Farmers and consumers market bulletin, 1951 May 23


; Vom Linder Commissioner

WEDNESDAY, May 23, 1951


al By | By TOM | LINDER

ven years ago, Commodore
fleet of American warships,
the ports of Japan to West-

vars later, on March 6, 1856,
Perry, having observed the
1e hoards of yellow people in
tuted a great slumbering giant
t some day awaken, began to
what the future would hold.
same time, he gave thought to
able future course of the Russian
ing to the North and West of
mass of yellow people. At that
a was a complete despotism
rule of the Czars and their
i ation | of Royal Ue: known

ig before a meeting of the
Geographical and Statistical
New York City on March 6,
nodore Perry said in part, and

people of America aa in
or other, extend their do-
d their power until they

mbrace, multitudes of the
the great Pacific, and
e Saxon race upon the east-
2s of Asia; and I think too,
d and southward will
rival of future aggrandize-
ussia) stretch forth her pow- _-
coast of China and Siam,
e Saxon and the Cossack
once more, in strife or in
another field. Will it
hip? I fear not. The an-
onents of freedom and
m must thus meet at last,
will be fought the mighty
on which the world will look
srest, for on its issue will de-
. freedom or slavery of the
espotism or national liberty
the fate of the civilized man.
I see in the distance the
nts that are growing up for that
d final encounter; in the
of events that battle must
or later inevitably be fought.

been almost a century since the
ords were spoken, For about
ears after this prophecy wag
the powers of Europe traded

the Chinese, the people of the

eninsula and the Islands of the
- The people of the United
a war to free the Philippine
Spain, then immediately
n the early 1900s and


1 plundered the Japanese, the

spending American money to free them.

America, England and other European
countries divided up China among them-
selves for special rights to plunder in
given areas. These so-called civilized
nations sent Missionaries with their
Bibles and on the same ships, sent opium,
whiskey and tobacco. It is no wonder
that the Chinese people were confused
and were not able to understand how the
Bible and religion, which the Missiona-
ries brought, could be true when they
came from the same countries which
forced them to buy commodities of deg-
radation and immorality.

At the close of World War Two, Gen-
eral Douglas MacArthur stood on the


Dear Mr. Linder:

Gratitude forces me to pause long enough
to thank you for your beautiful tribute of
well deserved praise paid our Old Confeds
in your last edition of the Market Bulletin.

As I read your comparison of our Civil

War with the Korean War. I said:
Truth, crushed to earth. shall rise again;
The eternal years of God are hers;
But Error wounded, writhes in pain,
And dies among his worshipers.

Yes, our U. S. soldiers are now fighting for

the same State-richts in Korea that we fought
for in 1861-1865.
We were right then and will be right as

_ long as God and truth are right.

Thanks again for Taps for the Old Con-
Yours as ever,
(Rev.) J. C. Mays
The oldest Baptist Minister in Macon
(81 years old)

425 McClung Street
Huntsville. Alabama
S May 11, 1951
Hon. Tom Linder
State Capitol
Atlanta, Georgia
My dear Mr. Linder:

Thank you, thank you, and thank you a
thousand times. for your recent editorial,
"Taps for the old Confeds. It has been so
long since I have seen any reference to the
matchless men of the Confederacy that it
did me good to find somebody paying tribute
to them.

I was born in Alabama during the fierce
heat of Reconstruction, saw negroes put into
public office. and saw and heard the tramp of
the feet of Federal soldiers in our county seats,
until the spring of 1877 twelve years of
garrisons among us, longer than our men
stayed on the banks of the Rhine after Ger-
manys dastardly attempt to conquer Europe.

-If you can do so, I wish that you would
publish from time to time sketches of John B.
Gordon and other magnififent Georgians who
reflected glory upon Georgia and upon the
South. The young people of this day have
hardly remembered the fighting of what I
have always considered the holiest war of his-
tote: Thanking you again.
Yours gratefully,
Vassar L, Alles,

deck of the Battleship Missouri and made
a speech over the radio to the people of
Japan, the people of America and the
people of the world. At that time, Gen-
eral MacArthur said in effect that we
were having our last chance. He said
that unless the people of the world were
able to get together to maintain peace
that it would not be many years-until |
the Armies of the Nations would be fac-
ing the great Battle of Armageddon. -
A few weeks ago, General MacArthur,

standing before a joint session of the


House and Senate in Washington reiter-
ated that war and the implements of war
had gone beyond the control of men. He
emphasized that world problems had
reached such proportions and had become
so complex the only overall answer lay
in the field of theology, meaning, of
course, that the only remedy lay in the
people having a spiritual awakening and
turning to God for divine guidance.

In doing this, General MacArthur ree-
ognized, in current events, the develop:
ments which Commodore Perry foresaw
in prophetic vision in 1856.

In retrospect, it seems amazing that
the statesmen of the United States could

not have possessed the vision to recog-

nize one hundred years ago what Com-
modore Perry was able to see. Had we
been blessed with statesmen possessing
the wisdom and courage to have taken
time by the forelock, it is probable that
most of the war and bloodshed of the
past 90 years could have been avoided,
and it is probable that world conditions
as they exist today could also have been

The pitiful truth is that the interna
tional traders saw the opportunity of
making money, and it was the interna-
tional traders who precipitated the plun-
dering of the Nations of the Kast.

Now the time of reckoning has come,
The international traders have garnered
their thirty pieces of silver and have be-
trayed the peoples of the Nations with
the kiss of death. Fg

The people of all the earth are being
taxed with a heavy hand for. Armies,
armaments, Marshall Plans, Internation-
al bribery, International boondoggling,
International propaganda and for Inter-
national socialism.

Thousands of men are shedding their
blood on the cross of neereaticney self-
ishness and greed.

On one occasion, Christ rebuked the
educated men of Israel because they
claimed to be able to read the signs of
the weather, but could not read the signs
of the times. ;

Are we as blind as they?

Commissioner of Agriculture .*~



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ing more than 35 to 40 words, not including name and address.

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Bulletin, nor for any transaction resulting from published

Tom Linder, Commissioner

_ Published Weekly at
114-122 Pace St., Covington, Ga.

By Department of Agriculture .
Notify on FORM 3578Bureau of
Markets, 222 State Capitol,
Atlanta, Ga,

Entered as second class matter
August 1, 1937 at the Post Office
at Covington, Georgia, under Act
of June 6, 1900. Accepted for
mailing at special rate of postage
orovided for in Section 1103, Act
of October 8, 1917. .

Executive Office, State Capifol
Editorial and Executive Offices
State Capitol, Atlanta, Ga.
Publication Office
114-122 Pace St., Covington, Ga.


Cole drill, gocd cond., $100.; 2 row Martin cotton duster,
Cane sealer, 2-3 can size; $8.00;/ bought in 1950 but used very
Cotton planters, distributors;| little, $60. Fred Carmichael, !
and other equipment, cheap.| McDonough, Rt. 3, Box 16. |

S. D. Harrison, Kathleen. : Y
; One 52 R IHC Combine in
Hinkle Lespedeza combine, | ist class condition at bargain.
to attach to mower, good as|R_ C. Holloway, Manchester,
mew, $75. FOB. P. J. Sewell,|519 Indianola Dr.

