Farmers and consumers market bulletin, 1948 March 18


litorial By TOM LINDER

whole world was-in the depth
ghty depression. The countries
Hurope. had. .been ravaged by. wn-

iled inflation to the extent that it re-
ve fortune in money tobuy.a loaf:

merica, we had hunger, naked-

misery in the midst. of such
jfal supplies of food and clothing
, did not know what to do. with.
pe was liungry for want of

fast of bountiful supplies of food.

farmers in America were desti-
if money because Money . was 30
that a bale of cotton or a bushel

farmer in Europe was destitute
od money because there was none.
bushel of wheat or a bushel of pota-
<< would bring a bank full of money,
he money had nc value.
The people in some European coun-
es had been robbed of their real prop-
by the International Bankers.

The New York Times, in 1922, car-
a quarter page advertisement ad-
sing for sale stock in a corporation
hich had been organized by men in
Me Vork and Baltimore. The ad-
ement stated that the purpose of
orporation was to convert Ameri-
ollars into German marks and with
worthless marks to buy up and
off mortgages, Deeds to Secure
_ ete., on real estate in Germany.
e internationalists were under the
rship, according to the advertise-
in the New York Times, of a New
Millionaire by the name of Frank-
. Roosevelt, who was President of

Mr. Roosevelt was also a member of

mueh* of America awas--hunegry, in...

neat would bring practically no: |

1@ Board of Directors of the corpora-

At that time an American dollar
worth 500 German marks. A hotel
erlin that cost 5 million dollars to
Was. purchased for 10 thousand
ars. A great deal of the most val-
able real estate in Germany was taken
by the internationalists, and it was
ituation which persuaded Presi-
Yon Hindenberg, of Germany, to
the country over to Hitler, who at


that time-was rapidly gaining the sup-,

_ port and confidence of the German peo-
3 re ye: os DI
932, sot only the United States, | jeyer been questioned, in. s
have seen, the Roosevelt -family orig-.
-inally were Jews. in Germany. 7 eS

According to the record which has

During on.-of the - numerous anti-
_ Jewish uprisings in. Germany a Tew
hundred vears :ago,: -the Roosevelts,... |...

whose name at that time was something

else, immigrated to:Spain of |
asylum. In Spain, to. hide their identi-.
ty, they. assumed the name. Rosenfelt.

Later on, when anti-Jewish persecution. _



o; far ase ts?

arose in Spain, the. Roosevelts mmis: .

erated to Holland in seareh of asylum:
there. In: Holland. they ceased io be

Orthodox Jews and inter-married with: .
the Dutch. Theodore Roosevelt Had: 2;

_ great many Duch characteristics as all

who remember him or have. read his
history realize. In Holland the namie
was changed to harmonize with the peo-
ple who lived there, and the tTamily
name became Roosevelt, meaning a
rosetield or roseland. Three Roosevelt
brothers eame to America in the early
days and married into the Astor family.

John Jacob Astor, who was the first
American millionaire, organized a_pri-
vate army of desperados and murdered
the Indians and white settlers who got
in his path or interferred with. his fur
business through what is now Canada
and the states along the Canadian
border. John Jacob Astor came from

Waldorf, Germany, and the Waldort- .

Astoria Hotel in New York is named
for his native town in Germany Wal-
dorfand his family name Astor,
hence the Waldorf-Astoria.

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt

received his: middle name from the fam- .

ily of: his motherthe Delanos. | His
grandfather Delano was a millionaire
internationalist of Italy and made: mil-
lions out of the opium traffic in China
and other Asiatic countries, hence the
characteristics of President. Franklin
Delano Roosevelt were distinctly dif-
ferent from those of President Theodore

Tt was this ancient grudge of the
Roosevelts against the Germans, plus
the fact that Hitler had taken possession
of the real estate in Germany for the
German people, that made it inevitable

_that the White House and the inter-

nationalists would throw, this country.

. NUMBER 27 .

Ni (Continued).

into World War Two, and that: Nazi
Germany would be destroyed, leaving,
a wide-open field for Communist Rus-
sia to'take over the countries ot Europe.
IPhis was-the real: reason -why tb

|. United States recognized, Russia and -

her Bolshevik regime. This is:the reas
_son. that Morgenthau had his plan tg
destroy all industry in Germany and.
reduce the. German people to abject
submission as farmers only who could.


| be used by the internationalist at will. -

This is the reason that America was

threwn: into. the . war to prevent .
Germany from taking over: the small
countries around her, but Russia has

been allowed a free-hand witli no op-

position except on the radio and in th

| press. eee

_ No serious opposition is being. offered

today to Communism because Mr, Trua

man himself advoeates a lot of Com-

munistic ideas such as the so-called ab-

olition of segregation, which is fully ap-

proved by Stalin, Abolition of the Jim

Crow Laws, which is fully approved by
Stalin, abolition of the Poll Tax, which
is fully approved by Stalin, taking from

the haves to give to the have-nots,

which is fully approved by Stalin an
many other Communistic ideas.

The only real opposition to Commun-
ism today is opposition to Russia be-
cause the internationalists now realize
that when we destroyed Germany,
there was no bulwark left against the
| ever increasing power of Stalin.- The
| balance of power policy of Great Britaimt
has gone by the board. The interna-
tionalists now fear that Russia is be-
coming too powerful to be controlled by
the international influences.

Tf our government had been honest
when it sent armies to fight Germany
for the protection of the small nations
of Europe; if our government had
meant what it said then, it would have
also told Russia where to stop while
we had the men and the guns over
there and while Russia was In no COR-
dition to fight.
| As a matter of fact, the American
farmer has been unable to get tractors,
bulldozers, other farm equipment and
often he has been unable to get fuel
with which to operate his machinery
while these same commodities were be-
! ing shipped by the million dollars

(Continued on Page Hight)


7 on th



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~ notices.
Tom Linder. Commissioner.
Published Weekly at

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Dairy Equip.,
coolers, ete. Write for list and
- prices or see. W. B. Leverette,

F-20 Tractor, good eond., new
rubber with cultivators, $750.
H. M. Johnson, Ellaville.

One 3 can Farm Master
(Sears Roebuck) Elec. dairy
Milk Cooler, good cond., $125.
W. G. Bryans, Newborn, :

; 2 Row Avery Tractor, new
_motor with complete cultivat-
ing, planting, and fertilizing
equip., $1000. R. B. Harrell,
Eastman, Phone 385 J.

Allis-Chalmers Combine,
in., in need of canvas and min-
or repairs, pulled with a Ford
motor, $150: with motor; $100.
without, 35-28: Kilgore, Sr.;

Farmall B. on good rubber,
starter, lights, and good equip;
Hay Baler on wheels, new
cond. and 5 HP Intl. motor
mounted on baler. M. W. Wise,
Calhoun, 509 S. Wall St. Phone

: Planters, Guano Distributors,
Cultivators, Peanut Plows, for
2 row Farmall H Tractor, all
good cond. See. No letters. A. P.
Butler, Byromville.

Friend FX Tractor Trailer
-Sprayer, 400 gal. tank, rubber
tires, up to 1000 lbs. pressure,
$500. 00: Peach Cleaner. and
Garder, $250., Hay Rake, $25.
R. F. Sams, Clarkston, Phone
Cis 2211.

for | Allis-Chalmers

cultivating outfit
WC with

all plows, barring disc, fenders |.

and power lift, little used, $250.
Clarence W. Walton, Ft. Valley.

Hester 2 Disc Side Plow, like
new, for John Deere H. Tractor.
H. G. Lewis, Mansfield, Rt. 2

Ford-Ferguson Tractor,
tond., lights, starter, cultivators,
power take-off, pulley, Bush
ind Bogg Harrow, Mowing ma-
thine, Dirt Scoop. C. S. Peek,


Austell, Rt. 1. On Bankhead
Hwy. between Leeland and

2 H Wagon, Guano Distrib-
utor and Ledbetter Corn Plant-

er. T. W. Simmons, Douglas-
pville, Rt, 3. ;
Handiman Garden Tractor,

good: cond., for sale. R. H. Pick-
ard, Decatur, Rt. 2.

. .Allis-Chalmers. Combine No.
60, Ist.. class cond., good -as
new, $600. C. M. Leaptrott,

elec. milkers, |


American - Pressure Canner,
never used, 7 qt. jars or 12, No.
2 cans, 6 safety lugs release

tpetcock, complete with alumi- |_

num pans, $18.50. Ruth Mc-
Bride, Rockmart, Rt. 1.

Garden. Tractor for sale: or
exe, for. mule. J. W. Johnson,
Doraville, Rt. 1.
Chamblee Ra. Phone Chamblee

General Tractor, planters,
guano dist. and cultivators, 20

dise dbl. sec, harrow and J. D.

Tiller, a 2 row tractor $950.00
cash. Seen. at Russell Daniel's
at Athens. Horace Smith,
Stephens, RFD 1, Box 36.

2H: Wagon: and: other farm
machinery for sale. W. Y. Aum-
mers, Newnan, Rt. 5. :

Cultivator for Allis- Chalmers
Tractor, W. C., 2 row, power
lift, new. See at my farm 2
mi. W. Woodbury on Green-
ville Hwy. Henry Heard, Wood-

New 2 H-l:row Walking Cul-
tivator, $72.50. Never used. W.
A. Smith, Sr., Flovilla, Rt. 1.

42 in. R. D. Cole Corn Mill,
practically new, also: 4 wheel
Tractor Trailer. See on Wash-
ington Rd. between East Point

and Red Oak at Double
Bridges. H. C. Neal, College
Park Rt. 1:

1945 John Deere LA Tractor,
starter, lights, belt pulley,
planters, new cultivator, disc

harrow, J. D.,-2 Dise Plow, for
sale or trade for H or B. O. D.
Whitefield, Calhoun, Rt. 2.

Ford-Ferguson Tractor in ex-
tra good cond. with cultivators,
bottom plow, weeder, dbl. disc
harrow and jack, $1750. Wray
Smith, Sparta. Phone 2705.

1-20 gal. Elec. Barrel Churn,

complete with motor in perfect |4

cond. Mrs. Fred Lang, For-


Farmall F-12 Tractor, 2 Row
Fertilizer Distributors, Planters,
Cultivators, 2 Disc Plow and
Dbl. Sec. Light Cutaway Har-
row, $1000. cash or part terms.
Trade for anything can use on
farm. Y. M. Arderson, William-

10 Disc Oliver Cutting Har-
row, like new, $50. Max G, Ray, |1
LaFayette, Rt. 2.

Used John Deere (Model B)
Planters and . Fertilizer Dis-
tributors . with, Bean : Droppers
attached. J.O.. Phillips, :: eres
bert, RFD 3. . -

Tucker and:




L Old Fashion Syrup Kettle, 55
gal. eap., good cond., $20. at my
home. Will not ship. H. J. Mc-
CeHum, Canon, Rt. 2.

ed 12 ft: Combine with tank

erating cond. Several extra
seed, etc. E. W. Bruner, Daw-

son, Rt. 4; Box 111,

Old Model -Fordson Tractor,
fair cond, without plows or
other equip., $150. F. F. Davis,
Ringgold, Rt. 3

2 Row Spraying Machine,
used last season, in good work-
ing cond. when last. used. Sell
or exe. for 4 or 6 row Dusting
Machine for dusting cotton on
Ford-Ferguson Tractor.
Samples, Lyons.

1945 Ford-Ferguson Tractor,

cultivators, planters, distrib-
utors, bottom plow, 1-2 yd.
scoop, Agricultural Mower,

power take-off, Ist. class cond.,
no- junk, $1800. L. D. Bagegar-
ley, Roberta, RFD 2, Phone

Allis-Chaimers.B Model Trac-
tor, good cond. Disc Harrow
and Cultivators, $800. R. T. Al-
len, Griffin, Rt. C. Cal. L. D:

Case Tiller Plow, good cond.,
5 disc with seeder box, never
used, $150. J. H. Mobley, Bu-
ford, Rt. 2.

Farmall F-29, new rubber on
rear, and 10 Disc Harrow. See.
W. V. Day, Alpharetta, Rt. 3.
Near Birmingham, Ga.

Farmall Model A Tractor and
equip. Motor in Exe, cond. Car-
son Henderson, Elko. .

David Bradley Hammer Mill,
$100.00; Sears Cream Separator,
$60. Wilmer Brandt, Clarks-

New. 1948 Ford Tabtor, 2
Disc Plow, :8 Disc Bush and.
Bogg Harrow and Sub-Soiler,
new cond. ivan Stephens, Bu-
ford. f

starter, lights, power lift, culti-
vators, planters, distributors
and 3.dise power lift plow, all
good cond. S. E. Booker, 5,
Titzgerald, Rt. 4. ~

1927 Fordson Tractor, used
very. little since being over-
hauled, new transmission, $100:
at my home 1 1/2 mile W.
Dawnville School. A. E. Porter,
Dalton, Rt. 3.

Buggy made into good Light
1 H. Wagon, for sale, or exe.
fur purebred pigs, calf, ete. T.
. Weeks, Harlem, Rt. 2.

Good 1 H Wagon and (1) H-
11 Harvey: Red Head Hammer
Mill, never been used. M.~D.
Chambless, Ludowici.

New Avery 1 Row Tractor
with cultivators, planter and.
distributor and side: dresser at-
tachments, 2 disc plows. E. C.
Karr, Temple, Rt; 1, Tel. No.

One 3 Row Cole Grain Drill,
$25.00; Ledbetter Cotton. Plant-
er, Single Hopper with Corn
Plate, $20.00; Avery Guano
Distrib., $12.50; Oliver Corn
Planter, Single Hopper, $10.
All practically new at my
farm 3 mi. W. Cartersville. R,
H. Woodward, Cartersville, Rt.

1 of each: J. D. Tractor Ma-
nure Spreader, Rome Valley
Bush and Bogg Harrow, Hy-
draulic Scoop, all for $395. Exc.
for Kobe Lespedeza Seed.
Monia E. Reed, Oakwood.

Syrup Mill, 3 roller, J. Deere
Mower, 14 blades, Pea Thrash-
er,and other farm tools my
place. 6 mi. off Jackson Hwy.
W. B. Fincher, Covington, Rt.

ata 3 Roller Ky. Cane Mill
with Cooks improyed 10c ft.
galvanized evaporato. and
skimmers, :good cond, used last
season, $60. .C. Cin. Southern,

Talking Rock, Rt. 1.

