Farmers and consumers market bulletin, 1958 September 10

ae ga
, se armers

Cog she er

Phil Canpbell,

aes iene is a need for a better

iters and speakers.

story of agriculture is indeed a
pur it has never been eee

Ss and agricultural specialists,
i have the tape bility to inform

word. Often these people fall short
g individuals Areca thei own
of ndeavor. Aa ck

e same time we have ta many
- writing and speaking abilities
e agriculture an injustice
fending to understand all of its
ed problems.
huge industry that is agriculture
ed complicated but it is not im-
to understand. We have many
ho have a very good understand-.

ngths and its weaknesses who
are of agricultures role in creating
patness that is America. Unfortu-

ining necessary to enable them to
s message to others.

vationthe story of how highly
and dedicated men are pitting their

S. nd their strength against mother |
and the wastefulness of manis

that has never been factually pre-

"producing wonders equal to and
in mes even surpassing the almost

ght, is virtually unknown to the

ige man on the street.
emendous educational forces,






standing of agriculture among most

e too many ese lead-


September 9-12, Atlanta State 4-H
Club Congress.

September 12, Macon Georgia Demon-
stration Feeder Cattle Sales Pro-

September 16, Americus Georgia
Demonstration Feeder Cattle Sales

September 17, Augusta Georgia
-Demonsiration Feeder Cattle Sales


= September 22-23, Tifton Fourteenth
Annual Veterinary Conference.

So hicaher 30, Tifton Bishop Method
of Clothing Construction Short


- such as our national army of extension

service workers, whose training, knowl-

edge and experience aid farmers in feed- _

ing and clothing not only this nation but
many backward areas of the world, are
little understood and virtually unappre-
ciated by the average American citizen.

The world of agriculture is a world

-unto itself, Here in Georgia, which many

people now consider an industrial state,
55 percent of all persons gainfully em-
ployed are dependent upon. agriculture
for their jobs.

In my opinion every school of journ-
alism should offer to its students some
knowledge of agriculture in its many and
varied phases. There is hardly a news-
paper man in the country who, at some
time or other, is not called upon to write
on this specialized subject and yet the
average journalists knowledge of agri-
culture is so meager that trained agricul-
tural journalists are numbered among the
most sought after specialists in the coun-

Of equal importance is the need for
every agricultural student to receive some
training in journalism and speaking. No
professional agricultural worker can do an
effective job unless he is able, at least to
some extent, to convey unto others some

of the knowledge he has of the total agri-

Georgia, First:


Information Is Kali

-On'59 Soil Bank Program

Georgia farmers are now able to get

full information about the Conservation
Reserve program of the Soil Bank for

1959 and decide on participation, accord-

ing to John F. Bradley, administrative of- _

ficer of the State Agricultural Stabiliza-
tion and Conservation Committee.

_. Bradley explained that the Conserva-
tion Reserve is being opened early this
year because the other part of the Soil

Bankthe Acreage Reserve program ~ :

will not be in effect in 1959.

Under the Conservation Reserve pro-

partment of Agriculture to reduce their
acreage of harvested crops for a period of-

up to 10 years, and to devote this acreage
to conservation practices. Inreturn forthis
contribution to production adjustment the |

government makes an annual rental pay-
ment to the farmer based on the produc-
tivity of his land. The government will al-
so share in the cost of establishing the
conservation practices.

Bradley called attention to- three

major changes in the 1959 Conservation
Reserve from the program in effect this _

year. They are:

1. A higher average level of rental bay
ments with the individual rate depending

upon the productivity, agricultural value,
and rental rates for similar land in the

2. A higher payment rate as an in-
centive for a farmer to place all eligible
cropland in the Reserve.

3. A priority system for accepting con-
tract applications which gives __prefer-

ence to those farmers offering land at the

lowest cost per unit of productivity.

cultural picture and the role he plays in
making up this picture.

The story of agriculture is a big and
wonderful story. It is a story that needs
to be told and one that needs to be under-
stood. The story of Agriculture is tho story
of America vin. all its and



~ pram, farmers.contract with the U.S. De-





Editorial and Executive Offices
Siate Agriculture Building
19 Hunter Street, 8.W.
Atlanta 3, Georgia
Phone JAckson 4-3292


Jack Gilchrist

Assistant Editor
Notices ._.
Cireulation _ :
Mailing Room Supt.


EM aUAP See eeu suka


| will be acce;

Deborah Anglin
a a a

Mander ee ee Jr

Nodees of farm produce
and appurtenances admissible
under postage regulations in
serted one time on each re-

No notice or advertisement
ted from any
zommercia! usiness, any
commercial businessman, any
cotnpany or organization li-
eensed as a commercia) busi-
ness or doing business under
a trade mame or business
name, nor from any indivi-
dual doing business under a
trade name or commercia)
business name.

The Georgia Market Bulle-
tin assumes no respa sibility
for any notice appearmg in
the Bulletin nor for any

ransaction _resultin, from
published notices. Advertisers
are cautioned that it ig against
the law to misrepresent
any product offered for sale
in a public notice or adver-
tisement carried in any pub-

lication that is =.
through the United States
mail. :

Address requests to be
mailing list, changes

MANAGER, Market Bulletin.


elass matter Aug. 1,
under Act of June 6,
rate of postage provided

Address all complaints to EDITOR, Market Bulletin.

added to oO
of address.

change of address must include OLD and NEW addresses.

all notices and advertisements to EDITOR OF
NOTICES, Market Bulletin, Atlanta.
Publishea weekly at 114-122 Pace St.,
by Georgia Department of Agriculture. Entered as secon
1937, at post office, Covington, Ga.,
1900. Aceepted for mailing at special
for in Secticn 1103. Act of Oct 8.

yoved from

All -requests for


Covington, Ga. 3

wants job on farm looking af-
ter chickens, or as dairy help-
er, or any kind farm work.

Need 4 R. house. Wm. B.
Alewine, Rt. 1, Hartwell.


