

Bv RltBY Gfi.JtS

focncc h ctwccn th e . C h ristian na-

S:\I\'RNA - Mr, . E. ~L B:1ilev, t'.ions and those who wot,h1p Bndof Ac,tortl1, w:is th e fe:i tured spe3k- cllia. It was in Ban(;kok, Thailand .

er -a t . tbc i\ meet ing of the where the people lived on the_ti~ \Vornan's Ctuh T nes<l:1\... when the er, wasl,ed theit clothing. thr.',r

d11b C'Ot crtaincd its 28 th an ni,crs- bodies arld durriped -their relusc in


the water, th en <lrnnk it. Their

' i\lrs. Bailey delightfully recount- \ li fe span is _onl y 21 ,c:irs. she said.

eel c,cnts of ,her recent world tonr 1frs. _B ailey thinks tha t world

of goodwill on I\ bich sh e wa s !net p_cacc will come when the peoples

md entertained b \' our Am erican of th e world nn dcrstand each oth-

;cprcsentati,cs of the several conn- er and wh en the nndcrp ri,ilegcd of

I tries. and had :mdicnces \',"ith kin "s, of th e wor~~ c.1n sh are _the better

gnccns, prime 11tini~ters and tf1e



things of lite. ~ oint , pr0f9r:1m

Sh of

et hperaUi s.eds.

the +
as th e

5hc sw3ye<lJ1cr hearers with h er fin est c.ffort eH'r made tO\\Jrd th-;it I

descriptions 9f the bc.1ut)' of what enJ.


t~e sh~ had seen, her-intimate rc:icti.ons

Uoaro's St~g~~tions

to the peoples: :ind

_amu su~g I In a brief bnsihcss ~css ion presid-

th111gs tltat h:i?,f?C~cd to her on h er I cd over bv t-.lrs. Chmde Tfarnrick
round s, cx~mpl1fying keen powers f pre ident the club acce pted as

of perception and sense of hunh ./ ; hol;. the fonr .recommendation s

or. . . . . . .

, I of the e;-..ccn ti, e board ;1s foll ows:

.She shm1 ed mnov ~1cturcs of th e_ I -:,, frs. Lewis Anderson to serve as

trip and a sc~apbook of al\ press I trc:1snrer on the rcsia nation of the

reports and pictures 1-n:idc m th.:: '

" .h 1b

several. countries visited, faceti ous- elected one; no~ to re~t t c c n

ly remarking that she knew ' '110 ' ho_nsc for dancmg until ~~me rt


could beli eve wh:1t 1 tell


coulGd ipftroTvoe


I 1111 I pmrs ha~ been made on 1_t, to l t
the Jnmor ~lub use the club house for its meetings; .and to give hon-_



. . I or:uv membcrslnp to l\lrs. Rub,

Mrs. Bailey \\Ore an cxqmsitc- C''<: of the Jonnial for her coop-

lv cmhroidc.rcd Kon" Cluna

blouse fromf a corsage o

Hon~ wooc1


,,1.ti1 ,

ti1c club'



rose; drown i1{ Iiawaii and a hand l\1rs. \\ ._,F. . Patterson co,n nctc~

c:an-cd" ivor pin .from the Philip-
pines. She trcs cntcd the cln~-with an cquisitelr han<l cnlbroHkred

3tcrh:)>lllmdCtllcclOltuor_ynntthgurn.eteeh, emweh)._emcnabr.~thr-s~e.r~crm~~1.0blJJph\.aIa1K_c.t'

tapes t ry wall pai1cl fr_om Japan.

\\ycoff, M~s- Gan. ,DaHs anc : rs .

Ju her audience mth Nagmh of J. G. i\foms, Sr. She was assisted

Egvpt. '1\irkish coffee ,,;ts scncd by i\Icsdarncs G. C. Green. R. R.

from ch ina demitasse cups. Some- 1\1:mnmg. Sr., and Mrs. E. C. Byrd.

one mentioned taking back a su- a candle being lighted for each dc-

vcnir of the country and the Prem- parted member.

ier ghallahnth- proffedred the cups, y 1s1tors m. eludc. d 1~, 'irs. \\' . R .

wh :.:: t . c~ acecpte .


Mountcastle. a past 2rcsident, l\Jrs.

SMYRNA - A window full of

Smyrna's lovliest children-their

PthicetuJurensio' rthWatomisa!n'Ts

hat is Club i

what s ask '

ing. E nter your child, boy ?r girl six years old or under, m
the' " Shooting Stars" popularity

contest. All you have to do is cover .a

pint size fruit jar with a com s lit in the top, take it to Mrs. John H t>dgson, 210 Stevens St.,

to let her lmow your child is entered. The jars w!ll be placed at strategic r,oints about the dowtnown section of the city

where a penny counts as on e

vote. You may decorate the jar as

attractively as you can even to

attaching a snapshot of the en try. The jah must be covered so
the monei will not show. Your child may be a "Shooting Star."

who knows ? The prizes will be awarded purely on popula r ity.

There will be no judging the

children. The prizes will be awarded the second night of the

home talent production in con-

nection with . tl).e "Snow White and the Seven Dwar:s'' child-.
ren's extravanganza. There will

be four IJrizes, first and sec-

ond for boys and girls. The pictures of entrants w111
be displayed in a downtown

show window. You can loo!< them over and cast your vote for the
one you choose. It will b e a du-
ficult task, mates. You m ight

just want to vote for them a ll. The show will be held at camo-

bell High auditorium Octob er 23 ] and 24 and the prizes will be
awarded the night of the 24th.

offlcers featured the May meet-
in g of th e Smyrna Woman's Club held Tuesday afternoon, at the club house.
Mrs . W. E . P atte rson, a p ast -president, conducted t h e installation making of it a most
impressive occasion presenting each with a r ed rdse as a token of esteem a n d confiden ce.
The officer s installed were Mrs. C. M. Hamrick, Jr., presid en t, Mrs. J . W. Na sh, fi r st vice; Mrs. Ferd T . Brown, 2nd vice, Mrs. R . E. Dunn, r ec. sec., Mrs.
Allan Mor ton, trea s., Mrs. Raifor d Monk, cor. sec; Mrs. J am es F . Gentry, histor ian , and Mrs.
G . C. Green, parliamentar ian . Six past presidents of the club
recognized at the m eet were Mesdames G. C. Green, .the club's first . president, W. A.
Quarles, W. E. Patterson, Fred
Dowda, W. R. Mountcastle, of Ta lladega, Ala., and David Cano.
Mrs. J . P . 'Cranshaw pre9ided in the absence of.the president, Mrs Lewis And.erson ;
The club house ..pi:esent ed a typical spring theme in its d ecor of blue ,Siberian iris and shell pink roses.
There were two visitors, Mrs. Campbell, and Mrs. Virgil Far-
rar, of Marietta. The hostesses fo r the after-
noon were Mesdames James F. Gentry; WilUam Black, Richard Williams, Beatrice Lowe, W. .E. Shipp and R. F. Holahan.

It was m 9mro t1iat ,foe~ saw Baile,, Mrs. Hal Bcshcrs, t-.lrs. thl' deposed Kmg Farouk s 20.0 an- Giles' and Mrs. Ruth Vanncman,

j tornobilcs. .

''"ho is returning for membership

. Mr_s, Bailey sal_utcd the club pn after an absence of some years.

its birthday anmversary. a~d told D eli htful refreshments were

t he women that the 11 million du~ served ?rom a lace covered table ~n

w omen around the world cons~1- which rested the birthday cake m

tutcd the most powerful grouf, i~ green and white, the club colors.

the world and that they could 1a, c

_ ____ ~- __

of :111vthi11g the\' waqtcd-cvcn peace . Sl,c told the strides women have 1.;,adc in Japan sin ce. they wcrl'.' given suffrage and of the women of th e Philippines ha,ing_ ca1lcd their woman's club "\Ve the \ Vomcn of the Philippin es ,,ill 1101 toler~1tc" - corruption in g01crn- '
mcn t. or clscwbcrc.
- -~~-=-- She was imprcs,ed with the: dif-

The annual picnic of the Smyrna

\Voman's Ch1b will be held on

Tu esday, August 11, at 12:30 o'-

cl ock, at the club house. Accord-

ing to the president, Mrs. Claude

Hamrick, a short business session

will be held immediately after lun-

cheon. All members are invited to

come and bring a box lunch. Mrs.

R. F . Holahan will head the com-

mittcc in charge who will provide


the drinks.

MA RCH, 1953
The Smyrna Womans Club honored her three outstanding athletes of the year, Sam Henseley, Dan Theodocion and Buddy J ones at a banquet recently in Smyrna. The occasion was Smyrna's tribute to her, three sons of the famed Tech's Golden Tornado of 1952. This was a beautiful and a noble tribute long to be remembered by Smyrna people . Coach Bobby Dodd of Tech and E d Danforth, sports writer, were among the distinguished speakers for the occasion which t ook nearly four hours of feasting and listening to the "well done's."
This affair was sponsored by the Youth Cooperation Department, Mrs. F .. T. Brown, chairman, Mrs. Claude Hamrick is president of the Smyrna Woman's Club.

Marietta Daily Journal - Sund-ay-, -A-pr-i~l 19, 1-95-3--3B

Woman's Club Hears

Smyrna Women Hear Talk On lndians

Talk On Ind ians By District Chairman

By Mrs. Sidney Ruskin, District Head


Iof the entire cluh ycnr.

Sl\lYRNA _ Mrs. Sidncv II. 1\frs. R_. B. Gile~, of the At)a:1ta

R k." us_ m,

0 f

D cah r
c ' 1'

fifth d

<l{strict .

G ood \\'111 Industry, 11':IS a nsitor and presented the cause of the Iu -

chairmaf.!_ of drama an 1~agcalnbtr1 d istrv The club will sponsor the far the lcdcrntcd \Vomcn s C n s, l

\ias th e spc,1kcr at the April meet- ca use of. _the Industry here an~l

ing of the \Voman's Club Tuesday ~[rs. Dane! C:1n?, -of ~he Jonqml

afternoon at th e club house.

Beauty .Parlor, will rccc!l"c bundles

"l R k" d 1 1 tee! 1 er hear fo r th e tmek or take names and

r n _rs. us 111t1 c.: ig If ti l hist~r; addresses of tl10sc kwing discrir<l-

corfs thIlel Cahner0o\k1 eelll1CndOian s JwC ho wer.e

. d

f ll!l



C1O tln,n g ,

app l,ai1dcesc1

t1w fk!.TSt ,rcsa1"dscmthtes. o_ncc. n(_)\ln ' '

of Ch

ertolk11e,, e

"re" "Na"-


or an

dManmrvstla.1d1Je1.1ng\sVat1.h)1acNt 1aJmsYna,t\1)CrhvreJrns.mdnDesnt.rycc.


hon .



L.;nclcrs, .l\-Jrs. J. 1\1. Gibson and

. l\lrs-.. Ruskin wa s mstrum_cntal l\ lrs. II. L. i\fcint;:re were hos

\ An outline of the- history of the Cherokee Indians was given by Mrs. Sidney Ruskin at the April meeting of the Smyrna Woman's club held at the clubhouse. Mrs. Ruskin of Decatur, is the Fifth District chairman of drama
and pageantry.
The speaker stated that this I
area was once inhabited by the Cherokee tribe and was known as tihe Cherokee Nation. She showed many interesting archeological relics to illustrate living conditions of the vanished race. She , wore for her talk a colorful In-
dian headdress. Reports from the district and

m ,gcttmg the 5~al~ to bu~ ~he tcsses for the aftcrrioon. Vanndlbnsc at Spnng Phcc.:. She
I to)d how so many of _our towns

.,l received their names fro m ~h e.

Jmti.1os -

Ball Ground, 1 alkmg

lWk and others. She showed roam interesting

Hrchcological relics .which gi1c

mute C\idcncc of how these early

Americans !i,cd. She wore an ln-

dian head-dress. Reports fr~m the distr_ict and

I state convcnt10ns were given by
the prcsitlcnt, l\1rs.. Claude Ham 1 r,ic~ Jr. :md Mrs. R. E . Dm_m,
who attended the state conven tion

as Vthiseitocrlsubt'os

delegate. the club



Sam H arper, Mrs. Donald Byers

and i\lrs, Paul Brown.

l\Irs. G entry , who is chairman

m:__ of the Garden Di,ision of the
club, annot~nccd. that o:ganiz!I ti onal rncctmg for the d1\'J s1011 will

be held at the club house on May_ \ 20 at 10 a. 111. It will also dis-
!cuss the plans for beautifying !he club grounds ,vhich is the. pro1cet

state conventions were given b:v

the president. Mrs. Claude Ham-

rick Jr. and Mrs. R. E. Dunn, who

atte~ded the state convention as

delegates from the Smyrna club.

Mrs. Gentry, chairman of the

Garden division of the club announced that an organizational ,

meeting fo-r the c!ivision will be '

held at the clubhouse on May 20

at 10 a. m. The group will also

discuss beautification of the ' club grounds, a project that was adopt-

ed by members for this year.

Mrs. R. B. Giles, of the Atlanta Goodwill Industries, was a visitor

at the meeting. She outlined the
fwork of the Goodwill Industries.

The club will sponsor the Indus-I tries in Smyrna and will accept
1 donations of discarded furniture, 1clothing, appliances, or anything

that can be mended and used "by

I the organization. Mrs. David Ca1;0
of the Jonquil Beauty Shop will f

receive bundles, or take names of

people who have something that

I the Industries can use.

Visitors to the club were Mrs.

Sam Haroer, Mrs. Donald Byers ,

and Mrs. Paul Brown.

l Hostesses were Mrs. J . W. Nash,
Mrs. D. C. Landers, Mrs. J. M.

Gibson and l\'Irs. H. L . McIntyre. 1

Smyrna Boys On ,Ga~ Tech Team

Banquet To Honor

Smyrna Players


S1nyrna Citize11s Are Proud
Of -City's Foothqll Heroes

\To.Be Honored

On Tech Eleven


The gold of Smyrna's jom111ils i\ bcginnmg to glcm ahO\c the

Sam He:n-sley, Dan Theodocian and Buddy Jones, three star players on the Georgia Tech football

A recognition banquet honoring Sam Ilcnslcy, Dan Theodo-

rai1Vioaled b;mCJl earth, hut thi s spring it is a\ nothing rn111p;1rcd to the glo\\' in the hearts of Srnyrn;1's citizc11\ as they go about pre-

team, all of w,hom call Smyrna
"home" will be honored at a ban-
quet February 6 at Smyrna Leg-
ion Home.

Member.s of the Smy;rna Woman's Club are sponsoring 'the so-

cial event honoring the players.

Speaker for the occasion will be , Coach Bobby 1Dodd1. of the Tech
coaching staff. Coach Dodd will be

_introdu~ed by Ed Danforth, popu. Jar' Atlanta Constitution sports

Plans are now being completed
\ by the club to make the banq1,1et
. one of the most enjoyable ever
_held -i~ the Jonquil City; 'i\lrs. c;
M. Hamrick, president of theclub,
M~s. R. E.' Dunn is general chair-
rrian'of the banquet. 'Sfie will'ap-
point'cominitteesto work out 'tl'le
deta~ls of the lbanq'uet -relating .to

decoration and food.

. ~

.. Mrs. Ferd Browh is ticket

sale,; chairman. Titjcets e,yiU ,be


, .:.

cion and Buddy_ Jones, Smyrna's
three members of the champion-
ship Georgia Tech football
squad, will be held Friday, Feb-
ruary 6, at the Smyrna Legion
Sports notables Bobby Dodd,
Ed Danforth, and Red Pressley
j and their wives have been invited to attend the function . Tcntalivc plans for t11c bauquct were made at a meeting of the executive committee of tl1e Smyrna ,voman's Club Monday, Mrs. Claude H. Hamrick Jr., president, announced. General chairman of the banquet is l\Irs. R. E. Dunn, and ticket sales arc under the direction of Mrs. F. T. Brown.


Plans Completed ~[rs. \V. E. Patterson was app_omtc<l to chairman a garden diYis10n for the clnb grounds as its

By Smyrna Women special project, 1\frs. R. R., Manning; Sr., co-chairman. The 'Club will sponsor the 195;

for Sports Banquet Georgia Power Better I Jome Town

Sl\'fYRNA - Plans were com-
pleted and committees appointed for the Sports Banqt'1ct to be sponsored by the Club on Februarv 6 at the January meeting of the \Vo'. man's Club Tucsdav afternoon, at the Club House:
l\1,rs. Claude Hamrick, Jr., the president, announced the follow-
ing commit_tccs: l\.1rs. R. E. Dunn, general chamnan; Mrs. A. B. Mor-

Mrs. Baugh, Tallulah . Falls
School chairman, asked that each member turn in her $1.00 for the school in order for the club to meet its quota immcdiatclv.
Refreshments wcrc scncct by the hostess committee, i\lrs .. E. C. Bird, Mrs. A. L. Bennett, ~frs. C.
L. Deal, and Mrs. B. II. Han-

ton, Mrs. Jim Gentrv, Mrs. J. M.

Nash, Mrs. \V. A. Quarles, Mrs.

Robert Baugh. Mrs. Horace Mul-

key and l\.1rs. \V. E. Patterson. The

reception committee will be 1\ Ir.

and Mrs. Hamrick, 1\Ir. and Mrs.

Gentry and l\fr, and Mrs, Raiford

1\fonk. Mrs. F. T. Brown is in

charge of tickets and rcscnations.

paring a banquet for three of their boys 11 110 m;1rched to ,ictory
11ith that golden tornado-the Georgia 'l crh 1"ootba11 Team of
in E\-CT) bud, Smyrna, old folk, little c!1iklr"cn; those \\'ho arc
rabid football fam aud follm1u s and those 1\ iiu \\onld 11ot k11u\\' a
(JllJrterback from a goal post. They all k110,, Sam and Dan and
Buddy. Possibly it \\'as when they \Ycrc little tykes in the first grade,
or by those who taught them in Sunday sc:100] or watched them
play games do1n1 in Brinkky Park.)iomc remember seeing them run fo, the bus cnroute to ~lariltta IJigh or helping ont 011 the playground or carrying chains for the sun-cyors during ,acation time. :\Jany watched them as they playnl baseball for the :\Jarid ta Arncric;m Legion last summer. Then one by one they entered Gcorgin Tcc'1. '!11cy plmcd on the freshman team and then the ,arsit,. one of them pbyi1.1g on both at the s:imc time. They had learned football under Coach l'rcssk, at :\forictta High and thcv learned it so ll'cll that thev became a;1 asset to their college tcan;. They played hanl and clc~n-just the 11a, thn had !ilcd-and Coach P1cssb sa,s il t;1J..cs that kind of ho~.,- to -p Ia.,, that hwnd of football. .An<l if ~0u to, ct cnoub"h of that t~pc 011 a kam ,\it-11 team spirit, thcv arc bm11d to win.
They did win e,cr~thing in the hook in 1952. Their IJomc Tmrn is proud of them-not on]~ as football players, but as boys representing the highest type of character, physiral fitness aml rnc11bJI alertness. Their academic sbrncling has been as ontsta11cli11g as their leadership in the sports field. And no11 their home folJ..s purpose to put on the shm, and kt the hor ancl their parents be the spectators. They propose to roll out the red ~arpct, suh.
It talcs mothers and ,,omen to matclr "ords 11ith deeds and climinuti,e Laura Alice Ilamrick sparked hn \\'01nau's Clnh into action and a part~ was pLmn<:d. Bnt'it wouldn't be complete unless Cn,1ch r3obhy Dudd could be present as 11-cJI ;1s Coach Presslc,-and did you c,-cr try getting tll'o football coaches together on a ;pccifie date? But after rnucl1 telephoning and waiting and patience the thing mt~ accomplished ancl a date could he ;11mon11cccl-l 'cbrnarv 6. Then <c.rn1c the c1ucstion of \\hat kind of narh 1\oul<l the,. bcri,~ for the bovs?
,\ da~ce 11as rnggcstcd. r-:o, not a <lane,; for tlicsc boys. Don't you rcmcJ11 bcr when 011c of them got his sistc~ to teach hi,;1 enough dancing that he could lead ont with a girl when he had heen elected King of the Valentine Ball at >.larictta lligh? lie carried hi~ tux Oil his arm thci1 'cause he refereed a '.iaskctball game before the dance. '\o, these bo~s l1a1e hccn too bu-~ playing at sports a11cl ohscning training n_ilcs to be ahlc to go .out nrnch with girls-110, a

d:mcc 11,1s not the right kind of a party. :\ banquet! That's what it

11ould be.


A beautiful gold alid white banquet it ,,,ill be at the American Legion llomc. \ \'c \\"ill let them me their plc1sure about bringing

dales ,md we' ll l1a,-c 200 plates at that banquet table and let :1111

Smyrna Poised For Banquet

friend or fan 11ho makes the first 200 rescr:,1tio11s come and he,i'r

11s tell these boys how, cry mneh their home lO\rn appreciates them,

say the \\'Omen.


And do you kno\\ 1ye\1,: heard that these big stah,,irts arc tell-

Honoring Ga. Tech Stars

ing their mama., th:Jt they arc going to be ,c:1rnl ont uf their 11its IIJ sit do\\ 11 11ith 200 people-in Smyrna. \ li1ma countered with one, '"\Vhy the idea of yom hci1ig ncrrnus '-' ith a lot of home folk


IhaYc to stick with the uumbcr an- the happiest experiences of his life I

"l'yc ne\'cr seen folks so help- uounccd,' she said, "since there to ha\'c coached these boys in hasc-

ful and enthusiastic as they' have just isn't ai1y . more, places pos- ball where he ~ot to know them

been in inaking ready for the ban- sible."

each pcrsonall). "They arc tops,"



The fans arc looking forward to he said.

The spokesman was i\lrs. Claude the affair with keenest ihtcrcst C. S. "Shorty" Smith,, of Grant-

IIamrick Jr.. president of. Smyrna with Jacket Coach Bobby Dodd ,ilk, a former member of the T<:ch

\\'oman's Club.

and Ed Danforth, sports editor of ,,usity, mid Coach James Pressley,

\\'hen you ha,c played football before thousa11ds of people." Oh ~ cs, but that's different, they argue, that"s different. But jittery or not, they ha,c accepted the imitation ,1s h:l\c the C'0,1chcs and Smyrna is
conning the days. Dr. C. C. Green \\'ill ..:mcee-which mm ac: count for the boy's jitters. And Ed Danforth "ill be on hand to add a few sports b:irbs. It ought to be a great occasion.

The banquet'?

the Atlanta Journal, as the fca- who coached the boys at l\farictta

It's an ciaborntc function Fri- turcd speakers. There also "ill be High will be honored guests along

day night .it 7:30 at the Smyrna shown excerpts from the films of ,\\'ith parents of the honorees.

Legion H all honoring S,un Hens- .sc\'cral games of the 1952 unbcat- Dr. C. C. Green, "hose read~

lcy, Dan 111codocion and Buddy en season.

wit and gobd'.lrnmor is well k1101rn,

Jones, Smyrna boys who , w c r c Among the guests will he tlrn ,,ill he the master of ceremonies.

members of Georgia Tcch's Sugar of the boy's former nrofcssors, Dr. The theme of the decor of the

Bo\\'I champions.

N. S. Herod, at Tech, and Simler Gold and \Vhitc affair is a closely ,

"'Ne only wish we could ha,c Antley, superintendent of .i\larict- guarded secret, but 1Yith tl\o of the

had a larger hall as our 200 tic- ta Schools.

city's top decorators in charge, it

kets have been sold days ;igo. \Vc'll ~\ntley says he counts it one of will undoubtedly be a triumph.


Parents To Watch Bowl Games
On theScene, Over Television

Itahvcs ha\c gone on ,1hcad. Bud
took off with an uncle Sunda,

to be on hand to cheer Dan along

-if need be.

Buddv Jones' mama will be too

busv at' the hospital and looking




after Pappv Jones to get to the


Sam, by tl1e way is co-cap~ain game but i1sclcss to say they'll be

In the dying hours of this good now. \loclcst to a ' fault - 1ust glued to that new Tv to learn ho1\

yc..-ac of our Lord 19 52, before one like the ir former Coach Pressley- their offspring is making out. Yon

can wave a cheery goodbye to Old it is hard to learn much about sec, Pappy Jones was laid low with

Santa and get the shedding tree these boys on the varsity, but ? :1 stroke some months hack, but

out of the faing room or the ma llcnslcy did not learn ~bot_1t his_ friends, form~r cmploycr_s and

tissue and tinsel out of siirht hrrc Sam bcin(T elected Co-Captam hll ncJghbors saw to 1t that he did not

comes the bowl games bidding for she read b it in the bia dailies miss TllIS game by giYing him a

.their share of the nation's atten - though she had talked ,,~th Sam \ TV set f?r Christmas.


almost dailv.

. \Ve tncd to get Coach Prcssk~

Smyrna and ?d arictta - C\'cry- \Ve tried to kam ,vhethcr Sam on the phone to get his reaction

onc \Vhos\ young'uns ha\c been is teetering on that tight rope of to the game, but found h~ ,1;i~

coached by OJJC James Pressley, arc becomino- a bcncdict - a maladv out of town-,1 ho knows he JS not

more than a littk excited over the.. ,,hich s~cms to have struck the in New Orleans. But 11ith all his

Sugar Bowl game down N'u Or- team with epidemic force. Not a modes~ he mu~t he practicalh

leans wav with fi\'c of "our" hms 11orcl docs one get out of Sam. hustin' his breeches about ha\ing

either iti the fracas or sweatinf: "it He'll tell you what. he wants you all these Co.):ib County boys on

out from the bench praying their

the \arsitv frams l1crcabouts.

turn to get in it.

ro knO\\.

r\nd tl1at reminds of one hot

One of the mamas WO know of Then there's Mama Thd>~cwn Saturday aftcn_1oon in Scptc_mbcr

will he right in the stands seeing who follows her big hand~c. we had ,o~cas1on t? drop 111 at

it first hand. That's Sam Hens hon c1crywhcre Jocalh in tE~ Coach D1x1c Howells house on aa

k\s m'amJ \\'ho never has missed a ga{ncs, but "ill not be able to leave" errand. He h~d bro11ght the boys

rm game ~ince Sam \\'Cilt- to Tech. her city clcrking - or by that t ime 111 off the f1cld because of th

She will lea,e \Vcduesdav mom her new job - to sec Dai'l play in heat at_lcl

you guc~s \\hat lu

ing round the crack 'o da,Yi1-blan-
kct and all. Yo11 sec, the four children knm\
their mama is going to the games regardless of \leather so they gan.. her a sure 'nuff footbal\ bki'n_kct
for Christmas so if it turned- cold
as far as tho Gulf she would still be able to sit through to pull Sam

the Sugar Bowl, but her rcprcscn- w~s domg.


,,.. -

Just what a postman docs on lus

holiclm. Ile 1\as lounging in ,

large chair in front of the 'IV 1\itl

a small radio 011 the table b, him

11atching a football game. lic

,rntchcd on TV but he heard ,i;

radio \\'hat \Yas happening. Just one

guess on what he will be doing

fhursday afternoon.

f-t .f--lit.~ :.~' -

Marietta Daily Journal - Sunday, February 8, 1953----SA

...... ...

S!\IYRNAJ>~YERS AT TE;CH HONQRED - Smyrna citi1.ens

honored .that town's three mcmbe~s of Georgia Tech's Sugar Bowl

_ champions Friday night at :in elabor:H:e banquet at the Legion

' Home. Th~ \Voman 's Club was the spoJ1soring group. (1) The

,.,..-.,i_.'": "' "
i "

.~_:)'i\(,:t'-~M:. ~..


SMYR~A PLAYERS AT TECH HONORED - Smvrna citizens honored that town 's three members of Georgia Tech's Sngar Bowl champions Friday nigl)t at an elaborate banquet at the Legion Home . The \Voman's Club was' the simnsoring group. (1) The

,1, , , ,s,J ~

_players-Sam Hensley, BuddyJones and Dan Thcodocion-line up
behind tl'ieir parents. Seated are Mrs. Paul Hensley, Mrs.. J.. A.

Jones, and Dr. and lVlrs. Sam Theodocion. (2) Eight-year-old Jerry

Brown, wn of Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Brown, gets the autograph of

~1LJ!lllf, 1 - - .~ --- -~-~--


,Ji,11 . ,/c j ' 1' j,


players-Sam Hensley, Buddy Jones anc1 Dan Theodocion-line up bel.1ind their parents. Seated are Mrs. Paul Hensley, Mrs. J. A. Jones, and Dr. and Mrs. Sam Theodocion. (2) Eight-yc-,u-old Jerry Brown ; son of i\Ir. and ~1rs. F. T. Brown, gets the autogmp!i of

Sam Hensley, the Jackets' All Southeastern Conference end. (3)-

Threc of the four Smvrna \Vorrian's Club hostesses for the evening

for the function 'are sl~own greeting the boys' high school superin-

. - -- .];'":;lc: - tendent;


Antl~ev. .

' "







--~= Hensley, the Jackets'. All Southeastern Conference end; (3)_e of the four Smyrna \Voman's Club hostesses for the evening l ie functi9n are shown greeting the boys' high school superinent, SluJ-1 .nlle:v., They are Mrs. Cl:mde: Hamrick Jr., , ,Irs.

James Gentrv ::nd Mrs. R. E. Dunn. Not shoYvn is Mrs. F. T.

Brown. (4)~.. C. Green, sharp-witted emcee of the evening, tells

a tall.tale on one. of the honorees.

(Photos bv J~ \kT~c)



t ;$,;



James Gentrv and Mrs. R. E. Dunn. Not shown is Mrs. F

Brown. (4)_'.c. C. Green, shnrp-wittcd emcee of the eyening 1

a .tall talc on one of the honorees.

- - (Ph!'JrR,..~






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Marietta Daily Journal - Sunday, February 8, 1953--.SA

SMYRNA..fl;AYE R:S A'l.,,,,T, l~CH HONQRED - Smyrna citizens

honored that town's'three members of Georgia Tech's Sugar Bowl

chm!1pions Friday. night at an el;bonite banquet at the Legion ,

Home. Th~ ,\Voman's Club was the spO}tsoring group. (1) The

.~~'"#--, ~

.. .



players-Sam Hensley, BuddyJones and Dan Theo4ocion-line.up .,, Sam Hensley, the Jackets' All Southeastern Conference end. (3)-

behind tl'icir parents. Seated are Mrs. Paul Hensley, Mrs. J.. A.

Three of the four Smvrna ,vornan's Club hostesses for the evening

Jones, and Dr. and Mrs. Sa111 Theodocion. (2) Eight-year-old Jerry

/or the function 'are siiown greeting the boys' high school superin-

:rhey Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Brown, gets the autograph of

tendent; Shuler Antl,eyi

mm - . . ~!Rffl ~, .. .. .- _~,.-'"<irdil~t.sss:!:.::' .. ..<........,.,_. '"",e,, . * , 8~ @'. T 7 Et #ffl

are l\Irs. Claude Hamrick Jr., Mrs.


.:'.'.':-: . ,., / ,.iMl'ir '

James Genhv nnd Mrs. R. E. Dunn. Not shown is Mrs. F. T.

Brown. (4)--'.c. C. Green, sharp-witted emcee of the evening, tells

a.. tall.tale oU"oue oftbe honorees. '



_. .

(Photos by }Of M cT yre)




Marietta Daily Journal - Sunday,. F.,ebruary 8,. 1953-SA

SMYRNA PLAYERS AT TECH HONORED - Smyrna citizens honored 'that town's three members ot Georgia Tech's Sugar Bowl champions Friday night at an elaborate banquet at .the Legion Home. The \Voman's Club was the sj10nsoring group. (1) The

players-Sam Hensley, Buddy Jones ancT Dan Theodocion-line up bel)ind their parents. Seated are Mrs. P_anl Hensley, Mrs. J. $\. Jones, and Dr. and Mrs. Sam Theodocion. (2) Eight-year-old Jerry Brown; son of Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Brown, gets the autogmpt of

Sam Hensley, the Jackets' All Southeastern Conference end; (3)Three of the four Smyrna \Voman's Club hoste~ses for the evening for the function are shown greeting the boys' high school superintendent, Shuler Antl;Y They are Mrs. Clande ,H,amrick Jr., Mrs.

James Gentrv 2nd Mrs. R. E. Dunn. Not shown is Mrs. F Brown. (4)-.:C. C. Gr~n, sharp-witted emcee of the evening i a tall talc on one of the honorees.
. ' ..,....,. fPlw. 1,,,.,rl~~- 'I,,!{ ,


Oh! If I had a daughter, sir, I'd dress her in White and Gold
And put her on the campus To cheer the Brave and Bold,
But if I had a son, sir, 1 111 tell you what he'd do
He would yell, 11 '1'0 HELL WITH GEORGIA, 11 Like his daddy used to do.
I'm a rambling wreck from Georgia Tech And a hell of an engineer
A helluva, helluva, helluva, helluva, hell of an engineer.
Like all the jolly good fellows I'll drink my whiskey clear.
I'm a rambling wreck from Georgia Tech And a hell of an engineer.
Oh! I wish I had a barrel of rum, And sugar three thousand pounds,
A college bell to put it in, And a clapper to stir it 1round.
I'd drink to all good fellows Who come from far and near.
I'm a rambling, gambling, Hell of an engineer.









[)IN NE r~





































\ I
The members of the Smyrna Woman's Club wish to express sincere appreciations:
1. To those who have had a part on this program.
2. To the members of American Legion Post No. 160 for the use of the Legion Home and other courtesies extended.
3. To the Local and County Newspapers for the
generous publicity given this Recognition Banquet~
4. Special ap~reciation for the beautiful floral
decorations furnished by the Smyrna Floral and Gift Shop and the McGillis Flower Shop.
S. To ~thers who have contributed in any way to-
ward the success of this occasion, Thanks!


~ ,,
, . >'

... ,,.f




. '





Speci~I Photo by Joe McTyri


SMYRN~ Ga., Feb. 7-M~n and wo~en wh? knew them as youngsters gathered at the Legmn Club Fr1~ay rugnt to honor end. ~am Hensley (seated left), end Buddy Jones.and guard Dan Theodocian,. me:tt).bers. of Georgia Tech's_championship football squad. S~anding, left to right, ,are Ji~ (Red} -:Pressley, who coached the boys in

Marietta High School; Ed Danforth, Journal sports editor, and Coach Bobby Dodd of Tech, the b~quet speaker. The Smyrna Wmpan's -Club gave the party. In,the right panel are Mrs. James Jones mother of Buddy, and his sister, Miss Laura Ann. (See Ed D'~orth's column.)



''I',e 1ic\'cr: kuown. am1ther to\\'n

the size of Smyr;1a that bas pro~

cluccd simultany~bsl5 three finer ' ,,

athletes than _S:ut1 l Icnscly, Dan i

l heoclocion .!md Buddv Jones."' [i A11tl1nr of .tl1i~ statement was ''

Robert Lee Do2ld, head mentor at

Ocorgi;1 Tech, ~peaking a{- a ban-

quet in the Jo1iq11il City hoi10ri11g

the trio, all members of the Jac-

kets nnheaten Sugar Bo\\'I champs.

"Sitting right her~. in front of

all these folb is prob'al)ly the most

cmharrassin~ moments of their

lives:" continnccl Dodd, aclcling

that "thc,'d much rather be out

play!)!g fcJotball in, front r/f 80,000



1 Ile predicted the affair would go

clo1rn in; their Inter life as "the

finest honor paid tlicm."

Dodd callee) the 1952 team

Tech greatest, and ;1thihuted his

success to tlfc 'great dcfensi\'c plav

1 of S:1m. Dim :mcl Budclv."

Danforth Speaker

Ed D.111forth; sports editor of

the Atbnta Jonnp!; introduced

Dodd by saying he was the de-

fendant and 1\'c arc here to prose

cute him. "The charges against

him," he s;1icl, "was having won 61

,,as games, lnst 21 and tied 2 for Tech.
That he also 'charged with be-

ing the best coach Tech had C\'er

had, ct'c., etc., and I'm sure , on .

will hal'C no troub~ in finding him *

guilty-Bo'b1>y Dodd."


Both men said it was the best
party they h:td attended and Dodd
had attended 31 and Danforth 20 this se,1s0~. They had all b~n sj'ag parties ancl they were grateful for

DODD NEEDLES DANFORTH - "All these pretty Smyrna girls must have inspired Ed Danforth," quips Tech Coach Bobby J?odd. "I've never heard Danforth say such nice things about me at any of these stag banquets we've attended together." Occasion

the belies. Dodd said he had not for Dodd's remark~ was the city-wide, banquet stazed Friday in

known before wliat pretty sisters Smyrna for that town's three m~mbcrs .of Ga. Tech nbeaten Sugar

Sm\'rnais Tech bo\'s had .... he \\'as sorry they didn' t go in more for co-eds at Tech .

Bowlers, He labeled J?r. G. C. Green, the emcee, and his daugh~
tcr, Mrs. C. M. Hamrick Jr., as the "bc6t father-daughter team hi

Green Emcee .
Dr. G, C. Gtc::n was master of
ccrcm01~1es and kept C\'eryone in

had ever heard in action." .
ofl C rCCCj)tJOn ' C01111Tilttee TTOffi ,I
the woman's club was com}1/J3Cd

i (1o"d!l\ifoTyre Photo)

,. . '


The h~ppy cvemng_ closed ,~1th

gales of laughter with , his cffcryes- : Mrs. Hamrick, Mrs. F. T. Brow:1, t)ic showmJ?; of the fili;n o~. l11~h-

ccnt wit and good humor and the Mrs. James Gentry and lVIrs. ~- E.: lights of the T~r.nado s_ \\ mnmg

jokes he pullccl on everyone at the Dunn. Members of the \Voufan's 19~2. season \\h1ch \\as more

speaker's table and many 011t in Club assisted by a bevy of:Iovcly th~1l~111g to the fans than to. h_a\'e

the ermvd.

yuong ladies did the serving. . to sit through) the g~mes ,_as \\ cl).

Those seated :it tl1e 'speakers ta- The pine paneled Legion han- Coa~h Jam~s 1 res~!~) pro, tded lus ble were. besides the three honor ,;tuct hall was never more gala than :\fan_etta High equipment for the
= - -=-- ..... : guests, Dan, Buddy and Sam, their in' its gold and white decor with s,ho\\
~ parents. I\Ir. and J\lrs. Sam TI1c- the Tech pennants, football sched-
oclocian, I\Irs. J. A. Jones and J\Irs. . ulc and the three boys' white jer-

Paul I Icnslcy, Messrs. Dodd, Dan- seys with thc;ir identifying black

forth and Green. :Mrs. Cbudc 11umcrals, '39', '43' and '48',

Hamrick, Rd. York Chambless, forming fhc back drop behind the

Coach :md J\ lrs. James Pressley speakers table.

Dr. and I\Irs. N. S. Herod, Shulc; \Vhcn the speech making had Antley. Mr. and ~Irs. C., S. subsided, Da11 Thco<locion asked

Shorty" Smith. of Gra11 t,ille, Mr. for the floor and the mike and in

and J\lrs. j\[ax P<!mell and l\favor a few well chosen remarks thanked

and :\ lrs. Guye Duncan. The in\'0- the \Voman's Club, the speakers

cation was made b, Rev. Cham- and all who had had a part in the
bless and Re\'. E. n. Awtrv pro- . honor that was theirs, on behalf of

nounccd the benediction. 1 three bprs.

Vanderbilt Takes Plun_ge at Last

Into 'Moderation' Football With. Guepe

Vanderbilt has joined starry-eyed Tulane in a gal-

lant effort to play football in a major league...with a limited

iquad and the venture will be watched with interest by

the npt-so-innocent bystanders and with some apprehen-

1:ion by Vanderbilt alumni.


Long dissatisfied with the' modern trend toward big business

ln football, the Vanderbilt athletic board, predomimntly faculty in:

rnakeup, h b_ren restless.. It has talked of kicking over the traces

ever since wartime, but went' aiong with

Red Sandets and then with Bill Edwards

no more than half-heartedly.

Even the return to t/ie old sJbstitu-

tion rule and outlawing the two-platoon

style of play did not satisfy them. Side-

liners believed the new rules \Vould put

Vanderbilt back in contention again, but

the athletic board was not convinced.

It Is not beyond reason to-be"

lieve that the 46-0 defeat by Tennes

see in the final gam~ crystallized

their determination to call for a new

deal and Bill Edwards' resi~nation.

Faculty men do not relish such re

verses, either.

They offered Edwarns a job in the

physical education department. which


the war horse declined with tharks and

e. pleasant statement in leaving, and 1away went Vanderbilt into the

hazardous waters o( "moderation."

-Tight Operation at Virginia Sold Hi,m .

Art- Guepe has been in business at the University of Virginia

u head. coach since 1946 on what may be called a small scale com- l

_pared_ Mfh, say, Tennessee, Duke and Maryland. He has '1ad 41 ,

men ol)t .to, fhe team, o! which 26 were on scholarships.


No. ~ . tern ConferenGe institution operates on such a Jim-

Heel' J)foj;-rai ,not even Tulane, Coach Bear Wolf has 75 hand-

pick~df fOY~. , on the free list. The group includes quite a few

first~lds fooloall players, too.


It wt.s sti ulated in dealini; with Coach Guepe that he would
O,Pera.t,- with o e less coafh than Edwards had and 10 fewer grants-

fu-aid . h \VI)I bring tne Vanderbilt list of boarders down to 75

Those in lan experi

itions were as potent as the success of Guepe's teams!

. him the job. No coach with Southeastern Conference :

would like to try it.

~ :



Cooch Now in Rugged League

Art (;uepe is a wiry man, a spirited talker, quick with repartee

and confi~ent of his ability to develop representatife teams. He has

he4>n proceeding us an independent. Vii'ginia withdre,v from the

Sow.!,ern .conference during the excitement over the famous "Sanity
e" and has proce,eded unescorted on its own plan of helping a

ain number of players, kee~ir.g the budget balanced and the

liniversity conscience clear. I

Coach Gue1ie will inherit nrnch the same tnie of student

athletes he had at Virginia and quite a few more of them. He

will find himself in a league where t.he law of club and fa.rig

prevails and his brothers in arms secretly wish him the worst

of luck.~l\lost of the teams he plays will be better armed and

their wlr chests better furnished.


