Farmers and consumers market bulletin, 1957 March 27


Spring Farm Land Edition



Phil Campbell,





own above is the architects model of the
w Atlanta Farmers Market which is being
astructed on the four lane highway south
the city. Buildings in the background are
dealers buildings where spaces for dealer

New Atlanta Farmers Markef

operations have already been assigned. The
buildings in the foreground are the farmers
sheds. The administration building for the
new market can be seen in the right center
of the group. When completed the new mar-

ket will be the finest of its kind in the nation
and will offer Georgia farmers the most mod~-
ern facilities available for the marketing of
farm products.

onservation Practices
crease During 1956

Farmers in Georgias 27 soil conserva-
n districts last year converted more
:n 300,000 acres to grass and trees, ac-
ding to. a summary of conservation ac-
nplishments released today by. W. C.
@pman, State Conservationist for

In making land-use shifts called for
conservation plans, farmers in soil con-
vation districts in 1956 planted trees
89,353 acres in cooperation with the
S and the State Forestry Commission.
summary indicated that farmers also
ried out 186,700 acres of pasture plant-
%. Pointing to another major accom-
shment-revealed by the recently com-
ed figures, Chapman said that last
ar 1,747 farm ponds were built, bring-

districts with SCS technical assistance
ce 1950.

These ponds serve the multiple pur-
se of water conservation, better live-
cK management, and improvement of

> U. S. Soil Conservation Service here.

* the total to nearly. 15,000 constructed


March 27, Winder Woodland demon-

March 27, Athens Sheep short course.

March 28, ABAC, Tifton Sheep short

April 15-17, SE Fairgrounds, Atlanta
Georgia Livestock Exposition.

wildlife habitat. Since they average about
three acres or more, these ponds have add-
ed a total surface water area of more than
45,000 acres to Georgias water resources,
Chapman said.

Other items noted as conservation pro-
gress in the past year included contour
farming applied on 170,000 acres and soil-
saving and soil building rotations on 259,-

(Continued On Page 8)

Bradley Explains Soil S
Bank Base Acreage

Farmers earning payments under the
Conservation Reserve program of the Soil
Bank know that the Soil Bank base acre-
age is an important part of the plan, but
they may not fully-understand why or
how it is determined, John F. Bradley,
administrative officer for the State Agri-
cultural Stabilization and Conservation
Committee, said this week.

A Soil, Bank base acreage is deter-
mined for each farm to be included in the
Conservation Reserve program, Mr. Brad-
ley declared, in order to insure that a pro-
ducer does not put land in the Conserva-
tion Reserve and then increase his produc-
tion of nonconserving crops on the rest of
the farm by shifting land from conserving
or idle uses to. nonconserving uses.

The Soil Bank base acreage for a farm
will vary from that for other farms aecord-
ing to the amount of Soil Bank base
crops grown on that farm: says Mr. Brad
ley. Soil Bank base crops include gener-

(Continued On Page 8)

_ Georgia


Georgia, First:






Published weekly at 114-

ynder Act of June 6, 1900. A

by Georgia Department of Agriculture.
class matter Aug. 1; 1937, at post office, Covington, Ga,

rate, of, postage provided for in Sectiom 1103; Act


122 Pace St., Covington, Ga.,
Entered as second

ccepted for mailing at special
Act of Oct. 8,

4 > Le

Notices of farm produce
and appurtenances. admissable

under postage egulations: in-|)




1-1/2 A., nice 6 R. house with
sheet rock inside, basement,
hardwood fleors im 3 front
rooms, white asbestos siding.
Also geod well . watr, with
pump im well and young or-
chard. Loeated on. Hwy: 166, 1
mi. fremm Friendship. Church,
near Fairplay store. $6,500). -
would: sell about 40 A.

bell; Rt. 1 Winston.

gated dividuals only. H. D. Goss, Rt.
house for $8,000. H. A. Camp- |

1. 80) A. a wwithe fish |

ite, also small piece land, 4 Ri.
new house, 3 mi. Villa Ri
good well water located on pav-
ed road. Both places for sale.
Earl Adams, Rt. 3, Villa Rica.

5 A. land with nice 7 R.
house, bath, shower, tub and
automatic hot and cold. water,
wired for elec. stove. Also na-
tural gas and telephone service

ed 3 mi. N.W. of: Calhoun, just
off paved Rd. No. 153 To in-

1,, Box 464, Calhoun.
f 208 As land; 2 cultivated,

available. Flower yard. Locat | ford:

125 A. land, 50 A. i
plenty of running w |

pond. Located on: Hwy. 1

rest: in growing: timber: RiE.A.,.|,
telephone, mail and school! bus:
route: by place:. Located: im Hall}
Co, 1-1/2 mi. W. of Clermont,
1/2 mi. each way to paved

serted one time on each te

No notice or advertisement,
will be accepted from any

180 A. farm 3 houses: and 3 |
barns; 2 wired for electricity.. ||
Plenty of young timber: Locat
-ed 2 mi: from: Draketowm. Carli

and mail
3, Blairsvi

80 A. in Otterokes e
i: Ba. Ball Ground.

commercial business, any
commercial businessman, any
company or organization li-
censed as a commercial busi-
ness or doing business under
a trade name or business:
name; nor from any indivi-
dual doing business under a
trade name or commercial
business name.

The Georgia Market Bulle-
tin assumes no responsibility


Sparks, Rt. 2; Bom 23%, Temple: |}

1 acre good land with modern,,
almost new home; located. 2
mi. So. of Manchester on Rt.

| 85. Selling at. a sacrifice... Mrs.
Winnie Hi. Hines; Rt, 1, Box}

105,. Shiloh. Ph. 588X.

, 46 A. Smooth land, 28 A. im
cultivation, 2-2/2 A. lake, welll
stocked.. 5 Ri. house with, cabi-

road. See or write. James C.
Mayhue, Rt 4, Cumming.

22-1/2 acres good wand, 5 R.

warm, livable house,
school bus and mail Rt. by
door; on. dirt road, 1 mi. from.
No. 11 Hwy. 4 mi. Winder, 1
mi. Bethlehem. All white, good
settlement. Near Mill at Win-
der, A. Cotton land rented

pasture, |

soil road, mall and sehoc
by door. 5 R. house, barn,
bldgs. 14 A. open jand,
tures, 5 branches on

Send stamped envelope f
Socrnsioe: P. B. Brown,

ee: 5 A - Commissioner) nets, water, electricit: hone | f

for any notice appearing in ( : . , icity, PD or $280 or for $3,000.00. J. E.
the Bulletin nor for any eee and apple orchard, plenty of Meeks, Bethlehem: i
transaction resulting fromm] im @ public notice ar adver out buildings. Also Ford! tractor |,

published: notices: Advertisers:| tisement carried im any pul | with equipment: Located 5-1/2} 63-1/2 A. land with: large:|:

are cautioned that it is against:| lication thet is delivered! mit, SE. Fairburn, om Lee's s | house; barn andi other build~
the law to misrepresent any-| through the United States: | Lake Rid. $7,000) J. ML a ings; electricity, city water.
any. product. offered for sale! mail! | Dixie Lake Rd., Uniow City, Ph..| Located on good! road, near %
= 4 TOs. S churches: with school bus: by | jn.
inspectiop Divimem _ gee i DAicksam 49292) bei ome phot om | | Chickamauga. 4
Paul! Jolley. Wineeter | city, and phone available. Short | 3 A Jane. 3 R. ho
EAclesarn 4 rs use;, gas:
Chemistry _ JAcksem 4-3282 f ai ce of Lanier Darn Mail! 5

Harry Jo Johnsan,. Director

Marketing Division || route; churches, school and new

| Golf course, 4 mi. of Gaines- ||
A vcidlen, Hall Co. Adjoining the
old: Dorsey property. Make: of-

JAcksom 43292 f
JAcksom 4-3292
__. PAcksom 44-3292

eee Ailsa 2 other
parcels; 8 A. across Hwy.. from

Boyce: Dyer; Director
Informanom & fiducatiom Divisiem

Jack: Gilchrist, Director
Wetennary. Bivisam __

Dr Jc W. | Manny, Director




dack Gilehrist

Notices: __
Mailing: Roorm Supt... .

Address: requests: to) be
mailing list, changes of addi
MANAGER, Market Bulletim

NOTICES, Market. Bulletin:

Address: alli complaints: to EDITOR. Market Bulletim

address must include OLD and NEW addresses:
Address all notices and advertisements to EDITOR OF

Editorial and Executive Offices

Mrs: Blizabettn Hynds f
Mrs; LaMivre Jarmam
Candler Clement Ir.


added to or
ress; etc. to
All requests for changes: ati

removed! fromm |
r TION: ||

Good location, on the-corner ef }

State Building:
19 Hunter Streets, S.W.
Atlania 3, Georgia
100 A. farm, 31/2 mi. from
, ' Temple on Hwy. 113,. Haralson
a F | ; Co. 6 BR. house; (needs repain).


2 A. land with 5 R. house, 2
ee bath, breezeway and
all, eountry water, lights, tele-
phone and gas, 700 ft. paved
read frontage. Located om Law-
renceville and Stene Mountaim
Rd. and Rock Bridge Rd. 3-1/2
mi. to Lilburn, 4 mi. to Stone
Mountain. E. O: Canup; Rt. 2;
Stone Mountain, Ph 9412 (day
time) or 4283 (nights).

29-1/2' A. all pasture, fine lake
site also modern home with 2
bedrooms, bath, 40 min. from

downtown Atlanta. G. C. Par- |

sons, Stockbridge: Ph. 4134

8 A. farm with 2 nice houses;
both wired for steve and have
sink. in kitchen, drilled well.
Larger house has bath room.
Located: on Atlanta. Hwy and
Pipeline Rd., 3 mi. west of Win-
der; Barrow Co. Priced reason-
able: L. J. Lott, Rt. 3, Winder
Ph. 10452.

Plantation, with over 300 A.
5 bedroom and 2 bath house,
now renting for $100:00 month.
Has: good cotton and. peanut. al-
lJotment, 2 deep wells, 60 A. in
ro and 500 pecan trees;

ocated 12. mi. N. W. of Albany.
$40,000.00 J. A. Dula, Sasser.

35 A. good grey land, good 6
R. house, barns, brooder and
Jaying house; plenty pecans,
pears, grapes, peaches, Scupper-
nong: ets. Located 1 mi. Means-
ville P. O., on R. E. A. R.F.D.
and school bus route. 6 A. fenced
under hog wire, 15 A. cultivat-
ed, bal. in pine and hardwood
timber. County road graded for

aving, $4,000. J. P. Brown,

01 Jones, Thomaston, Ph. 4743.

paved intersection, Fertile land
being tended: wiht tractor; also
some timber. Sell for cash.
Stamped envelope for
Mrs. Frank E. McBrayer, Rt. 2,

61_A. farm, Carroll-Co. Spring,
branch, and fish pond site. Lo-
cated 1/4 mi Hickory Level.
Glenn: Hays, Rt. 1, Temple.

102 A. land, with 5 R. house,
2 springs, fruit tnees; om mail
and school bus route Located
on Sand Mountain, near Tren-
tom. $4200). Cecil Avery, Rt: 2;

60: A. land, fenced, and cross-
ed fenced, permanent pasture,
also 9 A. lake ready to fish. Lo-
cated I block off paved! road.
Make offer or will exch. for
other property. Mrs, W. W.
Pryor, P. . Bom 125, Waverly

20. A.,. located 2-1/2 mi. No.
of Draketown, 4 R. old house,
wired for electric steve, large
barn, crib ete: good free stone
well water, ever-flowing creek
im E. corner of pasture. Real
good land, lots of young timber,
plenty of pasture, not. too much
of farm in cultivation. _New
HWY.. 2-1/2 mi. So:, 1/4 mi.
No. and 2-1/2 mi. east of place.
O. A. Stone, Rt. 2; Temple:

38: A. farm, good house and
other buildings, 7 A. good saw
timber, pasture some fruit. trees.
Remainder in cultivation, suit-
able for tractor farming, Easy
to get to, good all wedther road.
Good neighborhood, near stores,
church, and Young Harris Col-
lege; also on school bus and
mai) route. L. N. Ingram, Rt.
1, Young Harris.

reply. ||

i Almost 20 A. goed! jae
warm: and! other out bidgs, 2)
good wells, om paved Hiwy. |

ear store and church. Exeel-
|| lent: neighberhood. On: maill and!

|| scheol bys, located im
Co. Mis: Franke Haygoed). Rt.

3 Cartersville:

44 &. farmy Jand in: Floyd Coz,
i We of Rome on Hiwy.

mond, } mi. from Rome Kraft.

Co. Drilled well. Mail end bus
|| route; power
se vice available. Priced to sell |
at $3000.09. Good? terms: to re|'
hi cnonsible party. M. S Clays.
)| Ceosa, ;

and telephone

5 A. with 5 R. house, 330 ft.
frontage, path, hot and cold
water, gas heat, wired for elec-
thie: stowe: Near College Park,
on paved Rd. just off Hwv. 29.
H. L. Cooper, Rt. 1, College
(Park, Ph PO-6+2224.

