Farmers and consumers market bulletin, 1942 July 8





Phere has been so much effort to muddy the water and

vent a clear understanding of. parity and ceiling prices that
eat part of the reading public is very much confused.

When you go into a house you walk on the floor and the

You cannot go any lower than the floor nor can you go
any higher than the ceiling.

When we say that a floor has been placed on the price
a commodity we mean that the price of that commodity can-


| Pisase turn to last page for recipe
for baking peaches.

Th Georgia Market Bulletin belongs to the farmers of the

tate. It is paid for entirely by the farmers and does not |
co t other taxpayer a nickel.

F resh F ruits and A Veccbice

July 3, 1942. Atlanta

$ .60-$1.00
50- 1.50
$0: 90
Tes 185
.25- .50
ib- 20,
1.00- 1.50.
1.00- 1.50
1.15- 1.40
25- 50
50- .90
-75- 1.00
1.25- 1.50
25- 3.25

eons (Lima), bulk per. bu.
Beans (Snap), per bu. hprs.
eets, per doz. bunches. .
intaloups, bulk per bu.
llards, per doz. bunches
Corn (Green), per doz. ears
Cucumbers, per bu. hprs.
kra, per bu. hprs.
mions (Dry), per 50 lb. sacks
Peaches, bulk per bu.
Peas (Field), bulk per bu.
Squash, per bu. hprs.
et Potatoes, bulk per bu.
omatoes, repacks, 50- 1b. certs, unwrapped,
Tu nip Salar, per bu. hprs. 2...

_ price.
mills cease buying except to supply their needs from day to day

Ww ermelons, each .20- -40


Following are quotations by wholesale dealers in Atlanta and other cities (FOB. points mentioned) as furnished by the State Bureau of Markets. - Prices
nly, Grades B and C and Current Receipts (yard run) are quoted by wholesalers from 2c to 5e per dozen below these -

quoted are for Georgia Grade A eggs 0

Eggs, Large, White, Grade A, Doz. Be ee ts
Eggs, Medium, Grade A, Doz, _-________
ggs, Small, Grade A, Doz, ________.
r.ens, Col., 444 Ibs. 9 ates +
Hens, Leghorn, lb. .
Roosters, Ib.


That is the floor or the bo

not go any owen than that figure.

~When.a ceiling price has been fixed on a cpnunouie th
means that the price cannot go any higher than me ihe T
ceiling is the top price.

The floor is the bottom price. The ceiling is the top p ce

Actual parity for cotton today as provided in the A YI:
cultural Adjustment: Act is aound 35c per pound. A minim
ceiling price on cotton in the Bill creating the office of Price X

-ministrator is around 22c per pound.

_This means that the Price DN dairistentor can fix a ceilin:
at 22c on cotton. 22c is 13 cents less than actual parity.
Under the price control law Henderson is authorized
fix a ceiling on cotton at 13c less than parity.
ose Le fixing of a ceiling does not guarantee the farmer tha
the ceiling price will be paid. The fixing of a ceiling mer

guarantees that the price will not be higher than the ceiling


As the market price approaches the ceiling price evel 'y
factor of the market becomes bearish and prevents a rise in t ne
As the price of cotton approaches the ceiling price, the

There is no incentive for mills to stock up cotton aroun
the ceiling price because they know that cotton will not go an
~~ Speculators on the Cotton Exchanges sell cotton as. i ap-
proaches the ceiling. No. man would buy cotton near the ceil-

(Continued on Fase Two)

Livestock Sales, Georgia Auction


Bacar received at this office show. following average prices paid

. for No. 1-hogs at the Live Stock Auction Markets named: _
ee few July 3, 1942. Per. cwr
June 25Valdosta $s
- June 26Cordele
June 29Sylvester |
June 30Arlington
June 30Macon
July 1 vVidalia

June 25Valdosta ee

June 26Cordele
June 29Sylvester
June 30Arlington
June 30Macon- :
July 1Albany
July _1Vidalia

-12.00- 12.50
10.30- 11.00.
11.00- 12.50
12.00- 12. 60

= 12.10.


Always subject to variation, ae


July 3, 1942.

i Columbus


30 | Second-Hand Muehincey Wanted Sah 2
-18 } Second-Hand Machinery for Sale 2 -
-16 | Incubators and Brooders for Sale__ 2 |
10 | Flowers and Seed for ene =. eae Bee
16 | Seed for Sale Se ee
24 | Corn and Seed Corn for Sale ae
-12 | Beans and Peas for Sale Se ee
10 | Plants: for Sale = 6 = 9-3 |

20 Miscellaneous Wanted

eld peas, mixed, bu. eee =
eld peas, not. mixed, bu. {=

Miscellaneous For Sale
Honey Bees and Bee Supplies
Fresh and Cured Meats for Sale __ 3



- Sweet potatoes, Per 100 Ibs.



Fruit and Butter for Sale
Grain and Hay for Sale
Potatoes and Vegetables for Hee

~ Peanuts and Pecans for Sale

T50. 1.75 | Syrup for Sale


Cabbage, (Green), Per 100 lbs.


Eggs for Sale

150. 175 Poultry Wanted

Cabbage, (White), Per 100 lbs.
Hay, No. 1, Peavine, per ton
Hay, No, ce Peanut, per ton
Spanish peanuts, No. 1, Ton,


Poultry for Sale
Livest6ck: Wanted 5 2.3 SS
Cattle: for: Sales ee ay
FLOPS TOY Sale ko i ee es



- (Del. Shelling Plant)
Cottonseed (Prime) $56.00 ton in car
lots FOB Shipping Point

Cot onseed meal, 8 per cent
onseed meal, 7 per cent
Peanut meal, 45 per cent

Horses and Mules for Sale 3
Sheep and Goats for Sale ._ 3-4

Rabbits and Cavies for Sale 0. 4
Positions Wanted
Farm Help Wanted


Notices of farm produce and appurtenances admissable under
postage regulations inserted one time on each request and re-

_ peated only when requst is accompanied by new copy of notice

_ Limited space will not permit insertion of notices containing
_ nore than 30 words including name and address.

Under Legislative Act the Georgia Market Bulletin does not

assume any responsibility for any motice appearing in the
_ Published Weekly at
214-122 Pace St., Covington, Ga.
_ By Department of Agriculture
_ Yom Linder. Commissioner
Executive Office. State Capitol,

: Atlanta. Ga.