Lavonia. | pact
| Lilliston Power Hay baler

One folding tractor weeder| with mounted 9 hp Wisc. en-
for J. D., or Farfall tractor, | gine, $300.00. See. Lester S.
A-1 cond., for sale. G. T. Dan-| Brown, Milledgeville, Rt. 2.

iel, Louisville. :
42 Model Buick motor, -re-
Dixie 2 row cotton caopper, built into power unit for pull-
on rubber tires, to trade for 13;ing feed or grist mill, Has 44
row grain drill: John Deere) ft. 8 in. Dbl. duty rubber belt.
5 dise tiller for sale or exch.| Price (excluding belt) what it
for 4 dise tiller. Joe E. Perry,| cost to rebuild, Call any day
LaFayette, Rt. 4. 6 mi. S. La-! except Saturdays.5 mi. out O'd

Address all items for publication ahd all requests to be 4 H an a -
: 15 in. J. B, Hammer, and


and 1-20 in. Meadows, Grist
Mills, New Holland Shucker,
Sheller, \20 ft. bucket type grain
elevator, Madows Meal Fan
complete with pipe and col-
lector. All 1st class cond. W. F.
Holden, Talking Rock.

A 2 H wagon in good cond.
for sale. E. O. Sayer, Winston.
50. Intml automatic Pickup
Hay baler, No. 1 cond., $1,900.;
2 H wagon with body 3 ft.
deep, excellent cond., $75. Nor-
man Johnson, Warrenton.

Sieco 2 Disc plow for Ford
tractor, excellent cond., used.
only on 20 or 30 acres, $175.
Phil Kibler, Butler, Rt. 1.

6 ft. Case Combine, $200.00;
Also Gin. Machinery: Dbl.
Auger Cotton Distributor for
4-80 saw gin, $200.00; Con-
tinental Automatic Tramper,
etc., $100.ea. Kicker for Auto-
matic Tramper, $25. Tel. Ma-
con 477-J1. W. E. Vinson, Jr.,
Byron, Rt 1. :

2 good Old Buggies, wheels
repaired and not used since
repair; 1 H wagon, needs some
repairs, has low wheels; new
Gee Whiz with teeth, never
used. Reasonable. Come see.
Frank Cain, Buford, Rt. 2.

Allis Chalmers 60. Combine,
good ~cond., $375. FOB my
farm. W. J. McGee, Bonaire.

John Deere H, good cond.,
power take-off, hydraulic lift,
starter, light, Heater Plow (2
disc), planvers, cultivators, John
Deere KBA Harrow (new), 20
disc, all for $1000. Jacob Spil-:
lets, Barnesville. F

Case A 6 Combine with mo-
tor, 1948 Ford tractor, 1949
Ford tractor with planters, cul-
tivavors, 2 poctom plow, 4 disc
tiller, 2 row stalk cutter, dbl-
cut harrow, peanut weeder, all

A-1 cond. Reasonable. See. J.
A. Payne, Butler, Box 401.
Phone 8502.

Light 1 H wagon, good cond.,
$35. at Lesley Holloways home,
Winston, Ga. Contact: L. G.
Wright, College Park, 310 &.
Bell St.

1950 Ferguson tracior, excel-
lent cond. (not a saw mill trac-
tor), for sale. Mrs. E, O. James,
Royston, Rt. 1. f

Fayette. |Corrinth Rd. W. C. Byington,

Farmall tractor H; one 12 A Newnan, Rt. 3.
John Deere Combine, 4 disc} Hay mower and hay rake for
tiller, and 24 disc harrow; Mc-|sale or trade for cow, and calf.
ormick Mowing machine, 7/Give or take difference. H.-Y.
fi. blade, feed mill. Sold sep-

arately if desired except trac- | : .
tor. See. Thomas Lanier, L4-| MeCormick-Deering, hay bal-

: ,er, good repair, Moline corn
Grange, Rt2, binder, J. D. side delivery rake;
H. D. 10 W Allis-Chalmers | complete gin outfit, 3-70 saw
Dozer tractor, pusher type|Murray gins, 3 Mitchell clean-
blade 10 ft. wide, hydraulic! r., hydraulic press and pump,
lift, A-1 cond., good as new.|9 Allis-Chalmers power unit,
Ray Brown, Lake Park, Rt. 2,/etc. See any time~ Frank W.
Box 46. Tel. 421-J1.

Redwine, Palmetto, -Rt. 1.
B Allis-Chalners Tractor with
disc harrow, cultivator, Ath-
ens plow, starter, lights, pow-
er take-off, good cond., $950.
cash. Tel. Rome, Ga. 9918. Chas.
S. Pierce, Lindale, Rt. 1.

John Deere L. A. tractor, 1
row planters, cultivators, No.
7 John Deere Mower on trac-
tor, good rubber, all good cond.
Priced to sell. Phone 3168. J. T.
Thomason, Monticello, Rt. 1. | 2026 evenings. Leonard Pen-

Natl, Automatic can sealer,| Misi, Conley, Rt. 1.
seals No. 2, No. 21/2 and No.3} %1/2 hp Shaw Garden trac-
cans, good as new, only used) tor with 36 in. sickle bar mow-
to seal six dozen cans, $15. PP.| ez, cultivator, hitch, all good
Mrs. H..S. Mullins, Milner. | cond., $150.00; 2 disc Athens

Bolen Huski Garden tractor | Plow for WC tractor, $100. In-
with turn plow and cultivator |
attachment, $250. Trade for
cow or calves of equal value.

cooling beard, 4

| pasteurizers, :

|svide Heil washers,
Me ottling machine, -Aluma-Seal
'eapper, New separator, eic.,
|used for 2 yrs., for sale. FOB.
|Fienk Paris, Rockmartr Phone

1 Hy 4 disc harrow, 1 H hay
mower for sale. Tel. Atlanta,
Main 8782 at day; Or Dixie

T Bradford, Rydal.

Farmall M tractor, extra good

Bring stock and get tractor.!ccnd., with 5 dise tiller, for
A. W. Scroggins, Musella. sale together or separately.
McCormick Steel Hay press, ae Smith, Sparta. Phone

mounted, mule drawn, reason-
able price my place, Within; row tractor Simplex cot-
city limits. G. T. Harrington, | ton duster, fits A Farmall trac-
Milledgeville Phone No. 7466./ tor, slightly used, $150.00; also
Table Model Cream separator, | S9me other equipment. No let-
used very little, right im for | ters. L. H. Jordan, Shady Dale.
small herd owner, 225 lb. cap., 3-80 Saw Gin outfit, com-
$10. off list, priced at 326.80. plete with boiler and engine.

Phone Stockbridge 3762. H. W.|Sell separately or together,
Buckley, Morrow, Rt. 1. cheap. J. T. Warnock, Tarry-

One Quail Raising Outfit
consisting of 6 pr. Quail breed-
ers,.6 Breeding Pens, 2 incu-
bators, 1 quail battery brood-
er, all birds laying, L. E. Oliver,
Jr., Pooler, Box 123.

Wood Brothers Combine, 6
cut, used very little one
season, Recommended for clo-
ver, corn, all grain. Earl E.
Bone, -Butler, Rt. 1, Box 183.



| Cock, Milledgeville, Box 128. |

| Dairy equipment: 2-200 gal: ;ows, planters, cultivators, com-

quire at Post Office. Wendell |

2 Cole droppers and com-
| plete equipment for Model C
| Allis-Chalmers tractor, plant-
\ers, good cond., cheap. Tobe
| Milner, Cuthbert, Rt. 3, Box 31.

45 Model W. C. Allis-Chal-
|mers tractor with foot brakes;
49 Model equipment: No. 60
Allis-Chalmers Combine, 8 di:c
Taylor Way harrow, 10 ft.
Judsen Lime Spreader, 12 row
Oliver grain drill, tc. All for
$2100. or trade for smaller out-
fit. M: Kimsey, Colbert.

Farmall A, good shape, good
rubber, 2 disc plow, 2 sets har-

plete, $750. Also good Cider
Mill, almost new, $35. L. .S.
Turner, Dahlonega, Rt. 1, Box
57 12 mi. No. Dahlonega.