Sept. 17Wednesday1 PM.,
E.S.T. ayne 0. Stock
Yards, Jesup ... Altamaha
Breeders Consignment Sale
Registered MHerefords an
polled Herefords . . . choice
cattle, popular bloodlines.
Approximately 50 lots
bulls, cows and calves and
heifers, Most of them calf-
hood vaccinated. Cattle on
Show all Forenoon. For
catalogue, write, R. E, Rob-
inson, Secy., Box 14, Odum.

Sept. 16 Tuesday 1 PM.,
Tifton Livestock Market,
Tifton (Tift Co,) ... Coast-
al Angus Breeders
ment Sale 105 Angus
females 90 registered; 15
purebred unregistered; 10
Hop. Angus bulls, includes

1 ealves and proven
bulls. For cataloniic, write



Want handy man for care-
taking, repair work, share
cropping and hog work. Must
be able to move and fianance
self. 3 R. house on_ school,
mail routes, and paved road.
S. S. Storer, Rt. 4, Douglas-

i Want man to grow 2 A.
each of Turnips, Cabbage, and
Collards on halves or for
wages. Have 3 R. house. Good
location for single man_ or
man and wife. Shelton
Thompson, Oak Park.



36 yr. old widow with 5
children (large enough to

work after school) wants job
on poultry farm or help on
row crop. Need 4 R. house.
Have to be moved, Mrs,
Louise Davenport, c/o R. J.
Duffey, Rt. 2, McDonough.

White man with family of 8
wants job on dairy, poultry
or beef farm. 5 yrs. Exp. in
Dairy. Wife to work also.
Need 4 or 38 R. house with
lights and water. Have to be

moved. M, B. Whitley, 305
Alcove Drive. Scottdale.

63 yr. old man in good
health wants job on poultry
or dairy farm, Can drive. Do
yough carpenter work. R. I.
Bentley, c/o Calvin Daniel,
Rt. 3, Monroe.

43 yr. old single white
man wants job on broiler
farm for room, board and
$20 wkly. salary. Go any-
where. No bad habits. Have
to be moved. Troy Binford,
c/o N. H, Satterfield, Rt. 2,

White man with small fam-
ily (one son large enough to
work) wants job on dairy
cattle, hogs or tractor farm.
Ready to move at once. T. S.
Edge, 118 Murphy Ave. S. W.,
Atlanta 10,

Man wants job on farm as
earetaker or doing light farm
work, for house, wood and

arden. Can furnish Ref.
Move anywhere. O. O. Turn-

Rt. 1, Box 125-A, Monti-

4 grown Experienced men
want large money crop or
60-50 basis in Tobacco or
Peanut belt. Exp. in all kinds
dractor machinery. Must have
2 houses. Can give good Ref.

E. Griner, c/o _ Fred
Schoores Plant Farm, Rt. 1,
Box 53, Ray City.


Sober and honest man with
5 in family wants farm on
50-50 basis with good man
and good land with good size
tobacco allottment. Arthur
Price, Rt. 3, Ludowici.

Mother and daughter want
job on farm doing light farm
work. Cannot do heavy work,
Have to be moved. Letters
ans. Must have 3 R. house.
Mrs. Pearl Blair, Villa Rica.

58 yr. old single man wants
job as caretaker of farm or
doing light farm work for
room and board. Send direc-
tions to home. T. A. Jones,
105 Beatty St., Griffin.

32 yr. old white woman
wants job on farm doing
light farm work for room,
board and salary. Have school
age child. Mrs, Janie Wilker-
son, Rt. 1, Box 530, Warner
Robins. Ph. Perry, Ga 9-2659.

Widow (no children) wants
job on farm doing light farm

work for board, and $15
wkly. salary. Contact at once.
Mrs. Eva Hill, Temple.

37 yr. old. white man, wife
and 2 children want job on
dairy or cattle farm, Depend-
able, do not drink, can give
Ref. Exp. with all kinds farm
machinery. J. P. Black, Rt. 4,
Box 427, Valdosta.

38 yr. old white woman
wants job on dairy or chick~
en farm. Want 1 or 2 furn-
ished rooms. Marjorie Simp-
kins, c/o EB, A. Simpson, Rt.
2, Forsyth.

Married* man, sober, honest,
good worker, 41 yrs. old,
wants job of regular farm
work or on poultry farm.
Have to be moved. Tom Cost-
ley, Rt. 1, e/o Julia Daniel,



Want single man for year-
round work on farm. 18-45
yrs. old. Have 4.R. house,
with water and lights. Can
give meals, laundry and rea-
sonable salary or batch. Write
details and Exp. with farm
machinery, and salary expect-
ed. D. C. Dulmage, Rt. 3, Box
112, Soperton.

Want dairyman at once to
handle 36 cow dairy on school
bus route. 4 R, house, with
lights and water furnished,
$160 monthly salary. H. D.
Smith, Jackson. Ph. 6831.

Want young farmer, mar-
ried or single, to live on and
help develope 200 acres, with
cattle, trees and tractor. 4 R.
house wired, but needs re-
pair and running water. Chic-
kens, and produce_ possible.
Must not drink. Salary or
share in profits. W. M. Crane,
630 Cobb St., Athens.

Want people to pick 110
A. cotton at $2 per 100 lbs.
Pay at night. 2 mi. N. Poplar
Spring M Church. Grady Jen-
kins, Rt. 2, Adairsville.

Want middleaged _ settled
woman or middleaged couple
to do light. farm work on
farm. All conveniences. Room,
board, and egos salary.
L. R. Fain, Rt. 2, Alpharetta.
Ph. 5408.

Want reliable, sober man,
30-35 yrs. old, good Cattle
man, tractor and machinery
mechanized operator. Need to
know to repair equipment al-
so. Furnish good 5 R. house
with ~ water and lights, on
paved road, school bus and
mail service. C. M. Pippin,
Rt. 2, Albany.

Want small, reliable, sober,
Christian family for - wages

on: Livestock farm, year-
round, along with share-
cropping 3 acres Tobacco.