' Holt No. 38 Auxiliary power-

holding 100 bu. oats, also with
sacking attachment in good op-

screens for small grains, clover

: Sse

Late Model Farmall 1 with}

| row cotton duster,

W-30 Tractor
Deering), complete motor over-
hauled last year and new trans-
mission gearing just completed.
Mounted on rubber, $850. Write

retta, Rt. 2. On Nesbit Ferry
Rd. 1 1/2 mi. Holcomb River

Late Model John Deere B.
Traetor, starter

P. G. White,
Phone 336L1

Jr., ae


Planet Jr. Cultivators, Cole
Planters, Tongueless Disc Har-
row, and other items. A. F:
Sawyer, Vidalia, Rt. 1.

Disc Polw for Farmall Cub
Tractor, for sale or exc. for
Dbl. Section Harrow to fit cub
tractor. All letters ans. Kay
DeVine, Lakeland. ee

Hester Disc Plow, new cond.,
for. A Mode] Farmall Tractor,
for sale. B. W. Screws, Adrian,
Ri 3:

Stationary Motor in
cond. suitable for Grist or Ham-
mer Mill.
thonia, RFD 1.

John Deere A Tractor and
cultivators, planters, J. D. Til-
ler, Peanut Plow A-1 cond. my
place. H. F. Gilder, Alamo, Rt.
1; 15 mi. N. McRae.

Farmall M Tractor, perfect
cond.,- 1944 model, $1850. No
letters. Thos. H. Westbrook,

4 Can Intl, Electric. Milk Box, |
2 Compartment Vat. good
cond., for sale. Write. George
A: Hartin, Columbus, Whites-
ville Rd., Rt. 1.

2H wagon with body, $60;
2H Walking Cultivator, used
one season, $50; 2H Harrow,
$50; Lime Spreader, on rubber,
$60; 1 H peanut weeder, $12;
A6 Case Combine with motor;
$1200. All equip. almost new.
Cash at farm. J. A.
Butler, Box: 401. Phone 802.

good cond., with planters, dis-
tributors, cultivators, . tractor
weeder,. and -dbl.-sec. harrow
for reasonable . price. W. V.
Waters, Mt. Vernon, Ph, 4021.

good cond., -$40 at by farm.
Harold Clark, Ochlochnee, Rt. 2

414 ft. Case Combine, good
cond., $400 J. D. Watson, Una-

John: Deere H Tractor, pow-
er lift, power take off, Planters,
cultivators, fertilizer attach-|
ments, 8 disc Rome. harrow, 6
40 A. C,
Combine, $2000. No letters.
Halfred Branyon, Danielsville.

Allis-Chalmers Tractor, 1
row, with corn, cotton, 2 pea-'
nut planters (for tractor). E. Hs
McElmurray, Unadilla, Rt 2.

horner, $7; Fowler plow with
finders, $6; open buggy, $25;

cond. Boyd Gardner, Goggins:

VA Case Tractor with lights,
starter, power lift and 4 wheel
tractor trailer, both on rubber, |
$125. J. D. Watson, Unadilla.

Fordson Tractor in good
cond.; dbl. disc Oliver Side
Plow, short > tongued, _ horse
drawn mowing. Machine, and
Disc harrow, $250 cash my
barn. R. L. Rothell, Jr.,-Ben

Hill, Box 125. Am. 3827.

McCormic-Deering Combine
(lespedeza attachment), 4 ft.
blade, good cond; Also 2 Disc
Tiler plow fits Farmall A
Model Tractor. A. E. Purcell,
Dewey Rose, R.F.D. 1.

Easy -running 1H Wagon,
newly painted, stout wheels,
with bed, top body and other
accessories, $42.50 here. J. B.
Hickman, Barnesville.

52 Intl. Combine with motor,
good cond., $800. J. F. Shuler
Ringold, Rt, de

1-8 ft, Intl, Binder, 1947 mio:
del, good:as new, . bargain,

(McCormick: c

lor see: R. K. Whittier, Alpha- ie

and __ lights, 2
~|power take-off, ete. and equip. | ci,
for -planting and cultivating. Bilal

: AS
Walking ~ Cultivator, ;
(new) 2 H and 1 H Turners, | $3


J. H. Cannon, Li- |}

Payne, }

wc Allis-Chalmers: Tractor, | W-

2H John Deere Cultivator,,|'

1 each: Practically new De-|:

Bay Dixie Plow, $3. All good]:

nut Planter,
$20: Cotto;
Both . good.

Gray Mule, 6
Ibs., for sal
Baxley, Rt.

practically ni

plow, Corn ai
combined. Guan

tion, Allis-Chal

loped discs, _ ist
Terracing vlo ]
and J. Deere -
almost new. G. |
Temple Rt. 1. _

A. Johns, Winder.

Model C Cc
good | rubber, |
Athens Tiller on
wey little. with
J. P. Patterson, Mc
mi. E. McDonough.

Tractors, Com
Plows, Tractor H:
farm machinery
line of mule tools. :

1947 John Deere 1
bine with power 1
1 set cyltivator> for J

H. Tractor. Hub
Sandersville, Rt. 4.
Riding cultivator,
large seat, in. good
Preston Waters, :
1 Rte 3; :

cooled. gas engine
farm; . 2 Bottom 4

$250. Guy H'S Shivers, Pha:

ae CH



Farmall H_ Tractor
planters, cultivators, and dis-
tributors, also 4 disc Intl. Til-
ler. James. Mann, Conyers.

15-30 McCormic-Deering)
Tractor cheap. E. Cc. Boykin,
Jr, West Point. : ee:

Oliver 70 Row Crop, new


Farqua Boiler and Engine, 15
1H return fues in running cond.,
used for Hammer and Feed.
Mills, and most any farm mach.,
grinding cane, etc. Will sell

Elton Sims, Conyers.

Mh, separately. At-my home oo

TR. D: McDonald, Athens, Rt.
; | Jefferson Rd.

~ Farmall F-20 Tractor on rub-
lper, good cond. for sale; <Al-
SO: Allis-Ghalmers, Combine,
with power unit, $800. Ben

como Franklin, Jr., Millen.

a oo

yvington cotton
16 die drill,

lwrite, See. H. C. Clark, Avera, |


cultivators, |.

Set Tobacco: Flues fo a 1eX
16 barn, $25. G. G, Horton, Al-
aMO, Rt. 2.

Holland Corn Shucker and
Sheller, good cond., $200. Dont
RFD 2, Box 89.

Reconditioned Avery Tractor

Case Combine Motor for sale, or exc. for Av- |:

fery 4 Disc Direct Hitch- plow;

WH very. good in good cond. or 2 bred gilts.

a sold separ-|and imrelated | boat,

. | type Durocs. J. W. Lampp, at
Dublin, Rt. 6.

Almost > new MoeCormick-

d Deering Bush and Boge Har-

tires, plant-[row, used about 100 hrs., $200.

Ross Mad-} M. O. Neely,
ESS oo ee

2 Driil with Fer-|
: son cond.

te Pearce, Columbus, Care: Colu A

co tor, planters, cultivators and:

in 1) Hope, Rt: 1.
CG New 2a Thiston: Walicing |;
rs. eultiyator,.

Atlanta, 629
: Lynhurst Dr.
-| 135. a

1 David Bradle; Hammer Mill,
{$i10, R. F. BOLT A Austell,

Rt. 1
eal. 4-80 Saw Lummus, pall hasr-

ing, air blast gins, extractors,
Jand screw distributors. Bargain.
ee E. Strickland, Concord.

2 Coolers, DeLaval. and ntl,

r Milking Outfits with units
#f,|each complete, about 25 ten gal.
several strainers; |

Aerator and-other minor dairy | nin: with: salogles: improved. 102

roilk cans,

equip. yeasonable price. M

bus: Bank and Trast Co...

Machine,2 H Intl. Walking Cul:
| tivater; 2 Wagon, sand: 2 a
| Stalk. Cutter: on awheels,.
good cond. Elliott P- Masorell,
Danville. SAS

1H 6. Disc Hartow, gon: as.
mew, - hasnt harrowed oyer 25.
| A, perfect cond., $40. or trade

ydjfor anything ~ can: use, H. We

Tolkigon, Alpharetta, Rte 38>
~ #t-Model B John Deere Trae

1 disey tiller, $2100. No lette:

}See. H: de ee

7 perfect cond, $75.
.| Riley. C. Couch, Turin. |

4-3. Stand. 10 Saw Bitishe Gin

Oat Drill: Walking, Outfit, complete, inside: Steele|:

1 and Seeder Fairbanks
W. Malcom, scales,

Mrs. allie| | Bete Parkerson, Eastman, Rt. 4.

powe v Ce

Hopper cottonseed
1 outside seed - hopper
with 10 ton 22: ft. scales, 1-65

engine. . with: air. compressor..

Good 2H Wagon, worth $75;
| Selt for $50. At my place 4 mi.
NE. -Buford. J. Ri ee Bu-

| ford, AB 22: i

nie Sears: Can Sealer, nver

er. ae Ph. used, all equip., $10 Or exc.


lellan, Douglas, Rt.

rn plow, 1H wagon,
other equipment. See | letters. See.

Brunswick, Blythe

3 with. et necessaty
(C Allis Chalm-| ton
B Allis write. Call. J, M. Dodd, Aipha-
50.00: New Far- retta, RFD 2. Phone No. 2295.
650.06; 2-16 in. bot-
en. heels, and John | for
Pe plows. | practically new. Phone or write.

ee Phone No. ee <a oe

for pig. A: D. Hacistorks

and Douglasville, Rt. 4.>

i Hic Speed Oliver Mowing
| Machine and Rake, both prac-
tically new. Gerald - H. Bagley,
Duluth, Ried

24 wagon for sale cheap. No
8 mi. W.. Law-
.|rencville on Lawrenceville
and Norcross Rd... Mrs. J. A.
Franklin, Lawrenceville, Rt. 3.

2H Wagon, in good cond, 1
Tractor Trailer.

1 Disc Terracer or side plow
-Ford-Fergusen Tractor,

Martin, Saeesae Rt Te:


motor, good tires, 4 disc Athens

|ft:- galvanized
= {skimmers, good cond., used last

LH: David Bradley Mowing

Good Ss

Wiser. Horizontal - Primm? Oil

>| make ,


52 R. Intl. Comibine without

motor, cut 30 A oats, as good}

as new, $1200. W. E. Parks,

poraueiony Rt. 1.

oH Potato Digger, good
cond., at. my barn, $14. Mrs.
G. oy Holcombe, Bremen. ~

Fordson Tractor in running
cond. for sale at my farm.
Lewie Reese, Sharon.

F-30. Tractor, good cond., 6
Disc Tiller, 1 Power Mowing
Machine, 7 ft. blade, one 12
Row THC Grain Drill, all good
cond, W. B. Spearman, Social

John Deere A Tractor,. cul-
tivators, planters, distributors,
peanut plows; harrows, 6 disc
tiller with seeder attachment
for grain, mowing machine, 7
ft, cut., 4 wheel tractor trailer.
Herbert McCravie, - Eastman}
-Phone 273J. j

J. D, Tiller, 5 or 6 dike: both
axels and discs on rubber, $300,
or exc. for. 4 disc Intl. Tiller,
food cond; also 2nd hand Ben-
thall Peanut Picker, $200. H. C.
Warren, Jr., Pitts, Rt. 2.

~ Rome 8 Disc Bush and Boge

Harrow, good cond. $100.
Henrv Maddox, Bainbridge,
531 West St.

w. eS Allis-Chalmers Tractor
on new rubber, 5 Disc Tiller,

| Planter and cultivators, - J.D:

Hay baler with unit and. Ben-
thall Peanut Picker. usd 1 yr.
R. F. Fields, Swainsboro, Rt.
A Box 120. :

J.D Tractor: H Model with
power lift, on good rubber, 2
row. cultivator and planters,
2 disc plow) abl. disc harrow,
all. good cond. be J. Boston,}
Kingston, Rt. We?

- Cole 3 Row Grain Drill, 825%

{Rt 2. ae ee

2H - Walking Lilliston - Culti-
vator, used only slightly, . exe.
cond., $30. here. .M. +P... Fox,
Dawson, 801 E. Lee Street.

Large - 23 Roller Ky. :.Cane

seyaporator.. and

season;- $60.>C... C._ SC
Talking, Rock, RE 1.

Was Allis-C almers Tractor,
nia! cond, on rubber, starter,
lights,. - cultivators, planters,
fused one season, Bush and Boge.
Barrow, 4 Disc Tiller.
Sansom; Brooks. :

Farmall. 20. Tractor on? new |

tivating tractor, va: Hi:

a SSeS: Byron. =


Wott any y type parn manure
| spreader, team: or tractor. Jv W.
Liuindeen, Ston Mountain, Kal-
mar Farms.

Want. 2 Disc. Athens plow
with hitch for B Allis-Chal-
mers. Wade Wilson, Murray-
ville. Rt. 1. :

Want horse drawn Has Rake
jn fair. shape. Priced right for
cash, Clyde Garrison, Cornelia,
Ri. 2 =

Want. new Tractor, _Farnaall
H. John Deere A, Ford. or: other
- with cultivators and
_,| planters, reasonable price; also
for sale 2 . covering. planters
for. Ford Tractor, $75; and
Leverett, Parrott.

Want > Farmall: H.
Deere. B- Tractor
Could use S. C. Case. Must be
in good cond. C. D.. Williamson,
Americus, Dawson Ra. .

Want jate. model Farmall H
Tractor, good cond: ee H.
Kemp . Jr. .. Marietta, Rt.

Want M or H. hae

Tractor, or any make of equal
size. State what you have and


LaGrange, 304 Harwell Ave.

Want complete set planters
and cultivators for Farmall H.
Tractor. Advise fully, includ-

yall, iTS

ing shipping cond. Je Sto-

Oliver No: 6 Turner, $5; | Geor-
gia Guano - Distributor, $8.50.
H. LL. Ube tee vo :

rubber for sale or exc. for cul- |

Peanut Picker. J. Hy.

and. equip.

best cash price. C. L. Newell, }

Want) Bostram Farm Level.
, C. Cromer, Atlanta, 41 At-
Janta Ave. S.E. Cy. 0896.

Want. at once, good Farmall
tractor, new or nearly new.
Pay good cash . price. Advise
immediately. .C.. L: Boswell,
Madison, Riza

ey duster, no junk. Advise.
H. Samples, Dublin.