Ledbetter planter with guano

en at-once. Sam Pelfrey, Dal-
ton, Rt 1.

Garden tractor, plow, culti-
vator, mowing machine, har-
row, almost new, No. 1 cond.
| See, Minor Corley, Duluth.

New Idea hay rake, good
working cond., for sale, near
Covington Hwy. Norman_ E.

Elsas, Decatur, Glenwood Rd.

Ma.ter Grain combine, Oliver
|No 2, good cond. for sale, near
New Bethel Church. Mrs. J. W.
Lee, Dublin, Rt. 5.

Allis-Chalmers 60 All-Crop
Harvester, good cond., for sale.
H. M. Pierce, Elb-rton, Rt, 5.

8 ft. McCormick Binder, good
cond., run 10. days, kept .under
good shelter, for sale. Grady H.
Ridley, Franklin,

16 in. Rock Meadows grist
mill, David Bradley corn
shucker and sheller, 31 HP

Wise. air cooled motor and 9
HP air cooled motor, belts, etc,
for same. All good cond. B. M.
Kiker, Ellijay, Rt. 3.
McCormick - Deering 52 R
combine, good cond. cheap.

Hopper, used 1 year, $10. if tak- |"

Clarence L. Smith, Forsyth, Rt.
3. Phone 2424.


One VAC Case tractor, 1946 |
model, good cond. new front |

tirs, with lift and pulley, near
rtecay Church. M.
mondson, Ellijay, Rt.-2.
Rubber Tire Fordson tractor
with magneto, good
$150. Or trade for hogs or cat-
tle. Mrs. Eugenia Hubbard,
Fortson, Rt, 1.

Spring tooth cultivator for) 10

Ford-Ferguson_ tractor,

ped for soil fertilization, good |
. FP. Fresh-|

cond., for sale,
water, Fort Valley, Box 38. -

1952 Intnl Combine with mo-
tor, 16 hp, good cond., $500.00
FOB. Letters ans. John Clark,
Grayson, Rt. 1.

Good as new No. 7 Mc-
Cormick-Deering Mowing ma-
chine (runs in bath of oil), $85.
E C. Duvall, Greensboro, Rt. 1.

1 horse drawn 10 ft. -hay
rake, bought new; never used,
also 2 H Turner. Priced right
for quick sale. Phone 7300. E.
M. Cox, Jr., Griffin, Rt. A.

1948 Ford tractor, 2disc plow,
8 disc harrow, pulley, subsoil-
er, etc., $1250. Jack Milford,
Gainesville, Rt. 1. =

Case Combine, used very lit-
tle, good cond., $500: Or trade
for cattle or hogs. E. H. Rob-
ertscn, Guyton. ze

Sears-Roebuck Farm Master
elec. milk cooler, 8 can cap., for
small dairy. M. L. Hornbuckle,
Grayson, Rt. 1."

Oliver Side Delivery rake,
good cond., $150. B. F.. Harris,
Griffin, P.O. Box 194. Phone
No. 4586. :

Late model MeCormick-Deer-
ing: pick-up hay baler, ties with
cord twine, perfect cond., used
less 60-days, $1,285. H. V. Har-
den, Hogansville, Rt: 1.

2 H Wagon, good cond., $50.00.
M. M. Newsome, Sandersville.

Wagon, A-1 cond., $40.00;
Good 1 H Wagon, $30.00; 2 H
Wagon, needs repairs, $20.00;
Heavy Duty 2 H Mower, practic-
ally new, $75.00; 1 H, 1 Row
Manure Distributor, $10.00; Also
Mare Mule, 1200 Ibs., $100.00.
Emory Travis, Riverdale. Tel.
Fayetteville 5415,

52-R McCormick-Dc ering
Combine, power take of drive
i good condition. Tel. 17 J. W.
M. Morgan, Senoia, |

42 in. MeCormick-Deering
Combine, excellent cond., $350.
For quick sale. Dont write, See
Will Hickman, Thomaston, Care
W. G. Johnston Farm.

One Ann Arbor 18 Jr. Pick-
up Hay Baler, Oliver make,
with Wisc. air cooled motor,
fine condition, $600.00..Can be
seen 1% mi. Tucker at my farm
on Rockbridge Rd. Call J. C.
Caudell at Lawrenceville 3509,
or Contact: Herman J. Haas,

owner, Atlanta, POB 2090,
7 ft. mower, good cond., for

Allis- Chalmers model WC

tractor, for sale,.10 mi, Ea.

Dublin on Hwy. 80. J. W. Lampp
Jr., Dublin. Rt, 6.



Want to exchange young
muies for a large type tractor;
Also want light Compost
Spreader, pulled by mules. Ad-
vise. J, F. Wellborn, Rock
Springs. . :

Want Mower attachment for
Sears-Roebuck Garden tractor.
Tel. Main 7939. Gene Golden,
Atlanta, 2242 Jonesboro Rd.,
Re 12. \* ;

Want 1 H Mower and Rake
in- good condition. J. H. West-
brook, Canton, Rt. 2.

Want cultivators and plant-|*

ers, also Scoop for Ford trac-
tor. Reasonable for cash. P.
Neal, Columbus, Box 100.

Want good 2nd hand _ Silo
thats not in use, cheap for
cash. Contact. A. D. Lindsey,
Tifton, Box 210.

3 hp Page Garden Tractor,
turn plow, dise harrow, culti-
vator, all good cond., 1948 mod-
el, used very little, $350. for

C. Ed- |




cond., | p

20 hours,
Bowen, Americu:
John Deere |
ft. for sale. Edg
Americus, _

broilers every
once, like new,
Campbellton Re
Drs. We eno
lanta, Rt. 1, Bo:
Farmall trac
row cultivator,
distributor, 1 He
ler, for sale; A

vators, planters,
sale or trade fc
equal value. See
Avera. cc
Farmall Cub
plow, mowing
disc, all good co:
to Dry Creek

1 horse iron a
C. H. Blackstoe!
1, e :

Good 2 H wag

-T. A, Kemps on-
Cherokee Co. Car]
worth, Rt. 1.

_Bready 5 H.
turn plow, other
and tooth harrov
blade and tractor
tically new, for
Duckworth, Atla
inson Dr., 8. E._

Case 36
chine with wind
matic feed,
ick-Deering 10

off, $200.00, or bc
James B, Bartch,
Milledgeville Rd.

_ Ostton gin 3
96 Allis Chalme
run less 100 hours,
truck scales, A
bearing. Ideal for
G, S. Brown, A

Strawberry Plant
ing, 75c; Klondike, |
postage. Mrs. My1
cock, Dallas, Rt, .

Govt, insp. Red ar
perskin Potato, $3
$14.00, FOB. Prompt
Can fill large orders,
wade Aycock, Sv

Marglobe Tomato,
Jersey Wakefield
Dutch Cabbage Pi
$3.00 M; Pimiento
per, 50c C; Garlic |
doz. Add postage. M
H. Norrell, Gainesvil

Prat Potato, also L
skin, inspected; All
express not prepaid,
10,000, $22.80; Over:
$2.00 M. mpt
Remit by MO, or c
Major Crow, Gaines"
P. R. and

iy ie

sae Ellis-Reaid, Acworth, Rt.

a ap TS ae ee ie ee i Bigg oe i me. A ae es fe


De ee A I et a ap eg ee

te. e Bees ae eS ee




d Cabbage,|C; 500,

as" wanted. No Govt.

s, $1.00; Musca-
6, $1.00; Giant| Govt.

he ee ee ee

Red Raspberry,
eee ne? Mae | livered,

r P, RY . a

FOB. Curtis! 500, $1.
ency, Rt,.2. Conner,

punch; Peppermint, 300, $1.
5c. $1.00, Exch. for | 5000 up
eR. C. Aner

Oe. SS ee oe eae.


erskin La. Potato

P, Pe Branch, fey Se

asp. pure Red Skin Cert.