Good proposition for right
party. House, water, electri-
city furnished. Zack Wilkins,

Want someone with neces-
sary equipment to plan and
prepare about 3 acres to be
planted in Clover this Fall.
BH. J; Karst, Re: 2, Box 196,

Man, 50 yrs. old, sober and{
honest, good worker, and wife

Jonsign- | ~

farm and do light fa
Home and $60 mo.
quired. Mrs. C. M. Cash, 1348
Bolton Rd. N.W., Atlanta 18.


Turner Sawmill, set of Turn
er edgers, E-60 Allis Chalmer
motor all used ye | little, |
ready to saw, $160 oa
Spivey Rt. 1, Axson. ;

Allis Chalmer WD ean,
60 all-crop Harvester, JD 6
tiller, JD 7, row grain drill,
JD 6 ft. mower, 8 disc Taylor-
way harrow,
cash. Herman C. Brewer, Rt. 1,

Mule drawn mowin
chine and 8 ft. rake.

5 for

both; also ee urn for
a "Mrs. .N : Bice t, I, Fel
on. :

Corley Sawmill, and 40 HP
Allis Chalmer motor, for sale.
E es Chamblee, Rt. 1, Wood-

13 row McCormick grain
drill, good cond; 1 row corn
picker, No. 100, JD, prac rae |
new; also 2 rubber tiered wa-
gons, good cond. Fred Gunn,
Jr., Rt, 3, Adairsville. Ph, 13%,

Case pick-up hay baler, wire
tie, forsale or trade for AC
Baler. Write what you have.
C. B. Milner, Shiloh.

Horse drawn mowing ma-
chine with 3 extra 5 ft. blades
all good cond., $65 Riley C.
Couch, Senoia.

32 ft elevator single eee
with gas motor on wheels.
fect cond. used very hittle
$250; also Moisture test, like
new, $50. Gus G. Moore, Re-
saca. Ph. Calhoun, MA 9-5756.

250 gal. cap. Wilson bulk
milk tank; excellent cond.,
priced to sell. Boyce Dyer 2300
Cast Way, Decatyr. Ph. DR

John Deere 420 pita tex: trac
tor, equipped with front end
loader, bulldozer blade used

or rtade Jade Thompson, La-
Grange. Ph. TU 4-4946.

Allis Chalmer B tractor,
King harrow, 8 disc bush and
bog, Intnl combine, all good
cond,, $400 or sell separately.
Randall Wardlow, Nicholson,

Intnl power drive corn bind | an)
er; Intnl silage grinder, both
in running shape, have good
paint, $175 for both; JD fertili

ed. $35. Loyd Keadle, Yates-
ville. Ph. Barnesville, 695.J-3.

Irrigation system complete
with 1600 ft. pipe, 550 gal. per
min. pump, with engine, top
cond,, $750. Hamilton L. Hill,
c/o Hill Fruit Farm, Newnen.

John Deere corn picker No.
100, one row, good cond., $300
also 1 field cultivator for 3
Rete hitch tractor, used very
aa $165. both priced at farm
Jc Ge Carnes, Rt. 1,

JD peanut combine in <a
class cond. for sale cheap.
Hugh Crook, Rt. 2, Monte-
zuma. Ph. 5641,

1953 Farmall Cub tractor on
good rubber with hydraulic
lift, pulley, cultivators, and
dise tiller, lights starter.
F. A. Crowder, Rt.

Frick 00 Sawmill in A-l
cond. for sale or rtade for cat-
tle, J. A. Crumley, Rt. 3, Sains

3, Box 94,

1008 Pockman laying cages
back to back comple with
plastic water troughs, feed
Soa, and _ hangers, ae

cond. 45c ea. FOB farm.
Daves, Hurst.

Two Cole 48 in. Grist Mills,
with 40 HP elec. motor, gears,
shaft and pulleys, for sale, R.
C. Griner, Lenox. Ph, 2551.

Letz No. 140 Feed Mill, for
sale at my place, 8 mi. East

wood, Rt. 3, Sere ee

reasonable for|G. P.

225 hrs., excellent cond., $3500 }

zer spreader, some repair need |.

| Allen Rd.,

Whites- |-

Conyers on Hwy, 20 in Be.|
thel Community. R. H. Under

cial Seri

1949 Ford eset wt
tiler, harow, stalk
planters and abe
soa suhaoville I Ph. S772 (
730 PM) -

John Deere, Grassland
D. en hie Cainitla. ae

John Deere A traeto i
starter and lights, $350
Intnl 50.T twine tie p
hay baler in excellent
$700.; Case side del. rake
i 368. hee
thonia, 6568.

well pump, mi

alae tank and all all CO
rols, used

R. Newman, {eo ieray E
Circle, wR i Jd; a .
pete "MA 7-4884.

pes deen, well pum
aor with 1 Pp
va excellent cond., $75. Ch

A. Williamson, .

3, Macon, Ph. 2-44 ~4418,
Allis Chalmers - B

te sa a
r Cole planter, uto

Athens 2 tiller, harro

weed hog aN cante draw }

pe. one. want ed
or avi, A

640 or 660, ie

difference or

Rt. 2,

practically ne Sh
Bt Crowder 2022, Mt

OWS ae 10.

100 oultr. feed
long, | ae casi ie pee

ward ett, . Rt. 3,

New Holland Su
up Hay baler, A-1
Motor, twine tie 393.
Davis, oe ao

24 in. Rota on
tor 5 HP David Bradle
den Tractor for sale, Cli
Hughes, Rt. 1, Tucker-
blee Rd.,_ Tucker Ph.
4625. aga aS
John Deere.
ft. first class shape.
Clipper No. 27 Seed el
ing means 6 screens,
used 2 seasons,

os with

rst class
$350 Yotmnet fama. Cc. M.

pin, Albany.

