[Legal opinion in the case of] Benjamin Harrison, 1796 Feb. 23, Louisville, [Georgia] / [signed by] Henry G. Caldwell, D[avid] B. Mitchell, Ben[jamin] Taliaferro, [and] Peter L. Van Alen

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Louisville, State House
In the Case of Benjamin Harrison, now in Custody, charged with the Murder of certain Friendly Indians on the Frontiers of this State, Refered [Referred] to us for a legal [deleted text: [illegible text] ] [added text: opinion ] thereon --
We are of opinion that Killing of any [added text: friendly ] Indian or Indians within the Limits of this State is declared Murder and punishable in the same Manner as if the party Killing such Indian or Indians had Killed any white Inhabitant thereof and recommend that he be sent to the County where the offence was committed with an Executive Order to some Justice of the Peace of said County, to take Bond with sufficient Security for his Appearance at the next Superior Court to be held for the County, Provided that such Bond hath [has] not already been legally taken and [illegible text]

[Signed] Ben Taliaferro
[Signed] D. B. Mitchell
[Signed] Peter L. Van Alen
[Signed] Henry G Caldwell
23rd February 1796
