Farmers and consumers market bulletin, 1958 November 26

PPh Camphell,



Farmers |

As The Year Closes
Take Time To Give Thanks |

This is the week in which a day is set
aside to thank God for the blessings he be-
stows, and Georgia farmers have much to
be thankful for. :

During the year Georgia has been
12 breaking all previous records of high per
eerie vacre yields for most major crops.

Livestock farmers are also experienc-
ing probably the best year they have ever
known in Georgia and several of the cost-
ly diseases that curbed the states profits

- ing Season.


in the past have been controlled through
eradication programs. :
Certainly we all need to pause more
often to thank Him who bestows these
blessings, but especially at this time as
the year grows to a close we should re-
member to count our many blessings and
to thank God for each of them.
_I take this opportunity on behalf of all
who serve Georgia through the State De-
partment of Agriculture to wish for each
of you a thankful and joyous Thanksgiv-



> i c wages.
types heavy duty
elf and family of
; c/o Bud

d 5 yrs. old
wants job



Linea ae

Want job on farm. Single,
white, 52 yr. old man. Trac-
tor driving and run most. all
types farm equipment. Me-

chanical exp. keep up tractor

and equipment. Born and rais-
ed on farm. Give ref. Move
any time. Want room, board

.|and salary. Leonard Hite, Rt.

2, Smyrna. Ph, Hemlock 5-

White, 50 yr. old man with
limited education, desires job
on poultry or beef farm (no
dairy), in So. Ga. Farmed all
life, 20 yrs., exp. cattle and

poultry. Wife and 2 children
to help. Need 3 R. house. Have
to be moved. Ernest Montgom-
ery, Rt. 1, c/o Fred Avants,
Eatonton. oe?

Want job on farm. Do most
any kind farm work. Drive
tractor, truck, trailer, ete. Sin-
gle and 38 yrs. old. Go any-
where. Need work at once.

{Douglas Bunn, Rt. 8, Lithonia.

47 yr. old white man with
wife, wants job on dairy, poul-
try or gen. farm work. Reason-
able salary and room and
board or small house. Start

right away. Both to work.
Lewis Eaves, Rt. 3, Box 219,
College Park.

27 yr. old, white, married
man, wants good job on chic-
ken, hog or regular farm. Can
do most any kind farm work.
Have to be moved. Must be
on school bus Rt. and be good
house. J. T. Roberson, 119
Miles St., Baxley.


49 yr. old white man wants
good job on chicken and egg
farm, or dairy, for good week_

ly pay, with good house, wir-

ed for stove. Have to be mov-~
ed. Just self and wife. F. M,
Harwell, 311 East Pike St.

Lawrenceville, Ph. 2259.

Want job with good family
on farm near Fitzgerald. 24
yrs. old, in 4-F classification.
Can drive tractor, truck and
know how to operate. Dont
drink and must be sober man
I work for. Good salary. White
and willing workers. Jake
Padgett, RFD 3, Box 102 A,



Editorial and Executive Offices
State Agriculture Building
19 Hunter Street, S.W.
Atlanta 3, Georgia
Phone JAckson 4-3292



ea abet eh te isse tag

Editor Jack Gilchrist
Assistant Editor Deborah Anglin
Notices . Mrs. Elizabeth Hynds
Circulation _ .... Mrs. yra Jarman
Mailing Room Supt. Candler Clement Jr
NATIONAL EDITORIAL Notices of farm produce

yy ASSOCIAT N and appurtenances admissible
Casa aa Y 3 under postage regulations in

any product offered for sale

serted one time on each re-

No notice or advertisement
will be accepted from any
sommercia) business, any
commercia] businessman, any
company or organization li-
reensed as a commercial busi-
ness or doing business under
a trade name or _ business
name, nor from any indivi-
dua! doing business under a
trede name or commercia)
business name.

The Georgia Market Bulle-
tin assumes no respo.sibility
|for any notice appearshg in
the Bulletin nor for any
transaction resulting from
published notices. Advertisers
are cautioned that it is against
law to misrepresent

in @ public notice of adver:
tisement carried in any pub.



lication that is delivered
through the United States

Address requests to be

Market Bulletin

Address al] complaints

list. changes of address.

change of address must include OLD and NEW addresses.

added to or removed from
. Atlanta. All requests for

EDITOR, Market Bulletin.

Published weekly at
oy Georgia Department of A
class mater Aug 1,

Address al) notices and advertisements to EDITOR OF
NOTICES, Market Bulletin, Atlanta.

114-122 Pace St.,

1937, at post office. Covington, Ga,
under Act of June 6, 1900. Accepted for mailing at special
rate of postage provided for in Secticn 1103. Act of Oct. 8

2 Covimgton, Ga.,
griculture. Entered as secona

Man, white, 42 yrs. old,
AA married, 2 boys, 16 and 18
i yrs., want job at dairy. Pre-


2 white man want crop on
halves, prefer in extreme So.
Ga. Have big family, and need
big house, lights and water.
Ernest Smith, RFD 1, Och-

31 yr. old man wants job
on chicken farm, raising
broilers. Go anywhere. Have.
_ wife and 2 small children.

Dont drink. C. C. House, Jr.,
402 E. 2nd Ave., Rome, Ph.

48 yrs. old, Christian man
(Deacon in church), wants job
on cattle or gen. farm. Do any
kind farm work. Want room
and board or will batch. State
wages by week or month. G.
W. Trusty, Rt. 2, Old Alabama
Rd., Alpharetta.

Man, 40 yrs. old, wife and

3 yr. old boy, wants job as

Caretaker of farm. Christian.

- Do not drink or smoke. Have

to be moved. Move most any

time. Bennie H. Marler, Rt. 2,

White woman, 60, wants to
raise chickens on halves, with
reliable party. Mrs. Adaline
Shackleford, 432 Peachtree
Arcade, Atlanta 3.

White man, single, wants
job looking after cattle or
chickens, keep up yard etc.
Do not drink nor smoke. Can
ive good Ref. Ready any
ime, go anywhere. James A.
Turner, Blairsville.

28 yr. old woman wants job
on farm, for room, board and
reasonable salary. Raised in
the cofintry. Exp. and have
ref. if required. Miss Laverne
Penly, Rt. 2, Box 3638 A, c/o
Sam A. Murphy, Douglasville.

Man, 47 yrs. old, with wife,
both healthy and good work-
ers, desires job on farm,
chickens or hogs. Wife has
nigh school education. Must
have at least 2 R. furnished
house and salary. W. Hayes,

fer with good, sober, reliable
party. Ref. can be given as to
character, etc. Bertice B. Wig-
gins, Sr., RFD 4, Dublin.

Man with family, wants
job on dairy or chicken farm.

Willie Conner, 816 A Dunrobin
Dr., Point Wentworth.