Gueps~ the other coaches will find, is not one to be frightened

~sily. 11) fact, he :nay find quite a few friends who will help him

i aftr~ the established powers at Tennessee. Georgia. Tech, Ala-

a and Georgia, where winning is a well-grounded habit. He will
11 I\ !plit-T Jeam to !.ha piot\lre which will.disturb quite 11 few -of t , othe r~ who hate to work out special defenses for that type of





a t

lumni he sm


can ll ~t

.aid adiu

t m

he in

change in administration by season tickets ani:'I give Guepe

the assu of good crowds in spite of the dismal weather that

1;0 often



\Vori . . if Guepe wili try to make a split-T quarterback out of

Bill Kri~meyer?

-Three Smyrna Jackets and Daffodils

A, Btlbby Dodd said in his talk, it was remarkable that a city

as sm!ill s Smyrna could .have produced three such fine athfotes
es Sa z_ sley, Dan Theodocian and Buddy Jones. The- Smyrna

Yell?,\~Ja~ets were honored by the Smyrn Womahts Club at a

diriier the Legion Home Friday evening a~ all the old families

i.r). taw

there even to the teen-agers who w'ete goggle-eyed in

lhe thr . f h~ro worship.


The bl\ll was bright with daffodils and other



"~~ ""


Mothers (and Dad The-0docian) J{ear Tech Sons Pra.1se<1

result. of hours of work hy a committee nl club women. It was a

refreshing change of pace from the gener<al .tone of football cele-

brations, a fam\Jy reunion in a spa_~ious settihg.

G._ C. Green wa~ JI,.. clever toastmaster ;1nrl hh pretty

daughter, l\lr!'. C. .i\l. "ttnm.rick Jr,, president of U1e Woinim's

Club, spoke words._oJ welcome :~uJI appreciation!, Coach Dodd
1ald he never eoaeherl finer: more modest boys than HenslPY,

coca.ptain and end; Theododan, g!iarrl, 1tnit,Jo1,1~s.,. ~nd. 'The

folks who had known them as youngstel'IS around to1,n kne,v he

wa11 telling the truth.


~im Pressley, their coach at M,ariPlta High wh~re they playeci

- - - - - -- - -~- -.:...____ ______ footl:i;ill, handled the projection m~chin,e for s:howin~ Tech's fa~t-

moving "Highlights'' sound film..

,.._' .

i . ........ , .. ..........
St~rS ~in SmYrna's



1~f1iat he was also ~h.~r~,cl "1th h e - ~ , .

They may have been "Rambling mg the best rnat.11 'l clh had ever

\\'reeks" on th<.: football field, but h~<l, d e. , etc., ,n~d ;J II! .,?ire '?u


hidav e,-cning they \Yerc back will ban; no trouble 0,~ fi,tic!Jng lum

(Coo'tiuued from,pagc 1)

home in the bosom of familv and gmlty-Bobby Docf<J.-, '

home' folk to receive the plaudits Both men said it ,d1;.. the best s\)caker's table and rn,m, 01t m

rcsencd for heroes.

party they had attended -_and Dodd J t 1c crowd,

Jt \\'as a great occasion. It was had attended 31 and D:mfol':th 20 , Those seated at tJ1c speakers ta-

Sm\ma's tribute to her three sons, this season. They ha'd a11 been stag bk \\'Crc be. idc th<. three h onor

Buddy Jones, Dan Thcodocioo and parties a nd they were g,rateful for


Sam Hensle\ of T ech's Golden the ladies." D odd said J,ic had not guc~ts, D:u. ll ~~1d, c;.li'ld ~.1111, their

Tornado of 1952. It \VJS a case of
" winner take all" so far as Smyrna ,,as concerned.
They sat through three and a

knO\rn ,bsf? rc what ;, siSters

Smyrna s I eeh ?DYS ha~l h e

was sorry ,t!1cy chdn t go 111 more for

co-eds at 1cch.


parenls7 [ r. and \[r, S.1111 The
odocian. \Ip J. A~Jo!1cs and \!'rs.
Paul Uen~t~\.., ~Ic,;,r D,x1r1 Danforth and Green, -~frs. Chuck

half hours of fcastincr-without a He talked of football ..:md boys I Hamrick, Re,. York- Chambless,

thougl1t 'of training ru1cs, of cheers and t?ld th~ three honorcd'that this Coach and Mrs. Ja111cs Prcssl9 .

that \\'l;rc only forthe victor, and occas1011 \\'lll mean much more tQ Dr. and Mts. N . S. Herod . Shuler

listened to the ""ell clone's" ~x- van ;1s the years go bv. He spoke



pressed b\' 'teachers, preachers, and of their modesty and described Antlcv, \ir. ,mcl l\hs. .C S.

coaches under whom they had bat- t'cm P,crfcctlr, \\he!l he said the " Short\ ., SnntlL ,)f Gra11tv:illc.1 Mr.

tied on ma11v a ficl~. It was a beau- boys V.JIO cou.J \\ta "ere t)1osc,' and !\[rs M:,iy }l,!r-,1cll and i\favor

tiful and a noble occasion that \\'ill who were qmet - not hang!ng and :\lrs <;,1!c Duncan. The in~0-

ri11g dbwn through the years long around _the cor1,1cr s_torc braggmg cation \\'as made bY Re\. Cham-
after the autographed programs arc about h,s athletic ah1htv, bnt who bless mid Re,. L B. .-\wtn' pro-

forgottcn. ,

could go out on the football fic!d no unccd the bciietiiction.

Danforth Speaker

to knock the _pant_s off a fellow 111 Tlic reception com111ittcc from

Ed Danforth, sports editor of the wrong color 1crscv.

the Atlanta Journal, introduced the

Green Emcee


speaker Bobby Dodd, head mentor :1t Tech, by saying he was the defcndant and we arc here to prose

Dr. G. C . Green was master of
ceremonies and "'J.;cpt c\crvonc in f
gales of laughter with his effcrycs-

the woman's dub was comr,r.1,ed of
Mrs. Hamrick, Mrs. F. r1'. Brow:1.
Mrs. James G,entry_and iv1rs. R, R.

cute him. "The charges against him,""'l1c said, "was hming \\'On 61

cent wfr
jokes he

and good pulled 011

humor and e\'cryonc-at

the,1 t he

Dunn. Mem!Jcrs
Club assisted by

of the a bevy

\Voman's of lovcl}

games, lost 21 and tied 2 for Tech .

(Continued on page 5)

yuong ladies did the ~crdng.

The pine pan~led Legion bau-

I quct l1all was nevc.r more gala than
in its gold and white decor with

the Tech penriants_, football sched-
ule and the three bovs' white jcr~

sevs with their idc1itif)'ing 'black
numerals, '39', '43' and \48',

l forming the back drop behind the
speakers table.
Football Field
' The white damask covercdtables

were garlanded ,with fern fronds

and ivy centered by a bowl of jon-

quils with, three branch candelabra

holding. gold tapers down the cen-

1 ter. The centerpiece for the speak-

: I1

crs the

table was form of

a a

work' of art takin~ complete football

field on which were two complete

teams representing Georgia Tech,
I in gold :md white, and the Uni-

,ersity of Gcorcric1, in red and black.

Even the tiny field officials were
I in their usual ~~ripes. On the piano
I was an exqu1s1te arrai1gcmcnt of

~old glads and white mums. The

, reception committee and mothers

II wore gold and white corsages and

the three boys, boutonnicres.

There.,. were gold folders with a

Tech pennant for each guest -giv-

Iing the program, the menu and
, a copy of 'The Rambling \Vreck"

which was sung with ,~1sto. It car-

ried the roster of otticcrs of the

\Voman's Club and a word of ap

preciation from the club to those ,

A'l' HONOR BANQUET - The honorees and ,tlv: special guests at a banquet honoring three Smyrna boys who were members of 'Georgia
Tcch's Sngar Bowl chm.upions pos~ (o, the cameraman. Front row, kft to ri3bt, Saw llcu~lcy1

Uuddy Jones and Dan Theodocion. Back row:

Tech Coach Robert Lee Dodd, Atlanta Joumal

Sports Editor Ed Danforth and l\111S Coach

James Pressley.

(Photo by Joe \1cTyre).

who had made the occasion such a


The Menu

111e menu also earricd out the
~old anti white colors beginning


with chilled grapefruit, and running '

the gamut' of "sweet potato orange 1

cup," and "Football'' peaches a la

touchdo\\11," for dessert.

\Vhen the speech making hacl

<>1bsirkd. Dan n1eodocion asked
for the floor and the mike and in :

a few well chosen remarks thanked

the \Vomah's Club, the speakers

and all who had had a ,part in the

honor that was theirs, OU behalf of

three boys.

The happy evening c1osed with

the showing . of the film of high-

lights of the Tornado's winning

l,;)52 season which was more

thrilling to the fans than to have

to sit through the games as ,vell.1

Coach James Pressley pro,ided his

Marietta High equipment for the ;



Durin~ the evening pictures were

made of the various groups, the

honorees and their families and in

one instance the grandparents of

Dan Thcodocian, Mr. and Mrs. T.
J. Peck. The young fry present had

a field day for autographs.

Post Script-On Smyrna .Banquet: Wore Vanishing Boutonniere


\Vhcrcever Smyrnans arc gathered together of late the s1bjcct

of the recent sports banquet comd up and everyone brings oi.1t a

new thought on it. ,Some ,of the \Voman's!? members were

peeved when they saw the pictures in the 1farictt1 ournal and the
Atlant1 Journal with the head kn kcr :0-1>.~ Dodd, minus _a

boutonniere. Sure there was a boutonniere or him and \vhcre did

it get to? Then comes the Cobb Catinty Times with a picture of

the ehief-boulonnicrc and all. The mystery grows.


The new thing I learned was that the three honored Tcch-

Smyrna., men found their places-not by a name on a place card,

but by a card with thcit picture on it. Tlic other VIP present

Iouna' jonquils and their names on theirs. \Vhen Bobby Dodd and

Ed Danforth cxprcs~cd themseh-es as being grateful for a party with

women we felt that someone should tip them off on the fact

that behind eve1y club woman wo.rking for that banquet. there was' a

man carrying hii foll share of the load.

Forgotten Men Recognized

for instance there was Jake Nash shoulder to shoulder with

Veep Gladys buying up those hams and stuff for the dinncr,Anan

Morton taking a clay of his precious vacation to slice 0\er a hundred

pounds of ham not to speak of setting up tables, chaii:s ang what

have you. Claude 'Hamrick was simply the forgotten man while

IL~!a .Alice had a finger in every pie, and they do say, that Bill

Black_ literally burned up the mixer reaming out those more than

--20.D oranges for the .potato scuffle. And mind you his Leila was

off workmg on the Scout committee serving another banquet-

of all things. Daughter Elizabeth stood by ;md hc1ped, however,

till the last orange was scooped.
111en there were Jim Gentry, Ferd Brown and R. E. Dunn

buzzing all O\'er the place. like yellow jackets seeing to every small

detail. Some highlights on the distaff side: There were the top

decorators, Joe Hoilahan, Lucille McGill_is ,and Ir~ne Baugh who
must have inspired Ed Danf.orth to head his story "Jackets and

Jonquils.'.' There ~vent the dozen cute gals serving in their white

organdy aprons with jonqnils pinned on t~c , pocket supervised

by Mat~ha Quarles, and ,don't forget Evelyn and lioracc Mulkey

wl,o must have burned the m}dnight oil putting out those more
than 200 wryite and gold folders' with the. '.fcch pennant at the

top. One would have to be yery discerning to know they were hand- so nearly perfcct _werc they.


Part Of Club's Youth Program

And since the affair was part of the Club's Youth Program:

President Ilamrick had three young pag~s, Mary Knight, Becky

Nash and Barbara Monk, daughters. of members, not to speak of

the many embryo football pbycrs who were present. They kept

the three boys, Dan Theodocion, Sam Hensley and Buddy Jones,

busy autographing their program~ as well as the visitors, Dodd and


\Ve have also learned that the Georgia Club '\'Vom~n and

the N~tional Club \Voman, magazin'es, have gotten. \1d of the

banquet and arc asking for a story each. Smyrna is ~really getting

on the map.

And speaking of pictures it seems that Life Magazl,lle's photo-

grapher has been camped in our fair city for somef ots of one
of our youthful financiers. I have no idea when they R n to break

the story, but at least we arc giving you a rattlesnake's warning.

It would seem from an announcement from the City Ha11

that Smyrna is really growing up; becoming a ,real cit . he hams
there are from 8 to 5 six days a week, acco(Jing to Helen Bald-

win, city clerk, which means one can pay bills or otherwise trans-

act business on Saturday afternoon. Mayo.r Guye Duncan say!

they arc going to enlarge the room where Council meets so they

can in\'ite the p~1blic to come up and sec- us 'sometime.

And speaking of Smyrna getting on th/map, her daffodils arc

also giving her a plug up in the cold north states of Vermont,' New

York and Conncctic1it this week where i\lrs. \Yilliam Creighton

was air mailing them to friends as a Valentine token. She has got-

ten them before ' from 1 lrs. Parker Rice, who raises them for the

market, and says they stand the trip wonderfully and are pretty

for days after arrival. If you have not seen Mrs. Rice's garden at the

. comer of Church and Concord near the First Baptist Church, it will be worth your time to go. ,


Atlanta Gardener To Address Club

:\Irs. G. P. i\IcEntire and Mrs. David Cano.
Anyone dcsir'.ng transportation may_ contact Mrs. Can,;.

. SMYRNA - TI1e August meet-
mg of the Jonquil Garden Club . will be held Tuesday, August 4, at the IIornee Orr American Legion
Post Home, on Rosw;;}! f,treet,
Marietta, at J: 30 p. m.
Th~ guest speaker wi., be \llrs. Charles Fcnay, president of the Orgamc Garden Club, Atlanta who will speak on organic garden: ing.
Hostesses for the mcetin~ will be

Jonquil Garden.. Club
To ~Meet : T u e s d a y
The regular meeting of Jonquil Garden Club will be held Tuesday at 1:30 p. m. at Horace Orr Legion Home in Marietta, Mrs. Bill Williams, publicity chairman an~ .nounced today.
Speaker will be Mrs. Charles Fenway, president of the Organic Garden club of Atlanta, who will speak on "Organic Gardening."
Hostesses will be Mrs. Dave Cano and Mrs. G. P. McEntire.
I Anyone not having transporta-
tion to the meeting is asked to call Mrs. Cano, Mrs. Williams said.

\1 Rose Expert Ta1ks

At Jonquil Club Meet

GTuaerdsednay 1

SMYRNA - ,\ detailed dis-

31,sion of rose cnlturc by :i pro minent..,fosarian, l\lrs. llorncc PO\\' c:11, of Decatur. highlighted the meeting of the Jonquil Garden
Cluh held Tucschiv afternoon at
the hom e of :t-. lrs. J. :t-.1. Gibson,
on l\ [ccllin Street, \\ith i\ Irs. \ V.
ID. \Villiams, as co-hostess, T\Irs. Powell said_ that the _planting the rose bush 1s of top unpor

tanee in gro\\ ing healthy plants and sh6wcd the members how to make the hole then make a mound in the ccn tcr on \\hieh to set the plant, Jca,ing a trench in which the roots could lie comfortably without crowding or breaking. Pack
the earth firmlv around them and \\'atcr them \\ell, she said.

She also spoke in detail on _the importance of proper prnnmg,

sj)ra\\ng anc} <lusting as the tender s 10ots arc subject to lice and oth-

er pests.

Four new mcmhers were voted
into the club. Thcv arc i\lrs. J. \V.
I Nash, Mrs. \\'. c". l\litchcll. 1\Irs.
Rov Fo\\'lcr and l\.lrs. L. E. Haws.
i\Ir~. J. \V. Langford, of Tall,~- ,
basscc, Fla., the guest of i\frs. S. \V. Lconar~\ was a visitor. 1\1rs. R. II. Kilpatrick. the president,

prcsidccl. The club's colors, ycllo;-v an<;!

iiiorccn were attractivclv earned out tl;c refreshment co urse \\ ith

jonquils embossed on the napkins

Iand the individ~al cakes scrYccl j

with a \'cllow ice. Twcnty-foc members



at- r



j J. H. Henderson, county agri-
-cultural agent, will be the guest
speaker at the September meeting
of the Jonquil Garden Club meet-
ing at the home of Mrs. Roy Fowler 207 Love street, on Tuesday,
SeJ)t. 7, at 1: 30 p.m. Mr. _Hen~crson will speak on conservation. 1 he
cooperating hostesses will be Mrs. P . F. Brinkley, Mrs. Paul Gresham
and Mrs. Roy IIaycs.

Mrs. Kilpatrick

IOther interesting details will be

announced later.


The meet was held at 1 p. m.

Elected President Of Jonquil ~lub

the hostesses SCI\ ing a dessert
course and coffee first.
The \\larch 3 meeting w:1s an
nounccd to he a cm-crcd dish
luncheon at the ho111c of i\Irs. J.

r \V. Thompson, on Cooper Lake Si\lYRNA - 1'.lrs. Ro))crt K1l- 1Road, with i\lrs. Baugh and i\lrs.

patriek was elected president _of Eel Hucskc as hostesses.

the Jonquil G_ardc? club at its There were 21 111cmbcrs present. February mcct1l,'g fuc sday after-

noon at the home of Mrs. S. \V.

Lcon;rd, on Powder Springs Road , j

with l\.lrs. E. R. Donaldson as co-

hostcss. 1'1 rs. Kilpatrick suc('ccds
i\ [rs. A. J. Cnrlton.

Other othccrs named were 1'Irs.

R. G. Lewis, Mrs. Robert Motter

and Mrs. \V. F. Lacey as first and
second vice presidents and sc~rctaf\. T\frs. D:l\'id Cano was r.c-clect-
ccl ]1istoria11, Mrs. llal Bcshc:rs,
p;:irliamcn.tarian, a:ict i\frs. Bcatnce
I;bwc, correspondm~ sc~rctar~. ''Jonquils on l\m1dc was an-
nounced as the theme for t h t spring show t? he held ~larch 20,
in the educational bmldmg of fltc , First Baptist Church with i\1rs
Robert Baugh, chairmail, an~ l\lrs.
J. \V. Thompson, co-chairman.

ICake Sale Saturday
The Jonquil 'Garoen dub w.ill hold another ca1ke sale Saturday, iMay 16, ,at the store formerly
occupied .by the Fruit &wl on Atlanta street-
Nineteen members were present at the May meeting held at the '1-t'lmte 10! ;Mrs. Lewis Anderson
on Ohurch street.

Marietta Daily Journal-Wednesday, March 25, 1953-3

SA-Marietta Daily Journal - Thursday, Sept. 3, 1953

Jonquil Club Marks 16th Anniversary; Women Hear Talk By Ernest Wester

SMYRNA - Ernest \\'ester, of cku Center at Rich's,

the County Auriculturnl Agent's of- Two new lllL'mbers were anuouc-

ficc, addressed the meeting of the eel. They- arc Mrs. E. C. Br,unhktt

Jonquil Garden Clnb Tncsclav aft- and Mrs. F. :Vt. Ross:

crnoon, in th e ;1bsence of J. H .

I fcnclcrson \\ ho was clctai1icd by J\lrs. E. R. Donaldson reported

the Count\ Fair preparations.

01'\ the progress being made in the

.\lr. \\'es ter talked on consena- lkttcr IJome Town' contest.

tion in general ::md 13ob Sell sho1Ycd Mrs. Roy foowlcr \Vas h?stcss to

slide.~ ot soil erosion 0l'er the state th e _cl uh ancl was _assisted 111 enterand how it had bcrn eheckccl bv tammg by n1 cr sister, Mrs. L. . L.

pbntino kudzu and bl' proper tct-1 Grom-er, the co-hostesses bcm~

racing ~f the eroded terrain.

,\l~s. Paul Gresham, ~rs. P. l. Brmklcv and J\[rs. Rov D. Haves.

r ::---1 rs. H erbert Ch,1rn1cll was' ap- As til e da) marked the 16th 'an- j
pointed chairman for the clubs oar- nivcr~ary of the club, the jonquil

ticipation in the Cobb County Fair, motif was displayed in the eonfcc- ,

September H. 1 he club plans to tions and the napkins.

have a float in the parade and will The 10\cly arrangements brought

exhibit in the flower division.

by Mrs. A. M. Aiken, Mrs. R. G.

\frs. J . \\'. 1 hompson reported Lewis and ~frs. R. H. Kilpatrick.

on 'the work and pla11s of the Car- t~

Smyrna Women
Set Floive1 Sho1v
Friday Atl:30
SMYRNA - The Jonquil Car den Club has announced the following plans for their spring flower show to be called "Jonquils on Parade," and to be held March 20,
from 1:30 to p. m. in the educa-
tion building of the First Baptist Church.
Classification chairman also in charge of division No. 2-horticulturc, Mrs. Robert Motter. I Clerks, ;\1rs. Robert Kilpatrick and Mrs. Ed Hucske. Tables, i\lrs. A. ;\I. Aiken; Hosj,itality, Mrs. S. \V. ' Leonard; Pub icitv, l\lrs. \V.
D. \Villiams and Mrs. Robert
Baugh. Chairman of schedule ,1 11 cl
judges, Mrs. J. \V. Thompson:
Staging, ,\Jrs. R. G. LC\\is Entries Mrs. Hal Bcshcrs.
\!rs. Robert Kilpatrick is prcsi- : dent of the club and \lrs. Robert Baugh is general chairman for the . sho\\'

Jonquil Garden Club Sets Flower Show, Jonquils On Parade
S\IYR 'A - The Jonquil Gmden Club l1as announced the follo\\ing plans fur their spring flower shm, to be called "Jonquils on Parade," and to be held ,\ larch 20, from 1: iO to p. rn. i11 the educa-
tion building of the First Bapfot Church.
Classification chairman also in
charge of division No. 2-horticulturc. ;\lrs. Robert \lotter.
Clerks, \!rs. Robert Kilpatricl! and \1rs. Ed Ilueskc. Tables. \Irs
A. \ I. r\ikcn; Hos!Jitalit\', ,\ !rs. S \\ . Leonard; Pub icih. \lrs. \\ .
D. \Villiams a nd ,\ frs. Robert Bauoh.
C11airnian of schcd ulc a 11 d
judges, i.\Irs. J. \\' . Thornpson;t: Staging, 7\ Irs. R. C. Le,\'is; Entries,
;\frs. JJal Bcshcrs. ~Irs. Robert Kilpatrick is presi-
dent of the club and ~Irs. Robert
.B,1ugh is general chairman for the ,how.
I he shcrn 11ill present tlm:e .. Spring Glory," \Irs. E. R. Don-
,1ldson, chairman; and .. Drifhrnod Tr,1il, .. ,, ith \ Its. llcrhcrt Clw11
ncll. chairman.

Pine Tree Club To Plant Shrubbery ,On Grounds Of Campbell High School

S \ JYR~A-At the April meet-,.---- ........,_ _ _ _ __ __:
j 11g of the Pint'. ' I rec Ca1clc11 clnh,

,1<.:lcl at the h0111e of \ !rs. L. A.

h>,\'lcr, on \\ cst\rnt')cl Circle, the ch!h pla1111ccl its project for the


, car. which ,1ill be the planting of shruhhcn at C ampbell 11 i g Ji School.

'Mid-June oate Set

The club \\'ill be assigned a p;irti-
cular section of th e grounds \\'hich the\' phm to p bnt according to the

for flower Show

landscape pa ttcrn. 'l he actual

planting "ill he done in the fall.

On Saturcbv, the members went

in a boch foi luncheon ,1t B arts

1 then boarded ,1 bus for the Atlanta

IG,uclcn Tour ".hich included mam of the cit,'s outstanding gmclcns.

,\ number of names of prospcc-

ti,c memhers "ere cliscu(,ccl and I'.

the club plans to enlarge its mcm-

bcrshin. h;1, ing lost some who luwc

n101-ccl :rnay.

'~' I

Utficcr~ uf the cluh arc \ lrs.

\farJ... Johnson. president: \ frs. \ I.
J. Stomps. first Yicc president; \! rs J. Jl. \ \ ,1llacc, second Yicc prcsi-

clcn !; :--lrs. I. F. }.IcLcod, third rice

prcsiclcnt; .:\ Iiss Gertrude A llgoorl.

recording secretary; \ Irs. L. 1\.

Sl',,1YRNA-A tentative date of mid-June was set for the Pine Tree Garden Club's annual
flower show at a meeting of the executive officers held Monday evening, at the home of the president, Mrs. Frank Straton,
on Westwood road. Plans cere formulated and committees acproved.
Mrs. Straton and Mrs. W. R. 9:ancock compose the schedule committee while Mesdames I . E. \1:cCloud, Joe Mccurry and Gene Causey m ake up the com-
nittee on staging and proper1;!es. Mrs. Mark Johnson, and Miss Gertrude Allgood will se -

1rl\\ kr, treas mer, and \ Ir~. L. G.

ure the judges and look after

\ foorc, corresponding sccrctar\'.

',he hospitality at the show, and

l'hc committee chairmen for the

\1:rs. M. J. Stocks and Mrs. L. A.

-,c;11 arc: liospitality, '\ lrs. Alfred

Fowler will have charge of en-

C:rrson; historian. .:\ Irs. Frank Stra-

tries and classifications. Mrs.

hlll; publicity. \ Irs. ::-, I. J. Stomps;

Hal Wallace and Mrs. R. E. Dan-

\\:ns ,me\ means. :-- frs. L.A. Fowl-

iell will promote the show thru

er, and scrapbook, ~ Irs. J. H. \ Val-



Mrs. George Brown Takes Top Honors In Pine Tree Garden Club Flower Show

SMYRNA -- M rs. Leonard attractive offerings in shasta daisies,

Moore's home on East Dixie Ave- roses, petunias, and the blooms of

nue was the scene of the June the butterfly plan t. Tentative plans were made for
meeting of the Pinc Tree Garden holding a cake-baking contest un-

Club M onday evening.

der Betty Crocker rules, the cakes

T he program featured a poem to be sold to ' b enefit the treasury. ' " Judgi11g School," read by Miss T he time will be announced.

Gertrude Allgood, which brought A family picnic for the member-

out the importance of the proper ship will be held on July 8 at placement of color in arrangements North Fulton Park.

to make a perfect combination. . Two new members wen~ intro-

Mrs. H al Wallace d iscussed duced, M rs. \.Vynelle Johnson and

backgrounds for arrangements. M rs. Clyde West.

, Each member brought an arran- O ther mern'bers present were .

gement and they were judged by M esdame~ Mark Johnson, Hal

a tally card system. M rs. G eorge \ Vallace, Lewis Fowler, Leonard

\.V. Brown won first place on her Moore, the hostess, M . J. Stomps, gladioli arrangemen t and Miss Ger~ George Brown, M iss Gertrude All- ,

trdue Allgood second on her hy- good an da visitor was Mrs. Joe . drangia piece. T here were many M cCurry.
~ -;;:::====---:::---.,-~--;=-=,-,,==',==-----=---.....----- ---

'Pine Tree Club .
Sets Flower Show
On 'Autumn' Theme . '
SMYRNA- " Aut11mn" .-,,is th'e theme given to the fall flower show of the Pine T ree Garden Club to be held Saturdav afternoon f;om
2 to 5 p. m . at the home of Mrs.
A. J. Coppenger on South Atlanta Street at Love.
Plans and ammgcmcnts for the show consumed most of the t ime at th_e club's meeting held Monday cvcn mg at the heme of Mrs. Coppenger. Mrs. Leo,;ard Moore was named general chairma n and places and types of arrangemen ts were assigned to the members.
Mrs. Mark Johnson, president announced that two judgcs ha<l : been engaged, both having accrcd-
, ited status. Thcv are Mrs. J. \V. I Thompson and :rvrrs. J. P. \ Vood
1 l


. --

.Pine Tree Garden

Club Entertained

By Mrs. Straton

SMYRNA - Pin e Tree Garden

Clu b (mtert ained at its annual

luncheon Saturday at the h ome

of Mrs. Frank Straton, president,

at h er home on Westwood Road

with Mrs. Hal Wallace as co-

host ess.

I nsta lla t ion of the new slat e

of officers was a fea ture of the

day, with 1\ Guy Carney, of

J ackson ville, F la., and former

president of the club, as install-

in g of ficer.


The guests were seated both

at th e dining table and at small

tables. A yellow table cloth was

used an d an Easter motif mark-

, ed the decor with Easter pottery

' chicks filled with violets over-

.shadowed by dogwood restin g on

I a mir rored plateau. A dogwood

spray mar ked the napkins. Love-

ly arr angements of mixed gar-

den flower s were used th rough-

out the home.


Followin g the lun ch eon the

party motor ed to Atlanta and xi-

sited the homes opened t o the

publis as a part of their an-

n ual t our.

1 Marietta Daily Journal - Sunday, August 2, .1. 953- 3-~~
Mrs. MiltonBrown InstalledAs Prexy
Of Newly-Formed Behnon_t Hills Club

BELl'vl~NT HILLS - The_ in- , women attending, anu sug:ested

1bal meetmg_ of the i~~wly-orgarnzed tjrnt the Eeimont Hills Club spon-

Bclmont Hills G:.ircrn- Cli:b met sor another Garden Club in this Thursday morning at the ho,ne of \icinity.

\lrs. Don:.ild \V. Byers, of Glen- Attending were l\frs. Grace \Vil-

dale Circle.

sou, Mrs. Sha Grosh , Mrs. Cil-

\1rs. Robert J3augh, a charter bcrt Ball, I\lrs. Gavlc Beal, Mrs.


Joseph I Iillhousc, l\lrs. Carroll ~Iil-

memher of the Jonqrnl Carden icr, Mrs. John Ireton, J\'lrs. Craig

Club, of Smyrna, installc d the offic- , Sh,np, Mrs_. 17.clgar Ellis, Mrs. \Vil-

csr in an imJi.:ssive ceremony, pre- liam Mc.Mullin, "Mrs . J~mes F.

5en ting each officer with a flower Armstrong, Mrs. Everett Insh, .Mrs.

d h

Ralph Landes, l\frs. Joseph Pierce,

ep1ctmg t e 1mport:rnce of her Mrs. Carroll Moench, Mrs. Jean


Johnson, Mrs. \Veston Baxter,

The Club chose its club flow- Mrs . H . F. Carter, l\Irs. Donald

e to be the garuenia and decided \V. Byers, Mrs. J. D . Langley, Mrs.

to meet the second Thursday of Milton J. Brown, Mrs. Sara Thom-

each month.

ason :-ill of Relrno1it Hills, and Mrs.

Mrs. Milton J. Brown, president

Baugh of Smyrna. In August the group



presided at the business meeting. holcl a family picnic at Laurel Lake.

Other officers arc i\lrs. Howard. F.

Carter, first vice president; M rs.

J. D. Langley, second ,ice presi-

dent; l'v!rs. Joseph Pierce, secretary;

\!Irs. \V eston Baxter, corresponding

secretary, and 11rs. Gilbert Ball,


Committee chairmen appointed

by the President were Horticulturc
l\lrs. Freel J. Brown; Parlirnentarian,

\ 1Irs. Harold Ulrickson; Publicity,









\frs. James Armstrong.
~Irsl Jcan Johnson and j\ [rs

Edgar Ellis served as l1nstcsscs. The

club also adopted ancl passed its

by-laws at this meeting.

~In. Baugh commendccl the club

m the large number of interested

Belmont Hills
BELMONT HILLS_:._T he first
factivity ?f the newly-organiz_cd Bel-
mont' Hills G ,irdcn Club Will be a 'Pot-Luck' Fmnily Picnic, to he held at Laurel Lake, Friday, Aug. 28, at 6 p.m. All club members, their families and prospective members arc invited to attend. T he picnic invitation has been is~uccl bv l\Irs. Milton Brown of Glendale Circle, Belmont Hills Carden Club president.

Mrs. Ne11 Huggins

Heads Garden Club Mrs.



-, .-fu_n_c-tio_n_s 1


11'-~amed President Of Garden Club

s 'Iden club. The first orgar,iized meeting will

was 1erlYecRteKdAp-r,e-si~dfer,n;t, NofellPHinueghguirnsst

~e hel~July lO at lO a. m. at the I Garden Club at its meeting T h urs-

~;: ;me. M d

I dav night ia the home of 1 Irs.

~arol ; Mrs. Milton Brown was named . en mg were es ames. L. W. Donna Br::mnon on Pinehurst

president of the Belmoni Hills Emmger, Herbert Grosch,


Garden Club. at its organizational Moench, Fred J. Brown, Milton i Other members of the slate are

meeting last week in the reerea- , - - -- ~ - - - - -- - - - i\frs. H ilda ?vfoorc, vice president;

tion room of the Donald W. By- Brown, Ralph K. Landes, How \ lrs. Jeanette H udgins, recording

ers home at 489 Glendale Circle, ard F. Carter, Robert Pittman, secretary; M rs. Donna Brannon,

S. Belmont Hills.

Edgar G. Ellis, WHiiam McMullan, correspnoding secretary and report

Other officers named were Mrs. Joseph Pearce, Craig R. Sharp, J'. tcr; and :.\Irs. Doris T hacker, ;trca-

Howard W. Carter, first vice D. Langley, Gilbert Ball, H.trold surer.

president; Mrs. Weston Baxter, Ulrickson, Jean E. Johnson, Don- :\Jcmbcrs appointed to the re-

corresponding secretary; Mrs. Joseph Pearce, recording secretary,

aRlededw, a.lJBoyferBse, lmanodnt MHirlsl.s. W.


ctcreeawtioenre a:1\n,{drs.reCfrleasnh.cmc eDnto1c1yomAmleixt--

and Mrs. Gilbert Ball, treasurer.

andcr, i\Irs. Earnestine Floyd, M rs.

Mrs. Robert Baugh, a member

Francis '\\'atson and Mrs. .Melba

of the J onquil Garden Club was


guest speaker and outlined the

- - - - - -........- - - -------'

Garden Club Fetes Mrs. H. F. Carter
The BelmontHills Garden Club held its September Meeting Thurs: day morning, September 10, at the home of.Mrs. D. VJ. Byers of Glen'. dale Circle. Mrs. Milton J. Brown, , president, presided at the short business meeting, presenting a gift to Mrs. Howard F. Carter of Glen- ' dale Circle, First Vice President, i who resigned. Mrs. Carter, co-organizer of the Belmont H ills Garden Club plans to move to Florida. . with her family, in the near future.
Mrs. J. D. Langley, program chairman, introduced Mrs. Regina Benson of Marietta, guest speaker, who presented an interesting ;mcl ; informative talk on Flower Arrangements. Mrs. Benson supplemented ' her tall with n1rious clcmonstra- . tions ancl illustrations. T he October meeting \\'ill be held at the home of Mrs. Milton Brown of 671 Glen- : dale Circle.

- - - - - - - - Friday, March 13, 1953

Mrs. Hudgins Elected President

Pinehu r-st G~rdeu Club

Mrs. Nell Hudgins was named president of the Pinehul"st Garden ciub last Thursday at a meeting held at the !home of Mrs. Donna I Br.annon on Pinehurst drive.
Other ,officers are: Mrs. Hedda Moore Vice President; Mrs. Jeanette Hucligins, ,recording secretary; and Mrs. Doris Thacker, treasurer.
Members appointed to the Recreation and Entertainment Committee were Mrs. Clari,ce Alexander IYirs. Ernestine ,Floyd, Mrs. Frances Wiabson, Mrs. .Melba McMullon.
Club meetings rare held the first Thursday in each month.



Springhill Garden Club Entertained S\IYR:\,\ - i\fr G. C. Green her decision to attend the meeting
was hostess to members of h er ,,of the Carden Clubs of Georgia in

\ 1rs. C:hark :\kC'.mry pourcri Rown1, M I D J\en port f'.ngene

coffee from the silver SCf\ ice placed at one end of. the table.

D uncan,






T h ose present ,,ere M esdames Carnes, Claude H a mrick, Jr.,

Springhill Garclcn C lub Thursdav 1\ ug11sta. ,\ Irs. Lex Jolley h ad al- C harles and F. B. McC rary, L ex Green, and Miss ?\l~r:Y L ou Mc-

:1ftcrnoon, at her home on Love ready been elected the cl ub's dele- Joll ey, Horace Mulkey, C . \ V. Gowan.




M cCrary



I f

gate. After






I ,nteresting discou rse o n ann uals- Green talked on pollination illus
1':hen and \\hat to plan t now. l\frs. dining room where a love ly coffee

Lre_en talked on polmat1on 1l1us was enjoyed. The table was over-

tratmg ~er, remarks wi t~ a chart. laid with lace an<l held a central
l\frs S '> Carnes was m troduce<l . floral arrangemen t of \ellow an d
as a new member an d ,I\.J rs. Steve i white spring flowers. Green candles

Lon deau__was made a me m ber :it burned in silver lt olders and t h e

this mce, mg.


mints were in shades of yellow, gre-

1\lembcrs l;iro ught an mtercsting en and white. A St. Patrick's D ay

T he SprinP-h ill G arden Club wil_l meet Tirnrsclav ,nth :\Ir~. S. I.
Carn es, on Ja11c Lyle Road. ;\ Irs.

~um ber of sp cci me1!s of narcissi, m otif was introduced by green

Lou is L. Prcss~.::v. well knO\rn local

Jon qmls an d da ffodils as well as shamrock leaves scattered over the

grower of Afric,i11 V iolets will dis-

ca m c1Iias.

table while small bowls h eld t he

cnss h er h obbv, accord ing to \ lrs.

i\frs. H orace ;\lu)kcy ann ounced rea l shamrock leaves.

H orace ;\Julkcy, president.

Mrs. Green SpeaksOn American Creed To Springhill Club

'i\lYR~A - Combining the Feb home of ?\fr: . 2harles :\kCrary, fl ower. She closed the in teresting '

mm binhdars of Lincoln an d the on S. A.Jb n ta R oad.

program with a fl ower spellini;

:1111:>irc State of the South, M rs. Rcadi,,, \'.'i1!iam Tyler Pagc',s con test :;ct up in Georgia folders C C. ~"Green gave, an interesting Americans Creed she said there of red. l\ Irs . F. B. :\fcCrarv w:1s talk at the meeting of her Spring- was great neeci 11a tionally to be p rcse11tc<l a V alen ti ne as con test h ill Carden Club T1wrsday at the more cogn izant of its concepts. win ner

I n it, she said. is also to be fou nd :\(rs. Lex Jo1ley wa-s elected to

Lincoln's idea l of "gove rnment of re present the club at the 25t h

the pco:)lc. by th e people and for anniversary of Georgi a Garden
the pco1)!e." She t h en menti on ed C lubs lo be h eld ,\la rch 27 and the I 21 st b ir-thdav of the state 28 'in Augusta .

qf Georgia, one of the soYcrign T h ose present were \fcs<lamL'S

t sta tes.

1 Paul Loyc joy, C . \V. Bowen , C.

f ;.1rs. Green also discussed b ulbs, C. G reen, Lex Jolb, I'. B. .\ k-

illus t ra tin g by specimens tlie bulb c~ary, Jlorace :\lulkcy and' the

classifications - corms. rlti:comcs hostess.

and tub.;-r-s, and gave the legend

of th e Cherokee rose, Georgia state

Socia!Marks 20th I . :,r I"mi .1 uJj




J. bont,.


AtlJ ntl. w1,
he1s pi( ,cn t


v: it vt
\n'H \

IOr the-1rIum111r,.rcny-,

r"tlt' Oi.1n~n . Mr C \V 13cw"n, rs. Ci:rnctc lfamri ck and '.\h:s

Springhill Garden I \ lmcly pink and. ercen bi rth \[ rs. It R. \fanmng. ::-.Irs F.u- :\Ian Lou McC owcn . 1 da. co.nfcction c:u r\' mg out the club'~ colors of oink and ~rccn grac

Club Anniversary

eel the Im-ch lc:1 table fro m wh ich
refreshm en ts of J.)ink and wh ite ices were scn-cd. 111e f10 1:1l arrange-

Spri nghill Club Has

S\ IYRNA - At th e h orn('. of mcnt was made of pink ca rn:i t ions

n ',,l r<;.

n I
1 :Ill

I .
.01 CJD).

a t..Spnn.",ln

athned ~faemrncs cw-ohk,ilres-. the mints were in

20th A11nve rsary
The 20th anniversary meeting of

ln n 1,m<l3y, tli e $~rm~hill Car- C liarl t r mr rnbers p resent Wl'fc

Springhill Garden Club was held

Je:1 Club celebr3 te<l 11s 20th anm-1 \ 1csd:1m cs p,111] Love joy, C. C

l \Cr,.tf\'.


. C:,ccn, ], B. :\leC rary, S. R. i\ (c.

After a sl1or t husmc~s ~c,s10n . ci lhs an d gm An<lcrso11, of i\fa

presided 01-cr b\ tl, ~ presiden t, rictt:1. ;\[ rs . Claude Ra\' w :1s intro-

\ !rs. llonc \f 11lkcy, tJ1 c afternoon clucccl 3S a n ew mem ber and h er

,,,, ~ivcn o,er to socrn1 ch<1 t an d daugh t er, ;\ Irs. H arper D oln n, of

last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Paul Lovejoy at Springhill with Miss Mary Lou McGowan as co-
b e,~.
Highlighting the event was n beautifully decorated cake featuring the club colors and bearing1

small lighted birthday candles.

Mr~ Edgar Anderson, a charter

member of the club, of Marietta,

\',1~ c1 guest. Mrs. Haroer Dolvin

a a 1 't ... itc .,.