25 A., & R. house, basement,
good roof, some out buildings;
good spring near house, apple,
plum trees and grape vines.
Seme land in cultivation, rest.
ip young timber, mostly up-
land. Good road frontage. on
school and mail route. $2,000.00.
Letters. ans. containing stamp-
ed envelope. Mrs. L. G. Hunter,
Box 664, Cumming: Ph. 5998.

r Farm on black top road 1/2
barn, tenant house, smooth land
suitable for tractor, cattle farm
or sub-division, Mrs. W. W.

bath, wired for electric stove.
Th A. cultivation, good land;
barn, other out buildings. 2: mi..
from town, 1/4 mi. off Hwy. 6.
Bus route and other conveni--
ences, $4,500.00; J. G. Monroe,
Rt. 1, Cedartown.

70. A. with 4 R. house, lights,
wired for stove, 2 porches,
barn, crib, well in yard; some
fruit trees, Mail and school
Bus by house. Good dirt road.
Also lots: of young timber and
3 streams running through
place. Mrs. C. G. Lathum,. Rt.
1, Clermont.

Several farms, Jarge and
small acreages, some on Hwy.
and some on Post Rd Also
pbuilding sities on Hwy. 129.
Large spring and young timber
with some large enough to
saw. & Hi Head, Rt. 4, Cleve-
land. Q

_| school, andi 10: A.,. 1/4 mi. from:
branches: banked!

%t. | farnn house, electric, 2; broiler

mi from city limits; 3 streams, |!

West, 402. Dixie St., Carrollton.
Ph. TE-2-6280
39> A., nice 5 R. house with |

\scheol with 2


mings High School. Sturdy
houses, barn. WLoeated at the

lake site and mountaim stream,
| $4,200.00 or rent: fon $35.00 mo.
dine Bldg. 849 Peachtree St.
a. Bi,

2. wells with pumps, 3 sereened.
harn,. pasture with hog and
cattle wire, nice stream, several
hundred bexwoods and
garden. On paved Rd. with
leasurominetole 400 ft. paved
frontage. Located in No, Bri
tom, 2-1/2 mi. No. of Alvharetta
en. Fonewell Rd., $7.500.00.
Frnest Wood. 184 Canton Sig
Alpharetta. Ph. 5431.

yrs. old, hardwood floors, tile:
peth, deen well. Farm: is fene-

Haralson Co. land, 7 mi. East
Buchanan: sell some small

right beside the Buchanan-Dal-
las Hwy. Mrs. G. C.
Bremen. (City Rt).


16 pecan: trees, on paved road:
farming tools for use with

cultivation. about all wired in,
sood, level land: Oak grove.
Sell or trade for other preverty
around Marietta or Atlanta,
-Alsa, Allison, Bairdstown. (Ogie--
thorpe Co.).

Livestock, hay and truck
farm (Skyline Ranch), 290
Acres) 12 mi. Thomasville;

Thomas Co. 2 mi. So. Boston,.
paved Hwy.

A. Coastal Bermuda, overseed-
ed. with
Clover; other
cultivation. Deep well, hew
house, fine view, tile bath: all

yeady. ta build dam, Terms: to-|
suit purchaser: H. A. James; | home,.

40, A., Cummings, 45 min. to|
Atlanta,. and i mi. from Cum-}

foot of Suwanee mountains, |

Aris T: Papas, Suite 204, Bur+|r
Atlanta 8 Ph. TR-5-.|'L

in) A. with 5 Ri house; auto-
matic heat. hot and cold: water;,|!
Also. a Jarge cattle | 1

127. A. ood farm. land.. 6 BR. |
house. with asbestos 4) oh

ed, 2% tenant houses, Located |
9 mi. of Swainsboro. $14,090.09: |
F_ 7. Gazaway, 1955 Vista Trail, }j
N.E., Atlanta. Ph. ME-4-85 98:.|

tracts for house and garden, U
Taylor,. A

65 A. F Ri house wired. for |,
stove, 2 R. house, 7 out-bldgs., |

mule, some hay. about half in}

138, fenced and.)
cross-fenced into 4 fields, 100],

tenant Te oo:
buildings, atte an
|ment, ieriasae (

lanta 10.

om A. land, w.
mately 50 M. ft. of t
house and bere
Cherokee Co.,

outside city limits on.

of Ball Ground,
Paved: highway. th:
erty. Some timber.
chicken, or hog. 1:


amis 60 A. farm, 4 mi. }
Abbeville, Wilcox

re-seeding Crimsorm| 30
100 A. under |,

modern conveniences; new Fan- |Will)

mall tractor with implements.


Grimmer, Sie i

Abundance of water. Raymond |'gum

R. | house.

sport, 2 screen.
= broiler -houses, |

L. ay, on Dawsonville Hwy.

ene which di-
of 250 A. Priced
White, Mt 3,

| 271 A. 8 OR. house, 50 A.
_ibhog pasture, new woven wire
- seedy, 2 A pond, 50 A. culti-
|wation; 2 A. Lecust Posts; part

ijof -material to build chicken,

ouse, 9 mi. Ea. Commerce,
| Banks <Co., borders on Hutson
* | River, and balance in growing
* |pine timber. HH. W. Jones, Com-

| 8-1/2 A. in Gilmer Go., on

|all weather road with mail and
| school bus jat @oor. 5 A. river.
[bottom land, 30 A. in pasture,
jalso about 30 M. ft. saw tim-

ber. Good out buildings, good
spring and some fruit trees.
| Jack Garland, Rt. 3, Ellijay.

5-1/2 A. Clayton. Co. mostly
-'| covered in Pines, 2 R. house,
jp well, aad garden, 9 mi. Atlanta
hand 3 blocks from good trans--

4R. portation to Atlanta. $3,400.00.
Shon with $1;500.00 cash. W. H. Wot-

ford, Rt. 2, Ellenwood.

| 2 A. with mice 5 R. asbestos:
1 itt house, with modern bath, |
4 in. Geep well. 2 mi. right
|of Dubois. Virgil S. Stele, W-D.,
{9th Ave. at Church St., East,
jmen. Ph. 3269.

| 9 A good land, fair house, ;
;|deco well, and young planted
.| orchard. Bast of city, 4-1/2
|mi. on old Middleton Ra., $1,-.
| 500.00. See
A. L. Jordon, Rt.
, |#!berton.

About 7 A. with 5 R. thouse,_
bath, hot and cold water. 3 A.
Lin .pasture, rest in young tim-
ber; also another good building.
_jsite. Located 8 mi. E. of Blli-.
Priced for

6, |.

}@akland school.
|quick sale. Dorsey Stove
2, Ellijay.

| 9% A. with 4 R house, bern,
chicken yard, good well water.

So.'}eotton and peanut and tobacco:

allotments. Approx. 7 A. wood-.
ed; long laf pine, 10 young.
[Stuart pecan and other fruit
trees; year round spring stream.
18 A. sand, clay and loam-farm

vith Yand. $3.250:00 with some terms

and plenty of !ve
ots L. AST

to resvonsible party. V. W Tc-
ker. Rt. 6, Fastman

/ 42 A., more or less, Gilmer
\Co., good 6 R. hovse wired.
|for stove (with 4 way top). 15
yrs. old. Good gravel drive way
.and :plenty of water; also one
hundred thousand dt. of good.
saw timber, mostly pine. some
oak. ocated 3 emi. from Court
||-House, 1/4 mi. off Yucon Hwy.
Mrs. Rado Kimmons, Rt. B,i
rif laa. i

| 9-1/2 A. with 6 R. modern
|house, 4 poultry houses, fruit,
_|.good pasture with Clover Fes-
- cue and Serecia. Located on
|-good road, near grocery mar-
ijiset. Mrs. C.4B. Sherer, Rt. 2,
| Hamilton,
25 -A., 3 acres Cleared, new,
3 bed=room: frame house, mod-
kern facilities, near school and.
churches, 8-1/2 :mi. East Elli-:
jay on Hwy. 52. See or write,
ig- |for mrice. E. F. Bautincen Rt.
+ B. Ellijay. |?

me 6 A. fertile land with 5 R.
|-modern house, @ouble garage,
2 Targe cchieken houses, 1 for!

di-||broliers with brooders, also!

small tpeach orchard. Just 20)
minutes from. air port and Ford:
, |plant. Thos. E. Smith, Rt. 1,
{Forest Park. Ph. PO-7-0074
evening. PO-6-4868 office. | i

150 A., 5 mi. W. of Forsyth
on Hwy. 41, 5 R. house, bath,
closets, back and front porches
screened. Year round well and
spring. On school route, 8 mi.

from church, Nice family -or-

chard, lots shade. and flowers.

d| Electricity, gas, phone, 1 large
barn, 3 small houses, home and
lall in A-1 cond. Also Cub trac-.

tor and farm implements. Very

}reasonable and in good cond.
ER. 3S: Wilson, Rt. 2;

Box 25,
| Forsyth. :

25 A. land, very good house,
old barn, on school and mail

_froute; also good pasture and!
|wtaer. Good location. Located
-|on Spouts

Spring Rd., near
Spring Way church, out from

ew Branch, $3,500.00. Also;
farm oe sand -an old

|Sat. J. B. Suddreth, Rt.

| Nesitey, Rt. 2, Bilijay.

R. Biair, next |.)

52 A. extra good farm Jana,
2 dwelling houses, 3 R. and.
6 R. with electric lights and.
telephone in both houses. Also!
30 x 40 chicken house with
metal roof, small barn. Locat-.
ed 3 mi. No of Tyrone, on mail
route. Priced for quick sale,
$4,500.00. See. any day except
| Fayetteville. '

297 A., 15 miles No. of Ath-
ens, Madison Co,, plenty ef run-)
ning water, 12 A. cotton allot-,
ment, 5/000 cap. stone chicken:
house under construction. This
is an old settled place with;

|some bottom land and would.

smake nice catfle farm. 12 A.
cotton allotment. Larry E. Wii--
liams, Hull.


52 acres more or less, moun-
tain wand, with young timber,
located im Gilmer C..G. M.

127 A,, 9 BR. house, barn gar-)
age, other eut buildings, all in
good cond. Ali under wire,.
some cross fenced, fish pond,
3 branches, timber, some saw.
timber, pulp wood, open land; ,
also .an elec. hog pasture, Lo-
cated mi. of Hogansviile and
6 mi. of LaGrange on school
bus. and mail route. Sell or.
trade for property near Atlan-
S. Jacobs, Rt. 2, Hogans- |

65 A. with 2 dwelling houses)
and chicken house and plenity:
of out buildings, running wat-
er. Electricity_in -house. On,
school bus moute.. Also has
good vlace for fish pond. Ar-
thur W. Brown, Hiawassee.

110 A. with 3 R. cabin, 20 A.

jin bottom land, fine pastures,

feneed and crossed fenced. Also.
2 tractors, plows, tools, etc.,
iLocated in Upson Go., 2-1/2 mi.
W. .of Thomaston, Upson Co..,

on Potato Creek. One of the
best farms in Co. H. N. Pastev,
704 Svcamore St., Decatur. Ph.
| DR-3-0716.

6133 Acres. 7 mi. city lists
Atlanta, 895 Ft. on paved Kow-:
feta Rd. and 1722 ft. on graded

} Derrick Ra. 10 A. Jake site,

$7,500, or consider other prov-.
erty in Fulton or DeKalb Co.
CC. A. Beckmann, 953 Columbia,
{Dr., Decatur.

175 A. 102 A. row crops. 25
in Pensacola Bahia grass -pas-|
tures, 6 A. cotton, 3-1 tobacco:
allotment, 31 bearing pecan
threes, 2 new curing barns. with
sas cookers, pack house, stock
barn, 7 R. and bath dwelling.
5 R. tenant house, both wired:

|for ehec. $21000.00. . J. Brig-:

mond, Rt. 2, Dougias.

1 A. with 4 R. house, un-.
finished; city vater in yard,
on school bus route. Well sell.

{or trade. Walker Sims, Rt. 3,

85 A. with small house, esti-.
mated 60 M. ft. nice young:
timber, 2 mi. Lake Blue Ridge,
2 good ,springs, 1 small creek,
son place. Just 16 mi. from New.

Market, $1,20000. Part down
ae bal. on easy terms.

J. &. Hunnicutt, Dial.

1/2 acre land, 4 R. country
house, county water, natural.
gas, complete bath, hot and:
<eold water, all white commun-)
ity, 800 ft. of 78 Hwy. 3 mi.
Austell, 6 mi. Douglasville. Sell
or trade for other farm use
value. T. W. Ballew, Rt. 1,
Douglasville, Ph. Austell 8456.

160 A. land; 24 A. in original
woods; 35 or 40 A. in fences;
ithe rest im cultivation. All -good
land not washed away no rocks
{to bother Located 8 mi. from
Griffin, Barnesville and Zebu-
lon, 3 from Milner; 1-Mi. off 41
Hwy..Gocd schools. Also good 5
R: house, other houses, barn,
shelter, smokehouse. Electricity
and telephone by house. W. G.
Grubbs, Rt. 1, Milner.

Small farm, 15 A. No house,
Good community, 6 A. cleared,
rest in young timer; also good
branch, nice lake site. Located
1/2 mi. -off paved Rd., 4 mi. So.
of Canton, 20 mi. No. of Lock-
heed, electric line by jplace,

: mae eae

$1,250. cash; also, trade for or
buy 10-80 A, ne wi d.
prings and i
0 -A. Mi J. G Rt

| Mobley, McDonough Ph. 4030.

| house,
|) cow,

| limits, Terrell Co. 6 R. dwelling

| Springs, Ph. 4683.


i608 A, more or Jess, unclear-.
#0, level to rolling land, all in
one plot, fire break on all sides,
small amount of standling timb-
er, no streams, situated on a
county road, 11/72 mi. from pav-
ed road in land district 12, Tay-
lor, $30 Acre. Riley J. Russell,
Box 54, Mauk.