M; Tomato (Rutger),


R. Hutto, Surrency,

Wakefield Cabbage, 30c
$1.00, Mrs. Leilar Phil-

Collard, 300, | lips, Royston, Rt. 1
M. Del.

insp. treated Red or

Copperskin P, R. Potato Plants,
ee enue: from vine cuttings, $2.10 M; 2
'M_up, $2.00 M. May and June
Sa. Hore- eae! No checks nor COD.

ightsey, -reven.
insp. P! RR. Patate

rbearing Straw-| Plants, red or copperskin, $2.65
M; 5 M or more, $2.50 M. De-

Full count. Prompt ship-

We, ment. W. G. Murray, Odum, Rt.

10,000 or more Marglobe and Rutger tomato,
ae Rutger To-| $2.75 M; Chas. W. Cabbage,

25; $2.00 M. Del. Otis

Plants, 4 doz., $1.00; Marglobe, Rutger Tomato,

00; 500, $1.40; $2.50 M;
, $2. 25 M; Calif. Wonder
lic doz.: 50c* ; 300,

$1.25; 500, $2.00; $3.50 M; Bunch

$4.50 M: Red Skin P. R.,

: fr $3.00 M:; Govt. inspected. Del.
ee eM. Del Mose necked. Ina irifftin, Bax-

Marglobe and Scarlet

Dawn tomato, $3.50 M; 50c C.

p00, $1. NG sin Ben Eaw s, Albany, 628
OD. Dewey Mathis} Whitney Ave.

Rt. 2. Large, stocky( blcoming size,

D- Dric 4a in_| Wilt resistant Marglobe, Rutger,

3 ao a ee and Break ODay Tomato, $1.75

r 2 M..Del. Roots mossed. Fresh

S. H. Hall, Arabi, Rt. delivery, satis. quar. F, FP.


R | Rutger, Marglobe: Tomato
sein $2.50 M| Plants, 400, $1.00; $1.75 M; Cali
ri $10. 50. MO with Wonder and Long Slim Red

: Hot Pepper, 300, $1.00;500, $1.50
$2.75 M. ~All moss packed, |

delivery. Ready for

in Sweet Potato, | shipment. Lou Eva Mullis, Brox-

$2.25 M.| ton, Rt,
c Govt.

Del. No checks. Mrs.| Prompt

L. -Dykes, Sur- | Pepper,

; Plants, 50c Cc; Prompt

Cumming, Rt. 5. insp., $
hompson Strawberry,

30 plants. 65c; Pep-| Marg

Rt 1, Box 455. Pepper
2 and 3 yr. old ioe $2.79

en Market Cabbage,

inesville, Rie: Pitts

_ Strawberry, 70c C;

unch, Add postage. :
ood. "Gainesville, Rt.| _ Artic

berry, Mastodon 70 Cs

500 $2.75; $4.75 M. Add
Mrs. Effie Crowe, Berry,

00, $1.25; 0, $2.00; Williams, Alma, Rt. 1.

doz.; 50, 65c; $1.20} to, 400,
Oc, Mrs. J, M. Hall,| W. Pepper, Long Slim Red Hot
, 300, $1.00; 500, $1.50;

_insp. treated P. R, Po-

| tato Plants, red, pink skin, $2.50.
La. Copperskin| M; 2 M up, $2.25; Copper Skin,
ready, good. count,| $250 M. Del, Good plants.

shipment. Omar Light-

ck, Surrency, Rt: 2. sey, Screven, Rt, 2

p. and treated La, Rutger and Marglobe Toma-
kin P Begato; good plants, | toes, 400, $1.00; $1.75 M; Calif.
- 75 M. Prompt} Wonder and Long Slim Red Hot

300, $1.00; 500, $1.50;

++ $2.75. M. All moss packed.
del, Ready for shipment. |
my, $5c C; Catnip, 25c J, M. Mullis, Broxton, Rt. 2.

Plus postage. Mrs. Otis} P, R. Potato Plants, State

2.00 M, Good count and
Can ship at once. E, F.

lobe and Rutger Toma-
$1.00; $1.75 M; Calif.

All moss packed.

eated, $5.00 C. PP. Prompt shipmen, J. P, Mullis,

: acked. Jonathan W. Broxton,
Macon, 1381 Burton Ave. Marglobe and Rutger Toma-
a to, and Cabbage Plants, 300,
eld, Flat Dutch. and} 1'99. 500, $1.50; $2.50 M; Calif.
Wonder Sweet, anc Cayenne
Drie: eb Me Sweet | Hot Pepper, 300. $1.50; 500,
0c C; $3.25 M. Miss Lee $2.25; $3.50 M. PP. R. Chanclor,

3 White Collard turns white in

Ss November and December and
4 . oe mes head hard, plants. 40c C; 500,
asia? P~ | $2.00; $3.00 M. FOB. Ready. S,
_cuttings, 50c doz.; Cat-| x. Woods, Oliver.

hoke. Plants, 8, 30c, In

Coin, Jennie Hogan, Agnes.
3.50 M; Coppecskin, govt. insp,
$9.00 M; Klondike, | $3'00 M. FOB. No checks. 3, O.

insp. Bunch Potato,

Surrency, Rt, 2. \

Rt 1: Rutger, Margiobe New Stone

ipment, No COD. Mrs. ae ch
Mathis, Gainesville, Rt. ce

if you bring tools and| packed,

1 Hwy.)..
Pp aniaida sugar yam |Del.; 5

aid PP, S. J. Hardee, | Fitzger:
POR od ae

od count. No COD. Lester shipme

otato plants, state insp., oe

or yellow :xin, 5 M.


lants, red skin,|to Plants, govt. insp., $2.50 M,
10.00. Prompt|Good count and prompt sh
ornton, ment, B, H. Mann, Surren


ak 2 eee tomato, 35c C; $2.50 M; Sweet
a eu ce Peppers, Worid Beater Calif.
, $2.00; $3.35 M; Al : ;

* $1.75; $3.00 M. Del. Wonder, Ruby King, Chinese

Hot Pepper, Pimiento,
$9.00. M; Chas, W. Cab-
White Bermuda Onion,

Cabbage Heading Collard, moss

25c C; $2.00 M. Satis.

Kudzu Vines, fine for| guar. Mrs. H. .L. Brittingham
aie and pasture. wer Guyton,
ttinger, Canton, Rt.) warglobe, Ruger, Stone. and
ni. N. Canton on Ball| paitimore Roots, mossed, paper
wrapped, 500, $1.25; $2.50 M

000, $7.50 express; Bull

plants, $3.00 M; Rutger Nose Sweet Pepper, 500, $2.00;
globe tomato, $2.50 M. | $3.00 M delivered. I. L, Stokes,

ald. -

La. Copperskin Donte aan
= $3.00 M; 5 M and above, 50
eae ee suas. M., FOB, Full count. Prompt

nt. C, E, Morris, Sur-

Rede an! at : rency, Rt. 2.

-Bunch ?. R. Potato
$5.00 M. Postage Pre

paid. Prompt shipment. G
oa shipment. F. G. Steedley, Baxley,

La, Copperskin Pota-




Plenty of Copperskin Potato
Plants, ready, $2.75 M; 5000 or
$2.50 M. L. C. Harper,
Baxley, 118 Tollison St.

