The Macon directory for 1860, containing the names of the inhabitants, a business directory and an appendix of much useful information

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DRUGS I,fgl%MEDICINES, 6t)eh|ic{|ls ; :. ig5 el'ft|h)eH),

FINE TOILET \rS ? -yvLR AsH Fine Hair & Tooth





A3&TieX,:E8f G-X.ASS, rPUTTir, iPAXNTS & 0XX.S, Medicine Chests, Mure Wines and L iquors for Medicinal uses,

JFine Teas ami Pure Starchy Jffechartical and Natural Jjeeches9 GRJISS and GARDEN S E D D 3 ,
Corner of Mulberry Street and Cotton Avenue, MACON, GEO.


leant Jftmsjmtg staWis|ment,

On the Alley--formerly known as the Virginia Dye House.

The undersigned respectfully informs the public that he is prepared to

& W_, frfji-f 1



In the Neatest Style and at Short Notice.


i I







A good s&jgjy of Methodist and Sabbath School Books on hand and for sale,


Wholesale and Retail.

Cotton Avenue,.MACON,'GEORGIA.




Cor. Cotton Avenue

And Cherry Street,



Flint River Osnahurgs & Yarns & Macon Sheetings, at Factoryprices. Liberal Advances upon Tennessee Produce and other consignments in store.,

r &'


BRICKLAYING and PLASTERING in all its varieties.
|lmtgi] Casting antr Coloring of ann sljak ksttC.









Jftutorrs, Jffiitbfrs, ffiatt glmsfs,




OP ,S3r cea ^


Of all descriptions. Also, Ladies and Children's Bonnets of the Latest STYLES.

Mulbtr y Street, nearly Opposite Lanier House, MACON, GEO.

3. C. THORNTON & CO. e
Dealers in and Manufacturers of
HAPAIHING in the various branches executed with neatness and Dispatch.

MANUFACTURERS of all kinds of
Guards, Ventilators, Brackets, Iron Furniture, &e,, &t.
All JAfICULAR ATTENTION given to iron stair building
All Work warranted as Good and Cheap as can he found in the Country




4EI- O *




gparflrt, ditjorgia:

Biggers & Shinholser, instead of Lynch & Biggers,*(see page 51.) Campbell, C. H., clerk, Mulberry corner Second. Conner, Z. T., Sen., h. First near Pine Ferrell, Mrs. A. E., wid W. B , h. Plum n. Fourth. Findlay, J. N. & C. D., instead of R. Eindlay & Sons, (see page 34.) Forster, Geo. B., bar-keeper Brown's Hotel. Hicks, E. H. & W. IT., bar-room, Cherry n. Third, instead of E. H.
Hicks Brown's Hotel, (see page 41.) Lane & Campbell, instead of J. F. Lane, (see page 49.) Manning & Company, instead of J. Russell & Co., Mulberry n. Third,
(see page 66.) McQueen & Dougherty, instead of McQueen, (see page 53 ) Miller, J. J,, instead of Miller & Waterman, (see pags 55.) Mix & Kirtland instead of Mix & Kirtdand, (see page 56.) O'Rielly, Thomas, instead of O'Keiily, (see page 59.) Roff, Sims & Co., instead of Carhart & Roff, (see page 24.) Strahan, J., clothier, Mulberry n. Second. Strong, L. P. & Sons, instead of Strong & Wood, (see page 72.) Stubbs, G. F., Slave Depot Fourth cor. Poplar. Wood, T. G. & Co., instead of T. & G. Wood, (see page 80.)

In canvassing for the Directory the publishers have endeavored to make it as complete as possible and a reliable book of reference for the stranger as well as the citizen.
Those unacquainted with the compilation of a work of this kind cannot comprehend the many difficulties which have to be undergone in collecting the necessary information. The work has been in an ticipation for many weeks, but circumstances uncontrolable have pre
vented an earlier issue. Hoping it will meet with the approbation of the public they take
pleasure in referring the reader to its advertising pages. Macon, Ga., 1860.



Abbreviatious, . 15 Insurance Agencies, . 83 Additionsand Corrections,... 12 Judiciary of Georgia,.96 Appendix,. 95 Masonic Lodges, .99 Banks,. 97 Military,.f. 97 Business Directory,. 83 Odd Fellows,. 99


100 Officers of Bibb County,. 96

City Government,. 90 Post Office,.97

Express Agency,. 83 Rail Roads,.


Fire Department,. 98 State Government,. 95

General Directory of Names,.. la Telegraph Office,.101

Government of United States, 95


Andrews, L. F. W.,.105 Hicks, E. H. & W. II.,.Ill

Andrews, L. H.,.103 Huff, W. A.; back out ide cover

Arnold, W. R.,.Ill j Howland, Mrs. M. A.,. 10

Audouin, Mrs. S.,.109 Jewett, H. L.,.109

Bond, E. & Co.,. 3 : Johnson, W. W.,. 7

Bigger3& Shinholser,.113 Johnston, E. J. & Co.,. 4

Bowdre & Anderson,. 8 [LaFarge House, (New York,,.104

Boykin, Samuel,. 3 Me Elroy, W. J.,. 5

Brown, E. E., & Son, front out McQueen & Dougherty.`10

side cover,

Mettauer, H. A.,.113

Burke, J.W.,. 8 Mix & Kirtland,.Ill

Byington, J. L., (Albany,)... 108 Nix, S. H., (Albany,).100

Carhart & Curd,.112 j Paine, Georgs. 7.

Curd, Richard,..112 |Pugh, J. A.,.


Dunn, Wm. M.... 5 Thornton, J. C. & Go.,.110

Findlay, J. N. & C. D.,. 2 Wiuship, E.,.107

Fitch, H. eb Co.,.109 Wise, B. A., . 3

Forrester, G. W.,. 8 Wood, T.&G.,.106

Forsyth, H. E.,.109 Woodruff, D. B. & J. W...... 6

Griggs, B. F.,.106 jZeilin & Hunt, back outside cover



ABBREVIATIONS USED IN TIII3 DIRECTORY.--ab. above ; bel. below ; bet. between ; bds. boards; c. or cor. corner ; n. near; opp. opposite ; li. house ; do. ditto ; ave. avenue ; wid. widow.
NOTE.--The names that appear in CAPITAL LETTERS are those of advertisers and sub scribers to the work.


Abel, Henry, grocer, cotton ave., li. Monroe n. Jefferson.

Abraham, D., dry goods, second n. cotton ave., h. Plum n. Third.

Abraham, N., clerk, Cherry cor. Third, bds. Mulberry n. First.

Abramson, D., clerk, Cherry cor. Third, bds. Floyd House.

Adams, A. B., (Adams & Reynolds,) cotton warehouse, cor. First

and Poplar, h. New n. Pine.

Adams, Dan. IL, salesman, Fast Macon, bds. do.

Adams, James, conductor S. W. It. It.

Adams, Obadiah F., bookkeeper, East Macon, bds. do.

Adams & Reynolds, (A. B. Adams, Peyton Reynolds,) cotton wari-

house, cor. First and Poplar.

ADDISON, J. 0., Virginia Shingle Mills, bds. Brown Hotel.

Aderhold & Jeffers, (J. W. Aderhold and E. G. Jeffers,) livery

stable, Plum n. Fourth.

[cor. Fifth.

Aderhold, J. W., (Aderhold & Jeffers,) livery stables, h. Walnut

Alexander, Elom, h. cor. Pine and Second.

Alden, Mrs. P., wid. Geo., h. Pine n. Fourth.

Aldridge, Preston, plasterer, Pine 11. First.

ALFORD, WM. T., conductors. W. R. It., bds. Brown's Hotel.

Allgood, J. B., negro dealer, cor. Fifth and Plum, h. do.

Allen, Benjamin, police officer, h. Mulberry n. Seventh.



Allen, G. W., clerk, cor. First; and Popular.

Allen. Jehu, brick mason, bds. First n. Poplar.

Allen, Levy, farmer, h. Poplar n. Sixth.

Allen, Mrs. Mary J., wid. Thos., li. cor. Cherry ai^l Seventh.

Allen, Peter, apprentice, bds. Poplar n. Sixth.

Allen, Wm,, brick mason, bds. First n. Poplar.

Alley, F. II., carpentex-, h. Oak n. Second.

Alley, J. M., carpenter, bds. Oak n. Second.

Anderson, Miss Agnes, weaver, bds. Factory Grounds. [gia ave.

Anderson, Clifford, (Lanier & Anderson,) lawyer, h. Orange n. Geor-

ANDERSON, Mrs. E. A., boarding house, h. cor. Cherry and


Anderson, Geo. W., cai-penter, h. Walnut n. Fourth.

Anderson, Mrs. Margaret, wid. Abraham, h. Madison.

Anderson, Mathew, painter, h. Pine n. Spring.

Anderson, Sarah, Poplar n. Fourth.

Anderson, Stephen, laborer, h. Cherry n. Third.

Anderson, W. F., (Bowdre & Anderson,) grocer, h. Vineville.

Anderson, W. J., bookkeeper, Second cor. Mulberry, h. Mulberry n.



Anderson, Wm. P., captain police, bds. Fourth bet. Poplar and

Andei'son, W. P., h. cor. Cherry and Fifth.

Andrews, J. IT., planter, h. High n. Orange.

ANDREWS, L. F. W., editor and proprietor Geoi-gia Citizen, h.

Third n. River.

(See advertisement.)

ANDREWS, L. II., job printer, Cherry n. Third, h. Third n. River.

(See advertisement.)

Ansley, C. F., conductor S. W. R. R., h. Oak n. Third.

Ansley, J. G., train hand, h. Oak n. Third.

Ansley, L. H., train hand, bds. Oak n. Third.

Applus, Joseph, clerk, Cherry n. Third, bds. Floyd House.

Archibold, James, stone cutter, h. Mulberry n. Market.

Armour, James M., engineer, h. McIntosh n. Boundary.

ARMSTRONG, C. R., accountant, Second cor. Cherry, h. N. E.

cor. New and Walnut.

[Washington ave.

Armstrong, General James W., planter, h. fronting Poplar cor.

Armstrong, James M., preacher, bds. cor. Third and Oglethope.

Arnold, Elom, laborer, bds. Sixth n. Walnut.



Arnold, Mrs. G., wid. John 1'., li. cor. Forsyth and Early.

Arnold, G. S., shoe maker, h. Wharf n. Seventh.


Arnold, James B., guard house keeper, h. Fourth, bet. Poplar and

Arnold, Jesse, carpenter, h. Plum n. Spring.

Arnold, John, carpenter, h. Spring n. Pine. Arnold, Peter, carpenter, h. McIntosh n. Bay. Arnold, Wm., wheel wright, h. Third n. Plum.


ARNOLD, W. R., tailor, Floyd House, bds. First n. Poplar. [See

Artope, J. B. & Son, (T. B. Artope,) marble works, Third cor.



Artope, J. B., (J. B. Artope & Son,) marble works, h. out city Artope, T. B., (J. B. Artope & Son,) marble works, h. out city


Askew, Mrs. Emma, wid. Josiah; h. Monroe n. Jefferson. [Orange.

Atkinson, Mrs. Eliza Ann, wid. Robert A. L., h. Georgia ave. n.

Attleton, Mrs. Eliza, wid. C. D., h. East Macon. Audouin, A.'C., tinner, cotton ave. n. Mulberry, bds. Flint House.

Audouin, A. L., clerk, Second n. Cotton ave., h. do. Audouin, Mrs, Sarab, milliner, Second n. Cotton ave., h. do. Austin, Mrs. Charlotte, wid. James, h. Arch n. Second.

Avant, Wm. R., roofer, cor. Plum and Cotton avo.

Ayres, Asher, (Ayres, Wingfield & Co.,) grocer, Third cor. Cherry,

h. Walnut cor. Third.

Ayres, James B., brick mason, li. cor. Walnut and Spring.

Ayres, Jarvis, saddler, Cherry n. Second, bds. Magnolia n. Orange.

Ayres, Wingfield & Co., (A. Ayres, M. A. Wingfield, H. G. Cut

ter,) grocers, Third cor. Cherry.

BABCOCK, J. W., carriage dealer, Mulberry n. First, h. Walnut n. First.
Baber, Mrs. Mary E., wid. Dr. A., h. cor. Plum and Second. Baggly, Wm., engineer, Cotton ave. Bailey, James, engineer M. & W. R. R. Bailey, R. IT., clerk, Second cor. Poplar, h. Poplcr cor. New. Bailey, R. N. M., clerk, Cotton ave. n. Cherry, h. Cherry n. First. Baine, Wilson, carpenter, bds. cor. McIntosh and Boundary.



Baird, C. H., Clothier, Cherry cor. Second, bds. Brown's Hotel. Ballard, C. M,, bookkeeper, Third n. Poplar, h. Yineville.

Ballard, W. S., scalesman, Third cor. Poplar, h. Yineville. *

Bankston, L., president medical college, Mulberry n. Fourth, resides

in Marietta.

Barefield, James, county jailor, h. at the jail.

Barfield, Robt. B., Johnston n. Forsyth.


Barker, George R., dry goods, Cotton ave. n. First, h. Magnolia n.

Barker, Joseph, moulder, Fifth n. Depot, h. Plum cor. Third.

Barker, Mrs. Mary, wid. Win., h. Mulberry n. Seventh.

Barker, -carpenter.

Barksdale, Miss Charity, weaver, h. Factory Grounds.

Barksdale, E., spinner, bds. Factory Grounds.

Barksdale, Tobias, mule tender, bds. Factory Grounds. Barnes, Jackson, book binder, h. cor. First and Walnut. Barnes, Joseph, fireman, bds. McIntosh n. Oglethorpe. Barnes, Mrs. Rebecca, wid. M. D., h. Walnut cor. Fourth. Barr, Mrs. Mary, wid. John, Oglethorpe n. Second. Barron, Jonathan W., bds. cor. Walnut and Franklin. Barrow, J. H., foreman AYoods Factory, h. Cotton ave.

Barry, Michael N. steward Lanier House, h. n. Mulberry, bet. Fourth and Fifth.
Bartlett, J. E., mail agent, bds. Floyd House. Bartrum, P. T., carpenter, h. Mulberry n. Spring. Baskwille, Edw'd, moulder, bds. Spring n. Pine. Bass, Nathan, planter, h. cor. Arch and Maple. Bass, W. C., professor college, h. Wesleyan College.

Bates, F., bookkeeper, Marine Bank Agency, li. College st. Bates, L. AY., engineer, bds. City Hotel. Bates, Sylvanus, school teacher, h. College st. Bates, Thos., brick mason, bds. Mulberry n. Seventh. Battle, Miss, cor. Mulberry and Seventh.

Baudet, C. S., watch makery'Cherry n. Second, bds. Brown's Hotel. Baxter, J. H., physician, Cherry, bet. Second and Third, bds. cor.
Orange and Magnolia.

Bayhill, John, laborer, h. East Macon. BEAL, N. II., planter, h. College st.



Bearden, Gaines & Co., (R. R. Bearden, A. Gaines and E. P. Hill,)

boots and shoes, Second and Cotton ave.

BEARDEN & GAINES, (R. R. Bearden and A. Gaines,) produce

dealers, Cotton ave. ab. Cherry.

Bearden, R. R., (Bearden & Gaines,) produce dealer, Cotton ave. ab.

Cherry, h. cor. Pine and Spring.

Beasley, Charles, carpenter, h. South Macon.

Beasley, E. II. bds. South Macon.

Beasley, J. F., clerk, Cherry n. Second, bds. Granite Hall.

Beasley, Robt. Sr., h. Forsyth n. College.

Beasley, Robt. Jr., h. Tatnall n. Oglethorpe.

Beasley, Wm. B., carpenter, bds. Pine n. New.

Beasley, W. C., school teacher, h. South Macon.

Beaton, A. Y., carpenter, h. Vineville.

Beavers, Chas. G., policeman, h. Pine n. Spring.

Becket, II., conductor C. R. R., bds. Brown's Hotel.

Beeland, David, carpenter, h. East Macon.

Beggarly, Clark M., engineer, h. corner Fifth and Pine.

Beggarly, James, carpenter, h. Oak n. New.

Beggarly, Mrs. Nancy, wid. David, h. Oak n. New.

Belden, Wm., hats and caps, Cherry n. Third, resides in Savannah.

Bell, Mrs. Fannie, wid. Washington, h. Sixth n. Wharf.

Bell, James, carpenter, bds. McIntosh n. Bay.

Bell, Joshua, carpenter, h. Madison.

Belief, E., sculptor, h. First, bet. Pine and Oak.

Bennett, Isaac, machinist, h. cor. Division and Hazel.

Benns, Charles, carpenter, h. cor. First and Plum.

Benton, Amos, auctioneer, Second n. Cherry, h. Spring Garden.

Berney, A., (J. Russell & Co.,) proprietor Am. Republic, Mulberry

n. Third, bds. Brown's Hotel.

Berry, Mrs. Helen, wid. Wm., h. Oak n. Fourth.

Berry, S. W., bookkeeper, Third n. Cherry, h. Oak n. Fourth.

Berry, W. H., fireman, h. Hazel n. Hammond.

[n. Orange.

Beruff, Charles, portrait painter, Mulberry cor. Second, h. Magnolia

Bichthold, Louis, barkeeper, Third n. Cherry, h. do.

Biggers, W. E., (Lynch & Biggers,) grocer, bds. Flint House.

Birdsong, Rob't, boarding house, h. Mulberry cor. First. [h. do.

Biuswanger, S., (S. Binswanger & Co.,) dry goods, Cherry n. Third,



Binswanger, S. & Co., (E. Solomon,) dry goods, Cherry n. Third.

Bishop, Martin, fireman S. W. R. R.

Bishop, Richard, engineer, h. Hammond n. Tupelo.


Blackshear, A. M., (A. M. Blackshear & Co.,) clothier, bds. Lanier

Blackshear, A. M. & Co., (John L. Jones,) clothiers, Mulberry n.


Blackshear, J. W., salesman, bds. Granite Hall.

Blaisdell, A., (Blaisdell & Gaddy.) dentist, Floyd House, hds. do.

Blaisdell & Gaddy, (A. Blaisdell and J. T. Gaddy,) dentists, Floyd


Blake, Mrs. E., wid. Edmond, li. Plum n. New.

Blake, Green J., h. Walnut n. Spring.

BLANCARD, JNO. M., clerk, Brown's Hotel, bds. do.

Blanchard, Mrs. Martha, h. cor. Fifth and Poplar.

Blanchard, Thos., train hand S. W. R. R.

Blaumlauchur, B., tailor, Cherry n. Third, h. do.

Bledsoe, Wm. T., hds. High n. Orange.

Bloom, F. S., clerk, Mulberry cor. Second, hds. Lanier House.

Bloom, T. R., Commission & Ins'ce Ag't, Mulberry cor. Second, bds.

Lanier House.

Blount, J. W., clerk, Mulberry cor. Second, h. out city limits.

Blunt, James, horse drover, bds. n. Monroe and R. H. Cemetery.

Blunt, John W., bookkeeper, bds. n. Monroe and R. H. Cemetery.

Boardman, J. M., book store, Mulberry cor. Second, h. First n.


Bogan, Joseph, clerk, Cherry n. Second, h. do.

Bohne, F. F., watch maker, cor. New and Cotton ave., h. do.

Boifeuillet, Henry, engineer, h. Hazel n. Elbert.

Boifeuillet, John T., treasurer S. W. R. R., h. First n. Arch.

Boland, Wm., cabinet maker, h. Cotton ave.

Bollard, W. H., printer Telegraph office, h. Cherry and Fifth.

Bolshaw & Herzog, (T. H. Bolshaw and F. Herzog,) crockery, No.

11 Cotton ave.

[Walnut cor. Third.

Bolshaw, T. H., (Bolshaw & Herzog,) crockery, 11 Cotton ave., bds.

Bond, E., (E. Bond & Co.,) grocer and pres't Manf'r Bank, Cherry

n. Second, h. New bet. Mulberry and Cherry.

[See adv't.

BOND, E. & CO., (John H. Longley,) grocers, Cherry n. Second.

Bond, Mrs. Henrietta, wid. Joseph, h. cor Bond st.



Bone, Wm., carpenter, cor. First and Cherry.

Bonhardt, Robt., grocer, Cotton ave., h. do.


Bonhart, Miss Lucretia, dress maker, h. n. Mulberry, bet. Fourth and

Bonnell, Rev. John M., pres't Wesl'n College, h. Wesl'n College.

Boon & Hammond, (J. R. Boon and D. W. Hammond,) physicians,

Second n. Mulberry.

Boon, John R., (Boon & Hammond,) physician, h. Cherry n. Third.

Borchardt, A., dry goods, h. Cotton ave.

Bornett, James, brick mason, h. cor. Oak and'New.

Boseman, Miss F. J., seamstress, h. Second n. Arch. [Cotton ave.

Bostick, A. G., (Bostick, Kein & Co.,) dry goods, bds. Poplar n.

Bostick, John E., clerk, h. Plum, bet. First and Second.

Bostick, Kein & Co., (A. G. Bostick, J. N. Kein and Robt. Kein,)

dry goods, Second n. Cherry. Bottom, Wm. P., mail agent, bds. Brown's Hotel.

Bouyer, Mrs. Mary J., wid. Balthazer, h. Plum cor. Fifth.

BOWDRE & ANDERSON, (P. E. Bowdre and W. F. Anderson,)

grocers, Cotton ave. cor. Cherry. [See adv't.]

Bowdre, E. P., clerk, Cotton ave. cor. Cherry, bds. High n. Plum.

Bowdre, P. E., (Bowdre & Anderson,) grocer, h. High n. Plum.

Bowers, Mrs. M., wid. G. B., h. Gilmer n. Hazel. Bowers, Mrs. Martha, wid. Wm., h. McIntosh n. Hawthorn.

Bowling, Wm., cabinetmaker, bds. cor. Orange and Pine.

Bowman, Isaac C., wood turner, h. Magnolia n. Orange.

Boyd, Mrs. C. W., h. cor. Fifth and Poplar. Boyd, Thos. J., mail agent, bds. Floyd House.

[Poplar n. New.

Boykin, Samuel, ag't baptist depository, Cotton ave. n. Mulberry, h.

Boyt, Miss Adaliue, seamstress, h. cor. Division and Hazel.

Boyt, Mrs. Catharine, wid. Ephraim, h. cor. Division and Hazel.

Boyt, Miss Virginia, seamstress, h. cor. Division and Hazel.

Brady, B., brick mason, h. cor. Pine and New.

Brady, Thos., black smith, S. W. R. R. Brainard, S., variety store, Cotton ave. and Poplar, h. New n. Wharf.

Brandt, George, tailor, h. Walnut n. Fifth.


Branham, Joel, Sr., (J. & P. A. Branham,) physician, h. Pine n.

Branham, Joel, Jr., lawyer, Washington Block, h. Poplar n. New.

Branham, J. & P. A., physicians, Cotton ave.


Branham, P. A., (J. & P. A. Branham,) physician, h. Pine n.


Brantley, Asa, bar keeper, Cherry n. Third, bds. Mulberry n. First. Brantley, A. W., clerk, 1 Cotton ave., bds. Granite Hall. Brantley, John W., boot maker, bds. Hawthorn n. Troup. Brantley, H. J., agent, li. Fifth n. Pine.

Brantley, Mrs. Mary, wid. B., Bay n. Hammond. Brantley, M. V., male agent, bds. Pine n. Third. Brantley, Robt. W., wagoner, h. Hawthorn n. Troup. Brantley, T. M., clerk P. 0. h. Pine n. Third.

BRANTLEY, T. W. Sheriff Bibbco., Cherry n. Second, h. Pine, bet. Second and Third.
Brantly, W. S., clerk S. W. R. R., h. Second n. Arch. Brenn, G. S., tailor, Cherry n. Second, h. Walnut n. R. R. Brewer, E. E., painter, 11 Cotton ave., h. New bet. Poplar and Pine. Breyvogeel, George P., gardiner, bds First n. Poplar.

Brickhouse, C. P.. (Brickhouse & Co.,) shoe store, Triangular Block, bet. Cherry and Mulberry.
Brickhouse & Co., (L. L. Brickhouse, C. P. Brickhouse, Thos. J. Hunt,) shoe store, Triangular Block, bet. Cherry and Mulberry.

Brickhouse, L. L., (Brickhouse & Co.,) shoe store, Triangular Block,

bet. Cherry and Mulberry.

Brinefield, Thos. fireman, S. W. R. R.


Brinn, John W., carpenter, Second cor. Poplar, bds. Cherry and

Brinn, Richard, carpenter, Second cor. Poplar, bds. Cherry and New.

Brinn, Thomas IT., carpenter, Second cor. Poplar, bds. Cherry and New.

Brinning, Thos., laborer, bds. Poplar n. Sixth. Brinsfield, Mrs. Martha, wid. Thos., h. Sixth n. Walnut. Bromley, John, overseer spining room, li. McIntosh n. Hazel.

BRONSON, H. W., Sr., clerk, Mulberry n. Second, h. First cor. Plum.

Bronk, Win. D., bridge builder, bds. Cherry n. Spring.


Bronson, II. TV., Jr., ass't ag't M. & W. R. R., h. cor. Second and

BRONSON, LOUIS R. M., clerk, bds. cor. First and Plum.

Brooks, Mrs., wid. Win., h. Cherry n. Sixth.

Brown, Eli, laborer, li. Forsyth n. Early.

Brown, E., Cherry n. Third.

[Fourth cor. Plum.

BROW N, E. E., (E. E. Brown & Son,( proprietor Brown's Hotel,



BROWN, E. E. & SON, (W. F. Brown,) proprietor Brown's Hotel,

Fourth cor. Plum. [See adv't.]

Brown, Mrs. Elizabeth, wid. Charles, li. Madison.

Brown, George, laborer, cor. Elbert and Ashe.

Brown, John, fireman S. W. R. R.

Brown, Joseph E., ass't clerk, Brown's Hotel.

Brown, John A., roofer, h. Oak n. Third.

Brown, Mrs. Lucinda, wid. Anthony J., h. Madison n. Jefferson.

Brown, Robert, painter, h. Poplar n. Fourth.

Brown, Mrs. Rachael, wid. F., h. East Macon.


Brown, Thomas, laborer, bds. bet. Division, Hammond, Elm and

BROWN, W. F., (E. E. Brown & Son,) proprietor Brown's Hotel,

Fourth cor. Plum.

Broughton, John, clerk, Second cor. Cherry, bds. Poplar n. First.

Brydie, A., Sexton, h. Walnut n. Third.

Bulkley, Mrs. A., milliner, Cherry n. Second, h. do.

Bulkley, E. C., dry goods, Cherry n. Second, h. do.

Bulkley, Mrs. Mary, wid. Wm. D., h. cor. Fourth and Oak.

