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Head Quarters, Etowa Cherokee Cty [County]
Septr. [September] 6, 1832
Governor Lumpkin
Permit me to introduce the bearer Mr. Fowler to your Excellency, a worthy young man of the guard, agreeable to an order from Genl. [General] Coffee I have dispatched Mr Fowler to Milledgeville to draw the funds deposited with Mr Bozeman by Genl. [General] Coffee for the use of the Guard. Immediately after the departure of Genl. [General] Coffee from this place I set out with a command, to visit the most important points of the Nation, at the same time I detached a command under Sergt. Parker across the Mountain Our return to Head Quarters were simultaneous & our reports, of the situation & good order of the Country pretty much the same. The Indians are perfectly tranquil. They have at last become satisfyed [satisfied] that they must submit to the Laws of Georgia. I visited the principal Men, When I had an opportunity of doing so, conversed freely with them on the subject of our differences, & I have no doubt in saying that all of our differences will be adjusted by [unclear text: Janr. [January] ] Genl. [General] Coffee also ordered that I should draw on your Excellency for an additional supply
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of Cartridges. I have it not in my power to send for them, for the want of a convenient vehicle, to transport them. & I am in hopes that we shall have so little use for them, that it would be the cheapest mode to purchase powder & Shot, & manufacture them as we should have need for them.
I am with Due respect Your Excellencys Humbl. Serv. [Humble Servant]
[Signed] Wm. [William] W. Williamson
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His Excellency Wilson Lumpkin Milledgeville Baldwin Cty [County]
politeness of Mr Fowler
Wm [William] Williamson
6th. Sept. 1832.
Ansd. [Answered]
Sep. 10th. 1832.