::\1embcrs present including the

prcsidcn~, Mrs. H. S. Mulkey. were

d ' rr C H H nriek, Jr.. R

R. Manning, Sr., Eugene Duncan,

G. C. Green. C. W. Bowen, Claude

R , S. R. McGillis and F . E. Mc-


Evelyn Mulkey's House Is Turned
Into Christmas Cottage By Club

The Christm:1s fl O\t-cr sh ow of Springl1ill G arden C luh met 'TTlllrscl:iy 3ftcmoon at the home of president, ~[ rs. H o race 7\lulkc:, on Atb nh1 Road, sp:irkcd \I h:it promi ses a b right soci:il sea son fo r Sm:rn a.

For putting O\'Cr th e .project of the m eetin g the m embership was dividcde into groups--o r to be mo re exact the grou ps drew

rooms-and each was resp~m siblc for that particubr roo m. As a
result E\'elyn l\folkcy's 10\cly ho use tha t might \1cll be c:1Ilcd Chns t-

lmas Cottage . is lo\"licr for the Yule sea son and each group wa s giycn top rating by th e judge, Loli b1 (\[ rs. G. l' .) Reyn old s, of \.Canetta. And c,eryonc had fnn :ind fared well on the Japanse frnit c:1kc

and ambrosia refreshm ents not t o spea k of being giycn an incliviclual
fruit mkc with nuts :and fru it literally oozing ont the t0p.

Favorite Color

To gi\c some jdc:i first or i 10 ; . " Christmas Cott:1gc" look s sans

decor it must be noted that Evclvn ~lulkcvs favorite color i,, red and

tl1c theme is expressed in varying ~y;1ys thro~ghou f th e 110u~c C\CCpt th e

b~d room . The large living room ,den and d,ining room are all pin e

P1ncl,::d, the I. r. rug is red :1s arc two satin d:i mask and a romplctcly

lar,r lounge chair is a lovely china blue.


'J'!1c li\-ing room is dominated by th e g ran d pia no, music b ein g the

real life of both EYclyn and Homcc ;\lulkcy. And there too is th e player aqc!"Jibrary of albums the size of which denotes opera and th e chm ics.

The picture~ h ere and in t~ c den were d one b y a friend and co-worker, I~\in Suddtth. One is a reproduction of a Currier. a nd h es snow scene

-fitting'.pcrfc:ctly Christmas Cottagc-t!.ie other two in th e linng room
arc colorful Ann Hathaway cottage type oils. Over the mantle and fonn mg the perfect background for ,Laura Alice Hamrick's prizewinning holl)
i'ec! and ca11dlc armn~cment ,ns_ the antique gold fmmc-d mirror.
N<:>w for the liring room decor that mantle arr.mgement was of
two kinds of holly, the slick leaf Bnrfordi and the older l\'Oods type \11th

1 an unusual amount of red berries. Out of th is every artistic arranging

rose t\\'o red candles in two lengths whil e just in front center were four

tin r red ;m<l white choir boy candles.

Nativity Scene

Ruth l\IcCrary arranged a Nativitr scene a t on e side of the piano while at the back she placed a white jardinerc with the m ost graceful

waxed magnoli;I branches while to one side was a huge white candle. Elizapcth Lovejo} constructed a miniature cathc~ral showing a

proces~ion of choir boys of paper and plastic in a setting of holly where one could almost soc the snow falling on t,hc small console table.
,v. Ruth l\IcCrary and " Bowen," as Mrs. C. is called by her friends,
did much with little i11 the attractive -den . On the desk there was an
open Bible with a red satin book mark opened at the Christmas story. Just behind it was a short thick red candle and a bunch of Burford holh 'r,1tl1 pcrriCli in what looked like a silvered dish and holder, b~t of all

things, they told us the holly was stuck in an irish potato-to keep it fresh, of course.

Hand Blockoo Linen

1 The furnishings in the den are of light wood with a red div:an and
Ired leather chairs. TI1e drapes arc. hand blocked linen with a biege ground
~ with rc<l lbirds and small floral patterns in each block. On the book case was an arrangement of pine with the cones, red candles and silYcr balls The two pictures here arc the cardinals ,,ith red mat and the parakeets

with green .mat. TI1e p<,>lishcd frames were made by the hosts themselves.

The lace covered table and light painted furniture dominated the diniug room arranged by Lena May Green and Madge Duncan. 'nie table was set in rubr glass with a rubr ,bowl to\\" and the end filled with the two varieties of holly and nandina berries. Two three branched sil-

ver candelabra held red tapers. The buffet held a similar arrangement with pine and th'c candlcholders were clear crystal and ruby glass. A
similar arrangt;mcut graced the china ca-binct arid sen-ing table.

The lo~cly yello:v and pink bedroom required little of ?\fary Lou

McGowan who settled for a lovely little miniature bowl filled with gaily colored balls and a tiny lad carrying an umbrella under his arm and a basket of red berries on his back rising out of the center.

It is truly surprising what these girls can do when they set thcm-
sehcs to it. Others 'prese nt were [ eodcllc Jolley, :\lama Ida ,Vildberger,
and Sarah Farr..a, r, o( Marietta_

I - -.~-.

' .,.._~

!Mrs. Mulkey Host~~s

Mrs Horace Mulkey wiU be hostess at a meeHng of the Springhill Garden Club December 11 at her h-0me on :Atlanta Rload Mrs. Mui-
' key is president of the club.
Project for the club :!'or December will be decorating of Mrs. Mulkey's home for the festive event. Different members of the club have been assigned individual rooms of the house for decor-
'Ilhe November meeting of the club wa s held at the home of Mrs. M. L. Davenport at ~ringhill. An interesting talk on a trip the hostess m ade to Canada highlighted the program.
Present were Mrs. Mulkey, Mrs., Paul Lovejoy, Miss Mary Ann McGowen, Mrs. Eugene Duncan, Mirs
c. W. Bowen, Mrs. Lex Jolley and
l:.\'lrs. G. C. Green. - . - - - -.J

Springhill Garden club h eld its F ebruary meeting Thursday at the home of Mr s. Charles McCrary on S. Atlanta road.
Highlight of the program was an interesting t alk given by Mrs. G. C. Green w ith interest centered on Lincoln and the Empire State of the South. Mrs. Green read William Tyler Page's "Americ-dn Creed."
. Mrs. F. B. McCrary was winner of a contest featuring flower spelling.
Mrs. Lex Jolley was named to represent the club at the 25th AnniTersary of Georgia Gard.en clubs March 27 and 28 in Augusta.
Present were Mesdames Paul Lovejoy, C. \V. Bowen, G. C. Green, Lex Jolley, F. B. McCrary and Horace Mukley.

Garden Club Picnic
Is Scheduled Ju. ly 24 Members of Springhill Garden Club are planning a family picnic [ to be held July 24 at Mountain Park, Club members and their families are invited.
The June meeting was held at the home of Mrs. C. G. Bowen on { Jane Lyle road with Mesdames Horace gulkey, president, presid.. ing. were made by members to have a new book for the study of flower arrangements.
Mrs. C. M. Hamrick gave. an 'interesting report of several tours she "made while in Washington, . D. C. attending the convention of the General Federation of Women's clubs.
Present were: Mesdames Mulkey, Hamrick, Bowen, G. C. Green, Lex: Jolley, C. A. Carnes, Paul 'Lovejoy, Claude Ray and Miss Mary Lou McGowen.

Springhill Club Plans Landscaping

Sl\ IYR\!A-The Springhill G ari den C lub held its O ctober m eeting
T h nrsdav with M rs . Claude H am -
rick Jr., on LO\ C Street, with M_rs.
H orace l\lulkey, p resident, presid-
in g.

Th e cl ub appqin tcd a eonm~i.t~cc

to h c~d th clf pro ject fo r mdm g


e sc R

pla nting of th e C :1mpbc1! h ool groun ds coni o_f , R . Mannin g, l\lrs. S. I.

Carnes a nd i\Irs. F . B. ;\lcCrary.

l\frs. \V. E . P atterson 1~1~dc

so me flower arrangem en ts, g1vmg .,

pointers 'on the " h o,\~" and

'\, lws of th e m ethods.

1 I\Irs. Lex Jolley told of h er re cen t trip to S.;:1 V alley, Idah o.

Those present were :Mesdames :Mulkev, H am rick, Jolley, Patterson, V. C. Ray, C .. \ V. BO\\:cn , \ kCran, Paul LoveJOY, Mannm g. ,Eugene.Duncan, G . C. Green and
li,s 1 Iary Lou M cG-o-~we~n .~---

Lucia Hut. ch..inson
Is 'Miss Georgia'

'Miss Marietta' Of 1947 To Compete

In Nation-Wide Contest In June

Lucia Claire llutchinson, a blonde song5trc~s who was ~Iiss '.\la-

rietta" in 1947 at 16, reigned today as the second beauty from \Vcslcyan

..:;o]kgc in two years to become "t\ Iiss Georgia.''

The 22-Year-ol<l college senior I cnt. ~~ision. ,1~ lnic wr,rnno, _she
from Smnna \\'On the title fast sai1g Ounc I on Coeur DY Bizet night and \1as crmrncd b\' Nc,a and ''LoYc is \\'here You Find

Jane Langley,, anotl_1cr \Veslcyan It.".


student who last ,car went 011 to l or the fmals she wore a strap

:apturc the "J\liss i\mcrica" cro\\'n. lc~s anti_que shantung cl'cni11g g<?wn

Both \\ ere entered as "i'-fos with rhmcstoncs, which she dcs1g11-


. c:d herself. IJcr hobbies include

"\Vonderful Thing"

dancing and 1rnter skiin_g. S!1c

"J don't bclie\-e lighti1ing roulcl clanns ~he has no matnmomal

i by strike twice in the same place," 1 plans.
said t-. liss Hutchinson, '"but it has." Second_ pbcc ?as 1nm


She added: "This is the most won- nc Alcatncc Parns, of Canton, who

dcrful thing th;it has cl'er happen- cntrn:<l as "'.\fiss North Georgia,"

ed to 1i1c."

and third by Virginia Langford as

The new ''t-.Iiss Gcorofr1" is foc "l\liss LaGrange."

I feet. sc,-cn inches tnll, ,~cighs 120 ... ~.orma Cham bl~~- a:5 "~li,s Gri~-
eounds, and her mcamrc111c11ts arc fm, ,, was \"Okel l\Iiss Congem-

m11 , 5-inch bust 2-Hnch \\:aist and 3-1- ahty by the 17 other contestants,

inch hips. '

L~jan~, Don;i)dson, as "~ 1is_s

i'-hss llutchinson lcan:s shortlv Bambndgc, won m the charm <li-

I on a -f0-dav fashion tour of 40 I vision.
Georgia c0tintics before she "Oes The other fi11alist was Dorothy


to Atlm1tic City for the nati~oal Bush, who entered as "l\fiss Sum-

1lerc's a picture made in Mariet- finals. She already is winner of a tcr County,"

ta in June, 1947, when Lucia $1,500 "~mlrobc and three scho-

Hutchison was crowned "i\liss larships .

.Marietta." The Smyrna girl Fri-

, Lyric Soprano


day night was named "Miss i\liss II1,1tchinson, in addition to

Georgia'' in the state-wide con- "drinking milk she thought ,ms

test in Columbus.

the beauty diYision and in the tal-----

Former'. M iss Marietta,. ToCompete
In 'Miss Ga.' Contest Nex't Week


: -_,-

SMYRNA, 1\.fay 8 - The Jon- 1 i

quil City's reputation for produc- [
ing beautiful women continues to !

be recognized as the second of her five "i\ liss l\ farictta" p,i rls has been

elected "1\liss Macon ' and will go to Columbus on l'vfav l t and 15

to compete in the state contest,

She is lmcly blonde Lucia !

Hutchinson, who was "Miss 1\farietta of 194?," senior supcrlafac,

1 t

cheerleader a11<l song bird at t-.lari-

ctt1 High and in local church

ch>i"rs as well as in 1\larictta. Lucia's family li,ccl at Miles Stop and

her grandmother \\'as the late i\frs. F. \V. Eldridge. Her aunt, 1\Irs.

\V. L. \Vcstbrook, still resides


Other Quecns

Besides Lucia, Smymans w h o

have reigned as "l\Iiss l\Iarietta

arc Faye Ad::tir, Louise Lovern,

1-_lrs. Jack Bagwell .1nd Jean Scog-

gms, who 1s the prc~cnt queen.

Lucia won the title of ".i\ liss 1facon''. in competition with nine

other girls winning for herself be-

sides the title a $250 scholarshi~ two-piece set of mggagc, 11111;:L, ..:

and other gifts from i\tacon mer-

chants. Should she he fortunate

ei"iougl_1 to bccomf ":&liss Georgia,"

sh<:_ Will get a $100 scllolarsll,p, a S1,00 wardrobe, and the trip to


Atlantic City.

All W csleyan Students

. Lucia Hutchinson, as well as the ;
fiye runners-up in the '.\1acon con- t

test, were \Vcslcyan College stu-'" dents, and she was crowned hv the' 'i\HSS. A.MERICA' CROWNS 'MISS .l'iIACON'-Ncva Jane

nationally knmn1 beauty, \Vesley-. an graduate Neva Jean L1nglcv, who was "Miss l\lacon of 1952." 1\liss Georgia of 1952," and "Mi'ss .America of 1953." Lucia will grad-

L111glcy, "Miss Macon '52", "Miss Georgia '52'', and 'M.iss Amrica ;3 crowns Lucia Hutchin~on, formerlv from l\larietta, as "l\1iss l\facon '53". Miss Ilntchinson goes t~ Columbus May 14 and 15 for the "Miss Georgia" contest. In Macon, she won a,S250

uate from \Vcslcyan in June "ith scholarship, two-piece set of luggage, nylon gown, and gifts from

a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree and 24 extra hours, having majored in speech.
At \Vcslcyan, Lucia has been r

various :\facon stores. "i\liss Georgia" wins a $700 scholarship, Sl,500 wardrobe, and the trip to Atlantic City.
(Photo by Bill Merriwether);

;J1' 11 r:i f l1ard working student cntcrin" into
all campus activities. She is a ~cm- bcr of the Glee Clnb, the annual'

P an





.1.o!\c[_s. C1c_t1


5.. ~FmDyc~~~ f111ss 11x1cJ

staff the college

ti ''Y'' ane 1ss I ms, o ' one a. o

Lucia plans for a career in radio
and/or television. Due . to the fact that Lucia\ 1

I \\",I,S

ds.p, o,tils.icor~.", foocr1':11K


! tcrnity at l\lcrccr.

afn.rn,-1 1.I~aleco,ctm'os. m.c,"rpO,amLmus,rct~i,aw's ,h1,re.oononmsCmI1~ac,tc,eus,ra,wn" ga,s1,?h1B!e<1r-l

mother -is ,iiaking her home in North Carolina there has been some reference to lier as a North

If slic ,G,,,,0courgpl,ati>
her not

.sthl1iio1oe\,tt-,ii.,,laenlwmto1\ac\n.mIdC1t'tciti1yccrtaats"Imtl1e..v1, ,;m1a1.seskstI

YatiILe11acOt,lr'.\tJeao-lrlc\sn,nmt.o\s\t.c1l1h1n"c,e,r1crse,1;.oirnYo,soooumrfomIot 1mam1tcemd.c.aIottenJ, tae1na~1es1t1t.t

Carolinian, hut the 1\1 a con Jaycees arc trying to be sun: thi, erroneous impression is corrcGtccl, and -- Lucia's birth place,



will aid in this. The Tonquil City is pulling for Lucia. She has earned her plaudits. not onh for her


gme so much pulchritude 111 one bcahty of facl:, but for the beauty

bl t 1s m. tcn:stm. g to noto that Carolyn Stoupc, of \\ eslcv:m. has

c olkoe I b

1s1uiIte I


t \\'I 1c o




of her memory that with her home foi~~-



Miss Marietta '48 Wins Macon Title
A former"\ fo, \ farictta,"' Lucia
llutchinson, has been named "\Jiss \lacon" in a local contest sponsored to select the cih's entn in the \liss Georgia contest.
Hoth Sm\ ma and :N"cw Bern. ".. C. have a claim on LuciJ, :1lso. She \\as born in Smnna. attended \larictta Iligh, a11d four vcars ago 11101cc\ to '\c,\ Bern. She is nm, a student at \\ csb,an College i11 \!aeon .
Lucia will represent \ !aeon in the. state contest Lo be held at Columbu later th1, year.
Friday, May 22, 195~

Lucia Hutchinson Named 'Miss Georgia'

To Seek 'Miss America' Title In Sept

A Smyrna girl today reigns as bathing suit appearance she wo

Georgia's beauty queen.

a white suit.

Lucia Claire Hutchinson, 22 year As Miss Langley crowned t old blue-eyed honey blond from queen she revealed that Lucia o

the Jonquil City won the coveted cupied the same room at Wesley

title last Friday at the Royal Thea- an that she formerly occupied

~e in Columbus, Ga.

when she started on the. road to the

Appearing before a capacity au- tital of "Miss Georgia of 1952."

dience of over 1,500 people, the The awards to "Miss Georgia" lovely Lucia sang her way to fame include three scholarships- a with her beautiful lyr_ic eoprano $300 scholarship from Wesleyan,


a year's tuition to the University

A' student at Wesleyan college, of Georgia and a $500 scholarship

Lucia was recently named Miss to the school of her choice from the

Macon. She is the second student Georgia Royal Crown Bottlers.

from the College to win the state


beauty crown.

, !n add1t1on to the three scholar-

With each additional stage ap- j ships, she was p~esen:e~ a $1,500 pearanec. Lucia's popularity in- wardrobe from Kirven s m Columcreased and when Master of Cer- bus, the gran dawar trophy, and

emonies, George Davis, announc- trophies for the firs~ I;>l~ces in the 1ed she had won the audience stood beauty and talent d.iv1s10n&

to acclai~ he1: victory.

With an eye on a career in ra-

Miss Neva Langley, "Miss dio or television, the beauty queen

America of 1953," placed the jew- said that she plans to use the elect tiara on Lucia's golden head scholarship for voice training at and to1d her "I hope I'll be doing Wesleyan or the University of

the same thing in Atlantic City in Georgia.

the Miss America pageant."

Her hobbies are writing, singing

In amassing the nece5sary points and dancing. Her favorite sports

to win the beauty crown, Lucia are water skiing and basketball.

took first place in both the beauty Her only previous experience in

and the talent divisions.

beauty contests was in 1947 when

In the talent contest, she sang, stie was named "Miss Marietta." "Ouvre Ton Coeur" and "Love Is Only 16 at the time, she was too Where You Find It." She wore a young to enter the competition

cherry red evening dres~. Appear- for "Miss Georgia." ing in the evening gown division One looks at her and thinks she chose a white strapless bil-' surely the Three Graces of Greek lowy net evening gown of her own mythology had a hand in her be-

design and handiwork. For her ing.


Gay Reception Is
Planned For Visit Of Miss Georgia
Smyrna furthered its plans this week for a grand welcome to its Miss Lucia Hutchison, recently cr01Wned "Miss Georgia' and a competitor for the title Miss
, America. Committees were named Friday
night for the reception planned August 21, and virtually every civic and social organiaztion in the city is joining in the welcome.
Organiza,tions JOlnmg in the promotion are the Smyrna Womans Club, Junior ,voman's Club Men's Club, Legion Auxiliary, American Legion, Kiwanis Club, Lions Club, Jonquil Garden Club,
Spring Hill Garden Club, Pinetree
Garden Club, Pinehurst Garden Club, Belmont 'Hills Garden Clu'b and rtJhe City of Smyrna.
The event will >begin with Miss Hutchison's arrival at the Atlanta depot. The main reception will be at the Smyrna Legion Home, if its redecoration is completed at that time, otherwi~e at tJhe school.
Named chairmen of the various committees are Mrs. Claud M. Hamrick Jr., and Mrs. E. L. Hoepner, general co-chairmen; .Timmy Quarles, place chairman; Ruby Giles, Mrs. C. W. Collins and Glenn Yarbrough, publicity Jahn Collier, hospitaliity; Alfred Carson, transport:ition; Mrs. Robert Baugh and Mrs. E. R. Donaldson, decoration: Raymond Mulkie. hosts; Dr. W. C. Mitchell, invitations; Mrs. Ernest Jones, refreshments; an<l Mrs. James Gentry, sewing.


Wo_man's Club Discusses Reception, Talki Hotel Lease Renewal At Meeting

SI\IYRNA - A reception for ing th e State of Georgia extend the

Smyrna-born " :tvliss Georgia," an lease of the H enrv Gradv Hotel for

taddress by the state chairman of fifty xears longc!. Th,c Hotel h as

1Civil Defense, and an appeal from been 1cft b y the legacy of Mr.

the State Federation to the State of C ecil R . Cannon to the Tallul ah

Georgia to renew the lfonry Grady Falls School which is owned and

Hotel lease were am o ng the t opics ope rated by the State Federation

of in terest discussed at the m eeting of \Vornen 's Clubs. '

.of the " roman's Club Tuesday af- The Il otel is in need of remod-

tf'rnoon, at the Club House.

eling but the owners arc not able

As plans ]1ave been under way.

for some weeks to bring i\liss Lucia Hntchinson, recently judged " Miss

G eorgia," back home for som e sort

pf recognition affair, the \Voman's

Club \'oted to sponsor an C\'ening

reception in her honor when and if

t1 date can be worked out for her

h o me-coming.


to 'go ahead with only eighteen years to run on their present lease . Letters were d ispatched to each of
the county's representatiYes to the Legislature ii,. the m atter. ,
A recommendation from the executive b oard was adopted t o revise the by-laws and b ring them in line with those of the State Feel-

.Mrs. John G . Lewis, G eorgia Fcdenition chairman of Civil Defense, was th e speaker of the after-
' oon bringing the women up to
flatc on how CD i s progressing in !he state, of the ma1iy jobs open hrough the filter centers in At, anta and S av~nnah a n cl giving manv minor details of how the av~rnge housewife m ay be p repared
to best protect her family in e\~nt

eration with M rs. C . C . Green, .

l\frs. Joe Pruitt, ~'lrs. II. S. Mul-

key and l\lrs. \V. E. Patterson as

the committee- on revision.

J\frs. Pa ul Brown and r..lrs. G er-

ald Albritton were introduced as

new members.

'1'he hostesses were Mesdames R.

R. Manning Sr,1, C. H. \Vhittington, Paul Gresliam, G eorge Farrar

and Joe Pruit t.


9.f attack.

Among those things Mrs. Lewis

.exhibited a metal tackle b ox which

she h ad outfitted as a first aid , kit.

Being of metal it would not be

destroyed and fitted out with gauze

bandage, adhesive, the makings of

tourniquets; and-of all things-

castor oil which she explained was

. the b est treatment for eye inflmmi-

! tions o r iritation.

She stressed the importan ce of

t,iking the home nursing and first

aid courses and .was encouraged by

the progress b eing made in the

state for CD. The better prepared

each home is th e shorter will b e

the c asualty lists in case of attack,

she said. She urged women to keep

a three-day supply of food in the

house, but t o rotate it to keep it

fresh and edible.

Mrs. Hamrick, t h e president,

read a letter from the state presi-

dent asking the local women to

write ' or contact their representa-

. tiYcs to use their influence in h av-

Jonquil City Prepares To Salute
own Child/ Lucia Hutchinson


Neyer let it be said that the Jonquil City does not know a

pretty girl wI1en it secs' one! And whe n the pretty girl was born in

Smyrna and h as b een i1amcd "Miss t\farictta, " " Miss I\lacon," then

" l\Iiss Georgia ," arid is going to Atlantic Citv within the month

to conipctc for the eo\ctcd title of "l'vliss Amc,rica," that is the city's

cue to roll o ut what they h ope will be th e magic carp et that \\\ ll

bring her success in th e latter unclcrtaki11g.


A 1,,

All of which means to sav that Smyrna has gone all o ut to ~n te rtain it Ycry own child, :r..fos Lucia }:Iutchinsori., at an apprcciatiqn reception on Friday evening, Auguest 2 1, at the Am~rid n Legion I l om c.
2~ Representatives A t a call m eeting cvc11ing of the Planiling C ommittee for the sponsoring organizations, 2 2 rcprcsentatiYcs, on e Or more from each o f th ese organizations, \\-ere present to complete the final details of bringing r..1iss Hutchinson for on e of h er seve ral personal appearan ces. over t he state b efore going to Atlantic' City.

( . ......_



Celebration For A Pretty Girl

The sponsoring o rgm1ization s
are the City of Smyrna, the Smyrna Chamber of Commerce, \ Voman 's C luh,' Amcrkan Le-

gion and Auxiliary, Lions C lub, Kiwanis C lub, M en 's Club, Jon-

quil, Spri11ghill, Pinehurst , Pinc T ree and Belmon t Hills C arden

C lubs, affd the Junior " 'oman 's C lub.

Committees Named

At th e meeting F ridav at the C hamber of C ommerce tlic fol-

lowing committees were appointed after an enthusiastic session o f

planning with Mrs. C laude Hamrick, Jr., president of the V/o m an's

C lub, acting as genci'al cha irman.


Mrs. E. L.Hoepner will serve \Yith l'vfrs. Hamrick as co-chair-

m an; A. C . Shepherd. execu tive secretary of th e Chamber of C om-

m erce was named secretary and treasurer: J immy Quarles h eads t he

p lace commit tee; public it:, M rs. Ruby G iles, Mrs. C. \V. C ollins

and Glen n Yarb ro ugh ; h ospitality, John Collier; transportation, Al-

fred C arson : d ecorations, Mrs. Robert Baugh , :\Irs. E . R . D onald-

son; entertainment, R aym ond Mulkey; special imita t ions, D r. \\' .

C. l\'Iitch ell; refresh m en t, Mrs. Ernest Jones; ser\'ing, Mrs, E. L .

H oepner; special committee, l\Irs. Bob Jaegerman and Mrs. E. R .

D onaldson.

After tl~ c meetin g Friday c\-cn ing, Mrs . Hamrick said " It is wonderful t o sec how e\cryonc is pulling together and how excited e\eryonc' seems O\'Cr bringing Lucia h o me for this appearan ce. It is hound t o be a huge succss."




/ Smyrna's Lucia Hutchinson Askedf

To Come BackHome For AVisit

Jh RUB\ GILES ff th e smvrna Chamber of Coni-. mcrce imitation is ae cctcd, fo e cit\' lll,ff be hon ored 1)\ a visit
frci11 1 he r loid r daug ht~r, Luci,l ll niclnnson , reccn t h- c r O\\' ll-
ecl " \l iss C corgi,1." Jt was a splendid letter t hcY wrote, t h:mks to
th em :md ;\I r'. " Shep." the exec.
\\'e sinccre1v h ope t hat Lucia
1\il: so h onor h er home to1n1 and hiri Iiplace ~o. that h er h ome foik and old ch oir budd ies may ha\e a ch ,111cc to roll out t he reel carpet. hakc a cake. etc., to shm, ou r love for th e di111 i11nti\C! blon de singer who grew up in our midst to reflect so rn ncl1 c-n::dit rn 1 h er home tm\'n
au cl countv. 'I'he letter said " The Smvrna
G eorgia Chamber of C omuicrce
1\i~lcs t o extend to , on it s yerv h c:trticst co ngratulations on the
\10:iclcrfnl rccogni tio11 ,ou h a\e
;1chicvccl in beiup cro\\'nc<l :\Iiss J\ I1co11 au d :\Iiss Ceorgia.
"T he citizens of Smnn:1, where I u11dcrst:md you started along th e patl1wm th :1t led to vo ur recent enYiablc -iict'Qty, re joice with you in vom great success, and, :is spokesm;m no t 0 111'- for th e SmHn:1
I C lmn bcr of C omm erce, lmt mi he-
half o f vour ma ny friends in the Smvm a co1mmmity also, I am hap-
py to hmc t he pnvilcgc of extending to '\'On th e best of all good \\ishe, ,m d 1mmy, many brigh t hopes fo r Yori r continued success in all of Your future undcrtakmgs.

Friday, A ugust 2i, 1953

''If iu connection \\i lh the hclll-
ors mu h me achien :d m u should tour the State of C cor:;ia, a nd find
I it con venient to ,isit the tm v'n gf~
your birth. yum friends . .. woul&
Ion; to honor YOU h v shol'in g vou in some sl ig ht \\'ay tlicir :ipprcciati<n_1 of \our co,1.nrnc11ci:1bk :1ccomphshme11ts . . .

1uugmCi trom recent rceit.1ls and

Cikc club pcrforrn:m ccs. one is

fran k to ,ay th at Smy rn:1 st ill gro\\'s

cm s,, cct :rnd loveh an<l \mulei

still be able to trot out a .\fiss Any-

body mo:,t anr old ti me .


\ \'e lea rn th:1t J krm:m ,\lli'son.

acl optcd celeb rit y of our city, is still up to l1is us ual good deeds.
\ 'on rcc;1ll tl1at h e 1\a~ acco mp:inist

jCity Lays Out Carpet

for C laudi:1 Pi11 za before h e t oured

tlic concert circuits 1Yitli her fam-
rni., fo tl 1cr1 F zio Pi111,1. Cl:rnd i,1 ga \'C up her music ureer to m arry John Holler. \1ho is nm\ pastor of

For Own'Miss ,Georgia'

the First Prcsbtterian C l1 urch of \Vh itcst on e,, Long h lancl .

Miss Lucia Hutchinson, daugh- I R. A. Mulkey is chairman of the

llcn n au was a rece n t guest in

ter of the Jonquil City and wear- L!eception committee which in-

their new manse and now plans a

er or'1he era>wn "''l\lffss "Georgia" rcludes Mesdames E. D. Paris, Hu-

conce rt in Jnn e with Clau dia and

will arrive at the Terminal St"- Ibert Colquitt, John Collier, Claude


Brian Sull ivan. of th e :\let. for tli e

tion in Atlanta Friday at 5:45 p. :Hamrick, A l'fred C. Carson, G . C.

benefit of t heir church. wh ich ac- cording to tli c pict ure :ind [ fer-
m an 's n oLition is verv old :m d qtwint. ''

m . on the train Man O' War which Green, M. J. Stomp, I. K Mc will lbring her from Colu mbus to 1Cloud, H. F . Carter, R. E. Dunn,
be royally feted by her home'fol ko IJames E. Quarles, Lee Blanton, J.

in Smyrna.

C.' A lexander, G. Thacker, Ever-

Benjie R iclcllc, the Jack Riddles' p!'icl e an d joy, bclie\cs in simplified exp,cssion. I le p ronouuccs th em as he h ears t hem an d asks n o q uestions. F or inshm ec the barber shop to t hrce-vcar-olcl B enjie is simply th e "hottm 11 , hot." T h e Red Dot is nothing more th,111 the. Red D octor and when h is ~randmotiicr suggested the birds \1crc m igratirn.; Benjie cpnccts- not my gra ti!,g, h is gratini;. And how simple lite m mld be for a reporter if he con H take them as h e hea rs th em . O r docs h c?
Lucia Hutchison To Come Home Aug. 21 ; -Royal'Welcome Slated
"Miss Georgia" will be a guest of the .Jonquil City on August 21 Mrs. Claude Hamrick, president of Smyrna Woman's Club announced today .
A meeting will be held at the Smyrna Chamber of Commerce Friday night to complete plans for Miss Lucia Hutchinson's return to their home town,-. Mrs. Hamrick said.
Smyrna clubs and organizations who will combine forces to royaly entertain the visitor include the Senior Woman's Club, Junior Womans Club, City of Smyrna, Smyrna Legion, Smyrna Legion Auxiliary, Men's Club, Kiwanis Club, .Jonquil Garden Club,
lJ Springhill, Pinehurst, Pinetree afid Belmont Hills Garden clubs. --,---

On hand to greet her will be a ett Irish, Eugene Duncan, Lex

velcoming committee from Smyr- Jolley, C. W. Bowen, J . W. Th:?mP-

na who will escort her to the son, Mr. Bob Logan and Mr. J .

home of her aunt, Mrs. W. L. M. Gibson.

Westbrook who resides on Ste- Decorating the Legion Home is

phens Str eet in Smyrna.

, in the capable hands of Mrs. 'Rcrb-

Plans call for the Georgia beau- ert Baugh, chairman; Mrs. E. IR. ty to freshen up at her aun't Donaldson, oo-chairman; Mes-

home before leaving f.or the Smy- dames J. C. Thacker, J . C. Alex -

rna American Legion home where ander, C. W. Bowen, Lex Jolley,

she will be hon9r at a re- Eugene Duncan, Everett Iri.0 h, H.


' F . Carter, I. E. McCloud, M. J.

Rece1vm g w 1'th "M1' ss Georgw .,, jStomps and Mrs. J . W. Thompson. .

will be. Mayor and Mrs. Guye N, Members of the ref:eshment

w. Duncan, Mrs,

L. ,_ Westbrook,' commi ttee are _Mesdames Ern::)st ,

:i.\lirs: Milton Brown, J . M . Tay~or, Jones, Zelan Wills, W. E. Patter- :

HS. Mulkey, Mark Johnson, J. D. con and G . C. Gre_en.


Huggins, E. R. Donaldson, E . L. Assisting in servmg gues!s will

Hoepner, Dr. w . c Mitchell,_ s. H be Mrs. David Cano cha1:~an;

MoCalla, A C. Shepard, A. H. Me~d_ames M. M. McKay, Wilham
Car.~on, A . M. Aiken, Mrs. c. M. LoveJOf, Murray Sonn:nber9t Lo-

Hamrick, Miss Martha Quarles rie Came, J .. D. Daniel; Hubert

and Legion Commander Robert Colquitt, Raiford MonK, Allen

Aust1. n.

Morton Brown, '

SSte. vCe .LBanaarmeaourean.dTr.J

Paul ames

While several hundred invi ta- JGe try

tions have been issued to the so- n : .


cial the p 1annm g

t o emph as1ze one 1s 1 nv1ted


comm1ttee want~.
fact lhat. everymeet M1' ss G eor.

I. Pubhc1ty for the e ;'mg Ji.andl.ed .by Mr.s.
Ii Mrsb. MarhJone Collms

vent Ruby

1G5 1.b1ees-, G1enn

gi.a Y-:h e_the: they received a wn_t- , YaDr rroWug. C. . Mitcheli A . C . Shep- '

~en mv1tat10:r\ or nt. t Tte aff~t1~ I ard ~nd Dr. G . C. Gr~en are mem-

is a commum Y un er a mg w1 !bers oi the invitation committee. .

everyone welcome. .


J ames Quar1es was on the place

I l flMthrs. SC. M. HWamncl~, ~C1lesb1dendt committee and A . C. Shepard was 1

o e myrna oman s u an

t t

f th lebra

; her co-chairman, Mr.s. Frances ,5~cre ary- reasurer o e. ce . -

Hoepner have made every effort .tio-n.- -- - ~ !with the assistance of other chair-
man and their committees, to

make sur e that no one will be left

out of the celebration. The gala

event will be informal and even-

ing dress is not expected.


Compo~ing the committee who

will be at the station t0 meet Miss

Hutchinson are Mayor and Mrs.

Guye N . Duncan, Mr. and Mrs.

Alfred Carson, Mr. and Mrs. Bob

Logan, Mr. and Mr . W. L. West-

br.ook, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Hoepner, Mr. and Mrs. J. M . Gibson,

Mr. and Mrs. Claude M. Hamrick.

W-elcome Back Home



Miss Lucia Hutchison Crowned
Good Luck In Atlantic City




'Miss Georgia' Jo Be Greeted

Carson, i\iir. and ,:Mrs. Bob Logan
Iand Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gibson. l\Ir. Collier \\'ill present the honorcc with ~111 arm full of American \ Bcautv roses at the train and from

ber her. She used to ride with mv
children to school in Marietta.'' Most of the choirs of those ycms remember Lncia as she was so "generous with her voice and sang

With Roses, Reception In Sn1,rna these and the signs "\\'elcorne with us v.ihenevcr she was asked," Miss Georgia," she may be identi- said another. ficd as she is driven through Smv- Thl:'J all plan to be among those

ma on arri\'al here.

' present to- welcome her home


Pinehurst, Pine Tree, and Belmont There is much reminiscing on sometime between the hours of 8

SMYRNA - Everything is in Hills.

the chys when ''Lucia" was one of and 10 Friday evening.

readiness in the Jonquil City for \\'HO is imited? All members 11s and attending sch_ool in l\ lariet- And it ,vill be a great day for

' the coming of the city's currently- of the sponsori.!:!., organizations, the ta. One lady said, "Sure I remem- I Smyrna.

. most beautiful dm1ghtcr, l\1iss fi\'C Smyrna girls who have bee

. Lucia I'iutchinson, on Friday eve- former beauty contest winners in

, ning when she wiii he guest of Cobb County-I\Jiss Jean Scog-
I honor at a reception to be held at gins, Miss Faye Adair, of Atlanta .

I 1 the Legion Home.

Mrs. \Vendell Bradfic'r:l, Mrs. Ed-

The facts of "Miss Georgia's" gar Gann, and Mrs. fcick Bagwell,

arrival arc about as follows:

of Marietta-and ::ill citizens of the

, ARRIVE \ia ,Central of Geor- Smvrna area who wish to hono'r .
I ! gia's "l\fan 'O \Var" at the Ter- this lovely young lady and \\ish her
i minal Station at 5:45 o'clock. Will success as she moves on to Atlantic
I be met by the hospitality coi;.nmit- City to vie with other beauties for

tce of which John Collier is chair- the coveted title of "Miss Amer-

man. \Vill be driven in a convov of ica."

cars with police escort to Smirna TYPE OF DRESS: The Recep-

where she will be the overnight tion"is to be informal and informal

guest of her aunt, l\frs. \V. L. e\'enin.1 attire will he worn.

\\'cstbrook, on Stevens Street.

In a telephone call to i\'1iss

RECEPTION honoring .1\1 is s Hutchinson's manager, Mr. :Mc-

Hutchinson will be held at the Kinney of the Georgia Junior

Legion Home from 8 to 10 o'clgck. Chamber of Commerce, this after-

The receiving line will include the noon, he said that Miss Hutc11in-

prc~idents of the sponsoring organizations which arc: The Citv of

son was "simply overcome with joy that bcr home town was planning


. Smyrna, the Smyrna Chamber of for her return and she is ,looking

, Commerce, the American Legion forward to it with great eagerness."

and Legion Auxiliary, the Lions, Others composing the HospiKi\vanis and Men's Clubs, the tality Committee meeting Miss

\Vomcn's Club, the Junior \Vom- Hutchinson in Atlanta will be . en's Club, and the follo,\ing gar- l\hs. John Collier, :l\Jayor and Mrs.

den clubs-Jom1uil, Springhill, Guye Duncan, Mr. and i\Irs. \V. L.

\Vcstbrook, Mr. and :l\Irs Claude ,
Hamrick Jr., f\lr. and Mrs Alfred

SATURDAY, AUG. 22, 1953 itj

Smyrna Honors A Queen

Smyrna, long known for its beautiful ladies, tomorrow wel- ' comes to town one of its most beautiful daughters.
The City of Smyrna, the Charnb,er of Commq:-cc and just
about every organization in town, will join in rolling out the royal
carpet for Miss Lucia Hutchinson, who now pcr,l1aps is better known as "Miss Georgia."

The folks who are in charge of arrangements for the reception

and welcome have worked hard and they're planning to pull out all

stops for ::r celebration that will long be remembered in Smyrna.

Later this Fa11 Miss Huthinson will pit her beauty, talent and

nbilities against hundreds of others from every state in the Union

in the "Miss An~erica" contest in Atlantic City.

\Vith the hospitality for which they arc famous, the Smymans

will welcome her home and wish their beauty queen well in the

national contest.

\Vc're' glad they're honoring this pretty young lady and we

too, join in hoping that her title will shortly be changed from

"Miss Georgia" to "l'vliss America."

Smyrna To Honor 'Daughter' Tonight

S:-.fYR0.A - A reception com- qui!, Springhill, Pinehurst, Pinc

mittee for " :-.Iiss Georgia," Lucia Tree and Belmont IIills Garden

Hutchinson, was preparing today to kavc for T erminal Station in Atlanta, wh'crc the 23-ycar-o1cl bcau-

Clubs. Councilman John Collier, chair-

tv will arrive at 5:-f5 p.m.

man of the reception committee,

" A formC'r Smyrnan, now a rcsi will present :Miss Hutchinson with

dent of Columbus, she will be guest an armful of American beauty roses

of h onor at a reception from 8-10 i,t the train.

p.m. at the American Legion Others in the committee, which


\\'ill conduct .\1iss Hutchinson on

All residents of the. Smvrna area a parade through Smyrna, will be '

are invited to be present and greet :-.Iayor and f\lrs. G uye Duncan,

. her, wishing her luck in the "1 fiss :,.,Irs. Collier, .\Ir. and ::Vlrs. \V. L

America'' contest in Atlantic City \Vcstbrook, ~Ir. and Mrs. Cfo ude

lSeptember 7. In the rccciYing lin e at the recep-

Hamrick Jr., ::\Ir. apcl t-lrs. Alfred (
Carson, 1'rr. and 11rs. Bob Logan '

tion will b e presidents of all spon- and ;\Ir. and ::Vlrs. J.M. Gibson.

soring organizatious: the City of Special guests at the reception

Smyrna. Smyrna Chamher of Com- will be fac other Cobb County

mcrct, Arncricau Legion, Lcgio11 beaut\ contest winners. \Iiss Jean

Amiliarv, Lions, Kiwanis and Scoggins, :l\liss Favc Adair, 1Irs. .

\fen's Clubs, \\'oman's C lub, Jun- \Venclell Bradficlcl, :\!rs. Edgar

')r \Voman's Clnb, and the Jon- Gann and \! rs. Jack Bagwcfi.



Staff Photo-Bi II Warren


Pr~sented by Mayor of Smyrna Guye Duncan


Miss Georgia Given

Big Smyrna Welcome


Miss Georgia, k nown at Wes-

Smyrna has rolled out the red leyan College as "Luscious."

, carpet to welcome its favorite The Legion home was dcco-


rated with Georgia peaches in

Lucia Hutchinson, Miss Geor- honor of the guest, and five

gia of 1953, came home.

former winners of the "Miss

Even thoLJgh it was just for a Marietta" title, all Smyrna girls,

night, the home folks gave her were on hand to wish Miss

the royal treatment.

