Plat [of] a tract of land, including the Creek Agency, 1821 May 29 / [signed by] Wilson Lumpkin

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[ Note: A hand drawn map appears on the top portion of the page.; Scale 40 chains pr. [per] Inch ]

State of Georgia

The above plat is a representation of that tract of land, including the Creek Agency -- and reserved for the use of the Government of the United States: as specifyed [specified] in the treaty concluded between the United States and the Creek Nation of Indians, at the Indian Spring on the
8th. day of January 1821 -- situate lying & being on the Flint River -- And surveyed under the authority of the President of the United States, on the
29th. day of May 1821.

[Signed] Wilson Lumpkin U. States Comsr. [Commissioner]

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Duplicate plat & Certificate of the reservation including the Creek Agency. --

Duplicate plat and Certificate of the reservation including the Creek Agency.
