[Letter] 1782 Oct. 2 to Col[onel Thomas] Brown / James Wright, [Royal Governor of Georgia]

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the 2nd of Octr [October] 1782 .
Having had Several Conversations with the [unclear text: gentln [gentlemen] ] of the Council & also with Col Clarke as to the [unclear text: Propriety ] of Employing a Party of Indians [unclear text: agt [against] the the [the] Rebels ] and we being [unclear text: all of the Opinion that ] it may be Proper. -- on the [illegible text] I wrote Col C. as follows -- "and if Col Brown comes [unclear text: here ] before the Indians go away. We are [unclear text: hopefull [hopeful] ] he may be able to prevail on [unclear text: some ] of them to Join our [unclear text: Force ] & if [unclear text: that cannot ] be accomplished. [illegible text] Proper Talkes [Talks] may be Immediately Sent to the Nation. [unclear text: that ] a Number of them maybe Got from [illegible text], & come to our assistance, with all [unclear text: possible dispatch ] ." But from what you [unclear text: mentioned ] last Night, that it might be better they should go to the [unclear text: Frontier Quietly ] & not come to [unclear text: Savh [Savannah] ] : I acquainted the council therewith this morning, and if it is the opinion of [unclear text: Col C. & yrself [yourself] ] that the Indians [unclear text: should ] be so Employed we approve of it. but desire to have timely Notice, [unclear text: that Pryor ] Information may be [unclear text: given ] with respect to the [unclear text: Line ] [added text: which you wished might be drawn. ] but [unclear text: with ] we cannot without further Inquire Conclude upon. I have the honor to be &c. [et cetera]
Lieu [Lieutenant] Col Brown Superintend [Superintendent] &c. [et cetera] [unclear text: Writ by Gov Geo ]
[unclear text: / Wright ]

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Letter to [unclear text: Lieut Col ] Brown about [unclear text: Employing ] the Indians
2d [2nd] Oct. [unclear text: 81 ] also my Note to Col Clarke
To His Excellency Sr. James Wright,
[unclear text: &c, &c, &c, &c, [et cetera et cetera et cetera et cetera] ]
