[Letter] 1815 Oct. 5, Fort Decatur, [Tennessee to] Major Gen[era]l E[dmund] P[endleton] Gaines / J[?] McDonald

Fort Decatur
Octo. [October] 5th 1815
I have delayed writing for some days waiting for the return of the big warrior and his Chiefs from fort Strother believing on their return that we should be able to form a correct Idea of what we had to expect from the peace and War party of Indians; finding their is no certainty as to the time those Indians will return, I will furnish you with such information as we have rec'd [received] from Col. Hawkins and other sources. --
Col Hawkins states that the Indians below the line in conjunction with the war party, which includes the Seminolies are hostile, & will unquestionably give [document damaged: a ] battle at or near Chattahoochee river, there are various opinions as to the strength of those Indians from eight hundred to Two Thousand: all agree in opinion that war is inevitable, the peace party are determined to render us no assistance and complain that the Government has done them injustice in withholding a part of the treaty, the fact is that they want some grounds on which they may have room to quibble to take up the war club, in as much as one town has stated they will render all the services they can to the war party indirectly --
The Honble [honorable] John Sevier is no more. he died on the 24th Ultimo, Col. Hawkins is extremely ill and cannot possibly leave his tents for a considerable time if ever. The prospect of our return for this time is very distant, without a Commissioner should come on to fill the vacancy of Genl [General] Sevier -- We shall certainly not be able to leave this till some time in Novr. [November]

I have the honor to be &c &c [et cetera et cetera] ( -- signed)
[Signed] J. McDonald Col. 7th Infy [Infantry] Major Genl. [General] E. P. Gaines [unclear text: Command ] E.S. Southern Division.

Letter from
Maj. Genl. [General] E.P. Gaines
dated Augusta
13th Oct. 1815
Rec'd. [Received]
17th October
Indian Affairs
