Farmers and consumers market bulletin, 1957 July 3



Phil Campbell,



bd Rind Siabend

rsity of Georgia

@ past year or so consider-
has been shown among
oducers in feeding hogs
pig parlors. This prac-
increase and indications are
@ to expand in the

about this shift is the fact
npetition from other

and increased efficiency

eee labor saving
y the latest scientific
eels ig oe sncrensing vol-

h as limitations of
areas, diseased and par-
d fields, "less fence building,

ture crops and the de-
hanical corn pickers
aga all have aa to

ut rari rations on
WwW aning to
ay gene | have everaaed

on of sae 2.75 lbs.
ae obtained.

1 factors gehich: dicovitly :

animals is forcing great-

tice, there are pitfalls for the unwary.

ater hauling, the uncer-

_type operation is to thrive in the future,

- market
-maximum in management and know-



July 7-10, Athens Southern Regional |
Farm Bureau training school.

J uly 9, Covington: July 11, Thomasville:
July 12, Statesboro Fertilizer
Conferences, :

July 19, Athens Beef Cattle Short
- Course.

) Se
July 21-22, Atlanta Annual meeting ..
Georgia Milk Producers Inc.

Aug. 11-13, Radium Springs Georgia
Feed Assn, convention.

Aug. 19-22, Rock Eagle Park Second
annual poultry institute,

It must be realized that all of the es-
sential nutrients required by the pig must
be obtained from the self-feeder when on
concrete. This means that the rations must
be adequately fortified with protein, vi-
tamins and mineral elements which are
deficient in grain,

Sanitation can become a problem if
care is not taken to provide proper drain-
age and if recommended disease and par-
asite control measures are not used. A
means for the removal of the manure must
be provided.

One of the biggest bottlenecks in the
operation of the pig parlor program at
the present time appears to be the short-
age of good, thrifty feeder pigs. If this

there will have to be an improvement in.
the efficiency of feeder pig production.
This phase of hog production demands a

how. More pigs die from the time they
are farrowed until weaned than at any
other stage.

Research currently in progress at the
College Experiment Station is largely con-
cerned with the development of more ef-

_ (Continued on page 6)

ed, with the exception of farmers wha



Licenses Are Required
Also By August {st

Commissioner of Agriculture

All buyers of livestock in Georgia ara : =
required by law to be licensed and bond- __

purchase livestock for their own use for
feeding or breeding or persons buying
livestock for feeding themselves.

Laws requiring the licensing and
bonding of livestock dealers were passed
by the Legislature os the 1956 ses-

Under the Haina law no person, ex-
cept farmers buying | livestock for their
own use, may purchase livestock i in Geor-
gia unless he has in force a bond in an
amount of not less than 1/52 of the total
purchases made by him during the im-
mediate past calendar year.

The law states further, however, that
the minimum bond of any such livestock =
buyer shall be $1,000 and the maximum
bond shall not be required to exceed $25,-

Under the licensing law no livestoele
dealer or broker. who buys or sells
through a livestock barn, auction or sales.
operator shall engage in or carry on such
business without having first applied for _
and obtained a license from the Commis- _
sioner of Agriculture. eis

The licensing law requires that each
license shall expire as of the first of
March each year and each application for
license made to the Department of Agri-
culture must be accompanied by a license
fee of $5.00.

Effective Aug. 1 personnel of the State
Department of Agriculture will begin
checking buyers at all livestock sales
establishments to see that those to whom
the law applies are properly bonded and

We in the State Department of Agri-
culture believe that possibly one change
should be made in the licensing law, We
feel that it should not be necessary for
livestock buyers to have to renew their
licenses each year and during the next
session of the general assembly we will
ask the Legislature to make such licenses
permanent, except, of course, in cases
where violations of law require that the
licenses be revoked.




Georgia, First:





Editorial and Executive Offices
State Agriculture Building
19 Hunter Street, S.W.
Ailanta 3, Georgia
Phone JAckson 4-3292


[asso ebgr




Notices of farm produce
and appurtenances admissable
under postage regulations in-
serted one time on each re-

No notice or advertisement
will be accepted from any
commercial business, any
commercial businessman, any
company or organization li-
censed as a commercial busi-
ness or doing business under
a trade name or business
name, nor from any indivi-
dual doing business under a
trade name or commercial
business name.

The Georgia Market Bulle-
tin assumes no_ respo,sibility
for any notice appearing in
the Bulletin nor for any
transaction resulting from
published notices. Advertisers
are cautioned that it is against
the law to misrepresent any
any product offered for sale
in a public notice or adver-
tisement carried in any pub-

Mailing Room Supt.

lication that is delivered
through the United States
Editor Jack Gilchrist
Notices .. Mrs. Elizabeth Hynds
Circulation ____ Mrs. LaMyra Jarman

Candler Clement Jr.

Address all complaints to EDITOR, Market Bulletin.

Address requests to be
mailing list,
MANAGER, Market Bulletin.

changes of address,
address must include OLD and NEW addresses.

added to or removed from
All requests for changes of

NOTICES, Market Bulletin.


Address all notices and advertisements to EDITOR OF

Published weekly at 114-122 Pace St., Covington, Ga.,
by Georgia Department of Agriculture. Entered as second
class matter Aug. 1, 1937, at post office, Covington, Ga.,
under Act of June 6, 1900. Accepted for mailing at special
rate of postage provided for in Secticn 1103, Act of Oct. 8,


ee ee




Reiined, settled white wo-
man, alone, wants job on farm
doing light work with good
Sra No bad habits, Honest

ith good character. Exch.

eferences. Cannot do
eavy work. Need private
on board and salary. Mrs.

attie L. Ivie, P. O. Box 255,

Want job on stock, dairy or
chicken farm, Have had ex-
erience in all. Three to work.
n good health, no loafers, no
bad habits. Letters answered.

Isaac Gaskins, 628 Front
Ave., Columbus.
42-yr. old white woman

with 7 yr. old daughter, wants
light work on farm. Reason-
able salary with furnished
quarters. Honest and depend-
able. Prefer year round job.
No bad habits. Best of ref-
erences. Need work at once
Mrs. James Collins, 233 West
roadway, Griffin.

White man, middle aged,
wants job on cattle, hog or
chicken farm. Board and rea-
sonable living wage, not less
than $15. wk. Work to be

rmanent. J. E. Fljournoy,

ox 1427, Atlanta Rd., Grif:

Want job raising chickens.
Satisfactory basis or salary
agreed upon. J. C. Tanner,

Refined, settled white wo-
man wants job of light farm
work on farm, in exchange
a good Christian country
ome. Have to move now. Go
pny place. Good references.

rs. Pearl Horne, 2647 Mont-

pelier Ave., Macon.

Man, wife and 2 boys want
erop on Halves for 1958, with
chicken house, pasture, lo-

cated on school bus and mail| f

Rt. Ready to move last of
November. Pledger Stray-
horn. Rt. 5, Gainesville.

Want job on cattle or broil-
er farm for wages. Can drive
tractor and other farm mach-
inery. Prefer in or near Doug-
las County. Need 4 or 5 rm.
house, wired for elec, stove.
Boy 13, girl 7, and myself. A.
Se Rt. 2, Douglas-

White Christian woman and
14 yr.\old son desire job on
poultry farm or to work with
layers (prefer latter). Exp. on
small scale. Need 3 or 4 rm.
house, lights, water, not too
far from a high school. Reas.
salary. Mrs. Ever Ware, Rt.
4, LaGrange.

White, 40-yr. old man, wife,
2 small children, want chick-
en or egg farm not too far
from Atlanta. Need 4-rm.
house, lights, water, fuel and
reasonable salary agreed upon.
Have to be moved at once.
References if required, Julian
Gibson, Norcross.

Country-born farm family
with boys 17, 16, 9, wants
large cattle, grain, truck, ete.
farm for steady, permanent
work. All sober, able-bodied,
willing workers. Can handle
any kind machinery. Will go
anywhere. M. Kaye, 287
aoe Ave., SE Atlanta

Man 48, wife 40, want light
farm work on farm with re-
liable party. Place to live and
reasonable salary. Can move
anywhere, C. L. Morrell, 101
Alice St., Griffin. PH 4307.



Want elderly man or woman
to live with old couple on
arm, do light farm chores.
Room, board and salary. W.
L. Brown, Box 428, Thomas-

Want a man for generall
fram work. Must be willing
worker and must not drink or
curse. See or write, W. A. Big-
gers, Rt, 2, Cordele.

Want white man, single, to
help on dairy, milking 30 head
cows, oom, board an eatery
Experienced preferred. E. L.
Foster, RFD 2, Box 37 Grove-

Want man not over 63 for
2 days per wk. on farm locat-
ed next to Zion Hill Baptist
Church, 4 mi. Buford off
Hamilton Mill Rd. Regular
year-round work. Be able to
drive tractor, maintain gard-
en, repair and build fences.
Bring references from ee
sible person, near Buford.
Frank 8. Jones, 1265 Univer-
sity Drive, N. Atlanta 18.

Want unencumbered white
woman 50-60 years old, easy
to get along with, for light
farm work on farm. Room,

Letters answered. ; |
Chambley, Rt. 3, Box 103,

Want at once nice white
woman 40-60 yrs. old, in good
health, to do ight farm chores
live in farm home with me
and receive $20 month, room
and board. Mrs. Zel Bennett,
Rt. C, Box 106, Griffin.

Want farm labor for work
on South Georgia farm, 30-50
yrs. old, with small family.
Pay $4.50 per day with raise
to $5.50 after 90 days if satis-
factory. Write George Varn,
Box 205, Folkston.

Want healthy, middle aged
white woman for light work
on poultry farm, Also, need
man for ercen work. Room,
board and salary. Mrs. Helen
Street, 2956 Buford Hwy., At-
lanta 6.

Good house available for
small family to live on farm
and do general farm work for
wages; or will furnish room,
board and salary to single ap-
plicant who is willing to work,
Fred Barber, P. O. Box 206,


August 12 (Monday Val-
dosta ... Pony AuctionTom
Hewitts Farm. . .large selec-
tion of both using and breed-
ers, Grade and Registered
poines offered.

August 13 (Tuesday) Tif-
ton. ..Show and SaleSpotted

Poland China hogs, by the
Georgia S.P.C. Association.



Jonquils, white Daffodils,
$2 C; pink Thrift, white Iris,
blue single Hyacinth, 50c doz.;
red and yellow mums $1 doz.;
White Star of Bethlehem 35c
doz.; Red Star Circle, 4, $1
Add postage. Mrs. Florence
Leathers, Rt. 1, Buchanan.

Dbl. red, pink and white,
Grape and aple Leaf Be-
gonias; salmon pink Sultana,
orange and lavender Gerani-
ums, 4 $1, All rooted. Add
postage. Mrs. F. W. Collins,
Rt. 2, Blairsville.

Giant flower mixed Hibis-
cus plants, 12 for $1 PP. Lee
Abernathy, Barnesville.

Rainbow Coleus plants, mix
color Hibiscus, St. Johns Wort
Fire Salvia asstd. 75c doz.
Add postage. Mrs. S. E. Sap-
pington, P, O. Box 291, Bar-

Dbl. and single Narcisus,

purple and red Oxalis, Pea-
cock fern, Strawberry, Conch.
Rosette and Angel Wing Be-
gonias, Coleus, Sultanas, dbl.
Ger. Hydrangeas, ete., 20 dif.
$1.30. Some rooted. Many

Caeti. Lovelle Ownbey, Rt. 3,

board and reasonable salary. |_

blooming size bulbs, 30 doz.;

Gold and yellow Calif. tall
border Fall Marigolds, strong
plants, $1 doz; fast growing
green and yellow Ivy-Arum
vine for window boxes and
pote 2 well rooted, $1 PP in

a. Mrs. Ruth Abernathy, Rt.
2, Barnesville.

African violets, 4 ea. dif.,
$1.25; Rooted leaf clumps 50c
ea. 3 $1.25 PP; Old fashion
Daffodil, white Jonquil, Gold-
en Glow, Lemon Daylilies
Honeysuckle, 3 doz. $1; rooted
erd, white, pink Begonia 20c
ea.; 12 roots, Coleus $1.. Add
= e. Mrs. B. J. Cantrell

lue Ridge.

Well rooted perennial Ver-
bena, white, orchid, wine, 2
blues, 8 pinks and rose, 3 pur-
ple, 3 reds, Iavender, white-
eyes, stripes, wee ee some
new doubles, 2 doz. mixed
$1.40. 4 doz. $2.40. All PP.
Prompt del. Damp packed.

Mrs. H. E Richardson, Rt. 1,

La Iris, rose color, large
Mums, dif. colors, 8 $1; Hem-

erocallis long Trumpet Daf-
fodils ou Simplex, 20
for $1; Physostegia, orchid
color. Mrs. C. B. Robinson, Rt.
2, Bowdon.