Hutchinson luck in Atlantic City

Miss Hutchinson has been away in SeptembPr. from Smyrna a large part of the . I n Sm_yrna, M i s s Georgia time for the past few years, but stayed with her aunt, Mrs. W. L. she still calls il home. Met at Westbrook. Saturday, she caught Terminal Station by a Smyrna the Man O' War back to Columdelegation bearing roses and or- bus where she is currently emchids, the five-toot, seven-inch ployed by a radio station.
. .. . blonde smiled and said, "Oh, it's -
so nice to be home."

BORN IN SMYRNA, t he 22- ' year~old beauty moved to North Carolina when she was a child. 1 b.ut attended and finished high school in Smyrna.
After high school, she enrolled in the Wesleyan Conservatory of Music. While there she won the "Miss Macon" title, and went on to Columbus to take the Georgia beauty crown over 18 contestants.
There was a small hitch in the welcoming proceedings. Mayor Guye Duncan of Smyrna and Mrs. 1 Claude Hamrick, president of the
a Woman's Club, with the official
welcoming committee were little late: because of heavy traffic.
However, the mayor's wife was in Atlanta and was there to
meet ::iss Hutchinson.

AX ATLANTA police escort

saw 'the party to the Chattahoo-

chee River, where it was pick~d

up and moved into Smyrna by a

Smyrna motor policeman.


For two hours Friday night, nearly 250 Smyrna citizens

friends and relatives st()()(] i n the

reception line at the American

Legion Post 160 in Smyrna to

shake hands with the beautiful


VOL. 87, NO. 200

Smyrna : -------M-A-R-IE-TT-A, GEORGIA - SUNDAY, AUGUST 23, 1953 (Cootinued from Page I)

1 \\'as crowned M I s s ?-,fanctta in 1
I1947), and ]'"2f"' nnrl Mrs. J. J. _ Daniell, .also of i\1ar{ctta.

go\\ n wfth black lace stoic. Her A lmcly coterie was formed when

flo_wcrs wcr~ bronze ;-mci pmplc 01- the fi\'c former Smyrna beauty con-

~luds. She mtroduccd Miss Hutch- test winners posed for pictures \\'ith mson who stood next with her l\.Iiss Georgia. They were Mrs. Jack

aunt, Mrs. '': L. \Vcstbrooks,who Bngwell, of l\.farictta,who was also \\'as gowned m ~ brO\~n and \\'hitc a Miss Gcorgi,1; i\1iss Je~m Scoggins,

cotton formal with rhmestoncs and Miss l\larietta of 1950; l\[iss Fa\c

wearing white carnations.

Adair, of Atlanta, \,ho \\':ls I\fi.

Representing the cooperating or- Marietta of 1948; and I\lrs. Lomse

ganizations sponsoring the event Lovvorn Gann, who was i\[iss Marwere l\1rs. K L Hocpncr, co- id:ta of 1949.

chairman of the c\cnt, wc~ring ccr- Miss Hutchinson left Snturdav

'ise t<1ffcta with white carnations; to return to her work in Columb11s :\Irs. Guye Duncan wearing a white where she ~ms a radio sh'" She

cotton formal splashed with gold was graduated from \\'cslcyan Col-

and white carnations tied with legc the past June and has arnbi-

gold; Hubert Colquitt, Chamber of tion for a career in TV for \\hich

Conimcrce prcxy;. l\1iss Martha she will use the scholarship money Quarles, Legion Auxiliary; S. 1-1. she alreadv has won. She will go to
IvfcCalh, Lions Club; l\.lrs. J. 1\1. Atlantic City on September 6 to

Taylor, Jun~or \Vom:m's Club; -A. c6mpctc in the Miss America conII. Cmson, Ki:rnni~ Club; lvlrs. H. test in which Smyrna will be pul-



::\Ieets Miss Georgia At Train

Jean Scoggins, \Irs. Jack Bagwell, F;iye Adair aiid ,Mrs. Louise Gann

(Photos by I,. 1,. Mangum and John Davidson)

S. ~1ulkcy, Spnngh11l _Gard~n Club; ling for her I 00 percent. Mrs. James D. Huggms, Pmehurst Garden Club; A. M. Aiken, Men's '
I Club; A. C . SJ.1cphcrd. sec.-treas.
C. of C.; Mrs..Milton Brown, Belmont Hills Garden Club; Mrs. E.
R. Donaldson and Mrs. R, G. Lew-
is, Jonquil Garden Club. Raymond


Mulkey was chairman of this reccptio11 committee.
The Legion Home was beautified for the occasion hv the Garden

Smyrna HOnorS

Clubs nbtcd with l\1rs. Robert Baugh as chairman. The fireplaces were banked with pine boughs and the mantles were centered with

Its Beauty Queen


Ima~tlc of the _L_egion Home o_n

:urangements of colorful zinnias,
marigolds and large bronze dahlias set amid the greenery of magnolia leaves and seed pods ,vith white candelabra on either end.
The same lovelr arrangements

S~ IYRNA, Aug. 2 3-"They'll which was an ongmal and symbolic

l1avc to be good at ;\tlantic City" Iarrano;cmcnt



G corgia


t I1_c !~,current


o f

"'f' 1, 1ss

, cpietaychaensd

tcoournectyeivwe hforiecnadmse



I Gcorg1a s home folks w!10 ttu!1c<l I claim ,their lovely and talented
out m large nurr.tb;rs Fnday mght daughter.

graced tl1e JJiano, the guest book table and tall white floor baskets and pedestals held luxuriant ferns
and floral arrangements. The unusual peach and flower arrange- ment ju_st over Miss Georgia was


tho n\velcome then qu_eenly beauty She was "luscious" to look at.

o" 'KTh.

_ .

Deeply tanned and radiant, she

c ~~opl~ of Gc?,grn arc wore a constellation blue cotton

wondcr~ul, ,:-aid Smyrna s Qu_ce~ gown-the same shade as her eyes

lf1?k~caoNne1_9shth, orbnu~,t

the:c are folks-I

no can

f<?lks J~~t

-splashed with white. The becoming frock was strapless, worn with

feel their love: It was a _rousmg a stole and was ballerina length.

welcome the city gave tl1cH No. 1 She w~~rs her lo\'elv blonde h air

beauty .frolll tl~e tune s_hc arnvcd in a long bob and an orchid was

at th c 1 ermmal Station \,-here pinned at lier waist. She wore long

timclv and loveh-. Serving on tf1e decor committee
with Mrs. Baugh were Mesdames E. R. Donaldson, J. C. Thacker, ,
J. C. Alexander, C. \V. Bowen, : Everett Irish~ H. F. Carter, J. E. i
l\IcCloud, M. J. Stomps, John \\l. [i
Thompson and Mrs. \V. 0. Moore. The three punch tables overlaid
with white cloths were garlanded

(\leaders Photo)

:via)'or Guye Du_ncan ~rc~~ntcd her \\hite glmes and siher and rhinc-

+ an, arm-full _of red roses \\ 1th Sm)f- stone evening shoes.

1 na s _comphm~nts.


~favor Duncan headed the re-

Miss Hutchmson rod~ 111 an open cciving line with Commander Bob
i car of the motorcade_ with a motor- A.ustin, of the Legion, next. l\.Irs.

in i\'y and large lavender dahlias. Serving were Mrs. DaYid Cano,
Mrs G. C. Green, Mrs. ,v. E.
Patterson, and Mesdames M. M.
Mackay, \Villiam Lovejoy, Murray

, cycle escort to the nver where s_he Claude Hamrick, president of the S01menberg, Lorrie Caine, J. D.

\,as met b~ the Smyrna po~1c? \Voman's Club and general chair- Daniel, Hubert Colquitt, F. C.
for the nde mto and over the city. man of the homecoming event Barmore Jr., Paul Brown, R. E.

11 ' t

Ll.. KtC

alente recep











DuOntnh,crasnsderLve.megBm.lanotnoenc. apacity or

son stood in front of the ~tone

(Continued on Page 3)

another were Mr. and Mrs, Bob

- - - - - Logan, G. C. Green, Mrs. E. D.


Paris, J a m es E. Quarles, and . Claude Hamrick Jr.

Smyrna Honors Its "Miss Georgia" At Cinderella Reception On Friday

Am011g the out-of-town guests who held an affectionate place in the Beauty Queen's heart was ;1er great-uncle, C. P. Eldridge and Mrs. Eldridge, of Atlanta; Dr. and Mrs. Loy Carpenter, of Marietta

Lovely Lucia Hhtchis-0n, "Miss Georgia," has returned to her radio program in Columbus follow-
ing a rousing welcome and a Cin-

Raymond Mulkey was chairman1

I of the reception committee.

by_her mother, Mrs. G_e~trude HU\

Decorating of the Legion Club 1 chmson, and an_ official chapel

1 {it was Dr. Carpenter who span: sored Miss Hutchinson when she

derella reception Frlday Smyrna Legion home.



was and

done by Mrs. Robert Smyrna Garden club

Baugh mem-

one. . . _A~tlvity ?f the

beauty qu~r

Wearing a strapless model of bers. The fire places were bank- I wil~ be strictly reg1;1lat~ durir

blue cotton, ballerina length and ed with pine boughs and the th~ir At~antlc City, Luc.

featuring a stole, blonde Lucia, mantles were centered with ar- said. The girls will not be able 1

Friday night, renewed friendships and made new ones as Smyrna citizens came to pay her homage.
More beautiful than ever, the blue of her gown made a happy

rangements of colorful zinnias, ~ven see beaus, -Or fath~rs, unt
I marigolds and large bronze ;dah- i after the comp:,tlt~on. Miss . Nev
lias centered amid the greenery Jan~, Langley, Mi~s _America. 1 of magnolia leaves and seed pods 1952 an~, a close frien.d of Luci~
with white candelabra on either j has ~dvised the w_ould-be Mu

contrast with her deep suntan and end.

America to ~at plen~y of food b~

emphasized the blue of her eyes. The piano was decorated with a fore she ~rts on her"tri_p. ~ccor~

She wore her hair in a long bob similar arrangement.

mg to Miss Langley, theres pler

slightly curled in modem fashion. Punch was served from three ty of food to be eaten\ but nev

1 Pinned at her waist was an or- tables each overlaid with white time enough to eat it. "There
chid. She wore long white gloves cloths' and garJ.anded in ivy and always so much to d-0," she said.

Smyrnans Busy Behind Scenes

tic six-\ car-old bov out m Belmont

Bills ,vho bowed lo\\ from the

,,aist as she p:1s\cd.

And while on the sub1ect of

To Welcome fam~us Daughter

flowers it should be ment10ncd that they \Ycrc plentitnl, \\ilh Mr.
and l\1rs. B. L. \\Talker providing

the orchid Miss Georgia wore at


ancl Claude Ilamrid. J l h the reception, the Smyrna Floral

They say all is well that ends well, bnt the behind-the-scenes of




r., t ic usgeneral c~~irman,

and ,Gift Shop the corsage for Mrs. \Vestbrooks the \Voman's ~ub

entertaining "l\liss Georgia" is just whom t~lCY were to ha\e 1omed at a corsage f~r their president, Mrs.

toogood to keep,

the stahon . ,

Hamrick, (which she generous!~

ta daily did get a scoop on it.

_Cla~de s:l\: tbc pho_togr~pliers pinned on her co-chairman)~ Ver.bal

Everyone in Smyrna k'hows there ~~mg mto action an<l. he knc,, there orchids might be extended to An-

and silver slippers embroidered large lavendar daisies,



with rhinestones.

Among the out .of town guests

The receiving line was headed were Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Eldridge

by Mayor Guye N. Duncan with Lucia's aunt and uncle, from At-

Commander Bob Austin, of the : lanta; Di,. and Mrs. Loy Carpenter

Smyrna Legion standing next to of Marietta, and Judge and Mrsi

the mayor. Mrs. Claude M. Ham- J. J. Daniell, also of Marietta.

rick was next in line. She intro- Present also at the reception

duced Miss Hutchinson who stood were five former Cobb beauty.

next in line with her aunt, Mrs. winners, including Mrs. Jack Bag-,

W. L. Westbrook. ,

well, of Marietta, who was also .a, ,

Representing the co-operating "Miss Georgia," Miss Jean Scog- ;

organizations sponsoring the ev- , gins, "Miss Marietta of 1950,"

ent were Mrs. E. IJ. Hoepner, c:o- Miss Faye Adair, of Atlanta who .
chairman; Mrs. ,Guye Duncan; Hu- was "Miss Marietta of 1948'' and i

bert Colquitt represented the , Miss Louise Lovvorn Gann, who

Chamber of Commerce.

was "Miss Marietta 1949."

Other representatives were: Miss An official welcoming commit- _

Martha Quarles, Legion Auxiliary; tee greeted Miss Hutchinson on

S. H. McCalla, Lions Club; Mrs. her arrival at the Terminal Station

J. M. Taylor, Junior Woman's Friday night and escorted her to

Club; A. H. Carson, Kiwanis the Jonquil City.

Club; Mrs. H. S. Mulkey, Spring- Lucia l'eaves on September 6

hill Garden Club; Mrs. James D. for Atlantic City, where she will

Huggins, Pinehurst Garden Club; participate in the "Miss America" .

A. M. Aiken, Men's Club; A. C. contest. She will be accompanied

Sheuherd, secretary of the Chaml:i-

er of Commerce; Mrs. Milton

Brown, Belmont Hills Garden

Club, Mrs. E, R. Donaldson and

Mrs. R. G. Lewis, Jonquil Garden


is a calc;ulated risk on getting to were red. rose~ had b~cn nie (l\lrs. Ernest) Jones who handlthc st:1tion to meet a train on schc- gc~e~ousl~ furmshcd O) the Collier- , cd the refreshment end of the re-

<lulc, but the committee that met \\ i)hs. !nsurancc C~mpany., J:Ic c~ption-as she docs many of the

Miss Georgia Friday afternoon at cou)dn_t let them take Lucias pie- larger C\'Cnts of the Jonquil City.

5:4 5 will tell mu there is manv tu:e with0u t. flow~rs. He was car- Lucia told us of her radio work,

a slip twixt . .'.

' ryi!lg a box 111 wluch were t:vo <;>r- hew much she likes it and ho,\

cluds he had brou~ht for lus wife h:::e she had to work to making
. Mos_t of theJll h~d. put in an i and_ he opened 1t1 thougJ?tf}~lly tape recordings to fill the gap

~1ght-ho11r day at their work and : took off the card wlucl; read \\ 1th while she came home to Smnnn.

were to meet at the Methodist ~~l my loYc;:-~la~dc a 11 d ~ol~ " \Vhv I was so tl1rilfocl over com


p.m _ti~~


~y the tim
\ \7clc?,nic

e H

they ome

l hel_ma to _pm ~m on So_ 1f the f!rst p1ct!,}res

Lucia. sho,~ed

ing Iicmc that I' worked all d'.n
\"ithot~t food and wasn't e\ en ta

l\,I!ss Gcor~1~, . ~nd \Velcome Mis~ ?eorg1a wcanng orchids, 'eel," siic said. She has a \-Cl1 for ch-

1\liss Georgia signs to the proper thats why:

. !rccting TV shows, which proves

cars precious time hact cfapsecl. Er- . As the fiyc-car 11;1otorc~d_e mo\'ed fshc isn't conceited. I think it would

._,:iow. nest Ilocpner and J. D. Daniel had mto t11c city Lucia obhgmgly. sat be b;;.d for TV if she didn't get in
pre\'ionsly breezed up to Marietta on the "back of . the convcrbble the

to chauffeur back the spiffy new scat so _I ca1! sec _th_e old horn~

Solemn 7romise

cars proffered by the \\Talker l\Io- t~wn ':vhich has certa~nly grown, Another bchind-tltc-sccncc inci

tor Company and Barron Bnick to

b' img
use d

1j \
c' a:

f .G . iJs)sCmgcoqrugi'itac



g1ooomclc c1n11o-ug1I110,

thev, saids p M Traffic

. .

s,1e said. She rode with her aunt
were the police .the mayor the


l t ti I

c en mt p



when I

1c_tta UC gc to

1 . ro J.1



n ot


th a



1,,_ - SI




Hamricks the h~spitality chai;man 1 !11m that she had promised !um

They didn't remember tl1c traf- Alfred, ai;d Mrs. carson, Mr. ancl , s]1c would not IJ1a_rry any m~n nn-

fie at 5 p.m. but there \VAS the Mrs Bob Logan and the photo- ti! he approYcd !um and said she,

traffic. "'hen they finally ran i11to ra lllers

s~\'cctly, "Evcryhme.. I date on~ I

the station they heard the 113mc '1i\.Irs. Claucle" IJcmg p;ig-


I. Lt1cia


the lit-

wonder if Mr. Darnell \\'Ould
h1_m.'' .SIie m s1' sts shc l1(!1 no

like ma -

c~ all o,-cr the place. The train was

_ _ _ _ ' ~ - --~~....--'-' tnmomal plans at present.

in-they declare it was ahead of

There is no doubt tlia7 with her

time-and Miss Georgia had been

beauty, lier brains and her Jovel>

met by six photograi:ihcrs, Thclm:i

mice that she can do most any

Duncan, tl_1c wife of the mayor,

thing she wants to do whether ,he

becomes "l\1iss America" or not.

Youth Committee



R 'Ti' P O R T
Y O U T H A C T I V I T I r, S

) r ?.....nizat;_ons pror1oting rep:ular supervised youth

activities are: All churc.hes, all civic clubs

and schools.



-,or.ia.n 1 s Club sponsors two Girl Scout troops. Leaders

for each a member of the vo~an 's Club end three mothers

.. ,.

from group on scout com:nittee.

Junior 'Voman 1 s Club sponsors the tv,o Brov1nie troops.

Scout leaders trained by County Commit tee.

Scout project - hut bought from county school board.

I10 moved from school lot to one given by the City.

Sherwood Pierce, Committee Chairman



Scouts To See New Mexico; foStay At Philmont Ranch


I Scout Post, some of whom have

Three cars with four boys I attended the International Scout

each will pull out of Smyrna en- j Jambroee, but this trip will take


I them to the scout mecca of the Marco Polos, Christopher Colum-.

route to Philmont Scout Ranch U. S. and is one they are anti- buses or Ferdinand Magellans,

in northern New Mexico tonight cipating keenly.

tut the chances are that they

on what promis1>s to be one of Some of the boys have planned have explored every cave, na-

the most exciting trips a their son:ie extra curricular sight- tional state park or other place

I lives. The twelve boys are mem- seem~ along _the way and ~111 of interest in their immediate

bers O f sm,nF.:.'s Explorer take m such sights ~s. the Pamt- areas and thi~ trip will culmi-


ed. Desert, the Petrified Forest, nate the~r fondest dream.


and the Gmnd Canyon. They And a trip such as this doesn't

will visit the land of one Chris- come free, so these boys have

. topher (KitJ Carson, early Ame- worked to make their expenses
j rican trapper and scout who Theeir biggest lift financially
I fought in both the Mexican and came from their sponsors, the
, Civil Wars, and possiblJ visit 8myrna Men's Club, of which

lands explored by such other John F. Bradfield is the presi-

scouts as Buffalo Bill and Wild dent. The club gave them $300

Bill Hickok.

of the Sl.000 necessary to de-

They will begin their studies fray their expenses.

in geology and forestry at the James Davis, explorer adviser,

Philmonth Scout Ranch August will accompany the boys as

10. They have informed them- will assistant adviser. Jake An-

selves in advance on this 227,000 derson, They will be away three

acre ranch given to the Boy weeks Others who will make

1 Scouts of America by that great the trip are C. B. (Sonny) Ham-

t philanthropist, Waite Phillips. It by, Bill Pavlovsky, Gable Ray.
is an improved live stock ranch D. C. Gray, Robert Taylor of endowed by the income from the Vinings, J. B. Westbrook, C. W

Philtower Building, in Tulsa, Pearson, Lioneal Howard, Pete

Oklahoma, also a gift from Phil- Bowman, Travis McDaniel and

Ups to the Scouts. Mr. Phillips Mark Cobb. Robert Foye has

was born in Conway, 1883, and acquired

Iowa, in fabulous


returned from have Stewart

the Kull

Ranch as
of Austell. j

wealth from coal and oil.

I John Mccamy, Tommy Sisk

These boys may never become a~~.~Cl~s Haas, of Mariett;i- \

Aid In. Polio Drive

S~IYRNA - Su n rn:.i Girl Scout

Troop 12 aiding th e .I\ larch of

Dimes solicitation worked in the'

Bennett porting

S25.26., rnc

Tlnmd'.1\ reScants 1)arti-

c1patiun m the :.\farch of Diincs is

a part of their co~1mtmity service


counting tm\"arcl scout badge.




?-, Iothers dri,ing an d otilern1sc as~isting the troop " ere :t\lcsadmes

Their leader is assisted hy i\Irs.

l\I rs. Ed l\fot, c~ A. B. l\Iortcn

E . L. HocpnJr, l\Iarvin ,mcl Jam es \\'righ t.


Smyrna Girl Scouts \Cook Their own'

Barry Landers. Kn\ :t\Iills, 1\Iary

P.wne Sherry Robinson, Rachael

Rose, ' Connie Turner, Sue Yar-

brough, :'.\ larjoric :t\kDanicl and

Jenny Lou \Vright._

At Hamburger Fry

Visitors \\Crc '\anq Konigsmark,

S~IYRNA - Girl Scout Troop lea:, Rhodes and Gary' C.irtcr.
19 dosed its sc1son's acti, itics with ,1 delightful h.1mlmrgcr fry \Ved-
ncsda, at the home of Dr. and \lrs. Lewis R:w, 011 \ Vin<ly Hill road.

Tlic ouling \\'as held at the Rot-

trn\\'oo<l Creek picnic ground of

the Ra1 s' ,rith ~ lrs. Allan :\ lorton

au<l :.\1rs. Ed :\faucr, tioop lead-

er~. in charge, a11<l assisted by

\ lcsd,1111cs Elder- 'Bramblett, \Vil-

liam Black and l'rcd Carter.

Each scout carried her pack con-

taining skillet and "buddy burner"

for cooking the hamburgers anti

other foods enjovcd. The buddy

burners me made b\ the scouts

from a forge and sinall size tin

can with paraffinc for fuel which

. permits each to cook his own indi-1

ridual picnic food,

I Scouts present for the outing
were Carol Austin, Elizabeth

\ Black, Anne ros, Nadine

Brnmblett. Carter, An

Kay Burne Cobb,


Trena Iloepncr, \nn Konigsmark,

1Smyrna Girl Scouts

\Cook Their Own'

1At Hamburger Fry

I S~IYRNA - Girl Scout Troop J
19 closed its season's acti,itics with a delightful hamburger fry \Vcdnes<lav at the home of Dr. anc :\Irs. 'Lewis Ray, 011 \Vindy Ilil


The outing was held at the Rot

tcnwoocl Creek picnic ground of

the Ra\s' with l\ !rs. Allan l\forton

and crs,

~frs. Eel i\lancr, in charge, and

troop kad assisted by


:'dcsdamcs Elder Bramblett, \\'il-

liam Black and Freel Carter.

Each scout carried her pack con-

, taining skillet and 'buddy burner''

for cooking the hamhurgers ancl

9thcr foods enjoyed. The bndd~

burners arc mack \JY the scouts

from a large and si11a11 size tju

can with paraffinc for fud which

permits each to cook his <wn inch

,:idtul picnic food.

Scouts present for the outing

were Carol Austiu, Elizabeth

Bl;1ck, Anne Bramblett. Kav Bur-

ros, Nadine Car.ter, ,Anne I Cobh. Trena I loepnc1, Ann Konigsmark,



13any Lau<lcr5, K11 j\Jills, :.\Jan


Yar- 1 Payne, Sherr) Robinson, Rachael
Rose, Connie Turner, Sue

bro11gh, Marjorie J\IcDaniel and

Jenny Lou \Vright.

\ mtors were i\anc\ R0111gsmark,: Cay "Rhodes and Garr Caitcr.


Girl Scouts Enjoyed


Outing Last Week


Dr. and Mrs. Lewis Ray's home on Windy Hill Road was the scene

last Wednesday of the last outing

of the season for Girl Scout Troop

No. 19.

The outing was held a t the Rot-

tenwood creek picnic grounds with

Mrs. Allan Morton and Mrs. Ed

Maner, troop leaders, in charge.

They were assisted by Mrs. Elder.

Bramblett, Mrs. William Black,

and Mrs. Fred Carter.

Present at the outing were:

Carol Austin, Elizabeth Black,

Anne Bramblett, Kay Burros, Na-

dine Carter, Anne Cobb, Trina

Hoepner, Ann Konigsmark, Barry

Landers, Kay Mills, Mar-Y Payne,

Sherry Robinson, Rachel Rose,

I Connie Turner, Sue Yarbrough,
Marjorie McDaniel, an.ti Jenny

Lou Wright.

Cobb County ScoutsSet For Jamboree; Scoutmaster PierceTo GoAlong

Thirty-fiv~ Cobb Couz:ity Boy would have one of_ the largest rep-

Scouts iormmg an especially or- ! resentations of any of the 12 coun-

ganized band, will leave July 12 I cils in the Atlanta area. Approxi-

I ~or t?e National Jamboree in Cal- 1mately 200 Scouts are expected to


make the Cross-Country trip from

The band, which will be the nu- 11 t"he area .

cleus of a region band from four While Cobb . County Scouts

South~ast~rn States will be under / have completed their pre-Jamb-

the d1rect10n of Ken Stanton, of oree training at Camp Bert Adams

!nMarietta and will present concerts Parker stated that other Scout~ cities while enroute and return- could still make the trip. The band

mg from the Jamboree.

has been practicing six days a

The Jamboree, third of its kind week.

to be held will attract 50,000 Park~r stated that concerts

IScouts from the 48 states and 38 would probably be held in St.
fdreign countries. It will be heldj Louis, Kansas City, Denver and

on the Irvin Ranch near, Los An- Salt Lake City enroute to the

geles from July 17 through July Jamboree and that on the return


trip they would possibly be held in

S. w. "C~tton" ,Pierce, Scout- Sa_n Franc_isco, Portland, Seattle,

master of Troop 156 Smyrna will Mmneapohs, St. Paul and Chicago

be Scoutmaster of the Cobb 'con- on their return.

tingent. He will be assisted by

One of






Scoutmaster Dorriss Anderson, playing at a special rodeo at Yel-

Troop 120, Clarkdale.

lowstone National Park.

Ted Parker, Cobb District Scout The Scouts will return on AuExecutive, said that Cobb County gust 5th.


Smyrna Explorer Scouts Return from Exciting Western Adventure


days till James Davis, Bill Pav- trail and they wandered about wild animals-mule deer, elk, an-

These }\:xplorer Scouts intri- lovsky or my nearer neighbors, five miles off their course.

telope, bear and others. They

gue me no end. I don't know Mark Cobb or Lioneal Howard, These boys think the recent have pictures of some they made

why, being inhibited with pho- return with pictures and those Smyrna water shortage a tame Then they tell us that Philmont

bias about snakes and of the' hair-raising stories of their ad- affair. sometimes they gave out lies on one of the major flyways

type that smothers when I think venture.

of water and would go miles out followed by many species of

about a submarine or a cave.. It's like looking o.t those blood of the way to get to a spring or birds on their migration fllght,c;-

But every time these Explorer cur-dlers on TV or the movi~ stream. There the pictures show 110 have been identified.

Scouts take off on one of their screens and turning your head everybody In the stream taking As to the animals, I think I'd

jaunts we begin to count the or' closing your eyes to keep a bath.

agree with Elmer the burro, of

- ------ your teeth from chattering.

Research Potentialities

which a mountaineer told them.

Their latest exploration, if you Explorer Scouts are interest- "When he gits 'uh whiff uv some :

remember, was to the Philmont ed in such things as archeology, animal that he don't hanker to

Scout Ranch in New Mexico astronomy, botany, entomology meet, Elmer just lites out and

where Bill Pavlovsky declares' and geology, and Philmont they ain't no stoppin' him till

Explorer Scouts

they killed three rattlers one Ranch provides the perfect field he glts outa smellin' range." \ evening before they could pitch' for research in each. It is said These Explorers visited many

Return Sunday

-:amp and go to bed.

to be a heaven for geological interesting places as their own

From Canoe Trip

At Bear Canyon

students and these scouts found pictures , show including the

Bill has a picture of the boys that to be true. Rocks laid down Grand Canyon, the Painted Des-

. ':f:55.&h.
EAGLE TRAIL-Not content with the Eagle Scout award he has already earned, Robert Foye Jr., 14, Smyrna, practices his typesetting with an eye to getting the Printing merit badge to add to his present total' of 36 badges. Scoutmaster S. W. Pierce, Troop 156, lends a helping hand to the young Scout. (Photo by Homer Meaders).

The Explorer Unit No 156, Boy Scouts of America, of Smyrna, left Th~ursday night, June 11, for a canoe trip in Florida. The caravan of -three cars with a trailer each, carr\ed the Explorers, their food, equipment and seven canoes.
The Explorers left at 9 p.'m. for Silver Springs, Fla., their first scheduled stop.
Explorers making the trip were James Davis, Advisor; Sonny Hamby and Jake Anderson, assistant advisors; C. W. Pearson, Travis McDaniel, James Burson, J. B. Westbrook, Marion Jones, Johnny Austin, Bill McCollum, Pete Bowman, John McCamet and Bm Pavlovsky. With them were Rusty Hansen and Jim B. Davis, camping buddies of the Smyrna crowd last summer at Philmont Sc-out Camp at Cimmeron, New Mexico. These 1 two journeyed to the J9nquil City from Appleton, Wisconsin, to take

-they look like logs-asleep In and now exposed are from eight ert, the ~etrifled Forest, but of

their bags:


Geological Ages covering mll- speecial interest were the ice

we can't. imagine why Bill was up making a picture unless'

lions and

of years. Fossils of plant animal life that flourished


where one could see da through the formation


he was looking for, more rat- on the earth. long before man I ice in a temperature below 32


can be found in the sandstones. ' degrees, yet it would be 80 de-

! That was at Bear Canyon. To When we asked Bill Pavlov- grees above the ground. get far on that 200 square miles sky what discovery on the trip The Smyrna bo_ys te~med up

Iof rugged, mountainous, capti- meant most to him he showed with agroup of W1sconsm scouts vatlng wilderness, one must' . us a picture of one Dr. Ray L. and _found it of mutual interest hike, pitch ~:amp., cook, eat, Six, head of the geological de- to hike and camp together.

sleep, then hike again in order pa.rtment of Oklahoma A arid The boys making the trip were

to see the many interesting M, who lectured the boys on James Davis, Bill Pavlovsky,

places noted on their maps. these various subjects as well as Lioneal Howard, Mark Cobb,

One must also be a seasoned on scouting and religion, hik- Jake Anderson, Travis Menan~

scout and skilled in the out- (l,j .-lth them, helped t(hem lei, D. C. Gray, Clayton Hamby,

. doors as are these explorers if identify personal collections, etc. Jr., Gable Ray,, Pete Bowman,

one is to get much out of such He was responsible for thefr Robert Taylor, C. W. Pearson

an adventure-we would say to greatest discovery. "He was and J. B. Westbrook.

even survive Philmont Ranch. amazing," the boys agreed. "He

On a 70 mile jaunt to a certain held five Masters .and a Ph. D
mesa they would hike from 5 from as many colleges," they 1

to 11 or more miles per day, '! said. He it was who could satis-

and on one day their "trained" fy their inqu.l.ring young minds.

guide took them on the wrong Besides snakes there were

Smyrna Scout

part in the canoe trip, which was planned last summer.
From Silver Springs, the Cara-

van proceeded to Rutland, Fla.,

To Get Eagle

Bob Foye To Receive Award April 14;

Three-day Clarkdale Camporee Set



The Eagle Award, one of the highest Boy Scouting

honors, will be given to Rt>bert Foye, Jr., Troop 156,

Smyrna, at the April 14 District Court of Honor, at the

I Courthouse in Marietta. With three dozen merit chairman of the troop commit-

b a dges t O his cr edit and a dis- DeLong as the

I tinguished Scouting career be- Other communities and 0r-
hind him, the 14-year~~ld will ganizations interested in start-

be the only Scout rece1vmg the ing a Scout group should con-

coveted award at this court. tact Dr. Earl Williams at Wil-

He is the son of Mr. and Iiams Drug Company in Ma-

Mrs. Robert Foye, 398 Concord rietta.

Road, Smyrna. His troop is - - - - - - - - - - - - -

where on Saturday morning they "put in" their canoes in the Withlacoochee River. The trip from Rutland to Yankeetown is expected to take until Thursday when the Explorers plan to "take out" and proceed to Lake City where they will spend Friday and Saturday on the Olustee River. Leaving there Saturday, they expect to arrive home Sunday afternoon.
One of the seven canoes on the l trailer is a new red 17 foot canoe now the property of Post No. 156, their first.
It will be named on the canoe trip.

Newest GS Troop Sets Tuesday Meet

SMYRNA - The city's newest Girl Scout Troop No. 12, of
which Mrs. F. E. Maner is lead-

Methodist Church.
The 21 members are studying laws, promise, slogan and

er, and Mrs. A. B. Morton, co- motto in preparation for an in

lcader, meets every Tuesday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, in the edu-

vcstiturc ceremony after which tl:ey wi:! become tenderfoot

cational department of t h e scouts.

The :nembers Carol Au.

tin, ~lizabeth Black, A n n e Bramblett, K~y Burrus, Linda.

Crunk, Nadine Car~cr, Ann

J hope we arc not talkmg out of
turn, but \\c sure hope that BO\
Scout Band to represent Cobb County at the Scout Jamboree in
California in Julv materializes. "'hat Ken Stanton and "Cotton' Pierce can't do has been torn out the book.

Cobb, Rachael Ross, Jerry, Trina Hoepner, Ann Konig.;,-
mark, Barrie Landers, K:i.y
Mill~, Marcia Patillo, Mary Bagby Payne, Sherry Robinson,
Connie Turner, Sue Yarbrough, Nancy Shackleford, Marjorie McDaniel and Marilyn Griffin

sponsored by the American Le -

gion Post in Smyrna.


Meantime, another Scouting

event this spring will be the

district camporee, at Clarkdale

on April 25-27. Troop 120 at

Clarkdale will be the host, and

the camporee wil~ be held near l'

the new lake at Clarkdale.

All troops attending will be

judged on their camping abil-

ity during the three-day event. Judges will award ratings to the troops at the end of the

Smyrna Scout To Get Eagle,At April Court

camporee, which will close after

Scout services at 9 a. m. Sun-


New Cobb Troops

A campaign for more Cobb

Scout troops has been launch-

ed by. local officials. The plan [ is to extend scouting to com-

munities that do not . have


After a recent meeting of re-

presentatives from various

Cobb Communities, troops and

Cub packs were started in sev-

eral towns. These are: Cub pack

at VV1ings, Cub pack at Leland,

Cub pack and Scout troop at

Mableton, Cub pack and Scout

troop at Powder Springs, Scout

troop at Fair Oaks and Cub

pack and Scout troop at Mt.



Others Starting

Several other Cobb commun-

ities have started a movement
for Cub and Scout gr_oups, and f

are expected to bcgm organ-

izing soon.

Soon after Easter, a training

school for Scout leaders will be t started in the county. Lc::i.ders

of new Scout troops and Cub

packs will be instructed in

group management and Scout-

ing ways.


Mt. Bethel PTA leads the

county groups in Scouting, as

it already has turned in a

charter application for a

Scout troop.

Robert Foye Jr., Smyrna, wlil be the only Cobb Scout to receive the Eagle Awo.rd at the April 14 District Court of Honor at the courthouse in Marietta.
With three dozen merit badges to his credit and a distinguished Scouting career behind him, the 14-year-old will

Clarkdale will be the host, and the camporee will be held near the new at Clarkdale.
All troops attending wlll be judged on their camping ability during the three-day event. Judges will award ratings to the troops at the end of the camporee, which will close after

Cub packs were started in several towns. These are_: Cu0b pack
at Vinings, Cub pack at Leland,
Cub pack and Scout troop nt Mableton, C_b pack a11d Scout troop at Powder Springs, Scout troop at Fair Oaks and Cub pack and Scout troop at Mt. Bethel.

be the only Scout receiving the coveted award at this court.
He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Foye, 398 Concord Road, Smyrna. His troop ls sponsored by the American Legion Post in Smyrna.

Scout services at 9 a. m. Sunday.
New Cobb Troops A campaign for more Cobb Scout troops has been launched by local o!!iclals. The plan is to extend scouting to com-

Others Starting Several other Cobb communities have started a moverr.ent for Cub and Scout groups, and are expected to begin org.:m-izing soon.
Soon after Easter, a training


munities that do not have school for Scout leaders will be

Meantime, another Scouting troops.

started in the county. Leaders

event this spring will be the
district camporee, at Clarkdale on April 25-27. Troop 120 at

After a recent meeting of representatives from various Cobb communities, troops and

of new Scout troops and Cub packs wlll be instructed in group management and Scout-

ing ways.

Mt. Bethel PTA leads the

county groups in Scouting,

it already has turned in

charter application for

Scout troop.

The new troop is Number 290,

with Tom Grist selected as

chairman of the troop commit

tee and Guy DeLong as the


Other communities and or-

ganizations interested in start-

ing a Scout group should con-

tact Dr. Earl Williams at Wil-

liams Drug Company in Ma-


The new troop is number 290,

with Tom Grist selected as


Robert Gets Eagle At April 11 Honor Court

,Explorer Scouts

lSponsor Reunion

156 1 Smyrna Explorer Post No.

will sponsor a Scout reunion Ma_r.

9 a t Campbell Hi:gh School aud1-

I torium at 8 :p. m. W. 0 . Bowman
l J r. announced today.
1 Bowman is chairm an ~~ the
l Men's Club 'Scout Comn

sponsoring organization fo.~;



l. Speaker will be Bud i\-1ct

1 ch ief test pilot for L o('.1- /

I Martin will be introduced l;ve


vey C hristian, of Atlanta, ta!
f chairman of the _Atlanta o re 1 1 l tion and Extens10n Comm1Fn /

Il Purpose of the meeting . to give newcomers in the com. munity a loo>k- see into local

j scouting activities and extend an

! invitati-on to the children of the j

j area to join one of the ma11y

troops in Smyrna.

Adults and children arc invitea to the program, Bowman said. 1
Highlights of the meeting will f be presentation of the 1953 Charter to the Troop by Jerry J ones,

who is 0. ahd IE. Cobb Committee '

I chairman. Various ,Smyrna Scout troops
will be seated in the' front of the auditorium including Brownies, Cubs, Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts.


Plans for the event completed by Bowman,

are Ted

being Park-


er, Cobb Boy Scout Director; and

:\'.[5r. Williams, Cobb Girl Scout

director. Door- to-door invitations will be

extended citizens by members of

the troop,

Mrs. Walker Fetes
Smyrna Brownies
At Out-Door Party
S\fYR'\, ,\ - " Dre<scd up hot (oas" " walkin g salad,'' a n cl 11~11shnwllo,y snrpri~cs" fea tured the out-door part, and feed e11101 J eel Tuesday aftern oon ]), Brrm me T roo p 1c) , at th e h o11H.: ot \I r Bu11 a \\ .ilkcr, 011 ;'\ orth :\thmt:1 Street.
!'he troop leaders assisted tlll
g1rh in th c succsss, of , tlil p:11 t,
Th e, arc \lrs \\ . I. Shad.kfo1cl
111cl ;..!rs. \\ il ha m L Black Jr
Other m<)th prc~cnt ,,ere. \ rrs \\ . C . Cro11b. \frs. IL, rolcl Clt ancllcr, \ lrs. Jasper Griffi n. :\ [rs \ll an \ lortcm and \l rs . \\ ,Il kcr.
The Bh)\\wcs ,,-ere Jane \) alk er, Jane Bab b. \bric Cash . Carol C h 1ndlcr, Lena Jane C ro,Ylc, \la rian Eliz,1hct li ]),1hnc, , Julia A1111c Dmis. Beth G r.iffin . ' I h elim ~ till 1m. Call " ITarclagc. '\ anc, Kem
l igsmark. l\ 1tricia \ lcKillop . Char
Iottc; \f oorc. J<:lizahcth I' .111. Juel Sluckld<lld S,m cl r:1 \\ ah ro11 Jndy \\ nmack. S,mdra A)lllC Rum ,c1 S11 sa11 Youn g. and Lmcla Ruff.



IChurch To Honor

Scouts On Sunday

S;..IYRNA - Re,. J o hn II.
Knight has a11nmmccd th e Presbytcrim1 Chnrch \\'ill be hosts Snn
Iclav morn ing at 11 o'clock, to Scout l\fastcr Shcrn-ood Pierce mid his Boy Scout T roop. Th e 1x1stor's sermon subject will be " How to will ] f3 c a G ood ~ cout.' The \\'omen of the Church hold an intcnsi,c Bible ~tud y 011 \fond,n an d Tuesday c,u1ings at ;:30 o'clock \\ith l\ liss Jane Van
I<le \'rcclc in charge. The subject 11 ill be "Th e H oly Sp_irit.''

