Farmers and consumers market bulletin, 1958 March 5

_ Farmers


ss) agers

Phil Campbell,


iy i lletin

UMN 43



Twenty Eight Counties Near Bangs Certification

_ The 28 dotted counties on the map be-
ow have less than 10 herds of cattle to
ae tested before they are listed as modi-
tied-certified brucellosis free. Farmers
in these counties have done an excellent
job in getting most of their herds tested.

~ I would now like to urge all farmers

and officials in these 28 counties to
cooperate in an all out effort to have
the few remaining herds tested so they
can be awarded certificates as brucellosis
free counties,

Thirty-eight counties in the state have

already completed area testing. With
cooperation from the counties dotted on
the map and listed below this number
can soon be increased considerably.








BLACK COUNTIES Area Testing Completed




Cj Yj,

SHADED COUNTIES Area Testing Underway

DOTTED COUNTIES Less Than 10 Herds To Test
_ WHITE COUNTIES No Area Testing To Date







Georgia, First:






Editorial and Executive Offices
Siate Agriculture Building
5 i 19 Hunier Street, 8.W.
Ailania 3, Georgia
Phone JAckson 4-3292



_ rawford Av

Jack Gilchrist


5 we

me |AssP cy



....... Deborah Anglin
Mrs. Elizabeth Hynde

irs: LaM arman
Candler Clement dr.

Notices of farm produce
and appurtenances admissable
under postage regulations in-
serted one time on each re-

No notice or advertisement
will be accepted from any
zommercial business, any
commercial businessman, any
company or organization li-
zcensed as a commercial busi-
ness or doing business. under
a trade name or business
name, nor from any indivi-
dual doing business under a
trade name or commercial
business name.

The Georgia Market Bulle:
tin assumes no respo*sibility
for any notice appearmg in
the Bulletin nor for any
transaction resulting from
published notices. Advertisers
are cautioned that it is against
the law to misrepresent any
any product offered for sale
in a public notice or adver-
tisement carried in any pub-

lication that is delivered
through the United. States

Address all complaints fo

EDITOR, Market Bulletin.

MANAGER, Market Bulletin,

Address requests to be added to or removed from
mailing list, changes of address, etc, to CIRCULATION

change of address must include OLD and NEW addresses.

Atlanta. All requests for

Address all notices and advertisements to EDITOR OF
NOTICES, Market Bulletin, Atlanta.

Published weekly at 114-122 Pace St. Covington, Ga.,
Ai ie Department of Agriculture. Entered as second
matter Aug. 1, 1937, at post office, Covington, Ga.,
under Act of June 6, 1900. Accepted for mailing at special
rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of Oct. 8,

36 yr. old widow and 3 56 yr. old man, wife 51,

boys old enough to work want
job on farm. Need small 3 or
4 Room house. Have to be
moved. Beatrice Walden, Rt.
1, Jonesboro.

Man with 20 yrs. Exp. and
wife, 5 children (2 sons old
enough to help) want dairy
to operate or eattle farm.
~an move at once. Willie
Green, Rt. 2, Box 4, Rochelle.

White man, wife and 14
yr. old son wants job on
ultry or cattle farm with

ouse and salary. Thomas
geddy. 440 Capitol Ave.,
Apt. G., Atlanta 3. Ph. MU
8-8391. g

36 yr. old man, wife and 3
ehildren want farm work for
wages. Raised on farm, can
drive and run most any kind
Equip. Wife can do light
farm work. Have to be mov-~
ed. Go anytime. Henry L.

ord, 5310 Armour Rd., Co-

58 yr. old white man wants
job on chicken farm or other
ight farm work for room,
board, salary, or place to
batch. R. L. Hartley, Rt. 1,

28 yr. old White man wants
job on farm at once on year
round basis. Any kind of
work, or as regular handy-
board, laundry and
wkly. salary. No bad habits,
good worker, Howard Ra-
chels, 210 East Webster St.,

52 yr. old, reliable, sober,
dependable man with in
family, want job as overseer
or caretaker on farm. Good
maintenance man or mechan-
ic for farm machinery. Exp.
in hog and_ cattle raising.
Good clean Christian family.

want job on farm as soon as
possible. Prefer chicken farm:
Both can work. Have to be
moved. Go anytime. J. T.
Morrow, P. O. Box 227,

55 yr. old white man and
wife want job on farm for
weekly wages with

No dairy work. Have to be
oo George Rouse, Rt. 2,

job on farm doing general
farm work. Drive tractor and
truek. Experienced. Go any-
where. Send _ transportation
to come on. Carl Harris, 168
Rawson St., S.W., Atlanta 3.

Man wants job on farm,
experience in poultry and
cattle. Do not drink, no bad
habits. Robert Blackwell,
Panola Rd., Lithonia.

Woman, past middle age,
alone, needs place on farm
doing light farm work. Chris-
tian, good health, go any-
where. Ans. all letters with
stamp. Mrs. Ella Drummond,
68l* Pulliam SPS Wee Ae
Janta 15.

36 yr. old man with 6 in
family including 1 grown son
want work on hog, cattle,
chicken, or dairy farm. Exp.
with all. Want with good so-
ber up-right people. Have to
be moved. Need 3 or 4 room
house. Jessie Robert, 302
Railroad St., Calhoun.

49 yr. old white single man
wants job helping on farm.
Can drive mule, but not trac-

tor or truck. Want board,
laundry, and small wages:
Prefer with large family.

Give age and No. in family.
Must have bus fare. Taft
Parker, C/O Alvin Dykes, Rt.

State salary in first let
aes Robinson, Sr, 52

6, Eastman.

ouse, |
M.| lights, and water furnished.

single man wants}

Woman and 2 sons, 17_and
18 yrs. old, and daughter
want job on chicken or truck
farm. Mrs. Louise Haygood,
Rt. 3, Box 1500, Lafayette.
(12 mi .).

Man, wife, and 9 yr. old
son want job on farm doing
most any kind of work. Do
not drink, no bad habits, hon-
est, willing to work. Give ref-
erences if necessary. Exp.
with chickens. Virgil Cates,
RFD 2, Chamblee,

83 yr. old white man wants
fob on farm by day. Can drive
tractor, truck or any kind of
farm work. Want good house.
Can move at once. Have to
be moved. Tommie Lee
Spears, 168 Rawson St., S.W.,

"Atlanta 3.



Want nice, white woman
to live in farm home and do
light farm work. Must be
clean, reliable and can drive
car. Room, board and reason=

able salary. Mrs. Ernest An-

derson, Register.

Want good Christian wo-
man, for light farm work on
farm, for home modern con-
veniences), with 2 adults and
reasonable salary. Prefer a
retired person. Mrs.
Tucker, Rt. 2, Kensingion.
Ph. LaFayette 4-6654

Want reliable farmer with
family to live on 45 A. farm.
Must be good handy-man.
Plenty of work at regular
wages. Also, will share 50-50
in whatever tenant wishes to
produce such as eggs, milk,
meat, etc. 4 R. house, Elec.,
pleasant surroundings. See,
J .A. Arguedas, Rt. 1, Old
Peachtree Rd., Lawrenceville.

Want reliable woman, not
over 50 yrs., to live in home
on farm and do light farm
work, for home and reason-
able salary. Mrs. Fred W.
Brown, Rt. 3, Cedartown.

Want nice, clean woman,
white or col., to live in home
on farm and do light farm
work, for room, board and
reasonable salary. Mrs. Dor-
othy Armstrong, Rt. 3, Doug-~


March 28 Friday 1
i E. F. Perrys Katy
ee Farms, Kelly (Jasper
County) Special sale of
Reg. polled Herefords .. .
Il good bulls, all about
ready for service and 40
heifers. All smooth-headed,

ed, and good, clean pedi-


Mareh 31 and April 1

Monday and Tuesday . ..

Valdosta, (Lowndes Co.)

- . . Tom Hewitts Pony
Auction Sale . . .. very
large selection of both us-
ing and breeders Both
Grade and Registered pon-
ies on auction.

March 27 Thursday 9:30
A.M., at Thomaston (Upson
Co.) . .. Southeastern Re-
gional Shorthorn Breeders
Assn., annual Spring Show
and Sale . .. 22 bulls, 70
female lots ... 35 females
sell im show and sale, and
35 in off-grass division
many cows with ealves at



Red Canna bulbs, 10c ea, or
$1 doz. Cannot ship. Mrs. C.
E. Duke, 1661 Bouldercrest
eo SE, Atlanta 16. Ph. MA 7-

Large Chrysanthemums, la-
vender, white, red, bronze,
pink, yellow, some ineurves,
15 $1.25; asst. colors and t s

$1.35; aah, white ellow
Daisy type, 50 asst. $1.45. PP.
Mrs. W. S. Griffin, Rt. 1, Adel.

t 3

c. jing Phlox, 20c. Fred

well root
well marked, dbl. register-| Mrs.
hill Rd.

ee from old line polled| -
ereford cattle. Lunch at}

Scotchbroom plants, 6, 15 in.
25c ea; 2 white, 4 red running
roses, 50c ea. Cannot mail.
Also Coleus, dark red Cocks-

Calvary seeds, 25c pkg. and
stamped addressed envelope

ford Ave. NE, Atlanta 7.

Giant Imperial dbl. Lark-
spur, mix, col; yellow Cannas,
orange Daylilies, single and
dbl; mix. col. Cornflowers, 50
doz. 3 doz. $1.35 Thrift,
$1 C. Orders of $3 PP. Damp
packed. Mrs. George Collins,
891 Hammond Dr. NE, Atlanta
5. Ph. 5-1449.

3 col. Old fashion Bachelor
Button seed, 4 of ea. col. 10c
Christmas Cherry, 10c C; 5
kinds ornamental pepper, good
germ., 3 pods ea. 50c. Add
stamped envelope. Mrs. M:
tle P, Hunt, 921 Capitol View
Ave. NW, Atlanta 18. Ph. SY
4-6654. oes

Water Oaks, any size Dog-
woods, Weeping Willows, 50c
and up. Will del. in Atlanta.
No shipping. Mrs. Helen Street
2956 Buford Hwy. Atlanta 6.
Ph. ME- 4-7888.

Super Swiss Pansies, 50, $1;
$1.75 C; 500 $7.; LaFrance rose

3, $2; Canna roots, 35 doz
giant Verbenas, Larkspurs,
30e doz; sky blue Iris, 31 5
doz; hardy Phlox, 35; creep-
spoon, 308 Holderness St. SW,

All col. Thrift, white Candy-
tuft. yellow Alyssum, 25 up;
Liriope 50 pips, 75c; Redbud,
Weeping ow 6 ft. $1; Abe-
lia, Nandinas, 50c up. 75 Box-
woods, up to 3 ft., re:

No mail orders. V. W.

lanta 11. Ph. PL 3-4768.

Laphami, lilac blue
out pink deep

ably priced

white. Mrs. Z. D. D
Box 223, Alpharetta.

$4 C; Gladiolus bulbs, Philli-
gine med
Narcissus, Butter and
Gunter, Rt. 4, Box 326, Al-|
pharetta. :
blooming white Narcissus
ple, white blue Iris, mix. 3
ol. Hibiscus, r
oe ba idee By
postage. or
Smith, Rt. 4,
Admiral Byrd
oid 406 E. Rhein-
6 . |
Atlanta 15.


R. E.

Mint, per, Agerat 50 doz;
Boxwoods, Hex, Merson Hol-
ly, 25 ea; $2.50 doz; Pansy |
plants, 40 doz. plus postage.
No cheeks. Mrs. Willie Nelson,
aa = Hillerest Dr.

Bachelor Button (old fash-|

pkg. 3 pkgs 35 plus sta
selt-addressed eons.
linda Milz, 2710 Hazel St.
Augusta. .

_African Violets, 3 dbl. 2
Single or 12 asst. leaves, $1.25;
Dbl. pink hybrid Hibiscus, well
rooted, $1 PP; about 150 var.
garden and house plants at my
home. Sell or exch. for: named
var. of Mums. Mrs. B. J. Can-
trell, Blue Ridge.

Fine Jongquils, 3 eas pink
Thrift, $1.50 C; red Clade,

4c ea. Mrs: G. C Tayi i
Rt. 2, Bremen, wee eee

King Alfred Jo i

c ; April loosing sence Sue
eissus, $2 C; daffodils, red,
yellow, Cannas, Amaryllis Day
lilies, purple Iris, purple Vio-

nese Sunflowers, mix. Gladio-

50c doz. Add

postage. Beatrice
Mosley, Rt. 1, Bea

comb, red Petunias, Blood of |

Mrs. G. L. Clark, 361 White-}

bushes, 2 yr. red, pink, yellow, |
| $1. Add postage.

