Farmers and consumers market bulletin, 1958 June 25



Phil Cannbell.



ng as to why the samples are
al weeks without word of

ill be complete and the

ri grass seed.

a sample of seed is rosie in
it is assigned a laboratory

sis is required, the sample
he purity analyst for test-
ation is usually completed

I is then sent to the germ-

s opted by the Associa-
ficial Seed ee

te 12 days.

gin seed samples for germ- ~


June 25, Tifton Tobacco Field Day

July 1, Tifton Strawberry-Blueberry
Short Course.

July 6-7, Atlanta Georgia Seedmons
Ass'n Conventon.

July 8 Tifton Beef Short

July 18, Atlanta Georgia Holstein
Ass'n. Sale, Southeastern Fair-

r length of time to insure |

nd recorded for state records.

d arrive at the department.

Heavy Boll Worm Infestation
Reported In South Georgia

Agricultural workers in South

Georgia continue to report the heavi-
- est infestation of boll worms they
have ever seen.

Farmers are urged to watch their
cotton fields closely so that control
measures can be applied before seri-

~ ous damage is done. Four applications
of a suitable poison at five day inter-
vals for weevil conirol should be
started when square infestations
_ reach 10 percent. :


before an accurate report can be obtained.

In some instances in which it can be
determined by the analyst that the seed
germination is complete, the sample may
be reported before the full number of

days expires.

The seed section strives, as does each

division of the Department of Agriculture,

to give as prompt service as possible. We

believe, however, that a complete, accu-

rate and reliable report is more impor-

tant than a quick reply which may prove

incomplete or inaccurate in the long run.


Farmers Urged To Halt
Injuries To Livestock

Livestock Marketing Agent
State Dept. of Agriculture

Livestock owners are losing more than

$50 million per year in cattle handling Je

losses, according to a nation-wide survey.
Georgia livestock owners are urged to ex-
ercise particular care in handling and
loading animals for market.

After a livestock owner has spent much.
time and money to produce an animal for
market, he often reduces its value by
rough handling and beating while loading
the animal for market.

Of the $50 million loss to the farmer
each year, bruises cost about $17 million,
crippled and dead on arrival, $15 million
and condemnation of carcasses or parts
charged to mishandling, about $18 million.

The bruising losses occur due to
crowding, rushing, trampling by other
cattle, protruding nails and boards and
the use of canes, whips and clubs. Much of

this loss is due to the use of canes, whips

and clubs.

In addition, most of the bruises appear

-on the parts of the animals which pro-

duce the most expensive cuts of meat. In
hogs, nearly one-half of the bruises ap-
pear on the hams and loins.

The-seriousness of improper handling,
loading and hauling is illustrated by the -

fact that nearly 200,000 cattle, hogs, and yy

sheep are dead on arrival at the market.

Livestock Conservation Inc., an orga-

nization devoted to the prevention of

livestock losses, makes a number of re-
commendations which if adopted and car-
ried out, would cut handling losses consid- __
erably. Among these recommendations _
the chief ones are as. follows:

Ds, Replace canes and clubs with can-_
vass slappers and 1 use the i eis conserva-
tively. +n

2. Do chee load trucks. Partition
mixed loads such as grown cattle and

(Continued -On Page 4)


Georgia, First: .



Editeria) ond Zyecu live Otfiees TOR = cultivators and side dressers.

19 Hunter Street, S.W. ica niteas - mule drawn | Frank M. Pursell, Rt. 3, Box ee
Atlanta 3, Georgia Praetieally new, mule draw 229, Griffin, Ph. 8-8958, Want excn. Jo

Phone JAckson 4-3292 mower and rake, eut about 25 tractor with planter.

MARKET BULLETIN STAFF || acres, $115. Mrs, R. M. Ellis,} 1955 Oliver 66 Diesel Row niet and bog .

i 4 Monticello, . ne crop tractor, used very little,{1-1/2 ton truck.
Bsslen eee lee also used Oliver Combine, | Brooks, 200 Fenw:

Assistant Editor _... Deborah Anglin Intnl Harvester Silage cut-

eee fas, iizaboth. Mynde |Ijer, 90-C, 1964 modal, ox-| Tay orwey bush end bog har-| Atlanta 12.
Gane os Se he ball Jama || cellent cond., eut 200 acres, for |0W, JD smoothing harrow and | Want trail type
ee =~ Candler Clement Jr || 1. Henry M. Simpson, Rt, | Oliver bottom plow for sale | bog. State cond.,

NATIONAL EDITORIAL| Notices of farm produce | 2, Cochran. reasonable. Fred West, Rt. 1,|letter. Must be with
5 A [Asso fa TION and appurtenances admissable A: i ee een eens Woodstock. Ph. GL 5-6597. _ Barnesville. Aubre
Yy % S en re Se in || and runs good, $150; also 5 ft} Small Meadows corn mill, rick, Rt. a ar ne:

Sect one time on each te ||>.csture Rotary, 5 point lift,| drum corn sheller, small corn| Want late mode!

: ee bes $150. Mrs. Sarah Watkins, Rt.| cleaner, stationary Fairbanks|or Cub Farmall ai

baa no ea es 4, Sandersville. Ph. 3030. Morse floor scales, $75. No pe _ co :

commercial business, any 1 row John Deere corn bind ek Seren oe M +... Brawn: Re.
commercial businessman, any |/er, PTO drive, good shape,|y7 imokin St. A = oe ae ee
company or organization li- ||$250 James E. Graham, c/o . : cif : Want Allis Cha
zensed a5 a commercial ce Bar G. Ranch, Rt. 1, McRae, 5 R Intn} combine with fr ne for Dard

ness or doing business under . : motor, in good cond., cheap, or g a

a trade name or business ||1,,9oders, also sil feeders. and |{2de for cows. KR. B. Cochran | mas) hs Cheep. e

Berne, | nor fod eo waterers for 3,000 _ broilers, Rt, 1, Douglasville. Ph. 3134. 2, wde Sprin;

og E ae r nee ea $150. Jasper J. Miles, Harlem.} One F-2 Case combine, good | hedoae 2 Spee 4 h

oe Good_ used _ reconditioned | PE: PN Qian py diag, |Contact, I, C.
The Georgia Market Bulle- || Power Syrup mill and pan, in : ae j 2, Box 35 Blue R:

tin asgumes no respo sibility || good shape, $200. John F.| Blacksmith shop tools: An- aa :

for any notice appearing in || Moore, Madison Ave., Mon-/| yil, blowers, duck nest and 10 Want Cub Far