1951 John Deere. B te
with cultivator, plante ;
distributor; grain
fertilizer attachment, 8
cotton duster, 6 dise tiller,
A combine with grain tank,
used very little, for sale
sonable, Calvin C. Bass, Rt.
Macon. ;


Want 1 or more Intnl
del tractors, 1946-48 m
neumatic lift, without:
unk. condition. Roy
Fovetteville.. Ph, 181.

Want orchard se
gal. ee more oe sr
sor referred ood
cond. Pelton Croy, a ot cies ;
Baer C-13 Dalton. Ph

_ Want large farm bell, 20
eri over, Nae ore
fec e yo.

t shape! Prefer to to Pick. up

or Athens. W. B. Walls,
Chappel Lane, Doraville.

Want lar, nab or 82 Grist Mi

et sons c = Thon z

Want a half horse
deep well pump wii

pipes. V. D. M
la Rica. gp 4313.

Want belt pulley for 1955
d tractor, 1 and 1-1/8 in,

. Norton, Rt..1, Box

st be 48 model, in good
riced reasonable and
}mi. of Madison. L. E,

fant cider mill with all me_
ood shape (eveni f wood.
is damaged). Must be
nably priced. Jack Puc.
Rt. 1, Waleska.

inest quality seed ats, |

bulk combine run,
orgrain 48-93, first gen-
on, State test, Purity 99.-
+ Germ. Guar.


S. Aviator Sericea
will be ready to Com-
middle of :

gomery, Rt. 1, Reynolds.

onions, $1.75 gal.
: zone. R. :
Rt. 1, Brooks.

lion . multiplying

buttons, $1.25 gal.

tage for ea. gal..
1, Ba

Cokers Victor-
ats, 48-93 seed oats,
purity; 93 pct. germ;
heavy, harvested be-
1, $1. bu. bulk in truck

$1.10 bu. bagged. L.
. 2, Byron. Ph. WO

31 Fescue seed, com-
n, but cleaned, con-
small percentage of Or-
grass, 15 lb. James
ng, Box 849. Cedartown.
p. Station Dixie Re-
Crimson Clover Germ.
Purity, 97.77 pet., 25c

OB shipping station. In

cleaned and
cas, pet;
99.74 pct. $3.75; some

ae SOD. 2 des LNs
1, c/o Pate Farm,

Ph. Lawrenceville

uzzi or a,

king orders for seed
Ribbon cane 10c per
id fashioned soft green
8c stalk; imp. Govt
ane, long jointed, 6c
Mail 2c per stalk de-
for kind you _want_and
mail receivt. S. J. Foss,
et. 3. 5 *
11 rooted Ga. Streamline}
aring strawberry plants, |
ith 30c postage first C;
or 200, or 500 plants PP.
B. T. Thornton, Rt. 1,


Era everbearing
berry plants, $1. C; Su-
2 $3. C; virus -free.

d vigorous Klondike
awberry ovlants, $1.25 C;
; special price on lorger

postage. Mrs. John
er, m4 McAfee Rd.,
h. DR 3-6376.

em Red raspberry
stocky, disease-free,

$2. doz; also

oe with

WC Allis Chalmer trac |

Rt. 2, Madison. Ph. 593. | Mt

Grown in the |.
C.-A. Bryant, Roy-


son, Rt. 2, Fayetteville.

Ag Condon Mastodon everbear-

ing strawberry plants, $1. C;
black raspberry, sage, catnip
bunches and May herry
trees, ea. 6 for $1, Add pos-
pee. Mrs. gp bae ees Rt. 6,

Strawberry plants per Cc:
Blakemore, $1.50: Mascon
$1.25; Klondike, $1.;; 500, $4.

ee aes

ears, $1. ea. postage.

Mrs. Lee Hood, Rt. 1, Gaines-


Late Flat Dutch and Copen-
hagen cabbage _and_ collard
plants, 70c C; mint plants, 40c
doz; garlic buttons, 40c C;
Oxheart tomato plants, 25
doz. Fred Witherspoon, 308
Holderness St. S.W., Atlanta.
Ph. PL 3-525Y.



Want old time White and
Red nest onions for fall plant-
ing. Advise price, ete. G. B.
Allred, 919 Walnut St. Rome.



1958 crop hay: Oats and
Rye Grass, Clover and Fes-
cue, or Sericea, baled with-
out rain, at the barn or Del.
E. T. Hines, Ellenwood. Ph.
Stockbridge, 2401:

Approx. 1,000 bales good
Oat and Lespedeza hay, for
sale. R. H. Underwood, Rt. 3,
Conyers. Ph. 4941.

baled without rain, $1

hale at barn. W. A. Estes,

11| RFD, Ellenwood. Ph, Stock-

bridge, 3161.

100 bales Orchard Grass
and Clover hay, 75c bale, my
place, 6 mi. North of Ros-
well Hwy. on Cox Rd. Ralph
ae Rt. 1, Woodstock. Ph.

Coastal hay, baled without
rain, $25 ton. W. Cole, Rt. 1,

200 bales nice hay: Ladino,
Fescue and Orchard Grass,
75c bale, at my barn. M. F,
Peterson, 3496 Wesley Chapel
Rd., Decatur. Ph. BU 9-1859.




Reg. Hereford bull, 2-1/2
yrs. old, Grandson of Hill-
crest Larry 13th $500. Darrell
Allen, Rt. 1, Enigma.

Reg. Angus bull calves,
championship bloodlines, 6-9
mos. old, $200 and up. W. T.
Torgesen, c/o Whistle Top
Farm, Cornelia.