3 Publication Office
114-212 Pace St.. Covington, Ga.
Editorial and Executive Offices
State Capitol, Atlanta. Ga.

Notify: on FORM 2578Bureau of
Market, 222 State Capitol,
act Atlanta, Ga.

ered as second class matter
gust 1, 1937, at the Post Office
Covington, Georgia, under Act
of June 6, 1900. Accepted for
mailing at special rate of postage
provided fer in Section 1103, Act
of October 8, 1917.

Ceilings and Parity

(Continued from Page One)

ing to make money because he knows that the price
annot go beyond the ceiling.
_ It is but human nature for the speculators to sell
0 ton short around the ceiling price. The speculator
tuaranteed against loss when he sells cotton short.
otton cannot go up to make him lose. If it goes
own he wins.
_ The speculator is practically guaranteed a profit
by the Government if he will get on the bearish side
of the market and sell the farmer short.
_ The fake parity fixed by Wickard on cotton is
72 cents. This is 3 cents under the ceiling and it
is 16 cents under parity as provided in the Agricul-
iral Adjustment Act. Wickards fake parity is $80.-
0 per bale less than actual parity.
Actual parity on cotton is 35.
2c. Wickard fixed parity as 18.72 cents. The Gov-
ynment loan on cotton is 85% of Wickards fake
ity, which is 16 cents.
~ The only guarantee that the farmer has as to the
price of cotton is the Government loan. Since the
overnment loan on cotton is 16c the Governmet is
nly guaranteeing the farmer 16c of the 35c actual
parity for his cotton crop. The Government only guar-
antees the farmer 45% of actual parity.
_ So long as the Government owns stocks of cotton
it is impossible for cotton to go very much above
Wickards fake parity because the Government in+
bly threatens to dump Government stocks on the
jarket whenever there is an advance in prices.

Isit any wonder that farmers who have struggled
ith their families for years trying to pay taxes, in-
yest on land bank mortgages, etc., are being con-
inually driven from their homes? oe
.. Think of the United States Department of
riculture going to South America and guarantee-
he cotton growers of South America a market for
sir cotton for the next five years when the Ameri-
can farmer is only being protected to the extent of
of his cost of production.
Think of the general public in the United States
being continually told through the newspapers, over
the radio, in motion pictures, and through every medi-
| of propaganda at Government expense, that the
mer is swimming in gravy. That he is causing in-
flation. That he has banded himself together to force
mreasonable prices for farm production. | That the
armer is responsible for the high cost of living of
y dwellers. oh
Think of the farmer being slandered, and hav-
to furnish his own money to the United States De-
vent of Agriculture to pay for this slander.
n the United States Senate the forty-eight states
t on complete equality. Each state has two Sena-
regardless of the size of the State.
This year thirty-two of these Senators must stand
lection. You have their records. Some of their
ecords shine forth as patriots who should be return-
d without fail. Some of them have fallen by the
jayside. Some of them are straddlers.
Boards and Bureaus in Washington are under
ntrol of the United States Senate. We have re-
atedly asked the qquestion, What will the Senate

| Let it be remembered that Senators are under
tr of the people at the ballot box. We now ask


| sonable price.

The ceiling is

army can fight ne

better than the farmers in the field
| fight. <o

Almost every home has a son or a neighbor m)
this army following the Stars and Stripes.
these homes have already received sad tidings that a}
$1.75 bu. FOB. M. L.

young man has given his all in defense of our great
country, and his home, and fireside. :

Every loyal Amercan is one hundred percent be-

hind the boys who wear the uniform and who carry

the fight to the enemy.

Will you likewise back the
man behind the plow, the man who cultivates the}
iifields, from Virginia to California?

plows the fields on whose harvest hangs the safety of

the nation? ~-


Commissioner of Agriculture.



Want good, used tractor with
Dise Tiller and combine, at rea-
Write at. once.
H. J. Findley, Stephens.

Want pressure cooker can-
ning outfit, prefer the larger
size. Describe fully as to size,
make, eond:, and price. J. kL.
Walker, Rockmart.

Want a cider press and mill,
State what you have and price.
Horace Bridges, Atlanta, 279
Techwood Drive. Ja 0828.

Want buy 1 or 2 canning re-
forts, No, 2 or No.3 size, for
eash. E. Yelmans, Carrollton.

Want small power Syrup mill
and copper pan, 10 ft. or over,
also interested in 10-15 h. p.
boiler. Quote best cash price.
J: E. Culpepper, Lake Park
Rt. 3. oS

Exc. mule power I. H. C. hay
baler for good make power hay
baler, with or without motor,

or will buy same at reasonable |.

price. B. E. Whisnant, Lenox,

Rt, 2.

Want Corn Binder, good cond.

prefer John Deere or Interna-
tional Harvester. Thos. C.
Wylly, Tennille.
- Want pressure cooker, large
size, in good cond., for cash.
Write what you have at once.
Mrs. George Moxley, Midville.
Rtv 2;

Want*Hay rake. Must be al-
most good as new. E. T. Not-
tingham, Thomaston.

Want two tractors for mov-
ing heavy loads on farm, with
side end or dump bodies. Cash.
for good equipment. O. E. Nor-
ton, Fairburn.


2 horse large 2 roller syrup
mill and 9% ft. copper evapor-
ator, a 20 in. steel frame grist
mill, Case 12 horse steam trac-
tor, all in perfect running order,
reasonable for cash. R. B.
Morris, Madison. Rt. 4.

Case threshing machine, 22x
36. metal good ~mechanical
shape, $150.00, or trade for
cattle or Disc tractor plow with
seeder attachment. No corres-
pondence.. Jas. B. Barch, Au-
gusta, Rt. 2. (Milledgeville Rd.)

Deering mowing machine,
Cutaway harrow, poison Duster
for sale, cheap. Mrs. L. 8. Vau-
ghn, Commerce, Rt. 5.

Dise harrow in good cond.,
1 spring tooth cultivator, all
steel, fair cond, 1 Champion}
mowing machine, good cond.,
for sale. W. O. Hazel, Goggins.

1 nearly new 18-20 McCor-
mick Deering tractor, . lug
wheels, good repair with 8 disc.,
plowing harrows, for sale. G. R.
Brown, Jr., Cleveland, Rt. 2:

4 International power unit,
30-40 h. p., for pulling thrasher
or feed mill, for-sale or exc. for
hogs or cows. R. P. Wright,
Dudley. .

1 good, servicable second-
hand 30 Clayton turbine wheel,
re-worked, painted and ready
for service, $65.00 FOB my
Mill. T. W. Upton, Butler.

Case Threshing machine
(gave satisfaction when last
used 2 yrs. ago; taken good care
of since), cheap for eash. Fan-
nie Lance, Blairsville, RFD 3.

