Farmers and consumers market bulletin, 1958 June 11

| Farmers

Phil Campbell,




By C. A. WARD |
_ Chief Dairy Section

bitter weed season is here, and it
ady causing trouble, producing the
i to aa "ype of off-flavored

Peiching for and working to eliminate
stly pest immediately.
he most effective weapon against bit-
vee is 2-4-D. Dairy farmers who have
ures infested with bitter weed should
with a mixture of one-half to one
one-half pounds of 2-4-D acid equiv-
15 to 40 gallons of water per acre
as the weed develops.

ould follow. A third application at
nning of the next summer should
rol the weed, However, the spray will
any clover or Lespedeza.
ore the pasture is grazed, a normal
ion period of five to seven days should
wed after spraying.
er weed is a summer problem and
dairymen will be bothered with
ow throughout the warm months.
the weed is tough and can survive
g dry period, it will often crop up
kly after a summer shower.

en a bitter weed flavor is discover-
t usually takes about 24 hours. to rid
cows system of the off-flavor. Unlike
1 and clover flavors which are pre-
1 butter fat, bitter weed bitter
ted with all other portions of the
er than butter fat.
2 flavor cannot be controlled by
the cow out of the pasture before
ing, as bitter weed has a longer carry
in the cows milk. Even condensing
not get rid of the flavor.
armers are urged not to let any off-
red milk leave the farm as it cannot
sed for any grade of milk. If one can
f-flavored milk leaves the farm, when
tect d the flavor might linger with

a Se

growth persists, a second spray-


the tester so that he will return several

cans of milk which are not contaminated.
When the dairy farmer discovers that

_ one cow has eaten bitter weed, this does - s

not necessarily mean that all of the cows
in the same pasture have eaten the weed,
as some cows may avoid it.

If a chemical such as 2-4-D is not used,
the regular use of a mowing machine is
valuable in controlling bitter weed as it
will keep it from seeding and eoming up
the following fall.

Good soil fertility will also help in

_ combatting bitter weed as the other grass-

es on the pasture will choke it out. It is
primarily a poor land product.

Ag Coop Short Course

An Agricultural Cooperation Short
Course will be held in Athens, June 22-24.
The meeting is sponsored by the Georgia
Council of Farmer Cooperatives, the Di-
vision of Agricultural Economics of the
University of Georgia College of Agricul-
ture and the Georgia Center for Continu-

_ ing Education,


June 11, 12, 13, Atlanta Southeastern

Pony Assn. Show, Southeastern
June 20, Atlanta Georgia Poultry

Coronation Banquet.

June 22-24, Rikeos Agricultural Co-
- operation Short Course.

ea ae \
June 25, Tifton Tobacco Field Day

July 8-7, Atlanta Georgia Seedmens
Ass'n Conventon.

July 18, Atlanta Georgia Holstein
Assn. Sale, Southeastern Fair-

a Cry


Farm Plight Key
To Economy Drop L


President Alumni Association
College of Agriculture
University of Georgia

The way to cure the nations economy ~
is to cure the ills of agriculture.

The old adage, When the farmer is

stuck, the businessman bleeds, is as true

today as it ever was.

It is an unfortunate and dangerous ~

viewpoint that the prosperity of the na-

tion no longer is related to or dependent |
uponexcept in a minor waythe eco-

nomie well-being of agriculture. Such a

Graduates of the College of Ag-
riculture, University of Georgia,
through their alumni association, are
doing everything possible to promote
the welfare of Georgia farmers.

Certainly they are to be com-
mended for the job they are doing in
behalf of our states agricultural in- _
; Phil Campbell

view, if it persists, will result in untold
damage to the total economy of the nation,

Agriculture serves as the basis for 35
to 40 per cent of the jobs of all workers
in this country even though only 12 per
cent of the people make their living direct-
ly from the farm, and we should never >
forget it. The well being of millions of non-
farm people is directly related to the level
of prosperity of those who do farm,


U.S. farmers purchase around $17 bil-
lion worth of manufactured goods to use
in production each year. These items in-
clude manufactured feed, fertilizer and
lime, farm machinery, and insecticides.
In addition, agriculture is a great user of
such commodities as steel, petroleum, and
electric power.

It is significant that the industries
from which farmers draw great, quantities
of supplies for production purposes
(Continued On.Page 4)

a Fee


Georgia, First:






Atlanta 3, Georgia
Phone JAckson 4-3292


Editor Jack Gilchrist
oe Editor Deborah Anglin

otices = Mrs. Elizabeth Hynde
Circulation = Mrs. LaMyra Satace
Mailing Room Supt. Candler Clement Jr

= [Ass ChAT iON


_ Notices of farm produce
and appurtenances admissable
under postage regulations in-
serted one time on each re-

No notice or advertisement
will be accepted from any
eommercial business, any
commercia] businessman, any
company or organization li-
tensed as a commercia) busi-
mess ot doing business under
a trad hame or business
name, not from any indivi-
dual doing business under a
trade name or commertial
business name.

The Georgia Market Bulle-
tin aSsumes no respoi'sibility
fot ahy notice appearing in
the Bulletin nor for any
transaction resulting from
published notices. Advertisers
are cautioned that it is against
the law to misrepresent any
any product offered for sale
in @ public notice or adver-
tisement carried in any pib-

lication that is delivered
through the United States

Address requests to be



Address all] complaints to EDITOR, Market Bulletin.

moved froth
mailing list, changes of addtess, etc, to CIRCULATION
Market Bulletin, b
change of address must include OLD and NEW addresses.