Chas, W. Cabbage Plants, 500,


$1.00; he 75 M; Marglobe, Put "
Tomato. 500, $1. 25; $2.00 M;
Collard; $1.
PP in Ga. Damp packed. J. H.
Davis, Milledgeville, Rt. 5.

50 M; 10 M, $12.50.

treated Marglobe,

Rutger and Earliana Tomato,
from certified seed, stocky
plants, 50e C; 500, $2.50; $3.75

M; Wet moss packed; Also Bell

40c doz. Mrs. V. M.
Johnson, Shellman,

Bunch P. R. Potato, ready,

parcel post prepaid, grown from

vine cuttings moss packed, $1.00
C; 500, $4.00; $5. a J. E. Sims,

Mystic, :

. Govt. insp. and treated Red
Skin P, R. Potato, $3.00 M,
Del. Full count. Prompt ship-
ment, Luther Grits Odum,

Rt. 2.


Mt. Delicious}.

50c C. Del. in Ga,

6 Red Gold Strawberry Plants
with each order of 500. No COD

nor checks,

Ellijay, Rt.

oe Pearl Pinson,

. Leading var. Cabbage, Toma-
to, and Collard Plants, ready,
roots wrapped in damp moss,
shipped promptly 50c C; 300,

$1.00; $3, 00

M. Marcus Williams,
Rt: -2.

Govt, insp. and treated Pink
and Copperskin Potato, $3.00 M.
Del. Prompt shipment. L, L,
Lightsey, Surrency, Rt. 2.

Bunch Potato, Tifton Exp.
Station variety, $1.10 C; 200,
$2.00; $5.75 M. PP; Additional
Plants, $5.00 M; tomato, 85c C;

500, $2.50;

$3. 50 M; Eggplants,

Hot and Sweet. Pepper, 25c doz.
on $1.00 orders; Collards, Cab-

bage 65c
Lyons, Rt.

C. Morris Sanders,

Gov't insp., treated P. R., Red
skin, good count and plants,
1 M, $2.25 del, Prosipt shipment.
V.. R,-Taghtsey, Screven, Rt. 2.

Marglobe and Rutger tomato,

500, $1.25;

$2.00 M; Chas. W.

cabbage, 500, $1.00; $1.75 M;
5 M. $8.00; Ga. collard, 500, $1. 00

$1.50 M; 10
or $1.25 M.

M. up, $1. 00 M. FOB
del. in Ga. Solomon

Davis, Milledgeville. Rt. 5, Box
| 197,


Gov, insp., treated Copper

skin. P. R,

$2.50 M.

plants, ready now,
Good count. L, C.

Lightsey, Screven. Rt, 1, Box

185. -

Goy, insp, treated Copper skin} 1

P. R, plants, now ready, $2.50
M. del, Full count Prompt ship-
ment. Carroll Lightsey, Screven,
Re 1, Box 18bx

Wilt resistant Tomato Plants,
$2.50 M, PP; $2.00 M plus post-
age. No checks or COD. Mrs.
Alice M. Sims, Hogansville, Rt.
1, Box 201.

~ Coastal

Bermuda~ Stolons,

under 50,000, $1.00 M; 50,000-
100,000, 80c M; 100,000 or over,
70c M. By truckload at my farm;
By Express, $1.50 M, We dig on
Mondeys, Tel, 3713. D. J; Har-
rison, Bl.ckshear.

Broad Leaf Sage F-ants, $1. 25
doz. Myrtle Pace, Waco, "Rt 1.

Crystal White Bermuda onion
35c C; Mt, Huckleber y, Bearing
size, Hazlenut Bushes, Black-
berry and Dewberry Plants, 85
doz, Add postage. Mrs. Nancy
Henderson, Ellijay, Rt. 3,

Fresh Grown Rutger and Im-
proved New Stone tomato, $1.35
M; Ruby King Pepper, 60c C;
$2.25 M; La. Copperskin Potato,
$2.25 M. Del, in Ga. Ready to


aoe, G, OQuinn, Surrency,

Open field grown Plants, Cab-

bage and
500. $1.00;

Collaris, 200, 60c;
$1.25 M; tomatoes,

Rutger and Marglove, 60c C; 300,
$1.00; 500, $1.50; $2.25 M. W. H,
Branan, Gordon.


Recleaned Brown Top Mil-
let seed, $10. Cwt.; Also Se-
Ticea Lespedeza, scarified and

=| pet, germ.,

-| Murrow,


99 Re purity, 90
$14. Cwt. Charles
Farmington. _ Phone

Yellow Crook Neck Squash
seed, 20e eup; Large Bell or
long Hot Pepper seed, 3 tbl,
25c. PP. Mary L. Vollrath,
Smyrna, Rt. 1.

Striped Half Runner bean
seed, 45c cup; Add _ postage.
Mrs. J. M: Rickett, Cartersville,
Rt. 3. :

Multiplying Beer teak 10
start. Mrs. Temie Blue, Felton,
Rt. 2.

Citron seed, 75 lb.; Honey
Rock Cantaloupe, 50c teacup;
Early Green Okra, 25c teacup;
Klondike. Strawberry plants,
50c C. Add postage. Miss Rosie
Crowe, Cumming, Rt. l.

seed, 50c large cup. Exchange
for sacks: 2 cups for 4 print
or white.- Mrs. M. L. Priest,
Talking Rock, Rt. 2.

Velvet Okra seed, 25c lb.
Add postage. J. W. Bone, Dal-
las, Rt. 3.

Old Fashion Pumpkin, will
grow to weigh 50-100 lbs. each,
$1. for 5c matchbox full of
seed. PP. H, J. Dupree; Ac-
worth, Rt. 1.

Pumpkin seed, $1, pt.; Kleck-
ley Sweet Watermelon and
Citron, $1, qt. PP in Ga. Wal-
ter Stroud, Bolingbroke.

Bleck Diamond Watermelon,
State tested, 93 pet. aati
grown for seed only, $1.
Original Ga. Sweetheart, a oe
lb. Kenneth W. Birdsong, Gor-

gal.; Pumpkin, 60c pt.; Dipper,
Martin, and Giant Gourd seed,
4 pks. (1 of each), $1.; gourds,
$3, doz.; Also Sage and ee
plants, $1, doz, Add postage. L
J. Ellis, Cumming, Rt. 5,

Brown Top Millet seed, hay
and grazing kind,. recleaned,
tested for germ. and purity,
10c lb. No orders filled under


Old Time Tender Speckled
Half Runner Garden beans, 50c
cup; Also Yellow Dynamite
Popcorn, 5 lbs., $1.00; Nixon
Muskmelon, and Hales Best
Carit- e seed, 50c cup. Add
postage. P. B. Brown, Ball
Ground, Rt. 1. ;

Blue and White Half Runner,
Brown Stringless beans, also
dry sage, 40c teacup; Garlic,
40c doz.; Strawberry, $1.30 C;

Mrs. G._ Taylor, Buchanan, Rt.

Brown Streaked Cornfield
bean seed, 60c C; Popcorn, 4
oz., 15c;> Cream with 3lack-
eyed peas, 30c lb. Add postage,
Mrs. W. J. Reece, Ean ey: Ato.
Box 80.

Black Diamond Watermelon,

neck Squash, large Pumpkin,
Hales Best Cantaloupe, Clem-
son Spineless Okra, 25c cup;
Early Cluster Cucumber, Egg-
plant, Cushaw, Dill, 10c pkt.;
Shelled Peanuts, 28ce cup; 3
cups, 50c. Add postage under
$1. orders. Mrs. Myrtle Hitch-
cock, Dallas, Rt, 2, Box 67.

