Sholes' directory of the city of Macon, September 1st, 1890. Volume IV


356 Seccnd Street hi
piPpjgjl ' s&piTAii, |nm,nfl0.on.

: aSBb&rV1 -1

! surplus,

m V7?V


to all parties I

" ">#

^positions of

, and private

3 U S T.

of Banks

vi'liiiils Soli*






um^z WITH
tp orl

iTty Street, K^or, Ceorgi:

(SXSXI t c . ss a.)





iber of Interstate Abstr> ; Cj*. <' .fie Unit

, . ^ECOiNI) TC y& LEi.', MA(


t,o furnish Abstract , of rfecords in Bibb CoT

ites of Records in Secretary of State's

jher with the Guaranteeing and Per Bss? Titles, Establishment of L<


4SS Second Street, MACON, GA.,

General Southern Agent for the








HOLTON, BIBB COUNTY, GA., E. T., V. & G. R. R.--Eight Miles from MACON.

OF AXjIj colors.

Registered Jersey Cattle. Registered Berkshire Pigs.

Parties wishing to purchase would do well to correspond with

Farm address, Holton. Ga.

ROBERT E. PARK, Macon, Ga.

Tf?e Geo- W1. Greece Co.
355 Second Street and *54 Cotton Avenue, Macon, Ga.



Oc r Stoelc is complete in all departments. New -Goods, Low Prices and Experienced Salesmen. Tour Patronage Solicited.

And Coal Dsa
07 Oemulgee Stre
BongM and Sold on Commission.

Fants " served in a \er, is at
rSt., Macon, Ga.
WINES and LIQUORS, the the BEST MEALS and \Jity, served by polite and Everything First-Class.
lulberry Street.
Sale Stables.
Horses, Fnrnishefl at Short Mice TAYS ON HAND.
i. H. B. WILDER.

H. M. COMER, Pres., Savannah, Ga. J. F. HANSON, Agent.
Bibb Manufacturing Co.
Manufacturers of
In Skeins and Cops.
Wrapping Twine, Etc.
j Consumes 20,000 Bales of Cott.: Annually



Grand, : Upright : and : Square
For over Fifty Years before the public, these Instruments have, by their Excellence, attained an unpurchased pre-eminence, which establishes them as UNEQALLED in

. Every Instrument Fully Warranted for 5 Years.

J. W. Burke & Co., Sole Agents, Macon, 6a.

Rev. T. M. ROBINSON, President. Hon. P. O. HOLT, Treasurer. WALTER T. REED, Secretary. Rev. L. H, SMITH, Business Manager.


Rev. L. MILLER, P- rof. S. - H. BLOCKERi,

1 T ;In


( R. APPLING, Local.

Prof. S. H. BLOCKER,

Gen'l Solicitor and Trav. Agt

Central City Times Publishing Comp'y.

At the Corner of Mulberry and Fourth Streets, ' --IN THE INTEREST OF--

Afro-Americans Particularly and Mankind Generally,

-=-WILL DO -:-



J. \Y. BURKE & CO..
SIefedIypeis, Ruhki Stamp ManufactuFBrs.
Blank Book Makers and Book Binders
Stationery and Fancy Goods of all kinds


Manufacturers' Dealers in all Leading


fs8?~PersonaI Guaranty given with all Instruments Sold.














w. J. BURKE &. CO., 420 to 452 Second Si, MACON, GA.


Dealers in
And ill 1 kinds of
Builders' Material.
Manufacturers of
Sash, Doors, Blinds
And all kinds of
InlEFiot Finish, Turned and Scrnli Wnrk, Bin.
T. C. HENDRIX, Gen'l Manager.


T 5 -1.


A. W. GIBSON, General Manager.

W. H LATHROP, Sec. and Treas.

Macon Foundry and Machine Works,

FIFTH ST., (Cor. Hawthorne) MACON, GA,,
Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills!


Anti-Friction Metal Always on Hand.
Merchant Tailor,

Real Estate, Stock and Bond Broker





Great Bargain Store*
Dry Goods, Notions, Trimmintts,
ABE LESSER, 559 Cherry St,,
HVC-A-COlsT, - - - - Gr_A..


W. H. VIRGIN, President.


N. Nl. HODGKINS, Cashier.

CAPITAL #130,000.



Do a General Banking and Collecting Business.


N. Y.



Fashionable Hatter
GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Canes and Umbrellas.
314 Second Street,
MACON, - G-JSl..


u y
-<, '


of ora:

If 1

. A/u

1 M' 0

SEPTEMBER 1st, 1890.

A. E. SHOLES, Compiler.

Your Neighbor 1st as well able to Purohi one as you. cure.
MAY 26th, 188&
J. W. Bran 4c Co. Psnrrnu, Macon, 6a.



V_l he Maoon City Directory fob 1890-91, is herewith presented, with

J the assurance that, in completeness and accuracy, it is the equal of

^ any Directory ever issued for this or any other city. The canvass

for information was arranged to follow immediately after the census

enumerators, and the Directory reporters were specially instructed to

make close inquiry as to the completeness of the enumerators work. The

enumerators were notified that this would be done, and that they would

be called upon to correct all errors or omissions discovered, and the result

of this plan was an almost absolutely complete census, and the most

thorough Directory canvass which, in an experience of twenty years, the

manager of this work has ever seen.

The City of Macon has entered upon an era of wonderful advance

ment and growth, and there are doubtless many people here to-day,

whose names will not be found herein, but if the name of a white citizen

fails to appear, it may be safely asserted that he had no recognized busi

ness or residence location in Macon in June, 1890, and this statement

may very nearly be made with regard to the colored citizens as well.

The canvass for the present work embraces, not only the city proper,

but also the suburbs of Vineville, East Macon, South Macon, Huguenin

Heights, etc., or in other words, the Directory represents the entire popu

lation within a distance of two miles from the City Hall in every direc-



The former volume for 1889-89 contained 9423 names--5932 white

and 3491 colored. The present volume gives 12,424 names--7,999^ white

and 4,425 colored; a gain of2,067 white and of 934 colored, total 3,001.

As illustrating the changes which are now so rapidly taking place in

Macon, 3,082 names which were in the former volume have been omitted

from these pages, and 6,083 new names, or very nearly one half of the

entire number, have been added.

A careful count of the census taken in connection with the canvass,

exhibits a population within the corporate limits of 22,600; 11,543 white

and 11,057 colored, and the suburbs embraced in the canvass have a

population of 8,786 white, and 4,309 colored; total 13,095. or a totaljpopu-

lation within the radius mentioned of 36,695.

The support extended to this work has been very gratifying, exhibit

ing, as it does, a largely increased recognition of the importance of a GOOD

DIRECTORY for the city, and in conclusion, thankB are extended to the

friends and patrons of the work and the hope expressed that this volume

will be found to merit fiilly and completely the above title.

Very respectfully,



Abbreviations.49 Academies and Schools .... 85 Alphabetical List of Names . 49 Appendix...29 Asylums and Hospitals .... 36 Banks ..36 Benevolent Institutions.. . . A48 Board of Health.30 Board of Trade.87 Board of Underwriters .... 38 Building and Loan Associations 38
Business Directory.427 Cemeteries.39 Churches.39 City Government.29 Clubs and Societies.41 County Officers.F48 Courts and Officials.F48

Educational.31 Fire Department.32 Halls and Public Buildings . . 27 Incorporated Companies.... 42 Insurance Companies.45 Libraries.45 Military.45 Newspapers.46 Parks and Places of Amusement 47 Police Department.34 Post Office.47 Prefatory.18 Railroads.48 Secret Societies.A48 Street Directory.21 Trades' Unions.D48 U. S. Local Offices.E48 Ward Boundaries.27



Artope T. B., marble works . 9 Askew R. L., confectioner . . 9

Bibb Land-Lumber Co., lum-

0tjC 6

Bibb Mnfg Co., cotton mills . 11

Bradycrotme Mnfg Co.,. back [cover.

Burke J. W. & Co., printers, stationers, music, etc.,. . 13
Capital Bank,. 16 Central City Times. 12

Central Ga. Alliance Ware-



Collins W. W. & R. S.,real estate

and insurance,. . bottom [lines.

Dennis P. E., architect. . . 16

Dennison & Co., tags, etc., back

[bone and back paster. Duffy P. J., contractor and bldr 4

Duncan & Carnes, real estate and insurance ...... 5

Eads, Neel & Co., clothiers and

furnishers. . bottom lines.

Evening News . . back fly A.

Exchange Bank,. . back cover

Ford W. W. & G. J., dentists. . 6

Greenberg M., mer tailor, bot-

[tom lines.

Greene Geo. W. Co., dry goods and notions,. front paster
Guarantee Co. of Georgia, front [cover.
Heidingsfelder Phil, saloon and restaurant.10
Holton Stock Farm . . . front [paster
Jewett Geo. B., insurance, top [lines.
Johnson Holmes, coal, top lines
Knabe Wm. & Co., piano mnfrs 12
Lesser Abe, dry goods, etc.,. 16
Lowentha! Louis, tailor ... 15
Lowry Thomas S., insurance, [bottom lines and 6
Macon Brewing Co., top lines [and 5
Macon Commercial College, [bottom lines
Macon Fire Ins Co., front cover [and 4
Macon Foundry and Machine Works.16
Macon Inter-State Abstract Co., [front cover
Macon Sash, Door and Lum ber Co.,. 14



Macon Telegraph . back fly B. Merchants Bank . front cover Park R. E., agt American Pub
lishing. Co., front paster Parker T. C., fruits, fish and ice
top lines and 8 Parmelee S. S., carnages, har
ness, etc., top hues and 7 Pettit, DeHaven & Co., planing
mill, lumber, etc., top lines [and 7
Powers Contracting Co., con tractors, builders supplies, etc.,. . . bottom lines and 8
Ross W. J. & Co., carriages, har ness, etc. 3
Smith R. F., notions, etc., top [lines.
Smith S. A. & Co., typwriters and office supplies, back

Smith & Hall, machinery, back [cover.
Smith & Smith, stables ... 9 Stevens W. M., stables .... 10 Talbott & Sons, machinery . . 4 Union Central Life Insurance
Co.bottom lines and 6 Van J. & Co., trunk mnfrs . . 3
Waterman & Co , stables . . . 9 Wells Jos. E., watches and jew
elry .......... 4
Wilders R. C. Sons, contrac
tors, builders hardware. etc.,. . . bottom lines and 10 Willingham O. P. & B. E. Co.,
planing mill, building ma terial. etc., bottom lines. Wise Clisby, gents furnishings and hats.. 16


Arnold John W., money order elk P.0
Bivins Asher A., gen'l delivery elk P. 0
Freeman Matt R., lawyer, 518 Mul berry, r 140 Forsyth
Gibson William C., physician, 173$ Cotton ave, r nr Chump's Park
Halstead E. P., vet surgeon, 221 3d, bde Hotel Lanier
Hodgkins E. T., produce com mer, 464466 2d
Oliver Fred A., bkkpr Cobb, Ca banis & Cobb, bds 753 Spring
Rockwell Henry L., r 204 Forsyth Speer Osborne E., fireman G. S. &
F. R. R., r wb 4th, 3d s of Strat ton, S.M
Anderson C. E.,prin Macon Short hand School, 552$ Mulberry

Speer William, carp G. S. & F. R.

R., r es 4th, 1st s of Windsor, S. M

Speer Henry O., eng G. S. & F. K. R.,

r 507 Calhoun


SMITH S. A. & CO. (S. AJSmith,

and W. E. VanHoutoxf, agts

Smith Premier Typewriter, and

dire in office supplies, 552$ Mul

berry. (See back cover.)

Wallace Henry, c, grocer, W. Boun

dary, cor Chestnut, r rear 157


Wallace Samuel W., with 8. R.

Jaques & Tinsley Co., bds Brown's


Wallace William, r 622 5th

Wallen Mary R., wid, bds 593 Mad


Waller Emma, wid J., r 308 Bur

nett, E. M.



In consulting the Guide, it shonld be borne in mind that while the streets of Macon are in most instances laid out diagonally to the points of the com pass, yet for convenience this fact is not recognized, and streets running parallel with the river are described as running from east to west, and those running from the river as running from north to south, so, in consulting the General Directory, the north side of a street is the side nearest the river, the east and west sides are the left and right sides respectively as one goes from the river. The large number of unnumbered streets in the suburbs, where the only method of locating a house is by giving the side of the street it is on, ana the number of doors from a cross street, renders this explanation necessary. It should be further mentioned here that several of the streets mentioned here, some within the corporate limits, have been arbitrarily named, in order to definitely locate the parties residing upon them.

ACADEMY, from 629 Walnut, n to river
ADAMS, from C. R. R., s to limits, 1st w of Tattnall; 4th Ward


203 Chestnut 608 Elm 301 Oglethorpe 668 Boundary 503 Ash
ANDERSON, S. M., from 2d w to Knott, 1st s of Pebble
APPLEWOOD, E. M., from Fac tory row, n bey limits, 2d e of Milledgeville rd
ARCH, from 3d, junction Ogle thorpe, w to Orange: 2d and 4th Wards


601 Third

701 First

601 Second

801 New

ASH, from Division w to limits,

1st s of Hazel; 2d and 4th Wards


101 Gilmer

801 Telfair

201 Hammond 901 Jackson


301 Elbert 1001 Calhoun

401 Fourth 1161 Ross

601 Third

1201 Shamrock

601 Second 1301 College

701 First

1401 Adams

BALKCOM AV., E. M., from

Milledgeville rd, e bey limits, 1st n

of Hidrola

BAER'S ROW, es Vineville br'ch,

bet Washington av and Forsyth

BARFIELD AL., from 621 3d,w

to 2d

BAY, from corporate limits, w to

3d, 1st s of Hawthorne; 2d Ward


101 Gilmer

401 Fourth

201 Hammond 470 Third

391 Elbert

BERNARD, E.M.,from Milledge

ville rd w, 1st n of Fort Hill

BOND, from Cowles, w to College,

1st s of Walnut; 8d Ward

BOOKER'S ALLEY, bet 8d and

4th, and Hazel and Bay



BOUNDARY, from Division at

limits, w to limits, forming southern boundary of city; 2d and 4th Wards


101 Gilmer

801 Telfair

201 Hammond 901 Jackson

301 Elbert 1001 Calhoun

401 Fourth HOI Ross

501 Third

1201 College

601 Second 1301 Tattnall

701 First

1401 Adams

BREWERY LANE, from Green,

n bey limits BRIGHTS AL,,from H&wtliorn6j

s to Boundary, 1st e of 4th BUCKLEY'S AL., from 521 2d,

w to 1st BURNETT, E. M., from river, n

to limits, 1st w of Main CALHOUN, from Maple, junc

Park pi, s to limits; 4th Ward


201 Oglethorpe 401 Ash

301 Hazel

501 Elm

CARLING AV., H. H., from Co

lumbus rd, n to C. R. R., 1st w of

Johnson av CEDAR, 8. M., from Stratton s,

1st e of 2d CENTER, E. M.. from Clinton, n

bey limits, 1st w of Church CHAPEL, S. M., from 4th e to

Reid, 1st s of Boundary CHERRY, from 7th, w to Spring,
dividing Wards 1st and 2d, and 3d

and 4th


101 Seventh

601 Second

201 Sixth

619 Cotton ave

301 Fifth

701 First

401 Fourth

801 New

501 Third

859 Spring

CHERRY AL., from 721 New, w

tC&SrNUT, from C. R. R. w to

limits, 1st n of Oglethorpe; 4th Ward


High, opp Orange CHURCH, E. M., from Hidrola n

bey limits, 1st w of Main, E. M

CLARK AV.. P. H., from Holt n

to Ellis, 1st w of Monroe CLAY AL-, bet Madison and Col

lege, 1st s of Rose Hill Cemetery CLEVELAND AV., V., from For

th rd e to C. R. R., 1st w of Oak

-ven av


CLINTON, E. M, from Hawkins,

nw bey limits, 1st n of Flanders

COLE, from Orange to Maple, 1st w of Highland av; 4th Ward
COLEMAN AV., H.H., from W. Boundary w bey limits, 1st s of Lawton av
COLLEGE, from Rose Hill Cem etery s to limits, 1st w of Orange; 3d and 4th Wards


201 Jones

801 Oglethorpe

301 Bond

851 Hazel

451 Georgia av 901 Ash

601 Washt'nav 1001 Elm

601 Cotton av 1001 Boundary

801 Appleton av

COLLINS, E. M., from Clinton

n bey limits, 1st w of Davis

COLUMBUS, from Orange, junc

tion Park Place, w to C. R. R.; 4th


COLUMBUS ROAD, from limits,

nr terminus of Elm, w

COMER'S AL., from Chestnut, n

to C. R. R., bey limits

COTTON AV;, from Mulberry,

junction 2d, w to College; 3d and 4th


201 Cherry

601 New

213 First

674 Spring

401 Poplar

701 Orange

476 Plum

COWLES, from Spring n to Bond,

1st w of Walnut; 3d Ward

CRAFT'S AL., from Jefferson, s

to V. rd, 1st e of Jones

DAIRY LANE, P. H., from

Green, 1st w of Maaison

DALY AL., S. M., from New

Houston rd n, 1st e of Ells

DAVIS, E. M., from Clinton n bey

limits, 1st w of Fort Hill

DAVIS, S. M., from Anderson, s

to Knott, 1st w of 2d

DERRY LANE, from 422 Mul

berry, s to Cherry

DIVISION, from Hawthorne, opp

7tb, a to limits; 2d Ward

DUNCAN AV., H. H., from Co

lumbus rd, n to C. R. R., 1st w of

Carling av


DUNLAP AL., from 621 Spring,

w to Orange

EARLY, from Washington av,

junction Georgia av, 8 to Forsyth,

line Vineville branch ; 4th Ward

ELBERT, continuation of 5th

from Hawthorne, s bey limits; 2d





201 Bay

501 Elm

301 Hazel


401 4ah

ELLIS, P. H., from Monroe, w

bey limits, 1st s of Woodruff

ELLS, S. M., from 4th, w to

Knott, 1st s of Windsor

ELM, from Division, w to limits,

1st n of Boundary; 2d and 4th



101 Gilmer

801 Telfair

201 Hammond 901 Jackson

301 Elbert 1001 Calhoun

401 Fourth 1101 Boss

501 Third

1201 College

601 Second 1801 Tattnall

701 First

1401 Adams

ELM, E. M., from Main, e to lim

its, 1st n of Bibb Mill No. 1

FACTORY ROW, E. M., from

Elm n. 1st e of Main

FACTORY RO W, embracing Bibb

Mnfg Co. houses on Oglethorpe,

Hawthorne and 1st, nr Bibb Mill

No. 2

FIFTH, from river, s to Haw

thorne, 1st e of 4th; 1st and 2d



101 Oemulgee 601 Plum

201 Walnut 701 Pine

801 Mulberry 801 Oak

401 Cherry

819 Oglethorpe

601 Poplar

FIRST, from river, s bey limits,

and n to limits, E. M ; 1st, 3d and

4th Wards


101 Oemulgee 801 Oak

201 Walnut 901 Arch

801 Mulberry 1001 Oglethorpe

401 Cherry 1226 Hawthorne

463 Cotton av 1801 Hazel

601 Poplar 1401 Ash

601 Plum

1501 Elm

701 Pine

1555 Boundary

FITZGERALD AL, w from 722


FLANDERS, E. M., from Main w

to limits, 2d n of river

FORSYTH, from College, junc

tion Cotton av, w to limits; 4th Ward

FORSYTH RD, V., continuation

of Forsyth, bey limits

FORT HILL, S. M., from junc tion Main and Milledgeville rd, n bey limits
FOSTER AL, from Hazel, s to Ash, 1st w of Telfair
FOURTH, from river, s bey lim its ; 1st and 2d Wards


101 Oemulgee 991 Arch

201 Walnut 1001 Oglethorpe

301 Mulberry 1125 Hawthorne

401 Cherry 1201 Bay

501 Poplar 1301 Hazel

601 Plum

1401 Ash

701 Pine

1501 Elm

8_ 01 _ Oak

1558 Boundary

FRANKLIN, from Oemulgee, s

to Walnut, 1st w of Spring; 3a Ward

FULTON AL, w from 821 8d

GARDEN, E. M., from Church,

w bey limit*, 1st n of Hidrola

GARFIELD, E. M., from Fort

Hill, n bey limits, 1st w of Milledge

ville rd

GEORGIA AV., from Spring at

Mulberry, w to limits ; 3d Ward


301 Orange 647 Monroe 401 College GILES AL., S. M., from Pebble, s to Anderson, 1st w of 2d GILMER, continuation of 7th, from Hawthorne, s to limits; 2d

242 Bay

601 Elm

331 Hazel

601 Boundary

401 Ash

GREEN, from 162 Madison w bey

limits; 3d Ward

GRIER, from Turpin, n to com

mons, 3d e of Gilmer ; 2d Ward

HAMMOND, continuation ot 6th,

from Hawthorne, b to limits; 2d



301 Bay

601 Elm

401 Hazel


601 Ash

HAMMOND AL, from 622 3d, e

to 4th

HANSE AL, from 522 Hazel, a

to Ash

HARRIS, from Turpin, n to com

mons, 2d e of Giliner ; 2d Ward

HARRIS AL, from 721 3d, w

to 2d


HAWKINS, E. M., from Hidrola,
i to Clinton, 1st e of Factory row, forming part of corporate line
HAWTHORNE, from Elbert, w
to junction Telfair and Hazel, 1st s of Oglethorpe; 2d and 4th Wards


801 Elbert 401 Fourth

601 Second 688 First

501 Third HAZEL, from Division, w to Col

lege, and from Adams w to limits;

2<f and 4th Wards


101 Gilmer

801 Telfair

201 Hammond 901 Jackson

801 Elbert 1001 Calhoun

401 Fourth 1070 Ross

601 Third

1123 Shamrock

601 Second


701 First HICKS AL., from Columbus rd

s, 1st e of Ullman

HIGH, from nr terminus of Pop

lar, w to Orange ; 4th Ward

HIGHLAND AV., continuation

of New, from Orange to Oglethorpe

HILL, from Ocmulgee, s to Wal

nut, 1st e of Orange ; 3d Ward

HOLLIS AL., from 362 Cherry, s

to Poplar

HOLMES, P. H., from Middle w,

1st n of New Cherry

HOLT, extension of Spring, from

Orange to Maple; 4th Ward

HOLT, P. H., from Monroe, w

bey limits, s of Ellis

HOLTS AL., w from 653 2d

HOUSTON RD., continuation of

4th, bey limits HUDSONj P. H., from Green n,

2d w of Madison

HURLEY'S AL., from 421, 2d e

to Cotton av

JACKSON from Maple, junction

Oglethorpe, e to limits; 4th Ward

JACKSON, V., from Poe w, 1st s

of Holmes

JEFFERSON, from Madison,

junction Georgia av, w bey limits;

3d Ward

JOHNSON AL., from 562 8d, e to


JOHNSON AV., H. H., from

Rembert av s, 1st w of W. Boundary

JOHNSTON, extension of Col

lege, s bey limits

JONES, continuation of Ocmul

gee from Orange w; 3d Ward

JONES, P. H., from Forsyth rd

bey limits n to Old Hospital, 1st w

of Middle JORDAN'S AL., S. M., from 2d

w, 1st s of Williams

KAH AL., S.M., from Elbert w to

Chapel, 1st s of Pebble

LAWTON AV., H. H., from W.

Boundary w, 1st s of Rembert av

LEE, E. M., from Church w bey

limits, 1st n of Garden

McKENNA'S AL., from 8194th,

w to 3d

MADISON, from cemetery at lim

its, s to Georgia av, junction Jeffer

son, and from Washington av s to

Forsyth ; 3d and 4th Wards


177 Jones

505 Washtinav

281 Green

593 Forsyth

441 Jefferson

MAIN, E. M.? from East Macon

bridge, e bey limits

MAGNOLIA, from Spring, at

Cherry, w to College: 3d Ward

MAPLE, from Oglethorpe, junc

tion Jackson, w to Ross: 4th Ward

MIDDLE, P. H., from Forsyth rd

n to Holt, 1st w of Monroe

MIDDLE, E. M.. from Burnett e

to limits, 1st n of Water


M.( from Main at limits, e

MOLLOY'S AL., from 422 Ash,

s to Elm

MONROE, from limits b to For

syth, 1st w of Madison; 3d and 4th


MOORE'S ROW, foot of Tupelo

MOUGHON, P. H., from Holmes, n

bey limits, 1st w of Jones

MULBERRY,from 7th w to Spr'g,

1st n of Cherry; 1st and 4th Wards


101 Seventh 801 Second

201 Sixth

701 First

301 Fifth

801 New

401 Pourth

871 Spring

501 Third

MURRAY'S AL., from 721 4th,

w to 3d

NEW, from river s to Orange, 1st

w of 1st; 3d and 4th Wards


101 Ocmulgee 601 Cotton av

201 Walnut 601 Plum

301 Mulberry 701 Pine

401 Cherry

801 Oak

501 Poplar

870 Arch



NEW, E. M., from Flanders n to limits, extension of Barnett
NEW CHERRY, P. H.. from Monroe w bey limits, 1st n of Jeffer-

"nEW HOUSTON ROAD, S. M.. from footof 2d, bo to Old Houston rd
NISBET, from hd of Cherry n to Georgia av; 3d Ward
MIXON LA., V., from Roff Home
w to Ullman rd Oak, from 6tb, w to Orange, 1st a
of Pine; 2d and 4th Wards


301 Fifth

701 First

401 Fourth

801 New

501 Third

901 Spring

*301 Second

OAK HAVEN AV., V., from

Forsyth rd s to C. R. R., 1st w of

W. Boundary

OCMULGEE (formerly Wharf,)

from 7th w to Orange, 1st s of river,

1st and 3d Wards


101 Seventh 701 First

201 Sixth

801 New

301 fifth

901 Spring

401 Fourth 1001 Franklin

501 Third

1070 Hill

601 Second

OGLETHORPE, from 5th w to

limits, 1st s of Oak; 2d and 4th



301 Fifth

1101 Ross

401 Fourth 1120 Shamrock

501 Third

1201 College

601 Second 1301 Tattnall

701 First

1401 AdamB

901 Jackson 1422 Boundary

1001 Colhoun

ORANGE, from Ocmulgee, junc

tion Jones, sw to Cotton av., thence

a to Oglethorpe; 3d and 4th Wards


201 Jones

554 High

260 Walnut

568 Pine

801 Bohd

601 Spring

427 Georgia av 701 JNNVew

494 Magnolia 801 Holt

500 Washington av

ORCHARD AV., P. H., from

Hudson w to Brewery la, lat n of


PEACHTREE, E. M., from Balk-

corn av n, 1st e of Milledgeville rd

PEBBLE, S. M., from Hammond

to Calhoun, 1st a of Boundary


PEPPERMINT AL., from 662
4th to 5th PERRY, E. M., from Fort Hill,
bey limits, n, 1st e of Center PEYTON AL., from 622 6th to
6th PHILLIPS, E. M., from Church
w bey limits, 1st n of Garden PHILLIPS' AL., S. M., from
Gilesville School w to Knott, lat a of Jordan's al
PINE, from 7th w to Orange, 3d a of Cherry; 2d and 4th Wards


C.RR. shops, Sixth 301 Fifth 401 Fourth
601 Third 601 Second

701 First 801 New 901 Spring 953 Orange

PINK, S. M., from Boundary a bey limits, 1st w of College
PLANT, S. M., from 2d w to Knott, 1st s of Williams
PLANT'S AL., from Hawthorne s to Boundary, bet 2d and 3d
PLUM, from 7th, w bey Spring, junction High; 2d and 4th Wards


301 Fifth 401 Fourth 601 Third 601 Second

701 First 801 Cotton av 802 New 601 Spring

POE, P. H., from Vineville rd n, lat w of Ward's al
POPLAR, from 7th w bey New, junc Washington av; 1st Ward, and dividing Wards 3 and 4


101 Seventh 201 Sixth 301 Fifth 401 Fourth 601 Third

601 Second 701 First 718 Cotton av 801 New

POWELL, E. M., from New w to limitB, lBt n of Flanders
PROGRESS, from Forsyth, bet Madison and Monroe, s to C. R. R
RANDOM, E. M., from Church
w, 1st n of Pnillipa RAY, from Milledgeville rd e, lat
n of 2d av REESE, E. M., from Milledge
ville rd w, 1st n of Bernard REID, 8. M., from 4th e to Elbert,
1st b of Stratton REMBERT AV., H. H., from W.
Boundary w, 1st b of Chestnut



RIVERSIDE, P. H.. from Madi son w bey limits, adjoining Riverside

^ROGERS' AL., from 619 1st, e to

proIe, from river nr 6th, w to

Cemetery; 8d Ward ROSS, from Columbus, junction

Appleton av, a to limits; 4tn Ward


201 Oglethorpe 601 Elm

301 Hazel

540 Boundary

401 Ash ROY, V., from Ullman w, 1st s

of C. R. R

,, ,

ST. JOHN, E. M., from Church e

to Port Hill, 1st n of Random

8ECOND, from river, s to lim

its, dividing 1st mid Sd and 2d and

4th Wards


101 Ocmulgee 901 Arch

201 Walnut 1001 Oglethorpe

301 Mulberry 1201 Hawthorne

401 Cherry 1301 Hazel

501 Poplar 1401 Ash

601 Plum

1601 Elm

701 Pine

1638 Boundary

801 Oak

SECOND, E. M., continuation of

2d 8ECOND AV., E. M., from Mill-
edgeville rd e, 1st n of Balkcom av SEVENTH, from river, sw to
Hawthorne; 1st and 2d Wards

101 Ocmulgee 401 Cherry 201 Walnut 601 Poplar 301 Mulberry C.R.R.BtiopaPine SCHOOL, 8. M., extension of 2d s, from junction New Houston rd SIXTH, from river, s to Haw

thorne ; 1st and 2d Wards

108 Ocmulgee 400 Cherry 209 Walnut 607 Poplar

301 Mulberry SMITH'S AL., from 723 1st, e to



SPRING, from nver s to Wash

ington av, and from High s, 2d w of

1st; 3d and 4th Wards


5 Rose

413 Magnolia

101 Ocmulgee 476 Wash'tonav

201 Walnut 601 Rum

Georgia av 672 Cotton av

320 Mulberry 701 Rue

401 Cherry

760 Oak

STELLA, E. M., from New Wto

limits, 1st a of Clinton

* .

STONE, E. M., from Mflledge-

ville rd e, 1st n of Balkcom av STRATTON, 8. M., from 6th w

to 2d, 1st s of Pebble STREET CAR AL., from Elm s

to Boundary, opp street car stables TATTNALL, from Forsyth s to

Oglethorpe, and from Elm s to lim

its ; 4th Ward

. ,


lege and Adams and Ash and Ogle



TELFAIR, from Hawthorne,

junction Hazel, s to limits; 4th Ward

THIRD, from river, sw to limits;

1st and 2d Wards


101 Ocmulgee 201 Walnut 301 Mulberry 401 Cherry 601 Poplar
601 Plum 701 Pine 801 Oak

1001 Oglethorpe 1039 Hawthorne
1142 Bay 1201 Hazel 1801 Ash 1401 Elm 1648 Boundary

TINDALL, 8. M., from Telfidr w

1st s of Boundary TRACY'S AL., a from 622 Haw



_ .

TROUP, S. M., from 2d w to Tel

fair, 1 st s of Boundary

TUPELO, from limits w to Elbert,

junction Hawthorne; 2d Ward

TURPIN, from limits w to Divis

ion, 1st s of Bay; 2d Ward ULLMAN, from Columbus rd n,

to Forsyth rd, bey limits VIRGIN'8 LA,.V., from Forsyth,

s to C. R. R WALL, from 3d to 1st, bet Mul

berry and Cherry; 2d Ward WALNUT, from 7th, w to Orange;

1st and 3d Wards


Seventh Sixth

601 Second 701 First

801 Fifth 401 Fourth

801 New 901 Spring

501 Third

1071 Hill

WARD'S AL, V., from Vineville

rd n, 1st w of Craft's al WARE'S AL., s from 622 Elm WASHINGTON AV., from Pop-

lar, nr Spring, w to limits, dividing

Wards 3 ana 4

e from WII
to 8d WH
[ Knott,
j FIRST Chei con i
| SECO] and and





121 Spring

628 Madison

285 Orange

578 Monroe

330 Collate


erside Cemetery s, forming western

corporate Hoe

WHITE, S. M., extension of Knott,

e from Ells

WILDER, S. M., from Troup s to

Pebble, 1st of 2d

WILDER'S AL., from 622 2d e,

to 8d

WILLIAMS, S. M., from 2d w to

Knott, 1st s of Anderson

WILUNGHAM.E. M., from Fort Hill n, 1st w of Milledgeville rd
WILLINGHAM'S ROW, foot of Tnpelo
WINDSOR, S. M., from 4th w to 2d, 1st e of Stratton
WOLFF'S ROW, ss Arch, bet 4th and 6th
WOOD'S AL., from Oglethorpe s to Boundary, 1st w of Calhoun
WOODRUFF, P. H., from Col lege w bey limits, 1st s of Green
WOOLFOLK, E. M., from Fort Hill w, 1st n of Milledgeville rd


FIRST WARD--Bounded by 2d and Cherry streets, including East Ma-' con to Hmits
SECOND WARD--Bounded by 2d and Cherry streets to southeast and southwest limits

THIRD WARD--2d to Cherry, Cherry to 1st, 1st to Washington av to limits, and northeast and northwest Hmits
FOURTH WARD--2d to Cherry, Cherry to 1st, 1st to Washington

av to Hmits, and northwest and

southwest Hmits

Centre of streets dividing line.


LCADEMY OF MUSIC--Mulberry, between 1st and 2d LYRES' HALL--512 Mulberry
3ITY HALL--Corner Cotton ave., 1st and Poplar
MARKET--Poplar, between 1st and 2d
)UNTY COURT HOUSE--Cor ner Mulberry and 2d LOYD RIFLES ARMORY-Corner 3d and Mulberry ` OF P. HALL--672 Cherry JGOLRICK HALL-704 4th IAOON VOLUNTEERS ARMO RY--Corner 1st and Poplar

ton ave POST OFFICE--Corner Mulberry
and 3d UNION HALL--454 Cotton ave U. 8. COURT HOUSE--Mulberry,

J. W. BURKE & CO.,
Baok and Job Printers
StBttotgpis, RnMra? Stamp HannfaatniBia.
Blank Book Makers and Book Binders

Stationery and Fancy Goods of all kinds


Manufacturers' Dealers in all Leading

tGrPersona/ Guaranty given with all Instruments Said.






i. w. BURKE & CO., 420to 452 Second Si, MACON,

City Hall, corner Cotton Avenue, First and Poplar streets. Mayor elected second Saturday in December, 1888, for two years.
Is composed of a Board of Aldermen, consisting of twelve (12) members, elected every two years, in December. Regular meeting, Tuesday, 8 o clock p. m.
CITY OF MACON. Mayor--S. B. Price, elected December, 1888, for two years salary, f2,500.
Board of Aldermen. FIRST WARD--G. C. Conner, T. O. Chutney, G. F. Wing. SECOND WARD--A. Proudfit, M. OJJSara, P. Harris. THIRD WARD--R. H. Smith, W. RpCox, J. Dannenberg. FOURTH WARD--H. C^indall, H. McKervey, J. Boone.
Members receive 53.00 for attendance each meeting.
Members of the Bond Commission. J. E. Jones, president; W. H. Ross, J. W. Burke, R. F. Lawton, J. F. Hanson, Geo. B. Turpin, J. S. Baxter, R. H. Brown, S. R. Jaques. Mayor Price and Alderman Oox ex of ficio members.



Standing Committees of Council, 1890.

Finance--W. R. Cox, T. O. Chestney, Joseph Dannenberg, G. C. Conner, R. H. Smith.
Records and Accounts--T. O. Chestney, H. C. Tindall,

James Boone. Ordinances--Joseph Dannenberg, T. O. Chestney, Geo. F.

Wing. Public Property--R. H. Smith, M. O'Hara, H. O. Tindall. Streets--Alex. Proudfit, R. H. Smith, M. O Hara. Street Encroachments--M. O'Hara, G. C. Conner, Peter



Sidewalks--Hugh McKervey, W. R. Cox, Alex, Proudfit.


IT* 117

T _ _ T>

XTmK Kj ail Anrnw

Lights--H. Tindall, W. B. Cox, T. O. Cheatoev. Fire Department--G. 0. Conner, R. H. Smith, M. O idara. Hospital and Charity--Geo. F. Wing, Hugh McKervey,
Peter Harris. Printing--Peter Harris, James Boone, Hugh MoKervey. Water Supply--G. C. Conner, Joseph Dannenberg, W. R.
Cox. Giifr Officers.
-* ' '"`1,800.

ATTORNEY--Charles L. Bartlett) salary, $800.

RECORDER--Hugh V* Washington; salary, $800.

PHYSICIAN--IL.GG. Ferfg_u8opLM. D.; salary, $700.


WTle^rpl salary, $750.


h $1,200- LUUIpuiujoymenj ^


Anthony W

nuooi; salary, $80Q*/


SEXTON--Dennis A.*Keating; salary, $900.

_ ^

STREET OVERSEER--James B.Denton j salary, $900

PARK KEEPER--F. T.'Abel; salriy, $1,000.

CLERK OF MARKET--W. T. Nfelson; salary, $1,000.

Board of Health.

Dr. F. Walker, Chairman.


H. G. Cutter, J. H. Pdlew, W. A. Davie, H. P. Westoott,

J H.'Hertz, M. Donahue, Alex. Reynolds, Geo. A. Dure.

The Mayor and Chairman of the Cemetery Committee and

Clerk of Council are ex officio members.
Regular meetings second and fourth Wednesdays In mm

month, at City Hall.




Board of Public Education.

Office--465 Second.




R. A. Nisbet, president; J. H. Hertz, secretary; J. WBurke, treasurer.



J. W. Burke, R. W. Oubbedge, J. W. Cabaniss, T. C. Dempsey, J1 J. Gresham, f). M.Gugel, J. H. Hertz, J. T. Nis
bet, R. A/Nisbet, V. Powers, T. D. Tinsley,1 R. Rogers.

C. M. Wiley, Ordinary. 8. B. Price, Mayor of Macon : A. L. Miller, Judge Superior Court.

Finance--Rogers, Cabaniss, Miller. Teachers and Text Books--Tinsley, Hertz, Powers. Pboperty and School Districts--Cubbedge, Gugel, Wiley.
City Schools.
B. M. Zettler, County and City superintendent; D. Q. Ab bott, assistant superintendent.
4BOYS' HIGH SCHOOL--Cotton Ave, corner Spring. C. B. Chapman, principal; Miss P. Stephens, Miss A. Holmes, assistants.
GIRLS' HIGH SCHOOL--Cotton ave., corner Spring. Miss E. H. Merrill, principal; Miss S. E. Gnstin, Miss Rnfo Gilbert, Miss R. Allen, Miss M. J. Cain, assistants.
ORANGE STREET SCHOOL--Orange, head of High. Miss C. I. Smith, principal; Miss M. McEvoy, Miss V. Holmes, Miss F. Roberts, Miss E. Horton, Miss E. Barden, Miss E. McAndrew, Miss P. Logan, assistants; Miss C. Taylor, supernumerary.
SECOND STREET SCHOOL--Second, corner Hawthorne. Miaa P. Wanneok, principal; Miss M. Hodgkins, Miss L. Aultman, Miss E. C. Smith, Miss T. Peyser, Miss C. Holmes, Mrs. L. Nagle, Miss M. Darrah, assistants; Miss Annie Laney, supernumerary.



WHITTLE SCHOOL--Mulberry, between Third and Fourth. Mrs. A. E. Kenan, principal; Mrs. P. F. Manson, Mra. A. A. Davis, Miss K. McKay, Miss Annie Persons, Miss Merkel, assistants; Miss Annie Pound, supernumerary.
ASH STREET SCHOOL--Ash, corner Calhoun. Mrs. C. H. Sheppard, principal; Miss Nellie Sims, Miss Annie Strayer, assistants.
CATHOLIC SCHOOL--Fourth, near Walnut. Sister Igna tius, principal; SisterM. Angela, assistant.
GREEN STREET SCHOOL--Monroe, corner Green. H. J. T. Hudson, principal; Mrs. H. J. T. `Hudson, Miss E. Johnson, Miss S. L. Pitts, Miss M. Williams, Miss M. Bryant, assistants.
HAZEL STREET SCHOOL--Hazel, corner First. T. K. Persley, principal; Miss J. Hooks, Miss L. Stephenson, assistants..
VINEVILLESCHOOL--Miss M. Burghard,principal; Miss M. Edings, Mrs. A. Griffin, assistants.
SOUTH MACON SCHOOL --H. T. Conner, principal; Miss A. Supple, Miss B. Pound, Miss A. M. Mallory, Miss C. Hollis, Miss M. L. Hunt, assistants.
EAST MACON SCHOOL--C. W. Minor, principal; Miss R. Holmes, Miss E. Heard, assistants.
PLEASANT HILL SCHOOL--L. H. Williams, principal; J. Patterson, Mrs. N. Braswell, assistants.
UNIONVILLE SCHOOL--A. A. Mathis, principal; Miss A. R. Jones, assistant

Organized as a paid department 1887, and is under the management of the following
Fire Masters:
Mayor Price, Alderman Conner, Smith and O'Hara. The city appropriates$30,000 annually for the support of the department, which employs 3 steam engines, 3 reels, 1



hook and ladder track, 12 horses and a force of 40 men, pud as follows : The chief is paid $1100 per annum, engineers $900 each, captains $600, stokers $720, drivers $540, runners $540. The department has 2,500 feet of hose in actual use, with 2,000 feet in reserve. L. M. Jones, chief; J. H. Oliphant, driver for chief; D. H. Mullenix, superintendent alarm system.
Steamer No. 1.
Captain, J. W. DeVaughn; engineer, D. A. Deane; drivers, J. MoMullen, C. McCrary; stoker, J. Boney; runners, J. McClendon O Yarborough, C. Martin, W. Gevers, B.
Steamer No. 2. Captain, W. A. Jordan; engineer, B. Johnson; drivers, T. Hanson, W. F. Ford; stoker, B. F. Bowles; runners, J. Stirks, 8. P. Smith, C. Brown, F. Hardin.
Steamer No. 4.
Captain, W. Burnett; engineer, J. Bainey; stoker, C. A. Chandler; runners, W. Kilpatrick, J. Wester, F. Burnett, W.
B. Pearce, J. Smith.
Hook and Ladder Co--New Tracks.
Captain, W. H. Holliman; driver, G. D. Brooks; runners, F. Von Brixen, W. L. Johns, J. B. Bowles, W. W. Wall, C.
D. Hanson.
Fire Alarm Boxes. Signal boxes from which alarms of fire are sounded are located atoonvenient distances throughout the city, as follows s
Box 12 Second mid Cherry. " 13 Second and Walnut. M 14 Third and Mulberry. " li Fourth and Cherry. " 16 Fifth and Ocmulgee. " 17 C. B. B. Compress. " 18 Fourth and Walnut. " 21 Second and Plum. " 23 Fourth and Plum. " 24 C. B. B. Shops. u 25 Third and Oak. u 26 Third and Hawthorne. " 27 Third and Elm. " 28 Fourth and Hazel. " 31 First and Mulberry.

Box 32 Spring and Cherry. " 84 New and Walnut.
35 Orange and Bond. ^ 36 Jefferson and Madison.
41 City Hall. 42 Spring and Plum. 43 Washington ave and Orange. 45 Cotton ave and College. 46 Oglethorpe and College.
51 First and Oak. 52 Orange and Spring. 53 Calhoun and Ash. 54 Telfair and Ash. 56 Calhoun and Oglethorpe. 61 Bibb Mill No. 1. 62 Main and Clinton, East Macon. 112 Seventh and Cherry. 216 Seventh and Poplar. 321 Orange and Georgia ave.
612 Bibb Mill No. 2. Signals--Two taps, Superintendent's test.
Three taps, noon. Four taps, fire out. Six taps, extra polioe to report.


Headquarters, City Hall, Cotton ave, First and Poplar.
Including the chief, the regular force numbers 44 men, paid as follows: Chief, $1,400; First Lieutenant, $960; Second Lieutenant; $960; Patrolmen, sergeants at barracks, special | and impounding officers, $780 each. Chief, O. T. Henan; Lieutenants, C.M. Wood and F. P. Yeager. Brevet Lieu

tenants, P. Murphy, W. W. Baughn.




J. H. Abel, T. H. Brown, W. H. Bonner, H. Bond, Geo., ess

Cherry, ,W. G Daniel, T. H. Ellison, J. B. Edwards, W. L. eqi

Grace, G.W. Holmes, ir.. C. H. Hutohins, B. Howard, O.

Jenkins, W. H. Jones, M. Kelley, P. McCafferty, F. Mosely,
m B. McClusky, S. Mack, J. J. P. Morrison, H. L. Palethorpe, C.
H. Parker, J. W. Patterson, M. S. Ray, D G Smith, G.

Wallace, R. Sheridan, W. M. Friddell, J. B. Andrews, S. Cowan, B. A. White, H. Winters, W. D. Winters, W. Wor








Station Sergeants. J. P. Chapman, G. L. Henry.

M. Jenkins.

Impounding Officer.

W. H. OTry.

Special Officer.

(For Public Schools,' see Educational, and for Private Sohools, see Business Directory.) ALEXANDER FREE SCHOOL--Corner Second and Pine,
limited to 100 students. Founded by Elam Alexander. M. L. Parker, principal. BALLARD NORMAL SCHOOL--(Colored.) Formally Lewis Normal Institute. New, corner Pine. Mrs. Liva A. Shaw, principal. GEORGIA ACADEMY FOR THE BLIND--Virgil Pow ers, president;W. D. Williams, secretary and principal; H. L. Jewett, treasurer. Orange, head of High. MERGER UNIVERSITY--Ash, opposite Tattnall Square. Faculty--Rev. G. A Nunnally, D. D., president, ana pro fessor mental and moral philosophy; P. Sanford, LL. D., pro fessor mathematics and astronomy; J. E. Willet, M. D. LL. D., professor physics, chemistry and geology; Rev. J. J. Brantly, D. D., professor belles lettres and modern languages; W. L. Duggan, A. M., professor aucient languages; R. L. Ryals, A. B., adjunct professor of mathematics.
Rev. James G. Ryals, D. D., professor systematic theology.
Hon. Emory Speer, LL. B., chairman, professor internation al and constitutional law; Walter B. Hill, A. M., B. L., prof essor common and statute law; C. P. Speer, A. M., professor equity,jurisprudence, pleading and practice.
C. W. Steed, principal University High School. Mt. de SALES ACADEMY--Corner Orange and Columbus.
Mother Genevieve, directress. Sr. STANISLAUS COLLEGE--Forsyth road, beyond limits.
Rev. John Brislan, director.



WESLEYAN FEMALE COLLEGE--College street, be tween Georgia and Washington avenues.
Board of Instruction--Rev. Wm. C. Bass, D. D., presi dent, and professor moral soience and rhetoric; Joseph T. Der ry, A.M., professor ancient and modern languages; G. R. Glenn, A. M., professor natural science; Rev. C. E. Dowman, A.M.,prof. mathematics and astronomy; Mrs. Alice Culler Cobb, A. M., professor English literature; Miss E. F. Andrews, A. M., pro fessor French language and literature; Miss M. Emma Frazer, A. M., teacher elocution; Miss E. M. Allen, Mrs. M. M. Burke, assistants literary department; Miss Mary E. Mason, A. M., teacher drawing and minting; J. H. Newman, musical director; V. Czurda, Mrs. M. M. Burks, assistants in music; Mrs. T. W. Newsome, domestic department.

APPLETON CHURCH HOME--(For Orphan Girds.)-- In charge of Sister Katherine. College, between Forsyth and Appleton avenue.
CENTRAL CITY HEALTH HOME--Mrs. R. E. Fuller, M. D., proprietor; 630 Cotton avenue.
ROFF HOME, Vineville--Founded 1865, embraces 45 acres donated by A. A. Roff, Esq., aud numerous buildings, managed by Commissioners of Bibb Connty, and is a home for both white and colored who are sick or unable to pro
vide for themselves. H. B. Calloway, superintendent. SOUTH GEORGIA ORPHANS' HOME--Founded 1873
by the M. E. Church, South, under the management of and supported by the South Georgia Conference. The grounds embrace 95 acres on which has been erected a commodious and substantial building at present sheltering j
J 54 orphans. Situated near the Forsyth road, 1 mile from
the city. Rev. L. B. Payne, superintendent; Rev. P. S. Twitty, agent; Rev. S. P. Fain, manager.

CAPITAL BANK--456 Second. Incorporated 1874. Capi-J tal $130,000. W. H. Virgin, president; N. M. Hodgkins,! cashier. Directors: W. H. Virgin, S. Weichselbaum, J.f W. Burke, E. S. McLean, F. S. Johnson, J. Lane, W. F.j Price, W. D. Williams, W. W. Collins.




L GEORGIA BANK. (State Depository.)--323 Incorporated 1869. Capital $100,000; surplus
). R. H. Brown, president; W. R. Cox, vice-presT. O. Chestney, cashier. Directors: J. E. Jones, J. tier, J. M. Johnston, W. R. Cox, R. H. Brown.
GE BANK--602-604 Cherry. Incorporated 1870. il and surplus $650,000. H. J. Lamar, president; Turpin, vice-president; J. W. Cabaniss, cashier; J.

)b, assistant. Directors: H. J. Lamar, G. B. Turpin, , Rogers, L. W. Hunt, S. R. Jaques, R. H. Brown,
ixelbaum, W. G. Solomon, J. Dannenberg. 4TIONAL BANK--371 Second. Incorporated
Capital and surplus $165,000; I. C. Plant, presiR. H. Plant, vice-president; W. W. Wrigley, cashier; Plant, assistant; Directors: I. C Plant, R. H. Plant, Jewett, L. M. Felton, G. H. Plant, L. Williams, , Dinsmore, H. B. Plant. SAVING BANK--570 Mulberry. Incorporated
Capital $100,000; surplus $14,000; J. M. Boardpresident; H. G. Cutter, vice-president; H. T. Powshier. Directors: J. M. Board man, H. G. Cuttter, Boardman, F. E. Bruhl, Tracy Baxter, S. Altmay-
, T. Powell.

lNTS NATIONAL BANK--356 Second. Inated 1887. Capital $100,000; surplus $11,000; R. wton, president; L. P. Hillyer, cashier. Directors: r. Brown, L. P. Hillyer, R. F. Lawton, W. A.
, Roff Sims, A. B. Small, W. B. Sparks, W. T.

ton. AVINGS BANK & TRUST CO.--502-604 Cher-
corporated 1890. Capital $125,000. H. J. Lamar,

ent; G. B. Turpin, vice-president; J. W. Cabaniss,
r; J. J. Cobb, assistant cashier. Directors: H. J. r, G. B. Turpin, S. R. Jaques, W. R. Rogers, L. unt, S.Waxelbaum, J. Dannenberg, W. G. Solo-

uiuu, R. H. Brown, T. C. Burke, H. Horne, M. Nussbaum, S. B. Lewis, W. A Doody, D. M. Gugel.

MACON BOARD OF TRADE--404 Cherry. Organized, June, 1883; membership, 116. B. C. Smith, president; G. T. Kershaw, secretary and treasurer. Directors, S. R. xrr . ^ 1 T P. Roosevelt, A Lilienthal, W.

FIRE UNDERWRITERS' ASSOCIATION OF MACON, Ga.--G. C. Conner, president; J. B. Cobb, vice-president; George B. Jewett, secretary and treasurer. Monthly meet ing third Monday at 456 2d.
BIBB LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION--Office 353 3d. J, W. Burke, president; Geo. W. Burr, secretary and treasurer. Directors: N. M. Hodgkins, G. B. Turpin,^ J. B. Cobb, J. Boone, B. M. Zettler, T. O. Chestney.
BIBB REAL ESTATE AND IMPROVEMENT CO.-- Office, 458 3d. N. M. Hodgkins, president; R. S. Col lins, secretary and treasurer. Directors: G. M. Davis, N. M. Hodgkins, A. Gibian, H. Burns, L. E. Culver, E. S. McLean, W. Nelson, G. C. Price, R. E. Sheridan, O. W. Thompson, C. C. Balkcom.
CENTRAL CITY LOAN AND TRUST ASSOCIATION-- Office, 353 3d. W. H. Ross, president; Geo. W. Burr, cashier. Directors: W. H. Ross, J. Ingalls, J. W. Cabaniss, L. W. Hunt, A. Gibian.
MUTUAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION-- Office, 467 2d. W. C. Singleton, president; R. W. Cubbedge, secretary and treasurer.
OCMULGEE LAND IMPROVEMENT CO.--Office, 516 Mulberry. J. C. McBurney, president; J. 8. Baxter, vicepresident; H. G. Cutter, secretary and treasurer. Direc tors: J. 8. Baxter, W. H. Virgin, H. G. Cutter, J. W. Cabaniss, H. Horne, J. D. Hudgins, G. W. Gustin, G. W. Duncan, T. C. Hendrix, L. W. Hollingsworth, J. C. MoBurney.
PROGRESS LOAN, IMPROVEMENT AND MANU FACTURING CO.--Office, 368 2d. Isaac Hardeman, president; G. W. Duncan, vice-president; H. Horne, secre tary, treasurer and manager. Directors: Isaac Hardeman, G. W. Duncan, W. G. Solomon, G. T. Harris, J. D&nnenberg, J. D. Hough, W. H. Whitehead, T. C. Burke, H.
YOUNG MEN'S SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIA TION--Office, 602--504 Cherry. Roff Sims, president; J. J. Cobb, secretary and treasurer. Directors: Roff Sims, J. S. Hoge, I. Flatau, M. Harris, W. T. Morgan, M. H.



OAK RIDGE!--Northwestern part of the city. George A. Dare, treasurer; office, 466 Cherry.
RIVERSIDE--Office, 163-166 Madison. R. E. Park, presi dent; N. M. Hodgkins, secretary and treasurer; Thos. J. Andersen, superintendent.
ROSE HILL--Northwestern part of city. George A. Dure, treasurer; office, 466 Cherry.

FIRST CHURCH--Head of Poplar. Rev. E. W. Warren, pastor.
SECOND CHURCH--2d, corner Elm. Rev. J. J. Hyman, pastor.
WARREN CHAPEL--East Macon. Rev. J. P. Coates, pastor.
TRINITY CHURCH--East Macon. Rev. B. Patterson, pastor.
FIRST CHURCH--New, comer Plum. Rev. T. M. Rob inson, pastor.
FRIENDSHIP CHURCH--1st, corner Hazel. Rev. E. H. Hall, pastor.
FULTON CHURCH--2d, corner Hawthorne. Rev. T. Turner, pastor.
HARMONIA CHURCH--Vineville. Rev. R. Talley,
HOPEWELL CHURCH--310 Cherry. Rev. B. Dupree, pastor.
Mt. MORIAH CHURCH--131 Flanders, East Macon. Rev. H. Hall, pastor.
Mt. OLIVE CHURCH--961 Oglethorpe. Rev. J. Davis, pastor.
St. LUKE CHURCH--616 Flanders. Rev. W. Glover, pastor.
SILOAM CHURCH--Unionville. Rev. T. Jolly, pastor.
CHRISTIAN CHURCH--626 Walnut. Rev. J. W. B. Smith, pastor.



. - 4. -- '? ****




FIEST CETCJECH--New, corner Pine. Eev. J. R. McLean, pastor.
CHRIST CHURCH--520 Walnut. Rev. F. F. Reese, rector. ST. BARNABAS CHAPEL--Third, south of Hazel. Rev.
Barnwell, rector. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH--East Macon. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH--College, corner Forsyth. Rev. Vn
D. Powers, rector.
Hebrew. CONGREGATION BETH-ISRAEL--Synagogue--2d, cor
ner Poplar. F. Farber, rabbi.


CENTENARY CHURCH--Ross, corner Ash. Rev, W. E.

Vaughn, pastor.


_ __

EAST MACON CHURCH--East Macon. Rev. H. A.

FIRS^STrSeTT CHURCH--First, east of Arch. Rev. B. F. Breedlove, pastor.
GRACE CHURCH--357 Oak. Rev. T. B. Kemp, pastor. MULBERRY STREET CHURCH--Mulberry, corner First.
Rev. T. R. Kendall, pastor. SOUTH MACON CHURCH--Windsor Hill. Rev. Wesley
Lane, pastor.
PLEASANT HILL CHURCH--Jones, near Holt. Rev. H. C. Boyd, pastor.
ST. PAUL'S CHURCH--East Macon. Rev. D. K. Knight, pastor.
STEWART A. M. E. CHURCH--Cotton av., comer Spring. Rev. L. H. Smith, pastor.
WARREN CHAPEL--Pleasant Hill. Rev. C. R. Buffing ton, pastor.
WASHINGTON AVE. CHURCH--255 Washington ave.

FIEST CHURCH--Mulberry,corner First Rev. W. B. Jen nings, pastor.



SECOND CHURCH--Ash, corner Calhoun. Rev. S. L. Morris, pastor.
WASHINGTON AVE. CHURCH--Washington ave. Rev. L. J. Miller, pastor.
Primitive Baptist. PRIMITIVE BAPTIST CHURCH--Third, south of Wind-
sor. Rev. T. Reynolds, pastor.
PRIMITIVE BAPTIST CHURCH--Hazel, corner Divis ion. Rev. M. York, pastor.
Roman Catholic. ST. JOSEPH'S CHURCH--Fourth, north of Mulberry.
Rev. Joseph Winkelreid, S. J., pastor.

AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF GEORGIA--Organ ized 1845; reorganized 1869. Permanent location of Fairs at Central City Park. President, J. O. Waddell, Cedartown; secretary, R. W. Jemison, Macon: treasurer, R. S. Powell, Barnesville.
MACON DRAMATIC ASSOCIATION--S. A. C. Everett, president; J. S. Rodgers, secretary and treasurer; A. Craig Palmer, stage manager.
Gun. MACON GUN CLUB--J. L. Cook, president; A. L. Butts,
Literary. MACON ATHJENEUM--Meets Friday evenings at homes
of members. W. B. Hill, president; J. T. Derry, seore. toy; C. T. King, treasurer. MACON LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SO
CIETY--Meets at Public Library Building. Emory Speer, president; W. B. Hill, vice-president; W. McKay, secretary and treasurer.




homes of members. S. P. Heoht, president; E. A. Cohen, vice-president; H. M. Glass, secretary and treasurer.

MACON MEDICAL SOCIETY-Meets first Tuesday each month at homes of members. W. R. Winchester, M* president; R. O. Cgtter, M. D., vice-president; H. Jr. Derry, M. D., secretary and treasurer.

YOUNG MEN'S DEMOCRATIC LEAGUE--Meets upon call. W. A. Davis, president; Roff Sims, 1st vice-presi dent; A. R. Freeman, 2d vice-president; H. V. Wash ington, 3d vice-president; S. A. Crump, secretary; 1. Fla-
tau, treasurer.


COMMERCIAL CLUB--463 Cherry. S. R. Jaques, presi dent, W. A. Doody, vice-president; 8. A. Reid, secretary; C H. Hall, Jr., treasurer. Governing committee: ,J. F. Hanson, W. H. Ross, A. Proudfit, W. A. Doody, S. R.


_ __

PROGRESS CLUB--Cotton av., corner Cherry. J. H.

Hertz, president; J. Waxelbaum, vice-president; E. A

Waxelbaurn, secretary and treasurer. Governing commit

tee: C. WachteJ, J. Maas, A. Lesser, C. J. Seisel, W.

Wolff, I. Thorner, L. J. Lilienthal, H. Peyser.

TEUTONIA CLUB--510 Mulberry. John Wald, president;

H. P. Loh, vice-president; A. Dohn, secretary; H. Behr,


THE GERMAN CLUB--Paul T. Hill, president; L. J.

Anderson, secretary; C. A. Caldwell, treasurer.

SOUTHERN EXPRESS CO.--520 Fourth. Clarke, agent.

George P.|

BIBB MANUFACTURING CO.--Mill No. 1, Fifth, Ei Macon; No. 2, Oglethorpe, corner First. H. M. Comeff| president; J. F. Hanson, agent.

he ould ?e result the most ty years, the
rful advanceie here to-day, f a white citizen *o recognized busiand this statement rd citizens as well, bt only the city proper, buth Macon, Huguenin resents the entire popu3ity Hall in every direc-

9423 names--5932 white [s 12,424 names--7,999 white rl of 934 colored, total 3,001. ' now so rapidly taking place in fmer volume have been omitted s, or very nearly one half of the

ten in connection with the canvass,

^porate limits of 22,600; 11,543 white

Krbs embraced in the canvass have a

j}09 colored; total 13,095. or a total'popu-

Tied of 35,695.

^ris work has been very gratifying, exhibit

^sed recognition of the importance of a GOOD

fand in conclusion, thanks are extended to the

^e work and the hope expressed that this volume

fully and completely the above title.

Very respectfully,


Board Board Board of Building an' Business Dir Cemeteries Churches . City Goverumen' Clubs and Societl County Officers Courts and Official

Artope T. B., marble worl
Askew B. L., confectioner Bibb Land-Lumber Co., lui
ber, etc.,. Biblj Mnfg Co., cotton mills Bradycrotme Mn% Co., . back1
Burke J. W. & Co., printers, stationers, music, etc.,. . 1'
Capital Bank,. 161 Central City Times. 12
Central Ga. Alliance Ware house, . 9
Collins W. W. & B. S.,real estate and insurance, . . bottom [lines.
Dennis P. E., architect... 16 Dennison & Co., tags, etc., back
[bone and back paster.
Dully P. J., contractor and bldr 4 Duncan & Carnes, real estate
and insurance. 5 Eads, Neel & Co., clothiers and
ffirnisbers. . bottom lines. Evening News . . back fly A. Exchange Bank,. . back cover Ford W. W. & G. J., dentists. . 6
Greenberg M., mer tailor, bot-
[tom lines.

Macon Foundr Works
Macon Inter-State'
Macon Sash, Door a ber Co.,

f illiam, carp G. S. & F. R. es4th, lsts ofWindsor,S.M Henry O., eng G. S. & F. R. R., rJ7 Calhoun TH S. A. & CO. (S. A. Smith, id W. E. YanHouton), agts /unith Premier Typewriter, and dlrs in office supplies, 5521 Mul berry. (See back cover.) rallace Henry, c, grocer, W. Boun dary, cor Chestnut, r rear 157 Magnolia Wallace Samuel W., with S. R. Jaques & Tinsley Co., bds Brown's Hotel Wallace William, r 622 5th Wallen Mary R., wid, bds 593 Mad ison Waller Emma, wid J., r 308 Bur nett, E. M.

In consulting of Macon are in : pass, yet for convel parallel with the rive running from the rivel General Directory, theg east and west sides are the river. The large nu3 the only method of locatil on, and the number of doS necessary. It should be ful mentioned here, some witfl named, in order to definitely!

ACADEMY, from 629 WalnuJ to river
ADAMS, from C. R. R., s to limil 1st w of Tattnall; 4th Ward

203 Chestnut 603 Elm 301 Oglethorpe 663 Boundary 503 Ash ANDERSON, S. M., from 2d w to Knott. 1st s of Pebble APPLEWOOD, E. M., from Fac tory row, n bey limits, 2d e of Milledgeville rd ARCH, from 3d, junction Ogle thorpe, w to Orange; 2d and 4th Wards


501 Third

701 First

601 Second

801 New

ASH, from Division w to limits,

1st s of Hazel; 2d and 4th Wards


101 Gilmer

801 Telfair

201 Hammond 901 Jackson


101 Gilmer 201 Hammo^ 391 Elbert BERNARD, El
ville rd w, 1st n of BOND, from CowleS
1st s of Walnut; 3d W3
BOOKER'S ALLEY 4th, and Hazel and Bay

:y limits AV., from Mulberry,
w to College; 3d and 4th

fidrola n rE. M ^i'rom Holt n froe ladison and Col'Hill Cemetery T) AV., V., from PorHt. R., 1st w of Oak
E. M, from Hawkins, its, 1st n of Flanders



501 New


574 Spring


701 Orange


WLES, from Spring n to Bond,

of Walnut; 3d Ward

RAFT'S AL., from Jefferson, s

rd, 1st e of Jones

'DAIRY LANE, P. H., from

jrreen, 1st w of Madison

DALY AL., S. M., from New

Houston rd n, 1st e of Ells

D AVIS, E. M., from Clinton n bey

limits, 1st w of Fort Hill

DAVIS, S. M., from Anderson, s

to Knott, 1st w of 2d

DERRY LANE, from 422 Mul

berry, s to Cherry

DIVISION, from Hawthorne, opp

7th, s to limits ; 2d Ward

DUNCAN AV., H. H., from Co

lumbus rd, n to C. R. R., 1st w of

Carling av

DUNLAP AL., from 621 Spring,

w to Orange

EARLY, from Washington av,

junction Georgia av, s to Forsyth,

line Vineville branch ; 4th Ward

ELBERT, continuation of 5th

from Hawthorne, s bey limits; 2d


101 GIT
201 301 Elbert^ 401 Fourth1 501 Third 601 Second 701 First
ELM, E. M., its, 1st n of Bibb M!
FACTORY ROVfl Elm n. 1st e of Main1
Mnfg Co. houses on Hawthorne and 1st, nr^
No. 2 FIFTH, from river,
thorne, 1st e of 4th ; lst^ Wards


101 Ocmulgee 601 Plum

201 Walnut

701 Pine

801 Mulberry 801 Oak

401 Cherry

819 Oglethorp^

501 Poplar

FIRST, from river, s bey limitl

and n to limits, E. M ; 1st, 3d

4th Wards


101 Ocmulgee 801 Oak

201 Walnut

901 Arch

301 Mulberry 1001 Oglethorpe

401 Cherry 1226 Hawthorne

463 Cotton av 1301 Hazel

501 Poplar 1401 Ash

601 Plum

1501 Elm

701 Pine

1555 Boundary

FITZGERALD AL, w from 722


FLANDERS, E. M., from Main w

to limits, 2d n of river

FORSYTH, from College, junc

tion Cotton av, w to limits; 4th Ward

FORSYTH RD, V., continuation

of Forsyth, bey limits

fra Wa
301 401 601 HAMM? to 4th HANSE to Ash HARRIS, mons, 2d e of Gilme? HARRIS AL., to 2d

St s
iison, limits ;
Pj52 3d, e to
fid. H., from rof W. Boundary Extension of Col-
rTntinuation of Ocmulmge w : 3d Ward

Pat limPn Jeffer-
m av s to ^rds

Washt'n av f3 Forsyth

rom East Macon

from Spring, at Fdilege; 3d Ward Pom Oglethorpe, juncJ, w to Ross ; 4th Ward r, P. H., from Forsyth rd Tlst w of Monroe PiE, E. M.. from Burnett e '1st n of Water FEDGEVILLE ROAD, E. fn Main at limits, e jLOY'S AL., from 422 Ash,
.rJNROE, from limits s to For1st w of Madison; 3d and 4th
r,rds ^MOORE'S ROW, foQt of Tupelo OUGHON, P. H., from Holmes, n Sey limits, 1st w of Jones MULBERRY,from 7th w to Spr'g,
1st n of Cherry; 1st and 4th Wards


101 Seventh 601 Second

201 Sixth

701 First

301 Fifth

801 New

401 Pourth

871 Spring

501 Third

MURRAY'S AL-, from 721 4th,

w to 3d

NEW, from river s to Orange, 1st

w of 1st; 3d and 4th Wards


101 Ocmulgee 601 Cotton av

201 Walnut

601 Plum

301 Mulberry 701 Pine

401 Cherry

801 Oak

501 Poplar

870 Arch

501 601 Se


Forsyth rd s

W. Boundary

OCMULGEE from 7th w to Oran$

1st and 3d Wards


101 Seventh 701

201 Sixth


301 Fifth


401 Fourth 1001

501 Third

1070 Hil?

601 Second

OGLETHORPE, from limits, 1st s of Oak; 2d au



301 Fifth

1101 Ross

401 Fourth

1120 Shamrock

501 Third

1201 College

601 Second 1301 Tattnall

701 First

1401 Adams

901 Jackson 1422 Boundary

1001 Colhoun

ORANGE, from Ocmulgee, junc tion Jones, sw to Cotton av., thence

s to Oglethorpe; 3d and 4th Wards


201 Jones

554 High

260 Walnut

568 Pine

301 Bond

601 Spring

427 Georgia av 701 New

494 Magnolia 801 Holt

500 Washington av

ORCHARD AY., P. H., from

Hudson w to Brewery la, 1st n of Green
PEACHTREE, E. M., from Balkcom av n, 1st e of Milledgeville rd

PEBBLE, S. M.. from Hammond

w to Calhoun, 1st s of Boundary

limifl PI
w, 1st n RAY,
n of 2d av REESE,
ville rd w, 1st n REID, S.M.,:
1st s of Stratton REMBERT AY.,
Boundary w, 1st s of Che

Oglethorpe '39 Hawthorne 142 Bay
1201 Hazel 1301 Ash 1401 Elm 1543 Boundary

fash ed w of
Magnolia r/5 Wash'tonav 601 Plum 672 Cotton av 701 Pine 760 Oak

'LL, S. M., from Telfair w> undary
T'S AL., s from 622 Haw-

P, S. M., from 2d w to Tel{ s of Boundary
PELO, from limits w to Elbert, .on Hawthorne ; 2d Ward JRPIN, from limits w to Divis-
lst s of Bay; 2d Ward 'JLLMAN, from Columbus rd n,
Forsyth rd, bey limits VIRGIN'S LA,.V., from Forsyth, to C. R. R
WALL, from 3d to 1st, bet Mul berry and Cherry ; 2d Ward
WALNUT, from 7th, w to Orange;
1st and 3d Wards


Seventh Sixth 301 Fifth
401 Fourth 501 Third

601 Second 701 First 801 New 901 Spring
1071 Hill

WARD'S AL., V., from Vineville rd n, 1st w of Craft's al
WARE'S AL., s from 522 Elm WASHINGTON AV., from Pop
lar, nr Spring, w to limits, dividing
Wards 3 and 4

FIRST WARD-- Cherry streets, inc?
con to limits SECOND WARD--B
and Cherry streets t'
and southwest limits


ACADEMY OF MUSIC--Mulbert between 1st and 2d
AYRES' HALL--512 Mulberry CITY HALL--Corner Cotton ave.,
1st and Poplar CITY MARKET--Poplar, between
1st and 2d COUNTY COURT HOUSE--Cor
ner Mulberry and 2d FLOYD RIFLES ARMORY--Cor
ner 3d and Mulberry K. OF P. HALL--572 Cherry McGOLRICK HALL--704 4th MACON VOLUNTEERS ARMO
RY--Corner 1st and Poplar

PO? anfl
U. S. C( corner 1

in all Leading
with all Instruments Sold. PRICES GIVEN ON
E & CO., 420 to 452 Second St, MACON, GA.

City Hall,1 Mayor el,ec two years.
Is composed of a Boar members, elected ever meeting, Tuesday, 8 o
Mayor--S, salary, $2,600.
Board of J FIRSt WARD--G. C. Conner SECOND WARD--A. Proudfit THIRD WARD--R. H. Smith, FOURTH WARD--H. C. Tindall,
Members receive $3.00 for attendance
Members of the Bond Comi J. E. Jones, president; W. H. Ross, J. Lawton, J. F. Hanson, Geo. B. Turpin, J. S. Brown, S. R. Jaques. Mayor Price and Alderman ficio members.

McKervey. rxunenberg, W. R.
iary, $1,800.
ary, $800. ; salary, $800. FD.; salary, $700. riary, $750. reys; salary, $1,200. 1. A. Blue, Anthony Vau-
Y; salary, $900. 5es B. Denton ; salary, $900 bel; salary, $1,000. . T. Nelson; salary, $1,000.
!Trd of Health.
n. i. Pellevv, W. A. Davis, H. P. Westcott, Donahue, Alex. Reynolds, Geo. A. Dure,
id Chairman of the Cemetery Committee and
5cil are ex officio members.
^meetings second and fourth Wednesdays in each City Hall.

bott, assistant superinteri
BOYS' HIGH SCHO B. Chapman, princip Holmes, assistants.
GIRLS' HIGH SCHOO Miss E. H. Merrill, prin Kate Gilbert, Miss R. AllenJ
ORANGE STREET SCHOOL^ Miss C. I. Smith, principal; Holmes, Miss F. Roberts, Miss E? Miss E. McAndrew, Miss P. Lo| Taylor, supernumerary.
SECOND STREET SCHOOL--Second,' Miss P. Wanneck, principal; Miss M. Aultman, Miss E. C. Smith, Miss T. Holmes, Mrs. L. Nagle, Miss M. Darrah Anaie Laney, supernumerary



~s M.
fi. T. K. Stephenson,
t,principal; Miss
Conner, principal; rss A. M. Mallory, assistants. rinor, principal; Miss rants.
rL. H. Williams, principal; Pell, assistants. fA.. A. Mathis, principal; Miss
department 1887, and is under the flowing
Fire Masters: Alderman Conner, Smith and O'Hara. dppropriates$30,000 annually for the support of ent, which employs 3 steam engines, 3 reels, 1

SECOND CHURCH--Ash, corner Calhoun. Rev. S. L. Morris, pastor.
WASHINGTON AYE. CHURCH--Washington ave. Rev. L. J. Miller, pastor.
Primitive Baptist. PRIMITIVE BAPTIST CHURCH--Third, south of Wind
sor. Rev. T. Reynolds, pastor.
PRIMITIVE BAPTIST CHURCH--Hazel, corner Divis ion. Rev. M. York, pastor. Roman Catholic.
ST. JOSEPH'S CHURCH--Fourth, north of Mulberry. Rev. Joseph Winkelreid, S. J., pastor.


AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF GEORGIA--Organ ized 1845; reorganized 1869. Permanent location of Fairs at Central City Park. Presideut, J. O. Waddell, Cedartown; secretary, R. W. Jemison, Macon; treasurer, R. S. Powell, Barnesville.

MACON DRAMATIC ASSOCIATION--S. A. C. Everett, president; J. S. Rodgers, secretary and treasurer; A. Craig Palmer, stage manager.


MACON GUN CLUB--J. L. Cook, president; A. L. Butts,




MACON ATHiENEUM--Meets Friday evenings at homes of members. W. B. Hill, president; J. T. Derry, secre tary; C. T. King, treasurer.
MACON LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SO CIETY--Meets at Public Library Building. Emory Speer, president; W. B. Hill, vice-president; W. McKay, secretary and treasurer. 5



STANDARD LITERARY ASSOCIATION--Meets at homes of members. S. P. Hecht, president; E. A. Cohen, vice-president; H. M. Glass, secretary and treasurer.
MACON MEDICAL SOCIETY--Meets first Tuesday each month at homes of members. W. R. Winchester, M. D., president; R. O. Cotter, M. D., vice-president; H. P. Derry, M. D., secretary and treasurer.
YOUNG MEN'S DEMOCRATIC LEAGUE--Meets upon call. W. A. Davis, president; Roff Sims, 1st vice-presi dent; A. R. Freeman, 2d vice-president; H. V. Wash ington, 3d vice-president; S. A. Crump, secretary; I. Flatau, treasurer.
COMMERCIAL CLUB--453 Cherry. S. R. Jaques, presi dent, W. A. Doody, vice-president; S. A. Reid, secretary; C. H. Hall, Jr., treasurer. Governing committee: J. F. Hanson, W. H. Ross, A. Proudfit, W. A. Doody, S. R. Jaques.
PROGRESS CLUB--Cotton av., corner Cherry. J. H. Hertz, president; J. Waxelbaum, vice-president; E. A. Waxelbaura, secretary and treasurer. Governing commit tee: C. Wachtel, J. Maas, A. Lesser, C. J. Seisel, W. Wolff, I. Thorner, L. J. Lilienthal, H. Peyser.
TEUTONIA CLUB--510 Mulberry. John Wald, president; H. P. Loh, vice-president; A. Dohn, secretary; H. Behr, trGEs u rer.
THE GERMAN CLUB--Paul T. Hill, president; L. J. Anderson, secretary; C. A. Caldwell, treasurer.

SOUTHERN EXPRESS CO.--520 Fourth. Clarke, agent.

George P.

BIBB MANUFACTURING CO.--Mill No. 1, Fifth, East Macon; No. 2, Oglethorpe, corner First. H. M. Comer, president; J. F. Hanson, agent.



BRADYCROTINE MANUFACTURING CO--Office, 564 Cherry. H. J. Lamar, president; J. S. Hoge, vice-presi dent, S. H. Shepard, secretary and manager; J. B. Riley, trcftsurcr
CENTRAL CITY ICE FACTORY--Office, 558 Fifth. Alex. Block, president; Abe Ellis, secretary and manager.
CENTRAL GEORGIA ALLIANCE WAREHOUSE560 Poplar. D. G. Hughes, president; J. L. Gufford, secre
tary; J. R. Van Buren, treasurer; R. W. Bonner, manager. EXCELSIOR HOOK AND BACK BAND CO.--352-354
Third. J. C. VanSyckel, president; J. W. Cabaniss, vicepresident ; H. C. Tindall, secretary and treasurer. Direc tors : J. C. VanSyckel, J. W. Cabaniss, H. C. Tindall, M. Nussbaum, L. E. Culver, W. G. Solomon. GEORGIA HOSIERY CO.--Limited.--823 Elm. W. T. Lang, general manager; S. J. Baldwin, superintendent. GEORGE S. JONES CO.--50 to 66 Cherry. E. D. Huguenin, president; E. F. McRae, vice-president; GeorgeS. Jones, secretary, treasurer and general manager. GUARANTEE COMPANY OF GEORGIA.--364 Second. Capital $50,000 ; R. F. Lawton, president; H. M. Smith, secretary. J. W. BURKE & CO.--452 Second. J. W. Burke, presi dent ; C. Canning, secretary and treasurer; E. W. Burke, general manager. MACON AGRICULTURAL WORKS.--Office 352-354 Third. L. E. Culver, president; S. S. Dunlap, vicepresident ; H. M. Wortham, secretary and treasurer. Di rectors: S. S. Dunlap, M. Nussbaum, F. C. Etheridge, H. M. Wortham, L. E. Culver, J. C. VanSyckel. MACON BREWING CO.--Hammond, corner Bay. T. W. Troy, president; A. R. Woolfolk, secretary and treasurer. Directors: T. W. Troy, R. H. Plant, H. Schwarzwalder, J. S. Baxter, A. Gibian. MACON CANAL AND MANUFACTURING CO.--Office 516 Mulberry. J. C. McBurney, president: H. G. Cutter, secretary and treasurer. Directors: J. S. Baxter, H. Horne, H. G. Cutter, G. W. Duncan, E. P. McBurney, J. C. McBurney. MACON CANNING CO.--Columbus road, beyond limits. C. J. Harris, president; G. Birch, secretary and treasurer; N. S. Outler, manager. MACON CONSTRUCTION CO.--304 Plum. W. B. Sparks, president; H. L. Jewett, secretary and treasurer; Jeft Lane, general manager.



MACON FERTILIZING CO.--502-504 Cherry. (Organ izing.)
MACON FURNITURE CO.--Poplar, corner E. T., V. & G. R. R. W. T. Shinholser, president; Carl Dohn, secre tary and treasurer; Philip Dohn, superintendent.
MACON GAS LIGHT AND WATER CO.--564 Mul berry. W. J. Coite, president; G. F. Work, treasurer; J. B. Hall, secretary; J. W. Wilcox, superintendent.
MACON INTERSTATE ABSTRACT CO.--364 Second. -, president;-, secretary and treasurer ; Gerdine & Crump, attorneys and managers.
MACON KNITTING CO.--661 Hawthorne. Capital $200,000; J. F. Hanson, president; D. H. Howes, superin tendent.
MACON OIL AND FERTILIZER CO.--S. W. R. R., south of Boundary. E. H. Coates, secretary, treasurer and manager.
MACON PAINT WORKS.--Gilmer, corner Tupelo. W. L. Henry, president; F. R. Pomeroy, secretary and treas urer ; E. D. Stow, manager.
MACON AND SAVANNAH CONSTRUCTION CO.--456 Second. W. B, Sparks, president; Jeff Lane, general man ager; H. L. Jewett, secretary and treasurer.
MANCHESTER MANUFACTURING CO.--C.R.R., be yond limits. J. F. Crutchfield, president; J. W. Cabaniss, secretary and treasurer; J. D. Hough, general manager.
NEWS PUBLISHING CO.--412-414 Cherry. E. C. Machen, president; W. F. Combs, manager.
PALMER MANUFACTURING CO.--C. R. R., opposite Crump's Park. W. E. Huger, president; W. M. Bird, vice president; IT. M. Manigault, secretary and treasurer.
PLANTERS OIL, GUANO AND ICE CO.--Foot of Mul berry. J. D. Hough, president; C. A. Hough, secretary Jind tr6ESur6r
POWERS CONTRACTING CO.--157 Cotton ave. F. H. Powers, president; J. M. Horton, secretary and treasurer.
SOUTHWESTERN RAILROAD CO.--323 Third. J. E. Jones, president; W. S. Brandy, secretary and treasurer.
S. R. JAQUES & TINSLEY CO.--402-404 Cherry. S. R. Jaques, president; T. D. Tinsley, vice president; F. Jeter, secretary and treasurer.
THE GEORGIA QUINCY GRANITE CO.--552 Second. Roff Sims, president; T. B. Artope, vice president; T. E. Artope, secretary and general manager.



THE VIRGINIA. FURNITURE CO.--109 Cotton ave. J. R. Sanders, president; T. H. Cheadle, secretary and treasurer.

MACON FIRE INS. CO.--413 Cherry. Incorporated 1886. Capital $100,000; surplus $37,500. S. S. Dunlap, presi dent; R. E. Park, vice president; E. S. Wilson, secretary and treasurer. Directors : J. S. Baxter, S. S. Dunlap, M. Nussbaum, R. H. Plant, H. J. Lamar, R. E. Park, J. W. Cabaniss, H. T. Johnson, E. S. Wilson.
PUBLIC LIBRARY AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MACON.--Rooms 652 Mulberry. Organized June, 1874. Hours: 8 A. M. to 9:30 P. M.; Sunday, 9 A. M. to 11 A. M. Regular meeting first Wednesday in every month. Num ber of volumes 14,000. H.T, Powell, president; T. O, Chestney, first vice president; R. E. Park, second vice president; S. H. Pearson, secretary; L. P. Stallings, treas urer; Charles Herbst, librarian; Miss Callie Pearson, assistant. Directors: L. McManus, H, V. Washington, P. T. Hill, E. D. Irvine, E. S. Wilson, J. B. Hall, Marion Erwin, M. Elkan, R. L.Munford
BALLARD NORMAL SCHOOL LIBRARY.--(Colored.) In charge of the American Missionary Society. Number of volumes 4,000. Pine, corner New.

SECOND GEORGIA BATTALION.--Charles M. Wiley, lieut. colonel commanding, Macon, Ga.; N. M. Hodgkins, major, Macon, Ga.; E. D. Huguenin, adjutant, Macon, Ga.; F. C. Etheridge, sergeant major, Macon, Ga.; W. S. Paine, quartermaster, Milledgeville, Ga.; W. W. Wrigley, pay master, Macon, Ga.; E. S. Wilson, commissary, Macon Ga.; Dr. N. G. Gewinner, surgeon, Macon, Ga.



MACON VOLUNTEERS.--Organized April 23d, 1825. J. E. Wells, captain ; L. P. Hillyer, 1st lieut.;S. H. Pearson, 2d lieut. Armory, 466 1st.
SOUTHERN CADETS.--Roff Sims, captain; John C. Flynn, 1st lieut.; T. E. Artope, 2d lieut.; N.G. White, Jr. 2d lieut. Armory, 566 Mulberry.
FLOYD RIFLES.--Organized May 1st, 1841. J. L. Harde man, captain ; E. Y. Mallary, 1st lieut.; C. B. Smith, 2d lieut., Fred Stewart, Jr. 2d lieut. Armory, 304 3d.
LINCOLN GUARDS.--Frank Disroon, eaptain ; S. L. Lock hart, 1st lieut.; J. Bennett, 2d lieut.; R. H. Hart, 3d lieut. Armory, 454| Cotton ave.
BIBB COUNTY BLUES.--Spencer Moseley, captain; E. McWhorter, 1st lieut.; A. Thweatt, 2d lieut.; Isaac Webb, 8d lieut. Armory, 454J Cotton ave.

ALLIANCE ECHO.--Weekly--413 First. W. H. Tinker, editor and proprietor.
CENTRAL CITY TIMES.--(Colored.) Weekly--404 Mul berry. Rev. T. M. Robinson, president; W. T. Reed, secretary; Rev. L. H. Smith, business manager; S. H. Blocker and L. J. Miller, editors.
DENTAL LUMINARY.--Quarterly--556 Mulberry. W. R. Holmes and J. M. Mason, editors.
EVENING NEWS.--Daily--412--414 Cherry. News Pub lishing Co., publishers. J. T. Boifeuillet, editor; W. F. business manager.
GEORGIA EDUCATIONAL JOURNAL.--Monthly--452 Second. B. M. Zettler, editor; E. W. Burke, general manager
MACON HEALTH HOME JOURNAL.--Monthly--630 Cotton ave. Mrs. R. E. Fuller, editor and proprietor.
MACON TELEGRAPH--Daily and Weekly--569 Mulberry. Published by the Telegraph Co. J. H. Estill, president; A. A. Allen, editor; W. E. Dawson, business manager.
SOUTHERN TRUCKER AND LUMBERMAN.--Weekly --412-414 Cherry. News Publishing Co., publishers. L. B. Clifton, editor.

WESLEYAN CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE.--Weekly--452 Second. J. W. Burke & Co., publishers; Rev. W. H. Potter, editor; Rev. J. W. Burke, assistant editor.
ACADEMY OF MUSIC--Mulberry, between First and Sec ond. Henry Horne, manager.
CENTRAL CITY PARK--Foot of Ocmulgee and Walnut. ROSE PARK--Orange and Spring. CRUMP'S PARK--West of Vineville. TOWER PARK--Intersection of Orange and High, front of
Academy for the Blind.
POST OFFICE. The Post Office is located at corner of Mulberry and Third. R. D. Locke, postmaster; C. L. Vigal, assistant postmaster; R. E. Findlay, superintendent of delivery; Thomas U. Baskin, registry clerk; John W. Arnold, money order clerk; Asher A. Bivin6, general delivery and stamp clerk; Will M. Dewberry, mailing clerk; Charles H. Cawley, assistant mailing and night clerk; Miss Susie P. Baskin, assistant registry, general delivery and stamp clerk; Miss Mamie M. Darragh, box clerk; Sid M. Johnson, general utility clerk; Fred Rooney, special delivery messenger.
Free Delivery. Carriers--W. A. Dewberry, No. 1; W. H. Young, No. 2; J. J. Higgison, No. 3; Edward Cassidy, No. 4; G. T. Smith, No. 5; L. H. Garfield, No. 6; A. J. Ryals, No. 7; L. J. Mi chael, No. 8; C. P. Stubbs, No. 9; L. K. Sinton, No. 10; J. H. Bickers, No. 11; J. W. May, No. 12; C. H. Holley, No. 13; C. E. Moore, No. 14; W. T. Reid, No. 15; Eugene Thompson, No. 16. The Post Office department promises to deliver by carriers only such mail matter as is directed to the streets and numbers, and the only sure way to avoid having letters advertised is to follow instructions of the postal department by addressing leters as above stated.
General Delivery. Asher A. Bivins, clerk. Window open daily from 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. Sundays, from 9.30 to 10.30 a. h., and 6.30 to 7.30 p. M.



Money Order Department.
John W. Arnold, clerk. Office opens at 8 A. M. and closes at 4 P. M.

CENTRAL RAILROAD AND BANKING CO. OF GA.-- Main offices, Savannah; local offices, Union Depot; general ticket office, 521 Mulberry. H. P. Dill, superintendent main stem. W. P. Dawson, passenger agent, 411 Fourth.
COVINGTON AND MACON RAILROAD--Offices, 506 Mulberry; depot, Ocmulgee, corner 5th, J. E. Jones, president; A. C. Palmer, secretary and treasurer; C. V. Palmer, auditor; A. G. Craig, acting superintendent.
EAST TENNESSEE, VIRGINIA AND GEORGIA RAILROAD--Depot Ocmulgee, corner 5th. Office Oc mulgee, corner 4th; ticket office 506 Mulberry. J. H. Turner, agent; A. B. Quinker, ticket agent.
GEORGIA RAILROAD--Leased by Central Railroad-- Union Depot.
GEORGIA SOUTHERN AND FLORIDA RAILROAD --Union Depot. Offices 304 Plum ; ticket office 516 Mul berry. G. B. Turpin, president; O. G. Sparks, vice presi dent; R. S. Collins, treasurer; Jeff Lane, general mana ger; A. C. Knapp, traffic manager; C. B. Wilburn, general freight agent; W. T. Heflin, auditor; S. C. Hoge,superin tendent; J. T. Hoge, general passenger agent; Harry Burns, ticket agent.
MACON AND BIRMINGHAM RAILROAD--Offices 304 Plum. F. S. Johnson, president; W. A. Doody, vice president; N. M. Hodgkins, treasurer. (Other officials same as G. S. & F. R. R.)
MACON AND DUBLIN RAILROAD--Office 417 4th. D. M. Hughes, president; H. S. Morse, vice president and general manager; D. B. Dunn, chief engineer; Hardy Smith, secretary and treasurer. (Road in process of con struction.)
SOUTHWESTERN RAILROAD--Leased by Central Rail road--Union Depot.
MACON CITY AND SUBURBAN STREET RAIL ROAD CO.--Office 809 Poplar. George F. Work, pres ident; J. H. DeVoe, secretary; E. E. Winters, general manager.



METEOPOLITAN STREET RAILWAY CO.--Office 7th, opposite City Park. E. G. Harris, president.

rjiw Cubbedge, secretary and treasurer. OrgY SOCIETY OF ORGANIZED CHARITIES.-- T. "~ed February, 1887. F. S. Johnson, president; est, secretary and treasurer.

American Legion of Honor. BIBB COUNCIL No. 173.--Meets 2d and 4th Tuesday at
Hall, 566 Mulberry. M. H. Taylor, C.; D. S. Wright secretary.
Ancient Order United Workmen. MAGNOLIA LODGE, No. 3--Meets 1st and 3d Tuesday at
Hall, 566 Mulberry. W. H. Mansfield, W. M.; D. R. Wright, R. WASHINGTON LODGE, No. 29--Meets 2d and 3d Thurs days at No. 4 Engine House. N. G. Gewinuer, W. M.; D. D. Craig, R.
Brotherhood of St Andrew. Meets 2d Tuesday at Christ Church. Rev. F. F. Reese, presi
dent ; F. C. Poole, secretary.
3d Monday. C. M. Wiley, C.; J. B. Cobb, V. C.; J. T. Derry, S.; H. McKervey, T.
Equitable League. MACON COURT, No. 88--Meets 2d and 4th Friday at Hall,
666 Mulberry. E. H. Dottenheim, J.; J. C. Powell, P. J.; Bridges Smith, C.; M. Greenberg, T.
Fraternal Mystic Circle. EMPIRE RULING, No. 154--Meets 2d and 4th Thursday
at Hall, 666 Mulberry. B. M. Zettler, W. M.; C. Mor gan, S.; C. H. Cubbedge, T.



G. A. R. EDWARD S. JONES POST, No. 5--Meets 2d and 4th
Thursday at Parlor 3, Hotel Lanier. I. D. Crawford, C.; W. W. DeHaven, S. Y. C.; C. W. Morrill, J. V. C.; Harry Burns, Adjt.
Improved Order Red Men. OCMULGEE TRIBE, No. 21--Meets every Tuesday at Hall,
572 Cherry. W. H. Schatzman, S.; W. A. Wolihin, C. of R.; G. A. Dure, K. of W.
Israelite. B'NAI B'RITH--Meets 2d and 4th Sunday at K. of P.
Hall, 572 Cherry. E. Sprinz, president; J. Van, vicepresident; J. Siesel, secretary ; D. Abraham, treasurer. FREE SONS OF ISRAEL--Meets 1st and 3d Sunday at K. of P. Hall, 572 Cherry. J. Siesel, president; M. Skalowski, vice-president; M. Abraham, rcretary; N. A. Qang trGBSUTGr. KASHER SHEL BARZEL--Meets 1 and 3d Sunday at 566 Mulberry. L. C. Cohn, pre,blent ; V. Kahn, vicepresident; M. Abraham, secretary; D. Abraham, treasurer.
Knights of the Golden Rule. GRAND CHAPTER OF GEORGIA--Meets in Macon an
nually. A. W. Hollingsworth, Augusta, G. C.; G. N. Craft, West Point, G. S. CASTLE MACON, No. 34--Meets 1st and 3d Monday at Odd Fellows Hall, 105 Cotton ave. A. B. Jones, com mander; C. J. Stroberg, secretary.
Knights of Honor. EMMETT LODGE NO. 250--Meets 1st and 3d Friday at
566 Mulberry. G. W. Wright, dictator; E. H. Link, re porter; J. D. Hudgins, treasurer.
Knights of Pythias. CENTRAL CITY LODGE NO. 3--Meets every Wednesday
at Hall, 572 Cherry. John Hartz,C. C.; J. H. Bremer, K.
of R. and S. SYRACUSE LODGE NO. 36--Meets every Pr;day at Hall,
572 Cherry. G. W. Barker, C. C; J. P. Ross, K. of R. and S. UNIFORM DIVISION--D. B. Woodruff, S. K. C.; H. A. Blue, S. K. R.; J. B. Frink, S. R. T. ENDOWMENT RANK. M. R. Freeman, pres.; P. M. Berg,
sec. and treas.



GRAND CHAPTER ROYAL ARCH MASONS FOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA--Grand officers : James W. Taylor, M. E. G. H. P.; Thomas Ballantyne, R. E. D. G. H. P.; A. M. Lambdiu, R. E. G. K.; J. A. Stew art, R. E. G. S.; W. B. Daniel, R. E. G. treas; A. M. Wolihin, R. E. G. sec; A. I. Leel, R. E. and Rev. G. C., C. H. Freeman, Grand Tyler.
GRAND LODGE OF GEORGIA--Officers: M. W., John S. Davidson, G. M.; R. W., James W. Rushin, D. G. M.; R. W.,Reuben Jones, S. G. W.; R. W., J. P. Shannon, J. G. W.; R. W., W. B. Daniel, G. treasurer; R. W., A. M. Wolihin, G. secretary; Rev. and W., R. W. Hubert, G. C.; W., R. B. Nisbet, S. G. D.; W., W. T. Kimsey, J. G. D.; W., W. F. Parkhurst, G. M.; W., R. T. Ken drick, F. G. S.; W., J. A. Fowler, S. G. S.; W., T. L. Sims, T. G. S.; Brother Charles H. Freeman, G. T.
MACON LODGE, No. 5, F. and A. M.--Regular meetings 1st and 3d Monday nights at 111 Cotton ave. W. A. Davis, W. M.; G. A. Dure, secretary.
CONSTANTINE CHAPTER, No. 4, R. A. M.--Regular meetings 2d and 4th Monday nights at 111 Cotton ave. W. B. Daniel, H. P.; G. A. Dure, secretary.
WASHINGTON COUNCIL, No. 6, R. and S. M--Meets 4th Tuesday night at 111 Cotton ave. A. L. Wood, T. I. M.; F. A. Schoneman, recorder.
St. OMER COMMANDERY, No. 2, K. T--Meets 1st and 3d Thursday nights at 111 Cotton ave. C. M. Wiley,
IF ^ iA A T)nT'PPBvnpr
ZERBAL LODGE OF PERFECTION, No. 2, A. and A. S. R--Meets 2d Thursday night at 111 Cotton ave. Rev. W. D. Powers, Y. M.
National Union.
MACON COUNCIL, No. 272--Meets 4th Thursday nights at 203 Cotton ave. A. B. Small, pres. T. L. Massenburg, sec.; G A. Dure, treas.
Odd Fellows. FRANKLIN LODGE, No. 2--Meets every Thursday night
at Odd Fellows Hall, 105 Cotton ave. W. A. Freeman, N. G.; U. L. Williams, secretary. GERMANIA LODGE, No. 59.--Meets every Thursday night at 510 Mulberry. F. Reichert, N. G.; Peter Koch, secretary.



MACON UNION ENCAMPMENT, No. 2.--Meets 2d and 4th Thursday nights at Odd Fellows Hall. W. C. Knobloch, C. P.; F. A. Schoneman, scribe.
UNITED BROTHERS, No. 5.--Meets every Tuesday night at Odd Fellows Hall. C. E. Damour, N. G.; L. S. Hill, secretary.
Royal Arcanum.
ANCHOR COUNCIL, No. 145.--Meets 2d and 4th Monday nights at Assembly Hall, 566 Mulberry. C. M. Wiley, regent; E. H. Link, secretary.
WADLEY COUNCIL, No. 1249.--Meets 1st and 4th Mon day at McGolrick's Hall, 704 4th. H. Burns, regent; Bridges Smith, secretary.
W C. T. U. Meets every Thursday afternoon in Y. M. C. A. rooms, 456
First. Mrs. W. B. Hill, president; Miss M. Lillian Bremer, secretary ; Mrs. J. H. Bremer, treasurer.

BLACKSMITHS' UNION--Meets at McGolrick Hall, 704 Fourth.
Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners.
LOCAL UNION No. 144.--Meets every Friday evening at McGolrick Hall, 704 Eourth.
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. SIMPSON DIVISION No. 210.--Meets every Sunday at
McGolrick Hall, 704 Fourth.
Firemen's Brotherhood. MACON LODGE No. 246.--Meets every Sunday morning at
C. R. R. shops.
MOULDERS UNION.--Meets at McGolrick Hall, 702 Fourth.
NATIONAL ASSOCIATION MACHINISTS.--Meets 2d and 4th Tuesday night at McGolrick Hall.
Order Railway Conductors. MACON DIVISION Mo. 123.--Meets 1st aud 3d Sundays
at Hall, 105 Cotton av.
Order Railway Telegraphers. MACON DIVISION No. 144.--Meets 4th Sunday at Hall,
105 Cotton av.



Stenographers Associations. MACON STENOGRAPHERS ASSOCIATION.--Meet 1st
and 4th Friday at Hall, 512 Mulberry. J. C. Craig, presi dent ; Seaborn Smith, secretary and treasurer.
Tailors Union of America. LOCAL UNION No. 128.--F. Swanson, president; E. R.
Boyd, secretary ; J. Herman, treasurer.
Typographical. MACON TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION, No. 93.--Meets
first Sunday in each month, at 105 Cotton av. N. D. May, presidentC. M. Smith, vice president; J. H. McGehee, recording secretary ; Ed Guthrie, financial secretary.

CO.--457 Second. J. D. Easterlin, district superinten dent; D. H. Mullenix, manager. WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO.--413 Fourth. W. F. C. Fellers, manager.
UNITED STATES COURT HOUSE AND POST OF FICE BUILDING--Third, corner Mulberry. R. D. Locke, custodian.
U. S. DISTRICT COURT, (Southern District of Georgia.)-- Hon. Emory Speer, judge; Marion Erwin, prosecuting attorney; W. P. Corbett, marshal; Oscar Arfwedson, chief deputy; H. H. King, clerk; L. M. Erwin, deputy and U. S. commissioner.
U. S. INTERNAL REVENUE--Richard D. Nelson, deputy collector.
Y. M. C. A. Rooms, 456 First. Open from 9 A. to 10 P. M.
COUNTY OF BIBB. Macon the county seat. COURT HOUSE, corner Mul berry and Second.



County Officers.
Commissioners--G. M. Davis, chairman; W. R. Phillips, W. E. Jenkins, It. L. Henry, Joseph Amerson. W. G. Smith, clerk of board and ex-officio treasurer.
Coroner--W. W. Henderson, elected January, 1889, for two years.
Sheriff--G. S. Westcott, elected January, 1889, for two years. Surveyor--J. C. Wheeler, elected January, 1889, for two
years. Tax Collector--Charles B. Massenburg, elected January,
1889, for two years. Tax Receiver--R. J. Anderson, elected January, 1889, for
two years.
County Prison.
COUNTY JAIL--Mulberry, corner Fifth. Nat Birdsong, jailer.
SUPERIOR COURT--Court House, Macon Circuit, Bibb County. Terms, third Monday in April and first Mon day in November. A. L. Miller, judge; salary, $2,000. W. H. Felton, solicitor-general; salary, fees. D. H. Adams, clerk; elected January, 1889, for two years. J. W. Blount, deputy clerk; A. E. Barnes, reporter.
CITY COURT.--Quarterly sessions held in January, March, June and September. Daily sessions held to try misde meanors. Civil jurisdiction unlimited. Chas. J. Harris, judge; J. Wingfield Nisbet, clerk; L. B. Herrington, sheriff.
COURT OF ORDINARY.--Court House. Court convenes first Monday in each month. C. M. Wiley, ordinary; elected January, 1889, for 4 years; salary, fees. Thos. H. Blount, clerk; salary, fees.

Anderson Cuflfey, c, drayman, r rear 521 Gilmer Anderson C. Eugene, printer Telegraph, bds 320 1st Anderson Edward, wks Bibb No. 1, r 219 Elinton, E. M Anderson Ellis B., mach, r 620 2d Anderson Eugene E., trainmaster S. W. R. R., r 769 Poplar Anderson Eugene- P., elk Macon Hardware Co., bds 320 1st Anderson A., wid W. P., bds 211 4th Anderson Felix E., supt's elk C. R. R,/bds 769 Poplar Anderson Harry, c, lab, r 1031 3d Anderson Howard, c, porter, r 55 Middle, P. H Anderson Howard, c, wks C. R. R., r Wing's Hill, S. M Anderson James, c, lab, r rear 753 3d Anderson James L. (Ross & Anderson), r Carling av, sw cor
Coleman av Anderson John, c, wks W. F. Anderson Anderson John F., c, grocer, Jones, nw cor College, r 205 Jones Anderson Laura B., wid C. G., r 612 Poplar Anderson Lewis, c, lab, r rear 23 Spring Anderson Lewis, c, wks A. L. Butts, r rear 362 Mulberry Anderson Louis J. (Jones & Anderson), bds 568 Orange Anderson Lydia, c, laundress, r 327 Hawthorne Anderson P. T., printer, bds 320 1st Anderson Robert, c, wks Bibb No. 1, bds es Factory row, 3d
n of Hidrola, E. M ANDERSON ROBERT J., tax receiver, and agt WhiteS. M.
Co., 129 Cotton av, r ss Columbus rd, bey limits Anderson R. Coley, mngr Ivy Leaf Coal Co., r ss Columbus rd Anderson Samuel F., elk Macon Hardware Co., r 320 1st ANDERSON THOMAS J., supt Riverside Cemetery, r 153
Madison ANDERSON WILLIAM F., brick mnfr, es Ga. R. R., E.
M., r ss Forsyth, V Anderson William H., painter C. R. R., r 565 Oak Anderson William T., printer Telegraph, bds 320 1st Andrews Alexander, c, porter Commercial Hotel Andrews Augustus, c, pedler, r es Ullman, nr Columbus rd Andrews Carter, c, wks G. S. & F. R. R., r 503 Flanders,
E. M Andrews E. F. Miss, teacher Wesleyan Female College
inc urn o pn best hats# shirts AUv, ILlL Ch uU. 552 & 554 Cherry Street, MACON, GA.

Children's Carriages, goat wagons
s. s., 470 Second st. (Seep. 7.) Saddles, Harness, Etc,




Andrews Fletcher, c, elk B. J. Jordan & Bro Andrews Henry, c, lab, r al bet 4th and 5th, nr Bay Andrews Jacob, c, farmer, r es Ullman, nr Columbus rd Andrews Joseph B., policeman, r 366 Flanders, E. M Andrews La Fayette, c, carp, r es Ullman, nr Columbus rd
Andrews Lewis, c, barkpr, L. C. Cooper Andrews Lewis, c, lab M. Furniture Co., r rear 375 Arch
Andrews Lula, c, laundress, r 271 Chestnut Andrews Oscar, c, porter W. T. Shinholser & Ray, r Riverside,
3d w of Madison Andrews Powell, c, lab T. J. Bell & Son, r ns Chestnut, 4th w
of W. Boundary Andrews Thomas, c, porter, r ws Crafts al, 2d n of Jefferson, P.H
Andrews Thomas, c, servt, r rear 854 Oak Andrews William H., carp, r 1054 Ash Andrews William H., elk E. L, Burdick, bds 659 1st Andrews William R., mach E. Crockett, r 414 Hawthorne Ansell Thomas W. (L. McManus & Co.), bds 654 1st Ansley Edward W., c, barber, 422 2d, r rear 920 Plum Anthony Bertha M. Miss, teacher Ballard School, r 806 Pine Anthony Edwin R., vineyard, Godfrey dist, J mile sw of Mercer Anthony Joseph, elk, bds Godfrey dist, \ mile sw of Mercer
Anthony Tony, c, lab, r rear 154 4th Anthony William H., eond G. S. & F. R. R., bds 140 Mag
nolia Antwine William T., elk E. T. V. & G. R. R., bds 515 Oak Appleton Church Home, Sister Katherine in charge ; ws Col
lege, bet Forsyth and Appleton av Appling David, c, carp Powers Cont'g Co., r rear 305 2d, E. M
Appling Nicholas, c, wks J. L. Shea, r E. M Appling Peter, c, driver, r ss Ellis, 2d w of Monroe Appling Roscoe, c, teacher, bds rear 305 2d, E. M Appling Thomas H., elk, Brown's Hotel
Archer A. L., carp C. R. R. shops Archer Spencer, c, gardener J. S. Schofield Ard Andrew, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 96 Oglethorpe, Factory row Ard Daniel, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 98 Oglethorpe, Factory row Ard Emina Mrs., wks Bibb No. 2, bds 96 Oglethorpe, Factory

A First-class Business School Rapid Business Penmanship.
Circulars Free. w. Mckay, Prm.


Sash, Door and Blind MANUFACTURERS.




Ard George, wks Bibb No. 2, r 77 Hawthorne, Factory row Ard George, Jr, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 77 Hawthorne, Factory
row Ard Hector, wks Manchester Mfg Co., r 13 Manchester row Ard Jane, wid H., r 98 Oglethorpe, Factory row Ard Jennie Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 77 Hawthorne, Factory
row Ard Mary Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 77 Hawthorne, Factory
row Ard Mollie Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, r ws 1st, 3d n of Hawthorne Arfwedson Oscar L., chief dep U. S. marshal, bds Corbett House
Armon Henry, wks Dixie Wks Armour Packing Co., L. L. Gibson, mgr ; ns Mulberry, opp 5th Armstead Emily, c, market gardener, r ns Columbus rd Armster Brad T., c, barkpr A. Gospeay, r E. M Armstrong Berry D., mgr Singer Mfg Co., r es Ells, 3d n of
New Houston rd, S. M Armstrong Edward, c, tinner R. Falkner Armstrong Emily, wid J. H., bds es Ells, 3d n of New
Houston rd, S. M Armstrong Gaston, physician, r 504 Washington av Armstrong George W., teacher, r 820 Plum Armstrong Jane R., wid J. W., r 504 Washington av Armstrong Joseph, lawyer, bds 504 Washington av Armstrong Julia U. Miss, bds 504 Washington av Armstrong London, c, tinner R. Falkner, r rear 354 Spring Armstrong L. B. Miss, bds 504 Washington av Armstrong Octavius A., elk H. R. Stroemer, bds 504 Wash
ington av Armstrong Samuel, c, lab, r ss Boundary, foot Johnson Arnett Bethany, wid T., r nr Mercer University Arnett John, wks Manchester Mfg Co., r 13 Manchester row Arnett Lewis, wks Manchester Mfg Co., r 13 Manchester row Arnett Matilda, wid Davis, r 13 Manchester row Arnett M. A., tailor J. L. Shea, r country Arnett Thomas, tailor M. Greenberg, r nr Mercer University Arnold Bertha Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co., r ns Anderson,
3d w of 2d, S. M Arnold Catherine, wid J., bds ss Tindall, 6th w of Telfair, S. M


and has made MOST Rapid Progress of any Co.


T. S. LOWRY, Manager.


Will do better fox' > 011 Minn anybody can do.





Arnold Daniel, c, carp, r rear 389 Madison Arnold Daniel, c, cooper, r 336 Water, E. M Arnold Doc A., wks Bibb No. 1, r 204 Hidrola, E. M Arnold Dora Miss, wks Bibb No. 1, bds 204 Hidrola, E. M Arnold John R., carp, r ss Tindall, 6th w of Telfair, S. M Arnold Julia Miss, wks Bibb No. 1, bds 204 Hidrola, E. M Arnold Mary A. E. Miss, wks Bibb No. 1, bds 204 Hidrola,
E. M Arnold Mattie Miss, wks Bibb No. 1, bds 204 Hidrola, E. M
Arnold M. M., wid E., bds 355 Elm Arnold Sarah M., wid J. W., r ns Anderson, 3d w of 2d, S. M Arnold William P., c, cook, r rear 565 Madison Arnold W. H., flagman S. W. R. R Arnot Thomas, c, broommkr Macon Broom Factory Arnsdorff* Samuel B., condr, bds 764 Ash Arrington John T., briekmason, r ns Reid, 1st e of Chapel,
S. M Arrington William, c, carp, r 167 Maple Arrington William S., carp, r ns Reid, 1st e of Chapel, S. M Arthur C. G., ins agt, bds Hotel Lanier Artope Susan M., wid J. B., r es College, s of Boundary ARTOPE THOMAS B., granite and marble monuments, 552
2d, r 665 1st. (See p. 9.) Artope T. Edwin, sec and genl mgr Ga. Quincy Granite Wks,
552 2d, bds 306 Georgia av Artope William H., collector, bds es College, s of Boundary Asby Cora Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 98 Oglethorpe, Factory
row Asby Forest, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 98 Oglethorpe, Factory
row Asby Mamie, wid D., r 98 Oglethorpe, Factory row Asby Minnie Lee Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 98 Oglethorpe,
Factory row Ash Robert, c, lab, r rear 753 1st Ash St. School,, Mrs., C. H. Sheppard, prin; Ash, sw cor Cal
houn Ash William, c, shoemaker T. Fambro, bds 121 Chestnut Ashby Mack, c, lab, r ss Hazel, lste of 2d Ashby Mary, c, laundress, r rear 175 Magnolia

GREENBERG Fins Goods aad i k Fit



J L. Vt I-- I

I j

general insurance agent,
Office: Capital Bank, 456 Second.





Ashley Ephraim E., c, teacher, r ss Chestnut, 5th w of W.
Boundary Ashton Nathan, c, drayman, r ss Cherry al, 2d w of New Askew Lovick P., elk, Burden, Smith & Ellis, r 227 Forsyth
Askew Oscar, elk, bds 227 Forsyth ASKEW R. L., whoi and retail confectioner, 622 Cherry, r 207
Cotton av. (See page 9.) Atkins H. Giles, elk D. H. Lowe, bds ws Center, 2d n of
Clinton, E. M Atkinson J. E., eng E. T., V. & G. R. R Attaway Sarah, wid C., r 866 Elm Atwater John, c, wks G. S. & F. R. R., r Wing's Bottom, S. M Atwell Annie Miss, wks Manchester Mnfg Co., r 4 Manches
ter row Atwell George D., wks Manchester Mnfg Co., r 4 Manchester
row Atwell James W., wks Manchester Mnfg Co., r 4 Manchester
row Atwood Edwin M., mach G. S. & F. R. R., bds 1520 3d Aubrey Robert H., elk Macon China Store, bds 155 Walnut
Audley Sarah, c, laundress, r Woodruff, sw cor Monroe Audouin Sarah B., wid A. L., r 615 2d Aultman Charles R. (Renfroe & Co.), r 227 Bond
Aultman David, r 220 2d Aultman Joseph S., hostler G. S. & F. R. R., r S. M Aultman Leila Miss, teacher 2d St. School, bds 757 Oak
Aultman S. Carrie, wid W. R. r 757 Oak Aultman Ulysses G., wks C. R. R., bds 757 Oak Aumand W. L., eng E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds Oak Austin Green, c, barber W. Braswell, r 119 New Austin Harry, c, r ws Craft's al, 3d n of Jefferson, P. H Austin James, c, barkpr, r rear 238 Georgia av Austin John R., chief elk G. S. & F. R. R., r 456 Walnut
Austin Lena, wid Samuel, r 606 New Austin Moses, c,clk J. A. Rollins, r Oglethorpe Austin William W., brakeman C. R. R., bds 1310 4th Avant Charles R., engC.R. R., r es 2d, 6th s of Boundary, S. M Avant Edward H., liarness-mkr G. Bernd & Co., r 1431 4th
Avant Isaac, c, lab, r ss Boundary, 2d w of 4th, S. M

R.C. WILDER'S SONS Builders,Supplies,Hardware
614 to 622 Third Street, MACON, GA. PAINTS, OILS AND LEAD




Avaut John F., farmer, bds ws 2d, 13th s of Williams, S. M Avant John S., justice Godfrey Dist, bds ws 2d, 13th s of Wil
liams, S. M Avant Lewis A., trav agt, bds Anderson, ne cor Knott, S. M Avant Mary C., wid A. S., bds ss Williams, 1st w of 2d, S. M Avant Nancy M., wid W., r es 2d, 5th s of Windsor, S. M A vent Thomas J., printer J. W. Burke & Co., r 320 Ross Avert Iverson T, fireman E. T., Y. & G. R. R., r es 2d,
4th s of Pebble, S. M Avera J. C., eng C. R. R Avera Marietta A., wid Thomas, r 912 2d Avera William H., elk G. W. Etheridge, bds~912 2d Avern Philman B., miller, bds 1502 3d Avery John, cond G. S. &. F. R. R., bds Wilbourn House Axon James, c, wks E. T., Y. & G. R. R., bds 221 Forsyth Axon Nathan, c, wks C. C. Stratton & Co., r 164 New Ayeock Lee, foreman Macon Laundry, bds 409 Mulberry Ayer Thomas R., gen mdse, Vineville rd, nw cor Middle, r ss
Forsyth, 11th w of W Boundary Ayers Katie Miss, nurse T. C. Burke, r rear 215 Georgia av Ayres Asher (T. Skelton Jones & Co.), r 471 Walnut Ayres Frank P., train dispatcher "G, R. R., bds 110 2d Ayres Mary wid Asher, r 471 Walnut
BABER MARTHA E., wid A., bds 856 Walnut Bacon Augustus O. (Bacon & Rutherford), r 468 College Baeon Lewis, c, farmer, r 114 Bay
BACON & RUTHERFORD (A. O. Bacon and J. C. Ruth
erford), lawyers, 504 Mulberry Badger Horace, yard elk C. R. R Badger John B., car elk C. R. R Baer David J., dry goods and clothing, 503 and 505 Cherry Baer Rosa, wid M. J., r 605 Georgia av Baer Samuel, grocer, r 717 1st Baggaly Frances A., wid J. M., r es 4th, 1st sof Windsor, S.M Baggaly James B. carp C. R. R., bds es 4th, 1st s of Wind
sor, S. M Bagley John, carp, bds 864 Elm Bagwell James A., student, bds 141 Park pi

Paints, Oils Glass, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Etc., * At 0. P. & B, E. WILLINGHAM & CO'S.




in SEASON a Headquarter

Bailey Adeline, c, laundress, r 759 5th Bailey Almeda Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 92 Oglethorpe, Fac
tory row Bailev Anderson, c, gardener, r es Uilman, nr Columbus rd
Bailey Andrew, c, wks Dixie Wks Bailey Charles, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 920 Oglethorpe, Factory
row Bailey Irwin, c, barber Wm. Napier, r 414 Bay Bailey Fletcher, c, carp, bds 620 Spring Bailey Henry, c, lab, r rear Forsyth, 2d w of Poe, Y Bailey Jacob, c, waiter Brown's Hotel, r ns Forsyth, 4th w of
W. Boundary Bailey James A., c, shoemkr, r 574 Cotton av Bailey Jerry, c, lab, r White's Hill, S. M Bailey John, c, brickmason, r 54 Spring Bailey John, c, porter, r 359 5th Bailey Joseph, c, brakeman S. W. R. R Bailey Julia, wid Frank, r 913 2d Bailey Lulu Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 92 Oglethorpe, Fac
tory row Bailey Mattie Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 92 Oglethorpe, Fac
tory row Bailey Nellie, c, cook, r 579 Monroe Bailey Otto, c, porter W. Nelson, r 1543 4th Bailey Robert H., boarding, 607 Plum Bailey Robert L., elk S. Waxelbaum & Son, bds 607 Plum Bailey Samuel, carp, r ns Columbus rd Bailey Sarah, c, laundress, r 215 Washington av Bailey Scott, c, lab, r 321 Burnett, E. M Bailey Thomas W., painter, r Peachtree, ne cor Balkcom av,
E. M Bailey Walter H., elk A. B. Small, bds 607 Plum Bailey Wilbur F., c, millwright Taylor Bros. & Hall, r 17
Spring Bailey William, carp, r 92 Oglethorpe, w Factory row Bailey William, Jr., wks Bibb No. 2, bds 92 Oglethorpe, Factory
row Bailey William, c, lab, r 802 Hammond Bailey William, c, lab, r ws Jones, nr Old Hospital, V








Bain Charles, c, lab, r s of C. R. R., w of Ullman
Bainbridge Thomas J., boilermkr C. R. R., bds Center, nw cor Garden, E. M
Baines Lizzie Miss, cook A. Ullman, r ws Ullman Baker Abe C., supt Macon O. & F. Co., bds 509 2d Baker Charles F., mach C. R. R., r ss Audersou, 6th w of 2d
S. M
Baker Collins, c, mason, r al u of Orchard av, bet Madison and Brewery la
Baker Frank, c, lab, r Holt, ne cor Clark av Baker James, lineman S. B. T. & T. Co
Baker James L. (Etheridge, Trammell & Co.), bds 108 Mag nolia
Baker Josiah, c, butcher, r ws Tatnall, nr Elm Baker Julia, c, laundress, r 217 Jefferson Baker Lem, c, fireman, r rear 250 Georgia av Baker Mongin B., sec Sou. Hardware Co., bds 121 3d Baker Peter, c, porter Hotel Lanier, r 152 Spring Baker Philip G., mach C. R. R., bds 753 Cotton av Baker Rose, c, laundress, r rear 618 New Baker Tea, c, porter, bds 668 4th Baker William, c, cook, r ns Chestnut, 2d w of W. Boun-
Baker William H., c, painter, r al n of Orchard av, bet Madi son and Brewery la
Baker William M., elk Hunt & Shelverton, bds 919 Walnut Baldwin Edward, c, wks W. F. Anderson Baldwin Isaiah, c, driver, 406 Oak Baldwin John, c, wks Macon S., D. & L. Co Baldwin Joseph T., carp Macon 8., D. & L Co., r 1332 3d Baldwin Martha c, midwife, r rear 120 Mulberry Baldwin Richard, c, lab, r rear 305 2d, E. M Baldwin Samuel J., supt Ga. Hosiery Co., r 910 Oglethorpe Baldwin W. Pitt (Redding & Baldwin), r 425 College Baldwin William, c, switchman E. T., V. & G. R. R Bales Jasper W., helper E. T., V. & G. R. R., r 370 Arch Balkcom Charles, c, lab, bds 306 Oglethorpe Balkcom Christopher C., elk A. B. Small, r Applewood, se
cor Balkcom ave, E. M


Balkcom H. V. grocer and saloon, 1003 4th Balkcom Marcus C. fBalkcom, Ray & Dinkier), r 281 Orange Balkcom, Ray & Dinkier (M. C. Balkcom, Ben T. Ray and L.
J. Dinkier), grocers and produce, 454 Mulberry Balkcom Richard, c, porter Balkcom, Ray & Dinkier, r 306
Balkcom Richard Jr., c, driver, bds 306 Oglethorpe Ball Arthur H., elk, bds 514 Oglethorpe Ball Henry T., brickmason, r 514 Oglethorpe Ball Jacob, c, lab, r ws C. R. R., 2d n of Elm Ballard Amos, c, gardener, r es Poe, 4th s of Holmes Ballard Felix, c, lab C. R. R., r rear 238 Georgia ave Ballard Normal School, c, Mrs. L. A. Shaw, prin; 806 Pine Ballard Winnie, c, laundress, r 59 Spring Banhart James, painter, r 335 Hidrola, E. M Banion James, c, driver Ga. Music House, r 131 Ross Banion William, c, wks C. R. R., r ns Boundary, 1st e of
Johnston Banks Capias, c, lab, r 165 Gilmer Banks Charles H., c, gardener, r rear 2d, ne cor Pebble, S.M Banks Doc, c, lab, r ss C. R. R., w of Ullman Banks Edward, c, carp, r ss Random, 2d e of Center, E. M Banks George Rev., c, r ns Green, 5th w of Hudson Banks George T., elk Dannenberg & Doody, bds 607 Plum Banks James, wks E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds 670 3d Banks James, c, wks M. C. & S. St. R. R Banks Mary, c, laundress, r rear 318 Ocmulgee Banks Matthew, c, elk M. E. Ellis, r rear 2d, ne cor Peb
ble, S. M
Banks Robert, c, wks Hotel Lanier, bds 322 Hawthorne Banks Walker, c, carp, r West End Banks William, c, shoemkr G. Wallace, r West End Bankston Thomas, painter, r 910 Hazel Bannon Charles P., collector Exchange Bank, bds 219 High Banuon John C., trav agt, r 219 High Bannon R. W., fireman C. R. R Bannon Thomas, c, lab, r 433 W. Boundary Barber Edwin I., student, r Troup Hill, S. M Barber George, c, lab, r ns Ellis, 3d w of Monroe


nMC DDIPC_552 & 554 Cherry Street,

v-' * ' LL l il 1 C



n I , x-w/-w- /-NO Carriages, J(^Immense Stock. Low Prices. D U gg I e S, wagons, s. S. PARIELEE,




Barber Isaac, c, lab, r rear 205 Elbert Barber William H., c, wks Bibb No. 1, r 305 2d, E. M Barclay John A., capitalist, bds Hotel Lanier Barden Agnes Miss, bds 542 Madison Barden Alfred, bds 542 Madison Barden Benjamin, c, restaurant, 667 4th Barden Benjamin F., elk S. R. Jaques & Tinsley Co., bds 542
Madison Barden Effle Miss, teacher Orange St School, r 542 Madison Barden Eli, c, porter W. T. Shinholser & Ray, es Campbell av,
2d s of Tindall, S. M Barden Hardwick, elk Rodgers, Worsham & Co., bds 542
Madison Barfield D., wks Bibb No. 1 Barfield Christopher C., watchman, r es Willingham, 1st s of
Reese, E. M Barfield Elizabeth, wid L., r 920 Hazel Barfield Gilmore, c, lab, r 367 Monroe Barfield Henry C., collector C. E. Harris, r 319 Columbus Barfield Henry L., elk Jones & Merritt, bds 616 Walnut Barfield Inez Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 94 Oglethorpe,
Factory row Barfield James A., wks Bibb No. 2, bds 94 Oglethorpe, Factory
row Barfield James R., cond G. S. & F. R. R., r 2d Barfield Jeff, c, wks G. S. & F. R. R., r ws Bright's al, 2d n
of Ash Barfield John R., wks Bibb No. 2, bds 94 Oglethorpe, Factory
row Barfield Maggie Miss, spinner Bibb No. 2 Barfield Mary, wid A., r 94 Oglethorpe, Factory row Barfield Robert M., wks Bibb No. 2, bds 94 Oglethorpe,
Factory row Barfield Sallie F. Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 94 Oglethorpe,
Factory row BARFIELD SAMUEL B., dentist, 514 Mulberry, r same Barfield William T., mach G. S. & F. R. R., bds 94 Oglethorpe,
Factory row Barker George M., bkkpr S. S. Parmelee, r 32 Progress
MflGON COMMERCIAL COLLEGE! A First Class Business School
Circulars free. w. McKAY, Principal, i Rapid Business Penmanship

BUILDERS' MMMiL Of Every Description.


(See p. 7.)

6th St., Cor. Cherry.