Address all notices and advertisments to EDITOR OF
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Published weekly at 114-122 Pace St. Covington, Ga
by Georgia Department of Agriculture. 1
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under Act of June 6, 1900. Aceepted for mailing at special
pate of postage provided for in Section 1108, Act of Oct. 8.

added to or te

Atlanta, All requests for

Entered as second

es : a



Want light farm work on
regular type tarm, or job on
chicken farm. 45 yrs. old. Can
stay on place all the time Will
Steward, % Parkers Ser. Sta-
tion, 531 So. Commerce St..
Summerville. ;

Retired white man wants
job as caretaker of any kind
stock, raise chickens, garden-
ing and yard work on farm for
room, board and reasonable
salary. Want modern conveni-
ences. Will batch, must have
furnished room. Grover C.
Henty, 642 Clearwater St.,

Man with 5 in family want
job driving tractor on farm or
doing dairy work. Need 3 or
4 R. house. Have to be moved.
Prefer middle or S. Ga. Ref. if

referred. George Farmer, Gil
ett St., Cedartown,

28 yr. old woman wants job
on farm at once for home and
salary. Go anywhere. Exp.
Miss Lena Dorman, 755 Prim-
rose Ave, S. E., Atlanta 15.

* Unencumberd Christian
white woman wants work oh
farm with aged couple doigg
light farm work for room,
board, and Salary. Mrs. Louise
Lott, Kirkland Pond, Rt. 1,

Man with 3 children in fami
Jy wants job looking after
chickens or as cartakef of
place. J, Tanner, c/o B. H.
Cooper, Rt. 2, Dallas.

57 yr. old man, able to work
wants job on chicken farm,

ear round work, for room,

oard and laundry with wages.
Marvin Gabrels, 746 Marietta
N. W., Atlanta 18.

Man with 4 in family wants
job on dairy with house. Rais-
ed on farm, 2 yrs. Exp. in milk
ing dairy cows. Can drive all
kinds equip. Thomas F. Coch-
ran, Rt. 1, Locust Grove.

57 yr. old man wants year
round work on chicken farm
doing light work. Room, board
Laundry, and weekly salary.
Must have transportation. Ben
Mize, 746 Marietta, N. W., At-

lanta 18. Ph. JA 5-4633. (after
4 PM.)

43 yr. old white woman

wants light farm work on farm
at once. Can furnish good Ref.
No bad habits, good character.
Want private room. board
and $20 wkly. salary. Letters
ans. Mrs. James Colins, 655
First St., Macon.

23 yr. old married man and
wife wants job on chicken or
dairy farm. Have to be moved.
Prefer DeKalb or Fulton Co.
H. O. Simpson, Rt. 1, Box 308+
A, Stockbridge.

Woman and son wants work
on poultry farm for small
wkly salary or on halves, any
where in N. Ga. Mrs. D. W.
Habe, Rt. 1, Acworth. Ph.



Want middleaged couple to
live on farm and do light farm
work. R. D. Moore, Rt. 1,
White, Ga.

Want white ox colored set-
tled woman with no bad ha-
bits to live witn family on
farm and do light farm work
for room, board, and wkly.
salary. Mrs. Ray R. Hodges,
Rr. 2, Manassas. Ph. Claxton,

Want middleaged Christian
woman to live on small dairy
farm and do light farm work
for fair salary,*board and pri-
vate room. Mis. A. . Mobley |


Want young healthy, coun-
tty couple (no children) to
work on farm. Man to do car-
penter work and look after
chickens. Wife to help with
garden. Room, board, laundry,
salary, and time off. Give Ref.
J. H. Street, 3090 Buford Hwy

}| Atlanta 6. Ph, ME 4-7888.

Want unencumbered white
woman to live in farm home
with family of adults and do
light farm work. Farm located
2 mi. West Byron on Hwy. 42.
Modern conveniences. $12.50
week, rootm and board. Mrs.
Eva Knowles, Rt. 2, Byron. Ph.
WO 3-2213., ;

Want rliable white or col.
man to work on Plant farm
near Winder. in Barrow Co.
4 R. house, lights, weekly
salary. Give full information.
W. A. Madox, Jt., 1731 John-
son Rd. N, E., Atlanta 6.



Bolena Ridemaster riding
tractor with mowef, plow, 2
hatrows, cultivators, and
scraper blade, reasonable.
John = poe Rt. 1, o=
oper Lake + Smyrna. Ph.
HE 5-9668. :

1 horse drawn combination
planter and fertilizer distribu-
tor, $15.; also about 200 sea-
soned oak fence posts, 30 ea.
Wade C. Ussery, Rt. 1, Ellen-

Chain hoist, 1000 Ib. -eap.,
new cond., equipt. with Tim-
ken bearings, $18. T. R. Craw-
ford, Sr., Clarkston. Ph. HI 3-



Bready garden tractor, i-
1/2 HP with 36 in. cycle bar,
disc harrow, large turning
plow, middle buster, cultiva=

tor, and trailer hitch, runs
ood, all attachments good,
130.3. Benefield, 5101

Redan Road, Stone Mountain.
Ph. BU 9-9104..

Used New Holland Hay
baler with motor, 3 yrs. old;
Allis Chalmer 66 Combine
with motor, 4 yrs. old, Marlin
Side-del. hay rake; six. row
cotton poison duster. All good
cond; cultivators and planters
for Ford tractor. L. C. Turner,
429 Candler Bldg., Atlanta 3.
Ph. JA 4+8457. .

Grist Mill, 42 in. rock with
K-6 Intnl power unit, good
cond. for sale or trade for
pickup truck. J. A. Ruther-
ford, 1010 E, Roosevelt, Al-

. 2 Simplex cotton diisters,
5 rows, 2 mule hitch, 52 in.
wheels, new, still crated,
$172.50 ea; also complete 2
unit Surge Milking machine,
excellent cond. with extra
Pulsator, $250. J. H. Dor-
miny, Jr., Fitzgerald Ph. 2233.

John Deere field ensilage
cutter with pickup attach-
ment, powered by Wis. V-4
air cooled 22 HP engine, ex-
cellent cond., $975. Earle B.
Lewis, P. O. Box 207, Carters-
ville. Ph. 1254.

Farmall A_ tractor with
power lift, cultivators, plant-
ers, fertilizer attachment, 3
disc tiller, cutaway harrow,
wedger, pulley for power
take-off, tractor in g00d shape,
$695.00. Earl F. Rheney, Box
13, Hephzibah.

Super C Farmall tractor,
overhauled, good eond; 2 dise
plow and Simplex cotton dus-
ter, for sale. Kelvin G. Oz-
burn, c/o Ga. State _ Patrol,
Post No. 8, Madison, Ph. 705.

