25 Minutes of the 24th June 1837 continuance
binn guilty lying also of making use of
language too vulgar to be named before
the church interceding thereby to slander
inocent persons. These charges was also
taken up and referred to the following
committee: Viz R. Fields, S Born, T Fields,
B Jones and J. Curhouse Sr. Report to be
made at next meeting.
4th being in order opened a door for the
reception of Members and received
Nancy Bagby Daughter to Bro E. Bagby
by Experience.
5th In order to relieve the church from
any further distress and trouble by
having so often to attend to cases of
dificulty between members purely personal
resolved unanimously that five Bro
be apointed and denominated helps
the government of the church. Whose
duty it shall be to attend to and
endeavor to settle all difficulties that
may arise among members of a personal
character and it shall be the duty
of all the members of this church to
whom any dificulties of the above
character may arise to take their case
before all or a part of those helps
for adjustment and in case the helps
fail to effect a reconciliation between
the parties at variance, they choose helps shall
bring the case in order before the church
provided that nothing herein contained shall be
so construed as to prevent members from a life
doing strictly the rules God does in the 18th of
Matthew. The following Bros was appointed ___ E.____, ___ ___ Compton, T. M. Bagby, S.
Bowman, and _____
22nd July 1837 Met in conference
the committee apointed on the charges
against Brother A Humphrey reported
then & they had attended to the case and
have been unable to find any evidence
to sustain the charges in its general true,
but that he (Bro Humphrey) had confesed
before them that he had sined he had
been a member of the church here so
miny intimates with a sister in the church
that he had embraced her in his arms and
kissed her he thinks five hundred times
which if there the committee thinks is
a crime of sufficient magnitude to
exclude him from the fellowship of
the church. If not true he of course
is guilty of lying with intention to
slander an inocent female member
of the church and if this
be the fact the committee is of opinion
it is also a crime sufficient to exclude
him. The committee therefore think that he
ought to be excluded from the fellowship
of the church and hence believing it will be
for the glory of God and for the good of
his course on earth.
The church convened with the committee
and Brother A. Humphrey was excommunicated
from the fellowship of the church.
2. The committee on the charges against Sister
Esther Brown reported that they had
examined the case and a part of them
believed her to be inocent and apart
believed her guilty of what she was charged
heard. So the church took up the case and
_____ after ___ investigation ___.
Rules of Decorum or ministers guide
For the Baptist Church of Christ at Island Ford
1th The attending minister is considered the moderator
when present. When absent the church has power to choose one.
2th They shall have a Clerk of ther
own choosing whose duty is to record
the business of the Church.
3th The Conference shall opened by singing
or prayers or both.
4th Invite visiting Brothers to seates with us refference
5th Called for general business
6th Then for matters of dealing that is in order -
to come before the church
7th Opend a door of the church for the reception
for members by experence or otherwise
8th All so General Reportes
9th Every motion made & seconded shall come
under the notice of the moderator
& be disposed of by the church
10th It shall be considered disorder disorder
for members to speak more than
one at a time & to & to speak
more than three times on any one
subject without leave of the church
11th When the is any matter up before
the church the moderator shall
in all cases be ___ of order.
12th It shall be a matter worthey considered
of dealing to circulate a defamatory
report against our own church
or against a members of sister churches
Rule the
15th The private dealing is required it
shall be the duty of shepherd to attend
to that according to the Gospel
16th This Decorum shall be publicly
Red when shant necessary
17th It shall be the duty of all members
to attend the Regular church
meetings especial the male members
Georgia Gwinnett County } We the Baptist Church of Christ at Island Ford
To the HighTower Baptist association
to convene with Concord Church Forsyth Co. Ga
Greeting Dear Brothern We have Delegated
our Esteemed Brethren to viz W. L. Fields
& M. V. Bailey & W. L. Hinson & W. C. Hammons
alternates to meet with you in a
association capacity & hope that the
Spirit may accompany them
Note: Words that are slightly visible are from another page which is included in this document.
Note: This is a duplicate of image 5, page 5.
Rule the
15th The private dealing is requested it
Shall be the duty of shepherd to attend
to that according to the Gospel.
16th This Decorum shall be publicly
read when shant necessary
17th It shall be the duty of all members
to attend the regular church
meetings especial the male members
This page is a duplicate of page 6.
Georgia Gwinnett County } We the Baptist Church of Christ at Island Ford
To the HighTower Baptist association
to convene with Concord Church Forsyth Co. Ga
Greeting ___ Brothers Bro have delegated
our Esteemed Brethren to viz W. L. Fields
M. V. Bailey & W. L. Hinson & W.C. Hammons
alternates to meet with you in a
association capacity & hope that the
Spirit may accompany them
Duplicate of page 11
Duplicate of page 12
Island Ford Church to the
____ ____ Association
Wishing to meet you
Again in Your Association we hope
Choosen as delegates Brother M White
C R Head and in case of failure
Wm Fields whom we hope you
will receive
The Statistics of the church is as
Received by letter
Total Numbers
Supplied by Elder J.L. Phillips __
by Sabbath we send for Minutes
Done in Conference
July 22 1883
J.L. Dodd Moderator
J.S. Mitchell C Clerk
Duplicate of page 9
Buford Ga
83 - 75
17 2 75
Duplicate of page 10
Island Ford Church to the
____ ____ Association
Wishing to meet you
Again in Your Association we hope
Choosen as delegates Brother M White
C R Head and in case of failure
Wm Fields whom we hope you
will receive
The Statistics of the church is as
Received by letter
Total Numbers
Supplied by Elder J.L. Phillips __
by Sabbath we send for Minutes
Done in Conference
July 22 1883
J.L. Dodd Moderator
J.S. Mitchell C Clerk
Deaths of Island Ford members
Austin Phillips
Died on the
th of 183_
Sister Fanny Guest
Died on the 2nd day
Of December 1833
E Bagby
On the Sept
Kissiah Barker
On the 4th April 1835
Reuben Fields
Died in 1846
Jane Dodd
On the 25th
December 1859
Moses Duncan
Died in 1862
Wm Fields
Died 4th March 1868
Robert Hays
Died in the
Year 1868
G W Dodd
Died Sept 1870
Names of Male Members
W C Hammons. A Decon 1
John Calaway A Decon 2
W O Bailey 3
Andrew Shadborn 4
Joseph White 5
M V Bailey 6
A S Street 7
Jesse Fields 8
W L Fields 9
Names of Male Members of Island Ford Church
Samuel Born 1 Elijah B Riden ___ Deacon
Edmund Bagby 2 Joel S Mitchell Deacon
Tho M Bagby 3 H B Riden
Abner Philips 4 E R Head
Jesse Compton 5 Wm C Hammon Deacon
N Crossno 6 Moses Duncan Deacon
Lewis Wiggins 7 George Dodd Ristor
John Caloway 8 James White
John Barker 9 Mitchell White
A Humphrey 10 Morgan Fields
Eli Compton 1 John Caloway ____
Morgan Fields 2 John F. Bagby ____
Tho Pendley 5 Nelson Dollar
John Pendley 4 Joseph ___
J.T. Bailey 5 Robert Hayes
David Guest 6 Jacob H___
Peter Dodd 7 J W White
Silas Compton 8 R A White
Joshua Stephens 9 Joseph R White
Thomas Fields 10 W J Hay
Barney Jones 1 John Calaway
Austin Philips 2 Wm L Fields
George J Dodd 3 Jesse W Fields
Rev Richard Philips 4 Andrew J Shadburn
Edmund Coffey 5
Joseph Curbow Sr 6
Joseph Curbow Jr 7
Wm N Flynn 8
N Fields __ (__) 9
Rev Robert Carlile
Joab Barns 10
Elbert Humphrey
William Fields
John Barton
M H Christian
Blank page
Names of Female members of Island Ford Church
(NOTE: Kissiah Barker On the 4th April 1835; Sister Fanny Guest Died on the 2nd day of
December 1833; Jane Dodd died 25 Dec 1859 - SEE PAGE 14)
Isabel Born 1 Tabitha (a colored Elizabeth A Mitchell
Mary Bagby 2 woman) 6 Sarah A Head
Janey Pendley 3 Mary Parker 7 Milley Hammond
Nancy Phillips 4 _____ Otwell 8 Elizabeth Duncan died 1876
Sarah Wiggins 5 Patience Flynn 9 Sarah Dodd
Susannah Phillips 6 Rebecca Pendley 10 Robertha White
Kissiah Barker 7 Rachel Hoven 1 Emiline Hendrick
Katherine Fields 8 Dorothy Huggins 2 Rebecca Fields
Jane Humphrey 9 Lucy Pugh 3 Samantha E Hammond
Susana Fields 10 Patience Flynn [strike thru] Rebecca Wilson
Nancy Garner 1 Rebecca Pendley [strike thru] Elila Dodd
Sarah Tidwell 2 Margareth Curbow 4 S C H Coutian
Fanny Guest 3 Milly Otwell 5 Elizabeth Reagan
Mary Fields 4 Lileon Brown 6 Matilda Christian
Lucy Webb 5 Nancy Bagby 7 Amanda Gordon
Parthenia White
Sally Ridley (D) 6 Louisa Bailey 8 _____________
Jane Strickland 7 Anne Bailey 9 _____________
Elizabeth Stephens 8
Susannah Fields 9 Offertory Ann Scales 10 _____________
Ursley Jones 10 Mary Carlile 1 _____________
Malissa Fields 1 Mary Calloway 2 _____________
Elizabeth Calloway 2
Elizabeth James 3 Mary Ann Calloway 3 Sarah Dunken
Janis Compton 4 Rachel Fields 4 M C Kile
Maryann Reney Dodd 5 Mary Ann Barton 5 G S Mitchel
Til (a colored woman) 6 Edney P Kennedy 6 Franey Fields
Delilah Philips 7 Rachel Christian 7 Tieberry Pots
Diannah Coffey 8 Elvirey Fields 8 Harriet Ridley
Janie Dodd 9 Caroline Fields 9 Lex Benson
Esther Brown 10 Sarah Fields 10 J. C. Duncan
Polly Caloway 1 Elizabeth Fields _____________
Sally Brown 2 Estes B Riden _____ Dollar
Mary Curbow 3 Minta A J Riden _____________
Iddele Strickland 4 _____ Brown
Katherine Parker 5 _____ Roberts
Names of Male Members
1. John Calaway Deacon Excluded
2. W C Hammond Deacon Dismissed by letter
3. W O Bailey Distmist by Ltr
4. Joseph Duren Excluded
5. M N Bailey Deacon Dismissed by letter
6. A S Street Dismissed by letter
7. W L Fields Deacon Distmist by Letter
8. Joseph White Deacon Dismissed by leter
9. Mark Hammond Deacon Dismissed by letter
10. Leroy Hammond Dismissed by letter
11. Ruben Dollar
12. A L Winbush Dismissed L
13. W L Hood
W W Hammond
M C Fowler D.M.B.L.
John White Excluded
James Simpson Oct 13, 1883
Riley Wite [White] distmist by letter
D Miller dist mist by letter 1887
T H Fields dead
J H Fields
John Santburn [Shadburn?]
J H Miller dismissed by letter 1887
T P Streetman by restoration dismissed
by letter 1887
Island Ford church Gwinnett Co
Names of females Remains at the ford
1. S. D. Fields
2. O. Hammond
3. M. E. Hood
4. Parthenia Fields
5. Lisa Burton
6. M.A. Bagby
7. S. M. Bagby
8. Francis Stretman
9. Delia Dodd
10. Sarah King
11. Nancy Benefil
12. Emily Dollar
13. Drewciller Fields
14. Mary Burton
15. Sarah Dodd
16. Mary Barker
17. Samantha Benefil
18. Elizabeth Burton
19. Francis Burton
20. Elizabeth Pugh
21. Rachal Fields
22. Emily A Brown
23. Mary Simpson Oct 13 1884
24. Harriet Kelly May 16, 1885
25. Rachel Fields June 23 1885
26. Purmaely White By letter June 23, 1885
27. Lucynda White By letter 1885
28. Magury Fields By letter 1885
29. Parthena Fields By letter ___ 1885
30. Miss Caty Fields 1885
31. Lizy Gas___ D B L 1885
32. Juley Fields 1885
Names of Males at Island ford
1. John Calaway Decon
2. W L Fields Decon
3. Reubin Dollar
4. A S Winbush excluded
5. W L Hood
6. W O Baley
7. M C Fowler
8. John White
9. W W Hammonds
Names of Male Membership of Island Ford Church
1. W. C. Hammond Decon Dismist bye let
2. John Calaway Decon
3. Hiram L Hinson Decon Dismissed by letter
4. W O Bailey _____ By Letter
5. W L Fields Decon
6. M N Bailey Decon Dismissed by letter
7. J S J Bramlett Excluded
8. J H Fields excluded
9. Andrew Shadburn excluded
10. Joseph White _____ dismissed by letter
11. A L Winbush By letter
12. A S Street Dismist bye letter
13. L Streetman Excluded
14. Ruben Dollar
15. Joseph Duren Excluded
16. Marcus Hammond Deacon Dismist by letter
17. Leroy Hammond Dismist by letter
18. W. L. Hood
19. W M Hammond
20. Learoy Hammond Dismist bye let
Names of male member 1889
1. J H Simpson Deacon
2. J E Tidwell Deacon
3. G L Street Deacon
4. W W Hammond
5. Ruben Dollar
6. J.W. Fields
7. J S Duren
8. J M Dodd
9. Joshua Brown
10. J J Duren
11. Gill Moulder Distmst by Letter
12. Tom Brown Distmist by letter
13. Gorge Brown
14. Tom Pugh
15. J C Kenedy
16. J H Braziel
17. J M Simpson
18. James Beem
19. William Simpson
20. William Pugh
M C Benson
Rules to observed in Island Ford Conference
1th The pastor shall be Moderator for
the church & shall open and close conference
by prayers from him self or someone it
His request
2th Every member shall be required to be have
before this conference in a serious attentive
& reverent manner so as to not disrespect
or disturb the quite of the meeting or _____
the progress of business
3rd the moderator shall be considered a ___ of order
In all cases whose privelidges of authority
shall be respected be the members yet he
Is not to be arbitrary or violent in exercising
Deaths of Island Ford Members
Males Austin Phillips Females
Died In 183___ Sister Fancy Guest
Moses Dunken died on the 2nd day
Died _____ 19, '62 [1862] Of December 1833
Wm Fields Kissiah Barker
Died the 4th of March 1868 on the 4th of April 1835
Robert Hays died in the year 1868
L W Dodd died Sept 1870 Jane Dodd on the
25th of December 1857
Milley Hammond
Died March th __ 1876
Constitution of Island Ford Baptist Church
By Revs Silas King and Richard Phillips
Ministers & Joseph Morgan and Samual Crow
And John Hammond Decons
Upon the following articles of Faith
Which we acknowledge the Rights of private
Argments and uterly disclaims a spirit of
Intolerance and persecution in every shape against
Any nabor may hold opinions different
To our own and is not with standing considered
Certain that unity of Faith & practice are
Essential to the peace & good order of every
Particular Church of Christ we there fore
Cordially expect our warmest approval of
And strict adherence to the principals
which have distinguished the Baptist
Demonination in general in the
United States more particularly
First we believe in the being of God
As a almighty eternal unchangeable of
Infinite Wisdom power justice holiness
Goodness mercy & truth and that this
God has reveiled himself in his word
Under the Characters Father Son and
Holy Ghost.
2nd We believe that the scriptures of the
Old and new testaments are the word of God & the
And the only rule of faith and practice.
3rd We believe in the fall of Man and the
inviolations of his sins to his posterity
in the corruption of human nature and the
insufficiency of man to rescue himself by
own free will ability
1 Island Ford May the 13th 1876
Church met and after preaching Brother
J N Blackstock & J M Webb
went into conference 1st invited visiting Brothers and Sisters to
Seats with us in conference found nun
2th Called for Refference and nun
3th called for Fellowship of the Church found a
Greevence was Brought an against Brother J. W. Fields
For intoxication & after misconduct appointed a commity
Of Brothers John Calaway William C Hammond
W O Bailey said comittee reported dissatisfied an
& agreed to let the case lye over until our next conference
4th opened the Church for Reception of members
Record _____ extended the right hand of
fellowship to Sister Sarah Bailey
Called for General Buisness
_________________ Mod
_________________ C Clk
IsLand Ford June the 10th 1876
Church met in conference
1th invited visiting members to seats with us
2th called for Reffernece and ______
Refference against Brother _____ _____
for intoxication & __________
_______ ______ ______ his fellowship
3rd called for fellowship
2 5th called for General Buisness and went
To the Choice of Delegates to the
Association in Resulted in the choice of
Brother M. J. Bailey and William Fields
& Brother Hinson and William C Hammond and
John Calaway head Protem
M V Baily, C Clk
Islandfords July the 8th 1876
Church went after a service by
Brother J. W. Blackstock & J. H. Webb
Went in Conference 1th invited visiting members
To seats with us
2) Called for Refference found nun
3) Called for fellowship & found all in peace
4) opened a door to the Reception of members
and received nun
5) Called for General Buisnes Red & addjourned
____ associations leter
J. W. Webb Moderator
M V Bailey C Clk
_____ _____ _____ as Follows
Brother Calaway 25
_____ Bailey 15
_____ 10
___ S Fields 25
___ L Fields 10
_____ 20
3 Georgia Gwinnett County August the 5th 1876
The Baptist Church of Christ
At Island Ford
Met in Conference
1th invited visiting members to seats with us
2th Called for Refference found
3th Called for the Fellowship of the Church
found all in peace
4th opened the Door for the Reception
of members & Received nun
5 called for General Buisness found nun
J H Webb MoD
M V Baily C Clk
September the 10th
August the 10th 1876
State of Georgia
Gwinnett County
The Baptist Church
Of Christ at Islandford
Met and after services by Brethern
W. N. Blackstock & J M Webb Went in
Conference 1th invited visiting members
To Seats with uss
2th Called for Refference found nun
3th Called for fellowship found all in peace
4th opened the Door of the Church for Reception
Of members & Recived by letter Sister Elisabeth
Bramblet also Recieved by experience Brother
Joseph Duncan
5th Called for General Buisness & red our
Rules of Dequorum allso a greed to post pone
goine into the Choice of a preacher until
Our next conference
J M Webb Mod
M V Bailey C Clerk
Mercy Have today
4 Islandford October the 7th, 1876
Church Met & after Preaching by Brother
W N Blackstock & J H Webb Church
Went in Conference
1th) invited visiting members to seats with us
2th) Called for Refference found nun
3th) Called for fellowship of the Church
and found all in peace
4th) Opend the way for Reception of members
& Received sister Catherine Cheek
By Letter
5th) Called for General Buisness Granted
Letters of dismission to Sister Catharine Pugh
& Sister Elisabeth Donken & sister Sarah Donken
also went unto the Choice of a preacher
and Resulted in the Choice of Brother
J M Webb & W N Blackstock by a
unanimous vote
D— Conference & Signed by order
Of the Church October 7th 1876
M V Baily C Clk / J M Webb Mod
5 Island Ford November 11th 1876
Church met and after Services by J M Webb
& W N Blackstock went in conference
1th invited visiting members to seates with uss
2th Called for Refference
3th Called for fillow of the Church & found peace
4th Opend the Door of the Church for the
Reception of Members & Recieved nun
5th Called for General Business & taken up
Contribution for our Pastor for the present
Asociational year
J M Webb Md
M V Baily C Clk
Island ford February the 10th 1877
Church met and after Services by W. N. Blackstock
& J. M. Webb went into conference
1th invited visiting Brothern to seates with
us 2th Called for Refference
3th Called for fellowship to Request
an acknowledgement of Brother Ruben
Dollar and Received said acknowledgements
made an account of intoxication ______
Received Brother J. S. J. Bramlets
acknowledgement of getting intoxicated
then preferred a charge against Brother
J. W. Fields for getting drunk and using
profane language & excluded him for
the same allso preferred a charge
against Brother Andrew Shadborn
for non attendance & a ______ ______
& excluded him for the same
4th Opened the Door for the Reception of Members
6 5th Called for General Business
_____ into the choice of 2 Decons
_____ _____ is the choice of Brothers
W. L. Fields and M. V. Bailey & set a _____
Sunday before the 2nd Sunday in ____
for the ordination.
J. M. Webb Moderator
W V Baily C Clerk
Is Land Ford March 10th 1877
Church met in conference
1th invited visiting Members to Seats
2th Called for Refference found nun
3th Inquired for fellowship & found peace
4th opend a door for the Recepttion of
Members & Received nun
5th Called for General Buisness
Went in to Choice of Delegates
To the union meeting & Chose
W O Baily W L Fields & A S Street
J M Webb Mod
M V Baily C Clk
Island ford April the 6th 1877
Church went in conference 1th invited
Visiting Members to Seats 2th Called for Refference
3th Called for fellowship found peace
4th opened the door for Reception in to the church
& received none
5th called for General Buisness Red & adopted
Our letter of Love to the Union Meeting
all so Read the Minute of the general proceed
of the ordination _______ by Brother _____
J M Webb Mod
M V Baily C Clk
7 Island Ford May this the 12th 1877
Met in conference
1th invited visiting Brother to Seats with us
2th Called for Refference & found nun
3th Called for fellowship received the
acknowledgement for being intoxicated
4th opened the door of the church for the Reception
of members as Received
5th Called for General Buisness
a greed to open up a corispondence with
Buford church and New bethel church
and so appointed a committee to arrange
Preaching to vis W C Hammond, J Calaway
H L Hinson, M V Bailey, W L Fields
Then appointed M V Bailey Treasurer for ???
