Farmers and consumers market bulletin, 1926 March 18


L. B. JACKSON, Director
Established by J. J. Brown, Commissioner of Agriculture, March 1, 1917. n

State Capitol, Atlanta, Gare ee So Each Thursday, |

Entered as second class matter February 15, 1922, at the Postettice at Atlanta Geaieia. Sader the act of June 6, 1900. Sse ae
_ Accepted for mailing at special tate of postage provided for i 10 section 1168, Act: of October 3: 1917 een

MPORTANT NOTICE: All patrens of Market Bulletin should rear in mind that no AD wilk be repeated aelene sent in jak weak: If you desire a
notice repeated, send copy. The. Builetin goes to press Friday noon. Our services are entirely FREE. Pe hccn ane Ree

ATLANTA, sites THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1926. eS Nera

Office of the Secretary ;

- Farmers Should Consider Alerkatice' Crop Production

: = March 2, 1926.
se ies are sheead. by the Department se Agriculture that in sidbnind crop production this year they con-_
: ae the alternative crops that may be grown profitably. This advice applies to each of the principal money
- crops, and particularly to cotton, where talk of reduced acreage, the department says in its March report on
the agricultural situation, should comprehend alternative crops that can be planted at greater profit.
Presumably, the department: adds, the present price of potatoes will stimulate an increase in acreage.
If such increase goes much beyond 10 per cent, growers may regret it. The tendency after a season of very
high potato prices is to seriously overdo the acreage. In the case of spring wheat, the tendency will probably
_ be to increase or at least maintain the last acreagethe same being likely, incidentally, in Canada. We have
= about 4 per cent more hard winter wheat in the ground than last year and it seems to have wintered well.
_ Discussing the major feed crops, the situation with regard to such erops is fundamentally different,
the department says . Corn, oats, and hay are all low in price. But from the standpoint of agriculture asa
~whole, an abundance of feed crops is perhaps more to be desired this year than at any time in the last six years.
2 ES hardl y to be expected that acreage of these crops will be increased this spring, fer their prices ~are too dis-
- couraging. On the other hand, feeding demand will probably be fully as great as last season. In general, |
_ the question is, How can the residual crop land on many farms be better employed this year than for feed
stuffs, even if it results in building up some farm reserves thereot?
*S substantial back-log in the present situation, the department points out, is tie Metetively strong posi-
tion of the livestock industries. The total animal inventory of the country has finally been brought fairly well
into line with peacetime requirements. Prices of livestock products have moved upward. In fact, the evidence
indicates that hog producers are now making considerable effort to increase production and that many cattle-
- men in the range territory have begun to bid. for cows. But the animal industries, broadly speaking, appear
_ to be on good, solid ground for the year ahead. In this general situation it seems not unreasonable to expect
that good policy will still aim to keep the producti tion of feed. erops. up. to the point. of abur ndant supplies and .
cash crops down to the point of profitable prices. .
The departments general index of. purchasing power of farm produets, in eae of non- agricultural com-
modities, continues at 87, at which point it has. stood TSF the past four months.


Sabee all mail to STATE BUREAU OF MARKETS, State Capitol, Atlanta, Georgia

ee! Prices below are those which wholesalers were paying. F, O. B. these consuming centers, the day this Bulistin:
- went to press. March 13,1926: 3 REMEMBER, THESE ARE NOT RETAIL, PRICES.



Se Gvcnet potatoes, Bulk toaded : 3.00Cwt. 3.00Cwt. x 00Cwt. : 2.75Cwt. 2.75Cwt.
Irish Potatoes, No. 1, 150 Ib. Sack _. 6.50. 6.50 : 6.75 = 7.09 6.75 2
_ Cabbage (Green crated New) -~-. 4.50Crate 4, 75 Crate = as 75Crate _ 4,50Crate 5.00Crate
_ Field Peas Mixed Whipporwills 3.50 Bu. - BeOS teks 3.80. 3.50 3.50 =
Black Eye Peas - 646 Lb. 645 Lb. 615 Lb. 645 Lb. 615 Lb.
Eggs, Fresh candled as pe Doz, : 2415 Doz. 24 Doze | .26 Doz. .24 Doz.
23% Lb. 3 bh i23Lb: -23 Lb. 2 ADS
2 = 25 tab, {26 ib. 0530 bb. 227, EB, oe ee Lb
Roosters = 1346. Lb. Wie al = See ih SS A236 Lh. 14 Lb.
_ Friers and Broilers 14% to 2 Ibs. ies 60 Lie > .50. Lb. 48 Lb. 4715 Lb. (Gf SO AD.
: P20 ith, = OO 4. -18 Lb. .30 Lb. ; .28 Lb.
45 Lb. cg 12% Lb 15 Lb. 4 2:
: od (Hens) -- fees 2736, Lb. -28- Lb. 25 cb; -32 Lh. wee .32Lb.
Turkey (Toms). eae -27 38 Lb. 28-Eb. 2 25 Lb. (O22 kab: ioe ah,
Country Butter (Best Table) {a5 bb 35 Lb. 3B Lbs = 40> Lb .36
Country Butter (Cooking) a : oa pe ee deb, ~ 28 Lb, 25 Lb.
Georgia Cane Syrup ) :
Sorghum Syrup
Ee Corn Meal, per 96- Ib. sack _
Corn, No. 2 (White Western) sacked -
Oats, No. 3 (White) sacked
Peanut Hay

Peavine Hay Z6.- 00 Fos



~~ hull 16 mo old

_ thigh producing cows;

Sold, \ Jersey,
Nace ea SEW Thompson, R Cofington Ga

Reg dersey bulls

from Reg herd best

~#ure bred hens or

pel ealt from. Beg. pulls. exe ce Duroc

pig: SN ShAS
; ow Hi Waddelle, ;
cows grade

Mrs E L Langley, R 5 Bowdon Ga
bull calf from reg bee: 2 mo old $12 del or
$10 fob

Mrs Eas Vaueine Abbeville Ga
freshen in Apr $30

| Pearson Ga. "Good! milk |,

Cow. 6 yr

Pu mo o exe

for. ee

y register
bbt syrup: * s
Deis Albany Ga Reg Shorthorn bull

in payers name ;

$50. ore
Hooks Youngs


Dairy Warm, Warthen, Ga:

trom Register of

Dams, is :
WEE Fill,

reasonable ay /
fF Palmetto: Gay Reg Feuey
J W Cock, R 1 Stone Mtn Ga Jersey bull
22 mo old 700 ibs $59

J W Parham, R-2 Royston Ga
bey cow fresh Mech 14th -

J. Wallace, 401. Highland Afe Avania Ga
Seyerai Jersey heifers 4 and 6 wks old from |
-exe for hens, ~ haby.
chicks large breed o rsmall pigs : ;

Woodmere Earnis, Chamblee Ga Calves
ibreeditigy 25 to $50. ea;
some grades from - fine producers ; wee for

Willow Valley Farm, Jackson Ga ~ Reg
Guernsey bull 18 mo old: of high producing

Grade Jer-

dam _and_ sire

we A Oxford, Rutledge Ga ,
me: old fine pedigree $250
Mrs: S -B Joties; -R 2: Fairburn: Ga > Jaue
sey bulls & movold from high) producing: Jere

Reg J Jersey ull




. beys $15 ea

- gdersey bull calves

ge AT EXC for preety. eured hay or 2 hor Se

~ 9900 dbs: wel lbroke; Sell or exe for

- ao eld ;

_ Jersey cows

cepey, calves males and female


* Wirs D 6. Poley, 4
: + Guernsey heifer 22 mo old old freshen m= 10
> Gays $100 ;

Aolstein cows $50 ea



: and 8 wks old $

Jersey and P ee crossed,

pigs; write for prie
for, del last of eo $5 ea fob


s rat

and boars, Reg y 1

-W J Arnold, Hiram Ga Well bred ball pate
8 mo old, Reg in eens name $25 or exe for.
mice gilt bred

HW $Perkerson, Gideniine eae

2 Raleigh
one res and other entitied
Ajo rez; also pure- bred PC. brood saws? sell

irs RF Biggzers, Bremen Ga 3 grade

fresh7in $35 ea; Jersey. bull t5:

mo old $20...

+ J A Stone, Cumming Ga R23 Two fine
dairy cows, and 2 dersey heifers ; heifers are

Hey sprifgers :
I N Gampbell, Wnue oxen

Br Leg-

dwivenly Ga

thorn or RI Red hens
Gresham & Ctine, Wayside Ga .
Jersey cows fresh in $40 ea.
Bete Oe Daniel, HWogansville Ga
$25 ga >
/ iL Cureten, Rising Fawn Ga Half Jer-
Sey cow fresh it $35:
M Leontas, White Bluff Road, Savannah. Ga
60 head grade Jerseys milking, 15 hear heif-
springers 5.
Ae Wammeek, Harrison ae
Guernsey and half Jersey bull calf 2
$8 or exd for syrup

2 young

mo old

Avondale Estates

, BA Has kins, Bullards Ga 3 gal Jersey,
ol gal Jersey, 2 1-2 vr of@ grade Jersey heifer
18 mo old grace Guernsey heifer, $200 for |
Iot; Ree Jersey bull 18 mo old $125

CG Richardson, R 4 Cleveland Ga Yoke: red
steers trained for logeina -or farm work, good
qaatchs 2500 Tbs -~.

H- _Waldrep,: R 1 Forsyth Ga Milk cow
arvith young call 340 ; Several heifers soon to
irvesken. $380 ea -7.,
~F W~ Balcomb,

Waycross Ga 8 pure bred
WT Adams, Lavonia Ga 1 Jersey heifer 8
sell or exe for pigs OF shoaits: 7 ~
JIC Porter, R 1 Tifton Ga 1 yr-old Jer-
se yheifer $15 : eae
1; A Ragan, Cairo Ga Duroe pigs ready to |
wean $12.50 ca; furnish papers
CM Jackson, Lawrenceville

Ga P C "aud

_Teerkshire boar 50"
~ EL Hilson, Mitchell Ga 6 Essex and PC

wheats crossed, 3 boars and 3 gilts AS to 65
Ps $7 ea or $40 for lot :

x Wilcher, R B Gibson Ga Few. spotted P
) pigs 8 wks old $5 ea fob

RE Barnes, Graymont Ga Pure bred Witte
tore Guinea pigs $15 pair or $10 ee exe for
28 hens any pure breed - :
GB Bleckley, Dillard Ga 5 pigs
5 ea, Berkshire and Hampshire



mo old

J AS Piexte, Rockingham Gar PAG: pogs 6
$5 ea or $9.59 pair fob

A Roby, Rd, Weston Ga. 38 Big Bone P C-

- Hoard pigs 12: whs old: from reg paver: oe ea.

RIP: Bloodworth, ReoE teen Ga~- SDaroc
8 pigs 7 wh old $5

ca fob.

eo Keown, Villanow Ga i

OB Brown, R 3 Madison Gai 9 pigs ready | 1

B Moore, RK 1- Griswold Ga Reg

200: Ibs $25 Haddock Ga
Ss Ttuark, Thomson Ga Pure bred pig:


Be bone spottcd P boar 8 mod old $18 fob
100 pigs, 30 |

J Jd Blount, Hawkinsville Ga
high grade shoats

W W Thompson, R 2: Soa Gai 2 Duroc
BOWS, one nie far row im Apr; sell or xc EK
beans or pers -

M C Gooluby, Monticetlo Ga. Bi B C gilts
Luxomni Ga> nee
oy sell or- oe for shelled

Dd EL eDaniel,
bear. good con


Jers sey

Jers sey k



ferns, f

Mrs B Weaver, Lavonia Ga
ee yr old

GF Beh, R83 Gainesville Ga.
mule 9 ye old 800 Ibs $70 5

O I Shipley, Auburn: Ga large shetlas
pony, large enough to do work, sell of eke

J K Mclemore, Iron City Ga: 2 yr old * Tenn
Filly, has been worked double and Tee
700 lbs $15 fob |

ii-H{ Keith, Millen Ga Gand: mule G90. tba
work anywhere $75 or exc fo laying hens or
large incubator : : : /
-Woodmre Farms, Chamblee
brood mare fine werk horse
ponies 4 to 5 *yr old, unbroken ;

( N @ Harrison, Bla aden Ga 2 young
mules 5 yr old 1150) Ibs ea, not
Government wagon and 2 tew
$450 fox all -~ S

P/MeVey, Bitte Ridge Ga aor mfule 2 ye
cid Sto good condition ~~

LL iL. Waldrop, Lithonia Ga
yr old 1609 lbs <

SH Moore, 1 Stone Mtn Ga Bir
mare 1100 ae t also Bd ventle mutie;
work. any wher

VSeF Pirktle, ae Paint Ga 3 extra
black mare mules 8 yr o} id ois Ibs works e
in harness ; bargain :

JS Slicer; 37 Poplar St: Atlanta Ga Fine

Ga 9

: yr


se ts harness


pedigree $150

Mrs, J Stewart, Gardi
1060 ibs, work anywhere;
cherse oF
: Wess Cureton, Rising: Fawn
Jacks; Sell or farm out ; also.

Ga Ls
sell or exe for
AOE fin




2 cows: :

W Merritt, eet 8

land peny, ches


W A Bennett, Adairsville Ga
T mo old Ralf Nubian and 3-8
extra large for age $25 or exc

G P C Calvin, Thomson Ga
gouts; sell or exe .

JR Bye Ro? Posaee Sh tnes Ga
and grade Ree Nubians now fresh one large
pure bred Nubian Buek, $27 ea and up

WW fhompson, R 2 Summit Ga.
work goats, broke single or dbi; sell or

EH OL Johngon, Ri 22 Crawfordville Ga
goats, cheap

T W.Hill, Tignall Ga - Goats any age 3: mo
2 yr old $1-to $2\ ea
. M Arnold, . Danville Ga 70 pend goats
$1.ea or erate and del to RR $20 aoe

des * Ws Baleomb, Wayeress Ga 100 head
grade. Southdown \ she: 2p with somes fleece $4:

Mrs W D Faltey, Gincute" Ga. White billy
work goat 140 Ibs $5.

S M Swann, Newton. Ga:
genbu pes billy goat $25.5.

P urham, Woodville Ga
genburg goats. 5 mo. old $10

KP Blizzard, R 2 iced Gav

Ww Hill, Tienall Ga eats) si and go ea.


(Kor Seed. PurposesSee. Seed)
HM Franklin, Tennille Ga Peanut vine
hay car olts of about 10 tons to ear; Also
choice hay car, lots or less; Fulghum, Appler,

Spotted shet-

Pair goats
alana ee ers

10 oF 12 head



1 pure bred: Tog-
Pair half Tog:

oe head sroats,

more $I bu del; Velvet bean hulls ear lots
G W Head, Box 136 Atlanta Ga New crop



H M Franklin, Tennille Ga Shipshucl
80 Ibs to bu car lots only VEG me
J. H Martin, Cobbtown | Ga -

cornmeal for table use $1.15 -bu
<M: By Lee, Ft Valley Ga Corn
erib ee

J M Goldin, Draketown Ga
exe for few pigs or shoats

R Y Fields, R.4 Swainsboro Ga
Whatley prolific. slipshuck ear
to bu $1 bu fob Dellwood Ga

hao Kicklighter, Star
bus shelled corn $1.50 uu -

JL: Pafford, Stockton Ga

| ground meal ot ge. fo ~

~J S Clark, Jacksonville Ga,

shatted SI ba fob McRae Ga so

OW C Bin: Wrightsville Ga

Porto Hic kiln dried sweet ;

Fine | ground
Sta0 1b be at
Sound corn;

500 bus

Milling eorn

Black, horse}

Two saddie
make best |

broken wells 3

Good mule 10

| seed peas

blooded pure bred saddie horse 2 yY old, with |

Lar ge mule

A B Fulton, Jasper nes Mule 9 yr. ola 806. |.

E Coventry, R f Meanstitic Gas BL
horse mute 1000 es Oe yr old pt). or exe for:

Full |

Si gpaats

Red Rustproof and Burt oats in 5 bu lots or

recleaned barley in strong bag. 21. 2 ba $1.24
; | Hastin ng

E cotto seed $1.25 bu f

corn 80 Ibs |
Rt Baxley, fae

V. Dills,
ey es 6 Ibs 75e |
Mrs Sallie Hall, R 1 Draketown Ga Sen:
dvied Elberia peaches and. White English 18c
lb fob f t
a MrseW. 7e jee Hoschton Ga
wnpeszled sundried peaches 17e 1b <del
C M Crow, R 1. Flowery Branch
dried appies 18 1b, 5 Tbs op more 15 Ib de!
Mrs* SN Camp, Hastanollee Ga Dried
peaches 22c Ib del em
Mrs G V Ey R. i Dewy Ao Be pe

Rugby Ga Bright sundzicd ap;


15 Ths $
' Jd He Palmer, Tennille Ga Sound pew eben |

Tbs |

Ga Sun-"

WH Hutcherson, R 2 Daniclsyille-
Sundricd peaches bGc. Tb: ie So a

HoH Jpss, Winston oF ; Dried peapher 206
lb del : ao 3


Mrs. GA Weathovly.

lurpios grees 25e pk $i

dried apples or peanuts :

Dp A Grawford, Lavonia *
-artichckes for hogs


Pan Trading Op, Edigon Ga Rape seed 15c.

, ane Chie =
>. Yeomans, Vidalia Ga

Spe shellod popeora 62 Jb fob. or
peanuts, Tb) fo lb ich:
ae Mrs J N Meck ere
seod 4 speonfull

-L- Whatley, Re uihbare Ga
Hifle: seed corn Ve pi 2250. Dae:
Wy AGordon, BR ampkin Ga Whatley.
pyotific seed corn ($2.75 bu or xe for pl s at
he Tees Saget e Exe

feds Maric, RR. a Haclehirst Ga Speckle
5. bu-or exe for forn-or goats ; alse
bu speckle veivet $0 day cans SOP
oy peanuts for seed


Hoseaton Ga :

bu fob or CXC LOE

Ga Ke pusalem

wraver pro-


half oo
exc for Red Ri :

+5) Corbett, Lake
two orcp seed peas. slightly mixed # bu; Imp |}.
Harty Kine cottonseed 75e bu fob

a Eye ee Dublin Ga-

ustard seed 55 th 2 tos Sr Se

Oe Ce Paynes 6 Tifton Ba Woe fant
Trish Giey melon seed: 90 1b del Red oper
26e Ib - =

SOs poe Ro Wray Ga Willets Raitle-
snake melon: seed. 60. tb <del ~ ee

C H Parish, ReG22 ifton Ga Watson. meiom |
}seed 40c Ib del or exe; also Lewis 63 eotton-
l seed 8% bu fob;
corn, chickens , ~~
Mrs Clara L Parish,
melon seed 25 Ib del or exc
Half cottonseed Sibu gob 5

AB. Boling, R 1 Abba Ga~
cane Seed 5e Ib or $2.25 bu or exe for Otoo-
tan soy beans; also. several bus Covington.
Toole wilt resistant cottonseed $1 bu foo

Harris & McKee, R D Cordele. Ga Petty
Toole cottonseed $1 bul | oye :
e eS B Slater, Pembroke Ga Pearson water
me'on. seed Die iy

WE Garrett, Bowdon Ga Half bes Halt
ecttonseed culled Sie2p bu or exe oto ae
peas. > 2 e

Bet Carter, Lumpkin - Ga s
yibbon Toole wilt rsistant cotton se

select $2. bu: select $1.50. bus run of gin
somewhat mixed: $i bus Sao ries | on
large lots. Se
* Garter-Trotman Co;
Toole wilt resistaut

~ Also Hal y and

special price cn large lots.

G W Pippin & Sons, Gulfeden Ga :
| Tasting prolific s ed corn; xc 1 bu a bu
sound 90-day veMet beans; Se Henderson
bunch Lima beans 25 Ib Leo

of Ga melon seed SOE)
BO Carter, R C Grilfin
boro. prolific seed
B22 ae pu fob ;
Ww Biown Helona Gas thes Shee i
wee flint weevil resistant red cob sed. corn
$h pk or $3 bu; 5 bu lots or more $2.50. bu

corn nubbed Bad shelled

Marlbero prolific seed corn. $1 pk fob 3

Mrs J. Healt," Jet fersonyille Ga - Spring
turnip seed 25e Ih: >

Mrs: Leila Barnes, R : Lindale Ga Alas ka :
English peas 10e ]b- fob

di Ws Lampp, Scott. Ga Halt and Halt cot
tonseed $3 bu

we oe ak wanes: Ga.


50- bus.

> Sb bu lots. $2 bu. fob ~
worth, R 1 Ivey Ga Ove thetop

W H Hill Estate, Pa
<a cand Wa amaker cot nseed ok bu; re
not Cae 5k a -

Mrs E L Langley, RS Bowdon Ga Pia
1oe cupfall or exe for ie or ae

seek ios

WwW E Waddelle, Pearson Ga. Rane, 4 rye,
bulk and. garden seed, Golden Dent corn

_J-H Slaton, R 1 Bremen Ga Several bus:
hana cleaned Honeydrip cane seed exe { bu
for 109 Porto Rican or Big
potato plants: a :

Mrs A HH Price, Bouse t Evie: Ga Heatine |
6i old time blue stem cabbage oe seed 60
yh del? Dbl Zennia. seed | 10 pke Rite -vel- |
i yee Ohta (seed O50 halt captull; P Pride ot Ga.
/melon seed 66 Ib del: Rockyto ;


any of above for half runner teen pod ten-
der bean sced or Irish potatoes for plaating;
Old fashion multiplying onions? fe or exe

+ for, sundried apples


PB Stokes, Fitzgerald Ga Black Cider.
extra large and sound seed Deas i Ibs: 50 e
del Wed
rerelaned Gaels
83.25 bu :
og Murphy. & Bilimee. Sanetsville Gas
ramaker Cleveland Big
cloaned, graded, rowa
farm 4 hun Jbs-i nnew bags

WoW Williams Quitman Ga Cayana, to
seed cane $15: M x : ,

W W Smith, R 1 Counamy: Ga
soed beats 1925 crop 39 Ib or

= spells. seed; _ velvet beans
~Wan- |
Boll cotton seed re-
and Binned on our

Wine |

Her striped cornfield sed (ive

Park Ga . Little | yellow |


i peanuts

xe for chieken Wire, shehel s
R 6 ition Ga_ Watson t

-ecunt $1.50 bu ~
Wasting eoeen

regisbheeed Sh bu or exe for

1 $1.25 bu; all fob

Miss Rosa Mae King, R 2 Pilts if Pride
: ; Cleveland cattonseed screened $1. bu fob _

a Sciect Mark E

Ct MeMillan, R 8 Gainesville Ga. Select |

cane oe oe
|} Marlbor

Rockdale seed corn shelled Tbe | ae
| seed 75e Ib fob or exe

tte Ga ites No!

ae Jersey |
} maker eottor

Jand 1 ord eantaloune |
1 earloud ee and large muskmelon dee: Te Ab del_or @xe.

make best)

- Cleveland. big, be
ae sd $1.50 bu del
bauza, Devereux
; Shae Cleveland / Bix -

peas ih: Lavonia Cae
and Ruscors cottonseed pure $1.25
Mrs G Wiley, Ri Ashiand Ce
tbe half -cupful del
Mrs BLS Edwards, Ree a Sone Ga:
white: bunch butterbeans: 20e ib
his TVeneh, Rot Gornella Gay
seed $1.50 bu: fob, =
W I Cunningham,
seleet pulinot coitonsecd Bl ie
J H Smith, R 3\ Chipley Ga
melin sced ob ly 5 Ibs - MnOLe




Mr St

wae oe Royats:
secd: bunen butter
3. Rock. cock 11 BO: to ae

us G

Cosi Dowry; R 4 tape
Not cottonses 5 also Collins :
fob? Beg yy ts hee
lh ME Rai awater, R 1. Ellenwood
der. bunch bean seed or red.
vhs. onion: seed, or. ice mh waterm
ae J Mason, R-1- Tene Ga=
tiplying: onion We Ab in 10 ee tots
geese < 6 4, s
ORE Shi pley, - Auburn Ga.
te? tbe 3 a
HEH H Iiughie, R 7c Cayrotivoa Ga
as No i cottonse ed $1 bu 208,
BE Messer, Chatsworth Ga:
ifie sted | corn: ee poe ace

Seed sp

eho: Shar EK
25 ba

hiaee. Chester Ga
Half cottonseed $1.25 bu;
J M Davise, chi oe Texas: > hie Bur:
cottonseed hag 25: bu. a

Halt ian Halt "pobtonsecd fe ge fob 6]

for 1925, crop pure Ga cane syrup
-Mayview Farm, Warthen Ga -

Bunch Butterbean seed 2i Ib

J .W Clark, Rocky Ford Ga

ip seed Bs: 90. ee velvet beat


see Gs.
or eerine.

Mrs) AJ. Hurrins Ook kman- gay Racker,
tonsced. $1 bu selected for planting
NM Self, Warm Springs Ga 1 gal. old

Fowler running bean $1 pty

A J barnes, Harris Ga 160 bu What
seed | corn $2.50 bu; 160 bu mixed June corn,
blue: $2.50 bu; 100 bu College No.1 cottonseed
J @& Boone, R 1 Newnan Ga 100 bus

A Ww. Parsons,
a ee $1225 bu in:
more $l bu fob a ;

| Miss Laura Bennett, foes: Gass
Imp Sneed peach seed $1 or. exc,for S

horn cock Ferris strain not over

Mrs - ie Ww Abererombie, R 1 Newnan
New crop collard seed 25 Ab 4 a

P G Laird, R 1 Hiram Ga 5 bu Colles Ne

Abbeville Ga.

bu bugs 5 ; 10 bu

cs cottonseed culled $1.50. bu fob

GA _ Langston, Ashland Ga 35 bu Oran
Du Honeydrip same
prolife seed corn nubbed and shell:
he in oot begs 56 Tes to bu $1 pk or

h Kimberly, Empire. Ga Select Exee!
Dik: Morrison, Jdien WR 2 Barney Ga
popcorn 15 lb- fob

Mrs_ Y.A Dial, R 2 Monvoe Ga Collard
heading. variety 1d tablespoon or 3 f

O L Stone, R 1 Monroe: Ga 8 bu Cokers
Cleveland big boll cottonseed Privaicly. -

/ned; exe for 1 pair Duroc pigs

B Robinson, Star Rt. Tallapoosa Ga. What

ley prolific seed corn Tbe pk or $2.50 bu

Y Swanson & Sons, R 1 Fairburn Gay \
nemaker _ Cleveland cottonseed :
special price on large lots pe

=B Po-Payton, Re tf Roopville Ga
eed selected $1.50 <bu

oes Everson, Damascus Ga r

pod okra seed 25 Ybor 5 ths $i
gook variety wilt + sistant cottonsee

rto- Rican _ potato plants ; Baby Lima B
seed 25e Tb 5 Ibs $1 \

Mrs: Ida Sithivens: 5: Carr Haon Ga
eat pes garden seed i0 pke de
information #8 to kinds = \ ">

Mrs J W FyYanklin, Bldorendo Ga 2 ib :
fashion plain mustard seed exc for 3 Ibs ga
den English peas or 1 bu oats: 0 3
Rough turnip seed {1-27 [h- fox se e
chickencorn ; also 1: iy little white table pe
exe, for o!d fashion Valentine runner sn
-bans or Garden English peas.
moe S Paul, Leesburg Ga

ne bune! tt imas
Wee ee b erbeans | or Baby we s

WC Tumlin, Gsineeviia | CA Si
Imp ottomseed large Dollis 81.59 bu

n pure and prolific



This aes will be issued
once a month and will only be sent to those who
No Ad will be repeated unless sent in each month.
All ads must be in before the first for that months issue
Full description should be made and price must be given,
either Sale or Rent, otherwise not elligible.

REMEMBER we have no permanent mailing list for this
eet porrupat must be made for: EACH eee y as

Sead as hull cornfield and bunch
den bean 20e -cup; Muskmelon seed 5
Giant and salad english pea 20

pe Alutty Tulle, otek Die

al fob.

P Weldon, Locust aa Ga Pride of Gas
, Imp Bie White Spanish seed peanuts 7 1-2

Eubanks, 105. Lineoln St Augusta Ga
ob Whatley prolific seed morn $2. 7 bu;
ty Yellow corn $2.75 pu, selected
un, Thomson Ga Half -and= Half
eclegued #1 buy or 2 but $5
< Ga
a yourd sped o5 tne Be ;
rR 2 Barnesville-Ga
proof. see
ite heading variety collard seed 75
urd seed and mustard seed 10c oz del;
seed 40c Ib del
Seed Farm, Marshaliville Ga Imp
ety Toole wit resistant cottonseed earefully
ned and graded $1.25 bu
~~ Jackson, Palmetto Gee
any quantity. 6 lb fob
_A- Flanagan, Lumber
2c stalk at hed,


+55 or 20

No 1 seed peas

City ca Napier
Be stalk fob. Lumber

Bosie Crow, R44 Cumming Ga Mask.
seed 1c fablespoon, Se Ib wary
okra seed 10 tablespoon:
fi Henderson, R- f Calhoun Ga 100. Ibs
Beans 15- Ib or $12 for lot fob
A Witson, R 3 Brement Ga Orange
ine seed $2 bu fob ; :
Kirby, R 4 Ranger Ga
ak SO bit fob:
R 4

Rucker cotton-
ed *
Gainesville Ga

Johnson, Danville Ga 10 bus selected

ing Imp prolific seed corn $2: bu or exe

ui for Early -Mexican June corn >

aN Garson, Brooks:Ga:** Pride :

mi Seed $1 Ib or exc for peaS and corn

drs 3 W Hines, Vienna Ga ~ Thurmond
rev" melon seed 50c Ib. 3

W. TUNix, R12 -Gormherce Ga
levetand eottonseed $1.50 bu or exe 9%

Harman, Stovall Ga~ 3000 bus Col- |

Ae L Sa ees prize winner: pEtte for | -


Cooks soon:
Hickory King seed corn

I ea R 2 Rome Ga
20 bu del;

1 or exe for baby. chicks any Target


2 Parks, Maysville Ga Blood | turnip:

tf eed 12 teacup

aylor, R 1 Macon Be

ing (putterbeans 25c. =ib5
ing beans 30 Ib; :
S Gilreath, R 11 Gainesville Ga Tho sbu
eane seed $2.50 bu or. exe for pure

No 1 cottonseed

eas he Kensington Ga. ATaieiver
Ya early big boll cottonseed $1 bu fob~
iL Brown, R 1 Warwick Ga 30
bunch butterbean seed ;
ing butterbean seed, both 25. Tb,
ore del .

Old time trun-
y Wonder run-


5B Ibs
Rob Fitzwerald Cae Bl Yellow
peas. 25e: Ib: - Pride of Ga

e Brown, Re Pacer kinds water-
seed, yellow and red meat 50e Ib or

Norman Park Ga
lf and Half. cottonseed cleaned $1 bu
W H Tinney, Sulphur Springs.
hubarb bulbs 20c ea.or exe for Porto Rican
potate plants; Broom corn seed 10 cupfull
for rooted ferns or geranium cuttings
Jones, Sylvester Ga Thurmond Grey
om melons averaging 28 to 40
Tbs special price on large lots :

dT. Cofer Seed Co, Athens Ga. Oats, -re-
ed Fulghum. $1- bu, 25 bu a 95 bu:
Red--Rustproof 90 bu, bu lots
recleaned Hastings $1 ee Reclean-
rpler 95 bu, 25 bu lots 85c bu; Cokers
ulghum $1.35 bu, 10 bu lots $1. 25 bus
oadieat Dwarf Essex Rape 20 Jb, 10 Ibs
50, 100 Ibs $10; Millet Pearl or Cattail 20c
bs SL.50; * 50. lbs $7, 100 Ibs $13.50;
rown Top 25 1b, 10. lbs $3, 50 Ibs $12. 2D
_H Lewis, R B Cordele Ga 10 bu Wan-
aker cottonseed $1 bu fob or exe for Iron
ran peas sound and pure; pe iS Ibs
chile crowder peas 10 th.
Jones, Reidsville Ga

doats $1 bu-or exe for

: College

of Gal

.- <-Peane seed Wc bor $5: bu
| collard seed 50 or exc for dried apples: at lobe

-12 Ibs white!