Bunch, Jeremiah, h. Fifth, bet. Poplar and Cherry.

Burdick, Benjamin, sup't cotton factory, h. Fourth n. Oak.

Burdick, George, clerk, h. Fourth n. Oak.

Burgay, D. M., printer Citizen office, bds. City Hotel.

Burgess, Mrs. J., wid. R., h. Third n. Plum.

Burgess, J. S., clerk, Cherry n. Second, h. Third n. Plum.

Burgess, R. G., clerk, Cherry n. Third, h. Third n. Plum. [Pine.

Burghard, F. H., (Menard & Burghard,) Jeweler, h. Fourth cor.

Burhans, John, billiard tender, Brown's Hotel, bds. do.

BURKE, Rev. JOHN W., agent mcthodist book depository, 10

Cotton ave., h. cor. Spring and Walnut. [See adv't.]

Burke, Mrs. M., wid. P.. Fourth n. Poplar.

Burnes, Mrs. Mary, wid. Thos., h. East Macon.

Burnes, P., laborer, h. Fourth n. Poplar.


Burnett, J. C. C., Jr., clerk, Second n. Cotton ave., h. out city

Burton, Q., spinner, bds. Factory Grounds.

Burton, Hbnry, engineer, bds.- McIntosh n. Oglethorpe.

Burton, J. H., engineer, k & W. R. R.

Burton, P.. lawyer, bds. East Macon.

Busbey, Miss Elizabeth, doffer, bds. Factory Grounds.



Busbee, P. G., clerk, Cherry n. Third, bds. Cherry n. Fourth.

Butler, John, sup't telegraph, bds. Mulberry n. New.

Butler, Mrs. Rebecca A., wid. D. B., h. Mulberry n. New.

Butler, Thos., bds. Mulberry n. New.


Button, Benjamin, overseer in factory and grocer, h. Oglethorpe n.

Button, John, dress tender, bds. Oglethorpe n. Second.


Butts, A. B., bookkeeper, Second n. Cherry, bds. Poplar n. Cotton

BUTTS, A. G., real estate agent, Second n. Mulberry, h. Third n.



Butts, J. R., real estate ag't, Second n. Mulberry, h. First cor.


Caffey, H. C., h. cor. Fifth n. Cherry.

Calhoun, Mrs. L., wid. L., Fourth n. Poplar.

Oallaway, J. T., clerk, Second n. Cherry, bds. Fourth n. Mulberry.

Campbell, Andrew, pedler, bds. City Hotel.


Campbell, C. & Son, (T. K. Campbell,) grocers, Mulberry cor.

Campbell, C., (C. Campbell & Son,) grocer, h. Mulberry n. Spring.

Campbell, Henry, painter, bds. City Hotel.


Campbell, James, grocer, Cherry n. Cotton ave., h. Fourth n. Mul-

Campbell, T. K., (C. Campbell & Son,) grocer, h. Mulberry n. Spring.

Candler, Mrs. Sarah A., wid. Henry A., h. Fifth n. Cherry.

Canedy, Vm., bds. Mulberry n. First.

Cannagan, J., carpenter, First n. Mulberry.

Cannon, Henry, painter, bds. Poplar n. Sixth.

Cansey, W. J., engineer, S. W. R. R.

CARHART & CURD, (W. D. Carhart and J. C. Curd,) hardware,

Cherry n. Third. (See adv't.)

Carhart, E. II., (Carhart & Roff,) grocer, bds. Lanier House.

Carhart & Roff, (E. II. Carhart and A. A. Roff,) grocers, Third n. Cherry.

Carhart, W. D., (Carhardt & Curd,) hardware, bds. Lanier House. Carleton, Miss Mary E., li. Wesleyan College.

Carnes, Charles, printer, h. Pine n. Third.

Carnes, Mrs. E., wid. J., h. Fine n. Third.

Carnes, Thomas, printer, h. Pine n. Third.

Carroll, Mrs. Adaline, wid. Wm,, h. Wharf n. Fourth.

Carroll, John, laborer, h. cor. Gilmer and Bay.




Carter, G. D., clerk, bds. High n. Orange. Carter, Miss Mary, h. Cherry n. Fifth. Carthran, Mrs. Peggy, wid., h. Wharf n. Fourth. Casbal, Dick, baker, Cotton ave. Case, Charles, fireman, h. cor. Day and McIntosh. Cason, P. F., stone mason, h. Fifth n. Cherry. Cassedy, Peter, stone cutter, bds. City Hotel, [cor. Pine and First. Castlen, F. G., (Menard & Castlen,) druggist, Cherry n. Third, h. Castlen, John, planter, h. cor. Pine and First. Causey, Win. J., engineer, h. cor. Hammond and Hazel. [gress. Cawley, A. M. P., blacksmith, Third n. Oak, h. Hawthorne n. Con-

Cawley, Benj. F., machinist, bds. Hawthorne n. Congress. Cawley, Joseph S., machinist, h. Hawthorne n. Congress. Cavanaugh, Michael, laborer, M. & W. R. R. Chain, Isaih, h. cor. Walnut and Sixth. Chain, Wm. W., h. cor. Walnut and Sixth.

Chamberlain, E. W., (Hodges, Davis & Co.,) lottery manager, Mul

berry n. Third, bds. Flint House.

Chamberlain, FI. C., (Hodges, Davis & Co.,) lottery manager, Mul berry n. Third, bds. Flint House.

Chapman, Ambrose, planter, b. New n. Plum.

Cherry, George, h. cor. Pine and Third.

Cherry, H. J., farmer, h. cor. Oak and Spring.

Cherry, I., clerk, bds. cor. Oglethorpe and McIntosh.


Cherry, J. H. & Co., (Wm. A. Cherry,) grocers, Cherry cor. Cotton

Cherry, J. IF., (J. FI. Cherry & Co.,) grocer, Cherry cor. Cotton

ave., h. N. W. end Cherry.

Cherry, L., h. cor. Oglethorpe and McIntosh. [ave., h. Yineville Cherry, Wm. A., (J. IF. Cherry & Co.,) grocer, Cherry cor. Cotton Chappell, 0., soda fountain, Cotton ave. n. Poplar. Christian, E. R., carpenter, M.& W. R. R. Christopher, Henry, driver, bds. Flint House. Clark, F. II., tin smith, h. Second n. Poplar. Clark, Henry, grocer, First cor. Cotton ave., h. Plum n. Spring.

Clark, Michael, moulder, bds. Oglethorpe n. Second. Clark, Jairet, machinist, Cotton ave. Clark, Stephen, confectioner, Fourth n. Plum.



Clarke, D. F., grocer, Cherry n. Third, h. Second n. Oak,

Clarke, H. E., clerk, Cherry n. Third, li. Second, bet. Pine and Oak,

Clarke, Mrs. Nancy L., wid. M. D., h. n. Monroe and R. H. Cemetery.

Clarke, W. S., clerk, Cherry n, Third, h. Second, bet. Pine and Oak.

Clayton, Robt. B., ass't accountant, Second cor. Cherry, h. High n-


Clegg, Marshall, watchman, h. Lamar n. Oglethorpe.

Clegg, Miss Martha, spooler, bds. Lamar n. Oglethorpe.

Clegg, Miss Mary, doffer, bds. Lamar n. Oglethorpe.

Clegg, Miss Sarah, spooler, bds. Lamar n. Oglethorpe, [nier House.

Cleghorn, John, (Cleghorn & Smith,) saddlery and harness, bds. La-

Cleghorn & Smith, (John Cleghorn and Geo. Smith,) saddlery and

harness, Cherry n. Second.

Clefton, M. J., carpenter, h. Boneville.

Clifton, M. J. S.) carpenter, bds. Oak n. Spring.


Clinkscales, A. L., physician, Mulberry cor. Third, h. Court House

CLISBY, JOSEPH, editor and proprietor Georgia Telegraph, Cher

ry cor. Second, h. Yineville.

Coates, N., (Coates & Woolfolk,) warehouse, h. cor. New and Arch.

Coates & Woolfolk, (N. Coates and J. H. Woolfolk,) warehouse,

Third n. Poplar.

Cobb, Joel, harness maker, h. Pine n. Fifth.

Cochran, A. E., pres't M. & B. R. R., h. out city limits.

Coffman, J. P., cabinet maker, bds. City Hotel.

Cogman, John, tailor, Mulberry n. Second, h. Plum n. First. [House.

Cohn, L., (L. Cohn & Co.,) clothier, Mulberry n. Third, bds. Floyd

Cohn, L. &Co., (R, Morris,) clothing, Mulberry n. Third.,

Cokes, Mrs. Sarah, wid., h. Fifth, bet. Wharf and Walnut.

Cole, C. B., lawyer, 140 Mulberry, h. Arch n. Spring. ,

Cole, Geo. A., civil engineer, bds. Arch n, Spring.

Cole, John T., engineer, M. & B. R. R., h. Arch n. Spring.

Coleman, Mrs. Mary B., wid. Robt., h. High n. Orange.

Coleman, Robert, commission, First n. Cotton ave.


Coleman, S. T., (Ross, Coleman & Ross,) dry goods, h. High n.

Collins, A. P., physician, bds. High n. Spring and Plum.

Collins, Chas., h. High n. Spring and Plum.

Collins, Henry, train hand, S. W. R. R. v

Collins, Mrs. J.E., wid. C, C. W., h. Tbird cor. Pine,



Collins, J. J., conductor, S. TV. R. R., h. Third cor. Pine. Collins^Dr. Robt., West, cor. New and Mulberry.
Collins, Stephen, (Hardy & Collins,) brick yard, East Macon, h. cor. Cherry and Spring.
Collins, Thos. A., switchman R. R., h. Second n. Arch. Collins, TVm., clerk, bds. Congress n. Elm. Colquitt, Mrs. Harriet, wid. TV. T., h. cor. New and Cherry. Combs, Mrs. S. C. M., wid. George D., h. cor. New and Wharf. Commings, I. M., physician, Mulberry n. Fourth, h. Yineville,
Conaghaar, Francis, pedler, bds. City Hotel. Conaghaar, James, pedler, bds. City Hotel. Conaghaar, J. T., pedler, bds. City Hotel. Condron, Laurence, stone mason, h. Fifth n. Cherry. Cone, Mrs. Rebecca, wid. John T., h. Plum cor. Fifth. Conner, G. C., clerk, Mulberry cor. Second, h. First n. Pino. Conner, T. U., clerk P. 0., h. First cor. Pine.
Conner, Z. T., Jr., clerk, Third, Ralston's Range, h. First n. Pine Cook, Geo., clerk, Cherry n. Third, h. do. COOK, ELLSWORTH, bds. Brown's Hotel. Cook, Peter, carpenter, S. TV. R. R. Cook, Mrs. Susan, wid. Henry L., h. cor. New and Arch.
Coombs, TVm. C. D., engineer, h. Pine n. Fifth. Cooper, H. J.,li. Pine n. Fourth. Cooper, James, street overseer, h. Sixth n. Mulberry.
Cooper, Wm., clerk, bds. Mulberry, bet. Fourth and Fifth. Cooper, TV. C. H., clerk, Cherry cor. Third, bds. Plumn. Fourth. Cope, Mrs. V., wid. JolmL., Third n. Mulberry. Cordell, Mrs. Mary, wid. Ephraim, h. Pine n. Sixth. Corkon, P., plasterer, bds. Cotton ave. Cotton, Mrs. Betsy, wid. Chas., h. First n. Plum. Coulon, P., clerk, Third n. Cherry, h. do. Ccurson, Samuel TV., h. Fourth n. Oglethorpe.
Court House, bet. Fifth and Mulberry. Cox, Henry II., fireman, bds. Second n. Pine. Cox, J. C., clerk, East Macon, h. do. Cox, Jefferson, clerk, h. East Macon. Cox, J. H., clerk, Cherry n. Second, h. Second, cor. Oak.



Coxe, J. T., Dr., sec'y medical college, Mulberry n. Fourth, h. Orange n. Bond.
Cox, AYm., clerk, bds. First n. Poplar. Craig, Charles, laborer, h. Mulberry n. Fifth. Craig, Charles, gas maker, bds. bet. Fifth and Sixth, n. Mulberry. Craig, David, pattern maker, Fifth n. R. It. Depot,

Craig, Robt., engineer, h. cor. Hawthorne and McIntosh. Craig, Wm., fireman, M. & W. R. R.

Cranford, F. M., fireman, h. East Macon. Crawford, Charles A., fireman, h. Poplar n. Fifth. Crawford, Henry, painter, h. Forsyth n. College.

Cray, Mrs. Mary L., wid. S., h. Walnut n. Third.

Crenshaw, J. AY., book binder, Third cor. Cherry, h. Wharf. Crenshaw. 0. W., printer, Cherry n. Third, h. Wharf. Crnae, Wm., laborer, h. Hammond n. Elbert. Croake, James, grocer, cor. Fifth and Pine, h. do. Craft, Mrs. M. J., wid. AYm., h. Walnut n. Fourth. Crockett, E., machinist, h. Arch n. First. Cromwell, blacksmith, F. I. AVorks.

Cross, John T., blacksmith, h. out city limits. Cross, R., machinist, Cotton ave. Crowel, shoe maker, bds. East Macon.

Crowley, Mrs. Elenor, wid. Thos., h. Poplar n. Sixth. Crown, Patrick, constable, h. Fifth n. Pine. Crump, J. AV., carpenter, h. out city limits.

Cruse, Mrs. E., wid., h. Johnston n. Oglethorpe.


Crutchfield, Hilliard, salesman, Cherry n. Second, bds. Brown's

Crutchfield, J. F., clerk, Cherry n. Second, bds. Brown's Hotel.

Cubbedge, R. AV., teller marine bank ag'y, li. AYalnut, bet. Fourth and Fifth.

Cummings, John B., marshal, h. Ash cor. Elbert.

Cunningham, Robt., scalesman, cor. First, Poplar and Cotton ave. Cunningham, AYm., engineer, h. Fourth cor. Pine.

Cunningham, AV. AY., clerk, Mulberry n. Fourth, h. Fourth n. Pine.

Curd, J. C., (Carhart & Curd.) hardware, li. Second, bet. Plum and



CURD, RICHARD, city clerk and ins'ce ag't,h. Plum, cor. Second.

Curd, Mrs. Sarah E., wid. Edw'd, h. Second n. Plum.



Curl, Wm. laborer, h. Sixth n. Walnut. Cutter, Mrs. A., wid. H. S., East Macon. Cutter, H. G., (Ayres, Wingfield & Co.,) grocer, Third cor. Cherry,
bds. Walnut cor. Third. Cutter, M. H., cabinet maker, h. East Macon. Cuyler, R. R., pres't C. & S. W. R. R., resides Savannah.


Dailey, John, black smith, S. W. R. R. Dale, John, fireman, h. Hammond n. Tupelo. Daly, Dennis, (Daly & Fitzgerald,) grocer, bds. Floyd House. Daly & Fitzgerald, (Dennis Daly and P. Fitzgerald,) grocers, Third
n. Cherry. Daly, Matthew, clerk, Third n. Cherry, bds. Floyd House. Damour, J. H., grocer, 140 Mulberry, h. do. Danforth, Jacob, school teacher, li. Pine n. First. Daniel, C. C., boarding house, h. Pine n. First. Daniels, Henry, blacksmith, h. Hammond n. Bay. Daniels, J., gas fitter, Third n. Cherry, h. Fourth n. Market.

Daniels, James, coach maker, Cherry n. Second, h. Mulberry n. Spring.
Daniel, J. H., mail agent, bds. Floyd House. Daniels, Miss Martha, h. cor. Cherry and Sixth. Daniel, Young, clerk, Mulberry n. Second, h. Mulberry n. First. Darragh, W. J., boot maker, Mulberry n. Third, h. do.

Dasher, George, conductor, h. cor. Fourth and Oak.

Dawson, Wm., machinist, bds. cor. McIntosh and Boundary.

Dawson, W. C., (W. C. Dawson & Co.,) lottery ag't, Second cor.

Mulberry, resides Savannah.


Dawson, W. C. & Co., (J. F. Winter,) lottery agents, Second cor.

Davidson, S., machinist, h. Fourth cor. Pine.


Davis, G. L., (Hodges, Davis & Co.,) lottery manager, Mulberry n. Davis, John, black smith, S. W. R. R. Davis, Mrs. M. A., wid. David J., h. Pine n. Second. Davis, Wm., watchman, h. East Macon. Day, Henry, painter, bds. Spring n, Pine. Day, J. E., general ag't M. & W. R. R., bds. Brown's Hotel.



Day & Maussenet, (S. B. Day andE. Maussenet,) jewelers, Mulber

ry n. Third.

[New Jersey.

Day, S. B., (Day & Maussenet,) jeweler, Mulberry n. Third, resides

Day, Wm. D., clerk, Third n. Cherry, bds. cor. Pine and Fifth.

Dean, Wm. N., carpenter, bds. Mulberry n. Spring.

Deck, Caspen, laborer, h. cor. Oak and New.

Defoor, David W., brick mason, bds. n. cor. Wharf and First.

Defoor, Mrs. Eliza, wid. David B., li. n. cor. Wharf and First.

Defoor, James D., apprentice, bds. n. cor. Wharf and First.

Defoor, Joseph A., carpenter, h. New n. Wharf.

Defoor, J. A., carpenter, h. Bentonville.


Defoor, Mrs. Sarah, wid. Zachariah, h. n. Arch, bet. Gilmer and

DeGraffenried, W. K., lawyer, Cherry n. Second, bds. Georgia ave.

n. Orange.

[ry, h. Oak n. First.

Deloache, J., (L. D. Wilcoxson & Co.,) carriage dealer, 142 Mulber-

Demning, B., draftsman, bds. Oglethorpe n. Second.

Dempsey, D., Jr., grocer, Third n. Cherry, h. do.

Dempsey, Thomas, h. Fourth n. Walnut.

Dend, A., laborer, M. & W. R. R.

Deracken, E-, cabinet workman, h. East Macon.

Denman, G. L., salesman, h. Fourth, bet. Mulberry and Walnut.

Denning, Mrs. Louisa, wid. Stephen, h. Oak n. Fourth.

Denning, Theophilus, fruit seller, h. Oak, bet. Fourth and Fifth.

Dense, B. F., proprietor Granite Hall, Mulberry, bet. Second and


Dense, Wm. E., bookkeeper, Cherry cor. Third, bds. Granite Hall.

Dentler, Ernst, confectioner, bds. First n. Poplar.

Denton, Mrs. Emily, wid. James, h. East Macon.

DESSAU, A., millinery, Second n. Cherry, h. Cherry n. New.

Deshazer, Miss L. F., milliner, Cherry n. Second, h. do.

Dewberry, Aaron, mule tender, bds. Lamar n. Oglethorpe.

Dewberry, Miss Ann, spinner, bds. Lamar n. Oglethorpe.

Dewberry, Charles, bds. Factory Grounds.

Dewberry, Miss Eliza, spooler, h. Factory Grounds.

Dewberry, G. A., foreman, bds. Factory Grounds.

Dewberry, Miss Sarah, weaver, bds. Factory Grounds.

Dewberry, Miss Susan, spinner, bds. Factory Grounds.

Dewberry, Wm., mule tender, bds. Factory Grounds.



Dickens, Tillman, roller covcrer, h. cor. Lamar and Oglethorpe. Dickinson, Arthur, (Powers & Dickinson,) lawyer, Mulberry cor.

Third, h cor. Ross and Columbus.


Dickinson, S. F., cotton buyer, Cherry n. Second, h. Washington.

Dickinson, Walter M., carpenter, bds. Oak u. Second.

Diemling, draftsman, F. I. Works.

DILLARD, WM., grocer, h. Fifth n.' Wharf.

Dillon, Miss C. T., milliner, Cotton ave. n. Mulberry, h. Walnut.

Dillon. John, Fifth n. Poplar.

Dinkier, Jacob, clerk, Cherry n. Third, h. do.


Dintler, E., candy maker, Cotton ave. n. Cherry, h. Cotton ave. n.

Donnaho, John, fireman, h. Elbert n. Hazel,

Donohoe, moulder, h. Fourth n. Poplar.

Doodey, Win., proprietor Floyd House, Third cor. Mulberry.

Doras, John, boiler maker, h. cor. Congress and Bay.

Dorlon, T. S., salesman, Mulberry n. Second, h. Mulberry.

Dorns, John, boiler maker, S. W. R. II.

Dorsett, Richardson, black smith, h. College n. Cemetery.

Dorton, Benjamin, painter, h. Wharf n. Fifth. Dorton, Mrs. Lydia, wid. Benjamin, h. cor. Seventh and Wharf. Dougherty, Thos., machinist, h. Madison n. Forsyth. Douglas, Charles, brick mason, h. Elm n. Elbert.

Douglas, Joseph, grocer, Third n. Oak, h. do. Douglas, Win., brick mason, h. Elm n. Elbert. Dowd, Andrew, laborer, h. Fifth, bet. Wharf and Walnut. Downs, Benjamin, drayman, h. coi\ Gilmer and Ashe. Doyle, Francis, engineer, h. Forsyth n. Madison. Doyle, John, plasterer, h. Pine n. Seventh.

Doyle, John, barkeeper, Mulberry n. Third, h. Fourth n. Cherry. Drane, P. II., weigher, Second n. Poplar, bds. Flint House. Draper, J. M., agent S. W. R- R,, h. Fourth n. Pine. Driggars, D. T., brick mason, h. Oak n. First. Dudley, M. L.. Painter, h. Walnut n. Seventh. Dukes, A., Carpenter, h. cor. Orange and Pine. Dukes, James, butcher, house, East Macon. Dunbar, David C., Carpenter, h. Oak n. Spring. Dunlap, J. H. (Dunlap & Harris) grocer, n. Pine bet, first & new



Dunlap & Harris, (J. H. Dunlap & A. P1 G. Harris,) grocers, Cher* ry n. Second.
Dunn, Miss Anna, milliner, Second n. Cotton Avenue, h. do. Dunn, Thomas W. Carpenter, bds. Cherry n. Spring. [See advt. DUNN, WM. M., produce dealer, Third n. Cherry h. Pine n. Fifth. Dunson, V\7. C. M., lawyer, Mulberry, cor. Third bds. Brown's Hotel. Dure, Mrs. A., widow Francis, bds. cor. Fifth n. Mulberry. Dure, Geo. A. treasurer C. R. 11., h. cor. Fifth n. Mulberry. Durrett, D. 51. ware-house, East 51acon, h. do. Dyer, A, A., carpenter, bds. City Hotel.


Eanes, 51rs. S., widow John, h. Fourth n. Mulberry.

Eastman, Win., printer, Messenger Office, h. First bet. Plum & Pine.

Eck, P. J., boot-maker, Cotton Av. n. Mulberry, bds. Third n. Poplar.

Edwards, J. A., clerk, Cherry, u. Third, bds. Floyd House.

Edwards, J. C., land ag't., 5Iu!berry, n. Third, h. College n. Mulberry

Einstein, Elias, dry goods, 2nd. cor. Cotton Av., h. First cor. Pine.

Einstein, Rudolph, sale'sraan, h. Cherry bet. 2nd and 3rd.

Eisner, 51., boot-maker, 51ulberry n. Third, h. do.

Elfe, Tlios. B., Machinist, h. Pine n. Fourth.

Elliott, B., cotton buyer, h. poplar bet. First and Second.

Ellison, J. B. M., Carpenter, cor Arch and Hammond.

Ellison. Wm-, Clerk, bds. cor. Cherry and Fifth.

Ellis, Chas. bds. Lanier House.

Ellis, C. S., horse trader, bds. Hazel, n. Mclntosli.

Ellis, John. bds. Lanier House,

[bds. Granite Hall.

Ellis, J. II., (J. LI. & W. S. Ellis,) confectionery, Cherry n. Third,

Ellis, J. H. & W. S., confectionery, druggs, Cherry, n. Cotton Av.

and Cherry, n. Third. Ellis, L. I)., black-smith, h. cor. Fifth and poplar. Ellis, 5Irs. Mary F., widow Monroe, h. Hazel u. 5IcIntosh. Ellis, Kob't. J., train hand, S. W. R. B.

Ellis, S., black-smith, I!. I. Works. [h. cor. 51aple and Calhoun.-"

Ellis, W. S., (J. 11. & W. S. Ellis,) confectionery, Cherry n Third,

Ells, C. A., h. Walnut, cor. Second.

[h. do.

1,11s, Charles W., (IP N. 1.11s & bo.) grocer, Mulberry opp. Lanier, Ells, E. 51., clerk, Mulberry, n. Second, h. Walnut, cor. Second.

Ells. H. N. (II. N. Ells & Co.,) grocer, bds Brown's Hotel. Ells, II. N. v Co., (C. W. Ells) grocers, Mulberry, opp. Lanier. Eimnell, C. K., salesman, Mulberry cor. Second, bds. Lanier House. Emmerson, Miss Elizabeth, warper, bds. Factory Grounds. Emmerson, Miss Fraucis, duffer, bds. Factory Grounds. Emmerson, G. W., dentist, Mulberry, n. Second, bds. Lanier House. Emmerson, Win., card-strippcr, bds. Factory Grounds. Emerson, Wriah, watchman, h. cor. Troup and Hawthorne. English, B. F., (Freeman & English,) carriages, Cherry n. Second,
English, J. II., painter, h. Fourth u. Oak. Enunell, C. K., bds. L nier House. Evans, F. INi., carpenter, h. East Macon. Evans, James E., method is fc minister, h. Georgia ave. n. Orange. Evans, John, baggage mister, h. cor. Fifth and Plum. Evans, John A., boot-maker, h. cor. Sixth n. Poplar. Evans, Mrs 11. A., wid. J. P., h. Fourth, n. Walnut.; Evans, R. W. machinist, h. Fourth n. Walnut. Everett, L., information refused. Experience, Mrs. Harriet, E., widow John, h. Pine n. Second.
Fairchiles, Archy, engineer, S. W. R. E. Faircloth, Mrs. Lydia, wid. Theophilus, h. Sixth n. Walnut. Bales, Jesse, train hand S. W. H. R. Farley, James B., harness-maker, poplar n. Fourth, h. do. Farndle, Andrew, stone-cutter, bds Pine n. Spring. Farndle, John, stjne-eutter bds. Pine n. Sp:iog. Farrar, J. M., clerk, bds Fourth n. Walnut. Farrell, John, steward restaurant, Brown's Hotel. Farrcns, Mrs. Mary, widow Michael, li. McIntosh n. Hawthorne. Fay, Thos. ditcher, h. Cotton ave. Feagin, R. C., salesman, Second cor. Poplar, h. Poplar. Fears, II. C., bds. High, n. Orange. Fears, J. W. (Fears & Pritchett) grocer, h. High n. Orange. Fears & Pritchett, (J. W. Fears & T. J. Pritchett,) grocers, Third
n. Poplar, Fendig, A. (A Fendig & Co.,) dry goods, Cherry n. Third, boards
Granite Hull.