SaaS aks aed ss

the Bulletin nor for any }| fOe. lb. hammer, for sale. Ray = <<
weer toe or Automatic chicken drinkers, Weaver, Rt. 2, Temple. oes " = :
publishec Seer es isers || 5 ea, James H. Kent, Rt. 2, 5 roi Sihipleanee Game CES
are cautioned that it is against || Powder Springs. Ph. 4593. cotton duster, good eond., $75

the law to misrepresent any : : :
any product offered for sule D-2 Caterpillar, good cond., ee ou. tor, also want Gr

in 8 public notiee or adver- || $850; also Overland Scraper : < i
tisement carried in any pub- |/for Ford tractor, good cond., ae a Sell wate erate Lage
lication that is delivered || $300. A, H. Brooks, Rt. 1,| Without body and flat. S. W.| Price. J. H. Deaton,

PHIL CAMPBELL | through the United States j| Box 201, Griffin. Ph. 7596. | McNair, Stapleton, - | Want rear wheel

mail. *

David Bradley garden trac | 1957 David Bradley garden| Weight buggy, or w
ORE, = = tor, 1957 model, used about 4 he actey garden. ide ; Se oP
Address all complaints to EDITOR, Market Bulletin, || 105 Super 3 HP with culti- | actor, Super 3 Continental ten oo = of 1

: = =| motor, turn plow, disc harrow
Address requests to be added to or removed from || Vator plows, good as new, $225 manatee oe middlebuster, | lars. Mrs. W. H. Coke:

iling list, ch t address, etc, to CIRCULATION |} just off Villa Rica and Dallas myers, Ph, 5246
MANAGER. Market Sareea Aten tk Al requests for || Hwy. Grady Pace, Rt. 2, Dal- ab 08 oak he a ee
change of address must include OLD and NEW addresses. || las. eee Cag

2 cooler boxes, used in dairy| Want good, used

_ Address all notices and advertisements to EDITOR OF David Bradley Super 3 gar Windmi d r mill. State cond. and
NOTICES, Market Bulletin, Atlanta, den tractor, plow, drag har- | 2180, Windmill ane & ts W. P. | W. Felder, Rt. 5, Bo

Published weekly at 114-122 Pace St. Covington, Ga., | Be eaters oe ae ares Elder, Culloden. Ay
i : i is te: I eet ath el 97 a 5 * : awe
a See Deere Ae Covington, Ga, || dale. Ph. Fairburn, 2153, aout Dresser, or fon PO "Or Hues
under Act of June 6, 1900. Accepted for mailing at special Mowing machine, hay rake ivator, in new cond., ee Patral ; z
ee a creinne provided for im Section 403, Agt of Oct. 8 Ilrmijs drawn and one 3 wall cae ey eee ee
1917 gon, for sale. J. C. Green, Rt. 1 Albany. : Z ee ie
_ eS eeEEEEEEEEE== =| Suwanee. Heavy 1 H. wagon with|, Want used cultivate
pitas SESS eine ee ey ee a Cae aie britching, for sale cheap. Mrs. Ei ee
FARM WORK th co fe BER A: ld GR
or piping water. H. B. Toney,| Burpee Hand Sealer for|of Eastman, Ra
: Stockbridge. Ph. Conyers,|home canning with attach-|6, Eastman. % 7a
WANTED | 5167, ments, in goed cond, ABR] want come used:
Sa ae Model 116 W. wire tie John | Role Drake. 252 Milledge His. |, Some use

ae caanesemaie : try equip,, and well
2 ee : Deere hay baler, 4 cylinder vise. Jim Hall, Ri
44 yr. old man, with eS ee yr. old man, wife and 7 | Wics engine, $650; McCormick} Air tank for Horns fresh wat | sant Valley Rd., Ad
and 6 children wants job at/children wants good paying|19 dise garin drill, $150; 3/ er pump good cond. cheap Mrs. ee
dairy or chicken farm or do- | job on dairy. 11 yrs. Exp. Can| point hitch Brillion seeder|C, J. Ross, 3665 Cascade Rd.| Want Cider press.
pe general farm work. Must | furnish References. John Gal- | 995 J, D. Hammer Mill prae-|S. W Atlanta 11. Ph. PL 3-|cond., complete. W,
have house, E. A. Simpson, Rt. | loway, Rt. 1, Powder Springs. | tically new, $100. Jack Crowd- | 3050. i : you have and price
1, Box 308, Stockbridge. er, 2022 Murphy Ave, 8. W., Puckett, Rt, 2, Li

Retired single white man F p FIP Atlanta 10. Ph. PL 5-4551. ae eee ee ro Want, good,
Wants job a8 careaser OF an Allis Chalmer combine No.| vanized pipe and all cut off|ower, tractor dra
ehickens, layers or broilers, or 66, with motor, in A-1 cond.,| valves, used 2 winters, exeel- | Used on my own fari
garden work for room, board WANTED $875. at my farm. E. R. Mad-|lent cond. Julian J. Camp, Rt.| 0nd. price, ete.
a Rhy nengoier will - |dox, Winder, Ph, 11803, 3, Rockmart. Ph. Dallas, 6958. |Couch, Senola,

ateh. Must nave mogern for | Want man with small family : : ; Wa
v Ge ie ORES 3 Heavy wire for eattle farm t cri 200-300} .Want Ford tracto
eceek ey, to work in dairy and do oer and other similar needs, five ae an eee sale. | With all ee ee

general farm ee ae 00 | cents pound, Samples on re|Billy B, Chappell, Locust|C0"d.. and priced right

Single, dependable, 68 yr. mt ys i. E : i. Rt s quest. T. N. Colley. P. O. Box | Grove. : ; rell Swindle, ash
eid ee Ae = eee oe . E. Ferrell, Rt, 4,| 724, Elberton. Woh PC woe ( ;
ng light farm work, D. Wil- : 3 ohn Deere 8 row duster.
son, 54 Ellis St. N. E., Atlanta} yw J Case tractor, perfect me-| heavy army wagon with good
j ant middleaged couple to| chanical cond. Must sell im-| tires, short tongue, (ne body);
4a yr. eld glngle; white man ilan cous be sober ane eple |ment eas wie fotoenMpot At ie cae ae
wants job doing light farm|to drive truck and tractor,}for, all. Call or come by and Rt 3 Jeflorane., oe See
work on chicken or vegetable = eigueaee as wired, ge, eo at 50. Rome Motel, after : eee ad : ; cae :
farm for wkly. salary, reom ater and woo urnished. . Dorsey L. ams, Rt. age 2-wheel walking gar- : shee ae
and board. Prefer Lk At: Clon to school chur 7 8, Cave Spring Hwy., Rome. den tractor oat HP moter, nee ined ee
Janta. J. M. F /q H.|bus stop. C. C. Ethridge, Rt. 3, in. wheels, turning plow, | 0" : ick
i jenkins Mableton. (Fayetteville: : hae eee een cee: cultivator, | dine harrow, fur: PORT Loo. =