Want late model, (only) A
Farmall or Ford..tractor, with
full equipment. - Advise. An-
drew -Gibbs, Rochell. Rt. 2.

vTant lift lever. or _ bundle
for. tractor cultivator, Allis-

minus the ratchet. oe P. Sal-|:
mon, Rome.: Rt. 2

Want power take off pulley

| Quote: price and state cond.
!Marvin J. Reddick, Sylvania,
Pete Ae ;

Want Riding Cultivator cheap
for cash or will exc No. 12.De-
lhavat Cream - Separator. Mrs.
J. M. Bobo, Hartwell, Rt. 1.

Want Planting and fertiliz-

tor. Advise. fully: GR Lord,
Harrison, Rt. 2.

Want:1 Row. Transplanter.
Prefer Bemish. State price and
cond. J. S.: ee Macon,|
RFD 3. s

Want good ised Farmal - A
or late model Ford: Tractor
and plows. No junk. Hered
Stanley,- Rolston.

Want Hay Baler and Tractor

P.O; Box851.

. Want Lynchburg, ot Plow,
also Cole Corn Planter with)
fertilizer attachment, in good}
cond. and- reasonable price P.
A. Burnette, Greensboro, Rt. 1.

Want 1 rear wheel with or
without lug steel for 10-20 Intl.
Tractor. State price. Wm. Kj
-Batlow, Hazelhurst, Rt. 2.

Want set Planters fon H

Farmall Tractor. Good: cond.
sor new. Write. a we Perdue, |
Matthws '

g Want. distributors. and- Stat |
ers for Modl 'B Farmall 2 Rew
me ie Coy. Johnson, Camilla,
Rt: 1s

Want power take-off,
pulley and shatt; ; -comiplete for.
THC Farmall H Tractor: also
late model 6 row cotton duster.
Rea R. Dugesa, comes,

t st

Want 36 in. Meadows Corn
win, Must be in perfect cond.
st M. King,. Rome, 1al2, Dean'

in: pood-. cond. - and
priced right. J. S. Huckaby,
Atlanta, 976 Underwood Ave.
SOE; Phone Ma. 6030.

Want Disee for:
Hazelhurst, Rt. 3.

. Want Planters,

Farmall, B. Tractor, power litt,

disc; with fertilizer attachment,
in good | cond, J. A. Cepenre

f Chickamauga, Rt 2:

. Want to buy Farmall Planber
and Distributor,. single row. J:
C. Owen, . Rockmart, Rte.

Want i light, early model,
used tractor on steel or rubber.
Must haive starter
speasonably. Barney Culp, > Sa-

}vannah, POB 1001. Ph. 3-1452.

Want Farmall <A. Tractor
Side Plow and Harrow, within
75 mi, Maysville.: State price.
Ezra Hiland, Maysville, Rt. 2.

Want for cash large 1 Row
Tractor with starter, lights,
and hydraulic lift, 1947 or 48
model Farmall, John Deere,. ot
Allis-Chalmers. G.. W. Bryant,

Hahira, Rt. 1.

Want power lift for Farmall
Tractor F-12-at once. State
price. H. L. Adams, Rome,

Rito -
. Want Cole.Corn Planter with

> at}. :
Want aoe ore ron he guson Tracter with Bush and -.

Bogg Harrow and 10-15 row

Chalmers B hand: lift style,|.

for 1947 Ford- Ferguson Tractor. }

ing equip. for Farmall B Trac-|

Drawn Binder. H. James, Rome, | -


Want Hay Balers Prefer tie :
| power,


oH Lilliston |
James P. _Ursrey; :

distributors |:
and cultivators, good: cond. for}:

Advise. Mrs. Walter Gibbs, |
Adel, Rt. 2. genet
Want Wheat Drill, 10 or 12

and priced .

B.|better. Decatur, 329

Want Pea Thrash.
price and where iene SR
Sanders, Lyons, Rt. 4.

Want complete Cotton: Gin
Outfit, 3 or. 4-80 saw stands.

Want late: model. Ford-Fer-

Grain Drill with fert. attach-

Machine with 6 ft. blade,. rake,
light tiller plow, in good cond.

Aldridge, Ft. Valley, Rt. 2.

for.. Ford-Ferguson
Buford Eaton, Elberton, Rt. 6,
At Ruckersville.

sembly for.
good cond.,
Ottis Mason, Cumming, Rt. 2.

Want 2H Sulkey, Plow,

ington, Rt.


Prefer Allis-Chaimers 60. Ad-
vise. J. P. Gunnells, - Shellman,

reasonable. Neat Collins. } *a

Lula M. Yeomaiis, Collins, Rt. t
Want Planters and

lanta, 527 Federal Annex.

for _Ford-Ferguson

Rt. 1.

Prefer 20,000 Ib. size; Also

| Hazlehurst, Box 416.

age how many acres cut,

First Sty.


-| mont Rd. NE

opera: d by power or turned
by hand. Must! be .

Want set Electric Miike
wood, McDonough, 3.


-200 ee. delivered. Joe Carr,
Hapeville, 3429 Harding Ave,

Elec. Automatic Battery Starter
and. Finisher Brooder,

A. Brown, ae oat Wood-
jand Ave: S. :

1200 Ege: ae Elec, ee
Whitten, Lithonia,
\thonia 4404.

1-5 Deck Brooder, back warm-
er type, used 2 seasons, Brower
Airflow Brooder, 5 Deck, used.
only 1 season,
elec. heat and cheap for quick
sale. J. EB. Gillespie,
ville. phone LaGrange 6848.

Two Incubators, New Madi-
son with separate hatcheries,
2400 cap., $150.; 600 cap. cay
Grand, $60. Both perfect con
Also Pulloram free baby chicks,
Cc. J. E. Humes, Columbus.

2 small, 1 large, 4 ee Steel
Brooders, cheap. Mrs..5 Led-

"phone ALK: .

| Bleckley, Ditlard.

Seciilizes distributor. G..

So. McDon-

ough St.


Want complete Magneto As-
Fordson Tractor,
reasonable price

in good.
cond. \\Milton Stearn, Ben Hill
BR. 1. Box 119. Pond 2277. Sie 5

One 5 Deck 500 cap. Oakew



Prefer Continental. W. Willis ~ a
Lanier, Cobbtown, oy 3122, ae
| Metter. - :

ment. Ted Copeland, Dahlonega. -
Want late model Mowing

for F-12 Farmalt Tractor. J. W.- oS

Want. cultivators and planter
~ Tractor..

boar@ or disc bottom. Advise
particulars. a E. Sa Cov.

Want new or good used; Sub
soiler on wheels. W. H. Adams: ;

Want good used- Comba
- Want 1H Wagon, good cy,

| distributors tor John Deere H
W. G. Carroll, At-_

Want to exc. Athens 2 Disc =
Plow for 2 Disc Pickup type,
good. cond; Also-want Terrac-
ing Disc or Blade for Ford-
Ferguson Tractor and Mowing
Machine. Kirbie Duke, Hiram,

Want to buy truck: scales, be

want Upright Meadows Grist og
Mill, size 30. N. OL: Thomas, f

Want a 60. Allis- Chalisers _
Combine with motor attached,
Ist class cond for cash.'State
/price. J. Ri Miller, Macon, 555 7

Want Garden Tractor with eke

Must be priced =
right and in good cond. W. J: >
Phillips, Gainesville, Box 364

Want H. P. or 1% HP. Gar:
den Cultivator with cultivator =
attachment only. Write make, =

engine. cond., and lowest price
for cash, FOB. your town. John
T. Wrigley, Aes 2494 Piet 3

Want corn sheller: of ae :

Write particulars H. L. Sher: a S s

Want an Electric Brooder, 100 3

baby chicks: to broilers, - $50. F.-

Incubator, $85 J. Es

both automatic. :

BSN et

ae |

_One-5 dck 100 cap. Chick
Elec. Farm _ Master. -

ginal cost $208; 1-5 deck 'Elec,
_ CheWwala, Battery Brooder, cost
set. Both for $ my place,
Siete: Stevens, : Atlanta; ae a
Sgt Hond St. S.-. ;

ts Oil Burning 250 Ege Cap. Su-
" per Hatcher with thermostat in-

eter, used: very little, Ist class
cond, $15" at ' my: home. Mrs:

= 240 Chick Cap. Buckeye Oil
Burning..Incubator, $30; -two 50
_ Chick :Cap. Oaks Economy Oit
Burning Brooders, $7 ea; Add
$3 extra for erating if. wanted

-~ shippd.-M:O. Mrs. A ah ote
er, : Noreross. : =
Blectric Sy cubaton: 95. Egg

Cap, used 1-time, gives good
__ service, $15: EO Wilson, pet.

x ae Elec. qcabiore 100
8.cap.; good cond., used only
twice, $12. Ship Exp. Col. Hill
=A. Richardson, Douglasville: Rt.

etl of each: . Farm Master and
Buckeye Incubators, both 1250
-8 cap., 2-100. size brooder, all
~ elec., cheap Wee Rs Gilbert,
_ Tennille.





- Begonias dllas; 75; dbl. pink;
red, white,. blush, 50c- ea; Chry-
_ santhemums, 10 labeled: var.,
_ I, Chiysanthemums and House
plant: fist. Mrs. T. C2 Bee, New-

= Exira nice, _well Footed ver-
green. Privet. hedge plants, $1.
a hundred; oe from 1to 3 ft.
: Clark, Gaines-,

-Ligustrums Tapaneaya broad,

leaf evergreen, tall_ yar, 3 yr:
plants, 2-3. ft, 1e- ea. Add
postage... Miss Dey Ellis,
ae Ss

col: -med, dahlias, 75
SNiiaie | and . fall. pinks,
thritt, goldenglow, yellow can-:

ag Becta: (Jananese) - broad
leaf evergreen, -tall Var., 3. yr
plants 2-3. ft. 15c ea, add. post-
_Bge.! Miss Daisy Ellis Greenville |


ae Cdicigand Sines
Seed, (the old: Ga Cane), $1.56
Ib. at farm. Will ship. A. L:
. Thomas, Jacksonville, Be te
Box 33.

Sete, gals. Okra Seed, 45 qt. Vi-
Py ae Goolsby, Heyeveville, Rt.

Halt Runner Garden Kean
Seed, White and Colored, 2c
cup; Everbearing Strawber ry
Plants, 50c C. Add postage. Mrs.
Henry M. Jones, Lula, Rt. J.

Blue Ribbon Cane Seed, 700
Peas: 1947 crop, good table sy-
xup: Make price on lot; Also
150 bu. goed corn for sale.
Write. O/C. Poole, Lula, Rt. 2,

ae seed, yellow: okra, 2
kinds, , 1/2 cup. 5c; Tender-
green, le and mustard seed,
-a., 15 this; striped, 8+ wks.
beans, 35e cup: Add postage.

a : Odess Dodd, Alpharetta.

Striped Half Runner, White
-Half Runner, extra heavy
bearing Pole Bean Seed, 50c
extra Jarge. cup. Mrs. B. H. Pat-
' terson, Flowery Branch, Rt. 1.

. Good Tender Striped _ Half
oor and Black Pole Bean
Seed, cups, $1.00; White
~ Bunch ces beans, 35 lb. Add
postage. Mrs, G. .L. Pirkle,
_ Flowery Branch, Rt. 1.

1947 Tender, White. large,
Half Runner Redan Seed, 6 wks,

y Bean, free of weevils, 40 large

<RUD} Mustard, good, sound, 10
aes: Sp. Add postage. . Mrs: J.
OK. Evens, Ellijay, . bea


: ae ae

Battery Rte ad
'Brooder, xtra - good cend., -ori- |.

Squash, 25 cup. Add: Hostage,

_ struction bock and .thermom-

ey cea eee Monticello, Rt.

Mes Jd. Steed; Buena. Vista.

each, $1. Add postage. ee Joe

- | Seed, kept pure, $1.25 Ib.; 5 Tbs.

|Smith, Adrain, Rt. 3:
very abtindant,

Seed, $2 lb. Out of 50 Jb. mel-

melon Seed,-90 lb; Hales Best

100 Ibs., 95e Ib;

nas, mix. col. big. itis, - also
ue, Siberian _ iris, 50c doz;
pees 8 hibiscus, -6, --50c. = Add
__No- chks. Mrs. Lona |-

, Dahlonega, Ree

75 Hose2 lbs.

Pole Bean or Cornfield: Bean,
{$1 AH PP? Mrs.
Bow don, Rt. 2.


:1Ga. Mrs. Adam Whitaker, Cher-.

Half. fannie. He Seat.
cup. Marion eee Rane:

Citron Seed, 75e Ib; - Purple

Hull Table Pas,: 25 Ab:. Early}

Okra, 35 teacup; Banana
Mushmelon, 504 teacupful;
Crowder Peas! <25 . "lb? Yellow

Rosie Crowe, Cumming, Rt.

Good eh dee White - Half
Runner Bean*Seed;-:free of wee-
vils, 40 cup. Add. postage. Mrs.
Gertrude Reece, Ellijay, Rt. Di

Govt. imp. Green Cane, : 3- -6 |
ft., $3- stalks; or $25:,M. ZEOB |

bed. W.-H: Williams, Metes,: Rt. | Di
ng Box go: 4*

-Early Brown 6 wks: Pa Seed,
ene 2-crops, White or Colored
Butterbean,? Do seCUups,: | SE 10:
Streaked Half Runner, and

Blue Pole Bean, 4- cups, $1. 25:1

Aly. PP inGa. Mrs: Clarence
MceMillian, Dacula, Rt... 1.,

-Gren. Glazed Collard. Seed,
25 .packet;-50e oz; $1, 2% -ozs.

Bu. Gourd Seed, 20 seed, 10
And. stamped envelope. Dewey
Gulledee, Abbeville, te 1, Box

Col. - mixed Bunch Butter:
ban Seed; Table Peas, |
with brown eye, 4: large cups

Bailey, Adairsville, Rt..

Moon and Star oe

or more,. $1 lb. - Del. "Devoe

' Vine Okrdas,
bearer, some pods. weigh almost-
a Jb.,- 25 -seed for 25c. Mrs. F.
A. Neal, -Atianta, 1462 Eastland
Ra: SHE; Rt. 2, Box 97.

Sealey Bark Water! melon
ons. R. T. Ulm, Augusta, 1483
Estes St.

