Farmers and consumers market bulletin, 1926 June 24

Aree : L. B. JACKSON, Director |
Established by J. J. Brown, Commissioner of Agriculture, March 1, 1917.

. State Capitol, Atlanta, Ga. Each Thursday,

Entered as second class matter February 15,1922,. at the Postoffice at Atlanta, Georgia, under the act of June 6, 1900.
Accepted for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in section 1108, Act of October 3, 1917

IMPORTANT NOTICE: All patrons of Market Bulletin should bear in mind that no AD will be repeated unless sent in each week, If you desire a

notice repeated, send copy. The Bulletin goes to press Friday noon.

_ VOL. Di ee ATLANTA, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1926. . 2 Nig, AS:

Our services are entirely FREE.

oS : United States Bureau of Agriculture Economics
= State Department of Agriculture S State College of Agriculture
| - 1709-12 Citizens & Southern Bank Building ae |
Atlanta, Georgia. __ 2 ;

June 11th, 1926.


ee = Small Grain Yields Good ;
es. -Conditions during the month of May were very favorable for harvesting sma]l grains and on June 1st the harvest was well adyanced in

Ss call parts of the State except the northern counties. Yields per acre of wheat. and fall sown oats are considerably above the average yield
realized during the last few years, many correspondents describing the wheat and oat crops as being the best they have seen in many years.

__. The condition of wheat on June 1st is reported at 89% of normal, as compared with 75% June 1st last year and a ten-year average con-
dition of 78%. The above condition indicates a yield of about 11.4 bushels per acre and a total production of about 1,254,000 bushels. Last.
year the average yield was 10.5 bushels per acre and total production 1,040,000 bushels. ae

Oat prospects changed very little during the month, as the crop was largely harvested by June 1st in all parts of the State except the |}
northern counties. Weather conditions to June 1st were ideal for harvesting the crop, although spring sown oats, which are not yet ripe, have
suffered from lack of moisture. The indicated average yield of all oats, 20.4 bushels per acre, is the largest realized in several years, being
compared with 17.0 bushels last year, 15.5 in 1924 and 18.0 bushels in 1923. The crop was particularly good in the north-central and northeast-
ern sectionswhere it is most needed because of feed shortage following almost complete failure of hay and feed crops last season. ~
tg Hay and Pastures Damaged by Drought :

Sowing of legumes for hay has been greatly retarded in the northern half of the State by drought, as the ground has been too hard to

_ prepare. ;

Pastures, gardens, potatoes and hay crops are very poor in the northern half of the State, where rains are badly needed. In many north-

central and northeastern counties no rain of any consequence has been received since April, and the prolonged drought immediately following

planting has had a disastrous effect on stands and growth of spring planted crops. The situation is becoming quite serious in this territory,
which was so severely damaged by drought last season. Pe ; :

In most of central and southern Georgia rains the latter part of May supplied sufficient moisture to complete stands and promote normal
growth. Crops in this section are about two weeks late, being retarded by low temperatures which prevailed until about May 20th. How-_
ever, on June Ist good stands had been secured for the most part and crops in that section were making good progress. ot

Stands of tobacco are reported as very godd and the crop is making very satisfactory progress . .

D. L. FLOYD, a
_ . Junior Agricultural Statistician. (Federal). ; ve V. C. CHILDS,
eS RICE, Agricultural Statistician, Georgia panne of Agricul Agricultural Sentistician in Chbsge: ((Pedernl)

Address att mail to STATE BUREAU OF MARKETS, State Capitol,. Atlanta, Georgia _ :
Prices below are those which wholesalers were paying. F. O. B. these consuming centers, the day this Bulletin.
went to press June 19,1926. REMEMBER, THESE ARE NOT RETAIL PRICES, fee .


3.40Cwt. > 3.25Cwt. 3.35Cwt. : Sea Seo BE sn
- Cabbage (Green crated New) -- e aeO > 2.50-Cwt. ~ 2.25Cwt. e Wh _ 3.00Cwt.
Field is Mixed Whipporwills - 3.50 Bu. . 350Bu. 3.50 Bu. 3.50 Bu. - 3.50 Bu.
Black Eye Peas -_.-------==+<-+----- 645 Bes ee : oe a Eee pice
: . ag .26: oz. oz. : oz. : .30 5 = z.
ene le gcempesstal teats Sete 22 Lb. 23 Bu. .22 Lb. > ane
(2416 Lb. 24 Lb. .24 Lb. ee :25 Lb: .21 Lb.
Lae oe 24 mee oe 4 Lb Bo S37 % Lb oe Lb a ose Lb. coe ve 3736 Lb.
i i 0 2 -32 . 30 to 49.50 te. E ;: Ox, -27:146.t0 . z x
aie ieee oN PERS fea ei 16 Lb. 25 Lb. 26 tb,
s .10 Lb. ~ .10 Lb. AO Lbs. > -12: Lb. -15 Lb.
Turkey (Hens) : a .25 Lb. 25 Lb. : = ie -20 Lb. NONE
Turkey (Toms) .25 Lb. Lb. ge EB - ee 7 oR INOOEE Goes
Country Butter (Best Table) .35 Lb. : Lb. F : i . = af:
Country Butter (Cooking) ~. 23 Lb. . Lb. . . ; ES
Georgia Cane Syrup (Bbl.)
Sorghum Syrup :
~ Corn Meal, per 96-lb. sack
Corn, No. 2 (White Western) sacked -
Oats, No. 3 (White) sacked - :
Peanut Hay "
|| Peavine Hay ------------------5909
5 Shucks wn een ao nee on aa EO OP SOR - ; s ;

Mire tis 200,000 icc ita Seesiive and buyers will each week read your ad. on Georgia farm a
aire ee .tyoucan place inthis Bulletinfreeofcharge. 2 OR ee

_ Sweet potatoes, K. D. 4 pk. Crates ----
Irish Potatoes, No. 1, new 100 Ib. sacks _

Hl Waddele, | Pearson ..
m xed blood milk cows...
, Mrs Lucy Moore, R 1 Thomson Ga
Cream Jersey cow and calf $15 ~
P Fitzgerald, R 1 Witzgerald Ga
ersey heifers
NC Alston, Richland Cle 2 pure pred
Guernsey bulls 8 mo. Old;. One pure
breq Jersey. bull 7 mo old
- W_ Cureton, Rising Fawn Ga 3 ex.
tra fine heifer calves from West milk-
= Strain of Holsteins 2 mos old
eH I Travis, Fayetteville Ga Fine Jer-
sey bell calf 2 1-2 mios old $10
-<-Mrs*T J Biggers, Bremen- Ga Milk
~~ Cows, sell. cheap
CH Griffin, Hampton Ga Fine: herd
dairy cattie, Holsteins and Jerseys all
good condition; large number of them
WI Black, Ri Lula Ga One fine Jer-
sey heifer calf 3 1-2 mos old $6
Foe ants: Matdoata Ga Reg Jersey.
ulls from 4 to 12 mos old
T B Gissendanicr, Witzgerald Ga Herd
fine | dairy eattle with dairy outfit, con-
sisting of 8 fine cows, cans, buckets and
Potties all complete; write for- price and
full information.
.s \MrsH S Giles, R 1 Stockbridge Ga
ne 4 gal Jersey, cow 3 yrs old freshen.
| June 2th with Second. calf $75 e
WV see ee Donovan ise Several
Hooks Dairy Party: Warthen Ga Rez
Jersey bulls, calves to serviceable age,
- of Merit Dams, $75 to $200

Watson, Sr. Hajvkinsville Ga 4.
cows fresh in milk; good Stock and. ae

wt Naan, Lavonia CA 5 ersey Dall
+ x 2 yrs old 600 Ibs; sell or exc for
milk cow fresh in; also One Holstein
heifer 2 yrs old 400 Ibs 5c lb
National Pecan Groves. Co. Flintside.
a Reg Duroc boar; also one reg P C
boar: sell or exc to prevent inbreeding.
#2 T Boswell Jr Siloam Ga Ree Here- |
ford cattle both sex; Write for prices
ME Lawson Rfd, Morven Ga Jersey.
eifer ealf; self or exc for 10 R I.Red
pullets Mch or Apr hatch, or 10 bus
Shelled corn; calf is 2 inos old
Brown, Mc! Rae Ga One 6 mo old
Jersey hull calf solid Creayn color $25 ~

~-W Herren, R 1. Atlanta Ga Jersey |

pull calf, 4-1-2
tration papers : ee

J Walker, Monticello Ga Jersey
ayn calf entitled to-reg, dropped June
Sth, solid brown color $10 with registra-
tion papers

ou Braniett, Tiger Ga. 8 full BIsda
ssex pigs, exc for good Ford one ton
truck We
--. FF A Shealey, Tennilie Ga. Several
good pure bred Duroc Jersey poars
and giits 10 and 12 wks old $10 ea
J B Eorn, Bronwood Ga I sow 175
to-200 los with 8 thritty pigs 6 wks old
$40 for lot
Sone ra Martin, R 8 Carrollton Ga P C
Bigs; Also One boar Shoat; all entitled
to register; also one bred . write
for prices
aw McCrimmon, Mt Neda rel
C pigs 2 mo old; papers tor registy ration
with each pis $10 ea: -
ae W. A Sumner, Adrian Ga One half
Guinea and Hott Jersey gilt 75> tbs $10
#0 b.
~ Thomas Bros. iaphens Ga Spotted |
C pigs 6 wks old not. reg $5 ea f 0b;
One fterkshire sow entitled to reg good
ondits Mm: not brea 12 .1-2 Ip fo. bs Py
and Werkshire pigs crossed 6 we
@ld $5. 6a. 0.05
WE -Kerce, R 3 Rome Ga 9 Bie
Type P C pits: frem fine stock; write
for prices ee Zee
; helma Covart, RR 2 Hahira ~ Ga
Three 65 Yo prre bred P CG male pigs
$15 ea; Two 54 Ib sow pigs $12.50 ea
D C Hdenfie:d, Stitlmore Ga 3 Duroc:
Jersey barrows 00 Ibs ea; also one sow
ae M Browh,- lv cRae Ga Spotted PC
pigs entitled to 1 gister 10 wks old $10

mos old $590 with regis-

hurst Plant. ion, Hamilton Ga
2 spotted PC pi. s; register in buy- |
ers. name $10 ea Sui, Ist del s
- Fain Trading C., i dison, Ga:.8 pure
spotted PoC sme old pigs $8 ea;
ive Duroc and spotte. P C crossed 2


et Stapleton, Wrens Ga Be our. 7 RAS,
25 to S$

en Ga Tack |
Ibs 40 or exe for 4|

od | or. exc for Ancona, or Leghorn hens OR
oN Cc Alston, Richland Ga Larse Jen- |
good breeder; also sev: i


sweetening apples 60c pk or $2 bu del

nette 7 yrs. old,
eral good mules_ 6 to 10 yrs old

7 yr old 800 lbs quick in harness $125
B T Callaway, Manassas Ga

and gentle, work anywhere; also goo

top pugegy and harness $200 for all,
exc |

wagon and gear; mules 7 and 9 yrs old

milk COW -

work; also harness $10 for, both

ea -

for. _ prices

write for prices.

Me Thompson,
sheep; 16 rams; 17 weathers; es Aa:
lambs; make best offer

pure. Nubian puck kid from fine Pee: |
ing strain $10 at 6 or 8 wks old; from
reg. dam and buck;
breeding :



(For, Seed PurposesSee Sead).

40c bu in 5.bu bags

varieties; car lots. or
wheat rye and,. hay -
(For Seed | urposesSe Seed)

Fulghum, Baticroft, -
also wheat and Abruzzi rye

best offer
Fulghum eats

hay $15 ton f o b
WC Whiniey, R38 Carnesvitle
Kanota oats $1.50. bu :

H M Franklin, Tennille Ga Corn:
write for prices
Mrs P Forbes, Brooklet Ca Milling
corn by bu basket or100 Ib Sack
W G Pullen,,Alamo Ga 200 bus corn
im: ima nuel Co; write for prices

i id Chapman Jr. Chula, Ga Nice
headed cabbage 3c lb f Ope?
Mrs L. Hawkins, R 3 Social Circle Ga
June apples for making jelly $2 bu
J.T Mullis, Alma Ga Good cured Ber-
muda onions $5 hun in good bags; good
wt and prompt shipment - reat
EH M Travis, Fayetteville Ga Large
Eermuda onions 5c Ib
~ NEES LA: Hipp; R 3 Greenville Ga
Nite apples 50e pk $2 bu; seconds $1. 25



{| b;all del or exe for onions, Irish po-|_

tatoes and frying size chickens

Mrs UG Conner, R 7 Gainesville Ga
Yellow multiplying onions 65 pk or
$2.40 bu

Wood Lawn Nursery,
Delicious summer
Land eating 50c De del or exc for

2 Ly Pape, AVS Alma Ga Giga peas
now ready 7e lb f 0 bj also few- bus
| peaches ee bu at tree
Mrs sit a Terrell <8 Greenville Ga
Apples tae cooking or eating 60c pk
$2 bu del or exc for white nest onions,
friers, eggs or Irish potatoes: also

Greenville Ga


T P Trowell, Broxton Ga Fresh toma-
toes Te lb et

W C Tumlin, Gainesville Ga Fine
peaches; express shipments a specialty
W rite for prices

J N Watts, Shellman Ga Hiley Belie |
peaches, bu_or crates; write for pricesa

N W Scott, Adrian Ga Green Lima
beans and green peas $2.50 and $3 ham-
per fo b ae <
Mrs P Forbes, Brooklet Ga. 10 baskets
cucumbers per wk $1.50 bu fob ..

Mrs JB Paul, Leesburg Ga White
buneh green butterbeans $2.75 bu bas:
ket f 0: Ra

Mrs G Pridgen, Wray Ga Green peas
for eating $1.50 hamper f o b :
W AJ Draughon, Whigham. Ga: ose
grade green: peas $1.50 bu crate; Lima
beans $25 ~ Strife). peans Sts
yellow, 1.25; sree

RR Hodges, Manassas Ga Mare mule]!

One i}
dark red mare 1000 lbs 8 yrs old sound |:

or) |
GW Cobb, Euijay Ga Pair wites |

werk anywhere; ee or exe for good

R Powers, Monroe Ga 1 goat broke to. NE
G8 Scott, Lake Park Ga Goats. Sl

R R Hodges, Manassas Ga Common |
goats; some kids in lot; 25 Head; write | d

Mrs T J Biggers, eH Ga Sheep; |
Milan Ga 46 head.)

selling pe in-

LJ Sharp,. Commierce | Ga Feed oats | iq:
EM, hah
H M Franklin, Tennille Ga Hay all qf
leSis; iso. dats ||} ~
rnett-Paschal Co.- Washington cA A
Rust Proof. oats; :

HA. Cliett, Americus Ga Several cars. |i
good oats, piney Fulghum; make |||

RW Griffin, Douglas Ga. New crop | |

Pe Ivey, Pinehurst Ga Good peanut i

apples for cooking -

field or fall inspection.

promptly August eh




oO }

Atlanta, Georgia.

Notice To Sweet Pot tato Plant Growers |

All growers in the : State of Goorein who iiterd to sell sweet
potato plants next year, must, aprly to the state Board of, Entomo

logy for inspection, not later than Jul (
Only one application is necessary to obtain

storage and bed inspectinos.
vig Fase by one dollar in cash, money order or check, which will be _
nm payment for the first one hundred certificate tags.
aes are condemnd and no tags issued, this amount will be ree

funded by the Board of Entomology.
No application will be received after July 15th, nd those: abe ae,

companied by one dollar. will be returned.