Belmont Hills


Ci"rl Scont Troop -f4, of Bel-

mont Bills, held an intcrcstmg In- .

vc,tituri: Scr\'icc at their regular

mcctiug \\ c<ln esclm. ln1es tcd in- f
to th e troop 11-crc: f--Iary Lou Ack- t

crn1an, Jean Strong, Joan Landes,

Sharron Griffen, Alice Bridg_cs, Lin- J

da \\lint er, and Jndy II awi.: . Mrs.,

Donald \V. Evers. Scout leader, as-

sistcd bv l\lrs: Carrol \focnch c.011- 1

dneted the service. Th e Troop also

wcl.comcd t wo JJCW mcmb~1s, Joy- ,

cc Abbot and Carlene Cooper. I

A class in 'Th e \fakin g of' Flow-

ers 11 ith \\ -ood Fibre' \\a s. taught.

the sco uts by Mrs: Arlene Ulrick-

son of Btnbank Ci rcle S. Erich

&cont th en presented their 1110ther
w:itli a"- pfont:tr;.;ofttcl"rgdi'i1iiiins'


th ey had mijdc. The next meeting
will be held r-.Ia\' 20, then the I I

group will go on a tour

5Smyrna Scouts

IReturn FromWeek

1At Lake Camp

-~ ,

I LaSndMeY. R~\\Am....n:_icLiuBclyae:rN.allc~t

Jo:m l:tr~h.1

Glfl ~cout I I.1ven. ,md 1 _fine grnm of t]1c. w ck, <1Cb\'lt1c~

prn- 1 wa~ [

I I-arr and ")o-..ct Abbott 111 of Gn1 pr~ rn.tcd_ for tl~on.


Scout Trn()p No. -f-f, of Belmont Jlie g,tl, h,1d ,1 l~o \\O KCd out

!fills, enjoyed Jast. \\eek at the Girl ,~1rio11 ~kit,, ~rhkh \\'Ut pn ,cntcd.

IScout Day Camp Ac\\ orth. . al th(,' hlc u-1t

These five rnt1fi~rs of Troop [ At the ..0ncl11 1 ~ o{ the affa,_r
44, along with ,a, 11~11nbcr of o~her Mrs. Jc<mnc \\,:,I ms, .... ou,t Di.-
Girl Scouts from tins entire section, rector, lead the ~conts Ill a clc_~l!.
benefited from the well pla11nec cation program. 'I he Lod~c, 1d1\C'lt
sco uting event. H andi'cra fts, group ,\as recently complcte1 ';?' d m st-
singing and swimming were amoni::., c1 eel ' Poc:1hn11tas Lodge, and \\'l)l
th e acti\itics the ~couts cnjo~ cc , b_c tlic huh of h turc c nnp 1cti,


\ bes.

I On the fin al dav of the 5c-outing Approxiu,atclv 200 people ,,ere
affair parents of the group \ isitcd I guests at the fw a1 scout t e~~nony.

Girl Scout Little House Plans Proceed With Named Of Comrnittee In Smyrna

SMYRNA - Approximately 50 it w.ould require !,a lot of work

citizens gathered at the Ameri- and financial backing to put

can Legion Home Tuesday even ing in answer to a call from the

over the project and made a plea for all parents of girls, especially, to get behind the movement and

Smyrna Community Committee put it dver at the earliest possi

of the Girl Scouts of Cobb ble time.

County to formulate plans for A committee was set up to

building a Girl Scout Little House here.
Members of the sponsoring.organizations of the Girl Scoots, the Junior Woman's Club,. of which Mrs. R. W. Jaegerman is
president, the Woman's Club, ~.f
which Mrs. Claude Hamrick 1s president, the Girl Scout leaders' and manv friends of scouting were pres~nt. Mrs. Hamrick presided over the meeting.
Mrs. Ha rry Williams, of Ma-

push the plans for getting the
work started. Theye were E. C. Bramblett, R. F. Hollahan, J. M. Gibson, Raymond Reed, A. B. Morton, and Mesdames Jaegerman, Hamrick, Ed Maner, Morton, Bramblett, Carl Edge, otton, W. L. Black, Jr., and Ralph Cobb.
Already active in the city is Scout Troop No. 12, and Brownie Troop No . 22, with two others now being recruited will be ready in a short time.

rietta, and Mrs. Park, from the

state office, were present and

the latter addressed the meet-

ing, .speaking on the value of

h aving a scout center for the

Smyrna girls. She reminded that

Belmont Hills

Th is highlighted the Gnl Scout International Friendship work.

,\Icctings will be resumed ip Scp-
++ BEL\JONT IIILLS - Girl tcm bcr, un der the d; rr.tiou of
Sco ut Troop N o. hel d their la~t .\lrs. Byers. meeting for th e summ er months

on Tuesda y June 2 at the home of

Mrs. Carroi' .\Iocnch, 515 Gkndalc

Circle S., Bclmonts Hills. Th e ;m -

noun ccmcnt wa s made bv l\Jr.,

D onald Byers of 489 Glendale Cir-

cl e, Girl Scout Lc.1 dcr. ' Old

C loth es Day" was ccl~brntcd _h,

the group, ,ri th d onation s bCin g

receive d for the Rummage Sale,

f- which will be h eld on Saturday
June 6, from 9 A. l\L _to 2 l\,[
on th e Square in \fonctta. l ro ht.
from th e ~ale will be used for th e j

Belmont Hills Organized Youth


At a JJrc,ious meeting ::\!rs. ::\l o-

Cnch, who. has resided in England

for over two years spoke to th e

'I roop on her experiences abroad .



S\IYR:t\A - Am ong th ose atlcncling the C ohb Co11nb Scou t

banquet Tucsda, CYCnin g at J\fari

ctta Coun try C lub were J\lr. and

M rs. Sh erwood Pierce. \ Ir. and

' :\lrs. Richard Pierce, D r. :::nd \frs Lewis RaY. \\'adc Sa a'11d Eagle

Scout Robe rt Foye, Ernest Jon es, James Davis. T ra1is \kDanicll and ,

~V-. O. Bowman, junior and scn- j'



Smyrna Girl
Scouts Planning
Little House
SMYRNA - A representative group of Smyrna women, leaders of the Junior and Senior , Woman's Clubs who sponsor the . Girl Scout program in Smyrna, have called a mass meeting of all parents in the Smyrna area to meet with the Girl Scout leaders Tuesday night at 8 o'clock, at the American Legion Home for the purpose of discussing the erection of a Girl Scout Little House.
The Smyrna Girl Scout's have in hand $1,000 as a nucleus for the erection of a center for their activities. This money is the result of hard work by both the scouts and their sponsors who have sold cookies, waste paper, and in various other ways. The time has come when the leaders feel that such a place must be provided at the earliest possible time.
Present at the called meeting will be state and district leaders who will have an architect and a lawyer who is familiar 'with the necessary procedure in going ahead ith plans for building, according to Mrs. Carl Edge, member of the county board and troop organizer.
Mrs.. Edge stresses that !,!Very-: one is invited to attend the meeting and that telephone committees will contact just as many as have phones- or are
j ava1lable.

Smyrna Girl Sc.outs
To Have Scout Hut
The Citizens Committee of the ; Smyrna Girl Scouts have purchased one of the Barracks buildings from the Cobb County School Board and wil move it to a lot adjoining Smyrna Legion Home at an early date.
The buildihg is one of several that have been used for years fer classrooms at the Smyrna Grammar .School.
Aaedicatory service will be held soon after the building is moved, Allan Morton, chairman of the committee announced.
Other members of the committee are R. F. Holahan, J. M. Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Elder Bramblett, Mrs. William L. Black, Mrs. Claude Harnmrick, Jr., and Mrs. Robert Jagerman.


' "

.Girl Scouts Get

Hut In Smyrna

S\[YR:'.\IA, July 28-Thc S:nyr-

1 na Girl Scouts Citizcm Comuuttcc

has found a Scout hut to be ma-ed

to a lot adjoininl! the Smyrna Lc-

oion Home soon. "' A barr.icks building bought from

the Cobb County school system

will scr\iC as a meeting place for

Smyrna Scouts. It is one of several

such buildings which ha\c been

used for several years for class-

rooms at Smyrna Grammar School.

Allan 1lorton, committee chair-

man said a dedicatory service will

be h~ld after the building is move~.

Other members of the cornnut-
tce arc R. F. Holahan, J. l\l. Gib-

son, Mr. and l\lrs. Elder Bramblett,

l\lrs. William Black, Mrs. Claude

l ___ ]Iamrick Jr., and Mrs. Robert Jag-


__,_.---- ~ - --

Barracks Bought for Smyrna Scouts

SMYRNA-The Citizens' Com- son, Mr. and Mrs. Elder Bram-

mittee of announce

the Smvrna Girl Scouts they 'have .. purchased

blett, Mrs. \Vi1liam L. Black, Mrs.
Claude Hamrick Jr. and Mrs. Bob \

from the Countv School Board one Jacgcrman.


of the Barracks buildings which

have been used for class rooms at

the Ekmcntarv School for sc\'eral

vears and will move same to a lot

adjacent to the Legion

Ilomc where it \\'ill be remodeled

ah made into a Scout Hut.

A dedicatory service will be held

at that time according to Allan

t-.forton, chairman of the commit-

tee. Other members of the commit-

toe arc R. F. Holahan, Hoot Gib-

Profit $62
A profit of $62 was raised at the cake sale conducted by the Girl Scout Troop No. 44 of Belmont Hills and the Brownies No.
45. Mrs. Donald Byers, of Glendale
Circle S .W., Girl Scout leader and Mrs Jane Gottsch, Brownie
leader and their committee mem-
ber~ wi'Sh to thank all who helped ma'ke the sa'le a suocess.

Smyrna Bro~nies 1 Sell $177 Cookies

S:\JYRNA - \Vith dimunitive \
s Km i\ Iills out in front at the home
stretch, Ill V r n a's Intermediate

Troop 12, c irl Scouts, sold $177

worth of cookies in the annual sale

iust closed.


111c girls arc workmg to buy

camping equipment for the Girl

Scout Camp at Allatoona Lake,

and their li:adcrs, Mrs . E. \laner
and Mrs. A. B. t-.forton, arc most

appreciative of the public's reaction

in buying from the girls.

Girl Scouts Hold
Investiture Service
Belmont Hills Gixi Scout Troop\ 44 held Investiture Services last Wednesday at their regufar meeting. Mrs. Donal Byers, Scout Leader, assisted by Mrs. Carroll Moench conducted the services.
Invested into the troop were: Mary Lou Ackerman, Jean Strong, Joan Landes, Sharon Griffin, Alice Bridges, Linda Winter, and Judy 1 Hawk.
~ troop welcomed two new members, Jo)'Ce Abbott and Car- \ lene Cooper.
Instruction in how to make flowers of wood fibre was given by Mrs. Arlene Ulrickson, of Burbank Circle. Mothers of scouts were each presented with a small pot of geraniums the scouts had made.
The next meeting of the group, will be on May 20 when they will _go on a tour.

Brownies Fet~ ----1

Mrs. W. C. Gotsch and her co-

leaders, Mrs. Milton Brown, Mrs.

Girl Scouts Enjoyed

4B-Cobb County Times - Thursday, August 20, 1953

Donald Brers, Mrs. Don Effern and 1 Mrs. A. Keiffer, entertained the

Outing Last Week

Girl Scouts Go Bacl{ To School After Summer In Training

Brownies at a Woody Willow Show on TV, in Atlanta, Septem-
ber 29.
i - - - -- - - -- - - -- -

Dr. and Mrs. Lewis Ray's home on Windy Hill Road was the scene last Wednesday of the last outing of the season for Girl Scout Troop
No. 19. The outing was held at the Rot-

tenwood creek picnic grounds with

It's back to school for nearly two divicluals as well as good citizens o

Mrs. Allan Morton and Mrs. Ed

rr.illion Girl Scouts who have been troop, school, and community.

Maner, troop leaders, . in charge.

s1,cncling the Summer at Girl Scouting proyides a laboratorv

They were assisted by Mrs. Elder

Scout camps, outings, trips, over- for ~h,; practice of mam skills learn'night hikes, and other out-of-door cd ii:. r,chool. Girl Scout leaders are

Friday, August 28, 1953

Bramblett, Mrs. William Black, and Mrs. Fred Carter.

activi tics.

encouraged to familiarize thcmsel-

Manv of the skills they acquired ves "ith schoc.l programs so that
<luri_ng th~ir Scout life will be use- they_ m av supplement current
I - fol 111 thelf school work as ,Yell as studies with tmop activ.itics.
in their troops, for Scouting and Schooline haYc much in common . Many schools mtcrcslcd m camp-
. . mg, do a great deal of work in pro

S~out t-ilews

ber 9. The regular meeting place will be the Buyers' recreational

Three months of Scout activi- basement.

ties for the Belmont Hills Girl Present at the planning meeting
Scouts were outlined at a meeting were Mrs. Howard F. Carter, Mrs.
of the Troop Committee held last Ralph K. Landes, Mrs. Joseph

Present at the outing were: Carol Austin, Elizabeth Black, Anne Bramblett, Kay Burros, Nadine Carter, Anne Cobb, Trina Hoepner, Ann Konigsmark, Barry Landers, Kay Mills, Mary Payne, Sherry Robinson, Rachel Rose,


.They supplement an_d cooperate moting it for the students.
with. one ~nothcr: workmg to~cthcr The Girl Scouts arc indebted to
to g1,c girls c\'cry opportu_mtv _to the schools for mnc11 cncouragc-
hccomc resourceful. self-reliant rn- ment and many fa\'ors. \\ ith the

week al the home of Mrs. Donald Pierce, Mrs. Harold Ulrickson,

Byers on Glendale Circle.

Mrs. Everett Iriih, Mrs. David

- - - -- - - - -- -- - -- --- Activities will start on Septem- Freeborn and Mrs. Byers.

I Connie Turner, Sue Yarbrough,
Marjorie McDaniel, anil Jenny Lou Wright.

' .


402 At Bible School At 1st Baptist Here

A final summary or the week's Vacation Bible School a, the First Baptist Church, Smyrna shows a decided increase over last year's record.

There were 402 persons enrolled

in the school, with an average attendance of 303.

The averages of the various de-

partment of the schools reveal the

following enrollment: Baby Nursery, 19; Nursery, 35; Beginners, 84; Primaries, 112; Juniors, 121; In-

I termediates, 21, General Officers, !
10. A total of 16 professions of faith

were made, with 19 rededicating

their lives to Christ and the


I The total missions offering for

' the school was $202.46.

Reception Follows Junior Maccabees' Installation Service

~:\IYR~A - An instnllat10n stalled for the King Arthur Group: The club room was beautiful1'

sen-ice for the hrn grnup of Jun- Chnk Gustafson. p,I' l comnnn<l- decorated m pring tirnf' flowers ,

ior .\ faccabccs. the Bns\ Bees and er: Jcm Arrowood. clwpbin; .\ lic- 1\ith reel and \\ bite bemg the pre

tl1c King Arthnr \\JS held :1l the key Brinklcr, conunnndcr; ,\nnic clomim.ting colors. Red. black and,

\mc:riean J. C!;iOn Club Room Fri- Kate Chastain. lieutenant com- 1\ hitc arc the cmhlcmat1c colors ot

dav c1c11mg.

111,mckr: Donald -\rri1:~to11, sar- the :\ laccabccs.

Thc meeting \\,lS presided 01-c1 1 gcant; Jolrnnic Black, sen tinel
lJ\ \Jr, . \L11:ic '\clson, director I Connie Tnrncr, ,record keeper; Ge-
of the groups. :\ Irs. Blm1chc Carl- nc~a :\kim, liold_cn deed. recorder: ton ",is the installincr officer. :\liss- J1111m1c Lou \\ nglit_ 11at10nal flag cs Carol hiller, ancl Patncia ,\'k- bcnrcr a11d Care,! Austin, ;\ lac cabcc

Adams acted as pages lor the oc- flag bearer.


Busy Bee Group. Samnw Ham-

fhc following office:rs 1,crc 111- hv, pa t commander; Larry Knox,

______, clwplain; Al C;Hson, commander:

Hank Konigsmark, lieutenant com-

mander; ' \'itt Carson, Sargeant,


Stanl ning.

e Cox, record

sentinel; S:mclra kcc.:pcr; Patricia


f{oldcn clcccl n;c:ordcr; Rohcrt J,1cg-

crman, natio11al flag bc;:,ircr and ,\"

A. Ransom, ..\laccabcc flag bearer

A musical program and informal reception ft !lo\1cd the rnstallation. On the program 1\c1-c Charles Gustabon. Pa11la "\'orton. Edith Col-
ston :md Trena llocpncr.

Ice rrca111 and cooJ..ic, \1 ere sen-eel by \lisc~ :\lary i aith ::\l;rnning.
Carol Fuller, Patricia \ fcAdam s and Johnnie Black.

I 'I he parents and fncncls of t!IC' Juniors 11crc the guests for the CYC mng.

Smyrna Maccabees

ijonored At P_arty

"'S\fYRNA - Th c Tl,..n-Agc

group of l\faccabccs, were entertained ai a

of Smyrna watermelon 1

cntting at the home of :\lrs. i\fozic'

\V. Nelson, Friday c,cning. .

, l\1cmhcrs imitecl for the c\cmng

~vcrc Cecile Akins, Patty B:ilcl,, in,

Rose Ann 'Baldwin, Patricia Brink-

lof, Bcwrly Cobb, Patsy Da,c)1

Voh, Beth Dorris, Barba_ra Lewis,

Joyce LoYcrn, ::,.,1nry J, mth l\'lan-
:nii1g, Billie Jc:m Ransmn, Macclcl-

ic \Valton, Ronalct Brown, Jolm- ,

,1ic Da\"cnport. John Ca5tkberry_., I

Don Foster. Benny Thcqdocian,J T~rnmr Shipp, Ji11,1my Sprndlcy

md Eugen \\Talton.



Mrs. Nelson Fetes
Maccabees At Party

Mrs. Maizie Nelson was hostess

at a meeting of group of Junior

the King Maccabees

Arthur Friday


night at her home on N. Atlanta


Mrs. Nelson is director ot the group.

Prizes were awarded to Kay Smart and Dean Price for the most
I unusual costumes. Relay games
were enjoyed as part of the fun.

Favors were all-day suckers and guests were served ice cream and cake.

Assisting Mrs. Nelson in entertaining were Mrs. Brooke Elder,
Mrs. Louise Pounds-and Mrs. J. R. Black.

The following guests enjoyed the social: Ann Cobb, Connie Turner, Patsy McAdams, Kay Smart, Virginia Ransom, Annie Chastain, Carol Fuller, Edith Colston, Brenda Elder, Jimmie Lou Wright, Lamar Baldwin, Jerry Arrowwood, Steve Harris, Johnny Black and Dean Price.

- -------- I


.... ..... ...





Next Monday night., 8:00 o'clock .. in Campbell Gym.~1:--:H:-
"WHAT DO rm HANT FOR OUR CHILDREN" (Theme for 153-54)
NOTE: Thursday's Marietta Journal carried full story of yearrs plans, 9-24-53.
Friday's Smyrna Herald carried full story of plans. The Atlanta Journal is cnrrying story ovor week end.

\Je will gi vo you brief resume of plans officers, and committees here 2nd carry stories of tho various progrems throughout tho year.



President Mrs. George Miles
V. Pres .. Mrs. Elder Brnmblett
Secretary .. tars. ";.c. Mitchell
Treasurer . Mrs. VJ. J. Black},urn.

Budget & Finance . l\'Irs. Hovrnrd Hamby Hospit2lity, ... r.1:rs. Jottie Brown
Pro gram,.... Mrs. J.M. Gibson Membership. . . . Mrs. Jake Nash

Study Group ... Mrs. Glen Brown

Recreation ... Miss Gena 'Gwin

Mrs. Hamby.,- chDirman of budget rnd finance reports a largo portion of this year rs budget will go for the
recreation programs pl&nned in the form of two socials, to include
folk games and square da..'1cmg per

Room Representatives .. Mrs. Ed6 ar Logan
Publicity . Mrs. Willie Gri.ffin Scrapbook & His tori an . Mrs. B. L.
Walker. Psrli 0 montnriE1n... Hrs. Russell Hosch.

month (1st and Jrd Saturday nights.

These socials to be held at the


Mond~y night rs program is built


Another largo project is a folding

F'OR OUR CHILDREN." Our principal',

screen to divide the kitchen from

Mr. Jasper Gri.ffin, will be tho

the dining area in the school ccf0-

sp02kor ~f t'he evening.

teria. This cafeteria is used sever-

al times each month for civic meetings, Ch2rter members v,ill be recognized.

and this screen is badly needed.

11 Moet The Teacher" is ono of the

Bringing your old newspapers and

main purposes of tho meeting.

magazines every Tuosd~y morning

between ?:JO and 9:JO will certainly
help the budget.

Every parent of Campbell students has been mailed an invitation. If

yours fails to arrive through the

mail. Come anyway,, it must be lost.

'1 I

T-.-V-ENTY-T':'fO young people of Smyrna spent a very 011;ioy1blo evening on Thursd:1~ SeptG1'!b3r 24th~ 1-re went to ~'11F
,,,e sub-district tit ...'\.cw,Jrth. Fj_1st, ,,ant t0 t~10 'riet'.1odist Church in Acworth wh3re _.;3 11-:id 11 short progrs-.., avid refrcslwont$ .
Aftervrards, the group 1:Gnt tc I,c:ike Acvmrth for a Galil-:,2n Sorv:i.ce . T~1is serv:i.ce was different, inspirr:itional, :md Evc::rJ,o,,.e tl1at :;ent
thoroughly enjoyed it.
Ev-en though He hod a wonderful ti:ne,
we "'ro proudest of tho fact thrt had
r:1ore people tharJ tl-:an an:r other church.
We had 22, while the l1apl(J Avenue Church had 21.
Those attending fror,1 Smyrna .arere 1-Cr znd 1:rs Briscoe Soderman, Leon Conley, :-=rs EarncGt Jones, 1fcrs Jack Pearson , George ~nd Gretc11enNodine, Charles Ferrell, Doris Hart , t-Tanc~~ P0arson, :Mc.1ry Isley, Diel< Baker, Charles Gust~fson , ~~:Lekey Brinkley, Donna Chastil3n, Vicki and I.aFello Ruff, Carolyn Prickett, James
Cla:yt.on, Nancy Chandler, Laura Helen
Jones, and Beverly Cobb~ tie certainly enjoyed sub-district,
even if .v-o did get there late ~
Although we h1ve not been doingrmch in the way of recroatj_on lntaly, -;re hope to do more soon. ~:Jo 1ro hoping tl'.:l h2ve active games such os table tennis ,
bodmiton, croq_uot and horse shoos ~ Folk
d8ncinr. singing and various g3_1es :ire 1lroady enjoyed b;y this group . re ,-rant recreation so U12t more of the l::YF will par ticipate. Thas 3 ganes will make
possibl e a united fcllo~njip instead of a
fello1:lship bet v,reen two or t hroe members .
Eleonor Do~bs is in cha r ge of this re-
c:reation, and so far this year she has
boon doing a fine job. -~re hope she will
continue her e;ood work.

EDITOR Ileverly Cobb H_ANAGTIJG 3DITOR . George ,;odine SEfif'R PUBLICITY . .- . Vicki Ruff IFTET-rCDIATE PUJLICITY. LaPelle Ruff ADULT ADVISOR .!,rs J.E. Ho-rmll
TfJ.TTED l - - - Moro p00pl:0 to attend tho
Sr:.".'ld"Y evening service. The Junior Choir, r,hich has b1cn doing a fine job of pr3se-:-1ting speci.:,l sonF'S over y Su:vi,b:." nic;r,t, nu _,ci.J :lOur support as
;:o2.J. --:;, t .CJ p::1stor . O1:.J thing that
sc-:.r.n to r~--g D l:)3Jl ~;it11 evoryono is t:-8 nlc: f:::nili::ir h~71711s ,.-,hich -:;o sing. '.fuy ~1~)t put on your c0:1t .smd hnt and c ,1.~ r'1 over to ti- o church tonizht and
join us. Hu nood you . Soc you tonight
at 7 :30J


Our church hns an interesting

history connected 1'\ it . I think

0ver.;,1 member of the church should knorr


The first organization o'f the

met:-,,odist church in (}nyrnr rr0s -2t tho

present site of t110 '">, lO oi' Dr nnd Mrs

D. C. Landers on Cr"J.~c Street . This

TJ3S in 1839 and it ' kno ,n as the

Old Srn.yrn::i Cnnp Gr"r :~l. People from
r.iilcs around came FitL their families,

animnls, ond household s1pplios to stay_ for d<1vs ~t a time . v,t0r a church r.1;Js

built ~'There the H1sonic Hall now stsnds. V----

Tbi_s church wc:is usod during tho Civil

Nar. 'fucn Gener,1 Shorm,m was on his
11m;-irch to the soall ho burned it . The

old c0motnry in Smyrn:3 ;rs used as a

comotc1ry for those cirly mothodist

'.:hite people, ,'.3:"'d tJ, 3ir n\.,gro slaves

wore buried there [I lso.

After the burning of this church, a

brus:1 8rbor Yma oroctod whore the

,_ -

PresbytGrian church no;; stands . Later

a fra,.10 church ,vas built in its place .

Then, in 1911,. our prosent brick

churc1 '\Vas built . It wns smDll then .

As more members joinod this organization,

1 -=


'1 I

rmNTY-TWO young people of Smyrna spent a very enjoy1hlc evening on Thurs day Sept cn.,,.bor ~4th~ 1''e ,Yent to ~-1YF sub-district at Aca:)rth.
First, v,e ',ent t0 tho :1et'.1odist Church in Ac,vorth whGre _.:s lv::id a short prozrs-, and refreshments.
Aftervrards, the group v:ent tc l<:1ko Acvmrth for a Galil'"'GD Service. Tl1is service was different, inspiratioml, :md interesting. Everyo~1e that -,;ent t r1oroughly e:aj oyed it.
E-ver: though we hod a wonderful ti::ie, we c1ro proudest of the fad thet -:;:e had :".lore people thars t 11an any other church. ''Je had 22, while the Haplo Avenue Church had 21.
Those attending from Smyrna '.'lere :r-:r e,;nd Hrs Briscoe Soderr:1c1n, Leon Conley, "frs Earnest Jones, Hrs Jack Pearson, George ;:,md Gretchen Nodin0, Charles Ferrell, Doris Hart , Nancy P0arson, Mary Isley, Dick Baker, Charles Gust~fson, !1ickey Brinkley, Donna Chastian, Vicki and LaFelle Ruff, Carolyn Prickett, J:1mes
Clayt.on, Nancy Chandler, Laura Helen Jones, and Beverly Cobb~
We certainly enjoyed sub-district, even if -,vo did get there L,ite~
Although we h:;vc not been doing' much in tho way of recro3tj_on lr:!tely, ;re hope to do more soon. ~.:fo aro hoping to h3ve active games such DS table tennis, bodmiton, croq_uot and horse shoos_ Folk d~ncinr. singing and various :ire 1lroady enjoyed by this group.' "Je -,mnt
recreation so thnt more of the EYF will
participate. Thes 3 games viill make possible a united fcllovm ~ip instead of~
fellov1ship between tvm or throe members. Eleonor Do~bs is in charge of this re.:::rcation, and so far this year she has been doing a fine job. -1Ie hope she will continue her e;ood work.

EDITOR ~ :Severly Cobb rm.NAGING EDITOR . George F odine SE!-0I0R PUBLICITY .- . Vicki Ruff DJTER?f])IAT:S PUJLICLTY. L3?e-lle Ruff ADULT ADVISOR .1:::rs J .H. Ho7rell
1:U_NTEDl - - - Hore people to attend tho Slmd;:::ry oveninr service. The Junior
Choir, ,.-,hich hos b3cn. doing r; fine job
of pr,3Se":1ting speci."l songs every Sun1by nicht, DG..Jc3:J your support ::is . ,olJ. 13 t' G p.-:::stor . OnJ thing that
so Jr.s to r 1: o bGJ.l ~:it:1 everyone is
t:-.8 old f.:::,,ili'Jr hymns ,--hich Y,C sing. '.fuy !1ot, put on your co:1t and hat and coL,o 0'1. over to tl10 church tonizht and join us. 110 need you . Soc you tonight at 7:30~


Our church hcls an interesting

histor-J connected w:Lth it. I think

every mor:1ber of the church should know


The first organization o:f the

methodist church in (3n:yrna nns at tho

present site of the, nrio oi' Dr c::md Mrs

D. C. Landers on Cl.Tu~c Street. This

nas in 1839 and it J knmm as the

Old Sm,yrno Cc::n~p Grm '.c:l. People from

miles nround cam0 rrttb their fe:r.i.ilies,

animals, ,::m.d 11ousehold Sl.'.pplics to stay.

for dc1vs ,-:::t a time. 1."ter a church ,;ms
built ~1here tho l<T1sonic Hall now st.snds. i----

This ch'J.rch wao usod during tho Civil

Vfar .' When Gener-:il Shornwn was on his

11 morch to the ooa 11 he burned it. The

old c emotnry in Smyrrn3 -.-~s used as a

ccnot.::iry for those "'r-irly methodist
~,hi te people, m--.d ti, ::ir ne;gro slaves

wore buried there 1lso.

After the burning of this church, a

brush arbor -rras oroctod where the


PresbytGria n church no;; stands . Later

a frame church wa::; built in its place

Then, in 1911,. our present brick

church was built . It ,ms sm2ll then.

As more members joined this organization,


churc h i t 1.i11u .______ _ _ ______...,, ""' Ll.c.lvv

as wo know

o ay. As we arc still growing, wo

arc planning to build more onto our


I think if the people know the

history of their church, they will ap-

proci9te it more and more.

Beverly Cobb.

We hope th,:it the sub-district nt our church in Octobor will be ju:Jt as successful as the sub-di.strict at
On October 22nd, tho MYF of every church in Cobb County will moot ,3t our church .cit 7:30 P. M.
We hope we -wi.11 hc;VC a largo crowd at this sub-district. Evon thouch wo aro proud of tho t,wonty-two young people who went to Acworth, wo vvant oven more young people to ho nt sub-district in
October. We would like to show tho other
churches that vm aro interested in MYF and also that wo h[IVO young poopl0 who wi~l attond HY.F meetings .
The program for tho ovenine will be titled 11 Good .:md Bad1!
We vrill c:ilso have recrosM.on and refreshments.
Lot's all keep October 22nd in mind and attend this sub-district,




In the article

l r

nst ead:

edition of 11 Dick Stee

th n



11 MYFablc 11 ill enter


GMC .'.'it I,iillod3ovi.lle11 Instcnd; Dick is going to GMA ot College Park.

.J. uuv U~rl mos't of t hese boys and girls have not hnd much cxporioncc singing, they -:lre rnpidly gaining confidonco in thmnsolvos. Thero are sovornl fine soluists, and probc:1nly would bo nore:, if they would try.
I.:rs Paul Crump and Mrs L:iFelle Ruff, who accompany this group, have boon doing fine jobs.
These boys ond girls soem to hcivo fun 2t rehcarsnls, also. If ony one would liko to join this group, I am sure Hr Blc:itt would bo glad to have them. This choir rehearses on Wodnosdoy evenings at 7:00.
We aro looking f orvvard to hen ring this group sing this Sunday. KEEP UP THE GJOD WORKl
Although the 11YF has boon hc:iving fairly pood attendance tho past fow wooks, wo wont more young people to come to this fellowship. L.1st Sunday night, -,vo hcid .3 movie, which everyone thoroughly enjoyed.
We enjoy recreation which is planned by Elon nor Dobbs. We nl:ways hrvo rcfrcshmonts which ar0 truly refreshing.
Pro 6r~ms aro well palnnod and intorosting. Evoryonu that comes enjoys this fellowship.
If you arc bot~roon tho a gos of 12 :ind 23, we urge you to come to HYF oi'i Sunday evenings nt C O'Clock.
With tho leodor,~' .ip of Mrs Marilyn P3ris, and lfr & I.frs Briscoe Soderman,. vro .,ire movine fori:rnrd ovary week. V1hy don 1t you coma this Sundc1y evening?

If you have boon coming to the evening services on Sunday, then you have
enjoyed tho singing of the JU11ior Choir. This newly organized choir, under the direction.of Mr William Blatt, is doing a fine job,.

We arc proud tohnvo in our HYF many talented people.
Many of those people can play tho piano. They play at our weakly HYF mootings, at council meetings, cJnd at various other nctivitios.
Vlo also hGvo several !Singers in the group; sopranos, altos ,bnssos and tenors. They sing in our church choir,

l ,

u ume ctosgrunte d man onc e said

oliner pl.o ces.

" Probab1y the reason God made

We are also fortunate in having

woman lest was that he didn't

several youth who c2n lead tho Group

wnht. any advice while creating

:i.n prayers, discussions, and in- singing.
I.'[any people connot do this, and we

m11.n . 11

consider it a talent for those who c:Jn.

We again say wo are proud to have

We are always gladto have

talented mombors in our UYFJ

visitors in our ch&rch, even if

they are four-le~ ged . This was

the case a couple of weeks ago


when we had a black and white

puppy as our guest~ He attracted

A C'lUNCIL M~ETING will be hold quite a bit of attention when
'0nfsy , Octohcr 5, at the home of he made his entrance while the

i' r. H.'.'ld Lrs. r:ri.scoe ~~oderm~'.n r:~t

c-,ngree;ation wa13 singing a hymn .

2'l6 Church ;troet.

All bus j0ess will be discussed.

Pror:,.rar1. rc.rea c1'.1.n.:i.rre.n, Pdult C')''rlC-

Off:icial st3.pler of the MYF:

(~1.1_.~r~ , ~rt La F'eJ.lo Ruff . .I



~~v1~ J ra oi~PYl "nra c,;.;. l_

. ..::, C

u '

tn. ~,;~.\A.


,...., ,_, ...... V -


tho i'l ~-r ~; '.' I. G urr:;od to C o:--.-.e .

,{er.10r1bor tomorrow ni '. '1t .-.t 7: JC .

When a student at the Univer-

sity of Tennessee received a re-

l m, ii

T "

' i_



L n



,,. ,.,




port card with four F 1 s and one D, he was called before the dean

s'-1own rt t--:-, 0v-snin'.l' cl-1urc~1 ssrvlce and asked if there could be any S1Jn(1.--y. It 8'1.0';-roo w1-,ut -poop1e explanation for ROUR failing

d . "' J 1 .,__ ") o C[::n

i- - . '" - e -'c ,. ,1 O -t .1. _, ....!C;/ lJ.C1

r : i "".\::, ir,r,. 1. . . . .

v1 .... , ..

grades. 11 1 guess I spent too


much time on the other subject,"

'. certain chnrch needed to

was the blithe reply .

raise (J, OOC ror rc9~irs . .:vsry

:--r1e-11b cr of tbr>t ehurch yJ.'.'.3 p;.i.ven n

f'i,r~ 11olla.r> 1)111. ~Jith hts tu.lcnts

It was the first case for

t~o p~rson w~~ to d11~le or triple most members of the jury in a

t 1 :ts v.P1.otmt hv t'c e".ld o~, twc..1ty

little New England tovm, and

i,rnc',s 'i1his ic:.0:". WD.S trdren frorn a th~y debated fo~ hours. At last

prrable by Jesus.

they came back, and th-3 foreman

At the end of thn twenty wonks solemnly voiced the verdict.

over 8,('(0 h~.c~ 1Jeen raised. 'r:,1s "The jury don't think that he

,roved that peoplo will work i'or

done it, for wo allow he wasn't

G~d , even if t~cy won't work o~~or- there; but we tink he would have

wiso .

done it if he'd had the chanstt"

Don't forget yotir MY FUND Pledge .
Much happiness is overlooked because it doesn't cost any thing.


1tlhere one pl2ces his emphasis, there his heart is also .







Friday Night, Oct. 9

Campbell High Field











125 South Atlanta Street Smyrna, Georgia
J. D.









Atlanta Street

Smyrna, Georgia

=-,-, ,_, ,_,,








"We Swat The Spots"


219 Atlanta Street I

Phone 5-4438




I_________________________ !




T. A. Sanders

E. M. Herrin





Building Materials Lumber Millwork Hardware Paints

Phones 5-4491 - 92 130 Spring Street Smyrna, Georgia




























_ _



The Rexall Store



Phones 5-5063 - 5-5325

Smyrna, Georgia



-- -









I ~


Illegal forward poss

Penalty refused, incomplete pass, missed goal, etc.

y ,;:)
Defensive holding





*James Thomas E

*J.B. Westbrook E

*John Myers


Bobby Leonard T

Chas. Pritchett T

Clark Davis


David Bennett G

*Jimmy Ansley G

*Arnold Hamby G

Willis Oonn


*Mutt Davis


Sonny Hamby C

Jimmy Watson B *Fred Herren B *Len Chastain B

Gr. Wht. Wt. No. No. 146 18 57 147 .. 12 .. 24
203 30 60 181 25 55 175 20 53 144 23 46
167 17 32 135 13 21 158 21 .. 39 156 29 34
160 10 50 157 14 33
136 2 30 170 .. 4 .. 25 142 5 20

*Starting Team


Gr. Wht. Pos. Wt. No. No.

Douglas Jones B 186 8 40

*Leon Mccrary B 135 3 47

Ray Brown

B .. 142 1 26

Sam Mitchell B 173 7 48

Jimmy Jordon TB 138 9 44

Bill Pitts

LE .. 135 15 .. 49

Don Walker RE 161 26

Ronald Couch LE 133 27

Freddie Brown G 120 28

Sammy Anderson G 143 31 ..

Jim Lutz

BB 125 16

Gerald Eaton FB 127 6

Ken Bridwell BB 130 33

Joe Logan

'fB 135 19

Brown Logan WB 133 22

Howard Gunn TB 147 32

COACHES: Dixie Howell, Head Coach George Washington Univ.
L. N. Cain, Line Coach North Georgia College

Bino Barrieira, Backfield Coach George Washington University
MANAGERS: Ken Williams Jerry Crowe

&<',) Delay of game or excess time out

~~ C'~if.'\t'"i.-- ~ /.
Illegal motion or formation at snap






-- - ,_,



. . " ~ t.; ,rr..,






~ ......
. ,



Wht. Blue


Pos. Wt. No. No.

Hawkins, Billy E 175 80 30 Hildebrand, Ray. E 172 81 31 Baggett, Terry E 126 82 33

Nation, Jimmy E 145 83 34

Jordan, Carroll E 150 84 36

Martin, Johnny E 140 85 37

Cauble, John T 140 93 57

Bond, Billy

T 210 .. 94 ., 58

Moody, Aron T . 172 95 59 Wellham, Andrew T 145 96 54

Vick, L. G.

T 188 .. 97 53

Garrett, Marion T .. 146 .. 98

Rickett, B. J. G 160 86 55

Jackson, Claud G 153 87 50

Lee, Donald

G 140 88 52

Henley, Mac

G 126 89 40

Henley, Wilson G 140 90 38

Martin, Gene G 140 91

Camp, Stewart Q 120 60 21 Fowler, Jimmy Q 120 61 3 Gable, Jimmy Q 132 62 4 Entrekin, Ray. Q 175 63 5

COACH: H. P. "Red" Camp ASST. COACH: Coach Ramsey

Wht. Blue


Pos. Wt. No. No.

Whitworth, Don. B 143 6,1 6

Lynn, Bob

B 167 65 .. 7

.Jordan, General B 155 66 8

Gable, Ronald n 143 70 13

Rainwater, Tom. B 140 71 10 Benedict, Donald P, 150 72 9

Lawler, Ennis Price, Cecil Wilkie, Terry

B 134 73 14 D 125 74 20 B 122 75 60

Camp, Charles B 125 69

Dorsett, Tony 8 120 68

Mathews, D. C. B 140 67

Popham, Ronald B 135 99 ..

Morris, Harold B 126 76

Brown, Roy

B 130 92

Worthan, Ray. B 75 1

McCravy, Gelon C 153 77 17 Gibson, Donald C 160 78 18

Watson, Billy C 140 79 19

CHEERLEADERS: Jo .Ann Mason, Jane Harding, Pat Haddle, Carole Dodd, Bonnie Folds, Betty Cloud, Peggy Daniell.


,,~ ~-~J;p D-~ \1~

,.,, Off-~ Je or violation ('L"' ' I
~ ~ I of fre e-kick rules \~~~)

P"j): Crawling, pushin1;.,~
r or runner \1--=-I





Persona( foul






McGillis Flower Shop

Sam's Cleaners


Beautiful Dry Cleaning

Member FTD




102 S. Atlanta Street

1 111 N. Atlanta St.

Ph. 5-4636


. .






Collins Pharmacy


McMullan Pharmacy

,) Jake's Service Station

Coleman's Service Station

Washing - Lubrication



South Cobb Drive

Phone 5-9161



Compliments of
Daniell Supermarket
Oakdale Road & Marietta Highway

"A Great Success To The Panthers"

Howard Hardware Co.

124 Bank St., Smyrna, Ga. I
Phone 5-4567

Hardware, Pittsburgh Paints,

Houseware and Plumbing




1 Compliments of


A. M. POSTON - Owner

134 Atlanta Street

Phone 5-4475

To The Smyrna Herald
Call By The Herald Office for Details Phone 5-4031


Slaughter Insurance Agency

Caroline U. Slaughter, owner

132 N. Atlanta St.

Smyrna, Ga.