BARKER GEORGE R,, grocer, 120 Cotton av, r 153
Magnolia Barker James, harnessmkr A. Bernd, bds 217 Ross Barker Robert H., c, grocer, ss Columbus rd, r Unionville Barkhurst William C., painter Powers Contracting Co., r rear
Mercer University Barkley Michael, helper S. M. Subers & Son, r Cotton av Barksdale Jefferson, c, porter, r 237 Chestnut Barlow Annie Miss, wks Bibb No. 1, bds 346 Flanders, E. M Barlow Edward, wks Bibb No. 1, bds 346 Flanders, E. M Barlow Laura Miss, wks Bibb No. 1, bds 346 Flanders, E. M Barlow Mary Miss, wks Bibb No. 1, bds 346 Flanders, E. M Barlow Morgan T., wks Bibb No. 1, r 346 Flanders, E. M Barlow Tillman, wks Bibb No. 1, bds 346 Flanders, E. M Barlow William, brickmason, bds 639 Georgia av Barnes Andrew J., c, peddler, r 16ff Madison Barnes A. Emmett, reporter Superior Court, r 1120 Walnut Barnes Charles, c, wks W. C. Kuobloch, r 509 Cotton av Barnes Claudius H., bkkpr W. L. Henry, r 555 1st Barnes David A., butcher, r ws College, s of Boundary Barnes Edmond, c, earp, r rear 170 New Barnes Frank, c, porter S. R. Jaques & Tinsley Co., r es
Bright's al, 1st s of Hazel Barnes Jackson A., gardener, r ws College, s of Boundary Barnes James, c, lab C. R. R., r 537 Madison Barnes James W., cond C. R. R., bds es Cedar, 3d s of Strat
ton, S. M Barnes Jefferson, c, lab, r es Ullman rd, bey limits Barnes Jerry, c, lab, r Willingham row Barnes John, c, driver, r es Ullman, bey limits Barnes John R., elk W. L. Henry, r ws College, s of Boundary Barnes Joseph H., chair rep, r ws College, s of Boundary Barnes Mary, teacher, bds 327 Hawthorne Barnes Monroe, c, waiter, bds 322 Oglethorpe Barnes Robert, c, porter John Ellis & Co., r 327 Hawthorne Barnes Wiley J., elk Burden, Smith & Ellis, bds 203 High Barnes Wm. D.,clk H. Abel, bds ws College, s of Boundary Barnes William T., eng C. R. R., r ns Gordon, 1st w of Tel
fair, S. M

UNION CENTRALIssues ENDOWMENT Insurance at LIFE Rates. Policies Incontestible and Non-Forfeitable.

(See p. 6.)

T. S. LOWRY, Mnar.

BOOKS! STATIONERY J. W. BURKE & CO. Keep the best ol every thing in their line.




Barnett Abe Mrs., boarding, r 319 Walnut Barnett David (Rockman & Barnett), bds 319 Walnut Barnett Frank, c, wks Bennett & Boardman, bds Mulberry,
rear Gas House Barnhart Robert, grocer, 360 Forsyth, r 356 Forsyth Barnum William, c, wks J. G. Ruan Barnwell Allard Rev., rector St. Barnabas Chapel, r 503 Ha
zel Barnwell William G., collector W. C. Turpin, bds 503 Hazel Barr John T., c, lab, r 96 Random, E. M Barratta Dominick, musician, r 513 Arch Barratta Edward, trav agt, bds 513 Arch Barratta Joseph, elk M. Nussbaum & Co., bds 556 2d Barron Augustus, c, R. R. hand, r 235 2d, E. M Barron James (Barron & Thomas), r 103 5th Barron James c, carp, r rear es Jones, s of Jefferson, P. H Barron John, c, butler J. M. Mason Barron Robert H., farmer, r ss Forsyth, V Barron Samuel, farmer, r 147 Rose Park Barron Simon, c, brick mkr, bds 171 Walnut Barron Thomas, c, lab, r rear ss Boundary, 1st w of 4th, S. M Barron & Thomas (J. Barron and J. Thomas), grocery and
saloon, 103 5th Barrow Ann, c, cook, r 655 Oglethorpe Barrow William A., machinist, bds 767 3d Barry Michael, fireman E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds 1310 4th Bartlett Charles L. (Dessau & Bartlett), r 1218 Ash Bartlett George, c, carp Power's Cont'g Co., r 362 Columbus Bartlett George, c, lab, r ns Holmes, w of Jones, P. H Bartlett John D., wks R. C. Wilder's Sons, r es Shamrock, 1st
n of Ash Bartlett Virginia L., wid G. T., bds 1218 Ash Bartley Belle Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co., bds 1039 3d Bartley James, carp, r 1039 3d Bartley J. Bluford, news agt Parker News Co., bds 1039 3d Bartley Nancy, wid, r 1039 3d Barton Carlton W., flagman C. R. R., bds 519 Elm Barton F. H., wid J., r 519 Elm Barton Paul, wks C. R. R., bds 519 Elm

How to Save GREENBERG MONEYS Have your Clothing made liy THE TAIEOK.


Call on GEO. B. JEWETT, Office, Capital Bank, 456 2d.



Barton Robert, c, lab, r 362 Hazel Barton Samuel, c, brick mkr, bds 362 Hazel Barton Walter, c, brickmason, r 15 Spring Barton Walter, c, wks C. R. R., bds 362 Hazel Barton William, flagman C. R. R., bds 519 Elm Bash insky Julius, with Wolff & Happ Baskerville Amelia W., wid R., r ss Anderson, 6th w of
2d, S. M Baskerville William S., molder C. D. Findlay, r ss Anderson,
6th w of 2d, S. M Baskin John H., bkkpr J. H. Hertz, bds 855 Orange Baskin Joseph, c, carp, r 463 Pine Baskin Mary A., wid R. W., r Walnut, cor Spring Baskin Susie P. Miss, asst registry elk P. O., bds Corbett
House Baskin Thomas U., elk P. O., bds Corbett House Bass Abe, elk, r 703 4th Bass Alex, c, lab, r es 4th, 2d s of Boundary, S. M Bass Benjamin, c, lab, r ns New Cherry, 4tli w of Middle, P.H
Bass George W., farmer, bds 136 Cole
Bass Henry R., elk Dunlap Hardware Co., bds 607 Plum Bass Jefferson, c, servant, r rear 311 Bond Bass Julian P., stenographer R. F. Lyon, bds 470 Orange Bass Savannah, c, laundress, r 331 Elbert Bass William C. Rev., D. D., pres Wesleyan Female College Bass William T., flagman C. R. R., r rear 253 Ocmulgee Bassett Anna Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co., bds 1322 4th Bassett Benjamin H., carp G. S. & F. R. R., bds ss Boundary,
3d w of 4th, S. M Bassett Frederick P., wks Payne & Willingham, bds ns Pebble,
2d w of 2d, S. M Bassett George W., dep sheriff, r ss Boundary, 3d w of 4th, S. M Bassett Jean E., fireman C. R. R., bds 1322 4th Bassett John M., carp R. C. Wilder's Sons, r ns Pebble, 2d w
of 2d, S. M Bassett Newton O., wks Payne & Willingham Bassett Patrick H., carp, bds ss Boundary, 3d w of 4th, S. M Bassett Rachel, wid R., r 1322 4th Bassett Redding, fireman S. C. R. R., bds 1322 4th

R. C. WILDER'S SONS SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, Dressed and Rough Lumber 614 to 623 Third St., Macon, Cta.





Bassett Richard W., fireman C. R. R., bds 1322 4th Bassett Telitha, wks Macon Knitting Co., bds 1322 4th Bassett Texarkana E. Mrs., r Gann's Hill, S. M Bassett Wiliam N., fireman C. R. R., bds ns Reid, 2d e of
Chapel, S. M Basson Eugene, boilermkr J. S. Schofield & Son, bds 1520 3d Basson Frances, wid J. W., bds 770 Ash Bateman James M., with Geo. T. Rogers' Sons, r 565 Madison Bateman John, carp, r Tindallville, S. M Bateman Minnie J. Miss, bds 565 Madison Bateman Richard, c, butcher R. L. Henry, r Johnson al, nr 3d Bateman R. Lee, stenographer Talbott & Sons, bds 565 Madi
Bateman William T., elk, bds 565 Madison Bates Andrew, publishers agt, 422 2d, bds 763 Poplar -Bates Edward, c, wks T. J. Bell & Son Bates Gilford, c, drayman, r rear 229 Jones Bates Hilliard, c, butler, r rear 371 Madison Bates James J., wks C. R. R., r 311 Hazel Bates Lewis, c, wks W. R. Ivey, r rear 360 Arch Bates Lewis S,, bkkpr, r 431 Calhoun Bates Mary L. Miss, bds 768 Mulberry
Batson Alice Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 94 Oglethorpe, Factory row
Batson Anna Miss, housekpr, 94 Oglethorpe, Factory row Batson Arabella Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 86 Oglethorpe,
Factory row
Batson James E., wks Bibb No. 2, bds 86 Oglethorpe, Factory row
Batson Margaret, wid J. L., r 86 Oglethorpe, Factory; row Batson Mary Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 94 Oglethorpe,
Factory row Batson Walter A., carp G. S. & F. R. R., r 1539 1st Battle Abram, c, wks E. H. Stuart, bds Murray's al Battle Archibald J., Jr., bkkpr Exchange Bank, bds 620 Orange Battle Charles, c, wks M. C. & S. St. R. R., r 611 Hazel Battle Cullen G., trav agt, bds 732 Cotton av Battle Dennis, c, wks Palmer Mnfg Co Battle Harriet G., wid C, bds 607 Plum

363 TUrd8treet. 0. P. & B. E. WILLINGHAM & CO'S.


At >Ir fs

D "

A n


Cold storSe Telephone No. 307.

Rooms (Seep. 8.)




Battle Henry, c, brakeman C. R. R Battle Hilliard, c, barber R. L. Jackson Battle James, c, carp, r 433 Monroe Battle John, c, lab, r ss Columbus rd Battle John, c, pedler, r H. H Battle Joseph E., elk Burden, Smith & Ellis, bds Wilbourn
House Battle Robert A., fireman E. T., Y. & G. R. R., bds 454 Oak Battle William, c, lab, r ns C. R. R., Y Batton Charles, cashier Dannenberg & Doody, bds es 2d, 4th s
of Boundary, S. M Batton Henry L., flagman G. S. & F. R. R., bds es 2d, 4th s
of Boundary, S. M Baty William L., cond C. R. R., bds 518 Pine Baughn Jefferson, c, gardener I. B. English Baughn John, c, driver I. B. English Baughn Marion N., fireman C. R. R., bds 1123 Hazel Baughn P. W., bds 362 Mulberry Baughn William W., policeman, r 1123 Hazel Baumann Frederick, artist, r 555 3d Baumann Gustav, photographer, 555 3d Baxendale Lee B., roundhouse foreman E. T., Y. & G. R. R.,
r1016 2d Baxley C., flagman C. R. R., bds 1536 3d Baxter John S. Dr., office 323 3d, r 124 Georgia av Baxter Tracy, lawyer, 556 Cherry, r 494 Orange
BAYNE MARMADUKE G., lawyer, 556 Cherry, r 315 Bond
Bazemore Walter, grocer, ns Columbus rd Beach Benjamin A., with Siesel & Hecht, bds 718 Cherry Beal Cornelius, c, porter S. S. Parmelee, bds rear 826 Orange Beal Moses, c, lab, r rear 826 Orange Beall Azmond A., with Solomon & Riley, r 653 Plum Beall George, flagman G. S. & F. R. R., bds 1520 3d Beall Henry A., fireman C. R. R., bds 653 Plum Beall Frank, elk Dannenberg & Doody, bds 718 Cherry Beall W. W., eng C. R. R Bean William, foreman C. R. R., r 235 Jackson Beard Julia A. Miss, wks Troy Laundry, r 265 2d Beasley Albert, c, elk R. M. S., bds 916 Ocmulgee



NBoethcSuepsplsieidtbiyeMsA^CO^NBRETMWIN^ G" CO.





Beasley Frederick A., tinner S. M. Subers & Son, r 114 Mag


Beasley Robert, c, wks Palmer Mnfg Co., r ns Columbus rd

Beasley Thomas, c, lab, r 656 Hazel

Beatty Harry B., bkkpr Standard Oil Co., bds 763 Poplar

Beavers George S., elk J. Kilfoyle, r 228 Cotton av

Beaver Walter C., tel opr C. R. R., bds 459 New

Beck Augustus, c, barkpr, r al bet Madison and Monroe, nr


Beck Harrison, c, wks Hotel Lanier, r 29 New Cherry

Beck Missouri Miss, housekpr 962 Oglethorpe

Beckham Solomon, fireman C. R. R., bds 1142 3d

Beckwith Walter, cond St. Car, bds 576 College

Bedingfield Bros. (Wm., J. A. and L. Bedingfield), whol gro

cers and liquors, 417 3d

Bedingfield James A. (Bedingfield Bros.), bds Poplar

Bedingfield Lewis, c, lab J. H. Roush & Sons


Bedingfield Louis (Bedingfield Bros.), r country Bedingfield Mattie L. Mrs., stenographer Macon Brewing Co.,


r1330 3d

Bedingfield William (Bedingfield Bros.), r country

Beech ----, c, pastor Unionville M. E. Church, r es Ullman, n

of Columbus rd Beecher Andrew, c, porter, bds rear 605 4th

Beeks Louis F., c, elk W. Johnson, r es Columbus rd

Beeland Charles D., jeweler G. T. Beeland, bds 122 Academy

Beeland David W., carp C. R. R., r 122 Academy
BEELAND GEORGE T., watches and jewelry, 320 2d, r 161

Magnolia Beeland Samuel, wks A. Bernd &Co., bds 151 Park pi

Beeland Samuel W., carp Powers Cont'g Co., r 151 Park pi

Begg Ayres S., trainmaster E. T., V. & G. R.. R., r 161 3d

Beggs David M., elk G. Beggs & Son, bds 120 3d

Beggs George (G. Beggs & Sons), r 120 3d

Beggs George Jr. (G. Beggs & Sons, bds 120 3d
BEGGS GEORGE & SONS (G., W. J. and G. Beggs, Jr.,)

grocers, 616 Cherry.

Beggs William J. (G. Beggs & Sous), bds 120 3d

Behan John, wks Bibb No. 2, bds ws 1st, 2d n of Hawthorne

Tile POWERS CONTRACTING CO. Builders' and Painters' Supplies and Genera! Contractors.

R CMITU C (CutlEFX,Spoons,Tinwata vlTII ll III


I 408 and 410 9IULBEBBT STREET.




Behan Julia Mrs., r ws 1st, 2d n of Hawthorne Behan Julius, wks Bibb No. 2, bds ws 1st, 2d n of Hawthorne Behn Frederick, tinner R. Falkner Behr Henry J., elk Mrs. M. Machold, r 1020 Elm Behr Theresa, wid H., bds 1020 Elm Belcher Arnold, c, shoemkr Mix & Everett, r rear 124 2d Belcher Harvey O., blksmith C. R. R., bds es al, s of Elm, w
of Jackson Belcher Mingo, c, wks G. S. & F. R. R., r 412 Ash Belcher Oliver, c, lab, r 102 Bay Belcher William, c, lab, r 107 Bay Bell Allison D., c, wks C. R. R., r ss C. R. R., bey limits Bell Augustus, c, lab C. R. R., r 258 Forsyth Bell.Benjamin, c, lab, r 121 Walnut Bell Bishop M,, supt M. C. & S. St. R. R., r 1152 Elm Bell Charles, c, drayman, r ns Coleman av, w of Duncan av,
H. H Bell Charles, c, lab C. R. R., r rear 420 Hammond Bell Coleman, c, lab, r ns Bay, 3d e of Gilmer Bell Curtis, c, waiter 769 Poplar Bell Edward, c,cotton sampler Bibb Mfg Co., r 619 Monroe Bell Edward, c, painter, r rear es W. Boundary, 5th n of For
syth Bell Edwin, c, wks C. R. R., r 411 5th Bell Frank, c, barber J. A. Edmonds, bds 537 Flanders, E. M Bell George, c, lab, r rear 222 Madison Bell George, c, lab, bds 17 Wolf row Bell George, c, porter, r ss Jefferson, 4th w of Middle, P. H Bell George, c, shoemkr, 269 4th, r rear 568 Orange Bell Green, c, gardener J. W. Domingos, r Unionville Bell Hampton, c, lab, rear 523 Pine Bell Henry c, lab, r rear 328 Monroe Bell Isaac, c, lab, r ns Bay, e of Gilmer Bell James, c, farmer, r rear 566 Hammond Bell James, c, wks C. R. R., r 524 Hawthorne Bell Jefferson, c, lab, r 566 Hammond Bell Jerry, c, lab C. R. R., r 471 5th Bell John, c, drayman, r 156 5th Bell John, c, wks W. M. Stevens, r Bridge row
EADS NEEL & C07cloTM,ng ATone price

Carriages Phaeton8> Buggies, Road Carts, Etc.
Great Variety. (See p. 7.) S. S. PARMELEE, 470 Second St.




Bell Joseph, c, lab, r 102 Bay Bell Julius, c, porter J. D. Scott, r rear 383 Madison Bell J. O'Neal (T. J. Bell & Son), bds 613 1st Bell Maggie M. Miss, bds 303 Orange Bell Oliver, c, wks J. G. Ruan Bell Orrin, c, wks Macon G. L. & W. Co., r 6 Elm Bell P. Gervais, wks I. B. English & Co., bds 644 Cotton av Bell Rhoda, c, r 354 Pine Bell Rosa, c, housekpr Brown's Hotel Bell Silas, c, lab, r rear 566 Hammond Bell Soiomon, c, servt D. H. Adams, r rear 657 Plum Bell Thomas J. (T. J. Bel 1 & Son), r 613 1st Bell Turner, c, lab, r 128 Jones
BELL T. J. & SON (T. J. and J. O. Bell), lumber and planing mill, 6th, se cor Mulberry
Bell Uriah, c, lab, r ns Coleman av, w of Duncan av, H. H. Bell William, c, wks Hays & Mansfield, r Unionville Bellamy Ellen C., wid, bds 524 College Bellflour Jefferson J., blksmith C. R. R., r ws 2d, 10th s of
Williams, S. M Bellford C. W., boilermkr C. R. R Belmont Edith Mad., r 604 5th Belton Edward, c, lab, r 634 Hammond Benefield Belle Miss, seamstress, bds 202 Main, E. M Benefield James, lab, r 234 Main, E. M Benefield Margaret Mrs, bds 202 Main, E. M Benford H6nry, c, lab, r ss Green, 3d w of Hudson Benford Thomas, c, lab, r ss Green, 3d w of Hudson Benford Washington, c, carp, r ws Moughon, 1st n of
Holmes, P. H Benger Albert, c, brickmason, bds 116 Mulberry Benger James, c, helper Thomas & Hall, r 116 Mulberry Benjamin Erwin, c, wks C. R. R., r rear 764 4th Benner Bros. (J. H. and G. H.), saloon and restaurant, 562 Mul
berry Benner G. H. (Benner Bros.), r 562 Mulberry Benner John H. (Benner Bros.), and barber, 552 Mulberry, r
562 Mulberry Benner John L., c, elk, bds 952 Ocmulgee

A First-class Business School Rapid Business Penmanship.
Circulars Free. w. McKay, prm,




Bennett Anderson, c, lab Bibb No. 2, r Gann's Hill, S. M Bennett Celeste E. Mrs., grocer, 725 Walnut Bennett Charles F., printer J. W. Burke & Co., r ws Telfair,
1st s of Gordon Bennett Edward, tinner R. Falkner, bds 320 3d
Bennett George, c, wks G. S. & F. R. R Bennett Jerry, c, plasterer, r 858 Ocmulgee Bennett John W., wks Bibb No. 2, bds es al s of Elm, e of
Jackson Bennett Joseph, c, lab, r ns Chestnut, 7th w of W. Boundary Bennett Lawrence B., c, carp C. R. R., r ns Green, 2d w of
Hudson Bennett Louis, speculator, bds 422 Plum Bennett Robert, c, lab, r rear 154 4th Bennett Thaddeus W., macli C. R. R., r 771 Spring
Bennett William, c, r rear 115 3d Bennett William J., grocer, r 715 Walnut Bennett William P. (Bennett & Boardmau), bds 715 Pine
BENNETT & BOARDMAN(W.P. Bennett and J. L. Board-
man), plumbers and plumbers' supplies, 563 Mulberry Benson Catherine E., wid R. A., r 453 1st Benson Frank C., elk Dannenberg & Doody, r 453 1st Benson Gertrude Miss, bds 453 1st Benson Moses, fireman C. R. R Benther George, foreman, bds 718 Cherry Bentler Charles, carp, r 622 Hazel Bentley Charles, c, barber J. H. Benner, r rear 272 Madison Bentley George, c, wks Moxley & Co., r rear 583 Madison Bentley John L., carp J. E. Ellis, r 1120 Johnson Benton A. M. Mrs., teacher Ballard School, r 806 Pine Benton Jacob, c, drayman, r ws Middle, 5th n of Jefferson, P. H Benton Lizzie, c, restaurant, ss Vineville rd, 2d w of W.
Boundary Benton Moses, c, coachman Mrs. A. T. Johnston Berckmans Sister, asst prin Catholic School
Berg Bernhard, trav agt, r 232 New, E. M
Berg Philip M., dry goods, etc., 414 Mulberry
BEB.ND A., whol mnfr saddles, harness, etc., 306-310 3d, r
906 Plum






Bernd G. (G. Bernd & Co.), bds 126 Cole Bernd Gustave, Jr. (G. Bernd & Co.), r 126 Cole
BERND G. & CO. (G. and G. Bernd, Jr.), mnfrs saddles, har
ness, etc., 450-454 Cherry Bernd Leo, elk G. Bernd & Co., bds 717 Cherry Berry Edward, c, porter City Hall, r rear 553 2d Berry Hampton, c, lab,'r ss Bay, 3d e of Division Berry John, c, blksmth, r ns Forsyth 2d, w of W. Boundary Berry John A., cond M. C. <fc S. St. R. R., bds 1055 Ash Berry Mattie Miss, dressmkr, bds 710 Spring Berry Mary E., wid, bds 518 New Berry Moses Lc, bds 336 2d, E. M Berry Walton, c, lab, r ns Forsyth, 2d w of W. Boundary Bertcher Benjamin, tailor J. L. Shea, bds 458 1st Bertran George, mach C. R. R., bds 753 Spring Besley Emory, c, lab, res W. Boundary lstn of Forsyth Besley Peter, c, lab, r ws Booker's al, 4th s of Bay Besley William G., c, barber M. Loh, r es Jones, 1st n of Jeff
erson, P. H Bethel John, c, brickmason, bds Thompson House Beverly Richard B., blksmith C. R. R., r 235 Elm Beverly Thomas M., c, cotton sampler, bds Thompson House Bibb County Court House, 2d, nw cor Mulberry Bibb County Jail, Cherry, cor 5th
BIBB LAND-LUMBER CO., E. G. Harris, pres; W. P.
Wilson, sec and treas; L. A Mitchell, genl mngr; 7th, opp City Park. (See p 6.) Bibb Loan & Bldg Assn, Geo W. Burr, sec and treas; 353 3d
BIBBMNTG CO., H. M. Comer, pres; J. F. Hanson, agt;
Mill No. 1, 255 Main, E. M. No. 2, Oglethorpe, head 1st. (See p. 11.)
Hodgkins, pres; R. S. Collins, sec and treas; 458 2d Bibbins Beaureguard, c, farmer, r al bet Telfair and 1st, s of
Hazel Bickers John H., c, carrier P. O., r 220 Jones Billings Abram, c, porter G. L. Bright Billings Benjamin, c, driver Macon Laundry, r 133 Jones Billings Horace C., printer News, r 1541 2d

Mill LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YORK. geo. B. jewett, Agent. Office, Capital Bant 456 2d.




Billings James, c, lab Ivey Bros Billings Nathan, c, porter J. L. Shea, r 25 New Billings Susan, c, cook, r rear 33 1st Billings Thomas E., printer News, bds 1541 2d Billingslea Dallas, c, porter Geo. T. Rogers'Sons, r416 Middle,
E. M Billingslea Willis, c, porter Geo. T. Rogers' Sons, bds ss Gar
den, 1st w of Church, E. M Billingsley Calvin, c, butler, r Riverside, 6th w of Madison Billingsley James, c, lab, r 135 Division Billingsley Louis C., transfer elk Sou Ex Co., bds National
Hotel Billingsley Sebron, c, carp, r Riverside, 6th w of Madison Billups William D., c, brickmason, r 350 Hawthorn Binder Caroline, wid J., r ss Anderson, 2d w ot 2d, S. M Bingham Abraham, c, painter, r Unionville Bingham Amelia, c, laqndress, r 853 Boundary Bingham Eugene, c, painter, r es Ullman, n of Columbus rd Binswanger Gabriel, beer agt, bds 210 1st Binswanger Jacob, mngr PJauters' Oil, Ice and Cold Storage
Co., and F. W. Cook Brewing Co., r 771 Plum Birch Evans, c, porter G. R. Barker, r 53 Virgins' la Birch James H., jeweler, 211 Cotton av, r 915 Walnut Birch James H., Jr., jeweler, bds 915 Walnut Birch John N. (Coleman, Ray & Co.), r 232 High
BIRCH WILLIAM B. (Hill & Harris), r Columbus rd, bey
limits Bircher Henry, elk Payne & Willingham, bds Holt, nw cor
Middle, P. H Bircher Louis, packer H. J. Lamar & Sons, and grocer, Holt,
nw cor Middle, P. H Bird Alfred, c, driver Powers Cont'g Co Bird John, c, switchman C. R. R., bds rear 1206 3d Bird John H., c, lab', bds rear 220 3d Bird Julius T., eng C. & M. R. R., r ws Center, 4th n of Phil
lips, E. M Bird Nelson, c, wks C. H. Thompson, bds Thompson House Bird Peter, c, wks city, r rear 753 Mulberry Bird Robert, c, porter Singer Mnfg Co., r 1057 Oglethorpe
P r Ufll FIFR'8 8flN8 LIM- plaster, hair.

V UMHL 313 0emu!gee Street




Birdsong Augustus, c, carp, r 431 W. Boundary Birdsong E. Floyd, supt stables M. C. & S. R. R. Co., r
1120 Elm
Birdsong John T., watchman M. C. & S. St. R. R., bds 319 Shamrock
Birdsong Mattie Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co., r 525 Jackson Birdsong Nat, jailer Bibb Co. Jail, r Mulberry, cor 5th Birdsong Rufus, c, porter, bds 615 Division Birdsong Sarah J., wid T., r 525 Jackson Birdsong Thomas, wks N. M. Block Birmingham John S., contractor, bds Commercial Hotel Bishop Annie L. Miss, music teacher Ballard School, r 806 Pine Bishop Fletcher C., foreman Sou. B. T. & T. Co., bds 620 5th Bishop Purney, c, wks Bibb Mill No. 2, r Godfrey Dist Bishop Sarah A., wid C., r 1009 4th Bishop Thomas J., eng G. S. & F. R. R., r 453 Oak Bittick William R., blacksmith C. R. R., bds 771 Spring Bivins Bessie, wid F. W., bds 808 3d Bivins Fannie C., wid G: T., r 753 Pine Bivins Josh, c, shoemkr W. Powers Bivins Louise Miss, cook W. D. Nottingham Bivins Moses, c, driver J. W. Cabaniss Bivins Sarah Mrs., r 110 3d
Bivins Stephen, c, wks Macon G. L. & W. Co., r 318 Ogle thorpe
Bivins William R., bkkpr H. Stevens' Sons Black Henry H., with M. Nussbaum & Co., bds Brown's Hotel Black Thomas J., with M. Nussbaum &Co., bds Brown's Hotel Black James M., with Siesel & Hecht, bds 718 Cherry Black Julia E., wid A., bds 129 Appleton av Black William, c, porter R. H. Thompson, r Boundary, cor 6th Blackburn D. Bartow, switchman C. R. R.,r 237 Elbert Blackman Danl, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 68 Hawthorne, Factory row Blackshear Aaron, c, train hand, r 420 Hammond Blackhear Allen, c, bds ns Powell, 2d w of New, E. M Blackshear Boyd, c, lab, r ns Powell, 2d w of New, E. M Blackshear Ella, laundress, r rear 335 Madison Blackshear Evelyn Miss, wks Bibb No. 1, bds ws Milledge-
ville rd, 3d u of Ft. Hill, E. M


Will move about May 1st, 1891, to their new building
510 Clierry Street;


Sand to HeJadquarters. (pages.)





Blackshear Hattie Miss, wks Bibb No. 1 Blackshear Isaac B., wks Bibb No. 1, r ws Milledgeville rd,
3d n of Ft. Hill, E. M Blackshear James, harnessmkr, bds ws Milledgeville rd, 3d n
of Ft. Hill, E. M Blackshear John, c, postal elk, bds ns Powell, 2d w of New, E M Blackshear Joseph W., constable, r 856 Walnut Blackshear Lewis, c, wks P. M. Perkins, r Monroe Blackshear Monroe, c, mason, r Orchard av, 6th w of Hudson Blackshear Paul B., cond C. R. R., bds 856 Walnut BLACKSHEAR THOMAS B., photographer, 574 Mulberry Blackshear Victor, c, lab, r ws Elbert, 1st s of Boundary, S. M Blackshear William, wks Bibb No. 1, bds ws Milledgeville rd,
3d n of Ft. Hill, E. M Blackstone Lewis, bds 1024 4th Blackwell Daniel, wks Bibb No. 2 BLAIR ALEXANDER, architect, 556 Cherry, r 218 Spring Blair Alexander, Jr., architect A. Blair, bds 218 Spring Blair Algernon, elk A. Blair, bds 218 Spring Blair Annie Bell Miss, dressmkr, bds 306 Elbert Blair Catherine Mrs., wks Bibb No. 2 Blair Clarence L., foreman E. T., V. & G. R. R-, bds 306 Ash Blair Frank, wks C. R. R., r 404 Ash Blair James P., eng E. T., V. & G. R. R., r 306 Ash Blair Robert, blksmth W. H. Schatzman, bds Wilbourn House Blake Green J., brick mnfr, r 539 College Blake John, c, lab, r rear 269 Walnut Blake Lee, c, r 553 Plum Blakely Lou Miss, wks Bibb No. 1, r rear 253 Ocmulgee Blanchard Claude L., entry elk S. Waxelbaum & Son, r 11S
Nisbet Blanchett James B., motorman M. C. & S. St. R. R., r 1026
College Bland Frank, trainhand E. T., V. & G. R. R Bland William T., elk G. S. & F. R. R., bds Pierpont House Blankenship George, tailor M. Greenberg, bds Stubblefield
House Blankenship James, carder Manchester Mnfg Co., bds ss C. R.
R., bey limits
W.W.&R.S. COLLINS -LAND AGENTS FOR-- <4. S. *1 I'., M. d It. W-458 THIRD STREETS and II. A A. R'ds.





Blankenship J. Abner, wks Payne & Willingham, r 607 Hawthorne
Blankenship William, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 68 Hawthorne, Factory row
Blankenship William, wks Manchester Mnfg Co., r ss C. R. R., bey limits
Blascow Charles, c, lab, r 621 Poplar Blasher Louis, tailor, r ns Ellis, 5th w of Monroe Bligh Washington, c, lab, r 1025 3d Block Alexander, pres C. C. Ice Wks, bds 604 1st Block Isaac (Dannenberg & Doody), bds 604 1st Block Joseph, r 604 1st Block Nick M., liquor, beer, soda and cigars, 456-458 Poplar,
bds 604 1st BLOCKER S.H., c, editor Central City Times, r 653 New Bloodworth Augustus E., wks Macon Knitting Co., bds rear
ss Tindall, 3d w of Telfair, S. M Bloodworth John, wks Macon Knitting Co Bloodworth Joseph, c, backraan, r ws Middle, 1st n ofV. rd Bloodworth William D., watchman C. R. R., r rear ss Tindall,
3d w of Telfair, S. M Bloom Perry, c, lab, r rear 753 1st Bloom Samuel, c, (Bloom & Sanford), r 421 Cotton av Bloom Samuel, c, brick mkr, r rear 318 Hawthorn Bloom Thomas, c, lab, r rear 607 Plum Bloom & Sanford, c, (S. Bloom and I. Sanford), liquors, 429
Cotton av Blosser J. W. Rev., evangelist, r Forsyth, nr St. Stanislaus Blouenstein Simon, pawnbroker, 465 Cotton av, r 453 Cotton
av Blount David E., r 969 Walnut Blount Eugenia D. Miss, bds 806 College Blount, Fannie Miss, bds 806 College Blount Henry, c, carp, r 318 Jefferson Blount James H. Hon., M. C., r 806 College Blount James H. Jr., lawyer, 304 3d,bds 806 College Blount John M., carp R. C. Wilder's Sons, bds 708 Elm Blount John W., elk, bds ss Columbus rd Blount Joseph G., lawyei', 552J Mulberry, bds 806 CollegS

157, 159, 161 Cotton Aveennuuee..8) THE POWERS CONTRACTING CO.

SR? Pm

TUC CAIR \ Imported China, Crockery ant Glass. Him | Mill V 408 & 410 Mulberry St. B. F. SMITH, Propr.




Blount J. William, dep elk Superior Court, r 128 Academy Blount Thomas H., elk Court of Ordinary, bds 128 Academy Bludso William, c, lab, r 620 Hammond Blue Harry A., sanitary inspector, r 474 2d Blue Mary E., wid W. F., r 409 Spring Blue William F., stenographer N. Y. Life Ins. Co., bds 19
Spring Blunt Archie, c, drayman T. C. Burke, r E. M Blunt Joseph, c, lab C. R. R., r 712 Hazel Blunt Laban, c, lab C. R. R., r 714 Hazel Blunt Sanders, c, gardener, r 366 Phoenix, E. M Blunt William H., c, lab, r es Craft's al, 1st n of V. rd Blyell W. E., driver M. C. & S. St. R. R Boardman Arthur E., r 357 1st Boardman John L. (Bennett & Boardman), bds 357 1st Boardman Joseph M., pres Macon Svgs Bk., r 357 1st Board Public Education and Orphanage, B. M. Zettler, supt;
465 2d Boatwright Matilda E. Mrs., r 407 Walnut Boatwright Mollie Miss, wks M. E. Smith, bds 303 Main, E.M Boatwright Sarah, wid J., r 303 Main, E. M Bodwell Melissa, wid C. H., r 715 Ocmulgee Bogle S. M. L. Mrs., matron Wesleyan Female College Boifeuillet Annie L., wid J. T., bds 593 Madison Boifeuillet Charles M., elk Merchants' Nat. Bk., bds 593 Mad
ison Boifeuillet George H. (Pettit, DeHaven & Co.), bds 509 2d BOIFEUILLET JOHN T., chf editor Evening News, r 693
Madison Boland James W., boilermkr, bds 870 1st Bolden James, c, drayman Chappell & Park, r 1027 4th Bolden John, c, lab, r 117 Mulberry Bollinger Thomas A., contractor, r 239 Ross Bolton George S., carp C. R. R., bds 453 A.rch Bond Alonzo, c, gardener, r 305 Madison Bond Edward V., c, carp, r 170 New Bond George S., elk T. W. Bond, r 269 5th Bond Henry, policeman, r 658 1st Bond Joseph (AVood & Bond), r 864 Mulberry






Bond Joseph, c, carp, r ws Ullraan, s of RoyBond Joseph I., with Siesel & Hecht, bds 36 Appleton av Bond Lewis L., c, lab, bds 305 Madison Bond R. H., collector C. T. Garden, r MulberryBond Thomas W., saloon and restaurant, 269 5th, r 272 4th Bond Warren R., wagon yard, 219 5th Bone Joseph H., wks Sioux City Prov Co., bds 422 Hawthorne Bone J. W., driver M. C. & S. St. R. R Bone Mattie Mrs., mill hand, bds ss Tindall, 3d w of Telfair,
S. M Bone Scrap, mach J. S. Schofield & Sons, r Windsor Hill,S. M Bone William H., special agt Aetna Life, bds Brown's Hotel Boney G. C., stoker Stmr No. 1, bds 1514 2d Boney Henry, molder J. S. Schofield & Son Bonhart John H., molder, r Telfair, sw cor Pebble, S. M Bonhart William H., painter, r 205 New, E. M Bonn Elizabeth H. Miss, bds 602 Mulberry Bonn Samuel G., r 702 Mulberry Bonn Sarah, wid S. G., r 702 Mulberry Bonner Emmet P., asst ticket agt C. R. R. bds 123 Magnolia Bonner Fannie L., wid J. W., r Orange, s of Walnut Bonner James, lab RoflF Home Bonner Mattie, c, laundress, r 317 Jackson Bonner Mattie L., wid W. P., r 123 Magnolia BONNER PHILIP W., bkkpr M. Greenberg, bds 246
Washington av Bonner Press, c, brickmason, r 710 Ash Bonner Richard W., mgr C. Ga Alliance Warehouse, r 246
Washington av Bonner Solomon, c, packer, r 42 Madison Bonner Willard H., policeman, r 10'65 Hazel Bon nett Warren, c, lab, bds 116 Ross Boobshear Amon, fruit stand, 312 3d Booker Collins, c, lab, r ws Middle, 3d n of Jefferson, P. H Booker George, c, wks W. F. Anderson Booker J. R., merchant, r 319 Hazel Booker Martha E. Mrs., grocery and dry goods, 315 Hazel Booker Philip, c, wks J. G. Ruan Booker Thomas, c, fireman C. R. R., r 1014 Hazel
MACON COMMERCIAL COLLEGE 1 A First Class Business School
Circulars free. w. mokay, Principal. ) Rapid Business Penmanship

Booker Thomas Jr., c, servt, bds 1012 Hazel Boone Clinton, elk C. B. Moore, bds 464 Pine Boone Edward, wks Ga. Hosiery Co Boone James, r 719 2d Boone James T., c, bell boy Hotel Lanier Boone Ophelia E., wid S. H., bds Chapel, sw cor Pebble, S. M Boone Wash, c, wks C. R. R., r 622 Washington av Boone William, c, porter, bds 363 Maple Boone W. R., tinner R. Falkner, r 322 3d Booth Emily Mrs., boarding, 324 Water, E. M Booth Gilbert, c, lab, r 108 Bay Booth John, wks E. J. Willingham & Bro Booth Mary, wks Bibb No. 1, bds 324 Water, E. M Booth William, wks Bibb No. 1 Boothe Sallie, wid Thomas, bds 205 Elbert Boothe William E., dep sheriff, r es 3d, 1st s of Pebble, S. M Booz Emil, wks Macon Brewing Co., bds 417 Hazel Borders Henry, c, carp, r ss Orchard, 2d w of Hudson Bost W. Henry, fireman C. R. R., bds ns Stratton, 3d e of
Chapel, S. M Bostick Andrew, c, mason, r 335 Madison Bostick Doc, c, mason, r rear 332 Monroe Bostick Frank, c, drayman, bds 116 Ross Bostick John H., c, wks G. Bernd & Co., r Holmes, ne cor
Jones, P. H Bostick Julius, c, mason, r ns Orchard av, 2d w of Hudson Bostick Robert, elk S. Waxelbaum & Son, r 1537 2d Boston Adolph, c, wks C. R. R., r 408 Ash Boston John, c, fireman Moxley & Co., bds 716 Hazel Boston Joseph, c, wks C. R. R., r 552 Hammond Boston Major, c, blksmith C. R. R., r ws Wright/sal, 2d n of Elm Boston Matt, c, mach C. R. R., r 718 Ash Boston Samuel, c, lab, r rear ns Columbus rd Boston William H., cond E. T., V. & G. R. R., r 518 Ogle
thorpe Boswell Henry, c, wks J. T. Gantt, r 716 Hazel Boswell William, c, wks J. T. Gantt Bosworth J. P., bkkpr Ammons Cotton C. Co., r 536 Boundary Bouten Eugene, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 62 Hazel, Factory row
IN I rNIKnl I y I n || P rilTO 11 LIFE insurance co. Death Kate. Highest Interest Rate.
UI1IUI1 ULIllllllL (Seep.6.) T. S. LOWRY, Manager.


PRINTING Done at short notice and in the best style . at the lowest prices. Don't go elsewhere J.W.BURKE&CO,





Bouten John, peddler, r 62 Hazel, Factory row Bouten John B., wks Bibb Ho. 2, bds 62 Hazel, Factory row Boutwell Charles, wks Payne & Willingham
Boutwell George W., eng E. T., V. & G. R. R., r ss Chapel, 2d
e of 4th, S. M Boutwell Jonah J., carp C. R. R., r 246 Hidrola, S. M Boutwell William, lab E. J. Willingham &Bro., bds ss Chapel,
2d e of 4th, S. M Bouyer George, c, bootblack M. Loh, r Vineville Bowden Chester, c, lab, r 316 Ocmulgee Bowden Daniel, c, carp, r West End, V Bowden Hugh, wks Bibb No. 2 Bowden Joe, c, porter R. A. Brown, bds 1213 2d Bowden Richard, c, lab, r West End Bowden Roe, c, driver N. M. Block Bowden Thomas, c, porter Union depot, r 667 Hazel Bowdre Jack R., trav agt, bds 511 Walnut Bowdre John, c, porter, r rear 658 1st Bowen Brown, c, drayman A. B. Small, r V Bowen Charles, barkpr R. Brauss, bds 858 2d Bowen Emma E., wid R., bds 132 Holt Bowers Benjamin F., runner H. & L. Co Bowers Bose, wks Bibb No. 1 Bowers Glover, c, waiter E. McGrath Bowers John R., runner H. & L. Co., r 123 Main, E. M Bowers Joseph Rev., c, r rear 814 Orange Bowers Mary O., wks Bibb No. 1, bds ws Factory row, 2d s of
Hidrola, E. M Bowers Richard R., wks Bibb No. 1, bds ws Factory row, 2d s
of Hidrola, E. M Bowers Virginia Mrs., r ws Factory row, 2d s of Hidrola, E.M Bowler William G., barkpr J. R. Knight, bds 1315 4th Bowles Lewis H., fireman C. R. R., bds 753 Spring Bowles M. A., wid J. D., r 753 Spring Bowman Andrew, c, lab J. S. Schofield & Son Bowman Anthony, c, carp, r ws Ullman, s of Roy Bowman Cornelius, c, cook, r es Middle, 5th n
Cherry, P. H Bowman Ezekiel, c, farmer, r 404 Flanders, E. M



Office : Capital Bank, 456 Second Si.

Insurance Agent.




Bowman Green, c, gardener, r es Cole, 5th s of Hazel Bowman Jackson, c, yardman Hotel Lanier, r 6S Orchard av,
4th w of Hudson Bowman John, c, wks Bibb No. 1, r ns Reese, 1st w of Ber
nard, E. M Bowman John S., plasterer, r 501 Mulberry Bowman Joseph, c, drayman, r ns New Cherry, 2d e ofJones,P.H Bowman Mary E,, fruit stand, Cotton av, nr 1st Bowman Thomas, c, porter J. Harvey, r Columbus rd Boyce Bailey, c, driver E. Speer, r rear ss Forsyth, V Boyce Catherine Miss, nurse T. W. Troy, r rear 263 Georgia av Boyce William L., sol frt agt Ga. R. R., 417 Cherry, bds
110 3d Boyd Ephraim R., tailor J. L. Shea, bds Stubblefield House Boyd Henry C. Rev., c, pastor P. H. M. E. church, r 168
Hazel Boyd James, c, lab, r rear 354 Monroe Boyd Jonas, c, carp, r 921 Hazel Boyden Nathaniel N., master mech C. & M. R. R., r 1537
2d Boyer H., wks Bibb No. 1 Boykin William, c, r 247 Clinton, E. M Boynton Sol, c, hackman, r 444 Flanders, E. M Boynton Thomas B., c, shoemkr Mix & Everett, r rear 718
Oak Brack Elizabeth F., wid B. F., r 1058 Elm Brack George, wks Bibb No. 1 bds 130 Hidrola, E. M Brack Lucy Miss, knitter Ga Hosiery Co., bds 1058 Elm Bracken James H., eng G. S. & F. R. R., bds 966 Elm Bracken John W., trainmaster G. S. & F. R. R., bds 821 2d Bracken Peter J., eng, r 966 Elm Bracken Wesley, eng, bds 966 Elm Bracken William P., mach Planters Oil Co., r 423 Ross Braddy George W., carp, r rear 1027 2d Braddy Lizzie Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co., bds rear
1027 2d Braddy Mary F. Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, r ws 1st, 3d s of
Oglethorpe Bradford Charles, c, brickmkr, r rear 154 4th

D r Uftl HID'C C[)U? Cnnirantnrs and Ruiliers

I LULU U II ll> 111 II

0 U

U 614 to 622 Third Street, MACON. A.






Bradford Edward, c, drayman, bds rear ns Lee, 1st w of Center, E. M
Bradford Edward, e, lab Stevens & Hodges, r 116 5th Bradford Frank S., bkkpr Powers Cont'g Co., bds 122 Wash
ington av Bradford Mary A., wid J. J., r 122 Washington av Bradley Alfred, c, brickmkr, bds 823 Shamrock Bradley Francis L., wid J. N., r 617 Arch Bradley Horatio, cond E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds 1065 5th Bradley James, flagman E, T., V. & G. R. R., bds Cannon
House Bradley Mollie Miss, reeler Bibb No. 2 Bradley Thurston,-c, porter Taylor & Daniel, r 148 Chestnut Bradley William E., molder J. S. Shcofield & Son, bds 304 4th Bradshaw T. M., asst foreman S. B. T. & T. Co., r Poplar Brady Christopher, flagman S. W. R. R., bds 304 4th Brady Daniel, c, lab, bds 269 Walnut Brady David B., flagman C. R. R., bds 453 Hazel Brady James, dairy, r 14 Bridge row Brady John W., flagman C. R. R., bds 453 Hazel Brady Joseph B., wks C. R. R., r 252 4th Brady Lizzie Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co BRADYCROTINE MNFG CO., H. J. Lamar, pres; S.
H. Shepard, sec and mngr; 564 Cherry Bragg George M., flagman, r ws Cedar, 5th s of Stratton, S. M Bragg Joel S., news agt Parker News Co., r ws Cedar, 5th s
of Stratton, S. M Bragg John T., fireman C. R. R., r ws Cedar, 2d s of Stratton,
S. M Bragg Robert I., cond C. R. R., r ws Cedar, 8th s of Stratton,
S. M Branan O. F., fireman C. R. R Brand Benjamin, c, lineman S. B. T. & T. Co Branford Richard, c, carp, r Unionville Branham Benjamin H., elk T. G. Carroll & Co., r Boundary,
sw cor Telfair, S. M Branham James K., lab, bds es 3d, 2d s of Stratton, S. M Branham Robert W., fireman C. R. R., bds Boundary, sw cor
Telfair, S. M

0. P.&B. E. WILLINGHAM & C0.Manufacturers of Doors> 7th fc Cherry Streets. Office 363 3d. Sash, Bll'fldS, Mantels, EtC.



c. Tclep^en;l)-307- T.




Branham Thornton, c, porter, r Peppermint al Branham Walter J., lab, bds es 3d, 2d s of Stratton, S. M Branham Wiley C., wks Macon Agrl Wks, r es 3d, 2d s of
Stratton, S. M Branham William A., grocer, Boundary, sw cor Telfair, S. M Brannon Albert W.,bkkpr E. T. Paine, Jr., r 166 Magnolia Brannon James, c, lab, r 131 Ross Brannon James L., mechanic, r 852 2d Brannon Josiah J., cond, bds 852 2d Brannon Richard, c, lab, r rear 856 Walnut Branscomb E. L., fireman C. R. R Brantley Abby, wid Horatio, r es Pink, s of Boundary, S. M Brantley Alfred, c, wks J. G. Ruan Brantley Alonzo L., student, r 1153 Hazel Brantley Chapman, c, carp, r ss Chestnut, 7th w of W. Boundary Brantley Chapman, Jr., c, porter^ r ss Chestnut, 7th w of W.
Boundary Brantley Daniel C., c, teacher, bds 230 Jefferson
Brantley Emery, c, drayman, bds 122 Ross Brantley Emily F. Mrs., boarding, 1153 Hazel Brantley George, wrapper W. C. Lyons & Co., bds es Pink, s
of Boundary, S. M Brantley George S., mach C. R. R., bds 852 Cherry Brantley Gilbert, c, drayman, bds 122 Ross Brantley Jackson B., c, porter H.D. Adams & Co., r 260 College Brantley James L., eng E. T., V. & G. R. R Brantley James M., butcher, Market, r es Pink, s of Boundary Brantley Jesse, c, lab G. S. & F. R. R., r ws Plant's al, 2d s of
Elm Brantley Leroy, c, drayman, r 122 Ross Brantley Pauline S. Mrs., music teacher, r es Telfair, 2d s of
Gordon, S. M Brantley Samuel, c, wks Palmer MnfgCo., bds es Ullman rd Brantley Thaddeus W., elk Lazarus Bros., r 714 2d Brantley Thomas S., elk W. B. Carhart A Co., r nr Crump's Park Brantley William, c, teacher, bds 230 Jefferson Brantly Belton N., asst sec Y. M. C. A., bds 720 College Brantly John J. Rev. D. D., prof Mercer University, r 720
if. VI. Ot 11. U. llULLlill) 458 Tliird. Street.


- .-'sr-f'-





Brantly William S., sec and treas S. W. R. R. Co., r 852 Cherry Braswell James, c, barber W. Braswell, r rear Columbus rd Braswell James, e, butcher, r 1004 Hazel
Braswell James H., c, barber J. H. McCants
Braswell Lee A., carp C. & M. R. R., bds ws 2d, 2d s of Wil liams, S. M
Braswell Nellie, c, teacher, r es Middle, 2d n of Jefferson Braswell William, carp C. & M. R. R., r S. M Braswell William, c, driver H. Abel, r 1004 Hazel Braswell Willis, c, barber, 363 3d, res Ullman rd Brattan Charles J., printer J. W. Burke & Co., r 658 Haw
thorne Brauss Rudolph, saloon, 412 2d, r 858 2d Brawl Benjamin F., c, carp, r rear 619 Monroe Bray John W., bds Center, nw cor Woolfolk, E. M Brav J. Barney, wks Dixie Wks., bds Center, nw cor Wool-
' folk, E. M Bray William M., eng C. R. R., r ns Reid, 4th e of Chap
el, S. M Brazel Allen, c, wks Bibb No. 1 Brazel Columbus, c, brickmason, r rear 107 4th Brazel Judson, c, lab, r ws 4th, 4th s of Ells, S. M Brazzle Elizabeth Miss, seamstress, r ns Turpin, 4th e of Di
vision Breckinridge William A., printer, bds 455 Plum Breedlove Beniamin F. Rev., pastor 1st St. M. E. Church, r
865 1st Breedlove Frank E., finisher Ga. Hosiery Co., bds 769 Ash Breedlove Warren, c, carp, r 58 Spring Breen John L., elk G. S. & F. R. R., bds 763 Poplar
BREMER JOHN H., foreman Wesleyan Christian Advo
cate, r 753 Mulberry Brennan Michael L., mach E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds 670 3d Brennecke Irvine K., mach C. R. R., bds 866 1st Brent Jack (T. Y. Brent & Son), bds 459 New Brent Taylor Y. (T. Y. Brent & Son), r 459 New Brent Taylor Y., Jr. (Respess & Brent), bds 459 New Brent T. Y. & Son (T. Y. and Jack), ins agts, 510 Mulberry Brevard Wm M., eng Manchester Mnfg Co., r rear ns Forsyth

Brewer Charles L., collector Tilley & Brewer, bds 1238 4th Brewer Edward, marble cutter G. W. Case, bds 455 Plutn Brewer John C. (Tilley & Brewer), r 1238 4th Brewer Jack, spinner Manchester Mfg Co Brewer Joel J., watchman Manchester Mfg Co Brewington Louis, c, wks Bibb No. 1, r 406 Clinton, E. M Brewington Wilkins, c, wks Bibb No. 1, r 116 Collins, E. M Brice Allen, c, lab, r 858 Ocmulgee Brice Ai'thur, wks C. R. R., bds 322 3d Bridges Anderson, c, wks C. R. R., r 419 Elbert Bridges Joseph, c, wks C. R. R., bds 419 Elbert Bridwell Charles W., carp, r es 4th, 2d s of Stratton, S. M Bridwell P. J., carp C. R. R. shops Bridwell William L., horse trader, r es 4th, 2d s of Stratton,
S. M Brigham Jeff, c, wks W. R. Ivey Brigham Judson, c, lab, r Fulton av Bright E. A., eng C. R. R., r es 3d, bey limits, S. M Bright Green L., varieties, 371 Hazel, r 369 Hazel Bright James L., eng C. R. R., r ws Telfair, 4th s of Gordon,
S. M Bright Levi G., carp, r 104 4th Briles Charles W., macli E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds 1519
Calhoun Brim Thomas, carp G. S. & F. R. R Brimberry Hulbert F., bkkpr Altmayer& Flatau, bds Stubble
field House Briscoe David, c, driver, r New Cherry, 3d w of Middle, P. H Briscoe Nettie Miss, bds ss Stratton, 4th e of Chapel, S. M Briskie John, barkpr G. I. Johns, r 1039 3d Bristol Augustus, c, lab, r 453 Pine Bristol James, c, lab, r 108 Bay Britt Carrie Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co., bds 702 Elm Britt Jerry M., painter C. R. R., r ss Williams, 2d w of 2d,
S. M Britt Katy Mrs., seamstress, r 554 Plum Britt William O., with Dunlap Hardware Co., bds 718 Cherry Britt W. H., painter Power's Cont'g Co Britton Eugene, elk, bds 304 Hidrola, E. M
FTM4^fi*E9:UNllwEilNDldSIERY E

Children's Carriages, goat wagons
s. s. parhelee, 470 Second st. (Seep. 7.) Saddles, Harness, Etc.





Broach H. B., boiler mkr C. R. R., bds 330 Clinton, E. M Broach Thomas, c, brickmason, r rear 269 4th Broadus Edward, c, serv F. Walker, r rear 316 Washington av Broadway William, carp, r 2d, ne cor Pebble, S. M Brogden Daniel I., elk, r ws Ells, 2d s of Knott, S. M Brogsdale Augustus, c, driver, bds 759 5th Brogsdale Charles, c, wks W. C. Knobloch, bds 509 Cotton av Brogsdale Geo., c, wks Winn, Johnson & Co., r rear 671 Spring Brogsdale Robert, c, lab C. R. R., r 629 Georgia av Bronson Emerson F., chf elk agts office C. R. R., r 608 Ogle
thorpe Bronson Horace W., r 1019 2d Bronson John A., mess C. R. R., bds 1019 2d Bronson Sidney C., elk C. R. R., bds 1019 2d Brookings George, c, carp, r ws Center, 5 th n of Phillips, E, M Brookings Solomon, c, lab, r ns Columbus rd Brookings Thomas, c, lab, bds 103 Flanders, E. M Brookings Zach, wks Bibb No. 1, r 130 Hidrola, E. M Brooks Arthur, c, lab C. R. R., r 374 Monroe Brooks Augustus, c, carp, r 161 College Brooks Anderson, c, lab, r 310 Calhoun Brooks Anderson, Jr., c, lab, bds 310 Calhoun
Brooks Brown G., c, musician, r 54 Spring
Brooks Charles, c, porter, r ns Holt, 1st w of Monroe Brooks Charles L., wks Manchester Mfg Co., r ss C. R. R.,
bey limits Brooks Edward, baggage master, bds 106 5th Brooks Elizabeth W., wid D., r 307 Walnut Brooks Fanny A., wid H., r 272 Madison Brooks George D., driver H. & L. Co Brooks Harper, c, shoemkr, r ns New Houston rd 2d w of
2d, S. M Brooks Harvey, wks Manchester Mufg Co., r ss C. R. R., bey
limits Brooks Ida Miss, teacher Ga. Orphans' Home Brooks James, plumber Bennett & Board man, bds National
Hotel Brooks James P., wks Manchester Mnfg Co., r ss C. R. R., bey

MACON COMMERCIAL COLLEGE A First-class Business School Rapid Business Penmanship. Circulars Free. w. McKay, pm.





Brooks Jerry H., fireman C. R. R., r ss Stratton, 3d w of Cedar,
S. M Brooks John, c, lab, bds 161 College Brooks Louis, reeler Manchester Mfg Co Brooks Mary, wid P., r rear ws Milledgeville rd, 10th n of Ft.
Hill, E. M Brooks Nelson, c, lab, r 360 Columbus Brooks Oliver A., yd foreman C. R. R., r es 2d, 4th s of Peb
ble, S. M Brooks Rebecca, wid James, r 1305 2d Brooks Robert, c, gardener, r ss C. R. R., bey limits Brooks Roger T., stenographer G. S. & F. R. R., bds 710
Mulberry Brooks Sarah, wid E. W., bds ss St. Johns, 2d e of Church,
E. M Brooks Taylor, wks Manchester Mfg Co., r ss C. R. R., bey
limits Brooks Washington, c, waiter, r 978 Walnut Brooks William C., c, wks C. R. R., bds rear 130 Washing
ton av Brooks William H., driver M. C. & S. St. R. R., r es Plant's
al, 1st n of Boundary Brown Addie, wid J., r 653 3d Brown Adeline M., wid L. H., bds 320 Washington av Brown Albert, c, eng Macon G. L. & W. Co., r rear ws Church,
1st n of Lee, E. M Brown Albert S., with A. Gibian & Co., bds 753 Plum Brown Alexander, eng G. S. & F. R. R., bds 4th, nw cor Ells,
S. M Brown Alexander, c, porter C. R. Burney, bds 201 Clinton,
E. M Brown Alfred O., switchman C. R. R., r S. M Brown Amory L., elk Burden, Smith & Ellis, r 821 2d
Brown Allie Miss, r 517 3d Brown Amy, c, laundress, r 436 Flanders, E. M Brown Andrew, c, wks T. JD. Tinsley, r 568 Monroe Brown Ann E., wid C. S., bds 1537 2d Brown Augustus D., elk, bds 660 Oak Brown A. J., elk C. R. Burney


and has made MOST Rapid Progress of any Co.


T. S. LOWRY, Manager.

PIANOS 1JW- burke & co WHEELER & WILSON organs) SEWING MACHINES Will do better for you
Ilian anybody can do.




Brown Berry, c, lab Ivey Bros
BROWN BURR, sewing machines, wall paper and news depot, 521 Mulberry, r es Poe, 1st n of Vineville rd
Brown Calvin, c, shoemkr, 1317 2d, r ss C. R. R., bey limits Brown Carrie Miss, spooler Bibb No. 2 Brown Casey, c, gardener, r ss C. R. R., near V. depot Brown Charles, c, furniture repr, r rear 237 College Brown Charles, c, porter S. Waxelbaum & Son, r Columbus rd Brown Charles H., c, porter W. E. Jenkins, r ws 4th, 3d s of
Ells, S. M Brown Charles T., bkkpr M. Nussbaum &Co., bds 718 Cherry Brown Charles T., fireman Stmr No. 1, bds 1017 Hazel Brown Clem, c, lab, r 313 Cherry
Brown David F., carp, r es Milledgeville rd, 8th n of Fairview, E. M
Brown David L., elk Lamar & Co., bds 511 Bond Brown Delia, wid J. B., r es Poe, 1st n of V. rd Brown Dotc, c, lab, r 355 Arch
Brown Duncan M., elk Sou. Emporium, bds 760 Cherry Brown Edward, wks Macon Knitting Co., bds ss Boundary,
10th w of Telfair, S. M
Brown Edward L., elk Macon Brewing Co., bds 753 Plum Brown Eli, c, icecream, 866 Hazel, r al bet 1st and 2d, nr Elm Brown Eliza, wid F., r ss Columbus rd Brown Ellen, wid A., bds 1213 2d
Brown Fannie Miss, r ws Milledgeville rd, 6th n of Ft. Hill, E. M
Brown Felix, c, lab, r rear 766 Cherry Brown Filmore, propr Edgerton House, 555 4th Brown George, c, porter, bds 561 3d Brown George C. Mrs., propr Pierpont House, 253 2d Brown George N., carp, r Daly al, S. M Brown Georgia M. Miss, bds 131 Academy
Brown Hampton, c, lab, r ws Pierce av, 4th n of Forsyth, V Brown Henry, c, lab, r 160 Bay
Brnwn Henry, c, lab S. M. Subers & Son, r ws W. Boundary, 3d n of Chestnut
Brown Henry, c, switchman, r 111 New
Brown Henry, c, waiter, r ns Woodruff, 6th w of Monroe





Brown Henry, c, wks C. R. R., r 569 Monroe Brown Henry, wks Ga Hosiery Co Brown Henry C., elk I. B. English & Co., r 660 Oak Brown Herbert R., r 310 Washington av BROWN, HILL & CO. (J. R. Brown, Paul T. Hill and W.
R. Paschal), druggists, 620 Cherry Brown Hulda, c, seamstress, r 9 Spring Brown H. M., baggage master S. W. R. R Brown Isaac, c, wks Bibb No. 1, r ns Random, 1st e of Center
E. M Brown Jackson, c, porter Johnson & Estes, r 521 Plum Brown Jacob, wks Bibb No. 1, r 226 Clinton, E. M Brown James, c, butler, r ss Holmes, w of Poe, V Brown James, c, lab, r 1068 Hazel Brown James H., grocer, es Milledgeville rd, 8th n of Fair-
view, E. M Brown James T., c, tailor, 601 3d, r 1131 4th Brown James T., Jr., c, wks G. S. & F. R. R., bds 1131 4t,h Brown Jane, wid J., bds ns Elm, 6th e of Main, E. M Brown Jerry, c, restaurant, 319 4th Brown Jesse, c, lab, r ss C. R. R., bey limits Brown John, c, driver, r rear 225 Jones Brown John, wks Bibb No. 2, r 87 Oglethorpe, Factory row Brown John, c, wks M. C. & S. St. R. R. Co., bds 1068 Hazel Brown John H., pressman News, bds 858 New Brown John J., with W. H. Whitehead, bds 512 W. Bound
ary Brown John M., c, collector, bds 206 Madison Brown John R. (Brown, Hill & Co.), r rear ns Forsyth, V Brown John T., farmer, r rear ns Forsyth, V Brown John T., wks A. Bernd & Co., r 223 Orange Brown John W., wks D. A. Keating, r 206 Madison Brown Joseph, c, insp C. R. R.,r 856 Hazel Brown Joseph, c, wks M. C. & S. St. R. R., bds 1068 Hazel Brown Joseph A., eng C. R. R., r 509 Arch Brown Joseph M.,grocei*, 640 Washington av, r 512 W Bound
ary Brown Julius, c, farmer, r Boundary, sw cor Elbert Brown J. A., hair goods, r 653 New
RC.WILDER'SSONS Builders,Supplies,Hardware
614 to 622 Third Street, MACON, GA. PAIN I O, UlLb AND LEAD

313 Ocmnlgee Street. \y v/ XjLX/ GRATES.




Brown J. Henry, bkkpr J. M. Brown, r512 W. Boundary Brown J. Pope, pres Sou. Phosphate Works, r 106 Nisbet Brown Katie L. Miss, bds 131 Academy Brown Lewis, c, carp Macon S., D. & L. Co., r rear 239 Col
lege Brown Maggie I. Miss, bds 131 Academy Brown Matthew E., carp, r ss Columbus rd Brown Mattie Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 87 Oglethorpe, Factory
row Brown Moses, c, butler J. F. Hanson Brown Oscar, fireman S. W. R. R., bds 417 Arch Brown Patrick, c, trainhand, r rear 657 Plum Brown Perry, c, carp, r rear 500 Orange Brown Peter, c, porter M. Nussbaum &Co., r 253 Walnut Brown Peter W., mach C. R. R., r 1542 3d Brown Peter W. Jr., wks C. R. R., bds 1542 3d Brown Philip, c, wks Brewery, r 314 Calhoun Brown Pompey, c, lab S. M. Subers & Son, r ns Chestnut,
10th w of W Boundary Brown Ralph P., elk W. C. Lyons & Co., bds 311 Bond Brown Rebecca Miss, teacher, bds 821 2d Brown Rebecca T. Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 1017 Hazel Brown Richard, c, carp, r ws Tattnall, nr Elm Brown Richard, c, eng Macon G. L. & W. Co Brown Richard E., c, porter Benner Bros Brown Robert, farm hand, r s ss Boundary, 10th w of Telfair Brown Robert, c, lab, bds ws Booker's al, 2d s of Bay Brown Robert, c, lab, r ss New Cherry, 4th w of Monroe Brown Robert, c, wks Ga. Mills, bds 759 5th Browning Robert, c, wks J. S. Schofield & Sons, r al, bet 6 th and
7th, nr Walnut BROWN ROBERT A., grocer, 1213 2d Brown Robert E., c, barber, 770 Cherry, r 429 Madison BROWN ROBERT H., pres Central Ga. Bank, r 820 Poplar Brown Rufus S., bkppr W. C. Lyons & Co, r 311 Bond Brown Sallie E., wid W. F., r 131 Academy Brown Samuel, c, farmer, r rear es Ullman rd Brown Sarah, wid E. M., r 753 Plum Brown Seymour M., local freight agt G. S. & F. R. R., r 1026 2d
Paints, Oils, Glass, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Etc. At 0. P. & B. E. WILLINGHAM & CO'S.




in SEASON a Headquarter

Brown Spencer, c, wksW.E. Anderson, r rear 202 Hammond
Brown Stepney, c, wks C. R. R., r 569 Monroe Brown Taylor, c, wks H. J. Lamar Brown Thomas, eng, bds ss Columbus rd Brown Thomas, c, lab, r Boundary, sw cor Elbert, S. M
Brown Thomas, c, painter, r 116 Ross Brown Thomas H., elk W. Q. Lyons & Co., bds 619 1st
Brown Thomas H., policeman, r 505 Jackson
Brown Tobe, c, wks J. G. Ruan Brown Ulysees, c, porter M. O'Hara, bds 1131 4th Brown Wesley, c, brakeman S. W. R. R., res Comersal, 1st n
of Chestnut Brown Wilburn, c, porter, r Harris al Brown Wiley, c, lab, r ss Jefferson, 1st e of Jones, P. H Brown William, c, farmer, r rear 420 Hammond Brown William, c, gardener, bds 104 Hazel Brown William, c, lab, r 621 Poplar Brown William, wks Bibb No. 1, r ns Elm, 6th e of Main
E. M Brown William, c, wks C. R. R., r 467 5th Brown William C., c, contractor, 620 Cherry, r 234 Jones Brown William F., elk Troy Steam Laundry, r 131 Academy Brown William L., carp, bds ns New Houston rd, 4th e of
Ells, S. M Brown William M., c, grocer, 204 Ash Brown William N., wks C. R. R., bds 1017 Hazel Brown William T., c, lab, bds 1131 4th BROWN WILLIAM W., special agt N. Y. Life Ins. Co., r
766 Poplar Brown Willis, c, lab, r rear 112 Madison Brown Willis, c, porter Macon Hardware Co., r 305 Oak Brown Willis W., carp C. R. R., r ss Boundary, 10th w of
Telfair S. M BROWN'S HOTEL, James R. Sangster, propr; 4th, nw cor
Plum Browning Robert, c, lab J. S. Schofield & Son Bruce Alva M., c, janitor Progress Club, r 916 Ociuulgee Bruce Augustus, c, engineer Hotel Lanier, r 53 1st Bruce Edwin L., painter, r Tindalville, S. M

Bruce Henry, c, waiter Benner Bros., r 505 Monroe Bruce H. J., cotton buyer, 506 3d, r 252 High Bruce Monroe, carp, r 1027 2d Bruhl F. Emil, watches and jewelry, 570 Cherry, bds 757 Mul
berry BRUNNER NORMAN I., Ph. G., pharmacist, 1002 4th Brunner Robert, c, brakemau S. W. R. R., r ws Elbert, 3d s
of Boundary, S. M Brunner Valentine, collector, bds 1002 4th Brunner Wesley, c, lab, r ws al bet 4th and Elbert, lsts of Elm Brunson John H., c, wks Standard Oil Co., r ss Ellis, 5th w of
Monroe Brunson William, c, lab, bds 156 Madison Brunson W. Jr., lawyer, 105 Cotton av, bds 213 Adams Bryan Fannie, wid J. M. r 769 4th Bryan Henry, c, lab, r ns Cherry al, 2d w of New Bryant Abram, c, porter Sou. Hardware Co., r ns Bernard, 2d
w of Willingham, E. M Bryant Albert, c, wks Palmer Mnfg Co., bds es Ullman rd Bryant Alphonso F., boss chain gang, r ns Balkcom 2d, e of
Milledgeville rd, E. M Bryant Andrew N., c, lab, r 313 Burnett E. M Bryant Anna, wid J., r rear 555 Pine Bryant Anthony, c, wks E. T., V. & G. R. R., r ws Harris,
n of Tupelo Bryant Champ, c, tailor, 370 2d, r 341 Madison Bryant Clayburn, c, farmer, r es Wards al, 1st s of Holmes Bryant David, c, brickmaker, r 638 6th Bryant Edmund, c, wks cemetery, r 1016 Ocmulgee Bryant Edward, c, lab, r rear ss Boundary, 1st w of 4th S. M Bryant George, c, cotton sampler, r 343 Forsyth Bryant Hiram, c, wks R. C. Wilder's Sons, r Huff's al Bryant John F., wks Bibb No. 2, bds ns Tindall, 2d w of Tel
fair, S. M Bryant Joseph, c, fireman E. T., V. & G. R. R., r 135 Hazel Bryant Joseph, c, lab, r ns New Houston rd, 4th w of 2d, S. M Bryant Louis E., c, elk W. U.Tel. Co., bds 231 Washington av Bryant Robert, c, lab, r rear 103 Ross Bryant William, c, wks T. B, Artope, r Murrays al
THE POWERS CONTRACTINS CO. Dealers in BUILDERS' and PAINTERS' SUPPLIES, and 157. 159, 101 Cotton Avenue. (See p. 8.) GENERAL CONTRACTORS

408 and 410 Mulberry Street.




Bryant Wilson, c, lab, r ns New Houston rd, 4th wof 2d, E. M Buchanan Elbert, c, lab, r Nixon al, bey limits Buchanan Greenlee D., cond S. & W. R. R., bds 454 Oak Buchanan Leroy, c, physician, r ns Columbus rd Buekhalter Elijah, c, lab, r rear 380 Monroe Buckhalter Thomas, c, waiter, bds 108 Ross Buckley William T., cond E. T., Y. & G. R. R., bds Wilbourn
House Buekmaster Eugene, cond E. T., V. &G. R. R., bds 106 5th Buckner Berry, c, farmer, bds 427 Flanders, E. M, Buckner Henry M., wks Enterprise Boiler Works, bds 3d Buckner Jennie Miss, dressmaker, r 465 Cotton av Buckner J. W., elk J. S. McTighe & Co., bds Commercial
Hotel Buckner Robert L., brakeman C. R. R., bds es 2d, 4th s of
Boundary, S. M Buck worth Walter, cond M. C. & S. St. R. R Budd James S., asst bkkpr Smith & Gordon, bds 355 Orange Buffington Cicero R. Rev., c, pastor Warren Chapel, bds ns
Holmes, 3d w of Middle, P. H Buffington Edward J., fireman C. R. R., bds es 3d, 3d sof Strat
ton, S. M Buffington John, eng C. R. R. r 1505 4th Bulkley Anna, wid E. C., r 553 2d Bulkley Edward C., elk T. C. Burke, bds 553 2d Bull Leslie R., wood worker C. R. R., r 18 Walnut Bullock Dora L. Miss, folder News, bds 1111 Ash Bullock Erasmus, enumerator, r 104 4th Bullock James A., r 1111 Ash Bullock Ralph, elk R. T. Smith, bds 104 4th Bullock Mack, painter, bds 104 4th Bullock Victoria Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds 1111 Ash Bullock William B., elk Johnson & Harris, bds 104 4th Bunkley Rosa, c, seamstress, r 321 Pine Bunkley Thomas K., collector, r 659 Oak Burch Troup, c, lab, r rear 220 3d Burdell, Logan & Co., c, (L. H. Burdell, R. M. Logan and J.
P. Fantroley) grocers etc., 413 Cotton av Burdell Luther H., c, (Burdell, Logan & Co.), r 421 Cotton av




a I

n, 1

I -- 0 Carriages, J8@"Immense Stock. Low Prices.

D U gg I e S, wagons, s. S. PARMELEE, 47^>st-


Burden Richard F. (Burden, Smith & Ellis), 470 Orange BURDEN, SMITH & ELLIS (R. F. Burden, P. R. Smith
and C. B. Ellis), dry goods, 367 2d and 611 Cherry Burden William A., c, carp, r 232 Jefferson Burden William H., presS. T. Coleman & Burden Co., r 203
High Burdick Anna G., wid B. F., bds Applewood, se cor Balkcom
av, E. M Burdick Benjamin L., elk, bds 305 Bond BURDICK E. LUTHER,whol grocer, 452 Poplar, r 821 Plum Burdick George, elk A. B. Small, r 305 Bond Burdick George P. (G. P. Burdick & Co.), bds 305 Bond Burdick George P. & Co. (G. P. Burdick and J. B. Hall),
mer tailors, 568 Mulberry Burdick James, elk, bds 305 Bond Burdick William H., recg teller Exchange Bank, bds 667 2d Burgay Allen, c, shoe mkr, 666 4th Burgay Daniel A., c, waiter, r 821 3d Burgay Eldridge, c, lab, r rear 438 Hammond Burgay Henry, c, lab, r rear 624 Hammond Burgay Leroy, c, lab, r es C. R. R., 1st s of Ash Burgay Nancy, wid W. L , bds 770 Ash Burge Ann T. Mrs., boarding, r 112 4th Burge Charles S., elk Freeman & Jones, bds 112 4th Burgess Rebecca A., wid R. A., r es College, s of Boundary Burghard Annie E. Miss, teacher, bds 471 Orange Burghard Louis H., ins agt, r ws College, s of Boundary Burghard Mary E., wid F., r 471 Orange Burghard Minnie R. Miss, teacher, bds 471 Orange Burham Gertie Mrs., boarding, 1127 Walnut Burham William, cond, bds 1127 Walnut Burke Allen, c, lab, r rear 558 Hammond Burke Benjamin, cond S. W. R. R., r ws 3d, 3d s of Boundary
*S. M Burke Catherine, wid T., r 955 Walnut BURKE EDWARD W., genl mngr J. W. Burke & Co., bds
238 Georgia av Burke Evans, c, drayman, r 316 Ocmulgee Burke Eugene, fireman C. & M. R. R., r S. M

MACON COMMERCIAL COLLEGE) A First Class Business School

Circulars free, w.

Principal. J Rapid Business Penmanship





U /%


Cold Storage Telephone No. 307.

Rooms (Seep. 8.



Cain Seaborn, wks Manchester Mfg Co., bds ss C. R. R., bey



Cain Simeon, wks Manchester Mfg Co., r ss C. R. R., bey limits

Cain Walter, painter, bds 771 New

Calder George H., elk Ga. Mills, r 577 Madison

Caldwell Charles, c, porter, bds 53 1st

Caldwell Charles A., civil eng., bds 232 High

Caldwell Charles N., painter, r 1309 2d Calhoun App M., baggage masterS. W. R. R., r 410 Elm

Calhoun George E., bkppr Wolff & Happ, bds 619 1st

Calhoun Leila Mrs., music teacher, bds 1413 2d

Calhoun Lott, c, lab C. R. R., shops

Calhoun Newton, c, lineman S. B. T. & T. Co'

Calhoun Robert, c, porter, r rear 763 3d

Callaghan Martin, elk Danuenberg & Doody, r 464 Cotton av

Callaghan Thomas, grocer, 464 Cotton av

Callahan Martin, lab, r 217 2d

Callahan Newton, c, lab, r853 Ocmulgee

Callaway Anna, wid J., bds 412 W Boundary

Callaway Carlton B., r ns Forsyth, V

Callaway Charles, c, wks Macon S., D. & L. Co Callaway Clark, c, lab, r ws Cole, s of Oglethorpe

Callaway Henry, c, wks P. Cook, r 573 Monroe Callaway Henry B., supt Roff Home, r ss C. R. R., bey limits

Callaway Hezekiah, c, lab, r 1573 Monroe

Callaway Jack, c, lab Findlay's Iron wks

Callaway James, trav correspondent Telegraph, r 818 Pine

Callaway James W., elk J. H. & W. W. Williams, bds 818

Pine Callaway Jesse, elk Parker & Davis, r Columbus rd

Callaway Joel T., elk Dannenberg & Doody, r 4o8 Spring

Callaway Joseph T., bkkpr A. L. Butts, bds 458 Spring

Callaway John, farmer, bds ss C. R. R., bey limits

Callaway Lucius, wks Dixie Wks

Callaway Malone C., collector Macon Hardware Co., bds 811

Cherry Callaway Merrill P., collector H. Horne, bds 818 Pine

Callaway Thomas, c, wks Hays & Mansfield, r rear 871



I6IMR Two Necessities f
MACON BREWING CO (Seep.5.) Both Supplied by




Calvin Timothy, c, cooper Palmer Mnfg Co Cameriero Frank, barber J. Giannone, bds 355 4th Cameriero Nicola, fruits, 514 Cherry, r 355 4th Cameriero Vinginzo, musician, r rear ws Ullman, s of Roy Campbell Adolphus, carp, bds ss Williams, 3d w of 2d, S. M
Campbell Albert, c, lab, r 322 Hawthorne Campbell Albert S., fireman G. S. & F. R. R., bds 1310 4th Campbell Ann M., wid C., r 821 Mulberry Campbell Archie, c, wks E. T., V. & G. R. R Campbell Charles B., harnessmkr, bds ss Williams, 3d w of 2d,
S. M Campbell Charles E., cotton mer, r 821 Mulberry Campbell Donald, plumber S. M. Subers & Son, r Academy
for the Blind Campbell Edwin, carp, r ss Williams, 3d w of 2d, S. M Campbell Felix S., fireman C. R. R., bds 462 Oak Campbell Frank, c, brickmason, r ss Chestnut, 4th vv of W.
Boundary Campbell Frank, harnessmkr G. Bernd, bds 1514 2d Campbell Frank, c, wks C. C. Stratton & Co., r 422 Elbert Campbell George, c, lab, rss Chestnut, 13th wof W. Boundary Campbell Henry B., eng C. R. R., r ss Williams, 3d w of 2d,
S. M Campbell Henry F., collector Cobb, Cabaniss & Cobb, bds
1514 2d Campbell James S., boss dyer Bibb No. 1, r Center, nw cor
Clinton, E. M Campbell Jerry, c, lab, r rear 319 Walnut Campbell John, c, grocer, es Middle, 3d sof New Cherry, P. H Campbell John B., wks Payne & Willingham, r Daly's al, S. M Campbell Joseph, c, carp, bds ns Forsyth, 3d w of W. Boundary Campbell Joseph A., elk H. Newman, bds 462 Oak Campbell Martha, wid S., bds ss Williams, 3d w of 2d Campbell Martha E., wid J., r 852J 3d Campbell Mary, will John, r 462 Oak Campbell Minnie Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., r ss Williams, 3d
w of 2d. S. M Campbell Moses, c, lab, r 620 Flanders, E. M Campbell Nannie, wid J., r 759 Ash

| 1(0 Builders' and Painters' Supplies and General Contractors.

For anything'^ru'ta Prcduc'.Fish Oysters or Ice

SIiennrdl #ton Heaaddqauaarters. Vpage 8./





Catholic School, Sister Ignatius, prin; es 4th, 2d s of Walnut
Catto Thomas, c, carp Powers Contg Co., r 221 Jones
Causey Benjamin, c, lab, r 220 Calhoun Causey Henry, eng C. R. R., r 810 Ash Causey James, car driver, r ws 4th, 11th s of Boundary
Causey Johnson, foreman Bibb No. 2 Causey Sarah, wid, r 330 Calhoun Causey Thomas, c, wks Brewery, r 234 Calhoun Causey William C., painter C. R. R., bds 810 Ash Cawley Benjamin F., mach C. R. R., r 855 Arch Cawley Biddie Miss, elk R. F. Smith, r es 4th, 2d s of Pebble,
S. M Cawley Charles H., asst mailing elk, r 855 Arch Cawley Maggie Y. Miss, elk Chappell & Park, bds es 4th, 2d
s of Pebble, S. M Cawley Thomas M., mach C. R. R., r es 4th, 2d s of Pebble Cecconi Elmo, barkpr Commercial Hotel Centenary M. E. Church, Rev. W. E. Vaughn, pastor; Ross,
cor Ash Central City Cider Co., J. F. Pearson, mgr ; 216 Cotton av CENTRAL CITY HEALTH HOME, Mrs. R. E. Fuller,
M. D., propr; 630 Colton av Central City Ice Wks, A. Block, pres; Abe Ellis, sec and mgr;
Boundary, cor R. R., office 558 5th Central City Loan & Trust Ass'n, Geo W. Burr, cashr; 353 3d Central City Park, F. T. Able, keeper; 7th, nr river CENTRAL CITY TIMES, c, Rev. T. M. Robinson, pres;
Walter T. Reed, sec; Rev. L. H. Smith, business mgr; S. H. Blocker and L. J. Miller, editors; 404 Mulberry (Seep. 12.) CENTRAL GEORGIA ALLIANCE WAREHOUSE, R. W. Bonner, mgr; |)6d Poplar. (See p. 9.) CENTRAL GEORGIA BANK, R. H. Brown, pres; T. O.
Chestney, cashr; 323 3d Central R. B. Compress, S. J. Whiteside, lessee; A. A. Cordson,
supt; es 5th, s of Cherry CENTRAL R. R. & BANKING CO., H. R. Dill, supt
Main Stem Div; office Union Depot Central, S. W. and Ga. R. R. ticket office, Burr Brown, agt;
x' 521 Mulberry

W.W.&R.S. COLLINS -LAND AGENTS FOR-- G. S. fc F., M. & B. rn-458 THIRD STREET. and M. & A. R'ds.





Cerveau Frank, painter C. R. R., bds 1302 4tk Chafer Susan, wid F., r 130 Main, E. M Chailie Leroy, elk J. S. Schofield & Son, r Vineville Chambers Andrew, boarding, r 362 Clinton, E. M Chambers Edward, c, wks M. C. & S. St. R. R., r 655 Hazel Chambers Elbert H., mail agt C. R. R., bds Pierpont House Chambers Idus, elk R. G. Dun & Co., bds 116 Academy Chambers James, lab, bds 362 Clinton, E. M Chambers Osborn, elk S. Waxelbaum& Son, bds 116 Academy Chambers Oscar, with Dannenberg & Doody, bds ws Center, 2d
n of Clinton, E. M Chambers Sallie J., wid I., r 116 Academy Chambers William, elk S. Waxelbaum & Son, bds 116 Academy Chambley Elnora Miss, wks Manchester Mnfg Co., r ns Roy,
w of Ullman Chambley James, painter, r ns Roy, w of Ullman Chambley Mary L. Miss, wks Manchester Mfg Co., r ns Roy,
w of Ullman Chambliss Edward, eng Macon Knitting Co Chambliss George, c, porter H. D. Adams & Co., r ns Orchard
av, 5th w of Hudson Chambliss Jackson W., elk J. E. Chambliss, r 212 Cotton av Chambliss James E., grocer, 212 Cotton av, r 138 Cole Chambliss Peter, c, lab J. S. Schofield & Son Chambliss Samuel E., bkpr Singer Mfg Co,, bds 711 Orange Chambliss Zachariah D., carj.'. r 458 Hazel Champion Abe, wks J. H. Roush & Sons Champion Lewis, c, lab, r Orchard av, 6th w of Hudson Champion Nathaniel, c, lab, r 236 Jefferson Champion Thomas G., postal elk G, S. A F. R. R., r 552 Pine Chandler Allen, fireman, r 1318 3d Chaney Irvin, c, sweeper Manchester Mnfg Co Chaney John, c, sweeper Manchester Mnfg Co Chaney Redick, c, lab, r rear ns New Houston rd, 3d w of 2d
S. M Chapman Abner T., special agt Mutual Life, r 1422 Oglethorpe Chapman Albert, c, lab, r ns Phillips, 1st e of Garden, E. M Chapman Anna, wid N. M., r ss Boundary, 10th w of Telfair,
S. M

by yur Save Money havin9

Painting done by

157, 159, 161 Cotton Avenue.^ THE POWERS CONTRACTING CO.

THF FAIR f m' I IIEk | nlll i 408 & 410 Mulberry St.



R. F. SMITH, Propr.

Chapman Annie E., wid J. H., r 954 Hazel Chapman Augustus M., elk M. Nussbaum & Co., bds Hugue-
nin Heights Chapman Charles, c, hackman, bds 101 BoundaryChapman Edward, c, porter L. Singleton Chapman Frank B., c, lab, r 127 Adams Chapman Frederick A., wks W. H. Schatzman, r 1106 Ogle
thorpe Chapman General, c, lab, r 356 2d, E. M Chapman Harris, c, lab, bds 436 Flanders, E. M Chapman Jack, c, drayman, rws Davis, 5th n of Garden, E. M Chapman Jacob, c, lab, r Harris al Chapman James, c, porter L. McManus & Co., r Jefferson, ne
cor Jones, P. H Chapman James P., sgt police, and grocer, 515 Jackson Chapman John R., fireman C. R. R., bds 515 Jackson Chapman John W., carp, bds ss Reid, 1st e of 4th, S. M Chapman Reuben, c, carp, r 1020 Ocmulgee Chapman Robert, student, bds 742 College Chapman Robert M., carp C. R. R., r 702 Ash Chapman Walter B. (Chapman & Gantt), r 155 4th Chapman William, lab, bds ss Reed, 1st e of 4th, S. M Chapman William W., carp, r ss Reed, 1st e of 4th, S. M Chapman & Gantt (W. B. Chapman and G. W. Gantt), feed
and sale stable, 219-221 3d Chappel Allen E. (Chappell & Park), bds 427 College Chappell Amos, c, wks Winn, Johnson & Co., bds 361 Haw
thorne Chappell Clarence J., bkkkpr Empire Store, bds 718 Cherry Chappell Clifton T., elk S. W. R. R., bds 630 Cotton av Chappell Henry, c, wks M. C. & S. St. R. R. Co., r 615 Hazel Chappell.Moses, c, switchman E. T., V. & G. R. R Chappell Peter, c, lab C. R. R., r 102 Adams Chappell Robert L., carder Manchester Mnfg Co Chappell Samuel, c, wks C. R. R., bds rear 807 Oak Chappell Solomon, lab, r 156 New Chappell Starling, c, lab, r rear 807 Oak Chappell & Park (A. E. Chappell and T. J. C. Park), candy
and cracker mnfrs, 403 Poplar

E&DS, HEEL & CO. BEST HATS ^ SHIRTS 552 & 554 Cherry Street, MACON, GA.





Charier William, c, waiter Benner Bros Charpiot Samuel A., master car builder C. R. R., r 712 1st Chavers Moses, c, painter, r 161 Spring
CHEADLE THOMAS H., sec and treas Virginia Furniture
Co., r 653 Poplar Cheatham Louis W., asst bkkpr Wolff & Happ, bds 510 Orange Cheatham R. Sidney, printer, bds 552 1st Cheatham Thomas A. (Lamar & Co.), r 653 2d Cheeves Anderson, c, painter, r 429 Madison Cheney Irvin, c, wks Manchester Mufg Co., r ss C. R. R., nr
V. depot Cheney John W., c, wks Manchester Mnfg Co., r ss C. R. R.,
nr V. depot Cheney Robert A., elk Sou. Ex. Co., r ns Columbus rd, bey
limits Cheney Robert E., pressman J. W. Burke & Co., r ns Colum
bus rd, bey limits Cheney Thomas, c, wks C. R. R., r ns C. R. R , nr V. depot Cherry Alexander, butcher, r 1155 Boundary Cherry Alexander L., bag elk C. R. R., bds 856 Pine Cherry Edgar P., carp, bds es 2d, 2d s of Pebble, S. M Cherry Edney, wid W., r 915 Elm Cherry Elijah D., bag agt C. R. R., r 856 Pine Cherry George R., elk Taylor & Daniel, bds 706 Pine Cherry George W., policeman, bds 1321 Boundary Cherry Hattie L., wid E., r es 2d, 3d s ot Pebble, S. M Cherry Henry J., dray line, r 869 Oak Cherry John L., cond G. F. & S. R. R., r 1038 2d Cherry Judge S., dray line, r 340 Columbus Cherry Martha M., wid W. A., r rear So. Ga. Orphan Home Cherry Mary A. Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds es 2d, 3d s of
Pebble Cherry Nelly Miss, milliner Mrs. S. Gillon, bds 856 Pine Cherry Thomas D., carp, bds es 2d, 2d s of Pebble, S. M Cherry Victoria, wid R., bds 815 Elm Cherry William T., wks Macon S., D. & L. Co., bds 915 Elm Cherry W. A. (Rose & Cherry)
CHESTNEY THEODORE 0., cashier Central Ga. Bank,
r 122 2d


A First Class Easiness SCHOOL.
W. McKAY, Pbincipal. J Rapid Business PenmaMip.

PETTIT, De & CD CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS, 6th St., Cor- Cherry. (See p.7.)




Cheves Henry, carp, r 1227 2d Clieves Howard, bds ws Center, 3d n of Phillips, E. M Cheves John, carp, bds ws Center, 3d n of Phillips, E. M Cheves Martha F. Mrs., grocer, 1227 2d Cheves Robert B., carp, r ws Center, 3d n of Phillips, E. M Chichester Heron L., elk C. R. R., r W. Boundary, lid Ogle
thorpe Chichester Heron L., Jr., elk S. R. Jaques*& Tinsley Co., bds
814 Poplar Childers Charles, baker, bds 405 Main, E. M Childers Louise J., wid W., r 405 Main, E. M Childs George, c, porter N. I. Brunner, bds 611 Hazel Childs Henry, c, wks E. J. Willingham & Bro., r ws al, 2d n
of Elm, bet Ross and Calhoun Childs Jackson, c, butcher, bds 611 Hazel Chiles Bros. (J. F. and J. L. Chiles), grocers, 900 Ogle
thorpe Childes Bros. (William M. and Leonard), grocers, 726 Haw
thorne Chiles John L. (Chiles Bros.), r 900 Oglethorpe Chiles J. F. (Chiles Bros.), r 900 Oglethorpe Chiles Lee, c, porter, r rear 826 Orange Chiles Leonard (Chiles Bros.), r 769 Ash Chiles Marcus C., lab, r e 1537 4th Chiles William M. (Childs Bros.), r 769 Ash Chipley John I., gunsmith G. W. Stratton, bds Windsor Hill Chipp Daniel, c, blksmith, 220 3d, r ws New Houston rd, 1st s
of Ells, S. M Chisholm Harry, bag master C. R. R Chivers James, c, driver, r ns Jefferson, 2d w of Middle, P. H Chivers Samuel, c, porter, r ns Jefferson, 2d w of Middle, P. H Choate Andrew, c, glazier R. C. Wilders' Sons, bds 613 Arch Choate C. Edward, draughtsman P. E. Dennis, bds Crumps
Park Choate Dock, c, lab, r ss Boundary, 2d e of 4th, S. M Choate John, c, carp Powers Contracting Co., r E. M Choice Amos, c, lab C. R. R., r es al, w of 3d, 2d s of Arch Choppin Sherborne G., broker, bds 739 Cotton av Christ Church, (Episcopal), 520 Walnut

UHIOH CENTRAL LIFK INSURANCE CO. Lowest Death Kate. Highest Interest Rate.
(See p. 6.) T. S. LOWRY, Manager. I

PRINTING! Done at short notice and in the best style at the lowest prices. Don't go elsewhere J.W.BUKKE&CO,




Christ Church Home, (for indigent women), 508 Walnut Christain Archibald E., barkpr T. Gibson, r country Christain Charles, c, barber, r rear 223 Spring Christian Church, 652 Walnut Christain Frank R., grocer, r 217 Jackson Christian George, wks Winn, Johnson & Co., bds 346 Flanders,
E. M Christian James, wks Manchester Mnfg Co., r ss C. R. R., bey
limits Christian James M. W., r 620 Plum Christian Pauline Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co., bds 217
Jackson Christian Raford, elk G. L. Bright, bds 369 Hazel Christian Robert P., bkkpr Exchange Bank, r 109 Academy Christian Robert T., barkpr, r 2d, 5th s of Stratton, S. M Christopher Henry, c, brickmason, rl30 Middle, P. H Christopher Julia, c, cook Park Hotel, r 130 Middle, P. H Chung Sam, laundry, 454 Cotton av Churchill Annie Miss, elk, bds ws Milledgeville rd, 4th n of
Hidrola, E. M
Churchill Elizabeth, wid J., r ws Milledgeville rd, 4th n of Hidrola, E. M
Churchill Frances, wid J., r es Milledgeville rd, 8th n of Fairview, E. M
Churchill John R., cond C. R. R., r ws Milledgeville rd, 3d n of Hidrola, E. M
Churchill Robert L., wks Bibb No. 1, bds ws Milledgeville rd, 4th n of Hidrola, E. M
Churchwell Elizabeth Mrs., wks Bibb No. 1, r 130 Main,E. M Churchwell Rebecca Miss, wks Bibb No. 1, bds 130 Main, E. M City Hall, Poplar, cor 4th
City Market, W. T. Nelson, elk; Poplar, bet 1st and 2d Clancy Butler D., elk, r West End
Clancy Ernest J., elk J. P. Allen & Co., r West End Clancy James E., bkkpr, r West End Clancy James T., captain, r West End
Clancy R. Duffus, special agt Northwestern Mut. Life Ins Co r 859 Cherry
Clark Alfred, c, lab, r ns Chestnut, 5th w of W. Boundary


Office : Capital Bank, 456 Second St.

Insurance Agent.




Clark Albert C. Rev., c, r ns Hazel, 5th e of Hammond Clark Alexander D., bkkpr G. S. & F. R. R., bds 717 Oak Clark Alice G. Miss, r 583 Madison Clark Andrew, c, blksmith C. R. R, 614 4th Clark Cassie, wid G., bds 452 Elm Clark Georgia A., wid C., bds 304 Hazel Clark Henry, c, driver, r 268 Columbus Clark Herschel V., dray line, r 304 Hazel Clark H. C. Miss, bds 583 Madison Clark James, c, farmer, r rear 371 Clinton, E. M Clark James O. A. Rev., r 570 Madison Clark Jefferson, c. waiter, r ws Coles, 3d s of Ash Clark John, c, wall paper hanger, r Peppermint al Clark John F., farmer, r 803 Ash . Clark John W., carp Macon Agrl Works Clark Levi, e, brickmason, r rear ws Ullman, 2d s of Roy Clark Lord B., grocer, 302 Hazel, r 359 Hazel Clark Mary A , wid W., bds 803 Ash Clark Overton T., with Singer Mnfg Co., r 443 Jackson Clark Reuben, c, barkpr Harmon & Cooper, r al bet Telfair
and 1st, s of Hazel Clark Robert, c, brickmason, r 131 Ross
Clark Sarah F. Miss, teacher Ballard School, r 806 Pine Clark Stance, c, driver A. G. Butts, r 3d Clark T. H., fireman C. R. R Clark Virginia E. Miss, bds 583 Madison Clark Wiley E., student, bds 803 Ash Clark William, fireman G. S, & F. R. R., bds es 4th, 1st r of
Windsor, S. M Clark William, c, lab E. T., V. & G. R. R., r 1025 3d Clark William T., eng C. R. R., r 364 Hazel Clarke Daniel J., with H. J. Lamar & Son3, r 120 Park pi Clarke Elam A., brakeman C. R. R., bds 714 2d Clarke Ellen, wid M. G., r New Houston rd, se cor 2d, S. M Clarke Frank W., opr W. U. Tel. Co., bds 769 Poplar Clarke George F., student, bds 12S Holt
CLARKE GEORGE P., agt Sou. Ex. Co., r ss Forsyth, V
Clarke Gibson W., candymkr, bds 714 2d Clarke L. Deitz, wks Sou. Emporium, bds 714 2d

R f UfliniR^ MIK fionfractars and Builders
ll> Ui TV I LULU U l) U 111) 014 to 633 Third Street, MACON, A.





Clarke Mary B., wid Azel, r 714 2d Clarke Walter S., cotton buyer, r 717 Oak Clarke William P., blksmith C. R. R., bds 406 Oak Clay Alonzo, c, drayman, r ss C. R. R., bey limits Clay Berry Rev., c, r ss Columbus rd Clay Edward, c, drayman, r ns Cherry's al, 3d w of New Clay Elmo, with Lamar Clay, r 554 Mulberry Clay George, c, butler, r us Cherry's al, 3d w of New Clay Henry, c, brickmason, r ss Jefferson, 2d w of Craft's al,
P. H Clay Ivanowna Miss, r 1005 Walnut Clay Jack, c, wks H. Merriwether, r rear ns Holmes, V Clay Jennings J., undertaker, r 223 Spring Clay Joseph, c, brickmason, r ss Jefferson, 2d w of Craft's al, P.H Clay Lamar, undertaker, 554 Mulberry, r 1005 Walnut Clay Samuel, c, barkpr W. Johnson, r ss Columbus rd Clay Valeria E. Mrs. r 1005 Walnut Clay Wyatt, c, well digger, rns C. R. R., V
Clayton Calvin, c, wks E. T., V. & G. R. R., r 7 Tupelo Clayton Charles, c, driver, r rear 575 College Clayton Clay burn, lab, r 474 Monroe Clayton David, c, porter M. Abraham, r Wall, nr 2d Clayton D. R. Cook, elk S. A. Crump, bds 306 Georgia av Clayton Edgar H., elk Eureka Co., bds 306 Georgia av Clayton Henry, c, brakeman S. W. R. R., r 305 Hammond Clayton John, c, wks J. Valentino Clayton Katie S., wid E., r 306 Georgia av
Clayton Samuel, c, porter M. Peyser, Jr., r E. M Clayton Thomas A., asst trav frt agt C. R. R., bds 421 Cherry Cleary Joseph A., cashier Sou. Ex. Co., bds 558 Oak Clemeuce Jesse, yard elk C. R. R, bds 616 Oglethorpe Clemens Brady, c, herder, bds 126 Washington av
Clemens Charles, c, porter Redding & Baldwin, r 126 Washing ton av
Clemens David, wks J. W. Gunn, bds es 4th, 3d s of Stratton S. M
Clemens George, c, drayman, r 126 Washington av Clemens Reuben, c, butler, bds 126 Washington av
Clemens Robert, c, porter Parkers News Co., r Harris al

0. P.&B.E. WILLINGHAM & GO Manufacturers of Doors,
7tU * Cherry Streets. OfUce 362 3<t. Sash, Blinds, Mantels, Etc.


TeUphoue No. 37. rp





Clemens William, c, lab C. R. R., r ws Poe, 2d n of V rd Clements Thomas E., carp C. R. R., r ns Williams, 1st wof 2d,
S. M Clements William, c, hackman J. Harvey Clements Wm. W., driver M. C. & S. St. R. R., bds 1116 Elm Clemmons Jeff, c, wks W. Braswell, r 316 Maple Cleveland Randall, c, drayman, r 27 Chestnut Clifford Dennis J, engineer, bds 510 Pine CLIFTON LEONARD B., physician, State entomologist,
and stenographic reporter, Masonic Bldg, 518 Mulberry, r 1064 Walnut CLIFTON W. W. MRS., school of stenography and type writing, 1064 Walnut Clisby Joseph W., bkkpr C. H. Solomon, r ss Forsyth, V Clisby Julia E., wid J. P., r 667 Oak Clisby M. Celetta, wid J. W., r ss Forsyth, V Clopton Guytor, mess Sou Ex Co., bds 552 Pine Clowers Antony, c, lab, r ss Cherry al, 2d w of New Clowers Benjamin, c, lab, r 2 Spring Clowers Daniel, c, lab, r es W. Boundary, 3d n of Forsyth Clowers David, c, stablehand T. M. Butner Clowers Edward, c, restaurant, 460 Cotton av, r 4 Spring Clowers James M., elk J. S. Raley & Bro., r 1123 Oglethorpe Clowers John, c, carp, r rear 225 Jones Clowers Randolph, c, porter S. R. Jaques & Tinsley Co., r 114
Collins, E. M
Clowers Robert, c, butler O. G. Sparks Clowers Sol, c, lab, r rear 235 2d, E. M Clowers Wiley, c, carp, r es Brewery la, 2d n of Greer Clowers William, c, wks C. R. R., r Fulton al Coates Charles B., bds 262 Georgia av Coates David, c, wks N. M. Block, r Forsyth, nr V. branch Coates Edward H., gen mgr Macon O. & F. Co., bds 262 Geor
gia av Coates George W., with S. T. Coleman & Burden Co., bds 262
Georgia av Coates J. P. Rev., pastor Warren Chapel Coates John T., purch agt Macon O. & F. Co., bds 262 Geor
gia av
Vf.lIvVjlll. U.bULLIIlO 458 Third Street.




is that (See p. 5.)






Coates Mattie, wid E. J., r 262 Georgia av Cobb Alice Cutter Mrs., teacher Wesleyan Female College Cobb Benjamin, c, coachmanS. S. Dunlap COBB, CABANISS & COBB (J. B. Cobb, J. W. Cabaniss
and J. J. Cobb), genl ins agts, represent HOME of N. Y., ATLANTA HOME of Atlanta, ROME FIRE of Rome, Ga, SCOTTISH UNION AND NATIONAL of Edin burg, LION of London, Eng.; SUN FIRE OFFICE of London, Eng.; WESTERN of Toronto, Can.; BRITISH AMERICAN of Toronto, and MERCHANTS' of Newark, N. J.; 422 2d
Cobb George L., wks Bibb No. 1, r 364 Flanders, E. M COBB JAMES J. (Cobb, Cabaniss & Cobb), and asst cashier
Exchange Bk, and Union Savgs Bk and Trust Co., and sec and treas Young Men's S. & L. Ass'n, bds 267 Bond Cobb John B. (Cobb, Cabaniss & Cobb, and J. F. Toole & Co), r 267 Bond
Cobly Thomas, c, wks E. T., V. & G. R. R., r ws Bright's al, 2d s of Hazel
Cobin Frank A., bkkpr T. C. Burke, bds 721 Pine Cochran James N., with Wolff & Happ, bds Hotel Lanier Cochran Robert, printer, bds 454 Oak
Codger Charles, c, wks E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds 302 Ham mond
Codington Augustus, lumber dealer, r258 Orange Cody Pearce, c, laundress, r rear 652 5th
Cody Richard, c, train hand G. S. & F. R. R., r 363 Hawthorne Coffey Daniel, elk Empire Store, bds 854 Oak Cohen Harris, dry goods, 657 4th Cohen Jacob, c, porter, r rear 706 Pine Cohen Levi (L. Cohen & Co.), r Atlanta
COHEN L. & CO. (L.Cohen and E. Steinheimer), whol liquors cigars and tobacco, 451 Cherry
Cohen Mortimer H., elk J. H. Hertz, bds 767 Cherry Cohn Esau, elk Abe Lesser, bds 758 Plum
Cohn Lippman, elk M. Nussbaum & Co., r 758 Plum
Coite William J. pres Macon G. L. & W. Co., r Philadelphia Colbert Adolphus, c, lab, r ss Turpin, 8th e of Division Colbert Andrew J., elk Empire Store, bds 718 Cherry

fin fn THE POWERS CONTRACTING CO, F0R builders' and


157,159,161 Cotton Ave. (Seep. 8.) PAINTERS' SUPPLIES

408 & 410 Mulberry St. R. F. SMITH. 1 HANDKERCHIEFS, COLLARS.




Colbert Boston, c, wks G. S. & F. R. R., r Wings Bottom, S. M Colbert Carrie Miss, boarding, 718 Cherry Colbert C. B., with Talbott & Sons, r Poplar Colbert Daniel, c, lab, r rear 756 Pine Colbert David C., c (Colbert & Turner), bds ns Hazel, 5th e
of Hammond Colbert Elbert, c, lab M. C. & S. St. R. R., r 1008 College Colbert George, c, fireman G. S. & F. R. R., r 230 Telfair Colbert Hill, c, lab, bds ns Hazel, 5th e of Hammond Colbert Joseph, c, painter, r es Woods al, n of Hazel Colbert Lewis, c, lab, r 165 Maple Colbert Orrie Miss, boarding, 718 Cherry Colbert & Turner (D. Colbert and C. Turner), restaurant, ss
Turpin, 13th e of Division Cole Fannie E. Mrs., dressmkr, r 15 5th Cole William, conductor, bds 106 5th Cole Willis, c, lab, r rear 265 Ocmulgee Colemau Ada Jean Miss, teacher Ballard N. School Coleman Anna, wid A., bds 15 5th Coleman Arthur, c, coachman A. T. Holt, r nsold Hospital, V Coleman Aurelia, wid S. T., r 138 Bond Coleman Brown, c, drayman, rss C. R. R., bey limits Coleman Delilah Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds rear 1027 2d Coleman Edward, c, lab, r rear 1126 4th Coleman Frank, c, Jab, r 443 Flanders, E. M Coleman George H., c, shoemkr, 407 Mulberry, r 321 Haw
thorne Coleman Henry, c, carp, r al bet Monroe and Madison, nr
Forsyth Coleman James, c, wks Stevens & Hodges, r E. M Coleman James H., painter Royal & Gibson, r E. M Coleman John, c, lab, r 350 Phoenix, E. M Coleman Maud Mad, r 359 5th Coleman Moses, c, lab, r 122 Magnolia Coleman Peter, c, lab, bds rear 920 Plum Coleman, Ray & Co. (R. Coleman, B. H. Ray and J. N. Birch),
grocers and planters' supplies, 411 Poplar Coleman Robert (Coleman, Ray &Co.), r 385 College Coleman Stephen, c, brickmason, r 511 Hammond

[IRC M[Cl 9 Pfl Leading Clothiers and Furnishers LAUD, SlLLl U (a v 552 & 554 Cherry Street, MACON, GA.

* Great Variety. (See p. 7.) S. S. PARMELEE, 470 SeCOnd St.




Coleman Samuel T., elk S. T. Coleman & Burden Co., bds 138
Bond COLEMAN S. T. & BURDEN CO., W. H. Burden, pres; E.
B. Harris, sec and treas; wholsale boots and shoes, 460-464 3d
Coleman Thomas, c, porter A. A. Cullen Coleman Washington, c, lab, r ss Holmes, w of Poe, V Coleman Will, c, lab, bds 122 Magnolia Coleman William, c, porter M. L. Munger, r es W. Boundary,
3d n of Forsyth Coley Allen, c, wks Bibb No. 1 Coley Charles, c, lab, r ws Chapel, 1st s Pebble, S. M Coley Frank, c, elk C. Davis Coley Green, c, porter, r ws Chapel, 1st s of Pebble, S. M Coley Peter, c, porter, r rear 4th, 2d s of Pebble Coley William, c, butler J. Bond, r 12 Spring Collier B. W., scalesman C. B. Willingham Collier Carrie Miss, private school, 1327 1st, bds 1331 1st Collier Charles F., bkkpr G. R. Barker, r 1331 1st Collier Edward, c, porterS. S. Parmelee, r rear 112 Madison Collier Henry, c, lab, r rear 269 Walnut Collier John L., wks Sou. Ex. Co., bds 812 Poplar Collier Paul J., with Central City Cider Co. and Joseph
Davenport Collier William H., elk E. S. McLean, bds 1331 1st Collins Albert, exporter, r Hurley's al Collins Allen, c, dyer Bibb No. 1, bds rear 235 2d Collins Andrew L. (A. L. Collins & Co.), r Dodge co Collins Arthur J., wks Payne & Willingham COLLINS A. L. & CO. (A. L. Collins, J. W. Moon and A.
J. Gloss), saloon and restaurant, 113 5th Collins B., wks Bibb No. 1 Collins Charles L., wks Bibb No. 1, bds 220 Hidrola, E. M Collins Charles S., wks Dixie Works, r 519 Ross Collins David, c, lab, r 565 Monroe Collins Frank, c, wks Commercial Hotel Collins Franklin L., carp, r 220 Hidrola, E. M Collins Isaac, c, lab, r 333 Forsyth Collins Jack, c, farmer, r ss Roy, w of Ullman
Collins Jacob, c, grocer, es Middle, 1st s of Jefferson, P. H.

MACON COMMERCIAL COLLEGE A First-class Business School Rapid Business Penmanship. Circulars Free. w. McKay, Prm.

!"<? 5II!J.r Qaqh Dnnr And Blind ma-Nufacturers. BUILDERS' MATERIAL




Collins James, c, farmer, r Hurley's al Collins James, wks Bibb No 1 Collins Jerry A., wks Bibb No. 1, r ws Milledgeville rd, 8th n
of Ft. Hill, E. M Collins John, wks Bibb No. 1 Collins John, wks C. R. R., r 911 Elm Collins John R., eng, bds 518 Pine Collins Julia A., wid J. W., bds 769 Oak Collins Levi, c, lab, r 364 Bay Collins Louis, c, lab, r 511 2d, E. M Collins Martha C., wid S., bds 866 Cherry Collins Mattie Miss, wks Bibb No. 1, bds ws Milledgeville rd,
8th n of Ft. Hill, E. M Collins Melissa, wid J., r ns Turpin, 4th e of Divison Collins Mildred T., wid J., r ws 3d, 6th s of Windsor, S. M Collins Mingo, c, lab, r ss Roy, 2d e of Peachtree, E. M Collins Minnie Miss, wks Bibb No. 1, bds ws Milledgeville rd,
8th n of Ft. Hill, E. M ` Collins M. J., mach C. & M. R. R., bds Wilbourn House
Collins Oscar C., farmer, rill Jefferson Collins Robert, c, lab, r ns Elm, 6th e of C. R. R Collins Robert S. (W. W. & R. S. Collins) and treas G. S. &
F. R. R., r 866 Cherry Collins Scipio, c, lab, r rear 111 5th Collins Scipio, Jr., c, lab, r al bet 6th and 7th, nr Mulberry Collins Stephen, c, porter Macon Hardware Co., r ns Pebble,
1st w of Wilder, S. M Collins Susie, wid A. P., bds 330 Washington av Collins Thomas, eng Dixie Wks, r 1442 2d Collins Walter, c, brickmason, bds 511 2d, E. M Collins Walter J., wks Payne & Willingham Collins Warren, c, lab, r 565 Monroe Collins William, c, drayman, r 10 Wolff row . Collins William W., wks Hays & Mansfield, bds 220 Hidrola,
E.M Collins William W. (W. W. &R. S. Collins), bds 325 Georgia av
COLLINS w. W. & R. S. (William W. and Robert S.), real estate and ins agts, represent PHENIX of Brooklyn and HANOVER of N. Y., 458 3d. (See bottom lines.)


(Seep. 6.)

T- S. LOWRY, Manager.


tH: i an anybody can do.




Collough Robert, c, barkpr, r Murray's al Collum Hampton, c, lab, r ns Ellis, 7th w of Monroe Colquitt William T., elk E. T., V. & G. R. R., r 607 Georgia av Colsey Neal, c, brakeman S. W. R. R Colson A. Wilson, stenographer J. W. Burke & Co., bds 620 2d Coltman Christian, carp C. R. R. shops Colvin James, c, porter G. S. & F. R. R., r ns Elm, 1st e C.
R. R Colvin Ophelia Miss, r 156 Walnut Combs Foster, c, drayman, r 314 Cherry Combs Walter B., mach C. R. R., bds 516 Oglethorpe Combs William, c, lab, r 314 Cherry
COMBS WILLIAM F., mngr News Pub. Co., r 516 Ogle
thorpe Comer Arthur, c, butler A. T. Holt, r P. H Comer Clarence, c, driver, r ns Forsyth, 3d w of W. Boundary Comer Cornelia, c, teacher, bds 137 Chestnut Comer Henry, c, butler, r ns Forsyth, 3d w of W. Boundary
COMER HUGH M., pres Bibb Mnfg Co., r Savannah
Comer Thomas, c, cook, 263 College Comer Willis P., c, wks S. R. Jaques & Tinsley Co., r 739
Cotton av
COMMERCIAL CLUB, s. R. Jaques, pres; W. A. Doody,
vice-pres; S. A. Reid, sec; C. H. Hall, Jr., treas; 453 Cherry
COMMERCIAL HOTEL, j. B. Williams, propr; 509 4th
Compos James J., molder J. S. Schofield & Son., bds 704 3d Compton D. M., carp Pettit, DeHaven & Co., bds 715 Poplar Compton Hansell W., elk Smith & Gordon, bds 710 Mulberry Condon John F., printer Telegraph, bds 562 Monroe Condon Lawrence, mason, r 562 Monroe Condon Lucy M. Miss, bds 562 Monroe Congleton Levi, c, carp, r 522 Hawthorne
Congregation Beth-Irael, Synagogue, 2d, sw cor Poplar Conklin Anna, wid J. C., r 1321 4th Conklin Nellie C. Miss, milliner, bds 1321 4th Conley Sallie Mrs., wks Ga. Hosiery Co Conlon Ann, wid T. R., bds ss Columbus rd
Conn Charles G., mngr Suwanee River C. and V. Wks, bds V Connell Alva B., elk Macon Hardware Co., bds ns Forsyth, Y

J GREENBERG Rue Goods and a Sure Fit


1 --


general insurance agent,
Office: Capital Bank, 456 Second.





Conner David B., with T. U. Conner & Co., bds 567 Walnut Conner Frank, c, carp, r rear 220 3d Conner Frank H. (T. U. Conner & Co.), bds 567 Walnut Conner Frederick G., listing elk, C. R. R., bds 567 Walnut CONNER GRANVILLE C., ins agt, represents SOUTHERN
MUTUAL of Athens, Ga., PHOENIX, of Hartford, Ct., CENTRAL CITY of Selma, Ala., and ST. PAUL F. & M. of St. Paul, Minn., 414 Cherry, r 455 Walnut Conner Granville C. Jr., elk G. C. Conner, bds 455 Walnut Conner Hilliard, c, carp, r 348 Phoenix, E. M Conner Louisa A. Mrs., boarding, 567 Walnut Conner T. U. (T. U. Conner & Co.), r 531 College Conner T. U. & Co., (T. U. and F. H. Conner), mdse brokers and ins agts, 404 Cherry Conner Walter, baggage master, bds 106 5th CONSUMERS OIL DELIVERY, R.S. Thorpe, mngr, 4091st Cook Benjamin, c, wks Palmer Mnfg Co., r ss C. R. R., w of Ullman Cook Charles, c, wks Bibb No. 1, r rear 305 2d, E. M Cook David R., with Georgia Mills, r 69 Vineville Cook David R. Jr., elk Georgia Mills, bds 587 Orange Cook Edward P., elk H. D. Adams & Co., r 558 Monroe COOK EMMA L. Mrs. (Cook & Carter), r 769 Poplar Cook Francis M., carp, r 1521 2d Cook Gould, c, lab, r ss C. R. R., w of Ullman Cook Henry, c, drayman, r 115 Cherry Cook H. C. c, elk W. C. Lyons & Co., bds 141 Academy Cook Jacob L., mngr Ga. Mills & Elev. Co., r 587 Orange Cook James, e, porter, r 753 Elm Cook Jasper, o, brick setter, bds 354 Bay Cook Leonard, c, wks E. T., V. & G. R.R., r Tupelo Cook Maggie Miss, wks Bibb No. 1, bds ws Willingham, 2d n of Bernard, E. M .CookMajor, c, wks Abe Ellis, r 312 Hawthorne Cook Martha, wid J., r ws Willingham, 2d n of Bernard, E. M Cook Otto L., harnessmkr S. S. Parmelee, bds 558 Monroe Cook Peter, cabinetmkr C. R. R., r 558 Monroe Cook Robert, c, fruits, 108 Walnut Cook Robert B., painter J. Lyons, bds Telfair, sw cor Boundary
R.C. WILDER'S SONS Builders,Supplies,Hardware
614 to 622 Third Street, MACON, OA. rAIN ID, UIL.O ANU l_t.AU


J \ 313 Ocinulgee Street.

li 1 /




Cook Thomas F., elk O. P. & B. E. Willingham & Co., bds 553 Walnut
Cook William, c, lab, r ss C. R. R., w of Ullman COOK & CARTER (Mrs. A. E. Carter and Mrs. E. L. Cook),
boarding, 769 Poplar Cooper Andrew J., carp, r rear ss Columbus rd, nr Mercer Univ Cooper Charles, c, wks C. R. R., r es C. R. R., 1st s of Ash Cooper Edward, c, mach, r 710 Ash Cooper F. R., with Ammons Cotton Chopper Co Cooper George W., student, bds 141 Park pi Cooper Henry, c, (Harmon & Cooper), r 770 Elm Cooper James, c, fireman R. C. Wilder's Sons, r ns Pebble, 1st
w of Wilder, S. M
Cooper John R., lawyer, 566 Mulberry, bds 758 Cherry Cooper Joseph, c, lab, r rear 754 1st Cooper Lewis C., c, saloon, 352 4th, r al bet 2d and 4d, nr
Poplar Cooper Mary, wid B., r 203 New Cooper R. R., c, wks Brewery Cooper Smith, c, farmer, r es C. R. R., 1st s of Ash Cooper Thomas, c, brickmason, bds 710 Ash Cooper Walter E., carp, bds rear ss Columbus rd, nr Mercer
Cooper William, c, brickmason, r 770 Elm Cooper Willis, c, carp, r ws Craft's al, 4th n of Jefferson, P. H Cope Virginia S. Mrs., confectionery and toys, 315 3d Copeland Alex., c, lab E. T., V. & G. R. R., r 531 Gilmer Copeland Alonzo, eng J. H. Roush & Sons, bds 101 Boundary Copeland Charles R., molder, bds Anderson, necor Knott, S. M Copeland Jesse,' c, lab, r 531 Gilmer Copeland Samuel, c, lab, r 623 Division
Copeland Wylie R., watchman, r Anderson, ne cor Knott, S M Coppage John, c, wks C. R. R., bds 13 Wolff row Corbett Charles D., flagman C. R. R., bds ws 4th, 3d s of
Widsor, S. M
Corbett Daniel, c, porter J. W. Johns, r rear 952 Elm
sa^e stable, 614 Poplar, and propr Corbett House, 770 Poplar
Corbett Henry, c, lab, bds rear 763 3d
Paints, Oils, Glass, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Etc. At 0. P. & B. E. WILLINGHAM & CO'S. *




in SEASON a Heatlqnnrter

Corbett House, E. C. Corbett, propr; 770 Poplar Corbett Jacob J., c, porter J. H. & W. W. Williams, bds rear
763 3d Corbett James H., carp, r 513 Hazel Corbett Johu R., c, barkpr H. M. Green, bds 708 Hazel
Corbett John M., fireman E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds ws 4th, 3d s of Windsor, S. M
Corbett Mack, elk S. Waxelbaum & Son, bds Corbett House Corbett Mary, wid J., r ws 4th, 3d s of Windsor, S. M
CORBETT WALTER P., U. S. marshal, r 617 Adams Corbett William M., printer, bds ws 4th, 3d s of Stratton, S. M Corbin James B., elk Cox & Corbin, r ns Forsyth, V Corbin Napoleon B. (Cox & Corbin), r ns Forsyth
Cordel Lewis, wks Bibb No. 1 Cordle Martha Mrs., wks Bibb No. 1, r 344 Water, E. M Cordson Amos A., supt C. R. R. Compress, r 765 New Corker James, cond M. C. & S. St. R. R., bds 319 Shamrock Corkery Maggie Miss, maid J. M. Johnston Corley A. T. flagman G. S. & F. R. R., bds 304 4th Corliss William P., mailing elk News, bds 227 Ross Cornelius Henry F., c, lab C. R. R., r 446 Flanders, E. M Cornelius Marcus H., c, lab C. R. R., r 510 Flanders, E. M Cornell Edward M., paymaster Bibb Mill No. 1, r 354 Spring Cornell George P., elk S. R.'Jaques & Tinsley Co., r 765 Spring
Cornell S. S., wid J. J., bds 757 New Cornell William H. (Cornell & Napier), r 757 New CORNELL & NAPIER (W. H. Cornell and E. T. Napier),
drugs and medicines (Brown House Block, opp Union
Depot), 559 4th Cosey Frank, lab J. K. Roush & Sons COTTER R. 0., physician, (eye, ear, throat and nose), 572 Mul
berry, r 123 Jefferson Cotton Adolphus, c, whitewashes r West End Cotton Avenue Baptist Church, c, New, cor Plum Cotton Edward, lab E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds ns Bay, 2d e of
Gilmer Cotton Frederick, c, lab, r al bet 6th and 7th, nr Mulberry Cotton James, c, butcher Mrs. C. King, r rear Park Hotel Cotton Paul, c, drayman Smith & Gordon, r rear 175 Magnolia





Couch Ellen Miss, wks Winn, Johnson & Co., bds469 Pine

Couch Thomas, wks Bibb No. 1, r 214 Hidrola, E. M

County Commissioners Office, W. G. Smith, elk; Court House Coursey Ann, wid Edward, r 231 Elbert

Coursey Frank, watchman, bds 231 Elbert

Coursey Thomas, firemanS. W. R. R., bds 231 Elbert Courson M. A., wid J. F., r 1511 4th

Courson Ola Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co

Courson Sallie Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co

Courtney Charles T., varnisher Macon Furniture Co., r 319



Courtney Michael P., eng, bds 454 Oak

Covert William, eng E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds 454 Oak Coville Hiram W., engC. R. R., r 859 2d

Covington Mary, c, dressmkr, r 618 New

COVINGTON & MACON S, R. CO., J. E. Jones, pres; A. G. Craig, actg supt; A. C. Palmer, sec and treas ; C. V. Pal

mer, auditor; depot Ocmulgee, cor 5th, offices 506 Mulberry Cowan Abel M., carp, r ss Pebble, 3d w of Elbert, S. M

Cowan Ailie D., cond M. C. & S. St. R. R., r ss Pebble, 3d w of Elbert, S. M

Cowan Stewart, policeman, r 960 Hazel

Cowser Sarah Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 313 Telfair Cowser William, wks Bibb No. 2, r 313 Telfair Cox Henry, c, painter, r ns Roy, w of Ullman

Cox James, molder, bds 769 4th

Cox James J., mach, bds rear ns Woolfolk, 3d w of Fort Hill

E. M


Cox James L., clkG. S. & F. R. R., bds 374 College

Cox William R. (Cox & Corbin), r 452 College

COX & CORBIN (W. R. Cox and N. B. Corbin), wholesale grocers and liquors, 502 and 504 4th

Coykendall James B., chf elk G. P. A., G. S. & F. R. R., bds Pierpont House

Coyle Frank, cai'p, r 304 4th

Craft Charles, c, wks J. Graham, r 1217 4th

Craft Julia, wid W., r 505 Walnut

Craig Albert, c, switchman G. S. & F. R. R., bds Thompson House


408 and 410 Mulberry Street (AMthOUSaildS OfNOtlOUSalldESCriDtiODS




CRAIG ARTHUR^G., actg supt C. & M. R. R., r 144 Forsyth
Craig Charles, r 1243 4th Craig Charles Jr., bkkpr E. T. V. & G. R. R., bds 1243 4th Craig Daniel B., cooper, r ss Forsyth rd, opp Crump's Park Craig David D., patternmkr, r 866 3d Craig George W., wks C. R. R., bdsj|1243 4th Craig James C., stenographer G. S. & F. R. R., bds 866 3d Craig John, elk Shinholser & Co., r 866 3d Craig Robert, gardener, r es Ells, 3d s of New Houston rd, S. M Craig Robert M., patternmkr G. S. & F. R. R., bds 866 3d
Crane George, c, lab, r 457 Pine Cranford Fannie Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds ss Pebble, 1st
w of 3d, S. M Cranford Frank, wks J. W. Burke & Co., r ss Pebble, 1st wof
3d, S. M Cranford Jennie Y. Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds ss Pebble, 1st w
of 3d, S. M Cranford Louise Miss, wks Bibb No. 1, bds 246 Hidrola,E. M Cranford Matilda Miss, wks Bibb No. 1, bds 246 Hidrola, E. M Cranford Mollie, wid W., r ws 1st, 3d s of Oglethorpe Cranford Simeon, wks Bibb No. 1, r ws Milledgeville rd, 5th n
of Ft. Hill, E. M Cranford William, carp C. R. R., r ws Milledgeville rd, 6th n
of Ft. Hill, E. M Crankshaw Charles, c, lab, r 706 Hazel Craven George W., foreman J. S. Schofield & Son, bds 1525 2d
Craven James, c, wks Palmer Mfg Co Craven Mary, wid J., bds 1525 2d Craven William M., chf dispatcher G. S. & F. R. R., bds 620
Walnut Crawford Benjamin, c, driver E. H. Stuart, r 15 Spring Crawford Charles B., carp Dixie Wks, bds 1421 2d Crawford Eula Miss, finisher Macon Knitting Co Crawford George W., cond G. S. & F. R. R., r ns W illiams, 4th
w of 2d, S M Crawford Hattie Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds 1421 2d Crawford Henry H., genl mdse, ss C. R. R., bey limits
CRAWFORD I. D., mngr Hotel Lanier

Cine MEN 9 pn f COMPLETE ) For MEN and BOYS LhUo, IUlL & UU. 1 OUTFITTERS j ONE PRICE-552 & 554 Cherry St.