Atlanta 10. Ph. PL 3-5251. t

1554 Willis Mill Rd. SW, At-| Rt. :
Creeping Flax or Thrift, nice | ,
rooted plants, Alba, pure white | Iri:
ae ; Me hei: |
placis, $1 cipal shee "00 |
: nches not mailable, reason= Bs
ly hob send ted fa nk and |
d, Rt. 1,]
ny col. fine Iris, 5 ea;
, border plants, | J
ps, Daffodils us

mix. Add postage. Mrs. S. M.|1

, pur |

doz., $1.25; pink, white, or- | Se:
chid e oe fo

Box 294, Austell. |
doz: $4.50 C.| __Princess


Pink Thrift, $1 C; 25 clump. |

Austell. Ph, |;

ioned brilliant pink), seed 10 | F*

lets, rose col. Thrift, Japeiaf

lus, $1 doz; Snowdrop bulbs, } pink,

Also Cactus type.
doz. PP. Mrs.

White Dogwo
Crabapple, Blue
2-4 ft. 4, $1, and
for Nandinas, M
other shrubbe
Dyer, Rt. 4,

fi = t my
or sale a x
R. Martin, Rt. 2,

Best var. ts
doz; others, oL
col. solid and 2-t
sus, 30c doz; lar,
ae bore pkg. with
stamped envelope.
'velle Ownbey, Rt.
Blairsville. ie
Min. Laurel,
Pine, pink, ora
/kle, 35c_ea.; tra
'20c ea. No order
out postage. J
Charles, Rt. 4,~

Orange, pink

Charles, Rt. 4, E

Pink running
/Mrs. Estelle S
3, Ellijay.

Daylilies, large
Jee, Cannas, $2 C
Williams, Te
mix. col. Mums,
501 doz.; large

ibs, 30e

unrooted cuttin; 5 ted
20 ea. Babe

Bronze dbl. Daylily, Dee. | Lar Amary
ea; east

der envelope. Fre
Rt 4, Ellijay,

Red Hot Poker,
yellow, pink, oran
10, $1; Born Bead _|

Add postage.

lac, peach rose (
white Hydrang
pines, white

ea.; deep blue
doz. Add postag
ley Fowler, Rt.

Young English Bo3
well rooted, 12
doz. Add_ post
Cochran RFD 5,

Nancy Henderso
Box 124, Ellijay.

Dahlias, giant
carmine red, wl
Jersey Beauty
$1.25, or

1, Bow 248,


Bre- |


5, Ellijay.

3s, $1.50 doz.; 4 yellow, 3
, 2 pink Cannas, 9, 75
. Mix. Astor Touch-me-not,
wnia@ and Marigold seed, 4
s., 25c, and stamped en-
ope, Mrs. Ethel Mooney,

thinmaberry and Catalpa
es, $1 ea. Old fashioned

se bushes, grow to 6 ft.
h, light pink blooms with
ker centers, very fragrant,

Shuman, Rt.
Murple Iris, 2-1/2 doz., $1;
low Daffodil bulbs, 3 doz.,
Add postage. Mrs. Flora
: Eller, Rt. 3, Ellijay,

vr, old Boxwoods, $1.60
.j asst. col. large Chrysan-
mums, 75c doz.; yellow,
, pink variegated Cannas,
35e; 18, $1.30; purple Iris,
35c; dbl. Touch-me-not
i, 15 pkg. PP. Mrs. Ven-
'Weaver, Rt. 5, Ellijay.

ed, yellow, pink Weigela,
fea, Forsythia, Spirea,
y Orchids 50c ea.; root-
Boxwoods, $1.25 ea.; Nan-
$1.50 ea; Pink fall
rsanthemums, Cushion
as, pink, red, yellow, $1
.| Euonymus, $2 ea.; Del.
No orders less $1. Mrs. |
Hl Williams Rt. 2, Ellijay.

vaffodils, Jonquils, orange
lilies, purple King Iris,
Violets, $3.50 M.; pur-
Iris, Daffodils, Narcissus,
; purple Lilac, Sweetshrub.,
fish Dogwood, pink, red
Jeas, Bridalwreath, pink

1, Ella-

red Roses, pink
igela, 3, 50ce; 6, $1. Add
tage. Mrs. Frank Parks,
3, Ellijay,

bl. yellow Daylilies, hardy
restrial orchids, 6, $1; Cae~
euttings, $1.50 doz.; large
col, Dahlias, $2.50 doz.;
h. for monthly blooming
s, rooted, or large mums,
n, spider, or ball type.
B. R, Vandegriff, Rt. 2,

tant Dahlias, red, white,
ow, bronze, Jersey Beau-
lavender white, labeled,
$1.25, my selection, $2
.; giant blooming Cannas,
col, 6, 50; rooted Box-
ods, $1.50 doz.; 3 yr. old
twoods, $2 ea. Add post-
. Mrs. Dewey Ellis,

> bunch

lar, 25 ea.;
small Dogwood, 50c ea.;
pe Myrtle, 15c; 25; Spirea,
doz. C. rooted. Add
Hamby, Rt.


tage. "Everett

Nixie Brilliant red Crepe
ttle, 18 to 24 in. Abelia
indiflora 2 to 3 ft.,
irels, 2 to 3 ft.,.$4 doz.;
e fragrant Thrift, $2 doz.
3. B. Robinson, Greenville.

repe Myrtle, red, purple,
ender, white, 3 p'--#t.
wily branched 10, $6; $45
at my home; Violets, gen-
e Royal Robe, White Per-
tion, $4 C.; Rosina, $6 C.;
Thrift, $6 C. and postage.
... Cousins, Rt. 3,

World wide collection orn-
ental pepper seeds, 15 var.
plus self-addressed stamp-
envelope; Dwarf Liriope
der plant, $5 C. PP. Mrs.
P. Sheppard, Rt. 3, Box
}, Griffin.

sarge yellow Cannas, red
col, Fall
iks, yellow Jonquils, white
reissus, 50c doz; pink
rift, rooted, 50c C.; oe
| Sultana, 3 unrooted, 25c;
i Aeroplane plants,

Fa Moss packed. Mrs, | $1

Rt, | 49

Native Azal-| 15c

2. Add postage. |

Cedar trees, flowering
Crabapple, purple Lilac, peach
Almond, blue Hyacinths, 86,
$1; Jonquils, paper shell Nar-
cissus, $1.25 doz. Add post-
age. Mrs. Mae Turner, Rt. 6,

Dbl. white, Lavender Chry-
santhemums, $1.50 doz.; $10
C.; pink Hydrangeas, 50 ea.;
3,-$1; blue Violets, $1.50 C.:

Dh pink Oxallis, 2
clumps, $1; 4 col. Verbenas,
$1 doz. $5 C.; pink Thrift,
$1 C. Add postage, Mrs. Janie
Ellis, Grantville.

Red, white Crepe Myrtle,
18-=- 24 in. 6, $1; $15.-C.;
Nandinas, 1 ft. high, 6, $1.25;
$18 C.; per. Candytuft, root-
ed, white, lavender, $1.50
doz.; $10 C, Mrs. R. F. Ter-
rell, Greenville.

Large dbl. orange and old
rose col. Poppy seed, 25e tsp.
and stamped envelope; White,
yellow Narcissus, yellow Jon-
quil bulbs, 25e doz.: blue
Tris, 40 doz.; yellow rooted
Jasmine, 25 ea, Add post-
age. Ethel Crowe, Rt. 2,

Dogwoods, Azaleas, Spruce
and White Pine, Laurel, Red-
bud, Bridaiwreath, Barberry,
Altheas, Easter Lilies, each,
$3 doz.: Tiger Lilies and blue
Flag Wax plants, $1 doz.
Add postage. Extra plant giv-
en with ea. order. Mrs. Claude
Wright, Loving.

Evergreen privet hedge
plants, 12 to 36 in. tall, Ic
ea. PP. Mrs. R. H. Clark, Rt.
7, Gainesville.

Boxwoods, Cherry Laurels,
fast growing Ligistrums, $1.50
doz.; $10 C.; blue per. Phlox,
red dixie Brilliant Thrift,
Royal Robe Violets, English
Ivy, Vinea Minor, all col.
Achimenes, $1 doz.; $8. C.
Blanche Woodruff, Greenville.

French Pussy Willows, 4 -
6 ff:, 50c .ea.;: 10, $3.56;.. 25,
$8. White Dogwood, 12 - 18
in., 10, $2.50. W. L. Cousins,

3 vr. Chinese Holly, Cape
Jasmines, purple Lilacs, 50c
ea.; finest Daylilies, 25 ea.:
Scarlet Verbena, all-year. red
Pinks, sweet purple Violets,
doz., wet packed. 35c
postage ea. package. Mrs. R.
J. Fleming, Lincolnton.

3 dif. red dbl. Geranium,
pink Oxalis, 3 dif Cactus
cuts, 10e ea.; pink Rain Lilies,
ea.;. Gladiolus bulblets,
20e doz.: Zennia and light,
dark yellow dbl. Marigold
seed, 10c Tbsp.; flower pep-

ag.e Mrs. Ralph Williams, Rt.
1, Lawrenceville.

Sev. types and col. Daffo-
dils, $1 C. Come and dig (see
in bloom), Dif. Col. Cristata
Comb seed, 15 tsp; Calif.
Poppy seed, 10c tsp.; Twinkle
Star Phlox, 15 plain, 10c tsp.
No checks. Mrs. M. M. Kel-
ley, Rt.-3, Lithonia.

Pink, blue Hydrangeas,
pink Crepe Myrtle, 50c ea.;
Lady of the Lake, Narcissus,
$1 C.; erass Pinks, large
bunch, 380c. Docia Harris,

Mimosa, white Dogwood,
Cherry, Oaks, pines, red, yel-
low Plum, 7, $1; Sweetshrub,
Altheas, Jan. Jasmine, 75c
doz.; Crepe Myrtle, Swirea,
Wisteria, 38, $1; pink Thrift,
5 doz., $1. Add postage. Mrs.
Thomas J. Watson, Rt. 3, Box
217, Lithonia. :

Pink, blue Butterfly bush,
Weigela, purple Lilacs, red
Japonica, pink Almond, Bri-
dalwreath, Forsythia, Crepe
Myrtle. few roses, 5, $1; red,
pink Thrift, 25 doz.; Altheas,
75 doz, Add postage. Mrs,

U 4
ited, 50c

rlee Rundies, Rt. 7,
Attia be oS We

C. H. Lawson, Rt. 8, Box 216,
Lithonia. ;

pers, 3 dif. 5e pod. Add post-/d

10,000 fast growing Ameri-
can Boxwoods, 1 yr. old, 8 ~
12 in., well rooted, Gov't.
Insp. $3 -doz.; $15 C. Marvin
E. West, Rt. 2, Fayetteville.

White and Yellow Jonquils,
Butter and Eggs, long trum-
pet Daffodils, $2 C; blue, pink
Thrift, 75c doz.; red Spider
Lilies, $1.25 doz. No Fla. or-
ders, Miss Cecil McCurley,
Rt. 2, Hartwell,

Yellow and white Jonquils,
Butter and Eggs, long trum-
pet Daffodils, $2 C.; - blue,
pink, white Thrift, 75c doz.:
blue single Hyacinths, $1.25
doz. No .Fla. orders. Miss
tds McCurley, Rt, 2, Hart-

Pink Thrift, 50e C.; well
rooted red Honeysuckle, 50c
doz. Add postage. Mrs. Lester
Williams, Rt. 1, Homer.

Rooted Geranium cuttings,
red, pink, American Beauty,
and variegated, 25c ea.;
Stokesia plants, 50 doz.: first
yr. Daylilies, all col. 10c ea.
unlabeled, Add 20c postage.
No less than $1 orders mail-
ed. Mrs. Bentley Barfield,
P, O, Box 153, Hahira.

Spireas, Weigelas, Calycan-
thus, Forsythia, Lilac, Pussy
Willow Mimosa, Bridlewreath,
Rose Acacia, Dogwood, Crab-
sep, Tulip Poplar, Water-
oak, Ivy, Silverlace, yellow,
red Honeysuckle, 2, $1; Nar-
cissus, Daffodil bulbs, $2 C.;
yellow, white Hyacinths, $1.
Prize winning Iris, 10, $1.
Add postage. Mrs. John Myers
Addison, Rt. 2, Hartwell,

Eureka Cannas (cream
white), Louis Cayeux pi
rose, 2 roots of ea. and Gin-
a Lily root, $1.10. Mrs. T.
. Webb, Jackson.

150 var. Bearded Iris, Pink
Formal, Paradise, Pink, Chif-
fon Pink, and other pinks.
Mrs. T. T. Patrick, Jackson.

Giant Zinnias, various col-
ors, new clean seed, tested
$1 M. 500, 50c. L. G. West-
brook, Kingsland.