Phone 5-4702

Smyrna Floral & Gift Shop
Phone 5-4919


1i' 0 l\ 1"'AOTS AB O UT













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u R

~ E


u I

















w A



l( J



I~ \.



u A














l'~ :,11




[01- ~:, ;





1, I t

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u I









\ [~






l~ L

wA y





u A







Pr epa r ed by
A. C. Shepherd, Executive Secretary, SMYRNA GEORGIA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, INC.,
and distributed by the Chamber as a. Public Service

SMYRNA is the metropolis o! SOUl'H COBB COUNTY GEORGIA. It is also the cantor 1
of the fastest gz:owing aection in that area of the State. The population of the
f:~ffRNA area aa thi~ pamphlet goes to press (July 1953), presently estimated at 'bo-
tweon 5,0.00 and 6,000, ie. im:reasing. at .ari average rate of 250 people each month, Ot' j,000 per:sone annually. During every two months or' the year SMYRNA grows as faa-r. as it previously did during .tho entire. ten-year period-.' from i'940 to 1950, according to figuro13 _furnished by the United states Bureau of .tho Census. At the present :roto c! i::rowth (and all sig'ns point to.the likelihood of its continuance for a long time tc come), SMYRNA, by the end of 1953, is expected to bo part and parcel of a thrivinc, ambitious community of 100,000 red-bloodec .American cit izeris, ea:ch one st riving_ in a practical, oooperat ive manner, to "do his 'bit" toward making the SMYRNA anc! SOtTrH COBB COUN_TY area of . Georgia as flourishing, healthy and attractive a oornmunity as i9 likoly to be found anywhere . within ''the Dnpire stat-e ,-of tho 1 South." :,
You say, or course, ''!'here must xbe areason for this - phenomenal rate or growth." Wall , there 1B. Conveniently situated, as they are, bet ween Atlanta and Marietta, Georgia, SMYRNA and SOlJrH COBB COUNTY appeal to folks as being fine communities in which to reside and do business for a great variety of reasons in addition to ease of acceesibil ity _to ~t her nearby places Somo of the reasons given by rece?t new-
1 comers for locating 1n the SMYRNA and ' SOUI'H COBB COUNTY area include tho fo 1owing:
"Convenient location. II "I liked tho peoplo and their ,mys. i,
"It is away;, from t oWri, a nice community and
near my husband 1 s- work." "Nico poople, good schools, clean city." "Like SMYRNA beet 1 "Ee onornioal n
"I 1 iko this Beet ion.'' "Des irablo loo at ion. 11
i'Unusually nice residential section." "Conveniont t :o work' and I liked SMYRNA bat ..
ter than surrounding towns." "I lika t"he homos and location." "General 1ocat ion and desirability of area
of outor Ati'lanta:. 11
''Most desirable placo I could find for tho prieEJ."
'-'Good location." 11Likod location better t lmn any other in
county'. 11 "ID:nploymont here and naturally liked SMYRNA. 11
"SMYRNA is a. friondly city, convenient to Lockheed and Atlanta, o.nd offers good housing ."
"Prosperous in bus ine~s."
SMYRNA and sourH COBB COUNTY orter good homes, friendly citizens, helpful mor-
_,hants, excellent churches, and fine schools, staffed with capable facultios. Nuuoroua civic organizati'ons play an imPo'riant role in the active lifo of the communir y and include such groups as thoSmyrria GeorgiaChambor of Commerco, Inc,, the f'myrna Mon's Club, tho Smyrna Country Club, Sonior nnd Junior Womon;s ClubS, Masonic : odges, Tho American Legiome.nd Legion Auxiliary Posts, eoveral Paront-Teachors Asoriiations, Kiwanis and Lions Clubs, many active Garden Club groups, and tho Bo:, nnd -:i.!"l Seo ut s of .America.

Residence in SMYRNA and SOUI'H COBB COUNTY, Georgia, means living at an approx-

im'lt e elevation of slightly over 1,000 feet above sea level in a state which is

19.lger in area (58,876 sq'.uare miles) than any state east of the Mississippi River;

e. i.:ltate which is almost as large as all of the New England ~ates put together; n











ma. ximum



" .

The climate of tho SMYRNA and SOUI'H COBB COUNTY area ie ideal throughout the
y43ar. The atmosphere ie of low relative hunidity and is not subject to undue t em-
:plrat ure extremes other than for insignificantly brief periods on very rare occa..
e.ions. Snow, when seen at all in SMYRNA or in the sourH COBB'COUNTY' area, is so
em~ll in amount and:' remains on the ground for such ahorl intervals as to 'l::e pre.ct i-
cally negligible and relatively unimporl ant. Any deviations from this fairly well
established pattern are so rare as to constitute very unusual ciroumstanoes.

Within a radius of approximately seven miles from t Hb heart of SMYRNA are to
be found mercantile, professional and industrial establishments covering practically the entire field :of business activity. Types, of businesses operating wi.thin
that specified ar.ea include such lines as the following:

Advertising - Outdoor and radio Airplane manufacturers 1'"!1t iques / act e J..~t c.rnaye
.hW"lings - Met al 1
Au: omobtlle - Sales, aooeesories end service
F:1korios Lanka
Barber shops Batteries Beauty parlors Bicycles Boat builders Body shops Bill :Lard parlors Book stores Brooms Builders' supplies Bulldozers Bus lines Cabinet makers cares, rostaurarrt s and drink
dispensors Candy man ufact Children's wenr Chll"
Chi:op:.--act ors Cla;i- p:.oc.uct a c,1,,~r.ers - Dry Clinics - Medical
r'l-i+ hi"'.g
Coa: Col~ ect ion a.gene ies Ccncret e product a

Construct ion companies Contract ors Convalescent homes
Dairies Dancing schools. Day n urserios Deo~ators Dent iste Department stores Druggists Eggs - Wholesale and rgtail Electric appl ea anc. contra.ct ore
Farm equipment (~eod st ores ing firms Fissing tackle and supplies Five and ten cont stores Flooring and floor surfacing Florists . Food storage units Funeral direct9rs Furnaces and heating equipment Furniture deal ere Garages Gae and gas appliances Gift shops Glass dealers Government of fices
Grocers Guttering Hardware Hatcheries - Poultry Hat reno vftt ors Hobby shops Hos.iery man ufact urers Hospitals

( 2)



Ico cream ion material and service

Iron - Ornamental

Ironing machines Jewelers



Kindergarf; ens

Kit c hon cabinet s

Kitchon oquipmont - Installations

Kn it goocts - Wholesalers and man ufact urera

Lawn mowers

Lighting f ixt uroe Linolo'lml


Lockemit h's


Machine shops

Machine tools

Matt reas reno vat ors Moat markot s

Modic al cl in ice

Men' a furnishings

Mot al products Milk

Mill work

Mimeographing sorvico Mops

Mot els

Mot ion pict ure t hoat ors

Mot or froigl1t 1 ines Movers

Night clubs

Nurserios - Day and night Nurs ing homes

Of fico equipment and supplies

Oils - Fuel and pet roloum Opticians

Opt omat rist s


Phonograph rocorde Phot ographors

Photographic equipment and eupplioe
Physicians and surgeons Pianos

Pict uro frames Pipe and pipo :i'itt inge

Plast ice


Pl umbing and pl umbing suppl iee Pottory


Print ors

Radio broadcasting stEit ions, dealers and sorvico
Ranges - Gas and electric Roal estate
Refrigerating equipment Romnante Rest aurarrt a Rewoavers Roo fora Safo repairing Sand - Washed San it ar i ums San ft ary suppl ios
Sa vinge an c. Loan As e,p.e iat ions
Saw filing School suppl ios Scroens - Met al Socondhand stores Socrot arial eervico Soade Sopt ic tanks
Service attrt ions - Aut omobilo Sewer pipe Sowing machines Sheet metal works Shoo repairs Shoos Sho vole - Power Siding Signs Sport :ing goods stationers st oal oract ors st eel fabricating st oal - st ruct ural stokors
stono - Cruahod Storago st oro fronts Theaters Til.o - Asphalt Taxicabs Toloijraph Companies
Tax returns - Preparm; ion of Telovision receivers
and service Termito control Tires
Tiros - Recapping and troading Titlo Companies Tourist courts Tourist lromos Towol service
Toys - Wholesale and manufacturers Tractors Trail.or parks
( 3)

r -.,a.Uers
r ;,,.nsfer Companies
T ,'eking
'I'v r sw:: it ors
l.f:' 3rers
v.ct.Jm 0leaners
V,;re.; fan bl ir,ds
'fot er ina::-ians
N-:11 paper

Washing machines
Watches and watch repairing wat er heat era Wat er so t't oners Wea.the:- strips Weavers
Wedding announcem&n+.~
Welding Wip:ing cloths
Women 's apparel Wreckers - Aut omob ilc,


The government of Cobb County, Georgia, comprisos the following deps.rt~ents, p:esided over by the incumbents listed:

Agricultural Agent's Office - County Agent: J. H. Henderson

Assi.8tant County Agent: Ernest West er Alms House - Super:int enc!ent: Frank Guinn

Board of Ecucat ion - Chairman: L. N. Lassiter

Secretary: W. P. Sprayberry

A. H. Mccleskey Frank Mills

Lewis A. Ray
Hammond R. Daniel
Boa.rd of Health - Commies ioner: Dr. J. E. Lest er

Dr. W. C. Mitchell
W. P. Sprayberry

John A. Heck

Judge John T. Dorsey
Commissioner of Roads and Revenue - John A. Heck Convict Camp - Warden: Davia Taylor

Deputy Warden: G. C. Brooks
County Pol ice - Chief: 'John Lee

Engineer's Office - County Engineer: M. McDonald Lawrence Home Demonstration Agent - Miss Lucile Hinton Juvenilo Court - Judge: Hiram E. Mozley
Probation Officer:: H. c. Barfield
Ordinary - John T. Dorsey
Pouncmast er - J. W. Reeves
_public Welfare Department - Director: Ml% Pt.1 lr WallJ:ne
c hC1ols - Superintendent: W. P. Sprayber..,y f: he.;2-t'_ - Harry Scoggina

Chief Deputy: Harry Black

Soil IJun"lervation Service - Soil Conservat ior. Jir;: ~. C. Crowther

--- -

C. C. Betts

~~pariflr Court - Judge: James T. Manning
Solicitor General: Luthur c. Hames, Jr.
Clerk: John T. Lecroy
7ax Assessore Board - Chairman: D. W. Dobbins

H. H, Hunt
S. P, Meek T~x Collector - James E. Berry
Tax Receiver - Luther c. Hames, Sr.
'Ireasurer - Horace Groover

Veteran Farm Training School - Superintendent: W. P. Sprayberry

County Direct or: O. B. Mills

( 4)

water System - Superintendent: Jack Davis
Smyrna's governing ay!ihorities consist of a Mayor and five Councilmen. The focunbenta aa this issue goes to press are:
Mayor: Guye N. Duncan
Councilmen: H. L. MoEntyre, Sr. (Mayor pro tem)
John s. Collier
Charles Mayes Hamby Harey Mitchell, Jr. Glenn R. Yarbrough, Jr.
The Mayor and Councilmen meet in regular session on the first Monday evoning in each month, and special meetings are held as from time to t iLle become _nocessaey. Meetings are held in the recently remodeled Council Chamber in the City Hall Building, located at the northwest corner of North Atlanta and West Spring streets.
In addition to the Mayor's office and Council Chamber, tho City Hall Build:ing houses the Police Court and offices ot the Chief of Police, Superintendent of tho CWaittyerCWleorrkks. and general City Maintenance Departments, City Clerk. and Assistant
Plans and specifications for a beautiful new, modern Municipal Building to houee the various departments of tho city gove~nment have been prepared and are CU!"rently under considorat ion by the Mayor and Council. Erect ion of such a building v!ill mark a long stride fo:rward in Smyrna's progressive development besides an attract ivo landmark and providing room for much needed expansion of the commun:i:ty 's govern:ing facilities.
ing liAsdtd: itional services of tho Smyrna City govornmont are indicated by tho follow-
City Building Inspector: Robo!'t H. Taylor City Clerk: Mrs. Halon Baldwia
Assistant City Clerk: Mias K. Melvin City Engineer: Thomas L. Grist City Plumbing Inspector: W. L. Westbrook Electrical Inspector: J. M. Atha
Council Comm:itt oes and Chairmen: F:inanco Committee: Chairman - Charles Mayes Hamby Parks and Building Committee: Chairman - He.rey Mitchell, Jr. Planning and Zon:ing Committee: Chi:u.rmcm - Glonn R. Yarbrough, Jr, Public Health and Safoty Committee: (Including Police, Fire and Sanitm ion) - Chairman - H. L. McEntyro, Sr. streets and Sidewalk Committee: Chairman - John S. Collier Wm er and Sewage Committee: Chairman - Glenn R. Yarbrough', Jr.
!:21. ice Department:
Provides twenty-four hour a day police protect ion. Chief
John c. Hardy is assisted by four officers and a patrol car
equipped with two-way radio. The business area of Smyrna is
under constant police surveillance from 11 P. M. to 7 A. M.
evecy night of the year, and Smyrna residents, by dialing phone

2-83357 and calling for ucar 44, u are assured prompt responses
to crulls for help in any emergency. A city jail, sani..ta10 ily equipped and provided with an adequate heating system fo:- protect ion in cold weather, is available for use whon n98ded. The city 'a Police Court, presided over by tho Mayor as Judge,
sits every Monday evening at 7 o'clock and ort oner when noc-

Fire Department - Chief: Earl Cobb

Belmont Hills Elementary School, South Cobb Drive - Principal: W. L. Morgan
Fitzhugh Loe Elementary School, Atlanta Road (Oakdale) - Principal: o. L. Pa:r:-kor
Groen Acres Elementary School - Principal: J. Milton Lewis Orme Campbell High School, Af;lant a Road - Principal: Jasper M. G1,iffin Robert L. Osborne School ( Fair Oaks) - Principal: Robert L. Osborne Smyrna Elementary School, Church street - Principal: .Paul Crump Smyrna Elementary School (Colored), Turpdn Road - Principal: Ron:1ta Phillips South Cobb High School, Aust all Road - Principal: W. O. Smit ha University of Georgia Off Campus Center, Winn street (Marietta) - Director: Harold


Smyrna Preschool Association, .American Logion Annex - Principal: Mrs. M. A. McGee

Dorough's Nurl!lery, Davia R6ad - Principals: Mr. anc. Mrs. J. W. Dorough Jack and Jill Nursery, 221 Bank stroot - Principal: Mrs. Dorothy Ruff Little Bo Poep Nursery, 451 Concol"d Road - Principal: Mrs. Ruth C. Dunt on Playt imo Nursery, 144 Sharon Circlo - Principal: Mrs. M. A. McGee
Small Fry Nuraory, Carson Drivo - Principal: Mrs. F~ c. Barmore, Jr.
Sunsot Valley Ranch, 114 Powder Springs streot .. Principal: Mrs. Jo}m B. Ellis

Myrta Chat field School of Dance, Women's Club Building - Principal: Mrs. Myrta (Chat field

Assombly or God:


Assembly off Goci~ Hawthorne S:.reot - Pastor: Rev. Arnold Ford

~;et ist:

Bethel Baptist, Spr:ing stroo~ R::>ad- Pastor: Rov. W. T. Crawton Fair Oaks Baptist - pastor: Rnv. Paul Carmichael
Fellowship Baptist, Plant Atk~.nson Road - Pastor: Rev. D. c. Jenkins
First ist, 148 Church St root - Pastor: Rev. York Chambless Groen Acres Baptist - Past or: Rov. D. C. Bivans .. Loe ust Grovo Ba~ is:t, Jttla.nt a Road -- Past or: Rev. H. E. Kennocy


f..1:.t::t iat (Continued):
Olivo Springs Baptist, Austell Road - Pastor: Rov. Ashley Pickron Second Baptist, North Atlanta Streat - Pastor: Rev. C.R. Lawlor Sharon Baptist, South Cobb Drivo - Pastor: Rev. G. E. Evans
Spring st root Baptist, Spring street - Past or: Rov.. Albert C. Marshall
TAmplo Baptist, South Cobb Trive - Past or: Rov. Carl Davia Vininge Baptist, Pine Tree Drivo - Pastor: Rov. Thomas W. Benson
at ho dist:
Fair Oaks Methodist - Pastor: Rev. Sam Banke First Methodist, 170 South Atlanta Street - Pastor: Rev. J. H. Allison, D. D. Vinings Mat ho dist, Paco's Mill Road - Pa.'Stor: Rev. Cecil Page
Prosbyt orian:
Smyrna Prosbytorian, Church street - Ministor: Rev. John H. Knight
J;norican Legion Auxiliary - Presidont: Miss Martha Quarles .hlD01:ican Logion Post No. 160 - commander: Robert J. {"Bob") Austin b-jJ.zhug h Leo Elementary School P. T. A. - President: Mrs. George Hardin J eJse Coleman P.. T. A. Council - President: Mrs. Parker Norton .T onc:uil Gardon Club - President: Mrs. Robert Kilpatrick Lomc,n s District Civic Club - President: Joe Clark
Lo s C~b J~ Garden Club - President: Mrs. Rufus L. Adair, Jr. Nelms L0dgo #323, F. & A. M., - Worshipful Master: Zolan Wills
oa:~ccJ.o Gare.en Club - Presic.ont: Mrs. E. VI. Carter
C' r dc r rf Eastern star - Worthy Matron: Mrs. Goorg!l W. Kreeger Crin: Cc.:.mpTuoll Hi gh School P. T. A. - Prosidont: Mrs. George Miles Pho Troe Gardon Cl ~b - President: Sm:rr.a Elomontury School P. T. A~ - Mrs. Julius W. Davis
Smyrna GoorginChambor of Commerce, Inc., - President: Dr. w. C. Mitchell
Vic o Pros idont : Will irun Hubert Colquitt
Troasuror: E. H. Davia Socrotary: A. C. Shophord
Spring Hill Garden Club - President: Mrs. Horace S. Mulkey Smyrna Hospitality League - Welcoming Representative: Mrs. Duano Paris Smyrna Junior Women's Club - President: Mrs. R. W. Jaegerman Smyrna Kiwanis Club - President: A. H. Carson
Sm' i.--na Lions Club - President: s. H. Mccalla
Smyrr.a 1~on 's Club - President: A. M. Aiken 0tuJr-1ia Sc'.".J.ior Women's Club - Presic!ont: Mrs. Clo.uc!e M. Hamrick, Jr~ Vini.ngs Citizens Council - President: Mrs. Earl Car-tor Smith
Walter F. George (Democrat) - Residence: Vionnn, Georgia Richard B. Russell (Democrat) - Rosic!enco: Winder, Georgia
?:,61?"'..9.!.')nt at i vo:
Hondorson. Lanham (Democrat) - Rosidonce: Romo, Georgia
( 7)


Nearby points of interest include such attractions as the following:
~~ S_ott College, One of the country' a leading women 'a colleges.
American Legin Park ( Smyrna Post No. 160)'. outstanding for its leadership in Legion affairs and in local community ace ompl ishrnent s.

Aunt Fanny's Cabin. Replete with fascinating historical associations and popular with tourists as a place to, dine.

Columbia Theological Seminary. Established in 1828.

Covered bridge over Knickajack Creek. One of but very few le~ in tho United st a.t OB.

Cyclorama. Housoa a million dollar pa1.nting showing in realistic detail tho Battle of Atlanta.
Dobbi'Yls Air Force Base. One of the largest in eastern United st at es.

~ory Un_i,ersity and Ho~ital. Established in 1836. Both urdvureity and hospital among the Nation's finest.

Foc.e!:2,1 P~rit ol'!t,E::!:X_. A more or loss permanent homo for al1,1ost 3,000 wayward adults.

Fort McPherson. Third Arrey hoadquart ers. Sito established --;;-1dBr

11Goo,rg~.a Tech" (Georgia Inst:i:tute of Tec!mology). In foref:-ont of the Nat ion's technological collogos.

Go vorn or 's Mar..s ion.

Home of t.Jncl,9 Remus" ( "Wren 's Nest"), where Joel Chandler Hcrr:ls ,1.oto his famous "lliclo Remus" o.nd "Br 'or Rabb::..t " stories to dol ight tho yomger genorat ion.

over Ko:-:ne'Jt 010 Mo,:..vitr1 in Battlefield National Park. Visited by

~~ t ci,...-'.l.1;rt F.;-"'f;:-m "'11

t !to world. Government rangers

aerv0 as guides in conducting visit ors ovor tho bat ..

tlef ields.

Lo~kh'o~LJ\'t Corporation (Georgia Division). Employs JV~~ ll 1 COO pouplo.
Log Cabin Comm..E-_:ity Sunday School Building. On Log Cabin D~ ive. Or-ganizod in 1912 as an interdenominational Sunday School in a noighborhood then having but few settlers. Tho origino.l little log cabin still stands a few foot wast oft tt-o presorrt modern etruot ure.


M~~_d~_!,~1:._. Oldost cown-town building in Smyrna. Used elf' C1tif'3dt'rato hospital during Civil War and has many otho:- btcroeting historical associations of pre- and pvet-Civil War origin. Locatod on wast Spring street.

st o.t o 9apit ol. A mill ion dollar odif ice orect ed on land at one t imo used by the Union Army as a camping ground during tho Battle of Atlanta.

Stono Mountain. "Eighth wondor of the world" as largest solid block of granite on earth.
Amusomont resorts, automobile races, baeoball diamonds, bowling alleys, golf cour~es, public parks, swimming pools, tennis courts, and many other forms of recreation and enj oyo.ble ent ertainmont.

SMYRNA and SOUl'H COBB COUNTY prese!ilt wonderful opportunities for indust rial dovolopmont. Served by four railroads, four main modern highways, excellent t ran sport. a+. ::.on facilities, advantageous froight rates on shipmonts from Mic-West and Pacific co 'lst po1nta, low taxes, plentiful supplies of skilled and unskilled labor, adoquato houAing, an abundance of availablo water, gas and olectric currant, cooperative, r r or, ressivo merchants, good schools staffed with first-class facultios, an active, social and community life, helpful, public-spirited cftizans, many fine civ.. :a.c vrganizations, and numerous other features tending to build a forward-looking, pn grossivo nnd wholesome community spirit, SMYRNA and SOUl'H COBB COUNTY prosent unr-rJemod of possibilities for industry and commeroe to capitalize on profit-making
I:'OG :i. VOS.


Only onough copies of this mimeographed pamphlet have beon prepared to provide rne fo- member of tho Smyrna Chamber of Cozmnerce.

and If yo u would liko to see it cut down to a much smaller page size


pc::-hups in groa.tly condensed form, o.nd would be willing to eh.are in the printing and

pu'oJ ish ing cost to the extent of whatever propo:rt ionato part of the total nu:nber of

cop.:.os print od you might decido to uso for distribution to others, tith your compli-

r.-:o!lt s, (soe rP-t,rl;side of back cover), let the Secretary know, giving him tho benefit

oi ur.y- ~omment1{or_. suggeat.ions--you car.o to make, otherwise, further copies will not

bG a ,a :i:able.



CORRECTION SHEF:1' Thia sheet is for the purpose of showing the following oh~s, insertions or a1ditions, made necessary by reason of the information having ~een misplaced or ttul.vailable when the dtenoila for the pamphlet were prepared: Correct page 4 to show Albert J. Henderson, Jr., a.a Judge of Juvenile Court.
Correct page 7 to show Rev. J. W. Eberhardt as Pastor of Fair oats Methodist Church. On page 7, insert Cain street Methodist Chapel, (Colored) ,Hawthorne street - Pastor:
Rev. curt is. On pago 7 insert Mount Zion Baptist Church, (Colored), Hruwthorne street - Pastor:
Rev. H. D. Davenport.
On page 7, mder "Civic Organizations, n insert name of Mrs. Mark Johnson as Presi-
dent . of Pino Tree Garden Club.
On page 7, undep "Civic Organizations," insert Belmont Hills Garden Club - Presi-
dert: Mrs. Milt on J. Brown.
C, page 7, under "Civic Organizations,'' ineert the following:
Boy Scouts - Scoutmaster: Sherwood W. Pierce. Boy Scoute Cub Packs - Leado::-: Gfrl Scouts (Troop No. 44) - Leader: Mrs. Donald W. Byers. Girl Scout Brownies (Troop No. 45) - Leader: Mrs. Jane Got sch.
On page 7, under "Unitod stat es Government," add tho following: :
Po st mast era : Smyrna - Zelan Wills. Vinings - Mre. F.arl carter Smith.


Information Bulletin No, 101 -- July. 1953

Authoritative information t-eaching this ottice indice:tes there is an immedi-

at o need tor a widespread aircraft euboont raot ing industry in this ( Smyrna, Geor-

gia) aroa.

F\lrt her indications are that plante oape.'&lo or making proc iaion part; s for

airplanes could also servo other typos of industries which are already located

within comparai; ivoly ahorl distances o:r Smyrna or planning on moving into this

general area .

r '

Tho Georgia Division or tho Lockhood Aircraft Corporation, located within tllr,a

northern fringe aren of Smyrna, noods additional subcontract ors in this aroa to

establish tho aircraft industry in Goorgia on a firm oconomio and compotitivo


Growth of supporting small inc!ust rios within the Smyrna area would cut froight

oost s on many airplane part e now bought by Lookhoed in tho East, Midwest and other

distant poirrlis. In addition to such dollar savings, transit time betweon the sup.

j,lior and the aircraft plant 'e assembly lino would bo roducod, thus speeding pro-




PLIES AND Nor AIRCRAFT PARI'S. It is indicat ad that a large group of rolat ively small producers feeding com-

ponent a of tho B-47 stratojot and the c-130 military transport into the local

Information Bulletin No, 101 -- July. 1953
Authoritative information reaching t hie o!tice indicates there iB an immediat o need for a widespread aircraft subcontracting industry in this (Smyrna, Geor-
gia) aroa. Further indications are that plants capa'&l.o or making precision parts for
airplanes could also serve other typos of industries which are already locat od
within oomparat ivoly short distances or Smyrna or planning on moving into this
general area . Tho Georgia Division of tho Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, located within tl!Da
northern fringe area of Smyrna, needs additional subcontractors in this aroa to osto.blieh tho aircraft industry in Georgia on a firm economic and compotitivo basis
Growth of supporting small indust rioe within the Smyrna area would out freight coat a on many airplane part a now bought by Lockheed in tho East, Midwest and other distant points. In addition to such dollar savings, trans:f:li t3me between the sup. flior and the aircraft plant 'e assembly lino would bo reduced, thus speeding product ion.
It is indicated that a large group of rolat ively small producers feeding com-
ponent a of tho B-47 stratojet and tho c-130 military transport into the local

Lockhood plant from tho Smyrna area would tend to give stability and permanence to tho pla?It and, in addition, croato dozons of now induetrios.
Official roport s of progress toward permanent oporat ion of tho local Lockhood plant emphasize two favorablo factors -- that Georgia workerB havo provod thomsolvoe
roo.dily adapt ablo to using machine t oole and becoming skilled in tho proc is ion work
that is nocoesarily required in the manu.tacturo of airplanoa and othor rolatod products.
B-29 airplo.noa modif iod for tho Air Force at tho local Lockhood plant last yoar woro complot od by Goorgia workers at below tho ost imat ed oost, and indications aro
tha.t thoeo erune workers will also prodooo tho B-47 j at bombor for this Na.t ion s air
arm undor tho original cost oat imates, although tho factors are noj. tho same bocauso, as ono official. of tho plant has pointed out, "the stratojat is one of tHo world's m:>st complicated nnd eopMat icat od airplanos."
Nevertheless, tho eamo author:ity strosees that Lockhoed'e plane call !6r gotting tho production oost of airplanos mado at tho local plant below that of their competitors, a factor, it is pointed out, tho.t is considered vital to tho security of tho opornt ion,.
If, therefore, you aro soaking a sito in tho southeastern United states, in an aroa where everything is fa~ble for initial factory construct ion or plant expansion -- an area wheroin pre.ct cal, money-making opport unit ioe on a big scale are
bogging for adopt ion, you tan t afford to pass up SMYRNA, GEORGIA.
If your plans along this lino to bo controlled by tho availability of ro.ilroad facilities, highway transparlation (both froiglt and paseongor), froight rat o o.dvantagos on shipments from tho East, the Middle Wost and Pacific Coast points, supplies of slkillod anc! unskillod labor, low taxes, a plontiful wntor supply, favorable climato, o.ll nocossary public tt:Uities, good schools and


chu,;-choe, recreational facilitioe, a friendly and helpful citizenry, oa.eo of accose:i,..

bility to many placeo of state and National interest, and many fldvantngoe froqupntly

not offored 'bJl large cities, SMYRNA, GEORGIA, should be a ''MUST .. on your list of

areas to bo invootigated before you reach any final determination.

Inquirioa will be answered fully and promptly, and all l!llogot iat iono will bo

hanc.lod on a strictly confidont ial bas is.

/ 7


I '
,.,...__,_~ , 1 ) / Y ~ -

(A. C. Shophe~d) Exocut ive Secretary 1

' .

Unique School Paper



.Full Coverage The school is now in the process of selecting a reporter from each
room. a circuhition manager 11 ho 1 11ill hmc a counterpart in each

ing but:we learned the Krnncqa1_v
::>c.,uu1 nas pnt out the first cell tion of a p,1pG '.'.nich thC\ ca11 tht Kennesaw Eagle.

room to circulate the papers ::md

In talking 1yith rarl K. Chem.

By Belmont Elementary Students, collect the fee of three cents per principal _tl~cre, 11 c ,made some


cop~ which he "ill turn over to the quite am b1tious plans for tl~e local



newspapers to_ c~irr1 _out 1nth the

S;\[) RN,\ - ~clmont


a ston wonld not be forthcoming. !\fr. ilatcl,elor ad,no11 leclged th:tt

1 the 1'.Cl\'s" is the imprcssi\'C ti~k s11cl1 a project 11 as in the making,

! which Belmont IIills School pupils ha,c \'Cited to gi,c 1;,c name of their school paper.

then interrupted the com crsatfon to ask a boy who had cnter~cl his office wk1t he could do for !um.

Belmont J fills School is one of

Vinal Choke

tl,c. 1cn newest schools in the coun- The rnnna man had come to pre-

t\, is Olll' of tht: most rnoclcrn iu sent the list' of some 20 n,1mes to

, the st:1tc. a'ml has thL distinction l\lr. Batchelor for his rntc on nam-

p.~r The finance committee has fig- schools in gcttmg their ne\1s before
ured the three cents mll the ex- the public. Extrcmeh ~10dcst about

I 1, pense of getting out the paper and
if an\' monc, is left 01cr at the end of the term 'it will be nscd in some

hb own school. Cherry thmk there clcfiniteh- a pbcc for so!Ile puhlieitv other than sports 11 luch

manner for the school. Al. o by- is a step in the right direction.

bws ll'ill be dra1rn up to g01crn the

\ \'c arc eagerly anticipa_tipg these

I publirntions conduct. 1 lie first ed-
ition is expected to make its appc:uancc in about two weeks.

new publications along mth Panther Tracks from Campbell Iligh.

In talking with_ the :ldl'isor, l\Iack

of ha1i11g outgrO\rn itself hcforc ing the 11c11 publication. The Prin- Curtis, we lcarnccl that he lnid proit 11tis c1cn co111pletccl. Consequent cipal read the list out to us a11cl 1,c moted the s.chool paper on a room

I\' a three room addition is nearing cmnplction thongh the school op

chose, Vic11s

sing11larl)' cnough, Bchn~nt
the I\c11s as our choice. r

basis while teaching in '1 allasscc, Ab., and foul)d that as a result, the

cncd in September.

In1aginc om snrpri~c 11 hen later I children had the best grades in

'\;011 Belmont Hills comes np t.1lke<l with the facnlty a<h-iscr for

11ith a project nniquc among elementary schools by bnnching ont
on a school paper. "Belmont Views

this new paper, l\ fack Curtis. to

learn that ,,as the name chosen ll\

the students.

English they had C\'Cr made. I\ [r. I Curtis is a modest man, not long
on publicitl', hut 11 ith a _sinc~re d~sire to promote education Ill l1JS 1


the Ncws."'ifyou plcnsc. l.carning of the project, this reporter fir\t

Pnts1 Black is the student 11'110 proposed the 11inning title for

called Principal Batchelor to ~cc if

1d1ich she ll'ill be gi\'cn a vcar's subscription to the paper. The fol1011-

scnmth grade. Ile sa\'s the great problem now is to keep the children from g11'i11g too much time to their new u11dcrb1king Yet keep-

ing h,11-c been elected to head up ing their interest from lagging when

the paper: Joyce Abbott, editor; the idea has groll'n old.

Jon Hillhouse, assistant editor:

En:'To The Future

Linda Nalley, ~eereta11 am! trc.:asur-

,vc made an effort to learn if

' er, and ,\~i11nic Byers the typist 11'110 will t1pe up the lll:)Stcr cop, for the ditto machine,

other schools - clcmcntan schools -had such journalistic ambitions The information was not forthcom- .


Sapto~ber 28, 1953.

. ight P...:.


President -- Mrs. George Miles
Vice President -- Mrs . Elder Bramblett
Secretary-- Mrs . 1. C. Hitchell
Treasurer -- Mrs. rr . J . Blackburn

1. Recognition of Charter Members :Mrs. George Miles
II Introduction of Committee Chai:r;men
Budget and Finance . . Mrs.- Howard Hamby Hospitality ...... .......... . ....Mrs~ Jott:te Brown Program . . . . . Mrs J M. Gibson Membership . . Mrs; J~ke Nash
Stuey Group . .~rrs . Gl an Brown
Recreation .. Miss Gena Glvin Room Representatives .Mrs; Edgar Logan Publicity 1frs; Hemet Griffin Scrapbook and Historian Mrs . B. L. -Walker Parliamentarian Jiirs. Russell Hosch Magazine Subscription .Mr.s . John Knight )-----...,_
III Introduction of Speaker . Mrs . J . L~. Gibson
TV. Guest Speaker ...... .... . ....... . N..r . R. L. Ash
V Introduction of Faculty
VI ff~cption for Parents and Teachers .

: '.::it~


.. ~

South Carolina GA-Marietta Daily Journ~I - Friday, October 23, 1953
Campbell Seeking Edges Clemson Fifth Win Ton.ight In Annual Tilt

Hilltopp11 For Reg11

Dick McPhee's SE

Face Stephens County In Smyrna Eagles Underdogs For LaFayette

othcr meeting between arch-rivals South Carolina and Clemson failed to produce anything even approaching a riot, but it still turned out to be an interesting football

Club Reported In

A Rome Hilltopper eleven, i



ceived in their 13-0 loss to Dalton

Campbell High's Panthers will try for victory No. 5 tonight when This is the game, held annually night for a region contest with the

they meet winless Stephens County at the Smyrna field at 8.
At the same time, Eddie Baker's South Cobb Eagles go for their fourth win, playing host to Lafayette's strong Ramblers, 'Once-beaten in Region 3-A this season.

during the South Carolina State Fair, which in past years has been noted for its blood-letting, both on and off the field.
But not even one punch was

Head Coach Dick l\kPhce said the Hilltoppcrs are in the worst, shape of the year and several changes in. the line-up have ibcen

The Panthers go into the non- weakened Eagles go against a for- thrown Thursday as South Caro- necessitated because ot injured key

region tift at full strength, and they midable foe in LaFayette. The lina scored on passes of 45 and 24 players.

will carry the favorites tag into Ramblers still have a chance at the yards to edge its state rivals, 14-7. The former Georgia ,back, who

their seventh showing of the sea- Region championship, but the A screaming but restrained crowd has fielded some of the strongest

son. 1t will be the next-to-last home Cobbers would like nothing better of 35,000 watched the 51st meet- prep varsities in the state in Rome

performance for Dixie l Iowcll's than to dim that view.

ing of the teams.

in recent years, has been limiting

boys, as they meet South Cobb in TI1c Eagles won last week, a 13-7 Most of the action took place in practices this week to light work-

their home sign-off next week.

decision over Douglas County. the first half, but the onlv dri\c outs to help the -squad recover

Stephens County has lost this They were not particularly keen that counted was an 86-yard move from injuries.

year to South Habersham, Rabun on offense in victory, but threw up engineered by South Carolina's A pair of regular backs, Bert

County, Toccoa and Commerce. a fine dcfcnsi\c showing in the sec- star quarterback, Johnny Gramling Seagraves and Bob Griffin, and a

,v They arc in Region 4-A.
on Last Year

ond half, which allowed the Tigers who threw 45 yards to end Clyde standout guard, co-Captain Jim-
only two first downs, in the .final Bennett for the, first touchdown. my Shugart, arc heading the ailing

The Panthers defeated the Eastanollce boys by 20-15 a year ago for one of their three victories.
A win tonight would possibly get the Campbell boys into the last leg
Lopat'sAll-Stars of their schedule in highcc spirits.
They must incct South Cobb, Elli-
Upset By Nips jay and Summerville in their final

two periods. Ed McFarland, one of the
staunch supporters of the Cobb defensive forewall during early season, will at least be Qack with the Eagle charges tonight.
Halfback Charles Harch, a season-long offensive standot1t, is lost

Jim Jarrett converted his two extra points.




list. Griffin and Seagraves, reports from Rome indicate, will definitely not play against the Blue Devils, but Shugart's injured back has improved enough during the week to permit him to at least start against Marietta. Griffin sprained

In Tokyo Game three contests, and those arc all re- for the rest of the season, however,
gion foes. In fact, the final three and his place in the South Cobb weeks can now go far in deciding backfield is going to be hard to

-both ankles against Dalton and
Seagraves has a hemorrhaged blood
vessel in his arm and a charley-

the Campbell finish in 3-A. They fill.

horse in his leg.

will end no worse than second if Acworth observes an off-night TOKYO, (UP)-A team that Right end Lamar Ingram, who

thcv win all three.

before returning to action next finished fifth in a Japanese baseball ha been out with an injured ;hack.

At South Cobb tonight, the week.

league upset Eddie Lopat's Ameri- for the last three weeks, may sec

can All Stars, 5 to 4, today in the action.


opening game of the visitors' tour. McPhcc plans to u,c second- I the Mainichi Orions' victory stun-

ned and delighted a cheering crowd

Leahy Pessimistic

of 25,000 Japanese and American

baseball fans. Lopafs team had

been expected to win by a lopsided



l\1ainichi lcfthandcr Atsushi

Powder Spr

About Tech Garn e Aramki held the All-Stars to four hits and enjoyed a 4 to I lead until the ninth inning, when the Lopatcrs tied the score on a walk

Sunday School . . . , Moming Worship . Training Union .. ..

by Eddie l\lathcws and successi\c

SOUTH BEND, Ind., (UP)-Something will ha\c to gi\e in the by Hank Sauer and Eddie

Notre Dame-Georgia Tech football battle Saturday. And Irish Coach Robinson.

Frank Leahy, more pessimistic than usual, Dame's number one ranking in the national

feared it ratings.




Mainichi came right back, however, when right fielder Takuzo Miyake rapped one of Mike Gar-

"Georgia Tech is one of the fin- eleven much more simply.

cias offerings for a single. Lopat

est teams in the country" he said. "\Ve're going to ha\'c a rough relieved Garcia with Robin Rob-

Evening Worship ..
Church Bus will ru

"They not only haYc ~nc of the


. mcst






. fmcst

coaching staffs. \Ve hope we can

make it _an interesting afternoon."

Georgia Tech, too, though, had

after(lOon," he said. Still, Notre Dame was a touch-
down favorite.
Leahy has worked his squad easily all week, eliminating scrimmagcs in order to preserve in good

erts, and his first pitch-to third baseman Charlie Hood-was slammed against the right field wall, sending Miyake home with the winning run.

Governor. Solon~ something to lose. The Ycllow health the top crewmen on the
Jackct._havc gone 31 games with- roster. ~.~~1t dcfc<iWTJd hme been tied onlv Onlv ,one Irish olavcr wa~ re-






\;..._. ~


..... .4


Turns In Scrapbook In Bid for $1,000 In Home Town Contest


money-one of the lodiest scrap

If you\e e\'cr worked in anv kind books it has c\cr been our pleasure

of contest you ha\e some idea of to ,icw.

the labor inrnhed to finish the job It is difficult to describe a book to oyur safofaction. You know the that has so much bc,,ccn its cO\ers.

,train of day in day out and night So much of brain and brawn and

in and night out \\ork, and how swc~t and ma\ be a few tears and a

rnu can "t sleep when ,ou go to bed lot of cooperation and monev and

thi11ki117 of the things \'OU ha\'C \'Ct hard \1ork-\cry hard work. If you

lo finisll before you \\ill be com- haYc \\Orkcd on one of these books

pletely satisfied that you ha\c a rnu 1.:now what a well organize~ de-

hance to win.

tailed thing it is and the Power

That \1ould be just fine if you Companv prO\idcs the pattern by

didn "t ha\'C to \rnit and sweat it out which the book is to be made up.

till the judges render their Yerdict But to make it up you must have

and you either \\in or lose. Smyrna t\\'O thin~s-a ~rogr~ssi\'e town and

is no\\' in the s\,cating it out period a \1av or puttmg its progress on

111 the Better Horne Town Contest paper either in publicity or pictures

of the Georgia Po\\er Company for or both.

today th('v completed and turned The book itself is quite some

Iin their bid for the $1,000 prize

(Couli.nucd ou Page 6)

Scrapbook .. .
(Continued from Page I)

key who actually. put together the sen:raI reports, clipped most of the nC\\spaper accounts of the city's progress and actiYitics, did the page

size being 17 x 21 i1;chcs with a ,1rrnngcmen ts which arc symmetri-

handsome leather cover of reddish brown color. lt carries 126 pages or
63 leaves of an off \\'hitc color. The

cal, balanced and well displayed.
\Ir. Green estimated that he put ,
85 hours on the book. lie savs that

book's cO\-cr has lettered in gold he is retired from -business and is

leaf, S'.\IYRNA - "The J.onquil Citv of the South." The lettering

tired from good works. Those who know the


\\ as done by one of the city's art- know that they ha1c ahrnys spent

ists, :\!rs. ;\l. V. Cobb \\'ho also contributed a painted jonquil for
the first inside page. 'Jbc second p.1gc letkring, done

thcmseh-cs for their community, county and state, and \,hen the \\"oman's Club agreed to sponsor the Better llomc T0\1'11 Contest in i

in the colors of the \Vornans Club, Smnna, and their daughter, :\!rs.

the sponsoring or~anization, green and white, with t11e yellow of the

Claude Hamri'Ck, Jr., \1as president of that club--\\'cll, the Greens \\ere :

jonquil again in giving the name of in for some hard work and they

the city and the sponsoring organization. Another page carries a pic-

didn"t quibble. l\Iost of the publicitv in the book '

ture of the Better Home Town \\as clipped from the '.\ farictta

Cormmttec of the club and a picture of the club's president, \lrs.