AXpprox. 300 A. gt good land,
outside city limits of McDon-'
ough, Henry Co. 26 mi. So. of
Atlanta, on Jonesboro Hwy.
Motternized main dwelling,
large barn, two 5 R. temant
houses with electricity, out
buildings, tc. Exeellent dake
site, several pastures, all with
water, over 200 A fenced, 75 A.
ir timber, mosily pine. Some
ready te cut Wallidivide D. H;

35 A., Cobb Co., 4 R house,
large barn, some good bottom
tand on large creek, 4/000.

| Terms. Roger -S. Cobb, a phone, road prepared for pav-

355, Marietta.

18 A, 3 wooded and balance in
BR. with bath and running wat-.
er, dlso 4R. with running water,
Good and, with pasture, 3 good
springs, fme place for fish lake.
Letters ans. H. A. Garapbel!, Rt.
1, Menlo.

patsure, 6 R. modern house on
hill, shaae trees, deep wel,
young fruit treec, barn,

and othe: bldgs. Also
chickens, ana pheasants
included. Lodated 1 mi. ot At-
Tanta, 3-2 mi. Martetta. S00 ft.
paved road frontage. Lake site.
Gilbert Renney, Marietta. Ph.

76 a. good Jand, with 2 haus-
es, 50 A. cleared, acest in wood-
land, 1 Mi. W..of fonticello on
Stat Hwy. 15, Jaseer Co. 4:5
mi. So. of Atanta, 40 mi. No. of

Macon, near .fecksan Lake. -Al
under cnres, 2 yr. @areucd

streams, several god lake sites,

$6,500. E. C. -Bearten, Menti-
eelio. :
94) A. swift ola 3 RR house!

large barn, 3 ore ches, pu 3
wood, yeung timber. Located 4
rm. ef Hwy. 196 in Lumpi:m
Co. Sell or like to trade for 4 cr!
5 R. house vith 26 or 30 A, -cf
Jand in N. . Ga, hh. 'G. Ware,
Rt. 1, Murayville.

60 A. Jand near Parrott City

and tenant hoyses, an old
home place. Ideal location for
cattle, chicken farm, or fish
spond. Year round stream, some
growing pines and pecan trees.
Good frontage on paved Hwy.
near school and churches, also
R. EH. . A. power, Mrs.
Banks, Preston, Ph 613.

20 A, same woodland and
some cultivated. No -house. Lo-.
cated on Villa Rica Rd,, Cobb.
Co. Sell in 10 or 20 A. tracts.
Ted Judkins, Rt. 2, Powder,

312 A. of real good land, 3
houses, plenty of out buildings,
Jasting water supply..Good place,
for Grist Mill. W. H. Burgess,

200 A. edge of Quitman,
Brooks Co. 60 -A cultivation, tim
ber and pasture, 2 streams, -sur-.
}weyed in 100 lots and small
farms. 6 R. iresidence, two 4 R.
and one 3-R rented houses, 2:
big barns, other outbldgs.
lights, water, paved Dixie Hwy.
Many churuhes, grammar and
hich school. Ideal climate. $22;-
500 cash and time. A. T. Mil-
teer, Quitman,

660 A. 150 open, 510 wood-
land, 7 R. house, with 2 baths:
tenant house, 2 Jatge barns,
dairy, 2 tractors, truck, hay bail
er other equipment. Also 6 A.
of pond and salt water fishing
Located 25 mi. So. of Savannah,
on U. 8. 17 Hwy. 3 mi. No. of
Midway with 1/2 mi. frontage
on Hwy. Roger P, Youmans,
Richmond Hill, Ph. 2278.

206-1/2 A. land 1/3 mi. R. R.

| and Hwy Tl, 22 mi. Macon, 2-

1/2 mi. Wayside, inJones Co.
190 A. fenced and cross fenced,
heavygrowth pine; saw timber,
oak, maple etc. Three inlets of
Shoal Creek. Old dam almost
made .by rocky ridge, easily -re-
stored. Runway to inlet intact,
4 R. log .cabin, -garage, barn
te. 4 A. cultivated. On R. F. D.
and R, E. A. Deep well. pump.

or rent. Wm. J. ela Rt.

Round O

|Rd. past Redan school).
|Mrs. Marie Wilborn, De Sbon

1 A, 3 wooded and balonce in'}-pa. Rt. 2, Lithonia.


| tricity available.

160 A. very. fine farm 110 .
cultivatic. for sale. C. A.. Cie: |
(ments, Rt %, Quitman... __ r

Between 175 and 193. AS 15:4
A. in cultivation, 7:2 A. Cot-
ton allotment, valuable Hwy. :

veyed for developing. Also has
modernized 130 yr. old house,
drilled well, small lake and saw
timber. Sell or trade for large
farm. Robert J. Martin, Rt. 5,
Rome. Ph 4-45038.

91 A., 3 mi. /S'W., of Law-
re..ceville, Gwinnett .Co. on

with bath, gas heat, 2 wells
with pumps, 5000 .cap. chicken
house with equipment and gs

Theat, Also tenant house. 60 A.
|.in cultivation, 81 A. improved

jasture and timber; school bus
and mail route, power and tele- -

ing; dlso 2 good spond ses.
See anytime. D. F. Moen, arte
3, uawrenceville.

Small tract of Jend for sale
with house, on De Shon Rd.
off Redan Rd. (turn left tst


2 tracts of land, all under
fence, 30 A. each; 45 A. cleat-
ed, 100 pecan. trees, also fvil
of young pine timber. 1 house
with tract, $3,000.00; other trect,
#2.500.00: both towether.
000/00. H. P. Blalock, S-25

| Washington St., Lyons.

15 A. 9 'R. rock *hovse, ce-
ment -porches, slate roof, wited
for 2 stoves, running water. 2
sinks: 3 R tenant house. lishts
(Ga Power), water. natural gas;
school bus, mail Rt. at front
door, 5 mi. Norris Late; 3-1/2
A. natural lake site, 3 springs,
large :stream, old farm land,
some small timber. near paved
road. No house. Elec. phones,
gas available. School bus end
mail Rt. B, school bus. mail Rt.
Horace Lowe. Rt. 1, Rotk Cha-
pel Rd., Lithonia.

40 A. with -good 5 R_ house,
barn, 27 mi. from downten

| Atlanta. Located on Centerville

Rd., 3 mi. beyond Centerville at
Calb. Inguire at Juhars Store

|for directions. R. L. Brown, Rt.

1, Lithonia.

Small acreage farm and_large
chouse for sale or exch. for
elarge farm with house, located
in Banks Co., adioming State
farm at Alto. Eli Jackson

S. Caste, Lula.

10 A. with old 4 R. house,
2 R. and a 1 R. house close
together (meeds repair); about
10.000 ft. pine saw timber,
ssome pulp wood. Good pas-
ture, 4 stall barn, 2 wells, elec-
Houses not
wired. Located in good netgh-
horhood, 1 mi. eff Hwy. 29-and
3B omi: (NE. of Lawrenreyvitte,
Gwinnett Co. $2,000.00. N.

Rosene, Rt. 2, Lawrenceville.

3 A. with old 4 R. house, .
needs repair, very good water |
in well, electricity available... ,
Located in good -white -neigh- .
borhood, 3 mi. NE. of Law-
renceville, Gwinnett Co. 1 mi.

warden or flowers. Mrs. Peal:
Berry, Rt. 2, Lawrencevilte

545 A. profitable dairy and
row crap farm. 240 A. in .cul-
tivation. 57:9 A. peanut allot-
men :and 15.0 A. cotton, .consid-
erable amount of young tim-
ber. 2 small and 1 large dwell-
ing established pasture. cod
soil: 51 head milking herd and
artificially sired calves with -
production above state D. H. I.
A. average, parlor barn, nine |
line -milker, bulk cooler. Fer-<
guson 30 tractor and equip-
ment in good cond. LLoeated
near Albany adjoining paved
wy. WiC. Hind,. dts Rite,
Leesburg. ms

260 A., 1 mi. -So. .of Jackson;
on paved road, 5 R. house: with =
lights, on school bus -:route.
140 A. under wire, cross fenced,
water in 4 sections, 100 A.
pines, some saw timber, 100 A.
+m Bermuda .C,lover, Serecia
and Rye .grass, $60.00 acre.
Terms. E. . Settle, Jackson,

-) Phy 5311.

Pasa Tange

frontage, across from Grammar
i and High school. 6 mi. from |
| Rome, Floyd Co. Partly ssur- |

Stone Mountain Rd. 8 R. house


off Hwy..29. Good for truck s


i s ? eee : ae
Small hog farm, also duita-| Want to buy for cash, 5 to
ble for poultry and truck farm- |500 A. of cheap cut over tim-
ing. 3 hog lots. 5 R. dwelling, |ber land, abandoned farm or
: large store bldg., 3 R. base- old homeplace. State lowest
is : FOR SARE ment house, and barn with 15 |Price, amount of acreage and _WANTED

352 A. known as Clarks Mill,
110. A. open land, 117 A. pas-
ture all fenced, 125 A. fishing
Jake with 100 ft. concrete tum-
pling dam, modern brick mill
bldg. with modern machinery
Nice home overlooking lake.
~ Also tractors, trucks, farm im-
plements, pumpat barn, arte-
sean flowing well. Located 7
mi. No. of Louisville, on paved
road. Cy W. Hadden, Clarks
Mill Rd., Louisville. Ph. 4616.

2 A. good garden land, with
mic large house, near 2 stores,
on paved road, mail and school
bus at the front. Sell or trade.
R. L. Powell, Lyerly.

210 A. very fine land in Tel-

fair Co.,.12 mi. W. of Lum-
ber City, with modern 7 R.
house, 2 tenant houses, deep

well, barn and tractor shed, 185
A. in cultivation, 25 A. per-
ypanent pasture. E. T. Holland,
Ri. 1, Lumber City.

' 20 A. with 5 R. house, bath,
electricity, wined for stove. Lo-
. @aied on school bus and mail
youte, near church, 6,500.00.
{Miss Frances Mann, Rt. 1, Tay-
lor Rd., Jonesboro.
Small farm adjacent city lim-

jis, on paved frontage. 7 R.
house with bath, and all modern

. @onveniences; also full base-
tent. Excellent community,
eonvenient to stores, churches,

gchools and 1/4 mi. from College
gampus, 3 mi. from Lake Cha-
huge. All land consists of about
4/4 bottom land and the rest
fin good clay, suitable for either
_ow crops or grass. W. R. Hall
r., Young Harris.

2 story Colonial farm home,
: wly painted inside and. out,
99 A. 1-1/4 mi., Warm Springs,.
Churches, near school bus and
mail Rt. land mostly in culti-
vation,. pecan grove, 2 fish
onds, 2 pastures, out-bldgs.
parns, running water, elec. Bu-
i gas. Ideal cattle farm.
fore adjoining land if desired.

_ Henry Butts, Warm Springs.
100 A. on paved road, 4 mi.
from city, fine location, splen-
-@id water supply, lake sites,
near church and school. Terms,
gash. J. N. Elrod, Griffin, Ph.
$502. :

18 A., more or less, 4 R.
house, barn, 2 chicken houses,
40,000 cap. Located on Hwy.
486, near 2 churches, mail and
school bus route by door, $8,-
000.00. Good section to live in.
A. J. Daniel, Rt. 7, Gainesville.

50 -A. in Gwinette Co., 2
houses and pasture with water
19 mi.
78, about 1/4 mi. from new
Gwinette Co. Consolidated High

- gchool, also near Grammer
*chool and churches. County
weter available. Mrs. R. B.
Kennerey, Rt: 1, Grayson. Ph.

18-1/2 A., 6 R house, good out
buildings, on paved road, fenced
pnd cross fenced, 5 mi College
Park,. on W. Fayetteville. Rd.
Also small acreage 150 x 380 ft)
op old Bill Cook Rd., one block
gxom old. National Hwy. Wm.
ee Rt. 1, Riverdale. Ph.
Benesboro 8091.

80 A. farm 2 houses; 6 R. with

2 porches, basement attic, mod-
; rn conveniences, bath; other 4
'R. with 2 porches. All in good
, gond. Plenty out buildings, lake
gites, good pastures. Land pro-
uces good. Can be made into
farms if desired. Some pulp-

= vyood. Located on State Rt. 5.
bfRoad now being paved, 9 mi
* So. of Carrollton, ue Ges:

. McWhorter, , Roopville.

3 A. land. adjoining State
pee on. paved road, 1/4 mi.
* trom 500 Acre Lake. Day Davis,


i) 645.A, some
house, lights, Cistern water,
wiock pond, good for truck
farm. Has not been iended in
2 yrs. Located 5 mi. Ringgold,

timber, rough

{on mail and school bus Rt.
#4-1/2 mi. from hard top road.
B Pr riced right. John Gann, Rt.

hb Box 43, Ringgold.


from Decatur on Hwy. |-

A. of land. Sell at bargain.

Ph. MO 4283.

144 A. good land, good well
water, house and barn, new corn
erib, 65 A. in ctltivation, lot of
timber. Mrs. J. S. Evans, Rt. 2,



Want approximately 100 A.
of farm land, preferably unim-
proved. Located 10: or 15cm,
from Rome, W. W. Hill, Berry
College Mount Berry. Ph. 4451.

Want 150 A. farm, in Fulton
Co., on paved road with good
water system, and other public
services. E. Q. Adams, 357
Bowen Circle, S. W. Atlanta alo,
Ph. JA 5-9770.

