Articles of a convention held at Augusta, in the County of Richmond, [Georgia], 1783 Nov. 1

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Secretary's no.

State of Georgia.
office. [document damaged]
Recorded in Book [unclear text: C3 ]
[unclear text: fo 85 a 89 ] this
13th Jany. [January] 1784 and examined
[Signed] J. Milton
Secry [Secretary]

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The Commissioners answer
Nov. [unclear text: 1 ], 1783

We are happy to find that our good friends and Brothers the Creeks have renewed their friendship with their white Brethern [Brethren] in this Land and we can now sit down and smoke together in friendship. Eat out of the same dish and drink out of the same cup and now the Hatchet shall be buried deep and we will take fast hold of each other by the arm, and your Women & Children and our Women & Children will also live in friendship together. We will procure Six Horses for you and will [illegible text] [document damaged] our best endeavors to get the remain [document damaged] the talk you have given we wi [document damaged] our great General and Warrier [Warrior] [deleted text: s ] and [unclear text: to ] Gen [document damaged] Greene & Wayne-. We will be content to g [document damaged] to the head of the South fork of the Okoney thence down the said Waters to the old line
The Relinquishment [deleted text: [illegible text] ] being on the Table was immediately filled up. [illegible text] [document damaged] [deleted text: [illegible text] ] [added text: and ] executed in the presence of the Subscribing Witnesses, and is as follows viz [document damaged]

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Articles of a Convention held at Augusta, in the County of Richmond and State aforesaid this
first day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred and eighty three and in the eighth year of [unclear text: the ] Independence of the said State; between, John Twiggs, Elijah Clark, Edward Telfair, Andrew Burns, and William Glascock, Commissioners appointed by the Authority of the same, on the one part, and the Tallesee King, the Tallesee Warrier [Warrior], the Fat King [ink has faded], [unclear text: Alachago ], [unclear text: Hitcheto ] warrier [warrior] Okoney, Okolege, [unclear text: CuseKing ], Secondman, Inomatuthala, [unclear text: Inomatuthulnigu ], Head Warrier [Warrior], [unclear text: Sugahacho ],
[ Note: Several lines of diagonal slashes appear between paragraphs. ] Head men, Warriers [Warriors] and Chiefs of the [document damaged] Tribes of Creek Indians, in behalf of the said Nation on the other parties [document damaged] follows.
Whereas a good understanding and Union between the Inhabitants of the said State, and the Indians aforesaid,

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[ink has faded] ssary and convenient, [document damaged] well on Account of a Friendly intercourse and Trade, as for the purposes of Peace and humanity. It is therefore agreed and Covenanted-.


That all differences between the said Part heretofore subsisting, shall cease and be [unclear text: forgot ]


That all just debts due by any of the said Indians to any of the Merchants or Tra [document damaged] of the said State, shall be fairly and fully [document damaged] and all, Negroes, Horses, Cattle, or other pro [document damaged] taken during the late War, shall be restor [document damaged]


That a new line shall be drawn without delay between the present settlements [document damaged] the said State and the Hunting ground of the said Indians, to begin on Savanna [document damaged] river where the present line strikes it, thence up the said river to a place, on the most northern branch of the same, (commonly called Kiowe,) where a NorthEast line, to be drawn from the top of the [unclear text: Ocunna ] [document damaged] Mountain, shall intercet [intersect] ; thence along the said l [document damaged] in a South west direction to the top of the said [document damaged] Mountain, thence in the same direction to [document damaged] River, thence to the top of the Currohee Mounta [document damaged] thence to the head [document damaged] source of the most Southern branch of the Okoney river, including all th [document damaged] waters of the same, thence down the sai [document damaged] River to the Old line. [ Note: Several lines of diagonal slashes appear at the bottom of the page. ]