84 >


Fendig, A. & Co., (Feuchtwanger,) dry goods, Cherry n. Tliird. Feuchtwanger, E., (A. Fending & Co.,) drygoods, Cherry n. Second

house do.

Feuchtwanger, S., dry goods, Cherry n. Third, h. New York.

Fields, J. H., clerk. Third cor. Poplar, bds. Granite Hall.

Filan, James, laborer, h. Walnut n Sixth. [cor. Second and Oak.

Findlay, (j. D. (R. Findlay & Sons,) proprietors iron works, boards

Findlay, J. N. (Pi. Findlay & Sons,) proprietor iron works, boards

cor. Second and Oak.

Findlay, P. moulder, F. 1. works.

[Second and Oak.

Findlay, R. sr., (R. Findlay & Sons,) proprietor iron works, h. cor.

Findlay, Rob't. Jr., clerk, Cherry n. Third, b. Second cor. Oak.

FINDLAY, R. & SONS, (J. N. & C. D. Findlay,) proprietors iron

works, cor. Congress and Oglethorpe. [See ad/.]

Findlay, Win., laborer, F. I. works.

Fitch, II., (H. Fitch, & Co..) clothier, resides New Haven.

FITCH, II. &rO., [W. T. Fitch,] clothiers, Second n. Cotton ave.

[See advt.]

Fitch, W. T. (II. Fitch & Co..) clothiers, New Haven. Fitzgerald, Edmond, physician, h. High u. Plum and Spring. Fitzgerald, M., physician, East Macon. Fitzgerald, Philip, (Daly & Fitzgerald.) grocer, h. Third n. Plum. Flanders, David, (Lightfoot & Flanders,) grocer, East Macon, h. do. Flanders, D. M., clerk, East Macon, h. do. Flanders, David N., clerk, bds. East Maeon. Flanders, J. E., fireman, M. & W. R. R. Flanders, Jas. E., apprentice, bds. East Macon. Flanders, Mrs Susanna, wid. Henry, li. East Macon. Fleming, Rob't. bds. Mulberry n. Fiist.

Flemings, Mrs. Martha, widow John, bds. cor. Orange and Geo., ave. Flannigan, John, laborer, h. cor. Fifth bet. Walnut and Wharf. Flewellen, Mrs. Martha, wid. Wm. h. cor. Sixth and Pine. Flint, Thos. H., proprietor Flint House, First bet. Plum and Poplar. Flood, Phillip, plasterer, Tatnail n. Oglethorpe. Flowers, Charles, tin-smith, h. Plum, n. Fifth. Flowers, John, engineer, S. W. II. R. h. Hammond n. Hazel. Flowers, Joseph, laborer, h. ! ine n. Sixth. Eoley, John, watchman, East Macon, h. do.


' 3f>

Foley, Mathew, tinner, bds. Cotton ave.

Foley, P., laborer, h. Cotton ave.

Foley, Wm., pedler, bds. Cotton ave.


Foote, C. H., watch-maker, Mulberry n. Second,, bds. Walnut near

FORRESTER, G. W., brick mason, h. Pine, n. Spring, [See adv.]

Forster, Rev. F. X., treas. and professor, W. College. Forsyth, Geo. W., stone-cutter, bds. Washington n. Orange. FORSYTH. H. E., boot-maker, Cotton ave. n. Mulberry, h. College

Hill,. [See adv.]


Fo-syth, Johi J., cabinet-maker, Cherry n. Second, h Washington

Foster, Mrs. Adaline, wid. Allen, h. Walnut n. Sixth.

Foster, F., carpenter, h. East Macon. Foster, S. A., printer, Citizen Office, bds. cor. First and Plum. Foster, Win. glazier, h. Walnut n. Fifth. Fowler, James C., overseer, h. Lamar & Oglethorpe. Fowler, Wm., laborer, h. McIntosh n. Hawthorn.

Fox, Miss Mary, milliner, Cherry n. Second, h. do.

Fox, Mrs. M. A., h. Cherry n. Second.

Fox, Miss Sarah, milliner, Cherry, n. Second, h. do. Frankfurter, V., clerk. Cherry n. Third, h. Fourth cor. Mulberry. Franklin, Mrs. Mary, wid. Dr. Marcus, cor. Georgia ave. n. Bond.

Frazer, Miss Margaret, weaver, Factory Grounds.

Frazier, J. D., tailor, Second n. Mulberry, bds. Republic.

FREEMAN, A. It., treas. gas Co., h. Arch n. New.

Freeman, B. P. (Greer & Freeman,) grocer, h. Arch n. New.

Freeman, C. H. (0. II. Freeman & Co.,) confectioners, h. Cherry n.


[n. Cherry.

Freeman, C. IT. & Co., (John J. Harris,) confectioners, Cotton ave.

Freeman, Edw'd. clerk, bds. cor. Georgia ave. and Orange. Freeman & Fnglish, (R. S. Freeman & B. T. English,) Carriage

dealers, Cherry n. Second.

Freeman, J. W., clerk, Cherry n. Second, h First n. Pine. [First.

Freeman, M. R., physician, Mulberry n. Third, h. Arch bet. New &

Freeman, M. S., book-keeper, Cherry n. Third, h. Arch n. New.

Freeman, R. S., (Freeman & English,) carriages, h. cor. Georgia

avenue and Orange.

[cor. Plum and Cotton ave.

Freercaa & Roberts, (it. Freeman, G. B. Roberts,) mastie roofing,



Freeman, R.,' (Freeman & Roberts,) roofing shop, cor. Plum and Cotton ave.
Freeman, Thos. W.. clerk, Cotton ave. n. Cherry, h. Cherry n. First. Frey, Jacob, tailor. Cherry, n. Second, h. Pine, n. Second. Frothingham, Miss C. ornamental painter, bds. Flint House. Fuller, Mrs. Emeline, h. Cotton ave., Fuller, John D. laborer, h. Pine, n. Sixth. Fuller, M. J. L. tailor, bds. City Hotel. Funaberg, James, machinist, bds. City Hotel. Fyfe, Wm. grocer, cor. New & Plum, h. do.
Gaddy, J. T. (Blaisdell & Gaddy) dentist, bds. Granite Hall. Gaines, A. (Bearden, Gaines & Co. ) produce, boot and shoe
dealer, Cotton ave., also Triangular Block, bds. cor. Pine and Spring.

Gaires, Jacob, cabinet workman, h. Cotton ave.

Gamble, Charles, bds. cor. Cherry & First.

Gambel, James, train hand, bds Second, n. Arch.

Gamble, John F., bds. cor. Cherry and First.

Gamble, Mrs. Mary, wid. Wm. h.cor. Cherry and First.

Garett, Henry, bar keeper Floyd House, h. First, n. Mulberry.

Garaughty, Mrs. Mary A., wid. Dominick, h. cor. Fifth and Walnut.

Garevin, James, information refused.

Garfield, II. S. (Garfield & Waterman) restaurant, h. Walnut, n.


[rant, Chery, n. Third

Garfield & Waterman, (H. S. Garfield & II. J. Waterman,) restau-

Garev, W., boot maker, cor. Third and Cherry, h. do.

Garvin, E. K., carpenter, h. Forsyth, n. Madison.

Gatewood, John, bds. Brown Hotel.

Gaulman, Andrew, laborer, h. McIntosh, n. Hazel.

Gay, Miss E. J., teacher, h. cor. Bench and Orange.

George, P. II., mechanic, bds. Cherry, cor. Fifth.

Gibson, Frederick, machinist, F. I. Works.

Gibson, Miss M., milliner, 138 Mulbery, h. do.

Gibson, Robt. G., brick mason, h. Madison.

Gilberts, Miss Elizabeth, weaver, Factory Grounds.

Giles, John B.( conductor S. W. 11. It,, h. cor. Buy & Hammond.



Gillon, Mrs. Nancy, wid. Win. B., h. Mulberry, n. Seventh. Gillon, Janies II., machinist, h. Oak, n. Third. Gilpin, Miss Dorcas, weaver, li. Hawthorne, n. Troup. Gilpin, Sirs. Ililsey, wid. Win., h. Hawthorne, n. Troup. Gilpin, Mrs. Jane II., wid Win. T., h. Third, n. Oak. Gilpin, J. M., whcelright, li. Hawthorne, n. Troup. Gilpin, Nathan, train hand, h. Hawthorne, n. Troup. Girard, Mrs. Mary, h. Fourth, n. Poplar. Given, Mrs. Sarah John, h. Hammond, n. Elm. Glasson, Nathan, overseer, h. Factory Grounds. Glazier, A., clerk, Cherry, n. Third, h. do. Gloss, Jacob, laborer, h. cor. Elm and McIntosh. Goetz, John, carpenter, bds. Oglethorpe, n. Fourth. Goff, J. M., printer, Telegraph Office, h. Magnolia, n. Orange. Gold, Mrs. Martha, wid. George, h cor. Sixth and Poplar. [3rd. Goldsmith, D., clerk, 2nd cor. Cotton ave., h. Cherry, bet. 2nd and Goodale, J. 0., carpenter, First, n. Mulberry, li. Plum and FourthGoodall, W. P., book-keeper, Third, bet. Cherry and Mulberry, h

Second, cor. Pine.

Goodenough, A. J., clerk, 10 Cotton ave., bds, Granite Hall. Goodman, II. clothing, Cherry, n. Third, h. Fourth, cor. Mulberry. Goodman, J. daguerean, Second opp Cotton ave., bds. Mulberry, cor.


Goodman, S. I., clerk, house Fourth, corner Mulberry.

Goodwin, W. T., clerk, cor. Fifth and Plum, GOODYEAR, T.. carriage maker, Walnut n. First, Goolsby, 0., (Hayden & Goolsby) lively stable, h. out city limits. Gorman, A. machinist, F. I. Works. Gorman, Mrs. Martha, wid. Dr. T. B., h. Poplar, n. First. Goslin, Washington, laborer, h. cor. Cherry and Seventh. Goss, F. M., stone cutter, house Madison, near Fourth.

Gove, Sami. F., clerk, house East Macon.

Graham, Dennis, grocer, Fifth, near Wharf.

Graham, George, gardiner, house Rose, near Hill.

Gramme!, George, train hand, S. W. R. E,

[1st and 2nd.

GRANNISS, E. 0., magistrate, Fitche's clothing store, h. Oak, bet.

Granniss, E. J., clerk, Mulberry, n. 3rd, h. Oak, n. 2nd.



Granniss, H. M,, dental Student, 2nd cor. Mulberry, li. Oak, n. 1st,

Graves, Kdwd. S., engineer, bouse Pine, near Fifth.

Gray, Mrs. Frances, house East Macon.

Gray, J. T., machinist, bds. Oak, near Second.

Graybill, Chas. B., clerk, bds, Second, near Plum.


Graybill, James S , cot'on buyer, First, cor. Cotton ave. h. Second n.

Graybill, Mrs. Mary, wid. Henry, h. Second, n. Plum. [Forsyth.

Green, F. B., law student, 2nd,opp. Cotton ave., bds. Madison, near

Green, Dr. H. K-, physician, cor. 1st and Mulbery, h. do.

Green, James, physician, Cotton av. n. Mulberry, h. Poplar, n. Spring.

Green, John, J., engineer, house Madison, near Fourth.

Green, Mrs. Mary A., wid. M. F., house Cotton avenue.

Green, Mrs. Sarah, wid. Dr. Wm., house Poplar, near Spring.

Green, Thos., clerk, bds. Plum, near Spring.

Greer & Freeman, (J. F. Greer and B. P. Freeman) grocers, Cherry

near Second. Greer, J. F., (Greer & Freeman) grocer, h. Cherry, near Fourth. Greesham, John J., lawyer, 2nd, near Cherry, h. College. Grier, E. C., (Poe & Grier) lawyer, h. Cherry n. Third. Grier & Masterson (J. Y. Grier, and C. Masterson) livery stables,
Mulberry, cor. Third.

Grier, J. V., (Grier and Masterson) livery stable, h. Walnut n. 4th. Griffin, Dorsey, grocer, Cotton ave., h. Forsyth n. Early. Griffin, G. G., physician, 2nd n. Mulberry, h. Mulberry, cor. First. Griffin, J. R. (Simms, Lochrane & Griffin,) lawyer, bds. Granite Hall, GRIFFIN, JOHN R., bds. Brown's Hotel. ' [bds. Granite Hall. Griffin, J. W. (Hardeman & Griffin,) grocer, Cherry, cor. Third,. GRIGGS, B. F., physician, Plum, opp. 11. 11. Depot, bds. Brown's

Hotel. (See advertisement.)

Grimes, Geo. A., carpenter, Second cor. Poplar, h. Mulberry, n. 5th.

Grimes, G. W., carpenter, h. Pine, near Fourth. Grimes, John M., blacksmith, h. Pine near Fourth. Grimm, Frederick, grocer,- First, n. Poplar, h. do. Grim, F., cabinet workman, house Cotton avenue. Grinstead, Mrs. Arminda, Wid Riley, h. cor. Cherry and Seventh. Groce, Lewis J., cotton buyer, h. cor. Washington and Spring. Groce, Wm., lawyer, bds. cor. Washington and Spring.



Gross, Jarrett, house Third near Poplar.

Gugel, Danl. M., machinist, house Fifth near Wharf.

Guillan, Bliss H., teacher blind assylum.

Guimarim, Bliss Zelia, house Cherry near Sixth,


Guttenberger, Bliss Louisa, asst, teacher music BY. F. College, house

Guttenherger, Phillip G., professor music W. F. College, house


Guyton, Bliss Susan, weaver, house Factory Grounds.


Hackett, Thos., carpenter, house Blonroe, near Forsyth,

Haffey, Wm., peddler, hds. City Hotel.

Hail, Silas, peddler, bds. Cotton avenue.

Hall, Mrs. Cynthia, washer, house Second near Arch.

Hall, B!., dry goods, Cherry n. Second, h. Second.

Hambrick, Jackson, fruit seller, house Cotton avenue.

Hambrick, L., laborer, house Cotton avenue.

Hammond, Abner, bds. cor Fifth and Cherry.


Hammond, I>. W., (Boon & Hammond) physician, h. cor. Rose and

Hammonds, Sami., fireman, hds. Forsyth n. Bladison.

Hand, Blrs. B., wid. Spencer, h. Walnut, n. New.

Ilanchey, Edward, black smith, h. Fifth n. Walnut.

Hancock, Edward, boiler maker, bds. cor. McIntosh and Hawthorne,

Hancock, Blrs. S. S., wid. George II., music teacher college, house

Jefferson near Bladison.

Hancock, W. II. conductor S. W. R. R., h. Oglethorpe, n. Blclntosh.

Haney, Mrs. Ann, wid. Uriah, h. First n. Poplar.

Hanse, A. L., machinist, h. Plum cor. Fifth.

Hanse, Charles C., conductor S. W. R. R., h. Plum cor. Fifth.

Hardey & Collins, (Thos. Hardey & Stephen Collins,) brick yard.

East Blacon.

[cers, Cherry, cor. Third.

Hardeman & Griffin, (Thos. Hardeman, Jr., and J. BY. Griffin) gro-

Hardeman, T., Sen., (Hardeman & Sparks) commission, Third cor.

Poplar, h. Yineville.

[h. Yineville.

Hardeman, T., Jr., (Hardeman & Griffin,) grocer, Cherry, cor. 3rd. Hardeman & Sparks, (T.-Hardeman, Sen., and O. G. Sparks,) com
mission, Third cor. Poplar.



Hardey, Thos., (Hardey & Collins,) brick yard, East Macon, h. do.

Hardie, G-eo. W., casbr. Manf. Bank, bds. Granite Hall.

Hardiway, Jas. H., bds. cor. Magnolia and Spring.

Hardy, Miss Martha, weaver, h. Factory Grounds.

Harley Wilson, h. Congress n. Elm.

Harman, A. K., marshall genl. passenger depot, h. Cotton ave.

Harman, John K., clerk, h. Oak n. First.

Harrington, Miss K., spinner, h. Factory Grounds.

Harrington, Miss Mary, weaver, h. Factory Grounds.

Harrington, Miss Rachael, weaver, h. Factory Grounds.

Harrington, Wm., laborer, bds. Cotton ave.

Harris, A. P. G., (Dunlap & Harris,) grocer, bds. Granite Hall.

Harris, Benjamin,, picker tend r, h. Factory Grounds.

Harris, Charles, pointer, h. Mulberry n. Third.

Harris, Edmond, h. Walnut n. Franklin.

Harris, Mrs. Eliza, weaver, h. Factory Grounds. [New and Poplar.

Harris, John J., (C. H. Freeman & Co.) confectionary, bds. cor.

Harris, J. M., clerk, Cherry n. Second, bds. Floyd House.

Harris, John S., clerk, Cherry cor. Second, h. Wharf cor. First.

Harris, Mrs. Louisa, weaver, bds. Factory Grounds.

Harris, M., carpenter, h. Second n. River.

Harris, Miss Martha, weaver, h. Factory Grounds.

Harris, Peter, overseer, h. Congress n. Oglethorpe.

Harris, Mrs. Kebecca, wid. L. B., bds. Factory Grounds.

Harris, Mrs. S., wid. John, Second, n. River.


! l'arris, T. A., ware house, cor. 2nd and Poplar, h. Poplar n. Cotton

Harris, T. H., (loungblood & Harris) bar, Cotton ave., h. First n. Plum.

Harrison, G., physician, Cotton ave., cor. Cherry, h. High n. Orange.

Harrison, Joseph, engineer, h. East Macon.

Harroll, Miss Fannie, h. Seventh n. Mulberry.

Hart, Wm. L., clerk, East Macon, bds. do.

Hartley, Wm., city marshall, h. Magnolia n. Orange.

Hartman, Peter, carpenter, bds. Cherry n. Fifth.

Harts, H., clerk, Cherry cor. Third, bds. Floyd House.

Harvell, John C., boot maker, bds. Spring n. Cotton ave.

Harvey, Ewd. J. cabinet-maker, bds. McIntosh n. Hazel.

Harvey, J. P._, cabinetmaker, h. McIntosh n. Hazel.



Harvey, J. P., (Heath & Harvey,) grocers, h. McIntosh n. Hazel.

Hasson, ])., grocer, Cherry n. Third, h. Court House Square.

Hatcher, C., laborer, F. I. Works.

Hatcher, L. fireman, S. W. R. R.

Haviland, Miss Ida, h. Cherry, bet. Sixth and Seventh.

Hayden & Goolsby, (Isaac Hayden and O. Goolsby,) livery stables

Mulberry n. First.

Hayden, Isaac, (Hayden & Goolsby,) livery stables, h. Cherry n. 3rd.

Hayden, Mrs. Lucy, wid., Luke, h. Cherry, n. Third. (u. Third.

Heath & Harvey, (J. F. Heath and J. P. Harvey,) grocers, Cherry

Heath, J. F. (Heath & Harvey,) grocer, h. Pine cor. Third.

Heath, W. B., barroom, Cotton ave., h. Pine n. New.

Heckle, C. C., h. Pine n. Fifth.


Heebner. Christopher, stone mason, h. Madison.

Heelfrick, S., tailor, Cherry, n. Second, h. Third cor. Poplar.

Hempstead, Geo. B., clerk, East Macon, h. do.

Hendricks, G. W., painter, bds, City Hotel.

Hendricks, T. C., carpenter, h. East Macon.

Henneger, David, laborer, bds. Third n. Oak.

Henneger, Henry, laborer, bds. Third n. Oak.

Henneger, John, P., laborer, h. Third n. Oak.

Henneger, Mrs. Sarah, wid. John, lr Third, n. Oak.

Henry, Francis, brick mason, h. cor. Arch and Elbert.

Hernandez, J. S., segar manufacturer, Third n. Cherry, h. do.

Herrington, David, roofer, bds. Third n. Arch.

Herrington, J. engineer, h. Third n. Plum.

Herrington, W. J. cabinet workmen, h. Third n. Plum.

Hertzfield, J. dry goods, Cherry cor. Third, bds. Granite Hall.

Hexter, K. clerk, Cherry n. Third, b. Cherry n. Fourth.

Hickman, Geo. painter, Mulberry n. First, h. out city limits.

Hickman, R. S. boot maker, 3 Cotton Av., h. out city limits.

HICKS, E. H. barkeeper, Brown's Hotel, bds. do.

Higgins & Bro., (J. T. Higgins & II. M. Higgins) grocers, Cherry

bet. Fifth & Sixth.

Higgins, B. C. carpenter, h. Mulberry n. Spring.


Higgins, H. M. (Higgins & Bro.) grocer, bds. cor. Mulberry n.

Higgins, .1. T. (Higgins & Bro.) grocer, bds. cor. Mulberry n. Fifth.

Higgins, W. L. carpenter, h. East Macrn.



Hightower, Henry laborer, h. McIntosh n. Hawthorne.

Hightower, James laborer, h. McIntosh n. Boundary.

Hill, B. (Hill & Hill, lawyer, h. Arch, n. Spring.

[cor First.

Hill, E. P. (Bearden, Gaines & Co.) boots & shoes, bds. Mulberry

HILL & HILL, (B. Hill & Jno. R. Hill,) lawyers, Third bet. Plum

and Poplar.

Hill, John finisher, bds. Oak n. Fourth.

Hill, John G-. clerk, Cherry n. Third, bds. Mulberry n. Fourth.

[[ill, Jno. R. (Hill & Hill) lawyer, h. Walnut cor. Fourth.

Hill, Josiah carpenter, bds. Plum n. Spring.

Hillson, Miss B. milliner, Second n. Cotton Ay. h. do.

Hinchy, Edmond black smith, h. East Macon.

Hines, Peter, carpenter, h. Walnut n. New.

Hines, Treat carpenter-, College St.

Hirsh, Christian tailor, h. Fifth n. Walnut.

HERZOG, A. F. bar, Third n. Cherry, h. do.

Herzog, F. (Bolshaw & Herzog) crockery, 11 Cotton Av. h. Third

bet. Cherry & Mulberry.

[managers, Mulberry n. Third

HODGES, DAVIS & CO., (E. M. Hodges & G. L. Davis) lottery

HODGES, E. M. (Hodges, Davis & Co.) lottery manager, Mulberry n.


Hodges, J. Joseph foreman G. Telegraph Office, h. out city limits-

Hodges, J. 0. clerk, Third n. Cherry h. cor. Spring & Oak.

Hodges, Lewis A. Mulberry n. Third.

HODGKINS, D. C. & SON, (W. C. Hodgkins,) gun manuf., Mul

berry n. Third.


Hodgkins, D. C. (D. C. Hodgkins & Son) gun manf., h. Walnut n.

Hodgkins, J. C. gun smith, Mulberry n. Third, h. Walnut n. Sixth.

Hodgkins, N. M. clerk, Second n. Cotton Av., h. Walnut bet. Sixth

and Seventh.


Hodgkins, Tiros. G. watch maker, Cherry n. Second, bds. Walnttt n.

Hodgkins, W. C. (D. C. Hodgkins & Son) gun manufacturer h.

Bridge cor. Wharf.

Hoffman, S. clerk, Second opp. Cotton Av.

Hogan, A. J. machinist, F. I. Works.

Hogan, Mrs. Rebecca wid. Wm. h. Plum n. Fourth.

Hogue, John A. printer, bds. cor. Second and Plum.

Hoge, John S. cotton buyer, h. fronting High St. n. Plum.



Iloge, Wm. G. commiss. merchant, It. Plum bet. First and Second.

Holbrook, 11. C. engineer, h. Fifth bet. Plum and Pine.

Holder, James pedler bds. Cotton Av.

Holder, Mrs Martha wid. A. h. Cotton Av.

Holdridge II. S. cotton gin, li. Magnolia n. Orange.

Holland, Wm. clerk, Cherry n. Third, h do.

Hollingsworth, A. C. carpenter, bds. City Hot 1.

Hollingsworth, Mrs. Eliza, wid. John, h. cor. Second and Plum.

Hollingsworth, John cotton buyer, h. cor. Second and Plum.

Holloman, Z. painter, h. Pine n. Spring.

Holloway, M. C. clerk, Cotton Av. n. First, h. Mulberry u. First.

Holloway, Wm. Clerk, bds. Mulberry n. First

Holmes, John C. book keeper, li. Cherry n. Third.

Holmes Lewis, laborer, h. ATneville.

Holomon, David, Carpenter, h. Pine n. Second:

Holt, Asa farmer h. Mulberry n. Spring.

Holt, John policeman, h. near Camp Oglethorpe.

1 folt, Mrs. Julia D., wid. Pulaski, Jr., h. Pine n. Second.

Holt, Leroy lawyer, bds. cor. Orange and Georgia Av.

Holt, Col. Pulaski planter, h. Arch n. Spring.

Holt, T. G. Sr. farmer, h. cor. Orange and Georgia Av.

Holt, T. G. Jr. lawyer, Cherry n. Third, h College Hill.

HOLT, T. L. asst. agt. Cotton Factory.

Holt, AV. F. physician, Cotton Av. cor. Cherry n. Vineville.

Holt, Wm. S. agent Cotton Factory.

Holtz, M. tailor, Cherry cor. Third h. do.

llolzendorf, John li. Pine n. New.

Holzeudorf, W. H. clerk, Mulberry n. Second, bds. Granite Hall.

I lorne, Mrs. Jane wid. W. F. h. cor Division and Tupelo.

I lorne, Henry confectioner, Cherry n. Third, h. do.

Horne, W. physician, Walnut cor. Third, li. do.

Horton, I. M. printer, bds. Third n. Plum.

Horton, J . AV. blacksmith, h. Aladison n. Jefferson.

Howe, Fred. Wm. h. Plum n. Fourth.

[See adv.

HOWLAND, Mrs. M. A. Milliner, 9 Cotton Av., h. AValnut n. Third-

Hudgins, Josiah printer, Telegraph Office, h. Cotton Av. [First.

Huff, Geo. AV. clerk, Cotton Av. n. Cherry, bds. Mulberry n.

Huff, L. D. clerk, Cotton Av. n. Cherry, bds. Mulberry n. First.

