[Oral presentation] 1781[?], [to the] friends and brothers of the up[p]er and lower Creek Nation

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Friends & Brothers of the uper [upper] & Lower Creek Nation
You will remember the talk I gave my good friend & Brother the Tallasee King, it was a true & good Talk, it Spoke nothing but Peace & Friendship, & it Spoke the [unclear text: Sentiments ] of my heart & of my beloved men, they [unclear text: war [were] ] Great truths and not lies. I told you that our great Warior [Warrior] General Washington had beat the British great Warior [Warrior] in Virginia had killed a great number of his Soldiers, & taken their great Warior [Warrior] & eight thousand men Prisoners, also many of their large Ships Several thousand Sailors, with all their Cannon Powder & small arms, which has put an end to the war in Virginia. I also told you that Savannah would Soon be ours & then we should have possession of all this Country once more. You are Convinced that what I told you then is now true, Savannah is ours once more & you have Seen it with your own eyes, & have walked the streets with us with your own feet, we Shall soon have Charlestown also & the Spaniards will be in possession of St. Augustine, then our Ports will be opened again & we Shall be able to Supply you as usual with Goods .You are fully convinced [unclear text: we ] always spoke peace to you, we never called upon you to assist us in our Wars, we never asked you to spill your blood in our cause as the British have done, no we always desired you to remain at home quietly & peacebly [peaceably] & to mind your hunting, & support your women & children in peace & happiness, but no [now]

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Your mad men instigated by the [unclear text: treacherous ] & for the Sake of a few triffling [trifling] presents did wantenly [wantonly] fall on our Warriors in the night Some time Since, in hopes of cutting them [added text: all ] off, a people That never wanted to injure you, but always Sought your friendship, and had our Wariors [Warriors] Seen them, the day before they would have taken them by the hand & esteem'd [esteemed] them as friends & brothers, but happily as our people were not asleep, they were on their Guard, & have [illegible text] & fully revenged themselves, for the few drops of blood we have lost, by killing a number of your head men & Wariors [Warriors], whose [deleted text: [illegible text] ] [added text: Bodies ] have been left to the ravenous Wolves & the Birds of the Air, & Whose bones now lie white upon the Ground. their women are now widows & their Children fatherless, & are now left to [unclear text: moan ] the unhappy event, their blood is upon their own heads, they compelled us to do that which we would not wish to do
Brothers we hope your mad people have seen their error We hope they will repent & be sorry for what they have done and once more be wise like yourselves. We therefore [deleted text: [unclear text: desire ] ] [added text: hope ] you imediately [immediately] deliver up to us all the [unclear text: Commissaries ] & traders -- likewise all our negroes horses & cattle, that are among you A proceeding like this will convince us You mean to be our fast & firm friends, it will be a means of burying the hatchett [hatchet], [unclear text: brightening ] the Good old chain of friendship, & make the path [unclear text: strait [straight] fair ] & open, So that we Shall live like friend & brothers living upon the same land & eating out of the same dish We dont wish to be at peace with you because we are afraid no you must be convinced that is not the Case, for all our wariors [warriors] are now a hardy race of men & can endure any kind of fatigue and Surmount any Difficulties, they [illegible text]

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and [unclear text: keen ] cutting Swords and are not affraid [afraid] to die, and if your mad men Should prefer war to peace & should throw away the friendly & brotherly talks, which I now do & have [deleted text: [illegible text] ] before given [deleted text: you ] [added text: them ] then we Shall be under the disagreeable necessity of Going to their towns & lay them in ashes & make their women widows & their children fatherless, & their than dead bodies will cover the ground & be devoured by the Wolves of the forrest [forest] & Vulters [Vultures] of the Air, & their bones will lie white on the Ground, it is our enemies we mean to threaten & not our friends -- Now comparing the Horrid & Shocking distresses (incident to war) with the tranquil & happy effects of a generous Peace, pray let me ask you Seriously as men of sence [sense] who have a regard for their own Safety, & for the Safety of their own dear wives & children -- men whom I love & whom I would wish to take by the hand as friends & brothers -- Brothers I do not hesitate a moment respecting which of them you would prefer the Sword, or the Olive branch, as I told you before it is not fear that induces us to wish for peace with you, but the Affection we have for you your wives & children, I hope you will be wise & consider Seriously what I have told you and give us the Satisfaction we ask. It is true the English have run away & left us in peaceable possession of our capital once more -- Friends & brothers, Exalt & rejoice with me & my people upon this happy occasion -- but I am Sorry to inform you they have carried away [deleted text: [illegible text] ] the Most of their Goods [deleted text: [illegible text] ] [added text: with ] them, however trade will flow

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in upon us Shortly & we Shall be able to supply you with Goods as [deleted text: [illegible text] ] [added text: formerly ] -- for the present we will endeavour to collect Such articles of Goods as we can for you, I shall send Some Tobacco -- with you, as a token of my friendship to the Nation, in order that my good friend Tallasee King his head men & Wariors [warriors] may Smoke together in your great Square, So that the white Smoke may assend [ascend] to the Master of the Breath, & be a witness of the [illegible text] of my intentions
Friends & brothers I doubt not but you will remember all I have told you & will repeat in your great Square all these words what I have now told you
Brothers I have nothing further to Say to you at this time & therefore wish you a pleasant & agreeable Journey & a happy Sight of your friends & families

Indian Talk


Gov. Brownson