J M Webb Mod
M V Baily C Clk
the _______ contributed for the church
purpose 1.60
Island ford June the 9th 1877
The Baptist Church of Christ
at met in Conference 1th invited visiting
Brethren of Sisters Churches to Seats with uss
2th Called for Refference found nun
3th Called for the Fellowship of the
church & found all in peace
4th opend a Door of the Church
for the Recepttion of members and received nun
5th Called for General Buisness
& went into the choice of Delegates
Of the Association & Chosen Brothers
To Wit W L Fields & M V Bailey
8 and A. Street Alternate
_______ an invitation to Commune
with the New bethel D. H. Puckett Corresponding __
J. M. Webb Moderator
M. V. Bailey C Clk
Georgia Gwinnett County
This July the 7th 1877
The Baptist Church of Christ at
Island ford Met & after preaching by
Brother to Wit J M Webb &
And W N Blackstock went in Conference
1th invited visiting Brothers to Seats
With uss 2th Called for Refference found nun
3th Called for fellowship & found all in peace
4th opened a door of the Church of
for the Reception of members Received nun
5th Called for General Buiness Red & adopted
Our associational Letter all so taken up
Contribution for Minutes & Receive 65 cets
J M Webb, Mod
M V Baily C Clk
9 July the 28th 1877
Church Met and after Preaching
By Brother to Wit Freeman Cheek
And J M Webb Went into Conference
1th invited visiting Brothers to Seats
2th) Called for Refference found nun
3th) inquired for fellowship
Nothing presented touching fellowship
4th) opened a Door for Reception of
Members & Received nun
5th) Called for General Buisness
J. M. Webb, Mod
M V Baily, C Clk
September the 7th, 1877
The Baptist Church of Christ
at Island Ford Met after Preaching
By J M Webb Went in Conference
1th invited visiting Members to Seats
2th Called for Refference
3th Called for fellowship found all in peace
4th opened a Door for Reception of members
& Received nun
5th Called for General Buisness
& went into the Choise of a preacher
An Resulted in the Choice of Brother
Freeman Cheek & W N Blackstock
M V Baily Clk, J M Webb, MD
8 and A. Street Alternate
_______ an invitation to Commune
with the New bethel D. H. Puckett Corresponding __
J. M. Webb Moderator
M. V. Bailey C Clk
Georgia Gwinnett County
This July the 7th 1877
The Baptist Church of Christ at
Island ford Met & after preaching by
Brother to Wit J M Webb &
And W N Blackstock went in Conference
1th invited visiting Brothers to Seats
With uss 2th Called for Refference found nun
3th Called for fellowship & found all in peace
4th opened a door of the Church of
for the Reception of members Received nun
5th Called for General Buiness Red & adopted
Our associational Letter all so taken up
Contribution for Minutes & Receive 65 cets
J M Webb, Mod
M V Baily C Clk
9 July the 28th 1877
Church Met and after Preaching
By Brother to Wit Freeman Cheek
And J M Webb Went into Conference
1th invited visiting Brothers to Seats
2th) Called for Refference found nun
3th) inquired for fellowship
Nothing presented touching fellowship
4th) opened a Door for Reception of
Members & Received nun
5th) Called for General Buisness
J. M. Webb, Mod
M V Baily, C Clk
September the 7th, 1877
The Baptist Church of Christ
at Island Ford Met after Preaching
By J M Webb Went in Conference
1th invited visiting Members to Seats
2th Called for Refference
3th Called for fellowship found all in peace
4th opened a Door for Reception of members
& Received nun
5th Called for General Buisness
& went into the Choise of a preacher
An Resulted in the Choice of Brother
Freeman Cheek & W N Blackstock
M V Baily Clk, J M Webb, MD
10 October the 18th, 1877
The Baptist Church of Christ
At Island ford met and after Preaching
By our beloved Brothren to Wit F M Hawkins
& Freeman Cheek
Went in Conference
1th invited visiting Members to Seats with us
2th) Called for Refference found nun
3th) Called for fellowship & there was a
Greevence laid in a gainst Brother
L P Streetman for being intoxicated
4th) opened a Door for Reception of members
And Received nun
5th) Called for General Bisnuss & Nothing under
that read
F. Cheek MoD
M V Baily C Clk
November 13th, 1877
The Baptist Church of Christ at
Island ford met & after Services by our
beloved Brothren to vis W N Blackstock
& F V Cheek went in Conference
1th invited members of Sister Churches
To Seats with us
2th Called for Refference & taken up a
Case a gainst Brother L P Streetman
For intoxication & Excluded him for
the Same
3th Called for fellowship and found a
Grievence against Brother
Y. J. N. Bramblett for Drunkness & conferred
a charge against him & Excluded him
for the Same also a complaint a
gainst Sister Elisabeth Pruit for
11 Staying a way from Church so long.
A time & appointed a committy to
Viz M V Baily & Joseph Duren to See her
to Notify her to attend our next conference
4th opend a Door for the Reception of
Members & Received nun
5th) Called for General Buisness
F V Cheek Md
M V Baily C Clk
Saturday December the 8th, 1877
The Baptist Church of Christ at
Island ford met & after preaching By Rev
J M Webb went in conference
1th) invited visiting members to Seats
2th) Called for Reffrence & taken up a
Case a gainst Sister Elizabeth Pruett
for non attendance & laid the case over
till next meeting
3th) Called for Fellowship & found all
In peace
4th) opend a Door for the Reception
of Members & the received nun
5th) Called for General Buisness &
Granted Letters of Dismission to Brother
H L Hinson & wife Sister Angiline Hinson
Also granted a letter of dismission to
Sis Eliabeth Bramblett
J M Webb Md Protem
M V Baily C. Clk
12 Saturday January the 12th 1878
The Baptist Church of Christ at
Islandford Met & after Services By
Brother to Viz W N Blackstock &
F V Cheak Went in Conference 1th invited visiting
Members to Seats 2th Called for
Refference & taken up a Refference a gainst
Sister Elizabeth Pruitt for non attendance
& agreed to put the case off until next
Conference 3th, Called for fellowship
found all in peace
5th) Called for General Buisness
F V Cheak Mod
M V Baily C Clk
9th affter ch March Saturday March the 9th 1878
The Baptist Church of Christ
at Islandford Met & after Preaching
Elder W N Blackstock went in to
1th) invited visiting Brothers to Seat
2th Called for References took up the
Reference case of Sister Betsy Pruitt
And after investigating the case the
Church agreed to exclude said Sister
for the charge and for contempt of the
3th) Enquired for the peace of the church when
Brothers Duren made an acknowledgments
For have bin drinking to mutch and the
Church agreed to bare with Said Brother
4th) opened the Door for the Church for the
Reception of members Recieved nun
5th) took up General Buisness
13 Island ford / April the 13th 1878
The Church met hear to day an after
Preaching by P Williams the church went
In to conference
1th) invited visiting members to seats
with us
2th) Enquierd for Refference no Refference
3th) Enquierd for the Peace of the Church
found all in peace
4th) opend the door of the Church
of for the Recepttion of members
Received nun
5th Took up General Buisness
Upon motion a greed to commune at our next
& upon motion a greed to invite Sharon
Hawcreek Swuanee Buford
Beaver ruin Newbethany
6th heard the minute of the Day & addopted
the same
7th) A Journed in order
M V Baily CC / F V Cheak Mod
Island May the 11th 1878
The Baptist Church of Christ
At Islandford Met hear to day & after preaching
By Elder F V Cheek Went in to Conference
1th invited visiting members to Seats with uss
2th Called for Refference found nun
3th Enquird for fellowship & found all
in founded peace
4th opened the door of the Church
for the Reception of members & Received
14 5th Called for General Buisness and
upon Motion a Greed to Ellect Delegates
to the union meeting and and
Appointed Brotheren to wit W C Hammond
an J Calaway to Represent uss in
the General Meeting on Sunday May the 12
Recived by Letter Brother Mark Hammond
and his wife Sister Mary Hammond
and Brother Leroy Hammond
F V Cheek, MoD
M V Baily C Clk
Islandford June the 8th 1878
Church met hear to day and after
preaching by W N Blackstock and
M Hammonds went into Conference
1th invited visiting members to Seats with uss
2th) Called for Refference found nun
3th inquiered for fellowship found all in peace
4th Opnd a door for the Recepttion of
members and Recieved nun
5th Called for General Buisness an upon
Motion a Greed to Ellect Delegates to the
Association and Resulted in the cho of
W L Fields & W C Hammonds & M A Baily alternate
6th upon motion a Greed to Illierate Brother
Mark Hammonds to preach the Gospel
Allso Red and addopted our letter letter
to the union meeting
W N Blackstock MD
M V Baily C Clerk
15 Island ford July the 13th 1878
The Church Met he are to day and after
Preaching By Elders W N Blackstock &
F V Cheek went into Conference
1th invited visiting Members to Seates
2 Called for Reference found nun
3 Called for fellowship found all in peace
4th Opend Door for the Recepttion of
Members & Received Brother W L Hood
& his Wife Sister M E Hood by letter
5th Called for General Bisness
Red & adapted the Associational Letter
allso taken up a contribution for Minutes
6th upon motion a greed to donate to our
Sister Nancy Duren the a Mount of three dollars
M V Baily C Clerk / F W Cheek Mod
Islandford August the 10th 1878
The Baptist Church of Christ met hear
to day and after Survices by Brother
Mark Hammonds went in conference
1th invited visiting Memers to Seates with us
2th Called for Refference found nun
3th Called for fellowship and found all in peace
4th Opend the door of the Church for
the Recepttion of members and Recieved nun
5th) Called for General Buisness and
Received a pertition from our Sister
Church at Newbethany Requesting uss
to send them sum advisory Council
concerning Brother J T Hughs’ gift as a minister
& appointed Brethren to with M V Bailey & A S Street
to meet with them Mark Hammonds Moderator
M V Baily C Clk
16 Island ford September the 7th 1878
The Church of Christ met and after
Services By Brother to wit W. N.
Blackstock and F V Cheek
1th invited visiting members to
Seats with us
2th opend the door to the church
For the Reception of Members and
Reseved nun
3th Called for Refrences found none
4th Called for fellowship and found
all in peace
5th Called for General Buisness found nun
F V Cheek MoD
M V Baily C Clerk
Oct the 15th 1878
After Services by F V Cheek & W N Blackstock
the Baptist church of christ at Islandford
met in conference
1 Invited visiting members to Seats with then
our conference
2 caled for Refference found nun
3 caled for the peace and Fellowship all in peace
4 Open the Doors of the church for the
Reception of member nun offered
5 Caled for general bisiness upon motion
agreed to postponed the calling of any
Paster until next meeting it was also
moved an hear to Send a Deligate to the
convesion but failed to be carried also
Granted a letter of dismission to Sister Cathrin
Cheek move and appointed Brother W L Hood
as Church clerk
F V Cheek MoD
W V Baily C Clerk
17 Nov the 9th 1878
After Servis by Brothers
Richard Blackstock the church
at Islandford met in conference
1 invited visiting members to Seats with
them in Conference
2 caled for referrence found nun
3 caled for fellowship found all in Peas
4 opened the door of the church for the
reicepsion of members nun offered
5 called for general buisness & upon
Motion agreed to go in to the choice of
A ministr for next association year and
Elected Brother A P Richards W N Black
stock Unanimous vote also ________
letters of dismission to M V Baily and
wife Lacy A Baily
A W Richards Mod
W L Hood C Clerk
Dec the 9th 1878
After Servis by Brother N W Blackstock the
Baptist church of Christ at Islandford met in
conference (1) invited visiting members to Seats with
them in conference
2 cald for Reference found nun
3 cald for Felowship found all in Peace
4 open the Doors of the church for the reception of
members nun offered
5 call for general buisniess found nun
W N Blackstock Modr
W L Hood c clerk
18 Jan the 11th 1879
After Servis by Brother
Feb the 8th 1879
After servis by James & F V Cheek the
Baptist church of Christ at Islandford met in
Conference (1) I visiting members to Seats with Mem
in conference 2 Cald for refference found nun
3 cald for fellowship and upon motion conferred
a charge against Brother Duren (?) for being intoxicated
a commity of Brethren W. O. Bailey & A. S. Street
To notify him of the charge
4 Open the Doors of the church for the reception of
members nun offered
5 cald for General Business
Nothing Presented
F V Cheek Modr
W L Hood C. Clrk
19 March the 8 1879
After Servis by Brother W N Blackstock
The Baptist church of Christ at Islandford
met in conference
1 Invited visiting members to Seats with
them in conference
2 cald for Reference and taken up the case
Of Brother Duren and upon motion
Posponed the case until next conference
and appointed a commity to look after it
the commity consisting of the following Brothers
Wm Fields Wm Hammonds & W L Hood
3 cald for fellowship ___ all in peace
4 open the Door of the church for the reception of
members nun offered
5 cald for General Business nothing presented
W N Blackstock Mod
W L Hood church clerk
May the 10th 1879
The Baptist church of
Christ at Island met in conference after
Preaching by Bro W N Blackstock
1 invited visiting members to seats with us
2 reference found nun
3 inquired for the fellowship of the church
Found all in Pease
4 opend the Way for the Reception
of members received Brother and Sister
Wm C Hammond and Sister Octava Hammond
By letter
5 Cald for General Bisiness Elected Brother
A S Street churches clerk at island
Ford church W N Blackstock MD
James Tidwell Ch cl Protem
20 Georgia Gwinnett County June
The 7 1879
The Baptist church of Christ at Island ford
met and after Servises by W N Blockstock
Went in Conference
1st invited visiting members to seats with us
2 cale for references found non
3 cald for the fellowship of the church
& found all in peace
4 opend the Way for the Reception
of members & Received none
5 Cald for general busines
By _____& _____ the church agreed
to instruct the Brother clerk to Rite
2 two letters one to the union meeting
and the other to the Association
and have them at our next meeting
at which time the church will elect
their delegates and fill out the letters
W N Blackstock Mdr A S Street
Church Clerk
21 Georgia Gwinnett Co July
The 12 1879
The Baptist Church of Christ at
Island Ford met and after Services by
Brother W N Blackstock went in
1st invited visiting members to seats with us
2nd Cald for References Found none
3rd Cald for the Peas of the church
Found all in peace
4th opend the way For the Reception
of members none presented
5th cald For general Bisiness
on motion apointed the delates to the
union meeting and elected Brother _____
W C Hammond W O Bailey
W G Fields A S Street Wm Hammond
appointed deligates to Asociation as follow
W O Bailey A S Street W C Hammond alter
W N Blackstock Md
A S Steet ch cl
22 October the 11, 1879
Baptist Church of Christ at Island Ford
Met in conference after Preaching by Brother
W N Blackstock. 1st invited visiting
Members to seats with us
2and cald for Reference Found none
3rd cald for the pease the church and found
All the pease 4th Opened the way for
The Reception members and Recieved none
3r inquired for General Bisiness
Granted a letter of dismission to
Sister Vesta Crow. W L Hood sends
A request for a letter of dismission and
After move and second the church inves
tigated the matter and by moved and
second the church agreed to defer the
granting of a letter to our next conference
and the clerk Write to him now and Second
that the church go into the choise of minister
For the next ensuing year and elected Brother
J L Phillips unanimously. Wm Blackstock
A S Street Church C
25 Island Ford Church Sadrday February the 7 1880
The church met hear to day & after servis Bye
Elder S L Hayes The church went into conference
1th invited visiting members to seats with us
2th inquired for Referinc no Referinc
3th inquired for the peac of the church and found
& Received acknowledgement from W M Hammond
And them all was in peace
4th opined the dore of the church for the reception
Of members and Riciv None
5th Cald for General Bisness None
6th Read and approvd the Minnit of the Day
7th Ajorned in order
S L Hayes Moderator
W L Fields CC Protem
March the 13 1880
No meatin on the account of the
bad weather
April the 10 1880 the Baptist Church of Christ
At Island Ford after servis Bye Elders
S L Hayes and W N Blackstock went in conference
1the invited visiting members to seats
2the inquired far Refrence found none
3the inquired far the peac of the church t
Found all in Peac
4the Opened the Door of the Church Far
The Receptoine of Members and Received Brothers
Jhon White & Brother Mathu C Fowlar
Both Bye letter
5th Cold for Gineral Bininess of the church
Agred to convene on her next meatin
Ellected M C Fowlar Cerk
S L Hayes Moderator
W N Blacksock CC Protem
26 May the 8 1850 the Baptist church
Of Crist at Island for after
Preachen By S L Hays Met in
1 invited visent members to seat with us
2 call for Refarnce found non
3 called for the fellowship of the church
when it was a greed unanimously to
Exclude Susan Baley for fornication
4 opened the dore of the church for the
reception of members and Recived
Sister Rachel Fields
5 General Bistness non at present
6 called for the minet which
was Red and a doped
all dun By order of
S L Hays moderator
M C Fowler Ch C
Island ford Baptist church of Crist
June the 12 1880 after preachin By
W. N. Blackstocks and S L Hays
Met in conference
1 invited visinting members to seat with us
2 called for Refearnce found nun
3 called for the fellowship found all in peace
4 Opened the doore of the church Received
non 5 called for Jeneral Bisness
When it was a greed to Elect
delegates to the Union Meeting
When the church made chois of
M.C Fowler and W L Fields
27 a nother and Second to Elect
deligats to the association when
it was unanimously a greed
to Send M.C. Fowler and
W. L. Fields as deligats to Bare
this Letter of Lov and to Repersent
the church in that Body
amotion and Second to appoint
a committy to git subscriber
to help repar the House then
appointed from the church
M C Fowler and W L Fields
from the world M Fields
Wm Bagby then a greed
all dun in conference
By order of S L Hays Md
M C Fowler
July the 10 1880 the Baptist church
at Island ford Met in conference
after preaching by J H Brasele
and J H Westmoland
1 invited visiting members to seats with us
2 called for Refrance nun
3 call for the feloship all in peace
4 opened the doore for the church
and receved W L Fields and Sarah
E Fields and A S Street and E J Street
J N Dollar with and acknolegment
5 Called for Jeneral Bisness wen Sister
Francis Burton came fored and requesting
a Letter which was granted to hear
a Move and second that a Letter Bee
red from W L Hood requesting a
letter from the church the church
Refuse to grant till he givs Satsfcion
in relaton to his debts further
request the Clerk to right to him
another move and Second that
the church Build a New House
which was cared then the Moderater
appointed W L Fields
M C Fowler M Fields Building
Dun in Confearance
and signed by the same
S. L. Hays Mod
M. C Fowler ChC
September the 11 1880 Island Ford
church Met in confearance
after preachin By Rev Eles
1 invited visinting to seats with us
2 inquired for refernc found nun
3 call for feloship all in peace
4 opened the dore of the church
receved nun
5 inquired for Jeneral Bisness
29 When it was a greed to chuse
a Suply fridy Before the 2nd
Sabath In October next
and a resulution past that a
Member Holden a letter over
Six monts is in dis order
than a greed to convene next
Meeting and to invite Sisters
churches to Meet With us
S. L. Hays Mod
A. J. Green ChC Protem
October the 8 1880 Island
ford church Met in confearnce
for the purpose of chusen a
suply for the _____ insuin
Year which resulted in
the chois of S L Hays
S L Hays Mod
M C Fowler Ch
30 Gwinnett County island ford
church Met in conference October
the 9 1880 after Preachin By Rev
S. L. Hays 1 in Vited Members to
seats with us 2 call for referance
found nun 3 calle for feloship
all in peace 4 opened the dore of the church for the resption
of members Recevd nun
5 called for General Bisiness
When W O Baley called for
Letters Brother & Sister Bailey
also to Sister Francis
Streetman Which was grant(ed)
6 by Brother M Tery extended an
invitattion to Sherion
Also Brother Smith & Baley
to New Bethany
all Dun in conferance
S.L. Hays Mod
M. C. Fowler Ch c
Gwinnett County december the 11 1880
Island ford church Met in comfearnce after
preachin By S. L. Hays invited visinting
members to Seats with us 2 call for forefear
When the case of Jefferson Duren was Laid
over till next Meeting also the J. N. Dollar
3 a call for the felosip of the church found
all in peace 4 opened the dore of the church
When thomas Fields came fared and
Was receved By Letter 5 called for Jeneral
Bisness When Y N J Bramlet came
33 NO PAGES 31 AND 32.
and Was restord By acknoligment
also called for a Letter which was
granted to him by the church
then adjurned in order
S L HayS Mod
M C Fowler ChC
Island Ford church January 8 1881
Met in confearance after preachin
by S. L. Hays 1 invited visentin
Members to seats with us
2 Caled for Refearance the Case
of J. N. Dollar was deferd till Next
Meeting also J J Duren till Next
Meeting for trile 3 Caled for
the peace of the church When
Thomas Pugh Came fared and
made an acknollegment and his
State ment was receved also
T W Fields Made an acknollegmint
And was received 4 opened the dore
for the receptance of members
recevd nun 5 Called for Jeneral
Bisness then Dismissed in
order dun in Confearance
S L Hays Mod
W. L Fields C
The following section was marked through.