Big Dutchman automatic
chicken feeder with 80 ft.
trough and hain, 500 Ib. hop-
per, time clock, 4 Conners, all
$175. my place, 6 mi. N. Ros-
well, off Hwv. 140. Ralph Dan-
gar, Rt. 1, Cox Road, Roswell.
Ph, 2472.

52 Intn] Combine with mo-
tor, ready to go, cheap or
exch. for cows of equal value.
E. P. Hannah, Harlem.

1954 Allis Chalmefs model
G tractor with hydraulic lift,
1 rew planting and cultivating
equipment, disc tiller and har-
row, $535. for lot. Used very
little. Elmer L. Rabun, Tem-
ple, Ph. 4431,

1and tongue, at fair price. John

britchen for sale cheap 3-1/2

6 ft. Case combine,
driven, in excellent cond. for
sale. A. H. Barnett, Washing-
ton. 2 See

2 H. mowing machine, 1 hay

rake, and Myers Water pump
Jack, for sale. Write first. I.

M. Justice, Rt. 1, Box 148,
Poultry equipment: 1,200

used Pockman. laying cages,
60e ea; 3,000 Cumberlin lay-
ing cages, used less than year,
complete with feeders and
life time watering troughs, 70c
ea. At farm. Thos. B. Sutton,
Sylvester. Ne

Tractor, 3 or 4 HP, has a
layoff plow and_ cultivator,
good cond., $150. Hershell
Watson, Higdon. ~

500 gal. Propane above
Sar type tank, $150. FOB.
iG, arwitz, 5148 Old
Natn] Hwy., Rt. 2, College
Pafk. Ph, PO 1+1727.

One 6a 1 H. wagon and 2
H. wagon, both good cond., 2
H. wagon frame, good wheels

B. Madder, Coneord.

10 ft. self-propelled Mas-=
sey Harris Combine, first class
cond. See and make reasonable
offer. Felton Denney, Rt. 3,
Carrollton. Ph. TE 2=8198.

Heavy 1 H. wagon with

mi. S. Cleveland. Mrs. M. A.
Stover, Rt. 1, Cleveland.

Massey Harris self-propell-
ed 10 ft. Combine with bag-
ging attachment, good cond.
Sell cheap or trade for small-
er Combine. L. H. McGill Rt.
2, Ty Ty. Ph. Sylvester, 2345.

David Bradley garden trac-
tor, new cond., for sale or
trade for used Ford tractor
and pay difference. C, R. Go-
man, P. O. Box 22, Lithonia.
Ph. 6017. ;

_1+1/2 ton Intnl truck, R-
160, No. 5 mower for JD Trac-
tor, Allis Chalmer WD Trac-
tor, John Deere B. tractor, all
first class cond. C. W. Finney,

Intn] Combine No. 62, Die=
sel motor and 340 aluminum
2 in. pipe, Case tractor ar
power driven mower, 7 ft.
blade, drag harrow, for sale.
No reasonable offer refused.
L. B. Hunt 447 Buford Road,
Macon. Ph, 2=5560.

Practically new _ tobacco
harvester at bargain price or
trade for Ford or one row
tractor or cattle; also 7 ft. New
Idea mowing machine fits any
tractor, $150. George Bager,
Rt. 1, Valdosta.

Papec Forage Harvester,
practically new cond., Row
Crop - direct cut - windrow
pick-up. attachments, power
by 45 HP Water cooled motor,
for sale reasonable or exch.
for yearlings at current price.
Ed P. Frechtling, c/o Sky
Meadows, Farm, Thomasville.

Allis Chalmer 60 Combine
power take-off driven, good
as new, $600.; also Tygart Cot-
ton duster, like new, $75. R.
W. Gabriel, Rt. 1, Colbert.

Intn] No. 5 Ensilage cutter,
2 knives, new, never used, for
sale cheap. Seaborn Ashley,
P. O. Box 8, Greensboro.

Cultivators for Farmall H.
tractor, used very little, $75.;
Gang mower, reel type, for
small tractor, $75. Dr. J. H.
Nicholson, Madison.

~ Midget Marvel Wheat Mill,
separators, corn mill turbine.
belts, pulleys, and shafts,
cheap for cash, Consider trad=
ing. See at Pulliams ill.
Jams Canales, Rt. 1, Dewey
Rose, 5

AC-66 combine with grain
tank and motor, cut any, 200
Acres, $1000. Allis Chalmers
WC. Tractor cranks and runs
good, $300. PTO cpt. for Allis
Chalmer W.C., has clipped 2
A. pasture; $40.;.5 ft. pasture
rotary, 3 point lift, $150. Mrs.
Sarah Watkins, Rt. 4, Sanders-
ville. Ph. 3030. . -

t H. wagon, almost hew
cond., and good set harness for
sale or trade for 2 H. wag
in same cond. Must furnis
transportation for exch.

4 pl eultiva
R. Ford Grattan. Stal

5|baeck cornfield.

| can sea
3 cans, clamps to
tically new $8. E.
ham, Concord.

5 Buckeye Kerosen
ers for sale cheap. Mrs.
Worley, Rt. 1, Jasper.

2500 watt, 110 vo
plant for sale of tr
Chukar or Ph
eggs or both. Bill Pee
Wick, Ph, AM 6-3606-"

__Intn] 45 automatic
PTO drive, used ve
$900.; Dwarf side D
good cond., $250.; 19
tractor, low hrs.,
cond., 3 new tires
harrow, $700. C. D.,
1, Irwinton. Ph. Fo

JD 6 ft. Combine
ine, model 12=A,
ay rake, 10 ft.,

nw. Also Avety tra
aecbtan Tot fale
i alley.
me ee

Shallow well pump
gal. tank, motor
overhauled, $35. A.
Rt. 2, Smyrna. Ph,



Want good, used Sur
Farmall tractor. Give
description, etc. N. B.

Want J. D. peters *
or lift type. M e
eond. and cheap. Bi
ders, Vienna.