Purple summer lilaes, Eng-
lish dogwood, Star Cape Jas-
mine, 3 $1; 4 kinds daffodils,

urple Flag, Easter lilies,
es and mixed Iris, 3 doz.,
$1; Althea Vinca, mauve, Pink
thrift, 300 $2. $5 orders post-
paid. Box plants, Lace ferns,
Popcorn and other cactus, 25c
and 50c ea. Mrs. L, E. Sanders,
Rt. 2, Buchanan.

King Alfred Jonquil $2.50
C; white Narcissus, $2 C.; yel-
low Canna, orange Day, Pur-
le Iris lilies, 12 $1; Snowdrop
ulbs, 12 50 Add postage.
Beatrice Mosley, Rt. 1, Box
241, Bremen.

Giant yellow Oxalis bulbs,
10 for $1. Mrs. A. $. Knight,
2028 Reynolds St. Brunswick.

12 dif, African Violet leaves,
$1.15; Salmon Sultana, Chick-
en Gizzard Begonia euttings 4
for 50c; Tropical plants 25c;
Star of Bethlehem, 50 doz;
small Scotch Broom plants 35
Add postage. Exch, for Be-
gonias, Geraniums, Hyacinth
bulbs and large Dahlias. Ruth
Rhodes, Rt. 1, Canon.

15 fine bearded Iris, un-
named, all dif, colors, 15, $1;
15 colors of Daylilies, 6 un-
named for $1; 4 named ones
for $1. Add 30 postage .1n
state, 35e out of state. Send
stamped envelope for in for-
mation. Mrs. W. E. Johnson,
Rt. 2, Crawfordville.

-20 unlabeled Iris $1; $4 C;
Siberian Iris, $1.50 doz.; mix~
ed Narcissus, about 7 var., 35c
doz.; Emperor and Empress
60c doz.; Thalia and Mrs. Kru-
ledge $1 C. Add postage. No
orders filled less than $1. Mrs.
J. G. Robertson, Carrollton.

Rare blooming Jews, mam-
moth, minature, red and yel-
low, 25c bunch; Coco palms,
Lanthona, Devils Backbone
Hydrangea, Angel, Ruffle-leaf
Begonias, Calif, Cacti, odd
shapes, 50c Monkey Faces,
dbl, Geraniums, 40 plus post
age. Mrs. Otis Mashburn,

Chrysanthemums, Silver
White, Golden Yellow, Jewell
Pink, Colter lavender, sae
cream, bronze, red Charm, 0
plants $1; daisy type white,
yelow, pink, red, bronze, tan,
bronze pom pom, 20 plants $1,
Add 25c postage. Mrs. R.
Silver, Rt. 5, Cuthbert.

Daylilies, Geo. Kelso, Se-
quin, Knighthood, Manchu,
Kim, Black Cherry, Royslty,
Tyrol, Scarlet Sunset, Sere-
nade, Garden Lady, Gay Rom-
ney, Director, 25c ea.; Griselle,
Cellini, Cerise, Silver Star,
After glow, Killarney Lass,
Black Magic, Challenger, 50c
ea.; labeled. Add postage un-
der $3. Mrs. W. H. Whitten,

5 or 6 dif. Geraniums, 8 dif.
Begonias, Ruber plant, Mon-
key Face flowers and others,
30 cuttings for $1.25 PP; Afri-
can violets 25 and up, at my

home; Salvia plants, 25 doz.
Mrs. J. H. Goble, Rt. 3, Cedar-

L. iegated, 3 Alligator cacw


White Narcissus, A p
blooming, 50, $1; single.
Hyacinth bulbs, 20, $1
25 postage for ea. $
No less filled. Miss Rut
derwood, Rt. 3, Conyers.

Rooted, dbl. red Geran
Xmas, Thanksgiving,
ary and Baby Star Fish
tus 2c ea. 2 35 dark co
us 15c ea; mixed, unroot
plant cuttings, 20, $1
lic bulbs, 15 doz, Add p
under $1. Mrs. Ela M. M
c/o A. H. Griffin, Cata

Pink Rain lilies, hard
Phlox, 6 dif. colors, Black
lilies, 12, $1; Hibiscus,
Gum leaf, Gerani

12, 75e. Mrs.
1, Dahonega.

Large, white, blue and
Dutch Hyacinth bulbs,
$1; Nibergia plants $2
col. Pansy seed, 1/2 te:
ful, 40e and 3 stam
velope. Add postage on
Lon Ashworth, Rt

Lantanas, Oleanders, S
Forsythia, Evergreens,
Wreath, English Dog

Hydrangeas, Gardenia,
eria, Lilacs, one ea. $1.

postage Olenaders and
denias 25c

25e doz. Exch. for other :
ers. Mrs. W. J. Wilson, 31
Chesnut St. Dalton.

Vinar Minor, Agerat
Candy Tuft, Foxglove,
Phlox, 4 oclock, baby
dragons, 25c doz.; per. Pt
Lanthanas, Wisteria, Ev
greens, Hydrangeas, Lilac,
ea. 2 35c.; rose Begonias,
blooming Cereus, 15 e
25 Frances Hilley, 320
nut St., Dalton.

per., Periwinkle, 50c di
Spengeri ferns, Gallardia

.; Oxalis, Shasta
Scabiosa, 5c:.--50e*
Cocksecomb, Lobelia, C
60c. doz.; Salvia, red Cani
Dutch Iris, 12, $i; Daylilie:
C; Hibiscus 50c ea Cant M
Mrs. Era M. Salter, 133 M
son Ave., Decatur. PH

Big Star Cactus bloo1
fall, Rat-tail and C
Cactius rooted, 3 plants
pink dbl. Begonia, r
plant 25c; pink Mums (bk
all summer), 25 bunch.
postage. Lizzie Crawford,

Blue Violets $1 C.
mix. color, brown Da
ellow Cannas, Golde
1.50 C.; red, pink and
cake Cactus, p Justici
ea.; mix. color Sweet
plants 50e doz. Add p
under $5 order. Mrs.
Ralston, Rt. 3, Box 42,

1 yr old clump June cactu
clumps Christmas cac
old, 4 Monkey Faces, 4 4
tor cactus, rooted, 3
Gizzard rooted, 4 Sultana
ting, white, red orange,
gated, $1.50, pink, red
eactus cutting -1l5e ea
Mrs. Ventis Weaver, Rt.

Blue Bell or Mothers
75c doz. plants; red Si
cutings 10c ea.; Pancake
to, 10c petal; Green Jew
cutting. Add postage +a
Marie Mathis, Rt. 5, Ei.

1 yr. old clump June cactt
6 Monkey Faces 4 Sultana
tings, white, red, orange, 4

$1.25; red June Cactus
ting 15c ea.; Pink B
cutting 10c ea., rooted,
en Gizzard cutting, 2 2

Mrs. Ethel Mooney, Rt. 5, i :
jay. *

Yellow, green and
wine, green and wine W
ering Jew, 4 30c; 10 dif. e
ors, $1; dbl. red, salmon G
aniums 3 for $1; dbl. p
bronze leaf Begonia 25

Add postage. Mrs. H. H. |
naker, Rt. 5, Elberton.

Fast growing Ligusti
cherry laurels, $10 C.; I
Robe Violets, Blue per.
Phlox (Divericata), oo
Ivy, Vinca Minor, al
Thrift, $5

a Lane.
Parks, Rt. 3, Elli:

: Azaleas, Sweet
Laurel, purple
Veigela, Bridal

Add postage.
Parks, Rt. 3,

Cc :
rooted pink June

zaleas 25c ea.; $2
Weigela, white Hy-
Cacti, pink Ger-
.; large yellow

ilbs, blue Dutch
blue Iris, yellow
nnia plants, near

50c doz. Jon:

Day ities, Lemon

et, Weeping Mary.

size blue and yel-
bulbs, $1.75 C.

orange and old
25 tsp. and

$1 . 4 col.
ue Thrift $1 doz.,
-Oxalis, 2 clump.
hemums_ white,
.50 doz., Petunia,
2 doz. $1; blue Vio-

red Cannas $1.50


cols, Coleus, 10, $1;

bena, 60c doz.;
iolets, annual

ts 10 dif. cuttings

lies, fine trans-
ps, 12-15 in., $1
iffodils; bloom-
$1.5C doz., PP.;

d White and yellow Jon
Butter and Eggs Long Tt


_ Narcissus

orders. Mrs.
Rt. 2, Hartwell.

Curley, Rt. 2, Hartwell.

all colors. Plants inspected an
-| treated. AIS and

rar, Jenkinsburg.

Prize winning Bearded Iris,
State insp., and free of insects
1 Add postage.
Write for list. Mrs. W. J. Saun-

and diseases.

dersm Jenkinsburg.

S. Fields, 407 N.
Street, Thomasville.

Salmon, rose,
green leaf Coleus.,
tana, purple,
ing Cactus cuttings,

Rt. Royston.


2568 Montpelier Ave., Macon.

= Add postage.

>| 4-6654.

A. S. Knight, 2028
Reynolds St., Brunswick. ~

| white, 15 cutting; Rainbow

Moss, 30c; Coleus, 10c ea;
postage extra for ea. plant
under $1 Extra plant in ea or-
der. Mrs. Ed Stone, Rt. 2, Box

105 Adairsville.

Dec. blooming white Nar-
cissi, white, purple, bronze
and yellow two-tone, Iris, 40c
doz; Lupine, other mixed yard
plants, 30c doz; cuttings of
dbl. white, red Altheas, yard
Honeysuckle, red, pink mon-
thely rose cuttings, 40c doz.
Add postage. Mrs. Effie Smith,
Rt. 4, Gordon Rd. Austell.

- Snowdrop bulbs, blue Hy-
acinths paper white Narciss-
us, 5c doz. No mail orders.
Mrs. Julia Carter, 35 Weyman
ah S. W. Atlanta, Ph. JA5-

All col. Coleus, dbl. Touch-
me-nots ,5c ea. plant; most
-all kinds pot plants, 5, rooted
| $1 euttings, 15c ea; 5 col. Sul-
tanas, Elephant Ears, Begon-
ias. 50c ea; Angelwing, Fuzzy
Leaf Begonia, Christian and

i ead *~ Postage, A. > -As
Starnes, 1940 DeFoor Ferry
RD. N.W. Atlanta 18.

150 asstd. Daylilies and sev-

eral, var of Iris. Call at my
jhome. Mrs. Mildred Owens,
|2045 Howard Cir., NE, Atlan-
ta. PH. Dr. 8-1415.

_ Lace Fern cuttings, white
Sultana and red Geranium

d, | cuttings. Sell or exch: for oth-

er Oe pies Mrs. H. N. Day, Rt.
raxAdels< >.

15 var., ase: 12 var., Iris,
10 var, Chrysanthemums.

Bt daffodils, 2, $1; March
1 white

arge bunch flowers
75 doz; blue and pink Thrift
75e doz. Add pois No Fla.
ecil McCurley,

White and yellow Jonquils
-| Butter and Eggs Trumpet daf-
fodils, 2 for $1; pink and blue
Thrift 75 doz. Add postage.
No Fla orders. Miss Mattie Mc-

Tris, named varieties, $5 C.
Add 50c postage. Not labeled

c lue Rib-
bon winners. Mrs. Marvin Far-

__ Purple Iris and orange Day-
lilies , 3 doz. for $1.25 PP. Mrs.
Abe Goble, Rt. Talking Rock.

Night-blooming Cereus Cac-
tus, 50c ea.; paper white Jap-
| anese sacred (small yellow
cup) Narsissus $1 C.; ed spid
er Lily bulbs, 50c doz. Add 50c
postage on each order. Mrs. O.

red Geran-
iums, dbl. red, pink Begonias,
single red, pink and rose Ever-
blooming Begonias, red with
Gizzard, pink and salmon Sul-
pink Fuchsia,
Petunia, Jarge Thanksgiv-
15c ea.
| Add postage. Mrs. W. H. Rice,

Bulbs of large purple Iris,
10c ea. plus postage. Mrs. J.
-B. Atkinson, Rt. 2, Lawrence-

Mimosa trees or plants, 3-5
in. tall, 20c ea.or 6 for $1.
Quick shade at 1 yr. old, also
blooms. Mrs. A. L. Holloman,

Red Salvia plants, 3 doz. $1;
ornamental Pepper plants 50c
rs. Myrtle
Hunt, 921 Capitol View
Ave., NW Atlanta. PH SY

Gialt yel. Oxalis bulbs 10 for
1. Mrs.

Ice plants (lavender flow-
ers), 20c ea; Sultanas, light
pink, Fuchisa, dark rose,

Xmas Cactus, 10c ea. Add 5c


W. S. Griffin, Rt. 1, Adel,

Coffee trees,

You will have to di
Will not ship. Mrs. w. it.