_.. All regulations of the Georgia State Board
garding the growing and handling of sweet potato tubders and plants

must be strictly complied with or no

- Please PRINT your name as you Wish it to be recorded in the ap-_
plication pelow and printed on your tags. :
: If you have a neighbor who expects to aro ee for
: sale please advise him to send in his application for eer eer: imme-_

Haliard De La one


NOTE: Location is very important.

16th, in order to obtain the

Each application must be ac-

In case the |

Inspections will: start |


of Entomology, re-


cert'ficate will be issued.



Give exact location of your |

Mrs G W Forest; R 5 Ball Ground Ga

| Turnip seea 2 cups 25 del or exc

Mrs T S Wilks, R 5 Jefferson Ga Mew
old fashion multiplying onion sheilots
10c Ib; add postage: | f Es

W H Waddelle, Pearson Ga Rape.
seed 20 1b, 2. Ibs 85c,; 5 Ibs 46c,/10 ibs"
80c, 25 Tbs $2; Amber and honeydrip

; sorghum millet Seed; Large yellow SOy

peans; white yellow Dent corn; Mixon
six ear prolifie corn; Henderson- Bunen

| Linva beans; Ward well kidney | bunch

beans. seed; Stone tomato. seed; Rattle-
snake, Ala Sweet, Irish Grey, Watson
melon seed ~

T Carden, R 2 Bremen Ga 16 Ibs win-
ter turnip seed; purple top and White
globe mixed-1926 crop 46 1p f o b

Mrs E F Cleveland, R 3 Elberton. Ga
5 Ios rape seed; 4 lbs Winter turnipseed,

| 1 1b collard seed; make best offer

Miss Madge Smith, Lavonia Ga Burr
Clover seed free from pest 4c 1b ;

turnip seed Sound arid clean 60 Ib del
Mrs M L Clayton, Roy Ga Large niul-
tipiying brown. onions (mot scullions)
for fall planting s0e pk or $3 bu fo b
Ellijay Ga /
Ethel Jones, ns Siobe Ga Seventop
turnip. seed 5c tablespoon or =o spoons
for 10c; exc
HM Frankklin, emule Ga Wanna-
maker Cleveland Big Boil cottonseed;

4 also oats, rye and wheat

HH Snowdon, RB Albany Ga 10 Ibs
sunflower seed $1 del.

R S Parham Greenville Ga Burr

| Clover seed $1 bu or-exe for corn, peas

or beans |
- Wood Lawn Nursery, Grsivine eae
50 bus Burr Clover seed $55 del ;
Mrs T A Hipp, R 3 Greenville |
Burr Clover seed $1 bu del or exe 50 Se
tor 40 Mch or Apr hatch pullets
Cairo Seed Co. Cairo _ a~ Good stock
select Watson melon. Seed from large
melons 40c 1b; First-class Half and Hatt
cottonseed $1 bu; Orange and Redtop

-|sorghum seed $2. 50 bu: Mammoth South-

ern Curled Mustard seed: 20 los. $4;
White Velvet Okra seed 20 fos G4 atic.

0 6 Cairo Ga. *

WH Robinson, Cairo Ga White span-
ish seed peanuts $1. 9) bu; Genuine NC
Runner seed peanuts. $2 bu; First-class
Pearl or Cattail millet $4.50 for 50 1b8;
German. Millet *$2.75 bu >.

SC Mo: ris, R 2 Winterville Ga 2 bus:

15 Ib; Aig. ame eee


A L Hardin, R 1 White Ga Seventop

; Mra Detsy Garten, R R3 Nonioe Ga.
New crop Seventop turnip seed 25c pt.
HC Clark, R 8 Jackson Ga 50 Ibs
pure Seventop turnip seed new crop;
make best offer ae
Woodliff Plant Farm, riowaey,
Branch Ga Orange cane seed $2 bu;
Kentucky Wonder peaue 40 Tb or 3 lbs
Wie te < :
R L Scott, cn owiniton Ga 10 ths Ga
collard seed 50c To a ;
HN Love, & 8 Jefferson Ga. 2 bus .

yellow globe white globe. and ree x ce

turnip | seed 1926 crop

C H Crawford, R 2 Madison Ga 20
25 bu sacks Bu

cleaned; make best offer oon
Mrsy Daisy Bird, Dougherty Ga 40

Ibs. Mung beahs 15e 1b; Soathern Mus-

tard seed 50c Ib is:

| Mrs May Gibson, Locust Grove Ga

Burr Clover seed $1.10 bu; 4 to 15 bu
lots $1 bu; over 15 bu 90c bu a
The Rowland Co. Athens Ga. Barly
orange cane seed $1.85 bag lots
Martin, Milner Ga Burr
sed 50c bu f 6 db
Florence Kilpatrick,


Watkinsville :

Ga 10 Ibs new mixed turnip seed 25 o
teacup or $5 for lot del; exc for 25 ba- |

by chicks, B Rocks or R IReds:

Hardy Grocery Co. Waycross Ga
Choice sugar crowder and cream ey: :
der peas ic lb, 5 lbs $1. 0 b oh :

x Volbrath, R 2 Dewy Rose Ga Bure
Clover seed $1.10. bu del 3

P D: Webb, Dewy Rose Ga 50 ibs:
Rape seed; make offer; sell or exe

8 Bid iwards, Ro 4 Ball Ground Ga
Seventop turnip seed 50e 1b :

Miss. Mildred Dykes, R 6 Eastman Ga
|New evop turnip seed, Cowhorn and
purple top: mixed 75e lb del.

WC Waldrip, R 1 Flowery ~ Branch
Ga New crop, Seventop turnip seed 40c
Jp 5 IS or more 30c Ib: del

J Trimble, Adairsville Ga Fx
nip seed 25c pkg ~

G W Heard, Box 136 Atlanta GAT 7 bus
orange sorghum seed $1.50 bu i


RE Reynolds, R 3 Baxley Ga Porto
Rican, potato prompt del $2 M, 5 M (Or:
more $1. 85 Mfob

JH Williams, Coffee Ga Pure Porto
Rican potato, "inspected, prompt sta
Went $185 MH

James Plant Co. Coffee Ga Porto. Ric :
an ues Gov inspect ed, prompt
ment $2. M y :
C Smit

resh ae

rr Clover seed? eo

M 65: ae b

eH: Crisp, Fender Gan Hore
yotato Gov inspected $2. 50 md se ae ss
more> $2. a5 M-del.

J M Boatright, Coffee as Imp or

ull | Porto Rican and pink and.

mph, Boon and Migest sa
f}--0 ob

, R 2 Baxley Ga Gov inspect:

ed Porto Riean Pgs $1, 0% M, i) M. a
more $2 M del :

C R Williams, Alma Ga Imp red skin
Porto Rican potato large size $1.50 M
in. large lots _ }

ae oS Plant o. Alma Ga Imp red

aT Ww Smith, Bremen Ga eck
| plants now r pay Abe hun Or
$1.25 M, ft 0b :
aby Mills, Coolidge a! Porto Rican po-
oO. Gov inspected $1. 25 IM 0; b.

ae potato Goy inspected $1 M fo b
~ J Caldwell, R 3 Alma Ga Amp Porto.
Rican, potato $2. MM" 0 DB; oe M or more
ics Me
(ALS Caldwell,
or inspected Porto, Rican potato $2.25
ND, Jackson, R 3-Alma Ga Porto
ican and Nancy Hall potato see 25 M
del or $1.50 M f od:
rd & Newton, Haleyondale Ga
ink skin Porto. Rican potato
del; special Bee on large

WwW. Williams, Quitman cs Cabbage be

; Ruby King pepper. $2 M; Tomato
3: M: Porto Rican potato. $2 Ma x
Rican potato $2 Mdel
*kworth Bros. R 2 Baxley Ga Por.

tc Rican, petato $1. 15 M,. 5 M. or more.

x 2 Baxley Ga Porto
) Anenerttg $L 50 M

oe R R & Bones
Rican eats Gov, ee benten $2 Wi
OB i Joiner, Thomasville Ga, dares

ready $2 Mfonh
Plant Co, ae
Y Lo. 42 M,,. 10M OL,
more $1.75. M ono te =
Georgia Plant Farm, Baxley Ga Po-
tato. plants $1. 50 Ms Tomato and cab-
bage 75 M
nS Mt Arnold, Sipreney: Ga Imp red skin
Porto Rican potato Gov inspected $2 Ea
June del %
as M Dixon, R 2 Surrency.. Ga int
Gov inspected, Ponte, Pecan Potate $2: M
2-0 Ds
jee EF? Snowden, R B Albany ae Pure
pink Perto Rican potato; also Nancy
Hall now ready $2.25 M del
TEL M Franklin, Tennille Ga Porto Ric-
an. potato $2.50 M; Big Shep Jersey BO
_tato. $275 M- -
fs - Woodlift Plant Farm,
potato. lots 5 M on more $2 M fo b
we Tomato and cabbage |

reds! Pope, R3 Alma &a. Porto Rican
potato $1.75 M. 02): now ready) 2
= oly A Siow Flowery Branch Ga Cab-
bage, collard and tomato $1.25 M del 5
-M or more $1 MES oD 555
Mrs W M. Jones, Aragon Ga Several
: thousand collard 25 hun
EF G@ Tyre Plant Farm, Bristol Ga
Porto Rican and Nancy : Hall potato
as 10 M, 5M or more 90c M f ob
Lok Boatright, Coffee Ga Porto Ric:
an potato State inspected | $1.85 M5 M
or more $1.60 M
Mar tha Langley, R 3 Ellijay Ga Cel-
ery plants 20c daz } A
~ AW. Martin, RD Cordele Ga Gov in-
spected Porto Rican potato $2 M fob
Mrs Rosie Crowe, R 4 Cumming Ga
Mat Dutch cabbage 15 hun $1.25 M;
Collard 15e-hun or $1.25 M
z Sville Plant Co. Sevitle Ga Gov in
5 spected Porto Rican potato now ready
$1.65 M del; good large rooted plants;
_ prompt delivery.
* Mrs Effie Adams, Seville Ga Large
rooted pure Porto Rican potato $1. 65
del; pro pt delivery ;
Aubry. ea ams Plant Farn
e rto ; otat

_| mato, Stone 25c

Agni Ga: Purple skin |-

kworth, R 2 Baxley.Ga Porte

ple poe Porto. Rican potato $1. 60 M

Eggplant 30 hun del

Flowery. Branch br del

Mrs J D Multis, R 2 dma Ga To:

Porto. Rican. and Big Stem. Jersey =
Soa $1.50 M; Tomato $1.25 M Cabbage

es Bowen Baxley = Porto Rican po-

$1.75 M; speci

R2 alee Ga aa in- | }}
Porto Rican potato $2. 25, M Bh.

MrsJ- B Cullars, R 2. D
_| Whitehead | and .N. Buncum collard
now. ready large plants. 20c hun; exe fer

| peas or peanuts for Planting; 10 ants |}. -
|for 2 lbs peas and 3 lbs. ee hull, abe
prefer Poleeat peas or accept any good Hy
table peas; also exc for potato plants or ||
vines, Yams or Porto Ricans, 200. col: |

lard plants for 150. potato, plants
i E Harrison, Dublin Ga Early Jer-
sey Wakefield and Barly Flat

Stone 30

ty 35c hun or $210 M; all del

J R Thomas, Surrency Ga, Redskin Tf

Porto Rican potato. $1.25 M until July
20th; Gov inspected

W CG Tumlin, Gainesville Ga ir Por- | ||

to Rican potato inspected. and treated.

$1.50, M; . Cabbage and. tomato. $L M

J: Walson.s at 3 Ellijay Ga Late to-

Dorothy Perkins roses. well rooted 2
for 25.

Mrs H Eller, R 3 Hillijay Ga Late} :
: . ard - 20

>. | bun; June Pink, tomato 30 hun, 0 b,
L Tanner ; Alma Ga R-1 Porto Ric-|. pe

Plas! Dutch cabbage and Ga, colk

Mrs Dinah Eller, R23. Ellijay Ga. Ga
coHard 20c hun; Late Klat Dutch oan
page and Beauty tomato 25 hun; J une

pink tomato 35c hun;. well rooted pink fh

and white Dorothy Perkins roses 25c ~

Mrs J L Burk, R A Tifton, Ga Smell
pecan trees. 8 to 10, in. high from good,
size, papershell nuts $1 dz; small water
oaks: for shade $1-for 15

WH Stewart, Alma Ga Imp: Porto

Rican potato $1.69 M fob

J A Chauncey, screven, Ga Porto, Ric: a
an potato from red skin selected | ip bk
spected and treated seed $1. 75 Mf prompt | {

Miss # O, Stokes, R 6. Fitzgerald. Ga
New Stone and Greater Baltimore to-

ato now ready 6c for 500. del

Empire Plant Co. R 6 Fitzgerald Ga.

Tom. to, New Stone and Greater Balti- | -
| more: now ready $1, M del. :
Miss L M. Stokes, R. 6 Fitzgerald Ga |

New Stone and Greater Baltimore to-
mato 50c for 500. del ;
Stewart Plant Harm, . Alma Ga Fur

Mrs tT B Thomas, Thomashoro Ga

Baxley. Ga

Brannan Plant Farm,

_ | imp Porto Rican potato. Gov inspected |
Ga: ae red|

and treated $1.90, M5 5 M or more $1.75
prompt sh hipment Ws

Opie Cro WwW Plant Farm, Flowery

3ranch Gar Leading varieties cabbage
and . tomato, heading variety, also, Ga
collard now. ready "95 hun $1.25 MM del
3 M or mere $1 M M tod

Ww H Weaver, Ocilla Ga Porto Rican
potato Gov inspected $2 ME ack <% :

J T Troupe, Baxley Ga Porto Rican

potato State inspected $1. 50, M fo b

McEver Seed & Plant Co, Braselton, |
Ga New Stone,, Greater. Baltimore and}
Livingston Globe. tomato;

p AMR Season
and Wlat Dutch ca. bag Zey leading varie- |
vies collard 25c hun $1:25 M del 5 M. or
more $1 M f 0 b; prompt shipment | :
R Chanclor, Seville Ga Gov. ingpected
Porto Rican. and Naney Hall potato $2

mato and sweet pepper | $i MM ;

OQ lL. Mobley, R 4 Baxley Ga Red skin |
Imp Porte Rican roe oi: 7 M del or |
$1.50 M fo iD:

Mrs O- Mobley, R 4 Baxley Ga Imp
red skin Porto Rican potato $1. 70 M del
or. $1. 45 Mf 9b

R E Tomberlin, R 2 Surrency Ga |
Porto Rican potato. Gov, inspected and|
treated $1.50 M, 5 M or more $1. 45 ME

or exe for dried apples or peaches or
| baby chicks, or good aples_ Or peaches.

for cooking
C M Beckworth, R 4 Baxley Ga Por-|

to Rican potate $1.75 M f oO b;. Gov in-

Courson, R 4 Baxley Ga Goy in-

Se purple skin and red skin Por-
to 6 Rican potato $2 M, 5 M or more
$1.75 ML :

A S Hicks, Adel Ga Goy. inspected
Big Stem Jersey potato $1.75 M

Butler Plant Co. Baxley Ga Porto
Rican potato $1.50 M del or exe for 2
good feed baskets with handles *

HA "HT. R 3 Alma Ga Nancy Hall.
and Porto Riean potato $t. 85 M fob

J W Sellers, R 4 Baxley Ga Imp red
skin and old fashion Boon potato $1.2
M del or $1 Miob

tts Ga: Porto Rican i

Ga ||}

Dutch 1
cabbage 25e@hun or $1.40 M;- Big Bos- |
|ton Lettuce 25c hun or $1.40,.M, Iceburg ||}
lettuce 25 hun or $1.50 M; Earliana if
tomato 30c hun $41.65 M; Barly Aeme ||| |
tomato 30c hun: $1.76. MM: et
bun: Or < $l. Tos Eggplant, Black Beau; }

un; Pink and white |||:

}ready Imp Gov inspected

inspection before July. 15, 1926.
i of the Inspector.
good working order by August 1.

be ready to demonstrate to the

year. Peach,
require. fumigating.