Want complete fas
system for Farmall S
tractor. State price a
CH. Josdan, Ri: 2,

Want 6 row cotton
for tractor, within 50
dius of Barney. Advis
Paul A. Stringer, Rt. 1
hey. a

Want irrigation pum
4, in good cond. State |
and location in first

a BC. Chamblee, Rt. 2,

blee. Ph. HI 3-5358 (aft
p.m.) <a

Want used power tak
for Farmall M_ tractor.
Oetter, Gordon. ae

Want fear attached i
ing machine and si
rake for Ford tractor.
McGinnis, 2601 6
Drive, Decatur. Ph.

Want pony Massey
tractor or Cub, Must
sonable. G. ve
2, Hampton.
GR 8- K

Want good used
mower for tractor

Riley C. Couch, Senoia.

Want lift type hay.
cutaway harrow, bush
bog harrow, scrape blad
e eond
prie. Must be within 5
of Atlanta. D. E. Es


Atlanta. Ph. JA-
ane a sets
pet. $20. CW, Weyman

Rooks, Newton. Ph. 41

Extra tender white ere
back cornfield bean ya
little pink peanut 6 we
beafis, 55 cup each; 2
$1. Add postage. Mrs. Br
Silvers, Rt. i, Carters.

_ Extra tender white cres

tendr. garden beans;
and striped half-runners,
tle pink peanut and
6-weks beans, 55c cu
2 cups, $1; Red.
Crowder peas, 50c cup.
postage. Mrs. Carl S
3, Ellijay. =


ate afternoon or week-|
tend. L. E. Jones, Williams

ge Martin gourd seed,

; or 3 doz., 25c; cheap-
jarser amts. Send
self-addressed en=
with ea, order. Mrs.
i scott, Rt. 2, Box 213,

5e cup. Add _ postage.
reston Southerland, Rt.

y a bushel of field
slightly fhixed;
: and ted crowder
Germ. 88 pet. for safe

lot. Mrs. D. C. Harper,
a Rd. S. W.,

time little white ten-
alf-runnhet garden bean
95 pct. germ; white ten-
Cut-short cornfields, 98
ferm., $1 cup. plus post-
Te cup; 23_ two cups.
res Rt. i, Talk=

ia see an
5 7; germ.

in new 10 ib. bags, $11
FOB. John C. Reid. Zebu

Copper Skin sweet po-
plants, State
With 1958

_ guar. $5 M. No COD
a W. Horne, Baxley,
780. Sh hos

ip bunches, Sage plants
us@adine grape plants,
arlic, onions and hore-
75e doz. Add postage.


tomato plants, new
grown; Rutgers and
be, 500, $1.50; $2 ML;
50; Copenzagen Cab-
pom al 500, A 5; $1.50
000, $7. fab: Ss.
s, Box 349, Fitzgerald.
resh tomato plants, Rut-
large stems, 500, $1.25;
[. BE. L. Fitzgerald, Box
utger and Marglobe to-
plants, 75c C.; $3 M.;
Ww der, Ruby oo
mn hot pepper nts,
4. $3 M.; Black Baut
planta, $1 C.; Copperskin
Gen $4.50 M. Watis
y, Graham.

reccoli, Brussels Sprouts,

liflower, Cert. Eggplants,

er tomatoes, Collards,
oa a : ati earawa

arsley, araway,

9 doz,. horehound,

6 asil,

E n
dors. Mrs. H. V. Frank-
Pu 1, Register.
ov. insp. Red, pink and

rskin and Puerto Rica
ate plants, $4 M. Del. No
or COD.

Oma Light-
oe Surreney. es


ant 100 plants of the old
hioned White sweet potato.
te what you have and
D. T. Dew, Rt. 1


Want 2 Ibs. large Re
skled Crowdr (Polecat
to plant. Will pay $1 for
2 lbs. delivered. A.
loughby, Rt. 2, Bremen.
nt old fashion Speckled
ah white Crowder pea
. Give price. W. S. Hend-
RFD. 1, Manchester.

ant 50,000 Gov. ins.,
ape roe eae

ce, etc. J. A. Kirkpat-
PRE 2, Cedartown. Ph.

Want sev. bushels Red Rip-
- peas and sev. bu. Purple
1 Crowders. State amount
pri . Letters ans. L. C.

my home by the pound or}.


Turner, Rt. 6.) 5

om Pomegranate

Melon) seed for planting. Ad=
vise. BE, L. McGill, 11 Burnett
Ferry Rd. Rome.

Saker) cane



Bright, heavy bales
Wheat and Oat straw, 25c ea.
out of fields. John C. Reid,

Approx. 250 bu. shelled
white corn, for feed, free of
weevils, has small amt, yel=
low mixed in, $1.70 bu. FOB
farm. Billy Sanders, Vienna.
Ph. 4717.

1958 Coastal Bermuda hay
in truck lots, at my farm,
also oats cut in dough stage
and baled. Berry Rigdon, Tif-
ton. Ph. 281-W=1.

About 75 or 100-Bu. Yel-
low torn, for feed purposes,
$1.50: bu. FOB my farm in
rwinnett Co.

near Datula.
Mr: Dy:

Hall, 124 Drexel

|Ave., Decatur. Ph. DR 3-1713.

Yellow ear corn for Feed,
$45 ton. Weyman E. Rooks,
Newton. Ph. 4142.

50 bu. good white eorn for
Feed, $1.75 bu. E. G. MeDade,
Rt. 1, Box 132, Fairburn,

300 bales orchard grass and
clover hay in square bales,
75 bale: 6 mi. N. Roswell
off Hwy. 140. Ralph Dangar,
Rt. 1, Cox Road, Woodstock.
Ph. 2472.

Sevral tons Alfalfa
for sale at cutting
Phone ordefs now. George
Morris, 984 Mt. Airy Drive,
ys W., Atlanta 11, Ph. PL-3-
1394. fs
800 lbs. shelled corn, for
feed, ground like grits or
coarse meal, $4.60 per hund-
red, FOB. W. L. Wilson; Rt.
1, Sparta.