4-70 saw Continental Gins,
prush type and 1 Compressor,
all in good cond. Jerome Craw-
ley, Waycross.

5h. mower and 1 2 h. hay
rake, g00d cond., for sale. Can
be seen at Raleigh. Mrs. W. J.
Norris, Raleigh.

1 Ross Ensilage cutter com-
plete, in good cond., $100.00
cash at my place. Cant deliver.

| Cobb A. See, Waycross, Rt. 2,

Box 478.

Want to rent: Power thresh-
ing machine for threshing oats
*hat have been cut and power
hay baler for baling oat straw.
Hugh Richardson, Atlanta, 160
Peachtree St. *


520 egg cap., Sears Roebuck
ineuhater, good cond., $15.00 at
Red Hill School: come Thurs-
day, Friday or Saturday. T.
W. Nalls, Carnesville.

Brown Hen, 50 egg cap. inc.,
with directions and lamp, used
part of one season, $4.00; or
exc. for 50 heavy breed baby
chicks or turkey poults at 30
ea. Mrs. Annie B. King, Quit-
man, Rt.. 2. -


Blooming size butter and
eggs, butter cup, daffodil bulbs,
mixed, 50c C.; Also red spider
lily bulbs, 50c doz. Add post-
age. Mrs. R. L. Freeman, For-
syth, R. 2. ;

Faster lily pulbs, 5e ea.
Blooming size. Add postage.
Miss D Alva Harper, Ocilla.

Red and: pink geraniums,
Christmas cactus, grape bego-
nias, rooted 15c ea.; 2, 25c; Red
sultanas and pink bell Fuchias,
not rooted, 10c ea. All post-
paid. Mrs. E. C. Keith, Gaines-
ville, R. 1. Box 119.

White, pink and red_ single,
dbl. geraniums; white dbl. pe-
tunias, pink and red conch be-
gonia Christmas cactus, red
oxalis, pink hydrangea, all
rooted, 2, 25c, Postpaid. Cash
with order. Mrs. M. R. Hayes,
Gainesville, R. 1. s

White, yellow daffodils, white
yellow mus., $1.00 C.; Lemon li-
lies, $1.25 C.; Purple iris lilies,
$1.50 C.; Aug. lilies, 25c; Yel-
low canna lilies, 50c doz.; Le-

mon verbena, 25c doz. Martha |

Womack, Bremen.

20 labeled iris, $1.00: Mixed
iris, 30c doz.; 1 Delta iris free
with ea., $1.00 worth. Mrs. J.
G. Robertson, Carrollton.

Mixed seeding coleous, Root-
ed runners of blue. tuberous
root, morning glories; Smas
berry plants or seed, 5c ea.;
Nice rooted clumps of umbrella
palm, 25c ea.; Yellow Oxalis,
large blooms, 25c doz. bulbs.
Mrs. Fred Atkinson, Valdosta,
R. 4. , ;


Large white nest onions, 1942
crop, 75c gal. Exc. 1 gal for
5 printed feed sacks of same

color or for 100 1 Ib. feed sacks.

not ripped, bleached at 12c ea.
Mrs. _W. _V. Robbs, Flowery
Branch, R. 1.

35 lbs collard seed, new crop,
3 Ibs, $1.00; 10 lbs., $2.75; 25
Ibs., $6.00: 100 lbs., $22.00. Post-
paid. Alton Ponder, Whigham.

10 Ibs Seven top turnip seed
25 cupful; 60c Ib.; 10 Ibs., $1.00
R. W. Tilley, Jasper, R, 2. ae

Turnip and Mustard seed, 40c
lb: Good fresh seed. You pay
postage. 1 qt. English peas,
bunch, 25c. No chks. Mrs. AE.
Daniel, Maysville; R 2.


250 bu. pure Hastings corn, |
$1.00 bu.-at my barn. J. M.
| Leverete, Luthersville.

Wednesday, July


Some of |

| Ayers, Canon, Rt. 2.
The man who}

'J0e lb. in 5 and 10 |b. lol

Ball. Ground, Rt Ie.

$1.50 M: del.; Exc. plants

Crow, Gainesville.


Stone tomatoes; Ga. and Head

Hite :

sHiram, Rt, 2.

Dockery, Dahlonega,. Rt. 1.

30 bu. mixed peas: 10
New Eras: 10 bu. Speckled,
Mi :

10 A. Crowder peas, n
Sell to truckers~ |
patch; will have peas thro
summer, sell at patch. Cl

Silver Hull Crowder pea;
good producer and extra g
for table use, Ad
postage. Mrs. C. R. Smith, Bu
ford. ;

Red Speckled Crowder pe
10c lb. im 10 Ib. lots or m
$3.00 -bu.;. Iron peas, sa
price. i = Brown, eo
Ground, Rt. 1. ;

New Era peas, $2.50 bu. F
Clarence E. Thompson, W
then. :

Red Speckled. crowder

more. Brown Speckled crev
ers, same price; Early ten
speckled half runner ga
beans, 1942. Fine for late ga
dening, 25c. teacupful.
postpaid. Miss Gennia Bro

10 bu. Tennessee crow
peas: 10 bu. 90 day velvet b
for sale. S. D. Williai
Rochelle, Rt. 1.

8 bu. New Era field
sound and in good conditi
$2.00 bu. G. D. Fain, Edison

100 bu. A-1 quality 90 da
velvet beans, $1.50 bu. 10.
Otootan beans, $3.00 bu. R.
Knight, Dexter. 5

12 bu. of Brabs. peas for a
1941 crop. Josephine D
Farrell, Greenville. ;


Gov. Insp. P: R. potato pla

Hampshire male pig, 8 wks. ol
H. D. Kimberly, Baxley, Rt
Bok 199. :

Wakefield and Dutch
bage, 500, 65c; $1.00 M.; Mar
globe, Stone, Balt. tomat
all vare-collards,325e. 4
50c; 85e M.: $3.25, 5 M.; $6
10 M: : Exp. col. Amos
rett, Gainesville, Rt. 7, Box

Bunch P. R. and Gen.
Sugar Yam potato plants,
M.; $1.75 M., or 5 M. or
prepaid. John Underwo
Blakely. e

Collard and tomato. pla
80 My 2del;. 25c C.: 5 Me
more, 60c M. exp. col.
Wetherford, Gainesville, Rt

Collard plants, New S
Marglobe tomato plants,
35: 500, 75c:-$1.00 M.
Stephens, Dahlonega, Rt.