Reg. purebred polled Here-

ford bulls and heifers; Some

heifers open, some are bred.
All deep, full bodied, well
marked; bulls, 10-18 mos. old.
Winton. C. Harris: Rts
Screven. Ph. Odum, JU 4-

Sept. freshening first calf,
Holstein heifers, well grown
out, calfhood vaccinated; also
few Jersey and Geurnsey

.| heifers to freshen. R. B. Cur-
.|tis, Farmington. Ph. Madison,


20 calfhood vaccinated Hol-
stein and Guernsey heifers,
top grade, wt. -500-650 Ibs.
ea, at market price. Hamilton
L. Hill, c/o Hill Fruit Farm,
Newnan. { Re

Heifers: Twelve 3-8 wks;
fourteen 3-8 mos; twenty 8-
12 mos.; twenty 12-16 mos.
old.. All 5 mos. and older are
calfhood vaccinated, All arti-
ficially bred for 3 and 4 gen-

a erations. Priced right for cash

+t my place. B. A, Wallace,
Millen. Ph. 673-R (before 7
M; after 7 PM 2

500 bales Sericea Lespedesa |.

hen Sept. 4, artificially
breeding; 2 will freshen Oct.
15. Best of breeding. Priced
reasonable. F. H. Bunn, Mid-

Dairy cattle: TB and Blood-
tested, Holstein bred heifers,
Holstein service bull, 3 reg.
Holstein bred heifers and
choice reg. bull calves. E. L.
Rogers, RD 1, Plains.

30 creep fed six, 7 and 8
mo, old Angus steers, average
wt. 500 lbs. O. L. DeLozier,
1320 Rhodes-Haverty Bldg.,
Atlanta 3. Ph. DR 3-0113.

Horned type Hereford bull,
18 mos. old, large for age,
sired by Great Grandson of

Larry 50th, $245. M. C. Rob-
erts, Ball Ground. 2

Purebred Jersey bull, 10
mos. old, wt. about 450-500
Ibs. Sell or trade for heifer
about same age and_ stock.
Joe Haley, Rt. 2, Lavonia.

Purebred Guernsey milch
cows, freshen with 4th calf
in September... H. W. Thur-
mond, Farmington.


Purebred reg. Red Duroc
meat type sow, first litter
pigs, 3 female one male, 12

ers, sow wts. approx. 150 Ibs.
W. M. Gay, Rt. 3, Box 295-D,

Reg. Landrace gilts, boars
and bred gilts, 100 pct. im-
ported bloodlines, reg. in
buyers name, unrelated prs.
H. R. Gossett, Cave Spring.

10 wk. old. reg. Landrace
pigs, for sale. Will not ship.
Martin A. Echols, Rt. 1, Rayle.

Reg. SPC service boards,
open gilts and weaned gilt
pigs, meat_type, sired by son
of Great Power Again. Will
ship. Sat. Guar. Quitman
Barrs, Eastman. Ph. 3800.

Fine lot Beltsville No. 1
boars and gilts, farrowed in
May, now available. Excel-
lent for cross-breeding. Fully
treated and certified. Can be
reg. Also orders for future
deliveries. R. S. Beard, Cairo,
Ph. 2-5315.

16 seven wk. old pigs,
Yorkshire and OIC cross, $10
ea. Grady Allen, Danielsville.

Purebred Landrace boars,
subject to registraction, for
sale. John Logan, Rt. 1,
Plains. Ph. Americus, 7465.

2 Duroc gilts, from prize-
winning stock, 8 wks. old
Sept. 2. Reg., wormed, and
treated for Cholera. Sired by
boar from El Mar farms. $25

ea. Roscoe McDonald, Jr.,
RFD 1, Milledgeville. Ph.

Reg. Yorkshire boar pigs,

from large litters of 11, 12
and 14, Treated, wormed and
papers, $25 and $35, ea. Fred
Webster, Cochran.

Few OIC pigs, choice, from
reg. med. type stock, will reg.
in buyers name, treat and
crate, $25:ea. Ready Sept. 18.
*J. Cains. Nt 1, Com-=
(1/4 mi. off Hwy.

Reg. Tamworth: swine,
boars near service age, un-
related gilts. J. S. Davis, c/o
Abba, Rt. 3, Fitzgerald. Ph.

Choice Landrace male pigs,
born April 7, from reg. stock,
ready for light service, $40
ea. Also good riding saddle,
needs no repairs, $20. W.
Cole, Rt. 1, Nicholls.

Reg. SPC hogs and pigs,
weaning age to 200 lbs., from
top bloodlines; 2 service
boars, backed by Grand
Champion sow of Ga. SPC
show. Treated for Cholera.
Lamar Altman, Rt. 1, Alma.

1 pr. purebred OIC hogs,
about 9 mos. old, unrelated
and ready for breeding, pap-
ers can be transferred into
buyers name. Will not sell
separately. Come see and give

offer. Mrs. Oscar Heath, ' Rt.
2, Soperten.


Guernsey heifer, bred|

wks. old, wormed, with pap-|

80 good feeder pigs at rea-| 9 yr. old work mare, 1100

sonable prices. Come see. P.
W. Martin, c/o Knights Farm,
yg 155, McDonough. (5 mi.

boars, imported bloodlines,
treated, reg. in buyers name,
$100 ea. William E. Lanier,
rode Box 84, Metter. Ph. 8-

Basil Steed,
Drive, (El Harris Rd.), Fitz-
gerald. Ph, 3905.

Horses, Mules, Ponies

At Stud: Red Lights Noble
Rex, Reg. No. 36083, Ameri-
can Saddle Bred Stallion.
Proven sire of top quality
colts. Grandson of Noble
Kalarama. Thos. C. Watkins,
Jr., 4584 Flat Shoals Rd., Rt.
2, Decatur. Ph. BU 9-6692.

At Stud services: 36 in.
dapple gray, white mane and
tail, outstanding pony stal-
lion, and a solid black hack-
ney stallion, standing at Mel-
ody Brook Farm; also for
sale, pony mare, 44 in. bred
to 38 in. dapple gray, white
mane and tail pony stallion,
$475. Ogden Geilfuss, Rt. 3,
Marietta. Ph. HE 5-7385,

8 nice, small, bred Shetland
pony mares and 7 nice, gen-
tle geldings, all broke for
children. Also broke to work
to cart. Sell separately or to-
gether. Jess Holbrook, Jones-
boro. Ph. GR 8-6771.