Children's Carriages, goat wagons
s. s. parhelee,470 Second st. (Seep. 7.) Saddles, Harness, Etc.




Crawford Jennie Miss, finisher Macon Knitting Co Crawford John, c, brickmason, r rear 559 Madison Crawford John J., steward Hotel Lanier Crawford John Y., carp Bibb No. 2, r 96 Oglethorpe, Factory
row Crawford Martha G. Miss, bds 1421 2d Crawford N. S., elk Hotel Lanier Crawford William,wks Bibb No. 2, r 94 Oglethorpe, Factory row Crawford William H., wheelwright, r 1421 2d Crawley Charles, carp, bds ws 3d, 2d s of Stratton Crawley John H., foreman C. R. R. yd, r 1537 1st Crawley John H. Jr.,boxmkr, bds 1537 1st Crawley Leonard, turner Macon Knitting Co Creamer Lee B., carp, r ss Boundary, 3d w of Telfair, S. M Crenshaw Joseph S., carp, r ns Tindall, 2d w of Telfair, S. M Crenshaw Lulu, wid J., bds 160 5th Creswell Charles D., c, waiter Hotel Lanier, r 121 1st Cribb Amanda, wid T., r es Milledgeville rd, 8th n of Fairview Crimmins Christopher, fireman G. S. & F. R. R., bds 1314 3d Crimmins Ellen, wid J., r 1314 3d Crimmins T. Edward, painter C. &. M. R. R., r 1314 3d Cripps O. Newton, photographer, 405 1st, r 334 Calhoun Criswell Elizabeth, wid J., bds 250 Hidrola, E. M Criswell Frances, wid J., r 206 Main, E. M Crittenden Julia A. Miss, bds 552 1st Crittenden Martin, c, lab, r rear 8 Spring Crittenden Mary, wid W., bds 388 Clinton, E. M Crockett Earlsworth, foundry, 1014-1020 4th, r 128 Park pi Crockett Georgie Miss, stenographer, r 852 Plum Crockett Oscar H., bkkpr Macon Hardware Co., r 852 Plum Crolley Louisa, c, teacher Green Street School, r 407 Monroe Cromwell James, c, wks Palmer Mfg Co Cromwell Joseph, c, wks Palmer Mfg Co Cromwell Robert, c, wks Palmer Mfg Co Cronin James W., elk C. R. R., r ns New Houston rd, 6th e of
Ells, S. M Cronin Patrick, haruessmkr, bds ns New Houston rd, 6th e of
Ells, S. M Cronin William M._, grocer and saloon, Division, se cor Turpin
MACON COMMERCIAL COLLEGE] A First Class Business School
J circulars free. w. mokay, Principal. Rapid Business Penmanship

408 & 410 Mulberry St. R. F. SMITH. 1 HANDKERCHIEFS, COLLARS.




Crooms Charles M., wks Bibb No. 2, r rear vvs 1st, 2d n of Hawthorne
Crooms Fannie J. Mrs., r Hawthorne, nw cor 1st Crooms Frances Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds 921 Elm Crooms George, wks Bibb No. 2, bds Hawthorne, nw cor 1st Crooms Jessie Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds Hawthorne, nw cor
Crooms Madison, tinner S. M. Subers & Son, bds 317 Clin ton, E. M
Crooms Melissa Miss, tailoress, bds 921 Elm Crooms Melissa, wid G., r 921 Elm Crooms Baburn, lab, r 371 Clinton, E. M Crooms Robert W., carp E. T., V. & G. R. R., r 524 Calhoun Crooms Stephen, tinner, r 435 Main, E. M Crosby Allen P., lab, bds 333 Hidrola, E. M Cross Charles, c, drayman, r 319 Madison Cross Lizzie Mrs., dressmkr, bds ss Boundary, 1st e of Elbert,
S. M Cross Walter E., lab, bds ss Boundary, 1st e of Elbert, S. M
Crowder Rufus, c, plumber C. J. Stroberg & Son, r rear ns
Holmes, V Crower Charles, painter, bds Center, nw cor Garden, E. M Crozier H. C., mach C. R. R., bds Wilbourn House Crumley Gus, c, carp, r rear 277 College
CRUMP STEPHEN A. (Gerdine & Crump), r Crumps
Park Crump's Park, ns Forsyth, bey limits Crutchfield Bros. (J. F. and W. A. Crutchfield), cotton buyers,
469 2d Crutchfield Ira, brakeman C. R. R Crutchfield John F. (Crutchfield Bros), and pres Manchester
Mnfg. Co., r 159 High Crutchfield W. Ambrose (Crutchfield Bros), bds 159 High
CUBBEDGE CLARENCE H., stoves and house furnishing,
572 Cherry, r 51 1 Madison
CUBBEDGE RICHARD W., real estate and ins agt, sec
and treas Mutual B. & L. Ass'n, 462 2d, r 404 College Cubbedge Richard W. Jr., bkkpr C. H. Cubbedge, bds 224
Georgia av

fine urn i9 pn best hats # shirts

LAlia, 10, lULL sM

552 & 554 Cherry Street, MACON, GA.


D U gg e wagons, s. n I


Immense Stock. Low Prices.

I S,

S. PARMELEE, 47<0seseT7d)st-




Cullen Augustus, c, carp, r rear Roff Home Cullen Augustus A., fruit and fish, 505 4th, bds 652 Pine Cullen Charles, c, driver U. M. Gunn, r ss Vineville rd, 3d w
of W. Boundary Cullen Charles P., printer, bds 811 Walnut Cullen Charles R., physician, r 137 Cole Cullen Fred W., elk A. A. Cullen, bds 652 Pine Cullen Harriet B., wid A. A., r 652 Pine Cullen Robert, c, barkpr H. Hammond, r Oak Cullen Thomas, c, driver, r rear Roff Home Cullen Toney, c, butcher W. H. Wood, r Tybee Cullen Wm., c, porter Macon Const. Co., bds Thompson House Cullen William O., elk J. W. Burke &Co., bds 811 Walnut Culpepper Charles, lab, bds 390 Clinton, E. M Culpepper Edward, wks Dixie Wks, r ws Garden, 2d not Clinton'
E.M Culpepper Jack, c, brakeman S. W. R. R Culpepper John B., Rev., r 583 Madison Culpepper Joseph R., carp C. R. R., r 390 Clinton, E. M Culver B. Walstein, elk Burden, Smith & Ellis, bds 178 Mag
nolia Culver German P., with Macon Hardware Co., bds ns Forsyth,V Culver Lewis E. (Macon Hardware Co ), and pres Macon Agrl
Works, r ns Forsyth, V Culver William H., elk Parker's News Co., bds Edgerton House Culver Zack, mngr dray line, r 178 Magnolia Culverhouse George, motorman M. C. & S. St. R. R., bds 626
Culverhouse Green L., motorman M. C. & S. St. R. R., r rear Mercer, 2d n of Boundary
Culverhouse Jennie, wid A. J., r 523 Ross Culverhouse John W., painter, r 626 Boundary Cumming Christopher, foreman G. S. & F. R. R., r S. M Cumming Clarence, mach C. R. R., bds 867 Pine Cumming John R., elk J. L. Thigpen, bds 867 Pine Cummings Charles, c, lab, r ws 4th, 1st s of New Houston rd Cummings Charles, c, lab, r rear 221 Jones
Cummings Edmund, c, porter H. J. Lamar & Sons, r rear 715 Walnut


A First Class Business SCHOOL.
W. McKAY, Pbincipal. J Rapid Business Penmanship.

BUILDERS' mill Of Every Description. PETTIT, DeHAVEN & CO.,

(See p. 7.)

6th St., Cor. Cherry




Cummings Emanuel, c, porter J. W. Burke & Co,, r 19 Holt, P. H
Cummings F., mach C. R. R
Cummings Jordan, c, lab, r es Booker's al, 3d s of Bay Cummings Sarah, wid C. B., bds 612 Poplar
Cummins Bridget A., wid O., bds 962 Oglethorpe Cunningham Annie Miss, elk, bds 460 Clinton, E. M Cunningham Frederick, with J. D. Hudgins, r 474 2d Cunningham George E., mach C. R. R Cunningham Joseph, c, porter, r 352 Cherry Cunningham Sarah L., wid W. W., r 460 Clinton, E. M Cunningham William G., harnessmkr A. Bernd, bds 556 Pine Cunningham William H., printer News, bds 221 4th Curd Edward S., bds 768 Mulberry Curd John C., bds 768 Mulberry Curd Julia H., wid J. C., r 768 Mulberry Curd Richard, bds 768 Mulberry Curd Robert B., bds 768 Mulberry
Curd Sim, c, waiter Hotel Lanier, r rear 161 Magnolia Curry Ezekiel, c, lab, r ss Willingham, 1st e of Ft. Hill, E. M Curry George, c, lab N. B. Corbin
Curry James, c, driver, r al bet Madison and Monroe, nr Forsyth
Curry John H., carp, r ws Cedar, 3d s of Stratton, S. M
Curry Martin, wks Bibb No. 2, r 70 Hawthorne, Factory row Curry William, c, porter S. R. Jaques & Tinsley Co., r es
Garfield, 1st n of Bernard, E. M Curtis Adolph, c, lab, r es Garfield, 3d n of Bernard, E. M Curtis Delaney, wid R., r 662 Hawthorne Curtis Dupree, c, wks J. G. Ruan Curtis George, wks C. R. R., bds 552 1st Curtis G. W., elk C. R. R., r 322 3d Curtis James, c, carp, r al rear 341 Madison Curtis James, wks Bibb No. 2, r 72 Hawthorne, Factory row Curtis Leila Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 72 Hawthorne, Factory
row Curtis Neptune T., lab C. R. R., r ns Reese, 1st e of Garfield, E. M Curtis Ruffin, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 72 Hawthorne, Factory row Curtis Thomas, c, porter J. R. Ryle


and has made MOST Rapid Progress of any Co.


T. S. LOWRY, Manager.





Curtsy Thomas, wks C. R. R., r 662 Hawthorne Cushman Charles J., flagman, bds 131 Cole Cushman Jennie, wid Charles, r 727 Orange Cuthbert James, c, porter Mix & Everett, r rear 320 Spring Cutlifl Joseph H., watchmaker J. H. & W. W. Williams, bds
710 Mulberry Cutter Henry G., vice-pres Macon Svgs Bk, bds 741 Walnut Cutter Melancthon H., contractor, r Hidrola, ne cor Church,
E. M Cutts William L., student, r 1128 Johnston Czurda Vincent, piano teacher Wesleyan Female College
DAGGETT Sarah J., wid C. L., bds 1115 Walnut Dago Leroy, c, mason Taylor Bros. & Hall, bds Thompson House Dago William, c, lab, r 3 Holt, P. H Dahl Carl, florist D. B. Woodruff, bds ss Forsyth, 8th w of W.
Dail Annie wid, O., r ws Milledgeville rd, 6th n of Ft. Hill,

Dallas John, c, waiter M. G. Pntzel, r 5 Spring Daly Augustine D., student, bds Hotel Lanier DALY F. J. M., lawyer, 552J Mulberry, bds 769 Poplar Daly Ignatius, elk M. O'Hara, bds 2d, cor Oak Daly John N., plumber and gas fitter, 258 2d Daly Maggie B., wid D., bds Hotel Lanier Daly Mary E., wid E., bds 421 Walnut Daly Mathew M., grocer, 732 College, r 745 College Daly Michael, grocer, New Houston rd, nw cor Ells Daly Patrick, r ws 2d, 5th s of Williams, S. M
Daly William, c, lah, r al, bet 4th and Elbert, nr Hazel Dame Thomas J., saloon, 209 5th Dame William B., elk T. J. Dame, bds 209 5th Damour Charles E., real estate agt, r 115 4th Damour Charles J., stenographer, bds 112 Park pi Damour Hypolite, r 515 Mulberry
Damour Martha A., wid James A., r 112 Park pi DANA ORLANDO N., supt printing dept J. W. Burke &
Co., r 710 Spring




Dandie James, mach C. R. R., bds 406 Oak Danford Lucius, c, hackman, r ns Columbus rd
Danford Julian, c, shoemkr Roff Sims & Bro., bds es Middle 6th n of New Cherry, P. H
Daniel Ann Mrs., r 107 Walnut
Daniel Chass N., painter, bds ss Boundary, 2d w of Telfair, S. M Daniel Ella M. Miss, elk Mrs. L. E. Mallery, r 753 New Daniel FannieS., wid J. R., r se Boundary, 2d w of Telfair, S. M Daniel Hattie L. Miss, wks Ga Hosiery Co., bds ss Boundary,
2d w of Telfair, S. M
Daniel Wallace E., elk Taylor & Daniel, bds 452 Spring Daniel William B. (Taylor & Daniel), r 452 Spring Daniel William G., policeman, r 753 New Daniels Cornelius F., artist, r 250 Washington av Daniels Edward, c, lab, bds es al, 4th s of Ash, e of 2d Daniels Emmett, bkkpr Bibb Mill No. 1, r235 Forsyth Daniels Frances E., wid S., bds 250 Washington av Daniels George, c, driver A. B. Small, r Wilder's al Daniels Henry, c, waiter Benner Bros
Daniels James, c, porter Eads, Neel & Co., bds rear 227 5th Daniels James, wks Bibb No. 1
Daniels Jefferson, c, lab, r ws Plant's al, 2d n of Ash Daniels John, c, lab, bds 522 Plum Daniels June, c, barkpr H. Hammond Daniels J. P., conductor C. R. R Daniels Lee, c, bell boy Hotel Lanier
DANIELS LEOPOLD P., tailor, 252 Main, E. M Daniels Mansfield, c, carp, r ns Holmes, 12th w of Middle Daniels Mix, c, hackman, r Peachtree, 5th n of 2d av, E. M Daniels Oakley, c, porter Ham, Adams & Co Daniels Penn, c, wks Bibb No. 1, r 332 2d, E. M Daniels Sallie Mrs., housekpr, 1321 Boundary Daniels Thomas, c, lab, r 269 Walnut Daniels William, c, wksG. S. & F. R. R., r rear 355 Forsyth Daniels Willis, c, porter, r rear 420 Hammond Danly Lawrence, c, lab P. J. Duffy, r 208 Monroe Dannenberg Joseph (Dannenberg & Doody), r 309 Georgia av Dannenberg Simon J., elk Dannenberg & Doody, bds 309
Georgia av

R.C. WILDER'S SONS SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, Dressed and Rough Lumber 614 to 622 Third St., Macon, Ha.





DANNENBERG & DOODY (J. Dannenberg, W. A.
Doody and I. Block), dry goods, 402-404 3d, clothing, shoes and hats, 408 3d Danvy King, c, broommkr Macon Broom Factory Darby Adam, c, grocer, 155 5th Darby H. H., plumber S. M Subers & Son, bds 552 1st Darden Emmet L, mach E. T., V. & G., r 530 Calhoun Darrah Maggie Miss, teacher, bds Corbett House Darrah Mamie M, Miss, elk P. O., bds Corbett House Dasher Arthur (Jones & Dasher), r 110 Park pi Dasher Emma H., wid J. T., bds 110 Park pi Dasher George S., conductor, r 711 Orange Davenport Joseph P., chemist, 216 Cotton av, r 7531st Davenport Seaborn, c, lab C. R. R., r 436 Monroe David Fanny, wid N., r ws 1st, 3d s of Oglethorpe Davidson Charles M., wks Payne & Willingham Davidson Cope A.., wks Payne & Willingham Davidson Eaton E., wks Payne & Willingham, r 970 Hazel Davidson Hiram, wks Payne & Willingham, r 622 Hawthorne Davidson Isaac L., carp, r es Telfair, 3d s of Gordon, S. M Davidson James E., elk Sou. Ex. Co., bds National Hotel Davidson James W., policeman Davidson Jane, wid J., r 960 Hazel Davidson John L., carp., r ws Telfair, 3d s of Gordon, S. M Davidson John R., carp, r 1112 Elm Davidson John W., molder, bds es Telfair, 3d s of Gordon, S. M Davidson Lelia L. Miss, wks Ga Hosiery Co., r es Telfair, 3d s of Gordon, S. M
Davidson Leona Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co., bds 962 Hazel Davidson Lewis, carp, r es Telfair, 3d s of Gordon, S. M Davidson Louise C. Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds Gordon,
nw cor Telfair, S. M
Davidson Mattie Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co., bds 622 Hawthorne
Davidson Mary Mrs., winder Ga Hosiery Co Davidson Nancy Mrs., r ss Gordon, 3d e of Telfair, S. M Davidson Ralph P., elk John Ellis & Co., bds 855 Walnut Davidson Rebecca Miss, wks Ga Hosiery Co., r Gordon, nw cor
Telfair, S. M

BUILDERS' HARDWARE-An Immense Stoct--at
3U3 Third street. O. P. & B. E. WILLINGHAM & CO'S.





f* m


IIV f E CiDlt ' O C

<!o,d Storage Telephone No. 307.

Rooms (Seep. 8.)




Davidson Sarah L., wid J., r 962 Hazel

Davidson Susan, wid J., r Gordon, nw eor Telfair, S. M

Davidson Thomas J., flagman C. R. R., bds ws 3d, 3d s of

Boundary, S. M

Davidson William, contractor, bds 855 Walnut

Davidson William E., elk S. S. Parmelee, r Cross Keys

Davidson William F., wks Macon Knitting Co., bds Gordon,

nw cor Telfair, S. M

Davidson Winnie Miss, knitter Macon Knitting Co

Davis Aaron, carp, r ns Windsor, 1st w of Cedar, S. M

Davis Abram J., grocer, 364 Forsyth, r Columbus rd

Davis Ada M. Miss, r 669 Mulberry

Davis Alexauder, c, lab, r rear 250 Georgia av

Davis Ann S., wid M. Y., r 1426 2d

Davis Anna A. Mrs., teacher Whittle School, r 669 Mulberry

Davis Anthony, c, drayman, r 341 Cole

Davis A. B., physician, 556 Cherry, bds 710 Mulberry

Davis Benjamin, c, wks Stevens & Hodges, r 809 Oak

Davis Buford M. (Hardeman & Davis), r ns Forsyth, Y

Davis Charles, c, wks J. Yan & Co., r ns Holt, 4th e of Middle

Davis Crockett, c, fruit stand, 809 4th, r 1025 3d

Davis C. S., carder Manchester Mnfg Co

Davis David, c, lab, bds 6 Elm


Davis Edward, spinner Manchester Mnfg Co

Davis Elijah, c, lab, r ws New Houston rd, 1st n of 2d, S. M

Davis Emanuel, c, porter, r Holmes, nw cor Poe, V

Davis Emma Miss, insp Macon Knitting Co

Davis Ephraim, e, lab, bds 6 Elm

Davis Eugene, c, drayman, r 626 Cotton av

Davis Eugene, c, wks C. S. Finlay, r 452 Bay

Davis E. Mack, with W. R. Singleton & Co., r ss Forsyth, 4th

w of W. Boundary

Davis Fred S., cond G. S. & F. R. R., r 354 Spring

Davis Frederick, c, gardener, r 377 Madison

Davis Frederick, c, wks C. R. R., bds 851 3d

Davis Freeman, c, waiter, r Jefferson, se cor Craft's al, P. H

Davis Gardner L. (Parker & Davis), bds ss Columbus rd

Davis George, c, lab, r 704 Hazel

Davis Gilbert M., chmn County Commrs, r 510 Orange


(Seep. 5.)

NBoethcSusppsliiteidbSy oMAfCLONl;i^BRrEJWlN3;urCO.




Davis Harriet, c, nurse, r 153 Maple Davis Harry L., cond G. S. & F. R. R., bds 505 Main, E. M Davis Henry, c, lab C. R. R., r 848 Hazel Davis Hugh, wks Bibb No. 1, bds es Factory row, 2d s of
Hidrola, E. M Davis Italia, wid J., bds 222 Clinton, E. M Davis Jack, c, foreman Waterman & Co., r rear 354 Plum Davis Jacob, c, butler 115 Cole Davis Jacob, c, drayman S. R. Jaques & Tinsley Co., r 135
Ross Davis James, c, lab Sioux City Prov. Co Davis James A., water wheel mnfr, r 135 Park pi Davis James E., eng, r 1037 4th Davis Jefferson, c, brickmason, bds rear 305 Ocmulgee Davis Jerry, c, farmer r rear 818 Pine Davis John, c, brickmason, bds rear 227 5th Davis John, e, lab, r es Hawkins, 5th s of Hidrola, E. M Davis John, c, lab, bds 153 Maple Davis John, spinner Manchester Mfg Co Davis John, c, wks W. F. Anderson, r Factory row, E. M Davis John, c, wks W. M. Stephens, r 844 Hazel Davis John H. Rev., c, pastor Mt. Olive Ch.,r 1053 Oglethorpe Davis Joseph, c, waiter, r 53 1st Davis John L., c, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 844 Hazel Davis John W., c, carp, r ns Holt, 7th e of Clark av Davis Joshua, c, lab, r 1060 Hazel Davis J. S., asst foreman Sou. B. T. & T. Co., bds 552 1st Davis Larkin, c, wks Hays & Mansfield
DAVIS LEE, wagon mnfr and coal dealer, 215 Ocmulgee,
r 207 Ocmulgee. (See p. 9.) Davis Lee, c, porter, r rear 817 Poplar Davis Leonard, c, lab, r 109 Ocmulgee Davis Linsey, c, barber J. A. Edmond, r 421 Cherry Davis Lizzie Miss, knitter Ga. Hosiery Co Davis Martha Miss, bds 371 1st Davis Martha Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 559 Ash Davis Mary Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 559 Ash Davis Matthew L., c, lab, r Wing Hill, S. M Davis Nelson, c, carp, r 776 Ocmulgee

P0WESS CONTRACTING CO. 157, 159, 161. Cotton Are. (p.8.) Builders' and Painters' Supplies and Genera! Contractors.

R. F. SMITH }EuflfiBX,Spans,Tirade I 1911 III J 408 and 410 JHVLBERKT STREET.




Davis Peter, c, painter, bds 436 Flanders, E. M Davis Price, c, hackman, r rear 370 Arch Davis Rebecca, wid P., r ss Boundary, 5th w of 3d, S. M Davis Richard T., with A. W. Turner & Co., bds 771 Poplar Davis Robert, c, broommkr, bds 655 Oglethorpe Davis Robert, c, wks Ga. Mills, r 1211 3d Davis Robert W., with H. Stevens <& Sons Davis Sidney, c, carp, r City Park
Davis Stanfield, c, driver, bds 153 Oglethorpe Davis Thomas, c, eng Macon G. L. & W. Co., r 963 Ocmulgee Davis Thomas J., eng G. S. & F. R. R., r 1309 4th Davis Victor C., wks Pettit, DeHaven & Co., bds Windsor, se
cor Cedar, S. M
Davis Vincent, c, carp Powers Contr. Co., r 371 Madison Davis Washington, c, lab, r Gunn's Hill, S. M Davis William, c, baker P. McGrath Davis William, carp C. & M. R. R., r Windsor, ne cor Cedar, S.M Davis William, fireman C. R. R., r es Plant's al, 2d n of
Davis William, c, lab, r 416 Ash Davis William, c, lab, bds 1237 4th Davis William, spinner Manchester Mufg Co Davis William, student, bds 1153 Hazel Davis William A., elk, bdsss Columbus rd Davis William A., cotton warehouse, 451 Mulberry, r 369
Davis William C., real estate, 467 2d, r 771 3d Davis William H., c, binder J. W. Burke & Co., r rear 213 1st Davis William H., eng, r es Milledgevillerd, 3d n of Hidrola,
E. M
Davis William W., reporter Telegraph, bds 354 Spring Davis W. W., foreman J. H. Roush & Sons, r 1507 3d Dawson Alexander, c, lab J. S. Schofield & Son Dawson Briggs c, harnessmkr, r 421 Hazel Dawson Charles, c, porter H. J. Lamar & Sons, r es Middle, 2d
n of J efferson, P. H Dawson Cornelius, c, wks Eureka Potash Co., bds 706 Haw
thorne Dawson Eliza, c, r 706 Hawthorne


Carriaaes Phaetons, Buggies, Road Carts, Etc.
Great Variety. ' (See p. 7.) S .S. PARMELEE, 470 SeCOnd St.

t> AW




Dawson George, carp C. R. R DAWSON WILLIAM E., rnngr Telegraph, r 120 Wash
ington av DAWSON WILLIAM P., pass agt C. R. R,, 411 4th, bds
Hotel Lanier Day Alexander, c, backman, r 618 Monroe Day Benjamin, c, lab, bds 335 Maple Day Benjamin, c, lab, r ws Ward's al, 1st s of Holmes, P. H Day Edward, c, painter, r rear 153 College Day George, c, lab, r ws Ward's al, 2d s of Holmes, P. H Day Hattie Mrs., wks Ga. Hosiery Co Day James, c, driver Brewery Day John, carp, r 1138 Johnston Day Joseph L, c, porter A. B. Small, r rear 820 Walnut Day Lewis R., c, porter S. S. Parmelee,r 335 Maple Day Preston, c, painter, bds 978 Walnut Day Stephen, J., watchman, r ws Willingham, 3d n of Bernard,
E. M Day Wiley, c, carp, r 305 2d, E. M Day William M., c., lab, r 336 Maple Days Joseph, c, lab, r rear 141 Park pi Deacon Emanuel L., mach, r 13 7th Dean Benjamin, barkpr, r rear 154 4th Dean Daniel A., eng Stmr No. 2, bds 204 New Dean Frederick, c, lab, r 117 Mulberry Dean Henry, c, lab, r 540 Flanders, E. M Dean Henry, c, porter Waterman & Co., r al, bet 4th and 5th,
nr Oglethorpe Dean Hettie, c, boarding, 668 4th Dean James, wks Bibb No. 2 Dean Julia Miss, seamstress, r 753 4th Dean William A., cigarmkr, r 330 Calhoun Deas Charles, blacksmith C. R. R Deaton Charles, printer,bds 811 Walnut deBeruff Anthony, elk, r 512 Oak deBeruflfKaty, wid C., r 512 Oak DeBord George S., carp C. R. R., r ws Cedar, 3d s of Windsor DeBord John A., mach C. R. R., bds 1227 2d Decatur Green, c, whitewasher, r Peppermint al

A First-class Business'School

w. Rapid Business Penmanship.

Circulars Free.

Mckay, pm.

Estimates Furnishedfor Bui,dlng and aii kinds Telephone Ko. 126. (See p. 7.) of Builders' Material.




Decatur Griffin, c, boilermakr, r 1031 3d
Decatur Henry, c, wks Brewery, r ws Cole's al, 5tk s of Ask Decatur Peter, c, servt, r 302 Burnett, E. M Deck Frederick, tinner C. R. R., bds 417 4th Deck Henry, wks M. Peyser, Jr., bds National Hotel Deese Tom Z., elk C. R. R., bds 769 Poplar Defore Bradford, wks Ga. Hosiery Co
Defore Carrie Miss, spinner Bibb No. 2, r ws 1st, 3d n of Haw thorne
Defore Emmett, wks Bibb No. 2, r ws 1st, 3d n of Hawthorne Defore Fannie Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds ws Cole, 1st n
of Elm Defore Frances, wid J., r 1120 Elm Defore John, carp Bibb No. 2, r ws Cole, 1st n of Elm Defore John, wks Bibb No. 1, bds ns Elm, 2d e of Main, E. M Defore Martha Mrs., wks Bibb No. 2, r ws 1st, 3d nof Haw
Defore Mollie Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds ws Cole, 1st n of Elm
DeGraffenreid C. T., cond C. R. R
DEHAVEN WESLEY W. (Pettit, DeHaven & Co.), r 134
Magnolia Deidrich William S., mgr T. C. Parker, r 820 New Deitz John C., agt, bds 820 2d
DEITZ JOHN G-, supt bindery J. W. Burke & Co., r 820 2d
Deitz William C., trav agt A. Bernd, bds 820 3d Dekle James, c, teacher, bds es Perry, 3d n of Ft. Hill Dekle William L., mach Planters Ice Co., r 352 Walnut Deloach Titus, c, grocer, ns Holt, 2d e of Clark av DeLane Mary S. Mrs., boarding, 721 3d DeLane Dempsey, wks E, T., V. & G. R. R., bds 721 3d Delyons Joseph, c, servt, r rear 471 Walnut Demere Austin, c, carp, r rear 235 2d, E. M Demerest William, c, tailor F. W. Goette, r E. M Deming Anna R., wid, r 811 Oak Deming Lizzie Miss, teacher, bds 811 Oak Dempsey Annie Miss, elk Miss J. M. Greene, bds 505 Walnut Dempsey John, mach C. R. R., bds 1002 4th Dempsey Thomas C., capitalist, r 587 College






Denham George, c, drayman, r Hollis al Denicke Clarence, elk, bds 512 Oak Denicke Mollie Mrs., elk, bds 512 Oak Denicke Rudolph, elk, r 612 Oak Denicke Rudolph, Jr., wks Parker's News Co., bds 512 Oak Dennard Nathan, c, driver B. F. Wilder, r 758 Ash Dennington Robert S., printer, bds 763 Poplar Dennis Abram, c, lab, r rear 564 3d Dennis Elias, c, elk, r rear ss Boundary, 1st w of 4th, S. M Dennis Howard, c, waiter National Hotel, r rear 760 2d Dennis John M., elk E. P. Strong, bds 769 Poplar
DENNIS PETER E., architect, 418 2d, r 1171 Ash. (Seep. 16.)
Dennis Pleasant, c, lab Powers Contg Co., r rear 321 Georgia av Dennis WilliamS., draughtsman P. E. Dennis, bds 1171 Ash Denny Willis T., student, bds 1309 Oglethorpe Dense Frances, wid J.E., r 866 Elm Denson Edward, c, driver, r rear 753 Walnut Denson M. E., wid J. B., r 1427 2d Dent Thomas, c, cook J. W. Roberts, r rear 619 1st Denton Alex M., wks Palmer Mnfg Co., r 532 Jackson Denton Elmore, elk, r518 Pine Denton James B., street overseer, r 324 Clinton, E. M Denton James W., boarding, r 518 Pine Denton J E., c, barber R. H. Hart Denton Merrill, c, lab, r rear Columbus rd Denton Perry, c, teacher, bds foot of Lee, E. M Depository Macon Bible Society, 456 2d Deprees James, c, lab, r 102 Bay Derry Henry P., physician, 212 Cotton av, r 224 Chestnut Derry Joseph T., prof Wesleyan College, r 224 Chestnut Derry Mary A., wid W. C., "bds 224 Chestnut Dessau Washington (Dessau & Bartlett), r ns Vineville rd, 4th
w of Middle
DESSAU & BARTLETT (W. Dessau and C. L. Bartlett),
lawyers, 304 3d Dettre Ellen, wid G. B., r 224 Georgia av Deutscher Louis, baker M. Newman, bds 403 Cotton av Devereaux Maggie, wid J., r765 4th Devers John, shoemkr, r 360 Oak

MiIseoo' D8THEET It GREENBERG,Tie Tailor's.

Devers Abraham, c hackman, r ss New Cherry, 5th w of Mid dle, P. H
Devers J. M., fireman E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds 360 Oak Devlin Edward, saloon, 1008 4th Dewberry Aaron J., yd master C. R. R., r ss Pebble, 2d w of
Wilder. S. M Dewberry Charles A., cond S. W. R. R., r 1532 3d Dewberry Eliza Miss, boarding, 1310 4th Dewberry John M., stenographer Bacon & Rutherford, bds 469
Elm Dewberry Susan, wid A., bds 1532 3d Dewberry William A., carrier P. 0., r 9 Cedar, S. M Dewberry William M., mailing elk P. O., r 9 Cedar, S. M Dice Robert, c, wks C. R. R., r 419 Elbert Dickerson Alexander, c, lab, r Fulton al Dickerson Alice Miss, r 513 Plum Dickerson James, mess W. U. Tel. Co., bds 513 Plum Dickey Alexander, c, lab, r ss C. R. R., w of Ullman Dickey Augustus R., c, grocer, 108 Spring Dickinson Walter M., car insp C. R. R., r 1432 2d Dicks Beniamin M., fireman C. R. R., r ws 3d, 4th s of Wind
sor, S. M Dicks Bettie Miss, wks Bibb No. 1, bds ns Elm, 4th e of Main,
E. M Dicks James, wks Bibb No. 1, bds ns Elm, 4th e of Main , E. M Dicks Margaret Mrs., wks Bibb No. 1, bds 154 Hidrola, E. M Dicks William, wks Bibb No. 1, bds ns Elm, 4th e of Main, E. M Dickson Berry, c, brickmkr, r 757 Walnut Dickson Alex, c, lab, bds ws Tattnall, nr Elm Dickson Charles, c, tinner R. Falkner, r W. Boundary, nr
Forsyth Dickson Frances, wid B., bds 1105 Oglethorpe Dickson Isaac, c, wks Macon Foundry Dickson Moses, c, lab, bds ws Tattnall, nr Elm Dickson Riley, c, carp, r 720 Spring Dickson William D., boilermkr C. R. R., r 810 Elm Dickson William J., with S. Waxelbaum & Son, r Church, nw
cor Garden, E. M
DILL HARRY R., supt main stem C. R.R.,r 364Orange
614 to 622 Third Street, MACON, GA. Laths and Shingles





Dillard Louis, c, lab, r Gunn's Hill, S. M Dillard Thomas, c, wks Macon Agrl Wks Dinkier Jacob, confectionery, 457 Muberry Dinkier Louis J. (Balkcom, Ray & Dinkier), bds 457 Mul
berry Dinkier Oscar J., bds 457 Mulberry Disroon Frank, c, grocer, 117 Spring
DIXIE WORKS, O. P. & B. E. Willingham &Co., proprs;
planing mills, etc; Cherry, cor 7th. (See bottom lines.) Dixon Agnes Miss, wks Manchester Mfg Co., r 7 Manchester row Dixon Alexander, spinner Manchester Mfg Co., r 12 Manchester
row Dixon Charlton, reeler Manchester Mfg Co., r 12 Manchester
row Dixon Emanuel, c, cook H. J. Lamar, r 702 Ocmulgee Dixon Freeman, c, waiter Wilbourn House Dixon George, butcher, ws 4th, 7th s of Boundary, S. M Dixon Haywood, c, wks C. R. R., r 617 3d Dixon Henry, c, tinner S. M. Subers & Son, r rear 215 College Dixon Horace A., spinner Manchester Mfg Co., r 7 Manchester
row Dixon Ira, wks Bibb No. 2 Dixon James O., lab, r 12 Manchester row Dixon John, c, wks Hays & Manfield, r rear 277 College Dixon Julian T., bkkpr Johnson & Harris, bds 413 Spring Dixon Laura Miss, reeler Manchester Mnfg Co., r 12 Manches
ter row Dixon Lee, spinner Manchester Mnfg Co., r 7 Manchester row Dixon Melinda, wid W., r es Perry, 5th n of Ft. Hill, E. M Dixon Sophia M., wid W,, r 7 Manchester row Dixon T. N., cond G. S. & F. R. R., bds Wilbourn House Dixon William J., wks Bibb No. 2, r 85 Oglethorpe, Factory
row Dodd Albert, wks Macon Furniture Co., bds 920 Hazel Dodd Henry D., sale and feed stables, 361 Poplar, r 920 Hazel Dodge I. C., wid P., bds 753 Spring Dodge M. A., wid J. S., r Lawton av, H. H Dodson James, fireman C. R. R Dodwood John, c, carp, r 760 Hazel

0. P. & B. L

Will move about May 1st,
1891, to their new building
510 Clxejrry Street.

For anythinginFr";JsProc,uce,Fish,Oysters or Ice

Smd to Headquarters. (paSge8.)





Dohn Adolph, foreman M. Furniture Co., bds 864 2d Dohn Carl, sec and treas Macon Furniture Co., bds 864 2d Dohn Philip, supt Macon Furniture Co., r 864 2d
DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE CO., D. C. Harris & Co., agts; 613 Cherry
Domingos Emanuel, watchman C. R. R., bds es Church, 10th n of Garden, E. M
Domingos Joseph W., mer, r ws Davis, lstsof Anderson, S. M Domingos Robert J., wks E. Croekett, r us Williams, 4th w o
2d, S. M
Dominick John R., saloon, 655 4th, r 469 Pine Donahue Jack T., trav agt, bds 654 4th Donahue Nellie, wid Michael, bds 406 Oak Donahue Tim P., grocer and liquors, 662 Poplar Donaldson Alex, c, wks J. S. Schofield & Son, r Tracys al Donnell Sarah, wid E., r rear 407 Walnut Donnan Joseph, elk D. J. Baer, rl004 Oglethorpe Donnelly Thomas M. (Donnelly & Hornsby), r 962 Ogle
Donnelly & Hornsby (T. M. Donnelly and S. P. Hornsby), grocers and saloon, 964 Oglethorpe
Doody William A. (Dannenberg & Doody), r 668 1st Dooner Joseph F., engineer, bds 715 Pine Dorkiu Thomas, brickmason P. J. Duffy, bds 302 4th Dorsett John G., grocer, 10044th, r 1430 3d Dorsett Joseph, c, lab, r 112 Collins, E. M Dorsett Joseph R., butcher, r 1321 2d
Dorsett Kit, c, lab C. R. R., r 112 Collins, E. M Dorsett Mary, wid J., bds 1430 3d Dorsett Moab E., trav agt, r 569 Hawthorne Dorsey Augustus, c, wks C. R. R.,bds 759 5th Dorsey G. D., flagman C. R R Dorsey John, c, lab, r ns Garden, 3d w of Church, E. M Dorsey Joseph H., soliciting frt agt G. S. & F. R. R. r 157 3d Dorsey Walter, c,barber J. Giannone, bds rear 227 5th Doster Lucius, c, wks Macon Clay Wks
Dotson M. H., supt Palmer Mnfg Co., r ws Pierce av, 1st n of Forsyth, V
Dottenheim Enoch H., elk Wolff& Happ, r 206 1st

T458 THIRD STREET, aj and M. *fc A. Ifjls.





Doty Handy, c, lab W. M. Stevens, r ns Ellis, 3d w of Monroe Dougherty Charles H., wks Bibb No. 2, r ss Boundary, 11th w of
Telfair, S. M
Dougherty Eliza E. Miss, wks Ga Hosiery Co., bds ss Bound ary, 11th w of Telfair, S. M
Dougherty Felix A., coudr S. W. R. R., r 862 3d Dougherty Frank, condr E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds Park Hotel Dougherty Henry, wksGa Hosiery Co
Dougherty James R., lab, r ss Boundary, 11th w of Telfair S. M
Dougherty John W., eng C. R. R., r rear ws 3d, 5th s of Boun dary, S. M
Dougherty Martha Y. Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds ss Boun dary, 11th w of Telfair, S. M
Dougherty Mary E., wid T., bds 577 Madison Dougherty Mary G. Mrs, r ss Boundary, 11th w of Telfair, S. M Dougherty Mary M. Miss, wks Ga Hosiery Co., bds ss Boundary
11th w of Telfair, S.M Dougherty William A., cond S. W. R. R
Doughtie William D., with W. H. Whitehead, bds Brown's Hotel
Douglass Brown, c, porter Wilbourn House Douglass Charles, o, driver, r 315 Jackson Douglass Henry, c, lab C. R. R., r 220 Telfair Douglass Eugene T., elk John Ellis &Co., bds 619 1st Douglass James, c, wks Smith & Hall, r es Moughon, 2d n of
Holmes, P. H
Douglass Joseph, wks Wood &Bond, r 259 Ocmulgee Douglass Louis, c, wks A. Randall, r ss Cherry, w of 4th Douglass Robert G., collector, r Milledgeville rd, ne cor Ft
Hill, E. M Douglass Sawney, c, lab, r 413 Monroe Douglass Seward, c, drayman, r rear 214 Monroe Douglass Vincent, c, drayman, r es Moughon, 2d n of Holmes.
P. H
Douglass William L., elk H. Johnson, bds Milledgeville cor Ft. Hill, E. M
Douse Robert, c, lab C. R. R Dowdy William, c, cook, r Ellis, nw cor Monroe

Save Money by hav`n9 your Painting done by
157, 159,161 Cottou Avenue.8'1 THE POWERS CONTRACTING CO.

THE FAIR I Inptei Cliiia, Croctay and Glass.
IHu B f^a i a B l 408 & 410 Mulberry St. R. F. SMITH, Propr




Dowell Alex, despatcher S. W. R. R., bds 324 Georgia av

Dowraan Charles E. Rev., prof Wesleyan College

Downing J. W., bds Pierpont House

Doyle Annie Mrs., grocer, 1209 4th, r 819 5th

Dozier Eugene R., tel opr C. R. R., bds 916 2d

Dozier John W., wks Union Depot, r 816 2d

Dozier William, c, driver, bds rear 826 Orange

Dozier William H., tel oprC. R. R.,bds 916 2d

Drackett Will B., with J. W. Burke & Co., r 137 Magnolia

Drake Edward, c, lab, bds rear 452 Walnut

Drake Julia S. Mrs., boarding, Boundary, sw cor 3d, S. M

Drake Shadrach,c, wks Macon O. & F. Co., r 208 Hazel

Drake William F., bkkpr W. H. Schatzman, bds Boundary,

sw cor 3d, S. M

Draper John, c, hackraan, r Tracy's al

Drawhorne Charles W., driver M. C. & S. St. R. R., r 1120


Drawhorne David F., driver M. C. & S. St. R. R., r 862 Elm

Drawhorne Ella Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds 862 Elm

Drawhorne Frances, wid J. J., bds 862 Elm

Drawhorne Linda Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co.,bds 862 Elm

Dreher Fannie A. Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co., bds ss Gor

don, 8d e of Telfair, S. M

Dreher Hiram W., tinner? r ss Gordon, 3d e of Telfair, S. M

Dressier Oscar, chief cook Brown House

Drew Champion B., wks E. Crockett, bds 769 4th

Drew James, carp, r 518 Calhoun

Drew Thomas C., salesman, r 128 Holt

Dreyfus Edward, trav agt, bds Commercial Hotel

Driggers Brison J., brickmason, r 1005 Oglethorpe

Driggers Daniel T., contractor, r 1022 2d

Driggers Ida Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co

Driggers Jackson D., wks G. S. & F. R. R, bds 1022 2d

Driscoll Anthony, c, wks N. M. Block, r 613 Arch

Driscoll Bose, c, wks N. M. Block, r 605 Arch

Driscoll David, c, driver Hotel Lanier

Driscoll Joshua, c, carp, r rear 235 2d

tAU5, lUtLSl 1i U. 1i Driscoll Lizzie Mrs., bds ns Pebble, 5th w'of Wilder, S. M
Driver Jefferson, c, wks G. S. & F. R. R., r Godfrey dist

[Inc lirci 9 rn




& 554

Cherry St.



Driver William D., carp, r 764 4th Drouet Mattie A., wid E., bds es Cedar, 4th s of Stratton, S. M Drumright Thomas L., c, porter Dunlap Hardware Co., r Fitz
gerald al Dryer Lancaster, c, porter S. R. Jaques & Tinsley Co., r 315
Hammond Dryer Peyton, c, lab, bds 315 Hammond Duckworth Z. V., mach C. R. R., bds 454 Plum Dudley Elam, c, wks John Ingalls, bds 329 Madison Dudley Henry, c, lab C. R. R., r 329 Madison Dudley John, c, brakeman, bds 235 2d Dudley J. Duval, with Winn, Johnson & Co Dudley Robert, c, lab, bds 329 Madison Dudley Zack, painter, r ss Random, 1st e of Center, E. M
DUFFY PATRICK J., contractor and builder, 521 New.
(See p. 4.) Duffy Philip C., elk P. J. Duffy, bds 521 New Duffy William, c, driver, r ss Holt, 2d w of Middle, P. H Duggan James R., carp G. S. & F. R. R
Duggan William L., prof Mercer University W. Duke James T., elk H. Jones & Son, r ws Milledgeville
rd, 11th n of Ft. Hill, E. M Dukes Charles H., c, cook Brown's Hotel, r 565 3d Dukes James, c, cook, r 307 Oglethorpe Dukes Sumpter, c, farmer, r es C. R. R., 1st s of Ash Dumas Chess, bkkpr Eads, Neel & Co., bds 616 Walnut Dumas Cherry, c, r 115 Division Dumas Henry, c, lab, r 171 Walnut Dumas Peter, c, porter E. T. Paine, Jr., r Fitzgerald al Dumas Samuel, c, lab C. R. R Dumas William, c, wks H. Johnson, r es Cole, 2d s of Hazel Dumas William J. (Allen, Dumas & Thompson), bds 576
DUN R. G. & CO., S. J. Holland, mgr; mercantile agency,
411 Cherry. (Will move Jan. 1st, 1891, to Exchange Bank Bldg, 504 Cherry.) Dunbar John E., grocer, 242 Calhoun, r 427 Calhoun Dunbar Samuel J., c, butler R. H. Plant, r 156 New Duncan Charles, c, butler J. M. Johnston, r rear 221 Ga av
MACON COMMERCIAL COLLEGE} A First Class Business School
Circulars free. W. McKAY, Principal. J Rapid Business Penmanship




Duncan Frank, c, wks Macon G. L. & W. Co Duncan George W. (Duncan & Carnes), r 124 Georgia av. (Wil)
move Jan. 1st, 1891, to 326 College.) Duncan Henry, c, driver H. Abel, r 756 Ash Funcan Jesse, c, butler S. Waxelbaum, r real 756 Mulberry Duncan William P., with A. B. Small, r es Milledgeville rd,
4th n of Hidrola, E. M
DUNCAN & CARNES (Geo. W. Duncan and W. W.
Carnes), real estate and ins agts, 357 3d. (See p. 5.) Dunlap Berry, c, wks Bibb No. 2, bds ws Cole, 2d s of Ash
DUNLAP HARDWARE CO., S. S. Dunlap, pres; H. M.
Wortham, vice-pres ; R. E. Steed, sec and treas; hardware, stoves, tinware, etc ; 456 3d Dunlap Henry, c, wks Bibb No. 2, bds ws Cole, 2d s of Ash Dunlap Jasper, c, carp, r ws Cole, 2d s of Ash
DUNLAP SAMUEL S., pres Dunlap Hardware Co. and
Macon Fire Ins Co., r 920 Plum Dunlap Samuel S. Jr., elk Dunlap Hardware Co.,bds 920 Plum Dunlop Charles E., elk A. L. Butts, bds 715 Poplar Dunlop George, printer J. W. Burke & Co., r 715 Poplar Dunn Alex, c, butcher R. L. Henry, r 1211 3d Dunn Anderson, c, lab, r 108 Bay Dunn Cicero, c, lab, r 621 Poplar Dunn David M., chf elk G. S. & F. R. R., bds Corbett House Dunn D. B., chf eng M. & D. R. R., bds Hotel Lanier Dunn Ernest, despatcher S. W. R. R., r 518 Oglethorpe Dunn John, porter Cox & Corbin, r rear ns Powell, w of New,
E. M Dunn Thomas, c, lab, r rear 235 2d, E. M
DUNNE JOHN W., plasterer, r Duncan av, H. H
Dunwody Annie, wid W. E., bds 755 Cherry Dunwody Felix, elk, bds 755 Cherry Dunwody Isaac L., collector I. C. Plant & Son, bds 755 Cherry
Dunwody John A., r ns Forsyth, V Dunwody J. Marion, with S. T. Coleman & Burden Co., bds
755 Cherry Dunwody Robert, c, wks C. R. R Dunwody William E. Jr., bkkpr C. C. Stratton &Co., bds 755

UNION CENTRAL LIFK INSURANCE CO. Lowest Death Rate. Highest Interest Rate. , (Seep. 6.) T. S. LOWRY, Manager.

|%n|K|V||i|#|') Done at short notice and in the best style

HI I MV ^ 111

^ at the lowest prices. Don't go elsewhere

I 11111 I IllU J J.W.BUKKE&CO,




Dunwody William E.. physician, 759 Cherry, r 755 Cherry Dupree Bristol Rev., c, preacher, r Moore's row Dupree Ceasar, c, carp, r 607 Arch Dupree Celia A. Mrs., r rear 253 Ocmulgee Dupree Ernest L., elk Eads, Neel & Co., bds High Dtircham Charles C., c, carp, r ss Boundary, nr Mercer Univ Durden Frank, carp G. S. & F. R. R., r ns Williams, 6th w ot
3d, S. M Durden John, lab, bds ns Woolfolk, 2d w of Ft. Hill, E. M Durden Joseph L., cond E. T. V. & G. R. R., r ws 3d, 7th s of
Windsor, S. M Durden Susie Miss, r ns Woolfolk, 2d w of Ft. Hill, E. M Furden William, c, lab G. S. & F. R. R., r es Wright's al, 3d
s of Ash Dure George A., bkkepr A. Gibian & Co., r 721 Pine Dure George P., trav agt, bds 520 Ash Dure Leon S., collector Exchange Bank, bds 721 Pine Durgin Charles C., saloon and billiards, 602 4th, r 453 Oak Durham Abner, c, brickmkr, r 358 Bay Durham Boss, c, lab C. D. Findlay, r 710 Hawthorne Durham James, c, lab, r 20 Holt, P. H Durham Peter, c, wks Eureka Co., r Wood's al, n of Hazel Durham Warren J., student, r 321 Shamrock Durrett David H., r ws Church, 1st s of Random, E. M Durst William S., elk S. Josephson, bds 607 Plum Duval Joseph, c, painter, r ns Woodruff, 4th w of Monroe Duval Paul, c, mattressmkr, r ns Holmes, 2d e of Jones, P. H Dye Lelia Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co, bds 960 Hazel Dye Lenora Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds 960 Hazel Dye Ophelia Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co, bds 960 Hazel Dye Sophronia Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds 960 Hazel Dyer Anna Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds 1529 3d Dyer Charles R., wks Bibb No. 1, r 204 Hidrola, E. M Dyer Edwin J., cond S. W. R. R., r Gunus Hill, S. M Dyer Eula Miss, wks Ga Hosiery Co., bds 1529 3d Dyer John B., carp, bds ws 4th, 4th s of Ells, S. M Dyer Mary F., wid T. F., r 1529 3d Dyer William O., mach, r rear ws 4th, 4th s of Ells, S. M Dykes Fanny Miss, wks Bibb Mill No. 2, r 1217 3d



HOfficroe ;: Capnital BRank,. 44-556 SSeeccoonndd SStt..

T Ins lu 'n ran ncr.o r, A A gent.




ADS JOHN C. (Eads, Neel & Co.), and sec and treas Neel Shoe Co., r 413 Spring
EADS, NEEL & CO. (J. C. Eads and J. N. Neel), clothing, hats and furnishing, 552-554 Cherry. (See bottom lines.)
Eagan John, c,drayman S. R. Jaques & Tinsley Co Eakle Carrie P., wid E. G., r 413 Ross Early Daniel, c, wks C. R. R. Co., bds es Cole, 3d n of
Hazel Early George, c, wks Bibb No. 2, bds es Cole, 3d n of Hazel Early Nelson, c, boxmkr, bds es Cole* 3d n of Hazel Early Sarah, c, laundress, r es Cole, 3d n of Hazel Early T. J., stonecutter T. G. Carling & Co., bds 355 Walnut Earnest Asa, elk, bds 570 Oglethorpe Earnest Mary, wid Robert, r 819 5th Earnest W. Jasper, carp, r 819 5th Earp Caleb W., elk W. H. Jones & Son, bds ws Church, 2d s
of Random, E. M Earp Georgia A., wid J. R.,r ws Church, 2d s of Random, E. M Earp James M., carp, bds ws Church, 2d s of Random, E. M East Macon Methodist Church, Rev. H. A. Hodges, pastor;
Church, nwcor Hidrola, E. M East Macon Public School, E. M. bey limits East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia R. R., depot, Ocmulgee,
cor 5th, ticket office 506 Mulberry Easter Robert, c, wks W. F. Anderson EASTERLIN JOHN D., district rangr Sou Bell T.& T. Co.,
bds 374 Orange Eastman J. E., cond E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds 454 Oak Eberhart George, cooper Macon Brewing Co., bds 417 Hazel Ebert John, wks Macon Brewing Co., bds 417 Hazel Eddison Lawrence, c, carp, r rear 383 Madison Eddy Washington, c, lab, bds 234 Telfair Eden Clarence, mach G. S. & F. R. R., bds 804 Oak Eden Green, c, lab Ivey Bros Edenton Henrv, c, wks G. S. & F. R. R., r rear 853 Oak Edge Mattie M., wid P. W., r 448 New Edge M. C., brakeman C. R. R Edge Stephen, c, servt W. A. Doody Edgerly Mary, wid M., r 230 College





Edgerton House, F. Brown, rangr ; 551-555 4th Edings Catherine L. Mrs., teacher Orange St. School, r ns Rem-
bert av, 2d w of W. Boundary Edings Julian B., elk, r ns Rembert av, 2d w of W. Boundary Edmond Aaron, c, drayman, r ss New Cherry, 2d e of Jones,
P. H Edmond Edward F., carp C. R. R., r Cedar, sw cor Windsor,
S. M Edmond James, c, lab, r ss New Cherry, 2d e of Jones, P. H Edmond J. A., barber, 423 Cherry, r 422 Mulberry Edmond Lpmon, c, lab, r 102 Bay Edmonds Austin, c, brakeman S. W. R. R Edmondson John, c, lab, r Vineville branch, nr Forsyth Edmondson Mary H., wid W. A., r es Ells, 2d s of New Hous
ton rd, E. M Edmondson Monroe, c, butler, 769 Poplar Edmondson Samuel F., elk Macon China Store, bds es Ells, 2d
s of New Houston rd, S. M Edwards Alex, c, lab Brewery, r 424 Flanders, E. M Edwards Alfred J., elk, bds 719 Orange Edwards B. D., brakeman C. R. R Edwards Elizabeth, wid J. C., r 719 Orange Edwards Emma I., wid O. D., r 112 Academy Edwards Eugene W., cigarmkr Rockman & Barnett, r 360
EDWARDS HARRY S., State agt Aetna Life of Hartford, Ct., 563 Cherry, r 1309 Oglethorpe
Edwards Henry, c, lab Macon Clay Wks, r Gunn's Hill, S. M Edwards Horace B., special agt Aetna Life, bds 1120 Academy Edwards Isaac, c, wks G. S. & F. R. R Edwards James B., policeman, r 753 New
Edwards James B., yd master C. R. R., r ws 2d, 2d s of Peb ble, S. M
Edwards James E., c, wks Consumers' Oil Delivery Edwards James W., elk J. W. Burke & Co., r 144 Holt Edwards Jennie, c, laundress, 515 Flanders Edwards John, c, brickmason, bds 823 Shamrock Edwards John, c, lab, r rear S. Ga. Orphans' Home, V Edwards John H., bkkpr Macon Laundry, bds 112 Academy
O. P.&B. E. WILLINGHAM & CO Manufacturers of Doors,
7th & Cherry Streets. Office 363 3t. Sash, Blinds, Mantels, Etc.


BANANAS Te^phoue No. 307.

0> pARKRR<




Edwards J. Alfred, acct S. ft. Jaques & Tiusley Co., bds 719


Edwards J. Lee, stenographer H. J. Lamar & Sons, bds 140


Edwards Lawson, c, wks H. D. Adams, r rear 553 Cotton av

Edwards Lee, c, lab Macon G. L. & W. Co., r 14 Elm

Edwards Rayborn, c, wks Bibb No. 1, r ns Powell, 3d w of

New, E. M

Edwards Samuel, c, brickmason, r 309 2d, E. M

Edwards Samuel Jr., c, brickmason, bds 309 2d, E. M

Edwards William S., cond G. S. & F. R. R., r 165 2d

Edwards W. J., cond S. W. R. R

Ehney William S., bag master C. R. R., r 1316 2d

Eirby Elizabeth, wid H., r 224 Main, E. M

Eirby Walter M., cigarmkr, bds 224 Main, E. M

Eisner Francis, shoemkr, 125 Cotton av, r Boundary, w of


Eisner Frederick F., painter J. E. Lowery, r ss Boundary, w

of Calhoun

Elbert Henry, c, lab, r Murray's al

Elder Charles, carp, bds 217 Clinton, E. M

Elder Homer, wks Bibb No. 1, bcls 217 Clinton, E. M

Elder Moses, c, hackman, r rear 552 Oglethorpe

Elder Warren A., wks Bibb No. 1, r 217 Clinton, E. M


ELDER WILLIAM F., supt Bibb Land--Lumber Co.,

r ss Boundary, w of Johnson

Elder William M., watchman Bibb Land--Lumber Co., r

ws College, s of Boundary

Elfe Catherine E., wid T. B., r 814 Orange

Elfe Thomas B., eng C. R. R., bds 814 Orange

Elfe William W., mach C. R. R., bds 804 Oak

Elkan Abe M., elk M. Elkan, bds 652 Oak

Elkan Morris, dry goods, 411 3d, r 652 Oak

Elkan Mortimer M., asst eng Macon Const Co., bds 652 Oak

Elkins Harry, notions, 722 Mulberry, r 501 Mulberry

Ellaby Sarah, c, laundress, r 522 Plum

Ellaby Thomas, c, drayman, bds 522 Plum

Ellington Allen, c, shoemkr R. Sims & Bro., r Jefferson, sw

cor Craft's al, P. H

II. Mv

(a n.


rni I INC

430 Tliird Street.

file Best rTM1TM SS5SJS




Ellington Arie, c, lab, r 817 Poplar Elliott George W., tinner C. H. Cubbedge, bds 208 Tattnall
Elliott Henry, c, lab, r Harris al Elliott James H., brickraason, r 208 Tattnall Elliot John T., flagman S. W. R. R., bds 670 3d Elliott J., canvasser, bds 75 S Cherry Elliott Moses, c, wksE. T., V. & G. R. R., r 211 Ash Elliott Nathaniel E., fireman C. R. R., bds 208 Tatnall Ellis Abe, mgr C. C. Ice Wks., r 654 2d Ellis Charles B. (Burden, Smith & Ellis), r ss Forsyth, V Ellis Curran R., draughtsman D. B. Woodruff, bds ss Boun
dary, w of Adams Ellis George F., mach G. S. & F. R. R., bds ws Davis, 3d s of
Williams, S. M Ellis G. W., elk John Ellis & Co., r 114 Magnolia Ellis Henry, c, wks C. R. R., r 362 Hazel Ellis Henry, c, wks Palmer Mnfg Co., r Baer's row Ellis Ida L., wid H., r 255 Bond Ellis James E., contractor, 121 Ocmulgee, r 120 Appleton av Ellis James H., c, wks C. R. R., r Moore's row Ellis John, c, lab, r ss Woodruff, 3d wof Monro Ellis John, wks Bibb No. 2 ELLIS JOHN & CO. (John R. Ellis), dry goods, 208 Cot
ton av and 652 Cherry Ellis John R. (John Ellis & Co.), r 421 Orange Ellis John W., pattern mkr, r ws Davis, 3d s of Williams, S. M Ellis Joseph, farmer, W. Reese Ellis Joseph, lab, r es Shamrock, n of Hazel
Ellis Joseph B., carp C. R. R., r ns Windsor, 1st e of 2d, S. M Ellis Joseph O., blksmith G. S. & F. R. R., r ws Davis, 3d s of
Williams, S. M Ellis Martha E., wid R. W., r 2d, ne cor Pebble, S. M Ellis Martha J. wid S., r ss Boundary, nr Mercer Univ Ellis Roland S., lawyer 304 3d, r ss Boundary, nr Mercer
Ellis Theodore W., real estate agt, r ss Boundary, nr Mercer University
Ellis Thomas B., bkkpr John Ellis & Co., bds 120 Appleton avenue



157,159,161 Cotton Ave. (Seep. 8.) PAINTERS' SUPPLIES

Ft. F- SMITH { RIBBONS, LACES, all 408 and 410 Mulberry Street UMtMmdS Of MODS descriptions




Ellis William Lee, capitalist, bds 406 Orange Ellis W. Lee Jr., elk S. T. Coleman & Burden Co., bds 255
Bond Ellison Ann P., wid W., bds 559 Ash Ellison Elijah C., justice Godfrey dist, Chapel, sw cor 4th, S. M Ellison Geneva Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co Ellison Levi, c, carpenter, r 811 Elm Ellison .Robert, c, waiter Brown's Hotel, r rear 714 2d Ellison Sallie Mrs., wks Bibb No. 2, bds 69 Hawthorne, Fac
tory row Ellison Samuel, c, shoemkr, 362 Columbus, r es W. Boundary,
,5th n of Forsyth Ellison Thomas, policemau, r ws al, 1st n of Elm, bet Ross and
Calhoun Elliston John, operator, bds 454 Oak Ely Elias, c, barber R. H. Hart, r rear 271 Washington av Emanuel Jacob, with S. Waxelbaum & Son., bds 717 Cherry Emerson Martha Mrs., spinner Manchester Mfg Co., r 10 Man
chester row Emery Amos,c,lab C. R. R Emmell Charles K., cotton buyer, 552 Poplar Engel Asher, elk J. H. Hertz, bds 767 Cherry England Fannie Miss, cook J. D. Scott, r rear 853 Cherry Engledow Mary, wid O., r 8t>9 New Engledow Oscar, elk W. J. Julian, r 859 New Engles Ira, varieties, 1012 4th English Abram, c, lab, r 232 Clinton, E. M English Edward, wks Bibb No. 1 English G. H., c, brakeman S. W. R. R English Irving M. Mrs., r es Factory row, 2d s of Hidrola,
E. M English Isaac B. (I. B. English & Co.), r Forsyth rd, sw cor
Oak Haven av English I. B. & Co. (I. B. English, J. M. Johnson and A. F.
Warnke), cotton factors and compress, office 652 Poplar English Mary C. Miss, bds ws Factory row, 2d s of Hidrola,
E. M English Ralph E , wks Bibb No. 1, bds es Factory row, 2d s
of Hidrola, E. M
ONE PRICE--552 & 554 Cherry

Children's Carriages, G^T wagons
s. s. parmeIiEE, 470 Second st. (See p. 7.) Saddles, Harness, Etc.




English William, c, lab, bds 113 Hazel English William, wks S. M. Subers & Son, bds es Factory
row, 2d s of Hidrola, E. M Ennis William M., cond C. It. R., bds 1521 4th Enoch Luster, c, butcher, r rear 317 5th Enterprise Boiler Wks, G. T. Gifford, propr; 452 Oglethorpe Ephraim Robert, c, wks C. S. Findlay, bds 522 Plum Epps Freeman, c, shoemkr J. Parks, r E. M
Epps J. D., cond C. R. R Erminger Howell B. (Johnson & Erminger), r 140 Forsyth
Ernest William H., elk E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds 204 New Erwin Charles, c, hackman, r rear 725 Walnut Erwin Daniel, c, porter Empire Store, r Wood's al, n of Hazel
Erwin Joseph, c, lab, r rear 370 Arch Erwin Lenoir M., dep elk U. S. Dist. Court and U. S. comm'r,
r 629 Walnut Erwin Marion, attorney U. S. Dist. Court, bds 629 Walnut Eshleman Adam, carp J. E. Ellis, bds 857 3d Esom Thomas, c, wks E. T., V. & G. R. R., r Moore's row Essenson John A., draftsman Talbott & Sons, bds 516 Oak Esslinger Rudolph, mach, r 654 Walnut Estes Claud (Claud & Hubert Estes), r 414 College
ESTES CLAUD & HUBERT, lawyers, Masonic Bldg, 518
Mulberry Estes Elliott (Johnson & Estes), r 629 Organge Estes Hurbert (Claud & Hubert Estes), bds 414 College
ESTILL JOHN H., pres The Telegraph, r Savannah
Etheridge Abraham, c, barkpr I. A. Carroll Etheridge Alexander, c, wks S. R. Jaques & Tinsley Co., r ss
Jefferson, 10th w of Middle, P. H Etheridge Comer, paymaster Bibb No. 2, bds 769 Poplar Etheridge Faith Miss, foreman Macon Knitting Co., bds 223
Jackson Etheridge Francis C. (Etheridge, Trammell & Co.), r 520 Orange Etheridge Handy, c lab, r rear 717 Plum
Etheridge Harriet Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co., bds 223 Jackson
ETHERIDGE JAMES A. JR., physician, 566 Mulberry, r
621 Orange

Sash, Door and Blind manufacturers. PETTIT, DeHAVEN & CO. (See p. 7.) BUILDERS'MATERIAL




Etheridge John, wks Bibb No. 1 Etheridge Joseph M.,wks Bibb No. 1, r 215 Clinton, E. M Etheridge Lena Miss, knitter Macon Knitting Co Etheridge Lizzie Miss, wks Bibb No. 1, bds 215 Clinton, E. M Etheridge Lucius F., carp, r ws Ells, 4th s of New Houston rd,
S. M Etheridge Lucius P., lab, bds ws Ells, 4th s of New Houston
rd, S. M Etheridge Madison R., watchman C. R. R., r ws 3d, 4th s of
Boundary, S. M Etheridge Millie, wid M., r 223 Jackson Etheridge Oscar, tel opr C. R. R., bds 223 Jackson Etheridge Perry, wks Macon Knitting Co., bds 223 Jackon Etheridge, Trammell & Co. (F. C. Etheridge, E. C. Trammell
and J, L. Baker), hardware, 317 3d Etheridge William R., yd cond G. S. & F. R. R., bds es 4th,
1st s of Pebble, S. M Etheridge Wilson S., mach E. J. Willingham & Bro., r 521
Boundary Ethridge George W., saloon and billiards, 410 Poplar, bds
National Hotel Ethridge John, wks Dixie Wks, r 558 Elm Eureka Co., T. W. Troy, genl agt; mnfrs potash, Bay, se cor E.
T. , Y. & G. R. R Evans Abner, c, carp, r ss Ellis, 7th w of Monroe Evans Albert, c, lab, r Harris' al Evans Calvin C., barber, r rear 459 1st Evans Chas., c, wks W. R. Ivey, r al bet 4th and 5th, nr Walnut Evans Charles T., watchman C. R. R., r 1134 4th Evans Charles W., pressman Macon Clay Wks Evans C. E., fireman C. R. R Evans Elam E., wks Palmer Mnfg Co., r 1134 4th Evans Elam E. Jr., fireman C. R. R., r 1134 4th Evans Eugene A., mach, bds Commercial Hotel Evans E. M., painter W. H. Schatzman, r 1106 Oglethorpe Evans Frank, c, butler, r es Jones, nr old hospital Evans Jefferson M., fireman C. R. R., bds 1335 4th Evans Jerry S., fireman C. R. R., r 764 4th Evans John, c, lab, bds 1029 4th
UNIONCENTRALIssues ENDOWMENTInsurance at LIFE Rates. Policies Incontestible and Non-Forfeitable. (Seep. C.) T. S. LOWRY, Miiki'.

ORGANS] t ISEWIMG MMilachines Will do better for you 111 tin anybody can do.




Evans John H., eng E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds ns Anderson, 4th w of 2d, S. M
Evans Joseph, c, glazier T. C. Burke, r Ross Evans Nannie, wks Bibb No. 1 Evans Oliver, contractor, r ws College, s of Boundary

Evans Osborn, c, mason Powers Cont'g Co., r 139 Jones Evans Pamelia J., wid J., r 103 Academy Evans Rufus W., draughtsman P. E. Dennis, bds ws College,
2d s of Boundary Evans Samuel, c, carp, r 417 2d, E. M

Evans Thomas J., c, farmer, bds nsTurpin, 1st e of Division Evans Tocora, wid David, bds 717 3d Evans William P., carp, r 346 Hidrola, E. M

Evans William R., elk J. M. Brown, r ss Yineville, 1st w of W. Boundary

EVENING NEWS, News Pub Co., pubrs; 412-414 Cherry. (See back fly.)

Everett Annie, c, nurse, r ns Woodruff, 6th w of Monroe

Everett Barney, c, butler W. M. Gordon, r McKenna's al Everett Burrill, c, butcher, r ss Boundary, ft of Johnson Everett Frank, c, brick mason, r es Booker's al, 2d s of Bay Everett Lucius, c, wks C. R. R., rMcKenna's al Everett Nash, c, wks C. R. R., r McKenna's al Everett Samuel A. C. (Mix & Everett), r 553 Walnut Everett Sandy, c, waiter E. T., Y. & G. restaurant

Everett William, c, porter Roff Sims & Bro. r Middle, nw cor New Cherry, P. II

Evers Allen, molder, bds wsMilledgeville rd, 7th n of Ft Hill, E. M

Evers John T., lab, bds es Milledgeville rd, 8th n of Fairview, E. M

Evers Roderick, wks Dixie Wks, bds ws Milledeeville rd, 7th

n of Ft Hill, E. M


Evers William, wks Pettit, DeHaven & Co., rws Milledeeville

rd, 7th n ofFt Hill, E. M


Excelsior Hook and Back Band Co., J. C. YanSyckel, pres.j J.

W. Cabaniss, vice-pres;H. C. Tindall, sec and treas; 352354 3d





general insurance agent, Office : Capital Bank. 456 Second.'





EXCHANGE BANK, H. J. Lamar pres.; G. B. Turpin, vice
pres.; J. W. Cabaniss, cashier; J. J. Cobb, asst cashier; 502504 Cherry, cor 3d. (See back cover.)
Ezell William, c, wks P. Heidingsfelder, bds Thompson House
Ezell William H., bkkpr H. J. Lamar & Sons, bds 103 Wash ington av
FAGAN FRANK, c, drayman A. Gibian & Co., r 156 5th Fagan Henry, c, brakeman S. W. R. R Fain Robert P. Rev., tnngr S Ga. Orphans Home, r Forsyth, V Fair John B., carp C. R. R., bds 1321 2d Fair William, c, butler C. D. Findlay, r 1206 Ash Faircloth Thomas G., bds ws 4th, 5th s of Pebble, S. M Fairfax Robert H. Rev., r 314 Cherry Falkleman Michael, cooper Palmer Mnfg Co Falkner James, elk R. Falkner, r 221 2d Falkner Robert, tinner 320 3d, r221 2d Fallon James, cigar maker M. Peyser, Jr., bds National Hotel Fambro Caesar, c, eng, r al e of Forsyth, nr branch Fambro Leonard B. Rev., c, r Monroe, nwcor Holt Fambro Marshall, c, drayman, r ss Holmes, 12th w of Mid
dle, P. H Fambro Tip, c, shoemkr, 551 Poplar, r 55 Spring Fantroley Isaac P., c, (Burdell, Logan & Co.), r Orange Farber F. Rev., rabbi Beth Israel Synagogue Fargason David S. (A. W. Turner & Co.), r Dawson, Ga Farley Samuel A. Rev., c, r 228 Jeffersou Farmer Alonzo J., printer, bds 304 4th Farmer Christian A., eng G. S. & F. R. R.,r 1106 Walnut Farmer Eber A., flagman G. S. & F. R. R., bds Ells, se cor
Knott, S. M Farmer Ira E., elk Sou. Ex. Co., bds 558 Oak Farmer Jacobina E., wid J. A., r Ells, se cor Knott, S. M Farmer John, r 916 Oglethorpe Farmer John R., wks R. C. Wilder's Sons, r rear es 2d, 5th s
of Windsor, S. M Farnum James S., with Smith & Gordon, bds Hotel Lanier Farrar John (John Farrar & Co.), bds 766 Cherry

614 to 622 Third Street, MACON, <1A. rAINIO, UILD HHU LC.MU.


313 Ocmnlgee Street.

V/ 1 m. I 4 VTllA X H.9.




FARRAR JOHN & CO. (John Farrar and F. W. Hazle-
hurst), mdse brokers, Cherry Farrar Leona V., wid S. M., r 766 Cherry Farrar Mary J. Miss, bds ns Anderson, 1st w of 2d, S. M Farrell Charles W., carp, r Gunn's Hill, S. M Farrell Jacob, c, wks N. M. Block Farrell James, cigar mkr, bds National Hotel Farren John C., plumber S. M. Subers & Son, r 619 Spring Farris Robert P., eng C. R. R., r 806 4th Faulk Benjamin, c. lab, r 857 Ocmulgee Faulk Fannie Miss, wks Bibb No. 1, bds 230 Clinton, E. M Faulk Henry, mach C. R. R., bds 807 Oak Faulk Jane, wid J., r 230 Clinton, E. M Favors Asa, eng E. T., V. & G. R. R., r 420 Hazel Favors John R., carp, r Troup Hill, S. M Fawcett Frank W., blksmith C. R. R., bds 620 Arch Fay Mary, wid Thomas, bds 970 Oglethorpe Feinstein Samuel, distiller A. Ullman, bds ws Ullman Felder John, c, lab C. R. R., r 160 Walnut Felder John, c, porter Macon Hardware Co., r ws C. R. R.,
1st n of Elm Felder John, c, shoemkr, r 356 4th Felder William, c, lab, r 219 Elbert Felder William S., bkkpr Johnson & Estes, bds 140 Magnolia Fell Mary F., wid W., r 31 Progress
FELLERS WILLIAM F. C., mngr W. U. Tel. Co., r 224
Georgia av
Felton Allen, c, porter J. G. McGolrick & Co., r ss Walnut, e of 5th
Felton Augustus C. Jr., bkkpr Rodgers, Worsham & Co., bds 718 Cherry
Felton James, c, lab, rl65 Hazel
Felton William H., solicitor genl Superior Court, bds 121 Georgia av
Fendt Walter, painter G. S. & F. R. R., bds 1520 3d Fenelou Ann, wid T., r ws 3d, 5th s of Stratton, S. M Fenelon James, boilermkr, bds ws 3d, 5th s of Stratton, S, M Fennell Harvey C., farmer, r403 Main, E. M Ferguson Alfred, c, helper Winn, Johnson & Co
Paints, Oils, Glass, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Etc. } At 0. P. & B. E. WILLINGHAM & CO'S.


in SEASON at Headquarter.



Ferguson Edward G., physician, 318 2d, r727 Orange Ferguson Walker J., c, wks C. R. R., r 301 Hazel Ferguson Walter B., bkkpr Macon Agrl Wks Ferrell Charles, c, drayman, r ns New Cherry, 6th w of Mid
dle, P. H Ferren Dugald, molder, bds 1135 4th Ferren John, molder, r 1135 4th Ferren ]Mary Miss, bds 1135 4th Fetner John A., macli C. R. R., bds 1002 4th Fickle Aaron, eng, bds 454 Oak Fickling Jerry L., engC. R. R., r 814 2d Ficklin William C., mach C. R. R., bds 672 Oak Fielder Effie P., wid G. W., r 523 Hazel Fields Henry G., coud E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds 857 3d Fields John, c, driver, bds 819 2d Fields Julia, c, seamstress, r 234 Tatnall Fields Preston, c, carp, r 819 3d Fields Warren, c, carp, r ns Jefferson, 3d e of Jones, P. H
Fields William, c, lab, bds 819 3d Filson William, c, porter, r 112 Spring Filson William B.,c, porter, bds 112 Spring Fincannon Columbus S., distiller C. E. Smith, r lid of Green Finch Y. C. carp Pettit, DeHaven & Co., bds 715 Poplar Fincher William B., flagman S. W. R. R Findlay Arthur P., bkkpr Winn, Johnson & Co., bds 852
Cherry Findlay Charles S. (Findlay Furniture & Coffin Factory), r ss
Forsyth, 5th w of W. Boundary Findlay Christopher D., propr Findlay's Iron Works, r 1206
Ash Findlay Cuyler W., with Sou. Hardware Co., bds 1206 Ash Findlay Eugenia Miss, fruit stand, Walnut, se cor 6th, r Cox
HiH Findlay Furniture & Coffin Factory, Oglethorpe, se cor 3d Findlay George B., elk John Farrar & Co., bds 870 New Findlay George W., with J. D. Hudgins, r ns Vineville rd, 2d
w of Middle Findlay Jack, c, wks C. R. R., r 324 2d, E M Findlay James W., elk C. D. Findlay, bds 1206 Ash

MACON BEER mtyiUiAAiU^ ffllNwKv ymade[Ein[tLhSe wK orl]d (See page 5.)




Findlay Jefferson, c, lab J. S. Schofield & Son

Findlay Richard E., genl delivery elk P. O., bds 1206 Ash
Findlay Robert B., with C. D. Findlay, r 759 Spring
FINDLAY'S IRON WKS, C. D. Findlay, propr; Ogle
thorpe, se Cor 3d

Finland John, molder Macon Foundry

Finley John H., painter, r Gunn's Hill, S. M

Finger Lena Miss, operator S. B. T. & T. Co., rS. M

Finger Louise Miss, elk W. J. Juhan, bds 3d

Finney Alta, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds es Street Car al, 1st s of Elm

Finney Clarence, night elk Brown's Hotel

Finney Ella V., wid J. G., r es Street Car al, 1st s of Elm

Finney Eugene, wks B. Brown, bds es Street Car al, 1st s of Elm

Finney George, c, porter, bds 113 Shamrock

Finney Joseph, c, lab, r rear 319 Walnut

Finney Lizzie Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds es Street Car al

1st s of Elm


Finney Mack, c, porter S. R. Jaques & Tinsley Co., bds 113 Shamrock

Finney Robert H., eng G. S. & F. R. R., r ns New Houston rd, 7th e of Ells, S. M

Finney Robert L.,clk W. U. Tel. Co., bds Park Hotel

First Baptist Church, Rev. E. W. Warren, pastor; head of Poplar

First Baptist Church, c, T. M. Robinson, pastor; Plum nw cor New

First Congregational Church, c, Rev. J. R. McLane, pastor es

New, 2d s of Pine



Plant, vice-pres; W. W. Wrigley, cashier; Geo. H. Plant

asst cashier; 371 2d


First Presbyterian Church, Rev. W. B. Jennings, pastor ; Mul berry, se cor 1st

First St. M. E. Church, Rev. B. F. Breedlove, pastor; ns 1st

bet Oak and Arch



Fish Mary, wid, bds 718 Pine

Fisher Andrew J., painter, r Tindallville, S. M



l>7.159, 101 cotton Avenue. (Seep. 8.) GENERAL CONTRACTORS




Fisher John W., c, wks Palmer Mufg Co., bds ws Ullman, s of Ray
Fisher Samuel, c, wks Hays & Mansfield, r rear 1142 4th Fisher William, c, carp, r rear 254 New Fitzgerald Michael, lab, r 321 Shamrock Fitzgerald Philip, r718 4th Fitzpatrick Robert, c, lab, r 356 Phoenix, E. M Fitzpatrick Sophie, c, laundress, r 418 Fianders, E. M Flagg Charles L, c, porter A. L. Butts, bds Madison Flagg Ella, c, seamstress, r Hammond al Flagg Leroy, c, carp, r Vineville, nr Roff Home Flagg William, c, carp; r 434 Hammond Flagg William, c, farmer, bds rear 111 5th Flagg William, c, wks C. R. R., r 207 Ash Flanagan Dennis J., fireman C. R. R. rws4th, bey limits, S. M Flanders Henry, c, lab, bds 414 Bay Flanders James E., eng, r 350 Clinton, E. M Flanders James J., mngr Flanders & Co., bde 207 2d Flanders J. Pierpont, bkkpr Johnson & Harris, bds Pierpont
House Flanders Robert H., ins agt, 497 Poplar, bds Pierpont House Flanders Susan, wid H , bds 350 Clinton, E. M Flanders William E. (Flanders & Co.), r 207 2d Flanders & Co. (W. E. Flanders), cotton com 407 Poplar Flatau Isaac (Altraayer & Flatau), bds 653 Pine Flatau Morris, r 653 Pine Fleetwood George, c, switchman E. T., V. & G. R. R., r 232
Telfair Fleetwood T. William, bkkpr I. B. English & Co., bds 356
New Fleischer David, with N. M. Block, bds 858 Plum Fleischer Julius, elk N. M. Block, bds 858 Plum
Fleischer P. Mrs., boarding, 858 Plum Fleming Maria Miss, bds Boundary, sw cor 4th Fleming Oliver, wks Bibb No. 1, bds 107 4th Fleming William H., c, lab Gas Co., r 807 Ocmulgee Fleming William P., ins, bds 757 Mulberry Flemister Luke, c, lab, r 15 Wolf row Fletcher Effie Mrs., bds 355 Walnut


ONE PRICE /-v fk w

pi j-- * /-> r-^_D5o62t & 35o54 uCnheerry oSitretceit,, - MACON, GEORGIA.






Fletcher Richard, c, lather, r ns Forsyth, 5th w of W. Boundary Fletcher Scott, c, waiter M. G. Putzel, r 227 Jefferson Fletcher Susan L. Mrs., boarding, r 355 Walnut Flewellen Willis, c, lab, rss Turpin, 2nd e of Division Flewellen Willis, c, wks Bibb Land-Lumber Co., r ns Holmes,
2d w of Jones, P. H Flint House, Miss A. M. Gregory, propr; 552 1st Flood W. O., brakemaa C. R. R Florence Lenna, wid S., bds811 Cherry Flournoy Joseph A., clerk C. R. R., bds 769 Mulberry Flournoy Josiah, road master S. W. R. R., r shops Flournoy Marion, carp, r 1307 1st Flournoy Robert, c, brakeman S. W. R. R Flournoy Robert, trainmaster G. S. & F. R. R., r 138 Holt Flowers Bird T. blksmith E. T., V. & G. R. R., r 555 Ogle
thorpe Flowers Charles H., tinner, r ns Columbus rd, bey limits Flowers Doc, tinner S. M. Subers & Son Flowers Edward D., wks E. J. Willingham & Bro., bds 1524
4th Flowers James E., messenger News, bds ss Ells, 3d w of 4th,
S. M Flowers Margaret, wid J., r 1524 4th Flowers Robert, elk, r ns Columbus rd, bey limits Flowers William C., painter, bds 1524 4th Flowers William E., carp, r ss Ellis, 3d, w of 4th, S. M Flowers William F., tinner, r ss Columbus rd Floyd Andrew J., cond C. R. R., bds 1432 4th Floyd Charles, c, huckster, 529 Cotton av, bds New Cherry, 1st
e of Jones, P. H
Floyd Charles Jr., c, lab, r ns New Cherry, 1st e of Jones, P. H Floyd Isaac, c, lab, r rear 306 2d, E. M Floyd John, c, lab, r rear 364 Monroe Floyd Mary, wid C. A., r 407 Walnut Floyd Walter C., cond C. R. R., r 1432 4th Fluker Isham, c, lab, r rear 126 Washington av Flynn Delia Miss, elk H. Newman, bds 429 Ross Flynn Elbe Miss, elk John Ellis & Co., bds 429 Ross Flynn John C., elk A. Gibian & Co., bds Pierpont House

Icon COMMERCIAL COLLEGE }ClassBusiness School J Circulars free. w. McKa y, Principal. Rapid Business Penmanship

MIT, lElim 4




Flynn Mary, wid P., r 429 Ross Flynn Sallie Miss, milliner Miss E. A. Ward, bds 429 Ross Fobbs Anna, c, laundress, r 122 Ross Fogerty Bernard A., elk W. C. Lyons & Co., r 527 Georgia av Fogle J. M., electrician S. B. T. & T. Co., r 244 Washington av Foley Daniel J. (Griggs & Foley), r 1019 3d Foley John S., civil eng, bds Edgerton House Foley John, farmer, r es Milledgeville rd, 7th n of Fairview,
E. M Follendore Charles E., wks C. R. R., r 536 Jackson Folsom Alexander, c, porter, r ss New Cherry, 7th wofMonroe Folsom Jordan, c, carp, r ss New Cherry, 7th w of Monroe Foos Mary A., wid J. T., bds ws Willingham, 5th n of Bernard,
E. M Ford Abner, c, porter, r 271 Chestnut Ford Annie Miss, wks 320 4th, bds Floyd House Ford Bud, c, wks C. C. Ice Works Ford Clark, c, gardener, r es Hawkins, 1st s of Hidrola, E. M Ford Clark, c, lab, r rear 920 Walnut Ford Cornelius, c, lab, r rear ns Holmes, V Ford Fannie L., wid J. M., r 464 Orange Ford Floyd, c, shoemkr, r 651 Oglethorpe Ford George J. (W. W. & G. J. Ford), bds 689 College Ford Jack, c, barber, r McKenna's al Ford James W., furniture, 614 New Ford John, c, lab J. S. Schofield & Son Ford John D., carp C. R. R., r 252 4th Ford Joseph, c, driver, bds rear 920 Ocmulgee Ford Lee, wks Bibb No. 1, bds 345 Flanders, E. M Ford Lilia, c, teacher, bds 651 Oglethorpe Ford Marcellus, c, lab, bds rear 920 Ocmulgee Ford Wesley F., driver Stmr No. 2, bds 305 Water, E. M Ford William, c, watchman, r 240 Gilmer Ford William G., collector, r 1055 Elm Ford William W. (W. W. & G- J- Ford), r 689 College FORD W. W. & G. J. (William W. and George J.), dentists,
454 2d. (See p. 6.) Forrest Charles, c, fireman E. T., V. & G. R. R.; bds 331 Ash Forrest Grace, c, laundress, r 362 Maple

UNION CENTRAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Lowest Deatb Kate. Highest Interest Bate. (Seep. 6.) T. S. LOWRY, Manager.

PRINTING! Done at short notice and in the best style at the lowest prices. Don't go elsewhere J.W.BUBKE&CO*


164 `


Forrest Sallie, wid T., r 1425 4th Forrest Samuel, c, fireman E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds 210
Hazel Forsyth Lou A. Mrs., dressmkr, r 1521 2d Fort Eugene M., student, bds 269 Maple Fort Solomon, c, porter, r rear 555 Pine Fossett Mary Mrs., cook A. J. Green, r 820 Walnut Fossum Alexander, c, porter A. V. Toole Foster Alfriend, c, porter W. L. Henry
Foster AnnaC., wid A. R., r es Pink, s of Boundary Foster C. M., foreman C. R. R
Foster Hattie Miss, dressmkr, bds 129 Magnolia Foster Henry, c, fireman E. T., V. &G. R. R., bds 321 Ash Foster Jacob, wks E. J. Willingham & Bro Foster Jeffie, wid Green, bds ss Vineville rd, 8th w of Bound
Foster Jerome, mach, bds 129 Magnolia Foster Jerry, c, helper W. H. Schatzman Foster Rhoua, wid M., r 214 Main, E. M Eoster Victoria, wid T. C., r 129 Magnolia Foster William, r 823 Ash Foster William, c, wks Palmer Mnfg Co
Foster William B., eng E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds 106 5th Foster Williamson P., fireman C. R. R., r es Pink, s of
Fountain Sallie, wid W. P., r 160 5th Fowler Alice Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co
Fowler Florence A., wid J. C., bds 527 Georgia av Fowler John M., \yatchmau Brewery, r 1320 4th Fowler Lottie, wid M., r rear 252 Main, E. M
Fowler Mattie Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds 1320 4th .howler Samuel G., wksM. C. & S. St. R. R r rear Mercer,
2d n of Boundary
Fowler William A., guard chain gang, r 103 Ross Fowler ---- carp, bds 1536 4th
Fox George A., eng C. R. R., r 270 Main, E. M
Fox Henry, eng C. R. R., r ss Boundary, 3d w of 3d, S. M Fox Mattie Miss, with Mrs. R. Morris, r 270 Main, E. M Fox Thomas, wks Macon Clay Wks


Office : Capital Bank, 456 Second St.

Insurance Agent.




Fraley George W., c, lab, r es Tracy's al Frank Rosa Mrs., grocer, 363 Forsyth Frank William, bkkpr R. F. Smith, bds 363 Forsyth Franklin Charles, c, drayman, r 109 Shamrock Franklin Green, c, lab, r 1021 3d
Franklin Hubbard M., with S. R. Jaques & Tinsley Co., bds Brown's Hotel
Franklin John, c, lab, r ws Wood's al, 2d n of Ash Franklin Joseph, c, lab Brewery, r rear 371 Monroe Franklin Maurice, mach, r 902 Oglethorpe Frankliu Samuel, c, stable hand M. C. & S. St. R. R Franklin William, c, lab, r 202 6th Franks W. W., suptSou Phosphate Wks, bds 718 Cherry Fraseur Rufus M., cond C. R. R., r 717 3d Frazer Augustus, c, switchman G. S. & F. R. R., r ss Elm, 2d e
of Hammond Frazer M. Emmie Miss, teacher Wesleyan Female College Frazier Annie, wks Bibb No. 1, bds 222 Clinton, E. M Frazier Berry, c, switchman C. R. R., r 161 Hazel Frazier ErastusB., wks Bibb No. 1, bds 220 Hidrola, E. M Frazier Jack, c, drayman, r rear 464 Pine Frazier Jas. M., wks Bibb No. 1, r ns Lee, 1st w of Church, E. M
Frazier Joseph, c, wks G. S. & F. R. R Frazier Justin, c, wks W. R. Ivey, r 1226 1st Frazier Lizzie Mrs., bds 204 Hidrola, E. M Frazier Mitchell, wks Bibb No. 1, bds 236 Hidrola, E. M Frazier Newton, wks Bibb No. 1, r 236 Hidrola, E. M Frazier Oliver G., wks Bibb No. 1, bds 222 Clinton, E. M Frazier Prophet, c, lab, r es C. R. R., 4th s of Ash Fred John D., agt Campbell Compress, bds Hotel Lauier Frederick Eugenia, wid T., bds 654 1st Frederick Henry, e, brakemau S. W. R. R., bds 210 Hazel Frederick Henry F., elk Macon Hardware Co., bds 723 Col
lege Free Samantha E., wid T., bds ws Milledgeville rd, 3d u of Hi
drola, E. M Freel John (Freel & McGlinchev), r Pine, ne cor 5th Freel & McGliuchey (J. Freel' and J. McGliuchey), saloon,
Pine, ne cor 5th





Freeman Alexander, e, driver F. W. Whippier, r rear 748 Col


Freeman Arthur W., carp, 406 1st, r ns Anderson, 2d w of 2d

Freeman Azel R. (Freeman & Jones), bds 772 Oak

Freeman Boise, c, servt A. K. Harmon, r 233 Jones

Freeman Clias. H., farmer, r es Davis, 1st s of Williams, S. M

Freeman Charles W., fireman S. W. R. R., r es Cedar, 5th s

of Stratton, S. M

Freeman Edgar S. (Oliver & Freeman), bds 125 Forsyth

Freeman Edward J., blksmith, r 121 Academy

Freeman E. Walker, stenographer Hill, Harris & Birch,

bds 772 Oak

Freeman Franc M., bds 418 Walnut

Freeman Frank O., bds 768 Oak

Freeman John, carp,r rearss Columbus rd, nr Mercer Univ

Freeman John R., carp, r ws 3d, 3d s of Windsor, S. M

Freeman Joseph A., carp, 1353 Boundary

Freeman Kitty Miss, bds 125 Forsyth

FREEMAN MATT R., lawyer and magistrate, Masonic bldg, 518 Mulberry, r 773 Oak

Freeman Pope, carp, r 435 Elbert

Freeman Samuel, c, brakeman S. W. R. R

Freeman Theo. M., elk A. A. Cullen, bds 768 Oak

Freeman Thomas H., paperhanger, bds 768 Oak

Freeman Thomas W., bkkpr, r 768 Oak

Freeman Webster, c, broommkr, r es Cole, 3d s of Hazel

Freeman William, c, wks Palmer Mnfg Co

Freeman William H., carp C. R. R., r es 3d, 1st s of Windsor

S. M


FREEMAN & JONES (A. R. Freeman and S. D. Jones), mdse brokers, 417 Cherry

Freeney Arthur, c, porter S. R. Jaques & Tinsley Co

Freeney Benjamin A., c, wks John Lyons & Co., r Vineville

Freeney Edward W., fireman C. R. R., bds 856 3d

Freeney Henry, c, lab, bds 1222 3d

Freeney John, c, porterS. R. Jaques & Tinsley Co., r 1222 3d Freeney J. Green, eng C. R. R., r 856 3d

Freeney Laura, wid W. J., bds ss Reed, 2d e of Old Houston rd, S. M

0. P.&B.E. WILLINGHAM & CO Manufacturers of Doors,
7tu <fc Cherry Streets. Office 362 3d. Sash, Blinds, Mantels, Etc.

BANANAS Telephone No. 307.

(See p. 8.)





Freeney William, wks C. R. R., bds 856 Arch Fretwell Minnie Miss, knitter Ga. Hosiery Co Fretwell W. C., driver M. C. & S. St. R. R., r \vs Street Car
al, 2d n of Boundary Fricke Harry, barkpr Benner Bros., bds 665 Elm Fricke Hermann, mach, r 665 Elm Friddell Willis M., policeman, bds 412 Hawthorne Fried Jacob R., dry goods com, 459 Cherry, r 752 Oak Fried Joseph, bkkpr, bds 763 Cherry Friend Joseph, painter, r 911 Walnut Friend M., merch tailor, 519 Mulberry Friendship Baptist Church, c, Rev. E. H. Hall, pastor; 1st,
cor Hazel Frink Jabe B., brickmnfr, bds 1302 4th Frink J. Sol, mail agt, r 565 Hawthorne Fritz H. Viola Miss, teacher Ballard School, r 806 Pine Fryer Isaac, c, brakeman S. W. R. R Fulghum Charles M., grocer, 1425 2d Fulghum James E., contractor, r 221 Bond Fulghum Lawrence, elk S. T. Coleman & Burden Co, bds 221
Bond Fulghum Stephen F., contractor, r es 2d, 3d, s of Boundary, S M Fullam James, umbrella mkr, r rear 253 Ocmulgee Fullan Lizzie A., wid J., r 411 Jackson Fullan Thomas, wks J. S. Schofield &Son, bds 411 Jackson Fuller Charles L. (J. W. Saunders & Co.), bds 630 Cotton av
Fuller C. G., brakeman C. R. R Fuller Daniel, c, wks Bibb No. 1, r 390 Clinton, E. M Fuller Grant, student, bds 630 Cotton av Fuller John R., wks Bibb No. 1, bds 407 Main, E. M
FULLER REUNETTE E. MRS., physician and propr Cen
tral City Health Home, 630 Cotton av Fuller Thomas F., carp, r 407 Main, E. M Fuller William, wks Bibb No. 1 Fullilove Camilla L., wid L., bds 656 Walnut Fulton Baptist church c, Rev. T. Turner, pastor; 3d, nw cor
Hawthorne Funderburk Thomas L., elk Sou. Hardware Co., bds ns Balk-
com av, 2d e of Milledgeville rd, E. M

[ H pSl mi. nftof AND PUREST_




Furcrom James M., c, grocer, 138 Green Furlong Mary A., wid R., r 110 New Fuss John A., foreman C. R. R. shops, bds 652 4th Fuss Lee, eng G. S. & F. R. R., r 1115 Ash
Gabriel louis, tailor, bds 36i 4th Gagliardi Charles, musician, r 355 4th Gaines Charles, c, lab, r 116 Ross Galloway Henry, c, waiter M. G. Putzel, r rear 715 Poplar Galloway J. W., eng W. R. Ivey Gamble Robert E, dep elk County Court, r 209 Magnolia Gamball William A., elk C. R. R., bds 209 Magnolia Gambol Charles J., claim elk C. R. R., r 620 2d Gambol Texas, grocer, 675 4th Ganaway Abram, c, lab, r 757 Walnut Ganey Richard, c, mattressmkr, r 323 Elbert Gaus Nathan A. (N. A. Gans & Co.), r 414 Pine Gans N. A. & Co. (N. A. Gans and P. Lipman), whol grocers
and cigars, 420 Poplar Gantt Charles, planter, bds Wilbourn House Gantt George W. (Chapman & Gantt), r es Ft. Hill, 5th n of
Willingham, E. M Gantt James T., propr Macon Variety Wks, r 416 Oglethorpe Gantt John R., supt stables Sou. Ex. Co., bds 812 Poplar Gantt Samuel M., c, barber Brown's Hotel, r 405 Madison Garady Mary Mrs., elk, r 267 Washington av Garden Charles T., furniture, 213 Cotton av, bds 718 Cherry Garden Harry, bkkpr C. T. Garden, bds 718 Cherry Gardner Arthur, c, lab, r rear 1132 4th Gardner Charles, c, carp, r rear 175 Magnolia Gardner Leonard H. (T. C. Carroll & Co.), r 1202 4th Gardner Thomas L., watchman C. R. R., bds 15 36 3d Gardner William, bds ws Uilman, s of Ray
Garfield Charles H., with S. R. Jaques & Tinsley Co., r 226 Ross
Garfield Henry S., policeman C. R. R., r 1053 Hazel Garfield Leonard H., carrier P. O., bds 1053 Hazel Garner Lee, c, brickmason, bds 437 Flanders, E. M Garner Sarah E., wid J., r Boundary, se cor 3d, S. M
Tilt POWERS CONTRACTING CO, F0R builders' and
157,159,161 Cotton Ave. (Seep. 8.) PAINTERS' SUPPLIES

I 408 & 410 Mulberry St. R. F. SMITH. HANDKERCHIEFS, COLLARS.




Garrett D., wks Bibb No. 1 Garrett M. E. Mrs., grocer, 1142 4th Garrett Sarah J., wid J., r 148 Hidrola, E. M Garrison James D., mason, r 768 Plum Garrison Marion, mason, bds 768 Plum Garrison Virgil A., saloon, 673 4th, r 415 Pine Garvy Harry V., contractor, bds Commercial Hotel Gary James, carp M. C. & S. St. R. R., r College, bet Elm and
Ash Gary Jane, c, laundress, r Fulton al Gary William, c, lab Powers Contg Co., r 324 2d, E. M Gasby John, c, carp, r 222 Madison Gaston Joseph, c, porter R. C. Keen, r 212 Monroe Gaston Joshua, c, porter G. R. Barker, r 212 Monroe Gaston Peter, c, lab, r ws Poe, 4th n of V. rd Gate F. A., blksmith M. C. &. S. St. R. R Gates John, c, wks Macon Clay Wks Gates Robert, c, bds 1023 4th Gates Thomas A., blksmith M. C. & S. St. R. R., r bey Crumps
Gates William, lab, bds 1023 4th Gaugiver Frank M., mach E. T,, V. & G. R. R., bds Wil-
bourn House Gaughan Mary, wid W., r 55 4th Gaultney Nancy, wid B., bds 863 Elm Gay William A. (Gay & Hamlin), bds ns New Houston rd,
2d e of 2d, S. M Gay & Hamlin (W. A. Gay and R. S. Hamlin), grocers,
Elm, se cor Hammond Gaylord Edward B., bkkpr N. Y. Life Ins Co., bds 358 Spring Geeslin Charles D.,clk G. R. Barker, bds 220 Adams Geeslin James N., ice, 402 1st,bds 220 Adams Geeslin W. Fleming, cond S. W. R. R., r 220 Adams Gelston Wibiam P., grocer, es 2d, 2d s of Windsor, S. M General Alfred, c, driver Powers Cont'g Co Genevieve Sister, superior Mt. DeSales Academy George Benjamin, c, lab, r Moore's row George Frank, bkkpr W. B. Carhart & Co., bds 155 Walnut George Henry, c, lab, r ss New Cherry, 6th w of Monroe


Children's Carriages, goat wagons
s. s. parmelee, 470 Second st. (Seep. 7.) Saddles, Harness, Etc.




George Jack, c, drayman, bds 415 Bay George Jane, laundress, r ns Cherry al, 3d w of New George Jerry, c, lab, r ns New Houston rd, 2d e of 2d, S. M Georgia Academy for the Blind, W. D. Williams, prin.; Orange,
head of High Georgia Agricultural Society, office Masonic bldg, 518 Mul
berry Georgia Commission Co., L. W. Hicks, mngr; grain and prov
broker, 418 4th
editor; J. W. Burke, genl mngr; 452 2d Georgia Fruit and Vegetable Exchange, T. O. Skellie, mngr;
foot Mulberry Georgia Hosiery Co., W. T. Lang, gen mngr; S. J. Baldwin,
supt; 823 Elm Georgia Land Agency, A. G. Butts, propr; 256 2d Georgia Mills and Elevator Co., J. L. Cook, mngr; ws C. R. R.
Kpf A oh n nrj I--1 Qlf* I
GEORGIA MUSIC HOUSE, E. D. Irvine, agt; 558 Mul
berry Georgia Quincy Granite Co., Rolf Sims, pres; T. E. Artope, sec
and genl mngr; 557 2d Georgia Seed Co., Wright & Malone, proprs; 502 2d
Turpin, pres; J. Lane, genl mngr; A. C. Kuapp, traffic mngr; office 304 Plum, depot Union depot Georgia Southern & Florida ticket office, Harry Burns, city tkt and pass agt; 516 Mulberry Germany David, c, wks W. R. Ivey, r ws Hammond, 1st s of Elm
Germany Hal, c, wks E. T., V. & G. R. R., r ws Hammond, 1st s of Elm
Gerald Leroy, e, porter So. Ex. Co., bds 366 4th Gerdine Joseph H. L. (Gerdine & Crump), r 404 College
GERDINE & CRUMP (J. H. L. Gerdine and S. A. Crump),
lawyers, 364 2d
Gevers William F., plugman Strnr No. 1., bds 552 1st
GEWINNER NAPOLEON G., physician, r 425 Arch
Giannone Joseph, barber, 521 4th, r 460 Pine

A First-class Business School
Rapid Business Penmanship.
Circulars Free, w. McKay, Pnn.

GIBSON ADOLPHUS W., mngr Macon Fouudry and Ma chine Wks, r 522 Oak
Gibson Annie, c, laundress, r 130Ross Gibson Aurelius W. (Royal & Gibson), bds 620 2d Gibson Edward, c, wks E. T., V. & G. R. R., r Unionville Gibson Harry A., elk C. R. R., bds 758 Cherry Gibson Henry E., eng C. R. R., bds 522 Oak Gibson Henry R., eng C. R. R., r ss Reed, 4th e of 4th, S. M Gibson Jefferson, c, r rear 321 Hammond
Gibson John C., mach C. R. R., r ws 3d, 3d s of Stratton, S. M Gibson Leonard W., carp, r ss Reed, 5th e of 4th, S. M Gibson Lewis, c, wks Pettit, DeHaven & Co., r rear 819 3d Gibson Louis L., supt Armour Packing Co., bds 766 Cherry Gibson Maria, c, cook, r rear 354 Spring Gibson Martha A., wid William, r 322 Oak Gibson Matt, c, wks Palmer Mnfg Co Gibson Reuben, c, shoemkr, Wall, e of 2d, r rear 920 Ocmul-
gee Gibson R. H., fireman C. R. R Gibson Simeon, c, porter S. Waxelbaum & Co., r ns Colum
bus rd Gibson Tamer, c, lab, r 104 Hazel Gibson Taylor, saloon, Johnson al Gibson Thomas, eng, bds Applewood, se cor Balkcom av, E. M Gibson Thomas F., carp Pettit, DeHaven & Go., bds ss Reed,
5th eof 4th, S. M Gibson Thomas F., fireman C. R. R., r 819 6th Gibson Truman, c, janitor Library, r ns Columbus rd


and has made MOST Rapid Progress of any Co.


T. S. LOWRY, Manager.

Gilbert Gilbert John H., yd master E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds 106 6th Gilbert Kate Miss, teacher, bds 134 Forsyth Gilbert Louis, c, lab J. J. Wilder, r Columbus rd Gilbert Missouri, c, cook, r ns Elm, 5th e of C. R. R Gilbert Raburn, c, shoemkr, 363 Hazel, r 428 Hammond Gilbert Virginia, c, seamstress, r 271 Washington av Gilbert Willis, c, lab, r rear 558 Mulberry Gilchrist George, c, lab, r rear 420 Hammond Giles A. S., lawyer, r4l3 Spring Giles Amanda Mrs., housekpr, 454 Plum Giles Andrew J., cond C. R. R., r ss Anderson, 1st w of 2d,
S. M
Giles Henry, c, lab C. R. R. shops Giles Henry, c, waiter, r 367 Monroe Giles John B., r ns Anderson, 1st w of 2d, S. M Giles Nathan, c, wks C. R. R., r 218 Jefferson Giles W. Charlton, elk Eads, Neel & Co., bds 413 Spring Gilhart Myrtle Mrs., elk A. Lesser, r E. M Gill Carter, c, wks L. Clay, r 58 Spring Gill John, wks Palmer Mnfg Co., r 13 Manchester Mills Gillespie Helena W., wid J., r 763 Cherry Gillespie Nathan J., elk H. J. Lamar & Sons, bds 763
Gillespie Rebecca Miss, elk, bds 763 Cherry Gillespie Robert, elk S. Blouenstein, bds 763 Cherry Gillon Daniel, c, lab, r 436 Hammond Gillon Elam H., wks G. S. & F. R. R., r 1525 2d Gillon Malinda, c, cook, r rear 262 4th


Headquarter. T. C. PARKER.



Golden Thomas M., carp R. C. Wilder's Sons, bds 965 Ogle thorpe
Goldman Louis, dry goods, etc., 363 Cotton av, r 365 Cotton av Goldman Mortimer, elk L. Goldman, bds 365 Cotton av Goldsboro M., r 555 Madison Goley Lizzie, c, seamstress, r rear 753 5th Golstein S., notions, 420 Mulberry Gonzalez Charles M., elk H. P. Loh, bds 233 Bond Gonzalez Richard G. music teacher, r 233 Bond Goodall John A., bkkpr Rogers & Adams, r 554 Orange Goodall Julia P., wid W. P., r 554 Orange Goodall William S., elk, bds 554 Orange Goode Carrie C., wid James, bds es 2d, 3d s of Boundary, S. M Goode Moses, c, wks W. F. Anderson Goode Oswald H. carp, r ss Pebble, 1st, w of Wilder, S. M Goodin Lee, painter, r 1010 Oglethorpe Goodin William C., wks C. R. R. r 1010 Oglethorpe Gooding Charles T., mngr E. T. V. & G. restaurant, r 5th,
cor Ocmulgee . Goodloe George, c, lab C. & M. R. R. Goodman D. E.j elk Chas Waehtel, bds 853 Cherry Goodman G. P., carp M. C. & S. St R. R Goodman Sarah, wid N., bds 853 Cherry Goodman Sumpter B., bkkpr Danneuberg & Doody, r 504
Walnut Goodrich William L., bkkpr W. B. & O. G. Sparks, bds 769
Poplar Goodroe Charles H., foreman Manchester Mnfg Co., r 2
Manchester row Goodroe Ella Miss, wks Macon Knit. Co., bds Telfair, sw cor
Boundary Goodroe Rebecca Miss, wks Bibb No. 2 Goodrum Alice Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co Goodrum George P. mach, r rear ws 3d, 6th s of Boundary,
S. M Goodrum Henry, c, lab, r ss New Cherry, 11th w of Middle
P. H Goodrum Monroe, c, drayman Macon Hardware Co., r ss New
Cherry, 11th w of Middle, P. H

mm beer EE! KTtfiS iSf




Goodrum Robert c, drayman Macon Hardware Co., r ss New Cherry, 11th w of Middle, P. H
Goodrum Seaborn, c lab, r 318 Hawthorne Goodrum Sims, c, drayman, r rear 222 Madison Goodrum William, lab, r 1025 3d Goodrum William W., bag master E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds
106 5th Goodson Mary C., wid W., r 1427 3d Goodson Noel D., eng C. R. R., r ns Reid, 2d e of Chapel S, M Goodson Thomas, fireman, bds 552 1st Goodwin Albert, c, cook, r ss Ray, 3d e of Peachtree, E. M Goodwin Charles, carp, r 250 Forsyth Goodwin David, c lab, bds 215 Jones Goodwin Filmore, wks C. R. R., bds 859 4th Goodwin George D., fireman C. R. R., bds 454 Oak Goodwin Glasgow, c, wks T. J. Bell & Son Goodwin John B., c, porter Altmayer & Flatau, r P. H Goodwin Samuel, c, servant, r 150 New Goodwin Thomas, c, porter Macon Hardware Co., r 117 For
syth Goodwin Wilson, c, porter W. C. Turpin & Co., r 49 Chestnut Goodwyn John W. (Goodwyn & Small), r 616 1st Goodwyn John W. Jr., elk Goodwyn & Small, bds 616 1st Goodwyn T. Gray, elk Goodwyn & Small, bds 374 Orange
GOODWYN & SMALL (J. W. Goodwyn and A. B. Small), drugs and medicines, Cherry, se cor Cotton av
Goodyear Benjamin S., mach C. R. R., r 1106 Hazel Goodyear George A., carp C. R. R., bds 712 2d Goodyear John H. (Burnett & Goodyear), r 232 Ross Goodyear William A., foreman C. R. R., r 221 Ross Goosby Albert, c, lab, r 129 Adams Gooze William, c, lab, r 109 Ocmulgee
Gordon Arthur A. c, (Gordon & Graybill), and shoemkr, Poplar, ne cor 4th, bds 656 New
Gordon Celia L. Miss, wks Winn, Johnson & Co., bds 501 Mulberry
Gordon Charles, c, carp, r 239 Calhoun Gordon Ephraim, c, lab, bds 320 Oak
Gordon Henry, c, drayman T. C. Burke, r 807 Pine


R. F- SMITH SIBBONS, LACES, 408 and 410 Mulberry Street. AMttonsaiids of Notions all descristions


' 177


Gordon John, c, lab, r 9 Fulton al Gordon Mat, c, lab, r wa Bookers al, 2d s of Bay Gordon William, c, driver T. C. Burke, r New Cherry, cor
Jones, P. H Gordon William A. c, shoemkr, r 656 New Gordon William M. (Smith & Gordou), r 355 Orange Gordon & Graybill, c, (A. A. Gordon and F. G. Graybill),
furniture, 407 Mulberry Gorman Andrew, grocer, ws 4th, 12th s of Boundary, S. M Gospeay Andrew, c, saloon, 653 4th, bds 658 4th Gossette M. A., train dispatcher C. R. R., bds Pierpont House Gould Albert, c, lab, r ss Boundary, nr Mercer Univ Gould Alexander, c, porter, r rear 420 Cherry Gould Harry, c, drayman, r Riverside, 4th w of Madison Gould Mary Miss, teacher Appleton Church Home Gould Tim, c, lab, r es W. Boundary, 2d s of V. rd Gould Valentine, c, lab, r rear 1st St. Church Gowdy Candy, c, lab, r rear 317 5th Grace Arthur P., elk Hill, Harris & Birch, bds 616 Walnut Grace Leroy W, policeman, r 359 Forsyth Grace Mary C., wid B., r 1442 2d Grace Matthew T. (J. P. Allen & Co.), r 147 High Grace Methodist Chapel, 357 Oak Grace Rachael E., wid T. B., r 616 Walnut Grace William G., farmer, r es 4th, 1st s of Pebble, S. M Grace William L., policeman, r 17 Clinton, E. M Grady J. Henry, stone cutter, bds 807 Oak Grady Morris, c, wks M. C. & S. St. R. R., r ws W. Boundary,
n of Chestnut Grady O. M./rpadmaster G. S. & F. R. R, r 826 Orange Graham Amos, c, tvks G. S. & F. R. R., r 327 Division Graham Annie P>., wid "W. J.,'bds 503/Hazel Graham Biddy Miss, elk P. McGrath, r es 4th, s of Ells, S. M Graham B. J. W., student, r 1317 Boundary Graham David, c, lab, bds 1010 Hazel Graham Edmund, c, porter E. S. McLean, r 721 Arch Graham James, saloon, 1217 4th Graham James A., yd cond C. R. R., r es 4th, 1st s of Ells, S. M
Graham Julia A., wid G. H., bds 1405 3d


Bl I r>r rv ! /-\ C* Carriages, J8"Immense Stock. Low Prices.
U gg1 e S 47(0seseT7d>st- , Wagons. S. S. PARMELEE,




Graham Lawrence, e, lab, r es W. Boundary, 4th n of Forsyth Graham London, c, wks G. S. & F. R. R., r 361 Hawthorne Graham Margaret, wid D., r es 4th, 2d s of Ells, S. M Graham Mattie Mrs., wks Macon Knitting Co., bds 1309 2d
Graham Michael, fireman S. W. R. R., bds 1310 4th Graham William, c, baker Winn, Johnson & Co., r rear 852
New Granbery James E., carp, r ws Willingham, 5th n of Bernard,
E. M Granger York, c, lab, r es Woods al, n of Hazel Grannison John, c, drayman, r Murray's al Grauniss Huldah E., wid E. C., r 620 Oak Grant Chavey, c, laundress, r 226 Calhoun Grant Elijah L., wks C. R. R., bds 560 Elm Grant George, c, porter, r ns Forsyth, 4th w of W. Boundary
Grant Isaac, c, porter L. McManus & Co Grant John, c, lab C. R. R. shops Grant Lewis, c, driver C. C. Ice Wks, bds 226 Calhoun Grant Lewis, c, lab, r 15 Wolf Row Grant Lewis, c, wks Hotel Lanier, r 320 1st Grant Miles, c, drayman, r Holt, ne cor Middle, P. H Grant Minnie Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co Grant Moses, c, lab C. R. R., r 905 5th Grant Nathaniel, carp, r 560 Elm Grant Robert A., eng Macon Knitting Co., r 702 Elm Grant Thomas, wks Macon Knitting Co Grant W. H., c, brickmason, bds Thompson House Graves Abraham, c wks Palmer Mnfg Co., r Godfrey dist Graves Hal, elk R. E. Park, bds 760 Oak Graves Iverson L., asst cashier C. R. R., bds 760 Oak Graves John W. stenographer R. E. Park, bds 760 Oak Graves Louis S., physician, r 760 Oak Graves Mary, wid H., r 160 5th Graves Randall, c porter, r Godfrey dist Graves Wesley, c, wks Water Wks, r 58 New Gray Alice Miss, dressmkr, r 363 Oak
Gray Andrew M., wks Hays & Mansfield, bds 423 Ross Gray Bridget, wid T. A., r 1520 3d Gray Carter, c, lab, r 130 Green

MACON COMMERCIAL COLLEGE! A First Class Business School

w. j Circulars free.

McKay, Principal, Rapid Business Penmanship

BUILDERS' mill Of Every Description.


(See p. 7.)

6th St., Cor. Cherry




Gray Doney, wid J., bds 416 Hazel Gray Edward, blksmith E. T. V. & G. R. R., r 416 Hazel Gray Edward, elk, r rear Mercer Univ Gray Elias, c, wks C. R. R., r rear 458 Ocmulgee Gray Ella Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 65 Hazel, Factory row Gray Ella L. Mrs., tel opr E. T. V. & G. R. R., bds 855 Wal
nut Gray Esther J., wid, bds 106 2d Gray Hampton, c, porter S. R. Jaques & Tinsley Co., r 608
Flanders, E. M Gray James, wks Bibb No. 2, r 63 Hazel, Factory row
Gray Mary J., wid J. M., r 423 Ross Gray Samuel S., feeder News, bds 106 2d
Gray Sandy, c, lab C. R. R Gray Shepherd G., wks Bibb No. 2, r 65 Hazel, Factory row Gray Walter, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 63 Hazel, Factory row
Gray Willard, mach, bds 765 4th Gray William, c, carp, r ns Holt, 2d w of Monroe Gray William, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 63 Hazel, Factory row
Gray William W., printer, r 106 2d Graybill Charles L., c, peddler, r rear 653 2d Graybill Floyd G., c, (Gordon & Graybill), r ns Holt, 9th e of
Clark av, P. H Grays Henry, lab, r es Middle, 8th n of New Cherry, P. H
Grays Lorenzo, c, drayman, r Godfrey dist Grays Randall, c, porter A. Gibian & Co., r P.H Green Benjamin R., carp, r ws Church, 1st n of Random, E. M
Green Berry, bds 7 Clinton, E. M Green Carrie Miss, bds Woolfolk, ne cor Center, E. M
Green Charles, fireman C. R. R., bds 452 Elm Green Charles, c, lab, r Fulton al Green Charles, c, porter, r 153 Boundary Green C. A., carp C. R. R. shops Green Emanuel, lab, r rear 553 2d Green Eugene, fireman C. R. R., bds (18 Pine Green Eustace E., c, physician, r 405 Madison
Green Frank, c, elk, 203 5th Green Frank M., fireman C. R. R., bds 330 Clinton, E. M
Green George, c, lab C. R. R., r 159 Maple

UNION CENTB1LIssues ENDOWMENT Insurance at LIFE Rates. Policies Incontestible and Non-Forfeitable, (See p. 6.) T. *3. I^OWRY, Mnr4

Green George W., fireman 0. R. R., r 368 Ash Green Henry, c, wks G. S. & F. R. R., r 264 Washington av Green Jack, r carp C. R. R., bds 1335 7th Green James, c, painter, r rear 561 Madison Green James, c, porter J. P. Allen & Co., r ns New Cherry
8th w of Middle, P. H Green James W., fireman C. R. R., bds ws 4th, 2d s of Boun
dary, S. M Green Jefferson Rev., c, r nr Old Hospital, V Green Jessup, c, lab C. R. R Green John, c, wks M. C. & S. St. R. R Green John C., elk W. T. Womack, bds Woolfolk, necor Cen
ter, E. M Green John C., trimmer Macon G. S. & W. Co., r 1023 2d Green John T., elk J. G. Jackson, bds 362 Clinton, E. M Green J. Alexander, salesman, r 820 Walnut Green J. Susan, wid Jesse, r 108 Mulberry Green La Fayette, plumber, bds 514 New Green Martha, c, nurse, r 139 Rose Park Green Mary, wid W., bds 1431 3d Green Moses, c, saloon,203 5th, r Jefferson, nw cor Crafts al, P.H Green Nero, c, fruit stand, r 967 Ocmulgee Green O. L. billing elk C. R. R., bds 454 Oak Green Rebecca A., wid W., r 514 New Green Robert, c, lab, r rear 301 Hazel Green Robert L., carp, r ws 4th, 2d s of Boundary, S. M Green Robert L., plumber J. N. Daly, bds 514 New Green St. School, c, H. J. T. Hudson, prin; ns Green, 1st w
of Madison Green Theodosia, wid H. J., r Forsyth, nw cor Poe, V Green Thomas, c, wks Moxley & Co Green Warren, c, (W. Green & Co,), r rear 452 Cotton av Green Warren & Co. c,(W. Green and W. B. Jordan),butchers,
452 Cotton av Green William, c, collector Va. Furniture Co., r ss C. R. R.,
w of Ullman Green William, c, porter A. V. Toole, r 653 Poplar Green William J., bds Forsyth, nw cor Poe, V
How to Save "TM i.greenberg Green Willis, c, lab, bds rear 202 Hammond
2 Have your Clotting made liy1 THE TAILOR.

IfYnn Want fire5life^ccident5 surety or bond policy
|I | UU || UUI Call on GEO. B. JEWETT, Office, Capital Bank, 456 2d.




Green William J., elk W. T. Womack, bds Woolfolk, ne cor Center, E. M
GREENBERG MORRIS, merchant tailor, 312 2d, r 557
1st. (See bottom lines.) Greene Ellen, wid T. M., r 716 Cotton av Greene Ellen F. Mrs., r ss Boundary, 12th w of Telfair, S. M Greene F. E. Mrs, matron Ballard School, r 806 Pine Greene George W. (Geo. W. Greene Co.), bds 716 Cotton av
GREENE GEO. W. CO. (J. H. Timberlake, H. N. Wright,
D. Coffey, G. W. Greene and G. W. Coates), dry goods and notions. 355 2d and 154 Cotton av. (See front paster.) Greene James, collector Telegraph, r 15 Progress Greene M. J. Miss, milliner, 316 2d, bds 716 Cotton va Greene Sarah V., wid M., r 817 Poplar Greenwood Adolph, clothing, etc, 557 4th, r 712 Plum Greenwood Julius (J. Greenwood & Son), r 120 4th Greenwood J. & Son (Julius and Leopold), whol liquor and
cigars, 512 4th Greenwood Leopold (J. Greenwood & Son), bds 120 4th Greenwood Moses, wks J. Greenwood & Son, bds 1204th
Gregg Henry, c, carp, r 215 Elbert Gregory Addie M. Miss, propr Flint House, 552 1st Gregory Ella, c, laundress, r 115 New Gregory Ella V. Miss, bds 552 1st Gregory Laura A., wid W. J., r rear Columbus rd, nr Mercer
University Gregory Oscar L., trav agt, r 425 College Gregory W. E., eng G. S. & F. R. R., bds 454 Oak Gresham High School, Cotton av, sw cor Spring Gresham John J., office 323 3d, r 409 College Gresham J. Lon, saddler A. Bernd & Co., r ws Church, 4th n
of Random, E. M Grey Charles, r 454 Oak Grey Hester A. Mrs., boarding, 454 Oak Grey William P., wks C. R. R., bds 454 Oak Grice Andrew, c, wks Dixie Works Grier Alexander, c, driver R. E. Park, r 1064 Hazel Grier Henry, c, wks M. C. & S. St. R. R., r rear 355 Forsyth
Grier John, c, butler, r rear 152 Madison

II. C. WILDEI'S SINS SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, Dressed and Rough Lumber 614 to 622 Xbird St., Macon, Oa.





Grier J. E., fireman C. R. R Grier Peter, c, lab, r 322 Hawthorne Grier Robert R., collector, r 465 Elm Grier Sandy, c, Jab, r 354 Hawthorne Grier Thomas, elk Sou. Ex. Co., bds 320 1st Grier Thomas, fireman S. W. R. R., r 1335 4th Grier William, c, butcher W. R. Rogers, r 7 Baer's row Grier's Almanac, J. W. Burke & Co., pubrs; 452 2d Grierson Eliza H., wid W. A., r 765 New Griffin Amanda M., wid J. R., bds 753 Pine Griffin Charles A., special agt Union Central Life, bds 504
Walnut Griffin Frank, mach, r 1541 2d Griffin Henrietta, c, seamstress, r 255 Cherry Griffin Henry, c, lab G. S. & F. R. R., r 852 Foster's al Griffin Irvin H., wks Bibb No. 1, r ns Elm, 4th e of Main,
E. M Griffin James E., elk, bds ss Stratton, 1st e of Chapel, S. M Griffin Jennie, wks Bibb No. 1 Griffin John T., carp Macon Brewing Co., r nr Columbus rd Griffin John F., wks Macon Brewing Co., r nr Columbus rd Griffin Leonard, wks Brewery, bds nr Columbus rd Griffin Louis, wks Bibb No. 1
Griffin Lucy R. Miss, bds ss Stratton, lste of Chapel, S. M Griffin Martin, brickmason, bds ns Reed, 1st e of 4th, S. M Griffin Mary E., wid J., r 45 Vineville
Griffin Sarah, wid H., r ns Elm, 4th e of Main, E. M Griffin Scilla, c, laundress, r rear 354 Cherry
Griffin Sidney W., lab, r ss Stratton, 1st e of Chapel, S. M Griffin William, c, lab, r rear ss Boundary, 1st w of 4th, S. M
Griffin William F., fireman, rss Stratton, 5th e of Chapel, S. M Griffith John W., wks C. R. R., r 421 Oak Griffith Oscar, cond C. R. R., bds 518 Pine
Griffus James H., carp, r es 2d, 4th s of Stratton, S. M Griggs Celeste M., wid B. F., r New Houston rd, ne cor Ells,
S. M
Griggs Harry M. (Griggs & Foley), r 458 Plum Griggs Henry, c, lab, r rear 820 Ocmulgee
Griggs Henry, c, painter, r Peachtree, 4th n of 2d av, E. M




mDA r\

rD \



l% O

Eold Storage Rooms Telephone No. 307. (See p. 8.)