Want small tract of land
within 20, or 25 mi. of Atlanta
Suitable for raising. pine trees.
Lake site desirable, but not es-
sential. Will pay reasonable
price. Richard Hester, 2947
Lookout Place, N. E. Atlanta 5.
Ph. CE 7- 2366.

Want 2 to 30 A. of land, with
fair house, in So. Ga. near town.
L. J. Branch, Box 28, Lockhart.

Want 10 or more A. land with
water, home site for secluded
retreat, some vegetable farm-
ing. Within reasonable distance
of Atlanta. J. F. Francis,. Jr.,
876 Holly Dr. Decatur. Ph. DR
8- 3620.

Retired army veteran icles:
to rent small farm with barn
within 50 mi. radius of Atlanta.
C. H. Gould, 1025 Austin Ave.,
N. E. Atlanta 7.

50 to 100 A., more or less, with
lake, lake site, bold stream or
on river frontage. Farming land
or pasture not necessary. Must
have trees and some open land.
H. Tonsgard, 5289 Lamar St.,
Decatur. Ph. BU 9-0953.

Want about 15 A. land on a
creek or some dependable source
of water about 12 mi. or less of
Albany. Mrs. Terry Lacey,

Want trade $2,700. equity in

2 property, located on Bankhead

Hwy., 1 mi West river, Rt. 78,
at Queen Mill Rd. for 20 acres
suitable for year round pasture.
J. N. McGinnis, Sr., 2887 Gordon
Rd. Atlanta 11.

Will pay cash for farm pro-
perty large or small withing 75
mi. of Atlanta. Mrs. Irene Kit-
chens, 1350 Bluefield Dr. S. W.,
Atlanta 10. Ph. PL 8-4400..

Want timberlands, old farms,
mountain Jands, ete., in N. Ga.
From 50 to 1,000 A. Would like
trout. streams and Jake sites.
Cut over land, and rough and
OK if cheap. State price per.
A. and how to locate land and
its boundaries. H. G. , Spratt
435 Woodward Way, N. W. At-
lanta 5, Ph. CE 3-5288.

Will pay up to $5,000 cash for
farm or acreage with livable
house. Prefer within 20 or 30
mi. of Atlanta, in Clayton,
Rockdale, or Henry County. Will
answer all replys. D. H. Gaines,
134-6th St. N. W., Atlanta. Ph.
TR 6-7749.

Want large or small tract, un-
improved acreage in So. Fulton
or No. Clayton County, with-
in 25 mi. of down town Atlanta.
Must be located on good all-
weather road and have ample
water. Reasonable in Price.
Hugh Davis, 511 Hiawassee Dr.,
S. W., Atlanta 11. Ph. PL 5-2929.

Want 150 A. level farm land,
with 100 A. in cultivation, fair
allotments, the re$t in woods
and pasture. Good house, elec-
tricity, running water, good lo-
cation, on school bus and mail

route. Near Donalsonville or
Blakely. W. L. Hanks, Rt. 1,

Want to buy or trade small
place, in Cherokee Co. $500.
value, for 1 acre near Talking
Rock or Jasper (Pickens Co:).

Contact. Lula Gravely, Rt. 3,

Henry Roberts, Rt. 1, Resaca.

location in letter. Mrs. W. R.
Mitchell, 2935 Sewell Rd. S. W.,

Want up to 300 ue of cut over,
or run down land with in 100
smi. of Atlanta. Priced reason-
able, R. G. Largin, 311 Randall
St., East Point. Ph. PO 1-4970.

, Want Fulton Co. land in
woods. Give full description, lo-
cation, acreage and price. M. C.
Coleman, Pe O. Box 4988, At-
Janta 2.

Want small farm within 10
mi. Gainesville, Hall Co. prefer
with livable house, also chicken
house. Will buy or trade place
in Doraville, DeKalb Co. off
Tilly Mill Rad. near Gen. Motors
place. Give price, description
and directions to your place,

or how to call you. W. A. Mil-
ler, 1026 E. Spring St. Apt._3,

Gainesville. Ph. 2-1645.

Want trade tract of land (2
vacant lots) located Warner
Robins, Houston Co. for small
tract land with ever running
spring or spring branch on
same. Correspondence answered.
W. C. Haynie, Rt. 1, Box 162,
Warner Robins.

Want 10 or 12 A. good farm
jand, with 4 R. house, on R.E.A.
line -and on public Rd.,
mail route, near Ocilla, at rea-
sonable price. Mrs. Beatrice
Swilley, Rt. 1, Box 294, Ocilla.



3 R. house, 20 acres of land

rwith 12 A. ready for the plow;

has water, hog pen, spring, fire
wood, branch, located out from
Douglasville, Rent or lease, $15.
mo. R. T. Smith, 408 Newport
St., Atlanta.

5 A. good land, with 3 R.
dwelling, nice car shed, plenty
of water in yard. Located on
Rockmart Hwy. 3 mi. from Dal-
las for rent. Mrs. Birtie Martin,
Rt. 4, Dallas. ~

Small amount lane. with 5 R.
Farm house, with good well
water, lights, and big garden.
Near 3. good churches, on mail
route. Located on Lawrenceville
and Rock Bridge dirt
Come and see. Mrs. John J.
Shanahan, Lawrenceville.

200 A. good farm land, wtih
house, lights near good school,
in quiet community. Located
in Douglas Co., about 3 mi.
from Douglasville for rent. Mrs.
Ernest Sayer, 1314 Berwick, N.
E., Morningsville 6, Atlanta. Ph.
TR 6-1222.

65 A. pasture with dairy en
equipped with milkers and milk
thouse. Will rent as standing.
See at Williams Dairy. G. W.
Williams, Rt. 1, 808, Columbus.

Small farm for 2 families for
rent on halves, or 3rds and 4ths.
Has 3 R and 4 R. house on it,
located No. 61 Hwy. between
Villa Rica and Dallas. E. N.
Chambers, Villa Rica. Ph. 1507.

Small place to share nis
nice, christian, retired. white
couple; tend garden, farm on
shares; also nice 3 rooms in

home with running water, wir

ed for elec. stove, 3/4 mi. Means-
ville, $15. mo No drunks. Mrs.
J. S. Greene, Rt. Je Meansville.


March 30 Saturday Wil-
kes Co. Stock Yard, Washing-
ton, Ga., 1 PM Landrace
Hog Sale..- consisting of: 40
gilts, 2 sews and 12 boars

>... also

April 3 Wednesday Wil-
kes Co. Stock Yard .
Washington, Ga.. Fat Steer
and Sale.

March 29 Firiday eee Shain:
rock Farms, Zebulon, Ga...
the Second Annual Produc-
tion Sale of R. E. Mitchell,
at 1 PM... offering 55 head,
including cows with calves,
bred and open heifers, and

bulls of serviceable age.

and |

road, |-

Vegetables ete.

~ Want woman, not over ae
oe for help on farm, light

Leonard, 223 N. Ervin

tersville, Ph. 594-J.

farm chores Room, board, laun- |. EO

dry and reasonable. weekly sal-
ary. Mrs. M. J. Kay, 308 UR | y

Hill Cir; Dalton. % s

Want farm family with gh

or 3 helpers for farm work.

S. E. Smith, Rt. 3, Box 495, At

Janta 16. MA-7-1242.

Want good iractor driver and |
farmer to tend 15 A. cotton, on
good land at once, on paved
Hwy. school bus, mail and elec.
near churches, 7 mi. NW Win-
age Ww. B. Bramlett, Auburn.

Want family to live on 45
acre farm. Salary and share in
production of milk, eggs, meat, |
Also. regular
wages if party is a carpenter.
or handy-man, also,
farm. Write. J. A. Arguedas,
RU Lawrenceville. ene

Want middleaged, nice wo-
man to live on small farm and
help with garden and other
light farm chores, for -home,
board and some spending
money. George a Watts,,

Want farm labor, 35- -45, yrs.
old, married, sober, small fame,
ily, and man.with some exp.
riding and herding ~cattle.
Write. George Varn, Box 205,
Folkston. :

Want nice white woman for
light farm work on farm with
family of 2. Need at once. Pri-

vate room, board and- small |

weekly salary. Good home.
Mrs. M. B. Davis, Rt. 1, Box
314, Fairburn. -

Want an sepetenae dairy-
man with helper to milk ap-
prox. 40 cows with Surge milk-
dairyman. Ref. required. Thos.
B. Canner, Box 344, Vidalia.
Ph: 42082 =" : :

Want col. man exp.
ing tractors, trucks and com-
bines. Some ~exp. with catile.
Not more than wife and 3
children. Contact, Jas. Butts,
B&B Ranch, The Rock. Ph.
Thomaston 3760. oe

Want small Sern or pieauele
to help on farm, only one to
work. Tractor experience nec-
essary. Mrs.



Man with wife and 2 small
children wants Job on farm.
Can drive truck and tractor.
Can go anywhere but have to
be moved. Want house and at
least $4.50 per day. Nathan
Perdue, Rt. 1, Claxton.

White woman, good refer-
ence, 48 yrs. old, easy to get
along with, neat and clean, no
bad habits, and christian, de- |
sires work on farm with good
christian people. Miss Annie
Bell Miller, West Morning St.,
Swainsboro. C/O Edger Wig-
gins. Ph. 4266.

Woman_with 3. children wants
work on vegetable farm or
just general farming for wages.
1 boy is good tractor and truck.
driver and other boy can drive
tractor. Also have girl, 15. yrs.
old. Can help with work. Ruby
Patterson, Rt. 3, Rome.

Single man 42 yrs. old, no
bad habits, 9th grade education,
desires light work on poultry
farm or what have you? Can
come at once but make offer
first includin. room and board.
Olin Johnson, Rt. 2, Lavonia,
C/O Mack Johnson. Ph, EL-6-

White man. with family of 10
desires work on farm or dairy.

|2 can drive truck and tractor.

Must have house with water
and lights. Jimmie Lee Wil
kerson, 364 Prayor St., S.

lanta. Ph. JA~ ae

around -

in driv- |.

ae ike. job-
taking care of
experience in sh
flowers; also dri
have Jicense. Hughey
is Ben Hill,

42 yr. old woman |
~ farm doing light farm w
or private room, -board
$25. week salary
cen no ba

cena vicinity or
Many. fine Ref. Move 2
Both work. Need small

neat, wants e empl 0
farm. ee go an

a ashe. on
| offer. Shelto Thi

Good salary for a good |,

tractor oom in
job badly. Live 3 mi.

| (road on left. befo1

Riverside Church; _
down it and the first
. Willi

Hugh L. White, |%.

| two elderly ia can.
+H. = eee Rt. 4,71


Hwy. 19 near. Patt
Julius Gibson, C/O P.
eae not given),

and truck Scien. geet
evening after 7:30,
ans. Jack Wilson, 664
ton St. ANS eee

6 ft. blade, aoe ee
tion plowing harr f
good cond. and. priced
able. A. P. Wilson,
Ph. Lithonia ae

$10 ea. at my
ship. % AL Flee

_ Grayson.

fro . nd Joader; all




- -Ph. DR


ted fruit press,

and terracing
Iso Willys jeep
post hole digger,
wheel farm
hand oper-
r No. 3, $10.

Jor Way 10 disc
D 12 A. com-

45, Moun- |
nta PO-6-


planters - culti-

4 d unit. Ali in
nd. See at my home
le. Frazier Cope-

ype electric brood-
eap. practically new,
M. Allen, 172 Vidal

r, new, fits Ford
any iractor with
$150 at my home.
rd, 1185 Moreland
Atlanta 16. Ph. MA-

|ters. David G. Belknap, Rt. 1
Box 356, Lizella. nF

vating tools,

blade. $850 for quick


1, Harlem.
Full set

hammers, etc.

Darnell, Box 115, Winston...

Frenhauf farm trailer,
Ph. Watkinsville SO-9-2766..

chain, 8-3/4 links to foot, $7
load binder,

beam turner, point breken, $5

College Park.


20. dise

renceville Hwy. Ph. 3480.

K es

1951 Ford tractor, top cond.
$725; Utility mixer, $125; 2 disc.
plow, $95; 2 new Intnl Har-
vester wagons, with tires and
hardwood bodies, $175 ea; Corn
icker, $195. Consider offer for

: Bernris, Transplanter by Mad-
ison Plow Co. Good, as new,
$100 at my home. Ans. all let-

1951 model M. John Deere
with bush and bog
plow 1 row planter and culti-
Sears Cut Off
saw with belt and bull dozier
Henry L. Brewer, Rt. 4, _Can-

| 4 candairy milk cooler, 10
gal cans, $5 ea. E. R. Bailey, Rt.

Blacksmith tools,
-| steel faced anvil, wt. 110 lbs.,
blower and vise, good cond.
not junk, my
place, 30 mi. W. Atlanta on
_|Hwy. 78 and 1 mi. No, Wins-
on paved road. Horace

- 1951 model Chvrolet tractor
and 28 ft. covered stock rack,
cond, all the way around, $2
000.00. B. L. Stiving, Bishop.