Mare mule, wt. 1050 Ibs.
works good, fast stepper, al-
so, 1 H. turning plow, 1 plow
stock and plow tools, guano
distributor and harness. All
for $50. Henry Stapp, Rt. 1,
Stone Mountain.

Several riding horses and
colts for sale. Peter Hodkin-
son, Pea Ridge Rd., Rt. 1,

lbs., works good to every-
thing, no vices. Children can
ride. Ashley Durham, Box

: | 147, Pine Mtn.
Choice Landrace gilts and|

1 sorrel Shetland stud with
light mane and tail, 4 yrs. old,
4 white stocking feet, gentle
and broken to ride. Claude

| Flynt, RFD 3, Washington:

Landrace boars, weaned, |
wormed and treated, for sale. |
Roanoke |

Ph. Oborne 8-2905.

Small black 4 yr. old horse,
650 Jlbs., gentle for children,

| $150 with saddle and bridle

Also 5 gaited sorrel with
white stockings and blaze.
Make offer. Miss Sally For-
rester, 3928 Lawrenceville
Rd., Decatur. Ph. HI 3-5853.

Shetland pony with saddle
and bridle, about 40 in. tall,
safe for children, for sale. J.
A. Jackson, Rt. 2, Thomaston.
Ph. 3400. :

Bay cattle horse, white star

and feet, no bad habits, 900
lbs., 8 yrs. old, good physical

cond., with roping saddle,
$175. Roy Willard, Rt. 1,

3 yr. old small pinto mare,
bred; also small chestnut stal-
lion, both for $225 or trade
for any size cattle. M. D.
Beauchamp, RFD 8, Conyers.

At Stud: Doctor Peacock,
reg. American Saddle bred
stallion (Bourbon King
Rex Peavine). Over 16 hands,
fine, large boned. Horses
boarded. J. R. McCrackin,
Forest Park. Ph. DR 8-9731.

Sheep and Goats

Fine, 14 mos. old Saanan
doe and one 11 wks. old,
from a long line fine milkers
(mother will give 5 Qts.
daily). at my place. Will not
ship. Brewster West, Rt. 1,
Stonewall and Tell Rd., Col-
lege Park. :


Wayne, Hart, Quitman,
Turner, Wheeler, Clay,
Jackson, Marion,
Barrow, Dawson,

ster, Schley.

di Counties Certified

Wilkinson, Towns, Oconee, Evans, Bryan, Gordon,
Chatooga, Candler,* Dodge, Crawford, Glascock,
Toombs, Elbert, Hall, Franklin, Union, Brantley,
Lumpkin, Chattahoochee, Rabun, Coffee, Gwinneit,

Habersham, Rockdale, Madison, Long, Butis, Pierce,

Baldwin, Pickens, Warren, Heard, Spalding, Paulding,
Taylor, Tift, Berrien, Stephens, Cook, Clarke, Cherokee,
Talbot, Upson, Ben Hill, Banks, White,


Burke, Fannin, Douglas,
Liberty, Treutlen,
Laurens, Columbia,

Wilcox, Montgomery,

Clayton, Web-

82 Counties Not Certified

Counties in which area testing is now underway include:

Atkinson Glynn Peach
Bacon Grady Pike
Baker Greene Polk
Banks Haralson Puinam
Bartow Henry Pulaski
Bleckley Irwin Randolph
Brooks Jasper Richmond
Bulloch Jeff Davis Screven
Carroll Jefferson Schley
Clayton Jenkins Taliaferro
Cobb Johnson Tatinal
Colquitt Jones Telfair
Crisp Lanier _ Thomas
Dade Lincoln Troup
Decatur Lowndes Twiggs
DeKalb Macon Walker
Dooly McIntosh Walton
Early Meriwether Ware
Emanuel Miller Webster
Floyd Monroe White
Forsyth Muscogee Whitfield
Fulton Newton Worth
Gilmer Oglethorpe :

Help Make Georgia Brucellosis

Free By 1960




2 Nubian and Toggenburg
cross does, born August 22,
1958, from good mother, $25
for the pr. at my place. Wm.

e Adams, 107 So. Hightower
t., Thomaston.

Nubian doe soon to kid;
One Toggenburg and 1 Saa-
nan doe, also Saanan buck,
about 4 mos. old for sale;
and Toggenburg buck at Stud.

as Easter Egg chickens, lay
blue, green, and pink shelled
eggs, breeders, $35.00 pr;.4 mo.

old pr., $25.; biddies, $5.. ea.
L. E. Morgan, Rt. 4, Way-

Giant Black Minorca cock-
erels, April hatch, $3.00 ea;
June hatch, $1.25 ea. L. B.

Millians, 105 Temple Ave.,

100 Production and Amis
cross bred hens, 17-23 mos.
old, laying 50 pet. or more.
$1. 25 ea. and you bring crate.

Frank H. Millerd, Rt. 2, Ac-|No. Del. Mrs. F. L. Craft, Rt.
worth. .) 2, Box 45, Tucker. + 4

Want several head common
goats, also want 2 young
Burros, male or female. With-
in 100 mi. Thomasville. Must
be reasonable. Mack L. Par-
rish, Rt. 4, Box 268, Thomas-
ville. Ph. CA 6-3357.

Want males and horses to
pasture, or will buy several.
Ralph Dangar, Rt. 1, -Wood-
stock. Ph. 2472.

Want gentle, healthy horse
with good gaits, for children,
3 to 7. Prefer small horse.
Thos. W. Tweed, Rt. 1, Ham-
ilton. Ph. MA 8-4890.



Spring hatched purebred
Cornish bantams, fine blood,
blocky, show type, $10. trio
and up. Gordon Haney, No. 5

East Second St., Aragon.

Purebred Dark Cornish 1958
hatch cockerels, large, big
bone type, 2 for $3. H. W.
Thurmond, Farmington.

