Farmers and consumers market bulletin, 1957 December 4



Phil Campbell,




Ik pr uction in the deep |
undertaken in an eres
dairy r

ao oaniod cattle from a

feos of sed
veloping new strains from.
service for portions of

onal ce eae of Artificial

7 approaches will supplement

roducing, heat - tolerant
ie outh S crossing Red

has of the new otk has
| at Jeanerette, La., where a
Holstein and Jersey
been established from other
ds. Top animals of the Red

ined at Jeanerette
herd, and 8 Sindhi-Jer-

s have been obtained.
1-State project = oiffon,

ore fet will
utstanding Brown Swiss and
artificial breeding as-
0 ee the de-

(1) Pe an cay

ished by members

the past 10 years to | _

7 crosses: and purebred Jer--

ae icutinral

Dec. 4-5, Atlanta Cotton Producers
Ass'n. Annual meeting.

Dec. 4, Macon Annual Meeting Geor-
gia Corn Millers Assn.

- Dec, 5, ABAC, Tifton Broiler Pro-
: duction Short Course.

Dec. 12, Atlanta Annual Meeting At- -
lanta C of C Farmers Club.

stock for the South. Each generation of
crossbreds will be evaluated by compari-
sion with contemporary purebred Hol-

Most of the work with systematic

_.erosses of European breeds will be con-

ducted cooperatively by the Georgia

~ Coastal Plain Experiment Station at Tif-

ton. This phase of the program is already
underway, in an effort to determine the

value of possible hybrid vigor in develop-

ing commercial animals more adaptable

to the South. The herd used in this work

will include 25 Jerseys, 25 Holsteins, 25
Brown Swiss, and 75 cross-breds. Present

plans are to limit initial cross matings to

Holstein and Brown Swiss bulls


_ Jersey females.

The third phase of the program is be-
ing conducted with Jerseys at Tifton, Ga.,

_ and. with Holsteins at Baton Rouge, La.,

to determine the feasibility of develop-
ing adaptable strains from existing breeds.
These animals also will be mated to out-
standing sires used in artificial
breeding in the U. S. to capitalize on vari-

ous genetic sources within these breeds.

Complementing the new 3-point pro-
gram are supporting physiological pro-

_ jects, studies of management and _nutri-

tion, and the collection and analysis of

weather data. .

Physiological studies at all stations are

lollowing two major lines, comprising in-

vestigations of heat tolerance of dairy cat-
tle by field and laboratory methods.
These studies include factors such as

sweating, heat production, and skin tem-
perature of animals, and other physiologi-

- (Continued On Page 8)


Reveals Money Losing,
Money Making Cows

Dairy Section Head

_ Dairy Herd Improvement Association
testing in the State of Georgia has been |
gradually on the increase for several
years. More and more dairymen are com-.
ing to know the real value they receive
from testing. If in our other farm enter-
prises we were to keep as close a detail on
our operations as the DHIA tester does on
each cow we undoubtedly would increase
the efficiency of our farming operation.
The DHIA tester comes to the farm
once each month, weighs each cows milk
for a night and morning milking and then
runs a butterfat test on each cows milk.
Using the days milk weight as a typical
day for the month he can calculate each
cow's milk and fat production for the
month. He also compiles the monthly
herd average for milk and fat production
as well as the average cost of feed for
each cow. Then at the end of the year

_he summarizes the yearly production for

the herd as well as the individual cow.
This once monthly test is within three
percent pe eey of a daily weight and

There are many benefits derived from
DHIA testing if the work is properly
done and if the herd owner studies and
makes full use of his information,

_ Boarder cows (cows that do not pro-
duce enough milk to pay their feed bill)
are immediately detected and disposed
of. Daughters of outstanding bulls can be
spotted and likewise outstanding cow
families can be noted.

There are many advantages in watch-
ing for outstanding cow families. It is
generally believed that some vow fainilies
are more resistant to disease than others.
Many cow families have calves regularly
while others seem to inherit poor con-
ception rates. Many cow families seem
to transmit more readily good produc-
ing ability than do others. The dairyman
that uses DHIA testing and follows

(Continued On Page 8)

Georgia, First:







Editorial and Executive Offices
State Agriculture Building
19 Hunter Street, S.W.
Atlanta 3, Georgia
Phone JAckson 4-3292


Jack Gilchrist

Assistant Editor _... Tom McMullan
Notices . Mrs. Elizabeth Hynde

Mrs. jan a Jarman
Candler Clement Jr.

Notices of farm produce
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serted one time on each fe-

No notice or advertisement
will be accepted from any
gzommercial business, any
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a trade name or business
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dual doing business under a
trade name or commercial]
business name. f

The Georgia Market Bulle-
tin assumes no respo,sibility
for any notice appearmg in
the Bulletin nor for any
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published notices. Advertisers
are cautioned that it is against
the law to misrepresent any
any product offered for sale
in a public notice or adver-
tisement carried in any pub-

Mailing Room Supt.


Baas ees ab Stsci eas

lication that is delivered
PHIL CAMPBELL through the United States

Address ail complaints to EDITOR, Market Bulletin.

Address requests to be added to or removed from
mailing list, changes of address, etc., to CIRCULATION
MANAGER, Market Bulletin. All requests for changes of
address must include OLD and NEW addresses.

Address all notices and advertisements to EDITOR OF
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Published weekly at 114-122 Pace St., Covington, Ga.,
oy Georgia Department of Agriculture. Entered as second
class matter Aug. 1, 1937, at post office, Covington, Ga.,
under Act of June 6, 1900. Accepted for mailing at special
rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of Oct. 8,






Couple with sons, 17 and
16, want permanent place on
farm at once. Have experi-
ence in dairy, grain, cattle,
overseer, and any kind farm
machinery, rough carpentry,
and repair farm machinery,
drive truck, tractor. Check at
Barretts Service Station for
location. T. L. Gayton, Cal-

White man and wife, 54
yrs. old, want job on farm.
High school and more educa-
tion, dont drink. Sev. yrs.
experience cattle, hogs, and
en. farming, also carpenter.

ant living, salary, and at
least 4 R. house. Roy E.
ONeal, 210 Crumley St. SW,
Atlanta 15. Ph. JA 2-9180.

Man, wife, and 8 children
want job on farm and house
with running water, at once.
Experience in dairy and gen-
eral farm work. No bad hab-
its. B. L. Wilson, Rt. 1, Box
442, Jonesboro.

White, married man, 3
small daughters, wants job
on chicken ranch near At-
Janta. Drive truck and trac-
tor, good with any kind of
farm tools. Want 3 to 4 R.
house, lights, water, etc., and
reasonable salary. No cards.
A. T. Cronan, 454 Capitol
Ave., SE, Apt. 3, Atlanta.

50 yr. old man and wife
want job on poultry or dairy
farm. No experience but can
learn. Move anytime, any-
where. Roy Conway, 1831 N.
Braad St., Rome.

Want few acres good land
fo cultivate, with 5-6 R.
house, on power line, school
bus, mail Rt., with barn and
pasture, in Mountain sec.
Standing rent or other satis-
actory basis agreed upon. B.
X. Holloway, Rt. 2. Elliiav

Want job for bal. 1957 and
1958, any kind farm or tur-
pentine work, 5 in family, all
can work. Will consider reg.
farming, poultry, truck, stock,
or any kind of farm work.
H. B. Stubbs, 320 Rowland
St., Hazelhurst.

Single white man, 42 yrs.
old, honest and dependable,
want job on chicken farm or
straight farm work. $3 per
day straight time, private
room, board and_ laundry.
Come after me or send money
to come. Troy Binford, Por-

60 yr. old man, single wants
job on farm for room, board,
laundry, and $17.50 wkly.
Sober, Christian man, no bad
habits. Drive truck and trac-
tor, experience in handling
labor and working with all
kinds of livestock. Z. L. An-
derson. Rt. 3. Bowdon.

Dairyman with 9 yrs. exp.
wants job in dairy or on
poultry farm, Caretaker, or
other farm work with right
party. 32 yrs. old, whit@& can
furnish best of Ref. as_ to
ability and character. Want
$15 week, room and board.
James Arnold, C/O Frank
Whitfield, Toccoa.

Want job as caretaker or
looking after cattle. Family
of 6, son 17 yrs. old. No

Byrd, Rt. 2, Butler.

White man and
wants job on farm for wages
with good man. Can drive
truck or tractor, operate any
kind farm machinery. Want
good 5 R. house, with lights,
on school and mail route,
Would take crop on share
basis. Contact -at once. G. W.
George, Rt. 1, Box 130, Sen-


drinking or bad habits. J. W.




Want job general farm,
dairy, or chicken work, at
once. Rufus M. Adams, Rt. 1,

Sober White man, 53 yrs.
old, wife, and 18 yr. old
daughter want job on chicken
farm at reasonable salary.
20 yrs. experience. Drive
truck and tractor. Consider
any kind of farm work. Can
furnish good references. Bill
Shirley, Rt. 2, Athens. (8 mi.
N. on Hwy. 29 at Clarks-

Want about 25 A. farm for
growing grain or on standing
rent basis. 4 R. house, out-
building, water and lights in
SE Georgia. Write what you
have. W. B. Bethune, Rt. 1,

White woman wants light
farm work on farm with re-
liable people. Room, board
and reasonable salary. Aud-
rey May, 1340 Piedmont
Ave., Atlanta 9.



Want young, exp. tractor
farmer, white or colored, to
do general farm work for
wages. Must have car or
truck. No large families de-
sired. 5 R. house, located on
school bus Rt. B. G. Steed,
ed Box 467, Fitzgerald. Ph.


Want reliable white wo-
man, without bad habits, to
live with elderly woman on
farm, and do light farm
work. $10 week, room and
board. Mrs. E. L. Meadows,
Rt. 2, Kite.

Want refined, healthy, sin-
gle, middleaged white woman
to do light farm work on
farm. Live with couple.
Lights, gas, and water, pri-
vate room and _ reasonable
salary. All letters ans. Mrs.
J. D. Ford, Rt. 1, Box 232,

Want unencumbered, white
woman to live in farm home
with 3 adulis and do light
farm work. Farm located 2
mi. West of Byron. All mod-
ern conveniences. $12.50
week, room and board. Let-
ters ans. Mrs. Eva Knowles,
Rt. --2;<: Byron,

Want good man for 50 A.
farm, good land, cotton, to-
bacco and peanut allotments;
cub tractor for cultivating.
Good 7 room house, running
water, lights, 3/4 mf. Atla-
maha consolidated school
house. Near church. Standing
rent or 50-50 basis. L. M.
Harrell, Rt. 1, Box 80, Hazle-

Want nice, white woman to
live in farm home and do
light farm work, for room,
board and salary. Have mod-
ern conveniences. Mrs. Hu-
bert Scraggs, Rt. 4, Winder.


and Tuesday .. . Auction
Pony sale, Tom. Hewitts
farm, Valdosta . . . large

selection both using and
breeders Grade and Reg.
ponies on auction.



Boxwoods, 12 to 14 in., and
Mimosa, 2 ft., $3 doz. Hem-
lock, Spruce, Rhododendrons,
White Pine, Laurels, Cherokee
roses, and pink, orange, ted
and yellow Azeleas, 2 ft. $2.50
doz, Also Pink Moss Rose, 2,

$1. All moss packed and PP.
Sadie Wilson, Blue Ridge.

ex ;
oe Mae Sel <1 cere ek re eee

Dec. 9 and 10 Monday


Green and wihte jew, red,|_

geraniums, pink and w_hite
wax leaf Begonia, 12 good size
cuttings, also Cactus, $1 PP.
Also, red border Plants, house
bouquets and box plants of
nice plants, Chicken Gizzard
Begonia, red leaves and stems,
Mrs. Gennie Sanders, Rt. 2,

Winter hardy dbl. Stocks
royal purple and pastels, 50, $2
PP. Mrs. Ruth Abernathy, Rt.
2, Barnesville.

Dwarf Azaleas, 3, $1; #rue
Dwarf Boxwoods, 50c ea; dbl.
and single Altheas, 10c up ac-
cording to size. Sev. col small
African Violets, 25c ea. at my
home. Cannot mail. Mrs. Frank
Barford, 1185 Moreland Ave.,
SE, Atlanta 16.