Blue Goose or Gray Crowder,
$6. bu.; New Eras, $5. bu.; Two
crap, $5, bu. All seed sound
and recleaned. W. D. Newton,

Green Glaze Collard seed,
Will make head same as the
white heading collard, 25c pkt.;
8 oz, $1.00; 61/2.02.,, $2. PP:
T, J. Steed, Buenz Vista.

Col. Bunch butterbeans for
seed or eating, 20c cup; 3 cups,
55c; Yellow Dynamite Pop-
corn, 2 lbs, 30c; Over 2. Ibs,,
12.1/2c Ib, PP; Imp. Red -Span-
ish Peanuts, selected by hand
fo: seed or eating, $1. qt. L. J.
Vollrath, Smyrna, Rt. 1.


100 bu. White corn, good for
meal or feed, $2. bu. at my
barn, Sam Pelfrey, Daltwn, Rt.

100 bu, Dixie 18 corn, $2.00
at barn; 10 bu. Purple Hull
Crowder Peas, $6.00; 2 tons
Lespedeza Hay, $40. M. M.

Newsome, Sandersville-

Striped Half Runner bean)

corn, also Little Rice Ce =

500 lbs. Genuine Cannonball.

Little Rice pea. seed, $2.50/1.

150 bu. good Hard corn, 1

weevils, $2. bu. in sh =
don Greenway, Conyer
- 100 bu. Hard White pee
bu. E. O. Sayer, Winston. -

200 bu. good white corn
$1.85 bu. or trade for good
Male Shoat, about 75 I
weight. J. H. Smith; Perry,
O. Box 15.

100 bu. Yellow, 200 bu.
White Slipped Shuck corn, $2
bu.; Also 100 bu. Oats, $1. bu
pe P. Singleton, Fort Vall


50-100 bu. Corn,
| Near Norristo-vn. R.
| Garfield,

Several hundred bushels good
Yellow corn, shucked and sack-
ed, $1.90 bu.; 300 bu. sound
Feed Wheat, $2. bu, At farm
All sacks to be replaced. Mrs.
H. V. Franklin, Register. .

Large Yellow Dynamite Pop-

15c Ib. Plus postage.
Pendley, Alpharetta, Rt. 3.


Early Brown 6 Wks., 2-croy
and heavy bearing Cream ~
Table peas, 6 cups, $1.25; _
Streaked Half Runner and
Tender Blue Pole beans, 3
cups, $1.25; White Bunch and
Colored Running ea rage
4 cups, $1.25. PP in Ga, Mrs.
Clarence McMillian, Dacula, Rt.

90 mag Velvet beans, 85 pct
germ., $3.50 bu.; Mixed Field

1 $3 pk, Emmett Kitchens, Coch-

50 lbs. Norman Johnson, War- |

peas, recleaned, 85 pct, germ,
jor better, $5.50; Lady Finger,

| ran,

Combine eae $9. Cwt, del.
in Ga.; Not delivered, $4.50 bu.
R. W, Warren, Dewy _ Rose,
RFD. Nuberg. 4

15 or 20 bu.-peas, hand pick--
ed, hand thrashed, Pole Cat
Crowders, Brown and White.
Crowders, $8. bu., also Lespe-
deza Sericea, combine run, $15.
Cwt. Frank H. Redwine, Jry
Palmetto, Rt, 1!

320 lbs, Brown Crowder
peas, 25c Ib, FOB, No order for
less than 30 lbs, Send MO. E.
J, McGinnis, Alpharetta, Rt. 1,
Bex 146.

Cucumber, 15c pkg. PP in Ga.)

30 bu. Brab peas, $6. bu.;
bu: Speckle, $5:50 bu. OR.
this station. Carl A. bile
| Ellaville.

25 bu. Brown peas, fine for
sowing, good yielding variety,
$4.bu. at my home; Also 5 bu. ~
Spanish Peanuts, improved,

25 cup; 6 cups, $1.00; Crook- |

slightly mixed with red ones, |
22c Ib, at se home. L. P, ge
| Homer, Rt,

Brown es $10. bs
White, Browneyed Cro: ders,
$7.50 bu.; Mixed Hay Cow
peas, $4. 50 bu, Fob. In 21/2 bu.
and 2 bu. bags, Lelius Helms, -
Buena Vista.

75 bu. Brab, Peas for. sale...
W. P. Willou~hby Dearing,
RED. 1.

Striped Half Ruy ners, Speck-
led Halff Runners, 50c _up; sae
Long Beans, Foot Long Black ~
Pea Seed, 25, 15c; Dyn mite
Popcorn, 4 az., t5e: 20 Ib* PP.
Stamps accepted, A. Ss, King,
Lawrenceville. Rt. 3.

2 bu. Clay Peas for sale. Come
1st, house on left coming down
Dudely Hill. Alton Bell, Gaines-
ville, Rt. 8.

20 bu, Recleaned Iron Peas,
not mixed, 20 bu. recleaned elay,
for sale, G, T. Daniel, Louisville.

Gatan Soy Beans, recleaned,
grown from certified seed from
Ga. Experiment Station, tested
99 Pet. germ., in 2? bushel bags, :
$4.50 bu. Walter L. Gractenceaees
| Griffin, Care Graefe Farms.

Early Brown Peas, will bear 2_

Jerops, 6 cps, $1.25; White, and

Brown Streaked Half Renner,
3 cups, $1.25. Plus postage. No
checks. Mrs. Lon Ashworth,
Dacula, Rt. 1.

State tested Brab Peas, good ~
germination, $5.50 bu. ir bag
lots. J, F. Low-, Fort Valley.

30 bu. Unknown r Clay Peas
gathered without ain, $6.00 bu
No less than 1 bushel shipped
Z. L. Seott, Concord.



ple), $1. doz. PP in Ga.:





f Dark Gornish, Golden S8e-
right and Brown Leghorn
antam Eggs, $8. and $5. per

. Some stock. Bob Clark, Ma-
n, 372 Spring St.

Large size solid White Duck

goog 15e ea. Lacelle Doss, Can- | Ry
mn; Rt. 1.

Bronze Turkey eggs, 35 ea.
. Pennisi, Conley, Rt. 1.

White African Guinea eggs,
te for 18. Mrs. A. W. Arnojd,
ewnan, Rt. 3.

Taking orders for Bob White
an eggs, 35c ea. at my place.
G. W. Ogletree, Atlanta,
McDonough Blvd., S. E.
i. 5338.

Mammoth B. B. Bronze Tur-
key eggs for hatching, $3. doz.
P. Send MO. Mrs. Lawrence
. Fryer, Shiloh, Rt. 1, Box 24.

Muscovy Duck eggs, $1.50
= 10. Mrs. J. M. Rickett, Car-
rsville, Rt. 3.

Purebred S. C. Buff Orping-
n hatching eggs, $1.25 doz.
elivered; $1. at yard. Miss
Ronie Johnson, Shellman, Rt. 1,
OX 55,

Guinea eggs for June and
uly setting, $1.15 doz.; 18 for
1.50; 24, $2.25. PP. Mrs. J. E.
Btone, Adarsv ille, Rt. 2.

Fresh free range Guinea
@ggs- (headed with 6 _ fine
males, 3 White African, 3 Pur-

aby Guineas, $25. C. (Hateh-
c under hens). A. T. Sheppard,
ithonia, Rt. 1, Box 55.

8 8. C. Black Minorca
$2.25 per 15. -PP. ts B.
Alians, Newnan.

R. I. Red eggs from best, 300
@ggs a year stock, 17 for $2.75
and 25c extra per setting for

ostage, or $3.-per setting PP.
br deposit books order. E. C.

justi, Reidsville.