PH MU 8-0398.

ellow $1. doz.;

erspoon, 308 Holderness St.

St. SW, Atlanta 10.

rooted cutting. Mrs. Willie
Nelson, Rt. 2, Austell. PH 9832

Madonna lily bulbs, 20c ea.

less than $1. Mrs. P. R. Ches-
ser, Auburn.

White orchid, flowering
ting 50c; Achimense, 4 dif., 12
asst., $1; Sultana, pink, red,
pink-striped, salmon-striped,
orange, variegated leaf with
red bloom, 10c cutting, $1 or-
ders Del. Mrs. E. B. Mize, Rt.
1, Box 264, Alpharetta.

Col. of 7 early blooming
bulbs, all dif., 15 doz. Not
named, but separtely packed.
For mail orders, include post-
age. Allie Street, Rt. 2, Li-
thonia. PH. 3673.

Show, rooted Mum cuttings
incurve Hilda Bergen, Jap
Rose, white and pink Turners;
purple Monarch and Tal. wine;
red Ruby, yellow Plume, 20c
ea., $1.95 doz.; 8 dif. Cactus
50c. Add postage less $1. Wet

pasked. Named. Mrs. R. J.
Fleming, Lincolnton.
Coxcomb, many colors,

young plants, tall and dwarf,
not mixed, 25c doz., plus post-
age; Iris, yellow, orchid, la-
vender, white, blue and 2
tone, 15, $1, PP. Mixed can-
not label. No checks. Mrs. M.

M. Kelley, Rt. 3, Lithonia.

Pink Thrift, rooted, damp
packed, $1 C, PP. Mrs. J. N.
Adamson, Rt. 2, Lula.

Sunset pink Amaryllis bulb

Rex Guinea Wing, Strawberry

Begonias; . Sword Militar
ferns Kalanchoe, White Sul-
tana, Alligator plant, dbl. red
and spice Geranium, Chickeu

Gizzard and red Coleus, Onion
Bernard Lily, ||
white stripe Jew All for $2
PP. Mrs. L. L. Hay, Leary.

Cactus,:- St.

10 dif. Cactus, 4 dif. Geran-

African Violet leaves, ea.
dif., 12, $1 Sultana plants, asst
12, $1.15; pot plants, 50 cut-
tings $1.25 unnamed Daylilies
many dif., $2.50 doz. PP. Mrs.

Four Oclocks, African violets,
a kinds pot plants, Pecan trees,
Hardy phlox, Iris, Hibiscus
es, 927 Crew St., SW, Atlanta.

var.; lavender, pink, white,
ouch-Me-Not, Salvia plants,
25, $1; Iris 50 doz.: Petunia
plants, large ver. 95; doz.:
Mixed large Jonquil bulbs 25c
doz.; Verbena candy srtipe
10c, Add postage. Fred With-

SW, Atlanta 10. Ph. PL 3-5251.

Old fashioned Hollyhock,
pink and red, 15 pkt. seed.
Joe C. Hurst, 1671 S. Gordon

Coleus, 50c doz or cheaper
by the hundred; Salvia (tall)
50c doz, large plants $1 doz.;
Aeoplane plants 35c ea., Phil-
odendron 25 and 50c ea.; Vio-
let cuttings 15c ea.; Gizzard
plants 25, wonderdew 10c

$2 doz. Add postage for orders

cactus, (blooms 8-10 in.), cut-

Rat-tail Cacti No order under 1

ium cuttings, pink Justicia,
white pink Oxalis, 10c ea; 3
dif. flowering Peppers, rooted
plants, Cherry plants, 10c ea.
3 25c; Sword, Boston, Maiden
Hair, Ostrich Plum ferns, 35c
ea. Add postage. Mrs. Ralph
Williams, Rt. 1, Lawrence-

Large white Philippine Lily
bulbs, 10c ea. Add postage.
Miss Jewell Martin, Rt. 1, Men-
0. :

Fancy Leaf Caladium plants,
25c ea. 5 colors $1; 10 dif. root-
ed Coleus $1;' Red Salvia,
Stas <a 3 Hoe, Sts se damp
packed, 30c postage. Min. or-
der $1. Mrs. . W. 5 ones, Madi-

Pink, white and red Sul-
tanas, pink, white, red and
American Beauty Geraniums,
pink, white and red Begonia
cuttings, 15 ea., 2 for 25c also
Boquet pepper plants. Mrs. J.
A. Wilson, Martin.

Blooming size, red Jump-up
pider Lily bulbs, $1.50 doz.

rR Cash. Mrs,

Cash. Hewlette |

Rt. 2, Ocilla.


pink Geranium,


on Mountains,
30 doz.

1, Toomsboro.

Pink and White Rosebud Be-
gonia cuttings, 10c ea.; root-
ed 25c ea. Geranium cuttings,
40e doz; 5 colors, some root-
ed 25c ea. Camillas and Azala
cuttings, named var. 75c doz.
Add postage. Mrs. R. C. Yoyd,

Red Salvia, Blue Ageratum,
Snapdragons, red Chrysanthe-
mums, Blue Salvia, Gillardia,
Coleus, Nierembergia, Shasta
_White Feverfew dbl.
Plumosia, 6, 50c; dbl. White
Althea, Red Berry Pyracan-
thia, Ivy, Shripm
denias, Nandenia
postage: No less $1 orders.
Mrs. H. V. Franklin, Sr., Rt. 1,
Box 20, Register.

_ Rooted rose-scented Geran-
iums, 30c ea.; rooted red and
variegated Chicken Gizzard,
lic ea.; Lace fern, 50c ea.;
Cinnamon, Peanut, small and
large Starfish, Thanksgivin
and Christmas Cacti, roote
20c_ea., cuts 10c ea.; Crown
of Thorns cuts 10c ea. Mrs. D.
W. Faircloth, Rt. 1, Pitts.

Red, pink, dbl., single pink
Begonia, salmon, red Sultana,
ea; Mixed col. Petunias, Zin-
nias, Sunset Marigold plants,
le ea; Coleus, Christmas Cher-
ry plants, 10c ea. All del. Mary
Ruth Phillips, Rt. 1, Royston.

Salmon Sultana, single pink
Begonia, dbl. red, pink Begoi-
na, Christmas Cactus, Colen,
Sho, rooted, 15c ea.; Boston
fern; 20c bunch, Lace fern, 50c

lant, Gar-
1 ea. Add

bunch. Red, yellow plums
prints, 25 doz; pink per.
Phlox, 40c doz. Del. Leila

Phillips, Rt. 1, Royston.

Running Roses, Cape Jas-
mine, Star of Bethlehem, Bird
of Paradise, Bull Bays, Sweet
running Honeysuckle,
Franch Mulberry,
Crepe Myrtle, 10c ft.; Snow
Add postage.
checks or out of state. Exch
for sacks. Mrs. Nivia Loyd, Rt.



Blue Roman Hyacinth bulb
75c doz., clump

of 12 dif. rooted pot plant
$1.30. Miss Emma _ Dug;
Oliver. , 7

Mixed Petunias red Salvi
15e doz., Elk Hor
Toe, Rubber Plant,
10c ea.; Green purple str:
Jew, Green Jew, 3 for 10c. Ad

postage or PP on $1 order or

more in Ga. Mrs. P. E. Traylo
Rebecca. 2

Large type, mixed colors
Mums, red, white, yellow, gold
purple, lavender, 2 doz. $1.50;

white, yellow daisy-type, 3

doz. $1.50 Red Salvia planta

12, $1; Red Love Apples 2, $1
Red Apple and Angel

Mrs. V. M. Johnson, Shellman.

Dbl. Geraniums, bright red,
orchid, lavender, white, dark
red, Begonias _asstd.
Petunias dwarf hybrid, 3 1/2
in. blooms Grandeflora type,
dif. shades of pink, blue, rose,
red, white, salmon, scarlet, 3
$1. Prepaid, Damp packed.

Mrs. Lawrence Collins, Rt. 2, A


Chrysanthemums, Exhibi-
tions in gold, amber, bronze,

yellow, white, pink, rose, pur-
ple, orchid, fuchsia, lavender,
maroon; also, Spiders, Spoons,
Buttons, Poms, Anemones, Ko-
reans, 65 assorted, $3. Mrs.
Leland Jhonson, Rt. 1, Bains

Mixed Coleus and <Achi-

mene (or called Monkey Face)
plants), purple bloom, 60c doz.
ea. or mixed, 2 doz. $1 PP.
Mrs. J. W. Roberts, Rt. 2, Box


71, Tallapoosa.

Croff lilies 50c ea.; red,.

white, Salmon, veriegated Ge-
raniums, all dbl., 35 cutting;
Widows Tears, 13c ea., Oxalis
20c clump; Primrose, 50c doz.;
Grapevine and Guinea Wing
Begonias, large cuttings, 25
ea.; Mums. all colors, 50c doz.
Add postage. Mrs. J. G. Combs.


1. Toomsboro.

Maiden Hair
fern, Ardista and pineapple
Geranium plants, 45c ea; Asst.

int clump

Begonia $1 ea. Add postage.



Counties Free
Of Disease
4Wilkinson, Towns,
Oconee, Evans

Counties In which area testing Is now underway include:

Gordon Pickens
Gwinnett Pierce
Hart: Pulaski
Heard Putnam
Habersham Quitman
Hall Rabun
Irwin Rockdale
Jackson Stephens
Jeff Davis Talbott
Jenkins Taliaferro
Johnson Toombs
Lamar Turner
Laurens Union
Liberty Walker
Long Washington
Lumpkin Wayne
Madison Wheeler
Marion White
Miller Wilcox


Help Make Georgia Brucellosis


Counties Not
Free of Disease


Free By 1960



y <


18 bu. Iron Clay peas, 73| Want Ginseng plants. Mrs.| Liverman Iron Age peanut! Correction: Mighty
pet. Germ. Cleaned and in 2|W. J. Wilson, 318 Chestnut |Combine with Wisc. air cooled aa
bu. bags. $3.50 bu. at my|St., Dalton. engine; John Deere No. 5
j place. Geo. D. Barfield, Rt. 3 mower with 7 ft. blade, trail- anes
' FOR SALE Louisville. type pan and one set South-| plow, etc.,
FEED & GRAIN ern peanut plows. All good $100; also J
Iron peas, pure Seed 99 cond. D, W. Haley, Ashburn. |Mill with belts, sacks,

German Bearded Iris, nam-
ed varieties, not labeled, 20
rhizomes $1, 45 rhizomes $2,
$4 C; Delta or Louisiana Iris,
purple, 12 rhizomes $1; Dar-
win tulips, yellow with few
eds mixed, small and med.
ulbs $1 C; Add 25e posta ge.

rs. Sherman Duckett, Tal

g Rock.

April blooming Narcissus
and Iris, mixed colors or old
fashioned $1 C; purple, 25c $1;
Star of Bethlehem, 75c C. Mrs
John Weaver, Rt. 2; Tenple.

Tris. dif., labeled $1 doz.;
better $1. 50 doz.; newer $2; 15
not labeled $1 doz.; Hemero-
callis, labeled $1.50, better
$2.25; 2 ea. rose purple, Pink,
yellow, red, bi-colors $1.75.
Add 35c postage first doz., 10c
ea. addnl. doz. Mrs. F. M.
Coombs, Washington.

Bulbs by doz: Emperor, 50c
King Alfred, 75c; Geraniums,
50c Beersheba, white, $2.50;
Thalia, white, $2.50; Paper
White, 35c; Tris, $2 ea. Dif rose
yellow, red, bi-color, bronze,

ficata, $1;- 12 Hemerocallis,
fabeled, $2. '35c postage Ist, 1st Ene
10c ea. added doz. Mrs. M. P.
Combs, Washington.



Want some Purple Sage
Jants and Coral Vine. Advise.
. H. N. Carver, 328 Cler-
en Ave., East Point. Ph. PO

Want all kinds dry bulbs.
Will exch. Dioscorea batatas
bulblets (the blooms perfume

ard), or sell 3 for 10c, 8 for

5c; also want Tiger Lily tiny
ulblet seed-like. Miss F
oore, Suwanee.



Multiplying white nest on-
ns, $1.50 gal. Emma Dugger,

White nest onion sets, $1.35
gal. PP in Ga.; also Calif. beer
peed 25c start with 3c stamp
See each order. Ruth Weeks.


Iron Clay hay peas, recean-
i new 2 bu. bags. $4.25
u. Purity 99.36 pet. Germ.
7 pet. H, C. Allen, Rt. 8,
cDonough. PH 3379.

Iron Clay peas, Purity 92.51

t., Germ, 89.00 pet. 2 bu.
kee $4 bu. at my farm. Jack

ates, Rt. 1, Hawkinsville. Ph to

wilight 3-5393.

ewe Combine peas, Purity
ae Germ, 89 os $3 bu.,
Hartwell, W. Marett,
ag Ph, prank

Red Speckled Crowder and
lue Java peas, 30c lb., 5 ey
1.25. Add Poa G.

rown, Rt. Ground.