Red skin P. R. potato plant
not mixed, 75c M. del.; Toma
plants, 80c M. del. Full coun
and prompt shipment. Loy
Steedley, Baxley. a

Millions New Stone, .
globe tomato plants: Chas
Copenhagen cabbage:. He:
eollards, $1.00 M. del.: 1
20 M. lets: (0G ase

Cabbage, ollards and
to plants, now ready, 500,
75e M. at my farm; $1.0
del. Full count. Oda. Parris
Dahlonega, Rt. 1. a

2 million, wilt resistant Ma
globe. New Stone tomato plant
ready, 6-8 in. high, open fi
grown, 25c C.; 300, 50c: 2301
75c; $1.25 M. del.- 5 M. up, 9:

. B. R. Woodliff, Flower.
Branch, Rt. 1. Pass

Gov. Insp. P. R. potato pla
500, 40c; 65c M.; Marglobe an

ing collards: Wakefield, Du
cabbage, 500, 50c: 85c M.
del. Lea Garrett, Gainesvill

Hot pepper plants, 15
Postpaid. Mrs. H. V. Bivens,

' Long Island, Wakefield eab
bage plants, $1.00 M., not de
10c C. at bed: Marglobe tom:
to plants, $1.15 M. Send pos!
age on all orders. Mrs.

P. R. potato plants, 40 I
del.; Leading var. tomato an
collard plants, 300, 45: 90 I
Mailed; 5 M. lots, $4.00: 10 1
lots, $7.00, exp. col. Shi
promptly, no chks, CC.
Smith, Gainesville, Rt; 2.

Heading and Ga. Collar
Stone, Balt., Marglobe tom
toes, 90c M. dl..5 M.; $4.
10 M:, $7.50 exp. col: PP, -
plants, 40c M. del. Bon
Smith, Gainesville, Rt..

mountain grown plants, |

ready: Chas. W. cabbage,
Stone tomatoes. Ga. Col-
(300, 50c; $1.00 M. del:
lots, 75. Mi. exp. coll.
. Williams, Gainesville, Rt,

ung tomato plants, 500,
1.10 M. All del. RB.
nclor, Pitts.

ing var. cabbage, te-

collard plants,

M.: = Vigorvine
So, 20, plants,

lants, $1.00.

ic M. All mailed. L.
, Gainesville, Rt. 2.

ge var. early strawberry

SaGs 236


Ss, 3 doz. 25c, plus post- }
. $1.00 P. P. Sel. set- |

eggs, purebred Reds, 90c
6 postpaid. Mrs. C. Lyneh.
- (5 mi. Summerville
rown large Ga. col-

B0e : 200, -50c:
Also long Cayenne,
plants. [0c doz. P.
ks, or stamps.

ng tomato plants, ready:
lobe, Gr. Balt.. New Stone,
gue 55e: $1.00. M. -Pre-

a. No CG. \O. D--order |

Ottis Pittman,

ar. of young tomato

s, ready to ship, mossed }
: . in Ga.. only. [

p to 500: 500, 55c: $1.00
A. Pittman, Baxley, Rt.


it 3 hives bees,
te. 6W. OW. Strickland, At-
p wee

oats, wheat, rye, 5 bu.
a J. J. Outen, Manas-

onions, also Shallotts and
buttons. E. B. Strick-

o buy some broom |

also want some up-
seed rice. Send sample
price; Have 2 bantam

for sale, 2 kinds of |
bark for sale. Her- }

edfern, Mitchell, Box 7.

to hear from party
fall seed potatoes for
Want % bu. at once.
rice del. to me. Mrs. H.

ckler, Jeffersonville, Rt.
PD: ;

Ta several Ibs. of shelled
ek walnuts at once. Mrs.
W. Phelps, Crawford.


int to hear from one who

goose or duck feathers

used) for gale. No

e, stems or wings in. them.

pay 50 Ib. for 10 lbs. Mrs.
Dalgo, Jenkinsburg.


large cedar trees, 1 large|

mut tree for sale. Reason-
B. J. Ellard, Toccoa, Gen.
14% mi. beyond Toccoa

1 Ibs. of nice shade cured
e, wide leaf var., $1.00 Ib.
Ida Chambers, Clem, R.



lew crop honey, Gallberry-
r, ete., (no bitter honey),
1 No. 10 pail, $1.50 post-
d: 8 pails, P. P.. $10.00; new
b chunk, 10c additional
oc Devoe Smith, Adrian,


n 8frame hive, glass ob-
tion and super, painted,

h 4 lb. pack of Cert. Italian
Imserted June 5th, for $9.-
I. A. Manley, Decatur, 222
wood Terrace.

w crop honey, packed in

26 16. 40c: 5 6, size,
mh Jd -ib. Size, 45: 1- 1b... 25e.
ob or extracted. O. H.
dbury, Bogart.

@ tb. pails fancy Ext.
r to Cs., $7.50: 3-10 Ib.,
60 lb. can, $6.00. FOB.:
10 lb. pails, Fcey., Ext..
25. eh,

esup, Box 117.

Dees Ce

P. R. potatoes, |



if interested. See



g country cured hickory

smoked hams, good and tender,

trimmed close, 40c lb. plus post-
age. Different weights. Also
want purebred Hereford male
ealf. Riley C. Couch,\ Turin.

1 country cured cornfed ham,
trimmed. Wt.

ptly ret, orders cant fill. Guar.
sound, Ed Barnett, Carrolltong
oe | :



Have 10 A. watermelons,

ready for trucks 10th and 15th]
of July. W. A. Mann, Roberta.

Blackberries, 25c gal.; Huck-
leberries..or Blue berries, 35c

gal. del. in 10 gal lots or more
.to 3rd zone. Mrs. L; B. Fry,
Dallas, R. 3. Box. 79.

Mrs. |
. Buena Vista, Rt. 4.

Peaches for sale; Truckers
and home-canners will always
find supply of peaches here,

ulk or packed. E. . Kelly,

onticello. .

Nice freshly gathered huck-
leberries, 50c gal. FOB in bulk,

packed in boxes, Guar. safe ar-

rival anywhere in Ga. Also
oacked in 32 qt. cups, crate,
5.00, all FOB. Mrs. T. T. Mc-

. NeHey, Furnerville.
Orchard run of about 500)

bu. not enough to ship in cars)

fine quality (Sprayed) Elberta |

peaches. Ready to move about

| duly 10th to 15th. Mrs. Annie


2500 bales oat straw for sale.

Northside Dr.


7 tons nice, yellow skin -on-|
_} fons,

good condition for sale.
Henry S. Jennings, Dawson,


Stewart and Schley shelled

pecans, 45 and 50c IQ. dels
Julia Hogan, Agnes.

