“Be not deceived – Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap.” Gal. 6:7

612 609 608 Be not deceived - Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap. Gal. VI. There is an established rule in the Government of God by which all actions of men will be strictly investigated and an estimate placed upon their relative character. That rule comprehends the preservation of a perfect proportion be- tween the action [and] its ultimate reward. And yet this rule at the same time carefully guards against any interfe- rence with another well established principle, that man is utterly destitute of merit and that his best actions are unworthy of any reward. The sovereignty of God, in this as in all other of his dealings is manifested by His brining into view to principles which to mere human reasons appears irreconcilable -- towrit! AT one time telling us we shall be rewarded accord- ing to our deeds at another telling us that we can never merit anything by our best performances -- but that after all we can do, we are to be regarded as unprofitable servants. The only plan upon which we should always fall when we undertake to fathom the deep [desires?] of Gods Wisdom is that of unconditional Faith. And whenever therefore in the revealed will of God we meet with seeming contradictions, which perplex by their mystery [and] apparent opposition and which seems to say to the proud wages of human Pride [and] Reason when they have reached their utmost limit -- Thus far shalt thou go but no farther -- it is the highest wisdom as well as the truest hap- piness of [?] to say even so Father for so it seemeth good in thy sight. These is but one way whereby we can obtain relief from perplexing doubt [and[ scepticism and that is by believing humbly the testimony of God in his own word, whether it come fully written the grasp of our intellect or not. He who waits until he fully understands before he believes dies an infidel! But when we atoned closely to learning of this text, we shall discover that it is not at variance with the declaration of God - in reference to the merit of [?] actions. When God says that we are destitute of merit and that we cannot win salvation by our actions, he would teach us a lesson of humility - he would exhibit himself as the highly exalted sovereign of the Universe far above all principalities and Powers, incapable of receiving any addition to the amount of His Glory or the sum or substance of his happiness by anything we can do. He would show us that his truth [and] justice [and] Holiness render it impossible for sinners so deeply, stained with guilt so utterly impotent in spiritual things and so corrupt in heart to deserve anything like a reward of good conduct. But when he tells us that whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap -- if ye sow to the flesh ye shall [?] the flesh reap corruption if ye sow the spirit ye shall of the spirit reap life everlasting -- he means to present himself as a kind and merciful Father and sovereign willing to encourage us in the ways of Holiness al- though we do not deserve favour holding out motives to operate upon us on the one hand to deter us from sowing to the flesh and on the other to attract us to the great business of sowing to the spirit that we may reap life everlasting. Thus giving us another illus- tration of the Grace of the Atonement of [Christ] in rendering it possible for God to be merciful, to sinners. But not only [?] -- another great object which is here answered in this declaration of God is to leave man utterly without excuse. There are not wanting multitudes who are ready to say to God with the same spirit which actuated the unprofitable servant who hid his Lords [?] -- Lord I know thee to be an aus- tere man gathering where thou hast not strawed [and] reap- ing where thou hast not [?] [and] therefore I find it to be useless for me to attempt to win thy favour. Many are there who for a pretext to justify their continuance in sin, accuse God of in consistency in demanding of us the discharge of duties which we are confessedly incapable of performing [and] therefore conclude that they have nothing to do but to sit still and wait Gods time. But what shall we say of such since God has not only promised to aid us but to furnish the ability to do our duty [and] in addition to all this has held out to us the highest possible [induc?] (to prevail on us to enlist in his service -- Though he might [?]. Thus is man doubly without excuse. Sacred scripture teaches us much by figures, drawn from objects around us familiar to our apprehension. His illustrations are drawn frequently from the field of the lush [aud?]. Gal XI:7 We behold [?] differently employed in putting his seed into the Earth at the proper season it may chance to be wheat. As the [lu?] would be surprised in the harvest time should his planted crop yield him a return in a kind altogether differing from that which he had committed to the soil, -- such an oc- curance would be altogether unlooked for and unexpected, -- contrary to the laws of nature established by God -- so is it equally true in the laws of Gods spiritual Kingdom that whatsoever a man sows that shall he also reap. As well might a man calculate on re- receiving a crop of wheat from having sown the seed of thorns, -- as well might he look for a gathering of rich clusters of grapes from thistles -- as that any man should ever hope to reap of the Spirit Life everlasting who had there all this Life - the seed time for Eternity -- been diligently engaged in sowing to the flesh. Be not deceived Then, my dearest! It cannot be otherwise than that a perfect analogy [?] throughout all the various departments of Gods Government -- the same law holds good through all -- that the havest in kind shall be the natural product of the seed which has been sown and that the condition of our immortality here after either for happiness or woe, shall