Rooted cuttings Fuchsia,
Thanksgiving Cactus, Airplane
plants, and Philodendron, 15c
ea; unrooted cuttings red Ger-
aniums and single white Be-
gonias, 10c ea. Add postage.
Miss Dorothy Barford 1185
Moreland Ave., SE, Atlanta 16.

Admiral Byrd Daisy plants,
50c doz. Mrs. R. E. Todd, 406
Rheinhill Rd., SE, Atlanta 15.

Well rooted dbl. and single
Bridal Wreath, watermelon
pink Crepe Myrtle, white,

pink,red, Butterfly, dbl. white

Althea, Sweetheart Rose, $1
ea. PP. Will exch. for large
type white itirandens Mrs.
Ruby Grove, 3575 Boulder Pk.
8 SW, Atlanta 11. Ph. PL8-
239. -

Dried Bachelor Buttons and
Cockscomb at my home. Mrs.
Myrtle P. Hunt, 921 Capitol
View Ave., NW, Atlanta.
Ph. SY 4-6654. :

Giant bi-colored blooming
English Daisy plants, sturdy,
hardy to extreme cold, 50, 52
PP in Ga. Jos. Abernathy, Rt.
2, Barnesville. ;

Boxwoods, 12-14 in., $3 doz.
Pink Rhododendrons, _Mtn-
Lausrels, Spruce, White Pines,
oe Sab ey red, yellow, orange,
pink Azaleas, 2 ft., $2.50 doz.

Mimosa, Redberry type Holly, |'

24t.,$3 doz. Pink Cherokee

Roses, 2 ft., $2 doz. Damp moss |

packed. PP. Bob Wilson, Blue
Ridge. ;

7 Boxwoods, 2 1/2 ft. high,
$4 ea; six 1-1/2 ft. high, $2.50
ea: small ones, 25c ea. 2 giant
size, $10. ea. Mrs. Jane Cole,
Rt. 4, Blairsville.

3 deep pink dbl. Oleanders,
5 Silver Leaf Maples, $75 ea.
Camphor trees, green yr.
round, $100 ea. Also bronze dbl
Daylily bulbs, 10c ea. Add post
age. Mrs. L. B. Hatcher Box
132 (or 152) Barwick.

Blue Hydrangeas, 40c ea., 4,
$1.50; Jan. Jasmine, 25c ea., 4,
$1 on Exch. for print sacks;
pink Almond, 2 ft., 8, $2; dbl.
rose, white, lavendar Althea,
10, $1.25; spotted leaf Japonica
rooted, $1, cuttings, 50c 3, $1.25
Add postage. Mrs. Van Beau-
lah Moorhead, Rt. 1, Bowers-

ville. i

Sev. doz. well rooted. Box-
woods, 12 in 30c ea. Will not
ship. See me any day but Sun-
day, 7 mi. N. Blairsville. Mrs.
Conda Hemphill, Rt. 3, Box
143, Blairsville.

Large yellow Cannas, orange
center; purple, blue Iris; blue
white Violets, 6, 75c; PP in
Ga. Boxwoods, 6, to 18 in.
rooted, all sizes Spruce, White
Pine Reasonable price. Exch.
for mix col. Tulips, other bulbs
Nandinas, Holly Magnolias, or
yellow roses. Mrs. R. A. Dyer,
RFD 4, Blairsville. :

Purple and pastel Stock
plant, 2 doz. $1 PP. Mrs. S. E.
appington, Barnesville.

Several nice Boxwoods, at
reasonable price. Mrs. J. A
Wimpey, Blairsville.

Goldilocks, American Beau-
ty, White Killarney Roses, $1;
Beefsteak and Strawberry Be-
gonias, 25c and 40c dbl. and
single Althea, 10c; purple But-
terfly and Nandinas, 25c and
Daylilies. Add postage. Mrs.
Annie Hubbard, Fortson.

Yellow and white Pinka:3

doz., $1 PP. Mrs. J. C. Burdette
Rt .2, Fayetteville.

a es a

|Gypsy_Santofe Po:

net, Red Bird, Wa
ces Russel, Dres:




Red, Comet, Mary
Pink Gem, Mi
Flash, Purple We
$2.50 doz; Red Hot.
white Candytuft,
postage. Mrs. M

Cherry Laurel.
Fast growing Ligu
3 ft. 10c ea. Add
Phillips, P. O. B

Byrd Daisies,

tuft, $1.25 doz; |

low Achillea, 65
labeled Day.
dif. unlabeled,
ed Iris, $1; 3.
$12.50. 35 pos
Combs, Washi

3 col. Azaleas.
wood, Cherokee ros
rel, Creek Hemlo
Coralberry, Holly
apple, Red Mapl
lar, White Pine
ed Moss packed
Pink Phlox, $2.51
Wilson, Rt..1, Min

Yellow, red, or
cream White Dog
Laurel, Coralber:
Creek Hemlock,
Tulip Poplar, Holly
Maple, pink Che
3it. rooted. PP. $2.

print feed sacks
ea. sack. Mrs. L
Rt. 3, Milledgevill

Ci ee ee ee

heart roses, 2 yrs.
Add 30c postag'
Jones, Madison.

About 200 f
16 var. $2. Will
sanqua, Azalea,
Jasmine, or fine -
will buy yours. Mr
ner, 1807 Vinson
ledgeville. :

Mtn. Laurel,
red, yellow Aza
Redbud, White
berry, Do, :
lars, Red Maple
Roses, Hemlock,
doz: PPR. Aas
Phlox, Violets,
blue Iris, Daylilie:
drops, $2.50 C.

White, yellow
orange, yellow
kee roses, Whi
berry, Redbud, 3
lock, Tulip Poplar, :
Maple ,all rooted, 3
doz. Phlox,
$2:50 Cc: PP Mis:
son, Mineral Bluff.

Cratapple, Red
Azaleas, Mtn. L
Poplar, Strawbe
ly, Hemlock, |
$1.50 doz; Swe


okee Roses,
Arbutus, Galax,

*|doz. Add pee
Davis, Miner: /

Mtn .
ou - Redbud,

ee ee ee


tn. Laurel,


$2.50 C. Mrs.


-money plant, 50
stage; seed, 15c
ped envelope; Day
rom good var. 25c
postage; Few

plants, Japanese

mixed Cactus,

nias, 1 Orchid
_yr. old lemon or
Iso Fuchsia col. Roses,
At my place. 2
Tucker. Mrs. A. F.
3, Box 360

can Violets ready

or 3, $1. Forget-

st Williams, 60c

90 Swiss Pansies, Eng
, 35 doz Add post-
H. Stalnaker, Rt.

ts; ig
t. tall; also white
Iris bulbs, 50c ea.

sand Ga. Easter
Good price to per-
i: esa about

s, 4 yrs. old,
Brown, 404

int. Ph. PO

C; mix. col.
lilies, yellow

ap ces.
, Lemon

z; pink and red
25 bunch. Add
$5 order. Mrs.
t= 3, BOx +52,

- . A. a ee ee ee ee 2 ee ee |
Oe eee Ee ek ee ee ee eee et eth, ee ee, i settee as 3 ;

gs, some root-
hardy terrestrial
for hy-.

ink Show, Sun-
Gold Banded

lilies, purple
blue Iris, Daf-
- White
MM; purple

b, pink Wei
id white Ho-

{ed plants, 30, $2; 50;$3; $5-C,

a eter dS, Chickamauga,

. | Postage.

1. 1, Box 203,

#1 mi. N. Ellijay).

Rubber and

_| Butterfly bush, Gardenias, and

.|postage for all.

Extra large Daffodil bulbs
$2 C; other Daffodil bulbs, and
mixed Iris, $1 C. Add postage.

oun, eam
Giant red Thrift, well rogt-

Add 50c for parcel post. Mrs,
W. B. Bagwell, Horton Dr.,
College Park.

About 50 dark blue Japenese
Tris $1 doz. Mrs. W. J. Suggs

15 dif col. of Iris 15, $100
Admiral Byrd Dasies
Pink Thrift, $1 C; Blue Thrift
50, $1 Add 30c postage in Ga.,
35e out-of-state. Mrs. W. EF.
Johnson, Crawfordville.

Dayliles, Iris, Cannas, Dusty
Miller, 30c doz; Thrift, Christ-
mas Cactus, 30c bunch; Unusu-
al Cacti, 45c; Star plant, 50c;
colorful Evergreen pot plants
35c; Alligator, Jade, 25 Add
rs. Otis Mashburn,

Pink Thrift, 50, $1; red Spid
er and orange Daylilies, $1 doz.
sweet Blue Violets, 2 doz, $1
Add 25c postage. Mrs. R. L.
Silver, Rt. 5, Cuthbert.

225 evergreen Boxwoods, 10
to 20 in. high. Reasonable price
G. D. Rogers, Cherry. Log. (8

Hundreds of dbl. dark red
Geranium cuttings, 50c ea; mix
Stock plants, 85 pct. dbl, 5
ea. Add 18c postage on 1 doz,
and 7e ea. additional doz. No
out-of-state orders. Henry Pur-
ser, Cochran.

2 ft. Hydrangea cuttings, 50c
ea; also English Dogwood cut-
tings, 25e Easy to root. Also
mixed Iris, 10, $1 and 25c post
age. H. L. Thomas, 382 White-
ford Ave., SE, Atlanta.

Large single and dbl. orange
Hemerocallis, $1 doz; golden
Hemerocallis Lilies, $2 doz.
Nurene Lily, 75 doz; red Mont
bretia Lilies, 25 doz. Sweet-
shrubs, white Clianthus vines,

white Crepe Myrtle, 3, $1 Add

postage. rs. L. S. Brown,

pees Wild Wood Drive, Colum-

_ Blue Stage Hycinths, mix.
col. Sweet Williams, white and
purple Iris, Ophiopogon, 50c
doz; $4 C. ite Narcissus,
Dragonhead, orange Daylilies,
40c doz. Dbl. pink Hyacinths,
5, $1 Boxwoods, all sizes,
blooming pear and other
shrubbery. Mattie Duran, Rt.

-Rooted pink Crepe Myrtle,
yellow Forsythia blue Wisteria
and Scotch Broom, 50c; un-
rooted pink and white Weige-
lia, Abelia, 2, 25c; 12 African
Violet leaves, $1.15; Exch. for
large Dahlia or Hycinths. Add
Mrs. Ruth
Rhodes, Rt. 1, Canon.

_ Pink, red Crepe Myrtle,
Weigelia, red purple Butter-
fly, Ivy, Abelia Scotch Willow,
white, pink, red, purple Althea
blue Hydrangeas, Mimosa, red
Quince, Redbud, 3 dit. white,
2 dif. pink Spirea. Nandina,
Deutiza, Forsythia, 35c ea. 4,
$1 Add postage. Mrs. T. K.
Moore, Cr., Rt. 3, Canon.

Nandinas, 6 to 12 in. 25 ga.
Larger sizes, 35c ea. Abelias,
strong pars, 25c ea. Add post
age. All gov. inspected. Mrs.
W. H. Guill, Camak.

Cannas, Daylilies, Gladiolus,
Amaryllis, 50 doz. Also pink
Cannas, 22, 25c Add postage.
Mrs. W. E. Wooten, Rt. 2, Ca-
milla. ;

Star Bethlehem, 35c doz.,
100, $2.75; unrooted Boxwood
cuttings; 10to 15 Suches, $1.60
doz: $5.75; pink running rose
unrooted cuttings, 6, 35c. Also
collection of pot plants, 10,
$1.50. Mrs. Mamie Stone, Rt. 2,
Box 105, Adairsville.

Many rare flowering shrub-
bery and exergreens, vines, li-
lies, Iris, spring blooming
bulbs. Wellrooted. Mrs. C. H.
Ward, Rt. 1, Adairsville. Ph.

African Violet leaves, 10

| names it 15 unnamed. $1.

Also db red and Canary yel-


H. D. Goss, Rt. 1, Box 464, Cal- |t

jdoz, $1.35; dbl. Sweet Wil-

Mixed Daffodils, 65 doz. 3 doz.