White Dogwood, Mtn. Lau-
rel, 3 col. Azaleas, Crabapple,
red Maple, Tulip Poplar, Ben
lock, Holly, Strawberry bush-
es, 2 - 3 ft, rooted, $1.50 doz;
White Pine, Rhododendrons,
Sweet shrub, Cherokee Roses,
25ce ea; Mtn. Fern, Galax, Ar-
butus, Heartease, 40c doz. Add
postage. Lucille Davis, Box
215, Mineral Bluff.

Mtn. Laurels, White Dog-
wood, 3 col, Azaleas, Tulip
Eagan, Red Maple, Hemlock,
Holly, Strawberry bush, Crab-
apple, 2-3 ft, rooted, $1.50
oz; Sweetshrub, Rhododen-~
drons, White Pine, Cherokee
rose, 25c ea; Arbutus, Galax,
Mtn. Fern, Heartease, 40c doz.
Add postage. Mrs. W. D. Da-
vis, Mineral Bluff.

Pink Cherokee roses, Mtn.

Laurel, Rhododendrons, red,
white Azaleas, Crabapple,
Dogwood, white Pine, Hem-

lock, Tulip Poplar, red Maple,
Redbud, 2-3 ft., $2.75 doz;
PP. Pink, white Phlox, Day-
lilies, blue, pink, gray, Vio-
lets, Shasta Daisies, Snow-
drops, $2.50 C. Mrs. Bonnie
Abercrombie, Mineral Bluff.

3 col. Native Azaleas, White
Dogwood, r Maple, Tulip
Poplar, Cherokee Rose, Mtn.
Laurel, Redbud, Coralberry,
White Pine, Crabapple, Holly,
Strawberry bush, well rooted,

3.00 C. Mrs. Edna Rukar, Rt.
1, Mineral Bluff.

Red, Sr aAus orange Azaleas,
white Dodwoods, abe Cher-
okee rose, Tulip poles, red
Maple, Mtn. Laurel, Coral-
berry, Redbud, White Pine,
Holly, Strawberry bushes,
Crabapple, well rooted, 2-
ft, $2.50 doz, PP. Phlox, $3.
C. Mrs, Boone Wilson, Mineral


. doz. PP. Per. pink Phlox,.

bush, var. col. native Azaleas,
choice well rooted, $1.50 doz;
Mtn. Ferns, Galax, 50 doz;
dbl. Cae Daylilies, purple
Siberian Iris, 85c doz; choice
well rooted, Add postage. Mrs.
Fiorence Heaton, Mineral

Mtn. Laurel,
yellow Azaleas, white Dog-
woods, Cherokee rose, Tulip
Poplar, Redbud, Coralberry,
White Pine, Crabapple, Holly
and Strawberry bushes, $2.50
doz. Phlox, $3. C. Mrs. E. J.

red, orange,

Millhollan, Rt. 1, Box 203,
Mineral Bluff.
Man in the Moon pale

yellow Marigold, Redbud, and
Mimost tree seeds, 2 Tbsp, 25c.,
Add postage. Mrs. T. M. Ran-
dolph, 2107 Claymore Dr.,

Trailing Arbutus, Century
plants, English Ivy, 3, 50c;
green Liriope, pink Oxalis, 6,
50c, PP. Mrs. J. C. Hicks, 923
Tenth St. SE, Moultrie.

Liriope, and Ice plants, 10c
ea; Azalea Mums, red, pink,
bronz, purple Sage, Silver
King Artemisia, 40c ea. Mrs.
Maye Morris, 1860 Washburn
St., Macon.

Per, white Candytuft, $2.
doz; Chrysanthemums, yellow,
white, bronze, purple, 8 col.
in spoons, 25 mix., $1.! $3. C.
Viola, Larkspur, Yarrow,
Golden Glow doz., $1. or-
chid, pink, Thrift, $1. C. and
30c postage. Mrs. J. W. Jones,
Madison. ;

Bulbs: Gloriosa, large, $1.25
ea; med., 2, $1.25; small, 4,
$1.25; purple Achimenes, 3
doz., $1.10; dbl. white Tube-
roses, $1.25 doz; white Gladi-
olus, asst. size, 4 doz., $1.50;
mix. asst. blooming size and
col., 5 doz., $1.50. Postpaid.
Miss Emma Dugger, Oliver.

Jumbo Pansy, Larkspurs,
Snapdragons, Stocks, dar
Petunias, Shasta daisies, 5 col.
large Mums, red button Mums,
3 doz., $1., Rubrum, Crinium,
Apostle, Spider, Calla lilies,
Nandinas, Spirea, white Wis-
teria, orange Lantana, 3, $1.
12 dif. Cannas, $1. Add post-
age. Mrs. J. E. uit-

Gladiolus bulbs, 50c doz. 5
doz. $2, free bulblets with ea.
order; large red dbl. fringed
Popp aot and old time mix.
col. Bachelor Button seed, 25c
Tbsp. Add postage. Miss Gen-
ing wt t. 1, Ball Ground.


Slash pine seedlings, any
size, 5c ea. at my place. Earl
Stuckey, Blackshear.

100,000 well rooted Privet
hedge (stay green kind), small
100 for $1.50; 500, $4 Del; 10
ft. $12.50 C. Del. in lots of 200
or more; 100 purple Wisteria
cuttings, $10. del; 4 rooted$ $1
del. Mrs. B. T. Thornton, Rt.
1, Bowdon.

Royal Robe Violets, 20, $1;
Cal. blue Violets, 30, $1. and
25c postage. Mrs. R. P. Stein-
hermer, Brooks.

Red Spider Lilies, 5c ea, No
less than 10 shipped. 10c post-
age. Large Coral vines, 50c ea.

rs. W. B. Hester, Rt, 3, Blake

Many col. Hibiscus per plants
new crop seed, $1 ounce mix.
or asst. PP. in Ga, Mrs. Ruth
Abernathy, Rt. 2, Barnesville.

Giant red and snow white
Thrift, white Candytuft, well
rooted, 30, $2; 50, $3; $5 C.
and 50 for parcel post. Mrs.
W. B. Bagwell, Horton Drive,

College Park.

Well rooted Boxwoods, 12-
14 in., $3 doz; pink Rhododen-
drons, Mtn. Laurels, White

Pines, Dagwoods, Hemlock; 3
col, Azaleas, pink Cherokee

3|roses, red Maples, 2-1/2 to 3-

1/2 ft., $2.50 doz. PP. Damp
packed. Bob Wilson, Blue


} Giant Dahlias: Casper Lud-| White Narcissus, Privet| 3% ecl. notive Azaleas, white} Many col. fancy leaf Calad-
wig, Cardinal, Immense, Tan-| evergreen Hedge plants, ic pore ee Rose, Min.|iurn buibs, nice uali-+
gis, Alja, Phillis Knight, ea.; mix. col. eltne 50c | Laurei, | ralberry ty, 315 C. PP. Joseph Aber-
aay i sah MaSree, doz.; lar white, blue Iris Panto re P pe in nathy, Barnesville.
plash, Smokey, Ballegas| plants, 40e doz. Add tege.| Maps; Cre apple, rrouy,

FOR SALE Glory, Mendel, Alladin, Char-|No checks Mire By nes | Strawk beak $2.59 dox| Well rooted Boxwoods, 12.
fer : lotte Collins, Whitehall Lav-| Haynes, Rt. 7, Gainesviile. PP. Pink Phlox, $3. C. Roy|14 in. and aanasel $3 ee
ted, yellow giant Cannas,|ender Perfection, Pfarr, Ro- H. Wileon, Rt. 1, Box 2038,|/Globe Arborvitaes, 15 in. $
; "98. Blooming Star, 65c! jek, Marquise, Kelvin, Bal-| Dahlia tubers, 50c ea. up;|Mineral! Bluff, doz; Rhododendrons, white
PP. Miss Mable Mathis,)1egos Surprise, named var.,| Begonias, African violets an cM L. 1 hit Pines, Laurels, Hemlock, 3 col.
$4 doz., others, $3. Add post.| leaves, 3 plants, $1, plus post-|_./in on athe Pi \wild Azaleas, Dogwoods, 2-3
a age. Mrs. Clyde Gilleland, Rt.|age. Mrs. Arnold Huff, 200 eno ae ee once ft., $2.50 doz, Moss packed. PP.

Vell rooted Boxwood cut-| 9. Gainesville. W.. Pike St., Lawrenceville. | Witte Dogwood, Strawberry | Sadie Wilson, Blue Ridge.

Mix. col. Snapdragon seed,
20c Tsp; es) gre seed, 60, 20;
and stamped envelope. Mrs. LL
N. Minish, Rt, 4, Commerce.

Catalpa bushes, 18-24 in.,
$3 doz; 24 in. up, $4 doz. at m
home. Mrs. H. P. Aderhold, 51
W. Vesta Ave. College Park.

Nice unlabeled Camellia
plants nice var., all sizes, rea~
sonable; Liriope, good border
plant, 50 pips, 75c; Chrysan-
thernums, unlabeled, 15, $1.25,
Cannot mail. Mary P. May,
2712 Pecan St., Columbus. Ph,
FA 2-2730.

Cushion Mums, (blooms June

until frost), white, red, yel-
low, bronze, light pink, and
rose, 2 doz., $1 labeled. Moss
packed. Mrs. H. B. Roberson,

Rooted Verbena; brilliant
Red, Rose, pink, white, purple,
Candy Stripe, Lavender, others
3 doz., $1.25. Damp moss pack=
ed. Mrs. W. H. Whitten, Chula.

Biue Grape Hyacinths,
Sweet Williams, white, purpl
Iris, Ophiopogon, red Gladio-
lus, orange Daylilies, 50c dozj
$4 C; Dragonhead, Snowdrops,
white Narcissus, 40c doz; dbl.
pink Hyacinths, 5, $1; dbl.
Butter and Eggs, 75c doz; Boxe
wood cuttings, $5 C. a
age. Mattie Duran, Rt. 1, Cum-

Star, ruffle leaf, bronze leaf,
Beefsteak clustering Begonias
Sprengeri, sword, Lace ferns,
Cacti chain plant, Sand Dollar,
Aloha, Paper Spine, Tiger
James, Ox Tongue, Tree, 50
ea; Hairy and pink Starfish,
Feb. Cacti, Justicia, 40c rar@
blooming oth ay Add post-
age. Mrs. Otis Mashburn, Cum

Red Hot Poker, 6, $1 Tulip
bulbs, $1 doz; purple Gladiolus
bulbs, Verbena, 75c doz; But-
ter and Eggs, yellow, white
blooming Moss, Star of Beth-
lehem, sev. col. hardy Phlox
blue Spanish Iris, 50e doz. Ad
postage. Miss L. M. White, Rt,
1, Box 57, Dahlonega.

Large and small Boxwoods,
$1 up; Nandinas, large ang
small, Geraniums, pink an
red Geraniums and Begonias,
at my home. Mrs. Hardee Hill,
326 North Henderson St. Dale
ton. Ph, 221-L,

Mimosa seed, 25c Tbsp. Will
exch. for other flower seeds or
bulbs. Mrs. Cecil Smith, Rt. 4

_ Exhibition Mums, rooted cut
tings, labeled: white, yellow,
Albatross, Indianapolis var.,
white; yellow, Betsy Ross, Sil+
versheen, Greer Garson, Turn<
ers, Rose Bowl, Rayonnante,
many fine var., $2.25 doz. PP.
Moss Pasked. Mrs. Burton J,
Wilbur, 1006 Adams St. Deca+
tur. Ph. DR 3-6804.

Pink Thrift, $1. C; mix. col
Chrysanthemums, $1. doz; red
Hibiscus, Bachelor _ Buttons,
pink Crepe Saye, Cape Jase
mine, Boyeberries, pink
Weigela, 25c ea. All del. a
Leila Phillips. Rt. 1, Royston,

Pink Thrift, 50e C, an
postage. Exch. white Thri
for Red. Ea. pay postage. Mra,
Maggie Turner, Riverdale. Ph.
GR 8-6483.

Ornamental pepper 8
dif. kind mix. 7 yr. Cherry,
cluster pod, flower garden an
variegated leaf with red an
purple pods, 20e pkg. an
stamped addressed envel
Mrs. Mattie Rhodes, Rt.

Sweet Williams, Shasta Da
isies, mix. Iris, Spider Lilies,
50c doz; white Wisteria, Abele
ia, Spirea. flowering Quince,
30c ea; rooted cuttings Rosee
mary, 25c ea. Add postaga
Mrs. J. C. Jones, Rt. 1, Rom

Ph. 4-2389,


-. eream, purple variegated. Iris,



ted, 10, $1. 25e postage.
% trai Sherman Duckett, Talk-
ing Rock,



Narcissus, Daffodils, Lemon
ilies, Gooseneck, yellow,

yellow, white

ums, 3c ea; Scotchbroom,

tn. Ivy, Wintergreen, red
Shoemake, Ga. State Rose,
Sweetshrubs, pink, rose,
Hedge rose, Arborvitaes, Box-
woods 10c ea. Well rooted.
Add postage. Mrs. Ned Bur-
rell, Rabun Gap.