One 29 ft. 3/8 in. binder
$i:00-" Ensilage
fork, 12 tine. 17 in. 1-1/2 in.
apart, $4; Oliver 1 H. steel
; >| 1953 i a
ee a Oe ce ne oe ee
Aderhold, 510 W. Vesta Ave,

One Kut-Kwick 30 in. pulp
wod saw, equipped with 7-1/2
. | HP. Wise. air cooled engine,
-|used less 2 hrs. Jack Foskey,
-|Cochran, Ph. Webster, 4-2514.

| David Bradley -garden_trac-
tor with disc harrow, Cutter
bar. mower and- cultivators.
Good cond., cost $500 but will
sell for $250. Ralph C. Yar-
brough, Marlow. Ph. Guyton

_ One TE 20 Ferguson tractor,
new 6 ft. Danuser scraper, |
scoop, weeder and bush and
bog harrow, also WD 45 Allis
Chalmers tractor, 3 disc plow,
smoothing ~ harrow,
planters, etc. Used very little,
Cheap. W. H. Garman, Law-

Roanoke Holiday tobacco | -

harvester and trailer, good
cond., used only 2 seasons, kept:
under shelter when not in use.
Sell for less half cost. See. Levi
Courson, Pearson. Ph. No. 2962.

<|lot. William E. .Suber 1304 ;
'|Davis Ave. Rt. 1, Perry, Ph.|. Complete transmission hous-
| 425-3 e ing and gears for- 1955 model

Big Ford tractor, Serial No.
Dif-NdA 7006B; Also cylinder:
head and hydraulie lift pump.
Cheap for cash. J. L, Arm-

, |strong, Rt. 2, Stockbridge.

Gravely tractor or mowing
machine, cycle blade 42 in long.
5 HP. 2 speeds ~ forward, 1
speed _ backwards, 2 extra
blades shift gear, swival action
blade carrier. Good. tires. Com-
plete with cultivator and rid-
ding sulkey. All first class
cond. Wt. about 350 lbs. H. P.
Kitchen, Chatsworth.

> Super C. Farmall tractor, set
of cultivators, planters, 2 disc
plow, Intn Easy Flow spreader,
6 row Simplex cotton duster,
Also Intnl, tractor trailer wa-
gon, complete with bodies. Kel-

Covington 6563.

1954, 10.ft. No. 70 Massey
Harris, self-propelled combine,
|with complete changeover
sprockets for cutting soybeans,
peas, ete..(Cut less than 1,000
A). Has always been in shed.
Excellent cond., $1,800.00. Bob
Unruh, Davisboro, Ph. 6011.

1948 Ford tractor, recently
rebuilt motor, good tires; also
Ford harrow, turning plow,
planters and cultivators. R. F.
Kilpatrick, Rt. 2, Griffin. Ph.

ers, cultivators, side dresser,
*| bush and bog harrow, also Fur-
gerson 2 disc plow. Used very
little and in excellent cond.
Wiley A. Brown, Lucust Grove.

1 Highway, 6 ft. blade, Mow-
ing machine, fits Farmall A.

Will sell or trade. M. C. Thomp-
son, Old Jonesboro Rd., Fair-
burn. Ph. PO 7-0722 days; after
6 P.M. 5082. :

j946 John Deere B model
tractor, good rubber, cultiva-
tors, Burgess harrows, Cutaway
harrow, Smoothing harrow, JD
4 dise tiller; 6 row Blue Dust-
er, trailer and cut off saw, all
good cond. Sell together or
seperately. Mrs. Otha Evans,
Rt. 4, Commerce.

Set of planters and cultiva-
tors for Oliver 60. Sell or ex-

change for Ford equipment.

ies Free
Disease Gane
s, Wilkinson


Counties Not
ree of Disease
. 158

Make Georgia Brucell <<

im which orea testing is now underway include:

> Evans Madison
Elbert Marion
Franklin Oconee
Gwinnett Pulaski
Gordon Peach
Glascock ; Pierce
Hort i Rockdale
Heard Stephens
Habersham Toombs
: Halll Turner
Aewein Washington
au - Jockson x Wayne
Lemar Wilcox

Homer Vinson, Rt. 2, Cedar-
town. fi ui

Case Pick-up hay baler with
new motor, used only 1 season,
good cond. and ready to use.
Will sell or trade for anything
I can use on farm. Located

J. A. Capehart, Rt. 2, Chicka-

Avery 2 H. plow, with iron
beams and handles; also 1 2 H.
plow. with iron beam and wood
handles, both $10 at barn on
Hwy. 54. P. A. Peacock, Mor-
BOW oo

135 chain type warmer tube
feeders, $200; 6 warmer elec-
tric brooders, 300 chick cap.,
$100; also 20 small 4 ft. feed
trough, $15. Dan Rhyne, Leslie.

- John Deere A. tractor, with
harrow, cultivators, planters
and tool bar All in good cond.,
$2,000. Cannot deliver. ove Te
Davis, Luthersville. Ph. WA-T-
9302 (after 5 PM).

Athen, 2 dise turning plow,
Will fit Ford or Ferguson trac-
tor. In good cond., $75. D. O.
Shadix, Rt. 2, Douglasville. Ph.

1955 Farmall Super A tractor,
with cultivators, 2 dise turn-
ing plow on rubber, 2 section
disc hatrow, scalloped in front,
also guano distributor. All good
as new Taylor Toles, Menlo,
Chattooga Co.

1 good heavy 2 H. wagon,
$50; also 1 good black mare
mule wt. about 1,150 Ibs. for
sale. John L. Simpkins, Rt. 2,
Conyers. a


Roswell. Ph. 2447.

vin G. Ozburn, Mansfield. Ph.

tractor and is in perfect cond. |

j:1/2 mi. No. of Rock Spring.

1 good rear tractor tire, 12 x
28 for sale or will buy one to
match it. H. L. Bailey, Rt. 1,


Several hundred segond hand
turpentine cups for sale at my.
home. C. A. Hammond, Rt. 4,
Fitzgerald. - ; ;

A Chote Master garden trac-
tor, 3 H. Clinton motor, with
some attachment, E. B. Head,
149 Forest Ave., Gainesville.
> \
John Deere mowing machine,
No. 4, on rubber. In good con-
dition. N. T. Brewster, Rt. 2,
Box 194, Newnan. Ph. 396R.

1953 Golden Jubilee Ford
tractor, with P. T. O. clutch
and Sherman transmission, good
cond. $1,050. W. N. Skinner, Jr.
Rt. 4, Winder.

Avery, 2 row tractor with
planting and cultivating equip-
ment; also 1 harrow and ai
electric churn. All in good cond.
Sell or exchange all or any
part for cows. Evers Ward, Rt.
3, Vilnna.

own engine, in operating con-
dition and ready to go, $225.
M. W. Peck, Sparta. Ph. 2552

Inin] combine No. 64, with
mower, used to harvest only
one crop. Excellent cond.,
$1,395 or will trade for beef-
type feeder yearlings. R. I.
Gibbs, Rt. 2, Covington, C/O
Salem Camp Ground, Ph. 6085.

1 set planters and cultivators
for H. or M. Farmall tractor,
late models, No. HM-250. In
good cond., $150. W. L. Wynne,

Farmall C. tractor with plant-
ers, cultivators, harrow, tiller,
cotton duster and mower. Pric-
ed yeasonalble. Mrs. Asa E.
Martin, Rt. 1, Jackson.



Want Allis Chalmers 60 or
66 combine, operated by trac-
tor; power take-off. State true
cond. of tires, Canvasses, age
and mechanical cond. Near Au-
gusta. James B. Bartch, 2737
Milledgeville Rd. Augusta.

Want 1 small motor, either
gasoline or electric for pulling
tool grinder or other small jobs
on the farm. N. B. Deaton, Rt.
2, Buford.

Want 1 cultivator for Ford
tractor, or would buy the feet
for a Ford cultivator. Horace
Spears, Rt. 1, Lavonia.

Want Cotton and Corn plant-
er with fertilizer distributor
for Cub tractor. Within 50 mi.
radius. Elmer Frey, Rt. 2, Dal-

Want used- cultivator and
planters for Super A. tractor in
good cond. Joe Wilkerson, Rt.
1, McDonough.

-Want a used dryer to work

on Murray gin (2 Stand 80
saw). Terrell Swindle, P. O.
Box 478, Ray City. Ph. 2144.

Want planters and fertilizer
attachments for John Deere A.
tractor. Must be in good cond.
and cheap. O. C. Anderson, Rt.
1, Lindale.

Want set of harness for Shet-
Jand pony, in good cond. State
price. Jimmy McKinney, Hia-

Want Drag, Spring tooth har-
row, with 17 teeth in 3 rows.
Case or other make, but must
be in good cond. Roy Harrell,
Box 173, Fayetteville.

Want Ducks Nest for Black-
smith Shop. W. C. Rutledge,
Rt. 3, Winder.

Want a 400 to 600 egg cap.
Blec. incubator, in good shape,
at reasonable price. W. F. Mit-
chell; 208 Myrtle St:, Warner

Want second hand 50 T hay
press, also UD-9 motor for
hammering feed. J. P. Dyar,


Intn1 model 62 Combine with |



7,500 Ibs. sound Coker Vio-
torgrain oats, State tested;
| 96.18 pct. pure 92.00 "pet. Germ.
'3-1/2c lb. bulk at my place.
W. B. Keely, Rt. 2, Byron.

Hybred half-half cotton sed,'
first yr. from breeder. Germ.
70 pet. and better. Kept pure
at. gin, $8 per hundred lbs. rr
H. Bunn, Midville. SS

+ Good tender bean seed, white
Crease Back cornfield, white
tender half runner, 6 wks. beady
and little Pink Peanut, 75c cup-
ful; dlso white mush peas and
red speckled crowders, 50c cup-
ful. Add postage. Mrs. Carl
Smith, Rt. 3, Ellijay. ig


400 lbs. Lady Finger peas,
double treated and recleaned,
in one hundred lb. bags, $18
per hundred Ib. FOB. J. A.
Weaver, Rt. 1, Bartow.


Brown Top millet in new
burlap bags, 99.47 pct. purity,
88.00 pet. Germ., $6.50, CWT.
FOB or $6 CWT in ton lots.
Mac Oglesby, Rt. 2, Hartwell. |

Irm peas, purity, 97 pct.
Germ. 90 pct. in 2 bu. bags,
$4 bu. J. M. Walker; Marshall-

Cert. Arlington Sericea seed,
45c lb. In 50 Ib. lots. Write
for prices on larger amounts. ~
J. D. Cash, Flowery Branch. ..

Pure, recleaned Cokers 100
wilt-resistant cottonseed, Germ.
80 pet. Picked and ginned dry,
big puff, 5 lock bolls, treated,
delinted, in 100 Ib. bags, $7
bag: 5 bag lots, $6 bag. H. P.
Malcom, Rt. 2, Box 45, Social
Circle. Ph. 3346. ;

White Crowder peas, -Germ.
92 -pet., 3 lbs., $1; Green Glaze
collard seed, Germ. 88 pet. 1
tblsp., 15 or 2 tblsp., 25e; 10
tblsp., $1; White Butter beans,
3 Ibs., $1; also good Sun Dried
apple fruit, 60c Ib. 3 Ibs., $1.50.
Mrs. J. A. Wilson, Martin.

Good tender Cornfield bean
seed, speckled Cut Shorts,
White Grease Backs, and mix-
ed Cut Shorts, Ea. 65 cupful.
All Germ. Add postage. Mrs.
Preston Southerland, Rt. 3. E}hi-
Jay. : )

Little Lady white peas, grad-
ed and sound, 5 lbs., $1 plus
postage. Will send C. O. Dee
desired. E. M. Beckham, R-F.D.
Concord. : .

Lespedeza seed, 100 lb. white
bags; 8000 lbs. Arlington Seri-
cea, Germ. 86 pct., 23 bi;
5000 lbs. regular Sericea. Germ.
91 pct. 18 lb. All FOB and
stored in Newton Crouchs
Whse. Griffin. J., B. Mask,
Brooks. ,

White, tender and old time
tender Speckled Half Runner
garden and striped, tender eorn-
field beans, ea. 65 tea-cupful,
3 cups, $1.80. PP, in Ga. Miss
Gennia Brown, Rt. 1, Bali
Ground. es

Calif. multiplying beer Seed,
20c start and slf-addrssed,
stamped envelope with each
order; also, white nest mMulti-
plying onion sets for plantin
or eating, nice, clean, $1.25 gal.
PP in Ga. Miss Annie Ruth
Weeks, Dial 1

South Eastern Runner 56-15
peanut seed, direct. from, Bx-
periment Station. R. F., Bureh, >
Eastman. iy

Martin Gourd seed, 15 tbisp.
Tommy Toles, Menlo. _ e

Recleaned , Lespedeza = and
peas; Kobe 90 pct. Gerni. 16
lb.; or Sericea, 89 pet. Germ.,
16c 1b.; Jron-Glay.. peas, ;, 73.00
pet. Germ., $3.75 bu:; Red Rip-
pers, 86 pct. Germ: $4.75 bu-3
Calif Blackeyes, 85 pct. Germ.,
$5 bu. All FOB. John. Reid,
Zebulon, Ph. LO-7-8709.""

Kobe Lespedeza, 90 pet.
Germ. and 98 pet. pure, 14e Jb.
J. 2C.: Dillard): Ir," Rt. 1) Mon-
roe. :




Tender. Blue Pole bean, 65
eupful, 3 cups, $1.65; Red Run-
ning butter pea and White
Bunch, 3 cups, $1.50; also Run-
ning tomato seed, Qc teasp.
and 3c stamped envelope. Mrs.
Lon Ashworth, Rt. 1, Daouila.