2510 <NbS. sCaanonbalr Water.
36 Cantaloupe, approx. 10 Ibs:

$1 lb. W.. H. Sledge, Byron.

White and Striped Tender.
Half Runter Garden Bean Seed;.
45 - teacup; Red. - Speckled
Crowder: Peas, 30c Ib. 5 Ib. lots;

Red Multiplying Scullion: But|.

tons, $1 gal. GT. Brown, Bail,
Ground, Rt 1...

> Cannonball Watermelon Seed,
Black Diarnond

Watermelon, $1 25. Ib; + Okra,
Squash and Mustard Gerais 75e.
lb.- Add posisee hae CL oH

Sledge, Byron.

Long Green - Poa Oe Seed:
Okra, Jat. Blaci|

TADEE Casey, e

- Early: Okt a Seed, 25e" cup; |-
Early Samll Tender Brown:
Bean -Seed, 25 cup; White

Half Runner Bean Seed, Sev-
eral. Ibs. of ea. Mrs. Noel
Payne, Canton, Rt. 3. :

5000: 6000. stalks -govt.. Biter
Seed Cane, and 5000- 6000 stalks
Red Chewing: Cane, soft, $2 a
M. L. Lindsey... Cairo.,

White. Creaseback Corntieta
Bean Seed, guar. tender, extra
early, 30c large cup; 50 1b. PP.
Re HL Kimmons, Cartensvalley

Good Tender, White and. Gan /
Mixed Cornfield Bean Seed,
mostly white, 50c cup. PP in

ry Log.

200 jbs. Long Green Pod Okra
Seed, 1947 crop,- well cleaned, |
30c lb. for: lot; 40c small. lots.
J. M. Chapman, Chula. uy

Calif. Multiplying Beer Seed,
20c This; 2 Thls. 35c. Enclose
self addressed enyelope. Mrs,
W. R. Gravely, Clayton, Rt. 1.

Between 25,000 and 30,000
stalks Yellow Gal.. Imp. Govt.
Seed Cane, $30 M. FOB at bed.
Fred O Saunders, Coleman.
Tel. 3222.

Cantamelon (size of musk-
melon, growth, shape, and fla-
vor of cantaloupe), wt. 8-10 Ibs.
under. favorable cond., 200 seed,
25e; 500; 50c.
S. A. Bavers,-Cumming, Rt. 5.

Martin. Gourd Seed, 25 oz.
N. W. McLeod, Cuthbert.

Tender. White Half Runner
Garden. Bean, 34c_ large. cup;
Black Pole Bean, 40c_ cup; Red
Speckled Crowder Peas; 30c
lb; Purple Globe Turnip and
Ga. Collard Seed, 80c lb. Add

postage. No checks. Gladys Du- |


| 46 ibs. cea Bleck Dia.

white |

|No. Stamps. Mrs. English, Roach,

+1 Bunch

, Bean Seed, good |

start: 5e-and self aeerenet 0
envelope.: < Earl Fincher, 4
_, | Temple, Rt. clea

: Tifton,

}Sunflower Seed, ae gal. PP. or

Stamps or coin, |:

Ss ana. t
Bp Deen Sek

Dahlonega, RED 1.

Halt. Runner *Poraek Bean
kled Crowder @eas,-

vils, 35 tb; Mi

Nest Onions, $1 gal.
1. gal. for 3 print sacks or. exc.

Weeks, Dial.

Tnder. White ACielestack |
Bean Seed, Early. Tender White
Bean with Yellow Hull, 35e
cup; 2 cups, 60c. Mrs. D. L
Zandt, Dial. |

mond. Watermelon Seed, 1. yr:
$1 ib. . Del. J. I.-Gunn, Dooling.

Half Runner, Garden Beans, .45
cup;..White Mush. and Red
Speckled Crowder. Peas,
cup: No checks. Mrs...
Ellijay, Rt. 3.

1947 White


Bunch : Buller

lar. Phillips, Roysten, Rt

1947. White Bunch Butter-
beans, 35c. large eup; Also mix-
ed Colored Bunch Butterbean;
35 large cup. Money or MO.

Royston. Rt.

150 Ibs. laek, Apieaienes Wa-
termelon Seod,--$1 <lb; 30 Ibs.


Bragg, Sardis, , Rt.

Whatle ey e
treated 2 15 p 12 bu;
'$1.50- pk. PP. J. ne ae Sue

Black. -Diamond, Cannonball

Genuine: Tender

or eXe., for

715,000 - alia No. 116 - Hoe
proved Green Govt. Seed Cane,
4-8...ft.,$3-$5-C;. Also. several
hundred. Stalks Old. Original
Red Sugar Cane. Gus Poland,

6- Wks...
Beans, 50c. pt;
Buttons, 20c qt; Sage, 30c qt:
Old Style: Salad Peas, 50c: at.

Eller, Titus.

100: lbs. hand selected, genie
ine,.. Cannonball Watermelon.
Seed, $1 Ib: PP: Emmett , _Hol-
land, Unadilla. ss

Black. Diamond Watermelon
Seed, $1. 1b; Exe. +20. lbs. for
a male pig of any breed with
papers, velvet beans; field peas:
or lespedeza seed: * Startling
Yawn,- Vienna.

Genuine Mammoth | Russian.
smaller amt.J. L, King, Vida-
hia, Rte ed. :

_ 1947 sage Seed: 20 Pl: Ip
02Z., -293, 1: oz. (tbls) 50c; Per-
kins Mammoth Okra,
(5 oz.) 30ce; Martin Gourd; %
cup; 10c-t Jeup; 15 = PP. Miss
Lillian Hardin, White, Rt. 1.

Sugar Trough Gourd Seed,
25c per 100 seed. Under favor-
able growing conditions make
large gourds. Mrs.. F. H. Hall;
White Plains. .

1947 crop Striped: Half Run:
ner Garden. Bean. Seed, nice,
clean; hand _ shelled,
free, 35c large cup; $1 for 3,
cups. Shipped . promptly and
PP. Mrs. Lynette Bennett,
Flowery Branch, SRGtS ks

Bean Seed, free of weevils, 45.


ran, Cumming, R& 1:


Beate rae

. Garden -Bean., Seed; _

10 bu. nige miesh Cane: Sved: :
jhand thrashed; $3 bu: for whole Hk
lot. af my place. Nelson . Ae SS

'Seed, 40 large cup; Red Spec-
Aeeot wie

: z | pke..,
Extra | nice: and. clean - Winte
PP. Exc.

for anything ee Mrs. B: see Sec cto: Add

: Gainesville, Rt.

_ White . and _-Striped. Tender:

25 |.

beans, 30e Ib. All del. _Mrs. Lei- |

Watson Watermelon. $1 Tb. Ber,,|

Giant - Russian _ Sunflower j
ee 50 PPS same party, - 30

oar 50c; *80c. gal 40 bu. M
R. Seed: Potatoes; tiat- |;
led, 3c Ib;. 5 -bu.: Stalk Red Cob,

Dude. ..Creek and.-Black Lee |,
Watermelon. Seed, $1 4b: R. A.
Harlow, Summerville: . : ; 2

cane Sincideivtig eer. seed"

tt. 2: Pie

White Renta Haneh
Scallion Onion;

Add. postage. No: checks. ene

-\larger quantities.


cupful F


. Brown Striped Halt Runner | Mrs
large teacup. Prompt shipment. unhu

: Striped Half.

Bean. tend Striped: Halt Reade
up; Extra good. White :

Sa Halt. ine : BY
Halt. Runners, - and extra heavy
bearing. Black Pole. Bea ed
50c large teacup, Mrs.
coo Flowery. B

va varieties Gourd Seed, large 1
Ze: Leach ~McBr
Fitzgerald, Rt 23.0

Striped: Halt. Runner a ender
Garden Bean, free. of seeuils:
postage. M
pely Knight, ' Geinesvie, me p

Old Time -
Garden Beans,
Add: postage

Pender = Striped: Mr.
40c- large eup. |:

Striped | Half | Runner. Ban
Seed, guar. tender, 40c cup; 75 }50.
Ib; 5. Ib.< Jats, 65 1b; Pop corn:

40 1b;-.2: Ibs.; We; 5s Ibs. $ 40;
10. Ibe., $2. 50. Del. Mrs. Ce
Smith, "Gainesyille, Rt2. fi

: White Bunch Garden Bin:
| Seed. strictly tender, 45 large |
cup. 0; Je Smith, Gainesville, ;
Rt. J.

Good Tender. Striped Halt
Runner Bean Seed, 35! cup.
Add: postage. Cora Mae_ Loe
Gillsville, Rtel

Cannonball and Black Di Pe .
mond Watermelon Seed, p ares
- fresh; and govt. tested, 94 pent
ct. germ, hand saved. from se- |
lected melons, $1 15. a Je
Bloodworth, Gordon.

sorted, 40c.cup; 3 cups, 3
10c po: ch $ Saler.

Improved Cabdonnaik- and
Black Diamond Watermelon i
Seed, s$ie lb.-Speial prices on| 4
R. Ross. An-|.B
drews, Haddock, Pets as oer Gis


Wonder Saccee goad both
summer and winter, bear until |,
frost, 20c for a doz; seed; 5 }bs. | den.
hand saved . Cannonball |
Melon Seed, from select melons,
75. lb. Include postage, ee aie
Johnsen, Ideal.

No: 2 Kobe- Lespedeza: Seed,
16c lb. Sample on request. R,
-A.. Allen, Jackson, Rtisripes

25 Ibs. _tender Striped | Half Sate
Runner Bean Seed, weevil treat-
ed, 50c lb. Add postage. Mrs:
Charlie BUERREIOn, aKa Rt.

Red Multiplying. Shallots, 85c

gal. PP in Ga. J. B. John-
son, Lithia Surnge Rt. * land
25 lb.

Kobe Lespedeza. Seed, 20 Ib.
L. F. Nowell, Macon, Ri. Bo

Green Glaze Collara Seed):
1947 crop, 2 Thls. 25c; 10 Tbls., |
'$1; Dipper. Gourd Seed, 1c doz;.
2 doz, 25c: White and. lored ,
Bunch Butterbeans, 20 Ib. PP.
WS: AL ilso , Martin. .

sx Belle Crowe x ainesville,

eans, 35c teacup;
Seed, 20c TBL.

Mrs. Mattie Tae

hand cleaned ney, pr


Brown, Carte.

White: Mush - Peas, 50c- 1b;
| Absve 5 Ibs., 40c lb. Also Long
|Green Crowder: Peas, in 3 |b.)
| bags (no* Tess), $i. 15. Del: Ds A

Law, Chula. eu

- About 1000 lbs: Speckled
i Rising Osceola Velvet _Bans,
{hand - whipped - and- cleaned,
$5.85 bu; or $4.50 CWT in halle
FOB. M: W:. Miller, Colquitt.

All tender 1947 crop . beans;
White. Half: Runner. 7. Sister
Cornfield, McCaslin | Pole, and
f Red Valentine - Bunch Beans,
| large cup; 40c; Yard Long Bean
Seed, large cup, 30e; Russian
| Mammoth Sunflower, *35. qt:
_| Add postage. Fred. Themas,
bs Crandall, Rts :

t 10. bus. Ean Clad "Peas for
no sale. J: 0; ee : Cuthbert
$1. | Rt... year

Good * Tender siriped. Cork.

* | Halt - Runner, . Garden, 50 pt.,

O S; 40c nee. cup. AIF prepaid. No

. Mrs.

Hattie oe ae

jner Beans, mixed, tender, free
jot weevils, and: Bunch. Butter-
beans, 25c large cup. Sound,
good. cond. White and. dark ones
mixed,~ 1947 crop;, Blackeyed
{Crowder Peas, 20c 1b. Mrs. Ee
+L. Lawson, Gainesville, Rt. 8.

_ field. Beans, Hasting 1st.
crop, 40c cup. Add pabiage.
| Mrs, eB, Mealer, Adairsville,
Res 28

_|beans,- hand:: cleaned; weevil:
_|free, 3 lbs.; $1. PP on over 3

-{Ibs; 1947 good | Mobile Pecans,

od 135 lb. PP on over 3 lbs. Mrs.

{HL iy Mullins,

White | Pole Butterpea. aad
| White Willow Leaf Pole But-


|terbean, 50c M. Or _exc.. for
nice print |sacks. Mrs. H. We
a: Chula, Rt. dee

- Old Time Tender Speckled
and White Half Runner. Gar-
tden Beans, 40c teacup; White
. | render Corrifield - Beans, 45c
{eup; Blue: Java Peas, 30c bb. in

|Beans, .

field Beans and. teuder White |

4 Plante govt:

IGr iffis,

Ra, Early Bea
We C.:W

Cream: and White Half Run-

|. Good Tend r. Striped oe :

1947 Mixed Budoh. Bitier :

5 Ib, lots. PP. in Ga. Miss fen }

"Gate Soy. Beene -. recleaned,

All. prices.

Brab Peas, $6. 50; Mixed peas,

.|Peas, $ $5 $5.75,
_|then.. ,

White: piawre Hu Peas for:
fie. bu. Wylie. Smith, Adairs-.

ee; Rt. 2:

Extra: pely. Black iGraware
|Pas, will: make 2 crops. if
\seasonable, Green: .4ull Cream
Crowder,. 25e. Ib... Add: postage.
No_less than 4 Ibs mailed.: H. Jy
McCollum, ,) Cason, Rt. 22. j

beans, 35e:: lb. Exe. Butter-

beans, 3. Ibs, for 3 pint sacks;

Exe. Half. Runners, 62 Tb., for
3 print: sacks. Ea. pay postage.
Mrs. ee c& Fanlep,: CATA es

White: Baby hand Butter:
beans, .25 Ib. PP; Browneyed

.Peas, 25. lb. All: good cooking
OMirgidon Ge eae

or planting.
well, Jackson; Rt: 3

Tender White Half Runner
Beans, 45- cup; White Bunch
Butter Peas, 40 cup;
Multiplying Onions, $1. gal;
Strawberry Plants, 50c C. All
PRs Mire,
per, - RFD: 2


Missionary. and Everbearing|

| Strawberry, 75e C. Not PP. Or

-/exe. for anything can use. Mrs.

John R. Terry, Rockmart. Rt. 3.