HUFF, W. A. produce dealer, Cotton Av. n. Cherry, bds. Lanier Ilouse. [See advertisement.
Huffman, L. J. boot maker, cor. Third and Cherry. Hughes, C. C. clerk, cor. First and Poplar. Hughes, Mrs. F. M. wid. W. H. li. Plum n. Fourth.
Huguenin, Edw'd I), planter, h. Jefferson n. College. Hunt, Mrs- Bridget wid. Patrick, h. Fifth n. Walnut. Hunt, Mrs. Eliza wid. John, bds. cor. Cherry and New. Hunt, L. W. (Zeilin & Hunt) Druggist bds. Brown's Hotel. Hunt, Mrs. Sarah wid. Henry, h. Fifth n. Poplar. Hunt, Thos. J. (Brickhouse & Co.) Shoe Store, Triangular Block bet.
Cherry and Mulberry, bds. Lanier House. Hunter, J. A. book-keeper C. K. R., bds. Arch n. New. Hunter, S. (Speer & Hunter) lawyer, bds. Brown's Hotel. Hurst, James fireman, h. Hammond n. Elbert. Hurst, Miss Nancy, weaver, Factory Grounds. Hurst, R. R. train hand, h. Oglethorpe n. Second.
Hurt, Wm. 0. carpenter, h. Walnut n. Fifth. Hutchinson, A. J. fireman, bds. McIntosh n. Oglethorpe. Hutchins, L W. laborer, h. Hawthorne n. McIntosh,
h. Vineville. Hutton, John S. asst. agt. Mechanic's B'nk, Second n. Cotton Av., Hyde, B. teacher music Blind Asylum. Oyer, Mrs. Josephine wid. John H., h. Fourth n. Pine. Hyer, Wm. L. engineer, h Fourth n. Pine.


Irby, Henry carpenter, h. Madison.

Irvine, C. A. agent C. R. R. h. East Macon.

[ryn. Fourth.

Isaacs, E. (E. Isaacs & Bro.) confectionery, Cherry n. Third, h. Oher-

Isaacs, E. & Bro- (S. Isaacs) confectionery, Cherry n. Third.

Isaacs, Mark baker, Third n. Cherry, h. Cherry cor. Market-

Oases, S. (E. Isaacs & Bro.) confectionery, Cherry n. Third, h. Cher* ryn. Fourth.

Ives, Miss Ellen spinner, bds. Lamar and OglethorpeIves, Miss Georgiana weaver, bds. Lamar & Oglethorpe. Ives, Miss Julia spinner, bds Lamar & Oglethorpe.



Ives, Mrs. M. A. wid. E., h Fourth n. Mulberry. Ives, Miss Nancy weaver bds. Lamar and Oglethore. Ivey, Hilson, W. carpenter, h. cor' Congress and Hawthorne-


Jackson, D. C. clerk, Cotton Av., n. Cherry bds. Flint House. Jackson, Mrs. Patsy wid. h. Pine near Sixth.

Jackson, ffm. laborer, h. Elm near Congress. James, Miss Mary weaver, h. Factory Grounds.

James, W. H. printer, h. Mulberry near Fourth, Jameson, Dr. David plauter h. cor. First and Pine. Jameson, John T- planter, bds. cor. First and Pine. Jaugstetter, C. bar, Mulberry n- Third, h. Poplar cor. Third.

Jaugstetter, John F. tailor, h. Third n. Poplar. Jeffers, Albert, apprentice, bds. cor. Fourth and Pine.

Jeffers, Mrs. Eliza wid. h. cor. Fourth and Pine.

[and Oak

Jeffers, E. G. (Aderhold & Jeffers,) livery stable, h. Third bet. Pine

Jeffers, Eugene painter, h. cor. Fourth and Pine.

Jeffers, John constable, h. cor. Congreas and Hawthorne,

JENKINS, E. W. ticket agent, S. W. R. R., bds. Brown's Hotel. Jennings, W. R. machinist, h. Oak near Third.

Jepson, Mrs. A. wid. Thomas, h. Second near River. Jepson, John laborer, h. Second near River. Jepson, Thomas laborer, h. Second near River.

Jessup, James J. clerk, Cotton Av., bds. do. JEWETT, HENRY L. book-keeper & Ins. agt., Cherry cor. Second,

h. Oak cor. First. [See' adv. Jobson, GilesT. cabinetmaker, Cherryn. Second h. cor. Oak & New. Johnson, Allen laborer, cor. Oglethorpe and McIntosh.

Johnson, Miss A. h. Cotton Av.

Johnson, Mrs. B. wid. John, h. Arch n. New. Johnson, Elisha laborer, h. East Macon.

Johnson, Miss Elizabeth weaver, h. Factory Grounds. Johnson, Miss F. V. weaver, h. Factory Grounds. Johnson, H. F. book-keeper S. W. R. R., h. Arch n. New. Johnson, James fireman S. W. R. R.

Johnson, James W. turner bds. Spring n. Pine.

. 40


Johnson, John overseer, h. Division near Hazel.

Johnson, Mrs. Laura wid. Arnold, h. East Macon.

Johnson, Levi farmer, h. Oglethorpe near Lamar.

Johnson, L. carpenter, h. McIntosh near Ashe.

Johnson, Mrs. Margaret milliner, Forsyth near College, h. do.

Johnson, Miss Mary speeder tender, bds. Oglethorpe n. Lamar.

Johnson, N. T. clerk, Cotton Av. n. Cherry, bds Flint House.

Johnson, Prince train hand S. W. It. It.

Johnson, Mrs. S. F. wid. Wyatt, bds. cor. Cherry and Fifth.

Johnson, Thos. C. office boy, bds Oglethorpe near Lamar.

Johnson, Wm. laborer, h. cor. Walnut and Seventh.

Johnson, W. R. engineer M. & W. Ft. Ft.

Johnson, M. S. medical student, h. East Macon.

Johnson, W. F. saddler, Cherry n. Cotton Av., h. wharf n. E E. bridge.

JOHNSON, W. W. dyer & Scourer, bet. Cotton Av. and First, h. do. [See advertisement.

Johnston, E. h. Third near Poplar.

[Second. See adv.

JOHNSTON, E. J. & CO. (G-eo. S. Obear) Jewelers Mulberry near

Johnston, E. J. (E. J. Johnston & Co.) jeweler, h. Mulberry abv. First.

Johnston, John engineer C. E. R., h. East Macon.

Johnston, J. H. tinner, bds. bet. Fifth and Sixth n. Mulberry.

Johnston, T. J. planter, bds. Brown's Hotel.

Johnston, Wm. B. cor. Spring and Georgia Av.

Joiner, Calvin train hand S. W. R. R., h. Arch n. Third.

Joiner, Mrs. Sarah wid. Chas. h. Cotton Av.

Jones, Benjamin, fireman S. W. R. R.

Jones, Miss Elizabeth, spinner, h. Oglethorpe near Lamar.

Jones, Mrs. Ellen h. Walnut front Franklin.

[Cotton Av.

Jones, Geo. S. (McCallie & Jones) Cotton Av., n. First, h. Poplar u.

Jones, George clerk, bds. Poplar near First.

Jones, Hiram mule tender, h. Factory Grounds.

Jones, James card stripper, h. Factory Grounds.


JONES, J. E. Ag't Bank of Savannah, Third n. Cherry h. First cor.

Jones, John L. (A. M. Blackshear & Co.) clothing, h. Walnut n. Second.

Jones, Miss Martha [weaver, h. Factory Grounds.

Jones, Mrs. Rainey, wid. Joshua h. cor. Fifth and Cherry.



Jones, SarnT wheel wright, Fifth and Court House Square. ^ Jones, Miss Susan, speeder tender, h. Factory Grounds.
Jones, Thos. train hand, bds. Third near Oak. Jones, Washingson card stripper, h. Factory Grounds. Jones, Win. H. machinist, h. cor. Fifth and Oglethorpe, Jones, W. L. physician, Third n. Cherry bds. City Hotel. Jones, Wm. M. painter, h. Plum n. Second. Jones, Wm. medical student, bds. Poplar near First. Jordan, Elijah, laborer, h. Factoay Ground. Jordan, Fred, laborer, Jordan, Mrs. Harriet wid. Charles, h. Factory Grounds. Jordan, John R. carpenter, Socond cor. Poplar bds. City Hotel. Jourdan, Henry turner, lr Fourth, near Oak. Jourdan, Jessee varnisher, h. Fourth near Oak. Julian, Mrs. Mariah wid Chas., teacher, h. Second n. Pine.

Kah, John J. cabinet maker, li. Fifth n. Walnut. Kahn, Valentine, clerk, cor. Plum, New & Cotton Av., h. do. Karwin P. grocer, Cotton Av. h do.
Keel, Ardin brick mason h. Ash, n. Elbert. Keel. Jas. C. brick mason, h. Ash near Elbert. Keenan, J. moulder F. Iron Works,
Kees, Mrs. Susan, wid. Francis, h. Sixth near Wharf. Kein, J. N. (Bostick, Kein & Co.,) dry goods, bds. Lanier House. Kein, Robt. (Bostick, Kein & Co.) dry goods, bds. Lanier House. Keith, G. A. clerk, h. Mulberry cor. First. Kelly, Mrs. Ann h. cor. Hawthorne and Troup. Kelsy, G. blacksmith, F. I. Works. Kennedy, Mrs. E. wid. J., h. Fourth n. Poplar. Kennedy, John boiler maker, M. & W. R. R. KENNEDY, JOSEPH grocer, h. Fifth near Wharf.
Kent, Frank boot maker, Mulberry n. Third bds. First n. Poplar. Kent, George W. clerk, bds. Oglethorpe n. Second. Kent, Mrs. Holdy wid. Cane h. Oglethorpe near Second. Kent, Henry policeman, bds. Oglethorpe n. Second. Kent, James M. clerk, Mulberry n. Third, bds. Granite Hall.



Kent, Sam'l J. carpenter, bds. Oglethorpe near Second. Kent, Thos. J. clerk, bds. Ogleteorpe near Second. Keogh, Thomas boot maker, cor. Third and Cherry h. Bridge How. Kerndy, C. policeman, h. Fourth near Poplar. Kerney, Mrs. E. wid. Win. h. Fourth near Poplar. Kerney, Miss Sarah dress maker, h Fourth n. Poplar. Kervin, Thos switchman, h. East Macon. Kibbee, Thos. IT. clerk, h. Pine near Fifth. Kilpatrick, Mrs. C wid. Wm , h. Fourth near Poplar. Kilpatrck, F. h Fourth near Popl r. Kilpatrick, G. W. h Fourth near Poplar. Kilpatrick, Thos. S. proprietor City Hotel, cor. Mulberry n. Fifth. Kiutbrew, II. W. policeman, h. Cotton Av. Kinder, T. D. painter, Oak near Second h. do. King, Jacob bar keeper, Mulberry n. Third, h. Third cor. Plum. King, James II. grocer, cor. Hazel and Elbert h. do. King, Wm. painter, h. Walnut n. Seventh. Kirby, P. J. book keeper Lanier House. [h. Spring n. Mulberry Kirtland, E. (Mix & Kirtland) boot and shoes 3 Cotton Av., h. Kirtland, Wm. H. clerk, 3 Cotton Av. bds. Brown's Hotel. Knight, Frank overseer, bds. Sixth and Poplar. Knight, James A. carpenter, h. cor. Fourth and MulberryKnight, Jas. laborer, h. Vineville. Knight, John laborer, h. Wharf n. Fifth. Knight, John h. Cherry bet. Sixth and Seventh. Knight, John sash & blind fact'y, Third n. Plum, h. Plum n. Third. Knight, Thos. Sr., marshall gen'l passenger depot, h. Cherry n. Fifth, Knight, Thos. Jr. clerk, h. Cherry n. FifthKnighton, Josiah, laborer, h. Sixth n. Walnut. Knott. James N. clerk, Mulberry cor. First. KNOWLES, JOSHUA (S. Rose & Co.) editor Journal & Messen
ger, li. Fourth and Mulberry. Koch, Peter bds. Poplar cor. Third. Kruesen, H. T. engineer, h. cor. Pine and Seventh. Kreutz, A. baker, Cotton Av., h. do. Kyle, R. J. carpenter, h. Fourth near Oak.
L. Lachman, Geo. tailor, cherry n. Second, h. Third cor. Poplar.



Lackey, Thos. laborer, h. Arch n. Third.

Lagerquist, Abraham Sr., black smith, bds. Pine near Third.

Lagerquist, Abraham Jr., black smith, bds. Pine n. Third

Lagerquist, Charles machinist, h. bet. Oak and Pine n. Fifth.

Lagerquist, Oscar clerk, bds. Pine n. Third.

Lake Francis salesman, Oheiry cor. Second, h. Second cor. Plum.

Lakin, J. F. (J. Russell & Co.,) proprietor Amer. Republic, Mul

berry n. Third.

Lakin. W. (J. Russell & Co.) prop. Amer. Repub. Mulberry n. Third.

Lamar, Henry 0. lawyer, Second, opp. Cotton Av., h. Vinevillc.

Lamar, John R. planter, h. Walnut cor. Second.

Lamar, John Hill bds. cor. Orange and High.

Lamar, Mrs. Mary L. wid. John, h. cor. Orange & High.

Lamar, Mrs. Uriah T. wid. John 'J'., h. Pine n. First

Lambert, G. B. bds. Lanier House.

Lamons, Miss Effie weaver, h. Factory Grounds.

Landauer & Bros. (M. Landauer, J. Landauer & S. Landauer,') dry

goods, Second n. Mulberry.

Laudauer, J. (Landauer& Bros.) drygoods, h. Cherry n. Fourth.

Landauer, M. (Landauer & Bros.) drygoods, h. Cherry n. Fourth.

Landauer, S. (Landauer & Bros.) dry goods, h. Cherry n. Fourth.

Landers, A. carpenter, Tatnall n. Oglethorpe.

Landers, Osborne, carpenter, h. n. old M. V W. R. R. Depot.

Landham, John laborer, bds. Fourth n. Poplar.

Landrum, Rev. S. Baptist minister, h. cor. Arch & Spring.

Lane, J. F. grocer, Third cor. Poplar, h. Fourth bet. Walnut aud

M ulberry.

[ M ul berry.

Lane, T. J. grocer, Third n. Cherry, h. Fourth bet. Walnut and

Laney, Miss Elizabeth, weaver, h. Factory Grounds.

Laney, Miss Mehaley cloth trimmer, h. Factory Grounds.

Laney, Mrs Nancy wid. John, bds: Oglethorpe n. Lamar.

Laney, W. E. factory, bds. Oglethorpe near Lamar.

Laney, W. W. clerk, Cherry n. Second, h. < herrv n. Fourth.

Langeal, 0. G. tailor, bds First n. Poplar.

Langford, Mrs. Mehaley h. East Macon, [lawyers, Secondn. Walnut.

LANIER & ANDERSON, (R. S. Lanier & Clifford Anderson,;

Lanier, Epps T. baggage master, bds. Fourth and Ooak.

Lanier. James B. switchman, h. Hammond near Boundary.




Lanier, J. 0. carpenter, h. Wharf near Fifth. Lanier, R. S. (Lanier & Anderson) lawyer, h. Second n. Walnut. Lanier, S. C. clerk P. 0., h. Second near Walhut. Lavarre, David S. watchman, h. Troup d. Oglethope. Lavarre, Miss Mary cloth trimmer, h. Factory Grounds. Lawenthal, B. tailor, Cherry cor. Third, h. do. LAWRENCE, GEORGE D. dept, marshall, bds. Walnut cor. Fifth Lawton, Benj. H. conductor S. W. R R., bds. Oglethorpe n. Second. Lee, Abraham trader, h Cherry cor. Third. Lee, Win. brick mason, h. Forsyth near College. Leigh, J. W. exp. messenger, bds. Granite Hall. Lender John W. clerk, Cotton Av. n. Cherry, bds. Cherry n. First. LeSueur, cotton buyer, bds. Flint House. Levy, D. mechanic, bds. cor. Cherry and Fifth. Levy, J. clerk, Second n. Mulberry, bds. Cherry near Fifth. Levy, John carpenter, S. W. R. R. Levy, Morris clerk, Second opp. Cotton Av.,bds. Granite Hall. Lewis, E. P. (Subers & Lewis) grocer, h. Walnut n. Fourth. Lewis, F. F. clerk, Cherry n. Third, h. Walnut cor. Fourth. Lewis, Geo. tailor, Cherry n. Secoud, h. Fourth n. Pine. Lidden, Mrs. T. C. wid. J. B., h. Second n. River. [East Macon. Lightfoot- & Flanders, (Wm. Lightfoot & David Flanders,) grocers, Lightfoot, J. B. book-keeper, Third n. Cherry, h. East Macon. Lightfoot, R. H. clerk, East Macon, h. out city limits. Lightfoot, Robt. J. clerk, East Macon, h. do. Lightfoot, Wm. S. physician, Mulberry cor Fourth, h. do. Lightfoot, Wm. T. (Lightfoot & Flanders.) grocer, East Macon, h. do. Lindeustruth, John baker, Cherry n. Third, h. do. Lipman, A. clerk, Cherry n. Third, bds. Floyd House. Little, D. S. (Little & Smith) saddlery & harness, Cherry n. Cotton
Av., h. First, cor. Pine. Little, John tin smith, Cherry n. Second, h. First n. Pine. Little, John tinner, h. bet. Orange and Spring n. High. Little & Smith, (D. S. Little & Davis Smith,) saddlerv & harness.
Cherry n. Cotton Av. Littlepage, Wm. D. teacher free academy, bds Mulberry n. First Lloyd, Garrett printer Citizen office, bds. Mulberry n. First. Loh, Michael, barber, Floyd House, h. Cherry n. Fifth.



Lochrane, 0. A. (Simms, Lochrane & Griffin) lawyer, li. Vineville.

Locket, Mrs Frances wid. Wm., li. College St.

Lockett, W. C. clerk, Mulberry n. Third, bds. Granite Hall.

Logan, Geo. M. (Logan & Meara) proprietor Lanier House, Mulber

ry n. Third.

[House, Mulberry n- Third.

Logan & Meara (Goo. M. Logan & James Meara) proprietors Lanier

Long, D. N bootmaker, Cotton Av. n. Mulberry, bds. Cottage Hill.

Long, Francis clerk, S. W. R. 1L, h. cor. Fourth and Oak. Longley, John H. (E. Bond & Co.) grocer, Cherry n. Second, h.

bet. First and New. Longley, Wm. iron fencer, bds. First n. Poplar.

Lorris, Peter ditcher, h. Cotton Av. Loungdoe, T. tailor, Cherry cor. Second, bds. Republic. Lovi, Henry painter, h. Or .nge n. Magnolia. Lovett, Michael laborer, h. Ila.nmond n. Elbert. Lowe, Mrs. Caroline wid. A , h. Cotton Av.

Lowery, S. carpenter, h. East Macon.

Lucas, E. R. moulder, Cotton Av.

Ludwig, J. watchman, h. East Macon.

Lumpkin, M stone-cutter.

[bds. cor. New n. Poplar.

Lundie. John W. clerk, Triangular Block, bet. Cherry & Mulberry,

Lundy John printer Telegraph office, h. Fourth n. Plum.

Luquire, McDuffie fireman, bds. Second n. Arch. Lvnch & Biggers (M. G. Lynch & W . E. Biggers) grocer, Third

cor. Poplar, also Cotton Av.

Lynch fSl. G. (Lynch & Biggers) grocers bds. Floyd House.

Lynch, P. cutter, Cherry cor. Second, Plum n. First.


McAlpin, Joseph clerk, Cotton Av. cor. Cherry h. cor. Spring & Plum. McCall, Mrs. C. wid. R., Walnut n. Fourth, [bds. Brown's Hotel. McCallie, A. (McCallie & Jones) produce dealers, Cotton Av. n. First, McCallie & Jones (A. McCallie & Geo. S. Jones) produce dealers,
Cotton Av. n. FirstMcCann, Miss Jane speeder tender, h. Factory Grounds. McCann, Miss P. weaver, h. Factory Grounds. McCardel, Mitchell brick mason, h. cor. McIntosh and Elm.



McCIasher, Z. harness maker, bds. First n. Poplar.

McClemend, G. tailor, Floyd House, h. Cherry eor. Fifth.

McCullough, Win. tailor, Cherry cor. Second, h. Cotton Av.

McCreary, David carpenter, bds. Oglethorpe n. Fourth.

McDay, J. E. watchman, Fast Macon, h. do.

McDonald, Mrs. Charlotte wid. John, h. Arch, n. Second.

McDoiald G. (.McDonald & Van Giesenj dentist, bds. Granite Hall.

McDonald, Mrs. Jane wid. John, h. Arch n. Second.

McDonald, Joseph dental student, bds. Granite Hall.

McDonald, Stephen laborer,

[Second n. Mulberry.

McDonald & Van Geisen, (G. McDonald &U. Van Geisen) dentists,

McElroy, Mrs. Caroline F. wid. T. M., h. Arch n. Third. [See ad.

McELROY, W. J. tiunner, Third n. Cherry, h. Fourth cor. Cherry,

McEvoy, B. boot-maker, h. Bridge Row.

McEvoy, R. P. crockery, Mulberry n. Third, h. Second u. Cherry.

McFadden, A. D. Mulberry n. Third, bds. Granite Hall.

McGee, Win. carpenter, S. W. R. R., h. Plum n. Fourth.

McGinty, Josiah carpenter, h. East Macon.

McGinty, Perry moulder, Cotton Av.


McGlashan, Peter, saddler, < herry n. Second, bds. First cor. Cotton

McGowan, K. dresser in Factory, bds. Lamar n. Oglethorpe.

McGraw, A. C. h. Pine n. New.

McGregor, C. F. foreman Citizen office, h. Magnolia n. Orange.

McGuire, A. overseer, h. cor. Fourth and Oglethorpe.

McGuire, G. W. train hand S. W. R. R.

McILHENNY, GEO. A. engineer gas works, bds. Walnut n. Fifth.

Mcllhenny, Win. clerk Gas House, bds. Waluut near Fifth.

Mclnnis, Mrs. C. wid. John, h. Third n. Plum.

McIntyre, Hugh baggage master, bds. City Hotel.

McIntyre, Patrick bar, Fourth cor. Plum, h. do.

McKinney, A. M. moulder, F. I. Works.

McKinney, Miss Bridget dress-maker, Plum n. Cotton Av., h. do.

McKinney, Patrick fireman S. W. R. R.

McKinnon, Mrs. Ann R. wid. Roderick, h. First n. Arch.

McKinnon, John R. engineer C. R. R., h. cor. Second and Pine.

McKenzie, Wm. watchman, bds. Oglethorpe n. Second.

McLane, Hugh carpenter, h. Arch n. First.

McLane, Mrs. Margaret wid. Alex., h. Fifth bet. Wharf A Walnut




McLane, Patrick, laborer, h. McIntosh n. Boundary. McLane, Wm. grocer, h. East Macon, McLellan, C. J. steward, Lanier House, McLendon, switchman M. & IV. R. R. MoLeuhorne, Mary wid. George, h. Poplar n. Fifth. McManus, J. A. clerk, Inferior Court, h. Oak bet. Third & Fourth. McManus, Miss Sarah milliner, Second n. Cotton Av., h. do. McManus, T. teacher, h. Second n. I oplar. McNeill, E. chief engineer M. & B. R. R. McQUEEN, A. machinist,Plum bet. Second & Third, h. do. [Secad. McReynolds. J, 0. dentist, 2nd cor. Mulberry, h. 2nd n. Mulberry. McReynolds, Mrs. Nancy wid. Robt. h. Second near Mulberry. McVoy, Bonard shoe-maker, b. Fifth near Walnut. McVoy, Mrs. Martha teacher, h. Fifth near Walnut.
Macarthy, J. laborer, F. Iron Works. Machold, C. boot-maker, Third n. Mulberry, h. Bridge Row. Mackey, Miss Elizabeth spooler, b. Factory Grounds. Mackey, Joseph mule tender, h. Factory Grounds. Mackey, Miss Rebecca weaver. Mack, J. clerk, Cherry n. Second, h. do. Maddicks, Mrs. Sarah wid. S., h Third n. Oak. Mallett, Frederick confei tioner, h. Pine n. Seventh. Mallett, Jasper painter, h. East Macon, Malsby, John bds. Fourth cor. Plum. Malsby, Lott wheel wright, h. Poplar bet. First and Second. Malsby, Mrs. Mariah A. wid. John, h. Fourth cor. Plum. Malsby, Mrs. Nancy wid M., h. Fourth cor Plum. Malone, John grocer, cor Boundary n. McIntosh, h. do. Mandello, Henry artist, Mulberry cor Second, bds. Third n Poplar, Mangham, T. W. teller. Bank of Savannah, bds. Granite Hall. Manky, Mrs. E J. wid. R A. h. Fourth n. Mulberry. Manning, Mrs. Julia wid., h. Monroe n. R. H. Cemetery. Manse, B bds Walnut n. New. MARKET HOUSE, center Fourth and Mulberry. Marks, Joseph dry goods, Cherry n Third, h. [Mulberry n. Third. Markwalter & Moss, (Wm. Markwalter & Thos. Moss) gun smiths,



Markwalter, Win. (Markwaiter & Moss) gnu smith, h. Third cor.


Markwaiter, A. hds. Poplar cm1. Third.

Marrick, Lumpkin E. marble cutter, h. cor Sixth and Walnut.

MARS Id ALL, C. B clerk, S W. R. R, bds. Brown's Hotel.

Martin, Mrs. Amanda wid. A., h. Pine n. Seventh.

Martin, John bds Brown's Hotel.

Martin, John G. grocer, h. Forsyth n. Monroe.

Martin, Stephen tin smith, bds. Fifth cor. Cherry.

Martin, Miss milliner, Second near Cotton Av.

Mason, T. N. planter, h. College near Cemetery. t

--L Massett, John grocer, Mulberry near Fourth, h do.

Massey, Wm. T. ordinary, Mulberry cor. Third, h. out city limits.

Masterson, C. (Grier & Masterson) livery stable, bds. Floyd House.

Mathews, Asy black-smith, S. W. R. R.

Mathews, Chas A. apprentice S. W. R. R., bds. Pine n. Fourth.

Mathews, Cornelius black-smith, h. Hammond n. Hazel.

Mathews, James T. apprentice S. W. R. R. bds. Pine n. Fourth.

Mathews, John engineer, bds. East Macon.

Mathws, John train hand, li. First n. Oglethorpe.

Mathews, R. fireman, bds. First n. Poplar.

Maulton, carriage maker, bds Cherry n. Spring.

Maussenet, E. (Day & Maussenet) jeweler, Mulberry u. Third, h.

Walnut n Fourth.

Mead, Darby bar-keeper, h. Fifth bet. Walnut and Wharf.

Meara, Mrs. A. h. Walnut n. Fourth.

[n. Third-

Meara, Junes (Logan & Meara) proprietor Lanier House, Mulberry

Meara, T. exp. messenger.

Meares, John laborer, bds. Fifth bet. Walnut ahd Wharf.

MEARS, LEONARD directory publisher, cor. Plum and Third,

bds. Brown's Hotel.

Meath, D. bar, Mulberry n. Third, h. Bridge Row.

Meeker, Sydney S. carriage-trimmer, bds. Mulberry n. Spring.