1 Island Ford Church March 12 1881
met in confearance after preachin
By W. N. Blackstock 2) invited
visingtin Members to seats
a call for Referance
34 Georgia Gwinnett County
Island Ford Baptist
church Met in confearance
after preachin By E. J Morrison
1 in vited visenting Members to sea(ts)
2 called for refearnc non
3 called for the felaship of the church
When a Charge was Brought
againt Jefferson duren for
drunkmess also a gainst J N
Dollar for Swarren and drunkness
a comitty was a ppointed to
Labor with them to Wit W L Field
J Brown LB Dover
4 opened the dore of the church
recevd nun
5 Called for Jeneral Bissness
When Brother E. J. Morrasson
called for a Letter Which Was
Granted to him
a Move an a second made
add two more of the Brothern
to the preachin comitty
Whch resulted in the chois of
M C Fowler and J Brown
dun in confearance
S L Hays Mod
W C Fowler CkC
35 Georgia Gwinnett County March the 12 1881
Island Ford church Met in
confearance after preachin by
W N Blackstock 1 in vited visi
tin members to seats with us
2 call for Rifearance when the case
of J N Dollar was taken up
he was excluded J J Duren
case was lade over till next
confearance 3 called peace of the
church found all in peace
4 opened the dore of the church
When Georgia an Brown
was Receved By Letter
5 call for Jeneral Bisness a
motion of secon appoint
Delegats to the Union Meeting
of the 1st Dist Vis W. L Fields
M. C Fowler J W Fields
L B Dover W N Blackstoc to
Bare the Letter of Lov to the
union Meetin then granted
Brother and Sister Hood a Letter
Dun in confearance
S L Hays Mod
M. C. Fowler Ch C
36 Aprile 9 1881
The Baptist church a
island for Met in confearan(ce)
after preachin By Brother F M
Hawkins 1 in Vited visiting
members to seats with us
2 call for Refearance the the
charge of N Duren was taken
up and he Was turned out
3 call for the feloship of the church
When Brother A H Fields was
charged With Drinking also
A L Winbush For Gamlin
a Comitty appointed cite
M. C. Fowler Josua Brown
W. L Fields A Street comitty
4 opened the dore and Receved
Elisabeth Pugh By Letter
then a greed to comune
then ad Jurned
H. M Hawkins M
M C Fowler chc
May 7 1881 island Ford
Met in confearance after prea
chin By S. L Hays 1 in vited visin
tng members to seats wi th us
2 called for Refarance a Case
againt A H Fields M C Fowler
Josua Brown comitty to cite then
they compared and made acknol
agement and was receved also
the case J. H. Durend in Beein Exclu
ded Was Ricinded and acknolegm
37 Receved By letter and he was Restord
3 caled for peace When a charge
Was pepard a gainst sister Elisabeth
Brown for Livin in adultery
a comitty of five was appointed
as folls John Calaway, J M Dod
W Hammonds, Newton Barker
M Fields to Hear the evidence
Which is soficent to exclude her
which was dun
then ajurned in order
S L Hays Mod
M C Fowler Ch C
June the 11 1881 Island Ford
church Met in conferance
after preachin By W N Blackstock
1 invited visinting Members to seat
2 called for Refarnc nun
3 called for feloship of the church
found all in peace
4 opened the dore for the recep
Receved Morgan Fields
By Letter and Gilbert H
Molder by expearnc
5 then a greed to elect
delegates to the Hightower
association the church chused
M Fields, W L Fields, M C
Fowler, A. L.
then ajurned in order
S. L. Hayes Mod
M C Fowler ChC
38 Sep the 10 1881 the church Met
Hear to day after preachin by
S L Hays the church Went in
confearance 1 invited visinting
members to seats 2 called for Refarenc
found Nun 3 called for feloship
all in peace 4 opened the dore
Receved Nun 5 Genral bissne
the church Went in to the chois
of a preacher unanomous
Resulted in the chois of T E
Kinley the church then a
greed to comune on the next Meeting
S L Hays Mod
W L Fields Ch C
39 Octo the 8 1881
island Ford church met
in confearance after preching
by W. N. Blackstocks
1 invited visiting to seats
2 called for Refearances nun
3 called for the feloship all in peace
4 opened the Dore and Receved Nun
5 Genral bisness then A Jurned
W N Blackstocks Mod
M C Fowler Ch C
Nov the 12 1881
was disapointed on
account of Bad Wether
December the 10 1881
Island Ford church Met in
after preachin By Brother
W N Blackstocks went in
confearance 1 invited visint
to seats with us 2 call for Refarance
found Nun 3 call for the
feloship of the church When
Brother M Fields State that
Brother John White Had
Sirclated a false Hood a gainst
Him a Move and Second to
perfer a chage a gainst
John White for Misreperse
tation case lade over til Next
Meeting aso A. L. Winbush
for playing at Billards for
Whiskey case laid over
Till Next confearance
Dun in confearence and
Signed by the same W N Blackstock Mod
M C Fowler Ch C
Geoigia Gwinnett
this Feb 11th 1882
the Baptist Church of Christ at Island
ford and in conference with preaching by
T E Kenerley 1 invited willing members
to seats with us 2 called for reference when
a charge was brought against brother
John White for misrepresenting Brother
M Fields also & move to reference the case
till next meeting and appointed to A
committy of three of this church and three
from Beaver Ruin and three from Shoal Creek
A J Winbush for playing billiards for
Wiskey an was excluded took up the case
against A T Winbush and was excluded
3 called for fellowship of the church
recived and acknowlledgment from H Fields
for getting drunk recived and acknolledge-
ment from L B Dover for getting drunk
recevied an acknowlledgement from W J
Tidwell for getting drunk refered A charge
aginst brother M C Fowler for getting drunk
and using profane language defered till
next meeting & committy of two was
appointted to go and see him. brother
M Field and Brother Brown prefered &
charge against brother F H and J H Fields
for drinking prefered charge against brother
D R and A P Field for having a
comitty of two was appointed to go an
see them brothers W J Field Brother
B W Bagby 4 opened the door of the Church
for the receoption of the members Recived none
5 general bisness none Revd T E Kenerly Mod
B M Bagby Ch C protem
Georgia Gwinnett
County, Feb 11th 1882
Island Ford church Met in
conf after preachin By T E
Kinerly 1 invited visitting
members to seats With us 2 Call
for Refarance a Comitty on M
Fields & John White case
worked While intermison
But affected Nothing
the Comitty consisted of
W pirkle, Jas Tidwell, W R
Shadburn from Beaver Ruin
John Calaway, A S Street, W W
Hamonds from Ford, G L White
W C Hamonds from S Creek
a Move & second to perfere ad
Charge a gans M Fields for contempt
of the church and his feloship
was tested and feloship was
Sustained a Move & second
to exclude J W and T W Fields
also a Move and Secon to exclude
A P & D R Fields Which Was
all Exluded
also John White feloship
was tride and he was Retained
then ajurned to next conferenc
a Move and second to thro the
case of Fields and White out
of the chruch Which caried
then ajurned til Next conf
rance T E Kenley Mod
M C Fowler CH
the Baptist church at island
Ford Met in Confearance after
preachin By T E Kinlen
1 invited Visinting to seats
2 call for Refearance Non
3 call for the feloship at the church
When M Fields and John White
objected to Recordin peace
4 opened the dore and Receved Non
5 Jenral Bisness a Greed to com
une Next Meeting a Move and
Second to Elect a Deacon When
Brother B M Bagby Was Elected
a Move and Second a point a
committy to invite the Elder
Ship of Haw Creek Shuron
Shole Creek New Bethel Beveruen
Suwanee then ajurned
Buford T E Kinereley Mod
M C Fowler ChC
a Move and Second to sell the old
Georgia Gwinnett County
May the 13 1882
Island Ford met in Conferenc
after preachin by J H Westmorland
1 invited visiting members to seat
2 called for reference Nun
4 opened the dore of the church
Received A L Winbush by Restoration
5 call for Jeneral Bissness When
it was agreed to go through with
The ordination of Brother B M
Bagby for deakon ____ __ of
Which consisted of Bretheren
To wit from Beaver ruin an wit
From Shuren John Buice W N
Blackstock HS James
From New betheny M V Baley
From Suwanee W W ___
From ___ Spring J H W___
___ from Buford J E K___
W B H___ and the E____
Was opened by W N Blackstocks
W L Fields to ancer for the Church
_ _ ____ to E_____the ____
A to on the articles of Faith
And a___ _____ By John Buice
The charge by J T Westmoreland
The right hand of Felowship by
W W Cline dun in conference
And signed by the same
Thomas E Kininley (MOD)
M C Fields ChC
44 Georgia Gwinnett Co
June the 10 1882
The Baptist Church at
Island Ford Met in
Confaranc after preachin
By T E Kinerly invited
visitting members to seats
2 call for Refarance
When the case of Brother
J J White and M Fields Was
taken up of Non Resolved
then a Move to Resind so
Much of the March confearan-
as to _____ out the case
and it was caried then a
Move to exclude J J White
Which caried
3 called the peace all in pece
4 opened the dore Recived Nun
4 General Bisness then appoin
delegates to the union
Meeting when the Brothers
to wit W R Hunt, J Brown,
B M Bagby, M Field, W L FIeld
then appointed W R Hunt
and W L Fields to the
Association. B M Bagby and
M Fields, A L T
then granted Rachiel Fields
a Letter then appointed
B M Bagby to sell the old
then ajurnd
T E Kienerly Mod
W L Fields ___
45 July the 8 1882
State of Georgia Gwinnett Co
island Ford Church Met in
conference after preachin
By T C Kinerly & invited
Brethern to Seats With us
2 call for Referanc Nun
3 call for feloShip all in peac
4 oped the dore. Receved Nun
5 general Bisness When the
Letters to the union meeting
and Association was Red and
Recived a move and a second
to dismiss the Next Meeting
and a consent of association
Dun in Conferenc
Signed by the
T. E. Kinerly
M C Fowler Clk
46 State of Georgia Gwinnett Co
Island Ford Church July the 14 1882
the union meting for the 181 Dist
of the Hightower Association
met hear to day at 11 oclcok
the interduction sermond
was preached By F M Hawkins
from Ephesians 4 chapt 4&5 vers
after a short Recess the deleg-
ates met in the House & Was
called to order By the a Moderator
Elder M V B Lankford and
W N Blackstock was ask
to Recd the Letters whe the
meeting was formed By enroling
delegates Names delegates presan
from Beaver ruin J Tidwell, J M
Brownlo, Willis Pirkle, J H Tidwell
from Haw Creek A G Pirkel
J E Echoles, R W Shadburn
D P Majors from island ford
M Fields, B M Bagby, J Brown,
W L Fields from Sharon J P Phillips
W J Blackstock from Betheleham
J M Bennett, W W Westbrooks, A H
Read from Cumming, J S Williams
W R Otwell, J C Blackstock from
Friendship T Red, G W Red,
J B Wallas, Wm Philips
A M Trible from Cross Non
from New Harmony, J G Hendrson
Jas Smith, W L Saterfield
from Mt Morier, T J Pilgrim
M White from Shole Creek
W C Hammon, G L White
47 Minesters Who are members
T M Hawkins, M V B Lankord
W N Blackstock, J W Shackelford
S L Hays Elected F M Hawking
Moderate J C Blackstocks C L E
2 Page
Appointed the usuel stand in
On preacin W L Fields, B M Bagby
D P Majors, J M Bennett, G W Read
on Busness T J Pilgrim, J L Henderson
on jurys was Blackstocks, S L Hayes
J M Brownlow
On Sabath School R W Shadburn
M V B Lankford, W J Blackstock
The qustion of felowship bing
cald for it Being evident
that on acount of some more felowship
Resolution having bin afor said
by som of the churches in our
union as Motion withdrew
Feloship from those churches
be longing to our union who has
past non feloship Resolution no in
Regard to the action of the High
Tower assciation in opening up
cares from dont with Jasper
United associations at its
last sesion on Motion adjornd
til 8- oclock to Morrow
Morning prare by T E Kenerly
Saturday Morning July 15 met
pursuant to agreement _____
By S L Hays cal for & Receved
the Report of the commity on _____
which was adopted
48 1 Called the Kase and collected
2 __________ visiting ____ not
__________ to seats and objected by
__________ ___ of H Westmoland
3 __________
Held with the church __________
4 Call for addresses from Brothers
at last session of this
body Elder W N Blackstock
made a very appropriate talk
on the subject of missions after
which a collection was taken up
for W C Fields for missionary is
____ was collected H B 85 placed in
the hands W N Black stock
turn over to the treusure of the
North Georgia Missionary assoc
Ation 5 call for Reports of
Committee where the coimtty
On Sabath School offered the followin
Reports which was Red Received
and adopted Sum Reports on
Sabath Schools the coimtty on
Nominations made their report
which was received Sum
Reports on nominations the
comitty on _____ Made their
Report which was adopted
Sum Reports
Adjurned till 1 pm
Met accordin to adjurnment
Caled for miselones bisness
Nothing being offered
The union meeting was adjurnd
49 Prare by A H Read, J H Westmoland
Preach to 11 Am of Sabath and
Shackelford at 3 Pm
4 Reports of committys on Sabaths
Schools your comity Makes the
fowlern Reports that as all true
Religion consists of thire Parts
The true experementaly and practist
and as the fruits leads to the second
to the third and as all man kind
must bee instruced in the treu
Principles of religion Before they
can Bilive that the Sundy school
opens up a field for practiest
Christian work
50 Georgia Gwinnett Co the Aug 19, 182-
A Revival meeting held by Elija
and Samuel Roper and T E Kinley
at Island ford church in Which
Manny was aded to the church the
Names of Which is next
Page 51 Sep the 9 1882 Island Ford
Church Met in conference
After preaching. T. E. Kinerly
1 invited visiting to seats
2 cald for refearnc non
3 cald for feloship all in peace
4 opened the door for reception
of members and received
W C Fowler S J Fowler
Elizath Brown A S Duren
5 General Bisness when it was
Agreed to go in to the chois
Of a paster W. C. Hammond
And M. V. Baley t take the vote
When Brother T. E. Kinerly
Was unanimously elected
A move and Second to commune
The Next Meetin
Then adgured
T E Kinerly Mod
M. C Fowler ChC
Page 52 Nov the 11 1882 the Baptist
Church at Island Ford met
In conference after the preaching
by T E Kinerly
1 call for Reference None
2 call for fellowship and Brung
a charge against Brother B T
Pugh and W R Hunt for
drinking then appointed
community to visit them
to wit M Fields B.M. Bagby
A. S. Street
3 opened the door and received
J C Kenedy and wife by
Letter and Sister Sarah
Ann Kerland
4 Call for General Businnss
then adjurned
T E Kinley Mod
M V Baley Po
December and January and
February and March No
Aprile the 14 1883
We the Baptist Church of Christ
At Island Ford met in conf
erance after preachin by
L Willeums and J. H. West
moeland 1 invited visent
ing members to seats with
us 2 call for Reference
and take up a case against
57 General Business next in order
on motion agreed to go into the
choice of a minister for this
year and resulted in the choic
of F. M. Hawkins and T. Williams
all so appointed delegates to the
union meeting to wit W R
Hunt M Fields J C Kennedy
B M Bagby and appointed
B M Bagby to write our letter
Of lov then agreed to commune
The aforesaid
F. H. Hawkins Mod
M. V. Bailey Clk
53 Brother B. F Pugh and received
His acknowledgement and restored
His fellowship als taken up a
Refefaranc against W. R. Hunt
and on motion agreed to bare
with him 3 call for feloship
and acknowlegment on motion
under the head of feloship
and prepared a charge against
Brother John Calaway for
false accusation and Joseph
Duren to Notify him of the
Charg als a charge against
Sister Martha Brown for
fornication and excluded her
for the same 4 opened the
dore for the resepsion of
members received nun
58 July 14th 1883
The Baptist Church of Church at Island
Ford met after sermant by Brother F. M.
Hawkins went in conference 1 invited visiting
members to seats 2 called for Refference
found none 3 called for the fellowship
and a motion agreed to confer a charge
against Brother A. B. Duran for intoxica
tion and agrees to send a committy
of two to labor with him to wit
Brother J Brown and J. J. Duran and
on motion agreed to confer a charge
against Brother M. C. Fowler for fauls
afing his word and intoxication appoint
a committee of brother W.L. Fields and
W.R. Hunt on motion agreed to confer
A charged against Brother L. B. Dover
for visiting place of mearth appointment A
committy of Brother B.M. Bagby and W. L.
Fields to labor with him on motion
agree to confer A charge against Brother
Isaac White for having a party at his house
and for nunattendance appointed a committy
of Brothers B. F. Pugh and Joseph Duran
4 Opened the way for reception for members
and received nun
5th Called for General Buisness on mo
tion agreed adopted the resalation under
consideration on motion agreed to sent up the
query to the association for investigation
on motion agreed to elect a church clerk
and Resulted in choice of Brother B. M. Bagby
on motion agreed to adopt the letter
to the Association by inserting the delegates
Names in letter minute adopted by L Williams Mod
M. V. Bailey C. C. Protem
Page 59 Saturday August 18 83 [1883]
The Baptist Church of Christ at Island ford
met after sermon by the moderator to wit
L Williams went in conference.
1 invited visiting members to seats
2 called for reference cases taken up A Reff
erence case against Brother A. B. Duran for
intoxication and using profane languages after
investigating the case upon with drew fellow
ship from him Taken up against Brother
M. C. Fowler for intoxication and faulsying
his promis and upon motion laid
the case over till next conference
Taken up a Refference against Brother Dover
upon motion laid the case over till next
Conference for going to parties Taken up a
Reference case against Brother Isaac White
For having a party at his house and nun appended
Upon motion agreed to retain his fellowship
3 Called for fellowship
4 Open the way for the reception of members
and received none
5th Called for general buisness closed in order
L Williams Moderator
M. V. Bailey, CC Protem
Saturday September the 11 1883
The Baptist Church of Christ at Island
after sermon by Brother F. M. Hawkins
met in conference 1st invited visiting
members to seats 2nd Called for reference
taken up the case against Brother M. C.
Fowler for intoxication and faulsafy
ing his word on the motion agreed to bear
with him. Taken up a Reference case
Page 60 Against Brother L. B. Dover for going to
parties on motion agreed to bare with him
3rd Called for the fellowship of the
and upon motion agreed to confer a charge
against Brother Isaac White for testifying to a fauls
appointed a committee of three B.M. Bagby W A Hunt
M. Fields 4th Open the way for reception for
members and received by experience Mrs.
Mary A. Pugh and Miss Milley Brown all
so reinstated Sister S. A. Bailey to our
Fellowship 5th General granted letter of
Dismission to Sister S. A. Bailey also
granted letter of dismission to M. C. Fowler and
Wife Sister Susan Fowler also granted
letters to A. S Street and his wife Sister
Elminy Street also granted a letter to
Sister Harriet Fowler upon motion agreed
to go to into the choice of a preacher
And resulted in the choice of Brothers
F. M. Hawkins and L. Williams unanimously
F Williams Mod
B. M. Bagby C Clk
Page 61 Saturday Oct 20th 1883
The Baptist of Christ at Island
ford met in conference after sermant
Brother L. William
1 invite visiting members to seats
2 Called for Refference the case against
Brother Isaac White the church failing
to restore the Gospel labor that was
required through the case out
3 Called for fellowship
4 Opened the way for reception of members non
5 general business
L Williams Mod
B. M. Bagby C Clk
Page 62 Saturday Nov 17th 1883
The Baptist Church of Christ
at Island ford met in conference
after sermant by Brother Williams
1 Invite visiting to seats
2 Called for REfference non
3 Called fellowship
4 Open the way for reception of member non
5 General Business
F M. Hawkins, Mod
B. M. Bagby, Clk
Saturday December 15, 1883
The Baptist of Christ at Island ford
met in conference after sermant by
Brother L. William
1 invite visiting member to seats
2 Called for Refferences non
3 Called for the fellowship
Confer a charge Brother Isaac White for
nonattendance and failing to make
necessary efforts to pay his just debts
and appointed Brother M Fields to labor
with him. Confer a charge against Brother
A. L. Winbush for nonattendance and appoint
Brother M Fields to labor with him
4 Open the way for reception of
member non
5 General buisness and granted sister
Elizabeth Garratt a letter.
L Williams, Mod
B. M. Bagby CClk
Page 63 Saturday April 19 1884
The Baptist Church of Christ at
Island Ford met in conference after
sermant by Brother L. Williams
1 Invite visiting members to seats
2 Called for Refference taken up the case
against Brother Isaas White excluded him
from our fellowship taken up the case
against Brother A. L. Winbush restored his fellowship
preferred a charge against Brother B. J.
Pugh for drinking too much and withdrew
fellowship from him.
4 Open the door reception of member
received non
5 General buisness
Granted Brother A. L. Winbush a letter
T Williams, Mod
B. M. Bagby CC
Saturday May 17 1884
The Baptist Church of Christ at Island Ford
met after sermant by Brother
L Williams and Brother F. M. Hawkins
1 Invite visiting members to seats
2 Called for Refference non
3 Called for fellowship all in peace
4 Open the way for reception of
members received non
5 General buisness
Granted Sister Conner a letter of
Dismission and also Lizer and Nerve
Pugh letter of dismission
L Williams, Mod
B. M. Bagby, C.C.
64 Saturday June 14th, 1884
The Baptist Church of Christ at Island
Ford met after sermant by Brother
L Williams
1 Invite visiting member to seats
2 called for refference non
3 Called for fellowship
4 Open the for reception of member
5 General buisness
Elected delegates to the hightower association
Elected B. M. Bagby W. L. Fields and
M. Fields W R Hunt alternates
L Williams, Mod
B. M. Bagby
65 Saturday July 19th 1884
The Baptist Church of Christ at
Island Ford met in conference
after services by Brother L Williams
1 Invite visiting members to seats
2 called for refference none
3 Called for fellowship
4 Open the way for reception of member none
5 General buisness
The letter to the association
was sent and adopted
Elected Brother M. Fields as
A delegate North Georgia
L Williams, Mod
B. M. Bagby C.C.
Saturday August 16th 1884
The Baptist Church of Christ at Is-
land Ford met in conference
after services by Brother L Williams and T. E. Kinerly
1 Invite visiting member to seats
2 Called for refference non
3 Called for fellowship and
peace of church all in peace
4 Open for reception of mem
bers non and received non
5 General buisnes
Acknowledgement form
Brother Jack Brown for drinking
5 General buisness
L Williams, Mod
B. M. Bagby, CC
66 Saturday September 20th 1884
The Baptist Church of Christ
At Island ford met in con
ference after services by Broth
er L Williams
1 Invite visiting to seats
2 Called for refference non
3 Called for fellowship prefer
a charge against Brother M
Fields and Sister Parthenia Fields
for non fellowship and disorderly
conduct towards each other
and appointed a comty of
six to labor with them.