i Want white or colored re Broek wai and Klondike Ra sie ne = Rob Se Ton

40 yr. old single, honest, so- ant wt I Dee LS : \d., | wheels, for sale. Robert John= |"~" ee
ber, white man wants job as liable family. Exp. in caring Lithonia. Ph. 4072. son, Rt. 1, Stone Mountain. Ph. |. Pensacola Bahia
helper on farm. Do not drink for small cattle farm. 4 R. 2 rear tractor ti 900 9677. Germ. 92 pct; P
nor smoke. Can drive truck|house with modern conveni-|, 7 ice my aut te d; no i
and tractor. $15 per wk., room, |enees available now. Henry|] 1 x 50 Paes tir ! Hoyt ag: John -Decre, Cn y
board and. laundry: Julian Pes. cwimden: baeip lel, Benn ts | _tire. Hoyt| good cond. for sale. J, J. Rain- eee =
Wot ala Malaow tonne Be : c etre ee seein St., Ros-|water, Rt. 1, Senoia. Ph. New| Extra tender white
E. Wolcot St. Thomasville. Want reliable middleaged | Well. Ph. 6865. nan, 1945-R4. baa : field. i


; 4 bite _ | back cornfield, little p:
white or colored man with Y-69 Red Seal Continent |nut 6 wks, _tend

Widow wants job on farm family to work Nursery and power unit, At cos et ul ee at een wit beans, also white and
doing light farm. Room, board other farm, chores near Wind- cluteh, mounted on base for ir | Jones, Rt. 1, Box 217-A Doug- Half runners, good _
and $15 wk. Mrs. Ella Rush- |r: . house, lights, wkly.|rigation pump, $350, with 2/lasville. Ph. Austell, 9011, _ g nting, 55c qupeul or
ing, Rt. 1, Temple. salary. Write full information. | in water pump attached, $4501 1, el}, +4: 181. for either . Ag

__ |W. A. Maddox, Jr., 1731 John | trailer to haul Ford tractor,| Ford rake (dump type) e. Mrs, Carl Smith
3 #0 ee we son Rd. N. E., Atlanta 6. $825) tied. 19 x 28 tractor tire ue hydraulic igh, 2 Ellijay. Se
ear-rou : and tube, ; J. F. Lancaste wk., for sale or trade for nao ni
, en or dairy farm, with good ae ote eee to| RFD, Dacula. Ph. Tawecnea! Ford sickle type mower or lift} ,, Senay we Crea
man. Must have good pay and|}Ve with. elderly couple On) ville, TH 3-4317, type roto mower. T. H, Moore, | SUPE ang 2 tle. pir
house to live in. Must be mov- | farm and do light farm work. Re 1, Milner "= inut, 6 wks. beans,
ed. F. M. Hartwell 311 E. Pike | Reasonable letters ans. Wm.| _ Five to six gal Churn; also| | 7 : cupful, or 2 cups. $
eee asta ph. eae Craver, Lakemort. Sears chicken brooders for| 2. hydraulic cylinders for | Postage. Mrs. Bessie
., Lawrenceville Ph. ; Want iwiig siiacuehe sale. Mis. Bula Mitchell, Mill- ae ote aan ager es Rt; Carters,
ee 3 L ngl : ho~|er Road, Lithonia. scales, S., $25; tire, 13: i i
Man with small social se-|nest and sober, for year-round 85 pet. new $55: 2 tires: 12:28 Cure eee

curity wants job or as care-|work on farm. Must be tractor| 4 cylinder Page garden trac | 90 pct. new, $110; belt pulley.
taker on farm. Can drive truck |man and farmer No drifters.|tor, harrows, turn plow, lay- | complete for Cub $25; Stront
and do repair work. H. H. Fish Furnished cottage close by,|off plow, cultivator and trail-|idlers for JD_ crawler, new
14 ee ae board and laundry and $50|er, $150; also 2 H. wagon, $35|cond., $25 ea. F, M. Gazaw:
er, ave Spring +:|month, Mrs. E. M, Battle, Rt.|J. A. Phillips, Snellville. Ph.| 2486 Clifton Spring Rd. :
Rome. 4, Calhoun, Lawrenceville, TH 3-3524. 11, Decatur. Ph. DR 8-2971.

Dugger, Oliver. iE


_ {M. del; 5M. or more $2. M.
en | TExp. Col. Joe Holbrook, Rt. 2,
eee : | Gainesville, _
Nhite tender half-runner

en beans, 55 teacup; 4|
. $2, Also ground
: ee. Poot oe Got,
n, Rt. 1, Ball Ground.

_Collard and Cabbage plants,
B .25 M. del; $1.75 M.|

Doane. Also Bell pepper, $1.
. Lex eo: Jr

65c C; $3.50 M. del: 5 M. or
more, $2. M. ae Col; sweet
pepper, $1. C; runnin
j toes, 75 a. E.. B.

ford, Rt. , Gainesville.

Little nest or multipler on-
jon sets, 50c pint. Mrs. Dan
Terry, Quitman.

Sage plants, $1. doz. pie
15c postage. Mrs. Myrtle P.
Hunt, 921 Capitol View Ave.,
7 Atlanta 18. Ph, S$ SY 4-

Blueberry plants, $1. doz;
horseradish, 6, 50c; also, eat
W |nip, lemon balm, tansy, hoar-
hound, 12, $1.; pennyroyal,
spearmint, 50c doz., garlic
- | bulbs, gc doz. Moss preees


be 2

Flat Dutch Cab-
20 M. del; $1.75
ml Bell foes, $i

Ga. Ge. tier.
iat my TY.

zh void & Rt.

d, Bt. 2 Ellen ee . Eaton, Rt. 1, Dah-
= tomatoes and Bell ,
bey rect) SEED & PLANTS
Db en age, 65c: & DI T
at my "
brook. Rt. 2. ware?