Dark Cornish hens and
roosters; approx. 40 almost
grown, some small ones; 10
hens, 2 roosters, 2 pullets of
Black Tail Japs, 15 small ones
and about 10 half-grown; also
some almost grown pure RI
Reds. Can ship. W. J. Bailey,
502 Casanova St. S.E., Atlan-
ta 15. Ph. MA 2-2187.

8 young Cochin bantams,
1/4 Silver Sebright, 3 Black,
5 whites, 1 rooster, all true
Cochin type, $7. for all. J. F.
Usry, 1605 Maryland A. Au-

Boston Roundheads and
Brown Reds; Allen - Boston
Roundhead crosses; Brown
Red-Allen crosses; Confed-
erates, McRoundheads, old
trios, $16.00; young trios,
$8.50; cocks, "$10. stags, $5.;
hens, $4.50; pullets, $3.00. A.
R. McBride, 3 McCarley St.,

Pure game roosters of Blue
Traveler strain, 4 mos. old,
good size, $3. ea; rooster and
pullet, $5. G. W. Williams, c/o
Williams Dairy, Rt. 1, Box
755, Columbus.

Young rabbits, $1. ea; all
colors, 2 bucks, $2.50 ea; also
want 2 Calif. does, 2 Chinchil-
Ja does and pr. of Dutch rab-
bits, breeding age. C. R. Phil-
pot, 1577 Bankhead Ave. N.W.,
Atlanta 18. Ph. SY 4-0009.

4 purebred heavy type Dark
Cornish April hatch cockerels,
$2. ea; also eggs of same, for
hatching, 15, $1.65 and my
cartons returned at buyers ex-
pense. MO only. Miss Cora
Patterson, Rt. 1,

20 White Leghorn pullets,
8 mos. old, $1.50 ea; 3 white
Leghorn roosters, 8 ome old,
$1.00 ea; 20 white Rock- hens,
18 mos. old, $1.25 ea. K. C.

Box 30s 20

Willis, 2508 Crescent Drive,
1,000 H. & N. hens, 19 mos.

old, extra good layers, 260

eggs first year, now laying 60

pet; take your pick, $1.00 ea.

Ready in 1 month. Elmer An-

san Rt. 1, Fayetteville. Ph.

50 Rhode Island pullets, 2
mos. old, wt. about 2 lbs., 75c
ea. at my place. Will not ship.
C. A. Black, Rt.1, The Rock.

Want 10 or more common
bantam laying hens. Must be
in Laurens Co. unless you
will ship. Mrs. Annie Hobbs,
Rt. 1, Dublin: Ph. BR 2-3246.



About 50 nice large red
rabbits, all sizes, for sale
cheap or trade for -hens. or
pullets. W. O. Barrow, Box
65, Locust Grove. Ph. 2663

NZ White Rabbits, does and
bucks, 3 mos. old, $1.50 ea.
shipped Exp. Col. Darrell Al-
len, Rt. 1, Enigma.

10 guinea pigs (Cavies), $10.
for the lot. Will ship if you
will pay Express. Dan Hum-
pees Freeman ree Rd.,
RFD 6, Rome.

English Pouters, Faniails,
Helmets, Indian Mucees pig-
eons, Valley Blue Scale, But-
ton, Coturnix, Chukar quail,
breeders and young, Reeves
and Golden Pheasants, for
sale or trade for bantams,
other birds or incubator. S. J.
Griener; Rt. 14, Box 198, At-
lanta 18.

Utility White King and
Racing Homer pigeons (band-
ed), Bantams, rabbits, quail,
Brown ringneck doves, speck-
led guineas, ducks, chukar
partridge, white Fantail, your
choice, $1.40 ea. 6 minimum
shipped. Send MO. J. Harold
Street, 3090 Buford Hwy., At-
lanta 6. Ph. ME 4-7888.

Purebred Black Dutch rab-
bits, 9 wks. old, $1.50 ea.
Thomas S. Anderson, 2717
Skyland Drive, Chamblee. Ph.
ME 6-3125.

Chukar, as large as quail,
and frying size Pheasants,
$1.25 ea. at my home. No cks.
accepted. Andy Broome,
Youngs Mill Rd., P. O. Box

1198, LaGrave.

1958 hatch extra-large No.
Bobwhite breeder quail, bred
and improved 38 yrs; 1-3 oz.
heavier than average. Free
color photos and prices. Wil-

liam. A. Thomas, 421 Mark
Bldg., Atlanta. Ph. MU 8-

Finest quality Bobwhite
quail, ready to ship, 6 wks.
old, in perfect health and
cond., 95c ea; birds, 1-14 wks.
old, priced according to age.
J. L. Lockett, P. O. Box 115,

5,000. big No. Bobwhite
quail, full feathered, flight
conditioned, grown birds, $l.
ea; younger birds, priced ac-

B. cording to age. Also 500 Chu-

kar quail, $4.50 pr. L. E. Bran-
nen, Jr., 311 Savannah Ave.,
Statesboro. Ph. 4-2843.

All size quails, for sale, at
my place. ee Sayne, 2694
Sewell R. S. , Atlanta 11.
Ph. PL Sneae

NZ White rabbits, pedigreed
breeding stock, 4 wks. to 2
yrs. old, both bucks and does,
$5. and up, according to age
and individual quality. C. W.
Page, 149 North Ave. N. E.,
Atlanta 8. Ph. TR 4-6452,

Large No. Bobwhite quail,
disease free and fully feather-
ed, flight conditioned for re-
lease, at my place. Jack Hol-
land, 471 Pasley Ave. S.
Atlante 18 Ph JA 4-7120

| Chinchillas furbearing (not |
rabbits), for sale. Miss Ruth
Barron, 227 E. Doyle St., Toc- |i

Imported Chickens known

coa. Pa
White, very tame Rabbits,
$1. Carroll Pealock, Rt. 1,

| Buford.