Griggs Joseph, c, porter W. G. Johnson Griggs Lewis, c, carp, r es Middle, 1st n of Vineville Griggs Mills, c, porter Goodwyn & Small, r W. Boundary, 5th
s of V. rd Griggs Morris E., c, porter A. Gibian & Co., r 420 Bay Griggs & Foley (H. M. Griggs and D. J. Foley), proprs Brown
House bar, 4th, nw cor Plum Grimes Mary A., wid G. W., r 578 Monroe Grimes John M., elk R. Reynolds, r 578 Monroe Grimes Nancy J. Mrs., r 578 Monroe Grimes William, bkkpr A. Bernd, bds 320 1st Grimm London, c, trainhand G. S. & F. R. R Grimsley Polly, wid W., bds 204 Hidrola, E. M Griswold Annie G., wid C. T., r 758 Cherry Griswold D. Pratt, with Mallary Bros. & Co., r 1114 Walnut Griswold Joseph F., c, porter C. E. Newton Griswold Kate, c, laundress, r rear 553 2d Griswold Peter, c, wks M. C. & S. St. R. R., r rear Roff
Home, V Griswold Peyton H., elk S. M. Subers & Son, r 758 Cherry Griswold Samuel H., cotton gin agt, r 251 Bond Griswold William, c, fireman Hotel Lanier, r 341 Cole Gross Edward, c, driver W. R. Winchester Gross Laura, wid A. L., r 1009 4th Gross William, c, porter C. R. R., r rear City Hall Gross W. E. Mrs., bds 1153 Hazel Grove Thomas C., opr W. U. Tel. Co., bds 769 Poplar Grubbs Andrew D., fireman C. R. R., bds 1322 4th
GUARANTEE CO. of Ga., R. F. Lawton, pres; Howard M.
Smith, sec; 364 2d Guerarddie Julia A., wid Paul, r 2d, ue cor Windsor, S. M .
Guernsey Charles T., bds Park Hotel Guernsey Thomas, propr Park Hotel, 417 1st Guerry DuPont (Gustin, Guerry & Hall), r 815 Orangey: Gaerry James W., carp M. C. & S. St. R. R., r 1027 College Guerry Lawrence Rev., c, r 118 Collins, E. M Gufford J. G., sec Central Ga. Alliance Warehouse, r country Gugel Charles H., bkkpr W. R. Ivey, r 667 2d Gugel Daniel M., r 667 2d

, ^
^ 1

Two Necessities of Life* Pure
MACON BREWING CO. (Seep. 5.) Both Supplied by




Gugel Virginia, wid W., r 523 Pine Gugel William C., mess C. R. R., r 523 Pine Guin Abram L., wks Parker's News Co., bds 1153 Hazel Gullens George W., c, blksmith, rear 355 5th, r es Middle, 5th
s of New Cherry Gullius Lawson, c, porter T. C. Burke, bds 222 Jefferson Gullins SDlomon, c, glazier T. C. Burke, r 222 Jefferson Gullins William Rev., c, preacher, r 224 Jefferson Gunn George W., student, bds 742 College Gunn John W., cattleman, r es 4th, 3d s of Stratton, S. M Gunn Madison, c, wks Macon Agrl Wks Gunn Robert, c, lab E. T., V. & G. R. R., r 615 Monroe Gunn Ulysses M., planter, r ss Vineville rd, 6th w of W.
Boundary Gurney ---tel opr C. R. R., bds 112 4th Gurr Munroe, fireman C. R. R., bds 1322 7th Gustin George W. (Gustin, Guerry & Hall),pres M. & A. R. R.
Co., r ss Forsyth, V
GUSTIN, GUERRY & HALL (G. W. Gustin, DuPont
Guerry and J. H. Hall), lawyers, 105 Cotton av Gustin Sophie E. Mrs., teacher, r ss Forsyth, V Gustin W. F. cond S. W. R. R Guthman Samuel, propr Troy Laundry; bds 717 Cherry Guthrie Edgar, printer Telegraph, r 616 2d Guthrie Edgar D., elk F. R. Pomeroy, bds 616 2d Guttenberger Emily, wid P., r ns Forsyth, V Guttenberger Fanny Mrs., music teacher, r ns Forsyth, V Guttenberger Fred A., elk J. W. Burke & Co., r ns Forsyth, V Guttenberger Lena Miss, music teacher, r ns Forsyth, V Guyer Robert E., elk H. Schmidt, bds 461 Cotton av
HAAS ELIZABETH F., wid J., r ns Vineville rd, 4th e of Middle
Hackner Robert J., wks Hays & Mansfield, r 455 Arch Hadley Anderson, c, lab, r ss Chestnut, 4th w of W. Boundary Hadley Jesse D., fisherman, r 22 Phoenix, E. M Hagerty John, asst supt Macon G. L. & W. Co., r 803
Walnut Haggerty A. F., with Parkers News Co.

Tile POWERS CONTRACTING C0.. Builders' and Painters' Supplies and Genera! Contractors.

R. F, SMITH } Spnnna,Tinwaie CnllBisj, I B Villi I li J 408 and 410 MULBERRY STREET.




Haines Jesse, c, wks E. T., Y. & G. R. R., r 113 Hazel Haines Nanny E. Mrs., grocer, 109 Franklin Haines Obadiah, c, lab, r 265 Chestnut HAINES, see also HAYNES and HINES Hait A. R.,eng C. R. R., r 512 Clinton, E. M Hale Belle Miss, wks H. J. Lamar & Sons, r ns Woolfolk, 2d
e of Ft Hill, E. M Hale George, drayman A. M. Sewell Hale James C., eng, r ns Woolfolk, 2d e of Ft Hill, E. M Hale Sarah, wid T., bds ns Woolfolk, 2de of Ft Hill, E. M Halfield Green H., elk, r ns Reid, 3d e of Chapel, E. M Halfield Tobe, elk, r ns Reid, 2d e of Chapel, S. M Hall Alex H. Rev., c, pastor Friendship Bap Ch, r 760 Ash Hall Alice Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co., bds 920 Elm Hall Allen, c, lab, r 160 Ash Hall Asa, c, blksmith M. C. & S. St. R. R., rS. M Hall Augustus, c, lab, r Gunn's Hill, S. M Hall Benjamin, c, lab, r rear 1031 3d Hall Charles A., r 504 Walnut
HALL CHARLES H., physician, 461 2d, r 507 College
Hall Charles H. Jr. (Smith & Hall), bds 507 College Hall Celia, c, restaurant, 328 Main, E. M Hall Daniel, c, wks W. F. Holt, r Tindallville, S. M Hall Edith, c, r hd of Crafts al, P. H Hall Edward, c, wks Eureka Co., r 706 Hawthorne Hall Emma, c, laundress, r 656J Hazel Hall George H., c, brickmkr, r 760 Hazel Hall Harrison, c, porter S. Waxelbaum &Son, r 59 New Hall Harry Rev., c, pastor Mt. Moriah Bap. Ch Hall Henry, c, lab, r 315 Division Hall Henry, c, painter, r head of Crafts al, P. H Hall Jacob, c, plasterer, r rear 559 Madison Hall James, c, drayman, bds 760 Ash Hall James B. (Geo. P. Burdick & Co.), and sec Macon G. L.
& W. Co., bds 355 New Hall James T., wks Bibb No. 2, r 920 Elm Hall Jesse H., cond C. R. R., bds 862 3d Hall John, c, lab, r es C. R. R., 2d s of A

552 & 554 CHERRY STREET.

Carriages Phaetons> Buggies, Road Carts, Etc.
tireat Variety. (See p. 7.) S. S. PARMELEE, 470 SCCOnd St.




Hall John H., c, barber J. H. McCauts, r New Cherry, nw cor
Middle, P. H Hall John H., c, butler V. Powers, r ns Holt, 3d e ot Middle,
P. H Hall Joseph H. (Gustin, Guerry & Hall), r 13 Vineville rd Hall J. W. baggagemstr S. W. R. R Hall Kenan (Taylor Bros. & Hall) bds 507 College Hall Lee, c, wks Palmer Mufg Co Hall Lewis, c, lab, r rear 221 New Hall Lewis, c, wks G. S. & F. R. R., r 853 Boundary Hall London, c, wks G. S. & F. R. R., r es Jones, 2d s of New
Cherry, P. H Hall Matthew, c, (Thomas & Hall), r 367 Madison Hall Moses, c, wks J. G. Ruan Hall M. E. Miss, bds Pierpont House Hall Nancy A., wid B., r 920 Elm Hall Richard, c, lab, r ns Holt, 3d e of Middle Hall Robert, c, lab, r hd of Crafts al, P. H Hall Roland B., special agt Northwestern Mut Life Ins Co., r
108 Magnolia Hall Sallie H. Miss, teacher, bds 1024 2d Hall Simeon G., postal elk, bds 607 Plum Hall Sophia B., wid J. A., r 355 New Hall Thomas A., cond S. W. R. R., bds 13 Vineville rd Hall William, c, lab C. R. R. shops Hall William, c, wks Hays & Mansfield Hall W. Turner, c, barkpr V. A. Garrison, r New Cherry, sw
cor Middle, P. H Hall Z. B., mach, bds 454 Plum
Halliburton Robert C., elk E. T., V. & G. R. R., r ws 3d, s of Woolfolk, E. M
Holliday William P., student, bds 141 Park pi Halsey David P., grocer, West End Ham, Adams & Co. (J. K. P. Ham, B. T. Adams and J. D.
Stetson), whol grocers, 453 and 455 3d Ham James K. P. (Ham, Adams & Co.), bds 356 New Ham Joseph, cond E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds Hotel Lanier Hambrick Lydia, wid W., bds es Center, 2d n of Clinton,

Estimates Furnished foi; B_ui,djn9 3ndal1 klnd8
Telephone No. 126. (Seep. 7.) OT BlllldCrS JVIatCfial.




Hambrick Sallie Mrs., r ns Elm, 5th e of Main, E. M Hamer William, ins agt, bds 106 5th Hamilton George, tailor, bds 304 4th Hamilton Henry, c, carp, r rear 815 2d Hamilton James, c, lab, bds 865 2d Hamilton John, c, barkpr P. Heidingsfelder Hamilton John, c, lab C. R. R Hamilton Joseph, c, fireman E. J. Willingham & Bro., r 865 2d Hamilton Peter, c, lab C. R. R Hamilton Solomon, c, porter S. Baer Hamilton William, c, hackman, r 756 Ash Hamilton William C., cond C. R. R., bds 862 3d Hamlin Addison, c, plumber, r 124 Ross Hamlin James T., trimmer Macon G. L. & W. Co., r 320 Ross Hamlin Lewis E., car insp E. T., V. &G., R. R.,r 103 Ross Hamlin Richard H., carp E. T., V. & G., R. R., bds 103 Ross Hamlin Robert L. (Gav & Hamlin), bds New Houston, se cor
2d Hamm George R., mach E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds Wilbourn
House Hammack Benjamin, elk H. V. Balkcom, bds 902 Oglethorpe Hammet A. C., supt's elk S. B. T. & T. Co., r 244 Washing
ton av Hammett Lewis, wks Bibb No. 2 Hammock David, c, wks S. W. R. R., bds 923 5th Hammock George, c, wks C. R. R., bds 923 5th Hammock Jack, c, wks Bibb No. 1, r ft of Lee, E. M Hammock John, c, wks C. R. R., r rear 714 2d Hammock Robert, c, wks C. R. R., r 923 5th Hammond Buck, c, wks Macon S. D. & L. Co., r rear 1122 4th Hammond Bud, c, lab, r rear 237 College Hammond Dudley W., elk John Ellis & Co., bds 1017 Walnut Hammond Henry, c, saloon, 621 4th, r 122 Hill Hammond Ida Miss, knitter Ga. Hosiery Co Hammond Melvina, wid F., r 1631 3d Hammond Nellie Miss, r 519 3d Hammond Paul, c, carp, r rear 371 Monroe Hammond Peter, c, wks C. R. R., r es Booker's al, 5th s of Bay Hammond Edward, c, wks G. Bernd & Co., r rear 820 Oak
lllllOH CUMLIFE does not own a Dollar in FLUCTUATING STOCKS or BONDS. PAYS LOSSES PROMPTLY. (Seep. 6.) T. 8. LOWRV, Mngr.


--<*- G-O TO -0--


Hammond Samuel, c, porter Massenberg & Son, r ss Holmes,

4th w of Middle, P. H

Hampton Henry, c, porter A Bernd, r ws Ullman, s of Roy

Hampton John, c, wks P. Heidingsfelder, r rear 115 Walnut

Hampton Wade, fireman C. R. R., r 760 3d

Hampton Wade, c, carp, r ns Orchard av, 3d w of Hudson

Hampton Wade, c, wks C. R. R., r ws Wood's al

Hancock George H., bds 1153 Hazel

Hancock James W., painter, r es Church, 1.0th n of Garden, E. M

Hancock Joseph, c, gardener, r rear 726 College

Hancock Sallie Mrs., wks Bibb No. 2, r 239 Jackson

Hancock Spencer, c, barber, M. Hill, r Forsyth

Handley Ella Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds es Telfair, 4th s

of Gordon, S. M

Handley Ida A. Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds es Telfair, 4th

s of Gordon, S. M

Handley James H., fireman C. R. R., r es Cedar, 3d s of Strat

ton, S. M

Handley Louisa M., wid J. A.., r es Telfair, 4th s of Gordon, S. M

Handley Nancy Miss, r rear ws Ells, 2d n of New Houston, S. M

Handley William H., carp, r ns Pebble, 4th w of Wilder, S. M

Hanks Jesse, c, wks J. G. Ruan

Hanks William H., wks Ga. R. II., r 466 Bay

Hannahan Henry N., stenographer G. S. & F. R. R., bds 718


Hannahan William, painter G. S. &F. R. R., r 1520 3d

Hannon Henry, c, wks G. S. & F. R. R., bds 362 Hazel

Hanse Edward C., mach G. S. &. F. R. R., bds 504 Oak

Hanse George A., frt elk C. R. R., bds 504 Oak

Hanse Henry H., wks C. R. R., bds 504 Oak

Hanse Jerome, elk, bds 504 Oak

Hanse Lewis A., drayline, r 504 Oak

Hanse Louisa, wid H. D., bds 504

Hanson Colie G., wks Bibb"No. 1, r 232 Clinton, E._.

Hanson Daniel T. wks Bibb No. 1, r 232 Clinton, E. M

Hanson James, boilermkr, bds 704 3d

HANSON Knitting

JOHN F., agt Bibb Co., r 218 Georgia av



and pres


Hanson J. W., fireman C. & M. R.R., r

FOREIGN WOOLENS 'ngreat variety
3ia second street, it GREENBERG, The Tailor's.

GEO. B. JEWETT, Agent. Office, Capital Ml 456 21.


189 .


Hanson Robert E., mach Bibb No. 1, bds Wilbourn House Hanson Walter T., with Bibb Mnfg Co., bds 218 Georgia av Happ Jacob, elk Wolff & Happ, bds 717 Plum Happ Morris (Wolff & Happ), r 421 New Happoldt Adelaide, wid C. H., bds ns Williams, 2d w of 2d,
S. M Happoldt E., wks Bibb No. 1 Harbaum William T., r 560 3d Hardaway W. W., bkkpr J. W. Burke & Co., r 541 Ga. av Hardee Mattie Miss, bds ns Reed, 1st e of 4th, S. M Hardeman Dallas, c, porter H. D. Adams & Co., r rear 720

Hardeman Edward, c, blacksmith, r 326 Hidrola, E. M Hardeman Frank S., elk Coleman, Ray & Co., bds 659 1st Hardeman Giles G., elk Suwanee River C. & V. Co., r 39 V Hardeman Isaac (Hardeman & Davis), r 39 Viueville Hardeman James, c, r 702 Hazel Hardeman John L. (Hardeman & Nottingham), r ns V. rd Hardeman Monroe, c, wks C. R. R., r 319 Jackson Hardeman Robert N., student, bds 204 Forsyth Hardeman Thomas, r 45 Vineville Hardeman William G., student, bds 204 Forsyth Hardeman & Davis (I. Hardeman and B. M. Davis), lawyers,
105 Cotton av HARDEMAN & NOTTINGHAM (J. L. Hardeman and
W. D. Nottingham), lawyers, 306 2d Hardesty James W., foreman Palmer Mnfg Co., r ns Vineville
rd, 4th e of Middle Hardin Caesar, c, brakeman C. R. R Hardin Doc, c, lab J. H. Roush & Sons Hardin Frank, elk T. C. Burke Hardin John S., elk W. H. Jones & Son, r es Milledgeville rd,
9th n of Hidrola, E. M Hards Robert, c, lab, r rear 321 Hammond Hardwick Anderson, c, driver U. S. mail, r rear 512 Dak Hardy George W., wks C. R. R., r 760 3d Hardy Henry, c, lab, bds 392 Clinton, E. M Hardy James T., elk Balkcom, Ray & Dinkier Hardy John J., elk, bds 718 Cherry
614 to 622 1'hlrd Street, MACOJf, A.

V U nL^ 0emuIgee Street




Hardy Joseph H., student, bds 1157 Hazel Hardy King, brakeman S. W. R. R Hargrove Mary F., wid James, r ns Forsyth, V Hargrove Prentiss, c, lab, r rear 852 Plum Hargrove William, Jr., painter C. R. R., bds 1318 4th Harley Joseph J., elk Hotel Lanier Harlow Myrtle M. Miss, teacher Ballard School, r 806 Pine Harmon Appleton C., elk, bds ss Columbus rd
Harmon Archie K., cond C. R. R., bds 517 Calhoun Harmon Carrie A., wid H. A., r 177 Madison Harmon Frances J., wid A. K., r 517 Calhoun
Harmon James, c, wks A. B. Small, r ns Orchard av, 7th w of Hudson
Harmon John B., mpss Sou. Ex. Co., bds 517 Calhoun Harmon Joseph, c, lab, r ws Cole, 2d s of Hazel
Harmon Peter S., c, (Harmou & Cooper), r 411 Middle, E. M Harmon Robert L., flagman G. S. & F. R. R., bds 517 Calhoun Harmon Samuel S., grocer, ss C. R. R., bey limits, r ss Colum
bus rd Harmon William G., elk T. C. Parker, bds 669 1st Harmon & Cooper, c (P. S. Harmon and H. Cooper), saloon,
615 4th
Harmonia Baptist Church, c, ss New Cherry, 4th e of Jones, P. H Harned S. B., cashier S. R. Jaques & Tinsley Co., bds Hotel
Lanier Harnesberger G. C., fireman C. R. R Harp Ann Miss, bds ss Forsyth, V
Harp William A., printer G. F. Wing & Co., bds Mulberry Harper Elijah D., fireman C. & M. R. R., r 140 Hidrola, E. M Harper Elijah J., watchman C. R. R., r rear ws Cedar, 4th s of
Windsor, S. M Harper Henry, c, lab, r rear ns Forsyth, V Harper Jesse, carp, bds 324 Water, E. M
Harper John, wks Bibb No. 1, bds 140 Hidrola, E. M Harper Joseph A., elk Dannenberg & Doody, bds 619 1st
Harper Joseph S., driver Stmr No. 4, r 1531 1st Harper Josephine C., wid J. B., bds 552 1st
Harper Margaret Miss, wks Bibb No. 1, bds 140 Hidrola, E. M

0. P. & B. E. WILLINGHAM & CO Will move about May 1st, 1891, to their new building i 510 Cherry Street.

For anythinglnFr^sProducc,Fish,Oysters or Icc

) Sand to Headquarters, (page 8.



Harper Maria A., wid S. H., bds es Chapel, 1st s of Stratton. S.M
Harper Mary E. Mrs., dressmkr, r 354 Oak Harper Preston B., mach C. D. Findlay, bds 205 Elbert Harper Sarah, wid Elijah, bds 235 Jackson Harper Sarah J. Miss, wks Bibb No. l,bds 140 Hidrola, E. M Harper Vick Miss, dressmkr, bds 354 Oak Harper William, wks Bibb No. 1 Harper William H., fruit stand, 704 Hawthorne Harper Willie Miss, bookagt, r 522 Oak Harrell Benjamin F., wks Macon S. D. & L. Co., bds ws Plants
al, 2d n of Boundary Harrell Caroline Miss, wks Ga. Hesiery Co., bds ns Plants' al,
2d n of Boundary Harrell Della Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co Harrell Eastman H., wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds 863 Elm Harrell James E., yd master Ga. Hosiery Co.,r 863 Elm Harrell John B., wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds 863 Elm Harrell June, c, lab, r 342 Gilmer Harrell William H., carp, r ws Plant's al, 2d n of Boundary Harrell William H., Jr., eng C. R. R., bds 1507 3d Harrington Amand H., priuter J. W. Burke & Co., bds 114
Magnolia Harrington Butler, c, carp, bds 809 Boundary Harrington Carrie, wid W., r 114 Magnolia Harrington Edmund, c, lab, r rear 521 Gilmer Harrington George E., bag master, r 420 Oak Harrington John,c, carp, r 809 Boundary Harrington John P., eng C. R. R., r es Cedar, 2d s of Windsor,
S.M Harrington Lucretia P., wid G. E., bds 420 Oak Harrington William W., haruessmkr S. S. Parmelee, bds 114
Magnolia Harris Abner, c, wks C. R. R., r rear 418 4th Harris Alice Miss, opr S. B. T. & T. Co., r 430 Washing
ton av Harris Benjamin F., mach C. D. Findlay, bds Telfair, sw cor
Boundary Harris B. Miss, bds 430 Washington av
W. W. & R. S. COLLINS n"Ts
eu 458 THIRD STREET, al and M. *fc A. B ds.


Harris Bethel, elk R. F. Smith, bds es Milledgeville rd, 11th n

of Hidrola, E. M

Harris Charles, c, lab E. T., V. & G. R. R., r 710 Ash

Harris Charles E., with L. McManus & Co., r 466 Cotton av

Harris Charles J., judge City Court, r ss Columbus rd

Harris Collins, c, lab, r rear 361 Madison

Harris D. Clinton (D. C. Harris & Co.), r 240 Chestnut

HARRIS D. C. & CO. (D. C. Harris) agts Domestic S. M.

Co., 613 Cherry

Harris D. H., c, janitor, r 515 Cotton av

Harris D. S. Rev., c, bds Thompson House

Harris Edith, c, r 525 Flanders, E. M

Harris Edward G., pres Bibb Land-Lumber Co., r ss Forsyth, V

Harris Eliza, wid B., bds Telfair, sw cor Boundary

Harris Eliza, c, laundress, r rear ss Jefferson, 10th w of Middle,

P. H

Harris Eugene B., sec and treas S. T. Coleman & Burden Co.,

r 110 3d

Harris Fannie L., wid G., r ss Boundary, 5th w of Telfair, S.M

Harris George, c, porter W. H. Jones & Son, bds 120 Collins,

E. M

Harris George H., c, shoemkr, 422 Main, E. M

Harris George T. (Johnson & Harris), r College, nw cor Jef


Harris Green, c, waiter Hotel Lanier., r ns Chestnut, 9th w of W.


Harris Hampton, c, candy mkr Rogers & Adams, r rear 154


Harris Henry, c, lab, r ss Woodruff, 5th w of Monroe

Harris Henry Z., yd master C. R. R., bds Brown's Hotel

I ; |:

Harris Hop, c, waiter, bds rear 227 5th

Harris Howard, brickmason G. S. & F. R. R., bds 518 Pine


Harris Howell C., mdse broker, 411 Cherry, bds ss Columbus rd

HARRIS ISAAC, c, (Harris & Son), and stove repairer, 525

Flanders, E. M., r 537 Flanders, E. M

Harris Isaac, c, servt H. Taylor, r rear 133 Forsyth

Harris Isaac, c, wks E. J. Willingham & Bro., r Wall, nr 4th

Harris Jack, c, lab Riverside Cemetery, r 106 Madison

Save Monev by havin9 yur Painting done by
157, 1- 59, 161 Cottou JAv(eSneuepe,. s.) THE P0WERS CONTRACTING CO.

THE FAIR I Wed China, Mery and Glass. 3 B & I rfk III l 408 & 410 Mulberry St. K. F. SMITH, Proin-
HARRIS IVERSON L., real estate and stocks and bonds, 414 Cherry, r 678 College
Harris Jackson, c, porter S. R. Jaques & Tinsley Co., r rear 815 Ocmulgee
Harris Jacob, bds 810 Cherry Harris Jacob, trav agt, r 720 2d Harris James, c, porter Macon China Store, r E. M Harris Jefferson, wid J., r ws 4th, 2d s of Windsor, S. M Harris John E., director Sou. Hardware Co., r Cochran Harris Laura T., wid J., bds 812 Poplar Harris Louis J., ticket agt C. R. R., bds Brown's Hotel Harris Lucian J., cond C. R. R Harris Love, c, porter, r rear 151 Cole Harris Lula Mrs., spinner Manchester Mufg Co Harris Maggie B., wid J. M., r 430 Washington av Harris Mariou W., lawyer, 105 Cotton av., r ss Columbus rd Harris Morris, elk, r 714 Cherry HARRIS NATHANIEL E. (Hill, Harris & Birch), r 507
Georgia av Harris Nathaniel W., c, wks R. L. Jackson Harris Oliver, c, drayman Cox B Corbin, r Wilder's al Harris Peter, brick mnfr, r552 Oglethorpe Harris Robert, c, wks Palmer Mnfg Co Harris Robert L., elk J. W. Burke &Co., r 130 Magnolia Harris Roily, c, r ss New Cherry, 4th w of Monroe Harris Rosinella, c, cook, r rear 151 Cole Harris Samuel J., cond G. S. & F. R. R., r ss Pebble, 1st w
of 2d, S. M Harris Sanford, c, lab C. R. R., bds ns Elm, 3d w of Telfair Harris Scott, c, welldigger, r ss New Cherry, 7th w of Monroe Harris Shepherd, c, carp, bds 234 Jones Harris Silas, c, wks C. R. R., r 408 Ash Harris S. Elliott, with S. R. Jaques & Tinsley Co., r es Car
ling av, H. H Harris Thomas, c, carp, r ns Holmes, P. H Harris Thomas, c, lab, r es Virgin's la, 3d s of Forsyth Harris Ulysses, c, (Harris & Son), bds 537 Flanders, E. M Harris William, carder Manchester Mnfg Co Harris William, c, porter, bds Thompson House
LA3SL*uNDERWEI1R and hosiery

Harris William, c ,wks Palmer Mnfg. Co Harris William F., c, porter S. S. Parmelee, r 156 College Harris William H., elk J. H. Hertz, bds 659 1st Harris William H., molder Macon Foundry, r es 3d, 2d s of
Boundary, S. M Harris William L. flagman G. S. & F. R. R., bds 1520 3d Harris W. C., ass't supt RoffHome Harris Zack, c, wks Palmer Mnfg Co Harris & Son, c, (Isaac and Ulysses), grocers, 525 Flanders, E.
M Harrison F., c, fireman E. T., V. & G Harrison Frank, wks Bibb No. 2, r al bet 2d and 3d, nr Hazel Harrison George, carp, r al bet 2d and 3d, nr Hazel Harrison George, Jr., printer J. W. Burke & Co., bds al bet 2d
and 3d, nr Hazel Harrison George J., c, shoemkr, r ws 2d, 8th s of Williams, S. M Harrison Irvin, c, lab, r ns Bay, 1st e of Harris Harrison Lewis, c, wks C. D. Findlay, r ws Cole, s of Ogle
thorpe Harrison Sallie C., wid J. J.,r ns-Pebble, 4th w of Wilder, S. M Harrison William, c, wks W. F. Anderson Hart Agnew R., eng C. R. R., bds 412 Clinton, E. M HART AMT, c, boarding, 402J Mulberry Hart Archie, c, waiter, r Baer's row Hart Augustus, c, harnessmkr G. Berud & Co., r Swamp rd, nr
limits Hart Henry, c, carp, r rear 303 Walnut
Hart Henry H., brakeman E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds 1321 Boundary
Hart John W., farmer, r 1321 Boundary Hart Richard, c, carp, r 332 Monroe Hart Robert H., c, barber, 309 4th, r 402J Mulberry Hart Smith W., reel driver Stmr No. 2, bds 552 1st Hart Zaehariah, c, barber, bds 402| Mulberry Hartigan Bessie Miss, milliner Miss M. J. Greene, r 821 New Hartley Ella Miss, wks Bibb No. 1, r 154 Hidrola, E. M Hartley Martha Mrs., bds 154 Hidrola, E. M Hartley Richard, elk C. Davis Hartness John C., carp, r 1070 Hazel


A First Class Business SCHOOL.
W. McKAY, Principal. ) Rapid Business PenmansMp-

PtJTII, DeIIYEN S CO.[Oinnis III BUILDERS 6th St., Cor. Cherry. (See p. 7.)




Hartness William W., wks J. Binswanger, bds 1070 Hazel Hartworth George, c, carp, r es Dairy la, 1st u of Green Hartz John, grocer, 704 Cotton av, r 605 Orange Harvard David, with G. W. Case, bds Wilbourn House Harvard Guy F., with Smith & Gordon, bds 1126 Walnut Harvard John, elk C. & M. R. R., bds 1126 Walnut Harvard William C., with Ham, Adams & Co., r 1126 Walnut Harvey Charles W., c, r 753 5th Harvey Felix, c, lab, r es Middle, 3d n of New Cherry, P. H Harvey Henry J., supt I. B. English & Co., r 440 Calhoun Harvey Jack, c, lab, r es al, 2d s of Ash, bet 2d and 3d Harvey James, grocer, 652 4th Harvey John, c, wks Brewery, r rear 568 Walnut Harvey John B., elk John Ellis & Co., bds 440 Calhoun Harvey J. Edward, raacli E. T., V. & G. R. R., r 652 4th Harvey Wiley, c, porter H. J. Lamar & Sons, r 325 Madison Harwell Sallie, c, seamstress, r 217 Chestnut Haskins Anna J., wid T. A., r ws 4th, 5th s of Pebble, S. M Haslett George L., fireman C. R. R Hatch Henry S., with A. Gibian & Co., r Tennille Hatcher Albert S., elk S. S. Parmelee, bds 565 Madison Hatcher Marshall J., mnfr, r 314 Georgia av Hatcher Wesley, c, fireman G. S. & F. R. R., r 759 5th Hatfield G. H., elk J. S. Vincent, r suburbs Hatfield Tobias, cabinet mkr Payne & Willingham, r Windsor
Hill Hathaway Annie, r 652 5th
Hathaway Thomas K., hostler E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds Pine
Hathorn J., wks Bibb No. 1 Hatton William C., mach T. J. Bell & Son, r ws 3d, 2d s
of Stratton, S. M Haug George, with S. T. Coleman Burden Co., bds Hotel
Lanier Hauhorster William, cabinet mkr M. Furniture Co Havens Leoutine, wid W. F., r 355 4th Hawes Hampton B., c, grocer, 410 Clinton, E. M Hawes Peter, c, wks G. S. & F. R. R Hawkins Augustus, c, plasterer, r ns Chestnut, 9th w of W.

UNION CENTRAL LIFE IlV@URA.lVOE CO. Lowest Death Kate. Highest Interest Rate. (See p. 6.) T. S. LOWRY, Manager.

r,; \ (

Hawkins Eli, c, grocer, es Ullman Hawkins Fannie, wid J., r 214 Main, E. M Hawkins George, c, porter L. Goldman, r Vineville Hawkins John W., flagman C. R. R., bds 346 Hidrola, E. M Hawkins J. C., fireman C. R. R Hawkins J. William, carp C. R. R., bds 232 Clinton, E. M Hawkins Lizzie Miss, wks Bibb No. 1, bds 232 Clinton, E. M Hawkins Mattie Miss, wks Bibb No. 1, bds 232 Clinton, E. M Hawkins Miles, c, carp, r es Perry, 6th, n of Ft Hill, E. M Hawkins Millie, c, seamstress, r 310 Oglethorpe Hawkins Plummer, c, carp, r ws Plant's al, 1st s of Elm Hawkins Sarah, wid J., r 232 Clinton, E. M Hawkins William, c, brickmason, r ns Chestnut, 9th w of W.
Boundary Hawkins William, c, wksZ. B. Wheeler, r 220 Walnut Hawkins William T., bkkpr Armour Packing Co., bds 766
Cherry Hawthorne David, c, lab, bds es Virgin la, 2d s of Forsyth Hawthorne Julia Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds 769 Ash Hawthorne Marcus, c, lab, r es Virgins la, 2d s of Forsyth Hawthorne Narcissus, wid D., r 148 Hidrola, E. M Hayes James, painter C. R. R., r Hawthorne Hayes John, c, barber W. Napier, r country Hayes Joseph T., watchman, r ws Ft. Hill, 3d n of St. Johns,
E.M Hayes Lizzie Miss, bds 702 Mulberry Hayes Samuel A., tinner G. S. & F. R. R Hayes William H., copper smith, bds Boundary, sw cor 3d,
S. M HAYES, see also HAYS Haygood William, c, whitewasher, r 471 Hazel Haygood William E., elk R. M. S., bds 715 Poplar Haynes Alex, c, porter J. Hirsch, r 162 Madison Haynes George W., grocer, r ws 2d, 1st s of Williams, S. M * Haynes Jennie E. Mrs., elk W. J. Juhan, bds es Milledgeville,
6th n of Hidrola, E. M HAYNES, see also HAINES and HINES Haynie Charles, machine agt, bds ws 2d, 2d s of Anderson,
S. M


Office : Capital Bank, 456 Second St.

Xns\iX'n,uco Ascnt.




Hays Calvin C. (Hays & Mansfield), r Houston rd Hays Charles, c, wks M. C. & S. St. R. R Hays Emanuel, c, drayman, r ns Jefferson, 10th wof Midddle,
P. H Hays George F., blksmith E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds 555
Oglethorpe Hays Stonewall J., engE. T., V. & G. R. R., r 1331 4th Hays William, corn! E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds Hotel Lanier HAYS & MANSFIELD (C. C. Hays and W. H. Mansfield),
planing mill and lumber yd, foot Poplar Hayward Friday, c, lab, r rear 125 College Hayward Isaac, c, carp, r ss Green, 16th w of Madison Hayward Lawrence, c, lab, r ss C. R. R., bey limits Haywood A., c, cook Hotel Lanier Haywood William, c, hackman, bds 159 Bay Hazel St. School, c, T. Persley, prin ; Hazel, cor 1st Hazlehurst Frank W. (John Farrar & Co.), bds 405 Adams Hazlehurst Robert C., elk W. H. Snowden, bds 405 Adams Hazehurst William, special agt N. Y. Life Ins Co., r 405
Adams Head Emma, wid Thomas, r 769 Ash Head James D., elk Mrs. A. H. Johnson, bds 1336 4th
Head Nellie Miss, bds 313 Orange Head Sonny, c, wks C. R. R.* r 2 Holt, P. H Healy Thomas E., eng E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds Wilbourn
House Heard Edward, c, soldier, r 663 Spring Heard Eula L. Miss, teacher, bds 616 Walnut Heard Jake F., scalesman W. F. Price, r suburbs Heard James M., c, brickmason, r 350 Hawthorue Hearing James S., eng C. R. R., r es 2d, 5th s of Pebble, S. M Heath Augustus S., eng Macon Brewing Co., bds ws 4th, 2d s
of Pebble, S. M Heath Henry, wks C. R. R., bds 453 Plum Heath Henry T., flagman G. S. & F. R. R., bds 511 Pine
Heath Johnson, c, carp, r ws Cole, 3d s of Hazel Heath Julia H., wid R. W-, r es 2d, 3d s of Windsor, S. M
Heath Mary, wid John, bds 511 Pine Heath Mathew, c, lab, r 120 Bay






Heath Orsamos P., monuments, iron railings, etc., 558 Mul berry, r 621 Pine
Heath W. W., barkpr Brilliant Saloon, r 367 3d Heathing Charles, c, lab, r 226 Gilmer Heaton Edward M., tel opr C. R. R., bds 915 Walnut Hecht Adolph, bkkpr L. Cohen & Co., bds 657 Pine Hecht Julius, elk, bds 657 Pine Hecht Louis (Siesel & Hecht), r 657 Pine Hecht Philip H., r 657 Pine Hecht Robert, trav agt, bds 657 Pine Hecht Samuel, elk D. J. Baer, r 556 2d Hecht Sigfried, witli Siesel & Hecht, bds 657 Pine Hecht Solly P., elk John Ellis & Co., bds 657 Pine Heckle Aucilius M., collector J. G. McGolrick & Co., r 706 4th Heckle Oscar S., supt pump system C. R. R., r 706 4th Hector Henry, c, barkpr, r 253 5th HEFLIN WILLIAM T., auditor G. S. & F. R. R. aud M.
& B. R. R., bds 103 Academy HEIDINGSFELDER PHIL, saloon and restaurant, 456-
458 1st, r 363 Walnut. (See page 10.) Heimer Max, mer, r 515 2d Helfrich Charles J., elk Wiun, Johnson & Co., bds 710 3d Helfrich Frank, elk Chappell & Park, bds 710 3d Helfrich George H., trav agt, bds 710 3d Helfrich John, foreman Chappell & Park, bds 710 3d Helfrich Sebastian, tailor, 415 3d, r 710 3d Helvin Ida Miss, servant J. D. Scott, r rear 853 Cherry Hembrie Harvey D. R., carp"C. R. R.,. r 414 Pine Hempton P. B. (A. S. Thomas &Co.), r 1141 4th Hemsley Daniel, c, lab, r Moore's row Hemsley William, c, lab, r Moore's row Henderson Albert, c, wks C. R. R., r al bet 6th and 7th, nr
Henderson Arthur, c, barber 321 4th, r ns Green, 3d w of Mad ison
Henderson Edward, c, wks J. P. Allen, bds 657 Hazel Henderson Edward R., elk, G. S. & F. R. R.? bds 763 Poplar Henderson Elijah, c, driver W. G. Solomon, r rear 732 Cot
ton av
0. P.&B.E. WILLINGHAM & GO Manufacturers of Doors,
7tu * cuerry .streets, oflice 362 3<i. Sash, Blinds, Mantels, Etc.

BANANAS ALL THE YEAR TelephoneNo. 307. rj^ ^ pARKERf




Henderson Elijah, c, lab, r Wing's Hill, S. M Henderson Emma, c, seamstress, r rear 805 Orange Henderson Frank, c butler M. J. Hill, r rear 515 College Henderson Frank, e, wks Hotel Lanier, bds 657 Hazel Henderson George, c, drayman L. McManus & Co., r rear
213 2d Henderson George, c, driver E. H. Stuart, rrear 805 Orange Henderson Georgia, wid J., bds 220 Hidrola, E. M Henderson Green B., carp, r Applewood, 2d s of 2d av, E. M Henderson Hardeman, c, wks G. Bell, r rear 355 Walnut Henderson Henderson, carder Manchester Mnfg Co., r 5 Man
chester row Henderson James, c, driver R. H. Plant, r 421 Cotton av Henderson John, c, lab, r al bet 6th ana 7th, nr Mulberry Henderson John, c, shoemkr, r rear 355 Walnut Henderson J., wks Bibb No. 1 Henderson Nancy, c, fruit stand, 3d ,cor Poplar, r 710 Hazel Henderson Nathan, c, lab, r al bet Mulberry and Cherry, nr 4th Henderson Squire, c, cook Harrison & Cooper Henderson Stewart, c, shoemkr, 406 1st, r rear 817 Poplar Henderson Thomas, c, lab, r es Virgin's la, 3d s of Forsyth Henderson Thomas H., warehouse mngr S. R. Jaques &
Tinsley Co., r 124 2d Henderson Wiley, c, wks E. T., V. & G. R. R., r rear 605 4th Henderson William, c, plasterer, r ss C. R. R., bey limits Henderson William W., coroner Bibb Co, office Court House, r
1036 College
HENDRICK CALVIN W., city engineer, office City Hall,
bds 330 Washington av Hendrick E. C., wid C. S., bds 330 Washington av Hendricks George W., painter, r rear ws Cedar, 4th s of Wind
sor, S. M. Hendricks Mary, wid W. M., r ss Boundry, 2d w of 3d, S. M
Hendrix Jane Miss (Rees & Hendrix), bds 553 2d Hendrix Mary Miss, r866 Elm
HENDRIX ^THOMAS C., genl agt Macon Sash, Door and
Lumber Co., r 23y College Henley Thomas, vice-presSou. Phosphate Wks, bds 855 Walnut Henry Alex, c, drayman, r rear 653 2d
II. Vli Vj( til U> uULLIllU 4SQ Tb.ird. Street.

m I I[0B









Henry B. Frank, tailor M. Greenberg, r 320 4th Henry Charles A., c, wks Hays & Mansfield Henry Francis L., contractor, r757 Pine Henry George, c, drayman, r 312 Oglethorpe Henry George, c, porter, r 371 Madison Henry George L., sergt police, r 416 Ross Henry Huffman, c, wks G. S. & F. R. R Henry James L., trav agt, r 137 Cole Henry John B,, bkkpr E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds 1427 2d Henry Marcus L., butcher R. L. Henry, r 568 1st Henry Robert L., butcher 507 4th, r 568 1st Henry Samuel, blksmith J. E. Lowery, r 1315 1st Henry Samuel, c, driver P. W. Jones, r Unionville Henry William, c, wks Bibb No. 2, r rear 820 Oak Henry William E., grocer, 322 Main, E. M Henry Willaim T., bkkpr S. T. Coleman & Burden Co., bds
757 Pine Henry Wilson, c, driver N. R. Winship, r Unionville Henry W. Lawrence, pres Macon Paint Wks, and butcher, 214
Cotton av and 404 Mulberry, r 168 Spring Hentz Mary Mrs., housekeeper, 1528 3d Herbert Sebron, c, whitewashes r 1029 4th
HERBST CHARLES, librarian Macon Pub. Library, bds
Hotel Lanier Heriot J. S., collector Burden, Smith & Ellis, bds 644 Cotton av Heriot Theo S., car elk C. R. R., r 644 Cotton av Herman Isaac, merchant, r 712 Cherry Herman Sam, tailor J. L. Shea, bds 319 Walnut Hernandez Lee, elk A. Lesser, bds 619 1st Herndon Charles, lab, bds 411 Calhoun Herndon Ferney R., carp C. R. R., r 411 Calhoun Herndon GeorgeR. (Herndon & Parr), r 404 Walnut Herndon Henry F., wks Bibb No. 2, bds 85 Oglethorpe, Fac
tory row Herndon Jesse, painter, bds 411 Calhoun Herndon John B., carp Macon S., D. & L. Co., r 672 Elm Herndon Lawson, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 85 Oglethorpe, Factory
row Herndon Mary Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co., bds 411 Calhoun
Fl) fn THE POWERS CONTRACTING CO, F0R builders' and *** 157,159, 161 Cotton Ave. (Seep. 8.) PAINTERS' SUPPLIES

408.& 410 Mulberry St. R. F. SMITH. 1 HANDKERCHIEFS, COLLARS.




Herndon Mollie, wid J., r 85 Oglethorpe, Factory row Herndon Sallie M., wid W., r 404 Walnut Herndon & Parr (G. R. Herndon and N. I. Parr), confectionery
and fruit, 267 Ocmulgee
Herring Chouie C., wks Bibb No. 2, bds 68 Hawthorne, Factory row
Herring Crowell N., painter C. & M. R. R., r Waterville, S. M Herring Fletcher, wks Bibb No. 2 Herring James, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 68 Hawthorne, Factory row Herring Mahala J. Mrs., wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds 863 Elm Herring Martha C., wid J., r 68 Hawthorne, Factory row Herring William, wks Dixie Wks, bds 107 Chestnut Herring William, wks Macon Clay Wks Herring W. C., painter Powers Contg Co Herrington Francis J., fireman C. R. R., bds 412 Calhoun Herrington Hiram H., mach, 250 2d, r 520 Calhoun Herrington Horace, wks Macon S., D. & L. Co Herrington John, wks Bibb No. 1, r 328 Water, E. M Herrington John C., wks Payne & Willingham, r 4th, ne cor
Windsor, S. M Herrington J. William, elk, Parker's News Co., bds 4th, ne cor
Windsor, S. M Herrington Leo B., dep sheriff" City Court, bds 420 Calhoun Herrington Mary, wid H., r 412 Calhoun Herrington William, e, lab, bds 809 Boundary Herritage William M., fireman C. R. R., r ns Williams, 2d w of
2d, S. M Herron John T., wks Macon Knitting Co., bds 702 Elm Herron Lizzie Miss, knitter Macon Knitting Co Herron Mary Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co., bds 702 Elm Herron Minnie Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co., bds 702 Elm Herron Patrick, wks Bibb No. 2, bds ws 4th, 2d s of Stratton,
S. M Hertel Julia Mrs., notions, 505 Cotton av,r 504 New Hertwig Herman, elk C. R. R., r 547 Georgia av Hertwig Louis, elk J. P. Holmes, r 1020 Elm HERTZ JACOB H. (T. J. Carling & Co.), and clothing, hats
and furnishing goods, 474 Cherry, r 767 Cherry

hats, underwear-cue price

Children's Carriages, goat wagons
s. s. pabmelge, 470 Second st. (Seep. 7.) Saddles, Harness, Etc.




Herzog Caroline L., wid P. F., r ss Anderson, 2d w of 2d,
S. M Herzog Matilda I. Miss, opr S. B. T. & T. Co., bds ss Ander
son, 2d w of 2d, S. M Herzog Sophia A. Miss, opr S. B. T. & T. Co., bds ss Ander
son, 2d w of 2d, S. M Hester George, c, carp Powers Contg Co., bds 226 Madison Hester Joseph, wks Bibb No. 1, bds 154 Hidrola, E. M Hester Louise, wid J., r 154 Hidrola, E. M Hester Lucias T., cond C. R. R., r ss Boundary, 7 th w of Tel
fair, S. M Hester Luther, c, barber, r rear 453 Plum Hester Mary J. Miss, wks Bibb, No. 1, bds 154 Hidrola, E. M Hester Matilda, c, r rear 317 5th Hester Oscar, c, barber, 665 4th, r rear 453 Plum Hibner Harry F., broker, r 125 Academy Hickey Timothy C,, mach C. R. R., r 765 4th Hickland Governor W.,"eng Gas Wks, r 124 Magnolia Hickman Sidney J,, eng Winn, Johnson & Co., r ss Boundary,
1st e of Elbert, S. M Hickman Walter, wks Winn, Johnson & Co., bds 768 Plum Hicks Adam, c, lab, r ns Pebble, 3d w of Wilder, S. M Hicks Alfred, c, lineman Fire Dept, bds 711 4th Hicks Charles W., mach G. S. & F. R. R., r es 2d, 4th
s of Stratton, S. M Hicks Daniel, c, drayman, r ns Pebble, 2d w of Wilder, S. M Hicks Enrod, c, lab, r ws W. Boundary, 2d n of Chestnut Hicks Frank, c, porter Ham, Adams & Co., r ns New Houston
rd, 3d w of 2d, S. M Hicks Henry, c, driver Carstarphen & Tillman, r ns Pebble,
2d w of Wilder, S. M Hicks James B., student, bds 742 College Hicks James R., horsrdlr, r ns Columbus rd Hicks James R. Jr., bkkpr W. M. Stevens, bds ns Columbus
rd Hicks Lee W., mgr Ga. Com. Co., r Columbus rd Hicks Leroy C. (Hicks & Parker), r 608 4th Hicks Moses, c, driver J. E. Willet Hicks Philip, c, chf cook Commercial Hotel

A First-class Business School Rapid Business Penmanship.
Circulars Free. w. Mckay, Prm

Sash, Door and Blind MANUFACTURERS




Hicks Thomas, c, servt J. B. H. Wilder, r Wing's Bottom, S. M Hicks Virgil, c, brakeman G. S. & F. R. R., r 138 Ross Hicks Warren, c, lab, r rear jail Hicks William, c, helper Winn, Johnson & Co Hicks & Parker (L. C. Hicks and W. J. Parker), saloon,
608 4th Higgins C. B., electrician M. C. & S. St. R. R., bds 552 1st Higginson Thomas, boilermkr J. S. Schofield & Son Higgison Joseph J., carrier P. O., r ws Cedar, 7th s of Strat
ton, S. M Higgison Theodore W., lab, bds ws Cedar, 7th s of Stratton,
S. M Higgison Violet, wid W., r ws Cedar, 7th s of Stratton, S. M Higgison William R., carp, bds ws Cedar, 7th s of Stratton Hightower Augustus, c, wks N. M. Block, r 1220 4th Hightower A. H., cond C. R. R Hightower Frances, wid J. H., r ns Turpin, 4th e of Division Hightower George W., carp, bds ns New Houston rd, 4th e of
Ells, S. M Hightower Henry, carp, r ns Woolfolk, 5th w of Ft. Hill, E. M Hightowes Henry, c, lab, r ws Pierce av, 3d n of Forsyth Hightower Isaac, carp, r ns New Houston rd, 4th e of Ells,
S.M Hightower James, fisherman, r ws Ells, 3d n of New Houston,
S. M Hightower John, c, porter A. L. Butts, bds 759 5th Hightower Louis, c, fireman Manchester Mnfg Co., r rear 313
Main, E. M Hightower Richard, c, mason, r rear 515 2d Hightower Solomon D., lab, bds ns New Houston rd, 4th e of
Ells Hill Albert, c, butler, r 475 Spring Hill Allen, c, lab, r 609 Hazel Hill Angeline Mrs., r ws 2d, 2d s of Pebble, S. M Hill Anderson, c, lab Bibb Land-Lumber Co., r 151 Spring
Hill Annie T., wid Frank, bds 143 Cole Hill Benjamin, c, lab, r ss Lawton av, w of Duncan, H. H Hill Christopher, c, painter, r 34 Forsyth Hill David, c, porter, 523 Georgia av


and has made MOST Rapid Progress of any Co.


T. S. LOWRY, Manager.

tlian anybody can do. I




Hill Davis, wid W., bds 1316 4th Hill David W. (Kershaw & Hill), r 359 New Hill Earl, elk Macon Hardware Co., bds 515 College Hill Essie Miss, seamstress, r 220 Cotton av Hill Fannie Mad., r 353 Cherry Hill French, c, porter, bds 609 Hazel Hill General, c, carp, r 716 Hawthorne Hill George, c, lab, r 160 Ash
HILL, HARRIS & BIRCH (W. B. Hill, N. E. Harris and W. B. Birch), lawyers, rooms 1, 2 and 3 Masonic Bldg, 518 Mulberry
Hill Henry, c, (Hill & Son), r bey limits, E. M Hill Henry, c, wks G. S. & F. R. R., bds 362 Hazel Hill Hugh, c, wks J. G. Ruan Hill James B., dray line, bds 517 Adams Hill James C., c, bds 515 College Hill James H., c, wks Hill & Son, bds bey limits, E. M Hill James O., bds ws Milledgeville rd, 4th n of Ft. Hill,E. M Hill John, c, bellboy Hotel Lanier Hill Josiah, c, lab, r Baer's row Hill Judson S., bkkpr W. W. & R. S. Collins, r Ash, ne cor
W. Boundary Hill Leonard S. (L. S. Leonard & Co.), r ws Milledgeville rd, H4th n of Ft. Hill, E. M Hill Levi, c, wks Palmer Mnfg Co., bds ws Ullmau, s of Ray Hill Liberty, c, lab, r al, bet 4th and Elbert, nr Bay Hill L. S. & Co. (L. S. Hill and L. R. Longhurst), photo
graphers, 207 Cotton av Hill Matilda, c, grocer, ss Holmes, 10th w of Middle, P. H Hill Matilda, c, nurse, r rear 153 Walnut Hill Mary J., wid J. A., r 140 Magnolia Hill Meade, c, barber, 456 Cotton av Hill Moody, lab, r 133 Adams Hill Morris, c, (Hill & Son), r bey limits, S. M Hill Paul T. (Brown, Hill & Co.), bds Cherry, cor New Hill Peter, c, driver Sou, Ex. Co., r Johnston's al Hill Thomas, c, sampler C. B. Willingham, r ss Holmes, 10th
w of Middle, P. H HILL WALTER B. (Hill, Harris & Birch), r 825 Orange

!GREENBERGto Goods m3 a ta Fit

HFO R IFWFTT general insurance agent
'JI-V/i L)* JL. TT 1--1 I | Office: Capital Bank, 456 Second. NONE BET STRONG AND PROMPT COMPANIES REPRESENTED.
Hill William, c, cookT. W. Bond, r 151 Spring Hill William, c, wks D. B. Woodruff, r ss Holmes, 9th w of
Middle, P. H Hill William E., grocer, 474 2d, r country Hill & Son, c (Henry and Morris), blksmiths, 418 Main, E. M Hillard Hector, c, r rear 139 Rose Park Hilliard Smith M., dray line, r 818 2d Hilliard William C., mach C. R. R., r 763 3d Hilley Robert S., fruit stand, Cherry, se cor 6th Hills F. A., electrician, bds Hotel Lanier Hillsman Albert S., with H. D. Adams & Co., bds ss Vine-
ville rd, 8th w of W. Boundary Hillsman Guy, bkkpr H. D. Adams & Co., r ss Vineville rd,
8th w of W. Boundary Hillsman Stokes, elk H. D. Adams & Co., bds ss Vineville rd,
8thwofW. Boundary Hillsman Thomas J., bkkpr H. D. Adams & Co., r ss Vineville
rd, 8th w of W. Boundary HILLYER LLEWELLYN P., cashier Merchant's Nat.
Bank, r 139 Jefferson Hilton Charles, wks Ga. Hosiery Co Hilton Lawrence, c, carp, r Tindallville, S. M Hilton Lizzie Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co Hilton Sarah, wid L. J., r ss Boundary, 8th w of Telfair, S. M Hilton Seborn, wks Bibb No. 1, rss Boundary, 8th w of Telfair,
S. M Hines Allen, c, lab C. & M. R. R Hines Ellen, c, wksC. R. R., r 120 Walnut Hines James W., contractor, r 855 Walnut Hines Richard K., lawyer, 463 2d, r 247 High Hines Richard K., Jr., elk R. K. Hines, r 247 High Hines Samuel, c, wks Bibb No. 1 Hines T. W., fireman C. R. R HINES, see also HAINES and HAYNES Hinesly William, c, lab C. R. R. shops Hinson Anna Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds 431 Jackson Henson Carrie Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds 431 Jackson Hinson James, boilermkr, bds 704 3d Hinson Joseph, painter, r ns Ells, 2d w of 4th, S. M
614 to 633 Third Street, MACON, GA. KA1N I O, UILd HWU LtHU-




Hinson Mamie Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds 431 Jackson
Hinson Mary R., wid T., r 431 Jackson Hinson Sallie Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds 431 Jackson Hinson William, cripple, r 1055 Elm Hinton Emmet, c, driver, r rear 554 Orange Hinton James, c, lab, r 232 Telfair Hinton James W. Rev., bds 147 High Hinton Manson, c, porter W. L. Henry, r Cross Keys Hinton Thomas, c, butcher W. L. Henry Hirsch Jacob, paper, junk, etc., 552 3d, bds 605 Georgia av Hirsch Leopold, elk J. Hirsch, bds 753 Plum Hirschburg John M., photographer, 117 Cotton av Hirschburg Wesley, photographer, bds 117 Cotton av Hirschman Gustave, with A. Gibian & Co., bds 570 2d Hirschman R., pawnbroker, 459 Cotton av, r 570 2d Hitson Mollie Mrs., r es 4th, 1st s of Ells, S. M Hixon Robert, c, waiter Hotel Lanier, r rear 952 Ocmulgee Hobbs Bee Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Ro., bds ss Tindall, 2d sw
of Telfair Hobbs Charles L., elk G. S. & F. R. R., bds 766 Cherry Hobbs Daniel G., shoemkr, r ss Tindall, 2d w of Telfair, S. M Hobbs Lizzie Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds ss Tindall, 2d w
of Telfair, S. M Hobbs Warren, c, r 323 Elbert Hobbs Warren C., carp C. R. R., r 1534 4th Hobbs W. Archibald, carp C. R. R., r ws 4th, 4th s of Pebble,
S. M Hodge Ada Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds 227 Telfair Hodge Addie Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds 227 Telfair Hodge Anna Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds 227 Telfair Hodge Daniel, c, lab G. S. & F. R. R., rrear 1130 4th Hodge Ida Miss, wks Georgia Hosiery Co., bds 227 Telfair Hodge James G. W., farmer, r 227 Telfair Hodge Lonnie, c, lab Moxley & Co., bds 716 Hazel Hodge Samuel, c, lab, r 102 Jasper, E. M Hodges Charles, c, drayman, r Harris' al Hodges Dennis, c, carp, r rear 552 Madison Hodges Edmond W., eng C. R. R., r Troup Hill, S. M Hodges Ellen H., wid J. O., r ws Carling av, H. H

paints, Oils Glass, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Etc,, 5 At 0. P. & B. E. WILLINGHAM & CO'S.

ORANGES AND Telephone No. 307. (See p. 8.)



In SEASON at Headquarter.

Hodges Emma, wid J., bds 323 Hidrola, E. M Hodges Harmon A. Rev., pastor E. M. Meth. Ch., r 323
Hidrola, E. M Hodges J. Frank (Stevens & Hodges), bds 108 Magnolia Hodges J. Ollie (J. O. Hodges & Co.), r ws Carling av, H. H Hodges J. O. & Co. (J. O. Hodges and R. L. Walker), mdse
brokers, 411 Cherry
HODGES ROBERT, lawyer, 355 3d, bds ws Carling av, H. H
Hodges William, c, painter, r rear 231 High Hodgkins Edwin T. (D. B. Jones & Co.), bds ss Forsyth, 2d w
of W. Boundary Hodgkins Henry B., broker, bds ss Forsyth, 2d w of W.
Boundary Hodgkins M. Miss, teacher 2d St. School
HODGKINS NATHAN M., cashier Capital Bank, treas
Riverside Cemetery; treas M. & B. R. R., aud pres Bibb R. E. & I. Co., 456 2d, r ss Forsyth rd, V
Hodnett William H., bailiff Court House, r 554 Elm
Hoff Samuel, agt, tailor, 123 Cotton av, r 814 Poplar
Hogan Annie Y. Miss, stenographer, bds 304 4th
Hogan Austin, c, lab, r 239 Jefferson Hogan Charles, c, lab, r rear 555 Pine Hogan Edward, mess W. U. Tel. Co., bds 559 Plum Hogan Elizabeth T. Mrs., boarding, 304 4th
Hogan James, bds 304 4th Hogan Madison, c, porter J. D. Hudgins, r 239 Jefferson
Hogan Mary R. Mrs., r 559 Plum Hoge Catherine, wid J., r 912 Plum Hoge John S. (H. J. Lamar & Sons), bds 126 High
HOGE JOSEPH T., gen pass agt G. S. & F. R. R. and M. &
B. R. R.,r 912 Plum
HOGE SAMUEL C-, supt G. S. & F. R. R. and M. & B. R.
R., r 111 Forsyth
HOGE SOL, druggist, 574 Mulberry, cor 2d, r 257 High
Hoge Tobe, broker, bds 126 High Hoke J. Alfred, carp, r 1071 Walnut Hoke Rufus S., flagman S. W. R. R., bds 1071 Walnut Holden James, c, wks W. B. Hill, r rear 826 Orange Holder Edwin H., bkkpr Va. Furniture Co., bds 521 Cotton av


MACON BEER EEf IKS (See page 5.)





Holder Harriet R., wid F., r es Telfair, 4th s of Gordon, S. M

Holder Henry S., bottling wks, 462 Cotton av

Holder James F., grocer, 521 Cotton av

Holder Mary Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 1st, nw cor Hawthorne

Holland Lucy P., wid O. S.,r 116 Academy

Holland Mack, c, baker L. Merkel, r Murray's al

Holland Mattie P. Miss, book agt, bds 116 Academy

HOLLAND SID J-, mngr R. G. Dun & Co., bds 504 Walnut

Holley Charles H., c, carrier P. O., r rear 305 College

Holley E. J., wks J. C. Hughes, bds 1420 3d

Holliday Anthony, c, wks Brewery, r 619 3d

Holliday Edward, cond G. S. & F. R. R., bdsl056 Oglethorpe

Holliday John, c, lineman M. C. & S. St. R. R

Hollifield Charles W. (Allen & Hollifield), and pubr Weekly

Picayune, bds 972 Walnut

Hollifield James L., foreman Telegraph, r 972 Walnut

Holliman Aaron, c, drayman, r 1237 4th

Holliman Felix, c, wks C. R. R., r ws al, bet 4th and Elbert,

1st n of Boundary

Holliman Henry, c, lab, r 437 Flanders, E. M

Holliman Henry, c, wks C. C. Ice Wks, r 434 Hammond

Holliman John, c, wks W. T. Morgan, r ws al, bet 4th and

Elbert, 1st n of Boundary

Holliman Joseph, c, wks E. T., V. & G. R. R., r es C. R. R.

5th s of Ash


Holliman Mark A., with Holliman, Watson & Adams, r Hawk-


Holliman Merrick, c, elk W. M. Brown, r 416 Elbert

Holliman Moses, c, butler Mrs. M. C. Clisby, r rear ss Forsyth


Holliman, Watson & Adams (W. S. Holliman, J. P. Watson

and A. L. Adams), whol grocers, ft Mulberry

Holliman William H., tillerman H. & L. No. 1, bds 552 1st

Holliman William S. (Holliman, Watson & Adams), bds 330

Washington av

Hollingshead Frank, c, switchman C. R. R., r 1021 3d

Hollingshead Hampton, c, porterS. W. R. R., r 357 Hawthorne

Hollinghead Warren,c, brakeman S. W. R. R., r 165 Hazel

Hollingsworth Bud, wks Bibb No. 2

tXJJ AW II AlilW VSVSJ.1 X XI.UV A X X 1 If UU| i mil I lHO OUi iLI to, 3nu
157. 159,16X cotton Avenue. (Seep. 8.) GENERAL CONTRACTORS

408 and 410 Mulberry Street ( AMtllOIlSaMS Of MOHS all descriptions




Hollingsworth Cora Miss, wks Bibb No. 2 Hollingsworth Leonard W., real estate agent, 516 Mulberry,
bds 706 1st Hollingsworth Mary L. Miss, wks Bibb No. 2 Hollingsworth Mildred, wid J., r 706 1st Hollis Adam, c, shoemkr, r ns Powell, 2d w of New Hollis Benjamin T., blacksmith C. R. R., r ws 2d, 2d s of
Anderson, S. M Hollis John S., painter C. R. R., r Telfair, sw cor Pebble, S. M Hollis Thomas, flagman S. W. R. R Holliman Ella Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co., bds 904 Hazel Holliman Ida Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co., bds 904 Hazel Holloway Brown, c, lab, r rear 374 Monroe Holloway Charles, c, waiter Brown's Hotel, r al s of Oak, nr 4th Holloway/Charles, c, wks Palmer Mnfg Co Holloway Ernest H., elk R. F. Smith, bds 154 4th Holloway Fayette, c, lab, r 160 Ash Holloway James M., eng G. S. & F. R. R., bds 656 Pine Holloway Peter, c, butcher H. Abel, r ss New Cherry, 4th w of
Monroe Holloway Philip, c, lab r es al, bet 3d and 4th, 4th s of Elm Holloway Samuel, c, painter, bds es Cole, 5th s of Hazel Holloway William H., c, elk J. H. McLendon, bds 328 Monroe Holloway Zachary, c, lab, r ss New Cherry, 4th w of Monroe Holly Brantley, carp, bds 1536 4th Holly William, c, wks Bibb No. 1 Holman Benjamin, c, lab, r 428 Flanders, E. M Holman Mary J., wid H. 0., r 710 Mulberry Holman Richard, c, lab, r rear 628 Hammond Holmes Alex, c, lab, r ss Turpin, 6th e of Division Holmes Alfred, c, lab, r ns Turpin, 2d eof Division Holmes Amos, c, lab r 306 Hammond Holmes Benjamin, c, lab, r rear 359 Hazel Holmes Benjamin Z., trav agt, bds 656 Pine Holmes Carrie L. Miss, teacher 2d St. School, bds 212 Washing
ton av Holmes Charles B., elk G. S. & F. R. R., bds 870 1st Holmes Charles E., elk W. L. Henry, r ss Forsyth, 9th w of W.



& p

111.rn sen the nobbiest neckwear ONE PRICE-^^SS*

7 u

s. S. PARIELEE, Carriages, fjgj^lmmense Stock. Low Prices.




Holmes Charles T., elk, r 913 Walnut Holmes Charles W., stenographer Gustin, Guerry & Hall, bds
132 Holt Holmes Cowart C., with Winn, Johnson & Co., bds Corbett
House Holmes Emanuel, c, lab, r 170 6th Holmes Eugenia, wid C. G., bds 913 Walnut Holmes George E., c, carp, r 203 Washington av Holmes George W., agt, r 132 Holt Holmes George W., Jr., policeman, r 1064 Oglethorpe Holmes Hampton, c, lab, r Hick's al Holmes James G., elk J.G. Holmes, r Davis, nw cor Plant, S. M Holmes Jennie G. Miss, elk J. W. Burke & Co., bds 217 Ross Holmes John, elk Burnett & Goodyear, bds 217 Ross Holmes John C. (Holmes & Murray), r 212 Washington av Holmes John I., foreman C. R. R.,r es Knott, 1st s of Pebble,


S. M Holmes John R., elk G. S. & P. R. R., bds 870 1st

Holmes Joe P., notions, 452 1st, r Davis, nw cor Plant, S. M

Holmes Joseph, c, lab, r rear 531 Gilmer

Holmes Julius, carp C. R. R., r ss C. R. R., bey limits

Holmes Lannie H. Miss, teacher, bds 212 Washington av

Holmes Lucian A., opr S. B., T. & T. Co., bds 132 Holt

Holmes Mary E., wid W., 217 Ross

Holmes Minnie Miss, wks News, bds 217 Ross

Holmes Moses, c, lab, r al, s of Forsyth, nr branch

Holmes Piercie L. Misfe, elk L. Goldman, bds 217 Ross


Holmes Robert, c, wks J. S. Jones

Holmes Robert G., bkkpr Hays & Mansfield, bds 132 Holt

Holmes Russell, c, lab, r ns New Houston rd,, 5th w of 2d,

S. M


Holmes Samuel, c, wks C. R. R., r 357 7th Holmes Thomas, c, lab, r Hicks al

Holmes Thomas, c, porter G. T. Roger's Sons, r ss Holmes, 3d

w of Jones

Holmes Thomas B., eng G. S. & F. R. R., r 960 Oglethorpe

Holmes Victoria Miss, teacher Orange St. School, bds 212

Washington av

Holmes Walter R. (W. R. Holmes & Mason), r 411 Orange

MRCON COMMERCIAL COLLEGE } A First Class Business School
J Circulars free. W. IMCoBlA-Y, Principal. Rapid Business Penmanship

BUILDERS' 1TERIHL Of Every Description.


(See p. 7.)

6th St., Cor. Cherry




Holmes William, H., carp, r rear 651 Oglethorpe Holmes William, carp, bds ss Boundary, 8th w of Telfair, S. M Holmes Wilson, c, waiter, rrear 716 Plum HOLMES W. R. & MASON (W. R. Holmes and J. M. Ma
son), dentists and dental depot, 556 Mulberry Holmes & Murray (J. C. Holmes and R. P. Murray), grocers,
470 1st Holoman David, printer J. W. Burke & Co., r 913 Elm Holsey Louis, c, lab, r 204 Hammond Holt Abner T., r ns Forsyth, V Holt Aggie, c, nurse, r 302 Monroe Holt Alfred, c, wks Palmer Mnfg Co Holt A. Flewellen, elk C. C. Holt, bds ns Forsyth, V Holt Benjamin J., with N. A. Gans & Co., r ss Forsyth, V Holt Charles C., stationer and art goods, 353 2d, and photo
grapher, 127 Cotton av, r ns Forsyth, V Holt Cicero, c, elk Stubbs & Jackson, bds 1126 4th Holt Daniel S., elk C. C. Holt, bds V Holt Edward, c, wks C. R. R., r 1020 College Holt Emanuel, c, wks Bibb No. 1, r ns Powell, 4th w of New,
E. M Holt Florine, wid T. G., bds 237 College Holt Fort, c, wks Palmer Mnfg Co Holt Isaac, e, lab, r 2d, nw cor Pebble, S. M Holt Iverson F. H., elk, r rear ss Boundary, 4th w of 3d, S. M Holt James, c, brakeman, bds 114 Hazel Holt James, c, porter W. R. Holmes & Mason, r 24 Holt, P. H Holt James, c, wks M. C. & S. St. R. R., r 1016 College Holt James T., elk C. C. Holt, r ns Forsyth, V Holt Lee, c, porter D. B. Jones & Co., bds 1126 4th Holt Leroy, c, drayman, r ws W. Boundary, 3d n of Chestnut Holt Leroy, c, grocer, 1128 4th, r 1126 4th Holt Lewis, c, lab C. R. R., r 849 Foster's al Holt Monday, lab, r es Hawkins, 2d s of Hidrola, E. M Holt Monroe, c, lab, r 856 Hazel Holt Pulaski O., dry goods and notions, 452 Mulberry, r 921
Ocmulgee Holt Ward F., cond G. S. & F. R. R., r ss Forsyth, Y Holt Willaim C., c, carp, r us New Cherry, 3d e of Jones, P H

Issues ENDOWMENT Insurance at LIFE Rates.

Policies Incontestible and Non-Forfeitable,

(Seep. 6.)


BOOKS! STATIONERY J. W. BURKE & CO. Keep the best of every thing: in their line.




Holt William M., wks M. C. & S. St. R. R
HOLT WILLIAM F., physician, 372 2d, r ss Forsyth, V.
(Telephone 55.) Holt William T., elk E. T., V. & G. R. R., r ss Forsyth, V Holt W. Furlow, dentist, 127 Cotton av, bds New Holton Bryan, c, farmer, r rear 6th, ne cor Tupelo
HOLTON STOCK FARM, R. E. Park, propr; farm Holton,
Bibb Co., office 422 2d. (See front paster.) Holtsclaw Charles, wks Bibb No. 2 Homan Charles E., elk Macon G. L. & W. Co., bds 803 Walnut Honey Walter, wks Ga. Hosiery Co Hooker Joseph H., carp, r 1017 Elm Hooker Matilda Mrs., r ns Tindall, 3d w of Telfair, S. M Hooker William, glazier Dixie Wks, bds 1017 Elm Hooks Benjamin, c, lab, r ss Jackson, 3d w of Poe, V Hooks Ella Miss, wks Bibb No. 2 Hooks Henry, c, wks C. R. R., r 119 Cherry Hooks Isaac, c, wks Bibb No. 1, r 519 Flanders, E. M Hooks James F., wks Bibb No. 1, bds 154 Hidrola, E. M Hooks John, eng, bds 518 Pine Hooks John, c, waiter Hotel Lanier, r ns Holmes, V Hooks John A., c, wks R. C. Wilders' Sons, r ns Holmes, V Hooks John W., bds ws 3d, 4th s of Boundary, S. M Hooks Joseph, c, carp, r 12 Holt, P. H Hooks Madison, c, wks C. R. R., r 321 Poplar Hooks Richard, c grocer, 506 Plum Hooks William, c, porter J. W. Burke & Co., r 571 3d Hooper Arthur R. c, collector, 705 4th, r 105 Boundary Hooper Joseph, c, drayman, bds 101 Boundary Hooper Nelson, c, farmer, r 101 Boundary Hootman S. J., fireman E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds 1421 2d Hoover Juniper G., eng E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds 454 Oak Hooyer J. H., saddler G. Bernd & Co., bds 758 Cherry Hopewell Baptist Church, c, 310 Cherry Hopkins Ernest, c, lab C. R. R., r White's Hill, S. M Hopkins Hattie M. Mrs., grocer, ns New Houston rd, 3d e of 2d Hopkins James N., carp C. R. R., bds 769 Ash Hopkins John R. (Hopkins & Co.), r Atlanta Hopkins Lemuel E., mach, bds 866 1st
How to Save wyGRJliP

I1 1 WU Bl UUl Callon GEO. B. JEWETT, Office, Capital Bank, 456 2d.




Hopkins Robert L., collector Bennett & Boardman, r ns New Houston rd, 3d e of 2d, S. M
Hopkins & Co. (J. R. Hopkins and J. J. Robinson), money brokers, 254 2d
Hopson Virginia C., wid W. A., bds 567 Walnut Hopton John, maeh C. & M. R. R Horn A. V., carp E. T., V. & G. R. R
Horn Charles, eng C. R. R., ss Ells, 1st w of 4th Horn Charles, c, porter, r rear 302 Monroe Horn Ephraim, c, lab, r 102 Bay
Horn Fillmore, c, lab, r ws 4th, 2d s of New Houston rd, S. M Horn Joseph S., R. R. contractor, r Knott, sw cor Ells, S. M Horn Manzy, c, porter H. D. Dodd, r rear 517 3d
Horn Nelson, c, lab, r 102 Bay Horn Philip, c, gardener, r ws Dairy la, 4th n of Green Horn Samuel, c, lab J. H. Roush & Sons, r 102 Bay Horn Van, lab, r 768 Plum
Horne A., wid H., r 636 Cotton av Horne C. L., carp, r 721 3d Hone Edward A., with H. Horne, bds 636 Cotton av
HORNE HENRY, mgr Academy of Music; sec and treas
Progress L., I. & M. Co., and real estate and ins agt; repre
sents CONTINENTAL of N. Y.; WESTCHESTER of N. Y.; PHOENIX of London; ROYAL of' Liverpool; GERMAN-AMERICAN of N. Y.; CONNECTICUT of Hartford; EQUITABLE LIFE of N. Y.; TRAVELERS L. & A. of Hartford; EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY of London, and AMERICAN SURETY of N. Y.; 358 2d,
bds 763 2d Horne John W., eng C. R. R., r ss Williams, 4th w of 2d, S. M Horne Mary A., wid G., bds ws New Houston rd, 3d s of Ells,
S. M Horne Thomas W., c, blksmith, r 325 Madison Horne William F., eng C. R. R., r ns New Houston rd, 3d e of
Ells, S. M Hornning Susan, wid G. F., r 534 Clinton, E. M Hornsby Samuel P. (Donnelly & Hornsby), r Wilkinson Co Horton Ad, c, musician, r 126 Washington av
Horton D. D., carp S. W. R. R., r 507 Orange

R. C. WILDER'S SONS SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, Dressed and Rough Lumber 614 to 633 4'bird St., Macon, Ga.





Horton Ella Miss, teacher, bds 507 Orange Horton E. Saylor, carp E. T., V. & .B R. R., r 904 Hazel Horton James C., candymkr Winn, Johnson & Co.,r 514 New Horton James T., wks Bibb No. 2, r es Chapel, 2d s of Strat
ton, S. M Horton John M., sec and treas Powers Contracting Co., bds 122
Washington av Horton LaFayette, c, flagman, r 227 Jefferson Horton Marion, c, lab, r rear 357 1st Horton Mary Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co Horton Sanford, carp, r 1309 2d Horton Stephen, c, blksmith,r ss Chestnut, 4th w of W. Boun
dary HORTON THAD E., news editor Telegraph, bds Hotel Lanier Hoskins Henry, c, brickmason, r 403 Monroe HOTEL LANIER, I. D. Crawford, mngr; 521 to 531 Mulberry Hough Charles A., sec and treas Planters' O., G. & I. Co. bds.
Stubblefield Houee Hough James D., pres Planters' O. G. & I. Co., and mngr
Manchester Mnfg Co., r 810 College House Charles D., blksmith C. R. R House Mattie Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds es al bet Telfair and
Jackson, 2d s of Elm House Mitchell P., driver M. C. & S. St. R. R., bds es al bet
Telfair and Jackson, 2d s of Elm House Ruth A., wid )., r es al bet Telfair and Jackson, 2d s of
Elm Houser Charles J., cond S- W. R. R., bds 670 3d Houser Hardy B., cond S. W. R. R., bds 670 3d Houser John L., supt Macon Clay Wks, r 670 3d Houser Louis M., elk P. L. Lamb, bds 670 3d Houser Marion S., bds 330 Washington av Houser S. Mrs., boarding, 330 Washington av Houser Walter T., elk Eads, Neel & Co., bds 413 Spring Housman Benjamin, cigarmkr M. Peyser, Jr., bds Park Hotel Houston Henry, c, wks Troy Laundry, r 109 Mulberry Houston Moses, c, lab, r 11 Wolff Row Houston William B., blksmith C. R. R., r ws Peachtree, 2d n
of Balkcom av, E. M

R7JII HFRS' HARDWARE--An Immense Stoot--at
363 Ttod8treet. 0. P. & B. E. WILLINGHAM & CO'S.

FISH, m IN SEASON At T. C. PARKER'S Telephone No. 307. (See p. 8.




Houston William A., wth Domestic S. M. Co., bds 812 Poplar Houston Andrew, candymkr Rogers & Adams, bds Poplar Howard Adam, brakeman S. W. R. R Howard Adeline, c, restaurant, 671 4th, r 312 4tk Howard Albert, c, wks C. R. R., r 217 Ash Howard Alex, c, brickmason r 766 Ocmulgee Howard Alfred, c, lab, r rear 364 Forsyth Howard Anderson, c, gardener T. Baxter, r rear 494 Orange Howard Benjamin F., policeman, r 450 Washington av Howard Caroline, wid D., bds 4th, nw cor Pebble, S. M Howard Darius, c, wks Ivey Bros., r 358 Bay Howard Edward C., lineman M. C. & S. St. R. R., r 1025
Oglethorpe Howard Ellis, c, wks Macon Clay Wks Howard Emanuel, c, lab, r ss Lee, 2d w of Church, E. M Howard E. W., wks G. S. & F. R. R., r 137 Magnolia Howard Frank, c, driver W. F. Holt, r rear ss Forsyth, V Howard Frederick, c, wks M. C. & S. St. R. R., r 313 Cherry Howard Henry, c, eng Troy Laundry, r 2 Mulberry Howard Henry, c, porter F. B. Tharpe, r rear 366, E. M Howard Henry, c, wks Bibb No. 1, r rear ws Church, 2d s of
Lee, E. M Howard Henry, c, lab J. S. Schofield & Son Howard Herbert, c, drayman, r rear 453, 1st Howard James, c, barber W. Braswell, r Cherry Howard Joshua, c, blksmith, r ns Columbus rd, bey limits Howard Lewis, c, dyer L. Lowenthal, r 11 Holt, P. H Howard London, c, carp, r ss Green, 9th w of Madison Howard Mary, c, servt, r 766 Ocmulgee Howard Matt, c, wks E. T., V. & G. R. R., r ws Bright's al, 2d
s of Hazel Howard Morris, c, wks M. C. & S. St. R. R Howard Samuel, c, drayman, r Fitzgerald's al Howard Stephen, c, wks C. R. R., r Unionville Howard Tas, c, lab, r es 4th, 2d s of Boundary, S. M Howard T. W., policeman Howard Walter A., tinner C. R R., r es Church, 9th of n Gar
den, E. M Howard William, c, lab, r 213 Ash

W.W.6R.S.C0LUNS BUT and SEEE BEAfc ESTATE oil COMMISSION 458 Tliirci Street.




Howard William Y., collector Va. Furniture Co., r ns Colum bus rd, bey limits
Howell Elizabeth, H., wid S. H., r 511 Hazel Howell Henry L., flagman C. R. R., bds 511 Hazel Howell James, wks C. R. R., r 322 3d Howell John, with Singer Mnfg Co., r Hawthorne, nw cor 1st Howell Sarah, wid James, r 239 Jackson Howell Sterling, wks Bibb No. 2, r 221 Telfair Howes Davis EL, agt Macon Knitting Co., r603 Adams Howington Fannie Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co, bds 1027 2d Howington John, wks Macon Knitting Co., bds 1027 2d Howington John C., watchman Macon Knitting Co., r 1027 2d Howington Mamie Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co., bds 1027 2d Howington Mary F. Mrs., seamstress, r 1027 2d Howington Mattie Miss wks Macon Knitting Co., bds 1027 2d Howington William, eng Macon Knitting Co., bds 1027 2d
Hoy D. R., cond C. R. R Hoyt Edward, c, wks Dixie Wks, bds 914 1st Hoyt George W., c, drayman, bds 914 1st Hubbard Charmie Mrs., grocer, 434 Ross Hubbard Frank, c, elk P. O., r 212 Madison Hubbard John B., carp G. S. & F. R. R Hubbard John J., harnessmkr S. S. Parmelee, r 434 Ross Hubbard John J., Jr., harnessmkr S. S. Parmalee, bds 434 Ross Hubbard Joseph, E., grocer, es 2d, 2d s of Boundary Hubbard Morris, c, porter John Hurley, r rear 820 Oak Hubbard Robert J., fireman G. S. & F. R. R., r Windsor, se
cor Cedar, S. M Hubbard Samuel, collector Va. Furniture Co., r 556 2d Hubbard William, elk Va. Furniture Co., bds 653 Poplar Hubbard William J., sash and blind mkr, r Windsor, se cor
Cedar, S. M Hubbs William, printer, bds 616 Walnut Hubert Emily, c, laundress, r es Cole, 2d n of Ash Hubert Moses, c, wks C. R. R., r 221 Calhoun Hubert William H., elk C. R. R., bds 769 4th Hudgins Emily Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds 1066 Elm Hudgins George B., wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds 1066 Elm Hudgins John, c, lab, r rear 2;0 Main, E. M
Pn fn ||U lu tp he powers contracting co, PfFoOAARrINirTBEURISLD' ESRUSP'PLAINEDS




Hudgins John D., whol liquors, 470 3d, r 514 3d Hudgins John D., wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds 1066 Elm Hudgins Margaret C. Mrs., seamstress, r 1066 Elm Hudgins Samuel, c, switchman C. R. R Hudgins William G., molder J. S. Schofield & Son, bds 1066
Elm Hudson Albert, c, lab, r es W. Boundary, 1st n of Forsyth Hudson Alfred, c, painter, r ss New Cherry, 4th w of Middle Hudson Benjamin, c, lab, bds 436 Flanders, E. M Hudson Benjamin F., roadmaster C. & M. R. R., bds 715 Pine Hudson Dora, wid Thomas, r 359 Hazel Hudson Fannie Miss, elk A. Lesser, r E. M Hudson Harry C., fireman C. R. R., bds 1310 4th Hudson Henry, c, carp, r 455 Monroe Hudson Henry J. T,, c, prin Green St. School, r 217 Madison Hudson James, wks Ivey Bros., r ws Wood's al, u of Hazel Hudson John, lab, r ws Church, 3d uof Random, E. M Hudson Joseph G., flagman S. W. R. R., bds 670 3d Hudson Maggie Miss, wks Bibb No. 1, bds ws Factory row, 3d
s of Hidrola, E. M Hudson Mattie Miss, wks Bibb No. 1, bds ws Factory row, 3d s
of Hidrola, E. M Hudson Robert, carp, r ns Willingham, 1st eof Ft. Hill, E. M Hudson Thomas R. (J. G. McGolrick & Co.), bds 715 Pine Huertas A. F., bds 304 4th Huff Alex S., upholsterer M. W. & J. I. Wilson, bds 1127
Walnut Huff Anthony, c, driver A. Ullman, r ws Ullman, s of Roy Huff Edward, c, blksmith, 523 Cotton av, r bey limits Huff Jane, c, boarding, r 711 4th Huff Kate Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 1055 Ash Huff Lizzie M iss, bds ss Plant, 1st w of Davis, S. M Huff Maggie Miss, bds 2d, se cor Windsor, S. M Huff Mary, wid H., r 1055 Ash Huff Prentice, bkkpr Macon G. L. & W. Co., bds ss Forsyth, V Huff Smithy Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co., bds 1055 Ash Huff Travis, elk, bds ss Forsyth, V Huff Walter (W. A. Huff & Son), bds ss Forsyth, V Huff William A. (W. A. Huff& Son), r ss Forsyth, V


Carriaaes Phaetons, Buggies, Road Carts, Etc.
orent vrYety. ' (Seep.7.) S. S. PARMELEE, 470 Second St.




Huff W. A. & Son (W- A. and Walter), agts Penn Mutual Life
Ins. Co., 467 2d Huffman Henry, blksmith G. S. & F. R. R., r ws Ells, 6th n of
New Houston rd, S. M Huger Kirkwood K., ass't sec and treas Palmer Mnfg Co., bds
306 Georgia av Huger William E., pres Palmer Mnfg Co., r Charleston, S. C Huggin William D., printer, bds 818 Walnut Hughes A. S. tel opr, bds Pierpont House Hughes Charles I., bkkpr C. R. R., r 516 Elm Hughes Daniel G., pres Central Ga. Alliance Warehouse, r ss
Forsyth, V Hughes Dudley M., pres M. & D. R. R., r Allentown, Ga Hughes Henry, tailor J. T. Brown, r 601 3d Hughes Jeff C., broom mnfr, ns Wall, e of 2d, r 1420 3d Hughes Joseph, wks Payne & Willingham Hughes Robert N., elk S. W. R. R., bds 1424 3d Hughes Roxie Mrs., tailoress, r 165 Cotton av Hughes S. H., broom mkr, r 1420 3d Hughes William, c, wks J. G. Ruan Huguenin Edward D., r 129 Jefferson
HUHN CHRISTIAN, guns and sporting goods 520 Mulber
ry, bds 253 4th Huhn Herman, elk C. Huhn, bds 253 4th Humphrey Alex, c, lab, r Jordans al, S. M Humphreys Alonzo, c, lab, bds 911 5th Humphreys Augustus, c, lab, r Harris al Humphreys Charles, city electrician, bds 427 College Humphres Charles, c, barber R. H. Hart, r Fitzgeralds al Humphreys Giles, c, wks W. F. Anderson, r Jordans al, S. M Humphreys James, runner Stmr No. 4 Humphreys James A., eng Macon G. L. & W. Co., r ws 3d,
13th s of Windsor, S. M Humphreys Jefferson, printer, bds 455 Plum Humphreys Jonas, c, drayman, r ws W. Boundary, 4th n of
Chestnut Humphreys J. W., boilermkr C. R. R. shops Humphreys Samuel, c, butler W. B. Holmes, r rear 364 For

Estimates Furnished fo[ Bui!djn9 and a,J k!n,ds
Telephone 9To. 136. (See p. 7.) OT BlllldCfS 1V1 atCfial.




Humphries Charles L,, mechanic, r ws Church, 2d s of Lee, E. M
Hundley H. L., bkkpr A. Lesser, bds Pierpont House Hunnicutt Emma Miss, wks Bibb No. 1, bds 130 Hidrola, E. M Hunnicutt James H., cond E. T., V. & G. R. R., r ss St. John,
1st E. of Church, E. M Hunnicutt James H., wks Macon O. & F. Co, r Gunn's Hill,
S. M Hunnicutt Jordan, wks Bibb No. 1 Hunnicutt Molly, wid S., r 130 Hidrola, E. M Hunnicutt Thomas, wks Bibb No. 1, bds 130 Hidrola, E. M Hunt Anthony, c, wks Bibb No. 1, r 328 2d, E. M Hunt Charles W., collector Exchange Bank, bds 121 High Hunt Claude G., elk T. J. Hunt, bds 121 High Hunt Emanuel, c, drayman C. H. Cubbedge, r es Jones, 1st n
of New Cherry, P. H Hunt Frank, c, lab, r es Jones, 1st s of Holmes, P. H Hunt Georgia Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co Hunt Henry, c, drayman, r es Middle, 2d n of New Cherry,
P. H Hunt Henry, c, lab, r 577 Monroe Hunt Henry, c, wks Ivey Bros, r 205 Cherry Hunt Ja.s T., c, barber M. Loh, r ss New Cherry, lsteof Jones Hunt Jesse, c, drayman, r es Jones, 1st s of Holmes Hunt John,c, lab, bds 11 Wolff row Hunt John H., c, lab, r 82 Green Hunt John N., c, bootblack, r ss New Cherry, 1st e of Jones,
P. H Hunt Leonard W. (Hunt & Shelverton), r 421 New Hunt Lucy Miss, bds 421 New Hunt Mary E. Mrs., r 421 New Hunt Sampson, c, drayman, r es Jones, 1st s of Holmes, P. H Hunt Thomas, painter, r ns Ells, 1st w of 4th, S. M Hunt Thomas J., boots and shoes, 362 2d, r 121 High Hunt Thomas J., cond, bds 619 1st Hunt Thomas L., elk W. C. Lyons & Co., bds 121 High Hunt York, c, lab, r 82 Green Hunt & Shelverton (L. W. Hunt and W. C. Shelverton), drug
gists, 476 Cotton av


(See p. 6.)

T. S. -L.O VVXtV , Mngr.





Hunter Albert, c, painter, r ws Middle, 3d n of Jefferson, P. H Hunter Edward, c, lab, r ss Turpin, 9th e of Division Hunter Iverson Lspecial agt Aetna Life, r ws Church, 2d n
of Hidrola, E. M
Hunter Jerry, c, lab C. R. R., r rear 333 Hidrola, E. M Hunter Jesse, c, lab, r ws al, 5th n of Elm, bet Ross and Calhoun Hunter Lawrence, c, lab, r 629 Middle, E. M Hunter Richard, c, porter Geo. T. Rogers' Sons, r Unionville Hunter Sam B., with Duncan & Carnes, bds 768 Mulberrv Hunter Thomas, c, drayman Macon S., D. & L. Co Hunter Turner, c, wks C. R. R., bds rear 325 Jackson Huntington Henry, elk N. S. Outler, r ss Columbus rd Hurd Charles, c, driver Bibb Mnfg Co., r ws Ft. Hill, 1st n of
Milledgeville rd, E. M
Hurd Lewis, c, wks Bibb No. 1, r rear 305 Madison Hurley Amos, c, lab, r ss Chestnut, 8th w of W. Boundarv Hurley George, c, lab C. R. R., r ns Elm, 3d w of Telfair Hurley John, saloon, 224 Cotton av, r 821 New
Hurley Lewis, c, driver E. Y. Mallary, r al, n of Forsyth, nr branch
Hurley Moses, c, lab C. R. R Hurley Thomas, bds 821 New
Hurley Wesley, c, carp C. R. R., r ns Forsyth, 4th w of W Boundary
Hurt Charles D. (Plant & Hurt), and teller I. C. Plaut& Son, bds 121 Washington av
Hussey Annie E. Miss, bds 653 Elm
Hussey William L., fireman C. R. R., r 653 Elm Hutchings Charles H., c, policeman, r 67 Spring
Hutchings Henry, c, driver W. C. Gibson, r rear 1005 Walnut Hutchings Leonard, c, tinner, r 265 Chestnut Hutchings Ralph, c, lab, r ws 4th, 1st s of Elm, S. M Hutchins Ann Miss, bds 669 1st Hutchins Bruce, wks Ga. Hosiery Co Hutchins Emma Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co Hutchins John, wks Ga. Hosiery Co Hutchins Rollins, c, driver, r 851 3d Hutchins Samuel, c, wks C. R. R., bds 317 Ash Hutchins Wesley, c, wks C. R. R., r 218 Jefferson

3X3 @TEcorsri> sTitoETEx. it GREENBERG, The Tailor's.




Hutchins William, c, lab, r ns Holmes, 9th w of Middle Hutchins William, c, porter J. M. Daly, r 365 Pine
Hutchins William, with Parker's News Co., bds ss Pebble. 6th w of Wilder, S. M
Hutchins William, c, wks G. S. &F. R. R., bds 317 Ash Hutchinson Andrew J., fireman C. R. R., r es C. R. R 3d n
of Elm
Hutchinson James T., fireman C. R. R., r 368 Arch
Huthnance Edward;D., elk Dannenberg & Doody, r 230 Tattnall Huthnance Frank A., with Dannenberg & Doody, bds 460 Oak Huthnance Lena Miss, cashier W. C. Lyons & Co., bds460Oak Hutto Julia Miss, r ns Turpin, 1st e of Division Hutto Queen A. Mrs., r es 2d, 3d s of Stratton, S. M Hyatt Judson L., with Johnson & Harris, bds Hotel Lanier Hyman Herman, tailor, r 123 Holt Hyman J. H., carp C. R. R. shops Hyman J. J. Rev., pastor S. M. Baptist Church Hyman Solomon, tailor, bds 319 Walnut Hysler Carrie, wid W., r ns Anderson, 6th w of 2d, S. M Hysler George V., wks Bibb No. 2, bdsns Anderson, 6th w of 2d Hysler Lewis F., mach C. R. R., bds ns Anderson, 6th w of 2d,
S. M
Hysler Minnie L. Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds ns Anderson, 6th w of 2d, S. M
Hysler Thomas L., mach C. R. R., bds ns Anderson, 6th w of 2d, S. M

yDSON JOHN, cond E. T., "V". & G. R. R., bds 106 5th
JL Ignatius Sister, prin Catholic School
Inabinett Jennie, wid, r 630 Cotton av
INGALLS JOHN, druggist, 503 4th, nw cor Poplar, r 169 2d Ingraham John H., bkkpr First Nat Bank, r 371 2d Ingraham J. H., fireman, E. T., V. & G. R. R., r S. M Ingram Howard, c, servt, r 117 5th Ingram Isham, c, cook Smith & Perryman
Ingram James, c, wks A. Henderson, bds al, bet 6th and 7th, nr Mulberry
Ingram Josephine, c, r 216 Monroe Ingram Washington, c, tinner R. Falkner



6i4 to 622 Third street, hacox, a. Laths and bningles

COALSTM.TM.!! 313 Ocmulgee Street, HOMES JOHISOI'S




Ingram Wiley, c, blksmith J. E. Lowery, r 207 W. Boundary Ingram Willett E., student, bds 269 Maple Irby Frank M., candymkr W. H. Whitehead, r 1058 Ash Irby Taylor H., fisherman, r 344 Water, E. M Irvin Allen, c, porter Payne & Willingham, r E. M Irvin Harvey, c, lab, r ss Willingham, 4th e of Ft. Hill, E. M Irvin Henry, c, hackman, r rear 769 Mulberry Irvin Reuben, c, wks J. G. Ruan Irvin Thomas B., eng C. R. R., bds 715 Pine
IRVINE EDWARD D., agt Ga. Music House, 558 Mulberry,
r 143 Rose Park Irvine Joseph W., cashier, bds 760 Cherry Irvine Ruth A., wid C. A., r 143 Rose Park Irving W. L., with Domestic S. M. Co., bds 4th, nr Arch Irwin William, c, fireman Ga., R. R., r 759 5th Isaacs Edward A., with Altmayer & Flatau, r 122 Washington av Isaacs Emanuel, r ns Vineville rd, 3d e of Middle Isaacs Eugene, wks Bibb No. 1, r 224 Main, E. M Isaacs George F., with S. Waxelbaum & Son Isaacs Roily, c, waiter, r ws Middle, 5th n of Jefferson, P. H Isaacs S., confectioner and baker, ns Vineville rd, 3d e of
Middle Isam Eva Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 90 Oglethorpe Isam John, c, wks H. S. Holder Isam Joseph, lineman M. C. & S. St. R. R., r 90 Oglethorpe,
Factory row Isam Rebecca Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 90 Oglethorpe,
Factory row Ishy Nat, c, lab, r 1008 College Israel William J., cond E, T., V. & G. R. R., bds 523 Pine Ives Georgia Miss, r 335 Hidrola, E. M Ives Leonora Miss, bds 335 Hidrola, E. M Ivey Bros. (J. B., T. J. and F. T.), wood dealers, 46 6th Ivey Frank P. (Ivey Bros.), r ns St. Johns, 1st e of Church, E. M Ivey James B. (Ivey Bros.), bds Pierpont House Ivey Thomas J. (Ivey Bros.), bds 458 Ocmulgee Ivey William R., wood dealer, 5th, cor Bay, r 141 Park pi Ivy Leaf Coal Co., R. C. Anderson, agt; ] 53 Cotton av Ivory Silas S., c, barber M. Hill, r rear 456 Cotton av

Will move about May 1st, 1891, to their new building 510 Clierry Street.

For anythinginFr"e5JsProduceFish0yster8orice

Send to Headquarters, (page 8. )





JACKSON ADA MISS, wks Ga. Hosiery Co

Jackson Adolphus, c, lab, r 348 Forsyth

Jackson Allen, c, porter J. Ingolls, r ns Orchard av, 1st w of


Jackson Andrew, c, blacksmith, r ss C. R. R., bey limits

Jackson Andrew, c, lab G. S. & F. R. R., r rear 519 Flanders,


Jackson Andrew, c, porter, r rear ws Elbert, 3d s of Boundary,

S. M

Jackson Andrew, c, well digger, r 923 5th

Jackson Andrew, c, wks city, r 1220 4th

Jackson Anna, c, nurse, r rear 561 Madison

Jackson Annie Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds ss Reid, 2d e of

4th, S.M

Jackson Augustus, c, porter, r 121 Franklin

Jackson A. M., brakeman S. W. R. R

Jackson Benjamin, c, plasterer, r 104 Spring

Jackson Caesar, c, drayman, r ns Cherry's al, 2d w of New

Jackson Cato, c, lab, r ws Wood's al, n of Hazel

Jackson Charles, c, carp, r 1022 Hazel

Jackson Clayton, c, porter Wolff &Happ, r 120 Jones

Jackson Cobb, c, lab, r321 Water, E. M

Jackson David, c, wks Mrs. M. F. Cheves, r Cole, nr Elnl

Jackson Doc, c, carp, r es Jackson, 4th w of Poe, V

Jackson D. B., fireman C. R. R

Jackson Edward, c, tinner R. Falkner, ^r Riverside, 2d w of


Jackson Elbert, c, wks I. B. English & Co., r 1306 1st

Jackson Elijah, c, lineman M. C. & S. St. R. R

Jackson Elmer, wks Bibb No. 2

Jackson Flournoy, c, porter C. H. Solomon, bds 211 Washing

ton av

Jackson Floyd, c, drayman, r ss Columbus rd

Jackson Frank, c, barber, r 419 Jefferson, P. H

Jackson Frank, c, drayman, r 324 Oglethorpe

Jackson Frank, c, wks A. Bernd, r ns Holmes, w of Moughon,

P. H

Jackson Freeman, c, lab, r 321 Jackson

Jackson George, c, carp, r 124 Elm

W.UUR. S. COLLINS --LAND AGENTS FOR-- G. S. F., M. & B. te'458 THIRD STREET.^ ami M. A. B'ds.





Jackson George, c, drayman A. B. Small, r Vineville Jackson George, c, grocer, 860 Hazel, r 234 Telfair Jackson Green, c, lab C. R. R., r 559 3d Jackson Hampton, c, switchman, r 3 Holt, P. H Jackson Henry, c, brickmason, r al s of Mulberry, nr 4th Jackson Henry, c, lab, bds 321 Hammond Jackson Henry, c, porter, bds 318 Maple Jackson Henry, c, wks Bibb No. 2, r ws Cole, 3d s of Hazel Jackson Henry, c, wks C. R. R., bds 318 Hawthorne Jackson Henry P., collector Telegraph, bds 141 Park pi Jackson Hilliard, c, wks Macon S., D. & L. Co., bds ns For
syth, 3d w of W. Boundary Jackson Ida B. Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds ws 1st, 4th n of
Hawthorne Jackson Ida N. Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., r ss Tindall, 1st w of
Telfair, S. M Jackson Isaac, c, porter S. R. Jaques & Tinsley Co., r es Gar
field, 3d n of Bernard, E. M Jackson Isabel M. Miss, bds 769 Mulberry
Jackson James, elk C. R. R., r 330 Columbus
Jackson James, c, drayman, r 306 Hammond Jackson James, c, drayman H. D. Adams & Co., rrear 232 Tat-
nall Jackson James, c, hackman, r 609 3d Jackson James, c, lab, r nr es 2d, 4th s of Stratton, S. M Jackson James, c, lab, bds" es Perry, 6th n of Ft. Hill, E. M Jackson James M., c, blksmith, r 321 Forsyth Jackson John, c, barkpr, bds rear 519 Flanders, E. M Jackson John, c, mason, r es Jackson, 3d s of Holmes, V Jackson John, c, carp, r ss Columbus rd Jackson John, c, carp, r es Center, 1st n of Clinton, E. M Jackson John, c, gardener, r 318 Hawthorne Jackson John, hunter, r ws 4th, 3d s of Ells, S. M Jackson John, c, lab, r ns Green, 5th w Madison Jackson John, Jr., c, wks Macon G. L. & W. Co., r 320 Haw
thorne Jackson Jordan, c, porter Jones & Merritt, r 328 Hawthorne Jackson Joseph, c, lab E. H. Stuart Jackson Joshua G., grocer, 326 Main, bds 362 Clinton, E. M

Save Money by havin9 yur Painting done by
157, 159, 161 Cotton Avenue. THE POWERS CONTRACTING CO.




Jackson Julius W., wks Bibb No., bds 503 Clinton, E. M Jackson Kinchen, c, blksmith, r 350 Forsyth Jackson Levoisier, c, driver C. D. Winn, r P. H Jackson Lucy Mrs., r ss Tindall, 1st w of Telfair, S. M Jackson Mack, c, porter First Nat. Bank, r ss New Cherry, P. H Jackson Mary A., wid W., r ws 1st, 4th n of Hawthorne Jackson Miles, c, waiter Commercial Hotel Jackson Miller, wks G. S. & F. R. R., r 770 Ocmulgee Jackson Missouri Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co Jackson Moses W. (Smith& Jackson), r Dunlap's al, nr Spring Jackson Nancy Mrs., wks Bibb No. 2, r es 4th, 1st s of Ells,
S. M Jackson Needham, c, painter C. R. R., r 419 Jefferson Jackson Nelson, c, lab, bds 102 Mulberry Jackson Obadiah, c, farmer, r ss Columbus rd Jackson Oliver, c, lab G. S. & F. R. R., r 230 Telfair Jackson Osborne, c, porter J. E. Chambliss, r 563 Monroe Jackson Prophet, c, lab, r es Craft's al, 1st n of V. rd Jackson Ralph, wks Bibb No. 2, bds ws 1st, 4th n ofHawthorne Jackson Randall, c, eng, r rear 126 Cole Jackson Richard, c, lab E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds 321 Ash Jackson Richard, e, lab, r 263 Madison Jackson Richard L., c, barber, 312 Main, E. M Jackson Robert, c, lab, r 114 5th Jackson Robert, c, lab, r rear 151 Park pi Jackson Robert, c, lab, r rear ns Forsyth, V Jackson Robert B., c, (Stubbs <fc Jackson), r 59 Franklin Jackson Rush H., wks Bibb No. 2, bds ws 1st, 4th n of Haw
thorne Jackson Samuel, c, hackman, r 315 Hawthorne Jackson Samuel, c, lab, r al bet 4th and 5th, nr Oglethorpe Jackson Thomas, c, drayman Macon Hardware Co., r 18 Chest
nut Jackson Thomas, c, lab, r 620 Hammond Jackson Turner, c, porter, 805 4th Jackson Wesley, c, lab, r ws Wood's al, n of Hazel Jackson Wesley, c, painter, bds 210 Random, E. M Jackson William, c, bellboy Brown's Hotel, r ns Forsyth, 3d w
of W. Boundary

OUTFITTERS}] ONE PRICE-552 & 554 Cberry St.





Jackson William, c, lab, r 217 Ash Jackson William, c, lab, r al bet Pine and Oak, nr 4th Jackson William, c, peddler, bds 318 Hawthorne Jackson William, c, porter D. 0. Lyons & Co., r 341 Cole Jackson William, c, wks Armour Pkg. Co., bds 210 Random,
E. M Jackson William, c, wks C. R. R., r 507 Hammond Jackson William E., wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds ws 1st, 4th n of
Hawthorne Jackson William H., c, painter, r 617 3d Jackson William R., wks Payne & Willingham Jacobs Abraham, propr Kennesaw Restaurant, 519 4th Jacobs Edwin G., elks H. J. Lamar & Sons, bds 425 Arch Jacobs George S., painter C. R. R., bds 304 4th Jacobs Harry, c, cook P. Heidingsfelder Jacobson Benjamin F., with S. Waxelbaum & Son Jacobson Isadore, with Wolff & Happ, bds 713 Cherry James Anthony, c, farmer, r es Davis, 2d s of Williams, S. M James Benjamin W., R. R. contractor, r es Church, 1st n of
Garden, E. M James Florence, c, teacher, r 569 Monroe James Frank, c, wks G. S. & F. R. R., r es Booker's al, 5th s
of Bay James Henry, c, lineman S. B. T. & T. Co., r rear 153 College James Isaac, c, gardener, r 216 W. Boundary James John, c, lab, r es Davis, 2d s of Williams James Leroy R., wks Hays & Mansfield, bds 454 Oak James Levi, c, wks Dixie Wks James Malachi, c, cook S. Weichselbaum James Peter, c, lab, bds ss Random, 1st w of Center, E. M James Peyton, c, glazier O. P. & B. E. Willingham & Co., bds
237 2d, E. M James Pollie Mrs., r Gunn's Hill, S. M James Samuel, c, wks Dixie Wks, bds 2-37 2d, E. M James Thomas, c, brickmason, r rear 953 Spring James Thomas, c, wks Oil Mill, r al, s of Mulberry, nr 4th James Walter J., dispatcher E. T., V. & G. R. R., r 146 Magnolia James William, carp, r ss C. R. R., bey limits James William, foreman E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds 1310 4th


Circulars Free.

W. McKAY, Principal. J Rapid Business Pemmsliip.

PETTIT, DeH& CO.CONTRACTORS UD BOILDERS 6th St., Cor. Cherry. (Seep. 7.)




Janson P. A., confectioner R. L. Askew, bds Park Hotel Jaques Richard W., bds 590 College
s. Jaques Samuel R., pres S. R. Jaques & Tinsley Co., r 590 College
JAQUES R. & TINSLEY CO., S.R. Jaques, pres; T. D. Tinsley, vice-pres; F. Jeter, sec and treas; T. H. Henderson, warehouse mgr; whol grocers and prov dlrs; 402-404 Cherry
Jarrett Albert G., (Jarrett & Todd)'r 1414 3d Jarratt Robert P., tinner, 474 Cotton av, r ws Pebble, 3d w of
2d, S. M Jarrett & Todd (A. G. Jarrett and P. D. Todd), dry goods and
clothing, 507 Cherry Jarrell Giles E., carp, r Gunn's Hill, S. M Jarrell John A., carp E.T., V. & G. R. R., r Gunn's Hill, S. M Jarrells Jane Miss, wks Ga Hosiery Co. Jarrells John, wks Ga. Hosiery Co Jarrells Mattie Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co Jarrells Wiley, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., r rear es 2d, 5th s of Wind
sor, S. M Jason Aquilla, c, lab, r 317 Forsyth Jason George, c, drayman, bds 317 Forsyth Jason James, c, cook M. G. Putzel, r rear 175 Magnolia Jason Lewis, c, lab, bds 317 Forsyth Jason Thomas, c, wks R. Barnhart, r 577 Monroe Jauannet Victor, professor St. Stanislaus
Jay L. W., elk C. R. R Jay Zebulou E., elk C. R. R Jeans Lee, wks Bibb No. 1, bds 364 Flanders, E. M Jeans Lucy Mrs., wid E., r Hawthorne, nw cor 1st Jeans Victor, wks Bibb No. 2 Jeffers Joseph U., eng C.R. R., r Chapel, sw cor Pebble, S. M Jefferson Nathan, c, picker Bibb No. 2 Jefferson William, c, lab, r Thompson House Jefferson William, c, lab, r 12 Hazel Jefferson Zack, c, lab, bds ss Turpin, 2d s of Division Jemison Allen, c, lab, r ns Ells, 7th n of New Houston rd Jernison Charles, c, wks Payne & Willingham, r ws Clark av,
2d n of Holt Jemison Henry, c, wks Payne & Willingham, r ws Clark av,
2d n of Holt

UNION CENTRAL L.IFJK INSURANCE CO. Lowest Death Rate. Highest Interest Rate. (Seep. 6.) T. S. LOWRY, Manager.

PRINTING} Done at short notice and in the best style at the lowest prices. Don't go elsewhere J.W.BURKE&CO.




Jemison James, c, wks Chapman & Gantt, r ws Clark av, 2d n of Holt

Jemison Nelson, c, farmer, r es C. R. R., 5th s of Ash

Jemison Robert W., sec Ga. Agrl Society, r 863 Mulberry

Jenkins Albert E., bds 658 Ash

Jenkins Andrew, c, shoemkr, bds 326 Calhoun

Jenkins Annie Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds 658 Ash

Jenkins Bud, c, wks Planter's Oil Mill, r 766 Oglethorpe

Jenkins Calvin, c, carp, r 1130 Ocmulgee

Jenkins Carrie Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds 658 Ash

Jenkins Clarence M., collector, bds 658 Ash

Jenkins Daniel E., c, porter E. L. Burdick, r 620 Spring

Jenkins David, c, shoemkr, 326 Calhoun

Jenkins Emanuel, c, carp, r ws Craft's al,3ds of Jefferson, P. H

Jenkins Frank M,, molder C. D. Findlay, r 452 Elm

Jenkins Green, c, carp, r rear 671 Spring

Jenkins Henry, c, lab, r 207 Ash

Jenkins James, c, drayman, r 776 Ocmulgee

Jenkins James, c, lab, bds 326 Calhoun

Jenkins James E., elk W. E. Jenkins, r ns New Houston rd. 7th e of Ells, S. M

Jenkins Jesse, c, porter S. Waxelbaum & Son, r es Jones, 2d s

of Holt, P. H


Jenkins Iordan, c, blksmith Macon Foundry, r 1132 4th

Jenkins Julius, c, lab, r es Virgin's la, 1st s of Forsyth

Jenkins Lee, c, drayman, r 16 Holt, P. H

Jenkins Littleton S., teacher, r 658 Ash

Jenkins Mansfield, watchman E. T., V. & G. R. R., r 514 Ash

Jenkins Needham D., c, porter, r 320 Middle

Jenkins Oscar, c, wks Manchester Mnfg Co., r ss Lawton av, w of Duncan av, H. H

Jenkins Ostella, policeman, r 514 Ash

Jenkins Perry, c, lab, r 565 Monroe

Jenkins Thomas, foreman J. S. Schofield & Son, bds Wilbourn House

Jenkins Thos., c, porter S. Isaacs, r ss Jefferson, 4th w of Monroe

Jenkins Viola, c, teacher, bds 1130 Ocmulgee

Jenkins William E., Co. Coinmr, and grocer, ws 4th, 6th s of Ells, S. M



Office : Capital Bank, 456 Second St.

Insurance Agent.




Jenkins William M., elk W. E. Jenkins, bds ws 4th, 6th s of Ells, E. M
Jenkins Wright, c, butler W. H. Ross, r rear 403 Orange Jennings Alex. R., solicitor News, bds Commercial Hotel Jennings Frank, c, waiter Brown's Hotel, r 104 New Jennings James, c, waiter J. S. Stembridge, bds 104 New Jennings William B. Rev.,pastor First Presby Ch,bds355 New Jepeway Moses, fruit stand, 358 4th Jerry Alfred, c, waiter Hotel Lanier, r rear 250 Georgia av Jessup Bartow, wks Bibb No. 1, bds216 Clinton, E. M Jessup Fannie Mrs., r 113 0cmulgee Jessup Green, c, lab, r 615 Division Jessup Henrietta Miss, wks Bibb No. 1, bds 216 Clinton, E. M Jessup John J., motorman M. C. & S. St. R. R., r 1112 Elm Jessup Mamie Miss, wks Bibb No. 1, bds 216 Clinton, E. M Jessup Missouri, wid J., r 216 Clinton, E. M Jessup Sarah J. Miss, wks Bibb No. 1, bds 216 Clinton, E. M Jeter Daniel W., foreman J. G. Ruan, bds 154 4th Jeter David, c, lab, r rear 156 5th Jeter Frank, sec and treas S. R. Jaques & Tinsley Co., r 742
College Jeter Isaiah, c, waiter, r 35 New Cherry Jeter Lovick R., soliciting agt E. T., V. & Gr. R. R., 414 Cher
ry, bds 707 2d Jeter Thomas C., bkkpr, bds 707 2d Jeter Thomas S., station master Union Depot, r 707 2d Jeter Walter H., elk A. Gibian & Co., bds 707 2d Jetson Lumbus, c, lab, bds 316 Ocmulgee Jett Joseph P., saddler G. Bernd & Co., bds 253 4th Jewell Edward, c, waiter Kennesaw Restaurant, r 104 New Jewett Annie S., wid C. R., r 541 Georgia av Jewett Charles H., student, bds 541 Georgia av
JEWETT GEORGE B , genl ins agt; represents COMMER CIAL UNION, of London, LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION, of London; HAMBURG-BREMEN, of Germany; AMERICAN FIRE, of Philadelphia; SA VANNAH F. &M., ofSavannah; MANHATTAN LIFE, of New York; FIDELITY & CASUALTY, of New York,
456 2d, r 707 Oak. (See top lines.)
UfirnFR't CflUfCnntractnrs and Builders
niLUtn V 0U 111) 614 to 623 Third Street, SiHIS.flA.





JEWETT HENRY L., sec and treas Macon Construction Co., and sec and treas Macon & Savannah Construction Co., and treas Ga. Academy for the Blind, 456 2d, r 708 Oak
Jewett Samuel, c, gardener T. W. Troy, r nr old Hospital, V Jobson Arthur, c, porter L. B. Clifton Jobson Charles A., cashier C. R. R., r ws College, w of W.
Boundary Jobson Charles E., maeh G. S. & F. R. R., bds 717 Oak Jobson John B., jeweler C. H. Solomon, r 190 Magnolia Jobson John N., elk H. Horne, bds 190 Magnolia Jobson William B., upholsterer C. R. R. shops Johns Ada J., wid Z., bds 1st, nw cor Hawthorne Johns Green I., saloon, 509 4th, r 1069 Hazel Johns James W., saloon, 551 4th, r 603 4th Johns Joseph, c, wks W. F. Anderson, r al bet 6th and 7th, nr
Mulberry Johns Mary, wid James E., bds 859 4th Johns Richard, cond S. W. R. R., r 709 3d Johnson Albert L., c, brickmason, r 668 Hawthorne Johnson Albert S., much, bds 753 Spring Johnson Alonzo, c, porter N. Carshell, r 18 Wolf's row Johnson Amos, c, hostler, r 667 Hazel Johnson Andrew, c, butler, r 363 Monroe Johnson Archie, c, lab, r ws Elbert, 4th s of Boundary, S. M Johnson Arthur, c, servt, r 1405 Ash Johnson Augustus, lab, r ss, C. R. R., bey limits Jolmssn A. H. Mrs., grocer, 1342 4th, r 1336 4th Johnson Belle, c, barber, 663 4th, r ws Cole, 2d s of Hazel Johnson Benjamin, c, lab, r ws W. Boundary, 5th sof Chestnut Johnson Berry, c, wks E. T., V. & G. R. R., r 760 Telfair Johnson Bradford A., carp C. R. R., r ws 3d, 1st s of Pebble, S.
M Johnson Brantley, stoker Stmr No. 2, r 1133 Walnut Johnson Calvin, c, porter Carstarphen & Tillman Johnsou Carter, c, wks Bibb No. 1, r rear 362 Clinton, E. M Johnson Charles, c, barber Wm. Napier Johnson Charles, c, lab C. R. R., r 1208 4th Johnson Charles, c, porter R. L. Askew, r 211 Washington av Johnson Charles, c, porter C. C. Holt, bds 811 Pine

O.P.&B, E. WILLINGHAM & C0.Manufactlirers of Do01^ 7th fc CUerry Streets. Office 302 3d. SSSh, BlltldS, McUlt6lS, Etc.

Telephone No. 37. ^ ^ PARKERi




Johnson Charles, c, wks Hays & Mansfield Johnson Charles A., eng, r es Chapel, 1st sof Pebble, S. M Johnson Charles W., elk Johnson & Harris, bds 856 1st Johnson Chesterfield S. (Johnson. & Estes), r 362 College Johnson Colonel, c, wks Bibb No. 1, bds 803 Pine Johnson Cullen M., farmer, r ws 3d, 2d s of Pebble, S. M Johnson C. J., barkpr J. S. Stembridge, r country Johnson Daniel, c, painter, r 426 Elbert Johnson Daniel, c, porter F. M. Jones Johnson David, c, blacksmith, r ns Holt, 4th w of Monroe Johnson Dennis, c, wks E. T., V. & G. R. R., r rear 370 Arch Johnson Doxie Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co., bds Hawthorne,
cor 2d Johnsou Ed. S., elk H. J. Lamar & Sons, bds 769 Poplar Johnson Edgar M., elk Johnson & Harris, bds /18 Oak Johnson Edward, c, lab, r Bay, se cor Division Johnson Elbert, c, well digger, r ss Holmes, 3d w of Poe, Y Johnson Elijah W,, painter C. R. R., r ss Stratton, 2d w of
Cedar, S. M Johnson Eliza, wid L., bds 769 4th Johnson Ellen, wks Bibb No. 1 Johnson Emanuel, c, lab, r rear 220 3d Johnson Emily A., c, teacher Green St. School,r 531 Monroe
Johnson Ennis, c, lab, r 162 Elm Johnsou Francis S. (Johnson & Erminger), r 360 College
Johnson Frank, c, lab, r rear 354 Monroe Johnson Frank, wks Bibb No. 1 Johnson Frank H , elk G. S. & F. R. R., bds 360 College Johnson George, c, lab, r ss Bay, 2d e of Division Johnson George, c, porter, r 269 Walnut Johnson George L., carder Manchester Mnfg Co., r 11 Man
chester row Johnson Georgia, wid J., r ns Elm, 2d e of Main, E. M Johnson G. Call (Winn, Johnson & Co.), bds 769 Poplar Johnson Hal, c, wks T. L. Holt, r E. M Johnson Hardin T. (Johnson & Harris), r 718 Oak Johnson Harold, c, lab, r rear 362 Clinton, E. M Johnson Henry, c, porter P. Heidingsfelder, r McKennas al
Johnson Henry, c, lab C. R. R., r 33 1st




Johnson Henry, c, lab, r rear 952 Elm Johnson Henry, c, porter, r 1171 3(1 Johnson Henry C., c, harnessmkr A. Bernd, r ss Green, 5th
w of Hudson Johnson Henry F., c, mason, r es Dairy la, 3d n of Green JOHNSON HOLMES, coal dealer, 313 Ocmulgee, r
High. (See top lines). Johnson Holmes T., elk, bds 360 College Johnson Ida B., c, seamstress, bds 309 Ocmulgee Johnson Irvin, c, switchman C. R. R., r 321 Cherry Johnson Isaac, c, driver Hays & Mansfield, r rear 708 Oak Johnson Isham, c, lab, bds ws Wood al, 2d n of Ash Johnson Jacob, c, carp, r 312 Jefferson Johnson James, c, gardener, r 433 Monroe Johnson James C., physician, 105 Cotton av, r 720 Plum Johnson James E., fireman, bds 454 Oak Johnson James H., elk, r Gordon, nw cor Telfair, S. M Johnson James J., carp, r ws 1st, 3d s of Oglethorpe Johnson James N., tinner E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds 670 3d Johnson James W., grocer, ss Boundary, 3d w of 3d, S. M Johnson Jeff, c, wks W. F. Anderson Johnson Jesse, c, carp, r ws Virgins la, 1st s of Forsyth Johnson John, c, barber A. Henderson, r 123 Tattnall Johnson John, c, lab, r ss Columbus rd Johnson John H., c, brakeman S. W. R. R., r ns Bay, 1st e of
Division Johnson Joseph, c, lab, bds 456 Bay Johnson Joseph, c, lab, bds 354 Hazel Johnson Joseph L., molder, res Telfair, 5ths of Gordon, S. M Johnson Joshua, c, wks Chapman & Gantt, r 234 Madison Johnson Julia Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co, bds Gordon, nw cor
Telfair, S. M Johnson Kate Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co, bds Hawthorne,
cor 3d Johnson Kinching, c, lab, r rear 316 Ocmulgee Johnson Larry, c, porter S. R. Jaques & Tinsley Co Johnson Lenson D., carp E. T., V. & G. R. R., r es 2d, 4th s
of Stratton, S. M Johnson Leroy, c, carp, r rear 612 Hammond



233 ~ ~


Johnson Leroy, c, wks C. B. E., r 217 Ash Johnson Lewis, c, watchman, r rear 6th, ne cor Tupelo Johnson Lucius, c, porter H. Abel, r rear 354 Monroe Johnson L. M., e, postal elk, r 813 4th Johnson Mark, elk G. Beggs & Sons, r 616 Cherry Johnson Martin, c, whitewasher, r 379 Monroe Johnson Mary, wid, bds 333 Hidrola, E. M Johnson Mary J., wid T., r 1023 2d Johnson Mathew, c, lab, r ss Turpin, 7th e of Division Johnson Mattie Mrs., tailoress M. Friend, r S. M Johnson Mattie E., wid E. A., bds 153 Madison Johnson Miles, c, lab, r 151 Elm Johnson Milton, c, drayman, r rear 821 Oak Johnson Mollie Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds Gordon, nw cor
Telfair, S. M Johnson Moses, c, lab, r 269 Walnut Johnson Napoleon B., grocer, 1502 4th, r 1510 4th Johnson Obe S., elk S. T. Coleman & Burden Co., bds 706 1st Johnson Orin, c, wks Palmer Mtifg Co Johnson Oscar, c, butler J. S. Schofield, r 216 Forsyth Johnson Peter, c, brickmason, r 1226 3d Johnson Pollock, c, wks Bibb No. 1, r 442 Flanders, E. M Johnson Eeese G., elk T. E. Ayer, bds ss Forsyth, V Johnson Eeuben, c, lab, r 159 Bay Johnson Eeuben, c, wks Bibb No. 1, r rear ns Elm, 5th e of
Main, E. M Johnson Eichard, c, lab, r 314 Hazel Johnson Eobert, c, farmer, r Columbus rd Johnson Eobert, fireman Bibb No. 2, r es Wood's al, n of Hazel Johnson Eobert, c, lab C. E. E., r rear 471 Hazel Johnson Eobert, c, servt E. F. Lawrence, r bey limits Johnson Eobert, c, shoemkr, r 1157 Oglethorpe Johnson Eoland, c, wks Palmer Mnfg Co Johnson Samuel, helper Winn, Johnson & Co Johnson Sanford, c, lab, res W. Boundary, 4th n of Forsyth Johnson Sidney, c, porter P. O., r rear 405 Madison Johnson Silas, c, wks Hays & Mansfield, bds 1142 4th Johnson Sophia, c. seamstress, r 309 Ocmulgee Johnson Stephen B., flagman C. E. B., bds 670 3d
EADS, NEEL & CO.Leading Clothiers and Furnishers 552 & 554 Cherry Street, MACON, GA.

Children's Carriages, goat wagons
s. s., 470 Second st. (Seep. 7.) Saddles, Harness, Etc.




