[Letter] 1826 Apr. 3, Department of War, Off[ice of] Indian Affairs, to Opothle Yoholo and other members of the Creek Delegation / Tho[mas] L. McKenney

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Department of War Off: [Office ] Indian Affairs
3rd. April 1826.
To O Poth le Yoholo, and other -- Members of the Creek Delegation.
Friends & Brothers,
Your letter to the Secretary of War of the 1st. Inst. [Instant] is received, in which you have assigned Twenty four thousand Dollars of the proceeds of the Treaty recently executed by you, for the education of your Children, at the Choctaw Academy, at the Blue Springs, in Kentucky, under the direction of the Baptist General Convention. The Secretary of War directs me to convey to you the high approbation of your Great Father, as also of his own, of an act which reflects so much credit upon the intelligence of the Creeks, and attachment to the best interests of their offspring; and directs also, that I prepare regulations for the Government of those funds, for your sanction and his approval. I am prepared to submit the same to your Secretaries to whom the execution of the specific arrangements are referr'd [referred] by you,

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at any time when it may suit their convenience to call at my office.

Your friend & Brother,
[Signed] Tho: [Thomas] L. McKenney.

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