Meeks, Noah fireman, S. W. R R.

Mecs, W. J. (Mees & Salcedo) cigar dealer, h. Oak cor. Third.

Mees & Salcedo, (W. J. M ees & A. Salcedo) cigar dealers, Cherry

corner Cotton Avenue. Megrath, N. II. salesman, 6 Cotton Av., bds. Granite Hall.



Mehaffey, T. J. stone cutter, Forsyth n. Madisou, bds cor Fourth

and Oglethorpe.

Meier, F. book-keeper, Mulberry n. Seeoud bds. Granite Hall.

Melcher, James carpenter, bds. Plum n. Spring.

Meel, T. J. clerk, bds. Washington and Spring.

Melrose, A. agent cotton yard, C. It. it.

Melo, Henry bar keeper, Georgia Bar, bds. Floyd House.


Melton, Mrs. Elizabeth wid. Elem W., h. cor. Oglethorpe and Sec-

Melton, Stephen, H. clerk, S. W. R. R. bds. cor. Oglethorpe and


Melville, Miss C. M. teacher, h. cor. Bond and Orange.

Menard, A. A. (Menard & Castlen) druggist, Cherry n. Third, h.

Mulberry n. Market.

[Cherry n. Third.

Menard & Burghard (L. R. Menard & F. H. Burghard) jewelry,

Menard & Castlen (A. A. Menard & F. G. Castlen) druggists, Cher

ry n. Third.


Menard, Henry J. clerk, Cherry n. Second, li. Bridge Row cor.

Menard, L. R. (Menard & Burghard) jeweler, h. Walnut n. Sixth.

Menard, Stephen jeweler, Cherry n. Second, h. Bridge Row cor.


Menard, Y. A. clerk, Cherry n. Third, h. Bridge Row.

Mertc, Phillip carver, bds. First n. Poplar.

Mettauer, H. A. physician, Cherry cor. Third, bds. Granite Hall.

Mikeljohn, F. fireman, M. & W. R. R.

Mikelson, Harris clerk, Second n. Mulberry, bds. City Hotel.

Miles, Mrs. Nancy wid. Thos., h. Poplar n. Sixth.

Miller, Frank machinist, bds. Pine n. Spring.

Miller, J. J. (Miller & Waterman) auction aud commission, Cotton

Avenue n. Cherry, h. Spring cor. Cherry.

Miller, J. J. carpenter, Second n. River.

Miller, Mrs. S. wid. Thomas, h. Second n. River.

Miller, Newell train band, cor. Elbert and Ash.

Miller, Miss Rosalie school-teacher, High n. cor. Spring, h. do.

Miller, Mrs. S. D. wid. J. L. W., h. High n. cor. Spring.

Miller & Watermrn, (J. J. Miller & J. Waterman) auction & com

mission, Cotton Av. cor. Cherry.

Millett, Thos. mechanic, h* Wharf n. Sixth.

Mims, H. R. carpenter, h. East Macon.



Minor, Miss Sarah h. corner Cherry and Sixth.

Mitchell, Mrs. A. M. schoolteacher, h. Magnolia n. Orange.

Mitchell, Ben. clerk, S. W. It. R. resid*s Albany.

Mitchell, James roofer, cor. Plum and Cotton Av.


Mitchell, Levire salesman, Cherry n. 2nd, li. Magnolia bet. Spring &

Mitchell, T. J. machinist, bds. cor. Orange and Pine.

Mitchell, Wm. D. engineer, bds. McIntosh n. Oglethorpe.

Mitchell, W. T. C. machinist, bds. cor. Orange & Pine, [nut n. 3rd.

Mix, Albert (Mix & Kirtland) boots & shoes, 3 Cotton Av.,h. Wal-

MIX & KIRTDAND, (Albert Mix & E. Kirtland) boots & shoes,

3 Cotton Av. [See advt.

Mize, Jack watchman S. W. R. R.

[ond h. do.

Monheimer, Henry (Monheimer & Weil) dry goods, Cherry n. Sec-

Monheimer & Weil (Henry Monheimer & Isaac Weil) dry goods,

Cherry n. Second.

Moore, John clerk, bds. cor. Hawthorne and Troup.

Moore, Miss Empsey factory, cor. Hawthorne and Troup.

Morgan, Miss II. milliner, Second n. Cotton Av., h. do.

Morgan, Thomas clerk, Mulberry n. 2nd, h. 3rd bet. Poplar & Plum.

Morgan, W- T- clerk, 6 Cotton Av., bds. Fourth n. Mulberry.

Morman, Mrs. Sarah J. wid. Jefferson, h. cor. Magnolia & Orange.

Morris, J. M. conductor, M. & W. It. R. bds. Brown's Hotel.

Morris, J. S. exp. messenger, bds. Granite Hall.

Morris, Mrs. Martha wid. H., h. Fourth n. Oak.

Morris, R. A. clerk, Second n. Cherry, bds. Fourth n. Oak.

Morris, R. (L. Cohn & Co.) clothier, bds. Floyd House.

Morrow, James H. h. cor. Walnut & Franklin.

Morrison, J. P. engineer S- W. R. R., h. Oak n. Second.

Morrisy, Jas. engineer, M. & W. R. R.

Morton, J. coach painter, Cherry n. Second, h. Cherry ab. New.

MOSES, W. B. clerk, Express office, bds. Brown's Hotel.

Moskowitz, M. clerk, Second n. Mulberry, bds. Cherry.

Moss, Thos. (Markwalter &; Moss) gun smith, h. Fifth n. Cherry.

Mulholland, C. cotton buyer, h. cor. Cherry and New.

Mullaney, Charles clerk, Third n. Cherry, h. do.

Mullaney, R. M. stone-cutter, Spring n. Cotton Av.

Mullaney, T. grocer, Third near Cherry, h. do.

Mulligan, Edward h. Hazel n. Hammond.



Mulligan, Eliza M. school teacher, Hazel n. Hammond, h. do. Mulligan, James M. engineer, 0. R. R., bds.JHazel n. Hammond. Mulligan, Thos. brick mason, bds. Oglethorpe. Mullin, J. watchman, F. I. Works. Munch, A. cabinet-maker, h. Second n. River. Munch, Lewis machinist, Fifth n. Depot, h. Bridge Row. Munch, Mrs. Margaret wid. Louis, grocer, h. cor. Walnut & Fifth. Munch, Wm. clerk, bds. cor. Walnut and Fifth. MTJNDER, H. W. dancing teacher, bds. Flint House. MUNROE, N. C. ag't Mechanic'sB'k, 2nd n. Cotton Av., h. Yineville. Munson, Wm. apprentice S. W. R. R., h. cor. Hammond & Hazel. Murdoch, F. H. accountant, Cherry n. Second, h. Second cor. Oak. Murphy, Miss Ellen, seamstress, h. Fifth bet. Wharf and Walnut. Murphy, Miss Hannah seamstress, h. Fifth bet. Wharf and Walnut. Murphy, John laborer, h. Fifth n. Wharf. Murphy, Miss Mary A. seamstress, h. Fifth bet. Walnut and Wharf. Murphy, Miss Margaret milliner, Cotton Av. n. Mulberry, h. Walnut. MURPHY, M. D. tailor. Second n. Mulberry h. do. Murray, Joseph machinist, bds. Oglethorpe n. Second. Murray, J. R. brick mason, h. Washington n. Spring. Murray, Wm. gardner, bds. cor. College and Jefferson. Myers, Miss Caroline li. Seventh n. Mulberry. Myers, Thos. fisherman, h. Seventh n. Mulberry. Myers, W. J. watchman, h. cor. Hawthorne and Elbert. Myres, Wm. carpenter.

Nally, Peter watchman, h. Hammond near Elbert.

Nathans, Alex. IT. carpenter, h. Oglethorpe n. Fourth.

Nattenheimer, J. clerk, Cherry n. Third, bds. Fourth cor. Mulberry.

Neidy, E. tailor, h. Cotton Av.

[Cherry n. First.

Neely, J. D. cash'r Mer. & Plant. B'k Cotton Av. n. Cherry, h.

Neil, J. P. clerk, bds. cor. Fourth and Oak.

Nelligan, Dennis laborer, li. Hawthorne near Elbert.

Nelligan, Dennis Jr., laborer, h. Hawthorne, n. McIntosh.

Nelson, James, bds. cor. Fifth n. Mulberry.

NELSON, JOHN A. grocer, East Macon, h. out city limits.

Nelson, W. T. [Walker & Nelson) butcher, h. Third cor. Plum.



Neusies, Geo tailor, Cherry n. Second, h. Cotton Av.

Neville, P. book-keeper, Floyd House, bds. do.

Newcomb, B. S. (Newcomb & Patterson.) bar, bds. Walnut cor. 3rd.

Newcomb & Patterson (B. S. Newcomb & A Patterson) bar Mulber

ry near Third. Newton, Miss Annie E. school teacher, bds. Fourth n. Mulberry.

Newton, C. W. clerk, bds. Fourth near Mulberry. *


Newton, Mrs. S. A. wid. Thos. F., boarding house, h. 4th n. Mul-

Nichols, John stone cutter, bds. Spring n. Pine.

Nichols, J. L. clerk, Mulberry n. Third, bds. Walnut n. Second.

Nichols, Silas stone cutter, bds. Spring n. Pine.

Niland, Brace laborer.

Nisbet, E. A. & J. A. lawyers, Second cor. Mulberry.

Nisbet, E. A. (E. A. & J. A. Nisbet,) lawyer, Second cor. Mulber

ry, h. Georgia Avenue.

Nisbet, F. L. clerk, Cotton Av. n. Mulberry, h. Ga. Av.

Nisbet, J. A. (E. A. & J. A. Nisbet) lawyer, Second cor. Mulber

ry, h. Mulberry n. New.

Nisbet, R. H. physician, Cotton Av. cor. Cherry h. Georgia Av.

Nisbet, Thos. C. machine shop, Cotton- Av., h. Arch fronting New.

Nisese, George tailor, h. Cotton Av.

Nixon, F. L. bds. Brown's Hotel.

Nixon, H. M. bds. Brown's Hotel.

Nixon, M. h. cor. Oglethorpe, Troup and Second.

Noel, G. H. negro broker, bds. Granite Hall.

Noone, P. clerk, Third n Cherry, h. do.

[ry, bds. Flint House.

NordlingerB. (W. Nordlinger& Bro.) drygoods, Second n. Mulber-

Nordlinger, W. & Bro., (B. Nordlinger) dry goods, 2nd n. Mulberry.

Nordlinger, W. (W. Nordlinger & Bro.) dry goods, 2d n. Mulberry.

Norman, N. B. brick mason, bds. Madison n. Forsyth.

Norrell, Chas. painter, h. Vineville.

NORTH, H. M. commis , 3d, Ralston's Range, h. College n. Forsyth.

Nottingham C.B. physician, 2dn. Cherry, h. High n. Plum&Spring.

Nunar, Mrs. Mary F. wid. F., Charles, h. Arch u. Elbei-t.

Nunn, Stephen K. brick mason, h. Washington n. Spring.


Obear, Geo. S1 (E. J. Johnston & Co.) jeweler, h. Plum n. New.




O'Connell, J. machinist, F. I. Works. O'Connell. Michael laborer, h. Fifth n. Walnut. O'Conner, Andrew laborer, bds. East Macon. O'Conner, Bryan gardner, h. Poplar n. Seventh. O'Conner, Cornelius laborer, h. East Macon. Odam, Mrs. Francis weaver, h. Factory Grounds. Odam, Avery policeman. O'Donahoe, Patrick tailor, Fourth cor. Plum, h. do. O'Donnell, M. clerk, Cherry n. Third, h. Third n. Plum. Ogden, J. M. book-keeper, Third cor. Poplar, bds. Cherry n. Poplar. O'hanlen, Mrs. C. J- wid. Daniel, dress-maker Plum n. Cotton Av,,
house ditto. O'Harry, Patrick ditcher, h. Wharf n. Fifth. Oliver, R. L. bds. Brown's Hotel. Orvens, carpenter, bds. Troup n. Oglethorpe. O'KEILLY, THOMAS Catholic Priest, h. Cherry cor. Fourth. Osborne, Jno. H. bds. Brown's Hotel. Osborne, T. tailor, Floyd House, h. Cotton Av. Otto, J. H. clerk. 4 Cotton Av. bds. Walnut cor. Third. Ousley, R. F. clerk, Third cor. Cherry, li. Yincville. Owen, John W. carpenter, li. East Macon. Owen, Jonathan carpenter, h. East Macon. Owens, Joseph W. painter, h. Wharf bet. Fourth and Fifth.

Packard Lyman exp. driver, bds. Mulberry n. First,

Packard, C. bds. Brown's Hotel. Paine, W. H. cabinet workman, h. out city limits.

Parish, C. H. wid. James, h. Adams, n. Forsyth.

Parker, Miss Henrietta seamstress, h. cor. Fifth and Wharf.

Parker, J. G. carpenter, li. East Macon.


Parker, T. (W. W. Parker & Co.) dry goods, 6 Cotton Av., h. Vine

Parker, W. B. Second n. Mulberry, h. Yiueville.


Parker, W. W. (W. W. Parker & Co.) drygoods, 6 Cotton Av., li

Parker, W. W. & Co. (T. Parker,) dry goods, 6 Cotton Av.

Parkins, Miss Louisa, h. Fifth bet. Poplar and Plum.

Parks, H. H. Rev. Methodist minister, h. Mulberry n. First.



Parks, W. T. clerk, cor. Fifth and Plum>h. do. Parny, John cutter, Mulberry n. Second. Parsons, E. W.' school teacher, bds. Flint House. Parsons, H. S. (Y. W. Skiff & Co.) jeweler, bds. Walnut cor. Fourth. Parsons, Joseph W. h. Plum n. Second.

Partrick, James telegraph oper., b. Walnut n. Fourth. Parvy, John tailor, bds. Plum n. Spring. Pass, John printer, bds. bet. Fifth and Sixth n. Mulberry. Paten, Mrs. Frances h. East Macon.

Patterson, Andrew (Newcomb & Patterson) bar, bds. Lanier House. Patterson, Amanda, wid. John, seamstress, h. Wharf n. Fifth. Pattello, George H. minister, bds. Georgia Av. n. Orange. Paurnell, J. B. mail agt., bds. Granite Hall. PAYNE, GEO. druggist, 1 Cotton Ay., h. New n. Walnut. [See ad. Payne, Geo. P. clerk, 1 Cotton Av., h. New n. Walnut, Payton, Patrick boilermaker, h. Fifth bet, Plum and Pine. Peace, Mrs. A. A. wid. Sam]., h. East Macon. Peacock, S. E. policeman, cor. Hammond and Elbert. Peavey, Stephen tinner, h. bet. Fifth and Sixth n. Mulberry. Peirce, Mrs. Nancy wid A., h. Hammond n. Elm.

Pellow, J. Henry pattern maker, h. Third n. River. Perkins, W. H. carpenter, h. out city limits-

Peterson; G. H. pattern maker, cor. Bay and Elbert. Peter, Julius merchant tailor, Cherry n. Second h. Fourth cor. Pine. Peters, II. J. clerk, Cherry n. Second, h. Fourth cor. Pine. I'evey, Stephen tin smith, h. Court House Square. Phillips. Mrs. Elizabeth wid. Win,, h. Magnolia n. Orange.

Phillips, John fireman, h. East Macon. Phillips, L. farmer, bet. Division. Hammond, Elm & Boundary. Phillips, Sol. J). clerk, East Macon.

Phillips, AV. R. clerk, h. East Macon.

Pierce, A. homp. physician, Mulberry cor. 2nd, h. Cherry n. Third. Pierce, Thomas ditcher, h. cor. Fifth and Wharf.
Pierce, Yolney architect and builder, bds. cor. Fourth & Mulberry. Pitman, S. J. express messenger.

Pitts, Mrs. Nancy wid. Wm., h. Pine n. Seventh.


Plant, I. C. ag't Marine Bank, 2nd opp. Cotton Av., h. New n. Wal-



Plant, T. H. (J. C. Thornton & Co.) carriage'dealers, bds. Cherry

near Third.

Pflamnlocher. Jacob varnisher Wood's Factory, h. Cotton Av.

Plyler, Fredrick blacksmith, h. First n. Plum.

Plyler, Thomas clerk, Cherry n. Cotton Av., li. First n. Plum.

Plunkett, Henry picker, bds. Oglethorpe n Lamar.

Plunkett, Miss Jane weaver, bds. Oglethorpe n. Lamar.

Plunkett, John K. picker, bds. Oglethorp en. Lamar.

Plunkett, Joseph N. h. Oglethorpe n. Lamar.

Plnnkett, Miss S. J. weaver, h. Oglethorpe n. Lamar.

Poe & drier, (Wash. Poe & E. C. Grier) lawyers, Mulberry cor. 2d.

Poe, 0. P. lawyer, Mulberry cor. Second h. Mulberry ab. First.

Poe Washington (Poe & Grier) lawyers, k. Mulberry ab. First.

Poe, Washington Jr., bds. Mulberry n. First.

Poe, Wm. bds. Lanier House.

Poindexter, James machinist, h. Cotton Av.

Poindexter, J. T. painter, Second n. Cotton Av., bds. Floyd House.

Polhill, B. M. school teacher, Orange n. Washington, h. do.

Pomar, Joseph clerk, Third n. Cherry, h. do.

Ponce, A. cigar store, h. Plum n. First.

Pool, J. H. carpenter, h. bet. Fifth and Sixth n. Mulberry.

Pope, James S. bds. New n. Plum.

Pope Wm. book-keeper, h. Oglethorpe n. Congress.

Porter, John fireman S. W. B. Id.

Porter, O. farmer, h. Johnston n. Oglethorpe-


Powell, Absalom stone mason, Forsyth n. Madison, li. Madison n.

Powell, Miss Abbey weaver, h. Factory Grounds.

Powell, A. H. cash'r Bank Middle Ga., bds. Granite Hall.

Powell, Miss Chrisiana weaver, Factory Grounds.

Powell, R. J. dancing master, bds. Mulberry n. First.

Powell, Mrs. Martha J'. A. wid. Hugh T., h. East Macon.

POWERS, L. IT. agt. Hamden's Express, Third n. Cherry, li. do.

Powers, Ned fireman S. W. R. R.

Powers, Virgil, Superintendent S. W. R. R.

Preyter, George harness-maker, bds. Troup u. Oglethorpe.

Price, C. cotton buyer, h. out city limits.

Pridgeon, E. W. butcher, h. out city limits.

Price, Geo. E. book-keeper, 2nd n. Cotton Av., bds. Granite Hall.



Price, Geo. W. dry goods, 2nd n. Cotton Av., bds. Lanier House. Price James G. salesman, 2nd n. Cotton Av., bds. Lanier House. Pritchard, Isiah watchman, h. cor. Hawthorne and Gilmer. Pritchard, John laborer, cor. Hawthorne and Gilmer. Pritchett, T. J. (Fears & Pritchett) grocer, bds. Lanier House. Prudden, C. E. (N. S. Pradden & Co.) dry goods, Mulberry n. 3rd.
bds. Granite Hall. Prudden, N. S. & Co., (C. E. Prudden) dry goods, Mulberry u. 3rd. Prudden, A. S. (A. S. Prudden & Co.) dry goods, Mulberry n. 3d,
h. First n. Mulberry. Prye, Miss Sarah 0. doffer, h. Factory Grounds. Puckett, John, fireman, bds. McIntosh n. Oglethorpe. PUGH, JAMES A. daguearrean, Cotton Ay. n. 2nd, bds. Plum n.
Cotton Av. [See advert. Pye, A. physician, house Third near Plum.

Quinker, Mrs. Elizabeth, wid. Joseph, h. Aew n. Wharf. R.

Eadford, John watchman Gilmer near Hay. Radford, Robt. L. watchman, h. McIntosh n. Hawthorne. Raibon, Wm. laborer, h. East Macon. Raiford, R. R. engineer, bds. Pine n. Fifth. Railey, Mrs. Lucretia wid. Joseph, h. Pine n. Sixth. Raily, James laborer, cor. Elbert and Ash.
Raines, Mrs. P. wid. C. W., h. cor. College and Georgia Av. Rainey, Wm. cotton shipper, h. New near Pine. Ralston, James A. h. College St. RALSTON'S HALL, Cherry corner Third. Ranton, John tailor, Cherry cor. Second. Ratchford, E. C. school teacher, h, cor. Fourth and Oglethorpe. Eatchford, L. laborer, F. I- Works. Eacthford, T. laborer, F. I. Works. Raw, George confectioner, Cotton Av., h. do. Ray, John H. dress tender, h. Factory Grounds. Ray, Miss Sarah weaver, h. Factory Grounds.



Ray, Mrs. Sarah A. weaver, h. cor. Lamar and Oglethorpe.

Ray, carpenter, bds. City Hotel.

Rea, James bds. Lanier House.


Redding, C. R. book-keeper, Cotton Av. cor. Cherry, bds. Cherry n. Redding, Haddain P. steward W. College, h/do.

Redding, Mrs. Haddarn P. stewardess, W. College h. do. Reddish, J. grocer, McIntosh and Hawthorne, h. do.

Redmayne, Mathew finisher, S. W. R. R. Redmond, Michael laborer, h. bet. Cherry and Mulberry n. Fifth. Reese, Rev. Henry Episcopal Minister, li. College n. Forsyth.

Register, John fireman, bds. McIntosh n. Oglethorpe. Reid, David magistrate, Mulberry cor. Third, h. First n. WalnutReinike, Frederick boot maker, bds. First n. Poplar. Reynolds, Alex, moulder, h. Hawthorne n, McIntosh. Reynolds, George clerk S. W. R. R., h. cor. Hawthorne & Hazel. Reynolds, Peyton (Adams & Reynolds) ware house cor. First &

Poplar, h. Oak n. First. Rhodes Louis B. clerk, h. Arch n. First. Rice, Powell carpenter, bds. City Hotel. Richard Alexander furniture, cor. 4th & Cherry h. 4th n. Mulberry. Richards, J. J. & S. P. book store, Cotton Av., n. Mulberry. Richards, J. J. (J. J. & S. P. Richards) book store, resides Atlanta,

Richards, R. R. clerk, Cherry n. Third, h. Mulberry n. Market.

Richards, Robert fireman, C. R. R.


Richards, S. P. (J. J. & S. P. Richards) book store, li. Cherry n. Richards, Thos. C. carpenter, h. New n. Oak. Richards, Wm- C. cabinet maker, h. cor. Cherry and Fourth. Richards, Wm. W. engineer, h. Fifth n. Oglethope. Richardson, Hiram E. cotton shipper, bds. Pine n. Fifth. Richardson, James bridge keeper, h. Pine n. Fifth.

Richardson, James M. machinist, bds. Pine n. Fourth. Richardson, Thos. J. carpenter, bds. McIntosh n. Boundary. Richardson, Wm. W. clerk, bds. Pine n. Fifth. Ricks, Mrs. Galsey wid. John, li. Oak n. Spring. Ricks, George E. coach painter bds. Oak u. Spring.

Ricks, S'. C. tin smith, h. Oak n. Spring. Ricks, R. R. printer, bds. Oak n. Spring.



Riddle, Alfred grocer, cor. Hazel and Elbert, h. do.

Riddle, A. D. policeman, h. cor. Ash and Hammond.

Riddle, Mrs. Lucinda wid. Wiley, h. cor. Ash. and Hammond.

Rider, Thos. gardner, bds. Cotton Av.

RIDLEY, W. B. bar-keeper, Brown's Hotel, bds. do.

Riggers, W. C. grocer, bds. Flint Honse.

[h. Pine n. Third

Riley, J. J. (W. M. Riley & Co.) wine & liquors, w. end Cotton Av.;

Riley, W. M. & Co., (J. J. Riley) wines & l.quors, w. end Coton av-

Riley, W. M. (W. M. Riley & Co.) wines & liquors, w. end Cotton

Av., h. Pine n. Third.

Riles, Jas. M. fireman bds. Hawthorne n. McIntosh.

Riles, John C. fireman, h. Hawthorne n. McIntosh.

Ringgold, Miss Saleta cor. Fifth and Poplar.

Ripley, Lorenza clerk, bds. Lanier H@use.

Ripley, S. G. clerk, Third cor. Cherry, bds. Floyd House.

Riolds, James fireman, S. W. R. R.

Riolds, John fireman S. W. R. R.

Rion, Patrick finisher, S. W. R. R.

Ritchee, John black smith, h. Fifth n. Depot.

Robbins, Asy black smith, S. W. R. R.

Robbins, W. H. stone cutter, Forsyth n. Madison.

Roberts, G. B. (l'reeman & Roberts) mastic roofing, shop cor. Plum

and Cotton Av., h. cor. Forsyth & Johnston.

Roberts, John M., laborer, h. Wharf n. Fourth.

Roberts, Mrs. Mathilda M,, wid. A. J. h. Horthorne n. Gilmer.

Roberts, Win. R. carpenter, cor. Spring and Georgia avenue.

Robertson, James, stone cutter, h. Madison n. Jefferson.

Robertson, Thos. J. fireman S. W. R. R.

Roden, Mrs. E. wid. John, 138 Mulberry h. do.

Roff, A. A. (Carhart & Roff,) bds. grocer, Cherry n. Third.

Rogers, A. N. assistant eng. M. & B. R. R. bds. Floyd House.

Rogers, Berry, black smith, Congress n. Oglethorpe.

Rogers, Chas. H. (Geo. T. Rogers & Son.) grocers, Third cor Cherry

h. Second n. Walnut.

Rogers, E. C. clerk, Third cor. Cherry h. Fourth cor. Waluut. Rogers, Geo. T. & Son, (C. H. Rogers) grocers, Third cor. Cherry. Rogers, Geo. T. Jr. clerk, bds. Fourth cor. Walnut.