Johnson Tharpe, lab, bds 345 Flanders, E. M Johnson Thomas, c, lab, r 1230 1st Johnson Thomas, c, wks C. R. R., 354 Bay Johnson Thomas, c, lab, r rear ns Forsyth, V Johnson Thomas, c, r ns Holmes, 13th w of Middle, P. H Johnson Thomas, c, r ns Holt, nr oldHospital, V Johnson Thomas B., lab, r Hawthorne, cor 2d Johnson Thornton, c, lab, r esW. Boundary, 4th n of Forsyth Johnson T. S., mach C. R. R. shops Johnson Wallace, wks Palmer Mnfg Co Johnson Warren, c, porter A. Gibian & Co., r Craft's al Johnson Wesley, c, wks G. S. & F. R. R., r 1232 3d Johnson William, c, carp Pettit, DeHaven & Co., r Hicks' al Johnson William, c, cook Brown's Hotel Johnson William, c, hackman, r 324 2d, E. M Johnson William, c, helper Winn, Johnson &Co Johnson William, c, porter M. I. Morris Johnson William, c. servt G. S. Westcott Johnson William, c, wks Bibb No. 1, bds 411 Clinton, E. M Johnson William, c, wks E. T., V. & G. R. R., r 208 Ash Johnson William A., fireman C. R. R., bds 1505 3d Johnson William B., c, butler D. C. Harris, r 709 College Johnson William B., upholsterer, r 475 Monroe Johnson William G., c, grocer, 369 Cotton av, r 531 Monroe Johnson William G. Jr., c, elk W. G. Johnson, bds 531 Monroe Johnson William L., with Johnson & Karris, r 856 1st Johnson William R., eng C. R. R., bds 720 Plum Johnson Willis, c, grocer, ss Columbus rd Johnson & Erminger (F. S. Johnson and H. B. Erminger),
genl brokers, 404 Cherry Johnson & Estes (C. S. Johnson and E. Estes) cotton ware
house, 552 Poplar JOHNSON & HARRIS (H. T. Johnson and G. T. Harris),
whol grocers and prov dlrs, 401-403 Cherry Johnston Annie T., wid W. B., r 124 Georgia av Johnston Harry D., trav agt, bds 325 Adams Johnston James M., with Allen, Dumas & Thompson, r 1068
Oglethorpe Johnston James R., elk Freeman & Jones, bds 325 Adams


A First-class Business School
Rapid Business Penmanship
Circulars Free. w. Mckay, Pria'





Johnston Jane L., wid Edward, r 516 3d Johnston John S., wks C. R. R. office,bds 1068 Oglethorpe Johnston J. Mark, city mngr Domestic S. M. Co., r rear ns
Forsyth, V Johnston J. Marsh (I. B. English & Co.), r 221 Georgia av
Johnston Kate Miss, r 622 5th Johnston Laura C.. wid T. H., r 325 Adams Johston L. L., physician, rl538 2d Johnston Mary B., wid E. J., r 757 Mulberry Johnston Sarah E. Mrs., grocer, 1072 Oglethope Johnston Sidney A., mach,bds 620 2d Johnston Vashti, wid S. R., bds 706 1st Johnston Walter T., teller Merchants' Nat. Bk, r 375 Orange
Johnston William A., blksmith C. R. R., r 614 Arch
Joiner B. M., cond S. W. R. R Joiner Charles A., switchman E. T., Y. & G. R. R., r 515 Oak
Joiner Charles J., cond G. S. & F. R. R., r 102 2d Joiner Emanuel, c, lab, r 309 Hammond Joiner Frank, fireman C. R. R., r es Cedar, 2d s of Windsor, S. M
Joiner George W., grocer, 857 3d Joiner Jackson, c, lab Dixie Wks, r 1058 Hazel Joiner James F. cond S. W. R. R Joiner James W., motorman M. C. & S. St. R. R., r 1116 Elm
Joiner John, c, lab, r rear 116 New Joiner Mary A., wid James A., bds ss Pebble, 3d w of 3d,
S. M Joiner Thomas A., eng E. T. Y. & G. R. R., bds 768 2d Jolly Adolphus, c, lab, r al bet 4th and Elbert, nr Bay Jones Abner, c, driver W. F. Anderson, r Wards al, Y Jones Abner F., with Allen Dumas & Thompson, r Center, nw
cor Clinton, E. M Jones Albert, bkkpr, bds 726 College Jones Albert, c, lab, r rear 720 Plum Jones Alexander, c, porter, r rear 55 Spring Jones Alice Miss, bds ss Random, 1st e of Center, E. M Jones Allen D., c, butler C. Wachtel, r ss Jefferson, 5th w ot
Middle, P. H Jones Alonzo, knitter Ga. Hosiery Co Jones Alonzo, c, porter M. Friend, bds Cherry al, w ot New


and has made MOST Rapid Progress of any Co.


(See p. 6.)

T. s. LOWRY, Manager.




Jones Andrew F., painter C. R. R., bds 1052 Oglethorpe Jones Annie, wid, r 205 New, E. M Jones Annie R., e, teacher, r ss Jefferson, 3d e of Middle, P. H Jones Anthony, c, brickmason, r ns Forsyth, 5th w of W.
Boundary Jones Archibald B., with Lawton & Smith, r Ft. Hill, E. M Jones Arthur F. (Jones & Merritt, and S. Jones & Co.), bds
718 Cherry Jones Augustus, c, eng Macon Laundry, r 220 Telfair Jones A. M., trav agt, r Lawton av, 1st w of W. Boundary,
H. H
Jones Baxter, elk G. S. Jones & Co., bds 261 Bond Jones Benjamin, c, lab, r ws al bet 4th and 5th, 4th not
Boundary Jones Benjamin C., elk F. M. Jones, r ns St. Johns, 2d e of
Church, E. M Jones Benjamin L. (W. H. Jones & Son), r Milledgeville rd,
se cor Ft. Hill Jones Bennett, bailiff, r 416 Mulberry JONES BESSIE MRS., boarding, 362 Mulberry Jones Britt, c, car cleaner G. S. & F. R. R Jones Causada Mrs., wks Bibb No. 2, bds 65 Hazel, Factory
row Jones Charles, c, lab, r Cherry's al, 1st w of New Jones Charles, c, wks C. R. R., r 238 Calhoun Jones Charles L., dray line, r 607 Georgia av Jones Charles W., grocer, 530 Flanders, E. M Jones Crocket, c, lab, r rear 4th, sw cor Boundary, S. M Jones C. J., fireman C. R. R Jones Daniel, c, driver Carstarphen & Tillman Jones David, knitter Macon Knitting Co Jones Dollie A. Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 98 Oglethorpe,
Factory row Jones Donald B. (D. B. Jones & Co), r 726 College
Jones Donald B. Jr. (Jones & Anderson), r 621 Madison
JONES D. B. & CO. (D. B. Jones and E. T. Hodgkins), pro duce com mers, 464 and 466 2d
Jones Edith Miss, wks H. J. Lamar & Sons, bds es Church, 7th n of Garden, E. M

GREENBERG ^ Ws d a to fit

PFH R IFWFTT general insurance agent,
ULv Di JLTl L I I f Office: Capital Bank, 456 Second.




Jones Edward J., wks Bennett & Boardman, bds 362 Mulberry Jones Edward, plumber S. M. Subers & Sons, r E. M
Jones Eli, carp, r 1058 Elm Jonos Elizabeth, wid J., bds ns Garden, 3d w of Church, E. M Jones Ellis, c, shoemkr, r 157 Cherry Jones Emma Miss, knitter Macon Knitting Co Jones Fannie Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds Hawthorne, nw cor 1st Jones Frank, c, lab, r rear 221 Jones Jones Frank, c, servt, r 412 Clinton E,. M Jones Frank, wks J. S. Schofield & Son, bds 769 4th Jones Frank M., grocer, 316 Main, r Ft. Hill, nw cor St. Johns,
E. M Jones Fred R. collector Capital Bank, bds 726 College Jones George, c, barber S. M. Gantt, r ns Woodruff, 3d w of
Monroe Jones George, c, wks B. Brown, r ws Ward's al, 1st n of V. rd Jones George N., eng C. R. R Jones GeorgeS., pres George S. Jones & Co., bds 261 Bond JONES GEO. S. & CO., Geo. S. Jones, pres; E. F. McRae,
sec and treas; whol grocers, Cherry, cor E. T., V. & G. R. R Jones George T., elk S. Waxelbaum &Co., r 1526 3d
Jones G. J., carp C. R. R. shops Jones Harry L., clkS. R. Jaques& Tinsley Co., bds ss Forsyth,
Jones Henry, c, carp, r 117 Maple Jones Henry, c, carp, r 313 Jefforson, P. H Jones Henry, c, lab, r 1413 1st Jones Henry H., journalist, r ss Forsyth, V Jones Herman C., with S. Waxelbaum & Son, bds 467 Monroe
Jones Ida, wks Bibb No. 1 Jones, Isaac T., cond, r es Church, 7th n of Garden, E. M Jones James, wks Bibb No. 2, bds ss Troup, 2d s of 2d, S M Jones Jeff, c, lab, bds ws 2d, 11th s of Williams, S. M Jones Joel H. Jr., elk Plant & Hurt, bds 427 College Jones John, c, brickmason, r 1228 4th Jones Jack, c, brakeman S. W. R. R., bds 114 Hazel Jones John, c, fireman, r 114 Hazel Jones John, c, lab, r es Jones, 1st e of New Cherry, P. H Jones John, wks Bibb No. 2, bds ws C. R. R., 2d n of Elm

614 to 633 Third Street, MACON, GA. rAINIO, Ull-O HliU LXMU




O UIlCo U vjll 11 Vy. j Util

u * T u vlllloj X

A VJ71U*.

JONES JOHN E., pres C, & M. R. R., and S. W. R. R. Co.,

r 325 Georgia av

Jones John G., trav agt, r ws Ft Hill, 2d n of St. Johns, E. M

Jones John M., c, pastor Washington Av. C. M. E. Church, r ss

New Cherry, 5th w of Middle, P. H

Jones John S. (Rogers, Jones & Moore), r ns Forsyth, V

Jones John S., c, carp, r 332 2d, E. M

Jones Jordan c, lab J. G. Ruan, r Swamp rd, nr limits

Jones Joseph, c, gardener, r rear 553 Madison

Jones Josephine, wid G. T., bds 1526 2d

Jones Joshua J., farmer, r es Plant's al, 2d n of Boundary

Jones Julia F., wid W., r 317 Ross

Jones J. A., flagman S. W. R. R

Jones J. Calhoun, elk G. S. & F. R. R., bds 356 New

Jones J. Madison, bds 753 Mulberry

Jones Kate Miss, dressmkr, bds 317 Ross

Jones Kirby, elk W. C. Lyons & Co., bds 552 1st

Jones Lacey E., wid W. M., r es Chapel, 2d s ot Stratton,


Jones Lee, c, lab, r City Park

Jones Lee B., with Johnson & Harris, bds Pierpont House

Jones Levi, c, drayman, r753 Elm

Jones Lydia Miss, inspector Ga. Hosiery Co


JONES L. MONROE, chief Fire Dept, bds 421 Cherry

Jones L. M., wid M. M., r 1430 3d

Jones Madison F., carp, r 2d, se cor Pebble, S. M

Jones Major H., carp, r 457 Hazel

Jones Malcolm D. (Jones & Dasher), r 558 Madison

Jones Mamie, c, seamstress, r 362 Pine

Jones Marshall, c, wks M. C. & S. St. R. R., r 120 Telfair

Jones Martha, wid G. S., r 261 Bond

Jones Martha Miss, wks Bibb No. 1, r 252 Main, E. M

Jones Martha A., tailoress, bds ss Troup, 2d w of 2d, S. M

Jones Mat, c, lab, bds 1031 4th

Jones Minnie L. Mrs., bds es 2d, 7th s of Windsor, S. M

Jones Nathan, c, porter Merchants Nat. Bk, r es Middle, 6th n of

New Cherry, P. H

Jones Nathan, c, wks B. Brown, r ws Wards al, lstn of Y. rd

Paints, Oils Glass, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Etc. 9 At 0. P. & B. E. WILLINGHAM & CO'S.


in SEASON at Headquarter.



Jones Nelson, c, lab T. J. Carling & Co., r City Park

Jones Otis, c, bellboy Hotel Lanier, bds rear 553 Madison

Jones Paul, wks Bibb No. 2, r 65 Hazel, Factory row

Jones Peter, c, wks E. T., V. & G. R. R., r es C. R. R., 2d s

of Ash Jones Peyton W., contractor, r 1019 Ash

Jones Richard, c, carp, r Unionville

Jones Richard C., elk, r 136 Cole

Jones Robert, c, drayman A. Gibian & Co., r Monroe

Jones Robert, c, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 120 Telfair

Jones Robert, c, wks C. R. R., bds 362 Hazel

Jones Robert J., fireman C. R. R

Jones Robert T., elk J. R. Ryle, bds ns Ft. Hill, 2d n of St

Johns, E. M

Jones Robert T., wks C. C. Stratton, r 313 Hazel

Jones Sallie F. Miss, wks J. W. Burke & Co., bds 317 Ross

Jones Sarah, wid B., r 1054 Elm

Jones Sarah A., wid D. G., bds es Church, 7th n of Garden, E. M

Jones Sarah L. Miss, bds ss Troup, 2d w of 2d, S. M

Jones Seaborn (S. Jones & Co.), r 104 4th

Jones Shepard, c, wks L. McManus & Co., r ss Holmes, 7th w of

Middle, P.H Jones Sidney, c, lab J. J. Wilder

Jones Smith, c, lab, r ws Ward's al, 1st n of Y. rd

Jones Stephen, c, cook, r rear 115 4th Jones Stewart D. (Freeman & Jones) bds ss Forsyth, Y

Jones Sylvester, c, lab, bds 253 Walnut

Jones S. &Co. (S. and A. F. Jones), grocers, 416 Mulberry

Jones Thomas, c, lab C. R. R., bds 325 Maple

Jones Thomas,c, street hand, r rear ssForsyth, Y

Jones Thomas, c, wks J. L. Shea, bds 315 Jefferson Jones Thomas B., engC. R. R., r ss Stratton, 5th e of Chapel,

S. M Jones Thomas J., carp, r ws Wilder, 1st s of Troup, S. M

Jones T. L.,cond C. R. R Jones T. Skelton (T. Skelton Jones & Co.), r 306 Washington av

Jones T. Skelton & Co. (T. S. Jones and Asher Ayres), mdse

brokers, 563 Cherry Jones Turner Rev., c, r es al, bet 1st and 2d, 1st s of Elm





Jones William, c, carp, r ns Jefferson, 9th w of Middle, P. H Jones William, c, drayman C. E. Harris, r 551 Hazel Jones William, c, drayman Smith & Gordon, r nr branch, V Jones William, c, gardener, r 15 Holt, P. H Jones William, c, lab, r es C. R. R., 3d s of Ash Jones William C., lab r rear 120 4th Jones William, c, lab Gas Co., bds Ells, 2d s of Knott, S. M Jones William, c, lab W. R. Ivey, r rear 202 Hammond Jones William, molder r rear 6th, ne cor Tupelo Jones William, c, porter T. E. Toole, r 317 Elbert Jones William, wks Bibb No. 1, r es Willingham, 1st s of
Reese, E. M Jones William C., collector News, bds Wilbourn House Jones William C., grocer, 628 Washington av, r 467 Monroe Jones William H. (W. H. Jones & Son), r es Milledgeville rd,
6 th n of Hidrola, E. M Jones William H., c, brakeman, bds 114 Hazel Jones William H. policeman, bds 852 4th Jones William H.& Son (William H. and Benjamin), grocers, 340
Main, E. M Jones William L. Dr., trav agt, r ws New Houston rd, 4th s of
Ells, S. M Jones William R., mach C. R. R., bds Park Hotel Jones William T., elk W. E. Henry, bds 205 New, E. M Jones Willoughby, watchman, bds 1134 4th
Jones W.A., condC. R. R JONES & ANDERSON (D. B. Jones, Jr., and L. J. Ander
son), real estate and loan agts, 318 2d Jones & Dasher (M. D. Jones and Arthur Dasher), lawyers,
518 Mulberry Jones & Merritt (A. F. Jones and T. E. Merritt), whol grocers,
471 2d Jordan Benjamin, c, lab, r rear 717 3d Jordan Benjamin J., c (B. J. Jordan & Bro.), r 407 Monroe Jordan Butler L., c (B. J. Jordan & Bro.), r Unionville Jordan B. J. & Bro., c (B. J. and B. L.), boots and shoes, 425
Cotton av Jordan Charles E., wks Bibb Mnfg Co., r 208 Hidrola, E. M Jordan Clint D., watchman G. S. & F. R. R

THE POWERS CONTRACTING CO. Dealers in BUILDERS' and PAINTERS' SUPPLIES, and 157, 159, 161 Cotton Avenue. (See p. 8.) GENERAL CONTRACTORS

Jordan Daniel, c, stable hand M. C. & S. St. R. R Jordan David, c, wks M. C. & S. St. R. R.. r country Jordan Derrick C., car insp G. S. & F. R. R., r Pebble, se cor
Telfair, S. M Jordan Emma Mrs., bds 208 Hidrola, E. M Jordan Fannie, wid James, r 662 Hawthorne Jordan Floyd, drayman, r ws 2d, 9th s of Williams, S. M Jordan Frank M., c, carp, r 708 Hazel Jordan George, c, lab, r ws al, bet 4th and 5th, lsts of Elbert Jordan George W. c, barber J. Giannone, r 535 Monroe Jordan George W., binder J. W. Burke & Co., bds ss Gordon,
4th e of Telfair, S. M Jordan George W., car insp E. T., Y. & G. R. R., r Pebble, se
cor Telfair, S. M Jordan Hattie R., c, teacher Green St. School, r 407 Monroe Jordan Henry, carp C. R. R., bds 1505 3d Jordan Hilliard, c, lab C. & M. R. R., r 98 Jasper, E. M Jordan Homer C., fireman C. R. R., bds 704 3d Jordan Hubbard, c, lab, r es Moughon, 3d n of Holmes Jordan Jacob, c, drayman, r 311 Ash Jordan James A., cond M. C. & S. St. R. R., bds 1116 Elm Jordan James R., printer J. W. Burke & Co., bds Pebble, se
cor Telfair, S. M Jordan Jefferson, c, lab, r 17 Spring Jerdan Jesse wks C. R. R., r 704 3d Jordan John, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 662 Hawthorne Jordan Joseph F., car insp E. T., Y. & G. R. R., r es Cedar,
1st s of Stratton, S. M Jordan Joseph W. Rev., r ss Gordon, 4th e of Telfair, S. M Jordan Josephine H., wid John, r ss Reed, 3d e of 4th, S. M Jordan Lee M., elk N. I, Brunner, r 10244th Jordan Martin, c, lab, bds 125 College Jordan Mary A. Miss, dressmkr, r ss Gordon, 4th e of Telfair,
S. M Jordan Mary J., wid J. R., r 1017 Hazel Jordan Richard C., law agt E. T., V. & G. R. R., 504 Mul
berry, bds Pierpont House Jordan Riley, carder Manchester Mnfg Co., r 4 Manchester row Jordan Rosa Miss, elk R. L. Askew, rS.M
tine Mill ! pfl BEST HATS # SHIRTS
[AUm, IuLL U uU. 552 & 554 Cherry Street, MACON, GA. Y

Bl I rv nr 1 r Carriages,

Immense Stock. Low Prices

biggies, Wagons. S.S.PARMELEE, 47(0sd)st





Jordan Sidney, c, porter G. B. Turpin, r rear 763 2d Jordan Sydney, fireman C. R. R., bds 704 3d Jordan Thomas, blksmith C. R. R., bds ws Milledgeville rd, 2d
n of Hidrola, E. M Jordan Thomas, c, lab, bds rear 105 Park pi Jordan Thomas E., fireman C. R. R., bds Boundary, sw cor 3d,
S.M Jordan Urban C., flagman C. R. R., bds ss Gordon, 4th e of
Telfair, S. M Jordan Walter, lab, bds 470 Bay Jordan William, c, lab, bds 314 Cherry Jordan William, c, lab, r ns Holt, 6th e of Clark av, P. H Jordan William A., capt Stmr No. 2, r 759 1st Jordan Willliam B., c, elk W. Green & Co., r 407 Monroe Jordan William R., cond E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds 106 5th Jordan William R., farmer, r Pebble, se cor Telfair, S. M Josephson Harry S. (Josephson & Skaloski), r 570 2d Josephson Simon, dry goods, 509 Cherry, r 806 2d Josephson & Skalowski (H. S. Josephson and M. Skalowski),
dry goods and clothing, 359 3d Joses Thomas, c, drayman W. L. Wilder, r rear 130 Washing
ton av Josey Clara E. wid Thomas J., bds 856 1st Josey Walter C., printer, bds 811 Walnut Josey William J., flagman G. S. & F. R. R., bds 1520 3d Juhan Charlie J., elk W. J. Juhan, bds 111 2d Juhan George, c, lab, r 598 Clinton, E. M Juhan William A., elk W. J. Juhan, 111 2d Juhan William J., dry goods, 606 Cherry, r 1357 Oglethorp
KAH GEORGE C., carp C. R. R., r ss Kali al, S. M Kahn Edward, grocer, Market, bds 511 Cotton av
Kahn Valentine, genl store, r 511 Cotton av
Kane J. D., c, porter C. C. Holt Kantewein Fritz, wks Macon Brewing Co., bds 417 Hazel Katherine Sister, in charge Appleton Church Home Kay Christopher, wks C. R. R., r 322 3d Keaslin B., car rep E. T., V. & G. R. R Keating Dennis A., undertaker, 511 Mulberry, bds 441 Madison

MACON COMMERCIAL COLLEGE} A First Class Business School
Circulars free. W. McKAT, Principal, j Rapid Business Penmanship

BUILDERS' l&TERI&L Of Every Description.


(See p. 7.)

6th St., Cor. Cherry




Keating James J., elk D. A. Keating, bds 441 Madison Keating Mary, wid A., r 441 Madison Keel James C., contractor, r 251 Maple Keel James M., bkkpr Turpin & Ogden, bds 252 Maple
KEEN R. C., grocer, 468 1st, r 252 Maple
Keen William G., with Rogers & Adams, bds Brown's Hotel Kehoe Eliza S. Mrs., dressmkr, bds ws New Houston rd, 2ds of
Ells, S. M Keigler David, c, wks City, r 718 Hazel Keigler John, c, lab, bds 357 Maple Keigler Philip, c, lab, r 357 Maple Keiley Arthur F., mach C. R. R., bds 669 1st Keiley Claude E., elk Johnson & Harris, bds 715 Poplar Keiley William R., boilermkr C. R. R., bds 669 1st Keith Arthur N., elk Troy Laundry, bds 137 Appleton av Keith George A., elk John Ellis & Co., r 137 Appleton av Keith G. Sussdorff, cashier J. Ellis & Co., bds 137 Appleton av Keith Matt, c, servant, r 160 Walnut Keller Samuel, c, wks G. S. & F. R. R., r Gunn's Hill, S. M Kellum Benj., c, lab, r ss Stone, 2d e of Milledgeville rd, E. M Kelly Albert E., barkpr T. G. Carroll Kelly Alexander, c, lab, r 347 Forsyth Kelly Anthony, c, butcher W. H. Wood, r Swamp rd, nr limits Kelly Cassic E. wid W. M., r ss Troup, 2d w of 2d, S. M Kelly Eli, c, lab, r Swamp rd, nr limits Kelly George M., elk W. B. Troy, bds Ft. Hill, E. M Kelly Isaac, c, wks G. S. & F. R. R Kelly Jerry, c, farmer, bds rear ss Willingham, 1st e of Ft.
Hill, E. M Kelly Joseph L. B., carp, r ns Bernard, 1st w of Milledgeville
rd, E. M Kelly Mary Mrs., bds 342 Hidrola, E. M Kelly Michael, policeman, r 227 5th Kelly Peter, c, wks H. Abel, r Swamp rd, nr limits Kelly Philip, fireman C. R. R., r 237 Elbert Kelly Robert, c, lab C. R. R., rear r 232 Tatnall Kelly William, molder C. D. Findlay Kelly William, c, wks Bibb No. 1, r es Perry, 3d n of Ft.
Hill, E. M

UNION CENTRALIssues ENDOWMENT Insurance at LIFE Rates. Policies Incontestible and Non*Forfeitable. (See p. 6.) T. S. LOWRY, Sinter,






Kelsall Sam A., elk A. Jacobs, r 150 Holt Kelsaw Richmond, c, lab, r ns C. R. R., V Kemp Robert L., opr W. U. Tel Co., bds 619 1st Kemp T. B. Rev., pastor Grace Church, bds 147 High Kemp William H., cond S. W. R. R., bds Hotel Lanier Kenan Annie E. Mrs., prin Whittle Grammar School, bds 220
New KENAN OWEN T., chief of police, office City Hall, r 207
Appleton av Kendall Harry C., with Macon Hardware Co., bds 814 Cherry
Kendall Sidney, c, butler E. G. Harris Kendall Thomas R. Rev., pastor Mulberry St. Meth. Ch., r 717
Mulberry Kendall Thomas R. Jr., student Moore & Ross, bds 717 Mul
berry Kendrick Arthur, c, butler, r 37 New Cherry Kendrick A. N., cond E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds 620 Walnut Kendrick Charles, c, drayman W. H. Whitehead, r 112 Madi
son Kendrick Daniel, c, porter Smith & Smith, r 652 3d Kendrick Edward, c, butler H. S. Edwards, r rear 237 Col
lege Kendrick Felix, c, lab, bds 17 Wolff Row Kendrick Henry, c, glazier, r al, bet 6th and 7th, nr Mulberry Kendrick Joseph, c, painter, r 862 Ocmulgee Kendrick Lewis, c, drayman Sou. Hardware Co., r E. M Kendrick Richmond, c, lab, r 241 Jones Kendrick R. L., with Parker's News Co., bds National Hotel Kennedy Andrew W., with Dunlap Hardware Co., bds 718
Cherry Kennedy E. B., wid, bds 1024 4th Kennedy James A., grocer, 500 Oglethorpe Kennedy Leander, bkkpr Chappell & Park, r 711 Orange Kennedy Louise W., wid F. M., r 220 New Kennedy Thomas J., fireman C. R. R., r 914 Ash Kennedy William, grocer, r 559 Arch Kennesaw Restaurant, A. Jacobs, propr; 519 4th Kennon John W., mach J. S. Schofield & Son, r 657 Elm Kent Emily, wid J. F., r es Telfair, junc Wing av, S. M

How to Save

IfYou Want FIBE,UPE,ACCIDENT,SURETY or BOND POM Call on GEO. B. JEWETT, Office, Capital Bank, 456 2d.




Kent Mamie Miss, seamstress, bds 421 Oak Kent Robert 0., wks M. White, bds 952 Oglethorpe Kent Robert G., lab, r 1307 1st Kent Samuel J., eng S. W. R. R., r 952 Oglethorpe Kent Stephen S., carp, r rear Mercer University Kent William W., mach Bibb No. 2, r es Telfair, 3d s of Gor
don, S. M Kenyon A. H,, with Talbott & Sons Kersh David R., r ss Columbus rd
Kershaw George T. (Kershaw & Hill), and sec Board of Trade, r 512 Washington av
Kershaw & Hill (G. T. Kershaw and D. W. Hill), mdse bro kers, 409 4th
Kerr William, with S. Waxelbaum & Son, bds Hotel Lanier Kerwood Joseph, wks S. M. Subers & Son, bds 552 1st Kessler Jacob, grocer, 515 Cotton av Kibbee Charles C., lawyer, Masonic Bldg, 518 Mulberry, r 715
Cotton av Kibbee Henrietta E. Mrs., bds Edgerton House Kieifer Edward K., bds 812 2d Kieffer William, blacksmith C. R. R., r 812 2d Kilburn Lew J., printer, bds 552 1st Kilfoyle James, saloon, 228 Cotton av Killens Richard, c, barkpr Quinn Bros., r 609 Hazel Kilpatrick George, c, drayman, r Holmes, ne cor Jones, P. H Kilpatrick Walter, runner Stmr No. 4, r 1541 2d Kilpatrick W. Heard, student, bds 269 Maple Kilpatrick W. W. Mrs , bds 1541 2d Kimball Emma Miss, xeeler Bibb No. 2 Kimball J. R., fireman C. R. R Kimball Tom T., bag master C. R. R., bds Boundary, se cor
3d, S. M Kimball William R., elk C. R. R., r Boundary, se cor 3d,S. M Kimbrel Frances, wid J. T., r 824 College Kimbrel Robert J., fireman G. S. & F. R. R., r 419 Ross Kimbrel Thomas, wks G. S. & F. R. R., bds 419 Ross Kimbrew Henry G., pay master S. W. R. R., r 828 College Kimbrew Lula C., wid E. S., r531 Calhoun Kimbrew Thomas, watchman, r 1023 Ash

R. C. WILDtR'S SONS SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, Dressed and Rough Lumber 614 to 632 Third St., Macon, Ga.





Kimbrew William M., elk J. W. Burke & Co Kinchen Philip, c, lab, r 386 Monroe Kincheu Philip, Jr., c, butler, bds 386 Monroe Kinchen Thomas, c, porter, r 386 Monroe Kind William, e, lab, r rear 150 New Kinder Elizabeth J., wid W. A., bds 177 Madison King Allen, c, lab, r 322 Monroe King Arlisie E., wid S. H., r 333 Hidroia, E. M King Calvin, c, wks C. R. R., r 459 5th King Campbell T. (Payne & King), r 290 College King Catherine Mrs., meat market, 463 1st King Cuyler E., elk, bds 121 High King Duffy, wks Bibb No. 1, bds 333 Hidroia, E. M King Edward, c, porter A. L. Butts King Emanuel, c (King & Lucas), r rear 219 New King Eugene, c, porter, 515 Cherry King E. J., elk John Ellis & Co., bds 121 High King Frank P,, elk Mrs. C. King, r 463 1st King George, c, train baud G. S. & F, R. R King Green, c (King & Wilder), r ss Jefferson, 2d e of Mid
dle, P. H King Green, c, porter, r 388 Maple King Griffin, c, wks C. D. Findlay, r es Booker's al, 1st s of
Bay King Hal C., elk Macon Hardware Co., bds 121 Washington av King Hayes, c, porter W. B. Johnson, r ws 4th, 3d s of Ells,
S. M King H. H., elk U. S. Court, r Savannah King Jasper, c, wks Bibb No. 1 King Jerry, c, wks C. R. R., r 617 3d King Joseph, mach, bds 1138 Johnston King Julia A. Miss, bds 463 1st King J. D., flagman C. R. R King Laura G. Miss, bds 463 1st King Lewis, c, drayman, r ns Green, 2d w of Madison King Maria A. Mrs., music teacher, bds 409 Spring King Missouri, c, huckster, Market, r 352 Cherry King Preston, c, drayman Smith & Gordon, r rear 338 Calhoun King Randall, c, chairmkr, r 23 Monroe

R7I1I RFRS' HARDWARE--An Immense Stock--at
aes Tmrdstreet. 0. P. & B. E. WILLINGHAM & CO'S.




King Robert, c, wks C. R. R., r rear 418 4th King Thomas, c, lab, r rear 652 5th King Thomas, c, wks C. R. R., r 617 3d King William, c, lab, r rear 919 Walnut King William A., wks Bibb No. 1, bds 333 Hitfrola, E. M King William R., barkpr M. G. Putzel King & Lucas, c (E. King and J. Lucas), saloon, 151 5th King & Wilder, c (G. King and L. C. Wilder), saloon, 458
Cotton av Kingman Samuel A., elk I. B. English & Co., r Peachtree, se
cor 2d av, E. M Kingry Queen V., wid C. C., r 417 Main, E. M Kinmau Eb. B., messenger C. R. R., bds 570 Oglethorpe Kinney Philip, wks Eureka Co Kirby Catherine Mrs., r 322 3d Kirk Reuben, c, driver, r ws Cole, 3d s of Hazel Kirkland Dickson F., dispatcher G. S. & F. R. R., bds 710
Mulberry Kirksey Fannie Mrs., reeler Bibb No. 2 Kirtland Sarah Miss, bds 413 Spring Kissie Peter, c, section hand, r rear 420 Hammond Kitchens Estelle Miss, Wks Macon Knitting Co., r ss Stratton,
2d e of Chapel, S. M Kitchens George, c, porter W. B. Carhart & Co., r rear 718
Pine Kitchens Hampton K., c, gardener, r 323 Oglethorpe Kitchens Harriet S. Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co., bds ss
Stratton, 2d e of Chapel Kitchens Henry H., carp G. S. & F. R. R., r ws White, 1st s
of Ells, S. M Kitchens James M., driver M. C. & S. St. R. R., r ss Stratton,
2d e of Chapel, S. M Kitchens Walter M., wks Bibb No. 2, bds ss Stratton, 2d e of
Chapel, S. M Kitchens Warren, c, eng J. S. Schofield & Son, r 129 Tattnall Kitchens Wiley, c, fireman G. S. & F. R. R., bds Thompson
House Kitchens William, c, porter Payne and Willingham, r E. M Kittrell Jesse, c, mason, r ns Green, 3d w of Hudson


ICE! BEER two Necessities of Life. Pure
MACON BREWING CO. (Seep. 5.) Both Supplied by




Kittrell Lewis A., c, porter G. F. Wing & Co., r Windsor Hill Kittrell Thomas G., elk S. T. Coleman & Burden Co., bds
362 Clinton, E. M Klinard Paul F., eng E. T., Y. & G. R. R., bds 454 Oak Klopfer Frank L., elk J. Hurley, bds 356 New KNAPP A. C., traffic mngr -G. S. &. F. and M. & B. R. Rs.,
r 316 Washington av Knight Alice Miss, dairy, r 118 Main, E. M Knight Clarence E., elk, bds 454 Plum Knight Daniel K., c, pastor St. Paul's Church, r 207 New
E. M Knight Emma, wid T., r 454 Plum Knight Frank K., watchman, r ss Pebble, 1st w of Elbert,
S. M Knight John, cond C. & M. R. R., bds 454 Plum Knight Jonas, c, wks Bibb Land-Lumber Co., r 203 Ocmulgee Knight Joseph R., saloon, 420 Mulberry, bds 1315 4th Knobloch William C., baker and confectioner, 509 Cotton av
Knott Ludy, c, wks M. G. Putzel, r rear 752 3d Knott Thomas, c, drayman, r 315 Hawthorne
Knowles John, wks Bibb No. 1 Knowles Joseph W., fireman G. S. & F. R. R., r 453 Elm Knowles Louisa Miss seamstress, r rear 253 Ocmulgee
Knowles Mary, wid Lewis, r 865 3d Koch Peter, carp C. R. R. shops Kress John J., chf dispatcher C. R. R., r 324 Georgia av Krug John, wks Macon Brewing Co., bds 417 Hazel Kruger Edward, photographer, bds 117 Cotton av Kupferman Felix, elk N. M. Block, bds 628 Orange Kupferman Samuel H., with Dannenberg & Doody, bds 628
Orange Kupferman William, with N. A. Gans & Co., r 628 Orange
LACKEY JAMES F., elk N. B. Johnson, r Windsor Hill Lackey Thomas, boilermkr C. R. R. shops LACY GEORGE C., sec and treas Macon Sash, Door and
Lumber Co., r 130 High Lacy James, c, lab, r es Wright's al, 2d s of Ash Lafferty Ellen, wid W. J., r 452 Walnut

m|l|hoo POWERS CONTRACTING CO. Builders' and Painters' Supplies and Genera! Contractors.

Lafferty Maggie Miss, elk L. Merkel, bds 452 Walnut Lafferty Mary E. Miss, bkkpr H. Newman, bds 452 Walnut Lafitte Hattie, c, teacher Hazel St. School, bds 118 Tattnall Lafitte Samuel, c, cook, r 118 Tattnall Lagerquist Oscar F., eng C. R. R., r ss Knott, 2d w of Ells,
S. M Lagerquist Walter G., elk, bds ss Knott, 2d w of Ells, S. M LaGrange Louis A., with M. & D. R. R. Co., r 259 2d Lake Peter, c, lab, bds rear 111 5th Lamar Frank, c, wks G. S. & F. R. R Lamar George, c, lab, r 760 Hazel Lamar Henry G., c, gardener, bds 215 College LAMAR HENRY J. (H. J. Lamar & Sons and Lamar &
Co.), pres Exchange Bank and Union Svgs Bank |& Trust Co., r Forsyth rd, se cor Oak Haven av, V Lamar Henry J. Jr. (H. J. Lamar & Sous and Lamar & Co.,) bds Forsyth rd, cor Oak Haven av, V LAMAR H. J. & SONS (H. J., H. J. Jr. and W. D. Lamar, S. H. Shepard, J. S. Hoge and J. B. Riley), whol and retail druggists, 564 Cherry. (See back cover.) Lamar Jack T., r ss Forsyth, V Lamar Lucius M., chf elk C. & M. R. R., bds 110 3d Lamar Martha E., wid J. P., r ns Forsyth, 2d w of Poe, V Lamar Mary Lou Miss, r 520 Orange Lamar Robert, c, lab C. R. R., r ns Holt, 3d w of Monroe Lamar Walter D. (H. J. Lamar & Sons and Lamar <& Co.), bds Forsyth rd, se cor Oak Haven av, Y Lamar William, c, lab, r Swamp rd, nr limits LAMAR & CO. (H. J., H. J. Jr. and W. D. Lamar, and T. A. Cheatham), druggists, 502 Mulberry Lamb Emma D., wid J. H., bds 404 Walnut Lamb Patrick L., grocer and saloon, 602 3d Lambert Eliza Miss, governess J. M. Johnston, r rear 221 Georgia av Lamerson Fannie, wks Bibb No. 1 Lamerson Henry, painter, bds 252 Main, E. M Lampkin Randall, c, lab C. R. R., r 425 Madison Land Della Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds ss Pebble, 7th w of Wilder, S. M

Carriaqes Phaetons, Buggies, Road Carts, Etc.
Ctreat Variety. (Seep. 7.) S. S. PARMELEE, 470 SeCOIld St.





Land James A., car insp G. S. & F. R. R., r ws Cedar, 1st s of
Windsor, S. M Land John, carder Manchester Mnfg Co., r 10 Manchester row Land Margaret, wid J., r ss C. R. R., bey limits Land Newton W., mattressmkr, r ss Pebble, 7th w ol Wilder,
S. M Landman Mattie H., wid W. B., r 769 Mulberry Landress David L., eng E. T., V. & G. R. R., r ss Pebble, 1st w
of 3d, S. M Landress Osborn, carp, r 1229 2d Landon Quinton, c, lab, r rear 58 New Landsberg Jacob, trav agt, r 714 Cherry Landsberg James, trav agt, r 717 Cherry Landsberg M., bds 575 College Lane Archie, lab, r es Campbell av, 2d s of Tindall, S. M Lane A. W., student, bds 439 Calhoun Lane Charles L., c, janitor, r 383 Monroe Lane Clayburn, c, wks Hays & Mansfield Lane Emma, wid J, A., r 308 Burnett, E. M Lane James, c, dcayman S. R. Jaques& Tinsley Co., r 1027 4th LANE JEFF, genl mngr G. S. & F. and M. & B. R. Rs,
Macon Construction Co., and M. & S. Construction Co., r
570 College Lane Joel, bds 439 Calhoun Lane John D., flagman G. S. & F. R. R., bds 459 New Lane Josiah J., eng Macon Brewing Co., r 914 Hazel Lane Kenneth F., student, bds ws Cedar, 6th s of Windsor, S. M
Lane Rene, wid G. D., r 114 5th Lane Samuel W., section boss E. T., V. & G. R. R., r 211
Elbert Lane Thomas J., farmer, r 439 Calhoun Lane Wesley Rev., pastor S. M. M. E. Church, r ws Cedar, 6th
s of Windsor, S. M Laney Annie Miss, teacher 2d St. School, bds 860 Oak
Laney David, c, carp, r 419 Madison Laney David, Jr., c, shoemkr Roff Sims & Bro., bds 419
Madison Laney Richard, c, carp, r ss Green, 1st w of Hudson Lang William T., mngr Ga. Hosiery Co., r 360 Orange

LstimaicsrFuurmrnsisnhepaH forf BBuuilld,dinegr8a, ndMaaltlekriiandl.s

Telephone No. 196.

(See p. 7.)




Langford Franklin, blksmith, r 1405 2d Langford Janies R., cond E. T., V. & G. R. R-, r ws odr 5th
s of Boundary, S. M Langford Thomas, saddler A. Bernd, bds 1405 2d Langston Charles W., yd cond G. S. & F. R. R>, r 557 Boun-
dary Langston James A., flagman C. R. R., r 1508 2d Langston James A., Jrv watchman G. S. & F. R. R., bds 1508

2d Laugston John C., yd cond C. R. R., bds 1508 2d

Langston Robert H., with Parkers News Co, bds 221 4th

Langston Robert L., wks Macon Furniture Co, r 370 Arch

Langston W. A., wid J., bds ns Stratton, 2d e of Chapel, S. M

Lanier Grant, c, porter M. Nussbaum, bds 353 Madison

Lanier H. L., with Parkers News Co., bds Park Hotel

Lanier James, c, painter, r rear 460 Pine

Lanier Moses, c, drayman, r 349 Forsyth


Lanier Robert S. (Lanier & Anderson), bds Hotel Lanier

Lanier Solomon, c, lab, bds 247 Clinton, E. M LANIER & ANDERSON (R. S. Lanier and Clifford An

derson), lawyers, 318 2d

,,, ,

Lapier Darby, c, wks C. R. R., r al, bet Oglethorpe and Oak,

nr 4th Lareau Mary, wid Joseph, r 469 Pine

Lark J. F., with J. D. Hudgins, r Dawson, Ga

ii l

Larry James, c, lineman M. C. & S. St. R. R

Larry James E., wks Macon S. D. & L. Co, r 515 Boundary

Larry Mattie L. Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co, bds ss Pebble,

3d w of Wilder, S. M


Larry Thomas, bds ws 2d, 1st s of Williams, S.

Lassiter John, c, porter Sou. Ex, Co., r Pleasant Hill

Lassiter Lula Miss, tailoress, bds 453 Plum

Lassiter Mary L., wid John, r 453 Plum


LATHROP w. HENRY, sec and treas Macon Foundry &

Machine Wks, r 216 Forsyth Latimer C. Marshall, with Carstarphen & Tillman, r 220 Tatt



Latimer Marion, bridgemaster E. T.,Y. & G. K. R

Latin Doc, c, drayman, r rear 771 Spring

I LIFE does not own a Dollar infJ-UnCJnUJJ'??








Latson Adeline Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, r rear ss Tindall, 4th w of Telfair, S. M
Latson Benjamin M., trucker, r rearss Tindall, 4th w of Telfair, S. M
Latson Leitha Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 62 Hazel, Factory row
Latten Edward, c, lab, r 233 Jones Lattimore Benjamin, c, porter W. W. & R. H. Collins, r 261
Lavar Leonard, farmer, r es Milledgeville rd, 2d n of Fairview, E. M
Lavar Margaret, wid G., bds es Milledgeville rd, 2d n of Fairview, E. M
Lavender Douglas, c, teacher, r ss Plant, 6th w of Davis Lavender Levin, mach Dixie Wks, r 409 Main, E. M Lavender Nancy Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co Law Richard, c, lab, r Hollis al Lawless Henry J., wks Bibb No. 1, r 250 Hidrola, E. M Lawrence Donley, c, lab C. R. R Lawrence F. M., mach Talbott & Sons Lawrence George D., mach Talbott & Sons, r 362 Elm Lawrence Helen C., wid G. D., r 514 Pine Lawrence Hugh W., elk Roff Sims & Bro., bds 514 Pine Lawrence Isaac, c, carp C. R. R., r 130 5th Lawrence Richard, c, servt P. McCafferty Lawrence Robert, c, painter, r es Dairy la. 4th n of Green Lawrence R. F., r 855 Pine Lawson Mary, c, stewardess E. T., V. & G. Depot, r E. M Lawson Richard, c, wks Bibb No. 1, r es Cole, 1st s of Hazel Lawson William, c, cook, 489 Orange Lawson William H., c, wks Bibb No. 1, r ns Powell, 1st w of
New, E. M Lawton John, c, carp C. R. R., r rear 1115 Walnut LAWTON RICHARD F. (Lawton & Smith, and Winn,
Johnson & Co.), pres Merchants Nat. Bank and Guarantee Co. of Ga., r 556 College LAWTON & SMITH (R. F. Lawton and H. M. Smith), loan negotiators, 364 2d Lay field Augustus, c, wks Winn, Johnson & Co., r 579 3d

313 SECOND STREET. it GREENBERG, The Tailor's.

I mil geo. B. JEWETT, Agent, Office, Capital Bant 456 2d.




Layfield Edwin R., flagman S. W. R. R., bds 670 3d Layton Anna E., e, nurse, r ns New Cherry, 3d e of Jones,
P. H Layton Robert E., elk W. C. Jones, bds 467 Monroe Lazarus Arthur (Lazarus Bros.), bds 754 Cherry Lazarus Bros. (A. and M., dry goods etc., 462 Mulberry Lazarus Jake, elk Ph. M. Berg, bds 414 Mulberry Lazarus Max (Lazarus Bros.), bds 720 2d Lazarus Seigfried, jeweler, 125 Cotton av., bds 720 2d Leach Owen J., eng C. R. R., bds 715 Pine Leak Ella, wid W. C., r 204 Spring Leary E. Rev., c, r 1545 1st Leary G. M., carp C. R. R. Shops Leary Willia Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co LeCount Davis, c, barber, r rear 383 Madison LeCount James, c, lab, r rear 383 Madison LeCount Madison, c, lab C. R. R., bey limits Ledford William, c, wks E. T., V. & G. R. R.; r Willinghams'
row Ledley G. R., stone cutter T. J. Carling & Co., bds 870 Oak Lee Charles H., solicitor Macon Fire Ins. Co., bds 358 Spring Lee George, c, lab, r ws W. Boundary, 5th s of Chestnut Lee Henry, c, drayman, c, r 363 Hawthorne Lse James, c, waiter Park Hotel, r 220 Spring Lee John R., eng Ga. R. R., r 1526 2d Lee Joseph, c, carp, bds Thompson House Lee Lawson, c, wks Ivey Bros., r 323 Oglethorpe Lee Robert, c, butlor M. J. Hatcher, r rear 314 Georgia av Lee Sam, laundry, 519 Mulberry Lee William, c, farmer, r rear 1016 Ocmulgee Lee William, c, wks Bibb No. 1 Lee W. B., cond C. R. R Leman A. Louis, ins agt, r Coleman av, nw cor Johnson av Leman William W., r W. Boundary, hd Oglethorpe Lemon William, c, painter, r 211 W. Boundary Lenoir Thomas, fireman C. R. R., bds ss Boundary, 5th w of
3d, S. M Leo John, proprietary medicines, 415 1st, bds Park Hotel Leonard Charles W., elk W. R. Singleton & Co., bds 818 Cherry

614 to 623 Third Street, MACON, CtA. Laths and Shingles






Leonard Edward H., fireman E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds 1415 2d Leonard Eugene C., elk W. R. Singletoji & Co., bds 818 Cherry Leonard George F., boilermkr J. S. Schofield & Son Leonard Hattie Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co., bds 667 Elm Leonard James B., mach Bibb No. 2, r 1415 2d Leonard Leonidas J., bds 1415 2d Leonard Silas, c, well digger, r 310 Oglethorpe Leonard Simeon, foreman Macon Knitting Co., r 667 Elm Leonard William, boilermkr, bds 704 3d Leopard Horace, c, lab, r 921 Hazel LEftUIN CHARLES H., jewelry, 515 4th, r 137 Magnolia LESSER ABE, dry goods, 559 Cherry, r 165 Magnolia. (See
p. 16.) Lessier Charles, c, lab, r rear 152 5th Lessier David, c, blksmith E. Crockett, bds 327 Hawthorne Lessier Henry A., c, butler, r ns New Cherry, 5th w of Middle,
P. H Lester Charles, c, painter Royal & Gibson Lester Enoch, c, wks Stevens & Hodges, r Willingham row Lester Henry Rev., c, r es Ellis, 9th w of Monroe Lester John S. (Mallary Bros. & Co.), bds 237 College Lester Joseph, c, lab, r rear ws Elbert, 2d s of Boundary, S. M Lester Lewis, c, waiter, r 663 Spring Lester Marshall, c, driver J. M. Johnston, bds 205 College Lester M. A., wid J., bds 237 College Lester Robert E., barkpr F. A. Schoneman, bds 518 Cherry Lester William E., elk T. J. Hunt, bds 763 Poplar Lettice M., chf delivery elk C. R. R., bds 454 Oak LeVar James W., pressman J. W. Burke & Co., r 469 Pine Levert George, c, cook A. G. Butts, r 161 Cole Levy A., mach C. R. R. shops Levy Helen, wid S., r 172 Magnolia Levy Minnie Miss, elk H. Newman, bds 172 Magnolia Lewis Adam, c, wks C. D. Findlay Lewis Amos, c, wks G. S. & F. R. R., bds 18 Wolff row Lewis Ben, c, drayman, r 359 Oglethorpe Lewis Benjamin, c, brickmason, r rear 529 Madison Lewis Berta Miss, elk H. Newman, r E. M Lewis Charles A., with M. Nussbaum & Co., bds Brown's Hotel

Will move about May 1st,
1891, to their new building i 510 Ctierry Street.

For anything1"TM*8,Produce,Fish,Oystersorlce

Send to Headquarters. Vpage 8. )





Lewis Charles H., lab, r 341 Clinton, E. M Lewis Christina A., wid S., r ws Plant's al, 3d s of Elm Lewis Clarence, elk H. Newman, bds 420 Calhoun Lewis Daniel, c, lab, r 120 Mulberry Lewis David, c, drayman A. Gibian & Co., r 431 W. Boundary Lewis Edmund, c, porter, r rear 357 1st Lewis Edward, bds ns Elm, 3d e of Main, E. M Lewis Edward, c, drayman Standard Oil Co., r 109 Shamrock Lewis Elisha, elk R. F. Smith, bds ss St. Johns, 3d e of Church,
E.M Lewis Elizabeth, wid Joel, r 420 Calhoun Lewis Enoch, c, fireman, r ws Booker's al, 2d s of Bay Lewis Essie, c, drayman, r rear 760 Oak Lewis Eugenia, c, seamstress, r 353 Pine Lewis Ezekiel, c, shoemkr, r rear 303 Walnut Lewis Fannie Miss, wds Ga. Hosiery Co., bds ws Plants al, 3d
s of Elm Lewis Forest G., c, porter Hunt& Shelverton, r Pleasant Hill Lewis Frank, c, wks E. T., V. & G. shops, r 213 Ash Lewis Fred, c, farmer, 130 Middle, P. H Lewis George, c, drayman, r rear 855 Mulberry Lewis Gustin, c, carp, r 1021 3d Lewis Henry, c, drayman, r rear 216 Monroe Lewis Henry, c, wks J. H. Hertz, r 150 New Lewis Henry C., c, carp C. R. R., r ns Chestnut, 3d w of W.
Boundary Lewis Howard B., c, chf cook Hotel Lanier, r 61 Spring Lewis Jack, c, wks E. J. Willingham & Bro., rss New Cher
ry, P. H Lewis Jackson, c, cook Hotel Lanier, r ws al, 4th n of Elm, bet
Ross and Calhoun Lewis Jackson, c, lab, r ss Turpin, 2d e of Division Lewis James M., painter, r 415 Calhoun Lewis Jefferson, c, painter, r ss New Cherry, 4th w of Middle,
P H Lewis John, wks Bibb No. 1, bds ns Elm, 3d e of Main, E. M Lewis John E., painter, bds 420 Calhoun Lewis John V., carp, r ws 3d, 2d sof Boundary, S. M Lewis Laura Mrs., r ns Elm, 3d e of Main. E. M
W.W.&R.S. COLLINS -lAS'D agents for-- G. S. & F., M. A B. e-458 THIRD STREET.*a and M. A A. R'ds.





Lewis Laura G. Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds ws Plants al,
3d s of Elm Lewis Lucius, c, brick mason, r 567 Monroe Lewis Mary, wid John, r 802 1st Lewis Mell, c, sexton, r rear 753 Mulberry Lewis Moses, c, drayman, r 17 Wolff Row. Lewis Naamau, tailor, r 568 1st Lewis Nathan, c, lab, r es Perry, 2d n of Ft. Hill, E. M Lewis Oliver, c, drayman, r Holmes, ne cor Jones, P. H Lewis Peter, c, sboemkr, 552 Cotton av Lewis Richard, c, porter Cox & Corbin, r Vineville Lewis Robert, c, eng J. W. Burke & Co., r 123 Chestnut Lewis Robert L., painter, bds 420 Calhoun Lewis Taylor, c, lab G. S. & F. R. R., r 611 Division Lewis T. B., news butcher Parker's News Co Lewis Washington, c, lab, r rear es W. Boundary, 5th s of
Vineville rd Lewis William, c, candymkr Rogers & Adams, r rear 371
Madison Lewis William, c, waiter, r ss New Cherry, 2d w of Middle,
P. H Lewis William M., painter, r es Cole, 1st n of Elm Libbey Isaiah B., wks R. C. Wilder's Sons, r 460 Hazel Licette Gilbert, with Parker's News Co., bds 458 Oak Lieette Sarah A,, wid H. P., r 458 Oak Licette William P., peddler, bds 458 Oak Liddon Frances, wid J. B., bds es 3d, 1st s of Pebble, S. M Life James, c, brickmason, r 336 2d, E. M Life Joseph H., c, bricklayer, r Factory row, E. M Life Moses, c, lab, r rear 518 Walnut Lightfoot Alfred E., teacher, r 402 Clinton, E. M
Lightfoot Ellen R., wid R. S., r nr Crump's Park
Lightfoot George E., mechanic, bds 409 Cotton av Lightfoot Ira B., florist C. N. Woodruff, r Columbus rd Lightfoot James M., wks Hays & Mansfield, bds 409 Cotton av Lightfoot Loduska P., wid H. B., r 409 Cotton av Lightfoot Sarah S., wid R. H., r Center, nw cor Clinton, E. M
Ligon Floyd, c, waiter, 719 Orange Ligon Lewis, c, servant Mrs. L. V. Farrar, r P. H


TUC FAIR (Imported China, Crockery aM Class. I Ilk I ff 111 l 408 & 410 Mulberry St. K. F. SMITH, Propr




Rf M

Liles Daniel A., carp, r reams Woolfolk, 3d wof Ft. Hill, E.M

Liles James D., wks Dixie Wks, bds rear Woolfolk, 3d w of

Ft. Hill, E. M

Liles John A., wks Dixie Wks, bds rear Woolfolk, 3d w of

Ft. Hill, E. M

Liles Joseph E., wks Dixie Wks, bds rear Woolfolk, 3d w of

Ft. Hill, E. M

Lilienthal Leonard J. (A. Gibian & Co.), bds 309 Georgia av

Lindner William, boilermkr C. R. R., bds 804 Oak

Lindsey Charles, c, wks J. G. Ruan Lindsey Gilbert, c, wks J. G. Ruan


Lindsey John T., barkpr Hotel Lanier

Lindsey Lewis, c, lab C. R. R. shops

Lindsey Thomas S., with Parker's News Co., r Edgerton House

Lineberger William M., chf dispatcher C. & M. R. R., bds 758


Lingo George W., painter C. R. R., r 818 Walnut

Link Erastus H., bkkpr R. E. Park, r 868 Plum

Lipman Philip (N. A. Gans & Co.), r 414 Pine

Lipsey Jerry W., elk J. D. Dunbar, r 132 Cole

Lisemby Eliza Mrs., wks Bibb No. 2

Little Andrew, c, farmer, r 1056 Hazel

Little Annie Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 76 Hawthorne, Fac

tory row

Little Clyde Miss, elk C. Anderson, r Troup Hill S. M

Little Connie C. Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co., r Troup Hill,

S. M

Little Daniel, c, wks J. G. Ruan


Little Edwin C., trucker, r Troup Hill, S. M

Little Holmes, c, lab, r 210 Random, E. M

Little H., fireman C. R. R

Little Isaac, e, lab, r 612 Hammond

Little John H., wks C. R. R

Little Margaret A., wid J, r 76 Hawthorne, Factory row

Little Martha, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 76 Hawthorne, Factory row

Little Mary Miss, spinner Bibb No. 2, bds 76 Hawthorne, Fac

tory row

Little Mollie, c, seamstress, r 361 7th

Little Monroe, c, porter F. M. Jones, r 208 Random, E. M



ONE PRICE--552 & 554 Cherry Street.






Little Perry, c, lineman S. B. T. & T. Co Little Richard, c, lab, r rear'ss Boundary, 1st w of 4th, S. M Little Richard S., with J. W. Burke & Co., bds 859 Cherry Little Rosa Miss, spinner Bibb No. 2, bds 76 Hawthorne,
Factory row Little Sarah A. Miss, spinner Bibb No. 2, bds 76 Hawthorne,
Factory row Little Wade H., trucker, r Troup Hill, S. M. Little Walter A., flagman S. W. R. R., bds 453 Hazel Little William, c, porter Payne & Willingham, r 210 Random,
E. M Littleton Lizzie Miss, wks Bibb No. 1, bds es Milledgeville rd,
3d n of Hidrola, E, M Lloyd Augustus, mess G. S. & F. R. R., bds S. M Locke Mitchell, c, lab Macon Foundry, r ss Holmes, w of W.
Boundary Locke Pierce W., farmer, r Waterville, S. M LOCKE RICHARD D., postmaster, bds Corbett House Locke Walter R., farmer, r Waterville, S. M Locke William, c, lab, r 1025 Oglethorpe Lockett Augustus, c, waiter, r ss Holmes, 2d w of Middle, P. H Lockett Ephraim, c, wks Moxley & Co., r rear 558 Madison Lockett George W., c, porter G. Beggs & Sons, r 253 2d Lockett Green, c, lab, r Nixon la, bey limits Lockett Jacob, c, carp, r ss Green, 18th w of Madison Lockett Jesse, c, gardener, r ws Poe, 3d s of Holmes Lockett Marcellus, c, plumber, r 124 Ross Lockett Robert, c, butler, r ss Jackson, 5th w of Poe, V Lockett Thomas, c, driver G. Beggs & Sons, r rear 553 3d Lockhart George, c, glazier T. C. Burke, r Cotton av Lockhart Horace, c, lab W. M. Stevens, r 209 College Lockhart Lafayette T., bag master S. W. R. R., bds es 2d, 3d s
of Windsor, S, M Lockhart Lundy A., c, plasterer, r ns New Cherry, 3d w of
Monroe, P. H Lockhart Valentine, peddler, bds 324 Water, E. M Lofton Alex., c, lab, r rear 914 Elm Lofton Belle Miss, wks Manchester Mnfg Co., r ss C. R. R.,
bey limits


A First Class Business SCHOOL
W. McKAY, Principal. ) Rapid Business Penmansliip.

Lofton Jack, c, lab, r es Middle, 10th n of New Cherry, P. H Lofton Jennie Mrs., wks Manchester Mnfg Co., r ss C. R. R.,
bey limits Lofton William A., lawyer, 556 Cherry, bds 760 Cherry Logan Fred, c, head water Hotel Lanier, bds 620 Spring Logan Helen G., wid G. H., r ss Forsyth, V Logan John, c, cook Stembridge & Shinholser, r ns Holmes,
8th w of Middle Logan John A., c, porter S. Mack, r P. H Logan Martin, c, grocer, ns Holmes, 8th w of Middle Logan Monroe, c, porter R. C. Keen, r 571 Monroe Logan Pauline A. Miss, teacher Orange St. School, bds 212
Washington av Logan Pauline B., wid G., bds 212 Washington ave Logan Robert M., c (Burdell, Logan & Co.), r Vineville Logan Tero C., wid John, r ns Forsyth, V Logan Thomas J., carp Pettit, DeHaven & Co., bds 1536 4th Logan William, c, porter Hays & Mansfield, r ss Jefferson, 4th
e of Middle Loh Edward, elk A. Gibian & Co., bds 619 2d Loh Frank W., with S. Waxelbaum & Son, bds 748 College LOH HENRY P., cigars and tobacco, 512 Mulberry, bds
619 2d Loh Julius L., with C. Huhn, bds 619 2d LOH M-, barber shop and bathing rooms, Hotel Lanier, r 619 2d Loles John D., cond, r ws Church, 2d n of Random, E. M London Henry, c, porter r ws Wright's al, 3d n of Elm Long Augustus, elk M. Daly, bds es Ells, 1st s of New Houston
rd, S. M Long Bose, c, lab, r 313 Oglethorpe Long Cicero E., policeman, r 338 Calhoun Long Eugene, c, driver, r 82 Green Long Frank, elk, bds es Ells, 1st s of New Houston rd, S. M Long Frank M., watchman, r 418 4th Long James, c, lab, r rear 420 Hammond Long Jefferson F., c, tailor, 317 4th, r 912 Ocmulgee Long Jerome S., carp, r 590 Clinton, E. M Long John F., gdner, r es Ells, 1st s of New Houston rd, S. M Long Mary, wid P., bds es Ells, 1st s of New Houston rd, S. M
UNION CLNTRAL life insurance CO. Lowest Death Rate. Highest Interest Bate. (See p. 6.) T. S. LOWRY, Manager.

PRINTING} H Done at short notice and in the best style at the lowest prices. Don't go elsewhere J.W.BURKE&CO




Long Nelson, c, wks L. Clay, r rear 1005 Walnut Long Rebecca, wid P., r es Ells, 1st s of New Houston rd,
S. M Long Richard, c, porter S. B. Barfield, r Holmes, P. H Long Robert, c, cook, r 82 Green Long Sidney, c, wks J. T. Brown, r Stinsonville Long Tobe, c, porter L. Cohen & Co., r ns New Cherry, 4th e
of Jones, P. H
Long William G., dentist, 568 Cherry, r, 626 Walnut Longhurst Lawrence R. (L. S. Hill & Co.), bds Stubblefield
House Longstreet Jean, c, lab, r 432 Hamnlond Lord James, c, brick mason, r 1 Holt, P. H Love Andrew J., train dispatcher E T., V. & G. R. R., r 260
Orange Love Daniel,.- c, lab J. H. Roush & Sons, bds 631 Gilmer Love Jefferson, c, lab, r 123 Elm Love Mary, c, cook, r 130 Washington av Love M., peddler, bds 420 Mulberry Love Olin P., tel opr C. R. R.,bds 915 Walnut Low Augustus, c, waiter 758 Cherry Low Charles, c, lab Macon O. & F. Co., r West End Low Crawford c, carp, rss Jefferson, 3d w of Crafts al, P. H Low Early, c, farmer, r rear 116 Ash Low Edward, c, porter, r ns Woodruff, 2d w of Monroe Low Elias, c, wks W. F. Anderson Low Frank, c, carp, r 268 Washington av Low Frank, c, lab, r rear 377 Monroe Low George, c, shoemkr, r ns Woodruff, 2d w of Monroe Low Hammock, c, wks R. C. Wilder's Sons, bds 557 Haw
thorne Low Hampton, c, lab, r 217 Calhoun Low Henry, c, porter S. R. Jaques & Tinsley Co Low Holland, c, wks Palmer Mnfg Co Low James B., c, porter Smith & Gordon, r 156 Madison Low Joshua, c, lab, r ss Jefferson, 2d w of Craft's al Low Neil, c, farmer, r rear 116 Ash Low Nelson, c, mechanic, r 557 Hawthorne Low Riley, c, waiter Park Hotel, r 220 Spring
GREENBERG THF jnii np i the finest line of 1 GOODS in MACON

a Office : Capital Bank, 456 Second St. Xnsuraiioo Agent.




Low Rufus, c, teacher, bds 557 Hawthorne

Low Seaman, c, lab, r rear 352 Walnut

Low William, c, waiter Brown House, r rear 75T Mulberry

Lowe David H., seeds, 361 3d

Lowe Jackson P., drummer, r ns Forsyth, 7th w of W.


Lowe Susan D., wid D. H., r 361 3d

Lowe T., wks Bibb No. 1

Lowenthal Annie Miss, elk Rogers & Adams, bds 659 2d

Lowenthal Carl, eng C. R. R., r S. M

Lowenthal Gussie M. Miss, music teacher, bds 716 Plum

Lowenthal Henry, eng C. R. R., bds ws 4th, 2d s of Windsor,

S. M

Lowenthal Isaac H., trimmer L. Lowenthal, bds 716 Plum

LOWENTHAL LOUIS, mer tailor and dyer, 165 Cotton av,

r 716 Plum. (See p. 15.)

Lowenthal Marcus, barkpr Benner Bros., r 904 2d

Lowenthal Nathaniel E., with Sholes' Macon Directory, bds

716 Plum


Lowenthal Robert, elk, bds 904 2d


Lowrance Newton M., aud elk C. & M. R. R., bds 718 Cherry

Lowery James E., agt, carriagemkr, 618 Poplar, r 511 Pine

Lowry Eugene, elk C. R. R., bds 518 Pine

Lowry Georgia, wid B., bds 552 1st

Lowry Jacob, c, lab, r 155 Poplar

Lowry Mott, c, wks G. W. Case


INS. CO. of Cincinnati, 525 Mulberry, (Hotel Lanier), r

111 Jefferson. (See bottom lines.)

Lowry William, eng C. R. R., bds Wilbourn House

LOYLESS THOMAS W., asst |city editor Evening News,

bds Hotel Lanier

Lucas Clara Miss, carder Manchester Mnfg Co

Lucas Daniel F., mach C. R. R. shop, r es 4th, 2d s of Wind

sor, S. M

Lucas George W., c, porter, r 621 Arch

Lucas Henry H., c, carp, r ns Holt, 8th e of Clark av, P. H

Lucas Jabez, c, porter Yineville Drug store

Lucas James, c, cook, r es Cole al, 2d n of Elm


f flHC Gantractnrs and Builders
UU 111) 614 to 682 Third Street, MACON, GA.





Lucas Jalius, c (King & Lucas), r 121 1st Lucas J. J., blksmith C.. R. R. shops Lucas Lee, c, carp, r 270 Columbus Lucas Monroe, c, brickmason, r 509 Hammond Lucas Moses, c, carp, r ss Jefferson, 11th w of Middle Lucas Robert, foreman Manchester MnfgCo., r 14 Manchester
row Lucas Sidney, c, cook R. McKevitt, r Gunn's Hill, S. M Lucas Stephen, c, lab M. C. & S. St. R. R., r Gunn's Hill, . S. M Lucas William, c, carp, res Cole al, 2d n of Elm Lucas William, c, carp, r es Tatnall, nr Elm Lucas William, c, train hand, r 166 Ash Ludwig Jacob W., r 812 Walnut Ludwig William, elk E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds 817 Walnut Ludlow Elizabeth, wid B., r 503 Clinton, E. M Ludlow Mary J. Miss, wks Bibb No. 1, bds 503 Clinton, E. M Lumpkin A. V., wid, r ws Milledgeville rd, 7th n of Hidrola Lumpkin Geo., contractor, r Ft. Hill, ne cor Willingham, E. M Lumpkin Henry S., c, wks C. R. R., r 629 Georgia av Lumpkin Robert, elk S. Waxelbaum & Son, bds ws Milledge
ville rd, 7th n of Hidrola, E. M Lumpkin Thomas A., c, carp, r Dairy la, 2d n of Green Lumsden Bushrod, lightning rod agt, r 110 Nisbet Lumsden Henry R., mach C. R. R., bds 110 Nisbet Lumsden J. Frank, elk F. R. Pomeroy, bds 110 Nisbet Lumsden Terrence P., elk C. R. R., bds 110 Nisbet Lundy Benjamin, c, wks Palmer Mnfg Co Lundy Henry, c, porter Smith & Gordon Lundy Jerry, c, painter, r 211 Orange Lundy Katherine S. Miss, bds 515 College Lundy Linton S., with W. H. Whitehead, bds 221 4th Lundy Louis, c, lab, r rear 104 Hazel Lunsford Mordy, c, lab, r 114 Spring Luquire Henry F., car rep E. T., V. & G. R. R., r S. M Luster Enoch, c, butcher H. Abel Luster Nathan, wks G. S. & F. R. R., r ws 7th, opp City Park Lyche H. Tambs, asst eng Macon Construction Co., r 145

0. F. & B. E. WILLINGHAM & Cfl."an"f"tu;erj "f ,Do^8'
7th d Cherry Streets. Office 363 30. Sash, Blinds, MatltelS, EtC.


T. C- PARKER. Telephone No. 307. (See p. 8.)



Lynch Charles, brakeman C. R. R Lynch Eugene, blksmith, bds 406 Oak Lynch Newton, c, elk A. R. Dickey, r Spring Lynn W. E., motorman M. C. & S. St. R. R Lyon J. F., broker, 417 4th, r 277 College
LYON RICHARD F., lawyer, 566 Mulberry, r 855 Pine
Lyon William J., sec A. C. Westbrook, bds 758 Cherry Lyons Daniel O. (D. O. Lyons & Co.), r 610 4th Lyons D. O. & Co. (D. O. Lyons, M. and H. Waterman), sale
and feed stable, 610 4th Lyons George, fruits, 474 Cotton av, bds 607 Plum Lyons Henry, c, lab, r 919 5th Lyons John, wagonmkr, 510 Poplar, r Boundary, se cor Telfair Lyons Rosa Mad., r 368 6th Lyons W. C. (W. C. Lyons & Co.), bds Hotel Lanier
LYONS W. C- & CO. (W. C. Lyons), dry goods, 553 Cherry
Lythgoe George B., supt's sec Sou. Ex. Co., bds 558 Oak Lytle Lee, trav agt, bds 459 New
McAFEE FORT W., eng C. R. R., r 804 Oak McAllister John, c, lab J. H. Roush & Sons
Me Allister Robert, c, lab, J. H. Roush & Sons McAlpin Henry P., eng C. R. R., r 1310 2d McAlpin William A., lab, bds 220 Clinton, E. M MeAndrew Ella Miss, teacher, bds 517 Georgia av
McAndrew W. E., r 517 Georgia av McArthur Charles, c, lab Bibb No. 2 McBride Alfred, c, blksmith, r rear ws 4th, 3d s of Ells, S. M McBride Alonzo, c, lab, r ws al bet 3d and 4th, 1st s of Elm McBride Archibald, c, wks C. R. R., r 420 Bay McBride Burrell, c, carp, r ss Boundary, nr Mercer Uuiv McBride Edward, c, porter, r es C. R. R., 1st s of Hazel McBride Frank, c, wks John Lyons, r Madison McBride George, c, gardener, r ws Jones, nr Old Hospital, V McBride George, c, wks John Lyons, r Madison McBride Thomas, c, butler T. C. Burke, r ss Jefferson, 6th w
of Middle, P. H McBride William, c, carp, r ss Boundary, nr Mercer Univ
McBrine John, trav agt, r 296 College


ni hum due unis
458 Tliird Street.

mo Dnof






McBTJRNEY JAMES C., pres Ocmulgee Land & Improve ment Co., and Macon Canal & Mnfg Co., bds Park Hotel j
McCafferty Patrick, policeman, r 814 Oak McCall David D., with Siesel & Hecht, bds 227 Bond" McCall Ella, wid J. T., bds 769 4th McCall G. R. Rev. D. D., sec and treas Mercer University, r
College, nw cor Poplar McCants John H., c, barber, 411 Cotton av, r 612 Jefferson McCardel Beulah D. Miss, r 525 Oglethorpe McCardel Charles D., blksmith C. R. R., r 753 Oak McCardel James, elk J. A. Kennedy, bds 525 Oglethorpe McCardel Josephine, wid M., r 525 Oglethorpe McCardel Lena T. Miss, bds 525 Oglethorpe McCarter Howell, c, tailor M. Friend, r 122 New McCarthy Aaron, c, wks J. H. McCants, r 78 Green McCarthy Albert, c, carp E. V. Bond, r 78 Green McCarthy Anthony, c, drayman Pettit, DeHaven <fc Co., r rear 8
Spring McCarthy Calvin, c, physician, 323 4th, r 915 Ocmulgee McCarthy George, c, blksmith, r 618 New McCarthy Gordon, c, lab Riverside Cemetery, r 106 Madison McCarthy Henrv C., eng C. R. R., r ns New Houston rd, 2d
e of Ells, S. M McCarthy John, c, painter Powers Cont'g Co., r es Jones, 1st s
of Holt, P. H . McCarthy John, wks T. J. Carling & Co., bds 355 Walnut McCarthy Reddick, c, wks Riverside Cemetery, r rear 153
Madison McCarthy Robert, c, carp, r 320 Middle McCarthy Spencer, c, drayman, r es Jones, nr Old Hospital, V McCarthy Spencer, c, lab, r 217 Orange McCarthy William, c, bds 404 Clinton, E. M McCaw James, blksmith C. R. R., bds 769 4th McCaw James N., bds 314 Orange McCaw Mary L., wid J., bds 314 College McCaw Wallace E., electrical eng, bds 314 College McClary P. J., plasterer, bds 304 4th McCloud Duncan C.,carp, r 109 Franklin McCloud Sarah E., wid N., r 126 Jones

408]& 410 Mulberry SI. R. F. SMITH.! HANDKERCHIEFS, COLLARS.




McClusky Barney, policeman, r 227 5th McCollom Matt, c, lab, r rear 364 Monroe McCombs George, c, lab, r 121 1st McCombs John, c, wks D. B. Woodruff, r ws Mougbon, 1st n
of Holmes, P. H McCombs Samuel E., c, bkkpr W. G. Johnson,bds 531 Monroe McCombs Samuel J., c, restaurant, 452 Cotton av, r 111 Calhoun McCommon Lizzie, wid R., r 914 Ash McCook Andrew J., painter, r 420 Calhoun McCook Joseph B., bag master, bds es Church, 6th n of Garden,
E. M McCowan Robert, c, wks 713 Cherry McCoy Benjamin, c, porter J. D. Scott, r 105 Cherry McCoy Bryant E., bkkpr E. Crockett, bds 221 4th McCoy E. Mrs., propr Cannon House, 221 4th McCoy Edward, elk R. F. Smith, bds 221 4th McCoy Joseph M., elk W. Nelson, bds 221 4th McCoy Meridith, r- 221 4th McCoy Olin S., elk Altmayer & Flatau, bds 221 4th McCrary Augustus, c, porter W. J. Ross & Co., r 243 Jeffer
son, P. H McCrary Charles A., driver Stmr No. 1, r 254 Hidrola, E. M McCrary DeWitt (DeWitt McCrary & Co.), r 304 Hidrola,
E.M McCrary DeWitt & Co. (DeWitt McCrary and H. J. Lamar),
drugs, 338 Main, E. M McCrary Frances F., wid P., bds 616 2d McCrary Frank M., painter, r es Telfair, 5th s of Gordon, E. M McCrary James G*, physicinn, bds 304 Hidrola, E. M McCrary James L., grocer, Middle, sw cor Holmes, P. H McCrary John, gardener, r Godfrey dist McCrary Judge, c, farmer, r ft of Lee, E. M McCrary William P., brakeman C. R. R., r 211 4th McCrea Lamar, c, (age 107), bds ns Elm, 2d w of Telfair McCready Georgiana A., wid H., bds 231 Jackson McCready William, grocer, Market, r country McCreary James L., cond E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds Hotel
Lanier McCroy Frank, c, wks Sou. Ex. Co., bds 221 Forsyth


Children's Carriages, goat wagons
s. s. PARMEiiEE,470Second st. (Seep.7.) Saddles, Harness, Etc.




McCrudden Bros. (E. and J.), grocery and saloon, 121 5th McCrudden Edward (McCrudden Bros.), r 121 5th McCrudden John (McCrudden Bros.), r 121 5th McCuller Charles, collector C. E. Harris, r rear Mercer Univ McCullins Clifford, c, lab, r rear 515 Mulberry McCullough Clifford, wks Ga. Hosiery Co McCullough William F., car insp G. S. & F. R. R., r ws 3d,
2d s ot Pebble, S. M McDade Charles, cond E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds 454 Oak McDade Jefferson D., cond, bds 454 Oak McDaniel Charles, spinner Manchester Mnfg Co., r 4 Man
chester row McDaniel Josie, wid L., bds 6th, ne cor Mulberry McDaniel S. Thomas, contractor, r 6th, ne cor Mulberry McDaniels Hillman, wks Bibb No. 2 McDaniels Victoria Miss, spinner Bibb No. 2 McDaniels W. H., fireman C. R. R McDay J. Walker, flagman S. W. R. R., r 821 Ash McDermond Caroline V., wid G. T., r 527 Georgia av McDermond John R., fireman C. R. R., bds 527 Georgia av McDonald Annie, wid D., r Boundary, sw cor 4th, S. M McDonald Daniel B., bkkpr S. Waxelbaum & Son, bds Bound
ary, sw cor 4th, S. M McDonald Isabel, wid A., r Hawthorne, nw cor 1st McDonald John, trav agt, bds 109 Washington av McDonald Katie Miss, elk W. C. Lyons & Co., bds Boundary,
sw cor 4th, S. M McDonald Nettie Miss, seamstress, bds 445 Hidrola, E. M McDonald Peter, c, carp, r rear 854 Ocmulgee McDonald Thomas, wks Bibb No. 2, bds Hawthorne, nw cor 1st McDonald Victoria Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds Hawthorne, nw
cor 1st McDonald William, wks Bibb No. 2, bds Hawthorne, nw cor 1st McDowell Alice Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co., bds es 4th, 3d
s of Stratton, S. M McDowell W. W., brakeman C. R. R McDuffie John, c, lab, r 301 Hazel McDuffie John D., collector Singer Mnfg Co., r es Ells, 2d n of
New Honston rd, S. M
uMiUpnH&INi plUnfifiifMtitrHninlAiiLi pLUniLiLrntbrtAaFa,'rsst c?las-sB*usinessScho01

bOaaQshh, HDononrr aannHd RBlliinnHd bMuAildNeUrFsA*CmTaUtReErRiaSl.
PETTIT, DeHAVEN & CO. (See p. 7.)




McElhatton Peter R., tel opr G. S. & F. R. R., bds 771 3d McElmurray William, c, drayman Johnson & Harris McElroy Sarah L. Mrs., boarding, es 2d, 4th s of Boundary,
S. M McEvoy A. J., supt Ga & Atlantic R. R., bds Hotel Lanier McEvoy A. L., cond C. & M. R. R., bds Park Hotel McEyoy Joseph, with Sou. Ex. Co., bds 304 4th McEvoy Maggie Miss, teacher Orange St. School, bds 134
Forsyth McEvoy Martha A., wid B., r 220 Clinton, E. M McEvoy Mary J. Miss, wks Bibb No. 1, bds 220 Clinton,
E. M McEvoy Robert P., wks J. W. Burke & Co McEvoy William, c, brickmason, r Middle, 2d n of New Cherry,
P H McFarland Lee, opr W. U. Tel. Co., bds 769 Poplar McFarlane James, c, lab, r ss Elm, 2d e of Hammond McGarrah Faulkner, wks Macon Knitting Co., bds 1409 2d McGarrah Lee Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co., bds 1409 2d McGarrah Samuel, wks Macon Knitting Co., bds 1409 2d McGarrah Thomas, fireman E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds 1409 2d McGarrah William J., wks Macon Knitting Co., r 1409 2d
McGasty Burney, c, brick maker, r 849 Foster's al
McGee Ambrose, c, lab, r 161 Hazel McGee Andrew, c, porter E. Devlin, bds ws 4th, bet Oglethorpe
and Hawthorne McGee Christopher C. B., eng E. T., V. & G. R. R., r ns
Columbus rd, bey limits McGee Crawford, c, barkpr, bds 613 Georgia av McGee Elijah, c, farmer, bds ss Garden, 1st w of Church, E. M McGee Elisha, c, gardener, r ns Phillips, 2d e of Center, E. M
McGee Eliza, wid W., r ns Columbus rd, bey limits
McGee Frank, c, lab, r 315 Gilmer McGee James L., gardener, r 307 Walnut McGee James W., wks W. W. & R. S. Collins, bds Ocmulgee,
cor 5th McGee Jesse, c, brickmason, r 126 Washington av McGee William, c, porter S. W. R. R., r 352 Hawthorne McGehee James H., printer Telegraph, r 860 Oak


and has made MOST Rapid Progress of any Co.

(See p. 6.)

T- S. LOWRY, Manager.

McGhee Homer, carp, r ss Boundary, 4th w of Telfair, S. M McGhee Joseph W., wks Ga. Hosiery Co., r 1307 Boundary McGhee Louvinia Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., r 1307 Boundary McGhee Nancy E. Mrs., wks Ga. Hosiery Co., r 1307 Boundary McGhee Robert J., wks Ga. Hosiery Co., r 1307 Boundary McGhee Sarah N. Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., r 1307 Boundary McGill James H., mach E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds Wilbourn
House McGlinchey John (Freel & McGlinchey), r Pine, ne cor 5th McGlonn George, c, musician, bds 711 4th McGolrick George O., elk J. G. McGolrick & Co., bds 706 Pine McGolrick John G. (J. G. McGolrick & Co.), r 706 Pine McGOLRICK J. G. & CO. (J. G. McGolrick and T. R.
Hudson), groceries and liquors, 702 4th McGowan R., fireman Palmer Mnfg Co McGrath Charles, elk R. L. Askew, r suburbs McGrath Patrick, baker and confectioner, 318 3d McGraw G. W., stable hand M. C. & S. St. R. R McGraw William B., hostler M. C. & S. St. R. R., r es 2d, 2d
s of Stratton, S. M McGregor John, c, carp C. R. R., r 356 Hawthorne McGregor John Jr., c, wks C. R. R., bds 356 Hawthorne McGregor William, c, carp C. R. R., r 120 Hazel McGriff Dempsey, c, lab, r ss Bernard, 1st w of Milledgeville
rd, E. M McGruder Willis, c, wks Bibb No. 1, r 414 Bay McGuer Anthony,- c, city service, r 1003 4th McGuer George, c, wks C. R. R., bds 1023 4th McGuer James, c, Bks C. R. R., bds 1Q03 4th McGuire James W., cigarmkr, r 554 Orange McHale W. C., fireman G. S. & F. R. R., bds 304 4th McHatton Henry, physician, 620J Cherry, r 335 College McHenry Augustus, c, cook, r rear 720 Plum McIntosh Ellen M., wid W. H., r 36 Appleton av McIntosh Jacob, c, brakeman S. W. R. R McIntosh Sherman, c, mason, r rear 329 Madison McIntosh Simon, c, lab, r rear 618 New McIntyre Annie Miss, elk H. Newman, bds 814 Oak Mclver W. D., hostler G. S. & F. R. R
GREENBERG V: file Goods and i Stirs fil




McKay Alex., c, waiter Stubblefield House McKay Charles S., elk H. J. Lamar & Sons, bds 558 Oak McKay Edmond, c, lab, r es Garfield, 2d n of Bernard, E. M McKay Robert, foreman J. W. Burke & Co., r 654 Elm McKay Robert L., cabinetmkr, bds 6t4 Elm McKay Samuel, elk I. B. English & Co., bds 919 Walnut McKay William, foreman Payne & Willingham, r 553 Elm
McKAY WILLIAM, prin Macon Commercial College, 372
2d, r 919 Walnut. (See bottom lines.) McKay William Jr., elk S. T. Coleman & Burden Co., r ss
Forsyth, Y McKay William H., cond S. W. R. R., r 1431 3d McKee Edward, c, wks J. G. Ruan McKee I. L. (J. S. McTighe & Co.), bds Brown's Hotel McKee Nelson, c, wks J. G. Ruan McKeller Minnie L. Miss, bds 318 Oak McKeller Sarah, wid D., r 318 Oak McKendree Lucius, collector C. C. Ice Wks, bds ws 2d, 4th s of
Williams, S. M McKendree Seaborn M., bkkpr C. C. Ice Wks, bds ws 2d, 4th
s of Williams, S. M McKendree William T., supt Planters' O., G. & I. Co., r ws 2d,
4th s of Williams, S. M McKenna Angies, fruit dealer, rrear es Milledgeville rd, 7th n
of Fairview, E. M McKenna Annie, wid Andrew, r 406 Oak McKenna Frank, c, pastry cook Hotel Lanier McKenna Prince, c, brickmason, r ws Phillips' al, S. M McKenzie Henry, c, carp E. V.Bond, r 418 Elm McKenzie Mary E., wid J., bds ns Williams, 4th w of 2d, S. M McKervey Hugh, shoemaker, 501 Mulberry, r 671 Spring McKervey Hugh, Jr., elk H. J. Lamar & Son, bds 820 New McKervey John, elk Sol Hoge, bds 671 Spring McKevitt Robert N., molder J. S. Schofield & Son, r 157 New McKevitt R. Emmet, mach J. S. Schofield & Son, bds 157 New McKibbon E. E., teacher Ballard School, r 806 Pine McKinney Caleb, watchman C. R. R., r es Chapel, 1st s of
Pebble, S. M McKinney Charles A., dray line, r 334 Columbus

R.C. WILDER'S SONS Builders Supplies,Hardware.
614 to 633 Third Street, MACON, WA. PAINTS, OILS AND LEAD


mmmm.i .




McKinney Green B., mach Bibb No 2, bds rear ws 1st, 3d n of
Hawthorne McKinney Hattie E. Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds ws 1st, 3d n of
Hawthorne McKinney Henry, c, porter S. W. R. R., r 217 Jefferson McKinney Henry C., elk J. W; Johnson, r es Chapel, lsts of
Pebble, S. M McKinney Joseph, wks Bibb No. 2, bds rear ws 1st, 3d n of
Hawthorne McKinney Mattie, wid W., r rear 253 Ocmulgee McKinney Polly A., wid S., r ws 1st, 3d n of Hawthorne McKinney Robert L., bkkpr News, bds 369 1st McKinney Robert R., wks Bibb No. 2, bds rear ws 1st, 3d n of
Hawthorne McKinney Sallie S., wid Joshua, r 369 1st McKinney Washington, c, farmer, r ss Jefferson, 9th w of
Monroe McKinney William E., wks Bibb No. 2, bds rear ws 1st, 3d n
of Hawthorne McKinney William P., wks Bibb No. 1, bds Peachtree, nw cor
Balkcom av, E. M McKinney Zach, c, wks Bibb No. 2, r es W. Boundary, 4th s of
Vineville rd McKnight William W., boilermaker G. S. & F. R. R., bds
769 4th McLane Henry, c, lab, r rear ns Forsyth, V McLane J. R. Rev., c, pastor 1st Congregational Church, r 539
Monroe McLane Mary A., wid J. J., bds ns Anderson, 3d wof 2d,S. M McLaren Edwin H., r ss Forsyth rd, V McLaughlin Sarah M., wid J., r ns New Houston, 1st w of
Ells, S. M McLean ElihuS., grocer, 216 Cotton av, r 758 New McLean Elizabeth, wid Hugh, r 760 New McLendon Aaron C, brakeman S. W. R. R., r ws Bright's al McLenden Henry, c, wks E. T,, V. & G. R. R., r ws Bright's
al, 3d n of Ash McLendon James F., printer, bds ws Peachtree, 2d n of 2d av,
E, M

Paints, Oils Glass, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Etc., 5 At 0. P. & B. E. WILLINGHAM & CO'S.

ORANGES AND Telephone No. 807. (See p. 8.)



in SEASON at Headquarters.

McLendon John C., pipeman Stmr No. 1, bds 721 Oak McLendon Joe H., c, grocer, 1122 4th, r 202 Hazel McLendon Joseph E., blksmith C. R. R., bds 721 Oak McLendon Richard, c fruit stand, 334 Main, r Clinton, E. M McLendon Richard, c, lab, r 911 5th McLendon William A., coppersmith C. R. R., r 721 Oak McLendon Wiley, c, lab, r 313 Division McLeran Jesse T., cond C. R. R McMahon Patrick, stone cutter T. J. Carling & Co., bds 807
Oak McManus Clifford B., eng C. R. R., bds 623 Walnut McManus Leonard (L. McManus & Co.), r 623 Walnut McMANUS L. & CO (L. McManus, T. W. Ansell and W. T.
Shinholser), furniture, 169 to 175 Cotton av McManus Telitha, wid J. A., bds 623 Walnut McMichael J., c, wks Palmer Mnfg Co McMillen Essie Mrs., cashier Telegraph, bds 630 Cotton av McMillen Ferris, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 94 Oglethorpe, Factory
row McMillan John O., elk A. Lesser, bds 417 Oak McMillan Katy Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 94 Oglethorpe,
Factory row McMillan Lizzie Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 94 Oglethorpe,
Factory row McMillan Mollie Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds Telfair, sw cor
Boundary McMillan Thomas, grocer, 1159 Elm McMinn Samuel W., bricklayer, r 965 Oglethorpe McMullan Jeremiah A., collector Bibb Land-Lumber Co., r Ml 10 Appleton av McMullen John W., reel driver Stmr No. 1, r 709 3d McMurray Cicero, c, lab, bds 625 New McMurray William, c, drayman, bds 625 New McMurry James D., elk Dannenberg & Doody, r 418 Plum McMurry Mary, wid J., r 418 Plum McNabb Lorenzo B., eng G. S. & F. R. R., bds 769 4th McNair A., wks Bibb No. 1 McNiece James E., watchman C. R. R., r ns Stratton, 1st e of
Chapel, S. M






McNiece Joseph B., with A. B. Small, bds 619 1st McPherson Emma Miss, elk M. Newman, bds 403 Cotton av McPherson Herbert H., watchmkr G. T. Beeland, bds 757
Mulberry McRae Charles E., with G. S. Jones & Co., r 155 Cotton av McRae Duncan L., with W. G. Solomon, r ss Rembert av, 2d
w of W. Boundary, H. H McRae Edwin F., sec and treas Geo. S. Jones & Co., bds Stub
blefield House McRae James K., mach C. & M. R. R., bds 718 Pine McRae William T., c, barber J. H. McCants, r rear 417 Cotton av McSwain Alice Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co., bds ns Tindall,
2d w of Telfair, S. M McSwain Ida Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co., bds ns Tindall,
2d w of Telfoir, S. M McSwain Walter L., wks Macon Knitting Co., bds ns Tindall,
2d w of Telfair, S. M McTighe J. S. (J. S. McTighe & Co.), bds Brown's Hotel McTighe J. S. & Co. (J. S. McTighe, I. L. McKee and W. B.
Strang), railroad contractors, 316 Pine McWaters Charles L., fireman, bds Hidrola, nw cor Milledge-
ville rd, E. M McWaters O. Lonnie, eng C. R. R., r 568 Walnut McWaters Virginia, wid H. L., r Hidrola, nw cor Milledge-
ville rd, E. M McWhorter Albert, c, lab C. R. R., bds 923 Hazel McWhorter Edward, c, hackman, r rear 220 New McWhorter Frank, c, wks R. C. Wilder's Sons, r 269 Madison McWhorter Hal, c, drayman A. Gibian & Co., r 923 Hazel McWhorter James, c, lab C. R. R., bds 923 Hazel McWhorter John, c, wks Pettit, DeHaven & Co McWhorter William, c, wks Bibb No. 1, r es Perry, 1st n of Ft.
Hill, E. M
MAAS ANDREW, mach, r 665 Elm Maas Jacob (Price & Maas), r 804 Cherry Mabry Greene H., grocer, 308 Main, r 413 Clinton, E. M Mabry Henry, c, lab N. M. Block, r 325 Madison Mabry Marshall, c, lab, bds 325 Madison

THE POWERS COKTRAGTIN& CO. Dealers in BUILDERS' and PAINTERS' SUPPLIES, and 157, 159, 161 Cotton Avenue. (See p. 8.) GENERAL CONTRACTORS

408 and 410 Mulberry Street ( Alld ULOUSailS Of MOHS all deSCllDtiOHS




Mabry Samuel, e, wksE. T., V. & G. R. R., r 362 Clinton, E.M Machold M. Mrs., grocer and saloon, 302 3d, r 253 4th Mack Charles, c, cook, r ns Chestnut, 2d w of W. Boundary Mack Harry, mach, bds Wilbourn House Mack Isaac, c, wks S. M. Subers & Son, r 805 Boundary Mack Jacob M., bkkpr D. J. Baer, r 175 Magnolia Mack Simon, agt (J. H. Allen & Co.), and dry goods; 419 Cot
ton av Mack Solomon, policeman, r 216 Shamrock Mack Wallace, c, lab, r es Jones, near Old Hospital, V Mack William, c, drayman G. S. Jones & Co., r es Jones, nr
Old Hospital, V Maccoboy Charles B., mess So. Ex. Co., r 754 3d MACHEN E. C., pres News Pub. Co., r Machen, Ga Macnair Angus G., employment agency, 674 Cherry, bds Nat
ional Hotel Macon Agricultural Works, L. E. Culver, pres; H. M. Wortham,
sec and treas; works juncM. & W. and S. W. R. R's; office, 352-356 3d Macon Beef Co., 271 Cherry MACON BOARD OF TRADE, B. C. Smith, pres; G. T. Kershaw, sec and treas; 406 Cherry MACON BREWING CO., T. W. Troy, pres; A. R. Woolfolk, sec and treas; Hammond, cor Bay. (See page 5.) Macon Broom Factory, Z. B. Wheeler, propr; Johnson al MACON CANAL & MNFG COMPANY, J. C. McBurney, pres; H. G. Cutter, sec and treas; office, 516 Mulberry Macon Canning Co., C. J. Harris, pres; N. S. Outler, mngr; George Birch, sec and treas; ss Columbus rd, nr Mercer Univ Macon China Store, J. D. Carhart & Co., proprs; 363 2d MACON CITY & SUBURBAN ST. R. R. CO., E. E. Win ters, genl mngr; 809 Poplar Macon Clay Wks, H. Stevens & Sons, proprs; Waterville, S. M MACON COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, W. McKay, prin; 372 2d. (See bottom lines.) Macon Construction Co., W. B. Sparks, pres; H. L. Jewett, sec and treas; Jeff Lane, genl mngr; 304 Plum MACON EVENING NEWS, News Pub. Co., pubrs; 412-- 414 Cherry. (See back fly.)
rTne ll[[| 9 m Sell the NOBBIEST NECKWEAR
lMJo, ilttL & lu. ONE PRICE-- ES MACON,
7 c*

Buggies Carriages, ^^immense stock. Low Prices.

S. S. PARIELEE, ) Wagons.

470 Second St.
(See p. 7.)


274 "


Macon Fertilizer Co., office 502--504 Cherry MACON FIRE INS. CO., S. S. Dunlap, pres ; R. E. Park,
vice-president; E. S. Wilson, secretary and treasurer; 413
W. Gibson, genl mngr; W. H. Lathrop, sec and treas; A. F. Mathews, foreman; 5th, nw corner Hawthorne. (See
page 15.) Macon Furniture Co., W. T. Shinholser, pres; Carl Dohu,
sec and treas; Philip Dohn, supt; Poplar, cor E. T., V. & G. R R MACON GAS LIGHT AND WATER CO., W. J. Coite,
pres; G. F. Work, treas; J. W. Wilcox, supt, J. B. Hall,
sec; 564 Mulberry MACON HARDWARE CO, (L. E. Culver, J. C. VanSyckel,
H. C. Tindall andM. Nussbaum), hardware, crockery, guns,
stoves, etc, 352--356 3d Macon Health Home Journal, Mrs. R. E. Fuller, editress;
630 Cotton av MACON INTERSTATE ABSTRACT CO., Gerdine &
Crump, mngrs; 364 2d. (See front cover.) MACON KNITTING CO., J. F. Hanson, pres; D. H.
Howes, agt; ns Hawthorne, bet 2st and 2d Macon Oil & Fertilizer Co., E. H. Coates, sec and treas; ws
S. W. R. R., s of Boundary Macon Paint Works, W. L. Henry, pres; F. R. Pomeroy,
sec and treas; E. D. Stow, mngr; Gilmer, sw cor Tupelo MACON PUBLIC LIBRARY, Chas. Herbst, librarian; 652
Mulberry MACON SASH, DOOR & LUMBER CO. (T. C. Hendrix,
G. C. Lacy, W. J. Beeland, D. W. Rittenberry, R. H. Smalling), mnfrs sash, doors, blinds, scroll and turned work, mill Enterprise, E. M., office 414 Cherry. (See p. 14.) MACON SAVINGS BANK, J. M. Boardman, pres; H. G, Cutter, vice-pres; H. T. Powell, cashier; 570 Mulberry Macon Steam Laundry, Lee Aycock, mngr; 409 Mulberry MACON TELEGRAPH, W. E. Dawson, mngr; A. A. Allen, editor in chf; 569 Mulberry. (See back fly.) Macon & Atlantic R. R. Co., G. W. Gustin, pres; office 456 2d
MACON COMMERCIAL COLLEGE} AFirst Class Business School
J Circulars free. W. McKAY, Principal. Rapid Business Penmanship

BUILDERS' mill Of Every Description.


(See p. 7.)

<>tli St., Cor. Cherry




MACON & BIRMINGHAM R. R., F. S. Johnson, pres; J. Lane, genl mngr; A. C. Knapp, traffic rnngr; office 304
Plum, depot Union Depot MACON & DUBLIN R. R. CO., D. M. Hughes, pres ; H.
S. Morse, vice-pres and genl mngr; D. B. Dunn, chf eng; Hardy Smith, sec and treas; office 417 4th Macon & Savannah Construction Co., W. B. Sparks, pres; Jeff Lane, genl mngr; H. L. Jewett, sec and treas; 456 2d
Macroy James, wks C. R. R., r 459 5th Macy Harry, wks Bibb No. 1, bds 107 4th Macy Robert H., blksmith C. R. R., r 620 Arch Maddox Benjamin, r 232 Clinton, E. M Maddox Henry, c carp r 432 Monroe Maddox Jefferson D., flagman E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds 454
Oak Maddox Lacey, carp, bds National Hotel Maddox Lee, c, wks G. S. & F. R. R., r 163 Maple Maddox Mack, c, painter C. R. R., r 163 Maple Maddox Nannie Miss, wks Bibb No. 1 Maddox Robert, c, wks C. C. Ice Wks Madison Benjamin, c, wks Bibb No. 1, bds 514 Flanders, E. M Madrix Wilson Rev., c, pastor Ocmulgee Baptist Church, r es
Walker's al, 1st n of Ash Malabar Annie Miss, bds 462 Hawthorne Malabar Virilla Miss, bds 462 Hawthorne Malee Minnie Miss, elk W. J. Juhan, r 138 Rose Park MALLARY BROS. & CO. (E. Y. and F. L. Mallary, J. S.
Lester, C. P. Steed), whol machinery and machinery supplies,
506-508 4th Mallary Edgar Y. (Mallary Bros & Co.), r 27 Progress Mallary Frances L. (Mallarv Bros & Co.), r 26 Progress Mallery Annie M. Miss, teacher S. M. School, bds Pierpont
House Mallery L. E. Mrs., milliner 615 Cherry, bds Pierpont House Mallory Joseph E., with Smith & Gordon, bds Hotel Lanier Mallory Philip, c, servant, r 215 College Malone Adam, c, lab C. R. R., r 157 Elm Malone Clinton, wks Manchester Mnfg Co., r ss C. R. R., bey

BR10RCEITR1LIssues ENDOWMENT Insurance at LIFE Rates. Policies Incontestible and Non-Forfeitable, (Seep. 6.) T. S. LiOWllY, Mngr,


BOOKS! STATIONERY J. W. BURKE & GO. Keep the best of every thing in their line.




Malone Drewry R., (Wright & Malone), r 225 High Malone Harry, reeler Manchester Mnfg Co., r ss C. R. R., bey
limits Malone Isaac, c, lab Ivey Bros., r 154 6th Malone John, c, lab T. J. Carling & Co Malone King, c, wks Hays & Mansfield Malone Rosser A., with Armory P'k'g Co., r 811 Cherry Malone William, c, eng, r al bet 6th and 7th, nr Mulberry Malone William J., elk E. T., Y. & G. R. R., bds ws New
Houston rd, 4th s of Ells, S. M Maloney Charles, supt's elk C. R. R., bds Park Hotel Maltrey C. C., wks Pettit, DeHaven & Co Manchester Mnfg Co., J. F. Crutchfield, pres; J. D. Hough,
gen'l mngr; J. W. Cabaniss, sec and treas; C. R. R., w of
limits Maner J. W., brakemen C. R. R Mangham Ida L., wid T. W., r 807 Cherry Mangham Thomas W., elk, bds 807 Cherry Mangle David, c, lab, bds 341 Cole Mangle Harry, c, lab, r 341 Cole Manigauit H. M., sec and treas Palmer Mnfg Co., r Charleston,
S. C Mann John, c, whitewasher, r Poe, sw cor Jackson, V Mann Joseph, c, lab, r 1056 Hazel Mannie Daniel W., foreman Winn, Johnson & Co., bds Corbett
House Manors Frank, c, lab Gas Co., r P. H Mansfield William, c, carp, r Johnson al Mansfield William H. (Hays & Mansfield), r 869 Arch Mansfield William H., carp C. R. R., bds ws Milledgeville rd,
10th n of Ft. Hill, E. M Manson Phebe F. Mrs., teacher Whittle School, bds 953 Pine Manuel Fal E., c, porter M. Nussbaum & Co Mapleson Amanda Miss, wks Bibb No. 2 Marcia Larry, wks Bibb No. 1 Marcus Edward W., c, elk R. H. Barker Marcus Richard, c, porter Coleman, Ray & Co., r Unionville Marcus Tweed, c, wks Palmer Mnfg Co., r Unionville Marks Henry D., with Wolff & Happ, r 371 1st

low to Save "?5SSGi!LE!!ILRl;




Marks John, capitalist, r 371 1st Marks Pierre, bds 456 1st Marsh A. E., train dipatcher C. R. R., bds Pierpont House Marsh Samuel, elk P. L. Lamb, bds 670 3d Marshall Adam, c, wks Palmer Mnfg Co., r Unionville Marshall Charles, c, carp, r ss C. R. R., bey limits Marshall Charles Jr., c, grocer, ss C. R. R., bey limits Marshall Charles E., ydmaster C. R. R., r 769 Oak Marshall Edward W., student, bds 269 Maple Marshall General W., wks Brewery, r Telfair, junc Wing av,
S. M Marshall Henry, c, carp Palmer Mnfg Co., bds 225 Jones Marshall Jacob Rev., c, r ss Jeffersoon, 2d e of Jones, P. H Marshall John R., c, lab, r ws 4th, 2d s of New Houston rd,
S. M Marshall John W., with Winn, Johnson & Co Marshall Lillie Miss, spinner Manchester Mnfg Co., bds 239
Telfair Marshall Moses, c, porter C. O. Sullivan, r ns Vineville rd, 5th
e of Middle Marshall Newton, c, wood dir, r ss Jefferson, 1st e of Jones, P.H
Marshall S. C., eng C. & M. R. R Marshall Wiley M., c, carp C. R. R., r ns Green, 7th w of Hudson Marshall Wirt H., opr W. U. Tel. Co., bds 769 Poplar Mart Rock, c, lab, r 226 Gilmer Martin Armor Miss, wks Bibb No. 1, bds 230 Clinton, E. M
Martin Augustus, c, lab, r 332 Monroe Martin Benjamin F., elk L. Vannucci, bds 507 Mulberry Martin Charles E., bkkpr G. S. Jones & Co., bds 856 Mulberry
Martin Eli, elk, r 362 Mulberry Martin Emma Miss, elk A. Lesser, bds 1023 2d Martin Fete Miss, wks Bibb No. 1, bds 230 Clinton, E. M
Martin Floyd M., flagman S. W. R. R., bds 354 Ash
Martin Fred R., lawyer, 504 Mulberry Martin Henry, c, lab E. H. Stuart, r 325 Madison Martin Isaac, c, lab, r rear 335 Maple Martin Jack E., with Macon Hardware Co., r 474 2d Martin James H., wks Bibb No. 1, r ws Milledgeville rd, 9th n
of Ft. Hill, E. M
l C. WILDER'S SOU SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, Dresse'di and1 Rough IT 1 --. /vL LI ui mbevr 614 to 683 Third St., Macon, a.





Martin Jesse C., c, porter Lamar & Co., r 8 Spring Martin John, farmer, r 331 Burnett, E. M Martin John, c, lab E. H. Stuart, r 325 Madison Martin John W., elk E. Winter, bds 1023 2d Martin J. Wm., bkkpr Winn, Johnson & Co., bds 856 Mulberry Martin Lee A., wks Bibb No. 1, r 417 Main, E. M Martin Leonades C. Mrs., boarding, 110 2d Martin Louis, c, porter W. M. Stevens, r 609 3d Martin Mamie Miss, wks Bibb No. 1 Martin Mattie W., wid J., r 760 3d Martin Minnie Miss, wks Bibb No.l Martin M. T., wid, bds 630 Cotton av Martin Moses, c, drayman, r rear 287 College Martin Nannie Miss, bds 583 Madison Martin P. W., flagman S. W. R. R., r 354 Ash Martin Richard, c, lab, r al s of Walnut nr 4th Martin Rufus M., pipeman Stmr No. 1, bds ns Elm, 6th e of
Main, E. M Martin Seaborn, fisherman, r 230 Clinton, E. M Martin Summerfield, c, carp, r 115 Chestnut Martin Sylvester, c, driver, r 671 4th Martin Virgil, c, fireman E. T., V. & G. R. R,, bds 321 Ash Martin William, c, lab, r rear 452 Walnut Martin William, c, carp, r es Perry, 4th n of Ft. Hill, E. M Martin William E., cond C. R. R., r 661 Walnut Marx Morris, tailor J. L. Shea, bds 458 1st Marvin C. E., rdmaster C. R. R., bds 769 Poplar Marzook A. D., fruit stand, r 155 Cotton av Mason Daniel, farmer, r 341 Clinton, E. M Mason Ida Miss, spinner Bibb No. 2 Mason James, eng Bibb No. 1, r 311 Main, E. M Mason James C., watchman, bds 362 Clinton, E. M Mason Jordan, c, brickmason, r rear 232 High Mason Joseph, c, porter Va. Furniture Co., r ns Jefferson, 2d
e of Jones, P. H Mason Joseph M. (W. R. Holmes & Mason), r 321 Orange Mason J. O., stenographer, bds 619 1st Mason Maggie Miss, wks Manchester Mnfg Co., r Old Hos
pital, V
R7II1 ftFRS' HARDWARE--An Immense Stoclc--at
aea xwrdSteeet. 0. P. & B. E. WILLINGHAM & CO'S.

At T.C. PARKER'S Telephone No. 307. (See p. 8.

Mason Mary E. Miss, art teacher Wesleyan College, bds 132


Mason Mary J., wid T. W., r 132 Forsyth

Mason Sallie, wid J., r Old Hospital, V

Mason Sherwood O., elk G. S. & F. R. R., bds 619 1st

Mason Valentine Miss, spinner Bibb No. 2

Mason William, spinner Manchester Mnfg Co

Masonic Hall, 518 Mulberry

Masonic Hall, c, 425 Cotton av

Mass Nathan, c, wks J. G. Ruan

Massee Marion H., ydmaster O. P. & B. E. Willingham & Co.

bds 718 Cherry


Massenburg Charles B., tax collector Bibb Co., bds 256 2d

Massenburg Charles R., bkkpr Price & Maas, bds 624 Cotton av

Massenburg Clinton, elk G. S. & F. R. R., bds 624 Cotton av

Massenburg Thomas L. (Massenburg & Son), r 624 Cotton av

Massenburg & Son (T. L. Massenburg), drugs and medicines,

203 Cotton av

Massengale Henry, c, blksmith C. R. R., r 317 Elbert

Massengale Mary E., wid J., r 508 Clinton, E. M

1 m

Massengale Robert, pressman J. W. Burke & Co., bds 508

Clinton, E. M

Massey Anderson, c, porter Winn, Johnson & Co

Massey Charles, c, mason, r rear 216 Monroe

Massey Clinton, c, lab, r 1237 4th

Massey Harris B., with Rogers, Jones & Moore, bds ns For

syth, V

Massey James M., stenographer S. Waxelbaum & Son

Massey Louis, mach J. S. Schofield & Son, bds 1520 3d

Massey Lum, c, wks Winn, Johnson & Co., r rear 620 Pine

Massey Nancy B., wid W. T., bds 452 Ocmulgee

Massey Oren E., wks J. T. Gantt, r country

Massey Worrill, c, wks C. R. R., r rear 425 Arch

Masterson Clements, planter, r 468 Walnut


Masterson Wallace, bds 468 Walnut

Matheny Henry H., eng G. S. & F. R. R., r 1316 4th

Mathews Burrel, c, carp, r Murray's al

Mathews Edward, molder, r 419 Elm

Mathews Jackson, c, hackman, r 5 Spring


Two Necessities
(Seep. 5.) Both Supplied by MACOrl DllijiW 1MU uU.





Mathews James, c, drayman, r rear ns Powell, 2d w of New, E.M
Mathews James, c, lab, r 314 Cherry Mathews James, c, lab, r es al bet 4th and Elbert, 1st s of Elm Mathews James B., painter C. R. R., r es Cedar, lsts of Wind
sor, S. M Mathews Jesse, c, gardener, r rear Mercer Univ Mathews John, c, lab, r rear 621 Pine Mathews John, c, painter, r al bet Washington avand Forsyth,
nr Madison Mthews John F., flagman C. R. R., r 211 Elbert Mathews John R., eng, r 470 Bay Mathews Laura E. Miss, seamstress, bds 562 3d Mathews Mary A., wid E., r 562 3d Mathews Mary T. Miss, seamstress, r 562 3d Mathews Sheppard, c, wks C. R. R., r ws C. R. R., bet Ash
and Elm Mathews Thomas, c, lab, r 209 Hazel Matthews Tony, c, carp, r rear 208 Monroe Matthews Walter, c, drayman, r ws Monroe, 3d n of Holt Mathews William, mess Sou. Ex. Co., bds 558 Oak Mathews William, wks Payne & Willingham Mathews William J., mach C. R. R., r 148 Forsyth Mathias Anthony, c, lab, r 355 Maple Mathias Charles, c, carp, bds 402J Mulberry Mathias Leroy, c, lab, bds 355 Maple Mathis Aylesberry (H. D. Adams & Co.), r 103 Washington av Mathis Charles E", grocer 802 3d, r 808 3d Mathis Harmon D., cooper, r ss Forsyth, opp Crumps Park Mathis John, c, carp, r 571 3d Matthews Allen R., bkppr C. B. Willingham, r 424 Calhoun Matthews Amos, c, teacher, r ns Chestnut, 11th w of w Boundary MATTHEWS ASA F., foreman Macon F. & M. Wks, r
ws 3d, 1st s of Boundary, S. M Matthews Austin G., eng, r ws 3d, 1st s of Boundary, S. M Matthews Benjamin B., elk, r ss Pebble, 2d w of Wilder, S. M Matthews B. F., eng S. W. R. R., bds 806 4th Matthews Charles A., ins agt, bds 123 2d Matthews George H., bds 123 2d



Builders' and Painters' Supplies and Genera/ Contractors.

RE CMITUl Cutlery, Spoons, Tinware




and 408





Matthews Green B., elk, Mix & Everett, bds Pierpont House Matthews Hampton, c, driver, bds 40 Madison Matthews James W., lab, bds es 2d, 2d s of Pebble, S. M Matthews Lewis, c, driver, bds 40 Madison Matthews Lizzie A., wid J. R., r es 2d, 2d s of Pebble, S. M Matthews Marcus M., flagman S. W. R. R., bds 13 Vineville
rd Matthews Primus, c, wks G. S. & F. R. R., r ns C. R. R., V Matthews William S., bkkpr N. Y., Life Ins. Co., r 424 Cal
houn Mau George, baker L. Merkel, r 520 Cherry Maull Allen, printer, bds 607 Plum Maull M. J., printer, r 415 Plum Maund John W., c, porter Wood & Bond, r 968 Ocmulgee Maxey Alexander E., painter Hotel Lanier, r Vineville Maxwell Henry, c, painter, r ss Roy, w of Ullman May Beniamin, c, servt,r 553 Walnut May Charles J., c, wks Macon Furniture Co., r ns Elm, 4th e
of C. R. R May James, c, lab, r rear ns New Houston rd, 2d e of Ells,
S. M May James A., mach G. S. & F. R. R., r 753 3d May Julius, with S. Waxelbaum & Son, bds 258 1st May Nathan D., printer, bds 552 1st May Wesley, c, cigarmkr, r es Ullman, n of Columbus rd May William, c, porter Shinholser & Co Mayer Emilie Miss, teacher music and languages, bds 515 2d Mayer William A., fireman C. & M. R. R MAYER, see also MEYER and MYERS Mayfield David, c, lab, bds ws al w of 1st, s of Hazel Mayfield William S., railroad contractor, r 1304 2d Maynard Adam, c, lab, r ss Lawton av, w of Duncan av, H. H Maynard Harry W., wks R. P. Jarratt, bds 305 4th Maynard Jennie F. Miss, teacher Ballard School, r 806 Pine Maynard Spencer, c, wks Burr Brown, r es Poe, 5th s of
Holmes, V Maynard William S., dispatcher E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds
Edgerton House Mayo Peter, c, lab, r es Middle, 10th n of New Cherry, P. H




Carriages, Phaeton8, Buggies, Road Carts, Etc.

Great Variety. (See p. 7.) S. 8. PARMELEE, 470 Second St.




Mays J. Glascock, supt Ga. Div., Sou. Ex. Co., bds Walnut

Mays Jerry W., c, carrier P. O., bds rear 871 Orange

Mays Simon, c, brick mason, r 309 Jefferson

Mays S. B., c, barber R. H. Hart, r Walnut

Meade Andrew, c, wks E. T., V. & G. R. R

Meade Douglass, c, wks Pettit, DeHaven & Co

Meadows Jere G., barkpr G. W. Ethridge, bds 607 Plum

Means Cupid, c, lab, r ns Woodruff, 8th w of Monroe

Means John F., justice peace, 552J Mnlberry, r Ft Hill, E. M

Means William, c, porter, r ns Woodruff, 8th w of Monroe

Medlock Joseph M. G., agt, grocer, 770 Hazel, r 220 Tatnall

Meeks William K., insp S. B. T. & T. Co., bds 715 Poplar

Meigs H. Vincent, bds 527 College

Meister Robert, wks R. C. Wilders' Sons, r couutry

Meldrim J. H., fireman C. R. R

Melton Alex, bridge carp, bds 82 Oglethorpe, Factory row Melton Ann, wid W., r 82 Oglethorpe, Factory row


Melton Gus D., wks Troy Laundry, bds 319 Shamrock

Melton Martin H., farmer, r ss St. Johns, 3d e of Church, E. M

Melton Millard, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 82 Oglethorpe, Factory row

Melton Missouri A. Miss, seamstress, bds 82 Oglethorpe, Fac

tory row

Melton Warren, c, wks Troy Laundry

Melville Irvin, c, lab, r Moore's row

Melvin Dora Mrs., wks Bibb No. l,r 122 Main, E. M

Menard Carrie E., wid A. A., r 554 Madison

Menard Frank, c, driver, r ws Poe, 6th n of Vineville rd

Menard Victor A., dep sheriff, r 554 Madison

Mener Albert, baggage master, bds 518 Pine

Menko Jacob, with L. Cohen & Co., bds 664 Plum

Mercer Charles G., lawyer, 105 Cotton av, bds 516 Madison

Mercer Jesse J., jeweler, 267 5th

Mercer Louisa D., wid L., r 423 Elbert

Mercer Robert L., eng E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds 423 Elbert

Mercer University, Rev. G. A. Nunnally, pres; ss Ash, bet Col

lege and Adams

Mercer William, eng E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds 423 Elbert


L. P. Hillyer, cashier; 356 2d. (See front cover.)

MACON COMMERCIAL COLLEGE!A First-class Business School Rapid Business Penmanship. Circulars Free. w. Mckay, pm.

Estimates Furnished fol Building and an kinds Telephone No. 126. (See p. 7.) of Builders Material.




Merkel Henry, elk Goodwyn & Small, r 520 Cherry MERKEL LOUIS, baker and confectioner, 520 Cherry Merkel Minnie Miss, teacher Whittle School, r 520 Cherry Merkerson Coland, elk, r ns Columbus rd Merrill Alfred, c, drayman, r ss Roy, w of Ullman Merrill Alva, ydmaster C. R. R., r 818 3d Merrill Bessie Miss, teacher Gresham High School Merriman H., flagman G. S. & F. R. R., bds 765 4th Merritt Alice Miss, wks Bibb No. 2 Merritt Ella Miss, r ns Turpin, 4th e of Division Merritt Isam, c, carp, r 324 Jackson Merritt J.*F., fireman C. R. R Merritt Roswell A., pres Sou. Hardware Co., r 1416 Oglethorpe Merritt Thomas E. (Jones & Merritt), r country Merriwether Alonzo, c, barber R. H. Hart, rss Green, 11th w of
Madison Merriweather Elijah, c, lab, r 415 1st, E. M Merriwether Henry, c, dairyman, r rear ns Holmes, V MERRIWETHER WILLIAM A., prof St. Stanislaus Mershon H., cond, bds Corbett House Merson Joseph J. A., Co. Commr, r country Metropolitan St. Ry Co., E. G. Harris, pres; office ns 7th, opp
City Park METTAUER HENRY H., physician, 658 Mulberry, New
Library Building Metts Oliver V., blksmith Ammons Cotton C. Co., r 556
Boundary Meyer Aaron, peddler, r 464 Mulberry Meyer August, tailor F. W. Goette, r 155 Cotton av Meyer Felix, elk Sioux City Prov. Co., bds 464 Mulberry Meyer Felix, wks Bibb No. 1, bds es Milledgeville rd, 6th n of
Fairview, E. M Meyer Leo, with Wolff & Happ, bds 1st Meyer Walter, elk R. G. Henry, bds 454 Oak Meyers Julius C., bkkpr Ga. Hosiery Co., r 658 1st Meyers Martha T. Mrs., dressmkr, r ss Barfield's al, 1st e of 2d MEYERS, see also MAYER and MYERS Michael Benjamin, hack line and grocer, 758 4th, r 754 4th Michael David, elk, bds 717 Cherry



-<>- GO TO






Michael Jack, c, lab, r ns Elm, 7th eofC. R. R Michael James, c, lab, r 205 Hazel Michael Joseph, elk B. Michael, bds 754 4th Michael Lee J., carrier P. O., r 327 Clinton, E. M Michael Lee J. Mrs., grocer, 327 Clinton, E. M Michael Louis L., trav agt, bds 754 Cherry Micklejohn Frank M., yd cond E. T., V. & G. R. R., r 696
College Middlebrooks Edward, c, wks Dixie Works Middlebrooks Louis, c, brickmason, r rear 306 Main, E. M Middlebrooks Monroe, mechanic, bds 330 Clinton, E. M Middlebrooks Thomas A., elk Ethridge, Trammell & Co., bds
317 3d Middleton John, c, wks G. S. & F. R. R., r rear 1142 4th
MIGRATH J. W., copying and enlarging artist, 125 Cotton
av, r 260 2d Milam W. T., eng C. R. R., bds 1505 3d Milan Mary, wks Bibb No. 1, r es Milledgeville rd, 2d n of
Fairview, E. M Miles Fannie Miss, dressmkr, r 363 7th Miles George, mess C. R. R Miles Matilda, wid C. M., r 363 7th Miles Robert A., printer, bds 763 Poplar Miles William, c, peddler, r rear 653 2d Millen George R., wks Bibb No. 2, r ws al bet Jackson and
Telfair, 1st s of Elm Miller A. Layton, judge Superior Court, Macon Circuit, r 478
College Miller Charles H., carp C. R. R., r rear ss Columbus rd, nr
Mercer Univ Miller Elbert, c lab C. R. R., r 116 Green Miller Ella T. Miss, seamtress, bds 710 Cotton av Miller Ettie Miss, wks Winn, Johnson & Co., r Columbus rd Miller Giles, c, cook Corbett House, r 310 Hazel Miller Green, c, lab, r 310 Hazel Miller Harry S., bkkpr Macon O. & F. Co., r 414 Oak Miller Henry, c, brakeman E. T., V. & G. R. R., r Moore's
row Miller Henry, c, lab, r rear 220 High
313 second sxTMx7 it GREENBERG, Tie Tailor's.

MANHATTAN LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YORK. GEO. B. JEWETT/ Agent, Office, Capital Bank, 456 2d.




Miller Henry A., mechanic, r 1531 4th Miller Henry H., r 208 Spring Miller James M., carp G. S. & F. R. R Miller John, c, r 625 Middle, E. M Miller John F., carp, r ws 4th, 4th s of Stratton, E. M Miller John R., stenographer C. R. R., bds 1153 Ash Miller J. A., bagmaster S. W. R. R MILLER LAWRENCE REV., c, pastor Washington Av.
Presby. Ch. and editor Central City Times, r 313 Madison
Miller Lawrence A., runner H. and L. Co
Miller Lillie Miss, milliner Miss E. A. Ward Miller Lizzie Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co Miller Mary Miss, seamstress, bds 710 Cotton av Miller Mattie E. Miss, dressmkr, r 710 Cotton av Miller Milton, c, waiter Brown's Hotel, r 355 Forsyth Miller Moses, c, drayman, r ss Green, 4th w of Hudson Miller Randall, c, wks Stevens & Hodges, r 212 Walnut Miller Richard W., c, lab, r 118 Green Miller Robert F., city missionary, r 1153 Ash Miller Saluda Miss, seamstress, bds 710 Cotton av Miller Scott, c, wks G. S. & F. R. R., r 410 Elbert Miller Sidney T., wks R. C. Wilder's Sons, bds 141 Academy Miller Thomas J., dep sheriff, r 710 Cotton av Millican L. Brady, eng, r 815 2d Millirons Carrie D., wid J., r 1069 Hazel Millirons Charles M., carp E. T., V. & G. R. R., r 1069 Hazel Millirons C. B., cond M. C. & S. St. R. R., bds 1069 Hazel Millirons John W., grocer, 1021 Hazel Millirons Robert H., cond M. C. & S. St. R. R., bds 1069 Hazel Mills Ella Miss, bds ns Garden, 2d w of Church, E. M Mills Freeman W., boilermkr E. T., V. & G. R. R., r ns Gar
den, 2d w of Church, E. M Mills Lee, c, lab, bds 310 Oglethorpe Mills Leroy, c, porter Steed & Wimberly, r ns C. R. R., V Mills Miles, c, lab, r 602 Clinton, E. M Mills Moses, c, waiter, bds 268 Columbus Mills Samuel, c, wks J. G. Dorsett, bds 310 Oglethorpe Milner Andrew, c, lab, r al bet Oak and Pine, nr 4th Milner Chas. E., c, mattressmkr, r Jefferson, sw cor Middle, P. H

R.C. WILDER'S SONS 614 to 633 Third Street, MACOJSf, A. l--clinS 8.UU orUFlglGS

COALS'S! JOHNSON'S lOLMES 313 Ocmulgee Street,




Milner Israel, c, lab, r al bet Oak and Pine, nr 4th Milner J. S., photographer, 620J Cherry, r country Milner Neal, c, lab, r al bet Pine and Oak, nr 4th Milner Robert, c, wks M. C. & S. St. R. R., r rear 305 Oak Milton Minda Miss, wks Bibb No. 2 Milton William, c, wks J. Van & Co., bds New Cherry, nr
Monroe Mims Caesar, c, lab, r 112 Boundary Mims Darius, c, wks Palmer Mnfg Co., r ws Ullmau, s of Roy Mims Elbert, c, grocer, ws Ullman, s of Roy Mims Jack, c, wks Bibb No. 1, r 520 Flanders, E. M Mims John, c, lab, r 135 Hazel Mims Joseph, c, lab, rrear 716 Plum Mims Louis, c, wks E. T., V. & G. R. R., r 618 Hazel Mims Willis, c, lab, r 321 Hammond Minar James M., with W. H. Whitehead, r 156 Park pi Minchew Sarah A., wid J. G., r 759 4th Minion William, c, farmer, r 332 2d, E. M
Minor Carl W., prin S. M. Free School, bds ws Davis, 3d s of Williams, S. M
Minor Thomas, c, carp, r 1064 Hazel Minor Thomas, c, cooper, r 438 Hammond Minson John, genl agt Mutual Life Ins. Co. of Ky, 516 Mul
berry, r 617 Pine Minson Lee, c, wks C. R. R., r rear 314 Cherry Minson Walter L., dentist, 572 Mulberry, r617 Pine Minton Alice, wid J., bds 908 Elm Minton Edward E., col bkkpr Exchange Bank, bds 908 Elm Minton James B., bkkpr Exchange Bank, r ws 3d, 3d s of
Boundary, S. M Minton J. Fabian, col teller Exchange Bank, r 1153 Hazel Minton Mack B., wks C. J. Stroberg & Son, bds 518 New Minton Warren D. S., with Domestic S. M. Co., r 518 New Miraglia Edward D., fruit stand, 3d, cor Cherry, r 355 4th Mitchell Alexander, c, wks E. T., V. & G. R. R., r rear es W.
Boundary, 5th n of Forsyth Mitchell Allen, c, porter J. M. Brown, r 337 Columbus Mitchell David, c, porter Brown's Hotel, r 561 3d Mitchell Edward, c, butler, bds 245 Clinton, E. M

0.P.&B E.

Will move about May 1st, 1891, to their new building i 510 Cherry Street.

For anythinglnFr"itsProduceFishystcr8 or ,cc

Send to Headquarters. (pates.)