: nursery.


You should supply yourself with a fumigating box and have. it

Remember there are three things you. must dq by July 15.
your. applicat: OM build your fumigating box and clean. up, YORE

Haliard De La Parelle,

- Atlanta, Georgia.

= Notice To All Nurserymen

If. you expect to qualify as a nurseryman . during the season of
1926-1927, it will be necessary. for you to file your application for

If applications are received after

date it will be necessary for you to pay the traveling expenses |

Have your chemicals on hand and
Inspector: the proper manner ore

If the fumigatorium is not ready when. the Inspector
makes the inspection no. certificate will be issued. The expenses of
Inspector returning to make an inspection of the fumigating. box |
will be charged to the nursery men.

No, exceptions will be made this :

apple, pear, pecan and all other hardy nursery stock



Atlanta, Georgia.

ADDRESS pee eee es





oman State Board of Entomology,

J hereby, make application for nursery inspection a agree to a
have. my fumigating house or box in working | order and my marsery,
ready. for inspection by. Are Ast, 19.26,

VY E Hubbard, Fortsdn Ga New Stone,
Matchiess and Greater Baltimore - to-
mato $1.25 Me.

N D Black, R 2 Baxley Ga Porta Ric:

yan potato $1.50. M del vane shipment

or exe for peaches

Parte Rican
potat $2.50 M; Livingston Globe. to-
pmato, Eg eggplant and Ruby Giant sweet
pepper 206) wun
~ Evergreen Plant Farm, R 1 Inlowery |
Branch Ga Greater Baltimore tomato
and Ga collards. 20c hun or $4.25 M. del.
Mrs B W. Biddy, R i Acworth Ga
Hasting. Redfield Beauty tomato 25
CA ae OF Quinn Jr. Odum Ga R 2 State
f G,-0.

As N: Rentz, Baxley Ga Porto Ricee
potato $1.50 M fob :

Miss Bell Jones, R 4 Shellman Ga Red
Rock tomato now ready ~ 250 hun del
or exc for white blackeye. peas, hand
made straw brooms, rape "seed, dried
fruit free from worms.

WW. J Dowdy, R Dy Cordele Ga Porto

>| Rican potato Gon inspected $1.75, Mi

G Crow, Gainesville Ga Porto Rican
25 Me A

Rican potato | Goy inspected $i. 50. M
el :
a W D Bryant, Coffee Ga Sweet ~Ruby
King and Bell. pe per 20 hun; Red
| Rock tomato, 20 }
strong plants :
Rican and Nancy Hall potato $160. ML
prompt shipment

Smith, Omega Ga Earliana, Liv-
ingston Globe and Greater Baltimore
tomato 10c hun or. 75 Mt ob

J . Anderson, West Point Ga Nice
selected pecan trees $3. Ca. Ss

Pe Ei Smith; Rk Dy Cordele Ga Porto

M dels

HG Bartlett, K
Rican and Big Stem Jersey potato $1.70
M del; prompt shipment

Mrs J L Hawkins, Hatley Ga Porto
Rican potato prompt shipment

Crystal Plant-.Co. Rockingham Go

prompt shipment.

D Medders, Surrency Ga Porto Rican

$i: Mf ob; prompt shipment

J M Chapman, Chula, Ga. Porto Rican

i, Leesbur Ga Now |.
+ i Feu hese arg hens | Ate, 4, Ye. old Imperial strain

$1.75 ea

inspected Porto, Rican potato $i. 50 Mf:

JM Bailey, R B Cordele Ga. Porto

un or $1 Mis extra

EM. Carter, Rockingham Ga Porto.

Rican and Jerusalem Yam potato $1.75 |.

D. Cordele Ga. Perto}.

Porto Rican and Nancy Hall potato $1. 19 e

Mrs Dyed shou en. Mt
Hasting Redfiel d Beauty tomate
del or exe for setting (15) R Tt Red eggs _

Mrs. JB Solty, Hatonton, Ga 100

Vernon. Gal

W H Kinney, R 1
bred Mch hatch, we

Carrollton Ga Pure
ts. of. 50 ea; also

1 yr old, hens $1

Mrs_ ES Pemiect Re 4 Marietta "Gia
20 hens and 1 or 2 cocks. Barron

Ferris strain, very large and fine ay-

ers; exc. for 42 Homer pigeons

RD Campbell, Bainbridge Ga, Several
choice cockere)s Tanered strain Arr
hatch $1.50 to 2. ea,

Mrs T J. Biggers, Bremen, Ga: Young

0. 90c M .



strain eggs 75c for 15; 100 hens same 2

strain; make best offer :
E Dy. Edwards, ae Spring Place
3 or 4 Ferris strain cockerels; exe for

game breed to avoid in breeding; ;
+} few fox sale at $l-ea. " aso
A Moore, R 4 Lumpkin Ca se

Mars |


Mrs. U G Conner, RAT Galresyine Ga
Pullets Fexris strain 10 wks gla, Te em

strain cockerels 9 wks old 603,

Mrs J A Kell, R 2 Calhoun Ga prze

bred hens and 1 cock Ferris fee $10
for lot; also 4 wks old chicks

strain 25C 'a,%

Mrs Sa House, Rs Washington Gal
65. Jan hatch pullets Tancred strain 85e
ee = Jan hatch cockerels same strala |

e ea,

W A> Vandiver, RR. 2 Marin Ga, ee
pure bred Wyckoff strain bens and
cock: 1 and 2 yx old, $1.75ea ox $is-.
for lot f 0 b :

A Vandiver,
and 1 cockerel F eb . hatch Wyckort-
strain $1.50 ea or $5 for lot o b; also
cockerels same age and strain $2 a ft
ob; 18 wks old pullets $1 ea, o $15 for
lot f 0 b, Wyckoff strain

Aline, Conner, R 7 Gainesville Ga
Pullets Perris strain 10 wks old 75 ea
Mrs M L Shealey, Oglethorpe Ga, 12
Ferris strain hens and 1 cock 16 mo old
$12 or exc for 12 pullets or 16 a
mixed breed chickens

F & V Knight, Dacula Ga Uggs he
for 15 or exe for bantam hens

F C Temples, Wrens Ga .8 Baieow
strain cockerels Mch Ist hatch $1. 0,
a f ob
WE Williams, 481 Ruth St Ath
100 Ferris strain bullets. Apr hatch 75

| a in lots

R 2 Martin Ga 3 ee .

. s

S$ White Leghorns |
Mrs % M Story, Thomson Ga 50
ure bred English strain hens 1926
hatch $1.50 ea; one cock free with the
Mrs Alva Williamson,
. Cockerels; sell or exc
Mrs S G Rogers, Daisy Ga 10 to 20
head $1 ea
- Thomas Bros. Stephens Ga Tancred
strain cockerels Mch hatch $1 ea f 0 b
Mrs C A Duffy, Flovilla Ga Pure bred
Tancred strain cockerels _Mch hatch
from heavy Jaying strain, special price
in lots.
Ww D Richards, Gainesville Ga Fer-
is strain cockerels Apr hatch. oo
lood tested stock $1 ea
eee Harris, Pinehurst Ga 55. shone
Young strain; also 3 cockerels $47.50
for jet
P D . Webb, Duss Rese Ga- Ferris
heavy laying strain eggs $1 for 15
B E Huguley, Danburg Ga 30. Bar-
ron strain pullets and few cockerels
(Mch hatch $1 ea
RR Scarborough, Finleyson Ga. 45
choice pullets Tancred strain 4 mos old
ea or $45 for lot del

: C Brown Leghorns

Mrs T Cowart,. R 3 Ringgold Ga
_Cockerels 8 wks old $1 ea or 2 for $1. 50;
Thormohlen ang Estus strain

Mrs H L Lumpkin, R 2 Mauk Ga 10
pure bred pullets and 1 cockerel 11 wks
old Everlay strain $10 for lot; several
fine cockerels 70c ea 11 wks old or 2
for $1.65--
+ Mrs U G Conner, R 7-Gainesville Ga
Pullets 10 wks old Everlay strain 75c
ea; also cockerels same age and price
_ Mrs G T Truelove, R 1 Stockbridge
Ga Eggs $1 for 15; incubator lots
cheaper; exc for comb honey, hams or
Duroc pigs or turkey eggs
Mrs T J Biggers, Bremen Ga 25 Ey-
-erlay strain hens; make best offer

Aline Conner, R 7 Gainesville Ga
Pullets 10 ley old Everlay strain 7dc
. Mrs U G Conner, R7 Gainesville Ga
Everlay strain pullets 10 wks old 75c ea;
also cockerels: same: age. and strain
G5e ea
3 W T Edwards, R 2 Dahlonega Ga 1
fine cock Everlay- strain 1925 hatch $2
_ del

$C Black. Leghorns
W L Gillespie, R 3 Greenville Ga
Begs $1 for 15 del; also few hens $1.25
ea or exc for potato plants at $2 M

: SC RI Reds
J A Joyner, 131 S. Moreland Ave At-
Janta Ga One fine cock 2 yr old Don-

aldson strain $10 or exc for 8 Bl Minor-|

ea pullets 12 wks old; Pape strain
_Mrs-F A Moore, R 4 Lumpkin Ga 19

"Tompkins strain. cockerels 9 wks old}:

0c ea or $11 for lot :
- Mrs D Donaldson, R 1 Decatur Ga
Two fine cocks $5 ea; Eggs $2 for 15
del from trapnested show birds

Mrs J H Carrington, Talbotton Ga 10

ehicks 9 wks otd $6; Eggs Donaldson

train 80c for 15 del; also 4 hens to exc
for 5 Mch hatch Ancona pullets

Belle Timmerman, :
Prize stock Donaldson
Strain hens 2 yr old $2 ea; Eggs from
fancy pen $1.65. setting del; from free
range flock $5.50 hun

Mrs.M L Shealy, Oglethorpe _ Ga 14

ullets and cockerels: Apr 28th hatch

10 for lot or exc for same number Tan-
cred strain W Leghorn pullets May
hatch; will also sell or exc Mch hatch

eds for Mch hatch pullets Tancred
strain W Leghorns same age at $1 ea

Mrs R F Terrell, R 3 Greenville Ga
20 chicks 4 to 6 wks old $10 for lot del;
also 15 pullets 10 to 15 wks old $12 del

Mrs W C Rahn, White Oak Ga 10 se-

scted Jan hatch pullets $1 ea; 10 Feb
and Mch hatch 75c ea; 5 Apr hatch 65
ea; all fine pullets from selected hens
heavy layers; also cockerels $1 ea
- J Sumner, White Oak Ga Selected
pullets Jan hatch $1 ea; Feb and Mch
thatch 75c ea; Apr hatch 65c ea; well
marked cockerels same breed $1 ea
~ D F Garey, Royston Ga Cockerels
Jan hatch from heavy laying strain
$2.50 ea; also Mch and Apr hatch $1.50
ea or exec for pullets; one cockerel for 2
Mrs D V Smith, Leslie Ga Eggs $1.50
for 15; also young stock, old pen, sev-
eral cockerels
BA Tarfor, Adrian Ga Smith strain,
12 pullets Mch and Apr hatch $1 and
$1.50 ea; one cock 1 yr old $2.50

Mrs W W Trimble, Adairsville Ga
Broilers and small friers 50c ea

W L Bond, R 1 Ochlochnee Ga 10

old cockerels Owen strain $1.25 ea

R 2 Mayfield |

Bronwood Ga
and Mahood


R E White Whites
Fe E Grubbs, R'1 Demorest Ga Viking.
pl.15 for 15 del; few hens $1. op ea = oO
v3 fine layers

Barred Rocks
Mrs TT Cowart,
Thompson and@ Parks strain cockerels
$1 ea-or 2 for $1.75
Mrs Eula Steadam, R A Bainbridge
Ga Thompson Imperial Rimglet strain

feggs $1 for 15; lots 50 or more 6c ea

Mrs. fF Acs Watson, R 3 Summit Ga
Parks strain pure bred high quality
pullets and cockerels 3 mo old; pullets
$1.25 ea; cockerels $1.50 ea; 12 pullets
and 1 cockerel $16; no order accepted
for less than trio

Mrs T J Biggers, Bremen Ga Thomp-
son strain eggs. 7dse for 16.

Mrs Florence P Billings, R B States-
bore Ga Holterman Aristocrat strain
ecockerels choice stock; write for prices;
also eggs for hatching $1 for 15

JS Pelot, R C Statesboro Ga Holter-
man Aristocrat strain cockerels choice
stock; write for prices; also selected
eggs for hatching $1 for 15

Mrs. M Sumner, R 3 Sylvester Ga
Eggs Thompson strain prize. winning
stock $1 for 15 del

Mrs W W Bennett, R.1 Acworth Ga
Parks strain pullets from
breeders 6 wks old 7dc ea;
same age and price

Mrs M L Shealey, Oglethorpe Ga
Thompson strain Ringlets, 9 hens and
1 coek 2 yr ola $15 for lot or exc for
10 W Leghorn Tancred strain same age
or younger; and one cockerel; prefer 15
pullets Mch hatch

Mrs J E Steadam, RA Bainbridge Ga
Thompson Imperial Ringlet strain eggs
from priz pen $1.25for 15; second pen
"90c for 15; large lots 5c ea; Mch hatch
cockerels $1. 50 ea or larger lots $1.35

Mrs M E Pennington, Milledgeville
Ga 1 fine cockerel 1 yr old Parks strain;
exc for one same age and breed _

J EF Tyson, Tennille Ga Cockerels 3
mo old Parks strain $1.50 ea

Mrs G Pridgen, Wray Ga Pure bred
Aristocrat strain ecockerels Mch hatch
$1 ea; 15 Thompson strain cockerels
Apr hatch 75c ea or $11 for lot

T Boswell Jr Siloam Ga Eggs from
pure bred Thompson strain $1 for 15
Mrs J A Johnson, R 4 Cedartown Ga


Two pure bred cockerels from prize}

stock 10 wks old $1 ea; Eggs $1 for 15

Miss Mamie Roach, R 1 Daisy Ga
Parks heavy laying strain 5 wks old
chicks 60c ea; Mch hatch cockerels $2
ea; Eggs from special pen mating $1.50
for 15 del

and 3 cockerels 13 wks old (strain not
known) $1 ea fob

White Rocks 5

Mrs D Strawn, R 1 Ramhurst Ga 15
hens and 2 cocks Fishel strain $1.65
ea; 1 yr old or exe for same breed or
any large breed :

Mrs C C Payne, R 6 Tifton Ga Fishel
strain eggs $1.25 for 15 del; cockrels
same strain 3 mo old $1 ea from well
selected stock


Ruth Tyner, Danielsville Ga 25 pure
bred Sheppard strain hens and 2 cocks
Apr 1925 hatch $1 ea fob

F & V- Knight, Dacula Ga 3 hens
and 1 cock $10 for lot or exe for 10
W Leghorn hens

Mrs M S Johnson, R 3 Buena Vista
Ga 10 Shepparg strain pullets and 1
cock 2 1-2 mos old 75 ea fob

W T Edwards, R 2 Dahlonega Ga 10

plood tested flock $1.50 ea del
Mrs W L Carmichael,
wks old cockerels, Norman quality, 50c

ea; 8 wks old 80c ea:

Mrs O J Smith, R 1 Flowery Branch
Ga Sheppard strain; 80 hens $1.25 ea
4 cocks same strain $1.25 ea f o b

J C Porter, R 1 Tifton Ga 12 Sheppard
strain hens 1 1-2 yrs old $1.50 ea; 2
Sheppard strain cocks 2 yrs olq $1.50
ea; 10 pullets 2 1-2-mo old $1 ea; cock-
erels 2 1-2 mo old $1 ea

S C Black Minoreas

Mrs B Guthrie, R 4 Monroe Ga Fresh
choice eggs from heavy-layers $1 for
18 del

Mrs G W Stevens, Nicholls Ga 14
hens 1 to 2 yrs old; one cock 18 mo old
Pape strain $1.50 ea or $20 for lot; exe
for 20 W Leghorn pullets Tancred or
Ferris strain 4 mo old

Ga Pape strain eggs $1 for 15. del; 8

rose eomb,.Nabobs best eggs

R 3 Ringgold Ga

_ selected |

Mrs E Frazier, Sharon Ga 5 pullets

wks old cockerels Sheppard strain from

Madison a 6

Wilson Minorea Yards, R 2 Martin}

hens and 1 cock $1.50 ea or $13 for lot; |

heavy laying preeders $1 ea; 2 for $t. 15
or 4 for $3; Pullets 10 wks old -Pape
strain select ones good shape and color
$1 ea; Chieks 6 wks old Pape strain- =
lect ones no culls 50c ea; Hatching cee
Pape strain $1 for 15

Light Brahmas

Mrs A J McMichen, Acworth Ga_
hens and 1 cock Scotts strain 18 tae
old $14 for lot

Villa Viscaya Farm, Doerun Ga:Balch
and Brown strain eggs 90c for 15 del-

Mrs Mamie Stone, R 3 Adairsville Ga
Eggs $1 for 15 del

C P Colclough, Maxeys Ga Eggs from
Balch & Brown strain $1.25 for 15 del;
2 yr old hens and growing stock reason-
able :

Buff Orphingtons

L i Wallace, 401 Highland Ave At-
lanta Ga 25 pure bred hens 1 to 2 yr
old $1.50 ea or exc for Cornish Games

Mrs J H Harpe, Blakely Ga Cockerels
2 yr old $2

Mrs W E Webb, R 1 Oglethorpe Ga
Pure bred eggs $1.25 for 15 dl or $1
f o b: Mch hatch cockerels = a;
hatch $1.25 ea f o b

White Orphingtons

BOR Traylor, Rt baGrange: Ga 10
eight wks old $4 for lot

T H Traylor, R 1 LaGrange Ga Bets
$1.65 for 30 or 90e for 15

Mrs D B Worley, R 11 Elberton Ga
Eggs English strain heavy 7 we
for 17 del

sane Black daisies
Mrs J C Johnson,
3 pullets and 1 cockerel Mch hatch $5


Mrs A R Clack, Auburn Ga Dark
Cornish Indian Game eggs $1 for 15 del

R F Peavey, R 1 Pitts Ga Blue Boon
oe 9 mo old ready to fight; pure breed

Mrs D L Powers, R 2 Sparks Ga
8 Allenround hens and 1 cock $12 for
lot or exe for R I Reds

Mrs T G Shurling, R-A Tennille Ga
Dark Cornish Indian pullets and cock-
erels Apr hatch 1 to 1 1-2 Ibs ea Tdc
to $1 ea; Eggs same stock $1 for 15

E J Todd,.R 8 Carnesville Ga Pit
games, Legislator and Red Lopard

Mary I Lanier, R 3 Summit Ga Dark
Cornish hens; 10 hens and 1 cock $20
for lot

Mrs E Shurling, Oconee Ga 10 Dark

pullets Mch and Apr hatch and cocker-
els same hatch $1 ea; all pure bred

af S L Wyandottes _
Mrs J C Reynolds, R 8-Elberton Ga

-M Johnson, Geneva Ga Gactierek Jan
hatch prize winning stock $2.50 ea

Mrs G R Adams, R 6 Vienna Ga 4
eocks Feb hatch $1.50 ea; ree

Mrs L O Stapler, Rs: Bowdon. Ga
Eggs from prize stock $1:for 15, viele te
for 30 ae

W T Adams, Bavottia Ga Eggs $1. 95
for 15 del; few young cockerels half
grown $1 ea :

E T Almon, Midland Ga Cockerels

from selected. pen $1.50 ea; two or more |:

$1.25 ea; Apr hatch; also 9 pullets and
sf ee Eggs $1 for 15 de]

mate their fraud.

R A Tennille Ga

Cornish hens and 1 cock $20 for lot 50

Young cockerels $1 ea; Eggs $1. e for

Seo Reward

Oh the great volume of offerings handled by this office,
some dishonest people have defrauded our citizens.
Sometimes the dishonest person has imposed on us by ad-
vertising his offerings. As soon as we learn of their frau-
dulent methods, they are denied any further use of the |
Bulletin. Then they watch the offerings in the Market
Bulletin and write direct to the owner and thus consum-

_ Therefore, we have decided to offer a . standing reward
of two hundred dollars for the criminal conviction of any
person wherein the transaction grew out of the use of the
Market Bulletin in any manner.

If you feel that you have been defrauded as above de-
scribed, submit your evidence to an attorney, and if he
thinks a fraud has been committed, either State or Fed-
eral, ask him to proceed with the prosecution. This re-
ward will amply take care of all fees and expenses.

Jackson, Divestor- .

Thursday, June 24,- 1926,


Mrs R J Hollang eto
pullets and 2 cockerels Feb hatch $10

for lot gS 53) b

White. s Weyasidottes
Mrs R F Terrell, R 3 Greenville Ga
12 chicks 4 wks old $6 del
Mrs J_E.Steadam, RA Bainbridge
Ga Martin Regal Doreas strain eggs.

from first pen $1.25 for 15; second pen r
90c for 15; large lots 5 and 6e ea; Mech |

hatch cockerels sos ea; Apr hatch $1
ea : ; ss :

Black iditeshans
Miss June Wooten, R 1 Broxton Ga

Chicks Apr hatch $1 ea f < b

Bantams |
Mrs B Stewart, R 2 Wadley Ga 3.
chicks 3 mo old 25 ea; also four 3 wks
ola t5e ea; 1 hen and 1-cock 50c ea
Mrs D V Smith, Leslie Ga Golden Se-
brights ;

MIXEDTable Use -
Mrs Addie Waddelle, Pearson
Fresh large eggs not fertile 30c dz
JO Stewart, Gardi Ga 14 hens and 2
cocks mixed breed 1 to 1 1-2 yrs old
$1 ea; also 7 Jan 1926 hatch 3-4 grown
Tbe ea:


Mrs I H Anderson, R 3 Alma Ga 50

small friers 40e lb f 0 b

Mrs T J Biggers, Bremen Ga Sever-
al cases white shelled eggs per wk

ie R Suggs, ~Gillsville Ga 50 friers if
wks ald 85c ea E

Mrs W R Williams, R 6 Cochran Ga
6 wks old mixeg chicks 35c ea

Mrs E Frazier, Sharon Ga Several
friers per wk

j : : Baby Chicks

Mrs H J McCorvey, Hawkinsville Ga

Jersey Black Giants 18c ea in lots B52,

or more
Mrs H Rommel, 51 Williams Mill

Road, Atlanta Ga Rocks and R I Reds :

vigorous stock $13 hun or $7 for 50; S

C W.Leghorns from laying strain $10 a
pun or $5.50 for 50; all del- - ee

(Mrs D: Donaldson, R 1 Decatur Ga
Donaldson strain R I Reds from best
pens 15c ea Summer del :

Mrs G L Freeman, R-6 Forsyth Ga .
Marcy strain Jersey Black soe 20

jea June 28th del

Mrs SG Rogers, Daisy. a 100. day
old chicks $5 hun June 27th del
Mrs E H Smith, RS Cochran Ga Day %
old mixed chicks lle ea del :
Fain Hatchery,
eee es ae and Anconas per wk $10 hun
el - 4
Mrs J E Feaesi). R 6 Qahinsh Ga:
100 chicks all large breed mostly R .
Reds oe Pe wes 8rd del ;

ee Hatching ;

Mrs H Rommel, 51 Williams Mill
Road, Atlanta Ga Setting each Satur-

aay lots 96 eggs ;


-Mrs J P Barrow, Buckhead Ga M B
s&s $3 for 12 fob

Mrs M C Colvard, Bowman Ga 3
Bronze hens; also 34 turkeys 2 mo old;

write for prices

Mrs Vashti Hamer, LaGrange Ga 1
M B tom $6; 1 hen; both 2 yr old

AS J Arrington, McIntyre Ga One
pure bred M B tom 82 Ibs $8; Two hens.
average 22 Ibs $5 ea or $16 for lot

Rai Sorngice: Ga: =

Edison Ga 1000 Wo

] R 6 Fort: Ga.
Mallards $4 pair ~-

and i a fawn and white

ndrum, Adairsville te Few
colored Muscovy duck eggs
e preed $1.50 for 12 del

- McGlann, Cusseta: Ga 6
Vy ducks $1.25 ea gel

V iday, R Acworth Ga-Two
cks; a drake and 1. duck $2.50

tough, Finleyson Ga 7 Mam-
e Pekins, Pardees strain 6
0 for lot


le white breasted 1 yr old

fashti Hamer, LaGrange Ga Lis
ea or $7 for lot

mson, R 2 Carrollton Ga
and speckle half grown; 2
and one goose 75c ea; large |

pe a Ril Rockledge Ga it

e size goslings 50c ea or exe
ee breed pene. chicks

Hace, 401 Highland Asve At:
- arieties tae Tee perceys 1926

Bva Papctun. Rt ache ae
talking rea head parrot, fin-
, $20 or exc for 20 dark Br
ens) *<*

Bird & Pet Shop. 222 Peach-
Atlanta Ga Giant South Ameri-
caws, scarlet red and blue and
parrots; one yr old $40 and $50
ed Talkers $75, $100 to $150
large plumage blue peacock 38
d fine condition $50; Singing
Mtn St Andreasburg Roller and
ion German Chopper canaries,
eties of colors, single birds or
pa nd gi5 e dbl gies pens

bOc; eis: p young ones 3 Wik old
e lot for $2.25 22 :

Belgian eee 33 or exc for na

Cobb, Ellijay Ga German Rotter

canary; 3 female; one male red
; or exe for any large breed |

D Fulghum, Lavonia Ga Spot-
ea pigs 2 mo old $1 pair

Putman, Ranger Ga Giant Red
and black rabbits 40e ea in lots

ner, R 2 Talking Rock Ga -2
its 1 yr old; doe white with |
; buck. white and black spotted;
ree 2 mo old ones $2.50 for fot

e McPherson, Rots Rabun
4 full blood Belgiam Rabbits
ld $10 for lot; good condition;
ll blood guinea pigs or ae
D0 ft Of <<
arborough, Finleyson Ga i sholes
ew Zealand Red rabbits 10 Ibs
olor 18 mos old, with 3 young!
2 mo old $8 for lot del

Waddelle, Pearson Ga Vietor
-35 bu $1.25. pk; Goos and Ha-
wders same price

Sinys, R 1 Ellabell Ga Whipps $4
$1.15 pk

Cenia Hayes, R 2 Norcross Ge.
wders 15c 1b,

O olvin, Siloam Ga Brown W hipps
Eras about 60 bus $4 bu in
Sacks fo b

nowden, RB Albany Ga 200
keye green peas per wk; no

Franklkin, Tennille Ga Mixed
ays and Whipps $5 bu; Jrons

inson, Cairo Ga Food Mixed
bu; Whipps $4.50; Irons Mix- |
ae yu fonb

ey, Quill Ga 32 Indian Run- |

Ife lb f ob

Z Paulk, RA Tifton Ga 1 pair }.

eer truck, ne n :
1 C6 : ee FHL oe one Vv ginia


= Seabee nae: Ga teu peas

2 Oe Giles, -Sr. Doerun . Ga Black

thee a $4 bu fob

Mrs Addie Waddelle, Pearson Ga
Medium size paper shell pecans 5 Ibs
$1; less quantity 25c lb; 50 Ibs or more


S M Phillips, Quitman Ga Several
new bbls pure Ga cane syrup $20 bbl
Mrs C L Wynn, R 1 Rockledge Ga
Few gal Ga cane syrup in jugs one
bbls $1.10 gal
D P Blake Jr. Concord Ga Ael sor-

a syrup in 10 Ib pails

B Purifey, Yatesville Ga Ottawa
Log Saw; exc for 3 shoats 100 Ibs ea or
38 bus corn
oR Scarborough, Finleyson Ga 2
straight plows good condition, nose

band included $5 for. both; also one

Lynchburg Dixie without handle $2 or
$6.75 for all f 0 b; also one Boy Dixie

H McEtheney, (Monticello Ga Fordson
Tractor ang Disc Harrow for same
practically new $375 for both f 0 b
-E T Boswell Jr. Siloam Ga Peerless

engine high pressure 20 H P mounted;

Vance 20th Century Sawmill and belt

~|feed; Tom Huston Skidder with 700 ft

cable and pulleys, hooks, etc; Fordson

Tractor practically new; Moline Tractor

good condition; Electric Western 32. volt}
generator Delco Light plant complete
good running condition; Ford truck good
a condition; Sunlight Acetylene
lighting plant with house fixtures =

Mrs: W W Trimble, Adairsville Ga
Cream Separator, DeLaval No 2 good
condition $35

J M Brown, McRae Ga Peak and
grain thrash; Ford Traction belts | in
good shape $250 for all f o b

Miss Bell Jones, R 4 Shellman Ga
Wisconsin incubator 126 egg good condi-
tion with thermometer and instructions
$5 f o b or exc for 5 nice good laying
strain B Rock pullets Mch or Apr
hatch, Parks strain preferred -

National Pecan Groves Co. Flintside
Ga Complete 2 70 Saw Continental gin
outfit; 30 H P Stationary engine; screw
press complete with tramper; 3 Oliver
bottom plows for traetor; 3 Sullivan-
Towson Dise Tractor plows Case thrash-
ing machine 15-30; sacrifice
- H B Weeks, Norman Park Ga Key-
stone pea harvester good condition $150
or exc for grain and peanut thrash, Ra-
cine or Case make preferred; One cir-
cle saw solid tooth 36 in. dia good con-
dition $50 or exc for 36 in. cut off saw

G Murphy, R 2 Jasper Ga Fordson
Tractor complete with Athens. dbl disc
side plow; turned only few acres; Dar-

D Davis, Rutledge Ga 110 volt Delco

motor; also two 110 volt motor; One 10

H P Olds engine $75; One electric biow- |

er; Milk cooler for 20 cows

R P Steinheimer, Brooks Ga Canning |

outfit good condition; sell or exc for
oats, rye or wheat

MoM Newberry, Wellston Ga 40-H P
Schofield boiler; 35 H P Schofield en-

gine; No 2 Hinch & Drumgo sawmill

outfit complete; also mules, log drays,
logging equipment; sell cheap

G M Shearouse, Box. 115 Guyton Ga

Two 50 H P boiler; 150 H P. Engine ef
20 EH: P engine; 1 30 H - engine; No 2
Lombard sawmill; two 50 in. inserted
tooth circular saws; one cutoff saw and
belt complete; 2 or 4 horse wagon; hand
car; 1-2 ton 12 ft steel rails; saw man-
drel- and frame complete; good belt
feed; 3 old timber carts

G J @yson, R 6 Wrightsville Ga One

42 rows Johnson dusting machine mene
tically new $25 0.