Nice fresh dried apples, 50c
b:; also large pkg. cucumber.
sunflower or canteloupe seed,
15e pkg. Add postage. Exch.
for print sacks. Mrs. John
Myers (Addison), Rt. 2, Hart-

New Sage, hand picked,
washed, shade dried, 25c pint
bag. Add 15c postage on 2
lbs. or more. Mrs. Myrtle P.
Hunt, 921 Capitol. View Ave.
N.W., Atlanta 18. Ph. SY 4-

150 white chicken feed
sacks, nice smooth cloth, no
holes nor letters, 25c ea. Add
postage, or will ship COD.

beer seed, 25c start; 6 starts
$1 and 4c stamped envelope
with ea. order. E. F. Weeks,
Dial. :

Kieffer pears, Sip 0: bu; sab
my home, 2 mi. off Hwy. 84.
Mrs. E. Mary Travis, River-
dale. Ph. Fayetteville, 5415.

Used Barbed wire on rolls, |
in good cond., for sale rea-
sonable. Mrs. L. D. Sargent,
2297. Lawrenceville Hwy., At-
lanta. Ph. ME 4-8722.

Black Snake root, yellow
root, Horse Mint, large match

box full, 50. Add postage.
Pee sBrown, Rt. 1 Bark
Ground. eas

Good Ga. Cane syrup in 3
and 4 gal. cases, $1 gal. at
farm. Will ship. W. Cole, Rt.
1, Nicholls.

Sundried peaches,
worm free, 65c lb.; 5 Ibs.,
plus postage. Mrs.
Estes, Rt. 3, Rockmart.

Fresh, Calif,
beer seed, 20c start, or
starts $1. Postpaid. Mrs. Karl
Fincher, Rt. 2, Bremen.

Honey, 1957 crop, extract-
ed and pasteurized, 2 tbh. jar,
60c; Cs. of 12 jars, ~ $6.25.
All FOB. John L. Snare, Rt.
4, Gainesville.


Jerusalem artichokes. Book-
ing orders for del. after Oct.;
5th, $7 bu. Exp. Col. or at
my home; postpaid 1. gal.
$1.75 to 8rd zone; $1.25 gal.
at my home. C. Ww. Page, 149
North Ave., N.E., Atlanta 8.
Ph. TR 4-6452.

Sundried Peaches, worm-
free, 3 lbs., $2 postpaid. Mrs.
J. A. Wilson, Martin.

Purple Hull Scuppernongs
(Hunt variety), any quantity
now ready. H. Lloyd Parker,

*| Widney,

Mrs. G. M. Wagoner, Rt. 2,
Fresh Calif. multiplying }

multiplying ig

Yellow? Root; freddie. ale

aa washed, 4 1b

$1; fresh picked hot)
ee pepper, 65c gal.; al-
so 30 quet pepper, large
match box full, 20e. Add post-
age. Mrs. Ventis Meee Rt
Deo Aah ayes ee

Excellent quality hen man-}
ure, very few shavings, by |

the bag or rtuckload Del on
West side of Atlanta. L. E.

S aw eee il. Pa.
PL 3- 9005



Want. Figs for. preserving. Te

Advise price per 1/2 bu..

. lard box

3850 Bakers Ferry | eL

sunburst. "aa,
See Honiek


rs made of

I pick up. Andy Broome, P.O. Joy |

Box 198, LaGrange.



Old fashioned bonnets, ate :

size, $1.50 ea; aprons of
prints and organdy, 50c ea.;
3. $T.25:Mirs J; Be Harrell;
Rt. 4, Quitman. Ce ce

White Pillowcases, aah
and crocheted edge, $1.25 pr.;
white dishtowels, 10c_ ea.;
with days-of-week, 7, $1.10:
aprons, all colors, trimmed,

50c ea.; woven potholders, 2, |

25c; crochet doilies, 50c, 75c, |
$1; white with colors to
match. Add _ postage. No
checks. Mrs.
Rt. 7, Gainesville.

Nicely pieced full bed size. M
12 pocket | ~

quilt tops, $2 ea.;
fancy made and trimmed,
shoe bags, $1.50 ea.;
fancy made aprons, $1.50 ea.;

Byron ee af

ladies | s

ee toth

|ecrochet lace f

$1 pr.; also huck
exican weace, $1
| postage. Mrs.. H.
Rt. 1, Mon:

$1.50 ea.; state co

Dallas ani

Add postage. Mrs. John Myers
( addison ), Rt. 2, Hartwell. | :

calculated Dede to the

capita income increased sl

matically balances changes
in the milk price index. |

for Class I milk, Atlanta ar
Index Bracket

812 Indian Creek Dr., Stone:
Mtn. Ph. BU 9-3079.

103 B46 LOT (Oe
LOTS: 412,28 eee

Official pricing form)
creased slightly between August 1 and Septem
from 112.41 to 111.98 and dropped one bracket.
change is attributed to a decrease in the
price index. Prices paid for mixed dairy
ightly. Other varia|
mained unchanged from August 1. The formula


and produces

Index brackets. and corresponding | pe lucer Pp


Attonta Rome Athens

Sept. 2, 1958 Sept. 3, 1958 Sept. 3, im
STEERS & HEIFERS 1563 836 TX S7ae
GOOD & CHOICE 23.40-24.50 $24.00 (One Heifer) .
STANDARD 20.00-24.00 21.00-23.80 20,00-22.40
UTILITY. 18.25-21.75. 18.00-21.75 18.00-20.00 toe
VEALERS 20.00-31.50 21.00-22.72 20.00-30.75 Fey
STOCKERS & FEEDERS 18.50-25.00 19.00-25.50 19.50-28.40
FEEDER CALVES 20.00-30.25 18.00-30.50 19.00:28.60: 2
cows: - - % rect a
UTILITY & COMMERCIAL 17.50-19.90 17.50-18.30 18,00-19.10
CANNERS & CUTTERS 12.50-18.00 12.00-17.75 14.00-18.00
HOGS: - - o7-=,,
NO. 1 MEAT TYPE - : 21.00-21.75
NO. 1 OTHERS - - ~ 20.20-21.25
NO. 2 - - eye oe
NO. 3 = - <