Mitchell Edward P., bkkpr Manchester Mnfg Co., bds ss Forsyth Mitchell Filmore, c, wks Bibb No. 1 Mitchell George, c, drayman, r 113 Shamrock Mitchell Hampton, c, lab, r rear 518 Pine Mitchell Henry, c, porter E. P. Strong, r country Mitchell Irvin, tinner, r ss Boundary, 6th w of Telfair, S. M Mitchell Isaac, c, wks J. Dinkier, r rear 457 Mulberry Mitchell James JR., brickmkr, r 435 Elbert Mitchell J. S., mach C. & M. R. R., bds 304 4th Mitchell Laura B., wid H. J., r rear 555 Pine Mitchell Lewis, c, porter Price & Maas, r 117 Tatnall Mitchell Lewis A., gen'l mngr Bibb Land-Lumber Co., r Dodge
Co., Ga Mitchell Martha, c, r 257 5th Mitchell Oakey O., opr W. U. Tel. Co., bds 769 Poplar Mitchell Peter, c, wks E. T., V. & G. R. R., r 310 Hazel Mitchell Rebecca A., wid A. P., bds 1422 Oglethorpe Mitchell Thomas J., mach Bibb Mnfg Co., r 307 Walnut
Mitchell Trusty, c scavenger cart, r 318 Calhoun Mitchell William, c, drayman, r 253 7th Mitchell William, c, farm hand,r es Phillips' al S. M Mitchell William, c, lab C. R. R., r e of 4th, nr Bay Mitchell William, c, porter, r 425 Madison Mitchell Willis, c, wks G. S. & F. R. R Mitchum James E., carp, bds 239 Ross Mitchum Mattie Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds ws Davis, 2d s
of Williams Mix Harry C. (Mix & Everett), r 511 Walnut Mix John'C., elk C. H. Cubbedge, bds 511 Walnut MIX & EVERETT (H. C. Mix and S. A. C. Everett), boots
and shoes, 107 Cotton av Mixon Richard, c, train hand G. S. & F. R. R Mize Charles, carp, r ns New Houston rd, 2d e of Ells, S. M Mize Jack, conti'actor, r ss Pebble, 2d w of 3d, S. M Moates William M., shoemkr, 622 4th Mobley Allen, c, butcher, r 156 5th Mobley Dallas, c, lab, r 640 Hammond Mobley Elijah, c, waiter, bds 640 Hammond Mobley John J., blksmith C. R. R. shops

W. W. & R. S. COLLINS -KkKS1
*i 458 THIRD STREET." !IUl Jft. u A. 11 US.


Mobley J. L., c, wks Palmer Mnfg. Co Moffitt A. W., flagman S. W. R. R Molloy Mary, wid John, r 412 Walnut Molloy John E., lab, bds es 4th, 1st s of Windsor, S. M Molsby George R., molder C. D. Findlay, r 469 Elm Molton Weldon, c, drayman Johnson & Harris Monch R. H., auditor Macon O. & F. Co., bds Hotel Lanier Moncrief George B., carp, r es 3d, 2d s of Windsor, S. M Moncrief Mary Mrs., teacher, r es 3d, 2d s of Windsor, S. M Monfee David, watchman E. J. Willingham & Bro., r 319
Phoenix, E. M Monroe Alex., c, farmer, r 404 2d, E. M Monroe Charles A., c, dairyman, r ws Dairy la, 6th n of Green Monroe Maggie Miss, wks Troy Laundry, r 265 2d Monroe Stephen, c, porter C. C. Ice Wks, r 914 1st Monroe Taylor, c, wks M. C. & S. St. R. R Monroe Thomas, c, porter, bds 404 2d, E. M Monroe William E., fireman G. S. & F. R. R., r ws New
Houston rd, 3d s of 2d Montfort William E., elk Dunlap Hardware Co., bds 565
Madison Montague Martha, c, seamstress, r 245 Washington av Montgomery Arthur Q,., supt Bibb Mill No. 2, bds 870 1st Montgomery John R., machinist Bibb No. 2, bds 870 1st Montgomery Talton, c, farmer, r 420 Hammond Moody Corine Miss, wks Troy Laundry, r 106 2d Moody Edward, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 65 Hazel, Factory row Moody Littleberry B., eng C. & M. R. R., r 106 2d Moody Lizzie Mrs., wks Bibb No. 2, bds 65 Hazel, Factory row Moody William, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 98 Oglethorpe, Factory
row Moon James W. (A. L. Collins & Co.), r Telfair Co Moore Ada B. Mrs., bds 500 Orange Moore Amos, c, lather, r 212 College Moore Atlas S., dentist, r 121 Washington av Moore Augustus L., cond C. R. R., r ws 3d, 1st s of Windson,
S. M Moore Bostick, c, porter A. A. Cullen, r rear 354 Oak Moore Boswell, c, drayman Johnson & Harris, r 565 3d

Save Monev by having your Painting done by






Moore Cary A., train dipatcher C. R. R., bds Park Hotel Moore Chas., c, porter, r al bet Monroe and Madison, nr Forsyth Moore Charles B., grocer 611 4th, r 464 Pine Moore Charles E., c, carrier P. O., r 113 Boundary Moore Clifford, c, barber, r 436 Monroe
Moore Columbus L., carp, r ws Milledgeville rd, 12th n of Ft Hill, E. M
Moore David M., eng E. T., V. & G. R. R., r ss Plant, 1st w of Davis, S. M
Moore Ella D. Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co., r ss Reid, 4th e of 4th, S. M
Moore Elizabeth S. Miss, bds ss Reid, 4th e of 4th, S. M Moore E. A., flagman C. R. R Moore George, c, lab, r 621 3d
Moore George M., elk Macon Hardware Co., bds 866 Cherry Moore Georgia Miss., wks Bibb No. 2, bds 94 Oglethorpe,
Factory row
Moore Jackson, c, butler G. Rogers, r rear 368 Spring Moore James, c, barber J. H. Benner, r P. H Moore Jane, c, teacher, r rear 131 Academy Moore Jefferson, c, brakeman S. W. R. R., r 102 Bay Moore John, c, lab, C. D. Findlay, r 1130 4th Moore John, c, porter Holmes & Murray, r rear 152 Spring Moore John, with Allen, Dumas & Thompson, bds Wilbourn
Moore Johnsy M, elk Lawton & Smith, bds 109 Washington av Moore John B., carp, r ss Reed, 4th e of 4th, S. M Moore John T., bkkpr W. F. Price, r 544 Orange Moore Joseph E., c, brickmason, bds 711 4th MOORE KINGMAN P., M. D. (Moore & Ross), r 109
Washington av. (Telephone 148.) Moore Levin E., carp, r es 4th, 4th s of Stratton, S. M Moore Levi, c, lab, r 114 Bay
Moore Lewis E., elk Macon Hardware Co., bds 507 Orange Moore Lloyd D., lawyer, 355 3d, r 421 Spring Moore Luther, wks Macon Knitting Co., bds 1070 Hazel Moore Mattie Mrs., wks Macon Knitting Co., r 1070 Hazel Moore Minnie Z. Miss, bds es Milledgeville rd, 12th n of Ft.
Hill, E. M

EADS, NEEL & C0.{ \ COMPLETE For MEN and BOYS OUTFITTERS J} ONE PRICE-552 & 554 Cherry St. * E*







Moore Nathan, c, carp, r rear 371 Madison Moore Owen, carp, r ws Church, 2d n of Garden, E. M Moore Philip B., fireman C. R. R., bds ea 2d, 4th s of Boun
dary, S. M Moore Primus, c, brickmason, r rear 116 Spring Moore Robert, c, carp, r es Plant's al, 1st n of Ash Moore Rosa Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co., bds 1070 Hazel Moore Samuel, c, lab, r 364 Monroe Moore Samuel C. (Rogers, Jones & Moore), r 821 Cherry Moore Seldon, c, lab, r 421 Hazel Moore Warren S. Rev., c, r 13 Wolff row Moore William, c, brickmason, r 116 Spring Moore William, c, lab, es Virgin la, 2d s of Forsyth Moore William J., elk Macon Hardware Co., r 735 College Moore William T., tailor, 415 1st, r 1069 Hazel
MOORE & ROSS (K. P. Moore and J. T. Ross), physicians,
370 2d. (Telephone 285.)
Mordecai Thomas, c, barber J. Giannone, r rear 515 2d
Moreland Enoch, c, drayman, r rear 455 Walnut
Moreland James, wks Bibb No. 1, r 342 Clinton, E. M
Moreland Mary, wid J., r 342 Clinton, E. M Morcock Cooper, stenographer Turner & Willingham, bds V
Morgan Anne E, wid W. T., r 669 1st Morgan Cecil, dep elk U. S. Court, bds ss Forsyth, V Morgan Charles R., bridge bldr G. S. & F. R. R., bds 756 Elm
Morgan Eliza, wid J., bds 431 Jackson Morgan George W., elk Dannenberg & Doody, r 656 Pine
Morgan Henry; c, wks C. R. R., r 927 5th Morgan John A., bkkpr I. C. Plant & Son, bds 224 Georgia av
Morgan Josephine, wid S., r 756 Elm Morgan Pink, c, driver, r rear Mulberry Morgan Robert J., electrician Macon G. L. & W. Co., r 431
Jackson Morgan Ross A., farmer, bds 756 Elm Morgan Samuel H., bridge bldr G. S. & F. R. R., bds 756 Elm
Morgan Sarah E., wid T., r 818 Pine Morgan Thomas N., elk, r 669 1st Morgan William T., druggist, 1444 4th, bds 669 1st Morgan W. C., flagman G. S. & F. R. R., r 3d

IPLFTITIIITI, nUrHtnAflVfUFNI AQi fd contractors and builders, l U. 6th St., Cor. Cherry. (Seep. 7.)




Morman Jeff T., wks Payne & Willingham, r 318 3d Morman Sarah, wid Jeff T., r 653 3d Morrill Charles W., foreman G. Bernd & Co., bds 552 1st Morrill Florence, wks W. C. Knobloch, bds 509 Cotton av Morrill Nettie Miss, elk F. A. Schoneman, r 518 Cherry Morris Alexander, c, whitewasher, r rear 150 New Morris Agnus, eng, r 510 Pine Morris Caesar, c, plasterer, r 241 Forsyth Morris Edward A., trav agt Talbott & Sons Morris Edwin, c, porter, bds 325 Maple Morris Eliza, wid W., r 759 4th Morris Erastus, c, barber, r rear 613 Arch Morris Esau, elk, bds 458 Mulberry Morris George, c, brickmason, r Holmes, nw cor Middle, P. H Morris Georgia A., wid C. W., bds 866 3d Morris Herbert, c, drayman Cox & Corbin, r rear 355 Cotton av Morris Howard, c, wks Brown House bar, r 1057 Oglethorpe Morris Isaac B., foreman Bibb No. 1, r es Center, 5th n of
Phillips, E. M Morris Jesse, c, drayman, r 104 Middle, P. H Morris John A., c, eng E. T., V. & G. R. R., r 1421 3d Morris Joseph, c, drayman, rear 807 Oak Morris Joseph G., elk N. I. Brunner, bds 262 4th Morris Joseph W., wks Bibb No. 1, bds es Center, 5th n of
Phillips, E.M Morris Josiah, elk W. U. Tel. Co., bds Park Hotel Morris Julia Mrs. wks Bibb No. I, bds 341 Clinton, E. M Morris Lewis, c, wks Pettit, DeHaven & Co Morris Lewis G., mach Macon S. D. & L. Co Morris Max, elk John Ingalls, bds 262 4th Morris Moses J., trav agt., r 262 4th Morris M. Isaac, clothing and hats, 450 Mulberry, r 458 Mul
berry Morris Obe M., eng, r 2d, se cor Stratton, S. M Morris Pompey, c, lab C. R. R., r rear 807 2d Morris Rachel Miss, milliner, 119 Cotton av,bds 458 Mulberry Morris Randall, c, lab, r Fulton al Morris Robert, c, wks C. R. R., r 215 Ash Morris Rosa Miss, milliner, bds 458 Mulberry


I fRlKnl rrum11 life insurance oo. If Lll I UAL p. Manager; lowest Death Kate, Highest Internet Sat*
(See e.) t. S. LOWRY,

PRINTING} Done at short notice and in the best style at the lowest prices. Don't go elsewhere J.W.BURKE&CO.




Morris Russell, c, lab C. R. R., r es W. Boundary, 5th n of Forsyth
Morris Sara C., bds 866 Cherry Morris Sandy, c, porter C. J. Toole, bds 325 Maple Morris S. Leslie Rev., pastor Second Pres. Church, r 1171
Oglethorpe Morris Thomas A., eng C. R. R Morris William, c, porter C. T. Garden, r rear 150 New Morris Willis, c, farmer, r 404 Elbert Morrison James P. (J. P. Morrison & Bro.), and policeman, r
860 4th Morrison J. P. & Bro. (J. P. and W. S.), grocers, liquors and
fish, 856 4th Morrison Louis, carp, bds 454 Oak Morrison Tempy, wid Dennis, bds 860 4th Morrison Thomas, carp, bds 764 Plum Morrison William S. (J. P. Morrison & Bro.), r 856 4th Morrissey Eliza, housekpr 406 Oak Morrissey J. N., carp C. R. R Morrow W. C., flagman C. R. R MORSE HENRY S., vice pres and gen'l mngr M. & D. R.
R., bds Hotel Lanier Morse James, c, farmer, r rear 362 Clinton, E. M Morse J. A., supt Manchester Mnfg Co., bds Stubblefield House Morse Nathan, c, lab, r rear 362 Clinton, E. M Morse William, c, cook Commercial Hotel,r al, bet 3d and 4th,
nr Oglethorpe Morton Weldon, c, drayman, r es W. Boundary, 3d s of Yine-
ville rd Moseley Charles W., policeman, r 514 Jackson Moseley J. Frank, policeman, r 868 Elm Mosely George, c, wks Palmer Mnfg Co., bds Unionville Mosely James H., carp, r rear ns Columbus rd Mosely K. M., collector, r 532 Calhoun Mosely Lang, c, drayman, r Godfrey dist Mosely Lewis, c, lab C. R. R., r rear 335 College Mosely Oliver, c, carp, r Unionville Mosely Spencer, c, hackman, r ss Holmes, 1st w of Jones, P. H Mosely Thomas, with Parker's News Co


Office : Capital Bank, 456 Second St.

Insurano Agent




Mosely Warren, trimmer Macon G. L. & W. Co Mosely William, with Parker's News Co Moses Carrie Miss, elk R. F. Smith, bds 160 4th Moses Charles, elk C. R. R., bds 160 4th Moses Isaac, r 160 4th
Mote Martha Miss,reeler Manchester Mnfg Co., r 12 Manches ter row
Mote Mary Miss, reeler Manchester Mnfg Co., r 12 Manches ter row
Mote Walter, reeler Manchester Mnfg Co., r 12 Manchester row Motes James L., jeweler, 1211 4th
Motherwell James, blksmith C. R. R., bds 406 Oak Motley Ott G., teamster, r ss Boundary, 1st w of Telfair, S. M Mott Moses, c, porter A. Gibian & Co., r College Moughon Gooden, c, carp, r 1021 Oglethorpe Moughon John, c, lab, r nr Old Hospital, V Moughon Wiley, c, lab, r 319 Forsyth Moulthorp S. A., wid, Robert, r 1070 Walnut Moultrey Columbus, carp, bds 1536 4th
Mount de Sales Academy, Mother Genevieve, superior; Orange, nw cor Columbus
Mount John H., fireman, bds 267 Maple Mount Mary J., wid J., r 267 Maple
Mount Moriah Baptist Church, c, Rev. II. Hall, pastor; 431 Flanders, E. M
Mount Olive Baptist Church, c, Rev. J. Davis, pastor; 961 Oglethorpe
Moxley George C., boxmkr, bds 616 2d Moxley William H. (Moxley & Co.), bds 616 2d Moxley & Co. (W. H. Moxley and S. J. Westley), crate and
box mnfrs, Division, se cor Tupelo Moyer Robert J., eng E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds 771 3d Moyer William, eng, bds 518 Pine Moylan Edward B., trav agt, bds Commercial Hotel Mulberry St. Methodist Church, Rev. T. R. Kendall, pastor;
Mulberry, nw cor 1st Mullen Thomas, c, porter Waterman & Co., r Oak
MULLENIX D. H., mngr Sou. Bell T. & T. Co., r 457 2d
Mulholland Robt. P., wks Macon G. L. & W. Co., r 1156 Hazel

P WllflFfn tfllK Ennhantniss and Builders


U UU llu 614 to 622Tbird Street, MACOS.GA.





Mullone Clinton, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 68 Hawthorne, Factory
row Munford Robert, bkkpr Talbott & Sons, bds 504 Walnut
MUNGER M. L., pianos and organs, 622 Mulberry, r same
Mungin Abel, c, drayman, r 415 Middle, E. M Mungin Edward, c, lab C. R. R Mungin James, c, lab, r 332 Water, E. M Mungin Nelson, c, lab, r 102 Bay Munsch Adam, carp, r 3 New Munsch Albert, carp, r ns Woolfolk, 3d w of Ft. Hill, E. M Munsch Charles, carp, r ns Woolfolk, 6th w of Ft. Hill, E. M Munson Alfred, eng C. R. R., r rear ss Boundary, 3d w of 3d,
S. M Munson Daniel J., mach C. R. R., bds rear ss Boundary, 3d w
of 3d, S. M Murchison Belle Miss, dressmkr, r ss Columbus rd Murchison Josie Miss, teacher, r ss Columbus rd Murchison Sarah E., wid A. C., r ss Columbus rd Murfee Seth H., fireman C. R. R., r es 2d, 4th s of Stratton,
S. M Murfee T. W. H., fireman C. R. R., r 1335 3d Murphey Bridget Mrs., grocer, 124J Jones
MTJRPHEY THAD E., mngr Northwestern Mut. Life Ins.
Co., 568 Cherry, r 135 Park pi Murphy Carrie, wid J., r ns Kah's al, S. M Murphy Henry, c, wks M. C. S. & St. R. R Murphy John, bkkpr Murphy & Cassidy, r 713 4th Murphy Leroy, c, gardener C. F. Collier, r Rose Hill Cemetery Murphy Levi, c, lab J. S. Schofield & Son, r ns C. R. R., Y Murphy Lizzie Miss, wks Bibb No. 2 Murphy Louis, c, lab, r ss Chestnut, 4th w of W. Boundary Murphy Nixon, c, lab, r 303 Walnut Murphy Patrick (Murphy & Cassidy), r 713 4th Murphy Patrick, policeman, bds 514 Ash Murphy Robert, c, lab, r ss Chestnut, 4th w of W. Boundary
Murphy Scott, c, wks B. Barden Murphy & Cassidy (Patrick Murphy and Patrick Cassidy),
saloon, 716 4th

0. P. & B. E. WILLINGHAM & 00."?""TM ?
7tl 4k Cherry Streets, Office 363 3d. S&Sll, BlltlOS, MSfltelS, ttCi

BANANAS4*ALL THE YEAR*ii Te,ep^ fr 307' T, C. PARKER,




Murrah Bascom W., bkkpr John Ellis & Co., bds Boundary, sw cor 3d
Murray Isaac L., lumber dir, r 723 College Murray James, c, butler S. R. Jaques, r rear 739 Cotton av Murray Richard, c, lineman S. B. T. & T. Co Murray Robert P. (Holmes & Murray), r suburbs Murray Thomas, c, carp, r 152 Madison Murrell A. C., foreman C. R. R. yards Murrow Randolph C., picture agt, r 513 Hazel Murrow William S., student, bds 269 Maple Mutual Building and Loan Assn, W. C. Singleton, pres; R. W
Cubbedge, sec and treas; 467 2d Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Louisville, Ky., J. Minson, genl
agt, 516 Mulberry Myers Dollie Miss, bds 411 Main, E. M Myers George W., wks Macon Knitting Co., bds 1535 1st Myers James E., c, blksmith C. R. R., r 204 Hazel Myers James J., foreman Dixie Works, r 411 Main, E. M Myers Jerry, c, carp, r Holmes, sw cor Poe, Y Myers John H., wks Macon Knitting Co., bds 1535 1st Myers Mary, wid D., r 1535 1st Myers Nancy M. Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co., bds 1535 1st Myers Sarah, wid W., bds 411 Main, E. M Myers Simon, artist, r rear esChurch, 7th n of Garden, E. M Myers Thomas, fireman C. R. R Myers William, carp Dixie Works, bds 411 Main, E. M Myers William T., fireman S. W. R. R., bds 1535 1st Mvrick Alfred, c, wks Brewery, r 520 Plum MYERS, see also MAYER and MEYERS Myrick Cornelius, c, wks S. R. Jaques & Tinsley Co., bds ns
Chestnut, 5th w of W. Boundary Myrick Henry, c, waiter Corbett House
NAGLE LOUISA E. MRS., teacher Second St. School, r 1024 2d Napier Darby, c, switchman C. R. R Napier E. Tris (Cornell & Napier), bds 109 Washington av Napier Fanny C., wid J. T., r 658 1st Napier Hendley V., farmer, r West End
W.W.&B.S.COUIHS lEILESTiTEilKUlUEmiTS 458 TJiird. Street.

file Best and purest IN MACON i .JJg* MADE AT HOME




Napier Henry, c, wks J. G. Ruan Napier Jack, c, lab, r ss Reese, 2d e of Garfield, E. M Napier Jane E., wid S., r ns Forsyth, V Napier Joseph H. (Rodgers, Worsham & Co.), bds 109 Wash
ington av Napier Matilda L., wid L., r West End Napier William, c, barber, 551 4th Narsworthy James, carder Manchester Mnfg Co., r 3 Man
chester row Nash George, fruit stand, 464 Mulberry Nash J. W., fireman C. R. R Nathans Alexander H., contractor, r 460 Poplar Nathans Alexander, c, porter Brown's Hotel National Hotel, Mrs. G. L. Reeves, propr; 514 4th Neal Augustus P., c, carp, r ns Holmes, P. H Neal Benjamin, furniture repr, r ss C. R. R., bey limits Neal Edenton F., c, painter, r 417 Monroe Neal George W. L. Rev., c, r nr Old Hospital, Y Neal Howard, c, porter Sou. Ex. Co., r rear 151 Spring Neal John H., carp, r 405 Cotton av Neal Mollie Mad., r 307 Cherry Neel Dennis, c, trainhand, r rear 753 Pine Neel John A., elk H. Abel, res 2d, 1st s of Boundary, S. M Neel Joseph N. (Eads, Neel & Co.), and pres Neel Shoe Co.,
bds 108 Magnolia Neel M. A., wid F., r 1505 3d Neel Perry I., harnessmkr, bds es 2d, 1st s of Boundary, S. M Neel Shoe Co., J. N. Neel, pres; J. C. Eads, sec and treas;
J. W. Reed, mngr; boots and shoes, 557 Cherry Nelligan Dennis M., acct Union Svgs Bk & Trust Co., r 849
College Nelligan Mary C., wid D., r 840 College Nelms Benjamin S., lab, r ss Tindall, 3d w of Telfair, S. M Nelms George D., wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds ss Tindall, 3d w
of Telfair, S. M Nelms Hattie J., wid W., r ss Tindall, 3d w of Telfair, S. M Nelms Lonnie, wks Manchester Mnfg Co., bds ss Tindall, 3d
w of Telfair, S. M Nelms Smith, painter Payne & Willingham
||U 157,159,161 CottonAve. (Seep.8.) PAINTERS SUPPLIES

408!& 410 Mulberry SI. R. F. SMITH. ( HANDKERCHIEFS, COLLARS.




Nelms Thomas H., elk G. S. & F. R. R., bds 212 New Nelms Vida Mrs., bds ss Tindall, 3d w of Telfair, S. M Nelms William H., harnessmkr G. Bernd & Co., bds ss Tin
dall, 3d w of Telfair, S. M Nelson Adam, c, car cleaner C. R. R Nelson Alex, elk Josephson & Skalowski, bds 154 4th Nelson A. J., c, carp C. R. R
Nelson Charles, c, lab, r rear ss Boundary, 3d e of 4th, S. M Nelson Elizabeth A. Mrs., boarding, 154 4th
Nelson Eugene J., elk Geo. T. Rogers' Sons, bds 510 Orange Nelson Henry, c, shoemkr, es 4th, 1st s of Chapel, S. M Nelson James, c, lab, r rear ns New Houston rd, 3d w of
2d, S. M
Nelson James B., traveling agt, bds 366 Flanders, E. M Nelson James H., bds 554 3d Nelson Jessie Miss, seamstress Miss M. E. Miller, r E. M Nelson John H., elk, bds 154 4th Nelson John I., eng C. R. R., r ss Boundary, 4th w of 3d, E. M Nelson Lewis Mrs., bds 504 New Nelson R. D., dep collector U. S. Int. Rev., bds College Nelson Sarah, wid J. A., r 445 Hidrola, E. M Nelson Walter, grocer, 703 4th, r 617 Plum Nelson William A., elk Payne & Willingham, bds 27 Progress Nelson William T., elk Market, office 507 4th, r 554 3d Nelson W. E., fireman C. R. R Nero James, c, lab, r ws Middle, 3d n ot Vineville rd Netherton George D., elk Dannenberg & Doody, r Boundary NEW YORK LIFE INS CO., R. H. Plant, genlagt; 423 2d Newell John R., boilermkr C. R. R., r 1439 4th Newman Harrison, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 96 Oglethorpe, Factory
row Newman Henry T., elk G. S. & F. R. R., bds 536 Madison Newman Howard W., elk J. W. Burke & Co., bds 536 Madi
son Newman H., dry goods, 555 Cherry, r 810 Cherry Newman Jas. H., prof music Wesleyan College, r 536 Madison Newman John, elk, bds 505 Walnut Newman Leason, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 96 Oglethorpe, Factory

fill? NPfl i Pfi Leading Clothiers and Furnishers


552 k 554 Cherry Street, MACON, GA.


Children's Carriages, goat wagons
s. s.,470Second st. (Seep.7.) Saddles, Harness, Etc.




Newman Louis, with H. Newman, r 810 Cherry Newman Lucinda, wid R., r 96 Oglethorpe, Factory row Newman Martin, baker, 403 Cotton av Newman Nannie Mis, wks Bibb No. 1, bds 224 Main, E. M Newman Thomas, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 96 Oglethorpe, Factory
NEWS PUBLISHING CO., E. C. Machen, pres; W. F.
Combs, mngr; pubrs Evening News, 412--414 Cherry.
(See back fly.) Newsom Fred, c, waiter Thompson House Newsom Helen O., wid A., r 406 Orange Newsom Henry, c, nurse, r rear 920 Plum Newsom Isaiah, c, wks C. R. R., r 419 Elbert Newsom John, c, wks Pettit, DeHaven & Co., r 851 Foster's al Newsome T. W. Mrs., domestic dept Wesleyan Female College Newton Alex, c, lab, r rear es Milledgeville rd, 2d n of Fair-
view, E. M Newton Arthur F., elk C. E. Newton, bds 621 Oak
NEWTON ARTHUR R., genl snpt Parker's News Co.,
bds 669 1st Newton Charles E., grocer, 574 Oglethorpe, bds 521 Oak Newton Charles H., carp C. R. R., r 31 Progress Newton Henry F., car insp C. & M. R. R., r ws 2d, 2d s of
Williams, S. M Newton Martha J., wid C. W., r 521 Oak Newton Wright, c, porter Va. Furniture Co., r 114 Collins,
E. M Nichols John A., mach, bds 467 Spring Nichols John W., carp C. R. R., r 1061 Ash Nichols Lewis, c, drayman Price & Maas, r rear 820 New
Nichols Obe, c, waiter, r rear 820 New
Nicholson Denada Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds ns Tindall, 2d w of
Telfair, S. M Nicholson John G., molder J. S. Schofield & Son Nicholson Patrick, wks C. R. R., bds 769 Ash Nipper Andrew, eng Bibb No. 2, r 227 Jackson Nipper John, mach, bds 1206 3d Nipper Samuel S., mach C. D. Findlay, r 1206 3d Nisbet Adeline, c, seamstress, r912 Ocmulgee

A First-class Business School Rapid Business Penmanship.
Circulars Free. w. Mckay, Pnu.

Sash, Door and Blind MANUFACTURERS.




Nisbet Albert, c, lab, r ns Cherry's al, 3d w of New Nisbet James, c, wks C. R. R., r 642 5th NISBET J. WINGFIELD, elk City Court, bds 760 Cherry Nisbet Lewis, c, driver, r ns Cherry's al, 3d w of New Nisbet Lucius, c, drayman S. Waxelbaum & Son, r 314 Cherry Nisbet Mary C., wid Thomas, r 871 Orange Nisbet Robert A., pres Board Pub. Education, r Godfrey dist Nisbet Samuel, c, drayman, r rear 229 Jones Nisbet William, c, lab, r 350 Water, E. M Nix Charles, c, lab, r ss Woodruff, 5th w of Monroe Nix Emilins S., carp, r nr S. Ga. Orphan's Home Nix Joseph W., elk C. R. R., bds 768 2d Nix Miles, lab T. J. Bell & Son, r ws 4th, 1st s of Boundary,
S. M Nixon Daniel c, blksmith, ns New Cherry, 3d w of Middle
P. H Nixon Daniel c, lab, r ss Jefferson, 1st e of Middle, P. H Nixon David c, barber, bds 1028 4th Nixon David c, hackman, r es Middle, 3d n of Jefferson, P. M Nixou David, c, wks Hotel Lanier, r 615 Hazel Nixon Edward, c, wks Va. Furniture Co., r rear 657 Plum Nixon Elijah, c, head water Pierpont House, r 160 Spring Nixon Henry G., c, porter Domestic S. M. Co., r ns Holt, P. H Nixon John, c, porter R. C. Keen, r ws Middle, 2d n of Jeffer
son, P. H Nixon Kent, c, drayman S. T. Coleman, Burden Co., r New
Cherry, P. H Nixon Lizzie, c, grocer, es Middle, 3d n of Jefferson, P. H Nixon Mack, c, lab, bds 168 5th Nixon Wesley, c, restauraut, 217 Hazel, r ss Bay, e of Division Nixon William, c, butler, r 200 Jefferson, P. H Nobles Mary, wid S., bds 1436 4th Nolte Mary E., wid W. C., r New Houston rd, 4th s of 2d, S. M Nolte Sallie Miss, seamstress, r 421 Oak Noonan H. J., flagman C. R. R., bds 221 4th Noone John J., elk, bds 403 Walnut Norman James S., eng E. T., V. & G. R. R., r 1314 4th Norman Mary Miss, nurse, r ws 1st, 3d s ot Oglethorpe Norman William, c, lab, r rear 45 New


and has made MOST Rapid Progress of any Co.

(Seep. 6.)

T. S. LOWRY, Manager.

PIANOS 1 J* w. burke & co. {WHEELER & WILSON ORGANS] tlmix (SEWING anybody can-do. MACHINES




Norris Charles H., eng E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds Oak Norris David, c, drayman, r ws Poe, 1st n of Vineville rd Norris Frank, carp, r es Ft. Hill, 2d n of Milledgeville rd, E. M Norris Frank, c, lab, r ns Holt, 2d e of Middle, P. H Norris James R., eng E. T., V. & G. R. R., r 808 Elm Norris Jerry, grocer, es Milledgeville rd, 15th n of Hidrola, E. M
Norris John F., eng S. W. R. R., r 559 Ash Norris Reese, bag master, bds 106 5th Norris Sarah A., wid E., r 439 Jackson Norris Scott, c, cooper Palmer Mnfg Co Norris Wm. P., wks Macon S., D. & L. Co., bds 239 Jackson Norris W. T., with Parker's News Co North H. M., elk C. R. R., r 632 College Northers Cary, painter C. R. R., r V
Northington Theodore M., mach C. R. R., r es 2d, 5th s of
Boundarv, S. M
E. Murphey, mngr; 568 Cherry Norton Cary, c, painter, r West End Norton Donas, c, barkpr, r Murray's al Norton Jabez, opr W. U. Tel. Co., r 115 3d Norton Jabez W., elk, bds 115 3d Norton Roscoe, c, cigarmkr M. Peyser, Jr., r rear 223 Spring Norvell William, flagman G. S. & F. R. R., bds 1520 3d Norwood Henry, c, lab C. R. R., r ws al, e of 4th, 3d n of
Norwood Isaac, c, wks W. R. Ivey, r 420 Elbert Norwood J. A., eng G. S. & F. R. R Nottingham Custis, elk, r Crump's Park Nottingham Emma, wid J. J., r ns Forsyth, V Nottingham Warren D. (Hardeman & Nottingham), r Crump's
Park Nottingham W. C., elk Holmes & Murray, r V Nowell C. B., wks Dixie Wks, r 1543 1st Nowell William A., carp, r rear Mercer Univ Nubold John, helper S. M. Subers, bds 607 Plum Nugent John W., sign painter, 516 Mulberry, bds 758 Cherry Nunnally Gustavus A. Rev. D. D., pres Mercer University, r

sJg GREENBERG V: Fins Ws and a k Fit

HFO R IFWFTT general insurance agent,

^ "

JL-TTL-I I i Office: Capital Bank, 456 Second.





Nussbaum Myron (M. Nussbaum & Co., and Macon Hardware Co.), propr Sou. Emporium, r 575 College
Nussbaum M. & Co. (M. Nussbaum) whol drygoods and shoes, 370-372 3d
Nussbaum Robert, elk, bds 575 College
O'CONNELL CORNELIUS, farmer, r Water, E. M O'Connell Edward, groeer and saloon, 422 Mulberry, r 860 Cherry O'Connell Edward P., elk Sou. Ex. Co., r Water, E. M O'Connell John, stenographer Dessau & Bartlett, bds 860
Cherry O'Connell Katy Miss, elk, bds 364 Hazel O'Connell Timothy, bds Water, E. M O'Connell T. J., cond C. R. R O'Daniel Wm. A., physician, 572 Mulberry, bds Hotel Lanier O'Donnell John, baker W. C. Knobloch, bds 509 Cotton av O'Farrell Oscar, yd master C. & M. R. R., bds 4th O'Gorman Charles L., r ss Columbus rd O'Hanlon Terence O., U. S. gauger, and grocer, 502 Clinton,
S. M O'Hara John W., carp C. & M. R. R., r 417 Oak O'Hara Michael, grocer, 1125 4th, r 768 2d O'Hara Patrick, mason, r ws 4th, 5th s of Boundary, E. M O'Neal Cornelius, c, lab, bds ws W. Boundary, 2d s of Chestnut O'Neal Jerry, mach Ga. Hosiery Co., bds 823 Ash O'Neal Minnie Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co O'Neal Peter, c, carp, r ns Woodruff, 7th w of Monroe O'Neill Elliott C., carrier P. O., bds Corbett House O'Pry Edgar H., mach J. S. Schofield & Son, bds 437 Ross O'Pry W. Henry, city detective, r 437 Ross
OAK RIDGE CEMETERY, N. M. Hodgkins, treas; office 456 2d Ocmulgee Brickyard, C. J. Toole & Bro., proprs; yard e of
city, office 754 2d OCMULGEE LAND & IMPROVEMENT CO., J. C.
McBurney, pres; J. S. Baxter, vice-pres; H. G. Cutter, sec and treas; 616 Mulberry
R.C. WILDER'S SONS Builders Supplies,Hardware.
614 to 622 Third Street, MACON, GA. rAINlO, UlLo ANU LtAU




Odom Charles, c, lab, r rear 232 Tattnall Odom Charles W., foreman R. L. Henry, r 109 Appleton av Odom George, c, wks G. S. & F. R. R., r ws al e of 4th, 2d s
of Elm Odom Henry, c, wks F. T. Singletary, r rear 667 Mulberry Odom Jesse, c, lab, r 154 Ash Odom Mary Mrs., dressmkr, r 305 Water, E. M Odom Walter, c, porter D. O. Lyons & Co Odom William F., carp, r es White, 3d s of Ells, S. M Ogden J. H. Lamar, bkkpr Turpin & Ogden, bds 274 Georgia
av Ogden J. Monroe ( Turpin & Ogden), and genl agt Northern
Ins, Co. of London, 353 3d, r 274 Georgia av Ogden Monroe G., bkkpr C. Solomon, bds 274 Georgia av Ohlman Benjamin (B. Ohlman & Son), r 569 2d Ohlman B. & Son (B. and J.), dry goods, 561 4th Ohlman Julius (B. Ohlman & Son), bds 569 2d Ohlman Lawrence, elk B. Ohlman & Son, bds 559 2d Ohlman Morris, dry goods, r 559 2d Ohlman Samuel, elk B. Ohlman & Son, r 559 2d Oliphant J. Homer, chf's driver Fire Dept, bds 612 Poplar Oliver Benjamin F., carp, bds 12 Manchester row Oliver Charles, c, brakeman S. W. R. R Oliver Frank M. (Oliver & Freeman), bds 341 College Oliver Fred A., bkkpr Cobb, Cabaniss &Cobb, r319 Shamrock Oliver George C., elk W. R. Singleton & Co., bds 866 Cherry Oliver Henry E., with Macon Hardware Co., bds 821 Cherry Oliver John W., eng E. T., V. & G. R. R., r es Cole's al, 1st s
of Elm Oliver Joseph F., flagman S. W. R. R., bds 670 3d Oliver Mattie, c, dressmkr, r 226 Telfair Oliver W. Houdlette, elk C. R. R., bds 710 Mulberry OLIVER & FREEMAN (F. M. Oliver and E. S. Freeman),
real estate agts, State agts AMERICAN ACCIDENT CO., of Louisville, Ky., and local agts jETNA LIFE of Hart ford, Conn, 417 Cherry Ong Jackson F., carp, bds 715 Poplar Orange Henry, c, wks Eureka Co., bds ss Stone, 1st e of Milledgeville rd, E. M

paints, Oils Glass, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Etc., 9 At 0. P. & B. E. WILLINGHAM & CO S.


in SEASON at Headquarters,



Orange Street School, ws Orange, 2d s of Washington av Orme Annie O., wid R., r 820 1st Orme Richard P., elk C. R. R., bds 820 1st Orme William A., with A. B. Small, bds 805 Mulberry Ormerod Edward, artificial stone mnfr, 674 Cherry, bds 107
Chestnut Orr Andrew J., bkkpr S. R. Jaques & Tinsley Co., bds 821
Cherry Orr Andrew O., elk Macon Hardware Co., bds 821 Cherry Orr Clifford M., chf bkkpr Exchange Bank, r 204 Forsyth Orr Oliver, trav agt, bds 821 Cherry Osborne Charles, c, servt 250 Washington av Osborne Ola Miss, wks Manchester Mnfg Co., bds ss C. R. R.,
bey limits Osborne Susan G., wid H. J., bds 224 Chestnut Osborne William, wks Manchester Mnfg Co., r ss C. R. R.,
bey limits Otto Charles E., elk Macon Hardware Co., bds 661 New Otto Frederick, harnessmkr A. Bernd, bds 661 New Otto Julius H., jeweler, r 661 New Otto Julius H. Jr., mngr A. Bernd, bds 661 New Ousley Edward, c, wks C. R. R., r 1220 4th Ousley Thomas, carp, r nr S. Ga. Orphans Home Outler John M., with Clisby Wise, bds es Cedar, 5th s of Wind
sor, S. M Outler Newton S., grocer, ss Columbus rd Ouzts Alice Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 90 Oglethorpe, Factory
row Ouzts Armitia Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 90 Oglethorpe,
Factory row
Ouzts Benjamin F., carp, bds 90 Oglethorpe, Factory row Ouzts Mary Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 90 Oglethorpe, Factory
row Ouzts Mary C., wid W., r 90 Oglethorpe, Factory row Ouzts Minnie Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 90 Oglethorpe,
Factory row
Ouzts Virginia Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 90 Oglethorpe, Fac tory row
Overstreet Anna, c, restaurant, 454 4th






Overstreet Richard, c, marble cutter, r rear 751 Elm Overton Daniel R., elk T. E. Murphey, bds 807 2d Overton William V., eng E. T., V. & G. R. R., r 807 2d Owens Charles, mach Bibb No. 1, bds 107 4th OWEN LOGAN, supt Bibb No. 1, r 107 4th Owens Abner J., painter C. & M. R. R., r 1533 3d Owens Alexander J., switchman C. R. R., r ws 4th, 3d s of
Boundary, S. M Owens Annie E. Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds ss Tindall,
4th w of Telfair, S. M Owens Charles, dyer, r es Factory row, 2ds ofHidrola, E. M
Owens Edward, c, lab, bds rear 159 New Owens Frank, wks Bibb No. 1, r 254 Hidrola, E. M! Owens George, c, porter G. S. Jones & Co., bds ws C. R. R.,
2d n of Elm Owens George, c, wks City Hall, bds 921 Ash Owens Harrison, c, lab, r 312 Burnett, E. M Owens Henry, c wks C. D. Findlay, bds ws C. R. R., 2d n of
Elm Owens Jane, wid P. W., bds 1533 3d Owens Jefferson, wks Ga. Hosiery Co Owens John, c, wks C. R. R., r 1021 3d Owens John, brickmason, r rear ws Columbus rd Owens John R., c, grocer, 1124 4th, r ws 3d, 3d s of Oglethorpe Owens John W., watchman, r ss Tindall, 4th w of Telfair, S. M Owens John W. Jr., wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds ss Tindall, 4th
w of Telfair, S. M Owens Merida, c, poultry dir, r rear 1124 4th Owens Mildred Mrs., wks Ga. Hosiery Co., r ss Tindall, 4th
w of Telfair, S. M Owens Orange, c, brickmason, bds 921 Ash Owens O. T., route agt Sou. Ex. Co Owens Robert, c, servt, bds 921 Ash Owens William, pressman J. W. Burke & Co., r rear ns Colum-
bus rd Oxford Augustus, c, lab C. R. R., r Bright s al Oxford George S., barkpr Hotel Lanier Oxford Isaac, c, lab C. R. R. shops

THEPOlm CONTRACTING CO. Dealers in BUILDERS' and PAINTERS' SUPPLIES, and 157, 159, 161 Cotton Avenue. (See p. 8.) GENERAL CONTRACTORS

408 and 410 Mulberry Street l AndtllOUSaillS Of NOUOHS all descriptions



PACE GEORGE, c, lab, r rear 411 Madison


Pace Henry, c, lab Hays & Mansfield, r 967 Ocmulgee

Pace Julia, wid H., bds 1405 3d

Pace Laura C., wid H., r 468 Mulberry

Page Joseph, c, tailor C. Bryant, bds al, bet 3d and 4th, s of


Page Mary, wid H., r 107 Chestnut

Paine Edward T. Jr., com mer, 517 4th

Paine Patrick, tel opr E. T., V. &G. R. R., bds 221 4th

PAINE, see also PAYNE

Painter William P., mngr Toof, McGowan & Co

Pair Fredrick M., eng E. T., V. & G. R. R., r 1306 4th

Pair James H., eng E. T., V. & G. R. R., r 1305 4th

Pair Jesse C., eng E. T., Y. & G. R. R., bds 1305 4th

Pair John E., fireman C. R. R., bds 1305 4th

Palethorpe Georgia, wid J., bds 269 4th

Palethorpe Hamilton M., policeman, r 269 4th

Palmer Aaron M., c, barber O. Hester, r rear 453 Plum

PALMER A. CRAIG, sec and treas C. & M. R. R., r 143


PALMER CHAUNCEY V., auditor C. & M. R. R., bds

143 Jefferson

Palmer Frank, c, farmer, r ns Turpin, 1st e of Division

Palmer J. Elmo, bag master S. W. R. R., bds 109 Academy

Palmer Mnfg Co., W. E. Hughes, pres; M. Manigault, sec and

treas; barrel mnfrs, C. R. R., opp Crump's Park

Pamplin Karl, wks Ph. Heidingsfelder, bds 458 1st
Pamplin William J., mach C. R. R., bds 721 3d

Pansell John, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 88 Oglethorpe, Factory row

Parham James, c, waiter Wesleyan College, r 553 2d

Parham Melinda C., wid H. T., bds 531 Jackson

Parish Henry, wks Macon S., D. & L. Co

Parish James F., lab, r 4th, sw cor Windsor, S. M

Parish John, c, lab, r 129 Tatnall

Parish Tel lie, wks Macon S., D. & L. Co

PARE HOTEL, T. Guernsey, propr; 417 1st

Park Q. S., carp C. R. R. shops

Park Robert, boiler mkr J. S. Schofield & Son

EADS, HEEL & CO. BEST HATS & SHIRTS 552 & 554 Cherry Street, MACON, GA. H*


B irvrv'ts^rs Carriages,

Immense stock. Low Prices.

UggieS, Wagons. S. S. PARIELEE, ^sfeT^




PARK ROBERT E., propr Holton Stock Farm, vice-pres Macon Fire Ins. Co. and agt American Book Co., 422 2d, r 317 College. (See front paster.)
Park Thomas J. C. (Chappell & Park), r 303 Orange Parker Alfred, c, wks Brown's Hotel Parker Carl, c, lab, bds 320 Burnett, E. M Parker Edward, c, lab, r 305 Hammond Parker Elizabeth, wid J. C., bds 810 Ash Parker Eugene N., switchman Ct/R. R., r ss Stratton, 3d e of
Chapel, S. M Parker Henry, policeman, ljd'512 W. Boundary Parker Henry C. (Parker & Davis), and eng E. T., V. & G.
R. R., r Columbus rd Parker Ida Miss, knitter Ga. Hosiery Co Parker Jasper A., cond C. R. R., r Peachtree, nw cor Balkcom
av, E. M Parker Jesse, c, lab, r al n of Cherry, nr 7th Parker John, c, drayman, r rear 354 Spring Parker John G., fisherman, r White's Hill, S. M Parker John W., flagman C. R. R., bds 458 Hawthorne Parker Joseph, c, carp, r rear 126 Washington av Parker J. Whitt, fireman C. R. R., r ns Stratton, 4th e of
Chapel, S. M Parker Kit, c, wks Stevens & Hodges, r E. M Parker Lewis, c, wks C. R. R., r Tupelo Parker Mary R., wid G., bds White's Hill,S. Ml Parker Morgan L., prin Alexander Free School, r 555 Pine Parker Nancy, wid B, J., bds ws 3d, 2d s of Pebble, S. M PARKER NEWS CO., T. C. Parker, mngr; Union Depot Parker Robert, c, butler, r ws Craft's al, 1st n of Vineville rd PARKER THADDETJS C. (Parker News Co.), and whol
fruits, fish and ice, 5th, ft Mulberry, r 224 Chestnut. (See p. 8.) Parker Thomas, c, lab, bds 161 Cole Parker Walter T., bkkpr W. H. Wood, r 766 New Parker William, c, wks Ga. Mills, r 161 Cole Parker William J. (Hicks & Parker), bds 1505 3d Parker William W., bds Forsyth, nw cor Poe, V Parker Wilson, c, hackman, r 316 Ocmulgee

MACON COMMERCIAL COLLEGE! A First Class Business School
J free. "W. JMCcK.A.Y, Principal. Bapid BuS/HOSS PontTICMShip

BUILDERS' MITERIIE Of Every Description.


(See p. 7.)

6th St., Cor. Cherry




Parker & Davis (H. C. Barker and G. L. Davis), butchers, ns
Vineville rd, 2d w of branch Parks B., wks Bibb No. 1 Parks Celia V., wid J., r 1120 Oglethorpe Parks Ella Miss, wks Bibb No. 1, bds 205 Clinton, E. M Parks Henry, c, stableman T. M. Butner Parks Ida, wks Bibb No. 1 Parks John, wks Bibb No. 1, r es Factory row, 2d s of Hidrola,
E.M Parks Jordan, c, shoemkr, 529 Cotton av, r 387 Monroe Parks Rober, wks Bibb No. 1, r 231 Hidrola, E. M
PARMELEE SAMUEL E., carriages, wagons, harness, etc.,
470 2d, r 113 Park pi. (See p. 7.) Parnell E. N., fireman C. R. R., bds 1425 4th Parr Hortense Miss, elk H. Newman, bds 814 Oak Parr Nathan I. (Herndon & Parr), r 404 Walnut Parrott Abner F., cotton buyer, 414 Cherry, bds Pierpont House Parrot Emmet, bkkpr L. McManus & Co., bds 855 Arch Paraott Jesse, c, lab J. H. Roush & Sons Parsons Elijah, c, lab, r 280 Columbus Parsons Frank, c, lab, r es Calhoun, 1st s of Boundary Parsons Gabriel, c, drayman, r Tindallville, S. M Parsons Harriet L., wid J. W., bds 920 1st Parsons Joseph, c, driver K. P. Moore Parsons Joseph, c, watchman, r es Calhoun, 1st s of Parsons Thomas, c, driver J. D. Hudgins, r suburbs Parsons Thomas, fireman C. & M. R. R Paschal Fayette, c, insp C. R. R., r 121 Ash Paschal Wesley, c, wks Moxley & Co Paschal William R. (Brown, Hill & Co.), r cou^ Passmore M. A., fruit stand, 320 Main, E. M Passmore Wiley, flagman C. R. R., r ws Chun
E. M Passmore William, elk S. Waxelbaum &
1st s of Lee, E. M Pate Adolf, cigarmkr M. Peyser, Jr., bds Pate Clinton, carp, r 206 Main, E. M Pate George T., cond Ga. R. R., r 1538 4<] Pate Johnson, c, wks J. G. Ruan

UNION CENTRALIssues ENDOWMENT! Policies Incontestible] (See p. 6.) T. H

BOOKS) {STATIONERY J. W. BURKE & CO, Keep the bent oi every thing in their line.




Patillo F. W., flagman C. R. R Patrick Albus, c, candymkr Rogers & Adams Patrick Charles P., boilermkr E. T., Y. & G. R. R., bds 422
Patrick Frank, c, carp, r 1305 1st Patrick Georgia G. Miss, bds 571 Madison Patrick Henry, c, lab, r ss Orchard av, 5th w of Hudson Patrick Morgan, c, candymkr Rogers & Adams, r rear 1009 7th Patterson Abram, c, drayman, bds 245 Clinton, E. M Patterson Andrew L., surveyer, bds 329 College Patterson Arthur, harnessmkr G. Bernd & Co Patterson Benjaman, c, brakeman S. W. R. R Patterson B. Rev,, pastor Trinity Baptist Church, r Twiggs Co Patterson Ella Miss, bkkpr W. C. Turpin & Co., bds es Church,
6th n of Garden, E. M
Patterson George, c, hackman, r ws Craft's al, 3d n of Jeffer son, P, H
Patterson James, molder J. S, Schofield & Son, bds 304 4th Patterson Job C., physician, 203 Cotton av, r 805 Orange Patterson John W., policeman, bds Cotton av Patterson Newton T, Rev., c, r ns Holmes, V Patterson Robert M., planter, r 329 College
PATTERSON ROBERT W,, lawyer, 504 Mulberry, r 329
Samuel L., constable, r es Church, 6th n of Garden,

j^illiam, wks Dixie Works, r E. M , fireman C. R. R n'se Miss, teacher Ballard School, r 806 Pine rocer, Holmes, se cor Poe, V , grocer, r ws 4th, 7th s of Ells, S. M Ivey Bjos., es Milledgeville rd, 6th n of

r ws Ullman, s of Roy ) E. T., Y. & G. R. R., r rear 818 Pine fjewis, bds 576 College foreman R. C. Wilder's Son's, bds 576

yne & King), bds 374 Orange
oneym GRFFNRFRf! we your Clotting made ijyunTcin:Q; TlA lDILIO-Rn. u


Call on GEO. B. JEWETT, Office, Capital Bank, 456 2d.



Payne James, wks Bibb No. 2 Payne Louis B., supt Orphans Home, r ws Pierce av, 1st n of
Forsyth, V Payne Margaret Mrs., boarding, r 811 Walnut Payne William S. (Payne & Willingham), r 304 Orange
PAYNE & KING (G. F. Payne and C. T. King), druggists
and chemists, 103 Cotton av Payne & Willingham (W. S. Payne and P. D. Willingham),
furniture, carpets, etc, 602-604 Cherry PAYNE, see also PAINE Peacock Allen, c, watchman Hotel Lanier Peacock Charles T., carp C. R. R., r es 3d, 1st s of Boundary,
E. M
Peacock Patrick, c, porter Renfroe & Co., r 305 Jefferson Peacock Rosa Miss, student, bds 617 Orange Pearce Aaron, c, lab E. T., V. & G. R. R., r 1231 4th Pearce Ellen Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 1405 2d Pearce Georgia Mrs., wks H. J. Lamar & Sons, r 151 Park pi Pearce Henry T., blksmith C. R. R.,r Woolfolk, secor Center,
E. M Pearce Joseph, c, porter Allen, Dumas & Thompson, r Orange Pearson Callie Miss,asst librarian Macon Pub. Library, bds 427
College Pearson Charles D., trav agt, bds 427 College Pearson Eugenia Mrs., music teacher, bds 753 Spring Pearson Henry, c, carp, r rear ns Forsyth, V Pearson Ingraham, c, wks Dixie Wks Pearson Joseph L., carp C. R. R., bds 454 Oak Pearson J. F., mngr Central City Cider Co., bds 621 Pine Pearson Richard, c, driver G. S. Jones & Co Pearson Samuel H., chf elk Dannenberg & Doody, bds 471
Walnut Pearson Vienna V., wid C. D., r 427 College Peavey Alma Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co Peavey Charles D., bkkpr Wood & Bond, r 625 Adams Peavey Frank, wks Macon Clay Works Peavey John J., tinner, r ws Milledgeville rd, lstn ofHidrola,
E.M Peavey Joseph V., carp, r ws 4th, 5th s of Windsor, S. M

R. . WILDER'S SONS SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, Dressed and Rough Lumber 614 to 622 Third St., Mncou, da.





Peavey Mary, wid J. W.,.r ws 4th, 5th s of Windsor, S. M Peck Lewis, c, lab, r 857 Ocmulgee Peck Nelson, c wks Ivey Bros., r 753 Walnut Pellew John H., patternmkr C. R. R., r 121 8d Pellew Louis E., elk V. Drug Store, r 121 3d
Pennington Wesley, c, wks G. S. & P. R. R., r 614 Hazel
Pennington Willis, c porter O. P. & B. E. Willingham & Co.; r 712 Hazel
Penny James F., elk Sioux City Prov. Co., bds ws 2d, 3d s of Pebble
Penny Lou Mrs, wks Bibb No. 2, r Hawthorne, nw cor 1st Penny William W., boilermkr C. R. R., r 230 Hammond Pepper Franklin, c, lab, r 113 Spring Pepper James, <?, lab, r 150 New Pepper Morris, c, carp, r ss Ellis, 8th w of Monroe Pepper Nathaniel, c, carp, bds 22 Holt Pepper Richard, c, carp, r ss Jefferson. 7th w of Middle, P. H Perdue George, c, lab, r 238 Calhoun Perfelia Felix, fruit stand, 507 4th, r 146 4th Perkins Adam, carp, bds 505 Walnut Perkins Charles, c, servt, r rear 306 Main E. M Perkins Charles A., cond E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds 448 New Perkins D. Fred, mach J. S. Schofield & Son, r 517 Oglethorpe Perkins Edwin A., eng G. S. & F. R. R., bds es 4th, 1st s of
Windsor, S. M Perkins James T., carp G. S. & F. R. R Perkins John W., mach J. S. Schofield & Son, bds 670 3d PERKINS L. S., reporter Telegraph, bds Corbett House Perkins Naze, c, barber Belle Johnson Perkins Peter M. c (P. M. Perkins & Son), r 315 4th Perkins P. M. & Son, c (P. M. and W. G.), saloon, 315 4th Perkins Thomas J., carp G. S. & F. R. R., bds ws Davis, 3d s
of Williams, S. M Perkins Walker G., c (P. M. Perkins & Son), r 315 4th Perkins Walter, c, barber E. A. Ansley Perkins AYilliams, c, lab, r White's Hill, S. M Permenter R. Lee, elk Rolf Sims & Bro., bds 107 Chestnut Permenter W. W., foreman E. J. Willingham & Bro Perry David M., boarding, 852 4th

BUILDERS' HARDWARE--An Immense Stock--at
3G3 ThirdStreet. 0. P. & B. E. WILLINGHAM & CO'S.




Telephone No. 307. (See p, 8.



Perry Henry, c, drayman, r Jefferson, nw cor Middle, P. H Perry Henry J., frt elk G. S. & F. R. R., bds 157 3d Perry Jackson, c, porter C. H. Fulghum Perry James, c, wks J. G. Ruan Perry John, c, bell boy Hotel Lanier, r 361 Hawthorne Perry Joseph, c, painter W. H. Schatzman, bds 119 Elm Perry Lucius, c, teacher, r rear 617 3d Perry Nathan, c, lab, bds Thompson House Perry Simon, c, bickmason, r 121 1st Perry Solomon, c, lab, r es al bet 1st and 2d, 1st s of Elm Perry William A., fireman C. R. R., bds 852 4th Perry William G. elk Lamar & Co., bds Pierpont House Perry Wiley, blksmith A. Underwood, r 815 Ocmulgee Perry Wilson, fireman C. R. R Perryman Cornelius W., c (Smith & Perryman), r ns Green,
5th w of Hudson Persley Thomas K., c, prin Hazel St. School, r 211 Madison Persons Annie L. Miss, teacher Whittle School, bds 111
Jefferson Persons Charles A., elk Armour Pkg. Co., bds 111 Jefferson Persons George, c, hackman, bds 658 4th Persons Susan M., wid A. W., r 111 Jefferson Perteet Glover JB. (Stewart & Perteet), bds 870 2d Peters Anderson, c, lab, r ss Holmes, 3d w of Middle, P. H Peters Anthony, c, lab Gas Co., r 503 2d, E. M Peters Frank, c, porter R. C. Keen Peters Henry, c, peddler, r 444 Elbert Peters Peter, c, lab C. R. R., r ns Bay, 1st e of Harris Peters Simon, c, farmer, r rear 521 Gilmer Peters Stephen, c, carp, r 391 Monroe Peters William, c, lab, r rear 471 Orange Peters William H., c, street hand, r rear 212 Monroe Pettey John F., carp C. R. R., r 218 Ross Pettey J. P., trav agt, bds Peirpont House Pettey Seth D., foreman A. Bernd & Co., r 319 Maple Pettigrew John M., mason Macon Clay Wks Pettigre\y John T., carp, r ws Milledgeville rd, 10th n of Ft.
Hill, E. M


Two Nocossities^Life.Pure

MACON BKhWINlT (Seep. 5.) Both Supplied by





Pettigrew William M., foreman Macon Clay Wks, r ns New Houston rd, 5th e of 2d, S. M
PETTIT, DeHAVEN & CO. (G. B. Pettit, W. W. DeHaven and G. H. Boifeuillet), lumber yd, planing mill, builders' material, contractors, etc., Cherry, se cor 6th. (See top lines.)
Pettit Gilbert B. (Pettit, DeHaven & Co.), r 1057 Walnut Pettit Moses, c, wks J. L. Shea, r 315 Jefferson Petworth T., fireman C. R. R Peyser Aaron, bds 367 Walnut Peyser John H., trav agt, bds 367 Walnut Peyser Morris, r 367 Walnut PEYSER M. Jr., cigar mnfr, 612 4th, r 367 Walnut Peyser Tillie Miss, asst prin 2d St. School, bds 367 Walnut Peyton George, student, bds 421 Walnut Peyton Ida Miss, music teacher, bds 421 Walnut Peyton James, bds 421 Walnut Peyton John B., boilermkr C. R. R., r ws 3d, 2d s of Windsor,
S. M Peyton Maria, wid Patrick, r 355 4th Peyton Maria, wid P., r 421 Walnut Pfenning Kate, wid C., r 619 Spring Pharr Alonzo F., mach C. R. R., bds 1520 3d Phelps Albert, c, driver, r 341 Forsyth Phelps Amos, c, lab, r rear 161 Magnolia Phelps Charles, picture enlarger, bds Wilbourn House Phelps John L., restaurant E. T., V. & G. depot, r 106 5th Phelps Mack, c, porter J. P. Allen & Co., r 341 Forsyth Phelps Naaraan, c, lab, r rear 161 Magnolia Phelps Tillman, c, lab Bibb Land-Lumber Co., bds 171 Walnut Phelts Emma C., wid R. J., r 407 Walnut Phenix Charles, c, porter Mrs. M. Machold, r ns Jefferson, 2d e
of Jones, P. H Phenix George, c, blksmith, Wall, nr 2d, r es Jones, 1st s of
New Cherry, P. H Phenix John, c, wheelwright, Wall, nr 2d, r ns Jefferson, 2d e
of Jones, P. H Phenix Nelson, c, plasterer Powers Cont'g Co., r ws Poe, 3d s
of Holmes, V Phenix Washington, c, lab, r 1223 4th

I|D Builders' and Painters' Supplies and Genera! Contractors.




Phillips Alonzo, c, carp Powers Cont'g Co., r 619 Hazel Phillips Amanda C. Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 920 Hazel Phillips Cecilia J., wid J. P., r 1321 2d PHILLIPS CLEM, hats and furnishing goods, 566 Cherry,
bds 139 Jefferson Phillips David F., foreman Manchester Mnfg Co., r 6 Man
chester row Phillips Elizabeth, wid W., bds 920 Hazel Phillips E. E., farmer, bds 459 New Phillips Jake, tailor J. L. Shea, bds 319 Walnut Phillips John, c, lab, r 244 Forsyth Phillips John, c, lab, bds 966 Ocmulgee Phillips John L., c, switchman C. R. R., r es Phillips' al,
S. M Phillips Joseph, tailor J. L. Shea, bds 319 Walnut Phillips Martha, wid J. H., bds ws Telfair, 4th s of Gordon,
S. M Phillips Mirabo, c, mattressmkr, Main, se cor Clinton, E. M Phillips Ransom, c, lab, r rear es Milledgeville rd, 7th n of
Fairview, E. M Phillips Robert, c, lab J. S. Schofield & Son, r 851 Foster'6 al Phillips Sterling, c, lab, r ss C. R. R., bey limits Phillips Victoria M. Miss, boarding, 454 Plum Phillips William J., harnessmkr A. Bernd, r 1064 Oglethorpe Phillips William R., Co. Commr, and farmer, r ns Garden, 3d
w of Church, E. M Phinizy Augustus, c, fireman C. R. R., r 357 7th Phinizy William, c, lab, r 2 Holt, P. H PHYSIOC WILLIAM B., cutter M. Greenberg, r 135
Academy Picard Lewis, grocer, Cotton av, nw cor New, r 802 Plum Pickens Charles, c, porter F. B, Tharpe, r 322 Hidrola, E. M Pickens George, c, lab, bds 322 Hidrola, E. M Pickens Mack, c, farmer, r 1237 4th Pickens Eugene W., elk E. T,, V- & G. R. R., r E. M Pickett James P., c, switchman, r rear 434 Hammond Pickett John, c, carp, r 336 Maple Pierce David P., fireman C. R. R., r 114 Magnolia Pierce Ellen Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds 865 Elm


Carriaaes Phaetons, Buggies, Road Carts, Etc.
Great va^ty. ' (Seep.7.) S. S. PARMELEE, 470 Second St.




Pierce James, wks Bibb No. 2, r865 Elm Pierce Johanna Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds 865 Flm Pierce Patrick H. C., grocer and saloon, 15 5th Pierce Sally Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds 865 Elm Pierce William B., runner Stmr No. 4, r 1517 3d Pierpont House, Mrs. G. C. Brown, propr; 256 2d Pierson A. F., bag master Ga. B. B., bds 1538 4th Pike Mary Miss, reeler Bibb No. 2 Pinjaro John, fruit stand, 404 Mulberry, r 361 4th Pinkert Henry P., c, lab, bds 392 Clinton, E. M Pinkus Albert, barkpr, r 806 Cherry Pippins Henry, c, train hand, r ns Holt, 1st w of Monroe Pirsch Charles, tailor F. W. Goette Pittman Hubbard C., brickmason, r Tindall, nw cor Campbell
av, S. M Pittman Henrietta, wid T., bds 410 Elm Pittman J. Paul, student, bds 1153 Hazel Pittman John, c, lab, r 312 Oglethorpe Pittman Samuel, fireman C. B. B., r 462 Hazel Pitts Adolphus, c, wks G. S. & F. B. B., r 772 4th Pitts Balaam, c, lab, r ss Stone, 1st e of Milledgeville rd, E. M Pitts Balaam Jr., c, wks Dixie Works, bds ss Stone, 1st e of
Milledgeville rd, E. M Pitts Bradford, c, wks G. S. & F. B. B., r 776 Ocmulgee Pitts Charles, c, trainhand G. S. & F. B. B., r country Pitts Emanuel, c, carp, r es Perry, 7th n of Ft. Hill, E. M Pitts George, wks Bibb No. 2 Pitts George, c, lab Dixie Works, r 159 5th Pitts Green, c, gardener, r Holmes, se cor Ward's al Pitts Jerry, c, lab, r rear Mercer University Pitts J. W., blksmith C. B. B. shops Pitts Sarah L., c, teacher Green St. School, r 25 Vineville rd Plant Augusta M. Miss, r 216 1st Plant George H. (Plant & Hurt) and asst cashier First National
Bank, r 253 New Plant I. C. (I. C. Plant & Son) and pres First National Bank,
r 253 New PLANT I. C. & SON (I. c. and B. H. Plant), bankers, 609

A First-class Business School Rapid Business Penmanship.
Circulars Free. w. McKay, Prln.

Estimates Furnished fo[ Building and an kinds
Telephone No. 126. (See p. 7.) of Builders Material.
Plant Joseph, c, lab, r ss Barfield al, 2d e of 2d PLANT ROBERT H. (I. C. Plant & Son) vice-pres First
Nat Bank, and genl agt N. Y. Life Ins Co., 423 2d, r 254 New Plant Sarah M., wid T. H., r 216 1st PLANT & HURT (G. H. Plant and C. D. Hurt) ins agts,
609 Cherry PLANTERS OIL, GUANO AND ICE CO., J. D. Hough,
pres; C. A. Hough, sec and treas; Mulberry, ne cor 5th Platt Anthony Lt, with A. M. Sewell, r 865 New Platt James, bkkpr S. Siesel, bds 865 New Player Shelby C., mach Macon S. D. & L. Co Pleasant Hill M. E. Chapel, c, Rev. H. C. Boyd, pastor; ws
Jones, 2d s of Holt Pleasant Hill School, c, ns Holmes, 4th w of Middle, P H Pleasant Joseph, c, wks H. S. Holder, bds 227 Jefferson Pleasant Miles, c, helper E. T., V. & G. R. R., r ss Turpin,
5th e of Division Plenty Peter R., c, lab C. R. R., r rear 554 Plum Plunkett Charles R., carp Macon S. D. & L. Co., bds 217
Jackson Plunkett Joseph C., painter Royal & Gibson, bds 217 Jackson Plunkett Mary Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds Telfair, sw cor
Boundary Plunkett Susan, wid N., r Telfair, sw cor Boundary Plunkett William H., fireman C. R. R., bds 217 Jackson Plummer Benjamin, c. carp, r 119 Elm Poe Selina S., wid Washington, bds 871 Orange Poe William A., lawyer and magistrate, 513 Mulberry, r 817
Poplar Polhill Bros. (Joseph and Edward), drugs, 739 College Polhill Edward (Polhill Bros.) Polhill Freeman, elk Empire Store, bds 413 Spring Polhill Hope C., lawyer, 504 Mulberry, bds 607 Plum Polhill James B., student, bds 1309 Oglethorpe Polhill John G., mngr V. Drug Store, r ns Vineville rd, 2d e
of Middle Polhill Joseph A. (Polhill Bros.), r Tennille Polite Henry, c, wks M. C. & S. St. R. R Polk Jefferson, c, carp, r ns Ellis, 6th w of Monroe
r* "v:-vA;y-'

I 1
1 i


--<> G-O TO -0- '


Pollard Laura, c, dressmkr, bds 820 Plum Pol lee Henry, c, cook Thompson House Pollett Lundy, c, wks C. E. Smith, r ws Brewery la, 2d n of
Green Pollock Moses B., c, jeweler, 221 5th
POMEROY FRANK R., sec and treas Macon Paint Wks,
and wall paper, picture frames, and decorations, 654 Mul berry, r ss Rembert av, 3d w of W. Boundary Ponder Abram, c, carp C. R. R., r es Campbell av, 2d s of Tindall, S. M Ponder Amos, c, bds 5 Hazel Ponder Mingo, c, lab C. R. R., r 5 Hnzel Poole Adam J.. mach C. R. R., bds 126 Holt Poole Blondel W., elk, bds 126 Holt Poole F. Clarence, painter J. W. Nugent, r rear Mercer Univ Poole Isaac W., painter, bds 171 Madison
POOLE ISAIAH H., painter, r 530 Clinton, E. M
Poole James M., eng S. W. R. R., r 531 Jackson Poole John A., student, bds 1128 Johnston Poole John J., stereotyper J. W. Burke & Co., r E. M., bey
limits Poole Mary E., wid J. H., r 171 Madison Poole William W., supervisor C. R. R. r 128 Holt Pope Abraham, c, r 219 Elbert Pope James K., c, wks C. R. R., bds 219 Elbert Pope Louis, c, tinner, bds 402 Mulberry Pope Simon, c, lab, r 1226 3d Pope William H., with Geo. T. Rogers' Sons, r 519 Madison Popper Stephen (S. Waxelbaum & Son), r 866 Mulberry Porter Annie E., wid S. A., r 256 New Porter Clem, c, porter D. O. Lyons & Co., r 610 4th Porter G. Noel, elk Clem Phillips, bds 356 New Porter Jack, c, switchman C. R. R., r rear 1206 3d Porter John, c, lab, r ss Jefferson, 2d e of Craft's al, P. H Porter Joseph F., elk, r 1325 2d Porter J. Euclid, teacher writing and book-keeping, 510 Mul
berry, bds 769 Poplar Porter Lydia A., wid J. H., r 458 Clinton, E. M Porter W. W., fireman C. R. R

SEES It*GMEPEM, flie Tallor'I

Posey William H., fireman S. W. R. R., r 450 Elm Postell George, c, drayman, r Wing's Hill, S M POST OFFICE, R. D. Locke, postmaster; 3d, necor Mulberry Potter Elizabeth Mrs., bds 405 Main, E. M Potter Jennie, wid J., bds 320 Spring Potter Walter, wks Bibb No. 1 Pound Annie R. Miss, teacher Whittle School, bds 125
Academy Pound Butos A. Miss, bds 125 Academy Pound Harry G., flagman S. W. R. R Pound Lamar, elk R. G. Dun & Co., bds 616 Walnut Pound Osceola A., reporter R. G. Dun & Co., bds Pierpont
House Pound Ralston M., r 125 Academy Powell Anderson, c, drayman, r es Poe, 2d s of Holmes, V Powell A. H., stock broker, bds Hotel Lanier Powell Emory, elk, r ss Reed, 3d e of 4th, S. M POWELL HARNEY T., cashier Macon Svgs Bk, r 105 2d Powell James C., cutter Geo. P. Burdick & Co., bds 356 New Powell Jenette, wid J. C., r 818 3d Powell Lizzie L., wid John H., r 603 1st Powell Martha J., wid H. T.,r386 Clinton, E. M Powell Wiley, c, lab, r ns Columbus rd Powell Wiley M., collector Macon Brewing Co., bds 769 Poplar Powell William G., bkkpr, r 1052 Walnut Powers Anderson, c, drayman C. C. Cider Co POWERS CONTRACTING CO., F. H. Powers, pres; J.
M. Horton, sec and treas; contractors, and dlrs in lumber, builders' supplies, etc., 157 Cotton av. (See p. 8.) Powers Edward,c, wks Dixie Wks, r rear 814 Orange POWERS FRANK H. , pres Powers Contracting Co., and city bill poster, 157 Cotton av, r 213 1st Powers George, c, wks G. S. & F. R. R., r rear 301 Hazel Powers Harrison, carp Powers Contg Co., r 515 Ross Powers Harry, c, cook, r 151 Spring Powers Horace M., asst sec and treas Macon Construction Co., 456 2d, bds 219 High Powers Irvine, c, carp, r 714 Hawthorne Powers Joseph C., stockdlr, r 522 Jackson
R. C.WILDER'S SONS ZtZTiwZt 614 to 633 Third Street, MACON, A. LaTnS and OnlngleS





Powers Nathan, c, lab, r ss Powell, 1st w of New, E. M Powers Patrick, flagman C. R. R., bds 703 3d Powers Sherman, c, lab, r 624 Hammond Powers Sol, c, painter, r 963 Ocmulgee Powers Virgil, chmn corarars Sou. Ry & S. S. Assn, r 219 High Powers William, c, lab, r ns Bav, 1st e of Division Powers William, c, shoemkr, Elbert, se cor Hazel Powers William B., surveyor M. & D. R. R. Co., bds 449 New Powers W. Dudley Rev., rector St. Paul's Ch., r 528 Madison Prater Belton O., gardener, r ss Columbus rd Prater Calvin, c lab Brewery, r Moore's row Prater James B., barkpr C. C. Durgan, bds ws 2d, 4th s of
Pebble, S. M Prater John, c, porter S. W. R. R., bds 638 5th Prater Joshua, c, barber, r rear 904 2d Prater J. R., fireman C. R. R Prater Thomas J., flagman S. W. R. R., r 453 Hazel Prater Warren, c, brickmason P. J. Duffy, r 1222 3d Prater William, c, lab, r 513 Hammond Prater William G., elk Standard Oil Co., bds 855 Arch Prater Wilson, c, wks S. R. Jaques, r 119 Cherry Pratt Edward J., wks J. H. Roush & Sons, bds 1520 3d Pratt Lula, wid J., r 105 Appleton av Pratt Maggie L., c, grocer, ws Ullman, s of Roy Preston Henry, c, car cleaner C. R. R Preston John W., switchman C. R. R., r ss Chapel, 3d e of
4th, S. M Preston Jonas, mach C. R. R., r 713 3d Preston Ransom, c, switchman C. R. R., es C. R. R., 2d n of
Elm Preston Thomas M., watchman, bds ss Chapel, 3d e of 4th,
S. M Price Alphonso, planter, r ss Boundary, nr Mercer Univ Price Austin H., elk, bds 21 Progress Price Charles, c, lab, r 536 W. Boundary Price David, c, lab, r 320 Ocmulgee Price Eugene M., collector J. W. Trunnell, r 1535 2d Price E. Robert, farmer, r 21 Progress Price George C. (Price & Maas), r 222 Forsyth

Will move about May 1st,
1891, to their new building
510 Cherry Street.

For anything1"TM;8 ,Produce,Fish,Oysters or Ice

) Send to Headquarters. Vpage 8.





Price Homer, elk, bds 21 Progress Pi'ice Irvin, c, varnisher M. Furniture Co., r E. M Price James, c, carp, r 319 Forsyth Price John C., c, lab, r 536 W.Boundary Price John G., elk C. R. R., bds 454 Oak Price-John H., billing elk C. R. R., r 1535 2d Price Joseph, c, wks W. F. Anderson Price Julia F., wid E., r ss Boundary, nr Mercer Uuiv Price Julian E., elk Geo. B. Jewett, bds 21 Progress Price Lewis, c, barber J. H. McCant, r rear 417 Cotton av Price Lucian, c, drayman H. D. Adams, r 211 Washington av Price Patrick H., gate kpr City Park Price Samuel, c, wks Dixie Wks PRICE SYLVESTER B., mayor, office City Hall, r 923
Pine Price S. D., mach Pettit, DeHaven & Co., r 518 Pine Price T. J., mach C. R. R., bds 518 Pine Price Walter, messenger C. R. R., bds 1535 2d Price Willis F., cotton warehouse, 420 4th, r 360 College PRICE & MAAS (G. C. Pr;ce and J. Maas), wliol grocers
and cigars and tobacco, 459--461 Cherry Pridgeon Elijah W., molder Macon Foundry, bds ss Boundary,
8th w of Telfair, S. M Primitive Baptist Church, Rev T. Reynolds, pastor; ws 3d,
10th s of Windsor, S. M Primitive Baptist Church, c, Michael York, pastor; Hazel, sw
cor Division Primus Isaac, c, porter G. S. & F. R. R., r ws Poe, 5th n of
Vineville rd Primus Isaac L., c, mail elk G. S. & F. R. R., r ns New Cherry,
3d e of Jones, P. H Prince Albert, c, lab, r 419 Elbert Prince Doc A., c, mason, r 201 Ocmulgee Pringle Augustus C., wks Bibb No. 1, r 323 Clinton, E. M Pringle Augustus C. Mrs., grocer, 323 Clinton, E. M Pringle Edward A., contractor, r 420 Pine Pringle Robert B., carp Powers Cont'g Co., bds Hidrola, nw
cor Milledgeville rd, E. M Pritchard Calvin, c, carp, r 389 Madison
-458 THIRD STREET.*** and M. A. R'ds.

(7) T\T\(J> the finest made




Pritchard Clark P., c, lab, r ws W. Boundary, 5th n of Chestnut Pritchard Henry L., c, painter, bds 389 Madison Pritchard Wm., c, lab, r ws Craft's al, 4th n of Jefferson, P. H Pritchell F. R., cond C. R. R Pritchett Anna L. Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 96 Oglethorpe,
Factory row Pritchett Nancy A. Mrs., r 96 Oglethorpe, Factory row Procter William L., with O. P. & B. E. Willingham & Co.,
bds Park Hotel Proctor George, c, lab, r rear 718 Oak Proctor Henry, c, wks C. R. R., bds rear 952 Elm Proctor James, c, wks W. R. Ivey, r rear 718 Oak Progress Club, Cherry, se cor Cotton av Progress Loan, Improvement and Mnfg Co., Isaac Hardeman,
pres; H. Horne, sec, treas and mugr; 358 2d Prosser William J., saloon, 4th, sw cor Bay, r S. M
PROUDFIT ALEXANDER, lawyer, 355 3d, bds Brown's
Hotel Pruden Edward C., c, hd waiter Brown's Hotel, r 208 College Pruett Elisha L., carp, r ws Willingham, 4th n of Bernard, E.M Pruett Jack E., wks Bibb No. 1, r 345 Flanders, E. M Pruett Viola Miss, wks Bibb No. 1 Puckett John C., lab, r 639 Georgia av Puckett W. C., bag master C. R. R Pugh Joseph, c, wks G. S. & F. R. R Pullen William D., driver M. C. &S. St. R. R., bds 914 Hazel Purse Alex, c, sexton Fulton Church, r 318 Hawthorne Purifoy Henry, c, wks C. S. Findlay, bds 851 3d Putzel Michael G., saloon and restaurant, 421 Cherry, r 457
Mulberry Pyatt Harry, c, carp, r 903 Rose Pye West, c, porter, r ss New Cherry, 6th w of Monroe
OUARLES JAMES B., mach C. R. R., r 852 New Quarles Lewis, c, porter E. T., V. & G. R. R., r 321 Ash Quarterman Jack, c, crier Sup. Court, r 815 Pine Quarterman Sarah H., wid R., r rear 253 Ocmulgee Quigley Owen A., traindisp G. S. & F. R. R., r 127 Telfair

Save Money by havin9 your Painting done by

Iv&aS.80 157,159, 161 cottou





Quince Israel, c, carp R. C. Wilder's Sons, r rear 26 Progress Quince James, c, carp R. C. Wilder's Sons, r 225 Chestnut Quinker Almond B., ticket agt E. T., V. G. R. R., bds 456
Ocmulgee Quinker Ella N., wid J. H., r ss Anderson, 7th w of 2d, S M Quinker Louis L., student, bds ss Anderson, 7th w of 2d, S M Quinlan Andrew, dairy, r 319 Clinton, E. M Quinn Bros. (F. Quinn), saloon, 569 Mulberry Quinn Edward F., entryclk Dannenberg & Doody, bds 710
Quinn Frank (Quinn Bros.), bds 612 Poplar
EABEY ALLEN C., fireman E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds 1335 4th Raburn Richard, watchman Hays & Mansfield, r 210 Mul
Raburn Robert, runner Stmr No. 1 Rachels John T., fireman C. R. R., r es 3d, 3d s of Pebble, S.M Racine L., miller Ga. Mills, bds 1302 4th Radcliff Charles L., pressman J. W. Burke & Co., bds ns Lee,
1st w of Church, E. M Radcliff Walter, copy holder J. W. Burke & Co., bds ns Lee,
1st w of Church, E. M Radcliff William H., farmer, r ns Lee, 1st w of Church, E. M Radford Zachariah T., cond G. S. & F. R R., r 1315 4th Rafield Mary, c, boarding house, rear 227 5th Rafield Sylvanus, c, porter M. Nussbaum & Co., r rear 227 5th Raiford Jennie S., wid R., r 558 Oak Raiford William M., opr W. U. Tel. Co., bds 769 Poplar Rainey Clifford, elk J. P. Allen & Bro., r rear S. Ga. Orphans
Rainey Edgar K., printer News, bds 718 Cherry Rainey Jesse N., eng Stmr No. 1, r 1424 3d Rainey Mary E., wid S. D., r rear S. Ga. Orphans Home, V Rainey William H., bds 418 Plum Raleigh Isaac, c, wks M. C. & S. St. R. R Raley Abner W., grocer, Ross, cor Elm Raley Eliza A., wid J., r 1058 Ash Raley Henry A., wks C. R. R., r 1025 College

ONE PRICE--552 & 554 Cherry Street. J*





Raley James L. (J. S. Raley & Bro), r Godfrey dist Raley Jane Mrs, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., r 227 Telfair Raley John S. (J. S. Raley & Bro.), r 1123 Oglethorpe Raley J. S. & Bro. (John S. and James L.), grocers, 1123 Ogle
thorpe Raley Lula R. Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds 227 Telfair Raley Mary A., wid H. L., bds 1025 College Raley Tulony Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds 227 Telfair Ralston George, c, wks S. W. R. R., r 320 Bay Ralston Joshua, c, carp, r rear 518 New Ralston W. C., mach, bds 619 1st Ramage George B., sashmkr Macon S. H. & L. Co Ramage James B., foreman Macon S. D. & L. Co Ramage John W., blindmkr Macon S. D. & L. Co Ramsbotham Frederick, mach Manchester Mnfg Co., bds 1322
2d Ramsbotham Maria Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 1322 2d Ramsbotham Samuel, foreman Bibb No. 2, r 1322 2d Ramsey Grant, o, trainhand G. S. & F. R. R Ramsey J., eng C. R. R Ramsey Thomas, c, lab, r 415 Bay Rand Alexander B., c, mason, r rear 555 1st Rand Ananias W., c, mason, r rear 555 1st Rand William M., c, elk W. G. Johnson, r rear 555 1st Randall Albert, c, blksmith, rear 352 4th, r 1010 Hazel Randall Anderson, o, waiter Hotel Lanier Randall Augustus, c, jointer Barrel wks, bds 306 Madison Randall Ernest, mechanic, bds 1531 4th Randall Frank, c, waiter, bds 23 Spring Randall James W., mess C. R. R., bds ss White, 4th e of Ells,
S. M Randall Jerry B., mess C. R. R., bds ss White, 4th e of Ells,
S. M Randall John W., pressman G. F. Wing & Co., bds ss White,
4th e of Ells, S. M Randall Mary A., wid C., bds 129 Jefferson Randall Norman E., mach C. & M. R. R., bds 454 Oak Randall Philip, c, lab, r ns Holmes, 3d w of Jones, P. H Randall Sherman, c, dentist, r ss C. R. R., bey limits


A First Class Bosiness SCHOOL^
W. McKAY, Principal. J Rapil Business PenmausliiD-




Randall Wiley C., eng, r ss White, 4th e of Ells, S. M Randolph Abner, c, blksmith John Lyons, r Madison Randolph Andrew, c, lab E. H. Stuart, r Barfield's al
Randolph Elias, c, lab, bds 368 Phoenix, E. M Randolph John, c, porter Brown House Bar Rankin Julian, r 51 V Ransome Mat, mach C. R. R., bds 769 4th Rape Cosby W., wks Macon Knitting Co., r Gunn's Hill, S. M Rape James M., carp Macon S. D. & L. Co., r Gunn's Hill,
S. M Rape John M., elk H. F. Toole & Bro., bds 354 Elm Rape Mahala C. Mrs., dressmkr, r Gunn's Hill, S. M Rape Milton, r Gunn's Hill, S. M Rape Minnie Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co., r Gunn's Hill,
S. M Raspberry Anthony, c, porter G. R. Barker, r 222 Madison
Raspberry Cornelia L. Miss, r Gunn's Hill, S. M Ratliffe Elizabeth, wid B. O., r rear es Church, 6th n of Garden,
E. M Rau Edward J., eng C. R. R., r 139 Rose Park Rau Jacob B., foreman G. F. Wing & Co., r 139 Rose Park Rau S. D., wid G. G., bds 139 Rose Park Rauck G. W., bds Pierpont House Raunders James, c, lab, r 330 Burnett E. M Rawlins Mcle L. Miss, bds es Milledgeville rd, 4th n of
Hidrola, E. M Raworth George F., cond C. & M. R. R., bds 407 Walnut Ray Albert J., switchman E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds 515 Oak Ray Benjamin, T. (Balkcom, Ray & Dinkier), bds 155 4th Ray Boliver H. (Coleman, Ray & Co.), r 659 1st Ray Charles, c, wks N. M. Block, r ss Holmes, 5th w of
Middle, P. H Ray Frederick, c, driver N. M. Block Ray James H. (Shinholser & Ray), bds 654 1st Ray John, c, porter W. H. Whitehead Ray John H., eng, bds 715 Pine Ray J. Walter, cond C. R. R., bds 672 Oak Ray Luther B., printer News, bds 422 Ross Ray Milledge S., policeman, r 422 Ross

UNION CENTRAL LIFE INSURANCE CO Lowest Death Rate. Highest Interest Rat* (See p. 6.) T. S. LOWRY, Manager.

PRINTING! Done at short notice and in the best style at the lowest prices. Don't go elsewhere J.W.BURKE&CO.




Ray Perry, c, welldigger, r al n from Forsyth, nr branch
Ray Sun, c, porter T. P. Donahue, r ss Holt, 1st w of Middle, P. H
Ray William, c, lab E. H. Stuart, r rear 756 Pine Rayburn Henry, c, brakeman S. W. R. R Rayfield Lee, c, janitor Sou. Cadets, r ss Chestnut, 6th w of W.
Boundary Raynor Irwin, eng G. S. & F. R. R., bds 363 Walnut Razor George, c, wks C. R. R., bds 557 Hawthorne Ready Samuel, c, r ns Stella, 1st w of New, E. M Rebb Lewis, fireman, bds 518 Pine Redd C. B., fireman C. R. R Redding Ananias, c, carp C. R. R
Redding Cato, c, lab, r al bet Washington and Forsyth, nr Madison
Redding Edward, c, wks G. S. & F. R. R., r 420 Elbert Redding James T., r 769 Mulberry
Redding James T. Jr., elk Empire Store, bds 769 Mulberry Redding John, c, farmer, r 21 Holt Redding Lee, c, wks C. R. R., bds rear 1068 Oglethorpe Redding Miles, c, wks E. T., V. & G. R. R., r ws Bright's al,
1st s of Hazel Redding William A. (Redding & Baldwin), bds 376 College Redding William C., watchman E. T. Depot, bds 769 Mul
berry REDDING & BALDWIN (W. A. Redding & W. A. Bald
win), clothing, hats and furnishing goods, 368 2d
Reddy ArzadoG., wks Bibb No. 1, r es Church, 8th n of Gar den, E. M
Reddy Elizabeth Mrs., boarding, r 412 Hawthorne Reddy George F., eng C. R. R., r 511 Clinton E. M Reddy Holmes, elk Macon Laundry, bds 511 Clinton, E. M Reddy Jesse, c, driver J. A. Ethridge, r Cotton av Reddy Lilia Miss, bds 511 Clinton, E. M Reddy Robert J., eng W. F. Anderson, r 318 Hidrola, E. M Reddy Robert M., R. R. hand, bds 318 Hidrola, E. M Reddy Verona Miss, milliner Mrs. S. Gillon, bds 511 Clinton,
Redmond Michael, supt Macon G. L. & W. Co., r 906 College

'IT? ##

Office : Capital Bank, 456 Second St. Insurance Agent.




Redmond M. J., bkkpr W. J. Juhan, bds 906 College Red wine Charles, mess Sou. Ex. Co., bds 558 Oak Reed Daniel W., lab, r 305 Water, E. M Reed Isaac, c, wks C. R. R., r 314 Calhoun Reed John W., mrgr Neel Shoe Co., r 354 Spring Reed Richard, c, drayman Wood & Bond, r 624 Monroe Reed Robert, c, lab, r ws al, bet Telfair and 1st, s of Hazel Reed Samuel D,, flagman S. W. R. R., bds 467 Oak Reed Sarah, wid J., r rear ws 4th, 4th s of Ells, S. M Reed Thomas, c, drayman, r rear 1206 3d Reed William, c, cook, bds 402J Mulberry
Reed William, c, wks G. S. & F. R. R., r ws Bright's al, 3d n of Ash
Reed William R., tel opr E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds 763 Pop lar
REED, see also REID Rees Elizabeth S. Mrs. (Rees & Hendrix), bds 553 2d REES & HENDRIX (Mrs. E. S. Rees and Miss J. Hendrix),
milliners, 115 Cotton av
Reese Anderson W. (Rodgers, Worsham & Co.), r 520 Wash ington av
Reese Annie Miss, bds ns Pebble, 6th w of Wilder, S. M Reese David F., elk, bds ns Pebble, 6th w of Wilder, S. M Reese David J., eng G. S. & F. R. R., r Wilder, se cor Troup,
S. M Reese Flewellen Miss, bds 520 Washington av Reese Frederick F. Rev., rector Christ Church, r 518 Walnut Reese Harrison, c, porter Rogers, Jones & Moore, r rear 105
Park pi
Reese Henry, c, watchman Gas Co., r 70 Spring Reese Isaac, c, porter W. H. Jones &]Son, r rear 306 Main,E, M Reese James H., elk, bds ns Pebble, 6th w of Wilder, S. M Reese John, c, lab, r rear 521 Gilmer
Reese Laura V. Miss, dressmkr, r ns Pebble, 6th w of Wilder, S. M
Reese Sarah J., wid W. D., r 1534 2d Reese William, farmer, r ns Woolfolk, 2d e of Center, E. M Reese William, c, lab, bds 17 Wolff's row Reese William W., elk, bds ns Pebble, 6th w of Wilder

D f U||| nfD'C tnijCOnnlnanlujs and Buildfics
III III VI I LULU 0 uU 111) 614 to 622 Third Street, MACON, A.






Reeves Albert B., c, elk P. O. Holt, r 1228 4th Reeves Benjamin, c, lab, r rear Milledgeville rd, 3d n of Hidrola,
E.M Reeves Charles T., eng C. R. R., r S. M Reeves Edwards E., flagman C. R. R., r ns Williams, 3d w of
2d, S. M
Reeves Fletcher, e, porter Bedingfield Bros., r ws 2d, 6th s of Williams, S. M
Reeves Floyd, c, lab J. S. Schofield & Son, r White'sHill, S. M Reeves G. L. Mrs, propr National Hotel, 507J 4th Reeves Henry, c, porter Ham, Adams & Co., r 3d Reeves Jefferson, c, waiter, r rear 707 Oak Reeves John B., cond C. R. R., bds 2d, ne cor Pebble, S. M Reeves Sarah A., wid D. W., r 516 Elm Reeves William O., elk National Hotel Reeves William S., bds es Center, 5th n of Phillips, E. M Refeld Caroline, wid Charles, r 258 1st Register John F., with Price & Maas, r Cochran Reichert Charles, paperhanger Burr Brown, bds 556 Pine
Reichert Frederick, furniture and upholsterer, 516 Cherry, r 556 Pine
Reichert William H., elk F. Reichert, bds 556 Pine Reid Archer M., elk H. J. Lamar & Sons, bds 769 Poplar Reid Dorothy Miss, bds 516 Oglethorpe Reid Elvira T., wid David, r 220 1st Reid James E., bricklayer, r ws 3d, 4th s of Stratton, S. M Reid John A., jeweler J. H. & W. W. Williams, bds 270
Main, E. M
Reid Richard, c, drayman, r 624 Monroe Reid R. R., cond C. R. R
Reid Samuel A., lawyer 355 3d, r ws Orange, nr Bond Reid Walter T,, c, carrier P. O., r 123 Jones Reid William F., briekmason, r ns Reid, 1st e of 4th, S. M Rellerford Ernest, c, lab, bds 320 Hazel Rellerford Shack, c, wks E. T., V. & G. R. R., r 320 Hazel Renfroe Benjamin, c, wks J. G. Ruan Renfroe Benjamin, Jr., c, wks J. G. Ruan Renfroe George, carpenter, bds 1310 4th
Renfroe Oscar L. (Renfroe & Co.), bds 227 Bond

O.P.&B. E. WILLINGHAM &, C0.Manufacturers of Doors'
7th Jfc Cherry Streets. Office 363 3d. Sash, Blinds, Mantels, Etc.

Mephone No. 307. rp Q PARKER.




RENFROE & CO. (O. L. Renfroe and C. R. Aultman), boots
and shoes, 310 2d Renney John H., painter Payne & Willingham, r Gunn's Hill,
S.M Respess Calvin, c, wks Palmer Mnfg Co Respess David, c, blksmith J. Lyons, r ns Holmes, 4th e of Jones,
P. H Respess Simon, c, hackman, r ns Holmes, 4th eof Jones, P. H Respess Simon Jr., c, porter C. Phillips, r ns Holmes, 4th e of
Jones, P. H Respess William R. (Respess & Brent), bds 459 New Respess & Brent (W. R. Respess and T. Y. Brent, Jr.), agts
Plymouth Rock Pants Co., 508 Mulberry Reynolds Alexander, iron founder, r 720 1st Reynolds Alexander Jr., iron founder, bds 720 1st Reynolds Clara A. Miss, music teacher Wesleyan Female Col
lege Reynolds Henry, c, lab C. R. R. shops Reynolds James A. (O. P. & B. E. Willingham & Co.), r 141
High Reynolds Kirby, flagman C. R. R., bds 458 Hawthorne Reynolds Lou V., wid J., r 285 Washington av Reynolds Robert, grocer, 525 Cotton av, r 820 Oak Reynolds Samuel, barkpr T. Gibson, bds Wilbourn House Reynolds Scott, c, wks Oil Mill, r McKenna's al Reynolds Thomas Rev., pastor Prim. Baptist Church, r country Reynolds William, c, wks C. R. R., r 207 Ash Reynolds William T., elk C. Wachtel, r ns Stratton, 3d e of
Chapel, S. M Rhodes A. L., wid, bds 755 Cherry Rhodes Charles B., elk G. S. & F. R. R., tkt office, bds 919 2d Rhodes Lewis B., foreman G. S. & F. R. R., bds 919 2d Rhodes Mary S., wid L. B., r 919 2d Rhodes Thomas, c, carp, r ns Columbus rd Ribbron Mack, c, lab, r 166 Ash Rice Andrew P., carp, r ns Woolfolk, 4th w of Ft. Hill, E. M Rice Augustus H., elk H. D. Adams, r 718 Pine Rice Caesar, c, lab, r 559 3d Rice Charles, c, bartender M. G. Putzel

Tile Best sssssm AND PUREST



is that (See p. 5.)







Rice Charles W., elk H. D. Adams & Co., r 718 Pine Rice Charles W., tuner Ga. Music House, r 454 Plum Rice Elijah, c, lab, r rear 368 Ash Rice George B., with Winn, Johnson & Co Rice James R., bkkpr H. Horne, r 723 1st Rice J. A., fireman C. R. R Rich Charles, c, brakeman S. W. R. R Rich George H., with C. C. Cider Co., r 756 New Richards Augustus, brakeman C. R. R., bds ss Boundary, 5th
w of 3d, S M Richards Clyde, c, carp C. R. R., r ns Holt, 6th e of Clark av,
P. H Richard Green, c, lab, r 426 Elbert Richards Henry L., carp, r ws 2d, 3d s of Williams, S. M Richards James, c, lab, r rear ws Ullman, s of Roy Richards John, c, sweeper Manchester Mnfg Co Richards Lee R., c, lab, bds rear 202 Hammond Richards Sarah M., wid R. R., bds 112 Academy Richmond Columbus, c, porter L. Cohen & Co., r 354 Hazel
RICHARDSON F. HENRY, associate editor Telegraph, r
110 3d Richardson Gilbert, c, lab, r ns Jordan's al, S. M Richardson James B., cond E. T., V. & G. R. R., r 262 Col
lege Richardson John F., fireman C. R. R., r es Chapel, 1st s of
Stratton, S. M
Richardson John H., with G. Bernd & Co., bds 607 Plum Richardson Walter, c, lab, r ss Green, 4th w of Hudson Richmond Alfred, carp, r 107 Ocmulgee Richmond Anderson, c, porter Sou. Ex. Co., bds 354 Hazel Richmond Samuel, c, switchman C. R. R., r 353 Elbert Richter George, stenographer R. W. Patterson, bds 770 3d Richter Henry, with Wolff & Happ, bds 770 3d Richter Hugo, with Macon Brewing Co., r 770 3d Rickenbaker John D., cond S. W. R. R., r 1436 4th Rickenbaker Joseph A., carp G. S. & F. R. R., r 1436 4th Rickenbaker Thomas, wks C. R. R., bds 769 Ash
Ricks Alice B. Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co., bds Hawthorne, cor 2d

lin fn THE POWERS CONTRACTING CO, F0R builders' and
^ 137,159,161 Cotton Ave. (Seep. 8.) PAINTERS' SUPPLIES

408 & 410 Military St. R. F. SMITH.! HANDKERCHIEFS, COLLARS.




Ricks Carrie Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co., bds Hawthorne, cor 2d
Ricks Charles A., wks Macon Knitting Co., bds Hawthorne, and 2d
Ricks Francis M., wid G. W., r Hawthorne, cor 2d Ricks George E., carp E. T., V. & G. R. R., r ss Pebble, 3d
e of Wilder, S. M Ricks Lucian C., tinner S. M. Subers & Son, r 316 Ross Ricks Rasdall, helper S. M. Subers & Son, r 316 Ross Ricks Willis W., wks Macon Knitting Co., bds Hawthorne,
cor 2d Riddick Edward, locksmith, bds 364 Elm Riddick Edward B., eng Macon S. D. & L. Co., r 357 Elm Riddick John T., eng C. R. R., r 364 Elm Riddick Nathan, c, tinner, r rear 976 Walnut Riddle Alfred C., painter, r ws Ells, 1st n of New Houston rd
S. M Riddle Anderson A., eng C. R. R., r ss Stratton, 2d w of
Cedar, S. M
Riddle Henry A., painter, bds ws Ells, 1st n of New Houston rd, S. M
Riddle John P., with Talbott & Sons, bds 109 Washington av Riddle Lonnie J., fisherman, bds rear ws Ells, 2d n of New
Houston rd, S. M Riddle Oscar O., bkkpr T. C. Parker, bds 718 Cherry Riddle W. C., fireman C. R. R Rider T. J., switchman C. R. R Ridgley Nellie E., wid Charles, r 218 Cherry Ridley Jesse, c, drives Dr. J. A. Etheridge, r rear 852 Plum Ridley William, c, barkpr, r 111 New Ries Frederick C., watchmkr J. H. & W. W. Williams, r 313
Walnut Ries Wilhelraina, wid H., bds 313 Walnut Riggins Nella, c, wks Winn, Johnson & Co, r 768 Hazel Riley Alonzo, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 70 Hawthorne, Factory row Riley Britt, c, wks C. R R., r Wing's Bottom, S. M Riley Clayburn, c, farmer, r es Poe, 2d s of Holmes, V Riley Eli, wks Bibb No. 2, r 70 Hawthorne, Factory row Riley George S. (Solomon & Riley), r 303 Adams

33204ciieriy st. HATS, UNDERWEAR-ONE PRICE K*

Children's Carriages, goat wagons
s. s. parmelee,470Second st. (Seep.7.) Saddles, Harness, Etc.




Riley John, carp C. & M R. R., bds Center, nw cor Garden,
E. M Riley John, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 70 Hawthorne, Factory row Riley Joseph B. (H. J. Lamar & Sons), r 325 Adams Riley Susan Mrs, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., r 960 Hazel Riley Thomas, wks Ga. Hosiery Co Riley William, fireman, r rear ss Columbus rd,nr Mercer Univ Riley William G., elk Roff Sims & Bro., bds 140 Magnolia Ring Charles W., harnessmkryA Bernd Ring George W., harnessmkr A. Bernd Ringhill Charles, c, plasterer, r 505 Monroe Ringland Ossie E., elk John Ellis & Co., r 568 Walnut Ringwood Anthony, c, painter C. R. R., r 1219 4th Ripley Lorenzo, with W. G. Solomon & Co., r 328 College Risby John, c, lab, r rear 1519 1st Riser L. Burley, switchman C. R. R., bds 769 Oak Rittenberry David W. (Macon S. D. & L. Co.), r 1328 2d Rittenberry Frances Miss, bds 512 Clinton, E. M Rittenberry George H., eng C. R. R., r 512 Clinton, E. M Rittenberry Lizzie Miss, bds 512 Clinton, E. M Rittenberry Maggie, wid John, bds 361 4th Rittenberry Martha, wid S., r 512 Clinton, E. M Rittenberry Mary N. Mrs., r Gunn's Hill, S. M Rittenberry Nannie A. Mrs., wks L. Lowenthal, r 514 Ogle
thorpe Rittenberry Taylor N. carp, r 344 Water, E. M Rittenberry William B., painter Payne & Willingham, r Gunn's
Hill, S. M Rivers Henry, c, lab Gas Co Rivers Julius, c, porter Siesel & Hecht, r ns Woodruff, 6th w
of Monroe Rivers J. R., brakeman C. R. R Rivers Shadrach, c, wks C. R. R., r 321 Cherry Riverside Cemetery, T. J. Anderson, supt; office 153 Madison Roach John T., fireman C. R. R., bds 721 3d Roach Patrick, twister Bibb No. 2 Robbins Archibald C., stonemason, r 971 Oglethorpe Robbins Edward, helper E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds 971 Ogle

Sash, Door and Blind ^^upactueees BUILDERS MATERIAL PETTIT, DeHAVEN * CO. (See p. 7.)




Robbins Janies, stone cutter, bds 971 Oglethorpe Roberson Clarence, c, elk Quinn Bros., bds Vineville Roberson Oliver, c, train hand G. S. & F. R. R., r White's Hill,
S. M Roberson Perry, c, lab, r 135 Hazel Roberson Robert, c, lab Gas Co., r V Roberson Robert, c, lab G. S. & F. R. R., r rear es 4th, 1st s of
Windsor, S. M Roberson Thomas, c, lab, r 905 5th Roberson William, c, drayman, bds 104 Spring Roberts Anderson, c, lab, r ws Ward's al, 3d s of Holmes Roberts Andrew E., wks Macon Knitting Co., bds 623 Ogle
thorpe Roberts Charles, c, barber J. H. McCant Roberts Charles, flagman, bds ws Center, 2d n of Phillips, E. M Roberts Charles P., elk W. C. Lyons & Co., r 213 High Roberts Clarence L., elk, bds 623 Oglethorpe Roberts David, c, porter N. A. Gans & Co., r Booker's al Roberts Florence Miss, teacher Orange St. School, bds 213 High Roberts Hampton, c, cook Brown's Hotel Roberts Jesse R., cond S. W. R. R., r 1517 4th Roberts John, c, drayman H. D. Adams & Co., r 553 Cotton av Roberts John, farmer, r 552 Oak Roberts John, c, porter M. Greenberg, r E. M Roberts John J. flagman, r 250 Hidrola, E. M Roberts John W., elk John Ellis & Co., r 619 1st Roberts Joseph, carp, r rear ss Columbus rd, nr Mercer Univ Roberts Lizzie, wid G. B., r 723 Cotton av Roberts Lizzie Miss, wks Bibb No. 1, bds 435 Main, E. M Roberts Lizzie Mrs., wks Bibb No. 2 Roberts Louisa J., wid W. M., bds 213 High Roberts Mary J. Mrs., r 435 Main, E. M Roberts Osborne G., flagman G. S. & F. R. R., r 454 Haw-
Roberts Samuel, c, lab, r ws Comer's al, 1st n of Chestnut Roberts Walter, flagman S. W. R. R., bds 1517 4th Roberts Wesley, c, cigarmkr Rockman & Barnett, r country Roberts William, eng C. & M. R. R., r ws Center, 2d n of
Phillips, E. M


(Seep. 6.)

T. S. LOWRY, Manager.

PIANOS }J W. burke & CO. (WHEELER & WILSON organs! than, anybody can^o. (SEWING MACHINES




Roberts William, c, wks Brewery, r 1130 4th Roberts William S., with Ham, Adams & Co., r suburbs Roberts William R., foreman Macon Knitting Co., r 623
Oglethorpe Roberts W. H., flagman S. W. R. R Roberts W. R. L., elk Dunlap Hardware Co., bds 558 Oak Robertson Aaron J., c, lab, r ns Stella, 2d w of New, E. M Robertson David, contractor, bds 355 Walnut Robertson Irvin, c, lab, r ns Turpin, 3d e of Division Robertson John J. (Hopkins & Co.), r 505 Walnut Robertson Lucius P., elk Dunlap Hardware Co., bds 710
Mulberry Robertson Nancy, wid J., bds' 226 Clinton, E. M Robertson Robert J., elk C. R. R., bds 619 1st Robertson Robert L., elk Hopkins & Co., bds 505 Walnut Robertson Samuel, c, lab, r rear 371 Clinton, E. M Robertson W. W., blksmith C. R. R. shops Robinson Alfred, c, helper W. H. Schatzmau, r Columbus rd Robinson Benjamin, c, hackman, r ns Green, 1st w of Hud
son Robinson Charles, c, barber, r rear 756 Pine Robinson Flora Mad., r 610 5th Robinson George, c, wks Bibb No. 1 Robinson Gus, c, lab, r 238 Jefferson Robinson James, c, wks G. S. & F. R. R., r rear 301 Hazel Robinson James H., c, wks C. R. R. r ss Jefferson. 5th w of
Middle, P. H Robinson Jesse, c, porter Macon Fire Ins. Co., r ns Holt, 5th e
of Clark av, P. H Robertson John, c, lab, r 598 Clinton, E. M Robinson John M., molder, r Gunn's Hill, S. M Robinson John W., undertaker Wood & Bond, bds 616 Walnut Robinson Joseph, c, wks Dixie Works Robinson Joshua, wks N. M. Block, rill Tattnall Robinson Levi, c, lab C. R. R., r 806 2d Robinson Louis M., c, painter, r Middle, nw cor Jefferson, P. H Robinson Lucretia, wid S., r Gunn's Hill, S. M Robinson Moses, c, teacher, bds 759 Elm Robinson O. G., trav agt, bds 320 1st





Robinson Peter, c, lab C. R. R., r 716 Hawthorne Robinson Philip, c, brickmason, r 104 Middle, P. H Robinson Prince, c, marble cutter, r 759 Elm Robinson Robert, driver E. H. Stuart, r rear 914 Elm Robertson Robert, c, stable hand M. C. &S, St. R. R., r country Robinson Sarah Mad., c, r 220 6th Robinson Solomon, c, lab, r 13 Holt, P. H Robinson Thomas, c, butler C. M. Wiley, r ss Woodruff, 2d w
of Monroe Robinson Thomas, c, butler R. Coleman, r 559 Monroe Robiuson Thomas, c, lab, bds 238 Jefferson Robinson Thomas W., c, painter, r rear 332 Monroe Robiuson Turner M. Rev., c, r ss Jefferson, 5th w of Middle
P. H Robinson Walter, c, brickmason, r 13 Holt, P. H Robinson Walter, spooler Bibb No. 1, r 220 Clinton, E. M Robinson William, c, elk J. Stephens, r 402 Monroe Robinson William, c, train hand, r 420 Hammond Robinson William, c, wks Brewery, r 137 Cole Robinson William H., c, blksmith, r ns Columbus rd Robinson Zach, c, lab, r ws Craft's al, 3d s of Jefferson, P. H Robison John W., lawyer, 510 Mulberry, r same Roche John T., gardener, bds rear 920 1st Roche Mary, wid Peter, r rear 920 1st Roche Patrick, mill hand, bds rear 920 1st Rockhill Fanny B. Mrs., grocer, ns Green, 4th w of Madison,
r 115 Academy Rockhill Harry L., foreman Macon S. D. & L. Co., bds 115
Academy Rockhill Reese T., elk Mrs. F. B. Rockhill, bds 115 Academy Rockman Polly, wid Abe, bds 319 Walnut Rockman & Barnett (Abe Rockman's est and D. Barnett), cigar
mnfrs, 553 4th Rockwell Anderson, c, lab W. A. Huff Rockwell Henry L., elk R. C. Keen, r 413 Spring Rockwell Sarah Miss, r 505 Walnut Roddy John, c, blksmith, 523 Cottou av, r ws Dairy la, 5th n of
Green Roden Charles F., elk E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds 1243 4th
R. C. WILDER'S SONS BuiliersSiPP^ardware.
614 to 633 Third Street, MACON, GA. PAINTS, OILS AND LEAD

Rodgers Alonzo L., wks Bibb No. 1, r 208 Hidrola, E. M Rodgers A. Mitcliell (Rodgers, Worsham & Co.), bds 755 Poplar Rodgers Beulah C. Miss, wks Bibb No. i, bds 230 Clinton, E. M Rodgers Catherine E., wid D. R., r 755 Poplar Rodgers Eliza L. Miss, wks Bibb No. 1, bds 230 Clinton, E. M Rodgers Frank, foreman Macon Knitting Co., bds 769 Ash Rodgers James R., coud M. C. & S. St. R. R., bds 525 Jack-
son Rodgers James T., cashier M. Nussbaum & Co., r 576 Madi
son Rodgers John A., mach C. R. R., r ws Telfair, 2d s of Gordon,
S. M Rodgers Julien S., real estate and ins, 314 2d, bds 718 Oak Rodgers J. T., coppersmith C. R. R. shops Rodgers Louis W., wks Bibb No. 1, bds 230 Clinton, E. M Rodgers Rufus, carp C. R. R. shops Rodgers Wm. H., mach, bds ns Pebble, 7th w of Wilder S. M Rodgers William H., wks Bibb No, 1, r 230 Clinton, E. M Rodgers William H. Jr., wks Bibb No. 1, bds 230 Clinton,
E. M Rodgers William M., bds 755 Poplar RODGERS, WORSHAM & CO. (A. M. Rodgers, L. S.
Worsham, A. W. Reese and J. H. Napier), groceries and fer tilizers, 420-422 3d Rodgers Zach T., elk S. T. Coleman & Burden Co., r ns Peb ble, 7th w of Wilder, S. M Roe John L., inspector S. B. T. & T. Co., r 554 Poplar Roerig Matthias, wks Bibb No. 2, bds ws 1st, 3d n of Haw thorne Roff Home, H. B. Callaway, supt; C. R. R., bey limits Rogers Andrew, c, wks Macon Clay Works Rogers Asher L. elk, bds 915 Orange Rogers Brisco, c, lab, r al bet 6th and 7th, nr Walnut Rogers Charles, c, porter Mrs. R. Hughes Rogers David T., contractor, r 915 Orange Rogers Frank D., elk, bds 915 Orange Rogers George T. (Rogers & Adams), r 368 Spring ROGERS' GEORGE T. SONS (Wm. R., R. M. and J. F. Rogers), whol grocers, foot Mulberry
Glass, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Etc,,
At 0. P. & B. E. WILLINGHAM & CO'S.


in SEASON at JUla>3 Headquarters



Rogers George W., c, helper E. T., V. & G. R. R., r Bright's al Rogers James, c, brakeman S. W. R. R Rogers James M., with Winn, Johnson & Co., bds ns Forsyth, V Rogers James R., c, barber W. Braswell, r, 117 Jones Rogers, Jones & Moore (S. H. Rogers, J. S. Jones and S. C.
Moore), whol grocers, 302 Cherry Rogers Joseph A., bkkpr R. C. Wilder's Sons, r 413 Ross Rogers J. Frank (Geo. T. Rogers' Sons), r 314 College Rogers J. T., watchman Dixie Wks Rogers Laura A., wid C. H., r ns Forsyth, V Rogers Lizzie Miss, wks H. J. Lamar & Sons, r 523 Ross Rogers Lula E. Mad., r 320 Pine Rogers Matthew R., r 603 1st Rogers Michael L., cattle dir, r 422 Plum Rogers Moses, c, porter S. B. T. & T. Co., r rear 380 Monroe Rogers Richard, c, lab, r al, bet Oglethorpe and Oak, nr 6th Rogers Richard M. (Geo. T. Rogers' Sons), r 354 College Rogers Robert E., binder J. W. Burke & Co., r E. M Rogers Solomon, c, hackman, r 120 Tattnall Rogers Starr EL (Rogers, Jones & Moore), r ns Forsyth, V Rogers Thomas J., mach Macon O. &. F. Co., r ws Cedar, 4th
s of Windsor Rogers William, boilermkr J. S. Schofield & Son Rogers William R. (Geo. T. Rogers' Sons), r 375 College Rogers William R. Jr., bds 375 College Rogers William S., contractor, bds 915 Orange Rogers W. Gus, wks W. U. Tel. Co., bds 320 Pine Rogers York, c, driver, r rear 555 1st Rogers & Adams (Geo. T.' Rogers and W. S. Adams), whol
candy mnfrs, 519 Cherry Roland Ella C. Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co., bds 523 Elm Roland Leila Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co., bds 523 Elm Roland Oscar, wks Dixie Works, bds 523 Elm Roland Robert J., watchman Dixie Works, r 523 Elm Rolley Stonewall, c, lab, r Harris al Rollins Charles, c, tailor C. Smith, r 205 Jones, P. H Rollins Ebenezer, c, porter Price & Maas, r 205 Jones, P. H Rollins Frank, c, wks J. G. Ruan Rollins James A., c, ice cream, 507 Cotton av





Rollins Monroe, c, gardener, r ns Forsyth, 5th n of W. Boundary Roman Daniel, lineman W. U. Tel Co., bds 112 4th Rooney Fred W., postal elk, bds 350 Flanders, E. M Rooney James J., bds 350 Flanders, E. M Rooney John, transfer mail elk Union Depot, r 350 Flanders,
E. M Rooney John, Jr., elk, bds 350 Flanders, E. M Rooney J. H., mach C. & M. R. R., bds 552 1st Roosevelt James P., cotton buyer, 570 Cherry, bds 504 Wal
nut Roossee Charlotte Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds 1525 3d Roossee Mary Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds 1525 3d Roper Edith Miss, artist, r 140 Forsyth
Rose Hill Cemetery, G. A. Dure, treas; nw cor city limits,
office 456 Cherry Rose John R. (Rose & Cherry),r Telfair, junc Wing av Rose John W., grocer, 2d, se cor Stratton, S. M Rose P. O., driver M. C. & S. St. R. R Rose Willis, c, waiter M. G. Putzel HOSE & CHERRY (j. R. Rose and W. A. Cherry), drugs
and medicines, 517 4th Roseland Distillery, A. Ullman, propr; ws Ullman Rosen Joseph M., tailor M. Greenberg, bds 458 1st Rosenfield Morris, grocer, Market, bds 458 1st Rosenthal Levi, peddler, r 355 4th Roser Cass, c, wks Oil Mill, bds 402J Mulberry Ross Alice Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co Ross Berta Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co Ross Charles L., special agt Union Central Life Ins. Co., bds
Brown's Hotel Ross Charles R. (W. J. Ross & Co.), r Eufaula, Ala ROSS EDGAR A., travfrt agt C. R. R., 411 4th, r
Ross Edward, c, lab E. T., V. & G. R. R., r 354 Hazel
Ross Emanuel, c, lab, bds 1220 4th Ross Emma Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co Ross Floyd, genl teller Exchange Bank, r 125 Forsyth Ross Frank, c, lab C. R. R. shops Ross Harrison, lab, r 1220 4th Ross Isaac, c, lab, r rear es 2d, 4th s of Stratton, S. M

lull Liu

liLlM vUll JL HUW limi WWi mil I tilw v?Ul I UlUsJ, <]IIU

157, 159, 161 Cotton Avenue. (Seep. 8.) GENERAL CONTRACTORS

408 and 410 Mulberry Street. I Aid tllOHSaildS Of NOtlOIlS all descriptions




ROSS JAMES T., M. D. (Moore & Ross), bds 109 Washing
ton av. (Telephone 148.) Ross John, c, carp, r rear 821 2d Ross John, c, farmer, r ws Davis, 4th n of Garden, E. M Ross John J., carp, r 330 Clinton, E. M Ross John P. (Ross & Anderson), r 307 Adams Ross J. L., fireman C. R. R RossJ. Rutherford, elk C. R. R., bds 769 Poplar Ross Kate L. Miss, r 134 Forsyth Ross Moudie, c, barkpr L. C. Cooper Ross Neady, c, drayman A. Gibian & Co., r rear 152 Spring Ross Rebecca, wid A. B., r 129 Appleton av Ross Richard, c, bellman Progress Club, r V Ross Sallie Mrs., wks Macon Knitting Co., r 1543 3d Ross Samuel, c, lab, r 452 Bay Ross Tate, c, r 176 Jefferson, P. H Ross Thomas L., elk E. T., "V. & G. R. R., bds 112 4th Ross William H., pres Central City L. & T. Assn, 353 3d, r
403 Orange
Ross William J. (W. J. Ross & Co.), bds Pierpont House Ross William M., elk Dunlap Hardware Co., bds 763 Poplar Ross William M., c, wks C. R. R., bds 452 Bay
ROSS W. J. & CO. (W. J. and C. R. Ross), carriage, wagon
and harnessdlrs, Cotton av, nw cor Cherry. (See p. 3.)
ROSS & ANDERSON (J. P. Ross and J. L. Anderson),
lawyers, 318 2d Rosser John M., elk C. R. R., bds 905 2d Rossiter Peter A., eng G. S. & F. R. R., bds 620 Walnut Rough ton W. T,, eng S. W. R. R., bds 806 4th Roundfield James, c, wks Manchester Mnfg Co., r es Calhoun,
1st s of Boundary
Rountree Adam, c, carp C. R. R., r Wing's Bottom, S. M Rountree James T., collarmkr G. Bernd & Co., bds 607 2d Rountree James W., elk Dannenberg & Doody, bds 606 2d Rouse Charles P., with W. R. Singleton & Co., bds 718 Cherry Rouse Richard W., c, porter C. C. Ice Works Rouse Zach T., elk Siesel &.Hecht, bds 718 Cherry Roush Charles A. (J. H. Roush & Sons), bds 219 New Roush Frank E. (J. H. Roush & Sons), r 305 New



& 9




Carriages, ^Immense Stock. Low Prices.

U gg I e S, Wagons, s. S. PAEMELEE, "W




Roush James, wks J. H. Roush &.Sons, bds 219 New Roush John A. (J. H. Roush & Sons), r 305 New Roush Joseph H. (J. H. Roush & Sons), bds 219 New Roush J. H. & Sons (J. H., C. A., F. E., J. A. and W. A.),
wheel mnfrs, Division, bet Elm and Boundary Roush William, c, lab, r 207 Ash Roush William A. (J. H. Roush & Sons), r 141 Forsyth Rowe Hugh M., bkkpr J. W. Burke & Co., bds 715 Poplar Rowe J. L., wks Sou. B. T. & T. Co., bds 715 Poplar Rowell Isaac, c, grave digger, r 203 W. Boundary Rowell Jacob, c, porter S. S. Parmelee, bds 203 W. Boundary Rowland Walter O., blindmkr Macon S. D. & L. Co Rowls Silas Rev., c, r ws 4th, 8th s of Boundary, S. M Roy Lewis, c, wks Dixie Works, r ns Roy, w of Ullman Royal Alburn J., painter Royal & Gibson, bds ws Davis, 6th s
of Williams, S. M Royal Augustus, c, wks Commercial Hotel, bds 317 Forsyth Royal Mary E. Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds ws Davis, 6 th
s oi Williams, S. M Royal Nelson, c, peddler, r rear 610 3d Royal William W. (Royal & Gibson), r ws Davis, 6th s of
Williams, S. M Royal & Gibson (W. W. Royal and W. A. Gibson), house and
sign painters, 676 Cherry Royston Howell, bds 612 Poplar Rozar Cass, c, wks Standard Oil Co., r 811 Oomulgee Ruan Amanda, wid, r 364 Spring Ruan JohnG., prop Macon Brick Works, office 506 2d, r 321
1st Rucker Abel, c, lab, r ss Phillips, 1st e of Fort Hill, E. M Ruff Joseph R., harness mkr G. Bernd & Co., bds ws 2d, 13th
s of Williams, S. M Ruff Martha E., wid J., r ws 2d, 13th s of Williams, S. M Ruff Richard, c, barber, 408 Mulberry, r Spring Ruff Walter S., lab, bds ws 2d, 13th s of Williams, S. M Ruffin Thomas, c, mason, r rear 152 Madison Rufus Henry, c, wks W. F. Anderson, r al, bet 6th and 7th, nr
Mulberry Ruhl Edmond J., ice-dealer, r rear Mercer Univ

A First Class Business School
Rapid Business Penmanship


Of Every Description.


(See p. 7.)

6th St., Cor. Cherry



Rumley Alonzo J., wks S. W. R. R., r ns Elm, 3d e of C. R. R Rumley Oliver P., printer, bds 811 Walnut Rummel Benjamin F., cond C. R. R., r ss Pebble, 3d w of
Elbert, S. M Ruple Frank H., despatcher S. W. R. R Rushin John J., with Holliman, Watson & Adams, r Val
dosta Rushin Moses, c, waiter T. W. Bond, r E. M Russ Albert, wks Dixie Wks Russ W. P., elk I. B. English & Co., r E. M Russell Benjamin S., trav agt, bds ss Columbus rd Russell Catherine, wid Jacob, r 764 Plum Russell Charles, c, carp, r Gunn's Hill, S. M Russell Charles, c, lab, r rear es 4th, 1st s of Windsor, S. M
Russell Daniel, trav agt, r ss Columbus rd Russell Frank, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 88 Oglethorpe Factory
row Russell Georgia Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 88 Oglethorpe, Fac
tory row Russell George, c, butler A. W. Reese, r rear 520 Washing
ton av Russell Jacob E., blksmith C. R. R., r 233 Ross Russell James, blksmith C. R. R. shops Russell Joseph E., carp, r 221 Chestnut Russell Lida Mad., r 357 Cherry Russell Lorena Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 88 Oglethorpe, Fac
tory row Russell Mary Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 88 Oglethorpe, Fac
tory row Russell Samuel C., wks Bibb No, 2, r 88 Oglethorpe, Factory
row Russell Sarah Miss, spinner Bibb No. 2 Russell Thomas A., elk S. S. Harmon, r Columbus rd Ruth Eliza J., wid Simpson, bds 217 Clinton, E. M Rutherford Adolphus, r ns Forsyth, 2d w of Poe, V Rutherford George, c, wks Brown's Hotel Rutherford John C. (Bacon & Rutherford), bds 203 New Rutland James, c, carp, r ns C. R. R., V Rutledge William F., fireman C. R. R., r 1414 2d

II U I fill prUTn 11,ssues ENDOWMENT Insurance at LIFE Rates.

Inlllni j H I Hfll I

Plicies Incontestable and Non-Forfeitable,

U U 11 III

uLIl I IIIIL (See p. 6.) T, 8. LOWKY, Mnttr.

BOOKS! STATIONERY J. W. BURKE & CO. Keep the best o! every thing' in their line.