Want Feed Oats and Hay,
large quantities, best quality.
State price and quantity. Ben
Hill, 2641 Bob-O-Link Dr.,
Macon, Ph. 5-5394.




Fine Jersy ow, purebred | PM)

but not Reg. Fresh now with
2nd calf. Gives lots of rich
milk. See at y place. Geor-
e Ferguson, Rt. 1, Cave

3 nice, Reg. Hereford bull
calves, best bloodlines, 9 ms.
old. See or call. J. Britt Chand
Jer, % Spritg Hill Farm, Wat-
kinsville. So. 9-3171.

Springing Reg. Guernsey cow
and 2 heifers For sale of trade
fot beef cattle. See at Mrs.
Fannie Kate Phillips farm,
Sullatt Road, Palmetto, Ph.
Fairburn, 4241. Cortaet. James
Phillips, 360 Wellington St. S.
W. Atlanta 10. Ph. PL 3-6467.

3 Reg. Angus cows, about 2
yrs. old, one with male calf to
be reg; other2 cows pasture
bred to reg. male, $650 for all

J. % with papers, at my place. |.

James Dickens, Fitzgerald.
4 Reg. Jersey heifers,

1 syr:
old, artificially sired and calf.
hood vaccinated $100 ea. at my
barn. E. B. Braswell, c/o The
oe Athens. Ph, 3=

2 Jersey milk cows, fresh
with 2 wk. old calves for sale;
also about 350 1b. hog, for sale
Mrs. D. G. Richards, Rt. 2,
ete Ph. Fairburn,
3498. Yee

Reg. polled Hereford bull,
Domino strain, galve Ma
953, wt. approx. 1400 lbs., sell
to prevent inbreeding,
400 at my farm. L. E. Foster,
amilton. Ph. MA 8-4843

(sometimes called Simeli/


C.|erS name; Duroc boars and

Holstein bull, 700 Ibs., for
sal or trade for good Here-
ford mor, srnaller in size of
good horse that works and
tides. L. E. Jones, Rt. 1, Wil-

2 Guernsey milk cows 4 and
5 yrs. old freshen in August.
H. W. Thurmond, Farmington.

Several nice grade Angus
heifers, most all of them bred
to reg. bull, 20e lb. R. G. Jen=
nings, P. O. Box 891, Macon.

Guernsey milk cow, milking
3 gal., and 2 wk. old calf. J. J.
Si Louisville. Ph. M-5-

Reg. Guernsey bulls, ser-
vice age from high bloodlines,
fine color, reasonable prices.
F. H. Bunn, Midville,

Nice halter-broken 8 mo.
old. reg. horned Hereford bull
for sale. Carl Roberts, Ball

2 yr. old bred reg. Aberdeen

ngus cows, perfect cond. and
finest of pedigree, $250. ea.
FOB_farm. O. M. Ruff, Sr.,
Rex Road, Morrow. Ph: Stock-
bridge, 4366.

Reg Angus cow with heifer
calf dropped May 2. Z. J. Lee
Red Oak. Ph. PO 7-6666 (after
7 AM).

12 tg. whitefaced polled
bulls, 15=18 mo. old, 600-800
lbs. ea. $150.$225 ea. George
C. Morris, 984 Mt. Airy Dr. S.
W. Atlanta 11, Ph. PL 3=1394.


Reg. Yorkshire boar pigs,
from littr of 14, reg. in buy-

gilts, sired by Grand Champ:
ion boar of State Fair; Reg.
Hampshire boars, $25 ea. All
swine treated. Fred Webster,
Teacher of Agri. Cochran.

4 Beltsville No. gilts, 8 wks.
old, May 29, for sale at. my
E. L. Bloodworth, Gor-


Reg. Yorkshire pigs, open
gute, bred gilts, service age|
boars, gilts bred to Champion
boar SC Yorkshire Club show
and sale from Cert. meat type
boar, Albin Maret Hartwell.

Purebred meat type Tam-
worth males, 10 wks. old, $25
ea. Calhoun Kelley, Ideal.

Reg. 8 wk. old Tamworth
pigs, gilts and males, $25 ea.

apers if desired. Elmo Bush,
Rt. 2, Montezuma.

Reg Hampshire pigs, 5 mos.
old, June 14; 2 fine boars, 1
fine female, marked perfectly.

urtis Britt, 500 Fifth Ave.
Thomaston. Ph. 2641 (after 4

_ Reg. Tamworth pigs, ufire-
lated boars and gilts for sale
J. 8. Davis /o Abba Rt. 3,
Fitzgerald. Ph. 6541.

Choice Landrace pigs, males
and females, imported blood-
lines, treated reg. in buyers
name, 13 wks. old, $75 ea. Wil-
liam Lanier, Rt. 2, Box 84,
Metter. Ph. 5-1035. .

Reg. Yorkshires from large
litters, for sale August Ist. Ex
celent cert. meat type import-
ed bloodlines, Cert. disease
fre herd by D. V. M., 8 and
10 wks. old boars or gilts, $35
a. reg. buyers hame; $50 and
$75 ea. at breeding age. Law=
ton Ursrey, c/o Riverbend Live
stock Farm, Box 601, Hazle-
hurst Ph. FR 5-2155 ..

Purebred Landrace stock
hog for service, at my place.
J. W. Weaver, Jamerson Rd.,
No. 5 Hwy. Cobb Co. Marietta

7 SPC pigs, 8 wks. old June
11, $12.50 ea. Ask at Phillips
Store. Hoyt C. Maxwell, Rt. i,

Tamworth males and gilts, 9
wks. old, all. Reg. buyer's
name, Elmo R. Bush, Rt. 2,

Reg. Landrace gilts, boars,
service age boars, bred sows
nd sows with litter of pigs.
eg. buyers name. 100 pet,
imported bloodlines, unrlat-
ed pairs, life time cholera
treatment. H. R. Gossett, Cave



from Reg stok. 11 wks. eld,
$25 ea. Calhoun Kelley, Ideal.
Ph, 2489.

3 males and 1 female pure-
bred Hampshire pigs, sub. to
Reg. 8 wks old June 22nd, $17.
50 ea; one male and female,
hot sub. to rg. but purebred,
$12.00 ea. H. J. Witmer, 12309
White Bluff Rd. Savannah.

