[Letter in Spanish] 1781 Nov. 18, Pensacola, [Florida, to Governor of Georgia] Nath[a]n Brownson / Arturo O'Neill

Muy or'>Sor. mio:
El Gefe Uyagke me há Entregado la mui apreciada carta de oria'>V.S. [unclear text: V.U. ] fecha quatro del proximo Més pasado con la copia de la carta del Genl. [General] Greene la del Corol. [Coronel] Villes al Genl. [General] Jons de los muertos, y heridos del rcito'>Exto Americano en la Batalla de Eutau, y copia del tratado que oria'>V.S. ha hecho con las Naciones Criques.
Agradesco a oria'>V.S. este atento aviso, y Zelebro las Ventajas adquiridas por los Valientes, y buenos Patrícíos Amerícanos de loque doy a oria'>V.S. la en hora buena.
Sin Embargo, que mi voluntad y devida atencion a oria'>V.S. exije el que haga esta respuesta, devo significar a oria'>V.S. como dudo qe. [que] Va. [Vuestra] carta sea suya, pues sospecho el que pueda ser forsada, por alguno de los tratantes Ingleses, qe. [que] se hallan en dichos Naciones Yndias con el fin de que por el medio de una fingida correspondencia pueda sonsacar algu nas [algunas] Noticias de esta Provincia y quizas por este medio facilitar a los Yndios Portadres mayores Regalos, por lo que a clarare est Sospecha por medio del Agente del condeseo en la Havana, y Ynterin deseo a oria'>V.S. y a los de mas Valientes Heroes de la Republica toda prosperidad.
Me Ofrezco a las sus Ordenes de oria'>V.S. deseo Ocasiones de su Mayor satisfacion y or guarde '>qe. Nro S.or Ge su vida os'>ms. as. Panzacola
18 de Nov. 1781

BL [Bese los] manos de oria'>V.S. su mas atento servidor
[Signed] Arturo O Neill or Governador Don Nathan'>S.or Gveror D.n Nathn Brownson

Arturo ONiel
Governor, Pensacola


18 Nov. 1781


Arturo O'neil
Governr' [Governador] Pensicola:

18th Novr. [November] 1781

Dear Sir:
The Chief Uyagke delivered to me the much-appreciated letter of Your Lordship dated the fourth of the month just past with the copy of the letter from General Greene, that from Colonel Villes to General Jones, an account of the deaths and wounded of the American army in the Battle of Eutau, and a copy of the treaty that Your Lordship made with the Creek Nations.
I thank you for this courteous notice, and I rejoice at the advantage gained by the valiant and good American patriots, for which I congratulate Your Lordship.
Nevertheless, my good will and due attention to Your Lordship demands that I make this reply. I must inform Your Lordship that since I doubt the letter is yours, I suspect that it could be forged by some English traders, who are found in the aforementioned Indian Nations, falsifying correspondence to obtain some news from this Province, and perhaps by this means supplying the Indians with better gifts, for that reason I will clear up my suspicions with the agent [illegible text] in Havana, and in the meantime I wish your honor and the valiant heros of the Republic the greatest prosperity.
I offer my best wishes for your success and may the Lord be with you. Panzacola
Nov. 18 1781.

I kiss the hands of Your Lordship. Your most attentive servant
[Signed] Arturo O'Neill His Excellency Governor Nathan Brownson

Arturo ONeil
Governor, Pensacola


18 Nov. 1781


Arturo O'neil
Governor Pensicola:

18th Novr. [November] 1781