Brother James Dodd G. W. Brown
B. M. Bagby, S. M. Bagby, Sally
Dodd, Marget [Margaret] Kile
4 Open the way way for reception of
member non
5 General buisness went into
The choice of a pastor for
the next year and choosed
Brother L Williams.
L Williams, Mod
B. M. Bagby C.C.
67 Saturday October 18 1884
The Baptist Church at Island
ford met in conference
1 Invite visiting members to seat
2 Called for refference and taken
up the case against Brother M.
Fields and Sister Parthenia Fields
suspended the order of buisnes
and read the rules of decorum
move and second to exclude Brother
M Fields and Sister Parthenia
Fields and exclude them.
3 Called for the fellowship and
peace of the church all in peace
4 Open for reception of members
And received Brother James
Simpson and wife Mary Simpson
5 General buisnes appointed
Preaching committee W L Fields
James Kenedy, Jeferson Duran
Appointed James Simpson
Treasurer agreed for the treas
urer to pay William Bagby 50 cts
Granted a letter of dismission
To Sister Fanny Dollar.
L. Williams, Mod
A. S. Street, Clerk Protem
68 Saturday November 15 1884
The church at Island
ford met in conference after services by Brother L
1 Invite visiting to seats
2 Called for reference non
3 Called for the peace of church all in peace
4 Open the for reception
For members non
5 General business non
L Williams, Mod
W. L Fields, CC Protem
Saturday March 14 1885
The Baptist or Christ at Island
ford met in conference after
Services by Brother Owen and Williams
1 Invite visiting to seats
2 Called for refference
3 Called fellowship and peace
of the church all in peace
4 Open the way for reception
of members non
5 General buisness
Granted Brother W. L. Fields and
wife letters of dismission
L. Williams Mod
B. M. Bagby C.C.
Page 71 Saturday, May 16th, 1885
The Baptist Church of Christ
at Island Ford met in con
ference after services by Brother
W. W. Blackstock.
1 Invite visiting members to seats
2 Called for reference Non
3 Called for the fellowship Preferred a charge against
Brother W. R. Hunt for intox
ication and using profane
language and appointed
a committee to labor with the Brother.
4 Open the way for reception
of members and received by letter Hariett Kelly.
5 General buisness Elected del
egates to the union meeting J. E.
Tidwell, B. M. Bagby, T. E. Kinerly,
J. H. Simpson, Joshua Brown met in the choice of deacon
when Brother J. H. Simpson
was elected a move and
second to ordain the deacon
Saturday before the fifth Sunday in this month.
L Williams, Mod
B. M. Babgy CC
72 Saturday May 30, 1885
The Baptist Church of Christ at
Island Ford the ordination sermant
by Brother T. J. Barn
well The prebytry [presbytery] was com
posed of Brother T. J. Barn
well J. H. Brazziel, L Williams
then went into the ordination
of Brother J. H. Simpson
for deacon _____ J H
Brazziel, M. S. Pool.
Sheron non New Bethany non
Shoal Creek A.S. Street Haw Creek
W. L. Fields Albert Pirkel
The candidate was examined
by L. Williams Friendship
examined by J. H. Brazziel
on articles of faith,
ordination, prayers by T. J.
Barnwell Friendship.
The charge by J. H. Brazziel
This right hand of fellow
ship by J. H. Brazziel done
in conference and signed
by order of same.
L. Williams, Mod
B. M. Bagby, CC
73 Saturday June 23th 1885
The Baptist Church of Christ at
Island ford after sermon
by Brother L Williams went
into conference
1 Invite visiting to seats
2 Called for refference
refer the case against Brother
Hunt till next meeting
3 Called for fellowship
all in peace
4 Open the way for reception of
member and received Sister
Rachel Fields
5 General Business Elected
delegate to association the
brethren to wit J. E. Tidwell,
J.C. Kenedy, B M Bagby
and Brother Simpson
L Williams, Mod
B. M. Bagby CC
Ordained ___ next meating agreed to invite
the eldership of the following churches Sugar Hill,
Buford, New Bethey , Suwanee, Shole Creek, Haw Creek,
___ to ___ly invite the following ministers
T. E. Kenedy, J. H. Braziel, W. W. Owen,
A. B. Nuckuls, F. M. Thompkins, E M Pilgrim, __ Sheffield,
done in conference and signed by order of same
S C Richards Mod
J. E. Tidwell CClrk
74 Saturday July 18th 1885
The Baptist Church of Christ at
Island ford met in confer
ence after services by Brother
L Williams.
1 Invite visiting members to
2 Called for refference when
the case against Brother Hunt
was laid over
3 Called for the fellowship
and peace of the church
4 Open the way for reception
of member
5 General buisness red
the letter to the association and
was received and granted
Elder and deacon S_____ of this
church to the ordination of
a deacon at New Bethany and
was granted and granted Sister Hunt a letter.
L. Williams, Mod
B. M. Bagby CC
W. J. Bowden CC Protem
Page 75 Gwinnett Co GA April 21st 1885
We the Baptist Church of Christ at
Island Ford met in conference after
preaching by Brother Roberts and Brother Richards
1 Invited visiting Brethern to seats with us
2 Called for reference found non
3 Called for the felowship of the church
This was a charge prefered against Brother
D. R. Fields for being intoxicated
There was a move to take up the charge
all so and move to exclude him carede [carried] so
Received acknowledgements from J. W. Fields
& Rubin Dollar for being intoxicated
Preferd a charge against Tommas Pugh
and James Beem for being intoxicated
and fusing the charges was referenced.
We our next meeting appointed commity to
labor with them as follows J. J. Simpson, J. E. Tidwell,
Gorge Brown received acknowledgement from J J Duren.
4 Opened the dore of the church for the reception of members
Received Lizor Stiles by letter 5th Ginrel Buisness
agreed to commune one own next meeting move to send
delegate to the consultation meating at New Betheny ____
to appoint them J. E. Tidwell, J H Simpson, J Brown,
J T Street, J Kenedy move to elect deacons
elected J.E. Tidwell. S. L. Street move to have them
Ordained ___ next meating agreed to invite
the eldership of the following churches Sugar Hill,
Buford, New Bethey , Suwanee, Shole Creek, Haw Creek,
agreed to ___ly invite the following ministers
T. E. Kenedy, J. H. Braziel, W. W. Owen,
A. B. Nuckuls, F. M. Thompkins, E M Pilgrim, __ Sheffield,
done in conference and signed by order of same
S C Richards Mod
J. E. Tidwell CClrk
Georgia Gwinnett Co July 20th 1888
The Baptist Church of Christ at
Island Ford met in conference
after service by Brother Robberts
1 invited visiting Brethren to seats with us
2 Caled for refference non
3 Caled for the felowship of the church
and received acknowledgement from James Brown
for non attendance
4 Opened the door of the church received
Alan Day by letter
5 Ginrel Bisness mad up for minutes
J Robberts Mo Prot
Riley White CCP
Gwinnett Co Ga, August 26th 1888
We the Baptist Church of Christ at Island ford
met in conference after preaching by
Elder S C Richard 1 invited visiting
brethren to seats with us
2 caled for reference no
3 Caled for the felowship of the church
received acknowledgements from J Duran
for nonattendance
4 Opened the dore of the church received
Sarah Garner, Francis Garner by experience
5 Ginrel bisness There was a move and
a second to commune on our next meating
Carede move and second to make further
preparation for _____ ____ Carede also a
move to buy two more basons and towels
Carede done in conference
S C Richards, Mod
J. E. Tidwell
Saturday August 16 1885
We the Baptist Church
at Island Ford met to
day in conference after prichin
by Brother Williams
1 Inviet vis to sets
2 Call for reference none
The cas against Brother
Hunt was taken up
and Church
3 Call for the pes of the
are all in pes
4 Open the dor as the
letters of members an
J W Fields and A. A. Duran
and T W Fields A _____
Brother Riley White
Penley White and Delle Miller an
5 General Buiness
6 _______________________________
and signed by the same.
L Williams, Mod
M C Collier, Protem
Saturday September 19, 1885
We the Baps Church against
at Islant Forde met today
in confrens today after
prichin by brother wilams
1 invited visent to sets
2 call far referns non
3 call for the pes of the church in pes
thar was a lot red be an
William Hunt hade bin Exclude
be an the Christ ______ _______ _______
al most grant him a leter
4 Generl Business with the
church went into the
chaile af a perch and church
an chairs T williams _____ _____
paster and D. M Miller Clerk
Don in confrns and sig by the same
L Williams Mod
J. E. Tidwell
Saturday Oct 17, 1885 __________
We the Baptist Church of Crist
Met today after preaching by Brother
Richards and Brothr Williams.
1 Invited brethren to sets
2 call for reference ____ none
3 Call for the pes of the church all pes
4 Open the dor of the church _____
and J H Miller and Mary Miller jan by
leter and Partheny Fields by restor
5 General Buisness - Buisness non
6 don in confernc and sig by the sam
L Williams/Mod/D M Miller/ChC
Satuy November 14 1887
We the Babs
We the Babs Church of Christ met
today in conference after preaching
by L Williams
1 Invite brethren to sets with you
2 Call for referns said none in pess
3 Call for the paec of the church all
4 Open the door of the church far the
Ricvn of members non of Ap______
5 General buildness went in of the chair
and chair Brothers ____ ____ and
Against H. L. Fields and Elizabeth Fields letters from our church
6 Done in conference and signed by the order of the same
L. Williams, Mod
J. M. Miller (CC
Satery Febray 6 1886
The babs church of Christ
at Islandt Forde met today
In conferns after preachin by
Elders J H Braziel with us
1 invited visetan brathers to sets
2 call far refrense cases non
3 General reports all _____
4 Open the dor of the church for
the receipsion of members non
5 Generls buisness an the church
herde the eknolgment an by motion
and secan for give him J. H. Fields
6 don in conferus and sin by order of
the same.
J H Braziel Mod
D M Miller Clk
Satury March 6, 1886
We the Babs Church of the Baptist Church of Christ
at Islant ford met in conferus after serves
by Elder J H Brazile
1 Invited brathers to sets with yous
2 Call for referus caes non
3 Call for the pes of the church all in pes
4 Open the way for the recepat
of members non
5 Generl buisness an granted
Sister Victory Brazile a leter
an granted brother A A duren a letter
6 don in conferns an sig by order same
J H Brazile Mod
D M Miller CC
Satery Apraile the 3 1886
We the Babes church of
Christ at Islant forde
Met in conferns after
serves by Elder JH Brazile
1 Invitede visent brathers to sets with yous
2 Call for referns caesus
3 Call for the pes of the
church all in pes
4 Open the way for the recep of members
5 Generl buisness by a motian and sea made restored
M E hunt back in the church
6 don in conferns and
sig by order of the same
J H Brazile Mod
D M Miller Clk
Saturday May 1, 1886
We the Baps church of Christ
at Islant forde met in conferns
after servs by elder W N Blackstocks
1 Inviet visent brathers to sets with yous
2 Call for referns cases non
3 Call for the peas of the church all in pes
4 Open the way for the resep of members
5 Generl buisness _____ _____ _____
new betheny brather huel lane
from sharon W. N. Blackstocks
an motian apointed deligates to the
union meting R White J H Simpson
J E Tidwell Dell Miller
G W Crow
don in conferns and sign by
order of the same
J H Brazile Mod
D M Miller Clk
Saturday Jun the 5 1886
We the Babstes Church of Christ
at Islant forde met in con
ferns after servs by elder J H Braizell
1 Inviet brathers to sets
2 Call for referns non
3 Open the dor of the church
for the respet of members non
4 Call for the pes of the church
All in pes
5 Generl buisness all herd
the evidenc _____ _____ _____ an
restored him back in the church
and grant him letter of dis
missal an herd a dicision from
_____ _______requesting a leter
if as sister of church ____________
J H Brazile Mod
D M Miller Clk
Sateryday July the 3 1886
We the Babs Church of Christ
at Islant forde met in conferus
after serves by elder J H Brazile
1 inviet visent brathers to sets with us
2 Call for referus and found non
3 Call for the peas of the church all in pes
4 Open a dor of the church far resup of members
5 Generl buisness on a motian elect
brathers J H Simpson J E Tidwell
delegates to the association
R White & H Kenedy alternates
J H Brazile Mod
D M Miller Clk
Satery July 31 1886
The babs Church of Crist at Islant forde
met in conferns after serves
by Elder J H Brazile
1 Inviet vis members to sets
2 Cald for refference non
3 Cald for fellarship of the church
all in peace
4 Open the dore of the church far resep of members non
5 Cald for ginrel bisness granted Sister Nancy Cain
a letter of dismission
red an relayed letter to asionin
J H Brazile Mod
J E Tidwell C C protent
Saterday April the 2 1887
We the baptist Church of Christ at
Island Ford met in conference after servic
by brother S.C. Richards
1 Invited visiting brothers to seats with us
2 Caled for reference non
3 Caled for the felowship of the church
all in peace
4 Open the doer of the church
received LP Streetman by restoration
5 Ginrel bisnes ther was a move & second
to open up correspondence with
Sugar Hill Church cared
received invitation from Sugar Hill
Church for the elder ship of our church
to meat with them friday before
the 2 Sunday in April for the purpos
of ordaining a deacon
Granted a letter to brother LP Streetman
done in conference signed by order of the same.
S. C. Richards Mod.
J. E. Tidwell C.C.
Saterday Sept 6 1886
The babs Church of Christ at Islant ford
met today in conferns after serves by Elder J H Brazile.
1 inviet visent brothers to sets
2 Call for refferenc
3 Call for pes of the church all in pece
5 Generl buisness an J H Fileds mad
_____ _____ to the church and the
church restored his ____ letter
brother _____ C_____ _____ _____
inviet this church _____ _____ _____
an went into the chois of a preacher
an chois Brother Richards _____
_____ _____ T. C. Fields
J H Simpson & R White
don in conferns and sin by
order of the same
J H Brazile Mod
D M Miller C C
Satery Oct 6 1886
The babs church at Island ford
met in conference after services by
Elder J H Braziel and brother Richards
Invite brothers to sets with us
1 Call for referenc non
2 Call for the peas of the church all in pes
3 Open the way for the resep of members
4 Ginerl buisness against Sister
Lizzy _____ a letter of dismission this
done in conference and signed by order of the same.
J H Braziel Mod
D M Miller Clk
Saterday Nov 6the 1887
The babtist Church of Christ
of Island ford met in conference
today after serves by SC Richards
1 Invited visiting Brothers to seats with us
2 Cald refferenc non
3 Cald for the fellowship of the
Church all in pease
4 Opend the doer of the church
for the recepttion of members
received nun
5 General bisness granted letters of
dismissal to brothers
D M Miller & J H Miller &
wife sister Marey Miller & went
in to the chose of a cleark
resulted in the chose of JE Tidwell
Don it conference and signed by the same
S C Richards Mod
D M Miller C C
Gwinnett Co Ga June 4the 1887
We the Baptist Church of Christ at
Island Ford met in conference after preaching
by SC Richards.
1 Invited visiting brothers to seat with us
2 Caled for reference non
3 Caled for the fellowship of the church
all in pease
4 Open the door of the church for the reception of
Member Received non
5 Called for ginrel bisness
appointed delegates to the union meeting
J H Simson, Riley White,
J E Tidwell, Gorge Brown, Thomas Pugh
Granted letters to John Flin & wife, William Pugh
Don in conference and sined by order of the same
S C Richards Mod
J E Tidwell C.C.
The Babs church of Island Ford
Met in conference after service
Elder J H Braziel an brother Richards
1. Invite brathern to sets
2. Call for refrans non
3. Call for pes of the church all in pes
4. Open the way far the resep of members
5. Genral buiss an grant Sister
Lizzy a letter of dismission _____
Don in confrans and sin by order of
J H Braziel Mod
D M Miller CClk
Gwinnett Co Ga July the 2 1887
We the Baptist Church of Christ
at Island Ford met in conference to
day after preaching by SC Richards
1 Invited visiting brethern to seats with us
2 Caled for reference non
3 Called for the fellowship of the church all in pease
4 Opened the dower of the church for the
reception of members Received non
5 Genrel bisness Elected delegated to
the association. Elected JH Simpson,
JE Tidwell, delegates Riley White alternate
red and adopted letter to the union meating
don in conference.
SC Richard Mo, JE Tidwell, C.C.
Gwinnett Co Ga August 5th 1888
The Baptist Church of Christ at Island Ford
meet in conference today after preaching
by A.W.D. Richard.
1 Invited visiting brethren to seats with us
2 Caled for reference nun
3 Caled for felowship of the church in pease
4 Open the door of the church received non
5 Gineral bisnes read and adopted
letter to the association
agree to commence in our next meating.
done in Conference
A. W. D Richards, Mo
J E Tidwell, C. C.
Gwinnett Co Ga September 3 1887
We the Baptist Church of Christ at
Island Ford met in conference today
after preaching by Brother Richards.
1 Invited visiting Brethren to seats with us
2 Caled to reference nun
3 Caled for fellowship of the church
and ther was a man to prefer a charge against
brother A J Brown for being intoxicated using profane language
Ther was a move to take up
the charge alsoa move to exclude him ____
4 Opened the door of the church and received
D R Fields by restoration and G L Street by experience
5 Ginrel business. Ther was a move and a second to
go in to a chose of a preacher resulted in the choice
of brother of S C Richards done in conference and
sined by order of the same.
S C Richards M.
J E Tidwell C.
Gwinnett Co Ga No 5 1887
We the Baptist Church of Christ at Island
ford met in conference to day after singing
and prar
1 Invite visiting brethren to seats with us
2 Caled for reference non
3 Caled for the felowship of the church
all in pease
4 Opened the doer of the church for the recption
of member received non
5 Caled for ginrell bisness granted a letter
of dismission to Brother Luther Little all so granted
brother Joseph Duren and wife letter of dismission
went in to the choice of a preacher
caled Brother Denore Done in conference and sined
by the same
J E Tidwell, Mo pro tem
J C Kenedy, CC pro tem
March 24th 1888
We the Baptist Church of Christ at
Island ford met at church to day
after preaching by Brother Roberts and Brother Richard
1 Invited visiting brethren to seats with us
2 Caled for reference non
3 Caled for the fellowship of the church in pease/ church not in pease
4 Opened the doer of the church for
the reception of members received non
5 Ginrel business granted a letter
of dismission to sister Alis Moulder
ther was a move and a second to go into the
choice of 2 Deacons on
our next meeting done in Conference and
sined by the same
S C Richard Mod
J E Tidwell C.C.
