[Letter], 1834 Apr. 3, Aquohee Dist[rict], Cherokee Nation to the gentlemen of the [Cherokee ?] Delegation / Sam[ue]l Dick

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Aquohee Dist. [District] Cherokee Nation
April 3rd. 1834
To the Gentlemen of The Delegation Messrs. [Messieurs] Ross. Taylor McCoy, Timson & Hair Conard
I beg leave respectfully to represent to you The injustice and abuse I have suffered of late through operation and under the authority or pretended authority of the Enroling [Enrolling] Agent Major Curry together with the pretence of the operation of the laws of Georgia. I have made application for redress to Major Curry but could get no attention nor satisfaction whatever. I [deleted text: hope you will take [illegible text] ] have also applied to Col. Montgomery but he says he has nothing to do in the matter and refferred [referred] all such business to the Enrolling Agent. I hope you will represent my case to the proper department of Government as I am now turned out of house & field old Lame & helpless having no place to live at.
The following is a statement of the case. My field which I have occupied about fourteen years without dispute or molestation is situated on the Unicoy Road about a mile within the Georgia Charter line.
The field was enrolled by David Ross under pretence that he had purchased it from Thos. [Thomas] Berry a white man having no right in the nation and that Berry had bot. [bought] it of my son Thompson. But Thompson denys [denies] even making any such sale to Berry. And if he had done so that ought not to alienate the field from me as he has no title whatever to it. I will forward with this some certificates which I hope will be attended to by the Government.

I am your obt. Sert. [obedient Servant]
[Signed] Saml Dick his X mark
[Signed] J.D. Wofford

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Saml Dick to the Delegation.