Want middleaged woman or
man and wife, for light farm
work, live with elderly cou-
ple on farm, $20 week, room
and board. T. J. Martin, Rt.
1, Cumming. Ph. TU 17-6145.

Want farmer and wife to
work on the Jolley Home
farm. Must be clean, of good
character, reliable, and not
use tobacco, or other bad hab-
its. Must furnish ref. All mail
ans. Rev. M. L. Williams, Jr.,
capes Home, Conyers. Ph.

Want col. couple for light
farm work and horse care on
farm. Wife also work. Salary,
house, fuel and water. W. E.
Baker, Jr., Rt. 3, Stone Moun-

Want country man, healthy,
middleaged, good references,
for poultry farm work. Room,
board, laundry and salary. J.
H. Street, 3090 Buford Hwy.
Atlanta 6.

Want reliable woman, 30 to
55 yrs. old, to do light farm
work on farm for home, board,
clothes and some spending
money. Live as one of family.
Mrs. Minnie M. Long, Rt. 2,
Talking Rock.

Want reliable, sober man
and wife, or small family, to
live on farm and care for
3500 layers, and do some ex-
tra farm work. Salary or per-
centage basis. Give qualifica-
tions and salary expected. C.
W. Smith, Rt. 1, Box 127, Du-

409 Pisgah Way, Calhoun.

luth. Ph. Norcross 3681,

Want family who can furn-
ish selves, to take over good
farm, 5,000 cap. chicken house
with about 5 A. land to culti-
vate, and good 4 R. house with
water in it. Satisfactory basis
agreed upon. V. C. Garrett,
Rt. 1, Dahlonega.

~ Want unencumbered, white,

| middleaged, reliable woman to

live in home on farm wit
elderly woman and do light
farm work, for room_ and
board. Mrs. C. Powell, Rt. 2,
Box 100, Kite.

Want colored family to help
with about 45 A cotton. 5 R
house on school Rt. contact.
Emerson K. Malcom, Rt. 4,
Madison, Ph. 546M2.



Farmall C, 1851 model 2 row
tractor with cultivators, plant-
ers, guano distributors, 4 dise
tiller and David Bradley dou-
ble section harrow. Motor to
tractor has had a complete
overhaul job and worked only
20 A of land for 1 yr. since.
All for $900.00. Geo. R. Hunt,

Farmall H tractor and bush
and bog harrow, cultivator and
planters. Sell or trade separ~
atte or all together; also have
single buggy and harness. J.
L. Brewer, Buckhead, Rt. 1.

Wilson, 150 gal. bulk milk
tank, perfect condition, also,
Fox harvester, good condition,
needs power unit or can be
pulled with large tractor, has
row, forage, and windrow at-
tachments. R. B. Driskell, Rt.
2, Douglasville, Ph. 3581.

Good 3 block saw mill, ac-
curate, works good, belts, 2
saws, one 46 in. 3 x 9 Ad-
kins, one almost new 48 in.
3 x 9. Hoe needs some wood~
work on track. Motor with

overners. Outfit complete,
250. E. F. Harwell, Winder.
Farmall C tractor, 1949

model, good condition, lights,
battery, power lift, $450. B. W.
Middlebrook, Barnesville, Ph.

Oakes elec. brooder, 500 chick
capacity, used only 3_ times,
ood condition, $25 FOB. Irby
D. Stewart, Ht, 1, Mayfield.

One 1954 Intl, 2 ton stake
dump truck and one loader
for Ford tractor, both used_on
farm. W. F. Duncan, 4872 Bu-
ford Hwy., Ph. Gl. 7-9116.

2 H. wagon, $25; 2 H. mid-
dlebuster and one mule scoop,
$10 ea.; iron doubletree with
singletree, $5; 2 sets gears
with 2 leather collars, 1 set,
$6: other set, $5. G, L. Jack-
son, Rt. 2, Tucker Rd., Stone
Mountain. Ph. 9027.

Generator, 10,000 watts;
115/230, 1 phase, 60 cycles,
44 amps., 1200 RPM. driven
by Waukesha gas. 4 cylinder
engine, used for generating
electricity on farm and dairy.
never used. $1,000. E. L. Kid-
der, 312 Union St., Brunswick.

3 open buggies, recondition-
ed, several sets of harnesses,
9-dise grain drill, .cement

block machine, also, pony
carts, in 3 sizes. At my home.
E. W. Harper, Rt. 3, Hartwell.

Roto hay baler, Allis Chal-
mer, almost new, also Case
mowing machine with 6 ft.
blade, fits most any tractor,
good as new, 1 cultipacker,
11 ft.,.-good as new, also, Farm-
all H tractor, planter and cul-
tivator. Cheap for cash. M. W.
Gunn, Zebulon.

No-Krak grain or feed
blower, good condition $55:
3 roller, power cane mill, 35
large Taylor saw mill and

$100. All at my farm. John C.
Reid, Zebulon,

1952 Massey Harris poy
tractor, 1/2 yd. pan, 1/2 yd.
blade, one turning plow, 9
tooth cultivator and mowing
machine, all good condition,
used very little. Reasonably
riced. Mrs. Etta Thompson,

005 Cheshire Ave., S. W., At
Janta, Ph. PO 1-6777.

>|pipe. Cheap. W. T.

small Bellsaw mill, both need | 5047
wood reworked, your choice}.

Large W. Chal
tractor with front weights an
belt pulley, practically new
rubber 3 hisc counted WD
plow, set life, arm latches, ex-
tra good sub-soiler, used dbi.
Cutaway, and other equip. R.
M. Davidson, Box- 350, Com-
merce. )

One 3 point all Purpose
drag, 3 point hitch bush and
bog harrow (completely re-
built) and power takeoff for
Ford Ferguson tractor. Rea-
Bakers Ferry Rd., S. W., Ph.
PL. 5-7663. :

Cole corn planter with
plates to plant everything: 8
disc cutter, Avery harrow f-r
John Deere tractor, 12 disc
cutaway harrow, 4 disc, 3
wheel tiller avery tractor, set
of plow gear, wagon harness.
All for $200, or sell separate.
G. D. McLeod, 602 Gribben,
St., Thomasville.

100 Ib. capacity egg Oakes
round electric incubator. Fred
Blaylock, 515 Crescent Ave.,
Chickamauga. :

Five deck Sears electric
brooder, good condition, $25.
H. R. Gossett, Cave Spring.

Taylor, 4-disc tiller, set of
Cole planters and fertilizer
distributors, good condition,
used very little. Sell for cash
at half of original cost. H. G.
Samples, Rt. 2, Alamo. :

9 HP Economy tractor with
cultivators, plow and draw
bar (similar to cub Farmall),
Like new, $350. Paul Helms,
a St., Roswell, Ga:, Ph.