125 Tbs. Schley and Stuart
peeans, 1941 crop, make best

offer. Also want to buy Capons};

raised 1941. Write. Miss Nan-

nie Jones, Royston.


Yb. glass pails, 75 gal. FOB.
No personal chks. J. E. Stead-
ham, Bainbridge, R. 2.

1500 gal. pure Ga. cane syrup,

for sale. ist elass, in %%
cans and glass. 1 mi. Waycross.
J. B. Cason, Waycross.


Speckled Guinea eggs, T5c
per 20: White Pekin duck eggs,
75c per doz.; Big broadbreast-
ed big\bone pure M. B. Turkey
eggs, $2.00 per 12 eggs. del.

Mrs. Boyd Baggett, Douglas-|

ville, R. 1,

Speckled guinea eggs. Good
for hatching, 70c per 18 pre-
paid. Otis Roberts, Barnesville,
R. 2. :

Dark Cornish large eggs for
setting, $1.00 per 16 del. Exc.
a setting for 1 setting of pure

/ Pape Str. Black Minorcas del.

Miss Leona Simpson, Culver-
ton, R. 1.



Want to hear from party hav-
ing Silver Spangled Hamberg
bantam chicken for sale. J. O.
Allen, Gainesville, Rt. 3.

Will pay 75c ea. for young
Leghorn hens, now laying.
What have you? I. Teem, At-
Janta , 261 West Lake Ave.,
Rt. 8. ~

Want 24 Brown Leghorn pul-
lets. and a rooster, prefer the

Everlay str. March hatch. W.; $

A. Guest, Elberton.

40 Ibs.,| k
$11.00, M. O. FOB. Will prom-

| 22

A. Russell, Atlanta, 3600)

Pure Ga. cane syrup in 10}


Want White King er Car-
neaux squabs, from good stock.
Must wt. pound or over. R. A.
Knowles, Rossville, Rt. 3.

Want few pr. mated White
King pigeons. Must be reason-
ably priced. J. H. Barr, Lump-
Kin. : j 3



1 pure Golden Sebright ban-
tam yr. old rooster, 5 dark Cor-
nish game hens, 11 mos. old,
$1.00 ea; 1 trio mixed game
bantams, 15 mos. old, wt. less
than + Wb. ea., $2:25. M. G.
Cheatham, Pike.


10 fine Buff Rock pullets and
cockerel, 4 mos. old, 70c ea.;
M. B. turkeys, 3 mos. old,
wt. 3% to 4 Ibs., $20.00. Come
or send coops and pay. ship-
ping charges. Mrs. W. L. Dun-
ean, Lyons. Rt. 4, Box. 273.

100 Best Egg Grade B. R. 7
wks. old, straight run chicks,
about 75 pullets and 25 roosters
big and heavy, $40.00 or 45c
ea. Must sell at once. Mrs. H.

B. Lowery Jr., Eastman. Rt. 1, |}

Box 334.


2 roosters,
len Roundhead cross; other, Red
Quill and Allen Roundhead
cross. Very fine fighters, $1.50
ea. Shipped promptly. J. C.
Bennett, Duluth, P. O. Box 61.

52 friers, Cornish, B. R.

White Rocks, also Yellow Buffs |
80c ea. Add postage. Harvey)

Leslie, Greenville, Rt. 1, Box



(with long yellow legs) April}
hatch, $1.00 ea. Money Order. |

Ship in light crates, and any
amount. Mrs. Ben Sereen, Por-
talk ;

roosters, long yellow legs,
$2.75 or $1,50 ea.; Eggs, same
breed,. $1.15 per 15 prepaid. C.
O. Sikes, Sylvester.

Pit cames, Snider's pure Ba-
| con Warhorse, year old hens,

$3.00 ea. cocks, $5.00 ea.; 2

| Ginn Gray hens and cock, $7.50 |
cash with order. Tom Weaver, i

Canon. Rt. 2..

Games; Ky. Dos. Mt. Eagle}

Gray, Negor Roundhead, C. F.
Brown Shawls, and crosses, also
Buff Cochin bantams, Winning
cocks. Write at once. Horace
Akin, Ben Hill. Box 113.

15 Big Seidel Leghorn hens,
47 mos. old, laying every day,
wt 5% or 6 Ibs., vaccinated and
wormed. $1.00 ea. Mrs. A. c.
Freeman, Flovilla, Rt 1.

-100*W L. pullets, Eng. strain,
April 30th hatch, $1.00 ea. FOB.

Mrs. James Ezzell, Rockmart, |

714 Smith St.

35 4 A big Eng. S. C. W. L.|
April roosters, 75 and $1.00;

ea. and postage. Exc. for fri-

| ers, hens or anything can use;

Egg, same type, $1.00 per set-
hs 1169 Arlington Ave. 8
W. Ra 7266. ~

4 super A grade B. L. roost-
ers, March hatch, 75 ea. Sam
G: Rogers, Claxton.


25 Buff Minorca hens AAA|
strain, and 2 fine cocks, YY; old |
April 21st Hens, $1.00 ea., the}
2 cocks, $2.50 or $25.00 for the}
bunch. R. R. White, Kensing-|

ton, Rt. 2.


Baby chicks from dark R, I.

Reds, bloodtested, heavy laying |

stock, $5.00 for 50 postpaid;
Eggs, $1.06 per 15; Early hatch
ecockerels, $2.00 ea.; mated trios

$5.00. Mrs. Don Donaldson, De-}

catur, De 2405.

70G N. H. Red pullets and
65 eockerels, 16 wks. old July.
7th, in good cond., vaccinated,
$1.00 ea. for quick sale for
whole lot. Dont want to sell
part of them. J. E. Martin,
Flowery Branchm Rt. 3.


12 M. B. turkeys, 1 tom, 2
hens and 9 about 2 Ib. poults,
$20.00 for lot. Mrs. M. O. Phil-
lips, Colquitt. Rt, 2. 25

AAA Pekin ducks $2.00 pr,

rip. FOB. Express 0

here. Walter Overton,

| head Ewe sheep, will

Blue Jap and Al- |}

100 purebred Dark Cornish]
roosters and pullets from heavy |
layers and extra large stock}

2 only Dark Cornish young)

Mrs. T. W. Allgood, At-}

|9 almost half grown, all are
colored, for sale. J. Frank Well-
born, Rock Springs.