Want sev. hundred Ibs. Red
Top or Crimson Clover seed.
ors best price in oe letter.
. H, Bunn, Midville

Want old time ae Peas,
the kind that runs like potato |
eng Contact at once. Mrs. |
at: Bt . Slater, Townsend.



ae oe plants, $3.
60 C; Mastodon | and Klon-
Strawberry giants, $1,
500 2.50. Mrs. uy Crowe, |=
1, Cumming.

don, se:



al 25c- doz.
a Crowe, Rt.

+ Ga. Potsto Aaa
= oe.
Alma, Ph. Paigt.

Baled oat straw, for sale.
, | Bill Schroer, Rt. 2, Box 6, Val-
dosta. Ph. CH 2-0607

ALOK. 50 bu. yellow corn,

po Gov. inp. G $4. Me 60 $2. 50:
a eae: Ea Cc

$2.75 M, PP. Prompt|for Feed, $1.50 bu. at my crib,
ore H. . Smith, Bax- a 1/2 mi, N.M. Marietta on
nt smonvea Eee Seta Pas Be
a ice a.
Skin peteto. plants ae Marietta 9-5906.
, $2. M; 50c C. FOB.| Yellow corn for Feed, $45.
ae Lightsey, 'Surrency.|ton. Weyman E. Rooks, New-

ton. Ph, 4142.

4000 bu. Dixie 18 corn, for

Feed. About half treated when

put in erib, very clean, large

ears, from 75 bu. per acre
ield, two cents pound at erib,

$1. .75 bu. shelled in bulk. N.
A. Boyett, Hahira.

About 4000 bu. good Dixie
18 corn in mac good sound
corn for Feed only, $1.75 bu.
FOB my barn. Paul Simmons,
Metter. Ph. MU 5-4291,

800 ae pure reilow corn,
shelled and ground like grits,
oy feed, $3.95 a hundred, FOB,

oo las Wilson, Suarta.
ne Boo res Pusrto i; : Hay, $1. a bale or $30 ton
wl Be = " a my farm. James H. Kent,

, Powder Springs.
s Marglobe wi

0 plants, $3. M; Calif. Sa

aus Ruby Giant, and Cay- LIVESTOCK
ne Hot pepper Sg iol =. ~

nts, d
peinck Beauty Eggp ron SALE
38 calfhood vaccinated Wise

ce er Skin Sweet Po-
- Watis Crosby, }
Istein heifers. Will begin to
ere in July. Cliff Aiker,
Shady Dale.
i a Register.|| Reg, 11 mo. old Angus bull
ive es Be : and heifer for sale. W, C. Gi-

sslem artichoke plants Hwy, 92, Fayetteville.
a ou and harvest crop this = ies : y, | iv.

C, PP to 2nd zone;

5 Pp. ; $6.1 2 extra fine full-blooded
e, 149 North Ave-| Aryshire heifers, one 14 mos.
E Attenta 8. Ph. TR old, about 700 Ybs; other 19
mos. old, about 800 lIbs., have
first ealf Sept, 19th, $500 for
both. in E. Bowman, Box
554, oe

Good Jersey mileh cow with

_ 4th heifer calf, 6 mos. old.

titled without post- Cow bred again, $200 for cow

i verdes for less than and calf. Mrs, Roy Gosa, Rt.
ancy Henderson, Rt.|1, Box 35 Leesburg.

Bor a me Nice halter-broken 8 mo old

Horseradish plants, 50c doz:|reg, horned Hereford bull

d sassafras at, horseradish ror sale. Carl Roberts, Ball

eo eee wild soeuy bark, | Ground, :

35 Ce. 80 vaccinated Holsteins, 900

et Queen of the | 1300 Ibs. ea; Also several high

y omirey, gensing, 3, |} bred Jersey heifers, vaccinat-
en red raspberry, 25}ed. All freshen Aug. and bs
dd nostage. Mrs.|J. P Simpson, RFD 2, Bu

Rt. 5, Elli- PO ins 300. College Park. Ph,

plants now
be, Win-
E phoon pd

tomato -
to mail: Mari
all, Big Boy, Early
Oxbeart, 25 doz;
ants, 35c doz; pepper plants: |
1, Co Birdeye, 40c doz;
35e doz: long hot, 25c

Fred Witherspoon, 308] A
sos St. S.W., Atlanta
0. ee PL 3-5252.

per skin Sweet Po-

2. M, (No COD
- Horne, Baxley.

Brussels Sprouts, :

Reb iEns, Giant Bell

f Tomato plants,
Pease, all 35e doz. Par-

, Sweet Basil, Lemon

ti aes 6, 50c. Mrs. H. V.

1a Dutch, Copen-

=: pcling a ake oe

ning tomatoes, 75
lard and cabbage, 65c C. $3.50.
| Rt.

Collard and eabbage plants, |

toma- |

bred heifers
freshen nent 60 days, choice,
Holstein service bulls. All TB
and blood tested. E. L. Rogers, |
1, Plains.

Two dbl. standard, Reg,
polled Hereford bulls, i yr. old
and 6-1/2 mos. old, well built,
good color, size and conforma-
tion. See Roy ee. Rie,
Lithonia (Klondike). Ph _ 2672.

4 purebred Black Angus
heifers, 8 mos. old, $400 for
the lot: also 15 mo. old polled
Hereford bull, ready for ser-
vice, $175. Clarence Brown,

| Hel a

Herd of reg. polled Here-
fords including 1 bull for sale
my place. 2 mi. N. Palmetto
on Hwy. 29. Herman Teel, Pal

|metto. Ph, 6862.

White-faced Shorthorn mo.
old bull calf; also 8 mo. old
ni cs $50 ea. Roy Grindle,
t. 1, Dahlonega.

2 reg. Brahman cows, Manso
breeding, one with calf by side
from Reg. Hereford bull. Rea-
sonable price. Lavon Staten,
Box 21, Statenville.

10 reg. polled Hereford bred

\heifers and 16 grade polled |

Hereford heifers, bred to ry.
polled Hereford bull; also
some cows and calves. Reason-
wie prices. George Eager, Rt.

, Valdosta.
11 reg. Aberdeen Angus
cows for sale at reasonable
rice. O. M. Ruff, Sr., Rex |
oad, Morrow (near Forest
Park). Ph. Stockbridge, 4366.

Reg. 5 mo. old bull, $350; 11
dbl. reg. cows (5 with calves

jand 6 bred) ee 5 yr. old

bull, $250 ea. 3 negisterable

|bulls, 22 mos, old, 9 youn,

fale c cows (8 with ca wee
bred), $ ae ea; Mrs. H. B.

dies Rt. 1, Box 234, Grif-

Top quality, reg. Hereford
cattle at reasonable prices.
Heifers young bulls, cows and
calves. Mrs. W. A. Ward Jr.,
c/o Ward Meade Farm, Rt. 3,
ef Pt Rd., Marietta. Ph.

