Letter: to Callie [King, 1853]

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I send you dear Cal, a little shirt of my make, which I know you will find serviceable, if not beautiful. It is I think an extremely nice pattern; but the sleeves I worked for you, I find I left at home. I have worked this little garment since I have been sick, consequently, it is not so nicely done. But at any rate, little Callie will wear it, for the sake of one who loves her Mother dearly --

I have been very sick - with the most painful sore throat, & a violent cough, which kept me three days in bed, & from which, I feel myself today, for the first time recovering. I have coughed so incessantly at night that I have not dared go out at night, for a week. I am engaged out to dine however, for two or three days, but if I can find time, will get to see you in a day or two. How are you all doing? Do you keep well, & does dear [unclear text: wee-wee] Callie grow? Kiss her for me. Give my love to Cousin Porter -- I had such a letter, from Edge last night, that I felt like starting off today, but alas! John is down with the measles, tho' [though] over the worst, & of course I am expecting my chubby boy to take it every day - [unclear text: and] I have myself felt unable to travel so far. If Wilson does not get sick, I shall leave early next week. In the meantime, if I don't see you tomorrow, be sure when you do see me, you'll find me obstinate in insisting upon a visit from you & yours, before you go West.

Darling, haven't I written

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you quite a letter? But with you, I never know when to stop, writing or talking.
I send one of Sallie's new dresses of the trimming [unclear text: Moore] brought out. Don't you like it? I only send it for you to look at; I am sure you'll not think me foolish. She has a pink one also, made similarly -- -

Love always to Marion & your Mother -- Yours dearest Cal - with the truest affection --
[Signed] Sallie B.