50 bus Halt and


A Bastield, Ro Laceaihe Ga Imp What-

f | ley prolific seed corn selected nubbed and ;

shelled $2.50 bu fob
1, H Edenfield, Stillmore Ga Halt and Half
cottonseed $1.25 bu 25 bus of more $l bu or
exe for peavine Baye
Mrs J. M Moore, R, 1 Hilltonia. Ga Gourd
| Seed Meck for 20.%seed. >
J J Ward, Wet Green Ga
Hait cottonseed $1. bu: fob-
- H GC. Burnsed, R 1 Eliaville Ga
big boll heavy fruiter

cotton seed $1.50 SS

ib, hand cleaned;
Reed $1.25-bu- < :

G M Mills, Surreney Ga"
watermelon, sced 50 1b

RP Steinheimer, Brooks Ga S15. Ibs Marl-
boro prolific seed corn $1.25 del or exc for
apples ;-2 pksi for box fancy.

R -Steinheimer, Woolsey Ga
boro seed corn. $1. 250 del :

-H F Priest, R i Aeworth Ga_
Seeds extra clean $2.25 bu fob -

M Williams, Tignall Ga Piedmont Cleve-
land cottonsced recleaned $2 bu fob

Jo Owen, R 4 Shellman Ga Select Mathis
Poole cottinseed eulled ae graded $1.50 bud

L 0 Stewart, Jasper
early variety 20e Ib :

J Erwin, Roi Cornelia Ga
seed $2 bu fob % A
~L<S Jones, Demorest a College No 1
ccttonseed 1925 crop from Reg seed Be Ib

A Abbott, R 6-Vienna Ga 50 lbs Watson
melon seed trom choice melons 50 1b

W W Callaway, Tunnel Hill Ga Small
white bush and pole batterbeans 17. -4-2c 3b;
Jackson Wonder speckle butterbeans, 15c Yb

B K Cross Sr, Newton Ga ile se red cob
seed corn picked and- shelied 7 5c pk er $2.50

W C Rutledge, R 3 Winder Be Imp Half }
aut Half cottonseed recleaned $1 bu

HC Martin, R-7: Gainesville Ga
watermelon seed $2 Ib

Mrs P Forbes, | Brooklet Ga 25 dbs string-
Jess green pod bean seed 25 ib

H V Colley, Rochelle Ga 3 bu honeydrip.


Hasting Bank Acct, cotton-

< Halbert Morey

od oe Marl-
SSeS Bakes
Orange cane


Ga _ English peas

Ribbon cane

| Dixie

Mrs VV: Nichols, R 1 Berne Ca 6 lbs
Fined: Young, Sumner
| pod okra seed 50 Ib.
SSileo Ps Alexander, : Louieite Ga. Wannta-
maker Cleyeland cottonseed pevaety gin-
ned in even wt bays $1.50 bu

Mrs J TF Clifton, Oliver Ga Watson melon |,
seed hand selected 50 1b or exc for fresh
baby chick feed for starting and scratch
feed at 5c Ib fob

Mrs J G Stanley, R 4 Quitman Ga Millet
seed, 200 or 300 Ibs, Pearl or Cattail 10e, Ib

bage collard seed 75c ib

KG lusti, Altamaha Ga Solomon & Oats
big boll wilt ay cotton seed $1. 50 bu.

I E Goolsby, Heslenarse Ga-
cantaloupe seed 40c lb fob-

Mrs Ida L Priekett, Maysville Ga 8 1-2
dbs mammoth dwarf frostproof english pea
seed 20 lb or exc db for Ib papershell yes
eans del -
| E M. Travis, Fayetteville Ga Extra seed
spanish peanuts Te Ib; Jarge size seedling
pecans for seed 15e Ib; medium size 12 1-2c

R 4 Fitzgerald Ga. 12 Ths oe

Eden Gem

-R Griffin, Dotiglas Ga Irish Gray pr Kileck-
ley Sweet- melon seed 40 tb Watson B0c; Dan
Lott $1 Jb; Little cob cluster corn, weevil

Tenn Red = cob. $2.50; Hickory. King $2.50

}Gold and White Dent }$2.25 bu; Later es

German Millet 15 clb :

- C Cole, Ro 1 Lilburn S aS
early Hackensack muskmeton - from. prize seed
-10 tablespoon

ety 5 tablespeon; Catnip 5e bunch or 500 dz
all fob; Mustard seed smooth and tender 1c
tablespoon or exc for garden beans
Mrs PF Pruitt, R 2 Barnesville Ga 1-2
lbs White velvet okra seed 40c lb or exe for
white bunch butterbean 1 for 2
- WF Dewberry,
seeded ribbon cane seed $2 bu; Hssting ate
lifie seed corn $2.75 bu
Wo Waldrip, R 1 Flowery



Branch ws

ned cottonseed $1 bu fob
Miss Ruby Carter, R 3 Winder Ga Lipsey
palercaciont seed Se cupfull; Havana, tobaceo
bI Se

50 bus Half and |

Maiimoth: long

proof $2.50 bu; Whatley prolific $2.58 ee.

gal pure }{i.
| Lipsey melon seed $1.10 gt or $2. for lot; Few |

Mrs. Lula Cole, R 4 hilburn Ga Good tender
salad peas l5e teacup or 25e pt or $1.76 for }|
jot of 6 Ibs fob; Collard seed heading vari- |

R 2 Bremen Ga 3 1- 2 ae

meio pig boll early variety privately gin- }

loupe cea Be ssleeteas. 1S. Vervtable "peach |

{seed 10e table spoon.

R L Worley, R 3 Roopville Gas
Wannamaker cottonseed $1.50 bu
W A Brinson, Cobbtown Ga
beans. 1925 crop; also seed cane
A Wilson, R-3 Bremen
syrup cane seed 4c Ib fob
% R Hutehinson, Quitman Ga
okra seed 300 Ib del :
Coleman & Chandler, Tifton Ga Half and
Half cottonseed privately ginned recleaned
$1.50 bu; all kinds field and garden seed

Laredo soy

Ga Orange

Long green

peas free from weevils for seed $4 bu
Mrs W LL Butkr, R 2 Quitman Ga
cabbage seed, benne seed, fine for chickens
| Mrs*<J B Saye, Newborn Ga

bunch Hma beans 25 Ib fob :

J W Caylor, R 3 Dalton Ga

Pe half cottonseed $1. 50 bu
KR T Baker, Menlo Ga Broadwell dbl joint-

10 bus half

; ed cottonseed $1.25 bu or exc for sey beans

or any kind beans to make hay; exe for pigs
at market price 4

G A Johns, Winder Ga 50 bus Covington
| Toole wilt resistant Imp cotton seed selected
-and cleaned in 100 Ib sacks $1.50 bu or $5
) sack; exc for peas, corn or oats; also 30 bus
Cleveland big boll $1.50 bu or exe as above

P Culpepper, Barney Ga Select Watson
amelon seed 80c Ib del

O Turner, R 2 Royston Ga
corn seed 1925 crop 10c teacup

BF Fagans, Martin Ga Piedmont Cleve-
land big boll cottonseed $1.25 bu fob seh

B Rosser, Locust Grove Ga
Cleveland cottonseed > recleaned. $1.50 bu fob

J B-Cousins, R 8 Greenville Ga-
privately ginned College No 1 Salsbury and
Culpepper Imp big boll cottonseed; sell or,

Good broom

o rtable peas

J A_Nolan; R 1 Apalachee Ga Watley
prolific seed corn field selected $2.50 b ufob
-Q Easley, R 3 play Go Honeydew melon
seed. 15 oz del ; :

vibbon cane seed $3 bu

J S* Morton, ee Ga * Cottonseed
Cokers Delta type No. 3 very vrolifie weevil
resistant to same extent $2 bu fob; Popcorn
mule kind prolific $1 pk. fob

J M Warnock, Statesboro Ga 10 M Rib-
bon seeded cane 2 1-2 ft average $1/25 hun
WE Smith, Jr. R11 Carroliton Ga- Old
fashion Cleveland Big Boll cotton. seed $1.25
bu; 12 or 15. bu honeydrip cane seed $2 bu or
exe for any beans or peas . x

card collard seed 10c 02z.$1 Ib

_Mrs A H Wright, Calhoun Ga College No
+: cottonseed $1.50 bu, 10 bu or more $1.40. bu

Mrs J.D MeKibben, Locust Grove Ga
Willets Wonder pea 15 cupfull fob

J A. Cromartie, Hazlehurst Ga-
oe pottonseed $2 bu fob

R_E Bower, Dixie Ga

$1.50 hun fob; Henderson Bunch Lima beans
bunch variety 15c Ib

JG Dean, Dawson Ga Petty Imp Tocle cot-


bu ;
-L. Jones, R 2
Dunch ns, Baby. Limas,. exc for dried ap-
ples, 1b for. Ib, or 14 Tbs for 1 bu good ap-
ples fob, or sel] at I5c Ib fob~
W H Robinson, Cairo Ga German millet
2 bu; Burt. oats $1-bu; N. seed peanuts
Se lb; Pearl or Uattail Millet $5 for 50 Ibs;
white spanish seed peanuts $7 hun Tbs ;
Sound two crop Clay peas $4 bu; all
Cairo Ga
O. D. Hall, Hawklinsville Ga Big Sig
Jersey seed sweet potatoes, yellow variety
J W Selph, Ashburn Ga Imp Watson
melon seed 25 Ib
Mrs J E Smith, R 4Bowdon Ga Tender
colored. cornfield beans 49e Ib del
J A Lightfoot, R C Millen -Ga Small mush

5 table peas 10 Ib

J L Burdeau & o, Savannah Ga
Rican seed sweet potatoes $1.25 bu fob
W M Jackson, R 1 Roopvill eGa
Wannamaker cottonseed, 1923124 erop:
Green Mtn Plant Farm, | Gainesville
Rucker cottonseed $1 bu

J H Mosley, R 5 Rockmart Ga.
cornfield bean seed 30c Ib fob z

- Southern Hog Farm, Hastman Ga Proc-
tor prolific white cob deep grain corn $1 pk
or 3. 50 bu; Whatley prolific seed corn 81
pk or $3 bu; exe either for seed velvet deans,
90 day preferred, bu fo rbu

Mrs SW Rogers, R 1 Luxomni Ga 100 Ibs
white blackeye peas 1925 crop 10c Ib -

_Manor Trading Co Manor Ga. Seed chufas
lc: Tb hots 500 Ibs or more 12: 1-2 Ib


150 ba.

W Crow, Ri Flowery Branch G Whipps-



Ww. annamaker :

200 bus

-exc for Otootan Early Velvet. beans for field

R A Payton, R-2- Menlo Ga =F -bu seeded

-B F Seott, Dawson Ga Home grown Swy-

165.M red cane peed:

tonseed early, prolific and wilt resistant $1. 50 }-
-}ower seed 10 cupfull;
Collins Ga 44 mag Hendersoti.

181.50 bu;
$4. bu;

f ob:

Porto. ;

15 bus

O}d time |

EE ag MeLaushlin, eRe ye ce
special watermelon seed ae pke: 3 a Ha
and Half cottonseed $1 bu :

Mrs lL. M Aderhold, Lavonia Gae-
table peas free from trash - and
heavy bears 20 Ib :

J -M Rice, Ft. Valley Ga


Mrs J T Holland, Lenox Ga Watson meoln
seed 50c lb or exe for nee: Dark Cornish:
or RI Red eges

GW Jackson; R 3 "Fayetteville Ga - Hender-. pee

son Bush, Lima beans 25 Ib 20 Ib sor more
20. 1b; also tew Jackson Wonder Limas. ~

J E Perkins, McRae Ga Hasting and Marl-.
boro prolific seed corn selected 75e pk; Thur-
mond Grey melon seed 50c 1b; Watson selec-
ted meton seed 30c Ib; all fob

H C: Martin, R 7 Gainesville Gas
Dixie melon seed $2 Ib ae


: Wannamaker
| Cleveland cottonseed recleaned $5 hun Ibs


Mrs J R Hillis, R 1 Milihaven Ga Select ;

Hasting prolifie seed corn 70 pk

| IT H Pitts, 1320 Fourth Nat Bk Bldg ae
lanta Ga

200 bus Fulghum seed oats 90c bu

fob ;

J C Erwin, R 1 Cornelia Ga Pure ribbon
cane seed $2. bu .

W C Williams, Loeust Grove Ga
Wannamaker Cleveland cottonseed recleaned.
and graded $1.25 bu, $4 hun lbs, $70 ton. fob;
white bush baby lima heans 85 Ib, 4 Tbs $1,

Sra ;

100 Ibs 20 Ib fob; Laredo soy beans same |

Bect, Ga collard; Okra, velvet, radish,
spinach, mustard turnip 40e lb del; -Frost-
proof English peas 40c"lb= 3 lbs $1 del > nee

C H MecGlaun, Cusseta Ga Several. lbs Ga
collard seed 50c Ib

Mrs Ida Southerland, R 2 Talking Rock Ga
Lettuce seed 3 kinds 10c spoonful; Mustard
seed 5c tablespoon; onion seed 5c -tablespoon 3.

flower seed 10c tablespoon ; mixed sunflower

seed i0 tablespoon _
G Martin, 7 Gainesville. Ga
meion seed T5c ib ;
Mrs C H Gailey, R 12 Commerce Gu. White

_ Dixie water :

punch butter beans 20c Ib fob Teeburg let~ :

tuce seed 10c tablespoon ;
20c Ib fob

Mrs K G Donovan, ie Ga Toole wilt
resistant recleaned cottonseed $1 bu fob

L J Shell, Painietto Ga. Piedmont Cleve-
land Big Bol leottonseed recleaned ,$1.50 bu

S H&S O Huff, R 6 Monticello Ga Hast-
ing prolific seed corn selected and nubbed
$3.50 bu; Pumpkin seed 50c Ib

Mrs V E McCook, R 2 McIntyre Gas
White stem heading collard seed 10" oz fob

i Hunter, Turin Ga 200 bus Wannamaker
Cleveland cottonseed recleaned in even wt
bags $1.50 bu fob -

F H Bunn, Midville Ga Heayy Fruiter big -
boll cottonseed $1 bu or exe for Br Leghorn

Sugar ee peas:


hens or W Leghorn hens; also Half and Halt 3

cottonseed $1 bu or exc as above.

Mrs Maggie Bennett, Musella Ga -Wanna-
maker Cleveland big -boll cotton seed private-
ly ginned 95 bu toby Napier: grass 2 1 1-26
stalk fob _ :

J M Boatright,. Coffee ta Wilkinson
Toole wilt resistant cottonseed $1.50 bu
Mrs R.L Arnall, Woolsey Ga Russian sun~
sell or exe for peas,
bean seed or turkey. RES 4. ze
- Major Crow Plant Farms, Flowery Branch
Gas Rucker cottonseed 1-yr from breeders
Whipp: peas .suitable for planting

seed, spring sowing 40 lb; Cantaloupe s
B0e lb; eabbage. seed, Wakefield and Flat

Duteh $1.50 Ib; Fulghum seed eats $1.50- bu

G B Moore, R 1. Griswold Ga 25 Ibs pelett

Watson melon seed 40c Ib.

_W H Whitten, Newborn Ga College No- qd
cottonseed - privately ginned sell: or e fi
Otootan or Laredo beans :

Mrs SH Millsaps, R 1 Dalton Ga Hast of

Sugar crowder peas Lic pt or 25c at; purple

hull white peas 20 qt or T5e gal; exe any (oe
above for. canned tomatoes or pickle -eucum=

H Montgomery,. Rome Ga RG Five a Cox
watermelon seed $1 Ib del

Mrs E Beasley, R 1 Soperton os :
seeded chicken corn 20c Ib, 6 Ibs $1 del; Mam-_
moth Russian sunflower ce 20 Ib or 6 Tbs
for -$1 =

Bee G W Randall, Pieauts Ga 3 or 7 Ibs
broom corn seed 25 ib or exe for tender
garden pole and ornfield bean seed :

I S Berner, Mt Vernon Ga Scenes
Hal fand Half cottonseed recleaned es ba
or exc; Dasheens $3 bu or-exc

aH Boyd, R 1 Villa Rica Ga


$1 pk or exc for seed sweet potatoes. i =
W. J Josey, Americus Ga ssoperrell ecan=

oe seed:

z SS

Notice 4 to Sheock or
Parcel Post. Packages _

Many users of the Market Bulletin and ike of plants aad
other goods by Parcel Post seem unaware of the fact that for an ad- |
ditional penny at receipt for every Parcel Post shipment can be had.

In view of the fact that occasionally we have complaint of Pa

cal Post shipment not being received we urge that every one adopt is

the method of obtaining a receipt, in order that in the adjustment =
such complaints wou Feeeipt: will be conclusive evidence of your

Watson melon seed 30 Jb; Turnip


ee Wo i cotton +

orley, 1 2 Mauk Ga Beypiian whert

. German be Cattal millet Zee tb: 1
Srabs and Iron peas mixed $4; 1 pk: Little

ee Atury Blackeye peas 10c tb or $1.25 for lot;


buach etr\runnine




tonseet pivately

Pruit ters
_ Poole eottoy




Ibs yellow 60 day crowder peas Abe Ib;
ew Tbs white running butterbeans -25e Ib;
ond fashion running squash sced We oz or $L
f "ML F Colton, R
worn sced 2B0c qt. % 4a
Britt, Kiko Ga: Cleveland Big Boll
and College No 1 cottonseed $i bu; Thur-
mond Grey melon seed ave 4b. ot.: exe for
veivet beans
= = Daluth
Ye STs
ree Pista. Gh
Ga raised 25 4b

Gaitnuesville Ga. Lang

cd S2 hu cor. $1.75 ba

fo bu or SL.50 pu-in

1 Kuseston Ga Broom

Annie B: Cruce, Ga 1--Tb Lip-
sey waternic!on \
oid hydrang as cree

HH -G Cook:

bunch. lima beane

3 ae ;


58d bal 3

Warly Half

200 bus
uy :
Mrs: Ga



X-Cel seed.

we W Stowe,
ord eoltenseed
in 5 bu dots ; un
Bb bu Jots fod
Be BIOS R 1 Fiswery- Branch
Ys sound Mang beans 15 1b or. exe
i TW HMelner, ROY Rydal\Gr BRampkin seed
De ae 3. Te. Tho $2: Wel
ae 2 2 Adairsville Ga
Z Pio bu fob
i: : escayae wa
and Half cottonseed $1.80-bu fob
M Heleom, RQ Adairsville Ga
costouseed 30s 1 tee
GOAN howler, Wi ddbury
hh earns 268 hite Fice peas
A-2e tb i
J BE Corn, KR 8 Cummniz: Ga Rucker cot-
ginned hun lbs fob
Farm, Montezuma Ga Teavy
Imp Piedmont big boll and Petty
seed $1 bu 4 :
COOL Cas BO Carrollton Ga Kleckley
waterwelo n seed 1c cupfull Kleckley
oo cupfull$ ae eereenne seed .10




Ca rroliton
LeGD: bus

ate eorn,

VEE ceded, certified, and ree. y Ga Crop Imp)

Sessa $4.50 Du;
: bu 38




ee cantaloupe
- ean. Rutabaga 15 Ib.

> Dixie melon seed $2 Tb del;

ogeed - $1.59. bu;

: Yrostproof $1


2 t6> 5 pus 83.25: bu, 6 to 10
Due tess than bu lots $4 bu Res
A R Waits, R 4 Canon Ga Extra early
ke ay cantalotips seed 25e teacup fob:
B Barry, Vienna Ga Wan nhamatker
tonseod $4 bu: sell. or exe for Peas,
bears, chickens or baby chicks.
bat D Pierce, Parrott: Ga raha kes
Cleyeiand bie boil coiton seed eareruliy oe
$1.95 wu- fob
M A Kent,

x velvet

Tis iburn Ca
secd 25e 1b | ae
R 4 Royston Ga Extra early
Vaientine beans lde pkey} McCa*li
poe bean 20c pkey Ga: pole: bean. 20
imp blood turnip bect ISe pke; Jaden Gem
Me pke; Imp Kleekley Sweet
pmeion seed, New Stone Mth, Thurmond .
rey, Augusta Rattlesnake, ~Halbert Honey.
od Trish Grey melon seed 20e pke $1235 Tie;
Bit Jumbo pumpkin 15 pke Redeld Reauty
and Red Rock tomato doe pkg; Imp Ameri-

Fittte White bunch

C Order,

J.D Gush,. Flowery Bameh Ga Unmixed
sree lots; Mustard seed 10
Large leaf garden sage roots 2c . .
PD Cath, Flowery Branch Gav Unmixed
Pixie melon seed $2 tb del. : Svecial price :on-
jlargs lots: Mustard seed Ie tablespoon;
Large deaf garden sage roots 25 : 3
-J R Gable. Raymond Ga College No cotton
dersen variety 20 Ib s-sexe ood variety
rirs - amt plants fea j (

~ Green Mt. Plant Co, Gainesville Ga> Cab-
base $1. 25, M; Perto. Rican potato $1.75 M
del May and June : ; ee
_& Bower, Dixie Ga Field grown cabbage
M. fob; . Sees

Mys . Hasdey, ilijay. Ga Well

Kudsau-reots $1.50 hun del
W Wiiliems, Qui tman Ga Frostproof

abbage $1 M; Collard $1 M: onion $1 M:
bect $1.50 M; Porto Rican sweet potato, Apr
- del $2.50 M . :

W oH Waddelle; on Ga
onion, cabbage g 5 ;

J A Pierec, Rockingham Ge Wancy: Hall
and Porto Rican sweet potato $1.75 M: Red-
eaut ty OxtEa:, early prolific tomato Apr

del $1.50 M~

LE Gibson, R-Y Folkston Ga
New wilt resistant. Doujsiana pink
45e hun $3 M del | ;

Dorris Plant Co Valdosta. Ga Cabbage $i
M; Porto Riean, Natey Hall and.) Early
Trimmph potuto $2 Ms prompt chipmient

Stckss Plent Co,
extra early Jersy. and Charieston Wakefield

ow ready $1 M del.

D Story, & Sons, Morven Ga-
May de]

WG Clee, Cann 6 Bermuda | onion $1.2
M del; ee Flat Dutvch cabbage $1.25 M
del |

Mis- J oH Walker, Lenox Ga
Chari leston W akefield cabbage $1-M,.
10 WE $8 fob ; ;

Altman. Plant. Co, Rockingham Ga Imp
purple skin = Porto Rican awd Nancy Hall
potato $1.75 M, 5'M or more $1.50 M

Coffee Ga Porto Rican,

tablespoon ;





Parke Riean


eee Boatrisht,

sumph and Nigger Killer and Boon potato |


ud K Exum, paleliied Ga) Parto

ing, Jackson | Ga Napier Wrgas:
% : velvet beans Otoctans,
tand d varieties peas at. Market

reed $1.50 bu |

exe fortwo Jd yrs

pke :

Special price on

bunch buiterbean Hen-

Bermuda E

Fitzgerald Gua Cabbage

ov Paes tet ML iQ Model: Apr and

5 M. $4.50.

Riton :
ee $2.50 M dal: Big Stem dersey potato,

i. -M, 10 x oY more $1.50 M
GW Miles; Coffee Ga: Imp

potato $2 M- feb ;
RL. Taylor, Alma Ga Imp. Uorto Rican

potato Gov inspected $1.75 M Avr May and
South Ga Plant Co, Alma Ga Porto Rican!

potato $1.75 M; special price on iarge eee

June del

tities E af Spas a }

Clark Plant Co. Thomasville
Proof teabbage $1 Mi -

CW Lane, Quitman Ga Cakbage $iM fob
or $1.50 M del ; Porto Rican potato Apr and }
May del $2 M

National Plant Farm,
Rican. potato $4.50 M; Imp purple skin Porto
Ricans: $1.75 MM fob > 5. * :

\. Mrs. WOR Veal, R 4 Sandersv!
Kutiza plants? exe: for 4560
}Kudaa $i5

Mrs EB A: Satiders, Dexter
efiuce plants 25e him
Major Crow Plant Farm,
Ga. Leading -varielies . frasi
aiso colercd and temato Zoe hun -Si.25- Mash
or $i BM fob, 40 M $9; Posio Rican porate

Siste imspecte] 2M del br Pisce Mo feb Apr
wand May det ,

Georgia Yara-Curing Co. R 25
Porto. Rican portato; exe for Sor:

Pitts Plant Ce, bitzeerati Ga erto Rican
spstato Apr: and May. #@el.:.S2 M jit (Kine
Popper Opr ard Bev del $L M; Yomato Apr
td May del $1.58 M> Leading varictics cab-,
Lage now ready $1 M del ; tee

Jf Belimeston, Rebecca Ga Porto Rican
sotate Si 0) MM. fone $1.75 MM. del

D . Christie, Dawson Ga.
moots SI hun del or $7.50 -M. fob

WwW Pheavins, R 2 Flowery Braneh Ga
Old fashiou tobaceo plants 50 han vApr and
May del

Petham Plant o, Paitin, Go
potato Gov in pected $150 M |

Ho Kent, Dawson Ga. Straw color

Porto eae


Baxley Ga Porto


ile Ga -1090_
puto plants 3.

4a Ga Teeburg
Biowery Branch
provi jcapbaye,

Rebecea Ga
chum seed



Porto Rican

nuda oxzien $1.50 M del : 3
S.J Akers, Ashburn Ga RR Bariy Flat:
Dutch cabbage $1.25 M now rents Tae
Pitts & Clements, | Moultrie Ga Porto
Rican potato $2 M, 25 M or more $1.75 De
Pith del. ( i
1B Pitts, -Fwasten Ga Porto Tecan patie"
Apr del 2.25 BM del, May del $2 M del
HP: Holicy, Palmetto Ga
zoots $1 hun fob |
W C Lomim, Gainesville Ga
lean potato. Avr May and Juae




ohnson- gress

imp. Porto
de AS write |
PPICes 3. a field grown cabbage Jeading
$1.25 Mo del; Colaid &.ne- price;

y 97 Revyiich beet plants and Brault,
onion $1.50 M

Mrs J: Bo Peal, qheesbie:
Barly rds Wakefeld and Marty Fiat Duten
cakbare $1.25. M5; White Bersude onion $150.
Mi: Biz Baston lettuce $1.75 M:; Imp Gov
inspected Porto Rican potato Apr and May_
del $2 M, June del $1.50 BM ~

Mrs H H Burch, Hiawassee Ga .
plant. reats; exe. for 1 pk potatoes
Jer -ey, Karly ~Triumph, Northern
Black Spanish ;

iurs A C Gaanclor, Sville Ga Early ee
Wakefield cabbage $1.25 M Ga eotees same

Ga Yam Caine 9,.> Box 57 Atlanta Ga
Porto Rican potato Gev tMspected $2 M,. 50
Mioocr more $1.50 M Apr and May del a
W Watdrip, Re Tlowery ie sarch Gad
Poxto Rican potato. State inspected $2, M del,
2) Mor more $1.75 M fob; Apr May and
June del ~

- Mrs. R Q Miller, a8 Koworth" Ga ected
gage plants ide and 25 ea or -exe for geran-*
ium plants, . militory fern for seed putter:
jeans, tender cornfield bean seed

J M Moore, R 1 Azadi Ga Porto. Rica.
potato Gov inspected $i. 75 M

M Boatright, 1 Coffee Ca Imp Porto
Riean potato Gov. inspected $1.90 M fob.
_ J -H Williams, Coffee Ga Porto Rican
potato from inspected seed $2 Ni; Tomato,
Harliang and Stone $125 M: | Apr dat:
i rostproof cabbage | Wakefield and Flat
Hutch $1 $1 M prompt shipment . - .
James Plant Cd, Coffee Ga _ Porto, Rican |
potato from. inspected seed $2. 15M prompt
sng ee
Re Boatright, Coffee Ga

ae $2 M, 0 M or more Si. 85 MM, Aor May:
and June del

BLyon, R 1 Nfton Ga Imp Pode.
Rican potato Gov inspected $1.75 M fob. Apr
-KMay and June del
Miss F O Stokes, FEG Fitzeerald Ga Lead-
ing varieties cabbage 60 for. 500 del Z
Farmers Co-op. Plant Co. Homeland Ga


Ga ProlnnGet

Big. Stem
Yams. or

Ril Peete Rien


_ Sevi Vie: Plant Co, Pitts Ga
tes cabbage. $1 M fob or $125 -del 7

Hilton Plant ~Co, Baxley Ga Imp orto
Rican potato Gov. inspeeted $2 M, 3 M*
more $1.7 id M :

C S Ahl, Baxley Ga
Rieaa potato, Gov imspected | $2
May and June del; Big Stem Jersey potato
58M fob same. del s

MG Swinson, R-2 Bax toy Ga Porto Rican
potato $2.75 M del Apr 2 and May del.

OF Hetkwitkice R 2 -Baxiley Ga Porto
Rican pohtato. Gov inspected 52.50 M 410.
ar more $2 M Apr deb ; ; Ne

Jd G Purcell, Baxley Ga Porto Riean and
tiny Porta. Rican potato inspected 2 T- fov

Mrs Etta Durham, Sale on foe
varieties cabbage $1.15 M del, 10 M $7.59 fob

Mail Order Plant Co; Srivester Ga
oe M, 10 M $7.50 : i

G Bartlett, R D Cordele oy Paris Riean |
ad sie Stem Jersey potaty from vine grown
$2 M Yob $2.25 M del, Apr and May del-

GW Miles, Coffee Ga Rea
i Mo fob ; ; old fash


Red skin hed Parts

10 pie |

Sweet potato and tomato; write for prices |
Leading varie~|-



M fob Apr

Cab- |

n potato $2


| Porte R cans potato. 22, M <del.

| fied cabbage $1

, cheao - O Yexc

'stendard variety

ee anesied 2 Mi fob -

Mis D C Foiey, Avondale. eps teu Sis
ed sage plants! exe fer any kind of #0
W oC Ratledge, R $ Winder Ga

weil rooved = bun :
an, Villanow Ga-
euttings $1 hua; exc for box

M Eller, Yalking Rock Ga

12 de Bde
Mekver - Plant Farm, Braselton Ga . Cod:
and Partiana tomato 50c hun of $3 Me det,
Be Boston Pius ST Oo MES Cabbaxe :
M, del prompt Sement =
Mrs Minnie~ Menver, Rot Braschidn. Gk
Imp Nerton non wilt tothate 25 dz ise hua,
2 yr old asparactis reots same price del :
3 R Pope, F cald Ga Weading varieties
cabbage Si.10 M del See
WoL Miles, Coffee Ga Porto:

Imp Rees:

| potato S1.75. Wl Apr and May dul fob

W F Carden, R-) Cordele Ga - Porto Rican
potato $2-M, 5M or7 moze S1.7) M foo art
ley Ga z
4? M Cartev, Rockingham Ga_ Nancy. Hal

and Porto Rican potato $1.75 wt White | Yar
M M Gov insrecteil, Apr May and June de

C K Werguson, 1 Rockingham Ga Pork:
Rica in potato 10 M or mor $2 M. fue at

N Jackson, tL i Rockingham: Ga . Port
Brean and Naney Pail potato: Be. ou, M, lavcn
tots SY. 1D AME ae Se ah: se

SJ Lindsew, RO Omega Ga
Riean potato Gov i
Mod.) Apr: Mav end Jame del 3

JK Miles, Cstice Ga Tina Poste Rican
potato $1.75 M- fob,. Apr. dels Tymato BLT
M. Ked Stone variety SAY i

Po Carter, ABaz.ehurst Gar Cov in pectes
Porto Ran potato Aor and ay dsl 52 M
tob. 5) Mor more $1.85 M os
We Qetcen, Warehouse Ga Porto
potato leading varieties tomato.
May and June del

D. Pureel.. B.S Baxley | aS
Potato 2 MLS Imp Porto. Ricans $2.25
Big siem, Jersey $2.50 M Yob- aes

Pitts Ga Porto Rican potat:

Imp Port:

M, Ap.

oe Riear
a M

pE Moore,
Gov. ins wees oo Rt rob Gr $2.35 M- del. Ap.
} 25th de. tT. :
) Harris: & MeKe 2 OR D Cordele Ga nr
"Fitzgerald Gas Frost

Br pire . Plant Co; y
Early Jersey and? Flat, Duter

rroof cabbage :

\ $1 M del

Stewarts Plant Farm, ee Ga hs Port,
ee potato Gov inspected 81, 80: M. dei o

A A Dixon, RB 1 Black: hear Ga Bermuds | 5
onion Si.75 Ne; Frostproof cabbage same
Pre, or exc for peas or chickens '

R Chanclor, Sevitle Ga arly Jersey Wake
Ri; Cot land same price
(Nancy Halli and Porto Rivan- spate $2 - Ap
and May. del
RC Chancellor, Seville Ga. Jersey Wake
te cabhaee B15 Me Ga colard same prie*
J HM Summer, Rf Omega Ga Porto Rican
petato. Gov inspected 1.75 M Tob $2 aM Ed ky
apr May and june del oe
~J M Sweat, RK 1 Beach Ga Porto | Riear
rytato S2 MM fob, Gov me pected . Apr May oe
dane del

LA Carter, R 3 Roden Ga ati Por
to Riean potato. 2 M Apr and May del

G A. Carter, Rockingham Ga Porto R
and Nancy Hall potato Gov inspected $2.