PRA and Copperskin Potate
-insp.. and. treated,
-| Apr... May . and June. del:, Tke
Tomberlin, Surrency , Re. i

thee Dae Copnerskin Potato plants, i
| from certified

seed grown in

new. land, $3.50 .M:. 5 M. lots,

| $2.25 10. M. lots, $3. 00.: Prepaid.
. 7 & Sees


. a lb. Mrs. Ara
Flowery. Branch, Ried:

Man globe | Fomato. Plants,
sang. Mar. 1B. MOss packed,
M;. 7e: : Ne: checks. oe

. Serevent een

: Large siz Lucidus avowed

a. Sorrells, Roys-

: Macedon Klondike and

| Lady -T Strawbsrry, reoted, 70c


C; 500 $3:50; -M. PP. No
Checks: Cash or MO' preferred.

Mrs. Dessie Crowe, Flowery
Branch, Rt: 1. :
Now: pooking eiiets for Apr.

and May del. for. Red Skin PR
Potato Plants, govt. insp., $4
M; in. 500 lots. -B. Je ee
| Bristol: ee

Govt. ins. PR Plants, $4 M;
| Ready Apr. 10th; Also Mar-
globe and Rutger Tomato, $3
M: Ready Apr. Ist. Booking
orders now. Miss Florence O-

La. Copperskin Potato Plants.
Quinn, Odurn, Rt. 2.

fron. certified seed ~-own.,in
new ground, $3.50 M; 5M Jots,
$3.25; 10. M. lots, $3 M. | pre-
paid. Apr. Del. J. R. Byrd, Jr.,
Patterson, Rt.

La. Be pnssaiss Potato
Plants, Certified, $3.75 M; 5M
lots, $3. 50;. 10. M and. above,
$3; Tomato, Marglobe, Rut-
gers,. and, Pritchard Variety,
$3 M. Moss packed, prompt
shipment. .Prepaid. Apr.. and
May Del. T. A: Harrison, Pat-

Collard Plants, 200; 25e;
Rooted Sage Plants, | ~10e: Add
postage. Mis. B. F. Cannon;
Toomsbo- , Rt 2. Re

dike, . Strawberry. ; Plants.

Mrs. L. Ps Sargent;
t. 3. ae

$7.50 bu; $7. bu. in, 10 bu. lots.
rf FOB. Augusta.|
lJames: B: Bartch, ANBuES: 37 ;
. Mounted, Box. sels :

aaroked and white), a
$5.75. .60 sper. ct: sound:. Velvet}:
pe And New. Era:

: Thompson -mixed -plants,

JL. Garner, Ware ;


Ri Ts Bennett. aa
-|7 Chass"


3s checks.
: Rt. 5.

_| $2.25 M-- 10,000. or over,

ne Strawherry PYnt}

| Jersey, Cabbage Plants,

: $1.50 M. ash with order Clif-

ae ie

Black Raspberr yo fend Sage
epiante: 6, - 60c;' $1 doz. Add
postage. : Mrs, bone Blackwell,

Sthawheriys! Evertediing ai
sale, or. exc. for anything can

fuse. Mrs. G. LW, svauens Wil.
liamson, Bae digi

Caulitiewers Brussels: Broe-|
| coli; Endive, . Lettuce, Swiss

| Chard, Wonder Beets, P. .R.

Bunch Potato ; Draws, | Insp:,
75 C; Kale, Carrots,. Rutabaga,

1 Collards, Cabbage, Nest Qnion,

.50c-C:-Parsley, Artichokes, To-|_
matoes, . Peppers, Egg Plants,|-
35 doz,. Mrs: A. Ve ; Pranklig,

30c ; 500, $1.25; $1.75 M;-5 M

Rte 2:

s}* ment,

Early : Bearing Sthawbeney
Plants, 75e.C; 500, $3.60; Mt.
Blueberries, 75e. doz: Ga, Col-
lard, * 25e.. C; Red Speckled.
-Crowders, White Blackeyed
Peas, 30 -lb; Purple Globe
Turnip. Ga. Collard Seed, 90c
Ib, Add postage. Mattie Duran,
Cumming; Ries


AS _ Gibbs,

WwW. Ha Eavly ees

White. and Yellow .. Bermuda
Onion; 300 $1; 500 $1: 25+ $1:75.
M. R. Chanclor, Pitts. :

Chas.-. W.. and Flat Dutch.
Cabbage Plants, now~ ready,
500, $1; $1.50 M; 5000 and-up,

prompt. del. wt Hedon, Alma,


fafa Gobeuhagen aa
bage, large, fresh! and. green,
$1.25. M; 5000 and up, $1- M;
White Bermuda Onion, 500,
$1;. $1.50.- MM. Orders . shipped | .
received. dU Ge Stokes
Fitzgerald. AER

Kudzu Crowns. rooted, 1-and
(2 yrs. old. $2 C;.500. $7; 290):

|M; 5: M_or. more, $10 M: -Klon-

dike Strawberry, - 300, $1.50;
$2.25, 500; $4.25 Mi Del. No
| checks,
ville, Rt. a:

Certified ee PSiaaa:
berry Plants, $1-C. PP. Ne
Tom: Kittle, Carrollton,

Bvoigiaed Ohio nek oe

: bage Collard * Plants, :25 doz;
|Green Glaze -Collatd, 25 .doz;
$1.%; Calif. Pepper,

25 doz;
p | $1. .C; N.-H. Hibred Egg plants,
25c doz; Hot: Pepper, 20c doz:
Mrs. -B. Brady, Cairo, Ht. lly
eee 343. ;

- Mar glo Rutger,
Tomato Plants, moss

eit wore:
$2. M3,
Millions Copenhagen and. Chas,
W.. Cabbage Plants, ready te
move, $1.25 M. George Ww. Gatf,
Fitzgerald: Rt. Teas

Booking orders for Mesglabe:
Tomato, Plants, $2.50 M. Del to
3rd. zone: J. EF. Gruber, Odum,
Rt. 2. >

' Open grown: Chas. W. Cab-+
bage, Plants, 30 C; 500, $1.00;
$1.75. M. PP. Moses Davis, Mil-
ledgeville; Rt. 5, Box: 126. 7

Govt. insp. treated Red Skin
Pat? Potato Plants, seed grown
from vine cuttings, $4. M;: Also
Genuine, true to name, Mar-
globe Tomato, $2. M. Del. All
ready in April: L. D: TEN IEY
Rt. 2, Screven.

Chas. and Marion Market
Cabbage and Bermuda, Onion
Plants, 500, $1.10: $2. M. Pre-
paid. W. C. Hamby, Valdosta,
Rt. 2, Box 60. ;

Copenhagen, Chas. W., Early.
proof, $1.50 M; Ready last of
month; Open field, new land
grown Tomato Plants, $2.75 M.
Del]. Satis. guar. H. a Puckett,


Pure Chas... W.. and Fiat
Dutch Cabbage, 500, $1.00; $1.-
50 M; 5000 M up, $1. Prompt
shipment; Also pure PR Pote-
to Plants, good count. Ship-
ment Apr., May, and. June..
Booking. orders. E. F. aes
ane Hts Te

_ Cabbage. o

Onion Plants,

|75e . Del.-No checks: Ge

Charleston, Copenhagen, and:
| Early,, Jersey Cab age Plants,

Striped Halt "Runner Beans,

M, a
55:1b: Mixed Golored Butler up $1.50, Full.count. Prompt

| bearing, $1. 25 for 500, $5; C

frostproof, Cabbage Planis, end}

~| $1. M. Bro torcet nice plants, |-

| plants,

7a. Crow, coe t

4 Baxley,

| and bear till frost. Eli Pressley

Besliana, 'Mariglobe
Plants, 40c C; Chas.
bage, 25c . Del. in Apr. in
Less ' a add. postage. |

Meee ei:
70c, C; 500, $5-M; K dite,
60 C; 500, $2.50; | M..

200 _plants for 4. print
Mrs. .A, D. Jones, |
Rt. Less

Hastings Missions
berry, nice, white ro
Rea. Nora gee Ha

Dir ne

moss, reddy. Mar,. 20, oe

Griffis, ; Ser even,

Pure - PR. Potato ae
State insp.,. good count, $4
Shipments April May and
Booking... orders now. iB Fr
Williams,. TAINS; gRite den tee ees

1100 yds.- Tobacco . Plant
ready to begin ienslaaey

Mar: 20 or 25. Contact. Alles
G. Lewis, pane Rt ote
Box 13.

- Klondike sanbere 200, $1
500 $2.25;. $4 M; Big Jim yee

bage, 200, 70c 500,
M. Del C. W.
ville, Rt. 2.

Chas W. Cabana:
500, $1.25; $2 M; White bur
/and White Half. Runner Beas
50 Ib. Aaa

$1. 25+ $2.25 ee
Smith, Gaines

Seed,- 25c cup; 1
postage. Jay Hayes, _ Gaines-
ville, Rt. 1: : Be
Boysenberry Plants, thor c
less;--2) $134 Himalaya B a
berry, $1 doz: $5 C;. Lueretig
Dewberry, $1 C; 500, $4; $

-M. ., Carefully . packed. ah ap.
W.: Toole, - Macon, 410 Bu
Ave. : eae

Spring Warhave Plants ce
-penhagen.and Chas. a

strong, 500, $1;) x7
Cuts on 10 M. up. W
atts and: ae fo - Sal


sete: 60 Jast of March a
April Del.; Tomatoes, $3.
Pepper,: $40 M. - Ottis
Rt 4.
Hastings Jere :
Strawherry, $1-C:
We: doz; Garlic,

Each pay. Nesibg

sacks. Mrsi Etta. Sale

City. :
Hastings Aen Missionary 3

Strawberry, and Everbearid,

Plants, $1 C; Garlic, $1- do
Miss Cecil, MeCurley, "Hartwell
Rt. 2;

Real Eyeearing sa d

Plants, $2 C. Berries in 60 day;

Jasper, Rt. 2. ean%


Reg. Guernsey Bull Calf, @
wks. old, . $30. at farm. Sires ue
-Glenn Have Baton Monarch
No. 3851, 30:. Dam, Barba
Willow Valley Farm. -
797660. George E. Mallet, Jac
son. ;

3 1/2-mos.. old eG Male
Calf, reg. stock. J. A. yaarethe
Adairsville; POB 221.. a
Good purebred Holstein Bully
3 yrs. old. H. Ly Sherwood, hex:

Donough, Rt. 3.

Fresh cows, milk goats, ack ee
pigs, at. my place. 11/2 mii We
Jonesboro. J. . W. Weaver, :
Jonesboro. i

Jersey Cow, fresh: in, 3 1/2

gals. milk, $100. Near Duncans
Creek Church. Frank J. Maul-
din, Buford, Rt. 2. Eis esate

Fine Jersey cow, due fresh |
April 4th. Excellent milk. ane
butter cow, gentle, easy io
milk. $175. at -barn befo:
freshening; $200.00, afterwards.
Cash. (Near Zion Hill Church),

\ford = Baxley.

_ |Brank Cain, Buford, Rt 2.

ee Lang, Forsyth.

': pred, $30. Ship exp. col. Willie




ee Maiey and Guernsey heifers,
also shoats and 6 wks. old pigs,
ee sale. C. E, Smith, Fairburn.
Rt. 2,. Northeutt Rd.

- 4 Polled Hereferd Bulls, 8
mos. old, not entitled to reg,
but . purebred and perfectly
marked, $90 ea. Mrs. Fred

Reg Jersey Male calf, reg. in
buyers name, born Feb. 2nd.,
$40 FOB my barn. Lamar Bur-
ton, Robinson.

arsey Cow, 6 oe old: this
spring, dehorned, 4 gals. milk,
1 Ib butter daily when: fresh;
gals. milk now on. % feed,
ives 3 gals. on cotton: meal,
$100 or exc. for heifer to fresh-
en at once. Mrs. W. G. Brown,
Jefferson, Rt, 3:

2 godd fresh milch cows,

_ Guernsey-Jersey breeding, gen-

a tle, sound, $140 ea. K.D. Sand-

a ers, Eatonton.

Polled Hereford Bull; 20 mos.

eld, breeding from Plato Dom-

Yno 36th,. the John Rice bull.

RL M. McGinnis, Alpharetta,

; Reg. Horn type Hereford
_ Bulls, 6 mos.-24 mos.. old, -at
price you can afford to. pay
Perey A: Price, Albany.

i _Some fine Heifers to freshen
jn March with ist calf, $90: to
$110 respectively. Elliotte Ag-
mew. Canon. .

Red Eng. cow; 5 yrs. old,
freshen by April. 15th, @ gal,
er over. Extra good butter cow
140 now; $150 later. 3% mi.
"4 owder. Springs. John T. Aus-
tin, Powder Cprings, Rt. 1

; Young: Jersey cow, purebred
_ but not reg. fresh_n about
Mar. 20th, $150 for quick sale:
_ Jesse Lawson, Doraville.

. Purebred Black-Angus herd:

calves, $1,500 Del. R. J. Beaty,
: Pavo, RFD 3. :

_ Reg, Hereford, horn-type
bull, about. 3 -yrs. old, $150
_ with papers. J. L. Beck, Bow-
<r a sth a ;


. Reg. GIC Sow and 8 ac Ges
OIC. Pigs, (46 wks. old) all for
$110. _ Bobby _ Peppers, Social
Circle. :

SPC: Bred Gilts, Service
Boars, and pigs, all chainp,
breeding, reasonable. price. F.
A. Bunn, Midyville.

Ay nice Shoais, 75 Ibs. or. more
at my -place.t mi. Tyus,: $15. ea.
-.O.. Barrow, Bowdon, Rt. 4.

- Reg. Hereford Pigs, out of
Rebels Miss Sensation, reg. in
buyer's. name,: $20. ea. at my
farm. Edgar Harris, - Cumming,
= Btoa :.

i Bred Gilts, out of: sows from:
Silver King: No. 210917, bred:
- to Griffith Good E. Nuff No.
219234. Gilts are blocky; short

aos type, $75. Will. ship. Frank

nF Redwine, Jr., Palmetto, Rt.
_. Purebred Blue Guinea Hogs,
6. mos. old, $35.00; also. Black
ones, cross between Black and
Blue guinea, some already bred,
$35. ea. MQ. FOB Manchester.

ye a .J. Weldon, Woodbury, Rt.

Pirenca Hamp. Boar, 350
Ibs., 11. mos: old, at my place.
Frederick Ellis, Morrow; Rt. 1.
$ PF. C. pigs for sale, reg.
. in. buyets name. M. J. Black-
mon, Pinehurst.

