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Lowndes County
September 14 -- 1842
To His Excellency Charles J. McDonald
Sir your Communication dated
2nd Inst [Instant] I this day received informing me that Capt Jernigan was directed to increase his command and station a detachment in the neighborhood of Oscilla Swamp and directing me [added text: to discharge ] the detachment ordered out by me on their arrival, I have directed Majr [Major] Deas, on their arrival to muster and discharge them immediately, The Rolls shall be transmitted immediately on their discharges and also the Rolls of a detachment who served for a short time under Lieut. Prescutt Last Spring. I will also send you the Rolls of Capts. Johnson & Morgan, I had supposed from your correspondence with the secretary at War, that an officer of the federal army would be sent to muster & pay them but seeing no order to that effect, I will send them to you. that you may be enabled to examine and [deleted text: [illegible text] ] [added text: if ] necessary lay it before the next Legislature,
The Citizens who pursued the Indians that committed the Late depredations under the command of Col. Baily of Florida Overtook a party of the Indians Killed one and wounded several others. the Indians had seperated [separated] and only ten or twelve was supposed to be at the Camp when they found them, I did not learn how far they followed them as I have no official account but understood they were south of the St Augustine Road. Mr Blackburn who was wounded in the Late engagement in this County has since died and also the Negro man belonging to Mr Lee the other wounded men are in a [illegible text] way to recover
I have the honour [honor] to be your Excellencys most obedient and humble servant
[Signed] Levi J Knight
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Troupville Ga
19 Sep [September]
18 3/4
His Excellency Charles J McDonald Milledgeville Ga
Gen Knight
Sept 1842 --