' 2-horse wagon and one 1-
horse wagon, cheap; also some
wagon wheels. At my home.
Mrs. O. G. Martin, Rt. 1, For-

Allis Chalmers B tractor,
tiller, cultivator, planter
starter, lights, power lift and)
take off, $425. Frank Thomp-
son, Rt. 2, Tarrytown.

Foley saw filer with motor
and stand, $100; small sulkey
and harness for small pony
or billy goat, $25. T. D. Reece,
7865 Roswell Rd., Rt. 1, Dun-
woody, Ph. Day-CE 17-2761.

ZB-150-50T Wilson Bulk
milk cooler, perfect condition
in use 1 yr..Sell for one half
eee cost. J. P. McGuire,
RFD 3, Fitzgerald, Ph. 3728.

100 gal. Wilson milk cooler,
one Aerator and 25 ten gal.
milk cans. F. M. Howard, R
2, Thomson, Ph. 552M2.

Mule drawn McCormick
Deering mowing machine and
hay rake, good cond. $50. J.
L. Niblett, 4877 Happy Hol-
low, Rd., Doraville.

LF Mack Diesel tractor with
sleeper, power steerin
clutch, good rubber, $3,250;
1953 TD-18A Intnl tractor
with hydraulic Bucyrus Erie
Angledozer, used 500 hrs.
track frames, rollers, timken
bearing front idlers, track
rework, $3150. Good condition.
eee H. Tootle, Reidsville, Ph.

Horse power, Chattanooga
cane mill and 12 ft. cooper
pan, in good condition. Sell or
trade. William Manning, Jr.,
Rt. 1, Rocky Face.

1952 Allis Chalmers B trac-
tor, with two-14 in. bottom
plows, 1 harrow, cultivator,
planter and distributor. R. L.
Brown, RFD 4, Box 188, Ph.

Athens traylor type harrow,
8 disc, perfect condition, on
god rubber and wheels, $140.

omer E. Williams, 481 Ruth
St., Athens.

Deep well pump with all the
: Wade, Rt.
1, Lithonia, Ph. Stone Mtn.

Two Riteway milking ma-
chines, in good condition, $50,
oe B. Kemp, Rt. 1, Murray~

1952 model 1-1/2 ton truck
with cattle body (active mi.
31,000); one Warner and 3
Oak gas poulas brooders,
1,000 capacity. D. O. Shadix,

t. 2,


rnie Johnson 3864 | $30. J

and |9

good condit
. W. Newsome,
Farm bell, 28 i
weight, 350 Ibs.,
ae good eg
owers, Lak
N.2W.,$Ph. BG


: 0:

in it, $350; $90
; J. MO

same as new,

by tractor or sta
gine. L. M. Viney
Box 152, Hogansvil

Intl] harvester |
mer mill, with
A-1 condition.
ton, Rt. 4, Cov:

3 roller cane mi
boiler, 1/2 mi. W
town. Mrs. Nora
Box 132, Tarryto

13 in. hammer
condition, comple
ger and 4 screens;
less belt, 8 in.
new, both for $1!
Purcell, Rt. 3, Comme

Bermuda ha
Deere mule draw
machine and 2-H
good condition. A
Milner, |

One 2 row Allis
corn puller, moun
AC tractor. Tractor
ly overhauled this
rifice for quick
Lanier, Metter,

One saw mill,
hp A.C., motor (no
farm use. Sell
farm pickup; 2
super C Farm
want some 8.25
tires, will trade.
swered, H. S.

Allis Chalme
good running |
clutch and lift,
with cultivators, p
tributor, bottom pl
section harrow, $6,
al mule drawn p
ferent types; 1H

tor drawn lime and
spreader. Very re
vin F. Branch, R

4-dise Athens
seeder on rubber,
Chalmers tractor w:
6 ft. roll-over scr
one 3 point lift
Allis Chalmers. C.
Rt. 3, Stone Mc

_.Old style D-
wane ia eee
eight, 10 yd. pan,
bulldozer. with
blade, $2,000; also
tracks and
Glenn Norton, |

Intl. manure sp:
condition, $135
swap good 2
good 1 H wagon
Lon Bellamy, R


Want equipme:
and grow out
feelers, waterers.
Lewis Lindsey, S:

Want 50-60 ft.
wide, 4 or 5 ply,
hammer mill
and hay to feed
page M. H. Robbin
189, Sylvania.

2 surcingle ty)

use with DeLaval t
ton Coleman, F

Box 5, Douglasville, Ph. | Po

tyle cider mill.

- must be good.
any condition.
iles of Atlanta.
rell, 2600 Briar-

-E., Atlanta 6.

good used parts and
pment for old model
tractor, without hy.
in or near Mari-
erritt, Jr., 318 S.
Marietta, Ph. 9-

or 4 wheel farm
h wheel size be-
12 in., suitable for
tractor. Earl Down-
, Marietta, Ph.- 8-

used coal brooders
Must be in fair
eap for cash. Jim
. 1, Gainesville, Ph.


TU 17-7366.

all tractor with
ipment. Must be
for cash. S. B.
, Covington.

ton type well pump,
and tank. Must be
ondition, within 50

George Parish,
i PH. lla,

; also one
ence post peler,
chain type. Roy
R. St., Canton.

eavy duty tractor
raulic liftt and PTO.
ed and located within

ovington, Ga. Dic
1, Oxford, Ph.

sed shallow well
ap. John Horton, Rt.
tteville, Ph. Fairburn

ctric brooder, 3-4

guinea and turkey

in good condition. D. L.

Pp, e Box 597, War-

-disc plow for B
ractor, or 2-disc
_ trip type plow.
ndition and price. G.
1, Royston.

cultivator equipment
odel M tractor, fer-
stributor or small

deza hay, or will
Contact. Guy W.
oo Ph. Stock-

Box 409, Rt. 1, Jones-
. Stockbridge 4445.

ig, bright bales of
ean, Sericea and Soy
baled without rain.
Smith 7205 Camp->
4 - Atlanta 11; Ph,

dow grass and Lespe-
ay, square bales cured
t rain, $35. ton at barn.
from Comer. Mell H.
Rt. 1, Comer, Ph.

ad hay, Oats and Rye
Clover, Sericea and Rye
verage wt. per bale is
5c bale or $25. ton. E.
1, Rt. 3, Winder.

p, well fertilized
, Clover, Rye grass
70c bale, $25. ton.
rig, /o Pine crest
vetdale, Ph. Fayette-

ood corn for FEED,
anta area, $1.10 bu.
McCrackin, c/o Julep
orest Park, Ph, PO

Soy Bean hay,
0c bale; some at
ght, clean Fes-

{25 mi. radius. R. H

Buy or trade} 36

. a.
ales, all cured wit!
90c bale at farm; $1. ba
. Under-
wood, c/o Broiler Farm, Bethel
Commu., Conyers. Ph. 4941.

