Acc[oun]t [of] Levi Sheftall for supplying Indians, 1776 / sworn to before W[illia]m O'Bryen [?]

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The publick [public] of Georgia To Levi Sheftall Dr for supplying the Indians

1776 To amt Brot. [amount Brought] from another Sheat [Sheet] £196..1..5 3/4

April 7th To 74lb [unclear text: beef ] a [at] 3 1/2d dd [delivered] to Billy 1..1..7

8 To 61lb [unclear text: beef ], 25 [deleted text: # ] qts Rice, 30lb pork 1..13..0

9th To 75lb pork, 13 qts Rice 1..7..8 1/2

12 To 2 Sides of Leather, by Mr Bryans ordr [order] 1..0..0

13th To 24lb beef 0..7..0
Errors Excepted £201..10..9 1/4

[Signed] Levi Sheftall

20th Feby. [February] 44lb pork a [at] 4d 0~14~8

24 do [ditto] 41lb pork 0~13~8

26 do [ditto] 40lb do [ditto] 0~13~4
March 2 18lb Pork 0~6~0

7 36lb do [ditto] 0~12~0

8 32lb do [ditto] 0~10~8
£205.1.1 1/4

[Signed] Levi Sheftall
Sworn to before me this
16th Octr. [October] 1776
[Signed] Wm. [William] OBryen J.P. [Justice of the Peace]

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Acct. [Account] for Supplying the Indians --
£205.1.1 1/4
No 13