Lemon Lilies, white Nar-
cissus, Iris, mix. white, light
and dark blue, 5 ea; lavender

geratum, sea a Chrysan-

mums, Shasta Daisies, 3c
ea; Scotchbrooms, 10c ea: Add
postage. No out-of-state or-
ers. Mrs. J. G. Ledford, Ra-
un Gap.

Privet Hedge, well rooted,
B: ft; Abelia, single and dbl.


English ockorange,
cotchbroom, Deutzia, But-
terfly, Jasmine, bush Honey-
suckle, 2c ea. at my home,
r 3c if shipped. Single or dbl.
aylilies, 5c here, 10 ship-
ed. M. B. Newell, 420 Clair
t., Rossville.

Pink Thrift, white Narcis-
sus, Boxwood cuttings, le ea;
yellow Chrysanthemums, lav-

nder Ageratum, Goldenglow,
hasta Daisy, lavender, yellow
ris, Fall Daisies, 3c ea; orange
aylilies, Lemon lilies, 5c ea;
ooted Boxwoods, 10 ea;
cotchbroom, 15c ea; 2, 25c.
\dd postage. Mrs. Oscar Mar-
in, Rabun Gap.

Large Nandinas, 23c; Carna-
tions, (large plants) $1. doz;
aes Phlox, blue Salvia, Sweet

illiams, db]. Feverfew, Ar-

emisia, purple Yarrow, May
aisies, small Nandinas, red
pider Lilies, 75c doz; 1 ft.
oxwoods, $1. ea; 4 var. Day-
jlies, 8, $1. Mrs. Johnson
sry, Stapleton.

Philippine Lily bulbs, am-
inger, Daylilies, Ger-
eras, blooming size, asst. col.
herry Laurel, flowering
Mimosa, Magnolia,

ig trees, 25c ea. V. W. Wil-
son, Rt. 3, Box 184, Savannah.

Domestic Nandina seed,
1957 crop, 60c lb. Del to 3rd
one. 5 extra no checks. Miss
ae Collins, Rt. 1, Smith-

Red and white Oxalis, red,
white, pink, yellow, cream
Chrysanthemums, 4 col.
Mums, Johnny Jumpup, Star
of Bethlehem, Primroses, red,
pink Spider Lilies, phlox, all
col. Larkspur, 50e doz. plus

ostage. Mrs. J. G. Combs, Rt. |*

, Loomsboro.

Dahlia seed, $1. C. and
tamped addressed envelope.
Mrs T. H. Edwards, 1005 Da-
is Ave., Tifton.

Mix. col. large Gladiolus,
1. doz. and 30c postage. Miss
ozelle K. Clifton, Rt. 2, Box
17, Twin City.

_ White, red Dogwood, French
ulberry, Billbays, Sweet-
ays. Buckeyes, Sweet Myrtle,
ape Jasmine, bunch and

gunning Honeysuckle, Crab-

apple, Crepe Myrtle, 10c ft:
Iso pink running roses, 50c
unch; garlic bulbs, $1. doz.
dd postage. Exch for sacks.
o out of State. Mrs. Ninia
yd, Rt. 1, Toomsboro.

Dbl. Marigolds, red Salvia,
bl. red Touech-me-nots, red
ince Feather, and Christmas

herry seeds, 15c Tsp. PP.
rs. C. E. verett, 2180
anchwood tives atts 8;

All sizes nice Boxwoods for
gale at a bargain. L. A. Griz-
f: Rt. 1, Box 56, Talking


Gladiolus bulbs, mix. col.
ee of thrip, 2 doz. large
bulbs, $1.; 3 doz. med. $1.;
German bearded Iris, mix.
ol. unlabeled, 20 rhizoms, $1.;
$0, $2.; Wisteria cuttings, well

Liriope, Muscari Exiflora, 1

50c doz; snow flur

Ht. h, border
plant 8 plants, 30; Lasiandra
urry Iris, 75

So aaa

3 kinds Chrysanthemums,
yellow spoon type, big white
daisy, yellow. center, med.
orchid color, 2 doz., $ : Add
postage; Larkspur seed, mix.
col. and mix. gourd seed, 15c
tsp. Mrs. Fred Atkinson, Rt.
4, Valdosta.

Cherry Laurel, 1-2 ft; fast
growing Ligistrum, 2-3 ft

10c ea. Add paar. Jack C.
Phillips, Box 104, Warm

Daylilies: Baronet, Redbird,
Warpath, Port, Peterpan, Mo-
rocco Red, Linda, Mar uen-
ther, Comet, Burgundy, Pur-
le Waters, Purple Flash, Pink
em, 25c ea; Pink Charm, Pink

tions, $1. doz; white Fever-

few, per. pink Phlox, 60 doz;

12 ea. dit. pompoms, and but-

ton mums, 50c doz; dif. label-

ed daylilies, $2.25 doz; 35
ostage. Mrs. F. M. Combs,

Will give Free
shrubs and Pine trees.

all nds

dig and carry away. Mrs. W.
re Binckarcll, 3323 Brockett
Rd. Tucker.

Pink, yellow Weigela, For-
sythia, Butterfly bush, 4 dif.
pink, white Spirea, Hydrangea,
Crepe Myrtle, red Quince, Abe-
lia, Nandinas, Ivy, Jasmine,
Mimosa, Crab, red, urple,

ink white Althea, Scotch-
Bicone 35c ea; 4, $1. Add post-
age. Mrs. T. K. Moore Sr. Rt.
3, Canton.

Purple Lilac, purple Butter-
fly bush, pink Crepe Myrtle
white and pink Spirea, 25c ea;
mix. col. Poppy plants, Phlox,
Larkspur, Petunias, 15 doz;
red dbl. Geranium cuttings, 15c
ea. Add postage. Mrs. Noel
Payne, Rt. 3, Canton.

30 or more Boxwoods, 24 in.
tall, some smaller, at my place
Mrs. George Davis, Rt. 1, Box
73, Culberson, N. (on (resident
of Union Co., Ga.).

Daffodils, $1.50 C; white Au
gust Lilies, $1 doz; orange and
brown Hemerocallis, $2 C; asst
col. Iris, 2 doz., $1; Dewdrops,
50c doz. Add postage. Mrs. H.
D. Goss, Rt. 1, Box 464, Cal-

Red rambling roses, good
4 doz., $1; Privet hedge, $1 C;
yellow, white Lady Banksia,
and Sweetheart rose cuttings,
$1 doz. Add postage. Mrs. J.
R. Hinson, Box 104, Chester.

60 kinds bearded Iris, 15,
$1. 6 dif. col. Daylilies, $1; 25 |
Liriope, $1 Add 30c postage or
35c out-of-state. Mrs. W. E.
Johnson, Rt. 2, Crawfordville.

Prize winning Chrysanthe-
mums: Silver White, Golden.
Yellow, Jewell Pink, Colter La
vendar, Bronze, White Cloud,
Cream, Red Charm, 25; $2;
White Button, yellow, pink
red, all col. Daisy type, 20, $1;
Red Spider Lilies, $1 doz. and
25c postage. Mrs. R. L. Silver,
Rt. 5, Cuthbert.

500 strong Abelia plants, 300
Nandinas 6-12 in. size, 25c ea;
Special price on large lots.
Gov. Insp. Add postage. Mrs.
W. H. Guill, Camak.

Old fashioned single Holly
hock seed; mix. colors and
white, 25c Tbsp. Mrs. Edgar
Watkins, Rt. 3, Calhoun.




Want old fashioned Rugosa
roses. Charles Capehart, Jr.,
aia Jackson. Ph. Griffin

Want all kinds dbl. Camilla
seed, blue Thrift and Madonna
lily bulbs. State price. Mrs.
Paul Lumpkin, 2018 Maple
St., Rome.

Want Weeping Willow trees,
3 to 6 ft. high, well rooted,
also Fla. Palm, everblooming
Cape Jasmine, and Gardenias.

ea. Add postage. Mrs. P. G.

Horne, Box 279, Zek

State price. Andy Broome, P.
O. Box 198, LaGrange.

Lustre, Briarcliff, 35c ea;
Admiral Byrd Daisies, mix.
per Phlox, $1. doz. 35 post-
age. Mrs. M. P. Combs, Wash-
ington. :

Redhot Poker, Admiral
Byrd Daisies, hardy Carna-

roots; Liriope, Snowdrop bulbs | |

Want pink and yellow Al-
lium bulbs or sets. Glenn R.
Barnett, 1272 Grant St., At-
lanta 15. ;

Want 100 wild var. trailing
Arbutus plants, for own flow-
er garden. M McDonald,
Rt. 4, Ringgold.

Want large roots of Coral
or Pink Vine. Mrs. J. M. Du-
pree, Byromville.

Want 2 Golden Ophelia rose
bushes, 2 yrs. old, well rooted.
Write price and postage. W. L.
Edwards, Rt. 3, Box 71, Ella-



2 Caterpillar D-7 oil clutch
tractors with cable control
units and 13 ft. angle dozer
blades; Catterpillar No. 70
seraper pan; 1956 Ford F-800
tractor and trailer, for sale.
Contact. Mrs. A. H. Booth,
Box 132, Madison. Ph. 224.

Allis Chalmer G_ tractor
with mower, harrow, disc
tiller, planter and fertilizer
distributor, cultivator frame,
tract extractor and tool bar
with straight and spring teeth
and mise. ptows, $650 cash.
Robert Allen, RFD 3, Fayette-
ville. Ph. 3942, (Saturdays
only). -

Drag harrow, 60 tooth, in
good shape, $12.50; 2 or 8
spring tooth harrow and slat

wing; Bermuda harrow, $15.
Mrs. Ella Malcom, Social, Cir-
ele. Ph. 3346.

John Deere B tractor with
power lift, dibl. section har-
row, No. 6 mower, for sale.
W. D. Wyatt, Brooks. Ph.


Platform scales, $25 at my
place. W. J. Sumlin, 730
Grand Ave. Atlanta 18. Phy;
SY 4-5398. :

1953 model Farmall Cub
tractor with equipment in
good cond for sale. Jerry
Talley, Rt. 1, Lyon. Ph. 5922.

JD 5 dise tiller, Intnl] wire
tie Hay Baler, Intnl. 2 or 3

dise plow, fits Farmall H or

M tractor; also new center
wheel assembly for Farmall
H tractor. G. W. Pirkle, Rt. 1,

Bov 126, Sycamore,

8 can Milk cooler in good
cond., $100; also 200 ft. 1-1/2
in. galvanized pipe, reason-
able. Charles Garrison, Rt. 1,
Je Ph. Rockmart

Intn1 Manure Spreader
large, all steel y, for
sale. Arthur Knapp, Moultrie
Rd., Thomasville. Ph. Canal

est hydraulic system; power
take-off and pulley; with di-
rect hitch, 26 in disc plow,
planter - fertilizer, cultivator;
used 2 yrs. on small acreage.
Sell for about half price,
(cost $1450). James A. Roden,
Rt. 4, Cumming.

49 Avery tractor, planters,
harrow, distributor, cultiva-
tors, and trailer, $450. cash. 3
mi. E. Villa Rica on Uptopia
Rd. Robert T. Wiggley, Rt 1,
Villa Rica.

John Deere A tractor with 4
new tires, harrow, tiller, 2
wheel iron trailer, also W-9
Farmall tractor, ali in perfect
cond., 1950 pick-up truck.
Priced reasonable. Myron C.
Benson, Rt. 1, Milledgeville.

_1954 Ferguson tractor with 2
disc lift type plow, perfect
cond., priced reasonable. W. B.
poe Commerce. Ph. FE 5-

5 HP Gravely garden trac-
tor, 4 ft. mower, rotary plow,
cultivators, power take-off, cir
cular saw and wagon, all in

Ballenger, Rt. 4, Box 16, Eaton
ton. Ph. 5547,

Avery tractor with equip.
and harrow. Also fence charg-
er, Elec. paint sprayer with 3
H. elec. motor, elec. churn, and
2 wheel trailer with metal
body. E. Ward, Rt. 3, Vienna.


- H. Pony tractor; lat-|-

good cond., $200. cash. Charles |.

Approx. 50 small 4 ft. chick-
en feeders, and 25 large, 5 ft.

E. C. Knight, Rt. 2, Loganville.
Ph. 2217.

New Holland corn shucker
and sheller, DB Feed Mill,
mule drawn 2 row cotton dust
er, all in good mechanical
cond., Letters ans. Homer Al-
red, Leesburg. Ph. 4155. (after
7 PM).