Horses, Mules, Ponies

At Stud: Bandar No. 6213.
Liver chestnut, 8 yrs. old, 15
hands, 1,000 lbs. Son of Cham
pion Rafmirz, Grandson of
Champion Raffles. Sire of out
standing pleasure and stock
horses. Fe $50 with return
privileges during season. Mar-
es boarded, $1 day. Willard
Strain, 609 Murry Hill Drive
Dalton. Ph. 367.

At Stud: Doctor Peacock,
reg. American Saddle bred
stallion, (Bourbon King - Rex
Peavine), Over 16 hands. Fine
large bond Horses boarded.
J. R. MeCrackin, Forest Park.
Ph. DR 8-9781,

At Stud: Rising Sunday
Sun, dbl reg. stallion, TWBA
Reg. No. 550-168. PHCA Reg.
No. 15-357. Mares boarded.
Ray Warr, Old National Hwy.,
College Park. Ph. PO 1-6732.

At Stud: Old Glory, Jr.
470147. Reg Tenn. Walking
Horse, now standing at Beve-
ridge Farm. Also 2 yr. old
Tenn. Walking Horse, gentle
for children and women for
sale. Boyd Beveridge, Brooks.

At Stud: Red Lights Noble
Bex, Reg, 36083 American Sad

of top quality eolts. Grandson
of Noble Kalarama. Thomas

Purebred Pariworth males,

bred stallion. Proven sire


- At Stud: Monas Boy,
throughbred stallion,
No. 565859, sired by imported
French Stallion 8 t a #

Thrush C. R. Goman, P.
um oli.

Box 22, Lithonia. Ph

Nice Shetland mare with :

niee eolt, reasonably price
also nice black and whi
Welsh mare, bred to good sor:

tell stallion with white mang

and tail, $350. Hollis

Rt. 5, Newnan. Ph. 1520-M. ;

Yr. old Quarter Horse filly
$100 Rogers

colt, sorrel color,
S. Cobb, Box 355, Marietta.

Small pony, small horse, 3
gaited horse, an
gelding, 5 gaited American
Saddler, fine markings, for
sale Ben Hill, 2641 Bob-O-Linke
Drive, Macon. Ph. 5-5394.

_ At Stud: Buddy Bud IIT
Reg. Palomino, reg. No. 15058
PHBA Grandsire Buddy Bud,
Reg. No. PHBA = PB 7949.
Wilson Allen Jim,
461919. J. E. Graham, Box
282, Patterson.

Nice 3 yr. old stallion from |

reg. Arabian stock. nicely
marked and gentle, proven sire
of fine quality colts, $200. D.
R. Braden, Rt. 2, Newnan. Ph.
Palmetto, 6422.

Palomino mare with eolt at

side (colt born June 2%, 1958), |

$200 at farm. J. C. Otwell, Rt.
2, Box 210 Newnan.

8 nice mares, with eolt at
Side 1 iron grey Burro, 1 black
mare mule, 7 yrs. old, $60 up
to $200. Trade one or all for
cattle. Lee A. McGinnis, 2601
Woodridge Dr., Decatur. Ph.
ME 4-0553.

Tenn. Walking Horse, 7 yrs.
old, work or ride ,also West-

G. Watkins, Jt, 4584 Flat|ern saddle and harnesg, $175
Shoals Road, Rt. 2, Decatur.|or sell separately. A. E. ee,
Ph. BU 9-6692. a 126 Lorene Dr. Marietta.


Chatooga, Candler,
Toombs, Elbert, Hall,
Lumpkin, Chatiahoechee,

Weyne,; Quitman,


50 Counties Certified

Wilkinson, Towns, Oconee, Evans, Bryan, Gordon,
Dodge, | i
Franklin, Union,

Habersham, Rockdale, Madison, Long, Butts, Pierce,
Turner, Wheeler, Clay, Lamar, Liberty, Trewtlen,

_ Dawson, Appling, Wilcox,
Jackson, Marion, Washington, Laurens, Columbia.


. Brantley,
Rabun, Coffee, Gwinneit,


Burke, Fannin, Douglas, |


109 Counties Not Certified

Counties in which area testing is now underway include:

Atkinson Glynn Putnam
Bacon Grady Randolph
Baldwin Greene Richmond
Banks Gilmer Schley
Barrow Heard Screven
Ben Hill Irwin Spalding
Berrien Jasper Stephens
Bleckley Jeff Davis Talboit
Brooks Jefferson Taliaferro
Bulloch Jenkins Tatinal
Carroll Johnson Taylor
Cherokee Jones Telfair
Clarke Lincoln Tift
Clayton Macon Troup
Cobb Meriwether Twiggs
Colquitt Miller Upson
Cook Monroe Walker
Crisp Muscoge Ware
Dade Oglethorpe Warren
DeKalb Paulding Webster
Dooly Peach White
Early Pickens Whitfield
Floyd Pike Worth
Forsyth Polk

Fult6n Pulaski

Help Make Georgia Brucellosis
Free By 1960


Palomino |


ee a

PAGE roun

Cure Ills Of Agriculture
(Continued From Page 1)

are at present the ones suffering other
severe economic recession.
buying by farmers is evidenced by the
wide-spread complaints of those who pro-
vide farmers with production and con-
sumer goods and services.


Agriculture has suffered from declin-

The decrease in

ing sales and increasing costs for six ye
Farm production expenses rose more than
$600 million during this period while
cash sales dropped $7 billion. Net farm in-
come declined almost $3 billion. This is a
drastic loss in purchasing power and is
equal to one per cent of the disposable
personal income of America in 1957.

Out of this declining net income farm-
ers have made diligent efforts to main-
tain purchases of consumer _ items,
strengthen their savings programs and in-
vest in capital items necessary for opera-

mated as to its effect on the na
nomic welfare. ae ee

Before it is too late, this count
look to its foundation, return to
tional assessment of basic value
its mistakes and provide th
environment in which a strong
perous agriculture can help b
must, the nation that will be th
the world. eee



Black, 1300 Ib. mare, work
nywhere, $150. C. R. Gastley
Rt 1, Box 19, Fairburn.