2 tons high quality, Brown
top Millet seed. $4 per 100
eh for quick sale. James E.

eeks, Rt. 1, Bishop.

Early Blue Java peas, 40c
gupful, PP in Ga. Orders
qrned promptly. P. B. Brown

1, Ball Ground.

White Brown-eyed peas,
erm. 90 pct.; late Purple
ull, Germ. 79 pet.; Sugar
rowders, Germ. 90 pet;
arly Purple Hull ain 86
40c cupful, 3 cups 75c.
Rad 10c cup postage. Mrs. S.
Wright, Rt. 1, Tallapoosa.
PH 6898.

Horseradish roots, 50c Ib.
Horseradish plants, white Yar-

Tow, 50 doz.; Spearmint,
Balm, Tanzy, Yellow Dock,
5e doz., ey, Jentsens
ellowberry, plants, 50ce;
fa Spat lants, 25 ea.;
arlic Ie ea., $ C. Mrs. Pres-
Fowler, Rt. 8, Bllijay.

pet., Germ. 77 pct. Recleaned
and bagged, $4 bu. Charles H.
Fountain, Rt. 6, Dublin, PH

Iron Clay peas, recleaned,
92 pct. Germ., in 2 % bu. bags
$4.25 bu. at farm. R. A. Allen,
Rt. 4, Jackson. PH 2147.

Fresh Calif. multiplying beer
seed, 20c start, 12 starts, $1
FP. Mrs. Earl Fincher, Rt.

Recleaned Lespedeza and
peas, Kobe, Germ. 90 pect.,
Sericea, Germ. 89 pct., 13c 1b.;
Red Ripper peas, Germ. 86
pet. Sell out at $3.90 bu. All
FOB. John C. Reid, Zebulon.
Ph. LO 7-8709.

Dill plants, 3 doz. 50c; Lem-
on Balm, Catnip, Horehound,
6 for 50c; Pennyroyal, Blood-
root, 2 doz. 50c. Mrs. F. M.

Eaton, Rt. 1, Dahlonega.

N. C. Short Stem, La Sweet
and Heading collard plants,
35ce C.; Catnip, 10e bunch,
Peppermint 5c bunch. All del.

Leila Phillips, Rt..1, Royston.

Large Klondike strawberry
plants, well rooted vee have
berries next spring), 80c C.,
$7 M. Add 25c per C for post-
age. Mrs. Luther S. Butler,
466 Page Ave., NE, Atlanta,
7. PH DR 3-1846.

Famous climbing Tomato
plants 25c doz.; Rutger, Mar-
globe, Red Va., Parsley, Eng-
lish Peppermint, 15c doz.;
Collards, 40c C., Birdseye and
Bell Pepper plants, 30 doz.
Add 5e postage. Fred Wither-
spoon, 308 Holderness St., SW
Atlanta 10. PH 3-5258.

Watercress plants $1:25 C.
All orders shipped promptly.

B.| Mrs. C. C. Gentry, Rt. 3, Ca


Tomato plants, now ready at
farm. Write or call. J. G. Hol-
brook, Rt. 2, Gainesville. PH

Sage plants, Catnip bunches
6 for $1; Peppermint, Yellow
root, 75 doz.; Garlic onion,
large size, $1 doz. Add postage
Mrs. Mae Turner, Rt. 6,

Late Flat Dutch cabbage,
Copenhagen and Ga. sweet
collards, 300, $1; $3 M.; Rut-
ger tomatoes 250, $1.50; $4 M.
No orders filled less than $1
an none shipped without post-
age added. Mrs. Nancy Hend-
erson, Rt. 3, Box 124, Elli-

Jerusalem artichoke plants
a C. at my home or prepaid
3rd zone, $1.75 C. $15 M.
Cr W; Page, 149 North Ave.,
oe Atlanta, Ga. PH Tr. 4-

Blakemore strawberry pia
$1.50 C; Mastodon $1.25 C.;
Klondike $1 C.3; also Brown
striped, half-runner bead
seeds, Germ. 87 pct, 60 cup-
ful; Peppermint 30c doz.; Cat-

T.|nip 30c bunch. Add postage.

Mrs. Lee Hood, Rt. 1, Gaines-

Everbearing Strawberry
plants, bear fruitful, $1.25 C.;
$7 M., 2 M. for $12. "Add post-
age. Mrs. Janie Ellis, Grant-

Rutger tomato plants. Sell
at market price at my farm.
E. B. Wetherford, Rt. 2,
Gainesville, :



Want Brown sugar Crowder
and Purple Hull peas. State
price for bushel. George F.
Holston, Molena.

Want few big black peas,
Field or Crowder. Want only
black variety. Write first. Mrs
M. C. Cagle, Rt. 3, Jasper.

2 Homer Harp, Rt. 2,


8 or 10 tons good quality
Sericea Lespedeza. Last years
hay but good cond. riced
cheap. Homer Thomason, c/o
Forest Hills Farms, RR No.
2, Box 40, Americus. PH 7562

, $20 ton.

300 or 400 bu. Dixie 18
ear corn, Machine gathered,
$1.50 bu. at barn. Will make
cut on 50 bu. or mor. Dowse
B. Smith, Ludowici. .

Kudzu hay for the cutting
and crowns for the digging.
Wish to clean the land. L.

4 tons Peanut ha

M. Bird, 125 Meigs St., Ath-
ens. PH 3-3747.
Baled Sericea hay, large

square bales, from well fer-
tilizer field, cut and baled
without rain, $1 bale, FOB
farm. H. W. Buckley, Rt. 1,

100 bales Oats, 65c bale.
Shellie D, Branch, Rt. 1,

Good quality Alfalfa hay,
baled, $25 and $30 ton. Can
deliver. E. V. Vaughn, Bogart.
PH SO 9-3375.

50-75 Pe ellow corn, 1956
crop. W. G rrett, 2013 Val-
ley Brook Rd., Decatur. PH
ME 4-0268.

4,000 bales good green Al-
falfa and Oat hay, baled with-
out rain. James E. Meeks, Rt.
1, Bishop.

New crop Coastal Bermuda
hay from highly fertilized

ass, $20-$25 ton, in truck
bots at farm, 7 mi.

ifton, Hwy. 41, Chula. Berry
Rigdon, Tifton. PH 281W1.

500 bales Oats, $1 bale, or
trade for small heifers. Prefer
Guernsey or Holstein. Boy-
ie T. Thompson, Rt. 2, Chip-

Have some baled hay for
sale at reasonable price. Come
and get it. Mrs. Florrie Blan-| Tha
chard, Avera.




Want bushel good,
1957 erop Rye for

and table use. G. amples,
Rt. 3, Madison.
Want good grass hay, Fes-

cue, Orchard grass, Coastal

Bermuda or Dallas, 2-6 tons.

Must be good hay. All letters

answered. Thomas G. Watkins,

Jr., 4584 Flat Shoals Rd., Rt.
2, Decatur. PH BU 9-6693.

Want combine run Barley,
Oats. and Wheat. George H.
Childs c/o B & B- Rranch
Thomaston. PH 2412:



Horse-drawn, No. 3, John
Deere mower, tractor harrow,
lime spreader, section harrow,
saddle, elec. churn, lawn mow-
er (push type). John Knight,
Jr., Rt. 2, Franklin. PH Roop-
ville 4485.

One 850 Ford tractor, used
430 hrs. pulling baler, in new
cond., $1,600. See at my place
or call after 7 PM. Loy Fran-
cis, Rt. 1, Box 346 (7 mi. No.)
Alpharetta. PH 3321.

1955 tractor, 6100 series
with Keystone 27 ft. trailer,
(especially equipped to haul
grain, air brakes, saddle

tanks), 2 spare tires and
wheels, tailored canvas to cev-
er. A-1 cond. Sell or trade
for good blooded beef cattle.
Merle Ensz, Rt. 2, Stapleton.
PH Louisville 4614.

North of

PH 297-L-3.

1952 John Deere M tractor
with cultivator, 4-dise tiller,
cotton duster. 1 yr. old. Orig.
tires on tractor. All in good
cond, $500. Ed C. Elliott, Meg-
field. PH Warrenton HO 5-

700 laying cages, good cond.,
aluminum water troughs, $350
FOB my house. Pete Williams
Box 188, Royston.

Corn shucker and _sheller,
good cond., $100; also, 500
bales. of oats, $1 ea. or trade
for small heifers, any_ good
breed, prefer Guernsey or
Holsteins. Boykin T. Thomp-
son, Rt. 2, Chipley.

Model M Latourneau scrap-
er, 6-8 yrs. old, good cond.
See on West Point Hwy. be-
tween LaGrange and West
Point, or phone LaGrange
9602. D. G. Tyler, Gabbett-

Metal grain sprouter for
broilers or poultry, 20 in. by
20 in by 36 in. high, with 7
pams or shelves for grain,
good as new, $5 at my place.
J .J. Johnston, 505 Academy
Ave., Waynesboro.

Wind mill and 2400 gal.
Cypress tank on heavy steel
tower, $100 and you disman-
tle, Also, one 2-horse Wagon | ing
in good cond. with good body,
$50 at my farm. L. S. Hayes,
Rt. 1, Bonaire.

Light, 2-wheel, farm trailer

with extra cattle sides, $110.
W. L. Rogers, Rt. 1, Macon
Rd., Americus.

One 2-dise tiller for Ford | Po
tractor, with pet hitch,
good cond., $135. B Turn- | MA
er, Rt. 4, Marietta. PH 8-187.

One Intnl.. mower, 7 ft.
blade, drawbar type; one In-
tnl, hay rake. Reasonably
priced. Boyce H. Smith, Shar-

Friend spray machines for

Bel 8 | or cattle, $300; Farm

ell, 18 in., $15. E. R. Taylor,
LaGrange. PH 4531.

Sears Can Sealer, good as
new, $6.00. A. D. Blackstoolt,
Rt. b Douglasville.

Gravely tractor complete
with 1 cycle head, 1 tor
head, 1953. Ferguson tractor,
1953 Ferguson mowing ma-
chine; 1-row Coastal Bermuda
planter. All good cond. Sell
for cash or trade for 1957 ear
corn. A, R. Daniel, 1215 New-
castle St., Brunswick. PH 3175

1953 Farmall Super C trac-
tor with power lift, 26 in.
disc; Taylor Way harrow, 2-
disc plow. All A-1 cond., been
used about 250 tee $1250.
Can see at my farm any time.
Grover Dickens, Rt. 1, Nor-

IHC 45 power take-off bal-
er, John Deere side delivery
rake. Both in good cond., bar-
gain prices; Also, 61 HP Case
stationary motor in good cond.
T. R. Breedlove, C/O Breed-
loves Dairy Farm, Monroe.

Two 9-32, 4-ply and two
650-36, 4 ply tractor tires and
tubes. W. R. Faircloth, P. O.
Box 372, Donalsonville.

1 grain cradle for sale. my
place, 4 mi. Hiawassee. Har-
vey Roper, Hiawassee.

Ford Jeep with 4-wheel
drive, mud grip tires, all in
good cond., 250. Douglas
Forsyth, Rt. 3, Rockmart. PH

Brown canvas cover for 3/4
ton truck. Metal frame, 3 seats
metal frames. Curtains all
around. Used only 3 wks. W.
Sea Rt. 1, Box 112, Ella-

Model LA Case tractor, good
mechanical cond., dual wheels,
new paint. Jack Keith, New-

nan. PH. Day 1437, Night 1681

verse and wheel weights,
attachments, lawn mower, Ti

dise bane, wplow, rake

pate aid

Ir-A, Clogs Fee
mower for M_ tractor.

running cond. John G.
son, Rt. 2, Culloden. :

excellent oe
Butts, Rt.
ersville. PH "3030.

Giang Rt.
pharetta. PH 4737.

long, fair cond., $20.00 for
Ralph Dangar, Woodstock.

Farmall Cub tractor, used
time, $75.00. W. T. Entre
4902 Stone Mountain
Stone. Mt. PH. Hi 3-7811

mower for MM.
cond. and cheap gor cash. |
G. Pierson, Rt.

dise grain drill, $15
1,000 lb. cap. Acid se


arbor bench saw
tachments. Write e see.
ace Mulkey,

id Bradley garden tra
good cond. State price.
Hicks, Rt. 1, Lithonia.

Farmall or 420 1-row
Deere, and equipment. :
be in A-1 oor and
oo priced. M.

THC or Lamber for

ready to hook up to.
or tractor, cheay
Robert E. Foran,
lasville. Ph. 2515.

Benthal peanut Combi
with V-F-4 Wisc. engine,
cond.; hitches from center
machine, bargain; also,
thal stationary pay pic
good cond. and chea Cat. Rt
or both. James C.