Dailv Journal, the remainder from the , Smvrna Herald, the Cobb

Claude Hamrick, Jr., and the gen- Countv Times, and the Atlanta

eral chairman, ;\lrs. Lewis Andcr- Dailies. \\'hen WC saw the book we

so11. On the next page is a color pic-

were reminded of the late :\!organ
Blake's poem: "If all the words that we have

ture of \Irs. Parker Rice's jonquil
garden, a show place in the spring.
It might be said that the book carries 9 photos 8xl O inches and

written \\.ere piled up in a pile,
And to it a match \\Crc littcn, You could sec the blaze a mile."

m'any others of a lesser size illustrating the city's progress of the past twelve months, \Yhich is all

The second ,-crsc of '.\Jorgan's little dittv continues:
"But the money we ha\c gittcn

that may be used in these contests. Jt also is indexed so that one mav quickly turn to each of the scvenil

For the words that we han: wrote ' \Vould not harm the weakest

sections 011 which reports haYc been If poured molten down his

made as follows: ;\ Iunicipal development - 1'1rs.


Helen Baldwin: .:\I~yor Guye !\'..

Duncan; Bcaulihcat1on -1'Irs. E. ,


R. Donaldson, chairman; Educa-

tion - Jasper N. Griffin, chairman;

Business and industrv, Hubert Col-

quitt, chairman; Advertising and

publicitv - Ruby ll. Giles, l\lar-

iorie Collius, and Willie Griffin;

Religious \Velfare - \Irs. T. P.

Holleman, chairmau; Rccrcation-

:\frs. \V. 0. Bowman, chairman;

Heath and sanitation, ;\lrs. l Jelen

Baldwin, chairman; Agriculture -
J. \V. Nash, chairman; Tourist, J.

C. Hardv, chairman; Transporta-
tion-E. I-I. Davi,, chairman; Ci\ic

organizations and activities; Youth- .

Sherwood "Cotton" Pierce, chair-

man; and five additional pages are

devoted to Bulletins \vhich includ{:s

the school papers, church papers

and bulletins, etc.

Probably the hardest working

committee represented in the un-

dertaking was the scrap-book com-

mittee composed of ;\ Ir. and 1' frs.

G. C. Gr1,.;cn an<l l\hs .. Iloracc iiul-


VOL. 87, NO. 252



Reece Is Indicted; Bryan P~SSIBLE $1,000 FINE, YEAR SENTENCE

Lockheed Chest

~21 Dogs In Roswell Road Area Contributions

Die In 10-Day Poisoning Wave Total $25,565.50 Denies He Trusted Negro


ing on the amount of the dose."

Twenty-one dogs-most of them

One-five-hundredth of a grain of Lockheed employees and the

chi~lren's pets-have died. in the pasf'l.0 days in a wave of poisonings

strychnine will kill a six-weeks old company today completed their

puppy, he said.

campaign for Cobb County Com-

Worked In Quarry, Ex-Warden Says;

in Ro;\vcll Road vicinity which has

Poundmastcr J. \:I/. Reeves Jr., munity Chest funds and announc-

tuuchccf\~ff investigations by the County !',olice and Dog Pound of-

who has buried 12 animals in the ed a total contribution of $2 5,past week, declared the poisonings 565 .50..

Negro Acted Drunk-Smyrna Chief

ficials. Alarmc& community residents
arc fearful that the poisoned dog food is within reach of the manv

arc "inhuman." He recalled a sim- This added up to 46 per cent ilar wave in April, 1952, when 18 of the total county-wide Chest goal animals died in the vicinity of Con- of $55,000. cord Road. "\1/e're going to push The 15,000 employes of the

T11c grand i'.!ry today i11dictcd Amos Reece, Negro convict, on a charge of criminal assault on a Cobb County housewife.

small children who Although offic:ials

play in have

the not


this thing to have something done," plant, through their Buck-of-the-

Reeves stated.

Month Club; gave a total of $13,-

Simultaneously, an ex-Cobb prison warden denied that he had ever trusted Reece.

traced the origin of the food; a

Check Source

750. This was one-third more than

Former warden George Bryan--------------

sample has been taken to Atlanta for analysis. Cobb Police officer Vaughn Ledford and Jesse Hollingshed arc investigating the case.
Dog poisoning, listed as a misdemeanor, is punishable by a fine of up to $1,000 or 12 months in jail or both, according to Ilarry \Vil)iams, assistant solicitor general.
Suffer Violently , Dr. John T. Riddle, Marietta

"'vVe have checked drug stores their last year's gift.

in Marietta and surrounding towns The company gave a check to

to see where the strychnine was the Chest for $10,000 and 69 ex-

sold, but so far we've been unable to get a lead. \:\!hen this person is apprehended, something is going to be 'done bccanse this is against the law."
i\nxious dog-owners in Roswell Rone! community arc trying to keep their anirpals chained or inside since the poisonings started. Resi-

ecutives made personal pledges totaling $1,815.50, for an average gift of more than S26 per man.
Approximately 7,000 Lockheed employees live in Cobb county and an estimated one-fourth of the county's families have members working at the plant.
The total fignre announced for

Miller Negr~ today said when he left the Cobb
camp in April, Amos Reece was working in the rock quarry "-un-

der two shotgun guards and one

Pleads .Guilty pistol man."

"I don't want it said that l

trusted this man," Bryan stated.

"When I. was dis<;harged at the

Gets 1-3 Years camp, I had Reece under heavy
guard and allowed him nu unsup-
ervised movements. I knew he

veterinarian, reported around 10 animals brought to his clinic for treatment. T11e dogs were either dead on arrival or died within a few minutes, he said. Diagnosing the poison as strychnine, Dr. Riddle pointed out that each animal "suffered violently" and was conscious until death. "The dogs really suffer," the veterinarian reported. "They become rigid and go into convulsions. Death occurs within 10 minutes to two hours, depend-'

IS YOUR DOG NEXT? 21 Die Of Poisoning

Italian Wants Wife; I
Se'eks Prospect Here

dents have no idea why anyone would want to poison their dogs.
Among animals poisoned were a pure-bred chow and a large boxer, officials report. Must of the dogs were special pets of children, such as the Rose brothers. Mrs. Carter Rose explained that the two youngsters "cried and cried, then went to bed sick" after their beloved pet "Lady" died on the way to the vet. "\Ve just can't understand why anyone would kill or pct," Mrs. Rose said.

the Lockheed plant does not include any additional pledges or gifts Lockhccdians or their families may make to Chest workers during the residential canvass of the county.
More than ll,250 of-the aircraft workers-through their Buck-
of-the-Month Club-made gifts to the Chest in Cobb county, since more than 75 per cent of all Lockheed employees belong to this unique organization. In the case of executives and others who made
personal gifts, and who also bcl1,mg

MAJ. GEN. WILLIAM DEAN (left), who was r~leased by the Communists

after three years in a Red prison camp,.salutes as he receives a 13-gun

welcome on his arrival In Washington to "report for quty._" At right .is

Lt. Gen. Williston B. Palmer, assistant Anny Chief of Staff. Gen. Dean

said he !;las not decided whether he will retire.


Secret Meet -.Held . '

Hours Changed

Over Korean Issue to BOMC, many Lockhccdians
gave to the Chest not once, but twice.

"\Ve are pleased to show our

At Post Office

faith in the success of the united fund in Cobb County right at the

'Brain-Washing'_ [)eadlock Brings

was a sex offender and he had

given me a l(!t of trouble, so I James Miller, Negro ex-convict, didn't take anv chances with him." entered a pica of guilty today in

\Varden Davis Taylor testified the slaying of Roy Bennett, Negro,

Thursday before the Board of Cor- in a quarrel last Friday. , By agrcc-

rections, that Reece was driving ment between defense counsel and

a road machine when Taylor took the Solicitor, Miller was given 1-3

over the camp from Bryan. "I saw years in prison.

no reason to make a change in Miller was charged with Il)urdcr

the set-up \Varden Bryan had," after he allegedly stabbed Bennett

Taylor told the joint legislative in- on Johnson Street in Marietta. De-

vestigating committee.

fense attorneys claimed ' Bennett

Meanwhile, the brother of a and a woman were attacking.Miller

white woman allegedly attacked by Reece, told the Board that at the time the Negro was drunk on whiskey 1bought with money loan-
ed him by a guard: The alleged attack took place
Tuesday morning while Reece was

with rocks and he attempted to get

away but was cornered against a


A new tr.ial appeared likely to-

day for Herman F. Holden, charg-

ed with assault with intent to mur-

der and attempted robbery of a

Macland storekeeper. A defective

beginning of the campaign," Lock-

movinghisroad machine from one indictment, with a misspelled

Cobb County's "maiden ladies" can take heart about their ma-

trimonial prospects.


An Italian farmer who promises to be a "good husband" is look-

ing for a wife. In a letter to "The Most Important Newspaper of

Marietta," 20-year-old Tonolli P. Giorgio, of Chile, stated his re-

The U. S. Post Office here will remain open Saturday afternoons "&:ginning October 31 and close at noon each \Vedncsday, according to an announcement today by P. E. Cody, acting post-

heed spokesman said.


B f' fie S


US Official, Indian_I~ Parley

job to a11othcr three miles away. 11amc, was given as the reason. The convict was alone during the 111e. Grand Jury, mcetjng. today

PAN.:\1UNJO11, Oct. 23 ';._(UP)-Gcorgc J. Allen, U. S. ambassa-
dor to India, met secretly today with the India1; chairman of the Neu-

1110\c, officials. testified. Deputy Sheriff Marshall Bryan
said today that he smelled whiskey

for linfihisT1cd businc,ss, re-indicted
I-Ioldcn on both counts. He was
tried earlier this week and found

tral Nations Repatriation Comn1issio11, apparently in an-att<;nwt tobrcak on Reece's breath when he wa's guilty. The. jury recommended



Mrs. Morgan McNecl, who has the deadlock over ''brainwashing" intervie"s.

brought to the Cobb County jail. 15-20 years on the first count and

And he's easy to please. "I would to know a girl 15-18 years

Cody explained that the

D ' C o old, nice and fairly good hausewife ... You see I am looking for a change will afford more conven-

r_y ...._.,...._ _ _ _ _ _...,..___________"!.,._+~ei~es~n,!ts.nh:.!;mlf~arrp~aJgtr_orn_sLoacnkdheoetdhe~ rs, o who-

been in a coma for a week after an i\llcn talked with Lt. Gen. K. s.
auto accident, underwent an aper- Thi1navya foi one and one-half ati.ot,___..this,moming.,at...Ceorgia..llitp,,,,h,rni. but neither would_cm11mc11t




Conntv Police Officer T. A. Herren, who picked Reece up, denied sn.!ill_il):R, any \Vhiskcy on him. _

5-7. on the second. .
Included in the indictments returned today were four -a~ainst

tist Hospital to rclicYc pressure on ...on their meeting .

<::mcTIBfougtn6n1'.1'i1y, Sl'nyrna Donnl<l Brock-s, tht~~'i't'~la. y

must conduct business on Saturday afternoons. The office will remain open until 6 p. m. on Saturdays. \Vcdncsdays noon closing will ' be effected October 28, Cody said.
The money order windu,v will continue to close at 5 p. Ill. each day except ,vcdncsday. Otherwise, services will be available until 6.

For_ More Baking her brain.
came after


operate Allen ;]so met in Seoul wit!{ became South Korean President Sy1F'man

worse ]ate 1 hursday and was placed Rhee, - whose government bh a.s

und~r a_n oxygen tent b~causc her threatened to renew the Korean war The \\'Catherman has sniffed a

rcsp1rabon became weaker.

if the coming Korcaii peace co1i- little rain in the air but won't

ROSWELL ROAD CARNiVAL Roswell Road 4-Il Club will

fcrcncc fails to unify the nation. - Compdei1t observers felt sure i\llcu discussed the critical North

promise CV~ll the "slight possi-

bility" of showers over the week-

end. , '


sponsor a llallowccn Carnival Sat- Kcircan prisoner of war question . Cobb gardens and lawns, snuff-

urdav night at 7:30' at the com- with both Tbimayya and Rhee. - dry and without rain for almost

mtm'ity clubhouse. The usual car- Commirnist\mcmbcrs of the five- a inouth, will continue to suffer

nival fare-including cake walks nation cumm1ssio11 have insisted in a hot, dry spell .which has

and rcfrcslnncnts-will during the evening.

be offered

the 7,800 North Korean anti-Conimunists be forced to listen to the

NMarsm.ePdhPilrliepsBidieshnotp wife and I would to I'narry mewith a Northamerica girl as I like very
much your Land and charming people." The young fanncr, who has lived in Chile for a year, closed his
Powers Ferry PTA missive with the simple statement, "I think could be a good lmsLockheed Pays band. I thank you very much."
Anv 15-18-year-old girls who arc "nice and fairly good liauscwife" ~iay reach Tonolli P. Giorgio at La Serena Casilla, 15. D,


l\frs. Phillip Bishop was elected president _of the Powers Ferry School PTA which held its orgam-

REA POWER TO BE OFF R.E.A. service in certain areas of the county will be interrupted briefly Sunday while Georgia Power workmen repair some lines Tommy Spears, RE.MC manage;
announced Laday. Power will be off
from 6:30 to 7 a. m. and from 4 to
-f:30 p. m. Sunday in these areas: North of Marietta, East of the Fourlane, including Fourlanc

"explanations" of the Communists.
Earlier . today,_ Thimayya _ m~t with the f1vc-nat1011 comm1ss1011 m an unsuccessful attempt to reach agreement over the interviews. Peiping Radio claimed that agents of South Korean President svngman Rhee and Generalissimo
Chiang Kai-Shck w~rc dcfyi1~~ the Indians by preventing the .North Koreans from going to the talks.

Tax;Consent Chile, South America.

zational meeting Thursday night'. South, Little River, \Voodstock

scared crops all mer the East. The .m c r cur y will remain
steady today and Saturday, when expected highs of 78 arc seen. Low reading due tonight is 54.
Thursday's extremes were 75
and 52.

Police, said Reece acted drunk ,md one fur larceny. Fred Harris,

but 1fay said he didn't get close Negro, was indicted on four bur-

enough to smell any whiskey. Chief glary charges. Sherman Bronson

!llay was the to reach Reece

frist police officer after the attack re-

was indicted for larceay,
l\nnic.. Laurie Jones Delk.




Econo,~y Move Police said Reece continued to
his designated spot after the alleged attack. He made no attemP,t

Results In Merger to escape, officers reported. "I would not have trusted Reece alone at any time," cx-\Vardcn

Of Dobbins Units Bryan said. ~_:\,fy guards had spe-
cific instructions to watch him carefullv. I told them that if they

let hirr;, out of sight they could

pick up their paychecks and not come back."
Regulations of the Board of Corrections deny trusty privileges to am sex offender. Reece was s.crv-

Dobbins Air Force Base will un-
dergo a command transition on November 1 when the 2515th Air Base Squadron merges with the 2589th AFRCTC and is discontinued. -

ing 16-80 years on two charges 01 The 2589th Air Force Reserve

attempted criminal as-sault on Combat Training Center will' as-

white women and two for steal- sume Base -responsibilities.


Since both units are under the

"Another thing I want straight- Fourteenth Air Force, Robins Air

Court Saturday To Hear Wife's Plea \

The election of officers and and Roswell.

adoption of by-laws and policies


Power Cutoff.

highlighted the mcctin". Mrs.


Slated Sunday Parker Norton, PTA E'.,tension The Jumor DAR mcmb~rs will
Chairman was in charge of the' sponsor a salc of cakes, cookies and

Verdict Reached

ened out is the reason I sent Reece Force Base, the merger is seen as a to Reidsville in -.I 9 50," Bryan ex- part of the overall Air Force policy
plained. "The Negro was suffering on economical cutbacks.

from a venereal disease and needed All the personnel of the 25I5th

ATLANTA, Oct. 23 (UP)-The treatment. I sent him down there, Air Base Sqrnidron will be trans-

To Re-enter Classes At Acworth


candies Saturday at 8:30 a.m. in

Other officers chosen to serve front of the courthouse.

Parts of Marietta will be with-

state of Georgia has rccei\-cd $604,- and when he "as cured I had him ferred to the 2589th. Although the 208 in, back sales taxes on "con- brought back here. He worked in move will create little status-change

this year include:





that married st1\dcnts are eligible

'.Mrs. \V. E. Ellers, vice-president; .:\ frs. Herbert Peters, secretary; and

CHILDREN'S PARTY Rainbow Post 2681, Veterans of

dismissed from school because She lo attei1d classes and, with that T. Mansfield Arnold, treasurer. The Foreign \Vars and Auxiliary will

got married, will go to court ~at- ruling, local sy-stems are left to new group will hold its next meet- sponsor a Halloween Party for all

urday to determine if a ,rnarned make their own decisions. .

. ing at 7:45 at the school on No- children Sunday from 1 to 4 p.m.

person has a right to attend pu1b- .:\fr. Cook could not be reached vember 12.

at the Post clubhouse on the Four-

lie school.

for a statement this 'morning, ,be-

Lane Highway. All children are in-

out power for two 30-minute in-

tervals Sunday.

Due to technical difficulties

on the Cartersville circuit, the

power will be off from 6-6:30 a.

m. and fr9m 4-4:30 p. m.

The Georgia Power Company

said that the cutoff will affect

sumablc items" used by the :tvfari- the rock quarry regularly, however. in the command breakdown, Ma-

etta. plant of the Lockheed Air- He dove a truck hatJling rock to jor Claude P. Spence whoprcscntly

craft Corp., State Revenue Commissioner Charles Redwine said today.
Redwine szjd the payment made late yesterday resulted from a "con-

the crusher, but was never out of
gun range." Reports that other ,sex offenders
at the Cobb farm are allowed considerablc freedom were unconfirrn-

commands the 2589th will assume duties as base operations officer.
111e 2589th is an old hand at running this at Dobbins. They c;ommanded the Base until February 1, 1952, when the 2515th was

Judgc James Manning will be ing in Athens. However, a spokes-
Public"Employe asked to rule on a petition filed man in his office said the Georgia
by the attorney of Mrs. Ann Demp- constitntion was changed in 194 5

vited to attend the affair, free of only the central and west side of

charge, to play games and enjoy an Marietta. Anything east of Fair-

afternoon of fun.

ground will not be affected.

scnt verdict" reached in a friendly suit brought. in the Cobb County
Superior Court to test the applica-

ed today. Robert \1/rrcn, director ,of the Board of Corrections,
was out of tom this morning. His

established in command category. At that time, the 2589th reverted to a tenant status. to allow full time

Relations Meet scv .:\lcCollum in which she re- to read that the state shall pro-
quests a writ of mandamus r~- viclc "adequate education for the quiring. school officials to pern11t citizens" instead of reading fo pro-

Is Slated Here her to re-enter.

vidc "education of children."

i\lrs. McCollum, who married on "Our policy is not to rule on any

At Kennestone

tions of the state sales tax law; . office was unable to find the rec- emphasis to the stepped-up reserve

The suit was considered to have ords on a Negro sex offender re- training program.

considerable bearing on state fi- p_zi:tcdly apprm'cd as a state-wide Colonel Irby V. Tedder, com-

nanccs because of its test of the:, trusty by the Board. The Negro mander of the 2515th, will remain state's right to collect the sales tax has been at the Cobb camp for a base commander at the helm of the


Sept. 26, named as defendants in case until a court lrns heard the

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - on similar commodities used in number of years.



the petition: T. C. Cantrell, Ac merits of the litigatio11," the l\farictta merchants and manu-

SURGICAL - Nancy P. Hames, 159 Hedges Street; Mrs. \V,

worth principal, the county board spokesman said, "but you can draw facturers arc invited to participate V. Nix, Route 3, Alpharetta; Mrs. Dorothy Carlisle, 170 Hill Street;

of education and Supt. Paul Spray- your own conclusions from the in a Chamber of Commerce-spon-

.b erry.

words "citizens" and "children." sored conference on public and em-

Principal Cantrell dismissed the

ployee relations and expanding

l\Irs. James R. Cantey, 2007 Spring Valley,Drivc; E. H. Burrell, Rt. 6, Marietta; Thomas R. Churchill, 740 6th Street; l\lrs. Linda G.

Vinings Methodists bride when she returned to school
because of a ruling by the Acworth

business on 'lbursday, October 29. , Smith, 7;2 Spring Dale Drive; Mrs.1cwcll T. Hood, Route I, AusGeorge Crowder, head of the tell; Mrs. Ralph Palmer, Route 3, Marietta; Linda Sue Bouthwcll,

To Hold Bazaar trustees which ,barred married stu-

Committee on industrial Relations.

dents from classes. Ile said 1.:\lrs, :\IcCollum knew of the ruling
when she married. :\leanwhilc, the Georgia Board
of education has apparently set a precedent on admission of married students to public schools by allowing a 17-year-old ,:\lonroc
County c~uple to re-enter after marriage.
l\lintJtcs of the board's September 16 meeting show it adopted a resolution which in effect reversed a Monroe County Board ruling that the couple could not attend

S:\IYRNA. Oct. 23-The Vini11gs :\lethodist Church will sponsor a turkcv dinner and Christmas Bazaar :\l011day evening at 6 p.rr1., tickets $1 for adults and 50 cents for children.
The proceeds from the affair will be med toward 'the church's in-
debtedness. There will be on display in the
bazaar handmade aprons, pot holders, tovs, towels, d1ildren's and baby clothing, pillow cases, etc.,

i11 nrgi11g a large attendance, said that John \V. Tirmblc, Jr., of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States would conduct the conference.
'11ie conference will be held at the Countv Office Building from 1:30 to 11:30.
S:\IYRNA, Oct. 23-Thursdav's 5 p. m. qualification deadline
found two new candidates in the race for three seats on _the city
council in the November 7 city
election. Last to qualify were Fred-

509 Page Street; Michael Pair, Route 3, Smyrna; Dillard Reece, Rt.
2, Powder Springs; Doris Lemon Williams, l\forris Nolan "'.illiams, Star Route, Cumming; Ronnie Coggins, 407 Gramling Street.
MEDICAL - Unda Shirl Howard, Route 1, Kennesaw; Shirley A. Eiscnburg, 408 l\fangct Street; Pearl Bradford, 500 Lower Roswell koad; George 1\1. ,vehunt, Route 1, Smyrna.
BIRTHS - It's a boy for Mr. and Mrs. 1\1. J. Iacona, Route l,
Austell, born ,vedncsday; for Mr. and Mrs. Glen Brackett, Barnesmill Road, I\Jatietta, born Thursday; for l\lr. and l\lrs. George \V. Young, 1332 C.hurch Street Extension, born Friday; for l\lr. and
Mrs. \Villiam C: Near, 201 Blanche Drive, born Thursday; for Mr. and _Mrs. Lewis G. Easterwood, 237 Adams Street, Cedartown, born

schooj. A spokesman

in the

state super-

and in the food line there will be cakes by Vinings cooks. There will

erick T. Forman and N. l\L Brenner. Those who had qualified pre-

intendent's office said there is HO be a country store.

viously \vcrc J\Iaycs Ilamby, G. R ..

state-wide policy concerning mar- The Vinings women invite all Yarbrough, Grady Veach, Virgil R.

Friday; for Mr. and Mrs. Douglas P. Hunter; 306 Pinc Street, born \Vcdncsday; it's a girl for Mr. an~ Mrs. H. C. Beazcl, 460 Pinecrest Circle, born Thursday; for :Mr. and Mrs'. David Ernest Smith, Route

ried studcnbs. The spokesman said to come and buy now for Christ- Siddall. II. 0. Swaiu aud \V. IL 4, Marietta, horn Thursday; for l\Ir. and Mrs. G. S. Parker, 815 1st

other defense plants in the state. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - ' - - - - ' - - - - - - -

. The corporation contended the tax could not be levied on products


Turns In ScrapbQok In Bid.For used in Georgia for building the
B-47 Stratojct bombers for the U. S. Air Force.

Sl ,000 In Home-Town ,Contest The \"crdict brought ih the suit
resulted in establishi!)g the state's right to levy the tax on commodi-

ties consumed in operation of the

plant but not in the plane mater-


mo'ncy-one of the lovliest scrap


If vou've c1cr worked in any kind books it has ever been our pleasure

of co11tes't you have some idea of to iicw.


the labor involved to finish the job It is difficult to describe a book

Ta_ble Temperature

to oyur satisfaction. You know the thJ.t has so much bewccn its covers.

,train of dav in clay out and night So .much of brain and brawn and


in and night out work, a11d how s1vcat and mavbc a few tears and a vou e;rn't sleep wl1cn you go to bed lot of cooperation and money and


L H thinking of the things you have yet hai-d ,rnrk-'-very hard work. If. you

Birmingham ....... . ,48 87 to finish before you will be com- _have worked on one of these books

Boston ........... . 49 54 pletely satisfied that you have a you know what a well organizi:d de-

Chicago ........... . 59 87 chance to win. ,

tailed thing it is and the Power

Detroit ........... . 48 73

That would be just fine if you Company pro\'idcs the pattern by

Jacksomillc ....... . 57 79 didn't have to wait and sweat it out \,,hich the book is to be made up:

Los 1\ngdcs ....... .

72 till the judges render their verdict But to make it up you must have

Miami ............. 67 80 and you either win or lose. Smyrna two things-a P.rogr~ssivc tmrn and

New Orleans . . . . . . . . 56 84 is now in the sweating it out period a ,~ay or putting its progress on

New York .......... 50 61 in the Better Horne Town Contest paper either in publicity or pictures

Philadelphia . . . . . . . . 57 65 of the Georgia Power Company for or both.
Tallaha:i$ec . . . . . . . . 55 81 today tl1ey completed and turned The book_ itself is quite some

Attorpcy General Cook has ruled mas.


Street, bom '\Vcdu~day.


\Vashington ........ 51 66 in their bid for the $1,000 priz.e

(Continued on Pll:6e 6)




2A-Marietta Daily Journal - Friday, October 23, 1953

.Mariett_a D~ily Journal


lirooks Smith _ _ _ _ Publishet

National AvertisinK R~resentatives:

Jill Kinney ___ Managing Editor Theis & Sllllpson Co., Atlanta, Chicago, DetJoit and New York,

Subscription Prices: Uy carrier, 1 week 29 cents: 1 _year, ,12. By mtal delivecy in Cobb ;aunty, 1 year, $5. By mail outside
Cobb County, year, $10.

Journal Telephones: Classified Ads and Ciiculation - 8-1545, Display Advertising - 8--3344, News Deparbnent - 8-2692


AH~ 1\1E 8EE.N ~
. NC-,- PRHI U~l5
: o '1Ec\R5'
"tfil~.:....JC~H 1; /


@. !


~ ~-I

on t:,ejr border w!1ile they fight an es;:pensive war half a world a\vav.
IFrenchman Says OolyProsperous r Adding to theit dissatisfaction 'is: that a truce, however unsatisfactorv,
Country i,ble To Fight AWar h;1s hcen reached in Korea. '

On the Inclochi1ia sick is the in.(


Bv PHIL NEWSOM French statesman ,,isiting


Fr\e', stretching alon" t_he en-

cmreigashmt gsml1aactrkedofforcoanloyntilanl'nisgmw, 1uacnf1d,J.1, the United States. remarked the tire east coast of the Indochma pe- the nationalist claim that maihv
other day that "only a country with nins_ula and including the cities of I.n.clochinese fighting.with the

a stable government and national Saigon and Hanoi, has borne the do so out of their hatred for he

prosperi!y" could afford to fight a brunt of the fo:hting an~ is ~he French rather than for any lov. of

war. He said that was whv foe United

scene \\hich

of a is

rising deman mg


Commumsm. 0 n th"at bas1s, Hhev
sav the war could be settled qulick.

States could afford to fight in Ko- veranee of ties with .France, except ly if the French onlv would get .put,

rea, and ,, hy tl1e French could not for possibly a treaty or alliance to


l:'ublhlhed Sunda'7 mornlna: and overy afternoon except Saturda7 b. llartnia Georrla, b7 TIMES.JOURNAL, INC.
11:ateNd u Second Class Mall Matter In the Post Office al Marietta, GeoPda.
nuder Act of Coner- or March 8, 1879.
Georgia Leads Again

afford to fight in Indochina.

he negotiated later.


The Frenchman was talking off The F-rench constitution docs


the record and his name cannot be not permit associated states to break \VINSTED, Conn., (UP) __ A


, a,Yay from the French U~ion.

small boy thanked police / for

\Vhat he said was, and prohahly But the Vietnamese albtudc has tending his pet snake so he could

was intended to be, an over-simpli- aroused bitter resentment in Paris, go to church and then explained he


where an increasing number of dep- following day because 'Tm taking

But events are underlining his ,uties in the National Assembly arc it to school."

point dramatically.

demanding that France finally

Tlie Indochinese shooting war abandon altogether the Indochina


Georgia continues tci lead the nation in the pro-

duction of baby chicks. U. S. Department of Commerce figues released

yesterday show that this state, with total produc~ion of

99 1893,000, led not only the Southeast, but the entire na-

tion in the individual state figures.

During the first nine months of this year, the

Commerce Department said, the Southeast produced

435,941,000 baby chicks in commercial hatcheries.

The record speaks we]1 of Georgia and is a good indication that Georgia farm.ers are capitalizing on an-

other source of cash income and toward a more diversi-

fied agricultural program.

~p- r

This oud.










Good Manners Appreciated

Marietta plays another home game tonight at

Northcutt Field; We hope that there will not be a recur-

. rence of misconduct on the, part of young boys such as

happened at the Cedartown game on October 9.

, It was at that game that the Marietta police had

considerable trouble out of youths "cutting up" behind

the goal posts and along the sidelines. One energetic

15-year-old boy resisted being taken to the gate and

even struck Chief Emest Sanders.

Throughout the game the boys cutting up and

crowding the sideiines were a constant bother not only

to the police but to the officials of the game.

We can appreciate youthful enthusiasm and spi-

rit at a football game. We like to hear the yells and

join in with the cheerleaders in letting off a lot steam

for our home team. It is all part of the game. Some

things, however, can be carried too far, and misbe-

havior on the part of spectators, young boys included,

cannot be tolerated.
vVe hope that parents of students will try to im-

press o behind

n t

th he

em go

r1tdhs aot

manners should r anywhere else.






The cooperation of all is asked.

LINCOLN, Neb. - A local woman passed her

driver's license test with flying colors and then "con-

. fessed" to Lancaster County Attorney Frederick Wag-

ener. She told Wagener she had banged into his park-

~d at


while trying t'o park herl own court house to take che 'cest.





against the Communist-led Viet war.


\'linh rebels enters its eighth ,car These deputies arc dcp:ian mg

next month. It has cost the French Asscmblv debate on the issue over

For Cash or Terms You Get A Better Deal

sonic 147,000 casualties and $10,- the objections of Premier Joseph

000,000,000-or more than all the Lanie1, and eonccivablv it eonld

aidthcv rceeivcd under the U. S. lead to the fall of the government.

\Llrshal Plan.

Spurring the French is the fear of

at . A N D E RS O N
FURNITURE CO. Whitlock Ave.' across the tracks

Think Convicts Are Treated


Too Spftly In Jails-Ruark


I have just been reading some stories about con-

victs having babies via artificial processes while locked

in different cells; about the Sing Sing death house be-

ing painted light green because it is "more soothing,"

and about a considered boost in graduation severance

pay for discharged convicts. And I have also come late-

ly to a series on penology in the Saturday Evening Post

bY a


name d

D r.

F re d

S .

B a ldI.,


w h o

h as

wor k -

ed for 40 years in some of the toughest jugs in the


Friday Afternoon 3:05-Vincent Lopez 3: 15-Tex Beneke 3:30-Sammy Kaye 3:45-l\fusie of l\lanhattan 4:00-UP World N,iws
4:05-Tweke '111irtv Club 5:0D-Loeal News 5:05-1\velve Thfrtv Club 5:IS-Glcnn. Millcr'Show
S:'l;5-Touehd0\rn Tips
G:15-News Cavalcade
6:30-Guv Lornb:mlo

L,lst July 3, in rcspousc to insist- a resurgent, prosperous Germany ' - - - - - - - - - - -

cnt demands from the three asso-

ciatcd states of Indochina - Viet ]\'am, Cambodia and Laos - the -French offered tlicrn independence


within tbc framework of the French Union.

Parties and Dinners

Such independence would' include complete control of their own

From 6 to 9,Call 9-9172

economic, judicial and financial affairs, with France continuing in


control of foreign policv. It also .wonlcl include a promise


from the three states to continue the war against Communism.


Agrecn'ient with Laos was reach-

ed some weeks ago and final ne-


gotiations with Cambodia will start. shortly.

119 Atlanta Street

Ilowc,cr, the reaction from Viet-.

Hours 6 a. m. to 8 p. m. - Closed Sundays

nam has been disappointing to the,

Dr. Baldi's series, which ran recently,, is the best 7:00-Local News

and most level-headed estimate of the criminal that l 7:15-\Vallv Butts

have come across recently, in view of the fact that in 7:30--'-\Valtz Time

recent vears we have made heroes of criminals and vii- 7:55-Football Previews

lains trend

of to

victims. estimate

Dr. all

cBriamlde iinisteersmpsecoiaf lpl.v,syrcohuiagthriconflatwhes


in the criminal.


10:00-The Bandst:md

"We're getting too soft about crime, too softhead- 11 :00-Final News

ed," he writes. "People are coming to expect justifica- 11:05-Sign Off

tion, trist

not can

punishment. And your nearly .always oblige.

neighborhood Papa Law is

psychiaabout to

Saturday l\forning 5:58-Sign On

spank, but Mama Psychia,try can be counted on to 6:00-Jolm Kay's Jamboree

scream, 'Don't lay a hand on that poor, misguided 8:00-Hank \\ illiams child!' I think 'the effect is to blur the important dis- 8S::1350--FS:odndsieofAPrinoonleders

Mo other



CiJ~i'tnideh _f/,e_1-eilaJteS~o{_l/,e


tinction between right and wrong.

8:55-Local News

"I do blame any psychiatrist who doesn't tell .the 9:00-Smilin' Ed l\1cConnc1

truth, that crime and sanity are perfecly compatible. 9:30-Publie Ser'vicc Ilom

They are. I had a prisoner who shot a storekeeper in 10:00-UP \Vorld News

an argument over the price of two cigars. Maybe you 10:15-Music in Marchtimc

would have to be insane to do that, but he wasn't. Just I0:3Cf-Men Behind the l\Iclody

mean ... " .

11 :00-Local _News.



I have been shoi1ting my lungs out for some vearsj ll:~5-\fornm~Jht Parade along t h ese Imes, and earmng ':erY: J1'tt 1e b u~ sol!r stares 11 :)0-MSaatnrrc<hlavl A1mfteerDnooownn South

.from the soul.tef!lers, who can Justify anythmg m t~r_ms 12:00-UP \\TorldNcw


of early shoe-hatreds, and . loud blasts from qle~rnz .i.JQ_:15..d~ aL c;a,m c< s

hearts who pity the ice-pick: wielder whife the corpse '12:30-Shoo ty Swap


leFore you fwy - make a Featu,w-1,y-leature comparison witli a11y other waaher i i
Only L~UNDROMAT 11a~111em olff

lies on the floor.

112:45-Hank Snow


The tendency in recent years has been to "ex- 1:00-Cowboy Dean

plain" the crime to the criminal, and, as Dr. Baldi 1:30-Georgia Melody Boys

says, to "justify" its cause rather than to lay down a 2:00-:\1a & Pa . ,

stiff and

punishment as to exact some

a possible measure

odfetJ.eursrtenret vtoenfgueturoen



of the dear departed. Instead we have adopted the gen- 3:30-Rcv. Ti11slev eral attitude of "what was the victim, doing there to 4:00-Rcv. Davis' ,

tempt the poor man anyhow?" and "so long as we 4:30-Rev. Huddleston

have to punish this poor fellow somehow, let's make 5:00-Rcv. Moss

his prison term as short and pleasant as possible."

5:30-Gt\Y Lomba!"do .



Handy for loading, :,.nloading. Weighs exact size of each load.


Jneasures amount ol

water to match idze

of load.


.Candidate For Commissioner of Roads
and Revenue.
Saturday Night
7:15 Pe Me

I don't think it makes much difference whether, to' a condemned criminal that his last weeks be passed m a J,ug Barnt ed' as to b e m'~re soothm' g. A n d I don t thmk that convicts deserve more severance pay

S:1turday Evenmg 6:00-I.oca) News . 66::0lS5~-SNmewgms gCaAvmalecraidcaens 6:30-Norman Cloutier Orchestra

to meet the rising cost of living. From what I know of 7:00-Fred Legg, sr: (P)

the a\'.erage thug he will Now. the loot on booze and babes and then crack a safe or stick up a filling station to carry. on his spree. And knock off the owner if the owner objects.
, The parents of the test-tube baby in a Pittsburgh
be clink were later married in the prison, and it seems
to me that there should no giving 111 marriage be-

coal mine, said: "Regularly I have the mine what
they called 'rock-dusted.' After that,
the mine is cleaned out, and you can walk tluonz;h without feareither of getting hurt or getting

tween crooks in jail. Especially when the male crook Mrs. Gildroy not only is the head

has another wife outside, anyhow. Bigamy is illegal, miner in the town of Roundup, she

even when sanctified by the warden.

also is the mayor - and a grand-

In the last couple of years convicts have gone on strike, have taken jails away froi:n the wardens, and have won out in labor negotiations. I shouldn't be surprised if, before long, they don't start asking for overtime, per diem, and eventually, flying pay,

mother. She has 50 fellows digging for
bituminous coal in shifts-and tl1ey do a mightv fine job. They bring up between 600 and 700 tons a

"I don't make but $100 a month

Woman Coal Mi~e Operator Wears White Shoes Into Pits

as mayor," she said. 'But it's a lot of fun and the mine pays off pretty
well. \Ve have few labor troubles. I call all of the men by their front
names and most of them call me

Lillian. The fclows make from $19

By HARMAN W. NICHOLS Roundup, !\font.

to $24 a da,r, .according to J10w long

\VASHINGTON -(UP)-Gilc1roy was l1ere-wcaring white shoes.

"171ese," she told me, "are the shoes I wear when I go clown into

they work.' The lady operator,




And she is a coal mine operator. my mine. I put the white paste on where she is as leader in the coal

She is Mrs. Lillian Gildroy, pres- before I go down the shaft, and field today by psychology.

ident of the Bair-Collins !\line of they are just as white when 1 come "I am friends of all of the mi-

Iu.Sp,". Thats how clean my coal mine

ner's wives," she said. They say that in Roundup, it is

Mrs. Gildroy was in the ciptal no strange sight to see Mrs. Gild-

for the 36th anniversary convention roy scooting across the back lawn

of the National Coal Association. to borrow a pinch of soda or a. few

She was the first gal ever to preside slabs of bread from a neighb'or-

at a convention se,,sion in NCA one of the wives of her workers.


They borrow from her, too. They

\Vhen her family moved to exchange recipes for angel food

Roundup, Mrs. Gildroy latched on cakes and lemon pies.

as a stenographer at the mine. She "\Vc ,ire a pretty happy family,"

later married the mine snperinten- Mrs. Gildrov said. "Most of my

dent ,who in turn became president. bovs own their own homes. have

Now she is the president.

nice cars and are content with their

Mrs. Gildroy, as feminine and lot. That's the way I want to keep

lovely a lady as ever went into a I't." I



Start, stop, or repeat any pan of washing cycle ail any time. And . you ~ve 8 water



tho.,. dirty

wae!;i and rlne

waters away from clothe , neYe1

, Wash Everything-Even New Miracle Fabrics'



You mAY select low temperatui'e,' minimum wuh time for miracle fabrics-hot temperature,
longer wash periods for heavy, dirty_clot]iea and aJl come out sparkling clean!

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h,., SLANTING FRONT. Designed for your l102'I.
venience. Ends bending, 11toophia, lifting. It's so easy_ to use!
SELF-CLEANING. Cleallll itself 11cUmenl and lint are flushed away.

Make Woshdays Completely A,utomalic wltli


America' Fovorlle Laundry Twfn,I

\i~- Ideritically styled to the Laundromat, is the Westing,~ hollB8 Electric Clothes Drye:i;
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WARRANTY. Guaranteed to be ti-.e from defects for one year. Transmission is un conditionally guaranteed for five full year1;


patented synthetic finlah enda worry

about rust or corrosion.

,, .~ i

Door Shelf, 8-Way Dry Dial,

l!.-r~Ns!iPg4ouse ,

Singing Signal, direct air

i:':'tL..---6~~"'.'.;~'' flow 11yetem. See them nowl




Jto.u e~N~BE"SURE

. ~... \ -

Listen to the ~weetest Music this side of Heaven each Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday ;it 5:30 p. m. over WFOM. Grt your name in the pot for an evening out.

Reg. $12.95

Free Parking While You Shop at DuPre's In Our Lot Across Railroad from Marietta Hotel
<;We Service



Austell Road

A. V. Pickern, Jr., Pastor


8:30 A. M.-'Everyman's sermon'

11 A. M.1 -"Predestination"

8 P. M.-.-"Why There Must Be A Hell"


PHONE 8-2667


- ,. .,_1







Frid ay October 23, 1953- 5A
, ' .;',;-., '1 t.~ :.- . r. , -~ - ,








Roswell Road ;

IN ACWORTH NEXT THURSDAY THREE ROOM APARTMENT ROOM jn pr11at~ hqm~. Adjoinj rent two bedroom duplex or
Private bath. Hot water furnish- ing bath ar.d private entrance . house. Must have stove and reAt tractive 6 room brick veneer Sickness necessitates sacrificing ed. 8 miles to Lockheed. Near Men only. 401 W. Atlant~- ~treet. ,frigerator furnished. R eply Box

ROSWELL ROAD - Regular services will be held Sundm at Nc,v

in best section. Large living modern TWO BEDROOM HOl\fE schools, store and church. $45. Phone 8-7482.

10,2.o-25 rr L, c-o Marietta Journal.

Providence Church. E,-crvonc is in-

rn; room with fireplace, 2 bedrooms. with bath. Gas heat and automa- month. Powder Springs _2983.

and .den. Central heat. Ceramic tic water heater. 22, acres. Less

22_28 ra Beautifully furntshed LAR~

10;23 ind wr ACWORTH -Thursdav is the festival will be the Hobby Show vitcd to attend.

big day. The annual Harvest Fcsti- thatis being held to encourage stu- Mrs. ~J. A. Block has returned

tile ))ath. Shady lot. Immediate than mile from 'Powder Springs _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ROOMS. Private baths. Pri~ ;e BUSINESS LADY desires nicely Ya1, sponsored by the Acworth dents to display thcir creative ta!- to her home on Roswell Road aftet

Ph[; possession. Located 105 Freyer

s WOesmt

Sbb1rcailsceek. mBveeenn:rten.etir2fu'11c,1ten1re1awfmu1i31c


baths. Fireplace. Central hot water heat. Carport. FHA financed.