Ryals Andrew J., carrier P. O., and grocer, ws 2d, 1st s of Pebble, S. M
Ryals Emma, wid J., bds 210 Hidrola, E. M Ryals Jack, spinner Manchester Mnfg Co., r 1 Manchester row Ryals James G. Rev. D. D., prof theology, Mercer Univ., r
1405 Ash Ryals J. B., with Lamar & Sons J. H Ryals Robert L., prof mathematics Mercer Univ., bds 1405
Ash Ryals Thos., spinner Manchester Mnfg Co., r 1 Manchester row Ryals Thomas V., ydmaster C. R. R., r rear es 2d, 5th s of
Boundary, S. M Ryals T. Edward (Ryals & Stone), bds 1405 Ash Ryals William L., foreman C. R. R., r ns Hidrola, 4th e of
Main, E. M
RYALS & STONE (T. E. Ryals and W. T. Stone), lawyers,
364 2d
Ryan Andrew, elk Wolff & Happ, bds 718 Cherry Ryan Andrew, c, porter T. P. Donahoe, bds rear 275 Madison Ryan Pink, c, wks M. C. & S. St. R. R., bds 165 Madison Ryder John T., grocer, ss Forsyth rd, opp Crumps Park Ryder Thomas P., switchman C. R. R., r ws 2d, 1st s of Troup,
S. M
Ryder William, cond M. C. & S. St. R. R., bds Forsyth, nr Crumps Park
Rye Hugh, c, wks Bibb No. 2 Rye John K., carp C. R. R., r ws 3d, 6th s of Boundary, S. M Rye Julia Mrs., wks Bibb No. 2, r 86 Oglethorpe, Factory row Rye Roba D. Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 86 Oglethorpe, Fac
tory row Rye William J., moulder, bds 86 Oglethorpe, Factory row Ryle Benjamin F., fireman, bds Milledgeville rd, ne cor Fair-
view, E. M Ryle Daniel J., elk F. M. Jones, r Milledgeville rd, ne cor
Fairview, E. M Ryle James R., grocer, 330 Main, bds 314 Main, E. M Ryle J. Richard, mer, bds ws Center, 2d n of Clinton, E. M Ryle Thomas, brickmason, bds Milledgeville rd, ne cor Fair-
view, E. M

How to Save ";S,GlNIRfi

St. B



ST. BARNABAS CHAPEL (Episcopal), Rev. A. Barnwell

rector ; 3d s of Hazel

St. John's Episcopal Church, Rev. W.C. Turpin, rector; Church se cor St. Johns, E. M

St. John Newton, lab Palmer Mnfg Co., bds ws Pierce av 1st n of Forsyth, V

St. Joseph Catholic Church, Rev. Joseph Winkelreid, pastor-

^ es 4th, 3d s of Walnut


St. Luke Baptist Church, c, Rev. W. Glover, pastor; 616 Flan ders, E. M

St. Paul Methodist Church, c, Rev. D. K. Knight, pastor; rear 519 Flanders, E. M

St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Rev. W. D. Powers, rector; Col lege, sw cor Forsyth

y St. Stanislaus College, Rev. John Brislan, director; ss For syth,) T Sabra James, c, butler W. W. Parker, r rear Forsyth, ns cor
Poe, V

Sacre Marion, bds 412 Clinton, E. M

Saddlefield Stephen A., slate roofer, bds National Hotel

Safifold Benjamin, c, basketmkr, r es Middle, 2d s of New Cherry, P. H

Saflfold William R., fireman C. R. R., r 1306 4th

Sailor Augustus, brakeman S. W. R. R., r es C. R. R., 1st n of

TE? lI m


Sailors Domingo, c wks C. R. R., r Huflf's al Sailors Lutie A., wid H. C., bds 718 Cherry

Sakerly Marion, gardener, r 512 Clinton, E. M

Sailers Andrew, c, mason, r ss Green, 2d w of Hudson Salter Annie, wid John T., r rear 555 Pine

Salter Charles H., wks C. R. R., bds rear 555 Pine

Salvage Nat, c, porter Market, r ns New Cherry, 2d wof Mid dle, P. H

Salvage William, c, lab, r ns New Cherry, 2d w of Middle, P. H

Salwey Louis, tailor J. L. Shea, r 568 1st

Sampson George W., c, lab, r ss Jackson, 5th w of Poe, V

Sampson Osborne, c, wks J. S. Schofield & Son, r ss Jackson

5th w of Poe, V






Samuel Charles, elk John Samuel Samuel John, fruit stand, 410 Poplar Samuels Archibald, c, carp, r Reese, secor Garfield, S. M
Samuels Jacob, tailor M. Greenberg, bds 458 1st
Samuels William, c, carp, bds Reese, se cor Garfield, S. M Sanders Alexander E., butcher W. L. Henry, bds ws 2d, 3d s
of Pebble, S. M Sanders Benjamin, c, lab, r ws Craft's al, 3d n of V. rd Sanders Cicero, c, servt J. A. Toole, r Calhoun Sanders Clark, c, lab, r rear 311 Oak Sanders Elizabeth, knitter Ga. Hosiery Co Sanders Emily L. Miss, seamstress, r Gunn's Hill, S. M Sanders Everett, with Sioux City Prov. Co., r S. M Saunders Frank, c, lab, r ss Turpin, 6th e of Division Sanders George, c, driver N. G. Gewinner, r ns Bay, 4th e of
Gilmer Sauders George W. R., farmer, r es Church, 4th n of Garden,
E. M Sanders Jacob, c, lab, r 526 W. Boundary Sanders James, c, lab, r es 4th, 1st s of Chapel, S. M Sanders James, c, wks R. R., r 13 Wolflf row Sanders James R., pres, Va. Furniture Co., bds 715 Poplar Sanders James R., storekpr C. R. R., bds 710 Mulberry Sanders John H., policeman, r 1121 Oglethorpe Sanders John R., elk, bds 1121 Oglethorpe Sauders Lily Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds 1121 Oglethorpe Sanders Lizzie E., wid, r ws Ells, 3d s of New Houston rd, S. M Sanders Martha Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds 1121 Ogle
thorpe Sanders Mary E., wid J. W., r ws 2d, 3d s of Pebble, S. M Sandfers Oliver, c, mail agt G. S. & F. R. R., r 851 4th Sanders Robert, helper W. L. Henry Sanders Samuel, c, lab C. D. Findlay, bds rear 125 College Sanders Sidney, c, carp, bds 353 Madison Sanders Sidney, c, lab C. R. R., r 919 5th Sander William, carp, bds 423 Elbert Sanders William, c, wks C. R. R., r 1020 College Sandlin George B., brickmason, r ss Pebble, 4th w of Elbert,
S. M

RUII HFRS' HARDWARE--An Immense Stock--at
303 Ttod street. 0. P. & B. E. WILLINGHAM & CO'S.

FISH, ICE I OYSTERS IN SEASON AtT.C. PARKER'S Telephone No. 307. (See p, 8.




Sandlin John F., mason, r ss Pebble, 4th w of Elbert, S. M Sands Charles W., foreman E. T., Y. & G. R. R. shops, bds
Wilbourn House Sanford Aaron, c, lab C. D. Findlay, r rear 232 Tattnall Sanford Austin, c, lab, r rear 552 Hammond Sanford Austin, Jr., c, lab, r rear 552 Hammond Sanford Benjamin, c, wks C. R. R., r 764 Hazel Sanford Clyde R,. c, porter Dannenberg & Doody, r 421 Cot
ton av
Sanford Eugene R., elk Dannenberg & Doody, bds ss Ander son, 7th w of 2d, S. M
Sanford George, c, lab, bds rear 552 Hammond Sanford Jack, c, gardener, r rear 341 Madison Sanford John, c (Bloom & Sanford), r 429 Cotton av Sanford Norton, elk, bds 1121 Walnut
Sanford Oscar, c, wks C. C. Ice Wks, r 608 Hammond Sanford Shelton P., prof Mercer Univ., r 662 College Sanford Thomas S., cond S. W. R. R., r 1121 Walnut Sanford William, c, lab M. C. & S. St. R. R., r McKenna's al Sanford William, c, carp, r ss Willingham, 2d e of Ft. Hill
E. M Sangster James R., prop r Brown's Hotel Sapp Morris, c, train hand G. S. & F. R. R Sarah Sister, asst Appleton Church House
Sargent Charles F. Rev., pastor Congregational Church, bds 587 Monroe
Sargent Horace C., florist and gardener, r 587 Monroe Sarling Sol trav agt, bds 330 Washington av Saulsbury Elmira, wid, r 805 Mulberry
Saulsbury John R., mnfrs agt and broker,422 3d, bds 356 New Saunders John W. (J. W. Saunders & Co.), r 773 Spring Saunders J. W. & Co. (J. W. Saunders and C. L. Fuller), wall
paper, etc., 211 Cotton av
Saunders M. A., elk E. T., Y. & G. R. R., bds 154 4th Savage Sallie Mrs., r 5 New
Savage William, c, barber, 1127 4th, r 229 Jefferson Savage William, c, porter Mallary Bros. & Co Saver Peyton, c, lab, r rear 719 2d
Savery Daniel, c, wks E. T., Y. & G. R. R., r Tupelo


(Seep. 5.)

Both Supplied by





Savo Sarah A., wid J., r 222 Clinton, E. M Sawyer Augusta Miss, tailoress, bds 84 Oglethorpe, Factory row Sawyer Clifford M. Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 84 Oglethorpe,
Factory row Sawyer Davis I., wks J. T. Gantt Sawyer Elizabeth, wid H., r 84 Oglethorpe, Factory row Sawyer Fletcher H., wks R. C. Wilder's Sons, r ws al bet
Jackson and Telfair, 2d s of Elm Sawyer Jackson, c, wks Balkcom, Ray & Dinkier, r C. R. R.,
bet Elm and Ash Sawyer Kate Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 84 Oglethorpe, Factory
row Sawyer Lou Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 84 Oglethorpe, Factory
row Sawyer Mary Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 84 Oglethorpe, Factory
row Sawyer Peter, wks Bibb No. 1, bds 84 Oglethorpe, Factory
row Sawyer William M., wks Payne & Willingham, r 962 Hazel Sayer Thomas, wks G. S. & F. R. R., r 457 Oak Scafford James, c, painter, bds 227 Jefferson Scarborough Allen, c, lab, r ns Columbus rd, bey limits Scarboro Thomas, c, lab E. T., Y. & G. R. R., r Tybee Schafer Charles W., blksmith C. R. R., bds ws Center, 4th n
of Clinton, E. M Schafer Emanuel A., mach C. R. R., r ws Center, 4th n of
Clinton, E. M Schafer Emanuel A. Jr., coppersmith C. R. R., bds ws Center,
4th n of Clinton, E. M Schafer William B., boilermkr C. R. R., r ss St. John's, 2d e
of Church, E. M Schall Charles, elk, bds 516 Oak Schall George, r 555 Monroe Schall Herman, carver Macon Furniture Co., bds 516 Oak Schall Ida, wid H., bds 555 Monroe Schall Louis, wks Macon Furniture Co., bds 516 Oak Schall Margaret, wid J., r 516 Oak Sc'hatzman William H., blksmith, rear 421 36, r 659 Spring Schell Edgar B., eng C. R. R

j[ lju Builders' and Painters' Supplies and General Contractors.




Schell Louis, mach Bibb No. 2, r 452 Hazel Schell William, tinner C. R. R., r 1304 3d Schell William J., blksraith W. H. Schatzman, bds 1304 3d Schelling Emmet, eng C. R. R Schelling George, boilerrakr, bds es Milledgeville rd, 14th n
of Hidrola, E. M Schelling Henry, shoemkr J. Schelling, bds Milledgeville rd,
14th n of Hidrola, E. M Schelling John, shoemkr, 561 Cherry, r es Milledgeville rd,
14th n of Hidrola, E. M
Schelling John Jr., fireman, bds es Milledgeville rd, 14th n of Hidrola, E. M
Schlesinger Gus, elk, bds 712 Cherry Schlinzen Louisa, wid F., r 552 Monroe
Schmidt Charles, tailor M. Greenberg, r 281 Washington av
Schmidt George, wks N. M. Block, r 759 1st Schmidt Henry, barber M. Loh, and grocer, 461 Cotton av Schmitt George, cabinetmkr Wood & Bond, bds 3 New Schofield Alonzo D. (J. S. Schofield & Son), r 212 Spring Schofield Charles E., with J. S. Schofield & Son, rss Vineville
rd, 5th w of W. Boundary Schofield Floyd bkkpr Ham, Adams & Co., bds 55 V Schofield Hal A., student, bds 55 V Schofield James E, with J. S. Schofield & Son, r 319 Hazel Schofield John S. (J. S. Schofield & Son), r 55 V Schofield John S. Jr., mngr J. S. Schofield & Son, bds 55 V Schofield J. E., tel opr C. R. R
Schofield J. S. & Son (J. S. and A. D.), proprs Schofield Iron Wks, 521 5th
Schofield Vashti E., wid J. R., r 55 Vineville SCHONEMAN FERDINAND A., confectioner and saloon,
518 Cherry
Schussler Stephen, asst supt Macon O. & F. Co., bds 1520 3d Schwitzer George J., plumber Bennett & Boardman, bds 715
Scimonelli Laura Miss, r 612 5th Scobie Ellen B. Miss, teacher Ballard School, bds 806 Pine Scott Dock, c, wks G. S. & F. R. R
Scott Frank, c, wks Bibb No. 2, r 234 Calhoun

[[AinU?J, m H[[|l






Great Variety. ^ (See p. 7.) S. S. PARMELEE, 470 SGCOIld St.




Scott Frank H., with J. D. Scott, r 853 Cherry Scott Fred W., despatclter G. S. & F. R. R Scott Frierson C., elk John Ellis & Co., r 311 Bond Scott George D., grocer, ws 4th, 1st s of New Houston rd, S. M Scott James, lab, r ws 4th, 4th s of Boundary, S. M Scott James, c, lab, bds Thompson House Scott Jenny, housekpr 604 5th Scott John D., livery, feed and sale stable, 520 Poplar, bds 853
Cherry Scott J. L., wks Enterprise Boiler Wks Scott Maggie Mrs., wks Bibb No. 2, r 90 Oglethorpe, Factory
row Scott Missouri Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 94 Oglethorpe, Fac
tory row Scott Polly Miss, boarding, r 94 Oglethorpe, Factory row Scott Robert S., stonecutter T. J. Carling & Co., bds 807 Oak Scoville Edward H., fireman C. R. R., bds 552 Pine Scoville H. Wallace, eng C. R. R Screen Thomas, c, janitor U. S. Bldg, r 238 Orange Scrimpsher John H., eng C. R. R., r 954 Hazel Scruggs Annie Miss, wks Bibb No. 2 Scrutchins John, c, wks Stevens & Hodges, r Wolff row Seabrooks Burril, c, elk, bds 415 Middle, E. M Seabrooks Cager, c, hackman J. Harvey Seabrooks Joseph, c, carp, r ss C. R. R., w of Ullman Seabrooks Little J., c, carp C. R. R., r w of Ullman Seabrooks Samuel, c, porter, r 356 Columbus Seago William C., foreman C. R. R., r Chapel, ne cor Stratton,
S.M Seals Aaron, c, lab, r ns Turpin, 2d e of Division Seals diaries, blksmith C. R. R., bds 414 Oglethorpe Seals Dalton R. Mrs. (Stewart & Seals), r 410 Plum Searcy Alfred, c, lab, r ss Turpin, 4th e of Division Searcy Allen, c, wks D. J. Baer, bds 661 3d Searcy Benjamin, c, boot black, bds 661 3d Searcy Green, lab, r rear 555 Pine Searcy Joseph, wks C. R. R., r 359 7th Searcy Lou, c, waitress Union Depot, r 661 3d Searcy Samuel, c, lab, r rear 405 Madison

UCOBCIMLIiGE A First-class Business School Rapid Business Penmanship. Circulars Free. w. Mckay, Prin.




Searcy Solomon, c, fireman E. T., V. & G. R. R., r 15 Tupelo Searcy Thomas, c, lab M. C. & S. St. R. R., r 224 Hammond Sears Albert, c, porter S. Waxelbaum & Son, r 756 Hazel Seay George W., painter, r 433 Ross Seay Louisa, wid F. M., bds 433 Ross Second Presbyterian Church, Rev. S. L. Morris, pastor; College,
ne cor Oglethorpe Second St. School, 2d, sw cor Hawthorne Seemuller A. H., with Chappell & Park Seibles Edwin, c, hackman, r 621 Poplar Self Andrew J., carp, r 413 Jackson Self Charles B., mach C. R. R., bds 413 Jackson Self James W., carp, bds ss Pebble, 7th w of Wilder, S. M Self Joseph W., instructor Blind Academy, r 413 Jackson Self Lamar, carp, bds 413 Jackson SelfRobert J., carp Pettit, DeHaven & Co., r 1536 4th Sellers Thomas W., c, hrickmason, bds 103 Spring Sellers W. M., fireman C. R. R Semple Henry, prof St. Stanislaus Senter Charles, eng C. R. R., bds 704 3d Sermons Margaret Miss, seamstress, r 255 Ocmulgee Sesler John, eng A. Ullman, bds ws Ullman Sessions Harry H., wks Bibb No. 2, bds 98 Oglethorpe, Factory
row Sessions Mary, wid J., r 662 Hawthorne Sessions M. E. Miss, tailoress C. Bryant, bds 1118 Ash Sessions Robert F., wks BibbNo. 2, bds 98 Oglethorpe, Factory
row Sessions Robert V., eng Bibb No. 2, r 98 Oglethorpe, Factory
row Setley Samuel J., moulder, r ss Forsyth, 7th w of W. Boundary Setley T. M. Mrs, millinery and fancy goods, 568 Mulberry, r
Vineville Severing Charles A., brickmason, r ss Reed, 3d e of 4th, S. M Sewell Alonzo M., commer, 153 Cotton av, r 212 New Sewell Thomas L., master mechanic G. S. & F. R. R., r 520
Ash Seymour Henry C., trackman C. R. R., r es al bet Telfair and
Jackson, 1st s of Elm



GO TO --c>--






Seymour J. N., with Johnson & Harris, r 554 Orange Seymour Rebecca M., wid James, r 517 Adams Shafer Margaret, wid C. T., r 507 Clinton, E. M Shaille Leroy N., elk, bds West End Sharp Henry, c, drayman, bds rear ns Lee, 1st w of Center,
E. M Sharp Peter, c, porter S. R. Jaques & Tinsley Co., r E. M
Shaw Jacob R., carp C. & M. R. R Shaw John, c, lab, r ws Jones, 1st s of Holt, P. H Shaw John H., car driver, r ws 4th, 6th s of Boundary, S. M Shaw John R., carp C. & M. R. R., r ws 4th, 6th s of Boundary,
S. M Shaw Liva A. Mrs, prin Ballard Normal Shool, r 806 Pine Shaw Martha, wid W.T., bds 1442 2d SHEA J. L., merchant tailor, 360 2d, r 125 Cole Shea Mary Mrs., reeler Manchester Mufg Co., r 5 Manchester
row Shea Michael, stonecutter T. J. Carling & Co., bds 355 Walnut Shea William, reeler Manchester Mufg Co., r 5 Manchester
row Shearer Fannie Miss, elk W. J. Juhan, bds 106 Academy Sheehee Joseph R., wks R. C. Wilder's Sons, r ss Stratton, 2d
w of 4th, S. M Sheffield Caroline, wid J., r ss Forsyth, opp Crump's Park Shelly Alex, painter, r es C. R. R.,, 2d s of Elm Shelly Charles, c, lab, r rear 319 Walnut Shelly John, c, lab, r ss Woodruff, 2d n of Monroe Shelverton William E. (Hunt & Shelverton), bds 856 1st Shepard Charles C., frt elk E. T., Y. & G. R. R., bds 104 3d SHEPARD SAM H. (H. J. Lamar & Sons), r 104 3d Shepard William H. P., ship'g elk H. J. Lamar & Sons, bds
104 3d Shepherd Abel, wks E. T., V. & G. R. R., r ws Ft. Hill, 2d
s of Woolfolk, E. M Shepherd Charles G., wks E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds ws Ft.
Hill, 2d s of Woolfolk, E. M Shepherd James G., wks E. T., N. & G. R. R., bds ws Ft. Hill,
2d s of Woolfolk, E. M Sheppard C. H. Mrs., prin Ash St. School, bds 507 Orange

MIHllITTiH LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YORK. IflAllllAI lull GEO. B. JEWETT, Agent. Office, Capital Bank, 456 2d.




Sheppard Dora Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bd ns Stratton, 5th
e of Chapel, S. M Sheppard Elder B., watchman Ga. Mills, r ns Stratton, 5th e of
Chapel, S. M Sheppard George, e, carp, r 250 Forsyth Sheppard George, wks Bibb No. 1, r 205 Clinton, E. M Sheppard Henry, plumber, r 267 Washington av Sheppard Jackson H., wks Bibb No. 1, bds 222 Clinton, E. M Sheppard Pearl Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., r ns Stratton, 5th e
of Chapel, S. M Sheppard Rosa L. Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds ns Stratton,
5th e of Chapel Sheppard Robert, c, brakeman C. R. R Sheppard Walter H., mach C. R. R., bds 105 Park pi Sheppard William, c, lab, r Bay, se cor Division Sheppard W. H., wks Macon Ga. L. & W. Co., r Washington av Sheridan Christopher, briekmason, r Godfrey dist Sheridau Christopher F., elk T. C. Burke, bds Godfrey dist Sheridan Edward, grocer, Market Sheridan Johu Z., harnessmkr G. Bernd & Co., bds 758 Cherry Sheridan Robert, policeman, bds 1016 Oglethorpe Sheridan Robert E., cashier T. C. Burke, bds Stubblefield
House Sheridau Simeon, eng, r 1016 Oglethorpe Sheridan Thomas F., elk T. C. Burke, bds Godfrey dist Sherman George, c, asst cook Hotel Lanier Sherman Henry, c, lab, r 920 Ocmulgee Sherou Thomas J., with W. R. Singleton & Co Sherrill Joseph, c, lab, r rear 120 4th Sherwood Albert F., elk G. S. & F. R. R., r E. M Sherwood George W., eng C. R. R., r 814 Orange Shields William, c, wks J. Van & Co., r Bulkley's al Shierling Emmett, eng C. R. R., bds 1520 3d Shine G, R., cond C. R. R Shine John A., carp, r rear 658 Ash Shinholser Amanda R., wid T. J., r 134 Academy Shinholser Clifford W., wid Joseph H., bds 134 Academy Shinholser David, c, porter R. C. Keen, r 250 Middle, P. H Shinholser Dennis, c, lab, r 410 Elbert

R. C. WILDER'S SONS 6ii to 632 Third street, Macon, ga. LUaMthEs- paunsdTMSh-.iHngw les





Shinholser Edwin, eng C. R. R., bds ns New Houston rd, 7th
e of 2d, E. M Shinholser Henry, c, lab, bds rear 212 New Shinholser John W. (Shinholser & Co.), bds 103 Washington
av Shinholser Lizzie Miss, dressmkr, bds ns New Houston rd, 7th
e of 2d Shinholser Robert W., fireman C. R. R., bds 134 Academy Shinholser Thomas J., (Stembridge & Shinholser), bds 812
Poplar Shinholser Thomas V., fireman C. R. R., r ns New Houston
rd, 6th e of 2d, S. M Shinholser Wilbur T. (W. T. Shinholser & Ray and L.
McManus & Co.), pres Macon Furniture Co , r 131 H'gh Shinholser William, c, wks G. S. & F. R. R., bds 1132 4th Shinholser William J., r ns New Houston rd, 7th e of 2d Shinholser & Co. (J. W. Shinholser and J. H. Simmons), ice
cream mnfrs, 659 Poplar Shinholser W. T. & Ray (W. T. Shinholser and J. H. Ray),
grocers, 613 4th Shinn Albert J., florist D. B. Woodruff, bds 204 Forsyth Shirah James H., elk M. L. Munger, r 1528 3d Shirah Sylvania, wid James, bds 1528 3d Shirah William A., fireman C. R. R Shirley Alexander, painter Royal & Gibson, r S. M Shirley Clark A., wks Bibb No. 2, r 92 Oglethorpe, Factory
row Shirley Eliza Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 92 Oglethorpe,
Factory row Shirley Gertrude Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 92 Oglethorpe,
Factory row Shirley J. E. brakeman C. R. R Shirley Lou E. Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 92 Oglethorpe,
Factory row Shivers Charles, c, drayman, r rear 714 2d Shivers Edmond R., carp, r Windsor, ne cor Cedar, S. M Shivers Ella L. Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co., r ns Pebble,
2d w of Elbert, S. M Shivers James (Shivers & Ameson), r 1241 2d

Will move about May 1st, 1891, to their new building 510 Clierry Street.


ForanythinginF,r"!*8;Prod"ce>Fish>>8jeJ8i or Ice

Send to Headquarters. fpage 8./





Shivers Julia Miss, wks Bibb No. 2 Shivers Laura Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, r ns Reid, 3d e of Chapel,
S. M Shivers O. C., rec elk C. R. R., r S. M Shivers Robert E., foreman C. R. R., r ns Reid, 3d e of Chapel,
S. M Shivers Rowell H., fireman C. R. R., r ns Reid, 3de of Chapel,
S. M Shivers Rosa Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co., bds ns Pebhle, 2d
w of Elbert Shivers Samuel, c, porter Union Depot Shivers Thomas W., wks J. H. Roush & Sons, r ns Pebble, 2d
w of Elbert, S. M Shivers Walter, driver M. C. & S' St R. R Shivers Walter J., wks Macon S. D. & L. Co., i ns Pebble, 2d
w of Elbert, S. M Shivers Warren, wks Bibb No. 2, r ns Reed, 3d e of Chapel,
S. M Shivers & Ameson (J. Shivers and E. B. Ameson), grocers, 1241
2d Shocklev G. R., cond C. R. R
SHOLES ALBERT E., mngr Macon City Directory, bds
Hotel Lanier Shores Frank M., foreman C. R. R., r es Cedar, 4th s of Strat
ton, S- M Short Jesse, c, porter S. R. Jaques & Tinsley Co., r rear 305 2d,
E.M Short Louis, c, lab, rear 305 2d, E. N Shorter Benjamin, c, lab, r Orchard av, 5th w of Hundson Shorter Jacob, c, brickmason, r White's Hill, S. M Shorter William S., c, brakeman, bds 114 Hazel Shouse Edgar P., foreman C. R. R., r 388 Clinton, E. M Shouse Lucius B., eng C. & M. R. R., r 333 Cliuton, E. M Show J. H., driver M. C. & S. St. R. R Sibley Charles, c, st hand, r Vineville Sibley Lizzie, wid L., r 869 Oak Sichel B. Mrs., r 210 1st Sichel Edward M., barkpr M. G. Putzel, bds 210 1st Sides W. H., blksmith C. R. R

-4S8 THIRD STREET. ui and M. fe A. B'ds.





Siep Elias N.,ydmaster G. S. & F. R. R., r 612 Orange
Siesel Jacob (Siesel & Hecht), r 754 Plum Siesel Samuel, mngr Sou. Emporium SIESEL SIGMUND, whol liquors, cigars and tobacco, 419
Cherry, r 620 1st SIESEL & HECHT (J. Siesel and L. Hecht), whol hats and
caps, 466 3d Sifly Addie M. Mrs., matron S. Ga. Orphans Home Signal Ed. M., fireman C. R. R., bds 1425 4th Sikes Augusta V. Mrs., wks M. E. Smith, r es Main, bey limits,
E. M Sikes Isaac, watchman, r es Milledgeville rd, 2d n of Hidrola,
E. M Sikes Samuel J., harnessmkr A. Bernd, r E. M Siramone Jacob, foreman Bibb No. 2, r 1013 Hazel Simmoue James, foreman Bibb No. 2, r 64 Hazel, Factory row
Simmone John, eng C. R. R., r 970 Hazel Simmone Joseph, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 1013 Hazel Simmons Alonzo, c, lab, rrear 120 Walnut Simmons Alonzo L., pressman, r 618 Hawthorne
Simmons Caddie Mad., r 355 5th Simmons Charles, c, wks C. R. R., r Moore's row Simmons Daniel, c, R. R. haud, r 332 Gilmer Simmons Frank, c, carp, r rear 817 Poplar Simmons George, driver, r al n of Orchard av, nr Madison Simmons Henry, c, drayman, r ws Ft. Hill, 3d n of Milledge
ville rd, E. M Simmons Henry R., wks Macon S. D. & L. Co., r Pebble, ne cor
Elbert, S. M Simmons Hilliard, c, elk, r ss Chestnut, 10th w of W. Boundary Simmons Homer D., wks Macon Knitting Co., bds es 3d, 3d s
of Stratton, S. M Simmons Howell C., wks Macon Agrl Wks, bds ws Wilder, 3d
s of Troup, S. M Simmons James, c, lab, r al bet Monroe and Madison, nr Forsyth
Simmons James A. P., printer, bds 552 1st Simmons James T., lab, bds es 3d, s of Stratton, S. M Simmons Jennie Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co., bds 416 Hazel
Simmons Jesse C., wks C. R. R. shops, r 1305 2d

TUP PAIR] Imported China, Mery and Glass.
I Ilk I n I 11 J 408 & 410 Mulberry St. R. F. SMITH, Prop r.




Simmons John, c, porter Rose& Cherry, r 274 Columbus Simmons John H. (Shinholser & Co), bds 616 Walnut Simmons John T., butcher, ws 4th, 9th s of Boundary, r es 3d,
3d s of Stratton, S. M Simmons Joseph, c, helper C. R. R., r Moore's row Simmons Joseph R., r ws 2d, 1st s of Anderson, S. M Simmons Joseph S., switchman C. R. R., r Pebble, ne cor El
bert, S. M Simmons J. C., agt Singer Mnfg Co Simmons Laura Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 98 Oglethorpe,
Factory row Simmons Mack, c, wks Bibb No. 2 Simmons Mary E., wid J., r 618 Hawthorne Simmons Rhoda, c, dressmkr, r 703 Ocmulgee Simmons Ruffin, c, wks C. R. R., r 855 Boundary Simmons Samuel, c, blksmith C. R. R., r ns Chestnut, 6th w
of W. Boundary Simmons Thomas, c, lab, r ss Chestnut, 10th w of W. Boundary Simmons Tobe, c, wks Gas Wks, r 107 Mulberry Simmons William, carp, r ws Wilder, 3d s of Troup, S. M Simmons William, c, drayman S. R. Jaques & Tinsley Co., r
rear 237 College Simmons William, c, lab, r ns C. R. R., V Simmons William, molder J. S. Schofield & Son, r 234 Main,
E. M Simmons William C., lab, bds es 3d, 3d s ofStrattou Simmons William T., lab, bds ws Wilder, 3d s of Troup Simmons W., wks C. R. R., bds 1536 3d Simons Samuel, tailor M. Greenberg, bds 319 Walnut Simonson Charles W., painter G. S. & F. R R.,. r 953 Elm Simpson Amelia E. Miss, bds ns New Houston rd, 2d e of Ells,
S.M Simpson Isaiah, c, wks Stubblefield House, r 1016 Ocmulgee Simpson James A., civil eng, r ns New Houston rd, 3d e of Ells,
S.M Simpson Jane, wid W. R., r ns New Houston rd, 2d e of Ells,
Simpson Jessie J. Miss, bd ns New Houston rd, 2d e of Ells, S. M

flUO, lULL (x b U -1 OUTFITTERS J ONE PRICE-552 & 554 CHeiTy St. N*





Simpson J. Ruff, flagman C. R. R., bds 1425 4th Simpson Squire, c, waiter M. G. Putzel Simpson William, c, wks G. S. & F. R. R., r 857 Boundary Sims Alex, c, lab, r ns Elm, 2d w of Hammond Sims Calvin, c, wks J. G. Ruan Sims Charles C., bkkpr, r 457 Spring Sims Charles C. Jr. (Roff Sims &Bro. and Sims, Cobb & Co.),
bds 457 Spring Sims, Cobb & Co. (Roft Sims, J. J. Cobb, J. W. Cabaniss and
C. C. Sims Jr.), loan agts, 406 3d Sims George W., printer News, r 1153 Hazel Sims Henderson, c, wks J. M. Furcron, r Collinsville Sims James, c, R. R. hand, bds 356 Phcenix, E. M Sims Moses S., c, plasterer, r 379 Monroe Sims Nellie Miss, teacher Ash St. School, bds 457 Spring Sims Richard, c, lab C. R. R. shops Sims Roff (Roff Sims & Bro and Sims, Cobb & Co), and pres
Y. M. S. & L. Assn, bds 457 Spring
SIMS ROFF & BRO. (Roff and C. C. Sims, Jr.), boots and
shoes, 406 3d Sims Wesley, c, wks J. G. Ruan Sinclair Charles, painter, bds 1525 3d Sinclair Dennis, c, drayman, r McKenna's al Sinclair Elias, painter, r 1525 3d Sinclair Ella Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds 1525 3d Sineath James J., mach E. T., V. & G. R. R., r 1016 2d
SINGER MNFG. CO. THE, B. D. Armstrong, mngr; 113
Cotton av Singletary Thomas T., elk I. Thorner, r 667 Mulberry Singleton Edward, c, brickmason, r 1070 Ocmulgee Singleton Henry, c, wks Dixie Wks Singleton James, c, wks Bibb No. 2, r Tupelo Singleton John, c, wks C. C. Ice Works, r Nixon la, bey limits Singleton Jordan, c, lab, r West End Singleton Joseph W., bkkpr W. R. Singleton & Co., bds 818
Cherry Singleton Lizzie, c, lunchroom, 158 4th, r 526 Cotton av Singleton Nero, c, lab, r 383 Madison Singleton Samuel H. (W. R. Singleton & Co.), r 374 Orange
MACON COMMERCIAL COLLEGE} A First Class Business School
J Cirguiars free, "W. McKAY, Principal. Rapid Business Penmanship

nrUAVFN l ffl contractors and builders,

ULnUVUl Ql U j

V 6th St., Cor. Cherry. (See p. 7.)




Singleton Warren, c, cooper Palmer Mnfg Co Singleton William, c, wks Dixie Wks Singleton William, c, driver Brewery, r rear 1005 Walnut Singleton William C. (W. R. Singleton &Co.), r 875 Cherry Singleton W. Russell (W. R. Singleton & Co.), r 818 Cherry
SINGLETON W. R. & CO. (W. R., W. C. and S. H. Single-
ton), shoes, hats and trunks, 558-560 Cherry Sinquefield Amanda, wid, r Forsyth, nw cor Poe, V Siuton Griff, barkpr L. C. Cooper, r rear 254 New Sinton Louis K., c, carrier P. O., r 312 Jefferson
SIOUX CITY PROVISION CO., D. Witkowski, cashier
and mngr; 460 1st Sires James E., fireman C. R. R., bds 1015 2d Sires William H, blksmith C. R. R., r 1015 2d Sissons Peter W., eng C. R. R., r 231 Jackson Sixth St. A. M. E. Church, c, 6th, s of Hazel Skalowski Bernard, elk, r 613 Plum Skalowski Maurice (Josephson & Skalowski), bds 570 2d Skanks George, c, harnessmkr A. Bernd, r rear 906 Plum Skellie Thomas O., mngr Ga. Fruit Exchange, r 258 Columbus Skinner Ella Mrs., wks Bibb No. 2, r 87 Oglethorpe, Factory
row Skinner Joseph D., printer, r 659 Elm Skinner William, wks Bibb No. 2, r 87 Oglethorpe, Factory row Skinner William J., fireman C. R. R., r ws 2d, 3d s of
Troup, S. M Skipper Charles P., painter Royal & Gibson, r ws Cedar, 4th
s of Stratton, S. M Skipper Elizabeth, wid T., r ws 3d, 8th of Windsor, S. M Skipper John, painter, r ws Cedar, 4th s of Stratton, S. M Skipper John T., foreman C. R. R. yd, r Chapel, ne cor Strat
ton, S. M
Skipper Martin V., cooper Palmer Mnfg Co., bds ss Forsyth, opp Crump's Park
Skrine Jennie, wid W. A., bds 355 Elm Slade John W., eng E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds 454 Oak Slade William, c, wks J. G. Ruan Slappey Fanny Mrs., r Vineville rd, nw cor Craft's al Slappey Frederick, c, cook Commercial Hotel, r Murray's al

Ill I rH I K Al IIIIIHII rrUTDII LIFE insurance co. ,,owest Dentil Kate. Highest Interest Kata-
UI11UI1 ULIl I IIJUL (Seep. 6.) T. S. LOWRY, Manager.

PRINTING} Done at short notice and in the best style at the lowest prices. Don't go elsewhere J.W.BURKE&CO.




Slaughter Albert, c, waiter Brown's Hotel, r 957 Ocmulgee Slaughter George, c, carp Powers' Contg Co Slaughter George, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 914 1st Slaughter Shedd, c, r Woodruff, sw cor Monroe Slaughter William, c, lab, r ns Phillips, 3d e of Center, E. M Sledge Fannie Miss, tailoress, bds 753 3d Sledge George, c, drayman Price & Maas Sledge Robert, c, wks C. D. Findlay, bds al bet Oak and Piue,
nr 5th Sledge William, c, lab, r 356 2d, E. M Sloan Charles H., lab, bds ss Boundary, 2d w of 3d, S. M Sloan Crowell L., cashier Dannenberg & Doody, bds ss Boun
dary, 2d w of 3d, S. M Sloan Mary E., wid W. H., r ss Boundary, 2d w of 3d, S. M Slocum Edward, c, wks J. G. Ruan Slocum Moses, c, lab, r ws al bet 4th and Elbert, 3d s of Elm Slocumb Jesse E., elk Winn, Johnson & Co., r es Church, 5th n
of Garden, E. M Slocumb Louis J., carp, r ws Church, 2d n of Garden, E. M Small Artemus H., bkkpr A. B. Small, bds 330 Washington av Small Augustus B. (Goodwyn & Small), and whol grocer,
419-421 3d, r 656 College Small Jacob, c, lab, bds 1223 4th Small James, c, wks R. Waggenstein, r 103 5th Small Joseph O., trav agt, bds 656 College Small Mamie Mad., r 620 5th Small Robert, c, brakeman C. R. R Small Solomon, c, lab, r ss Boundary, 3d e of 4th, S. M Smalling Robert H. (Macon Sash, Door and Lumber Co.),
r ws 3d, 1st s ef Stratton, S. M Smallwood Chas., wks Bibb No. 1, r ns Elm, 3d e of Main, E. M Smallwood Charles R., carp, bds 1117 Hazel Smallwood Elijah, wks Bibb No. 1, bds ws Factory row, 3d s
of Hidrola, E. M Smallwood Ella Mrs., dressmkr, r 202 Main, E. M Smallwood Henry, lab, r ns Elm, 5th e of Main, E. M Smallwood John, fireman, bds ns Elm, 3d e of Main, E. M Smallwood John, wks Bibb No. 1, bds ws Factory row, 3d s of
Hidrola, E. M


Office: Capital Bank, 456 Second St.

Insurance Agent.




Smallwood Susan, wid R. J., r 1117 Hazel Smallwood Thomas, r ws Factory row, 3d s of Hidrola, E. M Smart Delia H., wid J. C., bds 143 Rose Park Smart Randall, c, porter Dannenberg & Doody, r ns Holmes,V Smith Addie, wks Bibb No. 1 Smith Albert, c, lab G. S. & F. R. R., r Willingham row Smith Alex, elk W. L. Morgan, r 554 Ash Smith Alex, eng C. R. R., r 1142 3d Smith Alfred, c, wks J. S. Schofield & Son, r al, bet 6th and
7th, nr Walnut Smith Alice Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co Smith Allen, c, wks C. R. R., r es al, 3d s of Ash, w of 3d Smith Andrew, c, wks J. S. Jones, r P. H Smith Andrew J., grocer, r es Milledgeville rd, 5th n of Fair-
view, E. M Smith Andrew J., wks Bibb No. 1, r ws Factory row, 2d s of
Hidrola, E. M Smith Annie L. Miss, elk M. Newman, bds 340 Jackson Smith Arms, c, porter Smith & Perryman, r 522 Plum Smith Augustus, c, wks Dixie Wks, r 310 Calhoun Smith A. William, drummer H. D. Adams & Co., r Tennille,
Ga SMITH BEN C. (Smith & Gordon), and pres Board of
Trade, r 810 Mulberry
Smith Benjamin J., bkkpr Duncan & Carnes, bds es Milledge ville rd, 5th n of Fairview, E. M
Smith Berry H., eng Macon Brewing Co., r 920 1st SMITH BRIDGES, elk City Council, office City Hall, U/*'4"'
r 855 2d
Smith Callie Mrs., wks Macon Knitting Co., bds 458 Hazel Smith Charles, fireman C. R. R., r 462 Hawthorne Smith Charles, lab, r es Bright's al, 1st s of Hazel Smith Charles, c, lab, bds 1315 2d Smith Charles, c, wks E. T., V. & G. R. R., r 211 Ash Smith Charles, c, wks Palmer Mnfg Co., r Vineville rd, n of
Holmes Smith Charles A., blksmith C. R. R., r 867 4th Smith Charles B., pressman J. W. Burke & Co., r 966 Elm Smith Charles E., watchman C. R. R., r 342 Clinton, E. M

f WII [Win MIK hnntractnrs and Builders VI I LULU U 11 U.


II 614 to 623 Third Street, MACON. GA.





Smith Charles H., flagman C. R. R., bds ss Boundary, 5th w

of 3d, S. M

Smith Charles H., wks C. R R, r 420 Pine

Smith Charles L., mach, bds 360 Elm

Smith Charles M., printer News, r 056 1st

5 Smith Clara I. Miss, prin Orange St. School, bds ss Forsyth,

bey limits Smith Cosby W., bkkpr Payne & Willingham, r H. H-

A 'i A*"

* ;

Smith C. B., brakeman C. R R


Smith C. E., distiller, hd of Green, bds Hotel Lanier

Smith C. W. Mrs., dressmkr, 155 Cotton av

Smith Dabney W. (Smith & Smith), r 582 Monroe

Smith Daniel, c, lab, r rear 374 Clinton, E. M

Smith Delphia A., wid G., r 245 Bond

Smith Duncan, real estate and insagt, 516 Mulberry, r 519


Smith Durham G., policeman, r 151 Cole

Smith Edmund, c, lab, r 220 Orange

Smith Edward, c, hackman J. Harvey

Smith Edward, c, wks Bibb No. 2

Smith Edward D., c, waiter, bds 533 Monroe

Smith Edward S., bkkpr, r 700 Spring

Smith Edwin L., painter, r 352 Walnut

Smith Elijah, c, lab, bds 220 Orange

Smith Eliza C., wid C. C., rns Stratton, 6th e of Chapel, S. M

Smith Elizabeth, wid J. B., r 1009 4th

Smith Ella, wid R., r 519 Pine

Smith Emanuel, eng C. R. R., r e3 Church, 2d s of St. John's,

E. M

Smith Emma O. Miss, teacher Second St. School, r 863 Arch

Smith Enoch, c, drayman, r 152 Bay


Smith Eugene, c, cooks P. Heidingsfelder

Smith Eugene H., printer Telegraph, bds 863 Pine~>-

Smith Eugene P., collector, r 223 Tattnall

Smith Eugene W., wks Smith & Smith, r 582 Monroe

Smith Eugenia Mrs., r 253 Ocmulgee

Smith Frank, c, carp, r ws Hammond, 2d s of Elm

Smith Frank, c, wks Ga. Mills, bds 553 Cotton av

Smith Fred, candymkr, bds 3 New

0.P.& B. E. WfLLINGHflM & C0.Manufac,urers of Doors' 7th & Cherry Streets. Office 363 3d. Sash, BNntlS, Mantels, Etc.

rele,,^eeP f) 307` T. C. PARKER.




Smith Frederick J., c (Smith & Perryman), r ws al bet Jackson and Telfair, s of Hazel
Smith George, r Windsor Hill, S. M Smith George, c, candymkr Rogers & Adams Smith George, eng C. R. R., bds 454 Oak Smith George, c, lab, r ws Comer's al, 2d n of Chestnut Smith George, c, lab, r rear 202 Hammond Smith George, c, lab, r Harris al Smith George, c, lab, r 1005 Ocmulgee Smith George, c, blksmith C. D. Findlay, r 1315 2d Smith George, c, porter Rogers, Jones & Moore, r rear ns
Holmes, V Smith George, c, porter E. T., V. & G. depot, r 151 Spring Smith George, c, waiter Benner Bros Smith George, c, wks J. S. Schofield & Son, r ss Holmes, 5th
w of Middle, P. H Smith George A., director Sou. Hardware Co., bds 245 Bond Smith George D., cond C. R. R, r 863 Arch Smith George E., wks N. M. Block, bds 863 Pine Smith George G. Rev., r ns Forsyth, V Smith George L., constable W. H. Wylly, bds 960 1st Smith George T., c, carrier P. O., r 227 Washington av Smith George W., car insp E. T., V. & G. R. R , bds ns An
derson, 4th w of 2d, S. M Smith Green, c, lab, r 438 Hammond Smith Green G., c, ragman, r 371 Monroe Smith Hardy, sec and treas M. & D. R. R. Co., r Dublin Smith Hattie Miss, wks Bibb No. 1
Smith Henry, c, lab, r al, bet Washington av and Forsyth, nr branch
Smith Henry, c, painter, r ns Holt, 3d e of Middle, P. H Smith Henry, c, wks C. R. R., r ws C. R. R., 2d n of Elm Smith Howard, mess Sou. Ex. Co., bds 558 Oak Smith Howard M. (Lawton & Smith), and sec Guarantee Co.
of Ga., 364 2d, bds 562 Madison Smith H. T., cond S. W. R. R., r S. M Smith Ida Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co Smith Ira, c, elk, 203 5th Smith Ira A., mach C. D. Findlay

Smith Isabella Mrs,, grocer, 340 Jackson Smith Isabella, wid W. M., r ns Anderson, 4th w of 2d, S. M

Smith Iverson L., dray line, r ws Ft. Hill, 4th s of Woolfolk,

E. M Smith Jacob, c, lab, r ws al bet 4th and Elbert, 2d n of Boun-


,, ,

Smith James, bkkpr J. S. Schofield & Son, r ss Columbus rd

Smith James, c, lab, r 357 Hawthorne Smith James, c, wks P. Heidingsfelder, r ws Cole, 1st s of Ash
Smith James B., r es Milledgeville rd, 5th u of Hidrola, E. M

Smith James D., planter, r ss Columbus rd Smith James H,, carp, r ws 3d, 9th s of Windsor, S. M A . Smith James H., printer J. W. Burke & Co., r 863 Piue^r ^

Smith James T., flagman C. R. R., r 458 Hawthorne

Smith James W., eng C. R. R., bds 476 Ash Smith James W., grocer, es Center, 3d n of Clinton, E. M Smith James W.. joiner C. C. Holt, r es Center, 2d n of Clin

ton, E. M Smith James W., tel opr, bds 769 Poplar Smith Jennie Miss, knitter Ga. Hoseiry Co Smith Jerry, c, lab J. S. Schofield & Son, r V Smith Jesse G. (Smith & Smith), r Brunswick

Smith Joel, eng C, R. R Smith John, c, blksmith, r V. rd, n of Holmes Smith John, c, butcher R. L. Henry, r rear 814 Orange

Smith John, c, carp, r rear es UHman rd Smith John, c, eng C. C. Stratton & Co., r 420 Ash

Smith John, c, lab, bds 220 Walnut Smith John H., flagman S. W. R. R., bds 458 Hawthorne

Smith John S. H., foreman H. & L. Co Smith John W., c, lab, r 176 College Smith John W. M., carp G. S. & F. R. R., bds es 4th, 1st s of

Windsor, S. M Smith Jordan, c, hackman, r 43 Virgin's la, V

Smith Joseph, c, carp, r 328 Hidrola, E. M

Smith Joseph, c, carp R. C. Wilder's Sons, r ns Pebble, 1st w

of Wilder, S. M Smith Joseph, collector, bds 960 1st Smith Joseph, c, porter Progress Club, r rear 716 Plum

408 & 410 Mulberry






Smith Joseph A., c, plasterer, r ws Jones, 1st n of Holmes, P. H. Smith Joseph B., printer, bds 1009 4th Smith Julia Miss, bds Church, nw cor Garden, E. M Smith Julius, c, porter R. L. Henry Smith J. Lundie, elk Lawton & Smith, bds 562 Madison Smith J. N., cond S. W. R. R Smith J. W. B. Rev., pastor Christian Church Smith Katie, wid, bds 141 Forsyth Smith Leven J. W., carp, r rear ss Boundary, 5th w of 3d, S. M Smith Levi J., watchman, r ss Tindall, 5th w of Telfair, S. M Smith Lewis, c, painter, r 417 Monroe Smith Lewis H. Rev., c, pastor Stewart A. M. E. Church, r
653 Spring Smith Lizzie Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co., bds 458 Hawthorne Smith Luke, grocer, Market Smith Luther, c, shoemkr W. B. Carhart & Co., bds 656J
Hazel Smith Mack, wks J. H. Roush & Sons, bds 1507 3d Smith Mack, c, porter S. R. Jaques & Tinsley Co., r rear 620
Spring Smith Margaret, wid, r 345 Flanders' al, E. M Smith Marion, c, hackman, r es Middle, 8th n of New Cherry,
P. H Smith Martha S, wid J., r es Chapel, 2d s of Stratton, S. M Smith Mary C., wid J. B., r 960 1st Smith Mary M. Miss, bds 458 Hawthorne Smith Mattie L. Miss, r ss Tindall, 5th w of Telfair, S. M Smith Milton E., shirt mnfr, 418 2d, r 426 Calhoun Smith Murray, c, porter W. Nelson, r Tybee Smith Neal, c, porter, r ss Chestnut, 1st w of W. Boundary Smith Nero, c, lab, r 820 Ocmulgee Smith Orlando J., coppersmith C. R. R., bds ss Pebble, 3d w
of Elbert, S. M Smith Perry C., trav agt, r ws Perry, 1st n of Ft. Hill, E. M Smith Peter, c, wks E. T., V. & G. R. R., r 305 Hammond Smith Peyton R. (Burden, Smith & Ellis), bds 374 Orange Smith Primus, c, lab, r rear ws Elbert, 1st s of Boundary, S. M Smith Rebecca M. Miss, bds ns Tindall, 2d w of Telfair, S. M Smith Robert, c, farmer, r ws Plant's al, 1st n of Ash

[ine fjffl ft P(| LeadingClothiersand Furnishers
LUUj, IlLLL 01 bU. 552 & 554 Cherry Street, MACON, GA.

Children's Carriages, goat wagons
s. s.,47second st. (Seep.7.) Saddles, Harness, Etc.




Smith Robert, flagman E. T., V. & G. R. R-> bds 106 5th

Smith Robert, c, steward M. G. Putzel
SMITH ROBERT F. propr THE FAIR, notions, crockery,

glassware, tinware, 408-410 Mulberry, r es Milledgeville rd,

11th n of Hidrola, E. M. (See top lines.)

Smith Robert H. (Smith & Hall), r361 Orange

Smith Robert H., eng G. S. & F. R. R., r 476 Ash

Smith Robert J., fireman C. R. R., r ws 3d, 5th s of Windsor,

S. M Smith Robert L., with Holliman, Watson & Adams, bds 458


Smith Robert M., with Price & Maas, r 672 Oak

Smith Robert W., mach C. D. Findlay, bds ns Stratton, 6th e

of Chapel, S. M
SMITH ROBERT W., proof reader J. W. Burke & Co.,

bds 863 Pine

Smith Rufus R., eng C. R. R., r 1520 4th

Smith Samuel, flagman, bds 106 5th

Smith Samuel, c, lab C. R. R., r 152 Bay
Smith Samuel, c, porter, r 325 Main, E. M

Smith Seaborn, c, painter, r rear 654 Plum

Smith Seaborn A., stenographer G. S. & F. R. R., r 863 Arch

Smith Sidney, elk, r 561 Madison

Smith Sidney, c, lab, r 519 Flanders E. M

Smith Sterling P., pipeman Stmr No. 2, r 771 New

Smith Stinson, c, wks Pettit, DeHaven & Co

Smith Sydenham T., elk W. J. Juhan, bds 357 1st

Smith Terrell, cond S. W. R. R

Smith Thomas, c, barber J. H. Benner, bds rear 805 Orange

Smith Thomas, c, lab C. R. R., r rear 1414 3d

Smith Thomas, c, plasterer, r rear 559 Madison

Smith Thomas C., c (Smith & Jackson), r New York

Smith Walter, c, porter D. A. Keating, r Vineville rd, n of



SMITH WALTER G., elk county commrs, r 562 Mad iso

Smith Walter P., printer, bds 863 Pine


Smith Washington, c, wks J. D. Scott, r rear 361 Madison

Smith Wiley, c, wks A. Randall, r Brewery la

Smith William, c, carp, r 253 Chestnut

MACON COfyiMERCIAL COLLEGE A First-class Business School Rapid Business Penmanship. Circulars Free. w. McKay, Prin.

Sash, Door and Blind MANUFACTURERS




Smith William, c, cook Benner Bros Smith William, c, hacktnan, r ws Craft's al, 1st n of Jefferson,
P. H Smith William, c, lab, r ws C. R. R., 3d n of Elm Smith William, c, lab, bds ns Chestnut, 5th w ofW. Boundary Smith Wm., c, porter J. P. Allen & Co., r 227 Washington av Smith William, c, porter, bds 1315 2d Smith William B., baggage elk C. R. R., bds 519 Pine Smith William F., with Smith & Hall, bds Edgertou House Smith William H., c, blksmith J. Lyons, r Viueville rd, n of
Holmes Smith William J., carp, r 360 Elm Sraitn William M., c,carp, r ws Middle, 4th n ofJefferson, P. H Smith William R. flagman E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds 106 5th Smith W. T., elk Chas. Wachtel, r Spring
SMITH & GORDON (B. C. Smith and W. M. Gordon),
whol grocers, 413-415 Cherry
SMITH & HALL (R. H. Smith and G H. Hall, Jr.),
machinery dlrs, 356 4th. (See back cover.) Smith & Jackson, c, (T. C. Smith and M. W. Jackson), saloon,
513 Cotton av Smith & Perryman, c, (F. J. Smith and C. W. Perryman),
saloon and restaurant, 613 4th
SMITH & SMITH (D. W. and J. G. Smith), livery, sale and
feed stable, 652 3d. (See p. 9.) Snead Charles E., c, barberS. M. Gantt, r 415 Madison Snead John W., mach C. R. R., bds Wilbourn House Snead Louis B., furniture, 705 4th Snellgrove Emma Mrs., wks Bibb No. 1, bds 417 Main, E. M Snellgrove George W., carp C. R. R., r 454 Hawthorne Snellgrove Henry A., wks Bibb No. 1, bds ws Milledgevillerd,
2d n of Hidrola, E. M Snellgrove James N., shoemkr J. Schelling, r ws Milledgeville
rd, 2d n of Hidrola, E. M Snellgrove J. H., carp C. R. R., shops Suelling William A., with Allen, Dumas & Thompson, r 815
Oak Snow Arthur B., wks Bibb No. 2, bds 88 Oglethorpe, Factory


and has made MOST Rapid Progress of any Co.


T. S. LOWRY, Manager.

PIANOS 1 j- w. burke & CO. {WHEELER & WILSON


1 j-

better for you --

than anybody can <1 o

" ~~





Snow George N., wks Bibb No. 2, bds 88 Oglethorpe, Factory row
Snow Homer L., with R. J. Anderson, bds Chapel, sw cor Pebble, S. M
Snow John O., wks Bibb No. 2, bds 88 Oglethorpe, Factory row Snow Lydia E., wid G., r 88 Oglethorpe, Factory row Snowden William H., cotton buyer, 552 Poplar, r 657 College Snyder Lou Mrs, r 484 Orange Soein Benjamin, bds 421 Cherry Solomon Caesar, c, wks W. R. Ivey, r 204 Ash Solomon Charles H., jewelry, 366 2d, r 803 Cherry Solomon Ferrell, c, lab, r ss Turpin, 10th e of Division Solomon Fred, elk, bds 453 Walnut Solomon Green, c, wks G. S. & F. R. R., r Wing Bottom, S. M Solomon Gus, c, porter G. Bernd & Co., bds 53 1st Solomon Henry, c, carp, r 121 New
Solomon Henry, Jr., c, porter J. H. Hertz, bds 121 New Solomon James B., carp, r Telfair Solomon Jefferson, c, lab, r ss Ray, 2d e of Peachtree, E. M Solomon Jennie Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co Solomon Joseph, c, lab C. R. R., r Wright's al, s of Ash Solomon Leon, elk A. Lesser, r 711 Cherry Solomon Lucas, c, drayman, r Wing's Bottom, S. M Solomon Missouri J. Mrs., wks Macon Knitting Co., r 457
Solomon Peter, elk Kershaw & Hill, bds 803 Cherry Solomon Prophet, c, carp, r 803 Pine Solomon Samuel, r 453 Walnut Solomon Stephen M. (Solomon & Riley), bds 803 Cherry Solomon Thomas, c, lab C. R. R., r Wing's Bottom, S. M Solomon Troup, c, hackman, r 210 Hazel Solomon Turner, c, plasterer, bds 121 New Solomon William, c, cook, r ws Dairy Lane, 2d n of Green Solomon William G. (W. G. Solomon & Co.), and mdse broker^
409 Cherry, r 732 Cotton av
Solomon W. G. & Co. (W. G. Solomon), stocks and bonds ^ 409 Cherry
Solomon & Riley (S. M. Solomon and G. S. Riley), whol gro cers, 413 3d
Im GREENBERG Fins Msanila Fit

nm R IFWFTT general insurance agent




Soudan Philip, collector, bds 1238 4th Soule Alexander, c, mach C. R. R., bds 769 4th South Georgia Orphans' Home, Rev. L. B. Payne, supt; For
syth rd, V South Macon Baptist Church, Rev. J. J. Hyman, pastor; 2d,
nw cor Elm South Macon Free School, C. W. Minor, prin; lid New Hous
ton rd Souther Caroline, wid J., bds Applewood, 2d s of 2d av, E. M
SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH CO., John D. Easterlin, dist supt; D. H. Mullenix, mngr;
457 2d Southern Emporium,M.Nussbaum, propr; dry goods, 357-359 2d
SOUTHERN EXPRESS CO., G. P. Clark, agt; 520 4th
Southern Fish Co., A. A. Vardell, mngr; foot Mulberry
SOUTHERN HARDWARE CO., R. A. Merritt, pres; M.
B. Baker, sec; hardware and house furnishing, 406 Cherry
R. Southern Phosphate Works, J. P. Brown, pres^ J. Taylor,
treas and mngr; wks Division, bet Elm and Boundary, office 417 Cherry
Pub. Co., pubrs; L. B. Clifton, editor; 412 Cherry Southwestern R. R. Co., J. E. Jones, pres; W. S. Brantly, sec
and treas; office 323 3d Spain William B., with M.Nussbaum & Co., bds Brown's Hotel Spaits Georgia Miss, housekpr, 260 2d Spalding Henry, c, greaser G. S. & F. R. R., r Bright's al, s
of Hazel Sparkman Rufus, lab Palmer Mnfg Co., bds ss C. R. R., bey
limits Sparks Frank, c, lab, r ss New Cherry, 5th w of Monroe Sparks Fred, c, janitor, r 215 Jones Sparks G. R., flagmau C. R. R Sparks Henry, c, lab, r rear 320 Ocmulgee Sparks Levi, c, lab, r 261 Madison Sparks Melissa, wid I., r 69 Hawthorne, Factory row Sparks Ovid G., r 528 Washington av Sparks Ovid G. Jr. (W. B. & O. G. Sparks), bds 528 Wash
ington av
R.C. WILDER'S SONS Builders Supplies,Hardware.
614 to 622 Third Street, MACON, OA. r AIM I O, UlLo AMU LLAU,

HA 4 T FOR OPEN HOLMES JOHNSON J\_F 313 Ocmnlg'ee Street. A.

I i \ j fj-1-fc..A. kI"




Sparks Robert, cond C. R. R., bds 518 Pine

Sparks Ruff, brakeman C. R. R., r C. R. R., 1st s of Elm

SPARKS WILLIS B. (W. B. & O, G. Sparks), pres Macon

Construction Co., and M. & S. Construction Co., bds 528 Washington av

Sparks W. B. & O. G. (Willis B. and Ovid G.), cotton factors,

461 3d


Speer Abel, carp, bds es 4th, 8th s of Stratton, S. M

Speer Anthony, c, cook Park Hotel, r 820 Plum

Speer Carrie Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co

Speer Charles, fireman G. S. & F. R. R., r S. M

SPEER EMORY, judge U. S. Court, Sou. Dist. ofGa., rTiie Cedars, V

Speer John, carp C. R. R., r es 4th, 8th s of Stratton, S. M

Speer John, Jr., carp E. J.Willingham & Bro., bds es 4th, 8th s of Stratton, S. M

Speer Mattie A. Miss, bkkpr, bds es 4th, 1st s of Windsor, S. M Spencer Lizzie, bds 604 5th

Spencer Robert, c, porter S. W. R. R., r 927 5th

Sperry B. W., mngr Brown House

Spiegel Alexander E., with S. Waxelbaum & Son

Spies Homer, wks Bibb No. 2, bds ws 1st, 4th n of Hawthorne

Spies John, wks Bibb No. 2, bds ws 1st, 4th n of Hawthorne

Spies Joseph, flagman G. S. & F. R. R., bds 1520 3d

Spies Marion, with Parker's News Co., bds ws 1st, 4th ,u of Hawthorne

Spies Mary L. Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds ws 1st, 4th n of Hawthorne

Spies Minnie Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds ws 1st, 4th n of Hawthorne

Spiers Sarah, wid J., r ws 1st, 4th n of Hawthorne

Spikes Benjamin, watchman J. S. Schofield & Son, r 316 Phoenix, E. M

Spikes Isaac, mach J. S. Schofield & Son, r ws Willingham, 3d n of Bernard, E. M

Spikes John, spinner Manchester Mnfg Co., r 1 Manchester row

Spikes Rebecca Miss, r 618 5th

Spivey Henry, c, lab, r es College, s of Boundary

Paints, Oils, Glass, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Etc. t At 0. P. & B. E. WILLINGHAM & CO S.




in SEASON at Headquarters.

Spivey Melvin, c, gardener D. G. Hughes, r rear ss Forsyth, V

Spivey Samuel, c, porter Flint House

_ #

Springer William, c, lab, bds ss Turpin, 4th e of Division

Sprinz Edward, elk, r 658 Arch

Sprinz Emanuel, elk I. Thorner, bds 658 Arch

Sprinz Fabius, elk, bds 658 Arch

Sprinz Joseph, elk A. Lesser, bds 715 Poplar

Staats J. A., bds 458 1st Stafford Benjamin, c, porter J. W. Millirons, bds 1012 Hazel

Stafford Jackson, c, lab, r ns Jefferson, 4th e of Jones, P. H

Stafford Peter, mach C. R. R., bds 408 Oak

Stable D. Motter, mach Macon G, L. & AY. Co., r ss Forsyth,

6th w of W. Boundary

Stable J. Small, printer J. W. Burke &Co., bds 715 Pine

Stair Edward B., painter C. R. R., bds 715 Pine

Stallard M. L , brakeman C. R. R

Stallings David A., bds 720 Plum

Stallings J. W., with Chappel & Park

Stallings L. Tucker, collector First Nat. Bank, bds 130 High
STANDARD OIL CO., B, F. Stone, mngr; 123 Bay

Stanfield Robert A., motorman M. C. & S. St. R. R

Stanford Anderson, c, lab, r 558 Hammond

Stanford Charles, c, porter W. Gelston, r ws 2d, 6th s of Wil

liams, S. M



Stanford George, c* brakeman S. W. R. R., r country

Stanford James, c, fainter Powers Contg Co., bds 105 Hazel

Stanford James E., watchman Macon Clay Wks, r Gunn's

Hill, S. M Stanford Thomas M., fireman C. R. R., bds es 4th, 1st s of

Febble, S. M

Stanley Anderson, c, wks J. G. Ruan

Stanley Doc, watchman Macon O. & F. Co., r 1520 2d

Stanley James H., eng C. & M. R. R., r 217 4th

Stanley Laura, wid AY., bds 1320 4th

Stanley Mattie E. Miss, dressmkr, bds 1520 2d

Stanley Maud L. Miss, dressmkr, bds 1520 2d

Stanley Oscar L., painter, bds 1520 2d

Stanley Toney, c, carp C. R. R., r al bet Oak and Oglethorpe,

nr 4th

MACON BEER rmifii ^ jny MADE inthe W0RLD w excels most




Stanton Louis, c, lab C. R. R., r 331 7th Stapleton Amanda Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 1017 Hazel Stapleton Richard, molder E. Crockett, bds 466 Bay Stapley William, mach J. S. Schofield & Son, bds 807 Oak Star Clothing Co., D. Wachtel, mngr; 608 Cherry Stark Charles A., elk Powers Contg Co., bds Park Hotel Starling Abel, wks C. R. R., bds 330 Clinton, E. M Starling Gabriel R., boilermkr, bds 135 Academy
Starr H. J., brakeman C. R. R Starr Joseph, elk L. Goldman, r 365 Cotton av Statham Robert L, with S. Waxelbaum & Son Stead John A., sec and treas Ga. Fruit Exchange, bds 710
Mulberry Steed Carl W., prin high school Mercer Univ., bds 269 Maple Steed Clem P. (Steed & Wimberly, and Mallary Bros. & Co.),
bds 269 Maple Steed George Y., bkkpr Mallary Bros. & Co., bds 269 Maple
Steed India P., wid E. A., r 269 Maple
Steed J. W., flagman S. W. R. R Steed Robert E., sec and treas Dunlap Hardware Co., r 156
Magnolia STEED & WIMBERLY (C. P. Steed and 01 in J. Wimberly),
lawyers, 304 3d Steele Charles, c, carp, bds Thompson House
Steele Charles R., elk, bds 603 1st Steele Frank, c, carp, bds Thompson House Steele Lee, c, wks Manchester Mufg Co., r ss C. R. R., bey
limits Steele William, c, carp, bds Thompson House Steffens Ad, watchmkr Jos. E. Wells, bds Park Hotel
Stein George J., grocer, r 470 Hazel Stein Herman, genl store, 470 Mulberry, r 713 Cherry Sceinheimer Emanuel (Cohen & Co.), r 664 Plum Stembridge Benjamin, c, cook L35 Park pi Stembridge James S. (Stembridge & Shinholser), bds Park Hotel
Stembridge Joseph B., grocer, 802 Eim Stembridge & Shinholser (J. S. Stembridge and T. J. Shin
holser), saloon, Wall, nr 2d Stemple Isaac Rev., prof languages, r 515 2d

157, 139, 161 Cotton Avenue. (Seep. 8.) GENERAL CONTRACTORS

408 and 410 Mulberry Street. UMtMMllSOfMOflSallteriptiMS




Stephens Agnes Miss, bds 505 Walnut

Stephens Benjamin, c, carp, r ws W. Boundary, 4th n of


Stephens Emeline J., wid A. R., r 146 Magnolia

Stephens Fleming, c, lab, r al bet 4th and Elbert, nr Bay

Stephens Joseph, c, grocer, 402 Monroe

Stephens Julius, c, porter D. O. Lyons & Co., r 5 Cole

Stephens L. A., cond C. R. R

Stephens Pearl Miss, teacher, bds 134 Forsyth

Stephens Robert, c, lab, rss Bay, 3d e of Division

Stephens Robert, with W. B. Carhart & Co., bds 505 Walnut

Stephens William, baker M. Newman, r 505 Walnut

Stephenson Scott, c, wks E. T., V. & G. R. R., r 1220 4th

Stephenson Willis, c, wks G. S. & F. R. R

Stern Sydney, with Wolff & Happ, bds 154 4th

Stetson James D. (Ham, Adams & Co.), and director Sou Hard

ware Co., r Hawkinsville

Stevens Adam, c, wks M. C. & S. St. R. R., r 221 Forsyth

Stevens Alexander, mo'orman M. C. & S. St. R. R., r 25


Stevens Anthony, c, wks 704 3d

Stevens Bertha Miss, wks Eureka Co,, r 526 Hawthorne

Stevens Elijah, c, lab J. H. Roush & Sons, r 102 Bay

Stevens Ella F. Miss, bds 718 Cherry

Stevens Henry, c, lab, r ws C. R. R., bet Ash and Elm

Stevens Henry, c, lab, r 136 Tattnall

Stevens James (Stevens & Hodges), r country

Stevens James, c, lab C. R. R,, r rear 8 Spring


Stevens James B., supervisor C. R. R., r 417 Arch

Stevens James E. P., bkkpr Exchange Bank, bds 310 College

Stevens James H., flagman S. W. R. R., bds 715 Pine

Stevens John, c, lab C. C. Ice Wks, r 40 Madison

Stevens John H. (Henry Stevens' Sons), r Stevens Pottery

Stevens J. J., tel opr E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds 1544 4th

Stevens Mattie Miss, dressmkr 129 Cotton av, bds 512 Clinton.

E. M

Stevens Price, c, canvasser Va. Furniture Co., r al s of Forsyth, nr Madison

Stevens Robert, c, brickmason, ral bet 4th and Elbert, nr Hazel

fUiUnOe i



ffl BEST hats # liU. & 552 554 Cherry Street,


Buggies S. S, PARIELEE, Carriages BST'/'wwe/ise Stock. Low Prices.

& '~~
7 Wagons.

t->nmr TiTi 470 Second St. (Seep. 7.)




Stevens Robert, c, lab, r 616 Hammond Stevens Scott, c, lab E. T., V. & G. R. R., rTybee Stevens Squire, c, gardener, r 125 College Stevens Wash, c, lab, r ws al, bet 4th and Elbert, 2d s ot Elm Stevens William, c, wks Palmer Mnfg Co STEVENS WILLIAM M., livery, sale and feed stable, 503
Mulberry, r 718 Pine. (See p 10.) Stevens William P. (Henry Stevens' Sons), r 114 Cole Stevens W. C. (Henry Stevens' Sons), r Stevens Pottery STEVENS & HODGES (James Stevens and J. F. Hodges),
wood dlrs, 208 Walnut Stevens' Henry Sons (W. C., J. H. and W. P.), proprs Macon
Clay Wks, S. W. R. R., bey limits Stevenson Lizzie, c, teacher, r 619 3d Stevenson Nancy, c, nurse, r 619 3d Stevenson William H., blksmith W. H. Schatzman, r 217 4th
Stewart Andrew J., grocer, r 1514 2d Stewart A. M. E. Church, c, Rev. L. H. Smith, pastor ; Cotton
av, cor Spring Stewart Benjamin, elk Payne & Willingham, r 458 Ocmulgge
Stewart Benjamin, wks Bibb No. 1 Stewart Charles, c, lab, r 416 Ash Stewart Charles A., with S. Siesel, r 870 2d Stewart Charles T., mach C. C. Ice Wks, bds 1520 3d Stewart Dennis, c, lab, r rear 916 Ocmulgee Stewart Edward J., mach G. S. & F. R. R., bds ws Davis, 3d
s of Williams, S. M Stewart Elijah, c, wks J. G. Ruan, r rear 444 Flanders, E. M Stewart Frank D., eng I. B. English & Co., bds 619 1st Stewart Fred (Stewart & Perteet), bds 870 2d Stewart Henry, c, wks Pettit, DeHaven & Co., bds 70^ Spring Stewart James, c, lab, r ss Holt, 1st w of Middle, P. H Stewart James A., with Holliman, Watson & Adams, bds 458
Ocmulgee Stewart Jesse, c, wks Bibb No. 2, r Plant s al, n of Ash Stewart John, c, drayman, r rear ns Holmes, V Stewart John P., elk J. D. Hudgins, bds 1514 2d
Stewart John S., farmer, r 520 Orange Stewart John W., car insp G. S. & F. R. R., r 4th, nw cor Ells


A First Class Business SCHOOL
W. McKAY, Principal. j Raoil Business PenmansliiD-

BUILDERS' MTIBIIl Of Every Description.


(See p. 7.)

6th St., Cor. Cherry




Stewart Joseph, c, wks M. C. & S. St. R. R Stewart Lee, c, fireman E, T., V. & G. R. R Stewart Mamie Miss, seamstress, r 255 Ocmulgee Stewart Michael, c, wks Dixie Works, r 70 Spring Stewart Pauline Miss, bds 739 Cotton av Stewart Robert, c, wks Dixie Works Stewart Robert A. (Stewart & Seals), r 410 Plum Stewart Samuel T., fireman C. R. R., r 353 Elm Stewart Sarah Mrs., boarding, r ns Elm, 2d e of Main, E. M Stewart Washington, wks Hays & Mansfield Stewart Wesley, c, wks Bibb No. 2, r Godfrey dist Stewart William, grocer, 1440 4th Stewart William,,elk A. Stewart, bds 1514 2d Stewart William, c, lab, r 154 Ash Stewart William, c, lab Bibb No. 2, r Godfrey dist Stewart Wilson, c, lab, r rear 916 Ocmulgee Stewart & Perteet (F. Stewart and B. Perteet), grocers, 215
Hazel Stewart & Seals (R. A. Stewart and Mrs. D. R. Seals), proprs
Wilbourn House, 410 Plum Stiles Nathan, c, lab, r al, n of Orchard av, nr Brewery la Stiles N. H., coud S. & W R. R., r 821 Oak Stinson Eleanor, c, seamstress, r 336 Maple Stinson Samuel L. Rev,, c, r ns Holmes, 7th w of Middle, P.H Stirks John C., runner Stmr No. 2, bds Orange Stockton Edward H., fireman C. R. R., r 1443 4th Stokes Cornelius, c, brick mason, r 1012 Hazel
STONE BENJAMIN F., mngr Standard Oil Co., bds 115
Academy Stone Charles O., bkkpr Cox & Corbin, bds 125 Cole Stone Frances M., wid J. H., bds es 4th, 1st s of Pebble, S. M
Stone George, wks Bibb No. 1 Stone John, wks Bibb No. 1 Stone J. F., carp G. S. & F. R. R., r rear es 4th, 1st s of
Pebble, S. M Stone Robert G., frt elk G. S. & F. R. R., r 612 Oglethorpe Stone Sallie Miss, seamstress, r 252 Orange Stone Tecumseh H., bkkpr Central Ga. Bank, r 125 Cole Stone William, cond G. S. & F. R. R., bds 765 4th


Policies Incontestible and Non-Forfeitable,

(Seep. 6.)



BOOKS! {STATIONERY J. W. BURKE & CO. Keep the best 1 every thing in their line.




Stone William, wks Bibb No. 1 Stone William T. (Ryals & Stone), bds 311 Boud Stoney Rogers, c, cook Brilliant Saloon, bds Thompson House Stoney S. Reed, civil eng, r 520 Madison Stork Almeda, wid F., bds 817 Walnut Story James H., master trains C, R. R., bds Brown's Hotel Story John, c, porter C. & M. R. R., bds 366 4th Stow Edmund D., mngr Macon Paint Works, r 526 Calhoun Stow Woodley, c, lab, r 162 Elm Stowoll Albert, wks Ga. Hosiery Co Stowell Andrew J., mason, r rear es 2d, 5th s of Windsor Straining James, fireman E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds 1310 4th Strang W. B. (J. S. McTighe & Co.), bds Brown's Hotel Stratton Charles C. (C. C. Stratton & Co.), r 608 1st Strattan C. C. & Co. (C. C. Stratton), brick mnfrs, E. T., V. &
G. R. R., 2 miles east, office 608 1st STRATTON GEORGE W., guns and sporting goods, 416
Cherry, r 659 2d Straus David, with A. Gibian & Co., r Albany, Ga Strauss Henry, elk, bds 715 Cherry Strayer George, grocer, New Houston rd, ne cor Ells, S. M Street D. L., blksmith C. R. R., shops Street Henry, c, lab E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds 110 Hazel Streyer Anna Miss, teacher Ash St. School, bds 578 Monroe Streyer John A., elk G. S. & F. R. R., bds 522 Oak Streyer William H., eng C. R. R., r 522 Oak Strickland Laura J., wid G. W., r 1152 Elm Strickland Walter H., fireman C. R. R., bds 814 Orange Stringer Glen, c, waiter Pierpont House Stringfellow Jennie, wid F., r 526 Hawthorne Stringfellow William B., carp, bds es White, 4th s of Ells, S. M Stripling Albert W., carp, r rear ns Woolfolk, 3d w of Ft. Hill,
E.M Stripling Benjamin T., carp, r 114 5th Stripling John M., mer, r 514 Oglethorpe Stritch Joseph, prof St Stanislaus Strobery Charles J. (C. J. Stroberg & SoO), r 452 New STROBERG C. J. & SON (Charles J. and Robert G.),
plumbers and gas fitters, 159 Cotton av

How to Save GREENBERG MONEYS Hate yonrClotMag made ty THE IAILOK.

IfYou Want FIRE.LIFE,ACCIDENT, SURETY or BOND POLICY Call on GEO. B. JEWETT, Office, Capital Bank, 456 2d.




Stroberg John F., wks C. J. Stroberg & Son, r 338 Clinton,
E. M Stroberg Robert G. (C. J. Stroberg & Son), bds 452 New Stroemer Heinrich R., mdse'broker 462 Poplar, r 217 Bond Strohecker Henry F., lawyer 105 Cotton av, bds 320 Spring Strohecker Sarah, wid E. S., r 320 Spring
STRONG EDGAR P., boots and shoes 374 2d, bds 504 Walnut
Strong Edward, c, lab, r Green, ne cor Brewery la Strong Henry, c, wks W. F. Anderson
STRONG THOMAS M., physician, 720 Mulberry, Telephone
336 Stroud Benjamin, c, wks Bibb No. 2, r es Cole, 3d s of Hazel Strouss James, wks M. & B. R. R., bds 668 4th Strozier Alexander, c, drayman, r 377 Monroe Strozier Charles J., painter, r 921 Elm Strozier John W., asst bkkpr H. J. Lamar & Sons, r ns New
Houston rdj 4th e of Ells Strubing India M., wid O. H., r 416 Ross Stuart Edwin H., soda and mineral water mnfr, 754 1st Stuart Frederick H., bkkpr E. H. Stuart, bds 754 1st Stuart James E., mach C. R. R., bds 406 Oak
STUBBLEFIELD HOUSE, Mrs. T. M. Butner, propr; 663
Mulberry Stubbs Charles F., bkkpr, bds 763 Poplar Stubbs Charles P., c, carrier P. O., r 613 Arch Stubbs Clarence G., farmer, r 117 Maple Stubbs Edward, c, carp, r rear 1443 4th Stubbs Edward, c, lab Macon Foundry, bds 610 3d Stubbs Erwin N., o, (Stubbs & Jackson), r 328 Monroe Stubbs George, c, trainhand, r 104 Hazel Stubbs George W., mach C. R. R., bds 721 3d Stubbs Levi, c, porter S. Siesel, bds 613 Arch Stubbs Pulaski, J. c, elk P. O. Holt, bds 613 Arch Stubbs Robert W., tarmer, r 117 Maple Stubbs Tillman, c, shoemkr, 408 1st, r ws Dairy la, 1st n of
Green Stubbs Zed, c, wks N. M. Block
STUBBS & JACKSON, c, (E. N. Stubbs and R. B. Jackson),
grocers and saloon, 402 Mulberry

Dressed and Rough Lumber 614 to 632 I'birtl St., Macon, Oh.

Stuckey Amos, c, lab G. S. & F. R. R., r V Stuckey George A., motormau M. C. & S. St. R. R., bds 1111
Ash Studstill R. A., brakeman C. R R Subers Alexander B. (S. M. Sobers & Co.), r 712 2d Subers Amos A., ins agt, r 452 Oemulgee Subers Jacob J., physician, 510 4th, bds Commercial Hotel Subers Samuel M. (S. M. Subers & Son), r 706 2d
SUBERS S. M. & SON (S. M. and A. B.), plumbers, gas
fitters, roofers, etc., 205 Cotton av Sullivan Cornelius O., grocer, r ns Vineville rd, 5th e of Mid
dle Sullivan Daniel, c, waiter Benner Bros., r rear 854 Oemulgee Sullivan Edward, c, waiter Brilliant saloon Sullivan Elijah, contractor, r 327 Columbus Sullivan Emanuel, c, lab, r al n of Orchard ay, nr Brewery la Sullivan Jerome G., elk E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds 771 3d Sullivan John S. physician, r ws 2d, 4th s of Pebble, S. M Sullivan Louisa Mrs, grocer, 251 Washington av Sullivan Taylor, c, lab, r ss Green, 13th w of Madison Sullivan Thomas R., printer J. W. Burke & Co., bds Pierpont
House Sullivan Walter, c, brickmason, bds Thompson House Sullivan W. A., fireman S. W. R. R., bds 221 4th Summerlin Fannie Miss, pantry girl Hotel Lanier Summerlin James T., wks W. L. Henry, r ws Telfair 3d s of
Gordon, S. M Summers Alfred, painter, r Center, nw cor Garden, E. M Summers Bernard H., student, bds 1153 Hazel Summers Edward F., elk J. W. Ford, r 614 New Sumner Matilda Miss, wks Bibb No. 1, bds ws Factory row, 2d
s of Hidrola, E. M Summey P. E., watchman, r 178 Magnolia Supple Aliee M. Miss, bds 4 Plant, S. M Supple James R., tailor, 411 1st, bds 4 Plant, S. M Supple Mary A., wid W. C., r 4 Plant, S. M Sussdorff Edwin, elk S. Waxelbaum & Son, bds 632 College Sussdorff Martha A., wid G., r 632 College Sutphen W. P., tel opr C. R. R., bds 915 Walnut





DIIV^CCi D u\, 'w^

Cold Storage Rooms Telephone No. 307. (See p. 8.



Suttley John T., foreman J. S. Schofield & Son, bds Wilbourn
House Sutton Albert, 0, wks R. C. Wilder's Sons, r 1031 3d Sutton Charles G., eng Macon G. L. & W. Co., bds 509 2d Sutton Edward, c, wood-dlr, r ss Jefferson, 9th w of Middle,
P. H Sutton George, c, drayman, r ns Jefferson, 2d w of Craft's al Sutton John, c, lab, r ns Orchard av, 4th w of Hudson Sutton Sallie, c, wid A. J., r 509 2d Sutton William, c, wks Macon Agrl Wks, r 1025 3d Suwanee River Cider and Vinegar Works, R. E. Burney, pres;
C. G. Conn, mngr; 456 2d Swain Wesley, c, brickmason, r rear ns Forsyth, V
Swann S. H., cond C. R. R Swansburg Harry, fireman C. R. R., bds 1425 4th Swanson Edward Y., flagman G. S. & E. R. R., bds 427 Col
lege Swanson Frank, tailor M. Greenberg, bds 458 1st Swanson Martha, wid J., bds 423 Ross Swanson Nathan, c, helper, bds 402| Mulberry Swanson Richard, c, driver G. Bcggs & Son, r Plum Swatts Joseph, butcher, r 422 Mulberry Swatts Leo, r 752 3d Sweeney Alex, wks Macon Clay Works Sweeney Eliza, wid F. S., r ws 4th, 5th s of New Houston rd,
S. M Sweeney Frank, flagman C. R. R., bds ws 4th, 5th s of New
Houston rd, S. M Sweeney Thomas, boilermkr J. S. Schofield & Son, bds ws 4th,
5th s of New Houston rd, S. M Sweet Stephen S. Rev., r 134 Academy Swing Samuel, binder J. W. Burke & Co., r 147 Rose Park Swinner Joseph, lab C. R. R. shops Swint Columbus B., eng E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds 106 5th Swisher D. Rice, foreman car dept E. T., V. & G. R. R., r 421
Hazel Sylvestro Rocky E., peddler, r 361 4th Symonds John W., eng C. R. R


two Necessities (Seep.5.) Both Supplied by MACON BREWING- CO.




TALBIRD ALBERT, elk Hardeman & Nottingham, bds

bds 518 Pine

Talbird Andrew M., carp G. S. & F. R. R., r 518 Pine

Talbird Charles G., eng C. R. R., r 613 Orange

Talbird Joseph D., eng C. R. R., r 613 Orange

Talbird Olina Miss, bds 235 Forsyth

Talbott Allan (Talbott & Sons), r Richmond, Va

Talbott Charles H. (Talbott &Sons), r Richmond, Va

TALBOTT ELLIS M., with Talbott & Sons, bds 504 Walnut

TALBOTT & SONS (C. H. and Allen Talbott), machinery

mnfrs, 451-455 Poplar, factory Richmond, Va. (See p. 4.)

Talley Anderson, c, wks Macon Clay wks

Talley George, Rev., c, pastor Harmonia Church, r ns Orchard,

8th w of Hudson

Talley George W., c, barber J. Gianonne, bds ns Orchard av,

w of Hudson

Talley Lula, c, teacher, r ns Orchard av, 8th w of Hudson

Talley Thomas, c, lab C. C. Cider Co

Talley William, c, lab G. W. Gullen, r ns Orchard av, 8th w

of Hudson

Talmadge Henry, c, wks M. C. & S. St. R. R

Tankersley Albert J., flagman C. R. R., bds 1322 4th

Tankersley Charles J., eng C. R. R., r ss Stratton, 2d w of 5th,

S. M

Tankersley Thomas H., eng C. R. R., r 1431 4th

Tantmus Lee, c, lab, r City Park

Tard Archibald, c, lab, bds ns Reese, 2d e of Garfield, E. M

Tard Eli, c, wks Dixie Wks, r ss Stone, 2d e of Milledgeville

rd, E. M

Tard Nathan, c, wks Bibb No. 1, r ns Reese, 2d e of Garfield,

E. M

Tardy Cora Miss, elocutionist, r 475 Orange

Tarr Henry T. B., prof St. Stanislaus

Tarver David, c, lab, r 234 Tattnall

Tarver Gilbert, eng, bds 518 Pine

Tarver John, c, carp C. R. R., r 234 Tattnall

Tarver Julius, c, bell boy Brown's Hotel

Tarver Robert, c, wks Palmer Mnfg Co

Tarver William, c, wks E. T., V. & G. R. R., r 314 Hazel

Builders' and Painters' Supplies and General Contractors.

Taswell John, c, lab, r ss Vineville r<3, 3d w of W. Boundary Taswell Paul W., c, lab T. J. Carling & Co., r 251 Walnut Tate Mattie Miss, wks Bibb No. 1, bds 341 Clinton, S. M Tatman Coleman, c, wks S. W. R. R., r Moore's row Tatum Alexander J.,-c, elk A. R. Dickey, r ss Green, 6th w of
Hudson Tatum Shadrach M., carp, r 109 Franklin Taubman Edward J., cond G. S. & F. R. R., r 1127 Walnut Taylor Albert S., elk Rogers & Adams, bds 310 College Taylor Allen, c, brakeman S. W. R. R Taylor Alphonzo, c, mason, r 424 Monroe Taylor Ambrose, c, porter, r ws Poe, 2d n of Vineville rd Taylor Andrew, c, brickmason, r ws Street Car al, 1st n of
Boundary Taylor Anna C., wid, r 51 V Taylor Ben, c, wks C. R. R., r rear 819 5th Taylor Blanche Miss, elk Singer Mnfg Co., r 727 College Taylor Bro^. & Hall (H. N. and R. G. Taylor and Kenan
Hall), grist mill and grain elevator, 5th, se cor Walnut Taylor Calvin H., hostler Macon Brewing Co., r 431 Elbert Taylor Carrie Miss, teacher Orange St. School, bds Pierpont
House Taylor Charles, c, lab Macon Foundry, r 518 Hammond Taylor Charles, c, lab W. F. Anderson, rrear 653 Oak Taylor Charles W., printer, bds 811 Walnut Taylor David, c, lab, rss Roy, w of Ullman Taylor D. J., bkkpr Sioux City Prov. Co Taylor Edward, c, lab, r ws Craft's al, 2d n of Vineville rd Taylor Ella Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds es 2d, 4th s of
Windsor,S. M Taylor Emma S. Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds es 4th, 6th s
of Stratton, S. M Taylor Fannie, wid H., r 205 Elbert Taylor Frank, c, lab, r ws Poe, 2d n ofV. rd Taylor Fred, c, lab C. R. R., r ws C. R. R., bet Ash and Elm Taylor Garry, c, agt, r rear 238 Georgia av Taylor George, c, lab, C. R. R., r 1231 4th Taylor George N., carp C. R. R., bds ws Cedar, 2d s of Wind
sor, S. M

Carriaaes Phaetons, Buggies, Road Carts, Etc.
Great variety. ' (see P. 7.) S. S. PARMELEE, 470 Second St.




Taylor Gibson, c, wks E. T., Y. & G. R. R., r Murray's al Taylor Henry, c, gardener, r Murray's al Taylor Henry, c, waiter, r ss Roy, w of Ullman Taylor Henry C., baggage agt E. T., V. & G. R. R., r 307
Ross Taylor Horace, c, lab Dixie Wks, r ws Craft's al, 1st n of
Vineville rd Taylor Hugh N. (Taylor Bros. & Hall), r 133 Forsyth
Taylor Jack, c, lab C. R. R Taylor James F., fireman C. R. R., r es 2d, 4th s of Wind
sor, S. M Taylor Job E., with Carstarphen & Tillman, bds 727 College Taylor John, c, drayman, r 216 Calhoun Taylor John J., carp, r ws 4th, 2d s of Stratton, S. M Tavlor John R., with Johnson & Harris, bds Hotel Lanier Taylor John T., eng S. W. R. R., r es 3d, 2d s of Pebble,
S. M Taylor John W., mach, bds 866 1st Taylor Jones, c, lab, r 513 Gilmer Taylor Joseph, c, lineman S. B. T. & T. Co., r Hurley's al Taylor Laura, wid J., r es 3d, 2d s of Pebble, S. M Taylor Mallory H., (Taylor & Daniel), r 310 College Taylor Mattie Miss, wks Winn, Johnson & Co., bds ws 4th,
2d s of Stratton, S. M Taylor Monroe, c, farmer, r ss C. R. R., w of Ullman Taylor Patsey, c, farmer, r 467 5th Taylor Richard, c, lab, bds 315 Gilmer Taylor Robert, c, lab J. S. Schofield & Son Taylor Robert B., c, butler J. Dannenberg, r rear 309 Georgia
av Taylor Robert G. (Taylor Bros & Hall), bds Pierpont House Taylor Robert J.,treas and mngr Sou. Phosphate Wks, bds 356
New Taylor Roland, c, lab, r ws Poe, 2d n of Vineville rd Taylor Sallie Miss, elk Singer Mnfg Co., bds 727 College Taylor Samuel, c, cook Wllbourn House, r 618 New Taylor Sarah, wid R., bds 230 Clinton, E. M Taylor Simon, c, wks M. C. & S. St. R. R Taylor Sullivan, c, lab C. R. R

A First-class Business School Rapid Business Penmanship.
Circulars Free. w. McKay, Prm.




Taylor Thomas, c, lab, bds 753 5th Taylor Thomas, wks Macon Knitting Co Taylor Troup, wks G. S. & F. R. R., bds 402 Mulberry Taylor William, c, lab, r ss Roy, w of Ullman Taylor William A., with Smith & Hall, r ss Boundary, 2d w
of 3d, S. M Taylor William B., saloon, 805 4th, r 320 Elm Taylor Willie, wid W., bds Pierpont House
TAYLOR & DANIEL (W. H. Taylor and W. B. Daniel),
druggists, 376 2d Teachers Co-operative Agency, B. M. Zettler and E. W. Burke
mngrs; 452 2d Teall Nettie, widE. A., bds 157 Poplar Teasley S. W., caller C. R. R., bds 368 Ash Teele William H., grocer, 231 Telfair Telfair John, c, wks Macon Clay Wks Telfair Peter, c, wks Macon Clay Wks Temple Claude, painter Royal & Gibson Tennille Anna P., wid A. A., r 576 College Tennyson Jefferson c, drayman, r rear 501 Oak Terrell Abram, c, carp, bds 234 Jones Terrell Arthur W., c, barber M. Loh, r 243 Jefferson Terrell Augustus, c, barber J. H. Benner, r 444 Flanders,
E. M Terry Pinkie Mrs., wks Macon Knitting Co Tharp Ada Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds 864 Elm Tharp Frederick, contractor, r 864 Elm Tharpe Benjamin C., barkpr, bds 306 Main, E. M Tharpe Cicero A., r 123 Park pi Tharpe Frank B., saloon, 312 Main, r 306 Main, E. M Tharpe Henry, c, porter J. E. Chambliss, r rear 515 College Tharpe John, c, hackman, r ws Cole al, 1st n of Ash Tharpe John, c, lab, r rear ws Davis, 1st s of Williams Tharpe Jonas, c, wks Hays & Mansfield Tharpe Joseph, c, lab C. R. R., bds ws Cole, 1st s of Ash Tharpe Mary Miss, spinner Manchester Mnfg Co., r 5 Man-
chesrer row Tharpe Mazie, c, seamstress, r ss Holmes, 4th w of Middle,
P. H




Tharpe Robert A., butcher, Market, r ss Columbus rd THE TELEGRAPH, J. H. Estill, pres; W. E. Dawson,
mngr; 569 Mulberry. (See back fly.) Thigpen John L., grocer, Cotton av, se cor Spring Thomas Aaron, c, drayman, r rear 1037 4th Thomas Abe, c, drayman Rogers & Adams Thomas Alex, gunsmith C. Huhn, r 252 4th Thomas Alfred, c, wks Palmer Mnfg Co., r Unionville Thomas Allen, c, wks Macon Clay Wks Thomas Alonzo, e, shoemkr, bds 236 Jefferson Thomas Anna Miss, wks Bibb No. 1, bds ws Willingham, 2d
n of Bernard, E. M Thomas Augustus, c, jrnitor City Hall, r 921 Ash Thomas Austin, c, lab, r rear 235 2d, E. M Thomas A. S. (A. S. Thomas & Co.), r Charleston, S. C Thomas A. S. & Co. (A. S. Thomas and P. B. Hempton), fur
niture, 1143 4th
Thomas Barnie M. T., wks Bibb No. 1, bds 219 Clinton, E. M Thomas Benjamin, wks Bibb No. 1, bds ws Eactory row, 2d s
of Hidrola, E. M Thomas Benjamin W., musician, bds 355 Walnut Thomas Charles, bds Nelson House Thomas Charles, c (Thomas & Hall), r Unionville Thomas Charles, c, cook, r rear 405 Madison Thomas Charles, c, lab, r ss Boundary, 3d e of 4th, S. M Thomas Charles E., painter Royal & Gibson, r 821 Oak Thomas Charles M., elk J. J. Mercer, bds es Church, 1st n of
Garden, E. M Thomas Clark, c, porter Waterman & Co Thomas Camming P., bkkpr S. Waxelbaum & Son, bds 123
Thomas Daniel, c, gardener, r es Tracy al, 4th s of Hawthorne Thomas Daniel Rev., c, r ss Roy, w ot Ullruau Thomas Daniel L., fireman C. R. R., r 914 Elm Thomas Dora Miss, wks Bibb No. 1 Thomas Early, c, eng Payne & Willingham Thomas Edmond, c, gardener, r Hick's al Thomas Edward, c, lab, r rear ns Lee, 1st w of Center, E. M Thomas Elizabeth, wid A. Lt, r es 3d, 4th s of Windsor, S. M
313 SECOND STREET. it GREENBERG, The Tailor's.

Thomas Elizabeth, Fairview, E. M
Thomas Ella Miss, wks Bibb No. 1 Thomas Emanuel, c, lab, r rear 555 Pine Thomas Floyd, c, lab, r Nixon la, bey limits Thomas Frank L., c, waiter Benner Bros Thomas Frederick, c, lab C. R. R., r 325 Jackson Thomas George, c, carp C. R. R., r 312 Hawthorne Thomas George H., surveyor, bds 123 2d Thomas George W., wks Bibb No. 1 bds 219 Clinton, E. M Thomas Hansel P., stenographer Macon Hardware Co., bds
123 2d Thomas Harrison, c, lab, r 125 Adams Thomas Henry, c, lab W. Johnson, r ss Columbus rd Thomas Henry, c, drayman, r 320 Bay Thomas Henry,c, wks Wilbourn House Thomas Jake, bds Park Hotel Thomas James (Barron & Thomas), r 103 5th Thomas James, c, fireman E. T., V. & G. R. R., r
Hammond Thomas James, c, wks Bibb No. 1, r rear 235 2d, E. M Thomas James A., lawyer, 318 2d, r 123 2d Thomas Janies A. Jr., stenographer, bds 123 2d Thomas Jeff, mess Sou. Ex. Co., bds 504 Walnut Thomas Jeremiah, c, fireman E. T., V. & G. R. R., r rear 420
Hammond Thomas John, c, flagman E. T., V. & G. R.
4th Thomas John, c, gardener, r 120 Green Thomas John W., collector, bds 820 Walnut Thomas John W., cond, r 595 Walnut Thomas Jolly, c, wheelwright, r Unionville Thomas Jordan, c, trainhand G. S. & F. R. R Thomas Joseph, wks Bibb No. 1 Thomas Lazarus, c, lab C. R. R., r 514 2d, E. M Thomas Lewis, c, fruit stand, 104 Walnut Thomas Luke N., tinner, r ws Cedar, 5th s of Windsor, S. M Thomas Mack, c, carp, r 411 Madison Thomas Mark, c, carp, r rear 855 Walnut
6i4 to 623 -nurd street, macox, a. Laths and Shingles

COAL!TM'H, HOLMES JOHNSON'S 313 Ocmulgee Street,




Thomas Mary, wid J., r ws 1st, 4th n of Hawthorne Thomas Major, c, porter Carstarphen & Tillman Thomas Minnie Miss, wks Bibb No. 1, bds ws Willingham, 2d
n of Bernard, E. M Thomas Noah, c, wks G. S. & F. R. R., r 610 3d Thomas Oscar, boilerrakr J. S. Schofield & Son Thomas Owen, trav agt, bds 227 5th Thomas Robert, c, lab, r 321 Ash Thomas Robert, c, lab, r ss C. R. R., bey limits Thomas Samuel, c, wks Brewery, r 628 Hammond Thomas Samuel J. Rev., c, r ns Green, 4th w of Hudson Thomas Sanford T., c, brickmason, r 915 Ocmulgee Thomas Thomas, wks E. T., V. & G. R. R Thomas Troy F., wks Bibb No 1, bds 219 Clinton, E. M Thomas Walter, c, wks Pettit, DeHaven & Co Thomas William, c, candymkr Rogers & Adams Thomas William, c, coffinmkr L. Clay, r rear 1005 Walnut Thomas William, c, painter Royal & Gibson Thomas William, c, lab C. R. R., r 205 Hazel Thomas William E., carp C. R. R., r Applewood, se cor 2d
av, E. M Thomas William H., c, streethand, r rear 354 Monroe Thomas William J., carp C. R. R., r ns Williams, 5th w of
2d, S. M Thomas Zack, wks Bibb No. 1, r 219 Clinton, E. M. Thomas & Hall, c (C. Thomas and M. Hall), blksmiths, 553
Poplar Thompson Alfred, c, lab C. C. Ice Wks, r White's Hill, S. M Thompson Allen, c, wks W. F. Anderson Thompson Andy Rev., c, r rear 457 Pine Thompson Arthur, c, barber, r ss Kali al, S. M Thompson A. E. Mrs., folder News, r E. M. bey limits Thompson Charles, c, lab, r Kah al, S. M Thompson Charles H., c, truck farm, r 366 4th Thompson C. H. Mrs., c, propr Thompson House, 366 4th Thompson Daniel B., canvasser, r 334 Calhoun Thompson Eugene, c, carrier P. O., r ss Ellis, 1st w of Monroe Thompson George, c, wks G. S. & F. R. R., bds ws Wright's
al, 1st s of Ash

Will move about May 1st, 1891, to their new building
5X0 CXierry Street.

Foranythinginl;ruit8,Produce,Fish,Oyster8 or Ice

Send to Headquarters. (.page 8.,!





Thompson Henry, c, lab, r rear 235 23, E. M Thompson Henry, c, wks Oil Mill, r ws Wright's al, 1st s of
Ash THOMPSON HOUSE, c, Mrs. C. H. Thompson, propr;
366 4th Thompson Iverson, carp, r ns Hidrola, 2d e of Main, E. M Thompson James, book agt, bds 230 Clinton, E. M Thompson James, c, helper Winn, Johnson & Co Thompson John P., yardmaster G. S. & F. R. R., r 754 3d Thompson John S., painter, r Willingham, n\v cor Bernard,
E. M Thompson Joseph E., eng C. & M. R. R., bds 221 4th Thompson Madison, c, tinner, r ws Poe, 1st s of Holmes, V Thompson Martha, wid J., r 1241 2d Thompson Oscar W. (Allen, Dumas & Thompson) bds 769
Poplar Thompson Ransom H., grocer, 4th, sw cor Pebble, S. M Thompson Richard, c, lab, r ss Chestnut, 12th w of W. Boun
dary Thompson Thomas, c, porter Carstarphen & Tillman Thompson Wade, c, lab, r 1230 1st Thompson William, c, lab, r 270 Columbus Thompson W. T., fireman C. R. R Thomson Methven S., r 755 Arch Thorner Isaac, dry goods and liquors, 416--418 3d, r 754
Cherry Thornhill Amanda M., wid W., r Willingham, nw cor Bernard,
E. M Thorpe Henry, c, wood cutter, r ws New Houston, 5th w of 2d,
S. M Thorpe Joseph B., collector Sou. B. T. & T. Co., bds 812
Poplar Thorpe Richard S., mngr Consumers Oil Delivery, r 812 Poplar Thrash Henry, c, wks Dixie Wks, r 310 Calhoun Thrash Richard, c, stable hand M. C. & S. St. R. R Threat Alexander, c, porter, r 305 Jeflferson, P.H Threat Andrew, c, wks E. T., V. & G. R. R., r 316 Calhoun Threat Arthur, c, hackman, r ss Jefferson, 2d w of Middle, P. H Threat Caesar, c, wks Hays & Mansfield, r rear us Forsyth, V

W.W.&R. S. COLLINS -LASD AGENTS FOR-- G. S. A F., M. B. IT458 THIRD STREET.^ and M. tfc A. B'ds.




Threat Edward, c, brickmkr, bds 165 Maple Threat Frank, c, gardener, r 305 Jefferson, P. H
Threat Fletcher, c, wks Dixie Wks Threat George, c, brickmason, r rear 110 Appleton av
Threat Henry, c, lab, r 320 6th Threat Irvin, c, lab, r ns Forsyth, 3d w of W. Boundary
Threat John, c, lab, r rear 860 Cherry Threat Junius, c, lab, bds 224 Hammond Threat Randall, c, porter H. Abel, r rear 386 Monroe Threat Thomas, c, lab, r ws Virgin's la, 1st s of Forsyth Thrower Montgomery, c, r 721 4th Thurman Chris, c, lab, r 320 Burnett, E. M Thurman Edna Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co Thurman Freeman, c, painter Royal & Gibson Thurman Missouri, knitter Macon Knitting Co Thurman Robert, c, porter W. L. Henry 'Thurman Sallie Miss, inspector Macon Knitting Co Thurman Washington, c, drayman H. J. Lamar & Sons, r 363
Monroe Thurman William, c, barber W. Napier, bds 552 Cotton av
Thurmond A. D., carp C. R. R Tidwell Charles, farmer, bds 1024 College Tidwell Howard, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 1024 College Tidwell Hugh, W., wks C. R. R. shops, r 1024 College Tidwell Hugh W., Jr., wks C. D. Findlay, bds 1024 College Tidwell Robert, driver M. C. & S. St. R. R., r ws Street Car
al, 3d n of Boundary Tidwell William, blksmith C. R. R., r 914 Ash Tidwell William B., mach C. D. Findlay Tilford John H. eng E. T., V. & G. R. R., r 812 3d Tillman Benjamin L., cond G., S. & F., bds 413 Spring
Tillman George, wks E. T., V. & G. R. R Tillman Henry F. (Carstarphen & Tillman), r 815 Cherry Tilly Roland C. (Tilly & Brewer), bds Corbett House Tilly & Brewer (R. C. Tilly and J. C. Brewer), jewelry, 705
4th Timberlake Joseph H. (Geo. W. Greene Co.), r 555 Madison Timberlake Lettie, wid W. C., bds 853 Cherry Timberlake Paris, c, lab, r rear 229 Jefferson

157, 159, 161 Cottou Avennuuee,.8) the POWERS CONTRACTING CO.

TUP PAIR} Imported China, Mery and Glass.
I Ilk I n I I I J 408 & 410 Mulberry St. R. F. SMITH, Propr.




Times Thomas, carp, r ns 4th, 3d s of Pebble, S. M Timmons Joel F., wks Bibb No. 1, r es Factory row, 3d s of
Hidrola E. M Tiudall Harry C. (Macon Hardware Co.) and sec and treas Ex
celsior Hook & Back Band Co., r 727 Orange Tindall Walter, wks Hays & Mansfield Tinker Susan L. Mrs., r 1413 2d Tinker William H., printer, 413 1st, r 908 Elm TINSLEY ADDISON R., city treas, office City Hall, r 436
Washington av Tinsley Alex, c, lab, bds 1031 4th Tinsley Jeff, c, lab, bds 1031 4th Tinsley John, c, barber, 614 Poplar Tinsley Leroy W., elk F. E. Bruhl, bds 356 New Tinsley Lucius, c, porter C. Georgia Alliance Warehouse Tinsley Mary W. Miss, bds 436 Washington av Tinsley Ruth Miss, bds 436 Washington av Tinsley Theodosius D., vice pres S. R. Jaques & Tinsley Co.,
r 555 College Tinsley William, c, wks Eureka Co., bds 1031 4th Tison Charles, c, lab, r Brewery la Tison Enlow, c, wks C. R. R., r Factory row, E. M Tison Walter, c, wks Bibb No. 1, bds es Hawkins, 4th s of
Hidrola, E. M
Tissereau Amanda M., wid T., r 1009 4th Tissereau L., eng C. R. R., r Stratton, sw cor 4th, S. M Tissereau Martha, wid B., dressmkr, r 514 Oglethorpe Todd Eli, c, wks Dixie Wks
Todd Elizabeth L., wid J. D., bds ws Cedar, 2d s of Windsor, S. M
Todd Ira, flagman E. T., V. & G. R. R., r 555 Oglethorpe Todd Pinkney D. (Jarratt & Todd), r 141 Park pi Tolbert Edward, cond, bds 1127 Walnut Tole Alex, c, wks C. R. R., r 237 2d, E. M Tolston Elbert, c, paper hanger F. R. Pomeroy, r 23 Spring Tomlin Alexander, c, boilermkr J. S. Schofield & Son, r rear
620 Hammond
Tomlinson M. E., wid E. S., bds 753 New Tommey Joseph, c, wks J. G. Ruan





470 SECOND STREET (see P. 7.)




Tommey William, c, brickmason, r 122 Tattnall Tompkins Kit, c, carp r 802 Hazel Tompkins William, c, painter, bds 802 Hazel Toney Charles, elk, r 516 Madison Toney Charles P., wks R. C. Wilder's Sons, bds 516 Madison Toof," McGowan & Co., of Memphis, Tenn., W. P. Painter,
mngr; whol grocers and R. R. supplies, Pine, sw cor 5th Tooke Coley, wks Macon Laundry, bds 409 Mulberry Toole Adrian V., grocer, 254 1st, r 204 New Toole Arthur J., elk G. S. & F. R. R., bds 758 2d
TOOLE CHARLES J. (C. J. Toole & Bro.), and dentist,
754 2d Toole C. J. & Bro. (C. J. and J. A.), proprs Ocmulgee Brick
Yard, office 754 2d, yard e of city Toole Charles L., dentist, 754 2d, bds 806 2d Toole Glen G., elk C. R. R. compress, bds 758 2d Toole H. F. (H. F. Toole & Bro.), r 354 Elm Toole H. F. & Bro. (H. F. and T. E. Toole), furniture, 455 Mul
berry Toole James A. (C. J. Toole & Bro.), r 758 2d Toole John F. (J. F. Toole & Co.), r 806 2d
TOOLE J. F. & CO. (J- F. Toole and Cobb, Cabaniss &
Cobb), real estate and ins agts; represent GIRARD, of Phil, AMAZON, of Cincinnati, 422 2d Toole Thomas E. (H. F. Toole & Bro.), and furniture, 717
4th, r 360 Arch Toole Warren H., elk RoffSims & Bro., bds 806 2d Toole William, elk C. R. R., bds 758 2d Toole William F., wks R. C. Wilder's Sons, r C. R. R., 3d e
of Telfair Toomer Dub, c, carp, r rear 275 Madison Totten William J., whol tobacco and liquors, 411 Poplar, r 226
High Towns David, c, lab, r 208 Monroe Towns George, c, butler J. R. Fried, r rear 752 Oak Towns Philip, c, wks C. R. R., r 314 Hazel Tracy Annie F. Miss, bds 459 1st Tracy Elizabeth, wid Daniel, r 459 1st Tracy John W., house mover, bds 459 1st
MflGON COMMERCIAL COLLEGE} A First Class Business School
Circulars free. W. 3oIA.Y, Principal. J R&pid BusiflOSS Ponmanship

PETTIT, DeHAYEN & CO.CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS, 6th St., Cor. Cherry. (See p. 7.)




Tracy Michael, grocer, 128 Green Tracy Uriah D., farmer, bds 459 1st Tracy William L., master mach E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds
Hotel Lanier Trail L. D., carp Pettit, DeHaven & Co
Trammell Emilius C. (Etheridge, Trammell & Co.), r 317 3d Trammell J. Gus, elk, bds 769 Poplar Trammell Thomas L., with S. T. Coleman & Burden Co., bds
413 Spring Travers John, elk, r 227 5th Travers O., blksmith C. R. R
Travis John L., prin Yineville School, bds Vineville rd, bey limits
Trawick Clara, wid M., bds 154 Hidrola, E. M Tribble George W., student, bds 141 Park pi Trinity Baptist Church, Rev. B. Patterson, pastor: New, nw
cor Powell, E. M
Tripp Frank, c, driver, r rear 237 College Tritt John R., butcher H. Abel, r 414 Oglethorpe Trollinger George H., carp C. R. R., bds 454 Plum Troutman Adolphus N., elk First Nat. Bank, bds ns Forsyth, V Troutman George, c, drayman L. A. Hanse Troutman Tabitha, wid Adolphus, r ns Forsyth, V Troy Steam Laundry, S. Guthman, propr; 259 and 263 2d
TROY THOMAS W., pres Macon Brewing Co. and genl agt
Eureka Co., r 263 Georgia av Troy William, c, lab, r rear 854 Ocmulgee
Troy William B., mdse broker, 409 Cherry, bds 769 Poplar Truesdell Ella, wid J., r 1332 3d Truman Emily P. Miss, dressmkr, r 711 Poplar Truman Martha Mrs., boarding, 1056 Oglethorpe Truman Susan E. Miss, dressmkr, r 711 Poplar Trunnell John W., furniture, 803 4th, r258 Maple Tucker Adams, c, train hand, r 168 Hazel Tucker Alonzo A., grocer, r ws 4th, 4th s of Windsor, S. M Tucker Dennis C., blksmith C. R. R., bds 765 4th Tucker Edward, c, lab, bds es Tracy's al, 1st s of Hawthorne Tucker Edward, c, wks Macon S. D. & L. Co., r rear 237

UNION CENTRAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. lowest Death Rate. Highest Interest Rate. (See p. 6.) T. S. LOWRY, Manager.

PRINTING} BINDING Done at short notice and in the best style at the lowest prices. Don't go elsewhere J.W.BUBKE&CO,




Tucker James, mach, bds 406 Oak Tucker Joseph C., elk G. S. & F. R. R., r 456 Walnut Tucker P. E., flagman S. W. R. R Tucker William, c, brickmkr, r rear 122 New Tuggle William E., elk J. Van & Co., bds 338 Calhoun Tunnell Edgar W., lab, bds 267 Maple Turbiville Thomas J., eng C. R. R., r 1405 3d Turk Richard, c, drayman, r 165 Maple Turner Alfred, c, gardener, r 17 Spring Turner Allen W. (A. W. Turner & Co.), r 653 Oak
TURNER A. W. & CO. (A. W. Turner and D. S. Farga-
son), whol cigars and tobacco, 360 3d Turner Benjamin, c, brakeman S. W. R. R., bds 768 Hazel Turner Benjamin, c, wks W. F. Anderson Turner Charles c, (Colbert & Turner), bds 210 Hammond Turner Charles c, brickmkr, r 211 Ash Turner Charles, c, carp, r es Wood's al, n of Hazel Turner Cicero A. (Turner & Willingham), r ns Forsyth, 6th w
of W. Boundary Turner David, c, lab, r 109 Mulberry Turner Dorsett, c, porter C. B. Moore, r 1543 4th Turner Eugene, c, lab, bds 210 Hammond Turner E. E., flagman S. W. R. R Turner Floyd, c, lab, bds 210 Hammond Turner Frank, c, wks W. F. Anderson Turner Frank H., elk, bds 859 Cherry Turner George, c, carp, r es Tracy's al, 4th s of Hawthorne Turner Henry, c, lab, r 618 New Turner Henry, c, lab C. R. R., bds 230 Telfair Turner Jacob, c, lab, bds 210 Hammond Turner James B., with A. W. Turner & Co., r 529 Madison Turner Jasper, c, waiter, r rear 356 New Turner Jesse D., cond C. R. R., r 653 Plum Turner John H., c, lab, bds 163 5th Turner John L., elk Geo. S. Jones & Co., r 859 Cherry Turner Joseph, c, lab C R. R. shops Turner Judson, peddler, r 214 Main, E. M Turner Julius, c, wks E. T., V. & G. R. R., r 541 Madison
TURNER J. H., agt E. T., V. & G. R. R., r 642 Ocmulgee


Office : Capital Bank, 456 Second St.

Insurance Agent.




Turner Louis, c, plasterer, r rear 606 2d Turner Mary J., c, seamstress, r 118 Magnolia Turner O., wks Bibb No. 1, bds es Milledgeville rd, 8th n of
Fairview, E. M Turner Robert, c, lab C. R. R., bds 541 Madison Turner Samuel, c, lab E. T., V. & G. R. R., r 110 Hazel Turner Seaton, c, waiter E. T., V. & G. restaurant, r 121 1st Turner Shepherd, c, lab Ivey Bros Turner Simon, c, porter, r 618 New Turner Smith, c, driver, r ws Jones, nr Old Hospital, V Turner Solomon, c, carrier News, r 709 College Turner Theodore, c, switchman C. R. R., r 352 Hawthorn Turner Thomas Rev., c, pastor Fulton Baptist Ch., r 1216 3d Turner William, c, brickmason, r 121 1st Turner William, c, plasterer, bds 967 Ocmulgee Turner William, c, wks G. J. Blake, r rear 539 College Turner W. H., flagman S. W. R. R., bds 552 1st TURNER & WILLINGHAM (C. A. Turner and W. B.
Willingham), lawyers, 504 Mulberry Turpin Baking Powder Co., W. C. Turpin, mngr; 464 1st Turpin Frank M., special agt U. S. Accident Ins. Co., 353 3d,
bds 763 2d Turpin George B. (Turpin & Ogden), pres G. S. & F. R. R.,
vice-pres Exchange Bank, and Union Svgs Bk and Trust Co., r 763 2d Turpin George R., elk Turpin & Ogden, bds 763 2d Turpin William C. (W. C. Turpin & Co.), r 216 2d Turpin W. C. Rev., rector St. Johns Epis. Ch, r E. M., bey limits Turpin W. C. & Co. (W. C. Turpin), produce and com, 464 1st TURPIN & OGDEN (G. B. Turpin and J. M. Ogden), real estate and ins agts, 353 3d Twine Henry, c, carp, r 429 Monroe Twine Henry, c, bell boy Brown's Hotel, r rear 107 4th Twine Theodore, c, wks Chapman & Gantt, r 429 Monroe Twitty P. S. Rev., agt S. Ga. Orphans Home, r Cuthbert Tye George, c, wks Palmer Mnfg Co Tyler Andrew, c, restaurant, 313 4th Tyler William, postal elk, bds 607 Plum

D P Uf 11 f\C D'C f (IMP Cantrantnrs and Ruildeis





U It l)

l) 611 to 632 Xbird Street, MACON, A.




Tyner Edgar, elk Ph. M. Berg, bds National Hotel Tyner Frank, carp, bds National Hotel Tyner George D., elk C. R. R., bds 870 1st Tyner John K., yd elk C. R. R., bds 555 Oak Tyson Samuel, c, wks E. T., V. & G. R. R., r 316 Bay Tyson Columbus, c, lab Winn, Johnson & Co., r rear 865 1st
UHRY HEYMAN, elk, bds 464 Mulberry Ullman Albert, dairy and distillery, wsUllman, s of Roy Underwood Albert, c, blksmith, r Derry's la Underwood Elijah, c, driver H. J. Lamar
Underwood Ida Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co., bds 223 JackSon
Underwood Lorenzo B., elk Suwanee River C. & V. Co., bds 607 Plum
UNION CENTRAL LIFE INS CO., T. S. Lowry, genl agt; 525 Mulberry (Hotel Lanier.) (See p. 6.)
Union Hall, c, r 454 Cotton av UNION SAVINGS BANK & TRUST Co., H. J. Lamar,
pres; G. B. Turpin, vice-pres; J. W. Cabauiss, cashier; J. J. Cobb, asst cashier; 502-504 Cherry, cor 3d. (See back cover.) Unionville Baptist Church, c, Rev. T. Jolly, pastor; Unionville Unionville M. E. Church, c, es Ullman, n of Columbus rd United States District Court, Emory Speer, judge; 3d, ne cor Mulberry United States Signal Service Station, 564 Cherry Upshaw Harvey, c, porter Wolff & Happ Upshaw Lindsey, c, wksC. R. R., r al bet Oak and Pine, nr 4th Urquhart James W., eng, bds Ft. Hill, sw cor Woolfolk, E. M Urquhart John A., eng, r Ft. Hill, swcor Woolfolk, E. M Ussery Belle Miss, cook, r 363 7th Ussery Joshua A., printer, bds 455 Plum Ussery Mary Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co Utsey J. O., elk Sou. B. T. & T. Co

ALENTINE BENJAMIN H., press foreman News, r
V Columbus rd
"Valentine Rigdon, c, barber, r ws Wood's al, n of Hazel Valentino James D., carriage trimmer, bds 1515 2d
O.P.&B. E. WILLINGHAM & C0.Manufacturers of Doors' 7th & Cherry Streets. Office 362 3d. Sash, Blinds, Mantels, Etc.

BANANAS T, C- PARKER. Telephone No. 307. (See p. 8.)




Valentino John, r 666 Oak Valentino Missouri A., wid, D., r 1515 2d
Van J. (J. Van & Co.), r 410 3d VAN J. & CO- (J. Van and-), trunk and valise mnfrs,
410 3d. (See page 3.) Van Buren J. R., treas Central Ga. Alliance Warehouse Vandenberg Jennie Miss, bds o05 Walnut Vandenberg Walter D., elk Brown's Hotel, bds 505 Walnut Van Dusen Mary E., wid J. B., r ss Forsyth, 7th w of W. Boun
dary Van Houten Charles E., elk G. S. & F. R. R., bds 858 New Van Houten Edwin, tinsmith, r 858 New Van Houten John, cashier N. M. Block, bds 858 New Van Houten Sallie Miss, chf opr S. B. T. & T. Co., bds 858
New Van Houten Walter, elk Exchange Bank, bds 858 New Vann Archie, wks Sioux City Prov. Co., bds 715 Ocmulgee Vann Armstead, c, brickmason, bds 68 Spring
Vann Jane, wid A., bds 109 Appleton av Vann Jefferson, c, lab, J. M. Furcron, r 68 Spring Vann Jefferson, Jr., c, carp, bds 68 Spring Vann Reese, carp, r 715 Ocmulgee Vannock Augustus, mach, r 167 Magnolia Vannucci Anthony, sanitary insp, bds 306 Main, E. M Vannucci Louis, saloon, 507 Mulberry VanSyckel John C. (Macon Hardware Co.), r 155 2d VanSyckel William C., elk Macon Hardware Co., bds 155 2d Van Valkeuburgh A. B., eng C. R. R., bds 804 Oak Vardell Arthur A., mngr Sou. Fish Co., bds 656 Walnut Varner Forrest G., fireman C. R. R., bds 221 4th Varner Robert L., stenographer S. R. Jaques & Tinsley Co.,
bds 227 Bond Vaughan William E. Rev., pastor Centenary M. E. Ch., bds
413 Ross Vaughn A., fireman C. R. R Vaughu Jchn W., capt Stmr No. 1, bds 607 Plum Vaughn Joseph, c, porter K. P. Moore Vause Stephen J., wks Palmer Mnfg Co., bds ss Forsyth rd,
opp Crump's Park


TUB B68I IHfc*

PUREST -R li'Tf ! |-|




Yenable James E., pattern mkr, r 664 Elm Venable James P., painter, bds 664 Elm Veny M. S., blksmith C. R. R. shops Yerden M. B., fireman C. R. R Vernon Walter, c, lab, bds 420 Hammond Vickers Ashley E., elk Johnston & Estes, r 307 Adams Vickers Thomas M., mach C. R. R.. r 614 Arch Vigal Clifton L., asst postmaster, bds Corbett House Villepigue M. W., wid F. L., bds 504 Washington av Vincent Carey, c, wks C. R. R., r rear 952 Elm Vineville Drug Store, H. J. Lamar, propr; Vineville rd, ne
cor Middle Vineville M. E. Church, ns Forsyth, V Vineville School, ss Forsyth, V Vining Alfred J., eng C. R. R., r ss Pebble, 2d w of Elbert,
S.M Vining E. E., electrician, bds Hotel Lanier Vining Homer, mach, bds es Church, 3d n of Garden, E. M Vining Jackson L., eng C. R. R.,r Chapel, sw cor Pebble, S. M Vining Robert L., eng C. R. R., bds ss Stratton, 5th e of
Chapel, S. M Vinson Albert, c, brickmkr, r 54 New Vinson Cannie R. Miss, bds Mulberry, sw cor 5th Vinson Charles, c, wks E. T., V. &G. R. R., r 61 New Vinson C. Eliza Mrs., bds Mulberry, sw cor 5th Vinson George, c, fireman, r ns Green, 5th w of Hudson Vinson Jack, c, drayman, r 409 Clinton, E. M Vinson Joseph S., grocer and liquors, 314 3d, r 770 Ash Vinson Samuel, c, lab, rss Boundary, ft of Johnson Vinson William, c, servt Mrs. E. Morgan Virgin Frederick B., elk, r ss Vineville rd, 4th w of Boundary Virgin Jonathan A. Jr., bds ss Vineville rd, 4th w of Boundary Virgin Judith A., wid J. A., r ss Vineville rd, 4th w of Boun
dary VIRGIN WILLIAM H., pres Capital Bank, r Washington
av, junc Forsyth VIRGINIA FURNITURE CO., J. R. Sanders, pres ; T. H.
Cheadle, sec and treas ; 109 Cotton av Visscher Jacob G., elk C. R. R., r 658 1st

ll^ *** 157,159,161 Cotton Ave. (Seep. 8.) PAINTERS' SUPPLIES





Yoglesberger William, candymkr Winn, Johnson & Co., r 211 4th
Yon Brixen Fred B., runner H. & L. Co

"TTTACHTEL CHARLES, agt, clothing, gents furnishing VV and hats, 515 Cherry, r 607 2d
Wachtel David, mngr Star Clothing Co., 608 Cherry,r 208 1st Wachtel Emanuel, bkkpr Chas. Wachtel, bds 607 2d Wachter Mary Miss, servt, 132 Cole Wade John, c, butcher H. Abel Wade Phelps, wks C. R. R., bds 512 Clinton, E. M Wade Samuel, c, painter, r \vs W. Boundary, 2d s of Y. rd Wade Wilkie, wid W., bds 576 College Wade Zachariah B., grocer, 502 Pine Wadley Daniel, wks C. R. R., bds 769 Ash Wadley William, wks C. R. R., bds 769 Ash Wadsworth Ella Mrs., dressmkr, bds 105 Appleton av Wadsworth Julia Miss, dressmkr, bds 105 Appleton av Wadsworth Mary Miss, dressmkr, bds 105 Appleton av Wages Elizabeth, wid E. A., r 322 3d Wages Lee, yd master C. R. R., r 364 Elm Waggenstein Louis, ice cream mnfr, bds 1032 4th Waggenstein Robert, baker and confectioner, r 1032 4th Wagnon George R., raach, r 314 Elm
Wagnon Lawrence W., fireman C. R. R., bds 314 Elm Wagnon Mary Y., wid W. W., r 554 Ash Wagnon O. S., elk, r 554 Ash Wagnon Richard, mach, bds 314 Elm
Wagnon Richard F., elk W. W. Wagnon, bds 314 Elm Wagnon Wiley Y., eng, bds 870 1st
Wagnon Wilson H., collecter Wood & Bond, bds 114 Cole Wagnon W. W. grocer, 1433 4th, r 358 Ash Waites David, c, train hand G. S. & F. R. R., bds 362 Hazel Walden Elizabeth A., wid W., bds 261 Maple Walden George, c, tailor F. W. Goette, bds Kimball House Walden John W., with S. T. Coleman & Burden Co., bds 769
Poplar Waldren Etta Mad., r 664 5th
Waldren Robert, c, porter, bds 653 Oglethorpe


Children's Carriages, goat wagons
s. s. pabhelge,470 Second st. (Seep. 7.) Saddles, Harness, Etc.