Lilliston peanut Com
chain replaced; Carter
recleaner, large Se
use with Com. peanut sh
Moline tractor complete
cultivator, planters, side
sers, has original tires.
in good cond. W. R. And

Ford-Ferguson mower
good cond.; large 2-roller

Mill, 50-gal pot, 2-w!
heavy, trailer and some
plows and plante Sh

D. Branch, Rt. 1, Glenn

One Model 8 Oliver.
tie baler, $750; New Ho
77 Twine tie baler $

HE 2-1777.

David Bradley super
er garden tractor with

sulky, moldboard p

new a
Secs Se
re ,
PH Glendale ae
Farmall eg ex

Power drive id D

Ford tractor mower,
Box 235,

Large Air Compressor, hat
for fresh wat

Le using e
istern, g
other purposes, -

1% HP, $250.00. Pocaied
mi. NE Alpharetta.
1, Box 189,

50 Chicken ios 4

Power lift rake for us

John Deere ower d


2, Cullode:
2-horse wagon, eee

$75. M. M. Nees: and


Want 8 in. or 1 tiltir
Rt. 1, Talki

Want sickle blade for D

Want late model Supe

L, Brow
ennesaw. :

Want set of dise

day. July 3, 1957

one med. sized truck
ust be in good cond.
ed right. Will dis-
and move. E. S. Scott,
Box 357, Claxton.

nt 60 or more hanging
, 25 or 30 lb. size, used.
or call. Arthur Burrell,
Elberton. PH 4-19-M-2

nt two rock corn. mill
State price and make.
ay a Rt. 4,

nt one copper evaporator
large size; uprig ht corn
mill, 20-24 in. rocks in
-cond., and one drum
sifter or separator; also,
for Sale one F-2 Case
r attachment, good con.
. Robbins, RED, Syl-

25-300, feeders 4 or

fant Pulverizer with roll-
seeding, also want farm
with 4 wheel drive. Ad-
C. E. Stewart, Mill St.,
boro. Ph. Atlanta PO 6-

Want Baek churn, 15 to
gal. cap., in good cond.
eribe fully and price. Fred
r, Box 206, Jonesboro.



One good milch cow for
One mi. east of Jones-
, Hwy. 138. W. G. John-
*PH. Jonesboro 6797.

Dbl, Reg. polled Hereford
u Domino strain, 3 yrs.,
os. old, gentle. Sell to pre-

inbreeding or trade for
- Reg. polled Hereford
rs, weaned and ready for
ure. Joe Brand, Rt. 1, Ac-

1oice Holstein as fresh

id springers, TB and blood
tested. Satisfaction guaran-
ed. * L. Rogers, RFD 1,


Bt Guernsey, bred heifers
ulls. Ready for service.

m best of breeding. Reas-

F. H. Bunn,

_ Dairy cows and heifers, in
ilk, fall freshening and open.
All progeny of artificial breed-
ing. DHIA tests on cows. Dick
lommses, Rt. 3, Clarkesville.

_ 25 Holstein heifers, calf-
d vaccinated, to freshen |
ly and August. C. M. Bow-
RFD 3, Stone Mountain.
Atlanta BU 9-7616.

Reg. horned Hereford bull,
oming 5 yrs. old, about 1150
., well marked, halter brok-
| and his sire is grandson
ne Domino 50th (the

z due in late fall. Reason-
e. W. F. Bryant, Panola
d., Lithonia. PH 5401.

9 purebred, 12 wks. old
erkshire pigs, con be Reg.;
boars, 1 gilt, all treated for
ll diseases, wormed and
ady to go. $25 ea. as is, or
30 ea. finished all the way
luding Reg. papers. Otis
we, Rt. 4, Lyons.
eg. Yorkshires, service age
rs, bred gilts, spring pigs,
oth sexes. All sired by or
ed to Certified Superior
neat. type boars. Prices reas-
ble. Homer Thomason, c/o
est Hills Farms, ros 2; Box
Americus, PH 7562

Hampshire (more lean meat
net_wt. than any. other
ed) pigs and one boar
for service. Strict reg-
on, delivery guaranteed,
i der: C, .. Maddox,

*|mo. old, $40; 4 mo. old, $30.

2 aad ewe sheep. $25 pr. Will
|not sh


Reg. Landrace pigs, weaning
age up to 3 mos. old, vaccin-
ated and wormed. Reasonable
price. M. F. Elliott, c/o Up-
son Ranch, Thomaston.

Reg. Tamworths, breeding
age males, bred and unbred
gilts and pigs. Excellent leng-
th, color and depth. Prolific
sows with fast-growing pigs.
Charles Baldwin, Suwanee.

Dark red Duroc males and
females, also young bred sows.
Extra good. All Reg. in buy-
ers name. Charles W. Welch,
Rt. 2, McRae.

10 good Hampshire pigs, 7
wks. old, well-marked, healthy
and from prize winning stock.
Can be Reg. Either sex, $11
ea. or $100 for the ten. Will
not ship. Carl Smith, Rt. 3,

Reg. Duroc pigs, 3 mos. old,
males and females, $15 ea.
Call or write. Ralph Sires, 845
a Ave., Macon. PH 5-

OIC breeding stock boars,
ready for service, $45 ea.,
Shoats, 4 mos. old, either sex,
from Short Nose, med. type,
stock. Reg., treat and crate,
$25.68. Paul J. Cain; Rt: <1,

16 Hampshire shoats, wt.
100-125 lb. and three mos. old
18 Hampshire pigs. Shoats and"
pigs have been wormed. Rad
os gee Rt. 1, Dallas. PH

3 pure red Duroc Jersey
sows, ready bred. J. J. Waters,

Red. Hereford bull, 6 yrs.
old, fine conformation and
pedigree, WHR bred. Selling
to prevent inbreeding. Guar.
breeder, sound and will stay
in pasture. $500. Harley Mer-
rick, Rt. 4, Cuthbert.

Reg. Polled Herefords, bulls,
cows and calves. Popular
bloodlines. More than 150 to
select from. John W. Long,
e/o Valley View Ranch, Jas-
per. PH Nelson 4581.

Reg. Angus heifer, 5 yrs.
old, very good bloodlines, not
bred, for sale. Roger S. Cobb,
Box 355, Marietta.

3 Reg. Angus bulls, 16 mo.
old, Eileen Mere breeding.

Sell or Exch. one and pay
dif. on good Super M. Farmall
tractor. J G. Purvis, Rt.22,

Reg. Hereford cow and calf,
$145; also Reg. polled heifer,
good cond. $100. Ralph Dan-
oc, Woodstock. PH Roswell

Purebred Jersey bull, 1 yr.
old, Sire: Evergreen Stand-
ard Luke; Dam: Standard
Noble Lydie. Both sire and
dam classified very good. Dam
has several good records. $100
for bull. W. J. Cooper, Rt. 2,

Purebred Duroc hogs, 5-6
Best of bloodlines. Also bred
sow, $85, papers furnished,
Guernsey milch eow, to fresh
July 19 with 3rd calf; $175.
M. M. Newsome, Sandersville.

Reg. Guernsey bull, 4 yrs.
old, wt. 1,100 lbs., well mark-
ed, best of bloodlines. FFA
Chapter bull. Sell to prevent
inbreeding. Julian Jones, Voc.
a Teacher, Bowdon. PH

SPC boars, Jan., Feb., and
March farrowed, carry blood-
lines of Reserve Champion of
Missouri, Grand Champion of
Indiana, Grand Champion of
Nebraska. Have good length
legs. M. J. Blackmon, Pine-
hurst. PH 730.

Large type Yorkshire pigs
Exe. meat type breed, for sale.
Guy U. Rice, Rt. 4, Box 239,
Alpharetta. PH 5416.

At Stud: purebred Berkshire
sek Standing fee, $5 or a
pig from ea. litter sired b
d boar; Also, large buc

Come get them. J.

Paul Higginbotham, Rt. 1,

Two 16 mo. old Jersey heif-
ers, $150 ea. Will freshen in
November. Call or contact.
Warren F, Smith, Rt. 1, Jack-
son after 6 PM.

Fine 300 lb. boar, 1/2 Berk-
shire, 1/2 Ham: ey 18 mos.
old, for sale. B. Whitfield,
at DeKalb and Clayton Coun-
ty line on Bouldercrest Dr.,
Ellenwood. MA 17-4770.

Gentle, 5 eae riding mare,

brown. $el with or without
saddle. See at Doraville farm.
T. J. Woth, 3125 E. Shadow-
lawn Ave. Atlanta 5. PH.
CE 3-4280.

Good, sound, gaited bay
mare horse, 9 yrs. old. Good
riding or cattle horse. Also

western saddle. B. New-
kirk, Sterling, Brunswick.
PH 2502J1,

Reg. Tenn. Walking mare,
and 3 mos. old mare colt.
Mare has been shown. 12 yrs.
old and fo Wt. 1 fo $250;
One solid white Arabian gaited
horse Fentls, 11 yrs. old, $150.
yee Taylor, LaGrange. PH

4 nice small Shetland ponies,
2 small mares, 1 white Albino
stallion. All under 40 in. tall.
2-4 yrs. old. Will sell reason-
ably. Jess Holbrook, Jones-
boro. PH 6771.

One black mare mule, wt.
1200, work anywhere, gentle,
no plug, 10 yrs. old. Sell or
swap for mare or horse, wt.
900- To00 that will work to 1-
horse wagon, fig and ride.
Do not want plug. Write Rev.
J. E. Meeks, Rt..1, Bethlehem.

Golden Palomino gelding, 6
yrs. old, wt. about 800 Ib.
entle, well-broke to saddle,
185.00 at my place. Roy H.
Abee, Dahlonega.

Bay Walking horse, stylish
and easy to handle, wt. 950
Ibs. for sale, Sally Forrester,
3928 Lawrenceville Rd. De-
eatur, Ph $-5853.

5 Hampshire ewes and 1
Reg. ram (Suffolk). No oe
$160. at my farm. D. Sha-
han, Rt.

Young nannie goat and her
three 2-mo. old kids. Will sell
separately. ids $4. ea.;. Nan-
nie $7. D. R. Smith, Riverdale.
Ph. Jonesboro 6537.

Reg. Suffolk and Hampshire
rams, top quality $70.; aged
rams as low as $40. Top quali-
ty Southwestern yearling
black and white face ewes
$20. ea. All drenched rams
turned with them June Ist.
R. E. Tribble, Rt. 8, Cumming,
6 mi. So. Ph. 6871 at night.

One milk goat and feed.
For information call MA _ 7-
9505 Mrs. F. A. Hendon, 1962
Lakewood Ter., SE Atlanta 15.

6 extra good Reg. Hamp-
shire rams and 10 Reg. Hamp-
shire ewes. Have good type
and from a top breed flock.
Horace B. Smith, 12 City
Cleveland Rd., Dalton.



E Gevaanes.

Want 50 Feeder shoats, 60-
100 lbs. wt., within 150 mi.
Atlanta. State best price and
how to reach your place in
first letter. F. T. Chambles,
3167 Peachtree Rd. NM, At-
lanta. PH CE 17-1551.

Want to exch. some good
mules for Short Horn heifer
calves, 200-300 lbs. ea. also
want to buy red Guernsey bull
calf with white spots and
horns, wt. 250-350 lbs. J. F.
Wellborn, Rock Springs.

Want small miniature Shet-
land mare, 34, in. high. State
age, color and price. W. E
PH 5470 or 2568.

Want dairy cows or heifers
to freshen August and Sep-
tember. No dealers. Interested
only in good top milk produc-
ing cows. Write giving kind
and price. J. Ardell Nation,


1812 Kay Ave., Brunswick.



Bantams in Old English and
Modern Games, also bearded
Mille Fleurs, black, white and
buff Cochins, black-tailed
white Japanese, black-tailed
buff Japanese, Silver Spang-
led Hamburgs and = Light
Brahmas. Fred Blaylock, 515
Crescent Ave., Chickamauga.

Pure yellow, feathered-leg-
ged Buff Orpington Bantams,
2 hens, 1 rooster, $7; 4 hens,
$12. Add Express. Tested
hatching eggs, 15, $1.25, 30,
$2.40. Add postage. Mrs. V.
M. Johnson, Shellman.

Fine purebred Buff Cochin
Bantams, all ages, at my place.
J. A. McGarity. 3-46 Sylvan
Rd., SW. PH 1-6734.

Show stock: 1956 trios
Rhode Island Reds, Old Eng-
lish, Silver and Golden Sea-
brights, $5; young stcik of
above breeds including Jap
Silkies, 50c ea. in lots of 10.
All Blue Ribbon Winners at
Coob Co. Fair. Robert Harris,
Rt. 5, Marietta. PH Smyrna
HE 5-5802. -

Golden Seabrights, B. R.