ROAD. $5000- $2000 down. Bal-

ance S35 month. Ph. 8-3284.


. 10;20-22 re

F.OR QUICK SALES an ,. ourteo11s se'rvice, l1'st you.r p"_rop-' erty

with - .. J. T. SISK REALTY CO.


upstairs apartment, newly deco-

rated, Business couple only, one

or two m eri.. Private bath . Bac9k

and front entrance. 6354.




entrance. Ma. id. service.



9-2 ino ._.-r



single beds gentlemen.

for two Phone

s8o-7b3e1r3, .tefit;>d

10;23 ind rr

furnished efficien cy apar tment . PTA, will be held at the school

Write Box G c-o Matietta Jour- grm and the fun will begin at 5


rn; 23-2G wr
W d

o;c)ock so the midway, too.


can enjoy ,


ItuatIons ante
GENTLEMAN wants job



This crs arc

,.g_coainr gthae11

pa_rcnts -ou t to

amnadkcteact hh_1-s

recaper in gara ping company.

ge J.

owr .ti

re recapCra yton,

fcstirnl the biggest and best. There will be food galore


ents ns well as hobbies. Judges will

view rnust day


bugs, butlerf11es, arrows, rocks, or

collections of any type may be en-

tcrcd. This feature is free and ev-

cryone is inritcd to vjew tl)e ex-

a six-months visit in England . She also attended the carnation cere-
.t\lr. and l\frs. C. P. Galloway spent bst week in Ch:1rlotte, N. C.
l\lrs. II . E: I\laddox and <laugh tcr, Catherine, of .l\ lcmphis, Tenn., 1






Phone 9.9971 or 9-4008
2 or 3 IlE DROOM HOUSE w1tb

FOR sA.LE OR . R.ENT. - Four
large rooms and bath, two :gas

N E W L y FURNISHED BED2 RanOdOMtr,anadspjooirntiantgiobnattho: BLorecakkhfeaesdt

Route 4. SI T UATION

1 0;23 sw WAN'l'E D: Exp eri-

for any appetite. A' spaghetti sup-I




l.JC ' servecl



sch 00



. Schedule for the evening is as .fol-

1isitcd the Gallowavs O\'Cr the week encl at their home on Roswell Rel.

s condition. Good location. Gas bath. Hardwood tloots, gas heat, floor furnaces, kitchen complete- if desired. Phone Smyrna 5-7825. enced Cler!{ - typist desires im- cafrtcria between the. hours of 6 lows:


Mt. and :Mrs. Cliff Mackv spent

heat. Equipped with ranges and plastered walls, tile kitchen and ly furnished on S0'x300' level lot.

refriger.utors. Only $8800.

bath, plenty of cabinets, screen- Rent for $73.50 per month or

10;23_26 rr

mediat e fi ve 9-6014.

day week job. Ph. and for 'the sum of 7 5 cents. Mrs. -10:2225 sw Ernest McClure and J\lrs. \Yill Jo

5 til I0-Acworth Sch,ool gvm. a while J\ Ionday with Mr. ~tid J\Irs.
5 til 8 -Fish ponds, grab bags. FJo);cl Spmill, pf Mt. Bethel. Mr.

ed porch. On J acre lot. Will take small down payment and assume COMPLETELY FUR N 1 s II~

THREE BEDROOM home on Westside near schools. Cetumic


loan.'. ,

C"ll ..

Eugen e 9:10

Holder. ind. re

Ph 9 A708 loan. one -"' .

102123 rh ED ROOM. Twin beds. One or


two men. Three doors north Mos.'

tile bath. Utility room. Large lot.

AVAILABIE NOW, five room ley stop. Bus stop in front of

Price $12,350. cash required 22 ACRES and four room house, house with bath. Pump in well, house. Ph. Smyrna 5-4913 ..

Qrange .H~11

Abbott in charge of _the sup-
per ,,:ith all the hi111mit1gs added.
Hot dogs, cakes, rnndics. dnnk s

and ernckcrs, will be sold at the

O RANG E HILL_ At tendance concession stand at the .entrance to

m: 6 til 8 -Spaghetti Supper ser\'- Spruill has returned home from the cd in school cafeteria. hospital, ,;,here he has been

8 ti] 9 -Cako walks.

9 -Country Store

I\lr. ::ind Mrs. J. \ V. Talley are

9:,0-Parccl Post.

expected their son, Dr. and :\fo.


b a th wit.g showez-, hice size chicken house and barn. $40 mo. rooms. Gas heat. Lights, sink in On Terrell Mill Road, 2% miles

1 10;23-26 rr at Orange Hill Baptist Chmch on the gvm. Sunchw was l 5-+. Eighty-three at- . There will be a mixture of the

'.l:50-B~an jar, w,i,nncrs,_of ro- K B. Rider, of Los Angeles, Calif., ccncs. }iam, guess ca c for a long 1isit with thcin at their

THREE BEDR OOM home .with full daylight basement less tf\l:in
year old. Assume 47 G. I. loan.

kitchen, automatic water heater, front and back porch-no outbuildings. Some timber but most-

off Four Lane and is % mile east off Powers Ferry Road or follow Lower Roswell Road to Terrell

Comfortabie F UR NIS H E D ROOM, priv!l:te entrance, sh.ower. Pieasant location. Man prefer-

tended trainint union. Stewardship

d stu Y course egan

~ "




old and the nc\~ along the midwm'. Ring toss, basketball t oss, the Ilc;adlqs , Ghost; twirl-the-wheel, bean

;me! Ilobbv Show announc'. home on Roswell Road. .



f M.r. and I\Slrs. Jame~ i\l~oss andd

Concession stan~ open from 5 rrmi1Y spent tmdav wit11 l\ 1r. an

Cash required $1700.

1y 1eve11and . SeveraI sprlngs, !1-11 Mill Road and see Mimms' sign red. Phone 8-2312. 10, 23 ind rr conRteinguueladr thmroonutghhlYThsuerns-dicaeys. were ba!"!s, grab bags, fish ponds, the until JO.

~ lrs; Paul Chastain and family, of

FIVE ROOM AND BATH hon1e located at Fairoaks. Gas heat.
Large lot. Price $7100. Cash re-

weather road, $5000-loan $3,000

Pa.v.abie at $35 mo. Bal $2000-





down ?


pointtnent to see P hone 8-3284.

-look at 1t and then call c,hero-

Jree 1522.

l_0,23-26 rh

Rental Rooms



__,-_ BOARD





large b edroom s with tw1n beds .

All modern conveniences. With or without laundry. Mrs . R. D.

1p1enIsdonSun1,daramv" ,aftwe1'rtni1o otnl1ea



C bl 1o,aftJ

Owenby as speaker.


A new _nurser\_' room has been

"guess" cake and man y others.

The re and a

wfu1nl1 v11_1-c0uascmtahna-et

11s11 aplwroagyrsesas


Admission 10 cents for students
and 25 cents for adults. Finance commitee chairmen are
Mrs. '.t-.1. N. l'\kCa11, Jr. and Mrs.


Mr. and Mrs. Bernard M oon and family spciit Sunday afternoon ~\ Mc and Mrs. Felton I\ Iurdock, of

quired $1500.

10 23 26 , ,-





Carver, 207 P owers F erry Road , , furnished at the church and is ready

The country store will be. bigger and .better than c\'cr, and two cake

Joe Kicncl.


s 0 NE HOUSE B ASEMENT - conveniently located in desirable just across the 4-Lane Highway for occupancy.

walks will be in progress at the

l\lr. and l\Irs. C. A. Cagle and

tev,.e Bryan't Feted LOOK! Nice cottage on Lake Al- pa r tly finished-on 1'/, acre land. neighborhood. Maid service, Ph. Phone 9-6333.

9'23 ind r~ On Sunday evening, November sa1tic time. Something new and dif- ..

little son, Ro1111ic, spent I\ Iond:w

latoona less than 2 years old. Str~am on property. Located on 8-2506.

10;22-28 rr CLEAN COM FO R. 'T

I, the twining union and preaching fcrcnt will be the parcel post auc-

with I\ Ir. and Mrs. Jim Cagle, of

Q f B hd Equipped with electric t ange a nd
n 1rst. Irt ay ref.riger.ator. Nice bath. Drilled

E x cess


P hone 9-5642. 10 ,23 re

ROOM FOR RENT: Two gentle-

RooMS for

m e n -t wo

AB LE b eds per

wel! an_d pump. Price $5000.

. . ,men twin beds, double closet, ,room-Near Square. K'l t ch en pri-






THREE BE DROOM house-full dayllght basement. Green house.

priv~-te bath with ,glassed in shower. Private entrance. Close

vileges. 5 p. m.

$5 or


Ph. na

7-2563 5-5401

after days.

home on 2 acres. P ine paneled Two chicken houses, 2500 capa- to town. Swing shift acceptable.

10;23 ind rr

livin g room with f irep lace. 30 city each. 7 acres land, spring Ph. !H376.

10;23-26 rr - - - - - - - - - - ~ -

foot dutch kitchen with fireplace. branch, timber. 8 miles from Ma-


Garage. Utility room . Drilled rietta. Price $7500. Ph. Mr. Pe- R,OOM AN_P.. ~OARD ' ; or .men. a nd la;l)l~s. Clear., comfortable

well. Price $10,000.


t Single becl.;i;: private entr::mce. beds. Mrs. W. E. Clay. 212 Ea:St

FORES .T CHICKEN RANCH. 16 acre tta ct

J . T. SISK REALTY CO. Ph. 9-9971 or 8-7128

Glose in. S-7373.

Hl Locust Street. Ph.

10:22-25 rr

Dixie __

Phone 82284 olrO _ _ _ _ _ __



with seven room and bath house.

10;23-26 re


HILLS 4 room house. Grocery store and
service station; 7 chicken houses


WHETHER YOU RENT, OR ROOM, private entrance, show-

er. Pleasant location: Man pre-

with 16,000 chicken capacity. On e acre lake. Located at Sweat


ROOM, upSt airs unfur-


ferred. P hone 8-2312.

9; 20 ind r r

Mountain, 12 miles from Mari- nished apartment. Gas stove. 3 fAY__ F . .



miles fro m town on Canton R d , THAT. YOU OCCUPY single bed, 2 meals and lunch

P h. W. D. c;ochran 8-0106 9 a.m,


packed. 109 South Av e. P hone. 7-

hour will be devoted to a message

bv a retired missionary, Dr. Scott


Mrs. James Glover and Linda were

spcnd-thc-dav guests of Mr. and
Mrs.' E. H. 'Bolton Jr. on Sundav.

Sundav guests of Mr. and l\its, l\L D. Shelnutt were I\I r. and Mrs.

Robert Coggin. of Atlanta.

Pfc. David Gana is stationed at

Ft. Jackson, S. C.

:\Ir. and Mrs. IIarlcv Shelnutt

were dinner guests of Mi-. and Mrs.

George Waters on Sunday. Joyce \Vcbb and I\fary Ed Farm-

er were spcnd-thc-dal' guests of Carolvn \\'ade on Sundav.

Bobby Jean Thrower, of Austell,

visited the Charlie Robirison Sun day.

tion .



d an

bk f two as ctsdCi Igro-

wccilrlidalswoilhl.ebea gbwecann a1waravwiatuh at n1iccrec

rpcrciztemflomr bwcrh.oever guesses the cor-

d f

f h

An outstan irn;, eaturc O t e

Stevie Brynnt, s011 of M r. a9d :Mrs. Clarence Bryant Jr., cclcbr:1tcd his first birthdav at the home of

his parents in Slll:irna \\ith a pa r,ty

reccn tly.

. .


. The little guests pl?yed games

before the refreshments of cake

and ice cream were served. F:11'ors of bast'els filled with cand\ and 001 charms in Halloween colors


were given to the chil dren. \ \'inning prizes were Douglas

H errick, Dale Young, Harry Young

and P01tsy_ Young.

., .

. In addi tion. to those named


Mr. and M rs. Paul Gaddis and

fomik spen t Sunday with their

annt, .l\ lrs. R. L. H yde, in Pa ulding


M r: and M rs. \ V:. II . Sigman

?pent Monday with .J\Irs. Sigman's

brother. i\lr. and i\ lrs. Ingram A~-

urns of Smvrn:i. Mr. Adams is on

the' 'sick list:

l\Ir. and M rs. Crack Powers, of

Sand,. Spn,'ngs, _spent l'.rid::iy_. night with n" Ir. ancl ",,Irs. C,. ]3 . '"'Io,s.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cagle

h,1d as their guests Suncl,11 :\Jr. and

i\frs. Stublw \ Valkcr, of AtLmta.

F riends of M rs. J\[aric l\lcrritt
will rcorct to lenrn that shQ is iU

at Kcn'?ics tonc. I\ Irs. ;\lcrritt is the

$12,400 CRHeAalR4E7LRWEt"'SetP-stC PI.nasWrukrIaSLn.qScueOa-rNeL


Oglethorpe Telephones :
* Bus. 8-8322 - 9-6371

-FAT6o..P"nr'A0.piR.n.~RTfoMO.rOmEMNatTioFnf ,uoPrRhcoNon11u1e00p:;s2l282e3-H-2-22o15"5"n6''8lrry._aan.:....$sTet6hlou5r.vde0.eeed.d.baoneP.,dd.a.,rnyomroetem.ofnrti_.gshaenoIryimkaoeetnoreroenn-inlty,-


10;21 indrr

' Boiling water l)OUTCd 0\'Cr nuts

before cracking will help to make

the meats come out clean and


-------~--- ---

G. I. Loans Available
All City Services

_a~ov~, guests mcluded Sha~on and daughter of I\ Ir. and '.\lrs. Arthur

Rita 'faJiec, ,Sha ron, Catherine. and .\ Vilson, of R omcll Road.

Dale "\oung, Billy H emet Sibley Mr. and :\[rs. C harles Perkins

Cbckum. !3randa, Donna, I\lilton and Linda spent Sundav with their

and D ale Evans .., ... . .

mother Mrs. Frank h-erson, of i\It.

M others ' attcndmg were I\ ~ts. Bethel.'

Apartments Res. J. M. Jackson 8-7002 Clean THREE ROOM furnished act now 'cause real bar-

* Res. Bill Tritt 9-6430

.apartm ent. Private entrance, gains don't _l_ast.

F. H. A. and

23-26 re close to L ockheed. Business cou-


s5500 - $57so * Charles Jones,Feteq Two BEDROOM HOME-: t ile ple~ day shift 1616 Atlanta Road. Secluded but not isolated. We will build your home for yo11i

bath and shower, ha r dwood P hone 87307.

l0 ;2326 ra Very nen_r town, 3'bedroom on your lot or ours. Let us sell yom

* floors, gas floor furnacc". E xtra Pleasa nt FURNISHED COT - (one pa..,n, eled) Brick home home for you-we need listings.: .

$73so ,On His ll th Birthday large lot fenced in.
five rooms furniture


With d as-


AGE hree

1 ,

completely p r rooms, shower.

iv a te.; Adults

under constru ction.

Has an .


2 BEDROOMS $6950 -

P~ved Streets Large Wooded Lots School Bus

Ishee,. l\frs. \oupg, Mrs. H crnck I\ Irs.. Flccta Sigman ht'td J\frs.

and M rs. B. L. E vans.

Roy Caldwell and little' daughter

spent a while Thursday with Nina

I\ loon. .


]\Jrs: ;\Tamie M ackv visited Mrs.

\ V. il. Si~man Tucs~ay afternoon.

tion of his eleventh bi rthday anni

sume F HA loan; without .furn~- only. Ali utilities furni sh ed in-. abundance of lovely trees ture $500. Ph. 8-0284. 10 :22~25 r e eludin g use of washing machine. and a large lot. Will have
at 50x125' LOT for sale. Locat~d $'70,J1lO..P h , 8"02312 10; 23 ind ra partial basement, ideal for

\JROKERS & INSURANCE 724 Roswell Street, Marietta

SCHOOLS. Call Chamblee 7-5201


SMYRNA - Charles Jones was vcrsiirv.

host on Ti.1esday afternoon to a T he t raditional cake was deco-

group of frien ds 'at the home of his ra ted in chocola te and white with

parents, M r. an.d, M rs. C. \V. blue candles 'a nd cimicd th e !lli!_

Mountain Park. Nice wooded lot . Iar , o m n ,. riv t at . . 0~ " .,.

!ur ooo.c" 0
i- n. dOienn:l lfat,pk<e> and a. ccess to sw.0i4m -, . ' c'i.-iii\sr'h,iel.dfi,';I'GMa ra:gr\e. ,CBoumsipnleestselcyouple

aII today for 'parfic-

Phone 8-264U ~-2649

Jone~, on Dunn S~"'-~~S-.~~rn- wish, " IIappy Bir~)<l;r.:<;~JErle.Ei -

ming pool. P hqne 9-6014.

p referred. P h. Smyrna 5-4988. ulars.

10; ~-25 r <>

10;23 r a

,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;,=:;;,:;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Two bedroom home only

$225 and move in, tiq!'


bath, stove and refrigera tor included, or will con-

Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!

'New 3-Bedroom Home
$5-00 Down - Anyone

sider rentin~-
Everybody is looking for a G. I. Resale! Five room practically new home located at 2311 Wylie Drive.

Only 2 Days Left!

No Closing Costs

It has heaps of extras and a nice garage with workshop, well kept lawn with plenty shrubbery - $1,000

Marietta's Most .Sensational 10-'Day

N.o Red rape ~~~ -~,-:,~.Mave: fri:'.1'nlmediately

and it's yours. ;
Have yo~, seen the . lovely homes ori' Lower Roswell. Some .equities that can be bought right. All of them

W aIker Motor Used Car Sale! Priced so ./ow you-will have to see to believe! These are good clean cars!

This beautiful 3;bedroom home is strictly mod ern in every respect. Natural Gas Heat, sliding door closets, b~autifully decorated, finest hardwood floors, double-sink kitchen , :paved street, city sewerage, weather-shipped ' and ins_ulated. _City bus service, telephone, etc. Assume FHA loan, monthly payments like rent. 3 mile~ fro_m.~?ckhe~d.
New 2-Bedroom Home
$425 Down ~ Anyone
No Closing Costs~ No Red Tape
Move In Immediately

are three bedroom homes. We highly recommend that you see thes_e hom~s and call ,c,ur office for details. You'll be glad you did.
10 acres wooded land, old farm house and barn ideal for remodeling - 10 miles out Roswell Read. Priced at only $5500.
.Large 6 room ttoi,,;e-Carport and uitility room; large. lot, awnings and other extras included. Located at 110 K!pling _D_i'ive. Buy th~ equity and assume good loan.
214 Clay Street. Good 5 room house can be bought on G. I. Loan.

1951 Chev. Styleline Del.uxe 4:-

1952 Stude, C~amp. Cstom

door, R &H ; ............. $995

4-dr., Heater & Radio .... $1195

1950 Chev. Styleline Deluxe 2-dr.,

1951 Stude; Champ. ~Ix. Ch.1b

Powerglide, R & H ........ $895

Coupe, 0. p. and Heater ... $895

1950 Chev. Styleline Deluxe 4-dr.


, R & H . .. . ... . : . ... . .... $795

1951 Stude, Champ. Pix. Club


Coupe, O. D. and Heater .. . $895

1939 Chev. 2-door ... .. .- . .. .. . $195

I .


1950 Ford V-8 Custom Club

1951 Stude. Champ. Regal Dix.

Coupe, R & H ............ $995

4-dr., 0. D. and Heater . . . . $895

1950 Ford V-8 Custom 4-dr. R&H $995 1950 Ford V-8 Custom 2-dr.,

195J Stude. Comm. V-8 4-dr. 0. D., Radio .... ........ $1095

0. D., R & H ............. $895 1951 Stude. Comm. V-8 Conver..

1948 Ford V-8 Convertible Super

tible, auto. trans., R&::H' .. , $1195

Deluxe, R & H ............ $395 1950 Stude. Champ. Dix. 2-dr.,

1947 Ford V-8 Super Dix. 4-dr. ... $395

Heater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $695 .

1946 Ford V-8 Super Deluxe 2-dr., Heater ............ $295
1948 Cadillac "62" 4-door,
Hydramatic trans., R & H .. $995

1950 Stude. Comm. Deluxe Club Coupe, 0. D.~ R & H ....... $195
1949 Stude. ton Pick-up ...... $495

1948 Stude. Comm. Regal Dix., Club Coupe, O. D., R&H ... $595
1948 Stude. Land Cruiser, 0. D., R & ,H .... .' ........... , . $~95
1948 Stude. Champ. Dix. 2-dr.'
0. D., R& H . ............ $595
1950 Pontiac 8 11 11 Chieftain Dix. 2-dr., Hydr. trans., R&H . : . $1195
1950 Pontiac 8 11 11 Streamliner Sedanette, Hydr. trans., R&H $995
19488 Pontiac 8 11 11 Conv., R&H .. $595

1950 .Olds. "88" 2-dr. Deluxe, Hydramatic trans., heat~r $1195



88 11




Hydramatic trans., g&H . . . $995



88 11




Hydramatic trans., R&H . . . $995

J950 Packard 4-dr., heater ...... $495

Go 4-lane highway I 1/i mile north of Roswell Roc1d
to Allgood Road at new Sprayberry High School. Turn right one blockto Tom Read Drive and right
one block to Mary Lane. l'ook for -3-bedroom house
on left and "2-bedroom on right with- "For Sale" sign.

Home Owners: , For a prompt courteous
sale, list your property with this office. We have customers waiting for right property.

Phone: 9-4455, 8-2021,

8-3761, 8-7859, 8-2417;

and 7;1095 '

1941 Cadillac "62" Sedanette,

19,9 Stude. Champ. Deluxe 2-dr.,

R & H .................. $495

0. D., R & H ............. $595











1947 Lincoln 4-dr. Has Mercury , moter, 0. D. and heater .. .. $295
For Your Convenience
We Are Open
Until 9 P. M.

Call J.C. Riddle, Smyrna 5-4157 or Fred J. Cliff, Smyrna 5-8868




Sales Corp.

Walker Motor Sales, Inc.
Your Friendly STUDEBAKER Dealer

Alpine 8511

L------------------------------------------------~------------- Atlanta .

Insurance - Loc1ns

1607 Rosweli Street


. ..~.M.~r!~-~..&~--~""'~-Ll


PHONE 8-1528


South Carolina GA-Marietta Daily Journ~l - Friday, October 23, 1953
Campbell Seeking Edges Clemson Fifth Win Ton.ight In Annual Tilt

HilltoppJ1 For Regfo

Dick McPhee's SE

Face Stephens County In Smyrna

Club Reported In other meeting between arch-rivals

South Carolina and Clemson failed to produce anything even ap-

Eagles Underdog s For LaFayette

proaching a riot, but it still turned


out to be an interesting football

A R ome H illtopper eleven, r



eeived in their 13-0 loss to Dalt01!

Campbell Iligh's Panthers will try for victory No. 5 tonight when This is the game, held annually night for a region contest with the

thq meet \Vinless Stephens County at the Smyrna field at 8.

At the same time, Eddie Baker's South Cobb Eagles go for their

fourth win, playing host to Lafayette's strong Ramblers once-beaten

in Region 3-A this season.


~he ~an thers go into the non- weakened Eagles go against a for-

during the South Carolina State Fair, which in past years has been noted for its plood-lctting, both on and off the field.
But not even one punch was thrown Thursday as South Caro-

Head Coach Dick McPhec said I
the Hilltoppcrs are in the worst, '
'Shape of the year and several
changes in . the line-up have been
necessitated -because ot injured key

region tift at full strength, and they will carry the favorites -tag into

midable foe in LaFavcttc. The Ramblers still have a cfiancc at the

lina scored on passes of 45 and 24 yards to edge its state rivals, 14-7,

players. The former




their sev~nth showing of the sea- Region championship, but the A screaming but restrained crowd has fielded some of the strongest

son. It will be the next-to-last home Cobbers would like nothing better of 35,000 watched the 51st meet- prep varsities in the state in Rome

performance for Dixie Howell's than to dim that view.

ing of the teams.

in recent years, has been limiting

boys, as they meet South Cobb in The Eagles won last week, a 13-7 Most of the action took place in practices this week to light work-

thcjr home sign-off next week.

decision oYer Douglas County. the first half, but the onlv drive outs to help the squad recover

Stephens County has lost this They were not particularly keen that counted was an 86-yard move from injuries.

I year to South Habersham, Rabnn on offense in ,ictory, but threw up engineered by South Carolina's A pair of regular h;1cks, Bert
County, Toccoa and Commerce. a fine defensive showing in the sec- star quarterback, Johnny Gramling Seagraves and Bob Griffin, an~ a

T h ey arc in Region 4-A.

ond half, which allowed the Tigers who threw 45 yards to end Clyde standout guard, co-Captain Jim- ,

\Von Last Year

only two first, downs, in the final Bennett- for the first touchdown. my Shugart, arc heading the ailing I

The Panthers defeated the East- two periods.

Jim Jarrett converted the first of list. Griffin and Seagraves, reports t

anollcc boys by 20-15 a year ago Ed McFarland, one of the his two extra poirits.

from Rome indicate, will definite-

for one of their three victories. staunch supporters of' the Cobb

ly not play against the Blue De-

Lopat'sAII-Stars A win tonight would possibly get defensive forcwall during earlv sca-
the Campbell boys into the last leg son, will at least be Qack with the of their schedule in higher spirits. Eagle charges tonight.
Upset By Nips They must i11cet South Cobb, Elli- Halfback Charles Hard, a sea-
jay and Sumrneffillc in their final son-long offensive standmit: is lost
In Tokyo Game three contests, and those arc all re- for the rest of the season however
gion foes. In fact, the final three and his place in the So~1th Cob!;
weeks can nmv go far in deciding backfield is going to be hard to

- vils, but Shugart's injured 1back has improved enough during the week to permit him to at least start against Marietta. Griffin sprained both ankles again~t Dalton and Seagraves has a hemorrhaged -blood vessel in his ann and a charley-

the Campbell finish in 3-A. Thev fill.

horsc in his leg.

will end 110 worse than second if Acworth observes an off-night TOKYO, (UP)-A team that Right end Lamar Ingram, who

thcv win all three.

before returning to action next finished fifth in a Japanese baseball ha been out with an injured hack

At South Cobb tonight, the week.

league upset Eddie Lopat's Ameri- for the last three weeks, may sec

can All Stars, 5 to 4, today in the action.


opening game of the visitors' tour. McPhcc plans to uc;c second-
the Mainichi Orions' victory stun-

ned and delighted a cheering crowd

Leahy Pessimistic

of 25 ,000 Japanese and American baseball fons. Lopat's team had been expected to win by a lopsided
l\fainichi lcfthander Atsushi

Powder Sp1

About Tech Game Aramki held the All-Stars to four hits and enjoyed a 4 to 1 lead until the ninth inning, when the Lopaters tied the score on a walk

Sunday School .. . Moming Worship . Training Union . ...

1by Eddie Mathews and successive

SOUTH BEND, Ind., (UP)-Something will hme to give in the by Hank Sauer and Eddie

Notre Dame-Georgia Tech football battle Saturday. And Irish Coach Robm_so_n. .


Evening Worship . . REV. HOVIE L

DFr~a'.nnkc,sL1e1~a1h11y1b'emr o01r~ec

I)cssimistic --
rankmg 1tJ.

than usual -'
~he natwnal

feared it -

mig11t .

b c


Mamiclu ':ame n~ht back, however when nght fielder Takuzo Miy~ke rnpped one of Mike Gar-

Church Bus will I'll

. Georgi~ Tech 1s one of the f'.n- ek,:cn 1,1rnch ~nore snnply.

cias offerings for a single. Lopat

est teams m the country," he said. \Ve re,,gomg .to haYc a rough rclic,ed Garcia with Robin Rob-

..Thcy not only haYc one of the aftcr~oon, he said.

crts, and his first pitch-to third

fm. est .tcmns,

b f

u t


o f

ti 1e


d Stillf, N, ottre Dame was
O\Vll 3\0n e.

a touch-

bma' esdemaagna.mCshta' rtlhiee Hriogohdt- fi"e'lads swlaamn

,m cmoaakcehm1tg

st an\cs\tcm gh oapfet e


Georgia Tech, too, though, had

eas1L'leyahayJI hwaesek,wocrhk-medm- athm.isg sscc1m.unad-
mages in order to preserve in good

scn , .-


_.'r,uI_'1)_1\_ "-,ke_l1_0m_e

\\I _ _



ti '. 1C

Governor, Solons something to lose. The Yellow health the top crewmen on the
..,.,._.J1ckct,Ll~ave gone 31 games with- roster.
n1-1t dcfcc1W11d have been tier! onlv Only one Irish plavcr mis re-

Tour Lockheed twice durinif1hc stretch.

otre ported tnjlimr,-tliifd trt1~-flill-

Damc \'ictory, of course, ,~ould end back John Gaffney, suffering from

this string but a Tech win to ex- a pullc~ muscle. It was regarded

I tend the streak would knock the as possible that ht could play, 1f

lrish out of the number
without ,a <l~ubt.

one spot

necessary. Notre Dame





Governor Talmadge , Senator Russell, Congressman Henderson

Lcahv s dismal outlook resulted today due to the contest. Leahy Lanham, Congressman Phil Lan-

considerably from the report of his annou_nccd . a brief sign~! calling drum, Congressman James C. Da-

I scout, Johnny Druzc, who saw
Georrria Tech set back Auburn

and lunbcrmg up be held after tltc

excrc1~c Georgia


vis. and U. S. Attorney James \ V. Dorsey Yisitcd the Georgia Dhis-

Tula~c and Southern I\1cthodist'. squad arriYcs, by air, and uses the ion of the Lockheed Aircraft Cor-

Druze put his rating of the Tech stadium for loosening up drills. poration at I\farictta I'riclay after-




-~ ,_ ._.... . - ~- -,. ::_::~ -.



Scrapbook ..
(Continued from Page I)

key who actuall) p'ut together the The officials \\ere shown the
se,-cral reports, clipped most of the producti~n of -B-47s by Georgians,
ne\\spapcr accounts of the city's the C -l ,0 turbo-prop cargo air-
progress and aeti\ities, did the page plane mockup, flight line, radar

size being 17 x 2 l inches with a arrangements which. arc symmctri- building and also witnessed the

handsome leather cO\-cr of reddish. cal, balanced and well displayed. routine landing and take offs of

brown color. lt carries l 26 pages or ~1 r. Green cstim:ttcd that he put B-47 stratojcts.

63 lcaYcs of a11 off white color. The 85 hours on the book. He says that For manv of the officials it was

book's cover has lettered in gold leaf, S1"IYRN"A - "1 he Jonquil City of the South." The lettering

he is retired from business and is their first visit to the g0\-crnmc11t

tired from good works. ,

aircraft plant since it " as reopened

Those \,ho know the Greens in 1951 by the Lockheed corpora-

was done by one of the city's art ists, \lrs. i\l. V. Cobb who also
contributed a painted jonquil for
the first inside page. 111e second page lctttring, done

know tbat they have always spent thcmsch-cs for their community, county and state, and "hen the
\\ Oman's Club agreed to sponsor the Better Home Town.Contest in

tioQ. The Yisitors were shown around
the plant faciljtics by Dan Haugh-
ton, ,ice rrcsidcnt and general manager o the Georgia Di,ision;

in the colors of the \Voman's Club, the sponsoring or;anization, green and white, with tne yellow of the jonquil again in giving the name of the citv and the sponsoring organi-
zation. Another page carries a picture of the Better Home Town Comrmttcc of the club and a picture of the club's president, :Vlrs. Claude Hamrick, Jr., and the gen-

Smyrna, and their daughter, l\lrs. Col. Joe P. \Valtcrs, Air Force

Claude Hamrick, Jr., was president Plant Representative; James V.

of that club-\\cll. the Greens were Carmichael, a direct<.:i.r of the Lock-

i1~ f?r so!11c hard ,vork and they heed corporation.


d1dn t quibble.

. Courtl_and S. Gross, cxccutn:c

l\lost of the publicity in the book nee I?rcs1dcnt of the L~~khccd cor-

was clipped from the i\farictta pora~10n, "as also _a ns1tor to the

Dailv Journal the remainder from. Manetta plant Fnday afternoon

the " Smyrna' Herald, ,the Cobb and .accompanied the officials 01:1

County Times, and the Atlanta t~e mspection of the plan t fac1h

eral chairman, Mrs. Lewis Anderson.

Dailies. \Vhcn we saw the book we were rcminclccl of the late i\Iorgan
Blake's poem:

tics. i\frs. Talmadge, the ,~ife of the
CoYcrnor, ~Irs. L~ndrum a!Jd .l\Irs.

On the next page is a color pic- "If all the words that we have Dorsey accompamcd .their lrns-

ture of Mrs. Parker Rice's jonqnil



garden, a show place in the spring. \\'ere piled up in a pile,


lt might be said that the book carries 49 photos 8x l O inches and
many others of a lesser size illus

And to it a match were litten, British Airmen Go

On Yon could sec the blaze a mile."
The second verse of i\Iorgan's

A Milk Binge

trating the city's progress of the past twelve months, which is all that may be used in these contests. Jt also is indexed so that one t11ay
<.Juickh turn to each 0 the sevcral
sections on which reports have been
made a~ follows: :\funicipal devclopmcut - l\Jrs.

little dittv continues:
"But the money we h,1\'C gittcn
l'or the words that \\'C haV<: wrote
\Vould not harm the weakest kitten
If poured molten down his

Jacksom ille, Fla. (UP)-A British airman dropped a casual remark _about how good the milk tasted at the Jacksonville _r..:arnl Air Sb1tio11
mc~s hall here and he soon lwd more than he conld handle. - A local rfairyman promptl;; do-


Helen Baldwin, i\layor Guve N.

nated 90 pints of milk for a 'milk

Duncan; Beautification - i\lrs. E. Paper doilies or napkins placed party" for 40 visiting members of

R. Donaldson, chairman; Educa- between fine china plates will help a British Coastal Command squad-

tion - Jasper N. Griffin, chairman; preYent scraping. Outing flannel ron. 111c airmen gathered in a han-

Business and industrv. Hubert Col- or scraps of fine cloth also can be gar and fiuished off the 90 pints in

quitt, chairman; Advertising and used.

less than half an hour.

publicity - Ruby H. Giles, l\far-

joric Collins, and \Villie Griffin;

Religious \Vclfare -. ;\[rs. T. P.

Holleman, chairman; Recrcation-
:\lrs. \V. 0. Bowman, chairman;
Ilcath and sanitation. :'.Irs. Helen

Smyrna VeterinaryClinic

Balcfoin . chairman; Agriculture -

J. \V. Na~h. chairman; Tourist, J. C. Hardy, chairman; Transporta-
tion-E. H. Davis, chairman; Cidc


organizations and activities; YouthSherwood "Cotton" Pierce, chair-

For Your Convenience Located

man; and five additional pages arc

derntcd to Bulletins which includes the school papers, church papers and bulletins, etc.

112 Spring Street - Smyrna, Ga.

Prohabh the hardest \\orking

Phone 5-10.61 commi ltee represented in the 11n-
dcrtaki11g "as the scrap-book com -

Dr. J. L. Christopher

mittee composed of 1lr. and 11rs.

G. C. Grcrn aud r--,Irs. Horace 11ul-

Turns In Scrapbook In Bid for
Sl ,000 In Home Town Contest


mom:v-one of the lodiest scrap

If you',c ever worked in any kind boqks it has ever been our pleasure

of coutcst you ha,c some idea of to ,iew.

the labor imo}Ycd to finish the job It is difficult to dc~cribe a book

to oyur sotisfaction. You know the that has so much bc1\-ccn its covers.

strain of da, in day out and night So much of brain and brawn and

in and nigf1t out work, and how swcat and mavbe a few tears an d a

,ou can't ~Jeep when vou go to bed lot of cooperation and money and thiukin~ of the things \'Oil ha,c yet hard work-very h ard work. If ,,ou

to fini~ll before you "ill be com- have ,rnrkcd on one of these books

plctclv satisfied that you ha\e a mu lnow what a II ell orr:;anizcd d e-

cha11ce to win.

tailed thing it is and the P"owcr

That would be just fine if you Companv prO\idcs the pattern by

didn't ha\'c to wait and sweat it out which the book is to be made up.

till the judges render their yerdict But to make_ it up you must h ave

and mu either win or lose. Smyrna two thin~s-a Rrogr~sshc towu and

is now in the s\\cating it out period a wa,y ot puttmg its progress on

in the Better llollle Tmrn Contest paper either in publicity or pictures

of the Georgia Power.Company for or both.
!tod:iy thev completed and turned The book itself is quite ~ome

I m their bid for the $1,000 pri,e

(Coulillucd ou P.igc 6)

Scrapbook ...
(Continued from Page I)

key "ho actually pnt together the sc\'cral reports, clipped most of the nc,vspapcr accounts of the city's progress an<l activities, did the p,1gc

size being 17 :x 2] i1;ches witl1 a Jrrangcmcnts which arc symmctri-

handsome leather cover of reddish
brown color. It carries 126 pages or

c.11, balanced ~Ir. Green

and well displayed. estimated that he put


63 leaYcs of an off ,\hitc color. The 85 hours on the book. llc savs that

book's coyer has lettered in gold he is retired from business and is

leaf, Si\IYRNA - ''Theo J,onquil tirccl from good works.

City of the South." The lettering Those who know the Greens

"as done by one of the city's art know that they ha,c always spent

ists, :;\lrs. ;\[. V. Cobb who also thcmscln:s for their community,

contributed a painted jonquil for county and state, an<l when the

the first inside page. The second page lctte;ring, done

\\'oman's Club agreed to sponsor the Better llomc Tmm Contest in 1

in the colors of the \Voman's Club, Smvrna, and their <laughter, ~Irs.

the sponsoring organization, green Claude Hamritk, Jr., was president

and white, with the yellow of the of that club-\\cll, the Greens were

jonquil again in giving the name of in for some hard work and t hey

the city and the sponsoring organi- didn't quibble.

zation. Another page carries a pie ture of the Better Home Town

l\Iost of the publicity in th e book was clipped from tl1e \ farietta

Committee of the club and a pic- Dailv Journ,11, the relllainder from

ture of the club's president, \lrs. the Snwrna Herald, the Cobb

Claude Ilamrick, Jr., and the gen- Count\ Times, and the Atlanta

eral chairman, ~Irs. Lewis Ander- Dailies. \Vhcn we saw the book we

were reminded of the late i\ Iorgan


On the next page is a color picture of 11rs. Parker Rice's jonqnil

Blake's \Joern: "If al the words that we have written

~ardcn, a show place in the sprin~lt might be said that the book car-

\Vere piled up in a pile, And to it a match were littcn,

ries 49 photos 8xl0 inches and rn:my others of a lesser size illus

You could sec the blaze a mile." The second verse of ~.!organ's

trating the city's progress of the little ditty continues:

past twelve months, which is all "But the money we ha,e gittcn

that Hla\ be used in these contests. Jt also 1s indexed so that one mav quickly tum to each of the several sections on which reports haYC been

For the words that we han: wrote
\ Vonl<l not harm t he weakest kitten
If poured molten down his

made as follows: :\lunicipal development- Mrs.


Helen Baldwin, I\layor Guye N.

Duncan; Beautification - :\Irs. E


R. Donaldson, chairman; Educa-

tion - Jasper K. Griffin, chairman;

Business and industrv, Hubert Col-

quitt, chairman; Advertising and

publicity - Ruby H. Giles, :\lar-

iorie Collins, and \\'illie Griffin;

Religious Welfare - :\Irs. T. P.

Holleman, chairman; Recrcation-

Mrs. \V. 0. Bowman, chairman;

Heath and sanitation, Mrs. l Iclen

Bald,,in, chairman; Agriculture -

J. \ V. Nash, chairman; Tourist, J.

C. Hardy, chairman; Transporta-

tion-E. H. Davis, chairman; Cidc

organizations and acti,ities; Yonth-

Sherwood "Cotton" Pierce, chair-

man; and five additional pages are '

devoted to Bulletins ,Yhich includes

the school papers, church papers '

and bulletins, etc.

Probably , the hardest working

committee repre5c11tecl in the un

dertaking was the scrap-book com

mittcc composed of !\Ir. and i\frs.

G. C. Green aud !\lrs._ Horace 1Iul-


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.".'S G v,.. Greene Pr

Smyrna Public Lib~ es.

129 Love St


v0 myrna, Ga. 30080




I "

.....,,, .







! !

<-3 a:
0 a!
a.. :,:
.. s. G v~ . G, reene, Pres. Smyrna Public Library 129 Love St. Smyrna, Ga. 30080



Our new VOT teacher, Mrs. Kathel B. Smith resides at 632 Lake Drive in Smyrna, She and her husband, Carlton have three children, John 10, Sidney 6, and Lisa 3, A native of Alabama she received her B.S. Degree from Alabama College, Montevallo, Alabama. She has traveled in the western and southern states and her hobbies are sewing and swimming.
Mr, W. R. Hopkins teaches World Geogr_aphy and World History, He and his wife Ester and their children Anne 14, Kaye 10, Doreen 7, and Terry 2, live at 526 Glendale Circle , He received his B. A. Degree from Piedmont College and has traveled in all the southern states and most of the central and south-western states. A native of Virginia, his hobbies include baseball, basketball, footb~ll, and reading. His pet peeve is never finding anything where he's placed it.
The new secretary is Mrs. Frances L. Osterhaudt. She and her husband, Harrison, live with their four children on Hill Street in Smyrna, A native of Georgia she attended the University of Georgia Branch Business College.
Page 1

Page 2