Juniper plants. No deliveries,
Mrs. Jas. M, Bagley, Alpharet-

300 bu. biue, red few bu.
pink and white Thrift. Rea-
sonably priced at my home,
Week days only. Mrs. Z. D,
oad, Rt. 1, Box 223, Alpha-

-Nandina bushes, all sizes,
cheap. Cannot ship. Mrs. C.
C. Martin, 3037 Wheeler Ra:
Augusta. Ph, 38020.

1,000 Boxwoods, 50c to $1.50
ea. Home raised W. E. Cagle,
Rt. 3, Alpharetta. (8mi. N,
near Hopewell Church).

Asst. German Iris, mixed,
Dutch Iris mixed, 5c ea. $4
C; Golden tip and Arborviate,
Phillipine seedlings, $1 doz;
Milk and wine Lilies, #5c and
50c ea; 2 kinds Daffodils, Nar-
cissus, Butter and Eggs, all
mixed, $1 doz. Add postage.
Mrs. S. M. Cunter, Rt, 4, Box
326, Alpharetta.

Sev. hundred Old English
semi-dwarf Boxwood plants,
nice size free of disease. Cheap.
Mrs. V. E. Cochran, Rt. 3, Box
35, Alpharetta. Ph. 5005.

Mix. col. Snapdragon seed,
20c tsp. and Ice Plant, 60 seed,
20c. Send 3e postage. Mrs. I,
N. Minish, Rt. 4, Commerce.

3 white, 4 red running roses
60c ea; Scotch Broom, 12 in.,
25c ea. Cannot mail. Flow seed
Blood of Calvery, 25 pkg.
dark red Cockscomb, and dbi..
Colius, dif. col., 20c pkg. Mrs.
G, L. (Pearl) Clark, 361 White
ford Ave., NE, Atlanta 7.

Giant Imperial dbl. Lark-
spur, mix. col; yellow Cannas,
orange Daylilies, 50c doz. 3

liams, mix. col, blooming size,
c2 doz... Pink Thrift; $1- C.
Damp packed. $3 or more PP.
Mrs. George Collins, 891 Ham-
mend Dr., NE. Atlanta 5. Ph.

Super Swiss giant Pansy
plants, $2 C, 500, $8; Daylilies,
3 col, and hardy Phlox., $1 doz.
Hyacinth bulbs, $2 doz; Peon-
ies, and rose bushes, $1 ea.
Larkspur, 75 doz. Feverfew,
Tris, and Cannas, $1.25. Fred
Witherspoon,, 308 Holderness
pat SW, Atlanta 10. Ph. PL3-

Royal Robe Violets, 20, $1;
Calif. blue Violets, and Yarrow
(pink blooms), 30, $1; large
rose Thrift, 50, $1 Nandina
plants, 10, $1. Add 30e post-
age. Mrs. R. P. Steinheimer,

yrs. old. Week~end sales only.
Mrs. M. C. Wheeler, 2195 Che-
shire Bridge Rd., NE, Atlanta.
Ph. ME 6-3497. ;

Tall prolific Silver Plume
Pampas Grass, generous bunch
es, $2.50, $5, $10 PP. H. G.
Vaughn, 3051 Piedmont Rd.,
NE, Atlanta 5. Ph. CE3-1436.

King Alfred Jonquils, $2.50
C; white Narcissus, $2 Cc; red,
yellow Cannas, purple Iris,
Daylilies, purple Violets, rose
col. Thrift, Daffodils, mix.
Gladiolus, $1 doz; Snowdrop
bulbs, 50e doz. Add
Beatrice Mosley Rt. 1, Box 248,

Sev. hundred nice fast grow-
ing Boxwoods, well rooted, 10,
12, and 14 in high. No mail
orders. Mrs. Ellis Hemphill, Rt.
3, Blairsville. .

Med.. size Boxwoods, and
large and small Nandina
lants. Priced reasonable W.}|
- McDaniel, Bethlehem.

African Violet leaves, $1.25
doz; labeled blooming plants,
3, $1.25; unlabeled, 6, $1.25; 1
large or 3 small leaf Philodond
ron, red Episcia, Star of Beth-
lehem, rooted, 50c ea. Dbl.
pink hybrid. Hibiscus, $1 ea. 3
violets free with orders $2 and
up. Mrs. B. J. Cantrell, Blue
Ridge. :

Nandinas, 50c to $2 ea. at
my home. Blue Hyacinths, yel-
low and white Narcissus, 50c
doz, 3 doz. $1; dbl. Daffodils;
with gold center, 75c doz., $2


_ Shrubbery, nice Abelia and

English Boxwoods, $1 ea. 4


Orange dbl. Daylilies one
cent ea; red leaf Canna bulbs
two cents ea. No mail orders.
Mrs. J, C. Hazelton, 257 Nor-
wood Ave., NE, Atlanta 17. Ph.

White and yellow Jonquils,
Butter and Eggs, Long Trum-
pet Daffodils, $2 C; Blue Pink
Thrift, 75 doz; March bloom
ing Chrysanthemums, $3 C.
No Florida orders. Miss Cecil
McCurley, Rt. 2, Hartwell.

Yellow and white Jonquils,
Butter and Eggs, Long Trum-
pet Daffodils, $2. C; blue,
white, | fro Thrift, 75 doz;
Tiger Lilies, $1.50 doz No
Florida orders. Miss Mattie
McCurley, Rt. 2, Hartwell.

Giant Sunflower seed, 50c
cup; 5 dif. Kind April bloom-
ing Daffodil bulbs, $2 C; all
col, Iris, $1; Hydrangeas, pink
and red monthly running rose
bushes, Pussywillows, Silver-
lace, Ampelopsis, red Honey
suckle vines, 2, $1. Add post-
age. Mrs. John Myers Addison,
Rt. 2, Hartwell.

34 Boxwoods, real nice, 3-4
ft., and 50 that are 1 ft. high,
20 Arborvitaes (green all win-
ter) and 4 Junipers, 6 ft. Sell
cheap. Mrs. Marler Garrett,
RR1, Box 102 Fodder Creek
Rd. Hiawassee.

Unlabeled Iris, 20, $1; White
Siberian Iris, $1.50 doz, Will
exch. unlabeled ones for pe-.
cans. Add postage. Write first
if want to exch. Mrs. J. G. Ro-
bertson, 119 W. Center St.,

Pink Hyacinth bulbs, $1 doz;
Red pink, and purple Verbenas
75c doz. Add 25c postage. H. C.
Ledford, Rt. 2, Commerce.

1957 crop Mimosa seed, 90
pet. germ. Tablsp. $1. Cash or
MO. Frank P. Pope, 3600 D. V.
Rd., Columbus.

Arborvitae, all sizes, $2 and
up. at my home. Roy Grindle,
Rt. 1, Dahlonega.

,lmp. Shasta Dasies, Physoste-
ia, dark col. Petunias, 3 doz.
1; 6 dif. Cannas, including
white and pink, $1 doz. Also
Liriope, $1.25 C. Mrs. J. S.
Greene, Dixie.

Blue Thrift, 4 doz. $2.50; red
Thrift, 4 doz. $3.50;: White
perrenial Candytuft, $1.15 also
Admiral Byrd Dasies, large

plants, $1.25 doz. Mrs. Lon
Ashworth, Rt. 1, Dacula.
Holly with berries, also

Boxwoods, dif sizes, for sale.
John C. Lingerfelt, Rt. 2, Dah-

Yellow Daffodils, 5-1/2 doz.
$1. Also purple Iris, 5 doz. $1
Add postage, Henry Eller, Rt.
3, Ellijay.

Purple Iris, 6 doz., $1 Yel-
low Daffodils, $1 C. Add post-
age. Mrs. Flora Lee Eller, Rt.
3, Ellijay.

Orange Daylilies, Star of
Bethlehem, Daffodils, W. Nar-
cissus, Violets, blue Vinca, 5
doz, $1; pink Althea, purple
Lilac, white English Dogwood
Weeping Mary, Jasmine, D.
Perkins Roses, any 3, $l. Add
postage 11 Boxwoods, $40. or
$4 ea. Cant ship. Mrs. Nancy
Henderson, Rt. 3, Box 124,

Sev. var. blooming size bulbs

eror Daffodils, and Narcissus
1.50 C; also evergreen Peri-
winkles; white, grey, and pur-
ple Violets, $1 C. Add_post-
age. Mrs. J. H. Penland, Ellijay

Mtn. Rose Azaleas, 25c ea;
dbl, yellow Daffodils, 50c doz;
yellow single King Alfred, and
Narcissus, 30 doz; pnik, yel-
low Weigela Jasmine, blue Li-
lac, Peach Rose, Althea, dbl.
red Rose of Sharon, and Hy-
drangeas, 50c ea. Add postage.
Mrs. Presley Fowler, Rt. 5, El-

Young English Boxwoods,
12 in. high, $2 doz; large size,
$1.50 ea. Add postage. M, M,
Cochran RFD 5, Ellijay.

Big Star and Corn Cole Cac-
tus; fall blooming Chrysanthe-
mums, all colors; all summer
blooming Chrysanthemums,
pink bronze, 25c bunch; Yr.
old Nandinas, 75c ea. Add post-

$1.75 Bulbs PP. Mrs. Lowell
2, Rid, Box. me

age. Lizzie Crawford,

including Dbi. Daffodils, Em- |]


Dbl, Tube-Rose bulbs, $1
doz; Easter Lily bulbs, $2 doz;
Weigela, 50c to $1 ea: Broad-
leaf Evergreen, $2 ea: Nan-

and pink Altheas, 75c ea. root-
ed. Gov. insp. Del. in Ga. No
less than $1 orders. Mrs. Adell
Williams, Rt. 2, Ellijay.

_ Well rooted Boxwood cut-
tings, $1.50 doz. PP. Mixed col.
dbl. Touch-Me-Nots, mixed
Astors, Marigold, and Zinnia
seed, 10c pkg. 3, 25c and stamp
ed envelope. Mrs. Ventis Wea~
ver, Rt. 5, Ellijay.

Yr. old Boxwoods, $2 doz;
yr. old white Hydrangeas, $1
ea; dark purple Butterfly bush
es ,75c ea; rooted clumps
Christmas Cactus, 4, $1; Cat-
tail and Starfish Cactus, 15
ea. rooted pink and red June
Cactus, 20c. Add postage. Mrs.
Dewey Ellis, Rt. 5, Ellijay.

60 nice Boxwoods, about 10
yrs. old, too large to ship. Mrs.
Beaulah Allen, Rt. 5, Ellijay,

Daffodils, Jonquils, Narcis-
sus, orange Daylilies, variegat-
ed Violets, purple King Iris,
wild Iris, 75 C; red roses, Aza-
leas, Sweetshrub, Bridalwrea-
th, yellow Japonicas, purple
Lilacs, pink Crepe Myrtle,
Weeping Mary pink Weigela,
Christmas Jasmine, 2, 50c.
Well rooted. Add postage. Mrs.
Frank Parks, Rt. 3, Ellijay.

3 doz. Lily of the Valley
roots, $1 PP. Mrs. T. H. Webb,

3 large Boxwoods for sale.
I. E. Stewart, Rt. 2, Jasper.

Gladioli bulbs: White Gold,
Berma, Ruffled Red; Paul
Reuben, purple. Giant blooms,
$1 doz; Daylilies, yellow with
brown stripe; King Alfred Daf
fodils, 75 doz PP. No orders
less than $1. Mrs. T. J. Thax-
ton, Rt. 1, Jackson.

Purple Lilacs, Flowering
Quince, Maples, Bridalwreath,
Holly Sweetshrub, Crabapple,
White Pine, English Dogwood,
Brides Bouquet, yellow Kerria,
pink Almonds, Forsythia, Wa-
ter Oak, pink running roses,
$2.50 doz. Some to large to
ship. Also April Narcissus and
purple Iris, 75 doz. Add post-
age. Mrs. J. W. Jackson, Rt. 2,

Old fashioned blue Sweet
Violets, now blooming, 30,
$1.25 PP. Red Verbena, weil
rooted, $1.25 doz PP. Mrs. H.
B. Clower, Rt. 3, Lawrence-

Named Daylilies, 2, 45c; 3
yr. Cape Jasmine and Chinese
Holly 50c ea; 3 ft. Nandinas,
35c; purple Iris, pink Thrift,
purple or pink Oxalis; Sweet
purple Violets, 35 doz; Bos-
ton Ferns, 35c ea. Good roots,
Damp packed. Mrs. Robt,
Fleming Lincolnton.

