[Letter], 1822 Apr. 12, Creek Agency [to] Gen[era]l George Mathews / Benjamin Hawkins

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Creek Agency
12 April 1822
Since my communication of the 6th I was informed by the [unclear text: post rider ] that the ensuing trip would be a failure, thereupon I contracted with Edward [unclear text: Clanton ] a respectable man to take your dispatches to Colo. [Colonel] McKee & General Hampton; I have on reflecting on your communications to [unclear text: me ] had much anxiety for your situation and the plan you have adopted which in my communication of the [unclear text: 6th ] I said generally I liked this I said on a Supposition you were acting strictly in conformity with your [unclear text: situations ] But as far as I recollect of these I am apprehensive you have greatly exceeded your [unclear text: powers ] . I have visited the Governor of Georgia lately in part to learn from him any thing he may have received from government as had nothing relative to you, he has had [unclear text: nothing ], and is greatly embarrassed as his situation as his authority is limited by the [unclear text: Limit ] of the State [unclear text: but ] in special cases [unclear text: unless ] called on by the genl. [general] government He [unclear text: knows ] your [unclear text: design will ] require [illegible text] of him and promptly too, He has given [illegible text] orders but [unclear text: will not move ] troops to your aid [unclear text: within ] C. Florida [unclear text: unless expressly ] required [unclear text: thereto ] by the proper authority. It has been [illegible text] to me that you have originated the whole movement of the Patriots and that you even attempted to [unclear text: end there ] with a part of the troops of the United States in disguise that an agent or spy of [unclear text: McIntosh ] has been present and made [unclear text: inquisitions ] with [unclear text: every ] occurrence. If this is true I think the government [unclear text: will be greatly perplexed ] by the [unclear text: transaction ] It seems to me to be [unclear text: a departure ] from that correct line of conduct informly [informally] [unclear text: observed ] by them [unclear text: towards ] all nations. If they [unclear text: meant ] to [unclear text: use force ], it [unclear text: would have only been ] in the case pointed out in the Law, and they [illegible text] for the purpose which [unclear text: seems ] not to be the case. I believe myself the government [unclear text: means ] only to act upon the [unclear text: secret ] [unclear text: Law ] for taking possession of the [unclear text: Floridas ] I doubt whether the [illegible text] local authority [unclear text: could ] be applied to any other than the existing authority at the time of [unclear text: passing ] the act. Yet if you have knowledge that [unclear text: any ] foreign power attempts

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taking possession you can in such case take possession for the United States -- I take it for granted you have kept the government constantly advised of everything under your [unclear text: agency ] and it is possible as you correspond with the Secry [Secretary] of State and I only with the Secretary of War, is the cause I have had nothing about you; but this would not be the case with the Governor of Georgia who I suppose corresponds with [unclear text: both ] .
I shall visit the Governor again this week and as we confide in each other [unclear text: will know ] all he knows on your business and [unclear text: shall ] write you again as I obtained [illegible text] on occurrences with you or [illegible text] with you. Our chiefs [unclear text: will ] at Cowetah the
3rd of may I will then mention the Situation of the affairs of their neighbours [neighbors] in a proper manner to them. But I shall be embarrassed unless I hear from Government I will however do any thing you require of me in the mean time, and [unclear text: rather ] suppose [unclear text: my reflections ] on your proceedings are [illegible text] that your actions [illegible text] as your appointment is of [unclear text: long thinking ] your action the subject of discussion between our Minister for foreign affairs and the minister of his [unclear text: Majesty ], and there has been full time to get you [unclear text: right ]
Your [unclear text: negro ] girl and your [illegible text] are in good health Remember me respectfully to Colo. [Colonel] Isaacs. Our little family go tomorrow for Milledgeville to attend a dancing school they attend [unclear text: at ] home their schoolmaster for reading writing arithmetic and Geography and Lectures in Botany by [unclear text: Doct. [Doctor] ] Baldwin a respectable gentleman from the [unclear text: Northward ]
I am with [unclear text: sincere esteem & regard ] my [unclear text: Dear ] General [unclear text: Yr. Ob Ser [Your Obedient Servant] ]
[Signed] [unclear text: Benjamin Hawkins ]
Genl. [General] George Mathews