30. Moor more $1.75, M; Tomato y

ei: 50 M, Apr del: re Sy
Miss Lydia Stokes, R 6 Fi itera 6 ALS
variety cabbage (Oe for 50 del

BF Pureell, Groveland Ga
potato Apr and May del $1.90 M

S MeCall, hes angie Ga Gov inspected
Heiko. Rican potato $2. MM = by de
and June de | ;

BF Witfard, Baxley ae
potato $1,75 M, 5 M or. more
May and June del

Patterson Plant Co.


$1.50 3 M Apr
Bg Kk


Maxley' : Paris

aan potato leading varieties tomato plants

Mrs J Pierce, Stockton Ga New Stone to-
mato ready 25e hun; Yellow Pryor tobaceo
$3.25 M- or exe for potato. plants, white. peas,
white pekin duck eres or suinea PeBZS |
pure whe ~~!

' J D Black, Jr. Baxley Ga Le 2 Imv purple
skin Pirto Rican potato $2 RM fob or $2.25 M-
wa Apr May and June del ~ ;

EO Jackson, Graham Ga Imp Portia. Ricans
potato State inspected $2 M.

J M Williams, Graham) Ga Imp Potto Rican
potato also Big Stem Jersey potato | State in-
spected $2 Mi ~

W D Pleck, RB 2 Baxley, Ga Spork Rican
potato $2 M; special price on large lots

HC Cruce,. R 4 Lawrenceville. Ga Togan-
berry plants wel lreoted i0 ea or exe 12

; yer ts for 509 potato plants, Apr ist Ge]
plants: oT

= 1G orner,

Me Vernoa Ga -Kuddu
wel: rocted

DLO ME or Ox RCS also Napier

R Steinhe'mer, Woolsey Ga Wa eosc
ee trees with good roots 4 for 2ae, or 60:

MM awit Roe es Bitord Gn
sprouts We ca 3 for Paes Sweetshr
10c ea or 3 for 235 May Cherty sprouts 10
ca_8 for 25e;\Sweistrub bushes 16 Ca OTS
for 25; May: Cherry eee ead for 25

voldea Bell (Porsythia)- 106 ea 3 Por O55
Co den Bell (rorgythia) 1c ea 5 for 25. Crepe
myttle 10 a aS

Mrs HF Jacobs, 2 5 West Point Ga Giant
Himalaya blackberry. vines Bee wr exe for
Lady Thompson strawberry ts any

. siren 208.


rub buds

ale SEES 5-35 Z
Mrs A>
2 cae

Prive. 4
flawe ry

Os eaeear ber

i Face

spected $1.79. Me fob Gree:

M | budded :
1 Schley x ne aker

M fob neces

18 OR 5:

Porto Rican ie

pudding d or 50e dz 2. \

}cld. 18e to 25e ea: Dae

old 2 P-2e ea) fo
EG, Vv en Rockmart Ga a
: m sprouts 40 ed des 5 Dani
3 cae Ts ;
- Miss Leshe- Baekiian! ot : Rafort Ga
re strawberry uaents 50e nun; Himala
yoplants 20 42; ; s
Towaliga. Nurseries, Goggansville. e
ted trees, Mayflower
By Eeeys Bells, : Chines
en, enon: ca ine White
Siicson -Oct 20e "ea der
Mire C. Parks, Ellavilie C
i 28 50c hyn or exc for ans
nias well rooted, or fcr :
< M Goodwin, Jv., Matthews G
Currants. m: idseason berrics 20e eae.
well rooted j
SE, Eubanks, Eastman, Ga
budded S26 trec& all
Mrs Gonner, RF Gainesville
time whi te Ene'ish. ee tices
Cas ee May = ry see
| dz = cream
Po e cuttings be dz
j8c dn; eream, ye! How, aon ee
lavender chrysanthemums We
mums mixed Sc dz :
Fooks Farms, Werthen Ga
iyees, Stuart and Sebley strone hcali
inepeeted, dtr earefuly- anid well
wr fe for prices - :
S N Carp, Eastanel!e -
"etrawberry 2





stew corn =
Stewart Pecan Co. Valdosta: Ga
and | grafted can
and Success
ter del -
R illis, ie
Pp inate. 46 hen a
$1 hun del; Steet vine ho:
2 foro Joes yellow jegssamine sume price
. Peean Tree Co. Haxleburst Ga Pedca
clos ing out 40, 50, 69 and 7 Me ea fou;
Stuart. and Cur % ae t
~ Dala Woodruff, Bay:

Mitthaven ee

| apple and peaeh $1.75 dz Yigs, 5e ea, 4

Qe: Black walnuts 25; Mey herry -
Pear, Keifer and June -25 ae
sink aia myrtle, bik? ao)

or ST 50. wr? 2 2: ayhe old 20 en : ces
ines 2 yr. old 15. a\ or a 50 hun

Pagina trees. 25c ea; all:

- BE Baidwin, R ekmatt Ga

Cherry sproars:


Japanese re
ell rooted and
s 25e dz; Large whi to W ax
ae Orange Ailfies dbl and sgl
Plus and white iris lillies Be dz ; :
chrysapthemums Oe de: assontet Larkspt i
bee weeping will w cutting 25 ag
North, Ga Nurebsy Co, weal G
spected 2 2. yi. oid: apple trees Aeadi ae
De: ea; Peach trees. leading varieties. 20
ye old 5 Concord and eepte Srape vin

Sayedon a
$1 dz: are wn
ae. < walnat hae

vines "We ea.
sadhes 106 ea;

ae Be
+P gies. Ft valley acs
can traes, Schley, Stuart and
Variet'es 69 and 7c ea; State it
for yuaning | ee oe 5 x
2A Patterson, R 2 Waco Ga White
yernong vines 15 ee or $i. 69 aay :
bushes. 10 ea or $1. dz; eee) )
ae Kennedy, Colts ao
State inspected Sebley peean ee
ie Japan, walnut trees. Bde en, OF
Kudzu plants reasonable ; exe aDY - ae
for. peanuts, peas | or ROY beans ac
prices eI oa . x :
JW Toole R 2 Macon ; Zi
blackberry plants $125 than
: ings
oy 1 er <A

erctia dewberry plant :

key fig large nha 25e ea

$3. hae, GY for 25% :
EL: Gortey, RL Mauk,
eee strawberry plants 2oe-h
ID Warwick; Leaf Ga
ee apna Che errant
25 to Ble & 3 Concord Mov)
GTaylor, 1! Macon G Ga Wi
5 c g@ peach Avees :
xe for pen PS pecatis, be
bo tae Girardeau. MRas Gs
ange trees, budded pecan, biicht proot
apple pear, buddad peach, Japa pram, |
fversimmon, fig, apple, mulberty,- ponr
| eed full. line. ornamental eet os
hedze plants ;
H- Parker, . Moultrie Ga
plants $4.25 hin} Large
| berry 50 dz; Dorothy Per}
exe any of above fot ee
eS es or turkey

fgg ines


z ot

Ss = _Asbland Ga a:
ole SL nea pao
sat ooh Ga Strate plants
cedar aces 25 ea all fob =
Leanitie Ga Cnuiee: Pale
Leayr-old 83 ee
35 ths B10 fobs
gers, R 8 Greenville Ga Rasp
be oo Co Semper $1. 10
and Muy Cherry trees 5e ea, all


< - Steinheimer, Brooks ,Ga Cee
40, 10 for 60 i 25: for $1 <del;
pples Sx wool and cabbage planis. :

: cera Deneve nee


e 9 Tapes
8 for Tot fob:
3: Js es | Pallets:
id Te eh
a8 Tallapoosa | wa betes et
laying $1.30 ea cor. im 25. for.
8 g6od young hens any: heavy |
young guineas 9: ie aa ba

Ox eae Ga
now laying


Bchols,: Philomath Ga Fees from
Tris: heavy laying strain The for 15
: R22 White Ga serlin
for 1p del
Hine Kiuze Ga Exes 81.25
2 hoe {3 duck eggs an ypure




EGGS FOR toes |

| ba acl

Pierce, Stockton Ga. Eggs Si:
1 sttine for 15W Pekin


cee oF Ww African guinea eggs, dried apples ; |

3. Men hateh cockerels $1.2
kin euck eses or

25, ea, or exe for
Ww African gainea

z E- Ercey, Groveland Ga Barron strain
= Ued.fiock $1 for 15 cr $6nun: del
nS Sere Ge. ae

25 for

a oe 15: del
at Ga


$3 ue toe Sta :
We. Ww ftieviurix,. Wabelle Ga- 49 hens f and
$r old and 3 eacks /Tanered
1x2In. $1.10 ea: or #40 for lot fob
Mos T C Bonnex, Hahira Ga_ Ferris strain!
a $1 for 16 fob :
Mrs M Wercer, Graymont Ga

d. now layin and t cock $10 for. lot

_ Mrs > Se Rockingha m Ga. Eggs $1

and Ferris |

ETO 82 25, oe 30 a exe ior Soe oe
By ; rkey eases lethorn eggs for 1

J: D Cash) Hiswcry
Batron etram pullets
Tots. 10 ;or more ;
witrs; I J. sievers,
strain hen


: Hnelsh

$20 ea in

Branch Ga
T0 amd ~<old

Xx: *
Bremen Ga
and eges; hens $1.50 ca e@es $1

Ferris |

4 M Davis,
Ferris strain hens 22 mo ol@ 15 \Spring hatch
pullets. same strain $1 ea

Standard Poultry. arm Danburg Ga
peulicts May 15th del

fs eg Shel!nutt. R 1. Bishop Ga Ee:
lish strain $1,25\-for 15

wa Dobbins, R 4 Marietta Ga
strain eges $1 for 15 del .

Mrs B - Baldwin, RA Rockmart. Ga 2 pul-

5 ee 25th thatch $1.25. ea fob

rs Leghorn Fary Boney: lie Ga 100

| to 10. wks old $i ea or 90 ea for

pul c
let: Cockerels same age $1 6a |
3 RL or o by; R 2 Adel Ga
a, Or exe for SC RY Reds oe
ie anni: er, Woolsey Ga. Ferris
BS; exe 0. .C8ES for box North Ga apples
Mrs ie Gaon Bartow Ga 2 cs
OUngS strain 1924 hatch, also 2,
$925. haten. $2.50 ca #
3 Vy L Bugler <2 Quitman Ga
oe cock Wien ea: LI2D maven 5
n Z
ee Douglas: Ga



Eges tro om raperet

Mrs: MBC
80 fox 15~ ors
Garr pci, Monti eee: Ga
ved conditic




R Tay onia Ga
for onign sets





bi oayrlasviile:

ha :

we = y lis o ik 3 2 Doms le Ga!

>< haten and: 6

oe Be et Valley. Ga 3 to

y 8

8 hens 1 yr) :

Fold now laying

venigs $1.00
Reo Silved Greek Ga 15 | e

: 209 | strain hens 1 to
28 Eng- |

Ferris |
; del

_mo old, besinning~ to lay
6 eocks gy
, nish Indian Game Cu

y \
Socks: same |

now |

el an 48 mo 1d
; English strain ene

WEY Walker; Stay
ie coos $1 for toe $6.50 hi
Macomber, Haleyondale Ga
ja cee 2: for aH ddl: Z
C D Rusk, R 2 Woodstock Ga.
strain eos: $1.25. for 15 2del
BL Pickens, Wewnan Ga

{ Mrs





30 English hens

51.50 en 510 Holly, strain $2..ea ; Farge size

peau y layers =: =

G M Moseley, Menlo
; 2 yr oid~ Ferris;
AO for oii, $8 bun See iz
i, BoOwens, Ro? Buford Ga Ferr ris sttain-
veges $1 for 15 ee exe for good garden | beans.
# A Bas Ri 2 pe ee Perris eggs
Reavy laying strain AO: for = 36. 50

Ga Choice, shes 1
Strain $1.50. eas Eggs

C- Ether dees ie Pullets. 10 to

For syth
nae cold 3

te PBX ea
@ 30 for 15, Hollywood strain

Mrs. Dek Maddox, - dacks in Ga Wey de-

ve'oped 1924 cites paler Perris strain. mnt

ea or 2 for = 5 dal; Feps SZ. 50 for 15 del;

special price on Sere ane

= hires WY Sessions, Rid; Soperton Ga Ferris

strain eggs $i for 15 del Ors set hun del or exe:

for 100 ees Ineubator

Mrs K S Rucker, R 8 Elbe

and Panercad sitiin ezes
Lid Roper

Dis 50 for: 1b.22
Hillgonia Ga Eggs 75e for


3 1 Herden, Zebulon Ga
putlets Apr dei i
Mrs J U Akins, Res
ratch now laying; also
Strain L225 ea Lob = :
Mrs WoW Wanner, Milledgevi lle ce 2 caeks
and 2 hens for Anconas or sell for $5
Nannie Morry on, R.-2 Barney~ Ga
seit 1924 a a shatch= $1.50 ea or
Ou - Red chicks pure

cot Ga 20 hens 44

2 cock same age Fervis


1 day on

i = D CG: -awford, Geyonia Gas Poncrd styain
-Sliso 15, or exe for peas ne

Skelton: Leaf Ga bos Hea Perris

11 mo old B - :


1@ hens. Youngs strain
5 hens 18 mo old $6.50 for lot
, Rienland Ga Eses Kerlin strain
Sh A merican bred fo jay $1.50 for 15

Diiweods Ga. _ Eges

slime an, Register Ga
225 for Es
3 Bij? Lavonia Ga Wycko
pS $195 LS 15.-del or exe .
S Wages, Ret Dacia Ga 7 hens v yr
ST cen
2. Cl, Redan, Jakson Ga
Eyre old oe yteain $30 for
a J S- CGiark, Jaeksonville Ga!
strain eggs $1.50 ae te
KL Darnell, Dall Ground Ga
far lhe
Mrs Z M Story, Thomhson Ga
eoek $1.56 eal for
Po Woah,

Eges Fer-

29\ hens 1
lot :

Eerris strain

60 hens and
100 Ferris

yr oli now laying $1 ea!
Alto Ga Ferris strain ges

AE Haw@erald: Ga



Mr; Burrell,
"he for-15icdel * : s es

W <F Macomber, Halryondale Ga Tanered
styain ees $5. hin $3. for 50 or $125 for is
det .. 3 ae aba * -t

Mrs P Vo Pryor, Oliver Ga Begs $1 for 15


Re Ga 250 hens
Tere sstrain

Mas J AS aie Atinesvi

Mrs G W. Atkinson, R 2 White Ga Everlay
strain ges $1.25/for 15 del or exe for; Cor-
Vets Mch or Apr hateh
Mrs T O Cowart, Ringgold Ga ormohlen
strain eggs $k for Ab or $1.50 for 30,

Wers WD HOS Ball Rround Ga Everlay.

strain. eges

$).25 for 15,
EH Vickery,

5 hun

WwW eet Nant Ga _Everlay

ustrrin eoes $L25 for 1b, 26 hun del

300 hens heavy

pullee eady to lay from sqect atic Sk ta

SS i50 ent 280 Seip 1g bs ea; write
fox pr.ces :
Be Diskeuson; Donaldsonville
; Gulverton Ga.
Woreioss Ga 5
cicerels. 81-2 mo oid $$ e2
eke for hens any breed -a24
pe R I Reds preferred
ond Toulouse geese,
nes same strain

to52 4

Ga a

P =

Eegs eS for.

a DT


: ,
ess trom |
15 iS. Or

; S Careathy, ato Ga"
veto & Snee 2 strain T3 for
icy; High $ Sb hoals Ga een. and

tein eres 1.60 for 15. del
Graymont Ga Eas; exe

SL Pre axon, :
6 d flovrer baskets or davo-

Gs eny golor vor waite and
hs. i

oY Preses

Ppt Anessa Ga
= ae 5 mo old pallets


Aves fine Hig



DS Coker, R 6 Vakayete Ga 417 hens
Eiverlay strain 1 yr old now laying - ea or
$la--for 7 lot

C D. Rusk. R! Woodsteck Ga
rain ee SS for 15 del pe Sy

POR: Baxter, & Carrol iton Ga ae $1. for
o ael

AM Britton,


Panis Springs Ga Eges

Mo mticelio Ga Bverlay

Ball ee: td Ga

10. for 15. Gel

Jones, Milan, Ga.

old now lJzgving $1.25 ea or

Ho Whitfe d, Ball Ground
strain eggs S110 for 45 deh

J Woodruil, Lilly Ga Sac $1. for 15-50r
exe. 2- settings 3 bantam. hens . of
breed : ioe :

FH Bunn, Midville Ga
hens now laying $1.29 (ea -
BD Weever, Lavonia. Ga
vis o1d $6 for, lot
Mrs J EH Smith, R 4 Bowdon: Gs: 10 ae
jets and Lt cock Apr hateh 1925, Si. 59 ea or

#0 tor fot; esas - ple60 for LD
hatin 3 ;

D Sameben,


35. hens 1. and<2
$40 fer lot fob



Everlay strain
5 hens and aL cook


Monticello Ga 75 hens. 10

old heaxy producers. good: condition ;

Lockeys ere Parm, Bonevilie Ga Epes
50-tor 15 from prize stock; coekerels $2



, Mrs BT Badwin, R 4 Rockmart Ga 6 ns

18 mo oid $1. ao ea or exe for RI Red baby
chicks <.
Hei Snelpus
for 15 det
eae B Caylor, =

7 young
riwolk Ga. 'Fernmo-


. Eegs for


Rt neciee Ga Fer-

(strain eres.


: herels $35
Wiss Julia. Brown; Re 3 Madison. Ga) Exes: /

Ga Rerris ;

8 and 10 wks on


hous and cock $2; all


Se Everlay


fs Feet Di hep Ga Eggs. $1.50

eVev, Blue Ridge. aa
te ox exe for WwW eile Duck oF SS cess
P its Leo Ga Reeves: strain eeEs F5
for 15 del :

Mrs WS Patrick, R Locust Grove , Ga
Eegs heavy laying Tormohien strain 75e /for
12. Gel; also 1 yx old hens and 5 cocks same
styain $150 a or $30 for all

Mrs C L Redman, Jackson Ga
for lot

Mrs -L A
for 15 fob >

Mys J A

5 hens $7
Youmans, Mershon Ga

Towell, R' 1 Meies Ga Everlay
$i for 15 del; Hens and puilets
seme strdin $1.50 ea fob |

H C Spires, R 2 Lincolnton: Ga
fer 15 from good layers :

Mvs R floyd, Hiawassee Ga Wverlay. strain

Toe: for 15, $4.50 hun: del. ge:

Mrs F Boyd, R 1 Carrollten.Ga
2 yr old hens: $l ea.
Eunige Bishop; Ball Ground Ga

Eggs, $1




| strain pe! $1.25 for = del; special price 5 On

incubator lots >>

Mrs hithe W Poareh, R2 alkoun: Ga

T F Slaton, Rd Fairburn - Ga prerlay

strain eges 81 for 15 i
Mrs B W: Biddy, R 1 Aeworth Ga Eges $1}

fer-15 3

ae Po swell, R 8 Wrightsville Ga Yormoh-

len: strain eggs | St. 50> for (1755. $2.75 for 34,
WE Gzburh, Rol Rutledze Ga Bgas ae

for 15 or $5 hun

Ww R Harris, RO 4 Gainesville Ga 30. hens
$1.50 eas 5 cocks $2 -ea 5 Rees $1.25 for. 155
exe for potato plants. o "eorn seed =
Mrs A F: Heaton, Mineral Blut? GaT peek
4 oe he 50 ca. or: exe for pure bred
Durce Jers or. PC, Berkshire, .O I C pig
Aut less than 6 wis old - A



May Es ' Gillespie, R38 Greenville Ga Eres
fot dels. Van Briest strain ; also: hk cock
yr Od=iS4:505 Or exe for 1 apie seed pes or
garden seed

Mis (FE -C Wetlvanss Ball Grad Ga" Eges
from Leavy layers $b for 15 Gel



C D Rush, R 2 Woodstock Ga
strain exes $1.25 for 15 del :

Mrs, W M Gaines, 51 Drewry St. Atlanta
Ga, Harold Tonifkins strain eggs from
yerial matings -&2,, for: 15; fine winter layers

Mrs 3 <i Culpepper, ' Grantville Ga
frova prise stock $2.50 and. $5 for 15

Carsens Poultry Farm, Brooks Ga
sen Strain eges $1 for 15 or 30 for $1 50;.exc
for grain, cottonseed, syrup, peas; also laying
hens $1.25 to $2 ea; Cocks $2 and $3 ea

Mrs T J Ray, R 1 Stone Min,Ga Donald-
son strain. eggs from cuted hens $2 for 15
yard run $1.50 for 15, $8 hun :

fiss Pearl Solomon, Jeffersonville
Owen strain esses $1.50 for 15 $8 hun; 5b
young hens and pullets' $1.50 and $1.25 ea;
extra fine 2 yr old cock $2.50 ea; cockerels $2
and $2.50 ea
W HL Steed, 17% North Ave megeos Ga
eock Meh 1925 hatch. $2.50: |

Mrs Ss Harden, Osierfield, Ga
strain ecockereis $1.50 .ea fob

ayside Farm, Tose Barnesville. Ga ges
fr om high grade stock $2 for 15 del. Resi
avell developed feockerels $2 and, 88 ca 7

Mrs f H Taylor, R 1 Round Oak Ga Don-
slidson strain exes from heavy winter layers
$1.50. for 15. del i
Mrs J F Griffin, Baxley Ga ee $1 for
16 ee Ye:

St Tughie,

Mys AS Mclite en, R 2 Acworth
aldson s' trgin 8 $1 for 15
Mess Sarax Satton, I 6 Forsyth. Ga gets
5e ea

Mrs J J eines Round Oak Ga

* Donaldson




Rq Carrollton Ga Ee


Ga Don-



and Owen orn exss $1.25 for 15 del

Ms W l Parks, R 8 Carnesville Ga Selec*
eges, Donaldson sbrain $1.25 for 15 det or
exe. fot potato plants or eee caebage plenis

Vrs G B Palmer, R 2 MeDonough Ga Don-
aldson sirain select eggs $1.25 for 15 del

J W Harrell; Laketand Ga TP pte bred
cock $4. 7

Mes H Ho Bankston, Bariecvilic Ga
$1 for 15 er: exes.


is lL. W Bowman, R 11 Elberton Ga E ee5 |

Yompkins strain 60e for 15

Miss Sallie Beatty, Barwick -Ga
son strany ergs fine winter layers Pp! Pao
ei Johnson, Midyille Ga Eggs $1.59 for
$6 hun or exe for home made iard or: Ga
ates syrun 55

C W Bible, R 2 Rising Fawn Ga
dz carton: del $3

Mrs B Martin, R 2
Dornalson strain. $1.25"

CG W Page, Norcross Ga Owen strain eggs
from ptize pen &2 for 15 or $450 for 45
Sys eb ue erwin, Fe 25 Adairsville Ga Eges
for 15 or $5.50 hun ; ;
Mrs J Godard, R 1 Milledeeville Ga Eggs


Egos 36

Jefferson, Ga
for 15.


$1.80 for 15 or $6 hun

Mrs Ww O Talley, Ohoopee Ga. Bevcrat i RE

old ecockerels $2:50 ea fine breeds
Riverside |

Mrs } L Langley, R 5 Bowdon: Ga

Begs. $1.25: for.

Eegs $ 1


s, ers


Eggs |

Kees 5

from prize stock Siofor 1b 325 enicks . 8 wks

old 5Ce ea
A R Epperson; R30 Commerce Ga. Select:
exes Donaldsom strain $1.50 for 15, $7.50 hun:

eee matings headed by $25 cock $3 setting

J H Beasley, Lavenia Ga Tompkins strain
hens 3 ea; eges $2.50 for 15
J F DeBrand, Jasper ua

Donaldson strain Fi
Dawson Poultry Yards, Dawson Ga

ALaSDA sthain eces $1.50 for 15 del -

atss. Belle Timmerman, Bronwood Ga Hens
prize stock $3 ea; Esgs from special matings
82 fay S35. 50 Kan: frem free rantve
& Te OF Lovd, 16 Covington Ga
Ses8 a2 for 15 del ; ; me

Eggs $1.50: fot
: Don


ee ng strain}

p alason



TH A Nole:

Mrs Wee

Mrs 2.Go

$2.50 for 15 del.

ee 50 for 15

price after
potato plants



mi strain

Be O Carter;
| hun 4
a as: 23
strain 2258';
Tanered strain

Mrs Mollie.


for 15:4

Mrs Cora Br
50c for 15


incubator lots

for Toy

$i for 15




HG .Cline,
strain $7 hun

VS del

Fess $1.25




on Long


lot 3 one
Or exe

~ Mrs Id,
select stock

breding s


W.. Merrit,

2 Miss
Es Pick 3;
Mrs) Lb
Berry strain

*W-G Clnie,
29 ce
for 16








S eran eS25


exe F cock
hens; same> Spree aN

strain eves $1 oe Los
Donaldson strain $1.50 for

Mrs BE C Siow, R-2
Butts strain egps

H Whitten.
wrain ege's $1 50 for 15 del
OL Cash, R3 emolaes. ae Eges $1. for


E seen.
exc for


rs CG A Black,

: Mrs ANee Ser
Tompkins siriin
* M T Roberson,
ing cockerels DonaldsonsOwen strain $3 to $6
for 2.4 patlotese? yearlings


3 De naldson sttain


15 85. ro del
-Avandale Estates, Ga. Yearl~.,

RS? Covin ioe we.
s from





zeale, Pendergrass Ga

Ets 1





Mrs D D) Hyde, Duluth Ga


HE H Jones Winston | Ga
mated pens: $1.50, $3) and

opr 15th ;



Tifton Ga
Foe fond
strain eges $140 for 15


Butler Ga
special. culled Dondidsos strain

A M Turner, Rd Pinehurst Gas
Donaldson strain ege's $1.50 for 15:
Mrs: J P Wiiltams,

Chipley Ga
strain. exes from prize



prize stock
hens $1.59

Owen and

$5 hun.
Ri Homer Ga


Kiges fronx
SISO. and

Bsus $1. fer

Smith and


Disaldson -

$1.50 and

Bex froxn fancy


ees si. 50 for 15,~

en \ Ga

cx for

Chats ik

eve for field peas or



Fee ;


Rw Barry, Vienna Ga 3. faney pullefs
and 1 ecockerel from. prize stock $5.75, for Met
ov exe for-velvet bears,
horn baby, chicks pure breed
W L Parks,

peas or 50 W seer

R 3 Carnesville Ga Ese

$1 for L big $6 hun del or exe for potato pe
Mrs WJ Chandler, 8.3 Abbeville Ga Don-

ald: on strain eggs from culled stock ST 25

for 15, del $4. hun fob
Mrs F R Vincent. Fruitland Ga "Eggs $1.10

for 15 del Donaldson strain
Mrs R,.E -Hdwards, BR

$1.50 fer 15 del

- A; D Smith,

Jcfierson Ga Esgs

for 15
50 or $7.50

Ga Grit

Leghorn Barron io?



Mrs D Tillman, Register
strain eggs $1.25 for 15.

$i for 15fob
iss Florence
hens Owens stitin; aiso eses $6 hun or $4: 50

i Summerville


$7 hun: exe for fable peas.
Miss Martha Hancock,
HD Burton,
from prize stock Donaldson aren





tock Ga

R' 4 Dougla sville Ga Don-
selected $1.50


Donaldsen * .


Ga) ts

Mrs J P Gampbell, Ben Halk Ga 1 cockerc!



Mrs H G Brown, R 1, Stone Mtn Ga Sune.
aldson sirain exes from spevgial matings $2
$8.50" bom;

$1.25 for 15,


irs T B Jones, Reidsville ee
old $1.50 ea; 3 one yr oid covks $1.25. e2 ;
Hees $1 for 15 Donaldson strain
J W Abercrombie,




2 cocks R

Newnan Ca

Donaldson strain stock $150 a _
MrsC: S Laramore;

Rat Montezuma. Ga

Canton Ga

Mrs 2Ax B Grow, |
for 255
ij: Bourbon Red turkey hen, Mech or Apr hatch

DD Kimbrel
$1.50 for
Mrs P Forbes, -Brooiiet Ga
tock $3 :
H Ss ee Morven Ga Hee $1.50, for 1g,
Mrs A MeGahee,
strain, eggs. $1 for 15. del
Mrs: R Donaldson,
setting eggs, Donalson and YVompicins strain
pk. Cal Blackeye peas ;
good:Ga cane syrep-in 1 gal container
Greensboro Ga 3. hens 1 yr old.

and I. large ecck: $4550 for lot






Flowery ;






Gena \Arnald;:
15 ox $8 hun

Montezuma Ga
ilie W Poarch K
s- $4.50) for.15- del


86C Sena, Rist Ga
fea or $18 for lot; not yet 12 mo old

Q Garvin, R.1 Adairsville Ga
Sheppard strain $2.59 ea or exe

Ay :

Rayle Ga

Hees $2 for



Canton Ga


E Printap,
strain egg 8 irom prise st


sod laying hens" $1.50 ca.
, R 3 Carrollton Ga
eces Si for 16, lots 199 or more 5 ea



eee $2 for 15 from prize stock
A d. Pope, RS Tallapoosa Ga
$1.45 ea or $4 for lot



Branch Ga



Baxley Ga

Wrens Ga

R 2 summit Ga.


3 hesn nove


Mrs. D Dona aldson, Rt: Deca roar Ga Kees edie

RR 2.

pullets fox

1 large


starin $5

Bees frenr

1 cock fine


Exe LP:

also for 1 ga


Cieeie 2 :
lisville Ga 12 hens $1

Eggs $1.60




gg |
$2 for 15





for 6 bens

Sheppard straim

Barnesville Ga >




strain 62 see "$1.50. for 5 del





eggs $1.25 ;

Stewart, oe 3 Clarkesville Ga_ Eggs ie

fer: (5 eel

jes BS ae R 2: Dacula-Ga Bees

Mrs Lillian Foster.
cock and % pullets. Donaldson strain $5 -fer
cockerel_and +2 heas

Sheppard strain eggs $i for 15, $5 hun del ; 5 i

to 6 wks old 50 ea del

FS pulleta 8 Yo-10 wks: bid Moh 26th del $7 ea

pure bred -herrs 8 mo old $i ea

Mrs J B Behanon, Monticello Ga Sheppard |
. Strain eggs $1 for Fh% ee
Lockeys Leshorn Farm,

Boneville Ga 135

or 90c ea for entire lot; cockereis same age
$1 ea
-D Whidden, Chula Ga
eges 80c del :
-L Rhodes, Oakwooi Ga
strain cocks 1 yr old $3 for both
~ Yearger Ancona Farms, Plains Ga Eggs
$1 for 16, $6 hun; extra select eggs $1.50
for 15 ae at
J M Corn, R 8 Cumming Ga Sheppard
strain eggs from free range $1 for 15, $1.90
for 80, $5 hun del or exe for Porto Rican
potato plants at $2 M del :
Mrs MMercer, Graymont Ga 1 hen; exc
for 1 pk 90 day velvet bean seed |
F E MeNair, Mitchell Ga 1 cotkerel 75e or,
exe for 1 henany breed |
Nelson Ancona Farm, R 4 Calagun Ga?
cockerels Feb hatch Sheppard strain $1.50 ea
del; Eggs same strain $1 for 15 or $% bun.
' . Mrs S L Williams. R 4 Greensboro Ga 7

15 Sheppard strain




oB H. Martin: Cummings, Ga Eggs from |
culled flock Shepard strain $1.25 for. 15 del

or exc 2 settings for 1090 Parto Rican potato


hens $160 ea.