Red O. E., the finest of Show |C

Birds. Cheap at my place.
E. I. Wix, 680 Quillian Ave.,
SE, Atlanta 17. PH DR 3-9421

5 Jap. Silkie hens and 2
roosters $12, or exch. for dark
Cornish. A. R. Bryans, 1255
Woodland Ave., Atlanta 16.
PH MA 717-9795.

Entire lot of breeders in
purebred Dark Cornish and
Black Cochin Bantams, 1956
and 1957 hatch, $3 ea. and up.
All bred from Show Winners.
J Homer Morgan, 405 E. Elm
St., Rockmart.

5 purebred, heavy type, 1
yr. Dark Cornish hens and
one rooster, $15 or $2.50 ea.;
also hatching eggs, $1.65 for
15, and my cartons returned
at once at buyers expense.
Money order only. Miss Cora

B. Patterson, Rt. 1, Box 35,
Ty Ty 3%
50 pedigreed (Truelines)

White Leghorn pullets, now
laying, $2 ea.; also 30 pedi-
greed Productive Reds {Rhode
Island) soon to lay, $1.10 ea.
Charles Edwards, Box 161,

230 White Leghorn hens,
about 9 mos. old, now laying
about 50 pct., $1 ea. for lot.
Mrs. Bessie Wages, 4515 Cov-
ington Rd., Decatur.

95 Honegger White Leghorn
pullets, 5 mos. old, $2.25 ea.;
also:4 hanging feeders and, 2
water founts. Must sell all.
Cannot ship. Mrs. B. F. Hud-
gins, Jr., 865 Columbia Dr.,
Decatur. PH BU 9-0558.

300 super quality White Leg-
horn pullets, 11 wks. old, also
100 cockerels, 11 wks. old. E.
E, Lynn, Rt. 3, College Park.
PH PO 1-2713.

A few heavy-laying, New
Hampshire Red pullets, almost
12 wks. old, $1.25 ea. at my
place. Trained for coop and
range. Y. M. Anderson, Rt. 1,
Williamson. PH Griffin 6475.

Large white Geese and
anders, for sale. Mrs. E. T.
pieks, 5185 Covington Rd.,
Decatur. PH BU 9-9517.

4 Blue Geese, $2 ea. at my
place. I. T. Hallman, 131 Kel-
ly Road, Rt. 1, Decatur. PH
DR 7-6660.



Want 50 Parmenter Red
pullets, 4-6 mos. old. Glenn
Dameron, Rt. 2, Box 183, Hep-
hzibah. PH 6-8034.

Want trio of purebred An-
cona Bantams, 1956 or 1957
hatch. P. W. Goodwin, 1049
Ormewood Ave., SE, Atlaywta
16. MA 7-8215.


Want exch. poll set of har-
ness for 25 or 50 Guineas and
pay or take difference. J. F.
Wellborn, Rock Spring.

Want one trio Silver Spang-
led Hamburgs, 1956 or 57
hatch. John F. Usry, 1608
Maryland Ave., Augusta.

Want one setting of eggs
of each: Muscovy Ducks, Grey
Goose, B. B. Turkey, No:
Bobwhite Quail and Pheas< =
ant, or 18 chicks of each of:
the above. State cheapest cash
price. Letters answered. Alsa
buy quail pen within 50 mi
R. T. Rowell, Rt. 2, Patterson,

SAME, FOWL, etc.


Bobwhite Quail, few pairg
breeders, laying; quail and
Chukar partridge eggs and
chicks; Ringneck pheasants,
Gambel., Calif. Valley, Blue
Scale, Tenn. Red and Japanes
(Coturnix) quail eggs an
chicks. Will ship; will hatch
your quail eggs, 10c ea. Cli

& bu, ok Jt, Vernon Dig
Decatur. DR 3-4238.

Purebred Racing Hom
pigeons, seamless bande
birds, $1.50 ea. to $2.50 ea
. H. Overby, Sr., 3609
14th Ave., Columbus.

Chukar eggs, 35c ea. $30 C,
Will ship 100 or more. Books
ing orders for day old birds,
60c ea. Will also hatch your
game bird eggs. H. H. Hill,
356 Bragg St., Chamblee. Ph:

Bobwhite quail eggs and
baby quail available at my
place. Will ship birds when
6 wks. old. Fine Quality stock
guaranteed. Ralph E. Keefer,
110 Delores Way, Forest Park,
PH PO 7-0668.

Japanese Coturnix Qua
sex guaranteed, should star
laying within 3 wks., $3 pr., $

trio. Minimum birds shipped
6. Any amount at my place.
Extra hens $2 ea. R. M. Vande
ergriff, Jr., 3507 Piedmo:

Ave., NE, Atlanta 5. Ph. C


Pheasant eggs for sale or
exch. for Bobwhite quail eggs.
Michael Bennett, 173 Allen
Rd., PH Blackburn 5-2118.

Young Guinea pigs (any
color), male or female, $1.73
ea.; young Rabbits, white,
brown, black and gray, $1. 23
ea. Money order. Mrs. Helen
Street, 2956 Buford Hwy., At-
lanta 6.

Pigeons: Red Carneaux, $3

large type squabbing, $6

: white Homing, $2 pr. also
baby Guineas 50c ea.; Bantam
hens $1.25 ea.; common Pig=
eons $1 pr., white African
Guinea eggs "$1 doz. No COD
orders. Starling Yawn, By-

Ringneck Pheasant eggs avs
ailable at my place, $1.50 doz,
Roy Gibbs, 5888 Bonner Lane,
Doraville. PH GL 7-3091.

Fantails, Rollers, Rippler:
White Carneaux pigeons, $3.5
pr. Ship collect. George
Twiggs, 428 E. Park Ave, Vale

Bobwhite eggs, small birds,
breeders, from finest sto!
No disease. Write or call. Pa
Carmichael, Adel. Box 266,

Want to swap purebred
Game Bantams for White King
pigeons. Each pay Exp. Swap
one pr. Bantams for 2 pre.
pigeons, any amount. J. A,
Sanderlin, Leary.

New Zealand white rabbits,
bucks and does, young stock,
pre-juniors and juniors. Fine
stock, carefully bred, subject
to pedigree. State your wants.
C. W. Page, 149 North Ave.,
NE, Atlanta. PH TR 4-6452.

Select big Northern Bobe
white Quail, $37.50 C. Ask af


price list on large or smal
quantities. Hatching eggs $2

C. shipped in a
shipping boreg.. 1 Brane
nen, Jr., $11 ee AVGs

Statesboro. PH 4-2843.

Pig Parlors Showing

(Continued from page 1)

_ ficient management procedures in handl-
_ Ing baby pigs. Experimental rations have
_ been developed which show considerable
_ promise for successfully weaning pigs at
_ three weeks of age instead of the conven-
_ tional eight weeks. Early weaning pigs in



New crop extracted Honey,
10 Ib. pail, $2.75, prepaid to

3rd zone. D. M. Kirkland,

Large size pecans, 20c lb.;
small size 12c lb. 1956 crop.
Add _ postage. O. B. Camp,
Villa Rica.

Pecans, 50c lb., prepaid in
Georgia. Mrs. J. E. Sorrells,

Breeding opportunity. At
stud Red Lights Noble Rex,
Reg. No. 36083, Chestnut stal-
_ lion representing one of great-
test producing families of the
breed. Grandson Noble Kalar-
ama. Your inspection invited.
Thomas G. Watkins, Jr., Flat
Shoals Rd., Rt. 2, Decatur. PH
BU 9-6692.

Fancy Pot Holders, 15 ea.,
plus postage. Mrs. C. O.
Rainey, Rt. 1, Jasper.

6 Guaranteed by Manufacturer


this way offer the possibility of reducing |
sow feed cost redueng death losses from |
sow borne diseases and parasites as well
as reducing losses from crushing.
Greater utilization of available forage
in the sow feeding program is possible.
In addition the sow ean be rebred
or sold at an earlier date after farrowing.
It also offered a means of intensifying
baby pig production with an increase in
volume output of thrifty parasite and dis-

Good, sound pecans. Sell or
exch. for anything can use on
farm. Each pay postage. Geor-
ge Smith, Rt. B. Box 174, Grif-
fin. i

Full size quilt tops, out of
good material, Mrs. P. J. Gar-
rison, 1121 Odum St., Coving-

2 sheep, ram and ewe, good
stock, about 15 mos. old, $35
pr. P, B. Rowland, 1980 N.
Ponce de Leon Ave., NE, At-
lanta, 7. PH DR 3-3602.

MAY, 1957


Birdseys Laying Mash

_ The feeding of hogs in co:
lot, where proper management
out, allows the farmer
applying modern scientific
feeding and disease and p 2

It also provides a means for gre:
control of environmental factors such :
providing sprinklers to keep
and gaining rapidly and efficien
hot weather. ees

Ground Sage, $2. lb., ground.
Hot Pepper, $1. lb. Add post-
age. Nellie Keith, Rt. 1, Al

Yellow root, 4 lb. lard box
full, $1.25, postpaid. Abe Go-
ble, Rt. 2, Talking Rock.

Print feed sacks, 100 lbs.
size, free of holes and mildew,
30c ea. Mrs. O. L. Carter, Rt.
3, Box 3538, Griffin. 7

Nice clean print feed sacks,
35@ ea. Mrs. Grace Frazier,
Rt. 5, Thomaston. .


cay? * Quail :
Birds, $3 pr.; eggs,
Ausbon Brock, Ridge
Rt. 4, Rome. PH 8
Bobwhite quail, 4
65c ea. Shipped by
Warner Fryer, 1
suckle Lane, College
PH. PO 1-1091.