5 purebred Silver Lace Wyan-
Gotte hens and 1 Wyandotte
rooster, all Yr. old and healthy,
90c ea. for hens, $1.75 for roost-
er. You pay shipping chgs. Mrs.
A. ki Norton,
1. te


Will pasture good grade milk
goats at 5@c per head per
month. No common goats nor
mature bucks accepted. A-1
pasture. D. P. Pritchard, Fair-
burn, Re2, a OG

Want to get in touch with
parties having Flemish Giants.
Must be of famous Keystone
Str., Reg,

yrs. old, $4.50. Walter Reeves,
Ellenwood, Rt: f. -

S. P. C. gilt, 8-12 wks.. short
blocky type.
Guinea with papers from, 8-12
wks. old, prefer near Swains-
boro. Leo L. Stroud, Pulaski,
Rt. ie Box 28: : x i :

Want to buy for cash, 50
take in
lots of 5 or more. J. J. Lott,
Broxton, eS

wt. around 3-400 lbs.:

1 purebred big bone


'or 100 Ibs. within 75 or 100 mi.
of Macon. G .B. Moore, Macon,
Rt, 6. =e
Want African Guinea pigs,
stay fat kimd, ehean.
thoroughbred. Mrs. B. H. Os-

| born, Roy.

- Want to hear from party whe
has baby calves for sale, 1-3
mos. old. O, S. Duggan, Ches-


| . Want 2-3 young heifer calves.
'Must be good stock and not
over 6 mos. old. Write best
price, del. to my barn. 4
want 2 shoats that weigh not
less than 100 lbs. ea. Write
best prices, del. Chas. E. Stan-
ton, Atlanta, 205 Hemphill
' School Rd. aS

Exe. 1500 or 2000 tomato
'plants for 1 small pig, or for
'3 hens, any kind except ban-
'tams, or for anything can use.
Curtis Christmas, Alma, Rt. 4.

Pmale rabbits,
lbs. up. Will pay all exp. chgs.
'Geo, S. Austin, Atlanta, Rt.

Want to buy not over 8 yrs.
good size, very reasonable. J.
| D. Richards, Pave,

- Want 3 large New Zealand
White does. State lowest price,

}merville, Rt. 2.
| GOATS: :

Want 100 to 200 common
'nannie goats at 50c per head.
John D. Woodward. Waycross,
r Rt 2, Box 6f.


Want to buy Reg. Jersey fe-
what you have with particu-
jars, where located, best price.

| Must be Reg. Jerseys. Vinson
Hickey, Meigs.


heifers. If interested,
see them, dont write.
|} Mann, Newnan.

|. thoroughbred, 5 mos. old,
Short Horn bull calves, wt.
around 350 lbs., col., roan with
white face; Polled. Not reg.
$75.00 ea. at my barn. P. W.
Ethridge, Milner.

Some purebred (one of them
reg.) Hereford bulls, around 1
vr. old, $50.00 ea. Sis
Thornton, Dewyrose, Rt. 1.

1 fine milch cow. coming
fresh 15th July; heavy milker,
never goes dry, $125.00; 1 fine
mule, work anywhere. Sound
in every respect, $100.00: i
Filly colt, 11 mos. old, $75.00;
| Also want 25 or more young
yearlings. No culls. Reason-
ably priced. . J. R. Stephens,
Trenton, Sand Mtn. Box 4. -


reg. in buyers name; er $30.00
without papers. Can del. when
mos. old. R ry,

Grange, 115 Church

13 ducks, Muscovy, 2-3 grown | -

| boar, sub.. to reg.

Summerville, Rt. |

tand .smali calves.

and .standard wis. |
Will. trade Chinchilla doe, 2}

Want purebred (with papers) |
Also Big bone |

Want 1 reg. Poll White Face |

black Guinea boar, around 75]

Also |

Can use unlimited number of |
Guinea pigs (Cavies and fe-|
any col., wt. 4}

-old, black with -white points, }

del. E. M. Stephenson, Sum- }

males, 3 mos. old to 5 yrs. State |

Reg. Jersey Bull ealf, $35.00, |

8 ot Old Ree, dire
$125.00; also 6 purebred
sows, Inoculated for li

mos. old, $25.00: ea.: OQ.
Mrs. | - :
Kennesaw, Rt. 1, care H.

Purebred Jersey bull, 8
old, best of breeding.
for price and ped. B. F.
ling. Habersham. es

White face cattle, 2 Vir
'. Adams, Barnes:

Rose Ave.
| A 5% gal. Jersy cow

ord calf, fresh for sale, WN.

Ryals, Atlanta, 1157 Wood!
LAve.) S. Ei A x25 :
| + Reg. Hereford bull, 4
(old, 5th day March. Gf
| Robert T. Turner, MeD

|. 1 Guernsey bull. 3 yrs.

in July, wt. 750-800 lbs.. ge
sub. to reg. $100.00 at b
ipa Effie Crowe,


3 black, 10 wks. old.
bone guinea and P. pi
$6.50 ea. Wt. 25 to 36.
| You pay exp. chgs. Mrs. Ji

| Cowan,.Pelham, Rt. 3.

| 25 White Chester and-F
Chima, 6 wks. old pigs,
-ea. Leon Crook. Furi

| (White Oak Farm.)

Pine young S. P. .
gilts, 7 mos. old, $25.00. C. R.
|Morgan, Americus. Leak

White O. I. C. hogs, 2-
,old, wt: 35-40 lbs., $8.0
| Poland China, can be r
90-60 lbs:, $16.09 a.; Pi
wks. old, $6.00 ea. A.
.C. R. Wade, Warrenton.

26 blocky type, pur

Duroc Jersey pigs, weane

dbl. treated, good cond., $12.01
(ea., FOB. James Taylor, O
: Se

1 choice, purebred O. E

er, Baxley, RFD.

9 mos. old boar, wt. about 250
Tbs., im Jean order. Bargain for
$30.00. Hoyt C. Neal, Ashland.
| For Service, White

| $2.50 cash or pig. A. W.
Hui wee

3 purebred Duroc Jer
}male pigs, 3 mos. old. $4
for the lot; $15.00 ea.
ship. See at once. po
Terry, Benevolence, Rt.


Pr. of good brood mares, w
1150 lbs., ea., for sale reason.

oe O. F. Ellis, Morrow, R

| 1 ivon gray mare mu
about. 10 yrs. old, wit. abo
ie Ibs. ne. w ae
where, worth $200.00 but se
ae ee Can let ber go
uly 10th. O. S. Williams, ]

Rae, Rt. 1. ee

: phar Secale, tre bred

| Jack. 00. See her. R
Road and Panola eee pened
Church. Robert B. Davidson.
Stone Mt&., Rt. 1. eee



7 mos ol.d lamb (sheep) fc

sale, cheap. Mrs. F. H

25 head good grade Jersey |p

White- and Brown Nubia
milk goat, easy to milk, butt
| headed, for sale. Giving some
milk now. 242 mi.
on Koweeta Rd. :
Norton, College Park, Rt.