2 good Guernsey milch cows
4 a 5 yrs. old freshen in Au-
gust. H. W. Thurmond, Farm-

Several reg. polled a
bulls, Domino orig one
well marked, deep red Vean-
ing age to 1 yr. old; also few
heifers for sale. Winton C. Har
Tig <igt. 1, erate Ph. Odum, |
JU 42312

2 fine reg. Angus bulls with
excellent pedigrees, ready for
heavy service, for sale ta rea
sonable prices. W. C. Hardy,
oe Box 275, G@uiitie Ph,

Reg. polled Shorthorns from
herd that showed 2 Grand
Champions in 1957. Cows with
calves, open and bred _ heifers.
Oliver M. Healey, e/o Foxdale
Farm, Bell Road, Duluth.

Horses, Mules, Ponies

pair 42 in. black and white
pony mares, bred to 36 in. dap
ple gray, white mane and tail,
outstanding pony stallion, Fine
conformation, weighted shoes
and lot of action, $450 (not $45
as printed in error in June 18
isue) each Ogden Geilfuss, Me
lody Brook Farm, Rt. 3, Windy
Hill Rd., aes 3 Ph. Smyr-| 7
na HE 5-7385

Gentle Mare pony. with sad
dle, harness and 2-wheeled
cart, $250; Bay horse, $175;
also medium size horse, $150.
Both horses gaited, extra gen-
tle and bridle and saddle with
ea. Jas. E, Graham, Rt. 1, Bar
G Ranch, McRae.

Brown quarter horse gelding
6 yrs. old, priced to sell at once
or rtade for yearlin reg. pol-
led Hereford bull. A. Bur-~
dell, 3064 Wesley Chapel Rd.,
Decatur.. Ph. BU 9-2990.

Reg. Tenn Walking mare in
foal. Reg. No. 540399. 5 gaited.
Gentle for women and chil-
dren. E. S. Herring, Rt. 1, Al-
pharetta. Ph. 3053.

Purebred Tenn, Walking
stallion, 4 yrs. old, strawberry
nels, for sale Donald Bonner,

Carrollton. (5 mi. S on
US 37), Ph, 65-4171,


_ old black mare, gen
for c dren, for sale. C. H.
Argo, 2, Pine St., Smyrna
Ph. HE 5- 8728.

Palomino mare with colt
born June 2, at side, $175 at
farm. Ann twell, Rt. 2
nan. Ph, 2301.

Large sorrel m
yrs. old, gentle and suitable
for children, 2 white feet,
lblack mane and tail with sad
dle and bridle, $130. W.'C. Ho-
well, Rt. 4, Box 326 S. Gordon
Rd. Austell. Pr. 5360.

4 nice sorrel Shetland pony
mares, white mane and tail,



are, about 9

reg. stallion and all under 40:
in. tall. Sell separately or to-
Gents reasonable. Jerry Hurd
Al5 N. ae St. Seeeeea: Ph, |
GR 8-6771

15 oa Shetland riding |
ponies; mares, $250 ea; horse
we $135 ea. J. Reddy, Rt. |

, Stone Mountain. Ph, 8924.

Gentle Tenn. Walking horse, |
10 yrs. old for sale R. M.!
Wright 717 One Peachtree St. |
Bide, Atlanta. Ph. JA 5-6944'

Pony no bad habits, nice for
small children with buggy, sad
jdle and harness, $200.
Carswell, Rt. 1, ec edone

Nice 3 yr. old Pinto stallion,
nicely marked and gentle,
proven sire of fine quality:
colts $200. Mrs. D. R. Braden,
Re. 2 Z Newnan. Ph. Palmetto, |

At Stud: Rising Sunday
|Sun, dbl. reg. Stallion, TWBA
Reg. No. 550168; PHBA Reg.
No. 15357. Mares boarded. Ray
Warr, Old Natl ey College
Park. Ph. PO 1-6732

Nice 3 yr. old Shetland stal-
lion for sale or trade for horses
or cows. F. P. Cooper, Sr.,
Powder Springs. :

Black 7 yr. old Walking
horse gentle with nice man-
ners, $165; also small 5-gaited
gelding, suitable for children
or women, $125. Miss Sally
Rorrester, 3928 Lawrenceville

, Clarkston. Ph, HI 3-5853.

8 yr. old Jennet, works and
rides, 50 in, high, bred to good
Jack, $50 or trade for mule or
go and pa y difference. O.

M. Moody, Rt. 4, Waycross.

Black mare mule with white
nose, wt. about 1050 Iha.,
works anywhere, no plug. E.
W. Flynn, Rt. 2, Alghavota.

One very gentle donkey 500
lbs., good riding and plow don
key, for sale for cash. M. P.
Bennett, Butner Rd., Ben Hill
Station, Atlanta 11. Ph, DI 4-

White mare, gentle for chil-
dren, smooth gaits, $85. Mar-
aret Wive, c/o Dr. M. B. Wive

At Stud: Bandar No. 6213.
Liver chesnut, reg. Arabian
Stallion. 8 yr. old, 15 hands,
1,000 ibs., n of Champion
Rafmirz, grandson of Champ
ion Raffles. Sire of outstand-
ing pleasure and stock horses
Fee $50 with return privilege
during season. Mare boarded
$1 day. Willard Strain, 609
array. Hill Dr., Dalton. Ph.

At Stud: Doctor Peacock,
reg. American Saddle bred
stallion (Bourbon King Rex
Peavine). Over 16 hands, fine
large boned. Horses boarded.

g. he grace) Forrest Park

New |

3 yrs. old. All bred to sorrel ;

W. | Cumming. Ph. 6813.

Saddle eed sialon: Prov.
sire of top quailty colts. ran
son of Noble Kalarama. Thon
as G. Watkins, Jr., 4584 Flat
Shoals Rd., Decatur. Ph. B

Sheep & Goats

Fine reg. French Alpine does
one recently fresh with buck
kid, other to freshen at once
also 4 reg. buck kids, all from
heavy milk stock, very rea=
sonable. Nellie M. "Mingledoff :
Rt. 3, Douglas.

2 fine young French Alpin
bucks, from extra good heav
milking stock, will reg. in buy
ers name $25 ea. H. A. Stahl,
410 Hillerest Moultrie.