. 15 or $6 hun;-exe for

: asa exe. eggs. for anything can use

. plants deli May: tst
-Mre C An Joiner... Vienna
strain -evgs $1.for 15 del:
_Parit, Dallas- Ga .
= laying: $1.25 ea.
H. G Oline, Canton Ga

Ga_ Sheppard

[Foe good laying

JP Mason, Ri Lithonia Ga Eggs $1-for
Porto Rican ope
Pine. or spanish peanuts : :

-T E Barron,-R 1 Gainesville Ga W one
ae i cockerel Sheppard strain 11 mo. old,
$18 for lot

Griffith Poultry Farm, Eoin. Hill Ga Eges |

- $1.25 for 15, $2. for 80, $5460. hun and up;
Mrs T L Rahn, Rocky Ford Ga Shep-
pard stvain eges $1.25 fer 15 del
Dora Donaldson, Summit Ga-
strain hens : :
Dora Donaldson, Summit Ga 6 Sheppard
strain hens and.l cock 1 yr ie now Jayme
= for Jot.~


~ Mrs R H Guthrie, R 4 Monroe Ga- Pape
strain eggs from heavy faying strain $1.25
Yor 15, $3.75 for 50, $7.25 hun; best grade


_ $225 tor 15 -all del; special price on larger

ada (se

- eees $1.50 for 15, $7 hun

ae _ strain

pure breed

sod) W Cook, Rot Powder

-L. L.. Barrow, Manassas Ga Pape strian

~- eggs $1.50 for 15

H B Ford, Lavonia Ga 6 hens and 1 cock |
Pape strain prize stock $15. for lot: Eggs}
$1.50 for 15 or $8 hun, 200 for $15 Za

H A Wilson, R 2 Martin Ga Paperstrain

Mrs R- Sauls, Shetiman. Ga 10 one yr old
aoe and i cock $15 for lot eee. $1.25 for
15 or $2 for 30 del

J iL Wallace, R 4 Canon Ga Eggs from
choice matings $1.25 for 15 or exe 15 eggs

for large hen any breed; also exe 30 eggs for}

1606. potato Hints, Porto Ricans or Nancy
strain eggs $1 for 15 del or exc
Mrs B Guthrie, R 4 Monroe Ga Papei
15, best grade not ever 3 days old $2.26 for
36 :
Mrs Jewell Guthrie, R 4 Montan Ga Pape
Strain eggs from free range heavy layers $1.25
- for 15,$2:25 for 30, $3:50 for 50; $6.75, hun
best selected grade $2.25 for 15 del
Oak Terrace Farm, Dunwoody Ga
$1.50 for 15
J A Eliott, R-1 Lavonia Ga Eggs from
' choice matings Pape strain $1.50 for 15, $2.50
for 30; exe 2 settings for 1 dz turkel eggs

Mrs C West, Lilly Ga Eggs $2 for 15 del:
i B Austin, 18 E 40th St Savannah Ga 13

aos hens $1.75 ea or $20 for lot some laying

=~ J HW Beasley, Lavonia ~ Ga Thompson
strain hens $2.50 ea or exe for peas or po-

_-tato plants

Mrs Jd. RB -Hitlis,
strain eggs. $2.50 for-15 del

Millhaven Ga College

Springs Ga. 10
hens pure breed-$2 ea -

-Mrs Q Easley, Ellijay Ga Eges $2 for: 16
Pay s
Mes G Connor, R. 7. Coinessilie Ga: Eggs
aes for 15, 8 hun fob S

Mrs H Romicmdre. Mansfield Ga
son: Ringtet strain. ergs: $1 for 1h
Mra d WF Mcintyre,. Gusely Ga. Eres. tard

heavy. laying Parks: scrain | $i. 50: for + Srem

prize stock

Bee es Brown, Dee Ousley Ga Bese Parks

ce heavy daytag strain: $.50 for 15, prize stock

- Mra S Reorers, RL Dixie. Ga Abomtsok


ptrain egre 6159 for 15 1

Mrs VYashtt Smith, Bail Gacsud Ga -Thomp-
son strain eggs $1.50 for 15 or $2.50 for 89,
dei $1 for 15..and $1.50 for 30 foh ?

Mrs D C Rainey, Tifton Ga Parks strain
eges $1.25 for 15; exc few settings for nic
driel apples or canned goods
Mrs GB. Palmer; RR 2 McDonough Ga &
Ringlet strain pullets now laying $2.50 ea fob
_=Mys-G E~ Jones, Pineview Ga Thompson

rain eggs $1.25 for 15.

Mrs. A W Dawson,. Coleman Ga

rain crossed eggs oe


FE bompson-
fine layers

20 young Fink now

Mary W Olay: R 6 Monticello Ga Pape |

eggs from extra heavy layers $1.25 for?!

Kees f

for a or 2 3}

Wiregrass Poultry Vou. Douglas Ga Aris-
teerat sirain cockerels _ Eges $2,.$3 and $5 for

Mrs W 8B Kuglar, R 6 Howden Ga
nian and

Mrs W.-H Holland, R 1 Round: Oak Ga
Thompson Imperial Ringlet strain eves $1.50
for 15 del

Mrs J W Boyett, Morris Siation Ga 3
coks. $3 ea, 22 mo old ee Imperial
Kinglet strain; hens or pullets $2

d EF Tyson, Tennille Ga ee strain
cegs $1.25 for 15 del; Cockerels same strain
3 mo old $150 and $2 ea

A J Pope, R 3 Tallapoosa Ga 1 cockerel 1
vr old, $8.30; 2 hens same breed $1.50 ea or
$4.25 for lot or exe for good 6 wks old pig
any goed breed.

Mrs i J Biggers, Bremen Ga

Mrs RW Dean, -R B Bainbridge Ga Eges
#i for 15 or exe for multiplying nest -onions,
dried fruit or bush Lima beans, wax bunch
beens, blackeye or lady peas
- Mrs J. R. Hillis, R 1 Millhaven Ga
$1.50 for 15 del i ;

~ Mrs W L. Harwell, Sycamore Ga Thomp-
son Imperial Ringlet strain cockerel and
cocks $3 $4 and $5 ea; 8 hens and 1 epck-
ere] $20: 16 pullets and 1 cock $25; Eges $2.
for 15 or $3. for 86, $6 hun

A R Watts, R 4 Canon Ga :
yY oid $2.28 fob

Fern: Crest Farm, R 3 Atlanta Ga
Stfain eggs $1.50 for 15, $8 hun

Was CM Bort Morven Ga Eggs $1.50 for

Mrs BOR Pearahe Adairsville Ga

rei to lay strain eggs $1.25 for 15
Myrtle - ge Pearson, Ri Adairsville Ga;
Crossed Parks, Thompson and Colleze. strain |
eggs $1.50 for 15 del or exc

Miss Gladys McBrayer, Temple Ga
cultural strain eggs <$1.25- for 15

Mrs H J Wheeler, R 2 Ball Ground Ga
Eges $1.50 for 15 del Thompson strain

T L Swanson, Fitzgerald Ga Parks heavy
tsying strain eggs $1.25. for 15 $7 hun del
Oak Terrace Farm, Dunwoody Ga
$160 to $5 for 15 5

S G Williams, Swainsboro Ga Holterman
Aristocrat strain cockerels selected ready for
service $2 ea; Eges from selected stock $1.50"
for 15

Mrs Y.A Dial, R 2 Monroe Ga Eges $1 for
15 Thompson strain

Mrs R. E. Mcenzie, Comer Ga 8 pullets
and 1 coekerel Mech hatch College strain $18
for lot; 6 ceckerels Mch hatch $3 ea College

Mrs LS. Vaughn, R 29 Commerce Ga
oe Imperial strain. eggs $1.35 for 15

Mrs C A Wilbanks, R 29 Commerce Ga
Select eggs fromThompson Imperial Ringlet
strain $1.85 for 15 or $7.50 hun del

Mrs T Smith, R 1 Carrollton Ga
Wan strain eges $1 for 15 del

O P Muse, Corroliton Ga R 5
and 1 coek $1.50 ea Mch 1925 hatch

Mrs Mary Guthrie, R 1 Buford Ga
1 -yr old: $1.25 ~

C Wade, Alto Ga 1 cockerel 1 yr old $2

Mrs L G. Sanders, Dewy Rose Ga Thomp-
son strain eggs $1 for 15 del

R f Bobley, Millen Ga Thompson strain
hens $1.50 ea fob; ere 50 for. 15. del,
$7.50 hun

Mrs W A Howell, White Plains Ga
1 yr old -$1.50 or exe for dried peaches or
apples; Eggs $1.25 for es or exe for dried
appies or peaches

Mrs R Faver, R-4 Mariott Ga Eges $1.25
for 15 Riverside strain del ;

Mrs Josie Jenkins, Dahlonega Ga Phong
son Imperial -Ringlet strain eggs $1.50 for
15 or exc a few for budded papershell pecan.
trees, tomato, cabbage or potato plants

RM Neal, Greenville Ga
eggs from prize stock $1.50 for
coekerel same .spen $5 fob

Mrs J N Adamson, R 1 Alto Ga Thompson
strain eggs $2 for 15

Thompson. strain ceges $1.35 for 16

5 cocks $2. 50


cockerel 2

Parks |


15 ~hens

Lt cock

15 del ;, old Parks strain $2 ea ~
Mrs, Florence P Billing, R B Statesboro Ga
Se strain eggs $1 and $1.50 for 15 del
cotks. Mech hatch $2 ea; Eggs same ae
$1.50 for 15
Mrs W W Maddox, oo Eatonton. Ga 6
young hens and 1 cockered Apr. 1926 hatch
Thompson strain $106 for lot fob ~ ma
Davis Bros:-Renfroe, Ga Exes from fine}
breeding $2 for 15. es
Mrs A C Blalock, elas. Gav

Bingtket train from | prize; stock Siz

Mra. J: Sauith wel = Pineora ee: co eee

crels 28 ce ote fine o Sx for both feb

REE: Buena Viste Cae Teen

st en ib. ; :

Sirs F ES bondacs, RA phrides
oe imperial. Ringiet- ee PAune ant
for LA, seco pen $4.25. for 1, . for 30;
iurgo lots 5 1-2 ea del :

W 3. Cock, Sengiq Ga- Holterman strain
eSEs $i. 25 and $1.50 setting




HF Simpson, Fast Point
strain egzs $1.50 for 15 : :
Mrs J A. Leonard, R 1 Milledgeville Ga
Selecte emes Fishel strain $1.50 for 15 del
Mrs #. T Dean, R 1 Cochran Ga Fishel
strain eggs $1:25 for 15 del :

Halt. Demorest Ga ~~ 1<cock lyr old Fishel
strain $2

4d is Paflord; Stockton Ga
i5 del; 30 dz case $15 fob -

Ga Fiseal

Hees $1.50 for

Parks :

Eggs |

ie cock }

Thompson ee :
$5 and $7 for 15.

| ples
S R Wade, R 2 Alto Ga 4 ions and 1 Goek i

acey, R 2 Rome Ga _ Aristocrat strain }

iaying. hens and 1 seelet eockerel Phomodoa a

dritt strain hens S15 Se cocks. $2. exes:

A W Edwards, R Daviclevilie Ga Fishel |
strain eggs $1.50 for 15 del or exe for sweet
petatees for seed; 15 eges for 1 bu del

Mrs C- Waldrep. ot Forsyth Ga Fishel
strain young cockerels prize stock $2. 50 ea;
Eggs $2 for 15

Mrs A C Blalack, Nicholls Ga 3 hens ra
mo old and one 22 mo old cock Fishel strain
from prize stock $7.50 for pen _

6G Sappington, Cnipley Ga
$2.50 ea and up;
eockerel ;



Seer t

Mrs W
get starin _coekerels
few pens 10- pullets and 1
P $1.50, $3 and $5 setting :

Mrs M L Mitchell, Culloden Ga Bers ee 25
fer 15

Mrs W F eo ee Adairsville Gs Biss
$1 for 15.


iP 1 Hammond, Decatur Ga Chickens and
Eggs, Kellogg strein ~~

Mrs EA Sanders, Dexter. Ga Eges $1, 50
for be

RW Ci 353 Spring St: acon Ga Bird
Bras strain stock $ and up; EES $3 and. $5,
Mrs J T Lee," Rochelle, Ga Eggs - $1. 50 for

EB Porter, Ri eaineeicl Gg 1s cock. as}
mo old Kellog .strein So: one. oe same are
and Pie $2: 56 ws

c E Abbett, Warrenton Ga Eges from |.
prize stock $2.50 for 16 det; exc for. Batile-


ship strain Bronze. Lee CEES; Sey ee =

tony le turkey egg :

c Weaeerers :

- Mrs 3 hae RK = Sumit eas
now Be $LBS cal :
ffi Mauldin, Lavonia Ga 2 cudonets young
and good strain; exc for 2 8. Le Sa
thens er 2 W Leghorn - Heme.) )5
- Mrs B F Henderson, Graymont. Ga Fisher
strain stock eggs; exe for Porto: Rican potato
plants. Apr del Z

Mrs J M Deen, Coffee Ga~ Eggs St for 15

Longs Wyandotte Farm, Bremen Sa Kegs
$2 for 15 del *

Mrs M Edwards, R 2 ae Gas 10 hens
and 1 cock 18 mo oid $ie 50 ea or $15.50 for
lot: fob

Mrs G T Maxwell, R 3 - Washington Ga:
Eges $1.50 for 15 o rexe for pigs or Cornish
Indian Game eggs :

Mrs EY Almon, Midland : Ga
hatching eggs $1.25 for 15 del z

Mrs V B Lowe, Tennille Ga
hens and.cockerels $1.50 ea ~~

J V~.Skelten, R. 1 Jefferson Ga
for. 15

Mrs A FE Bewell: R Terie nila Ga
Select eggs from prize ee SL. 50 for Is del
or $1.25 feb

W T Adams, Lavonia Ga Eggs $1.25 for
15 del se

ea Se oe

Hens |

~ Chioles
Bees $1



Wiregrass Poultry Farm, Douglas Ga Cocks:
and cockerels and eggs for hatching $1.50, $2
and $3 for 15

H G Cline, Canton: Ga. Eggs $2- for 5

Mrs W G Haynes, Darien Ga Regal ars:
cas strain eges $2 for 1b
S Mrs 6 Amason, Rayle Ga * Select eges
Fishel strain $1.25. for 15 or $7 hun

Mrs W JI Ross, R 2 Lake Park Ga Fishel
| Strain eggs from prize stock. $1.50 for 15

J C Leggett. Rockmart Ga Fishel strain
eggs $1.50 for 15 del -

W J Proctor, Dublin Ga
Doreas strain hens heavy
old $2.50 ea;
$6 hun
Pete C West, Lilly Ga. One 18 mo old cock


Mrs C R Morgan, Americus Ga>

Martin Regal |
daying strain 1 yr
Eggs Same strain $2 for 15, or

Eggs $4,

Mrs D H- Anderson, R38 Girawcos Ga Eves
$1.25 for15 or exe for dried peaches or ap-

AC Tompkins, R 2 Harrison Ga Regal Dor-
as strain eggs $1.75 for 15 del ;

Miss Lena Bolton, Tifton Ga Fishel strain
eggs $1 for 15, $1.90 for 30, $2.75 for 45 del

Mrs L W Snyder, 144 FB 11 St Macon Ga
Eves $1.50 for 15 fine stock; 5 hens and 1
cock $20 for lot

L C Rhodes, Oakwood Ga 50. one yr old

hens. and 6. ocks select stock lay
$140 for lot. ! : So oes

Mrs O A Craft,
for 1% del

Lavoni G z ri h
| Select ad ia a 45. els strain
J Weming, Lincolnton. Ga | Regal

gos ee 15
Mm R Es = aa

Mes FOR Hotteway,.
Si. for Ta det 3
ire ROE Gini Hoe Ger
eee a Bs cali for Li del
WNortun, paateeyslek 3
of cue oe a L8, fob Go Fishel
TS Abercrombie, - RB g Serie
Regal Dorexs strain. sone hens $1. man at
Miss Obra Moore, R. 8 Canton. Ga Keller-
stress strain esses fro. mheavy winter layurs
$1.50 for 15+ select. eges $3 for 15 del.
Mrs J Sieadam, RA Bainbridge Ga
Martin Regal Doreas strain eges 2 for 15,
$3.75 for 80, second pen $i. 25 for 45 or $2 25
for 30 del :

Mrs W F Miller, R. 1 Aaa Ga =

-j all from prize stock

-straineges $1:25 for 15 or $7

2 Young |.

5 | nish eggs $2 for. 15 del;


| 2 yr old Bee

or fr Marcy strain prize stock :
oe | Tabler, 621 Grant Bide Atlanta Ga
-Marey strain eggs $2.50 for 15, $34 for 56

H G Cline, Canton. Ga Mater Strains aes
$2-for Se

Mrs R J Fleming,
strain eggs $1.45 and $2.50 for
Pp T Ballard, Eatonton Ga

1.50 for 15

BE eC S Hicks, Adel Ga Cock $5 or exe: for,
B Rock or R I Red chicks or field peas

Oak Terrace Farm, Dunwoody Ga Eggs $2
for 15 =
Miss Audrey Lee, Grayson Ga 2 cocks Tyr
-old from prize stock $3 ea or $5 for both; exe
for 4 B Rock hens same age |
Mrs S L Price, R 3 Lavonia Ga Hews
for 15 del or exc for \turkey eggs, 2 for-
Bronze Goldbank strain, pure treed g
- Mrs S J A Haldeman; R 4 Pugsereds
Marcy strain eggs $1.50 for 15 y

R I Mobley, Millen Ga~ Marey strain
$1-%5 for 15 del... :

I J Cleveland, R 2 Hartwell Ga Hate}
eggs 8 and 15c ea from heavy laying flo

Mrs J G Joiner, R-2 Soperton Ga Mas
strain eges. from heavy jayers $1.50 for et

Mrs E G Walker, Willard Ga

Lincelnton Ga
Marey -

Mar ;

4, cocker

Apr hatch 1925 from prize stock Marcy strain

ready for service $3.50 ea or $12 for Tot fob
-L Hattaway, .Blakely Ga | Uggs from ex-
hibition: es: heavy ae strain $2.50. fo

{ibe apt


Mrs C Allen, R 2 Jefferson . Ga-
3. 226 for 16 del. .

Mattie E Whitlow, Ri Gainepvile Ga

Rees 91:25 for 1b dei

Mrs LA Chamblee, R 3 Hartweil Ga Owe
strain eggs $1.60 for 1b. del

M A Kent, Lilburn Ga 3: cae Ks: aud tae

: cocks $1.50 bens $1.25 ea

Mrs J E Kemp, Toomsboro Ga: Bees
for 15, Cooks. strain. :

Mrs @ H Laing, R t Americus Ga
-$1 and $1.50 for 15 del :

-F B Austin, 18 40th St Savanna!
Pullet $2 :

Mrs J W McGee,
for 15 from best pen or

Knoxville Ga
$1.50- yard

G Price, Canton Ga
ners $3 and $5 for $15
T P Holeomb, R 1 Calhoun

Kiges from ee
hun dei
Mrs W O Butler, R3 Baxley Ga -
$1. 26 for 15 Myers strain

Mrs EH Kirksey, RA Albany Ga
$1.25 for-15 ~~

J E Johnson, R 1 phetieee Ga Eges ae
for 15 del :

RL Lovvorn, Bowdon Ga
eggs $1.50 for 15 de 1
R L Johnson, Danville Ga 4 cock: pee
or exe for pullets or 15 chicks same hte eed.

Dyers st val

patter cca
y O Moon, Danielsville Ga
heavy Jaye $2 for 15 del


Mrs A L ae Swainsboro Ga 15 Dar
Cornish eggs $1.25; one cock 1 yr old 1.50

C S Fremley, R 1 Syivania Ga Pure pit
game eggs $2.50 for 15.

<d F Craft, R 1 Bogart Ga 15 Cornish
pullets ready to lay and 1 cockerel $2 ea.

G Holton, R 4 Soperton Ga Cornish
cock $1.25 or exe for setting Lakenvelder eSBs
or Cornish Game hen

Mrs C S Laramore, R 14 Montezuma Ga
Dark Cornish eggs $3 for 15. from prize stock

Mrs. J W Abercrombie, R 5 Newnan G
Young Buckeye Red hens prize prize: stool,
$1.75 ea

Mrs O N Sloan, Rfd Moultrie Ga Dark:
Game eggs from large stock $1.75 for i3

J S Rogers, R J Dixie Ga Indian: Game
eggs $1.75 for 15 fob

H Roquemore, Mansfield Ga Grist Grade
EKarhorse and Shawlneck pit games:

RM Tyson, Harrison Ga Dark ~Cornish
a Game, 15 hens and 1 cock $22.50 for
ot f

Be FE Sasson. McDonough Ga~ Imp
Cornish Indian eggs $1.25 for 15 del

Mrs T G Shurling, Tennille Ga. Dark. Cor-
nish Indian eggs $1.50 for 15: 2 etc

J R Gardner, Locust Grove Ga ~ Dark Cor-
nish Indlan eggs $1.25 for 15 del. : ees

JS D- Bef, RC Griffin Ga Dark Corn ho
tote. esre BL, 66 for 1b

O Loyd, RB 6 Covington Ga. Dark Cor-
nish; Indien-eags@l for 15 del" eee :

_A FompKins, R2 Harrison Ga Dark

Coekerels $3. ea
imas ae Ponder, R. Ra Oakman. Ga 1.

Dark =

neleek alate: Ga: : Bar
Ball. Bog 6train - $8.25 eet
broad: and heavy same st ai

c nish
Cor ears.
del 3 Cane:
$3.50 a

4 J

36s Spring St Maton, i
and Partridge Coehins
#10 Pair ; utilivy pair. $1;

R w Clark,
den. Sebrights..
tion quality,
$5 for 15
_ Mrs @ dy Maxwell,
Pure game
Se ae Porter,


ws Washinoten: G
antam eges $1 for 15 Be
eS 1 Aredia Ga.

strain eggs = for 15

[ ve Lege

R22. Bufard Ga

exe eggs
: Tide ds Milledgeville: Ga
train exes $2 and $8 for 15

as = Cox. Bartow Ga. Begs



lough, Maxeys Ga Eges from
layers Galch & Brown strain $1.50
. $8 hun del; Cockereis $2 ea
ee Redman, Jackson Ga 2 cocks:
$s 14 mo old $3.50 cockerels $2 ea
Mathes, Manchester Ga es
, tock, heavy laying: Atrain $2.

re Bione, Adairsville on

ee Adaimevilie Ga
va Rath: ee _Ga Balch: fond

j eres $1.50 for 15)

858 Spring Macon Ga
ae and up; bees $5 setting

18. bens

ie 6 hens: and: 1 = ea
athix $s, Ball Ground Ga Eges from
50 for be del : eae ee

iola Crow, RL Bogart Ga
z weekly ; hens $1 ea,

2 ar 3
chicks |
ecicas Stillmore Ga 5 mixed
er exc for flowers

ray, 1 Rabun Gap Ga 3 mix-

aT: cock 94. for jot fob.

i ibbon. ee Atlanta Ga" ap
Owens and. Rieksecker famously bred-
Parks: high powered laying B Rocks;

d and Wyckoff! famous W
nsy rite for special price
DP Donaldson, R 1 Decatur Ga
Donaldson strain R 1 Red

Pierce, Rackinghazn Ga


ec Eline, - Canton Ga Sheppard strain
conas 14. ea; Denaldson strain R I Reds
Marcy Strain Jersey Bl, Giants and
Regal Dereas Strain We Wyandottes

ough, Balch & Brown strain Lt

nas 25c- ea.
PS cs Ho Kirksey, RA Albany Ga BR Or-
5 Byers and Owen strain $4. for 25,
0 or 15.50 hun; 10 days dld $5.50
3.26: aoe a0; 3 wks old $3.50 for seo.

2; from yard run ie ea:
; 18) on gat an Greenville Ga Ww. Wy-
te 25 for $5.50, $18 hun Fishel strain;
Reds $5 for 25 or $17 hun; SC Br Leg-
0 for 25 or $14 hun
. Ailmond, R 1 Summit Ga $s GW
Young strain $15 hun =
Morgan. Americus.Ga Golden S C
ingtons from exhibition es end
se production =
Swanson, Fitzgerald Ga 5B. Roe
strain 15 ea select stock, Meh

-H S Wissen: R 2 Ball Ground Ga
Ee ee B Rocks from prize stock
3. Carroliton Ga ~ Bult Ore,

Chick Matchery,, Avbndsle Estates,

We aes $4.50 for 25, $8 for 60, $15
B. Reoeks and Reds $4.75 for 26, $98 -for.
917 Bes wat 22nd and: 6 thatch

wir, R 8 Miudlison Gs. $6 Apconas
Strain. tSe ea to 406, 3,
3 Beall, Jeffersonville Ga-
We es pares: Pee out hun a

: : Baaiaeiie: Ga. B and W
RE -Reds i7-ea or $16 60 hun,

Richardson, R38 Palmetto Ase; tt

. 1-8c ea. Mch- 25th del;
ea Wich 2hth del

Conyers Ga~ Ww

ee Be : Rocks fron es


Eggs: 95}

f> Mrs T


cl White Pekin aoe 6E50: fox.10 del -

Portis 7

also An-

ee old
owle $12 i
; kK e Rucker, Be 8 Wheres -& ao Tersey RI
Giants Marcy strain 26 ea
FEA Wilson, Martin Ga R-
Br Minoreas $15 hun
J HEH Beasley, Lavonia Ga Utility strain
Cw Leghorns $16 hun

2 Pape strain


Ga SC Ww Leghorns $12.50 hun or $120 M;
Russian W Leghorns excep tonsil fine yes
$14 hun-

BH Moekianon R i. Seige Ga W Leg
horns 3 or 4 wks old: exe for pure bred Bie
Bone Guinea shoats male and female not un-
der 50 Ibs eg

Ss G Lowe, Mansfield Ga
Leghorns 12 ea del

Oconee Poultry Farm, Rockledge Ga Ferris |
heavy laying strain S C W- Leghorns #12 hun
Mch 15th and 17th dal

Beach Haven Hatchery, Washington Ga
Rocks, eRds, Leghorns

LA Crawley, Hich Shoals Ga Paiton oad?
Ferris strain W Leghorns 18e ea Apr 25th
del from best layers
- Lime Branch Poultry Paris
Ferris strain. w Leeseres eee and Apr del |
$14 hun or $25 for 200-

Mrs J HE McKinnon, Bhutt ton Ga Thomp-
son Ringlet strain B Rocks Abe. ea Mech 24th
or 25th del

Rectis strain Ww

Lamar, Kennedy Leghorn Farm, Dawson
Ga. SC W Leghorns 18 hun Kerlin: strain |
Pe Hatchery, Dawson | Ga
We Rocks,S L and W Wrandottes $18 hun;
|G Rocks: $16 hun ef
sey Bl Giants 28 bun

JQ Fussell, Dawsen Gs Jersey, Br Giants |

2% hun; eges 82.50 for 153
JL Bolton, Dawson Ga S C RF Reds $18 |
trate Eggs $1.50 for la

Mrs T J Ray, R 1 Stone Mtn_ Ge. Donald:
Son strain RI Reds 1Se and 20e ea

C I. Rehberg, Cairo Ga Donaldson and
Owen strain R I Reds le ea $15 hun del ;
Minorcas l6 ea del 4

Mrs LB Landrum, Adairsville Ga Thome
son Imperial Ringlet strain B Rocks Apr and

| May del 16e ea or $18 hun; exe May chicks

for several thousand. purple skin Port to igs
petato plants

Mrs JL Rodgers, R3 Greentille Ga 8
Rocks Parks strain $20 hun /

Jackson Hatchery, Jackson Ga 400 Reet
Reds Mch 24th del> $15 hun del or $14 hun
at hatchery .

Mrs A C McGahee, Wrens Ga
strain R I Reds l6e ea

Peach Poultry Co. Ft Valley Ga
each Wednesday Sc per epg
Beech Haven Hatchery, Washington Ga
Custem hatehing $4 per tray 7 4
Dixte Hatchery, Conyers Ga Custom hatch-
ing 3 1-2 per egg tray Idts 160 CSE8 5, Be
per egg Jess than tray lots es
_Coflins Chick Hatchery, Avondale: Estates.


Eves set

Ga Custom hatching during oer ae per egg |

in tray lots of 96 eggs

Mrs. T. d. Shingler, Donaldsonvi lle Ga
Holland turkeys = :
Banks County Poultry

Farm. Alto Ga- M

White: Holland and Bourbon Red eggs $4 for |

12 del
- Mrs LG Banks, RD Statesboro Cs Ped
Bird Broe*strain Giant Bronze 2
ready to lay; 1 tom and 3 hens
hens $7 ea tom. $10

Miss Ellen Murphy,
and 1 tom $12 for lot;
goose eggs Apr del

Mrs R S Kimberly, Kmpire Ga.
Bronze eggs $4 for 15

Gak Terrace Farm, Dunwoody. ECs
exes Apr del $3 for 10

-3 -M -Swann,.-Newtofi Ga 2
toms.1 yr old $7 ea :

Mrs RL. Betts, Ashburn Ga Bourbon Red
eges $4 dz- :
Davis Bros... Hntvne: Ga

breeding $3.50 for 10
W McAlister, |
$5--for 15

#27 for lot

Matthew Ga 2 hens
exe turkey ones for


we Holland}

NEB Bess fine

B Egas ae


Oak Terrace Farm, Dunwoody Ga. Bi Mais-
covy eggs Mch del $1.56 to = aE 10; White
Pekin $1.50 and. 2-for 10

Mis A- Joiner, Vienna Ga
Pekin exes 1.25 for 15 deb

Pekin. expe Sh. 25 det

Brs J A Howell, R.1 Meigs-Ga
| white: Indian: Ramner eves $150 he ce om or

he Se setting: for L setting pure bred Thom f
Judian |

om-sivain B Reck eggs)
Batlle Will Harper, Ro1. Wray Ga
+ ones eves Ge setting of 13 :

Mre R G Gibson, Rei Meansville Ga White :
: Ghee &8-bu fob

ard Fawn Indian Ruooner eees. 61:50 for 18 -

Mrs W Williams, R 2 Cotumbus Ga In
dian Runner eggs $1.58 for 15.

GC Stewart, 116. First Ave Deeatur: Ge is
dian Runner $450 trio; all Jaying or exc
aweet potatoes or Ga. cane syrup

Mrs CW Meeks, - che Ga
exes $1.50. for 10 del :

Miss Hen: Eller, Ella Gap Ga--7 guineas;

Ww Pekin

Wi tte ehi Kens: - hens ag Ve
exe: for age W dyad e ehick = ae st fo

J N Wallis Poultry Farm, Flowery Branch {

Blakely Gal

, Reds, |

horns $15. hun ; Jer-

BI =

} rabbits 2


yr old mated

Bees ists Ga M

x White
Mrs G Alen, R 2 Jefferson G Ga Pave. wh


$3 50 buy Wee Os, Sabu No 8 $2

Mrs ota aS Chandler: R3 d ukbeey ile Ga
aie African, 3 hens $l a

E Cavin, R 2 Mento Ga 7 blue speckle hens
50c ea
_ @ Holton, R4 Sopert on 26a Re guineas ; xe.
for 5 Cornish Game hens

Mrs C VGray, R 1 Rabun Gap Ga

% 2 roos-
ters..60c ea *fob. :


Mrs C A Black, K 1 The Rock. Ga | Tou-
louse gocse eggs 25e ea

Mrs. C Taylor, R 3. Clarkesville
settings white Embden goose eggs

Ga . Few
ts Foe <6

_ Miss Ellen Murphy, Matthews Ga
bits $1 ea
L Barrett, Alito Ga Pigeons Soe pair

2 Rab-

Mrs W E West, R 5 Cleveland Ga 4 female ;

and 1 male guinea. pig, 1 cavy $6 for lot or
exe for 5 White Orpington hens

-H A Long R 3 Warrenton Ga Red Car-

neaux and White King mixed pigeons exe for.

baby chicks any large breed; 2 pigeons for
25 chicks
Mrs W O Talley, Ohoopee Ga

Rising hare doe $1. 50

LJ Shell, Palmetto Ga New Zealand Red
rabbits, registered B0c ea, 2 mo cold without ,

1 white

ed eRPESis wor grown ones $4 pair

Mr Fg Kirksey, RA Albany | Ga P Byers
and Owens strain Buff. Orpingtons $4 for 25
| $7.05 for 60 -or $15 hun: Mcb and Apr de}

B K Cross Jr, Newton Ga-R 1, 30 soeanon |
pigeons now: working ; exc for hens ANY, good

L Bruce, R 2 Fairmount. Ga 3 Rabbit ia
-Flemish Red Giants 1 yr old #1 ea or. exe: for
baby chicks any pure breed

J Erwin, R 1 Cornelia. ee. Pure bred
New: Zealand Red rabbits. 1 yr eld $3 pair or
exc for pure. bred Golden. | Gebris echt. Bantams
or Buff Seching

G.T. 'Fabler, 521 Giant: Ble At abi a
Saddleback aa pigeons, $5 pear: alse
racing pigeons same as used by U S S' Gow
- J W: Harrell, Lakeland Ga Fine
Homers 5fe pair: White ss ee
Guinea pigs $2 pair .