Wax plants, Snow-on-the.
Mtn., Golden Glow, Tansy,
Peppermint, $1 doz: Althea,
Lilies, _Bridalwreath, Dog-
woods, Laurel, Spruce, 2 White
Pines, 2 1/2 ft., 25c ea; Box-
woods, 50c ea. 1-1/2 ft. tall.
Well rooted. Mrs. Claude
Wright, Loving.

Narcisus, white with yellow
trumpets, $2 blue, pink
Hydangeas, and wihte, purple
Lilacs, 75 ea; red Crepe
Myrtle, $1 ea, Docia Harris, Lu

Scotch Brooms, med. size, $i
ea., 3, $2.50; Umbrella China-
berry trees, 50c and $1 Mrs.
B. S. Wages, Rt. 2, Loganville.

Abelia pink Crepe Myrtle,
purple Butterfly bush, dbl.
white Spirea, Forsythia, 2-3 ft.
50c ea. smaller, 35c ea; seed-
lings, 3, $1; ornamental Lem-
on plants, 4-12 in. 10 ea. 3,
25e At my home. Mrs. Icie Pue-
kett, Rt. 1, Lithonia.

Pink Thrift, $1 C. 300, $2
PP. Rooted, damp packed, Mrs.
J. N. Adamson, Rt. 2, Lula.

Sunset pink Atmaryllis, Rex,
Star, Guinea Wing, Strawber-
ry Begonias, Onion Cactus, Al-
ligator, Kalanchoe, dbl. red
Geranium, red, yellow-green
hardy Coleus, tree shaped
Succulent, St. Bernard Lily,
red Border Plant, 25 ea. PP

Rooted. Damp packed. No les


$1 order Mrs. L. L. Hay Leary

dinas $1.50 ea. Dbl. purple.

wood, 50c ea. Add postage $3
oreds PP. Josan Geia, Rt. 2,

Watermelon Begonia, red
Sultana, purple Velvet plant,
Fluffy and Maiden Hair Ferns,
Rex Begonia, red Border Plant
25c ea; mix. Hollyhosck seed,
10 cup; Digitalis plants, 25
doz. Well rooted, damp pack-
_ed. PP. No less than $1 orders.
Mrs. B. B. Hay, Leary.

200 Cedar trees, 3-5 ft. high.
- 60c to 75 ea. or will sell the
ae T. A. Puckett, Stephens
ea; Tete 2, Lithonia.

_ Red and pink Popp
25c tsp. Send stamp: ed
lope for postage. Mrs.
Womack, Rt. 3, ae


Red and yellow variegated
Jarge Canna lily bulbs, 30 ea.
or exch. for other flowers.
Write first what you have.
Mrs. Henry Goldman, Star Rt.,

Gerberas, single 25c dbl 50c
Ginger Lilies, large size, 25c
asst. col. Daylilies, $2 doz; Also
Stokesia, $1.50 doz. V. W. Wil-
son, Rt. B Box 184, Savannah

80 clumps old fashioned
purple Lilacs, already bloom-
ing, $2.50 ea.; asst. col. Al-

theas, blooming size, $1 ea.;
- Hollyhocks, 25 ea. 2
Bryan St. 4295 Chamblee-

- Tucker Rd., Tucker. Ph. HI-

_ Large Nandinas, Golden
Raintrees, 25c ea; Per. Phlox,
Sweet Williams, Per. blue Sal-
via, dbl. white Feverfew, white
purple Yarrow, Artemisia,

ay and Shasta Daisies, Car-
nations, Violets, 75 doz. Large
Boxwoods, 75c ea. Mrs. John-
son Usry, Stapleton.

Dioscorea batatas bulblets,
8, 25c. Will exch. for Gladiolus
bulbs ,or Lily-of-the-Valley
clumps. Also dbl. orange Day
- jilies will exch. for other co-
Jors. Miss F. B. Moore, Suwa-

Running roses, Cape Jas-
mine, Red and White Dog-
wood, French Mulberry,
Sweet Bays, Running Honey-
suckle, Sweetshrubs, Buck-
eyes, Sweet Myrtle, Crepe
~ Myrtle, all 10c ft. Exch. for
sacks. No out-of-state orders.

fs Nina boyd;. amt: 4;

White and rose Oxalis; all
col. Mums, Spider Lilies,
Primroses, and Violets, 50c
doz.;. Euonymus, green and

ellow, 50c ea. Add postage.
Ts.50.-- 6G, Combs, Rt a1,

Giant size Laurel and Gla-
diola bulbs, $2 ea. Add post-
age. MO only. Mrs. Ola Price,
Rt. 2, Tallapoosa.

Dif. sizes Boxwoods, for
sale. Mrs. Fabon Brown, Ty-

Nice Boxwoods for sale.
Cannot ship. L. A. Grizzle,
Rt. 1, Talking Rock.

Well rooted Boxwoods, 4

for $1, plus postage. Mrs.
Claud Edmonds, Rt. 2, Toc-

Red Spider Lilies, yellow
i Lilies, white sweet
yacinths, 50e doz.; Paper

white and Japanese Sacred
Narcissus, $1 C. Add 50e C.
for Narcissus and bulbs for
ostage. Mrs. O. S. Fields,

N. Madison St., Thomas-

Germen Iris, named var.
mix., not labeled, 20 rhi-
zomes, $1; 45, $2; -Gladiolus
bulbs, many col. mix. 3 doz.
$1; purple Wisteria cuttings,
well rooted. 10, $1. Add 25c
postage. Mrs. Sherman Duck-
ett, Talking R

Large dbl. orange and old
rose col. Poppy seed, 25c tsp.
Add 3c stamped envelope
Also white and yellow Nar-

cissus and yellow Jonquil
bulbs} 25 doz.; blue Iris
bulbs, 40c doz. Add postage.
Ethel Crowe, Rt. 2, Gaines-

Dwarf Boxwoods, rooted
cuttings, $1.25 doz.; 300 root-

ed English Ivy, $10; 7 good
Cherry Laurels, $1.75. del.
Also early blooming Phlox
and Violets, cheap. Lois
Woodruff, Greenville.

Fast growing Ligustrums,
Cherry Laurels, Boxwoods,

$10 C.; Royal Robe Violets,
Dixie brilliant red Thrift,
blue perennial La. Phlox.

English Ivy, Vinca Minor, $5
C. Blanche Woodruff, Green-

Royal Robe and White Per-
fection Violets, $1 doz., $5 C.,
$30 M. Blue Thrift, well root-
ed, 50, $2.50, $4.50 C. Dixie
Brilliant, lavendar, and pink
Crepe Myrtle, 2 - 5 ft. well

*|branched. Add postage. Mrs.

L. H. Cousins, Rt. 3, Green-
ville, :

Ornamental Pepper seed
from over 35 foreign coun-
tries, 15 var. of seed, 25c
for 35 var. of seed, 50 plus
self-addressed envelope. Mrs.
A. P. Sheppard, Rt. 3, Box
218, Griffin,

Rose Thrift, $1 C.; orange
Daylily bulbs and white Iris,
40ce doz.; rooted Cape Jas-
mine, and rooted Weigela,
25c ea.; Dbl. red, pink Poppy
seed, 15c tbsp. All del. Leilar
Phillips, Rt. 1, Royston.

200 Jonquil, 50 Iris, Nar-
cissus, and hardy Oxalis, 10
pink Cannas, Lemon Lilies, 8
Milk and Wine Lilies, 25 mix.
Verbenas, ea. var. $1: Also
Pansies, 2c ea. and 100 Pe-
tunias, 50c. Add postage. Mrs.

Lester Phillips, Rt. 1, Roy-

Rooted Begonia, Ferns,
Geraniums, 35 cea. 3, $1:

aa en $1 doz.; 2 ea. Coleus,

Sultana, Oxalis, 6 dif. Cactus,
$1.,20 dif. mix. Pot plants,
some rooted, $1. Add_ post-
age. Exch. for African Vio-
lets, leaves, or print sacks.
Mrs. Joseph Gibbs, Rt. 2,
Box 67, Rebecca.

German and English Box-
wood cuttings, and Mondo
Grass, $1 C.; white pr. Phlox,
white with red dwarf way-
side Hypericum, white dwarf
Vinca, mix. named unlabel-
ed German Iris, white Jap.
roof Iris, 50c doz. Hardy
Plumbago, 50c doz. Add 35c
postage. Mrs. J. L. Jolly, 205
Sherwood Rd., Rome.

Daffodils, 1c ea.; mix. col.
Iris, red Spider Lilies, Sweet
Williams, English and Shasta
Daisies, 50c doz.; Oxalis,
Vinca, Liriope, 30ce doz;
white Wisteria, Abelia, Flow-
ering Quince, Babys Breath
Spirea, 30c ea. Rooted cut-
tings, Rosemary, 25c ea. Add
postage, Mrs. J..C. Jones, Rt.
1, Rome. Ph. 4-2389.

Amaryllis bulbs, 50 ea. or
3, $1.20. Plus postage. Mrs.
W. M.. Meadows, 410 Irwin
Ave., Ocilla.

Jumbo Easter, Hybrid Am-
aryllis, Apostle and Crinum
Lilies, White Wisteria, Nan-
dinas, orange Lantanas, 3, $1;
King Alfred Daffodils, dbl.
Tulips; Dateh Tris; $450.63
Calendula, Stock, Snapdrag-
on$, dbl. .Larkspur, Pansy,
db]. Petunias, and imp. Shas-
ta Daisies, 3 Bk $1. Mrs.


Want old fashioned white
and veriegated leaf August

lily, light yellow Marechalneil | -

Rose, white star Jasmine, and
rooted purple and white Crepe
Myrtle. Mrs. Bill Gilstrap, Rt.
1, Chickamauga.

Want Banana Shrub bush,
Pomegranate bush, Pyracan-
tha with red berries, Mare-
cholneil Rose, 2 Holly trees
with red berries, and 2 white
Dogwood trees. Give size and
prices del. Mrs. J. F. Hoffman,
910 Bluebird Rd., Augusta.

Want striped Liriope, Dixie
Brilliant Phlox, Magnolia,
Grandiflora, 2 to3 ft., Haw-
thorne, 2 to 3 ft. and Shasta
Daisies. Advise price, whether
clumbs or single divisions.
George Riegel, Experiment.

Want to exch. pot plant cut-
tings, Amaryllis, Cannas or
other lilies for pink Thrift,
green and white Hosta, and
white sue lily. Mrs. Lonnie
Hall, Rt. 1, Nashville.

Want rooted cuttings of De-
vils, Backbone plants. Write
prices. Mrs. Carl Espy, 627 E.
44th St., Savannah.



Super C. Farmall tractor,
cultivating equip., Covington
rear planter, 4 dise tiller and
24 disc harrow. Equipped
with fast hitch, excellent
cond. Mrs. Ed. H. Sheppard,
Rt. 4, Box 68, Sandersville.
Ph, Tennille 384-W3.

2 wheel wagon, all metal,
$65 or trade for Mall Saw;
Also Pea thresher, $27; PTO
and belt pulley for Cub trac-
tor, $45.50. C. R. pop eer] Rt.
2 Powder Springs.

6 can Intnl milk cooler and
ten 10 gal. milk cans, $50 for
all. Mrs: 2S. Ay J Vaughn,
Madison. Ph. 568-M.

Buggy in good shape, $45.
Ken Register, Rt. 1, Box 23,

Heavy duty offset Harrow,
7 fit., Rotary hoe, lift type,
also large Cultipacker Seed-
er, and 1 peanut shaker. Rob-
ert Nicholas, Perry. Ph. Gar-
field 9-2410.

Gibson Farm tractor, like
new, Turn plow, Harrow, Po-
tato and Peanut digger, also
wagon (used 4 days), $700;
Also D-4 Cat-dozer, good
cond., $23 and D-2 Cat-dozer,
good cond., $24. Will trade
for feed or feeder cattle.
Glenn Norton, Fairburn.