~ Reg. SPC Pigs, 3 mos old,
from prize winning stock. S. E.

_. fair, $25. ea. FOB. 2 Gilts, 9

mos. gold, $60. ea. All treated;
. Reg, Alton Houseworth, Jr.; Li
Dhonia, Tel. 2674.

Short nose, blocky, reg. OIC
Pigs, 3 males, 6 females, 8 wks.
old Mar. 13, $20. ea; or $21.75
ea. with papers in buyer's
name, Shipped COD. L. A. Mit-
chell, Loganville, Rf. 2.

Reg, SPC Sow, bred, good
litter each time, $40.00; Big
Bone Black Guinea Sow, not

6 cows, 3 heifers and. 2 heifer;mi. East. Newborn. M.

| Moreland Ave.

Thoroughbred OIC. Sow, 400
lbs., has 10 or 12 pigs, sell
about April 5, $75. W. E. Hayes,
Norcross, Rt. 1

12 reg. Black PC Pigs, 4 wks.
old, $20. and $25. ea; 3 PC Sows
bred for 2nd. litter by reg. PC
boar, Jan. 13, $75. ea. All inoc-
ulated for cholera, FFA prize
winning stock. Papers. William
Nelsen, Hephzibah, Rt. 2.

Reg. Duroc, fleshy tpe Pigs,
3 mos. old Mar. 25, out of lit-
ter. of 17, $20. ea. FOB crated;
also 2 boars, 6 mos. old, around
200 Ibs., $60. ea.. Ernest P. Car:
ter, Baxley.

Reg. OIC Boars, 8-mos. old,
and reg. Gilts, already bred,
for sale cheap. Alton~ Hughes,
Buford, Rt. .3.

200 Ibs. White Sow,- bred to
farrow Apr., 2 litters of 7, 1947,
$75. Trade for 2 gal. young
cow,. yearlings, feeder shoaits |
or Saanan- Milk Goats, del at
my heme. Mrs.: N. M. os

Reg. Berkshire Male, 5 mos.
old, _100:.lbs., $30. J. H. (Bill
Barnett,. Nicholson. | :

40 Pigs, also several pure-
bred Duroc. Sows, reg., ready
for breeding; and Black and
White Rabbits for sale. Otis
Myers, Washington, Rt.. 2

Reg. White Face . Hereford
boar, Yr. old. Feb, 20th,
Championship stock, $75.00;

Box . 22.

5 White Face Hereford. 3 mos.
old pigs, sub. to reg., 4 gilts
and male, $100. B. Preston we
ters, Glenny iHe, Raed <5

23" pigs, about 55. Ibs. e@a..

$12.50: ea. for lot my Fee 1
. Mor-

row, Newborn.

Young Black P. C. Pigs, $10.
ea; sows and. breeder boar, al-
SO black. Nubian milk goats, 2
of ea. Bilties, nannies
kids. Attractive price on lot.
E. C. Boykin, Ir.; West Point.

a purebred - Hereford pigs,
velea: oid; from. best of ae

females; rg., buyer a: name, $25.

Rt. <1:

Vorkshire aegn meat type)
Boar,: reg. .19 -wks old, $265.
George W.. Tyler, Atlanta, 1246
(Hwy 42),

Cry 1612. ;

Fine Harapshire Pigs,
rowed Dec, 2nd and 4th, stock
from souths leading herd;
males, $25; Females, $30. Reg:

ped. FOB.
Wray, Rt. 2.

2 Hereford Sow Pigs, 12 wks.

Wilton Harpet,

old; sound treated, to be reg: |

in buyer's. name, - $25 ea. FOB:
Mary: A. Rhyne,> White.

15 see SPC. Pigs, wt. 50-65
lbs. Call at my farm. W. M.
Brock, Arabi. Phone 4313.

Reg. OIC: Short Nose Pigs,
8-10 wks. old, out of son of
Mon Reposa Miss,
National winner, $25 a. Wee Es.
Helms, Buena Vista. Bite ee

Short Nose Blocky OIC Male
Pigs, 11 wks. eld, reg. in buy-
ers. name! Waiter ae Hughes,
Cumming, Rt. 1.

Reg.. Hamp. _ Male, 16 mos,
old, good qualities, reasonable.
Odis Duggan, Chester.

Reg. Duroc Pigs, Deep red,
blocky type, 4 mos. old, males
at batn, $25; crated $30; Gilts,
$30 at barn; $35 crated. Dbl.
treated and reg. papers. G. W.
Doolittle, Sandersville, 425. W.
Church. St.

60 thoroughbred PC Shoats,
60-100 Ibs., $12.50, $15, $20, and
$25 ea. on farms at Commerce
and Penfield Ga. M. T., Sand-
ers, Commerce.

OIC Pigs, open
boars, 4-6 mos. old, bred gilts
and sows, .bred to Grand
Champ. and Reserve Champ.
Boars of os inoculated, ready
to ship. W. H. Nix, Alpharetta.

2 reg. PC rane bred and 1

gilt- and

a Shepherd, : Pe staEsies Rt. a

reg. PC ' male. All 1 yr. old.
Billy Dalis, Buena Vista, Rt. 3:

ate litters, ;
reg. Hereford Boar, 1 yr. old,|.
out of Atlanta Boy, for same

older, reg. boar, $60. Both well |:

+| marked. R.. M. ie Conley. FOB.

and |

jwerfectly marked; Tales and |

ea. W. C. Richardson, Coal

far- Es

in buyer's name, crated; ship-|

ist prize |

Reg Hereford Pigs, 4 mos.
old, male. and female, separ-
$25 ea; Will exc.

age boar from other Cea
Milton Stearn, Ben Hilt, Rt.
Phone Ra, 2277.

5 White Face Hereford ie
Pigs. 8 wks. old, reg. in buy-
er's name, $20 ea. R. P.- Mc-
Carkle, Buena Vista, Rt. 1.

12 PC (spotted) Pigs, 8. whe:

old, $20 ea. reg. in buyers| F
name. Osborn Royal, Vienna,|~
Rt. : Fi

4, subj. to reg. SPC Male

Pigs, 5% mos; old, $30 a. FOB:

Cannot ship. FFA boy. Otis
Kersey, Pulaski. Rt. 1.

1@ reg, OIC Pigs, short nose,
blocky. males, and females, 7
wks. old 8th of Mar.,. $20 ea;
$21.75 ea. with papers. Shipped
COD. L. A: Mitchel, Logan-
ae Rt. -2.

- urebred Hampshire Male
Bigs 3 mos. old, $30 ea. FOB
roy farm 7 mi. N. E. Lakeland.
Theit mother won Ist Grand
Champ prize in Lanier Co.
Fair, R. M. Pierce, Stockton.

15 OIC Pigs, 8-11 wks. old
male and female, dbl. treated
for cholera, reg. in buyers
name, $18 ea.
10. James M. Lance, Bogart.

6-9 wks. ald OIC and PC Pigs
$10 my barn, 5 mi.. S:
Jonesboro. Alex H. Steptens,
Jonesboro, RFD.

Purebred : African Blue Guil
nea .Hogs, 6 mos. old, $35 ea.
MO. W. J. Weldon,
Woodbury, Rt. 2

SPC Pigs, 3 mos. old, males
and females, immuned and reg.,
{eo ea. R. L. Johnson, Midville.

6 wks. old pigs, Black: Afri-}
can Guinea (stay fat kind) and
PC cross $26 pr. or $12:50 ex.
Will not ship, Mrs. A, E. ene:
ers. Talbotton, Rt. 2. :

. Purebred GIC Boar
treated: for cholera. wt. 100 Ibs. |
$35. Leon Martin, Dallas, Re Fe

73. reg. Duroe -Gilts, - bred, i
yr. old, blocky type, cherry)
red, also 10-8 wks. old. pigs
from same stock, for. sale. J.
R. Roberts, ' Macon, 3 Opry: Ave:
Rt. 4. Phone. 3694 ee

Wilsons. Star Promoter, tried
and proven, purebred. Duroc
Boar, record. about 10.3 pigs
per litter, 215 yrs. old, 450. -Ibs:,
carries the blood. of 6. Natl.
Champs. Sell..or. Trade for..100]*
bu. Shuck Corn, OB. Robert

Ph W. Wilson, McBean, Care. Wil-|

son Acres.

Big Bone. Black Gites: Male
Shoat, large enough for ser!
vice, "about 100. Ubs.. $25, my
place about.3% mi. N. Brasel-
ten. Wont crate or- ship. Gay].
HE: Cooper, Braseltott,. Rt. 4,
Box 59. -

PC Shoats, $15. ea. and.
JA. Anderson, Locust Grove, |

SPC and Blue: Guinan Crosse

Pigs. Will not. ae R: L Rick-.
les, Turin. .-

aa reg. Duroc Pigs, i yrs.

mos. old; Mar. 131, $30.a.
G. Aderhold,. Culverton, Rt: 1.

Short Nose Blocky. OIC; 7
mos.. old Boar, 170-180. Ibs.,
$87. 50 crated: $85 at lot. Exe
for. same kind. Charles M.
Duffey, Carrolton, ae 3 Mtn.
Oak Farm.

' Blocky type SPC Pigs, 3 mos.
old,* 4 males and gilts, reg.
in buyer's nam, $30 ea. Life
ee Lamar Altmar, Alma,

Tor. ; Sy

Reg. SPC Pigs, fronr one of
So. Ga.s leading rg. herds,
the best. kind that feeds well.
W. B. Leverette, Tifton.

Hereford Pigs, reg. buyer's} xq
name, tops- in bloodlines, eh
rect from nerthern stock, May
15th Ded. Pictures of sire and
dam furnished. $25 ea. COD.
Booking _ orders. J.C. Buyers,
Whitesburg, Rt. 1.

SPC Pigs, 11 wks. old, exc.
bloodlines, well marked;, reg.
buyers name, treated, crated,
$25. ea. FOB. Mrs. L. W. Seago,
Pinehurst, Rt. 1.

SPC pigs, both sex, from best
of bloodlines, 3. mos. old, $25 ea,
Reg. buyer's name. FOB. Fred)
Cs Seago, eee a f

if sold by Mar.


SPC Pigs, 8 wks. ol: reg. in
buyers name, $20 ea. FOB.
Edgar Shipp, Jr., Americus.

males and males, 6 wks. - old,
, | $25. ea. Reg. Buyers name.

| Howard Thaxton, Philomath.

Reg. bred Hereford sow (has |
brought two litters) 8 and. 11]

pigs to litter, treated, crated

and ship COD, $110.: Sat. guar.

Letters- ans. Leonard Flaming,
Hartwell, Rt. 2. :

Full. blooded, blocky type
cherry red Duroc Jersey. male,
no bad habits, Reg..wt. 300-400

Ibs., $70. or 20c Ib; also30 bu. |:

90: day running Velvet beans,
$5. bu; 50 Ibs., cannon ball.-or
B. Diamend watermelon seed,

75c Ib. W. A. Moore, Haddock, | p

Rt. i.

Duroc Jersey pigs, 12 wks.
old,. blocky type, $25. ea. reg.
buyers name FOB. Ship any-
where but crates. to be ret. at
my~ expense. W.
Davisboro, Rt. 2, Box 2:

Big bone and black African
Guinea cross pigs, $10. ea; also
No. 2 three roller Syrup mill,

1}$20., 24 in. pulley, $8. At my

barn. A. B. Blalock, Alto.

SAS OIC pigs, 10 and 13 wks.
Jold, short nose, blocky type,
treated for cholera, reg. buyers
name, $20: ea. sold after March
10th. James Lance, Bogart.

_ 8 wks. old P. C. Pigs, 10. ea:|

Jersey Milch Cow, Ist. calf, (10
days old) $90.,.7 jx. old Mare,

'1350 Ibs., work. anywhere, $150. |

at my Hine, 5 thi. S. Haneville
on U. S. Hwy. ae -M. R. Queen,
Riverdale, Rt.. = z

- Booking a Essex. pigs,: %

April. 10th; del., not reg. $20.}'
ea. Reg. buyers name, $22. ea.
J.-H. Moss, Lula. -

Be 2ee SALE mee

Farm Mule, good cond. work] pp
ahy where; - also OIC: Male Hog,
about: 10@ Ibs., and 1-Holstein |

and Jersey: mixed Heifr, due

-|fteshen about Apr. 6, at my. a
Dank |?

place. 3 mii, - Yonah.
Shockley, Alto, Rt. 1

4 yr. old Brown Mare, 1100-

Reg. Hereford pigs, 2ea. fe- L

D. Askew, |.



Red mare, 6 yrs.
cond., work baedizene
good: $75. cash, at

Guinea. J. C. ane
Grove, Rt. dee

Good gentle
work anywhere, _
cow or yearlin,
Elberton, Rt. 6

Young _ Belgian Sta
nice Jack, fee fo:
$2.50. down pa Y
when foal arrives. At-m
1% mi. |

10. yr. ola Mare Mule
lbs., work any whe
Exc for corn, hay hogs
Jer, Rigdon, Alma,

Very fine Black
in forehead,
around 1000 Ibs, ;
where, gentle, reasonable,
Roy Peck, Gaines

3 Black Mare M

or Young Mares a
real cheap; Als

Bone Guinea cross wit
Shoats aiid Pigs for Be
Fritts, Washingt
Box 127, College

Black horse;
work and. ride,
Red Horse, 12 yi
Ybs., $65; Mare Mul
12 yrs. old, $100;
Machine, $100 Goo
Cc Williams, Coch n.

1206 Ibs., gentlc, proke to drive'tins o&

AS Ww. Raumtusser, Ellenwood.

. Extra nice mares, 1. colt and.
saddle horse. Sell. or trade for|
[cows or yearlings; also 10 good |
pigs, $10. eas. few. nice. shoats. |,
Well. worth the. money, at my |
farm. P. E. Alford, Gamesvite:.

Phone 1516 or. 1045" W.

eae mules, -1000- Ibs. eas and Hex

| Plug Mule, about 700 lbs., on

McElroy, Ra. J. fe _ Tett,: Dora- |.
Up. ville: :

Singath: Mouth. Mule;
tbs... and 2 H Wagon, good
cond. Charlie. B. Rabun, Bre-
mien, ots oS Box, Aa

Farm | Horse, _ good rider, 8
ald, works well; 1200 ibs.
Sell or tead for small gentle
mare. M. T. Cox, Morrow.