Island Ford Friday May the 29th 1874
The union meeting met hear to day and after a
sermon by Elder E W Head the union meeting
preded to organize by appointing Elder A Moderator
W N Blackstock Clerk
Appointed Brothers F M Hawkins & W L Pirkle
to read the letters from the sister churches
2. Red the letters and enrolled delates names
Beaver ruin James Tidwell H C Williams H E Edmison
Haw Creek L B Phillips, T W Green, A G Pirkle
& J Deaton
Island Ford J. Calaway W C Hammond and H White
Sharon R Teder H Terry J P Gilbert
W W Blackstock & J E Echold E Buice
A Swiney J C Gilbert
Bethany W S Townley & A L Sewell
Cumming M Otwell
Friendship J S Phillips B Wallce
H F Wallace William Phillips
Crossroads W B Turner W W Hubbit
_____ harmony W H Harlin, C Sewell
3rd appointed the usal standing committys on
Searching Brothren M White W C Hammond
L B Phillips J Tidwell J B Wallace
On Querrys Brethren W J Pierce William Phillips
___ Sewell
On Business Brothren Brothers F H Hawkins
H Otwell W B Turner & Moderator & Clerk
4th Adjearned to 9 oclock tomorrow morning
Prayer By Elder J. Pagget
Saturday Morning May the 30th
Met persuent agreement prayer by Brother Turner
5th Called the Roll and corrected the delegates
6th Called for and Red the Report of the
Business commity & adopted the Report
7th Received & Red a Querry And upon motion
Agreed to Release the committee upon querries
And take them up and answer them by the Boddy
Querry the 1th What Relation dus an excluded
member bare or sustain to the church
Ans the Querry 1th We think such members
Sustains a Christian Relation to the Christian
members of the Church But no Relation to the
Church as such except the obligation to
Make satisfaction to the excluding church
before Regaining Fellowship
Querry the 2th In what is called the grate
Reformation of the 16th Century what was
Reformed the church of Christ or the
Roman catholic Higgherachy [Hierarchy] an if the latter or
the churches So called of the Reformation
Are bonafide Scriptural churches of
Jesus Christ or are they only & simply
Reformed branches of the Roman catholic
Church Ans to query 2 Ans 1st The church
Of Jesus Christ was not in Roman
Apostasy but in the cares maintains and
believes at the time of the Reformation
Calvin Luther & others being in Rome
protected against some of the errors
Therefore it was the Roman Catholic
Higgherachy [Hierarchy] 2nd the church of the
Reformation are not __________
Churches of Jesus Christ but are only
Reformed Branches of the Roman Catholic Church
Query 3th 1st is there such a thing as an
________ to grace instituted by man
and if so is not grace somewhat
dependent upon man Answer 1th Grace
being favor bestowed by one ____ is
under no obligation upon those who
have no claims upon the bestower
or man cannot institute any auxiliary
to grade and therefore grace cannot be
in any sense dependent upon man
nevertheless we think man may
institute means and plans auxiliary
to the furtherance of the friendships
and interest of the kingdom of grace
on earth
8th Upon motion resolved that we
send up to the Hightower baptist
Association at her next sestion the
two last queries for the consideration
and answer of that Boddy
9th appointed Elder W J Pirkle to write
An essay upon what it takes to make
A Scriptural Church of Jesus Christ
10th appointed Elder S Hayes to write an
Essay upon the Brothern after meeting
& tawking upon the Subject of Religion
11th Elder F H Hawkins to write an Essay
Choose his own Subject
12th appointed Elder F H Hawkins to preach
The next introductory Sermon to the union
Meeting of the 1st Dist of the Hightower
Baptist Assication
Elder W J Pirkle Alternate
13th Upon motion appointed the next meeting
of this boddy to be with the Brothren at
Beaver ruin Church
14th Red the minutes of the union meeting
And addopted them
15th Then sang a hymn and was lead in prayer
By Brother S L Hayes
16th then adjourned in order
W N Blackstock Clker & Elder A White Mod
Churches of Jesus Christ but are only
Reformed Branches of the Roman Catholic Church
Query 3th 1st is there such a thing as an
________ to grace instituted by man
and if so is not grace somewhat
dependent upon man Answer 1th Grace
being favor bestowed by one ____ is
under no obligation upon those who
have no claims upon the bestower
or man cannot institute any auxiliary
to grade and therefore grace cannot be
in any sense dependent upon man
nevertheless we think man may
institute means and plans auxiliary
to the furtherance of the friendships
and interest of the kingdom of grace
on earth
8th Upon motion resolved that we
send up to the Hightower baptist
Association at her next sestion the
two last queries for the consideration
and answer of that Boddy
9th appointed Elder W J Pirkle to write
An essay upon what it takes to make
A Scriptural Church of Jesus Christ
10th appointed Elder S Hayes to write an
Essay upon the Brothern after meeting
& tawking upon the Subject of Religion
11th Elder F H Hawkins to write an Essay
Choose his own Subject
12th appointed Elder F H Hawkins to preach
The next introductory Sermon to the union
Meeting of the 1st Dist of the Hightower
Baptist Assication
Elder W J Pirkle Alternate
13th Upon motion appointed the next meeting
of this boddy to be with the Brothren at
Beaver ruin Church
14th Red the minutes of the union meeting
And addopted them
15th Then sang a hymn and was lead in prayer
By Brother S L Hayes
16th then adjourned in order
W N Blackstock Clker & Elder A White Mod
The name of males at Island Ford Baptist Church
1. John Calaway Deacon exclde
2. WL Fields Dismissed by letter
3. BM Bagby ,,,,,,
4. MC Claerk
5. AS Street Dismissed by letter
6. AJ Pirkle dismist by L
7. AJ Brown
8. AL Winbush
9. AS Duren
10. A
11. A
12. WC Fowler ded
13. JC Kenedy
14. C
15. C
16. C
17. C
18. C
19. JM Dodd
20. JJ Duren
21. JH Duren
22. R Dollar
23. LB Dover
24. D
25. D
26. J Brown
27. (blank)
28. Geo Brown
29. J Brown
30. Brown
31. Brown
32. Brown
33. Brown
WR Hunt
WL Fields
BT Pugh included
Jos Pugh
JE Tidwell
WJ Tidwell dismissed by L
Wm Pugh
John Pugh ded
John Flin
WR Blackstock dismissed by L
Gilbert Molder insane
WM Hamond
Isic White excluded Dec 13 1883
M Fields excluded Oct 18 1881
Gwinnett GA May 26 1888
The Baptist church of christ at
Island Ford met in conference after
preaching by Elder S C Richard
1 Invited brethren to seats with us
2 Caled for refference found a refference
case against Brother Thomas Pugh and
James Beam for being intoxicated and
fussing hoo hauth acknowledge to the
charges and was received
3 Caled for the fellowship of the church.
4 Opened the doors of the church for the
reception of members received non
5 Ginrel Bisniss. Granted a letter to
Gil Molder there was a move to her
the rules of decorum and articles
of faith whitch was red there was move
to her the minutes of the day
done in conference
S. C. Richard Mod
J. E. Tidwell C.C.
Gwinnett Co. Ga September 18.88
The Baptist Church of Christ at
Island Ford met in conference after
Elder Richards
1 Invited visiting brethren to seats with us
2 Caled for reference nun
3 Caled for the fellowship of the church
Preferd a charge aganced Sister
Angeline Brown and sister Juley Brown
for false statements move to take
up the charge carede move to refer this
cases til our next meating carede
move to prefer a charge against brother
Beem for falce statements
carede 4 opened the doer of the church received non
move to refer till our next meeting.
5 General bisnes move to cale _____
pastor for next year Elected S C Richards
done in conference and sind by order of same.
J.E. Tidwell C
S.C. Richards Mo.
Gwinnett GA May 26 1888
The Baptist church of christ at
Island Ford met in conference after
preaching by Elder S C Richard
1 Invited brethren to seats with us
2 Caled for refference found a refference
case against Brother Thomas Pugh and
James Beam for being intoxicated and
fussing hoo hauth acknowledge to the
charges and was received
3 Caled for the fellowship of the church.
4 Opened the doors of the church for the
reception of members received non
5 Ginrel Bisniss. Granted a letter to
Gil Molder there was a move to her
the rules of decorum and articles
of faith whitch was red there was move
to her the minutes of the day
done in conference
S. C. Richard Mod
J. E. Tidwell C.C.
Gwinnett Co. Ga September 18.88
The Baptist Church of Christ at
Island Ford met in conference after
Elder Richards
1 Invited visiting brethren to seats with us
2 Caled for reference nun
3 Caled for the fellowship of the church
Preferd a charge aganced Sister
Angeline Brown and sister Juley Brown
for false statements move to take
up the charge carede move to refer this
cases til our next meating carede
move to prefer a charge against brother
Beem for falce statements
carede 4 opened the doer of the church received non
move to refer till our next meeting.
5 General bisnes move to cale _____
pastor for next year Elected S C Richards
done in conference and sind by order of same.
J.E. Tidwell C
S.C. Richards Mo.
1. John Calaway Deacon
2. W. L. Fields Deacon
3. M. C Fowler Cleard by Letter
4. W. L. Fields July 10, 1880 L
5. D. R. Fields ex 1882 Aug 21, 1880 Ex
6. A. T. Fields ex 1882 Aug 16, 1880 Ex
7. J. W. Fields ex 1882 Aug 17, 1880
8. John Flin Aug 19, 1880 L
9. W. O. Baley Dismissed L
10. B. M. Bagby Aug 17, 1880
11. Joshua Brown Aug 18, 1880
12. J. W. Blackstock Aug 17, 1880
13. J. N, Dollar Marche 1881 July 10, 1880 E H H
14. R. Dollar
15. J. M. Dodd Aug 17, 1880
16. L. B. Dover Aug 21, 1880
17. J. H. Duren Aug 21, 1880
18. J. J. Duren Aug 19, 1880
19. W W. Hammon
20. W. L. Hood March 12 Dism by 1881 L
21. Thomas Pugh Aug 17, 1880
22. J. E. Tidwell Aug 17, 1880
23. W. J. Tidwell Aug 19, 1880
24. A. J. Pirkle Aug 19, 1880
25. Isac White Aug 17, 1880 Excluded
26. John White April 10, 1880 Ex
27. A. L. Winbush ended 1882
28. A. S. Street July 10, 1880 L
29. Thomas E Fields Dec 11, 1880 L
30. Morgan Fields June 11, 1880 L
31. Gilbert H Molder June 11, 1880 Ex
32 W R Hunt March the 11 1882
33 A J Brown August
34 Thomas Brown
35 Wm Pugh D B L ____?
36 John Pugh died July 6th 1882
39 George Brown
38 Ben Pugh Excluded
Riley White
D M Miller
T H Fields
J H Fields
A A duren dist mist by 1886
J C Iver
J H Miller
J. H. Braziel
G L Street
Luther Little Dist, M b L
J. M. Simson
James Beem
D B Fields Excluded
William Simpson
William Pugh
Names of Females at Island Ford
1 S. M.Bagby days year
2 M. A. Bagby
3 M C Bagby Aug 17 1880
4 J C Bagby A 18 1880
5 Sarah Baley August By L
6 M A Burton
7 Dicy Burton
8 C Burton Aug 19 1880
9 Samantha Benefee
10 Nancy Benefeel
11 M A Barker
12 Elisebeth Brown excluded the 7 May 1881
13 L.C. Brown Aug 18 1880
14 C.L. Brown Aug 18 1880
15 S.A. Brown Aug 18 1880
16 T J Dodd Aug 17 1880
17 V C Dodd Aug 17 1880
18 Sarah Dod
19 Delila Dod
20 Emily Dollar
21 Elisa Dollar
22 Elisley Dollar
23 Nancy Duren
24 S D Fields dismissed by letter Sept 13 1884
25 S E Fields dismissed B L
26 T C Fields excluded
27 Fields
28 P C Fields Aug 16 1880
29 M E Fields Aug 21 1880
30 Dru seler Fields
31 M E Hood March 12 1881 By DL
32 Octavy Hammonds
33 R M Pugh dismissed by L
34 E J Street July 11 1880 L
35 Francis Streetman dismissed by L
36 Winey Thrasher
37 Huldy Benson Aug 17 1880
38 Lisey Self Aug 17 1880
39 Sarah King
40 Emley A Brown Dec 12 1880 L
41 Georgia Brown Mar 12 1881 L
42 Elizabeth Pugh April 9 L
43 M E Hunt Mar 11 1882 L
44 N H Cain Mar 11 1882 L
45 Barker
46 M. S. Fowler Dismissed by Letter
47 Martha Duren
48 Martha Brown Excluded
49 A. Molder dismissed B L 1888
50 M. King
51 H Fowler dismissed by letter
52 M. A. Kennedy
52 S Kerland dead
53 Milley J. Brown Sept 15 1888
54 Mary A. Pugh Sept 15 1888
55 Victoria Benefield dismissed Aug 22 by 1883
56 Eliza Pugh dismissed by L
Murtice Beem
Juley Brown Andr Simpson
Margit Bagley Brown
Victorey Briziel Perl Brown
Luisa Stiles B L 1888
Sarah Garner
Francis Garner
Martha Wafford
L Kenedy
Gwinnett Co GA May the 25 1889
We the Baptist Church of Christ at Island ford
Met in conference today
1 Invited visiting brethren to seats with us
2 Cald for the felowship of the church
all in peace
3 Opened the door of the church for the
reception of the members received nun
4 Cald for reference non, Tom Pugh made acknowledgements
5 Ginrel bisness elected delegates to union meeting as follows
J H Simpson, G L Street, George Brown, J M Simpson,
Joshua Brown was in conferense.
M.S Settles, M Protem J.C Kenedy C C Protem
Gwinnett Co GA August 1889
We the Baptist Church of Christ at Island ford
met in conference after preaching by
Elder J E Henderson
1 Opened the church for reception
of members and received M.C Benson
and wife Alver Benson bye experience
2 Called for the pease of the church
when Brother Thomas Pugh sent up acknowledgment
for being intoxicated
and was referred until next conference.
Brother J.E. Henderson Mod Protem
Riley White C.C. Protem
Names of males
1. J. Calaway XX Deacon exc
2. W.L.Fields dismissed by L.
3. B. M. Bagby dead
4. M.C. Fowler D. M. B. J Clerk
5. M. Fields
6. W. R Hunt D. M. B
7. J. M. Dodd
8. A. S. Street
9. A.L. Winbush
10. A. J. Pirkle dismissed by L.
11. J. Brown
12. L.B.Dover distmist L
13. W.W.Hammond
14. J.E. Tidwell
15. W.J. Tidwell dismissed by L
16. J.J.Duran D.M.B.L 1888
17. J.H. Duran
18. Rebin Dollar
19. John Flin dismissed by letter 1887
20. Gilbert Molder
21. Isic White excluded
22. J.W. Blackstocks dismissed L
23. A.J. Brown excluded
24. Thom Brown
25. Gorg Brown
26. W.L Fields D.M.B.J
27. John Pugh dead
28. Thom Pugh
29. Wm Pugh distmist by letter 1887
30. Ben Pugh excluded
31. A.S Duran
32. W.C Fowler dead
33. J.C.Kennedy
Gwinnett Co GA September 21 1888
We the Baptist Church of Christ
at Island Ford met in conference after
preaching by S.C.Richards
1 Invited visiting brethren to seats with us
2 Cald for reference and found a charge
against Brother Tomas Pugh for being
intoxicated move to take up the charge
cared move to exclude him cared
3 Called for fellowship of the church
and found all in pease
4 Opened the doors of the church for the
reception of members and received
Brother John Hammonds letter.
5 Ginrel bisness went into the charge chouse
of the pastor when S.C Richards was elected.
J.C Richards Mod
Riley White C C Protem
Females Names
Bagby, M.A. Eliza Dollar
Bagby, S.M. Emly Dollar
Bagby, M.C. Elisa Dollar
Barker, M.A. Dollar
Barker Nervy Duran
Burton, Dicey Duran
Burton, S. C. D
Burton D
Burton E
Benefeel, Nancy E
Benefeel, Samantha E
Brown, Emlewait E
Brown, L.C. E
Brown, C.L. Fields
Brown, S.A. Fields
Brown, T. C. Fields
Brown, Elizabeth Fields
Brown Fields
Brown Fields
Bagby J E Fields
B T C Fields
B drunk ___ ____ lap Flin
Cane N C Fowler
Coner Haret Fowler
Cile M S Fowler
Dodd, V.C.
Dodd, T.J.
Dodd, S.A.
Dodd, Delila
Gwinnett County Ga
April the 6th 1877
The Baptist Church of Christ at Island Ford
according to forsaid arrangements
____ for the purpose of ordaining
___ deacons to wit W L Fields and M V Bailey
After the introductorigal discors by Elder
S M Roberts There was a committy formed
Decon to wit W C Hammond J Calaway
From Island Ford Church.
From Beaver ruin Will Pirkle James Tidwell
From Haw Creek Albert Pirkle
Then made arrangements for the ordination
To wit Elder S M Roberts to examine the
candidates for ordination
2th Elder S L Hays to offer the ordinational
prayer 3rd Elder J W Webb to give the
charge to said Decons 4th the Moderator sang
a appropriate hymn and extended the Rite
Hand of fellowship to said deacons an
then ____ the said above ortained by
ministery of the presbytery.
S M Moderator
James Tidwell C Clk
Gwinnett Co GA May 25th 1888
The Baptist Church of Christ of Island
ford according to previous
arrangements to wit for the purpose of
ordaining two Deacons to wit G. L. Street
J.E. Tidwell after the introduction sermon
by Elder S.C.Richards there was a presenting
of the Deacons to wi t J.H. Simpson
from Island Ford, E.W Green, W. J. Nally,
A.E Pirkle from Haw Creek A.S. Street
from New Bethany who made arrangements
for the ordination to wit A.S. Street
from Haw Creek to act as Clerk, Elder S.C. Richards
to examine the candidates for ordination.
B.W. Brown to offer the ordination prayer
Elder S.C. Richards to give the charge
to aide the deacons then appropriate hime sung
and extended the Right hand of fellow ship to said deacons.
S.C. Richards Mod
A S Street, C. C
Georgia Gwinnett County
Where as sundrie members of the Baptist Order
Consisting twelve males and four females
having previously pertitiond was to meet them
at a new meeting house near the Island ford
Chattahoochee River for the purpose of
Constituting them into a church we
Accordinly met fourmed our selves in Presbetery.
S Called Brother Silas King to the Chair and Brother
Joseph Morgan to act as Sectary being
Thus organized proceeded in the usal way to
Examine into the strong strength forth finding
Them orthodox in faith and our _____ment
Sufficiently strong we proceeded to the work
to constitute them into a church to be
Called Denominated Island ford Church after
Wich the chairman Delivered them a Solemn
And impressive Charge dedicated them to God
by fervent prayer and this completed a day.
for our Master on the twenty third Day of
February 1833
We do hereby certify that the above is a true
Statement of our proceedings as a presbytery
we further certify that the afore number of
Brothren and Sisters are by ___ duly constituted
Into a church this 23th day of February 1833.
Silas King, M G
Richard Phillips, M.G.
John Hammond
Samual Crowe Deacons
Joseph Morgan
Gwinnett Co Ga, December 1888
We the Baptist church of Christ at
Island ford met in conference after
Preaching by S C Richards
1 invitd visiting brethren to seats with us
2 Cald for refference there was 3 reference
cases found in our minet of our last
meeting ther was a case against Sister
Angeline Sister Juley Brown Brother
Beem all for falce statement
Ther was a move to dismis the charges
Against Angeline & Juley Brown carede
Move to take up the charges against
Brother Beem move to her from
Brother Beem when he made his
acknowledgement and was receiived
3 caled for the fellowship of the church in all peace
4 opened the doer of the church received non
5 Ginrel busness Done in confurnce and sined
By order of the same
S C Richards Mod
J.E. Tidwell
Constitution of Island ford Baptist Church
By Reverend Silas King and Richard Phillips Ministers
and Joseph Morgan Samual Crow and John Hammonds Deacons
Upon the following articles of Faith
While we acknowledg the Rights of Private
Judgment Disclaim a Spirit of intolerance
And persecution in every Shape against any
Whoo may hold opinions different to our own
It is not with Standing Considered
certain that unity of faith and practice
are essential to the peace and good order of
every particular Church of Christ we
thare fore cordially express our warmest
approval of an Strict adherence to the
principals which have distinguished the
Baptist Demonination in gineral in the
United States
More particularly first we believe
in the being of God as almighty Eternal
Unchaingeable of infinite wisdom power
Justice Holiness Goodness mercy and truth and
that this God has Revealed Himself in
His word under the characters of
Farther Son and Holy ghost
2th we believe that the Scriptures of the
old and new Testaments are the word of
God and the only Rule of faith and practice
3th we believe in the fall of adam and the
importation of his Sin to his posterity in
the corruption of human nature and the
impoteney of man to Recover himself
By his own free will ability
4th) we believe that all Saints are chosen
In Christ Jesus to be Holy and obedient
accorden to Gods Sovreign purpose and
free Grace before the word begun and
that they all Receive the effectual Calls
of the holy Spirit and justified and kept by the
power of God through faith into Salvation
and finally Glory with Christ in heaven
5th) we believe there will be a Resurrection
Of the dead and a General judgment and the
Happiness of the Rigteteous and the punishment
Of the wicked will be Eternal
6th we believe Water Baptism and the Lords Supper
are perpetual ordinances of the Church on Earth
the former to be administered by immersion
only on a creditable profession of faith
as the Door to membership in the visible
church and the Latter after Baptism
as a token of Rememberance and Love
to Christ
7th) we believe that the Churches of Christ
are mutually independent of each other
And that a Strict form of Church
Government Should be inviolably
preserved yet being convinced of the
utility of friendly intercourse and
pious council on the principals of
reciprocal advantage and Christian
love we hold hit to be a duty to
pay Respect on this principals to the
to the advice and council of all Christians
in General of our order when present at
8th) we believe it to be the duty of all Christians
and all men to contribute in a Reasonable
and Scriptural way to ward the Support of
Gods ministers and the promotion of
Christs Kingdom a mong men
Gwinnett Co. Ga October 26th 1889
We the Baptist church of Christ at
Island ford met in conference after
Preaching by Elder S. C. Richards
1 invited visiting Brehren to seats with us
2 caled for reference found non
3 caled for the fellowship of the church
Nothing presented
4 opened the door of the church for reception
of members received non
5 ginrel binsess nothing presented
move to hear minet read
dun in conference
S C Richard Mod
J.E. Tidwell C.C.
Gwinnett Co. Ga Nov 28, 1889
We the Baptist church of Christ
At Island ford met in conference
After preaching by Elder S. C. Richards
1 invited visitors brethren to Seats with us
2 caled for reference non
3 caled for the felowship of the church
when thar was a charge preford against
Sister Liser Stiles for living in
adultery move to take up the charge
move to exclude her carede
4 opened the door of the church for
reception of members received non
5 ginrel business granted letter
of dismission to Sister
Lucinda White move to hear
Reading of minnet
Dun in confurnce
S.C. Richards Mod.
J.E. Tidwell C C.