Rogers, S. W. jeweler, Mulberry n. Third, h. Cherry ab. First. Rogers, M. R. agent sewing machines. Cotton av. n. Second, h. cor.
First and Plum. Rogers, M. cotton buyer, h. poplar n. First. Rogers, Wm. laborer, h. cor. Seventh and Wharf. Rogers, Dr. Wm. S. C. bds. Oglethorpe n. Congress. Roland, Mrs. Martha, wid. Thos. h. East Macon. Rolls, A. H. painter, h. Oak n. Fourth. Rolls, Miss Sarah, h. Fifth n. Poplar. Roney, Michael, laborer, h. Wharf n. Fifth. Rosevelt, C. J. physician, Walnut cor. Third h. do. Rose, A. S. h. Third cor. Pine. ROSE, S. (S. Rose & Co.) proprietor Journal & Messenger, h.
Orange, n. old M. & W. R. R. Depot. ROSE, S. & CO. (Joshua Knewles) proprietor Journal & Messenger
Third n. Cherry. Rosell, Chas. brick Mason, bds. Plum n. Spring. Rosenfield, J. B. clerk, Cherry n. Second, h. do. Rosenthal, S. clerk Cherry cor. Third h. Mulberry n. First. Ross, Mrs. Amelia, wid. H. G. h. Magnolia n. Orange. ROSS, ALBERT B. clerk superior court, h. Oak n. Fourth. ROSS, B. F. furniture, Cherry n. Second h. N. W. end Poplar. Ross, Chas. L. clerk, Cherry cor. Second, h. bet. First and Second. ROSS, D. Bookbinder, Third cor. Cherry h. Fourth cor. Mulberry. Ross, D. H. clerk, Cotton av. cor. Cherry, bds. Magnolia n. Orange. Ross, F. C. clerk, bds. n. cor. Poplar and New. ROSS, COLEMAN & ROSS, (Geo. W. Ross, S. T. Coleman & W.
H. Ross, dry goods, Cotton Av. bet. Cherry & Mulberry.
Ross, Geo. W. (Ross, Coleman & Ross), dry goods, bds. Poplar nea1' New.
ROSS, HENRY G. asst, clerk of Court, h. Oak n. Third. Ross, J. B. (J. B. & W. A. Ross) grocer, Cherry cor. 2nd, h. Col
lege n. Forsyth.
Ross, J. B. & W. A. grocers, Cherry cor. Second. Ross, John F. clerk, Cherry cor. Second, h. College, n. Forsyth. Ross, Mrs. Martha wid. Robt. H., h. cor. Pine and Sixth. Ross, Thos. L.,U. S.dept, marshal, h. Plum bet. First and Second.



Ross, W. A. (J. B. & W. A. grocer, Cherry cor. Second, h. Cellege

cor. Forsyth.

Ross, W. H. (Ross, Coleman & Ross) dry goods, bds. Lanier House.

Ross, Wm. F. ticket ag't M. & W. R. R,, bds. City Hotel.

Ross, W. J. F. clerk, Cherry cor. Second, bds. Brown's Hotel.

Rossee, Miss Virginia seamstress, h. Walnut n. Fifth.

Rossetter, Mrs. Sarah wid. A., li. High n. Spring and Plum.

Rowland, A. M. h. Mulberry n. New.

[ry n. New.

ROWLAND, E. C. prop. State Press, Ralston's Block, h. Mulber-

Rudwick, Jacob watchman, h. cor. Sixth and Walnut.

Ruff, J. fireman S. W. R. R.

Rumbeys, J. carpenter, bds. City Hotel.

Runyan, Geo. R. clerk, Cherry n. Second, bds. Brown's Hotel.

Russell, J. dry goods, cor. Plum, New & Cotton Av., h. do.

Russell, J. (J. Russell & Co.) prop. Amer. Republic, Mulberry n. 8d.

Russell, J. & Co. (A. Berney, J. F. Lakin & W. Lakin) props.

American Republic, Mulberry n. Third.

Rutherford, Benj. H. planter, h. Oglethorpe n. Elbert.

Rutherford, John lawyer, Cherry n. Second, h. out city limits.

Ryals, Miss Francis weaver, h. Factory Grounds.

Ryals, Miss Jane weaver, h. Factory Grounds.

Rye, Perry laborer, h. Vineville.

Rye, Wm. painter, h. cor. Gilmer and Division.

Salcedo, A. (Mees & Salcedo) cigar dealer, resides Charleston, S. C. Sampson, A. clerk. Second opp. Cotton Av., h. Cherry cor. Third. Sampson, Wm. engineer, bds. Pine n. Fifth. Sanderlin, Geo. B. brick mason, College St. Sanford, John train hand, h. McIntosh n. Boundary. Sanford, Miss Missouri weaver, h. Factory Grounds. Sanlin, A. P. brick mason, bds. Madison n. Forsyth. Sanlin, George B. brick mason, h. Madison n. Forsyth. Saulsbury, E. clothier, Mulberry n. Second, h. Mulberry and New. Saunders, F. C. carpenter, cor. Spring and Georgia Av., bds. cor.
Washington and Spring. Savage, Mrs. Jane Walnut near Seventh.



Savage, AV. H. printer,'Telegraph office, h. Second n. Oak.

Scanling, Thos. laborer, bds. Hawthorne n. McIntosh.

Scattcrgood, Walter engineer, S. W. It. It.

Sehall, J. boot maker, Mulberry n. Third, h. do.

Schell, Wm. tin smith, Cherry n. Second, h. Bridge Bow.

Sehlinzen, F. carpenter, h. Mouroe n. Forsyth.

Schneider, A. carpenter, S. AV. R. [Founders, 5th opp. pass. Depot.

Schofield & Bro., (John S. Schofield & Joshua S. Schofield) Iron

Schofield, John S. (Schofield & Bro.) iron founder, h. cor. Elbert n.



Schofield, Joshua S. (Schofield & Bro.) iron founders, h. Hazel cor.

Schreiner, H. S. (J. C. Schreiner & Sons) music store, h. 2d n. Oak.

Schreiner, J. C. & Sons (II. L. & S. A. Schreiner,) music store,

Cotton Av. n. Second. Schreiner, J. C. (J. C. Schreiner & Sons) music store, h. 2d n. Arch.

Schreiner, S. A. (J. C. & Sons) music store, h. 2nd n. Arch.

Schwaab, Augustus civil engineer, h. cor. Oak and New.

Schwartz, C. professor AV. College, h. do.

Schwartz, Madame Sophie instructor needle work AA\ College, h. do.

Scott, E. P. clerk Bank of Middle Ga., h. College Hill.

Scott, Henry R. horse trader, h. Monroe.

Scott, Hezekiah train hand S. AAr. R. R.

Av. n. Orange.

Scott, Isaac president B'nk Middle Ga., & M. & R. R., h. Georgia

Scott, AVm. E. h. Georgia Av., n. Orange.

Scraughm, J. laborer, F. Iron AA'orks.

Schrimshire, Henry cloth folder, h. Factory Grounds.

^ Scritnshire, Airs. Sarah weaver, h. Factory Grounds.

Scrimshire, Miss Sarah A. weaver, h. Factory Grounds.

Scrimshirc, Wm. G. marble cutter, h. Third n. Arch.

Scrimshire, Aralentine card stripper, h. Factory Grounds.

Scroggins, AV. II. porter Lottery office, bds. AA'harf n. Fifth.

Scruggs, Airs, music teacher, hds. cor. Cherry & Fifth.

Scruggs, Henry clerk, bds. cor. Cherry and Fifth.

Seaborn, James fireman S. AV. R. R.

Seaman, Airs. Lucy A. wid. AA*m., h. AA alnut n. New.

Seed, Franklin painter, bds. Cotton Av.

Seger, Hiram d utist, h. cor. Poplar and New.

Sessions, A- D. train hand, h. cor. Fourth and Oglethorpe.



Sessions, Miss Eliza spinner, la. Factory Grounds. Sessions, Miss Mary weaver, li. Factory Grounds. Sessions, John overseer, h. cor. Hawthorne and Lamar. Sessions, Robt. laborer, h. Yineville.

Sewell, James Wesley engineer, bds. cor. Second and Oglethorpe.

Sewell, Mrs. Louisiana wid. Leighton, h. cor. Second & Oglethorpe,

Sewell, T. L. machinist, bds. cor. Second and Oglethorpe.

Sexton, Miss Mary h. Cherry bet. Fifth and Sixth.

Seymour, George W. butcher, h, n. Boundary.

Seymour, George laborer, bds. Johnston n. Oglethorpe.

Seymour, James salesman, Cherry corner Second, h. Plum n. First.

Seymour, Joseph N. salesman, Cherry cor. Second, h. Plum n. 1st,

Seymour, Mrs. Mary wid. Joseph, h. Plum near First,

Shafer, Manuel machinist Fifth near Depot, h. East Macon.

Sharp, J. E. h. corner Orange and Washington.

Shaughnessy, Joseph porter.

Shehan, Dennis laborer, h. Wharf n. Fifth.

Sheffield, L. M. fireman, S. W. R. R. R.


Shelton, E. L. clothier, Cotton Av. n. Mulberry, h. cor. Walnut and

Shnaa, M. boot maker, Third n. Mulberry, h. cor. Fourth & Wharf.

Shephard, Charles F. train hand, li. McIntosh n. Boundary. [High.

Sherwin, Mrs. Martha C. wid. C. W., h. bet. Orange & Spring near

Sherwood, A. E. clerk, Cotton Av. n. Mulberry, li. Second cor. Oak.

Sherwood, A. F. carpenter, cor. Arch and Second.

Sherwood, E. C. carpenter, cor. Arch & First, h. First n. Arch.

Sherman, D. master carpenter, h. Yineville.

Shide, Mrs. Martha wid. James, h. Spring near Cotton Av.

Shiff, A. clerk, Cherry near Third, h. do.

Shiney, John M. carpenter, h. cor. Bay and Division. Shivei', E. A. clerk, Cherry n. Second h. Jefferson n. Monroe. Shiver, J. P. coach maker, 142 Mulberry, h. Jefferson, n. Monroe. Shivers, Wm. Jr. lottery ag't Third n. Mulberry, h. out city limits. Sikes, J. F. clerk S. W. R. R., k. Pine near Fifth. Sills, W m. baggage master, cor. Arch and Hammond. Simmons, E. B. turner, Wood's Factory, h. Spring n. Pine.

Simmons, Mrs. Mary wid. John J. h. Washington n. Oranue. Simmons, Richard blacksmith, h. corner Sixth and Pine.



Simmons, Wm. laborer, Findlay's Iron Works. Simms, Lochrane & Griffin, (R. W. Simms, 0. A. Lochrane & J. R-
Griffin) lawyers, Second opp. Cotton Av. Simms, It. W. (Simms. Loebrane & Griffin) lawyer, resides Atlanta Simons, B. B. mail route agent, bds. Floyd House. Simpson, James policeman, li. Johnston near Forsyth. Simpson, Miss Jane seamstress, bds. Johnston n. Forsyth. Simpson, W. R. gun smith, cor. Early and Forsyth. Sims, C. C. saleman, Third n. Cherry, bds. Lanier House. Sims, George printer, bds. Second n. Pine. Sims, James printer, bds. Second near Pine. Sims, Mrs. wid., h. Second near Pine. Sinclair, E. A. engineer, h. Fourth near Mulberry. Singleton, W. R. book keeper, Second cor. Poplar, h. Poplar n. New. Sisson, M. H. clerk, Cotton Av. n. Mulberry, h. Poplar and New. Skellee, C. A. clerk, S. W. R. R. Skiff, Y. W. (Y. W. Skiff & Co.) jewelers, resides in Savannah. Skiff Y. W. & Co. (H. S. Parsons) jewelers, Mulberry opp. Lanier Skinner, J. J. carpenter, h. Third near Poplar. Slaten, C. W. G. salesman, Third n. Poplar, bds. Brown's Hotel. Slater, James foreman Nisbet's Foundry Cotton Av.
Slater, Robt. I). machinist, Cotton Av. Sledge, Mrs. Mariah wid. Isam D., h. New n. Wharf. Sloan, John A. carpenter, h. McIntosh near Bay. Sloan, J. A. wheel wright, h. Congress near Oglethorpe. Stotesbury, L. B. machinist, h. corner Orange and Washington. Smawlin, Mrs. Huldie weaver, h. Factory Grounds. Smidt, Geo. cabinet workman, h. Third corner Poplar. Smith, A. boot maker, Third near Mulberry, h. Cotton Av. Smith, A. J. (Smith & Bro.) grocer, Cotton Av., h. do. Smith & Bro. (A. J. Smith & Jessee Smith) grocers, Cotton Av. Smith, & Bro. (J. P. Smith & W. T. Smith) grocers, Cotton Av. Smith, C. laborer, h. out city limits.
Smith, C. bds. Mulberry near First. Smith, C. C. carpenter, h. First near Oglethorpe. Smith, Rev. Cosby W. professerW. College, h. Wesleyan College. Smith, Daniel engineer, h. Plum n. Fifth,



Smith, 1). M. bolt cutter, h. Washington u. Spring. Smith Davis (Little & Smith) saddlers & harness, Cherry n. Cot
ton Ay., n. w. end Cherry. Smith, David N. carpenter, h. Third n. Oglethorpe. Smith, C. G-. bds. New n. Poplar. Smith, Mrs. E. wid.l3BS.mes, h. Second cor. Poplar. SMITH, GEO. A. candy manufacturer, h. Fourth near Plum. Smith, Geo. (Cleghorn & Smith) saddlery & harness, bds. Granite
Smyth, George bds. Poplar corner Third. Smith, George Methodist Minister, bds. Georgia Av. n. Orange. Smith, H. J. medical student, h. Poplar cor. First. Smith, H. P. transp. clerk S. W. R. R. h. Plum corner Pine. Smith, James book keeper, bds. n. McIntosh and R. H. Cemetery. Smith, Mrs. Jane wid. Ezekial, h. East Macon*-"'' Smith, Mrs. Jane wid. Thos., h. McIntosh near Oglethorpe. Smitn, J. C. carpenter, bds. Mulberry near Spring. Smith, Jesse (Smith & Bro.) grocer, Cotton Av. li. do. Smith, John asst, overseer Weave Room, h. Hawthorne n. Troup. Smith, J. D. physician, Cherry n. Second bds. College n. Forsyth. Smith, John D. L. dyer, bet. Cotton Av. and First, h. do. Smith, John P. grocer, bds. Cotton Av. Smith, Joseph overseer Weaving Room, h. cor. Oglethorpe & First. Smith, J. P. (Smith & Bro.) grocer, Cotton Av. Smith, Mrs. Lucy A. wid. Daniel, h. Pine near Seventh. Smith, Mrs. Lucy Y. wid. Wm., h. Pine n. New. Smith, Mrs. Margaret wid. A. T., house East Macon. Smith, Miss Margaret, dress maker, Plum n. Cotton Av., bds. do. Smith, Mrs. Martha wid. Frederick h. cor. Oak and Fourth. Smith, Patrick bar keeper, City Hotel li. do. Smith, R. A. lawyer, Mulberry n. Second, h. Mulberry cor. Poplar. Smith, Robert agent C. R. R. h. East Macon. Smith, Robt. laborer, h. out city limits. Smith, Robt. C. carpenter, h. Monroe. Smith, Miss Sarah cook, h. Spring near Cotton Av. Smith, Miss Sarah dress maker, h. cor. Fourth and Oak. Smith, W. T. grocer, Cotton Av., bds. Flint House,



Snell, M. C. conductor, S. W. R. R., h. Oglethorpe n. Congress. Snipes, Miss Francis J. speeder tender, h. Hawthorne n. Troup. Snipes,' Miss Lucretia, speeder tender, h. Hawthorne n. Troup. Snipes, 31. W. laborer, h. Hawthorne near Troup. Snyder, S. E. painter, Cherry cor. Third, h. do. Snodgrass, R. R. saddler, Cherry n. Second, li. 3Iagnolia n. Orange. Snow, 3iiss L. h. Cherry bet. Fifth and Sixth. Solomon, E. (S. Biuswanger & Co.) dry goods, Cherry n. 3rd, h. do. Solomou, R. A. clerk, C-lierry n. Second, h. 3Iulberry u. First. Somers, Albert mule tender, h. Factory Grounds. Somers, 3Iiss Jane weaver, li. Factory Grounds. Somers, 31iss Mary weaver, h. Factory Grounds. Sorrel, R. II. I). com. mer., Third n. Cherry, h. Vineville. Sparks. J. H. bds. Lanier House. SPARKS, O. G. (Hardeman & Sparks) commission merchant, also
mayor, Third cor. Poplar h. Second n. Piue. Speer A. M. (Speer & Hunter) lawyer, h. cor. Second and Oak. Speer & Hunter, (A. 31. Speer & S. Hunter,) lawyers, Cotton Av.
corner Cherry. Speidel, Chas. carver, Wood's Factory, cor. Third and Poplar. Spinks, Stephen clerk, 3Iulberry n. Second, h. Walnut cor. Fourth. Spitz, C. A. clerk, Cherry n. Third, li. do. Springer, John brick mason, h. cor. McIntosh and Elm. Springer, 31. brick mason, h.cor. Elbert and Elm. Springer, Win. laborer 31. & W. R. R. Standring, J. II. watchmaker, 3Iulberry n. Third, h. First n. Oak. Starke, Wm. L. clerk, li. Cherry n. Second. Starnc, J. L. telegh. oper. bds. Granite Hall. Stebbius, T. T. clerk, Third cor. Cherry, bds. Cherry ab. First. STEELE, J. II. editor, bds. Lanier House. Steinheimcr, I. clerk, Cherry u. Third, bds. 3Iulberry n. First. Stephens, A. fireman, bds. Oak n. Spring. Stephens, 3Irs. Amelia wid- Allen, li. 3Ionroe. Sterling, 3Iiss Martha A. weaver, bds. Oglethorpe u. Lamar. Sterling, 3Irs. li. A. wid. John, bds. Oglethorpe n. Lamar. STEWART, DR. JA3IES editor, bds. Fourth u. 3Iulbcrry. Stewart, Jolm carpenter, h. Vineville. Stinton, Andrew stone cutter h. out city limits.


Stire, Henry bds. Mulberry n. First.

Stone. C. B. & Bro. (F. H. Stone) hats & caps, Mulberry n. Second.

Stone, C. B. (C. B. Stone & Bro.) hats & caps, bds. Lanier House.

Stone, F. II. (C. B. Stone & Bro ) hats & caps, bds. Lanier House.

Stone, L. B. clerk, Cotton Av. n. Mulberry, bds. Lanier House.

Stovall, Mrs. E.wid. Geo., h. Third n. State Bank.

St. John, Adrian, Floyd House.

Straban, J. clothier, Mulberry n. Second, h. Fourth n. Walnut.

Strahan, Thomas, clerk, Mulberry u. Second, h. Fourth n. Walnut-

Strahorn, John engineer C. B. R., h. Eeast Macon.

Streyer, John machinist, Hammond n. Elbert.

Streyer, Mrs. Louisa, wid. Jacob, h. Hammond n. Elbert.

Streyer, Wm. brick mason, Hammond n. Elbert.

Strickland, G-eo. W. black smith, h. Oglethorpe n. McIntosh.

Strobery, Charles J. copper smith, h. River cor. Third.

STROHECKER, E. L.druggist, also post master, Mulberry cor. 3rd,

h. Spring cor. Walnut. Stroemer, A. painter,

Strong, E. P. clerk, Second n. Cherry, bds. Walnut n. Third.

Strong, F. W. clerk, Second n. Cherry, h. Walnut n. Third.

Strong, L. P. (Strong & Wood) boots & shoes, Walnut n. Third.

Strong & M ood, (L. P. Strong & C. V. Wood) boots & shoes, Sec ond n. Cherry.
Strozer, Wm. clerk, Cherry cor. Cotton Av., bds. Flint House.

Stuart, James stone cutter, h. Plum n. First.

Stubblefield, M. boarding house, Mulberry n. First.

Stubbs, C. bds. Brown's Hotel.

Stubbs, Mrs. M. R. wid. James, h. Cherry n. Spring.


Stubbs, Mrs. Rebecca B. wid. T. P., h. bet. Oglethorpe & Arch n.

Stubbs, R. L. clerk, M. A. W. R. R., h. Cherry n. Fourth.

Stubbs. Thos. P. Jr., farmer, h. cor. Congress and Arch.

S try re, John machinist, Fifth u. Depot.

Sobers A Lewis, (S. 31. Sobers &E. P. Lewis) jgrcer, Cherry n. 3d'

Sobers, S. 31. (Subers A Lewis) grocers, h. Pine n. Fifth.

Sullivan, C. stone mason, bds. Cotton Av.

Sullivan, Charles 31. machinist, bds. Mulberry n. Fourth.

Sullivan, D. H. grocer, Cotton Av. h. do.

Sullivan, 3Irs. E. wid. D. L. Third n. Mulberry.

Sullivan, Michael, asst, bridge keeper, Fifth n. Wharf st., & Bridge. Sullivan, Wm. S. clerk, bds. Mulberry n. Fourth. Summers, Mrs. Sarah wid. Jacob, h. cor. Oglethorpe and First. Sumrell, Clinton carpenter, h. East Macon. Sutley, Sam'l moulder, Fifth n. Depot. Sutton, J. J. carpenter, bds. Oglethorpe n. Second. Swanson, John W. printer, h. Third n. Poplar. Swanson, T. J. dry goods, Cotton Av. n. Mulberry, h- Tatnall Square. Swasick, Thos. fireman, bds. Elbert n. Ash. Swinhurst John machinist, h. Elbert n. Ash.
Taukersly, Thos. H. train hand h. Plum n. Fourth. Tarver, E. mail route agent, bds. Granite Hall. Taylor, Mrs. Catharine wid. Wm., h. Oglethorpe n. McIntosh. Taylor, Cintha E. wid. Jas. C , h. Oglethorpe n. Fourth. Taylor, Mrs. E. K. wid. Wm., h. Monroe n. Forsyth. Taylor, Elijah engineer S. W. R. R. Taylor, E. P. cabinetmaker, h. First n. Walnut. Taylor, James A. laborer, bds. Monroe n. Forsyth. Taylor, J. II. treas. M. & W. R R., h cor. Fourth and Wharf. Taylor, Mrs. Mary Ann wid. James, h. First n. Walnut. Taylor, N. P. h Oak n. Third. Taylor, Wm. clerk, h. Second n. Walnut. Taylor, Wm. E. S. engineer, h. Oglethope n. Fourth. Taylor, Wm. J. laborer, bds. Monroe n. Forsyth. Taywick, E. J. hard ware, h. cor. Orange and Magnolia Teel, James carpenter, bds. Monroe. Teel, Henry carpenter, bds. Monroe. Teel, Wm. carpenter, bds. Monroe. Thariugton, Wm. H. grocer. Cotton Av., h. do Tindall, Robt. bds. Cotton Av. Tissareau, B. painter, h. Elm n. Elbert. Tissareau, Mrs. Martha wid. B., h. cor. Bay and Hammond. Tissareau, Mrs. Nancy wid. Burnet, h. cor. Gilmer & Division. Tissareau, Theodore trimmer and painterr Elm u. Elbert. Thentist, R. clerk, bds. Cotton Av.



Thermau, Miss Elvina li. cor. Sixth n. Plum.' Thomas, J. 0. h. East Macon. Thomas, -Moses carpenter, li. cor. Elm and McIntosh. Thomas, W. J. cabinet workman, h. Fourth n. Oak. Thomason, J. II. shoe maker, h. New n. Wharf. Thompson, Arthur apprentice, bds. Oak n. Third.

Thompson, Augustus iron fence maker, bds. bet. Division, Ham mond, Elm and Boundary.
Thompson, Charles machinist, bds. Oak n. T-hird. Thompson, C. S. bds. Cherry n. Third. Thompson, E. pattern maker, bds. Oak n. Third. Thompson, Mrs. E. L. dress maker, Cherry n. Second, h. do. Thompson, Mrs. Jane wid. A., weaver, bds. Oglethorpe n. Lamar. Thompson, Joseph chair bottomer, bds. Oakn. Third. Thompson, J. A. H. clerk, Mulberry n. Third, h. Oak n. Third. Thompson, W. h. Oak n. Third.

Thomson, M S. druggist, Mulberry n. Third, h. Oak n First, fhornton, J. C. (J. C. Thornton & Co.) carriage dealer, h. Walnut


[n. Mulberry. fSee advert.

J. HORN TON, J. C. & CO. (T. H. Plant) carriage dealers, Second

Thrash, Wm. engineer, bds. McIntosh n. Oglethorpe.

Tobin, Mrs. Mar/ wid. James, 138 Mulberry, h. do.

Tomlinson, W. D. laborer, Mulberry n. First.

Towns, Mrs. Mary W. wid. Geo. W., h. cor. Ross and Columbus.

Townsend, T. J. planter, h. Fourth n. Poplar.

Townsend, Wm. brick mason, bds. New n. Cherry.

Tracy, C. bds. cor. Orange and Magnolia.

Tracy, Dan'l D. carpenter, bds. Fifth n. Pine.

Iracy, P. Senator IL C., bds. cor. Orange and Magnolia. I racy, Mrs. R. C. wid. E. D.* h. cor. Orange and Magnolia. Trader, Wm. watchman, Fifth n. Depot, h. Yineville.

1 RAPP, MRS. E. M. W. wid. Benjamin, li. cor. Cherry and Fifth. Irawick, I. J. clerk, Third u. Cherry h. Magnolia cor. Cherry. Treadwell, Emily shirt maker, h. Walnut n. New. Treadwell, Mrs. Eugenia wid. A., h. Walnut u. New. Treadwell, Henry brick mason, h. South Macon.

Trentham, James carpenter, cor. First and Cherry, h. Plum n. 3d. Tryon, II. L. sculptor, h. First n. Oak.


I 0

Tucker,* James clerk, bds. Cherry n. Spring. Tucker, Mrs. Judith 0. wid. Dr. A., h. New n. Pine. Tucker i'. S. clerk, bds. cor. Mulberry n. Sixth. Tuly, 3Irs. Polly wid., h. cor. Pine and First. Turner, John carpenter, h. Gilmer n. Hazel. TURPIN, GEO, B. salesman, Cherry cor. drd, h. Fourth cor. Pine. Tutt, A. B. h. Third n. Oak. Tyler, A. J- saddler, Cherry n. Second, bds. City Hotel. Tyler, A. L. supt. 31. & 3Y. R. R., bds. Georgia Av. n. Orange. Tyler, Geo. dr., clerk, Third cor. Cherry, h. 3Valnut cor. Fourth.

Ussery Welcome clerk, Mulberry n. Second, h. Third bet. Poplar and Plum.

VALLEAU, J. H. civilil engineer, Plum n. Third.

Vann, A. carpenter, h. McIntosh n. Oglethorpe.

Vann, Calvin carpenter, h. McIntosh n. Oglethorpe.

Vann, John train hand, h. cor. Boundary and McIntosh.

Van Giesen, R. clerk, bds. Granite Hall.

3ran Giesen U. (McDonald & Van Giesen) dentist, h. Pine n. New.

Van Valkenburg, J. D. artist, h. Fourth n. Walnut.

Vaarensler, John mail driver, bds. Fourth n. Poplar.

Vardell, H. T. clerk, Mulberry cor. Third, bds. Lanier House.

Vincent, Miss A. dress maker, bds. cor. First and Plum.

Vincent, H. B. book keeper, Third n. Cherry, bds. Floyd House.

Yinning, T. N. clerk C. R. R., h. Fourth n. Oak.


Virgin, J. A. (J. A. & S. S. Virgin) music, 4 Cotton Av., h. Vine.