8 dbl. Elec. heating cable for
two 8 x 60 hot beds $75; Loyd
Keadle, Yatesville.

1 H. trailer in good cond.,
with windbreak feed trough,
spare tire, and hitch, $75. Also
1 H wagon, needs minor re-
pairs, $25. Mrs. Julia Howell,
Rt. 1, Suwanee.

2 dise lift type plow, perfect
cond., priced reasonable. Also
want used walking type Gar-
den tractor with cultivators
and other equip. W. B. Wil-
son, Rt. 2, Commerce. Ph, FE

Gibson riding garden trac-
tor with mower, turn plow
springtooth cultivator, an

W. B. Lester, RFD 3, Conyers.
Ph. 6652. :

mower ,harrow,
planter and fertilizer distribu-
tor, cultivator frame, tract ex-

and spring teeth, misc. plows,

3, Fayetteville. Ph. 3942 (Sat.
only). : 3 :

Good Case tractor with start.

bush and bog harrow. Sell
cheap or trade for little trac-
tor with starter. W. S. Harri-
son, Rt. 1, Social Circle .

_ Irrigation system: 360 ft.
in. pipe, 12 No. 40 Rainbir
sprinklers, 1 field tee, two 90
degree elbows, 2 end plugs,
three 20 in. suction hose ete.
used approxi. 60 hours. Sell or

Lancaster, RFD, Dacula.
Farmall Cub tractor and

plows, spring-tooth harrow,
disc harrow, planters, mower,
power take-off pulley, tractor

$800 for all. N. J. Harrison, Rt.
5, Box 263, Austell. Ph. 9563.

Jacuzzi Deep well pump, 1
HP with 30 gal. tank and 185

complete outfit
time, $250.
Spring Place.

Deering hay rake, $50, and
Deering mower, $40. Mrs. La-
ura Dudley, Rt. 2, Warthen.
Ph. 2791.

Utility 2 wheel trailer, eee
duty swivel wheels, and dbl.
hitch. Sell or swap for good
work mule. J. E. Dangler, 501
Park City Rd., Rossville.

Ford tractor with dual rear
wheels and bush and bog har-
row, almost new tires in

_used )
John Williams

S. C. Noles, Rt. 1, Aragon.

I H. wagon, brakes and
leather harness, been used
very little, $40. T. J. Rooks,
Rt. 1, Austell.

born 2 dise plow, $975. L. O.
Sp Rt. 2, Hampton. Ph.

1952 model Ferguson trac-
tor, 8 disc harrow, All Pur-
pose plow, for sale or swap
for Super A Farmall or Allis
Chalmer tractor with cultiva-"
tors and planters. G. s
Hammock, Rt. 4, Bowdon.

1 H. wagon, thimble skein,
been used very little, also set
of harness for sale at half of

Rt. 1, Cleveland. .
Intnl 52 combine with en-

in good cond., $400; also good
binder, $45. Riley Couch, Sen-

Intnl black bottom 2 disc
plow, fits Farmall A tractor,





chicken feeders for sale cheap. | |

1954 Ferguson tractor with}

other equip. Priced reasonable. |

Allis Chalmer G tractor with |
disc tiller, |

tractor and tool bar, straight | |

$650 cash. Robert Allen, RFD],

er, lights, hydraulic lift and |

trade for feeder cattle. J. F. ca

equip: disc plow, cultivating L

overhauled last |:
summer, new hydraulic lift, |.

ft. dbl. plastic pipe in well, |
short | 2967

Sell reasonabl

front, rear tires good, $350.| 92740

1953 Ford tractor and Dear-|-

gine, cut 30 or 40 acres grain,|

$25 or trade. E. T. Mathis,|

irae c
1418 Bolton Rx
SY 4-6312. A
1949 Ford
cond., cultiva
planters, used
and bog harrow.

row top. dres.
$1200.50 for lot
arately at my
Couch, Luthe

AC Forage

grass attachment,

3 disc turning plo
disc finishing .
All used 1/2 sea:
sale. Ralph O.
mart. Ph. 3328

1952 John Deere
; and

with cultivator
equip. All goo
Intnl tiller mount
ber, Intn] 2 row s
used less than
section 6 ft. JD
less than 100 hr.

water system, 1
ery, 1 in. drive,
new. cond., $35.
Col. W. D. Tinsle
Marietta. Ph. :

1951 Ford tract
tivators, planter:

Robins. Phe: W.
Rototiller T

| tor, in good cor
ger and cultivati

sale. L. E.. Barnh rt,
College Park. Ph.

cultivators and
disc plow, all in
i cee

TD 18 Intn) bull
ft. angle blade,

p.m.) fr:
2H. wagon,

large cane. mill
$50 ea. J. L. T

3 gal. elec.

qt. milk strainer,
can_and lid, $1.2

W. Jones, 696 Fay:
SE, Atlanta 16. Ph.


with elec. motors,
box trucks, ringers
Glenn Harris ck

4 can siz Mil
ten gal. milk can


original price. L. C. Stovall, | 5877.

_Intnl Cub |
lic lift, power
vators, plan



- manure spreader _ in
good shape, cheap for cash.

Write what you have, size and


Want used Bice harrow,
~| planter with fertilizer attach-
ment, turning plow and other
attachments for David Brad-
ley Garden tractor, if price is

Monroe Neal, Blue

ill. ees Quote best price.


iiacter ae plant
limer and seed

ees . Reed, Rt. 5, Dalton, Ph.

Want fide dcont end and
chew type cultivator for H
Farmall tractor. Ed White,

; Vienna.

h ne, $175. All|

00. for lot. E. S.

~ gal. tank,

pret b. Black-

Want dbl-section drag har-
row in good cond. H. A. But-
ler, Rt. 3, Macon. ~

Want pull type smoothing
harrow for J one eere A trac-
tor. Must be in good cond.
State price. R. W. Evans, Rt.

_|1, Box 146, Warm Springs.

vell ump with
> and foot valve,
HL Hackney,

ine kinsburg.

Og basket: ~$10 or
her $25, James C=

_|M. Add postage. Cc
; Rt. 2, Gainesville.

oop: Dacula.

> Lime spread.
r Ford cultiv:

small, | $2. soc

- Bei! 8 Tove

Ib.; 3,000 Ibs. regular Sericea
1 iota i
01 ern.

I Ralph

: Geor
a Heramond Br
: c Mtn.

| nut

Want used manure spreader,
State cond,, make, age, and
price. No junk. W. E. New-

.{man, Douglasville. Ph. 2987.

Want ram that pumps 20 or
more gal. per minute for wa-
ter system. Lois Spain, 100
eae Dae St., East Point. Ph.

Want set of disc for Ford
tractor front end cultivator.

| Advise price. T. M. Webb, Rt.

3, Ellijay.

Want to exch. 1953 John
Deere B tractor in good cond.
with starter and lights for 1
R. tractor with starter, lights,
planters, cultivators, - other
party p. te dif or I sell out-
right. Saunders, Jen-

- Want Farmers Dinner Bell.
|H. G. Doster, 1179 Regent St.
SW, Atlanta 10. Ph. PL 3-8298.



Rooted 1 2 en 2 yr. Kudzu

crowns, $2 C.; 500, au $12.50
. Crowe,

Se Seallion buttons for spring | E.
eager $1.50 gal. no less sold.
n Asl worth, Rt. 1,

ourd seed

Uy, 25
PP, Earl

7,000 Ibs. Arlington Sericea
; eza, 100 lb. white
bags, 99. 42 pet. pure seed;
total germ., 80.50 pot. 12

Lespedeza seed, ne a white
99.64 pet. seed;
80.50 oa. 10 lb.
Mask, Brooks,

eka Beans, . et

more oe $6 FOB.
riffin, Dolla

Tenn. Beauty strawberry
_|plants, from virus free stock,
ea pre cane acked,

Oud PE. sen-
ry Dlants, $1; $1. 75 doz.
a Collins, 891
mae ae

Ph, BL 5-144)

bearing size, 85c doz.:
bushes, 15, $1. 05:


'|fashioned Black Cherry, and

>; Black Walnut. sprouts, 65c;

mule | ee Blackberries, |

| Sage
: J gual
1 bi

ase DOO ss avo $2.50 M

e 3, $1.25
Mrs: Nancy oe Rte 3,
Box 124, Ellijay.

and Catnip plants, 10e

doz.; Peppermint, 5c

dried Sage and dry

Catnip, 30c qt.; $1 gal. Ail

fe Mary. Ruth, Phillips, Rt.
1, Royst on.

sey Wakefield frostproof fad
bage plants, and ite Ber-
muda Onion plants, 300, $1;
M. PP in
Ga. R. Chanclor, Pitts.

Charleston and Early Jer-
Wakefield frost proof

-|bage plants, and

Charleston and Early Jer-|

, | $7.50.


y Wakefield fros

muda Onion eee
$1.25; 500, $1.50; a 50
Del. Odis Conner, Pitts.
year petre

88 Ibs. . first
aes seed, germ
Lab. No. S 3368, $1 Ib.
ay Jot =or? iy 50 db.
lots. Add postage. Carter Wil-
liams, Rt. 2, Senoia.

60 Poor Mans_ Potato
seed; for 40c PP. Mrs. T. J.
Thaxton, Rt. 1, Jackson,

White Multiplying Onions,
$1.50 gal. and red Bermuda
Onions, $1.75 gal. Add post-
age. Mrs. Pledger Strayhorn,
Rt. 1, Gainesville.

Tender white Half-runner
garden beans, 50c gees Add
postage. Mrs. G rown,
Ball Ground.

Tender white Half-runner
garden beans, 65 teacup; 6
cups, $3; Early Brown Crow-
der peas, 50c teacup; fresh

dry ground sage, 55c teacup; B

in Ga.

garlic, 3 doz., $1. PP
ee 1, Ball

Brown, Rt.
Ground. g

Cert. Puerto Rican Sweet
Potatoes for seed, $5 bu.
Kudzu _ crowns, $12. 30 M. at
farm. Y. M. Anderson, Wil-

New Clemson gnigaleens
Okra seed, State insp., 50c
Ibis $45: Cwt. 54 pet. germ.
Add postage. Chas Gowder,
Rt. 2, Powder Springs.

Old time little white ten-

der half-runner garden bean!

seed, 95 pet. germ; white
tender Cut-short cornfields,

98 pet. sor $1 oe plus
posta . # a ee cup; 2 cups,
23. T. H. Wade, Rt. 1,

Talking Hook,

Striped Half-runner bean
seed, 2 cups ,$1 PP. Out-of-
state orders add 30e postage.
No_ stamps, checks, or MO
under $2. s. Z. D. Dodd,
Rt. 1, Box 223, Alpharetta.

White nest
shallots, ae 50 gel. Add post-
age. Mrs. McWhorter,
Rt. Es Pr apville:

Cert. Gold Rush and Imp.
bunch Seed Potatoes, $4 bu.
FOB; Also have plenty oe
ready April 15th, $5 M. PP.

. Entrekin, Rt. te Box
270, Bremen.

Myers and Rubel Blueberry
ushes, 2 ~ 3 yrs. old, 12 -

Onions, not

36 in., 6, $4; $7 doz. FOB.
E. G. Nicholson, Rt. 3, Allen
Rd., Macon.

Pensacola Bahia grass seed,
Germ, 92 Purity, 98-90

ct., a Ib. FOB my farm,
mi. W. Newton - tate

Hwy. 200. ae
Newton, Ph, 4142.

Cert. bunch P.R, sweet po-
tato seed, for sale. D. W.

Shaw, Rt. 1, Due West Rd.
r| Kennesaw.

Old time tender white
Half-runner garden beans

and Early tender Speckled
Half-runner garden beans,
free of weevils, 93 and 87
pet. germ. 60 teacup. 3 cups,
$1.50. Thomas Laxton Eng-
lish Peas, _50c teacup. PP in
re Miss Gennia Brown, Rt.
, Ball Ground.

Good tender white Crease-
back Cornfield bean seed, and
little pink peanut 6 wks. gar-
den bean seed, 75c cup. PP.
Mrs. Bessie Silvers, Rt i;

Good tender white Crease-
back Cornfield bean seed and
tender garden beans, White
and striped Half-runner; lit-
tle pink peanut beans; cream
color 6 wks .beans, 750 cup.
Also red speckle Crowdier
Peas, 50c cup. PP. Mrs. Carl
Smith, Rt. 3, Ellijay.

1957 crop tender White
bunch garden bean seed, free
of weevils, 60c cup. Add
postage. Sold in lots of 2
cups and up. Mrs. Pauline

-| Franks, Hiawassee.