Buckskin Shetland mare,
white mane and tail, Bred to
Reg. sorrell stallion, $675. M.
- Duncan,- Newnan. Ph. No.

0. :

Sheep & Goats

Alpine-Nubian milk goats:
air of wethers, does, 2 yr. old
Buck and kids. Reasonable.
Ben Holmes, Ringgold. Ph.


Nubian, first freshening, 3
_ gt. milker, from 5 qt. stock;
also Saanan to freshen in Au-
goat, now milking 2 qts. P. D.

earn, Rt. 3, Marietta, Ph, HE

Saanan milk goat. just fresh_
ened and 2 Toggenburg does,
for sale, F. H. Millerd, Rt. 2,
Acworth. Ph. 6012. >

4 white goats:. Mother and
ey and 2 kids, $10. L. F.
vie, Sr., 891 Countenay Drive
N. E. Atlanta 6. Ph. TR 6-3762.

5 reg. Hampshire rams, top
quality at reasonable prices,
See at Tri-Dan Farm, Colbert.
Russell Daniel, Jr., P. O. Box
1423, Athens.

8 purebred but not reg. Tog
seruie goats, milking, 2 are

5 mos. old, with large teats
and well developed udders
also a 2 yr. old All gentle. Sell
2 of them. D. A. Bagley, Sr.,
44 Washington St. Austell.

Sheep: 25 ewes, rams and
lambs, $6 ea, Jim Maloy, Rt.
, Helena.

Toggenburg milk goat, fresh
en this month, will give gallon
milk daily, $25; 2 nice kids,
nee and male, $10 for the

. Fine stock. Mrs. Lee Kirk-
ley, 3860 Cascade Rd. S. W.
Atlanta 11.



. Want 5- Reg. Black Angus
@ows with calves and 1 Reg.,
n-related Black Angus bull.
Give best price in first letter
and where they can be seen.
Ogden Geifuss, P. O. Box 4779
Atlanta 2.

Want Reg. horned type Here
ford bull, 1 to 2 yrs. old, with-
in 100 mi. Advise Guy F. Mad-
dox, RFD 4, Winder.

Want two small goats. Write
price and particulars James
Langford, Thornwell Dr. NE,
Atlanta 19.



4 trio BB Red OF Game
Bantams, $10. trio, bloodlines

direct from Z. E. Lott. A. P. A.
Judge; 3 trio Black Cochin
Bantams, $10. trio, bloodline
direct Elton Gould stock. All
1957 hatch. J. Homer Morgan,
405 East Elm St., Rockmart.

Dark Cornish Bantams,
purebred, hatched Jan. and
Feb., 1958. Claude R. Kirk-
man, 975 Rupley Dr. N. E.,
Atlanta 6. Ph. TR 2-2989.

2 yr. old Game cock, ready
to fight $2. J. O. Cantrell, Rt.
8, Gainesville. Ph. LE 4-5021.

Black Cornish Baby chicks,
6 and 8 wks. old, $4.50 doz.
Baby Bantams, 6 and 8 wks.
old. $3.50 doz. Lackard Bell,
2677 Pharr Rd. NE, Atlanta
17. Ph. DR 7-4390.

Purebred Bantams: 3 Black
Cochin hens and 1_ cock, 5
white Silkey hens and 1 cock,
trio Old English Silver Duck-
wing, pr. Easter Egg chickens,
Black Polish cock, pr. BB Old
English, for sale at my home.
Will not ship. Willard Jenkins,
Martha Sue Drive, Dalton.

150. Beeline white Leghorn
pullets, 4-1/2 mos. old, de-
beaked, $1.75 ea. FOB Al-
bany. 15 minimum shipped.
K. . Willis, 2508 Crescent Dr.

Toulouse Geese and goslings
for sale. Mrs. W. F. Brandt,
Rt. 2, Sullivan &Holleman Rd.,
Powder Springs. Ph. Austell,

SAME. FOWL, etc.


5 yr. old, mated pair Blue
Peafowl breeders, hen now
laying; pure stock, true to
color Mallard ducks, pr. full
plumage Reeves pheasants,
fancy stock bantams. White
guineas, rabbits and doves. J.

H. Street, 3090 Buford Hwy.
Atlanta 6. Ph. ME 4-7888.


from 113.48 to 107.90 and
decrease is attributed to a
hay price. The Wholesale

Index Bracket
103.35 - 107.79
107.79 - 112.24
112.24 - 116.69 -

ed October 7, 1955.

JUNE I, 1958

The Price Index for Class I fluid milk in Georgia,
calculated according to the official pricing formula,
decreased about 5.6 points between May 1 and June 1

point and mixed dairy feed increased $1.00 per ton.
Other variables remained unchanged from May 1. The
formula automatically balances changes and produces
a net change in the milk price index.

Index brackets and corresponding producer prices
for Class I milk, Atlanta area:

For complete information on the price brackets,
see Order No. 1200A, Georgia Milk Commission adopt-


dropped one bracket. The
$16.20 per ton decrease in
Price Index increased 0.8

Producer Price


Genuine So. American
Chinchillas (not rabbits), and
cages for sale, or buy cages
and I will give you the Chin-
chillas. Contact. Mrs. Z. B.
Keel, 5050 Campbellton Rd.
Atlanta 11. Ph. DI 4-2592.

4 Golden Red pheasant hens
and 3 cocks, $15. for the 3.
Mrs. Annie B. Haygood, Yates-
ville. t

Large young, rabbits, wt.
about 5 Ibs. ea., $1. ea; 3 does
due kindle June 8, $4. ea. Mrs.
J. H. Thomas, 1420 Eric St.
S. E., Atlanta 15. Ph. MA 7-

Ringneck and Brown Pheas-
ant hatching eggs, $1.25 doz.
at farm or $1.40 doz. Del. Also
new kind and Chukar quail
eggs, $1.00 doz. J. H. Roque-

more, RFD 2, Americus. Ph.