: Saddle Mare for. ale or trade
for anything can use: I. D. Mas-
rsey, Doerun, Rt. 2,

2 good mules. for quick sale
Jat $350. pr.-W. a. ede Fort
Valley. '

Black Mare, 8 yrs. old, 800-
850 Ibs., $75. at my. place, t 1/2
mi. "College Park. Roosevelt
Hwy: nar Browns. Gro..- Store,

IG. L. Posey, Cyitee Park. Ph. |

Ca. 1365.

Mare Mule, 8 yrs. old, at my
place % mi. Austell, on. S. RR.
..B. Smith, Austell. ..

Good Mule cheap for cash,
at once. Herman Moore, How-
ard, RFD 1.

. Gray Mare Mule, large work
anywhere, good cond., $200. S.
-C. Noland, Atlanta, 161 one
St, N.W.

Black Mare Piece 9 yrs.. old,
1200-1300 Ilbs.,. guar to work
anywhere, practically new 1H
wagon, with all plow tools,
$300, T. C. Davis, Atlanta, 1608
Woodland Ave. S. E. Rt 3
PhoniCy -3%68.-55 24) Re


( Danville.

|red Shetland mal pon

for. sale. Euliott ~

A. -E. nae Li
Brown's: Mil Klon ke

- Black. Wont atte
Ibs., gentle, sound,
where to anything, $100.
barn, at once. Tro,

6 ue ola, 5 gait


Lyons in city limits.
field, _ Lyons, Rai-/2

Team of Horses,
work anywhere, $25
ery Cutaway Harrow,
Fred Burkholder, Kenesa
f or

Mare, 11 yrs. old,
work anywhere, $85.01
H Wagon and Stalk
sale. Clint Bria:
Rte 3.

_ Mare Mule, 1- Oliy
Plow and 1 Hamon
ade 4

~~ FOR SALE ees

6 yrs. old, $200.00;
850. Both in good

es Horse,
Ibs., $85. Joe H.|
ord, Grovestown, Reet;

Je, 1100 Ibs., some age
worker, $35. Or trade
ves or pigs. eee J.
tley, Fayetteville, Rt.

Gray Mare. Mule, a
old, 1150 Ibs., good
, for sale. Claude Morris,
ville, Rt 21

eg. Tenn. Walking Gelding,
bert by Joe Allen, 4 yrs.
entle, fast walker, won-
antation horse, 16 1/2}.
high, wt. 1200 Ibs. G. R.
n, Dunwoody, Atlanta, Ch:

Wd mare work horses,
extra nice, work any-
Also, 1 Stallion for sale.
mala. Fayetteville, Rt.

_ Aged Mule,
Gerald -
Duluth, Rel;

< rse Mule, 1000 Ibs., 10
s. old, $125., Good Mare

R. Crook, Ft. Val-
| Phene 2904.

young gas $12 at my

pi gee Jind. ce eon

. for eee Goa same
older. Or will y dif-
ae Bell, ar LADNS,

shipped en
Seber "Rockmart,
xX. 1147, :

Grade Saanan Dee, fresh
, 2nd kidding; 2-3 ats.,
Nub.-Tog. Doe, Freshen
Mar. 15 for -Ist time,
not ship.: oT De Strick-
hlonega, Rt. 4. 314 mi.
iwy 9.

ine youn. Kid Goats,
e with wattles at throat,
s old Tog. milk type, and
ioe ee Speer,


ioe, freshen Mar. 3ist,
C. W. Gillespie, Com-
1S. Victoria St.

d Buck Kids for sale
15, from reg. Saanan Milk
Grady A. Panter, Dial.

- Saanan (ong and
air) Does freshening
_ 15, and- Saanan

stock. Will
ip. See at Graham Acres,
iesda Home for Boys.
Ave.. L. V..Graham,

1 Milk Goat, freshen
gal. daily when fresh,
s. old, $15 FOB. Fred
Carrollton, Rt. 2:

. at my place.
en Hill (Telt Rd.), Ra.

W. Harper, Ocilla, Rt. 1.

| summer, cheap for quick sale.

}So. US Hwy 41.)

: Will, not ship eee.

rS.13.50 pr; Bucks, $1.25 ea. Exp.

Mink pe }

exp. in both, Must have 3R
house, elec., wood and water.
Have 12 yr. old boy. Must be
moved. W. A._ Patterson, Mor-
row, Rtel.:

Young married man, no child-
ren, wishes work on farm, do
not drink, can handle tractor,
exp. any type nursery-or land-
iscaping or plant farming. Her-
man Davis, Sparta. ;

23 yr. old Bapt.: preacher,
born, raised on farm wants job
on farm. Have 5 mos. old baby.
No . disabilities, not afraid of
work. Exp. farm machinery ex-
cept tractor. Prefer within 50
mi. Atlanta. Edward Murphy,
Augusta, 2065 Ellis St.

Want job with larger farmer.
Drive truck, look after stock,
keep up farm machinery and
bldg. 35 yrs. old, healthy, hfe
time exp. Live in or out. Aus-
tin Waldon, Moultrie, Rt.. 5.

Want dairy work, 14 yrs. exp.
Have boy 14 yrs. old to work}3
before and after school. Can
milk 40 cows, use surge milk-
ers. Am 38 yrs. old, no bad
habits. H. E. Ginn, Milledge-
ville, Rt. 4, Box 141.

World. War Vet, 50 yrs. old,
white, single, wants job on
farm. prefer trucking, garden-
ing er Caretaker;
water powered Grist. Mill for
corn or other feeds. Fair health.
No. hard labor. Make offer. Ar-
-chie M. Steen, Atlanta, 353 Pul-
liam St. S. W.

Want light work on farm
with: good, honest people, with
room, board and reasonable
salary at once. Mrs. J. Buler,
Rocky Ford, Rt. 2.

Family of 8, white, 6 to
work, 3 tractor operators or
plow hands, want work on farm
for wages or -satisfactory share
|basis. Have to be moved. So.
Ga. preferred. New 3-4 RB.
house. Jimmy Beard, Atlanta,
Care Techwood Theater, 132
North Ave. N. Ww.

Single: man wants light work
on poultry farm: Room, board,
laundry and.small salary..D. Ww.
Sutton, Atlanta, 900 So. . apo
St. S.-W.

Good, leak ese! willing : te
work X-GT and wife want job
en farm, working with stock,
or 1 H. crop, at least 20 acres,
50-50 basis, under GI Bill, Pol
or .Floyd Co. preferred. Write

Nubian-Tog. cross Milk Goats
1 Doeling not bred, 1 Billy 8
mos. old, 2 does, freshen im-
mediately, 1 doe freshen Apr.
25. Sell cheap. See.. Mrs. Need

Purebred Tog. Buek Kids,
ready for service- by early
H. .D. Guthrie, Pine Lake,
POB 82. E

Reg. purebred Nubians, 1
fine buck, red and black, fine
doe, tan, and black doe as. "good,
all ae. 5. qt bloodlines. Sac-
zifice. F. E. Grubbs, Demorest.

Several nice milk goats, Nu-
pian, all freshen next few
weeks, $15, $20, and $30. Ph.
3-6130 or see. C. R. Harris,
Midland. ,

2 :trceks milk goats and 4
young billy goats for, sale: M.
S. McCurry, Atlanta, 358 Glen-
wood Ave S. E.

Fresh Milk Goat, 1 gal. daily,
also yard eggs for sale. Orders
taken for reg. Saanan Kids.
W. J. Sumlin, Atlanta, 730
Grand Ave. N.W. Phone Be.

Some milk goats, some now
milking, some freshen March.
Reasonable, my place, 1 mi.
}Toecoa, out Atlanta Hwy. J.
S. Meeks, Toccoa, RFD 1.

2 does: Toggenburg, fresh
Feb. 20th, 4 aqts., $30; Other,
Nubian-Tog., cross, - freshen
March. Priced right. S. R.
Lynds, Valdosta, Rt. 3. (7 mi.

3 Young lk - goats: 2 aes
freshen in week or so, 1 young, |
grown Saanan_ buck, horniless,
| gently, $40 or $15 ea. Trade for
| equal | value. Mrs. Agnes Shed-
-| dan, College Park. Rt. 2, -

Tog. nannie, not. pred, fat
enough to eat, $10- FOB my
place. E. oe Seay, eg
at 22. er @


NZW Rabbits, from ~ ped.
stock, 8 whks.-3 1/2 mos. old,

col. Mrs, Otis Mashburn; eae
ming, Rt. 5.

NZW Rabbits, $1.50 ea; Pr.,
, | $3. Exp. Col. Mrs. W. P. Mar-
tin, Donalsonville, Rt. 3.

- 2 NZR Bred Does, 6 1/2 mos.:
old, $5. ea; NZR Bred Does, 14
mos. old, $6. ea; 4 mos.-old NZR
$5. pr. All from reg. stock..
FOB. Fred .Vandiver, Elberton, :
Box 312.

Large English Male Guinea |
Pigs, 5 females, bred, $15.00;
Also Mammoth - Russian Sun-
flower Seed, 2 oz., $2. 50. But- |driving car, tractor, etc. No. Ga.
ler Smith, Roy. _|preferred. Earnest A. Nichol-

Pure White English Cavies,
$5. pr; trio, $8. Mrs. Belle
Joiner, Soperton, Rt. 2.

2 NZW Does, 10 mos. old,
$3.50 ea; NZW Doe, 18 mos. old,
$4.00; NZW Buck, 1 yr. old, $3.
All ped. stock. J. W. Wilcox,
Jr., LaGrange, 612 Hines St.

12 wks. old Chinchilla Rabbit,
ped, buck, $5. or exc. for: ped.
Chinchilla De. Frank ees

Rt.. 1, on Rome-Aragon Rd.
Care A. H. MeBryde.

Single man, 21, sober, wants
farm, doi: light - farm chores,
home with elderly couple .or

ry Hill Rd.)

White man, wife, 3 children
|wants job on dairy located
redge of good town. Operate
milking machines, etc. for
house and salary.. Wm. R:

Want 2 H. crop, 50-50 basis.
Self, 2..boys and girl to work.
Have to be furnished. No. Ga.

Ss preferred. Fred. Nicholson,
re. er Rome, Rt. 5. a
urebre ng. ngoras, : :

d h 52 yr: old. man wants job on

ready to, shear, $25. or $5. ea. farm,. for. board. washing.

Four does and. 2 bucks. M. X.

Rabo. Aeere Rt. sash kinds farming and farm ma-

chinery. Strictly sober. Furnish
best of ref. Z. L. Anderson,
Bowdon, Rt. 3, Care Z. H. An-


Want Sev. colored doe rab-
bits, also want several guineas.
State age color and price. T. F.
Daniel, Statham, Rt. 1. Box 142.

pr. Lambs, just weaned or lit-
tle older, not too wild. Must be
reasonable. Price your farm.
J. T. Holmes, Meridian.

27 yr. old man wants job on
truck farm or dairy near Sa-
vannah preferred. Answer at
once. F. E. Johns, Jr., Savan-
nah, 612 Barnard St.

55 yr. old- man, in_ good
health wants job taking care
stock and other light work on
farm, quiet home and wags.
Exp. also carpenter work. W. Ji
Lawrence, College Park, 203 E.
Mercer Ave, CA 9008.

Want . job.
power Grits. Mill in good farm


Want job looking after cat-.
e and hogs or turpentine. Can.
work .3-4. boxes: Begin by Mar.
26th. a (se emia: Lenox,

lanta, P. oO. Box 200.

Dee Pe Nat ios x

Want job, on farm or dairy, |

.can operate |

i burn, Rt.

or see E: A: Digsby, Aragon.

son, Rome, Rt.5, Box 407 (Ber-

Thompson, Bolton, Box 135. .

Raised on farm. Exp. most all.

running water

community. 620 .yFs. Xp., 7 also.
keep: in* repairs. C.:Gunn, ) At-


2. young men want jobs on
farm, looking after cattie, etc.,
can also. drive truck and
tractors. Write Billy Harden,
Chatsworth, or C. L. Burgess,


Want two croppers on halves
for farm at Penfield. Good land,
good house, good school and
churches; also want 1 tractor
driver. Pay good wages. See
Comer McNeeley, Penfield or
M. T. Sanders, Commerce.

Want good reliable middle-
aged col. woman to do light
work on farm; milk 1 cow. $25.
mth. Room and board with me,
wife and 10 yr. old child. Write
at once. Mrs. D. W. Galloway,
Hogansville, Rt. 3.

Want middleaged or older
woman to do light .work on
farm. Room, board and salary.
Gorlee M. Brantley, Alma,. Rt.

Want young white man for
dairy work with small family,
$25. wk.,; furnish 2 qts: milk
daily and. new 2 R house with
running water. See. H. C. Mec-
Elroy, Decatur, Rt: 2. Or Cail
Crescent 4496.

Want colored share cropper
for large 1 H crop. House, gar-
den, woods, elec. lights, wages,
rations, on school and mail He
Come to Storers Ranch -
Chattahoochee River. S. S.
Storer, Douglasville.

Want 1 H farmer on halves
and do extra farm work when
not in crop. S. C. Jones, Fair-

_ Want reliable family, white
or col. for 1H farm, 50-50 basis,
pay daily wage for extra work.
Good land and equipment, 3R
house, mail and scheol bus Rt.
1 1/2 mi. Watkinsville _and
churches. G. W. Darden, Wat-
kinsville. |

Want*white or col. turpentine
family with boys large enough
to chip or dip 8000. good run-
ning trees; 50-50 basis. Good
house. Close to school Rt. M:
|G. Henderson, Mershon, Rt. 1.

Want good man to work
jturpentine on halves or work
by the barrel for reasonable
salary. Will furnish good ten-
fant house. J.. F. Miller, Rocky
Ford, Box 205, Rt. 2..

work on farm. Nice privet room
and reasonable salary. No ob-
jections to 1 or 2 children.
Write. Miss Elouise Powell,
Americus, Rt. 2, Box 66.

Want white or col. family for
.work on farm near Atlanta:
Elec. lights, 5 R house. Monthly
salary and milk furnished. On
School and Mail Rt. Dr. Dew-
ey T. Nabors, Atlanta, 330
Doctors Bldg. Phone Ma. 2646.