-45 White Feed sacks, 100 lb.

ig washed, pressed, no holes, ;

5c ea. Add postage. Postage
aid on 6 or more. Milton P.
inchew, Jr., Macon, Rt. 3.

Nice White sacks, no letters,
Bbc ea.; Washed, 30c ea. Plus
ostage. Mrs. B. D. Hulsey, Al-
Oe ih 15 :

Good quality white chicken
feed sacks; 100 lb. cap., hand
washed, free of letters, 30c ea.;
3. orders PP: Mrs. Sam Tate,
iberton, Rt. 1.

White, 100 lb. feed foe?
ipped and washed, good grade,
jor $1. Add postage. Mrs. A.

. Nix, Gainesville, Rt. 5.

6 Checkerboard sacks, $1.00
unwashed. Plus postage. Mrs.
R. W. Wingo, Newnan, Rt. 4.

100 lb. White Feed sacks,
washed, free of holes, letters
ind stains. No checks nor COD.
Mrs E. L. Robinson, . Talking

Pk) it. :2.

Print Feed sacks, washed,
jroned, 2, 75c. No less sold. Mrs.
Lon Ashworth, Dacula, Rt. 1.

* 100 print sacks, 100 lb. cap.,
$29. Ralph Dangar, Woodstock.

Good grade print sacks, wash-
- ironed, 35c ea.; 3, $1, PP;
Money with order. Tel. 3624.
Mrs. W. F. Williams, Buchan-

40-100 lb. White sacks, un-
washed (some with small
holes), $5.00; Also Grade 25 lb.
Flour sacks, washed, ironed,
free of holes and stains, 8, $1.
Add postage. Mrs. Jewell Wad-
dell, Tallapoosa, Rt. 2.


Celestial and Large Lemon
Fig Sprouts, 75c ea.; 2, $1,25;
Calif. Orange Trees, "$2. ea.; 6,

- $11.00; $20. doz. B. O. Fussell,

Atlanta, 889 Edgewood Ave.


Good, gentle Guernsey milch

@ow now giving 3 gal. or more

mulk daily, $200. H. L. Zipper-

er, Marlow,

Fresh cow with heifer calf
4 days old, 1 calf, Jersey-
Guernsey. Mother gives 5 gal.
daily. See. Dont write. 3 mi.
Mableton near Freys_ Store,
1/2 mi, off Floyd Rd. on Hurt
Rae Mis aioe: Rich, Austell,


Reg. Guernsey bull, Lady
Patsy Colonel, No. 449706, born
March 10, 1949, around 900 lbs.,
for sale or trade for full blood-
ed White Face bull. Tel, 2489.
i R. Richardson, Forsyth, Rt.

Polled Hereford bull, reg.,,
dbl. standard, Aster Domino,
approx. 41/2 yrs. old, well

marked, built low, has wonder-
ful calf crop. Selling to avoid

inbreeding. Tel. 73. D. C. Col-
lier, Barnesville,

Good Guernsey-Jersey milch
cow, giving 31/2-4 a daily,
calf 5 wks. old, $160. & G. Har-
per, Fairburn, Rt. 1, Spence
Ra. :

1 reg. Milking Type Short-
horn bull, 21/2 yrs. old for
sale. See. Mrs. A. T. Russ,

Nicholls, Rt. 1.

3 head reg. Jersey cattle: one
5 yr. old cow fresh in, 2 year-
ling heifers, one bred, other
open. Good type, real show
prospects. W.P. Chappell, New-
nan, Rt. 1.

14 head cattle: 2 heifers to
calve in few days; 4 heifers
bred to reg. Angus bull; 2 open
heifers and 6 white face steers,
Will average 550 Ibs. or better.
Sell all or sell all heifers and
keep steers. H. B. Pitman,
Newnan, Rt. 4.

Reg. 2 yr. old Gray Brahman
bull for sale. Call 4352, or
come see. Frank S. Broadhurst,
Americus, Box 404.



SPC pigs, both sex, registry
merit, litters weighed 53 Ibs.
ea. at weaning, choice breed-
ing stock, $35. ea, Fob.; 2 gilts
bred to Top Son of Diamond
T, $85. ea. Will a, L2G.
Owensby, Millen, Rt. :

Black Essex male, ae
registered, 350 Ibs., $75.00;
purebred Black Essex pigs, 12
wks, old, subj. for registration,
$25. and $30. ea, Males and fe-
ate Phone 1613, W. B. Win-

rs, West Green.

ae male, 3 mos. old,
about 75 lbs., excellent blood-

lines, and markings, reg. in
buyers name, $35.00. Edwin
Petes Crawfordville, Rt. 2.

9 reg. Duroc pigs, 2 boars, 7
gilts, 10 and 12 wks. old, $30.

and $35. Ready June 12th.
Travis Pittman, Axson.
30 choice 8 wks. old pigs,

$10. ea.; 2, $18.00; 3, $25.00; Al-
so 7 sows, ready for breeding,
for sale or exchange for day
old calves or yearlings. Will
deliver. Tom Singley, Coving-
ton, Rt. 1. Atlanta phone CR.

Reg. Big Bone Guinea male
hog, 10 mos. old, 200 lbs., ship
anywhere, for sale. Paul J.
Cleveland, Elberton, Rt. 2.

8 wks. old Essex pigs, male

and female, reg. in buyers
name, $22. 50 ea, A. L. Moss,
Lula. "

Full stock Little Bone Black
African Guinea pigs for breed-
ing, stay fat kind, life treated
for cholera, males and females,
$16.50 ea. O. P. Sinquefield,

Cherry Red Duroc pigs, life
treated, stay fat kind, 12 mos.
old, $25. ea. crated, FOB. Some
unrelated. Will furnish papers
in buyers: name. H. L. Wil-
liams, Baxley.

Reg. Hampshires, boars, gilts,
60-80 Ibs., dbl. treated, $35. J.
B. Olliff, Argyle.

Reg. Berkshire boars, 7 mos.
old, ready for service, $75, ea.
J. B. Brooks, Atlanta, 75 Wal-
ton St., N. W. MA. 8428.-

OIC pigs and bred gilts, top
quality, for sale. or trade for
corn or oats. U. S. Hwy. 78 to
Possum Lake near Stone Moun-
tain.* Follow signs 2 mi. to Ora-

land. W. J. Lyle, Lilburn, Rt.
i x

;en Care Evergreen Farms.

Modern blocky type Hamp-

istered in buyers name, $50.
ea. at farm. Wilton Harper,
Wray, Rt. 2.

SPC pigs, around 6 mos. old,
sired by Wonder Boy, son of
Grand Champ. Tip Top Model,
1 gilt, 3 males, reg. in buyer's
name, cholera immune, $50. ea.
C. R. Morgan, Americus, Rt. 4,

Reg. Duroc Boar and Sow,
(unrelated), both 2 yrs. old, ex-
cellent condition, Prime blood-
lines, $175. for both. Reg. in

Marietta, Rt. 2.

One OIC Boar, pure but not
registered, $50. Will not ship.
11/2 mi. on Danielsvite Hwy.
from Comer. Howard Sanders,
Comer. | }

Camp Ground

Reg. SPC. pigs, from Grand
Champ. bloodlines, will be 8
wks. old in June. Booking or-
ders. Mrs. L. A. Holmes, Rang-

male, 15 wks. old, about 70
Ibs., out of litter of 14, reg. in
buyers name, $35. Will ship.
Farm 1 mi. W. Cohutta. B.,Hol-
comb, Varnell.

OIC pigs, very good type,
reg. in buyers name, treated,
8 wks. old, $20. ea. Rabun Gap |
FFA. Mack Patrick, Voc. Ag.
Teacher, Rabun Gap.