- 100 tons coastal Bermuda
hay, well fertilized,
should contain 8 to 13 pet. pro-

ing qualities, $30. ton at barn,

._J. Clay Rt. 3, Macon, Ph.
SH. 2-5117 ee

Heys well fertilized and
limed: Sericea, Brown Top
Millet, Rye grass, Crimson
Clover, in square wire bound
bales. Ray F. Almand, 4864
Stagecoach Rd., Ellenwood. Ph.
Stockbridge 4290.

Good, sound 1957 corn for
feed, in shuck, also some 1958
corn for feed. Come on Sat-
urdays with truck. W. H. Mc-
Williams, Rt. 3, Evans Mill Rd.



Klakemore strawberry
plants, $1.50 C.; Mastodon, $1.-
25 C.; Klondike, $1. C; 500,
$4.; $8. M.; Catnip, 30c bunch:
peppermint, 30 doz.; scupper-
nong vine cuttings, 75 doz.;
sugar pears, $1. ea. Add post-
age. Mrs. Lee Hood, Rt. 1,

Good Kobe Lespedeza and
Brown Top Millet hay, $30.
ton, FOB; 400 bu. very good
Bledsoe wheat for feed,
$2.50 bu., bluk, or fee bring
ie FOB. John C. Reid, Zeb-

_ Limbertwig apple sprouts,

i |9, $1.; sugar pear and peach

plum, 75 ea. 2, $1.; also, good

apple fruit, 50 lb. or 3 Ibs.,
1.40. Mrs. Guy Crowe, Rt. 1,

Beechnut and hazelnut

bushes, catnip bunches

and sage plants, 6. $1.00;
Jue Damson plum trees, 3,
1. Mrs. G. W. Sullens, Rt. 6,

Min. Huckleberry plants,
bearing size, 25, $1.75; Hazel-
nut, 85 doz.; wild strawberry,
5 doz., $1.; tame black walnuts
3, $1.65; red plum sprouts, 3.
$1.35; yellow root, fresh dug,
washed clean, $1.25 for 4 ib.
lard box full. Add postage.
Mrs. Nancy Henderson, Rt. 3,
Box 124, Ellijay.

19 Concord grapevines, 18 to

in. runners or vines, last
spring cuttings, well rooted,
75c ea. or all for $12. FOB. H.
E. Seay, Rt. 2, Ellenwood.

Fall cabbage plants: Chas.
Wakefield and Market Copen-
hagen, 500 $1.25, $2. M; white
Bermuda onion plants, same
price. Ship daily, mixed orders
accepted. E. L. Fitzgerald, Box
662, Fitzgerald.

Charleston Wakefield, early
Jersey Wakefield and round
Dutch, frostproof cabbage

lants, ready, 300, $1., 500, $2.
$2.75 M. PP. Odis. Conner,

Round Dutch, Charleston
and early Jersey Wakefield
frostproof cabbage plants,
ready now, 300, $1., 500, $2
$2.50 M. PP in Ga. R. Chan-
clor, Pitts, Ph. Milton 8-2035.

State Insp. Streamline, well-
rooted everbearing strawber-
ry plants, $1. C; old fashion
sweet peach pink side, 3, $1.;
Red and oe plums 3, $1.
Prompt shipment. $5. orders
postpaid. Mrs. B. T. Thornton,
Rt. 1, Bowdon.

Florida 90 strawberry plants,
well-rooted, new variety. $1.50
C; 500, $6.; $10. M. Add 25
C. for postage Fredrick Small-
wood. Attapulgus.

Large red everbearing
ee plants, well-root-
ed, $1. C. and 15c postage,
damp moss packed; Rutabager
plants, $1. C. Add 15c postage.
Ship any amount of either
kind. No checks accepted. Les-
ter Johnson, Scotland.

Apricot plums, and Damson
Blue plums, crab apple, old
fashion, cling stone, and plum
peaches, muscadine grape, cat-

rmuda_ grass
Rk. D. Tatum,

nip bunches, All for $1.25.
Add postage. Mrs. Mae Tur-
6, Gainesville.

le, del. |

tein and 2 to 2-1/2 pct. fatten-|R

sh 10 yr. la
ushes -$1. No shipping.
W. S. McCurdy, 1110 Clifton
Road, N.E. Atlanta 7, Ph. Dr.
3-5242, e

Suregrain oats, Germ. 95.
pet; Purity. 98.90 pct. No noxi-
ous weeds. Treated. in new
bags, $1.50, bu. W. H. Willson.
t. 1, c/o Sunnyland Farms,
Albany. Ph. He 5-4038. ~

Brussel sprouts, Broccoli,
Wakefield cabbage, Heading
collards, 35c doz.; Asparagus
Crowns, $1.25 doz.; Cauli-
flower, 50c doz. No less $1.00
orders. Mrs. H. V. Franklin,
Sr. Rt. 1, Box 20, Register.

Hunt grapevines, well-root-
ed, 1 yr. old, 10 vines. $5.50
PP. 3rd zone. Damp packed.
10 vines unrooted, $1.50 PP.

mos. old, for sale

for four other good ones; also,
Reg. 3 yr. old, 1700 lb. Char-
bra bull. All vaccinated and
treated against Black Leg. J.
G. Purvis, Rt. 2, Millen. Ph.

Dairy heifers to calve soon,
Holstein, Guernsey and Ayr-
shire. TB, blood tested and
calfhood vaccinated. E. L.
Rogers, Rt. 1, Plains.

4 mature, gentle, Reg. Brah-
man bulls. Sell or trade for
equivalent Angus or Here-
ford. Write. George Varn, Box
205, Folkston.

Reg. Hereford bulls and
heifers, Horn-type, 6-8 mos.
old, $150.00-$200.00 ea. Cecil
Travis, c/o Pine Crest Acres,
Riverdale. Phone Fayetteville

3rd _ zone. Mrs. Vantelle Hol- 4862,

land, Winder.

Hunts grapevine, 1 yr., well-
rooted, damp packed, 10 vines
$5.50 PP, 3rd zone; also, un-
rooted cuttings, 10 $1.50 PP.

3rd zone. L. J. Johnson, Win- | hop


New Era strawberry plants,
75e C.; Superfection, $2. C.
orders of 200 and up. Plus
postage. Carefully, damp pack-
ed; also, 50c C. for New Era
and you dig at my home. Mrs.
Z. BD. Dodd, Rt.: 1, Box: 228;
Alpharetta. :

_Blue Damson plums, musca-
dine and scuppernong grape
vines, 6, $1.25; Chinquapin,
small seedlings, 12, $1.25.
Larger ones, $3.50; Black wal-
nut meat, $1. pint. Mrs. F. M.
Eaton, Rt. 1, Dahlonega.