2 rolls good used heavy
poultry wire, 1 roll, 46 yds.,
$4; other one, 55 yds, $5. At
the door. No checks. Do not
ship. Mrs. G. C. Clifton, Rt.
3. Box 157, Millen.

Allis Chalmer G. tractor,
planters and cultivators, til-
ler plow, layoff plow,. mow-
ing machine, Fowler plow,
cultivator, drag harrow, and
4 wheel tractor wagon, good
cond. John I. Edwards, Rt. 1,
Lawrenceville. Ph, 3398.

Lime spreader, good condi-
tion, cheap. Mrs. C. J. Ross,
3665 Cascade Rd., SW, At-
lanta 11. Ph. PL 3-3050,

Cylinder type corn sheller,
125 bu. per hr., $30; 1 horse
wagon with body like new,

-| Peanut plow, $40; riding. cul- |:

lanes i eee ae rack
7 oe Se; . S
2 yr. old Polyantha rose} Rose scented Geraniums,|} 56 it: gid des water pip:
bushes, massive cluster long}|30c ea.; Cinnamon, Peanut,jing, 1- i in. 57 ft. one inch.
last red blooms, from May | Angelwing, and Golden Stars|12-1/2c per ft. at my farm. Lift
until frost. At my home. Mrs.| Cacti, 20c ea. red grass}C. F. Bowles, Rt. 2, Rydal.| Vv
FOR SALE Glen Hunt, Rt. 4, Benson Pool | Pinks, 50 doz. Petunia plants, | (near Sonoraville, E. of Cal-
Rd., Smyrna. Ph. HE5-9310. 20e doz.; Lemon hikes: 15}houn).
: 5 : ea.; mix. col. Amaryllis
__ Abelia, Althea, Lantolina,| Pink Thrift, pink Oxalis, le) ooqiings, 5 ea. Add postage. ite Super A tractor,
Spirea Thumberg, Bridalwrea- ea.; red, pink, purple Ver-| y+. Dp. w. Faircloth, Rt 1, n. turn plow, planters, |
th, Wisteria, Euonymus, Ivy benas, $1 doz.; $5 C; Jonquil, Pitts distributor, cultivator, har-
- Goldenbell, Grapes, 50 ea., Narcissus, Daffodils, $1.50 C.; row, stall cutter, seed drill,|
small plants, 25c lavandar. | 2000, $25. Blue Violets, $1.50 trailer. Sell reasonable. A. D. 3/4 HP=Pe e
Switchbroom, Nandina, Mock | C.,$10 M. Add postage. Mrs. Overstreet, RFD 2, Glenn- j
orange, yellow Kerria, Box-| Janie Ellis, Grantville. ville. (7 mi. S. Glennville). cultivators, |

with disc, $140
Simpson, Rt. 2

Jr. size Saw Mill, 40 HP
motor and edges. Sell chep.

Mrs. Walt Wilson, Resaca. | _ 500 gal. Brine
Ph. 5083.
pgee) complete. Cash or
2 horse Hammon, good} Farmall model

cond., horse drawn harrow; | cultivator.
cut off Saw, 18 in. all steel 3 Bores = an
wheel barrow but handles; |-
seed fork; 2 scoop shovels
All in good cond. New ead ized |
used tractor. parts, and good
used Sausa @ mill for home}

use. Mrs. W. A. bee? Jef-
ferson. Ga FS

Farmall H tractor, good
tires, $400; cultivator, $50;

tivator and Horse hay rake,
$10 ea; 8 ft. dbl. dise har-
row, $75; Ford pickup and
Intn] planters, used 2 crops, |
$100 ea.; Cement Mixer, $25
my farm at Oliver. Norman
Schofield, Rt. 4, Sylvania.

5 HP Standard-twin Gar-
den tractor, 2 cylinder, 3
speed transmission, power
take-off, belt pulley and high
tension Magneto. Just rebuilt |~
motor. 10 in. turn plow,|
scrape blade and cultivators,
vite, J i McBath, Carnes- 7

eaking ploy
cellent cond.
Crimminsg, |
Pike Athens 5

Cine Ftes

Of Disease

18Wilkinson, Towns, ~
Oconee, Evans, Bryan,
Gordon, Chatooga, Candler,
Dodge, Crawford, Glascock,
Toombs, Elbert, Hall,
Franklin, Union, Brantley, _
. 2 aumphia,

Free of Di


Counties In which area ees now under

Appling ouglas
Bacon Early
Baldwin Fannin
Banks _ Forsyth
Barrow Gwinnett

Ben Hill Habersham |
Berrien - Hart

Bleckley Heard

Bulloch Irwin
Burke Jackson
Butts Jeff Davis.
Chattahoochee Jenkins <
Cherokee Johnson
Clarke Lamar

Clay Laurens
Clayton Liberty _ iY
Coffee Long
Colquitt Madison i. ae
Cook Marion
Columbia Miller
Crisp Monroe
Dade Montgomery phos
Dawson Oglethorpe om
DeKalb S- Peach
Dooly Pickens

Help Make Getivik:

$60; also Bradley _PTO un-
loader kit f $30.


"| disc

Hly- pvamanies this

Cana. Corn: picker, cies
$400. George T. Gray, Rt, Sa

eee Bi

% nin 1, Super C ciel .
/A-1 cond., just overhauled.
Also cultivators, planters, 2
Fs low and Simplex cot-

RD 7 Caterpillar bulldozer,

3 operating -cond., $1500. Loyd

.| Keadle, Yatesville. Ph.

| Barnesville 695.

Grist Mill,

acl good cond, 32

bottom runner. Cheap at

$5.|my place. W. J. Johnson, Rt.

os Greenville

2n| Northwest Dr.
i]/ 18. Ph, SY 4-8875.

ith | er
and,|cond. H.
ol- | 161, Griffin.

|new body,

Quitman, 2 mi. S.
Florida Hwy.).

Almost new. 2 horse wagon,
$40; Also want
pair. of shafts for 1 horse
wagon. P. E. Lott, 1516
NW,: Atlanta

35 on

100 HP Diesel Intn] Pow-

jer Unit and 135 HP Diesel

GM Power Unit, used to pow-
irrigation ade good
O. Williams, Box

Bip: cap. 2 in. centrifuge
pump complete with 4
Briggs and Stratton Motor.

| Extra good cond. Suitable for

irrigating small plot, drain
ditches, or septic tanks; fill-
ing spray tanks or drilling

| wells, $200 cash. Jack Tharpe,

Fort Nate: Ph. Taylor 5-

20 rod roll of. 40 in: gal-
vanized Hog Wire, about 1/4
been unrolled. $10. Also 150

" |ft. wire bound picket fenc-

ing, $8 or $15 for both. Mrs.

in.| Tessie Stone, Rt. 3, Adairs-
it ville,

fi ,
with pulley, $45

Riley C Couch, ee

shallow well jett
tank, with
e with | foot

| tors,

"| Ph,


|cond. Sell reasonable.
_| Jones,
| Lawrenceville.

Sigie Ford tractor, pale:
disc plow, harrow, 2
practically new tires on rear,

* extra good tires on front, ex-
cellent cond. Would consider :

trading for pick-up truck. W.
C. Hardison, RFD 2, Byrom.
Ph. DW 6-32223,
National Presto Canner,

-|size 6 qt. 8 pint; or half gal.

size. Good cond. Will mail.
You pay postage. Mrs. W. J.
Suggs, Rt. 1, Chickamauga.

Laying cages, for 28 prs.

| Bobwhite quail. 6 large hold-

/ing pens, 4 Oakes brooders,

ing be and feeders, steriliz-

ing pan for brooders, and 6
draw-form motor incubator,
$200 for all. Geo. C. Taylor,
117 East Street, Forest Park.

-|Ph: PO 7-3494,

: inin'l Super Cc ee A- 1
cond., just overhauled; Set
f cultivators, planters, 2
disc plow and Simplex cotton

.|duster for same. Kelvin

Ozburn, C/O Ga. State Pa-
trol, Washington. :

Model 62 Papec Forage

: Harvester with 48 HP LeRoy
direct cut and hay|

_|pick-up attachment. First
class cond. Make offer. Troy
M. ilders, Rt. 2, Ellaville.
est 7-2179. =

Six 1000 cap. Warner. Pro-

~| pane gas brooders, good cond.

3-1/2 yrs. old, and hose,
leys near new 3/8 rope,
| for: lote-


100 egg: cap. incubator,

. | $195 old style deep well pump

(need some repairs) with

>|motor, $15. R. D. Burtz, Rt.

1, Roswell.

Good 2 horse wagon, good

Miller Neal

6 HP gas engine, good cond.
Suitable for sawing wood,
grinding feed, or pulling light
machinery, $30 at farm. Roy

: Dz. Tankersley, Appling.

1956 Ford tractor, series

.|600, plow, planters, and cul-

tivator, A-1 cond., Will sell
tractor without implements.
AL T. Moore, Rt. 2, Kingston.

Good - horse wagon, ee

uster for same, Harold |
a | Ozburn, Mansfield.

HP | bus.

Harvie. E. Bickers, |

teeth, $50; disc tiller,

Ensilage and feed cuiter,
four 12-1/2 in. blades, dry
feed cap. 3,500 or silage, 6
M lbs. hour, 24 in. flywheel,

6 x 12-1/2 in. flat pulley,

$25. George Leckie, Pinegrove
Rd., Roswell, Ph. 6660.

Quick tatch 2 row planters
and cultivators, for JD trac-
tor ,also 1 row cultivators for
John Deere M tractor, ex-
cellent cond. Sell reasonable
or trade for cattle. Dan Mask,
Fayetteville, Ph, 2012.

Good JD hay baler; inetan
belts attached, $160; JD 4
dise tiller plow, needs re-
airs, $25; saddle, like new,
60; 3 gang 8 in. cut, trac-
tor pulled lawn mower, $100;
Also want good WD Allis
Chalmer tractor and bush
and bog harrow. S. D. Clem-
ents, Woodbury.

400 egg incubator, used 2
seasons, Coil element, motor-
driven fan, Micro-switch
thermostat, handy egg turn-
er, 3 section humidifier, cert.
thermometer, hygrometer, in-
terior light, 110-120 Volt, 60-
eycle AC. Apply. Olaf Krog-
land, 1637-17th Ave., Colum-
Ph. FAirfax 2-4187.

Two 80 saw high speed
Murry gins, dbl. box heavy
duty hydraulie press, 3 stand
condenser, pulleys, fans, etc.
ee if moved jn 60 days.

Ze De Houser: dh Rt. Ts;

Farmall Cub front cultiva-
tors, new cond., -also good
trailer for cub or other light
tractor. Sloan Whitlock, Rt.
2, Toccoa. (7 mi. E. Toccoa
on Rock Creek Rd.).

42 in. corn mill flat rock
and belt, complete, also feed
mill. R. M. Bentley, Rt. 1,
Lincolnton. |

WC Allis Chalmer tractor,
good cond., and 20 disc har-
row, both for $400 or sell
separately. John A. Overton,

P. O. Box 768, Warner Rob-

ins. Ph. WA 2-5810. -

1954 Ford tractor with
mower, bush and bog harrow,
scrape blade, and farm wag-
on, all excellent cond. $1000
cash. Charles Ballenger, Rt.
4, Box 16, Eatonton. Ph. 5547.

1954 Farmall cub_ tractor,
hydraulic. lift, cultivators,
patie attachments, 22 in.

dise tiller plow; 8-16 in. disc
cutaway harrow; 4-1/2 ft.
mowing machine for cub
tractor; set side spring tools
harrow, 50 tooth section har-
row, JD iron wagon, rubber
tires, - body.:, $850..:- A: .G.
Smith, Sharon.

3 roller Cane Mill and 60
gal. cap. kettle, both excel-
lent cond. Cheap at my farm.
Tennyson Mullis, Rt. Cad-

3 point pickup kit for Allis
Chalmer WD tractor, used

very little, $40. Jimmy Hew-|

att, Rt. 3, Stone Mountain.

No. 3 Farm Bell without
frame, good cond. $7.50 as is.
F. H. White, RFD 1, Hart-
well. Ph. 6-2374. (near Cedar
Creek Church).