S White,-R 3 Ellijay Ga Grist mill
good condition; cheap for cash or exc

Cc G Oliver, R.2 Barnesville Ga. One

eyclone hand seed sower for small grain
and seed $2.50 f 0 b

W <A Parrish, Thomasville Ga Mc-
Cormick mowing machine and _ rake
good condition $25 for poth fo b Quit-
man Ga or exc for 240 egg incubator,
Buckeye or Old Trusty make

N C Cross, R5 Atlanta Ga One Ford-

son Tractor with pulley; used five days |

and good condition $300
J W Hanner, Ellaville Ga 20 H P

Boiler and engine, Russell make, mount-

ed on wheels, good condition

A H Ware, Hogansville Ga 4 50 saw
Winship gins and shaftings, rev. press,
60 H P Cole: boiler; 50 H P Engine, run-
ning condition $600 for outfit
SJ ea Pruett, Cvpnring Ga One. ton

eye bi

2 = oe oe a ARKE - BU L L ETI N

: s M Phillips, Quitman Ga One 20 H
P and ene 15 H P gas engine; cheap

-R #H Pirkle, Winder Ga 14-28 Case
Tractor good conditien; sell or exc for
Ancona er Leghorn hens or small farm
fang give or take difference

J L Taylor, Talbotton Ga Good gin-
ning outfit complete; sell cheap :

J A Garland, Molena Ga Sawmill out-
_fit DeLoach make, 3 head blocks, 3 -sec- |.
tions of track: bolted together, also belt,
3 head blocks for another. mill with
under works; also 15 horse Cole engine
with governors and lubricator good con-
dition; one 38 in. and one 48
gauge for light mills; sell or exe for
-} truck with good tires

J A Ingram, Cordele Ga One 60 egg
Oakes electric incubator used 3 times
$7. 50 fo b or exc for chickens at mar-

J M Hunt, 1211 Healey Bldg. Atlanta |
Ga 23 cut off circular saws 28 ih. dia;
also 32 that are 26 in. dia; Southern Saw
| Works make, good condition $2.50 ea

Mrs H I Carson, Lyerly Ga Electric
churn with motor using alternating
current good condition. $12.50 or exc
for 12 RI Red or = Rock hens not over
18 mo old

J W Puryear,
Hay Press or Baler 14 x 18; cheap or
exc: for belt power cane mill :

J O Dye, Forsyth Ga 20-32 Racine
Separator without: straw stacker; One
8-16 I H C Tractor Separator outfit.
good condition $400

W C Powell, Lincolnton Ga Complete
2 70 Saw gin system~practically new
and goad condition; cheap and on good

ra. Tee

J L Coleman, R 3 Glenwood Ga Set
Tobacco flues made for two furnaces
for house 16 or 20 ft square $20 f 0 b

E S Cown, Perry Ga One Uo 25 Oli-
ver riding cultivator practically new
een disc and feet $25 f 0 b

- W LL Bagwell, R 3 Jasper Ga Wiscon-
sin Incubator used part of 3 seasons
Exe for 1 male and 1 female P C pig
not under 8 wks old; Big Bone prefer- |.

~W J Leake, Powder Springs Ga One
15 H PI H C engine good condition

Mrs G W Stevens, Nicholls Ga Buck-
eye Blue Flame brooder 300 chick $10
or exc. for 14 W Leghorn pullets Tan-
cred or Ferris strain 4 or 5 mos old.

N C Alston, Richland Ga One sawmill
Shine: and boiler good condition

- Zebulon Ginning & Fertz Co. Zebulon
Ga. Two Lilliston peanut pickers | good
condition; cheap fo b -

' E Vickers, Ocilla Ga One 8 horse
gasoline engine, One 35 horse gasoline
engine good condition; cheap; One. set
cogs gearing for sugar a to. ei

Orn Rei Orange Ga Two horse Mo:
line turning plew practically new. used
.2 wks $16 or exc for Whip peas, 4 bus
or 16 S C W Leghorn: pullets Mch
hatch Ferris strain

J C Peacock, R 1 Chickamauga Ga 6
saw Aimerican lathe mill,
ae mandrel, shafting, pulleys, belts
Silage cutter with blower
pipes $75 or exec for hogs or corn

P W Collins, R 1 Pineview Ga De-
; Lavel cream Separator No 10 good con-

bolting mill,

TB Thomas & Son, Pimvasberd Ga
Fairbanks Morse engine Z type 3 H P
good condition

EE Mobley, Chipley Ga DeLavel sep-
arator size 17 in; used 6 mos $70; Kel-
yly Duplex Feed Mil used 4 mos $60;
6 HP Gas International engine station-

RS Parham, Greenville Ga Moline
Mower and Rake $60; One new four Mc- |
Cormick Mower and Rake $40; One Mo-
line corn harvester used one season $40;
One 2 horse Weber wagon $30; One new
Big 6 McCormick Mower $75

W F McHan, Ellijay Ga One IH C
make -grain thrash good condition; exe
for large steel Case to thrash rye

Wilson Minorea Yards, R 2 Martin Ga
Old Trusty incubator good condition 120

Ree Williarhson, 2 Mayfield
Ga Bowser gasoline pump and 120 gal
tank; cheap; useq very little

GS Moye, R A Hazlehurst Go One
ton Ford truck with steel cab and wood
body good condition with little repairs;
Spee all. practically new; Sell for

City of Pavo, Pavo ces One 30 HW. 3
60-C-2300-V. a
connected to 50 H P Harrisburg piston
valves engine, with excitor and rheos-
|tat; One 100 H P Blake and Knowles
epen feed water heater; One 66 in, x 16
strapped triple
tubular boiler, 100 H P; One 7 1-2 x 4
1-2 x10. in. Boiler Feed Be ine eight
| Plant Qt Raye, 02 :

riveted return


Mrs J A Kell, R 2) Calhoun Ga 'i00
egg Majestic ineubator, Miller make,
also one 100 chick oil burning brooder;
sell or exe for Ga sugar cane syrup -

E L Nason, RC Americus Ga 2 70
saw gin outfit with D B steam: press; _
ginned 1500 bales; also 30 H P Engine

-}and 50 H P Boiler; One Planer and dou-

ble end trimmer; sell cheap .

Rozier Poultry Farm, R 3 Alma Ga ~
1000 egg Wisconsin incubator; Two 1000
chick Sol-hot brooders used one- season.
and practically new $110 or exe for 100
Feb or Mch hatch Ferris strain. W Leg-
horn pullets, or. 100 Holterman <Aristo-
erat strain B Rocks

S Craig. Jr. Lawrenceville Ga I. H c
Feed Crusher.
new $40; Primrose cream separator No
3 operates by motor or hand power,

| used one yr good condition $70; Hoosier

grain drill 5 rows practitally new good
condition $25; Four rolis woven wire
26 in. high used one yr $5 rol, 20 roads
to roll; Stewart cliping machine good
cond:tion $8 i
F EH Walker, 6 Gilmer St Atlanta Ga
One Standard: Reliable incubator hot
air, 700 egg, set one time and good con- |
dition $55 0 b; exc for Parks strain-.
Rocks about 12 wks old ~
LF Reed, R 2. Lincolnton Ga tron-
elad incubator 150 egg $10 or exc for
15 Br Leghorn pullets 12 wks old


W.J Leake, Powder Springs Ga 100
three bu feed bags $6; 50 dairy feed. -
bags $2.65; Oat bags 8c ea all geod con-
dition, f a b

mn M Jordan, Dunwoody. Ga. Barnes-
ville top buggy. and set good
condition $40 :

Mrs J B Moseley Se tontac Ga Several
hun nice thick crocus sacks 2 and 2 1-2
bu Te and.9c ea f ob

R H Wesley, R 1 Luxomni Ga One
good Park saddle $3 f 0 b

A P Teel, Morris Station Ga 25 mil-
lion ft extra fine rooted pine: $4M; write
for full information | ne

National Biseuit Co. Thomasville Ga .
strong well built wagon suitable for
dairy, ice or similar business; bargain

L # Harrison, Dublin Ga Vinegar
white and red in 50 gal bbis 15c gal
f Oo b i?

W S Rasberry, Andersonville Ga 6
million ft original yellow heart and
roofer timber, good logging, 2 to 4 mi
to haul to loading station on two good
highways; also good cross tie timber -

G C_ Edmondson, Temple Ga Top
buggy and harness good running. condi-
tion $20 or exc for pigs or Jersey calves

D Dubberly, Bristol Ga Good 1 1-2_.
horse wagon practically new $50 :

T P Trowell, Broxton Ga - Country
straw brooms $1. 50. dz del

B Volbrath, Dewy Rose Ga Sassafras
roots for tea 5c Ib f o b ;

Mrs Mattie McPherson, R t Rabun. :
Gap Ga 30 Ibs rhubarb for making pie

|10c lb f 0 b

W V Howeil, Howell Ga 400 acres

{timber hard and soft wood; write for

full particulars ;

G W Moore, Gainesville Ga 2 wagons
1 9-8 in. Bagwell make, g00d condition;
suitable for heavy hauling ;

Mrs P Forbes, Brooklet Ga 30 qt
cans and tops to seal with Virginia can-
ner sealer, $1.25 a

W A Smith, 102 Bay St Savannah
Ga Ground oyster shell for chickens $1
hun Ibs, $18.50 ton f o b

J L Burk, R A Tifton Ga Meat re-
frigerator. 2000 lb capacity, $25

~W Nunn, RR 5 Lawrenceville . Ga -
Damaged tobacco. for. spraying beans
and cabbage 4 Ibs 50c del S

L B iMillians, Newnan Ga 4 galv feed
bins with top, rat and rainproof 25 gal
capacity $3 ea or 2 for $5 or $10 for

J S Estavanko, oaks Ga Apple
cider vinegar 55 gal del


Gallberry* Honey Co. Baxley Ga Galt
berry honey packed in 10 tb pails $1.75
ea or $1.50 ea in erates of 6 pails or

-P E Johnson, Manassas Ga 60 Ib
cans clear and amber honey; several
cases good section honey in cases :

R C Meaders, Dahlonega Ga New
crop mountain honey bulk 50 to 60 Ibs.
17 1-2c Ib; One Ib sections 20 Ibs or
more 20c Ib crated ready for shipment;
smaller quantities 20c and.25e -

J O Hallman, Helena Ga Choice de-
licious comb honey; one 10 lb pail $2.25
del in Ga; Six 10 Ib pails $10 f o b

D F Thomas, Odum Ga Extra fancy
Gallherry honey in sections new crop
$7.10 tase of 32 sections
Fk Crummey, Doctortown. Ga New
extracted h 6 No 10 pails to case


Sweet williams




J M White, Groveland Ga Fancy
comb honey in 24 Ib glass front ship-
ping cases 20c Ib f o b

W W. DeLoach, Brooklet Ga Gallber-
ry honey 15c lb; amber honey 12 1-2
ib 60 Ibs to can ;

Mrs F R- Vincent, Fruitland Ga 5 lb
cans new honey $1.35 del

L DP Burkhalter, Daisy Ga Comb hon-
ey shipping cases, for bee way sections
40c ea or $35 hun; 4 1-4 plain. sections
38c.ea or $33 hun

C G Oliver, R 2. Barnesville Ga Nice
comb or chunk honey 20 Jb in 10 lb lots
or more f o b; also pure strained honey
25c lb in 6 MW lots or more f 0 b

Mrs L Wynn, R 1} Rockledge Ga
Fresh new. honey strained and in gal

* Jugs. $1.75. gal

B F- Giles,
comb honey,

R 4 Doerun Ga Bright
gallberry, in 40. to 70 Ib

cans 15c lb f o b

W W = Futech, Lanier Ga New crop
gallberry honey in 32 Jb shipping cases
$5 case f o b

DC Edenfield, Stilmore Ga Chunk

honey in lard cans del in Ga $15 hun
Chunk honey No.10 cans del $1.90; in
Vb sections 24 to. standard display case
$5.50 case returned or $6 and Keep case;
all del

W E Buckner, Mt Vernon Ga Fancy
chunk honey in 60 Ib cans 15_ Ib; same
in 5 Ib pails 6 to case 16c fo b-

J p White, Dublin Ga Beehives, ex-
tractors and beeswax

DN Smith, Foomsboro Ga No 1 comb
honey in 60 to 70 lb cans lic lb 0b

W H Grimes, Colquitt Ga 200 Ibs
home cured smoked side meat 25 Ib;

- 200 lbs home cured smoked joint meat

20e lb fob

E M Travis, Payetheriie. Ga Corn
fed. stnoked hams 35 lb; wt 25 Ibs
: Villa Viscaya Farm, Doerun.Ga Coun-
try cured and smoked hams 35c lb;
shoulders 28 Ib-del; 9 to 10 Ibs

Mrs J J Roach, R 3 Royston Ga 2}

nice country hams

23 and, 22 lhs 32

Mrs Z M Story, Thomson Ga Coun-
try hams perfectly cured 35c Ib
C G@ Oliver, R 2 Barnesville Ga Coun-
ue cured fed hanis 6 to'32 lb ea 40c Ib

Womans De spereney


Mrs J E ee ne . Quitman Ga
Amaryllis bulbs $1 dz, 7 dz $5; Little
yellow. sweet scented narcigsus $1 hun;
Jonquil bulbs same price; mixed color
gladioli bulbs 20c dz or $1.25 hun; dbl
variegated red and yellow cannas $1
hun; spider lilly ulbs 45c dz; milk a
wine lilly. bulbs Te da; white water lilly
roots 25c dz: wild ferns 20c dz; one
of each named above $2.50; add postage
on all orders. for less than Be

Mrs W L Blankenship, 601 Second |
Ave Rome Ga Hasti > monster zennias,
giant snapdragon, lit le gem -feverfew,
calendula, phlox, petunia, marigolds,
dbl] hollyhock, all color mixed all 25e
dz: white moon vine 50c dz

Miss Ruth Blankenship, 601 Second |

Aye Rome Ga Dbl and
hock, zennia, marigold,
gon, little | gem feyer ews |

single holly

nnia 25c dz
- Mrs J W Gholston, Comer Ga Water
lilly bulbs, white, flesh, pink and deep
rose 50c bulb

Mrs C A Foster, R 2 Talking Rock Ga
Pink and red geranium 5c; well rooted;
white hydrangia 20 ea; Leopard begon-
ja 20c 6a; Kmas cagtus lhc ea: well
Ppeied: putter and egg 10 dz; rainbow
moss 2 bunches Loe; Pine burr begonia
20 eas daffodil 25c dz or $1 hun

Mrs J. W Roper, R 7 Gainesville Ga
White and pink hydrangia cuttings 5
ea; few rooted white and pink hydran-
gia 10c ea: white, red, pink geranium
orange color, Lantana red Justischia,
red cactus cuttings 5c ea; large leaf
red oxalis, white Aug lilly, sword fern,
Srape begonia 10c ea; dbl petunia cut-
tings 10c ea; smal leaf pink oxalis 5e
ea; wandering jew green and white, anq
green striped cuttings 2 for 5c; add

Aline Conner, R 7 Gainesville Ga
Yellow jonquil bulbs 20e az $1.45. hun;
Purple sweet violets 15c dz; white nar-

. eissus bulbs, blue iris lilly 20ce dz; yel

low flag 10c dz; mixed carnatidns 25c
dz; mixed sweet williams 20c dz j

Miss Florrie Hushey, R 1 Ranger Ga
ac dg; daisy chevsan-
hemnums 20 az sword Agena. 25 ea;
Gloria De Begonias 25 ea; Dbl red. Gace