90 day Velvet beans, 93 pet.
Germ,, $4 bu. at my place.
B. B. Strange, Rt. 4, Swains-,|

Qid time, little, white. half
Tunner garden beans, 94 pot.
Germ., white tender Cutshort
cornfield seed, 90 pot. Germ.,
bears heavily planted as pole
beans, $1 cupful, plus Te post-
age for oupful or 23c for 2

cups. Mrs. T. H. Wade, Rt. 1,
Talking Rock.
6,000 stalks improved, red

chewing cane for seed. Easy to
grow on any land but especi-
ally good on damp soil, some
stalks up to 10 ft. tall, $3 per
100 stalks at my farm. J. J.
Bloodworth, Gordon.

Goid Heart, 1956 hand sav-
ed, round, dark green, yellow
meat watermelon seed, 88 pet.
Germ., 50c teacupful. Add_post-
age. Mrs. Johnnie Harmon, Rt.
2, Calhoun.

White half runner and white
bunch bean seed, about 6 wks.,
hand shelled, no weevils, -60c
cupful. Sold in 2 cup lots and
up. Add postage. All Germin-
ated. Mrs. Fred Franiks, Hia-

Georgia Red Sweet Potato
pe insp. and cert. Now book
ng orders for delivery about
April 20th. $3.75 M. in lots over
5 M. at my farm 7 mi. No. Tif-
ton, on Rt. 41, Berry Rigdon
Tifton. Ph. 281-W-1.

Select Kudzu crowns, 2 and 3
yrs. old, handled right, $12 M.
at farm or $14.50 M. del. or
packed for Exp. State cert. if
requested. Y. M. Anderson, Wil-

Good strong Copenhagan
Market and Early Jersey Cab-
bage plants, ready for shipping,
300, $1; 500 $1.50 $2 M. Prompt
shipping and full count guar.
Mrs. Ina Griffin, Rt. 4, Box 60,

Gem Everbearing strawberry
ants, $2.75 C., 200 $5 500,
12. $18 M. PP. Mrs. R. T. But-
frum, Rt. 1, Adairsville.

Rutgers tomato plants, ready.
ay count, moss packed, $3.50

. or $1 C. del. No checks.
George Griffis, Rt. 1, Screven.

Marglobe tomato good strong
=. 40c C. Add 10c postage.
ill be ready by April Ist. Miss
Mozelle K. Clifton Rt. 2, Box
88, Twin City.

Several hundred nice heavy
Footed sage plants (while they
Jast) 15, $1 PP. L. J. Vollrath,
Rt. 2, Smyrna.

Old fashioned Blue Damson,
eg land 2 yr. trees, 50c ea.;
ft, and 6 ft. trees, $1 Ea.
State insp. and damp pdcked. $3
or more orders PP. Mrs. George
Collins, 891 Hammond Dr. N. E.
Atlanta Ph. CE 17-7215.

Strawberry, nice strong nts
C. Add postage. $10 M. PP.

rs. A, C. Holland, Rt. 4, Gain-

ot Era everbearing straw-

PP. or 50 at my
home as is. Mrs. Z. D. Dodd,
Rt. 1, Box 223, Cumming Rd.,

Everbearing strawberry piants

1 C; 300, $2.75, 500, $4.50. Add

ostage. Exch. for print or solid

d sacks, allowing 25c ea. sack.

iss Mattie Duran, Rt. 1, Cum-

ents, $1 C. plus postage | A}:
$2 or

Harly Dawn and Rutger to-
mato plants, Rutger, Broccoli,
Brussels Sprouts Lettuce, Kale,
Cabbage-Collard, Salsify, Wake-
ield Cabbage, 35e doz. Herbs;
mon Balm, Peppermint, Hore-

ound, Sage, Parsley, 6, 50 All
; in no less $1 lots. Mrs. H.!
. Branklin SR. Rt. 1, Box 20,|

| Balm, dbi.


Min. Huckleberry, bearing
size, field Blackberry, running
Dewberry plants and Hazlenut
bushes, 85c doz; wild Straw-
|-berry, 5 , $1; red Phm
sprouts, 3, $1; yellow root, wash-
ed clean, 4 lb. lard box full,
$1.25. Exch. for print sacks, 4
alike. Add postage. Mrs. Nancy
Henderson, Rt. 3, Box 124, Elli-

berry, $1 C; Spearmint, Yarrow,
and single Tansy,
Catnip, 50c doz; garlic bulbs,
60e doz. Del. Ga. Miss L. M.

Strawberry plants per C.:
Blakemore, $1.50; Mastodon,
$1.25; Klondike, $1: Huckle-
berry, 75c doz; Scuppernong
cuttings, 50c doz; brown striped
Half Runner
pet. 60c cupful; red white spot-

35c Tb. Add postage. Mrs. Lee
Hood, Rt. 1, Gainesville.

Horseradish roots, 50c 1b;
Rhubarb pie plants, 3 bulbs, $1)
Comfrey, Catnip, Queen of
Meadow, wild Horsemint, 3,
clumps, 50c wild Strawberry,

berry, 25c doz; Yellow Dock, 35c
doz; red Raspberry, 25 ea. Add
postage. Mrs. Presley Fowler,
Rt. 5, Ellijay.

Rutger Tomato plants, ieady, |
500, $2.25; $4 M.; White Ber-
muda onion, 500, $1.25; $2 M.
Also, Spring Chas. Wakefield
cabbage, same price. E. L.
Fitzgerald, Box 662, Fitzgerald.

Cert. Rutgers and Marglobes
tomato, 500, $2.25; $4 M; Spring
grown cabbage, Chas. and E.
J. Wakefield and White Sweet
Bermuda onion, plants, 500,
$1.25; $2 M.; $750 for 5000.
Exp. Col. Mrs. I. L. Stokes, Box
349, Fitzgerald

Mtn. Huckleberry, bearing
size, 2 doz., 75; lange Klondike
strawberry, $1 C.; Imp. field
Dewberry and Blackberries, 50c
doz. Also Muscadine vines, 3
ft-4 ft. rooted, 45c ea. Add
Postage. Rosie Crowe, Rt. 1,

Condons. Giant Mastodon
everbearing strawberry plants,
$1 C; Catnip and Sage plants,
Black Walnut, May Cherry
trees, also Muscadine vines,
each, 6, $1. Add postage. Mrs.
Mae Turner, Rt. 6, Gainesville.

Catnip, Lemon Balm, Tansy,
Peppermint, Horehound, Mul-
len, 6, 50c; Muscadines, Fox
Grape, and Damson Plum, 6,
$1.25. Hazelnut and Blueberry,
12, $125; also Red Gold
Strawberry, $1.25 C. Mrs. F. M.
Eaton, Rt. 1, Dahlonega.

Eldorado Blackberry plants,
$4 doz. Del. in Ga.; also Prem-
ier fine var. Strawberry, (large
berries with delicious flavor)
plants, $4 C. Miss Maude Ham-
by, Rt. 3, Greenville.

Rutger and Marglobe tomato
plants, moss packed. Ready
April 1st. 75e C., $3.50 M; also
Ruby King and Calif. Wonder
pepper plants, 75 C, $4. M. Leo
Lightsey, Rt. 2, Surrency.

Well rooted cert. Suwanee
Bermuda stolens, 3 bu. in mois-
ture resistant bags, bearing tag
and seal of Ga. Corp. Improve-
D. C. Brumbalow, Co.
Fort Gaines.

P. R. potato plants, State in-
spected, $3. M. Count and quali-
ty guaranteed. Ready for April
shipments. Mrs. A. B. Williams,


Marglobe and Rutger tomato
plants, ready for delivery, $3.50
M., Also Government inspected,
Red, Pink, and copper skin P.
R. potato plants, $4.00 M. De-
livery in April. Oma Lightsey,
Rt. 2, Surrency.

Chas. Wakefield
plants, 35c C, Garden Sage $1.
doz., Catnip,
5c. Also a
qt. All delivered. Mary
Phillips, Rt. 1, Royston.

1956 Jackson Wonder
beans (bush), not mixed,
pot. Germ. 20 lb. Add post-

Catnip leaves, 40c


Mastodon evefbearing Straw-,

White, Rt. 1, . Dah
ite, R Box 57. Da 1OREEE | oper Rd, Atlanta, Ph, eo a

bean, Germ. 87)
ted Crowder peas, 85 pct. Germ.,.

Tansy, Spearmint, Mtn. Huckle-|

| ea.

ment Association. $3. bap, FOB.

cabbage |.

Chinese chesnut seedlings, 2
yr. trees, well grown, blight re-
sistant, 3, $3.95. PP. R. I. Gibbs,

Rt. 2, Salem Camp Ground Cov-.

ington. Ph. 6085.

Marglobe, New Stone, Bonnie
Best and Rutgers tomato plants,
500, $1.75; $3.00 M. PP. Moss
packed. Booking orders for ear-

|ly April del. No COD. Del. any

quantity. Mrs. "Mattie Stevens,
ee eS: Box 188, Dawson, Ph.

Kudzu, ae = good
count, $2.00 C., $12.00 M. You
pay postage. H.C. Reid, 2303

Cabbage plants, 40c C., Par-

| sley plants, 25, 50c; Also Dam-
son plum bushes, $1.50 ea. plus

35c postage. Fred Witherspoon,
308 Holderness St., Atlanta 10.
Ph. PL 3-5251,

Large Klondike strawberry
plants, $1. C. Add 25c postage.
Mrs. H. L. Thomas, 282 Whit-
ford S. FE. Atlanta.

Rhubarb, 3 bunches $1.. Add
postage. Mrs. J. B. Woody, Rt.
3, Ellijay.

Kudzu rooted, 1 and
2 yrs. old, $2. $7., 500 and
$12.30 M. Add oe C.D.
Crow, Rt. 2, Gainesville.

Recleaned Kobe Lespedeza

seed, Germ. 77 pet., 15 tb. in
100 Ib. bags, R. A. Allen, Rt.
2, Jackson.

' Martin gourd seed from large
gourds, 25c cupful, PP. Geo. M.
Busch, Rt. 1, Box 808. .

Crooked neck Dipper and or-
namental gourd seed, 15 doz.
2 doz. 25c, plus stamped envel-
ope. No orders filled umless
stamped envelope sent. Mrs.
Alta Wood, Rt. 2, Martin.

E. J., and Chas W. Frost-proof
cabbage and white Bermuda
onion plants, 300, $1.25; 500,
$1.75; $2.50 M. Del. also, Cayen-
ne hot and Calif. Wonder sweet
pepper and Rutger tomato
plants. $1 C. $5. M.

Old time White also Spec-.

kled, tender Half Runner beans,
65e cup; red Speckled
Crowder and Blue Java peas,
ea. 50c cup. Add postage. G. T.
Brown, Rt. 1, Ball Ground.

Old fashioned large white
Half Runwner bean seed, 84 pot.
Germ., also white 6-Wks. bunch
bean seed, 91 pet. 73e cup.

Postpaid. Miss Mamie Ander-

son, P.O. Box 37, Ellijay.

Approx, $80 bu. -re-cleaned

Pensacola Bahia seed, 45 pet.

Germ., 25 tb. at my farm.
N. A. Boyette, Rt. 1, Hahiva.

Gov. insp., red skin P. R. po-
tato plants, $4 M; Rutger and
Marglobe tomato, $3 M. Ready
in April. Prepaid. No chicks. Paul
Lightsey, Screven.



Want Jerusalem Cherry plants.

State size and price. Mrs. T. 0.

Wilson, 424 Hast Liberty St.,

| Jodico Rd.,
Fine white Rice pop corn on.

Want some Tansy plants.
Quote purice. Mrs. Joseph N.
Jones, 1444 May Ave., S. E. At-
lanta 16.

Want Star also Brown millet. |
State what you have and price. |'6c

S. E. Smith, Rt. 3, Box 495, At-
Janta 18.



rooted, youn

Boxwoods, well
plants, 6-10 in.

11 to 2 yrs. old, $3 doz. $15 C;
10,000 to choose from. Marvin
Rt. 2, Fayetteville.

EK. West,
(Near Lees Mill).

Correction: 15 Iris, all dif, col..
unmaned 15, $1; 6 Daylilies all,

dif. col. $1; Shrysanthemums,
bedding kind> mix col. 25, $1;
Leriope border plant, 25 $1; 25

extra for postage in state; 35c,

out-of-state. Mrs. W. E. John-
son, Rt. 2, Crawfordville.

Correction: 6 cuttings Wister-
ia vine, 12 Mums, early and
late, 12 dif. perennials, 10 creep-
ing Phlox (pink), lot for $1;
plate size Hibiscus, mix. col.
also Sweet-Pea, tree seed, ea.
25c pkg. -Mrs. k Wheeler,
Rt. 3, Canton (not sneer sie



50 bales Tame Grass hay, at
my barn. Louis E. Speiser, Rt.
1, Box 156, Blairsville.

400 bu. white corn for feed.
J. S. Rakestraw, Rt. 2, La-
Grange. Ph. 6598.

100 bales Orchard Grass
and Ladino Clover hay, baled
without rain, 75c bale Loyd
Hardy, Young Harris.

Baled Oats, 70c bale, Crab
Grass and Lespedeza, 60c bale.
All hay baled last season, and
in large heavy square bales.
Will consider selling cheaper in
100 bale lots. Norman Tram-
mell, Fayetteville. Ph. 4144.

3 tons, good, first cutting
Sereca hay, $25 ton. Marvin E.
West, Fayetteville.

50 bu. of excellent White
corn for feed, $1.50 bu. at my
barn. Lamar Gresham, Lake

cob, for eating, 20 Ib.lets, $2.50.
Adid- postage. Mrs. Marie Hol-
land, Box 14, Coogier.