OIC male pigs, 10 wks. old,
short nose, blocky, reg. in buy.
ers name, $25. ea. Satis. guar.
Ship anywhere. H. J. Dupree,
Acworth, Rt. 1.

6 OIC pigs, 8 wks. old.
sale. See at my farm opp
Dallas Airport, Dallas, Ga.
telephone Cypress 7286, Atlan-
ta, Bona Allen Building.



One White-Brown 4 yr. old
Riding Pinto Horse for sale or
exchange for pigs or heifers, 3-
6 mos. old. Leonard Pennisi,

MA 8782,

8 yr. old Saddle Horse, well
trained, not or children. Phone}
Hemlock 10077-W for inform-
ation, Dr. Carl M. Hood, Lith-
-onia, Rt. 3.

1 Pair Mare Mules,-very re-
asonable or exchange for cows.
S. D. Harrison, Kathleen,

Beautiful 5 gaited gelding
Walking Horse, $300.00 at my

las. Tel. Atlanta, Cy. 7286, J. B.
Morrison, Dallas.

Beautiful Pinto Stallion com-
ing 3 ,rs, old, thoroughly brok-
en to work or ride, $200.00. F. D.
Chastain, Atlanta, 1095 Field Rd.

Mare Horse, will work or ride,
$50.00 -t my Home. Mrs, W. H.
Ramey, Palmetto, Rt, 1.

5 yr. old Blue Mare Mule,
16 hands high, 12-1300 Ibs.; good
worker, well. broke and trained.
Sell and take difference, for
Horse or Mare that works well,
safe for an old man -to,ride.
1 mi, above Mineral B'uff on Old
Morganton and Mineral Bluff
Rd. J, W. Henry, Mineral Bluff.

2 Extra Nice Mares, one 9 yrs.
old, other 2 yr. old colt, practic- ,
ally broke. . K,. Putnam, Fair-
burn, Bethlehem Rd.

2 reg. Tenn, Walking Fillies,
one Black with Flax Mane and
tail, other Sorrell, both have.
stocking feet with star in head,
gentle, easy to handle, 2 and 3
yrs. old, for ale, W. M. Smith,
Sandersville, Rt. 1, Box 111.


Choice ped, Giant, Chinchillas,
bucks from separate litters,
Wonder Boy bloodline, 8-12
wks. old; Juniors, $4.00 ea.;
Bucks or does. Papers furnished.
Robert P. Middleton Austell,
PO; Box son

King size Angora Rabbits,
from ed. stock, 8 wks. old,
$3.00 ea. Plus express, _ John

shire gilts, ready to breed, reg- |

buyer's name, A. C. Reynolds,

Choice Red Jersey Duroc,

or }-

Conley, Rt. 1, Atlanta phone 5

farm. Opposite airport at Dal-|

a walk. C. L, Grifffin, Gaines-

8 wks.
$3.00 pr. with -imrelated buck,
from original stock of Grin-

_| steads Wool King Angora. Ship- es

ped express collect anywhere.
RFD 2,

Expertly selected ped. Rab-
bits in Hvy, wt, Chinchillas,
NZW ana Checkered Giants,
{heavy milkers, good bone, no
culls. Will ship. Spencer strange
Hartwell, 602 Savannah St,

Grey Flemist. Giant Doe, 12,
mos. old, already bred, $5.00;
also one 6 wks. old Doe, $1.00.
Can ship. es Coker, Jersey,
Box 24.

| 3 Giant Chinchillas, 2 does, 1
buck, 1 and 2 years, old, $9.00;
Large White Buck, 2 yrs. old
$3.00. "Mrs. W. S. Davis, Har-
| alson. Will ship COD..

2 mo. old Hvy. Chinchillas,
trio, $12.00; Muck from separ-
ate litter. Ans. all. letters. Ship
RR Express COD. John L. Par-
rott, Macon, 2366 Miller. Field
Rd. Rts.6;

{ in
2 Milk Goats, purebred Sa-
anan, and Cross between Nubian
and. Saanan, both milking and
good goats, at half price. Dr. W.

M. Barner Cae 641 Ben-
ning Drive.

2 fine Saanan acl aes
good milk stock, both grown,
$10. 00 ea, exch. for as calves,
pigs, corn, etc. Graham Simp-
son, Sparta, Hit 2a

Several, geod Milk Goats, for
reasonable price or trade and}
pay difference on small gentle
shetland pony or fresh in milch
cow. Tel, Cherokee 1777. awe
Helen Street, Atlanta, Eta ae

2 Reg. Toggenburg males, 3
yrs. and 1 yr. old. Sell or trade
for Tog. nannie, calves or for
2 Reg. Hereford boars, Leon
Watson, Unadilla. P. O. Box 214.



Want reg. Polled Heretecd
Bull. ready for service, dark
color, good markings. Pay cash
or have year old reg. Polled
Hereford Bull for trade, Domino
breeding. H, W. Buckley, Mor-

Boar, ready for light service.
Reasonable. E. H, Robertson,

Want reg. Duroc Male Pig,
or one ready for service, Jack
Cail, Savannah, 226 Broad St. -


Want a small gentle Pony,
suitable for small child to hand-
le. O. Southard, Dahlonega, P.
O, Box 277.

Exchange young. her 3-5
yrs. old, for Iron Gray Mare
Mule, 7- 8 yrs. old. 1100-1150 lbs,
J. F. Wellborn, Rock aoe


Want a number of full grown
Billy Goats. Dr. L. A. Mosher,
Atlanta, 286 Spring St., N. W.-

Want few well condition
Scrub Goats for own pasture.
Golden Pickett, College Park,
523 E. Princeton Ave,



One ea. McNerney Grey cock,
$5.00 and stag, $4.00. Ready for

ville. 712 Oak St,

10 purebred Dark Cornish
hens and rooster, $22.00; Ship-
ped for $25.00; 5 hens, $11.00.
All strong, healthy stock. Guar.
purebred, J. E. Granger; Reids-

12 Muscovy ducks, 9 hens and

old Angora Rebbits, |

Joseph Mikle, sey

light farm
Mountain 448
Pine Lake, P.

small farm, 2 in fa

on farm, on
all types
Need at o
Newton, Rt.

family exper
for day wor
crop farm. $2.50
house, garden;
S.,. S..-Storer,-

farm family; man
to operate For
equipment, Good

job at once on far
references. George H.
Norcross, Rt. oa

wants job picking

for board, laundry,
salary. Give refe
'|for work now, Come
Boyd Jones, Rossville,

job as caretaker o1
sire nice
pay, and 7 Day
Prefer Fulto

828 E.

April 26th,
ship, No

50. NH

Reb ists

Colonial | stock

furnish crat
4 purebred

Rat Red . ic

15. Tel. De, 2405
son, Decatur, 728


Ringneck 1]
old, 50c ea. Dr, J,

5 day. old Ringn
50 ea. Mrs, Tula |

4 Photonic 3 He
el, laying every
my place. Cannot
Gene Carr, Colle
Riverdale Rd.

- Auto-Sex Kings,
el,working, 1949 a
real squabbers, $
Bailey: Camilla

woman to liv on

Want man ti

ee board, salary.
ies {family, All_ letters
HOGS: caer No cards. Lester
Want young reg. Spotted Hartwell, Rt. 1.

Want reliable

Want immed


Want reliable and

fuel, pool

eR eee ee

Middle age white cov

Single white man,

eee ee

or other light ch

Colored man with
small house

3 drakes, for sale, cheap. C.
Powell, Atlanta, 250

T. Pittard, pre gt

S. E. LA 0605, |