Mrs NI: faylor, Cochran Ga

2 female canaries $11 for lot

AC Trotman, Rb Lumpkin Ga
gian Hares ex
exe for 3 pur

imale and
Trio Bel-

tra large 18 mo old $1.25 et or
bred hens, Plymouth Roeks or

SC RI Reds.

Mrs M B Brass,
Carneaux pigeons; exe for laredo beans, 96
day velvet beans or peas: W Lezhorn pu! nee
er hens an ygood strain; B Rock hens or pul
lets, or 1 good B Roek - cockere} or
Hampshire bred gilt =

F I Baker, Box 244 Columbus Ga 1 New
Zealand: Red Buck 4 mo eld $2: youne New
Zealand Reds 2 mo old and over $2 pair from
pedigreed stock :

RA Moon,

Devereux Ga bred. Red


R25 Roswell Ga
yr old $2.50 for all fob


GH Reinhardt, Dublin Ga
$3 hu

J P> Mason, R 1 Lithonia Ga
$7.50 bu or $2 pk. del

Mrs W R Gaston, R 1 Wadley Ga 10 bu 49
day. running speckle velvets and 2 bu white
running velvets $3 bu

_& F Dent, Cuthbert Ga

1-2. bu sacks $3. bu fob

3 G= Walker, Sycamore Ga _
velvets shelled $3. bu

J M Moore, Baxley- Ga-
vets $4-bu fob :

DK Christie, ae Ga
day velvets $3.50 bu fob
Murphy & Palmer. Sandersville Ga
speckle velvets. :

H M Franklin, Tennille Ga
and Osceola velvets in new 2 bu sacks, any.
quantity ; Laredu, Otootan and Mammoth Yel-
lew soy beans large or small lots
gN Kea, Adrian Ga 10 day
velvets $3. bu fob

BESS. Gearborough, oe Dublin ee Viluete
bright and. sound in ae bags $3 bu fob

BO Carter, R es Griffin, Ga Laredo: soy
$6.50 bu fob :

J W. Howards: Sylvania Ga
$3.50 bu fob in 2 bu new bags

TOR-Staton Lyerly Ga & bu Laredo. $6-bu
J B Lyerly Ga 5 bit Laredo soy $7

d F Tyson, Tennille Ga
thrashed and clean $5.50 bu fob

- Li Johnson, Midville Ga. Laredo SOy $7
bu orexe for corn
eR Griffin, Sunny. Side Ga
soy 1925. crop

Ss WwW Parham, R 2 2 Royston Ga, Stee sey

Stockbridge Mere Co.- Stockbridge
Laredo Soy, $5.25 bi; Otootans $F.75. bu
2 3-2 bu new bags fob; sound and clean apoals
ae McCullough, Stockbridge Ga 4. bu
Laredo. $5.23; 70 bu Otootans #7. TS bur re
cleaned in 2 12 bu baes fob ~

F A Bush, Richland Ga~ Vervets,
20 Sbu os ce

Laredo 60

3 Belgian
100 day. velvet

- Laredo soy

Speckle alee in
50 bu 90 day
Early speckle vel-

57 bus No 1

Karly speckle

and Dsacels

Early velvets

bu fob

26 Bu. Larne de

Ne als
EE M: Carter, RC -Griffia Ga:

$6.50 bu fob

ad PP. Justice, RL Alma Ga 90 day running

a 2S Clark; Jacksonville Ga 129 day ~vci-
vets $3 bu

W oD Parkerson Jr, Cadwell Ga
day speckle. velvets $3 bu fob

L L Lovett, Wrightsville Ga
Speckle Velvets $3.50 bu fob

Davis. Bros. Renfroe Ga 90 day veivets $3
bu = : = 5 . Pee

V Brabham, Macon Ga Velvets, Laredo,
| Otectans, Biloxi Soy =

Mrs Rosa Lou Smitl

Ph has Barly

Re B Cordele Ga

Pure 18 $3.75. bu. for entire Tate oet

cow peas hand cleaned

bu feb; Whipps: and Mixed $5 bu. fob -
| speckle | field. peas $4 bu fob-.

pigeens. |



spanish peanuts. 4e Jb fib

Laredo soy hand }-



12 gal can.

49 bus 90

Sie bot

u bags 150. Ths sea $3.

bus. in

-R-E Dersey, R 1 Cseveland Ga
soe and 4 bu New Eras $4.50 bu fob

Mrs. M .H_ Peavy, R 3 Greenville. Ga
bus No 1. peas; make ofter-

J S, Morton, Lumpkin Ga
No. 1s, 1925 crep in dbl sacks $5 bu fob

H Waddelle, Pearson Ga
everbearing $3.65 bu for entire lot :

R_ Griffin, Douglas Ga = Whipps, Purple
Hull Speckle, Tihnan $4 bu; Bl Crowders $8
bu;' Yellow Crowders $7.50; Calico Crowders ;
$10 bu : :

HN. Watts, Felton Ga Few bu Speckle $5
bu or exe. for pigs any pure breed ;

W D. Heaton, Tallapoosa Ga
Whipps: 8 bu Clays

GB Moore, R 1 Griswold Ga
man $4 bu fob James Station Ga

30. a One ;

50 bus.

Sound Tile

Oak Dale Farm, Daisy Ga Hagan COW peas Pass

$4 bu hand cleaned

Mrs J R Tippins, Daisy ri : Old fashion :

WT Bruee, R 2 Dixie Ga 4 or 5 os Sse
Wks field peas $5 bu slightly weevil eaten

J P Justice, R 1 Alma Ga.
oe fob

iV Colley, Rochelle Ga 12 bus Clays. and
Speckle mixed $5 bu; 2 bu Brabs $6 fob
Mrs G Thens, R 1 Butler Ga 3% bus aS
Fashion Bunch Speckle $5 bu fob. - j

J W Howard, Sylvania Ga Several. varie.
| ties field peas $4.50 bu fob :


$5 bu

1 1-2 ee Brabs:

Dhcovail, * a ecCavii Ga

|. J WL Patford, Stockton Ga Two crop cow e

peas $4 bu fob
~W> I Vanzant, Nichols Ga \ 8 bu a a
Pa Ae Garrison, .R 4 Lumpkin Ga 6 bus j
Brabs No 1, $5 bu fob ws
AT Fort, Lumpkin Ga. Brabs_ Sud Tons
$5.50. bu fobs Mixed slightly damageu. - 2a
R-G Dekle, Register Ga a. bus large
Been Pope, R38 Tallapoosa aia. to r
Wuipps sugntly mixed .1.90 bu,
Mur ae & Palmer, Sandersville Ga Cinys, a
Whipps and Mixed; write for prices-
GT Gravey, Ro 3. Rhine Ga 7 or 38 bus
Field. peas; make otter
J F Miller, Leo Ga 20 bus Unknown good 5
and sound $4.50 bu fob
Mrs W M Studdard, R 3 Sectak CiFcle Gx
1 bu unmixed white sugar crower hand ~
shelled and picked $38 fob g
V_ Brabham, Macon Ga All yarities field 5 ea
Sound Whipps.- 10 bu or more oe De <s a


G W ileard Box 136 Atlanta Ga
bu lots by exp $430: Whipps 5
Black Unknown $4.50

Mixed t -


~A--R~ Robertson, Hortense Ga
pecans, 175 or 189 Ibs 20c Yb for
Toh : ; So Se
W H Waddelle, Pearson Ga Me: fee size-
rsceli peerns 2c th 100 lb lots ise tb
Mrs RG Betts, Ashburn Ga Mixed jot.

Sa Tine
entire HOt

papershell peeans 20e Ib; exe for peach trees, ea

yard plants or plot plants

CG Oliver, R 2 Barnesville
and Mobile papershell pecans 25
fob, 10 Ibs cr more del

R E Bower. Dixie Ga
nuts 5e lb fob as

L H Cousins, Greanvillc. Ga 4 tons white
spanish peanuts. well, filled Sc Ib or exe few
for field o rtable peas, early velvet beans or
Otectan beans 2

T H Trice, Gray Ga White peanuts Se

Mrs S Dekle, R.A Boston Ga
papershell pecans 20c Ib;
er dried apples

I- Strickland, Tron City Ga 300 or 400 bus
white spanish peanuts Ge lb feb
. P C Clemons, Madison Ga 5000 Tbs
| spanish peanuts 5 Ib

Coleman & Chandler,
peanuts Te lb

M Rountree, R 5 Sveatnabing Ga
peanuts 50e pk or-exe for
Red eggs or

JE Quick


duc Ib


Mediam size
exe for hay peas:

Tifton Ga Rumer
nure bred S ik E a

W: African Guineas Be
Tennille Ga 100 bus =
Mrs J. Woodall Jr, Milner Ga Laree paper-
shell pecans well filled Sle Jb. Smaller size 25e
to 40c Ih: exe for seed peas, simdried fruit, S
baby chicks. or pigs, all det : :


wee Timlin Gaine- ville Ga--Pine sigyr
cane syrup: jn mew 05 gal cypress bbls mew
crop #25 bb) :

NE Ponder. Whigham Ga Ga
A-\Ga cane in cass of 6 cans 44!
R Carrol, BR Re Boston Gay 5 bis
fie. gab fob; exc: I> bbl for
LL Patrick, Quitman -Gu Best sie
5 case dots. fob ee ee :
CANGSyY 1; case -of
Reo Wena, Wosliey
fobs. XC*

No! 10
Ga come ene
for meat, hiek
e A Ragan, Cairo Ga: Gat
fob ==:
= RG Moore, 2 Rock mart. Ci 16 gale
No 2 sorghum syrup, good for Feed or OTN
boli. weevil poison. $6 fob or exe #
W Clarey, Odum Ga Syrup in. 55 gal bbls.

care syrup: 69

Ae ey

Pradine Ga Anne Ga Pure siigvar-
35: gab bbls S21 bbl: 5~ bbis=er
No 10 cans. 90 en; lots 50

cane syrup ina
more $20 bbr:
or more S5 ea All fob

Tei Maushin, & Son.
pute Siar caue syrup

Ie Wekers.

No oe grade
35 gal bbls

Cairo Ga
in . 30- to

Ambrose a No. 1 sugar

ee ane 10 3b oe 8 cans ee case #
~ fob. :

Brabs and ions

10 bus Harpers

Ne wkKras $5 eer

te} INS es

runner pea=~

= ite ae

ren, :
ar cane syrtp $1
Rock hens ; ; :
ne Growers Co-op Assn, Gaibe: Ga: No
pure. Ga cane syrup in new 85 gal eypress
tbls (420. eal fob
RW. Odum, R B Cofquitt Ga 5 , bbls Ga eane
syrup in new 35 ga] bbis 75e eal fob :
EE Carter, Hazlehurst Ga One 35
bbi Ga ribbon cane swrup- $25 bbl fob-

oe e Hilton, Glennville Ga Honey in 10 and
ib cans 12 1-2 Ib fo
Mrs J Laing, Rod
25. Ib
Mrs F & Vincent, Fruitland Ga Honey in
6 - cans $1.50 del
Tyler, R 1 Juliette Ga 20 hives bees in
} gums, $1.50 ea
WA lRdge, Julia
_S-V Brown, Baxley
extracted honey


Se Eg M Neal, Green Bush Ga Hams medium
ize 80 Ib fob '

J L Pafferd, Stockton Ga Sound sealed
'middlings and shoulders mixed 25c Ib; Hams
38e Ib ; se

Dayis & Co. Buekhead Ga Dry
jhams 18 to, 22 lbs 80 Ib fob.

Mrs S 1 er R 4 Swainsboro Ga
nice hams tb ea 35 1b or exe: for corn
Bt was 10. Bae a

WL Brown, R 1 Warwick ,Ga Dry" well
sured eountry hams 12 to 18 lbs. ea 85e Ib del

0: Boyd, BR 4 Villa Rica Ga 2 Sounery

ulders 25 to 39 Ibs 25c. tb fob.

R 3 Gainesville Ga Home del
dried and hickory


heels Ga eure



FE B Burke, foe 1 Butts Ga-i hem 2 shoulders
and 1 middling; ee 20 dbs 24ce4b

Ji Hender-on, 38 Jasper Ga 1 home eured
ham, 380 lf -fob

BS M Travis, Fayetteville Ga

sides and shoulders 2oe 1b3

Good corn fed
hams 35 To.


-C Rainwater, R 1 Stockbridge Ga

cern mill for) Cece y eorn. for bhicken: ee

OF. exc

; L- i. Farmer, S$ tact Ga New Racine

rain thrashing machine $250-fob | |

W E Beasley, R65 Forsyth Ga

ding cultivator

a Roberta, cissoe Ob.
Wonder cream separator
good condition $10 fob
RL Baldwin, Waverly Fall Ga Lally light
system completes with batteries, good condi-
tie sa 8 H P Witte gas engine good condition

Irs T P Harmon, R 4 Madison Ga Titan |
ctor International make good condition
-20 pull tractor plow $45; pulley Slo.
00 condition |,

ME Dye, R i Glenn Gs Seay guano:
butor goed condition $5; Cole combina
; ew and corn planter $5; Planet. Jr
Z $3: orehard harrow 9 teeth to
Be 1 horse wagon good condition $20.

D ae R 2 Rydal Ga -
ne and cutoff saw outfit;

r farm implements.

Garden Tractor ; Utilitor. Tractor, almdst

EW; bargain ; ite PO Box 1661, Atianta.

Wek Garrett, Bowdon Ga Combination * Cole
_ corn and cotton. planter and fertilizer dis-
tributor goesd condition $16.

J A Forsyth, R. 2 McDonouzh Ga
Cunopy Blue Flame 800 chick Belle
Be ne BR 5% p ;
A Wi Ibanks; R
ine wringers practically new
& 50 for both fob

J 3 Butler, Iywinton Ga
engine good condition $100 ages

M vHut eninson, Adel Ga One J I Case
t thrasher fair condition $59 or exe for
ns, ees, peas. mixed or South Ga cane
rup in cans es

WW Joyner, Star Rt Knoxville Ga One

Ford: truck 1923 eos aes eondition $100

ce fory4..or 5. Ee as engine magneto
nipped, and wood saw Cont cempilete good
on, or mule 1009 Ibs not over 10: y? old

D Lindsey; RB 6~. Wrightstille. Ga

ing Hen incubator 6) ess goed con-

exe for 8 L Wyandotte baby

iced Ga American
No 10

cheap or exe


50 in

29 Commerce (Ga

6 HP Olds gas

D op Holland, Pelham Ga .38 No li Buck-
eye incubators, 210. egg $23.50 ea No 28-A
Buckeye brooders 350 chick $18. 58 ea; both
geod condition
A Re Campbell,,
_ Buckeye incubater

Mo! &

standard ;

Pelham Ga
350 exe 00 No, 29- ne

B ickeye brooders 500 exe $15; both, e90d, Cote 4

ce ne Pelham Ga
Role Bearing creara separ
~ good condition
Waddell, Bremen Ga
eburn good cotidition ;. Deleo
-B Jordan, Monticello Ga
Atkins saw dod condition $50.
Mrs--W. Bush; te dlon Ga 390
rairie State imcubater practically new good
- Atlegond, R 1 Moultrie Ga
Radio Round ineabator; sell or. exe
chick, brooder good condition
EO i, Carr.) White Ga)\.-One row Lindsey
mpost-drili sood eondition $5 for Or exe: TOK
-ba unmixed peas ~
PN Bivins, Milledgeville Ga
Fordson Tractor 260d conditi lad
3 . Forest Glenn Ga 2 hor
good Sond

2 No 2Prirarose

ators $55 ea fob,

volt electric:
mt plant *

48 inserted. tooth

290 eee
for > 500


Stiehtly used

an ge $:2son

Bee-Keepers supplies
a High grade gallberry

country |

smoked |

Jno. Deere !

used 19. mo!

8 H P gasoline |

$2.60. ca. or |


aod poe ese middle bus

for hay, corn, peas, or pigs ,
C L Bostwick, Oxford Ga
cas. engine $35 er exe for field peas any
variety 5 Happy Day washing machine and
wringer complete operate with any belt pow-

; sell or exe

exe for good corn at $1 bu

C E Sims, RB. Griffin Ga 500 gleich

$15 fob Orehard Hill Ga

pairs $30; Guane Distributor $5; Gantt cotten
| planter good Diese bless $5; No 23 steel beam
Chattanooga 2 horse plow $5 or exe for.
at. market price ; Carbide light plant for 5
room house $35 or exe for corn or pigs .

BD Brown, R 4 Cumming Ga
| Buckeye colony eoal burning breoder good con-
dition $20

M. B Woodiiff, Flowery Risuak Ga No> B
Oliver turn plow $10;
| J G Murphy, R 2 Jasper Ga

Winkle gin, press, pulleys,
form wagon scales need slight repairs: cheap |
or exe one slip-on truck bony for = Ford:
condition $8

| plements, cotton and corn planters

J IE Leveratte, R 1 Parrott Ga 6 IL P,
Vairbanks-Morse gas engine without magneto
8106: I HG horse power hay press S75} Th:

tor the Fairbanks Mors> e

rine for 700 five
Stuart pecan trees or other second hand
| machimery.

Emma Anderson, RB Americus Ga
ege roller tray imeubator
ke od condition $12 fob ;
\ EM Beaird, Lat ayette Ga
Lin cubator good condition used
| A EY Wilkie, Marietta Ga 220 .ege OUP

Trusty. incubator . good condition: $12.50 foh
r Bow. Bozeman, R 2 Montezuma. Ga GSP

Bohan engine ae in. snail: rock food: eendition


egz hot air

times $7 ony

Pioksdak Ga
truek 1924 eae fe tires need running
condition; exe for good _gentle young mule |
and -2. horse wagon. |

S Taylor, Ft Valley Ga Nog day -Be2
ee mill used 10 days good condition: bar-
gain; equipped with 4 screens

Mrs T J Shingler, Sr, Donalsonville Ga ~ Gy-
phers incrbator 144: egg ;-159 chick brooder

itvs Ruth Wilner, RL. Cathbert Ga Hot.
water 60 eos oO: d trusty: incubator good con-
dition $7 fob

J B Isbell, Byrd Ga 3 5 oR furnace boiler ;
As Ti P engine; sell or exe Also 20 H P- fire
box boiler mounted on wheels -

C J Moore, R 1 Waleska Ga Blue Flame

Radoi oil burning brooder used 6 wks, SOG.
chick goad condition $18

Blectrie Ginnery, Conyers Ga 3-70 - saw
31 oe Guilett sins eemplete used 1 season:


Mrs H W Gray, Wray Ga Oil burning Buck-.
eye brooder 500 chick $15 fob

Miss Eva Weems, Luella Ga Cyphers fresh
air incubator 260 ege practically new $15.

J Lo Hendley, Garfield Ga 65 ese Mandy
Lee inevbator good condition $3 or exe for
R I Red or B Rock exes

Williamson Stump Puller Co Cordele Ga.
Fordson 8ractor and Tom Hustoa skidder good:
ecndition cheap

Mrs W A Bennett, he 1 Adairowiite Ga
Port ter soft heat ineubator 185. ese $20 cr
exe for Otootan soy bans

M H Harris, Raleigh Ga Climax Imp Cotten.
planter good eondition $2.50 fab Farmers

vorite cotton planter goad condition $3)
fob; Wheel garden plow with all attachments
| prectically new $3 fob a

W oT Nix, R 12 Soncbrck Ga Windmill
cemplete en 16 ft steel frame


fixtures complete $75

Mrs M KE. Puien, Whitesbure Ga 2500 chick |
Simplex brooder used one se ason ~ good eon>
aition:. $20 ; Bohanan incubator good rong
80 egg $8

A Rasser, R DCordele Ga Set Binder aprons
good condition, bargain or exe

R WV Grine, Brunswick Ga Dise Harrow,
riding plow, riding cultivator manure spreader |
stalk cutter weeder

C C Belcher, Whicham Ga 3 mule Moline
suiky plow geod condition $30 or exe for pes
or peanuts

Georgia Poultry
Ga Ruekeye incwbator
erg S08 at

1 & Fordham, Metter Ga: 8 disc 16 in har-
row } al or exe for. peas, chicks syrup x,
sow bre d .

BMrs FG Champion, Chipley Ga Wiese
incubator 180 exe $10; 2lso 2 Putnam heaters
$3.50 ea; 2 for $6.50 all. er condition

Mrs J L White ides, Taylorsville. Ga Buek- }.
eyes brooder oi} rning 560 chick used 60)
days good esndition $125 Fordson Tractor,
Olver D 75 Jack Plow both $4.25; ood COon=
dition used 80 days

S R Lanier. Mitford Ga Shou bioweas good:
condition $3.50 fob : ae

Mrs O S Wiliams, StaroRt Scotland: Ga
Cutaway harrow 29 in dise wood seondition |.
$35 er exe for international Riding ul
vator; One grain eradle practicaliy nee Say
Giver Peanut turn plow $4
- Mrs J T Weaver, Zebulon Ga 25 H Pp
or; 20 H P Engine; DeLoach. saw mill
fecd, good eondrios, cheap

Mrs Wsther Kine, Canton Ga Gateace fr
cubator goed condition 356. chick 35. One BOS
chick size Standard oi} burnins brooder $12.4
Ff Clouzh, Denton Ga Sawmill outfit:
25 H 'P Schofield engine; 89 H P high pre -
sted ~ Perkins shingle: mill,
4 shafting compte t2 Tanning



ica ae new |

Farm, RB:


ve botler se

3 H pe Novo

er or electric motor, geod. condition $35. Or |

Buekeye brooder coal burner good condition |

LB Edwards, RD Forsyth Ga "Deering P
mowing machine and rake needs some res |

No 25.

No 5 Moline $10 or exc |
60 saw Van ft alt
shafting, plas} **"

R L. Griffin,, Augusta Ga Rin tools, im- +)

850; 7: P Avery gas engine s00d COON E

ft Bonthal: model \H peanut picker $209 ; exc

copper water\ tank}

plow practically

One ae ;

condition $25

i Sees

R C Couch. Turin Ga 20H P Sie and |:

{ erleaft

Governor for


Ch #

SE a

ae Old ee ;
SiO i

ib ae ee on p

S P Hower b ae Lae Watetlap Boy
tractor good condition ; 25 HP on pulley; 15
TE OP on draw bar, heap; Milier Ideal hot
water -ectional incubator Sb ae capacity
with automatic exe turner and PORE heat |
ecentrol; good condi tion

SG Lowe, Mansfeld Ga Noodulnternational
riding cuitivator complete good conditiin $30

J S Jackson, Clarkston Ga- Cataway harraw
used 2 days; 18 1m: dise Clark make wita.
tongue and whiffle tree good condition. :

We Merritt, Greensboro. Ga Belle: ity Besant: |

140 chi hick | good: ondition $5)

Ruitledre Ga 2 1H: Cultivator wite 4
dict; also 2 Putnam oat: spronters
A Smith, Hine ville Ga i
tools; sel

ws J
and: brick raasen
we Odam,- HB Col
ES Hammer type rusher good condition |
AOke 20 in Burr Grist Mill pied condition +

3O Sob 3 No! & Meter. ae pee

q tae S15 fon
Ww He Bridses, ce Ga. , Trailer for #oha
truck good tires 8100 -
vb oO Moon, a) cele! Ge toa chick. dnatat
oder used one tie $5 er exe for good
nivoe or Waite Che:te pig 3: or 10 wks old.
irs P Forbes, Broukiet Ga 808 egg incu-
oiter $25 e exe formZ0. fat ee any breed
hoes | =e lbs each |
Grayson Ga AMatform. |

a $ Jackson, Hosaueuille Ga Complete 3-70
Saw gin stand; autematic press, steam tramp-
4. 60 12-2 Boiles and. 4) P engind $1500;
bight: Sawrnill 3 bead Jocks, new husk frame
wnd track $125 5.3 Wheeland head blocks for.
eer $50. ;
RB Leng
air furnace rahe Gp
eendition; chap
WP Northe utt,
orcoder 250 eaiwk- poet conwiitas
beason $15-
WC Pratt,

Newnan Ga: Gne Colonie. shot
ing) epee 38 mos nun

Seis Ga Wishbone
used One i

ogansvil Ne Ga 28, Avery
a OF exe for S pare

RK 2
bred B Rock Wiens
Mrs C A Bick, Phe Rock * Ga 500
chick brooder coal byruer, cheap. or exc for
2 yneat shouts 5 ak SOs -Bohaa Tacu dato. 150 eee
{ cheap
J B Jordan, Li (burn. Ga Yronctad incubator
140 eee good cond! tio. $8 used 3 times.
Mrs C W Clenncy, Edison Ga. Solhot brooder
50 in canopy 1000 chick $14 used one season

fob; 2. Humpty Dumpty. erates. ; 30 da ea both

e245 Or Sacsd ea > dz $1 ea oF Bits Loe
both; Qld 'Frusty in@hibater 115 egz $8 fob |

B R Pearson, Adaifsville . S3, Moline Blue
\/bird No 8 turn plow: sorse, eheap,

.d Puckett, Oakman Ga 8 HP steam | en-
wine good condition ; heap or exe for Leht
sawmill for Fordson

Mrs JP: Turner, MePonous** Ga 6 HH: Pp
engine mounted on. wheels recently repaired |
\eood condition $100; also wade dvag saw seed
ee we TR, ee
JJ Mims, Boston Ga 10 HE P Ii c gas.
engine; 24 in, Munson grist mill 50 ft belt-
ing, ail good condition: $290; exe for. Pord
one ton truck or hoes,

H H. Ware, Hog insyilf eo Gin outfit
4-60 Saw Winship gat _Press 60 H P
Boiler, 50 H P ene > bargain
~ A Harwell, . Covir j hase peanut
thrashing machine condition used 30
days; bargain -

W G Dobbins, R*
incubator, hot wate
very little $8 fob |

H Lovvorn, R-
chu ining _ machine, ppenee seondition ; Frick
steam engine 10 H B food condition $45

a J Bount, Hawkineville Ga
leg. dray, sawaail, pines timber

ee: Gruce, R * Lawrenceville Ga Traylor |
Tractor belt pulley good. conditton, chexip
~ H'C Crace, D 4 Lawrenceville Ga lH
riding cultivator: ee dscondition- cheap, or exe
pe. milk cow:- os

R- i; W

He Pore, Se
practical ly new a - Pete tines

arietta Ga Buckeye
style BOS ees et

cotton duster.
$30 or exe- ce 2 -seeti
with levers <2. /
Mrs W oH Groeve
incubator 2
fob ar exe for equ
i AM iL Shadrick, 3
Gcvernor S49 and 23)
DO" Phi ee
mation plante
@XC 33

AaB, Bd:

8 in Gardner | -
2. in Gardner

Thrift, Cobbtowr Ga 42 ia button saw :
ewe: for bolting Sams

HoH Boyd, Roi Villa Rien in! Lares | size
ae power pyivt mill $8.50; farm bell 73
$4.50; alf steel Sook sditcher: $15 ell good |
sais; exc for seod sweet potatoes | or feed

ne S HM alsay Ea

ae hroader { used 4) wks old.

; oe 4 thaby oe feed pans, drink

cmntein, yas glass-

ee Dai ane. 2 ot SB for all or exc,

G Champ'on, Chinley Ga A8

oon eireular | saw Atkins Make:

wisn Wisrensin

Utter Sta.

rn Maddox, Pi? Panderrracs i
Gray Hen ;exe for 7 he:

ced also Little Brown Hen

"Ga on burn- :

in inserted
se} or exe;
incubator 189 ezz good eon-
100 exe ine
WS PAV enad
ineubator 69

Shipler Ga Hieh Tyne:
ernational * make,- POOR
pA TERL 5 Hone eanning outer

horwise good. eondition. with tens
zc for pure bred pigs or OW, Leghorn | hens
drs RG Harleburst, Box Crumps Park
Gs DeLavel milking machine;
W H Crome, Gloster Ga 8- 16
Vy H Crome, Gtosten Ga 8-16

s pod eee n pace, 20x

mail cow; All

hp Cc MGS s

incubator 120 e set 3 times $

forge. lever power ;-exc for

2 etreular |


Peutier soon condition 35

oe egg used one time ;

ATS ssushtly damaged. pee ae

4 TEC ae
: wp Ae hn, RA Point - Peter Ga
Ming wing No 10 Cliver. Plow 5 ee ae
value or make best offer
Mrs WoR- Daniel, |
Magic Marvel flour nil, and acee sories: ie
condition ie
J L West, R 4 demenie Ga One ;
Syracuse- slotted- wing turner good condition
$12.50 fob; 2 horse Oliver Hillside turner
36> 2 2 points pond: condition ; 5 ,
Machine and Rake good conditi 3
lfcor milk cow; 2 horse Bagwell wagon ko
eondition- $45 or exe for 1 horse wagon or rood
leather horn saddle: good =
tion neil or exc for baby ches 78


i ing | Interuational
one waking re.

in: ;
Ee OQ Siive zl cme Ga.
| geod. condition $109 ; 85 in cut
Ry L. Beasley ochimeee . Co. Thomasyvi
1 Westing house 0 SR: eeteh meotor com-
plete $275; Fairbanks Morse. 15, He: ;
gus engine overhauled 220 5 Evie Cit

Steam engine overhauled, center cran
Taibot & Sons

grist (mill $505 Jno - Deere
yiding < cultivator complete arith plows and
harrow attachment $45

Mest Ps Harmon, mR 4 Ma
Tracter: International * make 10-2{
condition, with tractor plow and pulley.

J Wi Gerrell- Alto Ga Practically new S
veyor's compass ithe 55 1<2-in: needie, Ww
telescope trap: sd-;5 aso half chain dnd. chain-
mg pins ali good: condition $80

EP. Dover, Re2 Buford Ga 6


a Pp Ca

-steam engine practic ally new, cheap or exe fo

awmill nearby ;also 12 H P)l H.C good
LAition or exe..for, equal value: On
Pky plane. good condition and 10 in oe
ae i make practically. new
i. B Owens, Buford Ga Gne J Ww Mille
ideal oil burning brooder 4204 -eanopy used
one season $7.50 feb, cr exe for vigs or goed
Vth rifty shoap-valu2 $40, of Porto Rican potato
od Ga 15

Riean, -potato piants .
Mrs D H Anderson, R 3 Gietae :
egg Oyphers tncubater good condition $10 or
exe for d ey heifer calif 4. mo old 20r ee
wks eld >
J H Beasley, Lavonia Ga Sol Boe 2 in,
canopy 500 chick oi] burning brooder. $7.50:
300. chick same make $14 both s0od condi-
| tion; exe for peas or potato plants f
Mrs J Beall, Jeffersonville Ga Old Trusty i
or exc
Mrs J N_ Harrison, Lincolnton -Ga> 4 eal
Dazy churn gvod condition $3 fob
Mrs Josie Jenkins, Dahlonega Ga :
churn, turns with erank, good condition; ex
for Lee Brown Hen incubator and ee
-D Tillman, Register Ga. :
bator 850 egg set 4 times good condition $85:
Blue Flame Bile burner brooder, Buckeye, 508
chick good condi tion $15 f
i Gillespie, Commerce Gace & 0 7
Dise peeector 15 vertical lift used one sean
Jo Bars lens ee Ga One J co Case. :
thrashing machine, bargain a
G RP Galvin, Thomson Ga. Blacksmith
2 bu velvet beans
or 2 bu peas, 1 bu Laredo or Mammoth or 40
te dried apples _.
5S Radford, R 1 "Tifton Ga. One ton. Ford
Pasay 1926 model, air tires new 1926 tag good |
condition, used 4 mos $295
CG FP Colelough, Maxeys Ga Standard Bucks
eye incubators and brooders | : ;
Meet geleby. Monticello Ga Kelly Duplex
mill No 1; -exe for. corn; anders gvelee oh
ractor Riow, sell 0 rexe for corn - ay
B Ray, R 2 Kensington Ga Log Tree
and Cutoff saw good condition practicaliy new
Witte engine and outfit: -
J & Eubanks, 105 Lincoln St Augus?


ta Ge

| Myers deep well pump, Eureko cylinder and

Eureka sand point complete $14 or exe

_ J TF) Weldon, Locust Grove Ga Moline
| Binder used 1 season $75; one 9 knife stalk
D3; one & <dise cutaway
harrow $25 tb tt 5 bly 10 in rubber belt used
30 days $12; 507

Mrs. oe. Phillips, eae Ing Ga. Little

for i Brown Hen incubator 50 ae good condition
Ga a Cole combi. $4 we

JS C- Everette, : Pieharat: Ga
Reaper and Binder good condition.
OL Cleveland, R-8 Chipley Ga One Gould
Garrel Spray with. hose $17.50 or exe for 560
ibs a re and culled College No 1 cottonseed
Rope, Villa Rica Ga Queen jnei ah
aS 5O9

Jno Deere


cheap P

J ML Cook, Summit ee Ga Ordeker
tributor used. one season good condition

M TEE Carithers,, Colbert Ga 4 Te
engine Fairmount. make good const
fob; 2 horse. bucey pole $2.50! 2
Hillside Plow practically new
10. bus corn

B C S Hicks, Adel Ga Tom Sings ped
peanut sheller both blades for skelling- danch
and vine peanuts. or exy. for: a
field peas: or Nee vs
oe MOWIing Tt 4- Bsbelin ie Geeis ei. Dee
planter. with. fertiliver attachment $19 or
beats Ga

Mrs WG Sappieian:

Chis incubator, 149 egg

$10 or ese: *

_ Chiploy Ga. Be ale
me 60 Sey Od T a rus~

i good condition $10 NER es

Bg t Saad! -Boeial Circle Ga
"ickeye incubator: ap Ww.

fel bi s vater heat us


wl 'Practor-motor converted. info stationary (si
i 50

Gas Ww. alking:

Pp gas. engine,

ot ood con dition ; exc |
potato planis, |

ee Ahad SyTUp | or

reenville Ge Harris fresh water

fetes sell Ort Exe EEGE Hyd cc.