Found by State Chemist
: Snap Corn FE.
_ Crimped Oats and Molasses F 10.63 5.47 10.77 | THE BUCKEYE COTTON OIL DIVISION, Cincinnati, Ohio GC
-Crimped Oats with Molasses GS 4 Buckeye 36% Protein Cottonseed Meal Pellets F
se _ F 10.63 5.09 11.23 Buckeye 41% Protein Hydraulic Soybean Oil Meal 6
Snapped Corn G~ 7.50 2.50 11.00 ; : fF
F 8.44 3.00 $6 .
oo c G 750 2.50 11. BUHLER MILLS, INC., Buhler, Kansas G 1450 3.50
oo F 8.13 3.26 8.53 Pure Wheat Bran : ae 1788356
: Gray Wheat Shorts - Ground Wheat Screenings, not 1600 ,
ALABAMA FLOUR MILLS, Decatur, Ala. G 17.00 3.00 10.00 exceeding Mill Run * Fiber High F 17.00
Red Hat 17% Dairy Special . F 18.25 3.63 7.58
Red Hat 18% Cow Feed G 18.00 3.00 10.00 | CALDWELL AND COMPANY, Madison, Georgia _ 6
F 20.63 3.40 9.09 Dolly Madison Brand 36% Protein Cottonseed Meal &
Red Hat Horse and Mule Feed G 9.00 3.00 10.00 ve ee
: F 10.94 318 5 6.28 CAMILLA COTTON OIL CO., Camilla, Georgia So
Red Hat Laying Mash G 20.00 3.50 7.00 - Micoga Brand 36% Protein Cottonseed Meal, Ist Class oe
ee) BP: 2s6 3.80.2: a? * Fibre High (P) Fat FF
Red Hat Laying Ration Pellets & 16.00 3.50 : =
: ying F41800 3.75 5.04 | GEDARTOWN DAIRY PRODUCTS Co., Cedartown, Ga. = G
Red Hat Growing Crumbles can ae 8. Cedar Valley Brand 16% Milk Ration (P) Fibre
ES uP : : CENTRAL COTTON OIL CO., Macon, Georgia 6
BAA FesD COOPERATIVE. INC., Columbus, Ga, G 7.00 1.50 28.00 Prosperity Brand 36% Protein Cottonseed Meal oar <A
Peanut Vine Hay Meal and Cane Molasses F 10.00 1.67 28.00 * Fibre Hi F 36 ~ }
- Alaga 32% Dairy Supplement -G 32.00 1.50 10.00 ory Brand 36% Protein Cottonseed Meal = G ven : joe
2 * Fiber High F 39.25 3.54 10.68 oe ee oe * Fibre High FP 38.50 3.12.
ALCO MILLING COMPANY, Atlanta, Ga. G 16.00 3.00 15.00 ~ eae Gee ING., Fort Wayne, ind, 6 11.90 a
; ver Dairy P1819 3.85 12.65 need 4.38
Keystone Dairy Feed 6 2000 3.00 12.00 Forty-Four Soybean Oil Meal = @ 4400
cao o 21.087 3.91 - 49,08 5 F 46.50
airy Feed 16.00 3.00 15,00 ITY MILLS COMPANY, oo
* Fat Low (P) Fibre F 18.75 2.56 17.12 Peanut Vine a fr Mua he 4 + in i
_ALDAY & COMPANY, INC., Thomasville, Ga, G 880 3.33 10.385 et ee =
_Maid-rite Ground Snap Corn (P) Protein F 8.13 3.48 9.91 Jam Up Sweet Food $
ee NY, cago, Illinois G 50. 5 .
Be Armour's 50% Feeding Tankage with Bone F 50.00 ve 2/80 nnn A Re ee ;
os etaNe COMPANY, Atlanta, Georgia @ 20.00. 250 re Hog Supplement 6 ae
pace owing Ma: 2 ? : :
Capitola Laying Mash <i a Gimco Laying Mash & mm fae
ee an 00h 263 360 oe . ; * Piber High - F240 08
le 16% Dairy Feed G 16.00 250 15.00 ' er
See aes a0 CLARKE COUNTY MILLING CO., Athens, Ga. G 600 250
Money's Worth Hog Feed _ & 1400 250 8.00 Aectaeash oes oan . se
a F 15.94 3.76 5.01 | CLEVELAND MILLING CO. Cleveland, Tenn. ae
Sas Big Drive Horse Feed . a 2.00 15.00 Wheat Brand , 1858 : a
= 1. 304 8.84 | = a
es yee oak MILLING CO., Nashville, Tenn, G 16.00 3.00 8.00 eat ree badiaiei es ines
16% Quick Fat Hog Feed R170. : 386 oa Climax 20% Broiler Mash ee
THE ree MILLS CO., Beardstown, iit, G 16.00 4.00 5.50 pcsene in olla ifthe
: : ig Builder - Medicated F 17.81 4.70 4.56 THE COLORADO MILLING & ELEVATOR CO., Denver, Colo. G 16.00 3.50
BIRDSEY FLOUR & FEED MILLS, Macon, Ga. G 20.00 3.00 6.00 PN ee Se ee ees es
irdsey's Growing Ration F 23.13 3.49 4.32 COLUMBIA MILL & ELEVATOR CO., Col 5 50
: H i 1 Columbia, Tenn. {P) 16, *
Birdsey's Chick Statter = Medicated ' oe = fwd Blue eat Soft Wheat Gray Shorts (P) Protela, Fibre $ ints s i :
i R : ; "Blue Seal Soft Wheat : 3.50
Birdsey's Hog Feed Pellets . 16.00 2.50 6.00 i rE ont on Peowial Fibre (P) t
a 18.88 3.81 5.92 Blue Seal Soft Wheat Sh
Birdsey's Growing Ration . 20.00 = 3.00 6.00 Hie i si Ter ny Pistol Fibre (P)
a 23.13 352 4.03 Blue Seal" Soft Wheat Sh :
Birdsey's Laying Mash . ae 3.00 5.00 = . ort} Proteln, Fiber High $
ae 4 3.62 4,15 Blue Seal" Soft Wheat Gray Shorts with Mill-run G
peers 16% Dairy Feed . ; ce = a= Ground Wheat Screenings (P) Protein, Fibre (P) F
_ Birdsey's Complete Growing Ration 2 16.00 3.00 5,00 | COOPERATIVE MILLS, INC., Cincinnati, Ohio G i
pet 28.4) Oe 20% Dari-Flo a
_ Birdsey's Mascot Dog Food zhe0 4.00 4.50 Super Laying Mash 6
ns j 6.38 = 511 2.80 e
Birdsey's Laying Mash : Part 3.00 5.00 24% Milk Maker oS
1.38 3.42 4.41 e
Birdsey's Laying Mash . atte 3.00 5.00 20% Milk Maker Ss
212. 38 4.57 F
Birdsey's 16% Dairy Feed . : = ae 11.00 Turkey Starting Mash - Medicated G
i 3. i
4 Birdsey's Chick Starter - Medicated G 20.00 3.00 5.00 40% Pork Maker
; : F 22.50 4.04 4.15 * Fat Low F
Birdsey's Chick Starter - Medicated 20.00 = 3.00 5.00 Super Breeding Mash oS
22.6) 2 ove 3.97 oe
Birdsey's 15% Rabbit Ration Pellets 150 2.58 18.00 Starting & Growing Mash
: 62 8.19 z
Wheat Bran @ Bry = pe Broiler Maker (SM) Medicated | ,
Birdsoy's Starter Grower Mash - Medleated $ 20.00 3.00 6.00 ; DRE AL
21.300 08.33 4.29 b

MAY, 1987

PROTEIN FAT FIBRE Mak-em Fat Hog Peed G 14.00 3.00
sae Tee. iene as (P) Protein F 13.13 3.46
Mash 5 oe ees ae (P) Protein, Rot F 2644 6.34
Mee . 4.50 6.00 : 2 :
Sager > . P 24.69 8 4.78 3.88 J. T. HOPKINS & SONS, Wa
i ' Te ycross, Georgia G A
COMPANY, Moultrie, Georgia 6 50.00 10.00 2.00 iano al cs ee F $38 tas
6 3 :
lea F 56.88 13.33 1.60 i FEED & POULTRY CO., INC., Gainesville, Ga. G 17.00 4.50
LLING CO., Birmingham, Ale. @ 25.00 eae 5.09 remier All Mash Breeder * Fat Low, Fiber High F 18.13 4.28
eae : Fat Low PF. 28,13 4.78 3.07 INTERSTATE MILLING CO.
Cow Feed : @ 2400 250 12.00 Triangle Gray Shorts Ser ow tase High T is00 386
. 88 11.80 ;
G 18.00 2.50 8.00 JASPER SEED & MILLING CO., Monticello, Ga. G 15.00 3.50
. Fo2oe 2927331 Pure Wheat Bron F 16.06 3.51
16.00 2.50 : -
: * iW ass gop KUDER PULP SALES CO., Lake Alfred, Florida G 6.00 5.00
brower G 20.00 250 7.00 Kuder Dried Citrus Pulp (P) Fat Low F 6,38 2:35
as < iP} Fibre BF 20.31 an 8.56 Kuder Dried Citrus Pulp High Sugar GS 6.00 3.00
Egg Producer (Crumbles) G 20.00 3.50 7.00 j ee
sone = - F 21.56 3.58 6.61 | EDMOND J. LANG, New York, New York
ON .. Dawson, Georgia G i Bone Meal (Made in Germany)
Beauty Brand 45% Protein Peonst Feed F <a48 aa aes : F 613 55
SEED COMPANY, Comer, Ga. G 1400 3.00 8.00
-Mix Hog Feed A F 16.25 3:99 5:30 LAVONIA ROLLER MILL, Lavonia, Georgia G 15.00 3.50
and Wheat with Minerals G 10.00 330 8.00 Wei ee ar aaG Me. 2 oe ee
cael : F 10.63 2.73 718 Ground Cobs and Shucks with Molasses 25% G 2.00 -50
= : . & F 4.06 74
| COMPANY, Shelbyville, Tenn. G 10.0 Wheat ond Oats G1 :
jome 17% Dairy Feed tee Lew Heap mane at Wilk Oak roils 497
RILAND FLOUR CO., Chattanooga, Tenn. G 16.00 400 6.00 r o ies oes
Lion Shorts * Fibre High FO17.19 4.77 6.53 Wheat ond Oats G 10.00 3.00
She Soe 1600 4.00 6.00 F 1250 4.33
eee Fibre High F 18.88 4.26 6.58 Ground Cobs and Shucks with Molasses 25% G 2.00 50
i Shorts eS ae $ 1 -~ 6.00 es F 3.63 89
ee re Hi F ; F
2w Pure Wheat Bran er i eee (P) Fiber F438 438
ip i some F 15.94 4.01 11.00 Ground Cobs and Shucks with Molasses 25 G 2.00 50
shorts Bi ae pier . bh an 6.00 (Roughage Mixture) (P) Fiber F 3.94 1.00
ee tes er Hig ls 12 6.56
MILLS, INC. sm ae ec oe a ee gia MILL, INC., Kaplan, La. G 12.00 12.00.
sees pe ese owery . ye 5 I ice in
4 ride. Hi-Calorie_ Broiler Formula F 23.44 4.39 302 LORET | = C z (ae
- ET MILLS, Chattanooga, Ten G i
AND DANIEL CO., Cincinnati, Ohio G 22.00 3.00 5.50 Vita Booster - Paar Sconeaia Victor) eR aeat S33
axed eae SS : - ae 7 aes Loret Broiler Finisher (with Bifuran & Arsanilic Acid) G 18.00 6.00
o | : - f & : 4.00 * Fat Low,, Fiber High F 21.69 5.70
ee CRN are es F 18.00 4.17 3.50
: High Energy Broller - Medicated G 20.00 4,00 3.50 LOUISVILLE FERTILIZER & GIN CO., Louisville, Ga. G 41,00 3.00
eee sce F 21.88 4.27 2.96 High Grade Cottonseed Meal - 41.00% Protein
Special Eggmash G 20,00 3.00 8.00 Prime Quality * Fiber High F 40.63 5.57
24% Dairy . a5 at tins McMILLEN FEED MILLS, Fr. Wayne, Indiana G 42.00 6.00
i F 25.13 3.20 8.77 Master Mix Hi-Calorie Breeder Concentrate F 44.38 6.19
peat fagmess G 20.00 3.00 8.00 | \ACON MILLING COMPANY, Macon, Georgia G 10.00 4.40
a oa F 21.56 3.98 6.35 Yellow Corn Feed Meal (P) Protein F 9.38 4.40
|. ESHELMAN & SONS, Tampa, Fla. 3 G 20.00 2.75 9.50 fi
Rese 20% Cottle Cubes * Fibcr High (P) Fat F 21.75 1.68 9.99 1S ae mates - ae
S FEED & SEED, Lyons, Georgia @ 2150 3.50 3.00 Old Bessie Dairy Feed 24% 2600.
jombs Pride Broiler Rotion - Medicated F 2425 (3.92 2.84 ee Ne
MILL & ELEVATOR CO., Dudley, Ga. | G 11.00 4.00 12.00 MEDDIN PACKING COMPANY, Savennah, Ga. G 45.00 15.00
Blue Tag Ground a AP) Biles Ese Bla" | 13.98) Meddin's Hog Tankage APL fot SF SER see
Blue Tag Peanut Hay & Molasses : G 7.50 1.00 26.50 PROTEIN SUGAR
Mee SS . *Fibre High F 9,38 2.18 27.87 | BRED MILLER, Stockbridge, Georgia G
ERS MUTUAL EXCHANGE, Eatonton, Georgia @ 16.00 3.00 12.00 Molasses Fon ee
% Co-Op Dairy F 18.00 3.99 10.15 PROGEIN
IVER MILLS, INC., Bainbridge, Ga. 1800 3.00 6.00 | MILLS, G. W.. Byron, Georgia e' oe ee
a ee Fasc si B 19.88 3.8 99 Pay Load Ground Peanut Hay & Molasses F 8.44 2.00
ables. See ate ate Crimped Oats 6 1050,
e F 22.19 385 2.36 Fas Se
- 16.00 2 Pay Load Ground Cobs, Shucks & Molasses G 1.50 50
G. 16.0 50 6.00 Y ' * Fy EF 3.44 50
ies ; F 1719 3.90 3.90 eter Nik . :
10% Hog. epeome sioo 23 1008 | inure wan CORPORATION, Ovnde onde GSES AT
a eee in : : Golden Isle Citrus Pulp : 3
FRM. Bob yy Pig Starter eee btrd ae oe Golden Isle Citrus Pulp G 5.50 2.78
aes: x ee zee Gas pat Low: R675, 2al
5 he ae 3.47 | WIKON MILLING COMPANY, Calro, Georgia G 14.00 3.00
F ise1 3.93 3.71 <= Meet Maid Hog Feed i a
abet we cases. < 488 sie Best Maid Scratch Grain $ : an -e
itrophenide Mix, with Arsanilic Growth Stimulant G 20.00 2.50 5.00 Best Maid 20% Laying Mash ous ce 20.00 2.50
DA AP CORP., Doctors Inlet, Florida G 45.00 6.00 3.00 tber Hig . .
Johns River 45% Protein Meat & Bone Meal F 49.38 9.51 1.78 Best Maid 18% Growing Mash oa oie er
INDUSTRIES, Bradenton, Florida G 600 3.00 12.00
na's Sweetest Dried Citrus Pulp See ee eee eee ce iccued t oP oo eee ee
Sweetest Dried Citrus Pulp G 6.00 3.00 12.00 Monroe Brand 36% Protein Cottonseed Meol Prime Quality 5
aoe - te ge ee NASHVILLE MILLING CO., Nashville, Georgia G 2.50 50
* Bah Low. OF 6.56 1.40 10.78 Nasheo Corn Cob & Shuck Roughage with Molasses F 4.38 -59
et . fe Nashco Corn Cob & Shuck Roughage with Molasses G; 2560 50
MILLS, INC., Hopkinsville, Kentucky G 16.00 3.50 6.00 * Fiber High F 3.13 .60
Jashburn's Gol : 5 ;
nin Bo Agi ee ee te Sete ne 2.92, 6.40 | THE NEW ERA MILLING CO.. Arkanses City, Kan. G 16.00 3.50
Taagaretans = 3 : 92 6.40 Polar Bear Wheat Gray Shorts & Ground Wheat
A FEED & POULTRY CO., Gainesville, Ga. G 23.00 5.00 Screenings * Fiber High F 18.44 4.58
Eitore Meters Meth (Medicated) F 23.00 6.43 363 NUTRENA MILLS, INC., Minneapolis, Minnesota G 16.00 3.00
ALE FLOUR MIL 6 Bell Cow 16% Dairy Feed * Fiber High F 19.69 3.88
SGuy: Hog- Feed iy Grits, Gavegia 1300 soe ee Nutrena 27% Grain Balancer. G 27.00 2.50
ree Wiheat Sh ; a A F 27.50 4.04
tater : Gray Shorts G 15.00 3.50 6.00 Nutrena Dry Cow and Fitting Feed G 13.00 3.00
F 15.50 3.50 5.79 F 15.94 3.25
G 29.00 3.50 8.00 Bell Cow 16% Dairy Feed G 16.00 3.00
F 20.31 3.65 6.79 F 19,38 3.26
G 12.50 3.90 12.00 Nutrena Complete Egg Ration G 16.00 4.00
F 17.19 4,33 6.98 F-17123 4.12
; G 15.00 3.50 6.50 Nutrena Sweet-Flow 41 Dairy Concentrate G 41.00 2.00
0 Pig and Hog Supplement with3 Nine 40.00 350 00 ee ee ae
Buea: i ro . 5 12.00
Poe tA ie = * Fat, Low Fo 4125 291 on Nutrena 38% Poultry Concentrate 4 soe PAY
0 Pig & Hog Supplement with Arsanilic Acid G 40.00 3.50 12.00 : :
see Fire int ant" : F 43.50 4.16 5.90 THE THOMAS PAGE MILLING CO., Topeka, Kan. G 16.00 3.50
ROLLER MILLS, Hartwell, Gsorsle oo en ae = Page's Gray Wheat Shorts with Ground Wheat Screenings F 17.50 3.98
a ee Mash Layer = * Protein Low F 15.50 3.69 4.53 4 Pitas See: Austell, Georgia G 20.00 3.00
5 ING COMPANY, Cummin yeeoral erkerson's % Dairy Feed (P) Protein F 18.63 4.66
Broiler Formula ng bab ar Fiber : a ore a High Colorie Horse and Mule Feed G 9.00 zee
Ret 5 i i Bo 9.25 3.6
MI ville, 1
A je, Tenn. hn 8 Eo Bee ce W. B. PERRY MILLING CO., Leslie, Georgia G 8.00 2.50
! ca ah ee ie Ground Peanut Hay & Molasses * Fat Low, Fiber High F 8.06 2.17
oh Ha (Continued om page Eight)