5 tons good peanut hay, $18,
ton at my barn near Broxton.
Mrs. Clifton Nugent, Willacoo-
whee. Ph. 2602.

_ Several tons of extra good
Coastal Brmuda hay, highly
fertilized and baled without
yain, for sale at my barn. Win-
ton C. Harris, Odum. Ph. JU-

200 bu. White, slipped shuck
corn, large ears, flinty not Hy-
brid. Good for bread or feed. '75
lb. bu. FOB my place. Manly

Davenport, Dial.

Jonesboro. Ph. 4712. |

Wednesday, March 27,

Orchard grass and Ladino Clo-

6c per stalk
cated at Den , 1241/2 mi.
|from Statesboro on Hwy. 67.
S. J. Foss, Brooklet.

140 bales hay, mixed Fescue,

ver, 75c to $1 bale at farm.
|J. W. Cantrell, Young Harris.

Large green, soft Sugar Cane,
at my place. Lo-



wniaessTae baa


Red bantan reosters, 1956
Money orders. No checks. Silas
Snipes, Rt. 2, Commerce.

Real nice Golden Sebcight |
Bantams, $5 pr. Bob Clark, sr

Spring St., Macon, |

Bantam stock and eggs from
Blue Ribbon winners and
| Champions D. A. Asbury, 442
Atwood St., Atlanta 10.

Bantams: White Leghorns, R.
I. Reds, Black and Black Tail
Japanese, Old English Black
Silver. Duckwing and Black
Breasted Red Games, Buff
Brahma, Black Cochin, and
Golden -Sebrights, Also Ring-

meck Doves. B. H. Holsomback,

East Point.

200 White Leghorn hens, a-
bout 70 pot. now laying. Sell

302 S. Harris St.,

of Chatahoochee River, near
fin, Bankhead Hwy.

Heckle and 1/2 Toppie Round-

game brood cocks, $3 ea. or
exch. R. L. Griffin, Oak Bes
| Gainesville

100 large type White Leghorn
hens, second yr. laying $1 ea.
No less than 100 sold. Come af-

dy Cross. Jessie Downs, Rt. 1,

ginning to lay, 75c ea. or lot

|.$110. G. D. Coudle, Rt. 1, Wel-

come Hill, Trion.

150 RI. hens, vaccinated for
New Castle and Fowl Pox. 70
pet. now laying, $1.50 ea. See

|at my farm 2 mi. No. of ni

lasville. C. A. Daniell, Rt.

Ri. Red pullets, 2 mos, old,
15 for $24 or $27 if shipped.
Additional flock of 5, $8 plus

|90c if shipped. Edward T. Byrd,
19037 Spring Hill Terrace, Au-


White Embden maak heal-
thy giant breeders, $5 ea; Also
3 hens and 1 rooster of Black
Polish with Black and White
Top Crest. Will ship. W. Cars-
well Ave. 2 mi. L. E. Morgan,
| Rt 4, Waycross

Nice turkey gobbler nearly
grown, $8; also one Bantam
$1.25. Will not ship. Mrs. M.
McPherson, 695 S. Center Hill

Ave. Atlanta. Ph. SY-4-4120.

10 Peppermint, |)
Ruth ||

age. R. G. Williams, Mt. Ver-.

ed to you.


At the 1955 session of the General Assembly t he marks and |
brands law was amended to provide for registration with the Com-
missioner of Agriculture your mark or brand of livestock.

If you desire to register your mark or brand, you may write
our Department for app

ication, and m neces

There is no cost for this resided except the recording
to the Ordinary of the eles in which your cattle

sary forms will be ne

thatch. Both purebred. $1 ea.

any number, Located 1 mi. W.


1 Golden Sebright ana R. 1


S. C., R. I. Reds and Red

Liberty Hill Church. Matt Grif-

3 pit game stags, 1/2 White
head, $4 ea. also 2 nice pit

ter 8 mi. W. Royston near San-

160 White Leghorns, now be- -
Silver Sebright |
Mt. Vernon.

ee ee

- partridges, $25.
n, Rt. os

ge apart quail
s, $4 pr.; booking orders

B. H. Sharpe,
oe ora Atlanta 10.

pheasant breeders;
da ee rt
of anto-sexed White

Se pr. An kk
So. 5th St., Grif-

g quail (bred and
3T yrs.), around 1/2

shipped Send M. O.
will notify date of
in advance. Wm. A.


No. Bobwhite quail,
breeders, $3.50. pr.
cp. Col. Frank J. Shaw,
le Ave., - Eatonton

Bobwhite quail;

quail, large, mature
red in flight =~ ex-
or for

g orders for
Sat. Cliff Pur- |

Mt. |

kX pheasant roosters,

o pr, also 12}

burn. Ph. 5082 after 6 p.m.

and gilts, $50: ea; Also open and}
F. Anderson, Rt. 3, Nashville.

'wk, old pigs, Reg. in bu
| mame. Located 4 mi. S. E. Bhise-|

|hurst. Ph. 730.
"; | Tamworth pigs, 12 wks. old,

Ground, Covington.

| Diamond Boy, large enough: for}

Satisfaction and live}
829 |

i 2 roosters, $2 ea. at}

;| Mrs. Zora Brown; Box 317,
| Scottdale.

.| Durec Crossed. Sow with 6

foot, $4.50 pr. 5 nr. |

421 Mark Bldg... At-|

| Eastman, Ph.
N. W. Ph. SY-43503: |

lay- |
;; | milch. cow with youn

/1 mare mule, 8 yrs. old, wt, 900
| Ibs., $100 Richard Smith, Rt. 3,|
~ | Chipley. Ph. 3-2622.

eggs. and. us "
Vernon: Dr., De-}:

0! one-of the greatest producing

good stock P. c. and O. 1 .
$10 ea. or will trade for
or W. L. hens. M. C. Thomp-
am Old Jonesboro Rd., Fair-

Landrace hogs. weaned boars}
bred gilts at market price. W.

S.P.C. service boars, also 10/4

hurst M. J. Blackmon, Pine-

lean meat type, from hest plood-|
lines, subject to\Reg., $21 ea.
Also meat pigs, Hampshire,
| Hereford crosse, $10 ea. R. L
Gibbs, Rt. 2, Salem Camp

| Fine Reg, S. P. C. boar, long
lean type from Silver Ann; Sire,

service George Ferguson, Rt. 1,
Cave Spring.

| Reg, Landrace, service age

boars. ad Reg. . Tamworth wean-
|ed pigs. Basil
| Fitzgerald. Ph. 3905.

Reg. ~Pure-bred American
|Landrace boars and gilts from
imported Norweigan and Swed-|
ish bloodlines. One of Americas
leading meat hogs. W. R. Loflin.
Rt. 1, Box 149. Augusta.

Reg. Landrace shoats, males:
and females, from Hans, and
Hooker bloodlines out of 5 Star
litter. See at my home. Ready
for del. Marion Thillingham,
Washington. Ph. 478-J.

2 nice, fine shoats, $50 for
both at home, for quick sale.

Several sows, with 7 and 8)
/pigs ea. 2 mo. old P. C. and}

pigs, $75. G. P. Perritt, Lamar|
St. Waycross.

1 Cherry red Duroc nee 1
lyr. old. Reg in United Duroc}

'P. O. Box 37, Hwy 37, Mershon.

ho SR eee acC.
boars and weaned pigs, each
/ Sex, unrelated: prs. From champ-
ion. bloodlines, = ana Barrs,

4 P: C. Shoats, from 50 lbs. to
' 70 Ibs. or more ea, $20 ea. for
lot, or $22 ea. single. G. W. Wil-
liams Rt. 1, Box 808, Colum-
bus. Ph, FA 2-9550 or FA 3-0101.

4 shoats,. part O. I. C., 6 mos.
old, $20 ea. or trade for good.
calf; also

Young Tenn. Walker: mare
with a 4 wk. old Filly colt, $250.
'See at my place on Haywood
Valley Rd., just.No. of Armu-
| chee. Alfred TL Atkins) Res
| Armuchee.

more ea. H. $. Fields, Rte 2

pSagertan, -

Black mule for sale.
Adams, Rt, 2, Villa: Rica.

Good sound mule, work any-
where; also 4 Bronze turkey
hens, and 1 tom. See at farm, 5
mi. East of ee
| Warnock, Rt. 2, Tarrytown,

1, good mare mule, middle age,
wt. about 1000 Ibs. eee



| 7% nice small Shetland pony
| mares, from 2 to 5 yrs. Some
spotted and some sorrel with

Rt. 2, Carrollton. Ph. TZ 22394, |

At stud, Red: Lights Noble Rex, }
Reg, No. 36083, Chesnut stal-
lion, very, fine type representing

families of the breed. Grandson

All|, of Novle Kalarama. Thomas G.
| Watkins, Jr. ok Shoals Rd. Rt.|
2; Decatur, Ph.

BU 9-6692.

good and gentle pair of}
- mare sg Wt. 1,200)
300 lbs. ea. Ages 9 yrs.
to, sell. Riley.

Steed, Box 467, |

Assogeiation, $50 A. C. Weathers, |

service age|

| Dawson, 562 Loridans Dr.

5 nice mules, wt 1,000 Ibs. or

|price. Chess Aaron, Rt. 3, Al-|

white mane and tail. J. B. Webb, |

1 Pale 8 or 9 ik old, good.
and sound: Sell or trade:
for farm horse or ex that is:
broken: to work. A. B. Cook,
Rt. 1, Decatur.

Nice mare mule, first ice 9}
yrs. old, wt. 1,000 lbs. Gentle, no}
plug, work anywhere, plenty

| of pep but not wild. Priced right

quick: sale. 5: mi. Ne. of Fayette,
J. J. Graves, Rt. 2, Fayetteville.

1 mare horse, black, wt. about.}.
1,000 Ibs., very gentle, good]
| shape, Guar. to work anywhere,
anytime, $85. Hoyt Chandler
Maxwell, Hillcrest Rd., Rt. 1,
| Norcross. Ph. 2729 :

Fresh milk goat, heavy milk-|
Ler, with: = kids. Will not. ship:
Mrs. J. Kirkley, 3860 ea
| cade oe Atlanta.

Grade Southwestern pea ritieg |
|Ewes, few Black Face North-/|

ed 6 mi. So. of Cummin on U. Sv
19, 1 Mi. on Shiloh Rd. R. E.
Tribble, Rt. 5, Comming. Ph.
6871. :

Alpine and Toagedbung
'2 yrs. old, nearly 3 ft. tal
for breedi
hornless $10 FOB my place. H.
F. Seay, Rt. 2, Pantersville Rd.,
| Ellenwood.

18 mos. old Angus. bull, sub.
to reg., $150; also. ome pure-
bred, 3 yr. old Suffolk Ram


172 Vidal Boulevard, Deeatur.
Ph. DR-7-4758.

Nice family, cow, part Jer-
sey, freshened March 4th, TB
and Bang tested, $75. J. R. Cog-
gin,. Forest Park. Ph. PO-7-
6364. *

Charoloise- -Charbray _bulls,
breeding age, Reg. 3/4 to 15/16
breeding. Bryant E. Pearce,
Box 590, Quitman. Ph. 6278.

with 10 calves at side. George
Varn, Box 205, Folkston. ,

A 2 yr. old bull for sale.
Joe Carswell, Rt. 3, Toccoa.

No. 1, Reg. Guernsey 2 yr.
olb bull-with papers $100. Jas. P.
Moon, R. 1, Grayson.

Young polled Hereford bulls,
|Domino str. dbl reg. E. C.
Janta, Ph. CE-7-7910: 5

Reg. Angus bull, 2-1/2 yrs.
old, top quality, and very good
Bileenmere bloodlines, large,
gentle, ready for heavy service,
$250. W. . Hardy, Rt. 1, Grif-

fin. Ph. 6767.
Purebred Santa Gertrudis |

bull, 8 mos old, Grandson of
Richard King. R. K. (herd sire
of Luling Foundation, Luling,
Texas), J. OW: Morris, Double
|M. Farms, P.O. Box 119, Car-
rollton, Ph. TE-2-2852.

2, Buchanan. a

2 Guemsey (white spots)
heifers, pasture bred, gentle,

Helton, Rt.

rler Maxwell, Rt. 1,
Rd; Norcross. Ph. 2729.

western prs. Ait: my. farm, locat- |

ing, also gentle: and |,

sheep; not reg. $75. J. M. Allen, |

20 purebred Brahman cows}

Good work mule, 10 to 12 yrs. |,
old work anywhre, $150' L. L.}

| purebred, $60: ea. Hoyt Chand- |}
Hillerest. |,

High grade Hereford | cows

@ |per pr.

with, calves at side, Reg, polled
Hereford bull. Bill Mixon, Rt.
3, Box 80, Griffin.

35 dairy cows, 18 fresh now
and 17 to freshen in early fall;

milk quota. Write for further
information. D. T. Bateman, Rt.
2, Eastman. Ph. 3986

5 Reg. Hereford cows, horn-
ed type, mostly with calves at
side and re-bred. Top quality,
best bloodlines. Terrell Swin-
dle, Ray City. Ph. 2144.

Purebred Brahman bulls, 2
yrs. old, wt. 1000 libs. very gen-
Ne, not wild, $150 ea.; also, 20
Ewes with lambs at side, $22.50
John Hanks, Rt. 1,
Smokey Rd. LaGrange, Ph.