SES nae soiling.
; wlenio Gu 2 International
$60 chick
rood coud tion; used ene season
name, Millen Ga
sell or exe
Wrens Ga
No saci ee cconitition $3 fob
Ga Portable Buek-
1000 - chick
Se TOD |
> one ae: 1-2 2
Ais comp


Ga Remo pees

ka egy. Ca 72 Oliver
3 30 ae A
#1 $5 or exe for 150 db shoa
aun, UGesesa- ae Pimnrase
witht (owe b-pal cream CANS

16 in Wil-

Sorn mill s G A Tceoseut engine

ant chea De

] on, Ca ro Ga i HI 2 Internat-
abl eslindr gas engine - Ep
a Barnes, Ts sined:

ced Mill; sce-

as 1 Catroliton Ga MeCor- :

Ga 3 Skinner peck srad-
pract: ently new, bargain :
Gt. Wattey. Gao 10 x) 12. ene
-a good condition :
Ga 2-70 Saw
t Engine and 50

L sla gm
: a ie HP
x veeitnns Wasted Ga
geod copauition used TP yr $50

x, Garfield Ga Belvach Sawmill
ose aa P Boiler return .tubular
a 15 HAP Atias en-

me Pianer ope a

: Sclieriativirs) tye

oY ASS .6r* 6xe
other vavricty

c coe mill and
. shelter, rub-

elt, 12 ie o Alamo engine all good con-

Lewiston Ga- 5 FT P eas
corn < aya one LOx18
pyiley- &x2ix

3 & 2 Mowing mach'ne, beh pump
eash }

1d Ga "No 10 rie

Caldwell, R 1 Jaeksou'Ga Ward abl
a 4 yee ae oer


0. ege a eoudsea

dleian pinkeye rabibts,

e or yellow rabbits
rmond, R1 Greensboro Ga eae
d condition $12. 50 fob or exe for
79 or 75 tb en good stock =
R 1 Bowdon Junction Ga
brodder used 2 seasons $12

or exe for large fat hens at market, price

rdin, Dyas Ga Several oil brooders

mule *Yractor/ with. plow write f6r
alioa 5 Address = vu Box oe Aa

iron Ww
all for cl

xd condition except little
ise: part of them .
aha Macoa Ga Grain ehpacitor
3 good condition MeCor mick bind-
$ needled, buth fer $75 or exe

_ corn or peanuts:

Rockmart Ga 2-30-saw and,
2 ein saw filer ae

eer) Capone Mins SOL; OKC
Se mew or sell for

5 dno Deere, Gee aoe 1 pee
> Dice plow;

Ga GeeWhis. Vulean

e Ecganate?
eCor and Rake; Farm


3, RD Purcyth Ga Sey
z good | eos. S18

Se ad WE eels > oS 2

Ga Sawmill 3. head {

Ga 60-89 Cole en-

Grist Williams ;

Sib ea or: $25
-Oid Trusty. tn='

Medium size Syra-| =)

G0 .cpee neato aa
Gant cotton plant:

W 3 Goblin,

e Ave Atlanta Ga


DeLayel :

milk eooser good . condi AOR

a less nozzle, used for spraying poultry

} xml 2 bits and 1 1-2 in $2.25
Ball Ground Ga Little ;

1 ter paddies smooth 39c ea.


good }-

us we
Pst Pa wie aie and- draz saw eon ie, es bar-
oy Marcon,
25 3 P Bnetne: will sell se arate
a D A Pass, Poulan. Ga 40 bbl Jong. . aa
figur mili, Fay & Magan, 5
'e ee es 8

pals pee coadizion and

j enced ie hase aS ue ae
bath good con ition 5 exe. for
or good incuba or. 250 to 300

PD Geuch it i. Monrses Ga. awl blower J
rake, ali good condition
dl Be ser i Pop ar St Atlanta Ga Far-
ain Mr or Saw MA. pwith. 20.0 P. Parqubar.
ao borne: pollr: and: engine va wheels.
Sepa S: ewalt, Leary, Ha oi) ese Buc ckeye m=
ebator wilh 560 brooder joth for $25 fob
Fu Farm, Palmetto Ga 12 AP
ges engine mounted. on heavy
& ise Tractor plow good
a very dittie $65. ;
5 ct Lie Ga ds ere Back-
geod. co.ditein $10 fob.
Be wheat Two 110 egg in-
sod condition $15 ea ~
Wo Webster, RL Bremen Ga. 125 exe
Wisco inewbacor wood condition $1.40 0
Dp town Ga Reo truck; sell

Ho Wrieht,
insulage eutter
NV Beker, Douvias Ga On 20. eines cutter
th blower and blow pipes $75; Root & Van-
_* at.40: da? Sas! engine on oieeks with mag-
a. reeds connecting rod bearings $40;
haste anoeea power cane mill three roller Com \
olete with pulldys $59; Primrose cream sep-
seo 6 92 mo.$3 i) DOH Ps team-engine
condition ; 386 in upright grist mii, emake |

Dp: ivson

or exe

Mrs. A Rr a Calhoun Ga Rowell


J Stocks, Leesbure Ga kot. steel. turned
psa ttine aad See various sizes; 1 Wheel-
and combined boiter and lathe small 25 te 50
M eapucity; Perkins 4 block automatic shingle
ee Wo nd ineut hand shiagle mill _
1 Bage Obes Bethichen Ga 2 Rukeye brood-
4000 chick -ea good ~ condition, used. one
emaon 817 eo or both for $32

W J Wlorgan, Stiimore Ga { new Ida tobacco ,

cran plaater $169; One 26 in top rusner Tist,
0 ih Bi5: One 4 50 eg incubator; 409 chick
yreeder with feed boxes spoultry wire; malte
fer or exe for seed peanuts
W oF Chapman, Jackson Ga Gantt Cotton
eenae wood: condition 86 cr exe for 5000
Can. potato plants Apr del. ./ 4
3 oO rier, 4: Comer Ga Benton eotto
slanter $5 Enter national 2
tin 4 days with afl plows $45 ee
Major - Crow;. Flowery Bseanch Ga 4 o1-2
SES Olds gasoline engine practically new.
$50. r exe. for Porto Rican. potato plants,
Yiangs beans, field. peas or pigs
at markct price
R-E Nicholso: 1, Maxeys bas Pelavel cream
Separater size 12. good condi tion ; 412 gai
qT eh pring milk
cans 5 Band G wal _
tirs H N Seweth, R 1 FA vents Ga Sharplcs
Ne.2: eran separator good contlition used 1
five nl eream cans; sell ox exc for
fee ea soy beans or goad sound, corn
Ww Tyner, Danie! svitie Ga Ames Bras?


aeuses, good condition $4 fob: 1 ratchet, brace

Mrs BD nsnrore,
Ovpwn Hen ancubator set ousee good. condition |


7 Eas Geisler: R 3 Maysville Ga Acme Harrow
ae 20d ae ; exe for cured meat :

J Kitetens. Gibson. Ga U -ed- Fairbanks
Morse lighting plant and wiring for room
beuse, sell or exe

G A Pulliam, Dewey Rose Ga Ga. Cracker
cation planter $2.50 or exe for 1-2 bu good
scund- peas any variety

Mrs LS: Hope, Lu: Jawici Ga 2 rolls poultry
wire 2 in mesh, 6 ft high good condition, use
sne season $8 roll or $15 for both; 20 rods
ty roll, fob: also j 1-2 Ib poultry: wike stabi:
35e ib or 60 for all fob Ps
Mrs Wattie Faukne Monticello Ga 70 ft
Of 2 ga are hose good condition $2.50
EB Cowart, R 5 Valdosta Ga tobaceo for hen
fest We Ibo
i P- Jenkins, Sadanmah Ga Oak slatted. wire
top ehicken coops Tbe ea fob Gainesville Gat.
Mrs 3D Milier, Chipiey Ga eer but-

7h A Wartey_ Toomsboro Ga 50: acres end
wood timber ouk and ash never cut over

W H- Pheapins, R 2 Flowery Branch Ga!
Yard made whiteoak ba kets $1.50 6a; feed
pose 50 and TS5e er exe. for potatoes OF |,

aby, chicks any pure breed

a J Summer, R 4 Wrichtsville Ga- 200. M
ope deaf pine . shingles fat 159. M No. 2;
make best effer- A
Mrs G W vans, oR 8) ayston Ga 3 Ibs
butter per wk at Ie per Ib fob : :
iL EB Harrison, Dublin Ga Vinegar red and
white in 58 gal bbis 14 gal fob

W W Dyer, KR 2 Carnegie Ga Ax handles
$8, da: Feed baskets 85 = Cedar scouring
Ops Bie: and $1.25 ved; in plow sing-

50 2b; wagon e3. eg dz; plow beams

Ge. 08 50 dz: cedar sony dashers with
cedar hand! es Tic; well windlass for bored |
well $1.50 a;5 cxe, for SyrRDp, bane and po-
toto plants or dried fruit
MeRke and Lard, Rochelle: Ga Feed sacks:
Je en; some with small. defects

J F Frazier, Sees Ga stot: pee: hickory

a: he hese 50 {t. feneths

Jan iOs we Sacks $385
vam Ga 40 FP boi flew: on: ohids Eg


- dn Sband - saw, |

1$e >

hoyse cultivator

j ved peaches mo

: saehs an good con-

WwW. i ge i ca Ga 250 tt a in
E-l, Darham, sine Ga- Whiteoak base.
Aeets all sizes

OW OM: Crhamon, Bonerbos corn ground
into. fine feed, we ole ears, shucks, grain ani
ton fob
BE Whisnant, Montezuma Ga St hort
Yeather lines $5 or exe ae potato
punts. or day old baby chieks
Mrs 3 Weever, Lavonia Ga 4 horse. wagon
Begwell $25; Ames top bagey $35
Home Nursery Co Batdwin Ga 5 dz No
3 cans cold parked: iberta penches male
cheer. |

3 Ht Mos
ao te

z 5 Rechowart Ga Good surry
nd abl . harness good -con-

| dition $35

Mrs 3. D MeKibben, Loeust Grove Gal

= walnuts meats 65c tb del
ba WneCe, a 20 Aiguiand Ave, Atianta |
ae 30 dz sive used? epee crates complete wwii

+ fiers 2 for St fob (or exe

S. Colvin, R 4 Thomson Ga. Pony bucey
and harness; will sell good Ga\ raise ons
with bugey if desired

pS AD) Vaughan, R A Point Peter Ga
Seerds- yeilow pine cord wood suitable
stove $5 cord fot Dh

Mrs T P Phillips, Dearing Ga
dle geod condition $4 50 f Z :

JIG Murphy, 2 Jasper Ga Standing tin
ber oak, pine and popular; write for qncorms
Len. .

MOF Barncs,

100 oak fence post, 7

buggy, harness

: _ Mts Anna Crow, R 1 Flowetys Branch Ga
6 Ibs fresh country butter per wk. BO0c Ib de
WP. Wells, R 2 Ellijay Ga 2 to 3 Mv

good timber; sell on s sump reasonable = >

Miss Velma Watson, 2 Bastonellee Gs
Heme raised saze cured 50e Ib del |

Villa Viscaya Farm, Doerun Ga 6 ft greer
peeled pine rence posits 1Be ea longer length:
2 1-4 ft; exe for piss, chickens or incubator:

W D Pearson, Willard Ga Cotton baskets
$1 ea; Coitonsced baske!s 85e Corn bask
feed baskeis 75 ea; all fod

Mrs J. Stone, R 3 Adairsville Ga 3 tbs

butter per wk 40ev Tb del Coes

Mrs J N Adamson, Ro1 Alto Ga 1 lbs Fresh
butier per wk 45c |b :

Mus AB Crow, TR aes Flowery Branch Ga

~~ fresh butter per wk 45 tb del :

s O F Boyd, R 1 Carrovliton Ga
~vounir ybutter 6 Ib per wk 58e Ib |

Sy Stewart, Jasper Ga Jersey Butter AOR
2b 4 Shs per. wk -

A B Pulton, Jasper Ga 2 ten -yod rolis bos
seneing 26 in high f

RH. Metver, R 8 Gainesville Ga Canes
yor sticking | ae i0e dz> fisning eanes Soe
aa =

w Nunn, R 3 Lawrenceville Ga Peighi
aun cured tobacco 5 Ibs $1.25 40 Ibs $225 de

J King, ih 3 Lavonia, Ga 65 ft 3 in wire
able slightly usod good condition $5 fob

Pain Trading Go; Edison Ga Crushed oys
ter sielt 46c for 10 Ibs del or 100 lbs $1.25

Mrs EC Perrow; Talking Rock Ga Jersey 5G Tb, 4 Ibs $i-' 15 del >

Mrs Dacsy Jounston, Grayson Ga Greer.
gak post axe drawn 12 (ea fob or 8c ea a.
yard :

Mrs WA Hwa, White Plaing Ga-
ad Masin ya-.s eae Soe -dz or Dee
Langsvon, Ashland Ga Several bus

black wa,aiuts Fd and dried shipped in

strong bags $1.80 bu ee

Mrs Harper, Sarrency Ga 15. ibs smok- .
tobacco ; exc for dried appies, capstan a
ples. onion get 2

W. I O'Neal, Stapleton Ga Home ade.
perch and lawn chairs and swings
SON Garson; i. 4 Douglasville Ga 1 horse.
wazon good condition except bed needs some
repairs, aiso top burey good condition ex-
cept top needs repairs $15; one iset 2 hors:
wagon springs. $3 or exe for corn at $1 ba d}

Hw oF caver, Ma rion Ga Home tanned
leather T5e Ib by side det
Mo's RE Brooks, Hatener Station Ga Can-
az, pie peaches $2 dz. ins qty


Bae said

73 Mill edize Ave Atlanta Ge-|
ft * second hand


2 dz 1-2


cans fob :
a Walker, R 1 Mt Airy Ce cllow root 2
$i; Blood rect and Spignart $i half de
i. laurel da lots $3

Mrs W R Chastain,
gis canned peaches in gal cans 25c ea fob
PL, Pickens,. Newnan Ga
with fillers 45c del :
~ i N Patten, Abbeville Ga
poully wire 5 and 6 ft high good condition
Se ft; 1 egg@ container 6 dz capacity $1.25

wt Greene, Holy. Springs Ga Heavy low
a, heel 2 horse wagon 3 top bugs sy and harness ;
Bey beauthad 2 horse tuber: all: rood condition
and cheap |

Weeks. Dia
hames slightly

W E Wooten, R 4 Gatncwone Ga Wire. tay
chicken coops standard sizes made of. white
dak timber with wire top and doors T5 e253.
hen eoops $1 ca

QO C Perdue, Yatesville- Ga

nento 15 tan-or $1.50 dz _
Mrs J O King, Lavonia, Ga
plum preserves; make offer

J W Huguley, Cnipiey Ga
eypress. 750 sdl- capacity
fob . =

Mrs J N Adamson, R-1_ Alto Sa
fresh butter per wk 45e tb del ss
Mrs A: E Rubron, R11 Waynesville
Reaches sweet pick

1Ga- Si buesy hirness with
used, Seed condition $10

No 2 cans Pi-.

Water tank ir,



Ro5 Wen nest

tobacco for hen nest iCc tb fob Z

sage - 50c fob

10 |

ete Wi

| violets 15 dz or "500 -hun ;

{or Jack in Bean Stalk,

| birtbs

Lecust Grove Ga W 1.
20 eggs cases !

200 or 309- f, |:


6 ats Dameon |

good ee S354.

i ;

oe pie peaches 40 qt
}or exe for good butt : :

gE Cowart, Valdosta Ga

Miss O- Tyson, BR. - ae Ga 1. Ib dry a

rt Valley Ga Gf.
or) ur $1.50 for 24 Thi sack del
Cornmeal water. ground $1.50 bu fob Rhee:

Hampton Milling Co. Hampton Ga. Old
fashion heme made whole wheat flour R47 Tbs
$1.20; 48 Ibs $2.35; add postage

Mrs W OR Rahn, Springfield Ga a rolls

rabbit. and poultry wire, 10 rods to roll cused

one season. good condition
both fob 5

W H McClendon, Banning Ga Leather _
strips. for repairing harnss. making lines, >
straps etc 1 to 3) in wide about 5 ft long, 5:
Ib bundle $2.50 del; also. leather strips /eut
ay width up to 2 in about 5 ft Tone 5 - $3
de !

Mrs Zona Hawkins, R t Cumming G 3 tbs
fresh butter per wk 50e Ib del

L, O Stewart, REID Jasper Gav 4 bs Jersey.
butter per wk 40 Ib.

J I Mims, R A Hazlehurst Ga>2 horse army
army. wagon good condition $50 fob
Mrs D L Steakly, Talking Rock Gavi00 ood

feed sacks Se ea fob or exc for. flowers
write for information . :
J J Hulsey, W hite Plains Ga Good 2 horse
wagon osu 100 SoC
Mrs M 8 -Wilbanks, R 5 Ball Se Ga.
Good fresh table. butter 4 Tos per, week in: 4
brick moulds he Ib del
B T Baldwin, R 4 Rockmart Ga Sascafras
reots, whole green roots i0 lb fob del aS
Coleman Plant Co. Tifton Ga. All garden
sped cartoons for shipping plants, rafier for

$3 -rol lor $9 for.


g tieinz= Re : : Yh

Weems Fuller Co. Tne.
ground meal $2.20, basis
Seapcorn $33.50 ton fob 3

RR Dreskell, R 1 Julictte Ga Hoe handles
30c. ea; Fardwood oo poles Ye ea;
bean sticks 6 {t and over l5c dz; SL han;
posts up-to 6 in-dia i8c ea; poles -

In dia any length, all fob . :

Mrs FE Rutherford, R 4 Lumpkin. Ga Wise t
fresh) country butter, or 4-]bs per week,
45 |b del :

HW Miner, R 1 Lilburn. Ga Nice ped Cala~ ae

Womans Deparunant
i. FOR SALE es ;

dones;> Shellman Ga

Rock. Mill mater-
26 fob Magen Ga

other :

Mrs R Purple
exe for

Mrs* WAP. Hane. Dial, Ga

unrooted box wood cuttings

Tbe da;
9 hun;



| Aug lillics 6 for 25; Yellow orchid flowering :

cannas-26 da purple flowering iris & for 25e5

all del

? Mrs Cs HS Buider. Mitchell Ga: Vas iigeper
4 roots $5. or-exe for
15. setting ees pure bred R YT Reds or W
Barred rocks or day e}d chicks: eee

Miss Annic Malphus, Tusculum Ga Red Nae
White Dorothy: Perkins. ro es \25 ea well
rected; Shasta daisies rooted 10c ea; Daisy
Chrysanthernhums well rooted plants 10e ea;
Red Verbena white eye 10 ea; well rooted
plants ;_ Bright darge pink verbena rooted
ac ea; Paie pink eye rooted 15e; Dark pur-,
ne verbena solid color rooted Be: vabelaw
eactus 3 color Zhe . ;
Mrs Mary Puekett, RoI Waleska Ga. Pang
pink with cream center Jonquils dbl
and sgl; averblooming rose cuttings ; exe any
of above forother colors of peonies any color
sultanas, geraniums or gladioli

3 Cochran, Musella_ Ga All kinds. ferns 150
ea; all kinds geraniums 5c; all. kinds be-
gfonias 20e; all kinds poses 206 5 all kinds <
lillies 15e;, al kinds jew 10; all crags: Jab ;
anese iris Tic; add posiage ez

) Miss C Maxwell; Wingham Ga Chepsenthees
mums, incurved dbl kind a hun; Harvard
[red ineurved dbl 5@e; dy Pink ineurved di
50 -dz; Yellow xed, white, bronze pink and
lavender all large ineurved dbl 50c dz :
Mrs H H Smith, Hilitonia Ga, Large wellow
medium: yellow. bronze pink, white with yel-
low center and few biack hawks real dz
\red 20 ee restproof phiox plants 10c

7 da 50, 15. dz G15 Pink Oxalis rooted: 5c =
Valentine and Thanksgiving cactus cuttings
Se; wax plant and 6 kinds geranium ee ee
5e - ea, de} ;



Your Postmaster should eceent
for shipment PLANTS AND NUR- |
SERY STOCK without any inspec-
tien tags attached, Tf your Post-
master refuses to accept these for |
shipment then notify the State.
Board of Entomology, State Capi
tel, Atlanta, Ga.

NOT be shipped by parcel post
withoat inspection certificate tag is
attached. The law requires that
sweet potatces be inspected in
storage and dipped in corrosive sub-
Emate sclution before being bedded.
The plants cannot be sent by the
terminal inspection stations for in-
specti on. Growers must provide
inspection certificate tags from the
State Board of Entomology before |
= can be made. Pest- 4

ers = not. = unless



- yellow

Dorothy Perkins: rose 25c;

SOG az s:
add postage


~~" roses

sweet pea plants

% ;

_. Eyerblooming purple violets

canary yellow roots $2 hun, 518 M;


~ white

-ed 3

eas 12-in lOc, 2 ft-20c,. 3

2 Womans Department |

Mis W O Milsap, R 2 Adairsville Ga
25c hun ;-Shasta
25 for 10cc; Dahlias yellow, red and
purple 5e ea or exe any-o fabove for few
settings Everlay strain. Br Leghorn eggs
Mrs WH Ross; Lake Park Ga Gladiator
canna veots $1.50 hun fob; Richard Wallace
Red and
Pink Dorothy Perkins rose cuttings 5c ea ;
Cultivated Golden rod plants well rooted - be ea;
add postage
Mrs Jessie Brown; Helena Ga 50 different
chrysanthemums all colors extra Jarge and
medium sizes 1 of ea $1.50; Monthly lilly
ublbs. 5Gc a; different cannas
ali pink varieties 1 of ea $1.25
Mrs R Q Milter, R 2 Acworth Ga Rooted
sage plants 15 and 25c; all colors rose
cuitings monthly 12 varieties 25c dz or exe
sage plants or rose euttings for military
fern, Lady Washington geranium or running
ivy geranium, seed butterbeans, tender corn-
field beans or tender bunch garden beans
Miss Gormey Hensley, R 2 Talking Rock Ga
Japonica well rooted 25 ea; velvet. roses dbl
roses 2 yr old 25 ea; snowballs 2.yr
old yell rooted 50e ea; lilac bu hes 25c; yel-
jow March flowers and white 45 dz; Baby
Rambler red pink 2 yr old 25;- shell pink
Tiger and Lemon
Ve dz; strawberry lilies: 20c ea; Fall,
lifferent colors .55- dz; pink honey-
20c. ea; English dogwood 25 ea
Miss Alice Perkle R 7 Gainesville Ga Red
Mums: l5c dz; Blue flag lily Yellow flag
aly jonquis 20 2 dz3~ lilacs 20e -ea;. Shasta
daisies 10e dz; Canna illies red and yellow
Seven sisters. rose. cuttings 5c ea;
RT Gainesville :
or evergreen oak. ~for
10 ea; raspberry .vines 5e ea;
pine 18e; dorwood Me; pink and vellw
4i0c dz; yellow iris lilly 10 dz: red
whit and yellow old
white daisies 10c dz; Min ferns 5 ea;
bear grass 5c buneh; add pestage
Mrs A M Philfips, Royston Ga Pink running
-well doorte 5ic <x ?3uyin
well rooted 15e; Large dbl red poppy
plants 20 dz del; johny-jump-ups 20 dz, 6
for $1. del; phlox all colors 30c dz; Hastings
all olors 50 dz; white
Hawthorn bushes 15c ea fob.
Mrs FL Glass, R A-Grittin Ga Pink. crepe
myrtle and Bride Wreath well rooted 25 ea
Miss Mary Hughey. R 1 Ranger Ga Bride
Wreath bushes large size 10c ea Flowering
almond pink 10 ea; Blue dbl lillies bushes
blooming 10c ea; yellow thornless monthly.
roses extra. Jarge 15c. ea; deep red and all
colors of pink rose bushes bleoms from Apr
to June; Rambler, Seven Sister rose bushes
all well rooted 15c ea; extra large dark blue



ra ser, fa Hisek


Mis HoG

quick shade

Se ea?

- iris and small blue iris 25e ea; orange color

hardy lilly 25 dz...
-. Mrs Ida Pruitt, R-t Cumming Ga Annual
_ phlox plants all colors now - ready for ship-
-pine. 40e hun plants del.

Mrs Rosa Snider, Agricola Ga
| Smilax $3--ea 2 for $5

Mrs C Booth, Kennesaw Ga theue eh
ine yellow canna roots or bulbs 25 dz fob; 1
pke Starks mixed-dahlia flowered dennia seed
free with each order

Mrs Sallie Watson, R 1 Pitts Ga cannas
Solid red, solid yellow 4 for 16c; old fashion
brown flag lillies 25 dz; purple verbena. well


rooted 5e ea; pink sand verbena well rooted
23 for

10;. mixed color phlox plants Tse dz;
yellow. Chesterfield. daisies and purple - daisies
20c dz: Blanket spread plants 15 dz; Mixed
colors Zennia seed fall blooming sariekntes
marigold seed t5 pke ,

Miss Ida Mae Watson, R 1 Pitts. Ga Pur-
ple verbena well rooted 5e ea; phlex plonts
mixed colors ide dz; mixed colors chrysan-
themums 20c dz Pink sand verbena well root-
for 10c; old fashion grass pinks and
sweet -May pinks; Yellow Chesterfield
Sido and purple daisies 20c da; ; well rooted
running Lady Gau rose bushes large red clus-
ie blooms Se ea; dbl red and yellow canna 4

: _for- 10c; old fashion brown flag lillies 25e dz

iy Byromville Ga Ever-
to 4 ft 25e

Fern 1 yr

Mrs S Johnson,

Mrs W M Vickers, Siloam Ga

old plants Fluffy. Ruffle, Ostrich. plume, Nor-

: petunia purple 7
Prailing silver vine for

: themums pink - and white Bbe

wood, Fashtail and Baby Breath 25c ea 5 for
$1; Dbl red and salmon pink geraniums
green and white foliage 2 palnts 35c; Dbl
white and pink 3 for 25c;

and white foliage frostproof 2 for 20;
Speckle Beauty Begonia 20c; Large chrysan-
az Nutmeg
geraniam 1c eS

Mrs. JN Anderson; Re.8 Jasper Gs Sage

_ planis, white, red. or yellow pinks and white

and pink everbearing rose cuttings, Mch_
flowers and daffodils, Concord Grape cuttings ;

exe for cottonseed or peanuts

for Boxwood plonts,

Wood Lawn Nursery, Greenville Ga Root-
ed white Cherokee roses;
plants and Eldorado blackberry plants; exe
old time bleeding heart
plants and white nest onions

J P Adams, Juniper Ga Red dogwood
rooted 25 ea; Mtn Laurel rooted 15e ea; old

- fashion American pink rooted rose 20 ea;
Tiger lily 40 dz; white lilly 40c dz; Wine
-- Vilies 50c dz; Large cream mums:25 dz; Gal-

_ varieties canna bulbs $1 dz
~ Humbertt,

jJardia 1l5e dz; phlox all colors 25e for 50

: add postage

Mrs V H DeBrabant, Midland Ga Leading
including King
red Firebird red Gigantic Rosea,
deep rose
Mrs J Winters,

R 1 Buford Ga Mixed

phlox plants and Cal poppy 15e dz; mixed

a apps pinks

20ce dz;
nolets Ade One

Star of Bethlehem
pinks Jone and

|} Dbl white canna bulbs 50e- S
color large type mums 50c- des several differ+

spoonful ;


time roses rooted=-


porch boxes greemr)

Lucretia Dewberry j.

Gainesville Ga
dz; 12 different

aces Delila. Precnian,: Ke

ent colors geranium cuttings 2 for I5: Xmas

and May cactus rooted 10cev ea: cutting de;
5 different color monthly rose cuttings i0
dz;. pirple or white sweet violets. Oc. -dz3
Justischia and -Favorite Beauty cuttings 5e
ea: Purple larkspur 10 dz: Hedge cuttings
50c hun; Trailing -honeysuckle 10 dz

Bok Pierce, 605 East Point, Ave. Hast
Point Ga Poppy Seed dbl pink and red ife
eollard seed heading variety 10c
speenful; Rooted Derothy Perkins roses -1@e:
white jessamine rooted 15 ea: purple lilac
well rooted lie ea; chrysdanthemums. different
colors 25 dz; thrift 80c dz: shasta daisies
0c dz; day. lillies lhe dz;Himalaya berry
well rooted. 40e dz; Dahlia bulbs $1 dz ;

Mrs J D Butler, West Point Ga Cherokee
roses nice-size $1 dz 8 .dz $2.75 del: ~Shasta
daisies, ground ivy, blue flowered, hardy pink
honeysuckle vines and scarlet Montbreezias
50c dz; Amaryllis, orange scarlet with cream
throat 40c ea sred spider lillies $1.50 dz;
Dahlias sunburst, War and white cactus $1!
for =3'; Cape jessamine cuttings 50 for 25
bulbs ready to set in gowls of water to es
Narcissus 75c dz

Mrs Julia Brown, Garfield) Ga Oak leaf
hydrangia white bloom well rooted 20; white
snowdrop, spirea -20; Dorothy Perkins rose
pink elimber 20c: Oleander. salmon pinic
bloom 20; Umbrella china trees 2 and 3 ft
high; Christfas or Jerusalem- cherry fine
plants, all 20e ea add postage

Mrs E Wimish, R 12 Commerce Ga Hast-
ing large chrysanthemums white, cream,
dark yellow, light yellow, lavender 60 dz. del

HH Hackle; Lake Park Ga Pink French
eannas.2 for.25e; yellow day lilly 4 for 25c;
Ponpons white and lavender 35 dz; white
chrysanthemums 25e dz; pink crepe myrtle
25e-ea or 6 for 2

Miss G Porter; Lake Park Ga Pink oxalis
20e dz: Pillow br fire cannas 60 dz; dbl
orange eanna 60c dz; dbl. ruffled. pink crepe.
myrtle 25e ea 6 for $1; eer trees 25, 50
and 75e ea

Mrs C Clayton, Roy Ga Purple eeu
dark and light 50c hun; Jonquil 75e hun;
Blue and yellow flags 40 dz: all del; white,.
erimson and pink rambler rose cuttings 20.
dz, fob ne

Mrs lL B. Richards, Buchanan Ga.
bushes well rooted 20 ea; peach rose bushes
well rooted 15 ea; rose bushes cream color
cuttings 15 ea

Miss Ellen Silver Talking Rock Ga. Named
Iris 40 dz: Orange lillies dbl yellow purple
verbena blue grass 25e dz: white and yellow
daisy chrysanthemums 25c dz: Perennial
phiex pink and purple 35e dz; Jonaffuil nar-
cissus purple foxgleve 25 dz; pink and white
althea lillies bushes Mtn Ivy ever blooming
summer lilac 20e ea; goldenbell, dogwood,
pink almon, spirea 20c ea; deep red crepe
myrtle bushes 25 ea; red japonica 25 ea
- Mrs H Hiller, Talking Rock Ga 100 varieties
iris; 150 varieties- dahlias gladioli blooming
size :



Dinah Eller, Talking Rock Ga Weep-
me Linden, Forsythia, white althea golden-
pel, purple lilac, pink almond 3 for 25e 6
different monthly rose cuttings 25c

Dora Elliott, R A Jesup Ga Geranium
cuttings 5e ea; Big leaf wandering jew 5c 2
euttings; Xmas cactus rooted 10c: tree cactus.
5e cutting; pink begonia 5c cutting; exe for
yellow Jantana, larg mixed chrys-
anthemums or hardy phiox plants; Crookneck
squash seed 2 tablespoons 5 or exe for rasp-
berry plants; Large leaf ealandium 10c bulb;
old fashion pinks: 15 dz or exe for aie
Apr blooming narcissus or hardy hollock
plants ec

Sarah Gridle, R 14 Dahlonces Ga Kver-
.kearing strawberry plants 20c hun: also 7
color omnthly rose cuttings 10 dz; Calamus,
peppermint plants, ground ivy, dbl tansy 25e
dz or exe any of ahove for white mieal or
flour bags, hone. raised tobacco

R Gridle R 1 Dahlonega Ga Foxglove, eek
williams, hollyhocks, galdenglow eolors fail
pinks, old fashion yellow_ roses, Trita mas.

dbt Mch flowers, snow on mountain, down hill

vine; winter verbena Aug lillies, bride wreath,
rambler roses, blooming peach trees, Nie
Year vine all well rooted 25 dz; add postage

Mrs O C Mitchell, R 1 Riverdale Ga Eng-
lish dogwood well rooted 25e @a del

Miss. R McCrary, R 2 Pinehurst Ga Well
rooted white oleander 25 ea del

Mrs C L. Waddell, Dauglasville Ga yr
old althea plants, purple, wkith white center,
also white with pink center 25 ea del :
- Mrs Grace Wiley, Auburn Ga Blue Ivis,
daffodils, neither iris. lillies nor daffodils but
resemble both in its large flowers and foilage,
bulbs 8 for 25; American Beauty also. White
Baby Rambler monthly rose bushes 3 yr old |
TSC ea: White lilly bulbs 8. for 25: blue
violets 3 dz 50; Cal poppy plants 3 for 25c;
Cal white FGiant fig bushes 25 ea: Damson
plum bushes 20 ea; Mogul plum pushes 20

Ruby Payne; Holcomb Ga Rose od Gees q
different kinds 5c ea; Iris, white and blue 10e
ea; Jonquil and dattodils 25e .dz! honey-
suckle 10 ea rooted; thornless rose 25
rooted; eannas bulbs 10c ea; Gladioli 10 ea;
goldenbel ibe ea; summer iilac 10 ea; cina-
mon vine rooted $1 dz; Phlox 60c dz; chrysan-
themums $t dz; dablias $1 dz; hollyhock seed
dbt 10 spoonful .