Taking orders for No. Bob-
white gost eggs and baby
birds. Frank Sauls, 109 W.
7th St., P. O. Box 208, Tifton.

Few 1957 hatch extra large
No. Bobwhite breeder quail.
Eggs from bobwhites irproved
38 yrs. for hatching. 90 pct.
hatch Guar. 6 wk. old bob-
whites ready for release, 97c
ea. William A. Thomas, 421
Sars Bldg. Atlanta 3. Ph. MU

SAME, FOWL, etc.


Want Amberst pheasant
hen. State what you have and
price. Jim Dunivin, 2372 Co-
lumbia Dr., Decatur. Ph. BU
9-0384, :



New crop extracted Honey,
$3 per 10 lb. pail. Parcel
Post paid to points in Ga. D.
M. Kirkland, Summertown.

Fancy clear Gallberry
honey, 1958 crop, in 2-1/2 Ib.
big mouth jars, 12 jars per
case strained, $6; chunk,
$6.50; 60 lb. strained honey,
$10.50 in- cans. Send check or

Pillowcases, em
good sheeting, dif.
$1.50 set. Vella Ric
Cumming >
Crochet baby s

Calif. multiplying Beer
Seed, 25c start. PP. Miss Ruth
Weeks, Dial. :

Clean, used goose feathers,
40e lb. not del. at this price. ?
Mrs. P. J. Garrison, 1121 Bigs, = yellow, $1 P
Odum St., Covington [doilies, pineapp 8,
: ee at low, pink, or white, 11
Calif. multiplying beer (
seed, 25 start or 6 starts, $1
and 3c stamped envelope with
ea. order. E. F. Weeks, Dial.

1 country salt-cured Ham, | 8@. Mrs. Joe B. Woo
wt. 29 Ibs. killed in Nov.,| Ellijay.
85 lb. Mrs. W. A. Hall, 413]
N. Oliver St., Elberton.

Blood Root, Yellow Root,
Yellow Dock, Sassafras root,
Wild Cherry bark, Also dried
Peppermint, all 2 Ibs., $1.50

PP. Mrs. Candy Holden, Rt.
5, Ellijay. i

1957 crop Honey, extracted
and pasteurized, 2 Ib. jar,
60c; Case of 12 jars, $6.25.
All FOB. John L, Snare, Rt.
4, Gainesville. :

Yellow Root, May Apple,
and Wild Cherry bark, 4 lbs.,
$1.50 each. Noel Crump, Rt.
2, Talking Rock.

40 stands yellow Bees in
10 frame patent hives, have
not been robbed, $10 ea. for
the lot, 8 mi. W. Marietta, at
Lost Mtn., on Dallas Hwy.
No checks .T. Bone, Rt. 1,
Powder Springs. ;



ers, fancy design, 2,
ven Jersey loop p
bright colors, 25c ea. .

New, hand-made,
signs, Embroidered:
ity sets, $1.25; pillo
full size, good, bleac
ton material, $2.25
good cotton materia
padding, large si
Postpaid. Mrs. Der
Rt. 5, Ellijay,
_ New bed quilts, $6. e
quilt tops, $1.75 ea. MO
Mrs. Margaret Deese, Bi
_ Med. size aprons.
little girls aprons,
embroidered pillow
size, $1_ set.;
handkerchiefs, some w:
broidery, 10c ea. Mr:
Major, Rt. 7, Gainesvi
Hand crochet dbl
bedspreads, $20 ea. Mr:
nie R. Trimble, 899

ae Decatur. _Ph. B


White Leather baby
fits infants up through |
White. 85c pr. PP. M
Grindle, Rt. 1, Dahlo:
13 large size new
quilt tops, $1.50 ea.
postage each. Mrs. F. |
dux, 300 Hammond St

Quilt tops, dbl. bed
matched colors, $2 ea. a
postage. Mrs. Roy T.
Rt. 1, Buford.

Want some Indian corn, all
colors preferred. Advise a-
mount and price, etc. Myrtle
Schaeffer, 1016 Blue Bird Rd.,
Augusta. ~ dy :

Want farm bell with all
parts reasonable priced. Mrs.
L Maney, 327 Hill St.,

ONG Fancy aprons, 3, $1

white dishtowels, 10c

trimmed; woven pot
| 40e ea. and postage;
H ANDI RAFT | white pillowcases, with
| chet edge and dif. col.

2 | ers, $1.25. PP. No

FOR SALE _ |Mrs. Byron Hayn

mies | Gainesville.
Cotton dresses,
size, $1.50 ea.,
aprons, $
border aprons, 50c ea.

_ Dbl. bed size hand crochet
bedspread, Rose Harbor de-
sign, in red roses, green leaves
and ecru background, $60.00
Mrs. Guy Pickard, Rt. 2,

MO. Shipped postage collect.
E. B. Herrin, Nahunta.

postage. Miss Ethel Cro
Rt. 2, Gainesville. -_



Last Weeks Livestock Sales Report

Rome ens _ Thomaston
June 4, 1958 June 2, 1958 June

June 3, 1958 June 4, 1958 :
STEERS & HEIFERS 1488 613 514 210: a eas
GOOD & CHOICE 24.80-28.80 24.80-25.60 - 25.00-26.00 ct
STANDARD 22.00-25.00 22.50-23.90 22.00-24.50 21.25-24.75 ew
UTILITY 19.40-23.00 18.00-21.60 18.10-22.00 . 19.00-22.50 -18.40-22.00
VEALERS 24.00-27.00 23.00-30.25 27.50-30.00 = = ~s14.70-17.00
STOCKERS & FEEDERS = 18.50-28.80 19.00-27.40 18.00-24,80 18.00-26.00 -17.00-25.7
FEEDER CALVES 20.00-30.40 20.00-28.75 19.10-21.70 18.50-24.80 = 2
cows: - * a en eee ty
UTILITY & COMMERCIAL 18.20-19.10 17.90-19.30 18.70-18.50 -
CANNERS & CUTTERS 13.50-18.40 13.00-18.00 - 13.50-19.50






NO. 2

NO. 3

