[Letter] 1841 Oct. 26, Department of War, [Washington, D.C. to] Governor Char[le]s J. McDonald / J[ohn] C. Spencer

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Department of War

October 26th 1841

Your Excellency's letters of the
19th, and
21st inst. [instant], with their enclosure's, have been received. Upon the receipt of your first letter, orders were promptly given, through the Major General Commanding the Army, to have the two companies of volontiers [volunteers], recently called out by your authority, mustered, into the service of the United States.
The Department is much pained, to hear of the threatened depredations upon the frontiers of Georgia, and will use all proper means at its disposal, to afford protection, to the exposed inhabitans [inhabitants] .

Very respectfully Your obedient Servt [Servant]
[Signed] J. [John] C. Spencer
His Excellency Chas [Charles] J. McDonald Governor of Georgia

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Hon [Honorable] J. [John] C. Spencer
Secy [Secretary] at War