Allis Chalmer G_ tractor,
$75; Mower, $125; Smoothing
Harrow, and planters, ferti-
lizer attachment, $75; culti-
vator, tract extractor with
spring teeth, and straight
tool bar, misc. plows, $15.
All $750 cash. Good cond.
Robert Allen, Fayetteville.
Ph. 3942.

David Bradley Garden
tractor with sickle bar mow-
er, turning plow and roller
for packing or smoothing,
$150. R. E. Tucker, Fairburn,
Ph. 7040.

Hudson Profi-matic 10 hole
automatic hog feeder, used
3 mos. $50. Mrs. Flossie Go-
ble, Rt. 3, Tibbs Bridge Rd.,
Dalton. Ph. 5662 (no collect

1951 Ford tractor, complete
planters and cultivators,
dward S. John-

Good used horse drawn
mowing machine and rake;
good 2 horse wagon and other
farming tools. Also black-
smith tools, 3 sets six ft. au-
tomatic chicken waters, used
about 6 wks. and trough type

_| feeders. Cheap. Mrs. Ina Ben-




nett, 4, Cumming.


Want about 10 gas brood-

ers, 1000 cap. State price andJ

make. C. L. Griffin, Box 196,

Want Super A Farmall at
reasonable price. Martin
Alexander, Rt. 4, Cleveland.

Want med. size Seed Clean-
er complete with screens.
Must be in fair cond., and
cheap for cash. P. L. Bryant,
Box 6, Unadilla. Ph. 2432

Want hog self feeder. Must
be in good cond. and -priced
reasonable. A. F. Spears, RFD
3, Madison.

Want 1 side disc plow for

Super A Farmall tractor.
Luther J. Mason, Mineral
Bluff. -

Want rubber tired buggy,
in good cond. Give cond.,
price, and how to find. Ben
D. Keown, Rt. 3, Lafayette.
Ph. 4 5789.

Want broiler type equip-
ment, such as hanging feed-
ers and automatic waters
and brooders. Edward L.
Boyd, 2037 Spring Hill Ter-
ace, Augusta.

Want 1952 or 1953 Farmall
C or Ford tractor with plant-
er, cultivators, harrow. Quote
best price in first letter. Not
over 75 mi. from Bowdon.
Z. L. Anderson, Rt. 3, Bow-

Want Dearborn 18 in. Mold
Board plow with 3 point
hitch for Ford tractor. Must
be good cond., and priced
right. G. M. Wagoner, Rt. 2,

Want Ford tractor with
farm equipment. Would buy
Farmall A or C. Must be
good cond. and cheap for
cash Ezra Elrod, Rte +9;
Greenville. Ph. LE 4-9823. -

Want hydraulic pan
D-4 Caterpillar. Contact.
C. Garner, Norcross.

Want dirt scoop for Ford
tractor. Pay cash.. Quote
price and cond. C. P. Bush,
Rt. 2, Wray. i

Want David Bradley 5 HP
or over, Garden tractor. May
consider riding tractor. State
make, cond., price, and lo-
cation. T. C. Freeman, 1124
Powder Springs St., Marietta.

Want to trade Model C
Allis Chalmer tractor and
some equip. for WC or WD
Allis Chalmer and some
equip. or trade for H Farmall
tractor and some equip. Will
pay dif. L. E. Mize, Rt. 2,
Madison. Ph. 593-M-4.

Want Quail incubator, 3 or
4 drawer Electric, still heat.
Ralph F. Rish, 802-2nd Ave.,

Want 500 cap. Hudson Elec-
trie Brooder, in good cond.
H. C. Melton, Allentown.

Want Ford tractor \with
farm equipment. Must be
chep for cash. Also want
garden tractor, 5 HP. J. K.
Stalcup, Marietta. Ph. Smyr-
na, HE 5-8152.

Want Bear Cat feed mill,
good cond. Give model, No.
and price. Lloyd C. Caswell,
RFD 2, Americus.




Klondike Strawberry
plants, $1 C. Mrs. Floralee
Eller, | Rt. 3, Ellijay.

|round Dutch,

Min. Huckleberry, 2 dox,
75e; large Klondike Strawe c
berry plants, $1 C; imp. Field
Dewberries and Blackberries,
50c doz. Muscadine vines, 3
to 4 ft. long, rooted, 45c ea.
Add postage. Rosie Crowe, Rt,
1, Cumming.

Klondike Strawberry
plants, 90c C.; or $4.50 M..
Exch, for white or print ~
sacks. Pay postage. Mrs. Guy
Crowe, Rt. 1, Cumming.

Klondike i
plants, 90c C.; 300, $2; 500,
$3; $5 M. Young plants. Add
postage. Mrs. Della Crowe,
Rt. 2, Gainesville.

New Era Strawberry plants,
$1 C. PP on orders over 200.
$9 M. Damp packed. Cheaper
at my home, week day or-
ders only. Mrs. Z. D. Dodd,
(3 mi. N.)

Garlic bulbs,
May Cherry, Blue Damson
Plum and old _ fashioned
Peach trees, also Sage plants,
Catnip bunches, and black
Raspberries, 6, $1. Add post-
age. Mrs. Mae Turner, Rt. 6,

Charleston Wakefield,

$1.25 doz;

Wakefield Cabbage, Cabbage
Collards,:75e--C--500;* $4, 7bs
$3 M. Also white and. yellow:
Bermuda Onions, 75c C.; 500,

$1.25; $2 M. Del. prompt. H.~
E. Smith, Baxley.

Streamline Everbearing ~
Strawberry plants, = C. Mrs.
John Weaver, Rt. 2, Temple.

White Bermuda cue and
large Chas. Wakefield and |
Market Copenhagen Cabbage
plants, 500, $1.25; $2 M.; 5000
$7.50 Express Collect: Also
Ga. Collard $1.50 M.. Full

count and prompt shipment. | =

E. UL. Fitzgerald, Box 662,

Early Jersey frostproof s

Cabbage plants, 300, $1; 500,
$1.50; $2.50 M. PP. R. Chan-
clor, Pitts.

Charleston Wakefield frost-
proof ag plants, fresh
and green, 300, $1.25;
$1.50; $2 M. PP. Odis Comer,

Cabbage, Collard plants,
75e C.; 25 Asparagus crowns,
2 yr., $4; White Spanish On-
ion plants, 60e C.; Scallions,
Garlic plants, 50e doz. Fred
Witherspoon, 308 Holderness
vee Atlanta 10. Ph. PL-

1 yr. size Asparagus, $1
doz. Broccoli, Brussels
Sprouts, Cabbage Collard,
Iceburg Lettuce, Wakefield
Cabbage, White Bermuda
Onion pene 35c doz. Also
Sage, mon Balm, Hore-
hound, mint, Green Dill, 6,
75e. No less $1 orders. Add
postage. Mrs. H. V. Frank
lin, Sr., Rt. 1, Box 20, Reg-

Brown Turkey fig bushes,
State Insp. 3-1/2 to 5 ft. 3
Pies old, rooted, $2 ea. PP.
oo M: Moseley, Menlo.

Mastodon Strawberry
plants, bearing size, damp
packed. $1.25 C.; 300, $4.25.
PP; LL. H -Cousins, Rt 3,

E. J. and Charleston Wake-

field Cabbage plants, for
sale. Hartwell L. Williams.
Large size Blakemore
Strawberry plants, 90c
del. PP. Damp packed. W. E.
Barker, Rutledge.

Cabbage plants, Copenhag-
en Mkt., Chas. and Early Jer-
sey Wakefield, White Sweet
Bermuda Onion plants, 500,
500, $1; $1.50 M.; 5000, $5.
$1.60; $2 M; 5000, $7.50. Exp.
collect. Ga. Collard plants.,

Mrs. I. L. Stokes, Box 349,

ea oe i pas pops Sea

alt af Be


1, Box 223. Alpharetta. a

and Jersey




Gentle Palomino _ saddle Sweetgum, Wildcherry, Al-| crop |
horse, also saddle and_bridle. der, Poplar, White Pine, red| meats, shelled
SEED & PLANTS. G. W. Williams, C/O Wil- and white Oak, Dogwood,|clean, $1 p
< liams Dairy, Columbus. barks, 2 lbs. $1; Plantain,| Also red hot ia
WANTED WANTED Chickweed, Mullein, $1 Ib.;|/per, 5, 30c;_

_ Want 6 or 8 bu. Nuckle-
purple hull crowder _ peas,
big .kind. State price, Felton

Roberts, Mauk.

Want 2 bu. of Brab peas.
_ State price. R. J. Allen, Talk-
ing Rock.

Want the old fashioned
- Hop ssed (used for making
yeast for home-made bread),
and directions on how to
plant, etc. Mrs. W. H. Guill,

Want 1 lb. of Heart Nuts
(Japanese walnuts), at once,
for planting, for own _ use.

' A. J. Willoughby, Waco.


6 or 700 bales good hay,
baled oats, Serecia, lespe-
_deza, and Fescue. Serecia,
=? $25..*ton.- Balance,. $30=:ton.
Z. J. Bridges, Talmo. Ph.
EM 78519.

'Sev. hundred bales first
class Peavine hay, cut, cured,
and baled without rain,
- bright, $25 ton at barn. John
C. Reid, Zebulon.

Coastal Bermuda Hay, well

fertilized, at my barn or will

- del.; Robert Nicholas, Perry.
- Ph. Garfield 9-2410.

~ 50 tons best quality Coast-
al Bermuda hay, highly fer-
_tilized. Cut and baled with-
out rain, square bales, 50 lbs.
- av. $30 ton at my barn. C. D.
Sims, Rt. 1, Irwinton. Ph.
Folkston, 3326.

si 500 bales Bermuda grass

hay, baled without rain:
Make offer for lot ex 90c bale
at my place Doraville. George
W. West, Jr., 4825 Peachtree-
Dunwoody Rd., NE, Atlanta.
Ph. CEdar. 7-5579.

; 50 bales Gay-tan Bean hay,
ho rain on it, $1 bale, no less.
Lee Owens, Rt. 2, Conyers.

= 30 tons best quality Coast-
- al Bermuda hay, highly fer
_ tilized square wire bales, Av.
70 Ibs. weed free, no rain,
$30 ton at my barn. Dr. V. s.
Steele, Eastman. Ph. 3269.

4000 bales, Lespedeza, Clo-
ver, and Fescue hay, no rain
jn it. Sell by the bale or ton

at farm. Mrs. J. P. Mahaffey,
i. Dacwa: Ph. 3770.

1500 bales Kobe Lespedeza
hay, $35 ton and 2000 bales
'Fescue and Clover mixed,
$30 ton. All at barn at Da-
cula. John D. Gilbert, 1280
Ridgewood Dr., NE, Atlanta
7. Ph. DRake 7-5971.



Good mare mule, wt. 1200
Tbs., about 8 yrs. old, $50 at
my place, 5 mi. Co. Hazle-
hurst on Douglas Hwy. Mrs.
J. E. Pennington, Hazlehurst.
Ph. 2288.

Belgian mare, good, a
work anywhere, $100; 1 hog,
about 300 lbs. $65; 25 Tur-
keys, $75; also 1 hayrake,
$65 and 1 cut-off saw, $100.
Hulette Moore, Rt. 1, Ho-
gansville. Ph. 5457.

6 yr. old black mare mule,
about 950 lbs. gentle, works
well, for sale. F. P. Petterton,
3076 Brockett Rd., Tucker.

At Stud: Chief of Rock Is-
land,, Reg. 442618, solid black
stallion, representing one of
greatest bloodlines in Tenn.
Walking horse breed. Son of
the Great Merry Boy, reg.
350189. Dr. R. J. Middleton,
P. O. Box 512, Albany. Ph.
HE 2-7672.

dapple and
in. tall, very genile.
Turner, Union Point.

pony, gelding,
white spotted, 45

Large brown and_ white
Shetland pony, with or with-
out saddle. Charles Ballenger,
Rt. 4, Box 16, Eatonton. Ph.
55472 3.

At Stud: 36 in. pony stal-
lion, dapple, white mane.and
tail. Outstanding stud. Also
for sale, 36 in. 3-1/2 yr. old

Farm, Rt._ 3, Matietta. Ph.