2 Saanan Milk goats, heavy
milkers, first and second kid;
oe milk goat, 3 qt

aily with first kid; Alpi
milk goat, milking now;
| kids, male and female, not re
lated, $10 Nubian-Saanan
eross goat to freshen soon,
Mrs. Lee Kirkley, 3860 Cas-
cade Rd. S$. W., Atlanta 11.

75 Ewe sheep, in good con
for sale. Edgar Harris, Rt.

4 good reg. Hampshire rams,
all yealing, ready for ora

and breeding, priced to sell,
Horace B. Smith, Cleveland
Rd. Dalton, Ph. 1506- J2. a

10 young Ewes and 1 ram,
Hampshire cross, ready to
| breed H. G. Jensen, Rt. 3,
Hwy. 278, Conyers.


Reg. Yorkshires from, lees
litters, for sale August is
Excellent cert. meat type im
ported bloodlines, Cert. disease
free herd by D. V. M., 8 and
10 wks. old boars or gilts, $3
ea. Reg. buyers name; $50 an
$75 ea. at breeding age. Law-
ton Ursrey, c/o Riverbend
Livestock Farm, Box 601,
Hazlehurst, Ph. FR 5-2155. _

Landrace pigs, 12 wks,

old, 50 ea. at my farm. Alvi
R. Greene, Rt. 1, Box 507-
Pagel Dr. Aucune Ph. 6

Reg Hampshires, 6 boars
and 3 gilts, 9 wks. old. Shad-_
rack Barnett, Rt. 1, Butler. P
UN 2-2565. ;

Choice Landrace pigs, aie
and females, from imported |
dam _ by outstanding sire.
Treated, wormed, reg. in buy
ers name, 10 wks. old, priced
low. James Spier, Bronwood
Ph. 5300.

Beltsville pigs ,either sex,
10 wks. old, $25 ea. John M.
Carter, Rt. 2, Baxley. Ph. 3858

Landrace boars, light ser-
vice age 100 pct. imported
blood lines Lifetime treated Ba
sil Steed, W. Roanoke Dr. Ext.
tg Harris Rd.) Fitzgerald,

3 ee boars, 3 mos.

Cholera, reg. in buyers name. __
John B. Rourke, Rt, 5, Box <a
189, Savannah.

Reg. Landrace gilts, boars,
service age boars, bred sows
and sows with litters of pigs,
100 pet. imported bloodlines.

lated prs. Lifetime treated for
Cholera. H. R. Gossett, Cave

Ph. Dr. 8-9731

Spring. .

Ga. Plant Food Educational Society Meetings

Northwest Georgia W. H. Norris, 3 miles }
south of Zebulon, eon: Pike County,

Southwest & Southcentral Georgia Cir-
cle M Ranch, T. B. McDowell & Sons, 8
miles west of Albany, Georgia, Dougherty
County, toward Morgan, Georgia; on Gil-

North & Northeast Georgia Ernest Nunn, | ~
2 miles northwest Commerce, Georgia, on |.

semble at Harmony Christian Church, op-

outheast Georgia Banks Dairy Farm,
Statesboro, Georgia, Bulloch County. As-

July ce
<< pm Te Highway 19
July 2
lionville Road,

July 9
- State Highway
osite Mose Go

July 10
semble on West
Square at 10:00

State Highway 234.

98, toward Maysville. As-

rdon Sawmill.

Main Street at Courthouse

old, wormed and treated for

Reg. in buyers name. Unre-

gilts from Fortune and Model

Cattle Handling Loss

(Continued From Page 1)

-ghire and OIC pigs

-{mported bloodlines.

calves, packer sows and slaughter hogs,
and hogs and cattle or sheep.

_ 8, Load slowly and carefully. Use
properly built loading chutes with cleats

on the floor to prevent slipping. Proceed
slowly and carefully and the livestock
will load easier.
4. Eliminate nails, broken boards and
sharp objects. Inspect the loading chute
and truck bed before loading each group of
animals. -
3. Bed the truck properly. Use sand,
_ straw, sawdust or similar type material to

way to market. Protect livestock aga
cold winds and rains in winter and
cessive heat in summer. Do not stop
denly. Drive slowly over rough sp

the road. eee



: S Bete vannah.
ie )
. wine ee rene oul 1
Reg. Landrace hogs, weaned | PF: ea. of Barred Rocks, BB
igs ed gilts, rics age | Reds, Old English, Birchen Mo
poars, from best imported, | dern Games, $6 pr; trio Black
meat type, bloodlines, Terrell| Tailed White Japanese, $10;
Swindle, Nashville, Ph. 9297, | trio Black Tailed Buff Japa-
, nese, $15 4 Silver Spangled
Meat type, purebred reg.| Hamburg hens and 1 cock,
Landrace hogs. Pigs, 8-10 wks| $17.50 Fred Blaylock, 515

old, reg in buyers names, $40
ea; bred gilts and sows, $150
up. L. G. Vandiver, Tignall.

April hatch, $1.50 ea; also
Ph. AT 5-2175. Marybrook Red chickens. Can
8 Poland China pigs, $10 ea.|not ship. C. Duke, 1803

Mrs. J, W. Simmons, 4131 Rig
aa Mill Rd., Macon. Ph, 2-
334, Fe

_ Reg. Tamworths for sale. J.
. Davis, c/o Abba Fitzgerald.
h. 6541.

Reg. Hampshire boars and


locdlines, 8 wks old June 19) 1

nd July 2, $20 ea, Papers in
puvers name, Larry Young,
t. 2, Chickamauga. 6

Choice Landrace pigs, males
and females, imported blood-
lines, treated an rep: in buy-
ee name, 13 wks, old, $75 ea.
William Lanier, Rt. 2, Metter.
Ph, 5-1035.

17 Berkshire and Duroc pigs
6 wks. old July 5 and 2 Berk-
8 wks.
Bu: for sale at my place near


uncan Creek Church. Claud
olman, Rt. 2, Hoschton.

Purebred Landrace, 100 pct.
2 ser-
vice age boars from the $3000
Waerhaug left, $125 ea; one
litter from P-45 Astrid and Se

inole Borga ist ready July
21, treated and reg., $50 ea.
pools L. Willis, Houston

ake Rd., Bonaire. Ph. Perry,
GA 9-2468 (evenings).

Reg. Landrace boar pigs, 11
James E

wks old, for sale. : :
: re Rt. 3, Valdosta. Ph. CH foe See a ae 9
-2968. : Macon. : tee s

1% yr old. purebred Spoted
Poland China boar from best
of bloodlines, Grand Champ-
jon at Macon Fair last fall, wt.

bout 450 Ilbs., with papers,
$75 Robert Kendrick, Rt. 5,
homaston, Ph. 5849.