Chas. Wakefield Cabbage
and White Bermuda Onion

plants 500, $1.25; $2 M.; 5000,
Strong plants, full

i count. E. L. Fitzgerald, Box
662 :


RePOO: Wilt-Resistant
| Year Coker pee bi
lock bolls, direct from eg. | Wi
cottonseed, treated, delint
icked and kept dry, 40 pot.
yee over bale to acre. Germ.
9 pet; Dare seed 98 pct. 100
is bag, $8 C H. Mal-
com, Rt. 2 Was AT, Social
Circle. Ph. $346.

Good rooted ee eae
seypery: plents C.F
damp packed. Add Thee
Mrs. Cornell "siecae Rite 25

Old fashioned large white
Half-runner Bean seed, 98
pet. germ. 75c cup. PP. Miss
Mamie Anderson, Ellijay.

Nest egg and handle gourd
seed, 2 doz., 25e. Mrs. Edgar
Watkins, Rt. 3, Calhoun.

Cert. Ga. Red seed Sweet
Potatoes, $4 bu. crate. P. D.
Fulwood, e/o Plant Farms,
Tifton. Ph. 678 (nights).

Concord Blue grape eut-
tings, well rooted, 5c ft. M.
Newell, 420 Claire St.,
Rossville, :

Strawberry plants: Blake-
more, $1.50 C.; Mastodon,
$1.25 C.; Klondike, $1 Cc.
500, $4; $8 M.:; Catnip, 30
bunch; Peppermint, 30c doz.;
Seuppernong vine cuttings
and Mtn. Huckleberries, bear-
ing size, 75 doz.; Brown
striped Half-runner bean
seeds, 60c cup. Add postage.
a Lee Hood, Rt. 1, Gaines-

Sage, Catnip, and Black
Raspberry plants, May Cher-
ry and Blue Damson plum
trees, 6, $1; Garlic bulbs,
$1.20 doz. Add postage. Mrs.
Mae Turner, Rt. 6, Gaines-

Hazlenut and Blueberry,
1.25 doz.; Catnip, Balm,
ansy, 6, rabapple,
Quince tree, Damson plums,
6, $1.23; Kudzu crowns, $2

Af Hy is

C; $12 M. Add postage. Mrs.
F. M. Eaton, Rt. 1, Dahlonega.

Biseed; Whi melts rape pe
White, kle, and minxe

Core and White ae

runners, 65 yay. ea.
postage, Preston outherland,
on 3, Ellijay.

Good tender Corntield Bean

ogee Chas. Wakefield .

Wakefield Cabbage
Bianie and White Sweet Bers

muda Onion an 500,
$1.50; $2 M; 000 8.80. exp.
col. Mrs. St thee Box
347, Peet

Mtn Huckleberry, 2 doz.,
75c; imp. field Dewberries
and Blackberries, 50 doz.

laree Klondike Strawberries,
$1 C.; Muscadine vines, 3 =

4 ft. ince 45c. Add postage. :

Rosie Crowe, Rt. 1,.Cumming,

Certified Early Sweets
(Ponders Gold) Sweet Pota<
toes, $3 bu.; Ga. Reds, $5 bu.
at farm. E. H. Stokes, Rt. qs
soni Church Rd.,

. 8-7015.

Cokers wilt-resistant cot-

tonseed, 4 tons, 1st yr. from
breeders, oe 67 pct.; Pure
ity, pet (Lab. Analysi
robes Below Standard. *
aa Mansell, Rt. 1,



Want Bartlett Pears and
Pomegranates for setting now.
S. M. Stout, Warm Springs.

Want 500 or 1,000 Sugar
Cane seed, prefer old time
red or blue, but Gov. PJO
or other kinds will do. Quote
best cash price, and give
length of cane. Robert T.
Futrell, c/o Lawton Lancas-
ter, Rt. 2, Clyo.

Want bushel each of both
long and short Purple Hull
peas. Joseph H. Chapman,
Zebulon. Ph. LOgan 7-8630.


Counties Free
Of Disease

27Wilkinson, Towns,
Oconee, Evans, Bryan,
Gordon, Chatooga, Candler,
Dodge, Crawford, Glascock,
Toombs, Elbert, Hall,
Franklin, Union, Brantley,
Lumpkin, Chattahoochee.
Rabun, Coffee, Gwinneit,
Habersham, Rockdale
Madison, Long, Butts.

Counties in which area testing is now underway include:

Appling Floyd Pulaski
Atkinson Forsyth Putnam
Bacon Greene Quitman
Baldwin Gilmer Randolph
Banks Hart Schley
Barrow Heard Screven
Ben Hill Irwin Spalding
Berrien Jackson Stephens
Bleckley Jasper Talbott
Bulloch Jeff Davis Taliaferro
Burke Jefferson Tatinal
Carroll Jenkins Taylor
Cherokee Johnson Telfair
Clarke Lamar Tift
Clay Laurens Treutlen
Clayton Liberty Turner
Cobb Marion Twiggs
Colquitt Meriwether Upson
Cook Miller Walker
Columbia Monroe Ware
Crisp Montgomery Warren
Dade Oglethorpe Washington
Dawson Paulding Wayne
DeKalb Peach Wheeler
Dooly Pickens White
Douglas Pierce Whitfield
Early Polk Wilcox
Fannin Worth

Help Make Georgia Brucellosis
Free By 1960


Counties Not
Free of Disease


Macon. :






Moon and a

Watermelon seed. John
Hastey, Warm Springs. |



400 bales Oat and Bermuda,
Be bale. E. P. Mason, Rt. 1,

200 bales Sericea Lespedeza
hay, 90c bale. J. A. Clark,

1200 lbs. 1957 Sericea Les-

eza seed, recleaned, in 100
ib. bags, Purity 99.76 pect.;
Germ. 78 pet.
Ellaville. H. 3B. Arrington,
Ellaville. Ph. West 7-3773.

100 to 125 bales Gatan

hay, $1 bale. Pick up at my
lace. Alva Harbin, Rt. 3,

Imp. White Spanish Pea-
nuts .for eating, $2.25 pkg;
$32.50 Cwt. Add _ postage.
Chas. Gowder, Rt. 2, Powder

Yellow ear corn for Feed,
oF $40 ton FOB my farm, 2 mi.
west Newton, State Hwy.,
200. Weyman E. Rooks, New-
: ton. Ph. 4142.



: _. Want 10 to 20 tons good

Pos Alfalfa hay. Del. or not.

E Quote price, Joe Vogt. 32
pee Mill Rd., N.E., At-
anta 6. Ph. ME 4-7040.

Want several tons milo
ains for quail feed. William
. homes, Rt. 2, Stone
} or Ph. Atlanta MU-

Want 3 tons good Coastal
Bermuda grass of Alfalfa hay
el. to farm at Farmington.
ust be free of pests, such
as Sand Spurs, Wild Coffee,
Weeds, or Nut Grass. H. W.
Thurmond, Farmington.


10e Ib, FOB)

ce Be ne oe

Want 10 or more tons Pea-
nut vine or Coastal Bermuda
hay. Pay $20 ton del. to my
farm 6 mi. W. Metter near
Hwy. 46. L. H, Edenfield,
Rt. 3, Box 177, Metter.



2 young Holstein cows and 8
Jersey cows, all, good milkers.
Also milking machine for sale.
G. W. Williams, e/o Williams
Pele, Rt. 1, Box 755, Colum-


14 grade Hereford cows with
calves at side, from 5 mos. old,
tested annually, free of disease
or parasites. Calved innoculat-
ed against Black Leg disease.
Phone for appointment. H. T.
Andrews, Barnesville. Ph.

High bred young milch cows
Holstein, Guernsey, Jersey,
fresh with young calves. Strip~
pers, springers, bulls, steers,
and heifers, White Faced. John
D. Anderson, Box 323, Dalton.
Ph, 152-J-1.

Two 2yr. old heifers, $150 ea;
1 yr. old heifer, $100 and yr.
old calf, $125. Farm reg. stock
Domino line, papers available.
W. R. Thomas, Jr., 28 Broad St.
SW, Atlanta 3. Ph. JA 4-0251.

3 purebred reg Angus bulls,
well formed, good breeding, 8
to 13 mos. old, $150. up. M. E.
Knight Rt. 2, Calhoun. Ph. At-
lanta. JA 2-4781



Reg. SPC boars and gilts, 1
boar ready for service, also
reg. bred Hereford heifer, $125

Ralph Hamm, RFD 2, Valdosta |

Ph. CH 2-4797.

3 Beltsville gilts, wt. about
100 Ib. ea., $25; also unrelated
Beltsville male, wt 100 Ilhs.,
$35. Clarence H. Paulk, Rt. 1,

Reg. Landrace boars, open

and bred gilts, priced reason-
able. Harold J. Moore, Rt. 2,1



2 oherry red Duroc boars,
8-1/2 mos, old, sons of Grand
Champion boar at Ga. and
Southeastern Fair. Reg., in-
noculated, and papers furnish-
ed, $35 ea. at my farm. Tom-
my Smith, Rt. 3, Box 384, Mil-

2 veg. SPC boar shoats, good
bloodlines for sale at my place.
Also will exch. one for shoat of
same value and quality. Geor-
ge L. Ferguson, Rt. 1, Cave

Purebred Tamworth pigs,
gilts, males, good muscle, len-
gth and depth, prolific breed-
ers. Breeding stock, $25; meat
stock, $15. Charles Baldwia,
Suwanee. Ph, Buford 7181.

Black Poland China stock
boar, big boned, boot-leg pe
healthy, Cholera treated, $35
H. C. Maxwell Rt. 1, Dacuda.
(near Harbins old school).

Landrace hogs, open and
bred gilts, service age boars,
weaned pigs, $35 up. W. F.
Aeon, Rt. 3, Nashville. Ph.

25 fine Berkshire pigs, ready
to sell, $8 ea; 6 good brood
sows; reg. Berkshire boar, all
about 400 lbs. ea, $50 ea. Ellis
Floyd, Rt. 1 Hampton. Ph. 3597

Reg. Landrace boars and
gilts, reg. in buyers name, 100
pet. imported bloodlines, life-
treated for Cholera. Unrelated
pr.. Paul Roach, Rt. 6, Rome:

Landrace hogs, weaned boars
and gilts out of Waerhaug
world record, $3000 boar. $40
up; bred gilts, $85 up. Terrell
Swindle, Nashville. Ph. 9292.

_Duroe boars from prize win-
ning stock, 8 wks. old. worm-
ed, treated, for Cholera, reg.
in buyers name sired by son of
famous Grand Star Boy,
from El Mar Farms, $25 ea.
Roscoe McDonald, Jr., Rt. 1,
Milledgeville. Ph. 9713.

_Reg. Landrace boars and
gilts 100 pet. imported blood-
lines. James A. Swindle, /o
Rolling Green Farms ay
City. Ph. Valdosta CH 3-7767. |

Choice Landrace pigs, males
and females, imported blood
lines, 11 wks. old, treated, reg. |
in buyers name $60 ea. William

. Lanier, Rt. 2, Box 84, Metter
Ph. 51035.

January, 1958

|papers furnished;

High class Berkshire.
3 mos. old

Hardman, Commerce.
Purebred Landrace gilts out

of imported dam by outstand-.
ing sire, 6 mos. old, treated and |

reg. in buyers name. Priced
low. James Speir, Bronwood.

Nubian doe, freshen this
month, also Saanan Nubian
cross buck for sale. Miss Doro-
thy Mathis, Tiger.

Toggenburg, $15; Nubian $30;
and Saanan, $40; kids, $2.50 to
$5 ea. B. H. Blazer, Rt. 2, Old
River Rd., Cartersville.

Nice Saanan Milk goat to|~*
freshen this month with third |
kid; also Nubian and Saanan |*
milk goats fresh now with se- |
cond kids. Mrs. Lee Kirkley, |
aoe Cascade Rd. SW, Atlanta.

Ewes with lambs by side,
Reg Hampshires, $60 ea.

shire rams for sale.
McPherson, Jr., P. O. Box 602,

8 yr. old milk goat, gives 5
doe, for |and la
sale, Leon Watson, P. O. Box ed.

qts. daily ,also you

94, Unadilla.

2 fine young does: Saanan-|

Toggenburg cross, $25; pure-
bred Nubian, $30, both bred
to Herlindo DelNorte,
grandson of BBB DelNorte.

Fresh first time in Mar. and |:

April. Cannot ship. O. C. Ming-
ledorff, Rt. 3, Douglas.

Toggenburg and Saanan.
milk goats for sale at my place. |
Mars Hill Rd. and Hwy. 41 N.
Also want several weaned cal-
ves at reasonable price. Frank
So Rt. 2, Acworth, Ph.