Young, highbred milch cows,

ee; -with caves 2. wks. to 1 mo.
old, 2-1/2 to 3 gal. milk per
day. Sell resonable nrics. J-1/2
mi. So. on Hwy. 41. John D.
Anderson, P.O. Box 323, Dal-
las. Ph. 1529: Jl.

. Reg: Hereford cattle, bred
and. open heifers, bull calves
and cows, also Reg. Hereford
pigs, 8 wks. old in April. Mrs.
W. A. Ward, Jr., Rt 3, Ward
Meade Farm, Marietta.



Want purebred Yorkshire gilt
hogs. of any age Must. be good.
State age, ete. and price. J. B.
Newton, Box: 343, Elberton.

Want Reg. Yorkshire gilt
hogs: Cortez Bryon, Canon Ph.
Royston, 7762. 2

Want good work horse, works
single or double. Must be
sound. W. O. Stevenson, Wild-

Want small mare. (horse),
gentle and who works good
anywhere. W. T. Carithers, Col-

also dairy equipment, 50 gal |

perfect. by marked and quali- |

Must be cheap. State price and
age. Willie Gooch, Rt. 2; Bu-
ford: Ph. 3618.


es, & Ibs. either $3. Del.
check. Mrs. L. A. Sanders, Rt.
3, Carnesville.

Jerusalem Artichokes, fresh-
ly dug, ready to ship, $1 gal.

to 3rd zone, $7 bu. Exp, Cel.
C.. W. Page 149 N. Ave., N.E.
Atlanta 8.

65. hives of Bees, in factary
made hives body;

in good cond, A. FE. Seabolt,
Rt. 3, Gainesville. Ph. Linox

William Riley, Kingsland.

several empty hives, and supers
with frames, also veil, smoker
and. gloves. All in fair cond: at
my home. H! P. Aderhold, 510
W. Vesta Ave., College Park.

Purebred; heayy type, dark
Cornish hatching eggs, 15,
$1.65; 30; $3.15, and my cartons,
neturned at buyers expense, at
onee, $f per setting at my
home. Money order only Miss

den, Amherst and Reeves. Will
incubate your eggs; any a-
mount. H. Tonsgard, 5289 La-
mar, St. Decatur. Ph. BU-9-

Nice large turkey eggs, $3
doz. Mrs. A. L. Teasley, Rt. 3,
Box 55, Washington.

Giant Black Minorca hatch-

ing eggs, 15 for $3; 30, $5. PP.
L. B. Millians, Newnan.

' tion, and livestock disease


Farmers buying fertilizers and pesticides may have
' representatives of the State Department of Agriculture |
| pull samples of these products to assure that they meet |
| state requirements and manufacturers guarantees.

In order to save farmers time, county agents and
vocational agriculture teachers have been informed of
inspectors available to pull samples in their respective |.
areas. Farmers desiring this service cam eontact their |

county agents or vo-ag teachers or write the Depart-
ment of Agriculture in Atlanta to obtain the names of
: inspectors available to them.

Additional services offered by the Department of

| Agriculture include seed: testing, food and feed inspec-

Phil Campbell, |
Commissioner of Agriculture


Last Weeks Livestock Sales Report

an | Feeders

Atlante Rome Athens Thomaston - Atlante:
3-19: NO 3-20 3-18, 2-20
| STEERS & HEIFERS 1272 REPORT 750 179 466
Good & Choice 17.50-19.75 - 17.00-19.50 : =
| Standard 14,00-18.00: - 14,00-17.50 14,25-16.25 14,00-17.25
Utility 12.00-15;00 - 11.75-14.50 11.50-14.50 19.75-14,75
Vealers 16.50-27.25: - 17.00-26.00 18.00-22.75 17.00-24.50
Stockers & Feeders. 12:75-19.00 - 12.00-20.00 11.75-16.50 12,00-16,25
Feeder Calves 12.00-23.00 : V7.75-22.00 1H.00-18.50 11.00-22.00
cows: :
Utility, & Commercial: DP.75*13,25: - 11,50-13,25 1.50-12,75 11.50-13.00
/Canners & Cutters 8,00-12.25 : 9.00-12.00 8.75-11.50 8.75-12.00
| Springers 65.00-155.00 : 70.00-160.00 70.00-138.00 65.00-135.00
HOGS: . . 377 -
| No. 1) Meat Type. . a % s
"| No. 1 Others . : . 16.75-16.90 .
No. 2. e . . 16.50-16.75 :
ms) No, 3, - - : 16.00-16.50 -
- = . . =

Want 3 Shetland pony mares. eS


1956 crop, Sun-dried apples, ae

Also unpeeled Sun-dried peach- /

Parcel Post, to the 3rd zone. No

at home, $1.50 prepaid by mail

also some ~
empty hives with frames. All ~

15, Ibs Beeswax, 60c-1b. FOB.

One 10 frame hive: of mes

Cora B. Patterson, Rt. 1, Box
35, Ty Py. a
Pheasant eggs, Silver, Gol-


She ee.


Conservation Practices

Se, {Continued Finn Page 1)
000 acres. Plantings and other practices
recommended by the-SCS and the State
Game and Fish Commission were estab-
~Jished to improve wildlife food and cover
on 8,000 acres last year.
= These and many others ee
practices are carried out, Chapman ex-
plained, as part of Soil Conservation Ser-
vice assistance to individual farmers
- through soil conservation districts. There
-are 95,923 district cooperators in Geor-

gia who operate 18,337,744 acres of farm

land in the 27 districts in the state.

Soil surveys, upon which conservation
- plans are based, have now been completed
_on more than 25 ,000,000 acres. ;

In addition to its assistance to farmers
~ dn soil conservation. districts.

explained that the Soil Conservation Ser-
vite is now providing both technical. and
finanvial assistance to local organizations
ina rapidly growing number of water-

shed protection and flood prevention pres

_ jects.

In Georgia, two have been appraved
for operations under Public Law 566 in
addition to one pilot watershed project

and one older flood prevention project
already underway. Fifty-two local orga-
nizations in the state have applied for
watershed assistance and planning is un-
derway on three of these, Chapman seid.

Bradley Explains Soil

(Continued From Page 1)

ally the grain and row crops produced
for harvest. Grasses (except annual grass-
@s from which seed is harvested) ), legumes
or cover crops, and garden crops for home
-eonsumption are not Soil Bank base crops.

Mr. Bradley explains that the Soil
Bank base acreage for a farm is the aver-
_ age acreage of Sat Bank base crops grown
_ during the years since 1954 and previous
to the first year of the Conservation Re-.
serve contract.

Thus, under a contract. beginning in
1957, the Soil ,Bank base acreage for a

farm would be the average acreage of Soil
Bank base crops for 1955 and 1956; for
a-contract starting in 1958, the farms base
acreage would be the farms average acre-
age of base crops for 1955, 1956, and 1957;
for a contract starting in 1959, the base
acreage would be the average acreage of
_ base crops for 1955; 1956, 1957, and 1958;



| trash, 2 lbs.,

Taking orders with deposit, | ..
Blue Peafowl,. Pheasants, Bob- :
white Quail, Chuckar Partridge, [ed Hickory Nas
fancy Bantams, Mallard and | BE is: .
Muscovy Ducks, Chinese Geese, |
Cornish Games, Guinea Fowl. |
Mrs., Helen Street, 2956 Buford |

| boro. Ph. 6040.

irs. 350 Ibs.
Hwy., Atlanta 6. | Frotscher pecans, 35 lb. W.
Keely, Rt.

Mallard duck eggs, $1.75 doz.

' plus postage. E. H. Bridges,| Print feed sacks, 2, 3 and 4 :
Sharpsburg. | alike, free of mildew and holes,| 3 print feed sacks, 100 an
2 salt cured hams, med. size, | 20 8- OF exch. for crocheting. | cap., red and white, was!

5c Yb. at my place. Will not, |Jane Callahan, Rt. 2, Box 187,

2, | | Blackshear.

ship. Robert :
Blair: syille,

Clark, Rt.

Hundreds of Bamboo Cane $1;
roots, -50c Ib. Add postage.-Den- |

ver Holland, 606 College St.,

1956 crop, nice Schley pecans,
F Ibs, $1.50; 10 Ibs.,
| shelled pecan halves,
$2; 5 Ibs.,
iJ. M. Jones, Grayson,

$2.75. Also

Split post, Black Locust, /35e
Chestnut, 30 ea. Also saw-
Have up to

R. Bostwick.

| Mundys Mill Rd., Rt. 1, Jones-

clean Stuart

2, Byron, ~

| Yellow Root, 25c doz.,
Sassafras roots, 4 doz., $1.

Also Catnip plants, 6, 25c. All
| well cleaned. Add postage. Miss

' Grace E. Parks, Rt. 3 Ellijay.

"GC Milk Prin
At New Record Level

More rit from fea COWES ea.
-Thats the dairy picture in Georgia

right now, according to Sid Diamond, Ex-.

tension dairyman, at the University of |

Georgia College of Agriculture.

Diamond cited reports on Georgias |

production increased by 300. pounds per
cow. This represents an increase in aver-
age milk production per cow of a little

better than eight percent over 1955 and >

16 pereent over: the 1945-54 aver ane he

Total milk iproduetion for Hie dee

last year was 1,226,000 poundsa_ 4.2

1956 dairy business showing that milk


percent increase over the previous year
and a 6.2 percent increase over the 1945+

54 period. a
Rees encouraging thing aoe the re-

cord output is that it was produced from

oniy 305,000 milk cows, the Extension

dairyman. stated. Thats 11,000 fewer
cows than were counted in the 1955 re-

port and 29,000 less than We ~1945- or


Diamond attributed the en a

gains to better feeding, breeding,
management practices. \

The record is one Georgia dairymen
can be justly proud of, but there still is
a long way to go, he said, The 300-pound
gain in one year compares favorably with
the national average gain: of: 78 pounds


of milk per cow during the past ten years. =

But even so, Georgia still ranks 42 in the
nation in average milk production per

While Georgia Ss average milk produc-
tion per cow reached an all-time high of
4,020 pounds last year, the amount is

Pointing out that high average milk

production per cow is the greatest single
_ dactor influencing dairy profits, the dairy

specialist urged farmers to continue their
efforts to increase average per-cow pro-

about 2,000 pounds short of the national
_ average, Diamond stated.


duction and so decrease high production


and for contracts beginning in 1960, the
base acreage would be the average acre-
age of base crops for 1955, 1956, L8G
1958, and~1959.

Mr. Bradley emphasized that, once

established, the Soil Bank base acreage

for a farm remains the same for the pe-

Yellow Root, Sassafras Root,
Colt foot, Holly and Poplar Bark
clear of |Red Alder, 75c for 4 lb. lard
$4. Mrs.| box; Sassafras Leaves, dry and

# |crumbled, 4 lb. lard box, $1.50.
Add postage. Mrs. Rosetta But-
ler, Rt. 3, Dahlonega. - :

Print sacks, 100 lb. cap.
washed and ironed, 1, 2 or 3) lb.
of each kind, 35c ea. Add 23 | pepper,
'|postage on each 3 sacks. Mrs.
P. E. Traylor, Rebecca.

35c_ ea.;



27 nice shila HE z
from holes, mildew, and letters,
Also print sacks, 100
|cap., 2 and 3 alike, clean and
free from holes, 45 ea. Add
Ruth Fricks,
Box 151, Talking Rock.







ee Ca Leh ay

se. ih ane

Vegi uns




every effort to produce high
in 1957) "= =

The University of Georg Coll
Agriculture Se said

He said corn isa one ca
CAs farms, and added :

pointing the way is SroHable
Take J. M. Hulsey of White co
the. agronomist continue @ has,
Georgia 1,000 Bushel Corn
_ years. In. 1956 he produced 7,
on 58 acres. Thats an ave
shels per acre.
Nie Hulsey used certifie
D-33.,He applied 500 pounds of.
at t pee and side dress d

ee alone the Geot
shel Club, is conducted by th
al Extension Service and spor

will be in Gperation: again this ye:
Johnson listed the following corr
cuetion practices which he ays: will

oud a dress with 80 pou
per acre in North Georgia. In So h

gia 60 pounds of nitrogen is usually
Use a soil test when possib
certified hybrids that are rec
by the Extension Service. (4)
10,000 to 12,000 plants in North

and 8,000 to 10,000 in South Georg

coats panty, eas bc =

detatie about eee n
Bank Conservation Reserve -
should get in touch with
ASC Committee. The deadline

tracts for which the annual ae
ment starts in 1957, is March 15

Want 2B a 50: hi
in 8 or 10 frame, 3
free of disease, within
of here. sare ae
Harris. one



Want 1. cup of shell
field bean seed, no

3 Ibs of ground Sage, $1.65 liam J. Adams, 1
; also 5-3/4 Ibs. J_ Adams, 107 So. H

$1.25 lb. Add postage.
Miss ~Nellie Keith, Alvaton. |



Good used Black Locust post,
30c ea. Bethy Davis, 959 Wash-
ington St. S.W., Atlanta 15.



"| Advise what yo
price. George = Watts ;

cap. prirt sacks, are

and ironed, 50 ea. Add post-
age. No cheoks. Mrs. G. C. Clif-

ton, Millen. med.

6 doz., g

White feed sacks, 100 Ib cap.,
free of letters and holes, 20c
ea COD. G. M. ee Rt. 2;


Want exch. 20 Ibs. 1956 crop
size, r
~|25 Ibs. 1956 c-op cured white
Bermuda onions for eating. Ea.
pay postage on their product.
B. B. Woodrutt, Green-

feathers. Mrs.

sound pecans for

Spring Farm Le

