Letter, 1786 May 23, [to] Governor [of Georgia, Edward Telfair], [Au]gusta, Georgia / Capt[ain] Joshua Inman

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Honnourble [Honorable] Sir
we have Grate A Larms hear [Great Alarms here] a the peo [document damaged: ple ] Drove of [off] from there [their] small farmes [farms] the Indians s [document damaged] [illegible text] to be very sassy I have not taken my Gun in m [document damaged: y ] hand yet waiting for the Motion of the Honnur [document damaged: able ] Council and Assemble [Assembly] as I am partly shore [sure] [document damaged] that there will be a ware [war] without some a [document damaged] stope [stop] to the [unclear text: persedints ] now in hand they h [document damaged] been with ten miles of me and has [document damaged] severl famelys [several families] I shall be Glad to heare [hear] [illegible text] [document damaged] your Honnour be for [Honor before] I tak [take] up my Gun but [document damaged] Cannot suffer them Come much niere [near] this [document damaged]
yuor [your] Ever well wishing frind [friend]
[Signed] Joshua Inman

May the 23d 1786

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His Honnour [Honor] the Govaner [Governor] at Gusta [Augusta]

Letter from Capt. [Captain] Inman & answer

23 May 1786

Indian Depredations