Mis sEunice Silver, R 4 Talking Rock Ga



Meh flowers 10c ea; Hollyhock 35 dz; Golden-

plow 15 ea; peach roses 15e dz; lilly bulbs
20: ea; blue bells 50 dz; Goldenrod 15e ea;

Big dbl red roses 15 ea: yellow canna bulbs

20 ea; Shasta daises white and bronze 10
ea, 25e dz; snowball 25 ea, fall pinks 10 ea
35 dz; snow om mountain 10c ea

Miss Ethel Barrett, R 2 Talking Roek Ga

Pink almond 25 ea; Ee Tris 1e ea 8 for


'woodvine roated 10;

pink flowers 5 pkg:

| der

oe eounale rooted De: fa; eutti :
-Thornless yellow rose 15 ea $1 dz: red velve
rose bush 3 for 25c; shasta | daisies Bhe dz;
honeysuckle bushes 20c ea; Bride Wreath 15
a; blue and Brown flag lilly bulbs 50e dz;
white red and yellow fall pinks 50 dz7
Mrs R Williams; Cummings Ga 6 colors
dbl geranium euttinugs 10c ea; rooted Lic ea;

Blue fiag $e ea; Pink and white oxalis bulbs |

de ea; Red Payeactus cuttinugs 5c ea;
Monkey-tail and Xmas cactus Se ea; Sword
fern strong. plants 10e ea; 8 color monthly
rose euttings Se ea; dbl pink running rose be
ea; Leopard begonia rooted plants 10@ ea;.
Bhie tame violets 5c dz; conksheil geranium
Sc ea; English peas 1$c cupfull ;

Mrs D E Haney, R 1 Acworth Ga Large
red and white mums 26 dz, 6 dz $1; Yellow
canna bulbs 25 dz; Peach rose bushes 10
ea, 3 for 25c; all well rooted; exe for ferns

Mrs W H Rucker, Milner Ga Large incurved
and Japanese chrysanthemums, all the most
neautiful colors and white 25 for $1; 12 dif-
ferent monthly rose euttings including white
and red American Beauty 25e dz: Giant King
Humbert and Pillow of fire cannas; Bronze
and green foliage 25 for $1; white iris Hillies
80c dz; Orange June dilies: 30 dz; Pree raw
lemon lillies 30 dz

Miss Oliver, A 2 Talking Rock Ga Deep
pu rple and. lavender iris, jonquils, white nar-
cissus, goldenglow purple verbena 25. dz;
Pink hardy hibiscus rooted 15 ea; Barbara
Thunderbergi 20c ea; Spirea Thunderbergi,
pink. and white althea 20c ea; goldenbell
english dogwood 15 ea; everblooming butter-
fly bush 25e: pink wiegelia cuttings 10ce Gar-.
den sage 20c bunch; Dusty miller lie: dz;
Houseleak fe ea; purple lilac 15

Mrs MF Colston, Kingston Ga R 1 White |
Tris Easter flag lillies 25e dz; white and yel-
lew jonquil 25c dz; white yellow red chry-
20e dz : :

Mrs J-D Barnes, R 3 Sylvester:
type chrysanthemums, white, Javender,
cream bronze, red; Pompons 25 dz :

Mrs S Carter, R 2 Alma Ga Easter and
orange Jillies 6. for s5; Milk and wine lillies
6 for 45; white and pink cotten plant eut-
tings 0c ea; yellow. mums 25 dz; weeping
jantana: 10e ea; umbrella. palm 19 a Red
white honeysuckle 10c
ea; varigated giadioli bulbs 25c dz; purple:
yellow and white pinks 20 dz; 50 yard and
box flowers exe for setting of pure bred eggs
S { Wyandotte Ri I Reds ~~

Mrs R E McGill, R1DawsonGaSeveralw.

Mrs R E McGill; R 1 Dawson Ga Sevaral
well rooted Dorothy Perkins. roses _ pink 15
ea del; Watermelon pink crepe myrtle rooted
15:ea; white spirea 25 ea; Hedge cuttings
50c hun all del

Miss Carrie Pierson, Culloden Ga 15: Paror
thy Perkins rose bushes reoted $1. for lot dei
Buttercup. bulbs 10 dz $1; Flag Hilies white
2G az

i, Woody, Nashville Ga Dark red and
bronz chrysanthemums large type 25c: dz;
Blanket flower: seed 10e pkg; Vine peach
for preserves l0c; large pkg;

Ga. Heese

Mrs H D Hicks, Adel Ga Sweet. eomeesackie
Purple dis: Sweetshrub; purple lilac lic ea |
2 for 25; Cannas 4 colors, ribbon grass,
Leopard grass 10c ea 3 for 25

Mrs Mary Collins, Cordele Ga Banana
plants .Derothy Perkins rose bushes, Petunia.
plants; exc. for suowball, hibi us, peonies
Jeponica red, lilae, fancy leaf caladium,-fiuffy
rutfle,: ruffle, ostrich ~ peES maiden .
and spengeria ferns cj

Mrs H -L. Elliston, Gosart Ga -Pink ha
white stripe amaryllis lilly bulbs blooming
size 50c ea; yellow canna bulbs 40 dz; yel-.

low cluster jonquils 20c dz $1.50 hun; Yel- }

low dbl butter and ege 20c dz $1.50 hun; 2
yr old pink spring: blooming rose Beecciies 1d5
ea; 2 for 25, 12 for: $1

Lillie Watts, Calhoun Ga White chrysan-|
themums 25 dz; sweetshrubs well rooted 10
ea 8 for 25; exe an. yof above for fluffy
ruffle fern, toger lillies, spider lillies, milk and
wine lillies, lilac, crepe myrtle peonies: red
or pink well rooted

Mrs. 35 W= Fordham, R- eae hae Ga.

Cape jessamine We ea 3, for 25c; Frostproof |

phlox colors 10 dz, 3 dz 25c:
violet 25c hun;

Sweet bine)
6 kinds everblooming roses

1c cuttings; old time cedar or gvarden. pinks

5 cutting 3 for 10; Rose Mary 5c to 25
bunch white hydrangia_ Sc. cutting 8 for 10c;

/mixed mums 25c dz; Heartease pansies 3 for

10c; old time seedling peach. trees, goose plum
sprots 15c ea

Lillie Averett; R 8 Becak inte Ge Laven-
and red crepe myrtle 1c ca; snowdrop
weil: rooted 20 ea

Mrs J Grimley, R 1 Juniper Ga Oid fash-

ion double white grass pinks -50c dz; old. fash- |

ion single pink 40. dz; erd canna balbs Se ea;
yellow with red speckle. fannas bulges 5 ea;
Yellow chrysanthemums Wllte kind. 25e dz;
little cluster. ehrysanthemums brown with yel-
low center 25 dz

Mrs Siddie Southerland, R 2 Talking Rock
Ga Daffodils, jonquils - and narcussus 15e dz:
lillies 10 -dz; orange Willies, lemon lillies {5c
dz? Speckle and purple arch lic dz: violets
Palce blue and dark blue fall pinks 15e da,
well rooted; add postage

Miss Ola Southerland, R 2 Talking Rock
Ga Marigold buds 10 ea; jonquils lc daffo-
dil We; lilly. bushes 10c; Speckle arch 1903
strawberry vines 10; english dogweod 10c;
| pale violets 10 ea; add postage

Mrs HG Fraser, R 7 Gainesville Ga Pink
and yellow chrysanthemums 20 dz; yellow
iris lillies mbulbs 102 dz; red and white old
time roses rooted Be &a; red flowering pear
sprout 5c; flowering almond 2 for. 5c: Mtn
Fern :2 for. 93; blue lilac be; cht daffodils
bulbs iSe dz

Mrs G Sampson Thomasville da: Camphor |
trecs 25 and . 50e ea; Poinsetta cuttings 2

pink coral vine 2 for 25c;

vine 25 ea; purple | gloria 12

geranium rooted,

} all del

y Pee tree: seed }

rose 15c; pink oxailis 10c; dbl pink


roses We dz;

emums broy
ttlecluster yellow. chrysa
red cannas bulbs

center 25e. dys
themums 25e dz;

yellow. with red speckle canna bulbs 50c. ea
Mrs E J Williams, Ty Ty Ga 2 yr old o1

or pink vines 25e ea; Pink thrift:
plants : :
Mrs J B Saye, Newborn Ga Dbl velio
and white chtysanthemums 50c dz exc for d
dahila bulbs or plants, plant for plant:
shasta daisies or re
- Miss Lilla Pierce, Riek: Stockton oo
giladioli bulbs 50c dz or exe for any ik
ferns and begonia cuttings; Yellow
bulbs 50c dz o rexe for pink verbent
repted :
Mrs W Wo Mendenhall, Chawsiies Ga Dahe
lia bulbs any quantity 12 for $3, 100 ea
or $160 M
Mrs S W Sloan. Atecen Ga .Mallows Dp

red, cream and white 3 for 25c Burpees [I
iris mixed colors $1 dz: Burpees Imp tiger

lilies 40e;
wine lillies

leopard lillies 3 for 26e 3 m7

30c; Madonna lilly 40e : dbl
carnations 25c; dbl cream and white holl
hock large plants $1 dz; seed 10 pkg; Asp:
dillion palm 50; running blue perriwinkle 1
pad salva plants 35c. dz; Shasta see

; Justischia rooted 20

vee L Tuck, R 2 Talking: Rock Ga
flowering almond 8 for 25c; Pink rose bush
10e; lilly bush 2 for 15; purple iris. 1 ay
weeking mary lde

Grace Smith, R B Hilltonia Ga
themums large yellow, white, p
and medium yellow and white with yellow
center 20 dz 3 dz 50 ; -Frostproof -ph
plants 10 dz; Rosemary rooted 10c: 6 kinds
geraniums 5e cutting; pink oxalis and love
tangle rooted 5; Wax plants pink con
begonia, Thanksgiving and Valentine cae
cutting 5e Beefsteak~ begonia Aeies 10

bronze ;

Miss Lee Wilkins, MeDonoush ee 3 Chre
santhemums 48 different kinds large type an
ineurved 10c ea 90e dz; Hastine~
mixed zennia seed larve ie phe es
Mrs Pearl Aderhold, Lavonia Ga 1 Xmas
cactus >i Lace Fern; 1. Spengeria fern:
Sword fern; 1 Zmbrella palm ; red and grey
wondering jew all good size plants $1 for lot
Mrs J L Frix, R 2 Talkine Ga Purple iris
25 dz; Pink almond well rooted 10c: ea Mt
fern 10c ea; Borom corn seed ie
strawberry 15c hun; add postage =
Mrs A S Paulk, Ocilla Ga Wel
several inehes in length Dorothy

troses Pink Rambler and red or pink Trump

running vine 10 and 15e 4 for 35; del Lo
handle dipper gourd seed - be teaspoon
white running willow butterbean seed be half
pint; 3 varieties fine watermelon see
tablespoons 10 del; Large variety muskmelo
see large: tablespoon 106 del. Morning: -gilor

and four o'clock seed

Mrs Delia Fife, Armuchee Ga 2 ae oe
old monthly. roses 25c ea; one small
f tui
45, 20. and 26 12 colors rose cuttings
larkspur, phiox and pansy plants 15 d

| white.and pink dianthus pinks 10c ea; fae
large banch 25; yellow hardy snapdragon 1

dz; June lillies 400 dz; tiger lilly 3 for 20e
large lace fern. 49c: large spengeris. fetn 40
pink conk begonia 1e :

Mrs B A Sullivan, R > Matictts Ga Fin
large chrysanthemums, several. eolors 15e dz

purple lilac sprouts. large goose plum sprout

be ea;
Miss Velma Teel, R 2 Webabn Ga_ Whi
nareissus bulbs 20 dz

Mrs Fannie Abercrombie, Loving Ga Arbor
Vitae small and large 40 and 50c 6a; snows
drops 25 dz: jonguils 35e dz: snow on mo 1
tain 30 dz; Yar white blossom 35 dz: Hue
leberry bushes 10e ea; Mtn Ivy and Mtn qa
rel 30c ea; winter terns 40 -dz;~ thornle
roses 20 ea; Willie roses 25 ea: sweet wi
liams 85 dz; wild Cherokee: roses $1 dz ; add

Mrs- Allie Millholland, Loving Ga Whit
roses 6 for $1; Willie roses 6 for >75c: Arbo
Vitae & for $2. 50: Spar grass 50 dz: Thorr
less rose 20 ea; Velvet roses 30ce> 685 jor
quils 45 dz
Mrs O L Bush, Doerun Ga Large bulbs
Amarvyilis 30c ea $1.50. for 6 or. $23" dz; p
paid; Shasta Daisies plants So Cee
Mrs A A Cary, R 1 Royston Ga _Englis
dogwood, purple jilac, pink erepe myrtle,
board oak, snowball, Japan quinge, cape jes-

snowdrop 1e dz; Fleur-te- lis

Samine, baby snowball 15c ea; Red cream old

rose bronze yellow, pink canna bulbs 10e ea
Red Flac lillies, purple violets bie dz; Ho
suckle running jessamine, exergrecn 10c-pink
white spoder lity bulbs Me +ea
old fashion "May Tilly -bulbs extra large 46
6a: purple verbena 25 az

F Bohannon, R 4 Newnan Ga Fine* chr,
santhemums from old stalks strong and vigor
ous best varieties 5c. ea or BKC.

Mrs RT Parker, Climax Ga Larg re size
chrysanthemums red and lavender 25 dz or
exe for yellow and white chrysanthemums
rooted, rose bushes or red Japonica rooted

Mrs Annie L Barker, Abbeville Ga Pink

and blue hydrangia 25 ea; White Lady Ban

sia rose 2 to 20 in a cluster 15; white bune
rose Pearl. Van- Gooseberry | 203 one. Pat
Neyron rose largest pink known 20 5. W
narcissus ; exe any -of above for snow
ee or pink: Wyeelias, Bleeding heart, Abe
la, Well rooted.
ee Martha Beeland, R 1 Reynolds Ga
arist plants pink 256. dz; Chrysanthemum
plants all coolrs. darge kind 5c dz or 3 dz for
SL; Oct lilies 25 d Lemon_ lillies, B5e
tite: Abe daz


eae Department






= wine

~Pilies sel and dbi

toked rose. cuttings

White daffodils 1@c dz;. mixed phlox: plants
all colors 10 dz feb ;
y Mis J EW Waird,, R 1 Hosehton Ga atee
ehrysanthemums Sees red, pink yellow) and
daisy hrysanthomums 26 dz; Eby aitferent
colors fall winks lke dz
Mes C Douglas; R 1 Alma Ga Red, yellow:

ao Mos HT: Otting, R .4-Rome Gas Blue iris

ohllies 88e.0z .4--dz2$h or $2 hun,
dae 996,5- lemon, Hiies * BOG. iin pe milk- and
awine lilies: 25 ea; largce~ bulbs: chrysanthe-
juras many colors: 25c 2:25 dz $1: ahike
Monster. Zennia 1d spogpds Rageed- Robin
seed lic spoon ful; S Vis Lie e@

white iris

Piss Ruth W Mesa Ga Box-
woed $2 day yell: -d Be @&; run-
ming. roses-red are purote - rooted
, be 625 Feather few = monthly roses,

ieutiines); Bie & okra seed 10c

f teacup: Ga collars = AG tablespoon :
tu eam color monthly by eee ings 3 foe 5e
Lox pod cuttings 25e dz a

= ifiss Aima Westbrook, R. 1 Gaimesviile Ga
Apr bloomime wiite jonquils ise for 2 dz:
winter Liocming yellow jessamine 5 ea: thor-
_ fess yeloiw rose t 645 purple lilac 5ce ea; vel-
.. dew lilhes 2 dz 1%c; no order filled: for. less
than 25c3 add postase
Blanehe Carrington, Talbotton Ga. ~ Sweet
Mignonette and Alyssium <seed; exe for Cal
poppy and browneye susie sced

Mrs iH Cold,
fle, english do
alsa cream
Riss W 1


Hastanollee Ga Crepe myr-
wood and flowering. pear. 10
end white iris 50 /a
e es ER 6 Rome Ga Japanese
4 plants: 5e
Liyrthe Bat dwin, R<4 Rockmart Ga

20e dz; Red velvet and pink
iGe dz; purdle Hlae ide ea;
chrysanth mums essorvel Colors 30s dz: Che-
L6G dz fob:
Chastain, R-5 Calhoun
Bachelor plants all co! ors teady for
planting. 2he>dz :

Biss Bennell Browning, R 1 Buchanan Ga

Miss. Bessie Ga


and varigated canna and eladioli 40 dz; or


ome RMys HEF White;-R 1 Gainesville Ga

exc for

fruit, popcorn, sunflower seed;
Spider Hilics 10 ca or. 60e dz
Biss Fdel Rahn; 2 Guyton, Ga Shasta
Daisies 25-dz; any quantity ; Pink verbena
2 for 10; Pink Sword castus 15 ea; Xmas


es sand Jan cactus rooted 10e ea; all postage

Miss Viola Cash, Flowery Branch Ga Zen-
nia seed all colors mixed 1@e cupfull; purple
Hlac well rooted 25 ea; large leaf garden
sare 2 ec0d roots: 25; all del

Mrs T.W.Smith, Breen Ga. Yellow jon-
qaiks 20e dx: Apr blooming narcissus Ide dz;
Crabapple sprouts ea; Yellow. thornless
resis 26c cz; Old time blue bush lilly 15eea;
Pink Dorothy Perkins rose 2 for 15e; Blue
Wielets now in. bloom 10 dz:. pink crepe
myrtie Ife ea; dogwood, honeysuckle large
bushese lic ea; or $1. du: Burnt orange ean-
mas 25 dz; Prickley pear well rooted ic ea

birs D Ii: Voehe, Valdosta Ga Cream colr
chiysanthemums 25 dz; Hardy red carnation
ive ea; rex four oclock seed 10c spoonful

Miss . Lois Bchois; Philomath: Ga Yellow
buttercups, jonquils, butter and ees and bie
tyacinth bulbs 25e dz, 5 dz $1; white bride
wreath and pink flowering almond plants free
with each $1 order

Mrs Steed, Palmetto Ga Collection large

chrysanthemutms several varieties~ each. of
pink, red, yellow, bronze and White ail mam+
woth size plants SCe-dz J
{/ 32 EH Mitehell Jr, Grifim Ca
\spur plants 3ce hun. dl.or exe
Bermuda onion pianis - es

Mrs M Robinson, Greenuville Ga Dwarf
-boxxvood planis with good roois 260 for $15
Ge}; Purple crepe myrtle rooted 5 for
ot del; a odz Luerecia well
reeted 509 del :

Llenche Woodruff, R. 3
white lilae 85 ea; Purple lilac, pink and
white spirea and dark red everblooming
weigelia 30e ea; Watermelon pink crepe myr-
tie 26e ea; euttines Ste hun; Lemon. lilly 30e




25C OA,
Dewberry / plants

Greenville Ga Dbl

da; Montbretia bulbs 59 dz:;. weeping willow
257 white cape jessamine 85e ea
_ Mrs J B Collier, Cochran Ga
mums le ea assorted colors. of red, yellow,
white ficsh, rose, cream, etc., add postage;
exe for peraniums, ferns, betronias or zen-
nia sed, petunis, cosmos ete


and. white hydrangia well rooted small bunch
Me, Jarge bunch 25; 7 different kinds gera-
nium cuttings, for 1e; 4 different kinds ferns

de bunch: Aug Hilly 10; 4 different kinds
jantana euttings 10e ea; 12 different colors
monthly rose cuttings 25 dz; add postage

-Achimene Buibs 20

Large Frumpet Flag $1 dz;

- Maidcnhair fern well robted 25 ea or 5

e@p bulbs G5e hun:
xose bush cuttings 2. for 15; Green wander-

| smMailer size

Biss Leila Sorrelis, R 4 Monroe Ga Purpl
dz, 3. dz 50e ; Leopard
large size chrysanthemums
lavendar and bronze 15 for 25e;
white, red, yellow, pink and white
3 center 2 for 25c.
Mrs-R ly Weaver, Diationd Ga
Sweet plum bushes 15 ) ea$l.50 dz Crabapple
tress ibe ea $1.50 dz; Mtn huckleberry '50c
az; Mammoth; long running | dewberry. well
Footed lhe ea 8 for $1; Mtn Laurel 25 ea;
May Flower bulbs
o8e du; Garden tansy 30c dx; catnip. 30 dz;
Masle and dogwood sprouts 15; ea $1.25 dz;
Lady Fern weil rooted l5 et or $d, for. 8
5 for-$1
Miss Addie B Streetman; Ro 2 Columbus Ga
-Laree white and yllow mums best varieties
862 dz; meditim size muns 30c dz; yeliow, pink
ereamm and white mixed: Jonquils and batter-
red and pink Seven Sister!

hegonia )26 ea;
reliow, red,

with yellow

ing jew 25c dz cuttings

Miss Lola Hefner, KR 4 Talking Rock Ga
Purpls snapdragon rooted 5c dz: Evergreen

iy pink rooted
thags 20e. ea;

40; ea pink Weigelia cut-
purple verbena rooted 40ce dz;
white daisies with yellow center 40 dz; pur-
75e dz;
for 35; brite wreath 4 2 for

ple iris bulbs 75e dz; orange Hillies
-peachtree roses
Bde 5 Bie! Postage


-gladiol, Pendleton, Peace,

jvire seed

Large red

j white striped 20c

ne Se

Mrs ce RG. Peeirihe Gas ret verbena
clumps | 6 strong bunches 25e} dbl pink fower-
ing almond ;pink erepesmyrtle 1c. ea 4 for
58c 5 Hermeroeallia or Jemda Hilly white, pur-
ple itis 3 dz; large -eream: white chrysan-
themums, 2'so medium Size pink, straw color
and white all eolors,. hardy pompon variety
$1 for 5 dz: Pink moss roses 15e eo; l.yr old
pink. Dorothy Perkins tose-1@ ea $1. dz;

Hardy star verbena with hen like foilage 6
bunches 25 a

rs Ruth ens Morganton Ga White Jon-
quil bulks nee. eee Crabapple sprout 10 ea:
Garlic bulbs -25e da < white Pie; 10\ea;
spruce Bing. ie en 5 Palma wiofets 20ce dz;
Giue flag 50 hun, Blackhawk fern 10 ea;
Laurels 20 } Mtn Ivy..}8 23:Dusty. Miller
abe. dz> Waxen evergreen. 20c dei add post-


Mrs R' MM Sheppard, Re 3 Stone Ga
Purple lac ihushes 3. for 12 :

Mrs M Henry, Mineral Gioff. Ga. White
and yellow jonquils<S50c hun; Crabapple
sprouts l5 ea; white pine 20 eq ;~ laurels
20e-ea or $1 for 8; spruce pine 20c. ea;

Palma violeis 26e dz; Waxen evergreen 25 dz
Zariic buibs2be dz; Rhubarb 40ce. dz

Mrs L GQ. Neble, Trenion Ga ~< Narcissus
bulbs 25c da; Purple flag and Day lilly 20c dz;

exc for dahlia. bulbs, lilac bushes or crepe
myrtle : s
Mrs TF EE Sikes, Vidalia Ga Smaryliis lilly

buibs 20 eas vahlia bulbs yellow and pink
ide ea; Tigerlilly bunch; .canna bulbs white
and pink 10c ea; verbena, red and pink rooted
Be ea 3? Larkspur plants -20e -dz sweetsharub
well rooted oe ea; pansy plants 10e dz; add
postage 7 Ie

Mis Mary B Taylor,R 3 Gordon Ga Nice
rooted cape jessSamine 25c ea; 5<for $i; 4
different kinds eannas 3 for 25; orange smail-
seariet King Humabert and large red all colors
same price Dusty Miller and purple sweet
violets 10: ae ea; nice rooted ecrpee myrile

15e ea; all weel rooted plants
Mrs WW faylor, R 3 Gordon Ga Large
red and, white chrysanthemums; Dusty

Miller 1G6c dx Pinkflerpe myrtie 16c; axasis

bulges 10c; anifa assorted 25 dz; silver
maple shade trees les,
Mrs LG Sanders, Re Dewy Rose Ga

Shasta daisies 0c. for 4 dz; white cream,
lavender, red, pink and yellow; May
Thanksgiving Alligator) tongue and Star cae-
tus. 3 cuttings 25; Apr blooming mnarcissus
15e dz! Blue Roma phyacinths 20 dz; eddy.
dr. Boston and Whitman ferns 15 ea; doi
red, white, pink; carmine and rose bud gera-
niums. 15 cutting ; sgl red 10c cutting; add, AC
postage on orders less than 50c.

Mrs FC Beverly, Oeniocnmee Gt Large dbl
varied pink vz rd white poppy plants 18c dz;
Yeliow canna Jbiubs 2Qe az; Yellow Mareat-
neal rose virie 20c ; Big purple fig sprouts 3
for 15; cuttings 6 for ASe ; small sugar pur-

ple fig sprouts 3 for. 15, euttings6 for 15
Big white fis cutting,.6: for 1le; dbl. pink

oleander cuttings 6 tor 16; 1ed, bronze cnry-
sontnemums plants 20 dz; Balloo nand Moon-
vine seed ite dz

Miss Edna - Fale eee sville Ga_= Black-

hawk = chr ysanthemums,. dark > red Hastings

25 for 18... ek pe
Miss Lilie Maud, R A Lyons Ga Fishtail

fern weil rooted 10c ever 50 kinds flowers,

sweet peas,> fhiox, asters etc plants te a;
also lady ,fimger pepper plants Ic..ea; exe
any of these for red; white and pink sgl or
dbi rose geraniums, wandering jew or baby
breath fern or narcissu bulbs

Miss Pearl. Wright, Griffin Ga Choice
Mrs. King, Haliey,
America, mixtures 5Uce dz; smal
bulbs 20c -dz: Dahlias, atsofted colors 6 for
$i; Jerusalem cherry seed, \Galliardia seed,
choice snapdragon seed-ech 6e pkg; Tansy Ll
lics 20 dz3:43al violets fhe desvexc for white

5s J Albrieht* 912 Fourth Ave Columbus Ga
Giant dbi pink and red poppy see with fringe
petas zoe Peg Coral of Queen Wreath pink
25e pkg; 3-eslors marigold sced Ne
pke; 1 dz Dorothy Perkins rose bushes with
good roots 6 for $1 or 25 ea; Chinese
sponge vine i6c; eee ee

Mrs J A Upshaw; RetCarroliton Ga Pur-
ple lilae bushes. 3 for, 12

Mrs R M Sheppards R 3 Stone Mtn Ga
Deep Pink. Amaryllis bulbs with green stripe
25; white babydoll rose rooted 25e9-Blue Del-


phinium perennial 25dz; large mums white |

cream, lavender, bronze, \ yellow,-red, white
and red daisy 30c ds} pink, blue and red
Rambler rose .euttings bush roses pink, red
and white Zce dz; large yellow and yellow and
red spotted cannas 6 for 30c or exe for white
jamaryllis dbl. day lilly. dbl toger lilly

Mrs T W Cline; R@Rydai Ga Everlook-
ing yellow. ape jessamine frem bush now
blooming 30 ea or $8 ea.or $3 dz! Blue flag

Kllies 4 dz :$1.20 or $2.50 hun; $18 M; little
white fall pinks 4 dz $1.15. Dark red pinks
$1.20. for. -4-.d%; evergreen cuttings 70 d2z>

white monthly: rose cuttings 60c dz: all del

Mrs R J.Eliington; R 1 Fairburn Ga}
Svengeria ferns from seed 15; Mammoth
chrysanthemums lavender, white, yellow,

Japanese all petals ineurved Blackhawk dark
red very dbl, smaller varieties all dbl exeept
daisies button varietis in lavender, yellow,
pink and ream, rice chrysanthemums 35ce dz
del, Mch Apr afd May del

Mrs A R-Olack,.Auburn Ga Umbrella china
tree sced 200 for 25; Rasged Robin plants
8 dz 25c: Hardy pansies plants 4 dz 25c;
Cal poppy planis 3 dz 25; Featherball poppy
seed all colors mixed 8. tablespoons 25; old
fashion hollyhock seed mixed colors same price
or 10c spoonfull; Big. Feathery cream enry-
santhemums 25c oe Jew green and

Miss Maude Wright, R 1 Lawrenceville
Ga Auge lilly bulbs 7e ea; butter end exe
bulbs ibe dz; Blue hydrangia cuttings 5c ea;
1 blooming size pink hydrangia $1; Cape
jessamine euttings 5e'ea; pink and cream rose
cuttings 5e ea 5 golden rod bush 15 blue violets
1c dz; red, yellow and variegated dahila
bulbs 5 ea; ey a entonts Te ea

" : 3
ip J Ww Roper, R 7~Gainesville Ga Whi ites
2 kinds red, 2 kinds pink seraniums cuttings
beens Pink hydrangia cuttings 5e ea rooted
and 20e ea: Leopard

15e ea Swordsfern 15
begonia 20 ea; Monthly rose red dbl sprovis
iGc ea or 3 for 25c; Summer Tilly yellow 1C
ea--or 3 for -20;5 Barly May strawberry
plants 25c hun; add postage

Miss | Cora Moore R I* Suwanee Ga Fine
abi dahlia, searlet, white, lovender 25e ea; dbl
peak tuberose .7- 1-2 ea; prize winning \dbl
eannas yeliow and _searlet 20e ea; fine dbl
chrysanthemums white, yellow varigated 30
dz; Justischia pink 20 ea; Geranium cuttine
pink, orange red with whit strips 6c e3;
Thanksgiving eactus well rocted 15e ea; Apr
looming narcissus white -10e dz; monthty
rose cuttines fine yello wpink 20 dz
. Mrs Belle eSars, R 5 Richland Ga
phiox plants {0c dz: larks
yellow narcissus bulbs 15e dz; May and June:
cactus cuttings 5c not rooted or 10e rooted