Island Ford Church Book
Female Names
1. Parthenia Fields
2. M. A. Bagby
3. Winney Thraser
4. Debby Dodd
5. Nancy Duren
6. Nancy Benefil
7. Disa Burton
8. M A Burton
9. Sarah Dodd
10. M D Barker
11 Elizebeth Brown
12. Francis Burton
13. Elizabeth Pugh
14. Octava Hammonds
15. Rachael Fields
16. Sharey Simson
17. Harriet Belley
18. Lucinda White
19. Margurey Fields
20. Batey Fields
21. Juley Fields
21. Webey Brown
23. Sulin Seals
24. M.C. Bagby
25. S C Burton
26. E M Brown
27. T C Brown
28. C L Brown
29 S A Brown
30 T C Brown
31. J. E. Bagby
32. N C Dodd
33. P J Dodd
Gwinnett Co Ga March the 31 1900
We the baptist church of Christ
at Island ford met in conferns after
Serves by brother J B Smith
His text Nehemiah, 6 Chapt 3v
1 invite visitors members to with us
2 call for referus non
3 call for the pes of the church motion
anseard to prefure a charge against
brother G W Brown for ben intoxicated
cared move an secnd to take up the
charge answered carede motian an secnd
to with draw fellarship from him
motian cared
4 open the way for members non came ford
5 Genrel busissnese motion an secnd
to a Pai_____ ______ _____ _____
Br G L Street Sugar hill brother
Molder Haw creek C A fields
Shady grove J L dodd new bethy
G L Street motian an secnd to
her the minet of the day
an ajurn
Rev J B Smith Mod
D M Miller C C Protem
IMAGE 18 - PAGE 143
45 6 General Business motion and sec that
that the letter of dismission be granded
to Bro Brannon and famiy motion consid
Motion and sec that the letter to
the association adapted motion consieit
motion and sec that the motion
be red and adjourn motion carried
Rev J B Smith Mod
B C Benson C C
Gwinnett Co Ga Oct 6th 1900
We the Baptice church of Christ at Island ford
met in conference after serves by Rev R. H.
1. Invited visetors to seats with us
2. Called for reffernce nun
3. called for ecknologements nun
4. open the door of the church none came forward
5. General Busness motion and second to
Grant Sister Magy Fields a letter of
dismission motion carried took up a collection
for Brother Smith amount 5.75
R. H. Tomson Mod
D. M. Miller Protem
Gwinnett Co Ga November 3the 1900
We the Babtice church of Christ at Island ford
met in confernce after song and prar by
Brother Street motion prevald to pas over the
fore first items 6 Generl Buisness motion to
Grant Brother J.T. White and Sister
Savaner White and Sister Scbroney
Westbrooks letters motion prevald motion to receive
Bro Bens and Ressey Nation motion prevaled
motion second to elect a clerk elected Brother
R.A. Pugh actulamation for our presant clerk
Bro G. L. Street mod Protem
D.M. Miller C C Protem
46 Gwinnett Co Georgia Dec 1th 1900
We the Babtice church of Christ
at Island ford met in conference today
after servies by Rev R. H. Thompson
Tex 19 Chapter of Mathew
1. Invited visitors to seats with us
2. Called for Refference nun
3. Called for ecknowlledgments nun
4. Called for the pice and fellowship of the
chirch motion to prefer a charge against Sister
Netie Doller formerly called Imgines
for Departing from the faith motion carried
6. Ginerl Buisness nother presented
R. H. Thompson Mod. R.A. Pugh CC
Gwinnett Co Georgia Jan 5the 1901
We the Babtice Chirch of Christ at
Island ford met in conference today
after service by Rev R. H. Thompson
his tex 3 Chapter of Philipen
1. Invited visettors to seats with us
2. called for refference nun
3. called for eckknowlments nun
4. called for the pice and fellowship of the
chirch noth precented
5. opened the dore of the chirch nun came forward
6. Generl business nothing precented
R. H. Thompson mod R A Pugh CC
Gwinnett Co GA Feb 2 1901
We the Babtic chirch of Christ at Island ford
met in confernced today after by Rev
R.H. Thompson his txt the 3 chapter of
the Epistle Ginerl of John
1. Invited visetors to seats with us
2. called Refference non
3. called for ecknowledgments nun
47 4 called for the piece and felowship of th chirch
motion to appoint a commity to sea bro Street
and Bro Scales motion carried motion that the modrat
appoint the commity the commity are bro
M.C. Benson J.E. Bagwell D. M. Miller J. Molder
Staden Brazial B.A. Fields Thomas Dodd
5 opened the dore of the chirch non came foward
6 Genrel buisness motion and second to
Grant Sister Eller Brown a letter motion carried
R. H. Thompson Mod R. A. Pugh C C
State of Georgia Gwinnett Co March 2 1901
We the Babtice chirch of Christ at Island
Ford met in conference today after by Rev
R. H. Thompson his tex the 2 Chapter of James
followed by A. D. Holbrooks
1. Invited visetors to seats with us
2 called for reffernce motion and second
to hear the report and releace the commit
3 called for ecknowledgments nun/
4 opened the dore of the church non came
forward [strike through]
4 called for the piece of the church all in piece
5 opened the doer of the chirch nun
came forward
6 ginerl business nothing presented
R. H. Tompson Mod R. A. Pugh, CC
State of GA Gwinnett Co April 6 1901
We the Babtice chirch of Christ at Island ford
Met In confernce today after servics by
Rev R. H. Thompson his tex the 3 vers
of the 6 chapter of Nehemiah
1 invited to seat with us
2 called for reffernce nun
3. called for ecknowledgments nun ____
4. called for the piece of the chirch all in pase
48 5 opened the dore of the chirch non came forward
6 General Buysness appointed correspondence
Shugar hil M. C. Benson Haw Creak J Molder
Shole Creak J. J. Dodd Shady Grove
R. A. Pugh
R. H. Thompson Mod R a. Pugh, C C
State of GA Gwinnett Co May 4the 1901
We the Babtice Chirch of Christ at Island Ford
Met in confernce to day after By Rev R. H. Thompson
his tex the 3 chapter of Pauls letter to timothy
1 Invited visetors to seats with us
2 called for Reffernce nun 3 called for ecknowledgm
motion __ and second to Recived Bro
Thomas Pughs ecknowledgments for getting Drunk
motion caried 4 called for the piece of the circh
motion and second to prefere a charge against
Pirkle Townley for profain language and giting
Drunk motion prevaled motion and second to
exclude him motion caried 5 opened the dore
of the church non came fowards
6 Ginerl Buisness nothing precented
R H Thompson Mod R. A. Pugh C C
State of Ga Gwinnett Ga June 1the 1901
We the Babtice chirch of Christ at Island ford
met in confernce today after serves by Rev
R H. Thompson his tex the 16 chapter of John
1. Invited visetors to seats with us
2 called for reffernce nun
3 called for ecknowledgments nun
4 called for the piece and fellowship of the chirch
all in pease
5 opened the dore of the circh nun came forward
6 Generl Business a motion and sec to appoint
Delagates to go to the union metion appointed
Brothering as folows R. A. Pugh, M. C. Benson
49 J. L. Kenedy W. T. Dodd G. S. Street
R. H. Thompson Mod, R. A. Pugh C C
State of GA Gwinnett Co July 6 1901
We the Babtice Chirch of Christ at Island ford
Met in confernce today after serves By
Elder R. H. Thompson his tex the 11 chapter
of John 1 Invited visetors to seats with us
2 called for reffernce nun
3 called for ecknowledgments nun
4 called for the felowship of the chirch all in pease
6 Generl buisness Red and adoped letter
to the union meeting elected delogats to
the assosiation elected R. A. Pugh
D. M. Miller and M. C. Benson Alt
R. H. Thompson Mod R. A. Pugh CC
State of Georgia Gwinnett Co August 3 1901
We the Babtice church of Christ at Island Ford
Met in confernce today after serves By
Rev A. D. Holbrooks
1. invited visetors to seats with us
2 called for reffernce nun
3 called for ecknowledgments nun
4 called for the felowship of the chirch all pease
5 opened the dore of the chirch nun came forward
6 Generl Buysniss red and adoped letter to
the assosiation
R H. Thompson Mod R. A. Pugh CC
State of Ga Gwinnett Co August 31 1901
We the Babtice chirch of Christ at Island
Ford met in confernce today after serves
By Rev R. H. Thompson
1 Invited visitors to seats with us
2 Called for reffernce nun
3 called for ecknowledgments nun
4 called for the pease of the chirch
all in pease
50 5 opened the dore of the church non came forward
6 Generl Bisness went into the choise of a
paster elected Brother Brazier for the insuing
year elected J J. Dodd as Clerk
appointed a commitie to sea Bro Broziel
names to wit Bros D. M. Miller G. L.
Street and J. Molder Motion and sec
to Grant Brother D. M. Miller and
wife letters of dismission motion carried
Motion and sec to hear the minut of the
day and adjurn R. H. Thompson
Mod R A. Pugh CC Protem
51 Gwinnett Co Ga October the 5 1901
We the Baptist Church of Christ
At Island ford met in conference
After Service by Rev J. H. Brazieal
Item 1 Invite visiting members to seats with us
2 Call for refferance nun
3 Call for acknolledment nun
4 Call for the fellowship of the
Church all in peace
5 Open the door of the Church
nun came forward
6 General Buisiness went into
a collection for the pastor
Motion and second to hear
the minnet of the day and
Rev R. H. Thompson Mod
James J Dodd C C
Gwinnett Co Ga Nov the 2 1901
We the Baptis Church of Christ
At Island ford met in conference
After service by Rev J. H. Brazieal
Item 1 Invite visiting members to
seats with us
2 Call for refferance nun
3 Call for acknolledgement nun
4 Call for the fellowship of the
Church all in peace
5 Open the door of the church
Nun came forward
6 Genneral Buisiness
A collection for the pastor for
Last year was taken up
Move and Second to adjourn
52 Rev J.H. Brazieal Mdd
James J Dodd CC
Gwinnett Co Ga Nov the 30 1901
We the Baptist Church of Christ at
Island ford had service by Rev.
J.H. Brazieal regular pastor but as
There was no business to attend to
We did not go in to conference
James J. Dodd CC
Gwinnett Co Ga February the 8 1902
We the Baptist church of Christ at
Island ford met in conference after
Service by A.D. Holbrook. This a
Call meting this meting was
Caused by the deth of our Brother
J.H. Brazieal. To call us a
Pastor motion and second to
go in to election motion carried
Motion and second for brother
A.D. Holbrook the rest of the year.
Motion carried motion and second
To elect by aclimation motion carried
Elected unanimostly motion and second
To ordain brother A.D. Holbrook
Friday before the first Sundday in
April motion and second that Brother
Moulder act as spoksman in the
Ordination invite brother R.H. Tomson
Brother W.W. Owens Brother
J.B. Smith Brothers Luke Burgess
Brother Shearfield GL Street Md Prot
James J Dodd CC
Gwinett Co. Ga March the 1 1902
We Baptist Church of Christ at
Island ford met in conferance after
Service by brother A.D. Holbrook
Item 1 invite visiting members to
Seat with us.
2 call for reference nun
3 call for acknowledgment nun
4 call for the fellowship of
The church all in peace
5 open the doer of the church
Brother J.W Ray and wife
Joined by letter
6 General business went in
Escollection for the service
Of Brother J.H. Brazieal
deceast for time serving
For his widdow
Brother A.D. Holbrook Md
James J Dodd CC
Gwinnett Co Ga April the 4 1902
We the Baptist Church of Christ at
Island ford met in conferance after
Service by pastor followed by
Brother Ivie
Item 1 Invite visiting members to seats
With us
2 call refference nun
3 call for acknowledgment nun
4 call for fellowship of the Church
all in peace
5 Open door of the church nun
came forward
6 General business nun
A.D. Holbrook Mod Jas. J. Dodd CC
Duplicate of Image 1 - page 151
Duplicate of Image 2 - page 152
54 Gwinnett Co GA May the 3 1902
We the Babtist Church of Christ at
Island Ford met in Conferance
After service by Brother A.D.
Item 1 Invite visiting members to seats
With us
2 Call for reffernace nun
3 Call for acknowledgement Nun
4 Call for fellowship of the Church
Motion and second to bare with
Brother Ray for drunkenness till
Next conference
5 Open doer of the Church nun
Came forward
6 General Business motion and
Second to grant sister Aminzonia
Hawkins a letter motion carried
Brother A.D. Holbrook MD
James J. Dodd CC
May the 11 1902 The at Island ford
Met presuant to appointment for the
Purpose of ordaining and siting apart to
full work of the ministry Bro A.D.
Holbrook and after usual service
proceed in form a presbatery as
follows Bro R. M. Purcell moderator
He haveing preached the ordination
sermon. Dec Jacob Moulder presented
the candidate Bro. J.R. Ivie examined The
Candidate he being found orthidox Bro
W.W. Owens led the ordination
Prayer followed by the laying of
Hands Rev W. F. Miller gave the
55 Charge Benediction by Bro
A. D. Holbrook
J. H. C.
Gwinnett Co Ga May the 31 1902
We the Baptist Church of Christ
At Island ford after preaching
By Brother A. D. Holbrook met
In conference
Item 1 Invite visiting members to seats
With us
2 Call for reference None
3 Call for acknowledgment
Brother Ray for getting drunk
4 Call for the fellowship of the church
All in peace
5 Open the door of the Church
Done Come forward
6 General Bunsiness first appointed
Delligates in the union meeting
Appointed Bro J. H. Braziel Bro
G.L. Street Bro Will Holbrook
Bro Bennie Pugh Bro B. A. Fields
Rev A. D. Holbrook, Mod
J. R. Adair, Cleark Protem
Gwinnett Co Ga July the 5 1902
Baptist church of Christ at
Island ford met in conference
After service by Brother A.D.
Item 1 Invite visiting members to seat
With us
2 Call for reference Non
3 Call for acknolledment Non
4 Call for fellowship of the Church
56 Nothing presented
5 Open door of the church none
come forward
6 General Business move and
Second Letter be adopted to
The union meting move and
Second to elect delligates
To the association by ballot
Elected A.D. Holbrook. J.E.
Bagwell. alturnats E.W.
Scales, J. Moulder
Rev. A.D. Holbrook. Mod.
James J Dodd. C.C.
Gwinnett Co. Ga August the 2 1902
We the Baptist Church of Christ at
Island ford met in conference after
Service by Brother A.D. Holbrook
1 Invite visiting members to seat
With us
2 Call for Refference. None
3 Call for acknowledgement none
4 Call for the fellowship of the Church
Nothing prezented
5 Open the doer of the church received
one by Letter
6 General Business motion and second
To ad the Brother joined today
By letter on the letter to the
Association motion and second
The monney received By the
Treasure for the widdow Brazieal
For the service of her husband
Be returned to her
A.D. Holbrook Mod
James J. Dodd C.C.
57 Gwinnett Co Ga September the 6 1902
We the Baptist Church of Christ at
Island Ford met in conference after
Service by Brother A.D. Holbrook
Item 1 Invite visiting members to seat with us
2 call for refference Nun
3 Call for acknowledgement Nun
4 Call for the fellowship of the church
Move and second to prefere a charge
Against sister Maggie Pots
Fornication. Move and second to
take up the charge and withdraw
fellowship from her, motion carried
5 Open the door of the Church received
One by Experiance
6 General Business motion And second
To elect Brother A.D. Holbrook for
Our pastor for the Insuing year
By Aclimation, motion carried
move and second to elect James J Dodd
For the Church clerk for the insuing
Year, motion carried
Bro A.D. Holbrook M.D.
James J Dodd C.C.
Gwinnett Co. Ga October the 4. 1902
We the Baptist Church of Christ at
Island ford met in conference after
Service by Bro A.D. Holbrook
Item 1 invite visiting members to seat with us
2 Call for reference None
3 Call acknowledgement None
4 Call for the fellowship of the church
Nothing presented
5 Omitted Opening the door of the church
6 General Business none
A.D. Holbrook M.D.
James J Dodd C.C.
58 Island ford Church met in
A called conference
6 General Business motion and
Second to grant Sister
Dicie Fowler A letter of
Dismissal motion carried
This 5 day of October 1902
A.D. Holbrook M.D.
E.W. Scales cleark protem
Gwinnett Co Ga Nov the 1 1902
We the Baptist Church of Christ
At island ford had service
By regler pastor.
A.D. Holbrook but as there
Was no business to attend
To we did not go in to
Conference. James J. Dodd C.C..
Gwinnett Co Ga December the 6 1902
We the Baptist Church of Christ
At Island ford met in Conference
After service by Regular pastor
A.J. Holbrook
1 Invite visiting members to seat with us
2 Call for reference None
3 Call for acknowledgement None
4 Call for the fellowship of the church
Nothing presented
5 Open the doer of the church
Received 2 By letter Brother
W.R. Wright and Wife sister
Edna Wright
6 General Business None
A.D. Holbrook M.d
E.W. Scales C.Pro
59 Gwinnett Co Ga January the 3 1903
We The Baptist Church of Christ
At island ford met in conference
After service By Brother
A.D. Holbrook
Item 1 Invite visiting members to seats
With us
2 Call for refference None
3 Call for acknowledgement. Brother
Willey Holbrook made acknowled
Being provoked to rath motion
And second to received his
Acknowledgment. Motion carried
4 call for the fellowship of the church
Nothing presented
5 open the door of the church
Received 2 by letter Brother
Clerence Scales and wife sister
Flourda Scales
6 General Business None
A.D. Holbrook M.D
James J. Dodd C.C.
Gwinnett Co Ga Jan the 31 1903
We the Baptist Church of Christ
At island ford had service by
Brother. G.L. Street, our regular
Pastor being Disable to attend
Church. Did not go in to
James J. Dodd C.C.
60 Gwinnett Co Ga February the 28 1903
We The Baptist Church of Christ at
Island Ford had Service by regular
Pastor Brother A.D. Holbrook. But
As there was no Business to tend
To did not go into conference
James J. Dodd c.c.
Gwinnett Co Ga April the 4 1903
We the Baptist Church of Christ at
Island Ford met in conference after
Service by Brother A.D. Holbrook
1 Invite visiting members to seat with us
2 Call for refference none
3 Call for acknowledgement motion and
Second to receive Brothers Ray’s
Statement that he drunk two mutch
Motion carried
4 Call for the fellowship of the church
nothing presented
5 Open the doer of the church
None came forward
6 General Buisiness
Corrispondence Shoal Creek Bro Adiar
Shilow Rev Moulder Haw Creek
Sugar Hill Rev A.D. Holbrook
Motion and Second to read the rules
Of decorum the rules received as
They stood.
Brother A.D. Holbrook M.D.
Bro E.W. Scales clerk protem
61 Gwinnett Co Ga May the 2 1903
We the Baptist Church of Christ at
Island ford met in conference after
Service by Doctor W.M. Jones followed
By Bro A.D. Holbrook
1 Invite visiting members to seat with us
2 Call for reference none
3 Call for acknowledgement none
4 Call for the fellowship of the church
Nothing presented
5 Open the doer of the church.
Restored one by acknowledment sister
Canzatey Brown for fornication
6 Genneral Buisiness
Received monney to get wine for
Our Communion oppointed
Delligats to go to the union meting
oppointed Brother Adiar Brother M C
Benson Brother E. W. Scales Brother
B A Fiealds Brother G.L. Street
A.D. Holbrook M.D.
James J. Dodd CC
Gwinnett Co Ga June the 6 1903
We the Baptist Church of Christ at
Island ford met in conference
After service By Brother A.D. Holbrook
1 Invite visiting members to Seat with us
2 Call for refference None
3 Call for acknowledgement None
4 Call for the fellowship of the church
Nothing prezented
5 Open the doer of the church
None come forward
6 Genneral Buisiness Motion and
Second to read the Letter
62 Go to the union meting Letter red
Motion and second the letter Be
A.D. Holbrook Mod
James J. Dodd C C
Gwinnett Co Ga July the 4 1903
We the Baptist Church of Christ at
Island ford met in conference after
Service by Brother A. D. Holbrook
Followed By a little talk by Brother
G. L. Street
1 Invite visiting members to seat with us
2 Call for refference None
3 Call for the acknowledgement None
4 Call for the fellowship of the church
Nothing prezented
5 Open the doar of the church
None come forward
6 Genneral Buisiness Motion and second
To Elect delligats to the association
Motion carried
Motion and second to Elect By
Ballot Motion carried
Elected Brother A. D. Holbrook and
Brother G. L. Street alternate James J. Dodd
A.D. Holbrook Mod
James J. Dodd C.C
Gwinnett Co Ga August the 1 1903
We the Babtist Church of Christ at
Island Ford met in Conference after
Service by A. D. Holbrook followed
with a talk by G. L. Street
1 Invite visiting members to seat with us
2 Call for refference None
63 3 Call for acknowledgement None
4 Call for the fellowship of the church
Nothing presented
5 Open the doer of the church None
come forward
6 Genneral Biusiness
Letter red and adopted to the
Granted James Kenedy and
Wife Letter of dismission
A. D. Holbrook Mod
James J. Dodd C.C.
Gwinnett Co Ga September the 5 1903
We the Baptist church of Christ at
Island ford met in conference after
service By Brother A. D. Holbrook
Item 1 Invite visiting members to seats with us
2 Call for Refference None
3 Call for acknowledgement None
4 Call for the fellowship of the church
Nothing presented
5 Open the doar of the church Received
Brother G. W. Brown By acknowledge-
mente received Sister Norah
Duran By letter
6 Genneral Buisiness Motion and second
To elect pastor for the insuing year
Elected A. D. Holbrook move and second
To elect Brother Willey Holbrook Cleark
As I rezined move and second to
Dismiss Brother G. L. Street Tresery
move and second to abolish The Tres.