Want white woman to live as
one family and do light work
on farm, $30. mth., board and
room. At once. Mrs. James
Queen, Ellijay. i

Want small family for truck
farming on shares, and. grow
corn crop; work together. Good
water and land. Prefer honest
and reliable people. Write or
see. Dan Grizzle, Dahlonega, Rt.
3. ;

Want middleaged woman to
help with gardening and care
for livestock. Mrs. P. E. Thorn-
ton, Avondale Estates. Phone
Atlanta Cre F285.

Want farmer for 1, 2, or 3
H farm, good land, fairly good
house, 3rdgs and 4ths or stand-
ing rent. J. M. Day, oes
Box 1183.

Want young white married
man to work on farm in Cobb
Co. for wages payable semi-
monthly. Good proposition. See:
M. S. Woodward, Atlanta, 3905
Tuxedo Rd. N. W. Tel. Ch.
8832. .

Want iiddicenca bent man
and wife ato raise vegetables,
look after chickens*and:cows.


15R house, good outbldgs. paved

| ple.
Want nice woman to do light,

Want reliable country raise
woman fer light chores on fi

No milking. Have elec, $3
._ Let

Want middleaged white.
man to do light farm chores
Salary and good farm home in
Forsyth Co. between Sharon
and Brookwood. Churches.
C. Bagley, Suwanee, Rt. 1.

Want elderly, single whit

man, thoroughly exp. in oper:
tion and upkeep of grist. mi
Board, room, and salary. C. C.
Draughon, Pelham, RFD 3.

Want man to grow cotton on
50-50 basis. Good house with
elec., good and, mail Rt. and
school bus Rt. land ready to
plant. Alonzo Paulk, Jl wee ;

Want 1 man or wiitht family
to work turpentine on 50-50 :
basis, cups already up. Good
house with elec., on mail and
bus rt. Quinton Paulk, Wray.

Want farmer for 2H Crop,
3rds and. 4ths, good 4 R house, ~
well on porch, elec., barn, pas-
ture, plenty wood, ~ orchard,
School and mail Rt. 30 mi. Ma-
rietta. Write. Frank L. Dob} s_
Kennesaw, Rt. 1.

Want 3 families good at fare :

work. Desirable locate
houses, pay, and good tn aN
ment. F. B. Jackson, Wrigh

Want good man for 2 H farm,
50-50: basis, or 3rds and 4ths.;

Hwy., and lights. Write. Larry
McDaniel, Atlanta, 145_ Luckie ;
St. N.-W.

Want white family for gen- :
farm work. Good 5 R house,
elec. lights, running water, -
school bus and mail Rt. in
good white community. Revue
work with good pay: Good
proposition for one willing to
work. W. E. Sutton, Foe

Want reliable party. to ih.
nance self to raise corn, pea-
nuts, and truck crops. I hav
Jand and equip. Single and G
training preferred. J. .J. Prew--
ett, Albany, Box 599, Rt. 3.

Want farmer for 1 or 2 H
crop on 3rds. and 4ths.,. 4R
house, elec., * wood, water, and
pasture, on Hwy., school and
mail Rt. See: I. J. Holder. ee


Want farmer for 1H crop, 50- ;
50 basis, on mail and school
bus Rt. F. H. Porter, Eaew

Want nice reliable white man, s
sober, not over 50 yrs. old, -for
work on farm located in city
limits. Board and $1.50 or $2.

daily. R. N. Hagan, Sr. Bre-_

men, Rt. 1, Box 2 A.

Want single man to live as_
one of family. Must be in. good
health and clean habits, $8:00
weekly and must be able to.
handle all farm work. Start at
once. Wire or write. ee Cc.
Brinson, Whigham. a, ea

Want middleaged col. Sopot
raised on farm for farm lo-
cated 20 mi. Atlanta, good
house with garden and will
help feed.. Woman to do part.
time work. Good wages with
good people. Must have -refers
ences..Call De. 3996. Mrs. Mer
rill. Wilson, Atlanta, 1296 Em-
ory Rd..

Want farmer, white or col.
to work 1 H crop, 50-50 basis,
at once. C. J. Mobley, Conyers.

Want reliable party on halves
for 300 A. farm on Chatta-
hoochee. Two 4 R. houses, elec.,
School bus, North Fulton. 2
new tractors, mules, imple-
ments, plenty bottom and up-
land. Act immediately. . Write
only, giving best ref. H. N. As-
bury, Atlanta; 1184 Reeder
Circle, N. E. :

Want farmer for 1 or (2 A
crop :on 3rds. and 4ths.. 4 R.
house, elec., wood;:water= and
pasture,.on Hwy. Mail vand
school bus. Rt. Se. -I.. J. -Hol-

Jas. A. Manry, Fortson, RFD.

derm, Temple.



: ae small, farm. J.
; arts Rt. 4.

yoman, 30-45 yrs.
; work | on farm, for good home;

38 mis. 2 Be

' Turkeys,

~ back,

33rd St.

mise furnished;



~ (Continued from Gane Gue)

worth by our government

I mean since the end:of the war, and I
mean since Russia had begurr over-run-
ning the other: small countries: around
her, and I mean we are still doing it.

-~Now these


* Want young couple, no child-
ren, to live in home, with bach-
elor and work for wages on.
F, Little, bass

- Want farmer on 50-50 basis
fory3.H. crop, 3. or.4 steady |.
gober workers, good land, 4 R.
house, Elec: lights 2 good . fast

les, Farmall tractor, plant-

bg. and cultivating equipment.
Ret. furnished and required.
~R..0. Rovers, Forsyth, Rt. 3.

work | on farm; home with all
conveniences with : -couple. Mrs.
C. Hughes, Flowery Branch,
Rt 3.

Want at once, unencumbered
for light

room, board and $10. week. J.
&B. Mosley, Austell.

t Want working partner for
Cattle and Hog: farm. Plenty
land and resources to develop;:
on Hwy. 80 at Jeffersonville,
Macon. Good
churches. For - details,
W. G. Huff, Macon,

see. Mrs.

. 456 Orange St.

+ Want farmer

for 16d" A;
100 A. open, Ber-
muda pasture, wood, water
-elec.,. phone, in suburbs Jet-
fersonville on Hwy. 80 Shares
or standing rent; also want
healthy, good country woman
itto live with 2 adults and do
tight work on farm. Miss Pearl
Solomon, Macon, 479 Orange St.
Apt. 6.
Want contact party to raise
I furnish the old
turkeys.and other party furnish
the feed.and give me_ half
raised and my old _ turkeys

next November.
Soroughs, Sr., Savannah, 302 W.

teactor farm,

be Will give rent free to rliable
Ex-GI or other settled party
or couple; smalk place, small
fhouse, elec. lights, running wa-
ter, garden, chicken yard,
flowers, etc., in exch, for some
Pe time work... Contact. Miss
M. Maddox, Stone Mountain,
O. Box 297, Phone 3591.

* siaiit farmer for good 1 H.
erop, 50-50 basis, about 10 A.
good creek bottom.;on school

figured upa vast scheme to grab billions
- of dollars out of the American farmer
and the American taxpayers under. the
_ guuse of feeding hungry people through
_ the so-called Marshall Plan, but actual-
y most of this money is a steal by such

fous Rt. near church, 3. mi.
town, good 3 R. house. J. S.
Robinson, Bowdon, Rt. 2.

Want man to operate Dairy, |
also farm some. H. L. Sher-}
wood, McDonough, Rt. 3. |

Want man, alone, to tend|
patches and do extra odd farm

chores. T. J. Wayne, Buford,
Rt. 2. |
_ Want reliable, peaceful work- |
er for 1 H. crop on halves. a
-R. house, pasture and wood |

want 10 A, in

ton, plenty corn land. Must be

@ood' worker. Write or come

mi. Ea. Buford on Buford-

Mhompson Mill Rd. J. H. Mob-;
y, Buford, Ra. 2..

cot- |



crieruannna| ov
Br others;

. tional combines,

corpor ations
to Russia and
States News-World Report;

There. are. two: itemsone. from

4 nesbur 2. Africa, Brussels,.

national business.
headed, Growth

Price Dip. to Agriculture.

of Africas

Growth of Africa s World E

Build-up. of Africa i is- wuwdee way. _ Things 3 are boom-
ing. Money is Pourne in to speed ppedietion: of raw
materials. ers

~ Shortage of U, 3%. doliars i is partly ceponsible Brit-

ain, others want to develop Africa. . 30 they can cut

buying. i in U.S.

. Military phonies enters. in, too; Uranium: tin, cop-

per. nepoett: all become important if cold war turns |.s

- Want white. woman for light!.. . * etre: i pein ate Be ; Vapi

ye f
i ~ Africa now is bustling with the. Bigheat boom in its history.
New indusiries are mushrooming. Old ones are. expanding. Dams,

highways, railways and big mechanized fens. are being: de-
veloped all over the continent.

More. is coming. Britain and her lotion alone are io. Sond
close to $1,500,000,000 on development and welfare projects in.
Africa, between. now and 1958. Private investors are. pouring
billions into the Union of South Africa, the Belgien Congo

and other areas.

Basis of the boom is an intensive search & copes colonial.
powers for new sources of raw materials and food. Desperately

short of dollars, European nations are anxious to reduce their de-
pendence on America as a supplier. They can pay for goods
from Africa in :their money and save dollars for other things.

Feeding the boom, tight now,: is the military planning of
Europe and the United States. Africa is to become a huge
base: for armed: operations into Europe if trouble comes with
Russia. Also, countries anxious to get at supplies of strategic
war materials are willing to pay high prices now to aeyeion

sources in Africa. Here is what is going on:

In the Union of South Africa, 3,721 new companies were
formed last year, with a capital of nearly $400,000,000. In pro-
cess of development is a synthetic-oil industry that will use the

countrys enormous coal deposits for raw material. The Domin-

ions steel industry, which now produces 500,000 tons a year, |

is being expanded, with the aim of making South Africa self-
sufficient in steel by 1950.

Many of the new firms are branches of U. Si companies or
have some U. S. money in them. Americans have an estimated
$100,000,000 invested in Sovth Africa and are putting more in
all the time. Trade with the U. S. is brisk. The Dominion
bought 45,000 cars last year and expects to buy 60,000 this

Uranium deposits, not yet worked, promise another source of
wealth, as.development of atomic energy progresses. -

The Belgian Congo also is riding the crest of a boom, As
the worlds biggegst source of uranium, the colony is getting
increasing attention from the Uz. S..Under an agreement with

Cost of Price Dip to Agricul ltu

Loss OF $4,400,000,000 IN 1948 EARNINGS -

Farmers lose $4, 400.000, 200-5 In income if - pics satay

Buying by focaele will th affected by lawar prices.
Farmers, even so, will. have- money for . large scale

Price drop of $5,200,000,000 more could occur be-
fore all farm commodities hit levels of price support
by Government. 3 :

Drop in farm income starts from a record high.

The greatest boom ever enjoyed by American farmers show
indications of ending with the break that has occurred in prices
of farm products. Agricultural prices and agricultural income
reached a peak during January, 1948.

Price declines during February knocked about $4,400,000,000
off farm income on an annual basis. Those declines also blew
about $4,000,000,000 from the value of inventories of crops and
livestock held by farmers.

Farmers, as a result, know that they have been hit by

| something. Yet farm income, by any past standard, remains at

record levels. Unless prices fall further, the net cash income
of farmers in 1948 may be larger than it was in 1947. Valuei
of inventories on farms still is much higher than a year ago.
Farmers have on hand cash, bank deposits and war bonds. tM
five times as much in amount as ee had in 1940, -

a ate aie per rdket ys


Unilever and other: interna- -

T have before me copy of The United.
a Pages 22
and 27of the February 1948 edition.
London, England and Washington, D.C.
This report shows how the Marshall
Plan money will be used by big inter-
The first. report is.

The second report is, Cost of

"| Eventually it is to cover 3,250,000 sete

| nuts a year.

proved to handle larger ships. Altogether, 38,0

things in America. SRR eae eee

ment. It would lead to a drop of 20 to 25 per cent in
purchases of automobiles, trucks and general merchand

' were heading for the sky.

levelwill have a bit more than the $30'345,000-000


. ae erie in ea an
lands: ee
_Sonee will not


nationalists a are ae Amer
for their own benefit and n
gry women and children in Europe


=C Jommissioner of Agric


Belgium, the U. 3. buys all: th ni ian the: Some
Output increased tremendously du ny 2h

Exports now are 40. percent
ume, and are ath:

Dollars earned by sale of these commodi on. hal
Belgium one of the few. pros

ay ia as another: cenier- -of
of coal, iron, and chrome are to
tric Rower tor. abe. oEnan

It will be financed can eh 2 5
by Jocal resources. Object is to indu trii

together are to invest a
eight years. The money will b
transportation, health con
vate interests are putting $3:
ment. In one of the West Africi
$400,000 corporation is being Seosulsea to toe r
The money is matter y. from local sou

monds. All of these aes a can . di are %
And what's leit over can be sold in| Am rica for b ad
In East Africa, the British are putting 100 00,
gle venturea vast, mechanized farm, larges

produce large quantities of peanut oil, w!
have to be bought in America. Withi
expected to be in full preanenes: raisin

More than 100 crite of Aiea line will be buil to os
new plantation an outlet to the coast, whe:

spent on railway, port and road construction in
the peanut project.

The French colonies. in Birice also have develop
but actual progress is. slow now. because funds are scarce.
pletion of projects for increasing wheat uction|
orth Africa and cotton in the eens. au an wou

; On the basis of past experience, a price deck 18
that has occurred would lead to a drop of 15 to 20
farmer. purchases of machinery, tractors and other farm

time, however, individual farmers are so well off and _
of a buying mood, with unsatisfied wants so great,
farm, market may be much less affected than it wo
been by a comparable crack in a previous period.

The farm boom, in fact, is one that has to be viewed -
cold figures to be understood in its true size and scops
boom reached its climax in January of this ree aS

Cash income of farmers in January flowed at an
of $35,100,000,000. The chart on the next page shows
compares with other periods. Back in 1940, farm
was $9,100,000,000, and that was regarded as a fairly g
The break in prices this month lopped off about $4.400.0
income on an annual basis. Even so, if there is no fa
in prices, farmers during 1948assuming a _ hig!

had last yearwhich was a year of all-time-high oe

Outgo of farmers for oer costs, for wag!
terest and ot 2 $16,200,000,0 OOF
ary. | At pro} aig r

Prices of a few |
also w,
