[Petition] 1787 Jan. 1, Augusta to the Governor / Captain James Pearre

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Jany [January] 1, 1787
A Pertition [Petition] to your Hounors [Honors] to Inform you that it is out of my Power to Furnish the Guard & Hostridges [Hostages] for [illegible text] Rashon [Ration] for it is so high for Beef is 5 [illegible text] & Pork the same for Corn 3/ [unclear text: 6 ] & Rum it is out of my Power to get for the Paper Medium & there hops [hopes] that your Honours [Honors] will allow some more [unclear text: thin 21/. R Rashon [Ration] ]

I am your Honours Humb. [Humble] Servant
[Signed] James Pearre
Capt [Captain] of the Guard.

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Captain James Pearrie

1 Jany 1787.
To His Honour [Honor] the Governer [Governor]

[unclear text: 1/6 W. Ration ]