Waldrop Hiram B., cond E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds 1331 2d Waldrop John S., cond E. T., V. & G. R. R. r 1331 2d Walker Adam, c, painter, r rear ws Elbert, 3d s of Boundary,
S. M Walker Addie H. Miss, r 521 College Walker Asbury, c, plumber Bennett & Boardman, r rear 553
Cotton av Walker Bessie L. Miss, r 521 College Walker Carrie B., c, teacher, r ns Roy, w of Ullman Walker Charles, cooper Palmer Mnfg Co., bds ss Forsyth rd,
opp Crump's park Walker Charles, c, lab, r ss Holmes, 2d w of Jones Walker Charles L., car elk E. T., V. & G. R. R., r 355 Elm Walker David, c, porter S. Hoge, r ss New Cherry, 8th w of
Middle, P. H Walker David L., elk R. C. Keen, r 521 College Walker Doc, c, porter Rogers, Worsham & Co., r rear 721 4th
Walker Edward W., eng C. R. R., bds 1325 4th Walker Elijah, c, porter J. H. McLendon, r rear 1122 4th Walker Eugene, c, cook, r ns Roy, w of Ullman Walker E. H., student, bds 1128 Johnston Walker Felix J., elk Dannenberg & Doody, bds 607 Plum WALKER FLEETWOOD, physician, 203 Cotton av, r 316
Washington av Walker Fred, c, lab Macon Oil & F. Co Walker George, c, brickmason, r rear 554 Orange Wallace George, c, wks Palmer Mnfg Co., bds es Ullman rd Walker George H., elk, bds 576 College Walker Grant J., c, wks J. G. Ruan Walker Henry, c, porter S. Hoge, r ss New Cherry, 8th w of
Middle, P. H Walker Henry, c, wks Stubblefield House Walker Isaac G., student, bds 141 Park pi Walker James, c, brickmason, r 129 Jones Walker, John, c, cook, r ns Roy, w of Ullman Walker John, c, wks J. G. Ruan Walker John C., with Macon Hardware Go., bds 667 Oak Walker John M., bkkpr Geo. T. Rogers' Sons, r 519 Walnut Walker John W., yd cond C. R. R., r Troup Hill, S. M

A First-class Business School Rapid Business Penmanship.
Circulars Free. w. McKay, Pm.

Sash, Door and Blind


PETTIT, DeHAVEN fc CO. (See p. 7.) D U I L U L. ft O IVIA I L 111 A L




Walker Joshua W., c, lab, r ws Jones, 1st n of New Cherry Walker J. A., wks E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds 428 Main, E. M Walker Lafayette, eng, r 1325 4th Walker Legare, elk H. Horne, bds 521 College Walker Marion Miss, stenographer Hardeman & Davis, bds
667 Oak Walker Nathan, c, lab, r rear 175 Magnolia Walker Peter, c, wks J. G. Ruan, r rear 721 4th Walker Richard, brickmason, bds 129 Jones Walker Richard F., mach C. & M. R. R., bds 670 3d Walker Robert S., carp R. C. Wilder's Sons, and grocer, 426
Main, E. M Walker Rufus L. (J. O. Hodges & Co.), bds Carling av, H. H Walker Sam, c, wks Payne & Willingham Walker Sarah A., wid Charles, bds Troup Hill, S. M Walker S., c, lab, J. H. Roush & Sons Walker William, c, farmer, r rear 1217 3d Walker William, c, wks 753 Mulberry Walker William M., eng C. R. R., bds 1325 4th Walker W. H., flagman S. W. R. R Wall D. C., eng C. R. R Wall Olive Miss, milliner Mrs. S. Gillon, bds 507 Orange Wall Warren W., runner H. & L. Co., r 229 Orange Wallace Augustus C,. c, mason, r 220 Jones Wallace Charles, c, shoerakr, rear 554 Mulberry Wallace Charles S., music teacher, bds Stubblefield House Wallace George, c, lab Ivey Bros Wallace George, c, plasterer, r 221 Orange Wallace George, c, policeman, r rear 921 Ocmulgee Wallace George, c, wks Palmer Mnfg Co Waller Frank, c, porter C. H. Cubbedge, r ns Jefferson, nr
Monroe, P. H Waller Frank, Jr., c, porter C. H. Cubbedge, bds ns Jefferson,
nr Monroe, P. H Waller James O., cond S. W. R. R, r 1521 4th Walls Emma Mrs., wks Bibb No. 2, bds ws 1st, 4th n of Haw
thorne Walls John, carder, wks Bibb No. 2, bds ws 1st, 4th n of Haw


and has made MOST Rapid Progress of any Co.


T. S. LOWRY, Manager.

PIANOS V- w. burke & co. (WHEELER & WILSON (SEWING MACHINES ORGANS] t liun anybody can-do.




Walls Monroe, watchman Bibb No. 2, r 75 Hawthorne, Fac tory row
Walls William M., wks Bibb No. 2, r ws 1st, 2d n of Haw thorne
Walt Joseph, baker Brown's Hotel, bds 453 Plum Walthall Edward L., elk J. W. Nugent, bds ss Columbus rd Walthall Harry, switchman C. R. R Walthall Jacob, fireman C. R. R., bds 1505 3d Walthall Josephine W., wid J. W., r ss Columbus rd Walthall William W., mach R. C. Wilder's Sons, r ws 3d, 12th
s of Windsor, S. M Walton George, c, tailor, bds Thompson House Walton Irene Miss, wks Bibb No. 1, bds 214 Main, E. M. Walton John, c, wks Palmer Mnfg Co Walton Love, c, wks E. T., V. & G. R. R., r ws al, bet 4th
and Elbert, 3d s of Elm Wammack Henrietta, c, seamstress, r 227 Chestnut Wammack John W. Mrs., r 1511 4th Wanneck Augustus, mach C. R. R. shop, r 970 Magnolia Wanneck Pauline Miss, prin 2d St. School, bds 970 Magnolia Ward Augustus, c, porter National Hotel Ward Charles T., r ns Forsyth, bey limits Ward Douglas, carp, r ss Boundary, 9th w of Telfair, S. M Ward Edward R., elk G. S. & F. R. R., bds 763 Poplar Ward Ellen A. Miss, milliner, 209 Cotton av, bds Hotel Lanier Ward Ignatius P., elk C. R. R., bds 454 Oak Ward James, wks Georgia Hosiery Co., bds ss Boundary, 9th
w of Telfair, S. M Ward Jimmie Miss, wks Winn, Johnson & Co Ward Joseph, c, lab, r ws Booker's al, 4th s of Bay Ward Lena Miss, wks Georgia Hosiery Co., bds ss Boundary,
9th w of Telfair Ward Leo Miss, bds 357 Cherry Ward London, c, lab, r rear 817 Walnut WARD L. McINTOSH, city editor Telegraph, bds 720
Mulberry Ward N. W., carp E. T., Y. & G. R. R., r S. M Ward Patrick H., contractor, r ns Pebble, 5th w of Wilder,
GREENBERG V:: Ito Ms and a ta fit





Ward Sallie Miss, wks Georgia Hosiery Co., r ss Boundary, 9th w of Telfair, S. M
Ward Samuel, c, butler G. W. Gustin, r ss Chestnut, 11th w of W. Boundary
Ware G. H., cond C. R. R Ware Mary E., wid J. W., r 1120 Oglethorpe Ware M. A., artist and musician, bds 507 Orange Ware Robert A., elk Macon Hardware Co., r 131 Cole Ware T. Jefferson, merchant, r 1105 Oglethorpe Warner N., wks Bibb No. 1 Warnke August F. (I. B. English & Co.), bds 504 Walnut Waruock Amelia B., wid J. P., bds Hidrola, nw cor Milledge-
ville rd, E. M Warren Brit, lab, r rear ns New Houston rd, 2d e of Ells, S. M Warren Chapel, Rev. J. P. Coates, pastor; es Church, 2d n of
Garden, E. M Warren Chapel (M. E.), c, Rev. C. R. Buffington, pastor; ns
Jefferson, 2d e of Middle, P. H Warren Charles, c, brickmason, bds 312 Hawthorne Warren Clayburn Rev., c, r ss Chestnut, 4th w of W. Boundary Warren Ebenezer W. Rev., pastor 1st Baptist Church, r 120
High Warren Edgar W., c, grocer, 117 6th Warren James E., patternmkr, r 1502 3d Warren Louis B., mess Merchants Nat Bank, bds 120 High Warren Robert, c, porter C. H. Hall, r 229 Jones Warren Thomas J., flagman C. R. R., bds 352 Pine Warren Walter, c, carp, r 1058 Ocmulgee Warren William, c, lab Brewery, r 315 Hawthorne Warren William H., c, servt Mrs. L. B. Anderson, r 302
Monroe Warren William L., bill poster F. H. Powers, r 751 Elm Warwick John, cond C. R. R., bds 454 Oak Washington Americus, c, brickmason, bds 109 Franklin Washington Anderson, c, wks Gas Co., r 807 Pine Washington Av. C. M. E. Cburch, c, 255 Washington av Washington Av. Presbyterian Church, c, Rev. L. Miller, pas
tor; 221 Washington av Washington Charles, c, lab, r ws Phillip's al, S. M
R.CWILDER'S SONS Builders Supplies,Hardware.
614 to 633 Third Street, MACON, GA. PAIN I O, III Li) AND LEAD.

M: 1 i
I 1



Washington Charles, c, switchman C. R. R., r 412 Ash

Washington Daniel, c, wks J. G. Ruan

Washington Frank, c, painter, r Vineville, n of Holmes

Washington Fred, c, porter .F Reichert, bds Thompson House

Washington George, c, lab, r ss Turpin, 10th e of Division

Washington George, c, lab C. R. R., r 415 Clinton, E. M

WASHINGTON HUGH V., lawyer, 504 Mulberry, r 524


Washington James, c, porter, r ws W Boundary, 3d s of


Washington James, c, wks C. R.

rear ws Center, 2d n of

Clinton, E. M

Washington James H., bds 524 College

Washington Jefferson, c, wks C. R. R., bds 412 Ash

Washington Joseph, c, wks M. C. & S. St. R. R

Washington Mary A., wid J. H. R., r 524 College

Washington Robert, c, driver E. Estes, r 383 Madison

Washington Samuel, c, drayman, r ws W. Boundary, 3d s of


Washington Sanders, c, lab, r 513 Gilmer

Washington Warren, c, lab, r rear 218 Main, E. M

Washington William, c, brickmason, bds Thompson House

Wasner Ella, wid G., r es Church, 3d n of Garden, E. M

Wasner George foreman blksmith J. S. Schofield & Son, r E. M

Wasner Mary J., wid J., r ws Church, 1st s of Phillips, E. M

Wasner Sidney W., fireman C. R. R., bds ws Church, 1st s of

Phillips, E. M

Wasner William L., eng C. R. R., bds ws Church, 1st s of

Phillips, E. M

Waterhouse Edward W., eng C. R. R., r 1406 2d

Waterhouse John W., car iusp G. S. & F. R. R., r 1411 3d

Waterhouse Thomas W., eng G. S. & F. R. R., r 863 2d

Waterman Emanuel, elk Dannenberg & Doody, bds 858 Plum

Waterman Henry (Waterman & Co.), r 858 Plum

Waterman Josiah H., trav agt, bds 717 Cherry

Waterman Morris (Waterman & Co.), r 858 Plum

WATERMAN & CO., whol and ret sale and exchange stable,

354 Plum. (See p. 9.)

Waters Doc, c, lab C. R. R., r rear 144 Holt

Points nils Glass, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Etc.,
fauuo, yuo, At o. p. & b. e. willingham & co's.




in NEASOW at Headquarters,

Waters Edward D., bds 489 Orange Waters Elam B., contractor, r 489 Orange
Watei's Jerry, c, carp, r 368 Monroe Waters R., wks Dixie Wks Waters Silas, c, wks C. R. R., r 416 Elbert Watkins Augustus B., cotton buyer, r 221 Bond
Watkins Edmond, c, lab, r ns C. R. R., Y Watkins Ellen A., wid J., bds 913 Walnut Watkins King, c, lab, r217 Calhoun Watley Mary Miss, wks Bibb No. 2 Watley William, car driver, bds ws Plant's al, 1st n of Boundary
Watson Augustus G., cond S. W. R. R., r 1316 2d Watson Benjamin, c, brickmason, bds 525 Flanders, E. M Watson Benjamin T., mach E. T., Y. & G. R. R., r 1530 2d Watson Crowell E., grocer, Gordon, se cor Telfair, S. M ,,
Watson Fannie A., wid Asa L., r 655 Arch (Is* Watson George, binder News, bds 655 Arch''-mv.
Watson Green, c, wks E. T., Y. & G. R. R., r rear 667 4th
Watson James B., cond, bds 267 Maple Watson James P. (Holliman, Watson & Adams), bds 356
New Watson J. Lee, with Dunlap Hardware Co., bds 659 1st Watson John W., eng C. R R., r Gordon, se cor Telfair, S. M Watson Joshua, c, lab, r Moore's row Watson Martin, c, wks city, r 270 Columbus Watson Mingo, c, porter Dunlap Hardware Co., r rear 817
Poplar Watson Paul, elk Sou. Hardware Co., bds 655 Arch Watson Sarah E., wid W. H., bds 1530 2d Watson Stewart, wks Macon Variety Wks Watts Emma, wid J., r 122 Main, E. M Watts Green, c, lab, r rear 871 Orange Watts Ira, wks Bibb No. 1, bds 342 Hidrola, E. M Watts Isaac, r 342 Hidrola, E. M Watts John, wks Bibb No. 1 Watts Laura Miss, bds, Center, nw cor Garden, E. M Watts Mary, wid M., r Center, nw cor Garden, E. M Watts Victoria Miss, wks Bibb No. 1, bds Center, nw cor
Garden, E. M





Watts William, c, switchman E. T., V. & G. R. R., r 215
Elbert Waxelbaum Adeline Miss, bds 756 Mulberry Waxelbaum David (S. Waxelbaum & Son), bds 756 Mulberry Waxelbaum Emanuel A., cashier S. Waxelbaum & Son, bds
868 Mulberry Waxelbaum Gates J., elk S. Waxelbaum & Son, bds 868 Mul
berry Waxelbaum Joseph (S. Waxelbaum & Sou), bds 756 Mulberry Waxelbaum Josephine Miss, bds 756 Mulberry Waxelbaum Solomon (S. Waxelbaum & Son), r 756 Mulberry WAXELBAUM S. & SON (S. and J. Waxelbaum, S.
Popper and D. Waxelbaum), whol dry goods, notions, cloth
ing and carpets, 452-454 3d Wayman Charles, c, lab, r ss Powell, 1st w of New, E. M Wayman Timothy, c, wks Standard Oil Co., r 4 Spring Wayne John T., printer News, bds 434 Ross Weaks Benjamin P., butcher W. L. Henry, r 248 New, E. M Weaks Thos., helper Winn, Johnson & Co., r 211 Hidrola, E. M Weathers Fred, c, lab, r 623 Middle, E. M Weathers Willie, c, brickmason, bds 623 Middle, E. M
Weaver F. H., eng C. R. R WEAVER JOHN C., genl mngr Talbott & Sons, r 374
College Weaver Sam, c, wks J. L. Shea, r 76 Jones Weaver R. L., elk Talbott & Sons, bds 374 College Webb Adolphus, c (J. R. Webb & Bro.), r 617 Monroe Webb Dawson, c, driver J. S. Jones & Co., r 617 Monroe Webb Frank, brakeman, bds 454 Oak Webb Green, c, wks C. R. R., r es Cole al, 2d n of Elm Webb Green, c, wks Manchester Mnfg Co, r Roy, w of Ullrnan Webb Isaac, c, porter Macon Hardware Co., r 363 Monroe Webb James R., c (J. R. Webb & Bro.), r 617 Monroe Webb John A., carp C. R. R. shops, bds 453 Arch Webb J. R. & Bro., c (J. R. and A.), grocers and liquors, 421
Cotton av Webb Lee, book agt, r ws College, s of Bouudary Webb Robert W., cond M. C. & S. St. R. R., r ws College, s
of Boundary

THE POWERS CONTRACTING CO. Dealers in BUILDERS' and PAINTERS' SUPPLIES, and 157, 159, 161 Cotton Avenue. (See p. 8.) GENERAL CONTRACTORS

408 and 410 Mulberry Street UMtMSaMSOfMOBSiOlieSCriDtiOllS




Webb Wesley, c, brickmason, r 617 Monroe Webb William A.,'wks Palmer Mnfg. Co, r ss Forsyth rd, opp
Crump's Park Webb W. K., fireman C. R. R Webber Frederick, wks Macon S., D. & L. Co Weber Lizzie Miss, wks Mrs. M. F. Cheves, bds 1227 2d Webster Lee, c, lab, r ws Shamrock, 1st n of Hazel Weed John, c, butcher, r ws Wood's al, 1st n of Ash Weedman Green, c, lab, r rear 656 Pine Weekly Mary Mrs., dressmaker, r 1010 Oglethorpe Weeks Francis, c, teacher, r Fulton al Weichselbaum Edward, elk S. Weichselbaum, bds 569 1st Weichselbaum Sam, whol liquors, 517 Cherry, r 569 1st Weidman E., foreman Sioux City Prov. Co., r Walnut Weighterman Ernest, elk, r 1135 Walnut Weissberg Isaac, tailor M. Greenberg, bds 458 1st Weisz James G., with Ga. Music House, r 460 Oak Welch Amos, c, lab, r ns Holmes, P. H Welch William S., cond S. W. R. R., bds Edgerton House Welch W. T., flagman E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds 454 Oak Wells Edgar, c, mason, r ns Green, 4th w of Madison Wells George B., soda water mnfr, bds 125 Cole Wells Henry, c, lab, r ws W. Boundary, 1st n of Chestnut WELLS JOS. E., watches and jewelry, 308 2d, r 113 For
syth. (See page 3.) Wells Thomas F., teacher, r ss Forsyth, V WELLS WILLIAM H., ehf eng G. S. & F. and M. & B.
R. Rs
Weltch Timothy L., fireman G. S. & F. R. R., bds es 4th, 1st s of Windsor, S. M
Wesby Thomas, c, brickmason, r 618 Washington av Wesley Charles, c, wks C. R. R., bds es Center, 1st n of Clin
ton, E. M
Wesley Howard, c, brickmkr, r 317 Elbert Wesley John, c, gardener, r ss New Cherry, 3d w of Monroe Wesley John W., wks Bibb No. 2, r 71 Hawthorne, Factory
Wesley John W. Jr., wks Bibb No. 2, bds 71 Hawthorne, Factory row

rino ti[[| 9 f H Sell the NOBBIEST NECKWEAR lAUo, IulL & IU. one price


Carriages, m^lmmense Stock. Low Prices.

U gg I e S s. , wagons, S. PAHMELEE, "W?,8*-




Potter, D. D., editor; Rev. John W. Burke, assistant editor;
452 2d
D. D., pres; College, bet Washington av and Georgia av
West Anna Mrs., r 904 Hazel West A., c, wks M. C. & S. St. R. R West Bertha Miss, knitter Ga. Hosiery Co., bds 904 Hazel West Emanuel, c, lab, r City Park West End Chapel (Baptist), ns Columbus rd, bey limits West Jackson, c, lab, r 129 Adams West James A., wks C. R. R., r Stratton, se cor 5th, S. M West Jefferson, c, lab, r rear ns Elm, 5th e of Main, E. M Wart John, c, lab J. S. Schofield & Son West Judson, c, wks C. R. R., bds 759 5th West Lizzie Miss, r rear 253 Ocmulgee West Mary A., wid A. J., bds 318 Oak West Myrtle Miss, knitter Ga. Hosiery Co., bds 904 Hazel West Preston, c, lab C. R. R., r 122 Green West Sterling R., c, barber J. H. McCants
WEST THOMAS B., lawyer, 355 3d, r 361 Adams
West Thomas W., elk D. J. Baer, bds 904 Hazel West Thomas W., c, grocer, 583 Monroe West Walter, farmer, bds 904 Hazel West William, c, cook L. Ripley, bds 122 Green
WESTBROOK ALLATIA C., genl claim adjuster C. R. R.
& Bkg Co., 566 Mulberry, bds Hotel Lanier Westbrook T. W., mach C. R. R Westcott George S., sheriff Bibb Co., r 341 Calhoun Westcott Henry P., with A. Bernd, r 606 2d Wester John F., carp C. R. R., bds es al, w of Jackson, 2d s
of Elm Wester Susan E., wid K. M., bds ss Pebble, 1st w of Elbert,
S. M
lers, mngr; 413 4th Westley Anna Miss, milliner Rees & Hendrix, r 343 Ross Westley Sylvester J. (Moxley & Co.), r Altoona, Pa Westley William M., cond S. & W. R. R., bds 670 3d
MACON COMMERCIAL COLLEGE} AFirst Class Business School
Circulars free. W. McKAY, Principal. J Rupid BuSIflOSS Pofimunship

BUILDERS' IIIIEIIIU Of Every Description.


(See p. 7.)

6th St., Cor. Cherry




Whaley Spencer, c, painter, r ns Holmes, 6th w of Middle, P. H Whatley Daniel J., wks C. R. R., bds Hawthorne, cor 2d Whatley John, c, r Tindallville, S. M Whatley W. A., driver M. C. & S. St. R. R Whatley William W., wks C. R. R., bds Hawthorne, cor 2d Whatley W. J., carp C. R. R. shops Wheeler Alice Miss, wks Bibb No. 1 Wheeler Allen, c, lab, r 1066 Ocmulgee Wheeler Charles, with Mallary Bros. & Co., bds Brown House Wheeler George, c, barkpr, r Hammond's al Wheeler Henry, c, brickmason, r rear Phillips' al, S. M Wheeler John, c, brickmkr, r 110 Mulberry WHEELER JOHN C., civil eng, and surveyor Bibb Co., r
807 Poplar Wheeler J. H., supervisor C. R. R., r 853 Oak Wheeler Nancy, wid, r 218 Main, E. M Wheeler Patrick, c, farmer, r rear es Church, 3d n of Garden,
E. M Wheeler William T., printer News, bds 853 Oak Wheeler Z. B., broommkr, Johnson al, r 620 Walnut Whidby James, c, barber R. H. Hart, bds 916 Ocmulgee Whiddon Jared I., eng E. T., V. & G. R. R., r 530 Calhoun Whipple Jerry, c, hackman, r rear 238 Georgia av Whipple Murray, c, driver Hotel Lanier Whipple Walker, c, barber A Henderson, r 201 Clinton, E M Whitaker George, wks C. R. R., bds 1537 3d Whitaker Jacob, c, r rear 305 2d, E. M Whitaker Joshua C., carp, r ns Jordan's al, S. M Whitaker Mary J., wid M. A., r 1537 3d Whitaker Nathaniel, blksmith C. R. R., bds 769 4th Whitaker Turner, c, r 417 1st, E. M Whitaker Walter W., carp G. S. & F. R. R., r 1541 1st Whitaker William F., wks E. J. Willingham & Bro., r 1537 3d White Allen, c, lab, r ss Roy, w of Ullman White Andrew, c, lab, r 117 Mulberry White Annie L., wid W., r es Ft. Hill, 1st n of Milledgeville
rd, E. M White Austin, c, lab C. R. R., r ss Bernard, 2d wof Milledge
ville rd, E. M

UNION CENTRAL1Issues ENDOWMENT Insurance at LIFE Rates. Policies Incontestible and Non-Forfeitable.

(See p. 6.)


LOWRY, Mnsrr,

BOOKS STATIONERY i. W. BURKE & CO. Keep the best of every thing in their line.




White Benjamin, c, porter Johnson & Harris, r 331 Maple White Benjamin A., elk, r 207 Appleton av White Bloomer E., c, mess Telegraph, bds 242 Jefferson White Charles B., with S. R. Jaques & Tinsley Co., bds 504
Walnut White C. H., book agt, bds Corbett House White Doc, c, wks C. R. R., r 216 Jefferson White Earlie L., carp, bds ns White, 2d e of Ells, S. M White Elizabeth T., wid W. E., bds Hidrola, ne cor Church,
E.M White Ephraim, c, drayman A. B. Small, r ws W. Boundary,
1st n of Chestnut White Frank, c, wks J. G. Ruan, r rear 568 Walnut White George F., dep U. S. marshal, bds 617 Adams White George M., book binder, r 467 Spring White Henry, c, lab, r 104 Jefferson White Hugh, stenographer S. T. Coleman & Burden Co., bds
es Ft. Hill, 1st n of Milledgeville rd, E. M White Hunter R., c, mess Telegraph, bds 242 Jefferson White Isaac, c, wks M. C. & S. St. R. R White Jabez M., contractor, r 768 Plum White Jack, c, lab, r 414 Bay White James, c, lab, r 160 Ash White James, c, lab, r 309 Hammond White Jesse, carder Manchester Mnfg Co., r 9 Manchester row White John, c, wks T. J. Bell & Son, r 112 Madison White John T., c, mail agt, bds 402J Mulberry White J. Howard, elk N, Y. Life Ins. Co., bds 769 Mulberry White J. T., bds 616 Walnut
White Lendon C., foreman J. S. Schofield & Son, bds 607 Plum
White Mary, wid James, bds 467 Spring White Miller G., elk Clem Phillips, bds 504 Walnut White Nathan, c, carp, r ss Roy, w of Ullman White Sewing Machine Co., R. J. Anderson, agt; 129 Cot
ton av
White Sidney, elk, r 203 5th White Sterling, c, porter Payne & King White Thomas, c, porter Dannenberg & Doody, r rear 220 2d

How to Save GREENBERG MONEYS Haye your Clotliing made liy TH TAILOR.



gg UIIl Call on GEO. B. JEWETT, Office, Capital Bank, 456 2d.




White Thomas W., mach A. Bernd, r Plant, S. M White Thomas W. Jr., mngr Macon China Store, bds Plant,
S. M White Tucker, c, wks G. Bernd & Co., bds 331 Maple White Volie, c, porter J. P. Allen & Co., r 242 Jefferson White William, c, carp Powers Contg Co., r 253 Walnut White William, c, servt, bds 331 Maple White William, c, wks J. G. Ruan White William, c, wks M. Newman, r ns Holt, nr Old Hos
pital, V
White William T., painter Powers Contg Co., r 110 New
WHITE W. ROSS, cashier Bibb No. 1, bds 753 Mulberry
Whitehead Adam, c, porter L. S. Hill & Co., r McKenna's al Whitehead Frank B., cond, r 619 2d Whitehead Jesse, c, lab, r rear 116 Ash Whitehead John, c, driver Brewery Whitehead Maynard, c, plumber, r 653 Hazel Whitehead William H., whol candy mnfr, 419 4th, r 755 Arch Whitehurst Jean L., wid J., r 204 Spring Whitehurst Sarah, wid H., r 204 Spring
Whiteside Samuel J., lessee C. R. R. Compress, r Columbus, Ga
Whitfield Bros. (J. B. and M. C.), grocers, ss C. R. R., nr Vineville depot
Whitfield Daniel, c, lab, r 208 Hazel Whitfield Frank, c, lab, bds rear 698 College Whitfield Isaac, c, lab, r Baer's row
Whitfield Jacob, c, butler W. F. Geeslin, r rear 220 Adams Whitfield John B. (Whitfield Bros.), r ss C. R. R., nr Vine
ville depot
Whitfield Mathew C. (Whitfield Bros.), r ss C. R. R., nr Vineville depot
Whitfield Richard, c, lab, r 135 Division
Whitfield Walter, c, barber W. Braswell, r 377 Madison Whitfield William, c, wks W. R. Ivey Whitney Ruth, wid Z., bds 1056 Oglethorpe Whitt Richard, machine agt, r rear 252 Main, E. M Whittick Albert, c, porter, r rear 217 4th Whittington Elisha, wks C. R. R., bds 1533 3d

R. C. WILDER'S SONS SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, Dressed and Rough Lumber 614 to 622 Third St., JUacou, tta.

Whittington John, wks C. R. R., bds 1533 3d Whittington John W., wks Bibb No. 2 Whittington Judith, wid C., bds 1533 3d Whittington Monroe J., fireman G. S. & F. R. R., r ws Ells,
2d n of New Houston rd, S. M Whittle Alfred, c, lab, r Forsyth, nw cor W. Boundary Whittle Grammar School, ns Mulberry, 3d w of 4th Whittle Henderson, c, porter Hotel Lanier, r es Jones, nr Old
Hospital, V Wiggins Bishop, wks E. T., V. & G. Depot Wiggins Burrell, c, butler, r ns New Cherry, 2d e of Middle,
P. H Wiggins Charles, c, well digger, r ss Boundary, 3d e of 4th,
S. M Wiggins Flint, c, wks Macon Clay Wks Wiggins Green, c, carp, r rear ns Jefferson, 3d eof Middle P. H Wiggins Lindsay, c, lab, r rear 821 2d Wiggins Mack, c, wks Bibb No. 1, r 303 Burnett, E. M Wiggins Samuel, c, wks Bibb No. 1, r 511 Flanders, E. M Wiggins St. Clair, postal elk, bds 457 Oak Wiggins Towney, wid G., r 819 4th Wilbourn Charles G., elk C. R. R., bds 654 1st Wilbourn George, c, brickmason, r 108 Collins, E. M Wilbourn House, Stewart & Seals, proprs; 410 Plum Wilbourn John, c, wks G. S. & F. R. R., r rear 333 Hidrola,
E. M Wilbourn Joseph H., gunsmith C. Huhn, bds 654 1st Wilbourn Mary M., wid Joseph, r 654 1st Wilbourn M. A., cond C. R. R Wilbourn William, c, carp, bds 104 Collins, E. M WILBOURN CHARLES B., genl frt agt G. S. & F. R. R.,
& M. & B. R. R., bds 815 Cherry Wilburn Francis I., wid W. F., bds 562 Madison Wilburn Joseph G., bkkpr Coleman, Ray & Co., r ss Forsyth,
3d w of W. Boundary Wilburn J. Edward, bkkpr Sou. Hardware Co., bds 562 Madi
son Wilburn Larry, c, porter Etheridge, Trammell & Co., r rear

BUILDERS' hardware--An Immense Stoct--at

--- -

0. P. & B. E. WILLINGHAM & CO'S.


At S*1*1 iiL TI fi m PA \ R ^K IVECiR'Q TelephoSnetoNor.a3g07e. R(Soeoe pm. 8s.



Wilburn Thornton, c, porter S. R. Jaques & Tinsley Co., r Wind sor Hill, S. M
Wilchinski Henry, elk, bds 806 2d
Wilcox Arthur D., collector Macon G. L. & W. Co., bds 149 Forsyth
Wilcox Frank, c, porter Holliman, Watson & Adams, r es Cole, s of Hazel
Wilcox G. V., with Toof, McGowan & Co., bds Commercial Hotel
Wilcox John W., supt Macon G. L. & W. Co., r 149 Forsyth Wilcox James, c, wks C. R. R., r 618 Hazel Wilcox William F., collector Macon G. L. & W. Co., bds 149
Wilder Andrew J., eng C. R. R., r 1337 4th Wilder Asher, c, porter C. R. R., r 854 Hazel Wilder Benjamin, dray line, r ss Columbus rd Wilder Benjamin, c, lab, r 613 Georgia av Wilder Benjamin T., foreman R. C. Wilder's Sons, r ss Ells,
2d w of 4th, S. M
Wilder Benjamin T. Jr., elk R. C. Wilder's Sons, r Wilder, sw cor Troup, S. M
Wilder Brutus, c, carp, r rear 628 Hammond Wilder Charles W., carp, bds ss Ells, 2d w of 4th, S. M Wilder Christopher C. (R. C. Wilder's Sons), r 620 Pine Wilder Edgar, printer, bds rear ns Columbus rd Wilder George, c, porter, r 506 Ross
Wilder Harriet, wid R. C., r Wilder, sw cor Troup, S. M Wilder Henry, wks Payne & Willingham Wilder Henry, c, wks C. R. R. r 318 Gilmer Wilder Ida Miss, nurse Mrs M. A. Bradford Wilder James H. B. (R. C. Wilder's Sons), r ss Plant, 4th w
of Davis, S. M
Wilder James D., c, elk King & Wilder, r 370 Maple Wilder James T., carp, r ws 3d, 11th s of Windsor, S. M Wilder Jeremiah J., farmer, r rear ns Columbus rd Wilder Jerry, c, line Sou B. T. & T. Co
Wilder John C., tinner Macon Hardware Co., r ss Anderson, 3d w of 2d, S. M
Wilder Joseph, c, cook M. G. Putzel






Wilder Judson J., bkkpr W. H. Whitehead, bds 619 1st Wilder Louis C., c (King& Wilder), r 358 Maple Wilder Minnie Miss, knitter Ga. Hosiery Co Wilder Oliver W., fireman C. R. R., bds 1331 4th Wilder Richard, c, carp, bds 4021 Mulberry Wilder Robert L., carp G. S. & F. R. R., r ws Wilder, 2d s of
Troup, S. M
WILDER'S R. C. SONS (C. C., W. A. and J. H. B. Wilder),
sash, doors, paints, oils, glass and builder's hardware, 614 to 822 3d. (See bottom lines.) Wilder Scott, c, lab, r rear City Hall Wilder William, c, lab, r es Middle, 2d s of New Cherry, P. H Wilder William A. (R. C. Wilder's Sons), r 659 Oak Wilder William E., dray line, r ss Columbus rd Wilder Willis C. Mrs., r ss Williams, 1st w of 2d Wiley A. G. Mrs., bds 113 Forsyth Wiley Charles M., ordinary Bibb Co., r 341 College Wiley Henry, c, lab E. T., V. & G. R. R Wiley James, c, lab City Wiley Sidney R., elk, bds 341 College Wiley Thomas, c, lab E. T., V. & G. R. R Wilkerson Bently H., carp, r rear ss Boundary, 1st e of Elbert,
S. M Wilkerson Charles W., carp G. S. & F. R. R., bds es 4th, 1st
s of Pebble, S. M Wilkerson Jennie Miss, bds 121 Academy Wilkes James M., elk Eads, Neel & Co., bds 710 Mulberry Wilkes John, c, lab, r 309 Jefferson Wilkins Henry, c, lab, r 424 Flanders, E. M Wilkinson Charles E., printer J. W. Burke & Co., bds Park
Hotel Wilkinson Eleanor, wid James, r 563 College Wilkinson Hilliard, c, wks C. R. R., r ws Bright's al, 3d s of
Hazel Wilkinson Martha A., wid A. J., r 121 Academy Wilkinson Thomas, c, lab J. H. Roush & Sons Wilks Charles F., r ws Factory row, 3d s of Hidrola, E. M Wilks James W., flagman S. W. R. R., bds ws Factory row,
3d s of Hidrola, E. M

| I(u Builders' and Painters' Supplies and General Contractors.

FOMITU1 CutlBFy, Spnnns, Tinware






Wilks Mattie Miss, wks Bibb No. 1, bds ws Factory row, 3d s
of Hidrola, E. M Wilks Susan Miss, wks Bibb No. 1, bds ws Factory row, 3d s
of Hidrola, E. M Wilks William, wks Bibb No. 1, bds ws Factory row, 3d s of
Hidrola, E. M Willaford Amanda Mrs., boarding, 1302 4th Willaford James D., elk J. G. Dorsett, bds 1302 4th Willet Hugh M., cashier N. Y. Life Ins. Co., r 237 College Willet Joseph E., prof Mercer University, r 1363 Oglethorpe Willet Laura M. Miss, teacher Orange St. School, bds 1363
Oglethorpe Williams Addie, c, seamstress, r 357 Pine Williams Alex, carp Powers Contg Co., r 6 Spring Williams Alex, c, porter Johnson & Harris, bds 511 Flanders,
E. M Williams Andrew, c, lab, r 620 Hammond Williams Anthony, c, hackman, r es Middle, 2d s of Jefferson,
P. H Williams Anthony, c, lab, r rear 314 Cherry Williams Arthur, wks Bibb No. 1, bds 230 Clinton, E. M Williams Asa, c, lab, r Willingham row Williams Benjamin, c, gardener, r 219 W. Boundary Williams Bras, c, porter W. F. Price Williams Burton, c, wks Pettit, De Haven & Co., r rear 1130
4th Williams B. Miss, wks Bibb No. 1 William Cato, c, carp, r rear 914 Elm Williams Chance, c, sweeper Manchester Mnfg Co Williams Charles, bag master, bds 106 5th Williams Charles, c, grave digger, r 167 College Williams Charles, c, lab, r rear 314 Cherry Williams diaries, c, wks Bibb No. 2, r 1058 Hazel Williams Charles, c, wks Wood & Bond, r ss Green, 12th w of
Williams Charles B., barkpr Commercial Hotel Williams Charles W., c, brickmkr, r es C. R. R., 2d s of Ash Williams Clarence, c, porter J. Davenport Williams Clarence A., eng C. R. R., r 820 New

lAU5, IUlL fit lU. [in? U[[| 0 pn CLOTHING THAT FITS LIKE TAILOR JVIADE^5E4fh^sS 7 u*

Carriages Phaetons, Buggies, Road Carts, Etc. * Great Variety. (Seep. 7.) S. S. PARMELEE, 470 SeCOnd St.




Williams Clarence B., fireman, bds ws Milledgeville rd, 11th n
of Ft. Hill, E. M Williams Clem E., with Cox & Corbin, bds Pierpont House Williams Cornelius, c, fireman Gas House, r al, bet 4th and
Elbert, nr Bay Williams Daniel, c, porter T. J. Hunt, r rear 753 Mulberry Williams D., wks Bibb Mnfg Co Williams D., c, carp C. R. R. shops Williams Eastman, c, wks C. R. R., r 506 2d, E. M Williams Edward, c, wks C. R. R., r ss Ray, 3d e of Peach
tree, E. M Williams Elijah, c, shoemkr M. Felts, r Forsyth, sw cor W.
Boundary Williams Elijah L., c, musician, r Murray's al Williams Elizabeth, wid W. C., bds 305 Water, E. M Williams Ella Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds ws 1st, 3d n of
Hawthorne Williams Ephraim, c, wks C. R. R., r 456 Bay Williams Erasmus D., eng C. R. R., r 153 3d Williams E. A., c, elk T. W. West, r Yineville Williams E. J. Mrs., housekpr Pierpont House Williams Forrest, c, driver I. C. Plant, r 970 Ocmulgee Williams Frank M., eng Macon Agrl Wks, r 1534 4th Williams Fred, c, whitewasher, bds 212 Madison Williams Fred W., wks C. R. R., bds 1042 College Williams Gabriel, c, drayman Geo. T. Rogers' Sons, r 521 Arch Williams George, c, servt, 717 Mulberry Williams Hampton, c, drayman Cox & Corbin, r 305 Oak Williams Harry, c, wks Hays & Mansfield, r 561 Cotton av Williams Hance, c, wks G. S. & F. R. R., r rear 653 New Williams Helen H., c, teacher, r ss Roy, w of Ullman Williams Henry, farmer, r rear Center, nw cor Woolfolk, E M Williams Henry, c, lab, r 1020 Hazel Williams Henry, c, wks J. S. Schofield & Son, r 658 4th Williams Henry, c, wks Palmer Mnfg Co., bds es Ullman rd Williams Horace G., wks M. C. & S. St. R. R., bds 1042 Col
lege WILLIAMS HOWARD J., physician, 458 2d, bds 708 Oak Williams Hubbard, fireman G. S. & F. R. R., bds 221 4th

A First-class Business School Rapid Business Penmanship.
Circulars Free. w. mckay, Priu.

V i-




Williams Isaac, c, cook M. G. Putzel, r rear 866 3d Williams Isharn, c, brickmason, r 116 New Williams Jack, c, butler, r 216 Monroe Williams Jacob, c, wks Powers Contg Co., r ss New Cherry,
3d w of Monroe Williams James, c, cook King & Wilder, r 227 Jefferson Williams James, fireman, r ss Reid, 2d e of 4th, S. M Williams James H. (J. II. & W. W. Williams), r 220 High Williams James W., flagman C. R. R., bds ss Boundary, 5th w
of 3d, S. M Williams Jeff, c, drayman S. R. Jaques & Tinsley Co Williams Jerry, c, carp, r 253 Chestnut Williams Jesse, c, drayman, r 619 3d Williams, John, c, lab, r rear 216 1st Williams John, c, lab, r es Wright's al, 4th s of Ash WILLIAMS JOHN B., propr Commercial Hotel, 509 4th Williams John G., with 0. P. & B. E. Willingham & Co., bds
607 Plum Williams John W., c, drayman J. D. Hudgins, r 4 Spring Williams Joseph, c, butcher, r Swamp rd, nr limits Williams Joseph, c, lab, bds 17 Wolff row Williams Julia, c, seamstress, r 1017 Ocmulgee WILLIAMS J. H. & W. W. (James H. and William W.),
watches and jewelry, 352 2d Williams Lewis, c, driver Payne & Willingham, r P. H Williams Lot, c, lab C. R, R. shops Williams Luther, cashier I, C. Plant & Son, r 756 Mulberry Williams Luther G., wks Bibb No. 2, bds ws 1st, 3d n of Haw
thorne Williams Mack, c, brickmkr, r al, bet 2d and 3d, nr Hazel Williams Marion W., mach C. R. R., r 866 1st Williams Martha D. Miss, bds ss Lee, 1st w of Church, E. M Williams Martha E. Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds ws 1st, 3d n of
Hawthorne Williams Mary, wid B. M., r ss Lee, 1st w of Church, E. M Williams Mary, wid J., r 305 Water, E. M Williams Mattie, wid J., bds es Milledgeville rd, 6th n of
Hidrola, E. M Williams Miles, c, porter, r 621 3d




<3-0 TO




Williams Moses, c, drayman, r Harris' al Williams Nathan, e, driver Powers Cont'g Co., r ss Jefferson,
7th w of Monroe Williams Nathan, c, wks S. W. R. R., r es Booker's al, 4th s
of Bay
Williams Nathaniel, c, lab C. R. R., bds 921 Ash Williams Neal, c, lab Gas Co., r 320 Bay Williams Nicholas, c, carp, r rear 221 Chestnut Williams Paul H., wheelwright J. E. Lowery, bds 1042 Col
Williams Peter, c, lab C. R. R., r rear 314 Cherry Williams Phelim, c, lab, r es Garfield, 1st n of Bernard, E. M Williams Philip, c, fireman Macon Clay Wks William Pink, mason, bds 768 Plum Williams Pleasant, c, lab, r ws Booker's al, 2d s of Bay Williams Richard A., wks J. E. Lowery, r 1042 College Williams Richard A. Jr., harnessmkr A. Bernd, bds 1042
College Williams Robert, fireman C. R. R Williams Robert, c, switchman E. T., V. & G. R. R Williams Robert L., U. S. gauger Cox & Corbin, bds Corbett
House Williams Robert L., wks Bibb No. 2, r ws 1st, 3d n of Haw
thorne Williams Samuel, c, drayman Geo. T. Rogers' Sons, r P. H Williams Samuel, c, lab, bds 159 5th Williams Sandy, c, wks C. R. R., r ss New Cherry, 9th w of
Middle, P. H Williams Solomon, c, servt W. T. Womack, r Clinton rd, E. M Williams Spencer, c, drayman, r 328 Jackson Williams Susie Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds ws 1st, 3d n of Haw
thorn Williams Thomas c, lab, r 1060 Hazel Williams Thomas, c, lab, r es 4th, 1st s of Chapel, S. M Williams Thomas A., c, lab, r 229 Chestnut Williams Thomas J., student, r 916 Oglethorpe Williams Tiny M. Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds ws 1st, 3d n of
Hawthorne Williams Turner, c, barkpr, r al bet 4th and 5th, nr Oglethorpe



8TKEET At GREENBERG, The Tailor's.

GEO. B. jewett, Agent. Office, Capital Bant 456 2d.
Williams Tye G., r 103 Academy Williams T. W., carp C. R. R. shops Williams Uriah L., grocer, 1171 3d Williams Walker, c, lab, r ss Green, 7th w of Hudson Williams Walter, c, wks Bibb No. 1, bds 506 2d, E. M Williams William M., c, preacher, r ss Roy, w of Ullman Williams Wiley, c, brickmason, r rear 756 Pine Williams William, c, carp, r ws W. Boundary, 1st s of V. rd Williams William, c, lab, r rear 771 Spring Williams William, c, lab, r rear 314 Cherry Williams William, c, lab, r ss Ellis, 4th w of Moure Williams William, c, lab, r al n of Orchard av, nr Brewery la Williams William, c, lab E. C. Corbett Williams William, c, porter, r es W. Boundary, 3d s of Forsyth Williams William, c, wks C. R. R., r Tupelo Williams William, c, wks G. S. & F. R. R., r rear 1120 4th Williams William, c, wks Hotel Lanier, bds 53 1st Williams William A., elk Payne & King, bds Commercial
Hotel Williams William D., prin. Ga. Academy for the Blind, r same Williams William D. Jr., bkkpr Smith & Gordon, bds 554
Orange Williams William L., wks J. W. Burke & Co., r es Ft. Hill,
4th n of Willingham, E. M Williams William W. (J. H. & W. W. Williams), r 162 Mag
nolia Williams Willis, c, lab E. T., V. & G., R. R Williams Wilson, c, lab, bds Thompson House Williamson Alex M., cond G. S. & F. R. R., r Cedar, nw cor
Windsor, S. M Williamson Carrie, wid Thomas, bds Cedar, nw cor Windsor,
S. M Williamson Charles, c, wks C. R. R., r 313 Hammond Williamson Charles H., elk S. R. Jaques & Tinsley Co., bds
587 Madison Williamson Charles J., with S. Waxelbaum & Son, bds 582
Madison Williamson Florence, wid C. J., r 582 Madison Williamson Fred, c, lab, r rear 120 Bay
614 to 633 Tbird Street, MACOUT, GA. LathS and Shingles





Williamson Harrell, c, lab, bds 153 Bay Williamson Jasper C., elk W. J. Julian Williamson Joseph P., insp M. C. &S. St. R. R., bds 552 Pine Williamson J. P., fireman C. R. R Williamson K. C., wid W. W., r 587 Madison Williamson Loren, elk T. S. Lowry, bds 582 Madison Williamson L. B., flagman S. W. R. R Williamson Peter, c, lab S. W. R. R., r ns Elm, 2d w of Telfair Williamson Robert, c, wks E. T., V. & G. R. R., r ws C. R. R.,
bet Ash and Elm Williamson Sarah A., wid E. C., r 756 Pine Williamson Thomas J., postal elk, bds S52 Pine Williamson William H., fish dir, 105 5th Willimont C. G., with Parker News Co Willingham Benjamin L , with C. B. Willingham, r 320 Orange Willingham Broadus E. (O. P. & B. E. Willingham & Co.),
r 361 College
Willingham Calder B., cotton warehouse, 455 2d, r 410 College Willingham Edward J. (E. J. Willingham & Bro.), r 305
Willingham E. J. & Bro. (E. J. and E. P.) furniture mnfrs, Cherry, nw cor 8 th
Willingham E. Pringle (E. J. Willingham & Bro.), bds 320 Orange
Willingham Osgood P. (O. P. & B. E. Willingham & Co.), r 263 College
WILLINGHAM 0. P. & B. E. & CO. (Osgood P. and Broadus E. Williugham and J. A. Reynolds), sash, doors, paints, lime and bldg material, factory ft Cherry, store 362 3d. (Will move about May 1st 1891, to 510 Cherry.) (See bottom lines.)
Willingham Paul D. (Payne & Willingham), r 350 Orange Willingham William B. (Turner & Willingham), r 622 Orange Willings Henry, c, shoemkr, 963 Hazel, bds rear 758 Cherry Willis Amos, c, lab C. R. R., r Tracy's al Willis Claude H., jeweler Jos. E. Wells, bds 656 Walnut Willis Daniel R., mach, bds 151 Cole
Willis Elisha B., blksmithG. S. & F. R. R., r 608 Oglethorpe Willis E. E., flagman S. W. R. R

0.P.&B L

Will move about May 1st,
1891, to their new building 510 Clterry Street.

For anythinginFru'ts>Produce'Fish'0yster8 or Ice

Send to Headquarters. (pales.)





Willis Frank, eng, bds 126 Holt Willis George, c, brakeman C. R. R Willis George A., elk Sou. Ex. Co., bds 131 Cole Willis Green, c, carp, r al bet Washington av and Forsyth, nr
branch Wdlis Henry, c, painter, r ss Holmes, 8th w of Middle, P. H Willis Jacob T., blksmith G. S. & F. R. R., r 694 Oglethorpe Willis Jeff D., blksmith C. R. R., r 616 Arch Willis John W., blksmith C. R. R., r Cole, secor Maple Willis Laura A. Miss, tailoress, r ws 3d, 2d s of Pebble, S. M Willis Leila Miss, dressmkr Miss M. Stevens, r E. M Willis Leopold, c, porter L. J. Dinkier, r Bond Willis Robert L., blksmith C. R. R., bds 807 Oak Willis Sallie Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co Willis Thomas, wks Macon Knitting Co Willis William C., with Suwanee River C. & V. Co., r Hawk-
insville Willoughby Alex, c, lab, r rear 317 5th Wilson Albert, c, grocer, 111 5th Wilson Albert, c, lab, r ws 2d, 6th s of Troup, S. M Wilson Alexander R., mach C. R. R., bds 406 Oak Wilson Alfred, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 73 Hawthorne, Factory row Wilson Alfred, c, driver Mrs. L. A. Rogers, r P. H Wilson Andrew A., elk M. Daly, r ss Daly al, 1st e of New
Houston rd, S. M Wilson Augustus, c, gardener, r rear es Ells, 3d s of New Hous
ton rd, S. M
Wilson Benjamin G., eng, bds 607 Plum Wilson Betsy, c, seamstress, r 966 Walnut Wilson Charles, c, wks Macon Clay Wks Wilson C. J., fireman C. R. R., bds 769 4th
WILSON EDGAR S., sec and treas Macon Fire Ins. Co., r
1321 Oglethorpe Wilson Elijah, c, teacher, r ws 2d, 5th s of Troup, S. M Wilson Ernest A., contractor, r 1115 Walnut Wilson Frank A., mach C. R. R., bds 1520 3d Wilson George, c, wks C. R. R., r rear 314 Cherry Wilson Georgia Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 73 Hawthorne,
Factory row

W. W.4R. S. COLLINS r"rrT,..
<8-458 THIRD STREET, i* and M. A A. li'ils.





Wilson Golden, c, lab, r ws 2d, 4th s of Troup, S. M Wilson Henry, c, lab, r rear ss Boundary, 1st w of 4th, S. M Wilson Ida Miss, bds es Milledgeville rd, 4th n of Fairview,
E. M Willon James E., wks O. N. Cripps, bds es Milledgeville rd,
4th n of Fairview, E. M Wilson James I. (M. W. & J. I. Wilson), r es Milledgeville
rd, 4th n of Fairview, E. M Wilson James R., c, drayman, r 160 College Wilson Jesse J., wks Payne & Willingham, r 252 4th Wilson John, c, lab C. R. R., rrear ns Reid, 2d e of Chapel, S. M Wilson John, supt's elk C. R. R., bds 769 Poplar Wilson John, wks Bibb No. 2, r 74 Hawthorne, Factory row Wilson John, c, wks Macon Clay Wks, r 766 Hazel ' Wilson Joseph, c, lab, r ws Craft's al, 4th s of Jefferson, P. H Wilson Joseph, wks Bibb No. 2, r 73 Hawthorne, Factory row Wilson Joseph F., carp E. T., ~V. & G. R. R., r 904 Hazel Wilson Judson P., with Winn, Johnson & Co Wilson Lee, c, wks G. S. & F. R. R. r rear 139 Rose Park Wilson Lewis, c, lab, r Hicks' al Wilson Martha S., wid Joel, bds 252 4th Wilson Mary Mrs., grocer, 143 Jones Wilson Mathew W. (M. W. & J. I. Wilson), r es Milledge
ville rd, 12th n of Hidrola, E. M Wilson M. W. & J. I. (Mathew W. and James I. Wilson),
furniture repairers, 401 1st Wilson Osborne, c, lab, r rear 718 Oak Wilson Peter, c, wks G. S. & F. R. R Wilson Philip, c, wks Dixie Works Wilson Samuel, c, porter Capital Bank, r 348 Columbus Wilson Samuel B., bds 320 Water, E. M Wilson Samuel T., c, lab Pettit, DeHaven & Co., r 143 Jones Wilson Stark, c, lab, r al, bet Mulberry and Cherry, nr 4th Wilson William, c, porter Geo. T. Rogers' Sons Wilson William, c, wks Moxley & Co., bds al, bet 6th and 7th,
nr Mulberry Wilson William C., builder and architect, bds 219 High Wilson William P., sec and treas Bibb Land-Lumber Co., r
Hampton, Ga

157, 159, 161 Cotton Aveuue.^ THE POWERS CONTRACTING CO.




Wimberly Andrew, c, carp C. R. R., r 305 Ash Wimberly Brown D., farmer, r 204 Forsyth
Wimberly David, c, brakeman S. W. R. R., bds 305 Ash Wimberly George, c, wks Wood & Bond, r es Milledgeville
rd, 13th n ofHidrola, E. M Wimberly Henry, c, lab, r 108 Ross Wimberly Isaac, c, wks Pettit, DeHaven & Co., r 763 Elm Wimberly James F., eng G. S. & F. R. R., r ns Lee, 1st w of
Center, E. M
Wimberly Joseph, carp, bds 333 Hidrola, E. M WIMBERLY MINTER, lawyer, 504 Mulberry, bds 203
Wimberly Olin J. (Steed <fc Wimberly), r 805 Orange Wimberly Robert, c, wks W. F. Anderson, r 105 Mulberry Wimberly Robert R., with Domestic S. M. Co., r 261 Maple Wimberly William, harnessmkr S. S. Parmelee, bds 322 3d Wimbish Alonzo, elk, bds 509 2d
Wimbish Christopher, c, wks C. R. R., bds 330 2d, E. M Wimbish Clifford, c, porter C. C. Ice Works Wimbish Eugene A., elk W. E. Hill, r country
Wimbish Henry, c, carp, r ws Pierce av, 2d n of Forsyth, V Wimbish Leroy, c, bell boy Commercial Hotel, r 758 Hazel Wimbish Silas, c, dairyman, r ns New Cherry, 7th w of Middle,
P. H Winberg Agnes, wid J., r 1343 4th
Winberg James C., druggist Rose& Cherry, bds 1343 4th Winberg John, blksmith C. R. R., bds 1343 4th
WINCHESTER W. R., physician, 364 2d, r 566 Madison Wind John, c, blksmith Palmer Mnfg Co
Wineman Benjamin, wks Sioux City Prov. Co., r Walnut Winfield M. L. Mrs., music teacher Wesleyan Female College, Wing David, c, car cleaner C. R. R
Wing Edward, carp, r ws Telfair, 6th s of Gordon, S. M Wing George F. (Geo. F. Wing & Co.), r 280 Main, E. M Wing Geo. F. & Co. (Geo. F. Wing), printers and stationers,
420 Cherry
Wing George F. Jr., elk G. F. Wing & Co., bds 280 Main, E. M
Wingfield Elijah, c, lab, bds 313 Hammond



OUTFITTERS j} ONE PRICE-552 & 554 Cherry St.


.H. A. RnuNiE-SnoS, iWi,HuiIPnSo,


470 SECOND STREET (See P. 7.)




Wingfield Frank, c, wks Bibb No. 1, bds 159 5th Wingfield Moses, c, lab G. S. & F. R. R., bds 313 Hammond Wingfield Solomon, c, lab G. S. & F. R. R., bds 313 Ham-
mond Winkelried Joseph Rev., pastor St. Joseph Church, r 204 4th
Winn Bristol, c, blksmith C. & M. R. R., r 609 Arch Winn Cooper D. (Winn, Johnson & Co.), bds ss Forsyth, V
Winn Edward, C., eng C. R. R., bds 454 Oak Winn Emanuel, c, servt, rear 123 Park pi Winn Henry, c, carp, r 404 Mulberry Winn John, collector Domestic S. M. Co., r 753 Oak
WINN, JOHNSON & CO. (C. D. Winn, G. C. Johnson
and R. F. Lawton), candy and cracker mnfrs, 464-474 Poplar Winn Joseph W., c, lab, r nr S. Ga. Orphans Home, V Winn Roland, c, gardener, r es Middle, 4th s of Jefferson Winship Blanton, special agt .Etna Life, bds 352 College Winship Lizzie, wid Emory, r 376 College
WINSHIP NATHAN R., Southern mngr .Etna Life Ins.
Co., of Hartford, Conn., 563 Cherry, r 624 College Winslow Amos H., physician, 759 Cherry, bds Park Hotel Winters Absalom, lab, bds 374 Clinton, E. M
WINTERS EDWARD E., genl mngr M. C. & S. St. R. R.
Co., office 809 Poplar Winters Elias, dry goods, 803 4th Winters Joseph, eng C. R. R., bds 454 Oak Winters J. Henry, policeman, r 403 Main, E. M Winters Margaret Miss, housekpr G. W. Gustin, rss Forsyth,V Winters Mary J., wid J. H., bds New Houston rd, ne cor 2d,
S. M Winters Thomas, eng C. R. R., bds 857 3d Winters Warren B., policeman, r 374 Clinton, E. M Wintrip John H., c, barkpr S. Weichselbaum, r 214 Madison Wippler Frederick W., produce, r 748 College Wippler William T., elk C. R. R., bds 748 College
Wise Basil A., bds 220 New Wise Benj., c, wks M. C. & S. St. R. R., r rear 452 Walnut Wise Charles, wks E. T., V. & G. R. R
WISE CLISBY, ger.ts furnishings and hats, 314 2d, r 220
New. (See p. 16.)

MflGON COMMERCIAL COLLEGE; AFirst Class Business School

w. J Circulars free.

McKay, Principal. Rapid Business Penmanship


PETTIT, DeHAVEN & CO.CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS, 6tli St., Cor. Cherry. (See p. 7.)




Wise Joseph, c, drayman Geo. T. Roger's Sons, r 314 Cherry Witkowski Albert, with L. Cohen & Co., bds 713 Cherry Witkowski David, cashier and mugr Sioux City Prov Co., 460
1st, r 713 Cherry Witkowski Edward G., asst bkkprS. Waxelbaum & Son, bds
213 2d Witkowski Gustave, with S. Waxelbaum & Son, r 213 2d Witt Berry, elk Jarratt & Todd, bds es Church, 3d n of Garden,
E.M Witt Emma O., wid J., r es Street Car al, 2d s of Elm Witt George W., elk Lazarus Bros., bds 1153 Hazel Witt Lizzie Miss, knitter Macon Knitting Co Witt William, stable hand M. C. & S. St. R. R Witt W. R., agt Singer Mnfg Co Wolfenden Frank, elk, bds 718 Pine Wolfenden Thomas J., millwright, r 718 Pine Wolff Edward, r 519 2d
Wolff Isadore, elk S. Waxelbaum & Son, r 717 Cherry Wolff Jacob, trav agt, bds 620 1st Wolff Joseph, with L. Cohen & Co., bds 456 1st Wolff William (Wolff & Happ), r 654 Plum Wolff & Happ (W. Wolff and M. Happ), whol dry goods,
410-414 4th
Wolihin Andrew M., sec Grand Lodge of Ga., F. & A. M., bds 654 Walnut
Wolihin William A., bds 654 Walnut Womack Andrew, c, porter W. A. Minsou, bds 670 Arch Womack Andrew J., bridge foreman S. W. R. R., r es al bet
Telfair and Jackson, 3d s of Elm Womack Arnold, c, carp, r 229 Chestnut Womack Jackson, c, janitor, r 670 Arch Womack Mary, wid W., bds 512 Clinton, E. M Womack Samuel, c, carp r es Jones, nr Old Hospital, V Womack Samuel, c, porter C. H. Cubbedge, bds 670 Arch Womack Wiley A., carp E. T., V. & G. R. R., r 315 Cliuton,
E. M
Womack William T., genl store, 402 Main, E. M., r Woolfolk, ne cor Center, E. M
Womack Wilson, c, lab, bds 862 Ocmulgee

UNION CENTRAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Lowest Death Kate. Highest Interest Rate. (Seep. 6.) T. S. LOWRY, Manager.

***' w




tt* K :!

if j ^ '

W. i


` I { / I i pi '

Wood Adolphus, grocer, 4th, nw cor Pebble, S. M Wood Annie M. Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds ss Pebble, 3d
w of 3d, S. M Wood Arthur L. (Wood & Bond), r 163 2d Wood Augustus G., watchman Eureka Co., r ws Peachtree, 2d
n of 2d av, E. M Wood Bryant, c, lab, S. M. Subers & Son, r rear 354 Spring Wood California, seamstress, r 320 Water, E. M Wood Charles E., butcher, r Gunn's Hill, S. M Wood Charles M., 1st lieut police, r 432 Ross Wood Edward P., elk G. S. & F. R. R., bds 763 Poplar Wood Elisha E., lab, r rear 696 College Wood George, c, lab G. S. & F. R. R., bds 436 Flanders E, M Wood George W., mach C. R. R., and grocer, Ash, ne cor 2d,
r1336 2d Wood Hampton S., fireman C. R. R., r 1020 Oglethorpe Wood Harriet J., wid W., r New Houston, 4th e of 2d, S. M Wood Henry, c, wks Palmer Mnfg Co., bds ws Ullman, 2d
s of Roy Wood Homer, cllc C. B. Moore, r 150 Holt Wood Jacob, c, lab C. R. R., bds 309 Galmer Wood James M., carp R. C. Wilder's Sons, r ss Pebble, 3d w
of 3d, S. M Wood Jeff D., fireman C. R. R., bds ss Stratton, 5th of
Chapel, S. M Wood John J., butcher W. H. Wood, r 913 2d Wood Julius A., driver M. C. & S. St. R. R., bds 432 Ross Wood Lee V., butcher W. H. Wood, bds 913 2d Wood Luther H., with S. R. Jaques & Tinsley Co., bds 362
Clinton, E. M Wood Martha B., wid T., bds 1020 Oglethorpe Wood Mary O., wid G., r 870 1st Wood Miser G., with Price & Maas, bds ws 4th, 2d s of Peb
ble, S. M Wood Rachel A., wid G., r ws 4th, 2d s of Pebble, S. M Wood Thomas, r 855 Mulberry Wood Thomas, c, cook, bds 353 Madison Wood Thomas E., real estate, r ws 2d, 2d s of Troup, E. M Wood William, c, lab, r rear 389 Madison


Office: Capital Bank, 456 Second St.

Insurance Agent.




Wood William B., batcher W. H. Wood, bds 1052 Ogle
thorpe Wood William E., lab, bds rear 555 Pine Wood William H., butcher, 609 4th, r 1052 Oglethorpe WOOD & BOND (A. L. Wood and J. Bond), furniture, car
pets and undertakers, 559-561 Mulberry Woodall Charles Y., photographer, 657 3d, bds 619 1st Woodall Lewis, c, whs J. G. Ruan Woodall S. E., wid J. M., r 141 Academy Woodford Willis, e, wksG. S. & F. R. R., bds 352 6th Woodham T. H., fireman C. & M. R. R Woodliff Mahala, wid E., r 103 Spring Woodruff Charles E,, fireman, r 757 Oak Woodruff Charles N., florist, ss Forsyth, 10th w ofW. Bound
ary, r 32 Vineville rd WOODRUFF DAVID B., propr Vineville Greenhouses, and
architect, 510 Mulberry, r ss Forsyth, V Woodruff Emma Miss, seamstress, bds 757 Oak Woodruff Eva Miss, seamstress, bds 757 Oak Woodruff H. Lewis, architect D. B. Woodruff, r 106 Acad
Woodruff Robert M., eng C. R. R., r525 Oglethorpe Woods John, lab, bds ws 4th, 4th s of Boundary, S. M Woods S. C. Miss, bds Pierpont House
Woodson Alex, c, wks Smith & Jackson, r Unionville Woodson Tommie Miss, wks Ga. Hosiery Co., bds 1010 Ogle
thorpe Woodson William H., elk E. P. Strong, bds 126 High Woodward Augustus, c, porter, r 413 Monroe Woodward Henry, c, wks G. S. & F. R. R., r Wing's Bottom,

Woodward Henry, wks Palmer Mnfg Co Woodward H. B., wks Palmer Mnfg Co
Woodward Virginia, wid J. J., r 407 Walnut WOOLFOLK ARTHUR R., sec and treas Macon Brewing
Co., r 527 College
Woolfolk Goin, c, hackman, r 106 Walnut
Woolfolk James H., c, porter, r ws Milledgeville rd, 5th n of Hidrola, E. M

P VII Mn finnfrantnrs and Builders (fi II I LULII 0 0U III) 614 to 632 Tliird Street, MACON, GA.


313 Ocmulgee Street.



Woolfolk Robert, bkkpr Eureka Co., bds 587 Orange Woolfolk Samuel, c, porter C. C. Ice Wks, r rear 821 Oak Woolfolk William, c, lab, r al bet Mulberry and Cherry, nr 4th Woolls William H., printer, r 455 Plum Wooten John D., fireman C. R. R., bds 454 Plum Wooten Joseph, c, porter, r 1017 Oglethorpe Wooten William B., elk Bibb No. 1, bds Pierpont House Work George F., treas Macon G. L. & W. Co., r Philadelphia Worrill Frederick W., mechanical eng Bibb No. 2, r 906
Oglethorpe WORRILL W. S., chf eng Bibb Mnfg Co., bds 906 Ogle
thorpe Worsham Appleton, fireman C. & M. R. R., bds 221 4th Worsham Henry D., elk, r ss Columbus rd Worsham James H. D., physician, r ss Columbus rd Worsham Lee S. (Rodgers, Worsham & Co.), r 237 High Worsham Thomas, c, lab, r 314 Poplar Worsham William E., student, r ss Columbus rd Worsham William T., policeman, r E. M Worsley William M., cond S. W. R. R Worsley James, wks C. R. R. shop, r 343 Ross Wortham Henry M., vice-pres Dunlap Hardware Co., and sec
and treas Macon Agrl Wks, r 287 College Worther Harper, c, lab, bds ss Turpin, 1st e of Division Worther Wesley, c, lab, bds ss Turpin, 1st e of Division Worthy Doc, c, gardener, r ws Dairy la, 3d n ofGeen Wrenn Alex B., c, bricklayer, bds 516 Cotton av Wrenn Walter A., c, bricklayer, bds 516 Cotton av Wrenn William M., c, elk W. E. Johnson, bds 516 Cotton av Wright Andrew, c, lab, bds ss Turpin, 4th e of Division Wright Augustus, c, drayman Johnson & Harris, r ss Orchard
av, 3d w of Hudson Wright Charles, c, lab M. C. & S. St. R. R., r 717 Arch Wright C. Randolph, bkkpr, r 760 Cherry
Wright Darwin S., dentist, 354 2d, r Rembert av, nw cor Boundary
Wright Edith Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co., bds 1504 2d Wright Edward, c, fireman Macon Clay Wks, r Gunn's Hill,
S. M

0. P. & B. E, WILLINGHAM & C0.Manufac,urers of Doors'
7th <& Cherry Streets. Office 363 3d. Sash, BlilltlS, Mantels, EtC.



Telephone No. 307. rp


(Seep. 8.)

1. \J 1



Wrisrht Elijah, c, blksmith J. S. Schofield & Sou, r rear ss

Forsyth, V

Wright E. Nisbet, elk Smith & Gordon, r 760 Cherry

Wright George, c, asst barkpr Benner Bros

Wright George, c, painter C. R. R., r ws 4th, 1st e of New

Houston rd

Wright George A., elk G. S. & F. R. R., bds 763 Poplar

Wright George W., elk G. S. Jones & Co., r 763 Poplar

Wright Harry (Wright & Malone), r ss Forsyth, V

Wright Homer N. (Geo. W. Greene Co.), bds 109 Washing

ton av

Wright Jack, carp Hays & Mansfield, bds 458 Oak

Wright James, c, lab, bds ss Turpin, 4th e of Division

Wright Jennie Miss, finisher Macon Knitting Co

Wright Jesse, painter, r es Milledgeville rd, 3d u of Fairview,

E. M



Wright Jesse, c, wks J. H. Roush & Sons, r 351 Hawthorne

Wright John, c, lather, r ws al, 3d n of Elm, bet Ross and


Wright Joseph L., jeweler G. T. Beeland, bds 1504 2d ^

Wright Kearney, c, janitor U. S. building, r ss Orchard av,

1st w of Hudson

Wright Lula V. Mrs., seamstress, r 307 Ocmulgee

Wright Major, c, helper Winn, Johnson & Co

Wright Marshall, c, carp, r ss Boundary, nr Mercer Univ

Wright Mary N., wid Patrick, r 760 Cherry

Wright Nelson, c, lab C. & M. R. R., r Bright's al

Wright Russell, c, porter G. Bernd & Co., r 243 Clinton,

E. M

Wright R. L., cond S. W. R. R

Wright Samuel, lab, bds es Milledgeville rd, 3d n of Fairview,

E. M

Wright William, c, wks Palmer Mnfg Co

Wright William B., blksmith C. & M. R. R., r 1504 2d

Wright William H., c, porter Progress Club, bds 916 Ocmul-


Wright & Malone (H. Wright and J. R. Malone), seeds, 502 2d

Wrigley D. Henry, bkkpr W. J. Ross &Co., r ws Davis, 1st

s of Williams, S. M



m n. UiuMUlLUI IiNlO?


TUB (jest ATV1> purest TRT?!Til 1FI IN MACON 1-ttot i^TDE AT HOME




Wrigley James F., foreman Winn, Johnson & Co., r ss Plant, 5th w of Davis, S. M
Wrigley William W., cashier First Nat Bank, r 109 3d Wrigley W. Mott, with Duncan & Carnes, bds ws Davis, 1st s
of Williams Wyatt John, c, waiter Hotel Lanier Wyche Harriet, wid A. H., r 418 Walnut Wyche John W., bkkpr, bds 706 4th Wyche Nathan, c, porter A. Gibian & Co., r 156 Jefferson Wyche Thomas M., elk, bds es 2d, 7th s of Windsor, S. M Wyche William J., grocer, es 2d, 6th s of Windsor, S. M Wyche William J. Jr., fireman C. R. R., bds es 2d, 7th s of
Windsor, S. M Wylie Ella J., wid William A., r 715 Pine Wylie Thomas J., elk, bds 715 Pine WYLLY WILLIAM H., justice and lawyer, 412 2d, r 421
Calhoun Wynn David C., wks C. R. R. shop, bds 165 Cole Wynn John W., eng E. T., V. & G. R. R., r 4th, sw cor
Stratton, S. M Wynn Robert S., trav agt, r 820 Walnut Wynn T. E., wid S., r 1419 4th Wynn William, c, porter G. Beggs & Sons, bds 952 Ocmulgee Wynne Charles E., grocer, bds 862 3d Wynne Frank, wks C. R. R., bds 862 3d Wynne Mary A., wid T. M., bds 820 4th Wynne Thomas J., r 820 4th

ARBORO J. L., driver M. C. & S. St. R. R

Yarborough James, collector C. T. Garden, bds 154 4th Yarn John, farmer, r es Ullman, n of Columbus rd Yates William J., eng G. S. & F. R. R., r ns Stratton, 2d
e of Chapel, S. M Yeager Frank P., 2d lieut police, r 203 Telfair Yeager Frank P., Jr., mach, bds 203 Telfair Yeager William J., mach J. S. Schofield & Son, bds 203
Telfair Yellowstone William, c, physician, bds 321 Water, E. M

Pn fn W Prates contracting co. for bu'lders' and


157,159,161 Cotton Ave. (Seep. 8.) PAINTERS' SUPPLIES

408 & 410 Mulberry SI. R. F. SMITH.! HANDKERCHIEFS, COLLARS.




Yon Emma Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 66 Hawthorne, Fac
tory row Yon Frank, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 66 Hawthorne, Factory row
Yon Jane, wid J., r 66 Hawthorne, Factory row Yon Maggie Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 66 Hawthorne, Fac
tory row Yon Susan Miss, wks Bibb No. 2, bds 66 Hawthorne, Fac.
tory row Yonge Henry, agt C. R. R. and Ga. R. R., r 664 College
York Green Rev., c, r rear 805 Orange York Michael Rev., c, pastor Prim. Baptist Church, r country
Yott Amelia, c, seamstress, r 9 Spring Youmans Dora, wid W. D., r 7 Clinton, E. M
Youmans Eliza, wid S., bds 1315 2d Youmans Elizabeth Miss, wks BibbNo. l,bds 7 Clinton, E. M Youmans Ida Miss, wks Bibb No. 1, bds 7 Clinton, E. M Youmans Samuel S., harnessmkr, r 1315 2d Youmans Shermie Miss, dressmkr, bds 1315 2d Young Bailey, c, servt 760 Cherry Young Daniel, c, drayman, r 353 Oglethorpe Young Edward F., mess Telegraph, bds 1411 2d Young Fleming D., switchman C. R. R., bds 1534 2d Young Frank, c, porter, r es Chestnut, 1st w of W. Boundary Young George, c, lab, r ss Willingham, 3d e of Ft. Hill, E. M Young George T., barkpr Commercial Hotel, r ss Columbus rd Young Hilliard, c, lab, r 108 Bay Youug Hubert O., carp R. C. Wilder's Sons, bds 708 Elm Young Isaiah, c, carp, r ws Poe, 5th n of V. rd Young Israel, c, lab, r rear 111 Jefferson Young Jacob, c, lab, r ns Holmes, 3d w of Middle, P. H Young James, c, carp, r ss Holmes, 1st w of Ward's al Young James, stock dir, r College, s of Boundary Young James B., fireman C. R. R., r 239 Jackson Young Jeff, c, fireman, bds 315 2d, E. M Young John, c, porter J. D. Dunbar, r Harris al, bet 2d and 3d Young Julia Miss, wks Macon Knitting Co., bds 1411 2d YOUNG L. COE, pass train supervisor C. R. R., r 1020
Walnut Young L. R., copper smith C. R. R

fine Uffl 0 P0 Leading Clothiers and Furnishers LAUD. IlLLL (x llU. 552 & 554 Cherry Street, MACON, GA.

Children's Carriages, goat wagons
s. s. PARMEiiEE,4toSecond st. (Seep. 7.) Saddles, Harness, Etc.




Young Mary E., wid D. J., r 1411 2d Young Men's Christian Ass'n, 456 Cotton av Young Men's Savings and Loan Ass'n, Hoff Sims, pres; J. J.
Cobb, sec and treas; 502-504 Cherry Young Nat, c, lab, r ss Holmes, 6th w of Middle, P. H Young Peter, c, lab, bds 315 2d, E. M Young Robert, c, farmer, bds 315 2d, E. M Young Rush, wks C. R. R., bds 553 Boundary Young R. B., cond E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds 221 4th Young Thomas E., flagman S. W. R. R., r 553 Boundary Young Walter, c, lab C. D. Findlay, r 710 Hawthorne Young Wiley, c, carp, r 153 College Young William, c, lab, bds 153 College Young William H., c, carrier P. O., bds Thompson House Young William R., mach E. T., V. & G. R. R., bds 704 3d Young William T., c, lab, r 425 Monroe Youngblood Crawford, c, lab, r rear 652 5th Youngblood James, carp, r 1427 2d Youngblood Thomas K., contractor, r 1427 2d
ZEIGLER WILLIAM H., c, wks Palmer Mnfg Co., r Unionville Zeigler William M., c, hostler E. T., V. & G. R. R., r Collins
ville Zellinger Daniel, c, lab J. S. Schofield & Son, r country Zellner J. N., flagman G. S. & F. R. R Zettler Berrien M., supt Bibb Co. Public Schools, 465 2d, r
165 2d Zettler Gordon, elk Merchants Nat Bk, bds 165 2d Zettler Guyton M., elk C. R. R., bds 165 2d


Circulars Free.

W. McKAY, Principal. j Rapil Business PenmansliiD-

Sash, Door and Blind BUILDERS MATERIAL PETTIT, DeHAVGN <fc CO. (See p. 7.)



For residences, individual names of memb&rs composing firms, etc., see the General Directory.




ABSTRACT CO., 364 2d. (See front cover.)
Alexander Free School, 2d, cor Pine Ballard Normal School, c, New, cor
Pine Collier Carrie Miss, 1327 1st Georgia Academy for the Blind,
sq Orange, opp High
Mercer University, Tattnall Moncrief Mary Mrs., es 3d, 2d s of
Windsor, S. M Mt. de Sales Academy, Orange, cor
Columbus St. Stanislaus College, Forsyth, bey
limits Wesleyan Female College, College,
bet Washington and Georgia avs
372 2d. (See bottom lines.)

AGRICULTURAL IMP'T MNFRS Macon Agricultural Works, office
352-356 3d
ARCHITECTS. Blair Alexander, 556 Cherry
418 2d. (Seep. 16.) Woodruff D. B., 610 Mulberry
BURKE J. W. & CO.,
452 2d. (Seep. 13.) Holt Charles C., 353 2d
AWNING MANUFACTURERS. Reichert Frederick, 516 Cherry
ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW, (See Lawyers.)
BAKERS. (See also Confectioners.) Isaacs S., ns Yineville rd, 3d e of Middle


and has made MOST Rapid Progress of any Co.

(Seep. 6.)

T. S. LOWRY, Manager.

PIANOS V- w. burke & CO. {WHEELER WILSON organs! than anybody oan^do. (SEWING MACHINES




Knobloch W. C., 509 Cotton av McGrath P., 318 3d Merkel Louis, 620 Cherry Newman M., 403 Cotton av Waggenstein R., 1036 4th
Turpin Baking Powder Co., 464 1st
609 Cherry
456 2d. (Seep 16.)
323 3d
502-504 Cherry, cor 3d. (See back cover.)
371 2d
BANK, 356 2d. (See front cover.)
(for savings.)
570 Mulberry
& TRUST CO., 502-504 Cherry, cor 3d
Ansley Edward W., c, 422 2d Benner J. H., 552 Mulberry Braswell Willis, c, 363 3d Brown R. E., c, 670 Cherry Edmonds J. A., 421 Cherry Gantt S. M., c, Brown's Hotel Giannone J., 521 4th Hart R. H., c, 309 and 617 4th Henderson Arthur, c, 321 4th Hester Oscar, c, 665 4th Hill Meade, c, 456 Cotton av Jackson Richard L., c, 312 Main,
E. M Johnson Belle, c, 663 4th

Loh M., Hotel Lanier McCants John H., c, 411 Cotton av Napier W., c, 551 4th Nixon David, c, 1028 4th Ruff Richard, c, 408 Mulberry Savage William, c, 1127 4th
Benner J. J., 552 Mulberry Loh M., Hotel Lanier
Central City Health Home, 630 Cot ton av
Binswanger J., ft Mulberry Block N. M., 456-458 Poplar Hudgins J. D., 470 3d Schoneman F. A., 518 Cherry
157 Cotton av
Brown's Hotel, 4th, cor Plum Hotel Lanier, 523 Mulberry Vannucci L., 609 Mulberry
(See also Wagon Makers.)
Chipp D., c, 220 3d Clark Andrew, c, 614 4th
215 Ocmulgee Gullen G. W., c, rear 355 5th Jackson J. M., c, rear 323 Forsyth Randall A., c, rear 352 4th Phenix George, c, ss Wall, bet 2d
and 3d Schatzman W. H., rear 421 3d Thomas & Hall, c, 553 Poplar Underwood Albert, c, Derry's la
BURKE J. W. & CO.,
452 2d. (See p. 13.)





412-414 Cherry. (See back fly.)
Bailey R. H., 607 Plum Barnett A. Mrs., 319 Walnut Burge A. T. Mrs., 112 4th Burham Gertie Mrs., 1127 Walnut Cannon House, 221 4th Colbert C. & 0. Misses, 718 Cherry
769 Poplar Corbett House, 770 Poplar Davis William C., 771 3d Deane Hattie, c, 668 4th DeLane Mary S. Mrs., 721 3d Denton James W., 518 Pine Drake J, S. Mrs., Boundary, sw cor
3d Fletcher S. L. Mrs., 355 Walnut Flint House, 552 1st Grey Hester A. Mrs., 454 Oak Hall C. A. Mrs., 504 Walnut Harrington George E. Mrs., 420 Oak Hogan E. T. Mrs., 304 4th Houser John L., 670 3d Huff Jane, c, 711 4th Jones Bessie Mrs., 362 Mulberry McElroy Sarah L. Mrs., es 2d, 4th s
of Boundary McKenna A. Mrs., 406 Oak Nelson E. A. Mrs., 154 4th Payne M. Mrs., 811 Walnut Pierpont House, 251-253 2d Rafield Mary, c, rear 227 5th Stubblefield House. 663 Mulberry
Enterprise Boiler Works, 452 Ogle thorpe
MACHINE WORKS, 5th, cor Hawthorne. (See p. 15.)
(See Blank Book Mnfrs.)
Brown Burr, 519 Mulberry

BURKE J. W. & CO.,
452 2d. (See p. 13.) Holt C. C., 353 2d
DEN CO., 460-464 3d Nussbaum M. & Co., 370-372 3d
(Wholesale and Retail.)
Dannenberg & Doody, 402 3d Singleton W. R. & Co., 558-560
Carhart W. B. & Co., 365 2d Goldman L., 365 Cotton av Hunt T. J., agt, 362 2d Jordan B. J. & Bro., c, 425 Cotton av
107 Cotton av Neel Shoe Co., 567 Cherry
310 2d
406 3d Stein H., 470 Mulberry Strong Edgar P., 374 2d
(makers and repairers.) Bailey James A., c, 574 Cotton av Bell G., c, 269 4th Brown Calvin, c, Vineville Burgay Allen, c, 666 4th Coleman G. H., c, 417 Mulberry Eisner Francis, 125 Cotton av Fambro Tip, c, 557 Poplar Felder John, c, 356 4th Felts Albert, c, Forsyth, sw cor W.
Boundary Gibson Reuben, c, ns Wall, bet 2d
and 3d Gilbert R., c, 363 Hazel Gordon A. A., c, Poplar, se cor 4th Harris George, c, 422 Main, E.M Henderson Stewart, c, 406 1st Jenkins David, c, 670 Hawthorne Lewis Peter, c, 552 Cotton av McKervey H., 601 Mulberry Moate William M., 622 4th

R.C. WILDER'S SONS Builders Supplies,Hardware,
614 to 622 Tbird Street, MACON, GA. PAINTS, OILS AND LEAD.

HOLMES JOHNSON Hfl A L SIS Ocmnlgee Street.





Powers William, Elbert, se cor Hazel Schelling John, 661 Cherry Stubbs Tillman, c, 408 1st Thomas Alonzo, c, 601 3d Wallace George, c, ns Wall, bet 2d
and 3d
Moxley & Co., Tupelo, cor Division
Hammond, cor Bay. (See p. 5.)
Anderson W. F., es Ga R. R., E. M Blake G. J., Swaipp rd Harris P., 556 Oglethorpe Stratton C. C. & Co., 603 1st Ruan John G., C. & M. R. R., E. M Toole C. J. & Bro., office 306 2d
(bonds and stocks.)
416 Cherry Solomon W. G. & Co., 409 Cherry
(general.) Johnson & Erminger, 404 Cherry Saulsbury J. R., 422 3d
Conner T. U. & Co., 404 Cherry
421 4th
417 Cherry Harris H. C., 411 Cherry Hodges J. O. & Co., 411 Cherry Jones T. S. & Co., 563 Cherry Kershaw & Hill, 409 4th Solomon W. G., 409 Cherry Stroemer H. R., 462 Poplar Troy W. B., 409 Poplar
((provisions and grain.) Georgia Commission Co., 418 4th

Hughes J. C., ns Wall, e of 2d Macon Broom Factory, Johnson al
368 3d
CO., 466 3d
CO., 157,159, 161 Cotton av. (See
614 to 522 3d. (See bottom lines.)
E. & CO., 362 3d. Will move about May 1st, 1891, to 510 Cherry. (See bottom lines.)
(See Colleges--Commercial.)
BUTCHERS. Abel Henry, 409 Cotton av Dixon George, ws 4th, 7th s of
Boundary, S. M Green W. & Co., c, rear 452 Cotton
av Henry R. L., 507 4th Henry W. L., 404 Mulberry, 214
Cotton av King J. H. Mrs., 463 1st Parker & Davis, ns Vineville rd, 2d
w of branch Simmons J. T., ws 4th, 9th s of
Boundary, S. M Wood W. H., 609 4th
Chappell & Park, 403 Poplar Rogers & Adams, 519 Cherry Whitehead W. H., 419 4th Winn, Johnson & Co., 464 to 474
Macon Canning Co., ss Columbus rd, nr Mercer University

Faints, Oils, Glass, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Etc,, At 0. P. & B. E. WILLINGHAM & CO'S.

ORANGES AND Telephone No. 307. (See p. 8.)



in SEASON at Headquarters.

452-454 3d (Retail.)
Payne & Willingham, 602 Cherry Wood & Bond, 559-561 Mulberry
470 2d. (See p. 7.)
ROSS W. J. & CO.,
Cotton av, nw cor Cherry. (See p. 3.)
CHEMISTS. Davenport Joseph, 216 Cotton av
103 Cotton av
572 Cherry Macon China Store, 563 2d Macon Hardware Co., 352-356 3d
R. F. Smith, propr ; 408-410 Mul berry. (See top lines.)
Central City Cider Co., 216 Cotton av Suwanee River Cider and Vinegar
Works, 456 2d
CIGAR MANUFACTURERS. Gans N. A. & Co., 420 Poplar
512 4th Rockman & Barnett, 553 4th
Altmayer & Flatau, 412 3d Block N. M., 466-458 Poplar

461 Cherry
456 Cherry Greenwood J. & Sons, 512 4th
459-461 Cherry Siesel S., 419 Cherry
360 3d
Block N. M., Brown's Hotel Crawlord I. D., Hotel Lanier Loh Henry P., 612 Mulberry
418 2d. (See p. 16.)
807 Poplar
452-454 3d (Retail.)
Baer D. J., 503-505 Cherry Berg Philip M., 414 Mulberry Dannenberg & Doody, 408 3d
552-564 Cherry. (See bottom lines.) Greenwood A., 557 4th
574 Cherry Jarratt & Todd, 507 Cherry Josephson S., 509-511 Cherry Josephson & Skalowski, 359 3d Morris M. I., 460 Mulberry Plymouth Rock Pants Co., 508 Mul
368 2d
515 Cherry

f. f. & R.S. COLLINS)PHENIX I FIRE insurance CO. 458 Tliird (Street. HANOVER FIRE INSURANCE CO.



MADE in the


(See page 5.)




COAL DEALERS. Anderson R. C., 153 Cotton av
206 Cherry
215 Ocmulgee
413 Ocmulgee. (See top lines.)
COFFIN MANUFACTURERS. Findlay C. S., Oglethorpe, se cor 3d
COMMERCIAL AGENCIES. (See Mercantile Agencies.)
COLLEGE, 372 2d. (See bottom lines.)
COMMISSION MERCHANTS. (dealers produce and commission) Flanders Bros., 405 Poplar Paine E. T., Jr., foot Mulberry Sewell Alonzo M., 153 Cotton av
CONFECTIONERS. (Wholesale and Retail.)
622 Cherry. (See p. 9.) (retail.)
Anderson Charles, 619 Cherry Cope V. S. Mrs., 315 3d Isaacs, S. ns Yineville rd, e of Mid
dle McGrath Patrick, 318 3d Merkel Louis, 520 Cherry
618 Cherry
CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES. Macon Construction Co., 456 2d Macon and Savannah Construction
Co., 456 2d
COOPERAGE. Palmer Mfg Co., C. R. R., opp
Crump's Park

Brown W. C., 620 Cherry
521 New. (See p. 4.) Ellis J. E., 121 Ocmulgee Freeman Arthur W., 406 1st
6th, cor Cherry. (See p. 7.)
CO., 157,159,161 Cotton av. (See p. 18.)
614-622 3d. (See bottom lines.)
125 Cotton av
Crutchfield Bros., 469 2d Emmell C. R., 554 Poplar Parrott A. F., 414 2d Roosevelt J. P., 570 Cherry
Central R. R. Compress, 5th, g of Cherry
English I. B. & Co., Poplar, cor 7th
(factors.) Coleman, Ray & Co., 409 Poplar English I. B. & Co., 652 Poplar Sparks W. B. & O. G., 461 3d
(gin manufacturers.)
Gantt J. T., 3d, cor Oglethorpe (mills.)
Mill No. 1, E. M.; No. 2, Ogle thorpe, head 1st. (See p. 11.) Manchester Mfg Co., C. R. R., bey limits
WAREHOUSE, 560 Poplar, (See
p. 9.)
Davis W. A., 451 Mulberry


408 and 410 Mulberry Street (Andtliousanfis of Notions all descriptions




Johnson & Estes, 552 Poplar Price W. F., 418-420 4th Willingham C. B., 405 2d
Ammons Cotton Chopping Co., Hammond, se cor Elm
COTTON SEED OIL MILLS. Macon Oil and Fertilizer Co., S. W
R. R., s of Boundary Planters Oil, Guano and Ice Co.,
Mulberry, ne cor 5th
CRACKER MANUFACTURERS. Chappell & Park, 403 Poplar Winn, Johnson & Co., 464 to 474
DAIRIES. Knight Alice Miss, 118 Main, E. M Quinlan A., 319 Clinton, E. M
556 Mulberry
514 Mulberry
FORD W. W. & G. J,,
464 2d. (See p. 6.)
556 Mulberry Holt W. Furlow, 127 Cotton av Long W. G., 568 Cherry Minson W. L., 572 Mulberry Toole C. J., 306 2d Toole C. L., 306 2d Wright D. S., 354 2d
Roseland Distillery, ws Ullman, n Columbus rd
Smith C. E., hd of Green
DRAY LINES. Abraham David, 721 Plum Cherry H. J., 869 Oak

Hanse Albert L., 504 Oak Hilliard S. M., 818 3d
Cope Y. S. Mrs., 315 3d Miller M. E. Miss, 710 Cotton av Smith C. W. Mrs., 155 Cotton av Stevens Mattie Miss, 129 Cotton av
DRUGS AND MEDICINES. (Wholesale and Retail.)
564 Cherry. (See back cover.)
620 Cherry Brunner N. I., 1002 4th
659 4th, (Brown House Block, opp Union Depot.) Goodwyn & Small, Cherry, se cor Cotton av Hoge Sol, 574 Mulberry Hunt & Shelverton, 476 Cotton av Ingalls John, 508 4th Lamar & Co., 602 Mulberry McCrary DeW. & Co., 338 Main, E. M Massenburg & Son, 203 Cotton av Morgan W. T., 1444 4th
103 Cotton av
617 4th
376 2d Vineville Drug Store, Vineville rd,
ne cor Middle
Fried J. R.. 459 Cherry
(Wholesale.) Nussbaum M. & Co., 370-372 3d
452-454 3d Wolff & Happ, 410 to 414 4th

EADS, HEEL & CO BEST HATS # SHIRTS 552 & 554 Cherry Street, MACON, GA. 7 X*

Buggies S. S. PARMELEE, Carriages, ^Immense Stock. Low Prices.

> Wagons.

470 Second St. (See p. 7.)




Baer D. J.. 503-505 Cherry
Abe Lesser, propr; 559 Cherry. (See p. 16.) Berg Philip M., 414 Mulberry Booker M. E. Mrs., 315 Hazel Burden, Smith & Ellis, 372 2d, 611 and 617 Cherry Cohen H., 657 4th
DOODY, 402 3d Elkan Morris, 411 3d Ellis John & Co., 208 Cotton av,
632 Cherry Goldman L., 363 Cotton av
356 2d and 154 Cotton av. (See front paster.) Holt Pulaski O., c., 452 Mulberry Jackson J. G., 226 Main, E. M Jarratt & Todd, 607 Cherry Josephson Simon, 509-511 Cherry Josephson & Skalowski, 369 3d Juhan W. J., 606 Cherry Lazarus Bros., 462 Mulberry
LYONS W. C. & CO.,
553 Cherry Mack Simon, 419 Cotton av Newman H., 655 Cherry Ohlman B. & Son, 561 4th Southern Emporium, 357-369 2d Stein H , 470 Mulberry Thorner I., 416 3d Winters Elias, 803 4th Womack W. T., 402 Main, E. M
165 Cotton av. (See p. 9.)
Crockett E., 1014 4th Findlay Iron Works, Oglethorpe,
cor 3d
MACHINE WKS, 5th, cor Haw thorne. (Seep. 15.) Schofield J. S. & Son, 521 5th

(dealers.) Mall ary Bros & Co., 506-508 3d
356 4th. (See back cover.)
461-466 Poplar. (See p. 4.)
Southern Express Co., 520 4th
(Manufacturers.) Macon Oil and Fertilizer Co., S. W.
R. R., s of Boundary Planters Oil, Guano and Ice Co.,
Mulberry, ne cor 5th Southern Phosphate Works, office
417 Cherry
CO., 420-422 3d
Carshell Nicolas, 307 4th Cullen A. A., 505 4th Morrison J. P. & Bro., 858 4th
foot of Mulberry. (See p. 8.) Southern Fish Co., foot of Mulberry
Woodruff Charles N., ss Forsyth, 10th w of W. Boundary
Woodruff David B., Forsyth, 8th w of W. Boundary
Georgia Mills, Hazel, cor 5th
Crockett E., 1014-1020 4th
3d, sw cor Oglethorpe
MACHINE WORKS, 5th, sw cor Hawthorne. (See p. 15.) Schofield J. S. & Son, 621 5th

MACON COMMERCIAL COLLEGE! A First Class Business School
Circulars free. w. McAAY, principal. ) Rapid Business Penmanship

BORDERS' M1TERI1L Of Every Description.


(See p. 7.)

6th St., Cor. Cherry




foot of Mulberry. (See p. 8.)
Anderson Charles, 619 Cherry Bowman Mary E., Cotton av, nr 1st Cabaniss G., c, New, nw cor Cot
ton av Cameriero Nicola, 514 Cherry Carshell Nicolas, 307 4th Cullen A. A., 505 4th Davis C., c, 807 and 809 4th Harper W. C., 704 Hawthorne Herndon & Parr, Ocmulgee, ne cor
5th Hilley R. S., Cherry, se cor 6th Samuel J., 410 Poplar Lyons George, 474 Cotton av Marzook A. D., 2d, junc Cotton av Miraglia E. D., 3d, se cor Cherry Nash George, 464 Mulberry Perfelia Felix, 507 4th Pinjaro John, 404 Mulberry Sanford A., c, 615 4th
Findlay Furniture Factory, Ogle thorpe, cor 3d
Macon Furniture Co., Poplar, cor E. T., V. & G. R. R
Payne & Willingham, Enterprise,S.M Willingham E. J. & Bro., Cherry,
nw cor 8th
Ford J. W., 614 New Garden C. T.,213 Cotton av Gordon & Graybill, c, 407 Mulberry Harris C, E.. 466 Cotton av
McManus l. & co.,
169 to 175 Cotton av Payne & Willingham.602-604 Cherry Reichert Frederick, 516 Cherry Snead Louis B., 705 4th Thomas A. S. & Co., 1141-1143 4th Toole H. F. & Bro., 455 Mulberry Toole Thomas E., 717 4th Trunnell John W., 803 4th

Virginia Furniture Co., 101 Cotton av Wood & Bond, 559--561 Mulberry
Wilson M. W. & J. I., 401 1st
WATER CO., 564 Mulberry
Ayer Thomas R., Vineville rd, nw cor Middle, V
Crawford H. H., ss C. R. R., bey limits
Hill William E., 474 2d Kahn Valentine, 511 Cotton av Michael B., 758 4th
Dannenberg & Doody, 408 3d
552-654 Cherry. (See bottom lines.)
355 2d and 154 Cotton av. (See front paster.)
574 Cherry
566 Cherry
368 2d
515 Cherry
314 2d. (See p. 16.)
552 2d. (See p. 9.) Carling T. J. & Co., 6th, nw cor
Cherry Georgia Quincy Granite Co., 552 2d
Georgia Mills and Elevator Co., ws C. R., bet Ash and Hazel

UIIION MMIssues ENDOWMENT Insurance at LIFE Rates. Policies Incontestible and Non-Forfeitable!

(Seep. 6.)

T. @. JL.OWHV, Mnjrr!





Taylor Bros. & Hall, 5th, se cor Walnut
Adams H. D. & Co., 522 Poplar Allen, Dumas & Thompson, 514-516
4th BedingSeld Bros., 417 3d Burdick E. L., 452 Poplar Carstarphen & Tillman, 458-460 2d Coleman & Ray, 411 Poplar
502-504 4th
456 Cherry fj Ham, Adams & Co., 453-455 3d . Holliman, Watson & Adams, foot
. Mulberry
Co , 402-404 Cherry
401-403 Cherry
Cherry, cor E. T., Y. & G. R. R
459-461 Cherry
Co., 420-422 3d Rogers, Jones & Moore, 302 Cherry
Mulberry, opp 5th Small A. B., 419-421 3d
413-415 Cherry Solomon & Riley, 413 3d
(Wholesale and Retail.)
Balkcom, Ray & Dinkier, 454 Mul berry
Hill William E., 474 2d Jones & Merritt, 471 2d
(Retail.) Abraham Moses, 113 Cotton av Acree Andrew J., 1302 4th Adamson Alfred Y., 698 College Aids Daniel, 1213 4th Allen J. P. & Co., 462 1st

Anderson J. F. c, Jones, nw cor College
Balkcom H. V., 1003 4th
220 Cotton av Barker R. H., c, ss Columbus rd Barnhart Robert, 360 Forsyth. Barron & Thomas, 103 5th Bazemore Walter, ns Columbus rd
616 Cherry Bennett C. E. Mrs., 725 Walnut Bircher L., Holt, cor Middle, P. H. Branham W. A., Boundary, cor Tel
fair, S. M Brown H., es Milledgeville rd, n of
Fairview, E. M Brown J. H., 640 Washington av
1213 2d Brown W. M., c, 204 Ash Burdell, Logan & Co., c, 413 Cotton
av Burnett & Goodyear, 232 Ross Campbell J., c, es Middle, 3d s of
New Cherry Carroll T. G. & Co., 1202 4th Carter Jerry, c, 159 5th Chambliss J. E., 212 Cotton av Chapman J. P., 515 Jackson Cheves Martha F. Mrs., 1227 2d Chiles Bros., 726 Hawthorne and
900 Oglethorpe Christian Frank R,, 217 Jaekson Clark Lord B., 302 Hazel Collins J., c, es Middle, 1st s of Jef
ferson, P. H Cronan W. M., Division, se cor
Turpin Daly M., New Houston rd, nw cor
Ells, S. M Daly M. M., 737 College Darby Adam, e, 155 5th Davis Abram J., 364 Forsyth DeLoach T., c, ns Holt, 2d e of
Clark av Dickey A. R , c, 323 4th Disroon F., c, 117 Spring Donahoe Tim P., 662 Poplar Donnelly & Hornsby, 964 Oglethorpe

How to Save GREENBERG MONEYS Have your Clotting matle liy fHE TAIJLOK.

IfYnn Want, surety or bond policy
|I j UU fg UIIl Call on GEO. B. JEWETT, Office, Capital Bank, 456 2d.




Dorsett J. G., 1004 4th Doyle Annie Mrs., 1209 4th Dunbar John D., 242 Calhoun Frank Rosa Mrs., 363 Forsyth Fulghum C. M., 1425 2d Furcron J. M., c, ss Green, 10th w of
Madison Gambol Texas, 675 4th Garrett M. E. Mrs., 1142 4th Gay & Hamlin, Elm, se cor Ham
Gorman A., ws 4th, 12th s of Boun dary, S. M
Green R. L. Mrs., ws 4th, 2d s of Boundary, S. M
Harmon S. S., ss C. R. R., bey limits
Harrison Nannie E. Mrs., 109 Franklin
Harris & Son, c, 625 Flanders, E. M
Hartz John, 704 Cotton av Harvey James, 652 4th Hawes H. B., c, 410 Clinton, S. M. Hawkins Eli, c, es TJllman rd Haynes G. W., ws 2d, 1st s of Wil
liams, S. M. Henry William E., 322 Main, E- M. Hill M., c, ss Holmes, 10th w of Mid
dle, P. H Holder James F., 521 Cotton av Holmes & Murray, 470 1st Holt Leroy, c, 1128 4th Hooks Richard, c, 506 Plum Hopkins H. L. Mrs., ns New Hous
ton rd, 3d e of 2d, S. M Hubbard C. Mrs., 434 Ross Hubbard J. E., es 2d, 2d s of Boun
dary, S- M
Jackson George, c, 860 Hazel Jackson J. G., 326 Main, E. M. Jackson J. M., c, 323 Forsyth Jenkins W. E., ws 4th, 6th s of Ells Johnson A. H. Mrs., 1342 4th Johnson N. B., 1502 4th
Johnson Willis, c, ss Columbus rd Johnson W. G., c, 369 Cotton av Johnston S. E. Mrs., 1072 Oglethorpe Joiner George W., 857 3d Jones C., 530 Flanders, E. M Jones Francis M., 316 Main, E. M Jones S. & Co., 416 Mulberry

Jones W. C., 628 Washington av Jones W. H. & Son, 340 Main, E. M
468 1st
Kennedy J. A.., 600 Oglethorpe Kessler Jacob, 515 Cotton av Lamb P. L., 602 3d
McCrary J. L., Middle, sw cor Holmes, P. H
McCrudden Bros., 121 5th McGolrick J. G. & Co., 702 4th McKevitt R., exr, 103 New McLean Elihu S., 216 Cotton av McLendon J. H., c, 1122 4th McMillan Thomas, 1161 Elm Machold M. Mrs., 302 3d Marshall C., ss C. R. R., bey limits Mathis Charles, 802 3d Medlock J. M. G., agt, 770 Hazel Michael Lee J. Mrs., 327 Clinton,
E. M
Millirons John W., 1021 Hazel Mims Elbert, c, ws TJllman, s of Roy Moore C. B., 611 4th Morrison J. P. & Bro., 856 4th Murphy B. Mrs., 124J Jones Nelson Walter, 703 4th Newton C. E., 574 Oglethorpe Nixon Lizzie, c, es Middle, 3d n of
Jefferson, P. H
Norris Jerry, Milledgeville rd, se cor Fairview, E. M
O'Connell E., 422 Mulberry O'Hanlon T., 508 Clinton, E. M O'Hara M., 1125 4th Outler N. S., ss Columbus, rd Owens J. R., c, 1124 4th Picard L., Cotton av, nw cor New Pierce P. H. C., 15 5th Pratt M. L., c, ws TJllman, s of Ray Pringle A. C. Mrs., 323 Clinton,
E. M
Raley Abner W., Ross, cor Elm Raley J. S. & Bro., 1120 Ogle
thorpe Reynolds Robert, 525 Cotton av Rockhill F. B. Mrs., ns Green, 4th
w of Madison Rose J. W.,2d, se cor Stratton, S. M Ryals A. J., ws 2d, 1st s of Pebble,
S. M

R. C. WILDER'S SONS SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, Dressed and Rough Lumber 614 to 622 Third St., Macon, Ga.





Ryder John, ss Forsyth rd, opp
Crump's Park Ryle J. R , 330 Main, B. M Schmidt Henry, 461 Cotton av Scott G. D., ws 4th, 1st s of New
Houston rd, S. M Seabrook C., c, ss C. R. R., w of
Ullman Shinholser W. T. & Ray, 603 4th Shivers & Ameson, 1241 2d
Smith A, J., es Milledgeville rd, 5th n of Fairview, E. M
Smith I Mrs,, 340 Jackson Smith J. W., es Fort Hill, 3dn of
Clinton, E. M
Stein George S., 470 Hazel Stembridge J. B , 802 Elm Stevens J., c, 402 Monroe Stewart William, 1440 4th Stewart & Perteet, 215 Hazel Strayer George, New Houston rd, ne
cor Ells, S. M Stubbs & Jackson, c, 402 Mulberry
Sullivan C. O., ns Vineville rd, 5ih e of Middle -
Sullivan L. Mrs., 207 Washington Teele W. H., 231 Ash Thigpen John L., 662 Spring
Thompson R. H., 4th, sw cor Pebble, S. M
Toole A. V., 454 1st Tracy M., 128 Green
Tucker A. A., ws4th, 4th s of Wind sor, S. M
Vinson J. S., 314 3d Wade B., 502 Pine Wagnon W. W. 358 Ash Walker Robert S., 426 Main, E. M
Wallace H. M., c, W. Boundary, sw cor Chestnut
Warren E. W. c, 117 5th
Watson C. E., Telfair, se cor Gor don, S. M
Webb J. R. & Bro., c, 421 Cotton av WestT. W., c, 583 Monroe
Whitfield Bros., C. R,, R., nr Vine ville depot
Williams Uriah L., 1171 3d Wilson Albert, c. 111 5th Wilson Mary Miss, 143 Jones Womack W. T., 402 Main, E. M

Wood A., 4th, nw cor Pebble, S. M Wood W., Ash, ne cor 2d Wyche William J., es 2d, 6th s of
Windsor, S. M
of N. Y., Henry Horne, agt; 358 2d
ALTY CO. of Phila., Geo. B. Jewett, agt: 456 2d
364 2d. (See front cover.)
520 Mulberry Macon Hardware Co., 352-356 3d
416 Cherry
456 3d Etheridge, Trammell & Co., 317 3d
CO.. 352-356 3d
Co., 157, 159, 161 Cotton av. (See
WARE CO., 406^ Cherry
306-310 3d
450-454 Cherry
HATS AND CAPS. (Wholesale.) **
466 3d (Wholesale and Retail.)
Singleton W. R. & Co., 558-560 Cherry

BUILDERS' HARDWARE-Ah Imiense SM-at 363 tTliird street. 0. P. & B. E. WILLINGHAM & CO'S.

. '.r-.

:-m' -s.

` * Me*** nUk..*. . itita-v.- '.1...

nan, lum it t.c. parker's Telephone No. 307. (See p. 8.




(Retail.) Carhart W. B. & Co., 365 2d
552-564 Cherry. (See bottom lines.)
574 Cherry
566 Cherry
368 2d
515 Cherry
314 2d. (See p. 16.)
Georgia Hosiery Co., 823 Elm
661 Hawthorne
4th, cor Plum
509 4th Edgerton House, 555 4th
521-531 Mulberry National Hotel, 507)4 4th Park Hotel, 417 1st Stubblefield House, 663 Mulberry Wilbourn House, 410 Plum
Excelsior Hook & Back Band Co., 352-354 2d
572 Cherry Macon Hardware Co., 352-356 3d Southern Hardware Co., 406 Cherry
Central City Ice Wks, Enterprise, S. M

Hammond, cor Bay. (See p. 5.) Planters' Oil, Guano and Ice Co.,
foot Mulberry
622 Cherry. (See p. 9.) Shinholser & Co., 659 Poplar
353 3d
422 2d
COLLINS W. W. & R. S.,
458 3d. (See bottom lines.-)
414 Cherry Conner T. U. & Co., 404 Cherry
467 2d
357 3d. (See p. 5.)
663 Cherry Flanders Robert H., 407 Poplar
358 2d Huff W. A. & Son, 467 2d
456 2d. (See top lines.)
526 Mulberry. (See p. 6.) Minson John, 516 Mulberry
568 Cherry
417 Cherry
423 2d
606 Cherry Smith Duncan, 516 Mulberry
TOOLE J. F. & CO.,
422 2d

1.1. & L nOHUS aaaaaaasB

458 THircl Street.




of Life. Pure

MACON BREWING CO. (Seep. 5.) Both Supplied by




353 3d
563 Cherry
CO., of Louisville, Ky., Oliver & Freeman, genl agts; 417 Cherry
ITY, of London, Henry Horne, agt; 358 2d
of Phila., Geo. B. Jewett, agt, 456 2d
of Hartford, Henry Horne, agt; 358 2d United States of N. Y., 353 3d
of Cincinnati, J. F. Toole & Co., agts; 422 2d
of Phila., Geo. B. Jewett, agt; 456 2d
of Atlanta, Cobb, Cabaniss & Cobb, agts ; 422 2d
of Toronto, Can., Cobb, Cabaniss & Cobb, agts; 422 2d
of Selma, Ala., G. C. Conner, agt; 414 Cherry
of London, Geo. B. Jewett, agt; 456 2d
of Hartford, Henry Horne, agt;
of N. Y., Henry Horne, agt; 358 2d

of Phila., Duncan & Carnes, agts ; 357 3d
of Columbus, Ga., Duncan & Carnes, agts; 357 3d
ofN. Y., H. Horne, agt; 358 2d
of N. Y., Duncan & Carnes, agts ; 357 3d
of Phila., J. F. Toole, agt; 422 2d
ANCE, of Eng., Geo. W. Burr & Son, agts ; 353 3d
of Germany, Geo. B. Jewett, agt; 456 2d
of N. Y., W. W. & R. S. Collins, agts ; 458 3d
of Hartford, Ct., Duncan & Carnes, agts; 357 3d
of N. Y., Cobb, Cabaniss & Cobb, agts; 422 2d Imperial, of London, 353 3d
of Phila., Duncan & Carnes, agts ;
357 3d
of Eng., Geo. W. Burr & Son, agts; 353 3d
of London, Eng., Cobb, Cabaniss
& Cobb, agts; 422 2d
Liverpool & London & Globe, of Enar., 609 2d
Geo. B. Jewett, agt; 456 2d. (See
top lines.)
SHIRE, of Liverpool, Duncan &
Carnes, agts; 357 3d

|'(tt Builders' and Painters' Supplies and General Contractorsm

C CMITUlCnflesj,Spnnns,TinwanE

I B Sar B wl B J I


8 3 408 and 410 MULBERRY STREET.





S. 8. Dunlap, pres ; R. E. Park, vice pres; E. S. Wilson, sec and

of Athens, Ga., G. C. Conner, agt; 414 Cherry

treas; 413 Cherry. (See p. 3.)
of Newark, N. J., Cobb, Cabaniss & Cobb, agts ; 422 2d National, of Hartford, 609 Cherry

of London, Cobb, Cabaniss & Cobb, agts; 422 2d United Underwriters, of Atlanta, 609 Cherry

AGENCY, Duncan & Carnes, agts; of N. Y., Henry Horne, agt; 358 2d

357 3d Niagara of N. Y., 353 3d North British & Mercantile, of Eng.,
609 Cherry Northern, of London, 353 3d
of Eng., Geo. W. Burr & Son, agts; 353 3d Orient, of Hartford, Ct., 353 3d
of Brooklyn, W. W. & R. S. Col lins, agts; 458 3d
of Hartford, Ct., G. C. Conner, agt; 414 Cherry
of London, Henry Horne, agt; 358 2d Queen, of Eng., 609 Cherry
Of N. Y., Duncan & Carnes, agts; 357 3d
of Rome, Ga., Cobb, Cabaniss & Cobb, agts; 422 2d
of Liverpool, Henry Horne, agt; 358 2d
ST. PAUL F. & M., ,

of Toronto, Can., Cobb, Cabaniss & Cobb, agts; 422 2d Williamsburg City, of N. Y., 363 3d
of Hartford, Ct., N. R. Winship, Sou. mngr ; H. S. Edwards, State agt; 563 Cherry. Oliver & Free man, local agts; 417 Cherry
of N. Y., Henry Horne, agt; 358 2d
of N. Y., Geo. B. Jewett, agt; 456 2d Mutual Life, of Louisville, Ky., 516 Mulberry Mutual Life, of N. Y., 353 3d
CO., of N. Y., R. H. Plant, genl agt; 423 2d
TUAL LIFE, of Milwaukee, T. E. Murphey, mngr; 668 Cherry Penn Mutual, of Phila, Pa., 467 2d
Of Cincinnati, 0., T. S. Lowry, mngr; 525 Mulberry. (See p. 6.)

of St. Paul, Minn., G. C. Conner, agt; 414 Cherry

INTELLIGENCE OFFICES. MacNair A. G. M., 674 Cherry

of Savannah, Geo. B. Jewett, agt; 456 2d



tional, of Edinburgh, Cobb, 557 2d

Cabaniss & Cobb, agts; 422 2d

Heath 0. P.,558 Mulberry

EADS,NEEL & CO.CL0THING atone price

Carriages Phaetons, Buggies, Road Carts, Etc.
Great Variety. (See p. 7.) S. S. PARNIELEE, 470 Second St.




(See Founders and Machinists.)
Beeland George T., 320 2d Birch J. H., 211 Cotton av Bruhl F. E., 590 Cherry Lazarus S., 125 Cotton av Lequin C. EL, 515 4th Mercer J. J., 267 5th Motes James L., 1211 4th Pollock M. B., c, 221 5th Solomon Charles H., 366 2d Tilly & Brewer, 705 4th
308 2d. (Seep. 8.) Williams J. H. & W. W., 352 2d
Hirsch Jacob, 552 3d
Masonic Bldg, 518 Mulberry Means J. F., 552J Mulberry Poe W. A., 513Mulberry
417 2d
LAND AGENTS. Butts A. G., 256 2d
Chung Sam, 454 Cotton av Lee Sam, 519 Mulberry Macon Steam Laundry,411 Mulberry Troy Steam Laundry, 259 2d
604 Mulberry Baxter Tracy, 556 Cherry
556 Cherry Blount James H. Jr., 304 3d Blount Joseph G., 552J Mulberry Brunson J., K)5 Cotton av Cohen E. A., 518 Mulberry Cooper John R., 566 Mulberry

Daly F. J. M , 552 Mulberry


304 3d, cor Mulberry


Masonic Bldg, 518 Mulberry


Masonic Bldg, 518 Mulberry


364 2d


HALL, 105 Cotton av

Hardeman & Davis, 105 Cotton av

Hardeman & Nottingham, 306 2d

Harris Marion W., 105 Cotton av


Masonic Bldg, 618 Mulberry

Hines R. K., 463 2d


355 3d

Jones & Dasher, 518 Mulberry

Jordan Robert C., 604 Mulberry

Kibbee C. C., 518 Mulberry


418 2d

Lofton W. A., 656 Cherry


566 Mulberry

Martin Fred R., 504 Mulberry

Mercer Charles G., 105 Cotton av

Moore Lloyd D., 355 3d


504 Mulberry

Poe W. A., 613 Mulberry

Pollhill H. C., 504 Mulberry




355 3d



355 3d

Robison J. W., 510 Mulberry

Ross & Anderson, 318 2d

Ryals & Stone, 364 2d


304 3d

Strohecker Henry F., 105 Cotton av

Thomas James A., 318 2d


HAM, 504 Mulberry

A First-class Business School Rapid Business Penmanship.
Circulars Frae. w. McKay, Prm.

Estimates Furnished fo; Building and all kinds
Telephone no. . 126 (Seep. ?.) of Builders Material.






504 Mulberry
355 3d
504 Mulberry
412 2d

Bell T. J. & berry
CO., 7th, sw cor Ocmulgee. (See p. 6.) Hays & Mansfield, foot Poplar


LUMBER CO., office 414 Cherry.-

(Seep. 14.)

Z' 1




458 3d

CO. Cherry, se cor 6th. (Seep. 7.)

157, 159, 161 Cotton ay. (See 157, 159, 161 Cotton av. (See

P 3)
B. E. & CO., 362 3d. (Will move about May 1,1891, to 510 Cherry.) (See bottom lines.)
614 to 622 3d. (See bottom lines.)

614 to 622 3d. (See bottom lines.)
B. E. & CO., ft Cherry & 362 3d. (Will move about May 1, 1891, to 510 Cherry.) (See bottom lines.)

Altmayer & Flatau, 412 3d Bedingfield Bros, 417 3d Block N. M., 456-458 Poplar
451 Cherry Cox & Corbin, 502-504 4th Gans N. A. & Co., 420 Poplar
456 Cherry Greenwood J. & Sons., 518 4th Hudgins John D., 470 3d Siesel S., 419 Cherry Weichselbaum S., 517 Cherry Thorner I., 718 3d Vincent J. S., 314 3d

Crockett E., 1014-1020 4th
3d, cor Oglethorpe
MACHINE WORKS, 5th, nw cor Hawthorne. (See p. 15.) Schofield J. S. & Son., 521 5th
506-508 4th
3564th. (See back cover.)
451 Poplar. (See p. 4.)

314 2d
364 2d Sims, Cobb & Co., 406 3d

358 3d
CO., 157, 159, 161 Cotton av. (See p. 8.)


(Seep. 6.)

T. S. 1^0 WHY,


-O- GO TO <>.


MAP PUBLISHERS. Butts A. G., 256 2d
552 2d. (See p. 9.) Case G. W., 464 Plum
(dealers.) Heath 0. P., 558 Mulberry
MATTRESS MNFBS. Phillips M., c, Main, ne cor Clinton, . E. M Reichert F., 516 Cherry
DUN R. G. & CO.,
411 Cherry. (Will move Jan. 1, 1891, to 504 Cherry.)
MERCHANT TAILORS. Burdick Geo. P. & Co., 565 Mulberry Friend M., 619 Mulberry
613 2d. (See bottom lines.)
165Cotton av. (Seep. 15.)
McKAY H. M.,
** 970 oA
Shea J. L., 360 2d
Gillon S. Mrs., 131 Cotton av Greene M. J. Miss, 316 2d Mallery L. E. Mrs., 615 Cherry Morris Rachel Miss. 119 Cotton av
115 Cotton av Ward E. A., 209 Cottou av
BURKE J. W. & CO.,
420 2d. (Seep. 13.) Georgia Music House, 558 Mulberry
MUSIC TEACHERS. Card Henry W., 522 Mulberry

Lowenthal Gussie M. Miss, bds 716 Plum
Mayer Emilie Miss, 515 2d Peyton Ida Miss, 419 Walnut Wallace C. J., 663 Mulberry
Brown Burr, 521 Mulberry
T. C. Parker, propr; Union Depot
NEWSPAPERS. Alliance Echo, 413 1st
c, Mulberry, sw eor 4th. (See p. 12.)
412-414 Cherry. (See back fly.)
AL JOURNAL, 452 2d Grier's Almanac (Annual), 452 2d Health Home Journal, 630 Cotton av
569 Mulberry. (See back fly.)
& LUMBERMAN, 412 Cherry. (See back fly.)
ADVOCATE, 452 2d
Hertel Julia Mrs., 505 Cotton av Holmes Joseph P., 452 1st
R. F. Smith, propr; 408-410 Mul berry. (See top lines.)
Consumers Oil Delivery, 409 1st
121 Bay
PAINT MANUFACTURERS. Macon Paint Works, Gilmer, sw cor
(house and sign.)
Bankston T., 910 Hazel Royal & Gibson, 676 Cherry

GEO. B. JEWETT, Agent. Office, Capital Bill, 456 It




(sign and ornamental.)
Nugent J. W., 516 Mulberry
858 3d
CO., 157-159-161 Cotton av. (See
614 to 622 3d. (See bottom lines.)
E. & CO., 362 3d. Will move about May 1st, 1891, to 510 Cherry. (See bottom lines.)
Brown Burr, 521 Mulberry
654 Mulberry Saunders J. W. & Co., 211 Cotton av
CO., 564 Cherry
Baumann G., 555 3d
574 Mulberry Cripps 0. N., 405 1st Hill L. J. Co., 207 Cotton av Hirshburg John M., 117 Cotton av Holt C. C., 127 Cotton av Milner J. S., 620J Cherry Woodall C. Y., 657 3d
Amster L., 574 Mulberry Carroll William F., 316 Main, E. M
Masonic Bldg, 518 Mulberry,
(eye, ear, throat and hose), 572 Mulberry Derry H. P., 212 Cotton av Dunwody W. E. (homeo), 759 Cherry

566 Mulberry Fuller R. E. Mrs., 630 Cotton av Gewinner N. G., 425 Arch Gibson W. C., 173J Cotton av Golden J. T., 770 Hazel Green E. E., c, 405 Madison Hall C. ID, 461 2d Holt W. F., 372 2d (Telephone 55.) Johnson J. C., 105 Cotton av Johnston L. L., 1538 2d McCarthy C., c, 323 4th McCrary J. G., 338 Main, E. M McHatton H., 620J Cherry
666 Mulberry (Library Bldg.)
370 2d O'Daniel W. A., 572 Mulberry Patterson J. C., 203 Cotton av Strong Thomas M. (homeo), 720
Mulberry Subers J. J., 510 4th Toole James R., 616 Oglethorpe
203 Cotton av
458 2d Winchester W. R., 364 2d Winslow A. H. (homeo.), 759
BURKE J. W. & CO.,
420 2d. (See p. 13.) Georgia Music House, 558 Mulberry
522 Mulberry
BURKE J. W. & CO.,
420 2d. (See p. 13.) Holt C. C., 353 2d
Bell T. J. & Son, 6th, se cor Mul berry

R C WILDER'S SONS 6i4 to*622 Tiiiri street, macon, a. LUaMtEh>s PaLnAdSTESRh'inHglm es





O. P. & B. E. Willingham & Co., proprs, cor 7th. (See bottom lines.) Havs & Mansfield, foot Poplar
LUMBER CO., office 414 Cherry. (See p. 14.)
CO., Cherry, se cor 6th. (See
610 to 622 3d. (See bottom lines.)
Bennett & Boardman, 563 Mulberry Daly John N., 258 2d
159 Cotton ave
205 Cotton ave
PLUMBERS' SUPPLIES. Bennett & Boardman, 563 Mulberry
Eureka Co., Bay, se cor E. T,, V. & G. R. R
POTTERIES. Macon Clay Works, Watefville,
(book and job.)
BURKE J. W. & CO.,
452 Second. (See p. 13.)
412-414 Cherry. (See back fly.) Tinker W. H., 413 1st Wing Geo. F. & Co., 420 Cherry
PRODUCE & COMMISSION. Allen & Hollifield, 454 Mulberry Balkcom, Ray & Dinkier, 454 Mul

Hodgkins E. T., 464-466 2d Turpin W. C., 464 1st
Armour Packing Co., ns Mulberry, opp 5th
"LEY CO., 402-404 Cherry
401-403 Cherry Macon Beef Co., 271 Cherry
R. E. Park; genl agt; 422 2d. (See front paster.)
BURKE J. W. & CO.,
452 2d. (Seep. 13.)
412-414 Cherry. (See back fly.)
569 Mulberry. (See back fly.)
McTighe J. S. & Co., 316 Pine
offices Union Depot; ticket office 523 Mulberry
depot loot of Walnut; offices 506 Mulberry EastTenn., Ya. & Ga., depot 4th, cor Ocmulgee; ticket office 506 Mulberry
FLORIDA, Union Depot; offices 304 Plum; ticket office 516 Mul berry Macon & Birmingham R. R., offices 304 Plum ; depot Union Depot
burban ST. R. R., E. E. Win ters, genl mngr ; office 809 Poplar

Will move about May 1st, 1891, to their new building
5X0 Clxerry Street.

- manufacturers of-
TAGS -a-istid --
stationers' Specialties.
on's Gummed Isabels and Gummed Paper of all colors; Legal and Notarial Seals; Fold ing and Fancy Tickets; Mentzel's Patent Suspension Rings; The Star Copying Pads;
Dennison's Game.Counters; Wedding Cake Boxes; Visiting and Playing Cards, Etc.
PAPER TARGETS FOR RIFLE PRACTICE. Phillips'Hook and Olasp Tags; Kimball's Self-Fastening Tickets; Postal En
velopes ; McGill's Paper Fasteners, at Manufacturers' discounts.
Proprietors of "Silver White," Best Article for Polishing Silver, and f/liller's "Jewelry Cleaning Casket" and "Silver White Casket."
. stars' Cards, Pink and White Cotton, Fine Twines, Etc.

Apothecaries' Powder Papers and Shaving Papers. IDZEILTIsriSOIN-'S ABSORBENT COTTON,








* WZlvl



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HH| . poN r)eC J. W. CAOAHWSs, C^ji f'i.Vres. J. J. COBB.Asst. Cai

HATPITAL, : : 141111,110011

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J -D S E
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03 ^3

interest Allowed on Deposits at the Rate Five per cent. Compounded Semi-Annu?.!!y,


II. .1. LAi^AR, S.WAtliLBAUJT, H HORN'S, _
G. Ii. 1-ORr.IN, .). DAYMEN BETtd, M. ^vBfcOAOM,

K. .TAQftfiS, W. G. SOLOMON,' E. B. LEWIS.



O ` h|GUGE L.

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H HALL- ,r` WMWm THE ORDER DF THE. 1. iy-fs* Jpjglw zSS!m!&7'
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Mpnefc, Baiters,
lLAiKIT J?1 ILU sses. Mowers, Hay li/f^rv Knnpiies.


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Js the s< perfeet Writing Mafia on the market.
It embodies a combination of J


i. A. SMITH ( C O


iRogue. aSajypBwwiS^P

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