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Lowndes County
May 19th 1842
To his Excellency C [Charles] J McDonald
Sir by a communication Just recd [received] from Major Deas, I learn from him that the Idians [Indians] has left, he informs me he can discover no fresh Sines [Signs], I am inclined to think the Indians that committed the depredations near the Georgia Line, was part of Tuskenuggee party and I learn since then that party has surrendered to Col Worth As the Indians have disappeared I have ordered the discharge of the forces under Major Deas I have not recd [received] any Communication from you Since I wrote you that I had ordered out Majr [Major] Deas but as the Enemy has disappeared I immediately ordered their discharge
I have the honour [honor] to be your Excellencys Obedient and humble servant
[Signed] Levi J Knight
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Troupville Ga
31 May
18 3/4
To His Excellency Chas. [Charles] J McDonald Milledgeville Ga
Levi J Knight