Reg Soph gilts and
males from litter of 11, Bangs
ee stock, sired by Grand
hampion boar and out of first
Jace sow at Columbus Fair.
hited Tante, Butler. Ph. UN

Purebred Tamworths, eli-
gible for registry, bred for con
ormation and large litters,
both males and females, rea-
sonable. Charles Baldwin, Su-
wanee. Ph. Buford, 7184.



Want cattle or horses for
pasturing for $4 ea per mon.
G. W. Williams, c/o Williams
Dairy, Rt. 1, Box 755, Colum- |

bus. |

Want reg. Berkshire boar. |
ee Faircloth, Leslie. Ph. |



Golden Sebrights, show
type, all ages, also RF Reds,
Old English,
pigeons, white and ringneck
doves for sale cheap in lots of
10 or more. Robert Harris, Rt.


White Leghorn, Old

Black Breasted Red an
ver Duckwing Game, an
mon hens for setters. B. H. Hol
somback, 302 S. Harris St., Sa-

Crescent Ave., Chickamauga.

Bouldercrest Dr. S. E., Atlanta


type Leghorns, good stock.
3 ae Rt. 3, Athens.

erels, $1 ea. L. B. Millians, 105
Temple Ave., Newnan.

4-A grade, bred for layers, 3-
1/2 mos. old, $1.50 ea. Terry
Brown, Helena.

Guinea fowl, $5
Order J. H. Street, 3090 Bu-
ford Hwy., Atlanta 6. Ph. ME

wks. old, 60c to $1 ea., my
place, about 5 1/2 mi. out Ze-
bulon Rd. No. Wesleyan Col-

eggs for hatching, $1.65
also bantam hens, 75c ea., and
chicken fertilizer,
Mrs.. J. E. Carter, MeMurr
Dr. S. W. Box 487
Ph. DI 4-1388.

old time Gray type, not over
a_week old.
Write. Mrs. J. J. Barfoot, 704
Moore Ave., Augusta.

Bantams: Black Cochin,


Big type Cornish chickens,

6. Ph. MA 7-1665.

oe Rhode Island brood
4 one Muff brood stag,

3.50. Both Dead Game. C

200 White Leghorn pullets,
8 wks .old, $1.50 ea., large

Ph. Li

Giant Black Minorca eggs,
5, $3 PP also 10 wk, old cock

100 production Red pullets,

Pure stock, wild strain

Green-head Mallard ducks, | White King pigeons, $
1/2 grown, $5 pr; Racing Hom
er pigeons,

$3.50: DLs "3. DES:

$9.50 fancy show pee Ba-| Farm, Rt. 3, Windy Hill Rd.,
tams, your choice, $5 pr; Ring | Marietta. Ph, Smyrna, HE 5-
neck doves, $3.50 pr; White | 7385,

pr. Money

Baby turkeys, 1 day to 4

Dark Cornish (Show type)
$1. sack.

, Atlanta 11.



Want 4 small goslings, the

Must be cheap.

Want 50 White Rock pullets,
ready for laying. State price
del. to my place. Mrs. Nellie
Slocumb, Weston.

SAME. FOWL, etc.


Rabbits: various sizes and
colors, $1.25 and up at my
place. Billy R. Muse, 225 Cal-
laway St., College Park. Ph.
PO 7-7308.

Chinchillas for sale or trade
for other registered stock. Bill
Ferguson, 30 Piedmont Ave.,

Pheasant eggs, $1.20 doz;

}also pheasants, all ages, for
s Johns
Fancy Fantail|Circle, S. W., Atlanta 15. Ph.

1962 St.

jsale at my

PO 7-5240.

10 pr. Chukar quail, mated
5, Marietta. Ph. Smyrna, HE|and laying, $4. pr. Russell B.

$ | & ; L
Griffin, 712 Oak St., Gaines- birds 6 wks. old. Finest quali-


Ringneck pheasants, 195f
hatch, now laying, $5. pr; $7.50
trio; hatching eggs, $1.00 doz.
at farm or $1.35 doz. crated
and del. Also, 4 pr. large Bob-
whit layne quail, $9. for the
lot. J. H. Roquemore, RFD 2.

Ringneck pheasants, eggs,
chicks, breeders, and a few
6 wk. old chicks. G W. Finney,
Rt. 1, Box 144, Marietta. Ph.
7-1440. :

2 Ringneck Cochin pheas-
ants, 3 Ringneck hens, and 18
three wk. old Ringnecks, $20.
for the lot. Howard Ackiss,
Miller Rd. Rt. 1, Midland.

Chukars: 1 and 2 wks. old,
healthy birds, reasonable. Al-
so some breeding stock. M. S.
Stevenson, 833 Martina Dr. N.
E., Atlanta 5. Ph. CE 7-5490.

Baby Bobwhite quail and
eggs at my place; will ship

ty stock. Ralph E. Keefer,
Lake Harbin Rd., Morrow. Ph.
GR. 8-8477,

Bobwhite quail and Chukar
partridge eggs and chicks
available. Chicks of follow-
ing available in fall: Gambel,
gent Valley, Blue _ Scaled,

enn. Red, and Blonde quail.
Jap Coturnix now. Will ship.
Sat. Guar. Cliff Purcell, 217
Mt, Vernon Dr., Decatur. Ph.
DR 3-4238.

12 blue and white rabbits,
$20. for the lot. Robert H. Til-
ler, Rt. 2, Douglasville.

Americas finest strain
3: pr,
pr. minimum shipped. Ogden

Geilfuss, c/o Melody Brook

Bobwhite quail eggs, 20 ea.
in lots of 30 or more. MO
only. Exp. Col. Also young
quail for sale at my place on-
ly. Jack Holland, 471 Pasley
Lee E., Atlanta 16. Ph. JA

-7120. eae

Fantail Pigeons of best
strains, splashed colors, nice
Fans, mated prs., $2.50 pr;
young unmated prs., $2. pr.
Will ship 2 or more pairs. R.
Lamar Brantley, Rt. 2,
Wrightsville. 5

NZ White rabbits, pedigreed
fine breeding stock, mature
does and bucks, young stock,
all .ages. C. W. Page, 149
North Ave. N. E., Atlanta 8.
Ph. TR 4-6452.

Several full plumage Pea-
cocks, $25 ea. for 3 yr. olds
and $20. ea. for 2 yr. olds. Mrs.
F. L. Baker, Sr., c/o Green
Acres, Alapaha.