Smyrna HE 55-7385.

Small Burro Jack with sad-
dle and bridle. Cleve Hicks,
Riverdale. Ph. Atlanta JA 2-

At Stud. Red Lights Noble
Rex, Reg. No. 36083 Chest-
nut stallion, grandson Noble
Kalarama. Inspection invited.
Thomas G. Watkins, Jr., Rt.
2, 4584 Flat Shoals Rd., De-
catur. Ph. BU 9-6692.

Young purebred Toggen-
burg goats, buck and 2. does.
M.-C. Silvey; Rt." 2; 52682
Idlewood Rd., Stone Mtn. Ph.
HI 3-5736.

Purebred Nubian male
goat, 3 yrs. old, gentle, $25
at my barn. Geo.-D. Barfield,
Rt. 3, Louisville.

3 young bred Nannie goats,
milk type; also purebred Nu-
bian billy. 2-1/2 yrs..old, wt.
about 250 1bs5. 7 $103. (Cs
Jordon. Rt. 5, Cumming.
(Davis Creek Community)
Ph. 7091.

2 young billy goats, brown
and white with horns of good
milk stock, T. M. Lance, Rt.
1, Box 78, Culberson, N. C.
(Union Co., Ga.).

2 fine Nubian milk goats,
be fresh last Dec. One com-
ing in with first kid, other
second. Do not ship. Also
nice billy goat for breeding.
Mrs. Lee Kirkley, 3860 Cas-
cade Rd., S.W. Atlanta 11.

16 grade Hampshire ewes,
1 to 4 yrs. old, bred to lamb
in Dec. Also Hampshire Ram,
2 yrs. old, ent. to reg., $350

Want reg. polled Hereford
or Angus bull, ready for im-
mediate service. Not over 50
mi. from Atlanta. Francis J:
Allen, Lithonia.

Want large Burro, prefer-
ably mare. Ralph Haney, Rt.
1, Box 152, Fairburn.

Want to exch. bred dairy

heifers of ood bloodline
(Holsteins, uernseys, and
Jerseys) for MHerefords of

equal value. J. Ardell Nation,
1812 Kay Avenue, Bruns-

Want pinto gelding, guar-
anteed broke. Not older than
2 to 5 yrs. at reasonable
price. Joe Collins, c/o Willis
Collins, RFD 2, Collins.

Want French Alpine milk
goat, fresh or to freshen soon.
Give 3 to 4 qts. daily, rea-
sonable and crated for ex-
press shipment. T. L. Ham-
mond, Rt. 1, Demorest.

Want feeder lambs (born
spring, 1957); Hereford or
Shorthorn young cows, due
to calve not later than April
Ist; Holstein open heifers,

gelding pony, solid color,|top quality only. R. B. Cur-
white mane and tail, fine|tis. Farmington. Ph. Madison
roadster, $250. Ogden A. | 2603.

Geilfuss. c/o Melody Brook

Want good work and rid-}

ing horse, also childrens rid-

ing pony. Mrs. Ruth Bell, Rt.

2, Box 244,

Want mule or horse that
will work to wegen and plow.
Tom Cape, Rt. 2, Newnan.


Want cow with young calf.
Martin PCa: Rie ae

Want to exch. good mare

ule, 1000 to 1200 Ibs. for
ood gentle small saddle
horse, not over 8 yrs. old.

Leroy Moody, Fort Valley.

for lot. R. H. Hall, Warren-
ton. :



Nice ground and screen
Sage, 50c cup, 3 cups, $1.25;
Plain, unground Sage, 4 cups,
DOC, 18 cubs Sil PP. 8.
Vollrath, Smyrna.

Unwashed print feed sacks,
25c ea. PP. No orders for less
that 4 sacks. Up to 4 of a
kind. No holes. cs aN ara

White shiskeh feed sacks,
25c ea. PP. 100 lb. cap. 100
ready to ship. Mrs. G. M.
Wagoner, Rt. 2, Blairsville.

3 Ibs. 11 oz. nice clear
Beeswax, $2 PP. Mrs. Ray-
mond Lankford, Carnesville.

Beeswax, 60 Ib. FOB. AI-
so want Honey Locust trees
to plant. W. R. Riley, Kings-

Green Ga. Sugar Cane, 7
to 8 ft. long, by the thousand,
3c ea. with le deposit for
stalk inside of 30 days to be

del. to you in March or April,
1958, at my place. S. J. Foss,
Brooklet _ (Denmark), Ph.
Statesboro, 93187.

red, no holes. 3 or more alike,

Goldenseal, Sassafras, Yellow
Dock, Elder, Plum, Pokeroot,
2 Ibs. $1. Add postage. Exch,
for print sacks at 3, $1. Mrs.
John Myers Addison, Re, 2;

Martin and Dipper gourds,
25c ea. smaller, mixed sizes,
10c ea.; large soap gourds,
50c ea. Add postage. Mrs.
W. E. Wooten, Rt. 2, Box 150,

Red hot Cayenne pepper,
for home eating only, 8 pods,
20c, or 16, 35 PP. Miss Ven-
tis "Weaver, Rt. 5; Alay: =

Few lbs. garden - sage,
washed and dried, $2 lb. PP.
Myrtle Uace, Rt. 1, Temple.

20 Ibs. nice, sundried ap-
ples, free of cores, 40c Ib.
plus postage. David B. Cor-
dell, Rt. 3, Blairsville.

Walnut meats, 1-1/2 pie:
$1. Add postage. M. M. Coch-
ran, Rt. 5, Ellijay.

_ New crop. fresh _ shelled
choice Pecan halves, clean,
in pint jars, 75c pint. PP in
Ga. Miss Iris Northcutt, 205
Sessions St., Marietta.

125 lbs. Stuarts and 175!
Moneymaker Pecans. Want to
sell all to same person. R. E.
Rowe, Alvaton.

Sev. bu. Quineedonias, $2
Bu. at my home. Mrs. Troy
Statem, Dalton.

About 35 Ibs. nice sundri-

ed Apples, 50c lb. plus post-
age. Mrs. J. A. Wimpy,}g1
Blairsville. |

Old original. green eee
eane, short jointed stalks, 2c
ea. at field. Will bank for 3c
ea. Edwin Cole, RFD A; Nic-

Black Walnuts, aa hull, 75c
bu. at my door. Will not ship.
Mrs. Grady West, Rt. 2, Box
175, Eatonton. Ph. 3072.

Large size Martin and few
long handled Gourds, 35c ea.;
Ornamental small gourds, 10c
ea. Add 15ce postage. Also
Yellow Root, 4 lb. box full,
$1 and 25c postage. Mrs. Roy
T. Pruitt, Rt. 1, Buford.

Print sacks, 100 lb. cap.,
washed, starched, and iron-

state if want then dif. 3, $1.
Add 10c postage for 3 or
more. Mrs. A. T. Mullis, Rt.}
1, Caldwell. :

$1 bu. and you pick at my
place. S. S. Stover, Rt.

Black Walnut meats, large,
clean pieces, this yrs. crop.
$1.25 lb. PP or 75c pint. Mrs.
Terrell (Jeanette) Chastain,

Country hickory smoked
meat: Hams, 10 to 20 Ibs.,
85e Ib.; Shoulders, 10 to 15
lbs., 55 1b Sides. 10 to 18

lbs., 50e Ib. Guaranteed a-
gainst spoilage. Shipped COD.
Mrs. Louise T. Pope, Box 5,

This yrs.--crop. fine > Ky:
Buckeyes, 50c doz. C. T. Tol-


ground Sage, $2 Ib.

Hiawassee. __

preserving Pears, 1


ing only. Add
Dewey Ellis, Rt.

Extra large Martin
50c ea. Jumbo gi

all. Geo F. Murker :

15 print sacks,
3::for. $12 - Mrs.
Rey. Ci

4 lbs. d
weekly, 50c a plus
postage. No less
Mrs. | Wri
Tallapoosa, Ph. 689

White feed sac

for print ones,
print. Ethel Handy
Harris, ae

Print feed sac
2 to 4 alike, most

ors, 3, $1.25; $4.50
postage, No Ci Oo
George Coes, 981

mond Dr., NE, At

Bhs 5-14i9.

2040 25 ae nice
peaches, 75 Ib. Add
A. G. King, Rt.

Ground hot pepper
ing purposes, $1.5

age. Mrs. sie Kei
ton. = Site
Dry eesiak

1, Ball Ground.

Black Walaeat h
dry in 10 1b.
Also fresh dry
60c cup. Add
Brown, Rt. 1, Ball

- Black Walnut meat:
pieces, $1 pint. Ad
age for each pint.
R. Brown, Rt. 1, De

Large Black Wa
$1.25 lb. PP. No stam;
Geleta Nichols, Hiawa

Black Walnut m


1957 - wadhed= shade.
Sage, $1.50 Ib. pl
Mrs. Claud Ed

Aobut 93 white
bs, size, nice,
from letters, hole:
36c ea. Also some |

Jumbo riche
5 ft. around, $10
50 ea; 3 for Si
gan, Rt. 4, Waye

Fancy grade str
ey, twelve 2-1/2 Ib.
Ibs. one case, oe
$14.40; 3 cases, $20
prepaid in Ga. E.
Nahunta. :

Winter pears, ry
home, after 4 P.M.
and all day Satu

liver, Rt. 1, Rocky Face.

J. A. King, Rt. 4,

~ Guaranteed by Manufacturer
Pound by State Chemist




J. A. STEPHENS MILLING CO., Register, Georgia
Penalized is i bes alee a Peanut Hay 25% Molasses .
F Cob, Shuck and Molasses e
MAC. GC, ABERCROMBIE AND SON, Douglasville, Georgia (P) Fiber
Excellent 16% Dairy Feed G 16.00 3.50 15.00
(P) Fat F 16.75 2.33 14.59 | SWIFT AND COMPANY, Chicago, Iflinois
Swift's Cottonseed Meal or Pellets 41% Protein
' Mac's Champion 16% Hog Feed G 16,00 3.50 8.00 Prime Quality + ey
(P) Fiber F 16.88 3.52 9.30 (P) Protein and Fiber ane
BIRDSEY FLOUR AND FEED MILLS, Macon, Georgia Aways 16s Dairy Fowd eter Sere
Wheat Bran G 14.00 3.50 :
(P) Fat F :

18.44 2.



(Continued from Page 61 PROTEIN FAT FIBRE
: PROTEIN FAT ~ FIBRE Big Six 16% Protein Dairy Feed G 16.00 2.50 15.00
- (P) Fat F 17. i 5.227
RPORATION, Cincinnati, Ohic LAVONIA ROLLER MILL, INC., Lavonia, Georgia
oo ae G 36.00 3.00 17.00 Tugalo River Gray Shorts G 15.00 3.50 6.00
(P) For F 38.00 2.14 16.83 (P) Fot FP 1650 282 6.00
ity Brand 36% Protein Cottonseed Meal : Corn Cob and Shuck Roughage with Molasses G 2.50 +59 24,00
y G 36.00 aa 17.00 (P) Fiber F 4.19 61 (27,97
Fi F 36.25 : ;
ees , cle aa emt eee Nashce Corn Cob & Shuck Roughage with Molasses G 2.50 -50 24.00
COMPANY, Columbus, Georgia 2 e a {P) Fiber F 4.25 68 29.05
Vine i 34 .
co Ste aioe 1p) For @ ion ana ga'oe. | NUTRENA MILLS, INC., Minneapolis, Minnesota
a4 geen Nutrena Complete Egg Ration G 16.00 4.00 6.00
PLAINS MILLING COMPANY, INC., Moultrie, Ga. (P) Fat FP 19.94: 3.27 4.30
Be ee et Sad Melovees tei Pikes. Econ > hap gnc | -PORIAN MILLS, Atlonte, Georgia
: Drought Emergency Mixed Feed - Type B G 16.00 3.00 15.00
)LIDATED FLOUR MILLS co. Wichita, Kansas ; ey (P) Fiber F 20.25 2.59 ZIT
ee ee & Breed Wee er Fiber see aae eee | RALSTON PURINA COMPANY, St. Louis, Missouri -s
5 Purina 18% Dairy Chow F G 18.00 2.50 15.00
ND FLOUR Co., Chattanooga, Tennessee . a (P) Fat F 21.19 1.49 13.64
16, 4, 6.
ee et ee Ce eke Noy ae Purina 18% Dairy Chow F G 18.00 250 15.00
: G 16.00 4.00 6.60 , {(P) Fat F 19.38 1.42 13.69
(P) Fiber Fede 0 stg | ROYSTON ROLLER MILL, Royston, Georgia
(P) Fit FE 17.81 420. 7.50 Fine Ground Wheat, Oats and Corn G 14.00 3.00 7.00
: : . {P) Protein FP 12.28 4.08 7.69
G 16.00 4.00 6.00
(P) Fiber F 18.00 4.10 7.07 SESSION OIL MILLS, Enterprise, Alabama
9 H a
PENG MO NUNS SSEe e aee n | enh Tg ee
orn Cobs an ucks with Molasses : : R
(P) Fiber F 4.25 5 27.00 : (P) Protein F 42.38 3.22. (19.45
ce FEED MILLS, Nashville, Tennessee SOUTHERN COTTON OIL COMPANY, Huntsville, Ala.
16% ibe Dairy Feed G 16.00 2.50 15.00 Sco-Co 41% Protein Cottonseed Meal + Prime Quality G 41.00 3.00 14.00
(P) Fot F 16.75 1.19 =15.00 (P) Fiber F 43.75 3.10 15.70



