Letter, 1789 Oct. 4, Buck Creek, Effingham County, Georgia, [to Governor] George Walton / Colo[nel] Caleb Howell

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Buck Creek Effingham County
october [added text: the ] 4 1789
I am last eveing [evening] from Great ogechee and am exceeding Sorrey [Sorry] to inform your honour [honor] the unhappey [unhappy] Situation of those inhabitance [inhabitants] on the South of the river [deleted text: [illegible text] ] their [deleted text: [added text: the ] ] disagreable [disagreeable] newes [news] we have from -- the treatey [treaty] Ground and the depredations Committed Since McGilverys departure on Capt [Captain] Bird by taking fore [four] -- negroes and [added text: one ] hors [horse] and three horses from Mr [unclear text: Lostinger ] theare [there] is a party in pursute [pursuit] who had not returned when I left that -- -- I have two Six pounders which I Shall immediately Send to the protection of this County if your honour [honor] thinks fit I will have the old forts pu [edge of document] in repeare [repair] we Shall want som [some] powder and balls Swords if to be had and likwise [likewise] Some way of suppleys [supplies] as we Shall not be able to Git [Get] men in to the field with out -- in the absents [absence] of Genearel [General] Jackson I Shall forward everyy [every] [illegible text] necessary and Shall be happey [happy] to heare [hear] from your honour [honor] as Soon as Convenient

I am Sir your Honours [Honor's] moast [most] obedt [obedient] and very humble Servant
[Signed] Caleb Howell

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Publick [Public]

The Honorable George Walton Esqr [Esquire] or preseden of Counsell [president of Council]
to be forwarded by Mr Pearce

Colo [Colonel] Caleb Howell
[added text: 4th ] [deleted text: 12 ]
October 1789
29 instant
farther Order taken by
Novem [November] 21 [unclear text: Do ]

Indian depradations [depredations]
