[Legal resolution and accompanying deposition] 1747 Dec. 14, Frederica, Georgia / signed [by] Himmopaiohe ... [et al.]

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[ Note: The top left portion of this page is missing. ]

[document damaged] Frederica in Georgia
Decemr. [December] 14. 1747
[document damaged] War king of [unclear text: ye ] Cowetas & Thlockpalaki head warior [warrior] [document damaged: h ] ead warior [warrior] of ditto & Actithliki beloved man of [unclear text: ye ] [document damaged] e & Ischabo [added text: a ] gy beloved man & Nipky & Himmopaiohi [document damaged: C ] hehaws. Whyanneachi & Etowah warriors of said [document damaged] ah warrior of said town & Estchotkalleachi yahulla [document damaged] Laws of our Nation to conclude Everything for [unclear text: ye ] [document damaged] ledge Malatchi Opiya Mico to be our rightfull [rightful] & [document damaged] ther acknowledge that by [unclear text: ye ] Laws of our Nation We [document damaged] every act & deed of his as much as if we ourselves were [document damaged] declaration to all Subjects of the Crown of great Britain [document damaged] ly as our Natural Province to Transact all affairs [document damaged] Nation as firmly & fully to all [unclear text: intents ] & purposes [document damaged] the whole Nation might or could do if present, In confirmation of wch [which] presents we have hereunto sett [set] our hands & affixed our Seals in behalf of the different towns we represent the Day & date above written [ Note: Marks and "(seal)" follow most of the signatures in the list below. ]
Signed & sealed in [illegible text] presence of

[Signed] Alexander. Heron
[Signed] James Mackay
[Signed] [document damaged]
[Signed] John Calwell
[Signed] Thomas Walker
[Signed] Thomas Clemons, sworn Interpretor [Interpreter]
[Signed] Himmopacohe
[Signed] Fokeah
[Signed] Whyanneachi
[Signed] Etowake
[Signed] Mahelabbi
[Signed] Schiyah
[Signed] Estchotkalleachi
[Signed] Simpeyofy
[Signed] Thlockpalake
[Signed] Moxumgi
[Signed] Iswige
[Signed] Actithlike
[Signed] [deleted text: [illegible text] ] [added text: Ceocolah ]
[Signed] Appalya
[Signed] Ischaboagy
[Signed] Nipky

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Endorsd. [Endorsed]
Alexr. [Alexander] Heron Esqr. [Esquire] being dewly [duly] sworn saith that he was present & did see [unclear text: ye ] several Indian Chiefs within named sign Seal & deliver [unclear text: ye ] within instrument & that he & the other Wittnesses [Witnesses] Subscribed their names thereto at [unclear text: ye ] same time Sworn before me this
2nd of January 1747

[Signed] [illegible text] Wright . JP
So [South] Carolina
Secretarys office recorded in book G.G 239 by [unclear text: one ]
[Signed] Wm Geo. [William George] Freeman Dep Secy [Deputy Secretary]

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Copy --
Malatchi Opoyo Mico [deleted text: [illegible text] ] [added text: acknowledged ] Emperor.
The original [unclear text: I have ]
[unclear text: & other ] deed from the Indians

Decr. [December] 14. 1747.

Copy [unclear text: B 2 ]

