[Orders], 1838 May 29, New Echota [to] Bri[gadier] Maj[or] W[illia]m P. White[?] / by command of Brig[adier] Gen[era]l Floyd

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Head Quarters Mid Mily [Middle Military] District New Echota
May 29th 1838
No 8. /
The Commanders of the Posts of the Middle District will immediately report to Brig. Genl. [Brigadier General] Floyd by express; the number of Indians brought in or who have surrendered themselves at their Posts respectively; distinguishing Men, Women, and Children, and such reports will be repeated twice a week as long as the Indians Continue to surrender or are Captured -- Should any extraordinary event occur in Collecting the Indians, it will be reported to the Brig. Genl. [Brigadier General] without the least delay -- The Commanders of the Posts respectively will attend strictly to the instructions Contained in the last Column of the printed order ( No 25 ) of the Commanding General -- The property of the Indians such as hogs, Cattle Corn [deleted text: & ] Fodder &c. [et cetera] which cannot be removed with them, will be attended to for them by agents, appointed by the superintendent of Cherokees emigrating -- The Military will have nothing to do with any Indian property, except such supplies of provisions as may be necessary to their regular Consumption the taking possession of which the instructions in order No 25 referred to above will be particularly observed --
When the Indians of the principal towns or settlements in the Vicinity of [deleted text: [unclear text: town ] ] a Post are Collected, the Commander of such post May

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send out two or three runners to induse [induce] stragglers Come in -- For such purposes the heads of families will be selected, their families remaining as [unclear text: security ] for their return --

By order of Brig Genl [Brigadier General] Floyd Commg [Commanding] Mid Mily [Middle Military] G. [illegible text]
[unclear text: Wm. [William] P. White ] Bri: Maj: [Brigadier Major] & Chief of the Staff