Mrs: W A Gibson, R 38 Franklin Ga Old
fashion sage bushes 10e ea; chrysanthemums
fine variety all colors 25e dz; Tuberose buibs
10c ea 2 y rsize

Miss EK Yearger, R'2 Clem.Ga Chrysanthe-
mums mixed colors white ,cream yellow, red,
bronze, pink. scld only in. colle eetions of colors
Hasting.and Japanese variety 25 daz; Snap-.
dragon seed 5 pke; Hasting sweet vitae
seed 5e pkg

Mrs W -.H. Gaylor,

All ealor
plants 10c dz%


R 4 Talking, Rock Ga
Snowball well rooted 25 ea; Bride Wreath
25e ea; Peach blow 20 ea: Dbl yellow Ja-
ponica well rooted 25c ea; Goldenbell 20c ea;
Sunburst lilly 45c ea

Mrs L Kay, R 4 Talking. Roek Ga
drop bulkS and daffodil bulbs,
20e da; orange lilly 30c du; dbl yellow Japon-
ica well rooted 25c ea or 6 for $1 Amaryliis
bulbs 2 for 25c. Holly bush 5c ea; Dorothy
Perkins rose 20 ea; old velvet roses 20 ea

Mrs F O Hutchins, R 3 Winder Ga La
flowering salmon pink cana lillies 2 for 25c:
add postage :

Miss Alice Collett, Ball Ground Ga Red
white and pink monthly rose cuttings 6 for
15e dbl yellow narcissus, yellow jonquil, white
daffodil I5 dz; yellow lilies bulbs 3 for 10c:
ferns grows out on blufl, top green all win-
ter, large bunch 20c: Crepe pink myrtle
rooted 10; purple lilac rooted 10c ea; exe
any of above for begonia reoted any kind
except conk or pansy geranium rooted, white
and pink ivy leaf geranium rooted

Mrs J I Hewell, R 1 Dewy Rose Ga Large
hize spengerio fern; exc for white cann
lilies or pink and white dahlias :


E J Stocks, Leesburg Ga Pure bred or high
grade young Hereford. bull

W J, Lewis, Kingsland Ga Several Red
Polled heifers 4 to 18 mo old pure bred good,
type; exe Smith standard breeding crate,
Riding cultivator with disc and shovel at-
tachment, Chattanooga. dise turn plow stalk
cutter, several spring tooth harrows, 10. disc
cutaway harrow fer same

& Williams, R-1 Athens Ga Cow to keep
t or more; young heavy milker fresh in and

houseleak all


within 20 mi Athens

W H. Townson, Talona Ga Pure bred yellow
Jersey cow not over 5 yr eid 31-2 to 4 gal
per day

Mrs, I WBailey, R 3
good cows on halves

F Smith, Rt Avlington Ga Essex pigs) rez
GL Green, R 3 Jasper Ga-6 or 8 thrifty
pure bred Big Bone P pigs not over 4 mo

Pallapoosa: Ga 6 or 8


D L McWhorter, Summerville Ga Bred sow
or gilt any breed not reg, not cver 200 Ibs

H Tewnson, Talona Ga Pigs, P C. pre-

ferred, pure bred 6 to 12 wks old and chap
for cash

iL L Wallace, 401. Highland Ave Atlanta Ga
4 ot 5 small pies good breed exe B Rock hens
or small Jersey heifers for same_

G PP Nann, Crawfordville Ga 2 sioats, C

50 Ibs er more; exc for same
wr Bushin, R 1 Fayetville Ga Pair pure

bred little
an d
GT Wilbanks, R 11 Commerce Ge Pigs or
shoats; exc Laredo beans: for same

E Greer, R/ 2 Taylors Ga Pigs and sient

Bone guinea shoats 50 - 73s Ibs

et Purvis. R 7 Vienna Gs 2 pigs 30 to :

50 Ibs ea good condition and cheap

I. C Rhodes, Oakwood Ga pigs 6 to 8 wks
old pure bred P C, Berkshire or O I C; also
geod shoats

W H Pheagins, R 2 Tallapoosa Ga Pair good
pigs; cash or exc home made baskets for
same ; : e

B H McKinnon, R 1 Edison. Ga Pair pure
bred guinea shoats, boar and gilt not, under
50 Ibs ea; exe pure bred S C W Leghorn
chicks day old or 3 to 4 wks old fot same

OC Chitwood, R 4 Canon Ga Good pig or
hooks exe for same


'F F Keown, R 1 Villanow Ga Good blood.
geod quality grade mare about 1200) Ibs and
12 yr old, cheap within 25 miles Villanow Ga

C Allen, R 2 Jefferson Ga Pair lambs,
reasonable :
P Brooks, R 1-Folkston Ga 1 pure bred
Apgora billy goat 1 yr old or younger ; state
age, and price .

Mrs U H Brewton, Statesboro Ga Wheat
1 ba or mere ; fey :
O Easley, R 8 Ellijay Ga a
price del Ella Gap/Ga
W C Wooten, Buna, Vista Ga 4 ton bright


| peavine hay

E Greer, R 2 Taylors Ga Corn for milling
| purposes ; prefer ares Cory


= Weems Fuller Co.Inc, Macon :-Ga_ Slip
shuck corn car lots; shelled corn in sacks car

POR: Stanley, Did saligas Ga Ear corn in
Ba) Citicuesd: R 6 Hineolaton Ga Fay carn

eat lots quot best price de}

J Ry Baxter, -R-2 Carroliton Ga 10 bu corn

Wrens Milling Co; Wrens Ga White corn

in shuck or

shelled ; quote. brice de W



Mrs J A. Howell, Re 1 Meigs.Ga 10 Tbs
bright sundried apples and peaches; exe pure
bred fawn. and- white Indian Runner ducks

eggs or Br Leghorn hen eggs for same

J H Clark: 966 Highland Ave Atlanta Arti-
chokes; @ountry red hot pepper

J H:Smith; R38 Chipley Ga Dried
and. apples, peaches preferred exe pride
Ga melon seed for same at $1 Ib

W Rehn, Pine St New. York,
Desheens, West Indian Yams Cassava




6 le Cleaviand, RS

College No 1 cottonseed;
spray. for same or pay
hun $3 Ibs

HG Pheapins R 2 Flowery
Watermellon secd: pay cash 23 feed
hamper. baskets for same; .also. 3 or .4
old fashion cornfield <bean; also. little
bush Lima beans: cheap

L P Farmer, Stapleton Ga Few pus sound
elean field peas. for planting

Mrs .R> Donaldson, R 2 Summit Ga 1 pk
gocd seed rice; 1 pk nest, onions exc R 1 Red

Chipley Ga 1000


over $3

eash at,
Ga Stn

and ~ Tompkins. strain eggs for
HN Watts, Felt on Ga 1 gal early bunch

stringless beans ;

Mrs*R HH Guthrie, R 4 Monroe Ga Jack
Bean vine seed and -bunch garden bean seeds
pay eash or exe colored bunch, butterbean seed

for same; also & 1-2 lbs cornfield or Ky Won-
der bean seed free of weevils; exe 15 S$ C

Bl Maincrea egzs for same.

pt of*little white nest onions, cheap
G N-Mcheod, R A Hazlehurst Ga Hender:
son Lima -bean seed

_W L. Edwards, R 3 Ellijay Ga 300 ibs N C

Runner peanuts.forseed; send sample and
price \ \
W lL Gillespie, R 3 Greenville Ga 1 pk

ead Crowder or White table peas; exe 1 set-
i tine S CR) Lerhorn eggs for same
Mrs J H Grantham, Pinev iew

Ga Dallas
Carvet Grass and Lespedaza

velvet bean seed ;

nuts; send prices

D Joseph Co. Columbus Ga Velvet beans
for seed - \

MM. Crow, Ra Flowery Branch Ga. Col

lard seed heading variety at 20c Ib *

Mrs Minnie Eliade Social Cirele Ga
Old time muskmellon seed

Coleman & Chandled, Tifton Ga Henderson
Busn iuima beans at 1l5e,1b

titv and price

Mrs Ruby Kesler, Nicholson Ga Good tender
cornfield bean seed; also Ky Wondetpole bean
seed; exc Owen strain R I Bed eggs for
same /

BD Brown, R 4: Cumming Ga 1 pk Otoo-
ten beans; also 1 pk to 1-2 bus Mung beans

W W Joyner, Star Rt Knoxville Ga 2 bus
pure Porto Riean yine grown potatoes; 2 bus
white spanish peanuts; exc W heghern eees
for same at $1.25 for 15, Ferris. and Kerlin
strains ~ |

.S Watson, Lavonia Ga 1000 Pumpkin
Yam potato plants del last of Apr

J W Mosley, R 2 Soperton Ga 2500 pink
skin Perto Rican potate plants also 500 yel-
lew spanish or Boone potato plants Apr del
pay cash or exe field peas at $5 bu for same

Mrs Annie Mae Brock, Davisboro Ga To-
mato plants, also 1000 or more Pimento
pepper plants :

NiCx Cross, RS Atlanta Ga 50 M Crystal
Wax Berrnuda onion plants

umph sweet potato plants

S R Worley, R 12 Commerce Ga. 1000 or
more Crystal
Mrs G Germany, R A Savannah Ga 3 or 4
Japanese Persimmon. trees different varieties,
prefer 2 that should fruit in 1926; State va-

posum, Ligestrum, Opoponax, Oleander, Cen-
tury plants for same
J M Nix, Fl Flowery Branch Ga 100 M
Porto Rican plants Apr 15th del at $1 M
Mrs R W Dean, R B Brainbridge Ga Nigger
killer potato plants or seed; pay cash or exe
B Rock eggs for setting for same

W EE Neisler, Butler Ga 5000 Big Stem
Persey sweet potato plants Gov. imspected,
Apr del 4

R E Kimsey, R/3 Farmington Ga 1000 to
1800 old time yellow skin Spanish (Boone
Spanish) potato plants May ist to 15th del;
inspected; state price per M dei

C .H Warwick, Leaf, Ga 20 M potato plants
5 M Cabbage plants; exe apple and peach
trees for same.l and 2 yr old Jeading varie-
ties 10 to 20c ea and pear trees 25 to
ea; grape vines at 10 ea for same

W L Gillespie, R 3 Greenville
Porto jes potato plants;
cabbage; exc 1 settings. S
i for exch ce

J B Davis, Curryville Ga 500 budded peach


Ga 50%
500 on on; 560
Bl Minorea eggs

B D- Brown, Cumming Ga 10 to 20 M
Porto Riean potato slips Apr Ist del


Mrs G Holten, R 4 Soperton Ga 1 gal and 2 \

w i Renry, Carroliton Ga Eating and
sweet potatoes; prefer kiln cured, 10 te 50
hus. lots

W FE Neisler, Butler Ga. 2 bu Oteotan beans
1925 ,crop

D E Nicholson, Stonewall Ga Old time
Ga Yam sweet potatoes for edding 4

JI W Register R: D Americus Ga 120 Day

also N Runner, seed pea-

W L Smith, R 1 Rupert Ga Seed velvet
beans buach variety preferred also N CG
Runner seed peanuts for seed
FOE Baker, Ball Ground Ga Cornfield beans |
old time variety, also half runner beans,
tender only; white and colored ; state quan-

J W Freeman, RB 1 Nichel-on Ga 2000 Tri-

-R D Bruner, RFD Coleman Ga 12 to 15 M-
Imp Porte Rican potato plants Apr 10th, del -

Wax Bermuda Onion plants |

-riety size and del price; exe Pydraneia. Pitto-.

- Wyandotte baby chicks to raise on halves

ee Re


Sy ania, Get

sie peanuts a new:
c oe

CaF oy Cot
Ser: Nancy patutecs: for : i
as Scalar ey jabs ease ua 2598 Porto
Beet... ar ee). at Mod. Apr oth

i onay ike

Mus M William , R 1 Grayson Ga 500 Ber-
muda onion plunts; exe Brown Crowder peas
4 Pe same } ;

G WwW Naat One R38
Be Rican. seed sweet potatoes cash or
tuk SHine

Mrs Mamie
early dersey
cuttings for


Gu 2000
best del


plants ;


straw berry

Fayetteville Ga Bunch


Adairsv ille
exe box

Ga 500.

Stone, R 5
cabbuge plants;


Mis M Williams, R 1 Grayson Ga 100 baby
chicks to raise on halves
-Reck preferred

J W. Howard, Sylvania
1 eoeck Fishel strain. W
hateh: high class stock - -
Mes L Cleveland, Chipley
old chicks per wk Mech 22nd del

O Chitwood, R 4 Canon Ga 100: pure
Lred B Rock baby chicks to raise on halves
io 8 wks: old

Mrs H D Lindsey, R'6 Wrirhtsville Ga SL

to 12 wks old; B

10 hens and
Men. 1925


Ga day

J: 1 Mims, Hazlehurst Ga R A 1000 B Rock
day old chicks to raise on halves to 10 wks old

Mrs -T Bonner, R 2 Hahira Ga Giant
Bl Minorca eges for setting at not over $1.50
for 15 del; also| Jersey. Bl Giant eggs good
sirain : Ae

Mrs J Jo Mims; Boston Ga 250 Br. Leg-
teens to raise on halves te 10 wks old

Mrs N Harrison, Lincolnton Ga 50 W

andoste ehicks to raise on halves to 8 wks

4. FL Carney, Dalton Ga Ineubator and
eggs to set.on halves : See
Mrs 1 W- Bailey, R38 Tallapoosa Ga 106 |
4e 200 baby chicks any breed to raise on. R
~ shares, May del :

Mrs V M Webb, R 3 Forsyth Ga
hicks to raise on halves to 8 wks old,
Rocks preferred

fi_1,. Wallece, Bowdon Junction Gay 500.
baby chicks to raise on halves to 10 wks old

JT Purvis, R. 7 Vienna Ga>' 60 B. Rock
ceegs to Set on halves and raise to 8 wks: old;
also 50 baby chicks to raise on halves to 10
wks old

Mrs TJ Clifton, liver Ga 1 setting Blue
Andalusian eggs; exe setting pure bred W
Leghorn eggs for same, or Watson melon seed

oiie Ib

Nora MeLeod, Dublin
raise on halves any breed
R H. Crawford, Tiger Ga
pit games cocks :
Mrs A L Garrison, REE habdaent Ga 50 or
_ %S bawy chicks to raise on halves to 10 or 12
: wks old ; SC. RT Reds or Bult Rocks or B
baby. chicks to
Wyandottes 5
W O Hardy, R 1 Cathoun Ga 10 Buff Les-
horn thens and:1 cock S C not over 18 mo-
old; exe for Jersey heifer call S- wks og for
sale; calf entitled: to reg
Mrs C'V Gray, Rt Rabun Bap ea

160 baby


Ch 200 chicks to |

Allen Roundhead

150 B Rock

Henderson, Deculs Ga
.also.150 W

raise 6n- halves;

590 or

> baby chi sks. tO raise. on. halves to 7 or 8 [

wks otd
Mhs. Louella Johnson, R 4 Adairsville Ga
50 or 75 Jersey Bi} Giant or Lt Brahma baby
ehicks to raise on halves to 12 or 13 wks old
< Mies Tete Warwick, Leaf Ga. 1000 baby
chicks: exe apple and peach trees for same;
trees land 2 yr old at 10 to 20e ea, pear
tres 25 to 50c Concord grape vine 10c
MisoR VE -Wooten, Broxton Ga |. Baby
chickens to raise on halves to 10 wks -old ;
B) Minorea, Yndian Game, Lt Brahma pre-
_ ferred
W J Sledge, R = Meansville Ga Thompson
Imperial Ringlet strain B Rock S.C RI
~ejs.. S L Wyandottes, Jersey Bl Giants,
Everlay strain Br Leghorn, Snhenmard
-Arconus, 60 chicks of each breed to taise on
halves to 6wks old
Moare, Rol Arabi
~ Cornish Indian Game eggs :
~ Mee G6 WW howmen.. Kithhe [a0
chicks to raise o nhalves to 8 wks old, B,
Rocks or R i Reus s
Miss Glovena Williams, Rit Boman Ga
100 baby chicks to raise 6n halves to 10 or 12
wks | old; Bl Minorca, Bult Ureiensions or BI
Mrs J iL

Ga Setting Dark

Cp Wah

Wallace, R 4 Canon Ee 6 hens
pmy feree breed; exc for same
Mrs BE Messer. Chatsworth Ga 109 o* more
W Leghorn baby chicks to raise on halves,
Barron Tancred strain
Mrs Lizzie Williams, BR 3 Cannon Ga 50 5
C Rol Red baby chicks to raise on halves
re Call, R 4 Ellijay Ga 100 day old chicks
to raise on halves to 12 or 14 wks old; B
Rodks or any large breed
C Eubanks,
raise on halves
G W Reaves, College Park Ga
hens; exc for same :
Mrs GF Carter,-Alma Ga. 6 or & hens <ta -
_raise from on halves; 300 baby chicks.
_ raise on halves to 8 wks. old RI Reds or any
good breed
Mrs P Futch, Hahira Ga 200 baby chicks
e raise on halves to 8 wks: old, R I Reds pre-
. Mrs Oorene Sledge, R 1 Meansville Ga 300
baby chicks to raise on halves to- Tt wks

Oconee Ga 100 chicks to>

15 pure bred -

Olt. anv god breed : =
Mrs Mamie. Harrison, R A Bainbridge Ga}

: 150 | day old ehicks sR A Reds to raise on

bags |


JO Bnccke,
ce. 5 ae ees




9 Y :
Msr Reo Honsfedd, fo 4 Faicbuens Ga 505
baby chicks to raise on halves to 10 w ks old,
& Roeks, Puff Orphingtons, Silver Spangle
Hambure's ;

Leila Etred, R Flowery Branch Ga
Dohw ehieks to raise on halves to 8 wks old

A B Styles, Colleze Park Ga Eggs or day
ola Blue Andalusian chicks .

Mrs F Bohannon, R 4 Newnan Ga Baby
chiekens. turkeys and guineas to _raise on
halves to 8 mo old

EW. Woodruti sk Ga 3 bantam hens;
exe 2 settings Br Leghorn eggs for same.

Mrs Vathsi Smith, Ball Ground. Ga 100
to -200 baby chicks to raise on halves to 10
wks old: B Rocks: preferred

Mrs Pp Price, Donovan Ga 200 B Rock
baby chickens. to raise on, halves to S or 10
wks. old

A A Dickerson, Donalsonville Ga 2 pure
bred W Rock cocks cocks not over 1 yr old

L Tench, R 1. Cornelia Ga 30 pure bred
faut Orvhington eges :

Mrs C Head: R 2 Lavonia Ga
W Leghorn hens: exc for same

Mrs lizzie Webb, Meigs Ga
any breed to raise on halves _

Mrs Daisy B Todd, R 2 sie Ga 5
or 75. W Wyandottes,. Buff Orphington or B
Rock day old chicks to raise on halves to 3
mo old

C Head, R 2 Lavonie Ga 50 W Leghorn
hers good strain and young + exe for same

Miss N L Finley, R 5 Loganville Ga 2100
baby chieks to raise to halves to 8 wks old,
large breed, Mech or Apr: del


100 young,

Baby. chicks

LG Barrow, Manassas Ga. 100 to 500. baby |

chicks to raise on halves to 10 wks old ; nae
strain Bl Minorea preferred:

Mrs E R Harrison, R 4 Loban title Gar 2
Parks strain 18 mo ol dB Rock cocks; also
110 pure bred Re i Red chicks to raise on
i halves a

Mrs . K Fryer. RT. Talbotton Ga 0 W
Raek baby chieks to raise on halves to Be wks:

a pure breed.


Ley Hamilton, R Ay Alamo Ga 12 M B
turkey -eggs

Mrs Mamie Harrison,

R A Bainbridge Ga

50 baby.turkeys M Bor Bourbon Redws to. :

raise on halves to 12 wks old

Mrs G F. Carter, R 2 Alamo Ga 1 tom anil
2 hens Bourbon Reds preferred to raise on
halves :

Mrs B F Morrison,
bred M B tom

i Kesler, Nicholson*Ga 1 or 2- settings
pure bred turkey eggs; exc Owen strain = z
Red eggs for same

Mrs 1. Noble, Trenton Ga Indian Runner
eggs to set; will exc W Leghorn eggs for
same if % : 5
Mrs G F Carter, R 2 Alma Ga 3 pair In-
dian Runners to raise from on shares
Mrs M F Goolsby, Hinesyille Ga
white grown Muscovy drake

R & Gainesville Ga Pure



R E Barnes, Graymont Ga 12 goose ees;

exe Cormish Game cock or pay cash

Mrs Della Zorn, Ludowici Ga 16 hens and
2 roosters 1 and 2 yr old at 60c ea

AE Wilkie, Marietta Ga ~ 5 Belgian. or
Rufus Red rabbits, 4 does and 1 buck; cheap
or exe Ancona eggs or baby chicks for came

Bankers Bird Store, 68 Edgewood Ave At-
lanta Ga Canary birds, talking parrots, white
rabbits and guinea pigs

Miss Lucile Adams, R~ 3Butler Ga
white belgian pinkeye rabbits

J B Bishop, 31 Lovejoy Ave Minata: Ga
Rabbits cheap for cash :

F I Barker, Box 244 Columbus Ga - New
Zealand Red. does. bred or with young not.
over 15 mo. old; only pedigreed or reg s tock 3.
state wt prize an dcolor

W Carson, Brooks Ga ~ Several pair pige-
ons; exe Donaldson strain. RI Red eggs for
same at $1.25 setting ay eh

P J Spencer, Gentry, Mo Peafowls; give
{i information and, price. 2 :
Mrs J O Stewart, Gardi Gr 5 does and 1
Luck rabbit 75 ea; or exe for same

H Miller, Tula Ga 2) white pinkeye- does:
and 1 buck at $1.50.

a 3) Mills, R 1 Ball Ground Ga Labbite
1 doe and 1 buek to raise from on halves

B R Meaders, Dahlonega Ga Pair pea-
fowls; buy or exe 2 -W Holland turkeys for
Southeastern antes R 2
tubbits any color, size-or age.



| Atlanta

H L Wallace, Bowdon Junction Ga 2 Bu


lw hipps. peas

M B Lee, Ft Valley Ga Velvet beans and
sound Brabs and Iron peas; send BAPE: and
SD Guillebenu: BSG Linsolaten Ga
kinds peas; send sample and del price

P R Stanley, Greensboro Ga
state variety and price

Coleman Plant Farms,
ord Iron peas

L P Farmer, Stapleton Ga Few bus clean.
sound field peas for planting =

WE Robinson, Cairo Ga

her: variety peas;

Tifton, Ga Brabe

sugar crowder peas :
-Mrs J M Bobo, Sates Gas 4 bu Se

100 }


| dropper 1925 model No 8 good condition

dition and cheap for cash

1 pair |


tor other good make cheap or exe

er good condition:

| Riding Cultivator; state condition and. price

aoe eles and you pay difference : a

ee ef DOE TS ates

Cow peas 5 Pee
12 dx or over:

plants for same
G H Lynn, Catauia Ga \

beans; pay cash or exc Buff Orphington eges
at $1 for 15 for same >
W H Waddelle, Pearson Ga 90- day velvet

$3. bu
feed: Strickland, Valdosta Ga~

-G-C Nunn; Perry Ga. 106 day velvet, Otoo--
tan and Biloxi Beans)

Laredo soy

G C Nunn, Perry Ga Runner peanuts

N D Jackson, R 1 Rockingham Ga _ 200

Ibs Imp Valencia peanuts; exc Porto Rican es

potato plants for same - ;
W H Robitison, Cairo Ga Sound aed:
ling pecans; send sample, svate quantity and
: Coleman & Chandler, Tifton Ga NC Run-
ner peanuts; send sample and price ~
N Buchanan, Americus Ga
pecans ;:also seedlings *
Southland Pecan Co, Columbus Ga
ed and seedling pecans and quantity
J L Kell, Kensington Ga 10 bs large red
spanish peanuts


Mrs R P Steinheimer, Brooks Ga Syrup;
exc fancy hatching eggs W- Leghorn, Perris
strain at $1 for 15 de lfor same

Taylor Garne Co, 201 Peters St Atlanta
Ga Sorghum syrup in bbs! or tins send
sample and price |

J Goldin, Draketofn Ga Pure sorkhum
syrup; send sample and price; 1925 crop :



A Wells, care Ga Tech, Atlanta Ga oak i

tically new second hand No 0 Gieser sawmill |
complete with or without 15 H. P Slab. burner
pao boiler. and engi SS TRIOG pay a

; 3 E Terrell, Alto: Ga Good surveyor or
gineers transit > state condition,
used and price

EL Thrift, Cobblown Ga Shingle mill good

P H Spencer, Century Mo- Balsuce or fly-
wheel for wood saw mandrel, size mandret
1 1-2 in 95. or 125 lb wheel preferred; state

A G Hixon, Colquitt Ga International P
& O Walking Cultivator with feet and tenders
del Colquitt Ga

Mrs N C Green, R 2 Doerum Ga Old ogee
incubator good condition

GW Karr, R 2 Austell Ga 1 1-2 or 2 HUF
gas engine; state condition and price i
A & M Solomon. Ft Valley Ga 4-70 Saw gin
outfit or 3-80 saw latest machinery; state
how long used and full information ~ _
WoT Kercey, Zebulon Ga Covington cotton

how long

_ J C Brwin, R 1 Cornelia Ga 4 HP Peers
engine good condition; exe for same |

Oconee Poultry Fann; Rockledge Ga - ado
chick Natinal blue flame brooder rot -econ-

F Bobanon, R 3. Lithania Ga Battery.
Igniter for 21-2 HH P Economy engine
es i Ozemore, Newton Ga Small wood. turn-

Jathe complete with head and tail stock
ae T rests suitable. for wood bed 5
WBE Pusat, Tod a Fowler
cultivator good condition bargain
Dp) G MeLeod, R 1 Milan Ga Fowler. Plane
geod condition and cheap.
W Warwick, Leaf Ga fags prooder. good
eendition; exe 1 and 2 yr old apple trees:
leading varieties at 10 to 20c ea for same

Georgia Yam Curing Co. R 2 Rebecca Ga
Machine for setting Ae potato plants, good

I, S Hope,
lose a
R i Seott, Dover Ga Chie corn. -Dlanter

Ludowiei Ga Little Giant turn

Os. Chipley Auburn Ga Belle City. Incubator

W HH Barham, R 1 MecDonouzh Ga Savall
Ease wheal separator rood OS
aoe cheap =
~W Grows. Beach Ga Cutaway |
con eondition and- cheap?
eM) Ad Fes Adairsville Ga Cotton dust-



J Thomason, Monticello Ga Small plant
setter, hand power preferred
P? DY Wornock, Statecboro Ga Little Jap

J H Martin. Cobbtown Ga Set platform
seplas: 609 Tb eanncity :

W B Watson, Thomaston Ga Oil burner 200 |

to 800 brooder rood condition
W F Dooley. Buchanan Ga Oliver pe
goed condition reasonable

RR Stns, Lincelnton Ga Deerine Binder |

not used over 1 or 2 yrs good cendition, exe |

Siat pea and bean huller or thrasher Chat-

Tek mith belt good-condition
Gee Guano Distributor and cover and pay |

Ser-ne ay 3 . P.Iaecand block saw for

nea ae aay,


a oP. Pulliam. Toccoa Ga 5 squares - seconi]
hand galv- roofing

_~W H Bonner, Hahira Ga Bu hampers and to-

TC, Bonner, Haas Ga Several egg. erates
also erates holding 15
ah Murshy, R 2 Jasper Ga. 2 horse. wagon
good condition; exe ho.
FM MeCurdy> Jon
Bay Dixie Plow. stock gi g
- Athens Hide Co.
a he


beans at a 50 bu 1925 crop -also Bunch -at =

| bee veil:

All varieties. /

ime hoard and laundry

33 et a an 6 ind
; exe NOS. and 2. pine shingles fo
same 3 ee j

nes: 25 ea; <
-fED : :
Ww. & Saye, New) Fayetteville Ga 16
or 60 Tb uhrysanthem quote del Dries 2
-hurness 5 or. plant
eat Wee Neooted, . _solin Ga pe


WP alg eon, Quill Ga Pair. be
sood condition: and: cheap.
J Alexander, Gainesville Ga Beeswa
quantity : State quantity and price =<


dress "ae 2
a i

Bagwell, R 2 -Dewey Rose. Gas
= Dlacksmith snd horse-shoer desires
sition on large farm

W V Key, R 1 Clem Ga Single man

| old desires shall on PaVeS he

GB Mosse R 1 Gunuine Ga.
ring 1 or 2 horse crop on shares ;
furnish. everything ae ee :

Miss Luna Mae. Jordan, Reyston. ae Di
sires position ag teacher, principal or
ant in rural school; i se

dig WwW. Rogers,

where services of. ae bolt on Ne er
= needed, would ene See overse
place .


ae: I Chipley, Auburn: Ga Farmil

lie eee 1 3 or 3 horse crop ; also ne Was
ond. =
DL Branch, Mystic is in te do
farm work for wages, board included

R S B Funderburk, Donaldsonville Ga Sing
white man to work on farm and: live aS
of family ; pay $25 mo and board y

J I Mims, R A Hazlehurst Ga: 15> or 16
yr old boy to work on. farm at $20 mo and
board; also sawmill work

B T Baldwin, R 4 Rokmart Ga ho
farmer to take entire charge of farm
i-4 cotton

Mrs D E Steakley, Talking acl: G: Man
with force enough to run 2 horse cro
team and fertilizer and seed: 1 man: t
tivate 1 horse crop and truck and
shares ; Middle aged lady good character
jive thks as one. of the family with garden,
truck and poultry

Mrs E A Kingman, Tallapoosa Ga -

1 ot 2 horse erop on shares ee

-E J Sammer, Wrightsville Ga 15 me
a Shingle, sawmill and work turpentine

E C Pope, R_ 1 Wray Ga Wage handd at $|
eee and Sash moe single man or

man wi ami nd iz
ne Seas yea furnish wood ase
JS Teagle, Pitts Ga Godd farm
$25 a aoe ee straight time
vey, 1 Milledgeville Ga R
man for farm work and. dairy work oe
mo ae and wood furnished - EE
ross,. Sr. Newton Ga :
en aia ie oe on farm cee oe

g st; pa
ee pay to $20 mo and Danes

W L Breedlove & Sonvaston tee Ga ~
families for farm work and tractor t
oe ee, :

ambert, Bowdon un
run 1 horse erop on oe etion Ga x

H B Williams, R 2 Buford Ga Man ru
horse farm -on halves: also. man with
family for wages ~ ae
oe L > Syiveater bs Pace hands.

5 mo house, garden aT

ae ee ; wafeh, TT
reisch, RFD Finleyson Ga Farm

run 600 acres; will furnish all are ee

es Winn, R 3 Glennwood- Ga Hand

work farm at $80 mo and board ;

W Jackson, Donovan Ga 2 good men
dairy work or men who want to do da
work er general farm, work

WT Nix, R 12 Commerce Ga a hands
good wages |
He Ramsey, Wiley Ga Boy to drive tea
and work on farm at B15 mo and bound i

J W. Bryant. Griswoidvills G4 R
man with small family to take 2 or
farm on shares and live in house with m

J M Shy, Caldwell Ga Youne single

/for wages on farm: pay $20 mo and ]

one of family

oe boy to ne in rrsere! fand fruit fai
W Bond, R 2 West Point Ga 2 married.
ti work on farm for wages: state price
experience; also ereppers

ay CSG Baker, R 2 Lyons Ga Men for gener:
farm work with riding cultivator; pay

- Miss Josie Fussell, Rhine Ga Healthy gi
oc lady to live as one. of family and hel
with poultry and garden work

tL R White; Waresboro Ga tae to

in dairy room; also man for farm. werk

L R W. Fussell, RA Hazlehurst Ga G
hand, tor farm work at $1. day board an

EQ Dickerson, R 1 Golleee: Park Ga Fan

: +6 enitivate 2 horse crop on halves; ck fur

stock, tools, seed and supplies
H R Rees... R. 4 Fayetteville Ga Good fa
nd at good wages- ; :
a aed Flower Br neh ia Yor
: ;