Motion carried. Move and second to
Received Brother Scales report
for miss conduct of some during
64 service move and second to
Appoint A committie to see those
who did the conduct committie appointed
A. D. Holbrook Mod
James J. Dodd C.C
Gwinnett Co Ga
We the baptist church of Christ
at Island ford met in conference
after services by A. D. Holbrook
His Lesson 17th chapter of John
Item 1 Invite visiting members to seat
with us
Item 2 Call for refference
Report of committee on conduct
motion and second that report
be received Motion carried
Item 3 Call for acknowledgements none
Item 4 Call for fellowship of church
Nothing presented
Item 5 Open the door of church received
Bro Isac Pugh by restorration
Item 6 General business
Bro Joseph Duran and wife
asked the church to establish their
membership to letters of dismission
having ben granted there and were
lost. Letters were granted from this
church and the church established
their membership.
A. D. Holbrook Mod
W. A. Holbrook C.C.
This Oct 3 1903
65 Gwinnett County GA
March th 5 1904
We the Baptist Church of Christ at
Island Ford met in conference after
Service By Rev A.D. Holbrook
Item 1 Invite visiting members to Seat with us
Item 2 Call for refference none
Item 3 Call for acknowledgements none
Item 4 Call for the Fellowship of the Church
Motion and Second to prefur a charge
against Miss andria (Missouria) Fields for living
in adultry motion Carried
motion and Sec to take up the Charge
motion and Sec to Exclude the Sister
Motion Carried
Motion and Sec to prefur a charge
against Sister M. M. Kile for hearsy
Motion Carried
Motion and Sec take up the charge
and to Exclude th Sister.
Motion Carried
Item 5 Open the door of the Church
Received none
Item 6 General Business A discussion
on the Subject of deacons. Brother wit
J. Moulder, E.W. Scales, G.L. Street, and
Bro A. D. Holbrook.
Rev. A. D. Holbrook Mod
E. W. Scales Clerk Protem
66 Gwinnett County Ga
April 2 1904
We the Baptist Church of Christ
at Island ford met in
Conference after services
by Rev A. D. Holbrook
Item 1 Envite visiting members to seat With us
" 2 Call for reffirences none
" 3 Call for acknowledgements
Bro Jack Pugh made acknowledgements
for doing rong and hoped the
church would forgive him
Motion and second that the
acknowledgement be received
motion carried
" 4 Call for the fellowship of church
Motion and second to give the Deacons
power to settle all troubles that
may arise motion carried
motion and second that the
Deacons investigate the charge
against Bro Isac Pugh
motion carried
" 5 Open the Door of the church
none come forward
" 6 General Buisiness
Envited Sister churches to
commune with us next
meeting day
Appointed Bro Braziel and Bro
Bagwell for Deacons and elected.
Rev A. D. Holbrook Mod.
James J Dodd
CC Protem
67 Gwinnett County Ga
April 30 1904
We the Baptist Church of Christ
at Island ford met in conference
after preaching by Rev A. D. Holbrook
Item 1 Envite visiting members to seats with us
" 2 Call for refference of church
Report of Deacons
motion and second that reports be received
motion carried
Bro Scales ask for more time on one
report Motion and second that he
be given more time motion carried
" 3 Call for acknowledgements
" 4 Call for fellowship of church
Motion and second the we exclude
Bro Isac Pugh for being
Intoxicated and useing profane language
and contempt of the church and delarency
non fellowship against sister
Moah Pirkle and sister Nellie Pugh
for false reports circulated on
sister Bessy Bagby.
Motion carried
" 5 Open Door of the church
None come forward
" 6 General Business
Envitation from Sugar Hill to commune
with them
One from Shoal Creek
One from Haw Creek
Motion and second that Letters of dismission
be granted Sister Mary Dodd and Sis
Dovie Bailey and Sis Viola Shadburn
Motion carried.
68 Brought forward
Motion and second that the
Elected Deacons be Ordained
Friday before the first Sunday
in June
Motion carried.
Motion to Envite the
Eldership of sister churches
to attend the ordination
of Deacons
Bro A. D. Holbrook, Mod
W. A. Holbrook, Church Clerk
69 Gwinnett Co Ga
We the Baptist Church of Christ
at Island ford met in
conference after service by
A. D. Holbrook
Item 1 Invite visiting members to seat with
us none came forward
" 2 call for refference
Motion to throw case of Bro
Jackson Pugh and Cassada
Barker out of conference
" 3 call for acknowledgement
" 4 call for the fellowship of church
nothing presented.
" 5 open the door of the church.
None came forward.
" 6 General Business
Nominated as delegates to represent
the church in the association
Bro James J Dodd and
W. A. Holbrook
Bro G. L. Street and
A. D. Holbrook alternates
Motion and second that Bro
Moulder give the excuse of Deacons
for refusing to be ordained
Motion carried
their excuse being because
they did not feel qualified
Motion and second that they
be excused Motion carried
Motion that funds be raised
for repairing the door steps
Motion carried.
This July 2 1904 // A. D. Holbrook, Mod
W. A. Holbrook C Clerk
70 Gwinnett Co Ga
We the Baptist church of Christ
at Island ford met in
conference after services by
the Pastor
Item 1 Envite visiting members to seats
with us none
" 2 call for refference none
" 3 call for acknowledgements
Sis Maggie Mooney formerly
Potts, acknowledged of
and restored to fellowship
motion carried
" 4 call for the fellowship of church
motion and second that the
church extend more time on
the case of non fellowship
between Bro Jackson Pugh
and Sis Cassada Barker
one month longer so they
wil have chance to become
reconciled to each other
Motion carried
Motion and second that Mod.
appoint an investigating
committe to investigate the
case between Bro M.C. Benson
and E.W. Scales and between
Bro M.C. Benson and
Bro G.L. Street
Committe Bro J.L. Dodd
R.A. Pugh and
B.A. Fields
" 5 Open the door of the church
None came forward
" 6 General Buisness
Motion and second to grant
71 Sister Eliza Potts and Maggie
Mooney also Bro Ray and
Sister Ray letters of
Motion carried
Motion and second to adopt
the letter to association
with the proper amendments
Motion carried.
Bro Moulder - Haw creek
Bro Street - Shoal Creek
Bro Brown - Sugar Hill
A. D. Holbrook Mod.
E. W. Scales, Church C protem.
Aug 6, 1904
72 Gwinnett Co GA
We the Baptist church of Christ
at Island Ford met in
conference after services by
the pastor
Item 1 Envite visiting members to seat with us, none.
" 2 Call for refferance. None
" 3 Call for acknowledgements. None
" 4 Call for the fellowship of the church
motion and second to investigate
the case of Bro Jackson Pugh
and Sis Cassady (Consada) Barker.
Motion carried.
Motion and second to extend the
time for settleing the case
of Bro Jackson Pugh and
Sis Cassada Barker
Motion carried.
Motion and second to relieve the
committee an investigation
Motion carried
" 5 Open the door of church,
None came forward
" 6 General business
Motion and second to grant
Bro Moulder and wife
letters of dismission
motion carried
motion and second to grant
Bro Berry Fields and wife
letters of dismission
Motion carried
Motion and second to grant
Bro [A. D.] Holbrook an honorable
resignation motion carried
73 Nomination for pastor
Nominated Bro Hawkins and
Bro Owens
Motion and second that nomination
Close motion carried
For our Pastor the ensuing year
unanimously elected Bro Hawkins
This Sept 3 1904
G. L. Street, Mod Protem
W. A. Holbrook C.C.
Gwinnett Co Ga October 1 __ 1904
We the Babtice chirch of Christ
at Island Ford met in conference
after By Brother Deweas
1 invited visiting members to seat with us
2 called for refference none
3 called acknowledgment none
4 called for the pease and fellow of
the church motion and second
to take up the charge against
Brother Jack Pugh motion
and second to prefere a charge
against Brother Jack Pugh for
condekt of the chirch motion
and sec to with draw fellow
ship from him motion carried
5 Opened the dor of the chirch
none came forward
6 General Business nother presented
T. C. Hawkins Mod
James J dodd Chirch clerk potem
Gwinnett Co GA November 5, 1904
We the Babtic Chirch of Christ
at island ford met in con
ference after by
74 Brother T. C. Hawkins
1 invited visiting members to seats with us
2 called for refference none
3 called for ecknowledgments non
4 called for the pease and fellowship
of the chirch motion and sec to
recive Brother Rays statement for
drinking through the Deacons &
Brother J Moulder and E.W. Scales
motion carried motion and
sec that a committy be sent to
sea Sister Canzady Barker and
sister Eller Pugh a disagreement
came to wit Sister M A Garner
Bagwell and sister Floredy
Scales omited 5 item
6 called for Generl Buisness
motion and sec to Grant Brother
A. D. Holbroks letters of recomindt
from this chirch motion carried
motion and sect that E.W. Scales
prepare the letter motion carried
Bro T.C. Hawkins Mod
W.E. Scales Church Clerk Protem
Gwinnett Co Ga Dec 3 1904
We the Babtice chirch of Christ
at island ford met in conference
after serves by Bro T.C. Hawkins
1 invited visetors to seat with us
2 called for refference called for
the investing committy motion
and sec to hear report and
releas the committey
3 called for ecknowledgments
75 4 Called for the pease and fellowship
of the church. Motion seconded to appoint
a committee to see _____ _____ _____
motion carried committees
Brothers E.W Scales, G.L. Street, and J.K Adare. Omitted 5 item
6 Generl Buisness read and asked
Bro A D Holbrooks letter of recommendation.
F C Hawkins Mod
R A Pugh chirch clerk.
Gwinnett Co Georgia Dec 31 1904
We the Baptice Chirch of Christ at
Island Ford met in confernc after
by Brother G.L. Street
1 Invited visitors to seats with us
2 Called for reference
Called for committee Motion & sec to
hear the report and releas the committee Motion carried
3. Called for acknowledgements
motion and seconded to receive Brother Rays
acknowledgement motion carried
4 Called for the fellowship of
the church motion and second to
per a charge against Sister
Canzady Barker for false hood motion carried motion
second to lay the charg until
next conference Motion carried
5 Opened the dore of the chirch
none came forward. 6 Genrel
Buisness nothing precented
G. L. Street Moderator protem
R. A. Pugh Church Clerk
Page 76 Gwinnett Co. March 4, 1905
We the Baptist church of Christ at
Island Ford met in conference after
service by Brother F. C. Hawkins .
1. First invited visitors to seats with us.
2. Called for refference motion and sec
to lay over the charge against
sister Cansady Barker
motion carried
3. Called for acknowledgements none.
4. Called for the pease of the church
nothing presented
5. Opened the dore of the church
none came forward
6. Generl Buisnes motion and second
to grant sister Luna Samples
a letter of dismission motion carried
motion carried motion and second to grant Brother
J. S. Durahn and wife letters of dismission
motion carried motion and second
to post none granting Brother Adar
and wife letters of dismission motion
carried/ F. C. Hawkins moderator
R. A. Pugh Chirch clerk
Gwinnett Co. Georgia
April 1, 1901
We the Baptist Chirch of Christ at
Island Ford met in conference after
service by Brother F C Hawkins.
1. Invited visiting members to seats with us
Brother Aaron Duran a seat with us
2. Called for reference nun
3. Called for acknowledgement nun
4. Called for the pease and fellowship
of the church motion and sec to
111 Gwinnett Co GA
September the 2.19.11
We the Baptist Church of
Christ at Island Ford met
in conference after service
by Rev J.M. Hudlo
1. Invite visiting members to seats with us
2. Call for refference Nun
3. Call for acknowledgement Received Bro Kinslo Moulders
acknowledgement for being intoxicated
4. Call for the fellowship of
the church On motion prefered charge
Against Bro Joshuawy Brown for being intoxicated
on motion tackion up the charge
on motion withdrew fellowship from him
5. Open the door of the church Nun came forward
6. Genneral Buisiness on motion we decline
moving the meeting house at
present and we release the
committee on motion elected
pastor for ensuing year on motion
Elected by Ballot unanimtly
Elected Rev J.M. Hudlo ensuing year.
Rev J.M. Hudlo Mod
J J Dodd CC
112 Gwinnett Co GA
September the 30.19.11
We the Baptist Church of Christ
at Island Ford met in conference
after service by Rev JM Hudlo
1. Invite visiting members to seats with us
2. Call for reference Nun
3. Call for acknowledgements
On motion received Bro
Thommost Bagby acknowledged
for being intoxicated
4. Call for the fellowship of the
church Nothing presented
5. Open the door of the church None come forward
6. Genaral Buisiness
On motion grant Bro and
Sister Youngblood letters of
dismission on motion elect
clerk for insuing year
Elect Bro
Rufus Pugh
Rev J. M. Hudlo Mod
J. J. Dodd C.C
113 Gwinnett Co Ga November 4, 1911
We the Baptice Chirch of Christ
at Island ford met in conference
after service by rev J.M. Hudlo
1 invited visiting members to seat
with us
2 called for refference nun
3 called for eknowledgments on motion
referde sister Dollars statement
untell next conference
5 opened the door of the chirch
non came forward
6 Generl buisiness taken up a collection
for pasture receive 650 six dollars and fifty cents
Rev J. M. Hudlo Moderator
R. A. Pugh Ch C
Buford Ga December 2 1911
We the Baptice Church of
Christ at Island Ford met in
Confernce after servic By Rev
J M Hudlo
1 invited visiting members to seats
with us
2 called for refference on motion
taken up the refrence on motion
preferd a charge against sister Adline
Dollar for faltshood on motion taken up the charge and on motion
with drawed fellowship from sister
Adline Dollar for faltshood
3 called for eknowledgments nun
4 called for the fellowship of the
chirch nothing prezented
5 opened the door of the chirch and
received by letter Bro T A Jones and
Sister Nora Street
6 Generl Buisness Paid Paster 356 three Dollars…
Rev J. M. Hudlo Mod
R A Pugh C C
114 Gwinnett Co Ga Feb 3 1912
We the Baptist chirch of
Christ at Island Ford met in
confernce after serves By rev
J M Hudlo
Item 1 Invited viseting members to seat
with us
2 called for reffernce nun
3 called for ecnowledgments nun
4 called for the felowship of the
chirch nothing Presented
5 opened the Door of the chirch
nun came forward
6 General buisness on motion
Granted Brother E. W. Sacles
a letter of Dismission
Rev J.M. Hudlo Modrator
R.A. Pugh Ch C
Gwinnett Co Georgia March 2 1912
We the Baptist Church of Christ
of Christ at Island Ford
held serves By Rev J.M. Hudlo
But no confernce on account of
no Buisness to trans act
Gwinett Co April 6 1912
We the Baptist Church of
Christ at Island Ford met in
confrnce after serves By rev
J.M. Hudlo on motion ___
suspended the regler order of
Item 6 General Buisness on motion went in
to the chois of decans elected
Brothers C.E.W. Scales and
J.L. Westbrook motion and sec
to ordain then on our next
115 meeting motion and sec to
invite the Decan and elder
ship of Shole Creek and carried
Shugarhill chirches motion.
Rev. J. N. Hudlo Modrator
R A Pugh C C
Buford Ga May 4 1912
We the Baptist Church of Christ
at Island ford met in confernce
after services By Rev
A D Holbrook
Item 1 Invited visiting members to seats
with us
2 called for reffernce non
3 called for eknowledgments on_
motion recived Brother Thomas ___
Bagbys eknowledgments for geting
4 called for the felowship of the
church noting presented
5 opened the Doore of the church
non came forward
6 General Buisness on motion
Granted sister Effie Roberts
a letter of dismission from this
church on motion postponed the
ordination of the Deacons on account
of their being no Pres Batres
Rev J.M. Hudlo Modrator
C.E.W. Scales church clerk protem
Gwinnett Co Ga
116 Gwinnett County Ga June 1912
We the Baptist Church of Christ at
Island ford met in confernce after
serves By Rev G. H. Thornhill
Item 1 Invited viseting members to seat
with us
2 called for reffernce nun
3 called for ecnowledgments nun
4 called for th felowship of the
church nothing Precented
5 opened the Door of the church
nun came forward
6 General buisness on motion went
into the ordination of three
Deacons as follows B. F. Pugh
C.E.W. Scales and H.K. Westbrook
J.L. Westbrook organized
Presbatrey with the folowing
Breathren J.M. Hudlow
G. H. Thornhill
C.D. Simpson minesters Decons
W.W. White and M.C. Benson
Brother G.H. Thornhill preached
the ordenation sermon after
the sermon the candidates was
examond on the articels of faith
By W.W. White and found
orthadox and Bro J. M. Hudlow
prayed the ordination Prayer
and Brother D. C. Simpson then
give the charge after extending
the right hand of fellowship
to the three Deacons aforsaid
Rev J.M.Hudlow Modrtor
M.C. Benson church clerk Protem
117 Gwinnett Co Ga July 6 1912
We the Baptist Church of Christ
at Island ford met in confernce
after serves By Rev A. D. Howlbrooks
Item 1 Invited visiting members to seats with
with us
2 called for reffernce nun
3 called for ecnowledgments nun
4 called for the felowship of
the chyrch nothing presented
5 opened the door of the church
none came forward
6 Generl Business on motion
Granted Brother J W. Moltby
licens to preach on motion
went in to the election of delogates
to the union meeting & appointed
delogats as folows M.C. Benson
R.A. Pugh C.E.W. Scales
B. J. Pugh and H. D. Howlbrook
elected Delagats to the assiaciation
Elected Brothers M.C. Benson
C.E.W. Scales and B. F. Pugh
Rev J.M. Hudlo Modrator
R.A. Pugh Church Cl
Gwinnett Co Ga August 3 1912
We the Baptist Church of Christ
at Island ford met inconverence
after serves By Rev
G. H. Thornhill
1. Invited viseting members to seat with us
2 called for reffernce nun
3 called for acknowledgments
on motion received sister Noby Martin
acknowlegments through Brother
118 M.C. Benson for fornication
4 called for the felowship of the church
nothing presented
5 opened the Door of the church nun
come forward
6 General buisness on motion
red and adopted the letter to the
rev G. H. Thornhill
modrator Protem
R. A. Pugh church clerk
Gwinnett Co Georgia August 31 1912
We the Baptist Church of Christ
at Island ford meetin confernce
after serves By rev M.K. Hudlow
Item 1 Invited viseting members to seat
2 called for reffernce nun
3 called for ecknowledgments nun
4 called for the feloship of the
church nothing presented
5 opened the Door of the church
nun came forwqard
6 General Buisness went in to
the chois of a Paster for the
insuing year motion and sec
to elect by acclymation motion
carried elected Brother
J.M. Hudlow on motion granted
Brothe N.A. Brown and his
wife Georgia letters of dismission
Rev M.K. Hudlow Mod Protem
R.A. Pugh ChC
119 Gwinnett County Ga Oct 5 1912
We the Baptist Church of Christ
at Island ford me in confernce after
serves By rev J. M. Hudlow
Items 1 Invited viseting members to seats with us
2 called for reffernce nun
3 called for acknowledgments nun
4 called for the felowship of the
church nothing presented
5 opened the Door of the church nun
came forward
6 General Buisness nothing presented
Rev J.M. Hudlow Modrater
R.A. Pugh Clerk
Gwinnett County Ga November 2 1912
We the Baptist Church of at
Island Ford met in confernce
after serves By Rev J M. Hudlow
1 invited viseting members to seats
2 called for reffernce nun
3 called for ecnowledgments nun
4 called for the felowship of
the church nothing presented
5 opened the Door of the church
nun came forward
6 Genarl Buisness on motion
Granted Brother J.W. Maltbie
a lette of dismission
accepted Brother J.M. Hudlows
ressignation as Paster
on motion appointed a committee
to look up a preacher committy
C.E.W. Scales R.A. Pugh and
J F Westbrook
rev J.M. Hudlow Mod
R A Pugh ChC
120 Gwinnett County Ga Nov 30 1912
We the Baptist Church of Christ
at Island Ford met in confernce
after serves By rev G H Thornhill
on motion suspended the regler ord
of Buisness and taken up General
Business on motion heard report
and released the committy
on motion elected paster by
aclination elected Brother
G.H. Thornhill Paster for the
insuing year Rev G H Thornhill Mod
R.A. Pugh ChC
Gwinnett County Ga Jan 4 1913
We the Baptist Church of Christ
at Island ford met and
held serves By rev G H Thornhill
But no confernce as there was
no Buisnes rev G Thornhill
R A Pugh ChC
Gwinnett County Ga Feb 1 1913
We the Baptist Church of Christ
at Island ford met and held serves
But no confernce as there was no buisness
rev G. H. Thornhill Mod
R A Pugh ChC
Gwinnett Co Ga March 1 1913
We the Baptist Church of Christ
at Island ford met in confernce
But no serves as the Paster
was absent
Item 1 Invited members to seat with us
2 Called to reffernce nun
3 called for ecnowledgments
on motion recived Thomas Bagby
ecnowledgments for disorderly walk
121 4 called for the felowship of the
church nothing presented
5 opened the door of the church nun came
6 Genoral Buisness on motion
Granted Sister Ider Brown Carlill
a letter dismission
T. A. Jones modrator Protem
R A Pugh ChC
Gwinnett County Ga April 5 1913
Island Ford Baptist Church
met and held serves but no confernce
as there was no business to attend
two Rev G. H. Thornhill Mod
R A Pugh ChC
Gwinnett County Ga May 3 1913
We the Baptist church of Christ
at Island ford met and held
serves But no confernce as there
was no Buisness to attend two
Rev G. H. Thornhill Paster
R. A. Pugh ChC
Gwinnett Co Ga May 31 1913
We the church of Christ
at Island ford met and
held serves But no confernce