(Continued from page Seven)


re i

SENECA OIL MILL, Seneca, South Carolina
Seneca Meal 36% Cottonseed Meal

*s at Low. (P) Protein Plber_ # -a313 aa6 1731
SEYMOUR FARM SUPPLY, Americus, Georgia

Snapped Cora SG 7.50 2.50
B.- 7.98 3.09
Snapped Cora y @ 7.50 2.50
F 7.69 3.72
E Snapped Gore @ 7.50 250
F 3.60


"WORTH MILLING COMPANY, Sylvester, Ga. soe

PROTEIN FAT a ee Peanut Hoy cn Molasses
- PHILLIPS MILLING CO., Roanoke, Alabama 7.09 3.89 10.00 _ Snapped Corn
Ground Whole Ear Corn 8. 3.8 6.52
PILLSBURY MILLS, INC., Clinton, lowa 40.00 1.50 4.50
. Pillsburys Best Hog Concentrate 42.25 8 24 J. William Horsey Brand Citrus Paip
Pillsbury's Best 4X Broiler Mash G 23.00 8.00 50 ee
F 23.86 6.42 65
-Pillsbury's Best Broller Concentrate (ANS) Medicated 41.00 8.00 60 | J. ALLEN SMITH & COMPANY, Knoxville, reent
B 44.38 9.72 49 . Peerless Mixing Feed
PLANTERS MANUFACTURING CO, Clarkesdale, Mics @ 44.00 0.30 7.00 a
44% Protein Solvent Extracted Soybean Oil Meat F 44.78 98 6.99 | SOUTHEASTERN MILLS, INC., ious, enue i
44% Protein Solvent Extracted Soybean Oil Meal G 44,00 .50 7.00 Stivers Best Wheat Brown Shorts
F 47,60 81 5.96
Stivers Best Wheat Brown Shorts
PUCKETT BROTHERS, Blakely, Georgia G 14.00 3,00 5.00 j :
Puckett Brothers Hog Fattener F 16.56 4.68 3.64 Stivers Best Wheat Brown Shorts
PURITAN MILLS, Atlanta, Georgia G 40.00 2.50 8.00 :
_ Economy 40 0/0 Hog Supplement F 43.13 3.49 4.78 SOUTHERN COTTON OIL CO., Cordele, cere
_ Miss Bess Dalry Feed G 20.00 2.50 12.00 $co-Co Brand 36% Protein Cottonseed eat
: F 21.25 4.26 10.08 Prime Quality
My-T-Pure Pig & Sow Ration G 16.00 3.50 5.00
; Fo49.75 3.63 4.48 - $co-Co Brand 36% Protein: Cottonseed Meal,
_ Economy 40% Hog Supplement G 40.00 2.50 8.00 Prime Quality
; F 43.13 3.22 4.41
-My-T-Pure Hi-Energy Broiler Mash G 22.00 3.50 4.50
: F 24.75 3.59 4.50 SOUTHERN MILLING CO., peaee Georgia
Miss Bess Dairy Feed G 20.00 2.50 12.00 Ground Grain Feed with Minerals :
: F 21.88 4.22 9.01
; 40% Hog Feed Supplement Cubes
THE QUAKER OATS CO., Chicago, IIlinois G 19.00 3.50 8.00 : :
: _ Ful-O-Pep Growing Mash (B3C6) Medicated F 20.00 5.42 6.93 20% Pig Starter Pellets
Ful-O-Pep Egg Breeder Mash G 20.00 4.00 8.00 : :
: F 24.06 5.43 6.74 Duplex Hog Feed Supplement, 40%
RALSTON PURINA CO., St. Louis, Mo. lig. Mash:
Purina Cow Chow G 18.00 3.00 10.00 Duplex Growing Mas' ng
: F 20.94 3.17 7.49 %e Feed ;
Purina Layena (Complete Ration) T G 16.00 350 6.00 Meee 5
: F 18.63 4.15 4.85
Purina Sow and Pig Chow (Supplement) G 32.00 2.00 9.00 SPARTAN GRAIN & MILL co. Spartanburg, South Carolina
Eis F .32.50 2.48 7.44 Spartan Quality Pig Starter Pellets
Purina Calf Startena T G 19.50 2.50 8.50
en F 20.94 3.64 7.73 . 9. Spartan Quality All-Mash_ Laying Sarton ;
Purina Egg Chow T GS 20.00 3.50 7.00 See
: . F 22.13 4.19 6.09 Spartan Special 20% Dairy Feed 5 Bs
Purina Chick Growena B G 17.00 3.00 7.00 ee
F 20.38 4.12 5.01 lake ace
Purina Broiler Chow Starter (G) 3NC G 23.00 4.50 4.00 STANDARD FEED MILLING COMPANY, Atlanta, Georgia a
F 24.75 5.25 3.52 Super Quality Calorated Brand All Mash pena i *
Purina Pig Startena 1 - Medicated G 1800 4.00 6.00 er Ee a
F 20.75 5.75 3.92 Standard's Formula Ninety Sow and Pig Meal og
Purina C lete S id Pig Sh T SG 16.00 2.50 6.00 s .
Stee F 17.38 3.45 5.08 Standard's Formula, Ninety Seven 40% Hog Supplement a
Purina Pig Startena 1 - Medicated G 18.00. 4.00 6.00 ze
F 20.31 4.82 4.11 6
Purina Hog Chow Supplement 1 G 36.00 2.60 10.00 JA. STEPHENS MILLING CO., Register, Georgia : 6
F 37.63 2.10 7.91 Big Ben Snap Corn (.P) Protein gt
cyto oe 3338. 288 739 Ground Peanut Hay with 25% MCP) Fat Fiber High ae :
_ Purina Milk Chow F G 16.00 2.50 10.00 : ~ o
F 1781 322 7.21 | SRF WILLING COMPANY, Waycross, Georgia 7
Pee ering how Mae oe ae : Ground Corn Cobbs & Shucks 25% Molasses Applied :
Purina Chick Growena B G 17.00 3.00 7.00 ;
F 22.13 4.19 4.99 SWiFt & COMPANY, Chicago, Illinois
Nursing Chow G 25.00 2.50 1.50 wift Digester Tankage
Se F 27.50 3.09 1.03 wift's 60% Digester Tankage
Purina 18% Dairy Chow F G 18.00 2.50 15.00 ao
Fo 21.25 2.73 10.49 Swift's 3-Nitro Nicarbazine Mixture in Broiler Ration
Purina Broiler Chow Starter G - 3NC - Medicated SG ae .00 on in oo =
F 88 r Ift's Soy Bean Oil Meal, 25% Protein
Purina Layena (Complete Ration) T G 16.00 3.50 6.00 ,
F 17.50 4.92 4.27 :
Purina Layena (Complete Ration) T G 16.00 3.50 6.00 TRI-GTATE FEED CO., Gainesville, Sees oo; :
F 18.00 4.46 4.68 Broiler Finisher Ma an : om:
Purina Broiler Chow - 3-Nitro-4-Hydroxy Acid & i pe c< ine Broiler Starter Mas (P) Protein
Lage kee aoe TYNER FEED MILLS, Nashville, Tennessee
i i G 16.00 350 60
okies Se apa aeaeeraadcealt ated F 1631 5.28 = 8.19 Hi-Grade All Mash Laying Pellets
Purina Pullet Developer T US - var i UNION ELEVATOR co. Nashwille, Tenn.
Purina Sow and Pig Chow (Supplement) ae Ay 200 = Union 16% Protein Dairy
: . MILLS, Augusta, Georgia
Purina Hog Chow Supplement 1 : our eo ya vie Perfecto 6% Dairy Feed
Purin- Game Bird Startena SG 28.00 3.00 7.00 BILL WATSON'S ON THE FARM SERVICE, "Clavitondviile: < =
Fi 3E38 3.84 5.34 Watson's Pride Snap Corn : hae
New Purina Dog Chow G 24.00 7.00 3.00 a
* Fat Low F 25.63 6.67 2.92 Fe
WAYNE MILLING CO., Jesup, Georgia .
RENTZ MILLING CO., Rentz, Georgia Wayco Extra-Good Laying Mash
Ground Corn Cob & Shucks with 25% ea ein si scaa WEBB MILLING COMPANY, Webb, Alabama ou
F 3.88 8 .50 .29.70 Ground Snap Corn ree
ROME OIL MILL, Rome, G j WESTERN GRAIN CO., Birmingham, Aiceiows G 20.00
Cherokee pike 49 5c Proveia Cotfonseed Meal Jim Dandy Chick Starter and Grower (Crumbles) = 7
Prime Quality : G 41.00 3.00 14.00 Jim Dandy Laying Mash (Breeder Crumbles) 4 << *
. ae ae ielekc Jim Dandy Chick Starter and Grower (Crumbles) 6 20.00
ROOP'S GROCERY CO., Bowden, Georgia : F 21.88
Roop's Special 16% Dairy Feed Jim Dandy Uncle Sam Dairy Feed : & 16.00
G 16.00 2.50 15.00 * Protein Low F 15.63
F 19.50 3.44 12.78 Jim Dandy Wesco 20% Dairy Feed s G 20.00
SALEM MILLING COMPANY, Covington, Georgia F 22.50
SMC Brand Snap Corn G 8.00 3.00 11.00 Jim Dandy Uncle Sam Dairy Feed & 16
F 8.00 3.04 10.77 a
SECURITY MILLS, INC., Knoxville, Tennessee cae, Noe ss
on Seeman $ 2344 398 Sa) | MARTHA WHITE MILLS, INC. Nashvill T e
44 3.75 3.11 Nashville, Tenn.
Security Caged Layer Ration G 18.00 2.50 6.00 Fortune Dog Feed AP) Bs
: F 19.63 3.96 4.28 Martha White Wheat Brown ae 2
wa SE SR Pi ee oe

Worth Ground Snap Corn
Worth Peanut Vine Meal. and Molasses


YUKON MILLS & GRAIN co., Yukon, ae:
Wheat and Greeed: = Ses