}well reoted 20c ea; cuttings loc ea; pan-

jets 10 dz; blagkeye susans large plants |

| dz; @usty miller 15c az or 2 dz 25 del
R 2 Cave}

dz | Springs Ga Pink and red May and June |

giant snapdra- }
blox, gaillar- |-
dia all 25 dz, 4 dz $1; cal endula, petu- |


Cherokee Farm Floral Garden, weet
Point Ga Dahlia slips from Frank A |
Walker, Madonna, . Pink Jacek Rose, L
Zeppelin, Mms Van Bystem, Mrs Jac-
ques Futrelle, Earle, of Pembroke; Lib-
elle, American. Beauty, Dramant Rose |
pink. Century, Achievement, War and }
faney red and white loc ea del* Giant

petunias 25 dz; red spider. lillies $i. 50,
dz; Goldenglow 3 for 25; milk and wine
lilly 25c ea; Sweet Alyssium 3 dz 25c;
exc; also exe single white mums for. sgl
pink, yellow or lavender mums

Mrs Dessie Hughey, R 1. Ranger Ga
Hardy everblooming dbl red carnations

sy geraniums red with white center 25
a cutting 15 ea; fire ball geraniums,
20e ea cuttings lic ea; New shaking
ferns 25 ea; weeping rainbow ferns for
swinging baskets-and pots 25 ea; be-
gonias, Gloria De Chattelaine 256 -e8:
cuttings 15 ea; Gable trumpets white
trumpet shaped blooms 25 ea; daisy
chrysanthemums 20c dz; tan. colored
chrysanthemums 20c dz; hardy lavender
color verbenas 25c dz 4

Mrs J Winters, Buford Ga Blue vio-.
tlets, dusty miller, running myr tle, moss
verbena and loose tangle moss 10c dz;
Marguerite carnations mixed colors
large flowering, Asters mixed, white
flag lillies 20e dz; pink Perkins, red
velvet, blue rambler and red rambler |
rose all 10e ea; white baby dbl rose 10;
all rooted; phlox plants mixed 1l5 dz;
purple. lilac and yellow bells, bride
wreath 10 ea; seyeral kinds. wild ferns
10c ea; sage plants 5c; sell or exe: for
box flowers; add postage on all orders
for less than 50

Mrs R FE Lunsford, Jackson Ga fo
petunia plants mixed colors 50 plants }
25c or 40c hun; Apr blooming narcissus,
10c dz or 75c hun; large | chrysanthe-
mums mixed colors lic dz; white in-
fsurved mums 25 dz; sweet purple vio-

'LOc dz; green and striped jew cuttings
: 1Ge dz; rooted Boston ferns 20c ea; one}
2 yr old Boston fern $1; add postage

Mrs FC: Floyd, Chipley Ga R 2 Sin:
fle white Apr blooming. Star Bethlehem |
25 pulbs 85e; March blooming dbl Star
Bethlehem 4 bulbs 35; Jonquils, daffo-
jils, narcissus, hyacinth, Japanese, Iris
20 bulbs 35; Chinese Sacred Lilly 4
bulbs 35e; white German Iris 6 bulbs
35e; all del; 25 Giant red Hibiscus seed
10c; 20 pink moonvine seed 10; Giant
white moon vine, Brazillian Morning
glory, white, plue moon vines 4 rooted}!
| plants 39c; Seven red or white or mixed
rooted honeysuckle vines 35c.

Miss. Leila Sorrells, R 4 Monroe Ga
| Maidenhair fern 15 ea; pink. and white
zonk begonia 3-for 15 or 6 for 25

Mrs. C:1 Atkinson, R 3 Rome Ga Yelk
low Iris 30 da; sweet blue violets 15c

Miss Lillie Deen Broom,
cactus 15 and 25c; Devil. walking stick
cactus. and beef tongue 15. and 25;
Mtn fern 25 or & for $1: Biddy. widdy }
cactus 10c ea; add postage :

Miss. Louise Southerland, R- $ Bllijay.
Ga Lemon lillies 20 da; purple ir 1b f
'izt marigolds 10c dz; dusty ne 10
iz; evergreen yine with blue plossoms
i0c. dz: standing cypress 10c dz; English |
dogwood 10c ea; flowering quince 20
ea; purple violets lic dz; bunch roses |
ved and pink {fvUc.ea; honeysuchie, yer
OW. jonquils, daffodils and spotted yard,
grass all 20 az: well rooted

Miss Ola Southerland, Re Ellijay Ga
Snow on mountain 10c dz; Tomato}

ylants.10e dz: Marigolds plants 10 dz; |
, lowering quince 25e a; evergreen vine
15 dz; Spotted iris 20c dz; lemon lillies
20 Gz; striped grass 10 ea; lilly bushes |
'20c dz; sunflower 15 dz; blue iris 20c
dz; purple foxglove 15 dz; downfall 20
dz; bunch roses 10 ea; Star grass: 206
dz; ground ivy 5c bunch

Mrs Sidda Sountherland, R 3 Ellijay
Ga Narcissus, daffodils 15c dz: marigold 4
10c dz; cabbage and tomato plants 20c

roses, lic. dz; butter and egg 10c az;
creeping charlie 10 bunch; turnip seed
de tablespoon; add postage

Mrs. Ida Southerland, R 38 Bllijay
Ga Lemon lillies 20c dz; weeping Mary
tie fer 2; Camphor 2 bunches bc; cat-
nip 20c dz; lilly bushes ]0 ea; yellow
root 25e dz; sweet williams 25 dz;
peachtree roses 10c ea; marigold 10 dz:

10c ea

Mrs L G Sanders, Dewy Rose Ga
White and. pink everblooming begonia.
rooted 15c ea; cuttings 2 for 15c; Teddy
Jr. Fluffy Ruffle and Boston ferns lic
ea; pink, white, salmon, red, searlet,

Orange and pink: sultana rooted 15 cut-


single dark blue violets $1 hun lants; b
= a a pink and salmon geranium cuttings 10 [

Ga Dbl white 4 different shades pink,

hun; peachtree roses 4 for: ane; prim |.

dusty miller 20c dz; English dogwood |

carmine and orange geraniums rooted.
Lie uttings 10 ea; Jew 12 for 10c; rose

beri EON:

tings 10; all orders for more than 2c

. Mrs Dinah Eller, R 3 Ellijay Ga Or-
ange lillies 25e dz; white and light blue
violets and myrtle vine one da Or each

Beatrice Doerun Ga Red,

ea or exe for sultana any color
Ruth Rolls, R A Jesup Ga Old rose
hibiscus- plants about 1 ft high 5 mix-
-ed; petunia seed 5 pkg: Portulaca seed
5c mixed. pkg; Tree cactus be gutting:
ada postage,
Mrs Sarah F Pope, R 3 Alma Ga
Xmas cactus 6 plants well: rooted 380;
}striped jew 5c plant with go ots; no.
Tess than 95. sold; oxalis 10c: spulbs 3 for
; Zane; Easter lillies 10c plants. add post-

Miss Pecola. Stone;

R : S Adairsville

5 red, also red and pink rosebud geran-
iunes 10 cutting
ting; Parlor ivy. 100; exc any of above
for sultana or beefsteak or New Venus.

Mrs Marion Eaton, Rit Dahlonega Ga
Rooted rambler rose, baby rambler Sev-
en sisters 10c ea 3 for 25; Flag lillies,
yellow. purple iris lillies, red ispider lil-
lies, 3 large bunches for 25t; pepper-
mint, spearmint plants 15 hun; red and
yellow marigold plants 10 dz; sweet
Basel 6 for 10c; fountain plants 10c dz;
pink and yellow peach rose 10 ea; blue
pll plants 5c dz: garden gooseberry
-bushes rooted 10c ea Yellow bunck roses
rooted; old fashion kind 10s;: ae nest.
age on small orders

Garling H Eaton, R t Dahlonega Ga
Mtn ferns several kinds 10; white pine,
spruce pine, hemlock 2 to 3 ft high 10
ea 3 for 25e; cottonwood bush ! for sha ee
trees 15c ea; maple 2 to 3 igh
ea; red root, yellow root Sec ao
inint leaves 50c lb; spearmint. leaves, $
lb; grub, root or Star Root $1 th; , Laurels
ide. ea 3 for 25; white and yello -jon-
quils $4 hun; wild cherry. tree. bark 50
lb; Birch bark 50c 1b; Rasin- weed root
50c lb; ad@ postage on small orders.

Miss Isabel Green, R 6 Gainesville Ga

Seven. Sister running rose suttings 10;
rreoted 20; pink oxalis rogted bulbs 3
for 10e; add postage; Dbl red. geranium
cuttings 10c ea Orange day lillies 25c
dz; purple lilac rooted 1de ea; Green
jew, 3 for 5c; orange winter pinks 20 dz
rooted; one pink Fustisnnaemeoated 15;
add postage . ie Rs

Mrs ET. Almon, Midlana Ga Dpl
pink geranium rooted 15-ea; cuttings
from pink, white and red=8*for 20c ea;
nice size spengeria and fl i nue
fern rooted 2 for 25; .
and cluster DAEciga ys
$1.25 hun : .

Miss Fannie Mae Gatlin, R 3 aes
-Fa Dusty miller 25c dz; yellow bloom-
ing cactus 50c dz; King jew and little
jew 25c dz; exc for any kind of begonia
}or ferns or geraniums, se Pane
or ivy: geranium AS

Pink: tissue, geranium - ona 1be ea;
Boston fern rooted 15 RI Rainbow

ea;\ Painters brush 10 ea; Aug lillies

lemon. lillies 30 dz: Bhtand - yellow.
Inixed lillies 25 dz; white narcissus 26.c
dz; monthly rose cuttings an eslor: Be
ea; snow on mountain sheets: exc for
dbl. petunia only; - postagt paid | on: all

6 or exc for any pot flowers Swingin
pot moss 5c or exc for boxflowers; add
postage | CES

Mrs J A Griffin, 512 16th Ave E Cor-
dele Ga Begonias, Caroline. sucerne,
Pink Conch, Red, Beefsteak,.. Artillery
Plant, Pink sultana: variegated Vinca
Justischia, Asparagus Spengeria, Roose-

panna Denali kage ae eee

Mrs C A ar Rit Ghautioe Ga F ;
| Zennia plants all colors mixe

PS for 10e. Hy: drangia
| flowering alaond 10; orange lilly eg fo
| 10: all orders for 20 or. more del. ~

| 6 kinds

| for
size papershell - ruts: $1 Wz: -

lillies 10c;

; Pot mistletoe 10 cut- fag
rt Ahirs
fing red wool flower 30c dz; Ch;
fters 25. dz or 5 dq $1,

}bena mixed; Calendula,

White August lillies bulbs 10c; yell
iris lilly, June and July blooming 1

bulbs 10 dz: yellow daffodils bulb:
dz; flowering almond 2 for.5

\Priyet bushes 10 dz or.

ASE; hollyhock be az; add post
Pink hydrangia cuttings 10 ea; pink }

}bunch; purple verbena 15c

lilly bleoms until late. frost ac e
| dering jew 12 cuttings 25c

ter dilies 30.c az; Variegate

4} pach

reuttings large dbl
moss ibe ea; Grape geranium rooted ide

25s, ea; Chinese fragrantferns 25e dz f-

weeping Mary, Mtn ferns a

time Mtn. flower honey suckle

erders: for '3e OL cae er 10, ea or 3 for 20c; Golden
Mes. L Fortsen;. R44 Danielsville | 2 for 25 purple lilac,
Ga Large white might ne 25e Foye bleeding. heart 25 e

; rose cuttings 10 ea; also fall

Rooted boxwood plants 6 to. 20. in hi

Miss Viola. Cash, Figwery.

2. dz d5e or 90e hun; exe 100
sweet pepper plants :

WB: Bryant, Coffee Ga 5. dz
touchmenot mixed colors 20: nie
(olue). -20c;

Mrs J L Burk, R A Tifton Ga 1
mixed petunias Zac hun; white m
25e hun; yellow daisies 256 hun; m) eS
2aeep colors rooted roses $5
Rooted Perkins: roses large size 1
entire collection $1.40 del; Ice play
10e; small pecan trees from

Mrs F H Martin, R 1 Gainesville
Dark blue plumbago 10c bune
dbl red geranium J
ting; mistletoe moss 10c -bune
leaf beg onia L0c cutting;
bulbs i0c:
cactus Ta Xmas cactus | 100; ;
ie: hot pepper plant 10 dz; add D

af Otting, R4 Rome Ga

$1. 75 hu

dz; red coxcomb Hasting Zennia mi

25e; phlox mixed color, petunia :

colors; Hasting whit Zennia

dz; Buttercup, butter and
narcissus 25 dz; white nare
pimento pepper plants,

plants, lde dz or

Hilly 30 dz; dbl orange a a os 3
rdgz or. 5 dg hbo:

Mrs HG Fraser, R 7 Gainesville G

dz; Rainbow. moss 5c all color ever.
ing flower plants 10c dz; yellow jong

Mrs M Conner, R 7 Gainesvi
Ferns and begonia all kinds, SOP
sultanas, lantanas plumbago, h ise
dbl petunia and gladioli 20 ea 2 for
6 for 90; $1.65 dz; Coleus 3 ie iS
(Mas JM McGarity. Drak

flowers; winter pinks 10 da

Mrs Lula McElhannon, R
Open grown petunias 60 stro
20c; Rainbow mess all colors:
green and green and white house
featherfew fine for eut. flow

scarlet. red : FOr 10c; all pla
roots SS -
Mrs a x Cary, Region: Ga E
verbena 15c dz $1 hun or $5
and scarlet red 3 for 10; Rainb
all colors 25 dz; Rea and yell

Marie Henry, Mineral Bluff Ga J
iquils, sweet williams, wild - ul S
snow drops, Mtn ferns 25 vd

ibe. dz; Travelers Darel

balls 25e ea rooted /
ed, 2 for. 25e; old field. dai
rose sprouts bloom: ng
sprouts 2 for 25c; red baby. ram rmbler +
d nk
cuttings, fall blooming Bb emis
all. 10 ea or 2 for 25
Pearl Holland, Mineral Bluff Ga.
quils, _snowdrops, snow on

shion daisies 10 dz; orn
bon grass. with. dusty. bloom

rose cuttings dl red,

rose. cuttings blooms from mai
until frost same. price
We ood Lawn Nursery, Greenville - Gs

$12 hun del:. Orange lillies 50e
$3.75. hun: Mammoth | land Baty

ferns a az

velt ferns, any 8 for 5dC .

rem peewee


it. No Ad qual h repeated
All ads must be in.

either Sale or Rent

| Georsia Far arm Lands For SALE, WANTED or RE

Tite as will ee issu :
I only be sent to those who. reque E

fore the first for that months issu
_ Full description should be made and price must ee giver
therwise not Ls