by Mcisiiauree


. State Chemist ee
r z PROTEIN FAT FIBRE 20% Dairy Feed G 20.00 3.00 11.00
: * Fet Low F 23.75 258 9.44 ae
our MILLS, Decatur, Alabama 18 feeds as declared =
Het Laying Mash G 20.00 2.50 7.00 :
: -* Fot Low F 22.19 3.29 5.65 COSBY-HODGES MILLING COMPANY, Birmingham, Alabama 5
feed as declared Jazz Milk Producer (24% Protein) G 24.00 2.50 10.60.
* Fiber High F 26.88 3.08 10.98
MILLING COMPANY, Atlanta, Georgia Jazz Grower Crumbles G 20.00 3.50 7.00
as declared * Fiber High F 22.63 4.17 7.40 .
2 feeds as declared 4
Ni ERSON FEED & POULTRY CO., Marietta, Ga.
s Crimped Oats G 12.00 4.50 12.00
STATE RICE MILLING CO., Carlisle-Stuttgart, Ark. : * Fiber High F 15.44 5.00 12.95
as declared 7
5 MILLING. COMPANY, oe Georgia 1 feed as declared 133
as declared : E
A TALLOW Hisar aga INC., Atlanta, oe 1 feed as declared
DIXIE GRAIN COMPANY, Shelbyville, Tennessee ae
FEED MILLS, INC., Louisville, Kentucky : 3 feeds as declared
led "~A" H-E Broiler Concentrate - Medicated G 42.00 3.00 4.00
* Fiber High F 43.75 4.45 4.39 DIXIE-PORTLAND FLOUR COMPANY, Chattanooga, Tenn. :
Red Lion Shorts G 16.00 4.00 6.00
CANNING COMPANY, INC., Groveland, Florida : * Fiber High F 18.44 4.15 6.59
as declared Red Lion Shorts : G 16.00 4.00 6.c0
et Fiber High F 18.13 4.93 6.69
aa ee Arrow: Pure Wheet Bran G 14.00 4.00 11.60
* Fat Low, Fiber High F 18.56 3.62 31.33.
y FLOUR AND FEED MILLS, Macon, Georgia 1 feed as declared
as declared .
JOHN W. ESHELMANN AND SON, Chamblee, Georgia
MILL, Brooklet, Georgia 1 feed as declared
as declared
EVER BEST FEED MILLS, INC., Atlanta, Georgia
RPORATION, Cincinnati, Chio
FAMOUS FEED MILLS, Nashville, Tennessee
: declared 1 feed as declared
declared 1 feed as declared
AND COMPANY, Madison, Georgia FARMERS MUTUAL EXCHANGE, Eatonton, Georgia
os: declared 1 feed as declared
Grain N cours ANY, Montgomery, Alabama FLINT RIVER MILLS, INC., Bainbridge, Georgia
lared 5 feeds as declared
INA aie COMPANY, Laurens, South Carolina GAINESVILLE MILLING COMPANY, Gainesville, Georgia
ed as declare 2 feeds as declared :
NN DAIRY PRODUCTS COMPANY, Cedartown, ererala GENERAL MILLS, INC., Minneapolis, Minnesota e
as declared 2 feeds as declared
COMPANY, Columbus, Georgia HALES AND HUNTER COMPANY, Chicago, Illinois
ds as declared 2 feeds as declared
COMPANY, Augusta, Georgia . HAPPYVALE FLOUR MILLS, Griffin-Ft. Valley, Georgia
s declared 7 feeds os declared 3
ED AND SEED, INC,, Cochran, Georgia MARTWELL ROLLER MILLS, Hartwell, Georgia
lared E: 1 feed as declored
IMPERIAL RICE MILLS, INC., Mermenton, Louisiana tes
1 feed as declared ace ea
aU TERTEATE MILLING COMPANY, Charlotte, North Carolina
cr G 406.00 4.00 5.00 is as declared
* Fiber High F 46.25 4.16 5.44 (Continued on Page 8)
x ae [.
wen Rabe CoS oe MLS pla ite A ae ae ) wpe TD a ch

-asritultural engineers are taking part,
are underway at Tifton, and embrace in-

_ searchers at Louisiana State University
are studying the value of soiling (green-

-mer plantings with the value of perma-

as PAGE gour Se

High Pde Dairy

(Continued From Page 1)

cal factors which may be responsible for
variations in heat tolerance.
Management studies, in which ARS

vestigations of field shelters for dairy cat-
tle. In another management phase, re-

chopping), comparing animals kept un-
der shade and those Pere in fields
without shade.

One nutritional aspect of cattle adapt-
ability is under study in Louisiana. Work-
ers there are comparing the value of sum-

nent pasture as sources of feed, In this

project successive plantings are used as
they reach the proper stage for pasturing,
The object is to find the extent by whic
heat production in dairy animals is re-
duced by pasture in proper condition for
feeding as compared with high-fiber-con-
tent mature pasture. The latter is known
to be a heat-producer because of the ener-
gy used by a ruminant to break down the
fiber for purposes of digestion.

A pilot study of weather-data collec-
tion and analysis, underway at various
cooperating stations for some time, has
shown that such information can be ob-
tained without elaborate or expensive
weather-recording equipment. The study
has also shown the value of these records,
which give the actual conditions under

which dairy cattle live at the stations.


through is ina position to do
ficient job with his herd an
has a monty check on his. I
test. <2 eae
The money spent for D
just as essential as = mone:

spent for DHIA veda cae

than. any other dairy farm e


(Continued from Page 7)
RED HAT FEED MILLS, Tunnel Hill, eae
THE ISMERT-KINCKE MILLING CO., Kansas City, Missouri 3 feeds as declared Be
1 feed as declared
ROBERTS RICE MILLS, INC,, Weiner, Arkansas 3
: JOHNSON FEED AND POULTRY CO., Canton, ae Rice Miil fee : 6
1 feed as declared Fiber High
1 feed as declared 1 feed as declared ;
1 feed as declared Heart of America Pure Wheat Bran ee ex
Z : * Fiber High F
LAVONIA ROLLER MILLS, INC,, Lavonia, Georgia = d :
nats Big caren RUSSELL-MILLER MILLING CO., Minneapolis, Minnesota
_LINDSEY-ROBINSON AND COMPANY, INC., Roanoke, Va. American Beauty Waect Gray Shorts and Screenings
: 1 feed as declared = * Fiber High F
LORET MILLS, Chattanooga, Tennessee SENECA OIL MILL, Seneca, South Carolina
Loret 32% Dairy Supplement @& 32.00 3.00 12.00 - 2 feeds as declared 3
: "Fiber High F 33.75 3.40 12.53 -
2 feeds as declared SEYMOUR FARM SUPPLY, Americus, Singe
LOUISIANA STATE RICE MILLING CO., INC., Abbeville, La. a ie = eines
4 feeds as declared SIMMONS MILLING COMPANY, vesrenerae: Tennessee
LUXORA GIN COMPANY, Luxora, Arkansas fee Se eee
1 feed as declared J, ALLEN SMITH & COMPANY, Knoxville, Tennessee
MeMILLEN FEED MILLS, Fort Wayne, Indiana Le Soe ae
1 feed as declared SOUTHEASTERN MILLS, ING., Rome, Georgia
- MEDDIN PACKING COMPANY, Savannah, Georgia Stivers Best Hog Fattener and Grower =
1 feed as declared Fiber High
Pure Wheat Bran ae . :
G. W. MILLS, Byron, Georgia * Fat Low, Fiber High
Crimped Oats G 10.50 4.39 12.00 9 feeds as declared 3 3
* Fiber High F 11.75 5.90 12.82
1 feed as declared SOUTHERN COTTON OIL DIVISION, Rome, Georgia :
9 -
MINUTE MAID CORPORATION, Orlando, Florida cares eee ee Se oe
1 feed as declared i * Fiber High
1 feed as declared eae s 36% Protein Cottonseed Meal menor ae
: Prime Quality z -
MORTON SALT COMPANY, Chicago, Illinois =
1 salt as declared Fiber High: E B38
1 feed as declared
i Feclk as declared SOUTHERN COTTON OIL DIVISION, Montgomery. Alabama
1 feed as declared
ee pay rote haul Nashville, Georgia SOUTHERN MILLING COMPANY, ares Georgia
3 feeds as declared S
NEUMOND, INC.,, St. Louis, Missouri SPARTAN GRAIN & MILL COMPANY, Spartanbarg,. Sone Cerolina
1 feed as declared 1 feed as declared
41% Protein Cottonseed Meal - Prime Quality G 41.00 3.00 13.00 1 feed as declared 5
* Fiber High FP 42.50 4.21 13.33
NUTRENA MILLS, INC., Minneapolis, Minnesota 3 feeds as declared 2 :
Nutrena Sweetflow 16 Dairy Feed (MM) : G 16.00 3.00 9.50 :
* Fat Low F 18.63 2.55 7.93 SWIFT AND COMPANY, Chicago, {ifnois *
Nutrena Sweetflow 18% Dairy Feed G 18.00 3.00 10.00 Swift's Cottonseed Meal or Pellets - 36% Protein oe ee ae :
* Fot Low F 19.38 2.55 8.54 Prime Quality G 36.00
Bell Cow 16% Dairy Feed - MM G 16.00 3.00 13.00 * Fiber High Bi: rues
* Fat Low F 20.31 2.65 11.05 4 feeds as declared eae
2 feeds as declared a
TENNESSEE GRAIN co. & TENNESSEE FLOUR co., _ Nashville, Tena. et
PERKINS OIL COMPANY, Memphis, Tennessee 1 feed as declared e
1 feed as declared
J. L. PILCHER AND SON, INC., Meigs, Georgia 1 feed as declared oa
1 feed as declared
PILLSBURY MILLS, INC.. Clinton, lowa 1 feed as declared re
2 feeds as declared
WESTERN GRAIN COMPANY, Birmingham, Alabama
PURITAN MILLS, Atlanta, Georgia 8 feeds as declared ;
My-T-Pure 32% Dairy Supplement G 32.00 2.50 9.00 =
* Fat Low F 35.63 2.20 4.82 WILKES MILL AND FEED COMPANY, Washington, Georgia. 4
Drought Emergency Mixed Feed - Type "B" G 16.00 3.00 15.00 1 feed as declared shes
* Fiber High F 16.56 3.12 . 15.58
8 feeds as declared WRIGHT BROTHERS HI-FLIER FEEDS, Celtnvil, Alabama
1 feed as declared =
Purina Steer Fatena 32% - Diethylstilbestro! Mix G 32.00 2.00 10.00 As declared
Part i i. ik * Fiber High F 36.88 2.63 10.92 Penalized
urIna Hog ow (1 50 AB G 36.00 50 8.00
* Fiber Wigh F 37.75 1.36 8.69 Rat, etm os
24 feeds as declared asin TOTAL ee re,