Taking orders for No. Bob-
white quail eggs and young
birds. C. L. Cawthon, River-
dale. Ph. GR 8-8106. (after 6
PM). i

Mated prs. of No. Bobwhite
quail, laying, $3.75 pr; also
quail,-5 wks. . old, 75c<. ea.
Shipped Exp. Col; Hatching
quail eggs, not over 5 days
old;*3$2550 doz $186, PP.
Parcel Post. Send MO. Miss
Eve Wallace, 716 Mvrtle St.
N. E., Atlanta 8 Ph. TR 4-
BLS2: od



New handmade quilts, large
size, good cotton material and
padding, $6.50 ea. PP; Ladies
tea aprons, nice material, 55c
ea. Mrs. Ventis Weaver, Rt. 5,

Fancy handmade ladies tea
aprons, asst. prints, all match-
ed trim, solid white with
patch-work trim in solid col-
ors, 3, $2.75. Add 25c postage.

iBanks, Jr., Rt. 3, Fayetteville.

2| PP. Mrs. E. Walters, Rt. 2, Box

| Garlie pulbs 500 dc
John Weaver, Rt. 2.

- Yellow Root, 1 lb. bo
4 1b. lard box full, $1.
postage. Mrs. Ventis Weav:
Rt. 5, Ellijay. ; ;

100 lb. cap. white feed
no letters, used only once,
for $1;50 10, $2.78; 20, $
C. PP 2nd zone. Money Or
Major Crowe, Rt. 2, Mtn. }
Rd. Gainesville. =

Nice new sage, hand gath
ed and dried in shade, $1.50
PP in Ga. No orders filled
less stamped envelope
ed. Mrs. Alta Wood, Rt. 2, |
tin. pen e

New handmade embroidered
pillowcases with attractive
colors and designs, $2. set; 3
piece embroidered vanity sets
with crochet edge, $1.25 set.
Add postage; also crochet
spider web and pineapple de-
sign variegated color, 25 in.,
3. PP. Miss Mable Mathis, Rt.
, Ellijay. sg

Crochet pineapple desiin,
22 in. size, white, $2.;

Crochet piece, 15 in., $1.25;
handmade embroidered pil-
lowcases, bright colors and
designs, $2. set. Add postage.
Mrs. Velva Mathis, Rt. 5, Elli-
jay. ;

Nice handpieced quilt tops,
new material, $2.50 and $3.
Miss Neela Bowen, Rt. 2,
Cleveland. pes :

Pillowcases, embroidered on
good sheeting, big size, $1.50
set. Villa Rice, Rt. 1, Cum-
ming. i

Several Ws. : new. crop
den Sage, 5 lbs., ee
Myrtle Pace, Rt. 1, T

- Country salt cured
washed and pasted, also

cured hams not pasted. Co
H. Johnson, 621 Page Ave.
E. Atlanta 7. Ph. D.

Blue Gill Bream Fingerl
raised on my farm, be rea
for Bass stocking this sun

ba hth

Nicely pieced dbl. bed size
quilt tops, $3. ea; also nice new
dbl. bed size quilts, $6. ea;
ladies fancy made aprons, $1.50
ea. Add postage. Exch. for
white or print sacks, 3 and 4
alike. Mrs. John Myers Ad-
dison, Rt. 2, Hartwell. >

White crocheted bedspread,
$25. Mrs. Enos Hooper, Hom-_
Ore res :

mer. Truck delivery or
at my farm. Lanier
Clayton. :

New crop Hone
Comb, packed in 10 lb
$3 pail, Del. in Ga. D. M
land, Summertown.

Fresh honey, in 10 Ib.
Ext., $3 chunk, $3.25
Ext. $1.75 chunk, $1.85
via P. P. W. E. Livingston,
135 College Park,

1957 crop honey, extract;
-|and pasteurized, 2 lb.
: ; case of 12 jars, $6.25. All
Little girls cotton dresses, | John L. Snare, Rt. 4, Gaine
Pee yirs. old. vay ea; pens ville. a }
ancy organdy. $1.; prin ce panied

dae f Yellow Root, M

ea. Add postage. Miss Ethel yo
Crowe, Rt. 2, Gainesville: and Wild Cherry oak

: $1.50 each Noel Crump,
2, Talking Rock,
Calif; multiplying
seed, 25c start. PP in Gra Mi
Ruth Weeks, Dial.

High grade, hand washed |

New cotton percale quilt
tops, Star of East, Wild Goose
Chase, Dove in the Window,
Winding Road to Dublin, made
with well matched, 2 or 3
color combination, $3.95 ea

113, Waycross.

Aprons: ladies, 50c ea; lit-
tle girls, 35 ea. Add postage.
Miss Grace E. Parks, Rt. 3,
Ellijay. :

White, trimmed in blue cro-
cheted bootees, blue, pink, yel-
low and green, 75 pr; bibs to
match, both for $1.; white
crocheted lace for pillowcases,
$1. pr; huck towels, in Mexi-

can weave, $1, ea. Add post- \
eee H. H. Robinson, Rt. or or of Pap iiss Neel
. : Lb. OS e. Mis Ss
ro = Bowen, Rt. 2, leveland. |
C | Sweetgum, Wildch
MISCELLANEOUS | zss"Pentsr pine, white Oa
j red Oak, Dogwood bark, Gold
FOR SALE |enseal, yellow dock Sassafr

__.| Sarsaparilla, Poke root, 2

: | $1; Plantain, Cricl iis
White feed sacks, no let- | jgj aon see
ters nor holes, 4 for $1 Mrs. J. icin, Peach loaves. eure

$1 lb; 4 bunche tansy or ho
E. Carter, McMurry Dr. S. W. Stes : =
Box 467, Atlanta ii: Ph; Di} pe sang Gee eee
Syne _ | (Addison) Rt. 2, Hartwell.
Yellow, Blood, and white :

Sassafras root, clean and fresh,

4 Ib. box, $1. Add postage. MISCELLANEOU!
Miss Grace E. Parks, Rt. 3, See gl nace
Ellijay. ae = 3 eam

Large Martin gourds, 50c ea
small size, 35c ea; Martin
gourd seed, 25c large pkg. and
3c stamp. Add postage. Mrs.
W. W. Lowman, Rt. 5, Ellijay.

_ Ibs, 3
geese feathers. Send sample
and price. Mrs. I. V. Johr
1414 So. Main St., Cedartown,



are pea ar

Mrs. Nancy Henderson, Rt. 3,
Box 124, Ellijay. :

