[Journal entries pertaining to] the Colony of Georgia, [James] Oglethorpe, [and] Yammacraw [i.e. Yamacraw], 1732 Feb. 3 [to] 1732 Mar. 24

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[pages missing] "two more ships with People (which will make the number 500 ) expected daily."
"The Aldermen of London propose to make collections in their respective wards from House to House, for settling poor families in Georgia"

Feby. [February] 3, 1732
There is a long piece of verse on the subject of Georgia & Oglethorpe which may be curious as the first effort of the [illegible text] on this subject. I may extract it hereafter.

March 10. 1732
I find a notice of the benifit [benefit] the new Colony of Georgia already was to So.Ca. [South Carolina] Two prisoners having escaped & made great depredations upon the plantations, were arrested by Oglethorpe "who is now incamped [encamped] near where the new Town is to be" -- &such to Charleston --

24 March
Is a long letter description of a visit paid to the colony of Georgia [illegible text] S.E.
"On Tuesday 13th Inst. [Instant] I went on board a a [a] canoe in company with Mr Geo. [George] Ducat & Mr [deleted text: [illegible text] ] [added text: [unclear text: John ] ] Ballantine with 4 negroes & set off from Lloyd's Bridge for Georgia, & passing by Port Royal on Wednesday night, we arrived on Friday morning before day at Yammacraw, a place so called by the Indians, but now Savannah in the colony of Georgia: Some time before we came to the Landing, the Centinel [Sentinel] challenged us but understanding who we were, admitted us ashore. This is a very high Bluff, 40 foot perpendicular from high water mark.

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it lies according to Capt Gascoigns observations in the Lat. [Latitude] of 31.58~ which he took off Tybee an island at the mouth of the Savannah river. Its distant from Charleston South West, according to the Course & Winding of the Rivers & Creeks about 140 Miles, but by a direct Course 77, allowing Suillivan's Id.. [Island] to be in the Lat: [Latitude] of 32.47. From Augustine N.E. & by E. about 140 miles, and by the course of the Rivers is distant from Fort Moore 300 miles, but upon a direct Line, but 115 Miles N.W. & by W. This Bluff is distant 10 miles from the Mouth of the Rivers on the south Side and [unclear text: Parrysburg ] is 24 Miles above it on the North, and is so scituated [situated] that you have a beautiful Prospect. Both up & down the River its very sandy & barren, and consequently a wholesome Place for a Town or City; there is on it 130 odd Souls. and from the time they embarked at London to the Time I left the Place there died but 2 sucking Children & they at Sea."
"When they arrived there was standing on it a great Quantity of the best Sorts of Pine most of which is already cut down on the Spot where the Town is laid out to be built: The Land is barren about a Mile back, when you come into very rich Ground, and on both Sides [illegible text] a Quarter of a Mile of the Town, is choice good planting Land. Col: Bull told me, that he had been 7 miles back and found it extraordinary good."
"Mr Oglethorpe is indefatigable; takes a vast deal of Pains; his Fare is but indifferent having little else at present than Salt provisions; he's extreamly [extremely] well beloved by all his People; the general" [pages missing]