Fine looking mare about 12

yrs. old stocky built, black BR
| with white spot in face, gentle | 4.

and safe for children. Paul
Stephens, Rt. 1, Tucker. Ph.
HI 3-5210. :

_ Top golden Palomino mare
in foal, $400. Pedigree and reg.
also solid
black Hackney stallion for stud
services, Ogden A. Geilfuss,
c/o Melody Brook Farm, Win-

dy Hill Rd., Rt. 3, Marietta. Ph. | harness

Smyrna HE 5-7385.

reg. : from proven] |
production lines, $25 ea. C. J.j *'

libs. J. F.
Three 3 wks. freshmilk goats,

also |
limited number fine reg. pet

eat |

| $200; 3
43 i

hite, BFD 1,
(Morgan Co.),
Red mare horse, w.
where, wt, 1100 lbs., g
$100 cash. Mrs. B. N

| Rt. 4, Alma.

Good mare mule
anywhere, wt. 1

ille. Ph.

Dees, |

3 yr. old saddle. ;
$125: Z. L. Miles, G

in. tall, $600

Smyrna. Ph. iE
Several spotted yr. old
land Pony hacen: elie
nice gentle gelding
bay mare,

ler, Rt. 1. Dalton. Ph. 4909.

GGuaranteed by Manufacturer
fFound by State Chemist = Te mi
PPenali Red Lion Shorts eee 16.00 = 4.00
CENTRAL COTTON OIL COMPANY, M S i oe = ~ HAP! yi So aoe falisy, Georgia
; , Macon, Georgia =
Prosperity Brand 41% Protein Cottonseed Meal Soy DOT fe op ee ee wi Tome Ge 18.00
Prime Quality 41.00 63.00 1400] | {P) Fiber 1 gaa
(P) Fiber F 41.50 5.90 17.00
_ @ITY MILLS COMPANY, Columbus, Georgia 9 nseed Meal-Prime
Peanut Vine Hay and Molasses SG $8.00 3.00 24.00 pe es ee _
: (P) Fat ' BP 10.99 1.40 25.60 (P) Fiber
CLIO MILLING COMPANY, Clio, Alabama ; ROME OIL MILL, Rome, Georgia ee
Ground Peanut Vine Hay with Cane Molasses G 8.00 3.00 30.00 Cherokee Brand 41% Protein Cottonseed Meal-Prime
(P) Fat P 10.50 1.90 25.20 | Quality sos ee
Wheat Gray Shorts and Screenings G 16.00 350. 6.00 | SWIFT AND COMPANY, East Point, ia
: (P) Fiber PF 18.00 3.70 7.30 Meal or Pellets 36% Protein-Prima
DAWSON MILLING COMPANY, Dawson, Georgia ? {P) Fiber
Ground Peanut Hay and Molasses & 7.59 2.00 33.00
(P) Fiber F 9.00 - 200 44.70 gy Re apa! COMPANY, Greenville, Alabama
DECATUR COTTON OIL COMPANY, Decatur, Alabama a roe oa ee
36% Protein Cottonseed Meal - Prime Quality G 36.00 3.50 16.09
(P) Fiber F 36.00 3.30 20.00 | VALDA het gp McRae, Georgia :
__ DIXIE-PORTLAND FLOUR COMPANY, Chattanooga, Tennessee wo "ver 4

January, 1958

ALLIED MILLS, INC,, Chicago, Mlinois
Wayne Broiler Finisher F Medicated

SGuaranteed by Manufacturer

_ -Be-Found by Stete Chemist

Protein Fat Fiber * Fat Low
ADAMS-BRISCOE SOMPANY. Jackson, Georgla ddddin vis Didieeed
= ARMOUR AND COMPANY, Chicago, filincis
7H ALABAMA Ol AND GUANO COMPANY, INC., Opelika, Alabama | seed ae deal
1 feed as declared
ALCO MILLING COMPANY, Atlanta, Georgia pig ed epeg a ee Athens, Georgia
Alco 40% Hog Supplement G 40.00 3.00 10.00 |
* Fat how # 40.00 2.60 8 =8.90 avenny FEED MILLS, Louisville, Kentucky
| ALFALFA PRODUCERS COOPERATIVE, INC., Belle Mins, Alabama tend en doctaret Aes Cae


Sha ey


Protein Fat Fiber
Cine y
je 36% Corronseed Meal - Prime Quality G 36.00 3.00 = 1.7.00
"High F 39.00 5.06 17.60
% Protein sen Extracted Cottonseed Meal G 41.00 2.00 14.00
Fiber High F 43.56 2.00 15.00
Pe Protein Solvent Extracted Cottonseed Meal @ 36.00 2.00 17.00
at Low, F 37.50 1.70 17.70
ian OIL COMPANY. Macon, Georgia
ity Brond Satine Protein = Meal-Prime
G 36.00 3.00 17.00
Filer High _ F 3650 4.00 18.00
ne 36% Protein Cottonseed Meal - Prime
rae = G 36.00 3.00 17.00
BZ * Fiber High F 36.20 3.80 17.90
307A COMPANY, a Ft. Wayne, indiana
G 16.00 3.00 15.00
F 24.00 2.60 13.70
G 40.00 4.50 - 8.50
F 45.20 5.60 9.00
S 16.00 3.00 15.00
F 18.40 2.60 13.80
G 15.00 3.56 6.00
P 15.50 4.00 6.40
DGES MILLING COMPANY, Birmingham, Alabema :
16 G 16.00 2.50 12.00
* Pot Low : F 19.00 2a 8.70
G 6.00 3.00 18.00
PF 6.50 2.60 10.60
RAMSEY MILLING COMPANY, Gainesville, Georgia
@ 36.00 3.50 16.00
i F 38.00 8.20 17.10
FLOUR COMPANY. Chattoneega, Tennessee
Grey Shorts S 16.00 4.00 6.00
+ Fiber High F 18.50 4.20 6.60
G 16.00 4.00 6.00
fi Fiber High F 17.50 4.00 6.30
ae eas ' @ 16.00 4,00 6.00
_* Fiber High F 18.00 4.10 6.60
ete ba La @ 16.00 4.00 6.00
_. Fiber High FP 17.50 4.20 6.40
Bette G 16.00 4.00 6.00
F 18.50 4.20 6.50
G 14.00 4.00 11.00
en A 7 3.60 11.00
ELD Mitt COMPANY, Asheville, North Carolina
9.00 3.00 8.00
10.50 4.30 8.30

WwW. ESHELMAN A AND oo. Chamblee, ion

MS Rei, Tennessee :

an ELEVATOR COMPANY, Dudley, ccade

MILLS, ING. Bainbridge, Georgia
as declared

IN STRIES. ING., Bradenton, Florida

E MILLING COMPANY, Gainesville, Georgia
hors :

FEED MILLS, Nashville, Tennessee

: BROTHERS, Evansville, Indiana

MILLING COMPANY, Charlotte, North Carolina

CKSON COMPANY, Gainesville, Georgia

aha aad ee Oy ect

January, 1958

Protein Pat Fiber
becney nal FEED SERVICE, Griffin, Georgia

as declared

2 feeds as declared

1 feed as declared

1 feed as declared

MeMILLEN FEED MILLS, Ft. Wayne, Indiana
Master Mix Calorized Brofler Finisher Concentrate Go
* Fiber High F
Master Mix H-Calorie Broller Finisher Concentrate
(77K) Medicated &

* Fat Low
TT feeds as declared

3 feeds as declared

G. W. MILLS, Byron, Georgia
Pay Load Ground Cobs, Shucks & Molasses

* Fiber High
3 feeds as declared

OCONEE ROLLER MILLS, Seneca, South Carolina
1 .feed as declared |

1 feed as declared

PILLSBURY MILLS, INC., Clinton, lowa
5 feeds as declared

36% Protein Cottonseed Meal - Prime Quality GS 36.00
* Fiber High F 36.50

PURITAN MILLS, Ationta, Georgia
My-T-Pure Pig and Sow Ration 6

* Fiber High
1 feed as declared

New Purina Dog Chow

24 feeds as declared

RICKERT, WESSANEN AND LAAN, INC., New Orleans, Louisiana
T feed as declared

T feed as declared






: 50 24.00
3.50 60 = -25.6






S 24.00
* Fat Low F

_ ROME OIL MILL, Rome, Georgia

Cherokee Brand 41% Cottonseed Meal - Prime Quality
* Fiber. Hi

. 14.060
41% Protein Cottonseed Mecl-Prime Quality 6




. 14,00



* Fiber High
Cherokee Brand 41% Protein Cottonseed Meal-Prime

1 feed as declared

1 feed as declared


Pw www
ss a

* Fiber High

| SCOTT FARM SUPPLY, Claxton, Georgia

1 feed as dec

SENECA OIL MILL, Seneca, South Carolina
1 feed as declared

SESSIONS OIL MILLS, Enterprise, Alabama
1 feed as declared

Cracked Corn (Bob White)

* Fat Low
3 feeds os decidred

Pure Wheet Bran

4 feeds as declared



14.50 3.50
15.90 893


* Fat Low, Fiber High 00 11.10


2 feeds as declared

1 feed as declared -

3 feeds as declared

3 feeds as declared

Super Quality Calorated Brand All Mash Nu-Day-Lay G

* Fat Low
2 feeds as declared


5.00 a |

4.50 3.2!


Suni-Citrolas Pellets 2.50 15.7

* Fot Low F 14.9

SWIFT AND COMPANY, Augusta, Georgia
1 feed as declared

SWIFT AND COMPANY, Moultrie, Georgia
2 feeds as declared

1 feed as declared

Ground Shucks with 25% Molasses
* Fiber High


3.00 50
4.50 64



; WESTERN GRAIN COMPANY, Birmingham, Alabama

3 feeds as declared

1 feed as. declored

VALDA WOOTEN, McRae, Georgia
Wooten's Snap Corn
* Fiber High

1 feed os declared
As Declared

Penalized ;
5 Other Violations 36
E TOTAL : hel :



17.00 |




\ : 7 v ae a 3 - - ay oa 2
tr ellow quilt top,| 5
ne k Cornish} Finest 1957 hatch, extra] 1 odd _ yellow quilt top,| 9
ee ital seal. Pee service,|large No. Bobwhite quail | $2.50; white ae ie eee on
= LIVESTOCK big boned pe, long yellow| (Bred and improved 38 yrs.).| pane, $40; croc eted pi pi $1.00. eal ol
* z legs, $2 ea. fh lots of 2-H. W.| Adult quail 1 to 3 oz. heavier | vanity ogee rags and pie: a ae tng eee
> -* FOR SALE Thurmond, Farmington. than average. Mature, heavier| sets, $2; pillow cas near Hwy. 46 L

2 good farm mules, work and
-ride. Sell or exch, for pony,
go" or cattle of any kind.
. Quarterman, Flemington,
Nice mare mule, 4 white
legs, young, will work any-
where, $100 cash. Mrs. Lucile
er Rt. 4,.Box 239, Syl-
ania. :

_ 6 mare mules, 8 to 11 yrs. old
wt. 1150 to 1200 lbs. Also 2 H
wagons, walking cultivators,
most any horse

_. planters,
drawn tools. John Goldin, Rt.

, Draketown.

: Black mare mule, wt. 1,100
lbs., 12 yrs. old, work any-
where, with plenty life; also
2 mog.old, at my farm. 1 mi.

#1 ji Guernse male calves, 1 to

rom Farmington. H. W. Thur-

, tmond, Farmington.


800 Ib. bay mare mule, 10-
42 yrs. old, works dbl. or
gingle, pastures with cows, $75
{Also want young full stock

tock Guernsey bull, ready for
ight service, halter broken

-(meed not be reg.), at reason-
able price. State particulars
re letter. L. C. Stovall, RFD

, Cleveland.

Bay mare mule, sound, good

worker, no plug, Wt. 1070 lbs.,

75. Ashley Durham, Box 147,
hipley. Ph. 3-2542.

8 ur old mule wt. 800 Ibs.,

- gentle, plows, anywhere, pull

fwagon 045 cash or trade for

horse. Mrs. Mary Adams Rt.
, Rock Springs Rd., Lithonia.



Want black mare mule not
ver 8 yrs. old, must know how
to do farm work and be with-
ut bad habits. wt. 900 to 1,000

_ fibs. Must be near Gainesville
pre not over $50. J. L. Pitts,
Rt. 2, Lul


Want small utility horse,
ventle for children to _ ride,
gee young. Pay
ash or exch. White Face cat-
fe. W. H. Sorrells, 5905 Hous-~
ton Rd., Macon. Ph. 20153.

- Want 5 or 6 purebred Hamp-
hire or Hereford gilts. Give
pest eash price. Jerry W. Tal-

Jey, Rt. 1, Lyons. Ph. 5922.

_ Want 4 to 6 wks. old Here-
_ ford or Angus Calves, within

40 mi. of Atlanta. Must be rea-


as Be. NE, Atlanta

eo os expense.

ae lians, Newnan.

ayetteville Rd. SE, Atlanta
46. Ph. DR 3-2740 after 6 PM).