Watercress plants, $1.25 C.
postage paid. Mrs. C. C. Gen-
try, Rt. 3, Calhoun.

Cabbage plants, $1. C. del.,
$4. M. del., $2.50 M. at farm.
E. B. Wetherford, Rt. 2, Gain-

Strawberry plants, 85c C.,
$7.50 M. Add postage. Clay-
born Strayhorn, Rt. 1, Gain-

Small pecan trees, Mahan
and Stuart, thin shelled also
and Black Walnuts and Cher-
ry sprouts, big red Raspberry,
Gooseberries and Scupper-
nongs, aft my home. Cannot
ship. Henry Whitfield, 330
Roselane St., Marietta.

2,000 Missionary strawber-
ry plants, $1. C, plus 25c post-

iehiischalda: = oe

40 dairy cows, 2 bulls, 25
heifers, all sizes; also, dairy
equipmnt: 4 unit surge motor
and 3 machines, 40 cans and
milk base. David Hudson,

Milking strain Short Horn
male calf, 9 mos. old, good
bloodlines, reg. in buyers
name, $150.00. Adams Whit-
aker, Rt. 1, Blue Ridge.

Jersey Milch cow with

|heifer (2nd) calf, 5 mos. old,

$165.00 for both.. Lee T. Ma-
son, Rt. 4, Lawrenceville.

22 nice White Face cattle.
John Goldin, Temple Rt. 2,
ya Ph. 4498 after 7

Reg. 5 yr. old Hereford bull,
Horn-type, 1500 lbs., gentle.
oe Smith, Palmetto, Ph.


15 Angus: 8 bred to calve
this winter and spring, 4
young bulls, 2 yrs. down. All
reg. except 5; also 5 gaited
Tenn. bay gelding, gentle,
broke, good plow mule, gentle,
and about 800 bales hay. M.
M. DeBardelaben, Sr., Rt. 1,

Reg. polled Hereford bull,
calved June 15, 1956. Sell
$250.00. T. G. OKelly, Mays-
ville: Ph. OL 2-2121,-

Young milch cow, Guern-
sey-Jersey crossed, freshen
the last of November with
3rd calf. Thos. P. Herrin, Rt.

1, Box 22, Nahunta.

13 Reg. Shorthorn cows
with calves at side; 4 open,
600 lb. heifers, 1 herd bull.
Priced to sell. Julius F. Bis-

, POs Box. 987, Athens:
Ph. LI 6-1451. :

Double standard Reg. polled
Hereford young bulls and
heifers, 6 mo.-9 mos. old, ex-
cellent bloodline, well built,
good color and conformation.
Roy Goddard, Rt. 2 Lithonia
(Klondike), Ph. 2672.


Reg. purebred black P.C.
boar and gilt. 200 lbs. ea.
$95.00 ea. Will give papers.
Cecil Brown, Rt. 6, Eastman.

35 purebred Landrace pigs,
2 mos. old, $35.00 ea. with
papers. Sell the lot at reason-
able price without papers. G.
B. Stewart, Crawfordville.

R,eg. Hampshire boars
weened pigs to service age.
Negative to Brucellosis and
Lepto. Bill Pickerell, Rt. 2,
Cochran, Ph. Webster 4-2665.

Reg. Landrace boars, serv-
ice age boars, gilts and bred
gilts, 100 pct. imported blood-
lines. Reg. in buyers name.
H. R. Gossett, Cave Springs.

Choice Landrace pigs, males
and females, imported blood-
lines, treated, reg. in buyers
name. $60.00 ea. William E.
Lanier, Rt. 2, Box 84, Metter,
Ph. 5-1035.

36~pigs,. S.b&. and OLE:
eross. Wormed, weaned, and
eating, 7 weeks old; also, 1
half White Face beef year-
ling, 5 mos. old, stall fed, wt.
300 Ibs. or more. W. E. Smith,
421 Arnold St. Hapeville, Ph.
PO 1-8276.

Reg. Landrace boars, 8 mos.
old. Top bloodlines, $150.00 ea.
Contract. R. F. Seymour, Rt.
1 Tignall. Ph. Atwater 5-2033.

3 purebred Hampshire boars,
3 mos. old, wt. about 80-90
Ibs. All well marked and
healthy, $22.50 ea. reg. gilt,
non-related to boars, $20.00.
Carl Smith, Rt. 3, Ellijay.

Purebred Tamworth sub. to
Reg. 8 wks. old pigs, my place
2 mi. West Jasper. Eugene
Clark, Rt. 2, Jasper.

Reg. Landrace pigs, 3 mos.
old, from 100 pct. imported
bloodlines. Life time treat-
ment for cholera. Mrs. J. A.
Towns, Rt. 1, Glenwood. Ph.
JA 3-3389.

Landrace gilts, 10 mos. old,
bred to farrow pigs in Jan-
uary. Reg. buyers name, $155.
ea.; also service age boars.
Basil Steed, W. Roanoke Dr.
Ext. (El Harris : Rd.):\ Fitz-
gerald. Ph. 3905.

Reg. S.P.C., herd boar, 15
mos. old, younger service age
boars, pigs. unrelated prs.,
and bred gilts. Reg. buyers
name. All treated. My place,
11 1/2 mi. W. Savannah, J. T.
Rimes. Bloomingdale. Ph.
Savannah SH 8-4072.

Purebred Tamworths, elig.
to registry, boars and gilts, 6
to 14 wks. old, also some feed-
er pigs and shoats. Mrs.
Charles Baldwin, c/o Chas.
Baldwin Farm, Suwanee. Ph.
Buford 7181.

2 good sows, farrow soon,
for sale. T. A. McClung, 1014
Indian Creek Dr. Clarkston.
Ph. HI 3-7590.

Forest Hill Field Marshall 95

. e pigs, f
Sept. 25, 1958,

M., $25.00 ea. Carl Shelfer,
3795 Old Fairburn Rd., S.W.,
Atlanta 11.

Reg. Yorkshire large litter:
from best imported bloodlines;
also Reg. Durocs large litters.

Both breeds from Top Certi- _

fied disease-free, lean meat
type herds. Special price now
at private sale, male or fe-
male, $25.00 and up. Lawton
Ursrey, Hazlehurst. Ph. Frank-
lin 5-2155 (Hazlehurst), or
Atlanta JA 3-1706.

Reg. Tamworth pigs, best
bloodlines, ready Jan. 10, 1959
at 8 wks. old, $30.00 ea. with
papers in buyers name. See
at farm. Donald McCord, Rt. ~
1, Cave -Spring. -

Horses, Mules & Ponies

Chestnut col. gelding saddle
horse, with or without saddle
and bridle. W. M. Byrd, 3083
Dodson Dr., East Point. Ph,
PO 1-7625. 5

Midnight Judge, son of Mid-
night Sun, Reg. Tenn. Walk-
ing horse. Chestnut gelding,
5 yrs. old, good show pros-
pect, $350.00. Terms if want-
ed. Mrs. Jack L. Bryant, Rt.
3, Box 139, College Park.