5 mos. old Saanan buck |ki
$8:00. From stock with rece
of 15 Ibs. milk day. Graha
Simpson, Culverton, Rt. 1.

I, 15 mos. old, Hampshir
kam for sale oF exc. for |
Hampshire ewe lambs. R.
Abernathy, Decatur. a

4 crossbred milk goat (kids
weaned); 3 bred to reg. Saanan
buck, all easy to milk. Low
prices for quick sale. |
want to exc. $150.00 va!
heavy farm mare or mule. Ed-
win Simpson, ~Atlanta,
Payne Ave., N. W. er

Purebred Nubian buck, re
N-2396 in American Goat -So
ciety, with attractive breedi
and appearance, Ear]

ine, Mad

July 1,1942.

I on. Tom Linder,
Commissioner of Agriculture,
Atlanta, Georgia.

: Dear Mr. Linder::

__ Now that a plentiful supply of peaches are avail-
able with a limited supply of sugar with which to can |

the Market Bulletin a favorite recipe which has long |
been used in Maryland for baking peaches. Less la- ;
bor i is required, less sugar is required and the product |
ean be used in various waysas an entree, as a fruit
salad, as a pickle or simply served with whipped |
cream, as a dessert. The method i is as follows:

_ Tree ripened fruit is necessary. Wash and peel
nd. place peaches with stem end down in a deep.
ead pan, allowing one-half inch space between each :
peach; put one teaspoonful of sugar on the top. of |
ach peach and place in an oven of 400 degree tem-
perature for about 25 minutes, No water should be

tell when done and ready to be placed in the jar.
Peaches. should be packed in the jars and the syrup
from the pan should. be added until the jar is full.
Seal tightly and no further processing is necessary.
aches. so prepared will keep indefinitely.

ould suggest the addition of two tablespoonfuls of
ey after the peaches are placed i in the jar.

I have given this recipe to a number of house-
ives in the last few years and they all ee very
ighly of it. : oo

Yours ie:
US. C. Shivers.

e -June 16, 1942.
Harold Rowe, oo os eu
_ Chief, Sugar Rationing Division, ee
Office Price Administration, ae <
Vashington, D. C, a ee eS ee
Dear Mr. Rowe: fo) so et


Southern States, produce a large amount of sugar cane
ifferent types. This cane ordinarily is. cooked in

yrup for table use.

yrup a few minutes longer and ae ree ie to
ystalize into brown sugar. ae

This practice can be revived ead the farmers | can
( duce all the sugar required, especially for cook-
ng purposes.
$s as well as the town people, who would be enabled
uy brown sugar to suppement refined sugar that
ey can get under the present rationing system.

x ruling by the Price Administration that such
own | sugar produced on the farm was not subject.
) the rationing now applicable to sugar would leave
e way open for the farmers to make their, plans for
oducing this brown sugar this fall.

Inasmuch as the exemption of this farm pro-
Lt ced sugar from rationing could. not in any way af-
ct the war. effort, I want to insist as strongly as pos-
ible that the Rationing Board issue ruling oxen iiig
is farm produced sugar.
of am taking the liberty of sending copy of this
etter to some of the Senators and Congressmen. from
ther states that would be interested in this pro-

or preserve, I would like to offer for publication in| =
: Gainesville.

added. By sticking a fork in the peach, you can easily |.

For those. who would like a more spicy flavor, Ty Sie Gs boca ang eucees

: : The farmers of Georgia, as swell as Tica of other |

Years ago. the people. of this. moet on rodaced
practically all of their. own sugar by cooking this}

This would be of benefit to the farm-| 5


Purebred, _ped.,-. and reg.
Toggenburg hornless buck kids
from heavy milking dams; Sire
of 15% Ib. stock. War stamps
gladly acc. as cash. John
Hynds, Atlanta, 98 Warren St.,
N. E. Phone DE. 5140.

Toggenburg doe, giv ing over
2 qts. milk, and with her 2
female kids (8 wks. old), Tog-

ij genburg- Nubian cross, weaned,,

ll very gentle, $20.00 for the 3.
sipping charges extra. Write.
angdon Jonson, 706. Park,

~ Pure white,
Saanan buck kids; Sire, reg.
Dorst Saanan; dams reg. grades,
$5.00 to $15.00. ea. For sale
or trade for grade does, hogs, |

| ehickens; Reg. Toggenburg |
bucks, $25.00 to $50.00 ea.
Purebred. Mrs. Nora Smith,

i Arnoldsville.


10 large and 9.small Guinea
pigs (cavies) for sale. Richard
Wilson, Clarkston. ; :


white woman wants job do-
ing light farm work, no field
work, live as. one of family.

Elizabeth Merchant,7 Atlanta,

| 3541 Roswell Rd.

dairy hand, - black
smith, grist miller and mill |
- Pal
R. house for my 12.yr. old son | 4
| and myself. Can go to work at }

-- exp.

wright wants job at once.

once. H. HH. Akin, Bremen, |
Rt. 2, Box 116- A,

- Want job running Catton
Gin. 54 yrs. old, 3 in family:
have to be moved. Well exp...

also in Aeeping up and. repair

Send postage. C. F.
Henderson, Thomasville, West
Jackson St. i Z

One armed man and wife,
both 45 yrs. old, want, job do- }
ing light farm work, no field
work. Edd Young, - oo
Rt 3. care Joe L.-Clency.

_Young man and Swit (a
child) want job on farm, able

todo any kind of work. 23 yrs.

Write at once. Wood- | aS Louisville Rd.


row Phillips, Blakely, Rt 3,
-eare Joe- L. Clency. ;


. Unincumbered, 29 yrs.
woman wants

position at once

nice people. Can furn.
Write or come. see,

oo ee Baldwin, ets


Want job - anne light farm
work, no field work, $6.00 to
$7.00 wk., board and daundry, |

ply. George R. Green, (Col-
ored), Wadley, Rt. 2. Sa .

Widower wants oa curing

eare Davie Gay. :

41 yr. old white, sober, honest
man with wife, 1 child, wants
job helping gather crop or as
dairy helper. Write best offer
or come see. Chas. Southern,
Fayetteville, R. Shoe ree ae ine

Nice Christian woman wants
job doing light farm work, no

be nice place, $3.00 wk., room,
board, laundry.
Miss Doyas Payne, Young Cane.