Crepatie Fo aes

unless sent-in each mont

elligib! e

He Godard, Gogeansville Ga
chrysanthemums 50c dz;
plooming size 25c ea; Sul-y
ne 25c ea; Fuschias 1dc a;
qoc ea; cuttings of sultanas, ge-
ntanas and weigelias 5c ea;
and coleus 5c ea; tuberose ide
us ted 10c ea; oxalis pink and
nd pale orchid 5 ea; red, white,
ind green and white striped jew
red and silver striped jew. i0c
se plants 20c dz; Caila lilly
tischia rose color loc ea
Sora Lee Otting, Rome GaChina
edz 5 dz $1 or $1.75 hun Hast- |
yool flower 30c dz; Hasting zen-
ad 25e dz or 5 dz $1; fevertew |
hiox mixed. colors, -
rs 25c az; 5 dz $1; Red cox-
c dz; verbena mixed colors, cal-
xed colors 25c dz; blue iris
0c dz; day lillies dbl orange 25c
dz $1; Pimento pepper plants;
nne pepper plants 15 dz or 2
ttercup, butter and ees, yel-
reissus bulbs 25c dz or 6 dz-$1
Sora Lamar, R 2 Felton Ga Dry.
e 5c Ib; well rooted large |
iS t et 10 bunch; houseleak
5 ing trawberry plants 25c dz
rinse n a rambler rose 10 or.
us. cutting sultanas, begonia
d geraniums, evergreen shrubs |
poxwood 25

pa Carter, Lake Park Ga Red} -

nn sultana cuttings unrooted |
de; trailing green coleus plants |
ooted 25c; extra large 35dc ea; Hast- |
rid coleus plants all colors 2 for
rk green Jeaf porch | caladium
6c a, 5 for $1;Large leaf ele-
pulbs 20c ea 6 for $1; pink
bulbs 20e dz, 3 dz 50c; $1 hun;
jonquils bulbs 25 dz, 5 dz $1; or-
earlet: Easter lilly bulbs $1 dz 6
Giant White Spider lillies 50c ea;
neysuckle vine 25c ea
- Grindle, R 1 Dahlonega. Ga.
ranium cuttings 5c; red begonia
or 25c; foxglove 25c dz: hy-|
rooted 3 for 15c; cologne
; four oclock piantsS 6-for |
ire bush. 3 for 10c; white
ig jew plants 12 for: 15c; one |
de af begonia; one grape leaf bego-

e ed begonia; one white begonia;
yed geranium; one dbl petunia,
ch pink oxalis; all well rooted

collection |

oF Drury; RA Waynesyjile Ga4
oth leaf caladium bulbs 25 ea;

Jeaf caladium 15c; purple stem
ium 15c; all 3 for 50c; add postage,

ly lilly 25c ea; sweet scented flow-
shape wf butterfly; Alba Picta be-

Viola - Wilson, Morganton | Ga:

Herokee rose $1 dz; collection of

n) 50c; wild sweet williams 20c dz; |


s pink yellow 20c ea Mtn laurel
jemon lillies 40e dz; white yellow |
jolet 10c dz; 10 choice roses.
ris lillies, d0c dz Althea. lilly
2; Blue rose 15 a; daffodils bulbs
; trailing arbutus 20c dz

Story, Thomson Ga, Choice

nd hollyhock plants 250 dz
ndle, R 1 Dahlonega . Ga:
r garden pinks all colors dbl
blooming moss, hollyhocks
eppermint plants, 15c dz dbl
cuttings, justischia and hibis-
abl red geraniums cuttings not

2 for. be; white striped jew, rain-
3). oxadis, 2 for: Sc; petunia
colors 15 dz; add postage
ue Etter Harrison, Dublin Ga
ny nopted: water lillies 25c ea or

Conner, Eh Gainesville Ga

mn. plants mixed colors 25c dz;
t william plants 25 dz; blue
veto Jonquil ee: 200: dz

dz; 4 Tangerine ify faciaded
rery 50ce order or_more

: ae Maloch, R 1 Hoschton Ga

burning bush, white daisies,

Dele Yiolets, pink primrose,

perriwinkle, Jarge pink mums,

( lowering moss, mixed 50

sn dragon mixed colors 20c dz.

atehing esses: mane pbegonia

es M @ Gene, R

- petunias |-

} white yard lilly,

| pulling t


| handled mor or Tess like cotton.
: was one reaso}

hanan Gx
Some one to. furnish sugar and man. Ga

fers and I make grape ane Apple, black-:

berry jelly. on. halves.

Mrs Belle Godard, Gog eegansville cal

4 never fail yeast cakes and recipe for
i also. for rolls, loaves and bread
ac :

Beatrice. broons: oe Ga Will can
fruits or. -berries for anyone who. will
furnish jars and rubbers at FOC Gt}
berries now ready . :

Mrs J Winters, Buford Ga 6 neverfail
yeast cakes and recipe for making } light

bread 25c.

Mrs Pearl Strange, Cornelia Ga Will
make jelly on halves for someone who
will furnish sugar

Mrs O E Ross, ft 6 Eastman Ga 6 Ibs
goose feathers nice and new $1 lb; add
postage ae

Mrs J & Shompeon, RG Toccoa Ga
Honeysuckle baskets 75c and $1 ea,
medium Size 50c, small 25

Mrs*F B Summers, Jonesboro Ga 12
= newly made d@ewberry jam 2ic


Miss Azalee Bellamy, R 1 Lavonia Ga

Wall baskets made of Koen 25e ea

Mrs E Cleveland, R 3 Htberton Ga
spinning wheels $9 ea
Mrs Mattie Wooten, R 1 Broxton Ga



|} 25 new hand and machine: quilteq quilts, .

extra large and fancy
Ap ee

Womans Departivent
Mrs 7, L. Marchant, Milan Ga 2 well
rooted spotted. and Ruba begonias; 3
well. rooted dbl geraniums: 2 well root-

ee $5 ea

ed hydrangias; 1 Cstrich Plume fer

Mrs-J Stone ,R 3. Adairsville Gas
Sultanas, Spider lillies, St Bernards lil-
lies, Flufty ruffle, ostrich ferns: milk
and wine lillies; exc other ferns or
pinks, red and white setaniyim, cactus,

jmums for! same ~


Mrs D Youmans, R t Stlimors. Ga 2
stiff leaf Caladium bulbs; 2 fancy leaf
caladium Bulbs: Royal: purple; 1 nice:

Na lilly? milk and wine lilly; 1 snake
plant; Xmas coleus, palm, dbl white ge-
ranium, pegonias, Rex, Ione, JSvansia-
na, Thurstoni, Caroline Lucerne; Fluffy

Ruffle Fern; Green and purple jew; exc

cannas, Sladioli, mammoth bulbs of
orange lilly, mums
large type, white rose bushes, hydran-

gia, nice hot pepper , plants, Hopvine,

jwhite oleander cuttings. oes other for


Woman $ Department
Mrs AF Byrd, Alma Ga 1 breaq tray,
size about 28: in. long and 16 in. wide
Mrs C W Cone, Grandin, Fla Wool for

pmattrss and quilts

G WwW Lankford, Livons Ga Big Stem
Jersey potato $1. 50 M f o b Lyons



Tt is no wonder that with the old
methods of making corr a generation.
Ago people got to saying they. could
buy corn cheaper than they could rasie
it. Who of our older yeaders cannot.
recall how our fathers grew corn in the
20s and 90sdropping the seed corn
bY hand, scattering the fertilizer and
manure by hand, thinning it by hand,
hoeing it by hand, growing it on high,
dry ridges thade with one-horse plows,
odder before the ears ma-
tured, and Jecting seed from the ay
instead ofthe field? Because of th
one-hofse implements used in patie
and and whe expensive
hand-heeing practiced, corn was indeed
a. costly crop
One trouble. was. -that the - whole
thought of the agricultural South was
dominated ~ cotton. We were cot-
essed by cotton.. This
" so controlled us
had to grow cotton in-
ped our thinking about
all other. Ss. Because eotton is a
tehick can be handled only on
per person, calling for
Ulture and much hand
hinking that corn, too,
and farm crops. in general must be
hy we made corn the
wrong waythe expensive way. eS
; Nowadays we know that corn cannot

small acreages

be profitably grown if we put on it any-
| thing like as mueh human and horse
requires. E Corn?

labor per acre. as ottor
oe yn

|} Michigan.

or. Shanta fioctial On the contrary, te

make corn pay, We must have. larger

fields, plant some legume. crop with the:

corn, -get- over many acres quickly,. cul:
tivate it. With Harrows and weeders in
the early stages and riding cultivators
in the later stages, cut and shock the
stalks instead. of pulling fodder, and
keep up the high quality of our seed
by selecting the most prolific stalks
fro mthe field instead of Single ears
from the field instead of single ears

Our fathers a generation ago simply
had not learned how to grow corn prot-
itably and are not to be blamed if, to a
large extent, they had their corncribs
in the Western states. Nevertheless,
it must be remembered that farming did
not pay the average farmer who had to

buy corn, and any policy of buying

1 Western corn for Southern farmers is:
now even more unprofitable that it was
then. Freight costs have more than
|doubled as have practically all other

middlemen S expenses.

eA any Southern farmer expects to
make faxming pay today, he must grow
his own corn-and fortunately with the
new methods of making it, it is prac-
ticable to do this The Progressive

On the front page of this issue we

told about the growth of interest in-

winter crops and how attractive the
crops planted last. fall are looking ai
the present time. While some of these
crops are nitrogen-gatherers and splen-

|did hay plants at the same time and

while others yield splendid harvests of
the most palatable and most nutritious:
grain, vet the fact that they are all ma-
chine-made crops is a tremendously
significant and important . one, espe-
cially so in these times of high wages
and searcity of dependable farm labor.

All of our winter crops lend them-
selves to the same sert of quantity
production methods Henry Ford has
employed with such marvelously profit-
able results yonder in his factories in
There will always be much
hand work*to be done on the farm, work

that only human hands ean do, yet the |*

more we substitute machinery for hu-
man labor the more we should be able
to turn out and the more we should be
able to earn and what is quite as im-
portant, the longer we as individuals
should last. Many a man has literally
broken himself down in the past, neve.
fully to recover, doing work that ma-
chinery should have done. There wers
times, of course, when special machin-
ery was not to be had for even the Kar-
vest of those crops that lend themselves
so easily to machine harvest and whe: ia

there was no substitute for human mus |
In the main those days are over)


where earnest, intelligent effort, has

| been made to employ the more modern
method of replacing human: power withy

horse power. This, as a matter of fact,
is the only answer to the problem ot
increasing labor shortage and_ rising

We should keep all of these facts in

|mind ff we are to see clearly and to

fully appreciate. our advantages and op-
portunities, (Moreover, right now we
should be thinking. about the harves:
that will be ready for the mower an
binder within the next few Gays o:
weeks. Preparation should be made tc
the end: that a clean and quick job may
be done:~
up, Sharpened, adjusted, and all broken
or worn parts renewed, Binders shoulc
be gotterr in shape for the oat, wheat
or rye harvest where these are to be
handl@as grain. U aless this is done
vital pe may: give way right in the
middle ~ the seasons
usually is ioe costly. With all repairs
out of the way and plenty of oilgood
oilon hand, you will be in shape to
move right into the fields when they
are ready and out again after the har-
vest without loss of time-or crops. Pre-
paredness is as necessary to win in ag:
riculture as it is in war. That is no
new thought, but it is good enough to
repeat. ~
Out harvest there

of the spring

should be enough good clean seed saved

to take care of seedings this fall with
some to spare. Good seed oats always

bring a premium and the prospects are

now that vetch may be high priced and
hard -to get this fal In harvesting
these crops and saving them these facts.

as well as other emphasized, should be

kept in mind. Southern Ruralist, 5-15-


Mowers should be tightened,

work. Tha: |


entirely different. a

AS we said last week, eorn was for-
merly grown by us very much like -we:
grow cottonin small aras, cultivated
largely by hand, and with one-horse
plows, thereby costing entirely, too
much per bushel, whereas we have now
learned tosmake it cheaply... Moreover,
a generation ago we had few important
hay crops, whereas the comparatively
recent introduction of soybeans, velvet
beans, an@ Sudan grass together with
the new @disecoveries of legume inocula-
tion for clover, vetch, and alfalfa have
made it possible for the South to grow
its own hay far cheaper than Western
hay can be bought. And not only have
new crops, new discoveries, and new
methods enabled us to grow our. own
corn and the feed for, our. own work
stock, but the use of these new crops
and new methods also makes it possible
for the South to grow its own meat.

The time has at last come when our
section as a whole can realize the ful-
fillment of Henry W. Gradys eloquent
prophecy and dream which Wwe have
published on more than one occasion
but find it worth while to keep constant-
ly before our readers:

When every farmer in the South
shall eat bread from his own fields
and meat from his own pastures, and
disturbed by no creditor and enslaved
by no debt, shall Sit among his teeming
gardens and orchards and vineyards
and dairies and barnyards, pitching his
crops in his own wisdom and growing
them. in independence, making cotton
his lean surplus and Selling it in his
own time and in his chosn market and
not at a masters bidding getting his
pay in cash and notin a receipted
| mortgage that diScharges his debt, but .
does not restore his freedomthen shall
be breaking the fullness Of our day.


Just because our fathers failed to
grow their own corn, hay, and meat is
no reason for our failing to do so. We
must profit by the new discoveries and
new. crops God has given us. And
whether or not the whole South makes -
Gradys dream come true. this year and
next, it is poSsible for each individual
Progressive Farmer reader to make
that dream come true on his own farm.
How many of us will seize this oppor-
tunity?The Progressive Farmer.

5A Land, Clayton Ga Good Jersey or
Guernsey cow fresh in or to freshen by
July 1st; must be reasonable for cash

J Payne, Baxley Ga Several cars
beef cattle for immediate wena

x Ranton, R 2 Vidalia Ga: Pair O 1
is hogs; must be reasonable

CM Lewis, Blakely Ga Shropshire or
Marino rams; will take half breed if



A N Aspinwall, Offerman Ga
tons peavine hay; quote best price.
.Garrant Lumber Co. Argyle Ga First
class peavine hay; quote price in car
lots f 0 b-Argyle Ga

R_ Steinheimer, Woolsey Ca North .
Ga rye; exc canner in good condition
for same

D C Edenfield, Stillmore Ga 2 bu dry

measure hucklberries; pay cash or exc
for Same ;
; i ia Cc hambers, R 3 Decatur Ga Sev-
eral. gal huckleberries per wk; must be
clean and ripe; state quantity, can fur-
nish and lowest del price


JF Walker, Monticello Ga Lookout ,
Mtn Irish potatoes; stz te quantity and

W L Wright, R 1 Claxton Ga 2 ae
sugar, crowder peas at 20c 1b Zz
Woodliff Plant Farm, Plowery Branch

Ga Collard seed at 25c Ib

Green Mtn Plant Farm, Gathesville
Ga 100 M potato sHps .