assuredly and inseparably re- sult from the principles implanted in the soil of the heart [and] the practices corresponding in the Life. In this universal law of Proportion existing between the course here [and] the state hereafter, all are included - the saint [and] the sinner. And it may be a profitable operation for the [Christ] mind that he should now begin to reflect upon this truth. He may have been satisfied to know that he had such evidences or were abundantly satisfactory that he has passed from death unto life -- that his peace is made with God -- he may be content to know that Heaven with be his home through Eternity [and] he may have committed the idea that his place in Heaven maybe a low one. I would have [Christ]ian to awak to the contemplation of the high rank which may await the diligent and faithful -- the exalted and shining seats in the Glory of Heaven which are occupied by the triumphant soldiers of the Cross. The starry crown held up on high by The Master himself and which he has promised to those who hold our faithful unto death-- and think too of the contrast -- think of those who have just love enough to God to keep them from serving The Devil openly and constantly but not love enough to render them very zealous [and] active and diligent in Gods serve -- think of those who have just piety enough to cause them to lead lives of external consistency but not enough to prevail upon them to better themselves very much in earnest for the promotion of the Glory of God -- think of those whose hearts have been enlarged by the grace of God to may further own spiritual good [and] that of their own immediate circle yet who have not enough of that wide sweeping all encircling charity which would grasp in a world of sinners, -- save souls from death and hide a multitude of sins. And when my [Christ]ian hearer me dictates upon the corresponding re- sults in Eternity [and] beholds, or he may through Sacred scripture. The diligent reaping a rich harvest of happiness [and] Glory [and] the negligent [and] cold hearted Christian occupying the lowest seat among the blood washed [?] of the Redeemed in Heaven -- let him see the confirmation of the text that whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap if he sow sparingly ye shall reap sparingly if ye sow beautifully ye shall reap bountifully if ye sow to the flesh ye shall of the flesh reap corruption -- if ye sow to the spirit ye shall of the spirit reap life everlasting. And when the truth shall come home to his heart let him [?] himself right [and] main -- [?] our to him the prize [and] after glory run [and] so [?] as to obtain the prize of life Eternal. Need I prove the position here assumed. Call then to mind if you please the parable of the three servants and the talents extended to them for improvement. So one [?] to another [?] to a third = one. Remember too the improvement. He that had [?] gained other [?] - he that [?] 2 = other 2. Observe the interview between the Lord [and] his servants to the first [?] days well some good [and] faithful servant thou hast been faithful over a few things I will make thee ruler over many things -- so of the servant who [?] 2 they were rewarded exactly according to their deeds. Equally forcible is the illustration in the case of the servant who had [?] one talent -- he had hid it. And while the 2 diligent servants were viably rewarded so also the [?] servant was driven from the presence of the Lord [and] cast into outer darkness. So true is it that our reward will just be in proportion to our faithfulness [and] diligence. Besides we read of of the righteous being scarcely saved. And some are laid to be saved yet so as by fire - with great difficulty are they saved if saved at all. We may apply these passages of [?] to the illustration of the same great truth. Perchance some of those who are scarcely saved and as it were by fire -- may have been mingling with the fundamental and essential principles of the religion of Christ, much of the wood hay [and] stubble of human works as a foundation for their hopes of eternal sal- vation. And so when brought to the great ordeal of [?]. They shall be saved themselves, it is true, but their works shall be turned with fire and they themselves be snatched as it were from the destruction which was near at hand, -- rescued -- barely rescued from everlasting death. And when these shall have planted their feet se- curely and firmly upon the [?] of everlasting deliverance, think you my heaven that their shall be a very exalted seat in Glory? No -- though theirs is a happiness perfect in its kind set in degree how far short does it fall of the glory of others who [?] with immortable enjoyment through the chimes of the blest! These cannot be a season- able doubt however that, among those who are scarcely saved, we amy without any hazard of false interpretation, remember the negligent - the care- less the lukewarm - the wordly - minded [Christian] Ah yes! Through the abounding mercy of God in Jesus Christ, that [Christian] may travel through this world nor discharge faithfully all his duties - nor love God as he should - not cut loose as he should from the world [and] then as the last he may close his probation and [?] he may arrive in Heaven -- but if he does, I am constrained to think he will not have the chief seat of the marriage - supper of the Lamb. But the proof our position is near at hand and need not be sought for beyond The grave. Here in this world we see that whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap? And my [Christian] heaven, let me pay to you, that every man may enjoy a portion of the harvest in this world. Let us go back a few years it may be in the history of [Christian] life. Let us turn to that period to which no [Christian] heart can even look without emotion the hour he first believed! There is in that moment a simple unmingled species of enjoyment so utterly aloof from all earthly happiness -- so pure, so sacred, so unalloyed, so tender so melting into be a foretaste of Heaven itself. It is a green spot in the waste desert of the past and from its con- templation we are loth to turn to the realities of [?] wilderness. We love to [?] around the hallowed precincts of that holy spot, which memory [?] when we yielded up the heart writ all its affections to God [and] vowed to be His for- ever [and] the worlds no more! We remember too the feeling which pervaded the heart -- now I am thine forever, thine nor shall my purpose move -- our mountain was strong [and] we said I shall never be moved! Years have fled and we can- not forget the blessedness we knew when first we saw the Lord. But as these years passed on we mingled with an ungodly world - we went down from the mount of holy enjoy- ment to mingle in the cares of the world - to engage in its arduous duties [and] to be tossed on its world of trouble and alas! Some of us have been entangled in its net of temptation. Our souls wings which were newly fledged for a heavenly flight have been soiled and born down and now we are grovelling on the earth and trailing in the dust. And now why it is thus? Why the story is soon told. When cares came, we cast them not all on God who careth for us -- when duties were to be discharged we thought not of doing them to Gods glory -- when troubles came we did not cry unto God in the day of trouble with the trustful spirit of a child, that He might fulfill his promise to deliver us when temptation came we were not found watching lest we should fall! And so while men slept the enemy sewed [?] in the soil and these grew while the seed of divine grace was kept down in the heart. Thus is it with many [Christians] -- sowing continually the seeds of unbelief - self confidence, lukewarmness and neg- lect of duty and now what is the result? Why they are reaping the harvest of darkness and doubt and fear -- hope seems almost to have deserted them -- they live on in a negative kind of way hardly knowing how they live -- whether or not they can claim the character of [Christians] fitting harvest for such a sowing -- their evidence are few and unsatisfactory, and they grope their way in darkness and uncertainty -- when they go to the throne of Gods grace the blessed spirit is not there to aid in their devotions to make intercession for them with groaning unutterable -- could often they leave the throne in silent wonder that they no more feel as once they felt an outgoing of the soul to God and the fulness of the blessing flowing into the heart. When they fall under afflictions there is deep darkness in their habitation -- no comforter there to alloy the knewness of the wound by the oil [and] wine of joy and consolation from the rich fountain of the Gospel -- the witness of the spirit testifying with them that they are childrens [?ove] and timid hopes and dark doubts alternately sway their borrows. Such is the harvest which is reaped by the negligent [Christian] in the course of his present life. But suppose my heaven you accompany this [Christian] to his dying hour. You shall there see another harvest. It is not to be presumed that men giveaway certain evi- dence of [Christian]. [Christ] as a general rule of the hour of death. Many die in rapture who may be deceived and awake in torment and many die in darkness or at least without any brilliant manifestation of rapture who awake amid the full glories of the heavenly world. But the precious declaration of the Psalmist furnishes additional confirmation of our position mark the perfect man in peace! -- A matter not the about rapture -- peace is the harvest which the faithful sower of seed in his heart shall reap at the hour of death. But in the case of Christians who die in uncertainty, it must be true that they were unfaithful in some way -- God will not leave them -- He will not leave them to tread that dark and dreary valley [and] shadow of Death alone unless they have been negligent and failed to sow to the spirit that they might then enjoy the rich harvest of peace [and] joy in God in the dark hour of Death. Beloved [Christian] heaven! would you bring back again those peaceful hours you once enjoyed the memory of which is still so sweet? Would you ready our titles clear to mansions in the skies? Would you have a strong tower of deliverance where unto you might continually resort in the day of darkness affliction and temptation? Would you enjoy the inward witness of the Holy Spirit bearing wit- ness with your spirit that you are born of God? Would you feel the full tide of holy joy flowing into your soul from the Communion with God at his throne of Grace? And more than this, would you have a sweet assurance of peace with God on your dying - bed? When Earthly scenes are passing away from your dim vision at the hour of Death would you that the soul should be feasting on the bright visions of Heavenly Bliss opening before it? Would you reap such a glorious harvest as this? There is but one way to secure it [and] that is by sowing to the spirit. Be thou faithful unto Death [and] I will give thee a crown of Life. Be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your minds that ye may know what is that good [and] acceptable and perfect will of God -- set your affection on things above [and] not on things below Give all diligence to make your calling election sure -- for if ye do these things ye shall never fall for so an entrance shall be ministered into you abundantly into the everlasting Kingdom of our Lord [and] Savior Jesus Christ! And when we lift the veil of Eternity and attempt to gaze on the condition of things as they will be exhibited in Heaven we see there a confirmation of the text. Who are those said Johns Heavenly visitant in the isle of Patmos to him, That are arrayed in white robes and whence came they? These are they which came out of great tribulation