Excellent hunter horse.
Good for shows in jumping
class. $250.00. H. T. Nichols,
933 N. Highland Ave., N.E, -
Atlanta, Ph. Trinity 6-1778.

Pair good mules, Wt. about
1,000 Ibs. ea. No defects. John
R. Bartlett, Rex, Ph. Stock-,
bridge 4340. ;

At stud: Reba Genius, ~
American Bred Saddle horse
stallion. Reg: 25327. By Bour-
bon Genius out of Autumn
Peavine by Astral Peavine,
Dr. E. L. Kilday, Claxton.

Mule, young, sound, hard=
worker. Sell or trade for rid-

ing pony or cattle of any kind.


Quarterman, Fleming-

Palomino Quarter horse
colt, sub. to reg., $250.00; Pin-
to colt, Quarter horse and
Indian Mustang, gentle, and
bay yearling Quarter filly,
best bloodlines, $150.00 ea.;
black riding and driving mars,
in foal to Palomino, $200.00.
Mrs. J. W. Baily, Waynesboro.
Phe 2087;

At Stud: Red Lights Noble
Rex, Reg. 36083, American
Saddle Bred Stallion. Proven.
sire top quality colts. Grand-
son of Noble Kalarama. Thom= _
as G. Watkins, Jr., 4584 Flat
Shoals Road, Rt. 2, Decatur.
Ph. Butler 9-6692.

Red horse mule, about 1000
Ibs., 8 yrs. old, good work
mule, $75.00 at my place
Lewis H. Jones, Rt. 1, Box 1,
Meansville. ;

Sev. Shetland ponies, safe,
suitable for children, with
saddles and bridles, also Shet-
land colts and Quarter Horse
colt. B. B. Burkhalter, Clax-
ton. Ph. 40.

Mare mule, age unknown,
eats and works good, wt
around 800 Ibs., $40.00, 2 mi.
Hollywood at Garrett Place.
Gertie Scot, Rt. 1, Mt. Airy.

Good work.mare and 5 mos,
old colt, halter broke, priced
to sell. R. M. Blackwell, Pan-
ola Rd. Lithania.

Sheep and Goats

28 Hampshire cross ewes
and one ram, $12.00 ea. for
all or $15.00 ea. separately,
Due to start lambing any-
time. Mercer Dalton, Rt. 2,



Want 35 young weaned
feeder pigs, disease free,
healthy, in good conditions
also want 10 purebred Black
Angus feeder calves. Quote
price, age and size in first
letter. Ogden Geilfuss, c/o
Melody Brook Farm, Windy
Hill Rd., Rt. 3, Marietta, Ph,
HE. 5-7385, Smyrna.




Want herd of 30-35 grade
Shorthorn cows, prefer polled.
M. G. Bolgla, Rt. 1, Evans.

Want 10 to 20 Black Angus
springers. Robt. S. Ware, P.O.
Box 251, Hogansville.

Want trade Reg. Angus bull,
2 yrs. old, out of a McMar
cow by grandson of Eilen-

mere, tor one of same value,
of good type and breeding.
Lewis Lindsey, Silver Creek.

Want good 800-900 lb. work
mare or mule, from in or
around Dalton. Must be worth
the money. Bud Holland,
Coogler Rd., Dalton.

Want mare that will work
and ride. Must be gentle, 8-12
. old, wt. 1,000-1100 lbs.

E. Gay, Rt. 4, Moultrie.

Want pretty good pacing
saddle horse, gentle (not scar-
ed of cars, etc.), also will
plow, not too old, in vicinity
Acworth and cheap for cash.

o Shetland pony. S. L. Evans

t. 3, Cartersville.




White Hackle cock, 2 yrs.
old, $4.00; 1 1/2 Warhorse,
1/2 BH. cock, $4.00. Ship
any time. Russell Griffin, Oak
&t., Gainesville.

Pit games, bred under wire
from proven stock. South
Georgia cock and 2 yr. old
hen, $8.00; stags $4.00 ea. Law
Stag and hen, $10.00; Barred

ock, 2 yr. old cock, -$8.00;

hite Muff Hen and Stag.
$10.00; Will ship. C. G. Pend-
ley, Lithonia.

Nigger Roundheads and
Blue Cubans game stags, $7.50
ea. C. J. Thomas, Blairsville.

Purebred Dark Cornish
cockerels, large, big bone type,
long yellow legs, ready for
service, $2.00 ea. in lots of
ee H. W. Thurmond, Farm-

; Pit game cocks, 2 yr. old:
Gray Mortgage lifter, $15.00;
one red Claret, $25.00; 2 Cu-
ban blue stags, 1 yr. old,
$10.00 ea., hens, $5.00, pullets,
3.00; Warhorse- Claret and
arhorse and Clarets cross,
this yrs. hatch, $8.00 trio. S.
: Boroughs, Rt. te BOx ES;
ichmond Hill.

20 bantams and game mixed
ehickens, mostly hens, also
10 baby chicks, all for $10. 00

at my place. G, E. Housley,
~ Rt. 6, Worley Dr., Marietta,
h. 7-2144.

Mixed colored, 1/2 bantam

chickens, 75c ea. Will not ship. |50 pr


Purebred Dark Cornish
_bantams, stocky, bulldog type,
11 mos. old, $6.00 pr.; Black
Cochin bantams, 10 mos. old,
$5.00 pr.; Easter Egg roosters,
10 mos. old, $5.00 ea. Exp.
Col. in light crate. Send M. O.
Mrs. Addie A. Edwards, 716
Myrtle St., N.E., Atlanta 8,
Tr. 4-5152:

Dark Cornish bantams, show
stock, $10.00 trio; Bearded
White Jap Silkies, $7.00 trio.
Will not ship. E. I. Wix, 570
Quillian Ave. S.E., Atlanta
17, Ph. Dr. 3-9421.

11 mixed bantam hens and
red rooster at my home, 50c
ea. Mrs. C. W. Jordan, Rt. 1,
Box 55; Lizella, Ph. WE.

25 bantam hens and 3 roost-
ers, mixed colors, mostly half
game, 75c ea. for the lot. Mrs.
J. W. Kelley, Rt. 2, Box 124,

A. Boatright, Rt. 5,

Pit game cocks, stags, hens
and pullets. One extra nice
white cock (1/2 Madigan
Claret, 1/4 Hatch, and 1/4 Al-
Jen roundhead). Brown reds,
roundheads and their crosses.
A. R. McBride, 3 McCarley
St.. Douglasville.


