Letter, 1814 Dec. 13, Fort Hawkins, [Georgia to] Peter Early, Governor of Georgia, Milledgeville / Colo[nel] Benjamin Hawkins

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I have had the pleasure to ricive [receive] yours of the
9th. and of a short conference with the General on its importance. I am of opinion General Jacksons intention, expressed in his letter of the 16th. to send a mounted detachment with Indians from Tensau, was founded on the information from me, to cooperate with an expected one on our part, against the concentration of force expected to be at or near Perrimans, the head quarters of the mischiefmakers; as well as to destroy the hostile fugitives from Pensacola. The detachment moving to and down Flint river, should in the first instance in my opinion, select and forti [document damaged: fy ] a proper place for a depot, and probably a second one. Which if they have the necessary tools is a work of three or four days only. Your mounted men shall arrive to cooperate soon thereafter, and the General having arrived at Fort Mitchell, will be able hearing from Majr. [Major] Blue to give eventual orders. As we have therefore, I am for having nothing in the rear, capable of annoying our frontiers, and so to regulate its movements, as not to have it divested from the important object, for which it was called into the service of the United States. I am not for leaving that Country with the force under my immediate command, unless orderd [ordered] thereto by the General, as long as I find [unclear text: symtoms [symptoms] ] of hostility towards us.
Micco Sookee is the main town of the Simenolies, they have six towns, and scattered settlements on little River and okeloconne, both of which must be crossed to get to it. -- The General will soon be able I hope, to make up his mind as to the propriety of entering that Country, and what may be the proper military course to be taken in relation to it. A subject which as he has not mentioned, I have not yet discussed with him.

I have the honor to be very respectfully Dear Sir your obt Serv [obedient Servant]
[Signed] Benjamin Hawkins Fort Hawkins
13th. decr. [december] 10 P. M.
Govr. [Governor] Early

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Letter from
Colo. [Colonel] Benjamin Hawkins
dated "Fort Hawkins
December 1814."

Indian Affairs

Answer written
6th. January 1815.

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[ Note: A postmark appears at the top of this page.; [illegible text]
Dec [December] 15 ]

Recd. [Received]
His Excellency Peter Early Governor of Georgia Milledgeville