J J Hubbard, R 1 Coolidge Ga. Sever-
al thousand strawberry plants; Klon-
dyke or other good variety adapted to
South Ga

WC: Waldrip, Ra Wlowery Branch =
Lo out Mtn irish potatoes s

. Buff Leghorns, Anconas,

~ chicks;

-A-L Williams, R 3 Collins Ga 1000
ibs Hairy Vetch seed for quick del;

make best price; also all kinds winter |:

elover seed
Ada Clark, R 2 Milan Ga Ice cream
watermelon seed; also bunch butter
Curry-Arrington Co. Rome Ga Seven-
top and Frost King turnip seed
R H MeDaniel, R 5 Chipley Ga
Peachtree; 500 June buds Mayflower,
or Early Rose; 500 Elbertas for Dec del;
state price on different sizes
W K Chandler, Rockmart Ga 4000
Porto Rican potato plants, State in-
spected; quote price
Cottongim Seed Store, Atlanta Ga
Lookout Mtn Seed Irish potatoes; send
sample and quote price
Jackson Supply Co. Baconton Ga 50
M Porto Rican potato plants; Quote
_iest det price for immediate shipment .
_ Pine Mtn Fruit- Co. Warm. Springs
Ga 10 M Porto Rican potato plants;
quote best prices
Dk Wetherington, Roa Naylor Ga
Seed chufas;:send sample and price


Mrs C L Wynn, R1 Rockledge Ga 100
to 200,chicks to raise on halves; large
breed preferred

P D- Webb, Dewy Rose Ga Chicks to
raise on. halves to 8 wks old; Br or
= S.26) BE <iMie
morea, Games or Wyandottes j

Mrs Nettie C Gowder, R 4 Daniels-
ville Ga 50 to 75 baby chicks to raise
on halves. to 8 wks old; any breed

Mrs J R Lanier, R 3 Summit Ga 25
S i. Wyandotte pullets Mch or Apr
hatch; must be from prize winning
stock; and~ good strain ~

Blue Ribbon - Hathcery,
B Rocks, R I Reds, Buff Orphingtons,
White Wyandottes and Ancona hatch-
ing eggs.from selected pure bred stock;
communicate with us promptly

-Mullis Plant Co. R 2 Alm aGa Baby
exec several varieties potato
plants for same 5

Mrs W G Waters, R 3 Pavo Ga 100
Dark Cornish baby chicks to raise on
halves to 8 wks old; also 50 Dark Corn-
ish Game pullets Apr hatch; quote best
price f o b your station

J D Humphreys, Hawkinsville Ga 12
Partridge Rock pullets; also 12 Buff
Rock puHets; one cockerel of each;

- quote best price

Bramiett Poultry Farm, Owings Sc
100 or more good pullets reasonable

P Haney, R 6 Rome Ga Silver Spangle
Hamburg baby chicks, pure breed

Mrs T R Hutchins, R 3 Winder Ga
100 baby chicks to raise on halves to
& wks old; B Rocks or RI Reds z

-G W-Wansley, Tignall Ga Pure Ban-
-tam eggs to hatch, or. young chicks:
prefer Buff Cochin and Golden Se-
prights; state age and price

M lL Bowers, R 1 Canon Ga 500 baby
chicks, B Rocks preferred; exc 6000
Porto Rican potato plants for same

A C Holmes, R 4 Alma Ga 100 baby
chicks, B Rocks preferred; exc 6000
Porto Rican potato plants for same

Mrs f GL Marchant, Milan Ga 100

~~ Buff Orphington eggs to set incubator;


must be reasonable :
Mrs T S Wilks, R 5 Jefferson Ga
-100 baby chicks to raise on halves to
8or 10 wks old;-any large breed

-Mrs J R Porter, Cochran Ga Few
ehoice Dark Cornish cockerels and pul-
jets Mch 1926 hatch; state strain, wt
age and price

~~ 'M>C Coleman, Canton Ga 50 or 100
baby chicks to raise on halves to 10.
wks old ~

J O Stewart, G rdi Ga-160..S: CW:
Leghorn pullets 1-2 lb ea at 50c Ib

Mrs G W Forest, R 5 Ball Ground Ga
{Pure bred Ancona pullets, also cock-
~erel; exc for sam e

Mrs & H Bulson, Nahunta Ga 8 or

~ 40 pure Aristocrat or Thompson strain

_cockerels 4-to-1 4-2 yr old
Mrs S G Rogers, Daisy Ga Baby
chicks te raise on halves

HL Wallace, Bowdon Junction Ga |

200 S GC W Leghorn pullets Apr hatch;
100 B Rocks same age; must be best
strain and right price

Mrs G T Truelove,-R 1. Stockbridge
Ga Setting turkey eggs; exc 2 settings
Dark Brown Leghorn eggs for same
Ww Randel; No 1 Hudson St New
York N M B toms 12 to 16 Ibs; Hens
7 to 10 tbs- -at 35 Ib your express sta-

Mrs SG evens Daisy Ga Baby tur-

_ -4keys to raise on halves June 27th del

Mullis Plant Co R 2 Alma Ga Baby
turkeys, exc several varieties potato
Plants for same


Ga Eaby

Atlanta Ga

| hairs for

Mrs S: G Rogers, Daisy Ga Baby gui-

neas to raise. on halves 3 une 2th wAel--


EF Manley, Royston Ga Plymouth
Rock Homer pigeons; also White King,
or Carneaux pigeons; mated pairs, no

R<L Tribble, R 2 atlanta Ga Pay
cash for pigeons any breed, age or
quantity; 10c ea for common birds

Woodliff Plant. Farms, Flowery
Branch -Ga Peafowls; pay cash for
same _


V Brabham, Macon Ga Field peas
any quantity, any variety

WH Robinson, Cairo Ga Sound
Brabs, Irons, Clays or other varieties
field peas;"send sample and state low-
est price

W H Waddelle, Pearson Ga 5 to 50
baw Hay -peas; mixed or not mixed at
$3 bu; 1925 crop..sound;. send sample

R Griffin, Douglas Ga Brabs or iron
peas at $5 bu fo -b. your station; also
all other varieties


I H Anderson, R 8 Alma Ga 3 bu
Imp spanish peanuts; pay cash or exc
Porto Rican potato plants at $2.25 M
for same =



Lanier & Boyett, Cobbtown Ga Ford-
son Skidder with or without Fordson;
must be bargain for cash; also one
Tractor, sawmill good condition and
bargain for cash

J W McKenzies Son, Montezuma Ga

One 60 to 75 H P oil engine good con-

dition and guaranteed to pull 3 gin
stand; also 3 or 4 gin outfit good con-

*! dition; will not consider one run over

2 or 3 yrs

Tt A Sheram, Tennille Ga 70 ft of 6 in.
steam pipe, 8 or 4 six in. ells, also same
number 6 in. nipples; 6 in. flange coup-
ling; all must be good condition; also
4 2-45-16 post hangers; 60 or 70 ft of 14
in. 6-ply belt; 100 to 150 ft 4 ply belt;
60 ft 2 7-16 shafting; couplings for same;
18-f{t of 2 15-16 shafting; one DBC I
pulley 14 in. face 30 in. dia 2 15-16 bore;
4-24 x 6 x 2 7-16 pulley; one D BC I
pulley 36: in. gia 2 7-16 bore; 6 2 7-16
post hanger oe

Greers Vegetable Farm, R 2 Taylors
S$ C One phase motor 3 H P; one 2000
gal per hour pump; galy 2 in. pipe, also
ATs ; -

w C Cureton, Rising Fawn Ga One
ton truck good condition
_G@ W Woodruff, Winder Ga 2 80 Saw
Pratt gins with old time Pratt front
feeders; also Dbl Cyl condensers and
lint: flue; D B press with gear tramper-

Roberts Bros. Monroe Ga Screw nut
for D B Cotton Press 5 in. R H single
thread; 2 gin mandrels for Murray all
steel 10 in. 70 saw gins; also Clipper
pelt lacer =< : ee

I W Puryear, Acworth Ga Belt Power
Cane Mill

J M Cox, Greensboro Ga Thrashing

Fmachine; exc nice young Jack for same |.
M D Joseph, Chipley Ga Delco Light.

Plant with batteries good condition
Used medium size wood working ma-
chine to rip, cutoff, bore and dado;
prefer Motor drive; state. condition,
price ete; Address P O Box 192, Savan-
nah Ga :

M Goleman, Canton Ga 10 or 15
good white Short or as Cow feed
sacks at 8c ea
TJ Tucker, R 4 pathotsan Ga 10 Ibs
home raised tobaceo; state price
J W Strickland, R 25 Roswell Ga Few

hun ft select yellow heart pine or cy-.

press boards, fall inch thick 10 to 12 in.
wide any length; same to dress to 7-8
in. on both sides; clear of defects; or
will buy bee hives 10 frame standard
Rsots make or other of equal quality

CA Adams: 8-3 Stitmere Ga Cow
hides to bottom.chairs; pay cash or exc

W M~ Briant, Mee ls, Ellijay Ga Black
walnuts at 50e bu fo b

Athens. Hide Co. Athens Ga Wool,
hides, beeswax and tallow

Mrs.L.H Coe, Eastanollee Ga Bas-
kets for shipping plums

T D Walker, Cochran Ga 30.000 gal
steel water tank and tower; must be
good condition; prefer tank now in use
by some municipality finding need of
replacing it with larger one

Mrs .Z M Story, Thomson Ga Galv
wire for screening porch; must be. good
condition and bargain
Sidecek Zaring, ee Athinte Ga Steel
or metal tower for water. tank; must

te. what yOu. have and} c

-|teacher in town or rural school; some

aa Sz oe Lacy ee

= Desir, Broxton Ga 500 to 1000.
gal water-tank good: eondition

Mrs T J Biggers,. See Ga ice box
suitable for dairy. :

Collins Bros. Flint Ga Brooms made
of broom corn :

Deer tongue leaves; sei quantity
and price; Address 1306 Savannah Bk
& Tr Bldg. Savannah Ga

K M Johnson, Alston Ga Second hand
galv roofing



R. Steinheimer, Woolsey Ga Honey
in exc for canner for home use

H L Wallace, Bowdn Junction Ga 6
patent bee gums; must be good condi-


tion and cheap 1

J T. White, Dublin Ga Beeswax any
quantity at 30c Ib del. :

Taylor Garner Co. 201. Peters St At-
lanta Ga Comb honey in bulk; state
quantity and price :

H L Wallace, Bowdon Junction Ga
Position as foreman of farm or poul-

try farm

Miss Mary Ardis Barrow, R A Ameri-
cus Ga High school graduate, one sum-
mer course, desires position for primary
or elementary work; good christian girl

Miss" Pearl McKenzie, 8-B Atkinson
Hall, Milledgeville Ga Young lady high
graduate desires position as
experience; now in summer school at
GSC W Milledgeville

Miss Mary Scott, 8-B Atkinson Hall,
Milledgeville Ga Young lady high school
graduate desires position as teacher for
1926-27 term; some experience; now in
summer school at G Ss < Rae Milledge-

Miss D Anderson, Wiens Ga High.
school graduate, 18 yrs old, with teach-
ers certificate Class A desires position
as teacher for 1926-27 term.

C T Barnett, Farmington Ga Position
as. teacher in summer; several years

Miss Nina Vaughn, A & M School
Madison Ga Desires position in good
school for coming term; A & M grad-
uate, first grade elementary license _

Miss Zellua Shropshire, Summerville
Ga Young lady graduate of Accredited
high school desires position as teacher;
First grade certificate ;

Y Ranton, Vidalia Ga Position Oriving

+ school truck for1926-27 term. =

Miss Myrtice Arline, 12 Mansion GS
C W Milledgeville Ga Young lady An-
drew College graduate desires position
in town school for 1926-27 term; first
grade license; 2 yrs experience; now in
summer school GS C W

Miss Gladys Hall, Mansion 12, GS C
W Milledgeville Ga Young lady high
school graduate desires position as
teacher for 1926-27 term; State Provis-
ional License; Class A; 1 yr experience;
now in summer school

Miss Mamie Erp, Brinson Ga *Youns
lady teacher desires primary work in

town school; Graduate of GN C, Deug-.

las Ga; first grade license; now. attend-
ing summer school at GS C W Milledge-
ville- 4 yrs experience

Miss Grace. Daughtry, Ogeechee Ga
Young lady teacher desires position in
rural school for fall term; 18 yrs old;
finished 10th grade and two summer

J W Barnett, R 1 Woolsey Ga Posi-
tion as wage. hand on farm and farming
in general such as truck growing, or-
chard work, dairy, picking and grading

| peaches -

Miss Ida Roberts, 198 Ennis Hall,
Milledgeville Ga Young lady desires po-
sition as teacher in small town or. con-
solidated school for 1926-27 term; High
school graduate; 3 summer schools and
student at GS C W this summer; first
grade elementary State license; 2 yrs
experience as prineipal :

Miss Opal Huff, Bowdon Ga Young
lady graduate B S N I College. State
Professional license: 2 yrs Normal train-
ing desires Position. in good school. fer
1926-27; Prefer 4th or Sin grades; can
handle any primary grades

Young lady graduate State Accredited
High. school; 2 yrs college training de-
sires position as teacher; prefer 3rd or
4th grade; Address Box 65, Wrens Ga

Position as teacher in good rural
school for 1926-27; young man with high
school diploma and one yr college work;
first grade general elementary certifi-
eate; can teach high-school: work; will
get high school certificate during sum-
mer; Address Supt. of City - Schools,
Summerville, Ga

Miss Alice M Wise, R 7 Jackson Ga
Position as teacher for 1926-27 term:
Graduate State accredited high school;
Normal training; 2 summer schools: 4

eaching; State Certifi-

| Primary . or wae

rand: driving truck


R Coile, R 4, Royston Ga Boy
old desires position Worse im

Young Jady high eohaok
sires position as teacher for
first grade elementary lic
Address A N H-care State Bure;
Markets, Atlanta Ga ;

Successful well experienced No
trained male teacher with Profess
Normal Life Certificate Class A,
sires summer school, or good school
1926-27 term; Experienced in both
and Rural schools; Address ee
26 E 9th St Atlanta Ga

J F Williams, Bowersville Ga D
position as ginner in South Ga for
season; can handle any size plant :

Young. lady desires position as
ant teacher in-rural school for 1
term; also desire position during
mer months as teacher in Nortk
Graduate Southern accredited
School; first grade license; |

|M_K care State. Bureau 0!

lanta Ga

- Miss Dine Pera avis
Position as assistant teacher foi
27 term; First grade State license; h
school graduate; 3 summer schoo
yr experience.
Young lady desires position as
er in 2 or 8 teacher school | Ori,
dated- school; High school. gradua
summer courses and 2 yrs. o=p
as Principal of two tea ee
First grade license; Addre

612 N Central Ave. Tifton Ga

A E Cotter, Gibson Ga Posit
ning 2 horse. farm on halvs fo
prefer West. Georgia; ; referen ee
changed :

Young Jady High School g
yrs training at Caters liy
School; 4 yrs experience; first
mentary license, desires. pos
teacher; prefer small town; can
any of the elementary grades; A
R IH care State Bureau of Mai
Atlanta Ga.

Young lady graduate State Ace
High - School, Normal training,-
experience teaching; 2 seasons s!
school work, State certificate Cc
desires position as teacher; Address
206, Wrens Ga

WC Wheeler, Posiaehors.
ning mill foreman desires posi ion;
yrs experience; must have timt
seek planing or longer ;


Lady teacher for Spanish and Hi
for High School; Must be. College
uate with Academic degree; Salar
month for 9 mos term; Must fu
good references; Address Supt
Schools, Summerville Ga

K M Johnson, Alston Ga Experi
man to run gin this season :

Mrs T J Biggers, Bremen. Ga.

Good sober sawyer and mane cre
saw several million ft timber; Ad
Milling Lizella Ga

- Honest sober man for hauling
be good truck driver and@ furnish
ences; Address Hauling care: M
& Co., Macon Ga Le

F D Benton, R 1S
dle aged man and family
cow dairy; must be abi
cows, clean barn, wash an ster A
keep things clean; I furnish h
wood and pay $15 wk~ moe

Ic & JC Collier, Piedmont Ga
4 first class plow hands at $1, 0.
pay each Saturday; Located 6
Barnesville Ga;.Do not write, co
work; will move families later; ]
men who can come without havi 1
move families
> C ay Pritchard. R 1 Kite 2
|cutters to cut 4 ft wood by. cord at
Ga;Pay $1 cord and furnish tools

EL Sherling, Hightower, Sts
Hills, Macon Ga Man and-wife to-
on truck farm; weekly pay and +
house > furnished

W L Norman, Lincolnton Ga
ers, Principal and Assistant for he.
way School for 1926-27 term; must

Jersey Island Farms, R 2 Colu
Ga Single man for general farm
also man for milk anq bottling
good wages and living condition
age, experience and salary expect

W Jackson, Donovan Ga Dairy
men for general dairy work

Mrs Florence P Billings, R B
boro Ga Good middle aged woman

{assist in canning

E J Cottle, Ty Ty Ga Two poe
perienced truck drivers for hauling
also mill hands, and men for sa
logs in woods sie

LB Millians, Newnan Ga.
name of lady at Hawi nsvill

wrote him regar