and have washed their robes and made there white in the blood of the Lamb He that over- coweth the same shall be clothed in white raiment and I will not blot out his name out of the book of Life but I will confess his name before my Father and before his angels. To him that over cometh will I grant to sit down with me on my throne even as I also overcame and are not down with my Father in his Throne Verily I say unto you that ye which have followed me, is the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the Throne of his Glory ye also shall sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Grace There is nothing clearer then than that these are degrees of Glory in Heaven. Every man who is enabled to reach Heaven by Gods Grace will no doubt be perfectly happy but his Glory will be just in proportion to his faithfulness in this world. God will put honour upon his true and faithful servants -- crowns of Glory -- palms of victory they shall bear. One star different from another star in Glory. We may imagine that Paul has a lofty seat in the heaven of heavens. That Abram the friend of God has a position near the throne - that David is high in the front rank -- that David the man greatly beloved is distinguished too -- that David too with harp of gold makes a leader in the choirs of heavenly mu- sic -- that Job too who came out of great tribulation may be greatly conspicuous among the shining [ou?] or Glory -- that John [and] [?] [and] Peter [and] Paul are all Kings [and] Priests in the Heavenly Hierarchy -- we would expect then to be high and great in The Kingdom of Heaven. But alas! Can those of us who are coldhearted and inconsistent, prayerless and churchless negligent and indifferent in our duties -- Can we who have no zeal no love scarcely for God [and] his service -- can we expect to sit side by side with Grace [and] Jacob and Moses and Joshua and Gidean [and] Barak [and] Samuel [and] the Prophets and Apos- tles and Evangelists in Heaven [and] rank with them? It can not be! Whatsoever a man soweth -- that shall be also reap If you sow a low degree of Pity here you shall have a low seat in Heaven - If you sow diligently and carefully to the spirit and spend [and] be spent for God -- if you are instant in season and out of season and lay yourselves out for purposes of Gods glory [and] live for God in this world -- you shall assuredly be highly elevated in the Kingdom of Heaven. My object is to excite you my [Christian] friends to re- newed exertion -- the prize is before you -- the prize of eternal Glory -- the crown of imperish- able honour -- The wreath of victory - the robe of spotless white - the palms of Conquest The throes of honour [and] heavenly judgment all are for the faithful [and] conquering soldier of the Cross. It addresses itself to your [?] of the Glories of Heaven which are in reserve for you at Gods right hand. You are called on by the most exalting. Motives that can be addressed to you to be diligent [and] faithful in making your calling and election sure for it is to those who thus act that the [?]- ise is held out that an entrance shall be ad- mitted abundantly into the everlasting Kingdom of our Lord [and] Saviour Jesus Christ. Think of the glory of that illustrious day when the grand review shall take place of the whole army of the Church militant in Heaven [and] when they shall all make their triumphal entry into the everlasting gates, which wide open shall be flung and Heavens high arches shall ring with lofty notes of endless praise to God and to the Lamb forever -- will you be one of that blessed band -- or you -- or you? You will be near the head of the conquering army if you are faithful in the [Christ]ian war- fare here. No matter how humble you may be in the estimation of the world around you now -- if you sow to the spirit now -- your name is enrolled in the Lambs Book of Life Eternal and when you shall take a low station under a deep [?] of your own unworthiness you shall hear the voice of the Great Judgeday- Come up higher --- But if you have sown to the flesh -- you shall begin with shame to take the lowest place. You cannot stand with Buryan [and] Baxter and [?] and Wesly [and] Watts and Newton and Payson and Scott and Henry but far off in degree [and] lower in rank. But others are sowing in this world besides [Christ]ians. I see soul here who are sowing for worldly wealth. Day after day they are diligently sowing -- oh how much more diligently than the professor of religion is sowing for Heaven -- the morning light finds then rising to his pursuits and with an idolatrous devotion they dedicate their time talents heart affections [and] energies all to these pursuits. Scheme after scheme is pursued with uniting perseverance and with a singleness of purpose which concentrates all their souls upon it they think of nothing care for nothing, dream of nothing else but to gather a harvest of world by wealth. Verily verily I say unto you they have their reward they have their portion of the good things of this Life -- they sought here their happiness and here they found that which they vainly imagined would produce it -- but alas! they are mistaken. They have sowen vanity [and] they reap vexation of spirit -- I see those, whose sowing consists in rejecting the offer of Gods mercy -- in driving away the thought of religion in stifling conviction of sin -- well they shall reap the harvest of rejection at the hands of God -- of being driven away from his presence forever, since they drive Him from their thoughts now of a seared conscience whose voice they now stifle. But what a harvest! What a sowing! They have sown the wind they shall reap the whirl- wind. They have sown sin they shall reap the wrath of Almighty God! I see those love who sow for earthy pleasure. Joys flowers are blooming around them once the morning of Life is bright above. Youth holds out the promise of a long - long sunny
