Why you should create a smoke-free car

We can all live without secondhand smoke.
whal is seconclhancl smoke?
Secondhand smoke comes from two places: smoke exhaled by the person who smokes, and smoke from the end of a burning cigarette. Secondhand smoke causes or worsens a wide range of adverse health effects, including cancers, respirotory infections and osthma.'" Secondhand smoke, olso known as environmental tobacco smoke, can be easily recognized by its distinctive odor. [t contaminates the air and is retained in clothing, curtains and furniture.*
Who is at risk of lhe clangors of secondhancl smoke?
Nole: Inlormo/ion "blained by ,he Americon Lvng A$,oc;ol;on, lhe American Arodemy 01 Ol"/ory"gol"gy - Head and Neck Surgery and DrGreene.com . Cincinnati Children', Ho.pital Reseorch.

We can all live without

secondhand smoke.

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1-10"'" does secondhand smoke affect you and your family?
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that secondhand smoke causes approximately 3,000 lung cancer deaths and 37,000 heart disease deaths in non-smokers each year.*

Secondhand smoke can cause the following in adults:* - Eye and nasal irritation - Lung and nasal sinus cancer - Acute and chronic coronary heart disease
leading to death

Secondhand smoke is especially harmful to young children. The EPA estimates that secondhand smoke is responsible for between 150,000 and 300,000 lower respiratory tract infections in infants and children under 18 months of age annually, resulting in between 7,500 and 15,000 hospitalizations each year.*

The Georgia Youth Tobacco Survey (2001) found that 70.2 percent of middle school and 56.6 percent of high school smokers live with a smoker.
What effects docs secondhand smoke have on your car?
Smoking in your car increases the risk of accidents. Many accidents occur when a smoker is fumbling with a cigarette or lighter while driving.

Place "Thanks for Not Smoking" signs in your cor.
If you choose to smoke in your cor, roll the windows all the way down so the smoke can be expelled out of the car and not into your air condition system to be recycled back into your car.
To help protect the environment, collect cigarette bvtts in a container instead of throwing them ovt the window.

Secondhand smoke can reduce the resole value of a car because the nicotine from cigarettes has stained the roof lining and wayward sparks have burnt holes in the upholstery.

I-Iow does seconclhancl smoke affect my chilclrcn?
Children that grow up with smoking
parents are more likely to become

1100"'""""'.0:;"";."0"';...------------------------- Buyers or dealers will be turned off by the stench
'-------or;o>lf stale cigarette smell. It takes three

smokers themselves.

the air of one cigarette's smoke.

Research has shown that secondhand smoke

damages learning abilities, weakens general

9-12 million American children under age five are exposed to secondhand smoke in the home; 43 percent of American children aged two months to 11 years live in a home with at least one smoker.'"

Wl1m 51CP5 CCln yOlI take 10 reduce secondhand smoke in your car?
Choose to not smoke in your car with or without passengers.
Forbid others from smoking in your car. Remove your cigarette lighter and ashtray.

reasoning, math and reading skills in young children. Children with high levels of cotinine, a nicotine byproduct, have low test scores:
Secondhand smoke depletes children of Vitamin C and increases incidences of ear infeetions - 2 million ear infeetions occur every year in the United States from

secondhand smoke exposure:
