Letter, 1794 May 19, Hickory Grove [to] Georgia Governor George Mathews / General John Clark

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Hickory Grove,
May 19th. 1794.
Saturday last I Returned from a scout Taken in consequence of the Late depred [document edge: ations ] of the Indians -- After making the greate [document edge: st ] exertions on my Part, I collected only one hundred and Forty men -- and not that number untill [until] the 9th Instant
Capt. Williamson contrary to my directions march'd [marched] his Troop about fifty miles from the high Shoals of the Apalachee, down Towards Fort Fidius, which oblidged [obliged] me To wait Two days for his Return, and Then his horses so fatigued that the [they] were not able to perform [unclear text: the Tour ] I had in view
Majr. [Major] Adams

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Promised to collect what men he cou'd [could] and meet me, but did not do so.
I wrote To Capt. Fauche for a part of his Troop, provided it wou'd [would] not be an infringement on his orders. The Capt. (who is always ready To afford every possible Assistance on those occations [occasions] ) directed Lieut. [Lieutenant] Stuart with a part of his Troop to meet me at the high Shoals in order to perform the Tour -- Lt. Col. Melton hearing this gave possitive [positive] orders to the Contrary -- Col. Phillips and Capn. [Captain] McAllister of Greensborough Turn'd [Turned] out as Volunteers, Together with about forty men part of which was Capt. Fauche's Troop
On Saturday the 10th Instant I left the high Shoals. That night was overtaken

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by an Express from Washington informing me that [unclear text: Timy. [Timothy] ] Barnard had left Augusta, suppos'd [supposed] for the purpose of dispatching Runners to the Nation, To intercept my March -- This occation'd [occasioned] me to alter my Rout -- I then cull'd [culled] the horses an [document edge: d ] got Sixty-five of the Best, and proceeded on To the South Side of the Oakmulgee Turn'd [Turned] down the dividing Ridge between Oakmulgee and Flint Rivers, untill [until] I Cross'd [Crossed] four plain paths, the fifth I took, and made for the Settlement; Cross'd [Crossed] the Oakmulgee at Toms Ford -- about 20 miles below where I Cross'd [Crossed] a Trail suppos'd [supposed] to be the Indians who had committed the afforesaid [aforesaid] murder, that being the only one I cross'd [crossed] on the Tour.
Two miles on this side of the River in the evening of the 13th Instant; I met Two Indians who immediately threw down

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their packs, and Run; one of which was killed, and scalp'd [scalped], the other wounded, and got into a cain Swamp -- Those were in my opinion proper objects, having but one day before stolen Two horses, from a Mr. Thompson near Fort Fidius, as it appeard [appeared] by a bill found in one of their packs, which was particularly described and proven, by the Testimony of four different persons, as will appear by the inclosed affidavit.
There was a Letter found where Lieut. [Lieutenant] Hay was kill'd [killed] stuck up against a tree which was sign'd [signed] -- Tim.y [Timothy] Barnard mentioning that the Two mares stolen from Phillip's were Taken by Two of the young Cussatahs, and that he had got the Mares from them therefore desired that the

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pursuers of the Trail might not follow farther than where they found that [unclear text: letter ]
On the 15th Instant the Indians Stole four horses near Fort Mathews, (To wit) one from Lt. Sedgwick, and the others from John Strong

I am Sir Your Mo. Obdt. Hble. Sert. [Most Obedient Humble Servant]
[Signed] [unclear text: Jno [John] ] Clark Brigr Genl [Brigadier General]
His Excellency The Governor
N.B. [Nota Bene] there cou'd [could] not have been less than 15 [unclear text: to. ] of Barbacu'd [Barbecued] Beef in each of the Indian Packs that [illegible text]

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Brigadier General John Clarke

19 May 1794
Ordered to be filed 26th Instant.


His Excellency George Matthews, Esq. Governor of Georgia.

[unclear text: 95.11.5 1/2 ]