Virgin, J. A. & S. S. music, 4 Cotton Av.

[city limits.

Virgin, S. S. (J. A. & S. S. Virgin) music 4 Cotton Av., h. out


Waggonmmaker, Robt. bds. Lanier House. Wagnon, Richard engineer S. W. R. R. Wagnon, Wyley bar keeper, h. Plum n. Fourth.






Wagnon, W. W. bar, Third n. Cherry, h. Plum n. Fourth. Waitman, James h. Fourth n. Wharf. Waldrop, Mrs. Caroline wid. Joseph, h. Fifth bet. Cherry & Poplar. WALKER, JOSEPH editor Baptist Champion, Cherry n. Second,
bds. Lanier House. Wall, C. I). foreman S. W. E. R., h. Walnut n. Sixth. Wallace, Chas. stone cutter, bds. Walnut n. New. Wallace, Win. machinist S. W: R. R., ii. Pine n. Third. Wallen, Mrs. Mary wid. Edmond, h. First n. Arch. Waller, Mrs. Eliza wid. Wm., h. cor. Gilmer and Ash. Waller, Isaac printer, bds. City Hotel. Waller, J. II. drayman, bds cor. Gilmer and Ash. Waller, Miss Mary A. seamstress, h. cor. Gilmer and Hawthorne. Walker, B. (Walker A Nelson) butcher, Mulberry n. 3rd, h. do. Walker, C. B. printer Telegraph office, h. Fourth n. Walnut. Walker, James book keeper, cor. First, Poplar and Cotton Av. Walker & Nelson, (B. Walker & W. T. Nelson) butchers, Mulberry
near Third. Walker, Robt,. R. carpenter, h. Spring n. Piue. Walker, S. W. printer, h. Fourth n. Walnut. Walker, Wm. fireman, bds. McIntosh n. Boundary. Wammach Wm. carpenter, h. cor. Third and Oak. Ward, Mrs. J. wid. J. P., bds. Washington n. Orange. Ware, John W. carpenter, h. Pinen. Spring. [Oglethorpe n. 1st. WARREN, E. W. editor Christian Index, Cherry n. Second, h. Warner, James II. clerk, Second cor. Mulberry, h. Beaslay's Hotel. Warner, Janies train hand S. W. R. R. Warner, Wm. supt. M. & W. R. R. shops, bds. cor. Orange A Pine. WASHINGTON, J. H. R. bank agent, Third bet. Cherry A Mul
berry, h. College Hill. Washington, J. H. clerk State Bank, h. College Hill. Washington, S. II. lawyer, 2 Cotton Av.. h. College cor. Washington. Waswick, Thos. fireman S. IT. R. R. I\ aterman, E. clerk, Cotton Av. cor. Cherry, h. Pine cor. Second. Waterman, II. J. (Garfield & Waterman) restaurant, h. Walnut n. 1st. Waterman, J. (Miller A Waterman) auction A eommiss., Cotton Av.
n. Cherry, h. Plum cor. Second. Watkins, Thomas engineer factory, h. Oglethorpe n. Lamar.

Watts, Mrs. A. E. wid. W. B., h. Fifth bet. Plum & Fine. Watts, Thos. B. printer, bds. Second n. Plum. Wearn, Jacob fireman M. & W. R. R. W caver, A. W. carpenter, bds. City Hotel. Weaver, Jacob engineer, h. Fourth n. Oglethope. Weaver, J. M. engineer M. & AY. R. R. bds. Forsytli n. Oglethorpe. Weaver, R. A. carpenter, bds. City Hotel. Weddon, John AY. grocer, h. cor. Magnolia and Spring. AYeed, Nathan, hardware, Mulberry n. Second, h. Mulberry n. New. AYced, Mrs. S. A. wid. C. B., h. College n. AYashingtou. AYeeks, Aaron butcher, h. cor. Fifth and Oglethorpe. AYeeks, J. F. printer Telegraph office, bds. Flint House. Weil, Isaac (Monheimer & AA7eil) dry goods, Cherry n. Second, h. do. AYeldon, James P. shoe maker, bds. City Hotel. AA'elden, J. AY. clerk, Third cor. Cherry, h. Cherry cor. New. AA'eldon, Win. A. clerk, Mulberry n. Third, h. Magnolia bet. Spring
and Orange. AVellingten, Chas. carpenter, h. Wharf n. Franklin. AVells, H. A. clerk, Third cor. Poplar, bds. Brown's Hotel. AYells, J. E. Jr., engraver, Cotton Av. cor. Cherry, h. Cherry cor. 4th. AYells, Joseph E. Sr. salesman, Cherry n. 3rd, h. Cherry cor. 4th. AVells, T. pattern maker, F. I. AVorks. AVells, Win. watchman, h. East Macon. AVelsh, Patrick grocer, East Macon h. do. AVenburg, John black smith S. AV. R. R. AVeskott, Albert tin smith, bds. cor. Cherry & Fifth. AVescott, H. P. saddler, Cherry u. Cotton Av. h. Second cor. Pine. AVheeler, C. G. commission, Cotton Av. n. First, li. Poplar n. First. AVhelan, John tailor, Cherry n. Second, h. Bridge Row. White, J. H. clerk, Cherry cor. Second, h. First cor. Plum. White, Henry A. engineer S. AV. R. R., h. cor. Bay and Division. White, Monroe carpenter, h. Johnston n. Oglethorpe. AVhitlaw, AVm. moulder, bds. Oglethorpe n. McIntosh. AVhitn, Mrs. S. A. E. wid. AVm., seamstress, h. Wharf n. Fourth. AVhittington, John laborer, bds. Third n. Arch. AVhittington, W. N. daguerrean, bds. cor. Fourth and Oak. AVHITTLE, L. N. lawyer, 2 Cotton Av., li. College cor. Ga. Av. AVren, B. K. printer Telegaaph office, bds. Third. ^



Wilbur, Geo. G. commission Cotton Ay. n. First, bds. Second. Wilcox, E. A. eotton buyer, 3d, Ralston's Range, bds. Lanier House. Wilcoxson, L. D. (L. I). Wilcoxson & Co.) carriage dealers, 142
Mulberry, resides New Haven. Wilcoxson, L. D. & Co. (J. DeLoache) carriage dealers 142 Mulb'y. Wilder, Francis carpenter, Tattnall n. Oglethorpe. Wilder, J. W. clerk, Cotton Av. Wilder, Win. grocer, li. cor. Madison and Forsyth. Wiley, Dr. John B. planter, li. College n. Forsyth. Wiley, J. T. dry goods, bds. Washington n. Orange. Wilkinson, Marks brick mason, h. cor. Seventh and Mulberry. Willard, James brick mason, bds. cor. Third and Oglethorpe. Williams, Charles laborer, h. Mulberry n. Seventh. Williams, Mrs. C. wid. Jacob, h. Gilmer n. Hazel. Williams, Mrs. E. wid. G. J., h. cor. Division and Tupelo. Williams, E. D. book keeper, bds. cor. Fifth and Wharf. Williams, Felix A. fireman, bds. cor. Fourth and Walnut. Williams, Jas. clerk, bds. cor. Walnut and Fifth. Williams, James grocer, h. cor. Fourth and Walnut. Williams, J. H. asst, agent C. R. R. Williams, J. L. mechanic, h. Fourth n. Pine. Williams, Mrs. Martha wid. Seladus, h. cor. Elm and Elbert. Williams, Mrs. Nancy wid. Wm. L., grocers, cor. McIntosh and
Boundrry, h. do.
WILLIAMS, P. J. conductor M. R. R., bds. Lanier House. Williams, Wm. D. principal Blind Asylum. Williams, Mrs. matron Blind Asylum. Williams, W. L. painter, h. cor. Elbert and Elm. Williamson, Dr. Eldridge h. High n. Spring and Pine. Williford, Mrs. E. C. wid. W. S., h. Cherry n. Third. Willingham, R. M. carpenter, bds. City Hotel. Willis, Miss Mary weaver, h. Factory Grounds. Wilson, H. engineer, M. & W. R. R., bds. City Hotel. Wilson, John black smith, h. Cotton Av. Wilson, Jas. A. painter, h. Madison. Wilson, John A. fireman, h. Madison, Wilson, Mrs. Julia wid. Wm, S., h, Madison.


7 W

Wilson, Miss Martha speeder tender, h. Factory Grounds.

Wilson, Wm. C. architect, h. Second n. Walnut.

Wilson, Warren H. clerk, h. Madison.

Wilson, W. H. clerk, Fourth n. Plum, h. Collinsville.

Wilson, W. T. clerk, 6 Cotton Av., bds. Second n. Walnut.

Wimberly, Z. farmer, bds. cor. Magnolia and Orange.

Winburg, John black smith, Oglethorpe n. Melntosh.

Windham, W esley laborer, h. Sixth n. Wharf.

cor. First.

Wingfield, M. Alfred (Ayres, Wingfield & Co.) grocer, h. Mulberry

Wingfield, Mark A. salesman, Cotton Av. n. Mulberry, bds. Cherry

near First.

Winn, Francis laborer M. & W. II. R.

Winn, Joseph F. laborer, h. Wharf n. Fourth.

Winn, Mrs. Mary E. wid. John, h. Spring n. Cotton Av. [See adv.

WINSHIP, E. clothier, Second n. Cherry h. Orange n. Bond.

Winter, Geo W. (J. F. Winter & Co.) commiss. mer. Second cor.

Mulberry, resides in Augusta.

[2nd cor. Mulberry.

Winter, J. F. & Co. (J. S. Winter & Geo. AV. Winter) com. mere.,

Winter, J. F. (J. F. Winter & Co.) commiss. merchant, 2nd cor.

Mulberry, h. Vineville. Winter, J. H. shoe maker, bds. City Hotel. AVinter, J. S. (J. F. AArinter & Co.) commiss. merchant, 2nd cor. r
Mulberry, resides in Montgomery.

Wippler, AVm. bar keeper Lanier House.

[See advert.

WISE, B. A. house furnisher, Cherry n. Second, bds. Granite Hall.

Wisham, Miss Nancy Poplar n. Fourth.

AVolf, A. clerk, Cherry n. Second, h. do.

AVolf Hilliard E. carpenter, bds. cor. Cherry and Fifth.

AVolf, Mrs. J. dress maker, bds. cor. Cherry and Fifth.

AATood, A. carpenter, F. I. A\rork.s.

AVOOD, MRS. C. M. wid. 1). J., h. Fourth cor. Wharf.

AVood, C. Ar. (Strong & AVood) boots & shoes, bds. Lanier House.

Wood, G. (T- & G. Wood) furniture, li. Third cor. AVharf.

Wood, Henry magistrate, also auctioneer, 2nd n. Cherry, h. 5th cor.

Court House Square.

Wood, J. J. black smith, Mulberry n. First, h. Adam n. Forsyth. Wood, Geo. carriage trimmer, Mulberry n. 1st, h. out city limits.



Wood, Geo. Jr., book keeper, Mulb'y opp. Lanier, b.Walnut cor. 2d.

Wood, R. L. artist, Mulberry cor. Second, bds. Lanier House.

Wood, S. G. clerk, Mulberry n. 2nd, bds Third cor. Wharf.

Wood, T. (T. & G. Wood) furniture, resides New York.

WOOD, T. & G. furniture, Mulberry n. Second. [See advt.

Wood, T. D. carpenter, h. Yineville.

Wood, Wm. county surveyer, h. Hazel n. Hammond, [n. Forsyth.

Woodruff, D. B. (D. B. & J. W. Woodruff,) enter, works, h. College

WOODRUFF, D. B. & J. W. props. Enterprise Works, cor. Cherry

and First. [See advertisement.

[syth n. College.

Woodruff, J. W. (D. B. & J. W. Woodruff,) enterp. works, h. For-

Woodward, J. N. Brown's Hotel.


WOOLFOLK, J. H. (Coates & Woolfolk,) warehouse, h. Ft. Haw-

Wooten, John T. h. East Macon.

Wooten, W. L. clerk. Third cor. Poplar, h. East Macon.

Wright, carpenter, h. Pine n. First.

Wright, Mrs. Catharine wid. Jas. N., h. Walnut n. Seventh.

Wright, Miss Emma h. Cherry n. Sixth.

Wright, Miss Francis weaver, h. Factory Grounds.

Wright, James fireman, bds. City Hotel.

Wright, John J. car inspector, h. Oak n. New.

Wright, Miss Lelebeth weaver, h. Factory Grounds.

Wright, Warren laborer, h. Hawthorne n. Elbert

Wright 'Win. h- Walnut n. Seventh.

Wrigley, B. H. asst, book-keeper, Cherry cor. 2d, bds. 2dn. Mulb'y.

W7rigley, Mrs. C. wid. F., Second n. Mulberry.

W7rigley, W. W. clerk, Triangular Block, bds. 2nd n. Mulberry.

W7rye, Jonathan carpenter, h. Forsyth n Monroe.

Wrye, Melton carpenter, h. Forsyth n. Monroe.

Wrye, Wm. painter, h. Forsyth n. Monroe.

Wyche, A. H. cotton buyer, h. Walnut n. Fourth.

Wyche, John A. cotton marker, cor. First, Poplar and Cotton Av.

Wyche, Thos. T. ware house, cor. 1st, Poplar & Cotton Av., h. cor.

Second and Oak.


Yarborough, James M. carpenter, h. Fifth n. Pine1



Yarnell, Eugene machinist, Cotton Av. [ Av., h. Cotton Av. n. Cherry.

Young, Lewis (Lewis Young & Bro.) dry goods, 2nd opp. Cotton

Young, Lewis & Bro., dry goods, bds. Granite Hall.

Young, Miss Susan h. cor. Hammond and Tupelo.

Young, Theodore h. Ash n. Hammond.

Youngblood, A. cabinet maker.


[ton Ay. n. 1st

Youngblood & Harris (Joseph Youngblood & T. H. Harris) bar, Cot-

Youcgblood, Joseph (Youngblood & Harris) bar, Cotton Av. n. 1st,

h. First n. Cherry.

Youngblood Michael machinist, h. New n. Oak.


ZEILIN & HUNT, (J. H. Zeilin & L. W. Hunt,) druggists, 2nd corner Cherry. [See advertisement.
Zeilin, J. H. (Zeilin & Hunt) druggist, bds. Cherry n. Third. Zunder, S. book keeper, Cherry n. Second, h. do.


AGENTS BANKS. Jones, J. E.Third n. Cherry Munroe, N. C.Second n. Cotton Av. Plant, I. C.Second n. Cotton At. Washington, J. H. R...Third n. Cherry.
AGENT EXPRESS. Powers, L. H. .Third'n. Cherry.
AGENTS INSURANCE. Bloom, T. R..Mulberry cor. Second Campbell, C. .Mulberry cor. Second. Curd, Richard...Council Chamber. Johnston, E. J.Mulberry n. Second. Jewett, Henry L.Cherry cor. SecondNorth, H. M.Third n. Cherry.
AGENTS LOTTERY. Dawson, W. C. & Co.Second cor. Mulberry. Bulkley, E. C.Granite Hall Alley n. Mvlberry Shivers, ..Granite Alley.
AGENT REAL ESTATE. Butts, A. G.Second n. Mulberry. Butts, J. R.Second n. Mulberry.
AGENTS SEWING MACHINES. Rogers, M. R.Cotton Av. n. Cherry. Ross, J. B. & W. A.Cherry cor. Second.
AMBROTYPES, DAGUERREOTYPES & PHOTOGRAPHS. Goodman, S..*.Socond opp. Cotton Av. Pu-h, James A.....Cotton Av. n. Second Wood, R. L. .Mulberry cor. Second
_ _




Benton, Amos..Second n. Cherry. Miller & Waterman.Cotton Ay. cor. Cherry.

BANKS. Rank of Middle Georgia.Third n. Mulberry. Manufacturer's Bank.Second cor. Cherry.

Dempsey, D. Jr.,.Third n. Cherry. Isaacs, M.Cherry cor. Third. Kreutz, A..Cotton Ay.


(Those marked * have also a billiard saloon.)

Brantly, A...Cherry u. Third.

*Brown, E.'E. & Son.Brown's Hotel.

Doody, Wm.

Floyd House.

Garfield & Waterman,.Cherry n. Fourth.

Heath, W. L>.. Cotton Av.

Herzog, A.' F.

Third n. Cherry.

Jaugstetter, C.Mulberry n. Third.

Isaacs, E. & Bro......Cherry n. Third.

Kilpatrick, T. S.City Hotel.

Massett, John...Mulberry n. Fourth.

*Logan & Meara.

Lanier House.

McIntyre, P.Fourth cor. Plum.

*Newcomb & Patterson.Mulberry n. Third.

Riley, W. M. & Co.W. and Cotton Ay.

Wagnon, W. W...... .Third n. Cherry.

Youngblood & Harris,.Cotton Av. n. First.


Boardman, J. M.... ... Mulberry cor. Second. Boykin, Sam'l.Cotton Av. n. Second. Burke, John W.,...10 Cotton Av. Richards, J. J. & S. P.Cotton Av. n. Mulberry.


Barnes, Jackson.Cotton Av. Ross, D.Third cor. Cherry.



BOOTS & SHOES. Bearden, Gaines & Co. Brickhouse & Co.,. Mix & Kirtland,. Strong & Wood,.

.Triangular Block. . Triangular Block. .3 Cotton Av. .Second n. Cherry.

Bone, Wm. Holmes, Wm. . Seymour, Geo. W. Took & Weeks. Walker & Nelson.

.. .. Market House. .... Market House. ... .Market House. ... .Market House. Mulberry n. Third.


Brinn, Richard.. Goodale, J. 0. Knight, John .. Sherwood, A. F. Sherwood, E. C. Woodruff, D. B. & J. W.

. .Second cor. Poplar. ,.. .First n. Mulberry. .Third n. Plum. cor. Arch and Second. . .cor. Arch and First. .Cherry n. First.


Babcock, J. W..Mulberry n. First,

Freeman & English.Cherry n. Second.

Thornton, J. C. & Co.Second n. Mulbeery

Wllcoxson, L. D. & Co...143 Mulberry.


Hernandez, J. S.. -Third n. Plum.

Mees & Salcedo.Cotton Av. cor. Cherry.


* Baird, C. II.

Binswanger, S....


Blackshear, A. M. & Co. .. Cohn, L. & Co.

Fitch, II. & Co.

Goodman, H.

Jones, John L.

Peters, J.

Saulsberry, E.

Winship, E.

. Cherry cor. Second. . .'.Cherry n. Third. Mulberry n. Second. .Mulberry n. Third. ... Triangular Block. .. .Cherry n. Third. . Mulberry n. Third. ..Cherry n. Second. Mulberry n. Second. ,.. Second n. Cherry.



Bloom, T. R...Mulberry cor. Second. North, H. M.Third, Ralston's Range. Wheeler, C. G.Cotton Ay. n. First. Winter, J. F. & Co.Second cor. Mulberry.
CONFECTIONERS. Clark, Stephen.Fourth n. Plum. Damour, J. H.. 140 Mulberry. Ellis, J. FI. & W. S.Cherry n. Third. Freeman, C. FI. & Co...Cotton Av. n. Cherry. Horne, Henry. ....Cherry n. Third. Isaacs, E. & Bro..Cherryn. ThirdRaw, George.Cotton Ay.
Coleman, Robert.First n. Cotton Av. Dickinson, S. F.Cherry n. Second. Elliott, B.First cor. Poplar. Graybill, James.First cor. Cotton Av. Price, E.h. out city limits. Hollingsworth, John.h. cor. Second and Plum. . LeSueur, A. .Flint House. Wilcox, E. A.Third, Ralston's Range.
COTTCN MILL. Macon Manufacturing Co.,.Lamar and Oglethorpe.
Adams & Reynolds,.cor. First and Poplar. Coates & Woolfolk,.Third n. Poplar. Durrett, D. M.East Macon. Hardeman & Sparks.Third cor. Poplar. Harris, T. A.Second cor. Poplar. Wyche, Thos. T. . .. .cor. First, Poplar and Cotton Av.
CROCKERY. Bolshaw & Herzog,.11 Cotton Av. McEvoy, R. P. .Mulberry n. Third.
DENTISTS. Blaisdell, A.Floyd House.



Emerson, G. W. .Mulberry n. Second.

McDonald & Yan Giesen....

Second n. Mulberry.

McReynolds, J. 0. Second n. Mulberry.


Barnhart, Miss Lucretia ........ n. Mulberry bet. Fourth & Fifth. Ferrell, Mrs. A. E. .Plum n. Fourth. Thompson, Mrs. E. S... .Cherry n. Second. Morgan, Mrs. S. E. .Third n. Plum. Malsby, Mrs. Mary.... .Poplar n. First. Martin, Miss A. E. .Triangular Bloch. McGee, Mrs. E. .Plum n. Fourth. Ohanlen Mrs. C. J. ..Plum n. Cotton Ay.

Ellis, J. H. & W. S Menard & Castlen.. y Payne, Geo. Strohecker, E. L... Thomson, M. S..... Zeilin & Hunt.

.Cherry cor. Cotton Ay.Cherry n. Third. .1 Cotton Ay. .Mulberry cor. Third. .Mulberry n. Third. .Second cor. Cherry.

Abraham, D. Binswanger, S. & Co.. Bostick, Kein & Co... Bulkley, E. C. Einstein, Elias. Fendig, A. & Co. Feuchtwanger, E..... Hall, M... Hertzfield, J. Landauer & Bros. Marks, Joseph. Monheimer & Weil,.. Nordlinger, W. & Bro, Parker, W. W. & Co. Price, Geo. W. Prudden. N. S. & Co.

.Second opp. Cotton Av. .Cherry n. Third. .Second n. Cherry. .. .,.Cherry n. Second. .2nd cor. Cotton Ay. .Cherry n. Third. .Cherry n. Second. .Cherry n. Second. .Cherry cor. Third.Second n. Mulberry.Cherry n. Third. .Cherry n. Second. .Second n. Mulberry. .....6 Cotton Ay. ....Triangular Block. ...Mulberry n. Third.



Ross, Coleman & Ross,.... ^.Cotton Av, n. Cherry. Ross, J. B. & W. A.r. .cor. Cherry and Second. Russell, J.cor. Plum, New and Cotton Ay. Swanson, T. J..".Cotton Av. n. Mulberry. Toung, Lewis.Second opp. Cotton Av.


Johnson, TV. Cotton Av. and First. ENGRAVER.
Thues, S. E.Mulberry n Second. Wells, J E. Jr.,.Cotton Av. cor. Cherry.

Richards, Alexander.cor. Fourth and Cherry, Ross, B. F...Cherry n. Second. Wood, T. & G...Mulberry n. Second.


Abel, Henry. Ayres, Wingfield & Co. Bond, E. & Co. Bonhardt, Robt. Bowdre & Anderson,.. Button, B. Campbell, C. & Son... Campbell, James. Carhart, & Roll',. Cherry, J. H. & Co.... Clarke, I). F. Clark, Henry. Clarke, S. Croake, James. Daly & Fitzgerald Dempsey, D. Jr.,. Dillard, Wm. Douglass, Joseph. Dunlap & Harris. Ells, H. N. & Co. Fears & Pritchett,....

..Cotton Av. .Third cor. Cherry. .Cherry n. Second. .Cotton Av. ..Cotton Av. cor. Cherry. cor. Hammond and McIntosh. .Mulberry cor. Second. .Cherry cor. Cotton Av. .Third n. Cherry. .Cherry cor. Cotton Av. .Cherry n. Third. .First cor. Cotton Av. ..Fourth n. Plum.
.cor. Fifth and Pine. . Third n. Cherry. .Third n. Cherry. .Fifth n. Wharf.
.Third n. Oak. .......Cherry n. Second. . Mulberry opp. Lanier House. .Third n. Poplar.




Fyfe, Win. Garevin, Janies.

.cor. New and Plum. .Fifth n. Wharf.

Graham, Dennis.

.Fifth n. Wharf.

Greer & Freeman. Griffin, Dorsey.

.Cherryn. Second.' .Cotton Av.

Grimm, Frederick.

.First n. Poplar.

Hardeman & Griffin,...

.Cherry cor. Third.

Hasson, D. Heath & Harvey.

.Cherry n. Third. .Cherry n. Third.

Higgins & Bro.,. Ivarwin, P. Kennedy, Joseph.

. .Cherry bet. Fifth and Sixth. ...'.Cotton Av. .Fifth n. Wharf.

King, James H. Lane, J. F. Lane, T. J. Lightfoot & Flanders,. Lynch & Biggers,.... Lynch & Co. Malone, John. Massett, John.. Mullaney, T. Munch, Mrs. Margaret. Nelson, John A. Parker, Thos. C. Reddish, J. Riddle, Albert. Rogers, Geo. T. & Son Ross, J. B. & W. A.. Subers & Lewis,. Smith, & Bro. Smith, John P. Sullivan, D. H. . Tharington, Win. II.. Welsh, Patrick. Williams, James ...

....... cor. Hazel and Elbert. .cor. Third and Poplar. .Third n. Cherry. .East Macon. .Third cor. Poplar. .Cotton Av. .cor. Boundary and McIntosh. .Mulberry n. Fourth. .Third n. Cherry. .cor. Walnut and Fifth. .East Macon. .c-or. Oglethorpe and Congress, cor. McIntosh and Hawthorne. .cor. Hazel and Elbert. .Third cor. Cherry. . .... Cherry cor. Second. .Cherry n. Third. .Cotton Av. . ... Cotton Av. .Cotton Av. i .Cotton Av. ..East Macon
.Fifth n. 'Walnut

Williams, Mrs. Nancy.cor. McIntosh and Boundary


v Hod-kins, D. C. & Son.Mulberry . Third



Markwalter & Moss,...Mulberry n. Third.
HAIR DRESSER. Loh, Michael.Eloyd House.
Carhart & Curd,.Cherry n. Third. Weed, Nathan./..Mulberry n. Second.
HATS AND CAPS. Eeldeu, Wm.Cherry n. Third. Stone, C. B. & Bro..Mulberry n. Second.
HOUSE FURNISHERS. McElroy, Wm. J.Third n. Cherry. Wise, B. A.Cherry n. Second.
Brown's Hotel,.Fourth cor. Plum. City Hotel.Mulberry cor. Fourth. Flint House,...First bet. Plum and Poplar. Floyd House,.Third cor- Mulberry. Granite Hall,.Mulberry n. Third. Lanier House,...Mulberry n. Third.
ICE DEALERS. Clarke, S.Fourth n. Plum. Dempsey, D. Jr.,.Third n. Cherry. v'Ells, H. N. & Co.Mulberry n. Cherry. Greer & Freeman,...Cherry n. Second.
IRON WORKS. Findlay, R. & Sons.cor. Congress and Oglethorpe. Nisbet, T. C.Cotton Av. v Schofield & Bro.Fifth n. Passenger Depot.
JEWELERS. Day & Maussenet,.Mulberry n. Third. Johnston, E. J. & Co...Mulberry n. Second. Menard & Burghard,.Cherry n. Second. Skiff, Y. W. & Co.. .Mulberry opp. Lanier.
LAWYERS. Branham, Joel Jr.,.Washington Block.