as there was no Buisness to
attend two
Rev G. H. Thornhill Mod
R. A. Pugh ChC
122 Gwinnett Co Ga July 5 1913
We the Bapist Church of Christ
at Island ford met in confernce
after serves By Rev G H Thornhill
Item 1 Invited viseting members to seats
with us
2 called for reffernce nun
3 called for ecnowledgments nun
4 called for the fellowship of
the church nothing presented
5 opened the Door of the church
nun came forward
6 Geleral Buisness on motion
Granted Brothers H D and
Carlton Holbrook Letters of
Dismission on motion went in to
the chois of Deloates to the
union meeting elected Brothers
M.C. Benson J.H. Westbrooks
C.E.W. Scales B.F. Pugh and
Thomas Pugh
Elected Delogates to thee
assosiation elected C.E.W. Scales
B.F. Pugh and M C Benson alternett
Rev G. H. Thornhill Modrator
R A Pugh ChC
Gwinnett County Ga August 2 1913
We the Baptist church of Christ
at Island ford met in confernce
after serves by rev G H Thornhill
Item 1 Invited viseting members to seat
with us
2 called for reffernce nun
3 called for ecnowledgments on
123 motion received Brother Cleo
Browns statement for beeing dis-
4 called for the felowship of the
church nothing presented
5 opened the door of the church
nun came forward
6 General Buisness on motion granted
Brother Cleo Brown a letter of dis-
mission red and adopted letter
to the association
rev G.H. Thornhill Modrator
R.A. Pugh clerk
Gwinnett County Ga Sept 6 1913
We the Baptist church of Christ at
Island ford met in conference
after serves By Rev D. C. Simpson
Item 1 Invited viseting members to seat
with us
2 called for reffrnce nun
3 called for ecnowledgments nun
4 called for the Pease and felowship of the
church nothing presented
5 opened the Door of the church nun came forward
6 Genarl buisness on motion Granted sister
Oley Adar and sister Ollie Brown
letters of Dismission went in to the
chois of a paster for the insuing year
elected Brother Thornhill Paster
Rev G. H. Thornhill Mod
R A Pugh ChC
124 Gwinnett County Ga Oct 4 1913
We the Baptist Church of Christ at
Island Ford met and held serves but no confernce
as there was no buisness to attend
two Rev G H Thornhill Mod
R A Pugh Clerk
Gwinnett County Ga November 1 1913
We the Baptist Church of Christ
at Island Ford met and held serves
But no confernce as there was no Buisness
Rev H G Thornhill Modrator
R A Pugh Clerk
Gwinnett County Ga Dec 4 1913
We the Baptist church of Christ at
Island ford met in confernce after
serves by rev G H Thornhill and motion
suspended the reglar order of buisnes
and taken up General Buisness on motion
Granted sister Noby Bagwill Martin
a letter of dismission on motion
Granted sister Miney Shumake Philips
a letter dismission
Rev G H Thornhill modr
R. A. Pugh clerk
Gwinnett County Ga February 28 1914
We the Baptist church of Christ at
Island ford met in confernce after
serves by Reb G H Thornhill
Items 1 Invited viseting members to seat with us
2 called for reffernce nun
3 called for ecnowledgments on motion
received Brother W.A. Holbrookes
ecnowledgmentes for beeing disorderly
4 called for the felowship of the church
nothing presented
5 opened the door of the church nun came forward
6 Genarel buisness nun
Rev G H Thornhill Mod
R A Pugh Clerk
125 Gwinnett county Ga April 4th 1914
We the Baptist Church of Christ at
Island ford met in confernce after serve
By Rev G. H. Thornhill
Item 1 Invited viseting members to seat with us
2 called for reffernce nun
3 called for ecnowledgments on
motion received Brother Thomas
Bagbys ecnowledments for beeing
4 called for the felowship of the
church nothing presented
5 opened the Door of the church nun
came forward
6 General Buisness nun
Rev G H Thornhill Mod R A Pugh ChC
Gwinnett County Ga May 2 1914
We the Baptist church of Christ at
Island ford met and held serves
But no confernce as there was no
Buisness to attend two
rev H.H. Thornhill Modrator
R.A. Pugh Clerk
Gwinnett County Ga June 6 1914
We the Baptist church of Christ at
Island ford met in confernce after serves
By rev G H Thornhill
Item 1 Invited viseting members to seat with us
2 called for reffernce nun
3 called for ecnowledgments nun
4 called for the felowship of the church
on motion preferd a charge against Broth
er J A Pugh and sister Carey Worley
for addultry and fornication on motion
took up the charge on motion withdrue
felowship from them
Item 5 opened the door of the church nun
came forward
6 General buisness
Gwinnett Ga July 4 1914
Island ford Baptist We the Baptist church
of Christ at Island ford met in confernce after
serves By Rev G.H. Thornhill
Items 1 invited viseting members to seat with us
2 called for reffernce nun
3 called for ecnowledgmentes non
4 called for the felowship of the church nothing presented
omited the 5 item
6 Genarl Buisness appointed Delogates to the
union meeting appointed the folowing Breathern
M.C.Benson B. F. Pugh J R Westbrook
Thomas Pugh and T A Jones elected Delogtes
to the association motion and sec to elect by
acklemation motion carried elected the folow
ing Breathren J.L. Westbrook and ____
C.E.W. Scales as Delogates and M.C. Benson
alternet red and adoped letter to the union
meeting Rev T H Thornhill mod
R A Pugh clerk
Gwinnett County Ga August 1st 1914
We the Baptist church of Christ at
Island ford met in confernce after serv
es By Rev. D. C. Simpson on motion
suspended the reglar order of Buisness
and took up the 6 item Genarl Buisness
red and adoped the a letter to the
Rev G. H. Thornhill modrator
R A Pugh clerk
127 Gwinnett County Ga Sept 6 1914
We the Baptist church of Christ
at Island ford met in conference after
serves By Rev D. C. Simpson
Items 1 Invited viseting members to seat with us
2 called for reffernce none
3 called for ecnowledgmentes nun
4 called for the pease and felowship
of the church nothing presented
5 opened the Door of the church none came forward
6 Genarl Buisness when into the election
of Paster for the insuing year motion
and sec to elect by aclomation motion
carried when Brother A D Holbrook
was unanousley elected approved
a commity to notify him of his call
comity, M.C.Benson and C.E.W. Scales
on motion recived R. O Pughs
resignation as clerk elected Brother
J. J. Dodd as clerk
Rev. G. H. Thornhill modrator
R A Pugh clerk
128 Gwinnett Co Ga Oct the 3 1914
We the Baptist church of
Christ at Island ford owing
To the wether did not have
Aney meeting
Gwinnett Co Ga Oct the 31 1914
We the Baptist at Island ford
Had service By regular pastor
A.D. Holbrook But did not go
In to conference as there was
No Buisiness to attend to
J. J. Dodd C Cleark
Gwinnett Co Ga december the 5 1914
We the Bapitist church of Christ
At Island ford owing to the
wether did not have aney
J. J. Dod Church Cleark
Gwinnett Co Ga January
the 2 1915
We the Baptist Church of Christ
At Island ford had service
By pastor A. D. Holbrook
J. J . Dodd church cleark
129 Gwinnett Co Ga Feb the 6 1915
Wee the Baptist church of Christ
At Island ford had service
By pastor A. D. Holbrook
as there was no Buisiness
to attend to did not go in to
J. J. Dodd church C
Gwinnett Co Ga March the 6 1915
Wee the Baptist church of Christ at
Island ford had service By regular
Pastor A. D. Holbrook But as
There was no Buisiness to tend
To we did not go in conference
J. J. Dodd church cleark
Gwinnett Co Ga April the 3 1915
We the Baptist church of Christ
at Island ford had service By
Regular Pastor A. D. Holbrook
But as there was no Buisiness
To tend to we did not go
In to conference
J. J. Dodd church cleark
130 Gwinnett Co Ga May the 1 1915
Wee the Baptist Curch of Christ
At Island ford had service By
Rev G.H. Thornhill followed
By regular pastor
A.D. Holbrook But as there
was no Buisiness to tend to
Didd not go in to conference
J. J. Dodd church C
Gwinnett Co Ga June the 5 1915
We the Baptist church of Christ
At Island ford met in conference
After service By regular pastor
A. D. Holbrook
1 Invite visiting members to seat with us
2 call for refference nun
3 call for acknowledgement
4 call for the fellowship of the church
on motion received Brother
J. J Brown acknowledgement
for intoxication and profane
5 Open the doar of the church
nun come forward
6 General Buisiness
on motion grant Brother
J.J. Brown A letter of
A. D. Holbrook Mod
R.A. Pugh church clerk Pro
131 Gwinnett Co Ga July the 4 1915
We the Baptist Church of
Christ at Island ford after
service By pastor
A.D. Holbrook called in conference
omited all But General Buisiness
Approinted Delligats to the
union meting names to wit
C E W Sacles
B J Pugh Thoms Pugh
T. A. Jones R A Pugh
Appointed delligates to the
Assosiation names to wit
M C Benson
W.A. Holbrook
Frank Westbrook alternate
A. D. Holbrook Mod
J. __. Dodd church
Gwinnett Co Ga July the 31 1915
Wee the Baptist church of Christ
At Island ford met in conference
After service By rev
A D Holbrook followed By
D C Simson omit takenon ____
6 General Buisiness red and adopted the
Letter to the assosiation
A. D. Holbrook Mod
J. J. Dodd CC
132 Gwinnett Co Ga September the 4 1915
We the Baptist church of Christ at
Island for met in conference after
service By Rev
A. D. Holbrook regular pastor
Motion and second to suspend
regular order of Buisiness
Take on up Genneral Buisiness
6 Genneral Buisiness
Motion and second to elect
pastor By aclimation
Elect Brother A. D. Holbrook
As pastor for the insuing year
unanimosly elected
Motion and second to elect
Brother W. A. Holbrook as
Clerk for the insuing year
Unamiuosly elected
Motion and second to grant
sister Nervie Duran
Letter of dismission letter granted
J. J . Dodd church cleark
A. D. Holbrook Moderrator
138 Buford Ga Oct 2 1915
Island Ford Baptist church
met in confernce after serves
By Rev A D Holbrook
on motion suspended the reglar order
and took up Genarl Buisness
on motion Granted Brother
Harvey Miller a letter of dismission
in lue of the one that was granted
in 1909 and was lost by him
Rev A D Holbrook Modr
R A Pugh Clerk Protem
Buford Ga September 2 1916
We the Baptist church of Christ at Island ford
met in confernce after serve by Rev
A D Holbrook on motion suspended
the reglar order of buisness and took
up General Buisness went into the chois
of paster for the insuing year motion
and second to elect by aclamasion motion
carried Brother A. D. Holbrook was unamosly elected
Buford Ga - - September 30 1916
We the Baptist Church of Christ
at Island ford met in conference
After serves by Rev A D Holbrook
on motion suspended the reglar order
ofBuisness and took up Generl
Buisness on motion granted Brother
R. L. Duran and his wife
Sister Nora Duran letters
of dismission
Rev A D Holbrook modrator
R.A. Pugh church clerk Protem
Island ford Baptist Church of Christ 8 January
Bought for the use of the
Church and Returned
to M C Fowler
May the 8 1880 Forsyth Co Ga
care of the church
Calvery Baptist Church
Hall Co Ga
This is to sertefy that Bro
D.M Miller and wife is members
with us in good and Reuglar
standing and at their request
are Dismissed from us to join
any other church of the
same faith and order
this dun in regular
conference this Dec the 17th 1898
Bro Miller is an acting Deacon with us
A.F. Brommlaw Mod
W.M. Everett CC
We the Baptist Church of Christ at Haw Creek do hereby sertify that Bro H. W. Strickland is a
member in full fellowship with us and is hereby dismissed from us when joined to any other
church of the same faith and order. This letter holds good for six months. Done in conference
and signed by order of the same.
This August 17, 1907
Bro V. V. Brady, Mod Protem
F. V. Green, Church Clerk
Hopewell Baptist Church Hall County Georgia
This is to certify that Bro John E. Bagwell and his wife Anner Bagwell are members of this
church in full fellowship and hereby are dismissed from us when joined to another church of the
same faith and order. Done in conference this the 21st December 1889.
H. M. Chandler, Mod Protem
W. A. Lancaster, C Clerk
Acknowledgements to the Church of Christ at Island Ford if there anything that I have said or
done against the rules of the church, I want you to forgive me and I wish to be restored to the
church and ask the prayers of the church that I may hould out faithfully even until the end.
As ever yours,
Mrs. Nellie Pugh
To the church Island ford
I wish to make
to the church
for any wrong
words or actions
that I have said
or done in the
past and I
want to be
restored in the
ch_ and I ask
the prayers of the
church to
hold me up.
Fraternally yours,
Ilse Pugh
The Church Book
There ha been Forty one Conference
Sence May the 13 1876 to 1880
June __ 1880
A memmorandom for Minister
John Calaway 25
M. L. Fields 10
W. L. Fields 10
A. S. Street 10
M. Fields 10
W. W. Hammonds 10
S. M. Bagby 10
Licence Ministers
Holbrook J. L. Birmingham
Henderson WE Cumming
Henderoson JH Cumming
Howard J.A
Holcomb J B Ball Ground
Conn J M. Matt
Miller J M.
Martin A W
Dunigan R A
Georgia Hall County May 15th 1897
Shoal Creek Baptist Church
of Christ. This is to certify that
sister Lina Pugh is a member
with us in full fellowship and
at her own request is herby
dismissed from us when joined
to an other Church of the
same faith and order.
Done in conference and
signed by order of the same.
Rev. J. S. Pirkle Mod.
T. J. Tumlin Clerk Protem
We the Baptist church of Christ
At Island ford do sertify that
Bro is a member in
full fellowship with us and By
His request are dismissed from us
when joined to aney other church of
same faith and order this done in
conference and signed By order of
the saim this 19
Rev Moderrator
James ___ Dodd Church Cleark
Page 59 Saturday August 18 83 [1883]
The Baptist Church of Christ at Island ford
met after sermon by the moderator to wit
L Williams went in conference.
1 invited visiting members to seats
2 called for reference cases taken up A Reff
erence case against Brother A. B. Duran for
intoxication and using profane languages after
investigating the case upon with drew fellow
ship from him Taken up against Brother
M. C. Fowler for intoxication and faulsying
his promis and upon motion laid
the case over till next conference
Taken up a Refference against Brother Dover
upon motion laid the case over till next
Conference for going to parties Taken up a
Reference case against Brother Isaac White
For having a party at his house and nun appended
Upon motion agreed to retain his fellowship
3 Called for fellowship
4 Open the way for the reception of members
and received none
5th Called for general buisness closed in order
L Williams Moderator
M. V. Bailey, CC Protem
Saturday September the 15 1888
The Baptistat Island ford after
Sirvices by Brother G. H. Hawkins &
L Williams went in conference
1 invited visit
2 call for Refference taken up the case
against Brother M. C. Fowler for intoxi
cation & faulsfying his words on motion
agreed to beir with him
taken up a Reffrence against L B Dover
for goine to parties on motion agreed to bare with him
3 Called for fellowship & upon motion
conferd a charge against Brother Ike White
for testifying a fauls, appointed a committee
4 Opened the way for Reception of members &
Received by Experience Mrs. Maryann
Pugh & Miss Milley Brown,
all So Reinstated Sister S A Bailey to our fellowship
5 General granted letter of dismission
to Sister S A Bailey all so granted
letters of dismission to M C
Fowler & wife Sister Susaznr Fowler
all so Granted Letter to Brother
A S Street & wife Sister
Elminy Street
all so granted a letter —--
Harriet Fowler
up on Motion agreed to go
into the Choices of a
preacher, resulted in
the choice of
F M Hawkins & L Williams
L Williams Mod
B M Bayley Clerk
Page 63 Saturday April 19 1884
The Baptist Church of Christ at
Island Ford met in conference after
services by Brother L. Williams
1 Invite visiting members to seats
2 Called for Refference taken up the case
against Brother Isaas White excluded him
from our fellowship taken up the case
against Brother A. L. Winbush restored his fellowship
preferred a charge against Brother B. J.
Pugh for drinking too much and withdrew
fellowship from him.
4 Open the door reception of member
received non
5 General business
Granted Brother A. L. Winbush a letter
T Williams, Mod
B. M. Bagby CC
Letter from the Georgia Archives
Island Ford Baptist Church
Gwinnett County, Georgia
1876-1915 Church Minutes
In Possession of: Island Ford Baptist Church
Route 3
Buford, Georgia
Brought in by Mr. Randall Pugh
740 Walton Road
Monroe, Georgia 30655
Reduction: 11.5
Exposure: 40
Date microfilmed: 9/29/76 [1976]
The Church Book
There ha been Forty one Conference
Sence May the 13 1876 to 1880
June __ 1880
A memmorandom for Minister
John Calaway 25
M. L. Fields 10
W. L. Fields 10
A. S. Street 10
M. Fields 10
John Calaway 26
N L Fields 10
W L Fields 10
A S Street 10
F Fields 10
W W Hammonds 10
S H Bagby 10
Georgia Hall County May 15th 1897
Shoal Creek Baptist Church
of Christ. This is to certify that
sister Lina Pugh is a member
with us in full fellowship and
at her own request is herby
dismissed from us when joined
to an other Church of the
same faith and order.
Done in conference and
signed by order of the same.
Rev. J. S. Pirkle Mod.
T. J. Tumlin Clerk Protem
Acknowledgements to the church of Christ at Island ford if there is anything that I have said or
done against the rules of the church I want you to forgive me and I wish to be restored to the
church and I ask the prayers of the church that I may hould out faithfull even until the end.
As Ever Yours
Mrs. Nellie Pugh
To the church Island ford
I wish to make
to the church
for any wrong
words or actions
that I have said
or done in the
past and I
want to be
restored in the
ch_ and I ask
the prayers of the
church to
hold me up.
Fraternally yours,
Ilse Pugh
Licence Ministers
Holbrook J. L. Birmingham
Henderson WE Cumming
Henderoson JH Cumming
Howard J.A
Holcomb J B Ball Ground
Conn J M. Matt
Miller J M.
Martin A W
Dunigan R A
We the Baptist Church of
Christ at Haw Creek
Do hereby sertify that Bro
H W Strickland is a
member in full
fellowship with us
and is hereby dismissed
from us when joined
to any other church of
the saim faith and
order this letter hold
good for six months
Done in conference and
signed by order of
the saim.
This Aug. 17 1907
Bro V.V. Brady Mod Protend
F. V. Green Church Clerk
Hopewell Baptist Church Hall Co Ga
This is to certify that Bro John E Bagwell
and his wife Anner Bagwell are members
of this church in full fellowship and
are hereby dismissed from us when joined
to another church of the same faith and
order. Don in conference this the 21st
December 1889
H.M. Chandler Mod Protem
W.A. Lancaster C Clk
Beaver ruin Baptist Church
To any other Church of the same
faith and order – Dear Brethren
This is to certify
that Mathew C. Fowler is a Member
in full fellowship with us
and is hereby dismissed, by
his own request, from us
when joined to another church
of our order.
Done in Conference
and signed by order of the church
S.L. Hays Mod
J.S. Williams Clerk
Georgia Forsyth County
March 28th, 1880
Hall County The Church of Christ
at Friendship _____ do hereby
certify that R. A. White is a member
in full fellowship with us and as
such is hereby dismist from us and
recommended to any other church
Don by order of the Church in
Conference. January 18, 1866
__ J. Maddox, Mod
Elyas Puckett Clk
Georgia Hall County The Church of Christ
at Friendship _____ do hereby
certify that Joseph R. White is a member
in full fellowship with us and as
such is hereby dismist from us and
recommended to any other church
Don by order of the Church in
Conference. January 18, 1866
__ J. Maddox, Moderator
Elyas Puckett Clk
Hall County
The Baptist Church of Christ at Haw
Creek do hereby certify that
our beloved Sister Katharin
Parker is a member in full
fellowship with us and is
hereby dismissed from us when
joined to any other church of
the same faith and order
Done in conference 16th October
Samuel Hood Ch Cl
Georgia Hall County
We the baptist church of Christ at Shoals Creek do hereby certify that our beloved Sister
Abby a black woman the property of E. Bagley is a member in full fellowship with us and
is hereby dismist from us when joind to anny other Church of the same faith and order.
Done in conference this 13th November 1835 and signed by order of the Church.
Samual B. Crow C Clk
Franklin County
The Baptist Church of Christ at Double Branches do certify that Elizabeth
Johnson is a member in full
fellowship with us and is hereby
Dismist from us and Recommended
to any Church of the Same faith and order
Done in Conference
Feby 13 1841 and signed by
order of the same Same.
Thomas H Murdock CC
Hall County
The Baptist Church of Christ of Shoal Creek do certify that Sister Nancy Garmon
is a member in full
fellowship with us and is hereby
Dismist from us and Recommended
to any Church of the Same faith and order
Done in Conference
January 19th 1833 and signed by
order of the church.
_____ Compton C. Clk
Hall County
We the Baptist Church of
Christ at Shoal Creek member
of the Chattahoochy assiciation Do Cirtify
that our beloved Sister Fanny Guest is a
Member in full fellowship with us and
heare by Dismissed from us when joined to
anny other church of the saim faith and
order Don in conference 16th March 1833 and signed by order of the church
Samuel B Crow C.Clk
Island Ford Baptist Church Historic Documents 1833 – 1916
Transcribed by the Suwanee Creek Chapter, NSDAR
and members of the Island Ford Baptist Church
August 2023
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