[Letter] 1804 Feb. 9 [to the] warriors and cheifs [sic] of the Cherokee Nation / [John Sevier] of an image

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Warriors & Cheifs [Chiefs] of the Cherokee Nation
[deleted text: Brothers ]
[illegible text]
I am sorry to hear that some of [deleted text: you ] our brothers of the red people have lately [deleted text: received some ] been [added text: very ] much abused by A white man -- I have lately received a letter from [deleted text: a ] [added text: one of the ] Colonels of the County where the mischeif [mischief] was done -- It was done in Buncomb County No [North] Carolina And not by any of the people of Tennessee, therefore I shall expect that no anger or animosity will take place on the Occasion between your people and the people of Tennessee -- The officer has sent me a discription [description] of the man, and his name, [deleted text: and expects he has come this Way ] The murderor [murderer] has fled And it is expected [deleted text: he ] has made for this State; if I can hear of him [added text: you may be assured ] I will certainly have him [deleted text: taken ] [added text: apprehended ], And [deleted text: sent ] [added text: taken ] back to where he committed the murder, in order that

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may be punished -- Our Father the president has consigned the business respecting the road to be [deleted text: cut ] [added text: opened ] through your Nation into the State of Georgia, to the Governor of that State, and the Governor of Tennessee, together with your beloved agent Colo. [Colonel] Meigs, and such of your own Cheifs [Chiefs] as your Nation May think proper to appoint -- [deleted text: As soon as ] [added text: When ] we may agree on the place for Commissioners to meet, and have all things arranged, you will be informed [added text: & notified ] by Colonel Meigs in time to be prepared, [deleted text: to ] [added text: to [deleted text: and they [illegible text] ] ] enter upon the business, agreably [agreeably] to the agreement [deleted text: you entered into ] [added text: made ] with the United States.

Your friend & Brother

Executive department Knoxville
9 Febry [February] 1804


Warriors & Cheifs [Chiefs] of the Cherokee Nation -- [illegible text]
Col. [Colonel] Meigs