$1.50 ea.; also purebred ban-
tams, crossed $1.00 ea., 100
head are available now. Ship
Exp. Col. Curtis Murphy, Rt.
2, Thomasville.

Correction: 15 nice fat hens,
about 2 yr. old, $1.25 ea.; also
some N.H.R. May hatched,
just beginning to lay, $1. 75
ea. Cannot ship. John F. Ea-
ton, Rt. 1, Ranger. .

Purebred Dark Cornish
bantams, Spring hatched,
blocky, good blood, $3.00 ea.
a $5.00 pr. Gordon S. Haney,

5 E. Second St., Aragon.

Gaslings, Chinese White and
African Grey, finest 4-A bred,
Pullorum free, $12.00 doz. PP.
R. D. Stoddard, Rt. 2, Box
170, Waynesboro.

2 pr. wild Mallard ducks,
$5. pr. plus shipping charges.
Miss Evelyn Moore, Rt.

12 high grade N.H. Red
hens and 12 White Rock hens,
March and April hatch, $1. 50
ea.; stock rooster of ea. $1.25
ea. Cannot ship. Mrs. R. C.
eh OOW Rt. 1, Byron. Ph. WO.



Want 150 or 200 young hens
or pullets of good laying
strain of heavy breed. A. J.
Johnson, Grayson. Ph. TH
3-3874 Lawrenceville.

GAME, FOWL, etc.


300 Ringneck Pheasants and
20 pair of Chukars. Farm lo-
cated on State Rt. 5, 6 mi. N.
of Marietta, Ga. Permit No. 17.
ae Jackson, Marietta, Ph.

1958 extra-large Northern
Bob-white breeder quail. Bred
and improved 38 yrs.; 1-3 ozs.
heavier than average. William
A. Thomas, 421 Mark Build-
ne Atlanta, Ph. Murray 8-

Racing Homer and_ utility
White King pigeons, $2.50 Pr.:
Ringneck Doves, $1.75 Pr.;

$4. Pr.; Ringneck pheasants
and Chukar partridge, $4.50
pr.; also, bantams, $1.25 Pr.,
large type Cornish and White
Rock Pullets, $1.50 ea. J. H.
Street, 3090 Buford Hwy., At-
lanta, 6.

Peafowls and Peahens, $15.:
Peacocks full plumage,
$25.ea. Mrs. C. N. Adams, |
Shellman, Ph. OR 9-2184.

Mated pairs Northern Bob-
white breeders, $3. pr.; half-
grown, 75c ea.; Coturnix
(Japanese) quail, laying $2.-
; Coturnix eggs, 10c ea.
PP. Ship quail Express Col.
Send money order. Miss Eve
Wallace, 716 Myrtle St., N. E.
Atlanta 8, Ph. TR 4-5152.

Red, 4 mos. old Rabbits, $3.
Pr.; bantam Hens and roosters,
$1. ea. Will ship. Dewey Dal-
land, Box 14, Coogler Rd. Dal-

N. Z. White pedigree rabbits,
bred or open does, also Jr.
bucks and does, all pedigreed,
$6. - $10 ea. C. W. Page, 149
North Ave., N. E. Atlanta, Ph.
TR. 4-6452.

Northern Bobwhite quail
for breeders or releasing, in
flight 24 x 100 ft..pens; Mal-
lard ducks, $5. pr; Golden
Sebright bantams, $5. pr., $7.
trio. C. L. Cawthorn, River-
oe Ph. GR. 8-8106 after 6

Bobwhite quail breeders: 8
pr. and.2 hens with pens, $25.
for lot; also Sears round type
100 egg capacity incubator,
$15. Will not ship. R. H. David-
son, 617 Lyle Ave., East Point,
Ph. PO. 7-5386.

3 Ringneck pheasant cocks,
$2. ea. or trade for 2 hens; also
2 Missouri wild rabbits, 2 mo.
old, doe and buck, $10. pr.
Charles Capehart, Jr., Rt. 3,
Highfalls Rd.. Jackson, Ph.
Griffin 7930.

Golden Sebright bantams,

Green Head Mallard ducks. | PP

wks. old $1. a. R.
Park, Ph. PO. 6- 8709.

23, Kelly Mill Rd., Cumming.

Utility type
pigeons: 1 mated pr., 8 mo.
old, $2.50; 3 pr. not mated, $2.
pr. Buyer pays
charges. Jesse Hudson, Rt. 6,

20 White King pigeons, $1,
each. Shuler Antley, 1004
Serre St., Marietta, Ph. 8-


Americas finest strain
White King pigeons, $3. pr.
Not less than 2 pr. shipped.
Ogden Geilfuss, c/o Melody
Brook Farm, Windy Hill Rd.,
Rt. 3, Marietta, Ph: sHE. -5-
7385., Smyrna, Ga. 3

White Kings, mated, and
White Swiss Homing pigeons,
each $1.50 pr.; also, bantam
hens, $1. ea.; Muscovy ducks,
$3. pr.; Hamburg roosters,
$1.50 each; common pigeons,
mated, $1. pr. Starling eons
Byromville. ;

GAME, FOWL, etc. :


Want good Chinchilla, N. Z.
Red or any good Gray rabbit
for breeding. State price and
age. C. R. Philpot, 1577 Bank-

head Ave., NW, see 18,
Ph. Sy. 4-0009.
Want 5 pair ea: Valley,

Gambling and Scaled quail.
Give best price in first-letter.
Paul J. West, Rt. 1, Rock



Dry ground Sage, 50c tea-
cupful; red hot pepper, 30c
for 12 pods if ordered with
sage. Add postage. Miss Gen-
nia Brown, Rt. 1, Ball Ground.

Hand gathered, shade dried
Sage, $1.25 lb; also sundried~
apples, peeled and cored, 50c
lb. plus postage. Mrs. Ruby
Brown, Rt. 2, Toccoa.

Nice, clean black Walnut
meats, this yrs crop, $1. pint
; nice, print feed sacks, 100
lb. cap., large number, many
alike, 3, $1. Add postage. Mrs.
Ruth Lowman, Rt. B, Ellijay.

Yellow shelled popcorn, for
eating, 20c lb. at my place.
Bushel or more PP. T. W.
Hutcheson, Rt. 2, Temple. ;

White feed bags, 100 lb. cap.,
812503 10 [$247 55 20; $5.55 $24.
C. PP to 2nd zone. M. O. Ma-
jor Crow, Rt. 2, Gainesville.

1958 crop Black Walnut
meats, large pieces, $1.35 lb.
PP. or $1.25 Ib. plus postage.
Mrs. Boyd Nicholson, Rt.