Young woman with: daughter |

field work, for room , board Sa-

lary. Near school. Ref. furn.

State all in ans. Mrs. S. Woods,

a 668 Home. Ave. MA
1 i

60 yr. old man pa home
with elderly people in exchange
for light farm work around
place. No heavy field work.
Write first. C. J. Story, Still-
more. Rt. 2, care of Mrs. Hon.
Rountree. -

Settled woman wants light
farm work. State duties and
particulars in. answer, .Cathe-
rine Legari Wood, Atlanta,
Care of Gen. Del. ;



job as. Herdsman of

stock. State monthly or week-.

ly salary W. L 0. Davis, Al-

Rt 4

| Record of June 29, 1942 is self-explanatory:

short. hair, |

CORRECTION: Refined, young,

|} tled man to board or man with

| Highway No. 12 and Redan on

| Mrs. Eunice Ezzell, Rockmart.

+ eolored couple for light farm

doing light farm work, with

ref. Ben To Largen, College farm work, = field w
+ Park, 1200 W. Rugby Ave., CA. wk. Mrs: H. B. =
| 3618... | mart, Rt. 2.

private room. Stamp for re-| Of cotton this fall and do gen-

ee Rt. 2.

tyraised woman who wants

Yobaeco or repair work at
once, not to far away. Alone.
Cy O2Neal. Rt, 4,

| nor milking,

| family. Small salary. Write
at once. Mrs. Mary Aldred, ee middleaged. ha
|Macon, Rt. 3, 301 Worsham incum ort Idee! ;
Ave. home with elderly Cs

| field work, nor milking, Must

Letters ans.

8. yrs. old, wants farm. work, no}.

| work, $20. 00 mo., room, board.

4 Road, S. E. Rt. 3; Atlanta,

The Sollawine extract from the Congr sion


Extension of Remarks
: of ee :

of Minnesota

In the House of Representatives _ 2
Monday, June 29, 1942

Mr. August H. Andresen. Mr. Speaker, Hon. T
Linder, a great American and the secretary of
culture for the State of Georgia, has witten an
torial which I fel should command the attention
-every Member of Congress. I subscribe fully to '
sentiment expressed by Mr. Linder, and. am the:
asking permission to include his views as a part.
remarks. What do you think about it? Doy
believe that it is about time for Congress to act
do. I will have more to say about this new v pol y
a later date. pe

The editorial follows:
The Farmer Will Soon Be Asked To vote to

Reduce His Cotton Acreage.
(By Tom Linder)


Want settled, country
woman for light > farm w
no. field work in moder
try home. .$14.00. mo.. bo:
Give references, ful] particu
in Ist. letter. Mrs. bes

Want exp. Dairy hand to look |
after small dairy. Prefer set-

small family. Located between

Welborn Rd. Come see. H. M.
Christie, Lithonia, R. 3.

Want white woman for light
farm work, no field work. Room
board, small salary. Mrs. Frank
Stovall, Union Point.

Want. woman for ligh .
work, no field work-for he
and salary. Wouldnt.o
| 1. child. Sarah C. Morrow,
lanta, fea Cooper St. :

Want family of 5 or S j
ers beginning Aug. 1, or
ier to help harvest and
1500 A. peanuts in Coo

Want settled, clean, healthy,
white woman. for light farm- |}
work, no field work. Good home,
modern conveniences. Mrs. G.
H. Hand, Morrow.

: ty. ee according to
raat: good unencumbered! Gan do. . E. Whisnant,
white woman to do light farm} Rt, 2.

work, no field work nor milk-
ing. Live as one of family with
elderly couple. Small salary.

- Want eniie eouple. to. live
oe place: man be
with farm animals and k
how to.-care for shrubbery
garden: Woman, light.
work, no field work.
willing workers | meee
| Good home, all. food
fuel, conveniences

Want col. man and aie Tor running water, $40.00
farm work. Woman do light | to right parties. 0. ES
farm work, no field work. Savannah, Rt. 3 c
Frank D. Benton, Savannah, R.

- Want colored man and. wife
io work on farm. House and
wood furn. .H. D. _McDonald,
College Park, R. 2.

Want middleaged, reliable, | 5
no field work nor. mi
Small salary. Nelso

Trask, Rising Fawn.

work: milk cow, vegetable
garden and yard work, poul+ |


try, etc. Both work. . $25.00
mo. Must be sober, willing to| Want nice clean young
work and with . satisfactory -

man, col. or white, to he

Want col. woman. wi
to help on fruit farm, no *
work. Pleasant work. O.
Norton, Fairburn.

- Want small | Taatlls to cals
finish crop and gather 15 A.

eral farm work. Elbert Cain,

Want: a nice Gaalthy country

good home to live with me and

field work. Room, board. s
salary. Mrs. . M. Arnold, A
lanta, 501 Central Ave. Ph

do light farm work, no field JA. 2858-W. %

work. Small salary. Mrs. ae
Lali McIntosh, Douglasville, Want iorenehly - capab
Rt. reliable, young or middl

eol. woman to live on plac
do light farm work, n
work, family of 3. Mu
ret. 33.50 wk. Mite.
Bearden, Roswell.

Want young: or middleaged
woman to live in home and do
light. farm<work, no field work
live as one. of

Want colored man for light >= Smalk 4
farm work. Good home. No| board. E. T. Goodma
| objection to partial disability ; City, Rt. 1. yes

if able to work. $15.00 month,| Want settled, white

more if capable and willing | cheerful, good charact
worker. Geo. Normandy, At-| disposition to live as
lanta, Georgia Power Com-

family and do light farm
no. field work, Small sal
1 Mrs. S. O: pee Atia
622 Hansell St.,

Want ae
man and wife fof poult
Give age, sub
| ref., size of family when
Ee J, etnies See

pany, Engineering Dept.

Want: 1 farm hand with wile.
white or col. Furn. house,
wood, vegetables, milk, butter
and: $1.25 day. W. R. Gore,-
Atlanta, Rt. 8 Adamsville.
Barber Shop.

_ Want at once nice christian
woman whois capable to do
tignt farm work, no field work.
White or colored. Room, board
and salary. Middleaged pre-
ferred. L.,C. Cagle;.Gaines-
Ville; Ri; 45. Box 85.

- Want col. man for yr. round

tric ce used. House
garden and: electric |
furn. F. Ss. Jones, _Mansfiel

Want nice mid eag
man to: live in

Must be good milker and un-
der 50 yrs. old. No whiskey |
drinker. M. L. Jones, Key |)