Want whitefaced Hereford
hogs, not too far from Douglas.
uote price. W. L. English,
t, 8, Douglas.

Want young filly, 6 to 12
os. old, to train for saddle
orse only, Must be reason-
Je. Ann palee, 2670 Knox

Favette Mrs. W. W. Jones, 696



| 25 or 30 Bantam chickens, 60c

ga. if all are taken. Mrs. Lee
Kirkley, 3860 Cascade Rd. SW,
Atlanta 11.

5 purebred heavy type Dark
Cornish Oct. 1957 hatch, pul-
Jets, $1.55 ea; 1 Sept. hatch
_eockerel, $1.75 also eggs of
same for hatching 15 for $1.65
and my carton returned at buy
MO only. Miss

ora B. Patterson, Rt. 1, Box
$5 Ty Ty.

- White Cornish roosters, 1957
hatch, from prize winning
stock, $1.75 ea; 2 blue Pea-
cocks, ((roosters), 1958 hatch,
very large, $12 ea. Mrs. O. L.

Craft, Rt, 2, Lavonia.

-Giant Black Mimorca breed-
ing cockerels, $5 ea; cockerel
and breeding hen, $7.50 for
pr; $10 trio; Also hatching
(eggs, 15, $3, $5 PP. L. B. Mil-
aaa al

14 White Leghorn hens good
healthy hens, new laying good,
a ea. POR U, R, Jenkins, Rt.

, Box 220, Gordon.

Imported colorful chickens
known as Easter Egg Chickens,
lay blue, green, pink, ete. col-
ored shelled eggs. Breeders
$35 pr. Eggs, $2.50 ea. L. E
Morgan, Rt. 4, Wayeross.

Bobwhites, $4 pr. and up ac-
cording to wts. and uality.
5 pr. minimum shipped. Per-
mit No. 43. Willam A.
Thomas, 421 Mark Bldg. At-
lanta 3. Ph. MU 8-0868.

GAME, FOWL, etc.




Want 10 Brown and 10
White Leghorn pullets now
laying. State prices. Miss Lu-
cille Martin, Rt. 1, Menlo.

Want rooster and 2 hens,
heavy type, Frizzly chickens
or eggs or will set. State type
and color. John B. Hastey,
Warm Springs. :

Want 2 full stock Cornish
Bantam hens and 1 rooster, 6
mos. old or more. No culls.
John Jones, Rt. 2, Chatsworth.

GAME, FOWL, etc.


11 Ringneck pheasants, 6
cocks and 5 hens, pens and
all, $50. Will not ship. Ans.
all letters. Daniel Swartzen-

trubers Rt Box. -Ol=A;
Montezuma. Ph. 5911.
Americas finest strain

White. King Pigeons, $3 pr.
Not less than 2 pr. shinped.
Ogden A. Geilfuss, c/o Mel-
ody Brook Farm, Windy Hill
Rds Rt 35 Marietta. Ph:
Smyrna HE 5-7385.

Pr. 5 yr old mated (breed-
ers) Blue Peafowl cockbirds,
6 ft. tail spread, $60. Extra
4 yr. old hen, $30. MO. J. H.
Street, 3090 Buford Hwy, At-
lanta 6. Ph. ME 4-7888.

New Zealand White Rab-
bits, subj. to reg., fine breed-
ing stock, $6 up. C. W. Page,
149 North Ave. N.E., Atlanta
8. Ph. TR 4-6452.

Peacocks in plumage, $25;
Peahens, $15 ea. Mrs. C. N.
Adams, Shellman. Ph. Wy-
man 2184.

No. Bobwhite quail for
breeding or-releasing, $3. pr.
ship col. No less than 2 pr.
shipped. Chukars, $6 pr.;
Mallard ducks, $4 pr.; Gold-
en Sebright Bantams, $6 pr.;
$8 trio. Permit No. 63. C. L.
Cawthon, Riverdale. Ph.
Jonesboro GR 8-8106 (after
6 P.M.).

Finest quality breeder
stock Bobwhite quail and
Chukars, all guar. to be
healthy, fully feathered, large
size. Permit No. 3 Ralph E.
Keefer, Lake Harbin Rd.,
Morrow. Ph. GR 8-8477.

Bobwhite quail and Chukar
partridges, reared in large
flight pens, ready for field
release, breeding, eating. Few

Tenn. Red and Jap (Cotur-
nix) quail. Will ship, Sat.
guar. Booking orders for

spring and summer del. quail
and Chukar eggs and chicks.
Permit No. 30. Cliff Purcell,
217 Mt. Vernon Dr. Decatur.
Ph. DR 3-4238.

Pr. Ringneck Pheasants,
large size, 8 mos. old, $5; 15
Bantam hens, 1 yr. old, heal-
thy stock, some laying, 50c
ea, Frank L. Bray, 3255
Bloomfield Drive, Macon, Ph.

Large No. Bobwhite. Quail,
disease free and fully feath-
ered, excellent breeders, $1.25
in lots of 10 or more, at my
place. Permit No. 50 and 77.
Jack Holland, 471 Pasley Ave.
ae Atlanta 16. Ph, JA 4-

Golden Pheasants,
old, full plumage, Ea
1957 hatch

Reeves, $4 ea.;
C. Whit
Turner, McDonough.

Silver, $3.50 ea.



Want large breed buck
Rabbit, Flemish Giant or New
Zealand, full breed, 5 to 7
mos. old minimum age. H. J.
Witmer, 12309 White Bluff,



Bias tape trim tea aprons,
well made, 60c ea. PP in Ga.
Miss Ruth Weeks, Dial.

4 quilt tops, Wedding
Ring, and Gentlemans
Bow, $3.50 ea.; Star piec-
ed in squares, $2.75 ea. and
20c ea. for postage. No checks.
Also 6 crocheted doilies, 12
and 13 in, across, $1.35 ea.
PP. Mrs. R. H. Mealer, Rt. 2,

2 handmade Dbl. Wedding

Ring quilt tops, $4 ea.;. 4
others, all dif., $3 ea., dbl
bed size, of new cotton
prints and solids, Add post-
age. No checks. Mrs. - Lee
Reece, Rt. 2, Ellijay.

Med. sized print aprons

with potholder, 50c; crochet-
ed: -doies,. 50, 15e,.-$1* <3
piece sets, $2.25; white em-
broidered or striped dish
towels, and woven or terry
cloth potholders, 2, 25e. Add
postage. No checks. Mrs. By-
ron Haynes, Rt. 7, Gaines-

New hand embroidered pil-
lowcases, $1.75 pr.; handmade
quilts, large size, attractive
prints and solids Gentle-
mahs Bow, $8.50 ea. PP.
Mrs. Ethel Mooney, Rt. 5,

Handmade aprons, all
shapes and colors, little girl
aprons, 35 ea.; med. size
womens aprons, 50c ea.;
large size, 75 ea.; State size.
Add 15 postage. Miss Grace
E. Parks, Rt. 3, Ellijay.

Nylon corsages, 2 large
flowers with trimmings, any
color, $1 cash, PP. Mrs. Car-
olyn Arnold, Mahaffey St.,
Jefferson. ;

Nice handcrocheted doilies,
grape and Star Fish designs,
ruffle doilies, Pineapple de-
signs, for sale or exch. Mrs.
John Allred, Rt. 1. Esom Hill.

Ladies crocheted hat and
draw cord hand bag, set,
$2.40; hat or bag separate,
$1.25; round crocheted table
mats, 6, 1. Miss Dallas

*| worsted;

-Add postage.

ming, white and colored, $1;
7 in. doll dresses, $2.50; cen-
ter pieces, dif. sizes. Mary iC:
Tumlin, Eastanollee. :

White or print ladies tea
aprons, fancy trimmed, all
asst. shape, large
waist size. 3, $2.75, or $1 ea.
plus postage. Mrs. Nancy
Henderson, Rt. 3, Box 124,

White crocheted
table cover, size 48 in.,
Add postage. Mrs.
Brown, Chatsworth.

Small, med., or large Ap-
rons, 60c, 75c, $1 plus post-


age; Dbl. potholder, 25c; sin-

gle, 2, 25c. Dif. design, made
of best loops, hand woven.
Mrs. Myrtle R. Hunt, 921
Capitol View Ave. N.W., At-
lanta 18. Ph. SY 4-6654.

Individually handmade and
carved Western style leather
belts, complete with western
buckle, $3 ea. PP. Send ex-
act waist size. Merrill Oster-
hout, RFD, Box 85, Sharps-

Crochet tablecloth, 9 panel,
12 roses pattern to ea. panel,
$75; infant sacque, caps,
booties, $7.50 set; cap and
booties, $5. Miss Etta Alexan-
der, c/o Presbyterian Home,
Box 407, Quitman.

Crocheted Afghan, 58 x 72
inches, mothproof,
rainbow colors,
2-1/2 in. fringe, Old Fash-
ioned Flower Garden pat-
tern, $35. Mrs. J. R. Patter-
son, Rt. 1, Box 75, Morrow.



16 in. Farm Bell Crated
FOB Savannah, $9.00. W. B.
Marshall, Rt. 3, Box 421, Sa-

1957 Black Walnut meats,
$1.25 |b., or 5 Ibs. $6.00.
Prompt shipment. Mrs. Boyd
Nicholson, Hiawassee.

Two 3 gal. square glass

churns with hand turn crank,

perfect cond. Make offer for
one or both. Mrs. W. S. Jes-
ter, 421 Curtis St. Warner
Robins. ; site
Martin and dipper gourds,
25 ea; larger sizes, 50c ea.
Mrs. W. &E.
Wooten, Rt. 2, Box 150, Camil-
a. Gites

Jerusalem Artichokes, $1.50
gal. to 3rd zone; $7. bu Exp.
Col; $1, gal. or $7. bu. at my
home. C. W. Page, 149 North
Ave. NE, Atlanta 8. -

Print feed sacks, washed and
ironed, no holes or mildew, 1

to 4 alike, 40c ea. PP in Ga.

Mrs. P. E. Traylor, Rebecca.

Sev. thousand stalks seed
Cane, green, 7-8 ft. long, 5c
stalk; large soft cane, 5 to 6
ft., 4c stalk. S. J. Foss, (Den-

Adams, 295 Hill St., Athens.

mark), Brooklet. Ph. 93187.

Last Weeks Livestock Sales Rep

or small

-|Miss Ruth Weeks,

all wool)

Rt. 3, Box 177, Metter
1400 stalks old

red Sugar Cane for
Greer, Rt. 1, Ham}
Hand gathered, shz
Sage, $1.50 lb
$1.30 Ib; Ground and
Sage, ready to use.
cup, 3 cups, $1 2
rison T. Brown,-Rt
Calif. multi n
Seed, 25c start,
ed envelope with

Nice shade dried Sa:
75 Ib. 1/2 lb. 90c, plus
No checks. Mrs. A. M.
Rt. 4, Commerce.

Fine shelled white
ee a t
$2.50. Also fine ~
shade dried Sagi
no trash, $1. cupful
age. Mrs. M Holl
Coogler Rd., Bo (14,
1957 crop. Black
Hanes and ey
shipping cngs. __
ledge, Rt. 1 Dall

old fashioned Gree
Cane (soft kind), |
$4.00 M.), ready
S. Alma on Hwy. 1.
lis, Rt. 2, Nicholls.

Yellow Roots, 4 Ib. |
$1. Mr. Estelle Se
Rt, 3, Ellijay.

_Extra lar:
50e es J aS

40 in. around, $
age. Also gourd seed, 2!
and _ self-addre:

5,000 improved.
banked before fro
at. my farm. B._
RFD 1, Millwoo

Saddle in good shi
A. D. Brantley, Sr.,

cane. Give del.
del. chgs. J. Coan
227 B. Garden Homes,
nah. ay Be

Want print fe
ea. and
Pia fo
nes: O
abla State
Carolyn Thom:
renceville Ph.

ey bees. E. L,

Villa Crest Ave.,

| Saddle, chea

price, cond.,

Ann Thomas, Rt. 3.

ceville. Ph. 7077.

Want some-100
low feed bags. Mrs.
Hester, Rt. 3, Blakely.


Atlanta Rome Athens

February 25, 1958 February 26, 1958 - Feb. 24, 1958
STEERS & HEIFERS 1360 550 - gate
GOOD & CHOICE 24.00-28.00 . < es j
STANDARD 20.00-24.25 20.00-24.00 - 19.50-23.60
UTILITY 17.00-20.25 17.00-20.00 - 16.50-19.50
VEALERS 22.00-33.25 22.00-32.00 - 22.00-27.50
STOCKERS & FEEDERS 17.00-24.70 17.00-19.00 a .
FEEDER CALVES 17.00-25.00 18.00-26.00








NO. 3