Hand picked leaf sage, dried
in the shade, $1. pt. cupfull,
10 lbs. white rice popcorn on
the cob. $1.25; hulled Black
Walnuts, $2.00 bu. Add post-
age. Mrs. Marie Howard, Box
14, Coogler Rd., Dalton.

Yellow root, freshly dug
and washed, 4 lb. lard boxful,
$1:25 PP; sunflower seed,
large pkt. 10c and stamped en-
velope. Mrs. Ventis Weaver,

Rt. 5, Ellijay.
Sweetgum, wildcherry, al-
dar, poplar, pine, dogwood,

red and white oak barks, yel-
lowdock, goldenseal, sassafras,
sarsaparilla, garlic, poke
roots, plantain, mullein, rab-
bit tobacco, $f. lbs Washing-
ton asparagus, tansy, hore-
hound, 2 bunches, $1. Add
postage. Exch. for print sacks.
Mrs. John Myers, (Addison)
Rt. 2; Hartwell.

Yellow root, dug and
washed, 4 lb. lard box full,
Tae; dried red cowhorn pep-
per, 6 pods 25c (for home use).
Add_ postage. Mrs. Martha
Walker, Rt. 5, Ellijay.

Jerusalem artichokes; $1.75
gal. PP 3rd zone; $7. bu Exp.
Col. $1.25 gal. at my home.
Mrs. Vautelle Holland, Win-
der, Ph. 10711,

Young white rabbits, 6-7
1. Trader,
217. Calloway St., College

Pigeons, $1.75. pair. Cannot
ship. Lonnie Bryant, Rt. 4, Box,

White King


1| State price. Van Whitlock, Rt.


50c Ib.

[cupful. Add postage. - Mrs. |
Dewey Ellis, Rt. 5, Ellijay.

Several Ibs.
ed, mostly in halves, 75c Ib.,
at my place - Warm Springs
Hwy. Mrs. L. L. Thompson, Rt.
1, Box 42, Warm Springs.

20 gal. Ga. syrup, made of
late orange cane, at my place,
$3. gal. Cannot ship. James
ay RR 1, Box 153, minetas

Jerusalem sedichihee $7.00
bu. FOB. Seaborn Roddenbe
Pe en Broad St. Cairo. Ph.

Yates apples, brushed cd
graded, in any amount, Paved.
road to orchard. No mail or

express orders. R. G. Hudson,
c/o Hudson s Orchard, Ellijay.

Martin gourds, 50c_ large
size; also gourd seed, 25c large
pack. Add postage. Mrs. W. W.
Lowman, Rt. 5, Ellijay.

Shelled pecan, $1. 30. Ib.
shipped prepaid. J. G.-Bryant,
Luthersville, P. O. Box 47.

Artichokes, $5. bu. and you
pay postage. Mrs. J. C. Barker,
eS ug 233, Thomaston. Fh.

Jerusalem arcadia, $I25
gal. $7. bu. Postage extra if
shipped. L. M. Vineyard, Rt. 1,
Box 152, Hogansville.

Bright, nice sundried horse

apples, 60c lb. Mrs. J. W.
ae Rt. 1, Hampton. Ph.

Dried apples, 50c Ib., also
Calif. multiplying beer seed,
35c start. Add postage. Keedie
Nolen, Rt. 1, Buchanan.

Jeruselem artichokes; ai e
gal, PP 3rd. zone; $7. bu. E

Col. $1.25 gal. at my aie oh
J. Johnson, 22 E. Broad St.
Winder, Ph. 5092.

Old time blue fate and red}
leaf plum plums, 25c ea; 6-7
ft. pecan tree. Dig and
take. All healthy and well
rooted. No shipping. Mrs.
Lowell Long, Rt. 1, Box 184,

.Jerusalem artichokes at my
home, $1.25 gal; 9 gal., $8.
Exp. Col. $1.75 gal. PP to 3rd
zone. C. W. Page, 149 North
Ave., N. E. Atlanta, Ph TR.
4- 6452.



Want to buy few quarts
sourwood honey, pure, not
mixed, 1958 crop. F. E. Jack-
son, McRae. ;

Want 200 fence post, locust
or mulberry, 6 ft. Jong. del. my
farm, 3 mi. S. W. of Turin.

1, Senoia. ~

Want few long handle and
some old fashion gourd seed.
Not the fancy ones, State
what you have and price. Mrs.
poe Tucker, Rt. 1, Cuth-|

Want some beer seed. Ad-
vise amount and price. Mrs.
A. L. Moss, Rt. 2, Lula.

Want Bees, pat. gums only.
Will pay $5. hive. W. R. Smith,
2330 Park Ave., S.
lanta 15. Ph. PO 6-6671.



NOTICE: Advertisements
submitted for this column
must be confined . articles
that can be used in the actual
operation of the home or farm.
Objects created solely for orn-
amentation or display such as
paper or wax flowers or ob-
jects which would fall under
the category of art can not
be accepted.

Hand made little girl dresses,
11 mo. to 18 mo. old, pink and
yellow trimmed in w

W., At-

ip re cowhorn pep- | pink
per, 6 pods 30c (for home|
use); old fashion large bloom-| ?
|ing sunflower seed, 35c large |

pecans, shell- |=;

nice materials,
$8.50 ea.; are
ey ee
2 pr.; la
Add p
Mathis, Rt 5

2 nice. ieee bed
tops, $2 ea.; 2 pin
terpieces 26 in.,
holders, 25 ea. You
age Mittie: Roper :

ciowibled: em
roses, green le:
background with
$50; 2 vanit :
and white, |

age; 2 quil

ball design, $3

| Stovall, RFD

2 large abl,

new cloth,

age. Miss Moz
Rt. 2, Box 217, 1

quilted double bed
$6; ladies aprons, |
postage. Exch.
-|plain feed . sacks.
ye RES
well. 3:

Hand inde nice
one new print, =

Plus postage. Mrs. }
derson, Rt. 3,1 Box 12

aides, ribbon of choic
two. designs, $1 pr
ones of rayon
Add 10 postage for e
Mrs. M. E. Dailey, 403.
son Ave., East

pieces, 17 in. across, 3
or, $2.50 ea.; Ey
tatting a \
long, 15 in. wide,

$3 ea. All orders *

W. J. Harrison, 304 N.
St., East Point, P|

6 pe. crochet

with pineapple gn
color, 13 x 30 in. an
in., $8; one crochet
lavender, 22 a 16
Miss" Beulah


50c ea.; pattern api
Add postage. Mrs.
rell, Rabun Gap.

bedspread. a5 ;
Gregg, 116, ea

lege Par!

New ae 1ad
large, dbl. bed size,
ton porate ent

dd Re
Ellis, BP i

$1.40; print
50c ea.; white |
of week emb.

ite, 75c | 50c; 3

ea. Mrs. E. M.
Rt.. 3, Ellijay. ~~