Colo, C. B.

.140 Mulberry.

* DeGraffenreid, W. K.

.Cherry n. Second. *

Dickinson, Arthur.

.Cherry n. Second.

Dunson, W. C. M.

.Mulberry cor. Third.

Gresham, John J.

.Second n. Cherry. ,

Hill & Hill,. Holt, T. G. Lanier & Anderson,.

Third bet. Plum and Poplar.. .Cherry n. Third- .Second n. Walnut. *

* Massey, Wm. T. Nisbet, E. A. & J. A.

.Mulberry cor. Third. .Second cor. Mulberry.

Poe & Grier,.

.Mulberry cor. Second..

Poe, 0. P. Rutherford, Johu.

..Mulberry cor. Second. . ... .Cherry n. Second.,-

Simms, Loehrane & Griffin,

.... Second opp. Cotton Av-/

Smith, R. A. Speer & Hunter,. Stubbs, J. M. Washington, S. II.

.Mulberry n. Second. .Cotton Ay. cor. Cherry. . .Cherry n. Second. .2 Cotton Ay,

Whittle, L. N;.

.2 Cotton Av.


Aderhold & Jeffers .

Plum n. Fourth.

Grier & Masterson. .Mulberry cor. Third.

Hayden & Goolsby .Mulberry n. First.

Stubblefield, M.... .Mulberry n. First.


Bibb County .... .Mulberry n. Second. Macon Building... .Mulberry n. Second.


Hodges, Davis & Co. MACHINISTS.

Mulberry n. Third.

Findlay, R. & Sons.cor. Congress and Oglethorpe. McQueen A. .Plum bet. Second and Third. Nisbet, T. ..Cotton Av. Schofield & Bro.Fifth n. Passenger Depot.


Artope, J. B. & Son Powell, Absalom....

,... Third cor. Plum. Forsyth n. Madison.




Freeman & Roberts,.cor. Plum and Cotton Av.


Arnold, W. R...Floyd House.

Baird, 0. II. .Cherry cor. Second.

Peters, J..Cherry n. Second.

Saulsbury E..Mulberry n. Second.

Shelton, E. L.Cotton Av. n. Second.


Audouin, Mrs. Sarah Bulkley, Mrs. A. Damour, Mrs. M... . Dessau, Mrs. F. Fox, Misses. Howland, Mrs. M. A.

Second n. Cotton Ay. ... Cherry n. Second. .138 Mulberry. .. .Second n. Cherry. . .. .Cherry n. Second. .9 Cotton Av.

MUSIC STORES. Schreiner, J. C. & Sons.Cotton Av. n. Second.

Virgin, J. A. &S. S.4 Cotton Av.

Brewer, E. E. Lovi, Henry. Snyder, S. E.

PAINTERS. .11 Cotton Av. .Orange n. Magnolia. .Cherry cor. Third.

Branham, J. & P. A Boon & Hammond . Clinkscales, A. L.... Commings, I. M.... Coxe, J. T... Fitzgerald, E. Fitzgerald, M.. ?.. . Freeman, M. R. Green, H. K. Green, James..'.... Griffin, G. G..:. Griggs, B. F.. Harrison, G.. Holt, W. F..... Horne, W.

PHYSICIANS. .Cotton Av. .... Second n. Mulberry. . . .Mulberry cor. Third. ... .Mulberry n. Fourth. ... .Mulberry n. Fourth. .Cotton Av. cor. Cher.iy. .East Macon. .. . .Mulberry n. Third, cor. First and Mulberry. Cotton Av. n. Mulberry. .... Second n. Mulberry. Plum opp. R. R. Depot. Cotton Av. cor. Cherry. .Cotton Av. cor. Cherry. . .. .Walnut cor. Third.



Jones, W. L...Third n. Cherry.

Lightfoot, W. S.Walnut cor. Fourth.

Mettauer, H. A.Cherry cor. Third.

Nisbet, K. II.Cotton Av. cor. Cherry.

Nottingham, <3. B.'.Second n. Cherry.

Pierce, A....Mulberry cor. Second.

Pye, A....".Third u. Plum.

itosevelt, C. J.Walnut cor. Third.

Smith, J. If.Cherry n. Second.

Thomson, M. S.Mulberry n. Third.


Andrews, L. H.Cherry n. Third.

Clisby, Joseph.Cherry cor. Second.

Rose, S. & Co.Third n. Cherry.


Bearden & Gaines,.Cotton Av. ab. Cherry*

Dunn, Wm. M.\.Third n. Cherry.

Huff, W. A..

Cotton Av. n. Cherry.

McCallie & Jones,.Cotton Av. n. First.


Brown, E. E. & Son.Fourth cor. Plum.

Ells, H. N. & Co.Mulberry opp. Lanier.

Ggrfield & Waterman,.Cherry n. Third.

Isaacs, E. & Bro.'.Cherry u. Third.


Cleghorn & Smith.Cherry n. Second.

Little & Smith,.Cherry n. Cotton Av.


Knight, John.Third n. Plum.

Woodruff, D. B. & J. W..cor. Cherry and First.


Noel, G. II.--.Poplar cor. Second.

Stubbs, G. F.-.Fourth cor. Poplar.

Phillips, W. R.- Poplar cor. Third.


Audouin, AC...,. Cotton Av. n. Mulberry.

McElroy, W. J.Third n. Cherry.
Wise, B. A.Cherry n. Second.



VARIETY STORE. Brainard, S.cor. First and Poplar.
WATCH MAKERS. Bohne, F. F.\..cor. Nevr an Cotton Av. Day & Maussenet.Mulberry n. Third. Johnston, E. J. & Co. .Mulberry n. Second. Menard & Burghard,..">i.Cherry n. Second. Skiff, V. W. &Co.Mulberry n. Second.
WINES AND LIQUORS. Riley, W. M. & Co.Cotton Ay. n. Cherr y
WHEELWRIGHT. Malsby, Lott.Fourth bet. Cherry and Mulberry. McGintj, J-.Fourth n. Cherry. Rogers, Berry.n. F. I. Works.

GOVERNMENT of the united states. The 18th Presidential Term of four years, since the establishment of the Government of the United States, under the Constitution, be gan on the 4th day of March, 1857, and will expire on the 4th day

of March, 1861.


President--James Buchanan, of Pennsylvania.|2J'000 Vice President--John C. Breckinridge, of Kentucky. ,U00

the cabinet.

Secretary of State--Lewis Cass, of Michigan..... .. Secretary of Treasury--Howell Cobb, of Georgia.... '

Secretary of Far-John B. Floyd, of Virginia. b,UUU

Secretary of Navy-Isaac Toucey, of Connecticut..

Secretary of Interior--J. Thompson, of Mississippi. 8,Ut U

Postmaster General--Joseph Holt, of Kenutcky. '

Attorney Genercd--J. S. Black, of Pennsylvania. ' GOVERNMENT OF GEORGIA.

Joseph E. Brown, of Cherokee, Governor .3,000

E. P. Watkins, of Hehry, Secretary of State.U

John B. Trippe, of Putman, Treasurer. Peterson Thweatt, of Muscogee, Comptroller General.l,bOU

A. J. Boggess, of Carroll, Surveyor General.1b0

H- G. Williams, of Baldwin, )


Henry M. Waters, of Cherokee, >- Sec ys Ex. Department.. -L-

J. B. Campbell, of Houston, ) E. M. Allred, of Pickens, Messenger... .500 C. J. Welborn, of Union, State Librarian. .600



T. L. Guerry, of Quitman, President of Senate. Frederick West, of Lee, Secretary of Senate.500 J. T. Irwin, of Wilkes, Speaker House of Representatives -Diamond, of Dekalb, Clerk House of Representatives... 500

Justices of Inferior Court--Wm. Holmes, Wm. Lundy, John J. Gresham, Wm. F. Willborn, Jas. B. Artope.
Sheriff---Thadius W. Brantly. Deputy Sheriff---E. G. Jeffers. Cleric Superior Court--Albert B. Ross. Cleric Inferior Court--John A. McManus. Tax Collector--John B. Cooper. Tax Receiver--Chas. Kitchens. Surveyor--Wm. Wood. Coroner--L. D. Wright.



[Elected by the Legislature for the term of six years.]



Joseph H. Lumpkin of Athens, Judge, Term expires 1863. .3,500

Linton Stephens, of Sparta, Judge, Term expires 1862. 3,500

Richard F. Lyon, of Albany, Judge, Term expires 1865.... 3,500

B. Y. Martin, of Columbus, Reporter.Perq. and 1,000

R. E. Martiu of Greensboro, Clerk.Fees


Mayor--O. G. Sparks. Aldermen--B. F. Ross, Gabriel Harrison, Jas. V. Grier, Daniel T.
Driggers, Clifiord Anderson, John Longley, Steven Collins, John T. Boifeuillett. Cleric & Treasurer--Richard Curd. Principal Marshal--John B. Cumming. Deputy Marshal--George Lawrence. Captain Guards--Wm. P. Anderson. Sexton--A. Brydie. Bridge Keeper--James Richardson. Clerk of Market--Steven Menard. Magazine Keeper--D. C. Hodgkins.



Street Overseer--Jas. B. Cooper. Guard House Keepei--James B. Arnold.


bank or middle Georgia--Third n. Mulberry.

Incorporated February 18th, 1856.

Capital Stock.$125,000 00

Isaac Scott, President.


H. Powell, Cashier.

Directors--Asher Ayres, E. II. Carhart, J. C. Curd, George Parsons.

manufacturer's bank--S. W. corner 2nd & Cherry St.

E. Bond, President.


G. W. Hardie, Cashier.

Directors--E. Bond, Bobt. Collins, David Flanders, L. P. Strong, C.

B. Cole. Capital.$134,550
For Bank Agents see Business Directory, Page 84.

POST OFFICE--Second near Mulberry St.

Postmaster--Dr. E. L. Strohecker. Office open from 7 a. m. till 8 J a. m., from 11 a. m. till 1 p. m., from
2 p. m- till 4J p. m., from 6 p. m. till 7 p. m. Sundays 7 a. m. till 81 a. m., from 6p. m. till 7 p. m. Northern mail due at 9 a. in., Northern mail closes at 7 p. m. Western mail closes at 8 a. m., due at 5 p. m. South-Western mail closes at 8 a. in., due at 8.44 p. m.


macon volunteers--Armory Mulberry n. 2nd. Organized in 1825.

Officers--R. A. Smith, Captain. A. G. Butts, 1st Lieut,; R. L. Wood, 2d Lieut,; C. H. Freeman,

3d Lieut.; C. H. Rogers, Ensign. Regular Meetings, first Friday in January, April, July and Octo-
tober--Regular Parades, January 8th, February 22d, April 23d, June 17tli, and July 4th. Drill Meeting--every Tuesday night,
floyd rifles--Organized in 1841.

Thomas Hardeman, Captain. Geo. W. Ross, 1st Lieut.; C. D. Findlay, 2d Lieut.; S. P.

Coleman, 3d Lieut.; B. P. Freeman, Ensign. Regular Meeting--first Friday in January, April, July, and Octo
ber. Regular Parades--January 8, 22d February', May 1st, July 4.



macon guards--Organized in 1859. J. R. Griffin, Captain. T. M. Brantly, 1st Lieut.; T. W. Manghan, 2d Lieut.3 M. 11. Freeman, 3d Lieut. ; J. R. Hill, Ensign. Drill Meetings, every Monday night--Regular Meetings, every Thursday night.
bibb county cavalry--Organized in 1834--Re-organized in 1857. E. Fitzgerald, Captain. W. IT. Ross, 1st Lieut. 3 C. R. Armstrong, 2d Lieut., J. S.
Baxter, Cornet.
Regular Meetings--1st Thursday in Janbary, April, July and October. Regular Parades--8th January, 22d February, 1st of May, and 4th July.
jackson artillery--Organized in 1859. Theodore Parker, Captain. John T. Boifeuillett, 1st Lieut. : G. A. Dure, 2nd Lieut. 3 John B. Cumming, 3rd Lieut. 3 E. G. Jeffers, Ensign 3 J. King, 0. S. 3 W. C. H. Cooper, Secretary and Treasurer.
FIRE DEPARTMENT. Chief Engineer--George S. Obear. Assistant Engineer--George W. Price.
PROTECTION EIRE COMPANY NO 1. F. S. Bloom, Foreman, A. Patterson, Ass't do. 3 E. D. Wil liams, Secretary 3 E. J. Johnston, Treasury 3 C. D. Wall, Engineer. Regular Meetings the 1st Tuesday night in each month.
ocmulgee no. 2--2nd n. Cherry. H. N. Ells, Foreman 3 C. Machold, Ass't do. 3 M. P. Westcott, Secretary3 F. Binswanger, Treasurer 3 B. F. English, Engineer. Meetings, 1st Friday night in every month.
young America no. 3--Third n. Mulberry. J. D. Van Valkenburg, Foreman 3 Chas. W. Ells, Ass't do. 3 S. Melton, Secretary3 W. H. Wagnon, Treasurer; John Streyer, Engineer.
Regular Meetings. 1st Monday night in each month.
A. G. Butts, Foreman; Jas. V. Grier, Ass't Foreman; Jas. Campbell, Ass't Foreman 3 A. McQueen, Secretary & Treas.
Regular Meetings on the first Friday night in each month.



MASONIC LODGES. MACON LODGE NO. 5. Geo. S. Obear, Master; Geo. Smith, S. Warden; C. R. Arm strong, J. Warden ; S. Rose, Secretary. CONSTANTINE CHAPTER NO. 4. J. E. Wells, II. P.; C. R. Armstrong, K.; R.L. Wood, S.; R. B. Clayton, Secretary. ST. OMER COMMANDER, NO. 2-KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Wm. S. Rockwell, G. Com.; Geo. S. Obear, Gen.; Gabriel Har rison, C. Gen.; J. E. Wells, Prelate; H. L. Jewett, S. Warden;

T. B. Elfe, J. Warden; S. Rose, Recorder. I. 0. 0. F.

FRANKLIN LODGE NO. 2. Meets at Odd Fellow's Hall every Thursday night.

F. F. Lewis, P. G.; J. H. Gillon, M. G.; Ranson Downs, V. G.;

G. A. Smith, R. S.; II. B Treadwell, P. S.; J. L. Jones, T. UNITED BROTHERS LODGE NO. 5.

Meets at Odd Fellow's Hall every Tuesday night. Officers.--P. T. Bartrum, P. S.; R. R. Raiford, M. S.; Wm. C. Beasly, V. G.; W. C. M. Dunson, R. S.; Geo. R. Barker, P. S.;


Meets 2d and 4th Monday nights at Odd Fellow's Hall.
Officers.--P. T. Bartrum, C. P.; II. B. Treadwell, II. P.; Ran
som Downs, S. W.; Charles Wellington, J. W.; Geo. R. Barker,

Scribe ; E. C. Granniss, Tr. SONS OF TEMPERANCE.

Tomichichi Division meets at Temperance Hall every Friday night.

J. C. C. Burnett, W. P.; W. C. Beasly, W. A.; A. McQueen, R. S.; J. 0. Goodale, A. R. S.; E. C. Granniss, Treas.; H. B. Treadwell, II. S.; Chas. Wallace, Com; Geo. Runyan, A. Com. ; H. E. Forsyth, J. S.; J. J. Forsyth, 0. S.; Jas. W. Armstrong,



ALTOONA LODGE NO. 2. Officers.--C. D. Findlay, G. C.; J. S. Pope, Y. G. C.; W. L* Stark, C.; Geo. B. Turpin, G. D.; W. C. II. Cooper, Sec. & Treas'




Methodist Episcopal, Mulberry cor. First; Rev. Jas. E. Evans, P. E--Rev. H. H. Parks, and G-. G. Smith, Pastors.
Baptist, Second bet. Cherry & Poplar ; Rev. Sylvanus Landrum. Piesbyterian, Mulberry cor. First; no-regular Pastor but the pul pit will be supplied every Sabbath.
Protestant Episcopal, Fourth n. Walnut; Rev. Henry K. Reese. Catholic, Fouath n. Poplar; Rev. Thomas O'Reilly. Methodist, cor. Arch and Oglethorpe ; Rev. J. R. Armstrong. Methodist, (col'd,) New n. Wharf; Rev. -Pat-ello.


Mulberry n. Second. Officers.--Clifford Anderson, President; Robert A. Smith, Sam uel Hunter, Samuel Boykin, L. N. Whittle, Vice Presidents; Dr. U. Yan Giesen, Recording Secretary and Treasurer, Geo. W. Bar die, Vice Recording Secretary; Rob t A. Smith, Corresponding Secretary; Dr. R. II. Nisbet, Vice Corresponding Secretary; A. J. Goodenoug-h, Librarian; L. W. Hunt, Ass't Librarian-


Central Rail Road.--From Macon to Savannah, distance 191

miles, with branches to Milledge and Eatonton. Distance to Mil-

ledgevillo 37 miles, to Eatonton 59 miles. Principal office at Sa



R. R. Cuyler, President, Savannah ; Geo. W. Adams, Sup't, Sa vannah ; D. F. Lefils, Treasurer and Ticket Agent, Savannah; G. A. Dure, Treasurer, and Ticket Agent, Macon.
Macon & Western R. R.--From Macon to Atlanta, 103 miles -- Principal Office at Macon.

Isaac Scott, President, Macon ; Alfred L. Tyler, Sup't, Macon ; Ira If. Taylor, Treasurer, Macon.

South-Western R. R.--From Macon to Albany, with branches to Butler, Eufaula, and Fort Gaines. Distance to Albany 1061 miles, to Butler 50 miles, to Eufaula 145 miles, (26 miles not completed,) to Fort Gaines 139 miles, (21 miles not completed,) to Cuthbert 119 miles, junction of Eufaula and Fort Gaines branches. Principal office at Macon.

R. R. Cuyler, President, Savannah; Virgil Powers, Sup't, Macon ;




John T. Boifeuillet, Treasurer, Macon ; E. W. Jenkins, Ticket Agent, Macon.
NEWSPAPERS. Georgia Citizen, issued weekly and serai-weekly ; proprietor, L. E W. Andrews. Journal & Messenger, issued weekly; proprietors, S. Rose & CoGeorgia Telegraph, issued weekly; proprietor, Joseph Clisby. . Baptist Champion, issued semi-monthly; proprietor, Joseph Walker. Christian Index, issued weekly; proprietor, E. W. Warren. American Republic, issued weekly; proprietors, J. Russel & Co.
Jos. M. Boardman, President; A. R. Freeman, Secretary and Treasurer; Geo. A. Mcllhenny, Supt.; Jas. A. Nesbit, J. B. Ayres, 0. G. Sparks, Elam Alexander, Directors.
MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH OFFICE.--Cherry st- n. 3d. J. C. Butler, Sup't; Jas. Partrick, Manager and Chief Operator.
Exercise meetings for playing at Base Ball, held at Camp Ogle thorpe every Saturday evening.
Officers.--N. Weed, President; G. W. Price, Vice President; A. A. Roff, Treasurer; J. S. Baxter, Secretary.
Wesleyan Female College.--President, Rev. John M. Bonnell, A. M.; Secretary, W. C. Bass; Librarian, C. W. Smith; Treasu rer, F. X. Forster.
Home Institute.--Miss E. M. Melville and Miss E. J. Gay 1 Professor of Music, Hermann L. Schaeiner.
Southern Reform Medical College.--L. Bankston, M. D.,
President; J. T. Coxe, M. D. Secietary; M. S. Thompson, M. D.,
Treasurer. Academy for the Blind.--James Mercer Green, President;
Nathan C. Munroe, Treasurer; Robert A. Smith, Secretary. Officers of the Academy.--William D. Williams, A. M., Princi
pal ; Miss H. Guillan, Literary Department; Mr. B. Hyde, Music
Department; Mrs. Williams, Matron.






Hotel This

has recently been altered and the adjoining building,

(the La Pierre House,) attached thereto.
The*whole has been


In first-class style, which with the pleasant location, renders it a most desirable home for the traveller. The best endeavors of the Proprietor will be exerted to sustain the enviable reputation it has heretofore enjoyed. The Rooms are

And supplied with all the modern improvements. Polite and well trained Servants are also constantly in attendance, to execute the orders of the guests. The Table is supplied with all the luxuries of the New-York market.

T ih: E
luliliral atilt Psteltoimrs faural,
TERMS -$2.50 per Annum,'always in Advance.
ilwiralloRGircIffl, A NEWS AND ADVERTISING SHEET, Published on Wednesday and Saturday Mornings 33-y Xj. IF- "W. -A.lSTIDEtE'WS, AT FOUR DOLLARS PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE.
j\_ Soini"MontIily Journal,
SPIRITUAL PHILOSOPHY AND SPIRITUAL PHENOMENA. Terms :--$1,50 per Annum, or Ten Copies fcr $12,00.



To the Citizens of Macon and vicinity.


Opposite the Passenger Depot,

here he can be found at ALL HOURS, when not professionally engaged.

Ife m Hft Manufacturers and Dealers, in



Keep constantly on hand and manufacturing, at their


- every style and finish of Furniture, of which the following comprises a part : Elegant Mahogany Parlor Setts, Dressing Bureaus, Secretaries, Desks
Book-cases, Sideboards, Hat-stands, Centre Tables. Card, Sofa, Side and Ladies'Work Tai bles sinks Dining and Tea Tables, EXTENSION TABLES, Saloon, Reading and Quartette

el andWash's'l^nT' oc'^.Ies> DlvTans' Large and Small Sofas. Ottomans, Music Stands, Tow el, and Wash Stands, fine Mirrors, Looking Glasses, Looking Glass Plates, Picture Glass and blames in gilt, mahogany, rosewood and walnut. Chairs..Southern Cottage, Spanish and Fiench Rockers, Voltaire and Easy Chairs of various styles and patterns ; Wardrobes Bede,*fs of every style and finish, Sofas, various styles, Feathers and Feather Beds, Pillows and Bolsters, Patent Spring Matrasses, Window Shades, gilt, plated and plain, Gilt Cornices Loons Bands and Pins, Brass Fixtures, Cords, Tassels, Screw Rings, 4c. Ac. Paper Haeging F re
land Paper",Plc ' Willow Ware> B"kets' Tubs, Brooms, Cabinet Hardwire?Garnish!

Furniture Repaired in the neatest and most substan
tial way. In fact, our stock is too extensive for specification. Call and see, or send your orders to

T, & Cf. WOOD, Macon. a.

/% - ,, 'A:



I. ffiSHIP Saratoga Trunks,
Sole Leather do. Valises,




and Retail Dealer in


3F* X

Golden Hill Shirts Collars, Drawers, Under Shirts, Cravats, Suspenders, Half Hose.

And Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Keeps constantly on hand one of the largest and most fashionable stocks in the city. He buys his Goods in the piece and has them manufactured with the greatest care and in the Ltest style.
flgg"He is also Agent for Bartholf's Sewing Machines.
He has thoroughly tested them and warrants them to perform well. The prices have been greatly reduced.
Second Street,.MACON, GEORGIA.
Risks taken in either or all the above named Companies.
Agent at Macon.



The Proprietor of this long established and favoiite Hotel pledges himself to spare no pains to give entire satisfaction to all his patrons.
itttj; & flmmuWfltts fifeping ftams, PARLOR ANQ OWING ROOM.
The Table will be served in the best style of the culinary art, inclu ding all the
Substantiate and Luxuries of the Season,
Also, constantly on hand
LIQUORS and CIGARS of undoubted quality.
A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. J. L. BYINGTON, Proprietor.
Is kept at this House, where Stages leave




Second Street, next to the Mechanics' Bank,
always has on hano a urge stock of
MIT, H^TT <&[^fl[ilBK]
Tor,ether with all kinds of TRIMMINGS usually found in a MXXjXjIJJErtY STORE. __
HTfT tch&co. thiahele block,
Opposite Marine Bank, .MACON, GrA-
dealers IL-L
Hen'sJouJIs' fli^CPrcn^

Hats, Trunks, Carpet Bags, Umbrellas,
And General Furnishing Goods.
laspnitaWe Jtenrij

Cotton Avenue, next door to Ross & Coleman's Store



Albany, Greorgia.
SAMUEL li. NIX,.Proprietor.
This House, (formerly the Isabella House,) has been

By the proprietor, who pledges himself that nothing will be omitted to insure perfect satisfaction to the visitors. A

Has been opened in connection with the House where Meals will be served at all hours. Also, a
Which will always be furnished with the best Liquors and Cigars.


Leave this House EVERY MORNING-, (except Sunday) for



- \ .**:*.











And WARRANTED both in quality and Price. No. 3, Cotton Avenue,..MACON, GA.

Cherry Street,.MACON, GA.

A&* All Orders left in his charge, will be executed with NEAT





Importer* and Dealers in all kinds of English and Ameri can HARDWARE, CUtLERY, Ac.
Have always on hand a Large and JPtill Stock, consisting of


03oaflIlcl;s>LDS3 SiOaa.&csNiycLlsiasSs.


JlUtiH {T/.Tf/Mfc


Plows. Corn PhHIers, Straw Cutters. Fan Mills, Threshers, Cradles, 4c., 4c.


fp'ndl 3, Peg-, Circular 4 Upright ?ws. Leather * Rubber Belling, Wire 4 Bolting Cloth.



Traces, Ax.s, Haines, Hollott'-Wure, Sugar Mills and Bnilers, Plows Steel,- Swedes Iron 4c.

Tims. Spokes, Hubs, Leather Cloths, Dashers, xAxles, Bands, &c.,
T- golher wi)> fill! fcssor-nwut of evetv artic'.- in their line too numerous to m-ntion. all of which sold at Ihe'l' wf at m&rket j>ric<. A '*r A cen ts for


At Manufacturers Prices.


UIIEAL UllBAICl AtllT & IBtllfi; MMOK 6A.


Capitai, $l,0u0,000. Assets $2,030,000.


Capital and Surplus, $366,000.


Capital and Surplus $225,000.


Capital and Surplus, $351,000.

Fire and Marine Sisks taken in the aboY# First-Class Companies on Tavora-

ble Terms.

/ppfi.CB'ioft W'll he received for Insurance on the lives of White Persons in the JETS A



NY Or NEAV \OHK. Also rit-ks on Negroes are taken on two-ihirds of their cash valu


Blank Form f Application for Insurance, and Pamphlets containing the Rules and Regu lations wiil be furnished gratis by

For Macon and vicinity.


. '
